Ah, Beloved,
There is a good reason that comedians are revered in every society.
There are some days when your own manifestations are so out of line with what you truly want and ARE, that laughter is one of the fastest ways to get yourself back into the Joy of Being that can help you change the situation. Look at what seems un-laughable, and LOOK for the humor. Laugh at the ridiculous and disarm it. Remember how many times an annoying moment or irritating situation became the basis for a funny story you told later on.
Humor IS Divine, Beloved. Use it to disarm yourself. Use it to disarm others. Ponder how many arguments, and wars, and divorces, might have been stopped if a good joke had been told, or seen, at just the right time. Seek the humor of the moment, and find release from the shadow of the moment, and then find your Way again.
And you thought our bad puns were silly?
Ah, Dear One,
So, in your mind you have decided that “yes, indeed, I want to live by loving, kind, mindfulness”, or, “yes, indeed, I want to see God’s Will done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
Now, stand back and think, and realize, “What does that mean to my relationships?”
We tell you this, as God’s Will is enacted on earth, friendships are not based on pain, for God knows not of pain and trouble. As souls relate in Oneness, they do not bond through hurt and sorrow. Stand back, and look at how you relate to your friends and to your intimates. Can you discipline yourself to have conversations about inspiration and goodness and joy? Can you let your complaining pass away and talk instead about how good God is, and how much serendipity and miracle and love you have seen this day?
If, to you, a “real” deep, good conversation is one wherein both parties only share their secret troubles and angst, then are you helping to enact Nirvana? Let your sharings be edifying, Beloved. Let your communion be about that which is uplifting and connected and enduring. Let them be full of forgiveness and compassion, but be the one to hold the focus on Goodness, on God, on the Truth.
So many times, if but one person in the room will be the one to say, “Hey, we are all in this together. Hey, we all need each other here. Hey, it is not “them” against “us”, it is all of us together, trying to function as a unit, trying to behave as one body”, the course of a day would change. “Let us BE the Oneness we truly are, let us allow to be reflected here in the earth film the Harmony we are as ideas in the Mind of God.”
Can you be that one? Can you let every relationship you are in begin to be the Truth? At one moment you are the Teacher, at one moment you are the student, but let it be Wholeness you are teaching and learning, not drama and blame and pain.
You choose when to begin, and finish, your homework in studying the Truth,
We love you through it all,
Ah, Beloveds,
Each one of you is at a different place and time of awakening completely to the fact of your complete Spirituality. If you look back, honestly, at the phases of your earthly memories, you can admit to yourself that you would not have been ready at earlier phases, to give up thoughts of the material and chasing the material. Accept, therefore, that those around you are at differing stages of readiness to experience the full Glory of Soul, and readiness to realize that nothing except pure Spirit exists. Be kind, be Loving, and work on improving your own discernment of the Divine Essence of all people, places and things.
Understanding that all is Spirit, all is God-Thought, does not mean you need to pass away, to Ò¤ieÓ as the earthly labels it. It just means to look at you and your life and all around you as the lovingly mutable forms that have the ability to reflect, perfectly, the Perfect Harmony of God. You can still enjoy the earthly and material, but know first from wherein all Good comesÑ´he Wondrous projected Thoughts of God.
You are asking to See the clear Good Thoughts of God, and you can. Be willing, be ready, and See. Take off the blinders of Ò·oe is meÓ¬ and be glad and grateful, and See.
Ah, Beloved,
Even as you are focused on demonstrating your Best Self, the marvelous man or woman that God made, Spirit full of Wisdom and Creativity and Love, pray also that others see your Best Self.
We have repeatedly urges you to look for and see, as God Sees, the Best of others. But also pray that they can see, and encourage, the Good Intelligence and Soul of you.
If you see the Holy shining of them, and they see the Holy shining of you, how delightfully shining it all will be.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no way in which you cannot trust God. There is no thing or circumstance in which you cannot trust God. God will offer endless chances for you to trust Him/Her. The more you trust, the easier it will get to trust.
Trust Harmony to be there for you and to guide you. Trust It to bring extra Joy to situations and to give you ideas and solutions and to bring new people into your life.
Trust It, as It trusts you to shine with the Goodness of which It made you.
O’ act Beloved, for you are Beloved. Glow with that Love.
Ah, Beloved,
The inner awareness of full healing will often come before the outer manifestation.
Therefore, DO monitor the feelings of Peace and quiet Joy that fill your heart, but do not endlessly look at the cut on the skin, or the scales, or in the mailbox, or at the actions of the loved one. Watch and wait for the fullness of Heart Love, and abide in that. and then rejoice, later, when you happen to notice that the worldly effect has aligned itself in Harmony as well.
Dwell in the Kingdom of Peace ,
Ah, Beloved,
All the small and perfect things are just hints, small echoes, of the Amazing Perfection that is the Whole. Notice and appreciate those small perfections today, dear Beloved. Whether it is the lid that perfectly fits the pan, or the tender call of a friend just when you need to hear a friendly voice, or the sweet unseen Spirit that embraces you as you say your evening gratitudes, take wonder and joy at the perfections, and expect even more to come.
For in great wonder we tell you that what is planned for each soul that is part of Soul is always perfect for that one. Be amazed and gratified by your own perfect learning, and let it help you leap to a new and deeper understanding of the Perfection of all. Expecting perfection and taking glory in it is but a small part of expecting Perfection for each and every one.
You may not understand the Total of this yet, but we know you can be in awe of the perfection of your own skin closing up to be its wholeness again after a pinprick or a wound. The original Wholeness of you is sacred in Sacredness Itself, and can be shown forth as long as you and It agree to walk the world.
Look for the small and perfect and build trust that the Whole is Perfect too.
Lovingly and tenderly,
Ah, Beloved,
We are certain that you know you will understand the fullness of God someday.
Your understanding is your key to being a revealer of Wholeness within the dream of the world, AND the key to your total Joy continually. Why not begin today to accept that your understanding is not a matter of long suffering or study? Your understanding is a matter of total release to wanting to know God completely.
That choice frees God to fully embrace you in understanding. Stop clinging to illusions of the world by being either attached to them, or fighting them, and release to that full sweet understanding. That is the Truth, the Way and the Key to Life, Beloved,
Tell Him/It/Her that you open your Heart of Understanding comepletely, and then “Be STILL, and Know that I am God.”
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to hurry. All is well, and when things SEEM most frantic, that is the most important time to slow down, be still, and know that you are a part of the Whole that knows all answers.
Sit still, and let go, and listen. Answers rise as quickly as they need to, for the best of all concerned.
Loving you tremendously,
Ah, Beloved,
The truth about a spring not being able to send forth bitter and sweet waters at the same time also applies to the flow of your voice and words and thoughts. If you are thinking grateful thoughts, you cannot at the same moment think resentful ones. If you are speaking praise you cannot at the same moment speak criticism. If you are singing halleluiahs, you cannot at the same moment be singing destruction.
You full know, Child, what words and people you enjoy being around—the ones who are expressing and/or demonstrating solutions and creativity and sincere compliments and Light and Love. You can choose to so fill your mind with these things that there is no room for despair or fear or nay-saying to goodness, and then you will want to be around yourself.
You can fill your mind with these things if you simply ask the Emanating Divine Source to fill your mind with Its Mind, and continually stay open to Its Joyous Flow. Ask for It. Ask for help in clinging only to It, and watch to see how less and less of you day gives way to the bitter waters.
We know you are Truly a sweet spring,
Ah, Beloved,
Just as you would, as a mature driver, drive right through a mirage of water on the road, and smoothly proceed to your destination, also move through the mirages of the world to go where God asks you to go.
Trust that the Good guidance you receive from the Loving Inner Voice will put you where and when you are needed to help bring blessings to all the beings that make up the Whole of God’s Child, God’s creation of Its own image.
Listen to that Good guidance constantly, and trust It. Trust only It.
Thus, you are trusting the Higher Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Never, ever try to give Divine Joy to another without first filling your own heart with It completely. Make sure there is a realization that there is no place in the Infinite Creative Cosmos that is not filled with the substance of Divine, expansive Joy. When you absolutely KNOW that where you, as an individual, seem to be, there is truly only a part of the Mind of the Creative Force, just as the one standing before you, or calling to you from afar, is a part of the same Creative Force, then you can see the pure Truth of that one.
To put this in other words, allow yourself to completely feel Unconditional Love, and then give some of It to anyone before you, and you both will feel the blessing of It.
It sustains, It maintains, It gladdens, It creates, It Is,
As we are,
Ah, Beloved,
When you reached out and called out a greeting to a long-time friend who recently passed, you heard the whisper back. “All are One. Have not even a shadow of disapproval against any.”
She said this, Beloved, to lovingly remind you that within Soul, any “other” is just another part of the self Soul that is also you. Her desire, to see you never held back from alignment by any judgement, was so strong that her whisper came through. Yes, continue to pray for the continual evidence of the reduction and end of sin and suffering. Continue to pray for the freedom from illusion for all.
But leave all Balancing and correction up to the Power of One Loving Mind. Keep your own individual part of that Oneness pure and loving. Pure and loving is the way to See more and understand more, and move forward.
For those that are bound in their flesh thoughts, or who back drop, pray.
Ah, Beloved,
So fill me with Love, Abba, Spirit, that It drives out all hate, all regret, all interference with being totally and completely Yours.”
For I know that thus may I See all possible glimpses of Heaven here and now.
Ah, Beloved,
The seeming appearance of time and space is so pervasive for your human perception that once in a while we must remind you, to remind yourself that time and space are not aspects of Spirit, of God. Therefore, your ability to let the Force and Love of God flow through your prayers is not limited by time or space.
Infinite Presence truly is always and everywhere. Therefore, pray. Image and Love the Goodness and Wholeness of God everywhere, and know that your prayers for yourself and others, and for all beasts and things around you, are to align them with the ideas in the Mind of God, and see them Whole and very Good.
Pray always, for all, and KNOW that you are having a helping effect. We assure you, sending forth Love always helps.
And we send Love to you,
Ah, Beloved,
There are countless individual plans within the Great Plan to awaken all to their own Divinity of Soul. Be not jealous of another’s path. Compare not what you think is your progress with another’s. The human senses cannot accurately evaluate the measure of a Heart of Light.
Be content to know that you are an offshoot of God, and be glad of each iota of understanding and Joy that sweeps through your awareness. Be glad for others when they are glad, even if they seem to you to be on a detour. Be glad for yourself when you are glad, and rejoice in every moment of unearthly Peace that fills your consciousness.
When you have the Peace of God, you have all, and is that not what you want?
We join your intentions daily,
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
Whenever we see you confused about who you really are, we embrace you in Love and patiently wait. We know that none of those temporal confusions can last, for they are false and only illusions brought about by the belief in linear time. We stand outside of time, with God, and extend our Love to you, so that you may also see, you are already perfect and whole, as a wonderful child of God, and always will be.
Stand with us, and See with the eyes of God. Sight is a spiritual gift, already yours if you will take a moment to accept it.
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to ask BOLDLY for all that is True to BE true in your earthly play.
The humble willingness to turn all things and people and circumstances over to God is the simple thing you must do to enact this. Like an artist who recognizes that too much paint has been smeared around on her canvas, and acceptingly sets it aside and starts with a fresh canvas, be willing to set aside all of what you thought you wanted, and let the Maker paint your picture of existence anew.
“I want what the Divine KNOWS as Truth, to be true, here and now”,
Ah, Beloved,
Indeed, it is a day to feel the pure and blissful release of letting Divine Spirit Ô´ake the wheelÓ® Knowing that you can trust that Divine Wisdom and Love completely, sit back and rest and enjoy the landscape that unfolds as the hours pass, just as you would enjoy the landscape of a road trip, when a trusted driver takes over.
Do not try to be even the navigator, today, Beloved. Relax into enjoying the Beauty, and let God handle the vehicle and the choices of road.
And it is Good,
Ah, Beloved,
You know that the other voice, the Voice Divine, is always right there, in your heart-mind, waiting to talk to you and help you understand what is the right and decent and gracious thing to do or say. If you do not pause and listen to It, you have no one but yourself to teach.
Let It teach you. Be Glad you are progressing in your spiritual understanding. We know that on many days you feel discouraged at your progress in acting and thinking in the saintly ways you want to think and act, but we tell you to take heart. In the small progressions of days, perhaps it is difficult to see your own progress. But We See it. Have you not grown more tolerant and forgiving? Have you not begun acting more honestly and with more generosity and compassion? Give thanks for all the progress made, and expect more, and Be Glad, O’ Darling One, Be Glad.
Glad to know you,
Ah, Beloved,
When you climb a mountain with a friend, your views might be different at the top simply because you are standing six feet apart. You may see a sweet glimpse of a crest and a cloud and a color that he cannot see because a treetop is in his way.
You know this. And so it is with Spirit. To see your body and circumstance and life as Divine Spirit sees them, you must stand right next to It, even WITHIN It, to see the wonderful goodness It sees. Center yourself in Spirit, and See truly, Child.
We are helping you. Have faith and trust in that.
Ah, Beloved,
When uncertainty assails you, turn to Me. When discouragement comes, or darkness seems to fall too soon in the afternoon, turn to Me. When body twinges or discomforts seem to whine for your attention, turn to Me.
These things are not of Me. These things are not sent by Me as signs or elements to focus on. These things are not of the Good Reality of Me. They ae but the temptations of shadows. Turn to Me, to be reminded of Beauty and fineness. Turn to Me to count your gratitudes together, and to feel the alignment of Love.
As we count together the small blessings, you will be able to discern again the larger ones, and be fit to be led to the next phase of the Divine Will for your Life and your Joy.
I am with you. Turn to Me.
Ah, Beloved,
The High Consciousness is not risen up off to Somewhere Else.
It is risen up in every heart. In every individualized heart of Soul is rises, and enlightens, and shines away all error, and then releases that part of Soul from the sleep that had overtaken it. Somewhere Else becomes here and Now.
Turn your soul over to Soul, Beloved, and listen for Its awakening Words, and follow.
All Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Celebrate this day. Choose today to be a day when you utterly, and sincerely, say unto the One Mind that constantly thinks you, and Whose Thoughts of you ARE you and your True Life, “Let me see Your dream for me, dear Creator.”
And be willing to wait and watch and seek and see the evidence of the Creator’s desire for your happiness.
Let it be so, for it is so, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
Yes, you can count on the ever-present Love of the Divine, but please understand that It is also counting on you to do the part of letting It shine through you.
When you FEEL that wave of Compassion lift you up and bid you do or say a thing, DO IT.
You will enact God’s Will this very day, in something, if you do so,
Ah, Beloved,
There is nothing stopping you from experiencing how much the Source, that is Love, holds you in that Love, and Loves you absolutely.
But, like any experience, you must take time to do it and feel it. You would not expect to experience a music performance without attending it. You would not expect to understand how it feels to catch a football without catching one. You would not expect to know how a wild fruit tastes without tasting it.
Take time to let Love embrace you. Take time and experience It, and you will never doubt again that It is Real, and that It comforts and uplifts and heals and inspires.
Choose to do it. Take the time.
We will help if you ask, and we always have time for you.
Ah, Beloved,
We are with you. We are with you.
Feel our Loving embrace, and trust that in the moments when you cannot muster the will to count your Blessings, or say your usual healing prayers, or remember the words of the uplifting song, We will invite the Blaze of silent Divine Light.
We shall invite the flash of Light, and all the unnamed and named fears of nothingness will scatter like ridiculous cockroaches. In the Light of Truth, in the Reality of Spirit, All is Well, All is Well, All is Well.
Ah, Beloved,
We have often said to you that you must align yourself with the Flow of Life Source each morning before you begin anything else. But we see that we must lovingly remind you of something to do even before you do that. And that is: Forget yesterday.
Forget yesterday, with all its triumphs and woes, and focus on clearing yourself as a vehicle through which Life Force can flow TODAY. “THIS is the day that God has made.”
When you walk into the kitchen and begin to cook up your day, the electricity that flows when you turn on the light switch is new electricity. Yesterday’s is gone. It is used up. You count on new energy flowing to that same light bulb in order to begin feeding yourself for the day. So let it be also for yourself. New today. New tomorrow. Yesterday let go of.
Yes, we see that your feelings argue that some issues or events from yesterday must be dealt with. And so they must. But you can deal with them with today’s new energy, today’s new Love. Refresh yourself from the Infinite Source, having forgotten yesterday’s challenges, and begin again today to be grateful, grateful, grateful that It exists, and Glad, Glad, Glad.
Ah, Beloved,
God’s Technician, put in each heart to listen and guide and comfort and advise, hears all and sees all. It knows that the sorrowful parts of the dream, and the whimsical parts of the dream, are not real. Only Love, and what Love made, are Real.
But It hears and sees all that you think you see and hear. It knows every thought you think. It does not judge and condemn you. Rather, It waits to be asked to give you solutions and help, and sweet Peace when you are aching. It simply Loves, Loves, Loves you, waiting for you to remember that Love is what you are.
It already knows that Love is what you Really are, and so do We,
Ah, Child,
As ever, remember that those around you who bring forth a sense of irritation or frustration in your own heart, are being wonderful mirrors for you. Stand back, in your awareness, and observe your own feelings. Stand back, and ask yourself whether the trait that you find so annoying in the other person is a trait that you need to finish cleansing from yourself.
If the other person seems too quick to judge others, ask yourself whether you have recently been too quick to judge someone. If the other person seems to you to exhibit gross greed in a negotiation, ask yourself if you have fallen into greed lately. Etc., etc.
Remember, you are loved and maintained as a living idea in the Divine Awareness no matter what errors you seem to fall into in earthly life. But, to welcome that Grace to use you to touch other hearts, it is important to let your own heart be constantly examined, and constantly emptied, and constantly refilled with love and compassion.
We send you mirrors so you can adjust yourself,
Ah, Beloved,
If you give just a little thought to the fact that Divine Spirit, quietly Ever-present in your heart, and always glad to commune with your thoughts and align them to Itself, is not part of the illusion of time, it will change how you make decisions within time. If you realize that The Divine Whole Sees all your choices as though they have already happened, and all the branching of alternate pathways, then you will be delighted to get very still, and pause in your wanderings of thought, and ask, again, to See as God Sees.
Aligned with that timeless Wisdom, you can leap ahead into the waves of time and look back along your choices, and see and feel which one is truly the most harmonious for you. Taking time to See as God Sees, all your choices are in the view, and you can choose well, right now. Do remember, though, Beloved, that God’s definition of Harmony for you is not about fleeting satisfactions, but about remembering who you really are, a wonderful and talented and loving being of the One Being, full of Peace of Mind.
If you are ready to choose Harmony, choose to let God show you the way.
When your heart feels filled with a deep Peace, you know it is a Good choice.
Ah, Beloved,
Do not think of the Divine as being limited by quantity. Do not think of the Divine as being limited in any way. The more you ponder the fact of the Unlimitedness of the Infinite Divine, the more you will begin to understand that, indeed, all things are possible to God/Goodness/Divine Being. And, since you live within that Being, what you may have for your role in the Plan is unlimited.
IMAGINE unlimitedness! Love,
Ah, Beloved,
You are important and unique to God. But you are just one small part of the Whole Beloved Childship of The Divine Maker/Makress.
Can you use that thought to feel good about yourself, and sure of God’s desire for your happiness, and yet feel humble enough to listen quietly today, so that you can clearly hear God’s plans for you?
Do not seek to hear a detailed earthly twenty year plan. Keep in mind that everyone’s true work is to get to know God better, and to shine forth the aspects that one can. Today, just listen with humility for today’s plan; speaking when God says to speak, being silently smiling when God says to smile, being giving when God says to give, and forgiving and loving, always.
If everyone does their parts, it is enough,
Ah, Beloved,
The Purity and the Completeness of the Source that shines forth the Universes and the ideas they contain, including you, is a thing difficult for the human materially-trained mind to fully comprehend.
But if you approach it in sweet simplicity, assuring yourself playfully and trustingly, “I am the Beloved Child of the One Source, I am light reflecting the perfection of the Life Light”, then you allow the energy of the form and function you seem to be to function harmoniously and smoothly.
Play with this today, Child. Bless yourself and everything and everyone you see, “I am as God Sees me.”
ANGELS, watching over you.
Ah, Beloved,
RELAX into the Hand that made you.
Let yourself be guided. Let yourself be comforted.
Forget about thinking you can do anything of yourself that is not filled with human error. RELAX into the Love that made you and wants to see Itself reflected in you. Be humble enough to allow yourself to be Loved.
Ah, Beloved,
Remember, remember, that the instructions that you are given by God, clear and strong, will often make no sense to the logical self, or to the world. Nevertheless, when you have had enough experience hearing God’s Voice to KNOW when you are hearing it true, then obey, obey, obey. The entrance to a new level of understanding is always preceded by obedience.
Very likely you will hear subliminal arguments from the ego-self, or from the dependants and close ones of your life, but hold fast to the sight of the face of God, and do not falter in your steps. Allow Peace to fill you between every breath, and be, be, be with God.
As always,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no hurry. When you relax into understanding that all you really want is to See as God Sees, you will be looking at all in the understanding that time and space are illusions, and there is no hurry.
There is no hurry. Today, See as God Sees, and be calm and confident, for All is already Good.
As are you,
Ah, Beloved,
Cultivate the kind of friends, and a Spiritual Community, who, when hearing of any challenging current life circumstances, do not give you their human opinions. Instead, in compassion and wisdom and love, they ask you, “What is the small, still Voice telling you to do?” They will softly inquire, “Is Holy Spirit, with Its strong Arms of Love, and wide, resourceful, Infinite Being, comforting you or celebrating with you?”
If you are not near worldly friends or community just now, then go directly and ask of the Unseen Community of Love, “Help me. Help me solve, help me joyously receive, help me understand and know and act.” They are there for you. If you ask, and if you listen, and if you trust and feel, you will discern the wonderful Guidance that Loves to be with you and assist you, always.
We are with you in whatever way you can comprehend,
Ah, Beloved,
This day We wish to focus on the timely way that you can remember that the Divine Source wants you to remember your full part in Wholeness. So, just as you turn to prayer or mind-centering to seek the Wisdom and Peace and ideas for happiness that you desire for your daily life, the Divine IS striving to reach you and re-align you in whatever way It can.
The Loving Source and Surrounding knows you cannot really be separate from It, but It also knows that you can believe you are, and knows that the belief of separation creates sorrows for you. It did not create sorrow and does not want you to remain in any sorrow. Lovingly, as It knows you are turning to It, It will find ways to reach you. The appropriate word or image will reach you. The explanation that can help your understanding will come forth. The answers and feeling of Presence will consistently flow to you, and the more attention you give them, the sooner you will know the fullness of Joy, maintaining and sustaining you, as you let It lead.
The time is now. The time is to constantly know you have this Divine partner in all thought and experience. And that It gives all to you, wanting you to remember you are Its very image.
Ah, Beloved,
To Know the Divine IS to Love Him/Her.
There is no work more important. There is no work more rewarding, in every way imaginable, and unimaginable.
Every person comes to that realization, sooner or later. Why not sooner?
Always patiently waiting to Help you,
Ah, Beloved,
We know that you already experience moments of timelessness, in waking dream or sleeping dream. Those moments give you a brief view of how God Sees.
Savor them, Beloved. Cultivate them. Whether it is a panorama of nature that gives you an epiphany, or whether it is the deep feeling of Love that you know when looking into a newborn’s eyes, seek to know timelessness. Call in your heart for the Companionship of the All in All, and you can drink of Its timelessness.
For by looking from above the web of time, even while you still feel enmeshed within it, you can learn to See as God Sees, to know, as God knows, that there is only Now, in the One Mind that Holds All.
O’ Beloved, feel free.
Ah, Beloved,
There is nothing that Love cannot advise you about. And, it will advise you in a way that Blesses all for the Best.
How do you know if it is really the Highest Guidance of Love that you are hearing in your heart? It will be accompanied by a sense of Peace and Completeness and tender, tender Calm Love.
Listen for It constantly. That is unceasing prayer.
Ah, Bold One,
Do not let false modesty stop you, when you have heard Divine Voice in the heart, or in your Dream, instruct you. When you KNOW that you must do a thing, or say a thing, or be in a place, let no man, or woman, stop you.
That is what it means to do the will of All That Is. That is true obedience, and that is the path to true Joy. What you know to be truth for your part to play may not make any sense to your logical self, and may even be a surprise to the part of yourself that has had a secret dream for so long. But all the same, it is in the Harmony That Is, and it is the true meaning of “to thine own Self be True.”
The Self you must be true to is the Self that is in Harmony with the Whole, that is, indeed, essentially an expression of the Whole. It does not matter what silliness the human mind or heart think it to be. It does not matter what your neighbors or corporate sponsor think it to be. It does not matter if it has upon it the stamp of a church or a college upon it. Just let, let, let the Greater be Done.
All Is Well, don”t you want to know you are, too?
Ah, Beloved,
Basic Truths don”t change. That is why so many of these messages we give to you seem the same, even if given in different words or metaphors.
And that sameness is truly the very secret you need to comprehend as a Truth in your Heart. For, if you are the same basic idea, the same basic Truth and Beauty of Spirit that you were created as, as a part of Goodness, then that sameness is what you can count on when you are looking to heal your thoughts. Heal your thoughts by thinking instead about the ever-sameness of the Thoughts God has of you, of what God Knows you to be made of and for, and then those Truths heal the circumstance, the body, and those around you, as you see them also through the Thoughts of the Creator. The emphasis is not on healing the body or circumstance, the emphasis must be on serving as a conduit of the Thoughts of God.
Sameness. Always the same, God Is. The Calm Joy. The Constant Completeness. The Expression of Itself.
Think about eternal sameness of the timeless Qualities, and let the thoughts of the temporal go, go, go,
Ah, Beloved,
We will help you release the view of the world you have had. We will help you see Good, not bad,
Is it so hard to be playful today, asking us to be your playmates in Seeing the world Our Way? You deserve this, and We would love your company in it. As your brother said, release, release, release your old way of seeing.
Ah, Beloved,
There is more certainty in God’s Heart of your worth than you can imagine.
It is a Parent’s Joy of Love!
Would such a Love deny you what you need, if you turned to It?
No, Love, It would not. Turn to Love. Over and over and over, turn to Love.
We do, and It works,
It supports us and our purpose, It IS us,
Ah, Beloved,
Let your discourses be filled with comments and tales of what is right and good in your life and thoughts. Let your observations of others be sincere praises of the positive things they do or represent. Let your suggestions be ones for improvements, and your contributions be ones that build.
When meditation or contemplation take your Consciousness to the height where you can see the Power of thoughts and words to create, Beloved, you will see the High Importance of elevating thought and words and actions to match the Holiest ones in your heart.
Eschewing gossip and complaining makes a huge difference in your outlook and in your life, and in the shared world where you wish for all to feel joy.
You can be an example. You can let your Light, reflected from Love, shine.
Ah, Beloved,
When your day seems filled with duties that are daunting, and you let your mind start thinking that if only you had another hour of sleep, or a certain food or beverage, or a chance to look up some information, then you would be full of energy and inspiration, pause those thoughts.
Pause, and take time to remember that God is your Life, God is your Source of strength and wisdom and delight. Take some minutes to recognize, or re-recognize this Truth, and to welcome the freely offered Divine Assistance for all that you need, to face and live your day, with Harmony and Grace.
It is always on offer. Always Flowing. Accept It.
Ah, Beloved,
Let go of the guilt. If you choose to indulge yourself in a delightful task, focus on enjoying it completely while you are doing it. The thought that you must accomplish some “work” or some “planning” of some sort, while you also play, will only mean your play does not reach the level of Joy that it could, and should.
Likewise, when it is clearly time to finish a task, or begin one, let yourself focus entirely upon it, with the joy of its process and completion filling your heart, so that the ever-present buoyancy of the Divine Flow can hold you up and assist you while you fulfill all duties. Being completely present for what you are doing, without distracting yourself into old regrets or new expectations, is the key to being completely fueled by the Infinite Source that would gladly express Itself as you, as your life, as your work, as your abundance, as you circumstance, as your purpose and as your joy.
Grow as grass, or as flowers, right now, rather than after planning or discussion,
Ah, Beloved,
When, in human affairs, you are faced with making choices about when and where and with whom to spend time, especially very committed time, it is imperative that you ask for Help from Inner Voice of Spirit.
Making such decisions based on your five sensory impressions of the persons, or on what they said or did in the past, or what you have heard rumored that they did, is the opposite of what you should do. As someone trying to shine forth the Qualities of God, you MUST ask God what Its knowledge of the person is, and ask whether you are meant to be in or near that person’s life.
Your human ability to know whether you can help that person, or whether they can help you, beyond the simple, decent, kindness of the moment, is something that your limited mortal senses just cannot see.
Ask God, Beloved. Always ask God first. Always.
You will be Glad you did,
Ah, Beloved,
Of a certainty, there will always be an amount of the Unlimited View of All that you cannot see while you are hampered by the teasing of the five senses. But you can improve your ability to ignore the five senses. And, you can fully trust that the Divine Eye always sees the Whole Picture, and that if you learn to hear and trust Its guidance, It will always guide you well.
Therefore, do not think that you must attain instant saintliness or the full abilities of an avatar. You just need to stay aligned with hearing the Inner Voice and Sight for YOUR minutes and your days and years. It is more simple than you think. Have faith, and listen, and be true to that. Dear Child.
We have faith in you.
Ah, Beloved,
There is a part of spiritual work that consists of being a handkerchief for the tears of others. When one before you is consumed by anger or hatred or pain, silently offer your own calm heart and loving attitude as the dry cloth that can wipe up their woes. This is not about giving advice, or trying to change their beliefs in the moment—it is about simply being a sponge that can absorb their mind’s pain, and transmute it, through the Divine within the other and yourself, into something harmless.
Like a mother, who pulls into her tender lap and loving arms the young child who has skinned his knees or been taunted and called names, comforts just by her presence and her unspoken love, let your own heart be the conduit for calling in the Presence of the Divine. Let that Presence within and around both your souls be the clean kerchief that dries all tears.
Ah, Beloved,
We emphasize, turn to thoughts of the Gory, Glory, Gory of God.
No matter what your human needs of the day, the connections can and will come to solve them. Be not attached to just how they get sorted out, and if you feel slighted or shorted in any way, please just turn to the Truism of “All things work together for the Good, for those that Love God.”
If you seem to experience lack or loss in some way, be grateful in advance that the Infinite God will make it up to you in another way. Infinite Resources are part of what God is. Just Love God, and Love the Glory of God, and listen and intuit and discern and obey God’s Voice, and All, All is Well.
All is Well, for you are already Perfect Spirit in the Spirit of God.
Ah, lean into us as you ‘look up to the hills from whence cometh your aid,’
Ah, Beloved,
You have good friends that you enjoy thinking of. You enjoy imagining them going about their favorite activities, or smiling, or honorably fulfilling their duties. You love remembering their acts of generosity and surprises of joy. You delight in knowing you can call upon them for words or company.
Practice continually enjoying the One Loving Source in the same way. Ponder the wondrous beauty of the galaxies that burst into being. Praise in your heart the marvel of the seed that becomes a great tree. Remember gratefully the times you have felt the embrace of Love, and be thankful, so thankful, for the visible and invisible Good you have right now.
Understanding that the Source is a friend to you, will help you trust that you can call upon all the offerings It holds out to you, just as you would from any perfect friend.
Accompanying you,
Ah, Beloved,
Try it again, this new, fresh day that has been Made.
When you feel that you have run out of Love, or out of Energy, make sure you stop, and get quiet and still, or at least slow down, slow down, slow down, and refill your reserves by telling yourself, “God Loves me. God Loves me. God Loves all of us. God made us of Love. We have plenty of Love, and all that It provides. We are Love. God Loves me.”
And so on. And FEEL It. Do not just say it automatically, as though it were a rhyme in a children’s game. Say it, think it, feel it, until you truly feel softened by Love, and filled with Love, and able to See with Love.
It makes such a difference.
Ah, Beloved,
“God is my strength and my perseverance, and even my satisfaction and joy, in doing the daily tasks that need to be done.”
Beloved, say this in your heart of Soul, and know it to be true. When you face duties that are required to comply with human laws and regulations, and participation in community harmony, God’s merciful Comforter WILL supply you with the energy and confidence and endurance to do what needs to be done. And, gladness at fulfilling your part can provide more satisfaction than you might imagine at the start.
Be so grateful for the merciful and generous provision from God of all that you really need to live and thrive and be pleased to be alive.
“Thank you, God, thank you God, thank you God.”
Ah, Beloved,
The Divine Intent and Cause that thought you up knows your very Heart.
Trust that It knows it still, and can restore it, and all that it needs to play its part in the earth play that proceeds to reveal more of the full Goodness of God’s full Intent. God already knows all the Spiritual Universes created, and as the wisps of dream and limits of human perception are melted away, more of that lovely Glory will shine.
Keep celebrating acts of Goodness and be Kind, Kind, Kind. Goodness does exist, and is already the only Truth. Just be your part of It. Each has his or her part. Do not try to be another. Just be your part.
Ah, Beloved,
Even when the intellect cannot completely grasp the meaning of a phrase in scripture, or some words heard in the heart when listening to the small, still Voice of God, the Spirit of it is there. When God sees your willingness, and knows the good desires of your heart, just offering yourself for guidance and correction and service and alignment can open the day to the full working of the Divine in your life.
So, open your heart and offer your will, dear one.
“The Unity of All Good for All is active in my True Self and the True Selves of all, right now in our Home of Soul.”
Your mind may not grasp it, but let Spirit do Its Sacred Work,
Ah, Beloved,
Entering the journey of time, one forgets so much. Ever and always, turn to that Voice of Home within, and listen and obey, so that you do not lose your way.
There is really nothing else to remember, if you do this one thing,
Ah, Beloved,
Love, Love, Love.
“I am Love,” in the mind and on the tongue, will heal all, if embraced with trust.
Ah, Beloved,
God adores you.
The Spirit of God is not a judge. The Spirit of God is your Lover Extraordinaire.
Dear, dear one, let yourself fall in Love with the Living Spirit of God, and you will have the perspective and strength to deal with the worldly in a whole new way. The good will still be good, and the lovely will still be lovely, but the sublime and joyous priority will be your relationship with your Lover, the Spirit of God.
It gladly gives you all.
Oh, Beloved,
Do , do remember, dear Child of God, that it is not a specific thing, that you humanly think you are hoping for, to hold as the focus of a visioning meditation, or a prayer. It is the Peace and Joy that you think it will bring you. You might be very mistaken, in your human perceptions, about what will most Bless you.
So, please, please, today, focus on filling your heart and thoughts with the desire for Joy, and deeply listen to Divine Spirit guide you in the way that will give you that. For the Divine All sees what would bless not only you, but others, and all things are possible in the Reality of God.
Let go of all your small notions, and be open to great ones,
ANGELS, and SPIRIT that governs and Loves you
Ah, Beloved,
Today, perhaps all you need is water and the Word of Love.
There are many times when it is appropriate to fast from your own poor thoughts, and welcome, welcome, welcome, the tender and supportive Words of God.
Look to them. Or just Listen in your heart and hear,
Ah, Beloved,
Refocus, refocus, refocus, on the Truths of God. The Divine Source, and all that it projects as the Spiritual Universe, is Infinite and, in the tiny dream of time and space, fills all time and space.
That means, Beloved, that there is nowhere that God is not. There is no place or circumstance or situation where the aspects of God are not fully available. Ignore what the news media predicts or what doomsayers proclaim, and remember that all around your dream of your self, is the Infinite substance of God, Holding you, Loving you, letting you awaken gently to a remembrance that you are a part of the Infinite, ever-sustained Whole.
Turn away from thoughts of fear and scarcity, and TO thoughts of the open, providing Nature of the Creator, and then LET THE CREATOR CREATE. Or, to be clear, let yourself see what was already created for you, full and complete and perfect, when the very idea of you was born in God’s Mind.
“The Creator that created me, also created a Good Life for me. I open my eyes and See it now.”
Do your part by Loving the Creator and all whom were created,
Ah, Beloved,
Heal others, and you will be healed. Pray for others and the Bright Grace will bounce back to you, and fill you with the Joy of God.
Ah, Beloved,
It can certainly be a shock to human thought to realize one was totally wrong in certain basic assumptions, or axioms, by which one has tried to live. But when one has realized that the home, or body, or vehicle , or person, or job, in which one placed so much devotion and time, is not, after all the thing that leads to true peace, then it is very freeing to give it up, and to give up other things besides.
What seems good and bad in earthly life shifts as quickly as the direction of the wind. That is easy to see as one compares what one loved at age five with what one loves at age twenty—but have you seen yet that it shifts just as quickly within a day or an hour? There is only one thing that does not change, and that is the Firmness against which to lean, and that is the Nature of the Infinite Creative Source. When, between feeling attached to, or angry with, earthly things and people and attitudes, including your own earthly personality, you begin to explore and experience and get to know the aspects of the Divine Calm Joy, you will realize that here, at last, is a thing that does not need to be put aside because it has let you down. It is That Which Does Not Change.
It cannot let you down, for you are within It. You are a part of It. You are made of It. What else would you really be, after all, Beloved, but the very substance of the Consciousness that gave birth to Itself to commune with, to enjoy, to share and witness with Its own Creation?
Lay not up your treasures on earth,
Ah, Beloved,
There is such Joy that awaits you when you turn to the Inner Communing with the Loving Source that it makes no sense to deprive yourself of it by dwelling on any earthly uneasiness. It is not denial of challenging situations to look away from them and turn to the wonderful Law of Harmony—it is movement towards a solution. It is movement towards a reservoir of strength and a place where neutralizing force can be obtained.
No one would fault a fireman who took time to unreel his firehouse and hook it up to a fire hydrant. It gives him what he needs for solving a problem, for doing what he can to combat loss and prevent further harm. So if your own mind or the human minds of others chide you for seeming to look away from a challenge, and instead spending quiet focus on the One Mind Energy that is filled with Inspiration and Wisdom, remember that you are strengthening your ability to help solve problems by doing so. Remember that you are also opening your heart and intention to witness One Mind being the Unseen Force that operates to restore Harmony in ways no human thought can imagine.
Stay strong in your faith in the Goodness of Spirit, and turn to It again and again and again, whenever discord tries to unfocus your Love. And turn to It again and again and again when you want to be grateful for the daily joys, and want to celebrate them with the Maker.
So with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Miracles are made out of Love and Innocence. When you allow yourself to believe that these are attributes that the Great Cause of all sees in you, then you can enter into, relax into, that state of Consciousness that allows for a reflection of Heaven in the earthly experience.
Here you are, Beloved. Right now and right here, the Loving Cause wants you to receive the ideas and opportunities and wholeness of health and supply that would seem like miracles to human logic, or ordinary “physical” laws. Be willing to accept that the Cause Loves you and sees you as innocent, and therefore deserving of what you need to be the perfect role that you are meant to play.
We love watching Peace come over you and fill your heart,
Ah, Beloved,
There is a time that comes to everyone, in which, for the full clarity of a moment, they truly understand that their soul is a piece of the Soul of Perfection. Once that moment has been experienced, they will always want to achieve it again. Some will devote everything to this, right away. Others will only remember now and then to focus upon it.
As we have said many times, the choice of the timing is yours. But we also tell you again that the Timeless One already knows that as the false consciousness of time is relinquished, all will again remember that they are part of a great Joining, a great perfection.
Let that be a thought of Peace for you, and let enjoyment of Peace become one of your greatest enjoyments.
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to exit the tri-fold paper-consciousness shell of space, time and matter. Like a beautiful triangle of green that unfolds to reveal the rose, you will know your own full and fulfilled beauty of Spirit, as you let yourself visit, in thought, the Unfolding of the tri-fold of illusion.
Visit it, in your thoughts. Ask for the Divine Helper to be with you, or one of those whom you know to have successfully unfolded their chrysalis painlessly, and picture the Unfolding. Envision the revealing, the Awakening, the transformation of Consciousness, the Peace that comes of being the complete Winged and Free Idea of the Oneness of Being.
Remember, ascension is easy when you realize no-one ever “descended”,
In Utter Love,
Ah, Beloved,
As the birth of the new Self occurs, you must, must, must let go of the old.
The old definitions of your self as a body born on a certain day, and reared and educated in a certain way, and a list of events that occurred, to define who you were and are, must be released. Stop defining yourself as those things if you want to truly think of yourself as, and embrace your Self as, a Spiritual Child of God.
When a student gets a math problem wrong, and turns to the teacher to ask what the correct procedure and answer is, the student must let go of the faulty procedure and the incorrect answer. Just so, Beloved, as you turn to God/Holy Spirit to help you understand who and what you are, you must let go of the old way of defining yourself. It must be a complete openness of thought and being, so that you will be able to truly declare, “I am Spirit. I am a clear reflection of the Divine Idea of me.”
And let God/Divine Mind, tell Its idea (you), how to be a shining ray of Light, and of Goodness that plays its role in the Whole. God is Good, and you are actually God’s Good idea. Let go of the old definitions of yourself, and be calm and peaceful and free, as you be what God intended, and intends still, to be.
Complete surrender is an old way, but still true,
Ah, Beloved,
Have you not noticed that when your own questions lead you to most totally immerse yourself in the affirmations of Truth, that is the time when others seem to flock around you, and want answers, or help, or comfort? When the Light comes out to answer your call, it IS tangible to others.
Believe it, and let that lead you to immerse yourself totally ALWAYS. It will Help you. It will Help others. And all will move forward together.
We Love to See you all know you are One,
Ah, Beloved,
“The Divine creates me new in each moment, sustaining the perfect Thought of me. I am innocent, pure and free, in His/Her eyes, and that is, today, the me I choose to see.”
Ah, Beloved,
Honestly evaluate how much the comforts of old, when you did not have spiritual sight, truly make you happy now. When one awakens to one’s spiritual heritage, there comes a time when even the few cherished things of the old ways must be laid upon the altar of Truth. Some will morph into even better versions of themselves. Others will fade away and no longer be a part of your life.
It is about trust, Love. Trust Love. Trust that Force that Knows you and Loves you better than you know yourself. Awaken to trust, and you awaken to a greater knowledge of, and experience of, Love Itself.
It is Glory, and glorious,
O’ Sweet Beloved,
Do not forget your mission, which is the true mission of everyone, to remember that you are a part of God that is All in All.
If you walk through your visible world with this in mind, you will be constantly looking for revealed evidence of a Glory that is Peace and Good. It is not the full Glory, that is true. But the more keenly you look for it, the more you will See the glimmers of reflection of the Good.
Think how delighted you have been when you pray for a Good outcome for something for someone, and it has happened. Yes, we know that many times that other person does not even remember that he or she asked for your prayers for it, and does not give God the Glory, and instead credits their own cleverness or luck for the result, but We tell you to be uplifted in faith by every positive revelation of Good.
Be uplifted and stay uplifted, and that uplifts those around you. That is your mission, Beloved, uplifting and giving all Glory to the One Mind that contains and sustains all. No matter what those around you seem to be, what you think and do affects all.
As ever, with you,ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
Think on what the parts and aspects of life symbolize, when seeking to re-find balance in your body and affairs. Relate them to the Qualities of Spirit-Source and Strength that they would draw forth, and be re-dressed by.
Do your teeth trouble you? Do not think about physical teeth, then, but about whether you put the bite of your Inner Divine Mind into things that are Good and True and WORTH chewing upon.
Does your non-ability to be open and lovingly and positively honest with those about you leave you feeling alone? Then look to the Oneness of being, and ponder that all communication within Oneness is complete already, and that everything known to One is already known to all, in the Deep Silence of being still and knowing you are part of that One. Consider whether you are lovingly honest and open with yourself. Are you wishing to say to another that which you would truly ask yourself, and are you willing to hear the answer? Realize how well and easily others answer when you sincerely compliment them, or praise their gifts and talents and positive endurances and gestures and qualities. Can you find those things in yourself to compliment, and thus feel Qualified to offer them to the world, and to other hearts? What you offer forth is attracted back to you. Can you prove this for yourself by practicing it for a day?
These are only two brief examples. We assure you that if you consider what needs “healing” in your body-costume, or your life, you can smooth it with Harmony by sitting quietly and letting Spirit of God within explain to you the balancing Quality that could fill your mind/Mind, and therefore, your life.
Query your own “worry” or preoccupation, and then listen, listen, listen for Sacred Song that answers.
Singing with you, and to you, of Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Remember that turning first (and only) to the Divine in every need means also looking only to the Divine for the approval and tanks and reward of what you do. As you have learned not to look to persons for needs or advice, so also look not to persons for affirmation of what you are. They cannot even see what you are unless they are ones who are also living by spiritual sight. In many ways, you are invisible to them.
To realize that you love and want God instead of the world is to be able to reach God. Paradoxically, that is when you can finally also receive and truly appreciate the world, and the universe, and beyond. Let your sight and your hopes and your wishes all be centered on God, and let all else fall into place, Beloved.
Ah, Beloved,
There is so much that can be drawn upon from the Infinite, and that your unique self can understand and demonstrate in a way that no one else can, that your mortal imagination cannot embrace it. Ask for the Infinite Creative Force to help you draw to you the specific, understandable bits of Itself, that are ready to be revealed as Blessings to you and to those around you.
Choose, darling one, whether you are ready to be a transparency for those wonders of Life to shine through you. Perhaps on some days you feel ready and able. Perhaps on some days you feel unworthy or unable to serve thus. But know this, that on any day you do let the Divine glow through you, the Grace and Gratitude of the All in all is yours.
Choose, this day. This day, commune with the Infinite and ask to see and comprehend your Share, and choose to share your Divine Share with others.
Ah, Beloved,
There is nothing to fear from God. God, Love, only Loves you, and gives an endless flow of Love and Life to you that is Its very Self and Soul, Child of Its own Goodness.
Once you realize that thinking of yourself as a separate body is just to have armored yourself in fear of God, and that God really sees and knows you only as His/Her wonderful and innocent child, then you can change your thought of the body. Then, you can think of it as just a useful tool for communicating and for enjoying the phase of the Glad earth dream. Then, you can relax into letting all of your “self”, thoughts and body and surrounding life, be just simple expressions of all the valuable Harmony of the Oneness of Being. Then, you can realize that you WANT to please God by being Its perfect reflection and expression.
Relax into Love, today, dear Love,
Ah, Beloved,
The schisms that SEEM to divide you from the complete Love that Holds you always are just not really there.
PRACTICE knowing that. Say it to yourself until, with the Help of the Inner Divine Soul, you believe it. “Nothing separates me from the Full Love and Wholeness of God”.
Every new phase of knowledge takes time, for most, to get used to. If you are not one who can grasp it in a moment, forgive yourself for that, and celebrate any progress you have made in achieving full Spiritual Sight, and awakening.
Once you have begun the search and the quest for Truth, it cannot fail, for it is supported by the already victorious Mind of God.
Always with you,
Ah, Beloved,
The Divine Presence, the Comforter, IS able to help you relinquish thoughts of your human past, and focus on the glory and happiness available to you NOW.
Do just ask, and count the blessings of the very moment, seen and Unseen, humanly tangible, and humanly delightful but intangible. And do not forget to count the emotion of gratitude as a blessing itself. For if you could not feel gratitude, how long could love ever last?
Divine Love is with you always. Help yourself love with gratitude,
Ah, Beloved,
Sharing the Wisdom and Love of the Divine with those that are ready and willing to hear it is a very important part of the mission for every part of the Soul of the Whole.
But as important, especially for those who have never considered that there is a Cause that wants their Peace and Joy, is to be an example of Good. Be an example of Calm and Righteousness. BE an example of Forgiveness. Be an example of the Trust that leads to solutions, even in seemingly difficult circumstances.
Simply be a Good example, so that others will feel impelled to ask, “What gives you this unearthly Peace and Direction? How can I access it also?”
When you have that open and yearning heart before you, then you can answer, “It is Love, It is Love, It is the all-encompassing Love of God.”
All are included in that Love. There are no exceptions. So be an example of that Love now.
Ah, Beloved,
The transformation of the self does sometimes happen instantaneously, or overnight. Healings of specific world hypnotisms, such as illness or an addiction, can certainly happen very quickly when one opens to the Truth of Light and Wholeness. But most spiritual growth happens bit by bit, in steps of understanding.
Today, hearten yourself with looking at certain qualities you exhibit as a person, and applaud the growth you have seen. Are you not more forgiving? Are you not slower to anger, and see now no wisdom at all in revenge? Are you not more patient and wise, waiting to hear Holy guidance before moving ahead with action?
Do not dwell on the past, or dive into any guilt at all. But look back for a moment and admit how far along you have come in more clearly reflecting the Good and Innocent aspects of the Universe. Note the growth and be Glad, Glad, Glad.
WE are beside you as you grow, celebrating each Truth revealed,
Ah, Beloved,
The part of God’s Soul that you express is very specific. Be that, with instructions constantly and completely from the Divine Guide, ready to serve you always in your heart’s Consciousness.
You may be inspired by good human acts, or the trajectory of some human’s career or awakening to service, but it is important to realize your uniqueness. Yes, let the laughter and joy and compassion and creativity of others help lift you into a state of Spiritual awareness, but stay steady and focused on the goal of Being exactly what God Desires YOU to be. Ask, listen, obey.
Therein lies true satisfaction and the Kingdom of Heavenly Consciousness.
So Lovingly,
Ah, Beloved,
When you fully realize the wonderful release that comes, when you practice blessing somebody who is hurting you, or annoying you, or confusing you, you will rejoice.
The freedom you gain by learning to instantly forgive and bless all of those around you is incomparable. And when you learn to also forgive and bless yourself, even while learning how to better live up to your own standards, and the Golden Rule, you will feel free indeed to learn to completely love.
We already completely Love you. Won”t you join us?
Ah, Beloved,
Just as you wear a favorite shirt so much that its every fold and seam are utterly familiar to you, and you can completely relax in it, wear your communion with the Divine.
Practice wearing it. Practice relaxing into It. Practice, wear it, become so familiar with It, that you can have the same easy affability with It that you have with your favorite shirt.
It will show. And then others will trust it, and through you, trust It,
Ah, Beloved,
Each time you forgive yourself, or another, you are letting a little more of Heaven be revealed.
Heaven is a state of Mind. Like a driver who scrapes away little streaks of a heavy frost from his windshield, and then can more easily see to drive along the road ahead, forgiving scrapes away the frost that hides perfection and joy from you.
Forgive, Beloved. Forgive and forgive and forgive again, not forgetting to forgive yourself, and to look to the good qualities of the Source of All to fill in any hollow feeling that remains in your heart. Forgive, and let the clear view of the Good that Was Made be the Truth you walk upon, drive upon, look ahead to, and rest upon.
Always helping you do so,
Ah, Beloved,
The Loving Creator WANTS you to turn to It constantly for Blessings. Once you realize that your delight is Its Delight, in the deep Peace and Joy of the heart, then you will feel happy and relieved to say throughout the day:
“I Bless myself with the pure Loving Light of the Universal Force that is Love.”
Say it with heart, say it with expectations of Good for all, and feel your Blessings indeed.
We, your guardian Helpers, are with you in this,
Ah, Beloved,
Your community of like-minded individuals is far flung. And because the Divine Awakener needs transparencies for the Light abiding in all the places that need awakening, sometimes you feel that not many of those shining Lights are near enough to see every day, or to hold your hand and nod to your eyes.
But in the age in which you dwell, there is such instantaneous connection through the energies and the electricities of the earth, that you can readily find, and be electronically with, the other human elements that have said “Yes!” to Spirit. Look for them, tune to them, be with them, when you need human companionship and reminders of awakened Goodness. Or let your own testimonials awaken someone near you today, and feel the glow and healing of that.
And, of course, be ever-aware that God is always, always, always with you, and you can ask to feel God-Love in each and every moment. And you will, if you allow your heart to open and savor that Unsurpassed and Ever-constant Love.
For So It Is,
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
Just think of all the false landmarks that have fallen away in your life. The temporary physical pleasures, although still enjoyed when they come, are now but a whisper of joy compared to the Bliss that fills you when you are in full communion and alignment with your Divine Source. Keeping this Truth supreme in your Consciousness helps makes all choices Good and True and Easy, for any choice that even slightly disrupts that connection is a sign that the choice needs more Thought.
Take great Joy in this, Beloved, and put your complete faith in it. It is a thing only you can do, for each path is unique and complete and good and true. Yes, it is good to respect the spiritual laws you have learned, and to honor those who have walked the path of enlightenment before you, but ultimately each ray of Light must let Itself be aimed by the unique angle of the Source shining through it.
Make peace with this, Beloved, and you will be at Peace, even while you yet shine in the Play.
Love, Love, Love, ANGELS
Ah, Beloveds,
Believe Me. I am your Source, Good and True. Let all your thoughts today be the thoughts I think of you—that you are also Good and True.
Quietly, quietly, self-lovingly, and loving of others, Good and True. Think these thoughts today and always, for they are the ones I think of you.
Ah, Beloved,
Claim TODAY”S reality.
Can you put yourself in that playful, joyous attitude of thinking only about what you can create today, in your thoughts and in your experience? Choose joy and wellness and plenty, today. Entertain those thoughts, and be free of whatever thoughts belong to yesterday.
When a drawing has gone wrong, and the teacher gives a child a fresh new piece of paper, and a new set of markers, the new picture to be made holds complete fresh promise of the art of joy and the joy of art. The good and wise child does not go to the trash basket and uncrumple the failed picture to look over it again and again and weep and feel remorse.
Start fresh today, wise and guided child. The Great Artist will guide your mind and hand and heart. Start with a fresh attitude and create the freshness you need and want.
Ah, Beloved,
The Principle of Creative Love is always active and consistent and timeless and unchanging. But it is also very wise, and understands that as you grow in your remembrance of yourself as part of It, as one with It and Sourced from It, It can give you more of Itself in new and good ways.
As you mature in your willingness and openness to receiving the tender input from Love Itself, It will reveal more of Itself to you. So, keep being willing, Beloved. Keep practicing alignment with the Divine Truth, and never think that God is not enough, or that God does not have enough for you. God is and has Plenty, and will always offer you what you need, and what you can handle, what you are ready for. Trust that Infinite Goodness.
And trust yourself to be able to fully reflect It,
Ah, Beloved,
So easily do you accept the beauty of the sunrise, and the joy of hearing birds sing in the spring.
Can you not as easily accept the gift of God’s unreserved Love for you? Why let your thoughts stray into doubt or sorrow or any sense of dissatisfaction? Even the paltry power of human will can set those aside for a moment, and remember, “God Loves Me, God Loves Me, God Loves Me.”
It is the Truth that will set you free from your own misgivings and nightmares,
Ah, Beloved,
Today, as on all days, agree with your own heart and mind to fully trust that the Principle of Good is operating in your beliefs and thoughts and life to Help you perceive perfectly, and to experience Joy, even if you cannot see the complete evidence of It yet.
That is faith, to know that the Truth is True, and no misty illusion can win over It. It just needs to be revealed as the Truth once all the mist has melted away. Do not fear, or fear for others, just work on trusting and knowing the Truth for yourself.
And We are with you, amen,
Ah, Beloved,
You have been to events and gatherings where a speaker or a performer spoke too quickly, or tried to tell a joke or a story with bad timing, and it made a good tale seem mediocre. You have had conversations with individuals that could have benefited from your experience or knowledge or advice, but who talked so much without pausing that you were never able to tell them what you have to offer, much less to help them.
God’s Guiding Spirit tries to get through to you, and to all, as soon as they are wanting God-alignment, and joy and purpose and thriving. Do not force God to try to sneak in a word or a sign here and there. Do not wait for symbols to creep into your dreams. Give God your undivided attention at least once a day, and more as you can. Ask what God wants you to know, and is aching to tell you, and desires to give you. Ask and listen, and open, open, open to hear and receive.
“Here I am, Lord. Speak and I shall listen.” Listen gladly and patiently and expectantly. Expect Good, for that is the basic nature of God, and therefore it is Goodness you are opening to welcome.
Nothing wrong with that,
Ah, Beloved,
Do you think we do not know that you need proof? We are well aware that when you feel trapped in the human outlook on things, that you need proof that God Thoughts are reality. Ask that today you be shown something that seems so humanly unlikely that it gives you that iota of faith that lets you believe that ALL things are possible to God.
For believing that you are under no Law but the Law of Goodness that is God is truly the one and only thing you need now. Do not define your needs in terms of human love or money or circumstance. Define your need as utter and complete faith in the Truth and Harmony of God.
This basic, Love. Take It,
Ah, Beloved,
There is but one Certainty—that you are part of Unconditional Love, and made of Unconditional Love, and meant to be a demonstration of the same. It is what you already are.
If you are circling around in time, and wearing a body experience, you can still practice and shine Unconditional Love. On some days, you might only remember to shine with It for five minutes. On other days, “I shall shine all the time”.
We are incredibly grateful for every moment that you do remember to shine, and stay focused on letting Love serve you, and the experiences of those around you. For the more moments that any individual does this, the sooner all will perceive the Reality of Love.
And that is why We have come into your uncertainty time to help you,
Ah, Beloved,
The point is not to call on a faraway Force of Love and Wisdom to solve some problem that you have humanly decided is real and needs the solution you humanly want.
The point is to realize that the Infinite Force of Love that made your awareness of being, and that Holds you within all Awareness, can restore your awareness to what it is meant to be. A whole new sense of Being, One and Wonderful, is what the Infinite wants for those who have forgotten that they have never really left the Loving Mind that conceived of the Idea of each and every one.
Imagine waking to a new sense of Life and Love. Not just a patched up version of what you thought that you and your life were before, but a whole new sense of Life, vibrant and purposeful, and enjoyable with a steady delight, and Good, Good, Good.
Ask to awaken. Let yourself awaken to this Love.