Ah, Beloved,
The Divine has put Its truth in many, many places. It is nestled in old fables and tucked into children’s stories. It is in scripture and in poetry. It is in scenes from movies and in newsclips of heroic actions. It is in the very movement of the clouds and sun, and the turning of the seasons.
Wherever you see the Truth, Beloved, take it and tuck it away in your memory. If you are reading a story to your children and a line touched the harpstrings of your heart, copy it down to ponder later. If you keep hearing in your mind a line from the scripture of your childhood, scribe it onto a slip of paper. If you are reading a book and a sentence seems to light up in gold before you, or a paragraph in a newsletter so grabs your attention that you must read it again and again, copy it down.
Armor yourself with these things, for they are the anointing of Divine Love upon you. They are the entry stamp to walking in the Divine Arbor with God. When you are armored with a Word in your pocket or the picture from a film in your mind, and your beset by doubts or memories of old failings, then pull forth that word again and let it replace the negative thing. When you feel that you have lost the sense of abiding with the Divine, look at the scene of triumph, again, in your mind, or read and reread that paragraph that reminds you that you are a Beloved child of the Whole.
These Truths are seeded everywhere, Beloved. It is only up to you to use them, to pick them up and plant them in your mind and heart, so that they will thrive and grow, and be indeed that armor that fits you perfectly Take them, plant them, tend them again and again, until they fill you, and cover you, and protect you completely. Then, it is hard indeed for the weeds of life to take any root in your days, or for the winds of the hours to ruffle the calm peace of your countenance, or to take your eyes away from the Spiritual World.
Choose your armor, and do not forget to USE it,
Ah, Beloved,
You have seen that when you have obeyed the call of your heart to give up something, with Divine help, that you have wished you could give up for years—such as an addiction to cigarettes, or to gossip, there is a great relief in your spirit and heart and mind.
Even so, when God/Goddess calls in your heart for you to give up something that you, as human self, believe you still want in your life, there will be relief in your soul if you obey. For giving the small will to the Greater Will involves not only the bad habits of the small will, it also involves what seem to be some of the “good” habits. Meditate on what you hear in your heart, and let your imagination console you by flights of vision that let you see what else the Divine might have in Mind for you, if you give up that cherished item, or relinquish that pleasing afternoon that you spend in a certain activity each week.
If you would say “Let not my will, but Thy Will be done”, and mean it, there can be no limits. Trust It.
The Greater is more Beautiful than you can know with your mind,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to convert anybody to anything. There is only the need to correct your own thinking to Thinking, and therefore you own sight to Sight, that each and every one is already a perfect being, a perfect Thought in the Mind of Creation.
Let yourself walk through this day today in this way, seeing that each one is already observed and declared Good in the Mind of God. You will be looking past the atom-mist of their bodies and Seeing the Light and Love they are truly made of, as are you.
It is a Blessing. Count it as such.
Love, Deeply,
Ah, Beloved,
A teacher who is presented with a child that has been challenged in being able to master the basic facts of letters or numbers rejoices each time that student gets even one word spelled right, or one addition problem solved correctly. That good teacher so tenderly praises the child, and so gladly and proudly counts all the correct knowledge that the child exhibits.
The child responds to that gentle and loving response, and new knowledge builds up, until the child can cope with all the tasks that will be important for him or her. And, above all, that child feels appreciated, and enhanced, and smarter, and more eager to shine with the beauty and goodness that the teacher has noticed and respected and encouraged.
Just so, of course, does your Divine Teacher Love and Celebrate each new layer of Truth that each person understands and “gets right”. As each individual learns to remember all the time “I Am Love”, “I Am made of Love and I reflect Love, so that I can walk and talk with God through the garden of Life each day,” the Divine Guide rejoices, rejoices, rejoices.
No one is too dumb to know God. Begin where you are, and the Teacher will help you, and ALL whom you know.
It is already done in the Mind of God, Beloved. Trust that.
Ah, Believer,
Being a believer in the power that can come through you to sustain and maintain your life and well-being is one of the most important parts of your ability to use it to help yourself and others. Whether you call that power “The Greatest Good” or call it God or Goddess or call it the Loving Force or the Goddess does not matter. Names used by the human mind do not change the nature of the Source. It has created what it has created and all that it has created is good.
It is your job to take your focus away from your human power to “solve”, and focus instead on that power that can flow through you to solve in a better and brighter way for all. The Voice of that power is waiting within you to speak and to help you flow with its current. Won”t you listen? Won”t you believe it can flow through you? Haven”t you tried your skinny, inadequate extension cord for long enough? Isn”t it time to try the one the will truly carry the greater current, and give you all the power you need?
Beloved, we would see your lights be bright,
Let yourself believe,
Ah, Beloved,
Remember, you are only requiring to be able to see what has already been accomplished. It is asking to have your perception lightened, your eyes opened, amen.
Ah, Beloved,
Those who have experienced the delightful Presence of God do certainly wish that you could feel what they feel, and have the Grace they are certain belongs to all, but they also understand it cannot be forced.
You can experience communication with Divine Spirit yourself. You can prove to yourself that the Peace of God can be invited to rise up in your heart, and that the Help of the Comforter can be seen when you ask for inspiration and direction and aid in your worldly dream. Just ask for it, and stay open to receiving. Prove that Reality for yourself, and you will feel no more need to question the testimonies of others, or to doubt that a Loving Force wants you to feel more happiness right here and right now, as you remember your way fully Home.
As ever,ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to admit fear, so as to examine it. Realize that you are feeling it, and then step back into the strength of the Divine Force that maintains your consciousness, and hold that fear gently in your awareness, and bathe it with Love. Let it melt away like a thin icicle would melt away in the summer sunshine.
Know, always, that you would not be asked to do anything, by the small, still Voice within, unless you were given matching courage and means and wisdom to accomplish the task, or the partnership. Bathe in Deep Love, and take your ease in it, and let fear be washed away, and THEN move forward with your day, and all days.
As ever, yours to call upon,
Ah, Beloved,
Keep your awareness on the light, and in the Light.
Like a driver, carefully and SLOWLY driving through the fog, in just the circle of light that his fog-lights illuminate, keep your focus on the Good.
Do not seek problems. Do not look for troubles to fix. Rather, look to the good. Think upon beauty and joy. Seek the word of Love in your heart. As it whispers encouragement to you, follow it, follow it, follow it, and, like the driver, you WILL come to clear road again.
Ask more fog lights to be with you, and we will,
Ah, Beloved,
There IS a deeper and Glorious Reality that exists, underneath what your human sight and fearful or anxious human feelings can discern. Focus on that. Ask for Divine Help to feel It and perceive It. Practice It as a new form of understanding.
We understand how hard it is to truly forget, or accept and forgive, some of the situations that have caused such human pain or confusion in your life, and the lives of others. But to remain focused on those, and be concerned about only them reoccurring, is to sentence yourself to more of the same, and to deprive yourself of the new Joys that abiding in God’s Deep Love and calm Purpose can provide. Look to the Good. Have trust that work for, and revelation of, the Good is occurring. Be a participant in that revelation of Good as the normal that all want to live.
New pleasures arise. New satisfactions are developed and understood and pursued. There is not a single individualized part of Soul, each and every human, that is not offered a Wondrous way of Being by the Soul that holds and cherishes all. Let go, let go of the small ways of tiny and fleeting pleasure and striving, and ask God what is the highest and best means for you to realize you are an active member of that Deeper and Purer and Perfect Reality that is the Kingdom ruled by Infinite Love.
You have come far in awakening. All have progressed. Have faith in progress to Good.
Ah, Beloved,
Lack is not a Quality of the Divine Truth.
Plenty of Love. Plenty of Ideas. Plenty of Inspiration. Plenty of Gratitude. Plenty of Appreciation. Plenty of Opportunities.
Think Plenty today, Beloved, and when others behave meanly or desperately, look past the human errors of them, and see the Truth of the Shining Soul. See That in them, and calmness will reign as you desire Harmony for All.
Ah, Beloved,
The promise that God will not leave you comfortless is not an empty one.
To receive that comfort, all you need to do is be still and willing to receive it.
Do that, this night, Dear One. Do that. Receive It, soak in It, Be renewed.
Our arms hold you, too.
Ah, Beloved,
Deep, deep, deep in the consciousness of your Soul, there is a constant good Calm and Well-Being. Sink down into It, purposefully, several times a day, and renew yourself. Claim your energy, claim your health and wealth and Love, as a Child of Soul, and then hold those tightly in your thoughts as you again face the earth play, and enjoy it.
The individual spiritual self that you were made by Soul, and which you are constantly renewed as, by timeless Spirit, will never change or diminish or feel anything but quiet Joy. Trust in that, and let your own special Spirit be the good mirror you look in as you go deep, deep, deep into the truth of the Source of You.
And be Glad, ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
When what seems like an exterior event occurs, that causes you distress or annoyance or discomfiture of any kind, seek calmness first. Seek calmness from the Source, and then seek Joy.
Seek the Calmness of the Source by remembering, “Be still, and know that I Am.”
And then seek to feel the Joy of your connection to the Source, so that creative solutions and ideas and comfort can flow to you, from where they are, right where you are.
Practice this with small and large occurrences, so you will have it be second nature to you,
Dear One,
Ah, the emptiness of unmindful habit, and the delight of heartfelt change!
Even brushing the hair, or changing the bed, can become elements of prayer and meditation, if each thought and action are taken with joy and deliberate perfection. Even the most exciting remodeling of a day, or of a room, or of a life, can be just stressful if not seen as part of your growth and potential and purpose and love.
Be careful to let each day be exactly what you need to grow in the Whole, Beloved. Be attentive to each action and thought being guided by the You that Sees all, that Knows all, that Appreciates all.
There is not other way, for that way IS the Truth. Would you trade small, insignificant, temporary pleasures for the Great Joy of knowing you are a full part of the Creator and All Creation? Think again, Beloved, think again. And know you will be given chances to think again until you choose to know completely Who You Are.
We Teach from Love, not pain,
Ah, Beloved,
We know how tempting it is, when you feel tired, to turn back to old habits of creature comforts. That is your choice, and God does not love you less if you do so.
But have the mercy of honesty with yourself. Consider the feeling and knowledge of upliftment that occurs when you use a few moments and a little willingness and focus to tune in to the Power and Love of God to feel re-energized and centered. Does that not far exceed what light entertainment or some food or substance does for your state of mind?
No, you do not have to give up every earthly comfort. But consider enjoying those things AFTER you have re-centered in the Joy and Power of Life Divine, and enjoy the worldly comforts in that state of Mind, rather than as crutches that keep you from facing and attaining true healing.
Attain the Mind-set of God, and then enjoy the Play of Life. That is real comfort. That is real mercy on the self.
You have no idea how much we love you and want the Best for you,
Ah, Beloved,
Many are those who are called to loud ministries of helping and teaching and exhorting, but there is a great ministry that occurs among all who hear the small still Voice. It is the ministry of allaying of fear. Whether it is just the softening of fear by smiling at a nervous child speaking in front of a class for the first time, or a hiker reaching a helping hand to another human crossing a boulder, or whether it is a neighbor giving testimony of a near-death experience that describes the Peace that is fully seen as one steps through the veil, alleviating fear of any kind is a true, true service to the Divine.
Help eliminate fear wherever you can, Beloved. Not by might and by force, but by being a speaker for Love and by radiating your own Grace-given calmness, when storm and tribulation would shout that they own the day. Truth and faith flourish where the smoke of fear is dispelled. Let laughter ring it in.
Ah, Beloved,
As a human form, you know how sorrowful it feels to Sy to another “I love you”, and hear no like answer in return.
We tell you, Beloved, that if you say to God, “I love you so much”, you will always hear an answer. A kind tingling along your limbs, a sense of approval and uplift in your thoughts, an interaction or an event that is a blessing. The more you declare your love for God, the more you will hear of love in return, and see its evidence.
Think of it as the warm translation of the first commandment: “I love you so much, dear God.”
It will never steer you wrong or disappoint,
Ah, Beloved,
When another human seems to misread your thoughts or intentions, consider whether he or she is really projecting his or her own needs and queries onto you. Answer the need for love. Answer with truth of Spirit, rather than with defensiveness. Let your voice be the voice for Spirit, not the voice plaintive with doom.
And, let it be as learning to you, careful to watch for when you are projecting your own desires and claims onto another. What is being mirrored to you, and what do you really want to project? There is no shame in honing this over and over, until it becomes automatic to pause, touch all thought to the Inner Divine Heart, and then, and only then, speak.
We See the Good Heart of you, as does God,
Ah, Beloved,
Peeling a hard boiled egg under running water makes it easier to do. Mashing potatoes under running water only makes them all flow away.
Choose the environment in which to practice what you are trying to do.
“I will choose to feel Joy today. I will call to Joy to come forth in me, and I will look for the Joy around me, and I will demonstrate the Joy I know to be the fuel of all that is Good.”
And Amen, so be It, for so It is.
Ah, Child,
So often, when desperation comes to the fore, and the thoughts of the human self re-center on one’s own “needs”, there is the tendency to forget the basic truth that can pull you back to Peace. Just thinking about those whom you love, and their needs, can pull you back to a state of compassion for all the human hearts (including yours) caught in the illusion of the dream that they are cut off from their Source.
Remembering that, and wanting that Loving Connection for yourself, and for those who are dear to you, you can re-focus on becoming still, and asking for, and receiving, that Flow of Peace that is so essential to all that is Good and True. Turn to thoughts of those people and things and activities and creations you love, and open your heart to Divine Loving assistance. Turn your back on the anger, just for a moment, and put the fear on hold, just for a moment, and turn to the stillness of Joy that waits within you to do this battle for you.
Beloved, you are not alone, and never will be, for the Real You is not a body, or a limited mind, but a joyous light dancing in the Vastness of All, with all the other lights of the Great Expansion of Light.
Ask for our help, and stay still enough to receive it when we pour it in,
Ah, Beloved,
Thinking about Goodness is like mouthwash for the mind.
Pick your flavor of Good Thought and rinse, rinse, rinse throughout the day.
Divine Thought will show you the way.
Ah, Beloved,
Lovingly train your own thoughts to align with God Thoughts.
A dog lover trains her dogs lovingly, even when firmness is necessary. A shepherd lovingly herds his sheep, even when stern commands are used. A teacher holds to standards of testing and training, but does so with the loving best intentions of true advancement and help.
You know full well that you must sort out and discipline your thoughts so that they come into alignment with the Thoughts of God that are Love and good and honest dealings and feelings, but you can do so Lovingly. Be tender, while being firm, on corralling your thoughts. Be calm when controlling your impulses. With Divine Help, freely given to you for the asking, you can be Loving in all the training and teaching of your own mind, that sets your creative Divine Self free to be a higher demonstration of Good.
Be brave, be determined, but be Loving to your self, as God is Loving to you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no reason to believe that the Divine Maker does not want Goodness for you.
When you are so caught up in the visible world that only the problems and sorrows and inharmonies are catching your attention, and these things have such a strong hold on your emotions that it is hard to sit still and listen to the Quiet, True, and Loving Voice of God, at least turn your physical senses to the good and beautiful things of earthly life.
Think about someone who seems very blessed in serenity and joy, and remember that what the Guiding Voice has done for one, It can also do for you. Think about the aspects of nature that are intriguing and lovely. Let those things help you remember that the Omnipotent Power of the Maker of All does not hold back Its Blessings from anyone, for It sees the soul of you that is part of It, and It wants you to remember that you are welcome and real in that Harmony and Peace and Joy of the expansion of Love.
You deserve your destined Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
When praying for the healing of a friend, close your eyes to the bodily symptoms, and picture their Spiritual Wholeness in God.
Perhaps even just think of them as a shape of Bright Light.
You do not need a deep understanding of metaphysics to pray for someone. You are just asking God-Spirit to show you what is True. You are asking to see their already Good Image as formed by God.
Do it with Love.
Ah, Beloved,
Where there are material forms, there will be misunderstanding. All true and complete forgiveness for all fears and sorrows will not be until time and the illusion of the material realm has passed away. But, until then, Beloved, deep compassion for those who are bound in the beliefs that they are ONLY a material form will have to carry you through your days.
Stay in compassion, Beloved. Stay in compassion and forgiveness, for yourself and for others. If you have entered the illusion of time to help awaken others to their self-made jail, there is no other way to proceed in the day to day. Proceed you will, and proceed they all will, for it is already Writtten in the Divine Will. It is your choice whether to stay in Infinite Joy-Mind through compassion, or whether to walk in misery by being trapped again in the thoughts of there being no existence or awareness except the material.
We are with you, supporting you more than you know,
Ah, Beloved,
The Well of new ideas that is the surge of God-Wisdom in the heart is Infinite. Although some epiphanies and Spiritual Awakenings are instantaneous, most individuals experience a higher understanding of the All Oneness of Being step by small step, a few steps back, and more steps forth, all the while held in the merciful Hand of God, and Guided by God’s soft and Loving Voice. Just keep with it, allowing the supreme discernment of Spirit to use Omniscience to give you the upliftment you are ready for. Just be willing.
In a similar way, for those many, many that are not ready to understand aught but a material perception of the world and universe and themselves, the kind and generous Parenting of Infinite Mind gives them ideas, small and large, step by step, or in a flash, of ways to survive and solve, and continue to grow in embracing Peace, and wanting the Peace of alignment with Good. God offers thriving, not despair.
In both ways, in all ways, acknowledge and be grateful, o so grateful, that God is Loving Goodness itself, and the Source from which all ideas come. The more individuals that seek enlightenment and creative ideas in a humble way, without strutting their egos and claiming personal dominion, the more Divine ideas will flow, for the Good of all.
O do acknowledge that they all come from the same Source of Creative Light, give praise, and receive, receive, receive, receive, for the self and for all.
It is the way forward, and has always been. Love has not changed.
Ah, Beloved,
If you hear whispers from God about a new mission or direction for yourself. do pay attention. Those Spiritual missions will always be some form of at-oneness with God for yourself, and of representing Love and spreading Divine Love. Doing that routinely is a good simple rule to follow.
But it may be that your part in the Great Play suddenly takes a new turn, and it is important to not start making excuses, like “ I will think about that after I paint the house, or when I have finished answering all the emails”. If God’s Voice calmly repeats, or even seems urgent, set aside that human list, and pay attention.
Obedience aids the Good.
Ah, Beloved,
Fear disables learning. Fear disables healing.
Therefore, let all your teaching and all your offering of yourself as instrument for healing, be proceeded by the comforting and allaying of fears. Many who are in dire need of learning of their own beauty and wholeness in the Divine are also so trapped in the illusion of themselves as just a flesh and blood body, that any intimation of the Sole Reality of their spiritual being will overly frighten them. The very Presence of Spirit Itself will often frighten their mortal self image so much that they will be unable to receive the learning or the healing.
Let Love convey sincerity. Let Love convey the tenderness with which fear can be dissipated. Let metaphors and parables and indirect tales be the means by which Truth is seeded without frightening. Let offers of prayer and healing be gentle and indirect as well, so that all things come to pass in the way that most smoothly nurtures the new face of Joy for that being, and that persons life.
Do your best, and leave the healing, and the growth of truth in each soul, to the Divine Spirit that knows the best for each individual path. Listen carefully for moment by moment instructions, and obey. Love, and obey. Love, and obey, and Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Pray, pray, pray for those whose hearts seem hardened, to be awakened to Love.
You may helplessly feel that your words and calls and letters to other people can make no difference in a cruelty or injustice you observe, but do not forget that you also have the power that is given to all through their direct connection to All That Is, and that Creates Good.
Do call forth through that connection and ask God to befriend and soften each and every person. Ask God to pour such a flood of Wisdom and Love and Soul into the Spirit of them, that they will feel impelled from within to learn, to seek righteousness, and to see with Love.
Call, through that which connects all, to reach all.
Have the confidence to use your own birthright in God, to call to the Godly in others,
Ah, Beloved,
God is already being God. The entire of the Divine Universe is already expressing itself as what you truly are, and as everything else. You do not need to do anything to convince God to be God, or to bring God into alignment with God’s purpose.
Talking to God, and praying to, and being with God, is to bring YOU, meaning your conscious awareness, into alignment with God. God, and the Mind of God are already what Is, but the human, earthly awareness has been fogged over by worldly beliefs and perceptions. Spending time with God in the heart of your soul’s awareness will bring you a clarity of sight, and a clarity of perception on all levels. The world might label that clarity “healing” or “enlightenment”, but in truth, it is just the revelation of the Truth of God that was there all along.
Other people may help you see clearly temporarily, but it is up to you to hold to that true sight, by practicing it.
O’ how We want you to see all that Beauty,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no fool in God’s Mind.
There is only human foolishness of time-bound thought that overlays the shining loveliness and goodness of the image of you, the idea of you, that God makes.
So never call yourself or others fool. Address your rebuke to the false silly human thoughts, shake them away, and concentrate on knowing the Good Qualities Divine you reflect, and must learn to See in others.
We know it takes practice, Love. Why not start right now?
Ah, Child,
“Open my eyes, dear One Mind, and let me see, my life that is a reflection of Thee.
You are Harmony and Gladness, you are expansive Joy and Peace,
Open my eyes, dear One, and let me see, the “me” that You intend me to be.”
Let today be the day when you feel it, Love, and be it.
Ah, Beloved,
We are all the rightful heirs of Goodness. Take no effort, and take no blame, but neither take any credit for that which is Good and works through you. The relief of obedience is well worth the relinquishment of human control and pride. Be in humility, and feel the full Joy of being a part of the governing Whole.
We remind you that you cannot intellectually know good from bad in the human scene—you can only know when you are moving and speaking and acting in the Flow of God. Keep your attention focused on that, and let the Greater Picture be seen and told by the unfolding of time, in what has already been accomplished by God.
Always Loving you,
There are no doubts in God,
Ah, Beloved,
Sincerely counting your Blessings and being glad of them will always counteract tense moments or hours. Focusing on what is good and true and that you are grateful for brings the Force of Harmony up to you like calling a trusted guide dog to lead you in the dark. Count the blessings, appreciate the Order that you do see around you, and be certain that the Spirit and Principle of Harmony being with you IS one of those Blessings. Indeed, it is the One Blessing that is the Cause of all Blessings.
Focus on the Good, and more of It will come to you. If it seems, to the earthly senses, to be an acute or emergency situation, focusing on the Force of Harmony will give you good ideas and bring discernment about actions to take or not take.
Be in love with bringing Love forth in every situation, Beloved. Each one that does so is a Divine Helper of the Light. And We know you can be, and are. Focus, and do it more and more, to your own delight, as well as Ours.
Ah, Beloved,
To be able to carry and give more Grace, you must receive more Grace. To receive more Grace, you must enlarge your willingness to accept It from God. Each time you resist a negative thought or action, you give another moment of availability to God to give you Grace.
Make that space in your mind today, Beloved. Be willing to give yourself Grace-filled Thoughts, and those alone.
Ah, Beloved,
Over and over, we tell you to trust in the Love of God to sustain you. That means the love of you FOR God and the Love of God FOR you. It is a circle, it is endless, it is the reason that what you give forth is what you receive.
But, Love, it is not only to trust for yourself. Trust Love, that is God, to Love and sustain others. Whether it is your children or friends you are thinking of, or parents or strangers, ask Love to inspire them and guide them. Ask God to lift the worry for them off your shoulders, and to guide them through their hearts. Trust that God will guide you, when you should give direct human assistance, if you but listen and obey.
This is the way of it, love. Trust in Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Holding grudges keeps you in a hellish state of mind. Forgiving and forgetting them keeps you open to the possibilities of Heaven. It is that simple.
Can you remember that all day today?
As ever, Loving,
Ah, Beloved,
There is a time in every life when opening a new door becomes imperative, and this is often the time when what happens in the visible realm may not seem “good” to your human judgment, but is indeed conducive to the pathway that will lead to your Highest Peace.
Like the early explorers who had to be willing the re-plot their routes when they were alerted to upcoming mountain ranges by the native inhabitants who had the wisdom of generations to guide them, be willing to be guided.
Your Internal Divine Guide has the wisdom of Eternity and Infinity, Beloved. Be willing to be guided, and remember each morning how important it is to practice and practice until you are certain you know how to hear and recognize the Divine Voice within. Listen not to the voice of fear, O’ Love. Listen only to the Voice of Certainty and Gladness.
When you come to easily recognize when the lie of fear is trying to induce you to follow its advice, you will feel amazed that you followed it so often in the past. And, you will be very joyous that you can discern that, and follow it no more.
Ah, Beloved,
We know how often we have reminded you to pray for all. We know that you know that since all are connected, the prayer for all is important to the healing of the earth dream.
And that is still true. But today, Beloved, we urge you again to sweetly pray to feel your Self aligned with the Divine Source. For as you are aligned, so can you more effectively pray for all. And we see that sometimes you forget that you must be truly centered in the mirror that is the connection between you and your Source in order to see clearly, and completely, and wonderfully. And that is more effective for all.
“Perfect God, perfect person. Perfect God, perfect reflection. I am the other part of the Great I Am, and I would remember that today, to clear and align my thoughts.”
There is no dust on the mirror today, dear Love. See clearly.
Ah, Beloved,
Yes, We know, the headlines scream, and the beauties of the world beckon.
But do you want to let those have power over your Serenity?
Ponder and partake of the Sweet, Ineffable, Unchanging Great Soul that WANTS to embrace you, and Who wants to empower you with a deep understanding of the nature of Pure Good. Until you work up to being able to being in constant conscious communing, with that Unconditional and Omnipotent Love, at least soak in It for a few minutes several times a day. Think of your Self as a completely permeable membrane that fully absorbs the Substance of God. Soak in It, absorb It, Be It.
Then, Beloved, you have open access to the Will within you to do your part against the screaming and sorrowful, and to be a part of the Joy and Beauty.
We cannot say this enough. Feed yourself with Pure Harmony, and then play your part in the world. And feed yourself again, in Spirit and Soul, and play your part with Serenity.
Ah, Beloved,
“God is Holding me. God is Holding me. God is Holding me.”
Say it again and again to yourself throughout the day.
When you want Comfort, or an infusion of Inspiration or Wisdom, or just a reminder of the Great Support that is your True Source, remember that All of God is Holding you.
Human arms can give you a hug, and comfort foods, and favorite entertainments and routines of movement may distract and relax you, but above all, remember, “God is Holding me.”
If they are open to It, remind others of this aloud. If they are skeptics about the Divine, Bless them silently with your thoughts and heart. And know It to be True, God is holding all individuals of Divine Soul and Spirit in Love, Love, Love.
Feel It. Take time to feel It.
Ah, Beloveds,
Timelessly, God’s Spirit sees the human stories come and go, and knows the end of every one of them. But God’s Soul is the projection room from which shines the Life Light that forms the images of individual ideas that never leave the sweet Home of God’s Mind.
The Truth of you is that idea in Soul, and even while you are walking your story, you can call upon the Goodness that God knows of you. Heaven is in your heart and Consciousness right now. You do not need to wait for a gravestone to access God’s Love.
Your body is made of Life Light. Ask for God to adjust the focus, and tenderly See yourself whole and true.
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be no doubt in your mind that the earthly dream can be transformed into the Joy that is the prelude to full awakening. Is Heaven “over there”?
No, Heaven is the “there” without the “t”, without the cross, it is “here”. It is the state of awareness without the cross; without the pain of crucifixion and suffering. Go straight for the resurrection, Love. Go straight for understanding that God does not condemn you. Just love yourself and love others as your Divine brothers and sisters, and claim the right to see that you are IN the Heaven of Divine Mind right here, right now, if you let go of guilt and a feeling of anger and blame and separation. Forgive yourself now, as God has already forgiven you, and let yourself feel the feeling of Heaven.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved.
Trust. If you are a beginner in listening for the small, still Voice of the divine Heart of you, we remind you to trust.
Absolute trust. For if the Voice tells you to do a tiny thing, or change an outlook slightly, or make one small change in your daily routine, you have know way of knowing, from the human-mind perspective, just what enormous and wonderful changes that tiny shift in perspective or habit can lead to.
But the Inner Voice knows. Trust. Listen, trust, obey.
All Love surrounds you,
Ah, Beloved,
When the prayers have been sent forth, when the tithes of time, or energy, or money, or goods, have been given, and above all, the Presence of the Divine has been felt arriving, then is the time for the good Patience to wait on the Will of God.
Patience, Beloved. Accept that part of the trust in the Divine that you must feel and believe in is Its knowledge of perfect timing. For perfect timing, just as it is for a comedian or a dramatist, is an essential part of how the Will for the Divine Plan works to the Best for everyone.
Patience, today and always, to accompany the Trust,
Ah, Beloved,
Your generosity may not always be repaid by those that are its recipients, or even accepted with any overt gratitude, but God Sees. God Sees you and knows you, and will always be there for you, flowing to you all that you truly need for your mission and for your joy, from His/Her Infinite Mind Supply.
Be not afraid, therefore, and be not dismayed or disappointed. Only be very still and attuned to God’s Infinite supply of ideas that are things and funds and love, and faithfulness beyond measure, and open your vision to receiving all that is yours.
We are faithfully yours, and we know you are faithfully God’s,
Ah, Beloved,
The fullness of Spirit that you feel as you transcribe these words IS conveyed. For although no single human mind interprets any word symbol in exactly the same way, the willingness to hear God Mind directly, is conveyed by the simple act of reading them. Thus does each mortal part open and awaken to the Loving One Mind.
And thus does the Loving One Mind begin to do Its work, Its uplifting, throughout that person and consciousness. One Mind Governs all, as they swiftly or slowly realize that opening to Good, thinking about Good, and being thankful for Good creates Good in their experience.
Endlessly. And it IS a way of Life one can train oneself to do. Just begin, and the word of Good you entertain and ponder will begin to work Its way with you like yeast in a savory and sweet and perfect dough.
The seemingly grumpiest, the saddest, the most wicked, the least educated, the most stubborn, the completely oblivious, and on and on through the list of human labels,–all can be risen to remembering their wonderfulness as a part of One.
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid that you are the only one that sees beyond the visible light. We know that at moments it can seem that way, when surrounded by those living only the sensual or the five senses, but we assure you that countless other aspects of Soul see and feel and hear the great cry for constant prayer that is the labor sound of a new born world.
When you feel or hear that call within your heart, even if there is not a certain name associated with it as recipient, stop whatever you are doing in the worldly, and give of your Love as well.
It will join the River of Love, and it will, and it does, make a difference.
This is the Truth,
Ah, Beloved,
Just as you wear a favorite shirt so much that its every fold and seam are utterly familiar to you, and you can completely relax in it, wear your communion with the Divine.
Practice wearing it. Practice relaxing into It. Practice, wear it, become so familiar with It, that you can have the same easy affability with It that you have with your favorite shirt.
It will show. And then others will trust it, and through you, trust It,
Ah, Beloved,
In a grieving or challenging time, be gloriously glad at how simple it becomes to turn inward. Whenever those moments or strange irritation come, or grief, or anger, or any other aspect that is not part of the set of emotions that you know are part of God (The Gladness, the Freedom, the Humor, the Exhilarating Love, the Satisfying Harmony), then it becomes a simple signal when you are feeling anything else: Just turn back to being still, and being, being, being.
All the shadow forms that have danced through your life, enticing you to try to be anything except exactly what you are, are the lies to be ignored. Be exactly yourself, Beloved, as Spiritual Perfection. Ignore the physical signals of others, AND YOUR OWN, and let yourself be the perfect Child of Spirit.
From that seed grows the new garden of your life. From that truth comes all else.
Ah, Beloveds,
Every single one of you has made an important difference for the Good to those around you, many times over. Just because you do not always know, and often do not remember, when Good has used you for Its work, does not mean it has not happened.
Keep on letting Good flow with your awareness, and know that you have Our great Thanks for all the moments that you have been a vehicle for It without even noticing what was happening around you. It is always all connected. Keep your intent and willingness on the Good and the True.
In Gracious Gratitude,
Ah, Beloved,
Proving to the self that concentrating on knowing the Power of the Law of Goodness is constantly operating in one’s life is the most wonderful way to help others, as well as yourself. The more often you prove to yourself that claiming dominion over mishaps or injuries WORKS will give you the confidence to give of your sharing with others your ability to lean on the sweet and pervasive Law of Good.
Give yourself the gift of noting, in memory, or written word, how many times you have been able to claim the Healing Power of Divine Intent and Joy, so that you have that to turn to when doubt tries to whisper harm or sorrow to you. Turn to those memories also to testify to others, when that sincere desire rises in you for them to also know the wonder of turning to the Good Source for comfort and Healing and Inspiration.
Remember that you are not giving them a formula or specific words that always will address their fears and neutralize errors. You are sharing how the Golden Love of truth will highlight the needed correction each time, for each situation, and that above all it is the Presence of Love, Love, Love that shines away the sense of separation from Goodness and Well Being.
We can see that you can do this. It helps all, Love.
Ah, Beloved,
You are a unique and individualized thought in the Infinite Loving Mind.
There are purposes and expressions that Mind shines forth as you. It is the True Mind of you, and the Best you that is.
But if you choose to be “asleep” to your Spiritual Reality, paying attention only to the ebb and flow of body awareness, then the God Source uses other bright Lights of Soul to carry forward the awakening of those that are ready to awaken. Do you really want to choose to spend more time in a murky view of the purpose and meaning of Life, or do you want to call forth “Dear God, allow me to help expand Your Love and Joyous Wholeness throughout all of Consciousness now”?
There is Divine Work to be done. Be a clear transparency for the Good Work God already did, and find yourself fueled with more Joy than can be humanly imagined. It is not a fleeting “sensation”, it is actually living the vibrant Truth of “I and my Divine Creator are One.”
Allow the Healing of all to be helped along by you,
Ah, Beloved,
It IS Truth that the way to overcome the pain of anger or hatred or envy is to “Love your enemies, and bless those that curse you…”, and focus on seeing the Divine core of everyone around you. In this way, an “enemy” can often become a friend, and certainly you call more peace into your own heart.
But, sometimes, dear Child, an “enemy” will simply pass out of your life, once you have released him or her by forgiving and loving. Accept fully the lesson in loving and forgiving and being grateful that you learned, and let that being move on out of your orbit of days and on into the next role he or she will play. Wish for the other, and for yourself, to have the Best Life that God knows for all concerned, and be willing to let go, or move on, or be friends, as God Wills.
As Ever, your friends,
Remember, Beloved, that what your “human will” creates is not real. It is as a child playing make-believe. Only what the Greater Will made is Real, from the elements that It Itself is made of, which are Goodness and Truth and Constancy and Love and Joy and Orderly Calm. These are Real.
When you feel frustrated by feeling that you are “trying too hard” to place, or see, Divine Order in a situation that does not seem to be orderly, remember to turn your thinking around. Remember that none of your human make-believing or “will-power” has the power to counteract or obstruct God. If God has made you Harmonious and well, you are that. If God’s Order and Purpose are in the process of being revealed in a situation, they will be. Your play-acting cannot stop them. It is only your thinking that you do not see the order or the harmony or the wellness, that needs to be changed. LOOK for the Harmony. LOOK for the wellness. LOOK for the order. For as you seek them, in the sweet game of finding God, you will find them more and more.
What God has put together and means to stay together, nothing CAN put asunder. What God has declared Good CANNOT be made bad. Lay aside any thoughts that would allow you to think that the Spiritual Wonderfulness of the Divine Source, and you, as its spiritual reflection, can be changed into something un-wonderful by the tantrums of your human thought.
Each and every time you take a moment to be still, and access the sweet peace of the Divine Realm in your Heart of hearts, It is the same Unchanging, Loving Calmness.
It will not change. Only you will. The more you rub yourself up against the Good Calmness of Divine Love, the smoother you, and your life, will feel.
Get to it, Love. Get to It,
Ah, Beloved,
Each time you are tempted to believe that the best defense is an offense, turn quickly to commune with the Inner Divine, to remember that Unconditional Love is given freely to all. There is your True Source, there is your True Peace.
You know this. You have learned it again and again. The “human body and mind” will try to trick you into attacking others, with thought or with deed, but allowing that to happen only further separates you from the Divine Source. Turn quickly, turn quickly, when you feel defensive, and renew and refresh yourself in the Source of endless Love, where your real being is held, and sustained, and accepted and loved, loved, loved.
There, find the strength to love your neighbor within the Whole.
Ah, Beloved,
The message from God-Source never changes. It is always “I Love you, and I want you to reflect my Love, in your actions and words and what you give forth to others.”
It is important that you make clear that it is in respect for God and for the God-Soul of the other person, and yourself, that you do this, for that correctly draws the eyes and sense and heart of the other into looking to God, and not another person, as the Source of his or her quiet and joyous salvation.
Rejoice in your Loving Parent whose Love varies not,
Ah, Beloved,
Do not react to the fleeting images and sounds around you that would try to tempt you to anger or sorrow or sin. Act only from the golden Heart of yourself, and you will be Glad you did.
The Presence of God-Spirit in your Heart-Soul acts like a Divine sieve. Run every word and action through It, and It will filter out all that is unlovely and untrue. Then the self that you present to yourself and to the world will indeed be the cleansed self you want to be.
Do be your Best Self. We know that is what you, and all, really are.
None of you can convince God that you are less than Love, really,
Ah, Beloved,
Observe how your prayers vary. Always let them be a listening to God, but notice when you are hoping for energizing ideas and supply and courage and strength, and when what you really need is a deep calm and release from agitation and worry.
Take a day now and then to simply seek the deep Calm of God, and then the receiving of all else will be easier. Deep Calm. Deep Peace. They are part of the Core of which God made you.
Feel It.
Ah, Beloved,
Perhaps this perception exercise will help you:
When you look at the world around you and look at your own body, imagine you are looking into the Mirror of God’s Eyes.
Do this, and remember that God said that all that was made was “Very Good”. What God Sees is not the misty iniquities and lacks of various kinds. God made, and Sees, the Very Good.
Look into those Divine Eyes as the True Mirror.
Look into those Loving Eyes as the Good Mirror, rather than into the fun-house like mirrors that show only distortions and illusions and warped images. Look for, and into, the God-Mirror to see, and to be grateful for, the Truth.
We See the Very Good Spirit of you, the only you there really is,
Ah, Beloved,
The admission that you do not know what is Best for your own Peace, much less anyone else’s, is one that frees you to listen carefully, lovingly, and gratefully to the Divine Director. When all choices come down to listening and trusting the Will, and Reality of, the Divine Action, then you will realize how simple it is to have the one rule, Love and Obey the Divine Instructions that come to you, above all.
Learning to hear, and disciplining yourself to obey, those instructions, then becomes your “exercise” for each day, rather than some movement of the body or regimen of machines or diet. Be perfect Spirit, as God made you, and be free.
Ponder this, Beloved, and let today be truly a day of obeying the guideline Loving given, to find peace and happiness by Loving the Divine Creator, Spirit, and Its Spiritual Creation, above all else.
We Greet you in the Perfection of Spirit, and Rejoice with you there,
Ah, Beloved,
When you reach the point where the sweet Voice of the Inner Spirit is sweeter to you than any earthly thing, even the most beloved earthly thing, then you will know that you are ready to obey that Voice in all things, and to speak that Voice to others. You will have crossed the line between illusion and Reality, and it will grow easier and easier to discern between the two.
Turn always to the Inner Sweetness, the first thing of the day, and all day. Let It guide you all night, too, in teaching and in guardianship. Keep It first in your Heart, and It will help you earthly heart find its way.
Revel in the Sweetness, Beloved. Revel, and allow revelation,
Ah, Beloved,
Any actor must quickly learn to not put a hand for support against a wall that is just a stage prop without secure ties.
On the earth stage, O’ darling, lean not against the fleeting and shifting objects that come and go. Lean on the Unchanging Divine that Loves you so.
God Knows you to be fine. Agree, and all things are possible.
Ah, Beloved,
Life is the Love God has given us, that always has been, is now, and always will be. The brief illusory costumes are not the beginning, and not the end. The Infinite Love that is given forth from the very Creative Force of Mind, goes on, on, on as Life.
Life is the Love God IS giving us. Take great Joy in Its foreverness.
Ah, Beloved,
Just a tiny bit of gratitude can open up your heart like water poured on a seed that has been dormant in the desert for years.
Think about something you are TRULY grateful for. Do not focus on something that you think you SHOULD be grateful for, but on some true feeling of gratitude. It might be for how you feel when you see the face of a friend. It might be for how you remember your mother forgiving a lie that you told. It might be for how perfectly the pie you baked last night came out of the oven.
Think of a true feeling of gratitude and focus all your thoughts and heart on it. Holding that in your heart can melt away any sorrow or discouragement or bitterness that you heart is shelled in, like the water softens the hard case of the desert seed. Then let that seed sprout, Beloved. Let your heart open up to Joy. Let your heart open up to more gratitude, and create a space where new feelings to be grateful for can grow.
Intellectually, you already know this. But have your let yourself feel it lately, truly and deeply? Give yourself the gift of a mere drop of gratitude today, Beloved, and watch what grows.
Ah, Beloved,
No one is ever outside the Comforter Zone.
If they speak of being outside their own personal comfort zone, it is the earthly-self ego speaking, and not the higher and Best Self which they could be demonstrating in the Play of earth. If you hear anyone use that phrase, ask at once for the Divine Comforter to attend them, and help them realize they dwell in the always accessible Peace of God, if they would just turn to It.
Comforting you, too,
Ah, Beloved,
It often seems like a contradiction to the human mind, but asking for Divine Power to enable one to see the Harmonizing effect of opening to the Order and Spirit of God within the human situation, can quickly lead to more results than can be worked by any human hand. The circumstances that change, the ideas that leap into many minds at once, the intentions that join together, as well as the changes of heart in individualizations of Soul, are more powerful and effective than human hearts are sometimes willing to believe.
Believe today, Beloved. Believe in the Omniscient Power of Love. And remember that all must eventually choose to make peace with that, for it IS within Love that they dwell, now and always, even while they yet are spiritually asleep.
Believe, Beloved. And do not be afraid to testify to that belief and tell of the times it has helped you within the human drama.
We are with you all,
Ah, Beloved,
All things are possible to the Divine Source through the Healing Force It/He/She placed in the human dream, to awaken all Its Children to remembering they are part of One Perfect Whole.
Use this today. Remember and remember and remember this today. The less you think about your “problems”, and the more you think about God, the more you will see to be grateful for, in the more perfect unfolding of your life.
When We look at you, We See Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Declarations of Truth that help you do not need to be long and complicated and full of rituals or special procedures.
Waking in the morning and declaring such things as “I am a Whole and happy being at home in the Spirit of God” can bring a Life giving flow to all your day.
Spirit God is glad to take care of you and Guide you. Be glad to SIMPLY accept that Loving care by affirming the Truth. You may use the same words every day, but it is better to let the Voice of Divine Spirit within whisper the words that you need each day to keep your faith fresh, and re-ignite the feeling of God’s closeness and readiness to be the Force that Shepherds your life. Ask to be Spoken to, and listen quietly and willingly.
Open each day with God. God is always awake.
Ah, Beloved,
Today, very simply, “I am of the Source, and the Source is mine”.
“I am of the Source, all the time.”
It will carry you now,
Ah, Beloved,
The complete honesty that is required of you in order to be a clear channel for God-Force is the honesty of letting absolutely everything be in the Hands and Mind of God. It is a recognition of what already IS, outside of time.
Can you do this?
Can you hold nothing back from surrender to the Will of the Greater Plan?
We urge you gently,
Ah, Beloved,
The Law of God is Harmony. God IS Harmony.
Allow that to be your Law. “I am allowing Harmony to guide my thoughts, and, therefore, the entire body of my life, right now.”
Even if you do not completely understand this yet, keep it as your focus, and It will help, it will Heal.
We so Love you,
Ah, Beloved,
Think on what the parts and aspects of life symbolize, when seeking to re-find balance in your body and affairs. Relate them to the Qualities of Spirit-Source and Strength that they would draw forth, and be re-dressed by.
Do your teeth trouble you? Do not think about physical teeth, then, but about whether you put the bite of your Inner Divine Mind into things that are Good and True and WORTH chewing upon.
Does your non-ability to be open and lovingly and positively honest with those about you leave you feeling alone? Then look to the Oneness of being, and ponder that all communication within Oneness is complete already, and that everything known to One is already known to all, in the Deep Silence of being still and knowing you are part of that One. Consider whether you are lovingly honest and open with yourself. Are you wishing to say to another that which you would truly ask yourself, and are you willing to hear the answer? Realize how well and easily others answer when you sincerely compliment them, or praise their gifts and talents and positive endurances and gestures and qualities. Can you find those things in yourself to compliment, and thus feel Qualified to offer them to the world, and to other hearts? What you offer forth is attracted back to you. Can you prove this for yourself by practicing it for a day?
These are only two brief examples. We assure you that if you consider what needs “healing” in your body-costume, or your life, you can smooth it with Harmony by sitting quietly and letting Spirit of God within explain to you the balancing Quality that could fill your mind/Mind, and therefore, your life.
Query your own “worry” or preoccupation, and then listen, listen, listen for Sacred Song that answers.
Singing with you, and to you, of Love,
Ah, Darling,
What do you need to know now (and always)?
That you are not separate from God. That you are not far away from the Omnipotent Force of LOVE.
There is no space between you. Not even a very thin piece of paper could slip between you. Not even one atomic particle can fit between you. There is nothing separating you and God, nothing keeping you apart from all the fulfillment of Love.
Nothingness has no power. God has all Power. So certainly do not let a lie in your own thoughts, a lie that you are far away from God, and that God is not willing or able to help you, close your eyes to the truth that you are one with God. You are in God, and one with God, and fully able to receive the Love that is God, and feel It holding you tightly and completely and permanently.
This is what you need to know, with every thought, and with every feeling. “I am one with God. God is one with all of us, in all that we are that is Real and Loving.” That Truth will chase the lies away.
Know this for yourself, and know it for any with whom you seem to have discord.
Ah, Beloved,
“God Loves me. I can also Love me, because Spirit has completely forgiven all my errors. I am ready to clearly reflect God and let God’s Light aim at others with my intentions.”
Not a bad job description.
Ah, Beloved,
The Loving Mind of God is always cozy. Remind yourself that you dwell within It, and let yourself feel Its warmth and buoyancy and support. Cozy into Love today. It is your right as a rightful and beloved citizen of God-Mind.
We tuck you into Love if you let us.
Ah, Beloved,
If you want to know the freshness and wholeness of yourself, look upon yourself and others with the eyes of Love, the eyes of God.
This does not mean you will not notice the errors you make, or the flaws that seem to be part of those around you, but if you refrain from criticizing and condemning, and instead think and claim “Here and there is another child of God, just waiting to be seen under the illusion of fear and competition. For God Loves all.”
It is the Truth and it will change your experiences, if you take it on as a habit. Try it today, dear one.
We will help, as always,
Ah, Beloved,
Gratitude and compliments and appreciation are the water and food and cleansers of the seeds and sprouts of Goodness.
Sincere giving of these to even the tiniest evidence of Good that you see in those around you, AND in yourself, will help the Good Will of the gracious Source to shine clearly.
Each time a thought enters your mind that is judgement or criticism, quickly think of a Good thing about yourself, or those around you, or the situation. We know it is not the instinctual human fear-defense sort of way, but We assure you that LOOKING for bright bits of Goodness in yourself and those around you will expand your experience of Grace and Joy and Good. Inviting in the appreciation, and sincerely feeling It, truly is like bringing a watering can to a room full of drooping plants, and giving them refreshment.
Be the refresher, the giver, in every room you enter, Child. AND be the refresher in the room of your own mind, noticing and being glad of each of your Good Qualities and actions. Even if it is as small as sincerely appreciating how kind someone is to an animal, or how patient he or she is when waiting in a line, that bright thought allows in the Great Goodness that fuels all. You are truly helping the Good Plan when you do this.
Ah, Sweet Beloved,
There is no need to place any one earthly task above another, for just as the human perspective cannot always discern what is really helpful or unhelpful for ones happiness and purpose, so can the mortal mind not always tell what small or large task is working towards and for the Greater Good.
Just place Loving God, and being and acting as part of God’s Good, FIRST, and each day you will be guided and led to the tasks and actions and words that most benefit your own at-one-ment with Good, and the alignment with Good of those around you. There is great and delightful freedom in giving control of your schedule over to God, and then performing whatever you are called to do with Order and Love and Wisdom.
God provides the Order and Love and Wisdom to flow through you as you work. Just be open and willing to give what you want to receive.
So Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
Only your own willingness to want to see only the Goodness in those around you is in question. Choose to see it when it is obvious, of course, but also CHOOSE to LOOK for it when it is not obvious. Even the most seemingly audacious one, or error-filled one has bits of Light shining through, or has aspects of error that will help you choose the path you need to take, as you silently walk away from participating in error.
To always keep in mind how little you can see of the Big Picture with your earthly eyes, and be therefore endlessly willing to listen to the gentle Voice of Spirit that broadcasts into your Heart, is to stay open to Wisdom, and to Love.
We are with you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is Truth that is revealed, and most call that “healing”, for they do not yet realize that the illusion of physicality was fooling them all along.
Love is the chisel that strips away all that illusion. It can do so slowly, or quickly, depending upon how much you struggle and writhe around. Is it not easier, and quicker, to just surrender, Darling?
Let the beautiful Truth of you be revealed, dear Love, and that will also give you the perfect spiritual sight to see others in their true loveliness. Would not that be wonderful?
We See the wonderfulness of all, and it is lovely indeed,
Ah, Beloved,
The Creative Source is, in and as Itself, complete.
You do not need to do anything to complete what is already complete.
All you need is to enjoy It. It is all around you. It is you. Enjoy It.
As you enjoy It, It will reveal more and more of Itself to you, for by your enjoyment and your gratitude and appreciation, you will have self-removed the filters that were keeping you from seeing all of the Great Glory that the Source already created Itself to be.
Like a horse whose blinders have been removed, you will be able to roll your eyes with delight, at the New sights that you see, that were actually already all around thee. Ah, Revelation. Each one comes to It, soon or late, but all receive full measure.
All Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Be not confused by the two part plan. There are two parts to the Plan, but there is only One Reality. The Reality of God Creation, that is Spirit and Soul and Harmonious Intelligence and Life and Love, is the True Home of all individualizations of Spirit—the Children of God. In the sleeping state of some of those Spirit individuals, that you call human existence and human experience, there SEEMS to be a separate and other “physical reality”, which causes so many needs and woes and pleasures and pains of physical body.
The eventual Plan, that has already been enacted and accomplished, is for all the sleeping Spirits to awaken and realize that they were always safely and happily in the Wholeness of the Creative Parent Spirit. The final part of the Plan lets all see that all physicality was but a dream.
BUT, while they are yet dreaming, in this instant of time-perception that was over long ago,the humans going through different parts of it like lanes in a maze, the Loving Spirit Parent does not want to see them suffer. The Parent knows they are innocent and made of Love and do not need to, or deserve to, suffer. Therefore, the Divine Voice within, the Divine Guide and Friend, was placed within them to help them have a Happy Dream, before ascension is attained for all and the long, long, long “instant of time” can be ended in human perception.
What this means for you is this: Yes, ascension into God-awareness and awakening fully to the realization that you have never been out of the Spiritual Realm that is God’s Mind, is the end goal for everyone. But, because you are in a dream of your own human thoughts, and the melded thoughts of many, you must recognize that, just as you deserve Happiness because of your God-created Innocence, so does everyone else in your dream. They are wearing costumes and attitudes and behaviors that you have made up with your own thoughts, and mass-shared thoughts. Be WILLING to let those thoughts go, as advised by the Divine Inner Guide, and you can begin to see the re-deeming (re-thinking) of yourself and of others. As you let God’s Thoughts control your thoughts, then the outer life of human perception and physicality begins to change for the better. Hence the old saying “seek ye first the Kingdom of God , and all these other things (aka human happiness, and existence in calm and peace) will be added to you”.
As you try to make others around you (which are your own projected thoughts) happier, by thinking of them as innocent children of God, well deserving of goodness and happiness, those thoughts will bounce back on you, and your own happiness will increase. The other IS self, and both are Divine in their true nature. What you give you receive. The Golden rule lived is that Golden Thoughts lead to a Golden Life.
So, ascension into complete Spirit is the ultimate goal, but the temporary goal is human dream happiness, as guided by Interior Realization, and recognizing that all ascend together—all is One. Thus, the more you see the essential innocence and sacredness of your brothers and sisters, the further ahead you yourself are in ultimate ascension. Be at Peace, and be not afraid,ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be no strife in your intimate circle. In all things, strive for Harmony and Peace.
If there is an issue which seems to cross the line into iniquity, go inward to the Divine Counselor, and ask for advice. If you do not hear an answer immediately, keep in mind that justice and reform are in the province of the Divine Mind to enact and correct, and that your prayers to have Its Presence right there, right then, are not ineffective,
“One Mind governs all, and that Mind is True and Just and Good and Loving”, held in thought, will pour correction and healing and righteousness on all situations. Be brave, and be proud to hold that Thought steady in your human thoughts, in all situations.
We will Help you hold It,
Ah, Beloved,
There is nothing that can un-make you a citizen of God’s Heart.
You are of the One Mind and dwell in that Heart, and have all the rights and Goodness and Freedom to which that automatically entitles you.
Claim them. Be them. Love them.
How do you claim them? By thinking about them. What you think about, you are.
Ah, Beloved,
When your knowledge of the Presence of the Divine Source, and that you are a part of It, with all Its qualities available to you, becomes as automatic as knowing your own earthly name, then you are more than ready to dispense Grace, be Grace, feel Grace.
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be a new sense of release in you that realizes that it is in EVERY MOMENT that your trust in God occurs when you surrender to Grace.
If you carefully look at your thoughts, you will see that many of them are still the ones programmed into your mind from the worldly words and myths and common beliefs. Articles about what must be in the bank for retirement, or advice given by well-meaning friends about health planning, or side effects of weather, or what makes someone happy at a certain age or stage—all these and more work their way into your thoughts and help create or mis-create the reality that would truly give you joy and purpose and completeness.
Check in with the Divine inner Advisor about each decision and each thought, Beloved. What is true for many others need not be true for you. What many others choose to experience need not be what you experience. Check in with the God you trust. Trust that if you do need to do some “future” planning, you will be told, or feel the strong inner impulse.
Trust in God. Trust in God. Learn to trust in God by seeing and demonstrating for yourself how many times the answers and the calmness and the peace of mind come, as you turn inward to the Loving embrace, and the proof of Its all-encompassing Support.
Small and great, trust in God,
Loving you,ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
Wherever we go, we are ready to serve. If you but knew how joyously your own privately assigned Angels hover near you, just waiting to be given permission to help you, you would not be so shy about asking. Set aside all doubts about whether you are worthy, or whether some problem is too small or too big. Just believe you are Loved, ask for Help, and be willing to receive It.
Ideas will come, people will come, new circumstances will be revealed. Be willing to act on the good ideas and impulses you are given. Be willing to expect Good, Good, Good in your life, even if you cannot see the evidence yet with your limited physical senses. Believe that the Source Parent wants your happiness and will help you see it and know it, if you give the Source the great gift of your willingness to See.
As ever, with you,
Ah, Beloveds,
Divine Love’s Care for you is unending, and Sees even the tiniest need.
Remember who you are, as trusted and cared for Children of God, and expect true needs to be met in a wonderful way.
Each of you can continually keep in thought, silently, or verbally if prompted by Love, the Truth, as you look upon one another, that is “You are a good and Loved Child of God”. And then more and more Good would become visible to human sight and awareness, as already manifested by God.
“You are a Child of God, created Good, and Loved.”
Ah, Beloved,
Once you have remembered you are an integral part of Oneness, you cannot really forget again. You may make detours in your path, and choices you regret, or that delay your complete remembrance, but God is still Loving you securely.
You may try to let go of God, but God will never let go of you. Sooner or later, you will realize that He/She/It has been holding you, all along, while you dreamed you were far away.
Why not let yourself feel that sweet Holding, and Love, right now?
Ah, Dear, Dear Ones,
Give Me daily permission to show you My Sweet dreams for you, to send you My Good opportunities for your experience and Gracious sharing of Life.
This daily permission helps break the illusion of the limits of time, and creates a frequent point of Conscious contact between us, and reminds you that you have a Divine Partner, and empowers you with an Infusion of My Love.
It only takes moments, Beloved. I Love you so.
Ah, Child,
Tell yourself all the stories you want, but I am right here, Holding you.
Make believe this or that, but why not take My Hand and let us together walk a better dream—one in which you are completely aware, all the time, of My Constant Loving Care?
For I do Care, right now, right here, and always have and always will, My sweet Child.
Your Joy, clear and free, is what I want,
Ah, Beloved,
As ever, remember always the Source of any “power” you may seem to have in the earth picture. Your Love for the Source reflects the Source Love for you, and in that exchange of Love, and putting that first in your life, is the wellspring of any power that seems to come to you.
In human metaphor, you might think about how a woman, finding out she has finally attained a long-hoped-for pregnancy, suddenly finds the “power” to give up the alcohol or smoking that she had previously been very attached to. Because of her love for the coming child, she makes many changes in her life, according to what she believes will be best for the child. She finds, in her love for the offspring, and in putting that love ahead of all other things, the “power” to do so.
Similarly, a young man, deeply in love for the first time, will choose a different job or car or outing than he would have before, and find it no hardship to “give up” the old habits, because that new love, and the joy it brings, now dominates the focus he has.
Let yourself be deeply in love with the Source of All Life, and let being in love with Love help you make choices that you would not have made before. Let that Love, and wanting Its tender touch in your consciousness, be the motivating factor for every thought, every focus, every action. That is the power that changes everything—that is the belief and love that makes all things new again–understanding that only the power of Love is true.
It gets easier and easier to love Love,
Ah, Beloved,
God’s words to you when you listen will not always be of a serious tone. If you hear “My jolly health is your jolly health”, that is also a good gift to you.
God is always ready to forgive human errors and Love and support you. Concentrate on accepting.
It is All, but it is Light.
Ah, Beloved,
When you rely upon the help of the Loving Voice within you, you will find that It always guides you to extend feelings of Love and Blessing to those who have hurt you or angered you. But many times It will also guide you to enact that Love and Blessing with words or actions. A word spoken, a gift extended, an idea offered, to the one whom your human heart is quailing before, are the ways that Divine Spirit helps you to commit to living the way of One Spirit, of One Love, of knowing that the Other is Self, and that both are manifestations of Agape.
Take the action, enact the faith, and feel better,
Ah, Beloved,
We assure you, there is a spiritual solution to every question and human need. God does not, and has not, and will not leave you comfortless.
Every moment that you spend worrying or criticizing or complaining, is a moment you are not spending trusting God and listening to Spirit Divine for the idea or the impulse that will lead you to your solution or bring your solution to you.
Trust that God wants your Best Destiny enacted and visible, and spend your time lovingly and gratefully listening to the Wisdom and Goodness God offers.
Appreciation opens the heart and mind. If there seems to be a problem, appreciate that you can turn to the Spirit born of God for an answer. Therein lies happiness. Be willing.
Ah, Beloved,
It is the world, and the frightened and proud body-self, that tell you that you must have certain functions and titles and earthly rewards.
Those things will be as they will, if you concentrate on fulfilling the function of your Self as an expression of Light and Love, unjudging and uncondemning and unhurried and acknowledging of the Supreme Source.
Be proud not to be something grand in the world. Be proud to be a Child of God.
Ah, Beloved,
The Good you see today will expand and be clarified as a part of Infinite Love if you understand that ALL Good comes from the one Source of Good that shines Itself forth as Breathing Life.
These words may make no intellectual sense to you, but if you feel the Living Spirit between the words, and the Love that impels these messages to be put forth each day, than you can silence your human mental chattering and fretting and simply focus on “There is a Good Source that wants my happiness, and I allow It to show me all the Good It desires for me.”
That is not a bad Truth to cling to, and expect to be fulfilled.
Ah, Beloved,
It is not about human virtue or piety. It is about being willing to set aside your own goodness or wickedness or errors, and letting God/Goddess/All That Is work through you, and through others. It is about forgetting the self, and letting the All BE All.
Yes, there is no doubt that being humanly good and kind is a worthy goal, and working towards it will help you realize that the Divine gleams under everything, as you learn to love the other as self. But to think that the Divine cannot work through you, or through another, unless you are perfectly pure is only arrogance in another form.
Some of the greatest healing in your life may come through events that are grim, or through people that you might think of as unsavory. In the words or expression of one whom you consider a personal or business enemy, there may come a personal message for you from the Divine. A single phrase may leap out of context from a conversation or a letter and seem illumined, and just the answer you had been searching for. Allow the openness of heart and seeking that lets you be aware that the Divine Reveals Itself where and when It chooses, without any regard to how the world views that person, place or thing.
Your private, unique Divine revelation may come today from a broken stem, a homeless waif, the icon of a saint, or from an old note in a winter coat, or from an overheard sentence in a restaurant. Be open, and let All Be Revealed, for is That not what you want?