All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    The One Divine Mind that holds all and Whose Solving, Comforting Voice sees and hears all, DOES have complete mercy. But hold in mind, you who feel stuck in linear time, that the mercy is relentless, was relentless, so that the One True Mind knows all is already solved and accomplished. It will not give up on you, on seeing you whole. It will not rest until It sees you Whole, perfect.

    For you, that means that once you turn away from thinking that you as a mortal, temporal thing have power and solutions, and you turn to God in some crisis, large or small to your sight, God takes very seriously your act of willingness to be awakened to Heaven. Thus the mercy and awakening become relentless.

    Your human thought might be, “OK, thanks God, for helping me with that little problem or situation, but now I am in charge again and I will take it from here.”

    It does not work that way. Once you have made the free will act to turn to the Comforter, you will be nudged more and more awake, in ways that sometimes seem large and sometimes seem small. How quickly you are willing to play your part in the Plan that awakens all is up to you. But why wait, Beloved? Why wait?.

    Surrender to the compliance to Mercy and Governance, and take Joy in where It leads you, and where it leads those who benefit from the Light that begins to shine through you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Any anger held in your heart will slow your good work and mar it. You know this.

    So cleans it with humor or gratitude or God, but do not let it simmer. Every bubble slows the salvation of the world. Every spoken word of anger pollutes the air.

    Sift it out. Purify.

    Emotional chastity is kind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each time you make the choice, moment by moment, to focus on Good, in yourself, and in others, and in the circumstances and environment around you, you are doing the work of God.

    For God wishes for Its Grace to fully replace the sights and experiences of all that is not Good, and as you allow yourself to help the Good that exists be noted, and worked with, and expanded, then more and more of the Good that is truly All can be revealed. Yes, Beloved, that which is troubled and dark in the world can seem to be very, very real, and pervasive, but that makes it all the more important to be one that seeks and observes Good, and gives It a chance to multiply Its visibility and to be sweetly known by all.

    Trust that your part of this is important, and that all others are led to their parts, and carry on, carry on, carry on. Trust God to do Its job, and you do your part of exhibiting the God-Goodness of yourself, and looking for It in others.

    It is going on all the time. Trust that. Trust Goodness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have amused and calmed yourself, on the road, by asserting that One Mind governs all. You have demonstrated that if a vehicle is following too closely, and you lovingly re-mind yourself, and project to the other mind, that One Calm, Safe Mind governs all, that the vehicle will often back off without any gestures or horns from you.

    Today, silently delight yourself in this way with every event and encounter. “One Mind governs him. One Mind governs her. One Mind governs me. And It governs us all Harmoniously.” Delight in seeing the True Self of everyone in your day today.

    Be delighted, Love, to meet those around you who are revealed by the Governance of Love, and Goodness, and Truth.

    So be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no Truth but One Truth, that all that is real is part of and Contained in, the Mind of God. Call it God, or call it Infinite Life, or Source or Force or Oneness, but there is no getting around or out of, the Truth of That which holds all in Its Harmonious Self. The passing notions and illusions of time do not stand up in any power whatever to the Infinite, and as the Real expands Its Light into time-bubbles of shadow, then all will know this and see this.

    For now, be willing to be part of the expansion of Light. Be willing to look past the shadows and illusions to the potentials for Good, and bring them out, bring them out, bring them out. The end is not in question, for the time-dream always gives way to the Infinite Truth. But while you are in time, and feeling the ephemeral seeming effects of it, it is important to be one that keeps your focus on the Higher, on the Good, on the True, on the Lovely and Lovable.

    For We know you are Lovable, in your True Self, and We look past and through the errors you make. Won”t you do the same for others? Look past their errors, and human failings, and call to the Best of them to come forth, come forth, come forth.

    For those that seem not ready to be Light, leave it to the Mind of God to reach them. They will See the Light for themselves, soon enough. You do not need to convince them. You just need to let Light shine through you.

    And allow yourself Joy while you open to Light,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are fully aware that there is plenty of good pure water available, it is easy to be the attentive and generous hostess, refilling all the glasses of the thirsty guests.

    Be the Spiritual hostess today, Beloved. Remember when you did not realize that the Universe has an endless flow of Unconditional Love available within every Soul-self. Now that you know that It is Infinite, be one of the ones who freely give the encouraging word, the enlightened calm smile, the example of how to offer help.

    And at any moment that you feel fatigue, or a lack of humor or honor, turn instantly to the Divine Love within, and refill, refill, refill.

    It is always there for you, Beloved, and for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To bear grievance is to trap your self in the undying error of the past. Free yourself into the moment and the enjoyment of the moment, with forgiveness. Even when you cannot forgive yourself or others immediately, make the decision in your mind that forgiveness would be a nice thing to achieve, to free yourself from re-living moments in your mind of errors you feel you made, or that others made. That simple decision that you WANT to forgive, coupled with asking for Divine Help in actually doing the forgiving, is a major first step.

    Do it now. Do it today, and you will be amazed at how much less of a burden you feel, right away. Once you ask the Divine to help with the process, it will proceed as quickly as possible. Just keep your wanting of it, and your willingness, open–open to the Healing that seeks to free you from your own limiting patterns, and to help you realize your True and Full potential.

    Oh, what an important day this can be. Choose wanting Wholeness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Count your Blessings, to and fro,

    Bless the circle of morning.

    Never leave your couch of sleep without feeling the Flow of Joy.

    Whether the day is due to be busy or quiet,

    Remember to fill your heart with Good Spirit,

    And listen for the Wisdom of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Healing and resolution most often happen if you focus not on the seeming problems or wounds, but on the amazing Perfection of the Infinite.

    If you feel too overwhelmed trying to picture the wondrous Allness of God, then concentrate on a small and perfect beauty—the swirl of a shell, the petals of a flower, the tree that lives unborn within the pine seed.

    Place all your thoughts on the Good and Beautiful, and let Grace heal all the raggedness within your mind.

    And so be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting yourself be Loved and knowing the priceless Peace of God does mean learning to set aside the lusts and wants of the body and of the time-bound. Even if it is just for a few minutes a day, set aside the journey of the human mind, and turn softly, and with quiet determination, and acceptance, to the One Mind that so very gently Holds you.

    You will feel better for it, and all around you will seem better as well. Be well in the Peace of the Mind, and the Wellness spreads through the perceptions of all Soul. This is the way of all Healing.

    We have seen it awaken even the stoniest heart. When your own heart is heavy as stone, or when another heart seems closed or broken, turn softly to the Power of Peace, and let the stone dissolve.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let your discourses be filled with comments and tales of what is right and good in your life and thoughts. Let your observations of others be sincere praises of the positive things they do or represent. Let your suggestions be ones for improvements, and your contributions be ones that build.

    When meditation or contemplation take your Consciousness to the height where you can see the Power of thoughts and words to create, Beloved, you will see the High Importance of elevating thought and words and actions to match the Holiest ones in your heart.

    Eschewing gossip and complaining makes a huge difference in your outlook and in your life, and in the shared world where you wish for all to feel joy.

    You can be an example. You can let your Light, reflected from Love, shine.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    One small kind thought or word, and Love, Love, Divine Love, can accomplish what no amount of human technical skill and expertise can do.

    Turn to Love, trust in Love that Governs, and simply be a vehicle for Its Power.

    That is Our kind word for you today,

    In Love, Love, Love, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just be glad you are Wiser now.

    Be glad God freely gives Wisdom to you, when you are humble enough to take it. Be grateful and relieved God knows your true innocence of Soul and Perfection of working, despite whatever errors you may have made in the human condition. Celebrate that God has ways to bring forth your Good Life, so long as you are willing and want it.

    These are all wonders. And these are all the Divine adjustments that happen for all, over time. It is the Loving command of Spirit, and It is operating already. Keep watch.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know you often remind yourself to focus your thoughts on the Omnipotence and Omnipresence and Omniscience of God, and to bear those in mind as constantly as possible.

    But, dearest, remember also that God is Omni-Loving. Omni-Loving.

    That is the ticket today.

    Feel Loved, and know It is there for all.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you let yourself be playfully humble, and listen to the Inner Guidance for every minute of the day that unfolds, is it not delightful?

    You know the feeling now. You know that there are moments when an inner caution holds you back from going to a certain place, or saying or doing a certain thing. You know that there are people you encounter, that say or do something that inspires you, in just the way you need for that hour or that mindset. You know that there are ideas that come to you that provide you with joy or a creation of sustenance. You know that there are glowing moments when you feel suffused with Divine Love, and basking in a flow of generous Divine Compassion. You know that you feel happy purpose when you are presented with opportunities to minister to others with an item or a service or a word of Joy.

    You have all this evidence of the graciousness of living in, and be humbly guided by, Loving Spirit. Why not choose to let yourself live that way every day? That willingness, given to the directing Soul within, is really all it takes, for a multitude of Intercessory Ideas to be with you all time, Blessing you.

    Give permission to the Good, and It comes forth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep looking to God as the Director of your life, rather than to the bodily senses or the actions of the fad-driven personalities, and you WILL find yourself playing the hero or heroine every day.

    Some days you will be a quiet good man or woman. Some days you will take bold actions for Good. But be glad each day to accept being “typecast” as a child of God, an enlightened being, an awakened one, a good example of Grace, rather than changing roles each day from good to bad human, from virtuous to errant, from whole to broken.

    Take your directions from the Light of Love, and be that Light every day. It is not boring at all. It is an endless Living of Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We assure you that Omnipresent God Spirit, in which you dwell, does not cause bodily pain and heartache and other physical problems. God’s Law is Harmony, and in the Consciousness of All is Spirit, that is what applies, always.

    But in the seeming linear time in which you journey your earth dream, remember that your brain, with its limited outlook, cannot see as Omniscience Sees. There are times when a delay is a Blessing, although you cannot perceive it. There are occasions when more Wisdom must unfold for you, or circumstances finish shifting, before your human need and Joy is fulfilled.

    That is why it is so perfect to practice trusting that the Infinite Divine is at work, and learning to focus on welcoming Its Omnipotent Harmony, even when the situation or details confuse the human perspective. Practice trusting God.

    God wants your joyous experience of Love, dear one,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Child of God,

    Accept the rule of God-Voice as a saint would—directly. Lean not into your own human understanding of an ethical choice, or to another human’s opinion of God’s Law.

    Listen directly to God/Spirit/Soul/Love. Practice, practice, practice listening, so that the feel and sound and nature of Divine Voice is so familiar to you that there can be no mistaking It.

    Serve It, Beloved Child, and It will serve you Well, as a Parent that Loves forever.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Healing, Helping Spiritual Force is right here. The Healing Force, the Helper, is right here, thank God. The Healer is right here, Thank God.”

    Today, Love, let it be as simple as that. Let today be a day of simple, but constant, alignment with the Source, by that prayer. Do not cling to the exact wording, but let the desire of it stay pure, as you adjust the words and your heart to the truth of the intent. BE the prayer, today.

    Always praying with you, wordlessly, or with words,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You may feel bewildered when certain intuitions seem to grow stronger if you begin have a daily practice of listening to your Inner Voice. But be not afraid, your daily meditations not only increase your perceptions, they also are taken by God as an indication of your willingness to hear messages.

    So, if you hear a strong voice waking you early to go on a trip, or a strong urge to message someone right away, or a feeling you should cancel a reservation, consider obeying. God-Spirit is trying to help you in your worldly day.

    God is always with you. Let that Power help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you go directly to God, as We always recommend, to say, “Dear God, thank you for telling me or showing me what I need to know about this human challenging situation”, be patient and humble and expectant of an answer. God always hears, and God always answers.

    The answer may be an inner locution, or a word in sacred texts, or the unsolicited comment from a friend. It may be an object or person that comes your way. Whatever the form, you will feel a sense of direction and peace, even if you are led to wait a little longer, for a more complete solution.

    “God, Your Will is Loving Support for me, and all. I trust in that here and now. Show me Your answering Quality to apply to my view of the day and its circumstances.”

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One Source created One Reflection, to gaze upon and to Love.

    It is the ultimate in truth and in fidelity. It is the ultimate in monogamy.

    Let your responsibility be to realize that you ARE a part of that reflection, in your attitudes and attributes of spirit and expression and reflection of Love. Work towards being the best reflection you can possibly be, cleaning away any thoughts that would interfere with gazing back at the Source with Joy.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    There is a place in your mind that is linked to and controlled by the One Divine Mind, that is also linked to the small, still Voice in your heart. It is constantly there to serve you, but you must pause, to really hear Its advice and Its ideas and love and encouragement and warnings.

    When you speak or act too quickly, you cannot hear that Prime advice and guidance. And what is it that wants to speak and act too quickly? Is it not the human ego that wants to claim self-governance, and self glory?

    When you are in a room of humans at a meeting or even at a party, you can see that there are those that respect the authority or the hostess, and those that talk over others and do not wait to respectfully listen, or to obey the rules or the etiquette. Can you see that your own ego sometimes wants to basically disrespect the Divine Source by refusing to pause and listen to Its Loving advice?

    It is about respect, Beloved. It is about putting the One Mind first. It is necessary for the Happy Dream, Child. And do not think of it as fear of God, but as respect for God and God’s Goodness and God’s desire for Goodness for you. God is not to be feared. The thing to fear is letting your own human ego bully you into not listening to God.

    This is why each heart needs humility—to recognize there is a Greater Good that knows and can help, and should be called upon for advice and energy in all things. Turn to It. Do not be your own bully and your own enemy. Be your own best friend by always pausing and turning to your constant Best Friend, and heeding and being comforted and guided.

    Turn to us for the strength to remember to do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you wish to spend any time assessing the past, assess it by the Spiritual unfolding you have had. Remember and be Glad for all the times that your heart has led you well, and by the ways that solutions have come from your Inner Voice or unexpected Grace.

    Use those memories to help you expect Grace now. Expect Grace, O’ Darling one. Expect Grace, for Grace is always all around you and ready to help when you allow It to fill your consciousness.

    We assure you this is True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As ye sow, so do ye reap. This boomerang effect of the earthly dream means you must keep your eyes on what you sincerely want to reap. If you want peace and calmness and forgiveness, then these are the seeds you must plant by sending them forth.

    If you need help in finding these seeds to plant, remember that only the Qualities of God can wash away the dust that might be covering the seed gems of truth and kindness that are the true essence of you. Call for God Help, find the seeds of Love in your own heart, and sow, sow, sow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you truly realize, from enough experiences, or by revelation of Spirit, or by witnessing the transformation of others, that Joy is Sourced from God, and does not come from any person, place or object outside yourself, then you have a new freedom.

    Within the very Soul-heart of you IS Joy, the blood and fuel and pulsing beat of God. Feel that as Truth, and you can feel Joy in every new circumstance and every confusing scene or thought.

    Make it a part of your routine to constantly thank God for the very existence of Joy, and then be grateful to ride Its waves through every day, and every expected and unexpected adventure of living Life, of expressing the expanding Love that IS God.

    Ask for Joy, unattached to exactly how It comes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no truth that you cannot know by simply going within in deep listening. The sweet One Comforter that steps into all dreams of earth and knows Itself as unified in all, can see all, share all, and give all right ideas to you.

    Realize this, however. It will not share truth in order to harm. If you would know the truth of what another person thought or did in the dream, you must be prepared to forgive it if you do not like what you hear.

    The Comforter only shares in order to heal and unite, and you block the healing to yourself if you are focused on anger or vengeance or “being right” of any kind. Give love as you share and as you hear, and be willing to let others” errors go, along with your own.

    As ever, knowing the true Good you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not let the reading of texts distract you from actually listening to YOUR individual instructions from God. Yes, the same Voice of One Spirit speaks to all, but your individuality is still sacred in the One reflection of God, and the part you play in the Great Play of remembrance is unique. Read texts and inspirations that help you grow, but also listen to Your unique instructions.

    Therefore, spend time LISTENING to God, quietly and joyfully. You can ask a text, or a prayer partner, to help uplift your thoughts to God Thoughts, and to a place of Good Listening, but it is You that must hear the individual instructions that are yours to follow, to help release the Whole into God and to guide you in the small actions and perceptions of the day.

    It is the way, Beloved. It is the Way.

    Listen. And practice listening, so that when the Voice comes to you unbidden, in circumstances that demand your immediate action or attention, you will recognize the Voice of the Divine, and obey. Like getting to know the voice of a new friend, the Voice must be listened to, in order to grow familiar and trusted.

    We trust you to do your part, for We know you already have, in the timelessness of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Creative Source is, in and as Itself, complete.

    You do not need to do anything to complete what is already complete.

    All you need is to enjoy It. It is all around you. It is you. Enjoy It.

    As you enjoy It, It will reveal more and more of Itself to you, for by your enjoyment and your gratitude and appreciation, you will have self-removed the filters that were keeping you from seeing all of the Great Glory that the Source already created Itself to be.

    Like a horse whose blinders have been removed, you will be able to roll your eyes with delight, at the New sights that you see, that were actually already all around thee. Ah, Revelation. Each one comes to It, soon or late, but all receive full measure.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Back to basics. Begin with GodSource, that has no faults and does not create faults.

    Think about Perfection. Think about a mirror image of Perfection.

    Think about the Divine Help you have to keep the mirror clean.

    “High Spirit of the Light, come wash me clean, set the image right. Let me See.”

    We Love you so, and we Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep your mind open to the Mind that rules all eternity, and on the Power of that Good, Pure and True. Keep your mind full of the Omnipotence of that which does not die, and know that your focus and your prayers DO make a difference.

    Your prayers do make a difference to more Good being revealed.

    What Joy it gives you to hear about clever solutions and wise decisions and peaceful will prevailing. Keep thinking on those things, and be sure that Consciousness does open to the Will of God, and thanks brings It forth.

    Good Will does win the day in human hearts beyond time,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Consistent deep Peace and Truth and Contented Happiness come only from the finely tuned Inner Self, fully aligned, and continuously fed by, the Infinite.

    Different systems of human philosophy and religion and spiritual systems have various names for it and myriad systems that have been tried to completely achieve awareness of it, but that Oneness of Gentle Thought and Being flickers among them all in some form.

    Seek It however you will, Beloveds, but do seek It. For that Oneness already Lovingly Holds you all, and the sooner you find the Inner Spirit to help awaken you fully, the sooner Harmony touches all in the Consciousness of Heaven.

    Trust Love to constantly offer you ways to connect fully with Its Divine Self. It will not force you to look away from, or past the limited human senses, and learn to enjoy the joining with the Great Consciousness, but It will pour out floods of Gladness when you do. And, being outside of linear time, It knows you eventually will. Why not now?

    Look, Look, Look, Seek, Seek, Seek, ask and open, for you exist within the Oneness, and flying throughout It are Its dedicated servants and healers and awakeners, ready to come to your side when you are ready to receive them.

    God has made provision for all to awaken in some way,


  • Dear Beloved,

    Endlessly, we watch you. We watch you with love, hoping for a chance to help you achieve the Best Self that you have come here to be. We honor your plan, and we honor your right to choose what to enact and what to do, so we need your permission to help that plan be enacted.

    You are living your plan. We do not ask you to turn over the living of it to anyone but yourself. We just ask that you give the divine Infinite a chance to provide the loving resources that you need to enact that Dream, that you keep in your heart. We just ask that we be allowed to help distribute your gift when you decide that your gift is ready to be shared.

    You brought that gift, whatever yours is, with you when you came to this life. We ask you to feel the truth, that your gift wants to be explored and shared. Believe this, that we would love to help bring that about, guided by your own love of your gift and your own will that it be so.

    You have already begun it by coming here to this life. All of our love and all of the abundance of the Universe stand ready to back you up. Call out to the Universe in a voice of love, knowing that a loving voice is the voice it hears, and answers. Call out in a feeling of full faith that the Universe supports you.

    Endlessly, we listen. When you say, “Yes”, we act. To doubt yourself and your gifts, and your ability to contribute them to the world is to say, “Maybe”. Do not doubt yourself and your gifts. Instead, trust and say, “Yes”, and let a new world of possibilities open up before you.

    We are lovingly listening,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Refocus, refocus, refocus, on the Truths of God. The Divine Source, and all that it projects as the Spiritual Universe, is Infinite and, in the tiny dream of time and space, fills all time and space.

    That means, Beloved, that there is nowhere that God is not. There is no place or circumstance or situation where the aspects of God are not fully available. Ignore what the news media predicts or what doomsayers proclaim, and remember that all around your dream of your self, is the Infinite substance of God, Holding you, Loving you, letting you awaken gently to a remembrance that you are a part of the Infinite, ever-sustained Whole.

    Turn away from thoughts of fear and scarcity, and TO thoughts of the open, providing Nature of the Creator, and then LET THE CREATOR CREATE. Or, to be clear, let yourself see what was already created for you, full and complete and perfect, when the very idea of you was born in God’s Mind.

    “The Creator that created me, also created a Good Life for me. I open my eyes and See it now.”

    Do your part by Loving the Creator and all whom were created,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know you can stay busy with tasks and errands and chores and little projects, and we know that some of those put you into the flow of creativity that is part of Truth.

    But you can also stay “busy” listening to the Divine Voice within. Being unconsciously guided by It as you go through a “busy” day is fine, but there are days when you must make that effort to be very conscious of listening to God, trusting God, and not letting the human senses and emotions hold sway. This is such a day. Stay busy listening to God.

    What must be done or is a Joy to achieve will still happen, but let God awareness be in the forefront of your thoughts, so that Love impels all that you do and say.

    It is the right Way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This day, as always, rest joyfully against the inner knowledge you have gained, that the Source and matrix within which you live, and of which likeness you are made, is GOOD.

    Even when your human eyes and logic cannot see what is best for your happiness, that Goodness can. RELAX into hearing the inner instructions that you have learned to trust, and be obedient and certain and calm in that trust.

    Remember that the Inner Divine Voice is consistent and quiet and Loving and Absolute. By practice, you know Its feel. By familiarity, you believe in Its Good Will for you.

    Follow It. And be free of all lesser thoughts.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The bounty of the Lord is unbounded. Do take a quiet day to ponder the various Qualities of the Creative Source, and know, and really feel, that all of them are yours to draw upon.

    But, Beloved, you must step forward and ask to have them revealed in you. Just as a bank will not give money from your account to someone else, and you must show your identity proof before they will give it to you, you must step forward in your thoughts and heart and ask for your rightful good qualities and talents to be revealed in you.

    The Source wants to see them flourish in you, and will not give your portion away to someone else, and will not run out of Goodness to dispense. Stand forth, think about the courage and wisdom, and lovableness and lovingness, and intelligence and creativity and joy you want, and ask for your rightful share.

    As ever, with you, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When there are those who would mock you for your faith, but they are ones whom you are called upon to be with, because of family ties or work or civic commitments, let your quiet calm joy speak for itself.

    When there are those who say they are willing to listen to you, but whose ears and human thinking are so attuned to listening for and attacking phrases that are not “politically correct”, that hey cannot really listen to your truths, let your joyful faith and loving acceptance of their condemnation speak for itself. Let unconditional love pour out along with your testimony, and know that someday, somewhere, that is the thing that will touch their hearts, long after your spoken message is forgotten.

    Trust in the timing of God. Give the anointing of your faith and joy to them, and trust that God will help it reach their awareness, at the same time that the Divine Voice opens their hearts.

    Remember that One Mind has taken ALL into account,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, you will know what to do only exactly in the moment, if you are following the Divine Voice within. Only when you are already in the town, or already in front of the person at the desk, or already in the car, will you hear the further instruction from God. God often acts in small nudges.

    Remember that it must be so, for all humanity progresses together into Spiritual awareness and awakening, and your role in your own awakening and Spiritual sustaining, and your role in helping others, are interlinked in time with the choices of others. Follow, follow, follow where the Voice of Divine Love says to go, and follow what It says to do, trusting in the ever-adjusting timing of the Source.

    Patience helps you stay calm, and trusting God gives calmness,


  • Ah, Greatly Beloved,

    God longs for you to see Good and Lovely Creation. Joyfully will Spirit help you see the Heavenly that is God-given around you right now. Take your eyes off the woe and be opened eyes for the Light of God,

    As the enabled Light of God shines forth from you, it is not denying the illusions that have sadly mesmerized so many It is helping dispel that darkness, so that all can stand in the Light and be so, so Glad to see Bright Creation.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a clever illusionist called you forward at a carnival and hypnotized you into thinking you could only cluck like a chicken, you might be embarrassed by your mesmerized behavior, but afterward you would not really think you were a chicken.

    Exactly so, O’ dear one, do not linger in embarrassment at the things you may have said and done when tricked by rumors or errors of culture. Those suggestions of flaws and supposedly inevitable illness or sin or such have no real power over the wondrous Beloved Soul of you. They are illusionist thoughts, and cannot change the Truth that you are a Beloved offspring of God, cared for, Held, embraced as a part of expanding Good. Claim the Truth right away, and let not yourself be a part of the parade of illusion.

    Turn to the Divine Voice within for this Truth and listen to It and cling to it, and take Joy and strength from It. Listen not to the illusionists who would have you believe you are but an animal body, and unworthy of Divine Spirit.

    You are a Beloved held in Love, and that is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so tempting to assume that the words or actions or advice that gave you a sense of direction or purpose or wellbeing will also work for someone you care about. And the commonalities of the human experience and the shared dreams or existence can certainly make it easier to believe that.

    But each shining ray of Light that comes forth from the Source of All Love is indeed unique, although drawing on the same Qualities of the Creator. Keep remembering that when others try to convince you that their exact way of enlightenment must be your way, or when you are tempted to expound, unasked, on the methods of Best reflecting God to another.

    Yes, share your own testimonies of Spiritual Light if they are welcomes, tell your story when truly asked, if you are guided by God to do so, but mostly keep to the Principal of learning to Love, Love, Love, with all the appreciation and acceptance and compassion and honor that entails. Labels and dogmas are not the way. It is Love, Love, Love, in the way that God Loves, to endure in your Infinite Home.

    So brief is the temporal world, so forever is God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Peaceful in your heart. A weight-lifted-off-my-shoulders type of feeling.

    These are signals that your prayers have been heard and enacted in the way that is truly Blessed and Best for you.

    Take Joy in the sense of Peace, and mark the feeling of having given your burdens to the Force of Love that knows how to carry them away from your perceptions, and show you instead the Gladness of Being.

    Continue to begin your days with the meditations and prayer that bring this Peace sublime to your heart, and before you know it you will feel as though you have a whole new life.

    This is the Truth of Life and Love. Learning it is the goal of human growth, and we applaud each moment that you know the good of it. Keep your eyes and thoughts on this goal, dear one, and remember We walk beside you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be very alert to toss aside the thoughts that try to distract you as you try to empty your mind and let God-Thoughts uplift you. As you try to focus on timelessness, and Spirit, and Love, into your consciousness may creep reminders of the laundry that needs to be moved, or the pile of papers that must be sorted, or the beans put on to soak, or any one of a thousand other things. Gently ignore those things. They can all wait, or turn out to be unnecessary.

    Gently ignore those things, just as you would ignore them if a long lost love had suddenly come to the door, or a dear, dear relative stopped by for a surprise visit. The daily cares will try to keep you focused on the worldly concerns, just when you would be best focused on the concern for your High Soul that will lift you into an easier movement through the days.

    Gently. Gently, train yourself to give all of your self to Spirit-Thought, as many times a day as you can.

    Gently, we help you do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love is the opposite of fear. If you are sick of feeling fear, in any of its masquerades, such as anger, sorrow, hate, despair, etc., then choose to feel Love.

    The Presence of Love, that is the Primal Cause and everywhere, cancels out fear . Welcome Love. If you are having trouble feeling Love and welcoming It, ask us, ask It, to Help you.

    Quietly, trustingly, wait for that Help to come, like a soft blanket of Thought and Peace.

    We Love you more than you can imagine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid. Only Good can come from believing in the Goodness of Me, that is All in All.

    Trusting in the Good with ALL your heart truly means ALL. You cannot turn over to ME just most of your life and your decisions, and keep apart a little corner of your own wishes with regards to a certain person or certain old pleasures. You can trust Me that I do want the Best of each and every one to shine forth, and leave the Governance of others to me. Each and every soul evolves upward to remembrance of Me. Let that happen at the appropriate pace for each, as I have seen right to do, and keep your eyes on My Love for you. Let me unfold you at the proper pace for you. Try to focus on your Love and trust of Me.

    I will help you do that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We love and honor you. We know you are grateful to us for always being at your call. So for the Love of us, love and honor others. And for the gratitude of us, forgive others when they lose themselves in their animal sense of identity.

    We assure you, we will help you rise above these thoughts, these things.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is more certainty in God’s Heart of your worth than you can imagine.

    It is a Parent’s Joy of Love!

    Would such a Love deny you what you need, if you turned to It?

    No, Love, It would not. Turn to Love. Over and over and over, turn to Love.

    We do, and It works,

    It supports us and our purpose, It IS us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let this be your heart’s daily call:

    “High Guidance, Holy Helper, of the Light,

    Come to help us see ourselves aright.

    Use me for any that need to see,

    The way, the truth, the good, that You know them to be.”

    All the journeys end in love, Beloved,

    When nothing else remains,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ah, how easy it seems to take on false responsibility.

    Most people interpret “Honor thy mother and father” as an edict to honor their earthly parents. And, to be sure, honoring those who gave sweet care and love to you is good, as well as honoring them as other soul-reflections of One Soul.

    But ALL are children of One Loving Source. That Oneness governs all and plans for all and has responsibility for all. Would you usurp the authority of God? Would you not honor the authority of your Heavenly Mother/Father? Would you imagine that you know best what would be good for another, when you are not even sure what would be good for yourself?

    Yes, Beloved, if you are led by the Divine Voice to do or say a thing, or to give care or nourishment of some kind to another, do so. But let yourself be LED by Divine Voice in those doings, and gracefully give way to the Divine leadings of others. Remind yourself often that God governs you, and that it is God’s job to govern others, not yours.

    Your job is only to love them as you are loved, for when you receive Love, as one of God’s children, it is Good to pass that Love along, recognizing that if God deems it Good to Love that other, those others, as His/Her children, then surely so must you recognize that what they really are is Lovable children of God, endlessly forgiven when they behave badly, and endlessly encouraged to shine the Brightness out of which they are made.

    Can you do any less?



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Self-immolation. Allowing, each morning, each hour, each minute, to let yourself be subject to the Greater Will that is the only Real Will, is the key to remaining in Higher Consciousness.

    Does it sound like enslavement? Only to the ego-self, Beloved. It is true freedom, Beloved. True security, true Hope, True Calm, and True Love. And, once the “ego-self” begins to see the worldly evidence of much of the worldly experience running more smoothly as you understand that “I am the substance of the Harmony of the Source”, it will be easier to subjugate the ego self to the Source-Self each day.

    Start your day with giving over to the Divine Self. End your day that way as well, and give over to It any time during the day that the “me, me, me-self” tries to take over. Life lived in the Higher Consciousness is its own reward, but you will also see greater and greater Harmony apparent in the worldly interactions that you are still led to perform.

    The Self that remains is the Self we know and Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the Prime Mover moves, everything moves.

    The way that the shifting of one idea in your mind shifts all, or many, of the other ideas in your mind, is but a tiny glimmer, a tiny hint, of how the Vast Infinite Mind moves Its ideas, including “you”. It moves them gently, firmly, lovingly, so that they all dance together in Harmony and Divine Order.

    If you can play with the concept of understanding that “you” are not a body, but rather that “I am a delightful idea in Spirit”, then you can begin to imagine how beautifully all the sparks of idea in Spirit can move in concert to be the most lovely display of fireworks and color and beauty and sound that ever was, or is, or ever shall be.

    Let your enlightenment be playful instead of painful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God begs us beg you, yet again, thus:

    “Ah, Child,

    Come directly unto me. A minute every hour, no more than this I ask for now, close you eyes and ask me to Love you. Let me tell you, “you are Loved”, let me remind you who you are, as spirit born of the Spirit of my Heart.”

    We serve in This All alongside you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many ask the All-in All for objects or wealth or bodily health, for they have not yet realized the fully Spiritual nature of the Universe and all the other glimmering ideas in the Mind of God. If you are one who has begun to realize that “seeking first the Kingdom of God”, that is, seeking first to realize that all is Consciousness, is the perfect way to demonstrate what is needed for human thriving, then seek It indeed.

    Ask for the attitude support and the mindset and outlooks that you need. If right now you need Confident Compassion and Optimism, then ask for them. Ask for them to well up within your thoughts and feelings, and know that the Great Consciousness that is composed of all Good will freely give them to you. And from that Consciousness come the absolutely perfect ideas and solutions as well. Ask for ideas, from the One Source of them all.

    When more individuals awaken to the Truth that everything belongs to God, everything is within God, then there will be no more fussing and warring about ideas. All ideas are within God, and you are one of those ideas, and all the ideas you have that are Good are also in and of God. On whatever level you are able to grasp that yet, ask for what you need. Set aside the little human ego that wants credit and accolades, and do all for the Glory and Grace of God.

    And ask for the confidence and Grace to enact the noble attributes of being a part of Love.

    You can do this. All together, it can be done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are asked, as you awaken from the earth-body dream, “Did you love as I have loved you? Did you express the Love that I Am?”, it is not asked in order to judge you. It is asked in order to help you focus on the moments and occasions in which you did love, to help you forget the times of unloving and the times you felt the danger of non-compassion.

    It is to help you remember that you were never really separate from the Whole of Love in which you dwell, and of which you are a part, and to realize that if you had let any of those moments of loving expand into a full realization of agape, of Unconditional Divine Love, you would have never felt apart from the Divine Source.

    You would have realized, and can realize as you are asked, that you were not, are not, and never will be separate from the Source that created the beautiful idea of you.

    Let any moment of agape expand now, and you can know it now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Periodically we must remind you.

    Love is for giving. Love is forgiving.

    It is always possible to forgive, because you are made of the very substance of Love. Ask for Love’s Help, and you can do it. You can do it.

    You can do it because you must, for you also want forgiveness for your own errors. We know this and you know this. Love has never stopped Loving you, but you must seek to give that Love forth. THAT fulfills Love’s purpose, and it is an inherent part of the essence of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Receiving Spirit, and Spirit’s Voice, into your heart is not hard. It is already there. All you have to do to hear it is to ASK. Ask, and either hear It right away, or wait, and We assure you It will find a way to help you hear.

    Even if you do not believe in Divine Spirit, or are not sure if you believe, ASK and It will come to you. It will find a way to speak to you, come to you, in a way that YOU can understand.

    The body-self, that wants you to think you are alone and oh so separate from the Divine, will try to make you think this is impossible, or that if you start to feel and hear the Loving connection, that you have just imagined it, but We assure you that the Divine never fails.

    Press on. Ask and listen, and be ready and willing to raise your voice in thanks, for that which is your very sense of existence.

    What do you have to lose except a sense of aloneness or confusion?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you have learned, or are learning, to always listen to the Heart Voice of God before answering or acting, then it is so important to use the courage you can receive from the Source to take your time to answer when talking to people, or to stay silent, or to say you will return with an answer after some time alone with God.

    If you are learning to constantly turn to the Inner Divine Wisdom and Comfort and Omnipresent Life to advise you and be your support, then do so especially when faced with others who are still caught in the habit of murmuring and babbling from their human habits and complaints. Re-set the pattern of your days so that you can take moments alone with your Invisible Divine Comforter and Advocate throughout the day, to re-center yourself, and refresh yourself in the wondrous matrix of Love that holds all. Let the quiet corner in the hallway, or the restroom, or the car, or the eyes closed behind the shield of a book, or the silent waterfall of your own hair as you brush it, become to sacred space wherein you take time to commune with that Everpresent Help that is your True Life.

    Look only to God, and God will help lift you over the murmuring and fretting of the world,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How great is My Love?

    Very Great indeed. It is All. It can See for you, Know for you, Be All for you.

    Relax into the Warmth of that Love today, dear child, as though stepping near a fire on a cold, cold day. I am there for you. I am here for you. Always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the night or day, when you feel pulled by strings of regret about errors you feel you have made, turn to us.

    We will remind you of how far you have come as in your understanding of Soul, and help you remember good you have done, and promise you of help you still will give. Every individual needs these assurances of mercy and trust, both of which flow from the Source of Life and Love. We are glad, glad, glad to give them.

    Trust us to trust in the Good of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ponder the phrase, “Be not offended in Me”, which, in various forms, shows up in many sacred scriptures.

    The “Me” is the Oneness, the Infinite Source which contains and sustains and upholds and maintains all things and ideas of individuality (you are an idea of individuality).

    If you are “offended”, or holding a grievance, within that One Wholeness, then it is as though you have put up a fence around the idea of you, as you float within that Ever- present, Calm, Giving, Love. Or, in other words, being offended, or holding onto that feeling of being offended, translates into being unwilling to receive.

    The next time you feel offended by something someone says to you or does to you, ask yourself, “am I closing myself off to receiving Love?” Am I putting up a barrier to the possibility of receiving a sweet glimpse of the Divine, in this encounter, or from this person, or in the growth of my own actions and spiritual sight?

    “Let me turn to Trust and Forgiveness, and see what comes Flowing to me.

    For I vow, once more, to not be offended in Thee.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always a new journey to tomorrow. It starts today.

    Let humor lead your way today. You look around in the news feeds and you of course feel some dismay at what seems to be afflicting so many, although you also feel joy at some of the inspirational innovations or presentations of beauty and order that you see.

    DO realize that you must raise your perspective above the five senses that think they know all, and focus on the thoughts that need to be healed, the truth that needs to be championed. If everyone around you thought he or she were a giraffe, you would know right away that it was their mistaken beliefs that needed to be healed, not some sort of surgery or assassination.

    If you also thought you were a giraffe, it would be hard to realize what the others needed.

    Dear, dear one, remember you are not a giraffe. You are a child of Spirit, of God. You know this, and so do many, many others. Be of One Mind with all who remember they are not animals fighting for survival and domination, but images of the Creator, striving to let all fierce and unloving behavior fall away.

    Rather than letting the illusion make you weep, see beyond it, remember who you are, and ask of the One Mind that endlessly gives of Its Love to shine through you.

    Stand back, outside of time, laugh, heal, and help heal others,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To keep your focus on the Truth that All is Spirit, you must not only stand back from, and not react to, the animal-body-costume propensities of others, you must also stand back from your own. Observe the costume of body and personality, but let them not interfere with you constant honor of All is God and All is Good.

    Thus are you able to stay standing in the spot, in the perspective, from which True Healing is possible. Let your consciousness be on the holiness in which you dwell, and do not be fooled into thinking that you are somewhere else, doing something else, separated from God. Let your inner, God-given holiness rule, and not the flesh.

    We stand with you now,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    These messages may act as a springboard for contemplating a spiritual question, or as a reminder and entryway to taking quiet time in Soul, but they are no substitute for exploring your unique individual life within the Life of God-Mind, God-Heart.

    Take time for that individual and special relationship with God, with Spirit, dear one. The Voice of Love wants to walk and talk with you in the Garden of Creation that is your body of Light. God wants to see and enjoy your unfolding, and for you to discern and understand and love the ways of All that is God/Good.

    Walk and talk with God today, dear love. Walk and listen to God today, and be uplifted and be glad. Make time for that. Take time for that.

    We are the Divine Thoughts that hover about you always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What would you do and say if your Loving God were in the room with you?

    The Source IS in the room with you. Behave accordingly.

    The Source of all, that IS All in All, is not some far away thing or persona that plays with humans as though they were Its action figures or dolls. The spiritual essences of you all are the spiritual emanations of Spirit, endlessly connected to It and to one another. It is a shining amalgam of Light.

    Its Omnipotence and Omnipresence and Omniscience means that It sees and knows all, but it also means that It is available to you as Loving Help, right here, right now.

    Take that into your heart, and use it.

    As ever, helping with that Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that you realize that Spirit that is the Source of all can read the hearts of all. You do not need to be able to know what words to use to pray with or what to ask about what you should do for, or with, God. You just need to open your heart with willingness and be still and quiet enough to LET the Source speak to you, or just to reach all around you with Its gentleness, and comfort and guide you.

    Allow this today, Beloved. Allow this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the timelessness of The One Consciousness, God is not fooled into thinking it is “Too late” for anything. Accept the Calmness of no hurry, albeit speaking, or acting, exactly when God bids you do so, in the day to day situations that seem to be all around you and fill your minutes.

    But do so steadily, and assured, that all illusions will wisp away and all hearts will be awakened, in the due process of God’s Law reigning Supreme. Even when groups or individuals do not act promptly when God bids them to, God offers them the chance again and again and again.

    No parent ever really stops searching for a lost child, and God will not stop until every part of individualized Soul is awakened and embraced in Love.

    Try to be Holy as God is Holy, each day. When you fail, refill with Love and try again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God governs my neighbor and God governs me.

    God governs us all tenderly.

    No matter the time, or the place,

    No matter our individual pace or place,

    God governs all as God governs me,

    I must remember this if I want to feel free.

    It is not a race. God is in every moment and space.

    Costumed as friend or stranger or family,

    God governs them all as God governs me,

    If I will simply let that be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you want to know who and what you really are, look not into an earthly mirror. Look into the Eye of God. Ask Love what It Sees as you.

    And keep looking and keep asking, and you will see and hear, because God will find ways to show and speak that you are capable of perceiving. Different ways will reach different individuals, but God is not limited by human limits, and gladly Lights a way for each one.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One Mind governs all.

    Be mostly silent today, Beloved, insofar as you can, and just keep thinking that Thought that “One Mind governs all.”

    Observe, and delight to observe, when you see Good unfold around you.

    We Love you so, and One Mind has a Good Plan for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The energy We give you, the Calmness We infuse into you, the Words We whisper to remind you to forgive, to help you to be patient, to remember how much you yourself have needed extra Love at times, is so that you will find the strength to offer these to others. And to yourself.

    “Love your neighbor as yourself” is a Truth that must be constantly practiced. You will not succeed in it in every day or every circumstance, but you, and We, can be very Glad each time you do. Do not feel frozen in heart and guilty in thought, when you fail in it.

    Instead, turn back to the first Truth, “Love God with all your heart and mind”, and be renewed by knowing that God’s Knowledge of your Innocence, and God’s Unconditional Constant Love, are there for you to draw upon. We are God-Thoughts, always ready to pour more courage and inspiration, and whatever else is needed, your way.

    Here We are. Use Us. It is free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, tell your dreams, “I welcome you.”

    Tell the dreams you do not even know you have, “I welcome you”, by saying to God, “Dear God, I welcome the dreams YOU have for me.”

    We guarantee you that the best Grace God envisions for you is better than what limited human imagination envisions for itself.

    Today, welcome the dreams that the Divine has for you, as part of Itself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every good manager learns the art and benefits of delegation. When you are managing your own life arrangements and fears and joys, be aware you can “delegate” to the Divine Love that is always with you.

    If you awaken again in the night, anxious about an issue of relationship, or whether you might have left a door unlocked, and you cannot find the Calm to clearly pray about it, or do not have the long-distance means to check on it, ask for the Divine Help of Spirit, of Angelic Thought-Beings. Ask for Omnipresent protection on your goods, ask for inspiration and answers to flow to all minds within One Mind, ask for Guardian Soul to comfort and guide your loved ones, near and far.

    You can cultivate an absolute trust of the Immortal ideas that dwell with the idea of you here in the Mind of God, and that the Good Love of God wants to help, help, help you dispel all problems and uneasiness, and be and live the fullness of the Good-hearted. Ask Them for ideas to help you do what you can, and trust Them to do what you cannot. Envision All Good, for God IS All Good.

    Delegate to your Guardian Angels, Beloved. You deserve it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The message from God-Source never changes. It is always “I Love you, and I want you to reflect my Love, in your actions and words and what you give forth to others.”

    It is important that you make clear that it is in respect for God and for the God-Soul of the other person, and yourself, that you do this, for that correctly draws the eyes and sense and heart of the other into looking to God, and not another person, as the Source of his or her quiet and joyous salvation.

    Rejoice in your Loving Parent whose Love varies not,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be at ease, Be at ease in My Golden Love, and let Me take care of you.

    Be at ease, Be at ease, and let Me do the Work of Awakening and Healing you.

    Just gladly surrender all thought to the Governance of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not interested in making it difficult for you to remember your Oneness.

    “God Loves me, and I Love God.” Simple.

    To keep that central in thought and heart changes everything.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgive yourself, forgive yourself, forgive yourself.

    Forgive yourself, and See your self with the Loving eyes of God.

    When you understand your innocent Spiritual Self, you can move forward.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The God-Force can and does heal the afflicted. When you have immersed yourself in hearing and listening for the Words and Thoughts of the Force Divine, but still have moments of doubt, take time to OBSERVE the healings of those around you, as well as reviewing the healings you yourself have experienced in bodily form, by trusting in the Grace of God.

    Observe, believe, and trust. And, O’ Child, give thanks, give thanks, give thanks. Be grateful to the Good Mind that holds you, loves you, cares for you, as though you were Itself, for you ARE Itself, in quality and in Holy Name.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing but the Divine Source and Its Pure Reflection.

    “I am a part of the pure reflection of God, and I let my consciousness slide back along that ray of Light that reflects, and I am become Light again, with no thought of body or body needs in my way.”

    We know and see the Real you, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although carefully and slowly reading the words of these messages, and pondering the meaning of what is said, can induce a receptivity to the individualized message that the small, still Voice has for each one who reads these messages, it is important to go further in your practice.

    Our first daily words to you can carry you there. Repeat our greeting, “Ah, Beloved” in your own quiet mind, and then close your eyes and feel the Love that our greeting holds. Feel the Love. Feel the Love. Feel the Love.

    Then practice listening for any other Loving word or phrase that the calm, quiet Voice of Love has for you. Beyond the Love, but included in the Love, and with complete Love, It has words and understanding and knowledge and gifts of Spirit for everyone, and unique to each. For although all are one with the One Spirit, each is amazingly unique. Listen, hear, absorb.

    Practice feeling the Love. Practice feeling Its Truth and Its plan and instructions for you.

    In such deep and Tender Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Well do we realize that when one thinks of the illusory nature of the supposed “physical laws”, there can be fright, and a sense of meaninglessness at first. But when one looks beneath that surface fear of an entire framework of belief changing, then one begins to see the freedom that is a part of it.

    For if the human mind creates and mis-creates what it thinks it sees, then can it also CHANGE what it decides to see. And in choosing to see only the Good, and therefore aligning with what God would have you see in the dream, then are you beginning to see little bits of the Reality of Good that is the Pure Spirit of God.

    Feel the delight of change being possible, and you will begin to feel true freedom in your heart.

    There IS a way out of pain sense,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sincere silent prayer for the healing ang blessing of others does more to open the conduit to God in your own heart than many hours of telling God what you want.

    God wants your perfectly planned happiness, but you must let God take the lead. Pray for all to receive of God’s supportive Joy in order to clear clean your Divine Connection, then surrender to God’s Loving Control, and be ready to ride the Wave of Love.

    It takes only moments to wish Loving Joy for all each and every day. Make the time.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are no secrets from God’s Technician, Divine Spirit.

    You may as well be honest with yourself when trying to evaluate what parts of your thoughts need to be chiseled away, because they are not made of God. Spirit sees them all and knows your heart.

    Spirit, above all, knows your Good Heart, and the diamond that you are meant to be, even if it is covered in a little rough stuff right now. Spirit knows you and does not condemn you. Spirit will just endlessly and gently try to help you let fall away that which is not the Good Truth of what you were made to be.

    Be honest, and be ready to relinquish any habits and thoughts that keep you from moving forward. If you have the desire to give them up, Spirit will help with the doing. Trust that, and be grateful for that, and let yourself awaken to your own pure You.

    We believe the Best of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Best part of you, that which is a demonstration of the Divine, already is the Divine. When you are feeling frustrated by not understanding that completely, or by feeling that you are not seeing that Divine in yourself, it is usually because you are trying too hard.

    Relax. Relax into the Divine. As the worldly ego-self-aware dusty earth self blows away, then, you will know, “I Am.”

    Let yourself relax. Let the thought patterns and lists of things you think you “have to do” become secondary to just remembering that you are a Beloved child of God/Goddess.

    You will be led to what truly needs to be done or said, and done joyfully and willingly. In fact, you will be amazed at what can be done with Bliss, once you realize you are doing it because of how much you are in love with the Divine, instead of doing it because the world, or some friend or relative, or government, expects it of you.

    Be led by God, and you will find yourself dancing ahead of the leash.

    Always Able,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    It is best to listen for fresh fruitful Wisdom from God for each day, like listening for new directions from a map-finder voice for each stage of a many day journey.

    The words that you heard yesterday, or pondered from a favorite prayer or psalm or poem or line of scripture, that truly uplifted or consoled or healed you, may seem like just alphabet letters today. Ask afresh each day, of God-Spirit, what you need to know for the day. Or, if your habit is to turn to the same traditional prayer each morning, or the same worshipful song lyric, make sure that you ponder patiently so that you really connect with the spiritual sense of it, or the word or line, that opens the door to the full Awareness of Spirit for you here and now.

    It is a new day. Let your dialogue and friendship and exchange of trust with God-Spirit be ever new and deeper each living hour.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always, somewhere, a group of people joined in the prayer and purpose of Peace, of God. Even when you are not able to join them in body, you can join them in thought, in Spirit, in Heart.

    Thinking of that, and feeling that, will help you focus your intents in the Truth, the Love, that disperses all the sad lies into mist, so that the Truth becomes the Seen, instead of the unseen.

    We pray with you always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be this full realization in your Heart, and Mind.

    The choices you make for thoughts of life or death (affirmative, God Thoughts, or thoughts about the passing, temporal realm), are made in EVERY moment, over and over. Therefore, choose Life. Choose to believe the Good. Choose to appeal to the Best in the Person before you, and Choose to See the Best in the Person before you.

    Let go of “being right” in an earth-fact way, and simply choose to be Loving and Loved. This is NOT as hard as it sounds, once you realize that only the Spiritual realm exists and none of the fear/death based behaviors that are about protecting or adorning or pampering the body, make any difference at all to the Truth of you as perfect Spiritual Being.

    Try LOOKING for the Best in everyone today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The greatest gift of learning to hear the gracious voice of Divine Spirit in your heart is that It will help you sort out all the “exceptions to the rule” that occur in earthly life.

    It will not contradict needing to love the All That Is, or to love others as yourself, or the free will you offer it every day, but as other situations and intellectual ponderings come up, it will help indeed. People love to find the “truth” that they may write on scraps of paper, or look up in a book, or shake in pamphlet form in other faces, or point to in some holy text. They want the security of that, and the courage of that, but written or memorized truths can shift when they are out of context. Discerning the Truth for yourself, for a certain moment and a certain decision, must happen with the help of that Inner Spirit that can see the vast picture you cannot see.

    You may turn to a scripture or a page that has helped you again and again, in choosing how to relate to your family, but realizing how to apply it might vary a little bit each time. Divine Spirit can help you there.

    Turning to a Truth from a poem or psalm may go from becoming a “hint” to total clarity by letting the guidance of Spirit help you see certain words in a new Light.

    Each moment and each choice are fraught with so many possibilities, Beloveds. Let yourself be accompanied. Let yourself be guided. Why walk alone, when you can walk with a Companion, and with Love?

    Practice letting that Voice live with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember the old nursery rhyme,

    “When I am pointing a finger at thee, three fingers point back at me.”

    Today, Beloved, point out Grace in every face, and you will also be realizing Grace in your self, and in every object, and every place.

    Try it, and be delighted,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each time you are tempted to believe that the best defense is an offense, turn quickly to commune with the Inner Divine, to remember that Unconditional Love is given freely to all. There is your True Source, there is your True Peace.

    You know this. You have learned it again and again. The “human body and mind” will try to trick you into attacking others, with thought or with deed, but allowing that to happen only further separates you from the Divine Source. Turn quickly, turn quickly, when you feel defensive, and renew and refresh yourself in the Source of endless Love, where your real being is held, and sustained, and accepted and loved, loved, loved.

    There, find the strength to love your neighbor within the Whole.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, above all, that it is only ideas that need to be healed, not persons, places, or things.

    What a beloved and perfect Idea you are, right now, in the sweet Loving Mind of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every Calm Smile you give is the seed of a thousand.

    Be not ashamed, and be not afraid, when you do not have more than that to give.

    You can see in the eyes, of those that are ready and fertile ground for growth and awakening, when your smiles have landed. Give them, give them, everywhere, and worry not about the ones that seem to fall to the wayside for now. They will bear fruit later on.

    Always, We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is important to reassure yourself, and everyone around you, that the good you do and think is important, and makes a difference. It is very easy, in a culture of mass media, to believe that only the huge and famous can influence what occurs.

    But the Heart of you knows that is not true. For the Heart of you hears the Voice of God, of One Mind, and that Mind sees and knows everything and everyone, and understands and counts on each individualized Soul that lets Good shine through.

    Be the Light you are. Every single atom of that Light, and of you as a vehicle for that Light, matters. Let it shine, Beloved. Howsoever small or large, let It shine. There are days when you will shine greatly. There are days when just a glimmer leaks through. But all of those days matter. All of those days contribute to the Whole that wants all to know and understand that the Kingdom of Grace is present, and ready to shine as each one allows.

    Celebrate each bit of Light that shines, as We do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    My dear, My dear, My dear, you underestimate how thrilled I am to have your attention.

    When you take a moment, or a few minutes, or an hour, to turn your focus away from the material chores and pleasures, and simply visit with the Divine Within, it is so very welcome. So very welcome and delightful. And My delight can infuse you with delight as well.

    For as you spend more time communing with your Origin in Love, then all the time you spend in attentiveness to the worldly will have an underlying awareness of the Divine.

    A constant underlying consciousness of the Divine of which you are a part gives you the Power of Love. And it is a Good Power. Practice being with It, Beloved. Practice fully knowing the subtle and wonderful Power of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you give the Source your heart, desiring Happiness, you must let the Source define that Happiness for you. Look for It in all small things, and wait to see the truth of It, even if at first it seems disconcerting.

    Be pleased and grateful for each Good thing that occurs and so go through your days, watching Happiness accrue, bit by bit by bit. Be absolutely happiest for every new bit of understanding you gain about God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be gentle and courteous with those that give you well-meaning advice, but never apologize for taking time to listen to your Inner Wisdom. Your Soul-self knows you, and what is Best for you, better than any person. Indeed, It knows what is Best for all within Itself, although most of them think of themselves as separate individuals.

    Never be ashamed to say, “Thank-you for your good intentions, but I need a moment to ponder that”, or “I need the night to pray about that”.

    God IS with you, and will Guide you. Be certain, and welcome the Good that comes of this pondering.

    Divine Spirit Loves you as part of Itself,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    To understand the depth of God’s Love for you, you must think beyond the limits of time.

    The body you temporarily use goes through ups and downs of feeling loved, but the Spiritual Self that you truly are is already completely created by Love Itself and made out of Love Itself. Feel the depth of that. Feel the Truth of that.

    One commandment of the awakened Mind says “Love your neighbor as you Love yourself.” Do you not realize that such a directive is coming from the very Essence of God, Who “Loves you as It Loves Its Sacred Self”?

    You are so very, very Beloved, and made of Pure Love. Holding that thought even just now and then firmly in mind during your days will completely change the life you choose to experience.

    It takes very little time to choose aright each day.