All Messages

  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    How We Love you.

    Is not that enough, really? Remember that and let Life flow through you and as you.

    Remember that Love is unchanging, and remember that the real You is also unchanging Love. The days that seem to not flow as well are the days when you confuse yourself by thinking you are only a body with needs and triumphs and wants and non-wants.

    You are a part of Spirit Itself, of Life Itself, and when you think of yourself as an emanation of that, the smooth flow will affirm it to your heart.

    Trust in Life ever-unchanging,


  • Ah, Child,

    Allow us to phrase it this way:

    It is the Divine’s unconditional pleasure to unconditionally offer you a state of mind that is peace, and joy and harmony. It is offered to you on a golden platter, if you will but accept it. Will you?

    We could issue paragraphs and paragraphs of words about that Truth, and more and more words about the metaphors we have chosen for that statement, but it still comes down to the question, does your heart choose to admit it wants that awareness, that state of mind, that Kingdom of perception?

    It is because we honor you that we cannot choose for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is only God and God is only Good.

    You can dream and imagine you are separated from That Glorious Creator Mind, but you are within It all the time. There is no “being out of touch” with God except in your own imagining. Stop imagining you are.

    And do not think there is any punishment for imagining you are separate, and far away in a body-life. God does not punish the imaginings of a sleeping child. He/She only encourages the child to imagine Good, as it grows and matures and remembers it was created to create Spiritual Good.

    Amen, Beloved, amen.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have you covered. When you need a thought that comforts, We will give you one. When you need an idea that solves, We have them. When you need to remember that you are Loved, We will assure you. When you have forgotten who you really are, We will remind you.

    You are a wonderful and unique and appreciated child of God, spirit of Spirit, life of Life, reflecting all that ever was and all that ever will be in One now.

    Ask Us for these things, and walk with Us in that Higher Trust. Walk with Us, Beloved, today and always, in all things.

    Such earnest and complete Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Part of the reason that sorrow or regret, or a feeling of immobility, sometimes grab you, is that you must take a stand to make a choice.

    Take a stand to make a choice. Love always stands ready to Help you and remind you of Joy. When your own bad memories, or the events around you, or the body challenges or life changes, try to lure you into the sadness or annoyance that are your human reaction, you must take your stand to let your Divine Self shine through. When you notice the low energy or the low emotions, you can choose to take that moment to affirm, “I am Love, I am Spirit of Love, I am a Beloved Child of God.”

    Choosing to turn to those thoughts authorizes the Help of the Love that gives Itself freely. Love will never force Itself upon you or kidnap your thoughts. It simply is always present, offering you the chance to choose to allow It to Help, and to allow It to smooth away the problematic emotions, and to give you ideas and calmness and support of Soul.

    Turn to It, Beloved. Train yourself to turn to remembering “I am Loving Spirit, above all.”

    Take a stand to make a choice,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel shaken, when you feel that yet another challenge has come to you or feelings or events have tried to move you off of the deep belief in Divine Love, think about being awakened from a nightmare.

    If a loving friend or partner or caretaker notices that you are thrashing in a nightmare, that caring one will try to shake you awake, and so relieve your suffering. Many times, the gentle shaking of your shoulder will even work itself into your dream, and seem like just one more part of the pain. But the shaking will go on until you are truly awakened, so that the entire nightmare–the entire mis-perception-can stop, and you can waken to full relief.

    Beloved, when something seems to “shake you up”, be still and recognize that perhaps the Loving Divine is trying to awaken you even more, trying to get you to remember you are safely grounded in Love, and surrounded by Loving Care. Pause and remember that only Love is real, and It is already around you and beside you, right now, waking you into Itself.

    Always, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me my Life as you see it, dear God”

    As many times as you remember, pray this.

    And be open to new sight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to fret over what you, humanly, cannot do to help another. You do what you can that feels right and good. But first and foremost, you claim your Dominion as a delightful child of God, and send the comforting healing Spirit of God that occupies the dream of earthly life with you, to the mind of the one who needs uplifting and inspiration and comfort and healing.

    It is not about berating anyone for their non-belief in the Power of the Divine Laws of Harmony. It is not about even speaking aloud about your understanding of God and His/Her Law of adjustment, which focuses the appearance of Harmony into human sight. It is about your own full understanding and belief, and about your claiming of that Dominion, that allows your thoughts to be the very Thoughts of God, and claim the Truth of Wholeness for that other one, and for yourself.

    Then, it is up to God. God knows absolutely what method of upliftment of thought can touch and help that other without frightening them as their perception changes. God understands completely what timing will be most appropriate for all concerned.

    You simply claim each day, and each hour, your right to See Wholeness and Harmony, as of Heaven, NOW on earth, and call silently for others to do the same. Speak it aloud, or in writings such as these, if God leads you to, but keep your thoughts focused on this High Goal: God’s Will is Done, and It is Love. When enough See, it will be visible to all.

    Be a part of It, sending Love’s aid, with your prayers, to any who seem to be in need, and trust Love to do Its Work of revealing. Gently, now. Gently, and with compassion and forgiveness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel an extra strong surge of God Presence in your consciousness and body, STOP, and pay attention. God is always with you, for you exist within God. But when the Presence is a shout instead of a whisper, it means there are instructions you need to heed right away, or a preparation of Divine wisdom and strength to Guide you for what is imminent.

    Or, God Knows, more than you do, that you are in need of a complete embrace of Love.

    Trust God’s Omniscience. Trust God’s timing. Do not let the worldly keep you so distracted that you ignore God’s signals and say “oh, I”ll listen to you later, God.”

    When God signals, listen and absorb right away.

    In Love, you will be glad you did.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you want the Peace that is Beyond the world, then do not look to the worldly to receive It.

    Go to It, the Source of all Peace, first and foremost, when you feel yourself caught in the wishes for events, or objects, or thoughts, or feelings, that are of the illusory, sensory realm.

    There, experiencing Agape, you will quickly remember that nothing that the world offers as temptation can compare with the Peace and Joy and Humor of the Vast Beyond. Let It carry you beyond the small passions and desires and meanness of the physical self, and when you come back to those awarenesses, it will be to come back cleansed, and refreshed, and with a largeness of compassion that leaves you able to forgive, and forget, and give, and love, again.

    This is the very essence of placing no Gods before God, Beloved, and it will save you, again, and again, and again, if you but turn to It, that Great Peace and Grace, again, and again, and again, and always. Remembering to remember it becomes your only job.



  • Ah, Beloveds.

    Do remember it is a shared dream of earthly illusions, and so as you pray to be enabled to See Truth, pray for all to See Truth. That is one way of Loving your neighbor as yourself.

    God wants you to See Truth, Glorious and Good, so asking to be enabled to do so is completely in accordance with God’s Will. Go for It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ultimately, each person must sit in the center seat of his own earth play, and see with the viewpoint of God. But, until he or she sits there, for a moment or a day or years, there is no shame in asking for Help.

    Ask, from the Helper Within who sits in that God-View seat always, what the view is. Pause, as you struggle to scoot from row to row, and trip over legs and arms and popcorn bags and the other accoutrements of earth life, and call to the center-seat holder, “What is the view from there?”

    At moments, you have already had that view. Going forth for popcorn or phone calls or other bodily needs, you lose it again. Regain the center seat view, Beloved. And keep calling to the One that is holding that seat for you, to guide you safely and happily back to it.

    We saw and see the show, too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine is always ready. It is always ready to offer the full Flow of Itself to you, for It has never stopped flowing and being.

    But, like a good parent, It knows how much you are ready to feel, see, and carry. Like a Mother who knows that her toddler cannot carry the heaviest bag of groceries, even though he thinks he can, The Divine will carefully answer your request to carry out your best mission in life. You may be given responsibilities and powers that you think are less than you can easily carry, but The Divine knows how many steps are in your journey, and what else you will encounter, and adjusts your load and your abilities to match.

    Be at Peace, Beloved, by abiding in Trust. “I am the essence of Trust abiding in That Which Is, Which Knows and Loves and Sustains me.” It knows when you are ready for more, and will let you have it right on time.

    All Blessings,


  • Ah, Beloved Child of God,

    As spring rises around you, and you look upon each little flower with joy and awe, consider, “Can a perfect flower contain also imperfection?”

    You are a perfect flowering of Spirit, Child. Turn your eyes away from the imperfect reflection that is the earth mirror, and fill your thoughts with the perfect Divine Thought, Whose Seed gave rise to you, and your own innocent perfection within it. Let your thoughts dwell there, until you know yourself as perfectly Loved Child, and then look upon your earthly self, and all other selves, with that Knowledge.

    You can do this with the eyes of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Loves you. Always and completely and no matter whether your day has held human errors or human acts of kindness and virtue, God Loves you.

    Hold on to THAT Truth, when you do not know what else to hold on to.

    Softly embracing you in Divine Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again, we remind you that it is wonderful to leave room in your heart for unexpected joys. To cling to only the old familiar joys is to deprive yourself of a happiness that can far surpass what you have known heretofore.

    Whether it is as small a thing as trying a flavor of ice cream you have never tried before, because the one you are accustomed to buying is out of stock, or whether it is allowing a new friend to come into your life, let there be such chances given to receive new gifts from God. It is not about “collecting” new experiences or things, it is about deeply appreciating, and being open to loving, the ones that flow your way as changes occur from each choice that you, and those around you, make.

    Lives are built, and enriched, by welcoming each day with Joy, rather than with sorrow, Love. Rather than regretting the plans that “went awry”, embrace the new occasions or circumstances completely. Embrace them reverently, knowing that each new moment of Good is a part of God, and is the Grace that God wants to express, as you.

    Engineered by the Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not superstitious, that if you feel suffused with well-being, it is because of the food you ate, or the route you drove home, or the way the new shoes fit.

    The bodily comforts can be an earthly joy, but know that all True Joy comes from the Divine Flow of Life to you. Savor that, and everything else can be savored. Make time for that, and you can look into each moment of earthly time and find something to be joyous about.

    Here is the fountain of Joy, within your heart connection to the Source. Get to know Its constancy, and you will never doubt that you can turn to It in each and every conversation and situation. And then even a simple slant of light can feel like a joyous inspiration, and even watching an ant carry his load so diligently can be fascinating and reassuring for whatever load you carry.

    Look with Joy, live with Joy, and the experience of Joy itself becomes a most sublime joy. You do have that fuel always within you. Turn to It for refilling. Feel filled and fueled, and then let the earthly joys be enjoyed.

    God is your Well-Being.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God IS here. God is here, shining Its Goodness and Love forth as you, Spirit reflecting Spirit.

    Today, think not of the errors you have made as human, think of the Good that you are, as an expression of God-Spirit. Think of the Good that you are.

    We often urge you to count your Blessings, to help wash away any negative or erroneous thoughts that cloud your mind. Today, count also the Blessing that you are to others. Silently review the way you add Good to your community and friends and family and to the Body of Images that dances and sings and moves in the honor of God.

    Count the Good you do, and Be Glad. We see it clearly.

    Count the Good you do and Be Glad.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    You are beloved, perfect Harmony of God, expressed as individual. Begin to truly believe that, and THAT is the Truth that will set you free. Begin to finally understand that you are a projection of Light from an inner core of Being, and then you will let that projection of Light run through the clear lens of Love.

    The clear lens, that before was smudged by your own tears and thoughts of error and sorrow and shortcomings, will project the Truth—a beloved beautiful harmonious being that is the true Idea of you.

    They view the stars on paper,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you wish to help another heal, remember it is your own thoughts about them that are needing adjustment first. If they come to you telling tales of illness or woe, you can compassionately listen, but take care to let those human descriptions flow loosely away, while you hold fast to the deep Knowledge that they are a Good and Perfectly and Wondrously made Child of God, supremely maintained by God.

    And, it is not your task to heal them with your human knowledge, but rather, as you hold firm to the Divine Truth of their perfect reflection of the Perfect Source, simply point the way with your Love, for Divine Healing Spirit to enter their thoughts, and melt away any thoughts that do not align with their complete wholeness in God.

    Like the little sticky notes that show one where to sign a paper, be a note that tells God, “Sign here!” And say, “Thank You, God, for Flowing Your Good One Life to us always.”

    God’s Work is already done. See It Joyfully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do contemplate completeness today. While you are in the dream of linear time, everything seems to be growing or changing or collapsing, or just re-arranging, but we assure you, God’s Love is complete.

    God’s Love is complete, and you are completely in that Love.

    Love It in return, and ponder the completeness of the essence of You.

    Loving you completely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When one concentrates on seeing the Infinite and Beautiful in just one other person, for a great, or very focused, length of time, new vistas open. Let those around you help you begin to see the Divine everywhere, by allowing yourself the utter focus of making it your mission to See each one with spiritual sight.

    If you only knew, Beloved, how easily enlightenment can come in any moment, with WHATEVER is right before you, you would not go searching for new books or new teachers or new methods or new terms. Instead, you would just open the Soul that is your source, and See. Consider the Truth of that today, and be not distracted by the five senses, and See with that of you that is Divine.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Constant reding and listening and interpreting of Spiritual works can actually be a distraction from simply sitting very still and sinking deep into the awareness that:

    “God is Love, and I am Love’s Perfect expression.”

    Do not let study and rote prayer or mortal mindfulness become ways to evade direct and pure communion with your Loving Source.

    Surely with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you can feel the Loving Presence of the Divine Source when you open this page, then there is not really any need to ponder the words and try to intellectually understand them.

    The Presence is the point. The Presence of Love, embracing you, will feed you and teach you and maintain you and direct you. The Spirit that is the Essence of you and of all will custom make YOUR daily message, your hourly messages, your Infinite way of Life.

    Open to the endless Flow of Love around you, within you, as you, and you are alive indeed, and always will be.

    O’ So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that letting God’s Good Thoughts replace your own random ones is a way to start seeing a better reality.

    We hear many of you say, “But I do not know God’s Thoughts.”

    You know one that many know: “I Am that I Am.”

    Try that, today. Think about it as much as you can. Say it. Ponder it.

    Feel it changing you heart.

    We are with you in the I Am,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved, Beloved,

    God does not doubt. As an emanation of what God IS, as a ray of Light from the Soul that is all souls, do not think that doubt is a real part of you. You are Light, you are a right part of the Good Source that would shine further and further and further into the darkness of time/space, until It has expanded to enlighten all. Allow that, Beloved. It is a sacred task, and you should not doubt that each prayer you send forth is a Goodly part of It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone you love asks for your help with an annoying task, do it for the sake of giving. Do it to affirm to yourself that you are a Gracious Child of God. You will not be sorry.

    We assure you that you have forgotten many of the times in your earthly journey when some saintly-acting person has saved you, helped you, blessed you, or directed you.

    Give help in the name of Love Divine, and help will come to you.

    And say thank you when it does.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as bliss without exertion physical can be experienced, so can opening to communion with the Divine.

    Sometimes, the sweet feeling of God Presence comes after long prayer or contemplation. But when it comes after simply asking for it, and relaxing into waiting for It to come softly, and wonderfully, by Its own desire, does it not also raise you up?

    The days of striving for spiritual growth can be good for you, but let this be a day of simply relaxing into the ever-Presence of the Loving Creator, just as a child would relax into its mother’s arms. Let Love feed you.

    You need this, take it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give a new name to yourself, and to everyone you meet today.

    “I am Loving and Lovable, and so is everyone else.”

    See, observe, how much it changes your experience to name yourself and others as you would LIKE them to be.

    What do you have to lose but pain? Let it go,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no just “Business as usual” with God.

    If you let yourself realize that walking with God-attitude each day can be as delightful and intriguing as walking with an appreciative young child, or a guest who has never seen your town before, then you can expect each day to hold Good experiences or realizations. Approach each task and hour and thought with a Substance of Grace or Wonder or Joy in your heart and you will observe how many small miracles occur in each day, and how much chance to grow in Understanding of Love expands in your thoughts.

    Yes, it may seem that you are just going to the same job, or in the same house, or on familiar roads or trails, but you are new each day, all around you is new in some way each day. God-awareness reveals new Creation in every moment, as the awakening of humanity unfolds.

    You are living in an amazing time. See it with fresh eyes each day, and be a vehicle of illumination for yourself and all, as well as simply having more joy.


  • Talk, today, Beloved, to only God.

    Do not either argue or celebrate with the human man or woman beside you, for that only reinforces the thought of yourself as a limited mortal-thought body=thing.

    Talk to God, today, Beloved.

    Remember Who You are.

    If You forget, ask God again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Obey Me. Obey My Golden Rule of Love, and I will help you see, and acquire and experience Good.

    When one enjoys stopping at jumble sales, it is because one delights in finding Good amidst the seeming jumble, and feeling sure that in each such pile, there IS some Good, and that it will be affordable, and easy and delightful to have.

    Each day is thus, Beloved. There is Good amidst the jumble. Obey My Rule of Love, and I will help you expect Good, See Good, Feel and Have Good. And the Best Good you have and shall have is the delightful flow of the constant Presence of Love, and being able to trust that and turn to that, always.

    With you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are concerned for someone, whether far or near, whether the concern is mild or dire to your human emotions, remember that the Comforting Spirit of Love is everywhere, available to all. And, it is the same Great Spirit everywhere, so when you remind yourself that the Comforter is already WITH that other person, and you ask that whatever Grace is given you be also sped to the heart and side of the other person, It is all One Spirit, and It hears you.

    You CAN give Grace to others, because It was and is freely given to you, and what has been gifted to you, you can gift to all the people and places you desire to see aided and comforted.

    So give freely of your own supply of Grace today. Send, send, send It with your thoughts, and with your Love, to all whom you would hearten and see healed. Because you have come to understand that Grace and Goodness are Infinite, your own heart knows it can be refilled with the fullness of God, and that there is no lack of Grace that you can send, send, send, again and again and again.

    Endless are the reservoirs of Love We send you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We assure you, there is a spiritual solution to every question and human need. God does not, and has not, and will not leave you comfortless.

    Every moment that you spend worrying or criticizing or complaining, is a moment you are not spending trusting God and listening to Spirit Divine for the idea or the impulse that will lead you to your solution or bring your solution to you.

    Trust that God wants your Best Destiny enacted and visible, and spend your time lovingly and gratefully listening to the Wisdom and Goodness God offers.

    Appreciation opens the heart and mind. If there seems to be a problem, appreciate that you can turn to the Spirit born of God for an answer. Therein lies happiness. Be willing.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All Glory be to God, from Whom All Good comes.

    Anytime and every time you try to take any personal, human, glory, you only delay your full awakening, your full God-realization. Having any interest in personal glory just gives a reality to the human dream that takes away from your focus on the True Reality of the One Source.

    All Glory be to God, Beloved. All focus be on your deep desire to understand and know how God Thinks.

    You will be Glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us, you DO want to See the world as God Sees It, rather than as your small human imagination sees it.

    If you had on a very dark and very scratched pair of sunglasses, and then took them off and saw the beautiful day, it would only be a tiny, tiny example of how this new way of understanding and looking feels.

    “Show me bits of Your world today, dear God, that I may be encouraged to drop all my own imaginings and See.”

    When God clears your Sight, it is cleared indeed,


    p.s. Feel the heightened sense of Love when it touches you when reading these, or any, words, and know that THAT is what takes you Home into Heaven in the Heart, not intellectual understanding.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you really grasp that Love is God, then you know you cannot see God’s face in the traditional sense. You can free yourself from envisioning god as some huge human. Love is invisible but It effects are visible. Free yourself from thoughts of a limited god.

    Instead, you can train yourself to discern the Omnipresence of Love/God by the waves of kindness you experience, or the harmonious function of a life process, or the solutions that come forth when you look for, and find, the “Face of Love” in everything and everybody.

    Look for Pervasive Love everywhere and anywhere, in the visible and invisible, and be gleeful as your inner and outer sight expand to see more and more of It.

    There are no limits on Love Divine, and

    It wants to Help you know that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no knowing of God without thinking of God. There is no benefiting from the Love of God without turning to God, even if that willingness is at first just a tiny moment. If you give God that tiny moment, God will then run to you and offer and offer and offer. It remains to you to accept, accept, accept.

    “High Guidance of the Light, fill me with the ability to remember I am all Spirit, and pull me completely into the Sweet Dream of God.”

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Getting very still, and quiet, and telling Love Itself how much you Love It, will do wonders for your day.

    Do this each ,morning before anything else. Whether you can focus on this for only a minute, or whether you can soak in and send that Love for an hour, It Will change your life.

    Do this, O’ dear Loves, do this, if you want to see more Love blossom in the world around you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The highlighter that you need to use when studying any inspiration text is your own response. If you are seeing a phrase in scripture, or a poem, or even a road sign, or an arrangement of mountains, and you suddenly feel the Peaceful Presence of God welling up in you, stop and absorb it. Ponder the words, ponder the outline, feel the Presence and the Love, and listen.

    Listen and obey. And remember that you cannot see your new good story unless you accept a new good story for everyone in your new good story. Let them ALL have good news, and you will, too. That is the Allowing that heals.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When new people and things enter your experience, there can be the tendency to think them wonderful simply because they are novel. And as you ask for the Divine to unfold your perfect truth and Harmony, it is seductively easy to see all new things as part of that.

    But test them, Beloved. Keep the touchstone of the unchanging touch and Voice of Goodness within your heart and mind, and hold all things, old and new, to It, to see if the experiences that unfold are pure and Good.

    Unchanging Love is, and needs to be, your constant. Hold all thoughts to the Thought of Divine Good, and always the true way will be revealed. It only takes a moment, Love, when faced with new choices and experiences, to pause, and ask your Self, “Does this feel good to Divine Love?” “Does this feel aligned with the Law of Love?”

    We will help you feel the Truth. We pause with you, in Joy, and go forward.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Through even the best-made costume on an actor, you can see the aspects of the actor that are his strengths and skill and feelings.

    Today, CONSCIOUSLY look at each person you encounter and look for the Qualities of Goodness. Look for the Qualities that are not related to time, such as kindness and generosity, and willingness to teach and share and help. Look for Lovingness and hopefulness and creativity and perseverance.

    Look for these things, and also recognize them in yourself as you recognize them in others, and realize all are One Quality of reflecting the Divine, just trying to move into place to reflect It clearly and cleanly and completely.

    We see you all complete already. Allow yourself to do the same,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For those that seem to want to cling to their body thoughts and see and know themselves as walking outside of the Whole of God, exude patience and love. Remember when you wanted the same. Remember when your body self and the care of it consumed all your thought and time.

    Bless each moment that you feel the freedom of spiritual peace, and be glad to know that each and every heart will achieve that in the great Order of All.

    There is a time to let go of thinking you must “save” anybody from their own pain or ignorance or error, and just work on keeping yourself so aligned with love that just your Presence reminds others of what they have forgotten, that they are Love, too.

    We see you all as pure Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Count as a great blessing that you have the ultimate patience of the Divine to lean into, and use, when you must overcome your human desires of the moment, and tend to the duties and obligations and callings of the moment.

    Count as a blessing that you can rely upon the Divine Love that sustains you to let you have, in due time, the fulfillment of other achievements and pleasures, that give you the desire to be fully who you are. Your part in the Play is important and there is always the proper time to let all the Good that you are, as reflected from God, unfold.

    We are watching, and appreciating,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We want to remind you that anytime you feel distress, or wish for new inspiration, do not skip the simple step of stopping, and being quiet in mouth and mind, and ASKING the Love that Holds you, as the Ocean holds a drop of water, to give you insight, comfort, and direction for new thought.

    Busily arranging work tools, or calling friends for advice, or lining up plans for activities will never do as much for the soul needs of the moment as getting still, and listening.

    Constantly Love God and let yourself be Loved by God. Take a few moments to listen to that which Loves you. It can be the few moments that make all the difference in how smoothly the day goes, a project goes, a relationship goes, a life goes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think hard today about what you are thinking, and feeling.

    We have told you truly many times that God surely and absolutely desires and Wills your happiness. Your choice is when to embrace that Will and desire your own complete happiness.

    Watch what you are feeling and thinking. Is there a part of you that actually enjoys the drama or bonding of focusing on problems or sorrows, or that finds it fascinating to find human solutions to problems? Do you find it “fun” to solve problems?

    Solutions to the everyday human needs that come by opening your will to God’s Will, and aligning with Divine Joy, can flow in such a way that you feel happy even before complete fulfillment has come. Trusting the Divine Will can bring Peace and Joy within your heart, that is present always, even when the momentary material evidence seems to show disrupts or irregularities.

    Take loving care of your own intentions, so that rather than becoming addicted to solving problems humanly or secretly enjoying the drama of angst, you smoothly and trustingly join your will to Divine Will, and expect, expect, expect Joy, and the seeing of God’s Will for your happiness be done.

    And so it is.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Either by personal experience, or by observing the lives of others, each human learns, again and again, that objects of the material experience wear out, break, get lost, wash away, or are taken in other ways. Sometimes it is a relief, and sometimes it feels like a hardship, but always it can highlight the Truth that only the Love of God is constant and unchanging.

    Those that serve the material realm or that take their sorrow and joy from it will go up and down in their pleasure of life and their feeling of wellness. But if you have practiced and practiced, and integrated into your Consciousness, the original Guidance of “Thou shall have no other Gods before Me”, then steadiness of awareness and purpose and ability are your delightful lot.

    Serve God first and always, Beloved, whether it is your calling and vocation, or whether it is simply the foundation upon which you operate from for your worldly career. Serve God first, center in Love each day and each hour, and the doubts and vagaries of materialism will have no sway over you. Isn”t it time to see this, know this, admit this?

    The temptations of the earthly have no real power. God is All Power, God is All-in-All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When an actor is preparing for his time on the stage, he must look at a picture of himself to make sure he is putting on the same wig, and the right color of make-up, and the appropriate clothing and collar, and even the correct facial expression, as in the image of the assigned role.

    Before you even open your eyes to each day on the earth stage, and certainly before you gather yourself for the day, look to the image of what you want to present to the world of what you truly are. Mentally, and with the heart’s eyes, look to the Wholeness of the Maker. Think upon the kindness, and strength and joyousness of the Spirit Source. Enoble yourself with and costume your thought in the fabric and qualities of God.

    This is the gift you give yourself each day. These are the gifts you have been given to share with the world. Play your role true and well, and feel the loving applause of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Of course, dear one, the meditation or prayer that seemed to give you a sweet sense of Oneness with All yesterday may seem just to be just empty words today. It is not about the words or the ritual. It is about truly feeling the Presence of the Divine Consciousness ever with you, and knowing that you dwell within Its Infinite embrace.

    So, if you have gotten no further in a prayer than “Our Father, Mother God,…”, and you clearly feel the Wondrous Love enveloping you, you can finish the words of the standard prayer if you wish to, or you can just surrender to the Comfort of Love, or you can just repeat the opening words until you feel completely calm and open and filled with Peace.

    Allow yourself to change whatever routines you endeavor, so as to keep your communion with the Love in which you abide constantly feeling fresh and new and wonderful. It is not magic tricks. It is not formulas. It is a relationship ever giving and growing, in both directions.

    We are Glad with you no matter the path you take,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gratitude. You know how often we urge you to feel grateful for all that is Good, whether worldly or beyond, because in focusing on what is Good, you draw more of It to you.

    But today We focus on the gratitude We feel for you.

    We thank you, thank you, thank you, for all you have done and will do. We thank you.

    Use our gratitude as a warm embrace today.

    And remember It always, for It is always there for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No trouble knocks upon the door within your breast.

    When Loving Spirit knocks, it is to ask if It can enter your mind, your life, to help guide, comfort, enrich, and offer good. It offers All in the name of Love, with Love.

    Answering that knock and saying “Yes” is all your will needs to do.

    Divine Will will show and teach you the rest,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Do not be seduced into looking at the surface of things or people. Do not be caught up in reacting with fear or anger or envy or over indulgence.

    It is only God that YOU want to see. You know this. Look at the smooth still Wholeness that is the Truth within and beneath, and keep to that outlook, all this day, and always.

    We Love you so, and We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask to be enabled to see and feel Harmony. Ask, and be willing to expect It and help enact It. And as It appears, in ways swift and slow, in the form of ideas, people, places and events, be grateful, be grateful, be grateful for all that is Good.

    Remind yourself continually of all the Good ideas that have come to you, and be grateful. And expect more, so that they build into complete Harmony of Heart and Soul.

    We say this often. We remind you of this often, because if you do it, it works. God does the Work if you give your work and word. Turn your heart and soul and belief over to that Gracious Giving.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there seems to be trouble, there is also Good.

    Remember that the All-Presence of One Mind, of the Divine, of Spirit Holy, means there is nowhere that God is not. Yes, yes, there is the misty human illusion of discord or lack or terrible fear or bodily inharmony, but We are trying to train you to See past those veils of human perception and realize that the Divine Solutions and resolutions for those things are right there.

    Ask to See them. Ask for others to have their eyes opened to See them. You would not be reading these messages if you were not ready to be awakened to your full Spiritual potential. Humanity is ready to be awakened to be able to See and experience its own Goodness.

    Be willing to participate in this wonder by simply remembering, always, where there seems to be trouble and sorrow, there is Good already there. And allow the Good to come forth in the way that It has ordained, and be willing to be Its peaceful and loving instrument.

    There is progress being made, even though you may not be aware of it.

    God Loves you so. God Loves you all so very much.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never lower your own standards because of the behavior of others.

    Keep yourself aligned with the Good, the Worthy, the True. When you are tempted to react with anger or fear or discourtesy, ask for the Help of the Inner Strength and Wisdom to guide you. There are indeed times to respond from a strong Righteousness, but there are never times to respond with less than deep Compassion.

    God appraises and supports you based on YOUR evidence of Soul, not on what your surroundings say or are. Continue to strive to treat others as you wish to treated, Child, so that you may continue, in your own Heart of Hearts, to think of yourself as a Child of Love. You have raised your own standards, as you have learned from your mistakes. Remember how you have been forgiven, and freely forgive, and that helps to raise the standards of all.

    Be not afraid. Love is Strong, and God is ALL. Spirit is with you, and is available to all when they are ready to hear. Acquaint yourself fully with Good Spirit and Good Will.

    We will help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When what seems like an exterior event occurs, that causes you distress or annoyance or discomfiture of any kind, seek calmness first. Seek calmness from the Source, and then seek Joy.

    Seek the Calmness of the Source by remembering, “Be still, and know that I Am.”

    And then seek to feel the Joy of your connection to the Source, so that creative solutions and ideas and comfort can flow to you, from where they are, right where you are.

    Practice this with small and large occurrences, so you will have it be second nature to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Consciousness that is you, and made you and shares Its thoughts with you and has never left you, knows what to do. If you wait, quietly listening, It will always lead you to Joy with Joy and calm certainty.

    Your good part is to wait, quietly asking for wisdom, and listening and receiving the ideas and impulses good, and then acting to obey. This has not changed in time and space. Only the Real is Real and It will shine for you if you let It. You can feel It embracing you even now.

    Admit It to your mind like admitting a friend through your door,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every Calm Smile you give is the seed of a thousand.

    Be not ashamed, and be not afraid, when you do not have more than that to give.

    You can see in the eyes, of those that are ready and fertile ground for growth and awakening, when your smiles have landed. Give them, give them, everywhere, and worry not about the ones that seem to fall to the wayside for now. They will bear fruit later on.

    Always, We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no confusion in your Heart, for confusion in your own Heart is like conflict with another person’s True Self. They are not reflections of God—of what you truly are. Remember this key thing—that if the aspects of self that you are thinking about, or that you are speaking or acting, are not like the Qualities of the Loving Maker/Source, then you have given way to the ego self that sees itself as separate from, and in opposition to, everything else.

    Just keep testing your thoughts—”Am I reflecting the Life, Truth and Love and Joyous Intelligence of the Source that made me, and in Whom I dwell?”

    Your Self of Spirit, and the Infinite Spirit are One, Love,

    PONDER that. silently, slowly, carefully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to face all your own fear thoughts with Love. Love, given you freely by the Source that constantly creates You, as Spirit image of itself, is more than enough to overcome all fears and the seeming results they make. Use that Love. Know that an Infinite amount of It is always available to you. Use It, use It, use It to overcome all fears, and to draw upon all True Knowledge, and you will find the world you experience changed.



  • Ah, Child,

    When the mirrors of people around you reflect back your own misperceptions and errors, be willing to laugh at yourself. Be willing to laugh, and take it lightly, and learn, and let it go.

    When those you would teach come grumbling and complaining about the people in their lives, and it falls to you to point out that they are seeing their own behavior reflected, do it lightly and lovingly. Do it gently and tenderly, so that they may see, even while you yourself learn.

    Let Love be the carrier, always, for all wisdom, both into your own understanding of Spirit, and all that you would share to try to help any others out of their pain. Only with that Lightness of touch can the Divine express Itself through you as a vehicle of healing.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All things truly True are known to the One Mind that holds them. When you are weary of seeing or wondering about human truths, or listening to what you know are lies or exaggerations or misinformation or error, turn to the Truth that corrects all things, and declare and claim, “One Mind Governs all, and One Mind wants our happiness to be revealed.

    Simply do it, Love. Simply do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the birth of the new Self occurs, you must, must, must let go of the old.

    The old definitions of your self as a body born on a certain day, and reared and educated in a certain way, and a list of events that occurred, to define who you were and are, must be released. Stop defining yourself as those things if you want to truly think of yourself as, and embrace your Self as, a Spiritual Child of God.

    When a student gets a math problem wrong, and turns to the teacher to ask what the correct procedure and answer is, the student must let go of the faulty procedure and the incorrect answer. Just so, Beloved, as you turn to God/Holy Spirit to help you understand who and what you are, you must let go of the old way of defining yourself. It must be a complete openness of thought and being, so that you will be able to truly declare, “I am Spirit. I am a clear reflection of the Divine Idea of me.”

    And let God/Divine Mind, tell Its idea (you), how to be a shining ray of Light, and of Goodness that plays its role in the Whole. God is Good, and you are actually God’s Good idea. Let go of the old definitions of yourself, and be calm and peaceful and free, as you be what God intended, and intends still, to be.

    Complete surrender is an old way, but still true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When someone asks you for help in healing, for adjusting their thoughts to remember the Wholeness of them that was always there, and still is there, as created by God, you must remember that God is already with them, creating and maintaining.

    Yes, you fill yourself with Love to overflowing, and send that Love Light to join and uplift their thoughts back into realization of Wholeness, but remember the Light is already there. You are just making it brighter. The Light is already there. The Light has already made the Wholeness.

    The Light has already made the Wholeness, in you AND in the other. When you get the call from the other, or the impulse from the Inner Holy Voice to heal, then know yourself fully Lit, fully charged, and reach out to jumpstart the Light charge of the other.

    Near or far, it does not matter. Time and space are nothing to the Light. Reach out and extend your extra charge of Light and Love, and let God Heal, Heal, Heal all to the original Purpose.

    So Be It, and take Joy from it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The urge to urge others forward in their awakening to God can come from the very good motive of wanting them to know about the Well of comfort that is Heaven within. But if they are simply not yet ready to let go of relying upon temporal comforts alone, then the other human who wishes to comfort MUST wait until the Divine impulse touches the tongue and hands from within and prompts the issue.

    Increasing the fear of another by forcing the letting go of old habits before they are ready is not the greater compassion. Focus on your own purity of connection with the Greater Consciousness and be the example, be the walking Calm Joy, be the generous giver of Unconditional Love.

    After all, is not there plenty to work on in your own heart? For We know that allowing, allowing, allowing the Truth of Love to have Its way in you is indeed the continual work of a lifetime. And yet it is also the Joy of a lifetime, and worth it.

    Today, work on feeling Joy embrace YOU.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, release , release, release whatever is not right now. Appreciate the small wonders of order and harmony around you in the worldly senses, and demonstrate gratitude for the Infinite variety of the Unseen Aspects that make existing worthwhile—the sweet building of friendship and the kindness of animals to one another and the generosity of Love.

    Ask to be Held by the One divine which already Holds you, and as you ask, your asking gives permission for your very Essence to remember all that you are as a part of the Whole, complete and perfect and Good.

    Every word we have just dictated here is but a symbol of That which words cannot express. But the Unconditional Love that cannot be seen with eyes can be pulled from within your heart and wrapped around your thoughts like an invisible comforter, as you ask, ask, ask, and know that it is true.

    Let that Truth be your garment today. Let Unconditional Love be your Thought for yourself.

    Today, heal You your own human heart, and then you can give again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a deep communion with God has left you suffused with a feeling of Divine Bliss, bask in It. Bask in It. It is very Good and fine for you to do that.

    Bask in the Love that creates and supports and fuels all, and feel the reservoir of your Heart-Thoughts filled with Its Power. God knows what you need each day, and God’s Spirit can see what will be faced and Spirit goes ahead to prepare the way. If Love has lifted you into a High Bliss, soak It up, and know It will be there for you just when you need It.

    So, do not set aside the sweet Communion with Soul after a certain number of minutes. Do not rush off to your list of tasks or begin counting obligations and earthly plans. Enjoy the complete feeling of Oneness with God. Stretch out the time of Godly focus. Accept It. Enjoy It, and let the shared Joy with God slowly unfold your day without disrupting that Divine joining with planned schedules and small earthly goals.

    O, so much better than any worldly achievement or accumulation or even a list of good works, is the full merging of your Love with God’s Love. God looks upon and embraces you, and is happy. Allow yourself to completely embrace God in turn, and be happy as well.

    Bask in God’s Love, and be happy, and be filled. It is a very fine thing to do. It is a way to live.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We remind you gently that any heart that opens the door to the Divine in their own consciousness can speak to It, can ask of It, can listen to It. All that is needed is the openness, the willingness, and the intent and the honor of It.

    You do not need fancy intercessors or rituals to do this. Turn within, open and love and honor, and feel how completely the Truth wants to set you free from discord and mis-purpose.

    In earthly terms, it just costs a little time, and a giving of focus,

    Loving you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Happiness is not a matter of fleeting pleasures.

    Deep happiness is knowing you are part of God. And feeling It.

    Feel It, with all Its rights and Wholeness and Goodness and Infinite Wisdom.

    Just remember who you really are, dear one. Remember, accept the Companionship of God, and be Glad, be happy, be free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sharing a burden is a very real relief. Do not forget to always turn to the Divine Spirit for comfort and advice and word of power before you take action on something in your life, but if turning to one trusted spiritual advisor or prayer partner first can help calm you, do it. Raising the level of your emotions to a plateau where you can focus and be fully aware of the Divine Love that is available to you will make your ability to hear the still, small Voice much greater.

    You do not need to complain and whine, or even go into details, for a good friend of Spirit to help share your burden. Just let yourself feel the relief of sharing the emotional pain, and then turn to meditation or prayer to seek the answer, or help with forgiveness, that can always be found in the Divine Center where all True things are made.

    We can help carry burdens too, if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Slow down today, dear one. So often as you remember, slow down your thinking, slow down your breathing, slow down your moving and speaking.

    Slow down your ways, so that between each breath and wave and word, you can hear the Mighty Voice of God, and actually have time to listen.

    Such Good it will do you, lovely one. Such Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ego-self, that is the human self that thinks it is in charge of true reality, will try to convince you that working first and foremost on your own good relationship with Divine Consciousness is a selfish, and therefore bad, thing to do. In Truth, Beloved, the more you work on your own communion with the Force of Unconditional Love, the cleaner and clearer of a transparency you can be, to let the Light of that Love shine to and for others. Let your High Self, your Living Spiritual reflection self, be in charge.

    Work on your own clean clear purity of Divine Thought transmission, and let that clarity be the window through which others can see the Light, and allow the Light to shine upon them. It is a Good Thing. It is a God thing.

    Always shining our Love on you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you give kindness, but see no immediate reward, let your human self remember that you are giving to yourself. Let your human self not forget that what you send forth on earth always comes back to you on earth, though it may be separated by enough time that you do not see the connection. Send forth peace, be peace, for peace IS what your heart truly desires.

    On a level of Spirit, give Peace also. Your Divine Spirit Self has never forgotten that All is connected, and that when you give forth love and honor, you are doing it for the Whole Divine, of which you are a part. In the human mind, you may wish to think of this as doing your work and your good acts for God. See the God in the Other, and do it for that manifestation of God, no matter whether the other human is appreciative or not, or responsive or not, or reciprocates or not.

    You truly are all in this together. Act like it.

    Endlessly urging your Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust that the truth of the Loving Reality WILL reach every heart, for in the One Causal Source, where timelessness Reigns, It already has reached All.

    Perhaps some hear it first from an enlightened parent or childhood teacher. Perhaps some discover it in lyrics of uplifting songs, or old scripture, or a phrase on the side of a building, but we assure you that no man or woman is any different in the Mind that thought of them all, and each and every one will be tenderly brought to the memory of how much they are Loved and Cherished and Held, in God.

    “When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are…”—God Hears all Heart desires and answers them with Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Harmony is inherent to the Oneness of Good Being.

    Realize that the reason that Perfection of being, as an individual, cannot bring total happiness, or lead to ascension, is that all the earth dreams each mind is casting forth as what seems to be physical reality, are woven together. Therefore, to lead to true happiness and re-realization of the Sweet Oneness of Being, the Divine Law is the Law of Harmony, not the law of “perfection of the individual”.

    You can try to be and do and say and think “perfectly”, but unless you are in harmony with those around you, and all around you, it will not create true happiness. Just as each musician within an orchestra could be playing what he or she thinks is a perfectly rendered passage of music, but the whole must be brought into alignment by the conductor, in order for the audience to hear harmony being played, so must you let your own “perfection” be guided by the Conductor.

    The dreams ARE woven all together, Love. That is why there is not only the principle of loving the Divine above all, but also “loving the neighbor as self”. You can practice and practice and practice your own perfection, but unless you are letting the Conductor guide you about when your own expertise should pipe up or pipe down in relation to your neighbor, Harmony will not result.

    God is the Law of Harmony. Repeat it, know it, and Listen. Listen for your directions. Watch for when and where it is your time to join in the Great Harmony of Being that plays each and every day.

    How we love to listen,


  • Ah, Child of God,

    You are child in that God thought of you, and created you, but you are not now, and never will be, separate from that Creator. To think that you are like some twig statue that an artist has made, and then set aside and forgotten as an old piece of work, is a grave mistake.

    Think of yourself as a creation that is more like an idea for a marvelous recipe for a fruit. The idea is tried and declared a wonderful thing, and then the recipe can be made again and again. So are you cherished and made and re-made constantly, with the undying attention of the Mind that created you, and always thinks of you, and tends you, still.

    Knowing you are within that Creating Mind, turn to it trustingly for the ingredients you need to be yourself each wonderful day, and fulfill the good part you are in the feast of Life.

    God still holds all Its ideas, Its children of Spirit.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As anyone newly “in love”, in the realm of earthly emotions, can tell you, it is easier to love others and let challenges not bother one, when you are in that heightened state of joy.

    Remember that each morning, and take time to “fall in love” again each day with the Divine Inner Love, so that you will approach your day with the Full Joy that can help you enjoy your mission and your journey, as you endeavor to remain a portal for the Greater Consciousness, into the dream of earth. Let the Greater Joy carry you, when you would be tempted into pointless pursuits, or into bitterness or even simple impatience, as you go about your worldly tasks.

    The quiet constancy of the Inner Companion is ALWAYS there to uphold you and refresh you and renew you. Trust It. Turn to It, and take time with It, and trust It to let your days be also carried on a wave of being “in Love”, for it IS in Love in which you “move, and dwell and have your being.”

    Just a few minutes taken each morning will change you whole day,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Before you speak anything to anyone else, speak it in your mind to yourself. Are you about to give advice that is really for you? Is it valid for both of you, or are you just as well off giving it just to yourself?

    Are you about to say something that is critical or judgmental, that is really about a part of your own behavior that you do not like? Listen carefully, and see if it is really yourself you want to be changing, rather than the other person.

    Are you about to share something uplifting and valid that will help you both? Are you about to speak sincere congratulations and joy? Are you about to fill your words with compassion or love, even if the words are just “good morning”?

    The Other is Self, Beloved, as we have said so many times. Are you remembering to remember that BEFORE you speak and extend your feelings, or do you only think of it afterward, and then end up with so many words you wish you had not spoken, or better feelings you wish you had shared?

    Just a little pause works wonders. A pause that gives you a chance to review your own thoughts and feelings. A pause that gives your Inner Voice a chance to whisper “wait” or “be kind” or “be quiet” or “offer help”. A pause that gives the Divine a chance to fill your heart with “you are both my Beloved children”, so that all your words are fed by Love.

    Teaching yourself to pause is a high skill indeed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Harmony IS a Law. It IS the reality of that which truly IS.

    And, like a dog shaking water off itself after it gets drenched, Harmony will shake off the illusions of inharmony until It can shine forth again, fresh and clean.

    THAT is what you can count on.

    Be one, Beloved, that cheers the Harmony on,


  • Ah, Beloved,


    Gratitude that the Unseen Forces of Good are always there to turn to, day or night, in sickness, in health, in sorrow , in joy. They are ALWAYS there.

    Accept their comfort and advice,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us when we use that word “Beloved.”

    You ARE a Beloved part of the Source. Be not afraid to claim that as the Truth, and as your right and heritage and supply because it is the Truth.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you cannot chop up a cucumber with your fingers, but must reach for a sharp knife, so you cannot chop away sorrow and doubt without the sure, confident blade of the Joy of God.

    Reach for It, Beloved, It is the only tool that truly works, Why not use It?

    Confident in the True joy of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The right way to listen is to admit that you humanly cannot know for sure the answer, and then ask to hear the ideas Good and True. Even if what you hear confirms a thing you did think you know, listen. Remain humble and listen, knowing that many times the One Loving Mind will surprise you with what must be said, or done, or simply trusted.

    As you become accustomed to this grateful listening, you will feel more and more aligned with One True Love, and One Mind that eagerly, gently, and calmly, and confidently guides all who have decided they are ready to listen and learn and obey.

    Welcome to Love, dear one.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When we stand in appreciative awe at the Beauty and Harmony of the world, we are agreeing with God, “It is very Good”.

    Take time to be in awe each day, and help to co-create more Good, and It is done.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is but one word we have for you today.


    You know the subtle and yet powerful feel of the Love that is God and that God has for you. Try to rise above the expectations and fulfillments and disappointments of human love today, and feel the Truth of Love Extraordinary. Love Itself Loves you. Love Itself forms you and sustains you. Feel that unspeakable Love for all around you today, and, Beloved, feel it for yourself and for God.

    For by Loving Love, you help It extend everywhere.

    As We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To doubt that your prayers for others are efficacious is to doubt God. Review, then, your trust in God’s Omnipotence and Generous Love, and pray again for yourself to be Blessed with Love and Light and Grace, and that you may be a wondrous transparency for that Light and Love and Grace to flow smoothly to others.

    Your prayers DO make a difference. Use them. Use them with Divine Confidence, and feel their Power flow also back unto you, in the Circle of earthly life.

    We are with all, and We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the governance of the individualized part of Being that is you is completely relinquished to Divine Mind, you will see changes that surprise you.

    Sleep patterns may change. Thought patterns will change. Desires of certain food or activities will undergo metamorphoses. A book or a play that used to be your favorite will suddenly or gradually seem insipid. An old friend who is obsessed with physical pleasure or sailing or translating will suddenly seem like a child, or a different species. An acquaintance, whom you found foolish or past the edge before, may now seem to be wise to you.

    Let all these changes flow and float, putting your trust in Divine Governance. Let Wisdom and Gladness come to you as they will, and keep listening for the truth of your next moment, deep within your heart.

    We only see endless possibility,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no strife in your intimate circle. In all things, strive for Harmony and Peace.

    If there is an issue which seems to cross the line into iniquity, go inward to the Divine Counselor, and ask for advice. If you do not hear an answer immediately, keep in mind that justice and reform are in the province of the Divine Mind to enact and correct, and that your prayers to have Its Presence right there, right then, are not ineffective,

    “One Mind governs all, and that Mind is True and Just and Good and Loving”, held in thought, will pour correction and healing and righteousness on all situations. Be brave, and be proud to hold that Thought steady in your human thoughts, in all situations.

    We will Help you hold It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The choices that an individual part of Great Soul makes as to when it enters the earth play and when it exits are made in conjunction with the Whole Soul that holds all.

    Therefore, do not fall prey to the thought that all the decisions of your life are made by some far away God that does not care about your growth or joy or purpose. The choice is made as part within Whole, thoughts linked to Thought, and co-creation made with the Harmony of All in mind. You make those choices with God and IN God.

    Cling to this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the urgency flows away from you about simple day to day tasks, you will begin to realize how much their small tyranny has tried to rule you. Let none of them come before you and your time with the Constant Inner Voice. Let none of them distract you from listening to and obeying that Divine connection.

    If THAT Voice says to urgently stop at a street, or speak up before a potentially harmful situation occurs, then be quick and timely. But otherwise, be measured and careful. Quietly pace yourself and always leave time to make sure you are aligned with Love and Its directions.

    You will not regret it, once you have chosen to live Its Will,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We give you a simple assignment today, to help enhance your Spiritual perceptions.

    Every person you meet has at least one visible or perceivable Divine Quality. Look for that today. Sometimes you can see such things as generosity without even speaking with them. Sometimes a brief conversation will reveal their astounding creativity or gentle kindness or imagination, etc. Just look, look, look. For, as you practice seeing Qualities of God around you, you will see more and more. And, you will begin to cherish and acknowledge them in yourself.

    We will do this with you. Listen to Our Whispers.


  • Ah, Friend,

    Be the rabbit, and listen. Listen carefully to every sound and to the silence between the sounds. Listen to the stillness in your body and in your heart.

    Be the Canada Goose, and pay attention. Be alert to every sense, right here, right now. Shift your attention into every new moment, as all things around you change. Be the sentry, pay attention, and observe all changing forms, while you stay still and wakeful.

    Look to the animal kingdom, and see how tuned is the consciousness there to the moment you are in. Let that manifestation of you that is also flesh upon the earth be also in the moment, and let the Life Force That Is thus flow through you.

    Anchor yourself in your unchanging Infinite Self, and then listen to, and pay attention to, the delight of the play of earth,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    All Good abilities come from God-Source. Your very Consciousness comes from God-Source. So long as you stay grateful for all that, and honoring of all that, It will flow your own individual holiness to you for your life deeds and purposes.

    But as you try to use them for that which is not in the overall Blessing of Good, they become seemingly polluted with difficulty and obstructions. You can keep them flowing, Beloved. You can keep them pure. Have an arsenal of inspiration and Goodness that you turn to every day, choosing what you need of song or word or truth to remind you of the very Center of your Self. Keep it fresh and focused, and pay true attention to it.

    And always, always, cleanse your thoughts each day by simply becoming still, and asking of the OneGreat Spirit, “What do I need to know today?”, and listen intently for the answer.

    Some days, all you will hear is “I Love you.” That can be enough. Love Itself will cleanse you, and when that kind of Love touches you, you will not want to let It down. Knowing that Love, and wanting to honor It will keep your thoughts in line, and your actions pure, and the flow, flow, flow of words and Love through your heart and hands.

    And so be it, for so is Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that you know you will understand the fullness of God someday.

    Your understanding is your key to being a revealer of Wholeness within the dream of the world, AND the key to your total Joy continually. Why not begin today to accept that your understanding is not a matter of long suffering or study? Your understanding is a matter of total release to wanting to know God completely.

    That choice frees God to fully embrace you in understanding. Stop clinging to illusions of the world by being either attached to them, or fighting them, and release to that full sweet understanding. That is the Truth, the Way and the Key to Life, Beloved,

    Tell Him/It/Her that you open your Heart of Understanding comepletely, and then “Be STILL, and Know that I am God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every time that you fall into a dream state of sorry or sadness or lack of ease or love, that is when the Divine calls out, “Where are you?”

    O”, awaken, sleeping One, and remember the joy of conversing with the Divine Parent, and of walking in friendship and communion and appreciation in the garden of Creativity, in the Garden of Peace. The Spirit who is you dwells within the heart and Mind of Greater Spirit, and is meant to be happy there. Can you let yourself believe it? Can you let go of earthly emotions, so that you can have the Emotion of pure Joy?

    Once you taste it, the answer grows easier, and the waking state more constant,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have had days of feeling very mortal and limited, tempted to identify with the body you seem to be wearing, did not Spirit=God answer your cries and speak to you of Love, and of being totally Loved and Lovable, and capable of Loving others as yourself, and as fellow Rays of Light/Life from God-Source?

    WHENEVER you need to, take those days of renewal, immersing yourself, your sense of identity, in the reassurances of God-love.

    “I Am Spirit, Pure and Free, I Am Life as God created me.:

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each individual ascending the mountain of illusions, surrounded by clouds, in order to better glimpse the Truth, that all along the mountain is still within the Landscape of God Consciousness, wanders a different path.

    If you and a friend or family member are taking pathways around and around the mountain, or on different side, or wandering here and there seeking an easier way, do not be surprised if you do not humanly see eye to eye for some time. You may catch a glimpse of one another here and there through a break in the clouds, but be not dismayed by separations or distances with kin or acquaintance. Keep your focus on your own task, and deep need, to climb to where you can again understand that you have always been within the Divine Consciousness, and ever will be, and can see beyond the illusions to that Beauty of Infinite Truth and Love.

    All come to It, Beloved. Each must take it on. You will meet again in awareness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look again to the Author of your life, and remember that the True Play is already written.

    That which seems to be growth in the human sense of time is certainly good, but it is also perfect to remember that in the sight of the Author, you are already created, your role is already written, you are the perfect character and enactor right Now.

    Think of yourself in Heaven right Now. “I Am in Heaven right Now. There is no waiting and no paining in the Author’s Mind, I Am perfect in Heaven right Now, and all I need to do is acknowledge that and let myself Be that.”

    As we see you: Beloved and Perfect,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Everyone is a prism of light floating on the surface of the vast Energy that is the One Source of All.

    The bright rhomboid of light that sometimes floats in your mind-eye while you are listening to God Voice is what you are. All others are that, too, and all fit together in a wondrous jigsaw of wholeness. Be PLEASED to be a part of it, Child. Be PLEASED,

    We are pleased to know you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that you realize that feeling the gorgeous flow of Divine Love through your own heart/mind is a rewarding feeling. Focus on feeling that Love, no matter what else you are doing, and you will find that the worldly Good appears to you as well.

    When feeling the supreme and delicious flow of Love becomes your goal, then all the material goals it achieves are just extras that you can appreciate, but that seem less important than being completely aligned with the Divine.

    You are very familiar with what a difference it can make when a small plastic spigot is given that extra twist so that the cleaning fluid flows smoothly out of the container. Give that small twist to your own awareness of Divine Love, so that Its flow to you and through is just as complete, and full and strong. “Being in the Flow” is not just a catchy phrase—it is the way that the Creative Force flows to you and through you and for you and with you and embraces All.

    Give your feelings and your attitude that twist. Appreciate and love, and thank the Conscious Giving Container that Makes and Holds All.