All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a decision comes with a feeling of deep, deep peace that cannot be shaken, you will know that that choice has come of God, of Goodness, of the best path for all concerned. Let your awareness be centered twixt the belly and the heart, and from there move out in a great circle around you, and feel whether what you contemplate, of action or of word, feels peaceful and right not only for you, but for every person and dream that is intertwined with you and yours.

    God’s Goodness reigns for all things and all beings, and in God’s desire to help all achieve a greater peace of awareness before all of Divine Reality is revealed, all beings are considered, all paths are looked upon. Be at Peace, and know you are in God. Be at Peace, and remember you have never been anywhere else. You are in the desire and Spirit of God, and God’s desire for you is Joy, and unshakeable Peace.

    “I am in the Peace and Wisdom of God, right now, and all the time.”

    Let Peace guide your choices now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never resist the impulses that the Divine Spirit places in your human heart. Whether it is a simple whisper to move your car to a different spot that night, or whether it is a strong urge to place a comforting hand on a widow’s arm, obey.

    While you yet live the human dream, and you have given Spirit open permission to Govern you, It has your best human interests right in Hand. You can choose to ignore those whispers, for you do have free human will. But that only delays the glorious certainty of being able to fully trust to Spirit to truly provide you with all you need for the good human dream, before you fully self-realize the Embrace of God.

    Help yourself, and others, by Listening and obeying,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Long-time listeners to the Holy Spirit speaking in their Hearts, and beginners in tapping into the Inner Voice of Love that God Graced them with, both have times when they doubt whether they are hearing the Truth or if they are hearing It correctly.

    At those times, simply revert to asking the Love that Holds you, and surrounds you, and is within you, and of which you are made, to simply Love you. Ask Love to Love you, to infuse you with such a feeling of acceptance and veneration, that you feel connected, and safe, and secure in Its embrace.

    The words will come when you are ready. The help with choices, the Inspirations, the connections and people you need will come forth. Just let yourself be Held and Led by Love, and Love will find the right way and time and place to speak clearly to you, and help you understand God, and yourself, and your role as a part of Love.

    Accept this, for It is the Truth. Love is Omnipotent, and does not fail in Its Grand Plan of Awakening all.

    You are a part of It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s deep desire is that you reach forth your mind from any muddy thoughts it may be mired in, and allow Clear Love to wash you clean, so that your shining Good essence glows bright.

    The All Harmonious will sort out the false from the true for you, in those thoughts, and that sorting will fill your heart with Peace beyond imagining. Just allow that sorting to happen. Give over to God Control set times each day, and take any additional time when you feel confused or sorrowful or limited by perceived lack. Gladly give up your pains. Truth can wash them away.

    There is no pressure from God or in God, no condemnation of the Essence of you, just the soft Love wanting to help you know your true status as Beloved of Love. That Beloved status of heir of Good is clear to that which is the Soul Source of you.

    Clear and sparkling,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Welcome Love, that It may remove hatred, and the effects of hatred, from your body and the body of your life.

    “Source Love, choose for me. Open my eyes and ears and let me hear and see, what I am, in Thee, of Thee , for Thee.”

    Love wants this mist to clear away. Let It do Its work.

    Recognize that in Timelessness, Its work is already done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you walk through whatever days you choose to remain in fleshly costume, whether few or many, walk in Grace. We are deserving of Grace. You are deserving of Grace. All are in Grace.

    We know, we know, that as you walk the dreamscapes, it does not always seem thus—that Grace surrounds you and confounds much of what would try to come your way, but we assure you it is so. Call to It, draw upon It. Choose, again and again, to turn to Grace, and let yourself feel the Joy that is due you, naturally, as a Child of Grace Itself.

    The tiny extension of the Spirit of you that inhabits, as consciousness, the dusty body shell, has access to Its own Whole. All Knowledge, all Peace, all Joy, all Compassion and Understanding, are right there, connected by that tendril of Awareness, to the Whole of you, ready for downloading.

    But as we have said so many times, the downloading must be chosen, asked for, and then quietly received. Ask, Beloved, ask. Choose and ask.

    We ask that you receive Our Love with Grace. It is Unconditional.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reason that we have advised you to avoid viewing violent stories or films or plays, and to turn yourself away from confrontation and anger, is that those situations that seem fearful raise fear in the human thought-self, and thus create a barrier to clearly hearing the soft sweet Voice of the Divine. Fear is the thing to avoid.

    As the Divine has said to all lost ones, over and over, and in a thousand ways and tongues, “Fear not, and Know that I am God.” God Governs, and fear does not. When you are sufficiently grounded in that Truth, then the things and people and circumstances and sights that once may have may you afraid will do so no longer, because you will completely KNOW, with every fiber of your Being, that “I am and live only the Will of God, for that is All That Is.”

    Then, you may give and teach in every situation, and observe what was formerly fearful to you without a single tremor of doubt, for you will KNOW, and live, and demonstrate, that only the Will of God exists, and all else is unreal.

    We have trained billions upon billions of hearts, Beloved. Trust us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way to an understanding of God except having a relationship with Him/Her/ It. The time and focus you give to feeling that wonderful marriage of your soul to the Oneness of Being will pay you back in Peace of Heart and Mind and a sense of security that no bank account or human vows can furnish.

    For you will realize indeed that truly nothing can separate you from the Love of God. It is all. It is everywhere and every time. It is what you reflect and express, as you comprehend the completeness of Omnipresent Being.

    It is the best investment you will ever make, Beloved. Spend time today holding Love.

    Let It be your thoughts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you learn to think of God as your Employer, it will be easy to wake from sleep each day and ask your Employer, “What do You want me to do today?”

    And then trust that you will be guided in each task to do, each call to make, each word to speak, each person to interact with. Each person you meet will either be someone you can demonstrate Graciousness to, or be taught some Graciousness by. Trust that. Do it. Trust God.

    And be grateful to your Employer for the work that lifts you higher and higher to a full understanding of yourself, and of God, as the same essence of Love.

    Be glad it is so simple,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Uncertainty in human plans can be a blessing if you let it be filled with Hope.

    Into that space of Hope, God’s Plans and ideas and solutions can surge, offering creative ways to move forward and visions and revisions from beyond human understanding.

    Place your gentle trust in the Love of God, and give It welcome.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each system of thought that unfolds in your mind from Divine Mind enables you to better serve those that turn to you for help of any kind. But always remember, dear Love, that as your perceptions of other human thought grows, it is always and only so that you may help gently give them Truths about God Qualities, to quiet their human fears.

    So many have been taught fear. So many live in fear. Teach them that God’s Goodness of Spirit is always present, and maintain your own calm certainty of the Omnipotence of Spirit. As ever, the best demonstration of the Truth of God is your own health and serenity. Fear not to show those, and let them speak for themselves.

    So many see the false evidence all around them, with the human senses. Be willing to show them unearthly calm, unearthly Peace, to help convince them it is possible to have.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When one concentrates on seeing the Infinite and Beautiful in just one other person, for a great, or very focused, length of time, new vistas open. Let those around you help you begin to see the Divine everywhere, by allowing yourself the utter focus of making it your mission to See each one with spiritual sight.

    If you only knew, Beloved, how easily enlightenment can come in any moment, with WHATEVER is right before you, you would not go searching for new books or new teachers or new methods or new terms. Instead, you would just open the Soul that is your source, and See. Consider the Truth of that today, and be not distracted by the five senses, and See with that of you that is Divine.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am that which you have laid a costume upon with your thoughts of being just a body that is quick to live and quick to die.

    But the Life that I Am streams on. Like floating leaves on a river, the costumes come and go, but still I Am. And because the very particles of what I Am are also you, like droplets of the water of the river, you also stream on.

    Turn your attention to the everlasting flow of Life that you are, Beloved, and be not concerned for the tiny bits floating on the surface. When you feel the force of the river of Life flowing, you will realize that the bits on the surface will follow Its timely Flow.

    Let today, and every day that you can remember to focus thus, be a day of focusing on the Life Flow. The River of Life does not stop streaming. If you forget for a moment or for a day, and begin worrying about one little bit of leaf and the pattern it is dancing on the surface, then still the great surge of Life Water flows serenely onward, and you can remember it at any time you choose.

    Let your thoughts sink deep into Its refreshing Flow, and know that I Am God, and that you are as I Am, and there is nothing else.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more time you spend looking at all, earthly and Heavenly, from the Grand View of Love, the more you will understand how you simply cannot intellectually see all reason and purpose and sublimity within each moment. That is why you must choose actions and words in each moment guided only by Love.

    As you begin to see glimmers of how the pathways of your mortal life have brought you to choices of learning and love, as you see, even as you make a choice, that choosing forgiveness is always Good, then your trust in being guided by Love will grow and grow. Trust Love, trust Goodness, and let your logical analysis of events come second to that. Look with the eye of the Divine eagle, holding steadfast above it all. Join your sight to Spiritual Sight of your Heart, and know that is your true Sight as well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    True hearing is discernment of the fact that you are listening to the True Source.

    If you are only hearing and seeing the testimony of the five senses, without considering the Light and Love and Breath of God that they are costuming, it is like hearing an advertisement for a certain product and believing everything it says without checking the facts or looking at the context.

    Darling one, you would not look at a news flash “sponsored” by a drug company without considering the motives involved in what is presented. Remember that the body-thought-self is motivated to make you think that you are just a body and just the five senses. It is that “liar from the beginning” that scripture describes.

    Child, you are a projection of Light and Love from the Great Director of Life. Tune your hearing to that Truth, and you will hear clearly, and be able to ignore the silly murmurings of the body and of fears.

    We hear the Truth with you, dear one. We celebrate the Truth with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you realize that when the Divine All Looks upon you, Thinks of you, it is a Look and a Thought of utter Love?

    “O”, what a beautiful idea!” is Love’s Glad thought as it looks upon you.

    “Today, again, I shall offer Beauty and Goodness to this one, in the hope that they will notice, accept, and appreciate all that is, and can be, very Good in their world, and in their body, and in their heart and life.”

    God will offer Love and Joy continually, Beloved. Take it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to strive, strive, strive to “help” work the Will of God. Relaxing into asking for It, and helping It as It asks is the best way to proceed.

    The sense of needing to strive hard is a trick of the human ego to make you think you may as well give up, that you are not “good enough” to help God, because it is trying to convince you to pay attention to the temporal instead of to the Will of God. Train yourself to ignore it, and lean gently into the Will and strength of God. Use that strength to help your human courage when those around you feel animosity towards anyone pursuing anything that does not align with material or worldly ambition.

    Keep your attention on the Presence of God and on the Comfort and Love and Guidance He brings you. Keep your faith on knowing that the One Loving Mind knows Its Good Plan for all, here and now. You do not need to give up all worldly joy and comfort—you just need to let being guided by the Will of God come first, always first, always most important.

    As ever, wanting your bliss, quietly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fear not to let there be moments and hours, and even days and years, when it feels, humanly, as though you were doing nothing, while you wait for the Inner Impulsion to guide you. When the time is perfect, you WILL be guided to get up, to move, to speak, to act, if you remain in that attitude of perfect listening.

    Living Spirit knows where are the players of the Play are, and what they are doing and how much and how long they have dragged their feet or their hearts. As a worker for Spirit, it is your task to quietly and calmly listen, and be ready for, and obedient to, your cue, to step up with the word, or the smile, or the quiet Presence, or the offer of overt and practical help. Take Joy in the readiness to help, even when you would wish you could help sooner, and trust, trust, trust in the perfect timing of the Divine.

    Always ready, also,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Consistency does not mean repeating habits, except for the habit of always listening to, and always obeying, the inner Voice of your Whole Self.

    Flexibility becomes a virtue when you learn to let even holy-seeming vows be set aside. If you have decided, after days of worldly confusion, to set aside a whole day to immerse yourself in sacred words and scripts and lectures, it can seem like a very good thing. But. if after a delightful hour of feeling uplifted, you feel the Divine Impulsion to go call on a certain friend, or take care of a procrastinated chore, then do it.

    Even worldly seeming tasks become sacred when done at the impulse of the One Loving Mind. Remember that the low human perspective cannot see all ends. Your human knowledge of why you should, RIGHT NOW, go to the hardware store and buy the nails for the roof repair, cannot see that the simple smile you give to another customer might change the course of her learning, and her earthly life.

    Be consistent in staying tuned to God, and serving God, and letting God-Joy flow through you, but be flexible, and forgiving, in all other things.

    Freed from rigid schedules, you will feel Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have seen you like this before. When you feel unsure, We assure you, serving others serves you as well. Today, now, make it a point to ask God to guide you in at least three things you can do to inspire, uplift, or humanly assist three people or causes that you encounter.

    Be even a tiny force for Good, and Good flows back to you.

    All is Well, and all will be Well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a little child, happily asking for a bath after playing in the mud, ask your father/mother God to wash away the illusions from your thought, and let you think and see only the Good that is Real.

    Be a glad witness to the Good. Play the game of LOOKING for the Good in all and in all things. We assure you, that under the dusty illusions, the ever-living Life of Love is with you, in you, around you, and All.

    Even when this words make no sense to you, read them slowly in a welcoming way, and let the Loving Presence be thus with you, and wash you, and heal you. Giving It permission by reading about It is more powerful than you can humanly imagine.

    In such Love,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Do not be seduced into looking at the surface of things or people. Do not be caught up in reacting with fear or anger or envy or over indulgence.

    It is only God that YOU want to see. You know this. Look at the smooth still Wholeness that is the Truth within and beneath, and keep to that outlook, all this day, and always.

    We Love you so, and We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Source Cause that is Love does not need to be appeased—It simply enjoys seeing you fully reflect the enjoyment and Love that It constantly flows outward to be expressed as all Its parts.

    As one of those parts, it is your choice whether, and when, to accept expressing that pureness of expression and Joy. If you but knew how very much you were, are, and always will be, Loved by the Causal Love Creator, you would never again spend time worrying about whether a particular person loves you or whether a particular situation is one to act on or not act on. The endlessness of your Life within the Divine Mind-Cause, and the sustaining quality of Its Love would be all the assurance and joy you need to simply be, be, be.

    Ponder, again, today, Dear Heart, just how much you are Loved.

    It will overflow to others from you,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    The Great Director has placed you in the perfect place, or is in the process of moving you to the perfect place, for the work that you need to do for the Divine Plan to awaken all to the heritage of their divinity. Trust that, and know that if it seems like you are trying to be an example to those that are just not ready and willing to hear of their true identities as children of One Mind, it is only because you cannot see the end result. If you are a sower of the seeds of Grace, and we assure you that you are, then you may be reaching one very important individual that will help to save all from extra generations of suffering.

    Whether you are reaching one, or reaching many, you must trust that the overall Plan IS in action, and you are a sweet and appreciated part of it.

    Seek not human approval. Just reach out to the Living Divine Voice within you in the evening, and ask IT, “How did I do today?” That is the only opinion that counts.

    It will laud you for all that was done, and if there is more to be done, It will give you gentle, appreciative directions, and move you, and all, forward.

    We are under Its direction to, to Love you,


  • Dear Yearner,

    I have told the story here of how, during a crisis at work, I called out to God, “God, is it my main job on earth to learn how to suffer fools gladly?” (Including myself, in that thought of fools, by the way.) And God answered,

    “My dear, it is your job to do all things Gladly, for in Gladness Am I, and I want you with Me.”

    What, exactly was I calling to? I was calling to that Presence, within which we exist and live and have our being. I was calling to that sweet Voice that is piped into the little bubble of my own small ego-awareness. I was calling to that All-That-Is, that State of Mind, that is just beyond, and all around, and just beneath, the silly, temporal, short-sighted, grasping, narrow state of mind that is the ego self.

    When the small self calls outside the bubble of its own awareness, or to that Divine Voice that is “piped in” to the bubble of small, illusory sight, it is reaching out to the Divine State of Mind that most would call Heaven, or God, or Nirvana, or Oneness.

    What does God feel like? What is that State of Mind that is the very Presence of God in which we truly abide? To me, the answer I received above evokes only a tiny portion of what It Is.

    It Is Gladness. It Is Tenderness. It Is Humor. It Is Wisdom. It Is Love. It Is Compassion. It Is Creative Excitement. It Is Utter Peace and Calm and Reassurance. It Is Trustworthiness. It Is a Sense of Infinite Possibilities. It Is Completeness. It Is eager Welcome. It is Timeless and Ever-Present.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The human ego will try to convince you that being respected for your views or actions in the moment is a very important thing. And certainly it is pleasant in human company to be appreciated and agreed with and included, or at least listened to, when various ideas are being presented.

    But Beloved, we remind you again that placing your first obedience to your understanding of the Good Infinite is crucial. Flex your spiritual muscles and strengthen them in the integrity of Holy action, as much as you are able to understand, at every point of your life. Listen carefully, discern thoughtfully and patiently, and act and speak with God Light filling your heart.

    Just as you can look back over your life and see now moments when you did not give full respect to another’s individual assertions for the right thing to do, you will find at every phase that there are those who do not humanly comprehend why you make your choices.

    Still, remain obedient to God Voice as you understand It, and endeavor to honor all in their own obediences to Love Divine. That is the Wholeness of Soul and character that matters.

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry, there is no worry, if you simply do your part by trusting God, and doing as God bids each day. The Pure Divine Thoughts that arise in your mind as you focus on hearing God-Spirit’s Voice, will lead you on a path that wastes no time and has no stones to make you stumble or fall.

    Love, listen, and trust,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain of this: There is an Infinite Source of Joy that you can turn to, in the Well of Life that is the core of you, the True Substance of you. But to drink of It, and let that Joy fuel you, you must turn to It. Anything that gives you a harmless and quiet Joy to simply think about can be the opening to the Sacred Joy that is your Life Force.

    That is why so many use a mental or written “gratitude journal” to put themselves in the Joyful and grateful frame of mind that is the open door to God Mind.

    In whatever way you choose to access the Source of all Life Joy, make it intentional and constant. Train yourself to choose to access the Everpresent Source of Joy. When challenges come, when temptation nibbles, when sorrow rises in the throat, choose Joy. Ask the full Presence of Love to fill you, and wash away whatever thoughts and human feelings and senses are not right.

    If you would reach for God-Joy as automatically as you reach for your wallet or credit card to provide for the material needs, your soul would be always filled with Joy. Ask us to help you remember to do this, dear Beloved. We have reminded you many times to ask for Divine Help, and the offer stands forever.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a fine and delicate line to walk between humility and strong faith.

    When you have demonstrated for yourself that the power of the Divine is the only power, and that the wisps of human error fade away in the Presence of that Truth, you will feel the surety of complete faith in that Power. To those around you, however, such assuredness may seem to be either arrogance, or insanity, even if you say, “To God be all the Glory for everything good that happens.”

    And so, you must remember to display humility and gentleness, even while firmly holding to your focus on, and belief in, the Divine as the only Power. Those that have not yet begun their understanding of the Enduring Life that animates the human form which they think of as “the self”, can only respond when they are ready. Rest assured that the same Divine Spirit that has served you so well knows exactly when and how to help awaken any individual, and can use you to assist in that, if you remain humble but sure in your listening.

    Never deny God, Beloved, but remain silent and kind when the ears before you are not ready to hear. Let Spirit within decide, and act from grateful obedience.

    Ready when you are, and when any are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I hold a Well of Wonder in my heart.”

    Drink from that Well today, Beloved. Drink from that Well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Why is it the responsibility of the healer to heal, rather than telling the person what he or she must do? Because, Beloved, the healer must make the choice to look with the eyes of Grace upon the “other”, and, with those eyes, see the perfection of the Divine.

    Just as someone watching a movie can choose to really pay attention to it or not, so must the observer, the healer, choose to pay attention to the Divine in those around him or her.

    The Grace with which you will look, if you choose to, is given to you freely and endlessly. It is up to you whether you use it or not. It is up to you whether you will give it away or not, knowing that there is an infinite Source of more of it, within which you live and are sustained.

    Take the responsibility, and it is yours,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Practicing patience provides power.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Melding together some of the beliefs that are strong in you can help you grow to the next level of Consciousness.

    For instance, your Heart/mind can powerfully feel the Truth that God governs God.

    AND, your Heart/mind fully accepts that you, as a consciousness, dwell within the Divine Mind Awareness.

    Now, then, let today be a day where you ponder the complete merging of those two beliefs. Let today be the day when you let yourself become aware that if God governs God, and you are a sub-awareness within that Awareness, then God governs you.

    God governs you. Ponder that. Let it grow from a thought to a full awareness within you. Feel the freedom that comes of knowing and accepting that you have a Good and Gracious Governor, surrounding you and upholding you, and just waiting to be turned to, at all times and in all places.

    God governs God. Perhaps you can allow, and trust, God to also govern you.

    We do, and it allows our constant Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The energy We give you, the Calmness We infuse into you, the Words We whisper to remind you to forgive, to help you to be patient, to remember how much you yourself have needed extra Love at times, is so that you will find the strength to offer these to others. And to yourself.

    “Love your neighbor as yourself” is a Truth that must be constantly practiced. You will not succeed in it in every day or every circumstance, but you, and We, can be very Glad each time you do. Do not feel frozen in heart and guilty in thought, when you fail in it.

    Instead, turn back to the first Truth, “Love God with all your heart and mind”, and be renewed by knowing that God’s Knowledge of your Innocence, and God’s Unconditional Constant Love, are there for you to draw upon. We are God-Thoughts, always ready to pour more courage and inspiration, and whatever else is needed, your way.

    Here We are. Use Us. It is free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are right with you. We are always right with you. You know that and you can trust that. You simply need to remember to tune to that level of awareness and listen and LET Us Help.

    Today We need to have you practice realizing that all others also have their ANGEL-THOUGHTS from God right there with them. Each and every individual has those Angels assigned to Help them as soon as they are willing to be Helped awaken to their greater Soul-Self. When you try to convince someone of the existence of the Divine by appealing to their human intellect and mortal thinking, there is simply little available connection and overlap. But if you ask your Angels to speak to their Angels, as it were, then communication and communion is possible. All without words, in the pure language of Divine Love and Spirit, you CAN reach another and assist in their well-being, by simply sending your Angels to Help the Angels of the other, in a great team of Compassion to Help that individualized Soul.

    We know who is on your mind. We know whom you would love to see healed and assisted and guided. Willingly send Us to the aid of the Angels of that one, and know that you, too, will still be guarded and guided. There are plenty of Us.

    Some of Us are always with you. You are never alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, be an Example.

    Be the peaceful, calm, forgiving, loving Being that you would wish others to be for you.

    “Oh, that is an old truth”, you might say. Yes, it is, in the human timeline. Are you living it? Remember, you have already been forgiven for all the times you did not live it. But today, try again. Be loving, be honest, be kind, be true to the Heaven you WANT to see on earth.

    God has never seen any of His/Her children as anything else, although they have been tossing and turning in this dream, where they have been imagining themselves and others behaving very badly or sadly or inadequately.

    “No, dear Children, it is not so. Awaken, and know you have always been, and always will be, living in the Heaven of God’s Calm Mind, right now.”

    ` “As in Heaven, so on earth.”

    Utterly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Walk over the stormy sea of emotions, of yours and others, and keep, keep, keep your total eyes on God.

    All, Beloved, all, are Innocents abroad. Keep knowing that that is what God knows. Keep your eyes on God.

    “Dear God, give me the Grace to See what you See when you look at me, and all of those around me, in this shared sea of humanity.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The full Divine nature of Omnipotent Love, God, simply cannot be fathomed with the costume of limited human senses. So, although you may have grown immensely in your abilities of discernment of your Spiritual Identity, and the completely Spiritual nature of God and All, do not waste time trying to intellectually analyze each Soul Whisper God gives you.

    If you tune into the focused communication with God in the morning, asking what you need to know for the day, and God says, “Simply allow Me to be in charge today, My Love”, then do as asked. Just allow, allow, allow.

    Let God Govern. Allow and relax. Trust God to Govern you and others and enjoy watching for evidence of Harmony and Active Truth to appear in your experience.

    Allow and trust. Allow and trust. Let God be Blessedly in charge. Be a Calm Force for Good.

    For you are Good, because God is Good and made you of Itself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never fear that We are not with thee.

    Just sit yourself still and quiet, and ask for Us, and We will come into your thoughts. We are ever ready to Help, with silent Love, and supportive strength, and courage to act on the Thoughts that flow from God.

    Today, simply be still and quiet, even while you go about putting your physical home in order. Let your thoughts become orderly in the way of the Divine, even as the ordering of the physical occurs. Be quiet, and let Order come, for God loves the awareness and trust of Its Order to enter your consciousness.

    Therefore, even in the ordering of the household—whether to do dishes first, or paper chores, or tending to bedding or clothing or plantings, let God guide you through your day, practicing, practicing, hearing Its guidance in each and every way.

    Take Joy in the hearing of Divine Thought and Inspiration and Creative Solution to even the everyday chores,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Reach not for your own thoughts of a morning, assessing mood and body. Reach first, and only, for the Thoughts of the Divine Qualities of which you are made.

    “I am One with God, living in God, and maintained and sustained by Its Love Divine.”

    “I am that which God is, and I am awakening to all the possibilities of Seeing what day the Divine Eye has planned for me, if I but stay focused on that which It sees.”

    This day, be that, in silence and listening, dear love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no reason to not be completely in Love with God. He/She is completely in Love with you.

    And if you allow yourself to completely feel that, and honor that, many things in your experience of life will change, for the better.

    It does not mean you cannot love other humans. But love God first,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask to be shown bits of Heaven today, Beloved. Ask.

    And then be willing to see them. Be willing to seek them and appreciate them.

    Moments of Joy, admiration of courage, gratitude for kindness.

    Be a willing witness of Good. Be a willing demonstrator of Good.

    Let go of your own fantasies, and witness Heaven now.

    For in that witnessing is your own Heaven,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember to forget.

    Remember to counteract any painful thought or memory, immediately, with a positive prayer or affirmation, or with a reminder to the self that the Loving Universe is always with you if you call to It. Let the pain and fear be counteracted right away, first. Then, if decisions must be made, or suggestions offered or taken, they can be done in calmness, and with an Inner feeling of the Loving support that the Divine always offers, as It holds you in Its embrace, Its sustenance, Its Comfort and Sureness of Being.

    To try to make choices when you are in too much pain or confusion or fear is to let yourself be vulnerable to the choices that are not of the Goodness of Truth and Love. Take that pause. Banish fear with a certainty that you exist within the Divine Whole, and THEN let the next steps begin, guided by the Loving Parent Divine that holds you so dear.

    Waiting can be good, good, good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Change what you choose to see. Change what you choose to look at.

    Think of it as politeness to yourself. Just as you would not, in politeness, mention the cracker crumbs on the shirtfront of a very interesting individual you were speaking to at a party, but would instead concentrate on the conversation and the inspiration you were receiving from it, so focus on the good always.

    Focus on the inspiring. Focus on the love. Focus on the loyalty and strength you admire. Focus on what is worthy to behold.

    For only what is Love and Holy has truly been made, and is deserving of your attention. All the rest is fleeting mortal details and can be let to blow away like dust, if you refuse to give it your precious attention.

    Believe in the Divine’s desire for happiness for you, and for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What God knows of you, because it is a reflection of Itself, is not an opinion. It is the Truth. God knows the Love and Soul and Wisdom and Spirit that are the elements of Creation, and that the Created can be nothing else.

    You cannot, with human opinion, make God put on dark glasses. God knows the image of you to be Very Good. God Sees your Spirit Clearly. And that is that. Set aside your own opinions of yourself, and allow yourself to believe the Truth of God. You are Beloved and Very Good Spirit.

    So go forth and Be that.

    We go forth with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you understand that seeing with an eye single means see only the Good?

    O”, Love, try it today. Just try. And be delighted with the results.

    You know We see only the good of you, after all,

    It is why you trust Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understand how grateful the Source-Mind, in which you dwell as an idea, is for each and every one of Its ideas. Whether that idea is a series of colors and light and stars and formations, or whether that idea is a being, like your own soul self, to walk in the color and light and appreciate it, God appreciates Its ideas.

    Today (and ALL days), appreciate and be grateful for how smoothly ideas come to you when you relax and let them. Whether it is the arrangement of a group of colors and flowers, or the movement of musical notes for a sweet, sweet song, or the item to substitute in a recipe when you are out of one ingredient, be grateful for ideas.

    Be grateful for ideas of how to love someone who is acting unlovable. Be grateful for ways to improve your own behavior when you are feeling annoyed or hurt. Be grateful for the ever-present Love of God that swirls each of Its ideas to a perfect place and time to optimize their opportunities to feel Joy. Be grateful. Be grateful, be grateful.

    And gratitude opens the door to more ideas,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes one will realize first that The One Creative Source is truly the fount of everything, or to put it in religious terms, “All Glory be to God.” When that awareness deepens, then one more fully understands that the One Source is also responsible for everything, or that “God/Goddess is Divine Parent of us all”, and then the “magic” happens, of simply relaxing into that Care, that Creation. Then, the sublime relief of feeling sustained and maintained and gently put in order can finally give one the complete sense of freedom that comes with choosing to release into the playfully Glad, calmly Loving Creator’s Care.

    Perfectly expanding with you,


  • This is how it feels when I pray for you.

    September 2004

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let go of what you think would make you happy, as defined by physical circumstances and objects and people and funds. Turn your thoughts and the feelings in your heart over to contemplating Calm Joy, and Divine Orderly Progression. Contemplate, and feel grateful for, the very fact that Grace and Joy and forgiveness exist.

    If you can discipline yourself to do this for even a few minutes several times a day, you are well on your way to opening your earthly experience to True Happiness, and then on to the Infinite Happiness that already belongs to you, as a Spiritual Child of the Spiritual Creator.

    A few minutes given several times a day. Not a high price to pay for a radically positive change in your outlook and experience. We know that your outer, worldly bound “ego” self will fight this—listing excuses of tasks that are urgent or loved ones that must be cared for. Six minutes a day taken away from those things will not hurt them in any way, and the benefits you will derive from the Divine Love and Strength that pour to you from those six minutes will far outweigh what you spend in time.

    Believe us, Love, and let yourself be freed from your own chains,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God wants only Good for you.

    The human machinations do not believe this and keep trying to make their own creations and their own logic and their own justice. Try today to think of God as the Writer of your Good script. Try today to be willing to see scenes of His/Her Play for you. Act like one of the players that would be in that play, with Love and Mercy for all.

    You can be amazed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truth. Truth is one of the names of God. Truth is one of the Qualities Spiritual that are the very nature of that which is All in All.

    So, Darling, when you are reading the saying in scripture that says “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free”, you are really contemplating how understanding and knowing the All in All sets you free of the un-Good thoughts and situations that you seem to encounter in the earthly. God sets you free. The Truth sets you free. Ask It to do so. Welcome the Loving correction of the Truth, and let the Light It created shine away any errors of thought and sight, or impulses to mis-action.

    You are a shining ray of Light, not a dense body of flesh. Seek and know the Source of that Light, Beloved, and be glad as Love, that is the Ultimate Truth, sets you free of misconceptions.

    Joyfully be set free of grasping at illusions.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am Blessed.”

    Think of yourself this way, even if what you see at this moment does not inspire you to say that spontaneously, for if you are reading this message and have begun your seeking, in this Way, or some other, you ARE already Blessed. The moment that the Divine Source Sees that you want to remember your Blessed State, It will Help. It will guide you, It will guard you, It will govern you. Just keep seeking, Beloved, and keep always on your mind “I Am Blessed”, and let that Thought be your touchstone of Truth.

    Blessing you again and again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The certainty the The Whole Oneness of Being has solutions that you have never even imagined is just a small part of why it is so important to trust It. The greatest part of why it is important to turn to It is that nothing else can compare to the Quality of Love and Calm Joy that are experienced as you begin, more and more and more, to experience your own personal Heaven.

    Ask to be shown and close your eyes and feel It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, let it be as simple as this: Be grateful for the Good and the Faithful in your life. Be grateful, be grateful, be grateful, all, all the day.

    As we have told you before, Gratitude is a Force. Feel It, Be It, Trust It, and Let It Do Its Work.

    WE see and we know your Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The still, Peaceful and sacred Presence of Divine Hope is an extraordinary experience. If you are one to whom, after a moment’s insight, or after months or years of practice, the experience is one that is easy to draw upon, indeed, that is truly “ever-present” in your awareness, then it behooves you to share It freely.

    Yes, it is still important for each individual child of the Whole Spirit to achieve mastery of that answering of the calling of the Voice within, but anyone that already exudes the excellence of that Flow of Love can be the primer that begins the Flow in another. Be that, Beloved. Each time you feel God’s Love, give it forth.

    Silently, sweetly, give It forth, greeting those around you, in your mind that has been given over to Divine Mind, with “I greet you in the Oneness of Being, and I recognize your completeness and perfection there.”

    Exempt no one, Beloved, from this, for if you exempt even one person from the Giving and Loving Thoughts of the Mind that is now your mind, you are creating a block against the Flow of Love to you. Be aware, stay aware, and be true and kind to yourself, by letting Love Flow to all others. Thus does Healing come.

    Helping you clear the way, whenever you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a bad or sad memory comes back again and again to bedevil you, and there is the tendency in your mind to “solve” this by quickly thinking about something else, please think again. Let such memories, whether they are of a moment from only five minutes ago, or from old, old happenings in your life, be transformed instead.

    Rather than letting the sorrowful or guilty thought drag you into a shadowed state of mind, hold the thought, and apply forgiveness to it. Center yourself in your Divine Inner Wisdom, and forgive yourself for the error or doing what you did, or not doing what you wish you would have done. Let the Spirit of you look at the incident in memory and try to understand what you might have learned from the occasion. Try to feel grateful for whatever learning occurred, whether or not you comprehend it all yet. As you hold the thought of the memory peacefully, you may be inspired to take an action, or to speak some words, in the current moment, that helps ameliorate the error.

    Then, let your Spirit, that is an expression of the Peace of the Whole, enfold the memory with Love and with Forgiving Calm. Add this forgiveness to the memory as many times as it may come up in your mind, until its coming is no longer a painful re-enactment, but is appreciated as another chance to Love.

    Forgive and Love yourself as an actor in these old memories. Forgive and Love the other players, if others were involved. Unconditionally Love, meaning “see with God’s Eyes”, all that were or are a part of the memory loop, and allow yourself to move out of the shadow of pain, and into the light of enjoyment of Life.

    Learn to do it right away, whenever you err, and the days grow lighter,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    An Omnipotent God-Force, within which you dwell as Created Spirit, has no trouble reaching you if you are willing. If some form of “Thy Will be done” is always in your thoughts or feelings, then God can easily get through to your thoughts and feelings with Comfort, with Support, with Solutions, with Love and Loving Ideas.

    If that “thy Will be done” does not rise easily to your heart and mind, then it is probably because you do not fully believe in the Goodness of the Divine All, or of the Divine Desire for your happiness. If mis-taught fears of God, or beliefs that God creates tragedies and harm, lurk in your being, work on reminding yourself that God is Good, and that you want your Life to shine with Good God Qualities.

    Trusting God’s Goodness means it is easier to float on a faith of “Thy Will be done.”

    Letting go of your old human plans, allowing, “Not my will, but Thy Will be done.”

    One Loving Light is always ready to shine as you, as all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When God gives you an assignment, view it not as an obligation, but as a Joy. If you find yourself dragging your earthly feet in completing it, do not feel guilty or harried—just ask God for more strength and heart, and then complete the mission.

    Do remember that God knows you as an already completed and wonderful idea, and so is in no hurry if you feel you must grow “slowly” in certain spiritual understandings, in earthly time. Relax, and know you are still completely loved. And, if because of the intersecting dreams of many, there is a reason to move or decide or think more quickly, God WILL make that known, because you will feel impelled to act or speak, buoyed by a feeling or rightness.

    God does want to see Goodness revealed in all.

    God is not the “remedy”. God is the reality to be revealed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being in constant Conscious contact with the Supreme Spirit in which you dwell is the goal, is a way to live. It is not just a thing to cross off a list, like washing your hands or answering your mail, or feeding your pets.

    ” Say my prayers” is a way of thinking, a way of feeling, a way of Being.

    Be It, O’ Beloved. Be It, and observe how wonderfully your experience of Life expands in Love.

    Expand with Love, in Love, for Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God did not create the world your five senses see. God created Good. Welcome New Sight, welcome New Life, as you look gratefully on, and through, new levels of perception.

    What is it you see, then? Illusions and shared illusions, just as when a crowd mistakes the gleam of sunlight on cloud for a hovering craft coming towards them. We know how disconcerting it may feel to ponder this, but think also how FREEING, to realize that your eyes have not lied to you in only simple things, but in greater things. Is not a new dream or end of a dreadful dream, a good thing to cherish?

    If what we say seems too shocking still, at least ponder the times your body’s eyes have misled you into thinking something was moving when it wasn”t, or was a different color once the sun came up, or a friend remembered an incident in a completely different way than you. Be willing to see differently, and, with Divine Help, you will, for the Divine knows what It created, and that is the Truth.

    Listen, and learn to obey, like getting used to a new set of spectacles,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Dedicate this day to Love, and to Gratitude.

    Let there be nothing, and no one, in which or whom, you do not notice. today, the qualities of Goodness, and appreciate them.

    You know the Qualities of Goodness. They are Life and Love, and Purpose and Plenty, and the Giving Principle of fulfillment, and the Mighty Soul and Spirit of the constant expansion of Truth and Wisdom, working generously for all. They are Unconditional, offered freely, to all who clear the way for them by agreement to receive.

    Look for, and give thanks for, those things, today. Practice seeing them in everyone, and everything.

    That is the truth that shows you the Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, simply ask Spirit Innocent to show you as much of God’s Vison of Life as you are ready to See.

    God knows the Truth. God is the Truth. And Spirit knows what you are ready to understand. Ask to be given It. Ask to be shown. Be willing, and be receptive, and be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are well aware of the surface things of life that annoy you and cause you human concern. We have compassion for the concern and discomfort.

    But We remind you again that the Great Way to dissolving those discomforts is to use the solvent of Truth. The Truth is of yourself and others as Spiritual Beings that are ordered in the pattern and progress ordained by that which created and creates continually. Turn to thinking of that Beautiful Order of Love when your human thoughts try to tempt you to distraction. Focus on the beauty and the progress of innovative imagination. Turn away from the concerns, and ponder Order.

    Remember that God, All, is as orderly as mathematics, and will graciously re-remind all beings of what they are in Love. Today, concentrate on remembering yourself as Spirit, in order, and feel yourself Held in Love.

    Love is the solvent of any human woe, small or large,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How pure and simple you can make prayer today.

    “I Love you so much, Dear God. I Love you so much.”

    And hear back, more than enough to overflow your heart, “I Love you so much too”

    “How glad I am, Dear God, that my sad dreams never touched the Soul of me that is a shining forth of the Soul of You. How glad I am It remains Pure, and Lovable, and Alive.”

    “I Love you so much, Dear God”

    And I Love you so much, Dear Child of Mine.”

    It is simple, and it is True. Love reflects Love, forever.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Listen to your personal Angels, for they are the Thoughts of God, inserted into your earthly awareness, that your Consciousness may awaken as fast as it can, and remember that you are worthy, you are Beloved, you are beautiful, you are whole and perfect. You are Love.

    You CAN remember this now, even while you still wear the thought of a body.

    We See the Real You now, and so can you. And you can help others know this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The wonderful demonstrations of training, and skills of earthly and bodily excellence, are certainly testimonies of gifts of the Qualities of God. Praise them, enjoy them.

    But also praise and enjoy the unseen and subtle excellences that come from emulating God—the humble patience, the massive mercy, the complete wisdom, and the O’ So Unconditional Love.

    There is no need to compete for the Glory of God’s Love. It is freely given to all.

    Turn to It, and accept, for It is offered always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love’s Care for you is unending and ever-mindful of you.

    Trust that when you are uncertain of the greater goal or plan. Remember that your utmost goal is to fulfill the plan God has for you to shine as an example of God, and to see the Godly in others. If you come to a quandary in any day, pause gently and ask God Spirit to help you know what to do or say next. It is always with you.

    It is always with you, for you are Spirit attached to Spirit, and cannot be ripped from Its side. You are the reflection of God, and made of Love and Spirit. That is the True Consciousness of you. Not a body that wavers and fades, but a projection of Light and Loving appreciation.

    Trust in that unending Mind that is always holding you, Its dear, dear Idea.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No sacrifice or suffering is required of you to give to God your willingness to serve others. It costs just a moment to stand silently and let the God Force flow through you, Divine Soul to Divine Soul.

    Be pleased to do this, for it also helps you awaken, more fully and completely than you can possible realize. Be the silent feeder. Be the quietly joyous witness. Be the expression that glorifies the Qualities of God. You ARE It, why not act like It?

    We See It. And you will, more and more.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your own prayers have become deep enough and practiced enough that you know when you are hearing the Divine Advisor within, the niggling voice of doubt will move to your companions. Friends, co-workers, family, neighbors, and “experts” of all kinds will give you their well-meaning worldly opinions about your plans, or your possibilities. Do not fall prey to them. Hold to the word of your prayers. Pray, not prey!

    Be true to what you know in your heart of hearts is meant for you. Stay kind to those well-meaning worldly advisors, but hold fast to the road that the Divine has uniquely planned for you, and deep peace will walk with you each step of the way.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have a care to WAIT for the Peace of the Dove-Spirit to alight, Child, before you speak. It will save you much regret, and feed your wisdom instead of your fear, when you wait for Divine Calm Spirit to put words into your mouth, instead of speaking quickly.

    Try it, you”ll like it,


  • Ah, Gracious Beloved,

    We remind you again that it is easier to give the Love and certainty of God’s Goodness, and the Joy of Creation’s Beauty, to others, if you have fully taken time to fill your own consciousness with It. Please take time today to be still enough in mind, and receptive enough in heart, to be really aligned with, and awash in, the Glorious Allness of the Spiritual Soul in which you dwell and which enables you to thrive.

    Grace needs every walking embodiment of quiet Spiritual reflection that is willing to shine with the Life of God. We know that you are very aware that God can use you as an instrument of Grace even when you are feeling quite humanly flawed, or weary of the vigilance needed to dispel the errors and illusion. But we also know that you know it is easier, and more joyous for you, when the grace of you is already refilled, and ready to give, give, give.

    Yes, God is the Healer, but the intentional and grateful instruments are needed, too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When we urge you to spend an entire day focusing on God, on Unconditional Love, it is not a deprivation we are suggesting, it is a gift to yourself.

    To set aside all the routine chores and the electronic connections and the earthly distractions and entertainments for a day, and immersing yourself in being utterly buoyed and supported by God’s kind regard of you, is an upliftment like no other.

    Give yourself this gift today? Or plan ahead for the next day or the next, cancel all outer appointments, and simply be with God, and Love God, and let God be with you , and Love you, and both be very happy in that.

    Give some focus time each day, give the entire day sometimes, to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiveness from the individual heart is easier if you count all the reasons to be grateful to the person, for the good they have done at other times for you or for others. Think about it.

    And remember, Beloved, that you can always ask Divine Spirit to give you the insight and the courage and the strength and the will to forgive another, and yourself, so that you can let go and move on. Move on to Love.

    For all to Love is what Love wants,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am a shining forth of Spirit, for that is God’s Truth of me.”

    “I accept the gift this gives me, of a constant flow of energy and ideas and Love, that I may be the better person God always knows me to be.”

    Use these thoughts today, dear one. Use them well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Armor yourself with the Truths from your Spirit. Know the aspects of the Whole that are yours to work with, and you will never feel unprepared.

    To a person who does not know how to add or subtract or divide, a pile of papers and receipts and bookkeeping ledgers can seem a forbidding thing. But to one armed with the knowledge that is needed, it is a simple task of focus and time and will.

    When faced with all the piles of life’s challenges and glories, be prepared to deal with them with your knowledge of Divine Truth. If you KNOW that, with God, all things are possible, you will not give up a dream when a well-meaning friend says “That will never happen!” If you know that the aspects of the Wholeness and Joy of God are alive as you, you will hold fast to that Truth, even when some doctor tells you that he believes you will die today.

    Hold to the Truth and Power of the Light that shines as you, Beloved. No amount of nay-sayers around the accountant could convince him that 2 x 2 is 5. He knows the truth, and will add his numbers accordingly. Know your truths so well, Beloved, that no one can talk you out of them. Know that you are a part of the Whole, created in Love, and let that be the Truth you live by.

    We see the Truth of you and it is Glory,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What if you really are an Infinite Mirror reflecting Spiritual Goodness? What if you are the sort of mirror that cannot reflect the sorrow or troubles that are not a part of Good, but can only show forth that which is wise and orderly and delightful and tender and amazing in its perfection?

    The Law that governs the type of mirror you are, Beloved, is a Law of Focus and Clarity. If you accept your true identity as a mirror of Good, then you will not mistakenly take part in anything that does not suit that identity. If you are a tool of the Divine, by which It shines Wonderfulness, then be that, and only that, and shine.

    Trying to use a potato peeler to net a living butterfly would be awkward indeed. The right tool creates a good work. We assure you that you best purpose is as a mirror that reflects Good. Why be awkward by trying to be anything else?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Healing, Helping Spiritual Force is right here. The Healing Force, the Helper, is right here, thank God. The Healer is right here, Thank God.”

    Today, Love, let it be as simple as that. Let today be a day of simple, but constant, alignment with the Source, by that prayer. Do not cling to the exact wording, but let the desire of it stay pure, as you adjust the words and your heart to the truth of the intent. BE the prayer, today.

    Always praying with you, wordlessly, or with words,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let yourself be delighted when you begin to understand that everywhere around you are the metaphors for epiphany. Everyone that has experienced, whether briefly, or enduringly, the unity with Oneness, wants to share it. But, like the old stories of dreamers awakening from visions of golden magic held in their hands, to find that they are holding only piles of fallen leaves, each person seeking to share his or her epiphany feels at a loss for words and gestures.

    That, Beloved, is when the seeker begins to realize that although stories and parables can be told, and plays can be performed, the only real way to share the sublime Beauty of Godness with others is to bless them, bless them, bless them, and help them reach those moments for themselves. That is when the seeker truly knows that he or she will only retain the fullness of Love by constantly giving it away. That is when the seeker goes past the eros and filia styles of love on earth, and begins to give Grace, to give Agape Love, that only lives to expand Itself forever.

    Seek to share, and you find yourself enriched,

    And your epiphany preserved as it shines in the eyes of others,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you have learned to discern when a friend has offered to you what he or she truly wishes for his or herself, so learn to discern when your heart’s voice is offering to God that which your human heart wills, and when it is freely offering that which God Wills.

    Be not dismayed at how often the human heart tries to trick and dissuade you from your true path, and be not afraid, for your All-Seeing Helper is with you all the time, and if you but ask It, you will receive that moment of sweet calm and peace that affirms when you are on the true way.

    Even as the Voice speaks accurate reference for you to follow, as well as new word to guide you, so will It give you those nudges and “accidents” that guide you at all the most crucial turns and changes. Be at peace, and follow, indeed, all Its ways, to your Joy.

    They all lead home to delight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When new ideas come into your mind, when you are endeavoring to hear your Holy instructions, receive them quietly. If some of them seem very unusual, or frighten you at first, just hold them softly, as you would a young animal, and look at them. Let the Love of God fill your heart and look at them.

    If they are of God, they will endure. It is fine to ask again and again, for many days, if you need to, to see if you hear the same thought again and again, given softly and persistently. The Voice of God does not demand or screech for immediacy. It is soft and calm and sure. When you can be soft and calm and sure also, then let It fill your heart and mind with what is True. God is in no hurry.

    As ever, with you throughout the illusion of time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let today be a day of silent gratitude for all the actors in your play. Think of your earthly life as a play that you have written, and in which you have asked all your loving fellow souls to play the parts of friends, family, enemies, acquaintances, etc. Within the great theater of earth life, they have been faithfully playing the roles assigned to them.

    Now, perhaps you feel you are nearing the end of this particular earth play, or nearing the end of a certain scene, or wanting to change the play from a tragedy to a comedy, or to a scene of triumph. Before any of these things occur, acknowledge the dedication of the actors beneath the roles. Spend today being grateful to the underlying life-force-souls that have played all the “good” and “bad” roles in your life. Silently, gratefully, consider name after name of those who have helped shape you into who you have grown to be. Some of the ones who have played the “meanest” roles most deserve your gratitude, because as a loving, sibling soul that agreed to be in your play, acting bitterly or meanly toward you took greater courage than just simply being a smiling stranger. Be grateful. Just be silently grateful to every brother and sister life in the play.

    And be grateful to the Oneness that created the Stage, and allowed you to play your play, all the while holding your place for you in the Reality of Loving Creation.

    Be grateful, and let Gratitude bounce back to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take great care to program your mind in the morning and before you sleep with a Truth such as “God Loves me”.

    The human emotions and thoughts are so very easily touched by the worries of physical conditions that it is important to confirm the Soul and Protection of Divine Thought as the foundation for your dreams of the night and of the day.

    Love Loves you. Love makes and maintains you. Now, and tomorrow, Be Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gratitude is marvelous. In a moment, it can change your thoughts, and therefore your mood, and situation, and your perception of another person. Gratitude is a way of Being.

    Forgiveness is Divine. It can completely mellow and heal the feelings, and open the heart to inspiration, and reveal the wholeness of Soul. Forgiveness is the method of Seeing as God Sees, past the illusion of time-bound existence.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    To Know the Divine IS to Love Him/Her.

    There is no work more important. There is no work more rewarding, in every way imaginable, and unimaginable.

    Every person comes to that realization, sooner or later. Why not sooner?

    Always patiently waiting to Help you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your direct relationship with GOD, like a ray of light shining from the sun, is not meaningless. Keeping it shining free and clear and Joyful does not take that many minutes a day.

    Do not skip those minutes of thanks and listening and receiving. They are what fuels everything else that you experience as Good. Please make time for those minutes of renewal. Even skeptics and unbelievers are benefited by saying in their thoughts “If you are there, God, fuel me up!”

    We weep when we see your Light dusty and dim,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Place your love for the Divine Source first. For all the other loves you have really have their cause in that same Source.

    Today, sing every love song you know to God. Secure your thought, anchor your heart, in love of God. All the human loves you have ever had, and do have, and will have, are nothing without the Divine Love that supports all.

    Take time to celebrate and behold your Love of Love, and all other love, humanly felt, will thrive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am a hologram of Love’s Light.”

    “I Am a hologram of the Light of Love.”

    Say this in all your heart today all day.

    Be the Child of Light.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Double your resolve to be one who believes in Good, expects Good, and looks for Good, and sees Good.

    “Bless those that curse you and do good to those that seem to wish you ill.”

    For the more soul-lights that are determined to see Good and create Good, more of Good in the shared dream will indeed be revealed. Choose, please, to let Good lift you to a higher Sight, so that Good will be more easily apparent to you, and to all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Count as a great blessing that you have the ultimate patience of the Divine to lean into, and use, when you must overcome your human desires of the moment, and tend to the duties and obligations and callings of the moment.

    Count as a blessing that you can rely upon the Divine Love that sustains you to let you have, in due time, the fulfillment of other achievements and pleasures, that give you the desire to be fully who you are. Your part in the Play is important and there is always the proper time to let all the Good that you are, as reflected from God, unfold.

    We are watching, and appreciating,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    By joining in with others to tell stories of when you have seen and felt the Truths of the Oneness of Being lift you from confusion to clarity, or heal you of wounds or heartache, or inspire you with ideas to create joy or useful objects, you build your own certainty of dominion.

    That certainty is what you need now. Claim it, Beloved. Claim your dominion. Claim the Truth that God wants you to feel Its Harmony and Joy. God wants you to ask to be enabled to see them, even while declaring that disorder and illness and such have no right or power to cling to you.

    Turn your back on those things and claim God, Good, anew in every moment.

    That is the dominion to take hold of. Good. “I claim the Good God wants for me.”


  • Dear One,

    The absoluteness of God cannot be fathomed by the logical mind.

    Only by the surrender of the quiet, listening heart can you let yourself be filled with the Vastness and Allness of the One that is All Being. Because the logical mind that you imagine to be your separateness and your individual being is a part of the dream that it invented, it cannot see beyond its own boundaries. Only by the delightful invention of Divine Voice, “piped in”, so that you may hear it even while you sleep and dream, can you sense the Truth of God. You can only hear that piped in Voice if you become very still and quiet, and if you listen very, very well.

    So listen, Beloved. Listen, and listen again, and let It lead you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Thank-you, Universe, for being Good and Beautiful and Spiritually True, that I may enjoy and reflect You.”

    Rather than a vow of silence, Child, how about a vow to simply say “Thank-you”, all the day.

    As ever, we are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A young girl was sitting next to her mother in the movie theatre, and as the main character in the movie became stranded and lost, she leaned over and said to her mother, “We had better say a prayer for that man right now.”

    The mother was struck speechless with sudden discernment. The script is only changed by going to the writer and the director. How many times, in her own life, had she tried to pray for empty characters and situations in her own life, without going to the soul mind that is the writer and the One Spirit that is the Director?

    She gave her daughter’s hand a squeeze, and agreed with her in a whisper to pray, and then missed most of the rest of the movie, while she pondered what she wanted to re-write in her own life, and how much she needed to see and review and discuss the vision of her story with the Director.

    Are you praying to a two dimensional reflection, instead of going to the projection room and the editing room and the writing room and the Director’s cutting room?

    O”, always there are other possibilities,

    Talk to the actors, writers, and director, not to the film,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the sweet mystery of being a part of the Whole Body of the Divine become a playful thing for you. Let yourself be the mysterious stranger that leaves a joyous message in a post box. Let yourself be the anonymous giver of a gift to a child whose name you do not even know. Let yourself be amused and happy, just imagining how that distant neighbor will always wonder, and be grateful for, the “angel” who cleared his driveway of snow.

    There is nothing wrong with using, and enjoying the material things of earth. The pattern of materialism that is damaging to the soul is the pattern of competition and selfishness and favor-bartering and greed that can come about because of it. Let the joy of sharing and giving be without name or expectation, and it becomes an entirely different thing. Like the temple-givers of old who blared their trumpets before they went to tithe to the temple, it is the “name and fame” aspect of generosity that just creates a sense of separateness in self, instead of a sense of Wholeness. Let your giving become anonymous, and open-hearted, and find the joy of it again, Beloved.

    “Secrets” shared only with God, as love to love, give one the joy of being one with God again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To see exactly as another sees, you must stand in the same spot and look in the same way. You have experienced this when a friend has you move to a spot to see a bird, or to see the shape of a cloud that she sees, or the peak of a mountain glinting just so in the sunlight. And even then, your earthly minds may perceive the colors differently, or be reminded of other times by the things you see.

    To See as God Sees, to See your own perfection and lovableness, and the perfection and lovableness of those around you, you must place your self in the focal point of God. Step into that Inner Spot of focus, and See as God Sees, and, above all, Think as God Thinks, and you can catch glimpses of the Loveliness of Glory.

    It can be done, Beloved. Others have done it. Others do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If for five minutes today, or for an hour, or for all the day, you can be a clear and calm transparency for the Creative Light of Love to shine through, you will be amazed at the Life Movie you see. Set your human thoughts aside and watch God’s Thoughts played out.

    Try it for a minute here and there?

    We Love you so, and take great Joy in seeing you Joyous,


    P.S. “There may be human hate around me, but I can be Love. There may be human fear around me, but I can be Love. I can choose to shine Love. I only must answer to God for what I choose in my thoughts in each moment and in each day.”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you realize and believe that it is supremely natural and right for ideas and joys to come to you, and you settle into the calm receptive mode of thought that hears them and feels them and sees them, they will come smoothly.

    Ideas come and are fulfilled and enacted. Expectations of Joy are held dear and then they are gifted to you. The very understanding of the Great Love Loving you so much that It wants your steady happiness gives you that happiness.

    You are truly blessed already, and when the moments come when this is known and welcomed and embraced, then it is easy to ask for what needs to be given. At that point, you also know deep in your soul Self that it is the unseen aspects of Divine Love and Goodness and Truth that are what you are always really asking for. Ask and you will receive.

    Ask, and you will remember that you and Creation are One.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We would not wish to sound irreverent, but the human mind needs metaphors to understand the Infinite reach of God. Your consciousness dwells within that Great Consciousness, but your human perception could benefit from thinking of the Resource of God being like an ever-present backpack full of Good Qualities. It is invisible, but it is there. It is weightless, but it is supportive.

    Need some inventiveness? Check the pack. Need some comfort? Look to the pack. Need some sense of direction? Let the pack whisper it to you.

    It is a supply pack you cannot forget on a bench, and the airline cannot lose. It is the trusty bag of tools that is never empty or worn out.

    Look to God, Beloveds. Look to God, for God has ways you have not yet even imagined.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    There is a place in your mind that is linked to and controlled by the One Divine Mind, that is also linked to the small, still Voice in your heart. It is constantly there to serve you, but you must pause, to really hear Its advice and Its ideas and love and encouragement and warnings.

    When you speak or act too quickly, you cannot hear that Prime advice and guidance. And what is it that wants to speak and act too quickly? Is it not the human ego that wants to claim self-governance, and self glory?

    When you are in a room of humans at a meeting or even at a party, you can see that there are those that respect the authority or the hostess, and those that talk over others and do not wait to respectfully listen, or to obey the rules or the etiquette. Can you see that your own ego sometimes wants to basically disrespect the Divine Source by refusing to pause and listen to Its Loving advice?

    It is about respect, Beloved. It is about putting the One Mind first. It is necessary for the Happy Dream, Child. And do not think of it as fear of God, but as respect for God and God’s Goodness and God’s desire for Goodness for you. God is not to be feared. The thing to fear is letting your own human ego bully you into not listening to God.

    This is why each heart needs humility—to recognize there is a Greater Good that knows and can help, and should be called upon for advice and energy in all things. Turn to It. Do not be your own bully and your own enemy. Be your own best friend by always pausing and turning to your constant Best Friend, and heeding and being comforted and guided.

    Turn to us for the strength to remember to do this,