All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The very moment you feel annoyed with someone, ask God to Bless you by helping you see the Divine in them, and ask God to Bless them and help them shine.

    You KNOW this. Now practice it in every circumstance. You know it is your own heart that is hurt if you let annoyance eat away at you. God will guide you to a productive and Harmonious solution. God will guide All. God will lead gladly if you do not let your own human feelings trip you.

    Trust in the power of God Soul,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more devotedly you spend time in the Presence of God, immersed in and communing with that Everpresent Love, the more Real It will seem to you.

    And the more Real It seems to you, the more you will realize, It IS the ONLY REAL THING.

    The more you know this and feel it and hold it in your heart, the more the illusions of anything that is not Good will melt away from your perception.

    Only God is Real. Can you focus on that faith, that hope, that truth, today?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me my Best Self, Dear God.”

    Just keep a simple and Truth-seeking prayer such as that in your mind. God knows your needs and purpose and talents better than you yourself do. So, when thoughts seem jumbled and you are not sure how to proceed or even exactly what you want, leave it to God to Guide you.

    “I surrender to Your Wisdom and Love, Dear God. Guide me.”


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We understand that not many are ready to absolutely mean it when they say to themselves, “I place the future in the hands of God.”

    To many, that is a frightening thought, and God does not wish you to be frightened. But can you trust enough to playfully let one day, this day, be lived without your own “planning”? Just for today, place each next minute, and each next hour, in the hands of God. FEEL the great sense of release that comes as you do so, and see if you do not feel moments of delight that are never felt when you are always worrying about the next moment and the next and the next.

    Always with you in the now,


  • For my earthly father, who passed over the bridge of earthly illusion today, 8/6/12.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not about human virtue or piety. It is about being willing to set aside your own goodness or wickedness or errors, and letting God/Goddess/All That Is work through you, and through others. It is about forgetting the self, and letting the All BE All.

    Yes, there is no doubt that being humanly good and kind is a worthy goal, and working towards it will help you realize that the Divine gleams under everything, as you learn to love the other as self. But to think that the Divine cannot work through you, or through another, unless you are perfectly pure is only arrogance in another form.

    Some of the greatest healing in your life may come through events that are grim, or through people that you might think of as unsavory. In the words or expression of one whom you consider a personal or business enemy, there may come a personal message for you from the Divine. A single phrase may leap out of context from a conversation or a letter and seem illumined, and just the answer you had been searching for. Allow the openness of heart and seeking that lets you be aware that the Divine Reveals Itself where and when It chooses, without any regard to how the world views that person, place or thing.

    Your private, unique Divine revelation may come today from a broken stem, a homeless waif, the icon of a saint, or from an old note in a winter coat, or from an overheard sentence in a restaurant. Be open, and let All Be Revealed, for is That not what you want?



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It can actually be an asset when you cannot picture exactly how an inharmonious situation might become Harmonious. Trying to humanly picture the way that will unfold limits your ability to have heartfelt belief in the Law of Harmony.

    So remember instead the times that Goodness has delighted you with Its Presence, shining into your days with people and places and opportunities and things, and trust that Goodness wants to Bless you again. And while you wait for that Goodness to work Its overseeing Harmony, Bless everyone and everything about you. Bless them with words, or silent good wishes. Bless them with helpfulness or gifts or simple appreciation of their beauty and order. Bless all things and see the wonder of them, and keep your thoughts aligned with the Divine Thought that “all is very Good.”

    There ARE solutions greater than your human imagination,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Utter Joy that will fill you as you realize you have taken the first steps towards Home, as you begin your Loving remembrance of your oneness with the Source, is more than we can describe in any words.

    Utter Joy. Do you not want it? Do you not want it more than the fleeting sorrows and pleasures of daily sensory life? You will still have those daily things, as you release yourself to be an instrument of communication for the Source, but you will also float on, and be fed by, the Utter transporting Joy of God, of the Oneness of Being.

    We know You, in Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When change comes, only the first step or two is hard. Loving Spirit provides the strength and the courage to go on those first few steps, and then, like a runner or a walker warming up to the track, you will find your rhythm and your flow, and go, go, go.

    Be brave, knowing that the Divine Source IS your source of strength and supply and calm certainty, and ultimate freedom of Heart. Be Joyous of that, and keep, always, in your mind, the list of qualities that you have to draw upon from your Loving Source—the Love, the Inspiring Intelligence, the Harmonious Law, the Spirit of giving, giving, giving, and the Truth.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a certainty in your heart that you have given the Divine a chance, each day, to tell you what It wishes of you that day.

    It will ALWAYS wish that you would Love It and let yourself be Loved and express that Love to others, but if there are also actions to take, words to say, inspirations to hear, you need to give It a chance to speak. You need to listen.

    Listen today, O’ dear Love. Listen today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the small mechanical problems of daily life are easily fixed, be so grateful you have the means and/or the knowledge to fix them. Be so grateful to honor the Source from which all means and knowledge come.

    Let not the annoyance of the inconveniences of daily human life fill your moments. Be glad and rejoice as they are solved, or as they give you a welcome respite from mindless routine, and let the situations remind you to be grateful, be grateful, be grateful.

    So many incidents can help you see the True priorities of living, and to turn the thought back to honoring the God Source, and keep the heart sending forth gratitude and Love.

    Be grateful, be glad, Be Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to give support and thanks to others, even when you feel that your own bodily self does not have enough. The Infinite Resources are of course without limit, and you demonstrate your belief and faith in that when you give when you are fearful of doing so.

    Giving others their due, in support and in appreciation and in loyalty, is to give it to yourself. Giving forgiveness even when you do not have the surface feelings of mercy is also to give to yourself. Do you begin to see, dear Child, the real truth of “giving is receiving”? For as you truly desire to see ALL blessed with their best destinies and highest happiness, then you have created Heaven right around you. And is not living right here, right now, in Heaven, what you have been asking to do?

    Right here, right now, “Open my eyes, Dear God, and let me see, the characters and the lives that are the peoples of the Heaven that is Thee.”

    And then look for the Good all around you. Including in yourself, dearly Beloved.

    Love, enduring,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learning that “All is One” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” are the same thing.

    You already Know in your heart that all exist within the Thoughts of the One Mind, but sometimes the costumes of those around you are so cleverly suggestive of meanness and shallow thinking that it is very hard to believe. Sometimes your own temptations and errors make you feel as though you also must have somehow stepped outside of the Mind of Love.

    But it is not so. It just is not so. For yourself, ask to be helped to feel the Love that holds you, and to lay aside all behaviors and thoughts that are not the Good You. For others, ask of One Mind that It so brightly shine within them that It shines through as clearly as strong sun shines through the outer tissue of onion skin. Then, you will be able to list for yourself their good and spiritual qualities, and be at peace in sharing the One Mind as your Home together.

    And, do remember, Beloved, as you look back over your life and the lives of others, that some of the “enemies” you thought you had finally became friends to you, and that others that were as an irritation to you were gracefully whirled away from the daily orbit of your life, once you came to think of them with peace.

    Loving from afar is still Loving. It is up to One Mind to Harmonize them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If events, or temporary circumstances, make you feel confused about your purpose, in life, or in the current set of tasks, return your thoughts and your heart to the Purpose of the Divine. The stated Purpose of the Divine is to Be Love and Express Love.

    You are that expression of Love, and the expansion of Love into any place or thought that seems to have forgotten that Love is all, becomes your mission as well. Examine your own thoughts constantly, and see if any of them have fallen into the doubt of Love’s existence. Examine your own attitude towards others, and see if you have erringly begun to see any of them as not being within the Divine family.

    Always, always, begin with the self, Beloved, in any cleansing or any prayer given for others. Align yourself carefully, for only by being fully aligned with the flow of the Divine Unconditional Love that expresses Itself through you, can you give your blessings, which are really the Divine Blessings, to anyone.

    The Divine, as Love, expresses Itself as infinite ideas. You are one of them, and everything and everyone around you are other ideas. Outside of time, all are perfect expressions of that perfect Love, existing in Harmony. Inside the little bubble of time, some ideas misunderstood, or forgot, and thought they were walled off from the fullness of Divine Love. To instantly “solve” this, to create salvation and perceived reunion with these ideas, the Divine stated that Purpose of the constant expansion of Love into every idea. Where time seems to exist, in mortal thought, many still misunderstand. It is this Purpose that has motivated every savior and saint and avatar. Their purpose, and everyone’s purpose, is to expand the awakened knowledge, the awareness regained, that each and every idea is born of Love, maintained in Love, and continues forever in timeless Love. Mortal thought falls away, and all stand in glorious remembrance together.

    We cannot say it too many times, and will do so until you fully remember,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you share your temporary human feelings with God, you will receive back understanding and compassion and guidance and suggestions for Good and for healing, or for improvement and encouragement. Share your woes or passing joys with God and you will not be answered with judgement and condemnation, but with Grace, and Love, and the open Arms of Truth that gently sets right.

    Pass by the human ears that would only gossip or savor your tears, and turn directly to God, Who listens with Glory, and invites you to listen to Divine Soul and Wisdom in return.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you buy a ticket to a play, you know that you are there in the audience to admire, and experience, and observe, and learn from the story, and be entertained by the comedy, and appreciate the writer and the skill of the actors, and notice the set and the artistry. You are there to applaud and give thanks for what was offered.

    Be the audience of the world today, Beloved. Observe. Appreciate. Learn. Admire.

    Stay silent, and give thanks, give thanks, and applaud at the appropriate moments.

    You can discover a lot about yourself by watching silently,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truly, Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. Let yourself see your Self , and others, as does the Great Beholder, who created the marvelous mirror, and beheld all the parts of Himself/Herself, and said, “We are Beautiful. It is Good.”

    For It is all Good, Beloved, It IS all Well, you are Spiritual Goodness, Pure and Beautiful and True, as is all of God. Think upon THAT, and stop beholding so constantly the images you see in the warped mirror of time and physical realm. As your spiritual perception grows more keen, the mirror image will be clearer and clearer, too.

    We tell you this True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You already know, intellectually, that when someone says something hurtful or acts in a mean way, that they themselves are feeling fearful or hurt or utterly confused.

    But to look past those behaviors calmly, and to not let the hurtful words or actions touch and hurt you, you must truly feel the Deep Compassion that x-rays through the human condition. Look, and understand, with that Compassion, and see the Soul of the person, that is Divine, and is the same Infinite Soul all share. Feel the same Soul rise up in your Consciousness, and allow It to help you respond with Love, and guide you to the silence, or words, or actions that are the Perfectly Holy response.

    Be a healer of the human condition by bringing in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just stop hating. Whether it is an old small annoyance with a relative, or an outrage at a world figure for their choices, or a repetitive nightmare of regrets in your own heart for human errors you have made, stop the thoughts of attack.

    Leave the justice and correction to the Harmonizing Force of the Law of God’s Adjustment, and allow the release of resentments to enable you to stop judgements, and the spending of time on anything except being a force for Love. It is so much easier to stop hating any part of yourself for errors you have made, if you stop thinking about hating the errors of others.

    God has taught you, and continues to teach you, better ways to live, and God will teach others. Continue your own focus on being a better reflection of Love, and leave the teaching of others to God Creative Mind. God adjusts all in due time, here or hereafter.

    Focus on being a force for Love. It is a wonderful way to live, to walk through the day, saying within, “I Am Love, and Love shows me what to do and say, and where and when.”

    And Love takes care of you, and all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Grace hovers about you always, just waiting to be accepted.

    Please welcome It, dear one. Please welcome It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Giving is power and powerful. When an itch on the body or daydreams of earthly wants would distract you into discomfort or discontent, give. Give prayers for Life and Light and Goodness for others. Give efforts or words of encouragement. Give notes of thanks to people and to God. Give, give, give. For as you give, you take your human mind off the small human self, and open wide the door for the Divine Whole to embrace your thoughts and fill your heart, and help not only those whom you are thinking of, but you as well.

    Being glad for the glory and good of others will bring glory and good to you that you also can be grateful for. It is all completely connected and giving forth Love brings Love and Good back around to you, always.

    Give It. Give Love Unconditional, and Blessings to all, and be amazed.

    It is their lovely souls you are Blessing, not their errors.

    Withhold not. Bless their essence of Spirit.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you turn to the unchanging Truths that comfort and inspire, the less you will turn to the fleeting pleasures or tweakings of the world, that ultimately always disappoint.

    Ever, Child, you face the choice made long ago—for Spirit and All Goodness, or for believing that the physical realm is real instead of God. Observe yourself today. Instead of trying to change things, observe your thoughts and enjoy, and look for the Good, and ask yourself if you are ready to relinquish playing with that which has no substance.

    Only Truth is true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hearing only the testimonies of others about the Harmonizing and healing effect of turning to the sweet Truth of God/Love is not enough. When worldly life seems challenging, those testimonies can inspire you, but they cannot convince you like proving for yourself the wondrous Touch of Divine Help. Experiment. Prove to yourself that it IS effective to turn to the thought of God as full Harmony, and welcome Its orchestration of your thoughts, your body, your circumstances.

    Welcome Its embrace. Welcome the Love It offers, and that fills and satisfies.

    See the results, feel the Spiritual uplifting and the greater understanding, and be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about, and feel, feel, feel the delightfulness of being part of the Spiritual Oneness of All-Being. Think about how when you take Joy in something or someone, or love someone or something, you are dipping into the vast reservoir of Love that is all, and that is shared.

    Fill your heart and mind with these things, Beloved. They will fuel you for the day, and for Life.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    PLAY today with the idea that only Good is real.

    PLAY today with asking that Divine Cause to melt away from your perceptions the unreal mist of al that is not Good in your life, and the lives of all others. Pray in the plural today, for yourself, and all, to have your spiritual perceptions heightened, so that you may all see the Good that IS yours.

    We are helping you play, and focus your Sight, if you ask,


  • Ah. Beloved,

    You have recordings and letters and words and poems and moments of memory and places and people that you have marked “healing”, because at some time or other that place or series of words, or whatever, seems to have broken the spell of an illness or a bad mood or a run of mis-adventures. And it is good that you keep in your thought these healings. But we tell you again it is not the specific words or the specific places or people that heal you—it is the Presence of Divine Truth in your thoughts and heart, gently and lovingly correcting any thoughts you have that you are vulnerable or undeserving or too old or too unaware or too poor, etc, etc. The Infinite Spirit reminds you “You are but an image of Me, innocently glad and good and forever completely reflecting the part of Me that I chose you to express.”

    The Loving, Living Presence of Truth Heals all, when called upon. Yes, an object or a word may help you to remember to call out to the All in all. Yes, another person may join you in the calling, and remind you to trust. But it is the Truth that does the work, and that makes all work.

    That Truth erases the mistaken thoughts, like a mathematical correction fixing a formula, and you can move on with the Good Formula of your life. You ARE a living formula of Good Ability and Result—just let it unfold, Beloved.

    Let it unfold with appreciation and praise and gratitude.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when the intellect cannot completely grasp the meaning of a phrase in scripture, or some words heard in the heart when listening to the small, still Voice of God, the Spirit of it is there. When God sees your willingness, and knows the good desires of your heart, just offering yourself for guidance and correction and service and alignment can open the day to the full working of the Divine in your life.

    So, open your heart and offer your will, dear one.

    “The Unity of All Good for All is active in my True Self and the True Selves of all, right now in our Home of Soul.”

    Your mind may not grasp it, but let Spirit do Its Sacred Work,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The worth and completeness of each of the ideas God Mind has thought up is complete in the wondrous Imagination of God. Yes, the dim earthly play can see many as marginal or “bad” or unnecessary, but that potential of revealed completeness is always there, waiting on the choosing of that little soul, and God’s Help in having it shine forth.

    Simply consider how many of the world’s greatest saints have started out as seemingly great sinners. Just consider how many heroes showed up from groups of seemingly ordinary folk.

    Just consider how accepting you are that an excellent actor can be a villain in one movie and a grand savior in the next. God sees in you and each individual the good actor that does have the ability to play a part in the Divine Play wherein every character is Good, Good, Good. But to play your Good part, you must follow the Divine Director.

    As you start following, so will those around you. Stay focused on your part. Let the Director direct the others.

    Give your permission for the Glorious Play to begin, and enjoy playing your part,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As we accompany you in the times of silence when you listen for the Voice and the Urgings of God within, we sing Peace to you.

    Take it as a gift, O’ Gentle One. Take it as a gift and honor it with your attention, in the quiet, in the same way that you would honor, with your time and focus, a gift given by an honored relative or mentor.

    We stand beside you, and extend this gift, to try to help you. We know that your human thoughts will try to pull you away to things of the earth and to the personality of self and to attitudes of guilt or blame. Look at our eyes, Beloved. Look at our hands. Focus on accepting our gift, that it may help you remain in the stillness and silence in which you may indeed remember, “I am as God made me in the Whole and the awareness of All That Is is accessible to me all the time.”

    “I hear, and am filled with Love.”

    We stand guard. We stand in friendship. We give Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when you must verbally correct someone, pointing out the impulse to defense or rage they are considering expressing, please do so with Love, Love, Love.

    And, throughout, maintain your own centeredness in Love, remembering that It alone has the Power to heal, and that your job is to just stay aligned enough with Its rays to let It flow through you.

    “You can of your own self do nothing”, just let Love flow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Generosity of Spirit is fuel for you.

    When you realize that the flow of Spirit to you, which is your Life and which sustains and maintains your life, can be given to others by your sincere desires for their glad thriving, and by your prayers for their full well-being, then you, in turn, receive more Life-energy as well. Let the flow of Spirit be constant, for as you give, give, give it, you receive, receive, receive it. Be generous of Spirit.

    ESPECIALLY, when you are wishing for more fuel for enactment for your life, or for ideas about a situation or project, pray for others. That sending forth of desire for another’s best destiny will wash away the fog hiding your own best destiny from you. Indeed, it is the only thing that will—for the desires (de-sire = of the Source) comes from beyond the illusion of the world, and shows you the Truth of all of your Lives as they really are within the Source.

    Endlessly desiring Best Love for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Consciousness that is you, and made you and shares Its thoughts with you and has never left you, knows what to do. If you wait, quietly listening, It will always lead you to Joy with Joy and calm certainty.

    Your good part is to wait, quietly asking for wisdom, and listening and receiving the ideas and impulses good, and then acting to obey. This has not changed in time and space. Only the Real is Real and It will shine for you if you let It. You can feel It embracing you even now.

    Admit It to your mind like admitting a friend through your door,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Practicing complete surrender to the Supportive Love of God is easier than you think.

    A few minutes several times a day envisioning and welcoming the feeling of floating in a warm Ocean of Love will certainly lead you to an easier relationship, and communing with, Everpresent Love. Love wants this. It holds you already, whether you are aware of It or not.

    Love would like for you to feel and trust Its Care and Guidance and Surety.

    Why not try it more consistently? No special words or tools are needed. Just ask and receive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Blessings are only blessings when the timing is right. A huge object given as a gift to someone who is about to board a ship and live in another country is not a timely gift.

    Be aware of how aware the One Mind is of the possibilities that are coming up for you, and trust that the Loving Source takes into account that timing, and greater circumstance, when granting the blessings you have asked for. Trust the greater View. Trust It.

    Speak your trust, feel it, and rest in the Joyous Peace of the Divine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honesty must always be tempered by Love.

    There is the truth of man, and there is the Truth of God. When you feel you must be forthright and “honest” with someone about something, make sure it is a truth that is also True through God-Sight.

    With those you love in the earthly alignments and relations, is not the greatest honesty to always remember that you want to love them Unconditionally? The small temporal truths and daily details come and go, but the deep desire to Love Unconditionally is part of the very fabric of your Soul-self.

    So, what do you really, Honestly, want to say to your kin?

    We stand with you, and hold you upright with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When some aspects of your life feel like a movie you have seen too many times, or when the joyous solution to a worldly challenge or question does not come quickly, turn again to the knowledge of the Omnipotence of Love. Just as a mother does not tire of hearing the details of her child’s dreams or days, God’s Love is not impatient with you. Turn to that Love, knowing It can read your heart.

    Offer your heart. You do not need to repeat your concerns or your confusion. Just open your heart by Loving God, and then letting God help you feel filled with Love, and Its Strength.

    Love does the work, love. You just have to freely put in the requisition.

    It is already stamped with approval,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the prayers have been sent forth, when the tithes of time, or energy, or money, or goods, have been given, and above all, the Presence of the Divine has been felt arriving, then is the time for the good Patience to wait on the Will of God.

    Patience, Beloved. Accept that part of the trust in the Divine that you must feel and believe in is Its knowledge of perfect timing. For perfect timing, just as it is for a comedian or a dramatist, is an essential part of how the Will for the Divine Plan works to the Best for everyone.

    Patience, today and always, to accompany the Trust,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s door of Love is always wide, wide open.

    Even with your tattered plans and old debts and fears, or current mistakes hanging off you, even with a form or human ego bloated up with successes, you will fit through that door. In your lowest moments and in the high moments of triumph, you are Loved.

    And in the moments that are sedate and steady and humble and filled with gratitude for all your Blessings, you will feel that Love flowing out of the open door and immersing you in Its soft Embrace. There It Is. It is always wide open. Whether in a dim moment, or in a giddy bright moment, turn to It and look at It, walk through It, pull It to you, and walk with that Portal always protecting you.

    Just as standing in a very strong doorway can protect you in a quake of the earth, so can standing and functioning within the wide Loving Door of the Divine keep you safe in the swirls and quakes of human perception.

    Love holds Its door open to you, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak to the Loving Source:

    “I am pleased that Thou art Thou,

    and I am Thee,

    for as I know that in my heart,

    Your Goodness shines as my life,

    And as me, and as all around me.”

    Let today be an affirming day of that Truth, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Touch me, God. Give me the Healing touch of Spirit that cascades through me and reminds me I am completely Spirit, as are You.”

    “I am Spirit. I can be nothing else, because You are Spirit and You are All That Is.”

    “This dream of being a physical being that is born and dies, trying to survive with puny material powers, and is far away from You, will melt away as your Touch of Spirit frees me to see the Goodness of Your pure realm of Spirit.”

    Ponder these wishes, Image of God. Do you desire them?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look up the gifts of Spirit and count up which of them have been given you. Ponder and appreciate them, and allow them to magnify in your thought and behavior.

    Thus armored, you will have no problem shaking off any discouragement or suggestions of returning to shallow or selfish living.

    We hold our shields around you, as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not forget this simple lesson we have said many times:

    The more you complain, the more comes back to complain about. The more you bless, the more comes to you to feel blessed by.

    How simple. But how hard to retrain the mind and heart to do. Get started again on this, and We will help.


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Remember, it is not your own power you are counting on, but the Loving Power of One Mind that is All, Who tenderly knows the end of The Story, and sees through all temporary human stories, including yours.

    Praise the Power of Love, and know you will participate in the earth story as long as is needed, with strength. Just be willing, and cede to the One Power of Generous Soul.

    You know how to feel It, Just do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Someone Loves you enough to keep on trying, trying, trying to awaken you to the Glory and Holiness that are freely yours. Someone Loves you enough to do this, and It is God.

    God will never give up on you. Why not allow it now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even in prayer, (or especially in prayer), let yourself not be distracted or confused or seduced by “what has worked before”. Letting your communion with the One Source/Cause grow ritualized or standardized would be to let yourself stagnate. Let each communion with the Loving and Beloved Voice within be as fresh and new as you are in each moment. To over-use certain words or phrases is to become superstitious. God is wordless. God is timeless. Feel the Love, and let that guide you to the empty openness that lets you receive, and allow to see happen, the wonders and desires of the Heart whose pursuit is your Best Life.

    This is true. You are ever unfolding, and it is as important for your relationship with God to be ever unfolding as it is to buy a child bigger shoes when his feet have grown.

    Knowing you grow back to Goodness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting others know that you are praying for them WILL help them, if they believe in the power of Focused Prayer. It will hearten and strengthen their own prayers, and make them more delightful.

    When a situation calls for recognition of Divine Relief in a situation where the individual(s) is not overtly receptive, but the effect of that one’s sorrow or errors upon others cries out for the Balm of Love, then simply let the Deep Communion between your own Self and the Supportive, Surrounding Source be all the more counted on to Know and to See and to Act to reveal the Harmony that is needed.

    Prayers are never wasted, We assure you,

    The Divine Healer KNOWS what to do, if invited into the dream,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Those who are beginners to aligning thought and heart with the Source do not yet understand that it is a full time effort, whilst within the influence of the worldly swirl of illusion of physical form.

    Continue to give all Glory to God, knowing that it is She/He who does all healing and convincing and uplifting. And continue to be so very gentle and giving and forgiving with those who do not realize what it costs to keep clean, daily, and hourly, and moment by moment, the cup with which you offer the water of Spirit, in the name of the One Child of God that all are a part of.

    Trust in God as your continued Source, and freely give,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truly Loving the Source that thought you up and holds you, always aware of you and ready to help you awaken to your original Self, means wanting to please that Maker.

    You know how sweet it feels to please the humans you love, in even simple actions or small gestures, as well as continual support and comfort and counsel and inspiration. We assure you that making efforts to please the Maker of all leads to even sweeter reward of feeling Complete, for you, and for all you know.

    How do you please the Maker? By consistently Loving the firm Truth of All, Loving Divine Love as all, and acknowledging the Divine that created all and awakens all, in all. Please God by seeing as God Sees, and letting Unconditional Love be your Mentor.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Thank-you, Creator, for showing me, the perfect Life we have in Thee.

    Let me relax into watching it, today, and always.”

    Let the Wholeness of Being define the “perfect”, Beloved, for only the Wholeness knows what is good. But, trust that only Good comes from the Divine, and let not yourself believe that pain is any part of that.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel an extra strong surge of God Presence in your consciousness and body, STOP, and pay attention. God is always with you, for you exist within God. But when the Presence is a shout instead of a whisper, it means there are instructions you need to heed right away, or a preparation of Divine wisdom and strength to Guide you for what is imminent.

    Or, God Knows, more than you do, that you are in need of a complete embrace of Love.

    Trust God’s Omniscience. Trust God’s timing. Do not let the worldly keep you so distracted that you ignore God’s signals and say “oh, I”ll listen to you later, God.”

    When God signals, listen and absorb right away.

    In Love, you will be glad you did.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If, in the night, you are worried for the safety of those whom you love, turn to the All in All that is the Divine Source, and ask It to be with you.

    And you will hear from that Calm Glad Voice, “You are made of Love. Your loved ones are made of Love. Do not fear, do not fear, do not fear, my dear, my dear, my dear.”

    Trust it, Beloved, now and always,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    A human teacher of some technique or principle of operation, such as mathematics, begins the class by making sure that the students are comfortable and able to listen. He or she, if she is wise, tries to make sure that the classroom is neither too warm nor too cool, and that the students are not too hungry or tired to pay attention. Then, the teaching can begin. But the true teaching is mathematics, or in some cases, “how to teach”, rather than how to adjust the thermostat or raise or lower the blinds.

    Never forget this, teacher of God. Yes, those who believe themselves to exist only as bodies within the earth dream need to be relieved enough of their suffering of body or emotional pain to be able to pay attention, but that is then when the true learning begins. Understanding, and truly communing with, the Nature of the Divine will go on and on and on, even when the earth, and all fleshly forms and thoughts have been foregone.

    Help teach those you encounter, and your self, to be comfortable on earth. But if you stop there, you have missed the point, teacher of God. The teacher of mathematics would not consider the job done when all the students had enough food, and warmth and desk space and supplies in front of them. No, that is when the true teaching could begin, of the beauty and order of mathematics—sometimes applying that beauty and order to knowing how much to lower the blind so there would be no glare on the screen in the front of the room—but mostly just studying the sheer Truth of the dancing coordination of each and every number with all the others, as they all follow the laws of the principle they represent.

    Never confuse worldly comfort with knowing God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because your human psyche believes what the five senses and the human mind projections and assumptions show, then USE those to help you see a better experience of life. PLAYFULLY, give yourself the gift of testing your ability to change your experience by looking for Divine qualities in every person you see and in all situations.

    Would a day of testing this for yourself be too great a cost for a new way of seeing and understanding? Gamble on this, and try it. Play with it and test it.

    You may or may not believe that God thinks only thoughts of Good towards you, but what do you have to lose by experimenting with the opening of your body’s eyes to more and more Good around you in the worldly experience?

    Whether or not you fully believe it, Divine Forces support you in this. Why not give it a chance?

    Look for Good today. Be open to the Force of Goodness and Appreciation and Love today. Think of all the days you have spent doing mundane and unrewarding things, and give yourself a day to search for Good, and for Joy.

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Kingdom of God-Source runs like a well-oiled machine because It is oiled with Love.

    If you run the little kingdom of your own earth-dream with anything other than Love, and the fruits of Loving Spirit (patience, kindness, goodness, forbearance, mercy, forgiveness, joy, and gratitude), then do not be amazed if the kingdom groans and squeaks.

    Oil it with Love. Oil it with goodness and mercy and Loving Spirit, and feel the sweet Peace of God’s Kingdom seeping through.

    Love is the Anointing Oil,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is easy to use metaphors, but sometimes too shocking for the habit-driven mind to believe that the metaphor could truly be extended to changing one’s view, and experience, of life. Yet, bit by bit, as one lets one’s thoughts be adjusted to new possibilities, one’s beliefs, and therefore one’s experiences, can change.

    So, today, consider this metaphor. If you were an actor in a play, who was portraying an itinerant worker, you would not transfer that character to the “you” that needed to report to your other job, on schedule, in the morning. If the actor you were playing wore a heavy, false beard, you would not add beard-trimming scissors to your “real-life” shopping list. If the actor you were playing were handed a great purse of grape seeds to plant, you would not, in real life, go buy fifty acres to plant them on. Etc, etc, etc.

    Look to the Source, Beloved. Do not confuse what seems to be happening in the wavy, dusty mirror of earth with what Mother/Father/Author God intended, and maintains, for your Real Life to be. Look to your Divine Reality, and base your thoughts and your decisions on that, and know that “It is Good”.

    Let’s hear it for the Author,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Praying for others does not mean needing to be nosy or intrusive about their human situation. Just recognize that they are a fellow offspring of God, automatically deserving of God’s Love and Help, and call out to Divine Spirit:

    “Dear Comforter, Thank you for going to my fellow being and giving them whatever they need.” And sit quietly and really envision your intentions giving wing and direction to the full Harmony and happiness of that person or group.

    Leave the details to Spirit. Just add your Love and Trust in God. Be the faith in action.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to worry. In fact, the less worrying you do, the more time you can spend trusting God. The more time you can spend worshipping God.

    What does worshipping God really mean? It means spending time and thought on thinking about the Qualities of God—the wonderful Love and Harmony and Order, the marvelous Omnipresence and Omnipotence and Mind that understands, understands, understands what you really are and were created to be. It means appreciating these Qualities everywhere you see them evidenced and felt. It means being grateful that the Spirit, the Essence, of God wanted to look upon Itself, and so It made your Spirit to look upon, and Think about always.

    That wondrous and Soul enlivened Spirit is You and will always be. You may seem to wear a body for a time, but the Soul Essence of you will always be a perfect fit in the Mind of God, Loving and Being Loved. Do not identify with the body. Identify with reflecting the Qualities of the True Soul-Mind that sustains and maintains You.

    That is worship, seeing the perfect God and desiring to reflect It perfectly back to Itself, and be Glad.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    All are Beloved of God, but only those who love It in return can clearly hear The Voice.

    Do not block the easy flow of your blessings by refusing to return His/Her Love.

    Loving and Praising and realizing God are the best way to receive full understanding and see blessings. It is true that some feel God instructions so automatically that they do not even realize where their ideas and intuitions are coming from. But for those, too, a day comes when they must give Glory where Glory is due, and realize wherefrom their talents and blessings and ideas and strength come.

    So, Praise God. Love God. Aligning yourself with the Love of God, like a lens properly aligned in a telescope, is your fiirst and foremost job. Only then can you yourself be so filled with Love that you can firmly feel your own purpose and help others know theirs also.

    God is your strength. God is your Life. Love God, and feel what you are given.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joyous Flow that is the natural way of ever-continuous Life can be drawn upon at every moment within your current belief in time/space. You do not need to be in a sacred space of a church or a meditation center. You do not need for it to be the Sabbath day or a weekend devoted to a workshop. It Flows always.

    The key is that you have to decide to dip into it. You have to decide to allow yourself to feel it. Even when someone else is praying for you or blessing you or feeling grateful to you or thanking you with words or gifts, you have to DECIDE to feel the happiness that is natural for your soul. Decide you want happiness and joy, and allow it to flow. Decide you want to look for the best intentions from others, and you begin to see that intention. Decide you want to be a vehicle for healing, and you will be used thus.

    Decide to live with gratitude and faith in the Joyous Flow being available. Then, every moment and every place become sacred space. Shivering on a sidewalk, you can turn to the Comforting Love. Cozy in your own bed, you can turn to Love. While being praised, or while being yelled at, you can turn to Love.

    Try it, Beloved. Practice it, Beloved, and Love will hold you steady.

    We hold steady in Love for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seek Me as your Source of Joy. I am the constant Joy, the constant Comforter, the constant Inspiration and Healer.

    You can do this. You can turn to Me, and ask, “Show me my life complete as You See it with Your Divine Sight, all things Harmonious.” You can do this.

    Turn to Me. Trust me. Ask for Joy complete to fill your mind. We will walk this day together, and all days that you allow Me to be your constant companion.


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Open your will and your sight, by praying deeply, “Unblur my sight, dear God, clear my perceptions, that I may enjoy the beauty and goodness that shine in glory just under my interpretations. Help me remember that Love conquers hate and fear and the pain of rejection or failure, as I see Its power and that It, Love, is the one Truth that endures.”

    When you see you have been angry at illusions, forgiveness is easy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is the task of the human Spiritual guide, or prayer practitioner, or priest or priestess, or rabbi, or Truth teacher of whatever name, to remind you constantly of Who you really are. You are a perfect spirit, loving and lovable, and intelligent and wise, and gentle and creative, and giving, and many, many more good and creative things. You are Good Spirit.

    When you know that someone else truly knows this about you, then you can use it as the touchstone of Truth, and begin to live the Truth of what you are right away. Hear the human witness, learn to hear the Divine Witness within, and then be, be, be the wonderful shining Light that you already are.

    When you forget your Self, ask one who remembers, and be free to be again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are only poor when we forget that The Omniscient Source is ever-present.

    “Where lack of provision seems to be, there is only Thee, dear God. Open my eyes and let me see it.”

    “Where discord seems to be, there is only Divine Harmony. Thank-you for opening my eyes and letting me see it, dear Commander of All.”

    Gratefully, gratefully, gratefully, dear Child, and patiently,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am thine, as thou art Mine.

    It is a marriage of Oneness, for you cannot be separate from Me any more than a reflection in the looking glass can be separate from the Original that stands before it.

    Dear, dear one, think today about being Mine, and all that I Am being you and yours.

    Omnipresent really does mean “always with you”, not as a judge and an evaluator, but as an example, as a gift, as a blueprint of the Love that you are made of.

    Always with you. Always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the morning, dress in layers of Joy.

    Let the first layer be the seamless Joy of knowing you are made of Love and Soul.

    Let the next layer be the Joy of the Wisdom and Intelligence that are given you for coping with, and being vibrantly alive in, the human condition.

    Let the warmth of generosity and Spirit cover those layers, and then add the accessories of Joy taken in the order and beauty of the everyday blessings that ar everywhere for you to enjoy.

    Use the layers as needed, ready for all human weather,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Loves you consistently. God Loves you consistently and completely, for you are simply a perfect reflection of Love Itself as the Soul of you.

    God Loves you consistently. Even if you rant against God, or disbelieve in God, or doubt God’s intent for your Joy, or get very angry at the loving demands of Truth, God Loves the very essence of you completely.

    Can you do the same for yourself and those around you? Can you Love the Soul of them in the face of their anger or ignorance? Can you completely keep in thought their identity as children of God, despite their errors of understanding? Can you accept the Grace of God, freely given, so that you may forgive yourself and others, and be able to Love consistently and steadily?

    Grace supports you in this. It does not need to be a struggle and a super-human effort.

    “I Love myself and others, because God Loves us all, and I shall allow God’s Wisdom to prevail.”

    It Flows if you let It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because how you choose to spend your time is your choice, we wait patiently while you look at worldly news and tend to the body and the sensory input of the same. But all the while, Love is Flowing to you and in you and around you, giving you the option of doing what needs to be done, or what you desire to do, but doing it all with Love’s input and advice and support and comfort and inspiration.

    Turn to us, if you will. Lean to us and listen to us, as your constant Companion. We live in every heart, and each and every being has the choice to hear us and become the true embodiment of the Good they were created to be.

    Cheering you on to be your Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not the amount of time spent in specific prayer or meditation that enables—it is the depth and completeness of your willingness to allow the Greater Will to Lovingly guide you and give to you the Best that can be.

    Many, many make the mistake of thinking that hours spent in chants or words, or money spent on extensive retreats, can substitute for simply and completely believing in Love and vowing yourself to seeing Its Truth. Be a witness to Goodness, Beloved, and be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you awaken with a surge of energy, or feel suddenly uplifted or inspired during the daily duties, give honor and glory to the Loving Source.

    Rather than crediting the new blanket, or the new kind of tea, or the taste of the water or the smell of the soap, give gratitude and glory to God, dear child. Give gratitude and glory to God, from Whom, and through Whom, All Good comes.

    It is not about physical causes. It is about all Gratitude to Spirit, that IS All.

    Loving you so, within that Spirit,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As a yolk in the Albumin of God, you are always forming again.

    Be thou healed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have focused and practiced on knowing the Divine enough, then the ever-present awareness of Its delight will move into your heart. When you finally have that experience, and realize that Grace is always raining into your heart, like a wonderful warm shower that never runs out of hot water, you will be eager to step into It to renew and refresh and cleanse yourself, again and again and again. It is pure Love. It is pure Joy.

    To know that you carry within you this ever present connection to the Divine Source will change the way you approach everything. You will long to spend time and attention there, and if the world throws its temptations and distractions at you, you just need to train yourself to take that sacred pause, go within, and let Grace reign, in your heart, and therefore, in your world.

    April showers…May flowers…,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you struggle to set aside fleshly habits you do not want to carry anymore, it does not mean the divine Healing Presence cannot work through you for others. Even if you are trying to re-write in your thoughts your feelings about an annoying interaction, or wishing you could change one of your own disciplines, God Thought-Compassion can pour through you towards you and others. The aspect of you that is Pure and Holy, that has never left the Great Heart/Mind in which it was born, is perfectly capable of being a funnel through which Divine Desire for all to feel Whole can move.

    You might think it is hubris to think thus, but we tell you it is hubris to think that your human mind struggles could possibly stop the Force of God from reaching whom It needs to reach. Therefore, why not assist It? When you feel It upwelling within you, welcome the chance to set aside your own small-self struggles for a moment, and let Love Flow, Flow, Flow to another.

    The Overflow will help you, as well.

    We guarantee it.


  • Ah, be not shy in standing in faith with your Inner Friend, for has It not stood, time after time, in faith with you, when no human person would?

    And there have been more times than you know…


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sweet obedience of actually enacting the ideas God gives you is the means by which more wonderful ideas will flow to you.

    When you have an idea come to you, and it feels right and good and exciting in a calm and perfect way, then it is an idea from the Divine Self of you. Act on it, trusting that the people and resources and information that you need to make it work will fall into place as well. Let it all come together in God’s timing, but be willing, willing, willing, Beloved, to act when God says to act.

    What God asks you to do may be unfamiliar, or seem beyond your skills, but nothing is beyond God, Child. Ask for God’s Help, and let nothing deter you. Let nothing deter you, especially your own doubts about whether God wants your happiness. God does want happiness for one and all. For as they awaken to their innate happiness, all are Blessed and know it.

    You have more Helpers around you than you can imagine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How about this? Today, just let Me Love you.

    I know your human wants and needs and desires. I know about your humanly laid plans.

    All My plans for you and for all come down to one thing—they remember they are Loved and part of Me. Why not get a good start on that today? Get a start on really believing I Love you and that you can trust in Me for all that is Good.

    I Love you, Love you, Love you, and you can trust in Me.

    Relax into that today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there seems to be trouble, there is also Good.

    Remember that the All-Presence of One Mind, of the Divine, of Spirit Holy, means there is nowhere that God is not. Yes, yes, there is the misty human illusion of discord or lack or terrible fear or bodily inharmony, but We are trying to train you to See past those veils of human perception and realize that the Divine Solutions and resolutions for those things are right there.

    Ask to See them. Ask for others to have their eyes opened to See them. You would not be reading these messages if you were not ready to be awakened to your full Spiritual potential. Humanity is ready to be awakened to be able to See and experience its own Goodness.

    Be willing to participate in this wonder by simply remembering, always, where there seems to be trouble and sorrow, there is Good already there. And allow the Good to come forth in the way that It has ordained, and be willing to be Its peaceful and loving instrument.

    There is progress being made, even though you may not be aware of it.

    God Loves you so. God Loves you all so very much.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Expect Good. Know that Good is the Truth and expect it. Expect the path to open and widen. Expect the opportunities to arrive and be clear. Expect the courage and joy from the Infinite to fuel your inspirations and actions. Expect Good and take comfort, and even pleasure, from those expectations, like looking forward to a wonderful surprise.

    When you put the ball into another’s hands, you must trust his timing of when to throw that ball sweetly through the hoop. When you cast your cares to God, trust the arc of events to be in God’s timing, too.

    Trust Good, and the timing of Good. In trust is the freedom you crave.

    In such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not human truth that will set you free. It is the Truth of Divine Harmony being the Law that oversees and overcomes all other laws and thought forms that will set you free. It is knowing that your everlasting Self will continue learning to Shine with the Truth of what it already is, reflecting and emanating the delightful Qualities of God, always and everywhere and anywhere, that will set you free from worry and sorrow.

    There are temporal endings, but there is no ending You and your being part of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am as Divine Love created me, and I am nothing else. Nothing needs to be added, nothing need be taken away. I am as Divine Source created me, perfect and complete.”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy that formed you is always flowing. And you will always come to feeling It again, as moments of complete Aliveness become your entire state of mind.

    But if feeling that Joy seems blocked by the tasks and illusions of the earthly drama, then focus on allowing Peace. Allow, allow, allow Peace to calmly fill your heart. Remember that the Spirit Who formed you and in Whom you dwell always hears you, and allow It to fill your thoughts with Its Thoughts of Peace as you remain still and quiet.

    Peace, bid to come like a Helper for spring cleaning, will help clear the space and way for Joy to dwell, until a quiet state of Joy becomes your moments and your days.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are wondering what is really true—what you see or another person sees, what you remember or another person remembers, remember that the only real Truth is of the All-Knowing Oneness of Spirit.

    Sink gratefully into the sweet calm of your Heart, and listen to that Truth. Seek that Truth. Hear that Truth.

    And be Loving towards yourself and towards all others while you do it. Be humble while you listen for the Truth within. Righteousness comes from the Spiritual Truth, not from human opinion. The Truth is that all of you are children of the Loving Divine.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there is Love, there is always a way, for Love Governs.

    Trust in that Governance of Love. Your task is to make sure that you are oriented to that Love, so that It flows through you smoothly. Do not let irritation or momentary earthly greed or discontent let you drift sideways, so that the flow of Love is impeded.

    If you want the complete Flow, then let yourself be completely true to that. It IS simple, and yet it is the work of complete commitment and focus. It is worth it, Love. Indeed, It is the only worth there is.

    Always aligned with you, Helping,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The believability of a thing to a certain human consciousness greatly influences the speed at which the Divine Order is able (and Willing) to awaken a sleeping consciousness. If someone would be so terrified at the thought that he or she is not really a physical form, but is a beautiful, enduring Spirit, then the “healing” of the “body” or the “self-awareness of personality”, including whatever faults or sins that personality includes, cannot proceed until the fear has lessened.

    Experiences of the Unconditional Love that is True Substance and epiphanies, which help the individual move beyond that smaller, earthly awareness, will build up belief in the greater, immortal sense of Soul-part that each amiable part of God/Goddess Consciousness is, and then earth dream “healing”, the revealing of the true Idea that the individual is in Divine Mind, can happen. Once that happens, the Soul-part can make the choice, within the Choices of the Divine, to remain in the dream and help awaken others, or to let go of the dusty, false “body” self, and Help from the invisible (humanly invisible) realms.

    When God asks you to stay, you will know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When speaking with someone who firmly believes they are just a mortal body and that no Consciousness of their wonderful Soul will linger when that mortal body belief is set aside, keep a sense of humor. You do not need to convince them of anything, for they will see for themselves when the body misbelief is set aside. Just keep striving to be an example of Light, and keep your good spirit by imagining the enjoyable communication the two of you will have when all illusions are gone, and you are both bodies of Light.

    And silently ask Divine Spirit to Help them now.

    As ever, with you, and all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel discouraged or in doubt about the Omnipotent Power of Divine Source Spirit to help in human situations, review the times you have personally experienced the resolution of matters of relationship, or peace of mind, or grief, or circumstance of body or aid.

    Gladly hear the testimonies of others, that are so widely available. Put your willing and open mind back into a space of Trust and Love for God, who so joyfully sends the Comforter and Advocate that bridges the seeming gap between the Heavenly Consciousness and the temporal earthly limits, and seals and heals them with Love, Love, Love.

    It is a Creative Thought Universe of Harmony, We assure you. It is Real and Now.

    Whether or not these words make sense to you, let them invite the Warrior of Grace to your side. Welcome, welcome, welcome to saving Grace.


  • O’ Darling Ones,

    We are pleased to tell you that Gratitude is a force. It is a force as real as (or more real than) gravity, or any of your physical laws. It is a force that you may use at any time, in any place, in any situation. Feel it, say it, send it, be immersed in it. Gratitudes, given or spoken, for just being alive, and in love with life, are powerful indeed. Gratitudes for specifics of your life, or of the world around you, can take you from a place of anger or boredom to a lovely place in your energy and the power of your soul. Just think them, speak them aloud, or hold them in your heart.

    We guarantee you that the more you feel and think and exude gratitude, the more you will have to be grateful for. It is as simple as that, for each individual and for all of us together in the Great Divine. Use the force of Gratitude and change your experience of life for the better.

    Grateful that you came to this life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understand that when you say, or pray, “I place right now, and the future, in the hands of God”, you are placing your faith in the good. God means Good, and with God being all there is, you are welcoming, realizing, and seeing the good that God delights in being.

    God Is. Good Is. Remember that, and believe it, always.

    We are in that Gladness with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We heard you ask God, “Show me what will Bless all.”

    And we heard God answer you “I Am All.”

    So then, Child, see and understand that what you are asking for is to be shown God in All. God is the Blessor and the Blessed, reflected.

    Look for God, for Good, in all, dear child, and do not forget to include yourself. Let all the rest, that is dust and ash, fall away as false perception, and All will Bless all, today.

    For so It Is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We often tell you to take time to listen, listen, listen to God—to let that small still Voice of Spirit Guide you. And that taking of time to do so is crucial every day and throughout the day. We still advise it.

    But there are days or situations wherein you simply may need to FEEL the wordless Love of God embracing you. Just let It sweetly and comprehensively hold you. Feel how Real It is, and let your trust of that Love completely fill you.

    Realize that there are circumstances when you must simply wait for opportunities to arrive, or for others to arrive on the scene, or into the circle of your consciousness. There are ways in which God can teach you your truth better by showing you the example of another than by speaking a word to you. The Wisdom and Guidance of God is not limited to a small still Voice with a vocabulary. It can also lead and heal and save you with visions, with examples, with connections, with the hands of seeming strangers, with the demonstration of Laws of Love that are above and beyond all human laws

    Ask for, and be glad to be shown, an awareness of the Presence of God in ALL Its ways.

    It created you from Good, to be Good, and has your continued Good in Mind.

    Trust that. Rely on that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In your contemplation times, in your prayer times, in your gentle asking of Spirit to help you see rightly each day, in your plea to God to help you see the Truth and Joy of a situation when you feel confused, do not fear to ask again and again.

    God is not trying to withhold Divine understanding from you. God does not want you to stay at the mercy of sad illusions or lacks or pains. God wants you to know and experience your thriving Identity as a child of God, of Love, of Spirit, of Soul and Harmonious Principle. Ask again and again in your heart if you need to, and listen and observe carefully and trustingly, knowing that God will find a way to let you truly know you are Beloved, Beloved, Beloved.

    You are as Whole as Love the Source of Life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not punish. God only Loves.

    Indeed, because God sees only the purity of the Spirit Ideas that It has created, It sees nothing that needs anything except Love,

    However, God does understand that the ideas that are dreaming they are bodies need a mechanism by which to escape from their own dis-ease filled dreams, and the mechanism that God invented to help that happen is forgiveness. Forgiveness of others is the recognition that it is not their true selves that are making errors of image or action or thought—it is only their shadow selves. Therefore, forgive and look past those shadow selves.

    Whence then “Divine Justice?” As We said, Divine Justice is not punishment from God. When the dream-body-self acts in ways that are not loving of others, those actions and thoughts just bounce back to the body-person. As each one begins to understand that the golden rule does truly enact itself, they become more Mindful of what they are doing and saying and thinking, for they understand that although God Loves them without condition, their own actions will bounce back at them in the earthly dream.

    Your part in allowing the Principle of Harmony and forgiveness to be revealed is to answer meanness with patience and blessing and prayer to let your eyes be opened to the purity of those around you, and of yourself. When all begin to see as God sees, then more and more of True Reality will be revealed in the shared dream.

    Have compassion for those who do not yet understand that they do indeed reap what they sow, and take care to always endeavor to see all the sparks of Light in them, even as you leave it to the Harmonizing Principle, and that individualization of Soul to work out his or her own salvation.

    Divine Helpers WILL help you do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take no revenge on yourself. Forgive yourself for your errors, for God already has.

    See yourself as part of the Divine Whole, and ask God how best to shine without error.

    We Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    An Omnipotent God-Force, within which you dwell as Created Spirit, has no trouble reaching you if you are willing. If some form of “Thy Will be done” is always in your thoughts or feelings, then God can easily get through to your thoughts and feelings with Comfort, with Support, with Solutions, with Love and Loving Ideas.

    If that “thy Will be done” does not rise easily to your heart and mind, then it is probably because you do not fully believe in the Goodness of the Divine All, or of the Divine Desire for your happiness. If mis-taught fears of God, or beliefs that God creates tragedies and harm, lurk in your being, work on reminding yourself that God is Good, and that you want your Life to shine with Good God Qualities.

    Trusting God’s Goodness means it is easier to float on a faith of “Thy Will be done.”

    Letting go of your old human plans, allowing, “Not my will, but Thy Will be done.”

    One Loving Light is always ready to shine as you, as all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Omnipotent. Omnipotent on earth, as in Heaven. Omnipotent over all, for It is All.

    Omnipotent. There is your word to ponder and accept today.

    Do you think that OMNIPOTENCE would not could not, hold sway over your illusions of time and space? Turn to Its desire for your Grace and Happiness and make that same thing your desire. Turn to It and accept Love. It is not a part of Love to force and coerce. It sees you have made a mistake and that you think there is much error in you and around you—that chaos has some kind of a true hold. But if you are willing to see that if Loving Omnipotence is True, then chaos has no real hold at all, then Omnipotence can wipe away your view of chaos like Sun melts ice, and show you Love, Love, Love.

    Omnipotence on earth. Let Spirit into your dream, Beloved. Let Spirit in, make It one of your characters, one of your understandings, and allow It to correct your dream.

    Omnipotence. Loving Omnipotence.

    We have been waiting to see you feel Full Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The materialism that can distract can also give one pause and rest and refreshment, so long as one realizes where and what is the Source of All Good. Take today to enjoy the beauty of Creation and the Qualities of Good and Excellence and Giving that are displayed in the kindness and order of those around you. And be sure to display them yourself.

    Thus is the Greatness of Glory shared. And the sharing and the cooperation that enable so many to live together in Harmony will progress within your life time, as more and more fill their hearts with the Light of the Divine Truths.

    The Light has already seen It is done, and so, from within time, you will see it move forward.

    All Joy to you today, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because God/Mother/Father/Source looks upon all that It made with Gladness, gladness is an access way to that Divine Loving Source.

    From the human viewpoint, that access way, that door, may be marked “Gladness”, because when you are in Gladness, you can easily open the door to the Source for yourself and others.

    But the door may be marked “Sincerity”, and also lead to the Peace, the Healing, the sense of Home, that is the very nature of the Divine. That door marked “Sincerity” is the one that many use when they finally turn to Divine Source because they are desperate or in dire pain or realize that they cannot humanly do what needs to be done.

    Whether you turn in sheer Gladness, or whether you turn in Sincerity, remember that all the doors that enter into God-Sense are always unlocked. But you have to turn towards them, and knock. Knock with gladness and celebration, or knock with sincerity, but let not human pride keep you from knocking at all.

    We help hold open all the doors that are knocked upon,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Begin today by feeling deep, deep gratitude for all the human errors you have been forgiven for, or “gotten away with” in terms of human laws. Do not dwell on those errors, whether they are as small as having been safe despite jaywalking, or whether you said or did something that was painful to someone you love. Just dwell on the fact that all before them, and during them, and after them, and NOW, God Loves you. God knows the Good Heart of you that It created, and God Loves, Loves, Loves you. Now. God Loves you NOW.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you want to know who and what you really are, look not into an earthly mirror. Look into the Eye of God. Ask Love what It Sees as you.

    And keep looking and keep asking, and you will see and hear, because God will find ways to show and speak that you are capable of perceiving. Different ways will reach different individuals, but God is not limited by human limits, and gladly Lights a way for each one.