All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are one who does not truly believe that your Conscious Soul goes on forever, in a sweet timelessness of creativity and joy, does not that make it just as important to be decent and kind and loving in the earthly here and now? If you do believe in a Loving Source that is constant and eternal, and that you will always live on within it, we know you live and work with many individual humans who do not believe. Be compassionate that they do not understand what an unlimited Resource they have to turn to, but let yourself go ahead and be a wonderful example of Loving Kindness to them.

    In all the myriad of ways of self-knowledge and self-improvement and of spiritual and earthly aspirations, it is easy to get lost in dogmas and details and seeming contradictions. On the days when it seems too confusing, just keep it very simple, and be kind. Be kind, be kind, be kind.

    And if you believe in the Omnipotent Supportive Source, then know that It Sees your intentions of Kindness, and supports those as part of All that is Good.

    Today, be kind, be kind, be kind, including yourself in that gentle kindness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is so much to be learned by watching how others love. Yes, we want you to always, above all, listen to the Inner Divine Voice, and Love as It tells you to Love, but it is also important to honor that others find creative ways of expressing that Love.

    Honor them. Love them. Learn from them. All must learn from and teach one another, even as they all take instruction within from the Source of all Love.

    And, Beloved, enjoy them. Enjoy the Infinite variety of expression. You can do this if you set aside judgment and evaluation, and just observe and love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel an extra strong surge of God Presence in your consciousness and body, STOP, and pay attention. God is always with you, for you exist within God. But when the Presence is a shout instead of a whisper, it means there are instructions you need to heed right away, or a preparation of Divine wisdom and strength to Guide you for what is imminent.

    Or, God Knows, more than you do, that you are in need of a complete embrace of Love.

    Trust God’s Omniscience. Trust God’s timing. Do not let the worldly keep you so distracted that you ignore God’s signals and say “oh, I”ll listen to you later, God.”

    When God signals, listen and absorb right away.

    In Love, you will be glad you did.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is only Love, really.

    There is only Love, and Me and thee.

    There is only Love, and It has nothing to do with bodies.

    There is only Love, and from now on,

    Let it be only Love We hear, and feel, and see and be.

    There is only Love, and I am with thee.

    SPIRIT, Whole and Free

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know there are times when you delight in seeing the same favorite scene of a movie over and over again, but do you not eventually want to see the rest of the story?

    When it is time to leave behind a favorite phase of your own life story, and see the next scene (and perhaps be even more delighted with it than you were with the previous one!), do so with grace. Grace enables you to move smoothly from one scene to the next, and to appreciate the one you are in, and be grateful for the ones of the past, and to trust and look forward to the goodness of the ones yet to be played.

    It is time, Beloved,

    Ask for Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This day, take stock of your honesty with yourself and with God. God Lovingly observes you awakening to displaying all the wondrous Qualities that the Divine has imbued you with. Are you hiding those Qualities as you try to cling to illusory goals of worldly fame or fortune or the pleasing of others?

    Today, ask for God’s Help to wash away any goals that are not worthy of your Divine Self. We are One with you, the Real You, as you are really One with God. Ponder that, savor that, and make new choices based on being a Divine Heir, as all are, when they awaken to the Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All Is Light. There is nothing else.

    Ponder this. Rejoice in this.

    Can Light hurt Light? Can Light die?

    “God is All. All is Light. I am Light and Beloved of God.”

    The simplicity of it is what frightens the dream-self.

    Yet, it is True. All is Light. No matter what I think I “see”, All is Light, and I let the deep Peace of that settle in me and through me, and I am Light.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Put not your focus on the sometimes human farce, but on the return of Love.

    Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. Do you say it, and act it, enough times each day?

    We thank you for being you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Agreeing to answer the thundering Inner Call of God’s Voice within, to serve, does mean drawing on all the strength that God has to offer you. When those around you seem to be behaving in the worst of human ways, it is the time to stand completely still and re-center yourself in the Strength of God.

    Draw on that strength and shift all your thoughts to a quiet listening, so that God can tell you the strengths of those you look upon, and yourself. As you look upon the strengths and the demonstrations of Goodness that you see in them, your heart will open with compassion, and your eyes will begin to perceive as God does: all are a part of the Harmonious all, even when it is not obvious in the illusions of the moment.

    You can do this, Beloved. God gives you the strength,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that what God is most grateful for about you is the moments when you See the Soul Goodness of others, and demonstrate Its existence as your core of Life, by being Wise and kind and helpful and Loving.

    Patiently nurture your own expansion of Goodness of Soul, and forgivingly and compassionately nurture It in others, trusting the Divine to guide and help with that, every second along the way. That is enough for a life’s work, no matter what human labels and descriptions you put upon your activities and your days.

    We assure you that being glad to please Soul will also lead to your gladness.

    We love seeing you glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Always trust that the Oneness of which you are a part knows that you need help in order to realign your thinking to be in Harmony with the Whole. So, when you are faced with vibrant or vehement opinions that give you pause, or when you find human emotions or learned reactions trying to control your response to another human or a situation, fear not asking for Help.

    Turn to your Inner Advisor. Turn your face to Truth and your heart to Joy, and seek where in yourself you need to change your thinking so that you may respond as you would truly like to, for the Greater Harmony.

    It is no small task and it will happen a hundred times a day, or more, but we assure you that is does grow easier, as you grow to be more of who You Truly are.

    We are there with you,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    When circumstances of wind or weather or emotions or supply seem to be stormy, do pause and access the heart’s Knowing that Harmony is the True and Rightful state of life within the Mind of God. Even if you are sweeping away debris while you do it, call with prayer to the Wisdom and Strength that will guide you best in how to cope, succeed, and feel calm and harmonious again.

    We are with you, dear one. We are with you. Let us help discern what is truly important in the earthly dream, and remember what we have taught you so many times: “Do you want to be humanly “right” and “profitable”, or do you want Peace of Mind above all else?”

    WE know you want Divine Love to fill your heart,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Just as you have learned to turn to the Divine Voice within to guide you when you are feeling angry with a family member, or hurt by the worldly opinions of your work or your appearance, so also apply the loving comfort and advice of the Advocate for Harmony to your mundane tasks. When the paperwork of life, or the mounds of chores, would try to draw you into an attitude of resentment or weary sorrow, turn to the Advisor within, and let yourself be helped. Let yourself be assisted in turning back to a mindset of patience and appreciation. Let yourself be led in the smoothest way to accomplish the tasks set before you, which help you live in harmony with your neighbors, your society, and your world.

    Trusting in the Divine to help make ALL ways smooth before you, and for the greatest good, is not a vow that only covers a part of your existence. It is for all things, for all seasons, for all ways of being in the world, but not of its ways.

    Divine Gladness can float you through every lake of obligation,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let not the journey discourage you. There is no doubt in the Mind of Creation that all is well in your progress, for in the Place of no time, all has already occurred, and you, and your Maker have both been true to the Word of Life that is you.

    Be at Peace, Beloved, and know that all things now have origin in learning and growing of Love. Keep your eyes on the complete Love you are unfolding to, and be not afraid, ever. There is nothing to be afraid of, for you are a part of Life ever-existent, and will always be. It IS You and it is Me, and It will always Be.



  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Listen to your personal Angels, for they are the Thoughts of God, inserted into your earthly awareness, that your Consciousness may awaken as fast as it can, and remember that you are worthy, you are Beloved, you are beautiful, you are whole and perfect. You are Love.

    You CAN remember this now, even while you still wear the thought of a body.

    We See the Real You now, and so can you. And you can help others know this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Express Love, always. Express Love, and the body, its temporary vehicle, falls into place.

    God Loves you as Love, and to Love. Be that Love and take your mind off the body.

    Be that Love, and that is truly to be one with God, and in the Oneness of being, your complete understanding begins. The Body of Light includes all, and exists and functions with perfect Harmony always. God causes Harmony and God is the only Cause there is. Be the Cause of Love.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The habits and the rituals and the ruts of everyday life are fulfilled almost automatically by you.

    Is it so hard, then, to add the ritual of twice a day pausing to simply sit still, close your eyes to the world, and claim and think about the truths of the Loving Source of you? You do not need a doctorate in theology. You do not need training at fancy seminars at fancy hotels. All you need to do is to sit down, get still and quiet, and remember, “The Divine Maker Loves me.”

    Just do it, Beloved. Just do it. Some days you will feel led from within, as you sit still and feel embraced, and listen, to feel other truths, such as “I and my Maker are One.” Follow those thoughts, keep your eyes and thoughts closed to the world for those few minutes at least, and bathe in the Love of Spiritual Creation.

    It is not hard. And it is not hard to make it one of the automatic patterns of your day. We guarantee you it will lead to more reward than any other thing you spend 20 minutes on each day.

    Gift this to yourself, for it is already gifted to you by God, if you will but accept it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here we are, right with you. Always.

    If you were watching a program where the character ran into trouble, or had a wonderful moment He or she wanted to share with others, and you knew the person had a phone in the pocket, but they did not take it out to use, would you not be bewildered?

    We are right with you, the small still Voice in your heart. Our battery never needs charging. Ask us for Help. Celebrate with Us. We Love you unstintingly.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    These messages may act as a springboard for contemplating a spiritual question, or as a reminder and entryway to taking quiet time in Soul, but they are no substitute for exploring your unique individual life within the Life of God-Mind, God-Heart.

    Take time for that individual and special relationship with God, with Spirit, dear one. The Voice of Love wants to walk and talk with you in the Garden of Creation that is your body of Light. God wants to see and enjoy your unfolding, and for you to discern and understand and love the ways of All that is God/Good.

    Walk and talk with God today, dear love. Walk and listen to God today, and be uplifted and be glad. Make time for that. Take time for that.

    We are the Divine Thoughts that hover about you always,


  • Ah, Beloved,


    Consistency, Child. Not only consistency in keeping in focus, and mind, your desire to walk in the beauty and order and grace of God, but consistency in how you present yourself to, and react to, others. We know that you feel drawn away into old earthly pleasures for a few minutes or hours, here and there, even though you know already that they no longer really satisfy. Just so, when you are tempted to be non-compassionate with an unkind person, or to simply ignore one that snubs you, even while desiring your and Our help, you must step back into the consistency of aspiring to holiness. Holiness is the truly natural state of all, because all are born of Holiness and dwell within It, as the One Spirit they are all a part of.

    Never set aside that knowledge, once gained. Consistency in remembering who you are is crucial. You are a Child of God-Spirit. And consistently remembering that every else is a Child of God-Spirit as well. Act like you remember, even when their earthly inconsistencies seem to mask the holiness they are.

    Treat all with Love, including yourself, as we Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be as lovely as you ARE.

    Close your eyes, to better see God. Close your eyes, to better see your Self as God Sees you, now and forevermore.

    And as we see you, with utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “As Above, so below, enable us to see with Your Love, dear God.”

    To ask to See as Good God Sees, dear child, is not to ask a faraway God to come to a tiny suffering earth, it is to ask to have your consciousness, and the consciousness of all, to be awakened, here and now, to the Reality of Divinity.

    “As Above, so below, embrace them, and me, in Your Great and Omnipotent Love, dear, dear God. Show us all the way to be Whole and Loved and Loving, all as one in You, right now. Grace us to feel Your Embrace, dear God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We cannot remind you too many times to forgive what is not real, what is not Good.

    A circle can hold nothing if both sides of it are not present. Forgive your self and you can forgive others. Forgive others and you can forgive your self. Complete the circle.

    Forgiveness washes the dust of illusion away, and you can see clearly what Blessings are yours, TODAY.

    You know We will help you do this if you ask, and indicate willingness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you call It your own “Higher Self”, or “Enlightened Consciousness”, or “Holy Spirit”, or “Divine Guidance”, or one of Its thousands of other names, it is ESSENTIAL to call for Its aid as you are trying to live from the point of view of Love and forgiveness. If you are trying to forgive, pray for, and be grateful to an “enemy” on the strength of your own human will, you will have days when you are fairly successful at it, but you will have many, many moments when you fail so miserably to set aside old hurts and judgments, that you become too discouraged to be able to move forward.

    Since moving forward into living more and more in moments of a state of Peace and Love is your goal, help yourself by asking for Help. If some of the rituals and patterns of a system of spirituality help you set up a pattern of asking for that Help, use them, but above all be willing to ask. The more you ask, the more the Help will flow. The more times you realize you need the Help, (until you realize that you always need that Help to see through the limited realm to the Divine Real), the more times It can be delighted to give you what It truly exists to give you—seeing that you are a perfectly loved spirit of Spirit, and so is everyone else, beneath the human costume, the human drama, the human illusory reality.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here is the thing to remember always:

    “I am a bit of Light, projected from the marvelous Divine Mind, into the hologram of earth. The idea of the perfect me, and the wonderful role I play in the Joyous Script that Divine Mind has created, is always safe and true in that Mind. I allow myself to play out that perfect script and that perfect character for the perfect play of Joy, for So It Is.”

    Nothing really blocks that Light, Beloved. Nothing.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always thrilled when you contemplate the Infinite. This means not only contemplating the Delightful God/Love that some call “the Infinite”, but also the very concept of infiniteness.

    For, Beloved, the more you contemplate the infinite as an understanding of size and perspective, and of yourself as a part of it, the more you will be able to understand your own power as a part of something so very vast, that is yours to draw upon, and at the same time find the humility to remember that you are a small part of “many that make One”, and to let all the other parts of Infinity be themselves as representatives of the Whole.

    In Spirit, Whole and One, but many, many, many shining facets reflecting that Light.

    Thank you for each bit of Light you reflect, lovingly, to others,

    Do it today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Get down to the basic, today.

    “Thank-you, dearest God, for Helping me be a perfect expression of Thee.”

    “Govern my thoughts, that become me and my world, and I let them all Loving Be.”

    This applies to you, AND to all around you, dear, dear Child,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We know that many of you like finding a good bargain in the worldly realm of the bodily senses. You adore finding food or housing or clothing that can be had at a very good price.

    Beloveds, the Consciousness of Good, in the completely Spiritual Reality, that is what you are really made of, and a part of, offers all of Its Goodness to you for free. Grace, given by God, is free.

    Ask It to help you gracefully be aware of your truly Infinite and Spiritual and Wonderful nature, and It will do so for free, free, free.

    It is a very Good bargain, Beloveds.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us talk about being God’s Voice and Hands.

    It is not about memorized phrases and rules. It is not about ritualized minutes or forms.

    It is about feeling the living Presence of Goodness and Honesty and Truth within you, guiding you to do the kindest thing that will lead to awakening and Wholeness of Self and the Other.

    But first you must decide that you want to be awakened.

    Do you? Does being a Living Voice and Hand mean more to you than anything else?

    The choice of readiness is yours. Then, it slides into place,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a certainty in your mind and heart of God/Goddess/Divine Creator’s Love for you.

    Become certain, through pondering it, and allowing it to be felt, that This Is True, and all else comes from that. Let Love hold you, and convince you of Its Truth.

    Imagine the best friend or the best friend you have ever known, whom you absolutely knew you could turn to for celebration or fellowship or help. Multiply that times the greatest number you can imagine and then you will have but a glimmer of how much the Creative Force Loves you. There are no exceptions.

    Remember this not only for yourself, although that is the most crucial thing, but remember it also for ones that seem to be your enemies. Look upon them, or him or her, and remember that when the Divine Mind contemplates that spirit, It says “It Is Good. I Love It. All Is Well.” It says the same for each. Just ask the Creator to let you see yourself as It sees you, and others at It sees them. That is the glimpse of Heaven that can be yours in the dream of earth.

    As ever, joyfully dreaming of you awakened,


  • Ah, how We Love you!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless those around you as your sacred mirrors, for when they irritate you with their impatience or their greed, it is time to understand that your own lack of fear has not been adequately demonstrated. Look within, and remember that all the Infinite Resource of God is yours to draw upon for what you have been assigned to do. Do not fear not having it, and do not fear that any other can take from you that which is assigned to you.

    Listen to the Divine Voice, and if the one before you is caught in fear about lack of provision or lack of opportunity, and you are instructed to respond, then grant whatever is yours to grant, demonstrating trust and knowledge that aught that you need for your Work will come to you. In the hour of your fulfillment, you will always have what you need ready to hand.

    Bless the courage of those who reflect to you your own fear, that you may cast it out,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Celebrate, yes, when the Light of Goodness triumphs over shadows of thought.

    Celebrate when you see signs of the bright shining Being of Soul in those who inhabit the earth, walking the lanes of time back and forth.

    But stay vigilant, dear ones. Even as you celebrate and pray for yet more Good to be observed in human existence, stay porter at the door of thought, shining a Bright and penetrating Light on every dark thought or untruth that would try to enter your mind and the minds of others.

    Keep praying for ever advancing awakening of holiness in every heart, and keep heartened by God’s assurance that the Infinite eyes have already timelessly seen the Good end.

    Play your Good part, and We are grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No one else can make the choice for you, to desire to understand God, and See as God Sees. To See the now Beauty, to realize that all is Spirit, all is Love, takes a daily renewal of the vow to Be as God knows you, and to seek the High Good.

    You can do this, and Loving Spirit will assist and Guide, but it cannot be done by simply taking one class, or wearing a certain necklace, or joining a certain church or following a particular teacher, etc. It is up to your relationship directly with God Soul. Do it, commit to it, and both you and God be Glad, Glad, Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Care for you is complete. The Real You is completely within God, spirit within Spirit, and That Spirit Holds you completely.

    God does not forget to hold part of you. There is no part of you as Consciousness that is outside of God. If you think you are apart from God, and out the range of God’s Care and Voice, you are only imagining that.

    You can imagine all kinds of things, but you are never outside of God. If you turn willingly, like a child coming inside from her sandbox play, when her mother calls her to lunch, God is still and completely right there, tenderly nurturing the Truth of You.

    O’ Beloved, let God nurture and Love you today. Give up the imaginings and take Joy in being Cared for in ways that you never imagined.

    It is Real,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, you will know what to do only exactly in the moment, if you are following the Divine Voice within. Only when you are already in the town, or already in front of the person at the desk, or already in the car, will you hear the further instruction from God. God often acts in small nudges.

    Remember that it must be so, for all humanity progresses together into Spiritual awareness and awakening, and your role in your own awakening and Spiritual sustaining, and your role in helping others, are interlinked in time with the choices of others. Follow, follow, follow where the Voice of Divine Love says to go, and follow what It says to do, trusting in the ever-adjusting timing of the Source.

    Patience helps you stay calm, and trusting God gives calmness,


  • Ah Beloved,

    SPIRIT Divine is indeed your Best friend. Loving Spirit is always completely there for you, and able to enrich and uplift any human relationships you have, whether it is one of a moment or one which endures.

    Constant and complete, Spirit is with you, throughout you and above, beneath, below. Constant and complete, SPIRIT is what you need, and HAVE.

    Spirit is what all have, in Its various forms, and if you ignore the costumes and keep in mind that you are always speaking directly with Spirit, you cannot go wrong.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When others murmur and complain, it is all the more important for you to hold faith and trust in the Provision and Love of God.

    Be the one to do this. Be the one to hold to what you Know it True, that God answers human need in ways humans cannot foresee.

    Ignore those that criticize and doubt, and instead Praise God. Praise Good.


  • Ah, Beloved!

    TODAY, Ask for Joy, and the Grace to accept It. We Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We see and hear and know absolutely everything you are going through in the human experience. We are glad to help you, in comments and ideas and other people and thing ideas brought close to you, if you would but ask. You must ask.

    That is free will. We are the Friend who is closer to you than air, but who never intrudes without being invited. Invite us to participate each day, each hour, each moment. If you invite us to participate and to speak and to act, We will.

    Trust this, It is your Divine Heritage,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have been in deep meditation or prayer, or simply completely focused on the One Mind, held aloft and euphoric on the warm breath of God, the rambles and shambles of earthly pundits can be seen to be only puffs of air, powerless in the face of the Mighty warm Wind of God.

    Stay embraced in the rarified air of God as you go through your day, letting the little cares measured in minutes fall harmlessly off the armor of Love that you wear and breathe. Your enduring relationship with the Infinite Mind is your true family, your safe progenitor and protector and friend. Being so very aware of this will keep you from fretting about the political or physical illusions of the moment, as you trust in Loving Soul to guide you in the earthly play.

    There are days to tend to others, but take today to simply be held in the Warm Love of God.

    The payback of resting in God is great and pervasive.

    We Love you.


  • Ah, Be Loved. Be Loved,

    You are a perfect thing in the Mind of God. That perfect thing is an idea, an amalgam of energy, a wisp of Light that floats in Love.

    O”, Know that today. Know that all is God, One Mind, and only Good God is real.

    Allow yourself to feel the Truth of being an idea, tenderly held in Love Itself. You have been wonderfully Thought of, and beautifully and marvelously made, and this idea of you is sustained and maintained by God.

    Forget the dreams of being something separate and outside of the Mind that is all that is Real. Be Love. Be Love. Be Love.

    Know it. And know it for others, too.

    Healing happens now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forget the past and the future when you are thinking about the Source of All Things.

    Give yourself the gift of those timeless moments when the chill of the fingers reminds you of the new season for a moment, or when all of your attention is focused on the wonder of a ladybug being able to fly. Be in timelessness when you are awestruck by the very truth that Love exists, and that It keeps on surging forth in the unlikeliest of situations, as strangers step forward to help each other, or as a Loving answer, a Loving idea, comes into your awareness in response to a question you have had for a very, very long time.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say to you again, words are not necessary.

    Your quiet presence, your utter CONFIDENCE in the Divine Will, is enough. If human words can reassure and calm and comfort, in order for the One Sustaining Life Force to be heard and felt and revealed, then use those things as the Inner Presence directs, but also have true faith in what emanates silently from you, as your willingness to be a clear window through which it shines is taken up, and used and used and used, to shine Light into every dim place.

    It is of Good Purpose. You will see. And as It shines through you, you, too, will feel free.

    Always cleaning the glass of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allowing and creating. These two words, and the thoughts behind them, take much pondering for them to be used correctly in your life. Strictly speaking, you must mostly ALLOW, and realize that your human self does NOT do any creating of lasting Peace. It is by allowing your own human desires to be set aside that you allow the Divine Creation to flow through you.

    You allow your desires to be replaced by Divine desires, once you find it in your heart to trust that the Divine wants your happiness. It does not want your suffering—It flows through your faith and trust and love and joy. When you let that flow occur, then what the Divine desires for you will satisfy your human needs and good desires, as well as helping those around you

    Work, therefore, on that great trust in the Divine Goodness. Work on trusting Its desire for your Good Truth and Life to be revealed, under the misty forms of your thoughts of errors and troubles. Then, ponder what you allow and what you can create, by acting on the Divine Ideas that you are given by the trustworthy Heart Whispers of God.

    Essentially, your human heart does the allowing, and the Divine Heart does the True Creating. Let It reveal to you the Best that you are, the Goodness that you are. Ponder this, Beloved, and allow the Loving Presence to come forth from Its quiet residence in your heart. It WILL speak to you, and comfort you, if you allow It to.

    In Great Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask for God to show you today Its version of your Life dream. Become the silent, appreciative observer, looking for the beauty of each cinematic moment, and appreciating it.

    Be so grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no pain in God. Always Perfect, always the same.

    So if the Truth of you is an extension, a thought, of God’s, how could there be any pain in you?

    When it seems like you are feeling pain, either of the body or of the emotion, get quiet and still, and ask God what God is feeling of you and about you.

    Try it, Beloved. We know that sometimes you do not believe us. Do you have the willingness to try it for yourself?

    Try it, Beloved, and prove your Self to your self.

    All is Love, always,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Wait. Wait quietly.

    Being the Good Son or Daughter of the Divine does not necessarily mean acting, acting, acting all day, every day. There are days when you must quietly wait on the Will and Way of the Divine, which sometimes means that you are waiting for the other “actors” to fall into place in your Play.

    Rest in the Peace of the Divine Center of Being, and let silence hold you until you clearly hear your “prompt” for your next move or words.

    Relax into this, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Measure your accomplishments each day not by worldly measures, but by your growth in Graciousness. Have you been more Gracious today than yesterday?

    Have you finally begun to truly understand that being a clearer image of the Love and Harmony that made you is what also makes clear all that is good and true for your earthly life? Ah, Beloved, just strive to be Loving and Good today, and let, let, let the rest fall into place, judging no thing, but just opening your heart to seeing Eden still all around you.

    We are all Love, Beloved. Know this, and cast all your cares to Love. In the joining of Its Great Warmth, all that is cold and sharp melts away. All that is error is corrected. Let the Law of Harmony Work.

    These words are infused with the Presence of Love. Steep in them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear God, Please adjust the focus button of my spiritual Sight, that I might see myself and my life and its characters as you See them, today. I know that you See them as loving, grateful, good and honest and kind, and I want to See that, too.”

    It is what we see under the fog, Beloved,


  • Ah, Child,

    Turn to the Loving Source.

    It is already turned to you, holding and watching and waiting for you to realize and remember and discern that All is Well, and time cannot efface or diminish that Infinite Love.

    Time is the trick that would give rise to many lies. Make it your friend by using every moment of it to remember Love, and to understand that Love, beyond time, has already solved all, and seeded Itself into the minds of humankind, to take full bloom as soon as they are ready.

    All blooms already in Spirit. Do not make yourself dizzy trying to figure out quantum warps and time loops and alternate realities. Just turn to Love and be glad that It already blooms.

    “I am Spirit, all is Spirit, and Love blooms in me now.”

    “I am, even now, a Spiritual Being, and Love Blooms in me now.”

    Do not fall for time-bound lures. Allow timeless Love to Bloom.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Following the Calling of God to serve is important and rewarding.

    But some days, Beloved, it is good to simply rest, rest, rest in the comforting arms of Spirit. Being renewed by quiet prayer also serves the Divine Soul.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As new phases of Good unfold in your life, the old ones will seem like a dream.

    And they were indeed a sort of dream. Focus not at all on the past now, except to remember the times you noticed the Divine Hand guiding you clearly. Use those moments of clear and steady Guidance as inspiration for trust, and look to the now and to the future with deep, deep trust that the Divine has you firmly in Hand, if you just do your part of listening and allowing in Joy.

    This day will bring Good. Expect it.

    It is Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as a mother does not love her child any less when he stumbles and falls while he is learning to walk, so does the Mother/Father of All Light, not Love you any less as you are learning to remember that you are one with Her, of Her, and as Her, in all ways that mean anything in the test of time.

    Be at Peace today, Beloved, and keep taking steps. Keep remembering and learning, aiming your thoughts at the Wondrous Love that Loves you always, and All It represents.

    For that is what you also Are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as solutions in the home and town often come from communication about who needs what and how and when, trust that communicating with God, Who See all as Spirit, can send you not only the right ideas for Harmoniously running your life, but also the right people and provisions to enact them. There is no thing too small for God to Help you with, there is no thing too large.

    There is, though, the Oversight of God, that wants all to remember the Oneness of Being. Let God swirl into your life experience and thoughts the people, places, and ideas you need, but also be willing, very willing, to be the help or the resource that someone else needs. Pay attention to when the Spirit of Heart beckons you forward to speak or to act or to give.

    What Blesses one, Blesses all, and all Blessings come from One Source, God. Give thanks where thanks are due, to God, as well as to the individuals through which the Blessings have flowed.

    Today, thank God in advance for the Blessings you have not even seen yet. And open your arms and heart and mind and time to really feeling that Infinite Love that made you and supports you always, Child of Good Spirit. That feeling opens the way for you to receive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Set aside judging, criticizing, complaining. For now, set them aside. Set them aside, for today, as always, they are unworthy and unreal of the true Self that you are, as formed by God.

    Even on a human level, you know that what you dislike in what you perceive often reflects a magnified version of a trait you want to heal in yourself. That is the human condition. Today, do not ponder that. Today, look at the Self and the Creation God Sees and declared Good.

    Today, ponder and read about and feel the Truth of God’s Infinite Goodness of Spirit and the Spiritual Truth of All. We know you often resolve to spend a day thus, but earthly duties and tasks interrupt or interfere. Today, set aside the mental evaluation of yourself and others and the worldly, and just fill your mind and heart with the Love of God.

    If there are things you must do, do them with the thoughts of Loving Love in your mind. Do them with the generous tenderness of Love in your heart and hands.

    Today, let the healing refreshment of Love pour through you, and to others, and to God, and back around again. Focusing on God brings God to you, and lets you see the God in all.

    It is the absolute Best thing you can do today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you wake in the morning praying “Give me some Joy today”,

    then hear your answer of the Loving Parent Source:

    “Take your Joy in looking at Me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The depth of, and the time for, the Complete Divine Consciousness that you allow to take over your human thought, becomes the means by which you are healed, your earthly life is healed, and all who are near to you, or who encounter you, or who think of you, are healed or helped, as well.

    Therefore, allow yourself to concentrate on that total immersion in the Consciousness of the Divine, with all of Its wonderful aspects, and be free, be free, be free. As you are freed to be happy, so will others around you be as well.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God did not create the world your five senses see. God created Good. Welcome New Sight, welcome New Life, as you look gratefully on, and through, new levels of perception.

    What is it you see, then? Illusions and shared illusions, just as when a crowd mistakes the gleam of sunlight on cloud for a hovering craft coming towards them. We know how disconcerting it may feel to ponder this, but think also how FREEING, to realize that your eyes have not lied to you in only simple things, but in greater things. Is not a new dream or end of a dreadful dream, a good thing to cherish?

    If what we say seems too shocking still, at least ponder the times your body’s eyes have misled you into thinking something was moving when it wasn”t, or was a different color once the sun came up, or a friend remembered an incident in a completely different way than you. Be willing to see differently, and, with Divine Help, you will, for the Divine knows what It created, and that is the Truth.

    Listen, and learn to obey, like getting used to a new set of spectacles,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak directly to the One Mind that governs all. You do not need to be special. It Loves and governs all equally.

    DO let go of judging, for when you declare “One Mind governs all, we are Thou”, you are accepting that all the parts of It, which look to your human self like other people, can be governed by It, too. Trust them to be governed by the Sweet Omnipotence that knows what they are ready for. Pay attention to, and Govern your own readiness by staying willing to listen and obey and feel joy coursing through you, and remaining always aware that you are a beloved part of that All.

    You are Spirit of Spirit. Be that Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is because the Divine Spirit, that holds your hand as you walk through the dream of earth in your mind, is always with you, that Guidance is all around you. Yes, of course you can seek an answer or comfort in sacred writings, but you may also See just the Word you need in the old movie you see a glimpse of in the night, or a road sign, or a pattern of clouds in the sky. Let those things that catch your earthly eyes or smiles or tears give you the PAUSE you need to connect with the Presence of Spirit. It IS right there for you, being the companion, the advisor, the lover, the parent, the friend.

    It is there. Give It permission to be there for you, heard and accepted.

    Then, be so, so grateful. Let yourself be in Love with the Love that holds you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the wonderful things about the Heart of God that holds all of you and cares for all of you is that God knows your True Hearts. God knows they are formed of Joyous Calm Love, for God has formed them and God IS Love itself.

    When you do not understand yourself, or feel that others do not understand you, turn to the Omniscient Mind of God that is your Home, and let Its Understanding calm you and align you, and Guide you with buoyant Hope. God knows your heart and you can count that as a constant unseen Blessing.

    God Holds the True Heart of you safe, safe, safe.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy we share as you let Me embrace you is all the fuel you need, today, and every day, to move forward in your understanding and oneness with Life.


  • Ah, so, Beloved,

    We come again to moments of doubt when in human thinking. Those doubts are part of the dream of earth. God has no doubts, and the True Essence of You has no doubts. And that is that.

    One very important treatment for yourself is to remember all the small and large ways that Divine Harmony evidenced Itself for you and your life and in the lives of those like you. We know that you have had and are having and will have these experiences. Do not let them be forgotten. Review them in your mind often, and write them down or record them in another way. Make them a part of your own first aid kit.

    Collect and review stories from others as well—not stories from just those who seem so different from you that you sabotage your thinking with “well, that could never happen for ME”. Everyday gentle or angry ordinary children of God see the Harmonious Hand of God revealed in their health and wealth and joy. Think of their times and think of your own, and take great heart in all the evidence you see.

    The Light is unfolding, and It has, and It will, reach every corner of the dream, until there are no shadows left.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are sure you have heard the phrase, “Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.”

    We would have you consider that your true Home is the Mind and Love of God, and that although that may seem humble to those that judge only by appearances, or costumes, or the number of coins in a pocket, the Glorious Embrace of the One Mind holds all, all, all.

    There is really no Home at all except the Loving Mind of the Creator, and all the interim campsites you have built or will build in the earthly illusion that overlays the Kingdom of Heaven-Consciousness cannot compare to the Bliss of that Divine and welcoming abiding. Hold your heart safely in the Kingdom of Heaven, where it was born and from which you project forth the play of your life. No earthly bitterness or condemnation can touch the Truth of what you are as created by Love.

    God knows the Truth of you and it is Good. And that is the Way that overcomes the dream. Berating yourself, as you seek to improve earthly behavior and choices, will only delay God’s assured uplifting of you. God does not see your errors. Re-think your perceptions of yourself, hand your heart over to God, and be glad to be assigned ways to shine.

    God knows you to be Good, and has Good for you to do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Infinite give give you all the reserves you need if and when it suggests that you change focus.

    If you are praying along the lines of being enabled to really shine with expansive Love, because you know that that mission is part of God’s purpose for all, you WILL be led. And if that leading nudges you towards a different worldly role than you ever pictured yourself doing before, all the means to move in that direction will come with it.

    Expanding the visibility of Divine Love can happen through small acts and silent Thought and simple smiles, or an offering of Patience or Compassion into a situation. But when God’s Plan for you includes some shift such as a worldly career change, or entirely new locale, trust that God can see and provide for the entire package of those things.

    Trust in Infinite Love means that you are aware It is with you AND has gone before you to prepare your way for demonstrating Its Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love yourself as God Loves you, hoping always, and asking each day, for Divine Help in shining as your Best Self.

    Forgiveness of human errors soothes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because of expectations that are human and body-based, sometimes (oftentimes!), it can be hardest to forgive and forget with those people in life whom one loves the most.

    Then, Beloved, it is time to turn to loving the self, so that you may love them as you love yourself. It is time to remember, and be grateful for, all the times you have been forgiven, by the people around you, and saved from calamity by the Grace of God. We assure you, you have no idea of how many times your “guardian angels” have intervened to make sure you were not humanly punished for some infraction of human laws, or emotional contracts.

    Think about this. We say this not to have you feeling guilty, but to have you realize that even as Grace has judged you INNOCENT and worthy of preserving and loving, so can you do the same for those around you. All are forgiven for the errors of the earth-dream by Spirit, and you can ask Spirit to help you do the same.

    And, at the same time, you can ask for Help in truly realizing that your expectations of fulfillment can always be directed at the Loving Source. That is truly the only place from which you can expect Good, and know you will never be failed. God/Goddess is the Source of All, and to mistakenly lay that burden on any human in your life is to set yourself up for disappointment.

    Turn to the Loving Source, Beloved. Turn to It for confirmation of your Innocence, and the Fountain of Love that is there for you, and the Help in forgiving and loving others. Turn to It to be so filled with Unconditional Love, that you find you have plenty left over to give, as enjoyment and compassion and appreciation and release from all blame.

    We are with you, watching over you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the days that are simple, and in the days that are filled with variety of experience and newness, the prayer of open heart to hold up to God is the same.

    “Dear God, show me Your Blessings for me, Your Plan for me, Your Understanding of my Best happiness, Your way to help me do Your Will.”

    And then truly open your heart and hands and mind, and let the Infinite show you YOUR Infinite Way.

    Receiving gratefully with you today, in thanks for all Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To align oneself with Divine Joy, in every seeming circumstance, IS to allow the Goodness of the Creative Source to flow.

    But, to make the error of taking credit for that Goodness, for that Joy, is to be drawn into the error of the ego’s false pride. All Goodness comes from Mother/Father/Creative Source God, and to think otherwise is to have turned away from the Source, and open oneself to losing that Joy.

    Endlessly honor the Source, Beloved, even while enjoying the Joy. Yes, the Love that is First Cause, Source, shines only goodness, because It is only goodness. Be Its reflection, in joyful honor, but do not think to take credit for It, any more than the mirror in the tailor’s shop can take credit for sewing the perfect suit that it reflects.

    Credit for cleaning the mirror goes to the tailor’s assistant,

    Love and honor that as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not interested in making it difficult for you to remember your Oneness.

    “God Loves me, and I Love God.” Simple.

    To keep that central in thought and heart changes everything.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Loving the self, so as to accurately reflect the Perfection and Harmony of the Divine that you are as a created idea in the Spiritual Infinite, cleanses the self to reflect perfectly. Loving the self may also be worded as “I believe that I am deserving of God’s perfect Love, and that I am Its perfect child.”

    That believing the self to be worthy, and of therefore allowing the self to be loved, is why the step of shaking off the dust of the world, through confession (to self or to God) and acceptance of forgiveness, are so very important. You will never allow yourself to fully receive Divine Love and Perfection if you do not believe you deserve them, even though they are freely offered by the Divine.

    Assess, confess, make reparations where possible, and accept forgiveness, and then accept healing of the heart and body and mind. There is no other way to let it fully come.

    God’s Love is never withheld from the heart that opens,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today: “Heal my thoughts, dear God. Help me to know your thoughts of me and for me and through me. Set me free, via your thoughts, to see Reality as you intended it to be.”

    With Great Love upholding you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest. Rest assured that God is watching over ones whom you cannot watch over.

    And realize that the loved ones that ARE on your mind constantly are also, of course, being watched over by God, as are you. Let go of the false responsibility of details. Do what you humanly can for others, but mostly, constantly, pray that their Best Happiness and Best Path be smoothly welcomed by their own hearts. Your prayer is about knowing in your own mind and heart that God is All, and that Its Omnipotence and Omnipresence and Omniscience only need to be welcomed into every human consciousness for a very different world to be revealed.

    Harmony is God’s Reality. Focus on wanting to see that, and looking for evidence of that Truth.

    Be with Us, as We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learn the simplicity of casting your cares to God.

    When you let go of human-formed ambitions and strife, and simply cast your desire for happiness to God, then decisions come easier.

    Love God, love yourself, love others and treat them as you would wish to be treated, and cast your cares to God, trusting for all Good and Happiness to come to you. The world DOES start to look different to you, when you See more and more through God’s eyes of Goodness.

    Why not give it a try?

    We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    See, and silently Divinely appreciate, only the brothers and sisters of Soul that are all around you. React not to their dusty costumes, but walk in Love, and Gratitude that God has enabled you to not be fooled by the false faces of evil. See only the Divine Truth, be not drawn into false battles, and your days will be more filled with Joy.

    Your head will not be in the clouds or the sand, for you will still take actions or speak words, as Guided by God, to help awaken the sleepwalkers of the temporal world. But if your heart and Sight are filled with Love as you do it, then you are walking in perfect step with Divine Spirit.

    Walk in Beauty, walk in Joy, We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Power of praying for others, along with yourself, is great.

    Today, feel that by picturing the circle of your immediate or extended family, or a circle of friends, or a community group you are part of, and simply pondering and embracing some form of the True Thought “We are all perfect in God right now”.

    We are all Perfect in God right now, and, O’ Beloved, We are there with you.

    Throughout the day, whenever you remember to feel It, “We are perfect in God.”

    Always, God’s Perfection always,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    It is precisely because the One Great Spirit has no form that it can seem to appear as so many. In Its Omniscience, it can search the hearts and thoughts of each dreaming individual, and find there an image or a phrase or a vision that It can use to remind the individual it is at Home in a Whole.

    Therefore, when you are testifying to others about your own understanding of the Divine, or of how It has made Itself known as your Reality, realize that of course you can only speak in your own metaphors. The best testimony is to unite with that Inner Awareness, and let It search the mind and heart of the other, and find the patterns that It may illuminate. Then will It come alive for the other, and although, as humans, you will know different things, your souls will still be knowing the same Source.

    All bounty comes from Divine Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a star of light, held in place in the Firmament of All That Is by the loving power of Healing Spirit.

    I am a star of Light in the Glorious puzzle of All.

    Healing Spirit, hold me.

    Healing Spirit, shield me.

    Healing Spirit, surround and support me.

    Healing Spirit, work through me

    to connect me with All.

    What you give also holds you in place,

    Love holds all the stars of light together in the Mind of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Renew yourself, refill your Self, in the Infinite Glory of God.

    Every day, and as many times as needed throughout the day, renew your Consciousness in God. If you are trapped in thoughts of materialism, like a whale trapped in a shallow inlet, swim directly to the deeper waters of Spirit, and be held up by and fed by the Great Waters again.

    No one else can make you do this. But if you keep choosing what God endlessly offers, you will want It and crave It and be satisfied by It. You will be endlessly refilled for the mere cost of a little time and focus and willingness.

    Hold up your empty self to be refilled, and God does the Work. And does it Lovingly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even saints must wash their socks sometimes.

    Spend the daily crucial few minutes being quiet and still, and giving your willingness to the Universe to do the greater Will, for the joy of yourself and of all.

    Then, put some order into your life, smoothly and slowly doing what needs to be done, while you wait for the Divine ideas to percolate into your thoughts, and lead you ahead in each thing, great and small.

    And We walk with you through it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There will be a time to Go Home. There will be a time to lay aside the body illusion and fly free in Wisdom and Light. But, meanwhile, be the window through which the Light shines.

    Open every moment of your days and nights to letting the Wisdom and Light shine through your every word and task and action. This is no small thing, but We know you can do it.

    This is no small thing, and everyone can do it, and just imagine the Bright Light that would be shining everywhere if they did.

    Be at Home in your heart, Child. Be at Home in the Peace of your heart, and shine a little longer into the dream, for Us.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pray for those who count and sort and label to be awakened to the truth that the ineffable Presence of Love must also be considered, pondered, and understood. Pray for yourself to remember that as well, when you get caught up in human evaluations.

    Love offers Itself freely to your consciousness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Be Mine tonight”, says God to you. “Be Mine tonight and Be Mine today, in your aware consciousness, for, Beloved, you already are. Awaken to what you already are.”

    Choose, each day, whether to pay close attention to God, to the still, small, Voice. It does take a special an extraordinary Calling to publicly vow to listen to God constantly. We simply ask you to silently vow to yourself, one day at a time, “I am God’s today. I am God’s , tonight.”

    There is great and deep Joy in knowing your constant connection to the Infinite, one moment at a time. Choose God. Choose Love. Choose, and choose again, and so does your Whole Self unfold.


  • Dear One,

    To believe in joy is to believe in your own soul’s plan. The plan that you made to come here to life included great joy. Joy to feel as you experience life and as you share whatever gift is yours to share.

    Pick a thing of experience that gives you joy and hold it in your thoughts — the face of a loved one, the gentleness of gardening, the beauty of a sunset — whatever fills your heart with joy and with the sweetness of existence. Then, apply that joy to any struggle in your life. Let the joy fill you and let it overflow from your heart to bathe any worry you have. Immerse your thoughts, your worries, in that joy.

    Imagine joy as golden water. Let it flow over the anger, over the feeling of lack, over the sense of despair. Feel the power that joy has to wash these things from your heart in this moment, as you continue to hold your joyous experience in your thoughts. Have faith that the Universe wants everything within it to move towards Joy.

    Believe in yourself and believe in your joy, for your soul has made its plan for life, and the fuel for that perfect plan is joy. Let it be so, indeed.

    All blessings upon you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    You are not alone. You are not alone.

    I fill your heart and make up the form and Light of you, alive.

    Just so, I am the heart and form and Life of all, born not of earthly mixture of seeds, but of new ideas of Divine Mind. And between all these forms of Light? More Light. For Mind is All.

    This wondrous year, try to comprehend this, that God is ALL, God is All, God is All.

    There is no matter. There is Light, there is Life, all woven of Spiritual form.

    All made of the Substance of Love.

    You are part of this All, a wonderful thread held on place by many Divine threads around you, never alone in the fabric of existence.

    Consistently Knowing you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are contained in and sustained in the Mind of God, like an idea is contained and sustained in your own mind. Can you let that sink into your understanding?

    Therefore, you cannot escape from God. Therefore, God is your instantly available resource. You are contained in and sustained in, and surrounded by and supported by, Truth and Love. It is not a physical thing, it is ALL, including you, entirely Spirit.

    When you avail yourself of it, you will begin to See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Creative Source Loves you, no matter what occurs in the earth dream.

    But you must be aware that what you send forth in the boomerang of illusion does come back to you. Sin returns as sin done to you. Lies told return as lies told to you. Unkindness returns as unkindness, kindness returns as kindness.

    What then, can God do to help you in the earth dream? God makes you want the Truth, and more of the Truth. God inspires you to want to reflect more of the Qualities of Goodness. You will no longer want to sin, if you put God in charge. You will no longer be willing to lie, if you let Inner Divine Spirit take the reins. You will look for ways to serve and be fair and honest and kind, if you let the Grace of Love rule you.

    When do you want to let Dear Love take charge of you? That is your choice. The timing is your choice. Do you want to let your own mistakes keep bouncing back at you, or do you want to let God help you stop making mistakes? Do you want to forgive others their mistakes, and help them see themselves as Beloveds of God, even as you become willing to see them thus?

    When? Now? Why not?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Return to a basic today:

    “High Guidance of the Light,

    With Your extraordinary Sight and Might,

    Show me all that is Good for me,

    By Divine Right.”

    Now, AMEN


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is time to remind you again that you do not need to ASK God to hold you. God ALREADY holds you. God already holds you Lovingly and Completely.

    What you really need to do when you feel like crying out to God to hold you is to raise your thoughts to a higher vibration so that you can feel that sweet Holding. Do this by remembering that God is All and already holds you, and by counting and being grateful for all blessings, including tangible and intangible ones. Count as a blessing the glory of the colors around you, as well as the existence of friendship and forgiveness, for instance. Think about the beauty of your favorite flower or food, and about the wonder of the demonstration of excellence in any field of endeavor.

    AND, raise your vibration by sending forth prayers, blessings, and good wishes of all sorts, to others. Strangers or friends, family or acquaintances, loves or pets…send forth blessings to others and it will open wide your own ability to feel God, to experience your own blessings, to discern the deep Love that is Divine, and that is already holding you and providing for you.

    Raise your vibration thus, and know you are always held wonderfully in God, in Love Itself.

    Take time to do it right. Then you WILL feel God by your side and all around you and through you and your life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the very hardest things in the earth dream is to have reached, even for just a moment here and there, the feel of the Peace of the Infinite Divine in your heart, and then find that those whom you love do not want to hear about it. To work to maintain that ineffable peace for yourself is the thing you will most desire.

    To watch those whom you love struggle and strive, even if you suggest that they also seek peace, is a sorrow indeed. But, you must turn it around, Love, and realize that their discontent is another lesson for you. Learn to be an ever clearer conduit of Peace, so that your very presence for the Presence will help them find their way, too, to that which you seek. Remember, even though they are themselves, they are also actors in your play, and whatever you would wish to teach or give them, you must also give yourself.

    We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest. Rest today in the oneness of Spirit, remembering that the most effective means of conveying your good wishes for another, or your desires of harmony for a situation, is through that One Spirit.

    Rest into the Omniscience and Omnipotence of that One Governance that is not fooled by all the false idols of the fitful dreams of earth illusion. Rest into the trust that you have built in your own heart, that the Omni-Presence does seek to create a sweeter dream for all, so that the sleepers can awaken more gently, and more happily, into the full awareness of their true Life.

    Spirit never takes time off, but you need to,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when your human mind is so distracted by duties and tasks and concerns and celebrations, that you are not consciously in tune with Spirit, with God, God is shining from you, and guiding you, if you have spent time being aware of being filled with Spirit as you began your day. Begin your day, Beloved, claiming your completeness and Oneness with God, and then let go to God and go about your day.

    Believe us, those that come into your day are there for you, as you are for them. Be the silent shining Light, or just be ready, as the small inner Voice directs, to stop your busy-ness, and smile , or reach out, or say a word.

    The Divine Plan is a dance of many pieces, and just a step or two can change all. The Director is playing the tune and calling the steps. Just listen and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry. The Divine Source is securely happy in you and of you and around you, as Spirit-Child within Itself. It knows you will always reawaken to your safe and glorious existence within It, and is not afraid that you can actually separate yourself from It by dreaming you are far off and adrift in a body made of dust.

    Therefore, relax into the Knowledge of God’s Love. Relax in to the Provision of His/Her Sustenance. Let yourself be carried, knowing that the Carrier loves to hold and help you, and replies to your “I Love You” with an “Of Course—for you are made of my Love, to do just that.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak no ill. Praise and praise, to recognize all that is Good around you. Even if you must rebuke a lie, in the course of teaching your children, or peers, or self, or employees or employers, speak with Love.

    Words spoken with Love are the Truth. To say nothing, and emanate Love, is also the Truth. Speak only when you absolutely must, and then let the words come from the Leading Voice within. You will know Its Voice, for It always speaks with Love.

    Let your voice do the same. Tones of Love are music. Speak Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claiming happiness for yourself is only achieved if you claim happiness for all. Surrender, release and happiness for all are the surrender, release and happiness for each one.

    That is the nature of the shared dream of human thought. The One Mind is singular, and must be recognized to command all.

    This has been said in many ways. Find the way that your mind understands, and hold to it.

    Absolutely with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,


    Think about it. Just because it seems that you are stuck in time, does not mean you should let it limit your understanding of God-Source. Allow your mind to accept the Completeness of God. Allow yourself to contemplate the Perfectly Good and Kind Original that has thought you up, and then stands before the mirror of the edge of space/time, and Sees what you are, already very Good. You don”t need to inch your way to yourself as part of God’s Good. You already are that in God’s Mind’s Eye.

    “Dear God, help me see the Good I am right now, already accomplished. Help me be grateful for all the small and large perfections that already exist around me Here in You.”

    And Amen, so be it for so it is, God Loves you NOW,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The skill of setting aside the jabbering monkey mind so as to quietly and trustingly and calmly ask God each morning, “What do I need to know today for my thoughts to be in alignment with your Wonderful Will?” is the highest and best skill to have.

    Practice it, Beloved. Practice it and use it constantly, and your life will be Wonderfully Guided by the Voice and Love of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain of this: There is an Infinite Source of Joy that you can turn to, in the Well of Life that is the core of you, the True Substance of you. But to drink of It, and let that Joy fuel you, you must turn to It. Anything that gives you a harmless and quiet Joy to simply think about can be the opening to the Sacred Joy that is your Life Force.

    That is why so many use a mental or written “gratitude journal” to put themselves in the Joyful and grateful frame of mind that is the open door to God Mind.

    In whatever way you choose to access the Source of all Life Joy, make it intentional and constant. Train yourself to choose to access the Everpresent Source of Joy. When challenges come, when temptation nibbles, when sorrow rises in the throat, choose Joy. Ask the full Presence of Love to fill you, and wash away whatever thoughts and human feelings and senses are not right.

    If you would reach for God-Joy as automatically as you reach for your wallet or credit card to provide for the material needs, your soul would be always filled with Joy. Ask us to help you remember to do this, dear Beloved. We have reminded you many times to ask for Divine Help, and the offer stands forever.