All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have focused and practiced on knowing the Divine enough, then the ever-present awareness of Its delight will move into your heart. When you finally have that experience, and realize that Grace is always raining into your heart, like a wonderful warm shower that never runs out of hot water, you will be eager to step into It to renew and refresh and cleanse yourself, again and again and again. It is pure Love. It is pure Joy.

    To know that you carry within you this ever present connection to the Divine Source will change the way you approach everything. You will long to spend time and attention there, and if the world throws its temptations and distractions at you, you just need to train yourself to take that sacred pause, go within, and let Grace reign, in your heart, and therefore, in your world.

    April showers…May flowers…,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    The Joyous revelation of your own special inheritance is what you must wish for and believe in. You are a wonderful part of the Whole of Good. Yes, the reflection of that which you see in the mirror of earth often seems covered by mists of challenge or smudges of dirt, but you do have the ability, Spirit Given, to believe in the Goodness that just needs to be revealed.

    And so, ask to be helped to See It. Ask for your Goodness, fully deserved and already assigned. Ask not with unbelief, as though Goodness were far away and you do not really think you could possibly see any. Ask with the full understanding and knowledge and belief that Goodness is the very matrix that holds you, and wants you to feel the Life-blood of Joy and Peace of Mind.

    Ask for Goodness, Love. Ask for Goodness, and expect to See It and receive It.

    And then give It, as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you grow more and more adept at communion with the One Mind, or in spending time in deep prayer, it is easy for the human ego to whisper two temptations to you. First, that since One Mind is so very vast, that you are of no importance in the Grand Scheme. Or, that since it is so very pleasant in the Bliss of One Mind, that you may as well stop participating in earthly life.

    Listen not to those whispers, Beloved. Know that even though you are only one facet of the beautiful Infinite, you are as crucial a part as any other. Just as a marvelous tapestry would be marred if one thread were pulled out of the middle, so would that whole pattern of That Which Is be altered without the part that you reflect. If you start to feel dismayed by the thought “In this vastness, what do I matter?”, spend a deep and long meditation asking that question, to anchor yourself in the answer from the Divine Voice. You may meditate for only a minute, or for all night, but if you hear even one word in reply, such as “useful”, or “link”, or “kindness”, it will give you the word-raft to cling to when the dismaying thoughts of insignificance rear their heads. Just remembering, “I am useful to the Divine Plan”, or, “I am to show kindness here” can help anchor you in the joy of the day.

    Hold to your personal instructions and illuminations from the Divine, and let them help you choose the listening, and the action, and the words of each moment, as you release to the glad obeying of the Best of you.

    It works, Beloved, if you listen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remind yourself of the four steps of true prayer:

    1. Speak from your heart your heart’s desires, INCLUDING “I will to will God’s Will for my happiness.” You may think you know of things or circumstances of the world you wish for, but recognize that under them all is the desire for Peace and Joy. God can read your heart and knows your needs without your words. Affirm God’s Wisdom in knowing your Best Good, and be not willing to settle for any lies that masquerade as God’s Good.

    2. Most importantly, Listen for God’s Voice in your heart.

    3. Obey that Voice, and ask for the strength and courage and perceptiveness to obey completely.

    4. Be very, very grateful. And wait and see how God acts and opens and provides, while you do as instructed, for word or action or attitude or thought. Let gratitude and compassion pour from you at all times.

    Do this every day, Beloved. Every day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be so very glad when communion with the Sweet Source within feels more and more real to you, and easier to enact. As that Power begins to feel like a natural and complete part of you, you will find it almost automatic to turn to It FIRST in every situation. You will WANT to know Its will, and Its solutions, for you will trust that, above all, It wants you joyous and happy, in waking and in sleeping.

    You will want Its full Presence with you in times of quiet and in times of celebration. You will want to know Its sweet invisible embrace as you also embrace others around you, passing on the Joy you know to be so very Real.

    That is the way It works,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not just the body-costume thought that needs healing, it is also the personality or set of behaviors related to everyday humanness. When praying to have your eyes opened to see the Best of another, and the Best of your self, aim to See the Wholeness of Being.

    The Source does not shine forth a broken costume. Nor does It shine forth an angry man or a vengeful woman, or a petty neighbor or a devious child. Pray to See past these things and their like, just as you pray to See the health of body and the wealth of spirit.

    God created Goodness, in and out, and Seeing that Goodness is your aim and your prayer and your right.

    And it is our delight to Help you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not to say to God, “Do this exact thing,” it is to say to God, “Let me See what I, and this circumstance, are in Thee, right now.”

    Linear time does not exist in God, in the Source, but all the moments of Creation do. The child and the adult, and all the moments between, are there, in their perfection and harmony. Everything that is actually made of the Source is perfection, goodness, and harmony. Look for those, expect those. Welcome those.

    “What am I, in Your Perfect Play, right now?” That becomes your daily and hourly question to the Divine Director, rather than letting your human thoughts keep you clinging to yesterday’s perfection, or to tomorrow’s imagined glory. Ask to see THIS moment’s perfection, and relax into the Glad Source, like a dry sponge relaxing into a pool of wonderful warm water.

    God knows all your moments of intended Harmony,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have tried to help you understand that the thoughts that you hold, and the words that you believe, do help create your reality. So, when you hear the phrase, “God knows what things you have need of, before you ask”, think of the truth that thoughts are things. Therefore, God knows what Thoughts you have need of, before you ask.

    Think Thoughts of Goodness and Grace and Mercy. Think Thoughts of Order and Beauty and Intelligence and Soul and Truth and Love. Think upon the qualities that you want to see demonstrated in your life, and know that those are the Thoughts (things) God knows you need.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If gratitude for the Goodness of God-Allness is what tops your gratitude list, then you are well on your way to a good day, and a Joyful life.

    It is easy to think of small and/or large material things to be grateful for, but it is the gratitude for the fundamental Truths of Love and Grace that will really set you free from limited thinking and feeling and manifestation. Let your very purpose be gratitude for Complete Good.

    It Works, dear one. It Works.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reason you need to keep proving to yourself each day that God is Real, and is a Powerful Love, is that you are assailed every day by the animal and material thoughts of earthly existence. You know your Soul reflection is more than dust, but it is only by immersing your consciousness in the soothing Water of Spirit for times throughout the day, that you stay aware of your true Identity.

    Do not let your thoughts become lost in the sea of materialism. Turning to the Loving Source, endlessly offered to you from within, is the Life Raft. You do not do this as part of a dogma or ritual. You do this for your own Joy and Peace of Mind.

    Be Kind to your self.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do contemplate completeness today. While you are in the dream of linear time, everything seems to be growing or changing or collapsing, or just re-arranging, but we assure you, God’s Love is complete.

    God’s Love is complete, and you are completely in that Love.

    Love It in return, and ponder the completeness of the essence of You.

    Loving you completely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Any actor must quickly learn to not put a hand for support against a wall that is just a stage prop without secure ties.

    On the earth stage, O’ darling, lean not against the fleeting and shifting objects that come and go. Lean on the Unchanging Divine that Loves you so.

    God Knows you to be fine. Agree, and all things are possible.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    It is God, One Loving Mind that holds all, and is the very essence of total Harmony, that does the “healing” of anything that seems inharmonious. The healing is really just a revealing of the perfect Spiritual existence that God already created, thought up, in Its Mind. God IS all, all that is real, and that all IS Good.

    To access that pervasive flow of Harmony, simply let go of thinking that another human can restore your experience of Harmony, or that you must, by human will, try, try, try to fix someone or something. Turn to the tender Thoughts of God, and let yourself feel Harmony flow through you and around you. “God is me, and God is my life.”

    For those that define their lives as their human story-dream, this may seem like nonsense. But all those dreams and alternate dreams are as nothing. God is the perfect lives of you all.

    This may seem frightening to those that cling to the details of human stories, but there is such an incredible freedom in realizing the Spiritual Reality of oneself, and all. Relax into that. Relax into the Reality of God, and that all is Spirit, and, as Spirit, Harmony and Its ideas.

    If you but thought every day, “I am one of God’s Good ideas”, incredible aligning with Harmony would happen.

    Take a time each day to realize that, and We join you in it.


  • Ah, Child,

    It is easy to become lost in asking, over and over, “but what is my task?”

    Your task is to smile lovingly and gently at ten people today. Your task is to forgive the world for being silly and strange. Your task is to be the one to apologize first and say “I love you” out loud, when those before you are behaving most badly.

    God will never ask you, if you take time to listen to God before you go to sleep each night, “Did you finish all your paperwork today?” God will not say “If you did not trim the bushes or do the dishes, I cannot love you.” God will always say, “I love you. Whom did you find to give some Unconditional Love to today? Did you give yourself some dear Love today?”

    If you stay focused on those true tasks, the worldly chores and forms of work will take their proper place in your hours and days and mind, and will even get done more smoothly, because they will fueled by Love.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Touch of Grace will reach through you to heal and help others without any effort on your part except for noticing that It wants to pour out to an individualized soul. Just stand or sit quietly near that individual, or approach and speak a word or give a touch if Led to do so, but otherwise just Let Grace Do Its Work.

    As It is doing with you, each day, each minute. Be willing to Receive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be willing to give the Glory to God. When seeming miracles occur in the circumstances of your life, or healings of the body or of attitude or broken heart or mind, be willing to admit it to the world.

    Yes, we know how some who are trapped in their intellect or in their sad self-pride might scorn or laugh, and we do not ask you to browbeat them. Just state the Truth as you know it, if they comment on your new serenity or wholeness, and be willing to let God shine through you.

    Your one line testimony might change worlds of thought.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not you who remakes your story. It is not you who remakes your life. It is you allowing your story to fall away and saying to God, “Show me Your story for me. Fill me with Your Thoughts that become visible to me, and let me see Your story for me.”

    We assure you, God hears you. Allow those Thoughts residence in you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of God as thinking this way, if God thought in words:

    “I am that I am. I am All Consciousness and I am All That Is. Within My Consciousness is the idea of____(your name)__________ and her life. That life is perfect and good and true, for it is a very part of Me. Her consciousness is my Consciousness, and Mine continually maintains the idea of her and her life and being and constancy of delight within ME.”

    Put your name in, and ponder being part of, and living within, that Consciousness,

    AND that it is the only way in which you exist at all.

    Always with you, until you really get this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To understand that the Source truly is Infinite, is to stop fearing giving.

    When you absolutely KNOW that all Grace that is given to you in every day, nay, given to you even in every moment, is utterly renewable, instantaneously, then you do not fear giving “your share” of Grace to another, for you know that all you need to do to be renewed yourself, is to ask the Source for more Grace to dispense.

    There is the gist of it, Love. Ask, give, ask, give, ask, give. And on and on until your part in the charade is done.

    Always giving to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You look around in the world made up of the senses, and you seem to see an overwhelming number of people and things to pray for. Individuals and situations needing healing can fill your thoughts and infect those thoughts with a feeling of helplessness or burden or inadequacy.

    But, Beloved, the One Cause, the One Source, God, is the Infinite Thought. It is not your job to “heal” everyone and everything in the orbit of your thoughts. It is only your job to realize that God’s Infinite Mercy can heal all your thoughts, and therefore all around you.

    When you see something that seems to need healing, regard yourself only as a simple first responder. Stay centered and focused in Calm Compassion and Consideration, and call for the full response Team. God is the full and complete response Team, and you let that Team take charge, gratefully stepping back to see the response Team work and heal and be done.

    “God is my full response team”

    “I release to that expertise, and am grateful and confident of an outcome all Good.”

    We rest secure in God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask Spirit to help you sort your thoughts and to clarify which ones are Good for today, or even for this hour and this minute. Even the most Holy of truths, floating in your mind, or purposely held on to as a sort of constant prayer, may not be the bit of Conscious Love that is most useful to you in the perceived play of the moment.

    You may be diligently contemplating the power of forgiveness in a self-assigned spiritual focus for the week, inspired by events in your own life, or an item in the news. But if the circumstances of the morning are such that what you really need to remember, in your identity as dear child of God, is the very ready and constant Presence of the Omnipotent Divine, in order to call upon It for immediate assistance, then it is important to be flexible, and trusting, and constantly alert in your Spiritual Awareness.

    Do not hesitate to ask of God Voice at any given moment, “Dear God, what do I need to know, right here and now, to best partake of Your Harmony?”

    Be willing to change. Be willing to re-focus,


  • 4-4-05

    Ah, Beloved,

    To the human who is trying to give up some temptations of worldliness, in order to spend more time better knowing the Realm of the Divine Truth, there are many temptations that are obvious, and, at first, still alluring—frittering away some days with idle reading, or choosing the extra hour of play over the heart’s call to center and be still.

    Less obvious, and perhaps even harder to relinquish, is a relapse into melancholy. Whether it is a sorrow brought on by a certain event, or whether it is an old state of mind that was habitual before being born into the Joy of Spirit, melancholy IS a temptation, and an easy excuse for the ego to urge the True Self to give up the seeking of God-Knowledge.

    Know this, and name it, and let it not have you. Just as the adult understands, when the child does not, that the third candy bar will make you feel ill instead of happy, so let your mature spiritual self understand that sorrow indulged overlong does not lead to Joy.

    Make knowing God/Goddess your challenge, and your joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest. Rest assured that God is watching over ones whom you cannot watch over.

    And realize that the loved ones that ARE on your mind constantly are also, of course, being watched over by God, as are you. Let go of the false responsibility of details. Do what you humanly can for others, but mostly, constantly, pray that their Best Happiness and Best Path be smoothly welcomed by their own hearts. Your prayer is about knowing in your own mind and heart that God is All, and that Its Omnipotence and Omnipresence and Omniscience only need to be welcomed into every human consciousness for a very different world to be revealed.

    Harmony is God’s Reality. Focus on wanting to see that, and looking for evidence of that Truth.

    Be with Us, as We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The journey does not end when you come to the time of “physical death”. The journey ends when you joyfully surrender to the Governance of the Divine.

    When that happens, here or hereafter, you can truly think, all day long, “I am living in Heaven now.”

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God wants you to See all with His/Her eyes, not only because you will have more Joy from others, but because it will allow you to finally See yourself with full Joy.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    God knows how to melt a frozen heart.

    Trust in God’s Governance for seeing redemption done, dear one. Remember all the ways that Grace and forgiveness have straightened your own path when it was rocky and twisty, and simply live for Goodness now. When God needs for one of Its parts, Its reflections, to offer forgiveness to someone, or to generously be kind and helpful, or to inspire, for any particular unawakened one, God can do this. Sometimes you play this role. Sometimes others do.

    Leave the oversight to God, and gladly, quietly, keep living for God’s goal of expansive Love. Trusting lets you move forward. Worrying does not.

    All in God’s timing, Beloved,


  • Ah, Child,

    It is crucial to believe that you are completely Loved by the Source.

    Until you believe that, and feel that in the very soul of you, you cannot help any others. Let not any feelings of unworthiness or error block the flow of God’s Love through you. Remember that the Source’s Love is unconditional, and that although It will guide you to become more honorable and kind and giving, It will not withhold Its Love if you are not perfect.

    Welcome the flow of that Unconditional Love through you. Welcome It, and believe It, and let It fill you, and then you can pass It on, pass It on, pass It on, for you will have become a reservoir of that Infinite Delight.

    There is no greater delight than knowing you are completely Loved. Look not to other people for that Love, but to the One Source. The error that so many make, of looking to their earthly parents or family or lovers or friends, instead of to the Divine Source, will only delay your Joy. Look to the Divine, be filled with True Love, and then Spirit within you can be a distributor of It, on earth.

    Believe you are Loved, and then let It flow, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a new person enters your life, be silent and appreciative and observant. Just as each individual being is a part of the Great Soul that is God, so each person that comes into the orbit of your thought/experience a part of the completeness that is you. There is always agape love to be exchanged. There is always the chance to recognize and appreciate the Divine soul that is the other.

    Know that each reflection/projection of God that comes into your experience is a chance for you to truly understand the simplicity of All are One that reflect One God. Your bodies may never touch, your eyes may never meet, but as you hold another in your thoughts with complete God-Love, you understand Oneness of Being, and feel calm and complete.

    We Love, Love, Love you and know completeness because of that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let not the concerns for sensual pleasure and material possession, that are so prevalent all around you, keep you from closing yours eyes and ears to the sights and words of the world, for the quiet time each day when you simply ask the Source of All Love to clear and fill your Soul Self.

    There is no time better spent and you will come to realize you want to feel that Full Flow of Spiritual Love continually. That is True Freedom.

    Delightedly joining you in prayer.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To “preach the gospel (or the “Truth”), to all the world” does not mean going forth and sharing memorized words or advising certain rituals. It simply means forgiving others from your Heart of Hearts, and being glad to see them go forth healed and happy, to live their lives.

    Forgive all, including yourself, and be Glad for the Gladness of others. It IS that simple. Forgive, and help others to heal.

    Each person’s name is “Child of God”. To think of them as other names, or as anything different than yourself, is to set up a sense of separation, which weakens your adeptness at tuning into the Oneness of being, and from that Oneness, drawing on the forgiveness which leads to Wholeness and Happiness, and living Life as it was meant to be lived.

    Know each one around you as brother or sister, all pre-ordained to forgive, as you are pre-ordained to forgive, and forgive them and allow them to forgive you. See their true identities as perfect ideas born of Divine Mind, and let your sight, and appreciation, of that, be the “preaching” of the Truth that you do.

    As we know the beautiful Truth of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, you exist within God. When your awareness of self is of a small, separate self that has flesh and name, you are as a bubble floating within the Vastness of God. Even then, you have the Voice of God piped into you, if you will but pause and hear It. And when you stop, and listen to It, it helps you remember what Is outside the bubble of small self, and step from the small-self awareness, and into the Power and Infinite Resource of God, where All is possible.

    For instance, if you are going about your earthly day, and have been delayed by someone on the sidewalk in front of you who has blocked the way with her suitcases and a spilled purse, what do you do? You can, from the perspective of the small, separate self, feel irritated and annoyed, and exasperatedly try to push through, or stand and curse and complain. Or, you can hear the Voice of mercy that speaks in the back of your heart, and think “What a sad thing for her. The same sort of mishap has come to me, or easily could. I feel my heart Voice urging me to forget my missed appointment, and help her pick up her things and clear the way. I hear a Voice urging me to be kind, and forgiving.”

    And if, and when, you respond to that Inner Voice, a part of you has stepped outside the self, and into the Fullness of God. If you allow yourself to step completely outside the small selves who are enacting the playlet you are living in that moment, then you will be completely the Observer, you will be completely In God. The bubble will have dissolved away, and as the self-awareness merges completely into God-Awareness, you have available all the Total Mercy and Harmony of the Divine within which you exist, and move, and are. It ever flows, and ever waits, to Be You.

    Being willing to listen to and obey that Merciful Self within is the conduit that leads to realizing “I am my Greater Self, whenever I choose to be.”

    Be It, Beloved, O’ Be It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps you are one who does not understand exactly how the patterns of form and nature and chemistry work so that water comes to your lakes and rivers and wells, and hence to your table and your hands, but you can be very glad of it. Perhaps you are one who does not understand the steps by which a seed is formed, or how the seed becomes the plant and then the fruit which you eat, but you are very grateful for it. Perhaps you are one who marvels that love can grow between friends, or that a parent so fiercely adores a child, but you can see how those feelings create goodness and sharing.

    We know that you do not fully understand the Omnipotence and Omnipresence of the Loving Mind that holds all, but we know that you can be fully grateful for It.

    It is an attitude to choose, to uplift you and enliven you, so that you may discern more of the right turnings to take in every day that you walk the earth. When you think of the phrase, “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice in it and be glad”, do not think of it as a thing you are forcing yourself to do with human will. Rather, re-phrase it, perhaps, to “This is the day the Lord has made, I CAN rejoice in it and be glad.” Choose to rejoice. Choose to be glad.

    Without fully understanding how creating happens, and without fully understanding even how choosing happens, you can take on the feeling of Gladness. You CAN rejoice in the All in ALL, and be Glad. This is the day the Lord has made, choose to rejoice in it, and be Glad.

    As We rejoice in you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Going mentally to the altar alters you. You can do it. You can let Its Peace make you feel peaceful and happy, letting Its Light heal all your small and wayward thoughts, allowing them to melt away like ice chips in the sun.

    God thinks about you all the time. God loves you all the time. To reflect God, to Love as God Loves, think about and Love God all the time in return. God thinks about you, you think about God. It is perfect.

    It is not so hard, it just takes the desire to shift your thinking.

    Thinking about God is your job.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have often heard stories from lifeguards who have described having to knock unconscious the one whom they are trying to save, in order to prevent the victim’s panicked thrashings from drowning them both.

    So it is also when you are working to realize the harmonious and smoothly floating Truth of God’s Plan for another. You must tune out their surface panic. You must calm their panic in whatever way you can, so that you may do your work of quiet salvation. You must turn away from their shouted lists of woes, and keep your mind and heart focused on your own strong ability to swim with the Tide and with the waves, and on your knowledge that the warm waters of the Ocean will continue to hold you both afloat.

    Yes, God places you near a drowning person to help save that one, but you cannot do so by joining them in their drowning. Stay strong in your own joyous knowledge of the cooperating and supportive Ocean, and thus let yourself and the other be carried/swum to safety.

    Keep trusting in the nature of the Waters of Infinite Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a capable friend offers to take over the driving on an urgent long trip, when he sees you yawning and squinting, you most likely have the wisdom to accept, if you can set aside your human preference to always be the driver.

    God constantly offers to drive in moments of struggle. Can you find the humility to accept?

    We hope so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you want the Good feeling and sense of trust that come from thinking on Good things, or do you want the fear and doubt that come from focusing on that which seems to be out of order? You can choose, you know. You can choose.

    But no matter what you invest your moments of time in, We assure you that the Principle of Love and Harmony that is God DOES Govern an Order that is Infinite and Lovely, and that your misty chaos illusions cannot harm. God is Real and only God is Real.

    Can you keep your mind on that, with the help of Mind Sustaining you?

    The payoff is Delight.


  • Ah, Child,

    Do not fall into the trap of believing that your time spent working in the picture of earth must separate you from the Wonderful Oneness.

    If you begin to see, even as your scientists are beginning to accept, that time is an illusion, then only an illusion separates you from the Source Creator right now. Let that freedom from time begin to enter into your belief system and you will no longer need to add that time element into your healings. So long as you have a belly full of belief in time, the healings you experience, and give through your awareness to others, will have a time element, because a part of you does not believe in instantaneous healing and ability to see the Divine Truth.

    The complete healing of a wound or the answer to a call can all happen in the blink of an eye. Can you heal your own belief core consciousness, and then let all other healings (seeing the truth of Perfection), grow from that healing? Let them be Now.

    It is time, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Expect Good. Know that Good is the Truth and expect it. Expect the path to open and widen. Expect the opportunities to arrive and be clear. Expect the courage and joy from the Infinite to fuel your inspirations and actions. Expect Good and take comfort, and even pleasure, from those expectations, like looking forward to a wonderful surprise.

    When you put the ball into another’s hands, you must trust his timing of when to throw that ball sweetly through the hoop. When you cast your cares to God, trust the arc of events to be in God’s timing, too.

    Trust Good, and the timing of Good. In trust is the freedom you crave.

    In such Love,


  • Ah,

    Remember, Beloved, that what your “human will” creates is not real. It is as a child playing make-believe. Only what the Greater Will made is Real, from the elements that It Itself is made of, which are Goodness and Truth and Constancy and Love and Joy and Orderly Calm. These are Real.

    When you feel frustrated by feeling that you are “trying too hard” to place, or see, Divine Order in a situation that does not seem to be orderly, remember to turn your thinking around. Remember that none of your human make-believing or “will-power” has the power to counteract or obstruct God. If God has made you Harmonious and well, you are that. If God’s Order and Purpose are in the process of being revealed in a situation, they will be. Your play-acting cannot stop them. It is only your thinking that you do not see the order or the harmony or the wellness, that needs to be changed. LOOK for the Harmony. LOOK for the wellness. LOOK for the order. For as you seek them, in the sweet game of finding God, you will find them more and more.

    What God has put together and means to stay together, nothing CAN put asunder. What God has declared Good CANNOT be made bad. Lay aside any thoughts that would allow you to think that the Spiritual Wonderfulness of the Divine Source, and you, as its spiritual reflection, can be changed into something un-wonderful by the tantrums of your human thought.

    Each and every time you take a moment to be still, and access the sweet peace of the Divine Realm in your Heart of hearts, It is the same Unchanging, Loving Calmness.

    It will not change. Only you will. The more you rub yourself up against the Good Calmness of Divine Love, the smoother you, and your life, will feel.

    Get to it, Love. Get to It,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    No, you cannot go “through the looking glass”. You, as child of Spirit, as Divine idea, remain sweetly and always in the Mind of God. But, if the image of yourself that you see in the looking glass of earth seems distorted or diseased, you can call upon the technician of the Holy Realms, the Holy Spirit, and ask that the focus of the glass be adjusted. Ask that the smudges be cleaned off. Ask to be able to see clearly again that you are the wonderful and whole child of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you did well yesterday at being a transparency for Loving Spirit, and an instrument of Good, or whether you feel you were a fool or a defier yesterday, today is a new day.

    Take today in your mind, and ask for the Divine guidance and advice to flow smoothly through you, embellishing your talents and gifts, increasing your compassion and unconditional Love, honing your discernment, and giving you another day to shine with the Divine.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If investing in your earthly future provision or survival begins to occupy many hours of your day, you can be sure that you have lost your grounding in the Invisible Infinite. Staying in the present awareness of the moment, of “now”, will help you realize how much of that “future planning” is led by Spirit, and how much is led by the earthly self that would distract you into worry about the perpetuation of the body.

    Be as one with Oneness, Beloved, and knowing again each morning, and each hour, that alignment of your identity with that Oneness is truly all the provision you need. Let the old earth desires fall away, and desire only Goodness. Desire only being a vehicle for the shining of Light, and new, appropriate earth desires, which support that mission of Source communication, will replace the old earth desires. Giving up old earth desires and obsessions, and what the world thinks a smart investor, or sophisticated person, “should do” is not giving up on life. It is choosing a whole new outlook on life. It is allowing yourself to be embraced by true Life Itself, and being taken care of, as you give Loving care to the world and people around you.

    As ever, give to receive,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You open your eyes to another earth day, and you hold the desire to spend it staying above, even while being compassionate to, the fray.

    There IS a bridge that you may walk upon, Beloved, from which you will see those who are caught in the troughs of despond and pain, and those who are indulging completely in the sensual comforts. From that bridge, you can reach out a hand to those in despair, and can empathize with and pray for those lured into temporary comforts.

    The bridge you can tread upon is built of a Force. That Force is Gratitude.

    That Force is Gratitude for Grace and All that is not passing. That Force is Gratitude that Divine Love exists and that Inner Calm exists and that Peace and Grace that come freely from God exist. That Force is Gratitude for those who have learned to walk in Grace.

    Be grateful for those things and stay in the center of the Divine Bridge. The Bridge may be decorated with gratitude for the passing things that you also feel grateful for—some beautiful music, or the one day bloom of a flower, or the breakfast you had. But, remember that the Force that is the very support of your bridge is Divine Gratitude. Let your Gratitude flow for the Divine Elements that do not pass away and do not change, and are the same yesterday and tomorrow. From there you may reach with your hands and thoughts to those caught in the mire and the lure of desire, and help them as you may, and as the All-in-All guides you to do.

    Stay aware of the Divine Force, and you stay on the Bridge. Stay centered on the Bridge and you stay stable enough to help others climb up to It, too.

    In the center of the Bridge, it is quiet enough to hear our wings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It does no harm to picture the Divine Creative Infinite Force in any way that you need to for the feel of the moment, so long as that picture includes one or more of the aspects of God/Goddess/All That Is that are Truth, Goodness, Love and Life.

    If you are feeling fatigued and overwhelmed and need to picture the Divine as the infinitely nurturing and tenderly loving Mother-force that rocks you and hums softly to you to calm you for sleep, do so. If you need to think of the Divine Child, of whom you are a part, as sibling and friend to you, as you seek something to share your joy with while you watch an amazing display of summer greenery against an outburst of color in the sky, do so. If you need to think of the Divine as a powerful, upstanding Father Force of unending strength and wisdom, as you reach out for the endurance to finish a project, then do so.

    Ponder whatever aspect of Goodness and Life and Love and Truth and Infinite Omnipresence that you need, to be the Source for feeling sustained and supported, in each moment. If anthropomorphizing those aspects into a visual image of an ever-giving Mother, or calm, strong Father, or tender Brother, or capable, supportive Sister helps you focus on the Infinite qualities within yourself that you want to bring forth into the worldly situation of the moment, then do not fear to do so. Just do not make the mistake of thinking, or believing, that the Divine is limited in any way by the fleeting images that form the earth-dream. Picturing the Divine as a super-human form does not give the Divine human limits. That Divine Mother/Brother/ Sister/Father truly can “move mountains”, and tell strangers ten thousand miles away to call you, and lift off darkness or tumors in the blink of an eye, or help open your eyes to see the Unseen Beauty that shines, always, even when the earthly senses stagger, and would trip, your perceptions.

    In whatever metaphor, just learn to look always to the Supportive Infinite Good,

    And help others See It, too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wishing well for others bounces back to you. Trust us that this is true. If you can completely and sincerely be glad for the good life circumstances of others, including the individuals you may not feel affection or admiration for, that gladness expands your own heart and thought.

    Set aside all anger or envy or gossip, for those feelings block the opening in your Soul for Divine Love to pour through and uplift you, and help you, and heal you in all that you are.

    Be glad for all Good, and more Good comes to you, and to all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep not the treasures you have found, in the Joy of God, to yourself. You do not need to profess to others, unless they ask. But, be very aware of how your countenance and attitude and deeds speak the Truth, and let those things emanate the Glory of Joy, and Peace.

    For through each one does Peace Will to emanate, and that is the Way It will reawaken all to their full status of the Spirit of Peace.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember to remember your perfection, as spirit born of Spirit. Remember to remember that the Creative Force that is Spirit has never forgotten your perfection.

    Relax into that, and trust, and let Good Spirit reign.

    Always, Beloved, Always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do KNOW from personal experience how much more smoothly all goes when you take time to FEEL the Presence and let your heart open, and ask It to show you the way between the now of the question and the now of the solution to whatever you are asking.

    Think about how grateful you have felt as events and options fell into place. Remember and let your heart fill with trust and thanks, and ask again for Goodness now.

    We are with you and we remind you we all dwell in Goodness now. Open your eyes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many refrain from, or delay, turning to the Mighty Love of God as Provisioner, as Comfort, as Inspiration, because they believe they will need to sacrifice all the worldly things and pastimes that are important to them. But it does not work like that for most people, dear ones.

    As one turns to being aligned with the Great Consciousness of Love, for even a few minutes a day, perceptions change. Soaking in and being embraced by Love Itself subtly shifts discernment and rearranges what feels important and true. Time and depth spent being aware of dwelling within the Wondrous Consciousness of Divine Mind will shift what the human sensibility cares about and counts as valuable. The temporal pastimes or objects that seem so crucial will mean less than they did, and at the same time easier to obtain when truly needed.

    The Infinite Soul that shines forth all individuals will naturally come to mean more to one than the meal, or the coins, or the human kiss, or the square of land, or the title or label of tasks.

    Just turn to Loving Spirit each day for at least a little while, Beloved, and Spirit Itself will help you sort out what is important and unimportant, what is true and what is false. One Mind will help you know what and who you really are, without any wrenching acts of sacrifice or suffering, for One Divine Heart wants your happiness as well as your accurate portrayal as image of Its Presence and Creation.

    Turning to God does not hurt. It helps.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the interest of helping those who have not yet developed the discernment to know the true Spirit of the words they hear or read, it is important to make sure that all words are spoken on a tide of Love. It is Divine Love Itself, by Its very Presence and substance, that heals and delivers and awakens. The words are only a bridge.

    They are an important bridge, to be sure, for there are many who can only choose to let their hearts open if their minds are convinced of the worth of Love. Therefore, to let all of wisdom and enlightenment pour forth from the Source of Love, whether in words or in silent example, is to let the Truth take whatever form It needs to take to reach each soul that hungers for a remembrance of what it is, always has been, and always will be, as a perfect part of the Whole expression of Love.

    Trust in that perfection, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ultimately, each individual that is part of One Great Soul must make its own peace with, and acceptance of, that Truth that it IS part of One Soul. As someone who loves another, or advises or supports another, your own awakening consciousness can do much to help that individual spirit rise to its greatness, but you cannot do for it that final act of giving over the individual will to the One Will.

    Be at peace with all that you are able to do for others, and do love them as they climb and live, but be not afraid to trust in the Wisdom of the One, that Knows exactly how quickly each individual can waken up.

    We know you do all you can,

    ALL Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The thought of being just a body that can turn into an older version of itself, or a thing that cannot complete every little thing it wants, is frightening, but that fear is really covering up the fear of the Truth of being purely Spirit. Go past the small fear of body, without control over circumstance or time, and stand and face the body’s fear of simply being Spirit. Ask for the Peace of the Enfolding, All-encompassing, Great Spirit, as you do so, and let yourself feel the Truth, that there is absolutely nothing, nothing, nothing to fear.

    Bask in that, as you would in the sun, or warm water, or praise,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, realizing that your human thoughts need to be changed and healed and uplifted goes a long way towards improvements in your human scene. Be willing to do that, and very often positive changes are seen right away.

    But there is a deeper level, Love. Where does the good change come from? Where do the better and uplifted thoughts come from? After the willingness, and after the reinforcement of better attitude by positive change, there must come a realization of what the first and only Cause really is. It is the Divine Source and the Divine Self that must be acknowledged and pondered and accepted and thanked.

    Human will and human thought, of a temporal nature, do not do the healing. It is the Divine Goodness that is your Life that feeds you the Good New Thoughts. It is the Divine Will that wants your happiness—and it is a happiness that does not go by human definitions or limits, but by and from that greater perspective of the endless Love of ever-expanding Creation.

    If you think to heal yourself and your human circumstance by force of human thought and will, you may see temporary benefits. But you may just see the problems show up in a different time or form, or you may so exhaust yourself with effort and struggle, that you wonder if that is really the way, if that is really the solution.

    Turn to the inexhaustible Source, Beloved. Turn to that which always helps if you ask and acknowledge, and surrender and are grateful. Turn to Love that Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us when we use that word “Beloved.”

    You ARE a Beloved part of the Source. Be not afraid to claim that as the Truth, and as your right and heritage and supply because it is the Truth.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    To those that are not ready to hear about anything except material perception, it is impossible to teach or preach at all. To those who ask, and express a wish to know peace and sense of purpose and love, share what you know, but do not be surprised if they find it hard to believe the message, when they are told to find it by seeking within.

    For those who have been told again and again and again that happiness and peace are in the better car or the perfect mate or the newest hairdo or the bigger toy or the perfect beach or the reliance on logic and empiricism, it is just too hard to believe at first that it is not so. There will always be an initial anger at the messenger who tells them it is not so. Having the faith to tell the truth that it is so, even when the message evokes the anger of the friend who asks, is one version, Beloved, of laying down your life for a friend. Being willing to risk friendship and good name and earthly love, in order to not veer from the spiritual truth of being, is a part of being part of the truth, dear Love.

    Peace projected, and soft words spoken,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Obedience to what you hear the Divine Voice say in your heart is the corollary to learning to hear it.

    Think about it, Beloved. “Metaphysical” means “above the physical”, or, “greater than the physically seen and understood”. Despite what logic may tell you, or historical comparison may say, or some textbook would try to teach you, if you hear in your heart to do or say something that is of God-like Quality, then do it. Only the Greater View can really know what is best for all, including you. If you question Its gentle directions with human intellectual arguments, where is your trust in the Truth of the Divine?

    Ask several times if you must. The Divine Voice is consistent and patient. It will give you the same answer, or the new answer for the new moment of opportunity that will lead to the same result. Time does not bind it. If you do not walk through a certain doorway and learning stage at one moment, It will present you with another. It wants only to see you re-aligned with the Divine, and to remember fully that you are a Beloved extension of, Child of, that Divine.

    If you hear a thing to do, and you know it goes not against any of the Divine Laws you know, act, Beloved. Act then, with love and with trust, and with joy at being part of a wonderful Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you desire to do a thing, or go in a certain direction, but the path to it and the means needed are not appearing harmoniously, you must ask yourself about spiritual motive.

    Is it a goal that includes honoring the demonstration of Loving God? Is it a skill or activity that is engaged in for the glory and gratitude of the qualities God has given you?

    If an idea to do something comes from Divine Source, that which is needed for it unfolds. Set aside human fantasies and sensual imaginings, and calmly look for the Clues from God, listen for the Word of God, wait upon the perfect timing of Omnipresence.

    Spiritual Sight has a perfect map for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take some time now to immerse your Heart in the Peace of God, as you would immerse yourself in a refreshing bath after a hike through the desert.

    In every phase of spiritual growth, there come times to rest, and review, and be very, very grateful for how far you have come. The rest of the story will roll on without you, if you entrust it to God’s hands. Take some time, be at peace, immerse yourself in being held in Infinite Love.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When feeling yourself becoming unfocused, focus again on the very basic goal you have of wanting the Peace of the Divine and the Sublime in your heart.

    Taste It, Embrace It, dwell within It, and then return to claiming “Good is in control here”.

    Love the All in All, and keep the Golden Rule. It is not so hard as some would try to make it seem. Love the All, keep that rule, and then see what happens, with Love.

    Loving You,


  • O”, Yes, quickly, quickly, be willing to be the first to bring peace and love, into a home, or a situation, or into a conversation, or to a person. Be the one who is willing to take blame, even if no cause for blame exists in what you have said or done. Be the one to bring love and tenderness into the angry shouting. Be the one with the Presence of Mind to tell a joke when tensions feel as though they could cut skin.

    What does it take? It takes humility. It takes the humility to be called a name that you are not, and to recognize that taking on blame or loss or punishment in a world where those things only seem to be real, is to be willing to be used as a vehicle for the Love of the Source to enter the world. It is the humility that reveals the true strength, of knowing who you are in the Source, and not caring what you may seem to be in the shifting play of shadows.

    Be strong enough to be humble, Beloved, and win.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ideas that are nurtured know where to find their homes. Trust, as a Mother must trust, that if she nurtures her children in an atmosphere of Love, that they will fly forth, or walk forth, or stumble forth, to find their Right Place in the world.

    No Idea that comes from the Divine Source is without a Rightful Place to land.

    In utter fondness for your growth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are tempted to think that someone in your family, or friendship circle, or a stranger or the government, “should” do something for you, and to feel resentful if those beings are not living up to your expectations, stand back from those human feelings and remember, “The Divine Cause is my only Source of health, wealth, and happiness, and It knows my needs. I turn away from human expectations and listings of need, and I think about the completeness and the fulfillment of the Source, and allow my divine heart to know, I am held in the Completeness and Care of the All-Encompassing Divine.”

    Then, Beloved, trust. Trust, and wait on God.


  • Oh, Beloved,

    Be not surprised that Divine Love is always willing to give to you, for from Its point of view, It is giving to Itself.

    When this Oneness of Life and Consciousness truly penetrates your heart of understanding, you will not feel limited in any way, ever, or deprived at any time in any place. For you will comprehend that Love is flowing continually, projecting Itself as the image that is your continual Spirit.

    New facets of yourself, and others, as Perfect Spiritual Beings, will be revealed, as your understanding and acceptance deepen. Have faith in that Truth, Beloved, for Divine Love has already made it so.

    Longing to see you feel the full Love you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as banks of low clouds that seem to be mountains can be quickly dissipated by an invisible wind, the seeming mountains of human needs and challenges can be leveled to a smooth path, by God.

    Trust in the tender ministrations of Mother Love, dear one, laying forth the spiritual desires of your heart. Grace will read the desires you know of, and the ones that you are not even consciously aware of, and sort them out, and fulfill the ones that would actually Bless you, uplift you, and help and protect your journey as Good Spirit born of Spirit.

    Be filled with Praise and Wonder, and trustingly open your heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find that old friends are falling away, and new ones swirling into place, or that very old acquaintances and relatives are coming back into prominence into your life, rest assured that you are in a new phase of growth. New people are new teachers, and new chances for learning and expanding.

    Old friends returning for a glimpse, or a day , or for a long, long time, means that you have a new opportunity to appreciate the gifts of one another, or perhaps to test whether you both really finished forgiving old hurts and wounds. Whether it is new people that are around you, or old ones come back into the focus of time, remember that your task, above all, is to love them as you love yourself. See the Divine of them, forgive and be forgiven the costumes of humanity that you wear, and free one another to be simply who you are, Divine Ideas in the Mind of God.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you align your heart and thoughts with the Thoughts of the Life Source, and begin to feel It flowing through you and as you, do not try to limit where It flows. Like water that flows along the easy and best paths for itself, the Life Source knows where it is Good to go.

    Let It flow, yes, to your desires and your dreams, that were perhaps the reason that you called out to It, but also welcome what seem to be random ideas or thoughts of other people and places that need the sustaining Flow of the Source in extra measure now. Let It flow through you to them, as well, with Blessing, with generosity, with certainty that the Source knows exactly where to go to water the earth garden that reflects Life. When you open to the Flow, open for All.

    As you let yourself be “used” as this river of Life Source, you will feel the delightful overflow,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is PARTICULARLY those to whom you are closest with which you must live according to the Golden Rule.

    Think carefully upon this, and be very, very honest with yourself about how much you yourself want and need forgiveness for all the times that you act and think in ways that are less than the Best of yourself. Then, be that forgiving to those whom you love, and to all within your close circle of life.

    As we are to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you cherish, and relish and Love Me, you will be able to tell how much I do the same for thee.

    To want the Love of the Divine Source, which then manifests as the costume and the accoutrements and the stage set that is appropriate for you, today, in the Grand Play, is to want what is fulfilled by Loving. Love and thank the Source, and Love and thank each one around you, and the same Love flows back to you. Believe Us, Love, It is True.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no going back to old ways, really, once you have felt the awakening kiss of God in your heart, and heard that Divine whisper in your mind. Oh, yes, you may have some moments of trying to retreat or pretend you have not heard. You may take some detours back into old comforts or pleasures or obsessions or patterns of human ways, but the Soul of you will win out.

    Be gentle with yourself, but why not begin the grand experience of getting to know the Oneness of Loving Being, and knowing yourself and all those around you as having full access to Its Grace and mercy.

    We Love to see you grow forward,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find Words of Wisdom coming through you, that seem to come from some Muse or Angel, O”, Do let them come. The journey of learning and awakening in the earth dream can be so eased by helping one another along the path. And for those who are not yet ready to trust the Unseen Voice in their own hearts, it is so important that those around them, who know the Voice, to speak. If you know the Living Love within, please open up to being used as a messenger to let the Divine Wisdom reach out to the ones who walk in fear, thinking they are alone.

    No one is alone. But many think they are, for they are not yet able to see the bodiless sacred Helpers that walk with them, and the Sweet Comforter that is ready to speak in their hearts. Speak gently, and wait patiently for their permission, but do speak, Beloved, when you know that God wants you to do so.

    Trust in the Voice that guides, and when you know Its Love, share.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let no doubts assail you. The more you ponder the Qualities of the Infinite, the more you will realize that there is nothing that God’s harmony cannot solve, or dissipate, or smooth over.

    Do not spend any time pondering the “problems” you think you have in the earthly. Count your blessings, be grateful, and ponder the Infinite range and abilities of the Great Source to shine where and as It will. Welcome It.

    Be the gracious hostess or host to the Infinite Presence,

    And be Glad,


  • Ah, Greatly Beloved,

    God longs for you to see Good and Lovely Creation. Joyfully will Spirit help you see the Heavenly that is God-given around you right now. Take your eyes off the woe and be opened eyes for the Light of God,

    As the enabled Light of God shines forth from you, it is not denying the illusions that have sadly mesmerized so many It is helping dispel that darkness, so that all can stand in the Light and be so, so Glad to see Bright Creation.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The pure, beautiful, perfect and true idea of me and my life are living Thoughts in the Mind of God. The projection of light that seems to be my “body” and my “physical” life, projected onto the screen, the backdrop, of earth, is therefore perfect and good and as whole as God continually imagines it, as well. If there seems to be any lack or excess of the body sense or its surroundings, it is only the dust of mortal belief.

    I choose to shed those beliefs now. I close my physical eyes and let God show me what I look like to Him/Her, a dancing Spirit-Ray of Light, joyous and free and complete. I am complete. I am complete in Joy and Peace, and refuse to let dusty mortal thoughts mar that picture and experience in any way. I am Joy, dancing in the Light of Life in God.”

    TAKE this dominion of thought, Beloved, and remember the Truth of the Goodness of you and your life that is the Play that God is watching in His/Her own Mind. Watch THAT Play with God, and take your beliefs off of the mortal imaginings.

    When mortal belief is set aside and the spirit awakens to know it was never anywhere except in the safe, consistently pure and good Mind of God, do you realize how many weep to see the “movie” of the life they could have experienced, instead of their own desperate imaginings? Some choose, then, to re-watch the movie with clearer eye, and some choose to keep growing in purity of Spirit, but all continue forever in the timelessness of God. Nothing you have done or not done in the mortal dream dust, overlaying the image of you that God made, changes the Truth of you as a Beloved Idea in God-Mind.

    We see the perfect Truth of you and your life. Won”t you look with our eyes today?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not insist and push, as you grow your spiritual heart from day to day.

    If there is a situation of timing, or coordination with others, that is more urgent for Blessings or safety, God’s Voice in your Inner Self will push you with Divine Love. The more you have trained yourself to listen to that Inner Infinite Voice, the easier will be the comprehension. And you will be so glad for opportunities grasped, or troubles avoided.

    And, for most days, for smooth steady movement, at your own pace, in the Harmony of God, just keep letting God Guide.

    God Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your knowledge of the Presence of the Divine Source, and that you are a part of It, with all Its qualities available to you, becomes as automatic as knowing your own earthly name, then you are more than ready to dispense Grace, be Grace, feel Grace.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no separation of Power in God.

    All that God made has always been, and is and will always be, in Its Power.

    In the false clasp of worldly sense, you are bombarded endlessly with the importance of separation of power—of church and state, of nation and nation, of tribe and tribe, of parent and child, or men and women. Set all that aside as erroneous, Beloved, and allow yourself to remember, all that is True is made in, and sustained by, the sweet Loving Power of the One Creative Force.

    Trust in One Power, and the others will not fool you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When does Love need to be Unconditional? Always.

    When you, or one before you, is unable to feel Love’s Unconditional flowing, it is only because they are accustomed, or even “addicted” to their sorrow, or relishing of all fleshly experiences, unto the exclusion of the Soul of God that constantly reaches out, tenderly, to them.

    You must LET God Love you. You must be willing to accept Goodness offered to you, here and now. God offers it endlessly, no matter what personality or thing or place you think you must cling to. If there is even a moment of wondering “there must be something more…”, offer your attention and acceptance to God, and God will pour out Love, and do the rest.

    Offer, and accept, accept, accept the Love. It is a simpler thing than you imagine.

    And, the simple joys of the earth can still be had and enjoyed, more than ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    That which seems unresolved and inharmonious in your experience of earth IS already Good in God’s vision.

    Seek and ask again today to See with the vision of God, in order to keenly perceive the delightful and the Lovely and the progress of the process that awakens all to the Creation that is fully Spiritual, and not the decaying material illusion. You know, as We have said before, that you have achieved glimpses of this even within the loves and satisfactions of the temporal, and have had those epiphany moments of being lifted to higher Sight and Understanding by Divine Love. Remember those moments now, and vow your intent, in agreement with God, to have more of them, until you realize you are continually living in the Moment of Heaven.

    You can do this now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even in prayer, (or especially in prayer), let yourself not be distracted or confused or seduced by “what has worked before”. Letting your communion with the One Source/Cause grow ritualized or standardized would be to let yourself stagnate. Let each communion with the Loving and Beloved Voice within be as fresh and new as you are in each moment. To over-use certain words or phrases is to become superstitious. God is wordless. God is timeless. Feel the Love, and let that guide you to the empty openness that lets you receive, and allow to see happen, the wonders and desires of the Heart whose pursuit is your Best Life.

    This is true. You are ever unfolding, and it is as important for your relationship with God to be ever unfolding as it is to buy a child bigger shoes when his feet have grown.

    Knowing you grow back to Goodness,


  • Ah. Beloved,

    The fanciful fantasies that the human mind makes can be spiritualized, to help you accept the truth.

    For instance, if you are trying to think about the infinite scope of the Source, and let that reassure you of Its constant ability to provide for you, you can picture a tree laden with fruit that is as plentiful as the stars. Looking at the numerous stars in the sky, especially if wearing your “Spiritual Eyes” that act like a telescope, you could never doubt that there are stars enough, provision enough, for all.

    The telescopic sight that you need to wear is the deep knowledge that the Source is Goodness, and desires only Good for you. That will magnify your sight, and let you see the Plenty that is your share, and your needs fulfilled.

    Magnify your thankful praise of God, dear love, and it magnifies what you receive,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking for a complete healing of the Soul self may result in changes you are not even aware are needed. Old wounds of the body that left a scar may smooth over. Old memories of unforgiven slights will likely come to mind to be tenderly forgiven with mature eyes. Childhood expectations can finally be released as outgrown perceptions.

    And so forth.

    When you petition the Divine for healing, Infinite Spirit looks at ALL that needs adjusting and cleansing and Loving. Ask for Help with one thing, but be not surprised at Healing of all.

    And do so with humble and grateful delight.


  • For young Ian. It was an honor to know your brief human expression of creativity. And thank you for your message of Good.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We assure you of this: If a person has entered your field of consciousness, you can help One Spirit uplift that person in some way. Your task in relationship to that other human may be as simple as a smile, or an act of roadway courtesy, or a gesture of friendship shared. It may be a quick and simple prayer, like blessing someone when he sneezes, or it may be an earnest and extended vigil for health and peace, but there is always something you can do to be a portal for the work of One Divine Spirit to work for the revelation of All Good in another.

    And, we tell you true, that function can be performed even if you are not feeling totally well or blessed yourself. To feel completely well and pure and joyous yourself does help you to be a completely open and clear window for the Light of the Divine, but the Divine can use whatever small opening or slightly hazy mirror it is given, if it is given with the intention of Love. Be the portal, and then stand aside, letting the Wisdom of the Divine work in the way It knows best for that other, unless you get heart instructions to do more.

    Be that intention, Love. Be Love, and be God/Goddess/Goodness in action.


  • Ah, Child Beloved,

    Yes, as ever, ask the Divine Whole to enable and privilege you to know the Harmonious Truth of life of yourself and of your family. Be so delighted to think of seeing the Lovable and Loving Goodness of yourself and your kin, that all old grievances or hurts simply fall away. Keep asking, for so be it, for so it is, for the Divine already knows you all as Its perfect children.

    But, Beloved, realize that the empowerment of your own ability to Spiritually See this, and so also see it in the earthly perceptions, also depends on your willingness to see it for the entire human family. Think upon ALL the brothers and sisters you have in the world and beyond, and ASK to be enabled and privileged to See ALL Beings Living and Loving in God’s Harmony.

    For even so are you yourself Harmonized and aligned with the very Principle of Harmony that is God. Even now, really, are ALL the sons and daughters of God. ASK to See that, and you can. As your Spiritual Sight is uplifted, the world you seem to see will change. If you do this, you are doing much. If you do this, and act from this outlook, you are doing your part in and for the Whole.

    “Even now are we the sons and daughters of Infinite Good.”

    Loving you,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    As you make the choice to go to a greater level of Awareness, as you choose to move nearer to the Divine Within, the Divine will move nearer to you. It will reach out to you in all the levels that you are ready to feel and hear and see. The delightful overt signs that can seem like parlor tricks, or magic, such as the feeling of some Presence next to you at a solemn or celebratory occasion, or the sudden knowledge of where to find a lost object, or the instant recognition of who is on the phone when it first rings, or a precognitive dream about some simple shopping…such things are an effort by the Divine Presence to have you delight in and begin to recognize and trust that Divine Voice within you.

    Take Joy in these occurrences, and let them induce you to spend even more time with that Presence. Let It become your very Best Friend and Love. Let It take you to a level of understanding Oneness that goes far beyond the personal convenience of a guardian angel wakening you at just the right hour.

    And share, share, share your stories of little miracles, especially with those who know you and trust you, or any friend or stranger that seems open to stories that go beyond the human senses. Every heart that you help open to belief in miracles—which are just True Creation’s Reality revealed—helps to bring all human awareness back into Harmony with the Whole.

    Share, and you are doing yourself (which IS All Selves) a favor,

    Endlessly Loving You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are One with you. We are One. We are here, and able, to help you, in this realm that seems so real to you. We are Spirit, as are you. Let go into that conviction, and realize how mutable, and easy to change in an instant, is a form of existence that is lighter than air, lighter than light.

    We are here. Ask us. What are you asking for when you ask us for Help? You are asking for a shift in belief and focus. You are asking for a flow of ideas. You are, above all, asking us to help you shift the focal point of your sight to one that enables you to see that the positives are all around you, if you would take your attention and your thoughts off of the negatives.

    AND, that the greatest positive of all is Divine Love. Nothing else holds the Peace and the Power of that essence, of which you were born, and in which you remain, even as you imagine yourself made only of dust. You are asking us, therefore, to remind you of the Truth, when you are asking for Help. You are asking us to help you remember who you are, a being innocent and worthy, appreciated, embraced, and in the gracious hospitality of the One who made you, and called you Good.

    Always, always, return to this Truth, “Open my eyes, Divine Helpers, and let me see, the solutions that are right here with me. Call me to trust, and help me be, the one that You know me to be.”

    Always in Love,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the wafting sense of Angel-Love comes upon you, just stay still and silent and accept It. Receive It.

    Do not wonder and ponder from whence It came. No matter whether It was aided by the prayers of a certain person for you, or whether It was triggered by the memory of a certain phrase or place or smell—just accept it as Glory and know that Its source is The Source—and that all healing and wholeness comes from It. It is all Life, all purpose, all true Creativity and Will.

    When you feel It land within your mortal thoughts and feelings, just accept It, accept It, and let It works Its cleansing Light.

    Nothing is more important than this. No appointment, no earthly hunger or task should take priority. Just receive the Love of God/Goddess, and feel Its Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to exit the tri-fold paper-consciousness shell of space, time and matter. Like a beautiful triangle of green that unfolds to reveal the rose, you will know your own full and fulfilled beauty of Spirit, as you let yourself visit, in thought, the Unfolding of the tri-fold of illusion.

    Visit it, in your thoughts. Ask for the Divine Helper to be with you, or one of those whom you know to have successfully unfolded their chrysalis painlessly, and picture the Unfolding. Envision the revealing, the Awakening, the transformation of Consciousness, the Peace that comes of being the complete Winged and Free Idea of the Oneness of Being.

    Remember, ascension is easy when you realize no-one ever “descended”,

    In Utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest in My Completeness.

    If you hire a food caterer to supply a celebration, it is so good to enjoy your pleasant time without checking and hovering about the service table. So not look for problems. Look for Joy.

    And so it is if you learn to trust Divine Love to cater to your human needs. Trust Its Completeness. Rest in the Wise and tender Completeness. You were created and you continue to be catered to. Rest in that Completeness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wait, wait, on the actions of the Universe.

    TRUST that you will feel impelled to do what you should, when and where you should, if you have been diligently practicing listening to the Good Inner Voice. Be not so arrogant as to think that the Prime Cause cannot overcome your distractedness or inner deafness or doubt, when It needs to. All Things are possible for It, and the human wanderings, in thought and feeling, between pleasure and pain, will not stop the Prime Being from being Itself, in smoothness and beautiful Order.

    Negate the negations, to become positivism,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Love and Power are available right here and now to your consciousness.

    God did not think you up, create you and then toss you like an old abandoned doll into some forest, to be lost and alone. God is right now. You are in Love and Life’s Mind right here.

    One of the good reasons to listen to the Good reports of how others have felt God working wellness into their lives, is that it helps you believe that God is not far away and long ago, but here, right now, wanting to Help you happily Be and know your Wholeness.

    Look and Listen. See God at Work everywhere.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is more important to recognize the Laws of God than it is to follow human interpretation of them. Many of the “laws” of human religion can give you guidelines, based on human experience and human history, of how to behave to have a smoother life, or when to try to help another. But place none of those laws above the law of listening to, and obeying, the Divine Voice within. When It rises within you, as you see someone in need, or when It rises within you when the person before you SEEMS to be in no need at all, obey It.

    Give, so that you may be given to. Answer, that you may fulfill that which you have promised to do, when you said to God, “Use me, wherever you will.”

    That rising within of Good Spirit is never false, dear love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, tell your dreams, “I welcome you.”

    Tell the dreams you do not even know you have, “I welcome you”, by saying to God, “Dear God, I welcome the dreams YOU have for me.”

    We guarantee you that the best Grace God envisions for you is better than what limited human imagination envisions for itself.

    Today, welcome the dreams that the Divine has for you, as part of Itself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The great practice of seeing everyone around you, and yourself, as offspring of the Infinite Intelligence of God, is a practice that serves you best if done daily and consistently. If you do, and thus begin to see the amazing results of looking with the perceptive Eyes of Love, you will WANT to get more skilled at seeing as God sees in all ways.

    Keep at it. Keep at it. It is part of being the expression of Goodness and Charity and Forgiveness and Love that God created you to be.

    We Help. Keep asking for our Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, pay no attention to the play of human foibles. Today, pay attention only to the fact that I Am Love, and therefore so are you, as my reflection. This is the Truth upon which you can rely. Keep your mind stayed on this. Leave it in My Hands.

    In Utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you notice and appreciate and compliment the Good Divine Qualities in others, the more you will know and feel them in yourself.

    Try to inspire others today to know their own Best, by pointing out the Good that you see in them. A single word can do it. A nod or a smile or a gesture of encouragement can do it.

    And you will be inspired to do what would be Good for you to do. It will not be exactly the same as another. It will be precisely what your own Soul-self was created to be.

    We know this is true and Lovingly empower you to know it too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of your own best, and most inventive, moments. Think about how your ideas flow into one another, using what is at hand, to create a wonderful and fun solution to an immediate need.

    For instance, if you have started the preparations to cook a pot of chili for dinner, and suddenly discover that you are out of your usual spices or beans, you let your eyes travel over what else in is your pantry, and your thoughts review what is in your freezer or garden or easily borrowed from your neighbor, and then you invent. And perhaps the amazing new dish you come up with becomes a favorite thing for you and your family.

    Now realize that you are a wonderful idea in the Divine Mind. As that idea floats near other ideas there, new combinations are found. New ways are created in the dance of ideas, for each idea to shine and be supported.

    When you, as an idea in the Divine Mind, “speak” a request, like a cook deciding she will make chili for dinner, then the Mind of All sorts through and swirls Its other ideas into place, to help that request take place. It may not happen in the way that you imagined, and that is why it is so important to let your requests be open-hearted and unlimited. Let the Divine surprise you with a novel solution. Let the Divine surprise you with an unexpected route to Joy.

    Just expect the Joy, for that is what the Divine wants for all Its ideas,

    And you are One,


  • Ah, so, Beloved,

    We come again to moments of doubt when in human thinking. Those doubts are part of the dream of earth. God has no doubts, and the True Essence of You has no doubts. And that is that.

    One very important treatment for yourself is to remember all the small and large ways that Divine Harmony evidenced Itself for you and your life and in the lives of those like you. We know that you have had and are having and will have these experiences. Do not let them be forgotten. Review them in your mind often, and write them down or record them in another way. Make them a part of your own first aid kit.

    Collect and review stories from others as well—not stories from just those who seem so different from you that you sabotage your thinking with “well, that could never happen for ME”. Everyday gentle or angry ordinary children of God see the Harmonious Hand of God revealed in their health and wealth and joy. Think of their times and think of your own, and take great heart in all the evidence you see.

    The Light is unfolding, and It has, and It will, reach every corner of the dream, until there are no shadows left.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you do not know what to say or do about a situation, then heed your own feelings, and say or do nothing. Instead, turn to quiet and trustful listening to the Lover of your soul, and let yourself be guided. Trusting the body signals of others will only lead you to trust the body signals of your own flesh, which is, as you know, not always in sync with your own best Soul interests.

    Look to the Truth that is Love, love, and be not afraid. BE not afraid to trust yourself to Love, and to trust that Love will also guide those around you. Be not afraid to believe in the future and constant support of the Love that created you, that holds you, that supports you forever.

    Always and ever, so be it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not go forth from your prayer closet in the morning until you can go forth with joy and gratitude for the unending Life which expresses Itself through you. And if anger, or irritation, or sorrow, or fear, try to trip you in your movement forward in faith in the day, retreat again into the prayer closet to renew yourself and come forth again.

    What prayer closet are we speaking of? Oh, you may have many prayer closets set up around you, in the corner of the bedroom, in the study or lavatory, or outside under a tree. You may have strategic inspirational word or music or poem in the corner of your work desk or on your shelf at the office, but the true prayer closet is your mind. It is there that you must retreat from your human emotions and automatic responses, and realign your thoughts with the Divine Thoughts.

    It is your mind that is your true prayer closet, and luckily, it is with you wherever you go. So, whenever you have need of realignment, or re-Harmonizing, go there, Beloved, go There, go There, and be renewed.

    And we are there to help you, if you ask,