All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a part of spiritual work that consists of being a handkerchief for the tears of others. When one before you is consumed by anger or hatred or pain, silently offer your own calm heart and loving attitude as the dry cloth that can wipe up their woes. This is not about giving advice, or trying to change their beliefs in the moment—it is about simply being a sponge that can absorb their mind’s pain, and transmute it, through the Divine within the other and yourself, into something harmless.

    Like a mother, who pulls into her tender lap and loving arms the young child who has skinned his knees or been taunted and called names, comforts just by her presence and her unspoken love, let your own heart be the conduit for calling in the Presence of the Divine. Let that Presence within and around both your souls be the clean kerchief that dries all tears.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Free will cannot be bought. Free will cannot be ignored or argued away.

    If Inner Spirit has gifted you with the knowledge or vision of another’s potential, do your best to offer the Divine Love that wells up in you in recognition of the full Well of God-waters in that other one. Do your best to be available for the free-will invitation or asking of the other, for help in opening the cover of that Divine Well.

    But if the other does not choose God, Beloved, that free will choice must be respected. If the other chooses to cling to the false bright-seeming charms of the world, and will not relinquish the control of the ego, then that choice must be respected. It is still your free will choice to call to the Divine in that other person’s behalf, lending your share of Grace to be ready to be welcomed into the other heart when the other heart is ready, but let the One Spirit be in charge. Let the One Spirit stand guard at the closed heart that has so wrapped itself in pain and the worldly ways. Divine Spirit will wait there, ever ready, and It will know when It has been sincerely invited in, ever offering Itself until that time comes.

    In the meanwhile, pray and give energy of hope and expectation, but do not let your own spirit and mission be waylaid by the choices of others to wait and wait and wait to See. Be thou that which thou art, giving Love and Seed to fertile ground, wherever you encounter it. Remember, the Divine lets each child play in the imagination of earth-consciousness as long as that child likes, and then welcomes the child Blissfully when that one chooses God-consciousness. Remember, if any child chooses to live his or her self-made world role instead of choosing the Presence of God and the role God needs played to enact the Play of Awakening, God has plenty of stand-ins available.

    When someone near you says “no” to God, (which really means “not yet”, for the end is already Seen), trust that God will find another to play any crucial role, in every branching of time. God” Plan cannot be sabotaged by any child’s imaginings, and time does lead back to God.

    Every branch is connected to the same Source,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give permission to the Almighty to give you Good Thoughts today.

    Ask for the courage and the resolve to set aside any thoughts that are just old habits, or reactions to momentary disappointment, or superfluous material whims, and open your heart to giving God dominion over your mind. Filling your mind with the Mind of God, realizing that those Clear Thoughts were always right there, already placed in you, but just covered by the mists of human thinking, will clear your sight, and give acuity to your hearing of Soul.

    Give way to this, Beloved. Delight yourself by setting aside old thinking, and finding the way of Truth, that so wants your happiness and acceptance, and Joy.

    We know this can be done, was done, and is done, so do it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are wishing to feel more of a Quality of the Creative Source, REMEMBER that you are MADE OF the Qualities that It is made of.

    For a clay figurine to exclaim that it wished it had some clay would be so silly, wouldn”t it? When you wish for more joy, remember that you are made of the very Life and Love that, together, create Joy, and choose to let that feeling come to the surface of your thoughts, and your attention, and your experience. And, to keep that feeling, once you have remembered it and let it fill your feelings,, share that Joy with the Source, reflecting it back to the Source with your gratitude, and to the other expressions of the Source that are the people and things around you.

    We are Joyous in you and of you and for you, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take an entire day to do everything silently, and very, very slowly, and you will be amazed at what Wisdom, Peace, and Gratitude begins to flow in your heart, and envelope you.

    What a gift to give yourself!


  • Ah, Beloved.

    The Divine Creator Loves, and IS here and now. When you think of that Creative Force as the sweet amenity of Love, and call It to your side, and add it to every situation, you will see wonderful changes seem to occur. That is the ACTION of Love, washing away the mists that have obscured your sight, and hidden the Goodness of the everyday from you.

    Look with the eyes of Love, and See, Beloved, See!

    As we see you, with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as We have urged you to not see a human fault in another without making sure you have not let that same fault settle in your own thoughts and behaviors, We urge the Spiritual Sight of Oneness for the Good.

    If your Soul Sees Generosity in another, let it encourage your own. If the Compassion of another amazes, open your own heart to feeling more of It. And as you see others forgive, O’ Beloved, do the same, do the same, do the same.

    The lies of human flaw can spread around in human culture and must be guarded against, and battled with the Wondrous Good of Divine Spirit, but the Loving Good of God is a positive contagion, and you are a Blessed Worker of Light when you help It spread.

    Be a part of Heaven appearing, and See and spread the Strength of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you but understood how carefully the Divine Guide within has scripted the perfect path for your learning to turn utterly to God again, you would be able to relax into choosing, in each moment, the loving and forgiving response to all persons and all situations.

    Try it today, why don”t you?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We understand that there are visual and experiential elements of beauty, such as fields of flowers, or marvelous vistas traveled, that feel a bit like “heaven” to you. But, of course, you realize that there are others living the worldly that are so entranced by fancy weapons or speedy vehicles, that those things feel like “heaven” to them.

    It is why you must aim for the Heaven of Spirit to be kept in your heart, for the Peace of God to be your exemplar of Harmony, for the Spiritual, instead of the temporal material, to be the Heaven of your daily abiding. Welcome the Inner Light, embrace the Love of Grace, devote time to that which is non-material, for the True Substance of a Heavenly abode is built in the Now by that awareness.

    You want the True Heaven of Joyously Creative but Peaceful Soul.

    Comfort your eyes with the colors of the world if you wish, but contemplate Divine Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am your unlimited Source of comfort, supply, love and intelligence and wisdom.

    How many of the small thoughts you let linger in your mind are about limits and endings?

    Today, O’ Dear Child, think upon my Unlimitedness, and your place as a rightful Child within It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    After so many years being taught to trust the five senses, do not be alarmed when the days, or the moments, come, when you are tempted to trust only them again. Turn to the inner Peace and renew your calmness, and then look again. Remember that what you want is to shine forth, and feel for yourself, the Loving Peace of God, and let the Divine Voice inside sort out for you what is true and what is false. Only that which it calls Good is True.

    Recall the curriculum, “I seek, then I serve, then I realize fully I am Thou.”

    The Qualities of God will serve YOU if you let them,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If it helps the human heart to understand its own thinking and fears and desires, there is no harm in making long prayers, clarifying to the human self what is really the human concern. But, darling, with God, “less is more” can just as easily be the Truth of prayer. You can confidently turn to God with wordless prayer, for God reads the desires of the heart, and Omnipotently and with Omniscience, knows the Whole of what is your Best.

    To trust God is to have faith and trust that God is All-in-All, and that God does want your happiness, the deep happiness of aligning with the Divine Good.

    To simply turn to God with a glad breath, acknowledging that you Love the Principle of Love, and to simply wait for the indrawn breath that signals the Full Presence of God’s Law focused on your concern, is enough. Turn to God, breathe Love to God, and let God breathe and bring more Love back to you.

    It is the working of Eternity,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there is the Divine Will at work, and invoked, the illusion of non-Good drops away. Please remember, dear Love, the rule of plural—ask for blessings for All-for you are part of All, and what blesses one blesses all.

    This is important, and helps you realize why you must forgive those that hurt your feelings, whether long ago or now. If there are unforgiven ones in your heart, you cannot sincerely pray for the blessing for all, and therefore for yourself.

    All are worth loving, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, taking a break from the earthly journey in five minute snippets a few times a day is not enough. Sometimes you MUST take that whole day, or longer, to submerge yourself in that Spiritual Realm, and remind yourself completely of what is Real. Rest, renew, cleanse in and with Spirit,and remember the One Cause of Love expansive that is the everlasting Truth.

    Every Spiritual system and set of understandings provides for times of Sabbath and retreat and pilgrimage. Choose the form that works for you and yours, but do not ignore the need for it. Take time to feed your Lovely, Lovely Soul today.

    God cannot use you if you feel used up. One Love can refresh you if you give it the attention and focus It needs from you and that It wants to give to you.

    WE will “mind the shop”—take time, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    It is God, One Loving Mind that holds all, and is the very essence of total Harmony, that does the “healing” of anything that seems inharmonious. The healing is really just a revealing of the perfect Spiritual existence that God already created, thought up, in Its Mind. God IS all, all that is real, and that all IS Good.

    To access that pervasive flow of Harmony, simply let go of thinking that another human can restore your experience of Harmony, or that you must, by human will, try, try, try to fix someone or something. Turn to the tender Thoughts of God, and let yourself feel Harmony flow through you and around you. “God is me, and God is my life.”

    For those that define their lives as their human story-dream, this may seem like nonsense. But all those dreams and alternate dreams are as nothing. God is the perfect lives of you all.

    This may seem frightening to those that cling to the details of human stories, but there is such an incredible freedom in realizing the Spiritual Reality of oneself, and all. Relax into that. Relax into the Reality of God, and that all is Spirit, and, as Spirit, Harmony and Its ideas.

    If you but thought every day, “I am one of God’s Good ideas”, incredible aligning with Harmony would happen.

    Take a time each day to realize that, and We join you in it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you quietly enter into the Kingdom within, know that It truly does have Presence that is Omnipotent and Omniscient and that you can trust It to want your joy and your human needs fulfilled.

    Go there, and be still and have hope certain and faith full that all will be revealed to your good.

    For it is already so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find yourself feeling the same kinds of feelings of sibling rivalry, in regards to strangers, that you felt for your blood relatives when you were a child, stand back and evaluate.

    If every being is born of the same Source, are they not your siblings? Do you want to relate to them as a six year old who is jealous of his two year old brother, or do you want to relate to them as does the eighteen year old brother, who is proud to see his fourteen year old brother shine? Do you want to find a way, as does the adult brother, to help the younger one avoid some of the painful lessons, and find an easier path to the brightest and best he can be?

    Examine the feelings in your own heart, Love, and observe the feelings around you. Look past the costumes, and see the relationship, and begin to understand a glimmer of how the Loving Parent Source has laid out a Plan for all of Its children to thrive.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Source is not interested in “saving souls”, because It knows that All Souls are already safe and sound and good within the Great Soul that It is. It knows they do not need “saving”, except in the sense of awakening to their true good nature within Itself. It is interested in saving the time it takes any being to awaken from its suffering. It WANTS your happiness.

    The Source is interested in each individualized part of Itself being Happy, until it awakens and remembers, that it is, and has always been, and will always be, safe and joyous in the Great Soul that is the God, that is Goodness.

    There are always new chances for Happiness, Beloved,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Before you speak anything to anyone else, speak it in your mind to yourself. Are you about to give advice that is really for you? Is it valid for both of you, or are you just as well off giving it just to yourself?

    Are you about to say something that is critical or judgmental, that is really about a part of your own behavior that you do not like? Listen carefully, and see if it is really yourself you want to be changing, rather than the other person.

    Are you about to share something uplifting and valid that will help you both? Are you about to speak sincere congratulations and joy? Are you about to fill your words with compassion or love, even if the words are just “good morning”?

    The Other is Self, Beloved, as we have said so many times. Are you remembering to remember that BEFORE you speak and extend your feelings, or do you only think of it afterward, and then end up with so many words you wish you had not spoken, or better feelings you wish you had shared?

    Just a little pause works wonders. A pause that gives you a chance to review your own thoughts and feelings. A pause that gives your Inner Voice a chance to whisper “wait” or “be kind” or “be quiet” or “offer help”. A pause that gives the Divine a chance to fill your heart with “you are both my Beloved children”, so that all your words are fed by Love.

    Teaching yourself to pause is a high skill indeed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know the Love of Mother/Father God Source is to have all.

    All else comes second, all else is irrelevant if you know, and are able to trust completely, in that Love.

    The unconditional love that your earthly parents gave to you when you were tiny and new is but a brief flicker of light, compared to the Light of Divine Love that maintains, sustains, and creates anew in every moment, your Joy in Being Alive, as Spirit in the Spirit of God.

    As ever, supporting you over tiny stones and chasms,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just listen quietly, to the song of the Heart, and hear:

    “Look up,

    Look up,

    my bright-eyed Love,

    and see me in the sky.

    I caught your attention with the whir of wings,

    Now, look past them,

    those flying feathered friends,

    and see,

    It is I, It is I, It is I.

    See, that I Am.

    See, and reflect Me.

    See, and know,

    for yourself,

    It is I, It is I, It is I.”

    Your Loving Patent/Source is ever with you,

    With all Power of Creation complete,

    Ask to see the best play of your life, and listen for your cues,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wake up from your own sorrows.

    God’s Love is swirling all around you and within you, just waiting for you to remember you are simply an expression of Peaceful and expansive Joyous Spirit.

    Shake off the dusty thoughts,

    “I Am Love” is real.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never believe that the ego-body-self has any true power over the One Power that is the Creative Source. While, and if, you still believe that the body mind has power over the One Source, your physical senses will see the errors of your small earthly self, and the errors, physical and moral, of others. As you come to true Spiritual sight, you will see them all, and your self, as the Ideas of Light that you are, flawless and perfect, and utterly, utterly Lovable.

    Practice seeing them, and accepting yourself as, Light, and Light alone,

    In utter Love, as are you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    ACTIVE constant welcoming of God’s Voice brings It smoothly into your awareness.

    God is not trying to trick you, or make you go through painful training and awkward learning. God’s Guidance and Love and Care are always right there, available to you. Just let go of your own expectations, that are but the human ego outlines, and welcome God’s Happiness of Spirit for you.

    “I Gladly welcome understanding my very Good spiritual body and life today.”

    For that is all there really is.

    We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    You can test for yourself the Truth of God.

    God IS ever-present, and always willing and glad to advise and comfort and give Love in the form that is Best for you. You turn and surrender and love and listen, and It Is So.

    If you are in a day, or a stretch of days, wherein you doubt the Truth of God and disbelieve that it is good and helpful to turn daily, and moment by moment, to Divine alignment, then test it. Try going for a day or some days without giving any thought to God, Love. Try going for a while without any thought to your attitude of compassion or appreciation. See how it goes.

    Getting back to Gratitude and Joy is but the work of a moment. And whenever you come back to It, you are very, very welcomed.

    In God’s Love,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloveds,

    As the journey through your life continues, let there be a sense of purpose without knowing exactly what that purpose is. Your individual purpose is a part of a Greater Purpose, and if you can relax into that knowledge, then your own purpose is revealed, step by step, and word by word, from Divine Force within.

    Enjoy the mystery. Having every moment and every choice of your path revealed to you ahead of time would take away your ability to enjoy each moment, and to flow with each moment. Abide in Peace. Learn to turn to the Inner Self for Peace and Joy, and let that River of Joy carry you, carry you, carry you through even the rocky parts of the journey.

    Water, and Spirit, flows without fighting,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not join in the sorrow, if one near you is feeling miserable.

    Have compassion for that one’s sorrow, but let yourself consciously join with the Joy of the Creator, and, from that suffusion of Joy, send a share to the sorrowing one. It is the only way to truly help, besides giving of the small physical assistances like a ride, or a shoe-polishing, or a bite to eat.

    Align yourself with that Greater Help, and be truly helpful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you really grasp that Love is God, then you know you cannot see God’s face in the traditional sense. You can free yourself from envisioning god as some huge human. Love is invisible but It effects are visible. Free yourself from thoughts of a limited god.

    Instead, you can train yourself to discern the Omnipresence of Love/God by the waves of kindness you experience, or the harmonious function of a life process, or the solutions that come forth when you look for, and find, the “Face of Love” in everything and everybody.

    Look for Pervasive Love everywhere and anywhere, in the visible and invisible, and be gleeful as your inner and outer sight expand to see more and more of It.

    There are no limits on Love Divine, and

    It wants to Help you know that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mortal loves have come and gone, for people and objects and experiences, but all along I have Loved you. Even before you knew it or understood it, I have loved you.

    And I still do, and always will, for that IS the Will of God. You can count on it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is an urge that you cannot explain, to go apart and be quiet, oh, do it, Beloved.

    Spirit is fully aware of how difficult it can be to clearly hear the Wisdom of your Inner Voice when you are surrounded by the distractions of the world. Spirit observes that the Comfort of the Inner Love does not reach you in Its entirety when the jangling of the material emotions and involvements is so pervasive.

    So listen to that little whisper, to that tiny tapping at the door of Consciousness, and take yourself into a silent spot, near or far, and be still, and be Guided, and be Loved.

    It can be under a tree, it can be in your car, it can be in a restroom, it can be in an official Sanctuary, or it can be behind your own closed eyelids. Just take those moments, and Connect, and you will know again, All is Well and your Heart of Hearts is Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to share what you see of Glory in the world, in others, and in your own Heart. For as you share the visions of Good that you see, more will be seen by you, and more will be seen by others, and you can indeed see more of a new earth sine in your days. See Good and appreciate Good.

    Complaining and looking for sins and errors and problems IS a habit that can be broken. Remember: Keep looking for “What is RIGHT with this picture?”

    Thus can perception be changed.

    We tell you it is true.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The One Mind knows all truth and can enact it, and indeed has enacted it. Unto many throughout the ages of the earth walk, the illusion already has been revealed, and each and every one will come to that awakening in their time of choosing.

    Meanwhile, O’ so Beloved, rely on the One Mind to guide all. Constantly, throughout the day, claim the Truth, that “One Mind Lovingly Governs all of them. One Mind Lovingly Governs me.”

    It is not an entreaty. It is the Truth. Watch It work.

    And be Glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Measure your accomplishments each day not by worldly measures, but by your growth in Graciousness. Have you been more Gracious today than yesterday?

    Have you finally begun to truly understand that being a clearer image of the Love and Harmony that made you is what also makes clear all that is good and true for your earthly life? Ah, Beloved, just strive to be Loving and Good today, and let, let, let the rest fall into place, judging no thing, but just opening your heart to seeing Eden still all around you.

    We are all Love, Beloved. Know this, and cast all your cares to Love. In the joining of Its Great Warmth, all that is cold and sharp melts away. All that is error is corrected. Let the Law of Harmony Work.

    These words are infused with the Presence of Love. Steep in them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You cannot see, with the five senses, ultraviolet light, yet you don protections against it. You cannot see gravity, yet you unconsciously use it daily.

    You cannot see the Force of God, but It is yours to use, if you but give It permission or thanks. It just needs that agreement to receive, and It will do Its Gracious Work.

    What do you have to lose?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no pleasure that can compare with the pleasure and bliss of communing with God.

    When you indulge in the other ones, remember that. Remember that, and never let the other dalliances interfere with your time spent with God.

    Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate today. Celebrate that you know the sweet secret of focusing on the quiet stillness within right now, and that God’s Voice and certainty are always right there to join you, if you but take the time. It is truly your first and only Home, even though you seem to have a second home called “earth” right now. Be grateful you have that “First Home”, and stay very conscious of It. You can be aware of your true Home even while you still seem to walk the earth.

    Just as a man who has a vacation home, fully furnished with all good things, to go to, feels a sweetness of having a safe retreat, feel glad about your Home with God, Calm in the heart. And, just as that man with a second home would be less devastated than a man with only one home, if the day to day home burned, or were torn away from him, be so very Glad that you ALWAYS have the Home that is God Calm in the stillness within you.

    Your Home is God’s Thoughts, Loving you and being loved by you. Treasure that today, and cherish having the awareness of that safe view and shelter. Calm God Thought can help you see the here and now goodness of your everyday shelter as well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not measure your daily gratitude exercise by how many items are on the list. Measure it by how filled you feel with the Infinite Love that is beyond measure. You should feel so filled with gratitude that you can easily feel forgiveness for errors made by yourself, for past wrongs or current grievances, for the annoyance or unease that you cannot even put a name to.

    Count your gratitudes. Contemplate them. Count them daily. Count them hourly if you need to. Count them until you truly feel the sweet Power of the Infinite Love which Loves you, and of which you are a part.

    Remembering that the Divine shines you forth made of Love, and lit by Love, and so any anger or distress you feel is not the product of God, and not the productive way to address any earthly dream problem. Right here, right now, help the Good dream be revealed by letting gratitude be the tool with which you fill yourself with the solutions of Love.

    As We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have a care to WAIT for the Peace of the Dove-Spirit to alight, Child, before you speak. It will save you much regret, and feed your wisdom instead of your fear, when you wait for Divine Calm Spirit to put words into your mouth, instead of speaking quickly.

    Try it, you”ll like it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Peace. Be still.”

    Use these words and fill them with you belief, O’ Child. Let not the fears of those around you convince you that you are not in the sweet care of God’s Hands.

    It is a shared dream of earth, Beloved, the “physical “ realm, but you do have dominion with your shared thoughts with God, here and now. The more human thought is linked to, and gives way to, Divine Thought, the more Peace can manifest in the dream.

    Claim your dominion, Child. Urge others to claim theirs, rather than joining in with thoughts of drama or disaster. Peace. Be Still.

    This life, this family, this home, this town, this nation, this world, all are the really the spiritual realm of God, and WE claim God peace for them, here and now.

    God is all in all and all there is, Dear Child.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Some struggle with the thought that if God is All and Omnipotent, that they are only puppets to God’s Will. But we tell you truly that it is when you are being pulled this way and that by material concerns and body desires and blames and regrets—that is when you are like a puppet on strings.

    God, Love, guides with wonderful and pure intent. The earth play can be lived harmoniously, so long as you are dancing to the tune of Love, in an alignment that is like a wonderful partnership of Grace and Thought, and not like a puppet on whimsical and temporal strings.

    Dance and sing to the music of Harmonious Love, dear one.

    We will be your back up singers.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The most painful situations of the five senses will, of course, be the hardest ones to ignore, so that one may look to the Spiritual Truth underneath. And yet, because the Divine Truth’s omnipresence is exactly what will relieve the pain of the senses, those times are when it is most important to use the abilities you have honed to reach past the “unreal” to the Cosmic Cause, and access the Peace you need.

    Therefore, do not lay aside your daily practice of communion with, and ease of reaching, the Divine Causality. When you most need to feel it, it should come readily, and swiftly, from all the relaxed times during which you have made “knowing” the Reality of the Maker your daily priority.

    It is not to serve others, or to impress others, that your daily welcome of the Divine Peace into your heart is important. It is to be able to live in Joy, and to have the strength and the resources to choose to serve when you wish, or when God asks.

    Practice, practice, practice, Beloved, and bless the painful times for their help in your attainment of mastery,

    Always faithfully loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never forget that you are Loved.

    The most important thing is to realize that the Love that created you and sustains you is ever-present, and an Infinite Source. It is there to draw upon for your health, your sustenance, and for the healing of others.

    It is not their bodies you are healing, it is the mistaken thought in their mind that they are separate from the Divine Source in which they exist. They are happy, wonderful dancing spirits within Spirit, and that is the silent Loving Thought you should gently and lovingly place in their minds, and then feel the privilege of watching Divine Love at work, healing and harmonizing the appearance of the life that reflects True Life, and always will.

    First and foremost, feed yourself with Love from the Infinite Source, that you may then help feed the hungry, worldly thoughts of others.

    Well satisfied on Divine Love alone,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are still certain that you are needed here, in the earth dream, to help complete the Lovely Plan of Awakening in the stream of time. Be ye certain also.

    Yes, in God’s Mind, all is already completed. But you are part of that completion. Walk it, love. Live it. Love it, and be Glad.

    Be aware for those that are not yet aware for themselves,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Learning to trust that which cannot be seen is one of the greatest challenges when one is working on the earth plane. All of the human training that taught one to observe and catalogue must be unlearned, so that one can be taught to discern with the heart and Spirit.

    Falter not, fair one. Each day will bring new understanding as you welcome Oneness, and Its Infinite Knowledge, into the seeing that is done with the heart. It will grow easier and easier to look past the “evidence” of the senses, and the claims and whimpers of the egos (of yourself and of others) and see instead the clarity and wholeness of the Truth.

    Keep asking for help from the Source, stay aware that you are in the Source and entitled to all Its Perception and Substance, and trusting will be proved and proved until it becomes easy to believe.

    Trust us to be on your side,


  • O’ Beloved,

    Do, do, do understand the difference between praising God and thanking God.

    To praise God is to contemplate and delight in the various and wondrous Qualities of God. The Love, the Brightness, the Order, the sustaining Intelligence, the Truth, the Harmony, the Beauty, and on and on and on. The Omnipotence, and the Omnipresence of God can be felt.

    To thank God for always being, and always having been these things, is to extend your willingness to be an expression of all those Qualities. To thank God is to offer your acceptance and understanding that what you really are IS an expression and reflection of those Qualities.

    Therefore, praise all that God is, in total, or by contemplating each Quality day by day and moment by moment, and then clean off the mirror that is you, and thank God for freely giving you Goodness to reflect, and simply begin to shine bits of God, wherever you are. Extend that willingness. Extend it, and feel the Joy of doing so.

    You can do this, because it is what you were made to do. Everyone comes to it, soon or later. Everyone. Why not choose to begin now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is but one word we have for you today.


    You know the subtle and yet powerful feel of the Love that is God and that God has for you. Try to rise above the expectations and fulfillments and disappointments of human love today, and feel the Truth of Love Extraordinary. Love Itself Loves you. Love Itself forms you and sustains you. Feel that unspeakable Love for all around you today, and, Beloved, feel it for yourself and for God.

    For by Loving Love, you help It extend everywhere.

    As We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the variety of the lure of worldly thought tries to fool you into worry or attraction, let yourself have the time and space to check your feelings against the steady calm wind of God-Love in your heart.

    The steadiness of God-support never changes, and if you take a few moments to lean into it and be held up by it, like a sailor leaning into the wind, and you notice that you are feeling either too excited or too fearful to be gladly accepting and receiving those few God-support moments, then you have likely fallen for the lure of the illusory world. Let it be the signal to you to slow down, reconsider and re-center, and then look at the situation or the options again.

    Once you are filled with the stately Love of the Divine, you can look again at the earthly pleasure to be enjoyed, or the earthly fear to face and overcome, but you can do so from that grounded and measured and peaceful middle road.

    Remember, Divine Spirit wants you front and center, from where you can see clearly, with God’s point of view,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Are you under the misimpression that you must use formal or specific words or rituals or prayers to talk to God? Really, you can convey your willingness to open your heart and mind to Divine Guidance very simply.

    “Hey, God, Come straighten out my thinking and my life.”

    “Say, God, what I can do to open my own feelings, and other people’s feelings, to hold more compassion?”

    Telling the Source of All Good your desires is easy, truth be told. And, actually, you can turn to God silently, and allow Omnipresence to just read the good desires of your heart, and be willing to do what you are led to do, and think.

    It is Joy to share Good, True Thoughts with God, in whatever form,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have tried to help you understand that the thoughts that you hold, and the words that you believe, do help create your reality. So, when you hear the phrase, “God knows what things you have need of, before you ask”, think of the truth that thoughts are things. Therefore, God knows what Thoughts you have need of, before you ask.

    Think Thoughts of Goodness and Grace and Mercy. Think Thoughts of Order and Beauty and Intelligence and Soul and Truth and Love. Think upon the qualities that you want to see demonstrated in your life, and know that those are the Thoughts (things) God knows you need.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The still, Peaceful and sacred Presence of Divine Hope is an extraordinary experience. If you are one to whom, after a moment’s insight, or after months or years of practice, the experience is one that is easy to draw upon, indeed, that is truly “ever-present” in your awareness, then it behooves you to share It freely.

    Yes, it is still important for each individual child of the Whole Spirit to achieve mastery of that answering of the calling of the Voice within, but anyone that already exudes the excellence of that Flow of Love can be the primer that begins the Flow in another. Be that, Beloved. Each time you feel God’s Love, give it forth.

    Silently, sweetly, give It forth, greeting those around you, in your mind that has been given over to Divine Mind, with “I greet you in the Oneness of Being, and I recognize your completeness and perfection there.”

    Exempt no one, Beloved, from this, for if you exempt even one person from the Giving and Loving Thoughts of the Mind that is now your mind, you are creating a block against the Flow of Love to you. Be aware, stay aware, and be true and kind to yourself, by letting Love Flow to all others. Thus does Healing come.

    Helping you clear the way, whenever you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is only so much that can be remembered at any one time. Choose to remember the good and the funny and the touchingly true.

    We are not suggesting that positive human thoughts alone can heal and fully Harmonize, but we assure you that aligning your thoughts with good and positive does make it easier for the Divine Presence to be flowing through you, for yourself and others.

    And is not that Harmony, and all Its resultant unfoldment, what you want? Do not try to dictate it, but do be positive and accepting.

    We Love you and We Love all whom you love, ask us to help them and we will,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Intention of the Divine Source is happening right now. It has happened and it will happen, from your point of view in linear time. In the timelessness of the Source, you are ever perfect and ever Loved. The more you can abide in that Thought, “I am living in the Knowledge of Heaven, right now”, the more you will be able to calmly view the events of you life with a trust and a joy that carry you through the rest of your time-moments.

    You do not have to wait upon physical death to reach Joy. You need but turn your focus inwards and accept the Truth of the Source, and Its intent for your utter Joy.

    Instantaneous healings DO occur, we assure you. For they are already True in the realm of Heaven. Reflect them here, for yourself, and for others, and be Free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no more you need to think about than this thought, today:

    “I trust the Good Creator with my future today, and always.”

    All your inner desires, all your attractions and avoidances are already known to the Spirit of God. Just relax into the Happiness of knowing Creation created you to be as HAPPY AS Itself, and it already is the Truth you are awakening to.

    Gently, relax into trust, BELOVED,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, today, today, do not identify your self as a body, with all its pains and pleasures and adornment and maintenance, maintenance, maintenance.. Playfully, and courageously, and truthfully, go into:

    “I am Spirit, pure and free. My God, Divine Love, perfects me.”

    “I am Spirit, made of Unconditional Love, and It expresses Itself through me.”

    Feel the wondrous freedom of letting Love be in control.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not react to the fleeting images and sounds around you that would try to tempt you to anger or sorrow or sin. Act only from the golden Heart of yourself, and you will be Glad you did.

    The Presence of God-Spirit in your Heart-Soul acts like a Divine sieve. Run every word and action through It, and It will filter out all that is unlovely and untrue. Then the self that you present to yourself and to the world will indeed be the cleansed self you want to be.

    Do be your Best Self. We know that is what you, and all, really are.

    None of you can convince God that you are less than Love, really,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a time that comes to everyone, in which, for the full clarity of a moment, they truly understand that their soul is a piece of the Soul of Perfection. Once that moment has been experienced, they will always want to achieve it again. Some will devote everything to this, right away. Others will only remember now and then to focus upon it.

    As we have said many times, the choice of the timing is yours. But we also tell you again that the Timeless One already knows that as the false consciousness of time is relinquished, all will again remember that they are part of a great Joining, a great perfection.

    Let that be a thought of Peace for you, and let enjoyment of Peace become one of your greatest enjoyments.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    As do you pray for all, so do you better pray for yourselves. We know you know this, but living in a culture that encourages thinking of the self and promoting and taking care of the self means that it is important to remember to also listen for good Thoughts from the Divine One Mind for others.

    And indeed, it is crucial that you realize that praying for others, thinking of them as Good children of God, no matter what the human momentary evidence is, is actually a way of praying for, and enlightening, yourself. This is not about proselytizing, this is about the inward commandment to embrace the Truth of others also being Beloveds of God, and that they are also Guided by God as they discard the human errors that have cloaked them.

    As you practice thinking of all as Beloved of the Divine Source, so will you be strengthening your own perception of your own Best Self, your own Goodness, your own enormous possibilities and talents and place within Infinity. You will be embracing Love, and being embraced by Love, as you embrace each and every idea of God.

    So very Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today. Concentrate on thinking thoughts of being deserving of the Grace to create, through Grace, the Good things you could celebrate to happen in your life.

    Grace takes care of creating Good. You concentrate on feeling deserving. IT IS YOUR NATURAL AND RIGHTFUL DUE, in the Mind of the Creator.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether your human self believes it or not, your True Self is Good and Perfect for its part in the great unfolding of Love.

    Practice believing it. PLAY with believing it. “My Creator Loves me and knows me to be Good, for my individual and special part in the Play.”

    O”, do play today. Play radiating Goodness, and Cheer,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let your discourses be filled with comments and tales of what is right and good in your life and thoughts. Let your observations of others be sincere praises of the positive things they do or represent. Let your suggestions be ones for improvements, and your contributions be ones that build.

    When meditation or contemplation take your Consciousness to the height where you can see the Power of thoughts and words to create, Beloved, you will see the High Importance of elevating thought and words and actions to match the Holiest ones in your heart.

    Eschewing gossip and complaining makes a huge difference in your outlook and in your life, and in the shared world where you wish for all to feel joy.

    You can be an example. You can let your Light, reflected from Love, shine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Source and Dwelling is the Original. You are a copy, built of Spirit and Light.

    So, you are a copy of Love. Be the copy today, and remember that what the Original holds and is, you are also. It is Joy, so you can look like Joy. It is Wisdom, so you are Wisdom. It is Calm creativity, so you are Calm creativity.

    It is Loving, so you are Loving, really.

    Be what It is, and trust It to be your today and your tomorrow, and your Ever-Giving freedom.

    God shines forth Good copies,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know how easy it is to feel compassion for one whom you see who is suffering from a crippled foot, or a wounded arm, or a gash to the head. You very naturally wish to pray for the healing, the wholeness, of that person to be revealed.

    When confronted with someone who seems to have a vicious personality, or a lying character, or sinful disregard of the feelings of others, you must think of that person as also suffering from some of the wounds of the earth-play world. The false spirit of error and wrong-doing and acting, that falls upon the good spirits that the Creator made, must be seen as one more thing that needs healing. Think of them this way, and have the same compassion that you do for bodily ills, and pray to see them healed and whole and good and true.

    Would that not be more pleasant for you than seeing them as hopeless villains?

    Take Joy in seeing revealed to you the Good men and Women of God’s making.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know how often we have reminded you to pray for all. We know that you know that since all are connected, the prayer for all is important to the healing of the earth dream.

    And that is still true. But today, Beloved, we urge you again to sweetly pray to feel your Self aligned with the Divine Source. For as you are aligned, so can you more effectively pray for all. And we see that sometimes you forget that you must be truly centered in the mirror that is the connection between you and your Source in order to see clearly, and completely, and wonderfully. And that is more effective for all.

    “Perfect God, perfect person. Perfect God, perfect reflection. I am the other part of the Great I Am, and I would remember that today, to clear and align my thoughts.”

    There is no dust on the mirror today, dear Love. See clearly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you make the choice that your goal is to know your delightful place in the Oneness of Being, then incredible Help is available to you and dedicated to you. It will advise and Help you constantly, but your part of giving focus and intention, must continue.

    Help can be offered, and offered, and again lovingly offered, but if you do not spend those few minutes a day truly focusing and quietly listening to the ideas that flow from the Heart of all Being, and letting yourself be renewed by the deep Well of Love that Loves you, then the choice you have made remains stalled in time.

    Choose each day again, therefore, and give the little dedications of time and attention that will help you receive that Help and use it for your own joy, and for the Glory of all Being.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Wait. Wait quietly.

    Being the Good Son or Daughter of the Divine does not necessarily mean acting, acting, acting all day, every day. There are days when you must quietly wait on the Will and Way of the Divine, which sometimes means that you are waiting for the other “actors” to fall into place in your Play.

    Rest in the Peace of the Divine Center of Being, and let silence hold you until you clearly hear your “prompt” for your next move or words.

    Relax into this, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To glow with the Joy of understanding you are Loved, is ministry enough for many. Let that happen.

    There will be those who want words, or proofs performed, but the exuberant, glad calmness and sureness you shine forth, is enough for the ready ones. To be a silent vehicle, through which Love can offer Its warmth, is enough purpose for any, and every, part of Soul.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is your consciousness that God wants to come Home.

    Awaken. Remember to awaken to that Home in your mind, many times a day, until you remember fully that you are Home, you never left your Home in God-Mind, and you never will.

    All the rest is but a dream, but it is important to live it Consciously,

    Live it Divinely,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    As you enter a new phase of your life, there will always be things to let go of. Some of them will be material objects that you clearly have no need for any longer, and they will be easy to let loose. Other material objects will hold on to you with their “sentimental” value, and if they do, they still have something to teach you.

    Allow them to guide you to look at your sentiments. Let each thing help you choose. “Shall I be gracious to myself and let myself keep this teacup my mother gave me, to remind me of her love?” “Do I look at this old baseball cap and realize that I have still not forgiven that old lover who borrowed it one day? Do I let that unforgiveness go along with the cap?”

    Child, you can choose to be stuck or you can choose to let go. No one else can make you let go of something, although being near someone who lets go easily can help inspire you. Choosing to let go of the accoutrements of a phase of life sometimes means simply recognizing that it is a new phase. It may mean just recognizing that you are growing and changing, and letting yourself be delighted about it. What child clings to his tricycle when he finally learns to ride a “grown-up” bike?

    We are always delighted with your growth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Truth has not changed while you played around in the sandbox with doubts and fears and time and imaginings.

    It is still the TRUTH. It is still Love. It will still set you free from fear, and self-set unattainable goals, if you but turn to it, and quietly receive Its Love. But ask today, that It show you at least bits of Itself, and let yourself be open hearted to receive them.

    It is time for that, Love. It is always time for that.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Never forget that the greatest gift of Spirit is Unconditional Love. Giving that, wordlessly, is always a good response to anyone before you, and to yourself.

    Truth spoken without love is like truth being offered on the point of a knife. Truth offered eloquently but without the utter peacefulness of Divine Love is like truth offered with a gun in one hand.

    Practice, practice giving silent Divine Love, and let the other gifts of Spirit grow from there.

    Always offering Love to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is your invisible support and foundation. If something truly needs to be done, God will help you do it.

    Review your lists and plans, and let Divine Guidance help you choose what to do, and do generously. Let go of thoughts and idle wishes with no surge of Spirit behind them, and BE the Complete expression of Soul’s Light this season.

    Simple Loving affirmations will do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As ever, God knows what It is doing. In Its timelessness, It always will.

    When you have opened your free will to letting the Divine Will flow through you, and have practiced feeling Its Presence until you truly do feel It wash through you, and around you, just let It Flow. You do not need to tell God what to do. God already knows, Beloved. What you need to know is what you should do, besides opening your will to God’s Will.

    So if you feel the grace of Presence, do not waste words or thoughts telling God what you want. Just love and enjoy and be grateful for the Presence, and listen, listen, listen to hear if there are any words or images from God for you to act upon. And then, Love, obey. Do not question or doubt or give excuses. Just obey, and let your will become a part of God’s Will in truth.

    Disobeying only delays your own Joy, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You cannot choose alignment with the Divine Source for another person. Each individual must choose the timing of when he or she is ready to disregard the material dream and begin to See the Lovely Unseen Spiritual Reality. We know it is humanly heart-breaking to watch those who suffer from their own illusions, but what you CAN do is to choose to Glow even more brightly with Love yourself.

    To keep your own consciousness so aligned with Divine Consciousness that others can sense that Presence emanating from you is to help awaken them from their dreams. Some will feel It right away and clearly. Some will perceive It only dimly. But if you just keep shining your Light, more of the darkness of the dream will disappear.

    That is the essence of the Plan, Beloved. Be willing to be a part of It, and shine.

    We Love it when you do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let forgiveness be your food today.

    Fill yourself to contentment with all the forgiveness Spirit offers you, and let the waterfall of it pour over all those around you as well, in the Now, and in what seems to be your past. We assure you the waterfall of It is abundant—can you spread the food of It into your future as well?

    Play with the images and the words of this all you will—but please let it help you release what you do no longer wish to drag around. Digest it and let it go, go , go.

    It will feed your Love instead of your fears,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust and experience how easily the Source Voice wishes to speak to you. Choose a simple Truth such as, “I am spirit and Great Spirit takes care of my needs” (or whatever phrase or song words speak this day to your heart), and say them in your mind all the day. They will begin to change over the course of the day and you WILL realize that the Divine IS speaking to you. The phrase will morph, or a simple sense of joy or accomplishment will fill your heart, and you will know you are being heard and answered.

    A True answer from the Divine is always accompanied by a sense of Peace or Wonder or Joy. If what you are hearing is accompanied by discouragement or disparagement, go back to your original Truth and try again. There is no shame in trying again and again, because you are the Divine’s innocent and Beloved Child, and the answers and support are always extended to you, and will be until you hear them. Accept that you are Loved, and it will grow easier and easier, and you will be grateful that you listened.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Serving the Joy and Wellness of others will serve you as well.

    Do that today. Bless all.

    Love grows as It is spread upon all grounds.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fly above the clouds on an overcast day, and you can still see and enjoy the rays of the sun that freely shine towards earth.

    Look beyond the limited senses and you can discern the constant Life, Love, and Wellness of Being that constantly shine to you from the Source of All Good.

    Your intellect understands that the earthly sun is shining above the clouds. You must retrain your intellect to believe that you can EXPECT the Good that is your right as a recipient of the Loving Thoughts of God, Who is Ever-Aware of you.

    Expect Good, Beloveds, instead of expecting and believing the shadow illusions.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are, and have always been, and always will be, a grand idea in the Mind of God.

    Identify yourself thus, and you will be knowing the Truth of yourself.

    Train yourself to think of yourself as this, rather than as an ephemeral body, and the energy of the Infinite is yours.

    “Again today I am a good idea of God’s.”

    It is the Truth, Beloved. Let It work on you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to take time to simply reaffirm your trust in an All-Knowing Power. It IS the only Power that really exists, but we understand that when human existence has trained you for so many years to rely only on your own limited perceptions, and to rely on human logic, that it can be difficult at first to trust completely in the Wisdom of the Divine.

    But it must be done, Beloved. Practice trusting. And, ask for help in trusting. For the Divine Wisdom understands that you need help in overcoming the long-bound habits of the mortal way of thought. As you let your thoughts be replaced by Divine Thoughts of the Maker-Source, you will See how much more easily earth-experience flows, and you will KNOW the Deep Peace of the Divine Encouragement, that leads to full and utter communion with That Which Has Held You, all along.

    It still Holds You.

    With much Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask for Divine Help, in asking,

    “High Guidance of the Light, Right now, Open my eyes and let me see, the Life that the Creator planned for me.”

    Be still, listen, and let it be revealed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Creative Force is not the author of death and its subsidiaries, pain, lack, dis-ease, and sorrow. It is the Author of True Life, lived as Spirit.

    The Divine Creative Force does not commit murder, It commits health and well-being.

    When you ask for Its help, you are asking to see the evidence of committed health. You are asking to see that which should be cherished as the Truth, your own commitment to the end goal of Well-Being, not of death.

    Let yourself, ALLOW yourself, to be a committer of health, not a committer of murder. Think of it in terms of moments, Beloved. Each moment that you choose to experience as Joy, as a dance towards the understanding of God, you are committing health and revelation. Every moment that you choose sorrow, you are losing a moment of Joy, and therefore losing a moment when you could have come one step closer to being aware of being Home in the Divine.

    Ah, Beloved,

    We commit Health,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not dance because it is good for your body. You dance, if you do, because of Joy.

    Never again fall for the claims of what is good or bad for the body—listen only to the deep Spirit of Joy, and dance, or sleep, or eat, or fast, or wash, or stand still, or any bodily thing, only at the behest of what feels best for your Spirit—of what you hear Divine Voice tell you to do. This is freedom. While yet wearing the thought of a body, so that it may be used to communicate with those who cannot yet hear in another way, take dominion over it, under guidance from the Great Voice that holds you all.

    Spirit has Dominion. Spirit is your true Self. When you know the certainty of that, you are free from the petty demands of a body that thinks it is king. It is not king. It is but servant of Spirit, that holds sway and reign without exception.

    There is no God but God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seek what truth you will of earthly “facts”, but realize that the real Truth is that “All are One” in the Parental One Mind that decided them, and created them, and lives them. All “secrets” come out when you begin to delve further into the Oneness of being, where all thoughts are together in the One Mind, but, fortunately, there is also Love and forgiveness that contains them all.

    Be very aware of that, Child, and Love and forgive, and Love and forgive, and Love and forgive. It is the main “job” of earthly life, and you will find that in Loving and forgiving, enjoyment also comes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not spend Its time looking for your faults, as you yourself sometimes do. God does not see them—the Great Source only sees the good It created and that some parts of It are dreaming they are in error or flawed.

    When you pray and pray for God to enable you to see others, and the world, as It sees them, Good beneath the dust of illusions, do not forget to see yourself this way also.

    Why not spend today, Beloved, not only aligning with God, but also asking to see yourself as God sees YOU?

    We assure you, it is perfect and beloved. Spend today count the things that are good of you; that reflect the goodness and light and life and love of the Source, rather than reviewing your mistakes or faults or triumphs in the earth-dream,

    Value yourself as a pure reflection of God, and there are indeed no limits to what the Holiness of you, the Source that shines through you, cannot do.

    You cannot imagine how much we value you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hatred or Harmony?

    The initial learned response in some situations may be that surge of hatred and fear, but we assure you it is not one of the elements of which your True Spiritual Self is made.

    The True Self that lives forever in the Infinite can feel and draw upon Harmony, and let that be the framework of the life you live. Practice it, practice it, and you will not regret it.

    Angry words are usually regretted, but peacemaking gestures are golden markers of Love.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    It is so important to know the Completeness of My Love for you. It is never withdrawn. It is never off-duty. It is the very Life Force of you, flowing as you, before, during, and after the earth-life dream.

    Be at Peace and Complete, in your trust of that, dear Children of the Heart of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “In the Peace of God are all the Truths I need to know. They are not in the frantic dashings of the earth.”



  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    The only environment there really is, is Spirit/God. Spirit is all. All is Spirit.

    We know that while you walk the earth dream, your flesh and bones and trees and homes all seem like solid and physical things to you. Yet even the growing understanding of your physicists will remind you that what seems so solid is just swirling bits of energy.

    And even those “experts” have not reached full comprehension of it all, Child. All is God. The thoughts of God are the substance of all, including you. And God is delighted with Its thoughts and has pondered them and declared them good. You are a good thought of God.

    And is that not enough reason for Bliss? Whether your body is standing in a pile of slush, or whether you are dreaming of a delightful walk in the gentle forest, God Loves you. You are a Good thought of the Divine, and part of the Divine, and that is the Bliss that goes with you wherever you are, if you but remember to feel it.

    We understand how heavily you are under the influence of your senses and how much they lure you with sensual comfort and desire, and place and space, and name and title. But the sooner you realize that all is Spirit, YOU are Spirit, the sooner your consciousness can be filled in every moment with the awareness of deep, calm Joy.

    Deep calm Joy has nothing to do with geography or a vehicle or any of the various bodily drives. It is simply God, in you and through you, and around you. It is the security that never fails, it is the Love that never fades or dies. It is the everlasting Life of you.

    “I have always been, and will always be, the delightful thought God thinks as me.”

    Do you begin to see? Do you begin to awaken?

    You are held in Love while the sleep of Adam dissipates.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Proving to the self that concentrating on knowing the Power of the Law of Goodness is constantly operating in one’s life is the most wonderful way to help others, as well as yourself. The more often you prove to yourself that claiming dominion over mishaps or injuries WORKS will give you the confidence to give of your sharing with others your ability to lean on the sweet and pervasive Law of Good.

    Give yourself the gift of noting, in memory, or written word, how many times you have been able to claim the Healing Power of Divine Intent and Joy, so that you have that to turn to when doubt tries to whisper harm or sorrow to you. Turn to those memories also to testify to others, when that sincere desire rises in you for them to also know the wonder of turning to the Good Source for comfort and Healing and Inspiration.

    Remember that you are not giving them a formula or specific words that always will address their fears and neutralize errors. You are sharing how the Golden Love of truth will highlight the needed correction each time, for each situation, and that above all it is the Presence of Love, Love, Love that shines away the sense of separation from Goodness and Well Being.

    We can see that you can do this. It helps all, Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is impossible to underestimate the Power of forgiveness.

    The full power of forgiveness is that it takes YOU out of the trap of time. So long as your thoughts and your consciousness are on the past, and remembered offences, or in the things of the moment that you would criticize or sneer at or judge or fear, then you are trapped in un-beauty, in un-loveliness, in un-Good.

    Forgive. Take away the trap and the trappings of time, and be at Peace in the Beauty of yourself and in the Beauty of the Eternal moment of God. ASK, Beloved, to be shown, by the Eyes of Love, what is really true in each moment, so that you may be shown the lovely and enjoyable perfection of the full portrait of the Divine.

    Forgive, and you free yourself. Forgive, and be in this perfection NOW.

    AND, Beloved, PLEASE remember that your own flawed thoughts, which projected a seeming reality of pain, are part of what must be forgiven. Forgive yourself, ask for Divine Help to re-order your perceptions, and be freed of so much of what seems ugly to you now. You are Beauty. It is All Beauty. Turn to Beauty, walk in Beauty, and Believe that Beauty is Its name, and therefore yours.

    “Show me Your Beauty, Dear God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone gave you a pile of Lego blocks, that were all the same color, and told you to build whatever you want, you could build all sorts of extraordinary things, but they would all be that same color.

    In the Causal Mind of God/Goddess/All That Is, all the building blocks are the “color” Harmony. This is not a visual color. It is a quality—a Principle, an aspect of the very essence of which your spiritual self and the Mind within which your being exists is made. They are the “color” Good. Sit your consciousness down in the focal point that is the center of God and you will be able to see that, and able to see the Good Creation that God also declared and “saw that it was Good.”

    It truly is as simple as that, Beloved. And once you have experienced it, you will experience it more and more often, and will understand that you can demand all the additional building blocks you want, as long as they are “colored” Good—as long as they are of Loving Intent.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the test of time prove Unconditional Love to you, just as it has proved human love to you in the earth play. What you truly love, you grow to love more, although perhaps in different ways and expressed in new forms, through times of the testing of that love, and as your tastes change and sophisticate and adapt.

    Do not be astonished if the Divine finds ever new ways of Loving you, but be aware of the unchanging nature of the truth of that Love. You are formed from Love Itself, and It can only relate to you from Its own nature, ever and ever again. You are not awakened to the truth by these words, but by the ever-present Spirit that holds you, all the time you have been sleeping, and each time you drowse off again. Allow yourself time to feel the silent language of Spirit, even as your brain scans these lines and letters. Allow yourself to feel that LOve.

    Be at Peace, Beloved, be at Peace, knowing that those same arms of Love have held you always, and will continue to do so today, and all days, as days become Always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Blaming anyone else, or any place or thing, or beast or weather, for your mood of a moment does not heal.

    Take responsibility for the thoughts you think, and for holding to your knowledge of who you are as a spiritual image of God, and heal yourself. Falling into the excuse game is just another trick of the false senses that keep you from the fullness of shining in Glory, with Glory, as Glory.

    Try staying silent and going to a populous place, and constantly holding in your thoughts “I am a Glorious image of God. All here are Glorious images of God.” God’s Angel Thoughts gladly join you in this endeavor and help you see how thoughts create your reality and your experience. Think the words as a member of Soul, for you are a part of Glorious Soul, and Soul Thoughts are filled with feeling and Grace and Power, rather than just being castings of human will.

    The Real You is part of Divine Will, and joining in Divine Thought heals your human perceptions. Lift your consciousness above the shallow human dream, and See with Glorious eyes.

    Practicing It perfects your experience of It, for you are a reflection of Perfection,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You DO know the sound and the feel of the Divine Inner Voice. You know the sense of calmness It evokes and the sense of Love and Peace that always accompany It. And you know It is always there, behind that small door of stillness and willingness.

    So when the human self inner voice starts whining or justifying, stomp it down. Say No! to it, in your mind or even out loud, and take that CRUCIAL moment to open the small door, and hear the Voice that guides you right. You will never regret being reminded, “I Am Love” before you act.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The great practice of seeing everyone around you, and yourself, as offspring of the Infinite Intelligence of God, is a practice that serves you best if done daily and consistently. If you do, and thus begin to see the amazing results of looking with the perceptive Eyes of Love, you will WANT to get more skilled at seeing as God sees in all ways.

    Keep at it. Keep at it. It is part of being the expression of Goodness and Charity and Forgiveness and Love that God created you to be.

    We Help. Keep asking for our Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The God/Goddess Mind holds you in Good Thought. YOU, as Its Thought-Child, are made of Goodness, surrounded by Goodness and supported by Goodness.

    Other Good Thoughts, as “people” and as “things”, are in place around you, in order to complete the picture of Goodness that is your life. Be very aware of this, and keep remembering always “I am a Good Thought in the Mind of the Divine Cause, and all the “thoughts” that I need to have surround me, for Goodness to be felt and seen, slip easily into place. As easily as a human mind can imagine a delightful flower, Divine Mind can imagine, and therefore create, all that is needed for Its Children.

    Divine Mind’s Thoughts create. They are Reality. Be not confused by this. Just keep remembering that you are a Good Thought in the Divine Mind, and that you are surrounded by all the Good Thoughts you need.

    In time, you will understand that you are not a body, you are a delightful thought, a beloved thought, an upheld thought, in Mind,

    Be grateful,, and be delighted in God/Goddess Creators,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate the days when the earthly duties are few, and focus on bringing yourself Joy by being Divinely grateful for Beauty. Divinely made beauty exists, and can be appreciated, in the colors and shapes of a flower, or the dance of a butterfly, or the strength of a tree trunk or mountain, but the invisible Beauties are greater still.

    Celebrate, celebrate, and be grateful for, the long friendships, the unpaid loyalties that grace you, the small gestures of kindness, the compassionate touch from a stranger, and the constant, constant, constant Unconditional Love of God.

    If you deeply practice feeling grateful and celebratory of Divine Beauty on your quieter days, then it will be easier to learn to remain filled with Spiritual Joy on your very busy earthly days. Staying grateful, and honoring being an expression of God WHILE being very busy with tasks means you will feel Spirit helping you carry the load.

    This is Truth, Beloved. Try It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed We are with you. We can Help, Help, Help.

    Part of the reason that giving blanket permission once to the Divine, and then never asking again, does not work, is that your human attention wanders. We are always with you, Beloved. We are always Loving you, willing to guide you in the maze of your own consciousness, back to full awareness. But the human self is not always listening.

    Asking Us for Help constantly means that you take that time to listen, and to realize you have offered yourself in partnership with the Divine, to live your part in the Plan. It works even better if you ask for Help and then actually take time to listen well. As you become practiced at this, you will hear answers and feel nudgings, more and more automatically, until you really are praying and hearing without ceasing.

    “Help me, O’ Divine, to See the Pure Goodness of myself and those around me today. Give me of Your Strength and Wisdom to only speak when necessary, and to extend Silent Love in every moment, no matter what else I am doing.”

    Ever will We be with you,