All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me today, and every day, dear God, that I, and all of those I know and see, are being led to the full revealing of our Harmony in Thee.”

    For is that not what you really want to See, darling?

    Live in Love and Gratitude, and watch and See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid that you are not fulfilling all that the Divine Source has planned for you to do as your part in the earthly Play. The Divine is not bound by your little errors or forgetfulness, any more than it is bound by the “physical laws” of earth. They are as nothing, and the sooner you relax into the Governance of that One Power that takes no cognizance of the rules that humans have made up, the sooner you will be able to let go of fretting about whether you have done the right thing at the right moment, or in the right way, etc., etc., etc. Just let go into Love.

    Just let go into Love, Beloved. “I love Love, I am Love, and I am Beloved.”

    “And so is everyone around me…”. Today, in Silence, know this to be true.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wait, wait, on the actions of the Universe.

    TRUST that you will feel impelled to do what you should, when and where you should, if you have been diligently practicing listening to the Good Inner Voice. Be not so arrogant as to think that the Prime Cause cannot overcome your distractedness or inner deafness or doubt, when It needs to. All Things are possible for It, and the human wanderings, in thought and feeling, between pleasure and pain, will not stop the Prime Being from being Itself, in smoothness and beautiful Order.

    Negate the negations, to become positivism,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Love is never broken, or in need of updates. Divine Love IS God, God IS Love. God, being timeless, is always one step ahead of you, knowing what you need, understanding what new layers of awareness your Consciousness is ready for. Gently, constantly, tenderly, It gives to you as much as you are willing to accept in your full alignment.

    Stay willing, Beloved. Stay willing, and spend quiet time each day knowing “I am Love. I am a totally Spiritual Being, joyous and complete here in God that is Love, always tending and expressing me, Its wondrous idea.”

    Love is never broken. A Spiritual idea cannot break.

    You are Loved. You are Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am a shining forth of Spirit, for that is God’s Truth of me.”

    “I accept the gift this gives me, of a constant flow of energy and ideas and Love, that I may be the better person God always knows me to be.”

    Use these thoughts today, dear one. Use them well.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    You know full well that the same keys open the Kingdom of Peace and Heavenly Awareness in your heart each day. You know that generous forgiveness for mistakes, and new chances to do Good, and to Be Good, and to be grateful, are offered to you each day and each minute.

    So gladly and gaily turn those keys each morning, not as an excuse to glibly err again each day, but as the chance to build good upon good, and to accrue wisdom, and to feel more and more understanding of the whole and clear purpose of Love Divine, and what you are and why you are within Its Expanse.

    Every day new chances, Beloved. God never gives up on Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not like the feelings you are having, then list in your mind the feelings that you do want. Are they things such as peace, joy, contentment, harmony, and Love?

    Then you must turn to Spirit that is the One Source. That is what will give you those feelings permanently. Yes, you can turn to material things or personalities or bodies for a brief imitation of those feelings, but to truly banish their opposites, and take true peace and joy into your heart and mind, you must turn to the Original Source of All.

    Do you want the permanent healing of feeling, or don”t you?

    We permanently Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continuous is the reign of the Creative Source. You might, with human thoughts, fool yourself into thinking that you are a separate thing, and that God only comes to you, or is available, when you enact certain rituals or sit down to say certain prayers, but you need to realize that God-Thought is CONTINUOUSLY emanating the Thought of You.

    RELAX into that Truth, Beloved. You are a delightful Thought of God’s, continuously held in the Thoughts of Love Itself.

    What could be better?


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • If you want to change the effects, you must change the cause.

    If you want to change what you see and experience, you must change your thoughts that cause them.

    Many find it very, very difficult to change their thoughts to thinking only good. Here is where salvation, the aligning of your thoughts with the Loving Thoughts that are the Creative Matrix, comes in. For as you ask for Divine Help, Original Help, to help you change your thoughts to the good and the pure, it happens.

    It happens, Beloved, and the good effects happen.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Open your will and your sight, by praying deeply, “Unblur my sight, dear God, clear my perceptions, that I may enjoy the beauty and goodness that shine in glory just under my interpretations. Help me remember that Love conquers hate and fear and the pain of rejection or failure, as I see Its power and that It, Love, is the one Truth that endures.”

    When you see you have been angry at illusions, forgiveness is easy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    That which is Love, and which is made of Love as Itself, remains. It is as it always was, and always will be. This is the thing to turn to, and to look for in yourself and in others. This is the thing to let flow through your thoughts and actions and image of who you are, for It is the only truly renewable thing. Love, Love, Love Divine.

    It renews Itself all the time.

    When you feel hate or anger or even a slight resentment, you are putting energy and effort into something that only drains and kills. If you want to feel constantly renewed and well and whole, then Love, Love, Love, and the Divine will flow through you, as you, and show you that you, and all else It has Thought up, are Divine.

    This is your real job. This is your real purpose. This is what it means to be Divine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Taking a day off from your morning communing with God is not a gift to yourself, it is a punishment. Sleep later if you wish, but never delete God time from your day. It is the Source from which flows all Life, all Good, all real Love and Truth and Vision. It is the smoothness of your way. It is the key to the Heaven of Peace of Mind.

    Make your aim to be in constant communion and alignment with God-Mind, rather than taking just a specific prayer or meditation time to do so. It IS possible to have always in your mind the Mind of God that truly governs All so beautifully.

    But until you get to that constancy of Divine communion, take your quiet time each day. Staying on track with that is the greatest gift you will ever give yourself.

    “I Am Thou.” Mind hears you. Listen in return. Love loves you. Love in return.

    We join you in any moment of communion, and watch over you always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is because the Divine Spirit, that holds your hand as you walk through the dream of earth in your mind, is always with you, that Guidance is all around you. Yes, of course you can seek an answer or comfort in sacred writings, but you may also See just the Word you need in the old movie you see a glimpse of in the night, or a road sign, or a pattern of clouds in the sky. Let those things that catch your earthly eyes or smiles or tears give you the PAUSE you need to connect with the Presence of Spirit. It IS right there for you, being the companion, the advisor, the lover, the parent, the friend.

    It is there. Give It permission to be there for you, heard and accepted.

    Then, be so, so grateful. Let yourself be in Love with the Love that holds you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As we accompany you in the times of silence when you listen for the Voice and the Urgings of God within, we sing Peace to you.

    Take it as a gift, O’ Gentle One. Take it as a gift and honor it with your attention, in the quiet, in the same way that you would honor, with your time and focus, a gift given by an honored relative or mentor.

    We stand beside you, and extend this gift, to try to help you. We know that your human thoughts will try to pull you away to things of the earth and to the personality of self and to attitudes of guilt or blame. Look at our eyes, Beloved. Look at our hands. Focus on accepting our gift, that it may help you remain in the stillness and silence in which you may indeed remember, “I am as God made me in the Whole and the awareness of All That Is is accessible to me all the time.”

    “I hear, and am filled with Love.”

    We stand guard. We stand in friendship. We give Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Giving is power and powerful. When an itch on the body or daydreams of earthly wants would distract you into discomfort or discontent, give. Give prayers for Life and Light and Goodness for others. Give efforts or words of encouragement. Give notes of thanks to people and to God. Give, give, give. For as you give, you take your human mind off the small human self, and open wide the door for the Divine Whole to embrace your thoughts and fill your heart, and help not only those whom you are thinking of, but you as well.

    Being glad for the glory and good of others will bring glory and good to you that you also can be grateful for. It is all completely connected and giving forth Love brings Love and Good back around to you, always.

    Give It. Give Love Unconditional, and Blessings to all, and be amazed.

    It is their lovely souls you are Blessing, not their errors.

    Withhold not. Bless their essence of Spirit.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Always, always, when you are tempted to feel judgmental, or to take an action you feel queasy about, take a minute to imagine yourself living an hour of the other person’s life. Take another minute to imagine living an hour of the life of the other people in that one’s life.

    Those two minutes may help you choose a word, or an action, or silence, or non-action, that you will not regret. Those two minutes will help change a feeling of condemnation into one of compassion, and a feeling of envy or passion into acceptance.

    You have your path to travel, and if you are traveling it with God in your heart, it can be traveled in a way that does not interfere with the paths of others, and helps theirs when yours crosses, or joins theirs.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you begin to See? Do you begin to trust?

    “My Dear God shows me again today, how much He Loves me, in wonderful ways.”

    “I am open to being filled with Love.”

    Believe it, dear one. Remind yourself of the good, and the glories, you have been given, and believe God’s Will for you is Joy, and Infinite Goodness available. Fill your talents with It, and feel free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find yourself feeling the same kinds of feelings of sibling rivalry, in regards to strangers, that you felt for your blood relatives when you were a child, stand back and evaluate.

    If every being is born of the same Source, are they not your siblings? Do you want to relate to them as a six year old who is jealous of his two year old brother, or do you want to relate to them as does the eighteen year old brother, who is proud to see his fourteen year old brother shine? Do you want to find a way, as does the adult brother, to help the younger one avoid some of the painful lessons, and find an easier path to the brightest and best he can be?

    Examine the feelings in your own heart, Love, and observe the feelings around you. Look past the costumes, and see the relationship, and begin to understand a glimmer of how the Loving Parent Source has laid out a Plan for all of Its children to thrive.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, it is best to think in very simple terms.

    When you were very young, you ran quickly to a mother or father or parental substitute, knowing there were some arms and a voice and a kiss to comfort you or advise when you needed.

    Perhaps later you ran to a best friend or a coach or a teacher, in addition to, or instead of, the parents. Perhaps later it was a lover or a group of friends.

    All of these come and go, or pass away, or move out of your life, or are busy that day or that moment, or on vacation, or pre-occupied…

    Just think for a moment of the sweetness of having a Loving Omnipresence that you can always, BECAUSE YOU DWELL WITHIN IT, call upon, turn to, and ask for help from. Think for a moment of the surety of absolutely knowing you are always heard, and responded to, because It wants your glad, peaceful Joy, as a part of Itself.

    That is the essence of the Truth. It will serve you well if you keep it in the forefront of your consciousness, when you feel lost in a confusing muddle of spiritual teachings, or theological points, or twistings of human endeavor and relationship.

    The oneness of Being, Infinite and Loving and Warm, is simply always there if you reach for your awareness of it. It is your first call, your last call, your constantly available Friend. Let it happen. Let it Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give yourself the gift of giving up. of releasing. And give over all control to Me. I have it already, but as you acknowledge it, I can give to you My Joy.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am an expression, pure Spirit, of the Central Spirit of All That Is.”

    That is the Truth of you, Beloved. We know that when you have moments of acting for God, or letting God act through your seemingly mortal self, you usually feel like it is just a role you are playing for a moment. Reverse that thought, Beloved.

    The Divine Expression IS the Real You and is your True and only Self. The human moments are the temporary role you play. Is it time to be done with playing, with pretending to be human, however good that human might be striving to be, and set aside the thoughts of that role and simply be God’s expression in every moment, in every moment under God’s direction?

    The timing of when to acknowledge the Allness of God is up to you, Beloved. But let us assure you that the Bliss, calm and sweet, of doing so, is of greater measure than all temporal accolades. The body costume will smoothly cooperate, when you are following the directives of God in each day, in each moment.

    Walking with you, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Really, everyone is a practitioner of the Science of Divine Loving Mind. They can be nothing else, for Loving Mind is That within Which they dwell, as very Good ideas of God.

    But some practice this only in moments of human desperation, crying out, when lost in the human hypnosis of false senses, “If you exist, God, then help me!” And even then, not having learned to pray aright, they do not listen and wholeheartedly obey.

    Be one that practices ALL the time, dear Child. We have heard your cry of wishing to dedicate yourself to this, so simply do it. Humbly ask what you need to know, humbly listen, and immediately obey. There is such freedom and grace in doing so that joy and painless being swiftly follow. Only Good comes of God, and only Good is real. Rebuke the false, and turn to Good, and be delighted to Love only God.

    Pray and obey, pray and obey. For yourself, and for others, pray and obey.

    “Grace us to see Thy Will is done, as we humbly forgive and obey.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not think about what you are not.

    Think about what you are. Think about what all are.

    You are the truth that is Good. You are the image and wondrous idea of God.

    And if you think about this truth for others as well as yourself, It empowers your thoughts. For as you Love, so are you Loved. If you want to be Loved more, then Love more.

    Can you do this? Yes, you can, because you are a part of Love Itself. And so are all.

    Claim that Truth, Beloved. “I know what we really all are. We are Love.”

    Remember the scribed words: “I know the thoughts I think towards you, thoughts of good and not of evil.” God said that and means it. You are His/Her idea and you are a Good Idea. And more Good thoughts are being thought to you and around you all the time.

    For so do We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved, there are no acts that are wasted. There are no words that can encompass the Glory of the Whole, but It is all around all of you, embracing your spirits as One Spirit, just the same. No political lines divide Spirit, All is One.

    How glorious when you are given the view from your Inner wings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give freely of Love and Truth, for they are indeed given generously to you, by God.

    The more you give them, the more Light shines from you, and around you.

    Ponder this, Beloved, but above all, practice it each day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just think what it would mean if all in the world gave the first time of awakening to Me, before they scuttled off to their day.

    Before you begin your tasks, self-assigned, tithe this task to Me: Fully, fully, fully align with the Truth that is Spirit, and the Spirit that is Love, and the Harmony that is the Soul of All. Fill yourself with complete awareness of My Presence, and carry that carefully throughout all the day and night of your dream.

    If you would do that, if all would do that, it would change the way everything seems.

    Take the time it takes to align, dear one, for I willingly Bless all who turn to Me,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking for help when you need it can sometimes prove to your consciousness the Oneness of Life.

    Be not too proud. Ask others. Ask God. Ask.

    God is not hiding from you. God is seeking your attention.

    Ask for Divine Help, and expect for It to come, without any reconceived notions of how God will choose to Best guide and uplift and help you.

    Be gracious and open to God,


  • Ah, Beloved, once you realize how many errors in perception you have made, and how easy it is to become so lost in the false roles and gambits of earthly sense, and once you have had even a few glimpses of the Spiritual Truth that spiritual sense reveals, then there wells up within you a great desire to help others understand that Truth as well. On a human level, your actions and thoughts may find the explanation of words that is summed up by the phrase, “as I have been forgiven, so shall I forgive others, and as I am loved, so shall I love others,” but the Truth may also find its expression in you and through you in a thousand other ways. Whether the truth comes as just a keen knowledge of the impelling one light that is the very center and beginning of an expansion of visible light, or whether it is glimpsed through a religious paradigm, share it, share it, share it, when the sharing is permitted.

    Let yourself be used as an emanation of peace, for that unworldly peace does seek to be seen where it is not seen now, and be sensed where it is not sensed now—not because it does not exist in those times and places, but because human thought and sight has turned from it and tried to pretend it is not there. Once you have the absolute conviction that It Is, be willing to stand firm and affirm it. Be willing to be witness. Be willing to be example. Be willing, for through such willingness does the peace reach every heart.

    Let go every last pretense, and peace cannot not show through,

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Regret not the time you spent swamped in materialism, either pursuing its lovelies, or trying to fix its woes. Be glad for what felt good to your material senses, and appreciative of the wisdom you accrued from the challenges. But let go of it all as you let go a night dream when you awaken to a new day, and let the heartbeat of Soul fill you and remind you that you are not a body playing the material carnival game. You are Spirit, expressing the Spirit that is the God-Force, above, below, to the sides, and forward and behind.

    You are Spirit expressing Spirit, and as the bodily things become just an automatic functioning, you can focus on allowing the Truth that the Desires of God are your real Desires.

    De-sire. From the Sire, from the Source. From the Mother-Father Mind that Thought you up, you grow and thrive in the Divine family of Mind in which you were born, and in which you remain. The family business and Desire is expressing and expanding Love, and when you accept that fully, it is easy to grow and thrive in Brightness.

    Shine with Divine Brightness, and those that are ready will see it. Shine with Brightness and all old shadows and diversions of your limited self will scuttle away.

    No need for delay, Beloved. Spirit is always ready to awaken you, from temporal dream, and naps that you may fall into along the way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it seems like even the smallest of miracles has occurred, CELEBRATE! O”, Celebrate, celebrate, and be grateful. For that celebration and gratitude will open wide the door in your consciousness through which Divine Flow comes, and creates more of the True Reality in your experience, which you call “miracles.”

    We guarantee it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, The All-in All God does want you to realize and completely remember that everything Real is Love. But, mercifully, God-spirit knows you may not be ready for utter transcendence of the human dream, and so has made Itself available to pour Its Harmony into your awareness and help make your sad dreams into happy dreams, whilst they still seem real to you. Be glad of that compassion, Beloved, and give the same compassion to others when you can.

    “Father/Mother God, flood me with the Harmony of your Being in which I dwell, and thus cleanse away any thoughts and perceptions I have that are so unlike Your Love, that Is All.”

    “I know You want to see my deep and peaceful Joy bloom. Thank-you.”

    And, realize, Beloved, you are addressing that which You really Are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, keep it very simple. God created you, as spiritual reflection of Itself, (Himself/Herself), to be happy. God is Happy looking at you and knows you to be Happy looking back.

    Therefore, in this wavy reflection that is the earth dream, God also wants a good dream for you. Sum it up in your thoughts as “God wants me happy, and God knows what is Best for all, and God takes care of me.”

    “God wants me Happy, and God gives me directions so I can be Happy. All I need to do is listen to those directions, and follow them.”

    Be in innocent trust today. God WANTS you happy.

    Love, Love, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Ah, Divine Consciousness in which I live and am, help me remember today that that is what I am. Awaken me, O’ Maker of all thoughts and ideas, including me, and help me be aware only of me in Thee, and Thee as me. Let me be still and quiet, and know that Thou art All, and I am Thou.”

    “Let today not be about the play, the performance of the dream of earth, but about receiving new directions from the Director/Creator, and remembering that it is the task of all who have awakened and remembered that they are playing roles in the earth play, to demonstrate only the aspects of You, which are always Goodness and Calmness and Humor and Delight and the very essential Gladness of Being.”

    “Help me thus today, O’ Maker, and that it is in Thee, and as Thee, as Divine Thoughts, that we dwell.”

    For so it Is, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not try to force the Truth to appear from and as other people.

    Instead, turn to God and ask for the Divine Light to shine away all illusion, and to impel hearts to speak Truth.

    It is better this way, Beloved. More effective and more healing and painless for all.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Someone Loves you enough to keep on trying, trying, trying to awaken you to the Glory and Holiness that are freely yours. Someone Loves you enough to do this, and It is God.

    God will never give up on you. Why not allow it now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many are asleep to the word of God in their hearts. You, often, are asleep to the word of God in your heart—either through hurrying so much that you do not stop to listen, or by being entrenched in habits that substitute for the time that could be taken to listening for the Truth of the smooth way to proceed, or to answer, or to ask, or to stay, or to go.

    Please, Beloved, we ask you for your own sake,

    Turn to God, and not to those in the land of Nod .

    Let your own sweet self be guided only by the Sweetest Voice that Is, and you will come to See that all of those that sleep, in part or whole, to the True Nature of themselves, cannot guide you more rightly than the calm assurances of the Omniscient Oneness of Being.

    Turn to God, and not to the appearances or the voices of Nod. For, do you wish to awaken? Or do you wish to sleep the dream of only the material world? While you yet dream, do you wish for the materially seeming realm to be the faint glimmer that shimmers on top of God’s Reality, or do you wish for God’s Reality to be only the faint iridescent shining that you see now and then beneath the gritty reality of the dusty realm?

    Turn your ears and your sight and your heart to God, and let true Sight and Hearing and Grace be the way that you sense the world, and your role in it.

    All deafness and blindness be done now—all faculties of spirit are true and complete, and whole,

    In Utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being in constant Conscious contact with the Supreme Spirit in which you dwell is the goal, is a way to live. It is not just a thing to cross off a list, like washing your hands or answering your mail, or feeding your pets.

    ” Say my prayers” is a way of thinking, a way of feeling, a way of Being.

    Be It, O’ Beloved. Be It, and observe how wonderfully your experience of Life expands in Love.

    Expand with Love, in Love, for Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The One Infinite Mind, with Its Soul, Spirit, Truth, Love and Harmony as Divine Law, is the Cause of Good, and salvation from temporal illusion.

    God is the Source and Substance of you and yearns to show you your Wholeness.

    Keep in mind God as the One Good Cause, for otherwise it is tempting to fall into superstitions, like thinking the delightful idea you just had for a poem happened because you just ate a piece of peach pie. A new recipe for concrete does not come to an engineer because he had coffee at a new spot. A deep communion with Holy Spirit did not happen because you sat on a purple pillow instead of a yellow one.

    Stay alert to the material mind trying to credit or blame the visible world. All is Spirit that is what you truly need and want. Think outward from your shared Thoughts with God, rather than attributing power to the fleeting. If a certain small ritual or space helps calm you and helps you feel able to hear God, feel free to indulge it, but know that God is always near, and Clearly available, also in the market or on the road, or when you think you are alone in a tempest.

    Look to God for Good. Look to God as the Source of Wonder, and let no superstition snag you.

    God is ready, willing, and able to Help. Just know that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are a willing “carrier” of the High Guidance of Spirit, then just your silent presence can make a difference at a meeting or a gathering or a workplace. If you can hold fast to simply being one of the ones holding open the access for active Divine Love and sacred Comforter, then you will change the day everywhere you go.

    God-Spirit will do the work. Just hold open the window to let Spirit clear the air of illusion,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    ALL prayers should be made in the plural, for as you pray for another, you ARE also praying for yourself. As you pray for yourself, you are praying for another.

    All of God’s Child is One. When you truly understand that with your Heart, your life will change, for then you will not be able to do to another anything that you would not do to yourself.

    We are with you. With are with All. Ponder this deeply.


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Do not be seduced into looking at the surface of things or people. Do not be caught up in reacting with fear or anger or envy or over indulgence.

    It is only God that YOU want to see. You know this. Look at the smooth still Wholeness that is the Truth within and beneath, and keep to that outlook, all this day, and always.

    We Love you so, and We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are all the rightful heirs of Goodness. Take no effort, and take no blame, but neither take any credit for that which is Good and works through you. The relief of obedience is well worth the relinquishment of human control and pride. Be in humility, and feel the full Joy of being a part of the governing Whole.

    We remind you that you cannot intellectually know good from bad in the human scene—you can only know when you are moving and speaking and acting in the Flow of God. Keep your attention focused on that, and let the Greater Picture be seen and told by the unfolding of time, in what has already been accomplished by God.

    Always Loving you,

    There are no doubts in God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “In My Name” is where you are able to heal and be healed, because in My Consciousness is where you exist. Allow My complete understanding of that to permeate your thoughts, so that your thoughts become My Thoughts. Thus do you become free of the mortal thoughts that you thought you were bound in. Thus do you realize your own fitness and completeness and constancy, for those qualities are what I AM, and you are made of the substance of Me, of My Thought.

    I AM what you are. Gently set aside your concept of self as a separate and fragile physical being, and Know yourself to be free in the Great I AM of Oneness.

    Enduringly Loving you and Holding you while you awaken,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have come so very far in realizing that the pains and sorrows of the earth journeying can be lightened and removed from experience by focusing on the Good that is the One Cause and of Whom you are a reflection. It is so delightful for you when you experience the lifting off of pain and the wondrous resolution of difficulties.

    But realize now that ALL illusions are illusion. Those brief pleasures that pull one away from the focus on serving Love, or the temptations that would make one want to believe that material elements are the source of true Joy, those also must be seen for what they are—nothingness. Step away from pursuing them. We assure you that the deeper Joys of serving the Oneness of Being will and do more than replace the enjoyment that false advertising would try to convince you is real and worthy of pursuit.

    The simple and complex joys of life will still be a part of your journey of bodily existence, but they will be full of the sweet purpose of the shared Qualities of the Divine.

    Hold fast today to knowing you are a Spiritual Embodiment, made of Light,

    I Am with you in this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every Calm Smile you give is the seed of a thousand.

    Be not ashamed, and be not afraid, when you do not have more than that to give.

    You can see in the eyes, of those that are ready and fertile ground for growth and awakening, when your smiles have landed. Give them, give them, everywhere, and worry not about the ones that seem to fall to the wayside for now. They will bear fruit later on.

    Always, We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of yourself as a totally permeable entity that floats in the Love of God. If you are totally permeable, then that Love flows freely back and forth between you and the solution of God that surrounds you, carrying with it the Wisdom, the Sustenance, the Joy and all else that is the chemistry of God.

    “Dear God, today show me the Highest and the Best I am in Thee.”

    Simply stick to it, let It Flow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God has no expiration date. The Source is always giving, and it is always fresh.

    The Word and Love of God are always present, and always ready to feed you. Like milk, the various sacred scriptures have different brands and slightly different flavors, but all of them will give you sustenance and inspiration if you look to them and allow your heart to open and your thoughts to heal.

    Turn to God, and God will rush to you. Turn to holy Words, and they will fill you, new and whole each day.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Calm resolve, and Love unfolding as per the Divine Plan to awaken all, are again today the priority. This is true of all days within the bubble of time. And it is true again today.

    But do remember also that Grace, given freely by God, is also right with you and with all that are willing to accept It. Fill yourself with Love Absolute again, and then dispense It with prayer to each and every heart in the world. God DOES seek to ease the earthly illusions and reveal, to each individual of Soul, the way forward.

    Never think that your prayers are not a balm and an opening for the Almighty Good to work. They help. And Good is at work, adjusting, adjusting, adjusting.

    Trust and faith, today, Child. Trust and faith.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s omnipotent Good is in your every moment right here, right now.

    Look within and See It and feel It and let It do Its work.

    Picture It filling every vessel around you, and make no assumptions that every vessel holds what it held yesterday.

    If you see a pitcher on a table and know that yesterday it held orange juice, which you do not like, do you assume it holds orange juice again today? Do you at least give it a chance, and look again today, when it could hold the apple juice you love?

    Picture the people around you filled with God’s Omnipresence, and give yourself a chance to see it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where will the guarantee be that you will feel more Peace and sense of Good Will, as the days of earthly sense pass? When will the feeling pass, that forgiveness seems to be an endless thing that you need to give or receive, over and over?

    The guarantee WILL grow in your own heart, Beloved, as the layers of Blissful experience of the Loving Source add up. For every bit of Love that you immerse yourself in, and that you allow to shine through you, more bits of human fretful emotions melt away.

    We can promise you that if you allow Love to work within your mind, It will Work. But to encourage yourself, look also at how far you have come in understanding of the Divine reality, and of yourself as a part of that Spiritual Truth.

    “I Am Love.” I Look to the Center of the Source of me, and I receive Love, Love, Love, immersed within Its being. I Am Love.”

    We touch you tenderly tonight. Let us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The miracles, or what seem like miracles to human eyes, but are actually a natural part of God’s order, are yours, because they are natural to you. YOU are a natural part of God.

    Accept this, Beloved, and be free.

    “I am a natural part of all that GOD IS.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I have no end. I had no beginning. I am without time.

    But you had a beginning. Yours was when I first Lovingly Thought of that which is You. And I continually Think about You, sustaining You, and delighting in You.

    This is how I expand, adding Loving Thoughts so that there is more and more of Me, more of Love. Expanding Love.

    Be glad of this, My Thought without end.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me today, with Your Truth and Wisdom, dear God, what I need to know about every situation and person and myself. Show me how to Love, Love, Love past all the costumes and posturing, to See the very Heart of you.”

    God know what you yearn for, Child. Let God show you how to be it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Often, you just need to remember that the Teacher of the Inner Voice exists, and to be willing enough to admit that you need help. Ask for Help, and then listen, and obey, and be grateful.

    When you need an idea, ask for Help. When you need bodily healing, ask for Help. When you need to change a “personality trait”, ask for Help. When you need to pick out the right watermelon, ask for Help.

    Help is there. Help is freely given. But you must ask and listen.

    That is the part that is up to you.

    Deep Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Return again and again to the basic desire: “Dearest Father/Mother God, Divine Source and Circumference of our Being, open my eyes and show me Your version of me, and of everything and everybody.”

    The stage of Heaven you are ready for, Beloved, looks a lot like earth, but It is all Good.

    And when you see Good things happening, and feel so wonderful in your own costume and soul, then make sure to give all glory and thanks and credit to the Loving Source that shines it all forth. To parade your own accomplishments and brief earthly name is to leave an opening for the human mind to again slyly suggest that you can become your own little heaven without the help or energy or Love of God. Give Glory where Glory is due. Yes, value your time when you serve others, and value their time in return, giving and receiving for earthly needs, but always, always, always, let all give Glory and credit and praise to the Good that Governs all.

    We celebrate with you each moment and bit of Good that is revealed to your opened Sight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Noticing Beauty in the small and large around you is a wonderful way to focus on the Spirit that connects all. Human eyes open, or human eyes closed, there is the discernable Presence of Life in the Gift of the Beautiful energy all around you.

    Do not think that you are unlike It. The Beauty of All That Is is the same Beauty that is your Soul, your Life, your Individual Perfection of Love Itself.

    It is One Love. It is all the same Spirit.

    “I Am the Love that is the Divine Love that is all around me, and Beautiful.”

    Bask in that today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Infinite Grace is given freely. Infinite Grace is like the soothing rain or the warming sun, falling on the just and the unjust alike, without being requested.

    Study the lives of those who mastered the art of accurately reflecting Grace, and mastered the other attributes of the Infinite Oneness, and you will see that they gave Grace to all about them. To give Grace means to forgive without being asked to forgive, to bless without being made to bless.

    If you only forgive others if, and after, you have made them beg and beg for forgiveness, you are not dispensing Grace. To hold onto your hurt and pain and grievances until you have a chance to confront and accuse those whom you think have hurt you is to wrap yourself in pain. To wait and wait for your chance to have ones from decades ago, or ones that are dead, or ones that offended you yesterday, stand before you so that you can force them to ask forgiveness, is to jail yourself in pain until your “chance” comes to forgive. Why jail yourself? Why not forgive before you are asked to forgive? Why not let go of that pain NOW?

    Many times, Beloved, the others that hurt you did not even know they were hurting you. Many times, they were, or are, so focused on their own pain that they have forgotten that they also hurt you. Let it go, Beloved. Give Grace freely. To wait, and only dispense forgiveness after you have seen someone confess and grovel, is to secretly be indulging in attack and revenge. That is the old way, Beloved, and it never brought the world any salvation.

    Forgive without being asked. Give Grace without expecting return, or examining to see if the other is “worthy” of Grace. Accurately reflect the perfect Grace of the Divine by shining it sweetly to all, knowing that those who need cleansing will find their way to it when they tire of their own flung dust blowing back in their face. Give Grace. Give forgiveness unasked, and save your own face from the sting of sharp dust. Let go of the hurts you nurse and the grudges you hold, and hold your face and whole self up to the freely given sun, just enjoying the warmth.

    Hold yourself up to the freely given Divine Love, and let yourself know yourself as accurate reflection. You will know that you are accurately reflecting the Divine when you feel Peace, and Joy, welling up within your consciousness.

    If all that you feel is the satisfaction of “seeing justice done”, then you are feeling the satisfaction of the judge and executioner, and the pain of the avenger who hurts himself as he takes vengeance. Then you are not truly reflecting Infinite Love. Then you are not freeing yourself from pain, but clinging to it.

    Give Grace freely, Beloved. Give forgiveness without being asked, and without mentioning your own hurt and holding it forth for proof and for examination. Forgive them before they even realize what they have done, and be as the Infinite, free to be Loving in every moment. As We Love you…ANGELS

  • Ah, Child,

    You can think of many situations in your life when you felt that you could not think of a good enough idea about how to solve something, or how to create something, or how to choose, and you went to someone more experienced and said, “Do you have any ideas about this?” “What would you do?”

    Let that also be your approach to One Spirit, your approach to the Voice of the Divine, Beloved. Sit and wait quietly, just as you would when waiting for the “expert” to come up with an idea for you to enact, and wait for the idea, God’s idea, to be voiced in your heart. Then enact it. It really is as simple as that. Let God’s ideas be your ideas, let God’s thoughts be your thoughts, just as you yourself, in True Form, are an idea in the Thought that is God.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The promises of God have not changed. The promises of God are not broken now, and never will be. As soon as you are ready to accept it, (right here, right now, if you will), He/She/Love still means this promise:

    “I want to walk with you and talk with you and show you the Beauty of My Creation which includes all the perfect goodness and beauty of you. You are the receiver and the giver of My Love.”

    Can you accept this? Now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    O’ Dear One, do so be aware of when you are trying to do everything, and to help others, by your own human will. Turn it ALL over to the Wondrous Source and One Cause. It will tell you when It needs your voice or your hands or feet, but It will provide the energy and the knowledge and the wellness of complete Being.

    Turn It over, Beloved, turn it over. Whether for friend or kin or enemy or yourself, turn it over to the One Mind/Heart that Governs all by Its Principle of Goodness.

    If you do this, you will feel energized, not wearied,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Calmness is the open door for the ability to hear Divine Guidance.

    Stay calm, Beloved. Stay calm.

    Make calmness a goal, today and always. Even if you are celebrating a joyous occasion, you can celebrate with calm joy. Even if you are making a momentous decision, you can do so very calmly, and then you can feel the truth of whether it is in line with the Divine Plan for your life.

    Be calm, be aware, and know you are always near unto God, for you are within God, and in calmness, you can hear God’s Voice. God’s Voice is always there for you. God is not testing you to see if you can behave calmly. Rather, it is that you choose to open yourself to hearing that Voice by remaining calm, and listening. Quietly, calmly, trustingly, listen.

    Ask us. We will hold your hand and calm you.


  • God Is, and we are the reflection.

    Perfect God, perfect reflection.

    Think about it.

    Perfect God idea, perfect cat.

    Perfect God idea, perfect place.

    Perfect God, perfect provision.

    Perfect God, perfect spiritual you.

    Perfect God, perfect harmony of function.

    Perfect God, perfect abode.

    And on and on… think about it, joyfully ponder it, and let your heart play with the endless possibilities of believing the Truth of it, just as you believe that there is a perfect road right under the appearance of heat waves on the way in front of you, and you merrily drive your car right on. Once you know the truth, the truth surely does set you free to drive, and to enjoy the drive.

    Riding with you,


  • Ah, Sweet Beloved,

    We are so very glad and willing to See the True You. You are capable and wondrous, by the Grace of God, and no errors or mistaken thinking can take away the incredible gifts and talents divine that you are here to share and explore. Be not taken in by the temporary lauds of human opinion or frivolous pursuits. Strive to fulfill the mandate of Good Soul, poured out to you from Higher Consciousness.

    Be Glad to make God Glad. The Joy of that will be the fuel and guidance for your Good Life. Be what your Loving Creator Knows you to really Be.

    So consistently with you and for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To feel that you are alone is like thinking a ray of the sun is alone. It may seem to be distinct and separate, but it is inexorably connected to its source, and of course made the same as all the other individual rays.

    Thus it absolutely is with the image of you that shines from and as Spirit.

    When you seek to alleviate a feeling of aloneness, you must think of this, and correct your thinking of being alone immediately. You are completely and forever connected to that which projects images of you. When you wish for more energy or understanding or wisdom or joy or comfort, you must feel back along the ray of yourself, and know you are suffused with, and infused by, that lovely Source. Be so grateful It is there for you.

    So many, when they feel separate and alone, turn to other bodies or objects, or cascades of experiences, but none of those fix the sense of separateness. Straighten out your thought about what you are connected to, and cherished by, and then enjoy the other individuals and wonders of earth, and creations of your own, and gifts that are revealed in you to share.

    Wonder of wonders, you are.

    And all are, at core,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, as you pray “not my will, but Thy Will is done”, that the One Will always Blesses all. Therefore, you must take off the human blinkers of narrow and time-bound sight, and trust to that One Will when evaluating whether what is occurring is “going my way”. And, you must remember that just as a human parent must sometimes quickly and very strongly grab the hand of a toddler who is about to step into traffic, so must the divine sometimes delay your human steps in order to give you the smoother pathway.

    Let today be about that trust, Beloved. “What adjustments need to happen, dear God, for the Harmonious Blessing of all?”

    Be open and believing in the utter Goodness of God and Its Will for your thriving Truth.

    Such Love no words cover it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain of the end of your mental and heart search.

    We know you will finally fully realize “I am Love. I am complete and completely in the Full Consciousness of All.”

    Yes, yes, you could play mental games about words, and looking at current developments in your physics and science that hint at the Truth of the Universe, but why not just let yourself, today, relax into the Truth of “I am Love.”

    That is the verity of the ages, and, clung to, will help you feel all healthfulness, experience all provision and opportunity and harmony, and guide you in each interaction.

    “I am Love.”

    And it is the Truth, washing you clean of all error,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hiding from God and God’s Knowledge and Power.

    The mistake your human thought makes is thinking that there is anything but Love and mercy in God. There is no need to hide from God. God’s Love is not diminished by the little sandbox dreams you have made up, or the way the sand structures crumble away. God lets you play as long as you want, welcoming you fully back into Love whenever you feel like taking a rest there.

    And when you are ashamed of some human behavior or laziness, and scared to look God in the Face, God is always there in the Inner Stillness, still Loving, Loving, Loving you, and willing to help if you but ask.

    Handing back over “human will” to the Infinite Will is not a thing done just once. It must be done again and again. It must be done each time the human will acts like a toddler, with a towel cape on, saying “I am a super-power”. The human will has no power at all, unless backed by the True Power of the Infinite.

    Fear It not. Trust Its Love. Turn t

    o It each day, each hour, and say “Thy Will Be Done”.

    Trusting in the Infinite is Freedom,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a dream of the night or a prayer or mediation of the day gives you a sweet vision of Heaven or an epiphany of the Complete Embrace of Love, savor It. Savor It, cherish It, remember It.

    This is what you are meant to See and Feel all the time. Take that glimpse into your heart and make It a goal of Living, an aim of Consciousness, like an artist looking at the perfect Model before her as she sculpts her Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here we are, ready and willing to help you, whenever you ask. Do be aware that the means and method and way that help comes may not be what you imagined. Just be joyfully alert to goodness, and expect it to come, in ideas, people, relief, and inspiration.

    You do not realize how complete is the power of willingness. When you are touched by interest in, or Love of, the Source Divine, and tell It you are willing to see Its Plan for your Joy and Purpose, then that willingness opens countless doors and possibilities.

    Keep being willing, Love. Keep being willing to receive God’s Love, and to give Love in God’s name.

    We are willing to help you, always,


  • For my earthly father, who passed over the bridge of earthly illusion today, 8/6/12.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you do not feel confident that you can hear and feel the Word and Support of God, either turn to someone who feels In Tune, and let them help uplift you to your rightful Divine Connection, or turn to old favorite Spiritual Truths, and repeat them until you feel calm.

    God always hears you, and Spirit that joins you in your earth dream, always ready to awaken you to Light, is already with you. Divine Calm will join your human calm, and infuse it with Powerful Love.

    Set aside the endless chatter of woes, and turn to these endless Wells of Goodness that help solve, and comfort, and release, and assure the return of thoughts to the Heavenly Consciousness of “All is Well, All is Well, All is Well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not forget this basic:

    You are Loved.

    You are Loved beyond your capacity to understand. A thousand times more, and more, than a human parent could ever unconditionally love her child, you are Loved by the Source that thought of you. Try believing it. Try letting yourself be simply held in that Love.

    So many times, the human-perceptual self goes only to communion time with the Divine Cause just to “get” the answer to a question, or to try to achieve intellectual understanding of what the first Cause truly is, or to plead for a need. Try going just for Love. Try going simply to soak in that non-judgmental Love.

    Soak in that Love. Soak it up like a piece of limp celery soaks up water, and becomes strong and good again.

    Just turn to that Love, that IS the very water/Life Essence of the Divine, and soak yourself strong again, ready, like the celery, to stand up to anything.

    Ahhhh, the crunch of Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The confidence of innocence can be yours as you try new creative ventures and experiences. Let it be so.

    But above all, let the Divine Innocence that God knows you to possess, be experienced as you re-realize your self as a confident and Love-endowed expression of the Creative Source.

    Accept your Innocence, and God’s Gifts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is the infused strength of the Wondrous Source, into the consciousness of you, that enables you to enact all the good of your earthly time and beyond.

    That same Inner Guardian Angel that you can use to help you know when to speak and when to stay silent, or when to amend your words or attitude, can also guide and help you in ALL else. It can lead you when to act. It can help you know what investments to make or when to withdraw from a situation, if you ask It. Just constantly surrender to Its authority and It will lovingly, lovingly guide your human days.

    And if you fall into old desires or temptations, or sharp words or poor choices, and then feel sad or regretful, know that the regret and the desire to make amends are also guidance of the Good Inner Guardian. It has taken Loving charge of you, by your permission, and It does not want you to suffer from your own human mistakes. It wants you to feel loved unconditionally and utterly forgiven for any errors, and It wants to keep helping you grow to the Lovely whole truth of your Divine Self, Thus do your errors become less and less, because you are allowing the Inner Good Dominion to express Itself THROUGH you.

    Be not afraid, Beloved. Just lean into the sweet relief of resting in the Hands and Wisdom and Love of your Inner Guardian. That is Divine Rest, even while you yet walk through time.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you spend your time Loving God, you will have no time for grievances.

    If you spend your time looking for aspects of God to appreciate and love, in the world around you and in yourself, and in others, the glimmers you are able to see will hone your ability to See God, and soon you will have no grievances.

    If you spend your time being a cheerful and peaceful and helpful example of God, more cheer and peace and help will come to you.

    It is as simple as that. Plant those simple seeds, over and over, and soon you will have a field full of harvest.

    We are right behind you, watering them,


  • Ah, Friend,

    When a moment comes when you feel especially open to, or aware of, the All Divine of which you are a part, give it your complete attention. If, during your ten minutes of quiet time or prayer time during the lunch hour, you find a new understanding of your Spiritual Reality in the Spiritual Whole, devote so more time to it.

    Be not afraid to cancel an insignificant meeting, or to skip your eating time, or to delay the drive home. Wherever you are, whatever else you are “supposed” to be doing, allow yourself to open your consciousness completely to the Presence that has been ever-ready and waiting for your notice for so long.

    Devote as much time as you possibly can to knowing It more fully, and to listening for Its Truths in your heart. Your relationship with the Divine, and believing in its Completeness is so, so, so much more important than the small errands, or the wisps of paper, or idle chatter, or the busying of hands, that would try to tear you away from this most important Knowing.

    You are ever-held in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, when you pray for someone, it is not the other person you are truly praying to change, it is your own perception you are asking to be clarified and heightened. In the Divine Consciousness, that “other” person is already a perfect and marvelous idea. Your prayer is about having your own consciousness opened enough to See the perfection of the other.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a way to pray constantly and still complete your tasks and duties and joys of the day. You know this.

    And, in fact, you already often choose to mull over an important thought or decision while you also wipe down the counter or tidy a room or take a walk or scan the mail. Simply tune into that Higher, Quiet Consciousness, to Whom you have given full permission to Guide you. Feel embraced by It, and listen to It, while your hands and feet and bodily eyes do the tasks of earth.

    When you feel a deep Calm and Peace, you will know it is time to stop the worldly tasks for a moment, and simply absorb and listen to the Truth that Loves to Help you. You might hear and answer or a word, or see an image, or you might just feel that release of Glorious energy that lets you Know that God is on the job, as always, and Spirit is flying to where and when It needs to go to pull together the solutions that Bless one and all.

    Ask for Help for yourself. Ask for Help for all.

    And Help you It will. With Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As your Spiritual Sight and Awareness grows, you will quite likely find yourself thinking and acting more often in ways that you know are directly desired by God. As We have said often, God-impelled actions are not necessarily the same as the ones the human thoughts would call helpful, for God can See the greater picture that Blesses awakening of all. Do them gladly when God inspires, for your own well being, and as service to the Whole. Otherwise, just keep being willing each day to do all the small things that clearly feel in line with your “I Am Love” identity.

    Striving to be extraordinarily Godly each day cannot be conflated with human ambition. And it is important to remember that, just as a rarely used tool in your kitchen may be something that is only crucial on one or two days a year, God’s use of you as an instrument for extraordinary action may be infrequent, but very, very important when it occurs.

    Be what God asks you to simply be as a part of Goodness each day. And when God strongly directs a more special contribution of effort, be that gladly as well.

    Trust God’s Oversight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When one concentrates on seeing the Infinite and Beautiful in just one other person, for a great, or very focused, length of time, new vistas open. Let those around you help you begin to see the Divine everywhere, by allowing yourself the utter focus of making it your mission to See each one with spiritual sight.

    If you only knew, Beloved, how easily enlightenment can come in any moment, with WHATEVER is right before you, you would not go searching for new books or new teachers or new methods or new terms. Instead, you would just open the Soul that is your source, and See. Consider the Truth of that today, and be not distracted by the five senses, and See with that of you that is Divine.



  • Ah, Child of God,

    You are child in that God thought of you, and created you, but you are not now, and never will be, separate from that Creator. To think that you are like some twig statue that an artist has made, and then set aside and forgotten as an old piece of work, is a grave mistake.

    Think of yourself as a creation that is more like an idea for a marvelous recipe for a fruit. The idea is tried and declared a wonderful thing, and then the recipe can be made again and again. So are you cherished and made and re-made constantly, with the undying attention of the Mind that created you, and always thinks of you, and tends you, still.

    Knowing you are within that Creating Mind, turn to it trustingly for the ingredients you need to be yourself each wonderful day, and fulfill the good part you are in the feast of Life.

    God still holds all Its ideas, Its children of Spirit.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look up the gifts of Spirit and count up which of them have been given you. Ponder and appreciate them, and allow them to magnify in your thought and behavior.

    Thus armored, you will have no problem shaking off any discouragement or suggestions of returning to shallow or selfish living.

    We hold our shields around you, as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The point is not to call on a faraway Force of Love and Wisdom to solve some problem that you have humanly decided is real and needs the solution you humanly want.

    The point is to realize that the Infinite Force of Love that made your awareness of being, and that Holds you within all Awareness, can restore your awareness to what it is meant to be. A whole new sense of Being, One and Wonderful, is what the Infinite wants for those who have forgotten that they have never really left the Loving Mind that conceived of the Idea of each and every one.

    Imagine waking to a new sense of Life and Love. Not just a patched up version of what you thought that you and your life were before, but a whole new sense of Life, vibrant and purposeful, and enjoyable with a steady delight, and Good, Good, Good.

    Ask to awaken. Let yourself awaken to this Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you count up the days, and realize, how little of the journey remains, you will find it easier and easier to not count the cost, but be generous, and create and think and act as if only Love sustains, sustains, sustains. For that is Truth.


  • Ah, Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Slowly and gently go today. Let not those who dash about without knowing where they are going, or pausing to listen to the Still Voice within, pressure you or influence you to do the same. Move still and slow today, with a delightful feeling of emptiness waiting to be fulfilled.

    And when Words come, or an expansive Inner embrace, savor them. Savor them as you would a bite of wedding cake, or the first sweet apricot of the season, as symbols of renewal and vows to remember your Oneness of Being with All that Is Good.

    Be not discouraged by the judgments of those who see and value only physical good. Their time will come. Their turn will come, to understand the full value of Love and only Love, as that to which they belong, and that which will become all they need and want.

    We want your Quiet Gladness today to touch those that are ready,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask God to sing you a song. And whether you hear a tune in your mind right away, or sometime later in the day, you can be sure it holds Love and Wisdom for you.

    Whether ancient hymn or contemporary song, or harmonic poem your own thoughts form, realize that song is one of the ways God speaks to you. Listen for Love, Listen for Love, Listen for the Source speaking to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To be able to carry and give more Grace, you must receive more Grace. To receive more Grace, you must enlarge your willingness to accept It from God. Each time you resist a negative thought or action, you give another moment of availability to God to give you Grace.

    Make that space in your mind today, Beloved. Be willing to give yourself Grace-filled Thoughts, and those alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a day for soft Trust in your heart, Beloved.

    “Align my thoughts with Your Thoughts, dear God, that I may clearly feel Your Joy.”

    As We have been saying, you do not know exactly how or where or when the High Waves of Joy will come, but if you abide in the very Ocean of Joy Itself, you will be raised up High when they come.

    Be at Peace with seeking Joy, Beloved. Be at Peace with that as your goal each day. Abide.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no time that you are entirely alone, if you are evaluating aloneness with your spiritual sense. Always, the Unseen Loves are with you, and always, all over the globe and Universe, are those who still wear a costume of time and space, but are reaching out and within to the same Truths of the Eternal which you aspire to completely know.

    Therefore, you do not have to have another human body with you to be a part of the Great Joining of Spirit, in Love all together and with one another. All you need is to know that they are all there, and join in the Consciousness of One Governance, One Good.

    Be at Peace with this, and feel Joined all day and night,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no doubt in your mind that the earthly dream can be transformed into the Joy that is the prelude to full awakening. Is Heaven “over there”?

    No, Heaven is the “there” without the “t”, without the cross, it is “here”. It is the state of awareness without the cross; without the pain of crucifixion and suffering. Go straight for the resurrection, Love. Go straight for understanding that God does not condemn you. Just love yourself and love others as your Divine brothers and sisters, and claim the right to see that you are IN the Heaven of Divine Mind right here, right now, if you let go of guilt and a feeling of anger and blame and separation. Forgive yourself now, as God has already forgiven you, and let yourself feel the feeling of Heaven.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone’s behavior is annoying you, it is important to release yourself from the prison of annoyance. Annoyance not only robs you of hours of Joy, it also prevents you from clearly Seeing the Good in the other, and knowing the Good of yourself, and finding your ways to move forward.

    So, all the day, say, “That person is also, in Soul, a Beloved Child of God.”

    “We are both Beloved Children of God.”

    You cannot browbeat that person into changing their behavior, but you can shift your view to God’s point of view and let God’s Love for you both do Its work in Its own time and way. Meanwhile, say, “That person is also a Beloved Child of God”, and you will find it easier and easier throughout the day.

    We are with you, and Love you when you act annoying, too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, what you are meditating for is a state of mind of peace, trust, joy and harmony. What you are praying for, for others, is a state of mind of peace, trust, joy and harmony.

    Let all the rest follow from there…

    It Is the Substance from which all else is born,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the memory of each expansive moment builds on the rest, there is less and less need for documenting them to yourself, or for journaling, or for using formulaic words in the affirmations or prayers you use to enter the heightened state of Divine Awareness. As you begin to spontaneously go to, or simply be in, that place of no-words and no-time, all becomes so clear that it is clear that you are simply part of All-that-Is-Clear.

    All are part of One, so the All becomes a singular noun, and suddenly a part of the clarity you comprehend will be All Is Well, One Is Well, I Am One. There is no other preparation for this leap in consciousness except to practice being in It. Some may reach it in an “orderly fashion”, through daily devotions and scripture readings, or a” la” year-long courses of exercises such as “Course in Miracles”, but others may reach it in a moment’s epiphany or a Truth-given heart revelation.

    You are It, It Is you, and all will become clear to all, for all are connected and one. Never give up on anyone, therefore, for if you do, you are giving up on yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sincere silent prayer for the healing ang blessing of others does more to open the conduit to God in your own heart than many hours of telling God what you want.

    God wants your perfectly planned happiness, but you must let God take the lead. Pray for all to receive of God’s supportive Joy in order to clear clean your Divine Connection, then surrender to God’s Loving Control, and be ready to ride the Wave of Love.

    It takes only moments to wish Loving Joy for all each and every day. Make the time.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Qualities of the Divine Source that are what you live within, and are what you are made of in Spirit, are not somewhere far away, up a mountain that you must climb. They are all around you and what you are right now. The thought is to let fall away the dusty thoughts that you are anything else. Let those thoughts of being anything else fall away.

    You are Goodness. You are Innocence. You are Soul and Spirit and Light and Love. The more you think about those things and let them shine forth, the more the Truth will burn away the dust on the image of God.

    Be perfectly clear in your already inner perfection,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The mechanics of reaching a sense of complete connection with the ever-present Divine is not as important as the tender communion that results. Many, many are the ways of prayer and the sets of rules and dogmas, but even an untutored child can access and feel the wondrous Love that embraces all.

    Experiment if you will, or follow a mentor or a family tradition, in your way of meditation or prayer, but keep in mind that the real goal is to remember and completely feel that you are one with Love Itself.

    You are one with Love Itself, and can live It.


  • Ah, Child,

    Get very clear on this. There are two things that are your challenge and your battle, in each day. The rest are not YOUR battle.

    Your battle is to each day give your free will to the choice, “Do I, this day, choose to live a mean and sad role in this character play, or do I choose to live my happy and giving role?” The Joyous One Spirit writes the parts for all the glad roles, and each day you can choose whether you want to receive and live that script with praise, or whether you want to live the shadowed role, moaning and wailing.

    You make that choice, and you make the other choice of willingness to laud the Gladness that springs forth in your heart, even when the circumstances, or the people in the room, seem only painful and sad. Do you choose to bring forth the joy and praise, to be willing to be not afraid, trusting that the Joy you have chosen in your heart is stronger than all seeming sorrow?

    Choose Joy or choose sorrow, choose Life or choose deadness of spirit, and then choose whether or not to be witness and speaker for them. That is your daily battle, your daily challenge.

    Your battle is NOT to choose for anyone else. Example you may be, and merciful comforter you may be, but only the Divine Writer can offer anyone else a new script, and only the other soul can choose to recieve it. That battle is God’s, Beloved, and in knowing that you can release it to the authority of the All-Divine, you can feel an enormous release and support, standing in the fullness of the Light, even in the middle of a room of shadows.

    Choose for yourself each day, Dear One, and choose in each hour to laud the Joy, but leave the rest of the battle to the Spirit to Whom it belongs, being free, yourself, to be happy.

    O’ we praise your new release of sense of responsibility,


  • Ah, Blessed One,

    Remember just how Blessed you are. Not only in the obvious, earthly and material ways of sufficient food and shelter, but in the ways of Grace.

    You have the ability to appreciate a friend. You have the discernment to see beauty in a pile of fallen stones. You have the wisdom to pause and look up and listen when a formation of geese flies overhead. You have the strength to hope for more understanding tomorrow than you have today. You have the faith to see that things work out even when it seems they will not. You have the ability to know that you are more than a body.

    We could go on and on. What precious gifts you have been given! O’ how very blessed you are. O’ count those Blessings, Beloved. Note them, be grateful for them, bless them in return, for it is your right to Bless as well as be Blessed, O’ Beloved Child.

    We Bless you whenever you allow us to,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not superstitious, that if you feel suffused with well-being, it is because of the food you ate, or the route you drove home, or the way the new shoes fit.

    The bodily comforts can be an earthly joy, but know that all True Joy comes from the Divine Flow of Life to you. Savor that, and everything else can be savored. Make time for that, and you can look into each moment of earthly time and find something to be joyous about.

    Here is the fountain of Joy, within your heart connection to the Source. Get to know Its constancy, and you will never doubt that you can turn to It in each and every conversation and situation. And then even a simple slant of light can feel like a joyous inspiration, and even watching an ant carry his load so diligently can be fascinating and reassuring for whatever load you carry.

    Look with Joy, live with Joy, and the experience of Joy itself becomes a most sublime joy. You do have that fuel always within you. Turn to It for refilling. Feel filled and fueled, and then let the earthly joys be enjoyed.

    God is your Well-Being.