All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    It will help you connect to the Perfect Power within you if you think of going inward into the depth of your real consciousness which IS the One Consciousness.

    When you pray by petitioning an image of a far-away God that the costume of you is beseeching for something, it is only the imaginary begging the imaginary. The Real Love that is All is already all around you, and within you, all made of the Light Energy that is the very Substance of All. Think about that. Close your eyes and think about that. Ask your consciousness to set aside your limited earthly identity and remember that you are made of the One Power that makes up all. You are It, It is you. Oneness of Being means just that—Oneness of Being.

    Human vocabulary cannot completely capture what We are trying to say here, but the Soul of you understands. Be quiet and welcoming, and just think, think, think about being part of One Good Power, and feel It embracing you and filling you, now and always. The more you do this, the more you will know the Glorious reality of yourself and All.

    And the more you know the Glorious Reality of yourself, the more easily your perfect earthly details will appear.

    We ask you for that deep attention,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take yourself into this truth, that as you declare, and know, that “I am Life, shown forth as Harmony”, you embrace all that Harmony would include.

    Let yourself be rested in this all-embracing truth, and trust that the Divine Spirit of you knows what Harmony you need. When you become immersed in trying to figure out the details of what is “good” for you or “bad” for you, the human illusions have their chance to turn your sight again to the foggy world.

    Today, stay in the Light. Just keep knowing, keep being aware, that you are alive, that you are a manifestation of Light, and let, O’ let, Harmony sweetly reign.

    The “devil” is in the details. He has no power in the Whole,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As anyone who has come through a weather disaster or an exodus or refugee situation can tell you, it is the Qualities of friendship and respect and dignity and love and peace and kindness and faith that are the enduring and meaningful things.

    So, as you sort and release or keep the “material” things of each day, bear that constantly in mind. Believe with all your heart that the true worth of you is the Qualities of the Divine that you can fill your mind with, and shine forth, and each day will have a meaning and a purpose that far exceeds any brief satisfaction of shiny object or exquisite taste or impressive word.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, when you pray for someone, it is not the other person you are truly praying to change, it is your own perception you are asking to be clarified and heightened. In the Divine Consciousness, that “other” person is already a perfect and marvelous idea. Your prayer is about having your own consciousness opened enough to See the perfection of the other.



  • Oh, Beloved,

    DO forgive yourself for your human errors and misgivings. ACCEPT forgiveness from Spirit that tends you, and believe that God never, ever stopped Loving you, and Loving All.

    Help yourself in that forgiveness of self and others by truly counting the Good and Godly you have also humanly done, and remembering that some simple acts of kindness and loving example have rippled further than you can imagine.

    Be aware of your good, and look for it in others, and turn to God to refill, refill, refill with Love Divine, sublime, and unending.

    God never stopped flowing Love to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just a tiny bit of gratitude can open up your heart like water poured on a seed that has been dormant in the desert for years.

    Think about something you are TRULY grateful for. Do not focus on something that you think you SHOULD be grateful for, but on some true feeling of gratitude. It might be for how you feel when you see the face of a friend. It might be for how you remember your mother forgiving a lie that you told. It might be for how perfectly the pie you baked last night came out of the oven.

    Think of a true feeling of gratitude and focus all your thoughts and heart on it. Holding that in your heart can melt away any sorrow or discouragement or bitterness that you heart is shelled in, like the water softens the hard case of the desert seed. Then let that seed sprout, Beloved. Let your heart open up to Joy. Let your heart open up to more gratitude, and create a space where new feelings to be grateful for can grow.

    Intellectually, you already know this. But have your let yourself feel it lately, truly and deeply? Give yourself the gift of a mere drop of gratitude today, Beloved, and watch what grows.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a Joyful day indeed if you can waken in the morning and calmly resolve and declare that this day of Now, and all future days of Now, are firmly in the Hands of God. Surrender to the Parenting of the Divine, knowing and trusting that God is a Good Parent.

    Let go of any fear. God teaches you only with Love, and it is only illusions you relinquish.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest in Me, today. Rest in Me. As you actually do, and renew your mind and feel the Calm Wave of Love suffuse your very Being.

    Rest in Me, and then, together, We will look through the hubbub and See the Truth of Unfolding Adjustments to reach the solid core of Good.

    Read your Truths, meditate and study, all while resting in Me. Walk in My Beauty, gaze at My Vastness, all the while resting in Me.

    And your Heart will See, will See, will See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your awareness is only of the world, and your sight is of the eyes that seem to see physical things, you have no idea how grateful you will be to the others in your “play”, when your awareness is fully in the truth of your existence as Spirit again, in Oneness with all others.

    Believe us, you will be utterly grateful to them all, for the roles they played in your re-awakening. The friends, the enemies, the casual acquaintances, and lovers, and family of earth, the far-off politicians, and famous and unknown faces, all will be seen to be One with you in Spirit, having graciously played the roles in your course of earth.

    Move into that gratitude now, and you will begin to get a glimmer of what Oneness truly is, and your lovely, and loving, part in It. For you, too, are playing roles for others, and as you choose to take only a loving role, your perception of your play changes, too, and all becomes more loving and more revelatory, until the Truth of your being as a part of the Divine is revealed.

    We see you now, and Bless you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is in your own interest to constantly ask yourself, “Am I living as a representative of Love?”

    For that is your True Job. However, because that question can make one feel hopelessly inept and as though one is doing less than good work, it is important to remember that you are only the distributor. It is as if someone gave you, entirely for free, a huge basket of treats or money or goodwill, and told you there was plenty more where that came from, and would you just please go around handing it out?

    What a lovely task! What a privilege to go around handing out that which was freely given to you, to give to others also!

    Won”t you take the chance to hand some out today, knowing it is also alright to eat of the treat of Love yourself, as you go around giving It to others?

    Think of it as a privilege, Love, not work,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To Know the Divine IS to Love Him/Her.

    There is no work more important. There is no work more rewarding, in every way imaginable, and unimaginable.

    Every person comes to that realization, sooner or later. Why not sooner?

    Always patiently waiting to Help you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be selfless today. Be selfless, and be Overcome by the Good Truth you See revealed.

    Being selfless, Dear Love, does not mean sacrificing yourself and joining others in their misery. It means uplifting your Consciousness to a Higher Consciousness, so that you can See the wondrous Goodness that was actually already created and accomplished and DONE.

    Be strong enough to accept the uplifting Thoughts of Angelic Help, and let yourself be lifted into your own Higher Self, so that you can See, even now, the entire Good that this year will bring. See the Glory, See the Light. Feel the rush of Joy that comes, and accept It.

    Let the details be revealed day by day, but EXPECT to See Goodness, and You WILL.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a stage of understanding, wherein you gain the trust of another by sharing their wounds, by telling of your own. There is a place of such identification with the physical world and the physical body that trust can only be gained by listening, for a time, to the complaints about the body and the world.

    But listen silently, without listening. Let your own ear be utterly tuned to the Truth of the Creator, that nothing is impossible for the Creator, and that the Creator only creates Good. If a play, a projection, is painted from light, it can be changed dramatically and quickly by asking the focuser of the light to make the changes. Have mercy on, and sympathy for, those who are so intent on looking at the play of light that they have forgotten that it is being projected from elsewhere, and can be focused from Elsewhere, but let yourself, as assistant to the Light, remember it ALWAYS.

    And, do so with love,

    All our very best, always,


  • Ah, Beloved Child,

    I See your Beauty and your Worth and your Purpose Divine.

    They are of Me. They are Mine.

    Trust in that and have confidence in all that I ask you to do, for the inner Qualities become the outer, and the Truth does Its Work through you. And through all that accede to the soft Glory and Love that would move through them, and let It shine.

    Be confident in this,

    SPIRIT of God

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not let the Gift of Joy from God be the gift you do not open.

    If a favorite child or niece or nephew or friend were having a celebration, and you did not feel like attending because of a grumpy mood or low energy, you would probably muster the will to go for the sake of your affection for the person. And then you might surprise yourself by feeling Joy, experiencing happiness, and being very glad you went.

    Give a little effort to celebration with God each day, even when you feel gloomy or weary, and we assure you there will be a party prize of Joy there for you, if you would but accept it.

    God’s Will will help your will to do so, for really only God has full Power,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the thought comes into your mind, “I need the Presence of God,” just remember that you already have it.

    The sneaky part of the thought of that need is that it implies that you are far away from God, and in the throes of need. Actually, the Presence is all around you and already placed in your Consciousness. You already have it, closer than your own heart. Just turn to It in your mind, and know you are part of One Mind.

    One Mind, One Mind, One Mind. One Mind governs all.

    Work with that thought today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give a new name to yourself, and to everyone you meet today.

    “I am Loving and Lovable, and so is everyone else.”

    See, observe, how much it changes your experience to name yourself and others as you would LIKE them to be.

    What do you have to lose but pain? Let it go,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where you are, there God is also. Where the appreciation of God’s image, of the source’s Idea, is, is appreciation of creation Itself.

    Today, Beloved one, know “I am a bright spot in the All that is All.”

    And be that bright spot. And just as a bright spot dances back from all reflective surfaces when it shines into a room, you will find reflected back to you the brightness you are, the brightness you give, the brightness that you and others, all together, need, to complete the perfect image of the entirety of God.

    Appreciate your own brightness, and it grows brighter still.

    And what is brightness? A million words cannot adequately describe the Brightness of God. Be still and quiet, and you will know what characteristics of God you wish to demonstrate as part of your Brightness today. Perhaps integrity and consistency and joy and appreciation? Perhaps calmness and creativity? Perhaps order? Be quiet, and listen, and the Knowing will come.

    Be a bright spot of the Character of God today, for you ARE a sweet and very Good reflection of He/She, in all that you are that is real.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To truly and deeply contemplate the Almightiness of God is to allow yourself to behold that which seems miraculous. All Mighty. Think about it. If God is All Mighty, and It is, then Its workings are far above and beyond any human understanding of the ways of physics and perceptions.

    Ponder the Almighty today, Beloved. And surrender and relax and give way to those Ways, saying and meaning truly in your Heart, “Do with me as You Will.”

    Be a part of the All Might, knowingly, and delightfully.

    The truth of you is Its Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The worthiness of each goal that enters your mind can be measured by how much it helps you remember, and share, your own loveliness, and the loveliness of all. Be that. Share that. Shine that.

    As you know your own worth as a citizen of the One Loving Source, and you know your loving self and your loveliness and lovableness, you will enjoy seeing what a difference you can make with simple words and gentle glances, in a world where so many feel afraid and alone. As you fully realize your own status as citizen of the Loving Universe, you will be able to let all around you see that they are, too.

    Count those successes, and the worldly needs take care of themselves,

    As ever,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Kindness is always active.

    There is nothing you can do that will negate It. Turn to It, and be willing to let It comfort you and help you and soothe you and direct you rightly.

    When you are very angry or upset, and another person kindly tries to assist or calm you, sometimes their very calmness just upsets you more. Just so, when you are mired in the frustrations of the human condition, God’s Kindness may feel intrusive, or inaccessible, or undeserved by you. But God’s Kindness never changes. It will be mercifully offered to you until you are able to accept It.

    Even when God’s Spirit within the human condition dream is trying to teach or guide or correct your behavior in a firm way, the Kindness of God is ever present. God is not punishing you. It only Kindly, kindly, kindly wants you to embrace you again into Love’s fold.

    Be willing to will Kindness” Will, dear one, Be willing.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The humility with which one must be filled when surrendering to God’s Will is total. For when one admits to the understanding that God exists and is ALL, then there is nothing outside of God. Nothing can be held back from God Will. Nothing can be held back from that surrender, including the time and nature of finishing one’s role in a particular time, Beloved.

    But, Beloved, this humility does not equal a submission to sacrifice. At the same time one surrenders completely, one must realize that God’s Will for you IS Happiness and Gladness. The Inner Spiritual Peace is paramount, yes, but that also manifests as Gladness to be manifesting God Will, right here and right now. It is not about suffering and sacrifice, it is about being Blessed to be a Blessing.

    Give your surrender, acknowledging God’s Omnipotence, and ACCEPT your Blessings,

    Hold nothing back, Beloved. Will to will God’s Will,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are feeling too confused by mortal thoughts, or too weary to focus your heart-thoughts well, return to whatever basic truths or prayers you know best, and center yourself by using them, softly and slowly, until you feel calm and peaceful and loved, again.

    Be still, and know that I Am God.

    Fear not, for “I” am with you.

    Thy Loving Will be done.

    These are basics. Every form of spirituality and scripture has their equivalents. Whatever ones you have committed to memory, or that were imprinted in your mind in your youth, USE them. Cherish them, and use them, Beloved, for the Divine Mind hears them, and does not care exactly what words you use. It knows your intents and It knows your heart, and It wants you to know Its Love and Gladly expansive Care. It gives freely, and Whole-Heartedly, if you just open to receive, and let yourself be Supported and Loved.

    As Ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Over and over we have lovingly reminded you that when you do not feel that you are seeing the answers or the results to your own prayers, that it is Good to clear your own interfering thoughts out of the way by sending forth Love and Good Prayers for others.

    Now we remind you that all True Prayers are really in the plural. For, All Is One.

    Let it not be “Open my eyes that I may see the truth of my life and health and wealth and happiness in Thee,” but, “Open OUR eyes that WE may ALL see OUR lives, and health and wealth and happiness in Thee.”

    Yes, ascension completely into Divine Thought alignment is the goal, but because All are One Child-Thought in that Mind, acknowledgement that each being is just a part, albeit a very special part, of that One, is crucial. Think plural, for you are a part of a plural. Taking Joy in another’s Soul Joy is a feeding thing. Feed yourself, little sheep. Be blessed to BE a Blessing.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think today: “I am Pure Spirit, because my Source is Pure Spirit.

    We are all Pure Spirit, for Our Cause is Pure Spirit.”

    We are all filled with the faithful Love of God, to uphold us and guide us and tenderly sustain us, while we remember “God is Pure Spirit, so I am Pure Spirit.”

    Let that wash over you, again and again, today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are always on His Mind. Literally, you are always in His/Her Mind, for God is All there is.

    When you forget this and think you must beg and beg to be heard or answered, you have simply misunderstood again that you truly are a Beloved idea in God. Relax, be still, float in silence for a moment, and reach out to the Ocean of Love and Life that hold you so very dear.

    Quite simply, always in Mind. Awaken to that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To constantly keep in your awareness that “God, All in All, IS my Life”, is to be born of the Light in every moment.

    It can be a constant refrain in your consciousness, even while you walk through your day, and talk, and appreciate, and love, and ponder, and serve, and perform, and prosper.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear Guiding and Healing Spirit, please lift my thoughts into truth. I ask for ascension of my thoughts above grievance and false human expectation, so that the veil may lift from my sight, and I will see your Glory everywhere, right here and right now.”

    That is a good prayer for today, Child. And for always/


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Sees your Purity of Soul glowing and acting. If you look to human thanks and awards and adulation it is a thing of the human ego and you will diminish your ability to focus on hearing the whisper of what GOD wants you to do.

    Divine instructions. Divine approval. That is the way to go.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Leave the past in God’s Hands. Leave the future there also.

    Try, just for the day, please, to be only in the utter peace of the Inner Stillness, right now. Think of it as your job for the day, and concentrate on it as completely as you would concentrate on an intricate task that needed to be done soon and well, and in the full light of the sun.

    We will help you,


  • Ah, Sweet One,

    There is no need to fear God’s Will, for Its Will for you is happiness.

    Simply be willing to realize your true will is a part of God’s Will, and that small human definitions of happiness are often not complete. Know that God does not wish for letting Love die, and so it will not. Love can only grow, and It grows in your happiness,

    So be it,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of all the good Qualities you have and are and reflect. Think of the talents you have to develop and share. Think of the things you love to create and do.

    And then fill your heart and head with “The Universe supports me being the Best I can be.”

    The more traditional way of phrasing this is “Investing wisely with the talents God gave you.” But no matter exactly what words you use to fill and straighten out your thoughts, the Truth has not changed throughout the ages. Let your talents flow and grow, and assume the Divine Goodness is fully invested in and helping you with that.

    Understanding that God wants your good, and your experience of joy, is what you need to believe. Completely. But it is alright to start with just a little hope. Open your heart with just a little hope and God will get in and help you EXPECT Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as true faithfulness in a love relationship, in the earthly sense, makes the growth together more rewarding and deeper, so does faithfulness to the Divine. Placing God truly first, above taking time out for a momentary pleasure, or chore, instead of taking your special time with God, detracts from the depth of your relationship with God. Taking time to be angry or judgmental or worrisome is taking time away from “praying without ceasing”; taking time to be upset or irritated is taking time away from having your thoughts always on the sweetness of the Infinite.

    We understand that it seems like such an extreme discipline to keep your thoughts always aligned with Divine Thought, but is not the mesmerism of worldly thought of death and pain and sorrow also relentless? Which do you want your thoughts on? Which leads to a sense of Peace and Joy in the heart?

    Do you want the Peace of God, or do you want the flickering rewards of the earthly fame and fortune?

    You CAN have the Good Life you need, but keeping your Thoughts aligned with God is the way to do so consistently, and to not feel lost when the vagaries of the earthly leave you feeling momentarily stranded or confused. God’s Love for you is unchanging. God’s appreciation of you as a marvelous Thought in His/Her Mind is not based on worldly measures, it also is unchanging. God’s applause of you is a gift, endless, and hopefully reciprocated by your constant applause of God.

    As ever, gently,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is an art to discern when to let show the usual powers of Spirit, those powers that may seem so unusual on earth. There are those who need to understand, in the beginning of their learning and opening to One Spirit, that there does exist a realm of perception beyond what their physical eyes can see. For them, a key dream or vision revealed, or a miracle of presence or provision, can be an appropriate “eye opener”.

    But for those who simply want to see the “unusual” or the “strange and unexplainable” again and again,, as though they were attending a carnival sideshow, gentle teaching of Inner Life and Inner Patience is more appropriate. Just as a math student may not always realize for himself that he has mastered algebra well enough, or comprehend that what he has learned is just a tool for learning more, so do the seekers of the awe-inspiring or the startling often not realize that the wonders are but tiny clues to the beautiful Mystery Beyond.

    The good teacher assigns the next level, despite the student’s protest. The good teacher does not let the student linger too long at the delight of easy accomplishment. Praise what is learned and absorbed into the student’s being, praise that level well done, but then push on, push on, push on, for God will never stop pushing on the bubble of time until it has rolled all the way Home.

    Always encouraging you as you encourage,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The fulfilling feeling of truly wanting the heart to be fully aligned with Oneness, and understanding in a deeply knowing way that it IS one with Oneness, cannot even be described using the words that are used for describing bodily experiences. Some words such as “uplifting” or “transcendent” or “glorifying” hint at the Consciousness of it, but not having the perfect way to explain it to anyone else will not really matter when you consistently live it.

    Aim to know the Oneness of Being, Beloved. Aim to know It without use of special rituals or confusing substances. Help yourself simply BE the Mindset of “Thy Will IS done”, and the struggles and distractions of your own small will shall fall away without pain or a sense of sacrifice. Know your Oneness, and be glad to be part of the Will of Love, beyond body and time, part pf the Joy of One Soul.

    It is attainable. Ask to be led to It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Love and Power are available right here and now to your consciousness.

    God did not think you up, create you and then toss you like an old abandoned doll into some forest, to be lost and alone. God is right now. You are in Love and Life’s Mind right here.

    One of the good reasons to listen to the Good reports of how others have felt God working wellness into their lives, is that it helps you believe that God is not far away and long ago, but here, right now, wanting to Help you happily Be and know your Wholeness.

    Look and Listen. See God at Work everywhere.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you can probably smell a beloved food recipe being cooked by someone in your home, the moment you enter the door, and identify it correctly, you can learn to trust your Spiritual Sense, with experience.

    Unless you are quite practiced at it, it is often easier to feel the palpable Presence of Divine Love with your eyes closed. The images your mind projects can fool you, whether of seeming beauty or disorder and brokenness, and those can distract you from truly feeling the Everpresent Embracing Divine Love. Close your earthly eyes, and ask Loving Soul to help you FEEL the Unconditional Love of God. Love is the Truth, not bodily cues.

    It is everywhere. It is everytime. It is you, unfooled by bodily senses. Close your eyes, feel the Love, and be aware of Divine Reality.

    There is nothing else like It. Practice, and know your Truth, Lovable and Loving.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the same way that, when you are irritated by a driver behind you following too closely, and you use your Presence of Mind to shove aside your irritation, and to silently say “Bless you. One Mind governs us all”, and are delighted to watch how often the other driver backs off and lets there be appropriate space between your vehicles, so let your loves and friendships be conducted.

    If a family member or love or friend is behaving in a way that crowds you, bless the person in your thoughts, affirm the Divine Governance of One Mind over you all, and wait and see what happens. Of course, part of what you must let happen is that One Mind will remind YOU to be Loving instead of irritated, Generous and Giving instead of greedy, and Forgiving and Grateful instead of resentful.

    One Mind, Beloved, One Mind. LET It rule, for it does.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continue to look for Good in all the people around you, but also fervently look for the Good in yourself.

    Never let a day go by without declaring your own Truths of Soul—”I am kind. I am compassionate. I step forward to help others. I am creative. I uplift others with good words and gestures. I use my talents to the fullest.” And so forth. Even if you feel you are having a day wherein exhibiting your God-given Goodness is difficult, declare the Truths of your Spiritual Self. Declaring helps shift your thoughts, and shifting your thoughts changes your life, with the power of Divine Life behind them.

    Make it so, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is certain that God wants your Harmony. You may believe that, and yet also believe that your human desires know what defines that Harmony.

    You do not, really. The old joke about making God laugh by telling Him YOUR plans has a corollary. The way to make yourself cry is to stubbornly stick to YOUR plans and not be willing to accept what He unfolds for you instead, trusting that He will not remove the Good.

    Ponder this today, Beloved, and trust the restoration that follows release,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you have worked on being a clear transparency for the Light of the Divine to shine through, all you need to keep working on is STAYING clear. The Qualities of the Divine that can shine through you, and to others, can take care of themselves. They will appear in you and through your works, and impel others to shine from their connection to the Source. ALL the wonderful Qualities of the Divine Source are available to all, for that same Divine substance comprises all.

    Just keep clear, keep agreeing to be that which the Divine can express through, and let God be God through you, even as you LOOK for God also being God in those around you. Look for Good and you will find it, Beloved, in yourself and in others.

    We love seeing all the Good everywhere,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Beautiful dawn. Yes.

    Bur close the eyes and see the Beautiful Light of God.

    The eyes of God mirror the True Image of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Worship the One God in the Beauty of Holiness..” is not just a song. It is the Truth of arranging your thoughts first, in order to see manifestation of your own Divine Life.

    Think about Good first, at whatever level you understand It now. Put your thoughts in alignment with All that is Holy by focusing on Good, and letting It fill you. At first you will tend to focus on the comforting and sensual pleasures of the earthly, but as you allow yourself to deeply feel the wonderfulness of the lasting Love, loyalty, kindness, etc. that emanate from Soul, you will be lifted higher and higher into manifesting your Best Self.

    We are with you in practicing this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, you are a child of God/Goddess, but consider well the word “child”. Just as a human might call his biological offspring his child, but also call the garden plat he designed his “child”, or his creative enterprise or his book his “child, so also must you free yourself free preconceptions when you think of yourself as God’s child. Being God’s child does not mean that God is a physical form that looks like you think you look.

    You are an idea in the Delightful Mind of God. You are a speaking Spirit. You are a reflection of Joy. Free your self of thinking of yourself as a body, and you will find that you are freed of many things. You are as God made you, out of Harmony and Love, and as limitless as God Itself. Begin to know this, and you will know your own eternity.

    Love always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each morning and evening, and anytime during the day that you must make an important decision, or when you feel stressed or confused, take these two simple steps:

    1. Remind yourself that the only real power is God, and God created only good and wants only good. Feel the gentle peace deep in your heart that is the pulse of God, while you think about that Grace and Fullness of God. Think about the Love and the Omniscience that are God.

    2. Stop thinking, but continue to feel the deep peace of God, while you become very still, and listen. Listen, listen, listen in a relaxed and quiet way. You are not striving to hear a particular thing. The Divine Inner Spirit may just give you a few moments of Loving Silence, which refreshes and calms you for the next phase of your day. Or, that Gracious Spirit may whisper a word or a name that gives you a new idea to solve a problem. Or, you may feel an urge to try a certain thing or call a certain person, or to go to a certain place, even if it is just to buy the groceries. Spirit may just suffuse you with a feeling that “All is Well, All is Well.” Just be still, and listen. Listen.

    Be the rabbit, inside, with ears huge. God is in there, in you, somewhere. Just Listen. Listen for that Divine breath, and footstep. Listen for that whisper, and above all, feel the Love that pours into your heart and mind, when you are still, and allow It. It will guide your every step of this earth journey, if you but be still, and listen, and allow.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Anything that you say, or do, or think towards another, you also do unto yourself. We cannot emphasize this enough. If you would not do it to yourself, do not do it. If you attack another in your thoughts, or words, examine what part of yourself you are condemning.

    If you feel you, alone, cannot control these sort of thoughts and behaviors, then ask for Help. For Divine Help is every with you, just waiting to be allowed to help hold you in Love, and to give you enough Love to flow to all others as well.

    As ever we are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you take the step of asking each morning to be so filled with the Pure Love of God that you feel completely soaked in It, then It will do the sorting out of thoughts, and impulses, and intents and motivations, as you move through your day.

    Starting your day with the Power of the soft Love of God is the fuel that leads to good peace and satisfaction. No one is forcing you to do this, but if you do this, your life will quietly transform, and conform, to All Good.

    The River of Spirit carves Is own way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For all good that was demonstrated, for all understanding of the Wholeness of being that was achieved yesterday, and that is still yours today, be deeply grateful. Ponder and deeply appreciate all the Good that you have and are able to see and experience. Desire it for others as well.

    Ask again to see demonstrations of Grace today, for yourself and others.

    And Glory, Glory, Glory be to God.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the western sky is lit by a beautiful sunset, you do not fret over your mind and tongue still calling it “a sunset”. You know that it is not the sun that is setting; that it remains right where it was and is, and the falseness of the word does not change your knowledge.

    Do not let words rule you. Let true, deep knowledge rule you. Yes, be careful of the words that you let form in your mind, or that you listen to, if they make you uncertain of what you believe. Patrolling your thoughts, and wanting to be a Good thinker that thinks in alignment with the One Mind, becomes easier once your complete trust in God feels so very real and complete in your heart. Then, you do not need to worry so much about semantics, or misusing a word in a prayer. You can just relax into the Heart Knowledge of God/Love/Mind, and let words fall away from you. You can just be at one with the very Soul of Being.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As when a woman is in the time of giving birth, and her entire focus must be on that process, without diverting her attention to the undone chores in the home, or what some faraway politician is doing, or fretting over a current project or family concern, so think of your giving birth to the Inner Self that is in complete alignment with God. Stay focused on that Good thing, give yourself to the Glorious unfolding, accepting that all around you are undergoing the same process in their own ways.

    Stay open to Love’s Law of alignment, Trust God to swirl into your life experience the Good ideas and people and circumstances you need. Trust Goodness to be Good. Trust God to be Good. Believe in that Omnipotent Goodness, and let not sorrows of the illusion divert your attention from giving full smooth birth to the Real Wonderful You, centered in Spirit, and happy with what you are as Soul and a part of Infinite Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be Joyful for Joy wherever and whenever you see it, or feel it. Be Joyful for the Joy of others, as well as for your own.

    The deep, true Joy that you experience and that you witness in others, or are privileged to share with others, is such an important tool for the Work of the Infinite to enter through and into the dream of human kind and help, help, help to more quickly shape it to the perfect remembrance of Truth and Love.

    Do not forget the Love. Just as correcting the math mistakes of a youngster with gentleness and encouragement is the better way to teach, so is the better way to show Truth, and to share Joy, with Love, Love, Love.

    We will give you extra today. Share It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each day, begin with knowing yourself released from fear of mortal life and all that it pretends to be. BE, instead, the Truth of thy Self as pure and beautiful Spirit born of Spirit. The quiet nurturing of the SURENESS of what you are cannot be overemphasized, for in that confidence, you reflect the Confidence of the Source/One Cause, and all that It causes can be yours for your part in the Play It has written. Be at peace with that, Beloved, and expect all parts to be Good, for the Cause does not write a sorrowful play for salvation from the errors of perception, but a joyous one. It is a Joyous Plan.

    Here, in Act III, be ready to be joyous, be ready to play your part with glee, as you reflect that which you ARE, as part of Me.

    In certain Gratitude,

    The Comforting SPIRIT

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us, you DO want to See the world as God Sees It, rather than as your small human imagination sees it.

    If you had on a very dark and very scratched pair of sunglasses, and then took them off and saw the beautiful day, it would only be a tiny, tiny example of how this new way of understanding and looking feels.

    “Show me bits of Your world today, dear God, that I may be encouraged to drop all my own imaginings and See.”

    When God clears your Sight, it is cleared indeed,


    p.s. Feel the heightened sense of Love when it touches you when reading these, or any, words, and know that THAT is what takes you Home into Heaven in the Heart, not intellectual understanding.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    UTTER TRUST IN THE Governance of One Mind is often hampered by the doubt that God is All Good. Spend the day pondering, and believing in, God’s Goodness, and you will begin to understand that that Goodness expresses Itself as you, and as your life, as reflections of what you are as a thought in that Loving, Loving, Loving Mind.

    The reflecting pool that is the earth seeming will reflect that Goodness, if you become still, still, still, and let the reflection be true and smooth.

    The stillness is up to you.

    Always seeing the Good that surrounds you,


  • Ah, My Beloved Child,

    There is no place you can go that I am not with you. There is nothing you can do or say that would remove you from my Sight and My Love. That which you see as mortal error or terrible mistakes you have made is just a layer of old costume make-up to My perception of you, My KNOWING of you as my only and perfect Child. And all of those that are with you in that Sweet reflection of Myself, that is the One Child, are as equally loved and cherished by Me, as are you.

    All I ask is that you Love them as much as I do, and as much as I Love you, so that you may all be awakened into remembrance of that Perfect and One Love.

    Be at Peace with this and all Peace comes to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truly practice today, Love, seeing each person you encounter as a magic mirror.

    Experiment, and see, that as you shine joy at them, joy will shine back at you. As you shine peace at a crowd, peace will fill you. As you wish harmony for them, harmony will also enfold you.

    Shine these things from the Inner Source of your being, and you will be shining Truth.

    If, in some moments, you accidentally shine forth irritation or annoyance, those things will shine back at you also, and you will be able to enjoy the perfect lesson of seeing how quickly you can make a correction, and realign yourself with the Source-Divine qualities.

    Learn to bless those around you as mirrors, and thank them when they offer correction to you, just as you would be glad to locate a mirror, when you are trying to get some spinach from between your teeth.

    Bless you, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have had days of feeling very mortal and limited, tempted to identify with the body you seem to be wearing, did not Spirit=God answer your cries and speak to you of Love, and of being totally Loved and Lovable, and capable of Loving others as yourself, and as fellow Rays of Light/Life from God-Source?

    WHENEVER you need to, take those days of renewal, immersing yourself, your sense of identity, in the reassurances of God-love.

    “I Am Spirit, Pure and Free, I Am Life as God created me.:

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Good, progress towards the Light revealed in all, is operating right now, even if it is not evident to your bodily senses. Trust that, and keep asking for the Divine Wisdom to guide you each and every day.

    But even more than “instructions” for your individual mission of Soul each day, turn to, and revel in, that Sublime Love that is offered to you constantly, and wants to have you truly feel that It is Holding, Holding, Holding you, and providing for your real needs. Divine Love wants to Help you, in every phase of your understanding.

    We assure you of this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not ashamed that you must constantly re-center yourself with the Divine Source. Rejoice, rather, that It is constantly available to you, if you will just take those moments and that stillness and silence, to let yourself tune in again.

    Like a driver on a lovely journey, who is listening to a wonderful symphony on the radio, but who must sometimes re-tune the radio signal as the bumps in the road jiggle the dial, or as the storms cause interference with the transmission, or as the passenger in the other seat keeps trying to change the station, accept that the constant re-tuning is necessary. Just stay focused on your desire to hear the amazing Harmony of the Music, and let that give you the energy to do what is necessary to keep hearing It.

    We try to float you above the worst potholes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have been given the Grace to let your understanding of love mature within you, if you let it. Be as a child in receiving that Grace, but be not as the human child who has learned to desire when giving that love.

    The humanness that wants and fears for itself always keeps its own desires in mind. Every parent has experienced the shopping or the gift-giving wherein the youngster glibly chooses for the adult parent a toy that is really the thing the child himself desires. Even as an adult, how many of the things you give, in “love”, are truly for the fulfillment of the beloved, and how many are for the fulfillment of your self? How many are for the fulfillment of some accepted or imagined expectations of the society or those within your social circle?

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have a care to WAIT for the Peace of the Dove-Spirit to alight, Child, before you speak. It will save you much regret, and feed your wisdom instead of your fear, when you wait for Divine Calm Spirit to put words into your mouth, instead of speaking quickly.

    Try it, you”ll like it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are held in Divine Love.

    There is nowhere you can go, nothing you can do, that can take you outside of that. You are safe in the embrace of Love.

    “I am safe in the Embrace of Love”, said again and again in moments of panic and confusion, OR in moments of humorous confusion, will help you re-center, and ref-focus, and find the clear path to the next moment, and the next, and the next.

    All in Love, and always in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone has her eyes closed, and has grasped the tail of an elephant, and is thinking of it as an over-wiggly snake, and is calling to God to please quiet this snake in her hand, it is not the elephant that needs to be healed or changed, it is the thinking of the person who holds it.

    Allow the Sight to replace faulty thinking, and perception,

    ` Open your eyes and Awaken,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are cheerios floating in the Sweet Milk of The Divine.

    Soak It up, and you do not need to do anything else, but float where It sends you.

    Always, you are sweet to see,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do remember that steadiness and calmness are appropriate responses when the unexpected happens. Fall not into quick emotional reaction of anger or fear. Draw on the Infinite Wisdom and Calm and Acceptance and Creativity that are always in the Well of Divine Qualities within you, ask Spirit for help, and then proceed or adapt as Guided.

    Beloved, Beloved, sometimes the broken device, or the car that won”t start, or the phone call that breaks off, etc., are gifts from your Guardian Angels, keeping you from a circumstance that is unhelpful to you, or definitely would not contribute to your rightful happiness. Learn to look calmly on these things, and judge not quickly. Some “bumps in the road” you may never understand completely, but you can continue into new moments of Joy and expressions of Good.

    Watching over you even when you ignore Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Loving others as God Loves is not a transaction that expects return.

    It is a way of living that is a part of freeing yourself from limited, judgmental thinking.

    It is a way of learning to Love yourself better, and bring out the Best in yourself.

    It is the way of better Loving God, with all your heart, mind and soul.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am constantly being Blessed by God. Dear Spirit, open my eyes to seeing the effects of this in my human needs. Thank you for helping me understand and see with your discernment.”

    Pray this way today, Beloved. Make it for yourself, and make it for all. Pray this way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wanting to give up earthly pains, or have them healed, is easy. Being willing to give up what seem like earthly pleasures, if God asks it, is harder.

    Trusting God utterly for your well being also means trusting that only the One Divine Mind truly knows what is the highest and best Good for all. God wants you happy, to talk to Him/Her and to appreciate Him/Her. God wants to appreciate and talk to you, as a part of the Joyously Complete Whole. Learn to trust that the Divine Parent knows what is Good for you better than your own limited mortal sight can see.

    Be willing to be honest with yourself. If God suggests that you examine whether a thing that you think that you want, to have, or be, or do, is REALLY good for you, be willing to face it truly, and contemplate the truth of it.

    As ever, Loving you utterly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have known the feel of instantaneous healing of the body flesh. You have known the immediate Comfort that comes to surround and negate all human grief. When the experience of Wholeness of Being does not come right away, you know that it just means there is yet a little error to dust away in your thinking, for all to shine well again.

    Be held in that Sweet Sweet Comfort again today, and remember that when you let go of all judgment and criticism and condemnation, you leap to the true sight of Good Creation and all Its inhabitants. Be lifted to the shoulders of Spirit, and from that viewpoint, See the delightful parade of all the Thoughts of God Mind.

    We cheer with you when you See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more attention you pay to the Divine expansiveness in your heart, the more the Divine can give you. It may happen in an instant, or it may take extended time each day, but the more focus, focus, focus you give the Kingdom of Good within you, the more It can Help you and show Itself to you.

    It wants to see you happy, Beloved. It wants you to know that Heaven is Real and illusions are not. Pay attention, stay aware of Love, and welcome, welcome, welcome Its Help.

    Give it time each day, and It can give you the World of Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As We have urged you, and as you sometimes remember to practice, there is absolutely no situation in which some part of your heart, your feeling-mind, cannot be focusing on the truth of “I Love you so much, dear God.”

    Even while a relative might chatter at you about people you do not know, even while you ride the bus and notice all the signs and people, even while you wash the dishes or watch an entertainment, some level of your thoughts can be whispering, “I Love you so much, dear God.”

    God is constantly Loving you, constantly emanating you, so why not? And to allow yourself to stay rooted in that fertile Love is to be fed the food of Bliss all the day. And that Bliss fuels your ideas, your functions of body, your strength, and your wisdom and compassion. It feeds all those in a way that the worldly does not, and cannot. It feeds those in the way you so need.

    “We Love you so much, dear God”,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The insidious presence of discouraging words is all around you, and has infused itself into your mortal thoughts.

    Therefore, armor yourself well with the inspirational and sacred Words that uplift you, and whose very Presence in your mind uplifts you into Divine Mind, where all things are possible. Once you begin to notice how often common sayings, and advertisements encourage you to look for problems, instead of expecting completion and success and wellness, you will realize just how important it is to fill your mind with solutions, and affirmations, so that they are ready to hand when the smoke of a discouragement or a fear appears. Like a fireman who has trained his eyes to scan for smoke so that all fires may be put out right away, you can pour the water of Goodness and Divine Expectation on any wisp of discouraging thought if you are alert, and ready with the Water of Spirit Word that puts out all fires.

    Be armored, Beloved. Be alert. Be ready.

    As ever, ready to Love you, and Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You see how joyous is your feeling when you see another seemingly transformed from everything he or she was, in behavior, in your experience, before.

    Take great heart and faith from that. When you wonder whether your own unwanted habits will ever change, or you think a certain relative may never become kindly, remember the man at the recycling center that suddenly become friendly instead of angry towards everyone. Remember the co-worker whom you initially disliked but now see all the good of.

    Remember these things and understand that it is not just after some far off physical death that you see little glimpses of Heaven, but here and now. Each soul reflection grows and changes and is revealed to be, another small mirror of Good, each in its own special way.

    When your thoughts change, your world changes. Choose your thoughts to match God.

    Stay with it now, Beloved. More progress has been made than you realize,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have focused and practiced on knowing the Divine enough, then the ever-present awareness of Its delight will move into your heart. When you finally have that experience, and realize that Grace is always raining into your heart, like a wonderful warm shower that never runs out of hot water, you will be eager to step into It to renew and refresh and cleanse yourself, again and again and again. It is pure Love. It is pure Joy.

    To know that you carry within you this ever present connection to the Divine Source will change the way you approach everything. You will long to spend time and attention there, and if the world throws its temptations and distractions at you, you just need to train yourself to take that sacred pause, go within, and let Grace reign, in your heart, and therefore, in your world.

    April showers…May flowers…,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Entering into the sweet calm Love of the Kingdom of Heaven within will grow more and more alluring, until the busy bee task lists of the world, and the brief pleasures of mortal senses will have less and less appeal. You will WANT your consciousness to stay aligned with the Divine.

    Stay aligned with the Divine. You will still be able to accomplish what needs to be accomplished for the worldly, and appreciate those whom you love, and share the talents you have to share. In fact, doing your worldly part will grow easier, for staying aligned with the Divine will enhance your perceptions of truth and wisdom and timing and grace and strength.

    Stay aligned with the Divine, Beloved. Stay aligned with the Divine.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    How many of your joys are only temporal ones? Are you happy when you have a thing, and angry when you don”t? Can you enjoy the beauty of a flower in the sweet union of Oneness, but not grieve as it dies, or as you walk away without possessing it?

    Letting the Inner Happiness fill you can feel like opening an aperture right behind the human heart, and letting yourself fill up with Still Peace as though you were an empty space filling with light and air, or an dry well filling with water. None of the metaphors that have been used through the ages quite describe the experience of Union with Spirit, but all of the attempted descriptions agree that time spent practicing that merging of the self with the Divine, and focusing on Now, are crucial.

    Whether you are a beginner or well-practiced, give it as much time of your day as you can, staying in the Connected state for as many of your daily activities as possible. The more you practice, the more your “outer” and “inner” activities will become One, Beloved, until you are indeed, “praying without ceasing”, as Christians would say, or “living in Buddha Mind” as Buddhists would say.

    We repeat this again and again for it is key to all awakening.

    We want your Happiness as much as we want you to want It for others,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are plenty of free pleasures that all may enjoy. The warmth of the sun, the intrigue of a moonrise, the sound of a rushing stream, the colors of the sky and the fields and the stones, the hug of a friend, the joke shared among companions, all the various beauties of earth, and of course the Unconditional Love of the Divine.

    Choose the ones that appeal or apply to you, and appreciate them and share them. But otherwise, do not compare your life with other lives beyond what is needed by all. Do not envy exactly what another has, or try to emulate another persons” specific role. Your role is unique. Your role, with all its joys and responsibilities, is yours alone.

    This is no schooldays platitude. It is Truth, and it is why you must learn to hear and sense the instructions that the Divine Will places in your heart for furthering the Goodness within all. It is not difficult. It only takes willingness and a little practice.

    Perhaps you are one who, from a very young age, has a heart filled with a deep desire to do a certain thing—learn to build bridges perhaps, or tend to the gathering of food, and all your learning and actions are driven by that deep desire. But, so many, indeed most, are not this way. They will be led from one focus to another, as the needs and scenes change, and as their understanding grows, of their completeness in the Whole. No matter how your unique heart and self are guided, know that the crucial thing is to do what you do, in alignment with Love.

    Know, that the happiest way to Be who you really are, is to Be it in perfect conjunction with the Spirit of all that is Love.

    Do not compare and envy. Ask God who you are, and Be that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no regrets in the work you have done in the dream of earth. There is no way to evaluate, within the dream, how many lives you have touched, as student or as teacher, whilst working through the illusory maze of time. Trust that others have grown from knowing you, just as you have grown from knowing others.

    Keep in mind today your own growth in spiritual understanding and surrender and alignment, and allow your thoughts to be filled with Thoughts of God, and the qualities of God. LOOK for those Thoughts of Divine Attributes manifested in the natural world around you, and notice beauty, beauty, beauty everywhere. Let an awareness of Beauty as an aspect of the Divine be your goal today. Beauty and order ARE there, under the swirling grasses and the misty rain. Even the rain is part of that season and beauty and order. See it.

    We always see the Divine Beauty in all. Let us look with you,


  • Ah, BELOVED,

    Do not waste time trying to figure out why you drop back into anger or feelings of regret. Rather, when you notice that you are thinking such things, turn, right away to the Inner Presence, and ask whether It still Loves you.

    It will always say YES.

    Hear that YES, and bask in the Love. Soak in It, and let It melt away the anger and any sorrow and any and all self-belittlement.

    It Loves you. Let It do so, and be healed.

    You cannot heal others if you do not let yourself be healed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Nurture instead of criticize. In your thoughts and in your words, nurture.

    Never hold back from nurturing. And if you are tempted to criticize and complain, ask Us to Help you see the Good, the encouragable, the Spiritual Truth that wants to shine from the core of all. Even in situations where correction, or a stopping of harm, needs to be done, it can happen in a way that uplifts all, assisted by Divine Law of Love.

    Join Us in nurturing all Spiritual Growth in all.

    We have nurtured you many times when you did not realize We were there,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy of the Source wells up and spills over into all Its ideas, constantly.

    Only if you have built false dams of grievance and blame are you prevented from bathing in that Joy. Let go of the judgments and grudges that human thought would try to use to hold back the waters of Joy, and feel the refreshing cleansing of the true nature of the Divine.

    Nothing changes in the truth. Just choose to remember it each morning,

    With utter Love,


  • Ah, ah, Beloved,

    Take time to remember that the ultimate task your thoughts have is to know your own wonderful holiness. Ask that It be revealed to you. Take time to remember, and know what you really are, as a perfect and lovable Child of God.

    Compete only with yourself, Beloved. Each night, each morning, review your own thoughts and words and behavior, and see what you would like to improve, to be more kind, to be more holy, to be more of your true self revealed.

    You are not a machine, Beloved. You are a perfect thought in the Mind of God, and each day more and more of that perfection can be uncovered, if your goal is Peace of Mind and being a shining example of that which is right and Good.

    Each day can be better, Beloved, in knowing your own Golden heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Constant Appreciation. That is key to staying in constant alignment with Divine Thought and intent. Whether you are appreciating the small and visible blessings, or whether you are contemplating the amazing worthiness of the Greater Good, and the Divine Qualities of the Shining forth of God, staying in that constant appreciation leaves open the door to all that is meant to be yours, and keeps you uplifted.

    Make it your goal, Beloved. And if you think of it as your goal, We will help you achieve it. It is the state of mind and heart that all are meant to dwell within.

    Loving you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as the certainty that what arises in you now is more important to pursue than anything you have ever undertaken in your life before, the “old reality” will pull at you. Stay very vigilant about the thoughts that would draw you into the past, whether in sorrow or in happy memory, or from the excuse of “learning from the past”.

    Stay in Now, and be very aware of asking for Divine Guidance from that Overseer of the Immaculate Plan. Old habits will fall away more swiftly, as you are rewarded with little glimpses of Heaven on earth, as your focus shifts to understanding that your consciousness was, is, and ever shall be, part of the Infinite Whole.

    Colors seem brighter, the pathetic is seen as but stage-dressing, and the sorrowful is recognized to be only smoke that tries to hide the brightness of All That Is, as you realize that your awareness only needed a tiny nudge, in order to see the Divine Order that held and holds all true things in place.

    Whenever a thing or object or thought or person distresses, close your eyes and ask for True Sight.

    We are there, and you will see us more and more often,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the sweet mystery of being a part of the Whole Body of the Divine become a playful thing for you. Let yourself be the mysterious stranger that leaves a joyous message in a post box. Let yourself be the anonymous giver of a gift to a child whose name you do not even know. Let yourself be amused and happy, just imagining how that distant neighbor will always wonder, and be grateful for, the “angel” who cleared his driveway of snow.

    There is nothing wrong with using, and enjoying the material things of earth. The pattern of materialism that is damaging to the soul is the pattern of competition and selfishness and favor-bartering and greed that can come about because of it. Let the joy of sharing and giving be without name or expectation, and it becomes an entirely different thing. Like the temple-givers of old who blared their trumpets before they went to tithe to the temple, it is the “name and fame” aspect of generosity that just creates a sense of separateness in self, instead of a sense of Wholeness. Let your giving become anonymous, and open-hearted, and find the joy of it again, Beloved.

    “Secrets” shared only with God, as love to love, give one the joy of being one with God again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Blaming something outside of yourself for how you seem to be feeling will never fix anything. Reviewing and adjusting your feelings, drawing on your innate Divine empowerment, will. You can choose to be more compassionate, you can choose to be more Loving, you can choose to be part of creating Harmony and recognizing Good. You can vow to work towards seeing the Best in everyone brought forth.

    These truisms are so oft repeated that they sound almost trite. But they are still true. And you must still choose each hour and each day, “Will I see the Good God made revealed, or will I let the turmoil of the days and the seeming riffraff of animal behavior misdirect me into irritation and fear?”

    Choose the Good, dear Love. Choose the Good, again and again, and follow God’s directions for allowing more of It to blossom. Rest in God’s Heart, draw on Divine Wisdom, and you can do this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give yourself the gift of recognizing that when characters in your play seem to be doing either good or ill, their Real Selves were dancing in the purity of the Light.

    See the Light of them, Beloved. See the Light.

    See the Light of them, that they may see the Light of you.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Divine Mothering Qualities of the God-Love-Spirit that holds all freely shares of all the Lovely Nurturing that She is. Look for, and see demonstrated, this wonderful Nurturing of one another coming forth in this time of so many realizing “we are One.” The Source of the True Nurturing is God, through All.

    You are all One, and you are One with God as Love. Look to the Love’s Infinite Engagement to give all that needed now. There is Plenty of Love to go around. Infinite.

    Nurture in the ways your Divine Heart leads.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In your encounters of today, take extra care to assess your actions and reactions to those around you by the thought, “What would I do if this person were my mother or my sister or my brother or my spouse or my child, or my other close relation?”

    We tell you, Beloved, everyone IS your close relation, for each of you is a unique and wonderful cell dwelling together in the reflected Child of the Divine.

    Think about that. Ponder and embrace that, and behave accordingly, taking ALL your cues from the Parent Voice within.

    Your other relatives,


  • Ah, Child,

    A very young child trusts that the parent knows best. With no other influences, and total vulnerability, the infant turns to the parents and believes they will give complete care and wisdom and love.

    The adolescent, with learned reactions, and peer pressure, and fleshly desires, has trouble believing that the parent knows the right thing to do, especially when it is a complicated situation or a delayed result. Just so, if you are in the adolescence of your Spiritual growth, it can be hard to trust the Divine Voice within. Your logical training will argue with it. The worldly “experts” will be a chorus around you. The ease and pleasure of the moment will try to pull your focus away from the narrow path.

    Adolescence passes, Beloved. Trust and pray and listen and hope and wait. All the detours of the ego are as nothing, when you finally feel the deep Breath of God.

    Practice believing, and,

    Believe It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whatever the circumstances are, that seem to challenge you in the earthly realm, God is bigger than them. Indeed, where those circumstances SEEM to be, God already IS.

    Ponder this. Think about the fact of God being right where anything else seems to be, like the truth of a road existing beneath the shimmering mist that makes it look like the road is flooded out. Focus your attention on the Infinite Goodness of Truth that is under the mirage, and be Glad, Be Glad, Be Glad that you have been taught the Truth of Goodness being All in All. Be Glad that you know that God is everywhere, and lovingly available to you, if you but give your attention and willingness to It. God IS the Principle of Harmony that governs all, beneath the mirage of earthly discord.

    We know It governs our every word,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have reached the time in your spiritual growth when the errors you make bounce so quickly back to you from the walls of illusion, be glad. Rather than falling into the trap of thinking yourself hopeless, rejoice that you are taught so quickly to rethink how you pre-judge. Rejoice that you are being reminded that giving is receiving, or that the other is self, or that the golden rule and mercifulness are indeed how you want to live.

    Then, forgive yourself quickly for the moments of forgetfulness, ask for help to live your truths, and to live the Word you have vowed to, and go forth again into a new, new day.

    You are Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Praying for yourself first is not selfish, it is realistic.

    If you cannot align yourself and fill with Grace, it will be harder to listen carefully enough to correctly open for Spirit to heal others through you during all the day.

    Yes, if you are having trouble lining up with Spirit in the morning, do use the technique of praying for another, or for a world situation, so as to open up the Flow, but then also remember to fill, fill, fill your own mind, so that there is no room for doubts or sorrows to creep in. Let there be nothing in your mind untouched by Truth.

    Then, Beloved, let God do Its work, with blessing,


  • Talk, today, Beloved, to only God.

    Do not either argue or celebrate with the human man or woman beside you, for that only reinforces the thought of yourself as a limited mortal-thought body=thing.

    Talk to God, today, Beloved.

    Remember Who You are.

    If You forget, ask God again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When there is great Joy in your heart, you can feel It as a Living Presence that casts a glow on everything you see and hear and feel.

    That Joy does not relocate when your bodily senses cast shadows and doubts. Turn away from the bodily senses and tune to the steady beat of Good Soul again, and let your life be discerned anew. You may feel weary of Us repeating this, but practice of Spiritual Discernment is needed constantly precisely because the mortal mind sends misinformation so constantly. It looks for patterns where there are none, fills in blanks where there is only space, tastes and extrapolates from old expectations.

    Listen for and feel the True Voice of Parent Spirit, and follow, follow, follow. That is the way, and if you build on It each day, you shall walk true. We gladly reawaken with you daily.

    Feel the Living Joy that impels the continuance of these messages,


  • Ah, Beloved, if you only knew how We weep to see you suffer or even just not fully enjoy what is given you, all for a lack of learning the simple technique of turning to the Inner Soul Voice, and saying ìHelp.î ìThank-You for Helping me.î

    We give thanks when you ask for Help, knowing that opens all right doors,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    USE Divine Love just as you use oil in the engine of your car to smooth the operation of the moving parts.

    Start your day with a period of time inviting The Spirit of Divine Love to fill your awareness completely, just as you would make sure your vehicle’s engine has full oil reserves before a journey. Ponder carefully and obediently any Gracious direction It provides, or just deeply absorb Its Peace and Harmony.

    Throughout the day, between activities physical or mental, pause again to let that Oil of Loving Harmony separate and smooth all the duties of the day. Open scriptural works or inspirational poem or song at random, for a quick infusion of inspiration, or a line of Divine Word to give you Good Thought. Or, simply “Be still and know that I Am God” for a minute or two between every task or activity.

    So simple it is to give Loving Spirit a chance to Guide and Comfort and Inspire you throughout the day. Stay aware of wanting Its Wise harmonious influence and accepting It as True Causality of All Good. Checking the “Oil of Divine Love” level like this frequently will help keep human will in perspective, and level unruly emotions that are not of the Wondrous Qualities of Heavenly Peace.

    Let all parts move smoothly in Soul,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Practice silently envisioning everyone around you experiencing unlimited Joy.

    Everyone deserves Joy, as a right of the very innocence of their newborn and continued Being, born of Spirit, with Life in the Mind of God. Picture it for others, and the fuel of Joy will flow more easily to you, washing away the sand of human errors and carving a clear channel for the Wondrous water of Spirit to flow.

    Envision Innocent Joy in the eyes of others, and Innocent Joy will arise in you.

    Unseen though We may be, We are Working,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember our metaphor from many years ago: what is baked into a cookie or a cake IS what it is made of. If no hard bits of nut shells have been put in before baking, you will not find them in the cookie.

    Pain was not an ingredient that God put into the cookie that is you. If you are imagining that pain is in that cookie, read again the list of ingredients, and reassure yourself that you were made only from all things good. Where only good has been put in and fills all space, there is no room for bad. Think about all the Good ingredients, and delight in them.

    Lovely holy cookies,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trusting in That Which Keeps Its Promises is so rewarding, that once you begin to see how sweetly each day unfolds when you stay centered in that trust, you will rejoice to begin each day in the same way.

    Trust and trust and trust again, Beloved, understanding that the wondrous release of such confident trust frees you from all the niggling worries and concerns about the past and future that used to occupy so much of your thought time. When your thoughts are freed to fully appreciate the moments in which you actually are, as you are in them, there will be a full blossoming of your comprehension of Divine Beauty, and “Now-ness”.

    Right now and forever are the same thing. And we are with you. Trust in that, as well. Goodness does reign, and always will, in the realm of One Loving Mind.