All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so important to not only have your personal and intimate connection with the Divine Loving Inner Voice of Truth, but to connect with those that also endeavor to think, see and feel the Good and the Infinite Unseen.

    Whether it is in the sharing of stories of the Grace that uplifts them, or the resolution to be enabled to see enlightenment where there is the overlapping dream of sorrow, please join, join, join with others of like heart. Joining does not have to be shared dogma or rituals, just a willingness to together welcome the Thoughts and Wisdom of the Ways of Love.

    Each heart added to this Wave of Light helps,

    And We thank you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The worthiness of each goal that enters your mind can be measured by how much it helps you remember, and share, your own loveliness, and the loveliness of all. Be that. Share that. Shine that.

    As you know your own worth as a citizen of the One Loving Source, and you know your loving self and your loveliness and lovableness, you will enjoy seeing what a difference you can make with simple words and gentle glances, in a world where so many feel afraid and alone. As you fully realize your own status as citizen of the Loving Universe, you will be able to let all around you see that they are, too.

    Count those successes, and the worldly needs take care of themselves,

    As ever,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Always remember to speak thanks for the Blessings that you yourself are receiving and have received, before you try to be the conduit for blessings to flow to others. It is important.

    Do not feel that it is selfishness to do so. Think of it, rather, as the fitting of the tool to do the work in a better way, just as a fireman would check all the hoses and valves and supplies of water and fire retardants before he went to help fight a fire.

    Bless yourself by being open to blessings, and then let them flow, Beloved, let them flow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each joyous step you take in freeing yourself of the dream is a step towards firmer footing from which you have the leverage to pull others from that mist of illusion.

    Each attachment that you let go of, and each relationship that you let play itself out in acknowledgement of the player instead of the role, will help place you for perfect hearing of only the Voice of the Divine Prompter. Listen to those Divine instructions, and let your words, your looks, your actions be the ropes that others can hold to when they realize they want to escape the fog and see the Beauty that is revealed at the edge of it, and right behind it.

    At your side as you slip in and out of the mist,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As ever, focus on the Good today. Keep especially in mind that when Wonderful Good happens to another, be glad for them. Be not envious or proud or competitive, but truly glad for them, for the happiness that Divine Love has in Mind for another, It also has in Mind for you.

    Divine Love knows the Best forms in Consciousness for your individual happiness to flourish. Being glad of the Joy others have keeps you in Good receiving mode. Fall not into complaint and jealousy. Look up to Good, and know that the Goodly Love of God wants all to feel the fuel of Joy, powering their journey to realization of Oneness.

    Blessing others Blesses you. It is the circle of Good.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When deep in communion with God within your heart, and knowing it is you and God alone, trust, trust, trust that there is absolutely nothing that God cannot see and solve to keep you aligned with True Joy.

    Are you not glad you are not in this alone?

    That which is above all else is always with you.

    And Joy, Joy, Joy to the morning,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    The One Divine Mind that holds all and Whose Solving, Comforting Voice sees and hears all, DOES have complete mercy. But hold in mind, you who feel stuck in linear time, that the mercy is relentless, was relentless, so that the One True Mind knows all is already solved and accomplished. It will not give up on you, on seeing you whole. It will not rest until It sees you Whole, perfect.

    For you, that means that once you turn away from thinking that you as a mortal, temporal thing have power and solutions, and you turn to God in some crisis, large or small to your sight, God takes very seriously your act of willingness to be awakened to Heaven. Thus the mercy and awakening become relentless.

    Your human thought might be, “OK, thanks God, for helping me with that little problem or situation, but now I am in charge again and I will take it from here.”

    It does not work that way. Once you have made the free will act to turn to the Comforter, you will be nudged more and more awake, in ways that sometimes seem large and sometimes seem small. How quickly you are willing to play your part in the Plan that awakens all is up to you. But why wait, Beloved? Why wait?.

    Surrender to the compliance to Mercy and Governance, and take Joy in where It leads you, and where it leads those who benefit from the Light that begins to shine through you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The simplicity of Oneness, even though It is infinite, is that each facet of Oneness is a complete reflection of the center stillness. Each facet is a window through which can be seen the perfect centralized Source of all Being. Like a good diamond, of which any cut can be used to see clearly into the interior, the Divine Center can be seen through any individual that turns within and looks through the Window Within.

    Therefore, look to that Window. Look to the Source, as the individual facet that you, as the “edge” of Spirit, are. Do not imagine that your support and your comfort must come from another human who seems to be a character in your scene—look for your own, for the Source is arranged so that It shines equally through every single facet of It Great, Great Being.

    None are refused that ask for Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be SO aware that when you open your mind and heart to the Healing of the Divine Source, that Source Sees the Whole Truth of you.

    That means two things—that nothing can be hidden or held back from being offered to God, including all that you would never admit to another human, and all the habits that your human self thinks it wants to hold onto, AND, secondly, that the Divine will Heal parts of you and your life that you did not even know needed Healing. Do not fear to admit all to the Divine Source, for It loves you Unconditionally, and will help you release any habits or traits that keep you from your best way to live now as a wondrous demonstration of Joy. There is not punishment, there is only growth in Spiritual Understanding and desire to align oneself with Goodness.

    You are perfect in the Divine Mind, and if you give that Divine Source permission to totally re-make you and use you as a Happy example of Itself, It Will show your Complete Goodness in the mirror of earth-time. It already made you and declared you Good, and that has not changed in the Calm Realm of no-time. Therefore, the reflection of that Original Pure Idea that is you can also show that lovely and lovable Goodness.

    You are so Beloved. Accept it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when estranged in the everyday course of affairs, siblings respond and try to help one another when a crisis looms.

    There is a good reason why the popular prayer says OUR Creator, Beloved. It is to help you remember that all are your brother and sister, all are other aspects of the family of the reflection of the Divine.

    That may just sound like theological words, Child. But it will help you if you just keep in mind the simplicity of it. When looking at another person whom you know is lying to you, or evading a situation, you must remember, “This is my brother, too.” When observing your own behavior, you must remember to realize “I am a Child of the Father/Mother God, and I have Their Good Qualities to reflect, if I choose.”

    I will remember these things. Brother. Sister. Child. I will remember these things, and forgive, and Love and be Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The prayer of the Practitioner of God always comes down to the prayer of the saint who said, “Open my eyes, that I may see the truth of You, Lord, in that which is before me”, for always it is the perception that needs healing. And as you are led to see the Truth that streams and dances with joy, like a spring flow after a heavy rain, then you will be able to pray for others, “Open their eyes, Lord, that they may see all the support of You that is all around us, You in Whom we dwell…”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no knowing of God without thinking of God. There is no benefiting from the Love of God without turning to God, even if that willingness is at first just a tiny moment. If you give God that tiny moment, God will then run to you and offer and offer and offer. It remains to you to accept, accept, accept.

    “High Guidance of the Light, fill me with the ability to remember I am all Spirit, and pull me completely into the Sweet Dream of God.”

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Mercy is much bigger than your fears and any errors you may think you have made in the mortal ways. God’s Mercy is Infinite.

    God’s Knowledge of your Innocence stands full and True, right where you think you stand in confusion or guilt or ignorance. God has already assessed you, as Spirit of God-Spirit, and judged you Beloved Child, wrapped in the cloak of Love, and in whom He/She is well pleased.

    Humbly realize that your own human opinion of yourself or others is as nothing, for the infinite Mercy and correction and Love of God shines on all.

    See the Child of God in ALL others, and know yourself one, too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As ye sow, so do ye reap. This boomerang effect of the earthly dream means you must keep your eyes on what you sincerely want to reap. If you want peace and calmness and forgiveness, then these are the seeds you must plant by sending them forth.

    If you need help in finding these seeds to plant, remember that only the Qualities of God can wash away the dust that might be covering the seed gems of truth and kindness that are the true essence of you. Call for God Help, find the seeds of Love in your own heart, and sow, sow, sow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    That which seems unresolved and inharmonious in your experience of earth IS already Good in God’s vision.

    Seek and ask again today to See with the vision of God, in order to keenly perceive the delightful and the Lovely and the progress of the process that awakens all to the Creation that is fully Spiritual, and not the decaying material illusion. You know, as We have said before, that you have achieved glimpses of this even within the loves and satisfactions of the temporal, and have had those epiphany moments of being lifted to higher Sight and Understanding by Divine Love. Remember those moments now, and vow your intent, in agreement with God, to have more of them, until you realize you are continually living in the Moment of Heaven.

    You can do this now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pure Love cures.

    Be immersed in Pure Love today, like a fish in the Ocean, and feel it seep into every iota of your Consciousness.

    You can do this. You CAN give a day to something as important as this. Let the worldly concerns go today, and BE Pure Love.

    This is important, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Expect Good. Know that Good is the Truth and expect it. Expect the path to open and widen. Expect the opportunities to arrive and be clear. Expect the courage and joy from the Infinite to fuel your inspirations and actions. Expect Good and take comfort, and even pleasure, from those expectations, like looking forward to a wonderful surprise.

    When you put the ball into another’s hands, you must trust his timing of when to throw that ball sweetly through the hoop. When you cast your cares to God, trust the arc of events to be in God’s timing, too.

    Trust Good, and the timing of Good. In trust is the freedom you crave.

    In such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you listen with open and loving heart for the Divine whispers of the day, and no words come, then let it be a day of silence.

    Sweet silence, during which each impulse to speak can be observed, to see if it is backed by Compassion, or backed by the human ego trying to parade its “opinions”.

    Love can be given and shared and received in silence, dear Love. Arrogance cannot. Let silence help you today to refuse to condemn or judge or criticize. Then behold the Divine progress you make to remembering the holy Soul of All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Watching or reading or listening to endless stories of human drama and pain does not help you focus on the Always-Solution, which is complete Wholeness of Identity with God, with Good.

    Observe the human condition and note the headlines enough to know how to direct and clarify your prayers for Harmony, but make sure you give more time and attention to appreciating the Laws of Divine Love than to being fascinated by the flaws of mortality.

    We want you to feel the Uplift of Soul and Spirit. Want It for yourself.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Between the times when you feel the true communion of God/Goodness/Oneness Within and the times when you feel you are reeling from the data and materialism of the world, there will be many moments when you feel that you are a player within the world, performing some needed task or job, but that your consciousness is trying to call out to you to listen, or see, with Deeper eyes, a hint of Divine reality around you. Those are the times when, if you cannot literally drop everything and completely listen to the guiding Voice within, you CAN at least slow things down.

    Slow down the chore you are doing and do it with absolute FULL attention. Concentrate on the seconds of time that are passing and look VERY carefully at every detail around you. Let your sensory focus on the things of the very present moment so occupy your thoughts, that your Divine Thoughts have a chance to slip between and reach your awareness. Ask for Divine Help with this, and it can happen. If you let your mind simply wander and zip about while you are performing routine material things, it will wander into the future of worries and the regrets or replays of the past, and the Divine Voice of this moment’s best choices will not have a chance to hold you and help you and love you.

    Give it that chance, Beloved. Give it moments of quiet, when you feel you cannot give it all. Giving the Divine just a bit of permission will open enough to let It in.

    Each moment you give the Full Infinite gives you more of your Self,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The certainty that you have about some of the things and feelings you have can be the certainty that you have about any thought, once you master the feel of Divine Knowing. When the knowing of Deep Peace is something you have practiced enough to recognize the experience, and have seen the results that occur in the earth paradigm, then that Peace becomes the touchstone by which you can test any thought and any decision.

    If it is right and good, it will give you that feeling of Peace. It will give you that awareness of upliftment. Never be afraid to sit with a thought or decision quietly until you are sure whether it is accompanied by that Peace. And be not afraid to turn to treasured scriptures or trusted human counselors who have helped you attain the calm that you need to hear the Divine Voice.

    Be not afraid. Practice listening. Practice Peace of Heart.

    Others can help you do this, but cannot do it for you,

    You must choose it. You must want it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The best way to help yourself, and others, is to get to know God so well that you can recognize Godlikeness whenever and wherever you are.

    Got it?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate the days when the earthly duties are few, and focus on bringing yourself Joy by being Divinely grateful for Beauty. Divinely made beauty exists, and can be appreciated, in the colors and shapes of a flower, or the dance of a butterfly, or the strength of a tree trunk or mountain, but the invisible Beauties are greater still.

    Celebrate, celebrate, and be grateful for, the long friendships, the unpaid loyalties that grace you, the small gestures of kindness, the compassionate touch from a stranger, and the constant, constant, constant Unconditional Love of God.

    If you deeply practice feeling grateful and celebratory of Divine Beauty on your quieter days, then it will be easier to learn to remain filled with Spiritual Joy on your very busy earthly days. Staying grateful, and honoring being an expression of God WHILE being very busy with tasks means you will feel Spirit helping you carry the load.

    This is Truth, Beloved. Try It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am child spirit within the parent Spirit, made of Its substance of Harmony.

    I claim and allow that Harmony as my spiritual essence, and as that allowance of Harmony permeates my consciousness, it comes into visible form.

    An all-merciful and good Infinite Parent, which declared me beautifully and usefully made, would not leave me unsupported in my emanation of Life, and in service within that Life.

    Ponder these things, Beloved, and only these things, and allow the rest to come,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It really is a new day every day in the story you project forth as your life.

    “I Am Love. I Am made of Love and I project forth a story of Love today.”

    The Love that is all, and surrounds all, will join you in this Good endeavor.

    All is God’s Thoughts. Let yours change for the better.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Beauty, Brightness, Boldness, and Brilliance. These are a part of the divine Wonder that is All, and of which the Real You, the Spiritual, Ever-present Being of Light, is a part.

    Ponder these qualities, and note them in yourself and others. Ponder them and live them, now and today and forever, for they, along with so much else, is what you really are. Claim your True Identity.

    “I am Beauty. I am Brightness. I am Boldness. I am Brilliance. I am Light.”

    We know it of you, and We remind you to know it, too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The principle of gravity works for all. So is it with the Principle of Harmony.

    It has been called by many names and deified and un-deified by human thought, but still It timelessly and unerringly operates.

    What difference does that make to those that believe they are caught in the web of time? If they turn to the Truth of the Principle of Harmony, and use It, they can use it to their benefit, just as a workman tossing old broken wood out of a building uses the principle of gravity to make his work easier.

    “I am Spirit-child within Spirit, and if I concentrate on that, and on the thought of Its Qualities functioning SMOOTHLY within me and all that is around me, then the circumstances and costume of my earth time will adjust themselves to the smoothly functioning idea of me.”

    “I am a good and perfect spirit-idea of the Harmony that is All, and I keep my mind on that, and look to It for Truth, rather than looking outward to the mists of time.”

    We know the Truth of you, Child, and it is good.

    We know the Truth of all around you, and it is good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Source is the parent that never passes on, the partner that never breaks faith, the friend that never moves away, the advisor and comforter that never goes off shift or retires.

    Be very aware of that, and embrace the thought of the Divine, in all Its many forms and faces, being your forever family. And when the Inner Voice of Spirit urges you to be the temporary face of “family” and Love to another, do so gladly, knowing that all are truly part of One Life in the Heart of Soul.

    Expand your view of those available to Love, and be Loved by.

    As God so dearly Loves you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of how many years you were trained to think of yourself as a solid thing.

    And even though earthly physics teachers have written articles and given lectures about the mass of you being mostly space, you tend to still think of yourself as flesh and bones and blood and organs. Even thinking of those things as being made of light and energy and tiny particles is hard for you to really picture. And perhaps that failure of imaging will help you do as we suggest today.

    Today, forget about matter entirely when it comes to defining yourself. Identify with the nature of the Soul that shines in you, and practice such thoughts as:

    .”I am an expression of kindness.”

    “I am a part of a Creative Force.”

    “I am a shining of expansive Love.”

    “I am part of a Spiritual Being.”

    You can think of many other examples,

    Just name and claim yourself as part of Goodness Itself.

    For that is what you really are.

    Serve Good Spirit, not matter, dear Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust in the forgiveness of others. Trust in the forgetfulness of others.

    For when God Guides someone to forgive, God also enacts forgetting, or accepting.

    Each individual, so caught up in their own little human memories and errors, might be astounded that others would have forgotten an incident or a word. But just look at your own experience, and how much you have forgotten, and/or forgiven, of interactions with others.

    Forgive freely, Beloved. Focus on the Infinite Now, and the truth of the shared Divine Love that animates all, and forgive, and live. Forgive, and Live.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak directly to the One Mind that governs all. You do not need to be special. It Loves and governs all equally.

    DO let go of judging, for when you declare “One Mind governs all, we are Thou”, you are accepting that all the parts of It, which look to your human self like other people, can be governed by It, too. Trust them to be governed by the Sweet Omnipotence that knows what they are ready for. Pay attention to, and Govern your own readiness by staying willing to listen and obey and feel joy coursing through you, and remaining always aware that you are a beloved part of that All.

    You are Spirit of Spirit. Be that Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you walk past a sign or a post or a plant by your home, day after day, it is so easy to not truly notice it anymore. Occasionally, as it flowers or has a loud insect buzzing on it, you stop and actually look closely at it again. But the day to day miracle of the living plant goes unremarked, and the sense of wonder it could engender in you does not happen.

    This is an obvious, and frequent, metaphor for all the sage advice that has been given you over the years, about not taking the people and things around you for granted, or about looking at the world anew, with the “eyes of a child”. The intellect enjoys dismissing frequent reminders as things of no import, to be looked at with jaded or cynical eyes.

    Beware that false intellect. Yes, embrace the wondrous intelligence that the Creative Source has given you, but let the wondrous Innocence of delight and joy stand with that intelligence. Especially, try to look upon all those whom you know, particularly those whom you know well, with fresh eyes. Meet them each morning as though you were meeting for the first time. Look with eyes that expect good. Hear with ears that do not judge by the past. Be ready to see each one around you as a Beloved and Innocent Child of God, so that you will know yourself anew, and be new, in their eyes also.

    This is very important,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you count the non-temporal Bliss as your Blessings, the more of the non-temporal Wonders will be revealed to your growing Sight,

    Within the human condition, “counting ones blessings” usually results in a list of objects or titles, and counting those can bring more worldly goodness to you. But, O’ Beloved, is it not really the timeless Blessings you yearn for now? Count them, Beloved. Count them, and feel free, more and more and more. Feel free of any fear of change or loss, with countless timeless Blessings in your mind/Mind.

    As Love,,, ANGELS

  • Ah, Dear One,

    You are beloved, perfect Harmony of God, expressed as individual. Begin to truly believe that, and THAT is the Truth that will set you free. Begin to finally understand that you are a projection of Light from an inner core of Being, and then you will let that projection of Light run through the clear lens of Love.

    The clear lens, that before was smudged by your own tears and thoughts of error and sorrow and shortcomings, will project the Truth—a beloved beautiful harmonious being that is the true Idea of you.

    They view the stars on paper,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can Love as God Loves, because you are Loved by God.

    To find the strength and will to stay silent and humanly unjudging, when you see someone acting in a way that will only bounce back in human pain to them, turn to the stories of God. “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”

    Pray to the shared One Divine Mind to guide the person, and you, and help both of you walk in the best possible destiny of earth.

    We know you can do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have this word for you. Reignite your awareness of your Love for God and God’s Love for you each day, or even each moment.

    Do not use a standard formula. Do not use yesterday’s ritual. The words or the exercise that lit your spiritual heart on fire yesterday are often not the ones that will awaken the Spirit Voice in your heart today.

    Comb through the ashes with your attention until you find a live ember to alight you. Look through words of God or sing through notes of song until something ignites your heart and soul. Then, let THAT be your guide for the day. ASK for Spirit to guide you and if you do not hear a word or feel an inspiration directly, then troll through poems and prayers and revelations until something seems to glow with the healing, loving, comforting Love of God.

    It is a Living God that guides you, not dead words,

    Listen, and be Loved and guided,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me today, with Your Truth and Wisdom, dear God, what I need to know about every situation and person and myself. Show me how to Love, Love, Love past all the costumes and posturing, to See the very Heart of you.”

    God know what you yearn for, Child. Let God show you how to be it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not interested in making it difficult for you to remember your Oneness.

    “God Loves me, and I Love God.” Simple.

    To keep that central in thought and heart changes everything.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To see as God sees, to see only the Goodness which the Divine made, is indeed to see through the eyes of Love. Look at yourself through those “rose colored glasses” of Love, and learn to forgive your self and see past the errors and misjudgments of each day, for once you learn to forgive yourself, and understand that the Divine sees only the Goodness that It made– as you the delightful spirit, image of Spirit, then you can more easily look at others that way.

    Be playful in this. Be delighted in this. Be as a child who is given some novel spectacles that allow him or her to see all in the world in a new and marvelous way. Put on those glasses of Love, Beloved, and look again at all the near and dear, or far and unmissed, and be amazed at your new appreciation for the infinite variety in which the Divine appears.

    Clean those glasses with love many times a day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be ever so gentle in being an example of an offspring of God. Do not be too pushy or frighten them with dogmas or quotes, unless they ask to hear more of your beliefs.

    Just be kind, be loving and lovable. BE what a perfect offspring should quietly be.

    God will guide you in what to do or say. You are not an abandoned apostle.


  • Dear Readers,

    I just wanted to share with you a little of how I experience the Divine sense of humor.

    Last night, I dreamed I was in my “room” in God’s House, asking God to please come help me remember the way to do something I am being asked to do on earth. I dreamed that I waited and waited, and finally God came, and suggested to the attendant angels that the windows and doors be closed to keep out the noisy, distracting winds of earth. They did that, and then God said to me, “Let me tell you a limerick.”

    “There was a young man from Pell,

    Who thought he was a snail.

    But when he uncurled,

    And was finally unfurled,

    He found out he was a sail.”

    Then God laughed and said, “I will be your wind”, and left the room.

    Oh, that subtle and slyly Loving Being,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not let your mis-knowledge of “physical” laws bind you. God is not bound by them—why should you let yourself be?

    As the greater understanding of the Laws of Light come closer to the humanly known laws of the universe, this will get easier to picture for those who cannot leave their intellectual knowledge behind. But why wait? You already understand, with your heart, that God can do all things, in order to free all Spirit/Oneness/Children into awakening. So why not let yourself feel that freedom NOW?

    You were so delighted to see the clear joy of the horses that had escaped their fence and were running freely in your field—why not let your own heart and faith run as freely? God is All in All and does not bind you. Be free.

    We laughed with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To purposely turn from your own anger at being lied to, and forgive, and love unconditionally, that is the Truth to live by. To deliberately, with the support of Spirit, act out whatever good you can do, instead of nursing the thoughts of wrongs done, that is to choose to live in Gladness.

    The Gladness of God is the ark that will carry you through the flood of human error and emotion, but you must choose to board that ark, over and over and over again.

    It gets easier to choose aright, with practice, and Divine Joy is with you in every moment of choice. Go forth in Love, Beloved, and let others choose their own timing.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are plenty of free pleasures that all may enjoy. The warmth of the sun, the intrigue of a moonrise, the sound of a rushing stream, the colors of the sky and the fields and the stones, the hug of a friend, the joke shared among companions, all the various beauties of earth, and of course the Unconditional Love of the Divine.

    Choose the ones that appeal or apply to you, and appreciate them and share them. But otherwise, do not compare your life with other lives beyond what is needed by all. Do not envy exactly what another has, or try to emulate another persons” specific role. Your role is unique. Your role, with all its joys and responsibilities, is yours alone.

    This is no schooldays platitude. It is Truth, and it is why you must learn to hear and sense the instructions that the Divine Will places in your heart for furthering the Goodness within all. It is not difficult. It only takes willingness and a little practice.

    Perhaps you are one who, from a very young age, has a heart filled with a deep desire to do a certain thing—learn to build bridges perhaps, or tend to the gathering of food, and all your learning and actions are driven by that deep desire. But, so many, indeed most, are not this way. They will be led from one focus to another, as the needs and scenes change, and as their understanding grows, of their completeness in the Whole. No matter how your unique heart and self are guided, know that the crucial thing is to do what you do, in alignment with Love.

    Know, that the happiest way to Be who you really are, is to Be it in perfect conjunction with the Spirit of all that is Love.

    Do not compare and envy. Ask God who you are, and Be that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, in fact many times, what will make you happy is not clear to you.

    Then is when utter trust in the Infinite variety of God’s Perfection is so very useful to turn to. Knowing that there is always a solution, if you will just be open to it, in good will and heart, can free you from the mental barriers that may be keeping you from seeing it.

    “God’s Will for me is happiness, not just human necessities, although those are part of it for now, but Divine Happiness.”

    “God’s Will for me is Divine Happiness.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always enough time to consult with God, for God/Cause/ Source is always flowing to you. God is not far away, or withholding Its Joy in your smooth progress and wholeness. God does not need to be begged to Help you.

    God is able, willing, and ready to help you see and feel and experience Good.

    “I would Love to See what you See, right now, dear God. I would Love to know what You know, and understand as you Understand. I am willing.”

    Be willing to know your Wholeness, Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not say, “I Am becoming God”. God IS God.

    The Infinite IS the Infinite.

    As Its reflection, Its idea, Its image, you already are what It IS.

    Therefore, assert that Truth. “I am Infinite”.

    It is not to say “I am becoming Loving”, but, rather, “I am Loving”.

    It is not to say “I am becoming honest”, but “I am honest, I am truth”.

    “I am all that I need. I am giving. I am harmonious. I am Spirit”.

    Forget the time bound self-identity, and claim “I am now a perfect idea of God and Beloved.”

    There are so many gifts with your name on them right now. “I am as God knows me to be.”

    Understand that as your identity, now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as in the days of human affairs, there are those days to just sit back and let others love you and assist you, so let it be with Me, my love.

    Sit back of your own thoughts today, dear one, and let Me Love you.

    Just let Me Love you.

    Spirit of God

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is but one Certainty—that you are part of Unconditional Love, and made of Unconditional Love, and meant to be a demonstration of the same. It is what you already are.

    If you are circling around in time, and wearing a body experience, you can still practice and shine Unconditional Love. On some days, you might only remember to shine with It for five minutes. On other days, “I shall shine all the time”.

    We are incredibly grateful for every moment that you do remember to shine, and stay focused on letting Love serve you, and the experiences of those around you. For the more moments that any individual does this, the sooner all will perceive the Reality of Love.

    And that is why We have come into your uncertainty time to help you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to feel betrayed by illusions.

    Choose to See with the eyes of Love, for the Divine Sight that is your True Sight is the Sight that sees the Truth, and sets you free. This can work even if it is beyond your intellectual understanding, for it is a matter of your Divine Heart coming forth, with your permission, and guiding you in all things. It can be your Divine “seeing-eye dog”, if you let It.

    Does it have your permission?

    It only waits to be asked, and then is as devoted to you as you will come to be to It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not imaginary that joining with others in prayer lends Power and cohesiveness to the welcoming of Divine Truth to every situation. If you cannot physically join with others for Gratitude to God, pull together your own circle of Loving Ideas by thinking of all those whom you Love and have Loved, including your Love of God, and send forth that Gratitude and expectation of Knowing and feeling Good.

    It Helps.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you have a can you want to open, and there is a can opener just one step away, you would be silly not to step to the side and get the opener out, and use it, right?

    Darling, when you feel angry and want to not feel the misery of anger at something, you know that you can neutralize it by feeling grateful. You can switch over to thinking about things and feelings you are grateful for, and the anger will melt away.

    And if it is a person’s behavior that you are angry about, you can ask your Inner Voice of Love what Qualities of the Creative Source exist in that person. Appreciation of that individual’s kindness, or imagination, or courtesy, or generosity, or integrity, or helpfulness to strangers, or honesty, etc., etc., can smooth your anger and help you find a way to feel Harmony again, as both of you are made to shine forth the wonderful aspects of the Divine.

    All of the tools you need to smoothly experience the inspired Calm of Infinity are within you, Beloved. All you need to do s reach within and use them, use them, use them.

    So It IS,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of it this way: Life is a scavenger hunt for the Divine.

    Gleefully and cheerfully look for the Divine in everyone and everything. Look for the Unseen rather than the seen. No matter how tattered or glamorous is the exterior of any person, look for the Divine in him or her. No matter how grievous a situation, look for the miracle of the Mystery beneath or within it.

    Happily focus on the hunt for the Divine. When you seek the awakened God in those around you, you will find It. Do not try to force It to come forth–just look for It. Seek the Best, and you will find the Best.

    It is your job to seek and to see God in everything, Beloved. Joyfully seek, and joyfully find, not expecting the drab or sorrowful or seductive coverings to leap out of the way for you. It is their job to cover, it is your job to See beyond them, and be disturbed by them no more. Laugh at what tries to hide God, and let it be fun to find The Divine..

    “I know God is in here somewhere, I will seek and find the Good, and be happy doing so.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are not in this life alone. You are part of the Oneness of Being, and It cannot be unattached from you any more than your own shadow can be unattached from you as you walk through your days with the sun shining on and around you.

    When you have learned to constantly remember that this is so, and that the Oneness is full of strong and yet gentle Love and Wisdom, then you will proceed through your days with an acceptance that precludes all the fretful human planning, and includes a delightful and constant stream of inspiration and guidance and comfort, whenever you welcome them.

    Welcome the Truth, Beloved. Welcome the Presence that holds you and molds you and contains you always as a Beloved Idea of Soul. The Truth is your constant companion and knows your wonderful High and True Self. Allow It full welcome and give It thanks for faithful and pure and tender attendance of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You will not find a rosebush growing in the pumpkin patch.

    Yes, the pumpkin patch has many beauties and delights and intriguing things, but if you want to see and know and smell the roses of God’s unfolding and Peace, you must take your eyes and mind off the pumpkins and all their foliage, and go within the garden of your heart.

    This Truth is commonly known. But how many find the courage and will and patience and desire to do it? All it takes is a tiny resolve, and a knowledge that the Rose is joyously waiting for you, Beloved. It is not hard. Just offer your desire.

    And let us answer our own question. How many do it? Eventually, all. For God has already willed that and accomplished it. It is only in the illusion of time that it seems to take much waiting and effort. It is done in God’s Heart, and all you need to do is join it, in your Consciousness, and realize It was there all along.

    We want this for you. Do you want it yet?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, realizing that your human thoughts need to be changed and healed and uplifted goes a long way towards improvements in your human scene. Be willing to do that, and very often positive changes are seen right away.

    But there is a deeper level, Love. Where does the good change come from? Where do the better and uplifted thoughts come from? After the willingness, and after the reinforcement of better attitude by positive change, there must come a realization of what the first and only Cause really is. It is the Divine Source and the Divine Self that must be acknowledged and pondered and accepted and thanked.

    Human will and human thought, of a temporal nature, do not do the healing. It is the Divine Goodness that is your Life that feeds you the Good New Thoughts. It is the Divine Will that wants your happiness—and it is a happiness that does not go by human definitions or limits, but by and from that greater perspective of the endless Love of ever-expanding Creation.

    If you think to heal yourself and your human circumstance by force of human thought and will, you may see temporary benefits. But you may just see the problems show up in a different time or form, or you may so exhaust yourself with effort and struggle, that you wonder if that is really the way, if that is really the solution.

    Turn to the inexhaustible Source, Beloved. Turn to that which always helps if you ask and acknowledge, and surrender and are grateful. Turn to Love that Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no time like the present for listening to God’s Voice. God did not create the chaos of the earthly illusion that covers the lovely Order and Rule of God, but God’s Voice would love to steer you through it with as much ease and joy as possible. Like the sure path through a prickly maze, God wants to guide you with glad generosity.

    When you really, really learn to recognize that Guiding Voice, and pay attention to it, and obey It, then much nuisance and inconvenience can be avoided. And if you have not paid attention and find yourself seemingly with one foot in the quicksand, that can be healed and changed by appealing to the Law of Loving Order, and knowing that It is the Law under which You were created and are Governed.

    “The Law of Love Loves me, and I am Grateful, always.”

    That is the Truth to claim, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    As your Spiritual Sight and Awareness grows, you will quite likely find yourself thinking and acting more often in ways that you know are directly desired by God. As We have said often, God-impelled actions are not necessarily the same as the ones the human thoughts would call helpful, for God can See the greater picture that Blesses awakening of all. Do them gladly when God inspires, for your own well being, and as service to the Whole. Otherwise, just keep being willing each day to do all the small things that clearly feel in line with your “I Am Love” identity.

    Striving to be extraordinarily Godly each day cannot be conflated with human ambition. And it is important to remember that, just as a rarely used tool in your kitchen may be something that is only crucial on one or two days a year, God’s use of you as an instrument for extraordinary action may be infrequent, but very, very important when it occurs.

    Be what God asks you to simply be as a part of Goodness each day. And when God strongly directs a more special contribution of effort, be that gladly as well.

    Trust God’s Oversight.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Perhaps you have used the kind of beverage pitcher that has a lid that must be turned so that the spout in the lid and the hole in the pitcher itself are aligned for the juice to flow freely.

    There is plenty of Divine Juice inside you. Just align your spout for It to flow freely through you, and into your life on earth. How do you adjust the spout? By adjusting your attitude, by adjusting your mindset.

    Turn your attitude to Calm Joy and Peace, and leave it there. Smoothly align your spout with Love and enjoy the flow of other Divine attitudes, such as patience, endurance, kindness, hope, faith, cheerfulness, optimism.

    The Infinite Resources are always in plentitude. But you, with your lovely free will, must choose to be aligned with them. Your joy gives Joy to Heaven, and when they are combined, they are a Deep Bliss beyond compare.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether someone approaches you with meek request for teaching or wisdom, or whether they seem to approach you with reproach and a desire for intellectual or physical sparring, they both want and need the same thing: Agape Love.

    Give It. Answer with Love. Even if you must fiercely bite your human tongue to keep from answering with anger or tears, give Agape Love with your Heart/Mind, and know that it is the only proper and healing thing to do.

    Do we not do that for you, over and over?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep looking to God as the Director of your life, rather than to the bodily senses or the actions of the fad-driven personalities, and you WILL find yourself playing the hero or heroine every day.

    Some days you will be a quiet good man or woman. Some days you will take bold actions for Good. But be glad each day to accept being “typecast” as a child of God, an enlightened being, an awakened one, a good example of Grace, rather than changing roles each day from good to bad human, from virtuous to errant, from whole to broken.

    Take your directions from the Light of Love, and be that Light every day. It is not boring at all. It is an endless Living of Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be pleased when you remember that counting your Blessings is a surefire way to help you escape from the trap of mortal self-pity.

    Count your blessings. Send blessing thoughts to others. Two old tricks. But tried and true.

    When you know that you are Blessed, then you can truly be a Blessing to others, rather than just making gestures that your heart does not feel. Glad giving, to yourself or others, is true giving, and comes back to you as more Gladness, and Wellness, and Life.

    In great Love and appreciation of you and for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love’s Care for you is unending and ever-mindful of you.

    Trust that when you are uncertain of the greater goal or plan. Remember that your utmost goal is to fulfill the plan God has for you to shine as an example of God, and to see the Godly in others. If you come to a quandary in any day, pause gently and ask God Spirit to help you know what to do or say next. It is always with you.

    It is always with you, for you are Spirit attached to Spirit, and cannot be ripped from Its side. You are the reflection of God, and made of Love and Spirit. That is the True Consciousness of you. Not a body that wavers and fades, but a projection of Light and Loving appreciation.

    Trust in that unending Mind that is always holding you, Its dear, dear Idea.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Have you ever stood by the side of an accident victim, or a crumbled wall, or an ill child, or a collapsed dam, or a suicidal friend, and felt the deep frustration of simply not knowing what to do? Have you felt the joyous relief that comes when the capable engineer shows up, or the skilled physician, or the professional counselor?

    Think of God Within as all these things and more, Dear Friend. Ease your frustration at your perception of human life by turning to the Planner that lives right within you. Expand your joy at human existence by sharing your celebrations with Divine Consciousness.

    The Consciousness of Creation, of which you are a part, did not build a Work and then leave. It is right at the edge of your own human consciousness, just waiting to be beckoned nearer, or embraced. It is just waiting for your will to say, “Join my awareness, for here is a Joy that is to big to contain,” or, “Help me, here is a drama that is too big for me to resolve,” or, “I am sure now that Your Plan for all awakening is more perfect than any human mind can grasp, may Thy Will be done!”

    You are not alone and never have been, except in the small human-self identification that has confused you for so long. Open, Friend, to the Help and Companionship and Love that lives right within you, waiting to express Itself as You.

    It takes but a moment to begin,


  • Ah, Child,

    The preparation of the earthly realm for its next phase of evolution has been going on for some time now. As the sharing of information becomes even faster than you can now imagine it to be, it will more closely approximate the instantaneous Knowing that occurs in the One Mind that governs all Living substance.

    This will help to share the perceptions and wisdom of those who have practiced, and are tuned to, hearing the One Divine Voice within. But, at the same time, it will become even more important for each individualized part of Oneness to hear the unique part of the Divine Plan that applies to him or her, for although there are Truths that can be taught again to all, through One Mind, there are also special teachings that can help each individual to awaken to his or her beautiful heritage as a child of the Divine.

    Therefore, even when you find or meet someone whom you feel you can count on to tell you of grand waves of Divine Wisdom that have come, or are coming, do not neglect practicing listening for yourself to the Loving and Inspiring Divine Voice within. Only It knows all that has and will touch your unique heart and role. Only It understands best the way for you to dwell in the ineffable Peace of the Infinite realm that is accessed from within your own awareness.

    Practice, practice, and practice again, dear one, and feel secure,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whatever good thing you ask for, ask for it also for your brother, sister, and all.

    It will help you understand How It Works,

    Dear God, give us all Sight of Your Harmony,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you have not yet practiced enough to let God’s Thoughts and God’s Love flow so smoothly to you and through you to feel utterly confident in doing God’s Will, be not afraid or hesitant.

    God knows you and compassionately will feed your mind and heart in such a way that what you can handle comes to you minute by minute or step by step. Fall back on the willing prayer of “Thy Will be done”, as needed, but know that Spirit always has the intention of helping you have that be an automatic thing. Humanly, you might label it “perfect intuition”, if you are not religious or spiritually aware, but whatever you call it, it will assist in Gladness being part of your every day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take an entire day to do everything silently, and very, very slowly, and you will be amazed at what Wisdom, Peace, and Gratitude begins to flow in your heart, and envelope you.

    What a gift to give yourself!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you call It your own “Higher Self”, or “Enlightened Consciousness”, or “Holy Spirit”, or “Divine Guidance”, or one of Its thousands of other names, it is ESSENTIAL to call for Its aid as you are trying to live from the point of view of Love and forgiveness. If you are trying to forgive, pray for, and be grateful to an “enemy” on the strength of your own human will, you will have days when you are fairly successful at it, but you will have many, many moments when you fail so miserably to set aside old hurts and judgments, that you become too discouraged to be able to move forward.

    Since moving forward into living more and more in moments of a state of Peace and Love is your goal, help yourself by asking for Help. If some of the rituals and patterns of a system of spirituality help you set up a pattern of asking for that Help, use them, but above all be willing to ask. The more you ask, the more the Help will flow. The more times you realize you need the Help, (until you realize that you always need that Help to see through the limited realm to the Divine Real), the more times It can be delighted to give you what It truly exists to give you—seeing that you are a perfectly loved spirit of Spirit, and so is everyone else, beneath the human costume, the human drama, the human illusory reality.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the peace of Divine Goodness fills your heart, mark it well. Cherish it, keep tight a memory of it, testify to it and share it to preserve it and commemorate its joy. It will remain alive as you keep sharing it, and the renewed memory of it will help carry you through moments of doubt.

    The Divine Presence IS your ever-ready Source of comfort and clarity, but if the pressure of the earthly circumstance or the sensory evidence makes it difficult to reach that center of Calm in your awareness, turn to your stock of remembered sacred moments, and use them to help you trust, trust, trust in the omnipotent Goodness of the Divine.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You will not see all the fruits of your efforts in your lifetime. Be not only at peace with that, but be inspired by that. Think with joy of those who may be inspired by a few words you wrote, or a piece of land you leave preserved, or a picture you paint, or a story you left to be told in your own family again and again.

    Just as you have found yourself inspired and comforted by the poetry of one of a thousand years ago, and even as you endeavor to live only in the Eternal moment of Now, do remember that ALL moments of the Eternal Now count and are important. There is no time in the Infinite Divine. Keep that perspective, and stay inspired, and do not look for immediate reward or thanks. Trust in God and trust in the Plan, and be content to be part of It.

    As are We,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look honestly at the path you have walked in the earth journey and you can find examples of the times that the gentle Source knew your needs before you did, and prepared the Best Way for you. Ponder one of those things or experiences and be utterly, utterly grateful. For being grateful does indeed prepare you to see, recognize and utilize the Goodly ideas and people and places that will serve your human needs Best, today and in all the days to come.

    Be Grateful, Beloved, Be Grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Walking around you ARE Archangels.

    We know this is especially hard to see in those whose faces you have made very familiar in your mind—whether as family or villain. But you can playfully experiment with allowing yourself to experience the touch of the Divine using human forms to speak through.

    Say and think and playfully believe “There are Archangels walking all around me in human costumes, and one will say or do something nice for me today.”

    Or, you might feel the impulse to be an Archangel for someone else.

    And see what happens. Proving to your own heart the readiness of the Divine to be with you sometimes begins in very small ways.

    Such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each day is an open chance for new epiphanies and spiritual growth. You are already fully Spirit, really, of course, made and maintained by the Spirit of Love. But as you study the attributes of the Divine that made and contains you, those thoughts of Good and of Truth will wash away the false thoughts of the self as a limited and mortal thing of flesh and bone and quirky humanness.

    The flashing moments of epiphany, when the discernment of a Holy Presence, or the stunning beauty of a scene nature open up the heart so wide, that for a moment you truly feel the Oneness of all things, and that you are a part of that Oneness, can be wondrous and thrilling. But as those moments increase in frequency, you will value, more and more, the daily and hourly calm conviction of being a part of Divine Life. The constant conscious capacity to commune with, and to know yourself to be a part of, the All that is God, will pour an awareness of spiritual (and thus mental and physical) Well Being all through you. Tenderly welcome It.

    Thus, you do not really grow in Spirit, but you grow in conscious awakening and awareness that Spirit is what you really already are, complete and wonderful and perfect.

    Focus on practicing that, like a song you would sing each day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, have compassion for yourself.

    How do you do this? By feeling great gratitude for how much the Divine Loves you. Feel that, constantly and silently, all day. Express it verbally or in writing or song, if you feel moved to do so.

    And, speak gratitude and thanks to those around you, for any nice thing they do or skill or truth they exhibit. Otherwise, be quiet. Say thank-you, or say nothing.

    Give thanks, within and without, and be silent, and you will have given yourself the Grace to walk in beauty all day.

    We always see your Beauty,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Creative Source Loves you, no matter what occurs in the earth dream.

    But you must be aware that what you send forth in the boomerang of illusion does come back to you. Sin returns as sin done to you. Lies told return as lies told to you. Unkindness returns as unkindness, kindness returns as kindness.

    What then, can God do to help you in the earth dream? God makes you want the Truth, and more of the Truth. God inspires you to want to reflect more of the Qualities of Goodness. You will no longer want to sin, if you put God in charge. You will no longer be willing to lie, if you let Inner Divine Spirit take the reins. You will look for ways to serve and be fair and honest and kind, if you let the Grace of Love rule you.

    When do you want to let Dear Love take charge of you? That is your choice. The timing is your choice. Do you want to let your own mistakes keep bouncing back at you, or do you want to let God help you stop making mistakes? Do you want to forgive others their mistakes, and help them see themselves as Beloveds of God, even as you become willing to see them thus?

    When? Now? Why not?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that many believe that it is too hard, or too constricting, to vow to themselves to always listen to the Divine Source first, and to take time throughout the day to do this. That false belief that it is too hard, or that they are too unworthy, or that they are not trained enough, is just another trick of the “monkey-mind” that would try to stay focused on its own little world of limits and errors.

    We know the Truth, that it is liberating and calmly Joyous to be aligned with Supreme Love, and to obey it. It is simple to do. Just choose it. You know this Truth too. You know It and follow It on most days. Remember how much wonderful influence you can have by simply being an example of one who endeavors to pause and listen to God, to Good.

    And, remember how completely grateful is the Whole of Heaven when you do so.

    Every moment of Calm Joy and Trust is a moment of Heavenly existence revealed, and We cannot thank you enough when you let this shine through you.


  • Oh, Behold the banquet,

    to which I am bid.

    Before one is the gold,

    Before one is the gemstone bowl.

    Before another is the cattle of a thousand hills,

    and all their fields of clover.

    Before another is fame and applause.

    But before me, O”Joy, is laid the best of all,

    My portion of the Unlimited, Unseen God.

    Remember the True value each day, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In every moment, you are Thought anew in the Mind of the Source.

    Realize this important part of the “Golden Rule”, that you must be willing to SEE others anew, just as you would have them SEE you. You know that you have changed and grown. You know that you have, with Divine Help, been able to give up some habits and prejudices that you formerly were prone to, and that you have been able to grow in compassion and understanding. Yet, how many of those around you do you look upon and assume that they are the same that they were yesterday? Can you not also allow that God has helped them grow and improve? Do you not hope that others will See how you have grown and improved?

    Be willing to See the “created anew” beings, each day, in yourself, and in others. Be willing that you might be privileged to See all the world change into God’s vision of it, in the twinkling of an eye, or stone by stone and heart by heart. Be willing to See the world Good.

    To realize that The Source Mind thinks you anew in each instant is to be open to instantaneous healing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed, let praise be always on your lips, and in your mind.

    Let praise for good fortune be always what you are searching to do. Let praise for others be what you seek in each encounter. See the Divine of them, and the Divine of yourself, and let holy, holy, holy be all your names.

    The Force that Governs all of your choices and your sight, when you allow It to do so, loves to Govern by praise. God laughs, and allows, and praise be to Its name in every form. God laughs and allows and allows and gives and expands of Its own nature that is Love.

    God laughs and allows. If you sit aside to weep and complain, God thinks you are taking a break from God’s game. Turn back to praise. Turn back to the game of seeking that which to praise, and that which to praise will embrace you again.

    By the Good God that Governs our ways,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am centered in the smooth movement of the Harmony of Divine order and Governance.”

    Each time you find yourself strained or dizzy from trying to “figure things out” on your own, or from trying to force situations into release and resolution, remind yourself,

    “I am centered in the smooth movement of the Harmony of Divine Love. I quit trying to be in charge, and I let Divine Order and Perfection be revealed.”

    Let it all be cast to the Divine Order, and then let yourself take a happy walk,

    You will know when to act, and what to do, whistling and walking, and leaving the inner ear tuned to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The entry into enlightened sight is different for every part of the Great Soul. Honoring that, silently, in your heart, when you are tempted to judge or to try to convert someone to your way, is very important. Always check in with the wisdom of the Divine Voice of the Whole within when tempted to share your way aloud. Only with the overview of the Divine Loving Mind that governs all can you be led to the appropriate times and words for sharing.

    The endlessness of flipping from being teacher to being student and back again is too much for the human intellect to sort out. Leave that to the Divine, and follow Its cues, for the One Soul knows when you are needed to play a role for another, and when the other is needed to play a role for you. It wants both of you to understand, finally and fully, that you were never apart from the Loving embrace and medium of the Whole, and unconditionally loved.

    Be the actor or actress who listens gracefully to the Director,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Welcome Love, that It may remove hatred, and the effects of hatred, from your body and the body of your life.

    “Source Love, choose for me. Open my eyes and ears and let me hear and see, what I am, in Thee, of Thee , for Thee.”

    Love wants this mist to clear away. Let It do Its work.

    Recognize that in Timelessness, Its work is already done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you practice and experience the deep and changeless Unconditional Love of God welling up continually, as a Gift from God, in your heart, the better you will get at feeling It fully. And the more your feel It fully, the less concerned you will be about pursuing the frivolous pursuits of the brief pleasures of earth, and the less you will fret about the mundane chores of earth that need to be done.

    To some, this may sound too steady, or too boring, and the desire to experience the wild ups and downs of temporal emotion will still attract them, for they cannot conceive of the Transportive nature of God-Love. But as the depths of that timeless Love glimmer through the earthly senses, and become more real and wonderful and dear to the inner being, AND yield fruit of Goodness and Harmony in the everyday events, the lure of the Inner Love will grow.

    Why wait, Beloved? Seek that Infinite Joy, and be truly fed in all circumstances and places. Ò‰ Am with you wherever you go,Ó says the Spirit of Love, and it is True.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear Loving Source, please shine away

    anything of me and my life that is not a part of your Good Way.

    Dear Loving Guidance, let me see,

    what You would have me say, and do, and be.”

    And, Love yourself as you ask this, and let the answers come,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when your human mind is so distracted by duties and tasks and concerns and celebrations, that you are not consciously in tune with Spirit, with God, God is shining from you, and guiding you, if you have spent time being aware of being filled with Spirit as you began your day. Begin your day, Beloved, claiming your completeness and Oneness with God, and then let go to God and go about your day.

    Believe us, those that come into your day are there for you, as you are for them. Be the silent shining Light, or just be ready, as the small inner Voice directs, to stop your busy-ness, and smile , or reach out, or say a word.

    The Divine Plan is a dance of many pieces, and just a step or two can change all. The Director is playing the tune and calling the steps. Just listen and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are giving a wonderful compliment to another, appreciating the lovely Qualities of Good they are expressing, give yourself the compliment also.

    If you are about to correct or criticize someone, pause and make sure you are not noticing something that is also an error of your own perceptions. Take stock, and rethink your own beliefs and behaviors, before you begin any rebuke of another.

    We know you all as God’s Beloved Children, having a bit of a bad dream sometimes. Think on that.

    Offering you the Full Support of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no interest in God’s Heart in seeing you, or anyone, in torment or sorrow.

    The Joy that is endlessly willing to flow out to your mind and body costume is the very Creator of all Spiritual reality. And it wants you to receive that certain hopefulness. It wants you to feel Whole in every way, knowing your true identity.

    Words, words, words, we give you here, but you KNOW that what always truly helps and guides you is the acceptance of the ever-Presence of God. Sit down, be still, and welcome, welcome, welcome Its embrace.

    And feel that Great Warmth come, and say to It, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

    It Blesses you because It WANTS to. It just needs your constant accepting state of mind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Having a bedrock of Peace in your Conscious relationship with God Consciousness is an attitude to mightily cultivate. Being aware of the Perfect steady support you have from God will pervade all of your temporal relationships, that seem to come and go, and go up and down, and be good and bad. Seek Peace in knowing your wonderful perfect relationship with God, and you can ride on that Peace through the bumpier parts of the journey of body-life.

    God gladly offers that Peace while you yet dream you wear a body. Do not be fooled into thinking that the Good Peace of God is only available after the body “dies”. The Peace of Divine Mind is available here and now, absolutely, and to all. Seek It. Ask for It, and gratefully accept It.

    We sing with you in that Divine Peace,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Done correctly, the path of dedicated Spiritual focus and service is one of Joy and satisfaction, not sacrifice and sorrow or unwanted effort.

    Eventually, ALL will realize their True and natural purpose as expressions of Loving Life Force. As each one turns to It willingly, individual and aggregate desires tenderly move away from materialism and competition, and towards the Unity of playing the complex Orchestra of Soul.

    Try the surrender to quiet Divine Direction, knowing God desires your reflection of Harmony to be clear, and has total patience with any backtracking or detours your mind and heart make.

    Have Patience with yourselves, dear. God waits.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although carefully and slowly reading the words of these messages, and pondering the meaning of what is said, can induce a receptivity to the individualized message that the small, still Voice has for each one who reads these messages, it is important to go further in your practice.

    Our first daily words to you can carry you there. Repeat our greeting, “Ah, Beloved” in your own quiet mind, and then close your eyes and feel the Love that our greeting holds. Feel the Love. Feel the Love. Feel the Love.

    Then practice listening for any other Loving word or phrase that the calm, quiet Voice of Love has for you. Beyond the Love, but included in the Love, and with complete Love, It has words and understanding and knowledge and gifts of Spirit for everyone, and unique to each. For although all are one with the One Spirit, each is amazingly unique. Listen, hear, absorb.

    Practice feeling the Love. Practice feeling Its Truth and Its plan and instructions for you.

    In such deep and Tender Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let your aim be to spend at least an hour a day with your eyes closed to the world. Let your aim be to accrue that time in waiting upon the Unseen Realm of God.

    That “hour” might be found all at one sitting, or it might be made of minutes in the morning and night and throughout the day, but it is the richest gift you can give your self, and God. Although the beauties of the physical world are alluring indeed, when you become accustomed to fasting from them, closing the eyes to their sight and the ears to their sound and the brain to the information, there is a new world within you discover, in the world of silence, and it is more lovely yet.

    That world is more lovely yet, for It Is Love. “Can you not watch one hour with me, in that world of Love?” There are questions answered, and there is power and strength found, to enact the Will that becomes your greatest peace and loveliness.

    Through all the centuries, this appeal still sounds,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not time that moves, it is your awareness that moves among the frozen moments of time. Keep it in the Now, Beloved, appreciating and glorifying, and with just a light touch on the next future moment, like the kiss of a feather, be led into the next Best Moment, and the next, and the next, within all the great maze of possibilities.

    We assure you again, we are with you at every moment, and the end,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honestly evaluate how much the comforts of old, when you did not have spiritual sight, truly make you happy now. When one awakens to one’s spiritual heritage, there comes a time when even the few cherished things of the old ways must be laid upon the altar of Truth. Some will morph into even better versions of themselves. Others will fade away and no longer be a part of your life.

    It is about trust, Love. Trust Love. Trust that Force that Knows you and Loves you better than you know yourself. Awaken to trust, and you awaken to a greater knowledge of, and experience of, Love Itself.

    It is Glory, and glorious,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I see the Beautiful You.

    What do you see? Set aside whatever thoughts you have of yourself that are based on time or old experiences or something someone once said to you, and See with Me.

    See the Beautiful you, full of Light, made of Love, and shining with Joy.

    See the Beautiful You that I See, and Look at the Beauty of Creation with Me.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to be honest with God.

    God does not punish. God only Loves, and gives you ideas about ways out of your earthly dilemmas.

    Is there anyone in your earthly life you can be totally honest with? Can you even be totally honest with yourself, or do you suspect that you hide some of your own motives even from your conscious mind?

    Be therefore, honest with God, about your uncertainties and confusions and triumphs and shames. God Knows the Truth of you: “You are my Beloved and Perfect Child, and I will help guide you through the maze of your own dream, and into the remembrance of Me and your purity as My Idea. Then, you can help others awaken, even as you yourself shake off the final cobwebs of illusion.”

    This is the Truth of things.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It often seems like a contradiction to the human mind, but asking for Divine Power to enable one to see the Harmonizing effect of opening to the Order and Spirit of God within the human situation, can quickly lead to more results than can be worked by any human hand. The circumstances that change, the ideas that leap into many minds at once, the intentions that join together, as well as the changes of heart in individualizations of Soul, are more powerful and effective than human hearts are sometimes willing to believe.

    Believe today, Beloved. Believe in the Omniscient Power of Love. And remember that all must eventually choose to make peace with that, for it IS within Love that they dwell, now and always, even while they yet are spiritually asleep.

    Believe, Beloved. And do not be afraid to testify to that belief and tell of the times it has helped you within the human drama.

    We are with you all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thinking of what it means that a different Aspect of God shines in you in different ways can help you better understand God, and thus yourself.

    Practice knowing “I Am Soul,”, or “I am timeless Wisdom”, etc etc, and learn, learn, learn that “I am a part of Glory” is True.


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    When you find it hard to be calm, and trust God, God only Loves you all the more. God’s Spirit of Mercy only holds out even more Grace, to you, and to all.

    We know you have experienced times when a human huffily says to you, “Well, if you won”t trust me, and take my advice, then I give up on you!”

    GOD never says this. God just offers Mercy, Grace, Love, Wisdom, Creativity, Joy, and Love, until you allow yourself to accept them. Be quiet and still, and hold out your hands and thoughts to the Hands and Thoughts of the Infinite One that adores you.

    God never gives up on you. God only offers more, again and again, from Its Infinite Perfectly Loving Self. Be gracious enough to accept it.