All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seek not fame and fortune to bring lasting peace, but neither seek yee death or any of its small insidious disguises as diseases or downcast heart. Seek yee the kingdom of peace, the middle road, as we said, and know that it is known only as Spirit, in Spirit and of Spirit.

    Close your eyes to the good and the bad of the world, and seek the world within. Make your peace there, and take your peace there, and then watch your “outer world” transform.

    We are, as ever, yours to ask for Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As ever, Child, learn to think of yourself as your eternal and infinite self that IS, right now, a part of the ever present Source and Its reflection. That part of yourself, whether you call it “soul” or “essence”, or any other name, IS the Real part, and it was never born and will never die, and suffers no illness or pain or confusion. Tune into that part of yourself and feel Its Joy, and Its hope that you will remember It, in every moment and in every place, while you are dreaming that you are anything or anyone but what It IS.

    As Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you fully understand the True Omnipotence and Omnipresence of Love as God, of Love as Source and Original and Pure Goodness, then you can begin to grasp that each being is one little spiritual reflection of the fullness of Spirit.

    Then, your alignments with this Causal Love (aka “prayers”) can be as simple as “Dear Love that makes us and holds us, help _______________, help me, be our Perfect Selves, reflecting You.”

    You do not need to become lost in complicated assessments and politics and judgements and diagnoses to pray for yourself and others. You can just ask to be enabled to See Love’s version of all.

    And, Beloved, even before you feel you really grasp the Omniscience of Love, you can do this. God did not make it hard. Love WANTS all to awaken to their Best Version, their only True Version, reflecting and Being Love. Just go ahead and ask to be aligned. Ask for others to be aligned. Make it your wish to See Good, and Be Good. Align with Love.

    You align beautifully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each one will find his or her own willingness in due time, and turn to remembering the sacred place they hold in God’s wonderfully complete picture, but you can state your sureness of that. You can speak your reassurance of that and you can be a calm example of the true worth of clear thought.

    You can, this very day, make it clear you value Love above all things.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whatever Grace God gives to another is not taken away from you. Your “share” of God’s Love for the day is not depleted. God is Infinite Source; the bottomless Cup of Good. There is Plenty for all.

    So, even if you are not a dedicated religious or worker for the Light in whatever form, who spends most of their time focusing on being a transparency for the Whole Spirit of God to flood the earthly experience with Harmonious Rays of Life, you can take some moments each day to do so. Even a minute spent every day in deep silent communion with God, feeling the Thought of “Bless all of them, and Bless me”, makes more difference than you can possibly imagine.

    Be one more window briefly open to the Light and Breath of God each day, Beloved, and it will also raise your level of perception, and of visible Good, extraordinarily.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that following the guidance of the Divine Voice within includes following that Source’s Loving advice for timing as well as for action. Many actions that may seem “good” as the world defines them, can be jarring if they are done out of step or out of season, like the cymbals clanging in the symphony during the quiet violin solo.

    Sometimes these incongruent actions can be clear even to the reasoning mind, such as realizing that giving your dollars to the charity box is not “good” if you only have those dollars because you cheated the grocer out of his bill. But mostly, Beloved, the timing and the sight that the Divine Spirit has is the only vision of great enough scope to guide you well. Give when It says to give. Give if It says to give, rather than if you are being pressured by peers or circumstance to give. Give where It says to give, knowing that It sees more than the colored flyer, or the outer flesh, and knows where best your voice, or your energy, or your funds, or your resources will serve the sound of the Great Symphony.

    We love the sound of Harmony. Let yourself listen for It, too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take some sweet silence today, please. Speak when you must speak, but otherwise listen as softly and closely as though you were trying to hear the plants grow.

    Into this well of silence of your heart, the Divine will pour words and wisdom of simplicity, and Calmness will be the result. We are standing beside you as you listen.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    New beginnings that are approached without any particular expectations except for the expectation of the receiving of Goodness are the best kind of new beginnings to have. That new attitude, embraced for all relationships and all circumstances, trusting in the delightful, ever creating Universe for all things, becomes the first thing you put on every day.

    Rejoice in the day, indeed, Beloved, and help others to rejoice in it, too, in small and unclaimed ways. The mysterious and anonymous blessings are always the best, for if the recipient does not know your name, or from whence the sudden Peace comes over their heart, because of the prayer you spoke for them, then all Glory is given to the Divine Source, to which it properly belongs. As you help even one other move more into alignment with the Divine Flow, all, including you, are moved closer to complete unity with that One Love.

    You are able,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God, and what God IS, as Spirit of Life, as Love and Light, is the Truth, and the Truth is God. What your body senses perceive is but a dusty mist trying to obscure the Truth of God, and the Truth of you as a dancing Spirit of Life that reflects God.

    God is Truth, and Truth is God and God’s reflection, which is you. When the grime and mist of the mirror of existence are cleared, the mirror of delight that God created will show all whole and beautiful.

    These words may seem like gobbeldy gook to you, but if you simply think, over the course of the day, “God is Truth, and Truth is God, and I am God’s reflection”, you will be welcoming into your discernment a brightening of Spirit, and a deepening of Divine understanding.

    Work with yourself on this, for it is the work of awakening.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sincerely counting your Blessings and being glad of them will always counteract tense moments or hours. Focusing on what is good and true and that you are grateful for brings the Force of Harmony up to you like calling a trusted guide dog to lead you in the dark. Count the blessings, appreciate the Order that you do see around you, and be certain that the Spirit and Principle of Harmony being with you IS one of those Blessings. Indeed, it is the One Blessing that is the Cause of all Blessings.

    Focus on the Good, and more of It will come to you. If it seems, to the earthly senses, to be an acute or emergency situation, focusing on the Force of Harmony will give you good ideas and bring discernment about actions to take or not take.

    Be in love with bringing Love forth in every situation, Beloved. Each one that does so is a Divine Helper of the Light. And We know you can be, and are. Focus, and do it more and more, to your own delight, as well as Ours.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Relinquishing stubborn human control over some ideas of exactly what you think would make you feel happy, or who or where would bring Harmony into your earthly ways of life, is crucial. Can you try to understand that your High Soul-Self that can hear the Inner Voice of God might know the True Best way for your deep contentment, and learning to be joyous of the moment?

    We know there are many childhood fairy tales floating in your memories, and we know you are exposed to images of those who seem to have creature comforts you think you lack or excitements that you are envious of. Those are false visions of what really creates deep Calm Joy. Or they are temptations that are not right for the uniqueness of You. Following the Guidance of the Voice of Good Spirit will lead you in a steady way. Trusting that God wants to fulfill your true human needs, and will do so as you give God-Mind-Thoughts your permission to Guide you daily, is the mature thing to learn to do.

    Gladly, gladly, God jumps into the fray and shows you the way, when you allow, allow, allow Divine Perfection to be the Model in your mind and heart.

    To be surprised by Joys that your small self never thought of, is sublime Life indeed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “My breath, my movements, my life, come from the One Source of Being.”

    “God is my life, God is my strength, God is my ability to Love.”

    Keep these True thoughts in your mind this year and always, Beloved, for as you feel the worth of them in the very core of you, their fine Spiritual energy will fuel all the ways you think, and then see and live.

    Gladly riding the waves with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God WILL guide you in all decisions, if you tenderly listen to Spirit.

    There is a human tendency to think that turning to God-Spirit for small decisions, such as which melon to buy, is presumptuous, as though God were too busy to bother with such things. But God put Living, Loving Spirit into EVERY heart, precisely so that Spirit can join, if you let It, in each and every choice that contributes to your fulfillment and happiness and contentment. Just ask. Ask Spirit, stay in tune with Spirit.

    And the same for those “bigger” decisions, which are of course made up of smaller decisions. Rather than turning to many, many, many human advisors, to hear their advice, turn to Spirit. Quietly, humbly, ask for Spirit’s insights and perspective. Yes, you can learn from the stories of other peoples” successes and failures, and be interested in their systems of choice, but you are unique, even though in a shared dream. Ask Spirit for input. Allow Spirit to guide. And it may be that Spirit will guide you to a human voice that will help support your choosing, or to earthly facts and figures that help, but always let Love lead.

    Hold fast to that biggest priority of choosing Love above all, first and always. Loving God and being Loved by God is the daily decision to make. All else is details, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust not your own evaluation of yourself, and what you have done for good or error. You have no complete idea of how many lives you have touched and will still touch by things you do, directed by Spirit, that seem of little consequence to you. This is so for everyone. So many, many puzzle pieces make up the whole that no one piece can understand its own impact.

    And that is why you must simply endeavor to stay aligned with Good Will and obedient to the Loving Divine, and trust that the Great Good of Harmony oversees all in a plan of unity and awakening. Be in Harmony and the Divine can shine as you, as It wills to shine as all.

    Releasing feels good, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We gently urge you to not make the very human mistake of waiting until you feel calmer, or happier, or better in the body, or more satisfied with accomplishments, before you turn to God for Guidance and for Inspiration and Aid. Go to God right away. Trust the Divine to do the uplifting of your mood or body condition or experience or situation. Go to God right away. The prayer can be as simply as thinking about God and saying in your mind “Help!”

    Right away, in any moment of need, (or celebration!), turn to the God Presence that is always with you, and know “I am already a Beloved of God.”

    “I am already a Beloved of God.” That alone, knowing you are a cherished and appreciated member of the Divine Family, can help you right away.

    “I am even now a Beloved of God.” For you are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many times we have used the phrase “best destiny”, when speaking about the choices you face in earthly life, or the prayers you say when facing those choices.

    Now, you are ready to ponder this more deeply, and understand that there truly is only one “True Destiny” for each wonderfully conceived idea of God. God’s Truth for you IS your Destiny. As your own human self-concept moves closer to a deep surrender to the prayer “Thy Will be done”, this will become apparent.

    All the alternate destinies that seem to be enacted in the earthly mirror are but rehearsals and shadows of the Truth that you ARE living, are Being, within the gracious Mind of God. Like children playing in the sandbox, the imaginary housekeeping and working in the piles of dust are left behind when the Mother/Father calls the children to Home in the heart.

    “Allow me to see my Destiny as you have conceived it, dear God.”

    In the dear Kingdom of Pure Consciousness, you are already there,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the great line dance that is the dance of God, there are only a few set steps. So long as you recognize that you are in the Whole Dance and love and enjoy It, and so long as you recognize everyone else’s right to dance, and try to dance in harmony with them (especially those nearest you), there is no special way that you must move your feet, or sing, or choose direction.

    When unsure, follow the footsteps of the one right by you, for an angel has joined the dance with you. No one enters the dance alone, and no one leaves it alone. Dance, but feel not abandoned or un-partnered. Dance, and help beat the rhythm of Joy that patterns the Universe.

    Smoothly, the line opens to weave in new dancers,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Armor yourself with the Truths from your Spirit. Know the aspects of the Whole that are yours to work with, and you will never feel unprepared.

    To a person who does not know how to add or subtract or divide, a pile of papers and receipts and bookkeeping ledgers can seem a forbidding thing. But to one armed with the knowledge that is needed, it is a simple task of focus and time and will.

    When faced with all the piles of life’s challenges and glories, be prepared to deal with them with your knowledge of Divine Truth. If you KNOW that, with God, all things are possible, you will not give up a dream when a well-meaning friend says “That will never happen!” If you know that the aspects of the Wholeness and Joy of God are alive as you, you will hold fast to that Truth, even when some doctor tells you that he believes you will die today.

    Hold to the Truth and Power of the Light that shines as you, Beloved. No amount of nay-sayers around the accountant could convince him that 2 x 2 is 5. He knows the truth, and will add his numbers accordingly. Know your truths so well, Beloved, that no one can talk you out of them. Know that you are a part of the Whole, created in Love, and let that be the Truth you live by.

    We see the Truth of you and it is Glory,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You, as spirit, are standing within the Great Spirit that is the Source of all. Together, you are watching a play on a stage that is the reflection of what occurs in that Great Spirit of ideas such as you. Unfortunately, there is a blur in your sight that makes you see the play as less than perfect. Therefore, remember that you are standing within Great Spirit, next to a guide who loves you utterly, and who will help take the blur from your eyes so that you can see the reflection of yourself, and your life, more clearly. As you see it more clearly, you will see more of the life you were intended to have, in costume, in work, in companionship, in all needs met, and in Joy.

    Therefore, ask for the Divine Helper to help you, and remember, all today,

    “Perfect Author of the play, perfect me; my perfect refection is what I now will See.”

    And then watch Lovingly.

    Love you unconditionally,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have Compassion, and the forgiveness supplied to you freely by Grace, for those who are so frightened of contemplating Something Greater, that is beyond their limited human understanding, that they lash out and criticize and insult any who do believe in the Infinite Divine.

    The Infinite will awaken all individual consciousnesses within It, in due time. Trust in God to awaken the sleeping ones who only perceive with human senses and laws, and do your part by having Compassion, Compassion, Compassion for them.

    Focus on staying alert to Loving Spirit yourself, and behave accordingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like software pre-installed on a computer, the Divine Guiding Voice is in every heart. But like software, the individual must be alerted that the Loving Divine is there, and agree to use it, and be trained in Its use.

    Let each make that choice when they are ready, but give your help when asked.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you read past that first phrase now without really noticing it?

    We LOVE you. You are Beloved. God-Source Loves you Unconditionally and that Love is unstoppable. Yes, you can delay receiving it by turning your attention to the whims of the world, or by refusing to believe it, but It still waits to fill you and remake you and take you fully into Its Heart again.

    God Loves me. God Loves us.

    If you spent all day today thinking about that, it would be a day very well spent.

    Loving with His/Her Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Putting God first truly means always putting thoughts about Perfection of the Infinite Original first. Rather than focusing first on what you think are your personal faults or abilities, or needs or dreams, focus on thoughts of the Perfect Power of God, and then allow that to be expressed in you and through you.

    Put God first. Rather than dwelling on imperfection and the temporal, put thoughts of Everlasting Perfection first.

    Do not make your problems your god. Have no God ahead of God, Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you move towards not only love, but commitment, for another human being, you naturally come to a point of wanting to, and needing to, meet that person’s family. For seeming good, or seeming ill, it is the family you will be a part of.

    Just so with God, Beloved. As you fall more deeply in Love with God, as you realize that a complete and wonderful sense of Love and commitment to God are a big part of your happiness, you need to meet the “family”. You need to meet God’s other children.

    That is why you must learn to See the God-Child of everyone. Yes, unfortunately your human self seems to meeting most of them at a giant costume party, with both lovely and frightening disguises, but there you have it. God has assured you, “They are all my children”, and so you must look for that Love and Life and Spirit and Truth and Essence in the Light of everyone around you, as well as knowing it in yourself.

    You can do this, because you have the delightful Divine Help that has brought you into the Family. Ask for It, and you cannot fail, for the Great Heart already knows and recognizes all the perfect children living and moving and having their being in God.

    Some will delightfully surprise you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sweet simplicity of remembering the eagerness of God/Goddess, the One Source, to please you and hold you and take care of you, while you are having the earth-dream, before you remember that you are totally Spirit, is the actuality to keep always in your mind. God WANTS to help you, with ideas, with guidance, with correcting the reflection of Spirit that you are, when you feel out of focus.

    Ask for it, allow it, believe it, Beloved. Savor the desire of God’s desire for you to be happy. Like a parent who loves to see her child smile, or a lover who is thrilled to know just how his love likes to be kissed, God loves to see your joys, for they reflect the Joy Divine. Thank God continually, and allow your joys to be felt, seen and acknowledged to be of the Divine. Allow God to be completely reflected in thee.

    Remember God’s eagerness to please you into the higher Consciousness that understands All beyond the dream.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes even silence can be misinterpreted. And if the Divine Spirit Voice within urges you to speak, please obey.

    But for many, many, many times silence is appropriate. Silence is conducive to hearing your own inner Divine guide. Silence allows the glow of Grace to shine from you without distraction. Silence allows for the growth in your ability to Spiritually hear the truth behind the spoken words of others.

    WE are so glad when, because you are being silent, you hear our whispers,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Try for an unscheduled day wherein you are truly free to simply follow the Loving and Sacred Voice of God in your heart.

    Each day, there seem to be many, many tasks to do, but most of them are self-assigned and not really urgent or perhaps even necessary. Review, and put having a day, or an hour at least, of the Peace of God as your mind, in higher priority.

    The niggling worldly lists and itches will try to pull at you, but with Spirit helping you, you can ignore them, and enjoy the Peace, Peace, Peace that is the active Will of God as part of your happiness. Seek the Immortal Happiness that is deep and lasting, and fuels you with the confidence and calm Joy to complete those earthly tasks in due time and season.

    Take time to be with Us, for We Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that you wish you could hear “I Love you” often from those humans whom you love. You have seen, as have all, that it does not always happen that way in the earthly voyage. You do not, though, need to wait until the end of human voyage to hear “I Love you” from God.

    Just go within and be quiet and still and listen. You will hear it. You will feel it.

    In and around any advice or instruction or inspiration Divine Voice gives, will always be that harmony of Love, that refrain of Love. The melody of Love is God’s very essence, and it is always playing for you.

    When human loneliness, or disappointment, or betrayal, or separation occur, turn to God and hear “I Love you.” When human joy, of meeting, or marriage, or new communion or friendship occur, turn to God and hear “I Love you.” Value the human love, but value the gift of Love from God above all others, and it will carry you on and on and on through all human beginnings and all human endings.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When God gives you an assignment, view it not as an obligation, but as a Joy. If you find yourself dragging your earthly feet in completing it, do not feel guilty or harried—just ask God for more strength and heart, and then complete the mission.

    Do remember that God knows you as an already completed and wonderful idea, and so is in no hurry if you feel you must grow “slowly” in certain spiritual understandings, in earthly time. Relax, and know you are still completely loved. And, if because of the intersecting dreams of many, there is a reason to move or decide or think more quickly, God WILL make that known, because you will feel impelled to act or speak, buoyed by a feeling or rightness.

    God does want to see Goodness revealed in all.

    God is not the “remedy”. God is the reality to be revealed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In calmness and trust you can hear the small still Voice of Loving Spirit guiding you. Therefore, if a tumult of thoughts or choices presents itself to you in a situation, make it your immediate goal to become quiet and calm, so that you can be composed enough to listen clearly, and be led and focused.

    This is where your constant prayers or meditations or songs or praises will serve you well. If you know that a memorized psalm calms you, use it. If you know that a certain song inspires or quiets you, use it. If you know that looking out of a window at the horizon and thinking about the Qualities of the Divine helps you center yourself in the one that you need, do it.

    God runs to meet you when you turn your thought to Him/Her. If you have your “bag of thought-tricks” to use to re-identify yourself as one who is protected and sustained and shepherded by God, then when you pull one of them out to use so you can be receptive, God will rush to answer. Different tricks to calm yourself will work better at different times. That is why it is so good to consistently practice thinking and speaking and reading and singing and writing the Words of Truth, so that you have them to readily turn to in your consciousness.

    Turning to those familiar affirmations will lead you to a certain phrase or word or tone or realization that suddenly pierces the gloomy or perplexed bubble of earthly thoughts, and then God-Thought and High Consciousness can flood in to fill you and help you and heal you and reveal your Lovely Wholeness in God Sight.

    Keeping your bag of tricks filled with Good Thoughts only takes minutes a day. Be prepared. It is first aid, but it is also preventative, and will keep you on your true way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never, ever forget to be deeply grateful.

    Gratitude is not a thing that the Divine Creator NEEDS, but, just like a mother who freely gives her love to her child, she is pleased when the child is grateful. But more importantly, YOU need to give gratitude for the continual miracles that you are, and ones that you specifically see, in order to imprint them more clearly into your consciousness. You are a continuous miracle, really—the life Force that animates you and sustains the parameters in which you live is a joyous constancy. But when you have a specific wound or problem that is healed or becomes harmonious again, after turning to the Divine Parent with prayer, it is extremely important to be grateful.

    As we said, this is for your own benefit. Strong emotions, such as deep gratitude, help sear an event into the memory of your mind. By being grateful for healings and truths revealed, you will more easily bring those events to mind again when you have need of a boost to your belief. When challenges come, when doubts arise, you will be able to remind yourself that the Loving Force helped you before, and have trust that It will help you again, if you but turn to Its Truths and have the certitude of relief.

    Turn to Gratitude. Turn to Truth. Trust in the truly continuous miracle that is the Life of Spirit that embraces you, and sustains you, always.

    We are very grateful that you let Light shine through you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God know when you need to just be Held quietly in the Loving Presence, and when you need a word of advice, or correction of understanding, or an inspired idea. Let God decide, for God knows best what you need. Just turn to God, ask for God’s Help, and absorb what is given.

    When the shared human condition would try to lure you into dismay or doubt, or entice you with delight and distraction, turn again to that Surrounding Soul, and accept what It knows you need. It will help solve what needs solution, and help moderate and give wisdom to the delights, and throughout, hold and heal you, hold and teach you, hold and lift you unto Itself.

    It is the day you need it to be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let your discourses be filled with comments and tales of what is right and good in your life and thoughts. Let your observations of others be sincere praises of the positive things they do or represent. Let your suggestions be ones for improvements, and your contributions be ones that build.

    When meditation or contemplation take your Consciousness to the height where you can see the Power of thoughts and words to create, Beloved, you will see the High Importance of elevating thought and words and actions to match the Holiest ones in your heart.

    Eschewing gossip and complaining makes a huge difference in your outlook and in your life, and in the shared world where you wish for all to feel joy.

    You can be an example. You can let your Light, reflected from Love, shine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, yes, yes. Keep it primary in your mind and heart that there is only one Will, and that is the Will of the Creative Source.

    Those who speak proudly of their “human will” are speaking like apples on a tree which arrogantly state “I can fall anytime I want,” ignoring the fact that they only are hanging there because the Tree holds them up, the Tree grew them, the Tree, and Its Sap, sustain them.

    Have mercy and compassion for those who still believe themselves to be free-floating apples in the air of the Cosmos, but never forget, for yourself, what lovely Order holds you all in place until you ripen. That is the only Truth to pray from, and to be in awareness of, as you thank the Sap for feeding you all.

    Ah, even as buds you were all beautiful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let go of what you think would make you happy, as defined by physical circumstances and objects and people and funds. Turn your thoughts and the feelings in your heart over to contemplating Calm Joy, and Divine Orderly Progression. Contemplate, and feel grateful for, the very fact that Grace and Joy and forgiveness exist.

    If you can discipline yourself to do this for even a few minutes several times a day, you are well on your way to opening your earthly experience to True Happiness, and then on to the Infinite Happiness that already belongs to you, as a Spiritual Child of the Spiritual Creator.

    A few minutes given several times a day. Not a high price to pay for a radically positive change in your outlook and experience. We know that your outer, worldly bound “ego” self will fight this—listing excuses of tasks that are urgent or loved ones that must be cared for. Six minutes a day taken away from those things will not hurt them in any way, and the benefits you will derive from the Divine Love and Strength that pour to you from those six minutes will far outweigh what you spend in time.

    Believe us, Love, and let yourself be freed from your own chains,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Joy and Liberty in loving yourself and in loving the Source of all and accepting that it Loves all, is all, with no exceptions.

    “I now allow and create for myself the loving and lovable life I am empowered to have.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The impulse to keep quiet, after one has said a foolish thing, has some truth as its source. Take time to honestly analyze what human feeling of envy or sorrow or fear has led you into unwise words, but then speak up, and make amends. Make apology to the person or persons involved, or renew your joy by calling forth to the Source of whose Gladness and Goodness you are made, but do not just stay silent. If your tongue has gotten you into a woeful state, your tongue can get you out.

    Sing praise to God. Sing praise to the God (Goodness) in those around you. Sing praise to yourself for quickly turning your heart back to a surrendering to hope and joy and peace.

    Able to help you find the courage for good words, if you ask,


  • Ah, All Beloveds of the All,

    Be not afraid to call to the Healing Love of the Kingdom of Heaven that abides as your True Consciousness within. It wants you to know your own fullness of Well Being, and to help you shed the misbelief that anyone is meant to suffer sorrow and dis-ease. It wants you to know your Divine Innocence and the Divine Innocence of those around you.

    Be not afraid to ask for the effective prayers of those around you in helping call forth your own Healing, and to pray for others, forgiven as you are forgiven, for the Power of prayer you send forth is so wonderfully multiplied when founded on the Truth that What Blesses One Blesses All. Pray for others and allow others to pray to be enabled to See you Whole.

    Be not shy about silent deep prayer. Be not afraid of expectant prayer. Love is not waiting to judge you, but to Heal, Heal, Heal, and Embrace and Give.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wherever we go, we are ready to serve. If you but knew how joyously your own privately assigned Angels hover near you, just waiting to be given permission to help you, you would not be so shy about asking. Set aside all doubts about whether you are worthy, or whether some problem is too small or too big. Just believe you are Loved, ask for Help, and be willing to receive It.

    Ideas will come, people will come, new circumstances will be revealed. Be willing to act on the good ideas and impulses you are given. Be willing to expect Good, Good, Good in your life, even if you cannot see the evidence yet with your limited physical senses. Believe that the Source Parent wants your happiness and will help you see it and know it, if you give the Source the great gift of your willingness to See.

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a mother who sits by her sleeping child, remaining near him so that she may soothe him with her voice or touch if he seems to be fretting in his dreams, there are blessed souls of the Divine Consciousness that watch over you here in the earth dream.

    Allow it, Beloved. Allow their loving touch and advice, for it is with Divine Love that they keep a connection of their consciousness to the dream, hoping to soothe and guide you, until you are ready to fully awaken to the Reality of your abiding life in the Divine One Mind.

    Because All is One, they know that they will be fully free to be Divine only when all sleeping bits of consciousness are together awakened, and in the completeness of Joy. A great deal of that Joy may be experienced even while you are yet in the earth dream. Accept It, expand It, and you, too, can help others to dream peacefully and happily, even while they still believe they are bodies on earth, rather than just joyous spirits in that ever-Loving One Mind.

    Ask for soothing touch, and it is given thee,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a mechanic fixing an engine, who uses a wrench to fix one thing, and a battery cable to fix another, and a hammer to pound here and there, many who seek spiritual growth try to use different aspects of truth to help with pains or sorrows or the sins that inflict them. And, for a time, meditating upon the purity of a certain saint may help you resist the lust of flesh, or pondering the wisdom of a favorite instructor might help you choose generosity instead of greed, as you walk through your days.

    But, like the mechanic who has jump started the battery, only to find that the tires have gone flat, and he now needs another tool, the human soul fixing one small error of body or one bad habit of temperament will always find another “thing” coming up to “fix”.

    The Love that is Infinite Source and the maintaining Force is the greater truth of wholeness. Realizing, and walking in awareness of, that Love is the greater path to peace and gladness. Reach for wisdom, yes. Search for big-heartedness and patience in yourself, yes. Seek to expand your chances for giving and helping those who are caught in pain or fear. But, above all, Love. Remember your Self, that was born in Love, and remains, as Spirit, immersed in Love, and give that Love to your “small’self, your earthly-emotional-body-self, and to others.

    Love heals without just pushing the error to another place. It is the “first aid” that excels. It is the medium through which to administer all other antidotes. It is the Truth which contains, and sustains, all other truths.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not time that moves, it is your awareness that moves among the frozen moments of time. Keep it in the Now, Beloved, appreciating and glorifying, and with just a light touch on the next future moment, like the kiss of a feather, be led into the next Best Moment, and the next, and the next, within all the great maze of possibilities.

    We assure you again, we are with you at every moment, and the end,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, just trust God. Ask to be enabled to See that all God’s actions and Love and Intentions shine naturally through you, just as Light shines through a clear, clean strong window. And you go forth to enjoy your day.

    Trust God. Just let Light and Love shine through you.

    We know you can.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give profound thanks to the Source of All good that It is what is Real, and Everlasting.

    Be so grateful that it is evil and sorrow in all their forms that are the fleeting illusions. Everyone you know understands the experience described by the word “nightmare”, for every human mind has experienced that as they sleep at night. We ask you to envision what life will be when every human mind has wakened to a conscious understanding of “enlightenment”, of the “kingdom of heaven within”, of “Infinite Bliss”, of “Glorious epiphany”, and all such paltry words and phrases that are used to try to describe the awareness of the Oneness of Divine Being.

    Turn away from nightmares. Seek to experience the Glory of Supreme Love, and you will be doing more to work for the greater Good than you can imagine. Pray for that to be the shared experience everyone understands, and lives.

    It is worth the time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Mirror, mirror on the wall, let me see the Divine Truth, of myself, and of all.”

    Call to the Divine Spirit Sight, within yourself, to open your eyes and let you see the best in those around you, and to help exhibit the best in your own assumptions and words and actions.

    Realize that the Divine Spirit of those closest to you can act as your mirror for you. Like a monkey at the zoo, they can reflect back to you your own bad habits of oblivious unkindness, or hurrying, or selfishness, or scowling, or negative thinking, or they can reflect back to you your patience, your humor, your thoughtfulness and generosity.

    Mirror, mirror, on the wall, let me show you, today, what I want to see reflected back at me.

    We wash the mirror between each use,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When some aspects of your life feel like a movie you have seen too many times, or when the joyous solution to a worldly challenge or question does not come quickly, turn again to the knowledge of the Omnipotence of Love. Just as a mother does not tire of hearing the details of her child’s dreams or days, God’s Love is not impatient with you. Turn to that Love, knowing It can read your heart.

    Offer your heart. You do not need to repeat your concerns or your confusion. Just open your heart by Loving God, and then letting God help you feel filled with Love, and Its Strength.

    Love does the work, love. You just have to freely put in the requisition.

    It is already stamped with approval,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For the truth of what you are in the Heart of God, that shines Its ideas of Love forth as the entire Cosmos, you cannot trust your five senses any more than you would trust a fun-house mirror to tailor your clothes. You must ask Divine Spirit, and understand that what it knows of you is what you really are. You are Child of God, you are reflection and projection of Divine Qualities and Goodness.

    Ask for Its Help to speak and act as the real you that God knows you to be.

    Ask to know “I am strength. I am Lovable and Loving. I am a part of Wonder.”

    And for those who are around you, also wondering who they are, or for those who you wonder what they are to you, do the same. Ask Divine Spirit, and hear the truth “You are all My Beloved ideas, and I am Helping you remember it is so.”

    As ever, with you as you awaken, and always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember gladly that Spirit is fully yoked to you, with Omnipotent strength, for each new endeavor or invention or joy. Pull forward together, for you are both made of Soul Divine

    In Oneness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you have calmly and sincerely communed with the Voice of God in your heart, and deeply listened for ideas or clues for Harmony that you need, but feel that you have not heard an answer, be patient. Go about your day with trust and a soft Joy and the ready thought in mind, “God Governs me”.

    A state of mind that is readiness to receive Grace will see it come. For reasons of timing, or the solutions of the Divine coming through the hands of another, the day may reveal a word or a call that suddenly comes your way, or the blooming of an herb on your windowsill that uplifts you into the feeling of the Oneness of all Being, and heals you. Information and opportunity may present themselves in a form that helps you forgive an old grudge, and helps your spirit fly free with new ideas and enthusiasm.

    God does not forget or ignore prayers, Beloved. God will help in a way and time that are right, knowing what is Best for you, more than your own small human view does.

    Be patient and trust. Be patient.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know that you have the Loving complete Power of the Divine to call upon is the only real wisdom you need.

    Call to that Love today. No call to Love goes unanswered, and Love Itself knows the best way to answer in a way that embraces all. Call to Know Love always in your thoughts, and trust in the unfolding of Good.

    You can feel us with you if you focus on our Love for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is the God of the living, and not the dead? What does that MEAN?, you ask.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the same way that, when you are irritated by a driver behind you following too closely, and you use your Presence of Mind to shove aside your irritation, and to silently say “Bless you. One Mind governs us all”, and are delighted to watch how often the other driver backs off and lets there be appropriate space between your vehicles, so let your loves and friendships be conducted.

    If a family member or love or friend is behaving in a way that crowds you, bless the person in your thoughts, affirm the Divine Governance of One Mind over you all, and wait and see what happens. Of course, part of what you must let happen is that One Mind will remind YOU to be Loving instead of irritated, Generous and Giving instead of greedy, and Forgiving and Grateful instead of resentful.

    One Mind, Beloved, One Mind. LET It rule, for it does.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Everflowing warmth of Divine Love is not only for certain saints or mystics or those that have studied religion or holiness for years. It is for all. It is for all.

    Simply welcome It. Welcome It, and invite It to come into your awareness, into your life, in whatever form your heart and mind are ready to understand.

    And let It come. Let It come and warm up your outlook and your days. Let It cheer and inspire your plans and your ways. Let it be your Source, and be glad that It is the Source of all Good overcoming of the worldly, for all.

    Soul shines Its warmth 24 hours a day. Bask in It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are training yourself to listen for the Divine Voice within your heart, so that It may guide you through your days, practice hearing Its viewpoint in EVERY situation.

    When you begin living from the desire to live from the Divine Self, there is a tendency to turn to It only in every questionable circumstance. If you are receiving advice from someone you do not like or trust, then the distrust gives you pause enough to turn within, pray, and meditate, until you hear the Divine Counselor. However, when you are hearing human advice from a long trusted friend or relative, or from a religious advisor, the impulse is to trust the person, instead of the Voice from the Divine. Do not. Turn within, and listen to the unique advice that is YOUR guidance back to God-realization.

    The inner knowing may be in complete accordance with what you have already heard, but even then, it is good to practice listening. Any worthy human advisor will respect your need to find Inner confirmation. Any true spiritual director knows that the complete ways of God, and the myriad pathways back to God Understanding, are beyond human logic or set methods. The advice you hear and feel from the Divine Heart may not make any human sense, or may not be the typical road to serving the Whole, but that does not mean it is not God’s Truth for you. Listen, and discuss what you are sensing with your spiritual advisor again.

    So, check all advice against that Knowledge Within. Check your Inner Partner whether you are receiving advice from a stranger or from a long time friend. Check with your Inner Partner whether you are making a plan to go to the grocery store or on a three month trip.

    To stay in earthly Harmony, it is important to shift your awareness to your existence in the Divine Harmony, listening for that Holy Voice that is piped into your human awareness. That is praying ceaselessly. That is living your best purpose. Each path is unique, although some of the road signs are the same.

    To be at Peace, always listen within, and confirm,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every human parent has at some time, when listening to the woeful cries of his or her child, said, “I wish she could just tell me what she wants!”

    Every parent wants to hear, in a language she can understand, what it is her child wants, so that she can give it to him, if it is something she has to give and that she knows will be good for him.

    Your Divine Parents have a language that is the essence of what they Are. They are Harmony and Light and Goodness. They are Joy and Creativity and Strength and Enduring Love. They are many, many wonderful things, and if you spend enough time with them to know Who they are and what they are made of, then you will understand how to ask them for what you want, in the language of Life that They understand.

    Can you call forth, “Gracious Mother, fill me with your Harmony”? Can you realize, “Divine Father, I know you want to share with me your Strength and Wisdom and Gladness of Being”? Have you spent enough time feeling the Essence of the Creator/Creatress to have a glimpse of what They are made of, that you wish to emulate and reflect? Ask for what you want, but ask because it is what you know They have to offer, because it is what They are made of, and what you were made to reflect.

    Set aside the human cries that are in the human language of woe that They cannot understand, for human error created its own false language of woe, and call for the Divine attributes you need. Or, call to the holy intercessors, who have walked the human walk, and can be your translators. Either way, hold in your heart the Solution, instead of the problem, and let your heart open for It to come, O’ Beloved Child.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gratitude. You know how often we urge you to feel grateful for all that is Good, whether worldly or beyond, because in focusing on what is Good, you draw more of It to you.

    But today We focus on the gratitude We feel for you.

    We thank you, thank you, thank you, for all you have done and will do. We thank you.

    Use our gratitude as a warm embrace today.

    And remember It always, for It is always there for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How many people do you know who try to use an appliance, or operate a machine, or a vehicle, without ever reading the instruction booklet? Do you do this yourself? Or, do you read the instructions and then try to use the machine in a different way, and are unhappy with the results?

    Beloved, Beloved, the instructions for a Good Life are available in the small still Voice in your heart. The instructions for your life are available in the scribed Word of God, and from appointed intercessors. Use these things. Read these things. Listen to these things. Obey these things, and find your way Spiritward, day by day and moment by moment.

    We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Play some more today. Play and play, and listen to what you yourself say. So many times, when you become too immersed in the duties and fruitions of the world, you lose sight of what you yourself still secretly dream of doing, or playing with. Play, and playfully speak, and listen to what comes from your own imagination and heart.

    There IS still time to do some of those things, and to know that they are part of the Divine Will for your part in the Play. There is always still time enough for the things that are a part of Love’s expanding to come forth. Let those idea seeds be watered with Divine Love, and know, that if they are meant to grow, they will.

    Be gladly surprised at what comes up in your heart’s garden,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is so much that can be drawn upon from the Infinite, and that your unique self can understand and demonstrate in a way that no one else can, that your mortal imagination cannot embrace it. Ask for the Infinite Creative Force to help you draw to you the specific, understandable bits of Itself, that are ready to be revealed as Blessings to you and to those around you.

    Choose, darling one, whether you are ready to be a transparency for those wonders of Life to shine through you. Perhaps on some days you feel ready and able. Perhaps on some days you feel unworthy or unable to serve thus. But know this, that on any day you do let the Divine glow through you, the Grace and Gratitude of the All in all is yours.

    Choose, this day. This day, commune with the Infinite and ask to see and comprehend your Share, and choose to share your Divine Share with others.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Force is not the same as discipline.

    If you must force yourself to do something, it is not a part of the Divine Flow, and of your best pathway. On the other hand, if you have clearly heard from your Divine Inner Voice to do something, and It gently and insistently repeats itself throughout the day or the week, then disciplining yourself to obey may feel a bit like “forcing” at first, but as soon as the action is begun, you will feel that the power of the Flow is with you.

    Take time today to assess each task you approach and each idea you have, and sense with your Inner Partner whether you are feeling in the Flow, or whether you are “forcing”. Believe us, Love, a clear Flow does exist for each moment and each part of your life, for they all come from Life that is All Flow.

    Flowing to you, even when you do not notice us,


  • Ah, Be Loved, Beloved. Sink down into your Inner Awareness and let yourself feel supported and Loved. Let yourself feel It until you feel like you are as full of Love as an old water skin that has been held under the tap for a long, long time.

    For what is the thought of a body but as like a water skin, with a few other particles here and there?

    You, the Real You, is not that. It is Consciousness, but visiting a body for a brief time and space.

    Hold your Consciousness in Love, under the Flow of Love, until you are completely filled. Any time you do not do that, you are cheating yourself. Any day that you do not begin that way only leaves you vulnerable to bubbles of distress. Leave no room for distress. Fill yourself with LOVE, Beloved, and it will satisfy and protect and keep the very shape of you firm and fine and in control of Love, always. “I am filled with Love.”

    We are in the Control of Love, and we love it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are times when the function that Spirit would have you perform, as a communicator within the dream, makes absolutely no sense to you, by human logic or even visceral understanding. But when you have come to trust the Voice, then trust you must, at all times. Trust, Beloved, trust. We ASSURE you that some of the small acts of empathy, or gestures of friendliness, or letting another car go ahead of you, or one or a few words spoken, that Spirit has asked you to do, have changed destinies for the better, in terms of swiftness, and heartache avoided.

    Trust, and continue to let yourself be a willing distributor of Grace. It IS the highest and best purpose for remaining in the dream of earth.

    Endlessly in Love, and Loving,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Unseen Forces ARE supporting you now. Even when you have not heard the details from the Source and Matrix of all, you can rest assured that Love, Order and Harmony ARE around you and within you, preparing the way for you to be, and walk, and do all that it is your Divine right to be and walk and do.

    Rest assured in that Love today, Beloved. Rest assured. We are with you,

    And no illusions can usurp Divine Rights,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are Mind-Full, and have prayed or meditated yourself into the sweet bliss of Divine Love, but then feel your earth-ego-self throwing up human thoughts of someone who annoys you or for whom you feel mistrust, RIGHT AWAY affirm that that person also is in One Mind with you. Establish firmly in your thoughts that One Wondrous Love guides and guards and holds you both, and that there are no enemies here.

    Like a toddler in a tantrum, feeling powerless and angry, the ego-self will try to throw its imaginary power against the Love of the Divine. But like a wise mother, the all-embracing Great Mother will enfold the toddler in Her loving arms, her loving consciousness, and let the anger melt away against the warmth of her hug.

    When your own earthly thoughts, or those of the frightened mortal-bodies around you, are like cold butter that cannot be spread upon the bread of life, just shine forth all the Love of the Divine that you can. Without effort, just shine It. Like sunshine on a cold butter sculpture, watch the stiffness of fright become malleable in the simple presence of Warmth.

    Be warm, always, and watch cold situations, and manners, melt,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Desire can help manifest what you need for your journey and your work, but it can also confuse. If you are at all uncertain about what desires come from the flesh and the ego, and what ones come from the Heart of Soul within you, re-center your prayers and desire on Peace and Harmony. The Divine Soul that is the very Heart of you can sort out the details.

    Trust It. Trust It, and be at Peace and in Harmony, for those are what you KNOW you want truly.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is never a time that the Radiance that radiates you does not respond if you turn to It.

    Yes, it may seem as if you hear nothing, when you sit quietly and ask if there is anything that the Divine Source wants to say to you today. But later in the day you may find yourself noticing the incredible order and beauty of the leaves on a plant, and realize how much you appreciate order instead of chaos. Later in the day you may find yourself counting the blessing of having a friend that sees the core Truth of you.

    A minute after you get up from your quiet time, thinking you have heard nothing from the Divine that time, you might get the idea to call an old friend, and find out that person really needed your call just then.

    When you listen “too hard”, the striving of it can be like static, overlying the sweet Harmony of the Divine Song. Listen quietly and in a relaxed way, knowing that what the Divine wants you to know, you WILL come to know, for the Divine already knows you completely and perfectly and Loves you.

    Relax into appreciation today, Beloved. Relax.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turn all your perceptions over to God today. Let the All That is All help you look through the ephemeral human mist of illusions and See the Harmony that can and does come forth. Outside the bounds of time-blindness, it already was Created.

    For a moment, ponder the human story. Caught up in your own brief life span of human days, it is hard to see the progress of awakening. But if you think even for a moment about when there was no easy warmth or food to be had, when language for communication had hardly developed, then you can get a glimpse of the progress that has been made in overcoming animal nature and raising Consciousness to the understanding of good Harmony.

    Yes, of course each individual wants to fulfill wishes of perfection in his or her own time, but step outside of time for a moment, and cherish the progress made towards the Light that has always existed, and always will. You can sip of It, even while you yet wear human-seeming costume. Turn to the Perceptions of God, and celebrate with the Source that you ARE fully connected to, the progress made. A chain of awakening that does not end until all are awake again to their status as Children of God. Your Divine Connection is already within you. Listen to It.

    Release softly to a new Seeing today, Beloved. Release.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting your heart not be troubled, by turning to your trust of Loving Spirit’s Voice within, can only happen if you truly trust. Establishing that trust must happen by practicing making that connection, and feeling the Presence sustaining and guiding you.

    Practice, practice, practice. It may seem like a duty or chore at first, to practice stilling your thoughts and communing with the Source, but once you begin to feel the bliss and surety that comes of that connection, it will become your very favorite thing to do.

    We will help you. Ask us.

    This is not just for beginners. It is for always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is difficult, within the parameters of the earth experience, to understand unconditional giving. Tit for tat, and reciprocity are understood instead.

    But God is an unconditionally giving Force. God exudes the very essence of you and your goodness and harmony, constantly. Can you stop thinking about it being about you deserving His/Her Love, and instead just accept the freely given gift of that Unconditional Love and Desire and Intent for your health and harmony?

    God offers it. Can you decide to accept it? Can you decide to be that, and express it to others?

    We celebrate your good fortune to be a Child of Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again We say to you to realize the extent of what it means that God desires your sublime and Divine happiness.

    When you affirm to yourself “God’s Will for me is happiness”, but what you are picturing is the common ingredients of human satisfaction, then you are only claiming a limited part of what you really are as an image of God. Claim the fullness, Beloved. Claim what your human self cannot even imagine, or that your limited experience has not given you yet to understand.

    You could say that We are urging you to understand the complete Divine Reality of your true identity as a Child and a Beloved of God. We are delighted when you realize even glimpses of the unworldly Peace and Power that are yours as an integral part of Love Itself.

    Be willing to be delighted by the Unlimited Will of God, Who truly does want that delight and gladness to be unveiled and realized in you and to you.

    It is as close as your own breath. Take it in.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a friend needs to be listened to, become very still and listen.

    Become so still that you are no longer you. Become so still that you are just the frame for holding the mirror of Holy Spirit, reflecting back to the other being the beauty and the glory that is the Light that he or she truly Is.

    It is the best thing you can be.

    Your friends,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are whining, you are not aligning with the Creative Source.

    There is no whining in God, or from God.

    If you hear yourself whining, do not think of it as a prayer for what you want, but DO use it to help realize and name what you Do want. For instance, if you observe that you are whining about lack of some kind, such as lack of completeness in an emotional relationship, or lack of opportunity to use your talents, then let the whining that you hear from yourself help clarify what you do want.

    What you DO want should be made up of some of the aspects of the Creative Source that are the building blocks of you and your best life. All that is the Creative Source, all that is God, is Good. Let your named desires, your understanding of what you want (that is the opposite of your whining) be such as this:

    “I welcome the completeness of Love and expression of Love that is the very nature of the Created Whole in which I exist. I am affirming that any talent I have been created with also comes with all the completeness of the Creative Provider—the opportunities to use that talent and the resources I need to fulfill that talent. I am complete in all ways, and all I need to do is welcome that completeness and look for the fun ways it will show up in my life.”

    All the ideas (the people) around me are complete ideas also. Whatever reason they were created for, whatever Joy and Beauty is being expressed through them, comes with all that It needs to be fully expressed. It is not my job to complete them. It is my job to appreciate them. It is my job to just notice and applaud and praise the good things about them. I welcome chances to do that.

    If I am meant to act, to help an idea be enacted, whether it is an idea (person) next to me, or an idea of how to express my own talents, I will hear from my Divine Inner Voice to do so. Therefore, I cultivate listening to that Voice, and gladly enacting the hints It gives me of how to BE my completeness, and help the completeness of others BE revealed as well.

    And I forgive my own whining and bless it for helping me to each truth about myself,

    How about that, Love?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say again, you have learned to trust that when you sit down to scribe a message or to pray for a friend, that the sweet Presence lifts up Its Presence in your Heart and Mind immediately.

    Learn to trust that in your day as well. Each time you have a question or a doubt or a challenge or a choice of how to celebrate something, consult with Spirit, and WAIT patiently for the answer. We know that the material self, that is as a child wanting to be King, always tries to distract you into making a call or tending to the flesh or doing some chore, but when you grow wise at recognizing its schemes for distracting you from Holy messages and intuitions, you will find it easier and easier to grow still and quiet and Listen, Listen, Listen, and obey.

    It is far better this way, Beloved. No distractions, just progress, and Peace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to claim the Grace that the Source Light has already given you for your individual path to full realization of who you are. It is true that that Grace will give you the Sight to sort out what in your life to let go of, and allow to gently slip away, and what in your life to pursue or welcome, but these changes are in YOUR best interest.

    Welcome and allow and permit. Rest easy in the Grace of Goodness.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Taking a day of Silence to renew the Self is never amiss.

    If God wants you to break that vow with a kind word or a simple “yes”, God will let you know. The intention is to silence the ego-self, so that the Divine Voice can be heard. And It speaks only Love.



  • Ah, Dear One,

    As you see the pattern, in your own journals and own lessons, of how long it takes the human heart to learn a truth, let it give you compassion for others in their struggles, and for yourself in the other truths that still challenge you. And, let it put you into a mind-set of gratitude, that chances to learn the truths of Life will be given to you over and over and over, until you have learned them.

    You have seen the heartbroken look on the face of a child when he finds out that he will not be given another chance to pass the test that would have let him into the club he wanted to join, even though he had a terrible bellyache on the day he had to take the test. Be not heartbroken, and be not afraid, for to join in Awareness of God, you are given endless chances to re-test yourself, and endless Love to support you while you do it.

    We are there, we are here,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a simple error in addition is corrected in one part of a complex formula, the answer swiftly falls into place.

    If you can simply substitute in your thoughts “innocent” instead of “guilty” when you think about yourself or others, you will be amazed at how different all Life looks to you.

    Try it, for Joy. For the sake of Joy, try it. What do you have to lose? And how great is the Peace you can gain.


  • Ah, the joyous dance begins anew each moment,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a spiritual offspring of Spirit-God. Let God enable you to See that Spirit is what you are and all you are, wonderfully.

    Your earthly children and relatives are spiritual offspring of Spirit-God. Trust God to raise them into Consciousness of what they are in Truth.

    Everyone you meet, no matter their disguises, is an offspring of Spirit-God. Leave it in God’s Grace to reveal the Life, Truth and Love of them. Your responsibility is to allow God to help you understand what you already are, complete, in Life, Truth, and Love.

    Isn”t that enough to do?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to fuss. Just listen, quietly, all day, to the quiet Word of the Divine school guide within, and you will know what to do.

    No mess, no fuss, just listen, and then do,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take a day of wordless prayer, knowing that God sees the Innocence of your Spirit and wants your happiness in the Greater Plan of Love Divine. Trust that God sees the desires of your heart and takes them into full consideration for whatever is the highest Blessings for all.

    No intellectual pondering of theology today, Beloved. Just wordless Love of God, for God, as part of God.

    Be still, and Love God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you but would turn to Me, who Loves you so tenderly and completely, you could live through each day of time feeling uplifted and unafraid.

    You have read about, and some of you have experienced, the wondrous connection with the Infinite All and Eternal Life Force, that occurs with near-body death, or from a great challenge, for some. The subsequent change in outlook and overview and upliftment of Understanding changes the direction of many lives. But you do not need to experience near death to feel that.

    You can experience Me just by turning to Me, within your own heart, and saying “Let me feel your Love, Father/Mother. Let me be held in your Love all this day, paying attention to It more than I pay attention to anything that seems to be outside me.”

    There I Am, Beloved. There I Am,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because God/Mother/Father/Source looks upon all that It made with Gladness, gladness is an access way to that Divine Loving Source.

    From the human viewpoint, that access way, that door, may be marked “Gladness”, because when you are in Gladness, you can easily open the door to the Source for yourself and others.

    But the door may be marked “Sincerity”, and also lead to the Peace, the Healing, the sense of Home, that is the very nature of the Divine. That door marked “Sincerity” is the one that many use when they finally turn to Divine Source because they are desperate or in dire pain or realize that they cannot humanly do what needs to be done.

    Whether you turn in sheer Gladness, or whether you turn in Sincerity, remember that all the doors that enter into God-Sense are always unlocked. But you have to turn towards them, and knock. Knock with gladness and celebration, or knock with sincerity, but let not human pride keep you from knocking at all.

    We help hold open all the doors that are knocked upon,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Realize this, that there is no need to be re-joined to something you were never separate from to begin with. That is the common mistake that all make in the dream of separation—thinking you are a separate and alone human body that must plead and work to somehow re-join with the Divine Source.

    You are already joined in Reality. Just remember and acknowledge and love and cherish that Reality, and set yourself free from the desolate feeling of separation, of being just an alone body. You are really only Soul that is part of Soul, Spirit and Heart.

    You are already One, like the skin of a pudding is a very part of the pudding itself. You are part and parcel and likeness of Being. You are already, in wonderful essence, part of That Which Is Real, and holy, and All.

    Think upon that today. Does your own body’s skin wonder why it is not a part of you?

    Allow yourself to see the ludicrous humor of it, and be free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever you are struggling with feelings of disappointment, in a situation, or towards a person whom you wish to trust, turn again to Gratitude. And,whenever you feel that you are unable to connect as easily as usual with the Comfort of the Divine Source, turn again to praise and thanks.

    Gratitude, praise, and thanks. They are beyond compare for helping to turn you from seeing the seeming shadows of existence, and turning you, again, to Light and Life.

    LOOK for things and thoughts to be grateful for in the person who seems to be annoying you, or ignoring you. SEEK new ways to say “Thank-you” to the Source of Light and Life. Soon, those thoughts of looking and seeking will have you counting your blessings again, and you will be able to feel you are standing fully in the bright Light of Love, rather than half in shadow, and half in a dim light. Do not be satisfied with a dim light. Seek fully, and thank long, that you may feel fully warmed by the Totality of Light and Gratitude.

    We assure you, it will melt away the resentments, and help you see all things new,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Training yourself to see the Best, the Good, the God-Likeness, of everyone around you is an every day task. Many will find themselves tempted to do that only in the brief encounters with strangers. Be very aware that it is your task to see the Good, to think Good thoughts of, those with whom you spend your most hours, those of your workplace, those of your family, those of your chosen mate.

    And, Beloved, of your self. See your Self. Know how guided and holy you can be when you let God guide you, and be guided to see the God in All.

    As we always see you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Quietly and calmly, ask God Spirit what you need to ponder and know for the day.

    Then be still and listen, patiently and with trust.

    Although ALL have the task of shining with the Light of God to awaken the world, each individual child of God has tasks within that task, or simple attitudes with which to live each day. Whether the message that you hear especially for yourself today is a Divinely Gentle assurance, “I Am watching over you”, or whether it is an instruction for something that will occur in the day, like “Have compassion and forgiveness for the lies and dissembling of others”, trust that God’s Spirit knows exactly what you need to hear. Listen to God’s Love, and stay centered in the path of Holiness, that is a perfect connection to God and the Source of all your Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us help you understand a very, very basic thing.

    The line of prayer that says “And God leads us not into temptation…” is a wonderful clue about what to believe. If something seems to be leading you into sin, disease or any of the small deaths like anger or irritation or woefulness, then look again. Those somethings must not really be good or true. They are of the lies, the illusions of earth. They are not the Truth to follow.

    Turn around, and think instead on the Lovely, the Good, and the True, that are Love and inspiration and divine intelligence and truth. Turn your thoughts around and look not, and think not, on the false evidence that leads to sin and disease and death. Look towards the Good evidence of God’s Love, that leads to calm Joy and Life that is always alive in you, regardless of what the temporal seems to be saying.

    Divine Love melts away sin, disease and death, for only It is real… feel It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are living in a way that lets the Light shine forth, and have forgiven all old errors in yourself and others, and you send forth a question unto the Universal Principle of Love, of which there is Plenty, then trust that the answer is on its way.

    Even when the worldly evidence cannot yet be seen, trust, in Joy, that the solutions are real and will become apparent. This is the way that the truth of Harmony works, and you know It well.

    And It knows you, Beloved. You have never been out of Its Mind, and you are not out of Its Mind now, and you will never be.

    O, most tenderly,

    It is not faith, it is the way Truth works, pure and simple,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learning to turn joyfully and gladly to the Inner Voice, to the words of Truth, rather than turning to them only in sorrow, or desperation, is the greatest lesson you can learn.

    To fully realize the resource (the re-Source, as reflection of the Divine Thought), that you have, is to be able to abide in Gladness. Turn to “I Am Thou, let all my thoughts be Thine,” for yourself. For all others in the orbit of your life, think only “She is Thou. He is Thou. Allow me to see them as you do, and not surrounded by the mists of human error.”

    As will it be, for you are already Willed to be so,


  • Ah, Sweet Peaceful Source,

    Please let me see Your version of the one who stands before me.

    Perfect Source, perfect friend,

    Perfect Source, perfect husband,

    Perfect Source, perfect wife,

    Perfect Source,

    Perfect work, and love, and life.

    Sit very, very still, and still your thoughts, and listen, and wait for the sweet peace of the Source to fill your heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When there is the wanting to understand the Wholeness of Consciousness, in a sincere desire for healing or sense of purpose, or even mere happiness, a way will open. Each soul individual will be led to a way of beginning that understanding.

    When you have found yours, and are diligently treading up it, or leaping up it by bounds, you must realize that the way shown to others may be very different. Oh, you will see those that seem to be beginning where you began. You will, in your new Joy, try to invite others to join you, or even fervently offer and offer what you have learned. But know that you must let them ask first. Let them see the example of what has worked or is working for you to feel in Harmony, and if they are ready, they will ask.

    You can tell your story, and give credit to the Divine Urgings that guided you then and guide you now, but stay aware that the Divine will Knows what they are ready to absorb, and how. The Divine Knows if that one needs an approach to High Understanding that is entirely different than yours.

    Above all, stay Glad, Glad, Glad that you are moving Spiritward in your Consciousness, and are ever more open to full communion with the Love that is All.

    And that from that alignment comes all else you need,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, anytime you find yourself thinking of, or speaking of, others with a judgmental attitude, it is your own lack of Harmony that you need to find again. Re-center yourself in the Whole, and stand again in the awareness of complete Harmony of Oneness, and from there find the Grace and the Compassion and the ability to give Blessings to those around you.

    Your view of that around you is determined by what you are allowing to come through you. Allow Love, and allow Enlightenment, and They come.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are here with you.

    We are here with you.

    Whether you are wishing for a co-celebrant, or a listener for confused thoughts, or a confidant for joy, we are here.

    Trusting the Unseen Friends of Spirit gives you all that and more, if you learn to trust in them, and turn to them.

    The worldly images that are the dream layered over the Real can be seductive or repulsive or simply neutral, but the steady joy of the Unseen IS truly Real.

    Embrace It. Embrace us, and let us embrace you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to waste any time fretting. Always turn to the contemplation of the Beauty of Divine Love right away, and It will comfort you and complete your thoughts with new ideas and hold you so very close that you will realize deep in the soul of you that you are not alone, have never been alone, and never will be.

    Realize that for others, too. When one whom you love, or even have just heard about, is sorrowing, but you cannot reach out with words or any worldly means, reach out through the shared connection of Divine Love. Speak to the soul reflection of that one, saying, “You are not alone, you are in the hands and power and thought of the One Love that holds us all.”

    Then, you are speaking and being and thinking the Truth.

    This is the most important function of all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Either by personal experience, or by observing the lives of others, each human learns, again and again, that objects of the material experience wear out, break, get lost, wash away, or are taken in other ways. Sometimes it is a relief, and sometimes it feels like a hardship, but always it can highlight the Truth that only the Love of God is constant and unchanging.

    Those that serve the material realm or that take their sorrow and joy from it will go up and down in their pleasure of life and their feeling of wellness. But if you have practiced and practiced, and integrated into your Consciousness, the original Guidance of “Thou shall have no other Gods before Me”, then steadiness of awareness and purpose and ability are your delightful lot.

    Serve God first and always, Beloved, whether it is your calling and vocation, or whether it is simply the foundation upon which you operate from for your worldly career. Serve God first, center in Love each day and each hour, and the doubts and vagaries of materialism will have no sway over you. Isn”t it time to see this, know this, admit this?

    The temptations of the earthly have no real power. God is All Power, God is All-in-All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Align yourself with One Mind each morning, before all else:

    “Perfect God, Perfect Man/Woman,

    Perfect Image of Me, Perfect Plan.”

    When you know you are Blessed, you can be a Blessing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you commune so deeply with God-Mind that all bodily senses seem distant, and you feel as though you are floating, enjoy it. Commune.

    Not all alignment with God Thought is about lofty information. Allow yourself to simply be held in Love, filled with Love. Be fed with Life.

    God is tender.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Only Love exists. Only Love matters “here” where you seem to be.

    Only Love matters. Only acting, giving, expressing Love matters here, because by acting It and giving It, you keep It flowing through yourself, and as It flows through you, It becomes your life, your health, your wealth, your day to day Joy in Being.

    Only Love matters. Only Love exists. Do not forget this, Love, and welcome It from the Creator/Causal Parent today, understanding that It is freely given, and that as you receive It you are able to give It and so keep It cycling on around.

    We will cycle with you, if you let us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Living the straight and narrow does not mean never taking pleasure in the joys earthly life has to offer, but it does mean never letting down your vigilance in looking for the Good in all, and refraining from judging humanly.

    Let all urges and judgments and healings come from the Divine Voice within, and the Divine Presence that is always with All. Let nothing else be taken seriously, except the calm clear Will of God.

    To heal is simply to let the Will of the God Source be revealed.