All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to be honest with God.

    God does not punish. God only Loves, and gives you ideas about ways out of your earthly dilemmas.

    Is there anyone in your earthly life you can be totally honest with? Can you even be totally honest with yourself, or do you suspect that you hide some of your own motives even from your conscious mind?

    Be therefore, honest with God, about your uncertainties and confusions and triumphs and shames. God Knows the Truth of you: “You are my Beloved and Perfect Child, and I will help guide you through the maze of your own dream, and into the remembrance of Me and your purity as My Idea. Then, you can help others awaken, even as you yourself shake off the final cobwebs of illusion.”

    This is the Truth of things.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here is a very simple rule:

    Anything you would say to another, first say to yourself. Is a thing you would want to hear? Is it a thing you need to hear?

    Compliments and chides are both perfect reflections of some part of yourself. Let this double-check help you sort out what you want to say more of, and what you want to say less of. Let it help you see what you would wish to work on in your own behavior and knowledge, for increase or decrease.

    Just a day spent doing this carefully will open new insights into your own path and growth and possibility, dear, dear Child, and it will help you harmonize your relationship with others.

    Loving you and protecting your journey, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We assure you that God’s Priorities are not the same as the priorities of the human five senses. As you ask to understand God more, and to be more aligned with Divine Purpose, you must be willing and ready for your daily outlook of what is important to change.

    Yes, God does want your happiness. But as your Spiritual Self matures, the experiences and perceptions that help with that happiness will come along with the Inner Awakening that is the deeper Joy of God-Substance. Do not madly cling to habitual small earthly joys if they get in the way of the True shining of Soul through you, and throughout your Life.

    It will be fine, Beloved. It will be fine.

    Let go, and Let Goodness reign,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Practice again today the Power of praying for one person all the day today.

    Whether it be friend or lover or relative or neighbor or stranger or seeming foe, use the simple prayer of “Bless them” as many times as you can remember throughout the day.

    It changes you. For the better.

    We Love that you are willing to do this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you want to see changes, talk to God.

    There is absolutely no use in speaking to the costumed characters of the cartoon, who are staying in their pretend roles.

    Talk to God. Ask to be graced to see the true selves of those around you. We understand that this is not what you learned. It is not what the world teaches. But you have chosen to take a new teaching now, and that means turning to the Great Director and Writer when you would wish to see a happier story.

    That is the Fountain of Love. Turn to Love, Beloved. It is the Writer of Truth and Creation.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again and again, you have found inspiration, comfort and solace, and ideas and solutions for the dream-events, by spending your first waking moments knowing and pondering the Truth of your Self as a wondrous and Beloved Idea dancing in the Mind of God. Again and again you have proved the efficacity of this.

    So, do so again today. Whether Grace seems far off, or you sense It very near, whether the worldly concerns seem small or large, the remembrance of Who You Are, One within God, is always the Good that Solves and Saves.

    Take Grace for yourself today. Be willing to fully receive Grace today, as It takes your Consciousness, and awakens you again, not from earthly sleep, but from the sleep of the Soul.

    Your Divine Self has been saved and safe all along,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you but give Me a few minutes of listening and receiving each morning, I will tell you of your Joy and how much I Love, Love, Love you.

    If you but be willing to believe Me, I will tell you of your Goodness and your worth and your talents to use, and how much I Love, Love, Love you.

    If you but give Me an open heart, I will pour into you the Truth and a feeling of the Lightness and Life that gave birth to the very unique Idea of you, and that sustains you always.

    If you begin it, I will do the rest each day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pray for others, asking Divine Spirit to rise in their hearts and advise and comfort and reassure and heal them. But also pay attention when you hear Divine Spirit asking you to serve as helper.

    If you hear a Loving Whisper to make a welfare call to someone, or to bring some aid, or offer your time and helping hands, then do so. Even if you feel doubtful about intruding, offer, offer, offer. Many times, just the caring word or two will awaken the other to the Power of Love that Guides their life, and swirls all around them.

    Learn to trust the instructions of God. Learn to obey them Lovingly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel that you are rudderless, it is helpful to study the journeys of those you admire, not because your pathway will be exactly like theirs, but so that you will see that each time they were able to flow into their greatest accomplishments or give their wonderful inspiration, it was because they had connected to the One Source of Creativity, Strength, Goodness, and Truth.

    Therefore, look to the lives of the saints and avatars. Look to the heroes and heroines. Do not seek to repeat their exact actions or words, but emulate their seeking of the Divine Wisdom and Life that guides all journeys most perfectly. Seek It, and let It guide you to your most marvelous pathway and sharing of the uniqueness of you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new and fresh belief in the positive attributes of humbleness. There is always the biggest question of whether you are humble enough to let the Divine Source guide your life, and the extraordinary rewards of doing so, but oftentimes, before you can surrender yourself totally to that, there is the step in between, of being humble enough to ask for human help. You know many examples of other people and moments in your own story when you felt too stubborn or proud to ask for human help, or to wait patiently for Divine help to reveal Itself. Those times are good times of practice for being willing to relinquish egoistic control to the One Source.

    Look at your day today. Be willing to do for yourself, as instructed by God, and be willing to humbly and selflessly serve others, but also be willing to ask for, and accept, the help of others who love you, and who also need to learn to serve.

    As ever, serving you delightedly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me today, with Your Truth and Wisdom, dear God, what I need to know about every situation and person and myself. Show me how to Love, Love, Love past all the costumes and posturing, to See the very Heart of you.”

    God know what you yearn for, Child. Let God show you how to be it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such gentleness in relaxing into the guardianship of One Mind.

    Many come into that relaxing in order to feel better about their own lives, and to help hear, from the Divine Voice within, the ideas and impulses that solve the seeming problems and issues in their experiences.

    But as each individual grows adept enough to sense the Divine Impulse, or just naturally feels it as a part of his or her birth right, the realization comes that wherever you are, you are meant to be a healer and a helper. God is One, but it is a Oneness that includes all. Thus, quietly assisting and inspiring others is a constant call to each heart.

    If you are uncertain whether you are meant to assist a certain person, or whether to offer worldly help of some sort, ask Within. The Divine Omnipotent knows when your help would be welcomed and efficacious, and when it would only be resented or regarded as interference. Trust that the All-Seeing Spirit of Spirit knows what is best for each and all in every moment.

    As always, we urge you to ask and ask and ask. Ask for help, for guidance, for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that when we urge you to forgive the foolish actions, and ungodly behavior, that play out on the surface level of the human dream, you think there is not enough love in you to forgive certain things.

    That is why we so frequently ask you to really ponder, and open yourself to experiencing, Infinity. When the sweet epiphany and embrace of Divine Love so suffuses your awareness, that you are convinced of Its Power and Graciousness washing away of all your own errors and ungenerous illusions, you will also have an inkling of how endless the supply of cleansing Divine Love is.

    Feeling that Living Endless Love will help you realize that there is plenty of It to overcome the errors of all, to fill all, to surround and uphold and redeem all. Offering Divine Love forth to those whom you do not humanly love does not deprive you of Love. There is Plenty of Love. It forgives, It adjusts, It teaches and reforms. There is enough Of Love Divine for all.

    There is Plenty, there is Plenty, there is Plenty of Love Divine. Offer It forth. Ask It to awaken all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you seem to have just cut your hand, or are wishing your body felt cooler or warmer, or have just noticed a cramp in your leg, or a dizziness as you stand up, quickly turn your thoughts to the Wholeness and smooth functioning of the Divine Realm that holds you and all that you are. Your affirming of trust in God, your prayer, can be as brief as “Help!”, or “I am as One”, or a more pondering “Tell me what I need to know for my Harmony now, dear Spirit of All”, but We assure you that raising your consciousness, for even a fraction of a moment above thinking of only the body, will help healing.

    Always, We urge you to grow in being and staying aware of being Spirit within Spirit, a wondrous Loving Consciousness within the greater Whole, but re-claiming that identity when the bodily or emotional self feels out of sorts in any way, is so important.

    “I am Well and Whole in God, and I shall always be.” Let God sustain and maintain your thoughts of self, and stay aware of that Perfect Comfort and Care.

    It only takes a moment to remember who you are, and let Spirit make any needed adjustments. You do not need to strain to reach God-Mind. You are already there, It is already with you. “Help me feel your smooth Wholeness right now, dear God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Laugh with relief. Laugh with Divine gratitude when a small or large amazing solution comes for a problem, or when a creative idea blossoms.

    Laugh because laughter is a gift from God, and brings forth the Joy that is the Spiritual fuel of all thought and activity. When a baby smiles or a child laughs, do not all who witness that delight want to join in the Joy? Consider it a chance to truly feel your Oneness with God when you laugh, laugh, laugh.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a child confronted by a great pile of small parts, all mixed together, from which he is supposed to build his toy car, or a house for his figures, or a piece of art, confusion in your thoughts can seem overwhelming. So, like the child who asks help from the parent to sort out all the strange pieces, when you feel your thoughts in a jumble, it would serve you well to ask for Help from your Divine Parent.

    The thoughts in your mind must be sorted into the ones that are good and true and relevant. The broken thoughts and ones that are just leftover pieces of some old construction must be set aside. Without going through them one by one and agonizing or doubting, ask the Divine Inner Voice to speak to you with Its gentle Lovingness and let the pertinent and true and wonderful Guidance come to the surface of the Mind you share with God.

    Let go of past paradigms and jumbles. Welcome the new thoughts and new life of today. A new fresh start will still hold all that is good that you now possess, but it will also hold a clear path on which to walk forward to know Goodness, to serve Goodness, to BE Goodness.

    Each day is thus. And Goodness Itself, knowing Itself and how it made you, already knows you are the Light and Energy that does know how to dance this Joy in every phase of earthly life. Ask for the Good Thoughts and intents and impulses of the day, and dance forth.

    ANGELS, dancing with the Spirit of you

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are many people whom you humanly care for or love. But remember that it is God’s privilege to give each of them their way to happiness. It is not your personal responsibility to make them happy, or keep them happy. Be content to treat them with the good ways of the Laws of Love, and to thank God for giving them their full measure of Joy.

    Yes, of course, if the Divine Voice guides you to say or do a certain thing to help provide for another’s joy or well-being, then do so, in obedience to God. And as you stay aligned with the Divine perspective, and carefully listening to God’s directions to you, keep in mind that no other human is responsible for your happy consciousness and life. Hold no human personality responsible for your good. Turn to God for those, and stay very aware of your own wonderful association with the Divine way for your ephemeral and infinite Joy and earthly happiness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The divine humbleness of knowing that although you are Spirit expressing all the qualities of Joy and Being and Truth that are God, you still need to rely on the Whole of Spirit to feel complete, is essential. Holding yourself in that humbleness, grateful for the Life that animates your Spirit, listen for the whisper of the rest of God.

    Listen, listen, Beloved, holding yourself very still and quiet and calm. You may hear, “Be at Peace, We are One” or you may hear an old phrase from a song or a poem. It does not matter exactly what words God finds in your consciousness to use to communicate with you, it is your attitude of acceptance of being part of the Whole that is the most important.

    Listen, Beloved, listen. Just be still, and listen.

    In all the words, you will hear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is intriguing when the same lesson of earth life comes to one again and again, but be aware that it can be learned, and moved beyond. Do not just accept repeated pain, or sorrow, or continued disease. Know, rather, that you are meant to be freed from those things, and to move into experiencing the full bliss and perfection of being an earthly expression and communicator of the Joy, Calmness, and happy expansion of Love in the orderly revelation of God-in-All.

    Do not accept, “Oh, this is just my cross to bear.” No, look forward and up, rather. Roll away the stones from your eyes and allow yourself to see the marvelous beauty and expressed talents of the Wonderful and Perfect Self that you are as a part of the Infinite Divine.

    We believe in you, for We know the Truth of you. Let yourself See it, also.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When an oil lamp before you begins to flicker, do you reach for the oil to refill it right away, or do you wait for it to go out? When your vehicle gauge hovers near “empty”, do you wait until the emergency light goes on before you take time to stop for fuel?

    Just so, when the Light shining from you feels dimmer, do not wait. Turn RIGHT AWAY to the Inner Well and refill, darling, refill.

    Why wait for the cautionary signal of a loss of temper, or a stumbling toe, or irritation, or depression, to appear? Refill right away with Grace. Keep yourself “topped off” with the fuel of Divine Love, and be the Light that shines steady and pure.

    We are holding you up,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you want Good for yourself, you must be willing to Spiritually See Good for all. It is as simple as that.

    God knows your intentions and your willingness to be an instrument of Grace. Ask for your heart to be cleansed by Spirit, and feel the Lightness of Being that lets you allow the free flow of Divine Love through you, as you, with you.

    You can see that It is as needed now as ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Healing Principle that God invented, of forgiveness, does not exclude anyone. Therefore, since you are part of God, neither can you. If you have a harder time forgiving someone or something or yourself, then ask for Help, and Know It will come, and forgive, and forgive, and move on into Blessing.

    As Ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be patient when listening for the small still Voice from within you, that is the Consciousness of Heaven. Be patient when awaiting the sublime feeling of Divine Presence that is always with you, desiring to Guide and Help you.

    Like the translation delay at an international conference, Divine Voice must work Its way past the mortal mind babble to be heard by your listening heart.

    The Loving Presence of God, reaching past the stormy fears of your thoughts, must sometimes take time to cleanse and clear them, like a trail master clearing the fallen branches on the path after a high wind.

    Be patient, be patient. Give the Power time to reach your awareness. If you turn your attention away too soon to material concerns or mundane chores, you may miss the benefits of the Blessings God is eager to give. Set aside the self and be willingly receptive to the cleansing pace of Spirit.

    Many “unanswered prayers” are just impatience blocking the Light.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the great line dance that is the dance of God, there are only a few set steps. So long as you recognize that you are in the Whole Dance and love and enjoy It, and so long as you recognize everyone else’s right to dance, and try to dance in harmony with them (especially those nearest you), there is no special way that you must move your feet, or sing, or choose direction.

    When unsure, follow the footsteps of the one right by you, for an angel has joined the dance with you. No one enters the dance alone, and no one leaves it alone. Dance, but feel not abandoned or un-partnered. Dance, and help beat the rhythm of Joy that patterns the Universe.

    Smoothly, the line opens to weave in new dancers,


  • Ah, Child,

    Allow us to phrase it this way:

    It is the Divine’s unconditional pleasure to unconditionally offer you a state of mind that is peace, and joy and harmony. It is offered to you on a golden platter, if you will but accept it. Will you?

    We could issue paragraphs and paragraphs of words about that Truth, and more and more words about the metaphors we have chosen for that statement, but it still comes down to the question, does your heart choose to admit it wants that awareness, that state of mind, that Kingdom of perception?

    It is because we honor you that we cannot choose for you,


  • Ah, It Is all these things and more, and to be in complete Love with that State of Mind is to yearn and learn to abide within It. Abiding within It, to be in love with, and loved by, that Presence, is truly, as mystics have said throughout the ages, the worthwhile thing to yearn for, and do. All else comes from there.

    Just a little testimony, for a change of pace,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as banks of low clouds that seem to be mountains can be quickly dissipated by an invisible wind, the seeming mountains of human needs and challenges can be leveled to a smooth path, by God.

    Trust in the tender ministrations of Mother Love, dear one, laying forth the spiritual desires of your heart. Grace will read the desires you know of, and the ones that you are not even consciously aware of, and sort them out, and fulfill the ones that would actually Bless you, uplift you, and help and protect your journey as Good Spirit born of Spirit.

    Be filled with Praise and Wonder, and trustingly open your heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not think about what you are not.

    Think about what you are. Think about what all are.

    You are the truth that is Good. You are the image and wondrous idea of God.

    And if you think about this truth for others as well as yourself, It empowers your thoughts. For as you Love, so are you Loved. If you want to be Loved more, then Love more.

    Can you do this? Yes, you can, because you are a part of Love Itself. And so are all.

    Claim that Truth, Beloved. “I know what we really all are. We are Love.”

    Remember the scribed words: “I know the thoughts I think towards you, thoughts of good and not of evil.” God said that and means it. You are His/Her idea and you are a Good Idea. And more Good thoughts are being thought to you and around you all the time.

    For so do We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If investing in your earthly future provision or survival begins to occupy many hours of your day, you can be sure that you have lost your grounding in the Invisible Infinite. Staying in the present awareness of the moment, of “now”, will help you realize how much of that “future planning” is led by Spirit, and how much is led by the earthly self that would distract you into worry about the perpetuation of the body.

    Be as one with Oneness, Beloved, and knowing again each morning, and each hour, that alignment of your identity with that Oneness is truly all the provision you need. Let the old earth desires fall away, and desire only Goodness. Desire only being a vehicle for the shining of Light, and new, appropriate earth desires, which support that mission of Source communication, will replace the old earth desires. Giving up old earth desires and obsessions, and what the world thinks a smart investor, or sophisticated person, “should do” is not giving up on life. It is choosing a whole new outlook on life. It is allowing yourself to be embraced by true Life Itself, and being taken care of, as you give Loving care to the world and people around you.

    As ever, give to receive,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your “job” is to reflect God/Goddess/Perfect Source.

    Don”t delay, don”t complain, don”t prevaricate. Just practice doing it.

    And, the only true way to help or teach others to do the same is to do it well yourself. Ask for Help to do it well, and ask for Help for others to do it well.

    Well, why not? Try it, and feel the delight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am child spirit within the parent Spirit, made of Its substance of Harmony.

    I claim and allow that Harmony as my spiritual essence, and as that allowance of Harmony permeates my consciousness, it comes into visible form.

    An all-merciful and good Infinite Parent, which declared me beautifully and usefully made, would not leave me unsupported in my emanation of Life, and in service within that Life.

    Ponder these things, Beloved, and only these things, and allow the rest to come,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you mistakenly thought that 2 plus 2 was 3, you would quickly retrain your mind to the truth of 2 plus 2 is 4.

    O, Dear One, please retrain your mind also to know that there is no place and no moment when the Good God that wants your happiness is not ready, able and willing to help you. Ask for it, know God as Good, and trust the Joy that comes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless, bless, bless all the characters that play their roles for you, just as you would bless the teacher who put you through some difficult exercises in order that you might truly learn how to play wonderful music.

    For it IS wonderful music you are learning how to play—it is the music of pure Love.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have patience and mercy with those who have never experienced, because they have never asked for It, the wondrous uplift of the Presence of the Divine. If they would try to engage you in intellectual arguments about the existence of Oneness, as they fearfully try to protect their sense of bodily separateness, just be silent and loving. Ask the One Source for the strength and perception to See their Wholeness, and pray that they soon choose to experience It themselves.

    But graciously recognize that they can choose their own timing and readiness, and make sure you protect your own Knowing of Love, remaining uninfected by their doubt. All have, in due time, been reawakened into the embracing Love that always cherished them.

    Trust that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To say and KNOW, today, “The Loving Grand Mind is what contains me and every other idea, including my friends, my work, my livelihood, my purpose, my supply, my home, my very life and place in all its meanings, and so I trust in that Mind to swirl all ideas within It into Harmony.”

    “I open to that Mind’s Directions today, not turning to old thoughts in human advice, or to the chatter of well-meaning friends. I open to the Mind Divine, and in That I totally trust, and expect Good of this Mind, within which we swim, which supports us on Its perfect waves of Omnipotence, savoring Its gentle Love for me, and for all.”


    WE will be your prayer partners on this, Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have practiced so well. in a place that feels so safe and familiar and inspirational, being aligned with Divine Thought, and warmed and held and Loved by Its Embrace, then We assure you it will be easier to access those same feelings, that same Inner Connection and Wisdom and sense of Complete Support, when you seem to be in a less than ideal situation, of place or time, or circumstance of feeling, or understanding, or power, or ability.

    Then, drawing on the sweet and practiced Awareness of the Home of Love that you have communed with, you can draw from The Infinite Divine the Intelligence, and discernment of Truth, and fullness of Soul and Strength, that you need for the challenge of the moment. You can trustingly surrender to the Wondrous Good of All, saying, “what do I need to know and do and say here, right now?” And you can delightfully follow and use Its advice and empowerment of True Spiritual Sight and Knowledge.

    So, whether your sacred practice space is a church or a temple, or a quiet corner of your room, or a trail in the woods or the edge of a sea, or a boat upon the waters, or the side of a sand dune or a peak of a mountain, practice, practice, practice, knowing that Loving Spirit is with always, wherever you go. It, and all It offers, which is everything, will uplift and guide you, even when the jangle and tumble and outrageousness of the material dream try to shift you off your foundation of Divine Serenity.

    You are doing this for your own Joy, which can them be shared with others, Beloved. You are doing this for your own completeness, Beloved, not to please some parent or person or priestess or mentor or leader. Do it, Beloved, do it, and walk and be free in the fullness of Harmony. Practice knowing the Gracious freedom of those who understand that All that is Good is part of the Divine.

    You are Divine, pure reflection of Light,


  • Oh, Beloved,

    Each day is a wonderful new opportunity to express only kindness and Goodness and to give Inspiration. The Divine Love Source wants you to do this, and will endlessly flow a supply of those Qualities to you.

    Forgive yourself for any failings of yesterday, for Loving Spirit has already done so. Go forth again today, and allow your human complaints to get out of the way, and God will Gladly Shine through you. Gladly.

    It IS a new start every day. A new day.

    We Love you so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you feel tired of “overthinking”, if you feel tired of living with your own human self, just relinquish control. Turn over your thoughts to Divine Mind. Surrender to It, resting yourself against the breast of Pure Love, and quietly, trustingly, waiting for Its Thoughts to send you a sense of relief.

    It will come. It is already with you, just having waited for your permission. It will hold you and Love you, Love you, Love you, always, and certainly now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know that you have the Loving complete Power of the Divine to call upon is the only real wisdom you need.

    Call to that Love today. No call to Love goes unanswered, and Love Itself knows the best way to answer in a way that embraces all. Call to Know Love always in your thoughts, and trust in the unfolding of Good.

    You can feel us with you if you focus on our Love for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a mechanic fixing an engine, who uses a wrench to fix one thing, and a battery cable to fix another, and a hammer to pound here and there, many who seek spiritual growth try to use different aspects of truth to help with pains or sorrows or the sins that inflict them. And, for a time, meditating upon the purity of a certain saint may help you resist the lust of flesh, or pondering the wisdom of a favorite instructor might help you choose generosity instead of greed, as you walk through your days.

    But, like the mechanic who has jump started the battery, only to find that the tires have gone flat, and he now needs another tool, the human soul fixing one small error of body or one bad habit of temperament will always find another “thing” coming up to “fix”.

    The Love that is Infinite Source and the maintaining Force is the greater truth of wholeness. Realizing, and walking in awareness of, that Love is the greater path to peace and gladness. Reach for wisdom, yes. Search for big-heartedness and patience in yourself, yes. Seek to expand your chances for giving and helping those who are caught in pain or fear. But, above all, Love. Remember your Self, that was born in Love, and remains, as Spirit, immersed in Love, and give that Love to your “small’self, your earthly-emotional-body-self, and to others.

    Love heals without just pushing the error to another place. It is the “first aid” that excels. It is the medium through which to administer all other antidotes. It is the Truth which contains, and sustains, all other truths.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thanking God in advance for all the Good the day will bring exhibits the trust and faith that it will happen, and your understanding that the nature of God is Love.

    So, happily trust, and say in the morning, thank you God, thank you God, thank-you God.

    And look for the Good that IS,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know that We constantly remind you of your True Identity as a Beloved Image, a Perfect Idea, Spiritual reflection of the Omnipresent Spirit of God. God holds up the Divine Spirit of Love within your heart as a true Mirror, and in It, you can see the Perfect image of God that you are. That is where you can see your innate Joy and decency. That is where you can see the flows of creative imaginings and goodness. That is where you can see superbly that you are made of the building blocks of Love. That is the Mirror on which is always written, “I am Love because I am a reflection of Love. God-Spirit moves, and so my Spirit moves, for I am God’s reflection. I and My One Wondrous Cause are one.”

    We hope you remind yourself of these things daily. And We certainly desire that you turn to them when you need to find solutions or heal, and can be led to both by simply realigning with these Truths, with God, as though you were re-centering yourself in front of a mirror, to get a complete picture of what you really are.

    But, in addition, Beloved, We hope you remember that for those around you who have not yet found a way of knowing their Wholeness in the All, of realizing that Love Loves them, you might be the only one in each day that is a Light of Truth to them. Be It, Beloved, Be It. Whether it is with a simple quiet smile, or a silent calm Presence, or a greeting of “Hey, Good man, or Hey, Good woman, be the Truth for someone, consistently. If they are open to hearing “God Loves you”, then affirm that each time you see them, or think about them. Be that strand of Light and Love to someone, and it will change their life, and yours, for the better.

    You have no idea how many go for days without a word of Love,

    Give it to them, and their own hearts can open more easily to All Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Love, and Raw “Material” of Thought, that are yours, are always yours. The total package of the precious idea of you, that was born in Spirit, and that dwells in Spirit, is always intact, and held for you, and around you.

    Asking for your graciously given share of Infinite Love does not deprive anyone else of theirs. Trust this, and be willing to playfully allow your share of the Divine Infinite Joy and Supply, to come to you today in expected and unexpected ways. Take delight in watching, and appreciating, the wonderful creative ways that the Mother/Father Divine/Original Cause finds to offer you Beauty and Support and Affection and Gladness.

    Be Delighted, today, Beloved. Be Delighted, and feel Light,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so important to accept that you want to, and need to, see your enemies healed and uplifted instead of punished. You can only receive the full benefit of knowing your own complete health and wealth shining, if you accept that God loves all equally and created all equally. The “small-minded” human self often wants to see those it disagrees with punished, because of their silly or sinful or irritating mortal behavior, but you must remember that the Divine Task assigned to all is to see all as God sees them—made in Divine image of Spirit and very good and lovable.

    Oh, we know how hard it is to look past the mortal costume and behavior sometimes, but if you remind yourself of how much you want your own Best Self to be brought to the surface, you can find the strength and reserves to look past the costumes of others. As all the “Divine Selves” do this for each other, the world illusion WILL get better and better, we assure you, shining more with the Glory of God.

    We see the glorious in you and all right now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All Glory be to God, always. All gratitude be to God, always.

    All Glory be to God, for there is really nothing else. If you forget, in your own heart and thoughts, to give Glory unto God when things feel good and right and accomplished, then you are forgetting where all good ideas and strength and inspiration come from.

    All Glory be unto God, because you are not separate from God. You are part of God—you live and move and have your being within God. If you try to take personal glory, and feel proud and bragging about the good achieved, then you have forgotten where all that you are originates. If you feel you must present what you have done, to move forward or to clarify your skills to the world, then be clear in your own heart that it has all shone forth from God, through you.

    For the flip side, Beloved, is that if events and body do not seem to be going well, then you may feel the stress of feeling overburdened. You may feel the distress of thinking solutions impossible or overwhelming. You may feel separate from God, and all alone against enormous odds. But you are not.

    You are not alone. You are within God. God is with you, and offers you freely all the Good you are humbly and graciously willing to receive, for your part of the Play. Joyously remember that Glory is God’s, during success. And then, during challenges of the material illusion, you will be firmly and wholly abiding in the knowledge and trust that God is also the solution.

    All Glory be unto God, Beloved, and to you as PART of God,

    Here’s to the Divine of You!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ego-self, that is the human self that thinks it is in charge of true reality, will try to convince you that working first and foremost on your own good relationship with Divine Consciousness is a selfish, and therefore bad, thing to do. In Truth, Beloved, the more you work on your own communion with the Force of Unconditional Love, the cleaner and clearer of a transparency you can be, to let the Light of that Love shine to and for others. Let your High Self, your Living Spiritual reflection self, be in charge.

    Work on your own clean clear purity of Divine Thought transmission, and let that clarity be the window through which others can see the Light, and allow the Light to shine upon them. It is a Good Thing. It is a God thing.

    Always shining our Love on you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is indeed a reason to stay within the earth dream and do your part in affirming the existence of a Supreme Loving Force.

    It is a great shared dream, Beloved, and no one whom you meet is unrelated to you and to it. The other soul IS self, and you are all together in the One Reflection of the Divine Soul. Therefore, each heart and mind that you help open to the truth of the Governing Loving Mind is another rung in the ladder that you have climbed to your own High View of the Truth.

    What you give, you receive. What you seem to give away, you actually gain. This we have told you before and it has not changed. It is a thing that you need to remember always, as you choose to give only what you would, yourself, wish to receive.

    In Great Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fellowship does not have to happen in bodily person.

    It can, of course, and if you want it to, make the effort. But even if you are one to whom constant social contact feels natural, try sometimes to simply relate through the Mind.

    And always, always, keep constantly aware that the Mind through which you relate is the Mind that holds all. And. in staying aware of that, you will be aware of Its sweet company.

    Being aware of being within It, and of Its awareness of you, as one of Its darlings, as all are darling to It, you will realize you are never alone. Practicing feeling the ever-present Good company of Spirit, that constantly Guides and Loves you, will change your whole perception of what fellowship is, and whether the body is necessary for it at all. You can send love and support to those whose bodies are far away by earthly definition, but right with you in the Mind of God.

    And We are the Divine Thoughts that are always with you, ready to chat, or quietly commune,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there is an anointing of the overt Presence of the Divine Healing Force, it is meant to be shared. If you do not share it, and give the Divine the Glory for the results, it is lost again.

    Be very aware of this now, Love, for as the Force flows through one as inspiration or healing or wisdom or comfort for another, great Joy is felt in all the unseen Universe. Let that Joy be a part of what you feel as you give whatever is yours to give, and do not worry about credit or coin for the small self—that will come as a part of the greater Will.

    Be at Peace, and give and give and give, with love and love and love.

    As we give our Love to you, endlessly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not think of the Divine as being limited by quantity. Do not think of the Divine as being limited in any way. The more you ponder the fact of the Unlimitedness of the Infinite Divine, the more you will begin to understand that, indeed, all things are possible to God/Goodness/Divine Being. And, since you live within that Being, what you may have for your role in the Plan is unlimited.

    IMAGINE unlimitedness! Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is certainty in selflessness. The push and pull of the earthly identity will make every day seem up and down and pro and con, but if you stay focused on having the Golden Heart of Unconditional Love as your identity, then all things come and go with ease, flowing past and around you who are centered in God.

    The dream of being evaluated by Goldenness, rather than by any earthly personalities or values, is a true dream, Love. Take it to heart and care only for what God thinks of you. It is the only judgment that matters. And it is a judgment based in Love, full of Love, and confident that Love is your attainment already, beyond the reach of time.

    Timelessly yours,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A minister of Grace is everyone who has been given Grace. Or, to put it another way, a minister of Grace is everyone who has accepted the Grace that is constantly offered. Once you have come to that ever flowing fountain and drunk of the water of Spirit and felt, even for a moment, refreshed and renewed, then you have the chance to begin the process of sharing Peace with others. As you share It, silently, or with words or actions, or by demonstrating the increased Peace in your own being, you receive more.

    It is from Within that you receive more. And, as you receive more, you want more. To receive, give and demonstrate to others the sweet Presence that you know helps you re-think yourself and your life.

    Today, be very, very, very gentle with yourself. Move slowly, act slowly, speak slowly, or remain silent. Let your day be Directed in a way that gives time for gratitude for beauty and peace in every action and word and breath. In the moments that pace the slowness, you will hear instructions about what to do and say to give Grace to others, so that the size of your reservoir of It will grow, and you will Know that you will always have enough to use, to give away, and to refill easily for more giving, and for all you yet need to do for your part in the Play.

    It is Love, Darling, and it is the Way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to face all your own fear thoughts with Love. Love, given you freely by the Source that constantly creates You, as Spirit image of itself, is more than enough to overcome all fears and the seeming results they make. Use that Love. Know that an Infinite amount of It is always available to you. Use It, use It, use It to overcome all fears, and to draw upon all True Knowledge, and you will find the world you experience changed.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    As before, we remind you of something. Soften your heart by remembering, and being grateful for, all the times you have been forgiven, and taught, and grown in honor and goodness. How many times would you have ended up with someone angry at you, or been fined or jailed, or ostracized, if other people had seen what you did, or errors you made? It is summed up in the old saying, “There but for the Grace of God go I.”

    You need to remember this, not to shame yourself, but to be grateful, and gentle, and willing to forgive others their moments of weakness or transgression. You need to remember this so that you can sincerely say in your heart and mind “Do I want to see this person punished, or sad, or do I want to see that person healed and enlightened?”

    This is especially important with people who are close to you, whether at work or play or family, because if they are healed of the false ways of thinking and dis-ease that have landed on their Pure Souls, then they become better companions, spouses, and friends to you. Just think what a glorious earth experience it would be if all could display just their normal God-given honor and goodness and honesty, instead of fearful and alone behaviors!

    Think about this, and choose how to feel. Vengeful, or forgiving?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The “news” that is most important for you to check each morning is the information that God wants to give you for your day.

    We beg you to turn to that channel of Inner Divine Voice first and foremost, and with great attention and willingness.

    It will not only change your attitude towards what others seem to be doing and saying, it will also change your perceptions, and your ability to be grateful for, and attract, Good.

    We gladly join you in Inner Listening each morning, and anytime,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Stay humble, and give all praise to where praise is due, to the Infinite Source that holds and maintains all. Let yourself FEEL the security of knowing how completely It holds all, even though Infinite in Size and Ability. Like an infinite eggshell, strong and mighty.

    You ARE Its Beloved Chick, growing and learning, even while you are held.


  • Ah, Now, Friend,

    Realize that when you have become accustomed to feeding your self from Spirit within, there is no going back. Be of that Mind, or be discontent and grumbling and complaining.

    There is only the Divine Mind, and the illusion of the world. Take your concentration off the illusion, Beloved, and focus only on letting your mind be illumined from within. That is all.

    That is the only true place, Beloved, to resolve the things that seem to be on the outside, irritating or frustrating you. Go within, be of Peace, become Peace, and let the outer reflect the Truth you begin to live. Be the Illumined mind, or be nothing, Love. It is the only choice there is.

    We support the choice, but you must make it, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Unseen Truth has a regulatory effect that you can count upon, really.

    Some call It the Law of Harmony, some call It by other names, but if you remember that It is ALWAYS in operation, and quietly turn to It, It will advise you and sort out your thoughts and your feelings. Whether you are at a place in your awareness such that you consistently turn your attention to hearing the Harmony, or whether you only consider turning to It when you are in crisis, there It is. It is still there, and always will be there, as you flit about in the world of time. And It will be there when time is done. Harmony Loves Harmony, and It Loves the experience of you as a part of Itself.

    The favorite restaurant might disappear, or the dance or tune go out of style. The bodily friends will come and go, and the desires for attainment will ebb and flow. The intellectual achievements will shine or fade or be superseded, and what seemed like facts will morph into different worldly truths.

    But Harmony will still be the Law that Works, to show valiantly that Love is All.

    Let It be your constant Friend and Love, darling. For It is yours.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Joy for Me in embracing you.

    I already “hold” you, like water holds a fish, or like your mortal mind holds an idea for a new recipe of a cherry compote swirled with chocolate, but I also love to deeply embrace you.

    I embrace you with Love, appreciating and admiring and being grateful for you, My idea of you. Let Me embrace you fully, child. And embrace Me in return. Embrace Me in return, and Love is expanded yet again by our joined embrace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each morning and evening, and anytime during the day that you must make an important decision, or when you feel stressed or confused, take these two simple steps:

    1. Remind yourself that the only real power is God, and God created only good and wants only good. Feel the gentle peace deep in your heart that is the pulse of God, while you think about that Grace and Fullness of God. Think about the Love and the Omniscience that are God.

    2. Stop thinking, but continue to feel the deep peace of God, while you become very still, and listen. Listen, listen, listen in a relaxed and quiet way. You are not striving to hear a particular thing. The Divine Inner Spirit may just give you a few moments of Loving Silence, which refreshes and calms you for the next phase of your day. Or, that Gracious Spirit may whisper a word or a name that gives you a new idea to solve a problem. Or, you may feel an urge to try a certain thing or call a certain person, or to go to a certain place, even if it is just to buy the groceries. Spirit may just suffuse you with a feeling that “All is Well, All is Well.” Just be still, and listen. Listen.

    Be the rabbit, inside, with ears huge. God is in there, in you, somewhere. Just Listen. Listen for that Divine breath, and footstep. Listen for that whisper, and above all, feel the Love that pours into your heart and mind, when you are still, and allow It. It will guide your every step of this earth journey, if you but be still, and listen, and allow.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The True Calm that accompanies the Presence of Divine Within is not cautious. It knows no fear, and sees and feels nothing to be cautious of, for It knows that It alone exists and fills all.

    If those who have found the benefit of the Presence of the Divine, in their wellness and provision and peace of mind, become over-cautious about exposure to the “ungodly”, then they have fallen into fear, and thus away from the Peaceful Divine. Each time that the words or actions of another lure your thoughts into judgment or caution of exposure, re-ground yourself in the Love of God, Beloved, for It knows no thing to be afraid of. It knows that It is all there is, and is Good. The errors and mists that fall away as the fear-perceptions fall away, will leave the awakened mind joyous, and astonished that such ridiculous mirages could have seemed to obscure the goodness of Truth.

    Turn not to caution, Beloved. Turn to utter trust in the Goodness of the Real.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    It is the human propensity to try to reduce all choices to a set of rules. But really, there are only the Truths that All is One, and that you and everyone else are, in Spirit, part of that One. Or, to put it in western form, Love God above all else, and Love thy neighbor as thy self.

    A corollary to those, of course, is keeping your awareness on them, and on giving time to listen to the Inner Voice from Oneness, from the Goodness of God, that will guide you in EVERY situation. Remember and act from those two rules, and you have the rule for every situation. Remember to pause and listen to all that flows from those Truths being accepted, and every choice falls into place.

    Awaken in the morning and remember them, and listen. Awake in the morning, and let those Truths guide you in what to do today. There is enough work on your doorstep to do, no matter where you are in the Great Puzzle today. Appreciate what you have, and work from what you have. Any work that is yours to do, of sharing, appreciating, forgiving, of giving and receiving, will spring from what is right to hand. Listen, love, and act.

    And if the Puzzle Dances you to a new spot, know that, there again, all the steps you need to do are right there, ready to be done, and to be enjoyed. Just let your Divine Partner Within always lead, and flow, flow, flow with the Dance.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your effort is to put your FULL confidence, heart and mind, into the Omnipotence of the Divine and Its accomplishment of Goodness. If you truly feel that Harmony already exists as the very Principle of the Universe, as you send forth your prayers, then you will see Harmony appear in the outer, just as quickly as It can be.

    Love sometimes reveals the Whole Harmony immediately, and sometimes, in mercy, shows It forth bit by bit, as one would slowly rehydrate a parched plant. Believe us, dear love, each individual is given glimpses of Heaven just as soon as they are ready, until they can serenely accept the Whole Brightness of being.

    So pray on, dear love, pray on,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grow in Grace. Grow in amazement of and at Grace.

    Grow not in time or in space. Just grow in Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In a grieving or challenging time, be gloriously glad at how simple it becomes to turn inward. Whenever those moments or strange irritation come, or grief, or anger, or any other aspect that is not part of the set of emotions that you know are part of God (The Gladness, the Freedom, the Humor, the Exhilarating Love, the Satisfying Harmony), then it becomes a simple signal when you are feeling anything else: Just turn back to being still, and being, being, being.

    All the shadow forms that have danced through your life, enticing you to try to be anything except exactly what you are, are the lies to be ignored. Be exactly yourself, Beloved, as Spiritual Perfection. Ignore the physical signals of others, AND YOUR OWN, and let yourself be the perfect Child of Spirit.

    From that seed grows the new garden of your life. From that truth comes all else.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, yes, yes. Keep it primary in your mind and heart that there is only one Will, and that is the Will of the Creative Source.

    Those who speak proudly of their “human will” are speaking like apples on a tree which arrogantly state “I can fall anytime I want,” ignoring the fact that they only are hanging there because the Tree holds them up, the Tree grew them, the Tree, and Its Sap, sustain them.

    Have mercy and compassion for those who still believe themselves to be free-floating apples in the air of the Cosmos, but never forget, for yourself, what lovely Order holds you all in place until you ripen. That is the only Truth to pray from, and to be in awareness of, as you thank the Sap for feeding you all.

    Ah, even as buds you were all beautiful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, be glad if you can take joy in your earthly achievements, or take joy in the compliments of others for what you have done or know, but never forget to daily measure yourself by God’s question, “How much did you Love generously today?”

    God does not ask you this to judge you, but to help you evaluate for yourself whether you are living up to your full potential of being the Good reflection of Love Itself that you were created to Be. Love simply flows, flows, flows to you, so that each day you can express It more clearly and consistently. And any little bit of shining forth of It that you do is immensely appreciated, and applauded, and encouraged, by the Unseen Spirit of Infinite Life.

    And, Love yourself as Good Soul, as well…


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Peaceful Love of God contains you always. The Joyous Tenderness of God regards you well each and every day and moment.

    The hills and valleys of craggy human love cannot compare to the Infinite and Unconditional Love of God for you. On the days that you feel and act saintly, and on the days that you are dithering around in errors, God Loves and Knows the Good essence of you.

    Trust that steady Love, and turn to It. Your enjoyment of stormy human relations can be greater if your heart is already filled with the Calm and Loving Appreciation of God. It will never let you down, if you acquaint yourself with It, and partake of all the Full Love It offers you.

    Holding you in Our Protective Thoughts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you enter the attitude of gratitude, or keep a gratitude journal, or express thanks to the friends and co-workers and relatives and family members whom you see every day, remember to Whom that gratitude is truly due. It is good and wonderful to say your thanks to those around you, but keep in your thoughts that the Source of All is the true way to direct your gratefulness.

    Thank the Divine for the Healing and comforting and providing Force that is the link between the dreams of earth and the Truths of Heaven. Keep your mind focused on the Loving, Giving God-Mind, as you thanks the expressions of that Mind that are all the people you know.

    Always grateful that you take time to center into the Source of Love,


  • Ah, Child,

    Each time you prove to yourself that you let Goodness reign in your life when you align your mind with the Mind of God, make a template of it in your memory. Count and collect your own examples of living in the goodness of truth, that you may remember them and turn to them when the world, or your old mindset, would pull you away from Joy.

    The proofs you read of or hear of from others will go a long way towards giving you inspiration or courage, but the best proofs are your own. When you are your own proof, then you become proof, and therefore growth and wholeness, to others.

    Practice on yourself, for You are always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether your moments of intimacy with the Source have been few or many, cling to them. Cling to the Truth of “God Loves me.”

    “God Loves me.” Cling not to the words, but to the Spirit. Cling to the pure feeling of being immersed in and sustained by the Love that Holds you, that created you, that maintains you, that reflects Its own Love as you.

    “God Loves me.”

    Today, it is true. It is always true.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It can indeed be frustrating or comical or perplexing to hear wordy, philosophical, or very inexperienced persons discussing which school of thought or program of training or historical trend you or they or another must be part of. But the labels of analysts and the unawakened matter not, Beloved.

    What matters is your own experience and relationship to the Living Presence of the Divine Creative Force that is All. Practice that “Love shining Love” connection each day, and prove for yourself Its Truth, Its working Principals, Its importance for your right Life.

    Be not lost in intellectual arguments and material definitions. The sleeping part of your own mind and others will try to detour all your hours into that, but if you aim to keep it simple in the power of Spirit, you can. Just fear not, and Love God, and express the Divine Mind in every day and way.

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry. If the flaring Presence of the Divine Impulse comes up within you and impels you to speak to someone or to reach out to them with help or hand right away, in a certain moment, then do so. But otherwise, keep remembering that there is no hurry in the Divine Mind in which you dwell.

    Take that extra time to listen. Take that extra time, before you make commitments or give replies, to humbly seek the wisdom of the Inner Voice, and then obey Its guidance, rather than reacting from any immediate human emotion or grievance or excitement. Tenderly, wisely, and all-seeingly, It will guide you as no human wisdom can. It will help you achieve what must be solved. It will help you gather what needs to be together for the completion of any worldly task. Listen, Trust, Obey.

    There is no hurry, today. Listen, Trust, Obey.

    It is as we say,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your Conscious Self has a choice each morning, each hour, each moment.

    You stand before two rooms of thought. One is filled with thoughts of sorrow, or annoyance, or victimhood, or helplessness, and a sense of aloneness, or discomfort, or self pity or righteousness, and complaints and criticisms, etc. The other room of thought holds words of interest and curiosity and optimism and inventiveness and generosity and endurance and creativity and hopefulness, or faith and peacefulness, etc.

    Which room do you want to walk into? If you even step near the threshold of the room of Light and positivity, Divine Love will help you. The Divine Law of Harmony Will Help you.

    If, from desire or habit, or focus on materiality or reviewing your human problems again and again, you linger in the other room or chose it again and again, God will patiently wait for you to ask,

    “Help me to the other room. Carry me to Peace and Wholeness of Being. Awaken me, Dear God.”

    Even a tiny indication of willingness for this to be your time of enlightenment will bring Loving Spirit rushing to your mind to assist you.

    And Love Triumphs,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grievances are like smog that hides the light of the sun.

    Let the Wind of Love blow your grievances away, and let the ever-present Light of Soul shine, shin, shine in your life.

    Expect Good, and Good is seen,

    Look for Good, and your ability to see it increases.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiving others IS forgiving yourself.

    Today, do not try to understand that intellectually. Just taste it with your heart, and see if it does not taste like the Truth.

    We have tasted its truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Please be grateful. We are so joyous when we see you planting seeds of Good by being grateful. Each and every one of you has much to be grateful for, and exercising and developing that gratefulness, like exercising a worldly muscle at the gym, does yield Good results.

    We hope you count Our Love for you as one of those Blessings. See how many Blessings you can count today, so that it will be as a whole field of Good seed planted, to create your harvest of more Blessings.

    Have faith in the seeds of gratitude, like a farmer with seeds of wheat,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    These messages flow through this particular instrument and are gently made available for any who care to look, and might absorb the words and deeper meaning. But even more important is to contemplate the Great Divine All, the Love, that puts them forth into the consciousness of the human hands that type them.

    This Love is so very glad to Flow to you as well. This awareness of God-Spirit can form Itself into words and comfort and inspiration in your heart and mind as well. Believe it, and feel it, and gracefully accept the tender and wise Counsel that so wants you to know the full substance of Joy that you are engendered by.

    The words of this message of the day, or of other days, might spark good thoughts in your mind, but Our true goal is for you to openly feel the Love of the Whole Source flowing to you, Loving you, helping you with new and broader perceptions.

    Ask for Love to flow through you, and It will.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Betrayed by a kiss?

    Do you think that the Divine Spirit does not understand the pain you feel when you are awakening, and those whom you love have not yet even stirred from their slumber? Whether it is a lover, or friend or spouse, or stranger upon the road, Beloved Child, you must trust that God will lead you to speak to those to whom you are meant to speak, but the timing of their willingness to hear must be left to the Divine Omnipotence.

    God knows the timing of each and every drop of rain that drops into the river to be carried back to the Ocean. Let it be so.

    Accept it. Love It. Love, Love, Love, and wait for the Will of God’s Timing for all.

    How long did we patiently wait for you, Child?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as a movie will catch you up into another time and place and seeming reality, the daily headlines that shout and beckon will try to have you focus on all that they proclaim. Some of it you can learn from and help heal, some of it is for others to take to task. And some of it, of course, is delightful news worthy of human celebration.

    But no matter what the details and place, it is the ephemeral. That is why it is so important to ground and center yourself in the unchanged and ever-Kind Divine, before you turn your attention to the human sensory input of sight or sound or touch or smell.

    Turn to the Soul of you, that is the Soul of all, and fill yourself with Its Strength and Wisdom and Charity, and then move on to your day, stopping for Divine refills as many times a day as you need to in order to stay filled with Compassion and Love Unchanging and Strong.

    We repeat this often, Dear One, because it is True every day,

    And so, so good to remember, and to remember to do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We hear your daily morning plea—”High Guidance of the Light, come speak to me, help me feel you, come Guide me all this day, this night”, and We embrace you.

    And this day We say, “Take your ease with Us. Take your ease of Soul. Approach this day as a thing to enjoy, rather than as a challenge to rise to.”

    “Let Us take Our Ease of Being and Joy together. We are with you, Child, We are with you. Take Your Ease.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Constantly: “When criticism and condemnation try to make a home in my mind, Dear God, please immediately send your Spirit of Loving Forgiveness to replace them with Thoughts of redemption and salvation, and upliftment for All.”

    This should be the lock and key you place on the door of your mind, with only Divine Mind having the Master Key. Please, please allow the Healing Spirit to give Its Powerful Help with this. It is Its main function.

    It is a silent Key, but It works,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look at the right evidence when evaluating your relationship with the Divine.

    Do you evaluate a relationship with a lover or a friend by exactly how many kisses or compliments you receive, or by the depth of the love you feel and the ways that the other person helps you grow and bloom? Please, evaluate your relationship with God, not by how many answered prayers for things or events you have received, for those are only the side effects of God, but by how your soul has grown.

    What is the depth of your love for God, and do you feel more of it for everyone and everything around you? Do you forgive more quickly? Do you have more impulses to kindness? Do you have a calm faith that everything will work out for the Good? Is your level of compassion steady and strong, and your gratitude for the Peace and Joy in your heart constant? Is your ability to stay centered, and patient, and be faithful, stronger?

    The fruits of a close and abiding relationship with the Divine are aspects of soul and demeanor, not how many cars or dominoes you own on earth. Look to the truths that have grown in your Soul, and be glad and complete in Spirit.

    We love having your full Presence again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Peeling a hard boiled egg under running water makes it easier to do. Mashing potatoes under running water only makes them all flow away.

    Choose the environment in which to practice what you are trying to do.

    “I will choose to feel Joy today. I will call to Joy to come forth in me, and I will look for the Joy around me, and I will demonstrate the Joy I know to be the fuel of all that is Good.”

    And Amen, so be It, for so It is.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Lover that is ALWAYS there, is deep in the quiet of your Heart, that is a wondrous and lovely part of the Greater Soul.

    Go inward in your thoughts, hold breathlessly still, and hear the special message your Lover has for you today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So simply can you guide your day, opening up to the Supportive Love that maintains the Soul of you, that IS the Soul of you, to constantly affirm, “I am a Beloved image of the Good God. All around me are Beloved images of the Good God. I remind myself of this, and I make the effort, with God’s Support, to See this.”

    A simple thing can be the work of a day, or of a lifetime, to master,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We of course continually urge you to remember that the Total Divine Loving Presence is always with you, Omnipotent and Omniscient. To remember that the Spirit of God is always walking with YOU, one of Its Lovely reflections, and to say hello to It and listen to It, is to welcome more Harmony into your life.

    Do that again today, but also focus on the Truth that Loving Omnipresence is also there for everyone you know and hear of and have never met. When you are feeling concerned for someone, and that person has not given you permission to reach out with silent prayer or words or actions for him or her, focus on that sweet reality that God-Mind is already holding that individual consciousness. God is already Loving and caring for and guiding that one.

    Give gratitude to God for guiding you and for guiding all. Give God gratitude for the Great Plan already made and done, in the timeless perspective of God-Mind.

    You do not need permission to silently pray for Good for all. It will soothe you to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting go of old habits is not about striving, as much as it is about honesty.

    What do you no longer enjoy? Stop, and consider, and let your soul voice guide you. What is it time to DECIDE you would like to let go of? From there, ask for Divine Help, and let the changes occur. Change begins with the decision to trust in your own best Destiny, and honesty with the self ( and others) is a big part of the aspects of the Divine that make up your best destiny.

    Always honestly loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    You do not need to understand exactly how God functions ln order to receive the Divine Love that helps you. Allow today to be a day of acceptance.

    “Dear God, help me see Your Law of Harmony at work in my life. Help me in all things.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am Light. We are All Light.”

    Beloved, you remember this on some days, or in some moments, but sometimes you forget your True Identity as Offspring of Love and Spirit. You are not a clunky body. You are Light.

    From all the sunrises and sunsets you have watched, and the days you have spent watching Light dance in waves and leaves, you know how Light can change swiftly and easily into different forms of Good Beauty. You know you are also Light, shining forth from the Center of Love.

    When you forget this, remind yourself. When others forget this, remind them. When you think of them as anything other than Light, remember.

    “I Am Light. They Are Light. We Are the shining sunrises and sunsets and days of Light together,”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you think we do not know that you need proof? We are well aware that when you feel trapped in the human outlook on things, that you need proof that God Thoughts are reality. Ask that today you be shown something that seems so humanly unlikely that it gives you that iota of faith that lets you believe that ALL things are possible to God.

    For believing that you are under no Law but the Law of Goodness that is God is truly the one and only thing you need now. Do not define your needs in terms of human love or money or circumstance. Define your need as utter and complete faith in the Truth and Harmony of God.

    This basic, Love. Take It,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Even as the brightness of the morning meditation or prayer fades a bit, as you are faced with the tasks of the day, their power is still with you. Allow yourself to feel the love and appreciation that you felt during the time of silent communion, and it truly is as though your prayer continues. In the same way that a beloved human partner or child or friend is always in the back of your mind, even while you have a meeting or perform a chore, allow the Divine Presence to be a caressed and caressing thought that stays with you throughout the day and night.

    It is possible to reach the stage where you are always aware of being a part of the Wholeness of the Divine. The Divine Itself embraces you into that centered place, and empowers you, when you fully realize that you want It more than anything that the physical world has to offer. The Divine knows when you are ready to fully receive It, for It sees when you are fully ready to give complete Compassion to others. As your heart projects, so are you more and more a reflection of the perfect part of the divine that the God of All made you to be.

    Every sliver of the reflected image will be found,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate the days when the earthly duties are few, and focus on bringing yourself Joy by being Divinely grateful for Beauty. Divinely made beauty exists, and can be appreciated, in the colors and shapes of a flower, or the dance of a butterfly, or the strength of a tree trunk or mountain, but the invisible Beauties are greater still.

    Celebrate, celebrate, and be grateful for, the long friendships, the unpaid loyalties that grace you, the small gestures of kindness, the compassionate touch from a stranger, and the constant, constant, constant Unconditional Love of God.

    If you deeply practice feeling grateful and celebratory of Divine Beauty on your quieter days, then it will be easier to learn to remain filled with Spiritual Joy on your very busy earthly days. Staying grateful, and honoring being an expression of God WHILE being very busy with tasks means you will feel Spirit helping you carry the load.

    This is Truth, Beloved. Try It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you decide, and feel joyous about, a personal decision to spend more time getting to know your own soul, and the Divine, you may find yourself challenged by those around you. The friends and family to whom you used to give your quiet time may feel abandoned, or insulted, or they may mock the new direction of your interest. If, or when, you try to shift conversations away from gossip and complaining, to joy and appreciation, they may feel resentful and judged.

    And, your body may act just as insulted as your old friends and family members. If it is not used to getting up an hour earlier to meditate or pray, it will complain. If it is not used to obeying the Inner Voice to finish a certain task instead of going home to that drink and hot shower, it will give you pains and grumbles.

    In both these things, Beloved, pray for strength, and pray for endurance and peace. Be kind, but make no compromise except silence. Renew your own vows to know your True Self and the Divine Mind within which you live, and feel the surge of support from there. Change friends if you must, and change habits to train the body to let go of old ones. Good friends will stay with you, or maybe even grow with you. The body will find new equilibrium and better habits.

    Stand fast, heart and eyes on the Unseen Divine, and let all the changes come from There, where all is known, and all is possible,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Search, with Joy, for the Truth.

    The world will try to seduce you with its earthly ways of reward, but remember that all good achievements and ideas of the world you see are only facsimiles of the Good that exists in God/Goddess. If you remember that all credit belongs only to the Divine, and not to any works of your human hands or head, then you will not be limiting yourself. And when you let go of all credit, and all limits, then the Truth appears.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    From within the circle of your own sensory perceptions, you CANNOT see yourself clearly. To realize and appreciate the spiritual Truth of you, you must trust the word of One outside the physical circle of limited perception. That One has many names in many cultures and traditions, but basically you must learn to perceive Its Truth of you, and then do your utmost to believe that you are a perfectly loved and good Child of the Universe, and that the Spiritual original of you is valued and maintained in Its Wholeness. As you focus on that, the dim reflection that is the “physical” will show more and more evidence of that.

    Be loved by Grace, Child, and trust Its word instead of your own limited perceptions. As you do, you will wonder why you waited to see as It Sees.

    We assure you, you are beautiful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I forgive, and I live as though I am in love with God.”

    “I am healed of the belief that the body rules all, for I have answered Love’s call.”

    Swim in these thoughts today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God takes only Joy in you and gives you only Love/

    We help you let that Love shine out.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is the task of the human Spiritual guide, or prayer practitioner, or priest or priestess, or rabbi, or Truth teacher of whatever name, to remind you constantly of Who you really are. You are a perfect spirit, loving and lovable, and intelligent and wise, and gentle and creative, and giving, and many, many more good and creative things. You are Good Spirit.

    When you know that someone else truly knows this about you, then you can use it as the touchstone of Truth, and begin to live the Truth of what you are right away. Hear the human witness, learn to hear the Divine Witness within, and then be, be, be the wonderful shining Light that you already are.

    When you forget your Self, ask one who remembers, and be free to be again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be gentle and courteous with those that give you well-meaning advice, but never apologize for taking time to listen to your Inner Wisdom. Your Soul-self knows you, and what is Best for you, better than any person. Indeed, It knows what is Best for all within Itself, although most of them think of themselves as separate individuals.

    Never be ashamed to say, “Thank-you for your good intentions, but I need a moment to ponder that”, or “I need the night to pray about that”.

    God IS with you, and will Guide you. Be certain, and welcome the Good that comes of this pondering.

    Divine Spirit Loves you as part of Itself,