All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you know that you stand forever on the bedrock of God’s Love and support, the vagaries of the temporal will not leave you feeling hopeless. Affirm and remember that you stand on and in Love Itself, and be grateful, be grateful, be grateful. You cannot be grateful and panicked at the same time. Would you not rather choose gratitude? You stand on the bedrock of Love. Be so very grateful for that.

    “God is my Life. God is my Truth. God gives me all I need to completely re-boot.”

    Open your playful mind, and God will give you, individually, the perfect prayer for the day, the perfect ideas, the perfect strength, and the perfect fuel of hope and joy to move you to perfect calm Gratitude.

    Praise God, and hear God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Hold you so tenderly and completely. Think only of this today. Feel that totally today. Do whatever tasks you feel you need to do or are Led to do, but mostly concentrate on knowing and feeling My High regard and Love for you.

    That will feed you in all the ways you truly need. Not the human hunger that always returns, but the spiritual hunger that is always and only and truly and fully filled by Me.

    So honestly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a voice you hear, while trying to meditate or pray, whispers of fear or sorrow, it is not the Voice of God. If a voice you hear insinuates worry about body or relationship or supply or providence, it is not of God.

    Go more deeply, and feel the Great Peace and Joyously expanding Love of God, and then ask again for guidance. The Voice of Truth is certain, and Endlessly Glad, and Calm. Let Its Calmness stabilize your emotions, and then let It help you know the Truth.

    We assure you that you are in existence in God. Let no costume fool you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking to know yourself as God knows you leads you to understand what innocence and goodness really mean. “God is too pure to behold iniquity” means that God really only sees what It made—goodness and beauty and order of Spirit. It did not make the dust and sorrow that you sometimes experience. You are a darling and marvelous thought in the Great Thinker of All, and the sooner you experience even tiny moments of that, the sooner you will feel the Glory of God shining through you and around you and as you.

    Ask to know yourself as God knows you, Beloved, and be willing to think of yourself as pure Spirit, rather than as flesh and bone. You are Light and Life Itself, and the body self you may think you are, only bounces against its own walls. Error creates its own errors of perception.

    Perceive your own innocent shine today, seeing your reflection in God’s eyes, and shine, shine, shine with the unearthly Light that heals and reveals and Sees the Glory of all around as well.

    Each one does this for himself or herself, but it then shines on all,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    You know full well that the same keys open the Kingdom of Peace and Heavenly Awareness in your heart each day. You know that generous forgiveness for mistakes, and new chances to do Good, and to Be Good, and to be grateful, are offered to you each day and each minute.

    So gladly and gaily turn those keys each morning, not as an excuse to glibly err again each day, but as the chance to build good upon good, and to accrue wisdom, and to feel more and more understanding of the whole and clear purpose of Love Divine, and what you are and why you are within Its Expanse.

    Every day new chances, Beloved. God never gives up on Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, think of your “self”, your body and personality and human heart, as mirrors delegated to reflect the pure Light of the Source. Shine It everywhere you can, as a child would shine a new pocket toy here and there, or a newly betrothed woman would shine a diamond on her hand, just to enjoy the sparkle of its meaning and beauty.

    Reflect the shine, reflect the shine, Beloved, knowing that the light that creates the sparkle comes not from you, but that Its reflection can be enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed.

    As ever, enjoying you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as redecorating a room in good fashion means that one must empty it completely, and clean it thoroughly, before painting, or rearranging, or installing new furnishings, so one must do when deciding it is time to redecorate your mind in Divine Fashion.

    Clean out old thoughts and attitudes, allow there to be new color and new light, and then welcome, welcome, welcome, the Ultimate Redecorator, the Creator, to fill your mind with Thoughts Divine, so that they may manifest as your happy and whole body and life. Live fresh, live new, let the Divine Source show through as the wonderfully understood new you.

    Helping you move out the old and in the new,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you hear these words in your heart, “I Am the Lord God and I plant this seed of Love in the hearts of _____________ and _____________,” (This may be you and a friend, or you and a spouse or love, or you and a neighbor, or you and an “enemy”, pay very close attention.

    Agree to nurture it. Agree to let it grow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The journey does not end when you come to the time of “physical death”. The journey ends when you joyfully surrender to the Governance of the Divine.

    When that happens, here or hereafter, you can truly think, all day long, “I am living in Heaven now.”

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When confusion surrounds your heart, from the worldly pressures to label yourself as a certain type of personality or in a particular profession, remember that you already have clear instructions from your Maker.

    “I am a giver of Grace. As It has been freely given to me, and is continually given to me, so do I give It to others.”

    When in doubt, give Grace. Let it soothe and cleanse you as it flows to another, and then look at your situation again, refreshed and renewed by remembering that, above all, you are a giver of Grace, and a beloved child of Creation.

    Grace does not change, but It can change everything else,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is intriguing when the same lesson of earth life comes to one again and again, but be aware that it can be learned, and moved beyond. Do not just accept repeated pain, or sorrow, or continued disease. Know, rather, that you are meant to be freed from those things, and to move into experiencing the full bliss and perfection of being an earthly expression and communicator of the Joy, Calmness, and happy expansion of Love in the orderly revelation of God-in-All.

    Do not accept, “Oh, this is just my cross to bear.” No, look forward and up, rather. Roll away the stones from your eyes and allow yourself to see the marvelous beauty and expressed talents of the Wonderful and Perfect Self that you are as a part of the Infinite Divine.

    We believe in you, for We know the Truth of you. Let yourself See it, also.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Here I am, God. Teach me, Guide me, speak to me of what I need to know and do. Thank you for Loving me, thank you for seeing past my human errors, and providing for me in all the ways that Loving Truth, Grace, and Soul can give.”

    Allow timeless God, who sees all options and choices, and knows what you face as you awaken to the Infinite, lead you minute by minute. Trust the Divine Hand that takes yours, as you navigate in the dusky light of earthly experience. Minute by minute, trust God.

    Spirit Voice is in your heart for that purpose,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can spend five minutes arguing with someone, or you can spend those minutes being glad for the day. Which one do you want?

    You can spend a minute feeling angry about something, or you can spend that minute with the deep Peace of God in your heart. Which one do you want?

    If your earthly presence ended tonight, which one would you be happy to have chosen?

    It is always the same choice—earthly focus or Infinite Peace while in the world.



  • Ah, Sweet Beloved,

    Here is a day to be honest with yourself about your talents and skills. They were poured into you by the very Divine, and it is your privilege and purpose to share them.

    Everyone has talents and skills. Everyone. They are meant to be shared, that the parts of the Whole make awaken and be One again.

    So many times, humans associate honest self-assessment with faults and regrets. Routinely look at those to see what to improve, yes, but today, and every day, also honestly look at the gifts of Good Quality that God has given you, and let God show you how to share them for the greater Good and your own Good. This is important. Now, as ever, this is important.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you begin to get the feeling that the time for an ending has come, whether it is the right time to leave a party, or the time to move to a new home or to a new career, let yourself have the sacred thought space of listening. If the intuition is true, if the Inner Voice is of God, there will be a certainty, but not a sense of urgency.

    The human ego voice is very dramatic. If it says “right now” but says so with a sense of hurry that is fear-based, let yourself have time to think again. The True Inner Voice that is of the Divine will always be rooted in Peace. The True Voice, even if It is urging immediate action, will be a calm urging, certain of Its intent of Love, and drawing on Omnipotent strength.

    Therefore, wait on the Will of Divine Timing, Beloved. Give yourself the gift of sacred listening space—even if you must step apart from others in a crowded room, so that you may listen, or ask aloud for a minute of silence in which to commune with the Truth. You will never regret it, for you will be sure, and backed by Sureness.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even just a few words, or an act by a stranger, or an element of nature seen minutely, can uplift one’s understanding into True Perception of the Oneness of Being. But for most individuals, the growth is layer by layer, with old perceptions falling away and the new ones formed.

    And, often, Beloved, there is some cleaning up and cleaning off of the “self” to be done as old memories and old errors come up to be washed away. Greet them fearlessly when they do, and be glad they have arisen to where they are easier to forgive and to discard. All is Well. All will be Well. All has always been Well in the non-dream state of Spirit. Keep your Soul focus on your underlying Calm Divinity, even while you cleanse and change and grow and learn. Draw strength and dedication and discipline from It.

    In either case, slow increments of understanding of Wholeness, or epiphanies of enlightenment, there must be continued work and renewal. Keep reminding yourself, and others, of the progress made. Be willing to let others share their tales of growth. Keep practicing and remembering and supporting one another in True Perception, so that you know more easily, every day, your True Identities as Good Ideas of the Divine Mind.

    Ask for Truth and Teachers and Betterment, and they come.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Wondrous Love that never changes Its Presence and Intensity and Completeness for you is a thing to remember and embrace every day.

    Do not turn to It only when an infatuation fades, or human love rejects, or fades, or moves far away in time, or space. Turn to It every day. Sustain yourself from Divine Love in every moment.

    When the watery dips and waves of human love toss you about, the Infinite Steady Love of God is the Deep Water you can walk upon.

    Practice it high and low, so you know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Graciously, graciously, GIVE.

    Trust, as the Giver, that the Divine Source knows and sees all that you give, and that there is no need to try to pry out of others the reward or appreciation to fulfill your own needs. You are completely aware of the Almightiness of the Divine. Trust It for your needs, turn to It for your appreciation, offer to It your Love.

    Just be in alignment with It, with those Qualities of Life and Truth and Love that ARE It, and you will be aligned to receive what you need for fellowship, for provision, for the knowledge of timing of all things.

    As we see you perfect,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Divine creates me new in each moment, sustaining the perfect Thought of me. I am innocent, pure and free, in His/Her eyes, and that is, today, the me I choose to see.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever you feel that you are enamored of a new earthly pursuit, remember that all of the material definitions and culturally defined roles are just shadows upon the true purpose of each ray of Light—to shine that Light. If you remember that your main purpose is ALWAYS to shine forth the Glory of the Qualities of the Divine Creative Force that you have been given, that you are made of, then you are living the Truth.

    We are not even speaking of human definitions of goodness, such as honesty or loyalty. We are speaking of even a deeper level of Quality—pure Soul, pure Love, pure Life and Spirit, pure Truth, the Pure Intelligence that is the very Order of the Universe.

    Be that, Beloved. Shine forth the Pure Soul of the Source, letting go of all the human definitions of what you thought you were, or think you are supposed to be. Pursue the new pursuits, if you will, but do them in the name of the Glory of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many times we have used the phrase “best destiny”, when speaking about the choices you face in earthly life, or the prayers you say when facing those choices.

    Now, you are ready to ponder this more deeply, and understand that there truly is only one “True Destiny” for each wonderfully conceived idea of God. God’s Truth for you IS your Destiny. As your own human self-concept moves closer to a deep surrender to the prayer “Thy Will be done”, this will become apparent.

    All the alternate destinies that seem to be enacted in the earthly mirror are but rehearsals and shadows of the Truth that you ARE living, are Being, within the gracious Mind of God. Like children playing in the sandbox, the imaginary housekeeping and working in the piles of dust are left behind when the Mother/Father calls the children to Home in the heart.

    “Allow me to see my Destiny as you have conceived it, dear God.”

    In the dear Kingdom of Pure Consciousness, you are already there,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    If it seems as though outer circumstances and people are instigating feelings of unrest in you, turn to Inner Governance. That Inner Governance is not the voice of anger or fear, but of soft and calm counsel, and comfort and guidance.

    When you see leaders and governors of worldly affairs exhibiting fear and threats, turn within and make sure your own thoughts are wise and good and tempered ones. And, give Praises in the Soul of you that timeless Governance comes from that which is beyond and above the petty powers of human strife.

    Ask again for the Divine to awaken every heart to Grace and Infinite Life, and make sure you offer your own heart to be fully awakened, and let your thoughts be in alignment with Loving God.


  • Ah, Child,

    Let not any temporary earthly set-backs discourage you. Keep your eyes on the goodness of the Light, and keep your mind on the authority you have to make choices in the earthly realm. You can choose to let go of things. You can choose to let go of mind-sets and attitudes.

    Ask for Divine Help, for strength and courage, and make the human choices you need to make, remembering that ALL roads lead back to God, and that choosing the shortest route is up to you. You can choose to know that you are, and to live as, a Spirit in the realm of the Divine right now, and reflect that Love on earth, or you can choose to believe that you are alone and separate in a fleshly form, until that form wilts and you see the Truth. Why wait?

    We testify endlessly for Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “High Guidance of the Light, come to me now and set my thoughts aright.

    I open to receive you, this day, this night. Come forth completely, set my thoughts aright.”

    Let It happen, Child.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Studying the commandment of “placing no gods above God” is not about studying a gruesome law that you follow only by sacrificing what you really want. It is about studying the Law that frees you from thinking that anything else is true.

    You cannot REALLY place any gods above God, because only God exists, and you are a Spirit within that God-Goodness. To fool yourself into thinking that there are other things that exist beside God, is to trap your awareness into illusions and shadows. “Thou shall have no other gods before Me” is a protective Rule, a Loving Rule, not a thing to bind you. Let It free you. Let it make you hopeful and happy and certain of your beautiful place in the Order that is the Loving Rule of God-Mind.

    Yet, know yourself unique in God, as a beloved part/ partner,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy we share as you let Me embrace you is all the fuel you need, today, and every day, to move forward in your understanding and oneness with Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are asked, as you awaken from the earth-body dream, “Did you love as I have loved you? Did you express the Love that I Am?”, it is not asked in order to judge you. It is asked in order to help you focus on the moments and occasions in which you did love, to help you forget the times of unloving and the times you felt the danger of non-compassion.

    It is to help you remember that you were never really separate from the Whole of Love in which you dwell, and of which you are a part, and to realize that if you had let any of those moments of loving expand into a full realization of agape, of Unconditional Divine Love, you would have never felt apart from the Divine Source.

    You would have realized, and can realize as you are asked, that you were not, are not, and never will be separate from the Source that created the beautiful idea of you.

    Let any moment of agape expand now, and you can know it now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As God told you in the night, asking for God Harmony to please pour over the situation and the people you know IS a true and good desire, but to phrase it that way can hinder your own understanding of the ever-Presence of God Harmony.

    It is already present AS your very Soul. It is already Itself. Today, hold to the image of It rising up from within your consciousness, like still waters rise up from the deep of the sea.

    What seems to be the roiling and wind of physical life is but the momentary surface of the waters of Love Harmonious. Blend with the quiet and the calmness within, and let Harmony rise, rise, rise into what you see and experience on the surface.

    God is not far away, waiting for you to beg for your Harmony to appear. God is right within you. Practice again, today, being the one that remembers this, and one of the ones asking for the serenity of One Mind to shine forth from all.

    We are so grateful when you do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Beneath all the temporal and visible things, holding steady during the ebb and flow of human feeling, being constant during your mortal moods and needs, is SPIRIT.

    Love Itself, as Principle of Life and Soul and Truth, is your Infinite Provider and Lover and Sustainer and Source. Keep your awareness of that alive and awake, and It will be the certainty you can turn to as the earthly scene seems to shift and change.

    O’ Beloved, the cup of expectation, that is the heart held still under the fount of Flowing Soul even a few short times a day, will always be full. It is like the camper who knows where the secret spring is in the desert, and goes there to hold his canteen under the outpouring stream, patiently and regularly, and because of his or her discipline, is never thirsty.

    By going to the fount of the Divine Source several times a day to fill your heart, you are disciplining yourself to Joy.

    This is the Truth of real, not empty and ephemeral, Living.

    Do it, for We Love to see you happy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you but knew how very delighted the Holy Essence is when you ask for Its Help in giving you strength to forgive, and be free, you would not even hesitate to ask.

    Only your own purpose is enhanced, and the purpose of every revealed Child of God around you, by the humble willingness of asking for Help, and then letting It be given to you, and thus to everyone around you. That IS the onliness that the One Spirit wants, for that IS the Oneness of Being.

    Needs given to Spirit become fulfillment.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Joy in all the Consciousness of Oneness each time any individual sees even a glimpse of the Shining Eternal Life that is right here and now, behind the mist of unknowing.

    Those around you who seem to not see or sense the Presence of the Great Continuous Flow of Energy will all eventually remember that it is Truth and that they are a part of It. This is God’s triumphant plan. Remember that and do your best to be a living example of faith and trust, for in silently demonstrating what utter companioning with God can do for your earthly life, you convince those you are meant to convince.

    Many and many are the testimonies of those who have had their moment of epiphany or healing or full realization of Infinite soul just because they overheard one of God’s messengers or teachers speak or demonstrate the living Love. It is not really random when such a non-believer “accidently” tags along to a concert of hymns, or a spiritual talk, and then finds him or her self walking freely or filled with new dreams and energy.

    God’s generous and reliable grace and purpose are there for all. For all.

    Be one through whom that fountain of Love can flow easily and continually, for it will refresh many, as soon as they are ready in Soul.

    Joyously watching you be you, as God made, and makes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, remember,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there is God’s Will, there is always a way.

    Where there is only human will and temptational seeking, there may seem to be a way for a while, but it will not last. That is why all desires that arise in your heart must be aligned with a feeling of Calm guidance and support from your Divine connection.

    When your will is aligned with the Grand Will for your happiness and purpose, then, indeed all things are possible. God wants your Gladness of Soul. Now and always.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If necessity of material concern seems to loom, remember how powerfully the Inner Divine Advisor has been able to comfort and change the feelings of the heart, and TAKE heart. Make not the mistake of thinking that objects are any less subject to the laws of Divine Love than are your own earthly emotions.

    Divine Love truly governs all. Governance becomes demonstration when It is asked, and allowed, to do so, without being barred by disbelief or barred by resentment or anger or unforgiveness.

    Divine Love WANTS to be with you, WANTS you to know It is already right next to your heart, if you will just turn from looking outward and pay attention to It, instead. But only you can answer the questions, “Do you WANT to walk with Divine Love?, and “When?”

    When you are done with the dramas and the mirrors of what the ego-self imagines it needs or wants, then remember that the Divine Source is ever-ready, patiently waiting in the same place it has always been, right in the center of your own Divine Self.

    And we gladly hold open the door,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Not only can you not control others with your own human wishes, you cannot even control your own human behavior without the Help of Inner Spirit. Do not try, and waste time feeling discouraged and despairing. Rather, turn right away to the Comforting Inner Presence, and ask for advice in what to do or say.

    Make it a regular part of your day to turn within and be filled with the Utter Love of Spirit. As you do this for yourself, you will better be able to live the calm and joyous truth and talents you want to live. You will better be able to live your Loving Peace, and be an example of that higher mode of living to those around you.

    As you feel filled with, and more sure and trusting of, the Divine Love that fills you, you can ask for the overflow, and the freely given Grace, to go to those around you and to guide them, too. It is the only way you can rightly and ethically influence others, to ask Divine Sense to guide them, and to ask that your eyes and sensibilities be opened enough to the ways of Divine Spirit, to see aright the glory and joy and beauty and wholeness of those around you.

    Choose Love, be Love, send Love. It is the way, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joyous Flow that is the natural way of ever-continuous Life can be drawn upon at every moment within your current belief in time/space. You do not need to be in a sacred space of a church or a meditation center. You do not need for it to be the Sabbath day or a weekend devoted to a workshop. It Flows always.

    The key is that you have to decide to dip into it. You have to decide to allow yourself to feel it. Even when someone else is praying for you or blessing you or feeling grateful to you or thanking you with words or gifts, you have to DECIDE to feel the happiness that is natural for your soul. Decide you want happiness and joy, and allow it to flow. Decide you want to look for the best intentions from others, and you begin to see that intention. Decide you want to be a vehicle for healing, and you will be used thus.

    Decide to live with gratitude and faith in the Joyous Flow being available. Then, every moment and every place become sacred space. Shivering on a sidewalk, you can turn to the Comforting Love. Cozy in your own bed, you can turn to Love. While being praised, or while being yelled at, you can turn to Love.

    Try it, Beloved. Practice it, Beloved, and Love will hold you steady.

    We hold steady in Love for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Call for your Teacher of Healing to be with you, and both call together for the Healing Truth to be with you. Shine your “flashlights” of Healing Principle on the darkness and shadows of error, to reveal the Good Wholeness beneath.

    Feel and see the Goodness. Experience the Joy and verification. Be immensely grateful.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here you are now.

    Drop all thoughts of yesterday, and past victories or mistakes, and move back into the simplicity of asking, “Open my eyes, dear Love, and help me see, all the Blessings You have in Your ever-living plan for me.”

    Then open the eyes of your heart, and look, and look, and love, and see,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Bless yourself with memories of when you have passed along Divine Generosity by giving time, and good wishes, and love and goods and efforts and provisions. Uplift yourself by remembering when you have had compassion and forgiven, forgiven, forgiven.

    Being grateful and counting blessings are such an automatic bridge from dark thoughts to Divine Light Thoughts of Heart. Most of you know this. You know this intellectually.

    But how often do you cross that bridge? Do you read and study things that encourage using that way to the Heavenly view? Cross that bridge, dear ones. Cross that bridge, and invite others to cross it with you.

    Leave the angers behind,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The pattern that already exists for your best journey through life contains all possibilities. Enacting the pattern in a way that chooses the most harmonious and joyous experiences begins with believing that you are Loved.

    The raw materials of the Divine Source are always ready and always there, and as an individualization of the Divine Whole, your “share” already belongs to you. Believe this, Beloved.

    The raw materials of the Divine Source in which your Spirit exists are all Good, for that is the very nature of God, All That Is. Choose, with your words and your thoughts, to believe this, Beloved, and let your heart rejoice that you have been given the power to form thoughts and speech to mold your heart’s desires out of the raw material of the Source.

    Let not a sorrowing imagination send you into making molds of what you do not want, Dear One. Focus, focus, focus the thoughts and spoken words on the truth that you have been given, that you are a unique and Loved part of the Wonderful Whole, and take that raw Love and “bake” it into the forms that support your expression of that Love to the world.

    Years of not believing that the best is for you can be turned around,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you understand just how Glad God is to think about you and enjoy you?

    When, on the human level, you come up with a clever or imaginative idea for decorating your room, or solving a puzzle, do you not feel a glad delight just to see the solution? Multiply this delight of yours by a million, million fold, and you will have a taste of how the Divine Creator feels about the idea that is the constant Thought-Form that is you.

    Delight in this delight, Beloved. Walk around today, keeping in your mind, “God is delighted with the True idea that is me!”

    And, “God helps me know the True Idea of myself better and better now, so that I can love myself as much as He/She Loves me.”

    Both things are very true,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, the joyous dance begins anew each moment,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be assured that We see all that you do, and appreciate each time you stay silent when you Divine Voice has not prompted you to speak. And We appreciate each time you do speak when prompted to. It is Joy to us.

    We know that the worldly titles and wooden and golden plaques mean nothing to you. But We also tell you that there is nothing wrong with having your human efforts and discipline appreciated. So, know you have our constant appreciation. Even when there is no human appreciation, or if there is even disdain or fear, you have our appreciation.

    Today, we thank you. Every day that you live by the Divine, we thank you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wordless, timeless, God shines through the window of you.

    Tenderly, but powerfully, God shines through the window of you.

    If you allow the window to be covered, or dusty or smeared, God will feed advice and help to assist you in the cleansing or revealing of the window, but it will never be forced upon you. Do you want to be a spotless transparency for the Love and Life and Honor of Harmony that shine?

    There is no window that cannot be cleaned or uncovered. And the same strong Light shines for and through and as all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps it is not yet obvious to you that the human physical sense of self will try to play tricks on you, and convince you that you are just a body, and nothing else. Be on guard for that. Playfully assess what you are thinking, and remind yourself constantly and gently, every day, that you are a dweller in the Great and Wonderful Loving Mind of God/Goddess/ All that Is, and you do not dwell anywhere else.

    Be at Peace, and relax into this Truth, Beloved, and know that all sleepers within the Great Spirit DO awaken, whether they are taking just a short nap, with fleeting dreams, or a seemingly long, long sleep, they will awaken into the Brightness of Divine and Beautiful Spiritual Reality. When you think that you are tired of the dream of earth, but feel that you have no where else to go, no where and no one to turn to, remember, remember, remember, that you need but close your eyes and spiral down into the heart of acceptance, and say, “Mother/Father Divine, open the door of YOUR Kingdom to me, and let me rest there a while.

    That is the true rest that renews, while you still have work to do in the dream,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking God to help you let the Divine Plan unfold in your life does not mean you do not know what to do when you are not hearing specific instructions from Loving Spirit.

    If you are not hearing definitive whispers about the day or the hour or the week, you have your “standing orders” to be kind, be forgiving, be loving, be patient and generous, be encouraging, and to honor the Truth of Spirit in your actions and your speech and thought.

    You already know to allow yourself to be as Loving Spirit, the mirror image of loving Spirit Itself. You can do this easily, for it is what you really are. Relax into that identity, that role.

    Holding you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just like your little space heater, you can think of yourself as having a re-set button.

    When chaos seems to reign, unplug yourself from your own wild and circling thoughts, turn your unit of self “off”, and sit still and quiet. Wait with and in God for twenty minutes, in silence, and then plug the human unit back in to the Power of Good, and turn the unit to on, and feel, feel, feel the warmth of Love flow.

    It really IS as simple as that, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You may not realize, or may not stay aware of, the Tender interest that the Divine Whole takes in each and every one of Its ideas that swirl in the Consciousness that is All.

    You are one of those ideas, and the All watches and mentors carefully whether you have remembered your own wonderful worth and divinity. Each time something awakens another part of your thoughts, God is Glad. Each time you notice and learn from another inspiration that God sends your way, to help you awaken, God rejoices. Each time you allow Spirit to do or say something through you to help awaken another to the Power of Pure Love, God celebrates.

    Try to stay aware of these truths, Beloved. Try to remain open, open, open to being the exactly wonderful representation of the Soul of All Good that you really are.

    And We thank you, and delight in you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When hopes are realized, and the encouragement of seeing that God/Divine Source can surmount the laws of physics as you have understood them until now, then it is time to realize you have been given a great inducement to know more and more about what you, and God, truly are. That is when your real education begins.

    Yes, all the skills and tasks you have learned to perform in the earthly way still come in handy in the realm of the five senses, but do not be limited by thinking that those are all there is. Unlimited Potential, darling. Unlimited.

    We give you a hand up above limits,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a circle of friends or bodyguards circling around you while you move through an unruly crowd, God-Thoughts circling in your mind can protect you from unwanted encounters.

    To not be drawn into reactions of anger, or delayed in your purposes by brief human dramas, keep Divine Truths in your thoughts. Stop and remind yourself many times a day that you choose to look for Good, that you are a citizen of High Consciousness, that your existence in Soul is continuous, that God Loves you and made you of Love.

    Whether you wish to keep in mind complex bits of Spiritual poems, or long memorized passages of Scriptures, or simple rhymes such as “no spot God is not” or self-reminders “Life is Beautiful”, and so forth, have a regimen that gives you safe spots of time and outlook to protect you from the barrage of worldly suggestions that do not uplift or heal or inspire.

    A small investment of time in marshalling your thoughts and attitudes throughout the day will carve a way for the Gracious Will of God to help you feel and see the Divine right now.

    Small minutes spent bring great rewards of Peace and Spiritual Value.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Now, right at this moment in time-space, believe there is nothing standing between you and the Creative Force.

    There is no membrane between you, there is no obstacle or barrier that is real, there is no time that must be endured before you feel the Lovely Force of Love.

    Feel It now, Beloved. Welcome It now, Beloved, and let It do Its Work on your perceptions, which create what you are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God wants only Good for you.

    The human machinations do not believe this and keep trying to make their own creations and their own logic and their own justice. Try today to think of God as the Writer of your Good script. Try today to be willing to see scenes of His/Her Play for you. Act like one of the players that would be in that play, with Love and Mercy for all.

    You can be amazed,


  • Ah, Dearly Beloved,

    It is not so hard to make a few moments several times a day to stop, and be quiet, and sincerely thank God for Loving you. In fact, it is simple,

    There are so many little habits you have formed for bodily care, or media viewing, or interests indulged. Make sure that you thank God as part of your day. Give yourself the gift of this habit.

    The thanks you give imply and contain the gratitude for seen and unseen Blessings, the knowledge and trust that God wants your happiness, and the understanding that God has the ability to give Good, and the expectation that your share of the Infinite Good is available to you.

    It IS simple. “Dear God, Who hears me always, thank-you in advance for the Blessings of today, for me and for all. Thank-you for Loving us all.”

    So tenderly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you wind your way along your own particular road back to an understanding of your place in the Great Scheme of All, be gentle with those you glimpse on other pathways. Not all are as simple or as glorious as they may look, and it is certain that many times you see only the costume, and not the dedicated, complicated Soul beneath, who has agreed to play an unusual or difficult role, for you, or for someone else.

    Be not hard. Let judgment fall away from your heart, for only the One Spirit that resides around and in all things can understand the purpose of all. Let the fetters of assumptions fall away from your mind, and remember that, beyond your individualized perception, all beings are perfectly in place for what they, and you, need to learn.

    From the cab driver you yell at, only to find out that he is one of the most important people in saving your joy and your life, to the stranger whose life you transform with the fanciful smile and the kind comment you make as you walk by, all things work together to lead you back to knowing “I am One.” From the courageous choice you make to obey an impulse of Inner Spirit to give away a cherished thing, to the joyous obedience of the directive to love someone whom you already love, all your days will come together in the Awareness where there is no time. When you carry God-Consciousness with you through your moments of time, you will realize how very, very rich you are, have always been, and will always be.

    We applaud all progress, and see the winning end,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How wondrous are the works of God, that can send a Calmness into your heart/mind when you most need it.

    Ask for that today, dear Child, for in Calmness during times of excitement or of challenge, are Good ideas sensed and sorted, and can then be acted upon. Be Calm, be courageous, and move forward in the faith that the unfolding of time means the greater unfolding of Happiness, in the essence of you that lives forever.

    Practice asking for, and receiving, the unearthly Calm of God-Flow today, Beloved, so that when opportunities present themselves, you will be ready to choose the most wondrous ones, and feel Glad.

    We are so Glad when you join us in Gladness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The trouble with scripting your day with what you think you want in the “physical” realm is that you cannot see the Whole picture. True Happiness comes only when all are Happy, for All is One. Your intertwined relationship with all others and all life is more complex than the mortal mind can imagine. That is why the surrender to the One Mind must be so complete.

    “Today, Dear One, I surrender to you the day. All my errors, all my triumphs, all my moments of giving and receiving, I give over. Let me see the alternate dream that is the verandah of Your Truth. Take me gently then into the Inner Realm of Heaven, with all earthly mists clear at last.”

    Can you ask for the Peace of God and mean it?

    Our Love supports you. We are assigned to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continue. And remember, Joy is not the icing on the cake; Joy IS the cake.

    Without Joy, the Light cannot shine through you. Without Joy, the Mission is not done.

    Put your relationship with the Mighty Source first, and Joy will fill you. Indeed, Joy will fill your other relationships as well. Put them not first. Put your relationship with the Mighty Source first, always and now.

    And enjoy the Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let not the past hold you. Forgive yourself and others for bad memories, and concentrate on now.

    “I am timeless in the Heaven of now.”

    That, Beloved, is the only way to escape from bad thoughts of past, or future. Stop thinking them. Stop it by thinking about right now, and all that is beauty and gratitude worthy in the right now.

    Always, the Love of God is Beauty,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God has already forgiven all for their errors. But each is continually given chances to do better, to demonstrate their lovableness and lovingness, wisdom, and compassion, and joy and willingness to let Good creativity pour through the mind and heart.

    Perhaps think of it as you would a very, very kind mathematics teacher who comes into a room and sees that the students have made many errors in their calculations that result in the incorrect answers to the equations and problems. The teacher does not get angry and fierce. The teacher knows that they are there, after all, because they still need to learn more facts and practice using the principles of mathematics. So the teacher repeats the rules and ways of math again, and shows them how to solve the problems, correcting the errors they have not noticed, and urging them to help one another as they work on the problems. Those who understand more about the math techniques are urged to help the others. The teacher is so glad when all advance in their understanding of math and how to delightedly use its rules.

    Just so is the Loving Mind of the Divine, in whom you exist, delighted when you understand and apply the rules of Love and Divine Order to your lives, and allow Its Loving Teacher to guide you.

    No anger. Only learning to Love and be Loved.

    Be willing to do this, Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the days when confusion tries to get its hands around your throat, or when you feel tempted to backslide into habits you thought you had given up, it is best to retreat into simple Truths.

    Even if you feel sarcastic or bitter or laughable while you say them to yourself, say things like “I am a perfect emanation of the God-Source Love”, over and over to yourself, until the fogginess starts to lift, and you feel Loved and Loving again.

    We know the lovely truth of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Any anger held in your heart will slow your good work and mar it. You know this.

    So cleans it with humor or gratitude or God, but do not let it simmer. Every bubble slows the salvation of the world. Every spoken word of anger pollutes the air.

    Sift it out. Purify.

    Emotional chastity is kind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be very alert to toss aside the thoughts that try to distract you as you try to empty your mind and let God-Thoughts uplift you. As you try to focus on timelessness, and Spirit, and Love, into your consciousness may creep reminders of the laundry that needs to be moved, or the pile of papers that must be sorted, or the beans put on to soak, or any one of a thousand other things. Gently ignore those things. They can all wait, or turn out to be unnecessary.

    Gently ignore those things, just as you would ignore them if a long lost love had suddenly come to the door, or a dear, dear relative stopped by for a surprise visit. The daily cares will try to keep you focused on the worldly concerns, just when you would be best focused on the concern for your High Soul that will lift you into an easier movement through the days.

    Gently. Gently, train yourself to give all of your self to Spirit-Thought, as many times a day as you can.

    Gently, we help you do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fear disables learning. Fear disables healing.

    Therefore, let all your teaching and all your offering of yourself as instrument for healing, be proceeded by the comforting and allaying of fears. Many who are in dire need of learning of their own beauty and wholeness in the Divine are also so trapped in the illusion of themselves as just a flesh and blood body, that any intimation of the Sole Reality of their spiritual being will overly frighten them. The very Presence of Spirit Itself will often frighten their mortal self image so much that they will be unable to receive the learning or the healing.

    Let Love convey sincerity. Let Love convey the tenderness with which fear can be dissipated. Let metaphors and parables and indirect tales be the means by which Truth is seeded without frightening. Let offers of prayer and healing be gentle and indirect as well, so that all things come to pass in the way that most smoothly nurtures the new face of Joy for that being, and that persons life.

    Do your best, and leave the healing, and the growth of truth in each soul, to the Divine Spirit that knows the best for each individual path. Listen carefully for moment by moment instructions, and obey. Love, and obey. Love, and obey, and Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So easily do you accept the beauty of the sunrise, and the joy of hearing birds sing in the spring.

    Can you not as easily accept the gift of God’s unreserved Love for you? Why let your thoughts stray into doubt or sorrow or any sense of dissatisfaction? Even the paltry power of human will can set those aside for a moment, and remember, “God Loves Me, God Loves Me, God Loves Me.”

    It is the Truth that will set you free from your own misgivings and nightmares,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Have you ever felt like a pothole in the road, after a bad winter, that fills with trash and floods with mud and water and worse?

    Well, even while you work to the full understanding that you are already the Beloved Glory of God, as Its Child, be aware that the hot-patch team IS on the job. God the Infinite and all Its Perfect Powers are thrilled to send forth the Truths that will set you right.

    “I am Healed and set on the Good path because GOD Loves me.” Just welcome that, Beloved, just welcome the Hot Patch team that wants to see you smoothed and whole and ready to go. Every time you feel patched up, you will learn to Love God more. And that is the true Salvation.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Very soon you will know how much God Loves you.

    God has always known this, and in the sense that your Soul Consciousness is just an offshoot of God, you know it too. But in the brief time that you forget, and think you must operate as a material body-self, you often forget how vast and complete is that Love.

    Whether you wait years within the tiny blip of human time, or whether you experience God’s full power of Healing this afternoon, or even as you read this, it is “soon”. God already knows you as part of Love right now. Why wait to claim this? Claim “I am Love” even while you still wear arms that want to swing and dance, and a belly that wants its breakfast. Claim “I am Love” even while your body still seems solid to you, instead of feeling as a shifting portrait of energy and light. Claim “I am Love” even though Love is timeless and you are still ordering your days in little bits of hours and minutes, instead of the timeless now.

    Order yourself to know that “I am Love and God Loves me completely”. Take that Dominion, Beloved, and know that Love, and it will gladly carry you to a deep knowledge of all that that means, in the way that is best for YOU, and for all.

    We already see you shining with that Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine a rock climber on a sheer cliff that has reached a spot that seems like an impasse. He cannot see another handhold or foothold to grab to, and does not wish to retreat down into the abyss again. Imagine also that above him is someone who can see, from the higher perspective, just where there is another spot for the next step to safely be. By calling to his friend, the climber can follow the directions and ascend. But if his friend tried to tell him all of the next 643 steps ahead that were needed, and then went away, the climber would have great difficulty in remembering all the steps in order, and nimbly and happily ascending. At each new step or two, the climber calls to his friend, and receives new assurance and new instructions and happily trusts, and climbs, and climbs, and climbs. His faithful friend is glad to see him ascend.

    Just so is it with your calling to the Divine Guidance of Light, Beloved. Yes, the end of the climb is to look fully on the Truth of Spirit and bask in Its Beauty. But to ask for all the steps ahead of you at once is to incorrectly believe you could memorize them and keep them straight, as you also worked to climb. Ask for just each step for each moment, for each day, and TRUST that the Friend with the Great View will be there to guide you for the next step, and the next step, and the next. It is better this way, dear love, than thinking you must know ten steps ahead, or a thousand steps ahead.

    Taking every step with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sabbath Day. Take time to let God delight YOU, by showing you all the sweet evidence of Grace and Beauty and Harmony around you right now. We are not talking about a day of delving into sensualism, but of a day of quiet Peace and Calm andTtrust.

    Let God show you that It is a trustworthy Law of Good. Just let yourself feel Good today, filling yourself with It completely, that you will have all you need for your own self, and to overflow to others on the morrow, and this day, and always.

    Do we not Flow to you without charge or limit?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The body feels good. The body feels bad.

    The face looks happy. The face looks sad.

    Beloved, You are not these things. You are Pure Consciousness, a fish swimming in the deep calm waters of Love, playing with visiting moments of time.

    Ignore the body with its whispers of pain or pleasure, just now, and let your sense of self go deep into that Immortal Self that You are as a timeless being. There, feel the Gladness and Joy that are so very much more than anything the body senses dangle out to you as bait—whether for indulgence or for worry. In the deep Ocean of Love, you can swim freely, without being moved by the storms of emotion on the body form, or the life it has imagined for itself.

    Ask the God-currents of the Ocean to pull you to the places where You need to go to the surface. Ask the God currents to show You the where and the when and the whom of any bits that You are needed to play, in the dancing waves.

    The deep still waters Heal All, dear Love,

    Stay within them today, and sustain and maintain and retrain your Self,

    That list of worldly tasks can wait. Take Sabbath.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you do not feel able to shake off right away some thoughts of self pity, or drowsiness with earthly life, or body demands or discomfort, then call for brighter Light.

    Just as a tiny candle will change the perceived nature of a dark room right away, yet will not provide enough light to read a book, or do a detailed task, so is it with healing limiting thoughts and circumstances.

    Call for a Brighter Light. And keep calling. Call for Light, and demand of your own spirit that it not be content until it is so aligned with that Bright, Bright Source Light, that all is well, all is Bright, all is like unto the nature of One Mind of Love.

    Yes, you are meant to be an expression of God Qualities. But you fool yourself if you think those can be projected by anything except the force of Love Light. If you think of your purpose, shared with God and infused with God, as being the ever-expansion of Love Unlimited, then all the rest of Good will become apparent as well. Then your individualized talents can shine, and so can those of all others. Then the Light in the previously dark room of thought will be so very Bright that you can know your own innocence and holy gifts, and you can see through the haze of errors and sins to also see the Good worth of all others, beneath the costumes they have worn and the parts they have played in the dim illusions.

    Centered in the Bright Light of God=Sight, you will see all you are meant to yet do, step by step and day by day. It is to Love. To Love, and Love more, and yet more. Love as God Loves, no longer seeking aught else.

    We see you awakening. Look not back to dreams. Awaken.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even on less-than-joyful days, when your own prayers do not fully lift you into pure Peace of Wellness, do try to forgive as you wish to be forgiven. Forgive the grumpy clerk at the market. Forgive the person who delays you on the road. Forgive the unskilled worker who is still learning as they prepare your order. Forgive, forgive, forgive, Beloved, for do not you yourself wish to be forgiven your less-than-stellar mood?

    And as you forgive, Child, you will see that your own heart is uplifted, for in all Good expressed, more Good flows to you, and feeds the heart of your Soul, and polishes It for you to feel, and all to See. Forgive, Child, forgive, the small ills as well as the large, for We know you want to be forgiven for your own.

    We See the Lovable You. See it in others. It is there.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never let your personal human distress prevent you from praying for Harmony and Healing for another, if they ask you. Never let your own concerns keep you from giving a little time each day to a sincere general desire to see the smooth expansion of Love in the world, and your circle of people and community.

    As ever, praying for another or others also surges the Wonder of God through you, and by the time you have helped enable another to remember their identity as Beloved manifestation of the Infinite All, you will often find that ease of your own inharmonies has occurred.

    Pray generously, dear one. Pray without limits or conditions, for God is without limits, and feeling Wonder at that Infinitude helps all Good prayer be felt and seen.

    Giving gives back, and it still is True,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    When you have a day wherein you awaken in a quiet, silent mood, let it become your day. Embrace the silence. Let the computers and television and radio remain off. Gladly accept the slower pace of the mind’s thoughts.

    Listen for, and appreciate the small sounds of your world, the song of a bird or the whirring of a fan or the whispering of the leaves or the rustling of the mice.

    Listen for, and appreciate the sound of your own Soul. Welcome Its whispers, or just bask in Its silent appreciation of all the miracles It sees and feels around It.

    If you are a beginner at knowing that You are Spirit, this may be a thing you have never done for a whole day. If you are a practiced contemplative, it is still a delightful gift to give your Self, an unplanned day of worldly silence, and time to hear the Voice of God.

    We will be silently with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us talk about being God’s Voice and Hands.

    It is not about memorized phrases and rules. It is not about ritualized minutes or forms.

    It is about feeling the living Presence of Goodness and Honesty and Truth within you, guiding you to do the kindest thing that will lead to awakening and Wholeness of Self and the Other.

    But first you must decide that you want to be awakened.

    Do you? Does being a Living Voice and Hand mean more to you than anything else?

    The choice of readiness is yours. Then, it slides into place,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless those that curse you. Bless those who are frightened by hearing the Truth.

    We say to you, dear one, that healing them, or seeing them healed, is really the best “revenge”, for as you see them healed, you are allowed to see Love again, you are privileged to have, and be fed by, feeling Love again. And as they are healed, they are able to feel the joy of having their true good self come forth, and, in their turn, heal others.

    Watch with happiness, dear one, the best selves of your self and of those around you come forth, for every best self you see revealed adds another individual to your own glorious Heaven.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the interest of helping those who have not yet developed the discernment to know the true Spirit of the words they hear or read, it is important to make sure that all words are spoken on a tide of Love. It is Divine Love Itself, by Its very Presence and substance, that heals and delivers and awakens. The words are only a bridge.

    They are an important bridge, to be sure, for there are many who can only choose to let their hearts open if their minds are convinced of the worth of Love. Therefore, to let all of wisdom and enlightenment pour forth from the Source of Love, whether in words or in silent example, is to let the Truth take whatever form It needs to take to reach each soul that hungers for a remembrance of what it is, always has been, and always will be, as a perfect part of the Whole expression of Love.

    Trust in that perfection, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If gratitude for the Goodness of God-Allness is what tops your gratitude list, then you are well on your way to a good day, and a Joyful life.

    It is easy to think of small and/or large material things to be grateful for, but it is the gratitude for the fundamental Truths of Love and Grace that will really set you free from limited thinking and feeling and manifestation. Let your very purpose be gratitude for Complete Good.

    It Works, dear one. It Works.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understanding how much the thoughts that fill your head shape your reality, and wishing to have more of the true, Divine thoughts dwell in your consciousness, so as to help increase your perception of your Best Destiny, take care what thoughts you feed your head.

    How quickly the jingles of advertising take hold in the repetitious mind! How easy it is to fill the minutes with the repeating song about toothpaste, or the popular song about trouble and woe!

    Sing songs of love, Beloved. Listen to songs of goodness and possibility and praise. Let hymns be lodged in the mind, or words of worship sung to a catchy tune, so that they can reside and repeat there, to help you when your heart feels pulled to the mesmerizing sorrows or struggles of earth. Let peaceful prayers be sounded forth and positive, loving songs sung, that they would give you the grounding to hold your temper, shine your worth, and carry you with Grace through each moment.

    Thus, with words come from Word, and from the heart of Love, does the Divine Mind try to help you, circling lifeboats of good word and thought endlessly around you, inviting you to step on, step on, step on the life rafts of Truth, so that you, too, can walk over troubled waters.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Human silence is better than speaking ill. Even speaking slowly, instead of quickly, can give you the chance to filter your thoughts and review which words and sentiments you want to let forth with your tongue or demonstrate with your hands. The Divine Guide that lives in the inner room of your Consciousness will help, help, help you actually live the Golden Rule.

    Doing as others are doing is no excuse for you yourself not choosing that rule and following it always. Silence, or near-silence, or just slowing down your words and actions, will help you achieve that goal of Loving others as you would have yourself be Loved, and of being a transparency for Truth.

    And Love will fuel your happiness while you do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many no longer follow, if they ever did, the rule of taking a Sabbath day. Some find other ways of centering and self-reflection, in full days or moments, and whatever you can train yourself to do, to be aware and calm, is Good. Take whole days for Love when you can.

    Today, Beloved, is another perfect day to remain calm and focused on the truth that Wisdom Governs, and is adjusting the growth of the composite of soul that is human kind.

    “I stay calm, while completing my duties and keeping my promises and listening for the words that unfold in my Heart, for I know God is in control of all that is Good. I stay calm, assisted by the Loving Spirit that is my constant companion, and Companion and Helper to all.”

    So much smoother when you call us to your side,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here We are, always in your Heart of Soul, ready to quietly speak to you and constantly Loving you.

    Please take time to listen to us. Please pause throughout the day, and not give way to fad or impulse from stimuli that would lead you astray. Obey only God.

    Obey only God. You have Divine Commandments that cover most human circumstances, and when they are your primer, many decisions are easy. But when there is any doubt, over over-quick pleasure that would tempt you, pause and listen to God, and obey God.

    There IS always time enough to listen to God, for God is faster than the speed of light, and faster than human thought. Never be embarrassed to take time to listen to God, and then to obey God’s advice.

    It will serve you better than every human opinion around you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The pure Soul that shines Itself forth as the heart and life of you has never been touched by the errors of the human dream.

    Consider that, let yourself be wrapped warmly and lovingly in Grace today, and rejoice in the truth of your Soul.

    Even if these words make no sense to you, ask for Grace, and be held and lifted. Ask, wait, and be held and sustained.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each one of you, in your consciousness, stands in the doorway between two worlds. You can choose to hold yourself steadily in the consciousness and aspects of the Divine, and give the Divine permission to flow through you, and you will be living in the Divine World, RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.

    Look to changing your attitude to one of Peace, and you will find that an Infinite world of it is right within your own awareness. Choose to set aside your own ego-will in every day and every moment, and you will find the Joy of simply being the gatekeeper who holds the door open all the time.

    When you open the door, we come in, but we cannot open it for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to face all your own fear thoughts with Love. Love, given you freely by the Source that constantly creates You, as Spirit image of itself, is more than enough to overcome all fears and the seeming results they make. Use that Love. Know that an Infinite amount of It is always available to you. Use It, use It, use It to overcome all fears, and to draw upon all True Knowledge, and you will find the world you experience changed.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a delicate dance between false modesty and confusion.

    Be not afraid to claim and use that Perfect Power that is within you as the gift of Grace from God. But, also do remember that the High Giver of All IS God, and that when you are helping another to heal, by reminding them who they really are, a wonderful and beloved Child of God, it really is GOD that is the revealer of their Wholeness.

    Yes, use the Truth you know to help set them free, but do not be anxious about and burdened by a sense of human responsibility. It is Truth that does the Work, and God is Truth.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look back over your earth journey, and notice all the times that solutions have come, healings and reconciliations have happened, joys have arisen where none seemed possible—

    These are times when Loving Spirit has obviously been with you, Guiding and Helping. But even when you had no conscious notice of expression of Divine Omniscience, It was there. It IS there.

    Acknowledge It. Revere It as your True Source of All Good, and welcome, welcome, welcome Divine Spirit as the One Life that is Love for you.

    These words may make no sense to you. But feel the Presence. It is One with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about, and feel, feel, feel the delightfulness of being part of the Spiritual Oneness of All-Being. Think about how when you take Joy in something or someone, or love someone or something, you are dipping into the vast reservoir of Love that is all, and that is shared.

    Fill your heart and mind with these things, Beloved. They will fuel you for the day, and for Life.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    This day We give unto you extra Peace, so that you can make peace with all that God asks you to be and to do.

    God asks you to experience the full Peace you are given as reflection of Love. Accept that, and feel the Complete Peace of the Whole that shines you forth.

    “God is completely Whole, therefore I am Whole, because only God is really in control.”

    To peacefully know that constantly, that is your task.

    And you are able to do it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you grow accustomed to feeling the impulses of Divine Soul in your heart and thoughts, leading you to certain Good ways of thinking and acting, you will find your priorities shifting in regards to your day to day activities. Indeed, as you look at your mental or written “to do” list for each day, you will realize that many of the things on it are self-assigned and do not really need to be done at all, or can be taken care of in an easier way. And, some activities that formerly provided distraction or enjoyment may now just seem too simplistic, or even tedious. You might realize that some enjoyments are things you have grown past, and some needed chores can be changed or simplified, or even become “meditative” times.

    Beloved, it is not that God-Spirit has a set of rules about things like watching entertaining plays or participating in sports or which gardening to do, etc., it is rather that your own tastes and preferences will change as abiding in the sweet Mind-State that is the Glory of God, alive within your consciousness, becomes the thing you Love most.

    O’ Beloved, it is not a bad thing. It is a Good thing. And, for a time, you will try to dip back into diversions that formerly gave satisfaction, but you might find them feeling empty instead of fulfilling. As you come into complete Spiritual maturity, you will indeed, of your own will, “put away childish things”, as Scripture puts it.

    Make constant loving dialogue with God your priority, and together you will sort out all other priorities smoothly, and at exactly the right pace for you, and your perfect role in the play of earth.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Womb of God’s Mind is the Womb you are in forever, ever-growing in Love.

    Be not afraid that your fetal dream of a contentious world leaves you alone and unsupported. Your umbilical corn to God Soul is intact. You are floating in the Spirit of Life.

    Close your eyes and feel it. Close your eyes and continue to Be Safely Held.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Self-immolation. Allowing, each morning, each hour, each minute, to let yourself be subject to the Greater Will that is the only Real Will, is the key to remaining in Higher Consciousness.

    Does it sound like enslavement? Only to the ego-self, Beloved. It is true freedom, Beloved. True security, true Hope, True Calm, and True Love. And, once the “ego-self” begins to see the worldly evidence of much of the worldly experience running more smoothly as you understand that “I am the substance of the Harmony of the Source”, it will be easier to subjugate the ego self to the Source-Self each day.

    Start your day with giving over to the Divine Self. End your day that way as well, and give over to It any time during the day that the “me, me, me-self” tries to take over. Life lived in the Higher Consciousness is its own reward, but you will also see greater and greater Harmony apparent in the worldly interactions that you are still led to perform.

    The Self that remains is the Self we know and Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your knowledge of the Presence of the Divine Source, and that you are a part of It, with all Its qualities available to you, becomes as automatic as knowing your own earthly name, then you are more than ready to dispense Grace, be Grace, feel Grace.



  • Ah. Beloved,

    There is nothing that you see with your earthly eyes that is insurmountable.

    Take a moment to remember how far you have come in your understanding of what the Source is, and therefore of what you are. Let that give you faith and give you courage. Turn your thoughts forward to the goal of being at peace with your self and with God, and with others.

    Keep your eyes on that goal, dearest, and be still enough to hear your Inner Guidance for getting there. There is never an earthly way that is better than turning to your Inner Guidance.

    We stand with you as you listen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember who and what you really are. You are Spirit and Love and Light projected forth from the Source of all Spirit and Love and Light, that is All. Do not let what you have been mis-taught convince you that the Source of All Light cannot maintain Its own projection.

    Ask for Divine Order to shine in your life. YOU focus on knowing God is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you enter the part of your journey when you have begun to bring bits of Heaven’s Joy and Harmony into your everyday life, relax into a new list of priorities. At first, as a soul clings to the old routines that seemed to give worth or pleasure, there is a tendency to try to live as your old self, and to let the Divine Self live through you at the same time. It will not remain so.

    To be sure, many of the loving tasks and relationships that are part of the web of your life will be continued, although your outlook on them will be more peaceful and more compassionate. But some of the habits that formerly gave you diversion or satisfaction will no longer seem satisfying. Some of the sense of purpose or honor in worldly acclaim will have faded. Let the Divine Presence, whose Voice you sense Within, guide you in the sorting out and the changing of what you give your time and your efforts and your heart to.

    Let the Divine Voice give you encouragement and courage when you are startled to find that an “upkeep of self” or a “stewardship of property” that your society emphasizes as crucial for each individual, is at the very bottom of One Spirit’s “to be list”. Let go, and change, change, change. You have always been willing to make changes for the people and things you have loved. Now, as you are in love with One Spirit and Beloved in return, be willing to change even more, to help the Divine with that joyous plan of expanding the revelation of Divine Love in every heart.

    Help the Light burn away the fog,


  • Ah, Child,

    All that matters is that I, I who Thought you up, think of you as worthy, wanted, and of purpose, in Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that you often begin your day, as We have advised, by praying so as to have your own heart so filled with Divine Love that you have plenty to dispense to others, as well as feed your thoughts and choices.

    But at those times when the worldly concerns have so distracted you that you cannot even make it through your simple ten line prayer without your mind wandering, turn to thinking of the needs of others. The very worry you might feel, for a friend’s or stranger’s condition or situation, can be turned into a way to open and suffuse your own Heart-thoughts with a Complete Conscious Communion with the Infinite Loving Source.

    It can be simply, “Dear God, Help that one Know You and all the Grace you freely give.”

    It can be simply, “Dear God, please Help them,”

    It can become simply, “Dear God, Help us all.”

    It can be simply, “Help!”

    Remember, God does not need fancy and exacting words, or tomes of theology. All God needs is your willingness to be filled with Love, and to share It.

    Filled with Love is your true state of Being,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So soak yourself in the Love of God each morning when you awaken, that no amount of human error and sorrow can penetrate to the deep heart of you, and prevent you from doing what you need to do to act as an opening for Light into the worldly scene. Stay focused on being so Lit and fed from within by the Spirit of Love that you know just what to do, what to say, where to be, in the way that Love directs.

    The Spirit of Love is the Healer. Be Its vehicle, wherever you are.

    All you need to do is agree to let It shine through you, and know It is doing Its work.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you become fully aligned with God that is Pure Spirit, the antics of those who have forgotten that they are only and completely Rays of Spirit will have no power to upset you or annoy you. Their understanding of themselves as just the bodies and roles they are playing will have no power over your Peace, for you will see past all that and see only that you, and all of them, are only Pure Spirit as the Source is Pure Spirit.

    Therefore, work on aligning yourself each day, and each moment, and be free to feel Peace.

    We extend our Joy and awareness to you,