Today’s Message

Ah, Friend,

Even when it seems you have lost focus, be diligent about your time spent in communion with the Source. Let go of any desperation. Let go of any obsession with one question while you pray. Just seek God as a place of rest and refuge. Relax into the Beingness that is All-in-All, and just know “I am alive in the Mind of God.”

Forget what anyone on earth thinks. Rest your head against the spaghetti boxes in the grocery store, if you must, and be with God for a minute. Put down your load of books and sit on them and tuck in your head for a minute of praise and prayer. Let the golden leaf on a tree that has caught your eye be given all your attention—stop, and look and look and look, letting yourself be filled with the awe of Nature.

Everyplace and all times are appropriate for connecting to the Divine in which you have your True Being. Allow your self to do it, and allow yourself to enjoy it, letting go of schedules and habits that are meaningless. Without dishonoring obligations or timetables, you can take minutes and hours here and there to realize that you are always able to give some listening time to God.

We assure you, that as your listening improves, you will find yourself canceling meaningless activities to spend more and more time in that Rich Presence. You will begin to ask yourself, “What do I want more, another thirty minutes of worldly news reports, or another fifteen minutes spent fussing with my hair, or do I want to focus on being held in Divine Love?”

Only YOU can make these choices,