All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust, trust, trust. Trusting God with all your heart and mind, and turning not to your human intellectual understanding, is not just a proverb wisdom for you. You must also apply it to those around you.

    When you are having difficulty trusting another, turn to trusting God to Govern that heart and mind as well as yours. When you practice, practice, practice this, then you come closer and closer to full Soul comprehension that One Mind, One Love truly does Govern all.

    Trust in the One Mind, and that leads to being able to trust others, and to being able to trust yourself to see the Good in others.

    We will help you with this, never fear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when worldly tasks seem tedious, but necessary to complete, you can be feeding yourself silently with the calm and peace of the inner Life. Do so consistently, and even the mundane will begin to have a feeling of Grace as you move through your day.

    Sometimes this will have the effect of noticing the good things about the temporal actions, such as how right it feels to put things in order, or to see them whole and complete. Sometimes it will help you feel how powerfully the Infinite sends you consistent energy and strength. Sometimes you will entertain inspirational ideas or hear words of solution, as you perform chores in a silent, meditative way.

    Silence and listening. Silence and listening and appreciation. Silence and listening and appreciation, and then action or speech when the Spirit moves you. Let It Lovingly take charge, even while all else that needs to be done is done.

    Walking in Grace does not wear out your shoes, or you, or use up anything. It renews you, always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You ARE able to do this. You are able to remember “I am Pure Spirit within Spirit.”

    Let us not get lost today in quibbles with the intellectual part of yourself, or the quantum explanations of how and why It works, let us just, rather, all the day, keep the THOUGHT, REPEAT THE Thought, “I am Pure Spirit within Spirit”, and enjoy what that brings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep your focus on the Good and the True that your Spiritual Sense informs you is real, though unseen. Even a few righteous hearts, intent on seeing the demonstration of Love, can change the course of a shared story.

    Keep your focus on the substance of things hoped for, and know you are walking in the Light, as you do your part in Creation. Creation is sustained by calm and Loving order, and swirls all into the places that are needed. Remember the utter delight you have felt when prayers were answered in wonderful ways.

    Feel the Power of God that is all, and trust It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember the old nursery rhyme,

    “When I am pointing a finger at thee, three fingers point back at me.”

    Today, Beloved, point out Grace in every face, and you will also be realizing Grace in your self, and in every object, and every place.

    Try it, and be delighted,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understanding how much the thoughts that fill your head shape your reality, and wishing to have more of the true, Divine thoughts dwell in your consciousness, so as to help increase your perception of your Best Destiny, take care what thoughts you feed your head.

    How quickly the jingles of advertising take hold in the repetitious mind! How easy it is to fill the minutes with the repeating song about toothpaste, or the popular song about trouble and woe!

    Sing songs of love, Beloved. Listen to songs of goodness and possibility and praise. Let hymns be lodged in the mind, or words of worship sung to a catchy tune, so that they can reside and repeat there, to help you when your heart feels pulled to the mesmerizing sorrows or struggles of earth. Let peaceful prayers be sounded forth and positive, loving songs sung, that they would give you the grounding to hold your temper, shine your worth, and carry you with Grace through each moment.

    Thus, with words come from Word, and from the heart of Love, does the Divine Mind try to help you, circling lifeboats of good word and thought endlessly around you, inviting you to step on, step on, step on the life rafts of Truth, so that you, too, can walk over troubled waters.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    At the end of the day, do not count up sad human dramas. Rather, count up how many individuals of Soul you may have helped awaken.

    As we have often said, you do no always know whom you have helped, in whatever small way, but there are many interactions that you can count as moments that have helped you and the other uplift your thoughts to God.

    Count them each night and look forward to more each morning, by the Grace of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your thoughts do not even know where to alight, or when you are trying to let go of your human thought plans and surrender to the Lovely Will of God, focus on the beauty of nature. Look upon the wonder of the clouds, or of a single grain of sand. Ponder the cycle that brings birth and flowering and fruiting of seed.

    Take solace, and find inspiration, in the marvel of colors and textures that are around you in the great painting of the visible and touchable world. If you quiet and calm yourself with these, and let yourself be still with appreciation of them, then the Flow of Love that uplifts and guides can easily accompany you on the next steps to your freedom of Soul.

    This is a lovely day, wherever you are. Be glad of it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not complicated to talk to God. Just do it.

    When confronted by a situation or an impulse that is confusing or seemingly complicated, stop and be silent, and ask within, “What is really going on here, God?” Then wait, and listen, listen, listen, and let the Peace and the unchanging Joy of God be with you and hold you, while you let answer come.

    Always, God is there, you are a walking receiver,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes you will be the one to discern that you are in the time of no longer wanted to do a thing that you have done for a long time, such as a pottery class, or a teaching group. Or, you will form an understanding that you have moved past the time when you can give or receive more from a certain person or group, and will make an effort to form new associations and community. Do it lovingly, and stay committed to growing in your understanding of yourself and the Whole.

    But at other times, it will seem as though, through no choice of your own, circumstances and people are being taken away from you. If you begin to sense this, stand back in your own awareness and see how you can sense the Divine at work. Are you being lifted out of circumstances that were no longer helping you grow? Are people being pruned out of your life that were not helping you grow in a good way, or who had simply finished the role they were intended to play for you? Are you in a time of being advanced to the next stage of learning, or being circled around to refinish an old phase, with a new cast of characters and opportunities?

    Remember, this journey into and through time is never without purpose and growth. Assess all changes in terms of that Truth, and you may begin to see some of the upheaval in a new light. You may allow paranoia to become expectancy, you may allow loss to become space to be filled, you may find yourself blessing the new free time that gives you the chance to try new knowledge. You may come to bless the new patterns of habit that give you an entire new layer of Joy.

    Always, the Source has your growth in mind, whatever you have done or not done. Believe It has your rediscovered Harmony in Mind.

    With Great Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am that which you have laid a costume upon with your thoughts of being just a body that is quick to live and quick to die.

    But the Life that I Am streams on. Like floating leaves on a river, the costumes come and go, but still I Am. And because the very particles of what I Am are also you, like droplets of the water of the river, you also stream on.

    Turn your attention to the everlasting flow of Life that you are, Beloved, and be not concerned for the tiny bits floating on the surface. When you feel the force of the river of Life flowing, you will realize that the bits on the surface will follow Its timely Flow.

    Let today, and every day that you can remember to focus thus, be a day of focusing on the Life Flow. The River of Life does not stop streaming. If you forget for a moment or for a day, and begin worrying about one little bit of leaf and the pattern it is dancing on the surface, then still the great surge of Life Water flows serenely onward, and you can remember it at any time you choose.

    Let your thoughts sink deep into Its refreshing Flow, and know that I Am God, and that you are as I Am, and there is nothing else.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Dedicate this day to Love, and to Gratitude.

    Let there be nothing, and no one, in which or whom, you do not notice. today, the qualities of Goodness, and appreciate them.

    You know the Qualities of Goodness. They are Life and Love, and Purpose and Plenty, and the Giving Principle of fulfillment, and the Mighty Soul and Spirit of the constant expansion of Truth and Wisdom, working generously for all. They are Unconditional, offered freely, to all who clear the way for them by agreement to receive.

    Look for, and give thanks for, those things, today. Practice seeing them in everyone, and everything.

    That is the truth that shows you the Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is God that we ask you to trust, not human error.

    The Law of adjustment that represents the Principle of Harmony that is God is what sets things right, what aligns all Soul with Itself. Even if you have not reached the heart of understanding of how this happens, trust that it does.

    Trust God, dear Love. Trust God, Good, and be free.

    Free of the web of emotion and error, you will See clearly how to go.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be this full realization in your Heart, and Mind.

    The choices you make for thoughts of life or death (affirmative, God Thoughts, or thoughts about the passing, temporal realm), are made in EVERY moment, over and over. Therefore, choose Life. Choose to believe the Good. Choose to appeal to the Best in the Person before you, and Choose to See the Best in the Person before you.

    Let go of “being right” in an earth-fact way, and simply choose to be Loving and Loved. This is NOT as hard as it sounds, once you realize that only the Spiritual realm exists and none of the fear/death based behaviors that are about protecting or adorning or pampering the body, make any difference at all to the Truth of you as perfect Spiritual Being.

    Try LOOKING for the Best in everyone today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no condemnation in Divine Love.

    When It says, “You are forgiven for the errors you humanly dreamed, and you are therefore healed, revealed as the Wholeness with which and in which God created you, but go forth and sin no more”, it is not a threat.

    It is simply a teaching. It is an explanation that if you fall back into the human error of dreamy illusions, of thinking you are nothing but a material body making material errors and prone to all sorts of buffeting physical forces, then you may imagine yourself un-Whole again.

    WAKE UP to the Wholeness with which and in which Love made you, and drift not back to sleep in the ignorance or disregard of the absolute Truth of God’s Spiritual Reality.

    To stay awake and alert is to sin no more.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is power in the name of God.

    Speaking and thinking and feeling “I AM Love” will help you.

    Repeat it in your mind when the evidence of the senses tries to tempt you with confusion or pain, or to a habit you want to abandon. Speak it when you need to feel more compassion for another person or for yourself. Hold it in your heart when you want to remember that you, too, have the power to pray for others to be released from sorrow or danger or disability.

    I Am Love will pull the cloak of Love close around you. I Am Love will draw It forth from your heart. I Am Love is the Truth that sets you, and all, free from the illusions of being anything except Complete, Wonderful, Delicious, Peaceful Love.

    Try it today. Prove it to yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you have worked on being a clear transparency for the Light of the Divine to shine through, all you need to keep working on is STAYING clear. The Qualities of the Divine that can shine through you, and to others, can take care of themselves. They will appear in you and through your works, and impel others to shine from their connection to the Source. ALL the wonderful Qualities of the Divine Source are available to all, for that same Divine substance comprises all.

    Just keep clear, keep agreeing to be that which the Divine can express through, and let God be God through you, even as you LOOK for God also being God in those around you. Look for Good and you will find it, Beloved, in yourself and in others.

    We love seeing all the Good everywhere,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you usually are aware of when you need to drink some water, you can be aware of when you need to stop and be still, and refill yourself with The Love that is Life.

    You may not have reached the point in your practice of truly feeling the constant conscious capacity of communing with God, but you can notice when you are a little sad, or a little mad, or even mildly irritated or afraid. Any state of thought or emotion that is not one of the delightful or purposeful Qualities of God, whether as small as annoyance or as great as rage, is an indication of needing to turn again to focusing on, and partaking of, the Source of Love that is all around you, and within you, and comprises the Good Light of your Being.

    Drink of that Soul that Holds you, Beloved. Feed from that Spirit that made you as Itself. Notice when you need It, and take time to align, and be willing to awaken.

    You can do this. It is built into your Divine Nature.

    In such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Force that can clear away the mist of your days, and let you keenly and truly see your high way, is always available to you.

    The Life and Soul Mind of God, that creates the good thoughts in your mind, will Guide you. Practice allowing It, Beloved, and gladly clear away the fog. Just ask, and allow.

    Trust that as you see and think and feel as a mind within One Mind, much Joy will be revealed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your Inner Guidance of the Source Loves you without measure. There can be a tendency to think of It as a Loving, but judgmental, guide. It only Loves and guides. If It chides, it is only as correction, as a doting Mother would guide a child while training him how to put on his clothing aright.

    Do you not want to know if you are putting your pants on backwards? Trust in the Love of the Inner Guide from God, Beloved, and think of It not just as guide, but as very best friend to you.

    Loving you, not the costume,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, above all, that it is only ideas that need to be healed, not persons, places, or things.

    What a beloved and perfect Idea you are, right now, in the sweet Loving Mind of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Thank-you, Creator, for showing me, the perfect Life we have in Thee.

    Let me relax into watching it, today, and always.”

    Let the Wholeness of Being define the “perfect”, Beloved, for only the Wholeness knows what is good. But, trust that only Good comes from the Divine, and let not yourself believe that pain is any part of that.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is absolutely no reason today to be perplexed about the past or future.

    Fill your reservoir of appreciation by COMPLETELY appreciating everything that gives you even the tiniest amount of inspiration or gratitude. Note these moments to yourself. Note them to others if you are with others. Call or write and give gratitude to those whose names cross your mind as ones you wish to thank.

    We Thank you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The measure of worth is only and ever your perfect Goodness in the eyes of God, Who Loves you Unconditionally, and Who asks you to demonstrate your Good nature in your words and actions in the earthly play.

    The measure of time is the growth in your ability to let that Goodness shine through.

    But beginning of the play, to end, there is never any change in God’s Love.

    Count on it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Please do understand how very powerful is the continual silent simple prayer you keep in your mind. No matter what one you choose each day, or are led to, letting that constant whisper of God’s Love for you be acknowledged in your thoughts is not only an inspiration and an affirmation, it is protection. It is a “space saver” that keeps the random and intrusive thoughts of the material complaints or the inharmonious attitudes out of your thought.

    Letting God’s Will for your Joy and Innocence be carried in your mind is a mighty mental armor indeed. Why not take advantage of it, and feel strong, strong, strong, in the Delightful Spirit of Good?

    We do, we are Thought itself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is time to find out how truly important it is to stay aligned with the Intelligent Love that is the Source of all.

    Ask It, today, to help you stay aligned with It and able to listen past the chatter of the daily physical-mindedness. Ask It to help you understand how you are really a wonderful and wise and pure Soul part that does not need to lower itself to animalistic problems and worries and unwanted behaviors.

    Rise above by being LIFTED, in your thoughts, up from the sandpit of daily concerns, by that Force that is right next to you, but not trapped in your own sandpit mindset. From the Higher perspective you can still make choices that smartly and smoothly answer the daily concerns, but do not give in to the drama and pain or discord. Choose to want the Higher Perspective and It is offered you, Beloved.

    Choose It, Choose It, Choose It, over and over.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The One Mind knows all truth and can enact it, and indeed has enacted it. Unto many throughout the ages of the earth walk, the illusion already has been revealed, and each and every one will come to that awakening in their time of choosing.

    Meanwhile, O’ so Beloved, rely on the One Mind to guide all. Constantly, throughout the day, claim the Truth, that “One Mind Lovingly Governs all of them. One Mind Lovingly Governs me.”

    It is not an entreaty. It is the Truth. Watch It work.

    And be Glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as the certainty that what arises in you now is more important to pursue than anything you have ever undertaken in your life before, the “old reality” will pull at you. Stay very vigilant about the thoughts that would draw you into the past, whether in sorrow or in happy memory, or from the excuse of “learning from the past”.

    Stay in Now, and be very aware of asking for Divine Guidance from that Overseer of the Immaculate Plan. Old habits will fall away more swiftly, as you are rewarded with little glimpses of Heaven on earth, as your focus shifts to understanding that your consciousness was, is, and ever shall be, part of the Infinite Whole.

    Colors seem brighter, the pathetic is seen as but stage-dressing, and the sorrowful is recognized to be only smoke that tries to hide the brightness of All That Is, as you realize that your awareness only needed a tiny nudge, in order to see the Divine Order that held and holds all true things in place.

    Whenever a thing or object or thought or person distresses, close your eyes and ask for True Sight.

    We are there, and you will see us more and more often,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Call for your Teacher of Healing to be with you, and both call together for the Healing Truth to be with you. Shine your “flashlights” of Healing Principle on the darkness and shadows of error, to reveal the Good Wholeness beneath.

    Feel and see the Goodness. Experience the Joy and verification. Be immensely grateful.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It does not have to take a long time to know the Truth. The Truth already knows Itself and is Glad to share Itself, if you but are willing and ask.

    Ask, Beloved, ask. Why not today? Why not be complete today, in your own eyes, as you already are in God’s eyes?

    And in ours, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Like an indulgently loving mother and father who listen to their children boast about how well the proud youngsters did running a lemonade stand, after taking the recipe, and the ingredients, and the table, and the chairs, and the sign making supplies, and the patch of lawn, all from the provision of the parents, the Mother Father Source of All listens to you.

    Welcome and cherish the provisions of the Source, Beloveds, but never forget that ALL comes from the Creative Source which you reflect. Be not too proud, and play fair and share, remembering that nothing that you do or create or think of is anything except borrowed from the Whole. You are Loved, and are provided for with that gracious Unconditional Love, but to forget that will harm your own ability to receive.

    Remember, and give and give to the siblings in the Divine, and be grateful to the Source always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, in the day to day life of the dream, the “way to live” comes down to simplicity. When you are feeling weary of trying to understanding complex metaphysics, or deep philosophy, or trying to live up to spiritual ideals, return to the simple truths.

    You know them. Everyone knows them. Just choose the one that is true about this moment or this situation, and live it. If you want a friend, be a friend. If you want kindness shown to you, show kindness to others. If you want others to be grateful, be grateful to others. If you don”t want to be treated like a maid, stop acting like a maid.

    If you want to remember, in every moment, that you are married to the prince of peace in your heart, let your heart be joined into that peace in every moment. Radiate peace and expect peace. Treat others royally, and expect royal treatment. Believe that the Divine Source wants your happiness, and wants the happiness of all others, too, and therefore, so should you.

    Expect it, welcome it, bless it, and say, “thank-you, thank-you”, again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Give me a renewing Divine Thought, Dear God.”

    Ask it quietly and trustingly, and wait at lest a full minute of earthly time to hear and feel God’s Loving Embrace and response. And then hold and cherish that Thought all the day.

    If it is an instruction, such as “forgive”, enact it. God’s Word is True, and Good for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Send forth Peace and Peace returns. Make Peace the goal, the aim, of every situation and encounter. Remember that “sin” really means “missing the mark, not having true aim”, and re-think, with Divine Spirit’s Help, every encounter, so that Peace is the True Aim.

    How does this happen? With Heavenly Spirit’s Help, and Forgiveness, and asking to See the Divine in everyone around you.

    Forgive, and Seek Peace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you went to sleep humanly resenting an old roommate for cleaning tasks that were unfairly left to you, instead of going into slumber with a Blessing Prayer in your mind, were you really surprised to awaken in the night with a tense pain in your back, right behind your heart?

    And when you turned to scripture to seek healing, wasn”t it obvious it would open to a passage about the interrelatedness of all within the Offspring, the reflection, of God? We give thanks along with you that you saw your error in thinking/feeling right away, and went into a prayer saying “Bless her, and Bless me, for we are both sacred parts of Thee”. And when your stiff muscles eased as the Spirit of forgiveness filled your heart, did not all pain vanish?

    Forget not this small lesson you have learned in many ways, in many moments, through your years. Forgive, forgive, forgive, for yourself and others are all part of One, and you are just being gentle with a part of your own Full Being. Forgive often, and always, and quickly, and suffer not the pains that come from holding old human emotional trespasses in your mind.

    Bless all today, and you Bless yourself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are looking upon one whom worldly measurers would call enviable, look again. Look to see if those eyes and that heart are truly at peace, and in Joy.

    Hold in your consciousness the full measure you have been given, of feeling even the edge of the aspects of the Source’s Goodness and humorous Wisdom, and ever-present Gentle Love. Then, if you feel even a touch of envy of another’s worldly life, ask yourself, “Would I give up this heart knowledge of Divine Family for anything the bodily senses see or do?”

    Keep your focus and your thoughts on all the wondrous aspects of the Good Source, Beloved, and allow all else that you might truly need to come from there. As the Divine Realities are more clearly reflected in your own state of mind and deep peace and happiness, you will be given more and more opportunities to share of them with all and any around you. Whether the one before you is king or pauper, or whether the one before you plays the role of your friend or the unenviable role of your saboteur, offer your tender acknowledgement that all, all, all, are in the Loving Sight of the Source.

    As you lend the Loving Source your eyes, Its Divine regard can begin to cleanse their eyes to See, as well.

    As soon as you feel envy, give something away,

    as you did, thank-you, yesterday,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Dear, do not eat when you are not really hungry. Enjoy the feeling of emptiness and let Me fill it with Love. I will be your food.

    Do not speak when you do not really have anything to say. I will give you the words that need to be said to join yourself, and others, to Truth.

    Do not drink when there really is no need. I will satisfy the thirst, and give you the Knowledge that sustains.

    Let these Goods be your supply today. Upon Me you can rely.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that God is delighted with you. We are certain of this because we are Thoughts of God, just as you are. You are a delightful Idea of God’s, even if you are temporarily lost in a dream with some not-so-delightful illusions around you. We are protective and guiding and inspirational Ideas of God’s, surrounding you and loving you always, and constantly knowing Who you truly are. We are not fooled by the mistakes you make, or the limits you impose upon yourself. We still see you, and know you to be, the delightful Idea of God.

    So make not the mistake of thinking that God is not right there with you. Each and every shining ray of God-Light is surrounded by, and supported by, protective and provisioning ideas, that are not fooled by time. All you need to do is choose to remember that, and let those other ideas, those Angels, impel and support you as you display the delightful you that is the very vision, the very image, of God.

    Each Quality of God is available to you. Be delighted at that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the Force that is All in All becomes more real to you than anything else that your five senses tell you, you will feel no more tremulous when faced with seemingly unharmonious conditions than does a mathematician when faced with an equation which she has not seen before. Certain that she knows all the “laws” of mathematics, she simply applies them, and sees the result.

    Do thou likewise, Beloved, knowing that the Law of God is Goodness and Harmony and Gladness, forever.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask for Grace. Ask for Grace. Ask for Grace.

    To NOT ask for Grace is like leaving a toddler in charge of the household. The household is your life, and to ask the Grace of the Higher Self to be in charge each day is the wisest thing you can do. The small ego-self may cry and throw its tantrums, but no parent in his or her right mind would give way to those shenanigans when making choices for the sweet home.

    Would you? Ask for Grace, and give to the Right Mind, that is your High Self, and that is eager to guide you, all power in YOUR life, as well as all Heaven and earth.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Matter is the fleeting temporal. Spirit is the enduring immortal Truth.

    Look around you, feel within, and know that Truth each day in your heart of Soul. Doing so will help you see only Good. Doing so will help you keep perspective.

    Any day that you spend seeing only the physical, and being buffeted by human emotions, you risk losing your way on a dim detour.

    Keep awareness of Immortal Truth, and see God so clearly.

    Deeply feel this, and It will be your Guidance map,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a human friend who can say “I love you”, even if you have just behaved badly, the Spirit of Pure God that made you Loves you no matter what you think you have failed in, or what you fear. But the Godly Love is Infinite, and never leaves you or exists life or moves far, far away.

    Trust that Infinite Love, Beloved. Trust It to see who and what you are, without iniquity, without temporal flaws, without reserve. Beloved, Beloved, let Grace behold you pure.

    Accept God’s assessment of you as Beautifully made.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no place or time you can be where the Goodness of the True Idea of you is not. Each time you feel confused or curious, or even slightly sensible of the need for a change in focus, take time for stillness, and remember,

    “I am Life, I am Love, I am Truth. Those are the elements that the original of the image that is you is made of, and the sooner you come to think of those things as what you are, instead of an amalgam of body parts and human emotions, the sooner you will feel the Joy of their melding into a sense of Self that KNOWS itself to be part of a Greater Whole.

    As ever and always, Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Absolute, unquestioning willingness to receive the Power of God’s Superconscious Thought over human thought.

    That is instantaneously healing.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you keep the window of your thoughts pure and clean and clear, then the Light of God-Love shines through.

    Being that window into the dreams of earth is the most important thing you can do. It is not about a certain place or person or task, it is to be that window wherever and whenever you are.

    Uplifting Spirit is counting on you doing your part, and offering you Joy in the doing.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In any season, the Perfect gift you can give any one is that same silent (or spoken!) recognition, that we go on and on about, that they are a Beloved Child of God.

    Some may be open to hearing it aloud, some may not. But God hears your heart and your words, and the Truth of their Divine heritage abiding in your awareness will Bless you, and Bless the other person. And it will constantly improve your Spiritual discernment.

    So, whether you find the human costume attractive or repulsive, or enjoy or do not enjoy the personality and talents, or feel shocked or admiring of the behavioral choices, maintain the default mode of giving the simple thought, “First and foremost, you are a Beloved child of God.”

    Doing so will also be a constant Gift to you, You can prove that to yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is ever Good to reach out to those whom you humanly love, and explore the deeper sense of Divine Love that you can observe in them, and feel about them, and appreciate in them. Think about those whom you love in the daily life, and ask God to point out to you the Divine Qualities that shine from them.

    Doing this can help you love more deeply those whom you already admire, and can help you understand the Divine Qualities that you emanate and share and demonstrate. And, it can give you a smooth foundation for looking for the Holy aspects of those that seem, in worldly life, to be irritating, or mean. For We do understand that it can be disheartening to spend too many days trying desperately to “love my enemies”. So, some days, like today, fill up the reservoirs of your heart with extra Divine Love, by Loving those whom you already love.

    Then, the healing force of Love can spill over all else in your thoughts and path.

    Always with you on that path,


  • Ah, Beloved one,

    You are ever in My Thoughts, as is everyone. There is nowhere else to go, no matter what stage of your dreaming you are in, or they are in.

    Whenever you choose to turn to Me and pay attention, I am here. How often and how completely you choose to turn to Me is up to you, but I assure you that I will relentlessly offer opportunities for you to realize I am right here with, because you are still in the Mind-Womb that formed you and declared you Good, very Good.

    Here I Am. Turn your awareness to Me.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even a hard stone by the ocean is eventually broken down into gravel, and then into sand, and can hold the slender roots of a plant. Or, it is washed bit by bit into the ocean, dissolved into the elements that it is made of, and those minerals feed plants, and growth, in other places.

    Grieve not when your seeds of Truth falls on stony ground. Have faith in time, and in the plan buried within the Seed itself, and cast your words of Truth as Spirit bids you. All grounded hearts, in the end of time, become soft enough to hold the roots of Truth.

    We assure you,


  • Ah, Sweet Peaceful Source,

    Please let me see Your version of the one who stands before me.

    Perfect Source, perfect friend,

    Perfect Source, perfect husband,

    Perfect Source, perfect wife,

    Perfect Source,

    Perfect work, and love, and life.

    Sit very, very still, and still your thoughts, and listen, and wait for the sweet peace of the Source to fill your heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing more amazing than the Creative Mind that explodes into Goodness of Beauty and Image and Lovely, Lovely Light. And then It Loves it. It Loves this Expression of Itself.

    And you are part of that. And it Loves you.

    Love It back. And Love expands forever. That is what It wants.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look honestly at the path you have walked in the earth journey and you can find examples of the times that the gentle Source knew your needs before you did, and prepared the Best Way for you. Ponder one of those things or experiences and be utterly, utterly grateful. For being grateful does indeed prepare you to see, recognize and utilize the Goodly ideas and people and places that will serve your human needs Best, today and in all the days to come.

    Be Grateful, Beloved, Be Grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Absolute confidence is a Quality of the Creative Source. It knows what It IS. It knows what It is Doing and Being.

    Ponder that today, and know that whatever is a Quality of the Divine Emanator is also a quality of you. Do and Be perfectly what you are, and be blessed, be blessed, be blessed, and grateful.

    As ever,


  • Beloved,

    We assure you that if you ask for divine Help in going through an entire day without criticizing or complaining, you will see many wondrous things to enjoy.

    What does it cost you? Just some willingness, Beloved.

    If you fail in any moment, letting a mean thought in, forgive yourself and keep going on seeing Good revealed.

    Love to see you in Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us see you actually wish for happiness. For, Child, it is God’s Will for you.

    Join in the Will that made you. Join in what is already done, if you would but receive it.

    Define yourself as Spirit, and accept your happiness with that ID,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you see others struggling with spiritual and moral questions that you have faced, and worked through, have compassion, compassion, compassion.

    Have compassion, and share your solutions and triumphs and backslidings and re-dedications to Good, if they ask, but have compassion. Mostly, dear Child, be a good example, and teach where you are welcomed, and above all, pray , pray, pray to be Blessed to see Grace grow in the hearts of those around you, as well as blossom in your own heart. Pray to See them healed and Blessed. Pray to be able to See, spiritually, no iniquity, as God Sees.

    Be the Best Soul of you, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God wants you to See all with His/Her eyes, not only because you will have more Joy from others, but because it will allow you to finally See yourself with full Joy.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you simply do not know what to say to someone who stands before you, ask the Voice of Living Love inside you.

    Ask. And pause and listen. It WILL guide you. And It will guide you in a way that uplifts both, and all.

    Really, you want that, do you not?

    Try to set a record for days you feel Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Everything you do and think and feel bounces back to you in the earthly dream. It is certainly a reason to watch carefully what you think and choose to feel.

    But, Beloved, you can also step outside the dream and align yourself with Spirit, Good and True, and allow yourself to draw on that sweet Integrity to help you behave as you would wish to do to demonstrate the best of you, and the Best of God.

    You are the strength God gives you, if you ask It and welcome It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ponder the phrase, “Be not offended in Me”, which, in various forms, shows up in many sacred scriptures.

    The “Me” is the Oneness, the Infinite Source which contains and sustains and upholds and maintains all things and ideas of individuality (you are an idea of individuality).

    If you are “offended”, or holding a grievance, within that One Wholeness, then it is as though you have put up a fence around the idea of you, as you float within that Ever- present, Calm, Giving, Love. Or, in other words, being offended, or holding onto that feeling of being offended, translates into being unwilling to receive.

    The next time you feel offended by something someone says to you or does to you, ask yourself, “am I closing myself off to receiving Love?” Am I putting up a barrier to the possibility of receiving a sweet glimpse of the Divine, in this encounter, or from this person, or in the growth of my own actions and spiritual sight?

    “Let me turn to Trust and Forgiveness, and see what comes Flowing to me.

    For I vow, once more, to not be offended in Thee.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are many ways of encouraging yourself to focus on beauty and goodness, and thus attracting more of those into your earthly life. Primary among them is calling on that Loving Unseen that is beyond your five senses to awaken you to more perception of that which is right and good.

    But after that, USE your earthly senses also, to look for the little beauties around you, and search for the kind and generous actions that occur around you all day. Be kind and generous yourself, and let that Divine Unseen lift your thoughts, and thus you, into higher and higher awareness of you Spiritual Perfection, shining out through all the dreams of earth.

    As do we,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are times when it is appropriate to cry forth a quick “Help!” to the Presence of God, for it helps you focus quickly on your human need for that Whole Perspective.

    But in general, when you ponder with Great Wisdom and reason, to understand and perceive the Truth of a situation, it is important to start with thoughts of the One Good and Perfection of God as YOUR Source. Turn to that Calm and Loving Wholeness, and thankfully realize that What It is creates the true Quality of what you are. What your limited human senses are momentarily perceiving of your body or situation are not the imperfections seen by God. God shines you forth perfect and complete, and sees that individual image as victorious and lovable.

    “Thank-you God, for my NOW Harmony!”

    “Thank-you , God, for enabling me to experience my rightful strength and lovingness, and easy kindness and Joy.”

    We could make a long, long list of all the useful and natural and wonderful Qualities of God-Source that are your rightful components and aspects, and are there for you to call upon. They exist. Thank God for them, and open to the feeling and power of their Presence as a part of you.

    God is Good, and offers that Goodness to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The level of thought that is “only human” is so underinformed and misinformed that it is important to practice days of humility. Today, try to remember, “I of myself know nothing, but Divine Mind is very glad to share Its All-Knowing Thoughts with me.

    Thus, in humility do you become completely Wise.

    Try it, and try it again. You will see what a relief it is to have God Thought flooding through you.

    Such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The calming and centering in Soul Power that comes, if you simply find your way to deeply tuning into the One Consciousness as often as you can during the earthly day, cannot be overstated.

    Here is a sample daily prayer :

    “I am Spirit. I am Spirit. I am Spirit. God Spirit shines me forth and lovingly Governs all my needs, gently and simply and perfectly.”

    Find the prayers that work for you, or listen to the small still Voice for the personalized prayer of the day. And then USE them, O’ Beloved, USE them, to stay Connected Consciously, all the time. Say them, think them, absorb them, FEEL them, obey them as the Truth.

    Loving you so, wanting you to feel fine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The proof is in the self. No matter how many testimonies you hear from others, or even see in another who is close to you, it is the serendipitous events, and experiences of healing, that you have in your own life that are the building blocks of faith. The small and large “miracles” that occur in your life are the parts of the corral that would gently hold in place the wild free spirit of your belief in the Divine pattern and Order and Harmony.

    Put each stick into that fence reverently and firmly, and until the corral is fully built, so that faith is safely held, pay close, close attention, so that no stick is left upon the ground, unnoticed. Look carefully, each night and each morning, at the “ground” of your days and your dreams, so that those daily miracles in your life do not pass unremarked and unappreciated, and go unused.

    O’ pick them up and use them, Beloved, and you will have tamed the wild Spirit Horse of belief, and will be able to name Him Delight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine is always ready. It is always ready to offer the full Flow of Itself to you, for It has never stopped flowing and being.

    But, like a good parent, It knows how much you are ready to feel, see, and carry. Like a Mother who knows that her toddler cannot carry the heaviest bag of groceries, even though he thinks he can, The Divine will carefully answer your request to carry out your best mission in life. You may be given responsibilities and powers that you think are less than you can easily carry, but The Divine knows how many steps are in your journey, and what else you will encounter, and adjusts your load and your abilities to match.

    Be at Peace, Beloved, by abiding in Trust. “I am the essence of Trust abiding in That Which Is, Which Knows and Loves and Sustains me.” It knows when you are ready for more, and will let you have it right on time.

    All Blessings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is your Life Force.

    Do only, exactly, what God says today and you can demonstrate for yourself how brightly and wonderfully All is Well.

    You know you are hearing Divine Voice and being Lovingly led by Soul, when you feel Calm and Joyous and unafraid. Be Confident in compassion and forgiveness, and be glad you, and all, are alive in the force of God.

    Love God, Love yourself, Love others. Simple rules.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no newness in the various falsehoods that human thought tells itself. God has seen them all. God has forgiven them all, and knows the sweet truth of you, perfect and wonderful and loved in the Heart of God-Mind.

    Take heart from that today. Stop thinking of yourself as a body with a human name and birthdate today, and just think of your Self as “I am a perfect Child of God.”

    The simplicity of this prayer can take you through confusion, and through any doubt or pain, and have you feeling Whole again.


  • Ah, Child,

    Each time you prove to yourself that you let Goodness reign in your life when you align your mind with the Mind of God, make a template of it in your memory. Count and collect your own examples of living in the goodness of truth, that you may remember them and turn to them when the world, or your old mindset, would pull you away from Joy.

    The proofs you read of or hear of from others will go a long way towards giving you inspiration or courage, but the best proofs are your own. When you are your own proof, then you become proof, and therefore growth and wholeness, to others.

    Practice on yourself, for You are always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not time that moves, it is your awareness that moves among the frozen moments of time. Keep it in the Now, Beloved, appreciating and glorifying, and with just a light touch on the next future moment, like the kiss of a feather, be led into the next Best Moment, and the next, and the next, within all the great maze of possibilities.

    We assure you again, we are with you at every moment, and the end,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The comfort that can come from knowing you are PERSONALLY Loved by the Divine Source cannot be underestimated. Why not try turning to It more often and for longer times?

    It costs nothing except some focus and willingness. It takes no insurance or membership forms to fill out. It simply IS, all the time and everywhere.

    Our gift to you is to remind you of this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wanting your human story to feel improved, and recognizing that you do not know how to do it, can make you humbly turn to God. Your confusion does not stop God from knowing what is Good, and Good for you and for those around you.

    Give God your willingness, fill your heart with the understanding that all things are possible to God, and with that Infinite Omnipotence held firmly in your thought and heart, leave the details of Ideas to God. You may not have a clue as to how your “human story” of lack or ill-health can go from point A to point B, but if you keep your focus and trust on the Truth that God already Gladly knows your Wholeness, then you can release the concern to Divine Omnipotence.

    Just be ready to hear ideas in your mind, and serenely act on them. Be willing to let new paths be tried, when they feel filled with Light. Allow strangers and acquaintances to become a part of your personal story, when you feel God’s deep Calm and Glory leading you that way. All the While, stay in constant alignment and trust of the Amazing Love that Loves you.

    “God Loves me, and wants to See my Thriving Divine Joy, as Creation intended.”

    Look not to your own illusions, Look to the Creations of Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again, and again, and again, return to focusing very carefully on whatever beauty you can see or sense in this moment, now. The noting, and awareness of, and careful attention to, that bit of life, that bit of beauty, can help slow you down enough, and separate you enough from the ego-mind-set, to truly “Be still, and know that I am God.”

    When you are still, and quiet, and listening, in a receptive mode, then the lovely and loving Voice of the Divine can always reach you.

    As will is given over, Divine Will shines forth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your thinking and movements feel sluggish, and the flow of Harmony does not seem to be present in your day, use the Power of Love. Send Loving Blessings to a few of the people in your life, or ask God to give special Blessings to a group that seems to be in need.

    Giving, giving, giving leads to clearing out of your inborn connective paths to others, and opens them for more Divine Grace and Life Supply gushing to you. Keep this rule in mind, and use it as needed, or routinely each day.

    Building Spiritual Laws into your patterns of behavior will empower all that you do.

    We Love you so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wisdom will take you further into Itself than you ever thought possible, if you let yourself learn to listen. All of the most wonderful ideas that have helped humankind learn more about helping one another and giving in compassion and love have come from the One Source of all. Learn to listen to it. Learn to ignore any that makes claims that you are too old or too young or too unskilled in a certain area. One Mind chooses to give Its ideas freely, and only It can say where and when they will bear fruit.

    Listen. Be fertile ground, and tune out the nay-sayers in your life.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let no interference from your human emotions keep you from your appointed tasks for God.

    Whether your human heart is in a moment of anger, or a moment of pleasure or joy or pain, if the Compassion Consciousness rises in you and bids you to say a word, or do a thing, obey. Obey It always, and as It passes through you to others, It will heal you. It will melt away the extremes of human vagary, and you will remain centered in the Calm of God, even while you are yet seemingly in earthly mode.


    Our fashion is Love,


  • Ah, Child Beloved,

    Yes, as ever, ask the Divine Whole to enable and privilege you to know the Harmonious Truth of life of yourself and of your family. Be so delighted to think of seeing the Lovable and Loving Goodness of yourself and your kin, that all old grievances or hurts simply fall away. Keep asking, for so be it, for so it is, for the Divine already knows you all as Its perfect children.

    But, Beloved, realize that the empowerment of your own ability to Spiritually See this, and so also see it in the earthly perceptions, also depends on your willingness to see it for the entire human family. Think upon ALL the brothers and sisters you have in the world and beyond, and ASK to be enabled and privileged to See ALL Beings Living and Loving in God’s Harmony.

    For even so are you yourself Harmonized and aligned with the very Principle of Harmony that is God. Even now, really, are ALL the sons and daughters of God. ASK to See that, and you can. As your Spiritual Sight is uplifted, the world you seem to see will change. If you do this, you are doing much. If you do this, and act from this outlook, you are doing your part in and for the Whole.

    “Even now are we the sons and daughters of Infinite Good.”

    Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We cannot emphasize enough that keeping your thoughts stayed on Good, and goodness, is a crucial part of being able to help hold open the door to the Light for others.

    When you find your thoughts straying in to any other arena, go back to the basics of forgiveness and gratitude, to re-align you with the Light. Ask for Help from the Light, and go back to forgiveness and gratitude, which softens the heart for Love, in Love, and with Love.

    ALWAYS Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am really a part of Divine Love Itself”

    Just Be that, Beloveds. Forget the body. Forget the personalities. Let the Truth of Divine Love flood you and override all thoughts of being a limited and flawed and vulnerable thing. Be exhilarated Love.

    “I am a part of Divine Love, and I let Love take care of the costumes and stageset.”

    This is Truth for all ready to Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you have learned, or are learning, to always listen to the Heart Voice of God before answering or acting, then it is so important to use the courage you can receive from the Source to take your time to answer when talking to people, or to stay silent, or to say you will return with an answer after some time alone with God.

    If you are learning to constantly turn to the Inner Divine Wisdom and Comfort and Omnipresent Life to advise you and be your support, then do so especially when faced with others who are still caught in the habit of murmuring and babbling from their human habits and complaints. Re-set the pattern of your days so that you can take moments alone with your Invisible Divine Comforter and Advocate throughout the day, to re-center yourself, and refresh yourself in the wondrous matrix of Love that holds all. Let the quiet corner in the hallway, or the restroom, or the car, or the eyes closed behind the shield of a book, or the silent waterfall of your own hair as you brush it, become to sacred space wherein you take time to commune with that Everpresent Help that is your True Life.

    Look only to God, and God will help lift you over the murmuring and fretting of the world,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Joy in all the Consciousness of Oneness each time any individual sees even a glimpse of the Shining Eternal Life that is right here and now, behind the mist of unknowing.

    Those around you who seem to not see or sense the Presence of the Great Continuous Flow of Energy will all eventually remember that it is Truth and that they are a part of It. This is God’s triumphant plan. Remember that and do your best to be a living example of faith and trust, for in silently demonstrating what utter companioning with God can do for your earthly life, you convince those you are meant to convince.

    Many and many are the testimonies of those who have had their moment of epiphany or healing or full realization of Infinite soul just because they overheard one of God’s messengers or teachers speak or demonstrate the living Love. It is not really random when such a non-believer “accidently” tags along to a concert of hymns, or a spiritual talk, and then finds him or her self walking freely or filled with new dreams and energy.

    God’s generous and reliable grace and purpose are there for all. For all.

    Be one through whom that fountain of Love can flow easily and continually, for it will refresh many, as soon as they are ready in Soul.

    Joyously watching you be you, as God made, and makes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seeing all things clearly with Love comes naturally when you spend time with your mentor of God. Give that time, give that attention, stand by the side of the One that sees all, and you will begin to see, more and more, with the same perspective.

    It is simple, over and over, for a lifetime,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Offer Silent Love today to those around you. Offer sanctity of Spirit. Offer it by immersing yourself within it, and wrapping yourself in its Silence and Love, and simply emanating that wherever you are.

    The sanctity does the work. The Love does the work. You simply walk around as its earthly vessel, letting it flow to whoever needs it, and is ready.

    Meanwhile, you enjoy the flow of it through you and from you, and feel one with it, and your true self.

    There is really no better way to spend a day, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your own thoughts, or those of others, try to make decisions and logical choice scenarios based on past successes and failures, and human understanding, they are leaving out a key thing. God’s Laws and Ways are above human limited laws and ways.

    Yes, use your life’s gained wisdom. But remain open to Wisdom and Power that is beyond any limited thinking. Always remember, when making your human “pro and con” lists, and hearing human advice, to keep open the Inner Dialogue with Spirit, and show the willingness to let God unfold the happy Divine Solution, in every circumstance and timing.

    Keep the happy truth that God wants your happiness, and good for all, foremost in your thinking.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The true opposite of stress is trust. Trust that the idea of you, and your life, and all within it, actually dwell, as ideas, in the Glad Giving Goodness that is All. It is a self contained system, and you cannot be outside. You can IMAGINE that you are outside of It, caught up in woe and stress and unsolvable problems, but if you trust the Glad Willingness of God to Give Graciously, then you can allow solutions to come.

    The “relax” that you think of as the opposite of “stress” is therefore really only an intermediate step, on the way to trust. It is the allowing. It is the giving over of your will to the Greater Will. It is the letting go of thinking that your human brain or hands can solve a thing or a circumstance all alone. It is the relief and release of finally, fully, realizing that you DO have other Willing Help at hand, always, if you will but ask for It and give way to It.

    You don”t have to be humanly “good” to receive that freely given Help, you just need to open to It. It will take care of molding you so that you fit better into your own Best Life. Stress, then relax into asking for Help, than trust that the Help is Good, and Gladly given.

    O’ sweet Clarity,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is uncertainty, return to the Presence that is Certainty Itself. Knowing all things, Seeing all things, It cannot be otherwise. Resting in Its Presence, let your questions and worries float away from thought, and let the spots where those worries or uncertainties were be replaced by Peace, and by restful ideas or knowledge of timing and movement or waiting, or whatever Goodness the Certainty of Certainties sends.

    It IS this way and it has always been, dearly Beloveds. Why not make use of It, rather than “fretting and strutting your way upon the stage”?

    Loving you in and through every choice, as we wait for your full Awakening,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Practice, at least twice a day, feeling pure, unconditional love for someone whom you love. Pure Love, felt and projected, is a healing Force.

    But, also, Beloved, after you have focused on feeling and sending that Love to one whom you know you Love, letting It flow to him or her or them through you from the Great Source of Love, then focus also, and send also, to anyone whom you might, today, be thinking of as an enemy, or an irritating person. Let that one, also, be healed, and so let yourself be healed.

    This exercise, if practiced daily, will change your outward life, as well as letting blossom the lovely soul-bud that you Are. Think about it. Think about it, and then DO IT.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    God understands the warmth and Love you are due, for God knows that you are made of such Graces. If you see only the costumes you wear and the make-ups and earthly titles, you will not be able to know yourself with a full measure of Truth.

    You are made of Divine Love. Please start believing it, so that you can be one of the ones aiding in moving the world forward in awakening.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, you will still help let the Love that is Source of all shine for dimmed eyes, when you have set aside the body-costume. And you will do that when you choose.

    But, Beloved, even though the Light of Love trumps all error, there are those who are simply not ready to lift their eyes to see that Light. It is those that still need a human-body voice that can suggest Truth be listened to. It is those that still need to see a human smile in a sea of frowns. It is those who still feel the Presence of Love most clearly when given a touch of one fingertip by an awakened one.

    Ponder this. Discuss it with God each day. Of all the alternate routes, the Quiet Vast Voice will always help you choose the Best Way.

    Peacefully Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Dirty dishes do not get clean if you leave them sitting on the table.

    If you put them under the flow of water, or let them soak in the water and soap, they become fresh and usable again.

    Do you really think it is any different with your own errors and sorrows? Treat yourself as a piece of fine china—put yourself under the Flow of Grace and Love that is God, each day, and you will remain fresh and usable. Go to the Flow, and use It, any time you feel even slightly soiled or inefficient or weary or guilty or inadequate or ill or unloved. Go to the Flow, and God will wash away those errors, and reveal again the fine, fine good being you are, and give you the shine you need to function and be beautiful.

    How do you go to the Flow? You simply spend time thinking about God, Loving God. You read scripture of inspiration or sing the songs of praise. You give of your time and talents to others, you count your blessings and share them. All these things and more will place you in the Flow, and you will feel fresh and clean again, ready to function as the fine thing you are.

    You already know what works for you, and you can seek new ways to commune.

    Ask for Help, ask for Flow, and It is given, dear rightful Child of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Join in with every enabled and awakened heart to recognize that just as rain and sun fall and shine on all, no matter their human behavior, so does Divine Love flow to all. Love Guides and Inspires and Directs and Heals, and praying for ALL to open to receive It empowers your prayers for yourself.

    Pray for the plurality today, Beloved, for all is indeed One in the Infinite “skin” of the Divine. Pray for All One, and uplift yourself NOW.

    It is God’s Intention, and God does not fail,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry. When you relax into understanding that all you really want is to See as God Sees, you will be looking at all in the understanding that time and space are illusions, and there is no hurry.

    There is no hurry. Today, See as God Sees, and be calm and confident, for All is already Good.

    As are you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is truly no need to force the Healing Force of God/Spirit/Love.

    It does the Work. Just be an opening through which It flows into the human dream of sorrow and mistaken understanding, and It will correct the errors. You know full well that being the silent presence of full Consciousness of Divine Presence can change the entire mood in a room and the course of events, wherever you are, or whoever you send your Good Thoughts to. That is a great contribution, if you do that, as much as you can. And the Presence Itself will help you do it consistently, if you are but willing to let your own human will be gifted to God’s Will, for Gentle Good to touch every heart.

    So much Joy surges forth from Creation, each time you let It flow through you.

    Thank you. Let It Flow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you think back over your life in a coolly observant way, you will see that certain people and circumstances were swirled into, or out of, your life, seemingly without any choice on your part. And if you set aside any human bewilderment, or annoyance at feeling lack of control in some situations, you can admit that the changes created Good for you, either immediately, or over time.

    Trust Omniscience. Trust Omnipotence. Trust that the Will of God is for your happiness and awakening to Spiritual Good. Do not toss people out of your life without the effort to see the Divine Good in them, but if they naturally move away from you or out of your everyday awareness, accept it and look to what Purpose and holiness God is leading you to right now, right where you are, or where God leads you to be.

    God’s Will cannot be forced, but It has Its Way in due time, in perfect time.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no substitute for affirming that you trust that the Divine Counselor knows better than your human mind and logic, and listening to that Divine Lover, and following the Loving advice.

    No substitute.

    We assure you,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    You ARE the Beloved Child of a Loving God. Try this:

    “I place today in the Loving Hands of the one Loving God.

    I relax into my status as Its Child, and I choose to expect happiness,

    I choose to expect success, I choose to experience Joy, seek Joy, find Joy,

    in all things, people, and circumstance.”

    “I am a Child of God, and I am Joy. I will glow with Joy, and let others join me.”

    We join Joy, always. It is our mission.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Beneath this dust, All is Good.”

    Can you choose to hold that Thought in your mind and heart all day, today?

    The Power of Truth is great, but you must choose to keep It in mind, just as a mathematician must keep the correct multiplication table in mind when solving long equations.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, in the human sense of time, things spin very quickly, or slowly, depending on the situation and understanding. We assure you that there is plenty of time, and experience, for you to do all the unfolding you need to do, here or hereafter. Some awaken slowly, and some quickly, to their perfection, but we tell you again that ALL awaken. Have faith in that.

    See them thus now, and it will awaken you completely.

    We Love you all. Take it tenderly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    EVERYTHING must be rubbed against the touchstone of Truth that is the Divine Inner Voice. Even when something is considered a standard “good” by earthly society, do not do it unless the Inner Voice agrees, for that moment, and for that person and situation.

    Learning to pause, to check everything against the Inner Voice, will slow your life down a bit, yes. What is the hurry? What are you hurrying towards? Death or enlightenment?

    Choose Life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God has not forgotten you. You have not been dropped into a costume carnival and left alone.

    The Mighty Spirit of God is on your spirit like a second skin, and no smoky wisp or paint you put on your earth story costume can penetrate the armor of God Truth that is on you.