Ah, Beloved,
In every moment, you are Thought anew in the Mind of the Source.
Realize this important part of the “Golden Rule”, that you must be willing to SEE others anew, just as you would have them SEE you. You know that you have changed and grown. You know that you have, with Divine Help, been able to give up some habits and prejudices that you formerly were prone to, and that you have been able to grow in compassion and understanding. Yet, how many of those around you do you look upon and assume that they are the same that they were yesterday? Can you not also allow that God has helped them grow and improve? Do you not hope that others will See how you have grown and improved?
Be willing to See the “created anew” beings, each day, in yourself, and in others. Be willing that you might be privileged to See all the world change into God’s vision of it, in the twinkling of an eye, or stone by stone and heart by heart. Be willing to See the world Good.
To realize that The Source Mind thinks you anew in each instant is to be open to instantaneous healing,
Ah, Beloved,
“I am, in my bodily-self, a pure and clean and clear transparency for the Free Light of the Divine Source to shine into the earthly realm. I am that through which It may shine and warm, and awaken anyone sleeping in the darkness, like sunrise awakening a roomful of dreamers.”
This it the ultimate purpose of everyone. There are many other things you can do, to pass the time, or to give joy or comfort, but do not ignore this aspect of what you are, for It will not rest until each has accepted that part of themselves.
We say this in Great Tenderness,
Ah, Beloved,
The full Divine nature of Omnipotent Love, God, simply cannot be fathomed with the costume of limited human senses. So, although you may have grown immensely in your abilities of discernment of your Spiritual Identity, and the completely Spiritual nature of God and All, do not waste time trying to intellectually analyze each Soul Whisper God gives you.
If you tune into the focused communication with God in the morning, asking what you need to know for the day, and God says, “Simply allow Me to be in charge today, My Love”, then do as asked. Just allow, allow, allow.
Let God Govern. Allow and relax. Trust God to Govern you and others and enjoy watching for evidence of Harmony and Active Truth to appear in your experience.
Allow and trust. Allow and trust. Let God be Blessedly in charge. Be a Calm Force for Good.
For you are Good, because God is Good and made you of Itself.
Ah, Beloved,
“God is my Life.” “God IS Life.”
This is a prayer that can serve you well during a seeming human challenge, or through a day, or over an earthly lifetime. It is a Truth that will serve you, and Be You, for eternity.
Claim and Know the Good Way of It, Beloved.
“Show me the Life you have in Mind for me, dear God, for I know that it is Blessed. I shall set aside my own human ego’s imaginings, and be gladly willing to experience the Good Life you have conceived for me. In Love, I see it. In Love I abide. You are the Life for me.”
Softly, gently, Lovingly, forgivingly,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no responsibility for another’s choice of timing. How many respond with joy when in the presence of you on a day when you have clearly chosen to entertain only thoughts of Gladness? How many respond with irritation and fear on the same day?
Relate to all in the same Loving and calm manor, but never, ever let your own equilibrium be stolen by their human reactions. Love the Spirit of God-Joy, and keep yourself aligned with It, and knowing that understanding God is your most high goal, and let others choose, in tandem with God, when they are ready to LET God-Spirit reign in their own hearts.
If you have offered and they have not chosen yet, just keep on staying true to your own heightened vision.
We walk with you. You do not walk alone,
Ah, Beloved,
Express Love, always. Express Love, and the body, its temporary vehicle, falls into place.
God Loves you as Love, and to Love. Be that Love and take your mind off the body.
Be that Love, and that is truly to be one with God, and in the Oneness of being, your complete understanding begins. The Body of Light includes all, and exists and functions with perfect Harmony always. God causes Harmony and God is the only Cause there is. Be the Cause of Love.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
“This day, and all days, I place into the hands of Divine Wisdom.”
“I ask for Help, Beloved Source, for hearing clearly the words to speak, the actions to take, the silence to hold.”
Today, let it be that simple,
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
God may not know what each sleeping Ray of Itself dreams, but the instrument that was set in each ones Heart to listen does. Let your ear become Holy, that it may hear the reply to each thought that you think, and manifest. The reply will always be, “You are an extension of My Loving Self. Just Love, as the very basis and fabric of your Being, and you will doing what you are supposed to do.”
Thus is the Light born again in each moment, on every day. Just shine, Unconditionally.
Hark, for we sing this every day,
Ah, Beloved,
I have no end. I had no beginning. I am without time.
But you had a beginning. Yours was when I first Lovingly Thought of that which is You. And I continually Think about You, sustaining You, and delighting in You.
This is how I expand, adding Loving Thoughts so that there is more and more of Me, more of Love. Expanding Love.
Be glad of this, My Thought without end.
Ah, enjoy the sense of surrender. Especially if you are exhausted from the sense of trying so hard, enjoy the sense of riding the wave of surrender, and trust, trust, trust in the complete support of the Source’s Love.
As always,
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to know the truth about any situation, so long as you are grounded in the Loving Spirit of Forgiveness. KNOWING that it is your assigned sacred duty to forgive others, be willing to discover and listen to elements of the dream of physical life that need to come forth to be forgiven.
As ever, we repeat, true forgiveness is gratitude. For, the chance to see the bright, forgiven Divine enlightened soul-part of the person you forgive, is a blessing you do not fully understand yet, but which Blesses you nevertheless. Be kind, be forgiving, and trust that YOU will be forgiven and kindly treated, despite any errors that you seem to make in the play of earth sensibilities.
Giving is receiving, and is more equal than you think,
Ah, Beloved,
Of course, dear one, the meditation or prayer that seemed to give you a sweet sense of Oneness with All yesterday may seem just to be just empty words today. It is not about the words or the ritual. It is about truly feeling the Presence of the Divine Consciousness ever with you, and knowing that you dwell within Its Infinite embrace.
So, if you have gotten no further in a prayer than “Our Father, Mother God,…”, and you clearly feel the Wondrous Love enveloping you, you can finish the words of the standard prayer if you wish to, or you can just surrender to the Comfort of Love, or you can just repeat the opening words until you feel completely calm and open and filled with Peace.
Allow yourself to change whatever routines you endeavor, so as to keep your communion with the Love in which you abide constantly feeling fresh and new and wonderful. It is not magic tricks. It is not formulas. It is a relationship ever giving and growing, in both directions.
We are Glad with you no matter the path you take,
Ah, Beloved,
Consider yourself a transmitter of Wellness, not of disease
On whatever level you understand Wellness—a smile, a good deed, an act of kindness, Grace, full Spiritual Healing, an offering, a helping hand, a drink of water, a teaching of Oneness, a Silent Emanation of Happiness … transmit Wellness, today and every day.
Your understanding of the Divine Nature of Wellness will grow and grow, but at whatever place of understanding of It you are, you can share it. And sharing It helps It grow on you.
As Love,
Ah, Beloved,
The very moment that you realize that you are thinking a judgmental thought about someone, BLESS that person instead. Ask Divine Mind for help, and guidance, and to Bless yourself, and that one, back into Harmony.
Believe us, Beloveds, there is no faster way to attain a calm heart, and find peace of mind, than this. And if that peace of mind helps you to realize some worldly action that you might take, to make your opinion and your stance on a certain issue known, so be it, but let that action be taken from a peaceful heart, and not in anger.
Risk not opening your own soul to the spirit of revenge,
Ah, Beloveds,
Timelessly, God’s Spirit sees the human stories come and go, and knows the end of every one of them. But God’s Soul is the projection room from which shines the Life Light that forms the images of individual ideas that never leave the sweet Home of God’s Mind.
The Truth of you is that idea in Soul, and even while you are walking your story, you can call upon the Goodness that God knows of you. Heaven is in your heart and Consciousness right now. You do not need to wait for a gravestone to access God’s Love.
Your body is made of Life Light. Ask for God to adjust the focus, and tenderly See yourself whole and true.
Ah, Beloved,
The reason we call it an earth-dream Play is so that you will remember to be playful about it. Can you do that today? Ask for your guardian angels to help, and they will.
When you become tense and worried instead of playful, as a child is playful, it is hard for you to hear, or believe, their whispered guidance and clues.
Be playful, today, dear love, be playful, and you will feel yourself filled with the delightful sense of God’s Play.
Ah, Darling One,
It is with great pleasure that we remind you that you CAN place the future in the Hands of God with utter Trust.
And when you can do so with no fear, then you KNOW you have come to completely trust the Utter Goodness of God. It is that delightful. It is that simple.
Turning always to the One who knows what is best for all, and creates the end happiness of all, is the way to the Peace of all, even within the vehicle of earthly awareness. It is rather inexplicable by human notions and vows and logic, we know, but that is where the Trust comes in. When you contemplate the Goodness of the Qualities of God consistently, the Goodness and Faithfulness will become such a deep Knowing within you, that you will be amazed that that was ever a time when you did not trust the God-Love, and Its Love for you. Then that trust will overcome any small human fears, and you will step into each day with complete calm and confidence.
We know the depth of Love of which you are made,
Ah, Beloved,
“I Am Thou”.
Know this all the day, Beloved One. “I Am Thou”.
For imagining that there is a separation between you and God-Source, that you are not already a part of God-Source, shining from It, within It, like a ray from the sun, is poisonous thinking. You are not separate. You and your Source are One.
“I Am Thou”.
Bless yourself by knowing this today. Know it for now, and know it always.
“I Am Thou”.
And We Are,
Ah, Beloved,
Even saints must wash their socks sometimes.
Spend the daily crucial few minutes being quiet and still, and giving your willingness to the Universe to do the greater Will, for the joy of yourself and of all.
Then, put some order into your life, smoothly and slowly doing what needs to be done, while you wait for the Divine ideas to percolate into your thoughts, and lead you ahead in each thing, great and small.
And We walk with you through it,
Ah, Beloved,
The certainty that Good is supposed to happen, and, indeed already has happened, from the perspective of the timeless mountain of Spiritual View, can free your heart from endless worry.
Good happens, Beloved. Eventually, you remember that you have always been a joyous part of All. Each time you choose to remember this, it helps shorten the time you endure any uncertainty, or pain, or death. This is a hard concept for the human mind to understand. But the simple approach to it is easy. Choose to expect Good. Choose to be grateful for Good.
How the time of worry becomes timeless Joy cannot be absorbed in a moment. But the simpleness of trusting Good, and expecting Love to keep Loving you, can.
Expect that. Be Loved, and Love Goodness back, and you leapfrog into your best.
Ah, Beloved,
When you tell your human self, “I will take a walk and clear my mind”, you are doing a good thing. But of course, realize that what you really are feeling a need of is not the walk itself, or the re-affirming of your own mind, but a re-aligning with the Mind of God, which you are inhabitant of. As you “clear your mind”, let all the thoughts in it be replaced with God-Thoughts, which are usually opposite to small human thought.
Remember that the spatula of gratitude serves to flip over any sad or disquieting thoughts, to the good Thoughts of God/All Good. And if the mosquito of bitterness has bit you , and you feel that you cannot even summon up any gratitude, then think about appreciation of excellence. Even if the beauty of a perfect bloom cannot catapult you into gratitude for beauty, you can study it and acknowledge an appreciation for its symmetry. Even if a human relationship, lost or current, has you questioning the existence of true friendship or loyalty, you can think of examples of loyalty exhibited by or to other people or animals, and appreciate that loyalty exists for them, or appreciate that it helped them.
Putting yourself into the shoes of others, counting their blessings as though you were counting them for them, puts you in the mode of appreciation. That can act as a spatula to flip over your own thoughts to Goodness, AND it acts as a prayer for the other persons, drawing more Good to them.
That then becomes a prayer for you, Beloved, for giving IS receiving, and prayer for the Highest Good for any one IS prayer for all. We cannot say it enough.
You ARE our prayer. We ARE all One. You will See.
So much Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Praying for yourself first is not selfish, it is realistic.
If you cannot align yourself and fill with Grace, it will be harder to listen carefully enough to correctly open for Spirit to heal others through you during all the day.
Yes, if you are having trouble lining up with Spirit in the morning, do use the technique of praying for another, or for a world situation, so as to open up the Flow, but then also remember to fill, fill, fill your own mind, so that there is no room for doubts or sorrows to creep in. Let there be nothing in your mind untouched by Truth.
Then, Beloved, let God do Its work, with blessing,
Ah, Beloved,
“Stop judging and start Loving.”
“Stop whining and start appreciating.”
“Stop resigning and start believing.”
“Do you want your ego-self to be “right” or do you want Peace?”
“Forgive first, and then be grateful for the chance to practice forgiveness.”
We could make an long, long list of truths to live by, but all you need is just a few if you truly live by them. Use a few of these, or make your own list from your Divine Heart or from the Inspired Words you choose to live by. Then, remember them. Use them. Put them everywhere in your home and car and office and make the choice, O’ make the choice, Beloved, to enact them.
As they are enacted, All is Seen to Be One,
Ah, Child,
Let there be no time wasted in regrets.
If remorse exists for what was done, or not done, hold it in Love. Apologize, make amends, forgive and allow to be forgiven, and begin to live again in Now.
There is only one line of Life and energy coming into you. You can allow that line to flow freely and give you peace and joy and inspiration, or you can block it by sneering at the Truth or wallowing in old pain and error. As you grow in discernment, you will become very sensitive to which thoughts put a squeeze on that line of incoming Life. You will grow astute at pausing before each word or action, to make sure it is in harmony with the life energy you want to have flowing to you.
Become your own monitor, Beloved. Become a self-graded test, to see if you are thinking and behaving in a way that is perfectly aligned with the Flow of Divine Life. Is there really any other worthy goal or purpose?
Ah, Beloved,
When you count up the days, and realize, how little of the journey remains, you will find it easier and easier to not count the cost, but be generous, and create and think and act as if only Love sustains, sustains, sustains. For that is Truth.
Ah, Child,
Do not become trapped in your own shortcomings. In fact, if your mortal mind would try to trap you into thinking about problems that you cannot overcome, or failures that you cannot forget, then know it is your cue to surrender all the more to the Divine Spirit, whose voice is within you, and who is the part of you that is part of the Divine. Let go to It, and be glad.
When the negative self-talk would make you dizzy with its repetitions, or the mortal voice of friends or relatives would try to convince you to blame, or point the finger, because they speak from their own fears, then hold fast to your Calm Center. Take one strong hand of your practice and your will and your faith, and hold, in silence, to that Calmness, and wait, wait, wait for Its word.
Move not by your own mortal word, nor by old and new worries, but by the word from Within, and be at Peace with Divine Timing, O’ Love.
Ah, Beloved,
So many have their spiritual sight pointed in the wrong direction. They ask, “Is there really a God out there somewhere?”
By their question, they reveal their need for spiritual knowledge. You exist IN the body of God, one cell among many, all perfect and unique, and all part of the Whole. You exist as the Spirit that is in the Spirit of God. You are a creative idea in the Divine Mind, endlessly loved and appreciated. The metaphors for the Truth are endless, but it means you do not have to look far away to feel and hear and realize God.
If you live in a thing, it is already all around you and in you. In the metaphor of a fleshly body, a cell in your muscle does not need to cry out to be taken care of or to know its job. It simply lives, as its part of the Whole.
Relax, relax, Beloved, and turn your perception inward, for the same Spirit that enlivens one cell of your body also is already enlivened in your heart. Just turn your awareness there and listen, and learn to recognize Its Voice, and do what It tells you to do.
We are everywhere with you, too,
Ah, Beloved,
There is always enough time to consult with God, for God/Cause/ Source is always flowing to you. God is not far away, or withholding Its Joy in your smooth progress and wholeness. God does not need to be begged to Help you.
God is able, willing, and ready to help you see and feel and experience Good.
“I would Love to See what you See, right now, dear God. I would Love to know what You know, and understand as you Understand. I am willing.”
Be willing to know your Wholeness, Child,
Ah, Dear One,
When you feel that you are loving, loving, loving, but feel not loved in return, you have only made the common error of turning to human emotion for the Love you need.
It is Divine Love you need to give to those around you, and it is the Well of Divine Love you need, to keep filling yourself from, in order to keep giving. There is no other Source for Divine Love than the One Source from which all are made. Turn to It, O’ Beloved, and fill yourself, fill yourself, fill yourself.
Yes, thousands are the earthly metaphors for the Unconditional Love that constitutes your True existence—the beloved pet that loves you no matter how you look, the mother’s love that offers itself even when you have failed a test, the sun that shines freely on poor and rich alike, etc., but they are only metaphors for the Source. All that you need do is shift your awareness into “reception” mode and turn your will to the Divine to fill yourself, OR shift into “two-way” mode, so that you are receiving Divine Love from the Source even while you are giving It to others. It is a shift in perception, a shift in awareness, it is a surrendering to, and an acknowledgement of, your Source of Being.
Remember to take time to Be Filled. Remember that the One Source is the only place to get it from. When you are empty, turn There, and encourage others to turn There as well, for It is ever-present, and ever-flowing, and ever-Loving you
We stand ready to hand you a cup at the Well,
Ah, Dear One,
Like a ten year old child who has determined to give a fine party for her friends, but has forgotten to arrange the timing of the cooking of the elements of the meal, so that, although they are lovely, they are not ready in the right sequence, and so she welcomes the aid of her mother, be you also glad to welcome the aid of your Divine Mother.
Believe us, by whatever name you call the Divine Arranger of the Universe you can see, and not see with your human eyes, welcoming Its help is key to Life being indeed the party you imagined it to be.
Be not proud, but be glad,
Ah, Beloved,
The Womb of God’s Mind is the Womb you are in forever, ever-growing in Love.
Be not afraid that your fetal dream of a contentious world leaves you alone and unsupported. Your umbilical corn to God Soul is intact. You are floating in the Spirit of Life.
Close your eyes and feel it. Close your eyes and continue to Be Safely Held.
Ah, Beloved,
Think about, and feel, feel, feel the delightfulness of being part of the Spiritual Oneness of All-Being. Think about how when you take Joy in something or someone, or love someone or something, you are dipping into the vast reservoir of Love that is all, and that is shared.
Fill your heart and mind with these things, Beloved. They will fuel you for the day, and for Life.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no hurry.
Realize fully the truth of that. Since your Consciousness lives forever and can experience what it likes in complete Spirit, or upon the stage of time and space, then the pressure of time is off. There is no hurry.
You are already complete and loved within the Whole of Spirit. If you choose to create and be, within some aspects of time, you may, but there is no hurry. Stand apart from time for a moment, and appreciate this. You, as essence, and reflection of Love, live forever. You may choose to step into time, to help, or to grow, or to practice, but there is no hurry.
You are already Loved and Good and wonderful. There is no hurry.
Relax into Love, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
When you see an image in your dreams or meditations, or hear a phrase from the Divine Voice of the Heart of you, in answer to a deep desire that prays to the Oneness of Being, ponder it. Ponder it in silence, and trust that it is an answer that springs forth from Love.
For instance, when you heard the phrase “skinny river” come into your thoughts as you awoke this morning, know that it was a reply to your fervent prayers of yesterday that God would please flow into the hearts and thoughts of those that you so wish could feel the Power and Comfort of Love’s Design. There are those that are not ready to feel the “Niagara Falls” of Love’s Power that you feel when you enter deep prayer. It would frighten them at first.
But they are ready for a “skinny river” of revelation to flow through their thoughts and feelings, cleansing and re-shaping. You can trust that Sweet Love is doing this, Beloved. Trust that God is doing this, and celebrate in your heart when you see evidence of the Goodness that grows in their minds and begins to shine forth in their lives.
Trust God, and be grateful, and patient,
Ah, Beloved,
To live for feeling the Love of God, and to reciprocate It, is no small thing.
In fact, It is everything.
Relax into that Truth, Beloved, as though nestled into a warm comforter, and be healed. Know your Wholeness and Love. Love God, Be Love, and let the Presence that Heals flow through you.
Ah, Beloved,
Keep it so, so simple.
God is Gracious. God is Good. Everything works as it should.
Say it, allow it, let it be,
Say it until you believe nothing contrary,
Ah, Beloved,
When symptoms of body or circumstance try to frighten you, remember that the misty illusions of mortality are but shadows of time-leaves flickering in front of the Brilliant Light of Source Soul.
Nothing can really block or change the Loving Light of God. Turn to It. It heals.
The errors you have made, or that others around you have made, will never, and have never, changed the Truth of who you are, all beloved offshoots of the Light that is Love. Take your mind off the errors of time-bound days, and think about the Truth of what you are as Infinite Light.
And to boost yourself to that point, remember the various good deeds you did yesterday on the human level, and realize that the impetus for all of those came from that same steady Divine Light that is also maintaining and sustaining you today, in Love. It will help you be the Best you again today.
You have a dependable Love, and that is Spirit always,
Ah, Beloved,
When for years the human mind pattern has been constant assessment and/or judgement of visually evident details or traits, do not be surprised if it takes a while for you to turn first and foremost to the Unseen Truth about everything and everyone, including yourself. Yes, some individuals have moments of epiphany, or a “road to Damascus” experience that converts them immediately to seeing only Spiritually, but for most there is that Divinely inspired self-training to let the underlying Truth of “I Am Love, I Am Spirit of Life and Soul” replace the mundane view.
Gently, gently, practice replacing any judgmental or limiting thought with “I Am Love”.
It will change your perception of yourself and your life and of others.
And We are and always shall be with you in this,
Ah, Beloved,
“God Loves me.” “God upholds me.” “God’s Glow flows through and fills me.” “God reveals me as Whole.” “I am complete in God.” “I am Spirit, fully free.”
Thoughts such as these, dear one, held in your mind and heart throughout the day, will truly help you feel your deep connection with the Pure, Steady, Calm, Joyous, and Absolute Love of God. Take frequent moments to turn to God, and be willing to receive of God. Everyone and anyone that uses these or similarly intentioned thoughts can feel the uplifting Power of God. And as one grows accustomed to the wondrous feel of being refreshed and healed and sustained by the Spirit of God, one understands and perceives that God has been your foundation of Life all along, even before you learned to turn to It. An allotment of buoyancy, of Soul, floats you in the Good Mind of God, even when surface earthly concerns seem to weigh you down. Every claiming of the Truths of God’s Provision for you, and Care of you, lift you higher into that Good Harmony.
Do not waste that Joy on false sorrows, Beloved. Use the Joy of God to use well the time of earth, walking as a constant example of purposeful conviction of the happy Truth that binds us all.
When you let yourself be uplifted, We are uplifted too, as We guard you,
Ah, Beloved,
Just listen quietly, to the song of the Heart, and hear:
“Look up,
Look up,
my bright-eyed Love,
and see me in the sky.
I caught your attention with the whir of wings,
Now, look past them,
those flying feathered friends,
and see,
It is I, It is I, It is I.
See, that I Am.
See, and reflect Me.
See, and know,
for yourself,
It is I, It is I, It is I.”
Your Loving Patent/Source is ever with you,
With all Power of Creation complete,
Ask to see the best play of your life, and listen for your cues,
Ah, Beloved,
Human thought finds it very, very difficult to believe that God is interested in your Joy and in you expressing the wondrous talents of your Soul Self, but not picky about the form in which you do this. The exact “career” or skill set you choose to use matters not. Just shine with excellence and with Love, and you are then the completion of your part in the pattern of God.
Try today to shine with Love, whether you are weeding a garden or inventing a new way of spinning atoms. Be grateful today to be able to be grateful. Be the expression of Godliness that you are.
Ah, Beloved,
It would do you little good to record in a diary what outfits you wore each day, over the course of many decades, if you wanted to really assess your Spiritual growth. Each entry must instead somehow answer the question, “How much did I Love as God Loves?”
And a great part of that is whether you were able to look past the cloth and passing personalities of others, to see the Soul of God shining through their eyes. Let not annoyance be a thing you waste time feeling, let not criticism and complaining be the paths your thoughts hike upon. Turn to the cleansing Source for Love and assess “How can I better have Divine Love’s attitude today?”
Being grateful for small and great Blessings is always a perfect beginning.
We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.
Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.
Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.
Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.
Ah, Dear One,
When you are on a road trip with a quarrelsome relative, you must make peace with that person during every mile. You must constantly be on the alert for saying something that would lead to an open fight, and constantly compromising your desires for speed, or stops, or music, or quiet, so that you may reach the end of the journey with as much harmony as possible. Only at the destination can you let down your guarded behavior and take a free stroll or a drive on your own.
So is it with the true You, and the ego you, on this journey of life. The ego self is right there in the passenger seat, but it believes it is the true driver, and will do whatever it can to grab the steering wheel. Its singular and greedy desires will always, so long as you are on earth, in flesh, try to direct you into side trips to things and places that are not really your Divine Self’s best destiny. Even the very holiest of persons must stay mindful and alert to that quarrelsome passenger, even when they have firmly seated the Divine Self at the wheel.
This is why, Beloved, it is so important to center yourself with meditation, or prayer, daily, and as often as you can throughout the day. This is why, Beloved, you must daily give the gift of your human will back to the Divine Will, so that you have Divine Helpers aiding you as you steer, and aiding you as you find the strength to ignore the ego’s urges. Only the Divine Assistants can help you harness the ego’s strength, and help you use it to be your Harmonized Best.
This will not change until the end of the journey, Beloved. Yes, there will be times when you are feeling more connected to the Whole and the ego’s voice is faint, or even seems to be absent. Yes, there will be stops that feel so holy that you can embrace them, and take your mind off the ego for a brief time. But, always, it will come forth from its strategic withdrawal again, shouting and whining for this turn or that, for this detour or that.
Embrace Grace daily, Beloved. Embrace Grace always, and constantly let It know that you want It to have the keys to your car, for safekeeping. In every moment, you have the chance to see glimpses of your true destination. Keep your eyes on It.
Ah, ah, ah, the road trip…
Ah, Beloved,
When you awaken in the morning, or in the night, with your head filled with a whirling of worldly duties or tasks or emotions, and you feel confused or anxious or fretful, treat yourself to a quiet reminder of your true identity. “I am Love.”
When you find yourself rushing through the day, or feeling too hurried to actually enjoy the sky, or a friend’s voice, or the gracious taste of your lunch, stop and remind yourself of who you really are. “I am Love. I am a part of the All-Divine.”
Remember, remember, remember, who and what you are, and all will be well.
In joyous Love,
Ah, Beloved,
The greatest thing to remember about giving thanks, and keeping a mindset of gratitude, is that the Divine has already granted you Acceptance, and Love, and a judgment of Goodness. Its desire for your happiness while you are the tiny part of your Infinite circular Eternal self that is “dipped” in earthly dust thoughts, and seems to be human, is already granted. It WANTS your happiness, and above all wants you to remember that you ARE that perfect infinite circle, safe and provided for, within the Goodness of One Being. Remember, and Be Happy.
Ponder THIS, and give thanks,
Ah, Beloved,
It is important to reassure yourself, and everyone around you, that the good you do and think is important, and makes a difference. It is very easy, in a culture of mass media, to believe that only the huge and famous can influence what occurs.
But the Heart of you knows that is not true. For the Heart of you hears the Voice of God, of One Mind, and that Mind sees and knows everything and everyone, and understands and counts on each individualized Soul that lets Good shine through.
Be the Light you are. Every single atom of that Light, and of you as a vehicle for that Light, matters. Let it shine, Beloved. Howsoever small or large, let It shine. There are days when you will shine greatly. There are days when just a glimmer leaks through. But all of those days matter. All of those days contribute to the Whole that wants all to know and understand that the Kingdom of Grace is present, and ready to shine as each one allows.
Celebrate each bit of Light that shines, as We do.
Ah, Beloved,
The Spiritual Realm, as Divine Source created it, is as it always has been and as it always shall be. Ask to see it. Look for it, in the purity of Love you seek to see in yourself, and in those around you. Be deeply grateful for the existence of the Truth, that only Love, and that which reflects Love, is Real.
The way to truly forgive yourself and others for being caught up in the web of lies that is the sad and seemingly evil world, is to be grateful that Good exists.
Be grateful for every aspect of Good that you are privileged to express, and grateful for every aspect of Love that you witness in every one around you. The others that were created are precious parts of the Whole Creator, and so, dear Beloved, are you.
Be Glad. Be True. Be Whole. Be Graeful.
Grateful to you,
Ah, Beloved,
Whenever your heart is wounded, it will look for someone or something to blame. Train yourself to recognize this, and consciously refill your heart with Love, for It is the only solution. Usually, you will need to ask for Divine help to accomplish that refilling.
Knowing, intellectually, that true forgiveness is gratitude, and that the “others” around you are just playing roles for your own learning, and that you can look through the roles to see the Light Spirit of them is one thing, but opening your heart to actually do so is another. The hurt heart, the hard heart, the bitter heart cannot accomplish that feat. Only a heart filled with Love and Compassion can do so.
So, when you recognize that your thoughts are roaming towards blame, seeking grievances and scapegoats, turn immediately to your Chosen One, to the One Divine, to the Saints or Divine Helpers that your heart comprehends, and ask for their Help to fill, fill, fill your heart with Love, until the overflow can flow to those that temporarily look like your enemies.
There is no other way, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
When you find it difficult to think of completely relinquishing all control of thought and action and word to the Guidance of Inner Divine Voice, remember to shift your attitude about the Source of that Voice.
If you realize that the Inner Spirit Touch is the friend that will never leave you, the all true love of your life (and of everyone’s lives!), then the thought of surrendering all to Its Guidance will not seem like a sacrifice. Instead, it will seem like giving your will to that Will is a lovely and wonderfully gift you can give to your Beloved, knowing that the Beloved wants what is best for you, and knows and appreciates your goodness and wholeness. The Inner One knows your perfection as a part of the Oneness of Being.
Give willingly to Love. Surrender to Love, and let the Truth of Its Love for you hold you and hold you and hold you.
always with you there,
Ah, Beloved,
As you make choices every day, and in each moment, remember to have mercy on yourself. Have mercy on yourself because God has infinite mercy for you, and it is your right to use as much of it as you need to forgive yourself.
For so very many years, you were taught that you were just a body with a brain made of various nerves and stimuli. Now that you truly begin to grasp the Soul nature of your existence, have mercy on yourself for how long it may take to eradicate the old thoughts and make way for the new Thoughts of what you are as a Blessed Child of God.
Yes, some understand in an instant and are transformed. But most take a while, and even that “while” of training time for the New Mind to be in you that is the High Consciousness of all, usually fulfills a need of preparing you to help and teach others with whom you can empathize. Be at Peace, Beloved, and be not afraid, for your Maker has seen the end already, and knows you are welcomed back into the full remembrance of the Heart of Hearts with the phrase, “Well done, my Good and Faithful Child.”
As we are with you, in constant Love,
Ah, Beloved,
How easy it humanly is to slip into old ways of thought and habits. But as you have asked for Our Help in unfolding new and good and happy ways of thought, We remind you to watch the language of your mind. Just as you must adjust the language that your tongue speaks when it is in a foreign country, so must you adjust your mind to thinking the thoughts of Love, when you wish to abide in the Kingdom of Love.”
Think Love. Be Love. Abide in Love, and from within Its rosy and yet clear confines, all the world of Real Life will be seen to be Good.
We listen for your thoughts of Love today. Name the elements of Love you see, in objects and people around you, to help you See, today, the Kingdom.
Ah, Beloved,
God does not Govern from far away or long ago. God Governs right here, right now, with Goodness.
Turn to It, welcome It, receive It right here, right now. God wants your happiness, and wants you to feel Blessed to be a Blessing to all.
Think on this, and WELCOME It.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no limit to how many times you can say this in your thoughts and in your heart, and it will help keep you aligned with the very Soul of Life Good:
“O”, Dear Spirit Divine, align me with your Heart and Mind. Let me see as You See. Let me Hear as you Hear. Let me feel and know as You Know. Let me be always an expression of Your Compassion and Your Love and Your Courage. Let me be Whole as You would have me to be.”
“I am exactly as God made me to Be.”
Dear One, Love corrects all errors and illusions and clasps you unto Itself,
Ah, Beloved,
If you know that you serve the Holy and True, and that the real existence of everyone is in that Oneness, then stay very aware of that all the time. Put that absolutely first always. In every thing that you say and think and do, ask whether it is in alignment and accordance with Good.
It is the Good way to live, and prosper, and be in peace of mind and heart.
Ah, Beloved,
Holy Spirit is the tutor that God sent into your dream to gently and lovingly correct the errors of the dream, and remind you that you have been truly in the Mind of God all along, perfect and whole.
Spirit is your wise heart. Listen to It.
Ah, Beloved,
To be one that keeps the heart completely filled with Compassion, when the individual before you is exhibiting behavior that is filled with, and trying to incite, anger, is one of the greatest Good deeds you can do.
Be Compassionate. Love, Love, Love, with the serene silent Love of God, and it will uplift you both, and all.
The best good deeds are not of the body visible,
Ah, Beloved,
Believe us when we use that word “Beloved.”
You ARE a Beloved part of the Source. Be not afraid to claim that as the Truth, and as your right and heritage and supply because it is the Truth.
Always Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
Practice again today the Power of praying for one person all the day today.
Whether it be friend or lover or relative or neighbor or stranger or seeming foe, use the simple prayer of “Bless them” as many times as you can remember throughout the day.
It changes you. For the better.
We Love that you are willing to do this.
O’ Beloved,
When fear takes a hold of you, and whispers in its insidious voice as your “orphaned child sense of self”, and faith seems as far away as a helium balloon that has escaped the clutch of a child and gone off by itself to heaven, there is only one solution. When the false sense of “alone self” whines “How will I survive? Who will take care of me? Why am I abandoned?”, there is only one way to remember that you are, and have always been, and will always be, a child of Divine Spirit that has not been thrown from home.
Yes, you can affirm with words that “I am Spirit, held in the loving thoughts of my Divine Parent” but to give feeling and life to those words, you must give of yourself to another. Give of your True Divine Self, who is generous and loving. Give from the Self that knows how blessed it is, and that it is indeed a Divine heir, with full provision and bequest of the power of Divine Love.
Affirm all that, but then empower your words with action. Make the phone call to uplift a friend. Forgive an old grudge. Donate your time to prayer for all those who chase the empty illusions of the world. Give of the work of your hands. Let actions remind you that giving is receiving, for in the giving you are reminded that All is One. By giving of your Best Self, that is a reflection of God, you give yourself the Truth again, that you are a beloved and unique and embraced and joined thought in the Mind of the Divine.
God takes care of Itself, and you are in God,
Put your sense of self There, act from There, and trust,
Ah, Beloved,
The thought of being just a body that can turn into an older version of itself, or a thing that cannot complete every little thing it wants, is frightening, but that fear is really covering up the fear of the Truth of being purely Spirit. Go past the small fear of body, without control over circumstance or time, and stand and face the body’s fear of simply being Spirit. Ask for the Peace of the Enfolding, All-encompassing, Great Spirit, as you do so, and let yourself feel the Truth, that there is absolutely nothing, nothing, nothing to fear.
Bask in that, as you would in the sun, or warm water, or praise,
Ah, Beloved,
This day, imagine that a master writer and director has leased your body and your life, to use in the Play he has written for today.
Be silent, stand back, and watch, while your costume is used to speak the lines the Master writer has written. Stand back, and watch, and obey and appreciate while the Master Director sends your character, and the other characters, here and there.
Behold, and applaud, each amazing interaction. Comprehend, and be grateful for, each message told and taught and learned. Be relieved that Another was in charge of the day, so that you could just watch and enjoy, the wisdom, and the beauty that came forth in every way.
O’ we see such Play gems everywhere, every day,
Ah, Beloved,
There is such a tendency to believe that absolutely nothing can be done about deadlines and time, when you are looking to solve a problem. Once again, you must remember that the limits of human belief do not limit God. God exists beyond time, and there is no thing within the perceived realm of time that can alter that Omnipotent Power.
Be at peace, Beloved. When you close your eyes to the visible, and rely on your faith in the Whole Truth, close your mind and heart also to invisible “time”, for it is but another dimension of the world that is not the Good Reality that God made and maintains and keeps in beautiful Order, the Inner Kingdom of Utter Peace.
Ah, Beloveds,
The ability to hear the Voice of your sacred Self within the Heart is innate to EVERY person. To say that it is only the prerogative of saints or avatars or those who are especially gifted in some way is to hide behind the small earth self that does not wish to give up its little addictions to the small ways of thought. It does not want to think about changing, or perhaps even giving up, some of its human pains and pleasures, in order to spend time learning to hear that sacred inner Voice.
All will hear their own High Voice eventually. Why wait? Give it some time each day, and be led to your own understanding of how the world is changed—one Heart-Voice at a time. No human plans will work if they are not led by that Voice.
As ever, listening with you to the Music of your Heart,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no hurry. When you relax into understanding that all you really want is to See as God Sees, you will be looking at all in the understanding that time and space are illusions, and there is no hurry.
There is no hurry. Today, See as God Sees, and be calm and confident, for All is already Good.
As are you,
Ah, Beloved,
Never forget that you are Loved.
The most important thing is to realize that the Love that created you and sustains you is ever-present, and an Infinite Source. It is there to draw upon for your health, your sustenance, and for the healing of others.
It is not their bodies you are healing, it is the mistaken thought in their mind that they are separate from the Divine Source in which they exist. They are happy, wonderful dancing spirits within Spirit, and that is the silent Loving Thought you should gently and lovingly place in their minds, and then feel the privilege of watching Divine Love at work, healing and harmonizing the appearance of the life that reflects True Life, and always will.
First and foremost, feed yourself with Love from the Infinite Source, that you may then help feed the hungry, worldly thoughts of others.
Well satisfied on Divine Love alone,
Ah, Beloved,
As you practice turning to Soul first each day, instead of the worldly news, you will afterward be able to calmly observe the headlines and events of the earthly in a different way. You will see more Wholeness, you will perceive more patterns of progress towards Awakening, you will feel more call to engage your own mind and offer your heart as instruments for God-Love to use.
You will more consistently turn to the Inner “God-channel” for interpretation and knowledge about anything that seems to be before you. “What do I need to focus on here, God?” you will ask.
Soon, it will be your favorite channel, your favorite pod-cast, your favorite information flow and emotional balm—the Inner Presence of Love. Turn to It.
Turn to It, and gladly learn to be as It, in Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Allow yourself to approach the understanding, of the Totality of Being, playfully. Just as a child, given a new toy or a new idea, will play with it to discover its ways and aspects, and understand how to move it and be creative with it, so let yourself have fun with exploring your understanding of the Whole of which you are an individualization.
The Whole is Spirit, the Whole is Divine Light, and you are one mote of that Light dancing among all the others. Play, play, play with that idea, and let your play free you from thinking that you, just because you made some silly mistake, must be the one mote of darkness in an otherwise brilliant Dance.
Or, use examples from the seemingly physical world, such as “Can one roll from the same batch of dough really be any different, in essence, from the other rolls?” “Can one cookie, although a different shape, taste any different from the other cookies made from the great One Batch of Raw Substance, of Wonderful Raw Dough?”
Let it be fun, Beloved. Let it be playful, for playful understanding is more joyous than painful understanding. All will come to the Truth, each in his or her own way and time, but why not choose to come to Realization through playful and joyful miracles, instead of through endured pain or tragedy?
How we love to offer our shared enjoyment to you!
All the dough is made of Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Armor yourself with the Truths from your Spirit. Know the aspects of the Whole that are yours to work with, and you will never feel unprepared.
To a person who does not know how to add or subtract or divide, a pile of papers and receipts and bookkeeping ledgers can seem a forbidding thing. But to one armed with the knowledge that is needed, it is a simple task of focus and time and will.
When faced with all the piles of life’s challenges and glories, be prepared to deal with them with your knowledge of Divine Truth. If you KNOW that, with God, all things are possible, you will not give up a dream when a well-meaning friend says “That will never happen!” If you know that the aspects of the Wholeness and Joy of God are alive as you, you will hold fast to that Truth, even when some doctor tells you that he believes you will die today.
Hold to the Truth and Power of the Light that shines as you, Beloved. No amount of nay-sayers around the accountant could convince him that 2 x 2 is 5. He knows the truth, and will add his numbers accordingly. Know your truths so well, Beloved, that no one can talk you out of them. Know that you are a part of the Whole, created in Love, and let that be the Truth you live by.
We see the Truth of you and it is Glory,
Ah, Beloved,
As We have reminded you many times, God-Love can use you as a transparency to bring Good Light to others, even when you are not feeling your human best. So even if you are feeling a little dusty or distracted by your own human concerns, still let your heart send forth the constant willingness to be used as an instrument of That Which is Good.
If you think about it, you can remember many moments when this has been very evident. Perhaps your own eyes felt as though they could barely stay open, but when you saw a child fall on the sidewalk before you, you felt a surge of energy and compassion, and were able to aide and soothe the youngster, having been strengthened by the Flow of Good from within.
And, there have been many more times when the Good you have shown forth is of the Unseen kind, just being someone present and very conscious of the Ever-Presence of the Spirit of Love, of Living Life that Governs All.
Just broadcast your willingness to God each day, dear Child. And God thanks you, God thanks you, God thanks you, for not all Good Instruments are willing just yet.
Give God time, and you will be part of what makes ALL willing mirrors of the Divine.
Ah, Beloved,
When the senses of the material world would try to tell you that Glory is dying, or dead, or that you have passed all the phases of good and exhilarating life, turn away from them, just as you would turn away from listening to a person whom you knew to be a habitual liar. Do not invest your energy in the words of a known liar. Invest your energy and thought in the truths of Goodness.
Put your mind on the truths that YOU know to be true. Even if you are in a doubting mood that does not trust old sayings of wisdom or scripture or philosophers, turn to the truth YOU KNOW to be true.
Friendship is Good. Loyalty is Good. Love is Good. Honesty is Good. Beauty is Good. Orderliness is Good. Being forgiven is Good.
Turn to these things, these thoughts, and trust in them. Invest your time and your thought in these things and let that investment pay back to you as no earthly investment can, for it pays back in the Gladness and Peace of God.
As ever, investing ourselves in our Love for you,
Ah, Beloved,
If you listen carefully, and obey calmly, and joyfully, the sweet instructions of the Divine Impulse of Life within, you will look back on each day and each month, and see that God has laid each idea and step and person in it, as competently and assuredly as a master bricklayer creating a lovely and sturdy winding wall.
Walk atop that wall, and you will be truly walking the best pathway that is possible for your life.
Walking with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Simply, “Help me, dear God. Align me with Your Light. Align and focus me.”
Then, be still and quiet, and let the Presence of Love twist the focus on the beams of Light that project your image from the Thought of God into the earth dream. God Thought up the original idea of you, and Knows how to re-focus you if you seem to have gotten blurry.
Be still and quiet, and receive the restoration of body, mind and soul, in their True version. God’s Mind is your real mind. God’s Soul is your real soul. Your light body is a projection of God Light.
“Help me, dear God. Align me with Your Light. And let me See all others as they really are, when aligned with the Light of You.”
Give It some time. Stay still until you feel Peace. Be aligned.
Ah, Beloved,
COMMAND that which is not Good to leave your thoughts, and so leave your reality. You have this right. WELCOME that which is the opposite to fill your Consciousness. Welcome the Good, ACCEPT the Good. It is some aspect of Life and Love, of Harmony and Joy and Abundance and Intelligence and deep, deep Soul and Spirit.
You CAN do this.
We uphold you so that you can see it,
Ah, Beloved,
Above all, the Divine is trying to train you to listen to Its Voice, as your only, and your ever-present, Truth.
Even as the new day brings you a morning that is free of an old worry, or victorious over a repetitive sorrowful thought, both overcome by the Joy of turning to the Comforter within, something else is sure to come that feels like a challenge. So long as you dwell within the time cycle of earth, it will be so. The illusions and mirages of the woes of earth and her champions are all around you, and they don new costumes every hour. We will not pretend that it does not seem to be so.
But we will promise you that as you grow into the strength of Spirit that is your true nature, the shouts and jeers and draperies of the earthly will be less frightening to you. Like an old soldier on the front who has gone through many a day without water, and known himself to survive, or the seasoned actress that greets her stage fright almost as though it were an old friend that helps her steel her nerves and reminds her to breathe life into her confidence, you will find the daily meeting of the Infinite and the “finite” growing smoother. As you prove to yourself, again and again, that when you choose the Divine, you have chosen the Truth over the illusion, you will be able to face even fierce illusions with calmness, and the Peace of God/Goddess in your heart.
We have seen your progress, and we have watched the pattern in millions of others, Beloved, and we know,
Ah, Beloved,
The worthiness of each goal that enters your mind can be measured by how much it helps you remember, and share, your own loveliness, and the loveliness of all. Be that. Share that. Shine that.
As you know your own worth as a citizen of the One Loving Source, and you know your loving self and your loveliness and lovableness, you will enjoy seeing what a difference you can make with simple words and gentle glances, in a world where so many feel afraid and alone. As you fully realize your own status as citizen of the Loving Universe, you will be able to let all around you see that they are, too.
Count those successes, and the worldly needs take care of themselves,
As ever,ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
We know how tempting it is, when you feel tired, to turn back to old habits of creature comforts. That is your choice, and God does not love you less if you do so.
But have the mercy of honesty with yourself. Consider the feeling and knowledge of upliftment that occurs when you use a few moments and a little willingness and focus to tune in to the Power and Love of God to feel re-energized and centered. Does that not far exceed what light entertainment or some food or substance does for your state of mind?
No, you do not have to give up every earthly comfort. But consider enjoying those things AFTER you have re-centered in the Joy and Power of Life Divine, and enjoy the worldly comforts in that state of Mind, rather than as crutches that keep you from facing and attaining true healing.
Attain the Mind-set of God, and then enjoy the Play of Life. That is real comfort. That is real mercy on the self.
You have no idea how much we love you and want the Best for you,
Ah, Beloved,
The schisms that SEEM to divide you from the complete Love that Holds you always are just not really there.
PRACTICE knowing that. Say it to yourself until, with the Help of the Inner Divine Soul, you believe it. “Nothing separates me from the Full Love and Wholeness of God”.
Every new phase of knowledge takes time, for most, to get used to. If you are not one who can grasp it in a moment, forgive yourself for that, and celebrate any progress you have made in achieving full Spiritual Sight, and awakening.
Once you have begun the search and the quest for Truth, it cannot fail, for it is supported by the already victorious Mind of God.
Always with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Be at Peace. Be at Peace today.
When you strive too hard to resolve a certain circumstance or event, it is easy to become confused about what or who you are even praying for. Return then, to the basic goal of relaxing into, praying into, meditating into, the state of Peace that is the Source.
Being in a state of Peace will open the door to the other inspirational Thoughts or Impulsions you need, for it is an indication of being aligned again with your true purpose. So let Peace be your intermediate goal, and you will be surprised to find that it is often the only goal you need, or, eventually, will want.
Be still, be at Peace. Be Peace.
Thankfully, and peacefully,
Ah, Beloved,
Most of all, when you begin to hear the Divine Voice clearly in your heart, reminding you that you are an existence within the Heart-Mind of God, you will hear It saying to you, “Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.
Gratitude of the Divine, and from the Divine, to Its image (you), is an important part of understanding your own blessedness as a part of the Divine Being, and understanding the grace of dominion that you have been given within the earth dream.
“Be thou aware, O’ Child of Light, that when your consciousness is awake and fully in the mastery of God, your companionship is cherished. And when you have agreed to walk in front of the earth mirror, and help to grow and teach and learn there, as you let your attention stay focused on the reflection of the image of the Real, then your willingness and being-ness there are appreciated.
You are never outside of God-Heart-Mind. You are never apart from God. But when you are completely conscious in God, then God delights in walking and talking with you, and when some of your attention is focused towards the great awakening, then you are thanked and thanked and thanked, and you need to know that, so that you will feel yourself blessed, even in the spots where the mirror is dusty.”
Your sweet messengers,
Ah, Dear One,
Even as the brightness of the morning meditation or prayer fades a bit, as you are faced with the tasks of the day, their power is still with you. Allow yourself to feel the love and appreciation that you felt during the time of silent communion, and it truly is as though your prayer continues. In the same way that a beloved human partner or child or friend is always in the back of your mind, even while you have a meeting or perform a chore, allow the Divine Presence to be a caressed and caressing thought that stays with you throughout the day and night.
It is possible to reach the stage where you are always aware of being a part of the Wholeness of the Divine. The Divine Itself embraces you into that centered place, and empowers you, when you fully realize that you want It more than anything that the physical world has to offer. The Divine knows when you are ready to fully receive It, for It sees when you are fully ready to give complete Compassion to others. As your heart projects, so are you more and more a reflection of the perfect part of the divine that the God of All made you to be.
Every sliver of the reflected image will be found,
Ah, Beloved,
Letting the human thoughts of others slide over you and around you without touching or threatening or disturbing the Calm Center of your Trust in God is the Key. Your own human thoughts must part around the strong Rock of God in your heart as well.
Why do you think it is called the first commandment? Stay with it. Stay centered in It.
Be It, Beloved, and Be Free.
Always Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
When seeking, and trusting for, a Harmonizing of any part of your human experience, whether it is of the body, or finances, or relationships or purpose, it is not the pulse of the wrist or the checkbook balance, or the texts, or the titles that you should keep monitoring. It is the feeling of the full Presence of Love and Infinite Possibility in your heart that is key.
Keep being grateful for all that is Good, honor the Will of the Truth, and make staying in alignment with Love your absolute goal each day.
The human symptoms will sort out as the Grace shines through all your thoughts.
Worry solves nothing and only blocks the hearing of the soft inspirations from God.
You know this. We Lovingly remind you.
Ah, Beloved,
There are countless images of realignment with Harmony available to you. Whether it is an image of a canoe staying in the smooth flow of the river, or of a key slipping smoothly into the right lock, or the puzzle piece into the picture, or the thread into the weave, or the sheep into the flock, etc., the important thing is to USE the image.
Use it until you have recaptured the peace and purpose of the Divine Flow, and know that you are an important and beloved part of it. Waiting for that feeling of realignment to come is the most important part of prayer. That waiting, that “listening”, for the Presence of healing Love to be with you is the time during which the thoughts of daily tasks and irritations will try to draw you back into unalignment, but if you gently set those thoughts aside, and use and reuse your image of re-centering into the Glad Flow of the Source, you will be able to draw on Its strength to maintain your True Place.
Realign often during the day, calling on your image, or your Personage of saving grace, and find the delight of surrendering to the Infinite River of Perfection.
Rather than becoming lost in the metaphors, find YOURS and USE it.
Endlessly Loving you,
Ah, Beloveds,
Spending time with God is not a sacrifice. Immersing ones consciousness in the Great Consciousness is as spending time with the wise and talented and hale and joyful, and supportive and generous, but multiplied many, many times over.
You are not depriving yourself of anything meaningful if you are immersed completely in Divine Love. Decide for It, ask for It, and you will be embraced as It Wills.
It is an active and Living Peace,
O’ Beloved,
Do, do, do understand the difference between praising God and thanking God.
To praise God is to contemplate and delight in the various and wondrous Qualities of God. The Love, the Brightness, the Order, the sustaining Intelligence, the Truth, the Harmony, the Beauty, and on and on and on. The Omnipotence, and the Omnipresence of God can be felt.
To thank God for always being, and always having been these things, is to extend your willingness to be an expression of all those Qualities. To thank God is to offer your acceptance and understanding that what you really are IS an expression and reflection of those Qualities.
Therefore, praise all that God is, in total, or by contemplating each Quality day by day and moment by moment, and then clean off the mirror that is you, and thank God for freely giving you Goodness to reflect, and simply begin to shine bits of God, wherever you are. Extend that willingness. Extend it, and feel the Joy of doing so.
You can do this, because it is what you were made to do. Everyone comes to it, soon or later. Everyone. Why not choose to begin now?
Ah, Beloved,
Do you feel as though you cannot afford to pay anyone for spiritual direction? Do you feel as though you cannot pay for a book of holy words, or afford to pay the tithe to attend a prayer or meditation service?
Remember, all you need to pay to Holy Spirit, to Divine Voice within, is attention. Just pay attention.
Give the Divine your time and your Inner ear and your attention, and you will be guided, and you can choose to obey. In obedience comes new understanding, and new hope, and a greater ease of paying attention, and Peace, and gratitude for that Peace.
Just pay attention, and let Love replace all fear and want.
Ah, Beloved,
It is always your turn at the fountain of Divine Love.
There is no waiting in line. There is no one that will say, “Now you”ve had enough to drink, it is someone else’s turn.”
It is endless, and It is for everyone, everywhere. It is wherever you are. Drink deeply, and drink more, and know that the Well Itself encourages you to never stop.
All Love to you,
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
Do you skim over our introduction to each days” supportive message?.
YOU are Beloved. Your purpose IS to Be Loved by God. Your purpose is to reflect that Love back to God. Could it be any simpler, really? Could it be any easier to understand that the path to Happiness is to Love God and understand yourself to be Loved by God, and to know that all others are Loved by God as well?
This is your True Selves we are talking about—not the Halloween costumes of mortal costume and personality, but the Inner Made-By-God perfect Selves, unblemished, honest and honorable and Loving and complete.
Know yourself as that today, and feel Loved, and Love the Shining Source of Love, in Whom you dwell, as well.
Ah, Beloved,
When you climb a mountain with a friend, your views might be different at the top simply because you are standing six feet apart. You may see a sweet glimpse of a crest and a cloud and a color that he cannot see because a treetop is in his way.
You know this. And so it is with Spirit. To see your body and circumstance and life as Divine Spirit sees them, you must stand right next to It, even WITHIN It, to see the wonderful goodness It sees. Center yourself in Spirit, and See truly, Child.
We are helping you. Have faith and trust in that.
Ah, Beloved,
Again We say to you to realize the extent of what it means that God desires your sublime and Divine happiness.
When you affirm to yourself “God’s Will for me is happiness”, but what you are picturing is the common ingredients of human satisfaction, then you are only claiming a limited part of what you really are as an image of God. Claim the fullness, Beloved. Claim what your human self cannot even imagine, or that your limited experience has not given you yet to understand.
You could say that We are urging you to understand the complete Divine Reality of your true identity as a Child and a Beloved of God. We are delighted when you realize even glimpses of the unworldly Peace and Power that are yours as an integral part of Love Itself.
Be willing to be delighted by the Unlimited Will of God, Who truly does want that delight and gladness to be unveiled and realized in you and to you.
It is as close as your own breath. Take it in.
Ah, Beloved,
If the voice you hear when you sit down to listen is not calm and clear and full of Love, then it is not The Voice.
Sit longer. Let go and surrender, knowing That Which Is , Loves you.
Listen again. If you are hearing anger or discontent or complaints or self-loathing, then you are only hearing the sounds of the temporal self. Listen again. Listen for the Voice of the Self that is inexorably linked with the Source that is all Love, and is All that is Real.
It dissolves the other errors, It helps you Love,
Ah, Beloveds,
Divine Love’s Care for you is unending, and Sees even the tiniest need.
Remember who you are, as trusted and cared for Children of God, and expect true needs to be met in a wonderful way.
Each of you can continually keep in thought, silently, or verbally if prompted by Love, the Truth, as you look upon one another, that is “You are a good and Loved Child of God”. And then more and more Good would become visible to human sight and awareness, as already manifested by God.
“You are a Child of God, created Good, and Loved.”
Ah, Beloved,
The inner awareness of full healing will often come before the outer manifestation.
Therefore, DO monitor the feelings of Peace and quiet Joy that fill your heart, but do not endlessly look at the cut on the skin, or the scales, or in the mailbox, or at the actions of the loved one. Watch and wait for the fullness of Heart Love, and abide in that. and then rejoice, later, when you happen to notice that the worldly effect has aligned itself in Harmony as well.
Dwell in the Kingdom of Peace ,
Ah, Beloved,
Right here, right now, the Force of God is All That Is.
That is why we did not give the Living Thought, yesterday, as “Only Love is Real.” To leave aside the word “only” and just concentrate on the Truth of “God/Love is Real” is to help train one’s human thought out of the mistake-mode that there are two realities. Love/God/Truth Is Real. There is nothing else. There is nothing to contrast it against except mirage, so there is no true need for the word only.
We so understand that this kind of thinking can make one feel dizzy, until the Truth begins to shine away the errors of old thought and un-ease and dis-ease, so when that happens, we suggest just simplifying the thinking to “God always wants to help me and God is always right here with me.”
On the days when you can divorce your thinking from the sense of body-self, higher metaphysical Consciousness can grow. Meanwhile, just practice knowing you, and all, are ultra-Beloved children of an All-Loving God that seeks to help. Do not be scared to ask for that help. In fact, the only thing to beware of is forgetting to ask for that Help.
Knowledge always grows,
Ah, Beloved.
If it seems as though outer circumstances and people are instigating feelings of unrest in you, turn to Inner Governance. That Inner Governance is not the voice of anger or fear, but of soft and calm counsel, and comfort and guidance.
When you see leaders and governors of worldly affairs exhibiting fear and threats, turn within and make sure your own thoughts are wise and good and tempered ones. And, give Praises in the Soul of you that timeless Governance comes from that which is beyond and above the petty powers of human strife.
Ask again for the Divine to awaken every heart to Grace and Infinite Life, and make sure you offer your own heart to be fully awakened, and let your thoughts be in alignment with Loving God.
Ah, Beloved,
When seemingly “outer” events feel too emotionally overwhelming, either for joy or for sorrow, or too confusing for you to be able to think straight, train yourself to think, “Here is the perfect time to get to know God, the Source of all True things, and of me, better.”
Turn away from the outer, and ponder the wonderful Loving nature of the Source. It will change the perspective entirely. It will help, it will solve, it will complete. It will give ideas. It will melt away false desires. It will move other ideas (aka people) near to you.
Turn your back to the visible, and turn within to the realm of Heavenly calm.
Ah, Beloved,
Seeing all things clearly with Love comes naturally when you spend time with your mentor of God. Give that time, give that attention, stand by the side of the One that sees all, and you will begin to see, more and more, with the same perspective.
It is simple, over and over, for a lifetime,
Ah, Beloved,
God is always sincere in saying “I Love you.”
The God that is Truth and Love has no conditions on that Love. It is not the old view of a God that has human tantrums and grudges, it is God that Is Love and Loves, and only tenderly wants you to remember your Real Self as like Loving Spirit Itself.
Human errors are gently corrected and washed away, as the phantoms they are, and are not remembered and nurtured in some dark heart of revenge. Today, practice forgiving as the Soul of Love forgives. There are a thousand times a day you have the opportunity to do so. Forgive and forgive, as We assure you God forgives, indeed does not even bother to glance at, all your own errors of blurting out foolish things, or breaking hearts or limbs. Re-label as illusion all that is clearly not the Good God made, and let the sincere Love of God be your fuel for continued Life.
See yourself as the Good Image of God=Spirit, and See others the same, past the shadows draped upon them.
To see the Real of Light is to forgive and See the Truth,
Ah, Beloved,
The special relationship to which you must stay most faithful and pure is your relationship to the Source of you. Think of It as It thinks of you, As One: “ I Am that I am. I am as the projection of myself, that is all the same Qualities and reflections of Me.”
In this, Beloved, “to thine own self be true” becomes, “to the Divine Good Source be True”. It is not to the sense of body-self, to the small-self, that one must be true, but to the Divine Self that is but a projection of total perfection o1 Love.
FEEL this, even if you do not understand our words,