All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Open your will and your sight, by praying deeply, “Unblur my sight, dear God, clear my perceptions, that I may enjoy the beauty and goodness that shine in glory just under my interpretations. Help me remember that Love conquers hate and fear and the pain of rejection or failure, as I see Its power and that It, Love, is the one Truth that endures.”

    When you see you have been angry at illusions, forgiveness is easy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you say to us, or to the One Source, “I Love you so much”, you will always hear, in answer “We Love you, too. We Love you no matter what.”

    You will not receive silence as a reply. You will not receive an affirmation of love, but with exceptions listed. You will not receive a vacillating answer. You will only hear, from your Angels, and from the Divine Voice within, “We Love you, We Love you, We Love you.”

    Count on It, Beloved. Turn to It, and count on It. Turn to It when others seem unsure of their love for you, but turn to It also when you yourself are feeling unworthy of complete and utter Love. Remember, We do not see or recognize as Divine Reality you iniquities, so We simply say “We Love you, We Love you, We Love you.”

    So be it, for so it Is,


  • Ah Beloved,

    God governs all, for God is all. Today, just step back from trying to MAKE things happen, and just relax into the thought that God wants Good for you, and observe, and enjoy.

    Leave all judgment and planning up to God, and enjoy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember the old nursery rhyme,

    “When I am pointing a finger at thee, three fingers point back at me.”

    Today, Beloved, point out Grace in every face, and you will also be realizing Grace in your self, and in every object, and every place.

    Try it, and be delighted,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Those whom you are meant to help, or to be helped by, will find their way to you. The smoothest path to meeting them all, and helping one another to a higher conscience, is to listen to each moment’s direction from Divine Voice within.

    Listen, and act. Listen and act. Act with love. Act with obedience, knowing that the Greater Eye than yours is directing events, and returning with love the ones that are done with love.

    Therefore, do all things with Love, knowing that Love Itself is your witness, always.

    As are we,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not mistake the vagaries of human thought for Truth.

    How many times has “truth” flipped back and forth, when coming of only human ponderings?

    Trust the Immortal Inner Voice, Beloved.

    As you move more and more into spiritual sight and knowing, you will wonder why you spent so many years memorizing and manipulating human truths. But do not despair for time wasted, for time itself is one of those human illusions. Just be glad of what you know to be One Truth now, and let it be your Joy now, and let it move you forward into future Joy.

    We are here and there with you, now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The beliefs that you cherish and think about every day mold your world entirely. And yet, how many of those are uncontemplated? The force of gravity is one that is immensely integral to your movements and habits and assumptions, but your trust in it, in most situations, is so complete that you do not consciously think about it when you put down a cup, or shake out a rug, or take a step on a planet spinning through space.

    So let us remind you again, there is a Force of Divine Comfort and Friendship and Love that is above all physical laws and that will work for you endlessly and wonderfully, if you let It also become such a part of your assumptions that you can take It, too, for Granted. For Granted it is. It is a Gift, meant to bring you back to the remembrance of your own status as a Joyous and Perfect part of the Divine Whole.

    Wholly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How pure and simple you can make prayer today.

    “I Love you so much, Dear God. I Love you so much.”

    And hear back, more than enough to overflow your heart, “I Love you so much too”

    “How glad I am, Dear God, that my sad dreams never touched the Soul of me that is a shining forth of the Soul of You. How glad I am It remains Pure, and Lovable, and Alive.”

    “I Love you so much, Dear God”

    And I Love you so much, Dear Child of Mine.”

    It is simple, and it is True. Love reflects Love, forever.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Choosing Gladness is not the same as choosing shallow earthly joys. Choosing Divine and Certain Gladness is remembering who you really are, and setting aside smaller focus to Be the High Self you are.

    Be honest with yourself. Do those material pleasures, as nice as they are, compare in any way with the deep Peace and Honor of Soul you feel when you are in Heart alignment with the God-Mind, All That Is?

    Seek that alignment for Its own sake, and remember that imaging the Good swiftly defeats the images that the senses would show you of a world gone awry with sorrow and pain and death. Good does happen and is happening and will happen, for It is the Maker’s Will and It has already been created in a way that the small mistakes of time cannot touch. Keep your heart and thoughts aligned with Good belief and image, and there will be no room in your mind for error to enter. It will try to enter, in a constant barrage of pictures and words and complainers, but if YOU have your consciousness centered in Good, you will remain in the calm and Divine Eye of the worldly storm.

    From that place of Peace, you also can say unto it, “Peace, be still”, and see it so.

    Accept the power Peace would give you to See with Peace, and give it to others as well.

    We help you whenever you ask this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you become fully aligned with God that is Pure Spirit, the antics of those who have forgotten that they are only and completely Rays of Spirit will have no power to upset you or annoy you. Their understanding of themselves as just the bodies and roles they are playing will have no power over your Peace, for you will see past all that and see only that you, and all of them, are only Pure Spirit as the Source is Pure Spirit.

    Therefore, work on aligning yourself each day, and each moment, and be free to feel Peace.

    We extend our Joy and awareness to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Omniscient Voice will speak in your heart continually, if you listen. If you let the old saying about “children not speaking unless spoken to” apply to yourself as a Child of God, and then only speak to others when you are letting the All-Knowing, All-Compassionate flow through you, then you are letting your words, and therefore your life, be guided by the One Who knows the highest best for all.

    Today, be willing to try it. Today, be willing to do it, and be delightfully expectant of receiving Good and Pure Guidance continually.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a unique and individualized thought in the Infinite Loving Mind.

    There are purposes and expressions that Mind shines forth as you. It is the True Mind of you, and the Best you that is.

    But if you choose to be “asleep” to your Spiritual Reality, paying attention only to the ebb and flow of body awareness, then the God Source uses other bright Lights of Soul to carry forward the awakening of those that are ready to awaken. Do you really want to choose to spend more time in a murky view of the purpose and meaning of Life, or do you want to call forth “Dear God, allow me to help expand Your Love and Joyous Wholeness throughout all of Consciousness now”?

    There is Divine Work to be done. Be a clear transparency for the Good Work God already did, and find yourself fueled with more Joy than can be humanly imagined. It is not a fleeting “sensation”, it is actually living the vibrant Truth of “I and my Divine Creator are One.”

    Allow the Healing of all to be helped along by you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be so much Gratitude in your heart for what DID go right in your day, that there is no room left in your mind for worrying over the future or reviewing the events that seemed like frustrations and blockages.

    We remind you that the human perspective cannot always see what is Best for all, and that many glorious things can come of what seemed, at the time, like a disappointment or problem to you. Let them go, and be grateful that the Law of Harmony exists for all, and freely operates for all, always. Turn to It, and be Glad, Be Glad, Be Glad.

    We love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are sure you have heard the phrase, “Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.”

    We would have you consider that your true Home is the Mind and Love of God, and that although that may seem humble to those that judge only by appearances, or costumes, or the number of coins in a pocket, the Glorious Embrace of the One Mind holds all, all, all.

    There is really no Home at all except the Loving Mind of the Creator, and all the interim campsites you have built or will build in the earthly illusion that overlays the Kingdom of Heaven-Consciousness cannot compare to the Bliss of that Divine and welcoming abiding. Hold your heart safely in the Kingdom of Heaven, where it was born and from which you project forth the play of your life. No earthly bitterness or condemnation can touch the Truth of what you are as created by Love.

    God knows the Truth of you and it is Good. And that is the Way that overcomes the dream. Berating yourself, as you seek to improve earthly behavior and choices, will only delay God’s assured uplifting of you. God does not see your errors. Re-think your perceptions of yourself, hand your heart over to God, and be glad to be assigned ways to shine.

    God knows you to be Good, and has Good for you to do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there are material forms, there will be misunderstanding. All true and complete forgiveness for all fears and sorrows will not be until time and the illusion of the material realm has passed away. But, until then, Beloved, deep compassion for those who are bound in the beliefs that they are ONLY a material form will have to carry you through your days.

    Stay in compassion, Beloved. Stay in compassion and forgiveness, for yourself and for others. If you have entered the illusion of time to help awaken others to their self-made jail, there is no other way to proceed in the day to day. Proceed you will, and proceed they all will, for it is already Writtten in the Divine Will. It is your choice whether to stay in Infinite Joy-Mind through compassion, or whether to walk in misery by being trapped again in the thoughts of there being no existence or awareness except the material.

    We are with you, supporting you more than you know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Intention of the Divine Source is happening right now. It has happened and it will happen, from your point of view in linear time. In the timelessness of the Source, you are ever perfect and ever Loved. The more you can abide in that Thought, “I am living in the Knowledge of Heaven, right now”, the more you will be able to calmly view the events of you life with a trust and a joy that carry you through the rest of your time-moments.

    You do not have to wait upon physical death to reach Joy. You need but turn your focus inwards and accept the Truth of the Source, and Its intent for your utter Joy.

    Instantaneous healings DO occur, we assure you. For they are already True in the realm of Heaven. Reflect them here, for yourself, and for others, and be Free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When trying the mental prayer method of understanding, remember that Truth is the part of God that reveals illusions, and Divine Love, called forth generously, is the Healer.

    The Golden Life Light of God is real. Call on It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that if you sit still and quiet, and ask God, “What are you thinking about me?”, you will hear “I am thinking I Love You.”

    Yes, yes, there is much more to be discussed with God about which strengths and gifts you are meant to live out, but that Love is the most important thing, and the only CRUCIAL relationship you have.

    Please Love God in return, and be free, then to Love others with the Love that looks beyond the flesh.

    As We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you were young, you understood clearly that there were certain people to whom you could turn for different needs. You ran to your mother or your grandmother for that guaranteed hug. You ran to an elder brother or a teacher for inspiration. You ran to a generous neighbor for that shiny coin, etc.

    So remember still that all the Aspects of support that you need are there for you ever, in the Aspects of the Divine. Turn within, and ask for the Aspect you need. If you need Tender Merciful Mother-Love, ask. If you need Courage and Wisdom, ask. If you need Loving Intelligence, ask. There is no nature of the Positive Goodness that is the All in All that you cannot receive by seeking for it in the Natural Source of All Thought and All Things that IS what you are a spiritual reflection of, within.

    Reach for that Mercy, today, and receive it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear Loving Source, please shine away

    anything of me and my life that is not a part of your Good Way.

    Dear Loving Guidance, let me see,

    what You would have me say, and do, and be.”

    And, Love yourself as you ask this, and let the answers come,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The certainty that you can have, when speaking to the Wholeness that is Good, and that holds you, and in Whom all live and move and have their Being, is that the Thoughts of the Whole, of God, can go anywhere and into the sleeping thoughts of anyone. Therefore, when you hope and pray and desire for yourself or for someone else to receive, on the Wings of Love, an idea, an inspiration, a comfort, a resolution, a realization, a spark of understanding, a remembrance, a wake-up, those Thoughts can come to you, or go to them, with no trouble at all.

    Love’s Thoughts, Ever-Living Thoughts, gladly and willingly come and go to whomever is ready to awaken and receive.

    So DO ask to be awakened, and ask for the Thoughts that reveal Harmony of Life to go to others. Empty your own human emotions, and still your mortal thoughts, and be open to the Thoughts of God that go anywhere in time and space and reach the sleeping offspring of Its Pleasure. For it is indeed the great pleasure of the Divine Whole that Holds you to awaken you to and in the Kingdom of Heaven.

    You are a citizen of the State of Mind that is Heaven. Vote to go there. Be there even while you half-dream you are still bound by earth illusions. Gently, you will awaken and be glad. Softly, you will feel and see more Good while you listen to the Thoughts of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid that your yearnings are not heard. God knows your Heart and has put His/Her Perfect Ear and Voice there, to hear your questions and to give the Divine answers.

    Be not afraid. Only continue yearning to know Love, and Love will, indeed, answer.

    Giving Love before you receive it, and before any thanks comes, is the way to walk through your earthly moments. Giving BEFORE you receive is a demonstration of your trust in God’s Infinite Love and provision, and your understanding that you are really only under the Law of God, that is Plenty, is Harmony, is Joy, and Dominion.

    Be at Peace, now, Child, and rest today in quiet Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To truly love others as you love your Self, and to truly realize that you are all reflecting facets of the same Oneness of Being, you must practice, practice, practice thinking of “others” that way.

    Let today’s focus of thought be about that. For EVERYONE you see, remember to remember, and to think, “This person in front of me, is another cell in the Body of the Divine, just like I am.”

    As you practice this throughout the day, consider the absolute ramifications in your behavior that would result if you let yourself, and train yourself, to act as if this were true. Consider a world where this were understood to be true.

    For We tell you, it is true.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when you feel, for a moment, helpless about something, do not feel hopeless.

    Turn to the Omniscience and Omnipotence of God and quietly wait for ideas. Ponder the All-Potent, not the problem. And trust, trust, trust that reason for hope always exists.

    But darling, do hope for Good for all, for an important part of the “all things are possible for those that love God” is that it is a gift given to all. Hope for all to turn to, and love, God, and it opens the heart wide to hear and receive the Ideas and the Will and the Joy that are necessary for all Good.

    Hoping for hellishness for anyone only keeps a bit of yourself in that feeling. Leave reformation of characters up to the Divine Love that molds and reforms, and hope for Good for all.

    Mind filled with the Potent, not the problem. That is always the way, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you allow yourself to sink into the soft Refuge of Love Within, more and more often, communing with the Wisdom and Divine Courage and Creativity that are there, the understanding of their Ultimate Reality will grow. As that understanding grows in your heart and mind, the wispy pull of surface particulars will mean less and less.

    Yes, excellence will still matter to you. Yes, honor and tenderness will still be modes of behavior to strive for always. But, the desire to be primarily a vehicle for helping Love’s Plan, of awakening all, will begin to influence every decision you make, in concert with God.

    Welcome that greater understanding, Beloved. Return not to fretting over small emotional battles and ephemeral things. Seek the bravery and calm glow of working for Love, and know you are snipping the boundaries of time.

    And that We are grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved, by turning to the contemplation of the Same Parents that gave birth to, and guide, and care for, and Love you all. Contemplating the One Creator of All will give you the truth and the strength and the support you need to create an opening in your Heart for the compassion you crave, to deeply feel for those in the earthly picture that seem to be un-holy—whether they are perpetrators of general violence, or the neighbor with a noisy machine—all are, within, guided by the same One Mind. You can help that One Mind reach their Hearts to awakening, and to be expressions of their True Holiness, if you focus on the recognition of the One Love that desires to guide them all, rather than focusing on their exterior errors.

    Be the “focus knob” for the Divine Parent, dear Child. Be the focus knob today.

    All gratitude is due you each time you claim Divine Love for another,


  • Ah, Child,

    Each of the Truths that you are, in the Mind of God, will serve you.

    Some days, you will need to hold in your sense of self all day, “I am the substance of the Serenity of God.”

    Other days you will need to remember that “I am the substance of the Helpfulness of God,” for God created all Its ideas to be helpful to one another.

    In some moments, you will need to quickly claim, “I am of the substance of Harmony that is God, and so are all the other drivers around me.”

    Let your prayers morph and change throughout the day, Beloved, rather than clinging to one that becomes an empty mantra, or vain repetition. Play with them. Be as the traffic policeman to your own thought prayers, who adjusts his actions to the flow he sees around him. Your prayer for an entire morning may have been, “I am the substance of the Peace that is God.” But if an old memory of a hurt which you caused, or fell prey to, comes, and creates depressing thoughts in your mind, quickly shift your silent prayers into “I am of the substance of Joy that is God.”

    Cast your awareness of self into the Infinite Pool that is God, Beloved, and fish out the Truth that you need, to put it on the plate of your mind. Let it be your food, and be filled.

    Ever with you, to suggest Truths to replace the lies,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Loves you. Always and completely and no matter whether your day has held human errors or human acts of kindness and virtue, God Loves you.

    Hold on to THAT Truth, when you do not know what else to hold on to.

    Softly embracing you in Divine Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Help me, dear God, to be strong enough to hold back nothing from your Governance.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truly, truly, give yourself a day wherein every action and thought and word are guided by the Higher Inner Voice.

    Set aside, for this sacred day, all thoughts of niggling obligations and rules, and just be, be, be in God.

    If God’s Voice leads you to take care of a small chore or obligation, or visit a friend who has been on your mind for a while, so be it. But let each thing you do and say be led by listening, listening, listening to the Inner Instructions in each and every moment today.

    Always, you need Its Help to see it all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is never an inappropriate time to commune with God. Whether in the midst of errands, or as you are cornered by a conversational boor, you can turn to full transport in Consciousness, and ask and feel certain of receiving, “Heal me, O’ God, fill me with the wonder of life and the strength of compassion and the completeness of Knowing I am as You and one with You.”

    With practice and time, this or a similar thought, will be the constant undercurrent in your mind, bubbling up to the surface like a refreshing spring of the water of Life, whenever you, or one near you, has need of It Truth.

    Be the Love everyday, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you but knew with what incredible Tenderness the Divine Idea Maker holds you in Its thoughts, you would understand that there is never a shortage of compassion and unconditional love for you to accept and to pass to the other ideas (people) around you.

    Let yourself feel the flow of that never-withheld Love, and let yourself feel how completely and endlessly you can let the overflow move through you and spill to all of those around you. It is your part. Ultimately, it is everyone’s part. For any who realize that it is already their role, it is important to let it happen now, not only for their own satisfaction and well-being, but to aid in the “solution” that the One Mind has already conceived and enacted to awaken those who think they have no Divine Cause and Whole Home at all.

    Let it Flow, Love. Let it Overflow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Re-think means re-pent. Re-think your beliefs about what you are and what others are, and you change your perception of life (life) to Joy. Re-think of everyone, and yourself, as lovely spiritual reflections of the Great Spirit, like the small mirrors on a great revolving ball of Light, and you will begin to see things right.

    Re-think, re-believe in, the lovely spirits of Harmony, and the slight layer of dust that has accumulated upon them will re-arrange itself to match the spiritual template that is there. Harmony IS real, Love. Look past the layers of dust, and See the true reflections.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting the human thoughts of others slide over you and around you without touching or threatening or disturbing the Calm Center of your Trust in God is the Key. Your own human thoughts must part around the strong Rock of God in your heart as well.

    Why do you think it is called the first commandment? Stay with it. Stay centered in It.

    Be It, Beloved, and Be Free.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved Child,

    There is no need to fear that the Wondrous Source of you, and the Voice of It here with you in the dream, does not see the pure intent of you. When the dusty illusions get in the way, when you make choices that you later feel were foolish, when you celebrate earthly joys in a way that leaves you feeling depleted, then trust that the Comforting Presence still knows the pure truth of your wellness and wholeness, and can help you re-focus, so that you match the original template of your Divinely created Self.

    Turn to that Source and that Comforter, Beloved. Be not afraid to make It the first and only opinion that you choose and trust, and know that It knows what you truly are. And yet, also do not fear to be pointed in that direction by an earthly body, so that if a friend or a stranger or an unseen being reminds you gently, “You know, the Comforter does still Heal all”, then listen to that embodied or unseen voice, and be grateful the being has reminded you to look for the truth of you in the Original Source. There, find Grace, find Healing, find Love, find relief, find rest.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As an adult, you do not usually feel confusion when you look into a mirror. You do not think there are suddenly two of you.

    No more does God think there is a separate God looking back at Him/Her from the marvelous mirror It built. You, and all your other fellow beings, as Spirit, are what are looking back at God—God’s eyes looking at Its own eyes, and Loving what It sees, and Knowing It and Its reflection are One.

    It is not the human-self-imagined material reality that God Sees. It is the purity of Spirit. God Sees The perfection of unending Life Force holding bits of Light together.

    Ask to See as God Sees. Ask to Know as God Knows. Strive to surrender your human sight and judgment today, and, with each thing of wonder, and person of perfection, ask God to tell you what It sees when It looks upon that part of the reflection.

    Peer past the dust, Beloved. Like an antiques appraiser that is not fooled by an inch of dust when he spies a valuable desk in a pie of “junk”, look past the dust and become an expert at Seeing the reflections of God all around you.

    To use another metaphor—we know that sometimes you do not recognize your self in a mirror, if you have had a bit too much wine, or a lack of sleep, or have a new hair style. But then you shake off the fogginess of evaluation, and recognize yourself again. Shake off the fog of mortal sight, and of evaluating persons and things around you by their costumes. Practice Seeing with the eyes of God, and Seeing the delightful Goodness that you can look for and identify as part of God’s reflection.

    It CAN become a very fun game for you, Beloved, and create more joy for all,

    You WILL See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How easy it is to forget, in the whirlwind of human duties and struggles, that there is an endless well of Love and Forgiveness and sustenance that you can draw upon. You might call it God. You might call it the Infinite. You might call it your best alternate reality or the Universe, or quantum energy, or other labels, depending upon what level of understanding you have reached.

    But no matter what you call it, there it is. The important thing is to stop, even in the midst of the whirlwind of human sense, and call upon it and let it help you. Welcome it, drink of it, feed of it, renew yourself in it, be inspired, be calmed, be loved.

    Names are meaningless when you can just relax into your perfect part in the grand design.

    We love to help guide you to remember,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The only mirror that will show you your true self is the Glad face of God. Close your earthly sense and look to the Qualities of God and ponder them. The more you understand and recognize and know God, the more you will know yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are times when you will humanly feel that you need an immediate solution or action in a situation, but when you turn to God and say “What do I need to know? How shall I respond?”, you do not hear an idea, or the vision of a solution. Perhaps you just feel quiet Comfort, or a soothing song, or a warmth of Presence that lingers.

    This does not mean God has not heard you, or that Spirit does not comprehend your human need. Rather, it may mean that Omniscience knows you need to be calmer before you proceed, or that others involved in the right way Harmony-ward need to be swirled into place, or that the timing is just not perfect yet. The very small view of one human mind cannot grasp all that God Sees immediately.

    Be Comforted. Be soothed, and trust, trust, trust. Take your mind off the challenging person, or perception, or thought, and patiently ponder the Loving Goodness of God.

    We stand with you, singing Beauty.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the sweet stillness of early morning, or the evening rise of the moon, be quiet and calm with Me. It is not too soon to begin agreeing with Me that the most important thing you can do is to See that all was made at once, and that It is All Good. The dance and the mist of time that swirls around the Reality that is All Good would have you think there are many insurmountable problems and unfulfilled potentials, but if you step with Me into the focus of timelessness for a few minutes each day, and try to See My Way, you will know that it is not so.

    Be reassured, Beloved, by these forays into the Divine perspective, and let them infuse you with such a sense of gratitude and forgiveness and true perception of All being Love and Lovely, that you are filled with the Peace and Energy to be the delightful Being that you Truly Are.

    Because I want this for you, It is already achieved. Visit your Self and See.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When new ideas come into your mind, when you are endeavoring to hear your Holy instructions, receive them quietly. If some of them seem very unusual, or frighten you at first, just hold them softly, as you would a young animal, and look at them. Let the Love of God fill your heart and look at them.

    If they are of God, they will endure. It is fine to ask again and again, for many days, if you need to, to see if you hear the same thought again and again, given softly and persistently. The Voice of God does not demand or screech for immediacy. It is soft and calm and sure. When you can be soft and calm and sure also, then let It fill your heart and mind with what is True. God is in no hurry.

    As ever, with you throughout the illusion of time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no recriminations, for your self or for others. Just as you are grateful when others overlook your short temper or hasty words, choose to overlook theirs. This is very old advice, of course. But are you taking that advice? Are you practicing knowing that just as an outsider could not have known the human pressures you were under when you lost your temper, so you cannot see the pressures on another?

    Consciously, Beloved, when you notice ANY form of anger or fear rising up in your feelings, turn to feeling grateful for the Good you already have. The Good of Love always exists to turn to, and every moment spent thinking of that aids in your enlightenment.

    Always seeing your Highest Self,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is fear that is the enemy. Treat the fear, pray away the fear, reminding yourself that the Great Peace is always your true environment, and then the rest of the soothing comfort of the Whole can reach you. Fear is a wall, and all walls must fall for the seeming compartmentalization of the Whole to be done with.



  • Ah, Child,

    One of the beauties of coming to understand that “All is One” is that you finally realize that every message you give forth to “another” is also for yourself. If you are speaking an angry word at someone, you realize you are angry at yourself. If you are wondering why someone does not “want” you, you realize that there is an issue in your wanting of yourself, or your approval of yourself. If you are expressing infinite love to another, you are expressing it to yourself, and giving yourself the greatest of gifts.

    There are no exceptions to this, Beloved, and if you think there are, then there is still a part of yourself that you are holding as separate from the Whole. It is why sages and saints so often become more and more silent as they spiritually grow, for they have come to understand that any word they would speak is just a word they would say to themselves. Therefore, why speak it to another? Why not speak it to the self, and re-attain Centeredness in God, and simply emanate that in silence?

    Think about it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, again, be the delighted and delightful guest of God.

    Look with the eyes of Spirit. Look with the eyes of Soul. Look around with amazement and joy, when you see the World behind the world, and know it to be, too, YOUR Home.

    When you relax into the Spiritual Sight that you own, as beloved spiritual child, as image, of the Great Spirit, you DO, right here, right now, see a “New Heaven and a New Earth” indeed. It is Calm Beauty beyond compare. It is Peace.

    It costs nothing but a moment of time to stop, be still, and Look. Why not?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If God is Infinite Mind, Spirit, Love, Everywhere and All, then what of you who dwells in God?

    Are you a body and a desk and a material chair and a driving car and a bag of lunch all somehow hanging free and moving in the substance of non-material God? Think about it. You are not body and objects on strings or propped on some network of scaffolds.

    God is ALL. God is Spirit. Therefore, you and all you have and see are Spirit also, floating free within God. Be glad of this. Truth shifts spirit within Spirit-God and swirls and moves all to Greater Good. All is within God and God’s Rules apply, Harmoniously, Lovingly.

    Think not you are a material object, dangling helplessly on a string. Be at ease within the Ease of the Infinite, drawing on all you need from Loving Soul Source.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know we have joked with you before about “The first question God will ask you is NOT “Did you keep your house dusted?””

    It is still true. Whether you turn inward to the Soul Light and face God in this moment, or whether it is after you have cast aside the earth costume, what God always is asking you is “Did you Love? How much did you Love? Did you Love, and forgive, and then Love some more?”

    That has always been true and it is true now and will always be true. God’s nature is to endlessly Love and project Love as You. And God wants to know how well the transmission is getting through.

    Love, Beloved, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you give, so do you receive. This we have told you before.

    But, have you understood that the giving comes first? First you give forgiveness, THEN you receive forgiveness. First you give help, THEN you receive help.

    If it must be given on faith, because you do not feel or have it yet, then so be it. But be the one to act first, for all things grow from that willingness in you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you knew that many, many, many thirsty people were in your yard, would you not be willing to leave the water hose turned on, so that they could each get a drink of water?

    If you but knew how many need to have a drink of the Joy that emanates from you when you are centered in the Love of God, you would also be willing to leave that turned on as well. Stay centered in that Good Joy, and be willing to dispense It, silently, or with words, to all who come near you and are so very thirsty for the Love that dispenses It to you.

    You are a fountain. Be willing to let Grace flow through you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Measure your accomplishments each day not by worldly measures, but by your growth in Graciousness. Have you been more Gracious today than yesterday?

    Have you finally begun to truly understand that being a clearer image of the Love and Harmony that made you is what also makes clear all that is good and true for your earthly life? Ah, Beloved, just strive to be Loving and Good today, and let, let, let the rest fall into place, judging no thing, but just opening your heart to seeing Eden still all around you.

    We are all Love, Beloved. Know this, and cast all your cares to Love. In the joining of Its Great Warmth, all that is cold and sharp melts away. All that is error is corrected. Let the Law of Harmony Work.

    These words are infused with the Presence of Love. Steep in them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The complete and delicious and wonderful Spiritual Union with the Divine Awareness, that is the true Life Awareness of all, cannot really be described in words. Why even try? Simply experience Its worthy and Great Calm and Love, and enjoy It and let It fill you with Joy.

    And then quietly demonstrate that Joy in how you live, how you act, what you do, and in what you say that It leads you to say. That is Divine Love true, that is Divine Love expressing Itself and sharing with all and to all.

    Be what you feel as Divine,

    You can. It is what you really are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In so many churches of the land, the confusion about “good works” runs rampant. Wonderful it is to be helpful to strangers and to co-parishioners, but crucial it is to realize that All Good comes from the Source’s solution to the confusing dream—from the Divine Spirit that would guide from within, and pull from the Source to do so.

    Discouragement from not seeing demonstrations of Spirit’s provision, and weariness with trying to provide by human hands and human ideas for the endless needs that seem to surround one, can lead to either a retirement from the do-gooding, or to a settling into an attitude of simple socializing while doing the charities. To remain in a reverent attitude of recognition that one is simply an instrument of God’s Nature flowing, and to believe for God’s supernatural solutions to worldly problems, is to stay in the Truth.

    To believe that you are the Truth, that you are the “right” human solution,, instead of just letting the Truth flow through you, is to separate yourself from the Source and from others, and to lose all ability to serve, to forgive, and to be happy. More than ever, a practiced connection with Divine Spirit is the truth that will set the world free.

    To renew yourself from the Source, while it flows through you, is to not grow weary,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not have to wait. You are Beloved right now and can choose to focus on feeling that Love right now.

    It does not have to wait until after the paperwork is done or the yard is tended or the phone calls returned. You can take those seconds to Connect with that which already Loves you, and then let It float you through the motions of your duties and your work and your pleasures.

    The very Mind of God IS a garden of pleasures. They are True, deep pleasures; not of sensuality of body, but of expansive creativity, and of appreciation and Love. Walk in the garden of that Consciousness of God, and Be Alive.

    No words can truly express this. Feel the Spirit between our words, and join in the Light of the Divine. Walk with Us.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What you can always give to yourself and those around you is the Gracious Inner acknowledgement of their true identities as Beloved offspring of the Loving Source.

    Doing so consistently will change the world you experience. When the Divine looks at you, It does not see the dust of the devil, It sees only the wonderful image of Itself.

    This could be, and is, said in a thousand ways. Which one works for you? Which phrase awakens your heart and helps you live it?

    Find it, and know who you are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am with you, you are in Me.

    We are the substance of Joy.

    Let It suffuse your consciousness. Let It embrace you, and picture It embracing everyone and every thing you know.

    I am Love, and It is indeed what you are made of.

    Do not try to understand It with your intellect, just feel, feel, feel It with the Soul that you are.

    Give this gift to yourself today. It is the gift that will Bless you and Bless all around you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter when you are wondering about the meaning of life, whether it is in a moment of earthly ecstasy, or an hour of earthly despair, or when the worldly costume has worn out and you re-awaken into the consciousness of Spirit, the answer that the Divine will have for you is a question: “How completely did you Love? How Unconditionally did you Love? How much did you help expand the Light?”

    So, ask yourself that in every day and every hour, knowing that you do not need to transition out of the earthly paradigm to experience the Truth of living as you should, Loving always, and absolutely.

    The Love comes first, the good deeds naturally follow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me my natural Joy today, dear God.”

    Say it, feel it, and expect it, Child. Expect it like a child expects good on its birthday. If you can capture that feeling, and feel it every day, you will be pleasantly surprised at how smoothly things go your way.

    Pleased by you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust not your own evaluation of yourself, and what you have done for good or error. You have no complete idea of how many lives you have touched and will still touch by things you do, directed by Spirit, that seem of little consequence to you. This is so for everyone. So many, many puzzle pieces make up the whole that no one piece can understand its own impact.

    And that is why you must simply endeavor to stay aligned with Good Will and obedient to the Loving Divine, and trust that the Great Good of Harmony oversees all in a plan of unity and awakening. Be in Harmony and the Divine can shine as you, as It wills to shine as all.

    Releasing feels good, Beloved,


  • Ah, Lovely Beloved,

    To be very still, and to listen carefully Within, and to obey what you hear, is the height of Wisdom and Truth.

    When you practice this consistently, you will convince yourself, prove to yourself, that Divine Spirit can always whisper to you exactly what you need to Know.

    And then follow It, Beloved. Follow It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here we are, ready and willing to help you, whenever you ask. Do be aware that the means and method and way that help comes may not be what you imagined. Just be joyfully alert to goodness, and expect it to come, in ideas, people, relief, and inspiration.

    You do not realize how complete is the power of willingness. When you are touched by interest in, or Love of, the Source Divine, and tell It you are willing to see Its Plan for your Joy and Purpose, then that willingness opens countless doors and possibilities.

    Keep being willing, Love. Keep being willing to receive God’s Love, and to give Love in God’s name.

    We are willing to help you, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Thoughts, replacing your fleeting human thoughts, CAN help you forget the ills done you, or the regrets of the undone, or the cringing of what you have done, once forgiveness has been offered, to yourself and to the other. Offer it silently, or offer it aloud, but offer it, and mean it, and leave the rest to the Enlightened Thoughts that carry away all error.

    The painful CAN be forgotten, the enemy CAN become friend. The realization that all are one great reflection in the Great Mirror of the Divine can bring about the kinship that forgives, and forgets, and Loves.

    Always helping forgive,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that part of your True identity is God’s appreciative audience.

    “Open the curtains on this day for me, dear God. Show me my Good day, show me Your Good Play, Let me, Help me, applaud and appreciate all that I see , in every way.”

    Beneath limited human perception is a very Glorious never ending Story. Enjoy It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many regard meditation as an effort to completely empty the mind of thoughts.

    Not necessarily so, dear one. Observe the thoughts you have, and let them float before your consciously observing self. Sort them. Which ones are related, in some way, to fear, or anger, or pain, or sorrow, or a feeling of lack, or outrage or revenge? These are the ones to compassionately look at, and assess as human emotions that you can choose to neutralize with the gratitude and serenity and creativity and hope and inspiration you do want to feel.

    When you observe your thoughts going through a rehearsal, over and over, of a little speech you wish to say to someone, a justification you want to make, you can be fairly certain it is an argument born in the judgmental ego. Look at it carefully, and discern whether it has any divine righteousness in it. Is it really coming from the quiet and Loving Soul of you?

    Delay speaking, always, if you are not sure whether what you would say is coming from the Wisdom and Truth of the Spirit of you. In this way, you filter your thoughts, and cast aside the ones that are not worthy of the Divine Worth of you, and the day becomes a living meditation. The day becomes a contemplation of Good, and an experience of deep silent Joy.

    Try this way, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are times when the function that Spirit would have you perform, as a communicator within the dream, makes absolutely no sense to you, by human logic or even visceral understanding. But when you have come to trust the Voice, then trust you must, at all times. Trust, Beloved, trust. We ASSURE you that some of the small acts of empathy, or gestures of friendliness, or letting another car go ahead of you, or one or a few words spoken, that Spirit has asked you to do, have changed destinies for the better, in terms of swiftness, and heartache avoided.

    Trust, and continue to let yourself be a willing distributor of Grace. It IS the highest and best purpose for remaining in the dream of earth.

    Endlessly in Love, and Loving,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The still, Peaceful and sacred Presence of Divine Hope is an extraordinary experience. If you are one to whom, after a moment’s insight, or after months or years of practice, the experience is one that is easy to draw upon, indeed, that is truly “ever-present” in your awareness, then it behooves you to share It freely.

    Yes, it is still important for each individual child of the Whole Spirit to achieve mastery of that answering of the calling of the Voice within, but anyone that already exudes the excellence of that Flow of Love can be the primer that begins the Flow in another. Be that, Beloved. Each time you feel God’s Love, give it forth.

    Silently, sweetly, give It forth, greeting those around you, in your mind that has been given over to Divine Mind, with “I greet you in the Oneness of Being, and I recognize your completeness and perfection there.”

    Exempt no one, Beloved, from this, for if you exempt even one person from the Giving and Loving Thoughts of the Mind that is now your mind, you are creating a block against the Flow of Love to you. Be aware, stay aware, and be true and kind to yourself, by letting Love Flow to all others. Thus does Healing come.

    Helping you clear the way, whenever you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be this awareness

    “I am all that I am meant to be, in the Grace of the pure reflection of the individualization of Great Creative Spirit, that I Am.

    Ponder that, ponder that, ponder that. YOUR task, aided by your willingness to ask for Divine Help in clearing your sight and your thoughts of all dusty smears of earth-bound senses and habitual thought, is to search out the clear reflection of the Divine Perfection that you are as Spirit, reflected on this screen of earth Play.

    We know it seems complex. But it is really very simple. Trust in the Divine Help to aid you to See.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The “contract” for your life and your life plan is between you and God. Realize this. Keep this in mind as you study the Qualities of Divine Love and Its enactment of Itself through you. It truly wants you to remember the completeness and fullness and purity of yourself as a part of It, in a happy and wonderful and uplifting way.

    One thing that your individual covenant with God means is that God’s opinion of your choices is the opinion that matters. Rather than dashing about getting human opinions and gathering various numerical “facts” and advice bits, look to Soul and ask, is this thing I am choosing in line with the truths and gifts of Divine Loving Spirit? Would it help me be aligned with Good, and stay aligned with Love?

    Let Love be your touchstone of choice, Beloved. It will guide you and enfold you in Peace of mind and heart. Trust that, and be fueled with Joy. Set up your personal dialogue with God each day, and be led to the way that is perfect for you, and will also Bless those around you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Regardless of what your fearful child-self ego thinks about your mortal state or situation, or what other seeming mortals around you think, you ARE still what the Creative Loving Parent Divine made you, and you are nothing else.

    Put out of your mind what you think of yourself, or what any person around you thinks, and look to what God thinks of you. “You are my Beloved and perfect child.” EXPECT to see THAT reflected in the earth mirror, as your existence and as your entire situation, and feel blessed by what God unfolds as the movie of your life.

    Look to the True Director, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, surround yourself with those that are seeking to be pure expressions of the Holy and the Pure and the Good. Whether it is through people, or written Word, or Rejoicing and Song, surround yourself with Love.

    Love honors all. Surround yourself with It and feel honored, and find yourself able to honor God, and others, in return. It will feed you in the only way that is truly important.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Quiet, cooling Love that you can feel embrace you , when human emotion would try to dominate your thoughts with anger or grief or despair, will always reassure you, “Everything is indeed forgiven.”

    Be so, so glad of that, dear. Yes, We know you have witnessed or heard about human- body and human-thought actions that seem truly unforgivable. Leave those to Spirit. Leave those to the Oneness of All, to Whom the body-errors are as nothing, and that Knows how to redeem.

    For yourself, be so, so glad of forgiveness. Let the feeling and knowledge of the forgiveness for your own errors truly free you. Accepting that forgiveness, from Love Itself, will help you to move forward, to improve in all the ways that are Good, and to more easily forgive the errors you see about you. For when you can forgive easily, then you can help heal others easily.

    Be cooled by Calm Love, be warmed by forgiveness, and step forward to feel Whole, and just right.

    You shine in the Light of Wellness, to our eyes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let yourself be delighted when you begin to understand that everywhere around you are the metaphors for epiphany. Everyone that has experienced, whether briefly, or enduringly, the unity with Oneness, wants to share it. But, like the old stories of dreamers awakening from visions of golden magic held in their hands, to find that they are holding only piles of fallen leaves, each person seeking to share his or her epiphany feels at a loss for words and gestures.

    That, Beloved, is when the seeker begins to realize that although stories and parables can be told, and plays can be performed, the only real way to share the sublime Beauty of Godness with others is to bless them, bless them, bless them, and help them reach those moments for themselves. That is when the seeker truly knows that he or she will only retain the fullness of Love by constantly giving it away. That is when the seeker goes past the eros and filia styles of love on earth, and begins to give Grace, to give Agape Love, that only lives to expand Itself forever.

    Seek to share, and you find yourself enriched,

    And your epiphany preserved as it shines in the eyes of others,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    As you willingly let go of your old definitions of who and what you are, and think of yourselves as rays of Love and Light emanating from the Source here and now, a new sense of Being will permeate you.

    Welcome that warm and powerful feeling and Presence, and then enjoy the awareness of liberation and the knowledge that you have so much Infinite ability to draw upon for the joy and wholeness of yourself and others.

    And praise God. And be so, so grateful.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Renew yourself, refill your Self, in the Infinite Glory of God.

    Every day, and as many times as needed throughout the day, renew your Consciousness in God. If you are trapped in thoughts of materialism, like a whale trapped in a shallow inlet, swim directly to the deeper waters of Spirit, and be held up by and fed by the Great Waters again.

    No one else can make you do this. But if you keep choosing what God endlessly offers, you will want It and crave It and be satisfied by It. You will be endlessly refilled for the mere cost of a little time and focus and willingness.

    Hold up your empty self to be refilled, and God does the Work. And does it Lovingly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hearing only the testimonies of others about the Harmonizing and healing effect of turning to the sweet Truth of God/Love is not enough. When worldly life seems challenging, those testimonies can inspire you, but they cannot convince you like proving for yourself the wondrous Touch of Divine Help. Experiment. Prove to yourself that it IS effective to turn to the thought of God as full Harmony, and welcome Its orchestration of your thoughts, your body, your circumstances.

    Welcome Its embrace. Welcome the Love It offers, and that fills and satisfies.

    See the results, feel the Spiritual uplifting and the greater understanding, and be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a fire banked in a woodstove, just waiting to be stirred to flame again, the Glory of Infinite Life is banked in your heart.

    Stir It with an allowing prayer, and let yourself shine with Glory today. When you shine with an appreciation of Life in all Its Good forms, and wordlessly smile with gratitude, you can likely awaken more hearts to learn to Love than a few angry fervent speaking faces.

    The Glory of God provides Its own Infinite fuel of Joyous expansive Soul. Just stir It a little each day with a grateful and Loving word, and It will tell you how to go forth and enjoy and help mold a better worldly picture.

    We are with you for every step,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The fact that you can feel let down by personal relationships ( AND/OR you relationship to yourself!) should help you remember that your primary relationship must be with the Source/Creator. If you can contemplate enough your communion with the Divine, and keep in your mind that you are already complete and fulfilled and perfect in God-Mind, then all the earthly relationships just become extras. Then, you can relax into just letting the earthly relatings be whatever they are, instead of expecting them to fulfill you in a way that is beyond their ability.

    Only your realignment with your own True Self, that is also a part of God, can truly fulfill you, Beloved. Work on that, and let the earthly fall into place as it will.

    Our Love for you is utter and complete, for We See you as God does,


  • Ah, Dear ones,

    Tiny bits of Comfort, moments of quiet Joy, small Inspirations that build, these all become the Whole of Life reflected.

    The Whole of Love Holds you, and It always will, and always has. Let all Its Aspects be received by your open heart and hands, as they come to you, as needed or desired, carried drop by drop in the Flow of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Voice of Love that whispered to you, “Your job is to heal your own heart”, meant, as you know, to remember the fullness and perfection of your own status as made by God.

    It is the job of everyone. For when they are in complete wholeness with their own Spirit, they can see the outer world’s Innocence and Goodness again.

    Try it today, Beloved. Set aside all sorrow, and claim the Truth, “God knows me Whole”. Do that today, and always.

    Shining with your own Wholeness is the way to heal others. Listening to their complaints, or to your own grievances, is not the way to remember your place as a part of One Soul. The Way is to be a demonstration of Harmony and Love, as created and kept in order by the principle of God.

    Be that, for you ARE that, in Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seek not to please people, seek to please God.

    Ask for, and listen to, Divine Instructions each day, and obey them.

    That is the way to please God, and it in turn pleases your human perceptions as you see the revealed Joy.

    And if God asks you to Bless someone with a word or your time or your skills or a coin or a gift or some training, do so with Love. Be careful to ask God in what way that person would be most Blessed, and do what would Bless him or her, rather than yourself.

    Bless yourself by pleasing God. You cannot imagine how far it will take you.

    Bless you,


  • Ah, Friend,

    Even as a mathematician, presented with a difficult formula to solve, must realize that it is written in “base 8” instead of the “base 10” rules he is accustomed to, if he is to solve it, so must humanity realize that Divine Law, Holy Principle, is a very different set of rules and orders than humanity has made up, if they are to know the Divine. Learning those Laws, and choosing to live by them, even when they seem like utter nonsense to the human mind, is enlightenment. It is to subject oneself to being under no Law but the Divine Order.

    Think on this. What axioms do you need to question? What “base” is the unsolved equation written in? Look to the false assumptions that have been made, let them go, and the solution will come swiftly.

    Always in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you truly begin to think of yourself as a vehicle through which Divine Light can shine for others, as It Guides you all day, every day, It will provide the Perfect Words to speak, or the Perfect Silence to maintain, for anyone you encounter.

    Simply keep pausing and asking and listening, as you walk your day, for the Wisdom and actions God gladly pours through your willing and humble heart and body form.

    Warm Glory be to God and you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even if it seems like an insincere prayer, ask for a Blessing from God for those whom you feel anger or annoyance with, before you listen for God’s instructions for yourself. Ask for others to be Blessed before you bring forth your own desires, knowing that God reads your heart.

    Beloved, the Oneness of all means that the full reflection and completeness of God is ONE. Even those whose earthly appearance and behavior perplex you are part of the perfect image of the Divine Spirit, when all the dust has been blown away.

    Allow that God can Bless and awaken them, and work on your own purity and salvation.

    Blessing others Blesses you, believe Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Shower us with your De-Sires, Dear God. Wash away, rinse away, our own small, human, false desires, and replace them with Your Desires. For Your Desires, being of you, Whose work is already done, are already accomplished, and already known to be Good, right now. You are already in control, and we are already Your perfect ideas, surrounded by all the perfect ideas we need. Open the eyes and ears of our Hearts to see and know and feel this, Dear God, Dear God, Dear God.

    Give us the Calmness and Trust and Joy that we need to know the immediate and timely action of the enactment of what You know us to be.”

    Amen, amen, amen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a moment that comes when one realizes that many of the things that meant the most to one last year, or last month, or for the last decade, mean nothing at all.

    To an adult, who suddenly realizes that all one has worked for, for one or many decades, suddenly seems empty, it can be shocking.

    Every parent has witnessed how a child can quite easily abandon, or take no interest in, a certain book, or a certain set of toys, or a hobby upon which he formerly spent hours. A child does not fight his changing interests, unless he or she continues an old pattern or class to please a parent or a caregiver or teacher. The favorite movie is just watched no more, the set of toy cars grows dusty on the floor or shelf, the little shovel rusts in the garden, while the new interest is pursued with vigor or glee or determination.

    Let yourself be as a child, Love. Let the new unfolding of new interests and new joys, which your spiritual awakening has led you to, come without a fight. Let go the habits, unclench the hands, dig not the heels in to the old worn path. Let Divine Thought lead you to the new places and times of growth, for Divine Thought flies above the walls of the maze, and will assuredly and wonderfully, bring you home to the Consciousness of what you truly are.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you try to give up judging others, and learn to walk through the earthly world with an attitude of forgiveness and gratitude, do not forget or fear to look within.

    As you re-realize, each day, that your primary task is to re-align your own soul and perceptions with the One Source each day, then you harvest patience. Many times, when the human mind would blame or judge, it is simply avoiding the all-important work of setting the self in joyful order.

    Look to the spirit of yourself, set it in alignment with Hope and Love, and then the Flow that comes through you will provide all the forgiveness and inspiration you need to face the seeming defects and temptations of the world.

    And we hold your elbows,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Can a beam of light suffer sorrow and pain? Can a ray of Love have an attack of asthma?

    Think about it. The Source of you is a brilliant Light of Love. Let yourself entertain the idea that you are a beam of light, a ray of Love, and ponder welcoming the Truth of that into your heart, and into a new system of belief.

    Not everything that is in the print or jabber around you is true in the Divine Omnipresence. Is the jabber around you what you place your faith in, or will you choose the Divine All as your Source of truth?

    Crack open the door of you mind and Divine Mind will share,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be fearless in safeguarding your time spent communing with God. The actual substance of you, as Spirit, is always within Spirit-God, but the conscious communing that so many are untrained in is a precious thing indeed. As you learn to do it more and more consistently, until it is constant, it is so lovely to take those minutes of silent respite during the day, when you close your eyes to the physical world, and ignore the limited senses and simply be held, held, held in the Loving Thoughts of God.

    Feed and nurture yourself with this, Beloved, and even if you do not hear specific things from God Voice, or ask for specific human wants to be fulfilled, you will find that your minutes embraced by Love come to mean more than anything else you can imagine, and the manifest Goodness of your life grows to match that Joy.

    Be not ashamed or shy in claiming the connection to Life Itself, and Be Glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do remember that words are but symbols, paltry when compared with the Presence of Truth. Love can heal wordlessly. Love can guide with soundless wisdom, and impulse, and hesitation. Be therefore willing to let the results of prayer and Divine Connection be wordless sometimes. Be willing to be simply silently Held in Love.

    As earthly warmth softens candle wax, and makes it malleable and moldable, so can the Unseen Force of Love warm your thoughts, and soften your feelings, so that any that do not fit with the wonderful Good Truth of you simply melt away.

    If you are not sure whether you are hearing words of Truth, when pondering an earthly problem, or if you are not sure whether the ideas you are hearing are the “right” ones, be willing to just be held in Love, to think about Love, to honor and be grateful for Divine Love. You are Its constant creation, and It does not need human words to do Its Work.

    Wordless alignment with God, as Love, as Life, as Soul, as the Harmony of Order, is always a way you can choose. Trust that Presence, rather than words. The more time you spend with It, the more you will absolutely know It, and no worldly thing or word or thought will be able to masquerade as It and fool you. You will come to Know the embrace of Divine Love as easily as you know the smell and feel and fit and touch of an old favorite sweater, even if you cannot see it. You cannot SEE God, but you can Know God.

    Simply ask to be Held in Love, with Love, today. And Love God in return.

    For Loving leads to Trust. And Trust leads to more Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are not surprised when someone must take training to be a great musician or artist, or to execute a sports move in just such a way or that. You are not surprised when they must practice what they have learned, in order to perfect their skills.

    So why be surprised that you must train, or retrain, your mind to think with spiritual thoughts, to see with spiritual sight, what the body’s eyes cannot see, or the human body mind has not been taught to think? Be willing to let Spirit retrain you. Be willing to let Spirit be the Loving teacher in your heart today. Claim the right to see the Order and Grace of the Universe, and to see those around you as saints and angels and good children of God, and let Spirit guide you in how to do this.

    Is it so great a sacrifice to give over a day to seeing with the Charm of Divine Mind? Be charmed by God. Be charming to God. Be sweet, be tender, be true, to the Being that Loves you above all else, and Loves you despite any mis-sight and mis-thinking you may have had.

    Be willing to re-think everything now, led by the Loving word and Hand of the Love that emanates you.

    Feel the Presence, and go forth and play with this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learn to watch for the different kinds of Divine Guidance.

    Hesitation can be Guidance. Even if you are not hearing specific words, if you feel a deep hesitation before doing or saying something, consider whether you are about to act in a way that is not Godly. Some of the bigger errors are obvious, but if you are hesitating about a more subtle temptation, pause and consider whether what you are thinking or feeling really aligns with Loving God and Loving your fellow offspring of God.

    Pausing can give you the time to focus on a careful listening for a clearer indication from the Thoughts of God that are always ready to Guide you and Inspire you and save you from your own errors. Practice, practice listening to them, and glorious Calmness feels easier all the time.

    Do not hesitate to call upon God,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    When worldly labor overtakes you, and it is clear, from Inner Voice, that it simply must be done, undertake it gladly. If you greet the tasks with cheer and willingness, the strength of angelic hands is under your own, the endurance of invisible Force is in your own back, the joy of glory is in every small part accomplished.

    Be at peace with doing all that is in your power, Beloved, and leave the rest where it belongs, with the Divine, Whose Power has never stopped being on the job, for you, for us, for thine, for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you feel you must rebuke another, do it ever so gently, gently, gently.

    For it is but a reflected aspect of the self you have been, or are, or will be, that you are rebuking. And as you realize that when you yourself need rebuking, or guidance, you want it done gently, then you will truly know the meaning of “love your neighbor as yourself.”

    Loving you gently,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Choosing happiness by creating happiness for others is often the best way of sorting out your own human feelings and counting your blessings.

    Look for the good and the giving you can do today, and let that be your goal of these hours. Regarding your own desires and as-yet-unfulfilled ambitions can at times be only confusing, as you try to sort out what is true of your own Spirit, and what you have absorbed as “wants” from the culture around you. You are uniquely you. You have a purpose that God has designed for you, and that you are working to understand.

    Remember today that part of that purpose is Divine Peace of Mind, and work to feel that by doing good for others, for that makes you feel good, too.

    Give yourself time, Beloved. Letting all unfold makes it easy to sort the chaff from the wheat. We assure you of this, with Love. For God knows the end from the beginning, and so do we know you. You are made good. All are made good. Trust the directions of the God-Mind that leads you gently to the Peace that has already been gifted to the Soul of you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It would do you little good to record in a diary what outfits you wore each day, over the course of many decades, if you wanted to really assess your Spiritual growth. Each entry must instead somehow answer the question, “How much did I Love as God Loves?”

    And a great part of that is whether you were able to look past the cloth and passing personalities of others, to see the Soul of God shining through their eyes. Let not annoyance be a thing you waste time feeling, let not criticism and complaining be the paths your thoughts hike upon. Turn to the cleansing Source for Love and assess “How can I better have Divine Love’s attitude today?”

    Being grateful for small and great Blessings is always a perfect beginning.


  • Ah, ah, Beloved,

    You are always appealing to God. And when you let the Qualities of God courageously shine from you, the Glow of Grace gives you a gentle allure to all who are willing and ready to see it.

    Smile in Good gentleness and love to those that see only the dust of existence. Their time of awakened perception will come, and your silent extension of Grace will help them choose that time. For now, try smiling at your own Grace, and let It help you feel how very perfect you are as a reflection of Pure Spirit and Soul.

    We will help you act beautifully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The inner Voice can be trusted. Listen to It, Be Calmed by It, before you read news headlines.

    God knows what you should do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel concerns, or fear, or specific worries of human need, you can try to distract yourself with human stories and fantasies, or sensual pleasures of various types, but to truly dissolve the fear, it is best to turn to the deep Divine Calm that is the reassuring Presence and Voice of the Divine Mind that holds you. Turn quietly and patiently to It, and ask for and allow Its Embrace. It WILL extend Comfort and Calm Trustworthiness to you. It can help you experience a magnified feeling of homecoming, like returning to your own sweet bed after a difficult journey. The Calm relief of feeling the eternal Presence and Home surpasses all everyday returnings. It is Infinite surety that All is Love.

    Once you have absorbed, and allowed surrender to, that Divine Grace, then you can hear Soul ideas for actions to take on a human scale, or simply wait trustingly for the Holy Will to reveal Good solutions to you.

    Entreat your rightful state of Calm, and let Love lead.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Opening to miracles means truly believing in the utter Goodness of the Loving Source.

    Do you?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it seems as though someone has taken from you, remember the Infinite resource of God-Source. Perhaps it seems that an object or a resource or love was taken away from you, but even if that particular thing cannot be returned, Divine Creation will give you another thing, another way, another affection.

    There is plenty of Love Provision in the Infinite All, and when you deeply know that, you will not fear lack of any kind. What you need for your purpose and Joy will stream forth, will unfold. Trust God. Listen, and trust God, without blame or resentment or regret about what is past.