All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let an important thing be one of the places you begin to bring your life into Harmony. Keep your word. Keep your word, Beloved, keep your word.

    When your Inner Self leads you to promise a thing, to yourself, or to another, keep your word. Let the act of honoring your word be an act of love. Keep your word.

    The Love of the Whole will give you strength to do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “High Guidance of Love and Light, tenderly Help me see and hear your perfect Guidance of me and my Loved ones, this day, this night.”

    If you can slow your thoughts, and stop, and open your heart and completely fill it, each day, with the above desire, Beloved, your experience of life WILL change for the better in every way.

    This is simply True, ANGELS

  • Ah, Child,

    You can play with finding different paradigms through which to understand Spirit, but if you study one of them long enough, or all of them enough, you will find the same Truth at the core of them all. The true choice that needs to be made in the heart of your awareness is not about which method of enlightenment or which religion to use, but to choose Spiritual Understanding or material and intellectual understanding. They do not mix.

    They do not mix, and so long as you cling to one, you cannot totally realize the other, any more than oil can know water.

    The Water of Spirit is right beside you. Take the plunge.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you take the step of asking each morning to be so filled with the Pure Love of God that you feel completely soaked in It, then It will do the sorting out of thoughts, and impulses, and intents and motivations, as you move through your day.

    Starting your day with the Power of the soft Love of God is the fuel that leads to good peace and satisfaction. No one is forcing you to do this, but if you do this, your life will quietly transform, and conform, to All Good.

    The River of Spirit carves Is own way,


  • Ah, Blessed One,

    As ever, know that although what you do for someone, or refrain from doing, may not be seen with earthly eyes, the eyes of Spirit still see all. The One Spirit that is the awareness of the Divine sent into the dream to observe and to teach and to aid, is everywhere.

    The anonymous helpful call, the unpaid advice, the goodness shared with a smile, all are a part of helping to dissipate the mist of illusion, and is that not what you want, after all? Do go the extra mile, Beloved, do share the cloak as well as the coat, and know that your longing to be fully aware of Unity does not go unnoticed or unrewarded.

    All the power of the One Mind that is All is with all. Do not let the flow of It in you, and as you, be impeded by any self-doubt or impatience or loathing. Love lets It flow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Reach not for your own thoughts of a morning, assessing mood and body. Reach first, and only, for the Thoughts of the Divine Qualities of which you are made.

    “I am One with God, living in God, and maintained and sustained by Its Love Divine.”

    “I am that which God is, and I am awakening to all the possibilities of Seeing what day the Divine Eye has planned for me, if I but stay focused on that which It sees.”

    This day, be that, in silence and listening, dear love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone has her eyes closed, and has grasped the tail of an elephant, and is thinking of it as an over-wiggly snake, and is calling to God to please quiet this snake in her hand, it is not the elephant that needs to be healed or changed, it is the thinking of the person who holds it.

    Allow the Sight to replace faulty thinking, and perception,

    ` Open your eyes and Awaken,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The greatest thing to remember about giving thanks, and keeping a mindset of gratitude, is that the Divine has already granted you Acceptance, and Love, and a judgment of Goodness. Its desire for your happiness while you are the tiny part of your Infinite circular Eternal self that is “dipped” in earthly dust thoughts, and seems to be human, is already granted. It WANTS your happiness, and above all wants you to remember that you ARE that perfect infinite circle, safe and provided for, within the Goodness of One Being. Remember, and Be Happy.

    Ponder THIS, and give thanks,


  • Ah, Beloved, that is the Truth of Heaven—that the Truth of God is Life, Spirit. That which is Heaven is the Living. God is the God of the ever-present essence of all those that were ever thought of. But, the God †“Force that the Master metaphysician came to demonstrate is the Divine Spirit of God that God gave as a gift to the “dead” that need to remember they are living. The “dead” are those that dream they are just bodies. God is not the God of dust, but of Life, and Spirit and everlasting Awareness and Love.

    God is the God of All, Beloved. Do not discern what is not there. The incredible perfection of God is available at all times, and in all ways. Ask for the available God Knowing, and see through the dust into the essences of Life, Spirit, Goodness, Perfection, and Joy.

    Let the Joy be born again in every morning, and not just these few that you think remain in this familiar dusty body. Do not discern what is not there. Discern with your Spirit, that is One with Spirit, and see God is the God of all Life, all Spirit, God is the essence of You.

    Let It enfold your thoughts, and be as One and at Peace,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    It is precisely because the One Great Spirit has no form that it can seem to appear as so many. In Its Omniscience, it can search the hearts and thoughts of each dreaming individual, and find there an image or a phrase or a vision that It can use to remind the individual it is at Home in a Whole.

    Therefore, when you are testifying to others about your own understanding of the Divine, or of how It has made Itself known as your Reality, realize that of course you can only speak in your own metaphors. The best testimony is to unite with that Inner Awareness, and let It search the mind and heart of the other, and find the patterns that It may illuminate. Then will It come alive for the other, and although, as humans, you will know different things, your souls will still be knowing the same Source.

    All bounty comes from Divine Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not pleased with fear. Be pleased only with Love.

    Making someone fear you, whether because of your schematic power over them, or your public or family duty to them, is the opposite of Love, and the opposite of what you want to call to yourself. What you send forth, you eventually receive. You may not always recognize the relationship between the giving and the receiving, because of the intervening time, but it exists.

    Therefore, send only Love forth. AND, ask for Divine assistance in neutralizing any old or current or “future” fears that stand unaccounted for and as yet unreturned. Anything handed into the Loving flame of the Good Source will not come back to harm any, so long as all are included in Its Beneficence. To ask Good for the self, one must ask for Good for all. Do not be afraid to do so.

    Nothing to fear in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Please realize that the Omniscient Spirit which God sent into your wispy earthly dream to Help you remember your Wholeness CAN interpret your desires in a way that helps you. When you straighten your shelves, the Spirit knows you are desiring Divine Order. When you doodle with lines and designs, God knows you are desiring Creativity. When you function in a way that craves attention, Holy Mind knows you are needing the fulfillment of Divine Love.

    God is the Great artist that wants the attention and appreciation of Its Artistry. Thus were you Thought of by God, and God wants you to remember your function as appreciator, and to fulfill that. Thus will Spirit read the desires of your actions, and send you opportunities to have those.

    REALIZE, Beloved, that those aspects of the Divine that you seek are your real goal, and let God show you the Best way to experience them. Be grateful for the very existence of order and intelligence and creativity and purity, and so forth, and as you ponder them, you call them into your life. As you give thanks for them, you see more of them.

    So it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a long garden hose that cannot do any good to help you water your garden unless you walk back to the spigot and turn it on, you must step back into the center of your own Consciousness for the Living Water of Spirit to be accessed.

    Wherever you are standing in the garden of your life, take time to take the mental steps inward to that mobile tap of Life Awareness that is always with you, and turn It on, and water, water, water the Good Garden of your Thoughts so that you may grow, grow, grow.

    That Divine water is ever-ready to nourish your life,


  • Ah,

    Remember, Beloved, that what your “human will” creates is not real. It is as a child playing make-believe. Only what the Greater Will made is Real, from the elements that It Itself is made of, which are Goodness and Truth and Constancy and Love and Joy and Orderly Calm. These are Real.

    When you feel frustrated by feeling that you are “trying too hard” to place, or see, Divine Order in a situation that does not seem to be orderly, remember to turn your thinking around. Remember that none of your human make-believing or “will-power” has the power to counteract or obstruct God. If God has made you Harmonious and well, you are that. If God’s Order and Purpose are in the process of being revealed in a situation, they will be. Your play-acting cannot stop them. It is only your thinking that you do not see the order or the harmony or the wellness, that needs to be changed. LOOK for the Harmony. LOOK for the wellness. LOOK for the order. For as you seek them, in the sweet game of finding God, you will find them more and more.

    What God has put together and means to stay together, nothing CAN put asunder. What God has declared Good CANNOT be made bad. Lay aside any thoughts that would allow you to think that the Spiritual Wonderfulness of the Divine Source, and you, as its spiritual reflection, can be changed into something un-wonderful by the tantrums of your human thought.

    Each and every time you take a moment to be still, and access the sweet peace of the Divine Realm in your Heart of hearts, It is the same Unchanging, Loving Calmness.

    It will not change. Only you will. The more you rub yourself up against the Good Calmness of Divine Love, the smoother you, and your life, will feel.

    Get to it, Love. Get to It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each one of you, in your consciousness, stands in the doorway between two worlds. You can choose to hold yourself steadily in the consciousness and aspects of the Divine, and give the Divine permission to flow through you, and you will be living in the Divine World, RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.

    Look to changing your attitude to one of Peace, and you will find that an Infinite world of it is right within your own awareness. Choose to set aside your own ego-will in every day and every moment, and you will find the Joy of simply being the gatekeeper who holds the door open all the time.

    When you open the door, we come in, but we cannot open it for you,


  • Ah, Child of the Glorious Mind in which you dwell, before you rise, before you even open your eyes, turn your thoughts to the Light that holds you. Tap your inner consciousness and be filled with the Ever-Loving Life that constantly flows Its Brightness to you.

    Fill yourself with that Unconditional Love, for It shines you forth so tenderly, so gently, so completely, so well. Take time to do this, accepting all It has to give, and letting It wash away any sorrows and regrets, so that you can be truly and wonderfully filled with Light, Light, Light.

    And then you can indeed “Rise and shine”.

    It only takes a moment or two, and you can refill throughout the day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no animosity in you, for it only erects a fence between you and the healings you wish to see.

    It is hard to se through a fence, Beloved. Fences are built out of anger and fear and sorrow and self pity and by keeping the mind on pain, and on all bodily wants and needs. Set aside those things, and forgive and forget, and ask for Divine Help in forgiving, and then you can see clearly the miracles of the Truth of Good Life, that you hope to see.

    Help others forgive. For as they forgive, and open to receive, then the revelation of their True perfection and Wholeness in Divine Mind is clear to all.

    And Love them. Love them even when dust yet clings to their brows. Love them.

    As We Love You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The True Good that you have done and represented has all come from the Source of All Good, the Divine Mind in which all occurs and is Caused.

    Be humble enough and spiritually honest enough to recognize this. The Greater Good that really Blesses all cannot be defined by human measures, and you will understand this more as you are fully awakened in Spirit. Many times, God’s Hand has worked through you, and others, by stopping something, or redirecting, or creating seemingly “chance encounters” that seemed insignificant to you at the time.

    Leave the discernment to the Omniscient Consciousness, Beloved, and simply accept that praying “Use me to do Good, dear God” is a request that might take you in unexpected directions. If it is a sincere prayer, you must be willing to be open, flexible, and surprised.

    Working for Love is lovely in wonderful ways,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Trust Me,” says God. Can you do that? Can you choose to do that? Trust God to inspire your friends and children. Trust God to harmonize rights and wrongs. Trust God to Love you always, and to lead you in what to do and say.

    Never think to yourself that there is no one you can trust, for there is God who is always with you, the most Trustworthy One possible. Lean into that trust and count it as strength, as joy, as possibility of all. The sweetness of utter trust is swirled together with Unconditional Love, and as you trust, Unconditional Love flows as well.

    We assure you it is so true it will feel like magic.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you hear about the health challenges or circumstances of a loved one, and you feel helpless, not knowing what to do or say to assist, then that very feeling of helplessness is a signal to turn your thoughts and heart to Divine Spirit. It is the most humble and the most powerful thing you can do.

    “Dear God, help me know what to do and say. Help me know what truth to remember here, based in the perfection of your Love, and Its constant completeness and wisdom projected as each one of us that are Your Whole.”

    And then wait patiently, and confidently, asking also for sweet calm, and let Good lead the way.

    Trust us, it is the best thing to do, not just in seemingly crucial moments, but every day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not give up. Ask to be guided, let go of your own plans, and do, do, do trust that you will be sent the opportunities and people that can help you see your way clearly to the next step of your own full purpose and Joy.

    We have seen it, and know it is there,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Monitor your thoughts. If you slip into idle or gloomy ones, you are nudging closed the opening to the constant Flow of God’s Love. That Love, that support, never stops being available to you, but if you turn your attention away and become mesmerized into passivity, it is breaking the contact with Divine Spirit, to Be Loved, but also to LOVE in return.

    Be an active part of your own destiny by staying completely open to, and aware of, God Consciousness.

    We Love you so much.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone’s behavior is annoying you, it is important to release yourself from the prison of annoyance. Annoyance not only robs you of hours of Joy, it also prevents you from clearly Seeing the Good in the other, and knowing the Good of yourself, and finding your ways to move forward.

    So, all the day, say, “That person is also, in Soul, a Beloved Child of God.”

    “We are both Beloved Children of God.”

    You cannot browbeat that person into changing their behavior, but you can shift your view to God’s point of view and let God’s Love for you both do Its work in Its own time and way. Meanwhile, say, “That person is also a Beloved Child of God”, and you will find it easier and easier throughout the day.

    We are with you, and Love you when you act annoying, too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have this word for you. Reignite your awareness of your Love for God and God’s Love for you each day, or even each moment.

    Do not use a standard formula. Do not use yesterday’s ritual. The words or the exercise that lit your spiritual heart on fire yesterday are often not the ones that will awaken the Spirit Voice in your heart today.

    Comb through the ashes with your attention until you find a live ember to alight you. Look through words of God or sing through notes of song until something ignites your heart and soul. Then, let THAT be your guide for the day. ASK for Spirit to guide you and if you do not hear a word or feel an inspiration directly, then troll through poems and prayers and revelations until something seems to glow with the healing, loving, comforting Love of God.

    It is a Living God that guides you, not dead words,

    Listen, and be Loved and guided,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you say to us, or to the One Source, “I Love you so much”, you will always hear, in answer “We Love you, too. We Love you no matter what.”

    You will not receive silence as a reply. You will not receive an affirmation of love, but with exceptions listed. You will not receive a vacillating answer. You will only hear, from your Angels, and from the Divine Voice within, “We Love you, We Love you, We Love you.”

    Count on It, Beloved. Turn to It, and count on It. Turn to It when others seem unsure of their love for you, but turn to It also when you yourself are feeling unworthy of complete and utter Love. Remember, We do not see or recognize as Divine Reality you iniquities, so We simply say “We Love you, We Love you, We Love you.”

    So be it, for so it Is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, keep in your thoughts and heart, “I am Thou, God. We are all Thou, God, in our Pure selves, that are but shining reflections of the Wondrous Soul of You.”

    “Help is to shine clearly, dear God. Help us do that.”

    This will help clarify the world into Peace.

    We assure you. We reassure you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Joy in realizing how completely your thoughts create your reality, Child. And when you allow the great Overseer and Comforter to guide you with Its Omniscient Thoughts, then the reality you create, even within the earth dream, can be very lovely indeed. The Truth of God is always present, dear Love. All you have to do is take off the dusty or gloomy or fearful “glasses” of the body perceptions, and be willing to see playfully, and experiment playfully, with letting your joyous thoughts come true.

    A pure thing always stands pure, though you may distort your vision of it by donning dark glasses or looking at it upside down or smearing mud on it or trying to discern its shape after a dust storm or a blizzard.

    Ask continually to see the beautiful Truth, and playfully try to enact that every day.

    We always See the real you, even when you are having a tantrum,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    With every person in whom you identify the Qualities of God shining forth, even to the smallest degree, instead of focusing on their human faults, you have peeled away another veil hiding the existence of Heaven from you, here and now.

    This is the most important, and always present, work, while any veils still stand before your eyes and senses.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is the Deep Heat of Divine Love that melts away the cold mist of illusion.

    The very moment that you suspect that what you are experiencing, or feeling, or seeing, with your earthly senses, could not be, would not be, the intention of a Loving Divine, call for that Heat of Divine Love to melt away the mists that are trying to fool you.

    We have every intention of seeing you through all mists,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Knowing the Truth that Spiritual existence is real and pervasive and all ,and Loving, is not an arduous thing. It is what frees you into relaxing into the tender Guidance of God, and allows you to completely enjoy the human experience of adventure and creativity and appreciation.

    Yes, the mis-educated mortal personality, and limited bodily senses, may be frightened of seeing “physical laws” overcome and surpassed, but as the unfolding of God-understanding comes to the mind, these breakings of limited thought will be wonderful proof of your glorious heritage of Dominion and Joyous Peace as an inhabitant of the Divine Universe.

    Be Glad, Beloved, be Glad. For today, as all days, God walks with you, and will talk to you and show you Good things, if you but listen and ask.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    God never takes a day off from Loving you.

    Be aware of that, if you are tempted to take a day off from Loving God. It is a Blessing to yourself to give full attention, for at least a few short times each day, to Loving God. When a part of the human mind tries to whisper that you are too busy, or too tired, or too discouraged, those are the whinings of the very part of your sense of self that most need to be washed away by Loving God.

    God never takes a day off from Loving you. Bless yourself by receiving that Love fully, as you Love in return.

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never fear the consequences of sending forth silent Unconditional Love.

    There is absolutely no circumstance of the earthly experience that cannot be improved in some way by focusing on every thing and every person as another idea occupying, and being Loved by, the same One Mind that holds you. Remember that it is the Essence of that person that you are sending Love to, and doing so in no way means that you are approving of some sad or heinous behavior that he or she is displaying on s bodily level.

    It is just a recognition that the same Divine Love sees the Truth of all of you, and Loves you, and that gives you a common ground to share, and to truly feel that Love for yourself as real.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    There is no need for urgency in the daily tasks, but there is need to stay still, and be guided, and renewed by, the sweet, sweet Joy of the Emanator of All Things, including you. Without that receptivity to the Joy that created you, and out of Whose Awareness you are made and sustained, nothing can feel smooth and lasting.

    Oh, the temporal pleasures may lull you into a complacency of the moment, from treats or hobbies or physical embrace, but none of those substitutes will amount to anything when some more moments have passed, and the brief pleasures fade. The enduring Gladness is the Gladness of God.

    Seek It, even as It is Lovingly awaiting your seeking of It, and be Glad, O’ so Glad, in each moment that you remember you were always completely within Its embrace.

    “I am Held in God’s Embrace. I am under the Law of Love. As I live by the Law of Love, so does Love come back, multiplied, to me.”

    As ever, in love,


  • Ah, Dear Gladness that made me,

    Open my eyes and let me see,

    The blessed image and action and words of Thee,

    in everyone around me.

    Bless me, Bless them, let us all know our completeness again.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The loneliness of the body-identity that all humans experience at one time or another comes from a mis-identification of oneself AS a body. You are Spirit, Beloved. You are all Spirit living within the Great Spirit of All. This sameness and oneness of the core of all being will, if focused on, and contemplated, and embraced, take away any temporal sense of being alone and separate.

    You cannot be separate from the Spirit that IS All, any more than rain could be not wet.

    It is your very nature and the quality of you to be part of All, and, being Spirit, to be connected to all even when there are great distances involved, or no touch or sight involved. Reach out with the Spirit, the Soul, of yourself, and feel the Presence that connects All and that holds you, and through which you can hold others.

    Reach out with your Spirit to hold all those that have forgotten they are not really just mortal bodies, and they will feel less separate, and so will you. Love Itself does and will embrace all. Feel that, and feel Good.


  • Ah, Beloved, do not think to measure how much of God is in yourself or in another. Just exude God-like qualities and reciprocities, and let the same, EXPECT the same, to come from others.

    We will always celebrate your Gladness with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps it is not yet obvious to you that the human physical sense of self will try to play tricks on you, and convince you that you are just a body, and nothing else. Be on guard for that. Playfully assess what you are thinking, and remind yourself constantly and gently, every day, that you are a dweller in the Great and Wonderful Loving Mind of God/Goddess/ All that Is, and you do not dwell anywhere else.

    Be at Peace, and relax into this Truth, Beloved, and know that all sleepers within the Great Spirit DO awaken, whether they are taking just a short nap, with fleeting dreams, or a seemingly long, long sleep, they will awaken into the Brightness of Divine and Beautiful Spiritual Reality. When you think that you are tired of the dream of earth, but feel that you have no where else to go, no where and no one to turn to, remember, remember, remember, that you need but close your eyes and spiral down into the heart of acceptance, and say, “Mother/Father Divine, open the door of YOUR Kingdom to me, and let me rest there a while.

    That is the true rest that renews, while you still have work to do in the dream,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Life is the Love God has given us, that always has been, is now, and always will be. The brief illusory costumes are not the beginning, and not the end. The Infinite Love that is given forth from the very Creative Force of Mind, goes on, on, on as Life.

    Life is the Love God IS giving us. Take great Joy in Its foreverness.


  • Aaah, Beloved,

    Finding yourself in any kind of waiting time or circumstance or room, view all waiting as an opportunity to tell God you are ready to listen.

    Then, listen. You may just feel the wordless embrace of God. Or, you might whisper to God to please tell you in a song, and then after a few moments or minutes you hear in your heart the melody of a song that says just what would reassure or guide you now.

    God is not trying to be tricky. God WANTS you to hear Its Love and contribution and advice. Ask to be told in a way you can understand, and listen.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine expresses Itself through you, when you give It permission. It gives Its Infinite energy through you in and as Its own Qualities.

    What does this mean in human terms? Infinite energy is available for Loving, for Giving, for Helping, for Teaching. But the Infinite does not fund what It is not. Envying, vengefulness, criticizing, manipulating, and such are not a part of the Divine and so It does not fuel them. Which things make you tired and weary and sad? The things that the Divine cannot fund, for they simply are not what the Divine Is.

    Think about it, and be in the Joy of Living and Loving in the Divine’s Ways.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thanking, as a way of prayer, is also more successful than “asking” in demonstrating the answer to need and desire, because it shifts your own state of acceptance into a mode of expectation. When you sincerely expect, you are more likely to receive. When you give thanks for what you desire, before actually seeing the thing or circumstance, it helps free you from the restraints of linear time thinking.

    Linear time thinking, which entraps most humans most of the time, makes it hard for you to realize that everything already exists in the no-time of the Source. Linear time thinking traps you into not being able to believe that all good things are not only possible in the Creative Source, but that all possibilities already exist in the Creative Burst of Love that is the Divine.

    Therefore, give thanks before you feel or see. Give thanks for feeling Peace, and then allow the feeling of Peace to come. Give thanks for right livelihood and then allow the ideas and opportunities to flow. Give thanks for Love, and then allow Love to show up and be shared from your own heart, and shine back at you from the hearts of others.

    Give thanks, and you are opening the limits of your own mortal vision to seem past time and space, and into the Truth of the lovely, lovely possibilities of the Beyond, right here and now.

    Love, love, love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your awareness is only of the world, and your sight is of the eyes that seem to see physical things, you have no idea how grateful you will be to the others in your “play”, when your awareness is fully in the truth of your existence as Spirit again, in Oneness with all others.

    Believe us, you will be utterly grateful to them all, for the roles they played in your re-awakening. The friends, the enemies, the casual acquaintances, and lovers, and family of earth, the far-off politicians, and famous and unknown faces, all will be seen to be One with you in Spirit, having graciously played the roles in your course of earth.

    Move into that gratitude now, and you will begin to get a glimmer of what Oneness truly is, and your lovely, and loving, part in It. For you, too, are playing roles for others, and as you choose to take only a loving role, your perception of your play changes, too, and all becomes more loving and more revelatory, until the Truth of your being as a part of the Divine is revealed.

    We see you now, and Bless you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Though the human mind may seek explanations and motives and justice, remember that the truth is that the soul of you that is part of the Great Soul wants to see all healed. The truth of you that is pure Love sincerely desires to witness the healing, the revealed wholeness, of all around you, and of your own thoughts and spirit and self.

    Lift your willingness into the quietness and the stillness of that which is constant within you, speaking of Love and unending Grace, and feel renewed and embraced. From that sense of safety and calm inspiration, let Peace flow from your heart to all.

    You do not want to feel like a victim. You do not really want to see anyone else feel like a victim. Relinquish thoughts of there being victimizers that have any power, and embrace the desire of seeing the evidence of God, Good, Governing all. Let Love and Oneness of Being gently bring each one into Awareness, as soon as they are ready, and let yourself volunteer daily to be led, led, led to the fullness of the Light.

    We gladly take your hand and walk with you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We are so grateful to all of you who have willingly stepped forth to be shining conduits of the Goodness of Infinite Love into the dream of the world, over these many years.

    You are appreciated. The Divine Flow to you and through you is continuous. Use It.

    You are wonderfully made, and are a natural part of Harmony.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you are journeying the marathon of Spiritual Awakening, do not willingly go back and run previous miles. Even if you stumbled through some of them, and regret not having run them more smoothly, do not try to re-do them. Keep moving forward, always focusing on the finish line of being in full remembrance of your Truth as a Being, “I am perfect in God right now, by God’s Design.”

    Continually call on the Power of Love to help you press on, ignoring those who would try to pull you back to unenlightened times. Spirit of God is with you, and will help you maintain your best pace.

    The road is paved with Mercy and Grace. Draw on them.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    You have no idea just how gently, and compassionately, and completely, Divine Love forgives your errors of judgment or choice or temptation. Find the heart of Love within yourself to forgive yourself, and learn from your errors so as not to repeat them, and rise and shine as a Beloved Child of God.

    You know you have Goodness that can shine and act for God. Trust that others that have made errors can do the same. Trust that God will guide them, and they will See with the eyes of Spirit, sooner or later, just like you. That is the Light to look to, and to keep in mind.

    In the Mind of God with you all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that in the tale of the prodigal son, he must come to the conclusion, and the willingness of thought, that being even a servant to his father would leave him better off than his own foolish and ephemeral plans had. The humbleness to be willing to serve, and the courage to tell the father so, are requisite parts of the story.

    In the end, he only has to “serve” in his mind as he uses his determination and humility to walk back towards the father’s house. Then, before he really has to serve at all, the father comes delightedly running out, to him, and greets him as honored child.

    Just so, Beloved, yes, you must be willing to serve, and be humble in any thinking that you know what “plans” are right, but PLEASE also know that the Father/Mother is watching from the window, just waiting for the chance to run to you, and welcome, welcome, welcome you as honored Child, with all the rights and honors that go with that.

    And that best right and honor there is, is the Unconditional Love of the Divine Parent and your place in that Divine Realm that is now.

    Always pulling stones from your path,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The complete and delicious and wonderful Spiritual Union with the Divine Awareness, that is the true Life Awareness of all, cannot really be described in words. Why even try? Simply experience Its worthy and Great Calm and Love, and enjoy It and let It fill you with Joy.

    And then quietly demonstrate that Joy in how you live, how you act, what you do, and in what you say that It leads you to say. That is Divine Love true, that is Divine Love expressing Itself and sharing with all and to all.

    Be what you feel as Divine,

    You can. It is what you really are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The only mirror that will show you your true self is the Glad face of God. Close your earthly sense and look to the Qualities of God and ponder them. The more you understand and recognize and know God, the more you will know yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a very basic thing to correct in your thoughts when it pops up.

    If you find yourself thinking, “Dear God, let my body and my life function smoothly today”, realize you have thought of it as though you were separate from God, and God were a far off thing you were pleading with to come help you.

    Rather, O’ Dear Beloved, realize the intimate part of God you ARE, and let your thought be more along the lines of “Dear God, OUR body and OUR life will function perfectly today.”

    “Perfection that is our expression of Love is what we are today.”

    It is a subtle thing, but one that will help you. The Oneness of Wonderful Being, of which you are a part, can of course see through the errors to the essence of Itself that you reflect, but you will experience fewer errors if you begin to deeply understand that you only really exist as a very part of That Which Is All. And be so very grateful it is true.

    Do you See?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I want the Reality of God.”

    Give this permission to the Divine. Extend your willingness to see, feel, and hear the Divine Will enacted, like having the courage to admit that you are not enjoying a movie you paid to see, and being willing to get up and leave the theatre.

    Withdraw from your own human plans and assumptions, and “Leave the theatre” by being willing to take quiet direction from the dear Inner Voice, and see the Play It will show you, and let you star in.

    Sweet Heart, what do you have to lose? Choose God. Choose Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be patient. The seed that falls on stony ground can be picked up, and moved, or can find lodging in a crevice in which nutrients and soil are able to hold it in place.

    Or, stone, washed by the wind and water of Spirit, becomes gravel, and then becomes sand, and then becomes soil, and lo, that seed can flourish where once there seemed no hope.

    Have faith, that to the Divine Seed Bearer, all things are possible, and that time is truly no obstacle to a Creator that is outside of time.

    You will see, Beloved, we assure you, the sprouting of that seed. You have come to trust Us in so many small ways. Trust us in this, and see trust fulfilled,

    Always watering seedlings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not complicated to talk to God. Just do it.

    When confronted by a situation or an impulse that is confusing or seemingly complicated, stop and be silent, and ask within, “What is really going on here, God?” Then wait, and listen, listen, listen, and let the Peace and the unchanging Joy of God be with you and hold you, while you let answer come.

    Always, God is there, you are a walking receiver,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To truly love others as you love your Self, and to truly realize that you are all reflecting facets of the same Oneness of Being, you must practice, practice, practice thinking of “others” that way.

    Let today’s focus of thought be about that. For EVERYONE you see, remember to remember, and to think, “This person in front of me, is another cell in the Body of the Divine, just like I am.”

    As you practice this throughout the day, consider the absolute ramifications in your behavior that would result if you let yourself, and train yourself, to act as if this were true. Consider a world where this were understood to be true.

    For We tell you, it is true.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Those who are on a bodily death bed do not long to see their stamp collection, or to tie up some sticks into a bundle. They long to see or speak to or think about those they love, or to see or hear something that evokes Love. They long to be reassured of Divine Love, or a form of Holiness or Beauty they understand.

    Do not wait for, or anticipate, a bodily crisis in order to focus on Love being what is True and important. Claim It as the most important Knowledge each day, and always.

    You know Love is real. The various names that cultures and philosophers and religious put upon It do not matter. Love is Real. Love is palpable. Love is Real.

    To ponder It is to call It, and Its Power, directly into your experience.

    Let It show you the Joy of Wholeness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be, now that you have spent some days affirming your identity as a part of Oneness, some time spent devoted to LISTENING to that Oneness.

    Listen today. Get very still, and Listen. Listen deeply. Listen honestly. Listen without fear or judgment, and feel the Love that accompanies the Voice of Oneness. It is not action that is called for today—just Listening. Knowing that, you can Listen, and not feel any worldly pressure to proclaim or refute or act on, what you hear. Just Listen, and receive, and know that on other days you will act on what needs to be acted on, with all the Strength of Oneness behind you. There is nothing to be afraid of. Just Listen.

    Ponder this, Beloved. The phrase “small still voice”, to describe the Divine Calling card left within your soul, is usually thought of as two adjectives describing a Voice. Ponder whether some punctuation is missing—are those three words really a set of instructions? Meaning: BE small. BE still, very, very still. Then, listen for, and hear, the Voice.

    Smallness can be thought of as remembering that you are a small part of the reflection of the Divine Whole. Or, think of it as meekness—the willingness to be taught and to turn to Greater wisdom to help you know how to be and what to do. Stillness is a matter of not only body but of thought. And Listening is not the listening of the physical ears, but of the heart, to hear the Voice.

    Be small. Be still. Listen for, and open to receive, the Voice.

    Listening Deeply will change your life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Open our eyes and enable us to see, open our minds and enable us to know, we ARE the reflection of Omnipotent Good.”

    “Let Your Light shine off all that is not Good on me.”

    Again, repeat it all day, and let Goodness do Its work,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When earthly relationships and work and provision seem to be going well, gratitude to the Divine Source can lift you into full Grace and Joy. Be very aware that even when it seems your own hands and mind have accomplished what your senses see and feel before you, grateful credit is still due to The All-in-All.

    And when woe and error, or confusion, seem rampant to the human perceptions, gratitude to God, recognition of Divine Cause as the Source of Good, can lift you into Calmness. And once in a state of Calm Thought, solutions and adjustments can come to lift you into growth and Joy.

    Anywhere your human emotions and senses seem to be, on any given day, gratitude is a perfect tool. Yes, be grateful to the people around you, but above all be grateful, grateful, grateful to the Shining Source of All Good.

    Willingly with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your faith is great enough, you can cover the deficit of another’s faith as easily as paying for the lunch of the person next to you at the diner.

    Understand this, and share it.

    And We thank you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In calmness and trust you can hear the small still Voice of Loving Spirit guiding you. Therefore, if a tumult of thoughts or choices presents itself to you in a situation, make it your immediate goal to become quiet and calm, so that you can be composed enough to listen clearly, and be led and focused.

    This is where your constant prayers or meditations or songs or praises will serve you well. If you know that a memorized psalm calms you, use it. If you know that a certain song inspires or quiets you, use it. If you know that looking out of a window at the horizon and thinking about the Qualities of the Divine helps you center yourself in the one that you need, do it.

    God runs to meet you when you turn your thought to Him/Her. If you have your “bag of thought-tricks” to use to re-identify yourself as one who is protected and sustained and shepherded by God, then when you pull one of them out to use so you can be receptive, God will rush to answer. Different tricks to calm yourself will work better at different times. That is why it is so good to consistently practice thinking and speaking and reading and singing and writing the Words of Truth, so that you have them to readily turn to in your consciousness.

    Turning to those familiar affirmations will lead you to a certain phrase or word or tone or realization that suddenly pierces the gloomy or perplexed bubble of earthly thoughts, and then God-Thought and High Consciousness can flood in to fill you and help you and heal you and reveal your Lovely Wholeness in God Sight.

    Keeping your bag of tricks filled with Good Thoughts only takes minutes a day. Be prepared. It is first aid, but it is also preventative, and will keep you on your true way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am, I am, I am, in line for Peace and Joy.”

    Let that be your song of the day. But, do not think of “in line” as being only the waiting for, the anticipating of, future Joy. Heaven is also right now. Right alignment is also right here, as you adjust your consciousness and allow your focus to change to see the perfect glory of each moment as you experience it. “In line” also means in the right line of sight, in the right focus, for you to see the incredible beauty and blessings that exist just behind the pervasive mist of sorrow and error that one habitually sees in the mirror of earth. Change the habits of sight. Let your spiritual sight expand, and withdraw from the problems you were taught to focus on.

    Let that focus change. Look for the blessings. Look for the unexpected fulfillment of promises. Choose to enjoy whatever small or vast bit of goodness you see before you, or to purposefully rehearse thinking about what you have to be grateful for. We tell you, as we have so many times, that letting your thoughts align with the qualities of the Great Provider/Creator, which include qualities such as appreciation of beauty and joy and goodness, is like “lining up” your sight with the focus that is the best focus point from which to see the Best Play of earth.

    Stand in line with that focal point, and enjoy.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love the Love in others, even if you see only a tiny seed of It. Loving It will help It be revealed more fully.

    It is the task of Divine Spirit to tutor and correct all. It is your task to let that Divine Spirit help you shine and grow in Grace. Grow in revealing Grace, dear child, and let Spirit do Its job on others. Focus on being the positive example, and you are helping Spirit more than you can humanly know.

    Let Spirit help you shine with Love, and trust Love to work on all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Approach this day as you would the art gallery opening of a very dear friend.

    You may not care for everything you seem to see and hear and smell and touch and taste, but you would certainly make the great effort to look for and compliment the good, and to help in any way you could to smooth the presentation and help with the function of the event, out of love for your honored friend.

    Today, as every day, is another gallery opening for God. You yourself are even part of that presentation. Look for Good, and take part in it, and do your best to be one of the memorable and delightful aspects of the show, and to help others be highlighted as well. The Good Life God intended and intends for all is indeed a work of Art.

    Be so Blessed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing stopping you from experiencing how much the Source, that is Love, holds you in that Love, and Loves you absolutely.

    But, like any experience, you must take time to do it and feel it. You would not expect to experience a music performance without attending it. You would not expect to understand how it feels to catch a football without catching one. You would not expect to know how a wild fruit tastes without tasting it.

    Take time to let Love embrace you. Take time and experience It, and you will never doubt again that It is Real, and that It comforts and uplifts and heals and inspires.

    Choose to do it. Take the time.

    We will help if you ask, and we always have time for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you feel annoyance or impatience when you hear or read a basic Spiritual Truth, it is likely you are suffering from some unresolved or unadmitted issue in your own Soul self.

    Someone you haven”t forgiven? Some opinion you are self righteous about? Some behavior you know is unfair to continue? These things chip away at your time spent in calm happiness.

    Take the time you feel annoyed and swap it for time asking Spirit Divine to create in you a clean heart.

    Your heart is already clean in God Source. Spirit just needs to help give it a shower of Love.

    Join forces with the Truth,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Do not blame God for timings. Time is an illusion of Earth and the answer comes to each when it is right.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do, today, especially focus on the Good and the True.

    You know what those are. You know especially the invisible truths, such as Love and Compassion, for you see them in action every day. And as you have seen them inspire Good works and alignment in others, so know they can reveal those for you, and for everyone you love and pray for.

    Be grateful for the easy delights, like color and sound and stars and waves, but especially focus on the Infinite Good and True.

    We are with you in this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel concerns, or fear, or specific worries of human need, you can try to distract yourself with human stories and fantasies, or sensual pleasures of various types, but to truly dissolve the fear, it is best to turn to the deep Divine Calm that is the reassuring Presence and Voice of the Divine Mind that holds you. Turn quietly and patiently to It, and ask for and allow Its Embrace. It WILL extend Comfort and Calm Trustworthiness to you. It can help you experience a magnified feeling of homecoming, like returning to your own sweet bed after a difficult journey. The Calm relief of feeling the eternal Presence and Home surpasses all everyday returnings. It is Infinite surety that All is Love.

    Once you have absorbed, and allowed surrender to, that Divine Grace, then you can hear Soul ideas for actions to take on a human scale, or simply wait trustingly for the Holy Will to reveal Good solutions to you.

    Entreat your rightful state of Calm, and let Love lead.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The way to let God know you Love God so very much is to show God your very Best Self.

    God is that which sees your utter Lovableness and knows your perfection that He/She made and holds in Its own Love. God is your ultimate Love. God already sees the wonderfulness of you. It is only the shadows of human time and senses that seem to cover up some of the perfect Being of Light that you already are as an expression of the Great Light Itself.

    Right now, Beloved, you can think about the perfect way God already Sees and Loves you. And you can Love God back by thinking about letting God’s Goodness shine through you, and showing God how clearly you reflect His/Her Love.

    Think about how much God Loves you, and how much you Love, and want to please, God. Feel that exchange of Love, and feel Glad and Holy and Strong and Good.

    And isn”t it wonderful?


  • Dear One,

    The absoluteness of God cannot be fathomed by the logical mind.

    Only by the surrender of the quiet, listening heart can you let yourself be filled with the Vastness and Allness of the One that is All Being. Because the logical mind that you imagine to be your separateness and your individual being is a part of the dream that it invented, it cannot see beyond its own boundaries. Only by the delightful invention of Divine Voice, “piped in”, so that you may hear it even while you sleep and dream, can you sense the Truth of God. You can only hear that piped in Voice if you become very still and quiet, and if you listen very, very well.

    So listen, Beloved. Listen, and listen again, and let It lead you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Are there activities that you indulge in just because they are habits? Each day, or certainly each week, evaluate what you do and do not do that really gives you a deep feeling of Goodness, or a growth in Grace. What pleasures are still rewarding for you, or for others, and which ones have you outgrown?

    The Divine Mind that gently unfolds your understanding of your oneness with It, and helps you purify your own thoughts and intentions, does not harshly force you to give up things that still serve the revealing of your Best Self, or your enjoyment of life. But It does gladly help you to give up what you are ready to give up, and It does give you a measure to compare against and test the Truth of, by being the most lovely Love you will ever feel or know or be part of.

    When Divine Wisdom and Intelligence are your measure of all things Good, then you have the perfect measure for what you wish to strive for, and what you want to enjoy.

    Above all, enjoy Divine Joy, that indescribable communion with the Infinite. And enjoy getting to know your Good Self as a part of that Infinite.

    We Know, admire, and Love the Perfect You that shines as Divine Idea,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The power of the Source flows through you only for purposes of Loving healing, never for revenge or satisfaction of what humans think of as justice. Be very tenderly careful to always check with Guiding Spirit within before opening the “tap” of that Source in your wishes and heart.

    Part of what you are asking about, when you check with Source, is where, when, and with whom you should speak or even pray for. Some are simply not ready for the full power of Loving Source to be seen or felt. Just as you would not give startling news about a loved one to someone who was gingerly stepping along a ledge, sometimes you cannot demonstrate the power of the Loving Source to someone who is on an emotional cliff. Wait for the Guidance of God, and obey, obey, obey what you so very carefully listen for.

    All Love flowing to you now,


  • Ah, Beloved.


    Appreciation that you can smile and that when you smile sincerely at others, it is usually returned. Appreciation that when you have time you can spend that time on doing things that are helpful or enjoyable. Appreciation that you have the skills and money you put forth provide the elements of daily living that you need. Appreciation that the love and human affection you put forth feel good to give.

    Appreciation for when you are appreciated, and that appreciation itself exists as a feeling and as a state of mind.

    Appreciate. Actively appreciate.

    Even if you are starting with small smiles or small skills or small amounts of money or time, appreciate what you can give forth of them and what you receive, and they will grow. Appreciation feeds them.

    We appreciate you. Believe it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It would behoove you greatly in your understanding of the Spirit and spiritual that is All, if you would try to go through the day today without thinking about or speaking about the past. Stay completely focused on what is now, and on letting yourself appreciate the order and goodness and completeness of what is now, including your constant connection with the Loving Source.

    Set aside your own personality today, your own costume of habits and litanies, and just BE an appreciator of the Giving Grace that surrounds you and has created so much reflection of Its Beauty. You are a part of that Order and Beauty. Appreciate yourself, and all of it, right now.

    The little “self” can be held off. Be your Divine Self today,

    Life is better that way,


  • Ah, It Is all these things and more, and to be in complete Love with that State of Mind is to yearn and learn to abide within It. Abiding within It, to be in love with, and loved by, that Presence, is truly, as mystics have said throughout the ages, the worthwhile thing to yearn for, and do. All else comes from there.

    Just a little testimony, for a change of pace,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Above all, the Divine is trying to train you to listen to Its Voice, as your only, and your ever-present, Truth.

    Even as the new day brings you a morning that is free of an old worry, or victorious over a repetitive sorrowful thought, both overcome by the Joy of turning to the Comforter within, something else is sure to come that feels like a challenge. So long as you dwell within the time cycle of earth, it will be so. The illusions and mirages of the woes of earth and her champions are all around you, and they don new costumes every hour. We will not pretend that it does not seem to be so.

    But we will promise you that as you grow into the strength of Spirit that is your true nature, the shouts and jeers and draperies of the earthly will be less frightening to you. Like an old soldier on the front who has gone through many a day without water, and known himself to survive, or the seasoned actress that greets her stage fright almost as though it were an old friend that helps her steel her nerves and reminds her to breathe life into her confidence, you will find the daily meeting of the Infinite and the “finite” growing smoother. As you prove to yourself, again and again, that when you choose the Divine, you have chosen the Truth over the illusion, you will be able to face even fierce illusions with calmness, and the Peace of God/Goddess in your heart.

    We have seen your progress, and we have watched the pattern in millions of others, Beloved, and we know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Creative Source is, in and as Itself, complete.

    You do not need to do anything to complete what is already complete.

    All you need is to enjoy It. It is all around you. It is you. Enjoy It.

    As you enjoy It, It will reveal more and more of Itself to you, for by your enjoyment and your gratitude and appreciation, you will have self-removed the filters that were keeping you from seeing all of the Great Glory that the Source already created Itself to be.

    Like a horse whose blinders have been removed, you will be able to roll your eyes with delight, at the New sights that you see, that were actually already all around thee. Ah, Revelation. Each one comes to It, soon or late, but all receive full measure.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am letting the Radiance of God burn away all of my perceptions and thoughts that are not of God, that are unlike God. I am welcoming the purifying Thought that clears out of my thoughts and emotions, and thus out of my life, anything that is not like the Divine Life that I live, right now, in the Wondrous Mind that endlessly thinks of, and Loves, us all.”

    I do this for myself, and I do this for all of my brothers and sisters, for we all have our being in the same Vast Being, and we are, in Totality, Its lovely Reflection and Joy.”

    There are times to go back to this basic, and be grateful and glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For the truth of what you are in the Heart of God, that shines Its ideas of Love forth as the entire Cosmos, you cannot trust your five senses any more than you would trust a fun-house mirror to tailor your clothes. You must ask Divine Spirit, and understand that what it knows of you is what you really are. You are Child of God, you are reflection and projection of Divine Qualities and Goodness.

    Ask for Its Help to speak and act as the real you that God knows you to be.

    Ask to know “I am strength. I am Lovable and Loving. I am a part of Wonder.”

    And for those who are around you, also wondering who they are, or for those who you wonder what they are to you, do the same. Ask Divine Spirit, and hear the truth “You are all My Beloved ideas, and I am Helping you remember it is so.”

    As ever, with you as you awaken, and always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid. Just gently, and trustingly, and gratefully, put your future in the Hands of God.

    Keep your thoughts focused on gratitude, and stay very ready to obey any Divine impulse you receive for action, or word, or inaction, in each moment.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is interesting to note the miracles in your life, and that as you focus on them and are grateful, to realize how many other miracles naturally occurred, that you did not even remark upon at the time. Prove to yourself, dear one, that Unseen forces look upon you and care for you, and you will be more willing to ask more and more of them, even as you serve as vehicle for them to shine through.

    You are a constant reason for gratitude for us,

    We thank you for serving,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even the very young, being a part of the God-Mind, have access to God’s timeless Wisdom. Trust that to be true, and use that truth to pray with confidence for your own children and for all youngsters.

    “God guide them swiftly and strongly with Your Wisdom, for I know You Know what to guide them and urge them to do.”

    If you cannot feel full confidence when you pray that, then you need to work on praying for your own trust of the All that is All, that is God, to grow. Your deep faith in being able to See Good come out of all things and situations IS a part of that experience. Work on your trust, believe in God’s constant Mercy, and believe.

    Trust in God’s Mercy and Wisdom, just as you already trust in the justice of One Mind that Loves all.

    Ever with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Search, with Joy, for the Truth.

    The world will try to seduce you with its earthly ways of reward, but remember that all good achievements and ideas of the world you see are only facsimiles of the Good that exists in God/Goddess. If you remember that all credit belongs only to the Divine, and not to any works of your human hands or head, then you will not be limiting yourself. And when you let go of all credit, and all limits, then the Truth appears.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid when your own thoughts seem to whirl and pick up bits of debris such as discouragement, or doubt, or boredom with the chores of earth. Slow down, speak Grace and Thanks, and take the sacred moment of Now to see Beauty even within the whirlwind of human belief.

    It IS there, at the center, Peaceful, Still, Calm, ready to nurse you forever.

    Drink of it, and be still along with it, and free to feel Its Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can Love as God Loves, because you are Loved by God.

    To find the strength and will to stay silent and humanly unjudging, when you see someone acting in a way that will only bounce back in human pain to them, turn to the stories of God. “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”

    Pray to the shared One Divine Mind to guide the person, and you, and help both of you walk in the best possible destiny of earth.

    We know you can do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter how much all those around you are caught up in the earthly moment, whether horrific or of body celebration, YOU can stay centered in the everlasting moment deep within the Heart of Being. Make no mistake—staying centered in the Light, and thus being a pinhole for the Light to shine through into the darkness of the great sleeping, will do more Good than you can possibly imagine.

    Calm claiming of the Truth of Life as the Force that creates and sustains can do more to shift perception and your sense of reality than we can describe in words. Falling into to any sort of anger and sense of revenge or futility is the curtain that is drawn over the Light. The Light will always come through. It does not fail and will never fail and has not failed, although it can seem so to dark human perception.

    Continue being a point of Light, and realize that alternate realities and futures CAN be seen, if you stand next to, and within, the Light and see with the eyes of Its Love.

    Claim Life for all. Claim Light for all. Shared prayers of Truth have effect, and if you have not witnessed that for yourself just yet, you will have to trust for that, and begin to learn the meaning of deep, deep faith.

    All sweet comfort and love extends to you now, allow it to be felt and to Heal you, and all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about this: “Thou shall not bear false witness” does not just mean that you should not lie about anything. It also means that you should not see the “lie” about anyone else. If the Divine made all souls Good, then to look at and focus on the lie of un-Goodness about them is to bear false witness.

    See the Good, and find that Good bouncing back to you. We assure you that if you look for it, you can find good in any person. Close your eyes of physical sight, and look with God’s eyes, and list their Goodnesses in your heart.

    We see the sweet Good of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Why the rush? If a dream or a prayer or a meditation have left you feeling suffused with Peaceful Presence of God-Love, why not savor It. Sit and savor It?

    Is there really such a need to click to the next webpage or dash off to the market or do the chore or task assigned by work? Take those extra minutes to be Loved by God. Examine your priorities and try to put feeling Divine Love FIRST always.

    It is the Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Begin today by feeling deep, deep gratitude for all the human errors you have been forgiven for, or “gotten away with” in terms of human laws. Do not dwell on those errors, whether they are as small as having been safe despite jaywalking, or whether you said or did something that was painful to someone you love. Just dwell on the fact that all before them, and during them, and after them, and NOW, God Loves you. God knows the Good Heart of you that It created, and God Loves, Loves, Loves you. Now. God Loves you NOW.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you encounter those who are simply not ready to remember their full heritage as parts of Oneness, be kind. Let unconditional kindness be your task today.

    The patience and wisdom for this are easier if you remember your own path of growth, and recognize your own knowledge of how far you must still go to finish awakening. The understanding to fuel the kindness is deeper if you realize how easily you accept that a child will not readily give up his empty sweets, until his palate is developed enough to appreciate the richness of wholesome sustenance, and the subtlety of complex combinations of spices and herbs and full flavors.

    Include yourself in the unconditional kindness, Beloved. What do you yet cling to? What do you yet see the value of that is, in Truth, only part of the illusion? Be not too proud to admit that although there are many things you have let go of that were annoyances, there are yet many things you hold near to you, from affection, or habit. Let humbleness be the doorstop that holds open the door to your own continued growth, and kindness the balm that keeps your eyes open to see the Way.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Technician, put in each heart to listen and guide and comfort and advise, hears all and sees all. It knows that the sorrowful parts of the dream, and the whimsical parts of the dream, are not real. Only Love, and what Love made, are Real.

    But It hears and sees all that you think you see and hear. It knows every thought you think. It does not judge and condemn you. Rather, It waits to be asked to give you solutions and help, and sweet Peace when you are aching. It simply Loves, Loves, Loves you, waiting for you to remember that Love is what you are.

    It already knows that Love is what you Really are, and so do We,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Touch me, God. Give me the Healing touch of Spirit that cascades through me and reminds me I am completely Spirit, as are You.”

    “I am Spirit. I can be nothing else, because You are Spirit and You are All That Is.”

    “This dream of being a physical being that is born and dies, trying to survive with puny material powers, and is far away from You, will melt away as your Touch of Spirit frees me to see the Goodness of Your pure realm of Spirit.”

    Ponder these wishes, Image of God. Do you desire them?


  • Ah, Playful One,

    As you play with letting your heart Voice speak, it is like the best conversation with a friend that you ever had. Ideas flow, possibilities seem endless, all obstacles seem like small things to overcome.

    Let this become your days. Let that play time with your Heart be always, so that each day is full and plenty, even as you enact what you have heard. Let this be the life that you long for, uplifted by thought, and tied to no object, only carried by the Harmony and Vital Joy.

    We will always remind you of what you truly need to remember,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Not my will, but Thy Will, Be Done”. Using this wonderful prayer for any occasion, along with a quiet and trusting calm, knowing that God wants Spirit to lead you to Grace and Comfort and Harmony and worthy Purpose, is a happy habit.

    But, darling, It is true in every moment. If God calls upon you to be an instrument for helping others when it is past your bedtime, or when you are about to have a cup of tea, please still do so. If God whispers to your heart to speak up with generous words to a stranger, or drive to the next town to offer a hand, do so. If God-Voice suffuses you the need to silently pray for a person or nation or group or your own projects, even though you were asleep or deeply involved in another project, do so.

    Surrendering your will to God Will leads to extraordinary results, Beloved. But let not your mind and heart and routines place limits upon it. Let your will and God Will be totally aligned and Complete. And feel the Joy of God Being your Life Blood.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed, let today be like an easter egg hunt. Just as the wondrous eggs are found tucked under some leaves or buried in a pile of dust or camouflaged in with some flowers, your Blessings are all around you, projected from deep within you. Some of them are hidden under misperceptions, and misunderstandings, and criticisms, and assumptions, and projections of your own feelings and motives onto others.

    Look beneath those things today. Search among the taken-for-granted beauties and find new ones. Give a truce to grievances and look for that which you can be grateful for.

    We assure you, Blessings are already yours, included in the package deal of God’s Idea of you. Look for them, and you will find them, for you deserve the joy and the satisfaction of yourself being a Blessing that reflects back to the Source Its own Joy and Completeness.

    Seek and you will find.

    Thank you for reflecting the Goodness and Blessings of the Source,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that God is delighted with you. We are certain of this because we are Thoughts of God, just as you are. You are a delightful Idea of God’s, even if you are temporarily lost in a dream with some not-so-delightful illusions around you. We are protective and guiding and inspirational Ideas of God’s, surrounding you and loving you always, and constantly knowing Who you truly are. We are not fooled by the mistakes you make, or the limits you impose upon yourself. We still see you, and know you to be, the delightful Idea of God.

    So make not the mistake of thinking that God is not right there with you. Each and every shining ray of God-Light is surrounded by, and supported by, protective and provisioning ideas, that are not fooled by time. All you need to do is choose to remember that, and let those other ideas, those Angels, impel and support you as you display the delightful you that is the very vision, the very image, of God.

    Each Quality of God is available to you. Be delighted at that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If We are wise, so are you. If We are Gracious, so are you. If We are Loving and Lovable, so are you.

    When you accept that that the Thoughts of God, which We are, are made of what you are also made of, you can begin to accept your true empowerment to help enact the Divine Plan for all awakening.

    CLAIM your true identity. You are a Thought of God. You are Wisdom, you are Grace, you are Loving and Lovable. Send packing the idea that you are pathetic and vulnerable aging flesh, and take up the Glorious mantle of Spirit and all the wondrous Qualities that Spirit is and contains.

    O’ Joyous day, darling. O’ Joyous day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Glad Source gives and gives and gives. It never takes away. It is a one way street. It gave you Life as a reflection of Itself, and It continues to do so.

    If you block the one-way street, by trying to resist giving, or by complaining, or believing that the Glad Cause is not supporting your Joy, then the flow simply waits there, waiting for you to stop resisting, waiting for you to stop blocking the one-way street with your thoughts of struggle.

    Relax, Beloveds. Relax, and let the One Source gladly give, give, give all the Calm and Peace and Life and Love that you need. The reflections of those qualities of Spirit will show up as various things and people and situations in your earthly mirror, but do not worry about those forms—just think about the qualities of Goodness that the Source is endlessly pouring down that street of giving, giving, giving, of Itself, which is Love Extraordinary.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whatever the circumstances are, that seem to challenge you in the earthly realm, God is bigger than them. Indeed, where those circumstances SEEM to be, God already IS.

    Ponder this. Think about the fact of God being right where anything else seems to be, like the truth of a road existing beneath the shimmering mist that makes it look like the road is flooded out. Focus your attention on the Infinite Goodness of Truth that is under the mirage, and be Glad, Be Glad, Be Glad that you have been taught the Truth of Goodness being All in All. Be Glad that you know that God is everywhere, and lovingly available to you, if you but give your attention and willingness to It. God IS the Principle of Harmony that governs all, beneath the mirage of earthly discord.

    We know It governs our every word,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The childish or selfish or unloving behavior of another does not give you the right to react in kind. You know this. Stay true to what God expects of the Soul of you, which is to be generously Loving and kind, hopeful and faithful, leaving all adjustments to Harmony in the hands of God.

    The One Mind and One Heart of the Source of all Life can be trusted to mature those that have not even begun awakening to their Divine Good Selves.

    You just concentrate on surrendering your own Loving will to God’s Love. That really requires all your focus of spirit, and is purpose enough to fill each day.

    Happily assisting you to be the Divine You,