All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Lover that is ALWAYS there, is deep in the quiet of your Heart, that is a wondrous and lovely part of the Greater Soul.

    Go inward in your thoughts, hold breathlessly still, and hear the special message your Lover has for you today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be absolutely certain that you spend enough time each day pondering the Infinite Nature of the Source, so that you never feel that there is “not enough” of any resource you need. When you are really immersed in the Knowledge that all Infinity is there for you to freely draw upon, then there will be no hesitation in giving freely of your talents, time, supplies, or funds.

    THAT is the certainty that gives one the glad heart in giving someone your coat if he has just stolen your jacket, or an hour of a day that you thought was already fully scheduled, or to walk two miles with someone to help him even if the law says you must only go one mile to help another soldier in need.

    Ponder and ponder the Infinite, Beloved, and take deep into the Soul of you the Truth that It is Lovingly available to you.

    It is not the truth of the dream that sets you free, it is the Truth of the Infinite,

    All Love,


  • Ah, let your love mature, Beloved. Truly, through the One Spirit that lives in all, you can tune to the desires and best needs of the journey of the one before you, and be thus guided in what to give, what to offer, what to ask or demand. For indeed, Beloved, what you really want to give, or at least offer, is peace and joy and harmony.

    For in giving those, you receive them as well, and a little more of Oneness has been reclaimed. And what else could you want, but to know that neither one of you was ever truly apart from Love Itself, ever?

    We never were, and we recommend knowing Wholeness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    WHENEVER you feel the surge of the Living Spirit rise within you, STOP and pay attention. Sometimes you will feel this surge when there is a need for you to reconsider a word you are about to speak, or an action you are about to take, or an opportunity you are about to ignore. Sometimes you will feel this surge when there is someone near you who needs healing or help.

    So, stop, and pay attention. Ask for further instructions. Listen and obey, with words, or action, or inaction, or simply as a silence funnel through which Love, Love, Love may pour onto and into the situation.

    You have asked to be used for Divine Flow; now allow it.

    We Love and appreciate you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love, True Love, does not become something else if It is refused full entry into a heart. It does not become hate or revenge or sorrow or bitterness. It simply waits, and tries again to enter, and joyously greets any invitation to come into the heart fully and without regret. It does not change. It is Forever Love, that made each heart, and recognizes Its own.

    If you think you love your partner, or relative, or friend, but that love quickly turns to irritation, or defiance, or anger, or hatred, over an incident or a word, then it is only human love, a false reflection of the Divine Love that creates and blesses and binds all. Think again, and strive to let your love become Agape, Unconditional Love, so that you may find yourself, and the other, wrapped in the greater Love and Well Being that binds all.

    This is the purpose of all being. You fool yourself if you think there is another,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, remember, the maintenance of the Perfection of Creation is the Provenance of the Almighty.

    When you willingly pray to be enabled to Spiritually See the Wholeness of yourself or another, keep in mind that it is your own sight and thoughts and understanding that you are asking to have cleansed and made right. You are simply asking to see what God already made Whole and right to begin with, and that has not changed.

    Lift the mist from your own eyes and you see wondrously through all the illusions of sickness, error and sorrow. The Perfection of Joy still reigns, and you will see It more often, as well as now and then, as your own Consciousness clears.

    Be in Joy. Be aware that you dwell in Joy, use It to clear your Sight.


  • Ah, Love,

    Settle into the depth of My Love as you would settle into a hot bath on a cold day, or into a cool pool of water on a hot day.

    Yes, your earthly experiences can seem like hot and cold days, but I am ever with you, ready to be whatever antidote, whatever comfort, whatever solution or celebration you need.

    Feel Me with you, and surrender to the gratitude for the Wonder of it all.

    So tenderly,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to feel betrayed by illusions.

    Choose to See with the eyes of Love, for the Divine Sight that is your True Sight is the Sight that sees the Truth, and sets you free. This can work even if it is beyond your intellectual understanding, for it is a matter of your Divine Heart coming forth, with your permission, and guiding you in all things. It can be your Divine “seeing-eye dog”, if you let It.

    Does it have your permission?

    It only waits to be asked, and then is as devoted to you as you will come to be to It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let only the Delightful Perceptions of God matter to you.

    Yes, obey the Laws of Love as you relate to others, and as you forgive and inspire yourself, and as you draw on the Divine Qualities you need to achieve your higher Purpose of Elegant Soul, but do not fret over human compliments or criticisms. They are as nothing, and is for you to heed and fulfill and practice the wonderful Will of God for you.

    Obviously, this means you must learn to discern It, and hear it, and take time to listen well. And ask for the Help of Grace to discipline yourself to perform and shine what is bid of you.

    Remember, Grace is freely given. Receive it, and use it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you set aside your lists and your tasks and your sense of guilt about things not accomplished or not finished, and just rest in walking and talking with God, you will hear some version of “I Love you. I want you with me. I Will that you be Conscious of Me all the time.”

    O’ do this, Beloved. Take a day or part of a day, or a moment or an hour, and just look at Beauty. Appreciate the grandeur of Creation. Enjoy the Wonder of Being.

    It is more important than you know. It is a necessary thing. It will renew you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As We said, have Compassion for those who are so caught up in the temptations of materialism, or the spiritual blindness of intellectualism, that they believe that considering God, or studying or pondering or communing with God, is beneath them.

    Have Compassion, but do not falsely take on the job of teaching them, except by silent example. Share your experience and understanding of the One Divine, if you are asked, but know that the primary teaching and awakening of each offspring of God, is up to God.

    Do not fret, and spend your time, trying to convince the unawakened who mock your understanding and your beliefs in the One Love that Guides. There is no need for you to suffer from their barbs and uninformed opinions.

    Leave Loving Guidance up to God, enjoy your own relationship to Love, and do as God bids you do. If you are meant to speak or act, or reach out to one who desperately needs God’s Comfort and Wisdom, God’s small, still Voice will lead you and instruct you.

    Otherwise, just be Glad you know the depth of the Truth of God that is beyond worldly perception and judgement, and Love, Love, Love. Just, Love, Love, Love God, and let yourself walk in Love without feeling any obligation to endure the criticisms of non-believers. Bless them in your mind, and release them to the Will of God, and walk in your understanding of Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We will be with you wherever you are. Realize that there is no time and space in this realm of Infinity, in which you truly live. YOU have placed those measures upon it, as well as delineating certain aspects that you deem to be the “good life”.

    You may think that the good life is a life defined by certain climate, or friendships, or lovers, or family, or money, or fame, but we tell you True, the Good life is a life aligned with the Thought of God.

    Think about this Dear Child, and let your decisions be made from deep within the Heart of your soul that already IS aligned with the Divine Coordinator of All.

    Take the gentler path. Suffering is not necessary,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of all the good gestures and motives and feelings and demonstrations of kindness and forgiveness and inspiration that happen in your own community each day even though you are not personal witness to them. Think of how many times all the generosity and goodwill acts and personal growth examples of an individual only come to light for all when stories are being told at that person’s funeral. Think of how many times you yourself have anonymously given, or even just held your tongue when you could have gossiped or criticized.

    Good is happening all around you, and within you.

    And We tell you, the awesome portion of Good that God can always See far exceeds these small examples of human goodness. God Sees the Good of every soul that is part of the Divine Great Soul, and it is unlimited. Open you mind, open your heart, open your imagination and vision, and See It with God.

    And how very Lovely it is!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the time comes for you to fully understand that your greatest earthly “enemy” is truly the best teacher you have for how to forgive and be compassionate and look past the costume that covers the Good Soul Life Force beneath, then you will also understand the nature of human love/hate. We are sure you have noticed that some of those whom you seem to love the most, you also seem to hate the most. Part of this, of course, is that because you think of the other as a separate thing than yourself, and of both of yourselves as separated from the One Source, you see the other as in competition with you, or as someone that might leave you, or love you and make you dependent and vulnerable, or so on, and so on.

    Think of this a different way, Beloved. Now that you are learning that all beings are rays of Light of the One Source, is it not easier to learn to COMPLTELY Love one whom you at least sometimes feel human love for? That is a gift. Learning to Love Unconditionally a seeming “enemy” is very daunting, but learning to Love Unconditionally a spouse, or relative, or close co-worker or child, or neighbor, whom you sometimes love, or at least feel a little affection for, is easier.

    Human love is as mist when compared to the staunch, unchanging, all powerful Divine Love that made you and sustains you, but it is the tiny seed of a beginning. Begin there, therefore. Begin, and learn to Love as God Loves, completely.

    And as We Love you, and all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you, in your extremity of desire to do a thing, or be a thing, think, “I will do all I can, and then I will turn the rest over to God”, you are often sabotaging yourself, and/or the project or goal or desire. Turn to God first, Beloved. Trust in God only, and always. Surrendering the ego desires completely, first, and then letting the Divine desires be born in the thoughts, and the heart, is the only way to sort out which ones are the same that you were thinking, and which ones were only the dead ends of ego.

    “My body-costume, my life-entire, with all the characters and sustenance and accoutrements therein, are run by the Divine Light of God. Let me acknowledge this foremost, and daily, and hourly, and feel the sweet support of being guided by, and leaning on, the Infinite Cosmic Creator.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your Essence fully remembers that God is All in All, and that you are one wonderful idea within many ideas of the Divine, then Bliss will always be easily to hand, and Love will guide you and give to you and gently govern the availability of All to you.

    Just know your Essence is of Love, and Love is All in All, Beloved. Love is All in All.

    With you always, and right here, right now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Blaming something outside of yourself for how you seem to be feeling will never fix anything. Reviewing and adjusting your feelings, drawing on your innate Divine empowerment, will. You can choose to be more compassionate, you can choose to be more Loving, you can choose to be part of creating Harmony and recognizing Good. You can vow to work towards seeing the Best in everyone brought forth.

    These truisms are so oft repeated that they sound almost trite. But they are still true. And you must still choose each hour and each day, “Will I see the Good God made revealed, or will I let the turmoil of the days and the seeming riffraff of animal behavior misdirect me into irritation and fear?”

    Choose the Good, dear Love. Choose the Good, again and again, and follow God’s directions for allowing more of It to blossom. Rest in God’s Heart, draw on Divine Wisdom, and you can do this.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Have you ever known us to address you as anything but Beloved?

    Many are the days when you feel unworthy or lazy in some way, but that is not what We see. We see the perfect child of God, and Love you. We see the “you” that is pure Spirit’s reflection, and not the supposedly physical self that you call body and personality and history and individual desire and intent. We See the perfect reflection, the perfect facet, of Spirit God.

    Today, See yourself with our eyes and Love yourself. We beg you to Love yourself, and so make the diamond of God shine more brightly, with every facet awake and glittering with the clarity of Love.

    We Love our True view of you,


  • Ah, Child,

    All that matters is that I, I who Thought you up, think of you as worthy, wanted, and of purpose, in Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are sure of that. You ARE Beloved.

    If you were as sure of that as we are, things would feel so much smoother to you. Therefore, tell yourself again and again today, “I am Beloved of God.”

    “I am Beloved of Love. I am as like Love as is Itself.”

    “I am Beloved.”

    Once you believe it, Love can ride in on the rays of Love to heal your other thoughts, and bring great Goodness to you.

    We Love you utterly, Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God makes no mistakes. You are not a mistake. You are a Good Idea made by God, and God sends you other Good Ideas, in the form of people, places and things. They all come in the form of Thought.

    You are a Good Idea. Trust that, Beloved. Trust God, and let your part be to cast aside any thought that would try to negate that pristine trust. Review your thoughts throughout the day, and set aside or laugh away the ones that are not expectant of Good, expressions of Good, or the gratitude that comes before and after Good.

    No goofs, just Good.

    You are Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Now, take the affirmations of yesterday, that focused on remembering that the Primal Cause is the Source for your happiness and Joy/Creativity, and make those affirmations plural. Remember that it is never just for yourself that you remember that you dwell WITHIN the Source, it is for all. It is for you and all of those around you, because all the dreamings of earth are intertwined. As you pray for others, as you pray for all, you are praying for yourself.

    “OUR Source, thank-you for loving us, and for upholding and providing for us. Thank-you for all the sustaining and training and un-blaming that you give us. Thank-you for each blessing and each idea that You let flow into OUR awareness. We are all parts of One, and as One, we reflect You. Help us enjoy You completely by letting us reflect You completely. Help us remember , in every moment, We are One.”

    The Whole is unutterably lovely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Suffering avails nothing.

    In every situation, for every person, calling GLADLY, TRUSTINGLY, on the Principle of Harmony to work Itself in the Best way for all, is the answer. Do not try to dictate the terms and details of how that Harmony will be achieved. Just offer over the reigns of control to the good truth that Harmony is the Causal Reality, and can be seen, can be revealed, if you let it be so.

    The Goodness of God-Source exists. Harmony exists. It is for each observer to ask that his or her eyes be opened, that they may see and feel the evidence of that true Peace and Beauty, that Oneness of Harmonic Being, that Truth of non-physical Reality that underlies the dusty lies of earth. Call for Peace. Call for Love. And trust, gladly, that They want to reveal themselves to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear God, open my eyes to See what You need me to do this day.”

    You are part of the Plan, Darling. Accede.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the Director of All that Is Good and True orchestrates the revelation of the Wondrous Life that you can choose to live, it really does include all. God directs you to the people you need to meet, the opportunities that offer themselves for your willingness, the means of support and chances to be grateful, the ideas of how to serve and shine, the Angels by your side.

    The Angels by your side. The Angels on your side.

    Look for all these Good things, Beloved. Expect them, look for them, and Love God and emulating God.

    On your side, by your side,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is the chance, always, to practice being still, and quiet, and centered, even when there are many tasks and duties and chosen joys to accomplish.

    As we have told you many times, it is not hard to train yourself to step aside from other people and information input a few times a day. Those moments, with your eyes and ears closed to the world, in some quiet spot, give you that crucial time to ask the Over-Consciousness to fill you with Its Loving feeling of support, and inspiration, and calm steadiness.

    When you are very practiced in this, you can access the Loving Serenity of the Divine Mind even in the midst of noise and chaos. But in the meantime, there are always places you can retreat to for a moment, in rest areas or hallways, or corners, or vehicles, to be still, and ask for the force of Love to calm you and fill you with the remembrance of the Infinite reserve you are connected to.

    Get practiced in it, Child. Then, when you need it, or those around you need it, you are ready. It is such a delight to be always ready to let the force of Love flow through you.




  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do, do, do believe that it is not a certain set of specific words, or a formula, or the way you sit or stand or the time of day or the hat you wear or the ornament you pin to your clothing or the name of the building you are in, or any other of a thousand things that matter when you pray—it is just to open your heart to hearing God’s Love speak to you.

    We understand that some of the rituals you have adopted or evolved will calm or comfort you enough to discipline and still your human thoughts so that you can truly listen to the Voice of Soul, but do not worship the ritual itself. Be still and grateful, and Love God, and Love’s Voice will gladly reach out from within your own heart-soul, and guide you and smooth away the bumps that hide your perfection of thought and form.

    Reach in, be still, and listen. God is speaking to you and Loving you. Just listen and feel it True.

    Feel Me behind and within these words. I Am here.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am held together by the Invisible Love of God.”

    Just as a beautiful and sturdy stone wall built by an excellent crafter stands sturdy in gravity because of the shapes and placements of all the stones, God builds you steadily, day by day, experience by experience, in your earth journey.

    God created you perfect Spirit, and that has not changed, but Love will use each experience you choose in the earth dream to still hold you together, in a way that can stand steady and strong. Throughout, you are Spirit Lovely and Pure, and remembering that will further empower the Invisible Love that keeps you functioning and strong.

    We walk alongside you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Miracles” are very natural to God. They are simply revelations of God’s natural Order and Harmony.

    Welcome the understanding and perception of more of Good Harmony, and you WILL see more of It, with Spiritual Sight and discernment. Ask to see God’s Order, and refrain from putting human framework and definitions on how that order should look, but trust that It is Loving and Good.

    It is simpler than it seems, Beloved. Let Love hold you, for It already does. You are a very sweet idea moving in the Mind of Love.

    Feel it, and Let go,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have emphasized many times that it is important to begin your day with a calming and inspirational internal conversation with God. It will enrich you in more ways than you can imagine. And, We have emphasized that trying to continue this conversation, via the “the small still voice”, throughout the day, is important for a constant conscious relationship with, and alignment with, the Divine intent and Glory.

    But let us say now, as We observe you having mental “human conversation rehearsals” in your mind– about what you should have said to someone, or what you plan to say, or what you hope or fear they will say, that bringing God awareness to those human interactions would bear greater fruit. Speak directly to the God in the other. Assume they want to reach the God, the Good, of you. Relate to others as simply other wonderful offspring of God. They may not have awakened to themselves as that identity yet, but if you relate to, and speak to, that aspect of their True Self, it will help them, and you, both be your Best.

    God IS All-in-All, Dear Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to worry. There is only the need to realize that the Connection you are seeking already exists. You already Live within, and are like, that which you want and need to feel close to.

    It is not far away that Love exists. It surrounds you and is you, and offers Its Absoluteness to your consciousness right now. It is only a fantasy that you are far away and alone. Just let go of that imagining of being separate.

    Now, you are Loved, and made of Love.

    Ask It, “If You are right here, let me feel you Holding me.”

    Give It a chance to prove Itself, and that It wants you to remember who you are within It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is Love. Let Love be your God.

    If you but remember these two simple things, and serve them and let them serve you, in your heart and mind, then your mind remembers that it is one with Divine Mind.

    Let It guide your thoughts and actions and decisions, and breathe the constant breath of relief, that you are guided, by your own choice, by what is True.

    There is great rest and joy in such relief,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not regard each day as a test. Regard them as demonstrations of Good, and Glory. Stand in wonder and appreciation, and cheer for Harmony, on the human level of perception, for Harmony already reigns in the timelessness of God.

    Be at Peace this day, Beloved. Take it slowly, and be in wondrous Peace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This day We wish to focus on the timely way that you can remember that the Divine Source wants you to remember your full part in Wholeness. So, just as you turn to prayer or mind-centering to seek the Wisdom and Peace and ideas for happiness that you desire for your daily life, the Divine IS striving to reach you and re-align you in whatever way It can.

    The Loving Source and Surrounding knows you cannot really be separate from It, but It also knows that you can believe you are, and knows that the belief of separation creates sorrows for you. It did not create sorrow and does not want you to remain in any sorrow. Lovingly, as It knows you are turning to It, It will find ways to reach you. The appropriate word or image will reach you. The explanation that can help your understanding will come forth. The answers and feeling of Presence will consistently flow to you, and the more attention you give them, the sooner you will know the fullness of Joy, maintaining and sustaining you, as you let It lead.

    The time is now. The time is to constantly know you have this Divine partner in all thought and experience. And that It gives all to you, wanting you to remember you are Its very image.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thinking about trouble brings on trouble.

    Thinking about Wholeness brings on Wholeness.

    Thinking about Holiness brings on Holiness.

    Yearning for God brings God to your side.

    We do Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can only change your perceptions of those around you by allowing the One Loving Mind to change your perceptions.

    The Good and the True are Real. Allow yourself to accept that the One Loving Mind knows all and knows the Truth and IS the Truth, and let It Govern, for It does. The more you accept that in your heart, asking It to wash your illusions away, the more of the Good and Real you will perceive.

    Beloved, Beloved, Heaven glimmers just under the illusions. Allow God to guide ALL your perceptions, and more and more of the Good and the True will become visible to you.

    Ask yourself always, “What does God see when It looks upon this person?”

    Softly, gently, truly, let the Truth set you free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have first had your Spiritual Sight and Feeling awakened, you will be amazed at how long it seemed to take to become aware of another whole level of perception and existence. But the power and delight of It will make you want even more depth and endurance of that Soul understanding.

    It is Real, Beloved. It is Real. You knew this when you first entered the human experience, and for years afterward, but most individuals forget much of It when they are trained in the use of the limited body senses. Do not dwell on how many years you have missed of Divine Perception. Just open your mind and heart to perceiving more now, and let your total Being become more and more visible right here and right now.

    You are a part of the Whole Real Soul, created and sustained by Love. Practice knowing It, and let the delight of It embrace you and help you change your routines and habits and desires to align with the Love that you are made of.

    It is Real, and It is happening to everyone at his or her own pace of understanding. Mind your own progress to the perception and demonstration of the Reality of the Divine, and be a teacher by example, accepting that the Divine oversees the triumph over time.

    Joyous day to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not throw stones at the mists of your illusion. The stones, the resentments and grievances, will just be there to trip you as you try to move forward. Rather, close your eyes to your interpretations, and turn to the Truth of God.

    “I release my plans from thought and heart, dear Abba. Show me your Plan.”

    We are part of that Plan. You KNOW It exists.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s omnipotent Good is in your every moment right here, right now.

    Look within and See It and feel It and let It do Its work.

    Picture It filling every vessel around you, and make no assumptions that every vessel holds what it held yesterday.

    If you see a pitcher on a table and know that yesterday it held orange juice, which you do not like, do you assume it holds orange juice again today? Do you at least give it a chance, and look again today, when it could hold the apple juice you love?

    Picture the people around you filled with God’s Omnipresence, and give yourself a chance to see it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The beliefs that you cherish and think about every day mold your world entirely. And yet, how many of those are uncontemplated? The force of gravity is one that is immensely integral to your movements and habits and assumptions, but your trust in it, in most situations, is so complete that you do not consciously think about it when you put down a cup, or shake out a rug, or take a step on a planet spinning through space.

    So let us remind you again, there is a Force of Divine Comfort and Friendship and Love that is above all physical laws and that will work for you endlessly and wonderfully, if you let It also become such a part of your assumptions that you can take It, too, for Granted. For Granted it is. It is a Gift, meant to bring you back to the remembrance of your own status as a Joyous and Perfect part of the Divine Whole.

    Wholly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All God needs to use your presence to shine His/Her Presence through is your willingness.

    Your willingness to lay to the side your personal feelings of triumph or sorrow, even for a few moments, and let the shining Spirit flow through you, the Soul of you touching the Soul of the other, and reminding the mind of that one, “You are completely Spirit, you are Whole, you are Loved.”

    No words even need be spoken. Just be willing, take the moment, and let Love do Its Work.

    And so be It. That is all that matters.

    And We thank you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God will never run out of pure Goodness to give you.

    Be not afraid to ask.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Work with Us today. Work for yourself, and for others, and for all.

    Work this way: “Oh, dear, dear God, we open to your gentle correction of any errors in thought or feeling that mask our demonstration of the perfect grace and harmony you have freely given us. Help us demonstrate the wisdom and the natural joy that are parts of the elements of the Life force that flows as You, and that we were created to express.”

    “We thank you in advance for all that you give now and will always give, so that we can shine as You shine, with complete and wonderful Love.”

    And so be It, for so It is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, as you pray “not my will, but Thy Will is done”, that the One Will always Blesses all. Therefore, you must take off the human blinkers of narrow and time-bound sight, and trust to that One Will when evaluating whether what is occurring is “going my way”. And, you must remember that just as a human parent must sometimes quickly and very strongly grab the hand of a toddler who is about to step into traffic, so must the divine sometimes delay your human steps in order to give you the smoother pathway.

    Let today be about that trust, Beloved. “What adjustments need to happen, dear God, for the Harmonious Blessing of all?”

    Be open and believing in the utter Goodness of God and Its Will for your thriving Truth.

    Such Love no words cover it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Really, everyone is a practitioner of the Science of Divine Loving Mind. They can be nothing else, for Loving Mind is That within Which they dwell, as very Good ideas of God.

    But some practice this only in moments of human desperation, crying out, when lost in the human hypnosis of false senses, “If you exist, God, then help me!” And even then, not having learned to pray aright, they do not listen and wholeheartedly obey.

    Be one that practices ALL the time, dear Child. We have heard your cry of wishing to dedicate yourself to this, so simply do it. Humbly ask what you need to know, humbly listen, and immediately obey. There is such freedom and grace in doing so that joy and painless being swiftly follow. Only Good comes of God, and only Good is real. Rebuke the false, and turn to Good, and be delighted to Love only God.

    Pray and obey, pray and obey. For yourself, and for others, pray and obey.

    “Grace us to see Thy Will is done, as we humbly forgive and obey.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is with great tradition that Love is looked to as healer of all. It is the true Governor of all, and the true worth and essence of all. The tradition is not some old superstition carried forth, like a lucky charm passed down on a keyring. It is a tradition based on Truth.

    Let Truth be your tradition. Let your “charm” be the freely given Grace that God silently offers to you, endlessly. Just take it. Accept it, and savor it, and be held in the tradition of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We cannot remind you too often to take time to simply RELAX into God—Into a full awareness of all that is Good around you. Stop your striving, and relax into noticing the Goodness of all that is around you, in visible form and invisible form. Take time, take time, take time, and you will realize that all your hurrying is only delaying the time when you must take time for realizing your inheritance of and dwelling within, of the endlessly emanating Source that is the Life and the Goodness of all things, of all Ideas.

    Whether you call this a “Sabbath day”, or whether you take a few minutes of every hour, or whether you can indeed yield to prayer without ceasing, always aligning your thoughts with the Thoughts of the One Emanator of Life, take time to notice the Everpresence of all that is Good.

    Stop looking for problems to solve and things to fix, and notice, notice, notice the Blessings that are here, right Now, in you, and about you, and with you.

    Always noticing you as a Blessing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not just positive thinking. It is Truth.

    Right there, where you think you see a problem to be solved or a lack of something, there is the Goodness of All.

    We understand that it is a great leap to realize that your thoughts, and your eyes that you have been trained to rely on, could be giving you incorrect information, but once you take that into account, it is much easier to begin always looking for Good. Look for Good when it is not immediately apparent. Search your thoughts and see if you are assuming that brokenness and evil are present. Remind yourself that Good is Omnipotent, and think again and look again and believe again in Joy, and the power of wanting Joy.

    We always want Joy for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy available as the very fabric of Creation, if you but close your eyes and realize that It is what constitutes you, surrounds you, supports you, continues you forever.

    Close your eyes, Beloved, and feel the Love that pulses through your awareness as the very Life that you are now, and will always be. There is no way to experience this except to really STOP all else, and allow the fullness of Spiritual Reality to overcome your simple human senses, and embrace you in the curvature of Its Space of Consciousness, of Soul.

    The words here may make no logical sense to you, but just absorb them and let them float your awareness like the ocean floats your body if you relax upon it. Close your eyes. Float your awareness on the very Allness of Spiritual Reality, and It will raise your Consciousness into Love as Life.

    So wanting you to feel Our Touch,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be greater understanding in you about how the power of thought changes your life, and you will be better motivated to turn your actions and thoughts over to the guidance of Spirit God.

    When you willingly look away from the evidence of the material senses that say “you are sick”, or “you have a character flaw” and instead look to the opinion of the Creative God Source Parent that looked at you and “saw that you were good”, then you are showing that you give your will to God—that you trust God’s opinion and truth above all else. That is part of why affirmations, faithfully employed, help healing and revealing of Truth to occur. If, despite what the eyes or nose tell you, you affirm over and over, “I am healthy and whole in the Mind of God”, or “All is well with my Life in God”, or whatever affirmation you are led to say, then you are essentially telling God “I will believe and trust you, no matter what the small mortal senses say.”

    THAT gives the Divine Healing Spirit a chance to blow away the mists of illusion, and let the pure truth and Goodness of you and your life, to be revealed.

    Is this clear? Let it be clear, Beloved, for therein is the way to guiding you to always trust God’s Word above all else, in every situation and every element of your costume and way of life.

    How we love you! How God loves you!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you Divinely Love them, the more clearly you will see the Holy Soul of those around you. Put on God’s Sacred rose colored glasses today, and see yourself surrounded by the reflections of all the Angelic ideas of ever Creative Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that one of the marvelous aspects of Goodness/God/Goddess/Divine to call upon, to heal your own feelings, and to soothe/heal those around you is Honor.

    Honor of Self, Honor of those people and things that seem to be around you, Honor of the Divine within each one, Honor of the Good enduring beneath situations that seem out of control, but are not, for the Divine is lovingly, and Honorably, in control all the time.

    All the Time,


  • Ah, Child,

    Do indeed ask for My help to focus on the Heavenly, and more of the Heavenly will come into focus around you.

    You must truly believe in My desire for you to see it, and then relax into My aid. Believe it, dear Child. In My deep Love for you, I ask you, believe I want you to see the Glory of Myself and of you.

    Soul of All

  • Ah, Beloved,

    What you need to Know from Me, Child, is that My Goodness is your Goodness.

    What you need to Know from Me is that your Goodness is therefore already done and complete. Expect It, accept It, enjoy It. Look to and be grateful for all the evidence of It you already see, and expect to see more revealed.

    It is one with Me. What I Am, you are, and that takes myriad wonderful forms. Believe that, and look for them, and you can see them revealed. I have given you this dominion, and it is your gift to use. It is your gift that I am delighted to see you take Joy in.

    Count your Blessings, Child, but count them with honesty. As your spiritual Self is more and more revealed, you will perceive that what you appreciate and value is not what a human child would value—that which glitters and beeps, but the deep wondrous Light and Love that connect all. That All Love shows up in family and friends and loves, and momentary angels and epiphanies, and the Truth of Me. And those sorts of Blessings multiply greatly when you hold them in your thoughts and are grateful, grateful, grateful.

    All those that have awakened to the fact that they live in Love, and that they can make Love their Guide, are you family. You are not alone. There are more and more of them showing up in time. Cherish THAT family, and feel newly welcomed into Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Naming things as solid objects gives them such a sense of power in your thoughts, and thinking of them as such gives them various attachments in your emotions. We suggest there would be great use in taking a quiet, and yet playful, day of thinking about everything and everyone as simply space that is filled with dancing bits of Light.

    If you realize how swiftly the bits of Light around you can shift and move and be differently perceived, you can open your thoughts to the very real metaphysical Truth that all things are possible to God. The dancing and expanding Substance of Life and Loving Light is something that cannot be really named at all. Can you allow yourself, for the day at least, to hold the thought, “I and everything around me are shifting particles of Joy”?

    The Soul Source projects an ever-changing panorama of Joy, and the eye of Divine Sight and Mind will help you discern it.

    “I am the substance of Joy, and Joy is here and there around me.”

    Play with this today. Play is practice. And practice opens the heart to God understanding.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It can actually be an asset when you cannot picture exactly how an inharmonious situation might become Harmonious. Trying to humanly picture the way that will unfold limits your ability to have heartfelt belief in the Law of Harmony.

    So remember instead the times that Goodness has delighted you with Its Presence, shining into your days with people and places and opportunities and things, and trust that Goodness wants to Bless you again. And while you wait for that Goodness to work Its overseeing Harmony, Bless everyone and everything about you. Bless them with words, or silent good wishes. Bless them with helpfulness or gifts or simple appreciation of their beauty and order. Bless all things and see the wonder of them, and keep your thoughts aligned with the Divine Thought that “all is very Good.”

    There ARE solutions greater than your human imagination,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    That which truly IS will always become sensible to the Spirit of you again. No truly compassionate or loving thing is ever lost. Those feelings, those actions, only add to the brilliance of the reflection of the Original Source.

    You are a genuine mirror of the Loving Divine Heart. Today, simply stand still in your own feelings, and let the Source Love shine on you, and be reflected from you to others. Be the witness to this. Appreciate this. In Silence of observing and appreciation, you will do more to Heal your own heart of the daily challenges of the world, than you can by many wordy prayers.

    Stand still in the Center of your Heart, reflect Love, and feel Its warmth surround and support you, even as you watch It shine on others. Even now, as you read these words, you feel it begin to do Its Work. Let It. Let It Hold you. Let It Heal you, dear Child. Let It reveal the shining brilliance of the mirror that is you as woman/man.

    Our arms are always on offer to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have I ever failed to rise up in your heart when you sincerely grew still and quiet and asked it of Me? Perhaps you have not always heard the words clearly, or perhaps you have shied away from hearing an answer that you did not want to hear, that was contrary to your human will, but you have always felt the Presence of Love.

    Trust that Love, Beloved. Trust that Presence, and Its power of Divine Governance, even when you cannot understand Its ways. It does operate in Truth, and It does bring those on detours back to the path of their awakening. It does make all thoughts Good.

    Trust the Presence. Trust the Love. Trust It here and now, for I hold you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep fully in mind today that staying aligned with the feelings and expectations and support of your Inner Soul is more important than any worldly evaluations or predictions. Stay True to what you Divinely Know of Truth and Beauty and It will help you fly above any discouragement or complaining from those you meet.

    Be the one in your little circle who stays positive and hopeful and who humbly remembers in every moment Who is really in charge, and that Oneness can always be turned to, with Joy, and relied upon.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    You might feel proud of yourself if you managed to hold your tongue when you felt like expressing criticism or hatred or anger. And that is a step.

    But we tell you, dear one, that if the spoken word is held back, but the dark thoughts still fill your head and roll over and over in your thoughts and feelings, they are hurting you. They are keeping you from experiencing the unfolding of God, and from being the Pure expression of Love.

    Practice replacing every ungodly thought with being the Thought of Love. God will Help you do so, if you ask and accept.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take great care to program your mind in the morning and before you sleep with a Truth such as “God Loves me”.

    The human emotions and thoughts are so very easily touched by the worries of physical conditions that it is important to confirm the Soul and Protection of Divine Thought as the foundation for your dreams of the night and of the day.

    Love Loves you. Love makes and maintains you. Now, and tomorrow, Be Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To someone who is hungry to taste the sweetness of life, and to appreciate it, offering him or her a dessert treat (also known as spiritual Truth), will be a favor and a delight and accepted gratefully.

    But to offer a dessert to someone who is overstuffed with a five course meal, is to offer only a thing to be forced down with a polite smile.

    Offer not your wisdom and gifts and talents to those who are so full of their own prides and follies that they cannot taste the sweetness. Only when the Inner Truth Voice leads you, is it time to give to one who is a skeptic, but has a tiny empty spot ready for receiving.

    Let Joy multiply by giving it where it is welcome,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is easiest to receive Joy if you expect it.

    If you cannot yet convince yourself to expect it, at least be willing to be surprised by it.

    The more you get to know the nature of God, the easier you will find it to believe in Joy and in the utter Goodness of your true home in Spirit, right there in your heart. Right here, right now, your Heart can project Its Joyous reality.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are joined in time in order to release you from the limiting sense of time. This is not done by the death of the body, but by letting your thoughts and heart ascend into the timeless, where no human belief limits the Power of Love.

    Already in your life you have experienced moments where time seemed irrelevant or to have changed its nature. To feel timeless more and more often is to allow yourself to drop away from the self-limiting beliefs that would keep you from feeling the full Joy of your High Soul Self. When one of the exercises we have suggested over the years, or the breathless beauty of a piece of nature, or an experience, lift you into a euphoria of timelessness, savor it.

    Savor it, and be grateful for it. Be grateful for it, so that your mind and heart will be willing to welcome more freedom from time-thought. Do not think that this is achieved by repeating the specific earthly experience that seemed to generate the soul Knowledge of timelessness, or by possessing the object of beauty that took your breath away. Rather, be grateful for the embrace of timelessness, and begin to acknowledge that it is an aspect of the Heavenly state of Mind that can be welcomed into every day and way and circumstance. Remember that what you are grateful for, or let your thoughts dwell on, you receive more of.

    With you in the illusion of time and beyond time,


  • Ah, Beloved,


    Gratitude that the Unseen Forces of Good are always there to turn to, day or night, in sickness, in health, in sorrow , in joy. They are ALWAYS there.

    Accept their comfort and advice,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is impossible to underestimate the Power of forgiveness.

    The full power of forgiveness is that it takes YOU out of the trap of time. So long as your thoughts and your consciousness are on the past, and remembered offences, or in the things of the moment that you would criticize or sneer at or judge or fear, then you are trapped in un-beauty, in un-loveliness, in un-Good.

    Forgive. Take away the trap and the trappings of time, and be at Peace in the Beauty of yourself and in the Beauty of the Eternal moment of God. ASK, Beloved, to be shown, by the Eyes of Love, what is really true in each moment, so that you may be shown the lovely and enjoyable perfection of the full portrait of the Divine.

    Forgive, and you free yourself. Forgive, and be in this perfection NOW.

    AND, Beloved, PLEASE remember that your own flawed thoughts, which projected a seeming reality of pain, are part of what must be forgiven. Forgive yourself, ask for Divine Help to re-order your perceptions, and be freed of so much of what seems ugly to you now. You are Beauty. It is All Beauty. Turn to Beauty, walk in Beauty, and Believe that Beauty is Its name, and therefore yours.

    “Show me Your Beauty, Dear God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Happiness is not a matter of fleeting pleasures.

    Deep happiness is knowing you are part of God. And feeling It.

    Feel It, with all Its rights and Wholeness and Goodness and Infinite Wisdom.

    Just remember who you really are, dear one. Remember, accept the Companionship of God, and be Glad, be happy, be free.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Remember this—that the All-in-all knows you all intimately. It knows you as Its” good and brilliant and beautiful ideas, and even though your understanding and clarity may be hazed by the human dream. The Infinite All will lovingly help each one of you remember what you really are, Spirit within Spirit.

    There is no set way that applies to every individual awakening. If you are reading this particular message, you have chosen to do so. And the Infinite offers you many, many ways to grow and learn in your closeness to Itself, for It knows you have never left the Love you are made of and live within.

    As It helps you carve away the parts of your understanding that are not pure and true, the wonderful Being of Light and Life that you are will be fully revealed. Trust that. Go to whatever inspiration It leads you to, and leave others to theirs, just taking care to be the Best example of Love that you can be, every day.

    All roads end in God,

    It is already done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Cultivate the kind of friends, and a Spiritual Community, who, when hearing of any challenging current life circumstances, do not give you their human opinions. Instead, in compassion and wisdom and love, they ask you, “What is the small, still Voice telling you to do?” They will softly inquire, “Is Holy Spirit, with Its strong Arms of Love, and wide, resourceful, Infinite Being, comforting you or celebrating with you?”

    If you are not near worldly friends or community just now, then go directly and ask of the Unseen Community of Love, “Help me. Help me solve, help me joyously receive, help me understand and know and act.” They are there for you. If you ask, and if you listen, and if you trust and feel, you will discern the wonderful Guidance that Loves to be with you and assist you, always.

    We are with you in whatever way you can comprehend,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are feeling insecure, remember that you are, right now, In the Security of the One Mind that holds all.

    Be grateful to the Good Mind that holds you, and let yourself be held, held, held, until you FEEL that True Love right now.

    “I am secure in God right now, in Whom are all my needs.”

    It IS the Truth, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel that you are losing the heart for Joy, or find it hard to hear the solution from the Divine Voice for a certain situation, remember that the end of the story of All is already told. And it is a happy ending.

    The Divine Plan for reawakening all sleeping souls who believe they are lost, or separated, or in pain is already accomplished in the only real realm—the realm of Spirit. They are already reawakened in the Mind of God. All know they only slept.

    Remember that, and it will make you remember that you must just be still and listen, and hear the Inner Truth whisper to you the next step, and the next step, and the next, for the time of sleeping to be shorter. Let your confidence in the Good Ending, the Good Now, shine from you, so that other souls will be attracted to your Calm, and want to know how to listen, too.

    As ever with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honestly evaluate how much the comforts of old, when you did not have spiritual sight, truly make you happy now. When one awakens to one’s spiritual heritage, there comes a time when even the few cherished things of the old ways must be laid upon the altar of Truth. Some will morph into even better versions of themselves. Others will fade away and no longer be a part of your life.

    It is about trust, Love. Trust Love. Trust that Force that Knows you and Loves you better than you know yourself. Awaken to trust, and you awaken to a greater knowledge of, and experience of, Love Itself.

    It is Glory, and glorious,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    AS you emerge from this time of chaotic emotions, remember that your True Heart has an unlimited reservoir of calmness, within you. It is always available to tap, for you are an emanation of the Light that IS, by Its very nature, Utter Calmness.

    If you can always remember this one thing, then that Calmness will enable you to follow the Truth that if you “be still and Know that you are of the Infinite Source”, then you will be able to listen, and know, what to do or say in EVERY situation, for the highest Good for all.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “My innate Spiritual Holiness, gifted to me by the Creative Source, becomes my visible Wholeness today.”

    Gratefully pray with some version of this today, dear one. Keep your intent full of expectant Joy, and God will Guide the words and images and metaphors you need to stay aligned with the Truth of Love.

    “My holiness becomes my Wholeness of Good.”

    We Work with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be a seeker of Joy today. Be a seeker of extra Joy today. Find extra fuel for living and extra Will for Understanding God, by being a seeker of extra Joy today.

    Were you not thrilled to see the bright full moon setting just now when We urged you to get up immediately and go to the next room with its west window? All those kinds of small, breathtaking sights can raise your Joy to overflowing. And then, how easy it is to fulfill your task of giving Joy to uplift others. What a new world it would be, if all sought to be truly filled with the sublime Divine Joy of the Infinite.

    Yes, yes, We know the lawn mower must be hauled in for servicing. But We tell you there will be an opportunity to sweetly counsel someone at the station, and that will raise Joy. And yes, We know there are wild blown branches in the yard to gather and stack, but We know you will hear the phoebes sing while you do so. And yes, We know there are the papers and the dust and the dishes to deal with, as there always are. But We tell you, Child, We remind you, Child, that every task that is accompanied by a welcoming of Divine Joy can truly become an act of Joy.

    New levels of appreciation of the everyday Good can be attained this week, Beloved. Ask for Our Help, and attain them, for then you have floodtides of Joy with which to manifest your Best life, and to raise the Joy of others.

    We are counting on you, and all who have given their hearts to Us, to do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that what you are asking for, when you ask for Divine Assistance, or for guidance, or for “healing”, is for what already exists to simply be revealed. The Perfect Whole and Its unfolding in the realm of time already exist—it is just the clarification and visibility of It to the mortal consciousness that need to be focused on.

    Think of this metaphor—that you are sitting in a car surrounded by dewy windows. The lovely day is already there, waiting to be driven through. The road you will drive on already exists, ready to be rolled along. You just need the windows cleaned off and your sight raised to the clear part, to be able to move smoothly forth.

    “I am the substance of smooth sight, and the truth of orderly movement along the most lovely path in the world.”

  • Ah, Dear One,

    To bow to the Good Will of God, is to choose Joy, instead of sorrow or doubt or discouragement. It is not a servitude of pain and powerlessness. It is a choice, rather, for letting the Power of God be with you, and for being a part of the march towards more Peace of Mind being visible in the earthly scene.

    Yes, it takes discipline, and re-ordering of priorities, when you are ready to tone down human strivings and pleasures, but it is to be gifted with extraordinary serenity and purpose, as you feel the Infinite guide your more matured and joyous way.

    Stay aware of this, Beloved. Stay awake and aware,


  • Ah, Child,

    Why do people write and write and write,
    and speak and speak and speak?
    It is to confess, and be forgiven,
    It is to blame, and to forgive.
    It is to finally seek and learn God,
    And to Know, and let go, and be One.
    Then, O’ then, Beloved,
    It is to share, and be shared, in Joy.
    Go above the mortal realm in your mind,
    And relax your heart in the Divine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Source that shines you forth not only would not leave you comfortless, It cannot. Since you are a very extension of unending, unbroken Spirit, Spirit is always right with you.

    Think today about your invisible Friend. Realize today that your very special Helper and Mentor and Lover and Governor is right with you, wanting you to choose well, and to feel the tremendous strength of Divine Love.

    Walk with Light and Oneness today, and be very aware that you are not walking alone.

    And neither is anyone else. Leave them to Love’s Guidance,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not punish. God only Loves.

    Indeed, because God sees only the purity of the Spirit Ideas that It has created, It sees nothing that needs anything except Love,

    However, God does understand that the ideas that are dreaming they are bodies need a mechanism by which to escape from their own dis-ease filled dreams, and the mechanism that God invented to help that happen is forgiveness. Forgiveness of others is the recognition that it is not their true selves that are making errors of image or action or thought—it is only their shadow selves. Therefore, forgive and look past those shadow selves.

    Whence then “Divine Justice?” As We said, Divine Justice is not punishment from God. When the dream-body-self acts in ways that are not loving of others, those actions and thoughts just bounce back to the body-person. As each one begins to understand that the golden rule does truly enact itself, they become more Mindful of what they are doing and saying and thinking, for they understand that although God Loves them without condition, their own actions will bounce back at them in the earthly dream.

    Your part in allowing the Principle of Harmony and forgiveness to be revealed is to answer meanness with patience and blessing and prayer to let your eyes be opened to the purity of those around you, and of yourself. When all begin to see as God sees, then more and more of True Reality will be revealed in the shared dream.

    Have compassion for those who do not yet understand that they do indeed reap what they sow, and take care to always endeavor to see all the sparks of Light in them, even as you leave it to the Harmonizing Principle, and that individualization of Soul to work out his or her own salvation.

    Divine Helpers WILL help you do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Offer Silent Love today to those around you. Offer sanctity of Spirit. Offer it by immersing yourself within it, and wrapping yourself in its Silence and Love, and simply emanating that wherever you are.

    The sanctity does the work. The Love does the work. You simply walk around as its earthly vessel, letting it flow to whoever needs it, and is ready.

    Meanwhile, you enjoy the flow of it through you and from you, and feel one with it, and your true self.

    There is really no better way to spend a day, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Realize this, that there is no need to be re-joined to something you were never separate from to begin with. That is the common mistake that all make in the dream of separation—thinking you are a separate and alone human body that must plead and work to somehow re-join with the Divine Source.

    You are already joined in Reality. Just remember and acknowledge and love and cherish that Reality, and set yourself free from the desolate feeling of separation, of being just an alone body. You are really only Soul that is part of Soul, Spirit and Heart.

    You are already One, like the skin of a pudding is a very part of the pudding itself. You are part and parcel and likeness of Being. You are already, in wonderful essence, part of That Which Is Real, and holy, and All.

    Think upon that today. Does your own body’s skin wonder why it is not a part of you?

    Allow yourself to see the ludicrous humor of it, and be free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When all that is around you, to the five senses, seems that it could not possibly be of the Good God that you know in your Heart, take a day for exclusive communion WITH God awareness. Let It refill your reservoirs of Love and Ultra Perception, so that you may again See the Lovely in the everyday.

    We know that you must still do the dishes and open the mail and tend to the calls and the floor, but all the tasks of the day can be done in the silent Awareness of God. Indeed, Beloved, learning to live every day with God paramount in your awareness is really what enlightenment is. Each hour that you practice this, each day that you practice this, you will come closer and closer to seeing the All Good that IS already available to you, right here, right now.

    We stand with you, making you laugh at the absurd, and find Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not accept a habitual level of melancholy as normal and right. God Wills Joy and Gladness for you. Call for that, cling to that, abide in that, and THEN say your prayers for Harmony.

    For if you know the Joy of God, then you have the power to heal yourself and situations and others, by letting It Heal through you, by being a light unto the world of your making. It is the Presence of that Harmony, freely allowed, that lets the Harmony flow through your thoughts and therefore through your experiences.

    How we love to see the moments you feel it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Try to train your awareness in the Truth that God is not a faraway Presence, separate from you and unwilling to help you. Practice knowing and being grateful for Love’s constant and immediate availability and proximity to your consciousness.

    “I Am already Home in the Heart of Love, and God’s Mind is always right here and glad to guide me and give to me.”

    “I shall not be dismayed by the dust and disorder and detritus of the worldly. I shall be filled with the warmth and wisdom of the Comforter, because I am already right here at Home in the Heart of God.”

    This is the Truth to remember each day.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you wonder how to look at a human situation that you need to respond to, or make choices about, you only cheat yourself if you do not turn to the Inner Guide Voice for advice. Remember that since Divine Spirit is outside of the bubble of space/time, It can see all the alternate pathways that you have taken in the maze of time. It can See, and It can help you choose the most joyous, the most productive route.

    ASK It to advise you, knowing that It also knows just how much you are ready to cope with, in knowledge, in emotion, in acceptance. We assure you of this—that the more you Love the Divine, the more quickly, and enjoyably, you can move forward on the best of your possible paths through the maze.

    And We are with you, through it, and at the end,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Whether you connect with the world through zeroes and ones, or whether you go straight to God, it is important to connect with the world somehow. We of course prefer that you connect with the religious, but we are pleased if you in any way connect with every soul. Please sometime take a retreat to do so, and eventually you will connect with every soul through God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you share your temporary human feelings with God, you will receive back understanding and compassion and guidance and suggestions for Good and for healing, or for improvement and encouragement. Share your woes or passing joys with God and you will not be answered with judgement and condemnation, but with Grace, and Love, and the open Arms of Truth that gently sets right.

    Pass by the human ears that would only gossip or savor your tears, and turn directly to God, Who listens with Glory, and invites you to listen to Divine Soul and Wisdom in return.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honesty must always be tempered by Love.

    There is the truth of man, and there is the Truth of God. When you feel you must be forthright and “honest” with someone about something, make sure it is a truth that is also True through God-Sight.

    With those you love in the earthly alignments and relations, is not the greatest honesty to always remember that you want to love them Unconditionally? The small temporal truths and daily details come and go, but the deep desire to Love Unconditionally is part of the very fabric of your Soul-self.

    So, what do you really, Honestly, want to say to your kin?

    We stand with you, and hold you upright with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Creative Source sees no iniquity. Love did not create any iniquity.

    If you want to see yourself and others as Love sees you, you must ask Love to wipe away all dust and error and sorrow and limits from your sight. The willingness to ask for that leads to being able to see as the Divine Sees, and Hears, and Knows.

    You do not need to feel that you are perfect and then ask. You just need to be willing to ask, and be taught, and then See that you, and all, already were and are and will be always perfect in that Loving Divine Sight.

    Choose within, to See without,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    The emergence of a new Self, and the ability to see the Divine Selves of others, Rather than their animalistic natures, only comes with Divine Help.

    Therefore, let your focus today again be to openly receive that Higher Help to See through the eyes of Love.

    “O’ dear God, please help me see, what I am in Thee. O”, dear God, please Help me see what others are in Thee.”

    Keep focused, dear one, on seeing all with your Highest Spiritual Sight. Keep focused on the High Goal of Living the Kingdom of Heaven within you. It has been done, it can be done, and it will be done for all, as each heart finally turns to God.

    We are glad for each heart that chooses its time to Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love yourself as God Loves you, hoping always, and asking each day, for Divine Help in shining as your Best Self.

    Forgiveness of human errors soothes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You deserve Good. But know that faith is deeply understanding that the Great Oneness of Being understands what good is for all. That Oneness DOES NOT want any illness or harm or pain for you. It also does not want it for anyone else.

    Therefore, claim deservedness and ability of Good for yourself, but also claim it for all. Thinking that your good must come at the cost of someone else’s good does not work in the long run. Thinking that someone else’s good limits your good is not true. The Infinite Good that holds all has no limits, and certainly there are no limits in Imagination that is the creative field of All.

    Love yourself, love others. Know yourself deserving of goodness and know others deserving of it also. Can it be this simple? Yes, it can. Be at peace with that, and with cleaning out the “house” of your mind each day to make sure you keep love and deservedness clearly there, fresh and re-thought and re-believed, constantly.

    We will help you with this if you welcome our help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you knew that you would always meet again every soul that you encounter, how would you treat him or her?

    Your immortal souls all dwell within Soul, and we beg you to keep this in mind, for Mind that rules would have all of Its parts in Harmony.

    This means you, here and now, and everyone,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Spirit does the Work of showing you what It created, including your Whole self.

    But you have to open the door by appreciating Good Spirit, and agreeing to abide in Harmony.

    It is not hard. Do not try to make it hard. Just release to Love. Open the door of the heart with gratitude and thanks, and let Good reign in the kingdom of your heart.

    Blessed be, for Blessed you ARE.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do remember, that although it may take some awakening or priming, each and every person has a direct connection within the heart with the Divine Mind in Whom they dwell as an idea.

    Trust it for yourself, and prove to yourself again and again that a day spent in consecrated dedication to being in touch with the Love of that Mind DOES work wonders. Urge others to try it for themselves, for the Joy of that Love is multiplied indeed when shared with others that have experienced it.

    Be a shining Light of the Love you have touched, and continue to touch,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The joining of one to another that indicates oneness in the earthly realm is not the same as the joining of All, as One, in the Mind that was the beginning, is now, and will be always, unchanging. Bear in mind, Beloved, that the fracturing of the one Child/Reflection of God into “many” children of God is an earthly illusion. Yes, there is individuality in the Oneness of God Reflection, but it is like unto the different cells of your body having individual functions, and yet being all one body.

    Trust the governance of God, Beloved, when it comes to your espoused or loved ones. Do not fear to be demonstrative and honest and witness to what you are beginning to understand to be the Truth of Reality, but let them acquire the call to It on their own, under the Governance of God. Forcing them will only create a greater schism.

    Force never works. Only Love does.



  • Dear One,

    To believe in joy is to believe in your own soul’s plan. The plan that you made to come here to life included great joy. Joy to feel as you experience life and as you share whatever gift is yours to share.

    Pick a thing of experience that gives you joy and hold it in your thoughts — the face of a loved one, the gentleness of gardening, the beauty of a sunset — whatever fills your heart with joy and with the sweetness of existence. Then, apply that joy to any struggle in your life. Let the joy fill you and let it overflow from your heart to bathe any worry you have. Immerse your thoughts, your worries, in that joy.

    Imagine joy as golden water. Let it flow over the anger, over the feeling of lack, over the sense of despair. Feel the power that joy has to wash these things from your heart in this moment, as you continue to hold your joyous experience in your thoughts. Have faith that the Universe wants everything within it to move towards Joy.

    Believe in yourself and believe in your joy, for your soul has made its plan for life, and the fuel for that perfect plan is joy. Let it be so, indeed.

    All blessings upon you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it is time to do something, or everything, for God/Spirit/One Mind, It will find a way to let you know. Your human self can say no, in the temporal framework, once, or many, many, many times, but eventually you will choose to say “Yes!”

    Why wait, Beloved? Say yes now, and let the unfoldment of all your real Purpose begin. It can begin in small ways, or you can allow a radical change all at once, but even a tiny opening of your human permission can welcome in an enormous amount of Grace into your human experience.

    Why wait for delight?