All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask to be enabled to see and feel Harmony. Ask, and be willing to expect It and help enact It. And as It appears, in ways swift and slow, in the form of ideas, people, places and events, be grateful, be grateful, be grateful for all that is Good.

    Remind yourself continually of all the Good ideas that have come to you, and be grateful. And expect more, so that they build into complete Harmony of Heart and Soul.

    We say this often. We remind you of this often, because if you do it, it works. God does the Work if you give your work and word. Turn your heart and soul and belief over to that Gracious Giving.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Light heals and uplifts where it is welcomed.

    Human will must give that welcome. You cannot force It on another, but you can, again and again, be a loving and gentle example and demonstration of wholeness, sharing whatever good you have to share.

    Blame not yourself if others cling to their sins and their sorrows. But do not be drawn into imitating their ways. Revenge offers nothing but a tarnishing of your own hard-won shining.

    We give Love, Love, Love to you today. Share it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As yet another whom you know passes from the mortal realm, think upon the aptness of the celebration called “a wake”, for truly the soul that was slumbering now awakens. Sit beside its Golden Heart, and celebrate with It as It wakens to Joy.

    Take a moment to give praise and thanks that Its final time in the dream was full of forgiveness and truth, rather than bitterness and sorrow. Take a moment to hold Its hand as It bows from Its role in your play and bids you adieu, and be grateful for all you both learned. And then, be glad, as Gladness takes It back to Its Own Bosom, and all fears and tears are set aside, for the Peace that ever recreates Itself, again and again and again.

    This We Know to Be True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The very moment you feel annoyed with someone, ask God to Bless you by helping you see the Divine in them, and ask God to Bless them and help them shine.

    You KNOW this. Now practice it in every circumstance. You know it is your own heart that is hurt if you let annoyance eat away at you. God will guide you to a productive and Harmonious solution. God will guide All. God will lead gladly if you do not let your own human feelings trip you.

    Trust in the power of God Soul,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as the new phase of understanding begins, (for it is new for everyone, each day), relax about trying to memorize certain phrases or words or images that seemed to take you to a place of enlightenment yesterday. Yesterday’s symbols do not always apply to today.

    Truth is unchanging, and the Truth of Divine Love, and yourself as a beautiful idea in that Divine Swirl of Harmony is unchanging, but the mortal mind/ego will try to find ways of inserting doubt into the words and visions that lifted you into Understanding yesterday. Each day will bring the words and images you need, if you fill yourself from Divine Word and Presence. Therefore, let each day begin anew with a feeding of your heart from Spirit, so that you can again walk forth from your prayer closet with heart re-filled and mind re-aligned with Unconditional Love.

    And that is how we love you, unconditionally,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the days that are simple, and in the days that are filled with variety of experience and newness, the prayer of open heart to hold up to God is the same.

    “Dear God, show me Your Blessings for me, Your Plan for me, Your Understanding of my Best happiness, Your way to help me do Your Will.”

    And then truly open your heart and hands and mind, and let the Infinite show you YOUR Infinite Way.

    Receiving gratefully with you today, in thanks for all Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No betrayal or earthly victory can change the purity of what the Source shines forth.

    Ask to see it today, in yourself and others and all circumstances, and let no illusions fool you or entice you or trap you today.


    For this is Loving yourself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is truly a time and a season for every phase of the earthly play.

    Dear Child, entitled and commanded and cherished mightily by God, today say:

    “I hold out my cup of receiving to the Infinite Grace of your Love, dear God, that you may fill It to overflowing with whatever understanding and ideas and thoughts and manifestations I need for my happiness in You, knowing I am Loved, and made of Your Love”

    Amen, Beloved, amen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look around you. The wondrous invisible Good cannot be directly seen, it is true. But the effects of It can be seen. Compassion is invisible but you can see the actions It produces. Love has no color, but you can see that It has incredible strength and power when used in every situation. Forgiveness has no material dimensions, but Its reach is infinite.

    Today, Beloved, be grateful for the underlying Unseen Divine Qualities that move the earthly good that you do see around you. Focus on thinking about It, and appreciating It.

    Just as you cannot see the wind, and you do not know exactly which branches it will move, you cannot see the Infinite and how It will sway Consciousness, but you can ponder and welcome Its Goodness into your own heart, as It moves your thoughts and actions, and ask It to move well in the hearts of others.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    You are not alone. You are not alone.

    I fill your heart and make up the form and Light of you, alive.

    Just so, I am the heart and form and Life of all, born not of earthly mixture of seeds, but of new ideas of Divine Mind. And between all these forms of Light? More Light. For Mind is All.

    This wondrous year, try to comprehend this, that God is ALL, God is All, God is All.

    There is no matter. There is Light, there is Life, all woven of Spiritual form.

    All made of the Substance of Love.

    You are part of this All, a wonderful thread held on place by many Divine threads around you, never alone in the fabric of existence.

    Consistently Knowing you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Above all, there is the Infinite to turn to, to cleanse and re-shape your thoughts, which create a shared reality. We have reminded you many times to ponder the existence and Truth of the Infinite size and Presence of God. There is no shame in forgetting, and getting caught up in the delightful world, or tricked into sorrow or worry by the distressing world, but it is so good to train yourself to remember to turn to the Loving Infinite for correction of thought and attitude.

    Most worries and excesses are based on the error of thinking there is lack. Lack of connection to the Giving Divine, or lack of resources, or lack of strength or courage, or lack of love, or lack of time, or lack of wisdom or beauty or intelligence or skill, and on and on.

    But the Infinite that made and sustains you contains all, and plenty of all that is Good. Therefore, practice turning to that thought of plenty, when a worry takes hold in your heart. Step back from the worry and look at its opposite that is part of the nature of Harmony that is God, and welcome that opposite. If you are feeling foolish, ask for wisdom. If you are feeling weak, ask for the vigor of the Life Force that is God. If you are feeling unsupported in supply, ask for the generous ideas and creativity of God. And so forth. And allow the plenty, the answer to lack, to come in the way that God sees fit.

    And if you are feeling unloved, always, always ask to be able to feel the ever-present Love of God, to Whom you are so very dear. “God Loves me” is a simple and true daily prayer.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust and experience how easily the Source Voice wishes to speak to you. Choose a simple Truth such as, “I am spirit and Great Spirit takes care of my needs” (or whatever phrase or song words speak this day to your heart), and say them in your mind all the day. They will begin to change over the course of the day and you WILL realize that the Divine IS speaking to you. The phrase will morph, or a simple sense of joy or accomplishment will fill your heart, and you will know you are being heard and answered.

    A True answer from the Divine is always accompanied by a sense of Peace or Wonder or Joy. If what you are hearing is accompanied by discouragement or disparagement, go back to your original Truth and try again. There is no shame in trying again and again, because you are the Divine’s innocent and Beloved Child, and the answers and support are always extended to you, and will be until you hear them. Accept that you are Loved, and it will grow easier and easier, and you will be grateful that you listened.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    If you trust in the material and ephemeral, you will be disappointed.

    Trust in the Omnipotent and Infinite, and be fed with Joy.

    Ponder this simple truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The wonder of worshipping in a way that just delightfully releases you to an adoration of the Presence that holds you cannot be compared with any pleasure of earthly realization. It is beyond all that.

    Release to It, O’ Love. Play today with asking the Great Director to show to you that Life that you were created to emulate, to project, to reflect, to reveal. See what you See, and be Glad.

    It is easier than you think, and available to YOU,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a day for soft Trust in your heart, Beloved.

    “Align my thoughts with Your Thoughts, dear God, that I may clearly feel Your Joy.”

    As We have been saying, you do not know exactly how or where or when the High Waves of Joy will come, but if you abide in the very Ocean of Joy Itself, you will be raised up High when they come.

    Be at Peace with seeking Joy, Beloved. Be at Peace with that as your goal each day. Abide.


  • Ah Beloved,

    Choose a favorite childhood poem or prayer and ponder it today. It will have extra meaning and sweetness now, and remind you of how far you have come.


  • Dear One,

    Emotions exist in clusters or swarms like bees or ants. If one bee is present, the others are nearby. If one ant is gracing your picnic, the others are soon to follow.

    If you feel angry at something that you see in the morning newspaper, that anger will sniff out other things in your life to be angry about. It will also call to its swarm-mates and they will hover nearby to see if there is something for them to nibble at. Jealousy, and regret, and blame, and despair will crowd around to see what your anger is feeding on. Is there something there that they can eat too? Can they dig down deep into you and find something from the past that can be brought into the heat of the moment so it can swell and grow and provide enough for them all to eat? They are so hungry, the members of this swarm of negative emotions.

    Luckily for you, positive emotions exist in groups as well. When that first bee of anger comes buzzing around, or that first ant of despair, see what positive bee you can call from the positive hive. You may not be able to think of a single positive thing about that news report that set off your anger, but if you can think about the cat that you love, or look at your hand and feel so grateful that it works, then that little bee of love or bee of gratitude will call to its hive-mates to come to where there is something delectable. Honor, forgiveness, optimism, humor and enthusiasm may come flying over to be with you, as you sit and think about the small blessing of your hand and the sweet cup of tea that it holds. Focus on that bee of being grateful, and let the other emotions that live with it come to your open heart.

    If you call in that bug of joy when one bug of fear appears, or even if you call it in when the whole swarm of fears is around you, it opens the door for the rest of the joys to come. When that group of positive emotions is with you, they can also attract solutions and thoughts and actions that can help you cope with, or solve, or try to help with, or to release whatever triggered the bug of fear in the first place.

    Of course there are feelings like power, and like pride, that dwell in both hives. You can always identify which hive they are from by the other emotions that are around them. Be proud of the pride that comes with forgiveness, be welcoming of the power of love. Welcome all the joyous bees that would happily be beeside you, helping you be your Best Self.

    Your Fond Beekeepers,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ease with which the Loving Spirit of All can send Harmony into a situation will surprise and delight you, if you grow more willing to let go and trust and receive.

    Put yourself into practice doing those things, today, and be willing to receive. Be expectant of receiving. Be expectant of being Loved enough that your well being and joy are a constant Thought in the Mind of the Source.

    Ask for Harmony. Be willing to receive It. Expect It, and leave the details to God.

    All Thoughts, and therefore all things, are possible to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the Divine said to the prophet, “Walk before me, and be thou perfect,” the meaning was for the prophet to walk in front of the Divine Mirror of the Divine Eyes, and see his true self as the perfect Spirit child God knew him to be.

    So, walk thou also in front of the Divine Eye, and see mirrored there your self, and the self of any you are praying for, as the perfect, and unconditionally loved, children of God.

    Of course, the “catch” is, to look into the face of the God/Goddess, and see your true self in those Loving Eyes, you must first go to the Presence of the Divine. You must turn your attention and your focus away from the things of the world, and look into those endlessly Present and Wise, Divine Eyes within. They see you here, in the frantic dream of earth, but they cannot help you sort out the true from the false, until you willingly turn to them and ask them to show you only the truth of Infinite Being and Infinite Creation.

    Go to the Presence, and ask, and wait to be shown.

    You are the Creation. Would not you care to see the truth of It?

    It is lovely beyond words,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak to the Loving Source:

    “I am pleased that Thou art Thou,

    and I am Thee,

    for as I know that in my heart,

    Your Goodness shines as my life,

    And as me, and as all around me.”

    Let today be an affirming day of that Truth, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy available as the very fabric of Creation, if you but close your eyes and realize that It is what constitutes you, surrounds you, supports you, continues you forever.

    Close your eyes, Beloved, and feel the Love that pulses through your awareness as the very Life that you are now, and will always be. There is no way to experience this except to really STOP all else, and allow the fullness of Spiritual Reality to overcome your simple human senses, and embrace you in the curvature of Its Space of Consciousness, of Soul.

    The words here may make no logical sense to you, but just absorb them and let them float your awareness like the ocean floats your body if you relax upon it. Close your eyes. Float your awareness on the very Allness of Spiritual Reality, and It will raise your Consciousness into Love as Life.

    So wanting you to feel Our Touch,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once again, we urge you to express gratitude for each of those around you, for whatever small or great way they have enriched your life of this moment right now, right where you are.

    It is inestimatable in its effect on your own embracing of the greater love and peace that you hope for, for yourself, and for those you love and those you encounter.

    Always stay aware of this,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    As you willingly let go of your old definitions of who and what you are, and think of yourselves as rays of Love and Light emanating from the Source here and now, a new sense of Being will permeate you.

    Welcome that warm and powerful feeling and Presence, and then enjoy the awareness of liberation and the knowledge that you have so much Infinite ability to draw upon for the joy and wholeness of yourself and others.

    And praise God. And be so, so grateful.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What a wonder is the Unchangeable Love of God for you.

    Always there for you, It is ever reminding you of your true identity as child-image of Spirit, Spirit in substance, and ever-lasting, and approved of by Spirit God.

    The personalities around you may offer their temporary love or approval, or not, but all that really matters is that Unchanging Love of God, your Life Fuel. Think on that. Keep your mind on that. Let your heart be filled, and led, by that.

    Take time for that, and believe that Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you walk into the soul of another, it is not to analyze or criticize. It is to hold open the door for compassion and Unconditional Love and Harmony to come in with you, and put the other, and your self, into alignment with It.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    That which is “lost” by realizing that old desires no longer have any value for you is only what you no longer really want, or need. This time is a great leap forward in spiritual understanding and discernment. Do not think that you must throw away everything in your life, and abandon all relationships, when your Inner Voice says to let go of old ways. It is the view of their value that must shift in your mind and heart. Let the Inner Voice help you reassess what each object and place and person is in your life, from a point of view of being helpful to your awakening to your full True Self (and the awakening of the Selves around you).

    Thus, you may still find yourself in the same job or the same house or the same marriage, but with a new way of relating to those things and circumstances and people.

    Asking for, and expecting, and wanting, the Peace of the Divine Source creates a new Heaven and a new Earth for you, right where you are.

    We are right there with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing the Divine Parent/Source would withhold from you, except that which might cause you fear or pain.

    God leads to Joy, not to sorrow. Trust God to lead you to Joy, and to BE Joy flowing to you and through you to others, even now.

    We joyously see the whole you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never, ever forget to thank the Divine for all the Good given you and the Good talents and skills you have been given to work with. The sum total of all that you are, and can still play out in the wondrous bubble of time, is really God-given and God directed.

    You would not admire an actor who did not look to his movie or play director before his work for that production each day. The lines would be blown, the plot and plan and teaching go awry, the other characters would be confused, if the overseer of the creation were ignored.

    Appreciate and thank and look to, each day, the Director of the production called human life that you are in. All Goodness of it comes from God, and God Direction. If there is anything wrong and erroneous and askew within it, it has not come from God, but from human manifestation. Ask God daily for your Directions, so that the part you play is helpful and good and satisfying, and contributes to the Whole in a way that moves every soul of the Great Soul closer to complete ascension of thought, and good, clear, Light existence.

    Some of the words or phrases we use might seem nonsensical to you. Let them simply slide through the mind, and let your Heart focus on the Unconditional Love that you float within and that wants to hold you and help you and honor you through every word and scene that you play. Thank It in advance for Its Help, and expect to be led right and true.

    “Look My way” says Spirit, and means it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We see where your thoughts go, when humanness and a feeling of being separate from others, overtake your God-Given Compassion and Love.

    Have mercy on others, as you hope they have mercy for you, and as you KNOW God has shown you, and is showing you. Nip any thoughts of competition or judgment in the bud, and have mercy, mercy, mercy.

    And, Beloved, have mercy on yourself as well. The pitfalls of the human condition are not easy to overcome, We know. But with Divine Thoughts bearing you aloft, it CAN be done.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to worry about whether you are “doing something wrong”.

    Concentrate on communing with the Divine Whole each day, for some devoted time, but also as you go about your regular tasks and chores and routines. If you keep one spiritual ear tuned in to the Guardian within, then you will be alerted when you should do, or not do, something.

    And, Beloved, if you have heard an answer about a project or question—if the Source of All has essentially told you “I will take care of it”, then do not fret and keep asking. Learn to relax into trusting the Word of God, for that trust will carry you into Peace of mind and keep you there. Yes, sometimes there is a delay in seeing the earthly reflection of the Best for All, but it may not be due to what you are not seeing or completing, but due to others in the Play needing to be brought into place. When you are in a waiting or healing time, just trust, trust, trust, and keep up your end of the process by being an exemplar of Lovingness.

    We see the Goodness, We assure you it is there.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not have to prove to God that you are worthy of Love.

    God already Loves you. God already knows you as a reflection of Love itself.

    The one you must prove worthiness to is your own human mind. Make choices that stem from compassion and Love, and you will begin to believe yourself lovable and loving.

    Try it. You will like it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fear is the opposite of Love. Fear indicates you have forgotten how wonderful it feels to simply trust a Loving and Providing God, accepting gratefully and Graciously whatever Good He/She gives you.

    Remind yourself today of all the amazing ways that solutions and answers and circumstances have come into your mind and life as you have walked the earth. Think today about the many ways you have felt and are feeling Love. Let these testimonials to yourself help you let go of all fear. For when you let go of all fear, meaning that you understand with your heart that you are never separated from the Loving Source, and you never have been separated in Reality, then the healing of the fear-thoughts happens, and All is Well.

    Appreciate the Living Beauty of yourself, the Qualities that have gifted you,

    Use them, for there is nothing to fear. You are Loved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Picture a gorge through which a river flows. Sometimes, when your way seems to grow narrower and narrower, it is so that the waters of Spirit may be concentrated into the fullness of Their power. Then, Spirit can burst forth from the deep channel of the gorge, with a surge of enough Divine Force to carve stone.

    The “natural” laws of the earth may seem to be very hard stone, Beloved, but nothing can stop the waters of Spirit when they concentrate, and combine, pour over a spot that needs change.

    Relax into the depths that are being carved, and wait,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Love heals me.”

    Let that be your pure thought today. Let the Spirit and the Truth of It float you aloft like a bright balloon that has been filled for the sky.

    Do not become lost in definitions of “love” or “me”, just let the revealing of Wholeness, that is healing. work Its way with you as you clear away all thought except “Love heals me, Love heals me, Love heals me.”

    “Gently, gently, I am healed now, in Love, by Love, And Love leads me to any other thoughts I need. Love heals me continually. Love heals me. Love leads me. Love is Mine.”

    Softly now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear, Dear Father-God, show me your True and Good Creation, today.”

    “Dear, Dear Mother-God, funnel to me enough mercy and compassion and love to ignore the costumes of myself and those who seem to be around me, and see only the Good, True souls that enact the Good Creation today.”


    Darling, We have told you many times that if you do not like the play you are seeing, you must speak to the Director, and not to the characters on the stage. Remember that again today. Let go of what your own costumed self thinks it sees, and ask to see the Truth of Love and Goodness today. Be your genuine Self, as God helps you do, and you will See the genuine Goodness around you, and feel Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is with great Hope that We watch each one come to their individual understanding of Spirit, of which they are each already a part, as though a piece of a picture puzzle wondered why it has only some dots and squiggles on it, until it saw the whole painting of which it is a part.

    Understand, Beloved, our Hope is not about whether total Oneness and Harmony will be achieved. They already ARE. All is One in the only Reality that the Source ever made. But in the darker parts of the dream, unnecessary suffering and sorrow occur. Our Hope is that the time of the seeming pain can be shortened, so that each part of the Whole sooner sees its happy dream, and its perfection in the One Thought of Being.

    That Oneness of being IS already accomplished where there is no time, and the retreat into that timeless closet of thought is possible for everyone all the time. Rest in the closet of Loving Thought, deep in your heart, even as you bravely find courage to face each day of time, and to even laugh at the favorite jokes and the antics of animals and the delights of the summer fireflies.

    There in that quiet closet of thought, We always are. Ready to hold you, Love you, feed you with the water of Spirit in all Its wondrous ways.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find it hard to look with Love upon a person or thing that seems annoying or rude or even wicked, turn away and look to falling in love with God again. Whenever you let yourself fully love the Great Divine Lovingness that made all Goodness, Its Truth will help you look with new eyes at the rest of your life.

    We know you have met people who seemed short tempered and even mean, but who seemed to become compassionate and helpful and kind once they had found a life partner to love and be loved by. This same thing can help you be more loving if you consider letting yourself fall in love with God/Love again each day. It will fill and heal your heart and then it will be easier to look with compassion upon the woes of the world, and to see through them to the Good Truth beneath.

    It never hurts to be in Love with God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love made thee. Love sustains thee and Love ovates thee.

    You are made of the Love out of Itself. Your “job” is to express what you are made of. Express Love, again and again, and again, and your job is done.

    “I am made by Love and of Love and I exist in Love. Love sustains me and thanks me each time I am an expression of what It is. I express Love.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just be Beloved, today.

    Just be Beloved, like a bride or a groom

    on wedding day, think of nothing else but being joined to the Beloved.

    Just be Beloved, today.

    It feeds and sustains you, and never lets go,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Silent, deep floods of Compassion for another, and reinforcing your perception and knowledge of their True Identity as a Beloved Child of God, is sometimes better than trying to share your own stories of learning or enlightenment to help them.

    Each individual’s path of awakening and salvation and service, as a part of God-Mind, is so unique. Trust the Divine Inner Voice to help you decide when to share your own growth stories, and when to just be a silent support, an Instrument for God’s quiet Healing Love.

    Spoken advice, or bad example, can be harmful or intrusive, but Divine Love, Love, Love, sent forth as waves of God-Thought, is never wrong. God Knows perfectly well how to adjust and teach and awaken each heart of all the Rays of Light shining forth as Life.

    Trust Spirit, which is the Soul of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the phases of true prayer become more and more clear in your mind, of acknowledgement of One Divinity that embraces All, Listening to Its Voice in you, Obeying, and Being Grateful, you will release how foolish entreaty is. Waste not a moment in analyzing and trying to mentally “fix” the dream of earth—just let yourself focus on the Peace and the Joy that you wish to see manifest in the dream , for all, before the dream finally is awakened from by all. As you stay focused on those Truths of the Realm of Peace, and obey what Divine Voice whispers as your part to play in the Play, All is Well.

    Learning comes from play. Just watch any child to know it is so. Play well, Child, play well. The dream figures come and go, but the ones that are projections of God’s Thoughts are the ones that bring Deep Joy.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your own human desires confuse you, and you feel you cannot sort out which ones are true and good, and bless all, then simplify.

    Simply realize that your true desire is to feel serene and good and happy. Picture yourself thus, and pull that image into your consciousness, and leave the details of how it will occur, with faith and love and trust, in the hands of the Divine Heart that is your Source and your home.

    Why not relax into that trust today?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that when we urge you to forgive the foolish actions, and ungodly behavior, that play out on the surface level of the human dream, you think there is not enough love in you to forgive certain things.

    That is why we so frequently ask you to really ponder, and open yourself to experiencing, Infinity. When the sweet epiphany and embrace of Divine Love so suffuses your awareness, that you are convinced of Its Power and Graciousness washing away of all your own errors and ungenerous illusions, you will also have an inkling of how endless the supply of cleansing Divine Love is.

    Feeling that Living Endless Love will help you realize that there is plenty of It to overcome the errors of all, to fill all, to surround and uphold and redeem all. Offering Divine Love forth to those whom you do not humanly love does not deprive you of Love. There is Plenty of Love. It forgives, It adjusts, It teaches and reforms. There is enough Of Love Divine for all.

    There is Plenty, there is Plenty, there is Plenty of Love Divine. Offer It forth. Ask It to awaken all.


  • Ah, Greatly Beloved,

    God longs for you to see Good and Lovely Creation. Joyfully will Spirit help you see the Heavenly that is God-given around you right now. Take your eyes off the woe and be opened eyes for the Light of God,

    As the enabled Light of God shines forth from you, it is not denying the illusions that have sadly mesmerized so many It is helping dispel that darkness, so that all can stand in the Light and be so, so Glad to see Bright Creation.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are only one step removed from anyone else you see.

    And that step is God. That connection is Divine Source.

    If you use your own earth’s sun as the metaphor, each one of you is a ray of light emanating from that central Divine Source, and seeming to dance and shimmer and live. This metaphor can be used in many ways, but today We want you to ponder that your one-step connection to anyone else is through the Divine Source—the ray of Light that you are, emanating as an expression of the Great Light that is God Love, shines next to others, but shines forth singularly.

    To connect to those around you in a truly significant way, let your awareness, your Consciousness, travel back to the Source, and ask the Source to send the messages of hope, of awakening, of reassurance, of wisdom and enlightenment, and forgiveness and appreciation to that one. The One Source of All is the relay, is the connector, is the True way of communing Soul.

    The Soul of Source might whisper to you to also lend an earthly hand, or say a word of thanks aloud, or to offer assistance of information or wisdom or goods or love, but the Source Itself is what awakens the other and shifts the focus of the Light and Life that IS the ray of them. Let It do Its work. You can ask to be enabled to see rightly the awakened other, but it is the Source that re-focuses their Spirit, changes the Light of their life.

    Be willing to See it, with your own Spiritual Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No fancy words now. No memorized instructions or phrases.

    Just the clear intentions of Love, and of wanting to See and Understand your family member as God Sees him. God Sees him as all Good, constantly lit by the Light of Life, and clever and creative and strong.

    So See the bright Light of him. See the intelligent strength of him. Understand him to be fully plugged in to the mighty Force of Love, and expect that Force to maintain him and sustain him in all the ways that are good.

    Expect Good. Expect God. And trust in the Harmonious Love that rules all Infinite Reality. Your intentions to See It and expect It bring It into what you See.

    Wordlessly pray Good Intentions and Expectations today,

    And be deeply grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the same way that a child, experiencing nightmares, learns to call for his or her mother, whether the nightmares is about being chased by tigers, or about being lost in the woods, or about being bitten by a spider, so must each human learn to call for Help when in the various manifestations of the dream of earthly life.

    Whether your call takes the form of “Oh, Help me God,” or “Help me Christ,” or “Help me Mother Mary,” or “Goddess be with me,” or “Let me breathe into One Mind,” or “What would Buddha do?”, etc.,etc., does not matter. The point is to recognize that all “outward” problems are just different versions of the same dream. Whether the problem you are facing is choice of new career, or how to acquire dinner tonight, or how to smooth your marriage, or how to fix the toilet, or how to let go of the stress of the day, the first choice should be to call for the Omniscience of the Infinite Creator.

    That is why learning how to call for, and hear, that Inner Helper is more important than anything else. The illusions of the world will take many forms throughout your lifetime. But all the forms can be answered by turning to Inner Truth, instead of trying to acquire a bigger and bigger bag of tricks to solve every possible problem or success you will ever face.

    Learn to stop and listen. Learn to choose quiet resolution. The help that comes may come in the form of a human who lends you a plunger or a towing cable, but it may also come as new ideas or closed doors or unanswered phones, or an Inner whisper that says, “wait, wait, wait, until the time is right, and then go to that town, or take that test, or buy the new provision.” As one ponders the Loving Omnipotence of the Creative Force, the “problem” may dissolve on its own, or the person or idea that can help resolve it may call, or stop by, or manifest in unexpected ways.

    Look for the loving appearance of angels in various forms instead of looking at your problems,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many have their spiritual sight pointed in the wrong direction. They ask, “Is there really a God out there somewhere?”

    By their question, they reveal their need for spiritual knowledge. You exist IN the body of God, one cell among many, all perfect and unique, and all part of the Whole. You exist as the Spirit that is in the Spirit of God. You are a creative idea in the Divine Mind, endlessly loved and appreciated. The metaphors for the Truth are endless, but it means you do not have to look far away to feel and hear and realize God.

    If you live in a thing, it is already all around you and in you. In the metaphor of a fleshly body, a cell in your muscle does not need to cry out to be taken care of or to know its job. It simply lives, as its part of the Whole.

    Relax, relax, Beloved, and turn your perception inward, for the same Spirit that enlivens one cell of your body also is already enlivened in your heart. Just turn your awareness there and listen, and learn to recognize Its Voice, and do what It tells you to do.

    We are everywhere with you, too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am held together by the Invisible Love of God.”

    Just as a beautiful and sturdy stone wall built by an excellent crafter stands sturdy in gravity because of the shapes and placements of all the stones, God builds you steadily, day by day, experience by experience, in your earth journey.

    God created you perfect Spirit, and that has not changed, but Love will use each experience you choose in the earth dream to still hold you together, in a way that can stand steady and strong. Throughout, you are Spirit Lovely and Pure, and remembering that will further empower the Invisible Love that keeps you functioning and strong.

    We walk alongside you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need for searching for those to teach, or for those from whom you will learn. They are always right on your doorstep. They will always find their way into your life, as you open each new layer of your self. Simply allow it to Be.

    It is when you try to force learning that trouble seems to come. It is when you try to fit into a gift that is not the gift of Spirit that you are meant for that uncertainty reigns. Stop, and turn your face to the glow of God’s Will, that is right there next to you, and right there in you, and right there all around you. Whether your faith and your connection are coming through at a trickle, or like a gushing well, at this moment, stop and let yourself be filled. Let yourself be filled, until you completely remember, “I am already a cherished part of the Whole Divine, and I have all I need to fulfill my part, right now.”

    In knowing that you already are filled with the ideas and gifts and talents that are perfect for you, be strong. In knowing who you are, you will have the courage to grasp what is yours, and, Beloved, to walk away from people and places and times and things that are not your rightful path.

    Down to each fallen leaf, this all has been choreographed,

    Your choice is when to do your part of the dance,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    We tell you again, healing is for everyone. Healing is for everyone.

    This must be accepted in your heart. You must accept that there is a glimmer of Soul Light even in those that seem to be nothing but shadow and dust, for your thoughts create your reality, and if you want to see Heaven here and now, you cannot let the dust blind you.

    We also say again, We will help you see the Soul Lights, if you ask. Ask to see a glimmer of Goodness in any that look like only dust and shadow to you, and We will.

    We Know the day already when the dust falls away from all, and illusion falls away. Do not let it have any imaginary power in your thoughts, for it has none in God sight.

    So it is, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Those who have experienced the delightful Presence of God do certainly wish that you could feel what they feel, and have the Grace they are certain belongs to all, but they also understand it cannot be forced.

    You can experience communication with Divine Spirit yourself. You can prove to yourself that the Peace of God can be invited to rise up in your heart, and that the Help of the Comforter can be seen when you ask for inspiration and direction and aid in your worldly dream. Just ask for it, and stay open to receiving. Prove that Reality for yourself, and you will feel no more need to question the testimonies of others, or to doubt that a Loving Force wants you to feel more happiness right here and right now, as you remember your way fully Home.

    As ever,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid of changes. Your Good Guide goes with you.

    Just keep your hopes and trust on the Goodness of your Guide, and on the Happiness that your Maker desires for you, and knows to be rightfully yours, and tailor made for you.

    You have agreed to walk the Way. Cherish it. Trust It.

    Relax into that, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Those whom you are meant to help, or to be helped by, will find their way to you. The smoothest path to meeting them all, and helping one another to a higher conscience, is to listen to each moment’s direction from Divine Voice within.

    Listen, and act. Listen and act. Act with love. Act with obedience, knowing that the Greater Eye than yours is directing events, and returning with love the ones that are done with love.

    Therefore, do all things with Love, knowing that Love Itself is your witness, always.

    As are we,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thank the plants and animals that are each meal you eat. In being grateful to them you are thanking God, and that gratitude brings more bounty of Good.

    Awareness of the great cycle of sun and earth and air and people that bring the meal to you is a crucial part of the actual Grace of Oneness that sustains your Life.

    Do you pause to say thanks and know your Host in Heaven is God?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are feeling a deep hesitation about a course of action, you know that that it means you need to quietly listen to your Inner Wisdom some more before proceeding. Immerse yourself in Loving Silence, or in an atmosphere of slow prayer or meditation, and listen for and feel that Inner Guidance.

    Thus will you find out the reason for the hesitation, or understand that the timing is just not right, or be given the courage to proceed past the human fear that might be keeping you from moving forward. Many times, you will unearth a new idea that is the much better one.

    And do remember that there are occasions when the Divine asks you to forgo something because with Its Omniscient Sight, It knows It is preventing you from having an experience of human pain.

    Trust the Loving Intent of God for you, Child. Trust It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep it simple, but keep it fresh.

    If a simple prayer like “God Loves me completely” helped lift your thoughts yesterday into a lighthearted Consciousness, do not assume it is a magic formula for your needs of today’s inspiration. Be still, and quiet each and every morning, until you discern the phrase you can be inspired by that very day, that very hour.

    “There is nothing to cure, God is sure of my Wholeness already, now.” Perhaps that is today’s phrase of focus. Or maybe it is closer to “God’s regard of me is always tender and patient.” Whatever will help you affirm your Divine identity as Beloved Child of God today, God is ready to offer you. Just be receptive, and open, and listen.

    It is easier than you may think to be in constant communion with the Spirit of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The God-Force can and does heal the afflicted. When you have immersed yourself in hearing and listening for the Words and Thoughts of the Force Divine, but still have moments of doubt, take time to OBSERVE the healings of those around you, as well as reviewing the healings you yourself have experienced in bodily form, by trusting in the Grace of God.

    Observe, believe, and trust. And, O’ Child, give thanks, give thanks, give thanks. Be grateful to the Good Mind that holds you, loves you, cares for you, as though you were Itself, for you ARE Itself, in quality and in Holy Name.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    We urge you, this day, (and all days), to stay focused on the everpresent Good that lives in your heart of hearts to help you. If your thoughts try to stray to the past, whether for good or ill, or if your daydreams or fears of the future try to derail your hours, return the focus to the wondrous day you stand in right now.

    And if the day itself seems fraught with worldly concerns, focus on the Grace and Beauty of each moment. Focusing on the gratitude, for even the tiniest thing, or feeling, or glimmer of God, opens the heart and lets the Power of Grace stand with you like a mighty Angel with wings that hover over you with protection and lift you up into inspiration. Trust the idea of Angel that walks and flies with you. Trust the inner Angel of your Self, and know how very much more than a body you really are, connected to all that is Good and Powerful, and True.

    We are all with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are “I Am” and I Am is what we are.

    Use this Truth today, and look upon each thing you see and person you meet as another face of yourself. Go so far as to tell yourself, “I am that person, I am that stone or tree or leaf in the light”, and remember, remember, remember that All is One, and treat It accordingly.

    This simple thing, if practiced consistently, will change all things you experience,

    In Utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you regret it, God has already forgiven it.

    Give yourself gentle Love today. God does.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The unchanging Love of God that is the True Source of all of your feelings of Wellness of Body, mind, and spirit, CAN be taught and practiced. Are you open to learning It and practicing It? Are you teaching It to your children?

    Yes, yes, God Will do, and has done already, what God Wills, to reawaken the sleeping ideas of Its Mighty Creation to their Wholeness as a part of Soul, but you can help speed up the process within the dream of time by participating in valuing and cherishing the Life of Full Consciousness more than anything else. “Awaken all, dear God, Awaken all!”

    Dashing about after fleeting prizes or titles will not satisfy or keep Whole the joyous and well and complete individualized Soul that you are. O, dear Beloveds, do focus today on truly prizing that “pearl of great price” that is seeking, and knowing, and living within, the utterly Tender Love of God.

    All Good comes from that, and We know you want to see more Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, again, practice praying without words. True Communion with, and letting flow of, the Divine Understanding of what you are, and what your life is, and what the lives of all those around you are, is without words. The Divine Knowing of all of you is a deep Knowledge of Beauty and Order and Goodness.

    Relax into that today. Relax into affirming that God/Goddess/ Divine Source Knows Best, and will guide you. Remind yourself of this Truth anytime in the day that your human mind or tongue try to jabber. Go back into the Wisdom of Deep Silence and agree to allow that the Divine Source Knows Best.

    It is a privilege to be allowed to see Its Show. Be grateful that you are allowed to watch It.

    Sitting by you, walking with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know full well that each one finds his or her or their own way, as led by God’s tender Oversight of the awakening of each reflected, and shining, facet of Soul Divine.

    But stay alert, Beloved, for when you ARE the vehicle for the Voice or the gentle or urgent nudge of God. If you clearly discern the Voice of Love instructing you to say a Spiritual word to someone, or to give to them or your testimony of healing, or of the Wisdom of One Mind, or other direct action, then obey, obey, obey.

    Obey when you are led to share Love in Its many forms, above and beyond being the silent daily example of letting Love be simply the way you live.

    It can happen anywhere. Stay alert, and hearken unto that still Voice.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not forget the basic need. It is to remember that you are within, and sustained by, the Mind of Creation. Practice knowing that, practice feeling that, and you will always be able to turn to that Truth, for yourself and for others.

    Of course you do not fully understand the Creator. That does not matter. If a child, or a farmer, digs a channel in the dirt to funnel water away from a spot or to a spot, the dirt does not need to “understand” the water in order to be able to carry it, or direct it to where it is needed. The child, the farmer, and the dirt just need for the water to act like water, to be itself.

    Just so, without understanding God completely, you just need to let God act like God. Believe us, He/She will. Always, and for everyone and anyone, God will be, and is, God. Just dig a channel through the dirt to where it is needed, keep the channel of dirt clear, and receive the flow.

    Always helping you dig,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sweet obedience of actually enacting the ideas God gives you is the means by which more wonderful ideas will flow to you.

    When you have an idea come to you, and it feels right and good and exciting in a calm and perfect way, then it is an idea from the Divine Self of you. Act on it, trusting that the people and resources and information that you need to make it work will fall into place as well. Let it all come together in God’s timing, but be willing, willing, willing, Beloved, to act when God says to act.

    What God asks you to do may be unfamiliar, or seem beyond your skills, but nothing is beyond God, Child. Ask for God’s Help, and let nothing deter you. Let nothing deter you, especially your own doubts about whether God wants your happiness. God does want happiness for one and all. For as they awaken to their innate happiness, all are Blessed and know it.

    You have more Helpers around you than you can imagine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know you have felt the Vast Arms of Disembodied Love embracing you and lifting you into Higher Thought. There is absolutely nothing that has any power to prevent you from feeling that all the time.

    Although sometimes you have felt that feeling when assisted by a prayer partner or meditation teacher, or when in highly intense moments of celebration or of complete openness to Help, you CAN feel that supportive feeling all the time. Just practice doing so. Do not practice in a strained way. Just stay open and inviting to welcome that embrace all the time.

    This practice is NOT of the “no pain, no gain” variety. It is the opposite of that. It is the Joyous realization that in every moment you can choose to have the extra bonus of living in a deeper and Higher Love.

    Take that extra Joy into the day with you, Beloved.

    Accept It. It is yours,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    If you can but completely realize who you really are, spirit reflecting the One Spirit, beloved child of Love Itself, you would feel healed and whole, in body, circumstance and purpose.

    Feel this today. Be silent as much as possible, and know the simple truth within, “I am a child of the Most High.”

    And know that it is true for others as well, accepting and loving the core soul of them, even if that soul is covered in tatters and rags of error. Know it for yourself, and know it for all, “We are children of the Most High, and Beloved.”

    “Guide us all to Goodness, show us our truth, O”God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whatever the circumstances are, that seem to challenge you in the earthly realm, God is bigger than them. Indeed, where those circumstances SEEM to be, God already IS.

    Ponder this. Think about the fact of God being right where anything else seems to be, like the truth of a road existing beneath the shimmering mist that makes it look like the road is flooded out. Focus your attention on the Infinite Goodness of Truth that is under the mirage, and be Glad, Be Glad, Be Glad that you have been taught the Truth of Goodness being All in All. Be Glad that you know that God is everywhere, and lovingly available to you, if you but give your attention and willingness to It. God IS the Principle of Harmony that governs all, beneath the mirage of earthly discord.

    We know It governs our every word,


  • Ah, Child,

    You can play with finding different paradigms through which to understand Spirit, but if you study one of them long enough, or all of them enough, you will find the same Truth at the core of them all. The true choice that needs to be made in the heart of your awareness is not about which method of enlightenment or which religion to use, but to choose Spiritual Understanding or material and intellectual understanding. They do not mix.

    They do not mix, and so long as you cling to one, you cannot totally realize the other, any more than oil can know water.

    The Water of Spirit is right beside you. Take the plunge.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The seed of Truth is planted in you already. It is the seed of your best destiny, and of your best way of experiencing peace and joy, and of helping those around you do the same. It is the Voice that will direct you, and nourish you, in your growing, like water helps the tiny black speck become the bush that becomes the rose.

    Each person that falls into the earth dream is a seed planted. Whether you let your seed sprout after three days, or after three weeks or three decades is up to you. Turn on the spout of that inner water of Life, that inner Voice that will guide your growth, and sprout and thrive you will. Let your consciousness be one of thriving, of being “well-refreshed” and “well-watered”, and stand aside and watch your own sense of truth and gladness and appreciation grow.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continue asking Me what use you may be to Me each day, because you Love Me.

    Continue reaching out to give a word, because even if it is only for one person that day, it enriches that one and therefore enriches you, and therefore affirms the Completeness of Me.

    Continue, continue, continue expressing the Best of yourself within Me, for in that way, even while doing tasks and fulfilling obligations, you can be joyous and free.

    Each day and each moment bring new chances to quietly shine with the Still Light of the Source of your Living. Continue, continue to Shine.

    Strong in you; use My Strength,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a certainty in your heart that you have given the Divine a chance, each day, to tell you what It wishes of you that day.

    It will ALWAYS wish that you would Love It and let yourself be Loved and express that Love to others, but if there are also actions to take, words to say, inspirations to hear, you need to give It a chance to speak. You need to listen.

    Listen today, O’ dear Love. Listen today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not lose sight of the fact that Our Purpose in sending these messages, which come through the inefficient symbolism of words, is for you to be exposed to the Presence behind them—to feel suffused with the Ineffable Omnipresence of Love.

    We want you to know, and feel, and see repeated again and again, the Truth that Unconditional Love EXISTS, and is All-in All, and IS the substance of what you really are. The more often you read about Divine Soul, the more frequently you experience the moments of insight into the nature of God, and the infusion of epiphanies of Infinite Joy into your day—all these elements of exploring Soul Truth will help you remain uplifted into the deep conviction that only God is Real, and that all things are possible to God, to Spirit.

    So, ponder these words, but feel the Presence, feel the Love, feel the tender dedication to the awakening of the Soul Life of you that prompts them.

    You are Love, you are Love, you are Loved. Believe It, for you need It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give Joy to someone else and your Joy will be magnified.

    Give comfort to someone else, and you will feel comforted. Give forgiveness to someone else and you will feel forgiven. Recognize that another did not realize what they were doing when they misbehaved, and you will better recognize when you are tempted.

    Give Unconditional Love, so far above human love, to another, and you will feel Unconditionally Loved. It is an intimate dialogue with the Spirit of God, and worth it. In fact, it is worth All.

    We minister to you right now, feel it.


  • O”, Yes, quickly, quickly, be willing to be the first to bring peace and love, into a home, or a situation, or into a conversation, or to a person. Be the one who is willing to take blame, even if no cause for blame exists in what you have said or done. Be the one to bring love and tenderness into the angry shouting. Be the one with the Presence of Mind to tell a joke when tensions feel as though they could cut skin.

    What does it take? It takes humility. It takes the humility to be called a name that you are not, and to recognize that taking on blame or loss or punishment in a world where those things only seem to be real, is to be willing to be used as a vehicle for the Love of the Source to enter the world. It is the humility that reveals the true strength, of knowing who you are in the Source, and not caring what you may seem to be in the shifting play of shadows.

    Be strong enough to be humble, Beloved, and win.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gloriously formed of Love and Spirit, in the Mind of the Infinite, you dance and shine. All that your essence of Soul portion needs for merger and expression exists with you in Perfect Creation.

    Do not fall into the sad dream that you do not have access to all that you are. Where you dwell in Perfection, all that your Consciousness needs for full Love is right with you. Ask the Infinite Source that you be clearly led to what you need for expansion of Self, or to draw It to you. Have confidence that the Great Consciousness supports the Truth of you in every way.

    You are asking as Spirit, you are receiving and giving as Spirit. Claim your deathless identity as Spirit, and you have your passcard to being Aware of the Limitless You.

    Reach for the feeling. The Knowledge comes along.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In a world full of distractions and temptations and mis-directions, it is so very easy to forget who you really are. It is so common to veer between human joy and human sorrow, between inspiration and despair. It is so easy to forget you are truly a wondrous child of Light and Love, with the ability to choose to create and see Good, to see Spiritual Truth.

    Child, if you work in the ways of the world, although you are born of the delight of God, then it is no surprise that those polarities of the earthly ways pull you back and forth. Then, turn to God to be reminded, “I am a Beloved and wondrous offshoot of a Loving Mind.”

    And if you are so wrapped in human emotion that you cannot quiet your thoughts enough to hear God’s Voice, ever-present within you, then there is no shame in turning to someone who practices hearing God constantly, and asking to be reminded who you are. It is no weak crutch to turn to inspirational song or word, to be jolted out of the worldly mesmerism, and let a phrase or lyric awaken you to the remembrance of being the very Substance of Love Unconditional.

    Be not too proud to know when you need reminding that the very nature and force of Love is Good, and that It is your true inheritance.

    We love to help you remember, and can speak through your friends and ministers to you, if you ask in the name of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    An Omnipotent God-Force, within which you dwell as Created Spirit, has no trouble reaching you if you are willing. If some form of “Thy Will be done” is always in your thoughts or feelings, then God can easily get through to your thoughts and feelings with Comfort, with Support, with Solutions, with Love and Loving Ideas.

    If that “thy Will be done” does not rise easily to your heart and mind, then it is probably because you do not fully believe in the Goodness of the Divine All, or of the Divine Desire for your happiness. If mis-taught fears of God, or beliefs that God creates tragedies and harm, lurk in your being, work on reminding yourself that God is Good, and that you want your Life to shine with Good God Qualities.

    Trusting God’s Goodness means it is easier to float on a faith of “Thy Will be done.”

    Letting go of your old human plans, allowing, “Not my will, but Thy Will be done.”

    One Loving Light is always ready to shine as you, as all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel as though every friend and/or resource has left you, and you hear yourself thinking, “I have nothing left but God,” REJOICE!

    You have nothing left but the omnipresent, omnipotent Being that is Life and Love and Truth? Ha! Let yourself have the joy of laughing at your own thoughts, for in them is a childlike wisdom. You have nothing left but the very Thing you should have turned your thoughts to in the first place, for you yourself ARE a Thought in the wondrous and creative and delightful Infinite Mind of God/Goddess/All That Is. You have nothing left but EVERYTHING!

    Celebrate, Beloved, and know that as you realize that your only true dependence is on That Omniscient Source, be at Peace, and be glad of all that took you to that awareness. It is a reason for a party, not for sorrow. Choose to know that, and be fully and wonderfully Alive, as Spirit, as Child of God, as Joy incarnate.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you find out that a friend of yours is color blind, or perhaps sees the energy auras that surround the visible body, you realize that that friend sees you in a completely different way than you see yourself.

    Beloved, God-Spirit Sees you with the eyes of Love, and only with the eyes of Love. God-Spirit Sees you as an expression of All Good Spirit, in Its own image, Spirit of Spirit, and perfectly lovable and capable and expansive of Compassion. If God sees you this way, you can begin to think of yourself in this way also. Strive to think of the wonderful Qualities of God you express, each day, and begin to See yourself as God Sees you. As you do so, the human qualities that are not God-like will fall away, washed off by the Truth.

    For God knows you to be delightful.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As before, we remind you of something. Soften your heart by remembering, and being grateful for, all the times you have been forgiven, and taught, and grown in honor and goodness. How many times would you have ended up with someone angry at you, or been fined or jailed, or ostracized, if other people had seen what you did, or errors you made? It is summed up in the old saying, “There but for the Grace of God go I.”

    You need to remember this, not to shame yourself, but to be grateful, and gentle, and willing to forgive others their moments of weakness or transgression. You need to remember this so that you can sincerely say in your heart and mind “Do I want to see this person punished, or sad, or do I want to see that person healed and enlightened?”

    This is especially important with people who are close to you, whether at work or play or family, because if they are healed of the false ways of thinking and dis-ease that have landed on their Pure Souls, then they become better companions, spouses, and friends to you. Just think what a glorious earth experience it would be if all could display just their normal God-given honor and goodness and honesty, instead of fearful and alone behaviors!

    Think about this, and choose how to feel. Vengeful, or forgiving?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So much busy-ness around you. So much busy thought in your own mind.

    Consider how very glad you are when one of the people you love takes some time to be with you and appreciate you and express affection. Think about how grateful you feel to get to spend time with a lover or relative or friend or old connection from long ago. The communion and exchange with that person make life seem good and real, instead of just a series of tasks and days.

    Beloved, multiply that feeling of good humor and love shared, and know that this is how God feels as well. God is so very delighted when you actually take time to spend with Him/Her. God is so very ready and open to extending supreme Love to you when you turn away from your busy thoughts and turn instead to simply being quietly with God.

    Slow it down, Beloved. Turn to telling God your love, and feel the absolute Love embracing you in return. It does not need to be in a certain building or within a specific ritual or accompanied by exact words. Whether walking or touching leaves or sitting still with your eyes closed or bouncing a ball in the sport that is a favorite to you, just turn your thoughts to God, and say “I Love You”.

    God will hear. God always hears, and is thrilled you are taking time to know your Oneness within the Light of Spirit.

    To make this part of every day and hour completely changes your life,

    Make it part of your experience, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Witnessing Truth being demonstrated, against your learned understanding of the “natural” laws of the world, is not a game that God plays, or a titillating trick to impress or awe. It is just a Loving response to the need of a child. It is the giving of competence where knowledge is lacking, just as you would gladly give your own son instructions in how to light a fire when he is cold.

    Expect that Loving response, in return for your own trust, and know that it is given, freely, even before you give your thanks.

    But be grateful so that gratitude will bounce back to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For the seed that grows in strange ground, and may be trampled by the way goers unaware, trust that the Good Gardener can transplant even the rarest of flowers.

    Gently, gently, even the blossom of most delicate form, or of slightly variant hue, can be moved, by the Hand of Harmony, to where it will best thrive and add to the beauty of the great Bouquet.

    Carrying it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Stay, today, with that simple visual—you are standing on a foggy Globe, and the Divine Helper hands you a new pair of glasses that enable you to see through the fog. Suddenly, a whole new world shines forth to you, full of examples of goodness and honesty and love and charity.

    And you are part of it.

    Keep those holy glasses on today, Beloved. Keep them on and see what you See.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps with your heart, and with your intellect, you accept that there is a Loving Force in charge of the state of Mind that is Heaven.

    But have you really accepted that the Omnipotent Love, that is all, is also in charge, therefore, of what seems to be a separate little planet with woes and chaos and ephemeral matter? There is no place separate from the Omniscience of God, Beloved. What rules All really rules All, Beloved, including the mortal thoughts that seem to create a separate reality. Give over to It, Beloved. Feel relieved to surrender to It, Beloved. Be at one with the Will of God, and feel a part of something Joyful and Grand. It is the great Joining, Beloved, of your thoughts with God Thoughts, and in that joining all sense of separateness dissolves.

    What complete relief!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Cultivate the kind of friends, and a Spiritual Community, who, when hearing of any challenging current life circumstances, do not give you their human opinions. Instead, in compassion and wisdom and love, they ask you, “What is the small, still Voice telling you to do?” They will softly inquire, “Is Holy Spirit, with Its strong Arms of Love, and wide, resourceful, Infinite Being, comforting you or celebrating with you?”

    If you are not near worldly friends or community just now, then go directly and ask of the Unseen Community of Love, “Help me. Help me solve, help me joyously receive, help me understand and know and act.” They are there for you. If you ask, and if you listen, and if you trust and feel, you will discern the wonderful Guidance that Loves to be with you and assist you, always.

    We are with you in whatever way you can comprehend,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turn over control to God.

    Every time you feel distressed, or seduced into thinking that temporal pleasures can fully satisfy, you have let humanness take control again.

    Turn over control to God. There is no limit on how many times you can do this. God is infinitely present, glad and willing and able to give, give, give to you what you already are in His/Her Eyes, perfect and Good.

    Turn over your thoughts to God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the variety of the lure of worldly thought tries to fool you into worry or attraction, let yourself have the time and space to check your feelings against the steady calm wind of God-Love in your heart.

    The steadiness of God-support never changes, and if you take a few moments to lean into it and be held up by it, like a sailor leaning into the wind, and you notice that you are feeling either too excited or too fearful to be gladly accepting and receiving those few God-support moments, then you have likely fallen for the lure of the illusory world. Let it be the signal to you to slow down, reconsider and re-center, and then look at the situation or the options again.

    Once you are filled with the stately Love of the Divine, you can look again at the earthly pleasure to be enjoyed, or the earthly fear to face and overcome, but you can do so from that grounded and measured and peaceful middle road.

    Remember, Divine Spirit wants you front and center, from where you can see clearly, with God’s point of view,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let go of what you think would make you happy, as defined by physical circumstances and objects and people and funds. Turn your thoughts and the feelings in your heart over to contemplating Calm Joy, and Divine Orderly Progression. Contemplate, and feel grateful for, the very fact that Grace and Joy and forgiveness exist.

    If you can discipline yourself to do this for even a few minutes several times a day, you are well on your way to opening your earthly experience to True Happiness, and then on to the Infinite Happiness that already belongs to you, as a Spiritual Child of the Spiritual Creator.

    A few minutes given several times a day. Not a high price to pay for a radically positive change in your outlook and experience. We know that your outer, worldly bound “ego” self will fight this—listing excuses of tasks that are urgent or loved ones that must be cared for. Six minutes a day taken away from those things will not hurt them in any way, and the benefits you will derive from the Divine Love and Strength that pour to you from those six minutes will far outweigh what you spend in time.

    Believe us, Love, and let yourself be freed from your own chains,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many times we have used the phrase “best destiny”, when speaking about the choices you face in earthly life, or the prayers you say when facing those choices.

    Now, you are ready to ponder this more deeply, and understand that there truly is only one “True Destiny” for each wonderfully conceived idea of God. God’s Truth for you IS your Destiny. As your own human self-concept moves closer to a deep surrender to the prayer “Thy Will be done”, this will become apparent.

    All the alternate destinies that seem to be enacted in the earthly mirror are but rehearsals and shadows of the Truth that you ARE living, are Being, within the gracious Mind of God. Like children playing in the sandbox, the imaginary housekeeping and working in the piles of dust are left behind when the Mother/Father calls the children to Home in the heart.

    “Allow me to see my Destiny as you have conceived it, dear God.”

    In the dear Kingdom of Pure Consciousness, you are already there,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you mistakenly thought that 2 plus 2 was 3, you would quickly retrain your mind to the truth of 2 plus 2 is 4.

    O, Dear One, please retrain your mind also to know that there is no place and no moment when the Good God that wants your happiness is not ready, able and willing to help you. Ask for it, know God as Good, and trust the Joy that comes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be at Peace.

    When help has been asked of you, and you have silently and sincerely appealed to the Higher Orders for assistance in seeing and sharing the Goodness of the Divine Path in the situation, you have done your job. Listen for, and watch for, the work and word of Divine Spirit, and rest in the Truth of that ever-present help. It shall come, because it already has come.

    The timeless space within the wheel of time has always been enacted, and nothing that you do or don”t do can change the beautiful solution that has already been found for the re-embracing of each soul-awareness that thought it was separate and lost.

    Be at Peace, we say again, and know the job is done.

    We are always praising, in your name, even when you forget, for a moment, to do so,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    As you see the pattern, in your own journals and own lessons, of how long it takes the human heart to learn a truth, let it give you compassion for others in their struggles, and for yourself in the other truths that still challenge you. And, let it put you into a mind-set of gratitude, that chances to learn the truths of Life will be given to you over and over and over, until you have learned them.

    You have seen the heartbroken look on the face of a child when he finds out that he will not be given another chance to pass the test that would have let him into the club he wanted to join, even though he had a terrible bellyache on the day he had to take the test. Be not heartbroken, and be not afraid, for to join in Awareness of God, you are given endless chances to re-test yourself, and endless Love to support you while you do it.

    We are there, we are here,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Presence of Divine Spirit is always with you, for you are within It and an extension and expression of It.

    It WILL let you know when It wants you to speak or act, once you have learned to stay in tune with It, like a violinist that has been played the right note by the lead violin. And then you can reach out, with word to a human who has gotten so “busy” he has forgotten to stop and listen to God’s Guidance. And then you can reach out to one who has fallen under the illusion of sickness, and affirm to her that she is whole and good image of God, and that the healing Spirit stands ever ready to flush away her illusions with Love.

    Stay in tune, Beloved. Be the messenger. Be the transparency. Let God sing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a certainty that you should be aware of when all the chaos of the worldly dream seems to mask the beauty of Creation.

    Good exists. Only Good really exists, and God, Good, always hears you. When you appeal to the Law of Harmony to make Itself visible to your earthly eyes, make sure your Spiritual Sight is open. For It is your Spiritual Sight and faith that makes your Divine Heart able to clear your worldly sight, and focus your perceptions.

    Remember that worldly sight can seem to betray you, and that you should always call, within your Heart, for Good Spirit to inform you what It knows of the circumstance and you and the others involved. And trust that It always hears you, for It does.

    It will help you Understand, It will help you See, It will help you perceive Goodness again. Delight in that Goodness, delight in Its Willingness to play the dream game while you finish awakening, and are truly able to See again.

    We See you lovely and lovingly, lovable and loving. Share that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When someone with a broken human heart approaches you for comfort, let the Love that never fails flow through you to that one’s heart.

    Silently, consistently, like unto like, Love is Itself always.

    “I am made of Love. Soul-Spirit alone is what I am, Loving and always Lovable. No human temporal emotion can fool me into thinking I am anything less. Love will always and has always Loved me, and that is True, and enough, right now. I am Complete in Love.”

    Turn to that Spirit of Love, Spirit that you are, for inspiration and sustenance and purpose and desires, yes, but above all turn to it for Unbroken Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A crucial part of claiming God’s desire for Joy for you is admitting that you cannot reach that Joy without help from the divine Source. Surrender to Its Governance, and It will Help you overcome the things you do not want to be, and the behaviors that you do not want to let flow from you. With Its Help, you can be more true to your Good Self, and become open to the Gladness of Living that is your rightful heritage as a Divine reflection, rather than a fear-driven animal self.

    The Help is freely given, if you ask,