Today’s Message

Ah, Beloved,

God is already being God. The entire of the Divine Universe is already expressing itself as what you truly are, and as everything else. You do not need to do anything to convince God to be God, or to bring God into alignment with God’s purpose.

Talking to God, and praying to, and being with God, is to bring YOU, meaning your conscious awareness, into alignment with God. God, and the Mind of God are already what Is, but the human, earthly awareness has been fogged over by worldly beliefs and perceptions. Spending time with God in the heart of your soul’s awareness will bring you a clarity of sight, and a clarity of perception on all levels. The world might label that clarity “healing” or “enlightenment”, but in truth, it is just the revelation of the Truth of God that was there all along.

Other people may help you see clearly temporarily, but it is up to you to hold to that true sight, by practicing it.

O’ how We want you to see all that Beauty,