Ah, Beloved,
The Joy of Creativity is being fully experienced by many now. Counting the Blessing of what one has and what truly matters is expanding gratitude now. The upliftment of satisfaction that giving provides is being experienced by many who rarely pause to give when they are in a mad dash of busyness.
Spirit Divine, as Teacher, and Repairer of Soul, is thrilled to use these openings of Joy, these avenues of Light into the heart, to reach individuals that have been so limited by the routines and assumptions that no new sprouts of Infinite Love could grow.
Water these new sprouts with your silent prayers of Love, Love, Love, and not only will Delightful Awareness of the One Life of All expand, but Truths of Wholeness and Well-Being will be floated on to the shared experience of earth.
Consciousness Omnipotent is present. Beloved. Help It Help to speed up the Awakening of all. Help It to Help you all Heal.
Ah, Beloved,
Be ever so gentle in being an example of an offspring of God. Do not be too pushy or frighten them with dogmas or quotes, unless they ask to hear more of your beliefs.
Just be kind, be loving and lovable. BE what a perfect offspring should quietly be.
God will guide you in what to do or say. You are not an abandoned apostle.
Ah, Beloved,
You KNOW the steps of Divine Meditation; Deep Prayer.
Acknowledgement of One Loving Mind, Deep Listening, Obedience, Gratitude.
Just do them. Do them in every moment that you can remember and focus. Do them when in doubt or joy. Do them when in fatigue or energy. Just do them, be them, and trust.
All will be Well, because All Is Well,
Ah, Beloved,
When you are fully aware that there is plenty of good pure water available, it is easy to be the attentive and generous hostess, refilling all the glasses of the thirsty guests.
Be the Spiritual hostess today, Beloved. Remember when you did not realize that the Universe has an endless flow of Unconditional Love available within every Soul-self. Now that you know that It is Infinite, be one of the ones who freely give the encouraging word, the enlightened calm smile, the example of how to offer help.
And at any moment that you feel fatigue, or a lack of humor or honor, turn instantly to the Divine Love within, and refill, refill, refill.
It is always there for you, Beloved, and for all,
Ah, Beloved,
To say and KNOW, today, “The Loving Grand Mind is what contains me and every other idea, including my friends, my work, my livelihood, my purpose, my supply, my home, my very life and place in all its meanings, and so I trust in that Mind to swirl all ideas within It into Harmony.”
“I open to that Mind’s Directions today, not turning to old thoughts in human advice, or to the chatter of well-meaning friends. I open to the Mind Divine, and in That I totally trust, and expect Good of this Mind, within which we swim, which supports us on Its perfect waves of Omnipotence, savoring Its gentle Love for me, and for all.”
WE will be your prayer partners on this, Child,
Ah, Beloved,
I am with you, you are in Me.
We are the substance of Joy.
Let It suffuse your consciousness. Let It embrace you, and picture It embracing everyone and every thing you know.
I am Love, and It is indeed what you are made of.
Do not try to understand It with your intellect, just feel, feel, feel It with the Soul that you are.
Give this gift to yourself today. It is the gift that will Bless you and Bless all around you.
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to admit to your thoughts that you need a Teacher throughout the day and night. For the Perfection of God/Goddess/Creator IS hard to understand, and to the thought of oneself as made in the image of that perfection, one begins to feel immediate doubt. One looks at what one has said and done, or is doing or saying, and feels far short of perfection
But we say to you that it is only when thinking of yourself as a physical and humanly emotional self that you feel you fall short of being a Divine image. Remember that you are truly Spirit, as God/Goddess is Spirit, and lean into THAT understanding. Think about that. Ponder that with delight. Then, realize that in the very moment that the error was made, that the image in God looked at the image in the mirror and thought that the “image” of a body was itself, the Creator saw the error and gave the gift of a constant Teacher Voice and Presence within the heart of each Child-Spirit. This Voice will constantly Love you and Hold you and Teach you and be with you, reminding you, “You are not a body. You are my favored and beautiful Child, like Me in all ways of Goodness and Joy.” Turn to this Teacher constantly, for It knows only the Good of you, and will tell you again and again, “You are my Beloved Child.” It Knows you exist only within It, and that no error , no imaginary mirror reflection, can ever separate you from Its Mind and Hear
Then, Beloved, it will become easier to focus on the Force of Gratitude, that is also a reflected Quality of the Divine in the mirror of earth, and to stay utterly, utterly grateful, in every moment, thinking to the self, “I am so very grateful for God’s Love. I am so very grateful Goddess Loves me like the very Perfect Mother of All that She is.
Stay grateful for Divine Love, Child, and all else will fall into place in the play, and you will remember upon remembrance, “I am made only of Love.”
As We all are,
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be no doubt in your mind that the One Mind sees your worth in the Play. If it were not so, you would no longer be in the Play.
Actors play their part, and do so with joy and a sense of purpose and completeness, and then they remember their completeness in God, and let all costumes go. Rest assured that the Glory of Creation knows you and knows when and where you are needed. Just follow that Voice, Beloved, and rest assured It wants your happiness and harmony, even while you play your part.
For the parts that God has written are parts of Joy, and parts of satisfaction. Surrender to that greater part, and feel the lines and instructions coming to you smoothly and easily and clearly.
Listen with Love and worship, and you will hear,
Ah, Beloved,
My Strength IS your strength.
Draw on Me. Let Me help you in every circumstance and every direction you take. The smallest bit of willingness from you allows Me to gently and Lovingly direct your path, restore your health, provide for the human needs that you have. And the greatest need you have is to constantly remember that you are not in any way separated, really, from My Love and all that It seeks to supply to you.
It is only your mis-belief that you are separate and far from Me and My Willingness to hold you so very tenderly, and show you how best to use the gifts and talents that I have built into your very consciousness, that holds you back and leaves you feeling empty or discontent. Open to Me, trust in Me, celebrate with Me the amazingness of you as an expression of Aspects of the Divine.
There is nothing extra special about those who clearly hear and live My Loving Intent. They have just practiced being still and silent, and have willingly listened to the Great Soul guidance that speaks in their hearts. The happiness and quiet, strong Joy that the grateful communion with Living Love gives them, is the fuel for all that they do, and say, and are.
You can clearly hear also. Just be willing and listen, and receive.
Ah, Beloved,
Remember that what you really want is Peace of Mind and heart.
Your humanly-taught, and mortal, mind will try to convince you that many temporal things or circumstances can give you Peace, but the truth is you do not always realize exactly which path and place and person will be the conduit for the Divine Peace that wants to flow to you and embrace you. Therefore, stay focused on your desire for the Heavenly Loving completeness, and do not fret about the details of how it must come about. Stay focused on being Loved and Loving, forgiven and forgiving, and let the end of each moment be the Peace and Joy that you need and want.
This is the way in many systems of Spirituality. Why fight it with human definitions? Understanding that God soul and Spirit knows the best way for you better than your sensory perceptions do is a great leap forward into understanding the Goodness of God.
Ah, Beloved,
There is a Father that has never been disappointed in you, there is a Mother who has never stopped nurturing you. They are God, and they have always and will always, Love, Love, Love you.
Honor your earthly parents, and Love and esteem them, forgiving whatever human challenges they did or do struggle with, but for the Certainty of your complete Fulfillment, turn to your True Father/Mother, GOD.
While being grateful to your earthly parents, know your real Creator as Spirit GOD.
Ah, Beloved,
Compassion and forgiveness rise up naturally in every heart. Let them. Do not stop them with indignation or old hurts or animosities. So, so many are childlike in their understandings and perceptions of Truth, and they must be given a chance to know the depth of Divine Love.
Soul does not die, and will still live, as It leads those It speaks to, and they bloom, bloom, bloom. The sheer poetry of God can be seen in the evolution of human Higher Consciousness.
Help let It do so.
Ah, Beloved,
Do not throw stones at the mists of your illusion. The stones, the resentments and grievances, will just be there to trip you as you try to move forward. Rather, close your eyes to your interpretations, and turn to the Truth of God.
“I release my plans from thought and heart, dear Abba. Show me your Plan.”
We are part of that Plan. You KNOW It exists.
Ah, Beloved,
Even after you realize that you want the Peace and Perception of the Divine more than you want anything of the worldly, there will be worldly things that still seem attractive or necessary. Be gentle and forgiving with your own heart and its desires, and just continue to work on discerning and trusting the Divine Voice within. It will guide you to your purpose as communicator of Unconditional Love, but It will also guide you to all that is needed for your earthly costume, and to the Joy and sense of Purpose that beholds each morning with gratitude and enthusiasm.
Surrender to that Voice, and Its Presence, and trust, trust, trust, Beloved, that the combination of living in the world, but not of it, can indeed be lived, so long as it is your part to be in the Play. Many have done it, and so can you.
As loving as ever,
Ah, Darling Ones,
Do ponder how all True cause and effect belong to the One Source of this Creation that you dwell within. Many time-shadow illusions and misperceptions will confuse you, but if you begin each day and each decision with claiming the right and the ability to See the Truth as God sees it, you will be able to calmly move forward on smoother paths.
This is not about being a puppet, or completely passive. It is about recognizing a Wiser and completely Loving One Authority that is God, and listening to and completing, your individual actions and words as gracious participation in the Whole.
Listen, and act. Listen and act, and Love, Love, Love with the Perceptive Unconditional Love of God.
We Help grow Love in your Heart. Harvest It.
Ah, Beloved,
The comfort that can come from knowing you are PERSONALLY Loved by the Divine Source cannot be underestimated. Why not try turning to It more often and for longer times?
It costs nothing except some focus and willingness. It takes no insurance or membership forms to fill out. It simply IS, all the time and everywhere.
Our gift to you is to remind you of this,
Ah, Beloved,
Can the swipe of a knife hurt a beam of light? Can water tossed through it, or a handful of dust tossed at it, harm a beam of light? Can words that are meant to hurt and doubt make the beam of light waver? No and no and no and no.
And the Divine Light that shines forth the idea of you is Complete Oneness, with all Power, far more than the beams of light from your temporal sun.
Be the Beam of Light today, Beloved, fearless and proud to believe and know that it is the Power of Love Itself that shines you forth. You are not material. You are Spirit and you are Light and you are Love. Walk strong, for you are those.
SPIRIT, with you
Ah, Beloved,
As yet another whom you know passes from the mortal realm, think upon the aptness of the celebration called “a wake”, for truly the soul that was slumbering now awakens. Sit beside its Golden Heart, and celebrate with It as It wakens to Joy.
Take a moment to give praise and thanks that Its final time in the dream was full of forgiveness and truth, rather than bitterness and sorrow. Take a moment to hold Its hand as It bows from Its role in your play and bids you adieu, and be grateful for all you both learned. And then, be glad, as Gladness takes It back to Its Own Bosom, and all fears and tears are set aside, for the Peace that ever recreates Itself, again and again and again.
This We Know to Be True,
Ah, Beloved,
When thoughts of the past or future would try to pull you into regret or worry or wistfulness or distracting anticipation and excitement, grab the moment and focus on picturing peace in every heart you know, including your own. Then picture Peace in every heart you do not know. Let your thoughts be like tiny carrot seeds that somehow seem to impossibly grow into a lovely and sturdy root, reaching its greens to the sun.
Proactive prayer for others and for the world will save you, again and again, from your own empty thoughts, AND it will lend to the brightening of the entire world and universe. Plant those tiny seeds today, Beloved, and plant them anytime you need to get your mind calm and centered and off your own uncomfortable thoughts.
We assure you Good can use you as conduit if you do this,
Ah, Beloved,
Just as you must get into the flow of the river, before you start paddling the canoe, so must you enter into the Joyful Flow of the Universe before you use words of meditation or prayer, or aim the desires of the heart.
It is an attitude. It is an understanding that navigating the waters of gladness and peace and calm expansive purpose will take you anywhere you want to go, but trying to paddle or pole your way through the roar of anger or fear or sorrow will only whirl you in circles, and those with you will be trapped in that same eddy.
Flow to the clear waters, Beloved. Rise up and portal to that moving stream of Creative Love, so that you will be able to go where you want, and where you are meant to be, and be able to enjoy the ride, rather than wearying yourself against currents that go only back upon themselves.
Ah, Beloved,
The Great Creative Mind that constantly thinks of you also constantly delights in you. It faithfully watches over you while you dream you are separated from it into a body, and sends Its tender Sprit into your dream to help you remember your true and Spiritual self, and to assist in smoothing your dream.
Be you faithful as well. Be you tender and true to yourself and to others, and delight in the One Mind as It delights in you, and in all. Offer your delight to God and God freely gives delight to you—a Delight that surpasses all bodily and human understanding, but that you can truly know with the very depths of your Being. It is a healing Delight.
Ah, Beloved,
As we have said many times, if you are not yet completely skilled at looking past the temporal costumes, and seeing the Divine Soul of each individual, then it is harder to forgive. Being able to see that the outer costume and errors are not real means there is nothing real that needs to be forgiven—as the mist of error falls away, there is only the Sea of shining Soul.
But if you are not at that point, or hit a moment in the journey when anger clouds your sight of Divine Soul, then forgiveness can be dredged up with gratitude. Look upon the other person, or look at yourself, and find even a small thing to be grateful for, or to appreciate. Whatever glimmer of kindness or goodness or talent you can see, let it be brought to mind, and let that thing soften your heart and attitude, and renew your ability to See as God sees—the lovability of the essence of that one.
Sometimes you can even shift into warm uplifted Love by imagining what the earthly mother of that child must have felt when she first looked into that child’s eyes. Take it from there, and multiply and multiply and multiply, for a glimmer of what God-Love feels as It looks upon each shining offshoot of Its Soul Self.
Seeing Soul feeds you. Let that be your food today.
Ah, Beloved,
We understand that it may seem counter-intuitive to let go of the attachment to the thought of being a physical body, in order to have the body function more smoothly, but we assure you it is true. Spirit, and Thought formed in Spirit, can have your body and circumstances functioning in an orderly and wonderful way.
What do you have to lose by trying this way of thinking? Nothing. For this day, think about your sense of Self as a walking thing expressing Love and Enjoyment. Concentrate on your sense of Self that feels no age or limits. Many of you feel this already in some of your night dreams, where you feel/seem “younger” or more fit. Play with that feeling, and walk through your day letting yourself know the feeling of being ruled by your High Self that is a Peaceful, timeless expression of being exactly where you need to be.
Your true self is pure wonder,
Ah, Beloved,
Whether you are seeking an answer, or peacefulness, for yourself, or for another, remember to hold very still, in order to let the True Answers, and Serenity, come to you.
Like the sun, the Divine Presence is always with you. It does not have to “come to you” from somewhere far off. It just needs to be trusted to be there, just as you know the sun is behind the clouds even on an overcast day, or to be moved into, as when you step out of the shadow of your own building to turn your face to the rays of warmth.
Or, like a camper using a mirror to focus the rays of the sun to start his cooking fire, you can hold the mirror of yourself very still to focus the Divine Source Light to start a fire of ideas and joy in your heart.
Whether you are listening and focusing for yourself, or for another, the technique is the same. Hold very still, be willing, and feel the warmth and words of the Truth.
We still hold your best interests in our hearts,
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
Bless and Bless and Bless, in your thoughts and words, everyone and everything around you. Say “Bless you” constantly in whispers and aloud and with your eyes.
It costs you nothing, Beloved, but the decision to do so, for the Blessings come from God. The Blessings come from God—you are just the transparency through which they flow.
Bless everything, Beloved, and in this way feel Blessed yourself.
The cloth that cleans with the water of Love is also cleaned as it cleanses.
We Love you so,
Ah, Beloved,
When you count your Blessings, We hope you realize that your first and foremost Blessing is that Love is God, and that Love Loves you, right now.
This is first and foremost. It always has been and always will be, and IS now. This is our Blessing. This is your Blessing. God Loves you.
That is not hard to remember. Feel It.
Ah, Beloved,
Even as you cultivate the discipline and desire to turn immediately to God for advice, comfort, care, and inspiration throughout your day, learn to resist material impulses.
Learn to pause and carefully consider, “Do I want to say that word to someone? Do I want to eat that thing? Do I really want to own that object? Do I indeed want to say no to that request? Do I truly need to take that journey, or try that new activity, or take that person’s counsel?” Ah, Beloved, yes, yes, it is important to explore your talents and contribute to the life of the world and the love of your neighbor, and to create, and give, and participate, but it is so important to do all these things with the constant support and whisper of Divine Love.
Do what you are meant to do in this life, but do so not from thoughtless impulse, but with considered reflection, and calm certainty of Soul.
We help and help again. Just ask Us.
Ah, Beloved, we are with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Each morning and evening, and anytime during the day that you must make an important decision, or when you feel stressed or confused, take these two simple steps:
1. Remind yourself that the only real power is God, and God created only good and wants only good. Feel the gentle peace deep in your heart that is the pulse of God, while you think about that Grace and Fullness of God. Think about the Love and the Omniscience that are God.
2. Stop thinking, but continue to feel the deep peace of God, while you become very still, and listen. Listen, listen, listen in a relaxed and quiet way. You are not striving to hear a particular thing. The Divine Inner Spirit may just give you a few moments of Loving Silence, which refreshes and calms you for the next phase of your day. Or, that Gracious Spirit may whisper a word or a name that gives you a new idea to solve a problem. Or, you may feel an urge to try a certain thing or call a certain person, or to go to a certain place, even if it is just to buy the groceries. Spirit may just suffuse you with a feeling that “All is Well, All is Well.” Just be still, and listen. Listen.
Be the rabbit, inside, with ears huge. God is in there, in you, somewhere. Just Listen. Listen for that Divine breath, and footstep. Listen for that whisper, and above all, feel the Love that pours into your heart and mind, when you are still, and allow It. It will guide your every step of this earth journey, if you but be still, and listen, and allow.
Ah, Beloved,
For so long now, you have understood that the One Mind graciously knows how best to completely awaken each of Its reflections, who dream they are far away and alone in the earth dream. Keep trusting that, Beloved. Nudge another along, if you are directed to by Divine Voice, but otherwise be the quiet Loving example of Love reflecting Love, letting not the small irritations of the worldly dream divert you from your Light Path.
If you lose your temper for a moment, if you feel hurt or unforgiving for a day, have mercy on yourself, and return to the sublime peace that comes with leaving all Awakening to God, and enjoy the gift God has given you, by speaking in your dreaming heart.
Like a home owner patiently polishing each tile upon a floor, until the whole room is gleaming, God will polish each human heart, and then they will all shine together in Joy.
Trust that, trust that, let not those bitter in the dream poison you,
Trust Love, ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
The First Cause, also known as God/Goddess, One Mind, etc., really did, and does, come first. Remembering that is so key to understanding why you must close your eyes to the false reality of the limited five senses, in order to accurately reflect the Harmony that First Cause truly created you in, and sustains you in. Look to the Harmony and Peace and Love that ARE First Cause, and know that your “job” is to reflect those—to be the image of those. God IS Gladness and wants you, as clear image of God, to reflect that Gladness. Your job is to be an expression of happiness.
If one falls into the trap of responding—of only being the re-actor to the distorted, non-good, images of the world, then one becomes a funhouse distorted mirror reflecting other fun house distorted mirror images. Turning ones consciousness to the Reality of First Cause, one begins to see that the bright Gladness and Love of that Cause are what one is meant to reflect, and to enjoy being a reflection of.
It is not your “fault” that you were dropped into a false reality and taught that it was the only reality. But, once you allow yourself to know that the Bright, First Cause, Reality is the true one, turn around, and let yourself reflect It, rather than reflecting, ad nausea, the distorted images around you. Some can reflect the amorphous qualities of the First Cause, the Truth and Joy and Expansive Love that are First Cause. Some need the symbolism of those qualities turned into a perfect human or hero or heroine, to help them grasp the essence of being an image of One Good Divine Mind. Have mercy on those who need intermediate symbols, for they help countless others who cannot quickly make the mental leap from false reality full of false symbols, to the essential Truth of First Cause.
Once you know that you need to face the True Reality, in order to enjoy Its True Reflection, then you can relax into enjoying all the wonderful forms and images that will shine forth in each of your days. You will be able to, whenever tempted to think a false image “real”, realign your vision by simply remembering that only things that reflect the Glad and Harmonious emanations of First Cause are the images that are real. Do not regret all the years that you had it “backwards”, Beloved. Rather, rejoice that you can finally realize, each day, each minute, that God/Goddess, First Cause, always comes first.
Turn to look at God/Goddess, and then see how playfully and lovingly It reflects Itself in the wondrous mirror that is you and your life.
Ah, Child,
Turn to the Loving Source.
It is already turned to you, holding and watching and waiting for you to realize and remember and discern that All is Well, and time cannot efface or diminish that Infinite Love.
Time is the trick that would give rise to many lies. Make it your friend by using every moment of it to remember Love, and to understand that Love, beyond time, has already solved all, and seeded Itself into the minds of humankind, to take full bloom as soon as they are ready.
All blooms already in Spirit. Do not make yourself dizzy trying to figure out quantum warps and time loops and alternate realities. Just turn to Love and be glad that It already blooms.
“I am Spirit, all is Spirit, and Love blooms in me now.”
“I am, even now, a Spiritual Being, and Love Blooms in me now.”
Do not fall for time-bound lures. Allow timeless Love to Bloom.
Ah, Child,
As ever, the messages that you give to others will always help you also, since all the ideas that are children of the Divine are in the Divine Mind together. In a certain sense, all the children are One Child. But lest you take that as sad news, thinking that it is pathetic that you always need correcting, in the constant shared error of the human outlook, think also of the shared triumphs.
When one individual has a breakthrough of greater Consciousness, so does it raise all towards that Consciousness. When one person finally is able to clearly let go of a grudge and be back in the Clarity of Love, it helps lift all. When one person reaches a state of saintliness or holiness or selflessness, all individuals benefit.
Every five minutes that you spend being in complete appreciation, bathed in the Flow of the Divine, and allowing It to come through you for yourself and for others, helps the evolution of humanity to its Highest Good. And remember, Beloved, that you cannot perceive what is the Highest Good with your human perceptions. Only when you look with spiritual awareness will you be able to see how a word or an action or a moment of silence helped heal or enlighten another soul.
Trust in the Whole, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
Complain about your loved ones, in thought or voice, and it will cloud your ability to feel healing and guidance and Love from God.
So stop it. Spirit will help you if you ask.
Ah, Beloved,
Think of all the good gestures and motives and feelings and demonstrations of kindness and forgiveness and inspiration that happen in your own community each day even though you are not personal witness to them. Think of how many times all the generosity and goodwill acts and personal growth examples of an individual only come to light for all when stories are being told at that person’s funeral. Think of how many times you yourself have anonymously given, or even just held your tongue when you could have gossiped or criticized.
Good is happening all around you, and within you.
And We tell you, the awesome portion of Good that God can always See far exceeds these small examples of human goodness. God Sees the Good of every soul that is part of the Divine Great Soul, and it is unlimited. Open you mind, open your heart, open your imagination and vision, and See It with God.
And how very Lovely it is!
Ah, Beloved,
Allowing others to work out their own way of awakening from the human dream values, which have them enmeshed in a false sense of what brings happiness, is a skill that takes practice. But, as ever, you have a wonderful Teacher within, in the form of the voice of truth, which can guide you about when to speak and when to stay silent. It can nudge you about when to respond with an action or a gift, and about when to stand back and do nothing.
But in all cases, remember, Love, that as untutored or misguided or hypnotized by the worldly as the other person seems to be, do not think of that error filled thinking as the person himself or herself, any more than you would wonder why a two year old did not yet know the multiplication table. Think of the other as only a marvelous extension of the Life Force, and relate to him or her only with compassion and love.
All Grace,
Ah, Beloved,
It is a mistake to think that you do not need to forgive those who have passed on, or whom you never see because they live in a distant town or land. If there is unforgiveness in your thoughts about them, it is still poisoning you.
Ask for Angelic help, and forgive them, for your own sake. Remember that claiming the illusion of earthly drama to be a thing that cannot rule you, by its sins and sorrows and physical ills, means that you claim this Truth for yourself and for ALL!
Therefore, forgive. Claim that whatever words or acts seemed to hurt you never hurt the True You that is pure Spirit idea, and always happy and free and good. Forgive. And forgive yourself for taking so long to forgive, for the things that are of old, old times very best forgotten.
Always with you, We will never betray you or leave you,
Ah, Child,
It is easy to become lost in asking, over and over, “but what is my task?”
Your task is to smile lovingly and gently at ten people today. Your task is to forgive the world for being silly and strange. Your task is to be the one to apologize first and say “I love you” out loud, when those before you are behaving most badly.
God will never ask you, if you take time to listen to God before you go to sleep each night, “Did you finish all your paperwork today?” God will not say “If you did not trim the bushes or do the dishes, I cannot love you.” God will always say, “I love you. Whom did you find to give some Unconditional Love to today? Did you give yourself some dear Love today?”
If you stay focused on those true tasks, the worldly chores and forms of work will take their proper place in your hours and days and mind, and will even get done more smoothly, because they will fueled by Love.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
TODAY”S Blessings are with you right now. The most important one is God’s Love and desire to give you continual Grace.
The second Blessing that is already in your consciousness and quiver of abilities is Loving yourself and Loving others. And, an enormous number of Godly traits and inspirations are within your easy reach, giving you a steady flow of ideas and joys.
Ponder all these TODAY, Beloved. Set aside little human plans, or ruminations of yesterday, and leave the future, trustingly, in the Thoughts of God, while you count the Divine and worldly Blessings of TODAY.
Counting TODAY as paramount is a light heartening activity.
Ah, Beloved,
It is a Truth that Love Loves all of Its reflections.
Every reflection, every individualized glimmer of Light that is one of the images of the Spirit of God, is Loved by God. If you would See as God Sees, timelessly, and past the illusion of human errors, you can make this part of your goal.
“I shall See as God Sees, I shall Love as God Loves, and God will help me do this.”
We are not asking you to love human error and sin. But Love the Soul of All, in Its various permutations and individualized reflections. It will help.
You can, you know. You can.
Ah, Beloved,
We are always willing to give. For we understand the bounty of Bliss that flows back to one when one gives.
Be thou willing to give Love generously also therefor, for we know you have come to value the Bliss of deep relation to God-Source-Love above all else. Do not forget that when your small mortal thoughts would have you worrying about some small human rules or even your own invented rules of proper behavior in even giving.
Obey God’s Laws, and above all obey the Law to Love, including passing along God’s Love even when your human self feels nothing for a person, or even enmity of some sort.
Give Love, and Love gives to you, in ways you cannot possibly imagine.
Ah, Beloved,
The overlapping of the orbits of thought and the seemingly different realities seen by the various consciousnesses that are you and all those around you can indeed be very disconcerting. But the more you keep in mind that your goal is to know the One Mind that can govern each and all, as they come to allow It, the more you will See Its Harmony around and in your experiences. Yes, there will still be overlaps with those that are still seeing pain and sorrow, but do, Beloved, choose to be one of the ones that creates a circle of calm Joy and trust in the Divine Intent, everywhere you go.
Be good to yourself by being that, and good to others by being that example. Be kind and forgiving to yourself in the moments when you seem to fail, and turn, turn, turn to Good again.
It is the Infinite Good that upholds you. Let It help,
Ah, Beloved,
There is a certainty that comes, after one has had enough of the peak moments of glimpsing the Truth of the Oneness of Being. This Certainty is what properly prepares one for helping others turn to the Healing Power of the Source, and to absolutely know that ones own needs will be covered by the seamless, lovely weave of Light that is the Source.
When the first witnessing of a “miracle” occurs, or the occasional extraordinary moment is experienced, doubt, or the pervasive flood of human thought and error come right afterward to take away the feeling of enlightenment and empowerment. The repetition of hearing about, and the daily experiencing of the living presence of Oneness does the convincing, and then complete belief is born, and cannot be unborn.
Allow the full birth, Beloved. Allow your absolute conviction to be so strong that you can stand firm in it when those around you question or doubt, or plea. Stand firm, and point to the Source, like a mother pointing to the sun when her child is pointing to the ripples of light on the water and asking where they come from.
Ah, Dear One,
Just as a petty thief or a liar may find great comfort in being in a new town, where no one has heard about his old deeds, and where he can make a fresh start, let yourself take comfort in each new day. Whatever your small or large failings, or small or huge accomplishments, each time you turn to the Presence of the Divine, nothing exists but this new moment, and Love.
Enter that “new town” of Love each day. Let each night before sleeping be a time of release, of both the sorrows and the triumphs. Forgive, and receive forgiveness, for all that was not harmony, and give, and be given, lauds for what gave peace and joy, and then open your heart to Spirit for a new day. Each day is your “new town” in One Spirit. One Spirit does not see or know your darkness, for where It looks, there is always Light. One Spirit’s Realm is the new town where you are seen in new light, and where the light that IS you is given another chance to shine.
Each day is your chance to start again to give time to listening to your Divine Inner Guidance. Each moment is your chance to start obeying what you hear there, and, as you obey, being led to the realm of Peace that is “your town” forevermore.
Always we are dancing there,
Ah, Beloved,
There is a new choice for you now. Do you choose to frequent the places where you know everyone and they know you, to demonstrate your shining of God-Light? Or, do you choose to purposely venture into other places in time and space where you can shine the Truth and Light of God, being one of those that help move all of the earth dream inhabitants more quickly out from any suffering?
You can practice this in tiny ways or huge ones, Beloved. All of them help. Send your uplifting thoughts, the Thoughts you share with God, to places in the world that are in distress. Or visit a place in your own town where there are lonely or sad people, and share your smile or your song or your art.
With your flying Spirit, or with your hands and feet and heart and tongue, dispense Grace. Let there be no limits to where it is dispensed, for all beings ARE brother and sister to you. All are spiritually equal children of God. Keeping that in mind will help you dispense silent God Love/Grace to all, including those whose human behavior is so distressing.
We have seen your shining Innocence of Soul even when you misbehaved. Be willing to do that for others now.
Deeply Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
“I am an expression, pure Spirit, of the Central Spirit of All That Is.”
That is the Truth of you, Beloved. We know that when you have moments of acting for God, or letting God act through your seemingly mortal self, you usually feel like it is just a role you are playing for a moment. Reverse that thought, Beloved.
The Divine Expression IS the Real You and is your True and only Self. The human moments are the temporary role you play. Is it time to be done with playing, with pretending to be human, however good that human might be striving to be, and set aside the thoughts of that role and simply be God’s expression in every moment, in every moment under God’s direction?
The timing of when to acknowledge the Allness of God is up to you, Beloved. But let us assure you that the Bliss, calm and sweet, of doing so, is of greater measure than all temporal accolades. The body costume will smoothly cooperate, when you are following the directives of God in each day, in each moment.
Walking with you, always,
Ah, Beloved,
Love is the active ingredient.
Just as when you read the label of some soothing balm, and it lists oils and fragrance and water and emulsion agents, etc., etc., and then lists an “active ingredient” that is what you are seeking, so is it with prayer and God-focused healing.
The pure Spirit of Love is the active ingredient. You might surround it with flowers or candles or certain words, or a beautiful quiet space, but Love Spirit is the active ingredient.
Love is the healer, Love is the comforter and the Guide and the wisdom and the Heart of it all. Love is the Truth that gently, but utterly, causes all falseness to be revealed and disappear. Love is Omnipresent and It is why you can call on Its activeness even in the most hurried and dismal situation. Even when the candles or quiet space are not there, Love is still the active ingredient. Count on that, and call to It, everywhere, anywhere. Call to Love.
It Loves you so, and will Answer.
Ah, Beloved,
We say again, Love is long-suffering, patient and kind. If you feel even the slightest hint of irritation or anger when a child or a spouse or a friend asks you to do a favor, then it is not Love you are feeling. Reach always for the Love that is beyond the human emotion called “love”, and see the Divine of the Other that is your self. Only thus can you feel true Joy for the good fortune of others, and so draw that Joy also to yourself.
Giving is receiving, and it is the lesson that you relearn every day.
We are with you in this. Ask for endurance,
Ah, Beloved,
Do you think we do not know that you need proof? We are well aware that when you feel trapped in the human outlook on things, that you need proof that God Thoughts are reality. Ask that today you be shown something that seems so humanly unlikely that it gives you that iota of faith that lets you believe that ALL things are possible to God.
For believing that you are under no Law but the Law of Goodness that is God is truly the one and only thing you need now. Do not define your needs in terms of human love or money or circumstance. Define your need as utter and complete faith in the Truth and Harmony of God.
This basic, Love. Take It,
Ah, Beloveds,
There is so much that can be transformed to aim you back to pure good for your life, if you but release to changes.
Like a detour that created a sense of loss and frustration on the road, but can twist and turn you back to a route that fills you with confidence, as your true forward progress begins again, the directions from Spirit in your heart can lead you forward from any errors you have made.
Be patient. With the Glorious Infinite Help, you have plenty of time to get it right.
Take our assurances to heart, and remember all the times you have felt saved,
Ah, Beloved,
Just as you would invite a math expert to come in and look over your calculations, to correct any errors, invite Truth into your mind and heart to correct all errors and quirks and misbeliefs.
Whether you think of Truth as the Light Being of the Christ, or whether you think of Truth as the Spiritual essence of the Golden Rule, or whether you think of the Truth as the God or One Source or Love, that you pray to, and with, invite It in.
Invite Truth in, so that the illusions of malady, or the preoccupation with accumulating collections, or the competitive ambition that sours relations, or the pride of objects or excess ungiving wealth, can be sorted out and soothed. Truth will comfort and solve, and show you the path to your True Work as a Blessed and Blessing Child of the Divine.
Ah, Beloved,
As you look for Wholeness, and Wholeness looks for you, let every single part of you answer, “Here I am.”
To hold back a part of your life from being Whole is to not truly commit. Let there be no exception, no hidden place, no secret wandering remaining, when you let go to floating with the marvelous Flow of Will that is yours to choose.
Ah, Beloved,
Obey the commandments, trust in God, listen constantly to the Divine Voice, and see what unfolds, expecting the Good of Truth.
That has always been our gentle loving advice to you, and it still is. All the other words and examples and teachings and books and journeys and detours are just details. Trust in Love, and be a part of It, for you ARE.
Endlessly with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Today, try to PLAY with the exercise of giving up your own imaginings and expectations and demands, and just ask God to show you His/Her perfectly imagined day.
“We are all alive and well and whole and happy, here in the Mind of God, the writer of today’s play.”
Do not storm and fret and worry in your human mind about doing this correctly, just PLAY with the idea that God writes today, perfectly, goodly, happily.
Ah, Beloved,
Keep in your heart and mind and conviction of belief that the Infinite Director DOES desire Joy for all. Sometimes, indeed, that means the individual must straighten their priorities of what deserves feeling Joyous about, and that Primary on that list must be the Love of God, and of expressing the Good God in their days.
But it also means that God mercifully and tenderly will help with the human needs, adjusting the bits and pieces of the human play, and giving ideas and solace and connections to solve seeming problems and to create opportunities. You DO “entertain Angels unawares”, and if you keep that in mind, and keep focused on the Truth that One Mind can, and does, Govern all, then you will be one of those who notices chances for change or preservation, and who listens to and obeys the still, small Voice when It advises action or inaction.
Listen, and obey for Good, dear One.
Ah, Beloved,
It is interesting to note the miracles in your life, and that as you focus on them and are grateful, to realize how many other miracles naturally occurred, that you did not even remark upon at the time. Prove to yourself, dear one, that Unseen forces look upon you and care for you, and you will be more willing to ask more and more of them, even as you serve as vehicle for them to shine through.
You are a constant reason for gratitude for us,
We thank you for serving,
Ah, Beloved,
God’s words to you when you listen will not always be of a serious tone. If you hear “My jolly health is your jolly health”, that is also a good gift to you.
God is always ready to forgive human errors and Love and support you. Concentrate on accepting.
It is All, but it is Light.
Ah, Beloved,
It is important to remember that the pure Consciousness of you is indeed everlasting. This journey through time that you are on is not a vacation from growing and expanding your Consciousness back to full remembrance of Its Perfection. Rather, it is a chance to not only accelerate your remembrance, but help others awaken to their full Goodness of Being also.
Grow and shine your Divine Self, Beloved, that it may be a surface for others to see and be lit by. Expand your awareness here and now, allowing the knowledge of your Infinite Self to help you enjoy Infinity here and now, not waiting until the body-sense dies to glimpse the reaches of Tender Infinity.
Ask for Divine Help today in seeing the Glory unveiled in each small moment, Beloved, being unafraid of lack or limitation, since you know you are already a part of the undying Divine.
We shall remind you as often as you need,
Ah, be not shy in standing in faith with your Inner Friend, for has It not stood, time after time, in faith with you, when no human person would?
And there have been more times than you know…
Ah, Beloved,
There will be a time to Go Home. There will be a time to lay aside the body illusion and fly free in Wisdom and Light. But, meanwhile, be the window through which the Light shines.
Open every moment of your days and nights to letting the Wisdom and Light shine through your every word and task and action. This is no small thing, but We know you can do it.
This is no small thing, and everyone can do it, and just imagine the Bright Light that would be shining everywhere if they did.
Be at Home in your heart, Child. Be at Home in the Peace of your heart, and shine a little longer into the dream, for Us.
Ah, Beloved,
Do not let your mis-knowledge of “physical” laws bind you. God is not bound by them—why should you let yourself be?
As the greater understanding of the Laws of Light come closer to the humanly known laws of the universe, this will get easier to picture for those who cannot leave their intellectual knowledge behind. But why wait? You already understand, with your heart, that God can do all things, in order to free all Spirit/Oneness/Children into awakening. So why not let yourself feel that freedom NOW?
You were so delighted to see the clear joy of the horses that had escaped their fence and were running freely in your field—why not let your own heart and faith run as freely? God is All in All and does not bind you. Be free.
We laughed with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Compassion flows more easily if you remember the times when you have been humanly tempted, sorely tempted, to give in to anger or vengeful actions or words. Think of the times even now when only strong prayer keeps your will strong and able to not react to hurtful behaviors or verbal responses or negative correspondence.
“There but for the Grace of God go I.”
Forgiveness flows more easily from your heart when you ponder what you still hope to be forgiven for. Forgiveness expands when you contemplate what your Spiritual role models went through on the earthly plane, and yet were still able to forgive. Forgive the errors others make in the dream, and know you can be forgiven and grow, as well. Teach Truth with your actions and example, and leave the correction of error in the Hands of Spirit, Who knows exactly how to help each soul atone.
“There but for the Grace of God go I.” Grace is abundant here and now, and infinite in Its reach. You can count on It. Count on It.
Softly Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
Practice again today the Power of praying for one person all the day today.
Whether it be friend or lover or relative or neighbor or stranger or seeming foe, use the simple prayer of “Bless them” as many times as you can remember throughout the day.
It changes you. For the better.
We Love that you are willing to do this.
Ah, Brave One,
Count as delightful progress the times that now occur, when circumstances or words spoken to you, leave your calm heart unmoved. Look back for a moment to other times in your life, when you would have reacted with anger, or with pain, or with over-exuberance. Be joyous with the new self, who lives from the calm heart of Peace, and responds to a haywire world with love and patience, instead of panic or hopelessness.
And know, Beloved, that just as patience and endurance have matured, so will love. Love will deepen and grow and mature, until it is the same Love the Divine always has had, has, and will have, for you.
Isn”t it delightful?
Ah, Beloved,
Be as lovely as you ARE.
Close your eyes, to better see God. Close your eyes, to better see your Self as God Sees you, now and forevermore.
And as we see you, with utter Love,
Ah, Friend,
Just as any good and loving parent will lock the door to the cabinet of poisons, and fence off the dangerous ravine, so does God try to protect you by locking certain doors.
God’s Awareness, right within you, knows when your fleshly self is about to embark on a venture or a direction that is not your Best Destiny, and will lock some doors to help guide you back to your Best Path.
Can you trust that Awareness of God Within? Or will you be like the child whose parent has said to him, “There are dangerous chemicals in that cupboard, so I have locked the door”, but the child strives and connives to open the door anyway, consumed by mistrustful curiosity?
It is true that there are times when persistence and discipline must be used to achieve actions and consciousness that ARE your Best Destiny, but if you have given your best efforts, and asked for Divine Help, and a door still remains closed to you, then trust God, and turn to another door, another way.
It is simpler than you think, for all sincere quests lead to God,
Ah, Beloved,
The Truth of One Mind heals all. In Its invited Presence, the errors of mortal thought fall away and are revealed for the nothingness they are.
Trust in this, and do not take on any false responsibility for being the salvation of others. Yes, it is up to you to invite the Presence to be obvious in your own heart, and in the words and actions of your life, but letting that Presence work on the human thoughts of others is Its job, not yours. Be a willing doorstop to hold open the door to It. Be a willing conduit for It when It bids you do so. But let your own heart stay relaxed in the Deep Love of God, trusting all to Its Truth.
Ah, Beloved,
To be the active expression of God’s Good through word or action or prayer or creativity, to even one other person, one other idea of Life thought up by God, is to Be exactly what you need to Be.
Follow God’s Mind that is yours, and you cannot be touched by the mirages of the world.
We are with you in this, dear one. We are with you.
Ah, Beloved,
Let go of old grudges today. Think of, or make a list of, anyone whom you still resent, and everyone whom you even faintly and secretly think owes you an apology, and address God and say.
“Bless them and Bless me, for we are both a part of Thee.”
We have prayed before with you about pondering the glimmers of Good you can find in anybody, and about honoring the Divine in each as you meet, and those practices are always pertinent. But today truly try to cover ALL lingering or new annoyances, and turn to the Truth that can heal or correct all, to declare your willingness to desire “God, dear God, Please Bless, Bless, Bless us all anew.”
“Bless them, Bless me, enable us to See your Blessing upon all.”
This is important.
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
Accept graciously and with enormous gratitude the fourfold gift that is given you by all the difficult or troubled friends, strangers, lovers, relatives, and acquaintances that comprise your little universe.
First, they give you a chance to practice unconditional love and compassion and forgiveness, as they exhibit their woe and anger and paranoia, or love of sorrow. They give you a chance to reach out with silence, and listening, and healing Love.
Second, they are playing an amazing example to you, of what happens when the awareness is stayed on the world, instead of on the Divine. They are a living reminder of the choice that is always before, of turning your face and mind and imagination and trust to the shadows, or to the Light. They are like the battered sample that the salesman brings forth of the “other brand” to convince you to choose the first quality item.
Third, there but for the Grace of God, is the role that could have been assigned to your soul. Bless each soul that plays such a teacher for you, for it takes a strong soul and a powerful actor to be willing to hide the joy and the beauty under layers of grime, to play the wicked or lost one.
Fourth, realize that many times you do play the dark role for others. Many times you play it without even knowing it, when you break something with your sleeve in passing, or speak a word that you did not realize would pain another. When these unconscious acts occur, or when you know you have caused sorrow by your short temper or disloyalty or greed, remember the gift of the dark mirrors you have been shown, again and again. See what you do not want to be, and choose joy. Choose forgiveness, choose apology and amends, choose Life and Light above all. Choose to remember that all Life comes from the One Divine Spirit, bless all the parts of It who have taught you, and turn to It again and again and again.
Keep your awareness on the Light, and keep walking in gratitude,
Ah, Beloved,
Today you will learn things about moving forward.
Every day you learn things about moving forward.
But, like a child learning the multiplication table, learning the things does no good if you do not use what you have learned. Today, USE all that your sweet heart has been learning to forgive someone, to forgive yourself, to start fresh in being a “new you”. Today, give testimony to ways Goodness has blessed you. Today, share what you have of Joy in words, or riches of time, or excess goods for living.
Today, toss out at least one old habit or behavior, and be the more enlightened you that you are beginning to realize IS the Real You after all.
We know you can do it. Every small way you begin is applauded and lauded and appreciated by All Who Tutor your awakening. Remember, We already See and Know AND LOVE the Real You, so we cannot help but have faith that you will See it also, even now, even today.
Ah, Beloved,
The choice you always have is to turn to the Divine Peace that waits quietly in your heart.
In every situation of earth, you can react with human emotions and learned (and mis-learned) responses, or you can choose to drop back from your human awareness, and into the Awareness of God. Now, whether you call It God, or Christ Consciousness, or the Force, or etc, etc, does not matter. No name can truly describe the experience that is the Divine. Just practice, in silence and solitude, feeling Its Joy and Peace.
The more you practice, the more easily you will feel It. The more you feel It, the more easily your “outer” life will flow to the best expression of the Divine that you can be. The movement to your best destiny may be, even probably will be, accompanied by some changes that are not what your human self imagined for your life, but living in the Flow is well worth it. Learn to let go of human preconceptions and labels, and let your life be guided by that Loving Force that is ever willing to express Itself as your Joy.
We join you in Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
The joining of two souls who have the capacity to awaken in one another the fullness of their own Divinity is a wonderful and marvelous device by which the One Great Soul helps to awaken all of Its bits to their own heritage of Divine freedom.
That does not mean that those souls will always, each day, find human smoothness in their interactions. But it does mean that if they live with, and try to work with, trust and forgiveness and love, they can learn to love more and more deeply. And the more deeply they love humanly, the closer their love is to being a reasonable facsimile of the Divine Love that holds them both, and all.
Love, therefore. Love one another and your selves, as a gesture to the Divine Creator that you want to remember, and learn how to express, the Divine Love that creates and cradles all. It is All.
All in Love,
Ah, Beloved,
The heart of All Being has been teaching you to forgive, so that you will become calm enough to realize that there IS nothing to forgive—that All that was Made was made by, and in, the Sweet Mind of God-Source, and it was all made perfectly, and still remains there, as Spirit that It is.
“I am the emanation of the joyous Light of the Source. The body that I seem to have is a reflection of that emanation, and therefore can reflect that perfection of Harmony and appropriateness.”
Ah, Beloved,
Even if a whole day has gone by without you feeling that you were able to hear a Word of God, or enact any you did hear, do not give up. Even if a whole day and night have gone by when you feel as though you missed all the clues the Universe was trying to give you about that day’s destiny, do not grieve.
God has never, and will never, give up on offering All to you. Each day, the Universe begins anew to hold you up, to try to reach your consciousness that believes it lives only in the earthly realm. Each day, the Universal Source offers you comfort, joy, love, and sustenance and direction. Let It. Believe It, and let It.
Choose again each day, for each day has already chosen you,
Oh, Beloved,
Each day is a wonderful new opportunity to express only kindness and Goodness and to give Inspiration. The Divine Love Source wants you to do this, and will endlessly flow a supply of those Qualities to you.
Forgive yourself for any failings of yesterday, for Loving Spirit has already done so. Go forth again today, and allow your human complaints to get out of the way, and God will Gladly Shine through you. Gladly.
It IS a new start every day. A new day.
We Love you so.
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
All Good abilities come from God-Source. Your very Consciousness comes from God-Source. So long as you stay grateful for all that, and honoring of all that, It will flow your own individual holiness to you for your life deeds and purposes.
But as you try to use them for that which is not in the overall Blessing of Good, they become seemingly polluted with difficulty and obstructions. You can keep them flowing, Beloved. You can keep them pure. Have an arsenal of inspiration and Goodness that you turn to every day, choosing what you need of song or word or truth to remind you of the very Center of your Self. Keep it fresh and focused, and pay true attention to it.
And always, always, cleanse your thoughts each day by simply becoming still, and asking of the OneGreat Spirit, “What do I need to know today?”, and listen intently for the answer.
Some days, all you will hear is “I Love you.” That can be enough. Love Itself will cleanse you, and when that kind of Love touches you, you will not want to let It down. Knowing that Love, and wanting to honor It will keep your thoughts in line, and your actions pure, and the flow, flow, flow of words and Love through your heart and hands.
And so be it, for so is Joy,
Ah, Beloved.
Everlasting Spirit, Life, is the Truth. Claim it now. See clearly that mortal death is no ticket to Heaven.
To clear your sight, take delight in the Sweet Source of All.
That will do it, Love,
Ah, Beloved,
It is a certainty that everyone around you is a saint or an angel in the eyes of God Source, who Sees only the joyous and wonderful Qualities of Divinity in them.
Would not it feel sweet to See as God Sees? Do not deny yourself this pleasure, of looking for the wondrous goodness of all around you. Do not let their surface quibbles and quirks , that are not the True Soul of them, prevent you from perceiving and enjoying the marvelous patience and generosity and perseverance and loyalty and love and holiness that are the core of the Harmonious Being that they are an emanation of.
Stories and tales, and scriptures and novels and poems and songs abound that will tell you this same truth. Look past the mists of sorrow and suffering and gossip and myths, and See God and Heaven and saints and angels all around you right now.
It is the way of Beauty. Beauty and Order Divine.
Shed the mist of judgment and criticism and condemnation from your thoughts, and See, today, the Grandness of Being that is all around you, and ready to serve through your own heart of Light and Spirit.
Joy, joy, joy to you, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
Many interpret the commandment about not coveting thy neighbors” possessions as a simple rule about not falling into the negative emotion of envy, or as about not imagining that certain objects will bring you lasting happiness. While both of those rules do help one towards the Truth, it is also true that another meaning of the passage can help you help God on another level.
Do not covet the role of another. Accept the role that you can play to bring the highest Good to yourself and to those around you, in order to most shorten the time that any must suffer in the realm of illusion that they are separated from Divine Love. There IS great Joy in pursuing and achieving a dream of doing certain things in earthly life, but if many clues and circumstance place one in a role and character that is not in complete accordance with one’s childhood dreams, examine whether you might not have been “called” by the Divine to play a certain role in the Divine Plan, and that if you spend your time envying the role or title of another, you will hold up the perfect enactment of the Best Plan.
To re-phrase this, if you have always dreamed of being an amazing engineer, but find yourself cast in the role of teacher of students of mathematics, then do not covet the roles of the engineers that have “married” and embraced the engineering trade. Certainly, if God puts it into your heart to explore changing careers, do so. But if all that you do still leads you to remain a teacher, then embrace the marriage of your talents to your tasks, and perform them lovingly and graciously, trusting that the Peace that the Divine gives you in your heart is the Peace that leads to the greatest Peace for all, more quickly.
If God walked into your room tonight, and said, “Will you give up your personal dream of breeding a new kind of butterfly, in order to be the pilot on a new kind of airplane, a pilot whose bravery in one crucial moment will not only save hundreds of thousands from their earthly dream of pain and death, but will also shorten by a millennia the mass thought that the world must be a cruel place?”, what would you say?
Be willing to not covet the role your neighbor has been asked to play, Beloved. Trust the Great Play Writer. Trust the Director. Trust. Play the role you have been cast in with Love, and know you are Loved as well.
We thank you for each scene that has been Divine,
Ah, Beloved,
To take those extra six breaths that are God’s Life Breath to you, and repeat in your mind, “God Loves me, God Loves me”, can make all the difference between a day of Harmony, and a day of confusion.
Take the time!
Ah, Beloved,
Faith is not empty. It is really a deep understanding of the Truth that God is Good.
When someone accuses you of being impractical, and having empty faith, take their misunderstanding and ignorant thoughts and words out of your mind right away, and replace them with the thought of the fact: “God is Good”.
And that’s that.
Ah, Beloved,
Lovingly, in every instance, call for the aspects of the Divine to manifest themselves in others. The Divine is always where It has always been, ever-present and ever ready to help. The reflection that is marred by the mist of illusion can indeed be cleared by calling to the Divine to show Itself more clearly. Your calls and prayers, made in Love, bring to sight the Divine Goodness, even when you are praying for those who do not believe in any Consciousness beyond their five senses.
Be not afraid, ask for sight and might of the Presence, and know you are not alone.
So It Is,
Ah, Beloved,
The mission never changes, just the aspect of honesty with self about the moment. Turn again and again to the Inner wisdom, to understand whether, in this moment, you are doing the most Loving thing for all concerned.
It is NOT personal, human standards that you are turning to, to see what is best in a certain situation. It is the Wisdom that is beyond your own, some of which can be infused into human laws, but the unalterable form of which, must be referenced from the Living Truth, to know the All in All.
Beloved, be joyous that a Wisdom beyond your own human wisdom exists, so that you may freely know that you can turn to It when it is obvious that your own human knowledge simply will not cover the need of the moment. Cover your heart with the knowledge that the Greater Wisdom is Good, and relax into turning to It, turning to It, turning to It. Like a child who delights in the spinning arms and hands and feet of the joyous parent who spins him through the air for a “flying ride”, take delight in the turning and turning of the Governance of God.
Ah, Beloved,
Reach not for your own thoughts of a morning, assessing mood and body. Reach first, and only, for the Thoughts of the Divine Qualities of which you are made.
“I am One with God, living in God, and maintained and sustained by Its Love Divine.”
“I am that which God is, and I am awakening to all the possibilities of Seeing what day the Divine Eye has planned for me, if I but stay focused on that which It sees.”
This day, be that, in silence and listening, dear love,
Ah, Beloved,
Receiving Spirit, and Spirit’s Voice, into your heart is not hard. It is already there. All you have to do to hear it is to ASK. Ask, and either hear It right away, or wait, and We assure you It will find a way to help you hear.
Even if you do not believe in Divine Spirit, or are not sure if you believe, ASK and It will come to you. It will find a way to speak to you, come to you, in a way that YOU can understand.
The body-self, that wants you to think you are alone and oh so separate from the Divine, will try to make you think this is impossible, or that if you start to feel and hear the Loving connection, that you have just imagined it, but We assure you that the Divine never fails.
Press on. Ask and listen, and be ready and willing to raise your voice in thanks, for that which is your very sense of existence.
What do you have to lose except a sense of aloneness or confusion?
Ah, Beloved,
Be very still and quiet today, looking for evidence of God’s Law of Harmony, and the Divine Will for your happiness of Life.
Like a gardener looking under the leaves for bean pods that are ready to eat, or a farmer checking in the dirt for the potatoes that are large enough to harvest, look for the produce of God’s Laws of growth in the experience of your day. Be gentle with yourself, and others, and be very, very aware of all the fruits of Good that are in your day.
We will be with you all the way,
Ah, Beloved,
There are many worldly mirages and illusions you have learned to ignore—the train tracks that seem to come together and become too small to fit the train, the road that seems to disappear at the horizon, the sun that appears to “set”, the size of the moon that seems to change as it rises, etc. etc. It is all a matter of perspective and you have trained your mind to recognize this, even while you may enjoy some of the illusions, like the hugeness of the rising moon against the sight of trees or buildings. You understand the perspective, and so you can operate smoothly and without hesitation, without being fooled into stopping your car when the road seems to narrow ahead.
Darling one, there is as much illusion in the seeming ills and sorrows and desperate scenarios in the human dramas as there is in the arrangement of objects. The perspective that Divine Truth can give you of the unchanging Energy that projects the image of Love as life can help your mind understand how to move forward anyway, and how to live. To know yourself as an extension of Good intent and Good purpose and worth, with wondrous order and soul, and to know others as the same, you must look past the illusions that try to cloud your mind and lead you to judge and worry based on false evidence. Train yourself to be willing to see past the surface illusions and See the children of Goodness, the rays of the Loving Source, as what others and you really are. Look for evidence of it. Practice thinking of each walking and moving life force as having the potential to shine perfectly with Grace.
Truth does not ask you to condone sin and vicious error. Spirit asks you to allow your sight to picture the healed and whole panorama of the Cosmos in a way that understands your delightful part of the Infinite. Accept that all of existence would be more pleasant if you could see with God’s perspective, seeing no iniquity, but only an array of Beloved, Beloved, Beloved children of God.
With that Loving Wisdom, you can see the way to clear and eternal sailing ahead.
As in the Real, as in Heaven, so in the dream of earth. Allow the illusions to fade.
Ah, Beloved,
When the Prime Mover moves, everything moves.
The way that the shifting of one idea in your mind shifts all, or many, of the other ideas in your mind, is but a tiny glimmer, a tiny hint, of how the Vast Infinite Mind moves Its ideas, including “you”. It moves them gently, firmly, lovingly, so that they all dance together in Harmony and Divine Order.
If you can play with the concept of understanding that “you” are not a body, but rather that “I am a delightful idea in Spirit”, then you can begin to imagine how beautifully all the sparks of idea in Spirit can move in concert to be the most lovely display of fireworks and color and beauty and sound that ever was, or is, or ever shall be.
Let your enlightenment be playful instead of painful,
Ah, Beloved,
Let yourself be guided by unselfed Love.
There is no need to wonder what else to do, but just, truly, “Trust in God with all your heart and lean not into your own understanding.”
Just Listen very carefully, and the Loving Source will indeed direct your steps upon your path, and the steps of all others, upon their paths, all leading back unto Love.
Ah, Beloved,
Whenever there is a new truth in your manifested “physical” life, and you are not sure of the intended direction for you to take, hold that earthly truth against the touchstone of the Truth of Creation. Go back to the basics of “I am praising the Maker of my Best Destiny”, or, “I am reflecting NOW the Qualities of God/Goddess as my life”, and let the Divine Truth give you comfort or guidance or affirmation.
Creation’s Flow of Abundance and Joy and Love is always available to you. Remember that. If you are not seeing it, just ask for Divine Love to shine away any inaccuracies in your sight, and be free to see clearly again.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved.
Being a Spiritual Realist may be likened unto being a director of a play, who keeps his or her attention focused on the actors instead of on the characters they are playing and the fake props they are using. Yes, the director may quickly assess whether the props seem appropriate, and whether the costumes of the actors, and their gestures or accents, are what the playwright intended, but primarily the director watches the actors to see that they stay focused on their task at hand, to make the play good and believable.
If the director himself gets lost in the story and the details, he cannot perform his good job of directing. If you choose to help heal others of being in a finite material reality, you must practice not being caught up in their roles and their accessories. YOU must be the one to Know, along with the Divine Playwright, the true, Good actors they are.
As ever, Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Gentle your heart today. Let all anger melt away. Let any old regrets or current sorrows or future worries melt away. Gentle your heart today with Love.
Love is the Mother Essence of God. Like a GOOD Mother, Love loves you forever, without condition or time or uneven expectation. Love only wants you to Love Her back.
Loving Her back , and feeling Her Love, is the crucible in which you can burn away all the irritations and disappointments and grievances. Be Loved, and Love back, and gentle your heart today. “I am Loved by Mother-Love, and I Love also in return.”
The softness of It within will soothe and fill you,
Ah, Beloved,
The Joy that wells softly up within the very Soul of you can always be accessed. So when you find yourself fretting about something, take time and do that accessing.
It will help you sort out whether to simply let that little thing go, knowing Infinite Joy will lead you to a better thing, or It will give you ideas and Divine Help for the solution to the seeming problem.
Observe, observe, observe your thoughts, Child. Let go the fretting over tiny things, and allow the resolution of more important ones, keeping in mind the most important thing always, to stay centered in the Joy, Joy, Calm Joy of God.
Trust in the Truth will carry you,
Ah, Beloved,
God is not a body that lives on toast and chocolate pudding and cheese and peas.
God is Spirit that lives as Love and on expanding Love.
Be you aware that, as God’s image, you are also Spirit. Let the good food of your Soul be Love and expanding Love. You are Spirit and that is your food and joyous fuel and purpose.
Then, you can nibble on other things as well,
Ah, Beloved,
Be very pleased that you know the Power of Love.
Let It soften your heart. Let It open you to the Flow of It that would flow through you to others, without tiring or harming you in any way.
Even the smallest of earthly objects or scenes can help you glide into the Arms and Flow of Love. The homemade pickles that your neighbor made when you were young, and that delighted you so much to taste—the very thought of them, even now, can make you smile and feel filled with gratitude for the small pleasures and gifts and for the extreme kindness of the neighbor who so freely shared them.
It is not the pickles that hold the Power. It is not the mortal taste buds that enjoyed them that hold the Power. It is the Joy. It is the Gratitude. It is the Generosity. It is the Creativity. It is the Love, Love, Love that holds it All.
Use treasured moments and experiences to open you to Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Although carefully and slowly reading the words of these messages, and pondering the meaning of what is said, can induce a receptivity to the individualized message that the small, still Voice has for each one who reads these messages, it is important to go further in your practice.
Our first daily words to you can carry you there. Repeat our greeting, “Ah, Beloved” in your own quiet mind, and then close your eyes and feel the Love that our greeting holds. Feel the Love. Feel the Love. Feel the Love.
Then practice listening for any other Loving word or phrase that the calm, quiet Voice of Love has for you. Beyond the Love, but included in the Love, and with complete Love, It has words and understanding and knowledge and gifts of Spirit for everyone, and unique to each. For although all are one with the One Spirit, each is amazingly unique. Listen, hear, absorb.
Practice feeling the Love. Practice feeling Its Truth and Its plan and instructions for you.
In such deep and Tender Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Claim the Calmness of God, sternly and with vigor, if human emotions seem to have mesmerized you into misery or drama. Drop other thoughts and actions for a minute, and firmly ask Good Spirit to help you break the hypnotic effect of grief or anger or sorrow that might be keeping you from making Good decisions, and clearly hearing the Loving Guidance of God.
There are many days when quiet simple prayer, and openness to God-Guidance, can be something in the back of your mind, and an awareness in your heart, while you go about your normal routines. But when strong emotions arise, and try to pull you off track, and confuse you, take time to forcefully claim your identity and rights as a citizen of the Kingdom of Heavenly Consciousness, with a Joy that is great, but steady and supportive.
The feelings that you have that are reflections of the Qualities of God, such as that Joy, and enthusiastic creativity, and Blissful inspiration, and amazing Love, are powerful feelings, but they are a power for Good Thought, Good action, Good solution based in Divine Soul.
Let those Good feelings Guide you, rather than the temporal disruptive emotions that try to hijack you on your Good journey.
Be firm in your dedication to Enduring Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Let your greeting, and your presence, and your farewell to others, be “Peace IS with you, rather than “Peace be with you”. Concentrate on your own awareness of the ever-now-Presence of the Divine that is Real and Good. Remind others, because of your conviction of Its Now-Presence, that Goodness, and Loving Guidance, are ever-available, right here, right now, wherever you are.
Disregard the five senses for some minutes in each hour, and tune into the Peaceable Kingdom Within, and rest there, assured of Goodness and Light and Life.
Be the example, Beloved. Be the accessed Peace, right now.
All Love,
Ah, Beloved,
There is great Joy for Me in embracing you.
I already “hold” you, like water holds a fish, or like your mortal mind holds an idea for a new recipe of a cherry compote swirled with chocolate, but I also love to deeply embrace you.
I embrace you with Love, appreciating and admiring and being grateful for you, My idea of you. Let Me embrace you fully, child. And embrace Me in return. Embrace Me in return, and Love is expanded yet again by our joined embrace.