All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many are the names for Oneness, and for True Reality. Many are the religions or philosophical systems that have sprung up to explain the experience of Knowing and Being that goes beyond the physical senses. Yet, the deeper you delve into the Truth, the more you will realize that it still is One at the center of them all.

    Be only quietly delighted when another reaches Truth in a way so different from yours. Whether enlightenment comes from reading a label on a can in a certain new way, or whether it comes in a deathbed encounter with Light, just be joyous that it comes. And if it comes in time to enjoy life more heartily and easily, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, and like others before you, do your gentle best to help those you love relax into their True Selves as well.

    We are all signposts on each others” journeys,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The same joy that it gives you to have your food supplies in their proper place in the pantry, and your tools in their accessible drawers or on their hooks, and your creative and technical resources ready to hand for use when inspired, is the Joy that it gives God when all Its ideas (you! All!) are in their perfect places, perfectly enacting the Great Play forward.

    Trust that as easily as you can sort out the spare condiments or colored pencils, God can sort out the awakening of all Its reflections, Its offspring. Willingly listen, gladly be guided, or re-guided if you have taken a step in the wrong direction. Trust that God can reveal realities and solutions you cannot yet comprehend, but meanwhile, diligently do your part, and live Love, obeying each daily direction with kindness and strength and compassion for the other actors in the Play.

    God can See the whole pantry of time, Beloved, and organize it well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Here I am, God, willing to be one of Your Lights today.”

    Keep it simple, keep it pure, listen for instructions whispered, and intuitions felt, to act on, or be buoyed by, throughout the day. God’s Mind knows your Best Way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am not a body such as you seem to have. I am Everywhere-Love Itself, I am the Principle of Harmony, I am Immortal Life, I am the All-Soul…I am all these things and more, amorphous and invisible to the earthly senses, operating by the Law of Myself that is above all earthly laws.

    But darling, if your prayers need images and metaphors, that is fine. If you need to picture Me as a Great and Loving Father or Mother that is holding your ailing relative in a comforting and healing lap, then envision that. I can read your heart and your fervent and pure desires, and it does not matter if your metaphorical vision does not match the Substance of what I truly Am.

    Picture as you will. Pray as you will. I hear the Love in your plea, and I respond with Love.

    Spirit, Source, God, Love, One Mind, the Truth of All That Is

    We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Offer Silent Love today to those around you. Offer sanctity of Spirit. Offer it by immersing yourself within it, and wrapping yourself in its Silence and Love, and simply emanating that wherever you are.

    The sanctity does the work. The Love does the work. You simply walk around as its earthly vessel, letting it flow to whoever needs it, and is ready.

    Meanwhile, you enjoy the flow of it through you and from you, and feel one with it, and your true self.

    There is really no better way to spend a day, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a time that comes to everyone, in which, for the full clarity of a moment, they truly understand that their soul is a piece of the Soul of Perfection. Once that moment has been experienced, they will always want to achieve it again. Some will devote everything to this, right away. Others will only remember now and then to focus upon it.

    As we have said many times, the choice of the timing is yours. But we also tell you again that the Timeless One already knows that as the false consciousness of time is relinquished, all will again remember that they are part of a great Joining, a great perfection.

    Let that be a thought of Peace for you, and let enjoyment of Peace become one of your greatest enjoyments.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The greatest capacity for leadership comes from those who realize that all their support will come from the unseen realms. The unseen Life Force may act through those whom you know, or those whom you have never met, to support your path and your leadership, but it is to the unseen Source that every leader must turn first and only. To turn for support to the very people one is trying to teach and lead not only undermines the ability to lead, it also teaches the wrong thing.

    Teach reliance on the Divine Oneness and you are teaching the Highest Good.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The unending flow of the Source is always available. It is non-judgmental. It gives freely to all who turn to It. It does not block Itself from you.

    If you have blocked your own sight of It with a fog of anger or guilt or sorrow, do your best to re-engage your joy of Life, by whatever thoughts of goodness and gratitude and appreciation you can find in your thoughts and heart, and then try again to access the Source of all Love and Governance and Care. It is always there. It is always ready.

    Dissipate the fog with the sun of your own smile, and partake of It.

    We offer you the cup of helpfulness, for helping another will open your heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pray, pray, pray that the hearts of those who hurt others are opened to the healing and guiding Light of God.

    You have personally seen this work in many instances in those you have met in your own life, and on your own errors, Child. Do not give up on believing in that now. Nothing in the worldly play is beyond the healing and adjusting power of God-Love. New and alternate ways do exist, Beloved. Have faith in the Truth of Love, and pray, pray, pray that you are enabled to witness the Healing Force of the Law of Love.

    Do not attribute human ways to It, Beloved. Just ask to See It Work.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hold this prayer close to your heart and thoughts today, dear child:

    “Mother God, Help me see the Truth total of each person and situation today. Help me give and let go with no conditions, remembering that it is YOUR Truth of Creation I want to see, for that is easy to Love.”

    “Help me see past the human frailties and the ephemeral, and see only Your eternal Love alive.”

    You will understand your true worth more today, sweet one,


  • Dear One,

    Remember that everything that you do is another chance to express love. How you feel about the actions you have taken, and are taking, is often more important than the action itself. The feeling of having helped, the feeling of having chosen the more loving response, the feeling of having drawn on compassion instead of rage—these are the things you are constantly testing yourself on.

    Do you feel good about how you have treated those that have mistreated you? That is the first lesson. That first lesson becomes inextricably mixed with the second lesson—that the Other is Self. How does the Other feel about how you have treated him or her? Society’s laws about revenge and judgement and payment are not the same as those of Spirit. Whatever you have done to another, you have done to yourself.

    The “Why has this happened to me?” becomes irrelevant as you focus on, instead, “How do I, as a loving, forgiving, compassionate being, respond to this person and this situation?” You need to respond in a way that feels good to you, that does not rob you of your feeling of being serene in your own divine soul. As your consciousness embraces the knowledge and the awareness that the Other is Self, then how you feel about how you respond will evolve. What will feel good to you in how you respond, will come to include ever more love and empathy and kindness and compassion—it will begin to truly come from the knowledge of the soul that All is One.

    If you have taken an action that makes you cringe now, each time that you think about it, is there something that you can do to give yourself the feeling that you have made amends? Can you write an apology, replace an item, give of your time and effort? Can you put yourself in a state of mind where you feel that you have done all that is possible to rectify the situation? Can you then forgive yourself, and move on?

    If another has given you feelings of betrayal and pain, do you jail yourself with resentment, and trap yourself in obsession about revenge? How many moments of joy have you robbed yourself of because you are focused on those feelings of pain? Can you forgive the person, and move on? Can you give yourself the gift of shifting your focus to beauty and kindness and growth and possibility?

    When you are feeling caught inside blame and judgement and revenge, when you want to forgive, but you feel unable to do so, where do you turn? In every religion, in every belief system, there are intermediaries that represent the Best of You and the Best of Everybody. These angelic and saintly beings, these higher souls, by whatever name and in whatever culture’s costume, have their hands open to take your anger and do your forgiving for you and with you. Ask for their help. They can help remind you of all that is good about life and soul. They can take your anger and let you see that as vast as your rage can be, joy can fill the same space in you.

    Let the rage melt away and welcome the joy of choosing to live in moments of unconditional love.

    We rejoice when you live in joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The First Aid Kit of the Presence of the Loving Comforter and Healer and Uplifter does exist in your Heart of Thoughts. But you must reach for It, just like you must reach for the earthly sewing kit, to mend a pair of pants.

    LEARN for yourself what works for you. You can listen to the suggestions of others, or emulate others, especially those avatars and saints who have gone before you, in concocting a First Aid kit of healing prayers, or words,or pictures,or images in thought, that help you remember, “I Am a Beloved Child of God, and I can rightfully call on the Divine Parental Presence right now, to help me solve this situation, or to help me celebrate this joy of life and experience.”

    Keep your favorite Truths in your thoughts, or in a booklet or in your memory, and REACH for them, to calm your heart enough to be able to REACH the Divine First Aid that is ever ready to help you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When kindness shines from you, when the very Presence of the Divine seems to glow around you and walk quietly beside you, then your simple “being there” is enough. When you are with others or seemingly alone, truth comes up, compassion upwells, peace is more prevalent. When you are there, others want to do the best for each other.

    When you are willing to be that vehicle for Spiritual Kindness, putting aside the thought of yourself as a body and personality with its demands, then every facet of life is lit up for all. Oh, do just picture, Beloved, what if enough hearts agreed to be vehicles? Begin that lovely dance of Goodness by being one yourself.

    Many instruments make the orchestra,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Be grateful to the Good Mind that holds you. It created you by Imagining you, and you are beloved and complete and true in Its immortal Realm.

    Be grateful to It. Love It and BE Loved in return.



  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Reading these words is just a tool for FEELING the Love of Spirit that issues them. Feel, Feel, Feel that Love, dear ones, and let Its continual Presence suffuse and fill you and help and heal and sustain you. The very heart-knowledge that Unconditional Love is absolutely True and always with you and for you is the reason these messages are sent forth.

    Once you realize that it is the truth that you are Loved and made of Love, then surrender to that realization, and be happy to be guided and continually partnered by Love Itself. Allow it, allow it, allow it, dearest ones, allow it, and be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In your contemplation times, in your prayer times, in your gentle asking of Spirit to help you see rightly each day, in your plea to God to help you see the Truth and Joy of a situation when you feel confused, do not fear to ask again and again.

    God is not trying to withhold Divine understanding from you. God does not want you to stay at the mercy of sad illusions or lacks or pains. God wants you to know and experience your thriving Identity as a child of God, of Love, of Spirit, of Soul and Harmonious Principle. Ask again and again in your heart if you need to, and listen and observe carefully and trustingly, knowing that God will find a way to let you truly know you are Beloved, Beloved, Beloved.

    You are as Whole as Love the Source of Life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes what seems so very important at one moment will seem utterly unimportant in the next, when it comes to worldly matters.

    That is just one of the reasons to always keep the goal of Lovingness and Forgiveness in your mind, in order to be a clear transmitter of Divine Mind’s Intent for all. If everything you do and say is touched against Love first, not only will Love Itself help you achieve what you need to accomplish, it will prevent you from turning to the trivial and/or wasting your energy on the harmful.

    Love Itself will help you remember that Loving is the achievement that Bests all other achievements. You will See this more and more, until all is completely clear in your heart and soul. Be fond of the worldly that delights you, but place Love first, always.

    Selflessly, you will Hear. Slow down, and touch Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you, or someone else, takes a pill or drinks or is dosed with some other substance, they take some moments to take effect on the physical plane.

    Not so with God, with Love, Beloved. You are within It, It is within you, you are as One. All you need to do is realize that and It is able to give you the benefit of that LOVEóthat support and healing and reminder that It can handle all, does handle all, IS All.

    When any confusion or fear fills your mind or heart about yourself or another, remember that ìGod is Us. God governs usî. Fill in the blanks with your own name and the names of those around you, ìGod is ___________________î.

    ìGod is us all.î

    Be as silent as you can today, Child, and let God Be what God is.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Close your physical eyes, and in complete trust and humility of knowing “my own mind does not see the truth”, ask the All-Knowing, All-present Cause, “What aspect of Original Cause is right here before me, where this situation or this person seems to be?”

    And wait, Beloved. Wait in sweet and quiet humility, listening for the Truth that will help reveal to thee the wonderful, Loving aspect of Goodness that you can experience right before you, if you are willing to listen, and to see as God sees.

    You may hear a single word, like “do-ability”, that helps you see and appreciate how much the person in front of you achieves when given tasks to do. You may hear a phrase from some scripture or some old song. Let what you hear, in the Voice of Calm Gladness, guide you as to the kernel of Light on which to build your Knowing of the person, or the seed of an idea with which to proceed with a situation, or the simple loving words that remind you that you are not alone, and there is nothing to fear, for the Creative Cause is right there with you, always near.

    Be willing to be guided. That is All.


  • Ah, but where are you speaking from as you say this truth? This is important, dear one. This is Truth. You are speaking from the center of Creation, from the focal point of the center of Love—the spark of Itself It gave Life to, to commune with and to know. That child-spark, that image, remains in the carefully cradled center of the Source, and speaks from there and looks out from there, to see a reflection of itself in the mirror of the earth. It sees what seems to be a body. It see what seems to be a realm. But does it see them truly reflected?

    Speak from the perfect center of yourself, and ask that your sight be cleansed, that the mirror be pure and true, and thus see the reflection of yourself pure and true, and know why you and your fellow parts were proclaimed “well made and well done and good”.

    Never forget where you are speaking from—the utter and complete center of Glory. For, if you forget, you become but a caricature of yourself, and as silly as any cartoon, or as meaningless as a tale with no truth to redeem it.

    Center seat, Beloved. Take center seat, and see the reflection in true focus,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting yourself be Loved and knowing the priceless Peace of God does mean learning to set aside the lusts and wants of the body and of the time-bound. Even if it is just for a few minutes a day, set aside the journey of the human mind, and turn softly, and with quiet determination, and acceptance, to the One Mind that so very gently Holds you.

    You will feel better for it, and all around you will seem better as well. Be well in the Peace of the Mind, and the Wellness spreads through the perceptions of all Soul. This is the way of all Healing.

    We have seen it awaken even the stoniest heart. When your own heart is heavy as stone, or when another heart seems closed or broken, turn softly to the Power of Peace, and let the stone dissolve.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because you exist WITHIN the very substance of the Maker that thought you up, and Who thought up everything that you would need for His/Her story for you, everything you need for that pure Story is already around you. Once you completely believe that you exist WITHIN the Causal Force, then your sight (Sight) will open, and you will see each person, place, and thing, that are needed for you to act out your Divinely ordained role, pop into existence.

    Be at peace with this, Beloved, and all will be well, as indeed it is already, for the Story of you was written long, long ago, and was declared Good. Call in the Presence, to help you see. As habitually as most reach for their glass spectacles to see more clearly, reach for the Presence Divine, THROUGH which you will be able to see/See all things clearly. Let It be the magnifying glass through which you peer, and let all things and events and persons pop into focus.

    We love you more than you can imagine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Some teach from the light, some teach from the darkness.

    It is easy to be grateful to those that teach from positive example. To learn how to be grateful to those that teach from negative example, by showing you what you do not want to be, is to learn true forgiveness. There is no greater lesson than forgiveness.

    Say a prayer of gratitude when you are shown what not to be.

    Letting your self learn to truly forgive all is the most important lesson of earth.

    We are most grateful to you each time you learn,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Gently, O’ Gently, Love Governs me, without pain, or strain, or nerves, or sorrow.”

    Remember that today, Beloved, and form the habit of asking Love to join you in every task, great or small. If you would only realize it, Love is already there, just hoping you allow It to Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Humbly, humbly, realize that it is the Creator’s knowledge of your perfect attitude and perception that you must turn to, to be able to live with a perfect attitude, and to achieve clear perception of the Truth around you. The Loving force that made you of Love knows you and Sees you clearly.

    So, like an art restorer who must look to images of the original if a piece of art has been smudged with soot, or rolled and wrinkled, you must look to Love’s image of you to wash away any thoughts and beliefs that are covering your wonderful Goodness of form and function and talents.

    Lovingly, if you turn to ask the Creator, you will hear “THIS Goodness is what I KNOW you to be, Whole and Lovable and Loving.”

    We See it too,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I can have, and shall have, mercy on myself, for God, in complete Mercy, has sent His Spirit to dwell in my heart and Love me and Guide me.”

    When you feel joy or when you feel angst or fear, always turn back to the Truth that no earthly illusion has power over the Good and the Joy of the Soul of All that is your Life. No way that you walk is permanent except for the walk to remembering you are always Beloved of God.

    The Mind and Love of God is your dwelling. Be glad of that.


  • Ah, sweet Beloved,

    There is no change of the view of you in the Mind of God where you dwell. God does not think any less of you when you make mistakes. God simply offers Its endless, unconditional Love, to help you think well of yourself and others again. God offers ideas and solutions and orchestrates encounters and opportunities for you to use your talents and gifts and re-discover the Joy of the Spiritual, Infinite substance of yourself.

    Do not think any less of yourself. Only realize the Infinite Truth of yourself as pure Spirit, and feel the sweetness of seeing other as their innocent selves as well. Being deeply grateful for how much God has helped you and held you in purity of Thought surely helps you choose to see others with complete Compassion Divine.

    All are together the complete Child of God, at whatever stage of awakening to this fact they are. Be happy to aim for that freedom, and glad in every moment you feel it.

    “I, and all, are the Substance of the Joy of God. Not dying flesh. Not flesh at all. Just the substance of the Infinite Joy of God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a newness now to your trust.

    Let it be that you even realize it is inevitable.

    If God is All in All, and is All there is, including you as Its Idea and expression, what else is there to trust? There is only God, so there is only God to trust. Trust.

    Trust, Beloved, trust, trust, trust.

    It always comes to this.

    In utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How sweetly do the Angels pray (align fully with God), and praise, and be grateful, for every soul that is re-awakened to God.

    Do the same, Beloved. Do the same.

    We know the ones whom you have been praying for, hoping they will feel the awakening touch of Spirit in their Hearts. We tell you that the more you pray and praise for ALL who have been awakened, the more wonderful energy of Love there will be present to help awaken your friends and loved ones and “enemies”, awakening all in All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No change, in yourself or in those of family, friend, or stranger whom you try to teach or help, is permanent unless it is instigated and backed up by, the power of the Divine Source. Only by turning to that Divine Cause for guidance in knowing your own true self, and in seeing the eternal truth of others, will you see Creation’s Reality.

    The worldly aspects of virtue and vice will shift and change, with different areas of your life seeming like the “good” or the “bad”. Only that which you see revealed with your spiritual Sight, and with the help of the Divine Love that sustains you, is truly real.

    Go again and again to the truths of the positive Force that is your Source, and use only those to clear your sight, and to help yourself, and others who ask for your help, to change, and shed the human drama for divine serenity. Following endless human laws or lists of religious dogmatic laws will not permanently help a soul find peace. Only turning to the Gracious Cause will do that.

    Only looking to the Original will help you see what you really are, and be that.

    You are Love. When in doubt or turmoil, forgive and Love. Pay no attention to the shifting roles and costumes. Just forgive and Love the Essence that is one and the same in all.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiving others IS forgiving yourself.

    Today, do not try to understand that intellectually. Just taste it with your heart, and see if it does not taste like the Truth.

    We have tasted its truth,


  • Ah, Child,

    If you invited a guest to use your wonderful house, and told him to please make himself at home, would you not assume he would find what he needed to be happy and comfortable? Imagine you returned from your own business and affairs, and your guest complained, “I could not find the milk. I looked in the yard, I looked in the garage, I looked under all the porches and under the bed and in the bathtub, but I could not find the milk I needed!”

    Would you not be surprised? Would you not say, “But, of course, the milk is kept in the refrigerator, where it will stay whole and cool and good. Did you not think to look there?”

    So it is with the Love and Peace of God, Beloved, that are kept safe and cool in the delightfully shaded safe of your heart. Look there for your Love and Peace and Harmony, and do not frantically seek them in all the limbs of others, or the words of strutting fame. Seek them in the safe cool haven of God, and then enjoy the rest of “God’s House” through eyes already filled with Joy.

    God did not realize that you would become so confused as you enjoyed the reflection of the expression of Itself that is what you see. Once God saw your perplexity, then was immediately the answer given, was the Voice placed in the safe cool calm space of your heart to give you the clue of where to find your milk of Love, “Here I am, here I am, here I am.” It endlessly calls to you, if you will but listen, “Here I am, Here I am, Here I am.”

    We”ll take a drink of It with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Creative Source sees no iniquity. Love did not create any iniquity.

    If you want to see yourself and others as Love sees you, you must ask Love to wipe away all dust and error and sorrow and limits from your sight. The willingness to ask for that leads to being able to see as the Divine Sees, and Hears, and Knows.

    You do not need to feel that you are perfect and then ask. You just need to be willing to ask, and be taught, and then See that you, and all, already were and are and will be always perfect in that Loving Divine Sight.

    Choose within, to See without,


  • Dear Readers,

    I just wanted to share with you a little of how I experience the Divine sense of humor.

    Last night, I dreamed I was in my “room” in God’s House, asking God to please come help me remember the way to do something I am being asked to do on earth. I dreamed that I waited and waited, and finally God came, and suggested to the attendant angels that the windows and doors be closed to keep out the noisy, distracting winds of earth. They did that, and then God said to me, “Let me tell you a limerick.”

    “There was a young man from Pell,

    Who thought he was a snail.

    But when he uncurled,

    And was finally unfurled,

    He found out he was a sail.”

    Then God laughed and said, “I will be your wind”, and left the room.

    Oh, that subtle and slyly Loving Being,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Stay, today, with that simple visual—you are standing on a foggy Globe, and the Divine Helper hands you a new pair of glasses that enable you to see through the fog. Suddenly, a whole new world shines forth to you, full of examples of goodness and honesty and love and charity.

    And you are part of it.

    Keep those holy glasses on today, Beloved. Keep them on and see what you See.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Begin today by feeling deep, deep gratitude for all the human errors you have been forgiven for, or “gotten away with” in terms of human laws. Do not dwell on those errors, whether they are as small as having been safe despite jaywalking, or whether you said or did something that was painful to someone you love. Just dwell on the fact that all before them, and during them, and after them, and NOW, God Loves you. God knows the Good Heart of you that It created, and God Loves, Loves, Loves you. Now. God Loves you NOW.


  • Ah Beloved,

    As the activities that you do for the honor of God increase, your faith will grow that you can do all that God asks.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love is the “Ticket” home. Physical death of the body-image is not the ticket to knowing who you really are as a consciousness and an image of Goodness. Divine Love is the way to know a feeling and awareness of Heaven and Peace of Mind. Here and now.

    Immerse yourself in Divine Love today, Beloved. As you save yourself with that healing Love, you will know yourself Good, Godly, and you will see and know all around you as Good and Godly as well. Whether through song or words or quiet welcoming and pondering, immerse yourself in Love. Try it for yourself, or ask the Help of someone more practiced at it than you, but focus on remembering who you are as a whole and verified and rightful resident of Love.

    Take the ticket of Divine Love, and carry It in your heart always, and walk in Its Glory.

    Someone Else bought that ticket for you. Use it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A devotion to, and benefits of, a conscious relationship, with the Divine that Holds you, does not need to be complicated. One word prayers, wordless focus and yearning, long talks to the Oversoul, deep meditations, etc. etc.—God, One Mind, hears them all, receives them all.

    Your willingness, your focus, your Love, your receptivity, and such are the sweet keys to communicating with the Divine All, and feeling and hearing and seeing Its Comfort and Solutions and tender Ministrations.

    A simple cry of “Help”, directed at the All in All, is heard. A formal and long recitation of holy words is noted. Wherever you are, God IS. Whatever way you reach out to feel the Oneness of your being within the Good Divine is fine.

    Be not afraid. Just know “I Am already connected to God, I Am already part of the Lovely and Loving Whole, as Spirit, as Truth, as timeless Conscious self.”

    We so want you to feel the reassurance of this, and identify not with the body, but with the Soul-self you ARE. God IS, and you ARE, and that is forever.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Gracious Love of the Oneness of Being that Loves you without measure and wants your Joy and thriving happiness, does the work of clearing away your false beliefs and limitations and blocking memories, if you just constantly let Its Love flow through your thoughts. Believe It. Trust It. Love Love, and let It Love you in return, and old programmed thoughts in your mind that are limiting what you think you can be or achieve can be washed away and purified.

    And as you see wonderful changes come in your experiences, from Loving Love, and letting It Love you, continue to float in Its Power daily, in your heart and thoughts, so that the nay-sayers and misbeliefs of those around you do not sabotage your infinite expansion into the demonstration of all the health and goodness you can be. You can be these things because they are your natural heritage of Soul from God, the Oneness of Love that is pure.

    There is no pain in Pure, Beloved.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    No, you cannot go “through the looking glass”. You, as child of Spirit, as Divine idea, remain sweetly and always in the Mind of God. But, if the image of yourself that you see in the looking glass of earth seems distorted or diseased, you can call upon the technician of the Holy Realms, the Holy Spirit, and ask that the focus of the glass be adjusted. Ask that the smudges be cleaned off. Ask to be able to see clearly again that you are the wonderful and whole child of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It does no harm to picture the Divine Creative Infinite Force in any way that you need to for the feel of the moment, so long as that picture includes one or more of the aspects of God/Goddess/All That Is that are Truth, Goodness, Love and Life.

    If you are feeling fatigued and overwhelmed and need to picture the Divine as the infinitely nurturing and tenderly loving Mother-force that rocks you and hums softly to you to calm you for sleep, do so. If you need to think of the Divine Child, of whom you are a part, as sibling and friend to you, as you seek something to share your joy with while you watch an amazing display of summer greenery against an outburst of color in the sky, do so. If you need to think of the Divine as a powerful, upstanding Father Force of unending strength and wisdom, as you reach out for the endurance to finish a project, then do so.

    Ponder whatever aspect of Goodness and Life and Love and Truth and Infinite Omnipresence that you need, to be the Source for feeling sustained and supported, in each moment. If anthropomorphizing those aspects into a visual image of an ever-giving Mother, or calm, strong Father, or tender Brother, or capable, supportive Sister helps you focus on the Infinite qualities within yourself that you want to bring forth into the worldly situation of the moment, then do not fear to do so. Just do not make the mistake of thinking, or believing, that the Divine is limited in any way by the fleeting images that form the earth-dream. Picturing the Divine as a super-human form does not give the Divine human limits. That Divine Mother/Brother/ Sister/Father truly can “move mountains”, and tell strangers ten thousand miles away to call you, and lift off darkness or tumors in the blink of an eye, or help open your eyes to see the Unseen Beauty that shines, always, even when the earthly senses stagger, and would trip, your perceptions.

    In whatever metaphor, just learn to look always to the Supportive Infinite Good,

    And help others See It, too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine, as a child would imagine, that everything around you is made out of something different than you have always thought. And imagine that this new “something” everything is made out of is perfect in every way–able to adapt and adjust to every circumstance in a way that is best for everybody.

    Now imagine that there is something you have or someone you know that is broken. Or that you are broken. And then that you remember that everything is really made out of this other substance, and it adapts and changes as it is needed to fix everything. You might be looking down at that person’s broken leg, or listen to him argue about something, and say to yourself, it looks like he doesn”t have a leg to stand on (or his argument doesn”t have a leg to stand on), but then you think to yourself, “His good leg is working, and it is made of the same wonderful and perfect thing that the other one is made of. So, I will picture and realize that in the space where there seems to be a broken thing, the amazing and perfect something that makes up everything flows back into the shape it remembers to be right.

    And it does. And it is Love. It is perfection. It is happiness.

    As True Reality will always be,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Be very still, and be very conscious of being simply and easily a subset of the Peaceful and yet Vital and Loving Consciousness of God.

    Do this, and let the earthly dream visions be a vey distant dream, and feel utter Well-Being as you discern being part of the Great Consciousness.

    If God needs for you to do something urgently at a certain moment, God Will find a way to let you know. If you feel the upwelling of God’s Loving Law of Life rising up in you because another human is calling to your Soul-self for help in reaching God Spirit, then pause your earthly tasks and go again into that full consciousness of All being truly part of the Consciousness of God, and be very glad to see unfolding of Good and Divine Healing flowing to wherever it needs to go, for the sweet enactment of Harmony, Harmony, Harmony.

    Take this day to be quietly as Conscious of God as God is of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You may not understand the worldly physics that explain why the sun warms you when you sit in it, and yet you can be warmed.

    Today, try to understand that acceptance of Love and Healing from the Divine do not need to be fully understood to work for you. Yes, we know and applaud your desire to more fully understand, but, meanwhile, accept the Love. Accept the Healing. Keep on desiring to grow in understanding of Grace, but give Love permission to help you NOW, and Love will not only Help, It will lead the way for your comprehension of what a constant consciousness of Divine Wholeness can do, for you, and for all the world as you see it.

    Bask in the warmth of Love, today, Beloved, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you know that you serve the Holy and True, and that the real existence of everyone is in that Oneness, then stay very aware of that all the time. Put that absolutely first always. In every thing that you say and think and do, ask whether it is in alignment and accordance with Good.

    It is the Good way to live, and prosper, and be in peace of mind and heart.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you strive to hear the small, still Voice of the Great Director within, you must also relax enough to hear It. That paradox of staying focused and yet relaxed is the hardest part. Because once you have achieved consistent hearing of the Divine Voice, then all you need to do is listen for It all the time, and joyfully abide in Its Peace.

    It IS that simple, and sublime. Be at One with It, and be at Peace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Lord has promised Good to me,…” Sing to yourself the song, and let its words, and the Presence it evokes, chase away any thoughts of non-good that try to sneak their way into your mind.

    Trust in Good leads to kindness and giving on your part, and those Divinr grstures draw in yet more Good, which leads to more trust and loving on your part, which leads to more Good, which keeps the cycle rolling, rolling, rolling all along…


  • Ah, Dear Ones,

    Because The Source is fueled by Love and Joy, that IS available to you always. The Creative Joy of the Source is quiet and deep and steady, and you can draw upon that anytime you want, if you just learn to be conscious of It, to be still and allow It to sustain you.

    That Joy can become exuberant at time as you explore your Soul gifts, or seem quiescent for a time as you go through new phases, but It can be felt as a steady Flow within you and to you, if you simply practice being aware of It.

    All Spiritual systems emphasize this in some form. Do you think those many centuries of experience are incorrect? Set aside your brief fixes and ephemeral solutions, and turn to the Understanding of Joyous Love that will carry you now, and always, in Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is Love. Let Love be your God.

    If you but remember these two simple things, and serve them and let them serve you, in your heart and mind, then your mind remembers that it is one with Divine Mind.

    Let It guide your thoughts and actions and decisions, and breathe the constant breath of relief, that you are guided, by your own choice, by what is True.

    There is great rest and joy in such relief,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Infinite, Infinite, Infinite. That is the scope of the Divine Mind you live within. And that is the scope through which the Divine Knows you, and all that you uniquely have the potential to be, and in Its timeless scope, already are. Be faithful and true to that by realizing that God will unerringly bring forth all the Light of you that helps to brighten the Whole.

    Be grateful, this day, for the Infinitude of the Divine Source that shines forth an image of you into the time-bound play, and let that Infinity guide your life, your awareness, your hours. Let Love Itself light your way, and trust in the Infinite reach of Good.

    You cannot fall out of Its Arms. You cannot fall from the Arms of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Quieted by the Calm energy which can suffuse your heart if you have begun your day by reminding yourself “I am made by Love and maintained by Love”, it is easier to consider the worldly news of the day. React not with quick exclamations of dismay or thoughtless celebration. Rather, test all things against the Wisdom and Truth of Harmony.

    And ask of God, “What do I do this day to add to Harmony?”

    And, “What do I do this day to demonstrate that to live aligned with God is to live with Joy?” For, dear one, your behavior and your demeanor and your faith, can teach and aide others without a word. Be that example. Be that living example of Good Spirit.

    Complete God’s Gladness by sharing It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is the world, and the frightened and proud body-self, that tell you that you must have certain functions and titles and earthly rewards.

    Those things will be as they will, if you concentrate on fulfilling the function of your Self as an expression of Light and Love, unjudging and uncondemning and unhurried and acknowledging of the Supreme Source.

    Be proud not to be something grand in the world. Be proud to be a Child of God.


  • O’ Beloved,

    Seek not the small prizes and titles of men. Seek not the fame and the flurry for its own sake. Seek the approval of your own beating heart, and seek the smile of the Divine.

    Seek the kiss of serenity.

    Find the fulfillment of your own rich gift. Find the joy of giving. Find the understanding that comes as you love, and find, in that, the reason for living.

    Bathe in the joy that surrendering brings. Bathe in the light of letting go. All of your other selves and morrows will be plenty enough to catch what you surrender here.

    Just be exactly who you are.

    We love who you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Standing or sitting still to listen to God does not mean you stay still afterward, unless that is God’s instruction. Go forth into the dreaming world and be the presence of God, emanating the Calm Truth wherever you can. “To be in the world but not of it” does not mean full retreat from the world. It means to engage in a new way, as a force of God and for God, reminding all, even if completely silently, that another way of existing is available, as a part of Loving Spirit, rather than just as a body acting to entertain and/or preserve itself.

    Listen, obey, and go, go, go along the way appointed uniquely for you, staying tuned to the sweet and strong Guidance of God. The inner feeling of Peace will be your compass, as you feel led to go, to do or not do, to lend your heart to where it is needed.

    Joy comes in the giving, dear Child. Give your Heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Praise and gratitude will return you to the Calmness you need to clearly hear inspiration.

    Anytime the confusion or annoyances or hubbub of daily life have you feeling uncentered, re-center yourself with praise and thanks. Remembering the anchor of the Great Love that holds you, and being very, very glad of that, will hold you still enough to feel the comfort and ideas you need.

    Be still, be glad, be grateful, and be certain that what your Best Self know, your conscious self can know also.

    We sit quietly with you, and hear Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Oneness of Being means that no secrets are ever really kept, for the aspect of Divine One Mind that keeps tabs on Its children of thought as they dream that they are having a physical experience, so as to help them make that dream more lovely, before they fully awaken to their complete spiritual nature, knows all.

    However, remember that “secret facts” of the mortal realm are not Divine Truth. To know little bits about another’s errors, or for them to know them about you, is not the point of revelation. Only if it is needed for improvement to happen, need such things come forth, for they are not the Creative Force’s Truth that all of Its children are good and wonderful ideas. If small mortal truths must come forth, let them be forgiven and forgotten quickly, that your sight, and the sight of the other, may again be filled with the Good and Glad completeness of that individual spirit as a part of the Good Whole.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes you need a deep sleep to be able to hear a message from God.

    Set aside time for a nap or a quiet night and say to God you are ready to hear.

    Love well send it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be this awareness

    “I am all that I am meant to be, in the Grace of the pure reflection of the individualization of Great Creative Spirit, that I Am.

    Ponder that, ponder that, ponder that. YOUR task, aided by your willingness to ask for Divine Help in clearing your sight and your thoughts of all dusty smears of earth-bound senses and habitual thought, is to search out the clear reflection of the Divine Perfection that you are as Spirit, reflected on this screen of earth Play.

    We know it seems complex. But it is really very simple. Trust in the Divine Help to aid you to See.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many, when they realize the mutability of the earthly dream, just long for a better dream.

    Others want to leap to a full understanding of the Life Source that is completely Spirit, and cease to play the illusory game at all.

    Darlings, no matter what you think you wish for, know that Omnipresent and Omniscient Loving Mind knows better than your mortal thoughts do what would be perfect for you. It knows the timing that would be Best for all, It know what you are ready to understand and handle and discern.

    As We always advise you, turn to the adoring Wisdom of your Unconditionally Loving Divine Inner Voice, and heed It. Listen and heed, listen and obey, listen and be grateful.

    It will Guide you Best in your own individual way and timing of full Awakening to God.

    Tenderly tending you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking for help when you need it can sometimes prove to your consciousness the Oneness of Life.

    Be not too proud. Ask others. Ask God. Ask.

    God is not hiding from you. God is seeking your attention.

    Ask for Divine Help, and expect for It to come, without any reconceived notions of how God will choose to Best guide and uplift and help you.

    Be gracious and open to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God’s Tender Strength is mine to draw upon.”

    Let that be your thought and your truth today. Let the Joy of knowing that fill you, and let confidence in that give you the resolve to draw upon that Tender Strength, and all else that the Divine Qualities offer you to use.

    Whether you are praying for a relative to know his full well-being, and you to be enabled to See it, or whether you want the courage and ideas for steps to let go of the old and welcome the new way of life, turn to the Joy and Strength of the All-encompassing, and use them today.

    Use them every day, Beloved. For all that is in the Source is yours to draw upon.

    Today, “God’s Tender Strength is mine to draw upon, and I do so.”

    We are Strongly with you now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid of setting aside tasks of the day to join with the Love of the Source.

    We have told you many times that when you go into silent heart communion with the Divine, It will not ask you things like “Did you do the dishes yet?” or “Is the desk cleared and dusted?”

    It is not that accomplishing those tasks is bad. It can add to the peace of the home to have them done. But they are just not the most important thing, and certainly not to be placed ahead of renewing yourself from the Source. And, indeed, if you are refreshed and renewed in the Sweet Joy and Strength of God, doing the daily chores will be easier and smoother and more efficient.

    Put your priorities right, Beloved. Love first. Love, and then dust. Love, and then you can even dust with Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as one realizes the delightful gift of how Divine Love refills the heart, even as one is giving It away, there comes a desire to give it to all. Silently, in your heart, do give It to all.

    But if there are those around you who do not thirst for It yet, or do not yet realize that they thirst for It, give It only silently, or as It naturally comes forth in your own witnessing.

    Let It be a welcome offering to their throats, when they inquire about the Source of your water of Peace. Let the Inner Voice of One Spirit guide you when to speak, as ever, as ever, as ever.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the senses of the material world would try to tell you that Glory is dying, or dead, or that you have passed all the phases of good and exhilarating life, turn away from them, just as you would turn away from listening to a person whom you knew to be a habitual liar. Do not invest your energy in the words of a known liar. Invest your energy and thought in the truths of Goodness.

    Put your mind on the truths that YOU know to be true. Even if you are in a doubting mood that does not trust old sayings of wisdom or scripture or philosophers, turn to the truth YOU KNOW to be true.

    Friendship is Good. Loyalty is Good. Love is Good. Honesty is Good. Beauty is Good. Orderliness is Good. Being forgiven is Good.

    Turn to these things, these thoughts, and trust in them. Invest your time and your thought in these things and let that investment pay back to you as no earthly investment can, for it pays back in the Gladness and Peace of God.

    As ever, investing ourselves in our Love for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being in constant Conscious contact with the Supreme Spirit in which you dwell is the goal, is a way to live. It is not just a thing to cross off a list, like washing your hands or answering your mail, or feeding your pets.

    ” Say my prayers” is a way of thinking, a way of feeling, a way of Being.

    Be It, O’ Beloved. Be It, and observe how wonderfully your experience of Life expands in Love.

    Expand with Love, in Love, for Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honor All That Is as truly All That Is, knowing that All that is IS Good.

    For the rest, to help you see clearly through the smoky reflections of earth, hold in your hands heart, and humor, and humility. Hold them in your awareness, even as you take dominion over your day, knowing they allow your hands to be used as the Will of God.

    What was made in perfection always was, and will be, unchanging, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved, if you only knew how We weep to see you suffer or even just not fully enjoy what is given you, all for a lack of learning the simple technique of turning to the Inner Soul Voice, and saying ìHelp.î ìThank-You for Helping me.î

    We give thanks when you ask for Help, knowing that opens all right doors,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am beloved by my Source.

    “I am sustained and embraced by Its Love,

    I am guided by Its Sense and Its Voice,

    I am governed by Its Will.

    If I go into silence and let go of my foolish human will, I will hear that guidance, I will feel that uplifting Governance. I will understand that one act or prayer of joyful giving or generous entreaty will open me up to remembering Who I Am, as perfect image in spirit, of Spirit, and All That Is.

    As I hold the frozen thoughts, the “icicles of my problems”, up to the Warm Light of All That Is, they melt away, and are replaced with ideas of newness and ever expanding excitement of feeling, again, “I am beloved of my Source, I am a perfect part of All That Is.”

    Let it be so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is our Life. One Mind is our Soul Truth.

    Pure Love is the Mother of us all.

    Love has never stopped Holding us all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to test yourself. For remember, it is not from your own thoughts and efforts and will that Blessings come, but from the Life Force that surrounds you, upholds you, sustains you , and maintains you. Be not afraid, and be not in doubt, just keep practicing Listening to the Deep Truth that speaks Its whisper in your heart, and do as It says. It IS your stage Director, and knows the Good End It has planned for you, and for all.

    The Trust that saves you is the Trust that you center yourself in, and give forth to others, and make your substitute for all fleeting feelings that you could be waylaid by. Be not afraid. Be brave, and go forth to play your sweet part.

    We are counting Our Love for you as boundless, so be not bound,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Blessings are only blessings when the timing is right. A huge object given as a gift to someone who is about to board a ship and live in another country is not a timely gift.

    Be aware of how aware the One Mind is of the possibilities that are coming up for you, and trust that the Loving Source takes into account that timing, and greater circumstance, when granting the blessings you have asked for. Trust the greater View. Trust It.

    Speak your trust, feel it, and rest in the Joyous Peace of the Divine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is fear that is the enemy. Treat the fear, pray away the fear, reminding yourself that the Great Peace is always your true environment, and then the rest of the soothing comfort of the Whole can reach you. Fear is a wall, and all walls must fall for the seeming compartmentalization of the Whole to be done with.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, what you are meditating for is a state of mind of peace, trust, joy and harmony. What you are praying for, for others, is a state of mind of peace, trust, joy and harmony.

    Let all the rest follow from there…

    It Is the Substance from which all else is born,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Double your resolve to be one who believes in Good, expects Good, and looks for Good, and sees Good.

    “Bless those that curse you and do good to those that seem to wish you ill.”

    For the more soul-lights that are determined to see Good and create Good, more of Good in the shared dream will indeed be revealed. Choose, please, to let Good lift you to a higher Sight, so that Good will be more easily apparent to you, and to all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You ARE Beloved. You do not have to earn that, or explain it to anyone. You just ARE Beloved of the Divine.

    You who search and fret, looking for someone to love you, know that you are already Beloved of the Divine. Take that thought, accept that Love, and use it to love yourself. Then, the worldly loves will fall into place, drawn to the glow of divine Love that merrily shines from your eyes.

    Loving you merrily, so merrily,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    You are completely Spiritual Beings.

    Some of you are ready to hear this. Some are not, having formed attachments to the material concept, or been told that the material perception is all there is.

    Ponder this, whether on the level of physics that is being now a little understood, or in the way that mystics and avatars have come to awakening.

    Are you ready to know yourself as Pure Soul shining, a tiny mirror of the Life that is All? Are you ready to choose that, and let the outer-sense glimmer of light and shadow fall into place on its own?

    Sometimes, at least once in a while, you must ask yourself this,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    As ever, find it in your heart to share your testimonies with others. Each story of faith felt, used, and answered will inspire others to believe that they, too, can call upon, and use, and be guided and comforted by, the Presence and Voice of the Source in their daily lives.

    Just as you felt overwhelmed by worry and anger in that moment at the market, and asked for the Divine Consciousness for Help, and suddenly felt everything slow down, so that you were able to see the incredible beauty of each snowflake landing on your glove, and to feel the ineffable Peace of your Spiritual Existence, and to KNOW that nothing of this earth was more than a passing of the briefest of moments, and not worth feeling pain about, so do others at times need to remember that they may be comforted.

    The Divine Essence that holds all ideas, all Beings in Its Heart/Mind never runs out of comfort and Love, any more than a mathematician runs out of the numbers he needs to work his craft. Turn to that Divine Essence of Peace always and first and foremost, and encourage, by your testimonies, others to turn to It also, knowing it is truly and Endless Well of Well-Being.

    Let It reign,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every time you let yourself simply rest into the supportive Love that is All, you are feeding yourself and others in ways that you cannot even imagine. Just as one person beginning to clap in an auditorium can begin the appropriate, appreciative clapping from all, so can one person relaxing superbly into Divine Silence, hold the door open for the restful Silence for all.

    Feed the Heart with Silence,

    We love you,


  • Dear One,

    It is Spiritual Knowledge that cleanses the mirror, and lets you be the clear refection of the One Spirit that joyously made an image of Itself to talk to.

    That One Spirit is already perfect and harmonious and unchanging. Let yourself be the clear reflection by knowing that you cannot change Its Perfection and Its Glad Love, and that you can clean the mirror with Divine Love and Joy.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    As much as worldly possible today, call only deep within, to the Mighty Heart of God, to celebrate all small and great Goods, that are the Aspects of Divine nature, and the ways of your own Best Self to celebrate as well.

    In that Joy, is a deep tutorial, a deep remembering, that will flush away any misbeliefs that might keep you from seeing the Truth of All. You need this, Beloved.

    Celebrate the Good of God. Celebrate the Good of your High Self, celebrate the Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is the likeness of being reflections of Calm, Expansive Love that you can relate to in others. It is the delightful differences in human expression that you can relate to.

    There is no God asking you to love their errors or to pretend to like what human patterns and habits you do not like. God is asking you to look beneath and past those things, and to Love that which is the same sweet Source Light of all, in all.

    Your Divine Self can do this easily, so of course part of what you are being asked to do is to look for your own Divine Self inside and See and evaluate with Its eyes, Its Heart, Its Tongue.

    As you align with this High Self of yourself, you will be at ease with Loving others, and able to ignore their tattered human costumes.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never forget this basic—that what you send forth returns.

    Share edifying and enlightening and joyous truth, and it returns to you.

    Send forth criticism and confusion, and it returns to you.

    “The other is self.”

    Pondering the truth of this can take a lifetime.

    Or, just a moment. Why not try it, right now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you truly realize, from enough experiences, or by revelation of Spirit, or by witnessing the transformation of others, that Joy is Sourced from God, and does not come from any person, place or object outside yourself, then you have a new freedom.

    Within the very Soul-heart of you IS Joy, the blood and fuel and pulsing beat of God. Feel that as Truth, and you can feel Joy in every new circumstance and every confusing scene or thought.

    Make it a part of your routine to constantly thank God for the very existence of Joy, and then be grateful to ride Its waves through every day, and every expected and unexpected adventure of living Life, of expressing the expanding Love that IS God.

    Ask for Joy, unattached to exactly how It comes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The quantity of God is All, which is Infinite. Since you cannot measure the Infinite, think of God as a set of qualities, not a quantity. How can there be a quantifying of “That Which Is Everything”? Ponder for a moment the realization that the Infinite IS Infinite—that It already fills all where space and time seem to be, and goes All Beyond the little bubble of human awareness. It embraces, and gently pervades the bubble of human awareness, ever-ready to shine Its qualities be revealed in place of the non-God qualities humans have imagined.

    Therefore, rather than trying to measure All That Is, think about the Divine qualities of It. Think about the Loving Calmness. Think about the expansive Gladness. Think about Its perfect Order and Joy. Think about Its Balance of Beauty and Appreciation.

    Think upon these Good things, and know that they are already within you. They are already the Truth of you, since the Divine is all-pervasive, and all Loving and all Lovely. Let the seeming of you, the costume of you, as a “human” be thought of, and ever more fully be recognized as, a transparency that lets all the qualities of the Divine shine forth, forth, forth—as your own Gladness, and as awakener or that Gladness in others.

  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    There cannot be too many Sabbath days. Take, again, a day to consecrate all thought to God’s Thoughts. Remember that because you have consecrated yourself to God, to helping to enact the Divine Plan within the earth dream, your goal is to make ALL days Sabbath days, wherein no thought is given to the worldly, but all thought is given to letting God’s Thoughts work through, and manifest through, you.

    This IS “prayer without ceasing”, and is it not what you have been asking to understand how to do? Then do it, child, do it.

    All Be Blessed, for it all exists within Blessing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The urge to urge others forward in their awakening to God can come from the very good motive of wanting them to know about the Well of comfort that is Heaven within. But if they are simply not yet ready to let go of relying upon temporal comforts alone, then the other human who wishes to comfort MUST wait until the Divine impulse touches the tongue and hands from within and prompts the issue.

    Increasing the fear of another by forcing the letting go of old habits before they are ready is not the greater compassion. Focus on your own purity of connection with the Greater Consciousness and be the example, be the walking Calm Joy, be the generous giver of Unconditional Love.

    After all, is not there plenty to work on in your own heart? For We know that allowing, allowing, allowing the Truth of Love to have Its way in you is indeed the continual work of a lifetime. And yet it is also the Joy of a lifetime, and worth it.

    Today, work on feeling Joy embrace YOU.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Before anything else, you were what God/Mind imagined you to be. You are a marvelous idea, held dearly and lovingly in God’s Consciousness, and that is what and where you remain. Just now you may imagine that you somehow got out of that Mind’s awareness and are living your own little life far away from God in a spaceship called a body, but we assure you it is impossible to exit God’s Mind. It thought of you, and still thinks of you, and the wholeness of you remains right here in that Omniscient Soul.

    True, you are having that little dream of “awayness”, but you can choose to awaken from any sorrowful dream, and remember you are being what you are in Soul. You can also partake of the Power of Soul that you are made of, and create a happier dream while yet you imagine a game of physical bodies and physical laws.

    O, do let God help you, Beloved. Do let us help you. Ask us to join in all decisions and learn how light-hearted can be the ones made jointly with the Divine, held in the Hands of Spirit.

    You do not need to intellectually understand these words to just say “YES” to Spirit,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is my Creator and my Caretaker.”

    “I belong to God.”

    Today, pray as simply as a child who trusts in her mother.

    “God is my Loving Caretaker.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every time you observe another who seems to have the mortal dust of error or sin or illness attached to him, DO remember, “There but for the Grace of God go I”, and forgive, and remember the other is a mirror of yourself.

    Perhaps, as you read this, your mortal mind is thinking, “What? Forgiveness again? Can”t I move on to something else now?” No, Beloved, here you cannot leave behind forgiveness. You will continue to grow in spiritual understanding, and smoother practice, but so long as you are still holding the belief of a body and the belief of the reality of the earthly dream, the need for forgiveness will exist. It is a daily thing. It is an always thing, until you achieve the translation that enables you to be fully awakened in Spirit.

    Then, you will see that there is nothing to forgive, for you will no longer SEE the sins and sorrows, just as God is too pure to behold inequity, and you remember your own pureness in God. Then, you will truly be able to only see the unconditionally lovable others that are also rays of God Source.

    Keep practicing forgiveness, Beloved. And anytime something is not going smoothly in your earth experience, ask yourself if there is something or someone you need to forgive, and appreciate.

    Every time you do this, we appreciate you with boundless Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy we share as you let Me embrace you is all the fuel you need, today, and every day, to move forward in your understanding and oneness with Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is intriguing when the same lesson of earth life comes to one again and again, but be aware that it can be learned, and moved beyond. Do not just accept repeated pain, or sorrow, or continued disease. Know, rather, that you are meant to be freed from those things, and to move into experiencing the full bliss and perfection of being an earthly expression and communicator of the Joy, Calmness, and happy expansion of Love in the orderly revelation of God-in-All.

    Do not accept, “Oh, this is just my cross to bear.” No, look forward and up, rather. Roll away the stones from your eyes and allow yourself to see the marvelous beauty and expressed talents of the Wonderful and Perfect Self that you are as a part of the Infinite Divine.

    We believe in you, for We know the Truth of you. Let yourself See it, also.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Love and Harmony by which the One Source Governs the Heart of each part of Spirit, is Its Gracious desire to form, to use, to enable, and to enforce.

    Allow It to Lovingly guide you, but do not think you are Its enforcer for others. The Quality of honoring the Law of Love above all else is to be used to govern your own thoughts. Enforce Love there, Beloved. Check constantly to see if all your thoughts and motives are aligned with Love.

    If they are, you WILL see more Love shining around you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The complete honesty that is required of you in order to be a clear channel for God-Force is the honesty of letting absolutely everything be in the Hands and Mind of God. It is a recognition of what already IS, outside of time.

    Can you do this?

    Can you hold nothing back from surrender to the Will of the Greater Plan?

    We urge you gently,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, remember,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The impulse to keep quiet, after one has said a foolish thing, has some truth as its source. Take time to honestly analyze what human feeling of envy or sorrow or fear has led you into unwise words, but then speak up, and make amends. Make apology to the person or persons involved, or renew your joy by calling forth to the Source of whose Gladness and Goodness you are made, but do not just stay silent. If your tongue has gotten you into a woeful state, your tongue can get you out.

    Sing praise to God. Sing praise to the God (Goodness) in those around you. Sing praise to yourself for quickly turning your heart back to a surrendering to hope and joy and peace.

    Able to help you find the courage for good words, if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the understanding of spiritual truths increases in the heart, there will at first be a frustration of wishing that others around you could be awakened more quickly. Keep studying and meditating and praying, and keep focusing on increasing your own God-awareness. It is the best thing you can do for others, and it is the best thing you can do to increase your own sense of compassion. It will help others as you welcome the Divine Presence into your words and actions and thoughts and being, and it will help you have a fond patience for the journey each soul must take as it matures.

    A good parent enjoys the various stages her children go through, delighting in the varieties of each one. Let it be the same, as you enjoy your own stages of growth, and as you observe, or hope for, or admire the enlightenment of those around you.

    All of you are dear to us in every stage,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are feeling beset by the sorrows and mesmerism of the world, call forth to Loving Spirit to lift you above them. Yes, we know that you can also help lift yourself above a dark mood by counting blessings and helping others. But in those moments when you want a clear indication of the Greater Love that wants to Help you, and you feel too weary to use personal will to re-focus your thoughts, ASK for Divine upliftment.

    Then, watch and wait and see what delight God offers as a gift to you. God knows the ways to delight you. Whether it is a shaft of light that suddenly highlights a bit of beauty, or a call from an old friend, or a wildlife sighting that surprises and captivates you, or an idea for a new creation of art or food or music or activity, let God delight you.

    Let God show you that, here and now, there are Joys that uplift. There is Good to explore and experience. There are solutions and perfections that come forth, for every human need.

    Let yourself feel Blessed, Beloved, for you are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no such thing as partial surrender.

    Either the material dream is true, or the Will of God is true.

    To pray “Not my will, but Thy Will be done”, but to amend it, in your “private” thoughts with such exclusions as “except for… this stone, or this friend, or this house or this job”, etc., is to delay the unfolding of your Best Destiny. Anything that is Good for that Destiny will still be with you in the Good earth dream, Beloved, but you must be willing to let go and let God choose which things, which thoughts, are which. Let a Loving Creator show you what is Best for you.

    What are you clinging to and demanding that God not change?

    Loving you deeply,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many say the words, “Not my will, but Thy Will, be done”, but few take seriously the first part. Often, what they really mean is “I am hoping that my will is Thy Will”, thinking of their human desires.

    Beloved, that is not the way. You must TRULY surrender what you think you want, or how you think something should happen, and put all your trust in God and cast your cares on God. While you wait to see how things are resolved, cast your cares to God and try to remain peaceful and calm in that trust, obeying God’s Laws, that were made for your protection and thriving.

    Over the eons, the truth has not changed. Nor will it.

    In tender Love,ANGELS