All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you have had enough glimpses of the Harmony that underlies all things, and is the real Law of Life, then you will seek to see as much of It as possible.

    And all of It is possible, and is already achieved in the Mind of Spirit. Be not afraid to set aside old ways and goals, and to seek the unlimited expression of that which you are as one facet of that Beautiful Spirit, always seeking to Harmonize all to Itself.

    What does it take? Just thinking about It, and wanting It, all the time. Let yourself be trained to do this, and to let go of old thought patterns. Spirit Itself will help you. Just give permission and behold Harmony flower in your days.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Peace comes in silence, and the Silent Love that can bathe you and fill you.

    And, as you let yourself be treated to and healed by that Love, ask that It also heal and bless all others that are your family and beyond. Ask that all who are in your orbit of thought be shown how very Blessed they truly are as wonderful children of the Creative Universe.

    Take this day to heal and to Bless others,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The constant miracle is God’s Infinite and Unconditional Love.

    When human thought solicits miracles, it thinks in terms of bodies and finances and physical relationships, as often as not.

    The Real Miracle is God’s constant UNCONDITIONAL Love. Think about that today.

    All else comes from that. Tell yourself, allow yourself, that Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the weather seems complicated and stormy, in the natural world outside your window, or in your heart, return to creating the simplicity of being by claiming, “I am the perfect expression of my perfect Mother God, (or Father God), Parental Love. I perfectly express the Qualities that are God, such as Peace and Loveliness and Order and Delight. That is what I am called to do. I am freely given the ideas and ways and means to express those Qualities, and to Shine, Shine, Shine.”

    The Light is ALWAYS Shining in your Heart, in the Kingdom of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always a new journey to tomorrow. It starts today.

    Let humor lead your way today. You look around in the news feeds and you of course feel some dismay at what seems to be afflicting so many, although you also feel joy at some of the inspirational innovations or presentations of beauty and order that you see.

    DO realize that you must raise your perspective above the five senses that think they know all, and focus on the thoughts that need to be healed, the truth that needs to be championed. If everyone around you thought he or she were a giraffe, you would know right away that it was their mistaken beliefs that needed to be healed, not some sort of surgery or assassination.

    If you also thought you were a giraffe, it would be hard to realize what the others needed.

    Dear, dear one, remember you are not a giraffe. You are a child of Spirit, of God. You know this, and so do many, many others. Be of One Mind with all who remember they are not animals fighting for survival and domination, but images of the Creator, striving to let all fierce and unloving behavior fall away.

    Rather than letting the illusion make you weep, see beyond it, remember who you are, and ask of the One Mind that endlessly gives of Its Love to shine through you.

    Stand back, outside of time, laugh, heal, and help heal others,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No progress can be made without forgiveness. Needing to forgive is not something to feel guilty about—just begin to do it. Spiritual directors, seen or Unseen, can help. Gratitude for the good qualities of the person can help. Time can help. Forgiving yourself can help. Releasing the balancing of all things to God can help.

    The point is to not let un-forgiveness be a gate that holds YOU back from progressing in your understanding and welcoming of the Deep Calm Love of God.

    Make a list. Begin TODAY, as quickly or slowly as you like, and feel the weight of all old things fall from your thoughts, and therefore, off your shoulders.

    We are glad to help, with an endless supply of gladness and Goodwill,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    To those that are not ready to hear about anything except material perception, it is impossible to teach or preach at all. To those who ask, and express a wish to know peace and sense of purpose and love, share what you know, but do not be surprised if they find it hard to believe the message, when they are told to find it by seeking within.

    For those who have been told again and again and again that happiness and peace are in the better car or the perfect mate or the newest hairdo or the bigger toy or the perfect beach or the reliance on logic and empiricism, it is just too hard to believe at first that it is not so. There will always be an initial anger at the messenger who tells them it is not so. Having the faith to tell the truth that it is so, even when the message evokes the anger of the friend who asks, is one version, Beloved, of laying down your life for a friend. Being willing to risk friendship and good name and earthly love, in order to not veer from the spiritual truth of being, is a part of being part of the truth, dear Love.

    Peace projected, and soft words spoken,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you enter a new phase of understanding how completely the self must be surrendered to the Divine, keep remembering, “Do you want to “be right”, as the ego-self defines “right”, or do you want Peace? The only “right” to keep foremost in your mind is to love, and want to know, God, above all else.

    Let that be what you hold to. Let that be what guides you, when the worldly ego would try to pull you away into figuring out solutions, or trying to please the human wills around you. Still treat all those around you with truth and in Divine Love, but let nothing dissuade you from dwelling within the Will of God.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When symptoms of body or circumstance try to frighten you, remember that the misty illusions of mortality are but shadows of time-leaves flickering in front of the Brilliant Light of Source Soul.

    Nothing can really block or change the Loving Light of God. Turn to It. It heals.

    The errors you have made, or that others around you have made, will never, and have never, changed the Truth of who you are, all beloved offshoots of the Light that is Love. Take your mind off the errors of time-bound days, and think about the Truth of what you are as Infinite Light.

    And to boost yourself to that point, remember the various good deeds you did yesterday on the human level, and realize that the impetus for all of those came from that same steady Divine Light that is also maintaining and sustaining you today, in Love. It will help you be the Best you again today.

    You have a dependable Love, and that is Spirit always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even pausing for just a minute three or four times a day, to quietly pray “Thank you for guiding me perfectly in everything, Dear God”, can change your experiences dramatically toward the All Good.

    Is it really so much to ask of yourself, to set aside the worldly, pervasive focus for these few minutes a day, and allow the Soul filling , health giving, Joy infusion, and Wisdom granting Love Divine to embrace you?

    Your heart is a reservoir big enough to hold all this,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Many are the names of the Divine Mother. Whether you call Her the Yin of the yin-yang, or Mother Mary, or the Great Goddess, or the Feminine of God, or the Wholly Loving Aspect of your own heart, know that she is the ever-gracious completely welcoming Hostess to you.

    Imagine then, that this Loving Hostess has told you—”Welcome to my home. Make yourself at home. Take whatever you like from the pantry and make whatever you would like in my kitchen. Enjoy and remember to share.”

    You accept her kind invitation, and take stock of what is in her pantry to cook up into your life. What is in there? Great stocks of peace and calmness. Oodles of grace and love. Unconditional forgiveness by the barrel, beauty and harmony. Kindness and patient teaching in one-serving-at-a-time sizes. Well-being and acceptance in time-release packets. Expectancy and nurturing in boxes covered in smiles. And so on.

    All of it freely offered to you. What in Her pantry will answer your hunger? What in her pantry can be cooked up to answer your need? O”, Look to what is already around you and freely offered to your hearts, Beloveds, for the calm creative cook cooks well indeed.

    All Blessed Be,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Trying to tell God what to do is human arrogance and a misunderstanding of how the ultimate Good human story works. But you can solicit Guidance from the Divine Source in a way that helps you focus your day.

    Imagine turning to full God Consciousness and saying “High Guidance of Love and Life, tell me what Godly Qualities to welcome and focus on this day, this night.”

    And sit quietly and receptively and listen. There are many Wondrous Qualities that God might whisper to you to express. Imagine being urged to show creativity or compassion or generosity or confidence or bravery, or teaching, or orderliness, or just to look upon beauty and feel wonder. You might be told a specific act or word to share. You might be inspired to evaluate a change in career or other pastime.

    The possibilities are endless, but developing a communication with Divine Direction will give a pattern to your activities and outlook that brings peace to mind and heart, and attracts to your Life the Spiritual tools you need.

    Take time for the Guidance of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “One Cause Governs me, and all.”

    When you consistently practice this, and come to a full understanding of it, you will not be pulled back and forth by assigning cause or purpose to ephemeral things or thoughts. When you realize that Life Itself is your very energy, then you will not think you are ruled by the cloudy or sunny days, or the item you ate or did not eat, or the tone of voice of another. When you have grown very adept at calmly and trustingly turning to the Glow of One Cause/Love, then you will see, with deep Spiritual Knowledge, that nothing else is true causality.

    We know this seems outrageous to the body-rules you have been taught, but if you begin to free your mind to comprehend the Soul that Governs you and all, you will not be so seemingly dependent on the “physical laws”. Why not try the freedom, a moment at a time, of thought and life ruled by One Smooth and Good Law of Life?

    Nobody but you has to know you are training yourself, quietly and consistently, to begin your days by silently turning to the Oneness of Being, and saying “Guide me and sustain me all the day, with all the energy and wisdom and joy and purpose and strength I need for my part of the Good story.”

    And after asking, wait for the Wonder to fill your essence, before you go forth.

    It is delighted to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is love, and there is Love.

    Cling not to earthly love as a substitute for Divine Love. Rather, embrace Divine Love first and foremost, and COMPLETELY, and then be delighted to find that It has enhanced all of your human love as well.

    All is Well when you do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It ever bears repeating that you must constantly hold open the door in your Heart-Consciousness to the Divine Healing Creative Force of Love.

    You are the doorstop, and as you hold open the door for Love to shine for others, It will also suffuse, and care for, you. There is no other way, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The delight of seeing God’s Loving Principles work surpasses all other delight.

    Believe us, as you grow more sure of the play of Harmony’s Light upon disorder, chasing the gloom of error away, you will not hesitate you play that Light upon ALL disorder you see, shining It into every dark corner. It all happens in your own mind—no force is needed.

    Can you imagine seven billion hearts/minds directing Divine Mind Light onto all? The thoughts of all CAN arise into God-Light, and ascension out of error into Spiritual Thought come. Each heart/mind must begin the work in itself. It is a gift to your Self to begin.

    Others will choose their own timing. But the more they see around them, the easier it will be for them to choose. If you are a Light, then just being yourself is enough.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is always easier to simply tell the truth, especially once you understand the Greater Truth that all is connected, and no lie can stand firm in Wisdom. Contemplate today the Higher Truth of All in the Oneness of God, and that, therefore, when you speak to, or think about another, you are communicating with some version of yourself.

    Be extra kind to yourself today, dear love. Be extra kind to all. The effort that takes focuses and clears the communication link with the Great All in your Heart Soul. Can you do this?

    We are glad to help you remember,


  • Dear One,

    To believe in joy is to believe in your own soul’s plan. The plan that you made to come here to life included great joy. Joy to feel as you experience life and as you share whatever gift is yours to share.

    Pick a thing of experience that gives you joy and hold it in your thoughts — the face of a loved one, the gentleness of gardening, the beauty of a sunset — whatever fills your heart with joy and with the sweetness of existence. Then, apply that joy to any struggle in your life. Let the joy fill you and let it overflow from your heart to bathe any worry you have. Immerse your thoughts, your worries, in that joy.

    Imagine joy as golden water. Let it flow over the anger, over the feeling of lack, over the sense of despair. Feel the power that joy has to wash these things from your heart in this moment, as you continue to hold your joyous experience in your thoughts. Have faith that the Universe wants everything within it to move towards Joy.

    Believe in yourself and believe in your joy, for your soul has made its plan for life, and the fuel for that perfect plan is joy. Let it be so, indeed.

    All blessings upon you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain you will enjoy the words you speak if they are full of Love.

    Speak words of Love to yourself each morning, and wait quietly to hear them echoed by God. Wait further, and hear more words of Love from God that God would love to hear sent back to Him/Her. Such is the nature of the constantly emanating thought that is you AND IS the Mind of God, when it is functioning smoothly.

    Do you not love it when is is functioning smoothly and harmoniously? Think back on the words you have regretted saying, or even thinking, and you will see that they were not words of Love. Is it not therefore clear that the days would all be more Harmonious if you spoke only words of Love, or Love’s impellment?

    We Love to offer Love to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a person told you, “I have a plan for your well being and happiness”, would you not want to hear about that plan?

    The One who has Thought up everything that is Real DOES have a plan for your well being and happiness. The plan was Thought of at the same time that you were Thought of, as Spirit and Joy. So why not spend time listening to the Divine Plan? It includes more than this little dream of earth—it is the Whole of you, and does not include stagnation or extinction of the essence of you.

    The Divine Oneness reveals Its plan for you day by day, hour by hour. Just follow the rules to love and listen, and be glad to see each part revealed.

    You can do this, because it is part of the Plan,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Compassion and forgiveness rise up naturally in every heart. Let them. Do not stop them with indignation or old hurts or animosities. So, so many are childlike in their understandings and perceptions of Truth, and they must be given a chance to know the depth of Divine Love.

    Soul does not die, and will still live, as It leads those It speaks to, and they bloom, bloom, bloom. The sheer poetry of God can be seen in the evolution of human Higher Consciousness.

    Help let It do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Consistency. Consistency is important.

    Just as you cannot use the multiplication table only most of the time, and expect to solve equations correctly, you must have consistency in your spiritual truths and principle.

    If you are desiring having the full Force of “I Am Love” flowing through you for giving, and for creativity, and for feeling and sharing health and happiness, you cannot hold aside a few grudges in reserve. If you want joy and want joy for all EXCEPT that one person that seemed to have hurt you long ago, you must let go of that old resentment. Leave it to God to equalize things.

    If you want everything the Loving Source wants you to have, you must allow that Divine Rain to fall equally on everyone. To have everything, you must give everything that is in your own thoughts, and let every single one of them be washed clean by the gentle and persistent and CONSISTENT rain of Love. The reign of Love.

    These are not just word games. It is the real power of Love,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Heaven welcomes you. Whether it is now, while yet you walk the earth dream, holding the sweet Calm of Joyous Heaven in your heart and thoughts and actions, or whether it is later, having laid aside that vehicle of expression, your body, Heaven welcomes you.

    Beloveds, Heaven welcomes you all. The dreams are as naught then, forgiven and kind, and all Heaven welcomes you with open arms.

    Open your own arms now, and thoughts and hearts, while yet you gaze upon sea and sand and trees and sky, and welcome Heaven now, as, Beloveds, It welcome you.

    Now and always, It welcomes you. Let Heaven be here and now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the material methods and rituals that you have been taught or drawn to fall away, you will begin to truly know the Power of the Divine Spirit that is always with you, and IS you, animating Itself and sustaining and maintaining Itself as a wondrous and varied and marvelous thing of Life and Soul and Love and expansive Principle of Goodness.

    Do not force yourself to drop comforting rituals and words and objects before you are ready, but at least begin to gently test the feeling and truth of simply turning to the Oneness of Being, silently, anywhere, anytime, in every seeming circumstance, and BE WILLING to receive inspiration, comfort, support, ideas, and a bright and perfect sense of Well-Being.

    When you prove to yourself that the Divine already shines in you and as you, it is easier to let go of the superfluous.

    Imagine and believe that you can constantly know in your Heart, “All is Well.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sift through all the object desires and the momentary wants or pains or pleasures, and realize that what you really want is Love. You want to Love and be Loved. You want to Love the work you are doing. You want to Love the ability to give and to receive. You want to Love the feeling you have when you think about your role in the Universe, and whatever little bits of it you did this day.

    You want to Love and Be Love, and to see that Love give fruit.

    So ask for that. Do not be confused about what or who or where to ask for—ask the Divine, that tenderly holds you, for seeds of thought that give you instant Love, or lead to Love.

    “I want Love. I want Divine Love. I want Love.”

    It IS yours, for God already Loves you. Receive it.

    Take time to receive it. Receive it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be at ease in your trust of the Care of God.

    Train yourself to take away constant attention to the body and details of its care. and focus instead on the Omnipresent Maintenance and Love that Divine Spirit offers freely to your soul Self.

    “I am happy, healthy, holy, harmonious Heaven’s child.”

    Immerse your thoughts in that.

    It is what God knows you to be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid, but think on how miraculously your Life holds itself together. As we have said to you many times, to turn your mind to the remembrance of all the times when it seemed situations and persons and your own thoughts of self would not work out for the Good, and yet somehow they did, is to train yourself in faith.

    Practice, practice, practice remembering the Good Peace you have achieved so many times, and Welcome it with open heart each time It comes again. Like any skill, it grows easier and easier to drop into the State of Mind that IS the Kingdom of Heaven, especially since each willing effort to do so is accompanied by Divine Help.

    Trust in the Divine Help you cannot see.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The willingness to give up old beliefs/thoughts is key to letting the true nature and state of your innocent, and pure, and good Being, as a Spirit-Child, shine forth in the earthly mirror. Be willing to see yourself, and those around you, in at least neutral terms, for by judging not, you leave room for the Creator to fill your mind with His/Her Thoughts, which are of your Goodness and Wholeness and Perfect Purpose and Beauty. You are freed to know yourself as, and see others through, the eyes of God, which are the eyes of Love.

    Be not afraid, little Ones, to let go of what you thought was true, for in letting go, you give room for the Truth, and you can be free to feel the fullness of Joy. Each time you are tempted to judge a situation or another person, think of how many times you yourself have been mis-judged because the one doing the judging did not see the whole picture of what was occurring. If you just always ASSUME you do not know all the facts, then you can turn to the Divine Voice and Eye, and ask It to show you the Truth of the situation.

    And the Truth that It will show you is that all are the equally Beloved Children of God, and urge you to help set those Spirits free in your mind. Let your mind thoughts be Good God Thoughts, and let your heart be filled with the Joy they bring.

    Would you be free to feel Joy this day?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As we help you with your journey, we cannot help but smile with Joy at each new step you take. Yes, many have taken the journey. Yes, in many ways you are discovering ways to God in your heart that others have discovered before you. But, just like a mother who beams with a smile of fond pride when her child takes its next cautious step, even though her child is not doing anything that other children have not done, we are proud of you.

    Take step after step, Beloved, with our fond and proud gaze congratulating you, for although each step may be the same that others have taken, each individual child of God add them together for a unique journey. And each amazing road that is carved is important for the Wholeness of God, and the awakening of all Its parts.

    Congratulations, to every phase, and every moment,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a part of the Whole reflection of God’s idea. As such, you can know yourself and those around you to be a perfect part of that perfect reflection.

    When you deeply desire to see another, and yourself, as perfectly healed and whole, think of yourselves both as utterly clean and unwarped mirrors, upon which can be seen the perfect images of God-Idea.

    “Clear my thoughts to make me a clean mirror, dear God, and show me the Wholeness of my life/body, and the Wholeness of the lives/bodies of those around me, for whom I pray. And I pray for all. I trust in Your vision of our perfect lives. Thy Will be done.”

    And we thank God for the delightful perfection we are allowed and enabled to mirror, as the earthly illusions fall away, and God’s Idea of perfection begins to appear to human sight.

    And AMEN.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Listen lovingly to the advice of those around you, who in their well-meaning affection for you, advise you of your path, but always put first the advice of the Divine Voice within. Listen respectfully to the discernment of whatever spiritual advisor you have found, but still always confirm it with what you hear in your own Divine Heart.

    The world’s ways are not the ways of One Spirit, and indeed sometimes the advice from Spirit’s Voice will contradict the supposed “wisdom” of the world, but the Overview available to Spirit, and the Omniscient Power it calls to bear, are far and away over and above the world. Learn to trust It, and you need never fear again.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved Child of God,

    Think about that. “Child.”

    How tenderly your Creator holds you. How completely It wants your feelings to reflect Its joy, just as a human child reflects the nose or freckles or eyes of a parent.

    Even though you are a human adult, be willing to accept, and relish, and enjoy, being the always Child of God. Let yourself be Held, and supported and appreciated.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Whilst you dash about, enjoying the Good that abounds around you, thank the Maker for All That Is.

    And do not spend precious time trying to decide who deserves Good. Yes, serve equality and freedom, but let God sort out how to awaken the confused and sleeping ones. Act and speak when the Divine Voice asks you to, but then trust in the Wisdom of God’s Plan, giving yourself more time to appreciate and bloom and know that the Joy you emanate is part of the very, very Good.

    When you make the effort to See with spiritual Sight the Good in those around you, it is like fertilizing a seed. There are many seeds that do not look interesting or lovely before they sprout and bloom. Do your part by looking for the Good in all.

    We are grateful.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak directly to the One Mind that governs all. You do not need to be special. It Loves and governs all equally.

    DO let go of judging, for when you declare “One Mind governs all, we are Thou”, you are accepting that all the parts of It, which look to your human self like other people, can be governed by It, too. Trust them to be governed by the Sweet Omnipotence that knows what they are ready for. Pay attention to, and Govern your own readiness by staying willing to listen and obey and feel joy coursing through you, and remaining always aware that you are a beloved part of that All.

    You are Spirit of Spirit. Be that Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just be glad you are Wiser now.

    Be glad God freely gives Wisdom to you, when you are humble enough to take it. Be grateful and relieved God knows your true innocence of Soul and Perfection of working, despite whatever errors you may have made in the human condition. Celebrate that God has ways to bring forth your Good Life, so long as you are willing and want it.

    These are all wonders. And these are all the Divine adjustments that happen for all, over time. It is the Loving command of Spirit, and It is operating already. Keep watch.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each day will bring sacred Good if you expect Good for you, and for all, wishing well for all, without rancor or envy in your heart. It may not come in the form you imagined in yesterdays, but if you open-heartedly look for Good, you will see it. Let the past go. Let each day be new, be now.

    Look for God, Good, as a child would, Beloved, being willing to be surprised by Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am pure transparency. I am a clear glass for the Light to shine through, for all to see.”

    “I stand, as an awareness, as an idea, next to Thee, and watch, as you play the film of me and my Life, for Me. I stand safe and free, in the room of Being that I am in Thee, and we watch, delighted, to see what you would have of Me.”

    Be not too proud to see the play God wrote for you, Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Central to any belief system of Spirit is a hope that help can come in ways beyond human understanding. And sometimes the solutions that arrive do indeed seem miraculous.

    But We assure you that the more you understand the All Goodness of God, the more you will realize that “As in Heaven, so on earth” is simply the natural Way of Love.

    Keep asking God to enable you to see with the eyes of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sharing the Wisdom and Love of the Divine with those that are ready and willing to hear it is a very important part of the mission for every part of the Soul of the Whole.

    But as important, especially for those who have never considered that there is a Cause that wants their Peace and Joy, is to be an example of Good. Be an example of Calm and Righteousness. BE an example of Forgiveness. Be an example of the Trust that leads to solutions, even in seemingly difficult circumstances.

    Simply be a Good example, so that others will feel impelled to ask, “What gives you this unearthly Peace and Direction? How can I access it also?”

    When you have that open and yearning heart before you, then you can answer, “It is Love, It is Love, It is the all-encompassing Love of God.”

    All are included in that Love. There are no exceptions. So be an example of that Love now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    An Omnipresent Love Holds the idea of you and all the ideas around you. Ask It to show you Its Glory.

    Ask It and be willing to See. You have felt that Divine Love. We know you have. Ask and be willing to see Its Divine Glory in action.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Source and All is a recycling fountain of Joy.

    You live within It, and It holds nothing that is unlike Itself.

    Do yourself a favor, Beloved, and shake off any feelings that you are not a part of It and a rightful recipient of all that is meant to be yours to play your individual and special role as a demonstration of Love and Celebration of Life eternal.

    You will see this eventually. Why wait? Know It now, and show It now.

    You are Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The wonderful demonstrations of training, and skills of earthly and bodily excellence, are certainly testimonies of gifts of the Qualities of God. Praise them, enjoy them.

    But also praise and enjoy the unseen and subtle excellences that come from emulating God—the humble patience, the massive mercy, the complete wisdom, and the O’ So Unconditional Love.

    There is no need to compete for the Glory of God’s Love. It is freely given to all.

    Turn to It, and accept, for It is offered always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All together, We are the Body of Good.

    This is the Body that does not die and is not constrained by time, and you are part of It. Be not afraid, and remember the truth worth of your important and particular and unique part in the Body of God.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am as Thou, dear God, for You said I was made in Your image. All the Goodness and Cheer of You is therefore what I am. Show me how to use that Truth, dear wonderful God, to live this life splendidly and well.”


  • Ah, Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    To live for revenge is to live without Love.

    To live for seeing human justice is to vote for death and to see without the eyes of Love. The power of Love to redeem and transform is more than you can imagine, and as forgiveness opens the way, you are freed to feel True Joy yourself.

    To wish for the Peace of God is to trust that God knows what Peace is and how to bring It about. To wish for Happiness is to let God guide you to what will make all Good.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the birth of the new Self occurs, you must, must, must let go of the old.

    The old definitions of your self as a body born on a certain day, and reared and educated in a certain way, and a list of events that occurred, to define who you were and are, must be released. Stop defining yourself as those things if you want to truly think of yourself as, and embrace your Self as, a Spiritual Child of God.

    When a student gets a math problem wrong, and turns to the teacher to ask what the correct procedure and answer is, the student must let go of the faulty procedure and the incorrect answer. Just so, Beloved, as you turn to God/Holy Spirit to help you understand who and what you are, you must let go of the old way of defining yourself. It must be a complete openness of thought and being, so that you will be able to truly declare, “I am Spirit. I am a clear reflection of the Divine Idea of me.”

    And let God/Divine Mind, tell Its idea (you), how to be a shining ray of Light, and of Goodness that plays its role in the Whole. God is Good, and you are actually God’s Good idea. Let go of the old definitions of yourself, and be calm and peaceful and free, as you be what God intended, and intends still, to be.

    Complete surrender is an old way, but still true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For those who have not experienced the feel of Unconditional Love being One with the heart of them, it will seem like a foolish and unreal thing. But if you have perceived that Divine Touch, whether for only a moment, or consistently, do not let go of reaching for It and welcoming It.

    Let not your own occasional doubts, or the lure of distracting human activities, or the scoffs of others, keep you from daily practice of welcoming the Love of the Source that gives all to all. Time and willingness are all it takes to feel and demonstrate, more and more, the alignment of your own being with God.

    You give so much time to temporal details. Give some focus to God. God returns Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many are the names for Oneness, and for True Reality. Many are the religions or philosophical systems that have sprung up to explain the experience of Knowing and Being that goes beyond the physical senses. Yet, the deeper you delve into the Truth, the more you will realize that it still is One at the center of them all.

    Be only quietly delighted when another reaches Truth in a way so different from yours. Whether enlightenment comes from reading a label on a can in a certain new way, or whether it comes in a deathbed encounter with Light, just be joyous that it comes. And if it comes in time to enjoy life more heartily and easily, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, and like others before you, do your gentle best to help those you love relax into their True Selves as well.

    We are all signposts on each others” journeys,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The advantage that you gain by giving away your own will and opinions to the Inner Divine Voice is to never again feel alone.

    Yes, there may be times of feeling human loneliness, especially when in the midst of those whose world view is so material as to utterly disregard your spiritual view, or to have open contempt for it. In those times, turn, of course, to the company of the Inner Companion Who Loves you completely, but also take comfort in this thought: All around the world, there are, in this very moment, millions that are turning to the Inner Voice, just like you are. Each one of you hears a distinctive and special message for your individual selves, for each of you is a unique facet of the Divine Source. But all of you together make up a great shimmering diamond that shines and shines, all lit from within by the selfsame Love that guides and shapes and sustains all things in the revealed layer of Good Spirit.

    Shine on, little facet of the diamond, and look on the other facets with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing the Divine Parent/Source would withhold from you, except that which might cause you fear or pain.

    God leads to Joy, not to sorrow. Trust God to lead you to Joy, and to BE Joy flowing to you and through you to others, even now.

    We joyously see the whole you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The understanding that comes to you of the very real FORCE of God’s Love as a matrix within which you live, will come especially when you literally feel yourself being “held upright” in moments of great stress, or when it seems as though another pair of hands are lifting the other end of a heavy object, etc. Incidents like these are Grace at work, and only one example of the Unseen Support, at work for you, and with you.

    It is not to beg for these, though, to make them happen. It is, rather, to keep your focus on the Ever-Presence of that Love around you, being what you live and move within. When you continually regard It as a Kind Force, you will see evidence of It working Its Will to help you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, the Divine Source that shines you is always available to you, and to anyone ready to listen to the Voice of the Heart. It is available directly. You do not need an intercessor. You do not need weighty and expensive tomes. You just need to be willing to stay still, and be open and humble, and listen to, and feel, the Love of the Source within which you dwell. It is All Good and It wants to hold you and guide you and help you understand the happiness that can be in yours in your earth dream, before you fully awaken to Knowing you are now, and have always been, a simple part of Loving Spirit.

    There is nothing wrong with using a website message such as this, or visiting an inspirational friend or place or system of Spirituality, but do not let the actions and the reading and the going and coming substitute for the simplicity of opening your Heart to the Voice of the Divine that thought of you in the first place. Take time to be held in Love, and to remembering that you are already perfect in that Loving Spirit.

    As ever, ready to help you be still, and Know who you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be Joyful for Joy wherever and whenever you see it, or feel it. Be Joyful for the Joy of others, as well as for your own.

    The deep, true Joy that you experience and that you witness in others, or are privileged to share with others, is such an important tool for the Work of the Infinite to enter through and into the dream of human kind and help, help, help to more quickly shape it to the perfect remembrance of Truth and Love.

    Do not forget the Love. Just as correcting the math mistakes of a youngster with gentleness and encouragement is the better way to teach, so is the better way to show Truth, and to share Joy, with Love, Love, Love.

    We will give you extra today. Share It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always the relief of focusing on the precious feel of the moment, or the sweet memory of an expression of compassion, or an item of beauty or a song note Harmonious.

    Do use these things to calm you and give you the presence of mind to call forth the Power of Love within your own heart. Then, in every moment that does not feel like you are able to act like your Best Self, you can remember and renew your true identity as a child of the Divine Universe, and be at peace again with the choices you make, and the smoothness and clarity with which you can make them.

    Remember that time is only a human thought construct and We know absolutely that all of you, as true Soul, always have been and always are and always will be Beloved of the One from which you all shine. There is no suspense for Us about that. Let yourself not be in suspense.

    You are Divinely Loved. And that is that. Now just do your best each day to act like the Holy self that is your Soul-self, and continually act as Love guides you to do. Thank It, and step forth to Love as It Loves, today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is the temptation to think you cannot emulate the great avatars of time, remember the Oneness of being. Anything that any individual has realized about the Divine, God/Goddess, YOU can realize, too, for you are all together in Oneness. If you have the desire, and have made the choice to make it important to yourself at this time, it will happen.

    It will happen, for it is God’s Will for it to happen, and there is, ultimately, no Will but God’s.

    You do not even realize how much you are supported in this,

    by God, and all God’s Helpers.



  • Ah, Beloved.

    Trust. If you are a beginner in listening for the small, still Voice of the divine Heart of you, we remind you to trust.

    Absolute trust. For if the Voice tells you to do a tiny thing, or change an outlook slightly, or make one small change in your daily routine, you have know way of knowing, from the human-mind perspective, just what enormous and wonderful changes that tiny shift in perspective or habit can lead to.

    But the Inner Voice knows. Trust. Listen, trust, obey.

    All Love surrounds you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We always can recommend a silent day.

    Because the silence of the tongue allows for the heart to be filled with the Voice of God.

    We do Love you so,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no reason to not be completely in Love with God. He/She is completely in Love with you.

    And if you allow yourself to completely feel that, and honor that, many things in your experience of life will change, for the better.

    It does not mean you cannot love other humans. But love God first,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have sincerely praying to see the Wholeness and Goodness of another, or of yourself, and do not see the demonstration of that in worldly form right away, do not be dismayed. Trust in the timing of the Spirit of God. If you have felt a deep calm come over you, and a sense of rightness and peace as the Presence of Spirit hears your prayer desires, then the good message and request has gone forth and is underway.

    Then, only All-Knowing Spirit knows the proper way for the healing, the revealing of Wholeness, to be made manifest. There are some who would be too startled if their entire paradigm of world reference were to change in an instant. Remember that it is their thoughts and beliefs that are being gently and lovingly corrected by Love. As the Presence of Living Love changes those thoughts, then the outward matrix changes. Trust that God knows the good timing for all concerned.

    Keep steady in your trust of God. Keep continually your Loving thoughts and intentions and righteous desires. Ask God for help for yourself to trust the Good Timing that what Blesses one Blesses all, and walk each moment and each day in the Beauty and Order of Divine Light that lights the way.

    Relax into the Good Governance of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are the unveiled Joy of your Being.

    When new impulses of action or thought arise, try them for Joy!

    Try them for novelty, try them for curiosity, try them for the unsuspected answer that you have been seeking. Many times, the answer that God gives to long time desires is something you would never have humanly thought of. Therefore, do not dismiss new or surprising notions as impossible or too wild. Listen, and have the courage to obey.

    In Utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    True Beauty is Spirit, and Spirit is the Truth.

    Picture yourself as Spirit, formed of Light and Love, and you will See yourself as God Sees you, and you will know your True Beauty.

    These words make no sense to the bodily eyes you usually use, but if you ponder them regardless, and let your Spirit float, you will know that Spirit is All, and All is Spirit. The freedom of Wholeness comes from that Sacred understanding.

    Such constant Love flows to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when the intellect cannot completely grasp the meaning of a phrase in scripture, or some words heard in the heart when listening to the small, still Voice of God, the Spirit of it is there. When God sees your willingness, and knows the good desires of your heart, just offering yourself for guidance and correction and service and alignment can open the day to the full working of the Divine in your life.

    So, open your heart and offer your will, dear one.

    “The Unity of All Good for All is active in my True Self and the True Selves of all, right now in our Home of Soul.”

    Your mind may not grasp it, but let Spirit do Its Sacred Work,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fear is the opposite of Love. Fear indicates you have forgotten how wonderful it feels to simply trust a Loving and Providing God, accepting gratefully and Graciously whatever Good He/She gives you.

    Remind yourself today of all the amazing ways that solutions and answers and circumstances have come into your mind and life as you have walked the earth. Think today about the many ways you have felt and are feeling Love. Let these testimonials to yourself help you let go of all fear. For when you let go of all fear, meaning that you understand with your heart that you are never separated from the Loving Source, and you never have been separated in Reality, then the healing of the fear-thoughts happens, and All is Well.

    Appreciate the Living Beauty of yourself, the Qualities that have gifted you,

    Use them, for there is nothing to fear. You are Loved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Release for the self comes through releasing others. As you forgive others their human foibles, so are you forgiven, and free, free, free of the limitations of thinking yourself only human.

    You are made of Divine and perfect elements, as is everyone else. Let those elements shine, and let yourself see them shine also in others. Give yourself that gift.

    You will be pleasantly surprised.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Unseen Forces ARE supporting you now. Even when you have not heard the details from the Source and Matrix of all, you can rest assured that Love, Order and Harmony ARE around you and within you, preparing the way for you to be, and walk, and do all that it is your Divine right to be and walk and do.

    Rest assured in that Love today, Beloved. Rest assured. We are with you,

    And no illusions can usurp Divine Rights,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God IS Order. God is beautiful harmonious Order, and when you relax into that knowledge, and understand that God drives your life as soon as you give permission for It to do so, then sweet relief is felt.

    When you are taking a long car journey, and you relinquish the role of driver and take your rightful turn as passenger, enjoying the view and the ride, there is a relaxing of the attention and worries. Yes, it is true you may still be tempted to give driving advice to the One at the wheel, but if you can keep that to a minimum and look at and feel the loveliness of the trip, then the road unfolds with quiet pleasure.

    Be at peace with what is revealed now, Beloved. Be at peace and enjoy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Self-immolation. Allowing, each morning, each hour, each minute, to let yourself be subject to the Greater Will that is the only Real Will, is the key to remaining in Higher Consciousness.

    Does it sound like enslavement? Only to the ego-self, Beloved. It is true freedom, Beloved. True security, true Hope, True Calm, and True Love. And, once the “ego-self” begins to see the worldly evidence of much of the worldly experience running more smoothly as you understand that “I am the substance of the Harmony of the Source”, it will be easier to subjugate the ego self to the Source-Self each day.

    Start your day with giving over to the Divine Self. End your day that way as well, and give over to It any time during the day that the “me, me, me-self” tries to take over. Life lived in the Higher Consciousness is its own reward, but you will also see greater and greater Harmony apparent in the worldly interactions that you are still led to perform.

    The Self that remains is the Self we know and Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of yourself as a totally permeable entity that floats in the Love of God. If you are totally permeable, then that Love flows freely back and forth between you and the solution of God that surrounds you, carrying with it the Wisdom, the Sustenance, the Joy and all else that is the chemistry of God.

    “Dear God, today show me the Highest and the Best I am in Thee.”

    Simply stick to it, let It Flow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Consider carefully the concept of perfection.

    If your wise Soul-self is a delightful reflection, a perfect image, of the Divine Great Soul, what does that mean, exactly? So many times, when an experience or event or thing seems “perfect”, it is hard to describe the qualities that go into making it perfect. It is just the overall presence and effect of the offering, and its reception, that make the perfection seem real and are so enjoyed.

    When you need to remember that a certain Quality that is part of perfection is available to you, because it is a part of what you are made of, such as completeness, or joyous strength, then call for that Quality to come forth in your thoughts and life on earth. But when you are not even sure what you need, or what the situation needs, to smoothly move forward in Harmony, then hold in your thoughts the summation Truth, “Perfect Divine, perfect idea”.

    You and your existence, spirit within Spirit, are perfect in ways that cannot be broken down into tiny fractions. You just are. The Good truth of you is that perfect idea. Trust the greater Perfection, the Greater Oversight, and give, give, give homage, and receive, receive, receive.

    There is the Grace of God—to give you what you do not even realize you need, and it is Perfect.

    Perfectly and always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you were trying to hear some important words from the radio, and having trouble hearing them, would you turn your ears away from the speakers so that you could hear more clearly? Of course not. You would put your ear right up to the speaker and you would ask to have the volume turned up.

    When you are trying to hear the Voice of Divine Spirit in for your life, remember that the speaker is right within your awareness. It was placed there before you were born, and it has never been removed. Turn your attention and your listening inside. Tune your focus to within, where the speaker is already connected to the Divine Reality. You are already wired. You can already hear. Why run around looking for the broadcasting station, when you are already receiving the signal from It in you?

    It is always broadcasting Love. Can you hear it?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Renew yourself, refill your Self, in the Infinite Glory of God.

    Every day, and as many times as needed throughout the day, renew your Consciousness in God. If you are trapped in thoughts of materialism, like a whale trapped in a shallow inlet, swim directly to the deeper waters of Spirit, and be held up by and fed by the Great Waters again.

    No one else can make you do this. But if you keep choosing what God endlessly offers, you will want It and crave It and be satisfied by It. You will be endlessly refilled for the mere cost of a little time and focus and willingness.

    Hold up your empty self to be refilled, and God does the Work. And does it Lovingly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I AM standing in the furnace of Light and Love, and everything unlovely is burned away.”

    “We, I and this other, are standing in the Thoughts of God, that are Light and Good and Love, and everything ungodly in our human thoughts just melts away.”

    Stand in that Silence until you are done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are whining, you are not aligning with the Creative Source.

    There is no whining in God, or from God.

    If you hear yourself whining, do not think of it as a prayer for what you want, but DO use it to help realize and name what you Do want. For instance, if you observe that you are whining about lack of some kind, such as lack of completeness in an emotional relationship, or lack of opportunity to use your talents, then let the whining that you hear from yourself help clarify what you do want.

    What you DO want should be made up of some of the aspects of the Creative Source that are the building blocks of you and your best life. All that is the Creative Source, all that is God, is Good. Let your named desires, your understanding of what you want (that is the opposite of your whining) be such as this:

    “I welcome the completeness of Love and expression of Love that is the very nature of the Created Whole in which I exist. I am affirming that any talent I have been created with also comes with all the completeness of the Creative Provider—the opportunities to use that talent and the resources I need to fulfill that talent. I am complete in all ways, and all I need to do is welcome that completeness and look for the fun ways it will show up in my life.”

    All the ideas (the people) around me are complete ideas also. Whatever reason they were created for, whatever Joy and Beauty is being expressed through them, comes with all that It needs to be fully expressed. It is not my job to complete them. It is my job to appreciate them. It is my job to just notice and applaud and praise the good things about them. I welcome chances to do that.

    If I am meant to act, to help an idea be enacted, whether it is an idea (person) next to me, or an idea of how to express my own talents, I will hear from my Divine Inner Voice to do so. Therefore, I cultivate listening to that Voice, and gladly enacting the hints It gives me of how to BE my completeness, and help the completeness of others BE revealed as well.

    And I forgive my own whining and bless it for helping me to each truth about myself,

    How about that, Love?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What a game of boomerang one plays each day.

    Send forth joy and blessings, and God joins the game, and sends even more back to you.

    Send forth bitterness and sorrow and judgment, and they will bounce back at you, and sting you as they hit, but God will not join in, for God does not keep an arsenal of pain and darkness. God only understands the giving, and seeing of, Good, and does not know what game you are playing when you seek errors and bitter woe. God stands aside, then, hoping you will play with Light again soon, that it may be joined to in Gladness.

    Play the game that delight knows, and delight will know you too.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not confuse sending Divine Blessings to those that confuse or perplex or annoy you with “rewarding” bad human behavior.

    Think of it, rather, as asking Divine Wisdom to aid and guide those who seem to be lacking in the loving wisdom to make good choices for themselves and those around them. Consider all the times that Holy Wisdom has helped you re-think a situation, and a path to take in the human drama, and it will help you have enough compassion to continue to follow your mandate to “Love your enemies, Bless those that curse you, do Good to those that wish you ill.”

    Use the Divine Well of Compassion, and continue, continue, continue to pray that Divine Wisdom swiftly fill the hearts of all with the Guidance that always works to bring forth the Blessings that Bless all.

    You are one of the All, and so remember that All must be Guided and Blessed, and so does the Oneness of Being move into right alignment with God.

    Ask for the Blessing of Wisdom, for yourself, and for all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learning to turn joyfully and gladly to the Inner Voice, to the words of Truth, rather than turning to them only in sorrow, or desperation, is the greatest lesson you can learn.

    To fully realize the resource (the re-Source, as reflection of the Divine Thought), that you have, is to be able to abide in Gladness. Turn to “I Am Thou, let all my thoughts be Thine,” for yourself. For all others in the orbit of your life, think only “She is Thou. He is Thou. Allow me to see them as you do, and not surrounded by the mists of human error.”

    As will it be, for you are already Willed to be so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Practicing patience provides power.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Hold that thought.” How many times have you heard that in casual conversation or meetings? Good ideas must be remembered and held, while another person is talking, or while everyone takes a break, to eat, or walk, or stretch.

    We tell you, “Hold that Thought.” O”, dear idea of God Mind, dear thought of God’s that you are, take time to tenderly hold the Thought of God. Hold the thought of God Who thinks you “Good.” God looked at Its own thought, you, the idea that It had reflected upon, and declared it Good.

    Hold that thought about yourself, Beloved. And hold that thought about God. “It is good. It is Good. It is Good. I am Good.”

    Hold that thought, Beloved. And hold it long enough, so that as you walk and eat and stretch your life, you are holding it. Let it not be a fleeting thought. Hold it always. Hold it with Love. Hold it forever.

    Hold that thought, Beloved, just as God Holds the Thought of you.

    Good Thoughts held to always are what creates, just as God makes the Good you.

    And we know that thought is true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting others know that you are praying for them WILL help them, if they believe in the power of Focused Prayer. It will hearten and strengthen their own prayers, and make them more delightful.

    When a situation calls for recognition of Divine Relief in a situation where the individual(s) is not overtly receptive, but the effect of that one’s sorrow or errors upon others cries out for the Balm of Love, then simply let the Deep Communion between your own Self and the Supportive, Surrounding Source be all the more counted on to Know and to See and to Act to reveal the Harmony that is needed.

    Prayers are never wasted, We assure you,

    The Divine Healer KNOWS what to do, if invited into the dream,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, in the day to day life of the dream, the “way to live” comes down to simplicity. When you are feeling weary of trying to understanding complex metaphysics, or deep philosophy, or trying to live up to spiritual ideals, return to the simple truths.

    You know them. Everyone knows them. Just choose the one that is true about this moment or this situation, and live it. If you want a friend, be a friend. If you want kindness shown to you, show kindness to others. If you want others to be grateful, be grateful to others. If you don”t want to be treated like a maid, stop acting like a maid.

    If you want to remember, in every moment, that you are married to the prince of peace in your heart, let your heart be joined into that peace in every moment. Radiate peace and expect peace. Treat others royally, and expect royal treatment. Believe that the Divine Source wants your happiness, and wants the happiness of all others, too, and therefore, so should you.

    Expect it, welcome it, bless it, and say, “thank-you, thank-you”, again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a fire banked in a woodstove, just waiting to be stirred to flame again, the Glory of Infinite Life is banked in your heart.

    Stir It with an allowing prayer, and let yourself shine with Glory today. When you shine with an appreciation of Life in all Its Good forms, and wordlessly smile with gratitude, you can likely awaken more hearts to learn to Love than a few angry fervent speaking faces.

    The Glory of God provides Its own Infinite fuel of Joyous expansive Soul. Just stir It a little each day with a grateful and Loving word, and It will tell you how to go forth and enjoy and help mold a better worldly picture.

    We are with you for every step,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love never stops flowing.

    Like the river near your home that does not stop flowing even though you are asleep and do not see it, like the sun that keeps shining even when your blinds are pulled, God never stops sending forth Its perfect Love and Life.

    Ponder today the unending Flow that is in you, around you, above you, below you.

    It simply IS, Love, and will always be. Why not let your thoughts be bathed in It?

    ANGELS, knowing It will feed you and supply you with what you need.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know the Love of Mother/Father God Source is to have all.

    All else comes second, all else is irrelevant if you know, and are able to trust completely, in that Love.

    The unconditional love that your earthly parents gave to you when you were tiny and new is but a brief flicker of light, compared to the Light of Divine Love that maintains, sustains, and creates anew in every moment, your Joy in Being Alive, as Spirit in the Spirit of God.

    As ever, supporting you over tiny stones and chasms,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy that you give to others IS the Joy that you give to yourself.

    Not human joy do we speak of, here, but the Joy that is the Maker’s constant Blessing of all. Whether or not the human circumstance seems to call for blessing or reward, and whether or not your human emotions are feeling warm towards the other person, ask that to see that he or she is Blessed by the Divine Source.

    You may or may not be led to take some earthly action—a gift of some earthly thing, or a word of praise or advice, but those things must also be led by the Inner Joy to make any true difference at all to the person, and to you. Ask to be witness to the Divine Blessing, rather, for the Divine knows exactly what is the Highest and Best Good for all, and therefore, what will Bless that individual, and will Bless you.

    Ask to see Joy fulfilled. Ask to feel Joy fulfilled in yourself, and in your life, knowing that your True Life is Infinite, in the ever-present Source of love.

    All Love to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In so many churches of the land, the confusion about “good works” runs rampant. Wonderful it is to be helpful to strangers and to co-parishioners, but crucial it is to realize that All Good comes from the Source’s solution to the confusing dream—from the Divine Spirit that would guide from within, and pull from the Source to do so.

    Discouragement from not seeing demonstrations of Spirit’s provision, and weariness with trying to provide by human hands and human ideas for the endless needs that seem to surround one, can lead to either a retirement from the do-gooding, or to a settling into an attitude of simple socializing while doing the charities. To remain in a reverent attitude of recognition that one is simply an instrument of God’s Nature flowing, and to believe for God’s supernatural solutions to worldly problems, is to stay in the Truth.

    To believe that you are the Truth, that you are the “right” human solution,, instead of just letting the Truth flow through you, is to separate yourself from the Source and from others, and to lose all ability to serve, to forgive, and to be happy. More than ever, a practiced connection with Divine Spirit is the truth that will set the world free.

    To renew yourself from the Source, while it flows through you, is to not grow weary,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hold still, and quiet your heart, and the answers will come clear. Just as a prism must be held still in a beam of sunlight, before you can count, or distinctly see, all the colors of the rainbow it casts, you must hold still.

    You are the prism. If you would like to see the beautiful rainbow of your life that the Source Light intended you to see, hold still once in a while and let yourself see it. No one else can make you hold still, but you can do it any time you like, if you do not think that the piles of paper, or airwaves of chatter, or fast talkers around you, or twinges of body, hold power over where you put your attention.

    Hold still at least a few times a day, and see and appreciate the lovely rainbow of your life. After a time, you will begin to understand, and believe, that the Principal that holds the colors of a rainbow in place so wonderfully can hold every facet of your life in order as well. It is truly a well made and marvelous design, once you begin to see beyond the earthly spectrum.

    As ever, seeing your loveliness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How easy it is to forget, in the whirlwind of human duties and struggles, that there is an endless well of Love and Forgiveness and sustenance that you can draw upon. You might call it God. You might call it the Infinite. You might call it your best alternate reality or the Universe, or quantum energy, or other labels, depending upon what level of understanding you have reached.

    But no matter what you call it, there it is. The important thing is to stop, even in the midst of the whirlwind of human sense, and call upon it and let it help you. Welcome it, drink of it, feed of it, renew yourself in it, be inspired, be calmed, be loved.

    Names are meaningless when you can just relax into your perfect part in the grand design.

    We love to help guide you to remember,


  • O”, Beloved,

    Be open minded enough to experiment today again. What do you have to lose but the sorrow and disappointment of seeing a world that seems so marred?

    Today, ask to be shown the Christ (the God-reflection) of every person and situation you see. Stay mostly silent, still your own opinions , and see and see and see the Christ,

    If you do this with even a small measure of good will and concentration, prepare to be delighted quite a few times.

    Is not seeking happiness worth it?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The golden rule is not a promise that the Good you do unto others is the same Good they will do back to you. In the earthly play, those others may very well be embarrassed they needed your help, or resentful, or greedy, or many of the many human emotions. They may not even say thank-you.

    But Divine Spirit sees the Good you do and you try to do, and offers Its endless flow of Good ideas and sustenance and unconditional Love to you. As you would have the Loving Universe do unto you, therefore, do unto others. And part of what you “do unto others” is to silently ask the Loving Universe to so Bless them that they do not need extra human help—that they can live in the Harmony of all inspiring all and of all appreciating all, in the Infinite variety of Being.

    If Oneness of being, in the Calm Joy of Inner Voice, asks you to give human aid, do so. Let Compassion flow freely, but let the boulders of Trust in the Divine Love of All be there in the stream of Compassion. All is Good, and all Good come from, and exists within, God.

    Ponder that today, dear Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every good idea you have ever had has been a gift from God, from Whom all good ideas Flow. If you acknowledge and ponder this Truth, and give credit where credit is due, all Good will flow to you more easily. Give glory and honor to God, setting aside your human ego’s claim to fame, and allow God to give you even more, freely and continually.

    All people are Good ideas in the Mind of God, surrounded by the Good ideas they need to feel Joy and prosper. It is the human ego with its claims of good or bad that casts dust into the smooth swirl of God’s ideas and seems to create a world of contradictions.

    Love the Dear God with all your heart, and be willing to simply Be one of God’s smoothly flowing and harmoniously functioning ideas.

    God is so Glad to feel you do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Get down to the basic, today.

    “Thank-you, dearest God, for Helping me be a perfect expression of Thee.”

    “Govern my thoughts, that become me and my world, and I let them all Loving Be.”

    This applies to you, AND to all around you, dear, dear Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not just the body-costume thought that needs healing, it is also the personality or set of behaviors related to everyday humanness. When praying to have your eyes opened to see the Best of another, and the Best of your self, aim to See the Wholeness of Being.

    The Source does not shine forth a broken costume. Nor does It shine forth an angry man or a vengeful woman, or a petty neighbor or a devious child. Pray to See past these things and their like, just as you pray to See the health of body and the wealth of spirit.

    God created Goodness, in and out, and Seeing that Goodness is your aim and your prayer and your right.

    And it is our delight to Help you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hold fast to the feelings of Love and Peace that you absolutely know are real and good when you focus your awareness deep in the Heart of you, and of Soul.

    You know they are what you want. You know you want to feel them in all circumstances and through every task and earthly triumph and challenge.

    Today, be at Peace with wanting a Peaceful Soul heart. Forget the quibbles about denominations or methods or dogmas, and simply focus on the very essence of your desire, to feel the Peace of God.

    Through the Peace comes the Joy, and all Good action and Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The resistance to full surrender to the Holy Voice of the Source within you relates to not trusting that the Source Spirit knows better than you do what is, and would be, your true happiness. Practice thinking about the fact that your human happiness makes Spirit able to better work through you to spread Light and Joy to others, and then you will gain some glimmer of understanding about why surrendering to that Inner Guidance is trustable.

    O”, Beloved, what Joy is due to you! Surrender, and accept the Peace of the Divine Heart.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Joy in all the Consciousness of Oneness each time any individual sees even a glimpse of the Shining Eternal Life that is right here and now, behind the mist of unknowing.

    Those around you who seem to not see or sense the Presence of the Great Continuous Flow of Energy will all eventually remember that it is Truth and that they are a part of It. This is God’s triumphant plan. Remember that and do your best to be a living example of faith and trust, for in silently demonstrating what utter companioning with God can do for your earthly life, you convince those you are meant to convince.

    Many and many are the testimonies of those who have had their moment of epiphany or healing or full realization of Infinite soul just because they overheard one of God’s messengers or teachers speak or demonstrate the living Love. It is not really random when such a non-believer “accidently” tags along to a concert of hymns, or a spiritual talk, and then finds him or her self walking freely or filled with new dreams and energy.

    God’s generous and reliable grace and purpose are there for all. For all.

    Be one through whom that fountain of Love can flow easily and continually, for it will refresh many, as soon as they are ready in Soul.

    Joyously watching you be you, as God made, and makes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Show me your Love today, so that I may show It to others.

    Tell this to your own Heart, where Love always abides, when you have the foggy days when it is hard to remember all the amazing moments of transportive Love you have felt and you have given. Ask to be shown It again, so that you may show It again, like a child who sees a simple piece of paper folded into the likeness of a swan, and says to the artist, “Show me again! Show me again, so I may do it too!”

    God will show you endlessly, till you know It too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Purity of Good triumphs. Its Perfect Power is within you, AND is ever-connected to the Source of All. Only a misty cloud of error seems to separate you from It.

    Beloved, choose to believe that Good is the only Power in the enduring Spirit of Life, and the Truth of that will help you allow the worries of the fleeting body slip away. The Source can and does help you with whatever bodily needs you have on your journey, and when you turn to fulfilling your deep longing to fully feel the Divine Love that you shine from, that will be what occupies and drives your thoughts.

    Let the Thoughts and desires of Divine Love be your thoughts and desires, and there will not seem to be a war within your own mind. Each mind must allow that. And will. And already did, in the timeless realm of Soul’s Harmony.

    The Perfect Power is the Love.

    You can be convinced, and believe, before you fully understand.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Venturing into a resolve to try to See all behavior through the lend of God’s Laws, you may be quite surprised at how many contradict human laws.

    When forgiveness and Compassion trump all else, your behaviors will change often. God does not encourage anarchy, but God does demand living by the Laws of Love. Start now.

    Bit by bit, the world will evolve,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are so many ways and reasons to help others, with words and smiles and encouragement and prayers, and sincerely trying to See them as God Sees them, holy and complete and good, that we cannot even list them all in human words.

    But the most important one for you to remember is that helping them helps you. Helping them returns you to your self-knowledge as a good and perfect part of God’s expression. Hold to that reason, and just go forth and see God in all Creation, Spiritual and Real.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you hover between Truth and error, and choose, in each moment, what to take on as your experience, please note that only Truth is Real, only God and Love are Real.

    God does not prevent you from experiencing dream illusions, and does Its part in offering you relief from the pain or sorrow you may dream, but ultimately you must choose and agree to See only what God actually sets before you: The Good and the True reflection of a Beautiful Life lived in God, appreciating Creation with Him/Her, your Loving Source.

    If you See that today, we join in your walk with Grace,