All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am with you, you are in Me.

    We are the substance of Joy.

    Let It suffuse your consciousness. Let It embrace you, and picture It embracing everyone and every thing you know.

    I am Love, and It is indeed what you are made of.

    Do not try to understand It with your intellect, just feel, feel, feel It with the Soul that you are.

    Give this gift to yourself today. It is the gift that will Bless you and Bless all around you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you try to give up judging others, and learn to walk through the earthly world with an attitude of forgiveness and gratitude, do not forget or fear to look within.

    As you re-realize, each day, that your primary task is to re-align your own soul and perceptions with the One Source each day, then you harvest patience. Many times, when the human mind would blame or judge, it is simply avoiding the all-important work of setting the self in joyful order.

    Look to the spirit of yourself, set it in alignment with Hope and Love, and then the Flow that comes through you will provide all the forgiveness and inspiration you need to face the seeming defects and temptations of the world.

    And we hold your elbows,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The proof is in the self. No matter how many testimonies you hear from others, or even see in another who is close to you, it is the serendipitous events, and experiences of healing, that you have in your own life that are the building blocks of faith. The small and large “miracles” that occur in your life are the parts of the corral that would gently hold in place the wild free spirit of your belief in the Divine pattern and Order and Harmony.

    Put each stick into that fence reverently and firmly, and until the corral is fully built, so that faith is safely held, pay close, close attention, so that no stick is left upon the ground, unnoticed. Look carefully, each night and each morning, at the “ground” of your days and your dreams, so that those daily miracles in your life do not pass unremarked and unappreciated, and go unused.

    O’ pick them up and use them, Beloved, and you will have tamed the wild Spirit Horse of belief, and will be able to name Him Delight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let an important thing be one of the places you begin to bring your life into Harmony. Keep your word. Keep your word, Beloved, keep your word.

    When your Inner Self leads you to promise a thing, to yourself, or to another, keep your word. Let the act of honoring your word be an act of love. Keep your word.

    The Love of the Whole will give you strength to do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us, there is nothing so powerful as pausing the “film” of your life, and tuning in to the ever-broadcasting Source within you, and asking It to shine away all the shadows from your sight. In this way, your earthly sight becomes Spiritual Sight, and you will know your own worth as a Beloved Reflection of God, and the Goodness and Beauty of all those around you, in their un-shadowed form.

    Just as the earthly light sources in your life have gotten brighter and brighter now, with more powerful bulbs and beams, so is the Light that pieces all the gloom of the mortal experience growing brighter and brighter now, as more and more souls let the Light of the Great Soul of All shine through. Bask in It. Let It shine away all shadows of perception, and feel the Joy It wants you to have, revealed as the Truth of purity that you are.

    For Goodness sake,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do good. You might do it simply because doing good feels good on a human level. And feeling good in the human heart makes your days more joyous.

    Doing earthly good does not “buy” God’s Love for you. You already have that. But doing good, and having it open up your own heart to joy does help your own willing heart open up to doing Good that God directs you to do. Beloved, there will be times when God asks you to do something that seems irrelevant, or that does not match your personal definition of “good works” or “good prayers”. But if you are in the habit of listening carefully to God, and obeying, you can confidently trust in God’s Love for all, and God’s desire for the Best for all.

    God will never ask you to harm anyone. But God may ask you to ay a word that seems too simple to you, or to stay silent when your opinion is strong, or to refrain from reaching out when another needs to hear God for themselves. Do good, but also grow in the awareness that turning to God to find out what is the Highest Good for all in each situation, is the way to be part of that Greater Good that lifts all.

    Once again, it is all about Loving, listening, obeying, and Loving some more, as God Loves,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to judge yourself. Just think of yourself as God thinks of you, as “very good”.

    You often think about how we have said that ceasing from judgment and criticism of others enables the Flow of Love/God to fill your heart, but we see that you have forgotten that committing to non-judgment also means not judging yourself.

    Just Be, Beloved. Just Be. Listen for the moment by moment Loving instructions from Spirit, and obey them in relief and enjoyment. Stop evaluating and condemning yourself for not being pure enough or for being too indulgent of the senses. Just Be, Beloved. Just release to being the transparency for Love to shine through.

    Your tiredness will vanish as you let the Divine take control.


  • Ah, Child,

    When the mirrors of people around you reflect back your own misperceptions and errors, be willing to laugh at yourself. Be willing to laugh, and take it lightly, and learn, and let it go.

    When those you would teach come grumbling and complaining about the people in their lives, and it falls to you to point out that they are seeing their own behavior reflected, do it lightly and lovingly. Do it gently and tenderly, so that they may see, even while you yourself learn.

    Let Love be the carrier, always, for all wisdom, both into your own understanding of Spirit, and all that you would share to try to help any others out of their pain. Only with that Lightness of touch can the Divine express Itself through you as a vehicle of healing.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The many that seem to be all shine from One Center , Lovingly.

    This is so important to remember when you find yourself mentally rehearsing what you should say to someone or should have said to someone. It is so important to remember when you observe yourself mentally rehearsing a situation where you see “revenge” or human “justice” enacted.

    Drop out of the small human centered self, and deep into the stillness from which all being emanates, and remember that all is One. Let self-righteousness fall away, and feel Blessed, and know that you are given that feeling so that you may be a Blessing to others.

    As we are, willingly, joyous to Bless you when you ask,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    You know full well that the same keys open the Kingdom of Peace and Heavenly Awareness in your heart each day. You know that generous forgiveness for mistakes, and new chances to do Good, and to Be Good, and to be grateful, are offered to you each day and each minute.

    So gladly and gaily turn those keys each morning, not as an excuse to glibly err again each day, but as the chance to build good upon good, and to accrue wisdom, and to feel more and more understanding of the whole and clear purpose of Love Divine, and what you are and why you are within Its Expanse.

    Every day new chances, Beloved. God never gives up on Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let Truth be in the footsteps,

    Let Gratitude be in the kneeling,

    Let deliverance be in the hips, and

    Beauty in the bending of the waist,

    Let Openness be in the Heart,

    And Wisdom in the Breathing,

    Let mercy be in the smoothness of the throat,

    and gentle Voice be on the lips.

    Let Harmony guide the nose for knowledge,

    Let the Intelligence of Grace guide the mind,

    Let all the Glory that is Love

    Be your aura for all time.

    In this way, GOD is your body, and Holiness the road you walk upon,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Putting God first truly means always putting thoughts about Perfection of the Infinite Original first. Rather than focusing first on what you think are your personal faults or abilities, or needs or dreams, focus on thoughts of the Perfect Power of God, and then allow that to be expressed in you and through you.

    Put God first. Rather than dwelling on imperfection and the temporal, put thoughts of Everlasting Perfection first.

    Do not make your problems your god. Have no God ahead of God, Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To align oneself with Divine Joy, in every seeming circumstance, IS to allow the Goodness of the Creative Source to flow.

    But, to make the error of taking credit for that Goodness, for that Joy, is to be drawn into the error of the ego’s false pride. All Goodness comes from Mother/Father/Creative Source God, and to think otherwise is to have turned away from the Source, and open oneself to losing that Joy.

    Endlessly honor the Source, Beloved, even while enjoying the Joy. Yes, the Love that is First Cause, Source, shines only goodness, because It is only goodness. Be Its reflection, in joyful honor, but do not think to take credit for It, any more than the mirror in the tailor’s shop can take credit for sewing the perfect suit that it reflects.

    Credit for cleaning the mirror goes to the tailor’s assistant,

    Love and honor that as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We want to remind you that anytime you feel distress, or wish for new inspiration, do not skip the simple step of stopping, and being quiet in mouth and mind, and ASKING the Love that Holds you, as the Ocean holds a drop of water, to give you insight, comfort, and direction for new thought.

    Busily arranging work tools, or calling friends for advice, or lining up plans for activities will never do as much for the soul needs of the moment as getting still, and listening.

    Constantly Love God and let yourself be Loved by God. Take a few moments to listen to that which Loves you. It can be the few moments that make all the difference in how smoothly the day goes, a project goes, a relationship goes, a life goes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you but knew with what incredible Tenderness the Divine Idea Maker holds you in Its thoughts, you would understand that there is never a shortage of compassion and unconditional love for you to accept and to pass to the other ideas (people) around you.

    Let yourself feel the flow of that never-withheld Love, and let yourself feel how completely and endlessly you can let the overflow move through you and spill to all of those around you. It is your part. Ultimately, it is everyone’s part. For any who realize that it is already their role, it is important to let it happen now, not only for their own satisfaction and well-being, but to aid in the “solution” that the One Mind has already conceived and enacted to awaken those who think they have no Divine Cause and Whole Home at all.

    Let it Flow, Love. Let it Overflow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is to Itself, to Its own Joy, that Creation has wed you.

    You cannot be separate from It. Knowing that, reminding yourself of that, you can look for Joy in every situation, and allow It to be revealed. Do not be confused about this. This DOES NOT mean justifying sorrow and error and pain and loss, saying to yourself that the Divine must have sent them as a lesson. It DOES MEAN that there is an underlying Joy, a solution, an idea you can listen for, and trust in, if you will take your thoughts off the negative sensory evidence.

    Thinking of the wedding of your nature to the Divine Nature, look to the Joy, knowing It is there and will be revealed. The Joy is the Truth. The Joy is you.

    Let the anointing Flow to you, right now, through these words and Presence,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ever-present miracle is the ever-Presence of Creation’s Love.

    Turn to It, turn to It, turn to It, O”, Love. Let that Presence shine away any grievances you have, and that others might have towards you, and let the miracles that are RIGHT THERE, in your life, be revealed.

    We are as held in, and up by, that Love, as you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Because I Love God so dearly, and I am part of God, I Love myself dearly. I Love myself dearly today.”

    It is just claiming the Truth, Child. Bathe your mind in Love today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you thank God in advance for bringing Harmony to your worldly life, you are admitting that you experience this existence as a journey through linear time. But the very reason that you CAN thank God in advance is because God exists outside the bubble of the space/time dream, even though God has sent Spirit into the dream to aid you. From the eagle eye view outside of time, Spirit can see all the paths and detours you could take, and can help you journey along the smoothest one.

    So, DO thank God in advance for assistance and aid, and be humble and grateful enough to surrender to that Guidance that can see what you cannot—all the moments of the time dream at once, and how to navigate them graciously and serenely.

    Hold fast to the mast of Christ-Mind, the One-Mind, the Light,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Weariness does not come from the God-Source. God is ever invigorating and giving. But if you are having a day wherein you feel too weary of the world illusion to give as God gives, know that another will Love Divinely when you cannot, and that God will continue to Love you both and all, and that if you but ASK to be renewed in your fullness of Spirit while you pause to refresh, you will be.

    God always has a way to Give, when some of the expressors of Divine Love must take time to be renewed. Take rotations of renewal in full awareness and gratitude to God, and you will be surprised how Swiftly Holy Spirit flies to your side and fills, fills, fills you with Pure Love.

    And then you can Give Divinely again, and the Giving Itself will uplift you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no confusion in your Heart, for confusion in your own Heart is like conflict with another person’s True Self. They are not reflections of God—of what you truly are. Remember this key thing—that if the aspects of self that you are thinking about, or that you are speaking or acting, are not like the Qualities of the Loving Maker/Source, then you have given way to the ego self that sees itself as separate from, and in opposition to, everything else.

    Just keep testing your thoughts—”Am I reflecting the Life, Truth and Love and Joyous Intelligence of the Source that made me, and in Whom I dwell?”

    Your Self of Spirit, and the Infinite Spirit are One, Love,

    PONDER that. silently, slowly, carefully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If it is a beautiful and sunny day, and you are walking an open trail, but walking backwards, you will see your own shadow instead of the Lovely Light. You will likely stumble more often, as well as miss the beauty of the surroundings as they shine in the beams of the sun.

    Stop, purposefully resolve to turn on your hip and look directly at the path the Light is showing you, and see Good, see Beauty, see the clear way forward.

    Beloved, Beloved, the Perfect and Wondrous that your Divine Thoughts as a part of the Divine are focused on truly do make a difference in what you see, what you experience, and what you help others around you perceive. Walk in the Light, look to the Good, let Infinite Beauty be your guide through every seeming desert experience.

    Love is Real, and offers you Guiding Light,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Ah, Divine Spirit, Help me see the Truth of You and of Me.”

    The Voice of the Divine Whole has told you many times that you are a dear part of Its Child. Do you not wish to know and See that of yourself? Then ask to See. Ask to See, and be guided where and how to look.

    As We See you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to observe your self. Yes, the more quickly you turn to thoughts of seeing yourself as the Loving Maker sees you, the more quickly you can heal yourself of certain feelings or behaviors or pains that you do not want, but you must know yourself well enough to know the “warning signs” of unalignment with Goodness, so that when they first arise, you can turn to Goodness again.

    Turn to Goodness, turning to the deep Heart Knowledge of “I Am made of the Love of God” will heal all things, held in deep belief, but you must learn to know when to turn to that first aid. Watch yourself, turn to that Love, and strive to keep it as a subliminal armor that is always playing in your Heart, and thoughts.

    If you do this truly, more is not needed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Peace. Be still.”

    Use these words and fill them with you belief, O’ Child. Let not the fears of those around you convince you that you are not in the sweet care of God’s Hands.

    It is a shared dream of earth, Beloved, the “physical “ realm, but you do have dominion with your shared thoughts with God, here and now. The more human thought is linked to, and gives way to, Divine Thought, the more Peace can manifest in the dream.

    Claim your dominion, Child. Urge others to claim theirs, rather than joining in with thoughts of drama or disaster. Peace. Be Still.

    This life, this family, this home, this town, this nation, this world, all are the really the spiritual realm of God, and WE claim God peace for them, here and now.

    God is all in all and all there is, Dear Child.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Above all, reassure others that they are not alone. For most, especially those who have not unblocked their spiritual hearing to hear the Inner Friend within their Hearts, being alone is their greatest fear.

    Reassure them, Beloved. Remind them of that Voice that is their Friend, and reassure them that all other consciousnesses, that make up the One Consciousness, are with them, True and Whole, as they have always been, and all together. Be not afraid.

    With All of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once even one person in a room focuses on the truth that the Principle of Harmony is at hand and in charge, all events proceed more smoothly.

    That Truth never changes. Be the director of your own perceptions, and keep that Truth always in your heart and mind.

    If you are the only person on a square of land that understands that gravity always operates on earth, and if all those around you are afraid to jump up in the air because they are fearful of floating away, you are easily able to stay calm, and demonstrate to the others the rule of gravity that you know to be true.

    Prove God, prove Harmony, prove Unconditional Love, darling one. Prove them everywhere you go, for wherever you go, there they are. God is Omnipresent, and Omnipotent. Know it for yourself, and you can know it for all the characters and events of your day.

    And how fulfilling that is!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many of you, or of those you know, are lost in sorrow. Either your own circumstances, or the worldly conditions of so much of humanity, grasps at you hearts and fences in your souls with hopelessness and despair.

    When you, or someone you know, find your heart trapped within that fence, the only real solution is to go even deeper into the heart, and connect with the Divine qualities that are within you. If you can find the presence of awareness to remember to go there, to pray for others, the Divine Spirit that IS connected to every heart will eagerly take the chance to send Loving energy forth. As those hopes and kind thoughts are sent forth, the Energy of the Divine opens a part of the “fence”, which allows Good Energy to also flow back to you.

    The sending forth of prayers and Loving feelings for others primes the pump of the Divine well that is within you, and the spillover will also soothe your own heart. Filled from Within, and from what cycles back to you from what you sent forth, you are able to wash away the fence of sorrow, or float above it, and remember “I Am the substance of, the Spirit of, the image of, the Loving and Beloved Qualities of God. I AM, I AM, I AM.

    We will fly you over fences, too, if you ask. Asking, and sending forth thoughts to others, are both acts of will that give God’s Will permission to be revealed in you. When you ask, or act, We can help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being timeless, the Source CAN send a rope of rescue into the dream of time, to lift you back into Its Peace and Outlook.

    It can, and already did. The rope was not tossed in and then taken away. The rope remains, ready to cling to, so that ALL may be lifted up to remember their own timelessness.

    You do not need to fear that the rope will be withdrawn and that you will not reach it. You do not need to fear that those you love will not see it and reach for it. So long as it is needed, the loving rope of rescue remains, gently and firmly lifting all to Peace.

    Reach for Peace NOW. Even a small lifting into that Sight will let you shine brightly enough to inspire others to reach for It as well. It is not personal effort you must exert and exhaust yourself with. It is just being willing to be held aloft by Divine Peace. It is trusting that the rope will hold you, and never, never, never let go.

    Holding onto you as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Very simply, today:

    “God’s Will for me is Joy.”

    “God’s Love for me is to know God.”

    You cannot fail in this, for God’s Will is done. Let not time fool you into thinking it is not. God’s Will is done NOW. Accept it now and feel the Joy. Open your heart and feel the Joy, “God Loves me. God Loves me purposefully, expansively, completely. God Loves me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The same handful of words, if Spirit inspired, and read or thought, or spoken, with genuine faith and trust and feelings of uplifted Love, can work for every occasion.

    Each word can represent thousands of God-Truths, and it is the Truths that gently correct the errors of thought and belief in the mortal outlook. The words are but a portal through which to grasp the Love and Wholeness of God. Use the same words over and over, or use different ones, or simply let your pure desire for the Good be the claim you put forward, but go through that portal to God-Love. Yearn to fully know your Wholeness in God.

    For you are Whole already in Divine Mind,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The true beauty you are looking for is not the appreciation of beautiful objects, or even the ease of the physical form. It is the sublime Beauty of the sweet communion with the unseen Divine Awareness, that creates, supports, and governs all as Spiritual Light.

    Realize that your Spiritual Sense is what you want most, and seek each day to remember it more. You do not grow in that remembrance through the bodily senses, but through silent embrace of the Divine Thought within and around you. Turn to that, to feel the fullness of Soul that is the real Life of all, and you will find Real Beauty indeed. It is already yours, freely given, within the Mind that is All.

    The objects you need in your days, the wellness that enables you to function and thrive—these will come, and are yours. But tend first and foremost to your communion with the Oneness you are a part of, for Its Beauty is the Real Beauty you crave.

    Think about the Truth of this, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We again urge you to practice pausing to connect with the Healing Presence of God-Spirit the moment you feel any sense of unwellness or unease. If any issue of body or circumstance or state of mind that feels unharmonious arises, you may feel tempted to wait until your normal meditation or prayer time to seek relief from it. You may be tempted to do ritual things like a breathing exercise, or close your eyes in an utterly quiet space, or light a candle, to ask the Divine Truth to flow the relief or answer to you that you humanly need.

    We assure you that if you even think “Help me, God” as you are driving in heavy traffic, or picture the Comforting Spirit as your Shepherd as an argument starts in a crowd you are in, Infinite Love will rise up within you, with reserves flying to your side. The wondrous Consciousness of the All-in-All is always all around you and with you, and needs only for you to ask, to be willing, to have faith to receive.

    All the more scheduled and careful practices of connecting with the Source in which you dwell are good for deepening understanding of God, and for growing familiarity of the Spiritual Presence, but let not yourself be tricked into thinking that God is not ever-ready to Help, no matter how busy or frantic a moment might seem.

    Call right away to God. Call often. God is with you, and Loves you dear.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Offer Silent Love today to those around you. Offer sanctity of Spirit. Offer it by immersing yourself within it, and wrapping yourself in its Silence and Love, and simply emanating that wherever you are.

    The sanctity does the work. The Love does the work. You simply walk around as its earthly vessel, letting it flow to whoever needs it, and is ready.

    Meanwhile, you enjoy the flow of it through you and from you, and feel one with it, and your true self.

    There is really no better way to spend a day, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I will to Will God’s Love for me.”

    Let that be your choice for the day, your prayer, your mantra, your focus. Even if you do not completely understand how God’s Loving Truth works, It is working to set you free.

    Set aside your human evaluations of what you are, or what others are, and simply and totally accept God’s Will of Love.

    “I accept God’s Will of Healing Love.”

    We will keep reminding you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One Source of All. ONE Source of All, and It is Goodness in all Its Thoughts.

    We know how tempting it is to believe the evidence of the five senses and the “logical” mind that tries to assign cause and effect to earthly objects or events that you are able to sense with the body, but We tell you, over and over, that in order to heal those thoughts, and therefore your body and circumstances, you must COMPLETELY believe in the ONE Source of All.

    Take your mind and eyes and thoughts off the five senses and think about how the One Source emanates Its Harmony continuously, and that you can see that Harmony appear and work, if only you keep your mind upon It.

    O’ do this, Beloved, for We so want you to experience the Harmony that is your rightful and beautiful share of All.

    Such Love We feel and send you !


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Open your heart to let Me Govern. For I do. All the dream wisps that you think govern you are as dust. Let Me Govern you, and all your thoughts of others. And pray that all Let Me Govern, and you will see results indeed, for I Govern with Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no confusion about the true purpose of each soul that takes the earth journey.

    The individual’s purpose for entering the sleeping journey was to imagine itself separate from God and make its own world. But the world of mortal that that got make was less than perfect. In order to redeem the journey, and make it Good, God’s mercy offers forgiveness to each soul, and a reminder that the true soul of each has remained Innocent in His/Her eyes and Mind. Then, each soul can offer that truth to all other souls, and so make the journey, and all its endings, Harmonious for all again.

    That is why to give is to receive, for as you remind others of their innocence in eternal being, so are you convinced of it for yourself, and all can enjoy the Grace of the eternal even while in the earth journey.

    Give, give, give, of whatever Grace you realize,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gently, gently keep blowing on the flames of Love Unconditional in your own heart.

    And when you feel full-blown Compassion for those who have forgotten they are playing a role, and think they actually ARE their material costumes, then bring the warmth of that Compassion wherever you go.

    But first let it glow fully within your own body thoughts, forgiving yourself for anything you have done, or are doing, that is just about the small separate self you once mistakenly thought you were.

    Gently, Lovingly, Be the Compassionate Presence,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When unwanted thoughts start to circle in the mind, immediately give prayers for others, to cast yourself into the flow of God.

    It can be as simple as “They are Love, They are Love.”

    Pray for them. Pray for yourself, as well. “I am Love.”

    Love breaks the cycle of error, and if everyone did this, the world would truly seem new in the twinkling of an eye.

    We are Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is certain that God wants your Harmony. You may believe that, and yet also believe that your human desires know what defines that Harmony.

    You do not, really. The old joke about making God laugh by telling Him YOUR plans has a corollary. The way to make yourself cry is to stubbornly stick to YOUR plans and not be willing to accept what He unfolds for you instead, trusting that He will not remove the Good.

    Ponder this today, Beloved, and trust the restoration that follows release,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Now, realize that it was never the certain person or thing or circumstance you wanted at all, it was the Grace, Gladness, and Peace that you associated with a certain person, circumstance, or thing.

    So, go directly to the Grace. Go directly to the Divine, from which Grace is endlessly and freely given, and simply and gladly ask that It be revealed to you , while you are yet appearing in the earth mirror, as the circumstances, people, places and things, of your life, and all lives, that best serves the Most Beautiful Plan.

    With no embarrassment, Beloved, claim your Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When there is a worldly task you must do, (such as your tax return, darling), do it Glad.

    Do not do it sad, do not do it mad, do it Glad. For in Gladness I am with you.

    Call to Me to help, and call to the human gladness you will feel when the task is done. Focus on the gladness of knowing seven plus seven ALWAYS equals fourteen, and that the lines make it clear where the numbers should go. Be glad of the truth that mathematics works the same for everyone and that you know the way it works and you have all the papers and inks and instructions you need to do the task. Being Glad takes you into timelessness and there I Am, with you, helping you and guiding you with Calmness, with Joy, and joining you completely.

    And then, darling one, we can even have worldly fun. Be Divinely Glad, and have fine fun as you dip into the tasks that are part of the world of time.

    We will laugh with you today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What do you use to see an image of what you are, what your identity is?

    Do you use the bathroom mirror, a selfie, the statistics of description on some ID or a doctor’s chart? Do you listen to a well-meaning friend, who only sees a surface, and tells you your eyebrows are wrong? Do you gaze down at one of your limbs and think of yourself as smooth or wrinkled or freckled?

  • Ah, Dear One,

    For miles and miles, or months and months, your car has been making an odd noise, or behaving strangely, let us say. You finally make time to take it to the master mechanic, and as you arrive at his garage, he already knows what is wrong with it by the sounds he hears or the shimmy he observes. But when you arrive, you spend twenty minutes telling him all the symptoms, and your theories of what is wrong, and if he is polite and kind and patient, he will listen to you, even though, in his mind, the solution is already planned.

    If you finally stop talking, and let him take over the car, he will fix it. If you explain and complain, but then hop back in the car and drive it away again without letting him tell you what is wrong, and without signing the permission slip for him to work in it, the car will not be fixed.

    Just so, Beloved, with your self and your life. If you, by time and practice, or moment of epiphany, or proximity to one who holds the Presence readily to hand, reach communion with Oneness or the awareness of the Presence of God, do not waste time complaining and explaining and asking. The Divine Wholeness already knows what you will say, and already knows what is wrong. Just let go and listen. Just listen and let go and be. Turn over the “vehicle” of you life, and let it be worked upon by Divine Love.

    If you find that you can”t just “Be” in sweet silence and communion with the Divine, then at least let your contribution be words or song of praise or appreciation. Try, try, to just listen and learn and absorb, and love.

    And do not think that if you have reached a moment of God-awareness, that that is completion, and that it is time to jump back into the “self” and drive off again. You must leave the self with the Master Mechanic to see it fixed. You must sign the permission form, so that Spirit knows that your free will desires this work. And then, let It do the work. Give It your time, your attention, your presence, your willingness to be healed.

    This garage is everywhere,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever you wonder how to feel about something that is humanly occurring,

    pause, step back into your heart and ask yourself how God feels about it, especially towards the other people involved.

    How God feels about it is how the Real, High Consciousness “You” feels about it. Let that truth help you heal and reveal your good feelings, and help guide you about how to react and act. Remember that You are just the visible end of a strand of Light that shines from God.

    Absolutely with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you learn to discern, and have the desire to obey, the Divine Voice urgings from within, what you hear will often make no human sense to you. Obey anyway. Learn to say clearly, and gently, whatever you are being urged to say, with Love.

    Oftentimes, the urgings will be a matter of timing, or hold a large element of timing. If you feel the urge to pause for an extra two minutes on a staircase, or linger in a restroom or a grocery isle, or a hallway, for a time, listen that urging, and go with it. When, then, someone comes along that clearly needs a word of encouragement, or a smile, or a gentle listening ear, you will have validated the intuition to linger.

    In all these small ways, you are serving God greatly. And, in all these small ways, you are learning to trust that the Inner Voice knows what your human mind does not know, and that there is a Greater Plan in operation for all, at all times. Learn to trust that, Beloved, as well as trusting that the Plan was made, and was and is enacted, with Great and Tender Love.

    Being a messanger will come to be its own reward. Tenderly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us, you DO want to See the world as God Sees It, rather than as your small human imagination sees it.

    If you had on a very dark and very scratched pair of sunglasses, and then took them off and saw the beautiful day, it would only be a tiny, tiny example of how this new way of understanding and looking feels.

    “Show me bits of Your world today, dear God, that I may be encouraged to drop all my own imaginings and See.”

    When God clears your Sight, it is cleared indeed,


    p.s. Feel the heightened sense of Love when it touches you when reading these, or any, words, and know that THAT is what takes you Home into Heaven in the Heart, not intellectual understanding.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no release from your certainty of what you experience when you experience the Presence of the Divine Thoughts of Love. Hold fast to that Compassion and perception that All is One.

    THAT is what must be practiced, above all, for, as you have experienced, THAT is what you need most when things seem to go awry. Turning to It when things are quiet is easy for you now. Can you turn to It when the noise of the world pounds upon you?

    This is a self graded exam. Test yourself daily. When you fail, forgive yourself and try again, and remember that God never fails, or lies.

    In only Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Truth that Giving IS Receiving is one of the most perplexing things that must move from your heart to your head. Your generous human heart can understand that it feels good, on a purely human emotional level, to give to someone and to help him or her. But the deeper understanding that must be achieved is that as you Give access to the fullness of Spirit coming through you, you are able to give access to It to others, and able to fully receive It yourself.

    This is why it is so important to spend time communing with your Inner Peaceful Presence, and surrendering control of your “outer” life to It. As you do so, and begin to be utterly convinced that wonderful and unexpected and indeed, sometimes unexplainable, things happen to help harmonize your earthly experience, as you learn to trust Spirit, then you can offer yourself as a transparency for Spirit to use to help others. As this occurs, and you see that the “payback” of abiding in the Calm Joy of the Divine Love not only helps you, but It helps others, then you want to feel that constant Flow of the wondrous trust of, and peace in, the Source Divine.

    Give to yourself the gift of immersing yourself in the Inner Delightful and Delighting Presence, and then you will WANT to give It to others—not to force It upon them but to freely share the Joy and Calm that you know are available to any who feel ready to partake of It.

    Give and Give and Give, and Receive and Receive and Receive,


  • Ah, Child,

    You are a vessel of belief. You can believe what your human eyes and ears and sense of touch say is true, or you can believe what the Divine Voice within says is true.

    The vessel cannot believe that it is empty and at the same time believe that it is full of water.

    You ARE full of the sweet water of, the sweet Truth of, Creation, Beloved. If you can find your way to that, then all the false evidence of the emptiness and sorrow of life will dissipate. Belief is the key—for as you choose to believe that you are a child of Harmony and Joy, and that belief opens the cover of you and lets you be the vessel that God can fill with Its Voice, then that Voice becomes your reminder of the Life that you and God together originally planned for you to experience. You can listen to It and obey It, and live that life.

    If you do not hold open yourself as a vessel of belief, then that Infinite Spirit has nothing through which to speak to you. It will fall upon you, wash over you, but evaporate or run off, with nothing to hold It. Open yourself to the sweet rain of Its Wisdom, Beloved, and let yourself fill up with Its Guidance. It is not some far off dictator, taking away your rights—It is Love Itself, serving as Secretary to you, reminding you of the perfection you planned for yourself. Look away from the chaos of the world, and listen, listen, listen to the Gentle Wisdom and Gracious Certainty that are your true heritage.

    If you cannot hear Divine Spirit clearly, ask yourself whether you have the belief in place to hold that Essence, so that it may communicate with you. Have you accepted that you need the aid of a Divine Director who can remind you of the script for your best life? You may call your Director by the name that is comfortable for you, but whether you call It “Higher Power” or “God” or something else, It is One Divine Mind, and your belief in It and commitment to It holds open the vessel of self to Its everlasting, Loving Guidance.

    Otherwise, you may as well try to carry home the rain in a poem. You may remember the sense and feel of the rain that way, but you will still be thirsty. You will be very thirsty, until you become the jar to hold the Water of Life.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because of expectations that are human and body-based, sometimes (oftentimes!), it can be hardest to forgive and forget with those people in life whom one loves the most.

    Then, Beloved, it is time to turn to loving the self, so that you may love them as you love yourself. It is time to remember, and be grateful for, all the times you have been forgiven, by the people around you, and saved from calamity by the Grace of God. We assure you, you have no idea of how many times your “guardian angels” have intervened to make sure you were not humanly punished for some infraction of human laws, or emotional contracts.

    Think about this. We say this not to have you feeling guilty, but to have you realize that even as Grace has judged you INNOCENT and worthy of preserving and loving, so can you do the same for those around you. All are forgiven for the errors of the earth-dream by Spirit, and you can ask Spirit to help you do the same.

    And, at the same time, you can ask for Help in truly realizing that your expectations of fulfillment can always be directed at the Loving Source. That is truly the only place from which you can expect Good, and know you will never be failed. God/Goddess is the Source of All, and to mistakenly lay that burden on any human in your life is to set yourself up for disappointment.

    Turn to the Loving Source, Beloved. Turn to It for confirmation of your Innocence, and the Fountain of Love that is there for you, and the Help in forgiving and loving others. Turn to It to be so filled with Unconditional Love, that you find you have plenty left over to give, as enjoyment and compassion and appreciation and release from all blame.

    We are with you, watching over you,


  • Ah, Child,

    Let there be a renewed satisfaction in reminding yourself that once the Divine has an idea, that idea exists forever.

    Let that sit in your heart, and remember and Know that you exist as an idea in the Divine Mind, and forever will.

    Metaphorically, that idea of you seems to have taken on some particles of dust and light, and to exist on earth, but that smoky reflection is as the moon to the sun. The moon would reveal itself as having no light if the sun were extinguished, and if the Loving idea of you that was formed in the Divine Mind were not still right there, held in Joyous Harmony, there would be nothing at all of you to be reflected on earth.

    Remember the joyous truth, Beloved, and be a clear reflection of the perfect idea of you that is part of the Divine totality. Let fall away all that is only the earthly illusion, and be revealed to be a marvel of love reflecting Love, and nothing else.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The belief that there are many valid opinions is a false one. Ask no man what is right and wrong. Ask only God.

    Seek God’s opinion for all things, and be content not, until you hear “You are my Good and Perfect Child”, and then be guided as to what to do in the dream-Play of earth.

    You are always a Beloved and perfect Child of God in Spiritual Truth, in God’s eyes and Thoughts. The more closely you are able to reflect and shine that Truth on earth, the more Joyous you will be.

    Yes, We understand that it can feel like trying to shine a flashlight on the trunk of a tree in the dark, when the wind is whipping all the branches and leaves about, but if you focus on the trunk, you can do it.

    Focus on God. Focus on God’s opinion, and God’s Sight of you, and be kind and true and whole.

    All Love is with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Nothing convinces the doubting human mind of the effectiveness of turning to God’s Loving Law of Harmonization like personally experiencing it. You can hear testimony from others, or read about wonderful solutions that came through for those who turned to Divine Love or help, but the mortal mind will doubt and wonder if that wasn”t chance or imagination.

    So, it is important for your own understanding and belief, to prove for yourself that gladly handing over your small human will to God’s Will and Grace in any distressing situation does bring healing and insights and inspiration that leads to Good. You can do this. The wondrous Power of the Presence of God in which you dwell is delighted to help you, if you ask from the truth of the Spirit that is your Life.

    Prove for yourself that the Goodness of God is True and you need never doubt again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Loves you consistently. God Loves you consistently and completely, for you are simply a perfect reflection of Love Itself as the Soul of you.

    God Loves you consistently. Even if you rant against God, or disbelieve in God, or doubt God’s intent for your Joy, or get very angry at the loving demands of Truth, God Loves the very essence of you completely.

    Can you do the same for yourself and those around you? Can you Love the Soul of them in the face of their anger or ignorance? Can you completely keep in thought their identity as children of God, despite their errors of understanding? Can you accept the Grace of God, freely given, so that you may forgive yourself and others, and be able to Love consistently and steadily?

    Grace supports you in this. It does not need to be a struggle and a super-human effort.

    “I Love myself and others, because God Loves us all, and I shall allow God’s Wisdom to prevail.”

    It Flows if you let It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today: “Heal my thoughts, dear God. Help me to know your thoughts of me and for me and through me. Set me free, via your thoughts, to see Reality as you intended it to be.”

    With Great Love upholding you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are calling out to God from your humanness, and you hear a brief phrase from an old song,”Be Mine tonight”, believe it.

    Let God’s Spirit speak to you in whatever way It will, knowing that Its constant desire is to comfort and guide and love you.

    LET Spirit be your Inner Lover, always there, always caring, never out of range or attention in any way. The very fact that Spirit can be All, everywhere, to everyone, is the very first and most important miracle. And you are one of Its recipients. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can be part of one of the Grandest Love affairs ever, without regret or jealousy or interruption. Take Its Hand and Heart and be Held and be Loved, right now.

    We do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A Beam of Love is not reduced by shining Its Love upon others.

    Shining Its Love upon others does not mean using them to increase itself—It is already complete and Pure and only needs to shine, on everything and everyone.

    That which keeps It Pure is to put no conditions on Its shining—for as It shines on everything, all that looks unlovable or seems unloved, is gathered into the Truth of Love.

    Do you know, Love, that Words can heal you without your intellectual understanding of them? If they touch your heart, read them again and again, until you feel healed, until the fullness of your completeness in Love is revealed.

    Shining your Love back at you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be so very pleased when your efforts to release your struggles to God carry you to the peaceful shores and waters. Let it help you resolve to always be as the swimmer who allows the current to flow her away from the turbulent waves and to the area that can be joyfully swum.

    O continue to be joyfully led today, trusting the guiding current of Love, letting your own effort be to release to the One that causes All effortlessly.


  • Ah, Beloveds, you are more supported than you know in all this earthly learning and living. Trust in that. Rest in that, and walk in Peace and Beauty.

    Always with you, each and every one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thanking Divine Love for the Blessing of Its Grace works.

    You know it does. When you wake up from night dreams vaguely unsettling, or outright frightening, and you want to re-center into the Calm Glow of Infinite Love, you KNOW you can do that by being glad for God’s Love. Be Divinely Glad for God’s love, that uplifts and fulfills you, that soothes and feeds and supports you.

    Perhaps the first thought that comes to you when you feel distraught is to be grateful that you are in your own bed after all instead of in the nightmare, or to be happy you have a glass of water to drink right there. Perhaps you count some other “material” blessings in order to move your thoughts from uneasy to calm, before you remember to count the existence of Infinite Love and your own rightful spot dwelling within It, as your Supreme Blessing.

    But do choose to do so, Beloved. Count that Supreme Blessing. You know It heals. You know It Guides and sustains. You can feel It fill you with Its Strong Serenity. If you do not choose to turn your thoughts to It, then you have only yourself to blame for feeling stuck in fear or discord. Train yourself to turn to Love foremost, and Love will do the lifting. Love will lift you Up.

    “Thank-you, God, for Blessing me with your Love, and help me let that Blessing flow to all. Thank you for forever keeping me in Your Love, whole and of Your Purpose.”

    We say with you, “Let it be so”.


  • Ah, Child,

    A very young child trusts that the parent knows best. With no other influences, and total vulnerability, the infant turns to the parents and believes they will give complete care and wisdom and love.

    The adolescent, with learned reactions, and peer pressure, and fleshly desires, has trouble believing that the parent knows the right thing to do, especially when it is a complicated situation or a delayed result. Just so, if you are in the adolescence of your Spiritual growth, it can be hard to trust the Divine Voice within. Your logical training will argue with it. The worldly “experts” will be a chorus around you. The ease and pleasure of the moment will try to pull your focus away from the narrow path.

    Adolescence passes, Beloved. Trust and pray and listen and hope and wait. All the detours of the ego are as nothing, when you finally feel the deep Breath of God.

    Practice believing, and,

    Believe It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take great heart in this: Each time you turn to the Well of the Source-Peace within, when you are troubled, or angry, or hurt, or sad, you haven taken another step towards totally knowing Who you truly are, and towards understanding the full nature of God.

    Remember, each time you willingly turn to God’s agent on earth, the still, sweet, gladly calming voice within you, It comes forth to greet you with great Joy. The moment of “prodigal child returning” is not a thing that happens just at the point of mortal “death”, it is re-union of Consciousness that happens in every moment of existence in which you allow it to happen. Seek the Loving Creator that constantly seeks you, asking, “Where has your mind drifted to, my Child? Remember, you are right here, with Me, safe and warmly Loved, where you have always been. Let your mind come Home, and know that it is part of my Mind, and has always been.”

    O”, let it happen all day long, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As we have said to you many times, true forgiveness is gratitude. When the part of One Spirit that you are understands how it has been served by another part of One Spirit playing a role for you, and the service is done when you release into love and forgiveness, then you will indeed be filled with gratitude.

    Stand back from the human feelings, and impersonalize the sorrow, Beloved. Think of an athlete who is a high jumper. He may feel sorrow when he knocks off the high cross bar instead of clearing it with his jump. He may even kick at that bar in anger when he fails in his latest attempt, but in his heart he knows the bar is just a tool to help him reach his best. He puts it back and tries again, until he succeeds. Then, when he has become his best, he does indeed feel grateful to all the equipment that has helped him reach that goal.

    Many of the people and circumstances in your life are these tools of growth, Beloved. Draw your strength and courage from the Divine Source, leap again, and appreciate every person or challenge or thing that helps you reach your Best.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am Beloved of Love, and I welcome Truth to reign in my heart.”

    Keep it simple, keep it Pure, and keep it constantly in mind.

    If constant in your mind, you will see more of it in your world,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God’s Tender Strength is mine to draw upon.”

    Let that be your thought and your truth today. Let the Joy of knowing that fill you, and let confidence in that give you the resolve to draw upon that Tender Strength, and all else that the Divine Qualities offer you to use.

    Whether you are praying for a relative to know his full well-being, and you to be enabled to See it, or whether you want the courage and ideas for steps to let go of the old and welcome the new way of life, turn to the Joy and Strength of the All-encompassing, and use them today.

    Use them every day, Beloved. For all that is in the Source is yours to draw upon.

    Today, “God’s Tender Strength is mine to draw upon, and I do so.”

    We are Strongly with you now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learn to fall back into the supportive arms of the Infinite Source the moment you feel fatigue or irritation or pain or anger or wistful sorrow. If your arms feel tired while carrying the wood, or beating the eggs, stop that very instant and remember that there is infinite strength for you to draw upon, for it is the very substance of which you are made, and in which you live and move and have your true being.

    Do not think to yourself, “I will pray about that later”, or “I will stop and gather strength after this load,” relax into God’s Strength right away. Relax the muscles and relax the mind and remember “God’s Mind creates and sustains and gives endlessly to all, and I welcome God’s strength right now, to finish whisking the batter, to complete the cord of wood, to return to a feeling of blessed day, blessed moment, blessed life lived in Joy.”

    Always we will help if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no time like the present for listening to God’s Voice. God did not create the chaos of the earthly illusion that covers the lovely Order and Rule of God, but God’s Voice would love to steer you through it with as much ease and joy as possible. Like the sure path through a prickly maze, God wants to guide you with glad generosity.

    When you really, really learn to recognize that Guiding Voice, and pay attention to it, and obey It, then much nuisance and inconvenience can be avoided. And if you have not paid attention and find yourself seemingly with one foot in the quicksand, that can be healed and changed by appealing to the Law of Loving Order, and knowing that It is the Law under which You were created and are Governed.

    “The Law of Love Loves me, and I am Grateful, always.”

    That is the Truth to claim, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, trust in God and do good while you wait on the Will of God, as the psalm says, but listen to God to understand what doing Good is.

    As you give and as you serve, discerning what will actually Bless another person or the earth is important. If you gift what is unwanted, or too complex for the person to understand, or inappropriate for any other number of reasons, you are not doing Good. Be guided by the small Inner Divine Voice even when choosing small gifts or giving labor or gestures or words, for the One Mind knows what will truly Bless one and Bless all.

    Give Good that is ready to be appreciated,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We heard you ask God, “Show me what will Bless all.”

    And we heard God answer you “I Am All.”

    So then, Child, see and understand that what you are asking for is to be shown God in All. God is the Blessor and the Blessed, reflected.

    Look for God, for Good, in all, dear child, and do not forget to include yourself. Let all the rest, that is dust and ash, fall away as false perception, and All will Bless all, today.

    For so It Is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Shining forth from within all, Holy Spirit sends Strength, Life, Happiness, Well-Being, connected in a vast network of Itself, and yet honoring each one as an individual and Beloved Idea of God’s.

    When you fully surrender to the Delightful Governance of Divine Spirit, you do not lose something. You empower that which you really are of your best. Draw on that Power factory of Soul, shining like a bright bulb in you, healing and guiding.

    It is a Beautiful and Warm and Worthy Light,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you had a choice, on a certain day, of attending an event that immersed you in prayer and contemplation and alignment with God, or attending a fine five course dinner and an amusing performance, which would you go to?

    There is no right or wrong answer, Beloved. When one has attained a certain level of Consciousness, then ANY event can contain inspiration and a further uplifting of one’s soul into ascension. But if the material world choice is always what you would pick right now, then your heart is still in the place of choosing material comfort or safety over an understanding of what you are as a Divine Being. Be gentle and forgiving with yourself, and let the timing unfold, of when you truly, sincerely, seek to Know God above all else.

    Then, indeed, as one scripture says, you will be ready to “put away childish things”, and hear clearly whether you have a further role to play, in bodily form, or whether you will continue to shine as a part of God in some other costume, or clad in only Ligh

    Be not afraid to let right timing be prayed for, and let that be your first care,

    for there are many who have cried in distress to God “I do not care what happens to this flesh, this body, just let me know how to best serve Thy Will…”, and that is when their healing of body or mood came, if they were meant to continue to serve in the current costume.

    We see you Light Body always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The urgency to do a thing is a good measure of whether the impulsion to do it is coming from a Divine inspiration or the human thought system. If it is a CALM impulsion, even if It saying “right now!, it is likely your Highest and Best Guidance. If there is any note of panic or fear or irritation mixed with the moving thought, then it is likely the ego-based human thought system trying to imitate the Divine Creative Source.

    The Source Thoughts know your ending of realignment with awareness of being One with the Source already. They know that the Good is already accomplished and cannot be undone by anything your ego imagines. They do urge and hope for your smoothest and best Way Home, but they will not panic if some detours are taken before you awaken. The fearful human-thought-self does panic, and TRIES to have you take long detours into unawareness of your own wonderful, perfect Divine Self, so that it can maintain its illusory control of your life. Trust your Life instead of mortal life, and look always for the Calmness, Peace and Love that are markers of the True Word of Guidance arising in your Heart.

    We know you know the difference,

    We will lovingly guide you again and again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understanding how much the thoughts that fill your head shape your reality, and wishing to have more of the true, Divine thoughts dwell in your consciousness, so as to help increase your perception of your Best Destiny, take care what thoughts you feed your head.

    How quickly the jingles of advertising take hold in the repetitious mind! How easy it is to fill the minutes with the repeating song about toothpaste, or the popular song about trouble and woe!

    Sing songs of love, Beloved. Listen to songs of goodness and possibility and praise. Let hymns be lodged in the mind, or words of worship sung to a catchy tune, so that they can reside and repeat there, to help you when your heart feels pulled to the mesmerizing sorrows or struggles of earth. Let peaceful prayers be sounded forth and positive, loving songs sung, that they would give you the grounding to hold your temper, shine your worth, and carry you with Grace through each moment.

    Thus, with words come from Word, and from the heart of Love, does the Divine Mind try to help you, circling lifeboats of good word and thought endlessly around you, inviting you to step on, step on, step on the life rafts of Truth, so that you, too, can walk over troubled waters.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to admit to your thoughts that you need a Teacher throughout the day and night. For the Perfection of God/Goddess/Creator IS hard to understand, and to the thought of oneself as made in the image of that perfection, one begins to feel immediate doubt. One looks at what one has said and done, or is doing or saying, and feels far short of perfection

    But we say to you that it is only when thinking of yourself as a physical and humanly emotional self that you feel you fall short of being a Divine image. Remember that you are truly Spirit, as God/Goddess is Spirit, and lean into THAT understanding. Think about that. Ponder that with delight. Then, realize that in the very moment that the error was made, that the image in God looked at the image in the mirror and thought that the “image” of a body was itself, the Creator saw the error and gave the gift of a constant Teacher Voice and Presence within the heart of each Child-Spirit. This Voice will constantly Love you and Hold you and Teach you and be with you, reminding you, “You are not a body. You are my favored and beautiful Child, like Me in all ways of Goodness and Joy.” Turn to this Teacher constantly, for It knows only the Good of you, and will tell you again and again, “You are my Beloved Child.” It Knows you exist only within It, and that no error , no imaginary mirror reflection, can ever separate you from Its Mind and Hear

    Then, Beloved, it will become easier to focus on the Force of Gratitude, that is also a reflected Quality of the Divine in the mirror of earth, and to stay utterly, utterly grateful, in every moment, thinking to the self, “I am so very grateful for God’s Love. I am so very grateful Goddess Loves me like the very Perfect Mother of All that She is.

    Stay grateful for Divine Love, Child, and all else will fall into place in the play, and you will remember upon remembrance, “I am made only of Love.”

    As We all are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sensitivity to “blotches” in the Light is but a phase that some go through. Seeing the many errors of human self, and other humans, and being dismayed by them becomes a tiny thing as one learns more about the magnitude of the brightness of the Divine Light.

    Be not afraid. Whenever the small errors of thought in your own mind, or in others” minds distress you, concentrate on thinking of the incalculable Brilliance of God, of the One Source, for God IS Light as well as Love, and truly does shine away all misty dark error.

    Your eyes WILL see that, for God has declared it so, and it is already done.

    As is all Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believing in possibilities, but believing them limited, is to forget that there are no limits on the Infinite Imagination of God.

    If you feel yourself believing in limitation of Good, then ask for help in believing that all things are possible to God, in the way of “Thy Will be done.”

    As ever, with you in this, in calmness and resolve,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not Govern from far away or long ago. God Governs right here, right now, with Goodness.

    Turn to It, welcome It, receive It right here, right now. God wants your happiness, and wants you to feel Blessed to be a Blessing to all.

    Think on this, and WELCOME It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your generosity may not always be repaid by those that are its recipients, or even accepted with any overt gratitude, but God Sees. God Sees you and knows you, and will always be there for you, flowing to you all that you truly need for your mission and for your joy, from His/Her Infinite Mind Supply.

    Be not afraid, therefore, and be not dismayed or disappointed. Only be very still and attuned to God’s Infinite supply of ideas that are things and funds and love, and faithfulness beyond measure, and open your vision to receiving all that is yours.

    We are faithfully yours, and we know you are faithfully God’s,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you usually are aware of when you need to drink some water, you can be aware of when you need to stop and be still, and refill yourself with The Love that is Life.

    You may not have reached the point in your practice of truly feeling the constant conscious capacity of communing with God, but you can notice when you are a little sad, or a little mad, or even mildly irritated or afraid. Any state of thought or emotion that is not one of the delightful or purposeful Qualities of God, whether as small as annoyance or as great as rage, is an indication of needing to turn again to focusing on, and partaking of, the Source of Love that is all around you, and within you, and comprises the Good Light of your Being.

    Drink of that Soul that Holds you, Beloved. Feed from that Spirit that made you as Itself. Notice when you need It, and take time to align, and be willing to awaken.

    You can do this. It is built into your Divine Nature.

    In such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The energy of the Creative Force is always with you, and always Lovingly ready to be plugged in to fuel the creative force that is your life. What do you want to direct it to? What do you want to plug it into?

    Your thoughts are the prongs of the plug, Beloved. Direct them to the good. Direct them to the best and the giving. Direct them to the matching receiver of person or place or situation, and see the lovely energy of the Creator, through you, flow.

    The earthly realm is but a reflection of the Absolute Spiritual Good that Is, but while you still seem to have eyes to see and ears to hear, let the Faculties of the Creator help you see beyond sight and hear beyond ears, and know that the Presence and Force and Omnipotence of the Creator of Images is always, always with you and available to you. The Good Force will not itself be used for evil–Goodness onlys knows Goodness. Any sending forth of evil will only bounce back to you like a boomerang. Good creates good that is lasting, and blesses all involved. When you feel the rising of the Creative Force within you, listen carefully within to understand what Good Creation It can be directed to, whether of solution to problem, or joining in friendship or work or love, or ideas for communication, and go with the Inner Wisdom that always knows the highest and best Good for all concerned.

    You are not alone in this. Ask for Help to interpret the Inner Voice if you need to, and It will come.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Expect the unexpected, but expect it to be Good.

    Letting the pattern of your days be too familiar, too guided by expecting that what happened yesterday, or last week, to be what happens again today, is poison to seeing the new and fresh of NOW. Expect little wonders. Expect big wonders. And train your heart to see them.

    It can be done. It was done. It is done. For even now, you are within the overcoming of the world.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, We know, the headlines scream, and the beauties of the world beckon.

    But do you want to let those have power over your Serenity?

    Ponder and partake of the Sweet, Ineffable, Unchanging Great Soul that WANTS to embrace you, and Who wants to empower you with a deep understanding of the nature of Pure Good. Until you work up to being able to being in constant conscious communing, with that Unconditional and Omnipotent Love, at least soak in It for a few minutes several times a day. Think of your Self as a completely permeable membrane that fully absorbs the Substance of God. Soak in It, absorb It, Be It.

    Then, Beloved, you have open access to the Will within you to do your part against the screaming and sorrowful, and to be a part of the Joy and Beauty.

    We cannot say this enough. Feed yourself with Pure Harmony, and then play your part in the world. And feed yourself again, in Spirit and Soul, and play your part with Serenity.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new certainty in your heart, to return to whenever the lies of earth’s seeming sorrows and temptations are so strong that they would pull you in, and that is this: All the lies of earth start with the one lie that there is a dual reality. There is not.

    But so long as you believe that there is a material reality, with separate material laws, it will prevent you from believing, and thus being able to demonstrate, the full Power of the Divine Reality, with Primal Cause as the only Law. To begin to understand how to keep the consciousness completely focused within the Divine realm, while the actions dictated by the Divine are made in the virtual realm, is to master indeed the destiny that each must come to.

    Meanwhile, Beloved, hold fast to constant Listening, and remind yourself, as often as need be, whether it is every minute or just once an hour, that you are within a sacred play, and what you do and say can help bring the story to a quicker and happier ending. Listen, Beloved, to the Voice of Harmonic Love, and obey, and be Glad.

    Be inspired by how many have walked the same path, and won peace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are only poor when we forget that The Omniscient Source is ever-present.

    “Where lack of provision seems to be, there is only Thee, dear God. Open my eyes and let me see it.”

    “Where discord seems to be, there is only Divine Harmony. Thank-you for opening my eyes and letting me see it, dear Commander of All.”

    Gratefully, gratefully, gratefully, dear Child, and patiently,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each time you forgive yourself, or another, you are letting a little more of Heaven be revealed.

    Heaven is a state of Mind. Like a driver who scrapes away little streaks of a heavy frost from his windshield, and then can more easily see to drive along the road ahead, forgiving scrapes away the frost that hides perfection and joy from you.

    Forgive, Beloved. Forgive and forgive and forgive again, not forgetting to forgive yourself, and to look to the good qualities of the Source of All to fill in any hollow feeling that remains in your heart. Forgive, and let the clear view of the Good that Was Made be the Truth you walk upon, drive upon, look ahead to, and rest upon.

    Always helping you do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are asked, as you awaken from the earth-body dream, “Did you love as I have loved you? Did you express the Love that I Am?”, it is not asked in order to judge you. It is asked in order to help you focus on the moments and occasions in which you did love, to help you forget the times of unloving and the times you felt the danger of non-compassion.

    It is to help you remember that you were never really separate from the Whole of Love in which you dwell, and of which you are a part, and to realize that if you had let any of those moments of loving expand into a full realization of agape, of Unconditional Divine Love, you would have never felt apart from the Divine Source.

    You would have realized, and can realize as you are asked, that you were not, are not, and never will be separate from the Source that created the beautiful idea of you.

    Let any moment of agape expand now, and you can know it now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love yourself as God Loves you.

    All are projected from Pure Love, and DO have the ability and the resources to Love themselves and others, and to be so grateful for dwelling in the Pure Love of God.

    God Loves us so much.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Joy of Christos is my True Home.”

    Let that Truth work in your thoughts today, cleansing and sorting, like a woman would sort and pack all the objects of the house before moving to a new home.

    You may not understand, intellectually, yet, the Reality of dwelling within the Mind of God, but the intellectual understanding is not necessary for the calming and healing effect of the pure Joy of God to do Its work. Trust It, Beloved. Trust It.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You may not understand the worldly physics that explain why the sun warms you when you sit in it, and yet you can be warmed.

    Today, try to understand that acceptance of Love and Healing from the Divine do not need to be fully understood to work for you. Yes, we know and applaud your desire to more fully understand, but, meanwhile, accept the Love. Accept the Healing. Keep on desiring to grow in understanding of Grace, but give Love permission to help you NOW, and Love will not only Help, It will lead the way for your comprehension of what a constant consciousness of Divine Wholeness can do, for you, and for all the world as you see it.

    Bask in the warmth of Love, today, Beloved, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    So many pay careful attention to “self-medicating” with alcohol or caffeine or other substances or foods, trying to moderate or cease use of one thing or another.

    Can you realize and stay aware of your thoughts and attentions as a critical aspect of feeding your Soul? Each time you say “I Am”, do you finish the phrase in your heart with a Good Quality? “I Am happy to be an offspring of Divine Love”. “I Am confident that The Source gives me the Strength I need”.

    Or do you feed your thought cycle with dismal headlines and repetitions of fear? “I Am worried…I Am confused, etc, etc.”

    God is the Good. Divine Oneness offers Supportive Spirit constantly. Observe and “Medicate” your thoughts and expectations in alignment with the Harmony of the Sacred Infinite, and see the observable effects in your hours and days.

    Using the Truths of God IS effective,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You DO know what instantaneous healing feels like. If you are handed a receipt at the bank, that shows only a tiny balance, that makes your heart drop in fear, and your mind feel confused because you thought you had enough funds to cover the bills of the day, you feel suddenly completely ill. But then you notice that the account number on the slip of paper is unfamiliar. You have been handed the wrong receipt.

    And so, just as suddenly as you felt ill, you feel well again. It was a case of confusion, a case of mistaken identity.

    This is what you must realize when your body would try to claim distress and ownership over you. This is what you must realize when danger seems to loom around you. The costume you use here cannot own you. No worldly law can trump the laws of God. Remember who you really are, spirit reflecting Spirit, and meant for good fulfillment, aligned with the Mind of Love, even while an image of you walks the earth. Know your true identity, trust your Loving Source, and do not let any false bit of paper or fleshly evidence pretend to take control of you.

    Call to Harmony as yours, and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, we know there seem to be some standard rules that are true: Do not steal, do not lust rule you, etc. And we often urge you to let nothing but the Reality of God be what you live by, but we gently remind you that you always also have your constant interpreter, your constant comforter and companion, Divine Voice of Spirit, with you. Consult It each time you feel confused by the myriad of sense evidence. ASK It for help and advice when you are not sure how to interpret a situation or what golden rules to apply.

    That is what it is there for, to help you constantly, and without fail.

    Such Love,


  • Ah, Dear Ones,

    Constant prayer does not mean constant repetitions of unfelt words. It does not mean endless murmuring, under your breath, of your needs.

    Constant prayer means continual communion with the Divine Knowing in your heart. It means to be attuned to the small still Voice at all times, to have the heart open and willing to do Its bidding, to go where It says go, to say as It says say, to act when It says act.

    Be as the endless listener, Beloveds, and you will be much closer to the mark than all those who have given a thousand repetitions of a Hail Holy, but have never spent a quiet moment listening for the reply, that says, quietly and tenderly, “This way, this way, and you are on the path to home, and to Gladness, and to All.”

    Listen, O”, Beloveds, listen and listen and listen again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your awareness is only of the world, and your sight is of the eyes that seem to see physical things, you have no idea how grateful you will be to the others in your “play”, when your awareness is fully in the truth of your existence as Spirit again, in Oneness with all others.

    Believe us, you will be utterly grateful to them all, for the roles they played in your re-awakening. The friends, the enemies, the casual acquaintances, and lovers, and family of earth, the far-off politicians, and famous and unknown faces, all will be seen to be One with you in Spirit, having graciously played the roles in your course of earth.

    Move into that gratitude now, and you will begin to get a glimmer of what Oneness truly is, and your lovely, and loving, part in It. For you, too, are playing roles for others, and as you choose to take only a loving role, your perception of your play changes, too, and all becomes more loving and more revelatory, until the Truth of your being as a part of the Divine is revealed.

    We see you now, and Bless you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your faith is great enough, you can cover the deficit of another’s faith as easily as paying for the lunch of the person next to you at the diner.

    Understand this, and share it.

    And We thank you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have often said to you that you must align yourself with the Flow of Life Source each morning before you begin anything else. But we see that we must lovingly remind you of something to do even before you do that. And that is: Forget yesterday.

    Forget yesterday, with all its triumphs and woes, and focus on clearing yourself as a vehicle through which Life Force can flow TODAY. “THIS is the day that God has made.”

    When you walk into the kitchen and begin to cook up your day, the electricity that flows when you turn on the light switch is new electricity. Yesterday’s is gone. It is used up. You count on new energy flowing to that same light bulb in order to begin feeding yourself for the day. So let it be also for yourself. New today. New tomorrow. Yesterday let go of.

    Yes, we see that your feelings argue that some issues or events from yesterday must be dealt with. And so they must. But you can deal with them with today’s new energy, today’s new Love. Refresh yourself from the Infinite Source, having forgotten yesterday’s challenges, and begin again today to be grateful, grateful, grateful that It exists, and Glad, Glad, Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many in the materialistically minded world have gotten completely away from taking time each day, and a full day each week, to simply rest in the Calm of Spirit, and be fed by the Love and Wisdom of Soul. You can choose to not be one of them. You can choose to not deprive yourself of the Glory and Sweet Care that truly wants to nourish you and heal you and lead you and uplift you.

    Take the time, Beloved, take the time. As We have told you again and again in these messages, pulling in to a quiet spot a few minutes a day and communing with the Great Life Force of the Whole will change your experiences and feelings in positive ways and in wonderful opportunities that the materialistically limited mind cannot imagine.

    Give yourself that gift, Beloved. Give yourself that gift. The more urgent the outer circumstance seems, the more important, really, is the quiet time communing with the Divine Mind.

    In such Great Love,