Today’s Message

Ah, Beloveds,

Please notice that We use the plural today, to help you realize that We think in the plural, from your point of view. All of you are part of Oneness and part of Us. You are part of a Plurality.

All of God’s Thoughts, of which each of you is one, dwell together in the same Mind, the same Universe of delightful Creation. Pondering that will help you realize how deeply true is the saying, “What Blesses one Blesses all.” God Blesses all.

And, as images of God, you should and can bless all. Be blessed further by this by understanding, so that when you request and hope for Blessings, if you request and hope for them for all, the Blessings more easily flow to you in the human scene. For if you want good to come only to yourself and those you love, but secretly hope for ill or trouble to come to others, you are working against your own Good.

As We have said to you before, when you catch yourself wishing for ill or for punishment for another, because you perceive wrongs or evil in them, then amend your thoughts to pray for them to be healed, and reformed, and for your own thoughts of them to be healed. Remember that when you yourself make mistakes or have misunderstandings, you hope for mercy. And so you must hope for mercy for others.

And, you can expect it. For the Goodness that is God is Mightiful Mercy indeed.

Think of yourself as part of All, and entreat Wholeness to be visible.

We Love you so.