Ah, Beloved,
Be aware of being Loved and fed with Calm Peace from within. Just be aware of it, and let it happen. Allow it, today.
If you let yourself get lost in intellectual understanding of exactly how it works, or what name for the Source is the “best” name, or whether you need certain rituals to help make It take care of you, then you are apt to put yourself in a more agitated state of mind. The Loving Source simply gives and gives and gives to you. Let yourself receive.
Eventually, it will help lead you to a framework or an organization or a group that can also give you the worldly friendships or shared worship and human support that you might desire, but first, and foremost, let yourself Be Loved by Love Divine.
As We Love you,
Ah, Beloved,
Insofar as you are humanly able, look for and see the good attributes of those around you. In every person, even when “familiarity has bred contempt”, you can seek and name some qualities that you interpret as “good”, such as endurance, or patience, or loyalty to a cause, even if it is a cause you do not personally believe in.
Think upon these things that you have found to focus upon, and allow your heart to acknowledge them, and to open and soften your thoughts about the person.
But then, Beloved, take it a step further. Ask, humbly, that the Divine All open your eyes and allow you to see the power of Truth working upon that other heart. Ask for the privilege of being allowed to witness how, without a word from you to the other person, you can ask the Divine All to grace you with the gift of seeing some wonderful action, or word, or healing, or release, or heroism, or generosity of goods or spirit, or unasked-for-kindness come forth from the human with whom you were feeling angry, or disappointed with.
Being allowed to see the Truth rain into a dry heart, and bring forth the flowers from the seeming desert of it, is far more wonderful than coercing anyone into any certain action.
Pray to be allowed to see the visible result of Truth’s work, knowing that the Truth does Its work with or without you, but that being allowed to see the result of that work bloom right in front of you is a very great gift indeed.
Seek the wonder of that gift, rather than trying to “fix” things or people,
Ah, Beloved,
To the mortal awareness, it seems as though God is rearranging the world. Remember, and trust in, the Essence of you that is a beloved idea in the Mind of God/Goddess, for when enough parts of the Human Idea of God remember their True Selves, and cast their Awareness there, then perfect reflection of God can appear. Be willing, O’ Brave Ones, to know the truth of continued existence, and rejoice when you can practice it, person to person and soul to soul, in the Harmonious One.
Understanding that all things Good are already in God, just waiting to be seen through the filmy sight of time, will help you keep courage, and keep Joy, and keep on.
Be at Peace, dear love, and take daily instruction from God,
Ah, Beloved,
Like a wise mother who speaks softly and gently to her screaming child, to soothe and distract him, so that she may re-focus on the greater tasks at hand, consider soothing your human ego. Offer your ego-self “a day off”, playing its own trick against it, since it thinks it is the boss, and then allow yourself a day of experimenting with truly letting the divine inner Voice be in charge—telling you where to go, what to do, and what to say and when to say it, and all the while supporting you with a whisper of Love, Love, Love, that fills your heart and then spills over to others.
One full day given over to the joyous Help from the Kingdom of Heaven in your heart will give enough evidence to make it a place you do want to visit again and again and again.
Always there, and with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Taking a day off from your morning communing with God is not a gift to yourself, it is a punishment. Sleep later if you wish, but never delete God time from your day. It is the Source from which flows all Life, all Good, all real Love and Truth and Vision. It is the smoothness of your way. It is the key to the Heaven of Peace of Mind.
Make your aim to be in constant communion and alignment with God-Mind, rather than taking just a specific prayer or meditation time to do so. It IS possible to have always in your mind the Mind of God that truly governs All so beautifully.
But until you get to that constancy of Divine communion, take your quiet time each day. Staying on track with that is the greatest gift you will ever give yourself.
“I Am Thou.” Mind hears you. Listen in return. Love loves you. Love in return.
We join you in any moment of communion, and watch over you always,
Ah, Beloved,
It is certain that God wants your Harmony. You may believe that, and yet also believe that your human desires know what defines that Harmony.
You do not, really. The old joke about making God laugh by telling Him YOUR plans has a corollary. The way to make yourself cry is to stubbornly stick to YOUR plans and not be willing to accept what He unfolds for you instead, trusting that He will not remove the Good.
Ponder this today, Beloved, and trust the restoration that follows release,
Ah, Beloved,
“I am completely surrendering to Comforting Spirit thankfully removing from me all traces of sorrow, or error, or other human iniquity.”
“I am simply Spirit. As God has created me.”
Feel the Power of Love.
Ah, Beloved,
To be, and stay, very aware that you are strolling around in the Consciousness of Love and Good that is the Heavenly state of Mind, gives you strength. And with that Divine Strength, you can more easily avoid being tempted into pockets of illusion or sensualism, or pain or lack, that are that false indicators of where you dwell.
You dwell in the Good Idea Source, and you are a Good and Pure Idea, and Loved.
Never forget that.
Ah, Beloved,
We do see how you humanly fret when you think about the bigger projects you have not gotten done, or how discouraged with yourself you feel when you remember old errors of behavior, or think that you could have been more gracious during the day.
But We tell you to forgive yourself and others equally, and then listen to how the Angels are singing because you stopped for a quarter of an hour to encourage a lonely neighbor, and speak a word of Peace to her. As most people do, you underestimate the glorious effects that one small act of patience and kindness can have upon you, others, and the worldly scene.
Aim to achieve the small ways of Goodness, Beloved, and the rest will come into being.
Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
We are certain that you realize that feeling the gorgeous flow of Divine Love through your own heart/mind is a rewarding feeling. Focus on feeling that Love, no matter what else you are doing, and you will find that the worldly Good appears to you as well.
When feeling the supreme and delicious flow of Love becomes your goal, then all the material goals it achieves are just extras that you can appreciate, but that seem less important than being completely aligned with the Divine.
You are very familiar with what a difference it can make when a small plastic spigot is given that extra twist so that the cleaning fluid flows smoothly out of the container. Give that small twist to your own awareness of Divine Love, so that Its flow to you and through is just as complete, and full and strong. “Being in the Flow” is not just a catchy phrase—it is the way that the Creative Force flows to you and through you and for you and with you and embraces All.
Give your feelings and your attitude that twist. Appreciate and love, and thank the Conscious Giving Container that Makes and Holds All.
Ah, Beloved,
The circumstances that seem to be about you CAN be altered by the change of thought. It is not to let the determined human thought change them, but to release to the choice for Love governing, for God’s Thoughts.
“I choose to give way fully to the Governance of Love. I choose to see people and circumstances as God would see them, beholding not iniquity, but looking for the beautiful and the good and the true in all. I choose to let God’s Voice guide me, and clear my sight and my hearing for Its Sight and Hearing, and so give myself the glimpses of Heaven that ARE possible, here and now.”
We assure you it is so,
Have you not seen proof of our word, over and over?
Ah, Beloved,
When you feel an extra strong surge of God Presence in your consciousness and body, STOP, and pay attention. God is always with you, for you exist within God. But when the Presence is a shout instead of a whisper, it means there are instructions you need to heed right away, or a preparation of Divine wisdom and strength to Guide you for what is imminent.
Or, God Knows, more than you do, that you are in need of a complete embrace of Love.
Trust God’s Omniscience. Trust God’s timing. Do not let the worldly keep you so distracted that you ignore God’s signals and say “oh, I”ll listen to you later, God.”
When God signals, listen and absorb right away.
In Love, you will be glad you did.
Ah, Beloved,
The constant fully-felt Embrace of Divine Love is available to you, if you but pay attention to feeling It.
If you take your focus away from the frittery and jittery evidence of earthly senses, and put your consciousness in line with the Truth that is Love, you can walk in Joy all along the way.
“God is with me, I am in God, God is all that I am.”
There is nothing else, Beloved,
Hold fast to, and be held by, the unchanging Truth,
Reread these words until you feel wrapped in Love,
In Grace,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no way to take yourself entirely out of the dream while you still feel so attached to so many aspects of it. Trying to not care about elements of it does not work, even stopping the body from breathing does not work.
Your consciousness is forever. The way to raise it is to realize it is One with the Infinite. Then, the dream can be looked upon with tenderness and the perspective that it is already overcome in the timelessness of Spiritual Perfection. Then, one can appreciate and expand the loveliness of invention and discovery and beauty and compassion and kindness.
When one realizes the everlasting link with the Infinite in, and all around, the Soul of one, then all the perspective changes and the True Value of Life emerges into sight and can be Seen by all. FEEL the Truth of these words. Without analyzing them, just FEEL the Truth. And Be the example.
So Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
For many, many, many, many centuries of human time, the Healing Spirit of Love has gladly spread to any heart and thought willing to accept It. It spreads easily if the individual has indicated willingness, for all the Truth of It is already installed in each individual heart.
You are a ready instrument for the expression of health and Wholeness, for that is the Spirit form you were created to be. Catch the Truth. Absorb the Good Thought of Wholeness of Being, and be glad and grateful that the Divine Oneness is both your Physician and your Maintainer and All that you need.
You do not need to choose catching rumors of illness. Catch the Truth that is ready and fully able to show you your wonderful and healthy expression as a shining expression of God. Allow those Thoughts of Perfect God. Allow the Truth of Wholeness and eschew all other thoughts and fears. You can choose Wholeness for It is already yours, given by God continually.
“Spirit-God shines forth my Spirit-body, and it is Good and Whole.”
Ah, Beloved,
There IS a Truth that rules you. Understanding that It wants the best for all, that It is all about the Best for all, will help you surrender to the rule the It is.
Be at Peace in the Calm within you, Child. Rest in that Peace today. Rest in that Peace, for you are Loved there more than you can imagine.
As always, ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
When an actor is preparing for his time on the stage, he must look at a picture of himself to make sure he is putting on the same wig, and the right color of make-up, and the appropriate clothing and collar, and even the correct facial expression, as in the image of the assigned role.
Before you even open your eyes to each day on the earth stage, and certainly before you gather yourself for the day, look to the image of what you want to present to the world of what you truly are. Mentally, and with the heart’s eyes, look to the Wholeness of the Maker. Think upon the kindness, and strength and joyousness of the Spirit Source. Enoble yourself with and costume your thought in the fabric and qualities of God.
This is the gift you give yourself each day. These are the gifts you have been given to share with the world. Play your role true and well, and feel the loving applause of God.
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
We know Spirit held you in special tender embrace through the night.
Accept that Love. Expect Happiness. Allow it to be a choice you make.
Happiness can be seen in the moments of your day, and in the outlook of your thoughts and open, unqualified expectation of Goodness. Let your thoughts and your sight have the mist blown off of them by LOVE and begin to see anew.
If you accidently leave on your “3-D” glasses when you leave a theatre, and the people and objects look hazy, it is not the people that need to be fixed. It is your sight that needs correcting by taking off the falsifying lenses.
Take off the human lenses of judgment, Beloved, and see clearly the Goodness of God.
We see the Goodness of you,
Ah, Beloved,
“I am as Divine Love created me, and I am nothing else. Nothing needs to be added, nothing need be taken away. I am as Divine Source created me, perfect and complete.”
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to constantly wonder if you will ever be able to achieve spiritual growth in a certain area or overcome a weakness in another.
It is already done in God. God knows the perfection of your Essence, and It is that that shines forth through the personality-accessory, through the body-costume, through the life circumstances.
Take faith in the Truth that God already knows the beginning and the end of the story that is “You”, and do not fear to take dominion over the earthly elements that are temporary. Your body and your circumstances are simply servants to the greater Good of you shining forth as the Ray of God that you ARE.
Claim that dominion and lovingly tell the details of wholeness of duty to the fleshly elements, as you would gently explain to a child how to do the household chore that has been assigned to him as his.
We help whenever you ask, Child,
Ah, Beloved,
Embrace the Joy of knowing that the Invention of the Infinite Mind, that is your Inner Voice, has been ASSIGNED the job of taking care of you.
Turn to It, over and over, for everything. Trust in It, like a wise child in the nursery turns to her nanny, or the driver of a car turns to his good mechanic, when elements of your life or body need fine tuning.
And, turn with gratitude and celebration to that Inner Servant, when things DO feel fine tuned and are going what seems to be perfectly. Count your blessings constantly, that you may create space in your heart to receive more—more understanding and thought of the miracle of the existence of Love.
Those appreciative thoughts of Love and Life and the Sweet Order of the Infinite Spiritual Realm then lead to more beauty and truth being perceived as your earthly life. We tell you the Truth, Beloved, and yearn you to feel the Joy of It in every moment.
As ever, in Love,
Ah, Dear One,
Like a ten year old child who has determined to give a fine party for her friends, but has forgotten to arrange the timing of the cooking of the elements of the meal, so that, although they are lovely, they are not ready in the right sequence, and so she welcomes the aid of her mother, be you also glad to welcome the aid of your Divine Mother.
Believe us, by whatever name you call the Divine Arranger of the Universe you can see, and not see with your human eyes, welcoming Its help is key to Life being indeed the party you imagined it to be.
Be not proud, but be glad,
Ah, Beloved,
So simply can you guide your day, opening up to the Supportive Love that maintains the Soul of you, that IS the Soul of you, to constantly affirm, “I am a Beloved image of the Good God. All around me are Beloved images of the Good God. I remind myself of this, and I make the effort, with God’s Support, to See this.”
A simple thing can be the work of a day, or of a lifetime, to master,
Ah, Beloved,
God’s Will for you is happiness, within Harmony.
Believe that, and trust that if you find yourself in situations that call for forgiveness, and letting go of anger, it is only so that you can welcome the chance to forgive and let go, and thus let Harmony’s reign be revealed.
“Dear God, I welcome the washing of Your Truth over me and my thoughts, and my sight and thoughts of others, so that I may know and see the wondrous Goodness of Your Soul expressed, as me, and as others. Help me see Innocence and purity and Goodness today, and all days.”
This works.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no way to open your thought process to the re-training of God-Thought except to do it. Once your willingness, your sweet agreement, is offered to the One Mind’s Love, It will lead you in Its ways, including the appropriate people to meet or words to ponder, as well as your Divine Inner locutions. Listen, learn, obey.
Yes, many groups of people also have human rules they wish you to follow, and you may find many of these helpful, especially if you are seeking fellowship for the worldly hours, but let the Calm Love that guides you from within, and never harms, be the Truth of your days and steps.
Can you give It consecrated time each day, and many, many moments throughout the day? If so, It WILL lead you and love you and sustain you and teach you, over and over into the Highest Thoughts of All.
Sooner or later, all choose,
Ah, Beloved,
Celebrate today. Celebrate that you know the sweet secret of focusing on the quiet stillness within right now, and that God’s Voice and certainty are always right there to join you, if you but take the time. It is truly your first and only Home, even though you seem to have a second home called “earth” right now. Be grateful you have that “First Home”, and stay very conscious of It. You can be aware of your true Home even while you still seem to walk the earth.
Just as a man who has a vacation home, fully furnished with all good things, to go to, feels a sweetness of having a safe retreat, feel glad about your Home with God, Calm in the heart. And, just as that man with a second home would be less devastated than a man with only one home, if the day to day home burned, or were torn away from him, be so very Glad that you ALWAYS have the Home that is God Calm in the stillness within you.
Your Home is God’s Thoughts, Loving you and being loved by you. Treasure that today, and cherish having the awareness of that safe view and shelter. Calm God Thought can help you see the here and now goodness of your everyday shelter as well.
Ah, Beloved,
It would seem you are at a hesitant place about some things, but we remind you that sometimes other events and people, with their intentions and attentions to their own Divine instructions, must be patiently waited for to fall into place.
This is a perfect time to contemplate the perfect Sight of God, that sees all things as they are meant to be, and ARE, under the glimmering illusion of earthly mirage. Contemplate that unearthly perception, and trust Its timing. Have the quiet trust of God, and let it permeate your thoughts and consciousness.
Reaffirm, with deep longing of true desire to See, “I am perfect spirit within Spirit, right now.” Pretend you are on a special date, or outing, with God today, and do not let your attention stray to the other characters or events around you, any more than you would read a book or watch a cartoon, while also at dinner with a lover.
God is your ultimate Lover, Beloved, and Loves you here and now. Concentrate on that, and know that the next steps will become obvious, when every step includes loving, and being Loved by, God.
Ah, Beloved,
We cannot overemphasize this key thing: If someone does or says something that makes you angry, train yourself to think, right away, “If I am feeling angry, the one before me needs compassion.” Learn to associate the feeling of anger with the response of compassion. Learn to immediately put yourself in the “other one’s shoes”, and to feel compassion for how he or she is feeling.
Feeling compassion for the other will allow you to feel compassion for yourself, which will in turn give you the ability to apologize first (even if you are not in the wrong!), and to so defuse the situation, and let Love flow again.
We row our boats gently down the stream of Love,
Ah, Beloved,
You know we encourage you to live in the moment of now, timeless and joyous in the Source, constantly realizing your oneness with Its Love, but when we see you reviewing your imaged year of linear time, and see you noticing how much your Soul has risen into sacred Calmness over that time, that makes us very, very Glad as well.
Keep expecting Good, Beloved. Keep expecting progress in knowing you ARE part of the Light.
We Love you so,
Ah, Beloved,
You HAVE experienced the Spirit of God helping you with small inspirations of where a lost item is, as well as seemingly miraculous solutions to job needs, etc. Spirit observes the earthly story you have made up with your human choices, and helps to smooth it when you ask.
Can you take all these instances of aid and see the proof in them to courageously say to God, “Your plan, God! Show me Your full Plan for my life!”
God wants what is the absolute Best for you.
Ah, Beloved,
If you know that you serve the Holy and True, and that the real existence of everyone is in that Oneness, then stay very aware of that all the time. Put that absolutely first always. In every thing that you say and think and do, ask whether it is in alignment and accordance with Good.
It is the Good way to live, and prosper, and be in peace of mind and heart.
Ah, Beloved,
In the same way that, when you are irritated by a driver behind you following too closely, and you use your Presence of Mind to shove aside your irritation, and to silently say “Bless you. One Mind governs us all”, and are delighted to watch how often the other driver backs off and lets there be appropriate space between your vehicles, so let your loves and friendships be conducted.
If a family member or love or friend is behaving in a way that crowds you, bless the person in your thoughts, affirm the Divine Governance of One Mind over you all, and wait and see what happens. Of course, part of what you must let happen is that One Mind will remind YOU to be Loving instead of irritated, Generous and Giving instead of greedy, and Forgiving and Grateful instead of resentful.
One Mind, Beloved, One Mind. LET It rule, for it does.
Ah, Beloved,
You, as spirit, are standing within the Great Spirit that is the Source of all. Together, you are watching a play on a stage that is the reflection of what occurs in that Great Spirit of ideas such as you. Unfortunately, there is a blur in your sight that makes you see the play as less than perfect. Therefore, remember that you are standing within Great Spirit, next to a guide who loves you utterly, and who will help take the blur from your eyes so that you can see the reflection of yourself, and your life, more clearly. As you see it more clearly, you will see more of the life you were intended to have, in costume, in work, in companionship, in all needs met, and in Joy.
Therefore, ask for the Divine Helper to help you, and remember, all today,
“Perfect Author of the play, perfect me; my perfect refection is what I now will See.”
And then watch Lovingly.
Love you unconditionally,
Ah, Beloved,
Is it not time for a day of silence, or near silence, and the simple quiet heart prayer, “Help me see as You See, dear God”?
It is your allowing of enablement that helps God Help you, Beloved. God is not trying to hide from you the sweet Perception of Good and the understanding of all that is True and Divine and Holy. It is your willingness to be quiet and humbly receiving that empowers you to learn and be the Power that material focus cannot teach you.
Today, “Let me allow myself to See as God Sees, to Love as God Loves, including that God Loves me.”
As is true,
Ah, Beloved,
Do remember, God that Holds you also IS all the Qualities that you need, to be the Best you. If you need flexibility and fastness, you have them. If you need courage and honor, you have them. If you need strength, strength, strength, of conviction and body, you have them. Just humbly and meekly ask, and you have them.
If you need Love, O’ darling one, remember it is the very Substance you are made of. Just remember and allow It to come forth.
We Love you and the understanding you have gained,
Ah, Beloved,
It is wise to pause sometimes, and look back and be grateful for the wisdom you have gained. Reviewing the past that would pull you back into ruminating over old regrets is not wise. Glance at them, repent, and bless, and concentrate on thinking about how much you have advanced in wisdom.
Every moment that you give over to being gently taught and led by Divine Wisdom is a wondrous triumph. Be glad you have found this Inner Teacher, and be grateful for all the stairs you have climbed towards full realization of the Wisdom you desire.
Just that brief pause to appreciate how far you have climbed, and then, look up, look up, look up again.
Always beckoning you onward,
Ah, Beloved,
From the human point of view, wherein you think you are a body and living upon an earth, to be of service is to be happy, and to be happy is to be of service.
As you are happiness, and radiate happiness, the Divine Light can shine through the dusty mist via the transparency you create with your happy consciousness, and illuminate the dream of earth with Its Bliss.
Be happy, and thus be of service. Be happy, Child of Light.
Lighting your way when you let us,
Ah, Beloved,
There is such Joy in the Sight of Heaven within, looking out from inside every hazy mortal concept that walks the earth, any time any individual makes progress towards realizing “I Am Spirit”.
“I Am Spirit”. Claim it today, Beloved. Claim it today.
You are fully Spirit already, dear Child of God. Cease the mental battle of whether you are Spirit or body, or Spirit and body, and just relax into being pure and innocent Spirit right now, in the perception of Truth, in the Sight of Immortal Mind.
Be aware of Being Spirit, and see what your heightened awareness Sees today.
We Love you so,
Ah, Beloved,
How many people do not receive ideas for solutions, because they do not pause to ask the Creator for Its Loving supply of Ideas for Its children?
How many times a day to you forget to ask, and instead fall into the pattern of expecting the same unsatisfactory results of the past, or of your own poor mistakes?
The Creator Loves to please Its children, and longs for constant communion with them. Have, have dialogue with God all day long, Beloved, remembering to give God time to speak, time to guide, time to answer.
You deserve Goodness, of self and of Life. Be still, and receive It.
As ever, tenderly,ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
The most important father to honor is the Father/Mother Source of All.
Yes, be kind and loving and appreciative of those who engender you and those who share your sisterhood and brotherhood of earth, but know that all true life sustaining and creating Power comes from the One who engendered all.
Honor that. Tap into that, and let your self be used as the vessel that refills from that Well of Life to help others remember their perfection of creation, and their Joy of Being, that is unchanging and true. The fleshly engendered form will obey the greater Power if you let your earthly mind be emptied, and refilled only with the waters of the Father/Mother Source-well within.
The greatest gift you can give your earthly progenitors is to fill your self with the same Divine Water that all higher selves share, and pour your share of the day upon them, directing your gift to give them peace, and sustaining harmony of body and mind and outlook.
So be it,
Ah, Beloved,
There is great Joy in recognizing that you have a choice about when to accept that you can choose to serve as a transparency for Joy shining into the earth dream. No one is forcing you into that. Choosing that opens up a new phase of life, wherein you see, in your outer experience, what happens when you choose to think God-Thoughts of Joy. The choice happens again in each moment.
Each moment, Joy or sorrow? Each moment, God Thoughts, or human selfishness? The understanding that grows, that choosing God-Thoughts leads to greater human Joy than choosing momentary human desires, will set you free into always choosing the better.
God Thoughts reject no one. They include all. They Love all equally. Just accept that Love.
You may not like the word “God”. That which thought of you and holds you cares not what you call It. It just Loves you. Can you accept that Love? Can you accept It in each moment?
We do , and are satisfied, ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
Agreeing to answer the thundering Inner Call of God’s Voice within, to serve, does mean drawing on all the strength that God has to offer you. When those around you seem to be behaving in the worst of human ways, it is the time to stand completely still and re-center yourself in the Strength of God.
Draw on that strength and shift all your thoughts to a quiet listening, so that God can tell you the strengths of those you look upon, and yourself. As you look upon the strengths and the demonstrations of Goodness that you see in them, your heart will open with compassion, and your eyes will begin to perceive as God does: all are a part of the Harmonious all, even when it is not obvious in the illusions of the moment.
You can do this, Beloved. God gives you the strength,
Ah, Beloved,
“I do wonderful work for God today, and God sees to my needs in every way.”
Trust It,
Ah, Beloved,
The fulfilling feeling of truly wanting the heart to be fully aligned with Oneness, and understanding in a deeply knowing way that it IS one with Oneness, cannot even be described using the words that are used for describing bodily experiences. Some words such as “uplifting” or “transcendent” or “glorifying” hint at the Consciousness of it, but not having the perfect way to explain it to anyone else will not really matter when you consistently live it.
Aim to know the Oneness of Being, Beloved. Aim to know It without use of special rituals or confusing substances. Help yourself simply BE the Mindset of “Thy Will IS done”, and the struggles and distractions of your own small will shall fall away without pain or a sense of sacrifice. Know your Oneness, and be glad to be part of the Will of Love, beyond body and time, part pf the Joy of One Soul.
It is attainable. Ask to be led to It.
Ah, Beloved,
Serve God in secret and completely, and God will reward you openly.
Rather than fretting about exactly what you need, or what those around you, that depend on you, need, leave it to God. Rather than trying to sort out which wants and desires are good and true, and which are the frivolous lures of the human mind, leave it to God.
Simply agree to be a willing reflection of God. Be a transparency for God to shine through. Practice knowing the tenor and loving feel of the Presence, and then let It lead you in speech, in silence, in action, in example, and in every single choice you make.
What we are speaking of is not a prison of rigid rules. It is freedom. It is True Freedom. It is the Freedom of Complete Love.
Serve God today. Humbly lean into God Guidance, and see the rewards of Love and Joy come. Let constant service as an expression of God be your secret, and see all good provision come.
It is the Way,
Ah, Beloved,
Ask to be shown bits of Heaven today, Beloved. Ask.
And then be willing to see them. Be willing to seek them and appreciate them.
Moments of Joy, admiration of courage, gratitude for kindness.
Be a willing witness of Good. Be a willing demonstrator of Good.
Let go of your own fantasies, and witness Heaven now.
For in that witnessing is your own Heaven,
Ah, Beloved,
Sometimes doing nothing, and just waiting on the Will and timing of Divine Impulsion IS the right thing.
Do not try to hurry God by hurrying yourself. The right choices and opportunities will seek you, when you are willingly open to the Divine Consciousness. Let it come, and let It Be.
“Thank-you, One Soul, for guiding me.”
Ah, Beloved,
Let forgiveness be your food today.
Fill yourself to contentment with all the forgiveness Spirit offers you, and let the waterfall of it pour over all those around you as well, in the Now, and in what seems to be your past. We assure you the waterfall of It is abundant—can you spread the food of It into your future as well?
Play with the images and the words of this all you will—but please let it help you release what you do no longer wish to drag around. Digest it and let it go, go , go.
It will feed your Love instead of your fears,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to fuss. Just listen, quietly, all day, to the quiet Word of the Divine school guide within, and you will know what to do.
No mess, no fuss, just listen, and then do,
Ah, Beloved,
This very day, you can truly understand what a gift you give yourself if you keep your mind focused on seeing the Good and the True.
We DO understand how daunting it can seem to take the circling, habitual thoughts, with all included assumptions and grievances, and set them aside, and instead just think about Love being All in All and everywhere and always. But the more often you do it, the easier it will get. The more often you ask for Divine Help in doing it, the easier it will get.
Practicing asking the Divine Presence to be CONSCIOUSLY with you, as you drink a glass of water, as you go to the market, as you pick up the papers, as you answer a call, and on and on in every event and moment of your day, will make it easier and easier. When you reach the state of mind where Divine Mind is ALWAYS in tandem with yours, you will see more and more demonstrations of Love blossoming around you.
Then you will not have to take our word for it,
You will KNOW it is worth the effort,
Ah, Beloved,
For those who would claim that they want God, that they wish to have a deeper understanding of the High Consciousness that is God, you must first gently convince them that they need God.
Until they understand that that High Consciousness is the very force that holds them up, that created and sustains them, they will stay centered in the human-mind-ego sense of self that leads them to think that God is something they can take or leave, partake of or not, like a carnival ride at the fair.
Lovingly, O’ Lovingly, and gently, O’ so gently, help them to begin to see that it is only when they fully realize they would not exist, not be anything at all, were it not for the Divine source/force that feeds and guides them, that they can move beyond the thought of using God as a “high”, or as a source of instant “wealth”, and realize that, as part of God-Which-Is, they are part of the Most Beautiful Plan.
The difference between “wanting” and “knowing one needs” is great,
Ah, Beloved,
You are the head engineer of a train. As you take yourself to another car to admire the view, you feel the train stop. When you return to the cab, your new student interns have applied the emergency stop, and are all very busy. Two of them are arguing about who saw the emergency first. Two of them are trying to invent a tool to pull apart the tracks up ahead, where they see them coming together. Two others are discussing what commemorative name this day shall be assigned, and have commissioned another intern to design a plaque to hang on the wall. Two others are discussing inventing ways of signaling the next train that they are still in the way.
You walk in, and ask “What is wrong?” They all shout, “The tracks come together in the distance. We cannot go any further, we have stopped the train!”
You reply, “All is well, proceed at usual speed.”
“We can”t! We are afraid of wrecking on that spot!” They all answer.
Calmly, knowing the truth, you answer, “Then go slowly ahead, and you will see the truth, and you will not be afraid any longer.”
You see the truth of the illusion of the railroad tracks coming together, Head Engineer. When will you recognize which other illusions of your body and your world have stopped or changed the course of your journey?
Let no illusion stop you from knowing your own Divine Nature,
Ah, Beloved,
AS you emerge from this time of chaotic emotions, remember that your True Heart has an unlimited reservoir of calmness, within you. It is always available to tap, for you are an emanation of the Light that IS, by Its very nature, Utter Calmness.
If you can always remember this one thing, then that Calmness will enable you to follow the Truth that if you “be still and Know that you are of the Infinite Source”, then you will be able to listen, and know, what to do or say in EVERY situation, for the highest Good for all.
Ah, Beloved,
It is a well known experience in the human forms, that you fall in love with those you spend a great deal of time with. Whether it is at a school or a workplace or a prison or a club or a neighborhood, the eyes of soul will speak to the eyes of soul, and love grows.
It is no different, although magnified beyond your imagination, in falling in love with the Divine Source, and all that have realized they are joined with It, as One. Spend time with God, and you will fall in love with God. Spend time with saints or angels or avatars or spirit guides, or whatever manifestations of God your paradigm has named, and you will fall in love with those expressions of the Divine.
Let it be so, Beloved. Spend time with God-Source and Its manifestations, and allow yourself to fall in Love. For as you do so, you will indeed realize that you also are Love, and that with Love, and in Love, all things are possible.
We are already in Love with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Consider re-phrasing the way you pray, so that you can open your spiritual ear to the ideas that come forth from All-Governing and All-Loving Mind, God.
Knowing and trusting that God does truly Love you, and wants you to happily fulfill the mandate to expand Love and Good, get quiet and think of what you are really asking for. Then, phrase your request-thoughts of prayer in such a way that you yourself are clear. Ask, for instance, “Dear God, how can I feel more loyalty?” “Dear God, how can I create greater income or supply for my needs?” “Dear God, how can I find more time for harmonious and relaxed interactions with others?”
Form your prayer-questions, ask them in humble trust, and listen, listen, listen with open heart for ideas to come to you, and for inner urges to go to a certain place or call a certain person, or investigate appropriate information. The ways in which God answers prayer and seeming need are many, but if you are clear in your own mind and heart about what you are really asking for, your spiritual senses will hear the answers, feel the right impulses, and deepen your connection with the Loving Oneness of God.
“How can I hear your ideas more clearly, dear God?” That is a wonderful prayer question to start with.
And the still, small Voice, and scriptures, are full of answers, and clues for how to begin.
Ah, Beloved,
God is our Life. One Mind is our Soul Truth.
Pure Love is the Mother of us all.
Love has never stopped Holding us all.
Ah, Beloved,
It is no personal fault of any individual that they have absorbed the pervasive beliefs of the time. If the human myths of the time include believing that certain traits are absolutely inherited, or that an individual cannot live longer than his father lived, then many, many individuals will fall prey to those beliefs. Even if they also profess a belief in an Omnipotent God, they will believe some words a “scientist” has written, or listen to an often repeated mantra in the family such as “our clan has no artistic talent”, and they will unknowingly enact those beliefs, not realizing that they have created a false “god” in their own reality. They are blind to which “facts” they have placed above God’s Omnipotence and God’s Spiritual Reality.
But the One God, the One Spirit IS Omnipotent, and is not bound by any human dream (or nightmare) or limitation. When your soul has awakened, even if only for moments, and sees and knows that God is above and beyond all such limitations, it cannot convince those around you with words alone, of the Truth of God’s All Power. That is why, Beloved, we have asked you to concentrate now on bringing forth proof and demonstration of what your heart already knows and accepts. For, only as their earthly eyes and ears see earthly “reality” change, will those who are caught in the mesmerism of world belief begin to open to new understanding.
In every age it is so, Beloved, but in this Age, so many demonstrations will come forth through so many individuals, as to have to be admitted. Just as the “flatness” of the earth was finally admitted to be a myth, so will contemporary humans have to come to admit, in this apostolic Age, that what humans regard as unchangeable physical matter and rules of matter, are nothing at all to God. Keep on, keep on, Beloved, and remember that every teacher of God has the students that are assigned to him or her, and that their eyes and ears will be Divinely opened when they are ready. As you have already seen, some will not be ready until they have passed through the veil, and then they will send greetings back through that veil, to say, “Hello, and Yes and Yes and Yes, forever.”
Silence is best, until Spirit guides otherwise,
Ah, Beloved,
Just as an emergency situation or acute need with a family member will quickly override any petty disputes that may be going on in the family, a desire to be selflessly in service of the Greater Good overrides a human mood. You would not let an annoyance about who put the empty granola box back on the shelf override your readiness to help a family member face the challenge of a car mishap. Just so, never let your own human concerns override your readiness to practice the main task that God has assigned to all, to learn to Love, Love, Love.
To learn to Love God, and Love the full faithful self, and to Love others as also children of God is foremost. That is the task. Stop with the small things, and get to it, Beloved. Learn to Love, setting aside the temporal details. Get to Love, and let Love also Love you.
Ah, Beloved,
The Wondrous Love that never changes Its Presence and Intensity and Completeness for you is a thing to remember and embrace every day.
Do not turn to It only when an infatuation fades, or human love rejects, or fades, or moves far away in time, or space. Turn to It every day. Sustain yourself from Divine Love in every moment.
When the watery dips and waves of human love toss you about, the Infinite Steady Love of God is the Deep Water you can walk upon.
Practice it high and low, so you know,
Ah, Beloved,
Your human feelings and thoughts may indeed be confused about what is truth and what is illusion, about what is relatively good and relatively bad. Fads and myths and desires come and go, and information about physical “health” changes constantly.
Beloved, your Divine Voice, the dominion knowledge of the Source within you, never is confused. It sees what confuses and distracts you, and understands how hard it can be to unlearn what the surface mind seems to have learned, but It is never confused. It knows that the truth of your Soul is always True. It knows that the completeness of your Spirit is always whole and pure. That is why you must joyfully train yourself to turn to Its discernment, again and again throughout the day. It only takes moments to refresh yourself by dipping into Its Calm Thoughts, and reminding yourself that you are a new-washed and lovely image of exactly what the Source wants you to be—a glad Spiritual expression of Life and Love.
Count on Its dominion being YOUR dominion, and gladly believe and obey that It sees your Goodness and wants your happiness as you glide through the play of life.
Lovingly, lovingly, lovingly,
Ah Beloved,
SPIRIT Divine is indeed your Best friend. Loving Spirit is always completely there for you, and able to enrich and uplift any human relationships you have, whether it is one of a moment or one which endures.
Constant and complete, Spirit is with you, throughout you and above, beneath, below. Constant and complete, SPIRIT is what you need, and HAVE.
Spirit is what all have, in Its various forms, and if you ignore the costumes and keep in mind that you are always speaking directly with Spirit, you cannot go wrong.
Ah, Beloved,
As you enter each new phase of your perfect unfolding as a reflection of that Which Created All, be at peace. Be at Peace in letting the old things and attitudes go. Be at Peace in knowing that the All, which made all that is Good, has foreseen all that you will need among the choices you make.
Just choose honesty and joy and keeping yourself in line with the glorious Voice within.
ALLOWING is so much easier that trying, trying, trying. Just Allow the calm Voice of Love to guide you.
The more you practice allowing, the more you will hear,
Ah, Beloved,
Continue knowing that “I am riding the wave of Loving Omnipotence into all Goodness. I am allowing It to carry me and aim me True, not fighting It or trying to swim against It, but relaxing into Its embrace.”
And, Beloved, repeat that with the word “we” instead of “I”. Pray for yourself AND for everyone you know to give that willingness to let the Divine Love carry them to the perfect spots within the Ocean of time.
Willingness is crucial, and each part of Soul chooses his or her own time of turning to the Divine, but your prayers for them can help intercede to make them aware that the choice is available. How many years went by before YOU even knew that the choice for Love was there? Have mercy, as Spirit has mercy, and ask silently for the Divine to reveal Itself to each and every heart.
Ah, Beloved,
You do not have to buy Me. You do not have to sell Me.
I am simply yours, gifted by the Grace of God. I dwell right in your heart of awareness, and that is why I can come so quickly when you call to Me, and are willing to let Me guide you.
There I Am, quietly waiting for you to be willing to let us seek your best earthly dream together, fully aware that your best dream is also the best for all those in your dream.
Call to Me often today, Beloved, and let us dream together, in a closeness that is closer than any human relationship, and freely given to you by the Divine Creation within which you dwell.
So Lovingly,
Ah, Beloved,
When the prayers have been sent forth, when the tithes of time, or energy, or money, or goods, have been given, and above all, the Presence of the Divine has been felt arriving, then is the time for the good Patience to wait on the Will of God.
Patience, Beloved. Accept that part of the trust in the Divine that you must feel and believe in is Its knowledge of perfect timing. For perfect timing, just as it is for a comedian or a dramatist, is an essential part of how the Will for the Divine Plan works to the Best for everyone.
Patience, today and always, to accompany the Trust,
Ah, Beloved,
Welcome Love, that It may remove hatred, and the effects of hatred, from your body and the body of your life.
“Source Love, choose for me. Open my eyes and ears and let me hear and see, what I am, in Thee, of Thee , for Thee.”
Love wants this mist to clear away. Let It do Its work.
Recognize that in Timelessness, Its work is already done,
Ah, Beloved,
The reasoning that confuses you is still trying to make you think of two separate but equal worlds, one good and one evil. It is true that the Good Reality of Spirit-God exists, but that which seems to be the overlaying evil is just the mist of time. As your perception heals, as your thoughts become aligned with the Divine Thought that made and maintains all, you will notice less and less of the dusty illusion and more and more of the delightful Good.
Good is the Truth, Beloved. The Truth is Good. Not far away and far in the future, or after “physical death”, but right here, right now, an ascension of thought can have you walking in the stillness of peace and joy, in the unending Life of God that is also you.
Take time in that quiet stillness, and be glad that It exists. We are there/here with you.
Ah, Beloved,
Looking at the human condition, and the bodily sense evidence alone, it is easy to feel heartbroken, and discouraged at earthly prospects.
But there is a better viewpoint, Beloved. Sometimes you must speak to your Creative Self with the simplicity of a child’s story. That small human-thought self needs to be trained like a child to See the truth and the Brighter picture. That child-self needs to remember that it’s real identity is a Child and an Inheritor of the All in All. That child-self needs to know that God wants to see Its creation know its fulfillment and happiness. And you are Its Creation. God wants you to know and experience your own completeness and happiness and provision, for they are offered to you by the All.
Try a simple rhyme to remind your mind:
God is never stuck, God is never sad.
God is always flowing, God is always Glad.
And what God has and knows, I can have and know,
for I am a part of God.
We will sing all the jingles you need, and have fun with you,
Just ask us,
Ah, Beloved,
The habits and the rituals and the ruts of everyday life are fulfilled almost automatically by you.
Is it so hard, then, to add the ritual of twice a day pausing to simply sit still, close your eyes to the world, and claim and think about the truths of the Loving Source of you? You do not need a doctorate in theology. You do not need training at fancy seminars at fancy hotels. All you need to do is to sit down, get still and quiet, and remember, “The Divine Maker Loves me.”
Just do it, Beloved. Just do it. Some days you will feel led from within, as you sit still and feel embraced, and listen, to feel other truths, such as “I and my Maker are One.” Follow those thoughts, keep your eyes and thoughts closed to the world for those few minutes at least, and bathe in the Love of Spiritual Creation.
It is not hard. And it is not hard to make it one of the automatic patterns of your day. We guarantee you it will lead to more reward than any other thing you spend 20 minutes on each day.
Gift this to yourself, for it is already gifted to you by God, if you will but accept it.
Ah, Beloved,
Realizing how much is given to one from the Unseen Realms is indeed a thing that helps make one feel more generous in the realm of earth.
Never forget the dreams that reveal to you how much your guardians of Spirit have done for you in the course of a day, with no thanks and no paychecks and no recognition. If They can do all this for you in one span of daylight, how much can you do, willingly and lovingly, for those whom you are called to aid?
Stay aware, Love,
Ah, Beloved,
You cannot become unattached from God. You exist within God, Spirit of Spirit.
During times of human confusion or weakness, you may feel you are lost and alone, but God is still right with you and all around. God is not fooled by false human fears. God finds a way to reach you at whatever level of understanding and faith you have at each moment, with no condemnation. Just LOVE.
Count on it,
Ah, Beloved,
“God’s Joy is the Wave of Love that carries me away from my own complaints”
Let the happy Substance of Truth of Spirit be in control of your Sight and Perception, and let you See the Good of your life.
“God is my Life, and holds Good Aplenty. I am gratefully saved by Love.”
“I can See again, for I See with Love.”
It is the better way, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
When a deep communion with God has left you suffused with a feeling of Divine Bliss, bask in It. Bask in It. It is very Good and fine for you to do that.
Bask in the Love that creates and supports and fuels all, and feel the reservoir of your Heart-Thoughts filled with Its Power. God knows what you need each day, and God’s Spirit can see what will be faced and Spirit goes ahead to prepare the way. If Love has lifted you into a High Bliss, soak It up, and know It will be there for you just when you need It.
So, do not set aside the sweet Communion with Soul after a certain number of minutes. Do not rush off to your list of tasks or begin counting obligations and earthly plans. Enjoy the complete feeling of Oneness with God. Stretch out the time of Godly focus. Accept It. Enjoy It, and let the shared Joy with God slowly unfold your day without disrupting that Divine joining with planned schedules and small earthly goals.
O, so much better than any worldly achievement or accumulation or even a list of good works, is the full merging of your Love with God’s Love. God looks upon and embraces you, and is happy. Allow yourself to completely embrace God in turn, and be happy as well.
Bask in God’s Love, and be happy, and be filled. It is a very fine thing to do. It is a way to live.
Ah, Beloved,
We are Love.
Within everyone is the Infinite and eternal Christ Idea waiting to be revealed. This fact that the same Truth is for all, in every part and time and place of the earth illusion, is a fact that you must now accept deep in your heart. For if your prayers feel blocked, if you feel you cannot hear God Voice clearly enough to be able to obey It, then you must pray for all.
Not just for yourself. You must pray for all.
“We are Love”
“We are Love”
“We are all Love”
Ah, Beloved,
When you come to know the Presence of One Spirit, know too that It is what links you to Harmony and All that is possible. You must link with It and through It, to be able to even clearly see the self of you that is lost in the dream of earthly life. And certainly, you must link with it to be able to draw upon all that is yours to help yourself, and any others, awaken.
You will call It by the name you have been taught. A young child from another culture will call It by another name, but It is One Spirit, and Its service to all is the same. Link to It, O’ Beloved, for without that link you cannot See. You cannot do it alone.
As Lovingly and patiently as we would have you be with yourself,
Ah, Beloved,
When you have taken your sacred time to pray yourself into a state of Peace, a place of uplifted Consciousness, then KNOW:
“I am not flesh and bone. I am free to BE the happy Spirit that Oneness knows as me.”
Believe nothing else,
Ah, Beloveds,
“Dear God, open our discerning Spiritual eyes, and help us see your Good dream for all of us, made in the image of the Perfect Love that is You.”
We turn to the Truth of the Infinite, knowing Its Will is done. Whether you awaken to the lovely sunlight of a warm day, or whether you rise with a list of chores you dread, Divine Love is unchanging. It is Serene.
Look to It, be filled with It, be Guided by It and be not afraid. Be still, listen for Soul’s reassurances, and let Its wisdom direct your heart, your words, your actions, and your visions for every heart to be in Harmony.
Love does not cease Its work, ever. The Infinite Light shines Its way for all, timeless, Calm, Loving in a way that supersedes all human loves and hates.
Welcome God into your own heart. It begins there.
Ah, Beloved,
Celebrate today that the Creator of you Loves you and that the Creator is Good and made your everlasting Self Good.
For from that Goodness springs happiness and a deep calm Joy. Once you really accept that a Joyous existence is your purpose, you can infect others with Joy. And would not spreading Joyousness be a good contagion to be a part of?
It is not momentary pleasure, although that can be an offshoot of it. It is true, deep Joy that comes of knowing you are a part of Love Itself. When others see Its Presence emanating from you, and when you feel It constantly with you, you will feel that all good things truly are possible, for you already have the best of them all.
You already have the Love of God governing you and all that you are and are meant to be.
Ah, Beloved,
Most of all, when you begin to hear the Divine Voice clearly in your heart, reminding you that you are an existence within the Heart-Mind of God, you will hear It saying to you, “Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.
Gratitude of the Divine, and from the Divine, to Its image (you), is an important part of understanding your own blessedness as a part of the Divine Being, and understanding the grace of dominion that you have been given within the earth dream.
“Be thou aware, O’ Child of Light, that when your consciousness is awake and fully in the mastery of God, your companionship is cherished. And when you have agreed to walk in front of the earth mirror, and help to grow and teach and learn there, as you let your attention stay focused on the reflection of the image of the Real, then your willingness and being-ness there are appreciated.
You are never outside of God-Heart-Mind. You are never apart from God. But when you are completely conscious in God, then God delights in walking and talking with you, and when some of your attention is focused towards the great awakening, then you are thanked and thanked and thanked, and you need to know that, so that you will feel yourself blessed, even in the spots where the mirror is dusty.”
Your sweet messengers,
Ah, Dear One,
It is the human propensity to try to reduce all choices to a set of rules. But really, there are only the Truths that All is One, and that you and everyone else are, in Spirit, part of that One. Or, to put it in western form, Love God above all else, and Love thy neighbor as thy self.
A corollary to those, of course, is keeping your awareness on them, and on giving time to listen to the Inner Voice from Oneness, from the Goodness of God, that will guide you in EVERY situation. Remember and act from those two rules, and you have the rule for every situation. Remember to pause and listen to all that flows from those Truths being accepted, and every choice falls into place.
Awaken in the morning and remember them, and listen. Awake in the morning, and let those Truths guide you in what to do today. There is enough work on your doorstep to do, no matter where you are in the Great Puzzle today. Appreciate what you have, and work from what you have. Any work that is yours to do, of sharing, appreciating, forgiving, of giving and receiving, will spring from what is right to hand. Listen, love, and act.
And if the Puzzle Dances you to a new spot, know that, there again, all the steps you need to do are right there, ready to be done, and to be enjoyed. Just let your Divine Partner Within always lead, and flow, flow, flow with the Dance.
Ah, Beloveds,
The Loving and Guiding Divine Voice abides in each and every heart. If you have allowed yourself to begin listening to It always, then let your examples of actions and stories of the times It has visibly helped you, be shared. Encourage others to begin listening, begin practicing, if they are ready and open.
And for those who scoff, and seem not ready, or have not found their own version of being delightfully motivated by the complete yearning of a Good Dream, pray for them. Pray that God finds a way to soon awaken and help them hear, and become God’s friend.
For if all God’s friends and the dreamers of Good work together to let Loving Voice and Heart reign freely, the demonstrations of Good in the world scene will indeed accelerate. You are a part of this. Let Loving intent Flow.
We are so grateful you choose Good,
Ah, Beloved,
“God Loves me. I can also Love me, because Spirit has completely forgiven all my errors. I am ready to clearly reflect God and let God’s Light aim at others with my intentions.”
Not a bad job description.
Ah, Beloved,
To make no human plans for the day, instead vowing to listen for the Inner Voice of Spirit from hour to hour, is a Plan. It is the better plan, planning to put God’s Will first and foremost, knowing that God takes into account what you need to humanly achieve.
Do not let your own guilt or obsessions about “to do” lists sway you. Do not be dismayed by human personalities that would mock you for not have a written business plan or ambitious roster of goals.
Praying “Not my will, but Thy Will be done” IS a plan. It is the most gracious and freeing and powerful plan of them all. Put God’s Will first, listen, and obey It throughout the day.
We believe in you and know you can enact this.
Ah, Beloved,
Stop, be very still, and ask for the Grace of Deep Calm.
When you feel even the slightest anxiety, or a suspicion that you are hearing a voice or an impulse to act that is not of the Divine, ask for Help. Ask for deep Peace. Stop, be very still, and wait to receive what the Divine will never refuse you, if you but ask and be still long enough to receive.
You have come far enough to know that you truly, deeply want the Highest Blessing for yourself and for those around you. Hold to that Truth, and ask for the deep, sweet Calm that would give you a Divine Pause that is long enough to hear what to do, or not to do, to say or not to say, in each and every situation. The false, frightened, grasping ego-self will try to get you to hurry, or to fear. Listen to it not. Ask for the Divine Pause and receive the Peace that is due you as rightful child of the Divine. Ask for Help, and receive Its Ideas, receive the soft Calm of Its Comfort.
We assure you, Beloved, the Divine hears you always, but It cannot force you to listen. Choose to listen. Choose to listen, and recognize, and claim, your part in It.
Deep Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Yes, nothing that we say here is new. What must be re-newed each morning is your willingness to take it in. You must take the time to “Be still and know that I Am God.” How can you expect to handle each day with Grace and Strength unless you remind yourself each say that that Grace and Strength of Spirit are always available to you? God Power does not force feed Itself to you. You must sit still and be willing to be filled by It.
You are so careful to fill your belly, and the tank of your car, and to connect the power to your home, and to charge your cell phone, etc. etc. etc. Can you give yourself the gift of doing for your immortal self all those things that you do for the mortal dream, for the body-self?
We gently and eagerly wait to attend you when you sit, still and quiet, long enough to be filled with Divine Love and all that It offers. The choice is yours, and THAT is what free will means. When will you be ready? And when will you take time to put the Divine Love embrace first in your life and in each day?
We assure you, when you See Its benefits, you will wonder why you waited,
Ah, Beloved,
You know the instant relief of being able to empty your bladder when you finally come to some facilities after driving or walking a long way. The uncomfortable feeling of fullness and focus on the need are simply gone when that relief comes.
When you human mind and emotions are overly full of anxiety or anger or worry or a seeming experience of pain or unfairness, you can relieve THAT feeling of over-fullness by emptying your mind and heart into the deep Peace of God. Turn inward, to that access point to Infinity that you have been learning to open. Just pour all the excess feelings and thoughts into that void. Just let go of them into where there is no humanness—no human emotions or body pains and needs—just the Presence of the Infinite One, sweetly empty of fear.
That “void” is only void of fear. That “void” is only void of human weakness. It holds the Infinite, and that Infinite then can flood all your humanness with light, showing you that it is everywhere. The relief can be instantaneous. Learn to count on it, and you will be able to count on it as automatically as you now count on the relief of voiding the bladder, or the properties of gravity that make you trust that your feet move along the sidewalk in an orderly way.
No one is withholding this from you. It is yours to choose, as a natural Quality of the Infinite.
Ah, Beloved,
There is more certainty in God’s Heart of your worth than you can imagine.
It is a Parent’s Joy of Love!
Would such a Love deny you what you need, if you turned to It?
No, Love, It would not. Turn to Love. Over and over and over, turn to Love.
We do, and It works,
It supports us and our purpose, It IS us,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no way for any human mind to understand completely the workings of Divine Mind, while still enmeshed in the wishes and desires of humanness. But, one can understand the gentle and good and utterly Truly Loving INTENT of the Divine Mind, and with trust in that, go through each day following the advice and the tender sustaining support of the Divine Force.
Call It by whatever name you will, but go through your day reminding yourself “I trust in the Comforting, Sustaining Consciousness invented by God to bring us all into complete understanding that we are already Complete in Him/Her.
It IS TRUE, Darling,
Ah, Beloved,
The higher you get in your understanding, your TRUE gut-level, heart-level, understanding of what OMNIPRESENCE really means, the easier it will be for you to rise to a level of prayer that is not impeded by any other method of seeking wholeness.
Right now, you feel frustrated if you are trying to help yourself or another, through the prayerful recognition of God’s Perfection and Allness, and you find yourself superstitiously also favoring a certain food or activity, or the patient trying to combine physical remedies with a trust in the Un-Physical Divine, because you know that even slightly trusting to illusory causes takes away from total trust in God.
But we tell you, Beloved, that no child’s game can take away from the Omnipresence, Omnipotence, of God. Trust in It, even when your own human training has led you to trust a certain exercise or food, or the human media would try to push certain fads of belief on you. Trust God, Trust God, Trust God. Put your energy to that, rather than trying to battle the illusive mis-training of the human outlook.
There are no limits on God, Beloved,
Think “God is Unlimited, and God governs me and those I Love.”
Ah, Beloved,
Yes, one can call the One Source by the name of God, or One Mind, or many other things, but the human names do not matter. That which is All knows what it is. It is Love.
The names might imply that It is very neutral or impersonal, like a light bulb being the source of the light by which you read at night. But God is not an impersonal Source, Beloved. God is the Source of Love. God Loves you in a very personal relationship—as the Creating Spirit to the created Spirit.
If you sit quietly and ask God what Love wants to say to you today, you may hear many different things, but among them will ALWAYS be, “I Love you dearly.”
You can count on that. And you can choose to Love in return.
Ah, Beloved,
When others misinterpret what you say, apologize quickly, always being willing to let them know there is Love, Love, Love in your intent for them, and for all.
And, above all, pray to the One Mind, that governs all, to open their understanding, so that they may see the Love that wishes to guide all, in a way that is beyond words and symbols, and unmistakable.
Trust It. Trust that omnipotent Mind. It DOES Love, and guide, and govern, all.
Ah, Beloved,
Rely on the Loving Universe for your every need.
Consider, ponder, breathe in, and delight in, the Word “Rely.”
Think of it as “Replace the lie”. When the material senses would tell you there is pain, think about relying on the truth that there is only ease in the Universal Creator. When the material evidence tries to tell you that there is lack or sabotage, rely on the Truth that there is only Infinite Abundance and perfection of operation in the Divine Creator. When the small senses would try to lure you into irritation, remind your self of the Truth that sure and calm smoothness is shimmering with Light and Love and Clarity, right under the seeming dust of error and mistrust.
Trust, and Rely, Beloved. Trust and Rely on the Universe, and Its utter, utter Desire to see you feeling fulfilled and purposeful, and Loved. If you read these words over and over, and let yourself feel the Loving Spirit with which they are imbued, you will begin to let your Heart be awakened, and you WILL begin to feel the Power that you can rely upon to replace the whispers of discouragement that the small senses would use to have you believe the lies of limited senses. Think, beyond them, feel Beyond them, replace them with Truths. Rely. Re place the lies. RELY on Love. RELY.
We Rely and Realign constantly. It is our sustenance,
Ah, Beloved,
As ever, we say to you that when you are told that the purpose of moving through the earth-dream-school is Forgiveness, you could think of it as a progression to gratitude.
When you come to the moment when you realize that you can sincerely say to every bit of reflected Soul around you, “Thank-you all for playing the wonderful roles you played, of my friends, my loves, my enemies, my strangers, my teachers, my children, my parents, my relatives, my inspirations,” you are done.
Then you will know, “There is only the Christ-Consciousness, and me. Only Good is real.”
Ah, Beloved,
When you have begun to gain the double freedom of realizing that your thoughts create your earthly reality, and that by opening to the Great All Seeing Voice within, you can let your thoughts be the Thoughts that are the Thoughts that bless all instead of just one individual, you will be free indeed.
Ponder today, and prove to yourself today, that your thoughts do create your reality. And then remember that your own personal assessment of what is “right” in any situation is not always true for everyone, or even, in the long run, for yourself. Ponder living the double freedom of thoughts patrolled and guarded, AND guided by the All-Knowing Divine.
Live the optimistic thought. Live the Loving Thought. Live as you are guided to by the Principle of Oneness that Loves all.
Always Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
Love is returned for Love.
Each and every time you think about your Love for God, that Love is returned to you. It may show up in thousands of different ways, but it always flows back to you abundantly. And all of them are Good.
Think about Loving God. Learn how it feels to Love God. Experience the delight of knowing you are Loved in return. Let it motivate you, comfort you, engage you, lead you, teach you, sustain you, and give to you all that It is.
There is no end to It,
Ah, Beloved,
Intermittingly, you have had glimpses of Heaven—of the True World of Spirit created by the expansive Oneness of Being. Now, you keep looking around in the dusty illusion, hoping for more glimpses and for a renewal of that sense of Bliss that comes with seeing and understanding with the eyes of Spirit. But the body-eyes keep being distracted by the dusty veil.
Do not give up, Beloved. Keep looking to See the Truth of Spirit. Keep asking for Divine Assistance in seeing the Truth, in seeing past the seeming images in the floating dust. Look past the dust, do not trust the physical senses. Trust in the Good and calm Thoughts of Love, and it will happen more and more.
“I want to See Heaven now, where the mirage of the desert drifts across the True Path of my Life.”
“I can train myself to See through the mirage, like a driver who does not even slow down when there is a mirage of water across the road. I can allow Spirit to help me See True.”
Ah, Beloved,
Ask for Help in letting go of all old errors and mistakes against others.
Ask to be filled with a feeling of Grace and forgiveness.
Give that Grace freely to others, as forgiveness and appreciation.
Be grateful and give thanks.
Be still and silent and listen.
Start it all over again.
Each day, Beloved, or more often as you learn to delight in helping,
Ah, Beloved,
If you ask the Divine to embrace you, It will. Be very still, and expect, and receive that embrace. Whether it takes a few moments, or whether it comes over you after you have spent an hour composing and quieting yourself to accept the Love that is your Divine right, It will come. It is already with you. As you lower your blocking beliefs and remember that It wants to Hold you as much as you want to be Held, you will experience It.
You will feel It and know It and you will feel blessedly empowered and freed.
We know your end and newness. They are Good. Begin now.
Ah, Beloved,
Again and again, lest you forget, forgive.
Stand back from assumptions and judgments, taking care to see that your human sight and human understanding and perspective can never know the complete picture of what has occurred, is occurring, and will occur in any one situation.
Leave that Sight to the Divine Conductor, Beloved, and thus be freed to Love.
Until later,