All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved.

    Search your own heart. Think of the worst thing you have ever done, and have been forgiven for, or that “no one” (no one in the physical realm) ever knew about, and consider. Be grateful for all that you have been forgiven.

    We say this not to engender guilt, but to let a seed of gratitude sprout through your anger. Let that sprout become compassion, and then you will be able to find it in your heart to forgive those who trespass upon your very premises and thoughts, and ideals. Let gratitude and compassion soften your heart, so that you can forgive, and move forward, and be glad.

    Be Glad, for as you dwell in Gladness, you dwell in Heaven, and that is your rightful home. It is the right, and the true and only, Home of all, and it will be good when you are all there together in joy, with all the forgiving already done.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Now, take the affirmations of yesterday, that focused on remembering that the Primal Cause is the Source for your happiness and Joy/Creativity, and make those affirmations plural. Remember that it is never just for yourself that you remember that you dwell WITHIN the Source, it is for all. It is for you and all of those around you, because all the dreamings of earth are intertwined. As you pray for others, as you pray for all, you are praying for yourself.

    “OUR Source, thank-you for loving us, and for upholding and providing for us. Thank-you for all the sustaining and training and un-blaming that you give us. Thank-you for each blessing and each idea that You let flow into OUR awareness. We are all parts of One, and as One, we reflect You. Help us enjoy You completely by letting us reflect You completely. Help us remember , in every moment, We are One.”

    The Whole is unutterably lovely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    NOW is the time. It is not after you finish the dishes, or once you make three phone calls to check on the relatives, or when you finish watering and trimming the houseplants.

    It is NOW. NOW is when you open your mind to God Thought. NOW is when you ask for continuous direction and sustenance of soul throughout the day, so that you may be guided to do all necessary things, and to do even the mundane with an attitude of Love.

    NOW is the time to ask for the strength and Will of the Divine, that you may relate to those that are your dearest in the same kind way you are asked to relate to those who seem to be strangers. NOW is the time to stop whining or moaning or complaining or gossiping, and to, instead, say only what God Thought in your mind says to pass on to your tongue.

    Indeed, endeavor to think only what God Thought would have you think, so that you wean yourself from any judgmental thoughts and harsh assessments of the human condition.

    Let God Thought train you to see only the Good the Pure and the True, and you will find that you, also , are an entirely new You.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear, Dear Father-God, show me your True and Good Creation, today.”

    “Dear, Dear Mother-God, funnel to me enough mercy and compassion and love to ignore the costumes of myself and those who seem to be around me, and see only the Good, True souls that enact the Good Creation today.”


    Darling, We have told you many times that if you do not like the play you are seeing, you must speak to the Director, and not to the characters on the stage. Remember that again today. Let go of what your own costumed self thinks it sees, and ask to see the Truth of Love and Goodness today. Be your genuine Self, as God helps you do, and you will See the genuine Goodness around you, and feel Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, yes, yes, when you come to yourself, and realize “I am a Spirit dancing in the Mind of God/Goddess”, then there is such an awakening that All is indeed possible. Just as when you walk out of a movie house, and shake yourself back into the reality of choice, instead of just being the observer of what the film characters have already enacted, in the Perfection of the Divine you will step into the realization that every idea can be enacted and all that is needed is somewhere close to hand in the reservoir of Goodness that is your true and only Home.

    Make yourself at Home, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as an emergency situation or acute need with a family member will quickly override any petty disputes that may be going on in the family, a desire to be selflessly in service of the Greater Good overrides a human mood. You would not let an annoyance about who put the empty granola box back on the shelf override your readiness to help a family member face the challenge of a car mishap. Just so, never let your own human concerns override your readiness to practice the main task that God has assigned to all, to learn to Love, Love, Love.

    To learn to Love God, and Love the full faithful self, and to Love others as also children of God is foremost. That is the task. Stop with the small things, and get to it, Beloved. Learn to Love, setting aside the temporal details. Get to Love, and let Love also Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learning to hear God clearly, and feel that Unconditional Love deeply, is like finding the sweet spot in front of a three-way mirror from where you can see what you need to see of your appearance. That spot exists. Just practice finding it in your consciousness, knowing that God WANTS you to be able to See yourself as the very image and likeness of the Divine Qualities that you are.

    God WANTS you to hear the Loving whispers and ideas that Bless one and all.

    God is quite happy when you listen to the Divine Voice that endlessly endeavors to help you find your happiness.

    O”, Dear Ones all, please listen, and be Loved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is but one word we have for you today.


    You know the subtle and yet powerful feel of the Love that is God and that God has for you. Try to rise above the expectations and fulfillments and disappointments of human love today, and feel the Truth of Love Extraordinary. Love Itself Loves you. Love Itself forms you and sustains you. Feel that unspeakable Love for all around you today, and, Beloved, feel it for yourself and for God.

    For by Loving Love, you help It extend everywhere.

    As We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find that old friends are falling away, and new ones swirling into place, or that very old acquaintances and relatives are coming back into prominence into your life, rest assured that you are in a new phase of growth. New people are new teachers, and new chances for learning and expanding.

    Old friends returning for a glimpse, or a day , or for a long, long time, means that you have a new opportunity to appreciate the gifts of one another, or perhaps to test whether you both really finished forgiving old hurts and wounds. Whether it is new people that are around you, or old ones come back into the focus of time, remember that your task, above all, is to love them as you love yourself. See the Divine of them, forgive and be forgiven the costumes of humanity that you wear, and free one another to be simply who you are, Divine Ideas in the Mind of God.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so good to keep remembering the total truth of the simple truth we have emphasized before. Do the “Still, small Voice.” Become very still, put in your mind the thought of how small but significant a part of the Almighty you are, and listen, listen, listen for the Voice of Truth to guide your thoughts and words and actions.

    We are joyous, O’ so Joyous, for each one that learns their lines and sees their cues painted on the stage, and falls into place.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you commune so deeply with God-Mind that all bodily senses seem distant, and you feel as though you are floating, enjoy it. Commune.

    Not all alignment with God Thought is about lofty information. Allow yourself to simply be held in Love, filled with Love. Be fed with Life.

    God is tender.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Calm Confidence, and a Quiet Joy in the heart, are good indicators that the Wisdom you heard by communing with God about a project, and the timing of it, are moving you to act now.

    And be sure that Divine Grace also uses a feeling of hesitation to slow you if needed, and redirects you as new choices appear.

    Trust your communing sessions with God. Trust Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is no personal fault of any individual that they have absorbed the pervasive beliefs of the time. If the human myths of the time include believing that certain traits are absolutely inherited, or that an individual cannot live longer than his father lived, then many, many individuals will fall prey to those beliefs. Even if they also profess a belief in an Omnipotent God, they will believe some words a “scientist” has written, or listen to an often repeated mantra in the family such as “our clan has no artistic talent”, and they will unknowingly enact those beliefs, not realizing that they have created a false “god” in their own reality. They are blind to which “facts” they have placed above God’s Omnipotence and God’s Spiritual Reality.

    But the One God, the One Spirit IS Omnipotent, and is not bound by any human dream (or nightmare) or limitation. When your soul has awakened, even if only for moments, and sees and knows that God is above and beyond all such limitations, it cannot convince those around you with words alone, of the Truth of God’s All Power. That is why, Beloved, we have asked you to concentrate now on bringing forth proof and demonstration of what your heart already knows and accepts. For, only as their earthly eyes and ears see earthly “reality” change, will those who are caught in the mesmerism of world belief begin to open to new understanding.

    In every age it is so, Beloved, but in this Age, so many demonstrations will come forth through so many individuals, as to have to be admitted. Just as the “flatness” of the earth was finally admitted to be a myth, so will contemporary humans have to come to admit, in this apostolic Age, that what humans regard as unchangeable physical matter and rules of matter, are nothing at all to God. Keep on, keep on, Beloved, and remember that every teacher of God has the students that are assigned to him or her, and that their eyes and ears will be Divinely opened when they are ready. As you have already seen, some will not be ready until they have passed through the veil, and then they will send greetings back through that veil, to say, “Hello, and Yes and Yes and Yes, forever.”

    Silence is best, until Spirit guides otherwise,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are Infinite Good Qualities of God to draw upon, freely offered to you as one of Its extensions. Choose the simple Truth you have need of, and declare it and accept it and claim it, and, being Spirit of Spirit, trust that Truth to form in your reality of life.

    If you need, “I Am Strong”, declare it and let it coalesce in you and manifest.

    If you are not even sure of what Quality or Help to ask for, ask Spirit to advise you, and quietly and obediently listen to Its Voice within.

    “I Am able to hear The Voice of Spirit Guiding me.”


  • Ah, Beloved of God,

    Set aside your list, and truly give this day to God to run.

    Let it unfold moment by moment, peacefully and purposefully and joyfully, knowing that to really listen to the Friend and Advisor in your heart is the epitome of freedom.

    There is time enough, there is energy and wisdom and creativity enough, for whatsoever God leads you to do, the accompanying means and accessories come with it.

    Do as We say, and feel the Utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To see a legitimate need, and to lovingly and creatively fulfill it, is to Be Divine.

    To give and offer whatever your skills and means and fellowship can provide is to be a part of the wonderful Plan for the re-uniting of human awareness with the High Consciousness that Holds All.

    That is all. That is enough. You will be led to do the kind and decent and uplifting things. Just listen and obey when you feel the surges of Compassion and Love fill you, and you will be enacting your perfect part.

    We assure you it is appreciated,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is Joy when proofs of Good come. Whether the proofs of the Law of Harmony are small things manifested just when you need them, or whether they are the giddy instantaneous cessation of pain and regaining of full strength of health, or love, or arrangements, or provision, celebrate them. Note them. Proclaim them. Be very, very grateful for them.

    Celebrate and give thanks and share the Truth of Love. As you are saved, so are others.

    Let that be your everyday intention,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have you covered. When you need a thought that comforts, We will give you one. When you need an idea that solves, We have them. When you need to remember that you are Loved, We will assure you. When you have forgotten who you really are, We will remind you.

    You are a wonderful and unique and appreciated child of God, spirit of Spirit, life of Life, reflecting all that ever was and all that ever will be in One now.

    Ask Us for these things, and walk with Us in that Higher Trust. Walk with Us, Beloved, today and always, in all things.

    Such earnest and complete Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every companion on the journey adds something, and every companion takes something completed away when they leave the realm of your life. Be as pleased at endings as you are at beginnings, and know that each marked step of the journey takes you to closer fullness of alignment with God.

    Let go the ones who need to be gone, on to their next assignments, and on to their next perfect parts of Being, just as you move into a new perfect place each and every day.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to hurry, for God’s Love is timeless, and That Creative Force knows that your real Being never really went anywhere—that you are a safe Idea Being that just fell asleep and thinks it is alone. In the dream, you are sometimes struggling, and sometimes succeeding, but you imagine you are far away from God, or you do not even believe there is One.

    God knows you will awaken, in the dream, or after the dream or dreams. So God is not in a hurry. When you suspect that your own mind has tricked you and you want to try to “hurry” to awaken, that urge to hurry can be yet another trick of your mind, for it may make you feel desperate or wanting or angry. Those feeling only further your feelings of estrangement.

    The unhurried quiet trust is best. Work on proving and feeling God’s care for yourself. Work on hearing, and knowing, the delightful still, calm, loving Voice. Then, you will open and awaken more quickly than you thought possible, with no jealousy of those that are already there, and nothing but compassion for those that yet sleep.

    How We Love you!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    First, God calms you with gentleness and kindness and humor and forgiveness and love. Then, God heals and leads you to what God knows is Best for you.

    Do not forget the basic truth of that, and be ready to receive and then give back love and gratitude. God gives first. The gift of Love from the God-Source is already given. Putting God first means listening and receiving what is yours from God, and recognizing that doing so leads to true happiness, instead making the “stuff” of the earthly your god. Which do you want, right now, today? Which do you want right now, this moment? Declare it, name it, receive your full share of God’s calm and love and provision.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gloriously formed of Love and Spirit, in the Mind of the Infinite, you dance and shine. All that your essence of Soul portion needs for merger and expression exists with you in Perfect Creation.

    Do not fall into the sad dream that you do not have access to all that you are. Where you dwell in Perfection, all that your Consciousness needs for full Love is right with you. Ask the Infinite Source that you be clearly led to what you need for expansion of Self, or to draw It to you. Have confidence that the Great Consciousness supports the Truth of you in every way.

    You are asking as Spirit, you are receiving and giving as Spirit. Claim your deathless identity as Spirit, and you have your passcard to being Aware of the Limitless You.

    Reach for the feeling. The Knowledge comes along.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Primal Cause exists outside of time. Or, to put it in another way, the Primal Cause exists even where you think time exists. There IS no time, in the point of view of the Divine, and therefore the Divine has all the time in the world. The scriptural truth of “God’s is the earth and the fullness thereof” does not just refer to objects, but to all time and space, which only SEEM to exist where God already exists.

    To Something outside of the illusion of time, there IS all the time in the world. What does that mean to “you”, the “you” that seems to be living in time? It means that you can go around and around and around in that bubble of time that human dream-mind has massively created, but at some point you will have to choose to simply stop and hear the ever-present Infinite Voice that is quietly and endlessly saying, “I am already right here. Just Listen to Me.”

    Loop and loop and loop around if you will, but there the Divine will still be, not made to feel rushed by your imagining of time, or made to feel crowded by your imagining of space, or made to feel sorrowful by your imagining of sorrow or death or fear. The Divine will simply Be, right as It always was, is, and will Be. Stop hurrying and worrying, and turn your heart, face, and thoughts to that Oneness of Being that so gently holds you already, while you imagine that you are running in circles.

    And, It holds you with Utter Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your Life essence will never end. It is held securely in God’s Mind, where you truly dwell, as an idea, even now. The projection of you that seems to dance and stand and move in the dream of camping in a physical body WILL end. It may be soon or it may be much, much later, but you can always choose to come camping in the forest of time again, if you want to keep growing and learning or helping others to learn. This can be so until all have awakened and the forest of time fades to reveal the glorious Realm of Harmony.

    What do you truly want to do while camping? Pursue the brief joys and pains of the dream, or gently remember the Truth of you, the Whole of you, that is, even now, the original within the Great Mind, just trying to completely awaken? Do you want to try to help awaken others, when they look and notice your moments of lucidity?

    God is whispering to you constantly, “Awaken, my Child. I Love you. I am right here, all is well.”

    Never fear hearing God’s Words. They are always filled with Love. And if you hear some that have correction mixed with the Love, obey immediately, for the tiny bit of humility needed to call up and apologize to a friend when God whispers to do so, or the generosity needed to answer a request that inconveniences, in obedience to God’s instructions, helps you. New humility helps you hear more clearly, and awaken completely more quickly. And, after all, is not the Joy that comes with feeling the embrace of God a Joy that surpasses all others?

    Be Mindful of this today, Beloved. Be filled with the Mind of God.

    Your camp counselors, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Traces of other times of learning will whisper into your mind, but let no time of dreaming be any more real to you than any other. Keep your mind on the singular Truth—that One Mind has sorted out the re-embracing of all Its parts/ideas into It, and that re-joining IS complete.

    Ponder the deep meaning of “Almighty” and let that pondering raise up your thinking above petty learnings and annoying incidents and the worldly details that try to distract you with meaningless busy-ness. Give your willingness, and allow your thought to be lifted up. It is the One Mind that does the lifting. It is the Glory of Calm Love that does the ennobling.

    Be still and let that happen.

    We recommend it for the sheer Joy of it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let Us Love you back into the gentleness and generosity that are your True nature, as you reflect the Qualities of God. Be silent, and accept this Loving,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What you think of as time and space have absolutely no meaning to the Loving Force that holds all ideas.

    It can rain Its mercy gently on your sorrow about yesterday’s loss of temper with your child. It can uplift with great Goodness your need for courage for tomorrow’s endeavors. It Is, always and everywhere, and Is, wherever and whenever, you imagine yourself to be. Whether your thoughts and emotions are floating to the future (as you understand the future), or whether your thoughts are re-cycling the past (as you understand the past), there is the Loving Force, ready to remind you that you are unconditionally loved and supported, as a spiritual being held in the Great Amalgam that is all spiritual beings.

    Be as Love, Beloved. Be as you are in Spirit, and feel free to call to that surrounding and ever-present Loving Force, for any aspect of healing or strength or wisdom that you need, in any moment of past, or future, or now.

    “I am now, and I am whole and complete idea, forever and Lovingly Held.”

    Each layer of idea that is added to you is also complete and good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a wise mother who speaks softly and gently to her screaming child, to soothe and distract him, so that she may re-focus on the greater tasks at hand, consider soothing your human ego. Offer your ego-self “a day off”, playing its own trick against it, since it thinks it is the boss, and then allow yourself a day of experimenting with truly letting the divine inner Voice be in charge—telling you where to go, what to do, and what to say and when to say it, and all the while supporting you with a whisper of Love, Love, Love, that fills your heart and then spills over to others.

    One full day given over to the joyous Help from the Kingdom of Heaven in your heart will give enough evidence to make it a place you do want to visit again and again and again.

    Always there, and with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not to say to God, “Do this exact thing,” it is to say to God, “Let me See what I, and this circumstance, are in Thee, right now.”

    Linear time does not exist in God, in the Source, but all the moments of Creation do. The child and the adult, and all the moments between, are there, in their perfection and harmony. Everything that is actually made of the Source is perfection, goodness, and harmony. Look for those, expect those. Welcome those.

    “What am I, in Your Perfect Play, right now?” That becomes your daily and hourly question to the Divine Director, rather than letting your human thoughts keep you clinging to yesterday’s perfection, or to tomorrow’s imagined glory. Ask to see THIS moment’s perfection, and relax into the Glad Source, like a dry sponge relaxing into a pool of wonderful warm water.

    God knows all your moments of intended Harmony,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know what to do. When you think “someone else” is in error, re-align with the Harmony that is All, and look again, at yourself, and the “other”.

    You know this Truth, and will not avoid it forever,


  • Ah, Dear Ones,

    Because The Source is fueled by Love and Joy, that IS available to you always. The Creative Joy of the Source is quiet and deep and steady, and you can draw upon that anytime you want, if you just learn to be conscious of It, to be still and allow It to sustain you.

    That Joy can become exuberant at time as you explore your Soul gifts, or seem quiescent for a time as you go through new phases, but It can be felt as a steady Flow within you and to you, if you simply practice being aware of It.

    All Spiritual systems emphasize this in some form. Do you think those many centuries of experience are incorrect? Set aside your brief fixes and ephemeral solutions, and turn to the Understanding of Joyous Love that will carry you now, and always, in Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you think back over your life in a coolly observant way, you will see that certain people and circumstances were swirled into, or out of, your life, seemingly without any choice on your part. And if you set aside any human bewilderment, or annoyance at feeling lack of control in some situations, you can admit that the changes created Good for you, either immediately, or over time.

    Trust Omniscience. Trust Omnipotence. Trust that the Will of God is for your happiness and awakening to Spiritual Good. Do not toss people out of your life without the effort to see the Divine Good in them, but if they naturally move away from you or out of your everyday awareness, accept it and look to what Purpose and holiness God is leading you to right now, right where you are, or where God leads you to be.

    God’s Will cannot be forced, but It has Its Way in due time, in perfect time.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Practice, right now, being grateful for Gratitude Itself. Feel that wash of greater feeling that comes flowing through the Soul of you when you allow gratitude to fill your heart and thoughts. It is a Force, and Grace has given it to you.

    Be glad of Grace that gives so much to you freely, despite your human follies and errors and inactions. Be grateful for Grace

    And be so, so, so very grateful that Love Itself Loves you, and constructs you and sustains you, and always has and always will, no matter what dreams or nightmares seem to mar the surface of the illusion. Quietly feel it right now. Love Loves you. Love perfectly is your forever Life of Spirit.

    Feel the power of being grateful for that,

    Your gratitude is a force that helps the world,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you say to us, or to the One Source, “I Love you so much”, you will always hear, in answer “We Love you, too. We Love you no matter what.”

    You will not receive silence as a reply. You will not receive an affirmation of love, but with exceptions listed. You will not receive a vacillating answer. You will only hear, from your Angels, and from the Divine Voice within, “We Love you, We Love you, We Love you.”

    Count on It, Beloved. Turn to It, and count on It. Turn to It when others seem unsure of their love for you, but turn to It also when you yourself are feeling unworthy of complete and utter Love. Remember, We do not see or recognize as Divine Reality you iniquities, so We simply say “We Love you, We Love you, We Love you.”

    So be it, for so it Is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many times, when you are feeling fears or doubts, or even an ecstasy in new love or interest that would tease you into taking new ways, it is so important to stand back and look at the Truth behind what you are feeling.

    Look deep, and know that what is really at issue every single day, is your faith in the Goodness of God. If you doubt that a solution can appear, or be thought of, for a problem situation, you are doubting the Goodness of the All in All. If you wonder whether a new exuberance is really leading you in the right direction, you are not demonstrating faith and certainty that Spirit will lead you right of you take time to listen to It as you move ahead.

    Today, Beloved, and all days, give Spirit your willingness to hear Its guidance and to trust that It wants a Happy Dream for you, before enfolding the ray of Light that is you, at the perfect time and place, into the timeless arena of the Divine.

    While you yet shine into time, It is with you. Trust It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, always, it is not a person you are wed to, it is your vision of the Divine. Remember, it is not a person you are friends with, it is your vision of the Divine. It is not a person you are kin to, or neighbor to, or work with, it is your vision of God.

    Perhaps that vision is buried under layers of illusion. Perhaps you are trying to see the Divine under the heat waves of anger. Hold to your vision of the Divine, and begin to look for It in the person. Look for the glimmer of Light. Look for what can be appreciated, and let that be praised. Look for the Divine, and find It, Beloved, for It wants to be seen and found, and It will help you to see clearly again, if you just choose to begin.

    One kernel of truth grows quickly, Love. It is the magic beanstalk.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no moment when you cannot turn to the Unrelenting Love of Spirit. Turn to It for comfort and inspiration. Turn to It to be reminded that the Presence of Love that never ends is Love Divine.

    And is not that the Love that you want above all? Seek that Love first and always, and let human love come where and when it is appropriate and needed and can be appreciated.

    Love because you are made of God’s Love. Love because it is the core purpose of all.

    We are always with you, Child.

    Give, give, give to receive, receive, receive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you clearly realize that you are one part of the whole reflection of the Mind/Spiritual Body/Consciousness of God, then it is so much easier to look gently upon all your brothers and sisters that are part of the same Whole Body of God that you are.

    Just as every very different part of your earthly body works together to function as a whole, so let your thoughts ponder what it means to truly work in Harmony with all the other parts of the Body of the Infinite God. It is your pure Spirit self, and their Spirit selves that are this. Look past the human costumes and weave a communion with all in Spirit.

    You can think big, even as a small part,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There IS always a choice available: to remember your identity.

    You are not a body, anxious and fearful and susceptible to all the myths and beliefs of the world. You are a Divine part of Consciousness Itself, and your Abilities, as that, can do what they need to do to modify and keep strong your costume of light, while you choose to still wear it.

    In every situation, forget the body and its seeming demands, and ask yourself, “What would Love do? What should I, as a part of Love, do?”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the sweet mystery of being a part of the Whole Body of the Divine become a playful thing for you. Let yourself be the mysterious stranger that leaves a joyous message in a post box. Let yourself be the anonymous giver of a gift to a child whose name you do not even know. Let yourself be amused and happy, just imagining how that distant neighbor will always wonder, and be grateful for, the “angel” who cleared his driveway of snow.

    There is nothing wrong with using, and enjoying the material things of earth. The pattern of materialism that is damaging to the soul is the pattern of competition and selfishness and favor-bartering and greed that can come about because of it. Let the joy of sharing and giving be without name or expectation, and it becomes an entirely different thing. Like the temple-givers of old who blared their trumpets before they went to tithe to the temple, it is the “name and fame” aspect of generosity that just creates a sense of separateness in self, instead of a sense of Wholeness. Let your giving become anonymous, and open-hearted, and find the joy of it again, Beloved.

    “Secrets” shared only with God, as love to love, give one the joy of being one with God again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Love heals me.”

    Let that be your pure thought today. Let the Spirit and the Truth of It float you aloft like a bright balloon that has been filled for the sky.

    Do not become lost in definitions of “love” or “me”, just let the revealing of Wholeness, that is healing. work Its way with you as you clear away all thought except “Love heals me, Love heals me, Love heals me.”

    “Gently, gently, I am healed now, in Love, by Love, And Love leads me to any other thoughts I need. Love heals me continually. Love heals me. Love leads me. Love is Mine.”

    Softly now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because God IS Life, God gives a living. It is ALL Spiritual, and that is what is so hard for your seemingly physical mind to accept. Play, today, with believing what God’s Words say, “All that I have is yours, for you are my Beloved Child,” instead of believing your own sad or worried or ambitious or hearty thoughts. Be quiet, and believe God.

    Can you play this loving game for your Self, today? Can you feel the sweet still beauty of it, the calm joy, and decide to play it for a lifetime?

    We wish you knew the joy we feel in your joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being in constant Conscious contact with the Supreme Spirit in which you dwell is the goal, is a way to live. It is not just a thing to cross off a list, like washing your hands or answering your mail, or feeding your pets.

    ” Say my prayers” is a way of thinking, a way of feeling, a way of Being.

    Be It, O’ Beloved. Be It, and observe how wonderfully your experience of Life expands in Love.

    Expand with Love, in Love, for Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    And did not the Angels, who had come into the dream, but not fallen, cry unto God, “Please, give us something to help awaken those who sleep, for they are so convinced that their conception is the reality, that we cannot easily wake them. And the God of True Creation had mercy, and gave the Divine Comforter, the Unseen Sprit whose Voice would live in every heart, and be ready to be heard when that soul was ready to hear. And so each soul has within it the seed of its own awakening, to Know that it was never ever gone from the Source in which it was born. It is still There, Where it has always been, thought of and sustained and reflected upon as Good.

    So be it, Child, for so it is. Remember that you, as a perfect idea, have never ever left the Source, and that there you live and move and have your Being, and that there you will always remain and be perfect and be Good.

    Always with you, in the Grace given by God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If the shimmer of time fell off you today, and you were able to see God face to face, and God asked you, “When did you Love, and how much did you Love?”, would you be able to answer, “Always, and completely?”

    Or at least, would you be able to answer, “It was my goal every day”?

    Beloved, God is actually asking you that all the time, even if you cannot See and Hear God clearly. Think about that today, and act accordingly.

    And take heart from this, no matter how your own Conscience answers you each night, God’s Answer to you is always, “I never stopped Loving you Absolutely.”

    Take strength and Heart from that, and continue on, Dear Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of yourself as a totally permeable entity that floats in the Love of God. If you are totally permeable, then that Love flows freely back and forth between you and the solution of God that surrounds you, carrying with it the Wisdom, the Sustenance, the Joy and all else that is the chemistry of God.

    “Dear God, today show me the Highest and the Best I am in Thee.”

    Simply stick to it, let It Flow,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    When the Spirit of Love awakens within each heart, it does not matter what that heart names It. Whether It names Itself to that heart and mind, or whether the person of that heart chooses to label It by the name of some teaching or some religion, It is still One Spirit. It is what It Is. It is Love, Truth, Peace, and the everlasting Presence of all kinship.

    It will come to all hearts, whether through the joy and suffering of earth, or the grace of instantaneous mercy, or at the instant of death. It may seem to come in many forms, but It will be the same One Spirit that is the Life of all and All.

    No one is left behind, for they were never apart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Maintaining your own fullness of Spirit, having agreed to that with God, is enough to give you the silent Wisdom throughout the day, that will Guide you Lovingly, and be a Good influence on all you encounter. Humbly allow Spirit to Flow from you, and through you, to where It will, silently.

    Staying focused on the uplifted perceptions of the Divine Presence as the Identity of the Soul that Governs you, will give you plenty of the overflow of Grace that armors, comforts, maintains and companions your human journey of the day.

    “I am a Beloved expression of God” is not a hard Thought to live from. Be It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone has her eyes closed, and has grasped the tail of an elephant, and is thinking of it as an over-wiggly snake, and is calling to God to please quiet this snake in her hand, it is not the elephant that needs to be healed or changed, it is the thinking of the person who holds it.

    Allow the Sight to replace faulty thinking, and perception,

    ` Open your eyes and Awaken,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If it is not a part of God/Goddess, it is not a part of you. If it is a part of God/Goddess, it IS a part of you.

    Knowing this Truth, and knowing that God/Goddess is only Good, is why you can take the gift of creativity and dominion, and instruct your body life to be Good.

    Cast away the illusions. Command out of your thoughts the annoying or untrue, and simply be the Life and Love and shining Soul that pours forth in the very center of your being. Yes, you must learn to set aside the hypnotic suggestions of the sensory world that would try to convince you that you are but a dusty skin of troubles. But that gets easier and easier as you let the Light within you Shine.

    Like a fisherman who knows that there are fish and other life beneath the murky surface and glimmers of surface light on the water, cast into the deep of your Soul, and pull forth your sustenance, and have also the joy of catching it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no notion of being separate from All today, Beloved.

    Can Truth be separate from Truth? Can a drop be separate from the Ocean? The bits of light that are the reality of all can seem to separate into various bodies, but they are all the same substance.

    Today, Beloved, use that metaphor to utilize your own sweet power of individuality of Power to know, “If a thing is not a part of Divine Intention, it is not a part of me.”

    The Consciousness that maintains and sustains you, Beloved, does your functioning. And It functions smoothly and calmly. Let smooth calm be the energy that you emanate and use, today, Beloved. Relax, relax into the ride, with no fear, Beloved, for calm is the Driver, indeed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have chosen to go to a party. At the door, you are handed a frog costume. You know you are a beloved child of God, donning a frog costume, but you don it willingly, and go in. You see right away that some of the souls at the party having been wearing their costumes so long that they have started to believe they are truly frogs, and act in character.

    Your job, if you accept it, is to remember that you are really a delightful child of God, and to remind those that are ready to hear it that they are also the wonderful good spirits of Love.

    What do you say?

    ANGELS, not frogs

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know that in the giving and sharing of your gifts is their perfection honed. Be not afraid to share what seems not yet perfect, for just as the teacher is taught by teaching, the healer is healed by healing. All benefit in the Goodness of All that Is, if you remain humble in your sharing, by staying aware of the Source of your gift, and by following the directions of the Source in when and where to share it.

    Planning how to share a talent, or garner earthly reward from it, based on worldly systems of commerce, is to let the human ego have control. Listen to the wisdom of the Divine within each hour, and each day, in order to know how and when to proceed with any part of a plan. Acceptance of Holy oversight, and obedience in all the small ways and things, are delightful practice for the times when the Greater Will is the most needed and desired.

    Fear not, for we are always with you, and when the giving, giving, giving begins, Divine Love will see that you do not run dry.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Bless yourself with memories of when you have passed along Divine Generosity by giving time, and good wishes, and love and goods and efforts and provisions. Uplift yourself by remembering when you have had compassion and forgiven, forgiven, forgiven.

    Being grateful and counting blessings are such an automatic bridge from dark thoughts to Divine Light Thoughts of Heart. Most of you know this. You know this intellectually.

    But how often do you cross that bridge? Do you read and study things that encourage using that way to the Heavenly view? Cross that bridge, dear ones. Cross that bridge, and invite others to cross it with you.

    Leave the angers behind,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry, there is no worry, if you simply do your part by trusting God, and doing as God bids each day. The Pure Divine Thoughts that arise in your mind as you focus on hearing God-Spirit’s Voice, will lead you on a path that wastes no time and has no stones to make you stumble or fall.

    Love, listen, and trust,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember this: As a spiritual Being, abiding in the infinite reaches of that which is Divine, there are no limits on you. The Divine Realm truly is Infinite, and even the most far-reaching understanding that you can imagine does not come near to grasping It.

    If you have set up limits and barriers by your choices on earth, how many of them can you easily change? How many do you wish to change by choosing anew?

    Do not let yourself be lost in confusion or despair as you contemplate this. Ponder it playfully. Yes, of course there are many obligations and bonds that, because of honor and love, you cannot see letting fall away. Or, to put it another way, you can see that the cost of choosing to not feed your child or to not support your spouse would eventually come to more than you care to pay. We are speaking here of the things that may seem small, but are the insidious stealers of your minutes, and then your days.

    Is the money that is spent on purchasing a magazine that you could read at the library money that could be spent on a book about the new field you feel drawn towards? Indeed, would the time be better spent studying that field instead of reading the magazine? Is the time that you spend with the same old friends discussing the same sports figures still giving you a sense of community and worth and pleasure? If it is, continue, but if you honestly listen to the Voice of your Inner Heart and realize that you go home from the events now feeling drained instead of refreshed, be honest with yourself, and choose change.

    The Infinite is built from very small blocks of energy, Beloved. Choosing to give up just one type of food or to give five extra minutes to a slower, more meditative route to work each day, can indeed be the beginning of changing your entire Infinity. Be honest, for the lies you tell yourself only build fence after fence to hold you back from the wide range of possibility that you were created to dance upon.

    And we bow to you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Divine Love is a gift continually offered.

    Love did not think you up, happily create a new Idea within Itself, and then cut you all adrift to flounder around on your own. The Love you are made of still holds you within the vessel of Itself, and continuously feeds and sustains you as the Perfect Spirit you are.

    Put your thoughts on that. Worry not about the “wrappings” of ritual, or whether you “deserve” a gift such as Unconditional Love. It is freely given to you, and does Its Wonderful Will in whatever ways will best get through to your thoughts until you truly and deeply understand, “I and my Source are one. I have never really left my Home of Loving Spirit”.

    Accept, accept, accept the Gift of Wholesome Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Stay focused on being an expression of Divine Love, and Loving in your human actions and reactions. To consciously do so all the time, is the Grace the Infinite Source of Love offers to you freely.

    If a well-meaning friend tries to draw you into conversations about the limits of a too young or too old body, or the hopelessness of some situation, remember that it is not their True Sacred Good Soul speaking. It is only the mortal assumptions they have been mistaught or the spirit of discouragement that has landed on their shoulder, and made ill suggestions to their thinking. Stand fast in your own knowledge of your essence and theirs being Good Spirit, and only subject to the Good Laws of Infinite Love.

    Do not argue. Simple battle error influences with the Truth held silently in your heart, direct from Divine Mind. Speak a positive affirmation, or give testimony of the unlimited Power of God, if you feel moved to, but let their negative words slide off your consciousness, knowing they cannot hurt the Life you are given by Unlimited Spirit.

    “Forgive them, they know not what they do”, for that is still so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust that the truth of the Loving Reality WILL reach every heart, for in the One Causal Source, where timelessness Reigns, It already has reached All.

    Perhaps some hear it first from an enlightened parent or childhood teacher. Perhaps some discover it in lyrics of uplifting songs, or old scripture, or a phrase on the side of a building, but we assure you that no man or woman is any different in the Mind that thought of them all, and each and every one will be tenderly brought to the memory of how much they are Loved and Cherished and Held, in God.

    “When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are…”—God Hears all Heart desires and answers them with Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as God is Good, so are you. Can you believe that, for this day? Can you allow yourself to have a day of saying “I love you” to the self that is your good and true self, and give it a chance to shine, shine, shine?

    You know that you love the Spirit that tenderly ministers to you from within. You know how often you have thought of the quote from the Shepard saying “As you do unto my flock, so you do to me”, when you are trying to be kind to someone who is being churlish, or is a stranger unto you. But, Beloved, you are one of the flock also. Therefore, be kind unto yourself. Be generous in forgiving yourself and in giving to yourself.

    You deserve this, and have promised the Shepard.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is never any need to fret. All the time and energy that you spend fretting can be gainfully turned to appreciating, and loving, and feeling grateful for, all that you already know, and have.

    Be at peace, Beloved, this day (and all days!), and let the story unfold. Watch in unfold in joyous thankfulness.

    As ever, and ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pure Goodness does not create or send forth anything that is not Good. Pure Goodness that projected a Good image of your being, with its talents and beauties and marvelous ways, onto the Screen of Its Mind, did not create anything that is not Good.

    Yet, while you dream you are also a separate body and frail human personality, you can seem to experience that which is not Good. Refocus yourself with that basic prayer, “Let my will be Thy Will”, and trust in the Wisdom and Goodness of God.

    Follow God’s laws of Goodness, and trust in God’s Wisdom for your human perceptions to be awakened to see as much of the True and Real that you can handle at once. If everything that you knew with your lower senses, and were accustomed to, changed instantly, it might be more than you could assimilate. A Good Teacher, and Divine Spirit within is a very Good Teacher, does not give a student more than he or she is ready to learn. Trust that, and trust that God does not send harm or punishment, and be Joyous at each Good understanding that is revealed.

    Another way of thinking about “Thy Will be done” is “Show me as much of Heaven as I am ready to see.” God’s Wisdom knows what you are ready for, and what those around you are ready for, in the earthly misunderstanding that time is linear. Say “Show me as much of Heaven as I am ready to see” for yourself and say it for all, “Show us all as much of Heaven as we are ready to See, and trust, trust, trust in the Loving Goodness of God.

    For God’s Will IS done, and God gives only Good,


  • Ah, Remember, Beloved,

    As you treat with prayer any who have asked, to see them, or him, or her, as already having received the Well Being, the Wholeness, and the Joy that are God, for that is the Truth.

    It is your perception of that Truth that allows you be to be used as conduit for Holy Spirit, just as a math teacher is able to teach math because he truly understands, and has faith in, numbers always being just what they are, and no more and no less.

    Holy Spirit will always be just what It is, for Its Purpose and Principle are clear, to help each part remember its place in the Timeless Complete Gladness of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know this:

    “Neither time nor decay can ever change the ray of Light that I am from God.”

    Know this for yourself and know this for others. Be the Light.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When God, as Loving Spirit-Voice, asks you to act or speak, do so. Do so even if to your human senses it feels untimely or the words seem odd. If you receive a direct instruction like this, it is important.

    Being willing to be such an instrument of Love and Life assistance is part of why it is Good to practice hearing the sweet Voice of God in your heart every day. For as you practice, and grow accustomed to, and knowledgeable and familiar with, that Calm Tender Presence, you will be able to fully trust when It instructs you to call or visit someone, or to reach out a hand and keep them from stepping off a curb.

    Listen, dear Love. Listen to Love, and obey.

    Love is Grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel even a tiny moment of fear or irritation, in any one of their many disguises, turn immediately to counting your Blessings with gratitude.

    You can do this because the Spirit of Life Who made you, and Whom you live within, is supremely Grateful when It reflects upon you. It is constantly thinking Good things of you and around you. Look within and feel them and see them, and be Grateful and Glad you are so very utterly Loved, and held within Love.

    Grateful you are you, and Glad when you realize your identity as a Blessing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Omniscient Voice will speak in your heart continually, if you listen. If you let the old saying about “children not speaking unless spoken to” apply to yourself as a Child of God, and then only speak to others when you are letting the All-Knowing, All-Compassionate flow through you, then you are letting your words, and therefore your life, be guided by the One Who knows the highest best for all.

    Today, be willing to try it. Today, be willing to do it, and be delightfully expectant of receiving Good and Pure Guidance continually.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, before you ever open your eyes in the morning, there is a choice that you make. You choose whether to live your day reacting to what you think is outside of yourself, or you realize that you create what you perceive and focus on, from in your own mind and heart.

    “This is the day that Goodness (God) has made. I shall rejoice in it and be Glad. I shall see the lovable and be lovable, I shall know the Goodness to be seen and let being part of It be my life. I shall trust in Grace and give Grace. I shall act as a Child of God.”

    Be that, Beloved. Be only that. If you have begun your day in fear or anger or boredom, close your eyes and begin again, living the day in Good action rather than reaction to the illusions that try to rule your Soul.

    Align yourself with the One Good Mind,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The humility that is important is the humility you must have in your grateful relationship with God. In order to let God’s Will be your will, and thus be Divinely led in all that you do and say, it is important to be humble in your constant conscious communion with God.

    But that does not mean you must be full of humility in every human interaction, or that you must become a doormat for the self-centered human wills around you. No, stay centered and grounded in the Truth of being One with the Loving Source, for that is the moment-by-moment interaction that truly requires the humble approach.

    Stay humble in prayer and representation of God, but be very proud of being a child of God, as all are, even if they are not yet awakened to that fact.

    We will help constantly. Remember that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine you are going on a camping trip and you bring along various bags of gear. For a while you camp beside a lovely fresh water stream, enjoying the rambles and sights and adventures. One day, you decide to wade across the stream and explore the trails and hills and meadows you can see there. You bring along a pack of what you will need for the excursion for the day, and find the new vistas wonderful, and the paths unmuddied. The unexplored newness of the terrain is inviting and consumes your thoughts and imagination, inspiring even more wanderings and feeding you with joy and beauty.

    Towards the end of the day, you return to where the water you crossed is visible and you can see, even from afar, that the waters have grown wide and gushing. A choice arises. Do you perilously try to return and then unhappily sort through soggy possessions and spend time on resetting a “safer” camp? Or do you let all that go and move forward into more new days, and new sights and experiences?

    O’ Beloved, whether it is the passing of a day, or the passing of a life, be very ready to let go, let go, let go. It is a tender mercy of God’s Grace that sometimes floods your thoughts and lets old ways of thinking and being wash away. Each of you knows that although there are some good and sentimental thoughts of the past, there are many that you would be glad to see removed from your memory and your thought patterns and your habits. Be glad that the Divine waters can use time to give each mind continual opportunity to begin again in better ways, moving forward, moving forward, moving forward.

    Be glad to forget unhelpful thoughts and errors, and let the Loving Thoughts of your Generous Creator Guide you anew, within each day, within each hour, within each life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never let your personal human distress prevent you from praying for Harmony and Healing for another, if they ask you. Never let your own concerns keep you from giving a little time each day to a sincere general desire to see the smooth expansion of Love in the world, and your circle of people and community.

    As ever, praying for another or others also surges the Wonder of God through you, and by the time you have helped enable another to remember their identity as Beloved manifestation of the Infinite All, you will often find that ease of your own inharmonies has occurred.

    Pray generously, dear one. Pray without limits or conditions, for God is without limits, and feeling Wonder at that Infinitude helps all Good prayer be felt and seen.

    Giving gives back, and it still is True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Give me a renewing Divine Thought, Dear God.”

    Ask it quietly and trustingly, and wait at lest a full minute of earthly time to hear and feel God’s Loving Embrace and response. And then hold and cherish that Thought all the day.

    If it is an instruction, such as “forgive”, enact it. God’s Word is True, and Good for you.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Consistent deep Peace and Truth and Contented Happiness come only from the finely tuned Inner Self, fully aligned, and continuously fed by, the Infinite.

    Different systems of human philosophy and religion and spiritual systems have various names for it and myriad systems that have been tried to completely achieve awareness of it, but that Oneness of Gentle Thought and Being flickers among them all in some form.

    Seek It however you will, Beloveds, but do seek It. For that Oneness already Lovingly Holds you all, and the sooner you find the Inner Spirit to help awaken you fully, the sooner Harmony touches all in the Consciousness of Heaven.

    Trust Love to constantly offer you ways to connect fully with Its Divine Self. It will not force you to look away from, or past the limited human senses, and learn to enjoy the joining with the Great Consciousness, but It will pour out floods of Gladness when you do. And, being outside of linear time, It knows you eventually will. Why not now?

    Look, Look, Look, Seek, Seek, Seek, ask and open, for you exist within the Oneness, and flying throughout It are Its dedicated servants and healers and awakeners, ready to come to your side when you are ready to receive them.

    God has made provision for all to awaken in some way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Does any part of a dream matter, except for the parts that give you insight into how better to Love and Forgive/Be Grateful?

    Therefore, does any part of your “waking” day matter except whatever uplifts your thought and feelings into how better to LOVE and Be Grateful/Forgive?

    When the ego defenses flash up, remember this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have seen you like this before. When you feel unsure, We assure you, serving others serves you as well. Today, now, make it a point to ask God to guide you in at least three things you can do to inspire, uplift, or humanly assist three people or causes that you encounter.

    Be even a tiny force for Good, and Good flows back to you.

    All is Well, and all will be Well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To say and KNOW, today, “The Loving Grand Mind is what contains me and every other idea, including my friends, my work, my livelihood, my purpose, my supply, my home, my very life and place in all its meanings, and so I trust in that Mind to swirl all ideas within It into Harmony.”

    “I open to that Mind’s Directions today, not turning to old thoughts in human advice, or to the chatter of well-meaning friends. I open to the Mind Divine, and in That I totally trust, and expect Good of this Mind, within which we swim, which supports us on Its perfect waves of Omnipotence, savoring Its gentle Love for me, and for all.”


    WE will be your prayer partners on this, Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid when your own thoughts seem to whirl and pick up bits of debris such as discouragement, or doubt, or boredom with the chores of earth. Slow down, speak Grace and Thanks, and take the sacred moment of Now to see Beauty even within the whirlwind of human belief.

    It IS there, at the center, Peaceful, Still, Calm, ready to nurse you forever.

    Drink of it, and be still along with it, and free to feel Its Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Go forth, knowing your own Joy, as It is allotted to you today.

    As you encounter others that seem to be in need of heightened spiritual Sight, aid when and where you can, if it is welcomed. But continue to honor each one’s time of readiness.

    Wait for the welcoming of God, trusting each heart to be opened by the Divine Hand. You simply be ready to be the human instrument than can assist in that awakening, at the right places and the right times.

    Meanwhile, be an example of trust and of Calm Joy, waiting on the Will of the Lord.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be very still and quiet today, looking for evidence of God’s Law of Harmony, and the Divine Will for your happiness of Life.

    Like a gardener looking under the leaves for bean pods that are ready to eat, or a farmer checking in the dirt for the potatoes that are large enough to harvest, look for the produce of God’s Laws of growth in the experience of your day. Be gentle with yourself, and others, and be very, very aware of all the fruits of Good that are in your day.

    We will be with you all the way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    SPIRIT is the substance of all form.

    Gently, gently, immerse yourself in this truth. Yes, you can use mind arguments such as Spirit could not have any aches or pains or age or sorrows, so neither than can I, as a reflection of Spirit.

    But remember as you think such things that Spirit already knows that. Tell your own consciousness that, if you like, to “get you in the right head-set”, but mostly just call out, INWARD, to Spirit, and claim It as the only substance of yourself.

    Spirit is the Loving Substance of All form.

    How We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a spiritual offspring of Spirit-God. Let God enable you to See that Spirit is what you are and all you are, wonderfully.

    Your earthly children and relatives are spiritual offspring of Spirit-God. Trust God to raise them into Consciousness of what they are in Truth.

    Everyone you meet, no matter their disguises, is an offspring of Spirit-God. Leave it in God’s Grace to reveal the Life, Truth and Love of them. Your responsibility is to allow God to help you understand what you already are, complete, in Life, Truth, and Love.

    Isn”t that enough to do?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you begin to get the feeling that the time for an ending has come, whether it is the right time to leave a party, or the time to move to a new home or to a new career, let yourself have the sacred thought space of listening. If the intuition is true, if the Inner Voice is of God, there will be a certainty, but not a sense of urgency.

    The human ego voice is very dramatic. If it says “right now” but says so with a sense of hurry that is fear-based, let yourself have time to think again. The True Inner Voice that is of the Divine will always be rooted in Peace. The True Voice, even if It is urging immediate action, will be a calm urging, certain of Its intent of Love, and drawing on Omnipotent strength.

    Therefore, wait on the Will of Divine Timing, Beloved. Give yourself the gift of sacred listening space—even if you must step apart from others in a crowded room, so that you may listen, or ask aloud for a minute of silence in which to commune with the Truth. You will never regret it, for you will be sure, and backed by Sureness.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When certainty comes to the mind and heart, you will know it by the accompanying feeling of CALM resolve.

    The certainty of the earthly desires and lusts and pains is different. It is accompanied by fierceness and a lack of awareness of, or compassion for, the others involved.

    Look to the certainty that fills you with Quiet Love. Look to the certainty that fills you with Peace, before action. Look to It, and Know It, and then you cannot be fooled by what to do, and when, for the Inner Divine Calm will guide you.

    Calmly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Healing happens. Many times you just do not recognize it for what it is, but we assure you that once you give your heart and your willingness to the Divine Director, needs are seen, desires and prayers are heard and answered as is appropriate. Put aside your own human “solutions” and let God do Its Work.

    Yes, it is easy to see when a cut on the finger or a burn on the foot heal within minutes or an hour or two, but it is not so easy for you to remember your expressed needs and heart pleas when it comes to other things. A call that you receive next week may be related to a prayer that you voiced two months ago and then forgot you even said. A reconciliation may happen after a year has gentled all the hearts involved.

    Give over to the Will of God, Beloved, but also trust in the Wisdom of God to pull everything together in the best way for all.

    None of your goodness is ignored. Believe this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Back to the basic Truth:

    “One Mind governs me. One Mind governs this person before me and this situation around me.”

    “Thank-you, One Mind, for correcting my thoughts, that I may see what You See in all of these.”

    Then, wait for silent Correction, or for the Thought that tells you what Thought to focus on; what “setting” to set your mortal thoughts to. For instance, if you hear the word “gratitude” in your mind, think about all that you are grateful for. If you hear the word “mercy”, think about all the times people have been merciful to you. If you hear the phrase “there is no limit in God”, then think about unlimited opportunity, think about limitlessness. Welcome the quiet Uplifting of Thought and Love.

    If error, or imbalance of any sort, are glaring at you, dear Child, you are not seeing with the eyes of One Mind. Ask to have your Sight corrected, and ease into the Gentle, Calm, Loving Observance of God.

    We know how quickly outlook, and therefore circumstance, can change,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel a general sense of unease and cannot even discern where the focus of it seems to be, fear not. Fear not, for the Divine Healer knows how to heal you, and knows that all errors are really just a form of one error. That one error is thinking that you are no longer part of the Harmony of All, and that you are just some frail and fading body that is not a Child of Glory.

    The Divine Healer, called upon, will simply heal. Like a mother than can tell with one glance or touch whether her child needs a nap or some food or a hug or some cleaning up, the Divine Healer can tell, without needing your lists of “facts”, just what needs to happen to reveal your true Harmony again.

    Trust the Healer’s desire to heal you, and your circumstances,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The joining of one to another that indicates oneness in the earthly realm is not the same as the joining of All, as One, in the Mind that was the beginning, is now, and will be always, unchanging. Bear in mind, Beloved, that the fracturing of the one Child/Reflection of God into “many” children of God is an earthly illusion. Yes, there is individuality in the Oneness of God Reflection, but it is like unto the different cells of your body having individual functions, and yet being all one body.

    Trust the governance of God, Beloved, when it comes to your espoused or loved ones. Do not fear to be demonstrative and honest and witness to what you are beginning to understand to be the Truth of Reality, but let them acquire the call to It on their own, under the Governance of God. Forcing them will only create a greater schism.

    Force never works. Only Love does.



  • Dear Beloved,

    Endlessly, we watch you. We watch you with love, hoping for a chance to help you achieve the Best Self that you have come here to be. We honor your plan, and we honor your right to choose what to enact and what to do, so we need your permission to help that plan be enacted.

    You are living your plan. We do not ask you to turn over the living of it to anyone but yourself. We just ask that you give the divine Infinite a chance to provide the loving resources that you need to enact that Dream, that you keep in your heart. We just ask that we be allowed to help distribute your gift when you decide that your gift is ready to be shared.

    You brought that gift, whatever yours is, with you when you came to this life. We ask you to feel the truth, that your gift wants to be explored and shared. Believe this, that we would love to help bring that about, guided by your own love of your gift and your own will that it be so.

    You have already begun it by coming here to this life. All of our love and all of the abundance of the Universe stand ready to back you up. Call out to the Universe in a voice of love, knowing that a loving voice is the voice it hears, and answers. Call out in a feeling of full faith that the Universe supports you.

    Endlessly, we listen. When you say, “Yes”, we act. To doubt yourself and your gifts, and your ability to contribute them to the world is to say, “Maybe”. Do not doubt yourself and your gifts. Instead, trust and say, “Yes”, and let a new world of possibilities open up before you.

    We are lovingly listening,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be as lovely as you ARE.

    Close your eyes, to better see God. Close your eyes, to better see your Self as God Sees you, now and forevermore.

    And as we see you, with utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about the pure Goodness of the Source/God/Origin of All things.

    Ponder that Goodness often enough that you begin to feel it as a Warmth in your heart understanding.

    Then, when faced with a friend who is seeming less than kind, or a relative who is behaving badly, or a nauseous tremor in your own belly-self, say:

    Here I am, and here is “——-”, and we are both but good reflections of the Utter Goodness of the First Thing that ever came to Be.

    And let yourself sink into the soft warmth of the feeling of Goodness, and let yourself wait for, and see, that Goodness turn into something you can see.

    Many times, as simple an approach as this, to resolution of an annoying habit or itchy body, will demonstrate amazing results right away. Practice going into the realm of Good-Feeling, God-Presence, for such is where all good dreams form.

    As ever, wanting your best dreams for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a man or woman knew with complete certainty just how many days were left to him or her in the earthly camping trip, assuredly the priorities of many days would change. Stay very aware, darling one, of the brevity of the worldly costume, and live with honor, and joy, and a valuing of every thing and one around you being Sourced from the same Deep Love that binds all beings together.

    The past and the future, the motives or whims of another, …none of these things can compare to living each moment, hour and day, as a pure expression of Living Soul.

    Notice the moments today, Beloved. Notice the moments, and listen well to your Soul.

    We sing Chorus for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Some teach from the light, some teach from the darkness.

    It is easy to be grateful to those that teach from positive example. To learn how to be grateful to those that teach from negative example, by showing you what you do not want to be, is to learn true forgiveness. There is no greater lesson than forgiveness.

    Say a prayer of gratitude when you are shown what not to be.

    Letting your self learn to truly forgive all is the most important lesson of earth.

    We are most grateful to you each time you learn,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not forget what we have told you before, that out of Love for one another, some individualized parts of Spirit agree to come to life to play roles of teacher or healer, or to be beside another part as it experiences a particular moment of Joy or beauty or challenge.

    The truth and scope of eternity are impossible for the human mind to grasp, but even a little comprehension can give one the perspective that a long life here is but nothing in the Timelessness of Full Awareness. So, no matter how long or short a life is lived in the awareness of earth, to appreciate a round of seasons, or to exchange one wonderful kiss in a mountain spring, or to stand with a friend for a decade, or to wander for forty years looking for the lost bliss of Nirvana, when the Spirit reawakens to Truth, it is again all just part of a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Whole.

    See but once the complete Joy on the face of the moment of transition, and you will know,


    In memory of Erik Meijers

    November 1961- November 2004

    with great thanks to the warm Ones who went with him.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Getting to know what God thinks of you and what God expects of you is crucial in many ways. There may be many worldly results of working with that, but we assure you that one wonderful part of it is that God wants you to accept Divine Love as a gift to enrich all that you are and experience.

    Accept God’s Love. Accept it. Whether or not you think you deserve it, accept it.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Open your will and your sight, by praying deeply, “Unblur my sight, dear God, clear my perceptions, that I may enjoy the beauty and goodness that shine in glory just under my interpretations. Help me remember that Love conquers hate and fear and the pain of rejection or failure, as I see Its power and that It, Love, is the one Truth that endures.”

    When you see you have been angry at illusions, forgiveness is easy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as a child will sometimes tell a lie more easily to his mother, whom he knows will love him anyway, than to a new friend, so will the adult human lie to its own Divine Self. The mother does continue to love, and to forgive, but she also expects the child to mature, and stop the lies, if she makes known her expectations of truth.

    So also with the Divine, Beloved. The One Spirit, of whom you are a dancing image, knows when your human thoughts are lies. It Loves and forgives, but It does expect you to grow and mature into a fully aligned-with-the-Divine individualization of Spirit.

    All around you are examples of holiness, and within you is the voice of the Divine Teacher Extraordinaire. Follow, them, O’ Beloved, and allow the world thoughts that you entertain to fall away, as you grow, and are honed to the perfect image.

    Each being is already the perfect image in the Mind of the Divine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe not the voice of the darkness that would have you doubt what you have seen work, again and again, in your own living Voice from God. Be pleased with the sweet comfort that the Presence gives, and let today be a true day of thanks for that constant and uplifting Comfort.

    Gratitude, Child. Gratitude, again and again and again. It does not need to be spoken. It does not need to be written. It is simply held, sincerely, in the heart, and God can read it there. And there It does Its work.

    All Love,


  • Dear One,

    If you are caught in a traffic jam, and feeling annoyed, but begin to think for a moment or two about the amusing antics of your new kitten at home, then for those moments you are in joy again. If you are feeling inundated by a wave of grief over a loss, but then are startled by the call of a goose overhead, and feel flooded instead, for a minute, while you watch them, by the marvel of the natural world, you know how quickly feelings can change.

    If your body says it is cold or feeling stiff, but then a wonderful old friend calls, and for the time you are talking, you completely forget your pain, then you know how illusory are the cries of the bodily senses. Be aware, Beloved, of those shifts of the temporal senses, and call to the place Beyond time for your solutions.

    Prove it to yourself. Call to the Source beyond the seen things. If you are feeling cold, rather than looking to the thermostat or wondering where is the wood to burn, call to Spirit, and ask “make me warm”, and welcome with your heart the Working that is beyond all workings of the flesh. Welcome it, and prove to yourself, for in the proofs to self are then welcomed all the proofs you can give to others, and in the proofs is the giving, and receiving, of Peace.

    Always waiting for you to see how easy it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    My Strength IS your strength.

    Draw on Me. Let Me help you in every circumstance and every direction you take. The smallest bit of willingness from you allows Me to gently and Lovingly direct your path, restore your health, provide for the human needs that you have. And the greatest need you have is to constantly remember that you are not in any way separated, really, from My Love and all that It seeks to supply to you.

    It is only your mis-belief that you are separate and far from Me and My Willingness to hold you so very tenderly, and show you how best to use the gifts and talents that I have built into your very consciousness, that holds you back and leaves you feeling empty or discontent. Open to Me, trust in Me, celebrate with Me the amazingness of you as an expression of Aspects of the Divine.

    There is nothing extra special about those who clearly hear and live My Loving Intent. They have just practiced being still and silent, and have willingly listened to the Great Soul guidance that speaks in their hearts. The happiness and quiet, strong Joy that the grateful communion with Living Love gives them, is the fuel for all that they do, and say, and are.

    You can clearly hear also. Just be willing and listen, and receive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    From the human point of view, wherein you think you are a body and living upon an earth, to be of service is to be happy, and to be happy is to be of service.

    As you are happiness, and radiate happiness, the Divine Light can shine through the dusty mist via the transparency you create with your happy consciousness, and illuminate the dream of earth with Its Bliss.

    Be happy, and thus be of service. Be happy, Child of Light.

    Lighting your way when you let us,