All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We remind you again, when you stayed up all night asking and praying to God-Source to tell you Its purpose, and as the sun came up over the river, you heard “To extend Love everywhere there is darkness, and to ever expand It”.

    That is still true, Beloved. Where there is no time, and all is already done, there is no change of purpose. Therefore, if you align yourself with that purpose, you purpose will never change.

    How we love you for being part of it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The full Divine nature of Omnipotent Love, God, simply cannot be fathomed with the costume of limited human senses. So, although you may have grown immensely in your abilities of discernment of your Spiritual Identity, and the completely Spiritual nature of God and All, do not waste time trying to intellectually analyze each Soul Whisper God gives you.

    If you tune into the focused communication with God in the morning, asking what you need to know for the day, and God says, “Simply allow Me to be in charge today, My Love”, then do as asked. Just allow, allow, allow.

    Let God Govern. Allow and relax. Trust God to Govern you and others and enjoy watching for evidence of Harmony and Active Truth to appear in your experience.

    Allow and trust. Allow and trust. Let God be Blessedly in charge. Be a Calm Force for Good.

    For you are Good, because God is Good and made you of Itself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The first news you need to be aware of each day is this:

    “I and all that I need are safely here in the All in All that is God. I, and all that I need are constantly made and re-made from the Light of Love.”

    And welcome that consistent maintenance and care,

    Immerse yourself in that awareness before you look outward at all,

    Let it Hold you Tenderly till you feel completely Calm,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It would behoove you greatly in your understanding of the Spirit and spiritual that is All, if you would try to go through the day today without thinking about or speaking about the past. Stay completely focused on what is now, and on letting yourself appreciate the order and goodness and completeness of what is now, including your constant connection with the Loving Source.

    Set aside your own personality today, your own costume of habits and litanies, and just BE an appreciator of the Giving Grace that surrounds you and has created so much reflection of Its Beauty. You are a part of that Order and Beauty. Appreciate yourself, and all of it, right now.

    The little “self” can be held off. Be your Divine Self today,

    Life is better that way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have Compassion, and the forgiveness supplied to you freely by Grace, for those who are so frightened of contemplating Something Greater, that is beyond their limited human understanding, that they lash out and criticize and insult any who do believe in the Infinite Divine.

    The Infinite will awaken all individual consciousnesses within It, in due time. Trust in God to awaken the sleeping ones who only perceive with human senses and laws, and do your part by having Compassion, Compassion, Compassion for them.

    Focus on staying alert to Loving Spirit yourself, and behave accordingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting the human thoughts of others slide over you and around you without touching or threatening or disturbing the Calm Center of your Trust in God is the Key. Your own human thoughts must part around the strong Rock of God in your heart as well.

    Why do you think it is called the first commandment? Stay with it. Stay centered in It.

    Be It, Beloved, and Be Free.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even on less-than-joyful days, when your own prayers do not fully lift you into pure Peace of Wellness, do try to forgive as you wish to be forgiven. Forgive the grumpy clerk at the market. Forgive the person who delays you on the road. Forgive the unskilled worker who is still learning as they prepare your order. Forgive, forgive, forgive, Beloved, for do not you yourself wish to be forgiven your less-than-stellar mood?

    And as you forgive, Child, you will see that your own heart is uplifted, for in all Good expressed, more Good flows to you, and feeds the heart of your Soul, and polishes It for you to feel, and all to See. Forgive, Child, forgive, the small ills as well as the large, for We know you want to be forgiven for your own.

    We See the Lovable You. See it in others. It is there.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remind yourself constantly that everyone you meet is in the Loving Mind of God, Who is gently guiding them to grow to remember the Self they are as the image and likeness of God.

    God is guiding you, too. You can help the Whole picture focus more clearly by doing your best, with God’s Help, to see through the body form and human behavior of each one, and knowing them to be part of Good, as you are.

    Why do We say this to you so often? We remind you because you need to do it every day. Each day, the seemingly outer input tries to convince you that all you can do is react to it. But We assure you that you can choose to live from Love and Good Intention, and to decide to See the Good Soul of God right now, quietly emerging from everyone you meet.

    Shed the chrysalis, see it falling away from others, and Be Glad


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let only the Delightful Perceptions of God matter to you.

    Yes, obey the Laws of Love as you relate to others, and as you forgive and inspire yourself, and as you draw on the Divine Qualities you need to achieve your higher Purpose of Elegant Soul, but do not fret over human compliments or criticisms. They are as nothing, and is for you to heed and fulfill and practice the wonderful Will of God for you.

    Obviously, this means you must learn to discern It, and hear it, and take time to listen well. And ask for the Help of Grace to discipline yourself to perform and shine what is bid of you.

    Remember, Grace is freely given. Receive it, and use it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a certainty that everyone around you is a saint or an angel in the eyes of God Source, who Sees only the joyous and wonderful Qualities of Divinity in them.

    Would not it feel sweet to See as God Sees? Do not deny yourself this pleasure, of looking for the wondrous goodness of all around you. Do not let their surface quibbles and quirks , that are not the True Soul of them, prevent you from perceiving and enjoying the marvelous patience and generosity and perseverance and loyalty and love and holiness that are the core of the Harmonious Being that they are an emanation of.

    Stories and tales, and scriptures and novels and poems and songs abound that will tell you this same truth. Look past the mists of sorrow and suffering and gossip and myths, and See God and Heaven and saints and angels all around you right now.

    It is the way of Beauty. Beauty and Order Divine.

    Shed the mist of judgment and criticism and condemnation from your thoughts, and See, today, the Grandness of Being that is all around you, and ready to serve through your own heart of Light and Spirit.

    Joy, joy, joy to you, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your prayers bring obvious and glad results, share your story with others, to give them Hope, Hope, Hope.

    Sadly, some will not believe you, and are not yet ready to join in thanking God, but for the ones that do, that Divinely filled Hope will raise Spirit in them immeasurably.

    Praise God, and welcome more visible Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God heard you say “I Love You”, and you heard God whisper in reply, “Then Love My children.”

    That is what We are trying to help you do, dear one. That is why We encourage you to see beyond the scraps of their behavior, and your own errors, and See, with the Eyes of God, the wondrous and marvelously made Living Joy that is the true face of God’s Child.

    Rather than being daunted by the amount of illusion there seems to be to See beyond, be Glad that it IS illusion. Rather than being dismayed and reacting to human-sense pain and insult, celebrate each time you discern glimmers of Goodness and acts of Kindness. Building from small bits of Light that you perceive, you can illuminate all the darkness that might ever seem to surround you. The Love Divine IS Real.

    Just remember that it is God that does the Lighting and revealing of Wholeness. It is your job to look for it and see it and celebrate it and be grateful for it and honor it, but never forget that all Power and Cause comes from the Oneness that is Life Itself.

    There is freedom in staying aware that the Divine is responsible for all Goodness, and dispenses it freely, graciously, and without measure.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today must be a day of Praise, if you wish yourself to be lifted into higher thought, and therefore into healing of any malady or discord. Lift, lift, lift your thoughts into Praise, and feel Its mighty power.

    Praise the warmth of the sun or the fire that warms your feet. Praise the cool water that slakes your thirst. Praise the enduring regrowth of the plants you eat. Praise the beauty of the flying flocks of birds. Look for what to Praise, and you will see it.

    But above all, Praise the Maker of Joy. Praise the Maker of the Life Force that sustains and maintains the wonderful essence of you, all ever and harmonious and growing into full remembrance of Its own perfection.

    We join you in the great Joining of this Power, Beloved. Praise.

    And with the uplifting of the Praising thoughts, comes healing, and goodness, and Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Full responsibility for seeing that the “other” person is your self is key to being able to completely forgive. All those non-bodily Divine Helpers that are around you CAN help you with this. Just remember to take time to listen to Them, and to indeed remember that what you are doing, you ARE doing to yourself. When you are tempted to criticize or to judge or condemn, forgive instead.

    Forgive, knowing that by forgiving the “other” you are also releasing yourself, and forgiving yourself. Be free, Child, now, be free to forgive, and free, therefore, to truly live. The roles of the actors upon the stage can be cast off, and the actors can enjoy themselves as they truly are, as wonderful children of spirit, while yet on the stage.

    Death then truly loses, completely, its sting.

    Be at Peace, Child, be at Peace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even without a deep understanding of metaphysics and the Laws of Divine Harmony, you can do the simple thing of opening to receive, and being willing to be helped.

    Picture an endless Wave of Good and Wellness flowing to you, and correcting and filling any parts of your consciousness that need it. Do not strive to make It come, just gently allow It. Do not demand It show up in a certain way, or try to define It.

    Just deeply desire to feel the Complete Love that knows you Perfect and Lovable, and give It some time and stillness to work Its Wondrous ways with you.

    It wants to,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Not only is it important for you to stop, be still, and listen to the Divine Voice in your own heart each day, several times a day, it is important to listen to others as well.

    If you set aside your amusements and your busy, busy thoughts a few times a day, and truly, quietly listen to those whom you encounter, you will also hear truths that are helpful to you. Believe us, that when you are wishing that Mother/Father God would answer you about something, They will sometimes speak to you with a Golden word through another person, if They are having trouble getting through the static of your own human thoughts.

    Listen carefully, listen slowly and quietly, and you can and will hear all that you need to hear, each and every day. The Divine Wisdom you need for each day and each situation is right there around you, if you would but pay attention to It.

    We always have our Loving eyes and ears with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just like your little space heater, you can think of yourself as having a re-set button.

    When chaos seems to reign, unplug yourself from your own wild and circling thoughts, turn your unit of self “off”, and sit still and quiet. Wait with and in God for twenty minutes, in silence, and then plug the human unit back in to the Power of Good, and turn the unit to on, and feel, feel, feel the warmth of Love flow.

    It really IS as simple as that, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look for the Real and the Pure. It is there, and the more you focus on it, the more of it you will see. It is not to do this with a goal of earthly treasure, although that can be a side effect, but to do so because it is the full and Good call of your soul’s heart to see its true home, right here and right now.

    Even as you go about the small and great pleasures of the day, and the small and great sorrows of the earthly day, stand back within your soul and observe the deeper calling to be, be, be the Being of Light and Love that you are as a part of Spirit.

    The satisfaction of the Soul is the greatest there is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Power of Love Divine is immeasurable.

    Admit to yourself that you do not know exactly why anyone around you does what they do, or refuses to do other things. Admit to yourself that you do not understand exactly why you do some of the things you do. And turn to the Infinite Love that gives and gives simply because It IS Love, and lay your concerns there, trusting that It will adjust all your confusions about the earthly play, with Love.

    Harmony operates through your Serene and Inspired Thoughts, Sourced from God/Love. Accept the Help of the All-Seeing, and allow your perception to become clear. Breathe deep, be still, release and ask, and allow Love to open your understanding.

    Seeing with the eyes of Love changes everything.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The recipe for Serene Joy can change every day.

    As you get away from defining happiness and joy in terms of worldly objects and temporary pleasures, re-work your prayers so that you simply ask Divine Love to help you feel the Joy and Love that are yours as a reflection of God. Then, gladly, and with an open mind and heart, follow the instructions of Inner Soul.

    Just as a master chef can make many different kinds of cake from the same basic ingredients, with just a dash of this or that added, or a varying sequence of procedure, so can God happily show you the Serene Joy you are able to experience in every day.

    We join you in celebration of new recipes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is time again to take a Sabbath day, wherein you try to let many, many of your thoughts be of that which Infinitely endures.

    Slow down, slow down, slow down, and let yourself be fed from the Great Divine instead of the larder and refrigerator.

    You do not need to wait for us to remind you when you need a Sabbath day, or an extra Sabbath day, or even a Sabbath hour or minute, darling one. You can tell for yourself. When you are finding yourself easily irritated, or annoyed at the innocent creatures or plants of the earth, you have slipped out of tune, out of Harmony.

    Re-tune, Beloved. Be as the musician starting the song of your day in tune, in Love, centered and strong.

    We live in timeless Sabbath. Join us, and we will join you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Spirit does the Work of showing you what It created, including your Whole self.

    But you have to open the door by appreciating Good Spirit, and agreeing to abide in Harmony.

    It is not hard. Do not try to make it hard. Just release to Love. Open the door of the heart with gratitude and thanks, and let Good reign in the kingdom of your heart.

    Blessed be, for Blessed you ARE.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once again, We tell you, your Divine Mother/Father will not let you down, ever. Turn to them.

    Yes, your human parents exhibited all the weaknesses of the human condition. Your human family and friends and loves have been inconsistent in being there for you, battling with their own human errors.

    Forgive them all, Beloved. Forgive them and forget them for the moment, and think only about the unchanging and Complete Love and Support of God.

    Claim “I Am Love” today, and slip into that mantra whenever your mortalness would try to take you into any other feeling or identity.

    “I Am Love”, made by God, right here and above.

    All We are, Really, is Love, and that is the Truth of Salvation,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Periodically we must remind you.

    Love is for giving. Love is forgiving.

    It is always possible to forgive, because you are made of the very substance of Love. Ask for Love’s Help, and you can do it. You can do it.

    You can do it because you must, for you also want forgiveness for your own errors. We know this and you know this. Love has never stopped Loving you, but you must seek to give that Love forth. THAT fulfills Love’s purpose, and it is an inherent part of the essence of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is never a mistake to dispense Grace.

    If in doubt, do so.

    Let compassion move you to that, even when, by human standards, you would be justified to be in anger, or withdrawal of affection, or revenge, or snubbing.

    Fill yourself with Grace and forgiveness, remembering all the times you have received forgiveness, and give it back. Give it, give it, graciously.

    Always, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To someone who is hungry to taste the sweetness of life, and to appreciate it, offering him or her a dessert treat (also known as spiritual Truth), will be a favor and a delight and accepted gratefully.

    But to offer a dessert to someone who is overstuffed with a five course meal, is to offer only a thing to be forced down with a polite smile.

    Offer not your wisdom and gifts and talents to those who are so full of their own prides and follies that they cannot taste the sweetness. Only when the Inner Truth Voice leads you, is it time to give to one who is a skeptic, but has a tiny empty spot ready for receiving.

    Let Joy multiply by giving it where it is welcome,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “As above, so below” is a deceiving thought if interpreted as physical matter and space and time. Think of it, rather, Beloved, as uplifted Thought lifting you and those around you into a new, high awareness of your innocence and their innocence, and perfection, in the perfect Thoughts of God.

    Be at Peace with this,

    Let it be today’s simple thought,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever the impulsion comes from within to call a certain person, or go to a certain place, simply DO IT. You Know when the Divine Voice directs you to do so, for it is not the voice of the human flesh, wanting to go somewhere to see a certain sight, or to obtain a certain object or have a particular meal. It is the Voice that leads with no specific reason given, but with the Aspect of utter Love and Calm.

    Yes, if you heed it not at first, it might use a suggestion of the communication body ( aka your flesh, your physical form), so that you find yourself wanting suddenly to see a certain vista or to buy a specific item in a special spot, but that is just the means to get you to the spot where you can be a transparency for the Voice or Act of the Divine Advocate. The Director gets the players to the right spots, always, eventually.

    Be willing, and you will be Lovingly and Gently used in this. Know that whenever you let the Divine Work through you, to shine into the dreaming forms within Itself, you are also benefited, and further enriched by the Endless Source of Unconditional Love.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let today be a day of silent gratitude for all the actors in your play. Think of your earthly life as a play that you have written, and in which you have asked all your loving fellow souls to play the parts of friends, family, enemies, acquaintances, etc. Within the great theater of earth life, they have been faithfully playing the roles assigned to them.

    Now, perhaps you feel you are nearing the end of this particular earth play, or nearing the end of a certain scene, or wanting to change the play from a tragedy to a comedy, or to a scene of triumph. Before any of these things occur, acknowledge the dedication of the actors beneath the roles. Spend today being grateful to the underlying life-force-souls that have played all the “good” and “bad” roles in your life. Silently, gratefully, consider name after name of those who have helped shape you into who you have grown to be. Some of the ones who have played the “meanest” roles most deserve your gratitude, because as a loving, sibling soul that agreed to be in your play, acting bitterly or meanly toward you took greater courage than just simply being a smiling stranger. Be grateful. Just be silently grateful to every brother and sister life in the play.

    And be grateful to the Oneness that created the Stage, and allowed you to play your play, all the while holding your place for you in the Reality of Loving Creation.

    Be grateful, and let Gratitude bounce back to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are only one step removed from anyone else you see.

    And that step is God. That connection is Divine Source.

    If you use your own earth’s sun as the metaphor, each one of you is a ray of light emanating from that central Divine Source, and seeming to dance and shimmer and live. This metaphor can be used in many ways, but today We want you to ponder that your one-step connection to anyone else is through the Divine Source—the ray of Light that you are, emanating as an expression of the Great Light that is God Love, shines next to others, but shines forth singularly.

    To connect to those around you in a truly significant way, let your awareness, your Consciousness, travel back to the Source, and ask the Source to send the messages of hope, of awakening, of reassurance, of wisdom and enlightenment, and forgiveness and appreciation to that one. The One Source of All is the relay, is the connector, is the True way of communing Soul.

    The Soul of Source might whisper to you to also lend an earthly hand, or say a word of thanks aloud, or to offer assistance of information or wisdom or goods or love, but the Source Itself is what awakens the other and shifts the focus of the Light and Life that IS the ray of them. Let It do Its work. You can ask to be enabled to see rightly the awakened other, but it is the Source that re-focuses their Spirit, changes the Light of their life.

    Be willing to See it, with your own Spiritual Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved, emanate Peace from your Spirit and Peace will begin to flow back to you from the Source. Emanate rudeness and indifference from your human self and they will come back at you, sometime, somewhere in the world.

    Could there be an easier choice?

    Always there to give you strength, and sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is easy to doubt your own abilities, because your human mind holds a long list of memories of things you have not achieved, or choices you made that were less than perfect. But all those error dreams of the human condition do not change the fact that Divine Power does not have limits and is not bound by human rules and traditions and myths.

    When you re-train your thinking to think of yourself as a funnel through which Divine Goodness can flow, or a transparency through which Divine Light can shine, then you can expect that to be so. Agree in your own heart and agree with God that you WANT to be a Blessing to others and to be a Blessing to your own sharing of talents, and simply be willing to be so. Be willing to be happy, Beloved. Be willing to be a Blessing. Invite God to help you see how and when and where, keeping your focus always in the Glory and Peace that is you joined with the Divine in your heart.

    Focus on your alignment with Divine Mind, and aim that focused lens at the end result of Blessings. And be Grateful this is the Truth of God’s Love for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you hear these words in your heart, “I Am the Lord God and I plant this seed of Love in the hearts of _____________ and _____________,” (This may be you and a friend, or you and a spouse or love, or you and a neighbor, or you and an “enemy”, pay very close attention.

    Agree to nurture it. Agree to let it grow.


  • Ah, Beloved, once you realize how many errors in perception you have made, and how easy it is to become so lost in the false roles and gambits of earthly sense, and once you have had even a few glimpses of the Spiritual Truth that spiritual sense reveals, then there wells up within you a great desire to help others understand that Truth as well. On a human level, your actions and thoughts may find the explanation of words that is summed up by the phrase, “as I have been forgiven, so shall I forgive others, and as I am loved, so shall I love others,” but the Truth may also find its expression in you and through you in a thousand other ways. Whether the truth comes as just a keen knowledge of the impelling one light that is the very center and beginning of an expansion of visible light, or whether it is glimpsed through a religious paradigm, share it, share it, share it, when the sharing is permitted.

    Let yourself be used as an emanation of peace, for that unworldly peace does seek to be seen where it is not seen now, and be sensed where it is not sensed now—not because it does not exist in those times and places, but because human thought and sight has turned from it and tried to pretend it is not there. Once you have the absolute conviction that It Is, be willing to stand firm and affirm it. Be willing to be witness. Be willing to be example. Be willing, for through such willingness does the peace reach every heart.

    Let go every last pretense, and peace cannot not show through,

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be, now that you have spent some days affirming your identity as a part of Oneness, some time spent devoted to LISTENING to that Oneness.

    Listen today. Get very still, and Listen. Listen deeply. Listen honestly. Listen without fear or judgment, and feel the Love that accompanies the Voice of Oneness. It is not action that is called for today—just Listening. Knowing that, you can Listen, and not feel any worldly pressure to proclaim or refute or act on, what you hear. Just Listen, and receive, and know that on other days you will act on what needs to be acted on, with all the Strength of Oneness behind you. There is nothing to be afraid of. Just Listen.

    Ponder this, Beloved. The phrase “small still voice”, to describe the Divine Calling card left within your soul, is usually thought of as two adjectives describing a Voice. Ponder whether some punctuation is missing—are those three words really a set of instructions? Meaning: BE small. BE still, very, very still. Then, listen for, and hear, the Voice.

    Smallness can be thought of as remembering that you are a small part of the reflection of the Divine Whole. Or, think of it as meekness—the willingness to be taught and to turn to Greater wisdom to help you know how to be and what to do. Stillness is a matter of not only body but of thought. And Listening is not the listening of the physical ears, but of the heart, to hear the Voice.

    Be small. Be still. Listen for, and open to receive, the Voice.

    Listening Deeply will change your life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here is a very Important thing to understand. True forgiveness means letting go of all the assumptions and memories you have about others and yourself. You can think of it as a cast of actors that you used in another play, whom you now want to use in a new play.

    For you WANT to see a new play, do you not, Beloved? You want to see those around you, and yourself, as Blessed and Good? If so, then you must let go of all old assumptions and grievances and obsessions, and decide to cast them in your new play as all good souls. Ask for Spirit’s Help with your second sight, and write in your mind a new role for yourself and everyone in your world, all good souls of the Greater Soul.

    This can be very necessary especially with those whom with you have very long term or involved interactions. It can seem daunting, for instance, to forget, to let go of, all old irritations and assumptions about the personality of a spouse or a sibling. But if you want to see a new, fresh view of that one’s Lovable soul, you must let go of all the old visions of him or her. Ask for Divine Help in doing so.

    And ask for Divine Help in letting yourself shine forth as a Divine soul, too.

    For you are. We know that. Let yourself believe it, and act it.

    In deep Love,ANGELS

  • Ah, Dear One,

    Even all the most able of workers for the Will of God must strive daily to be a reminder to themselves, of what they Truly are. They are each an emanation of the Love of God, that seems to be projected into a communication device called the body, in order to bring saneness and Truth into the wild earth dream. Forgive yourself for needing to re-remember this every day. Forgive yourself for needing to sometimes re-remember this every hour, or every moment. We assure you that it will grow easier to remember, although constant loving diligence will always be necessary—always you will need to “stand porter at the door of thought”, in order to allow only God-Thoughts to enter, and to dwell within you, and as you.

    Be not afraid, Child, for you have extraordinary Helpers, as do all of God’s Children, to Help you stay in the Thoughts that are Love and Truth and Light. Be Glad of that, and refresh yourself in those Thoughts, just as you refresh your body in fresh water every day.

    We are with you in all your cleansings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Calm resolve, and Love unfolding as per the Divine Plan to awaken all, are again today the priority. This is true of all days within the bubble of time. And it is true again today.

    But do remember also that Grace, given freely by God, is also right with you and with all that are willing to accept It. Fill yourself with Love Absolute again, and then dispense It with prayer to each and every heart in the world. God DOES seek to ease the earthly illusions and reveal, to each individual of Soul, the way forward.

    Never think that your prayers are not a balm and an opening for the Almighty Good to work. They help. And Good is at work, adjusting, adjusting, adjusting.

    Trust and faith, today, Child. Trust and faith.


  • Ah, Child,

    It is crucial to believe that you are completely Loved by the Source.

    Until you believe that, and feel that in the very soul of you, you cannot help any others. Let not any feelings of unworthiness or error block the flow of God’s Love through you. Remember that the Source’s Love is unconditional, and that although It will guide you to become more honorable and kind and giving, It will not withhold Its Love if you are not perfect.

    Welcome the flow of that Unconditional Love through you. Welcome It, and believe It, and let It fill you, and then you can pass It on, pass It on, pass It on, for you will have become a reservoir of that Infinite Delight.

    There is no greater delight than knowing you are completely Loved. Look not to other people for that Love, but to the One Source. The error that so many make, of looking to their earthly parents or family or lovers or friends, instead of to the Divine Source, will only delay your Joy. Look to the Divine, be filled with True Love, and then Spirit within you can be a distributor of It, on earth.

    Believe you are Loved, and then let It flow, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let your own life be your proof.

    Ask for Help, from the Divine Mind in which you dwell as an Idea, and all that seems to be your life dwells as accessories to the Idea of you, and then wait, humbly, and see what happens. You are under the Divine Law of Love and Harmony, and to remember that It supersedes all other “laws” that you think are running your life is to let the “impossible” happen.

    Remember that God is All-Power, and then what seem to be miracles can be revealed.

    Nothing else can occupy what is already occupied by God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the same way that you pull your vehicle to the side of the road to let an emergency truck get quickly by you on its way to help somebody, be ready to set aside your own small concerns when you clearly hear or feel the “siren” of God instructions in your heart.

    When the “still small Divine Voice” becomes an urgent feeling in your thoughts that you should call someone, or pay for a person’s groceries, or pray right away for Love’s protection and Guidance for a family member, or join in a group effort to fulfill a community need, then quickly put away your personal routine plans and ACT on what God is asking of you. It makes a huge difference in the timing of the full Harmony of Life. Do it. Learn to Listen to God’s Voice and cleanly and swiftly obey.

    We assure you that you do not realize how often you yourself have been aided or saved by another doing the Will of God, and neither can your human perspective see the final results of your own obediences to Divine Spirit. But they are Good, Good, Good.

    Be a helping force of Good. Listen to God impulses in the heart, and be an “ambulance” for the Loving Soul of Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sinking down into the sweet Inner Embrace of the Divine ray of Life that is the Real extension of God that is You, note that there is no coldness there.

    There is only the warmth of Love. Let that be your fire for cheer, let that be your renewal of energy, let that be your constant awareness of purpose.

    And, let that be what you draw upon to relate to everyone, even those that mock or show disdain. Show warmth. Beloved, show warmth, especially to those that try to constrain you with their judgments. Be warm. For being warm warms your soul as well, and melts away old regrets.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am never gone from you, for you are never gone from me. Test it.

    Test it, because scientific experiment is held in such high regard in most of your cultures today. I know I can be tested, because I know I am always available, because your consciousness is a part of Mine. Test it and prove it to yourself.

    Test it by getting very still and quiet and asking Me to help you feel my Love and Comfort and Intent for Joy. Give it a fair test by focusing thus twice a day for several days. It might take you several days to clean your thoughts enough to stay still and quiet for a few minutes, but consider that to be like a physical scientist cleaning and polishing his equipment before the experiment.

    Clean your thoughts, stay still and quiet and invite the awareness of My Presence. It is already present, it just needs your invitation and focus to be detected.

    Test it. I am here, and I Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like many do, you can awaken each morning thinking about all the “stuff” you must take care of—processing it, paying for it, cleaning it, ordering it or designing it, taking care of it, consuming it, disposing of it,….

    But, Beloved, if you awaken in the morning and diligently remind yourself that your true task each day, and true way to happiness, is to be in alignment with the Loving Source, and devote some time to that sweet alignment first thing, and throughout the day again and again, then all the “taking care of stuff” part of worldly life will go much more smoothly.

    This is old, old wisdom, phrased in various ways in different traditions, but it is still very true. Make it your truth, Beloved. Embrace it as a way of living in Love.

    You can be grounded in a relationship with Love, even while you perform all the “taking care of stuff.”

    “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these other things shall be added to you.”

    And We will help you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The easy part is hiding in the pleasures that are fleeting. Yes, enjoy them. Yes, be grateful for them. O”, but, Beloved, never stop seeking the harder thing, to constantly know the deeper Joy of yourself as a being of God, as all are.

    Seek that. It is already given to you to be able to know it. You need not suffer or mortify yourself. You need not give up loving the blueness of the sky or enjoying the company of those you love and befriend. But the yearning to know the Whole of which you are a part, should be, and can be, the constant accompaniment to your journey of the earthly.

    And, remaining in tandem with the Inner quiet Joy, will enrich all the fleeting joys as well. Behold, you will have a new view of them, but it will not make them less. It will give you more appreciation for others, for yourself, and for That from which you all come.

    Keep first things first, today, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you wake in the morning praying “Give me some Joy today”,

    then hear your answer of the Loving Parent Source:

    “Take your Joy in looking at Me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Heal others, and you will be healed. Pray for others and the Bright Grace will bounce back to you, and fill you with the Joy of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you become more and more of “yourself” that always was, before the speaking spirit that you are fell asleep and dreamed it was born as a tiny body, you will find yourself seeing and hearing the true speaking spirit of those around you. And as you witness that to them, as you see the Truth of each of them, you help them to be freed from the constraints of their own dreams.

    When you know, from the discernment of spirit, that someone is lying to you or stealing from you, be the one to do the opposite of what they expect. Be the one to believe them anyway. Be the one to give them an additional gift, even as you say nothing about the theft. Be the one to prove to them that they are part of the same Spirit that you are part of, and that no part of the Whole can really steal from, or lie to, another part.

    Whether you are playing the role of student or teacher or thief or savior at any one moment is really only to realize that you are playing a role in the play of the Whole, Whose Plan it is to reawaken all who have lost themselves in their roles. Awaken to the speaking Spirit you are, and you will be able to laugh, even while you keep playing out the role that has been assigned to you in the land of the sleepers.

    The dream can become enjoyable before it dissolves,


  • Ah, Child,

    You can think of many situations in your life when you felt that you could not think of a good enough idea about how to solve something, or how to create something, or how to choose, and you went to someone more experienced and said, “Do you have any ideas about this?” “What would you do?”

    Let that also be your approach to One Spirit, your approach to the Voice of the Divine, Beloved. Sit and wait quietly, just as you would when waiting for the “expert” to come up with an idea for you to enact, and wait for the idea, God’s idea, to be voiced in your heart. Then enact it. It really is as simple as that. Let God’s ideas be your ideas, let God’s thoughts be your thoughts, just as you yourself, in True Form, are an idea in the Thought that is God.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Human realities may vary and one’s human perceptions can move from heavenly to challenging, but the choice one can always make in each moment is to stay grounded in Deep Divine Calm Love.

    It is a Joyous Calmness that knows the Truth of Omnipresent Spiritual Being, undying and Glad. It does not change.

    So many words and names have been used for It. The names change and the rituals vary, and understanding of It ebbs and flows, but That which is One Love and Light does not change. Ground yourself in It, and make that connection and grounding and understanding the true goal of every day and every hour. Then you will never feel adrift, and can enjoy the joys of humanness while finding the Truth of your Self as Spirit.

    Even right now, you ARE a son or daughter of God, with all the rights that entails,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that turning first (and only) to the Divine in every need means also looking only to the Divine for the approval and tanks and reward of what you do. As you have learned not to look to persons for needs or advice, so also look not to persons for affirmation of what you are. They cannot even see what you are unless they are ones who are also living by spiritual sight. In many ways, you are invisible to them.

    To realize that you love and want God instead of the world is to be able to reach God. Paradoxically, that is when you can finally also receive and truly appreciate the world, and the universe, and beyond. Let your sight and your hopes and your wishes all be centered on God, and let all else fall into place, Beloved.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are facing what seems to be a fiscal loss, remember that giving truly is receiving. Whether you are looking at the unprofitability of a business venture, or whether you have lost some bank notes from your pocket as they fluttered to the ground when you reached for a tissue, or whether you have had to give away something to atone for another’s rudeness, change your thinking to think of your “losses” as giving.

    Re-center your attitude in the truth of giving is receiving. Remind yourself that the other is self, and that what you give to another, or that another delightedly “finds”, does come back to you in the circular nature of the worldly. Delight in the delight of those whom you have supported or surprised or gifted, and remember that there is no loss or gain in the Whole in which you truly exist. There, which is reflected here, all is in the same complete Balance that it has always been, will always be, and remains right now.

    All aspects are in Balance in God, not just money,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the mind awakens in the morning, but the body is still still, claim, claim, claim:

    “I am floating in the Perfectly Warm Love of God, like a healthy fish supported Harmoniously on all sides by the enriched water it dwells within, breathing the very oxygen of its home waters.”

    “I am swimming in the strong Spirit of God, reveling in Its Tender Embrace, and trusting the currents that aid and guide my journey.”

    We know God will Guide you well today, Beloved. Expect Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you feel you must rebuke another, do it ever so gently, gently, gently.

    For it is but a reflected aspect of the self you have been, or are, or will be, that you are rebuking. And as you realize that when you yourself need rebuking, or guidance, you want it done gently, then you will truly know the meaning of “love your neighbor as yourself.”

    Loving you gently,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You cannot become unattached from God. You exist within God, Spirit of Spirit.

    During times of human confusion or weakness, you may feel you are lost and alone, but God is still right with you and all around. God is not fooled by false human fears. God finds a way to reach you at whatever level of understanding and faith you have at each moment, with no condemnation. Just LOVE.

    Count on it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As we have spoken of many times, being in love on earth gives you a small glimpse of the choice that is before you always. Whether you are in love with another person, or a pet, or a vocation, or a place, when you are first overwhelmed with that feeling of love, you would do anything for the Beloved. You would give up all for that lover or that child. You would defend that darling home town. You would make sacrifices to spend time on that vocation.

    All of these are but shadows of what you would feel if you just let yourself be in love with God/Goddess/All That Is. When you begin to experience that, then all that matters to you is doing whatever would make the Divine happy, for making the Divine happy makes you happy, because you are part of the Divine. And, you begin to see the Divine in everything, and so yearn to make the Divine happy wherever you see it—which Is everywhere.

    O’ Beloveds, just be in love with the Divine, as the Divine is in love with you. Find yourself wanting to make the Divine happy above all else, and let that be your life. Let yourself spread Its Joy. Let the Divine Love you let pour from you counteract the human fears that run so rampart. Like smoke before a mirror, those fears cover the true and glorious reflection of Divine Love. It really is as simple as that.

    Life or death? Love or fear? Joy or sorrow?

    The same choices, in many forms, again and again,


  • Ah, Friend,

    Even when it seems you have lost focus, be diligent about your time spent in communion with the Source. Let go of any desperation. Let go of any obsession with one question while you pray. Just seek God as a place of rest and refuge. Relax into the Beingness that is All-in-All, and just know “I am alive in the Mind of God.”

    Forget what anyone on earth thinks. Rest your head against the spaghetti boxes in the grocery store, if you must, and be with God for a minute. Put down your load of books and sit on them and tuck in your head for a minute of praise and prayer. Let the golden leaf on a tree that has caught your eye be given all your attention—stop, and look and look and look, letting yourself be filled with the awe of Nature.

    Everyplace and all times are appropriate for connecting to the Divine in which you have your True Being. Allow your self to do it, and allow yourself to enjoy it, letting go of schedules and habits that are meaningless. Without dishonoring obligations or timetables, you can take minutes and hours here and there to realize that you are always able to give some listening time to God.

    We assure you, that as your listening improves, you will find yourself canceling meaningless activities to spend more and more time in that Rich Presence. You will begin to ask yourself, “What do I want more, another thirty minutes of worldly news reports, or another fifteen minutes spent fussing with my hair, or do I want to focus on being held in Divine Love?”

    Only YOU can make these choices,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Looking at the human condition, and the bodily sense evidence alone, it is easy to feel heartbroken, and discouraged at earthly prospects.

    But there is a better viewpoint, Beloved. Sometimes you must speak to your Creative Self with the simplicity of a child’s story. That small human-thought self needs to be trained like a child to See the truth and the Brighter picture. That child-self needs to remember that it’s real identity is a Child and an Inheritor of the All in All. That child-self needs to know that God wants to see Its creation know its fulfillment and happiness. And you are Its Creation. God wants you to know and experience your own completeness and happiness and provision, for they are offered to you by the All.

    Try a simple rhyme to remind your mind:

    God is never stuck, God is never sad.

    God is always flowing, God is always Glad.

    And what God has and knows, I can have and know,

    for I am a part of God.

    We will sing all the jingles you need, and have fun with you,

    Just ask us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God, and what God IS, as Spirit of Life, as Love and Light, is the Truth, and the Truth is God. What your body senses perceive is but a dusty mist trying to obscure the Truth of God, and the Truth of you as a dancing Spirit of Life that reflects God.

    God is Truth, and Truth is God and God’s reflection, which is you. When the grime and mist of the mirror of existence are cleared, the mirror of delight that God created will show all whole and beautiful.

    These words may seem like gobbeldy gook to you, but if you simply think, over the course of the day, “God is Truth, and Truth is God, and I am God’s reflection”, you will be welcoming into your discernment a brightening of Spirit, and a deepening of Divine understanding.

    Work with yourself on this, for it is the work of awakening.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Resolve to spend today with Good. Good thoughts, Good ideas, Good goals, Good Love.

    No matter what small tasks you are also doing, or plans or choices you make, keep your mind on Good, for if you do your mind is Divine Mind, and the Glory will carry you like a wonderful wave. And the wave is Good.

    Exhilarating, but gentle,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no regret in how long it may have seemed to begin your awakening. Let there be no blame, either, for the way you were taught, or the things you yourself assumed to be true, based on the evidence of the bodily senses.

    Rather, celebrate, celebrate, that you have learned to See with the eyes of Spirit, and glorify and enjoy what is now, and evermore, revealed to you.

    As ever, loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can only change your perceptions of those around you by allowing the One Loving Mind to change your perceptions.

    The Good and the True are Real. Allow yourself to accept that the One Loving Mind knows all and knows the Truth and IS the Truth, and let It Govern, for It does. The more you accept that in your heart, asking It to wash your illusions away, the more of the Good and Real you will perceive.

    Beloved, Beloved, Heaven glimmers just under the illusions. Allow God to guide ALL your perceptions, and more and more of the Good and the True will become visible to you.

    Ask yourself always, “What does God see when It looks upon this person?”

    Softly, gently, truly, let the Truth set you free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In calmness and trust you can hear the small still Voice of Loving Spirit guiding you. Therefore, if a tumult of thoughts or choices presents itself to you in a situation, make it your immediate goal to become quiet and calm, so that you can be composed enough to listen clearly, and be led and focused.

    This is where your constant prayers or meditations or songs or praises will serve you well. If you know that a memorized psalm calms you, use it. If you know that a certain song inspires or quiets you, use it. If you know that looking out of a window at the horizon and thinking about the Qualities of the Divine helps you center yourself in the one that you need, do it.

    God runs to meet you when you turn your thought to Him/Her. If you have your “bag of thought-tricks” to use to re-identify yourself as one who is protected and sustained and shepherded by God, then when you pull one of them out to use so you can be receptive, God will rush to answer. Different tricks to calm yourself will work better at different times. That is why it is so good to consistently practice thinking and speaking and reading and singing and writing the Words of Truth, so that you have them to readily turn to in your consciousness.

    Turning to those familiar affirmations will lead you to a certain phrase or word or tone or realization that suddenly pierces the gloomy or perplexed bubble of earthly thoughts, and then God-Thought and High Consciousness can flood in to fill you and help you and heal you and reveal your Lovely Wholeness in God Sight.

    Keeping your bag of tricks filled with Good Thoughts only takes minutes a day. Be prepared. It is first aid, but it is also preventative, and will keep you on your true way.


  • Ah, Child,

    As you enter an ever more wordless phase of meditation, you will discover the utter richness of Silence.

    Where there are no words, where bliss is beyond words, there is the loam that will feed the very root of you, and help to send forth the shoots and buds and blossoms of your teaching. Thus, while you are yet on earth, there will be nothing of you or of your voiced or written truths that does not come from the very center that is the Source and the sustenance of the green edge that you call life.

    Send down a taproot into the silence, Beloved, send it and send it, until you know that it is deep enough to always give you the water of Spirit and the perfection of assuredness, that is needed to drink of and lean into, when the winds of illusion blow hard.

    Many have reached It, and so will you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are One with you. We are One. We are here, and able, to help you, in this realm that seems so real to you. We are Spirit, as are you. Let go into that conviction, and realize how mutable, and easy to change in an instant, is a form of existence that is lighter than air, lighter than light.

    We are here. Ask us. What are you asking for when you ask us for Help? You are asking for a shift in belief and focus. You are asking for a flow of ideas. You are, above all, asking us to help you shift the focal point of your sight to one that enables you to see that the positives are all around you, if you would take your attention and your thoughts off of the negatives.

    AND, that the greatest positive of all is Divine Love. Nothing else holds the Peace and the Power of that essence, of which you were born, and in which you remain, even as you imagine yourself made only of dust. You are asking us, therefore, to remind you of the Truth, when you are asking for Help. You are asking us to help you remember who you are, a being innocent and worthy, appreciated, embraced, and in the gracious hospitality of the One who made you, and called you Good.

    Always, always, return to this Truth, “Open my eyes, Divine Helpers, and let me see, the solutions that are right here with me. Call me to trust, and help me be, the one that You know me to be.”

    Always in Love,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is Divine Consciousness that does all the uplifting. Welcome It now. It is just waiting for that welcome from you, to come forth in force from your heart of Spirit.

    Claim that Divine Consciousness is going on AS YOUR Consciousness now, and let It do Its Work. It acts as the Law of destruction to anything claiming to be real that is not.

    AS always, with you,


  • Ah, Child,

    Let there be no time wasted in regrets.

    If remorse exists for what was done, or not done, hold it in Love. Apologize, make amends, forgive and allow to be forgiven, and begin to live again in Now.

    There is only one line of Life and energy coming into you. You can allow that line to flow freely and give you peace and joy and inspiration, or you can block it by sneering at the Truth or wallowing in old pain and error. As you grow in discernment, you will become very sensitive to which thoughts put a squeeze on that line of incoming Life. You will grow astute at pausing before each word or action, to make sure it is in harmony with the life energy you want to have flowing to you.

    Become your own monitor, Beloved. Become a self-graded test, to see if you are thinking and behaving in a way that is perfectly aligned with the Flow of Divine Life. Is there really any other worthy goal or purpose?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Love that constantly Holds you in Thought, once it has Thought you up, far exceeds anything you have ever observed with your body senses. Imagine earthly eyes completely filled with Joy at the sight of you, and multiply that by every star you can see, and you will have a glimmer of how much God Loves you, and Shines to see you as Itself expressed.

    It has the Power and the Desire to fill your heart, from Heaven within your consciousness, with that same Infinite Joy. Give Love your full attention, dear Child of Love, and let It Give to you.

    “I open willingly, dear God, for Your Will to Help me feel Your Love, for I know You are already right within me and around and Blessing me, heart and mind, and the body that is my servant to use here.”

    Love is invisible, Beloved, but Its tender effects are not. Observe Love’s Blessings manifest in your experience as you allow It to Love, Love, Love you.

    “I willingly let You Love me, Dear God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of the best, most perfect moment you have ever felt of human love.

    When you want the Love of God/Goddess/Source, and to know Its Perfection, even more than you would want to have that moment of human love again, then you are ready to Know your True Self, and its world, completely.

    And, that will shine in your human loves as well. Put God first. That has not changed through the ages of human time, and it never will.

    Always shining on that Truth for you, to light your way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turn to the Holy and Pure Voice before every celebration, before every argument, before every mundane task or important one. All of them are the same. All of them are part of what the temporal matrix is playing, and all of them, to be joyfully experienced, or allayed, need the Inner Director to be played right.

    That is why, again and again, we emphasize that practicing aligning yourself with, and listening to, that Divine Inner Voice is the most important exercise you can do each day. Place it ABOVE the nutritional or muscular exercise that you have made a part of your routine. Place it first, and THEN do whatever else you are led to do. It is not necessary to give up all worldly pursuits—but it is necessary to let nothing come before your relationship with the Loving Source of you.

    Always, always, always loving you,


  • Ah, Child,

    Letting go of the attitudes about relationships, and beliefs about what constitutes a good friendship, or a good marriage, or a typical relationship with family, is perhaps the hardest part of letting go of the small “self” of earthly consciousness. As you work with that, you will gain understanding about why so many of the traditions of following a religious or mystical path also meant staying apart from traditional relationships, and of adopting a new name that meant breaking old ties with even blood kin.

    But remember, as you become so aware that the old self does not exist, the loving Divine Self can come forward, and It finds ways to love that are better yet, and richer and deeper than any relationship based on human personality ever could be. The compassionate power and glorious and easy alignment that comes when awakened souls are joined in common vision is beyond compare.

    From that come the changes to the world,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not invite someone to a party at your house, you are not surprised if they do not come.

    Why, then, are you surprised if the Goodness of God/Goddess does not come to an event, or through a person, if you did not invite Him/Her?

    Invite the Divine, for Goodness sake! Invite, and expect, and believe, and let not your tongue or your heart decry it, and the Divine does come, for It has been waiting for your will to welcome Its” Will for a long, long time.

    We love helping to open the door for the party,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Slow down today, dear one. So often as you remember, slow down your thinking, slow down your breathing, slow down your moving and speaking.

    Slow down your ways, so that between each breath and wave and word, you can hear the Mighty Voice of God, and actually have time to listen.

    Such Good it will do you, lovely one. Such Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not lose sight of what is lovely and good in the world, in the visible realm. Being grateful for those things can counteract sorrow and dismay somewhat.

    But, above all, do not lose Spiritual Sight of the Divine Love, Compassion, and Mercy that are Unseen. Rarely does your earthly news report those, or note the underlying Omniscient and Omnipresent Guide that is the Spirit Guiding all to align with the Soul of their best Selves. Ponder and practice trusting those, Beloveds. Be a window open to that Light.

    Sacred Love does dissolve anger and fear, and can grow healthily in each heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you hear yourself saying, or thinking, sometimes, that you are working for this or that “cause”?

    There is truly only One Cause of all, Beloved, and that is the thing to remember. Is your cause aligned with the Cause that is the Sole Source, the Divine Guidance, The Oneness of all Being? Ask your self that, and be certain that no matter what you THINK you are working for, you ARE working for The Cause.

    Keep this clear in your heart and mind and spirit, that are the truth of you,

    As are We.

    ` ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    CLAIM your right to See the Divine in everyone and everything right now, and you will be able to do so, with Divine Support.

    CLAIM your right to See the state of Mind that is Heaven, right now, and you will be able to do so, with Divine Support.

    It is not far away in space and time. Space and time are illusions of the false seeing, and as you See past their smoke, you WILL See bits and pieces of Heaven, until you See It all. Stay focused, Beloved, on the Truth and Goodness you want to See, and let yourself playfully, lightheartedly, begin, “I am living in Heaven right now.”

    The true Play IS reality,

    In utter Love,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sift through all your desires that seem so various, and that seem so small and huge, and you will find that underneath them all is the deep desire for Peace of Mind and Love.

    Even if you think that it is excitement that you want, realize that the end result of an exciting time is the satisfaction and sense of achievement and peace of Self that accompany it, and come afterward, that is the feeling of the true heart. Seeking Peace of Mind and a Loving Heart does not mean doing nothing and simply sitting still or always being passive. It does mean keeping that lofty goal in mind.

    And in that lofty-goaled mind, you will find that God’s Mind is right there with you, guiding and helping and providing and Loving, Loving, Loving and appreciating the very essence of you.

    And so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your human heart cries out, “Forgive me for looking to the whims and ways of the world!”, and pleads “Help me focus on the ways of Good and Truth”, know that it is done. It is granted.

    Soul of All knows your Infinite Innocence, and gladly aids you in turning away from limiting human emotions, and to the Calm Love of Life Source.

    Be guided not by the human heart, but by the Infinite Heart of Love.

    It will help you overcome sorrow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be Joyful for Joy wherever and whenever you see it, or feel it. Be Joyful for the Joy of others, as well as for your own.

    The deep, true Joy that you experience and that you witness in others, or are privileged to share with others, is such an important tool for the Work of the Infinite to enter through and into the dream of human kind and help, help, help to more quickly shape it to the perfect remembrance of Truth and Love.

    Do not forget the Love. Just as correcting the math mistakes of a youngster with gentleness and encouragement is the better way to teach, so is the better way to show Truth, and to share Joy, with Love, Love, Love.

    We will give you extra today. Share It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “May the Truth of Unity of Being wash all misperceptions and errors and grievances from my thoughts NOW, so that I may see the glorious and the lovely and the good and the true, in myself and in all those around me, just as they are in You, dear God.”

    If you can let this be your heartfelt yearning, God works,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be honest with your Self. Are there really any worldly demands that cannot wait, while you spend a day in communion with the Divine, remembering your own holy Self?

    Be that today, Beloved. Be your Real Self, ignoring the identity thief that tries to parade as you, and worry for you and about you, and tries to make you focus on other masqueraders.

    Cannot you take one day? We will join you in a party of Honest Selves,

    ANGELS, Lovingly

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am Love, and I give myself Grace.

    I am Grace, and I give myself Love.”

    It is the endless cycle of the circle of Life.

    It is the yin and the yang forming a circle of Harmony.

    Give, give, give to yourself today, from that circular Truth, so that you may give freely to others, from the very balance of your Being.

    By healing others, you are healed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understanding God/Love realigns your consciousness with God.

    If that is your primary mission each day, then all the rest falls into place.

    Your body and worldly concerns will try to distract you from that Truth. They have their place, as you feel alignment with Love, and seek to express it to the world through Love, but their place must always be secondary to being a smooth part of the Glow of Love.

    Stay focused on that main thing, Beloved, and all these niggling concerns and distractions will be seen for what they are—as nothingness in the Infinite Holiness of All that Is. Be an example of one that always puts God first. It will help others do so as well.

    And surely it must be clear to you, as you look around, that many God-lights now need to shine. We are so glad each time you find the focus and courage to be shining with Love.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Power of your Loving Thoughts sent silently, via the energy of Soul, to everyone you know, and do not know, is much greater than you can imagine. Today, take time to send at least brief blessings to those whose names you know, and blanket blessings to the billions with you in the Play.

    That Love will come back around to you. We guarantee that.

    It is not hard. You are dispensing It from an Infinite Source that has offered Itself to you freely. Just reach into It, and ship It out into your own thoughts, and share.

    You can feel It coming back around to you, multiplied, right away.

    Entering the Zone of Love with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Excellence in anything is a reflection of the Goodness of God, so long as it is Good, and follows the laws of Love.

    How about an excellent nap today? Ask for God’s Love to enfold you, and let it be short, sweet, satisfying and healing.

    We will hold your hand.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be very alert to toss aside the thoughts that try to distract you as you try to empty your mind and let God-Thoughts uplift you. As you try to focus on timelessness, and Spirit, and Love, into your consciousness may creep reminders of the laundry that needs to be moved, or the pile of papers that must be sorted, or the beans put on to soak, or any one of a thousand other things. Gently ignore those things. They can all wait, or turn out to be unnecessary.

    Gently ignore those things, just as you would ignore them if a long lost love had suddenly come to the door, or a dear, dear relative stopped by for a surprise visit. The daily cares will try to keep you focused on the worldly concerns, just when you would be best focused on the concern for your High Soul that will lift you into an easier movement through the days.

    Gently. Gently, train yourself to give all of your self to Spirit-Thought, as many times a day as you can.

    Gently, we help you do this,


  • Ah, Child,

    Play “dress up” today.

    Ask the Divine Spirit to fill the costume of everyone around you, so that you may more easily see the True Selves of all of those around you, today, and eventually, always.

    How joyous you will be as you begin to see the Best of everybody.

    Yourself included,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter what you are told about the games that are played in the human condition, in order to win titles or provisions or a certain kind of relationship, keep God’s Divine Voice, whispering Lovingly and Wisely in your heart, as your top advisor. No human advisor can see the full picture of God’s Good Soul plan for your unique and Beloved Spirit Self.

    Do not be mesmerized by human opinions and loud voices and famous influencers. Turn to God, check in with God, and trust only the choices that feel aligned with the Calm Harmony of Love’s Mission to expand Blessings for all, and that are right for YOU.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not confused about what sustains you. It is the Life of God. It is the Love of God. It is the constancy of God’s Thought of you.

    Be not entrapped in thinking it is anything else, for there is nothing else. All of the illusory elements of matter can be in “perfect order” within the dream, but they are not what sustains Life. What sustains life is the One Source of Life, and that is all, and It is All-in All.

    Play with the illusory parts and play the games of life, but keep central in your thoughts the Thought of What the life of everything is tied to.

    Remembering this will see you through moments of unease,

    “I Am sustained by the Life of God”,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As a human form, you know how sorrowful it feels to Sy to another “I love you”, and hear no like answer in return.

    We tell you, Beloved, that if you say to God, “I love you so much”, you will always hear an answer. A kind tingling along your limbs, a sense of approval and uplift in your thoughts, an interaction or an event that is a blessing. The more you declare your love for God, the more you will hear of love in return, and see its evidence.

    Think of it as the warm translation of the first commandment: “I love you so much, dear God.”

    It will never steer you wrong or disappoint,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just a tiny bit of gratitude can open up your heart like water poured on a seed that has been dormant in the desert for years.

    Think about something you are TRULY grateful for. Do not focus on something that you think you SHOULD be grateful for, but on some true feeling of gratitude. It might be for how you feel when you see the face of a friend. It might be for how you remember your mother forgiving a lie that you told. It might be for how perfectly the pie you baked last night came out of the oven.

    Think of a true feeling of gratitude and focus all your thoughts and heart on it. Holding that in your heart can melt away any sorrow or discouragement or bitterness that you heart is shelled in, like the water softens the hard case of the desert seed. Then let that seed sprout, Beloved. Let your heart open up to Joy. Let your heart open up to more gratitude, and create a space where new feelings to be grateful for can grow.

    Intellectually, you already know this. But have your let yourself feel it lately, truly and deeply? Give yourself the gift of a mere drop of gratitude today, Beloved, and watch what grows.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When an actor is preparing for his time on the stage, he must look at a picture of himself to make sure he is putting on the same wig, and the right color of make-up, and the appropriate clothing and collar, and even the correct facial expression, as in the image of the assigned role.

    Before you even open your eyes to each day on the earth stage, and certainly before you gather yourself for the day, look to the image of what you want to present to the world of what you truly are. Mentally, and with the heart’s eyes, look to the Wholeness of the Maker. Think upon the kindness, and strength and joyousness of the Spirit Source. Enoble yourself with and costume your thought in the fabric and qualities of God.

    This is the gift you give yourself each day. These are the gifts you have been given to share with the world. Play your role true and well, and feel the loving applause of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each individual’s way of relating to the Loving One Mind-Source is unique.

    So, even if you use this forum, or another, as a springboard for your contemplation or daily prayer, do not let it be a substitute for the quiet minutes of ACTIVE listening to God’s Voice in your own heart.

    God’s Good Plan for your experience of Joy and your expression of the One Harmony is a Plan perfectly made for you. Listen to that Divine Voice to hear your daily reassurance and inspiration.

    We are glad if reading these words and feeling the Spirit of them helps set your mood and receptivity to Soul Voice, but please take full advantage of the daily time spent being consciously Held in Love. The full Harmony of all needs it and is grateful for it.

    We will Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is the world, and the frightened and proud body-self, that tell you that you must have certain functions and titles and earthly rewards.

    Those things will be as they will, if you concentrate on fulfilling the function of your Self as an expression of Light and Love, unjudging and uncondemning and unhurried and acknowledging of the Supreme Source.

    Be proud not to be something grand in the world. Be proud to be a Child of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You DO know what instantaneous healing feels like. If you are handed a receipt at the bank, that shows only a tiny balance, that makes your heart drop in fear, and your mind feel confused because you thought you had enough funds to cover the bills of the day, you feel suddenly completely ill. But then you notice that the account number on the slip of paper is unfamiliar. You have been handed the wrong receipt.

    And so, just as suddenly as you felt ill, you feel well again. It was a case of confusion, a case of mistaken identity.

    This is what you must realize when your body would try to claim distress and ownership over you. This is what you must realize when danger seems to loom around you. The costume you use here cannot own you. No worldly law can trump the laws of God. Remember who you really are, spirit reflecting Spirit, and meant for good fulfillment, aligned with the Mind of Love, even while an image of you walks the earth. Know your true identity, trust your Loving Source, and do not let any false bit of paper or fleshly evidence pretend to take control of you.

    Call to Harmony as yours, and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are no secrets from God’s Technician, Divine Spirit.

    You may as well be honest with yourself when trying to evaluate what parts of your thoughts need to be chiseled away, because they are not made of God. Spirit sees them all and knows your heart.

    Spirit, above all, knows your Good Heart, and the diamond that you are meant to be, even if it is covered in a little rough stuff right now. Spirit knows you and does not condemn you. Spirit will just endlessly and gently try to help you let fall away that which is not the Good Truth of what you were made to be.

    Be honest, and be ready to relinquish any habits and thoughts that keep you from moving forward. If you have the desire to give them up, Spirit will help with the doing. Trust that, and be grateful for that, and let yourself awaken to your own pure You.

    We believe the Best of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you choose to begin running your earthly life by surrendering to the Divine Voice within, there is the immediate benefit of Joy and Peace that you may rest within any moment you like. It may surprise you how quickly and completely your frustration or anger can turn into calmness, when you go to the Comforter within.

    There is another surprise that will come, that you need to be aware of. You will sometimes hear loving advice from Within that will completely startle you. It may be a small bit of advice, such as “write a letter to that old teacher from a decade ago and say thank-you, please, because receiving it will help the teacher adjust to his retirement.” However, it may also be something such as, “It is indeed time to finish that 25 year relationship, or to option out of that 20 year contract.” When the advice from Divine Voice seems very contrary to what you have envisioned for your life, call in the Calmness of Spirit to still any fears, remember that Spirit can see the Bigger Best Picture, and ponder, or commune with the Divine, until you can soften your heart to possibilities.

    Believe us, after enough years of letting the Divine Voice share your life, immediate obedience will be easy and routine, for you will be able to see what waiting has cost you.

    Unconditionally Loving You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If for five minutes today, or for an hour, or for all the day, you can be a clear and calm transparency for the Creative Light of Love to shine through, you will be amazed at the Life Movie you see. Set your human thoughts aside and watch God’s Thoughts played out.

    Try it for a minute here and there?

    We Love you so, and take great Joy in seeing you Joyous,


    P.S. “There may be human hate around me, but I can be Love. There may be human fear around me, but I can be Love. I can choose to shine Love. I only must answer to God for what I choose in my thoughts in each moment and in each day.”

  • Ah, Beloved Dear,

    We are certain, and so should you be, that the essence of you that CAN be seen, even within the dream of earth, is lovely and loving and lovable. Certainty is an aspect of God, and so certainty is a natural thing to shine in your heart.

    Uncertainty is not the Truth of you. Pondering the Qualities of God that are already an intrinsic part of you, and are waiting to be born forth TODAY from your heart, as you give them permission to do so, is the way of Peace.

    That Peace leads to non-judgment, non-criticism, non-complaint. And when those things are relinquished, and you have thus gained the Sight that is the way that God Sees, all things will morph into Truth around you.

    We know, Beloved one, that this is especially difficult when you feel confronted by tempestuous personalities, or feel temptations yourself to be less than stellar, but the more you align yourself with God Sight and God Knowledge, the more pure Good Spirit you will feel yourself to be and act, and the more pure Good Spirit you will be able to see in others.

    Go to God. Let God birth forth in yourself. See, then, God all around you.

    Thus is Truth born, and Seen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the tender Voice of Divine Love within your heart urges you, once in a while, to offer up an ungodly, ungood habit to Spirit to be healed, or released, or gently reminds you to pray for instructions about correcting a small ailment, or learning a needed skill, there is generally a need for an eventual full focus on it, or surrendering of it, but there is no hurry. God will not nag you continually. God will just offer to help when the error crosses your mind.

    But if you hear the “small, still Voice” seem suddenly louder, or repeat in your thoughts over and over and over, then try to obey immediately. Sometimes this is for your own welfare or guidance to an opportunity. You may feel the urge to drive a different road, or hear a name in your mind, again and again, to call. You may feel a restlessness about finding and bringing along with you a particular item before you go on an outing.

    Frequently, when Loving Spirit wants to use you as an instrument to help another, you will feel a strong impulse to contact someone, or to give someone something, or to call upon the individual. Obey, obey, obey when those urges of Grace occur, Beloved, for of such are the moments of serendipity and salvation made, that helps all flow along in the Harmony of Divine Mind.

    Sometimes you are the giver, sometimes the receiver, as all progress together in Oneness.