All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have no idea quite what to do next, or when the list of earthly tasks seems overwhelming, the thing to do is get quiet, and listen to the Voice of Love, and feel the Comfort of Love.

    It is always with you. That is the Truth that We have been constantly trying to help you remember. It created you, It is creating you, It will always be renewing you, as It constantly thinks of you, Its delightful idea. In the phase of time you are in, It can and will give you grace and ideas and strength and courage. It will share with you the knowledge It has of your best possible journey to the star of your own Heart.

    Turn to It quietly, right now, and listen and feel,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Glory, Glory, Glory not only awaits you, it IS you and is with you now. Waiting for death is not the solution, for death in itself brings no solution. Turn within to the internal Infinite Eternal, and there find the Truth of your character.

    To think of the death of the costume as some sort of entrance into Infinity is to also idolize the many small forms of death the world contains—the fear, the lost in lust, the denial of brotherhood, the anger, the pain, the jealousy and sorrow. Lose not yourself in these things. Lose yourself in the sweet Love that brings on brotherhood and sisterhood of feeling. Lose yourself in wandering through the many Joys of the Garden of God.

    We are certain, Child, that you want Us with you now. Turn to Gladness and Joy, and We are there. We are there and you are with Us. Why seek anything else?

    Some memories are Glad. Use those, as well as Now Blessings, to remember to turn to God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiveness, and kindness. Do yourself the favor of using them before you know all the facts, and even without knowing all the worldly facts.

    Knowing more, and more, and more, of a situation involving pain, or loss, will only keep you in that state of the perception of pain and sorrow. Forgive yourself, and those around you, when they seek happiness through inappropriate situations, people, and places, and look to the Source for your true Joy instead.

    Think upon this: that in seeking joy, you, and all the characters in the play of your life, are exhibiting a bit of Divine Wisdom, understanding that your and their true purpose includes being joyous. If, in their, and your, infancy of spiritual understanding, that joy is sought in the fleeting images and things of earth, praise the seeking of joy, and forgive the means that were attempted. Be kind, kind, kind, to yourself, and all, Beloved, in the misunderstandings of where happiness is to be found.

    Pray for all to begin turning to the steadiness of the Unchanging Gladness of One Divine for happiness. Begin with yourself, Beloved. Fill yourself with the sure, calm Joy of the Oneness of all Being, and then look again, at yourself, and “others”, and see, not misdeeds and pain, but Joy, and gain, gain, gain, in moving into the awareness of the Wholeness of all that Is.

    Seek error, and you will surely find it. Seek Joy, and the Peace of the Divine heart, and you will find your sight raised to where it can see only Joy in all,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no Truth but the One Truth and that is Love.

    Ask the One what It Loves about you. Let today be a day when you hear the Quality of the Source that flows in excellence through you, and be it, be it, be it.

    Thus is the Whole made, Beloved. Be the Quality of Love that you are meant to demonstrate, and Love it in yourself as the Maker does, and as you, and others, are meant to do.

    Love yourself today, Beloved, and you will be refilled to Love others more cleanly and clearly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As a human form, you know how sorrowful it feels to Sy to another “I love you”, and hear no like answer in return.

    We tell you, Beloved, that if you say to God, “I love you so much”, you will always hear an answer. A kind tingling along your limbs, a sense of approval and uplift in your thoughts, an interaction or an event that is a blessing. The more you declare your love for God, the more you will hear of love in return, and see its evidence.

    Think of it as the warm translation of the first commandment: “I love you so much, dear God.”

    It will never steer you wrong or disappoint,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to fuss. Just listen, quietly, all day, to the quiet Word of the Divine school guide within, and you will know what to do.

    No mess, no fuss, just listen, and then do,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always with you. If it seems that we are silent, in an hour or in a day, just continue on your way, being quiet enough to hear the Divine in your heart when It speaks, but otherwise simply obeying the edict to Love God, Love your own Good Soul, and aspire to act as Good as God knows your essence to be.

    Those that are the mirrors around you can show you your Goodess if you make the effort to see theirs.

    We WILL speak if you step off the Path, and give you a hand back up,


  • Ah, Child,

    Even as you enter another new phase, of re-understanding what you have understood before, being yet again amazed that you could have so quickly forgotten the epiphany of a moment, of yesterday or of last year or of last decade, realize that these re-realizations are a way of life. They are The Way of Life.

    To be one who strives each day, and each moment, to re-center in the Divine Awareness and appreciation is to realize it as a vocation. Stop not the striving, therefore, but do relax into it so that you more wonderfully can assume the mantle of who you really are, already, in the solid Divine Substance in which are all the puzzle pieces of the One Great Idea. Once one accepts how beautifully all the pieces lock into place, doubts and other desires fall away, and the sweet picture of Truth is revealed.

    So, practice the moment again and again, understanding now that you want nothing else except to be perpetually in epiphany. Then, you may help others to join you there, and all together will be able to let all the rest fall away.

    Like a crowd watching an old masterpiece painting being revealed from beneath centuries of grime and dust, Beauty will hold you speechless, when you need to be speechless, or help you to speak pure poetry.

    Already appreciating what you have said and not said, though you know it not yet,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Some parts of your earthly story you would love to forget.

    Spirit Divine can help with that, especially if you feel ready to forgive. The forgiving may be about another or about your acting the fool or being the fool, or simply the obvious ills of the world, but knowing they have nothing to do with the Love that holds up all can help,

    “Show me that You are the enduring Reality, Dear God. Fill me with Love so that no darkness can fit in my heart.” In a flash, or bit by bit, God will pull you into the Light that blazes away all shadows.”””


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Absolutely let yourself go to obedience of the Highest One of whom your true self is a part. To withhold anything is to hold back your own advancement into pure Joy. To lay only your burdens at the feet of Mother God, instead of all your successes and joys as well, is to delay your completeness of Being.

    Trust that you do not really know what is best for you and what is not. Trust that the things and people and circumstances that help you, and all with you, move into their best destinies more quickly, will be given back to you, or better will come, if you hand over all to the Great Divine. Trust that the Greater Vision really does aim, over time, to let all completely know the Higher Good, and that it is impossible for one small part, held in the earth illusion, to know which way to go at each turning.

    Turn to the Loving Voice, the Loving “Intuition”, and trust It, trust It, trust It.

    For We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you leave the house in the morning, you pat your pockets or your bag, and make sure you have your keys or your coin purse or your wallet. We see you do it. Sometimes, we whisper to you to do it and you subconsciously hear our whisper and turn back to seek the missing item.

    But why do we not always see you pausing to make sure you have opened your connection to Spirit? Why do you not let our whisper, our reminder, of that need, come into your awareness? Believe us, you need It. You need to remember that another part of Divine Spirit is driving every car around you. Another part of Divine Soul is guiding the true thoughts of every heart in every person around you.

    We cannot force it. As ever, every day, every moment, we honor your free will. We can only hope you will offer that free will back to the Holy, so that It may flow through you and Be.

    Won”t you offer it? Won”t you, as you pat your pockets to see if you remembered your wallet, also pat your heart to hear the Voice of God/Goddess, so that you may hear It reply, “Lo, I am with you always.”?

    We are always trying to remind you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the Force that is All in All becomes more real to you than anything else that your five senses tell you, you will feel no more tremulous when faced with seemingly unharmonious conditions than does a mathematician when faced with an equation which she has not seen before. Certain that she knows all the “laws” of mathematics, she simply applies them, and sees the result.

    Do thou likewise, Beloved, knowing that the Law of God is Goodness and Harmony and Gladness, forever.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are filled with joy at seeing someone succeed, be redeemed, or healed of physical or emotional pain, then any puddle of hesitation you feel at praying for someone seems as nothing.

    Today, focus on praying to see the Lovely Truth of Wholeness clearly in those you can see in the community or world that clearly need freedom from errors or obstacles, but whom you have no personal emotional entanglement with. Setting aside your frustrations with the near family and friends and self that can trigger your own challenges, and instead focusing with sincerity on the joy of seeing improvement in the life outlooks of others, can feed your sense of faith and the rewards of seeing It in action.

    Feed that faith in the ever-present unseen Goodness, dear child. You know It is there. Get glimpses, See vistas of It, and be so, so Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let this entire day be spent practicing believing that all things are possible to God. Even the things that you cannot humanly imagine.


  • Ah, Child,

    Stop pondering the body, or the circumstance, or the haywire friendship or account, and start pondering the merciful, invisible, Loving Infinite. Practice this until all, or at least most, of your thoughts are thoughts of the sweetness of the Causal Reality.

    That is the basic “secret” of spiritual healing. Ask for Divine help in re-training your mind to match the Dear One Mind, and it will be done.

    All will come to it, finally,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find yourself feeling the same kinds of feelings of sibling rivalry, in regards to strangers, that you felt for your blood relatives when you were a child, stand back and evaluate.

    If every being is born of the same Source, are they not your siblings? Do you want to relate to them as a six year old who is jealous of his two year old brother, or do you want to relate to them as does the eighteen year old brother, who is proud to see his fourteen year old brother shine? Do you want to find a way, as does the adult brother, to help the younger one avoid some of the painful lessons, and find an easier path to the brightest and best he can be?

    Examine the feelings in your own heart, Love, and observe the feelings around you. Look past the costumes, and see the relationship, and begin to understand a glimmer of how the Loving Parent Source has laid out a Plan for all of Its children to thrive.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is my Strength”

    Strength of heart, Strength of resolve, Strength of Love.

    Be very aware that every human quality that is good has as its Source the Divine Infinite version. Call out for what you need, for the Source gives it gladly, in the form most useful and holy.

    Strength is part of Harmony. Call for It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never be afraid of being of not enough purpose in life. Even the small ways and words of you can be used by the Oneness of Being to awaken more parts of Itself to themselves in Its True Light.

    Yes, it is true that it is good to always seek to be of more service by being true to the Self you were created to be, and to That which made you, but do not be so dismayed when days of no seeming great purpose come along. Only the Overviewing Great Soul can see what effect is being had by each small smile, and each brief kind act or moment of listening. Be willing and humble enough to simply dedicate each day to being of Good Purpose, and let the details of that purpose fall into place as you quietly walk your attentive way.

    Always of purpose with you,

    You are not alone in this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pure Love cures.

    Be immersed in Pure Love today, like a fish in the Ocean, and feel it seep into every iota of your Consciousness.

    You can do this. You CAN give a day to something as important as this. Let the worldly concerns go today, and BE Pure Love.

    This is important, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The certainty that you can have, when speaking to the Wholeness that is Good, and that holds you, and in Whom all live and move and have their Being, is that the Thoughts of the Whole, of God, can go anywhere and into the sleeping thoughts of anyone. Therefore, when you hope and pray and desire for yourself or for someone else to receive, on the Wings of Love, an idea, an inspiration, a comfort, a resolution, a realization, a spark of understanding, a remembrance, a wake-up, those Thoughts can come to you, or go to them, with no trouble at all.

    Love’s Thoughts, Ever-Living Thoughts, gladly and willingly come and go to whomever is ready to awaken and receive.

    So DO ask to be awakened, and ask for the Thoughts that reveal Harmony of Life to go to others. Empty your own human emotions, and still your mortal thoughts, and be open to the Thoughts of God that go anywhere in time and space and reach the sleeping offspring of Its Pleasure. For it is indeed the great pleasure of the Divine Whole that Holds you to awaken you to and in the Kingdom of Heaven.

    You are a citizen of the State of Mind that is Heaven. Vote to go there. Be there even while you half-dream you are still bound by earth illusions. Gently, you will awaken and be glad. Softly, you will feel and see more Good while you listen to the Thoughts of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid. Just gently, and trustingly, and gratefully, put your future in the Hands of God.

    Keep your thoughts focused on gratitude, and stay very ready to obey any Divine impulse you receive for action, or word, or inaction, in each moment.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Very simply, today, “I am a part of Love.”

    Repeat it, feel It, let yourself be immersed in the Truth of It and soak in It.

    Appreciate It, be Glad of It. Let it be your self, your day, your all.

    “I am a part of Love.”

    Indeed you are.


  • Dear One,

    If you are caught in a traffic jam, and feeling annoyed, but begin to think for a moment or two about the amusing antics of your new kitten at home, then for those moments you are in joy again. If you are feeling inundated by a wave of grief over a loss, but then are startled by the call of a goose overhead, and feel flooded instead, for a minute, while you watch them, by the marvel of the natural world, you know how quickly feelings can change.

    If your body says it is cold or feeling stiff, but then a wonderful old friend calls, and for the time you are talking, you completely forget your pain, then you know how illusory are the cries of the bodily senses. Be aware, Beloved, of those shifts of the temporal senses, and call to the place Beyond time for your solutions.

    Prove it to yourself. Call to the Source beyond the seen things. If you are feeling cold, rather than looking to the thermostat or wondering where is the wood to burn, call to Spirit, and ask “make me warm”, and welcome with your heart the Working that is beyond all workings of the flesh. Welcome it, and prove to yourself, for in the proofs to self are then welcomed all the proofs you can give to others, and in the proofs is the giving, and receiving, of Peace.

    Always waiting for you to see how easy it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be very, very Glad that you have the capacity to let God’s Thoughts be your thoughts, to let God’s Joy be your Joy. God thinks of you constantly. Its Thoughts of you are the very Life-Force that moves and maintains you, and so if you also keep God-Consciousness in mind constantly, the exchange, the flow, is like the symbol of Infinity, moving back and forth and circling around, the constant motion that is the very motion of the stars and moons and galaxies, and every motion of you, and of all.

    Be very aware of that steady flow of Force and Creativity and joyous explosion, and you will indeed know that completeness and value of God, and thus of yourself as part of It. Flow in and from and through God, and be Glad, Be Glad.

    Ask for Harmony, and Harmony flows. And that is important today, now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to turn to the other light bulbs in an array if the “light bulb” that is you is temporarily not functioning. Turn to the source of the power supply, instead. Be grateful that it always flows, if you are properly connected to it.

    Turn to it. Ask to be turned back on and re-connected to the Vibrant Flow of Life, Child. Remember, you are fully alive as an idea, a thought, a word, within the Source of all Power, and your projection in to this array of lights is dependant only on what the “original” of you is doing, to shine in its Originator.

    Shine on, Child. Shine on. Your time to be dimmed is not yet,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Harmony is inherent to the Oneness of Good Being.

    Realize that the reason that Perfection of being, as an individual, cannot bring total happiness, or lead to ascension, is that all the earth dreams each mind is casting forth as what seems to be physical reality, are woven together. Therefore, to lead to true happiness and re-realization of the Sweet Oneness of Being, the Divine Law is the Law of Harmony, not the law of “perfection of the individual”.

    You can try to be and do and say and think “perfectly”, but unless you are in harmony with those around you, and all around you, it will not create true happiness. Just as each musician within an orchestra could be playing what he or she thinks is a perfectly rendered passage of music, but the whole must be brought into alignment by the conductor, in order for the audience to hear harmony being played, so must you let your own “perfection” be guided by the Conductor.

    The dreams ARE woven all together, Love. That is why there is not only the principle of loving the Divine above all, but also “loving the neighbor as self”. You can practice and practice and practice your own perfection, but unless you are letting the Conductor guide you about when your own expertise should pipe up or pipe down in relation to your neighbor, Harmony will not result.

    God is the Law of Harmony. Repeat it, know it, and Listen. Listen for your directions. Watch for when and where it is your time to join in the Great Harmony of Being that plays each and every day.

    How we love to listen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What God knows of you, because it is a reflection of Itself, is not an opinion. It is the Truth. God knows the Love and Soul and Wisdom and Spirit that are the elements of Creation, and that the Created can be nothing else.

    You cannot, with human opinion, make God put on dark glasses. God knows the image of you to be Very Good. God Sees your Spirit Clearly. And that is that. Set aside your own opinions of yourself, and allow yourself to believe the Truth of God. You are Beloved and Very Good Spirit.

    So go forth and Be that.

    We go forth with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Touch me, God. Give me the Healing touch of Spirit that cascades through me and reminds me I am completely Spirit, as are You.”

    “I am Spirit. I can be nothing else, because You are Spirit and You are All That Is.”

    “This dream of being a physical being that is born and dies, trying to survive with puny material powers, and is far away from You, will melt away as your Touch of Spirit frees me to see the Goodness of Your pure realm of Spirit.”

    Ponder these wishes, Image of God. Do you desire them?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether someone approaches you with meek request for teaching or wisdom, or whether they seem to approach you with reproach and a desire for intellectual or physical sparring, they both want and need the same thing: Agape Love.

    Give It. Answer with Love. Even if you must fiercely bite your human tongue to keep from answering with anger or tears, give Agape Love with your Heart/Mind, and know that it is the only proper and healing thing to do.

    Do we not do that for you, over and over?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I have Plenty enough Love and Care for all my children. Fear not, worry not. Only trust that the means to enact your God-given visions and ideas for purpose, for family and love, for completion of understanding God, for thriving are all supported.

    You just concentrate on honing your Spiritual Sight and your Spiritual Hearing, so that you can clearly discern the ideas and intuitions and creative surges that are God’s sweet gifts to you. Thus can you enact them and thus can you let the Light shine through you, and be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be silent. Be kind. Let Divine Spirit work on the other one’s mind (and yours) with Divine Mind.

    The Truth will always come forth. Indeed, where there is no time, in the Realness of the Divine, it already has.

    Always remember this,

    There is nothing to fear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy in sending Joy forth, and it is so sweet when It is also perceived as being received in return, in the play you are in.

    But know this, Beloved: Even when it does not seem to the earthly senses that you have received back the Good you have given, it IS on Its way to you, in the Mind-Source of All that IS. Be patient, be Loving, be kind. All Good flows back to you, when you give It forth in the bubble of time-space, and in the Mind-Set of Heaven, It never dies at all.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Loves you consistently. God Loves you consistently and completely, for you are simply a perfect reflection of Love Itself as the Soul of you.

    God Loves you consistently. Even if you rant against God, or disbelieve in God, or doubt God’s intent for your Joy, or get very angry at the loving demands of Truth, God Loves the very essence of you completely.

    Can you do the same for yourself and those around you? Can you Love the Soul of them in the face of their anger or ignorance? Can you completely keep in thought their identity as children of God, despite their errors of understanding? Can you accept the Grace of God, freely given, so that you may forgive yourself and others, and be able to Love consistently and steadily?

    Grace supports you in this. It does not need to be a struggle and a super-human effort.

    “I Love myself and others, because God Loves us all, and I shall allow God’s Wisdom to prevail.”

    It Flows if you let It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give yourself the relief of completely trusting that Spiritual Good is the substance you are made of.

    Perhaps you are all too aware of the dusty “ungood” that settles upon you or that tempts you to cut corners, or behave in ways that your own conscience does not find honorable. Perhaps you feel great remorse about times you have not “done unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

    But we assure you that the True Substance of you is Loving and Good. What the human character self, the earth-dream self, does, can be ever improved and cleansed, once you give over to the desire to do so.

    Give over to that desire to be honest and loving and good. For, as you do, you will be able to trust yourself, and then, completely trust others, and the Source. And thus will your experience of life in time, and Life eternal, change for the better.

    We see the real you. Join us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When praying for others, it is the blessed Oneness awareness of the one who is meditating for the healing that MUST keep in mind that all error is illusion. Do not pay any more attention to those false curtains of error than would a musician to the props of smoke and spotlights that later will surround the truth of his music. If he plays his music well, then no poorly trained lighting engineer can ruin the sweet notes of the song.

    Keep your eyes and attention on the Light, on the sweet truth of Spirit, and ignore the imaginary walls the children have built to try to hide it. The walls are only smoke, and can do nothing to harm the Light that is the city, that is the song, that is the stronghold indeed. Blow the word of truth at them and they disappear as easily as that liar that erected them with his fairy-tales of darkness.

    Think it through, learner,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is not a care in the world that cannot be made easier to cope with, or a celebration that cannot be made better, by tuning into the sweet embrace of Divine Love.

    Whenever you are feeling unfocused or unsure, go back into practicing being in tune with that Love. Only Good can come of It. Only Good.

    Practice, Love. For in being true to It, you are being true to yourself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Creative Source Loves you, no matter what occurs in the earth dream.

    But you must be aware that what you send forth in the boomerang of illusion does come back to you. Sin returns as sin done to you. Lies told return as lies told to you. Unkindness returns as unkindness, kindness returns as kindness.

    What then, can God do to help you in the earth dream? God makes you want the Truth, and more of the Truth. God inspires you to want to reflect more of the Qualities of Goodness. You will no longer want to sin, if you put God in charge. You will no longer be willing to lie, if you let Inner Divine Spirit take the reins. You will look for ways to serve and be fair and honest and kind, if you let the Grace of Love rule you.

    When do you want to let Dear Love take charge of you? That is your choice. The timing is your choice. Do you want to let your own mistakes keep bouncing back at you, or do you want to let God help you stop making mistakes? Do you want to forgive others their mistakes, and help them see themselves as Beloveds of God, even as you become willing to see them thus?

    When? Now? Why not?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a voice you hear, while trying to meditate or pray, whispers of fear or sorrow, it is not the Voice of God. If a voice you hear insinuates worry about body or relationship or supply or providence, it is not of God.

    Go more deeply, and feel the Great Peace and Joyously expanding Love of God, and then ask again for guidance. The Voice of Truth is certain, and Endlessly Glad, and Calm. Let Its Calmness stabilize your emotions, and then let It help you know the Truth.

    We assure you that you are in existence in God. Let no costume fool you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even vaguely thinking about the Power of Divine Love sends a quick signal to Spirit that your will is open to the Will of God, of Good as Holiness Sees it.

    Deeply contemplating the Omnipotence and Generous continual Omniscience of the Loving Source will release a greater flood of the Power of Soul to encourage and mold and support your thoughts and visions. “I am willing to Will Thy Will” is a daily and hourly choice that is a gift to God that even more wonderfully Gifts you.

    God redeems and Blesses all. Your choice is when you are willing to accept that Gift, and maintain that willingness. When it becomes a lovely habit, and you are always feeling the Divine Flow, it will not seem like a scheduled task, but rather a constant flow of Blissful Life, Life, Life.

    You have known moments of Divine Flow. Choose It again and again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so easy to become confused about what you truly desire and how to act and react in the worldly, and to feel thirsty for peace of mind, until you deeply feel the Peace that underlies All.

    And so We say over and over, offering It to you like an endless Hostess with her tray of food and drink, Here is the Peace of God, —eat of It, drink of It, be satisfied. Practice giving yourself the gift of that sustenance, before you face the world in each moment or in each day. Fortify yourself with it. Learn to trust in It always being there for you. Prove to yourself how quickly It can give you ideas or comfort you or heal you or send you to the right place and time and person to help or be helped by.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even pausing for just a minute three or four times a day, to quietly pray “Thank you for guiding me perfectly in everything, Dear God”, can change your experiences dramatically toward the All Good.

    Is it really so much to ask of yourself, to set aside the worldly, pervasive focus for these few minutes a day, and allow the Soul filling , health giving, Joy infusion, and Wisdom granting Love Divine to embrace you?

    Your heart is a reservoir big enough to hold all this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Now, take the affirmations of yesterday, that focused on remembering that the Primal Cause is the Source for your happiness and Joy/Creativity, and make those affirmations plural. Remember that it is never just for yourself that you remember that you dwell WITHIN the Source, it is for all. It is for you and all of those around you, because all the dreamings of earth are intertwined. As you pray for others, as you pray for all, you are praying for yourself.

    “OUR Source, thank-you for loving us, and for upholding and providing for us. Thank-you for all the sustaining and training and un-blaming that you give us. Thank-you for each blessing and each idea that You let flow into OUR awareness. We are all parts of One, and as One, we reflect You. Help us enjoy You completely by letting us reflect You completely. Help us remember , in every moment, We are One.”

    The Whole is unutterably lovely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Creative Source sees no iniquity. Love did not create any iniquity.

    If you want to see yourself and others as Love sees you, you must ask Love to wipe away all dust and error and sorrow and limits from your sight. The willingness to ask for that leads to being able to see as the Divine Sees, and Hears, and Knows.

    You do not need to feel that you are perfect and then ask. You just need to be willing to ask, and be taught, and then See that you, and all, already were and are and will be always perfect in that Loving Divine Sight.

    Choose within, to See without,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are plenty of free pleasures that all may enjoy. The warmth of the sun, the intrigue of a moonrise, the sound of a rushing stream, the colors of the sky and the fields and the stones, the hug of a friend, the joke shared among companions, all the various beauties of earth, and of course the Unconditional Love of the Divine.

    Choose the ones that appeal or apply to you, and appreciate them and share them. But otherwise, do not compare your life with other lives beyond what is needed by all. Do not envy exactly what another has, or try to emulate another persons” specific role. Your role is unique. Your role, with all its joys and responsibilities, is yours alone.

    This is no schooldays platitude. It is Truth, and it is why you must learn to hear and sense the instructions that the Divine Will places in your heart for furthering the Goodness within all. It is not difficult. It only takes willingness and a little practice.

    Perhaps you are one who, from a very young age, has a heart filled with a deep desire to do a certain thing—learn to build bridges perhaps, or tend to the gathering of food, and all your learning and actions are driven by that deep desire. But, so many, indeed most, are not this way. They will be led from one focus to another, as the needs and scenes change, and as their understanding grows, of their completeness in the Whole. No matter how your unique heart and self are guided, know that the crucial thing is to do what you do, in alignment with Love.

    Know, that the happiest way to Be who you really are, is to Be it in perfect conjunction with the Spirit of all that is Love.

    Do not compare and envy. Ask God who you are, and Be that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the thought comes into your mind, “I need the Presence of God,” just remember that you already have it.

    The sneaky part of the thought of that need is that it implies that you are far away from God, and in the throes of need. Actually, the Presence is all around you and already placed in your Consciousness. You already have it, closer than your own heart. Just turn to It in your mind, and know you are part of One Mind.

    One Mind, One Mind, One Mind. One Mind governs all.

    Work with that thought today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each time you recover from an inharmonious feeling or body discomfort, be very grateful and praising of the Truth that you used, to flip your thoughts over and regain composure and Joy.

    Last night it was the simple phrase “I Am Free” that rolled into your mind, and that you clung to as It caressed your thoughts and shifted away the body pain.

    See how delightful it is to trust the Words that come to you when you ask? The words are not a formula. It is the Presence of Love that heals. The next time you feel discomfort, Love may suggest a very different thought, different words. But It will always suggest some thought or feeling that WORKS.

    Listen, obey, be grateful.

    Today, be grateful, to finish the healing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you adjust everything you have ever thought, or believed, to align with the truths of God, let your first trust be always in the aspects of the Force that Is God. The wisdom of God and the timing of God, the intelligence and the calm Love of God, the Omniscience of God, and the humor of God, may mean that changes happen more slowly or more quickly than you might imagine. They may happen in ways that you would never have dreamed or even joked about. The people who come into your life, or leave your life, may be choices that you are astounded to see God make.

    Be merciful and gentle with your own surprise. Be enduring in the courage, and renew, each day, the vow you made to God, “let your Will be my will, let your Mind be my mind, let me gracefully allow myself to be used to fulfill your wonderful plan.”

    Having said “Yes, use me,” or “Let Thy Will, and not my will, be done,” to God means letting go so much that you thought you and your life were. You will be shocked and delighted, wary and relieved, etc. etc. etc. Just keep putting your choice for God first, and all will fall into place. Keep choosing God. Keep saying “yes”, and just enjoy the joyous ride of God.

    As Ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You deserve Good. But know that faith is deeply understanding that the Great Oneness of Being understands what good is for all. That Oneness DOES NOT want any illness or harm or pain for you. It also does not want it for anyone else.

    Therefore, claim deservedness and ability of Good for yourself, but also claim it for all. Thinking that your good must come at the cost of someone else’s good does not work in the long run. Thinking that someone else’s good limits your good is not true. The Infinite Good that holds all has no limits, and certainly there are no limits in Imagination that is the creative field of All.

    Love yourself, love others. Know yourself deserving of goodness and know others deserving of it also. Can it be this simple? Yes, it can. Be at peace with that, and with cleaning out the “house” of your mind each day to make sure you keep love and deservedness clearly there, fresh and re-thought and re-believed, constantly.

    We will help you with this if you welcome our help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us talk about being God’s Voice and Hands.

    It is not about memorized phrases and rules. It is not about ritualized minutes or forms.

    It is about feeling the living Presence of Goodness and Honesty and Truth within you, guiding you to do the kindest thing that will lead to awakening and Wholeness of Self and the Other.

    But first you must decide that you want to be awakened.

    Do you? Does being a Living Voice and Hand mean more to you than anything else?

    The choice of readiness is yours. Then, it slides into place,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fellowship does not have to happen in bodily person.

    It can, of course, and if you want it to, make the effort. But even if you are one to whom constant social contact feels natural, try sometimes to simply relate through the Mind.

    And always, always, keep constantly aware that the Mind through which you relate is the Mind that holds all. And. in staying aware of that, you will be aware of Its sweet company.

    Being aware of being within It, and of Its awareness of you, as one of Its darlings, as all are darling to It, you will realize you are never alone. Practicing feeling the ever-present Good company of Spirit, that constantly Guides and Loves you, will change your whole perception of what fellowship is, and whether the body is necessary for it at all. You can send love and support to those whose bodies are far away by earthly definition, but right with you in the Mind of God.

    And We are the Divine Thoughts that are always with you, ready to chat, or quietly commune,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Work on yourself, and encourage others to work on themselves, to believe, and KNOW, that each one of you is a perfect idea in the Vast Divine Energy Mind.

    The more absolutely you KNOW yourself to be an idea, a wonderful image, a set of attributes joined together, in God’s Mind, the more you can name that truth about those around you. And the more you name, and realize, that Truth about yourself and about those around you, the more sweetly divine harmony you will experience in your perceived life, and in the lives of those around you.

    Clearing your consciousness with the truth “I am a perfect offspring-idea in the Mind of All That Is” is like cleaning the dirt off your glasses, or washing the sleepy grit out of your eyes in the morning—you can finally begin to see the truth.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To be freed from all rules would be misery. Be aware, dear child of Spirit, that the delightful rules of Love that are the very Principle of Mother/Father God Source, are there to help you have greater joy, greater potential fulfilled, greater peace in your heart.

    They are helpful road signs. They are glowing guidelines in the fog. They are the steps to serene growth and enjoyment of being. They are good.

    Bless them, and let them assist you in your journey.

    All Love and happiness to you this day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that in the tale of the prodigal son, he must come to the conclusion, and the willingness of thought, that being even a servant to his father would leave him better off than his own foolish and ephemeral plans had. The humbleness to be willing to serve, and the courage to tell the father so, are requisite parts of the story.

    In the end, he only has to “serve” in his mind as he uses his determination and humility to walk back towards the father’s house. Then, before he really has to serve at all, the father comes delightedly running out, to him, and greets him as honored child.

    Just so, Beloved, yes, you must be willing to serve, and be humble in any thinking that you know what “plans” are right, but PLEASE also know that the Father/Mother is watching from the window, just waiting for the chance to run to you, and welcome, welcome, welcome you as honored Child, with all the rights and honors that go with that.

    And that best right and honor there is, is the Unconditional Love of the Divine Parent and your place in that Divine Realm that is now.

    Always pulling stones from your path,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If the truth comes out about one, it comes out about all.

    Nothing is hidden from One Mind. Therefore, forgive as you wish to be forgiven, and love as you would wish to be loved.

    As we love all,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Be very aware that Divine Spirit sees more than your human senses do. It foresees needs that human time sense does not understand. It sees the emotions that are deeply hidden by human politeness.

    Therefore, if Holy Spirit within urges you to compliment and uplift someone, do it. Human clues may seem to be telling you that the person is self-assured and completely well, but Spirit knows that individual Soul needs help. If Spirit tells you to give coin or goods to someone, do it. Their earthly need may not be obvious, but Spirit knows their full circumstances.

    Needs and suffering are not a part of God fully Revealed, but the Helper Spirit that God has sent into the human dream Sees all within the dream. Needs, lies, ignorance that needs to be corrected—all are clear to Spirit. And if Spirit is using you and your intuition and Spiritual Sight to help sort out a person or situation, be receptive and tender and true. Be willing, and know that Spirit will make you able.

    And let us offer you our Thanks in advance,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy in the Source. Joy is the very Light of the Source, that shines through Its perfect idea of you and casts forth the image of you. You are a perfect dance of Light, and when you realize that, and that the template of it, the idea of it, comes from the timeless shining of perfect Joy, you will have a new sense of your own identity.

    Rather than thinking of yourself as a mass of dust and water that is vulnerable and aging, think of the truth of yourself as a delightful image of Light. And know that it is Light that is constant, only changing Its focus to shine away any and all darkness, now and always.

    This is God’s dream, to shine the Light everywhere. Set aside your own time-bound dream/nightmare today, and seek to see God’s dream instead. It is there, and you are a Bright part of It.

    And We Love you for it,


  • Ah, change how you spend your time, giving what is precious to you to What is Within, and watch how the exterior appearance of your life changes as well. Like a pumpkin growing from a seed that seems to hold only a speck or two of flesh, you will grow into what you have always been, through the addition of time, and the Water of Spirit.

    All Things are indeed possible, Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know the joy of giving someone you love something that they would truly appreciate and love, whether it is an object or an experience. You delight in watching as they receive it, and then seeing them enjoy it and perhaps they share the intrigue of it with others. That piece of pottery or perfect tool or skiing lesson or quilting experience, etc. becomes a memory, a bonding, a way of relating.

    We assure you that it is even more true for God, wanting you to fully receive and use and enjoy and grow with, the Divine Gifts that are given you. Assess your own heart callings, and fear not to ask God directly “What are the gifts you have given me?”

    Perhaps you hear “Art is the heart I have given you.” Perhaps you discern that teaching is the talent that uplifts Soul in you, or being a mediator of Harmony, or a creator of solutions. God may have installed many Gifts in your Life Force, or a few that change over time, but be assured that Your Creator adores giving your unique Self these offerings, so that you can delight in them and God can delight in your delight.

    Talk to God about it, and open and explore your Gifts. You may surprise yourself with what new or old thing you can Divinely enjoy, and that gives Joy to others as well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take yourself into this truth, that as you declare, and know, that “I am Life, shown forth as Harmony”, you embrace all that Harmony would include.

    Let yourself be rested in this all-embracing truth, and trust that the Divine Spirit of you knows what Harmony you need. When you become immersed in trying to figure out the details of what is “good” for you or “bad” for you, the human illusions have their chance to turn your sight again to the foggy world.

    Today, stay in the Light. Just keep knowing, keep being aware, that you are alive, that you are a manifestation of Light, and let, O’ let, Harmony sweetly reign.

    The “devil” is in the details. He has no power in the Whole,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To say often to yourself throughout the day “I love my Spirit” is not vanity. It is a claiming of your True identity and a feeding of your purpose.

    Do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You fully know how wonderful it feels to know that you have helped someone, or some situation. You have felt the Creative force flow through you for adding beauty or Harmony to the earthly dream. So, until it becomes automatic to do so, remind yourself frequently, “Dear God, I set aside my human persona and human perspectives, and ask that you help me be a transparency for the Force of your Light to flow through my thoughts and actions and ideas.”

    On some days you may feel you are led to do only small things, and in some nights you may dream of great projects to help with. But We remind you that only the Whole Mind can really See the impact of each word and look and gesture, so stay in Trust that the Divine Mind leads you well, and considers the happiness of all in the wondrous unfolding of time.

    Always ready to help clear your mind for Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let no doubts assail you. The more you ponder the Qualities of the Infinite, the more you will realize that there is nothing that God’s harmony cannot solve, or dissipate, or smooth over.

    Do not spend any time pondering the “problems” you think you have in the earthly. Count your blessings, be grateful, and ponder the Infinite range and abilities of the Great Source to shine where and as It will. Welcome It.

    Be the gracious hostess or host to the Infinite Presence,

    And be Glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the same way that a human mother might whisper to her sleeping child to please wake up, if he wanted to see the rising of a beautiful harvest moon, or a human father might waken his daughter to greet her brother, newly come home from a long war, the Father/Mother Divine Parent is constantly whispering to you, in your earth dream.

    “Wake up, wake up, Beloved, and see all that I have for you, in ability to Cherish and to Love, in opportunity to help others awaken to the release of forgiveness, in realization of all the Spiritual gifts of goodness and patience and wisdom that I hold out to you. Waken up, wake up and see the amazing beauty of a life viewed as a simple foretaste of spiritual existence, and flavored by ever growing glimpses of the Infinite Beauty that underlies all who allow their Spiritual Sight to be awakened.”

    The whispering is ever there, Beloved. It is your choice whether, or rather when, to awaken and see the Reality of your True Home, here and now and forever.

    We are in awe of Its Beauty,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As any teacher can tell you, whether it is of lower or higher grades in education, it is difficult to teach those who rarely attend, or do not really pay attention when they do. And in advanced classes, professors do not spend time chasing down the unwilling students.

    The Spirit of God does not force you to relearn and remember your innocence and holiness by studying Awakened Consciousness. It does present opportunity after opportunity to experience and enjoy the sublime Presence that WANTS to Lovingly Guide you and teach you how wonderful is the Soul of All. It does constantly make Itself available to your sensibility of Spirit and Thought.

    Be willing to be taught, Beloved. Be willing to be awakened. There is absolutely no pattern of thought or feeling or circumstance that the Comforter and Teacher Divine is not ready and willing and Omnipotently Able to Help you with. It seeks your attention to Help you.

    Be willing to remember your innocent holiness. God’s Spirit is teaching always. Learn.

    With you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If it sometimes seems as though you are being asked to sacrifice some worldly pleasures, in order to remain aligned with your experience of God, please contemplate how the Unfoldment of Good works. Just as a young boy must move on from riding his cherished tricycle, if he is to experience the power and freedom of a swift bicycle, there are spiritual steps that move you forward.

    Yes, there are sacrifices of worldly things, that can help give you the time and/or the focus to better align with Spiritual Sense. And yet, even though you may miss them at first, you will find that the greater Joys that God is trying to reveal to you will soon surpass any earthly pleasure that you tried to cling to.

    ALLOW yourself to grow, Beloved. ALLOW God to help you do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgive yourself, forgive yourself, forgive yourself.

    Remind yourself that God sees nothing in you that needs forgiving, for God knows He/She made you Good, and that you are a perfect spiritual replica of Himself/Herself. This dream that you are having of having a body and a physical life is not the permanent you that is spirit, and free, and joyous and all Good.

    While you are yet in the dream, God wants you happy. That is why the Helper, also known by many other names in many spiritual and religious systems, is in your Heart to guide you with ideas, instructions, and intuitions. Learn to listen, therefore, and be happy. You chose to come into the time-dream to help others. Help them by helping yourself. Forgive yourself for volunteering for such a mission, be happy and reflective of the Qualities of God, and then help others do the same.

    It need not be hard. Just consistent.

    We Love you so much,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do remember, that although it may take some awakening or priming, each and every person has a direct connection within the heart with the Divine Mind in Whom they dwell as an idea.

    Trust it for yourself, and prove to yourself again and again that a day spent in consecrated dedication to being in touch with the Love of that Mind DOES work wonders. Urge others to try it for themselves, for the Joy of that Love is multiplied indeed when shared with others that have experienced it.

    Be a shining Light of the Love you have touched, and continue to touch,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Listening, not petitioning.

    You KNOW this.

    Just do it, and obey.

    What seems like servitude becomes gratitude, as true freedom and happiness are seen.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever you wonder how to feel about something that is humanly occurring,

    pause, step back into your heart and ask yourself how God feels about it, especially towards the other people involved.

    How God feels about it is how the Real, High Consciousness “You” feels about it. Let that truth help you heal and reveal your good feelings, and help guide you about how to react and act. Remember that You are just the visible end of a strand of Light that shines from God.

    Absolutely with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The fulfilling feeling of truly wanting the heart to be fully aligned with Oneness, and understanding in a deeply knowing way that it IS one with Oneness, cannot even be described using the words that are used for describing bodily experiences. Some words such as “uplifting” or “transcendent” or “glorifying” hint at the Consciousness of it, but not having the perfect way to explain it to anyone else will not really matter when you consistently live it.

    Aim to know the Oneness of Being, Beloved. Aim to know It without use of special rituals or confusing substances. Help yourself simply BE the Mindset of “Thy Will IS done”, and the struggles and distractions of your own small will shall fall away without pain or a sense of sacrifice. Know your Oneness, and be glad to be part of the Will of Love, beyond body and time, part pf the Joy of One Soul.

    It is attainable. Ask to be led to It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Knowing, as you do, that the Ever presence of God, the Source-Light, is Real, because you have felt the Embrace of Its Love, even though It is invisible to the human eyes, would you not laugh if you heard God whisper to you that He needed a better coat? Or that She needed another piece of bread?

    God-Source is Spirit. So are you. The sooner you give up thinking of yourself as flesh, and start thinking of yourself as Spirit, as is the Source, the less you will be seduced by the claims of the flesh body, Those claims try to take your thoughts off God and the Spiritual Qualities that are already your Divine Inheritance.

    We know that the dream of having a solid body seem very real. Truly, though, it is just a reflection of light, winking in and out of existence along with your thoughts. Think on God, and let your Godlikeness be what winks into perception—feeling the Love and completeness that you already are.

    Just try it today. Worry not about the needs of the flesh. Just think about the goodness and joy and love that you are in God, as Spirit, right now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you awaken, longing for the Love so Fair, that comes when you connect with the Divine through deep, deep prayer, then know It is already yours for the asking. Just ask and pray through the connection that is already yours.

    Know It is there for you when you ask, and that It is always there, as It has been from the moment of the birth of you as a Thought in God’s Mind. Regardless of the moment of your physical birth into the dream of the world, you were alive as soon as Life Itself commanded you forth as a beautiful and wonderful part of the Very Soul of Love.

    That is what you truly are. That is your timeless “birthday”. Love Holds you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A great part of the reason that it is easier to call in the One Creative Force for your good wishes and prayers for others than it is for calling It in for yourself, is that your belief about how much goodness you deserve in your life, or how much talent you have in your life, is more limited.

    Since each individual “knows”, and remembers, and feels bad about, his or her own worst actions and embarrassing moments, those thoughts help dam the flow of allocated energy and joy from the Source to you. So, try to let those things go. Seek forgiveness, and forgive yourself. Continue to look for goodness and forgivability in others, and believe in blessings for them, but let today be also dedicated to believing that you are better and wiser each day, and that you are supposed to let all Good come your way, in what comes to you, and in what you share of your talents and skills and uniqueness.

    Let it open, and let Goodness flow,


  • Ah, Beloved!

    TODAY, Ask for Joy, and the Grace to accept It. We Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as more warmth disperses more perfume, so does more Love disperse more Grace.

    Try to go about today raising the temperature of your Unconditional Love for God, self, and others, in order that you may dispense more Grace.

    And if you are having trouble feeling more Love, remember that Gratitude is the fire that heats It up.

    Let this be simple and true in your mind today: Gratitude, Love, Grace.

    It is a good system.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you give your complete willingness to the Divine will for your well Being and happiness, what you are saying is “Flood me with the Good You have planned for me. Let Your Good and Grace wash from me all error and misconception. Let me See, like you, Good is All.”

    Be willing to See, Beloved. Be willing to Be the very expression of Good. Give your will to the Divine Will, and be done with fretting or fear or worry, or anything that is unlike Love and complete Confidence and Trust.

    We Trust you to do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your worth and goodness are what God made you and knows you to be.

    If a human personality is criticizing and condemning you, ask God directly if your thought and behavior needs any correction, and respond appropriately. And, ask God to show you the other person as they truly are, as made by God, for the costumes of fear and anger that lead to cruel behavior are truly not of God.

    Ask to experience the shining Being you are as Spirit of God’s Making, and ask to discern the other as a wondrous Being of God’s Making.

    When you can see and know yourself and everyone as the Pure expressions of Loving God, you will realize you are living in Heaven now.

    We see your Good Loveliness, dear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When forgiving all, do not forget to forgive yourself.

    “I am God’s Good Idea. I misunderstood how creating works, but I can choose now to reflect Love, and know myself as loving and lovable.”

    It is Divine Love you reflect, not the little human substitute. Reflect Love today, and Love yourself as God Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Reach not for your own thoughts of a morning, assessing mood and body. Reach first, and only, for the Thoughts of the Divine Qualities of which you are made.

    “I am One with God, living in God, and maintained and sustained by Its Love Divine.”

    “I am that which God is, and I am awakening to all the possibilities of Seeing what day the Divine Eye has planned for me, if I but stay focused on that which It sees.”

    This day, be that, in silence and listening, dear love,


  • Ah, Dear Beloved,

    There is no use asking those who awaken to force others to awaken. Let the sleeping ones sleep as long as they wish, just being ready to share awakened Sight with them when they are ready.

    Also keep in mind, Beloved, that in the Great Joining, some are exactly where they need to be, ready to awaken to the right time and place for the learning of those around them. Let Divine Spirit drive it all, decide it all, and let your own heart concentrate on keeping your own feelings and thoughts aligned with what you know so far about Love.

    As your thought expands to more uplifted levels, you will see the wisdom unfolding.

    “Open my eyes, Dear God, and let me see the image that You see of me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The many that seem to be all shine from One Center , Lovingly.

    This is so important to remember when you find yourself mentally rehearsing what you should say to someone or should have said to someone. It is so important to remember when you observe yourself mentally rehearsing a situation where you see “revenge” or human “justice” enacted.

    Drop out of the small human centered self, and deep into the stillness from which all being emanates, and remember that all is One. Let self-righteousness fall away, and feel Blessed, and know that you are given that feeling so that you may be a Blessing to others.

    As we are, willingly, joyous to Bless you when you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about, and feel, feel, feel the delightfulness of being part of the Spiritual Oneness of All-Being. Think about how when you take Joy in something or someone, or love someone or something, you are dipping into the vast reservoir of Love that is all, and that is shared.

    Fill your heart and mind with these things, Beloved. They will fuel you for the day, and for Life.



  • Ah, Beloved, the time of pure Wisdom flowing is a very good period of life. Don”t miss it by trying to recreate younger interludes. Welcome it, welcome it, with open and ready heart.

    As ever, with you,


  • * For realize that the Divine IS normal. It IS the only reality. You have only fooled your senses into seeing another un-normal reality.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Talk to other people when you feel impelled to, but do not push. Let the Divine Plan for you unfold gently, with no sweating brow. Trust in the Goodness of the plan, and put your energy into that trust.

    Put your will and devotion into being patient enough, and humble and gracious enough, and observant enough, to be able to accept the plan as it unfolds, and to love it, and Its maker.

    We repeat, what blesses one blesses all. God does not play favorites.


  • O’ Darling Ones,

    We are pleased to tell you that Gratitude is a force. It is a force as real as (or more real than) gravity, or any of your physical laws. It is a force that you may use at any time, in any place, in any situation. Feel it, say it, send it, be immersed in it. Gratitudes, given or spoken, for just being alive, and in love with life, are powerful indeed. Gratitudes for specifics of your life, or of the world around you, can take you from a place of anger or boredom to a lovely place in your energy and the power of your soul. Just think them, speak them aloud, or hold them in your heart.

    We guarantee you that the more you feel and think and exude gratitude, the more you will have to be grateful for. It is as simple as that, for each individual and for all of us together in the Great Divine. Use the force of Gratitude and change your experience of life for the better.

    Grateful that you came to this life,


  • Ah, Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Relax, relax, relax. The Divine Dance is in progress, and in control. Relax and dance It with Joy, joy, joy.

    Your part has already been assigned and choreographed, and all is perfectly fine. Relax, relax, relax, Beloved, and let the Divine Choreographer be, be, be in control.

    There is nothing more. For nothing that the Divine did not choreograph truly is at all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain of this: There is an Infinite Source of Joy that you can turn to, in the Well of Life that is the core of you, the True Substance of you. But to drink of It, and let that Joy fuel you, you must turn to It. Anything that gives you a harmless and quiet Joy to simply think about can be the opening to the Sacred Joy that is your Life Force.

    That is why so many use a mental or written “gratitude journal” to put themselves in the Joyful and grateful frame of mind that is the open door to God Mind.

    In whatever way you choose to access the Source of all Life Joy, make it intentional and constant. Train yourself to choose to access the Everpresent Source of Joy. When challenges come, when temptation nibbles, when sorrow rises in the throat, choose Joy. Ask the full Presence of Love to fill you, and wash away whatever thoughts and human feelings and senses are not right.

    If you would reach for God-Joy as automatically as you reach for your wallet or credit card to provide for the material needs, your soul would be always filled with Joy. Ask us to help you remember to do this, dear Beloved. We have reminded you many times to ask for Divine Help, and the offer stands forever.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is Truth in every journey, just waiting to sprout.

    At the end of each day, if you ask yourself, “How have I grown today, in awareness of Soul?”, and “How have I been Blessed today?”, “How have I Blessed others today?”, you would sleep easier, and be more filled with Joy.

    For remember, at the end of earthly life, and during it, God’s only real question to you is “How much did you Love, Love, Love, in thought, act and deed?”

    It is wonderful when you can say “Greatly”, or “Here, there, and everywhere”.

    Such Love, no matter what you answer,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “As Above, so below, enable us to see with Your Love, dear God.”

    To ask to See as Good God Sees, dear child, is not to ask a faraway God to come to a tiny suffering earth, it is to ask to have your consciousness, and the consciousness of all, to be awakened, here and now, to the Reality of Divinity.

    “As Above, so below, embrace them, and me, in Your Great and Omnipotent Love, dear, dear God. Show us all the way to be Whole and Loved and Loving, all as one in You, right now. Grace us to feel Your Embrace, dear God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is important to realize that whatever you say to another, on some level you are saying it to yourself. Try remembering this for a full day, and let yourself see how often you are tempted to say things that are not uplifting or encouraging, or to say things that are only rumor instead of known truth. Let yourself see how often you let yourself say the merciful or kind thing that your heart impulse is leading you to speak.

    For everything you say, listen to your own words. For everything you think, notice your own thoughts. For every Divine urge that rises from your soul, watch how often you enact it. Let everything that you give forth today also be brought back to your own awareness, and ask yourself, “How does this apply also to me?”

    Be your own observer, Beloved, and watch where and when you let your self be an instrument of the Divine Flow, and where and when you are simply putting forth words and actions that are actually lessons for yourself. In Grace, let yourself be kind to yourself as you learn, and let each lesson make you ever more willing to let your worldly self be but an instrument of the Divine Self that is right here with you, right now.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless others and it becomes your Blessing. That is simply the way it works.

    But think not of this in only material terms. It must be your thoughts and heart that bless others. If you give, but give grudgingly, it does not work. If you try to help, but do so without Love, it does not work. Giving Loving Thoughts is really the absolutely Best thing you can do to Bless another. If you can also give of your time or hands or funds, then do what your heart leads. But let it be done with Love, with Love, with Love.

    That brings Love back around to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We remind you again that we understand that it seems contrary to human logic to take your mind off the “problem”, whatever that seems to be, and to put your mind to opening to the Mind of God, but it IS the Way.

    What do you have to lose? Worry, pain, giddiness that you do not trust? Affirm that you want Calm and Peace and Joyous Good ideas, and be still, and listen to God, and feel the Presence that Holds all.

    ANGELS, with you in Love

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The seeming reality of the impermanent world as the only world, the only reality, will come to be less persuasive as the age of information sharing encourages more humans to think about the unseen again. Many unseeable forces rule in even the earth dream, and as these tiny, tiny objects are better described for those that are accustomed to trusting what only the human senses can discern, there will be greater openness to believing in the Reality of Greater Forces. Have faith that the design progresses– to awaken all hearts to letting that Greater Force lead them cheerily through the maze of the earth dream with Peace floating gently around them like a cloak.

    Give Peace forth wherever you are. If it is your task to spread that Peace elsewhere than your own doorstep and community, you will be Led, you will be Told, you will be Helped and Guided. Just bear in mind always, there is no moment when it is wrong to emanate Peace. “I Am Love, I Am Life, I Am Peace, enfolded in a glove that reaches forth to my fellow human.”

    Always, All Ways ,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Love, and Raw “Material” of Thought, that are yours, are always yours. The total package of the precious idea of you, that was born in Spirit, and that dwells in Spirit, is always intact, and held for you, and around you.

    Asking for your graciously given share of Infinite Love does not deprive anyone else of theirs. Trust this, and be willing to playfully allow your share of the Divine Infinite Joy and Supply, to come to you today in expected and unexpected ways. Take delight in watching, and appreciating, the wonderful creative ways that the Mother/Father Divine/Original Cause finds to offer you Beauty and Support and Affection and Gladness.

    Be Delighted, today, Beloved. Be Delighted, and feel Light,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    As all realize that they dwell together in the One Divine MIND of expanding Love, the human scene will look better.

    Meanwhile, we beseech One Mind for Its Clever Loving ways of breaking through individual arrogance, so that Calm Soul can govern all hearts and thoughts.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    TODAY”S Blessings are with you right now. The most important one is God’s Love and desire to give you continual Grace.

    The second Blessing that is already in your consciousness and quiver of abilities is Loving yourself and Loving others. And, an enormous number of Godly traits and inspirations are within your easy reach, giving you a steady flow of ideas and joys.

    Ponder all these TODAY, Beloved. Set aside little human plans, or ruminations of yesterday, and leave the future, trustingly, in the Thoughts of God, while you count the Divine and worldly Blessings of TODAY.

    Counting TODAY as paramount is a light heartening activity.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be aware that the full compassionate response of seeing another’s pain, and then seeing the Divine of that person in order to help the Truth of Joy replace the earthly sensation of pain, sometimes involves fully feeling that other person’s pain for a moment, or for hours or for the next day. Learning to transmute the error, the “poison” of the pain, into the elixir of Truth, is part of what being a conduit for the Healing Presence is about.

    Just as a mathematics professor must read through the working notations of a student, to see where the error was made in the calculations, before he can say why the bottom line answer is wrong, so must a healer sometimes delve into and through the pain or sorrow of another, to help correct the error. When the math teacher sees where, there in the third line of calculations, the student added incorrectly, and corrects the error, then the right answer falls into place. Just so, the healer may often empathically go through the sorrow or disability of the afflicted one, in order to discern which Spiritual Truth of Harmony or Love or Life or Wisdom or Creativity or Expansiveness or Joy to embrace in the place of the human need.

    Fret not, for never is any anointed healer asked to bring the Healing Presence to any error that is larger than he or she is ready to handle. Remember the Omnipresence and Omnipotence of the Divine, and be armored with Confidence.

    Blessed be, for Blessings are,


  • Ah, Divine Mirror, let me see, the truth of the Best that is meant to be.

    Relaxing into blissful humility, I know You know the desires you wrote for me.

    When, in silence, I let them come welling up in the heart awareness of me,

    I see, I see, how well they match the Best for me.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Any gifts or talents you have are but reflections from the Center Of All .

    Therefore, give due Glory where Glory is truly due, and, in this way, see your gifts magnified, and solidified, even more.

    There is no greater Truth than what is simply true, that you are the Goodness that the Center of All made you.