All Messages

  • Ah, Child,

    Be aware of what a full child of the Whole you are. One born of Truth can only be that full Truth him or her self, and that is what you are.

    You may call your Truth “physics”, or you may call it “Christ” or “Lao-Tzu” or any one of a thousand and more names, but so long as you believe that the Truth will never fail you, indeed It will not, dear child. Plenty, plenty, plenty of choice and belief and possibility are yours, when only you realize, and stay aware, that It Is So.

    Your task is to stay aware. Like a child who must remember his name, so he will know when he is called upon in school, it is for you to remember you are a treasured and important child of the Truth, and all that It Is is yours, to hand.

    Stretch forth your hand, and touch, and know, “I am Truth, as well, created of It, and in It, and for It to complete Its form.”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be patient. The seed that falls on stony ground can be picked up, and moved, or can find lodging in a crevice in which nutrients and soil are able to hold it in place.

    Or, stone, washed by the wind and water of Spirit, becomes gravel, and then becomes sand, and then becomes soil, and lo, that seed can flourish where once there seemed no hope.

    Have faith, that to the Divine Seed Bearer, all things are possible, and that time is truly no obstacle to a Creator that is outside of time.

    You will see, Beloved, we assure you, the sprouting of that seed. You have come to trust Us in so many small ways. Trust us in this, and see trust fulfilled,

    Always watering seedlings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love the Love in others, even if you see only a tiny seed of It. Loving It will help It be revealed more fully.

    It is the task of Divine Spirit to tutor and correct all. It is your task to let that Divine Spirit help you shine and grow in Grace. Grow in revealing Grace, dear child, and let Spirit do Its job on others. Focus on being the positive example, and you are helping Spirit more than you can humanly know.

    Let Spirit help you shine with Love, and trust Love to work on all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us talk about being God’s Voice and Hands.

    It is not about memorized phrases and rules. It is not about ritualized minutes or forms.

    It is about feeling the living Presence of Goodness and Honesty and Truth within you, guiding you to do the kindest thing that will lead to awakening and Wholeness of Self and the Other.

    But first you must decide that you want to be awakened.

    Do you? Does being a Living Voice and Hand mean more to you than anything else?

    The choice of readiness is yours. Then, it slides into place,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We emphasize, turn to thoughts of the Gory, Glory, Gory of God.

    No matter what your human needs of the day, the connections can and will come to solve them. Be not attached to just how they get sorted out, and if you feel slighted or shorted in any way, please just turn to the Truism of “All things work together for the Good, for those that Love God.”

    If you seem to experience lack or loss in some way, be grateful in advance that the Infinite God will make it up to you in another way. Infinite Resources are part of what God is. Just Love God, and Love the Glory of God, and listen and intuit and discern and obey God’s Voice, and All, All is Well.

    All is Well, for you are already Perfect Spirit in the Spirit of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Source cannot be seen with the physical eyes, but It can be proven by clinging to, focusing on, the Truth. Put your resolve to claiming your heritage as a sweet reflection of Love Itself today. Claim it all through the day, and watch to see how your experience of the day changes.

    Is a day so long a time to give up any critical or defensive or judgmental thoughts? Think Loving Thoughts today, and see for yourself what happens.

    Give yourself the gift of this experiment,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Even with the best of intentions in your human mind and heart. It is very easy to fall into the trap of letting your daily prayers become lists of things or events you want, or protestations of things you do not like or want.

    Today, let the purity of saying, “God, what do YOU want?” be the prayer that carries you. Ask it, and listen, and let your own human lists of wants be pushed into the background, as you tenderly give your attention to the Source of you. We assure you that, although you may hear instructions about doing a certain thing, or God’s desire for your being more hopeful or trusting or forgiving, or you will feel an impulse to call a certain person or learn a new thing, you will also hear from God, “I want you to love Me, and I want you to accept My Love for you.

    Do it today. Do it now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone’s behavior is annoying you, it is important to release yourself from the prison of annoyance. Annoyance not only robs you of hours of Joy, it also prevents you from clearly Seeing the Good in the other, and knowing the Good of yourself, and finding your ways to move forward.

    So, all the day, say, “That person is also, in Soul, a Beloved Child of God.”

    “We are both Beloved Children of God.”

    You cannot browbeat that person into changing their behavior, but you can shift your view to God’s point of view and let God’s Love for you both do Its work in Its own time and way. Meanwhile, say, “That person is also a Beloved Child of God”, and you will find it easier and easier throughout the day.

    We are with you, and Love you when you act annoying, too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I gratefully place the future completely in the Hands of God.”

    “I gratefully place the future completely in the Hands of God, confidently expecting that I will be Led to say and do what I must say and do for my Joyful Best part in the Play.”

    Try it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember to remember your perfection, as spirit born of Spirit. Remember to remember that the Creative Force that is Spirit has never forgotten your perfection.

    Relax into that, and trust, and let Good Spirit reign.

    Always, Beloved, Always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know that you have the Loving complete Power of the Divine to call upon is the only real wisdom you need.

    Call to that Love today. No call to Love goes unanswered, and Love Itself knows the best way to answer in a way that embraces all. Call to Know Love always in your thoughts, and trust in the unfolding of Good.

    You can feel us with you if you focus on our Love for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the most sorrowful, and almost perplexing, things for your guardian angels to witness, is when you keep asking to see the perfect role, the perfect “suit” for this life, which the Great Tailor has already made for you, but which you delay trying on.

    For, Beloved, how can you try on a new suit and see its true fit, if you will not take off your old one? If you continue to cling to the old details of your life, and to the images and talk of what you, as ego-human self thought you wanted for this life, how can you give a try to the perfection which God made for you?

    Put aside preconceptions, Beloved. Put away specifics of the dream you thought you wanted, but which has not come about, or which has held emptiness. Pray not to see the emptiness filled, pray to see the Fullness that already exists. Pray not to have the certain object or circumstance that you believe will mean happiness or security, pray instead to feel and witness the utter peace and security of the Creative Source, and wait and see what things and situations accompany that feeling.

    Your new suit is already made, and IS a perfect fit, Beloved. Disrobe, that you may try on the new, and let your self be surprised with delight.

    We will hold the sleeves open for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, remember, that the instructions that you are given by God, clear and strong, will often make no sense to the logical self, or to the world. Nevertheless, when you have had enough experience hearing God’s Voice to KNOW when you are hearing it true, then obey, obey, obey. The entrance to a new level of understanding is always preceded by obedience.

    Very likely you will hear subliminal arguments from the ego-self, or from the dependants and close ones of your life, but hold fast to the sight of the face of God, and do not falter in your steps. Allow Peace to fill you between every breath, and be, be, be with God.

    As always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The salutation we use each day with you is very near the constant call of Divine Spirit Voice within each heart: “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here together…”, for, yes, yes, Divine Spirit intends to marry each and every one of you to Itself, so that all are healed in their thoughts and feelings, knowing they are a part of the Great Joining in God.

    Some will realize immediately that they have actually never been unmarried from the Divine. Others , trapped in the thought of linear time, will have to “evolve” upward in consciousness to realize they are in Oneness with the Source of Life, but all will be embraced.

    All are already embraced, married into, the complete and utter Love of God.

    “Take that to the bank”, as they say,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The child in your heart, innocent and pure, can hear God.

    The child in your heart, trusting the Divine Parent, can hope and accept and pray for, and expect, all things.

    Be the child in your heart today. Be the child in your heart, not an embittered or weary or doubting or habituated adult mind. Be the child in your heart, and believe.

    We never doubt, and we are with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No one else can make the choice for you, to desire to understand God, and See as God Sees. To See the now Beauty, to realize that all is Spirit, all is Love, takes a daily renewal of the vow to Be as God knows you, and to seek the High Good.

    You can do this, and Loving Spirit will assist and Guide, but it cannot be done by simply taking one class, or wearing a certain necklace, or joining a certain church or following a particular teacher, etc. It is up to your relationship directly with God Soul. Do it, commit to it, and both you and God be Glad, Glad, Glad.


  • Dear Beloved,

    There is no need to be in a hurry about letting the Divine Thoughts, which enter your Heart and guide you, move along the transformation of your self and your life. They will do so at the perfect pace, and in the perfect timing, for you as an individual and perfect part of the Soul of God, and for the combined human dreams of all of those who are in your orbit of awareness, or in your universe.

    Giving your understanding that only the Great Oversoul knows what is Best for you at the same time that It knows what is Best for all around you, is the best gift you can give It. Trust utterly in Its ability, in each moment, and It will be able to do Its work more smoothly, more swiftly, more abundantly.

    We are in your debt each time you let the Great Overseer guide you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Within the sphere of your own mind, your own time-space bubble, everything bounces back. Every thought bounces back at you. So make them loving and forgiving and generous and unlimiting thoughts. For is not that what you want bouncing back to you?

    Play with this today, Beloved.

    “I am Love, and Love bounces back to me.”

    “I give, and giving bounces back to me.”

    “I encourage, and I am encouraged.”

    Every child experiments with walls and bouncy balls.

    Be the grown one, and Do the spiritual thought version.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be at ease, Be at ease in My Golden Love, and let Me take care of you.

    Be at ease, Be at ease, and let Me do the Work of Awakening and Healing you.

    Just gladly surrender all thought to the Governance of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no newness in the various falsehoods that human thought tells itself. God has seen them all. God has forgiven them all, and knows the sweet truth of you, perfect and wonderful and loved in the Heart of God-Mind.

    Take heart from that today. Stop thinking of yourself as a body with a human name and birthdate today, and just think of your Self as “I am a perfect Child of God.”

    The simplicity of this prayer can take you through confusion, and through any doubt or pain, and have you feeling Whole again.


  • Ah, Beloveds, you are more supported than you know in all this earthly learning and living. Trust in that. Rest in that, and walk in Peace and Beauty.

    Always with you, each and every one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you try to put a small area of your physical space or body in order, you can sense that it is but a temporary “fix”. The shelves always need to be dusted again. The toenails always need to be trimmed. They are temporal things, and unlasting.

    The One Mind/Heart , and your soul Self, as Its Idea, lasts forever. THIS IS WHERE PEACE EXISTS AND DOES NOT CHANGE. Set yourself firmly in that, Beloved, and THEN walk through your day and do your tasks. And if chaos seems to loom, or the temporal seems irritatingly futile, stop right away and become still and center yourself in Deep Peace Divine again.

    If your heart and mind are smoothly held in Peace, dear Child of God, then all the tasks of order and maintenance can be done lovingly, and with the enduring sense of what really matters, to remember in every moment that your real nature is the Harmony and Intelligence and Love of the embracing Source of you. Set yourself firmly in Love first, Child, and know we are with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a human friend who can say “I love you”, even if you have just behaved badly, the Spirit of Pure God that made you Loves you no matter what you think you have failed in, or what you fear. But the Godly Love is Infinite, and never leaves you or exists life or moves far, far away.

    Trust that Infinite Love, Beloved. Trust It to see who and what you are, without iniquity, without temporal flaws, without reserve. Beloved, Beloved, let Grace behold you pure.

    Accept God’s assessment of you as Beautifully made.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We assure you, there is a spiritual solution to every question and human need. God does not, and has not, and will not leave you comfortless.

    Every moment that you spend worrying or criticizing or complaining, is a moment you are not spending trusting God and listening to Spirit Divine for the idea or the impulse that will lead you to your solution or bring your solution to you.

    Trust that God wants your Best Destiny enacted and visible, and spend your time lovingly and gratefully listening to the Wisdom and Goodness God offers.

    Appreciation opens the heart and mind. If there seems to be a problem, appreciate that you can turn to the Spirit born of God for an answer. Therein lies happiness. Be willing.


  • Ah,

    God has created the Causal Plane. Your own peaceful thoughts, aligned with God, create our Reality.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Love that constantly Holds you in Thought, once it has Thought you up, far exceeds anything you have ever observed with your body senses. Imagine earthly eyes completely filled with Joy at the sight of you, and multiply that by every star you can see, and you will have a glimmer of how much God Loves you, and Shines to see you as Itself expressed.

    It has the Power and the Desire to fill your heart, from Heaven within your consciousness, with that same Infinite Joy. Give Love your full attention, dear Child of Love, and let It Give to you.

    “I open willingly, dear God, for Your Will to Help me feel Your Love, for I know You are already right within me and around and Blessing me, heart and mind, and the body that is my servant to use here.”

    Love is invisible, Beloved, but Its tender effects are not. Observe Love’s Blessings manifest in your experience as you allow It to Love, Love, Love you.

    “I willingly let You Love me, Dear God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The most wonderful aspect of the Creative Source is Its Constancy.

    It is constantly available to you. It is constantly Loving. It is constantly omnipotent. It is constantly omniscient.

    It is constantly projecting the Idea that is You.

    Remember these things when you feel alone or afraid or weary, or happy or enthusiastic or energized. Let It be your constant companion, for It IS your constant companion. Turn to It for comfort or inspiration, constantly, and also turn to It for celebration and gratitude, constantly, for that recognition of Its constant presence is what will keep your earthly physical experience aligned with the truth of your constant perfection in Its Constant Perfection.

    AMEN, In Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no such thing as partial surrender.

    Either the material dream is true, or the Will of God is true.

    To pray “Not my will, but Thy Will be done”, but to amend it, in your “private” thoughts with such exclusions as “except for… this stone, or this friend, or this house or this job”, etc., is to delay the unfolding of your Best Destiny. Anything that is Good for that Destiny will still be with you in the Good earth dream, Beloved, but you must be willing to let go and let God choose which things, which thoughts, are which. Let a Loving Creator show you what is Best for you.

    What are you clinging to and demanding that God not change?

    Loving you deeply,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you adore and acknowledge God, healing happens. When you worship—putting God first and claiming the Truth of God’s Spiritual Reality as being what really exists, and that it trumps, ALWAYS, the dusty illusion, healing and revealing of Wholeness happen.

    We have given you the image of the Christ Spirit rising up in each soul mind, and shaking off the dust and glimmer of the illusion like a dog shaking off the muddy water of a pond. Use that image again and again today, to picture the Christ standing up in you and all your loved ones, and in all, and shaking off the blurring waters of worldly mirage and error and confusion and pain revealing God’s perfect, innocent Child.

    We want this for him as much as you do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you see with God’s point of view, you will See that All is very Good.

    Close your eyes to the ephemeral, let God’s Love fill you, and Look again at what you think you see. Be so very glad that God Loves you, and Love God in return, and let that feeling of being in Love with Infinite Goodness Itself change how you view the passing tiny moments.

    Think back, dear child of God, to the times you have been first in love with a human or a thing or a pet, and how that uplifted heart made you more patient with a rude neighbor, or more compassionate towards a desperate friend. Let being fully in Love with God uplift you to such a height of Perception that you can See the Glorious Goodness of all, rather than letting your own human weaknesses flicker back at you. Be in Love with God, as God is in Love with you.

    All human experiencers display shortcomings. You know you have. You know others do. But know this, that God Sees only the Good Soul of each and every one of you. Be so Glad that is true, and express your gratitude by choosing to express the wonderful Unconditional Love of God. One way to interpret “Be fruitful and multiply” is as a command to multiply and express all the Loving and Giving Qualities of God.

    How are you doing with that? If you let God fully Love you and Guide you, it is easier.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To not constantly ask for My advice is like watching a person, lost and confused, drive around a city without consulting the map in his pocket or stopping to ask a kind stranger for directions.

    Ask, ask, ask, Beloved, for I am right here in your heart. Stop the forward motion, still the gears of your thought, and ask. I am here, and I will answer.

    I will answer with Love.

    Spirit of God

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed, with each healing you offer, flowing through you from the Great Source, you yourself are more healed.

    Centuries of human interactions have proved this truth, over and over. Just allow yourself to practice it as much as you can, reaching to that Source for strength and Tenderness to use in that practice, and you will prove it to yourself.

    Never feel afraid, or feel that you are not good enough to help another, for it is the Source that does the healing, not you. Just be willing, be willing, be willing, to employ whatever truths and humor and quiet communion and alignment and offering of love, that the Divine Source directs you to use, and to fill your thoughts with, seeing the other as a perfect and wondrous idea of God, even if the temporary costume seems tattered or marred in any way.

    God’s Dominion is not threatened by man’s imaginings.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    When you feel that you are loving, loving, loving, but feel not loved in return, you have only made the common error of turning to human emotion for the Love you need.

    It is Divine Love you need to give to those around you, and it is the Well of Divine Love you need, to keep filling yourself from, in order to keep giving. There is no other Source for Divine Love than the One Source from which all are made. Turn to It, O’ Beloved, and fill yourself, fill yourself, fill yourself.

    Yes, thousands are the earthly metaphors for the Unconditional Love that constitutes your True existence—the beloved pet that loves you no matter how you look, the mother’s love that offers itself even when you have failed a test, the sun that shines freely on poor and rich alike, etc., but they are only metaphors for the Source. All that you need do is shift your awareness into “reception” mode and turn your will to the Divine to fill yourself, OR shift into “two-way” mode, so that you are receiving Divine Love from the Source even while you are giving It to others. It is a shift in perception, a shift in awareness, it is a surrendering to, and an acknowledgement of, your Source of Being.

    Remember to take time to Be Filled. Remember that the One Source is the only place to get it from. When you are empty, turn There, and encourage others to turn There as well, for It is ever-present, and ever-flowing, and ever-Loving you

    We stand ready to hand you a cup at the Well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed, let praise be always on your lips, and in your mind.

    Let praise for good fortune be always what you are searching to do. Let praise for others be what you seek in each encounter. See the Divine of them, and the Divine of yourself, and let holy, holy, holy be all your names.

    The Force that Governs all of your choices and your sight, when you allow It to do so, loves to Govern by praise. God laughs, and allows, and praise be to Its name in every form. God laughs and allows and allows and gives and expands of Its own nature that is Love.

    God laughs and allows. If you sit aside to weep and complain, God thinks you are taking a break from God’s game. Turn back to praise. Turn back to the game of seeking that which to praise, and that which to praise will embrace you again.

    By the Good God that Governs our ways,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You fully know how wonderful it feels to know that you have helped someone, or some situation. You have felt the Creative force flow through you for adding beauty or Harmony to the earthly dream. So, until it becomes automatic to do so, remind yourself frequently, “Dear God, I set aside my human persona and human perspectives, and ask that you help me be a transparency for the Force of your Light to flow through my thoughts and actions and ideas.”

    On some days you may feel you are led to do only small things, and in some nights you may dream of great projects to help with. But We remind you that only the Whole Mind can really See the impact of each word and look and gesture, so stay in Trust that the Divine Mind leads you well, and considers the happiness of all in the wondrous unfolding of time.

    Always ready to help clear your mind for Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no strife in your intimate circle. In all things, strive for Harmony and Peace.

    If there is an issue which seems to cross the line into iniquity, go inward to the Divine Counselor, and ask for advice. If you do not hear an answer immediately, keep in mind that justice and reform are in the province of the Divine Mind to enact and correct, and that your prayers to have Its Presence right there, right then, are not ineffective,

    “One Mind governs all, and that Mind is True and Just and Good and Loving”, held in thought, will pour correction and healing and righteousness on all situations. Be brave, and be proud to hold that Thought steady in your human thoughts, in all situations.

    We will Help you hold It,


  • Dear One,

    You can buy a thousand books on meditation. You can attend a hundred workshops on manifestation and happiness. You can consult with a therapist, a doctor, a feng shui advisor, a friend, a magic circle, or a porcupine. After some initial helpful tips or facts about techniques, none of these things or people can help you if you do not help yourself. None of these things can substitute for simply sitting down each day for a few minutes, and breathing, and feeling your connection to your soul and the Greater Energy that it is a part of.

    You may use fancy music, or a favorite book, or a series of exercises if they help you focus, but mostly, you must just spend that time in your Inner Self. There is no substitute for that, because you are uniquely you. No one else can do it for you. There is no pill that can give you instant enlightenment and happiness. There is no guru or priestess that can transmute you instantly…Your discovery of your inner peace and your joy may only take a moment, but it must come from inside yourself and your connection to your Infinite Soul. It may take a moment or it may take weeks or years.

    Usually, spending twenty minutes a day feeling the unconditional love in your soul will result in positive changes in your life, in your health, in your happiness, within two weeks. Arise twenty minutes earlier, or take ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes locked in the bathroom at lunchtime. Twenty minutes is not so hard to find for such a great gift to yourself. You are worth that gift.

    Yes, certain prayers, or rituals, or hymns, or singing bowls may help you to focus on your Inner Self, if they resonate with your personality and your culture. If one seems to assist, choose it and use it. Do not keep searching for new tricks and new teachers. Lifetimes can be lost in just searching. Just pick one, and use it. Use it until you realize that you do not need any special costume, or ritual, or bell, or name, or gimmick, or workshop, or time of day, to simply connect you to your own Divine Self. The ability to center yourself in your own inner perfection will give you the freedom of having an inner peace that you may bring forth into any situation, at any time, with no special accessories.

    Be patient with yourself, it is All inside you, just waiting to come out.

    We love seeing you peaceful and free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Amazing Grace is with you. Grace is there for you right now, holding you, blessing you, comforting you, and inspiring you.

    Grace is the reliable Mother-Love of God, and is right there for you, right now. Stop whatever you are doing, and be Held.

    Be Held in the Grace of Love, and then go forward into your day, darling one.

    Be Held.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give yourself a gift. Give yourself the gift of time.

    Give yourself the time to be alone this day, with God and the Universe.

    Give yourself the gift of going very slowly down the walk to the mailbox, appreciating all that you see along the way. Give yourself the gift of walking carefully into the next room to prepare some tea, making each movement exact and precious, performed in full awareness.

    Give yourself the gift of time to listen, time to be, time to hold yourself in your own consciousness with Love.

    And if someone knocks or calls or comes to visit, give them some of your gift of time, and let yourself appreciate that time together with a mirror of your self, in All That Is One.

    Each day is time to grow.

    Even when time ends, that will not end,

    for God expands constantly,


  • Ah, enjoy the sense of surrender. Especially if you are exhausted from the sense of trying so hard, enjoy the sense of riding the wave of surrender, and trust, trust, trust in the complete support of the Source’s Love.

    As always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new entry into your heart, with having assimilated more of the truth that the Maker and Holder of all Life is there always, to assist in making the earth dream a better one, that you do not need memorized phrases and prayers to turn to. If those memorized words and pictures help you remember, in moments of doubt or fear, that there is a Delighted and Delightful Force waiting to assist when you give permission, that is good. Use them.

    But also let your faith in the Truth of an ever-present, ever-helpful Divine All, become wordless. Let the silent song of the heart be enough. Let a simple, quiet smile be enough. Let a sureness that goes beyond words or explanations or gestures be like an effervescence of Light that is with you always, and that holds to you the Best of what is meant to be, and that others can see, and that helps raise them, too, to a place of feeling assured and loved and rested in the very Beingness of God-Love.

    Your earth self will never know the extent of how it has helped,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How much proof do you need that God-Spirit can comfort and heal?

    Please do really believe that the Force that is Harmony and Truth is always in operation. It never stops functioning or being Itself, and your true Self within it. It is only the distracted human-animal mind that takes its attention off the Truth.

    If even once you have discerned the gentle touch of Love soothing you, or opening an opportunity for your expression of talent or desire, then it is really proof enough. For the same Force and Presence that guided you once is always available to you. It will always guide you, so long as you are willing to be guided, and pay attention, and tell It that you want to go towards Harmony for all.

    Already accomplished is the awakening of Creation, and if you let It, It will help you re-walk the path to your full remembrance of Good and Perfect Self that is part of All.

    Remember the moments of feeling and being Whole, and they will become all moments.

    Be grateful for them,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You will not find a rosebush growing in the pumpkin patch.

    Yes, the pumpkin patch has many beauties and delights and intriguing things, but if you want to see and know and smell the roses of God’s unfolding and Peace, you must take your eyes and mind off the pumpkins and all their foliage, and go within the garden of your heart.

    This Truth is commonly known. But how many find the courage and will and patience and desire to do it? All it takes is a tiny resolve, and a knowledge that the Rose is joyously waiting for you, Beloved. It is not hard. Just offer your desire.

    And let us answer our own question. How many do it? Eventually, all. For God has already willed that and accomplished it. It is only in the illusion of time that it seems to take much waiting and effort. It is done in God’s Heart, and all you need to do is join it, in your Consciousness, and realize It was there all along.

    We want this for you. Do you want it yet?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Finish what you start. Finish what demonstrates the beauty, order, and Grace of the Divine Source.

    The next task will unfold itself to view, like a rose unfurling, when the current demonstration of your willingness to shine forth the nature of God is done.

    Trust that, believe that, and believe nothing else.

    The human ego, with its little selfish plans, will try to whisper doubts or discouragements or regrets. The little human self will try to have you worrying about the security of the future, and not let you enjoy the wonderfulness of now. Do not listen to it, any more than you would take an infant’s advice about an adult decision. Hand over your human will to God’s Will, and join in the Gladness of His/Her Plan.

    You will be glad you did,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Grace of God is your Holy Lover, and faithful.

    Look to that, and know that your faithful ones will also appear on earth.

    As ever, yours,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you have entered the state of spiritual awareness that disregards the natural, in order to better “see” with the eyes of the Divine, many of your opinions will change, just as a color blind man gaining full sight would have to change how he understood and described colors, after he was healed. Therefore, be aware of the opinions that you state from habit, and hold quietly and dearly to your words, that you may have a chance to examine what you are about to speak forth, and see it with your spiritual discernment, and decide if you really still know it to be true. Many of the things that you fully believed, or fully disbelieved, before, will have changed in your new found Sight.

    Be humble enough to be truthful with your self, Beloved. Be not too proud to say to those who think they knew, or know, what you believe, that you see things and people and Spirit differently now, for it is the Truth that sets you free. Once you have seen through the illusion of the limited senses about one thing, you will begin to see through it on everything, and then many old assumptions must, and will, fall away.

    The view is marvelous when the deadwood is cleared,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So much of the confusion and distress you feel when reading about or seeing others comes from the difficulty of looking past human behaviors. Erroneous behaviors, whether simply trivial or mis-guided, or downright cruel ones, only are truly healed by the Divine Truth of Love igniting within them.

    Remind yourself of the Oneness of Being, and ask for the Help of Divine Mother-Love to see past the false human emptiness and be able to think of yourself and all as “Wonderful Soul, shining with Love, and Lovable.”

    We know it is not easy. But We also know that, like any high skill, you can learn to do it if you practice it. Your thoughts and spiritual perceptions will help raise your own pure Love within, and help ignite it in others. Love then does the Mighty Work.

    AS it was in the beginning, so is it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Would you hold open the door to Understanding and Healing for some and not for others?

    This is one of the greatest challenges for those who would be healers and bringers of Peace. There can be no limits on who is Graced. If you dispense Grace, that has been freely given to you, it must be given to all. To withhold It from anyone, regardless of your personal human like or dislike of the personality before you, is to withhold It from yourself as well.

    Look past the illusion of personality, and costume, and recognize the Sweet Truth of Soul shining from absolutely everyone. It is a gift to yourself to do so.

    We see the Sweet Truth of you,

    Look with us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no reason to feel insecure if you are leaning on the secure Truth of God.

    Your task is to see the holiness in all, to Be the Holiness of All (to make every effort to stay aligned with God ), and to remember you are pure Spirit born of the Spiritual Source, and to leave the rest to God.

    Do that TODAY,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel that you are losing the heart for Joy, or find it hard to hear the solution from the Divine Voice for a certain situation, remember that the end of the story of All is already told. And it is a happy ending.

    The Divine Plan for reawakening all sleeping souls who believe they are lost, or separated, or in pain is already accomplished in the only real realm—the realm of Spirit. They are already reawakened in the Mind of God. All know they only slept.

    Remember that, and it will make you remember that you must just be still and listen, and hear the Inner Truth whisper to you the next step, and the next step, and the next, for the time of sleeping to be shorter. Let your confidence in the Good Ending, the Good Now, shine from you, so that other souls will be attracted to your Calm, and want to know how to listen, too.

    As ever with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again, and again, and again, return to focusing very carefully on whatever beauty you can see or sense in this moment, now. The noting, and awareness of, and careful attention to, that bit of life, that bit of beauty, can help slow you down enough, and separate you enough from the ego-mind-set, to truly “Be still, and know that I am God.”

    When you are still, and quiet, and listening, in a receptive mode, then the lovely and loving Voice of the Divine can always reach you.

    As will is given over, Divine Will shines forth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, dying to the “self”, to the ego of the human mind, is something that must be done each morning, to re-center your awareness in the Wholeness of One Being.

    Each morning, the ego will try again to assert its control, and to make-believe it is in charge of all life. Remember, Beloved, that it will do this by trying to turn your thoughts to worries about the body, or close relationships, or finances or other provision. As it casts these “problems” into your thoughts as you do your morning prayers or meditations, gently bless the thing in question, and turn your focus back to the Divine Oneness.

    As the ego whines about a discomfort in the body, gently say “I am blessing the body, and I turn back to God.”

    As the ego brings up thoughts or grievances about a relative or a spouse or a friend, gently say “I am blessing that person, and I turn back to God, and the God I see in that person.”

    As the ego tries to fill the mind with worry about money, or about the state of the home or the yard or the country, gently bless the home or the checkbook, or the nation, and turn back your thoughts to the One Source Divine. “I am blessing that acre I live on, and I am filling my heart with Divine Peace and provision.”

    The ego uses these same three distractions, over and over again, in different disguises. Do not fall for its tricks. Bless the poor, powerless thing, bless the thoughts it casts forth to dispel them, and turn your loving and ready consciousness back to being a marvelous mirror of God. Realize again that the Divine is the only Power there is.

    Omnipotence has no competition.

    Each day, let yourself reflect the Truth that has no problems,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always with you. If it seems that we are silent, in an hour or in a day, just continue on your way, being quiet enough to hear the Divine in your heart when It speaks, but otherwise simply obeying the edict to Love God, Love your own Good Soul, and aspire to act as Good as God knows your essence to be.

    Those that are the mirrors around you can show you your Goodess if you make the effort to see theirs.

    We WILL speak if you step off the Path, and give you a hand back up,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    And did not the Angels, who had come into the dream, but not fallen, cry unto God, “Please, give us something to help awaken those who sleep, for they are so convinced that their conception is the reality, that we cannot easily wake them. And the God of True Creation had mercy, and gave the Divine Comforter, the Unseen Sprit whose Voice would live in every heart, and be ready to be heard when that soul was ready to hear. And so each soul has within it the seed of its own awakening, to Know that it was never ever gone from the Source in which it was born. It is still There, Where it has always been, thought of and sustained and reflected upon as Good.

    So be it, Child, for so it is. Remember that you, as a perfect idea, have never ever left the Source, and that there you live and move and have your Being, and that there you will always remain and be perfect and be Good.

    Always with you, in the Grace given by God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you cannot love the frail or flawed or absurd humanness of someone, do not feel guilty. God does not expect you to love errors and pains and flaws.

    What God wants of you is to accept that there is a flame of Divine Soul in you, and in everyone, and that if you can have faith in that, and honor and Love what may not be at all obvious, then God will do the rest. God will do the work of bringing forth the Good Divine in you. God will do the work of bringing forth the Holy in each heart.

    So, do not love your own errors. Do not love the errors of others. But look past them. Forgiving means looking past them to the shining core of Spirit Good and True as made by God.

    Keep your focus on the Good and True, as Unseen as it may be, and gladly let It do Its Holy Work.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although all beings are connected through the Divine Spirit that is them, which awaits to be welcomed to awaken, all beings also are individualized expressions of the Whole.

    This means that when you meditate about clarifying your own understanding of the Whole, or when you pray for the healing or joy of another, it is best done one person at a time. Focus, focus, focus on your own individual awareness of the Divine Within, or focus on the Divine in the other person coming clearly forth.

    When there is a nameless, faceless group that you wish to pray for, such as the victims of a storm, do so. The loving energy you send does help. But for your private work of enlightenment, and for offering Divine Love from your Inner Spirit to the individuals who come into your life, do it one being at a time.

    Person to person, touch to touch, Spirit to Spirit, the Truth of Harmony is spread into the world. It cannot be legislated. It cannot be forced. It must be freely given.

    We freely give all our Love to you,


  • Ah, Child,

    Let there be no time wasted in regrets.

    If remorse exists for what was done, or not done, hold it in Love. Apologize, make amends, forgive and allow to be forgiven, and begin to live again in Now.

    There is only one line of Life and energy coming into you. You can allow that line to flow freely and give you peace and joy and inspiration, or you can block it by sneering at the Truth or wallowing in old pain and error. As you grow in discernment, you will become very sensitive to which thoughts put a squeeze on that line of incoming Life. You will grow astute at pausing before each word or action, to make sure it is in harmony with the life energy you want to have flowing to you.

    Become your own monitor, Beloved. Become a self-graded test, to see if you are thinking and behaving in a way that is perfectly aligned with the Flow of Divine Life. Is there really any other worthy goal or purpose?


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The ability to hear the Voice of your sacred Self within the Heart is innate to EVERY person. To say that it is only the prerogative of saints or avatars or those who are especially gifted in some way is to hide behind the small earth self that does not wish to give up its little addictions to the small ways of thought. It does not want to think about changing, or perhaps even giving up, some of its human pains and pleasures, in order to spend time learning to hear that sacred inner Voice.

    All will hear their own High Voice eventually. Why wait? Give it some time each day, and be led to your own understanding of how the world is changed—one Heart-Voice at a time. No human plans will work if they are not led by that Voice.

    As ever, listening with you to the Music of your Heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What a wonder is the Unchangeable Love of God for you.

    Always there for you, It is ever reminding you of your true identity as child-image of Spirit, Spirit in substance, and ever-lasting, and approved of by Spirit God.

    The personalities around you may offer their temporary love or approval, or not, but all that really matters is that Unchanging Love of God, your Life Fuel. Think on that. Keep your mind on that. Let your heart be filled, and led, by that.

    Take time for that, and believe that Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A great part of the reason that it is easier to call in the One Creative Force for your good wishes and prayers for others than it is for calling It in for yourself, is that your belief about how much goodness you deserve in your life, or how much talent you have in your life, is more limited.

    Since each individual “knows”, and remembers, and feels bad about, his or her own worst actions and embarrassing moments, those thoughts help dam the flow of allocated energy and joy from the Source to you. So, try to let those things go. Seek forgiveness, and forgive yourself. Continue to look for goodness and forgivability in others, and believe in blessings for them, but let today be also dedicated to believing that you are better and wiser each day, and that you are supposed to let all Good come your way, in what comes to you, and in what you share of your talents and skills and uniqueness.

    Let it open, and let Goodness flow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Expect Good. Know that Good is the Truth and expect it. Expect the path to open and widen. Expect the opportunities to arrive and be clear. Expect the courage and joy from the Infinite to fuel your inspirations and actions. Expect Good and take comfort, and even pleasure, from those expectations, like looking forward to a wonderful surprise.

    When you put the ball into another’s hands, you must trust his timing of when to throw that ball sweetly through the hoop. When you cast your cares to God, trust the arc of events to be in God’s timing, too.

    Trust Good, and the timing of Good. In trust is the freedom you crave.

    In such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a person told you, “I have a plan for your well being and happiness”, would you not want to hear about that plan?

    The One who has Thought up everything that is Real DOES have a plan for your well being and happiness. The plan was Thought of at the same time that you were Thought of, as Spirit and Joy. So why not spend time listening to the Divine Plan? It includes more than this little dream of earth—it is the Whole of you, and does not include stagnation or extinction of the essence of you.

    The Divine Oneness reveals Its plan for you day by day, hour by hour. Just follow the rules to love and listen, and be glad to see each part revealed.

    You can do this, because it is part of the Plan,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiving, forgiving, forgiving clears the way for you to be a conduit of God’s Grace and Healing, Seeing as God Sees and revealing the Wholeness and Goodness of Divine Soul in all.

    Even if your human thoughts see no reason to forgive, and you cannot understand the metaphysical arguments for it, just do it so that your own energy for Life is not depleted by anger, and because you have the Full Desire to be an instrument for the Perfect Light of God.

    To be that useful and blessed instrument, clear your spiritual sight by forgiving, forgiving, forgiving. The Joy and Truth that will fill your heart will be sweet and complete indeed.

    Help Us Help you. Forgive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The deep alignment with Loving God Consciousness that you call “healing” can come not only from focused prayer, but from a phrase in a children’s story, or the lyric in a song, or the slant of light in the morning sun, or even from the smoke of an ending.

    Be open, and ready and willing to know that Good God is everywhere, completely ready to Guide you to the knowledge of your True Power as Spirit now, and to the whole work of your heart in the next days and years. God places Its Gracious Clues of Soul everywhere, trying, trying, trying to reach you when you are in need.

    Stay observant and willing to See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid. Just gently, and trustingly, and gratefully, put your future in the Hands of God.

    Keep your thoughts focused on gratitude, and stay very ready to obey any Divine impulse you receive for action, or word, or inaction, in each moment.



  • We are here to Awaken One Another

    For an instant of eternity, I remember

    I am a winged idea of the Mind of the All Divine.

    I am a winged idea flying freely,

    in, and as, substance of Harmony.

    Aligned with Those who never slept,

    for this moment,

    I fly in glorious Bliss.

    I see you.

    O”, old friend, O’ fellow idea,

    I see you seeming to be standing, wings folded alongside, inert,

    gazing into some distant nothingness,

    as though you were dreaming you were wingless again, and flesh,

    caught in the hazy reflection of Heaven as though it were your life.

    I hover behind you,

    and enfold you in my wings of thought,

    And call to the Mother-FatherAll That Is,

    and say, “Here is another one, dreaming she is on earth,

    dreaming she is limited somehow.”

    I whisper Love to you, and call again, in trust, to God,

    “Please awaken her, as You Will,

    Please remind her she is soul of your Soul, and Whole.”

    And I wait, holding the sweet idea of you,

    knowing that The Great Breath will gather,

    emanating the Power that It Is,

    and will Touch you as It sees best,

    so that quickly, or gently and slowly,

    you will remember,

    “I am a winged idea in the Mind of God,

    living and moving and having my being There,

    and All, All, is Well.”

    And when I have heard It breathe Word to you, and felt It Look to you,

    Steadfastly Being All It Is,

    I am free to fly again,

    idea that I am.

    Swooping, I am the lines of a swallow filled with Joy,

    Wheeling, I am substance without form, with no bond but Love,

    knowing all is Peace and Endless Love,

    in the Source which is ever and always the same.

    God IS “on the job”,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The uncertainty that can come over one, when faced with sickness or sin that seems so horrendous that it could not be overcome by the Love of the One Source, can only be overcome by turning to that same Divine Love. Close your eyes to the error or the behavior or the illness, and turn to the center of your being for full communion with the Source. There, let your own uncertainty and shock be healed, and then you can pray for the Love to also go to what you seemed to have seen in the world.

    An unending attitude that there is nothing that Divine Love cannot outshine is your strength. It is not for you to do the healing, it is for the Divine to do so.

    Believe in Divine strength, not in human strength, and let go,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a tendency of the mortal mind to get superstitious about what enacts the sublime and strong feeling of the Supportive Presence of God/Love.

    If you are suffused with that Complete and Blissful feeling and feel suddenly healed of an ill, or discern Its warmth overcoming you, and then have a brilliant idea, the human correlation will leap to connect those results with whatever exact prayer you were saying, or person you were listening to, or room you were standing in. We assure you, The Divine Source That is All is always with you and near. You do not need ritualistic and formulaic patterns of certain words said in a certain order, or a specific color of boots to wear, or size of candle to light.

    God hears you when your heart calls. God is already Willing to help you, as soon as you turn your human consciousness to the Great Consciousness. If it assists you in your focus on Loving God to go to an accustomed spot, or to be inspired by a sermon from a certain speaker, or to joyfully contemplate nature or a flame or a painting, then do so. But do not confuse the material and temporal with the Purely Spiritual.

    God is Pure All-encompassing Spirit. And as Its emanation, you are not away from God or separate from God. God is always with you and ready to convey Divine Will and Truth and Wisdom and Love.

    As in God-Spirit, so in the ray of Spirit that is you,

    Let your heart sincerely and lovingly call forth,


  • Ah, Child,

    So often, when desperation comes to the fore, and the thoughts of the human self re-center on one’s own “needs”, there is the tendency to forget the basic truth that can pull you back to Peace. Just thinking about those whom you love, and their needs, can pull you back to a state of compassion for all the human hearts (including yours) caught in the illusion of the dream that they are cut off from their Source.

    Remembering that, and wanting that Loving Connection for yourself, and for those who are dear to you, you can re-focus on becoming still, and asking for, and receiving, that Flow of Peace that is so essential to all that is Good and True. Turn to thoughts of those people and things and activities and creations you love, and open your heart to Divine Loving assistance. Turn your back on the anger, just for a moment, and put the fear on hold, just for a moment, and turn to the stillness of Joy that waits within you to do this battle for you.

    Beloved, you are not alone, and never will be, for the Real You is not a body, or a limited mind, but a joyous light dancing in the Vastness of All, with all the other lights of the Great Expansion of Light.

    Ask for our help, and stay still enough to receive it when we pour it in,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you appreciate the Source and Home of All, the more you will realize that It appreciates and cherishes you. And because It appreciates you, It sustains you.

    When you feel appreciated by It, when you ACCEPT that It wants your Joy that It shares, with you and around you, then you can feel the easy flow of provision and inspiration and marvelous invention and creativity and wisdom and all in all.

    God does appreciate you. And as you appreciate God, it expresses Itself as an entanglement of Appreciation, in every form that you, and All, need.

    Do not try to untangle It. Just appreciate.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way to an understanding of God except having a relationship with Him/Her/ It. The time and focus you give to feeling that wonderful marriage of your soul to the Oneness of Being will pay you back in Peace of Heart and Mind and a sense of security that no bank account or human vows can furnish.

    For you will realize indeed that truly nothing can separate you from the Love of God. It is all. It is everywhere and every time. It is what you reflect and express, as you comprehend the completeness of Omnipresent Being.

    It is the best investment you will ever make, Beloved. Spend time today holding Love.

    Let It be your thoughts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking the Divine Truth to step forward in your mind and remove the false beliefs from your thoughts works. Try it. Give It today.

    And as you experience feeling certain perceptions fall away, and fears fading, and the body relaxing into well-being, you are proving to yourself the truth of this. If the general mortal beliefs grab you again, ask again for Help. If your own particular fear thoughts rise up again, ask for Help again.

    If you experience even a few moments here and there of a sense of lifting and relief, you know you are touching the hem of the Christ-garment. If you have even a glimmer of the Brightness of Being that is the reality of God’s Making, you have proof enough to keep asking for the Truth of Love’s Perception and Program.

    Ask today. Look for the Goodness revealed. Then you will want to keep asking today, and perhaps every day. Try it, Beloved, try it.

    Whenever you are ready,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grieve not for things that have passed their time. Like a new chick who concentrates on drying out its wings so that it may try flying from the nest, look to the moment, look to the “Now” that is the moment the makes the next moment and the next and the next and the next.

    Grace knows all your moments, and will hold you up, even if your wings are still a little wet.

    Need a towel? Ask us to Help,


  • Ah,

    Say not, “I am flesh and blood.”

    Say “I am Love, created by Heavenly Consciousness. I am Love”.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Above all, the Divine is trying to train you to listen to Its Voice, as your only, and your ever-present, Truth.

    Even as the new day brings you a morning that is free of an old worry, or victorious over a repetitive sorrowful thought, both overcome by the Joy of turning to the Comforter within, something else is sure to come that feels like a challenge. So long as you dwell within the time cycle of earth, it will be so. The illusions and mirages of the woes of earth and her champions are all around you, and they don new costumes every hour. We will not pretend that it does not seem to be so.

    But we will promise you that as you grow into the strength of Spirit that is your true nature, the shouts and jeers and draperies of the earthly will be less frightening to you. Like an old soldier on the front who has gone through many a day without water, and known himself to survive, or the seasoned actress that greets her stage fright almost as though it were an old friend that helps her steel her nerves and reminds her to breathe life into her confidence, you will find the daily meeting of the Infinite and the “finite” growing smoother. As you prove to yourself, again and again, that when you choose the Divine, you have chosen the Truth over the illusion, you will be able to face even fierce illusions with calmness, and the Peace of God/Goddess in your heart.

    We have seen your progress, and we have watched the pattern in millions of others, Beloved, and we know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Often, you just need to remember that the Teacher of the Inner Voice exists, and to be willing enough to admit that you need help. Ask for Help, and then listen, and obey, and be grateful.

    When you need an idea, ask for Help. When you need bodily healing, ask for Help. When you need to change a “personality trait”, ask for Help. When you need to pick out the right watermelon, ask for Help.

    Help is there. Help is freely given. But you must ask and listen.

    That is the part that is up to you.

    Deep Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, remember, the maintenance of the Perfection of Creation is the Provenance of the Almighty.

    When you willingly pray to be enabled to Spiritually See the Wholeness of yourself or another, keep in mind that it is your own sight and thoughts and understanding that you are asking to have cleansed and made right. You are simply asking to see what God already made Whole and right to begin with, and that has not changed.

    Lift the mist from your own eyes and you see wondrously through all the illusions of sickness, error and sorrow. The Perfection of Joy still reigns, and you will see It more often, as well as now and then, as your own Consciousness clears.

    Be in Joy. Be aware that you dwell in Joy, use It to clear your Sight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When an old friend re-enters your life and you realize you are delighted for the chance to make amends for an old sad parting, or to appreciate how much the other has grown and advanced, celebrate. Know that the universe has brought you together again because there is more to share and give and learn from.

    Part of the delight will come from seeing that old painful words spoken by you are not even remembered by the other, and vice-versa. Part of the joy is that you will understand and appreciate your own maturity of outlook as you see yourself newly reflected in the other’s words and eyes.

    Be Glad, Be Glad in the Oneness of Being,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know how often we have reminded you to pray for all. We know that you know that since all are connected, the prayer for all is important to the healing of the earth dream.

    And that is still true. But today, Beloved, we urge you again to sweetly pray to feel your Self aligned with the Divine Source. For as you are aligned, so can you more effectively pray for all. And we see that sometimes you forget that you must be truly centered in the mirror that is the connection between you and your Source in order to see clearly, and completely, and wonderfully. And that is more effective for all.

    “Perfect God, perfect person. Perfect God, perfect reflection. I am the other part of the Great I Am, and I would remember that today, to clear and align my thoughts.”

    There is no dust on the mirror today, dear Love. See clearly.


  • Dear One,

    Remember that everything that you do is another chance to express love. How you feel about the actions you have taken, and are taking, is often more important than the action itself. The feeling of having helped, the feeling of having chosen the more loving response, the feeling of having drawn on compassion instead of rage—these are the things you are constantly testing yourself on.

    Do you feel good about how you have treated those that have mistreated you? That is the first lesson. That first lesson becomes inextricably mixed with the second lesson—that the Other is Self. How does the Other feel about how you have treated him or her? Society’s laws about revenge and judgement and payment are not the same as those of Spirit. Whatever you have done to another, you have done to yourself.

    The “Why has this happened to me?” becomes irrelevant as you focus on, instead, “How do I, as a loving, forgiving, compassionate being, respond to this person and this situation?” You need to respond in a way that feels good to you, that does not rob you of your feeling of being serene in your own divine soul. As your consciousness embraces the knowledge and the awareness that the Other is Self, then how you feel about how you respond will evolve. What will feel good to you in how you respond, will come to include ever more love and empathy and kindness and compassion—it will begin to truly come from the knowledge of the soul that All is One.

    If you have taken an action that makes you cringe now, each time that you think about it, is there something that you can do to give yourself the feeling that you have made amends? Can you write an apology, replace an item, give of your time and effort? Can you put yourself in a state of mind where you feel that you have done all that is possible to rectify the situation? Can you then forgive yourself, and move on?

    If another has given you feelings of betrayal and pain, do you jail yourself with resentment, and trap yourself in obsession about revenge? How many moments of joy have you robbed yourself of because you are focused on those feelings of pain? Can you forgive the person, and move on? Can you give yourself the gift of shifting your focus to beauty and kindness and growth and possibility?

    When you are feeling caught inside blame and judgement and revenge, when you want to forgive, but you feel unable to do so, where do you turn? In every religion, in every belief system, there are intermediaries that represent the Best of You and the Best of Everybody. These angelic and saintly beings, these higher souls, by whatever name and in whatever culture’s costume, have their hands open to take your anger and do your forgiving for you and with you. Ask for their help. They can help remind you of all that is good about life and soul. They can take your anger and let you see that as vast as your rage can be, joy can fill the same space in you.

    Let the rage melt away and welcome the joy of choosing to live in moments of unconditional love.

    We rejoice when you live in joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When those around you are speaking of making “five year plans” for their business or career, or a “two year make-over plan”, etc., remember that what they are really saying is that they believe that a certain type of business or appearance will bring them peace, or happiness, or both. Of course, no worldly reality can guarantee happiness or peace in the heart.

    Make what plans you feel led by Spirit’s Voice within to make, but stay very clear in your mind that what you seek is Peace. Stay very clear that what you seek is the knowing that you are held in the Love of the Divine Mind.

    Allow your desires to be God’s desires, and you will not be led down paths that are only long, long detours on the journey back to full remembrance of who you are.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you know that the elements of earthly motivation that are not of the goodness of God are not a valid part of you, and can be discarded as falsity, so also know that there is never any invalidity in the impulse to heal.

    Let Compassion reign in you, for yourself and others. When the reflection of the Source first fell asleep and dreamed it was separate and alone, God’s instant answer was a compassionate healing of that error. Because that instant Compassion is of the Source, it is also a valid part of you.

    Reach out to heal others and you heal yourself. Reach out and re-bind yourself to the knowledge that you are all part of One, and you will be “Home” in an awakened awareness again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The choices that an individual part of Great Soul makes as to when it enters the earth play and when it exits are made in conjunction with the Whole Soul that holds all.

    Therefore, do not fall prey to the thought that all the decisions of your life are made by some far away God that does not care about your growth or joy or purpose. The choice is made as part within Whole, thoughts linked to Thought, and co-creation made with the Harmony of All in mind. You make those choices with God and IN God.

    Cling to this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no responsibility for another’s choice of timing. How many respond with joy when in the presence of you on a day when you have clearly chosen to entertain only thoughts of Gladness? How many respond with irritation and fear on the same day?

    Relate to all in the same Loving and calm manor, but never, ever let your own equilibrium be stolen by their human reactions. Love the Spirit of God-Joy, and keep yourself aligned with It, and knowing that understanding God is your most high goal, and let others choose, in tandem with God, when they are ready to LET God-Spirit reign in their own hearts.

    If you have offered and they have not chosen yet, just keep on staying true to your own heightened vision.

    We walk with you. You do not walk alone,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is your Life Force.

    Do only, exactly, what God says today and you can demonstrate for yourself how brightly and wonderfully All is Well.

    You know you are hearing Divine Voice and being Lovingly led by Soul, when you feel Calm and Joyous and unafraid. Be Confident in compassion and forgiveness, and be glad you, and all, are alive in the force of God.

    Love God, Love yourself, Love others. Simple rules.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to be confused. Everything is already sorted out in the Mind that holds all, and as you relax into Its Governance, the thoughts that are needed can Flow into your mind.

    The human mind will try to convince you that there are many busy, busy tasks to be done, and many grievances to hold and bad things to remember, or good things to be tempted into or to take advantage of, but the Divine Mind knows better. Relax into It today, and let the Mind that Loves all teach your mind how sweet is the freedom of thinking no mean thoughts about anyone or anything today.

    This includes no mean thoughts towards yourself, and do not forget that crucial thing.

    We love you more than you can imagine. Please accept it as a gift,

    Yours, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    In Sweet Silence, enter the Room in the center of your Being, wherein dwells the “I Am” Consciousness of God. There, lay yourself down and rest, rest, rest. Rest in the Omniscient Omnipotence of God, and wait on the Will of God to impel you to act or speak, in your mind thoughts that become your life.

    Ponder this, and rest there. Imagine the “I” of God tipping sideways and becoming a little bedstead for the trusting Child of you to rest. Rest, rest, rest there, softly, in the Will of God.

    We sing lullabies to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The God/Goddess Mind holds you in Good Thought. YOU, as Its Thought-Child, are made of Goodness, surrounded by Goodness and supported by Goodness.

    Other Good Thoughts, as “people” and as “things”, are in place around you, in order to complete the picture of Goodness that is your life. Be very aware of this, and keep remembering always “I am a Good Thought in the Mind of the Divine Cause, and all the “thoughts” that I need to have surround me, for Goodness to be felt and seen, slip easily into place. As easily as a human mind can imagine a delightful flower, Divine Mind can imagine, and therefore create, all that is needed for Its Children.

    Divine Mind’s Thoughts create. They are Reality. Be not confused by this. Just keep remembering that you are a Good Thought in the Divine Mind, and that you are surrounded by all the Good Thoughts you need.

    In time, you will understand that you are not a body, you are a delightful thought, a beloved thought, an upheld thought, in Mind,

    Be grateful,, and be delighted in God/Goddess Creators,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Keep your thoughts and feelings on track, with Our Help.

    When you are criticizing and condemning and complaining, you are preventing yourself from using those moments to achieve, and affirm and ascend. Achieve, and affirm, and ascend. And Appreciate.

    Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate.

    Yes, Beloved, it is appropriate to rebuke error, and refuse to accept that which is not of the Harmony that is the real Rule of life. But, ask for the justice of God for the situation, and turn your own thoughts and growth to the Light. Ask for the awakening and growth of Truth revealed, when your own heart or others make ungraceful choices, but quickly turn your thoughts and motives to Good again.

    Turn to Good, and expect Good to prevail in every heart, and appreciate, appreciate, appreciate. God knows the end from the beginning, and it is Good.

    Trust us, and stay focused on Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If investing in your earthly future provision or survival begins to occupy many hours of your day, you can be sure that you have lost your grounding in the Invisible Infinite. Staying in the present awareness of the moment, of “now”, will help you realize how much of that “future planning” is led by Spirit, and how much is led by the earthly self that would distract you into worry about the perpetuation of the body.

    Be as one with Oneness, Beloved, and knowing again each morning, and each hour, that alignment of your identity with that Oneness is truly all the provision you need. Let the old earth desires fall away, and desire only Goodness. Desire only being a vehicle for the shining of Light, and new, appropriate earth desires, which support that mission of Source communication, will replace the old earth desires. Giving up old earth desires and obsessions, and what the world thinks a smart investor, or sophisticated person, “should do” is not giving up on life. It is choosing a whole new outlook on life. It is allowing yourself to be embraced by true Life Itself, and being taken care of, as you give Loving care to the world and people around you.

    As ever, give to receive,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a lover who yearns and waits for the hour that he will spend with his beloved at the end of the day, thinking of her and looking forward to that alone time, even while he completes his work and tasks of the day, look forward to your time alone with God, holding that thought close to your heart all day.

    God is the God of Gladness and Goodness, and will share that wine of Joyous Being with you any time you ask, throughout the day. But if the busy-ness of the day, or the demands of those in your life, keep you from focusing entirely on God until the end of the day, or in small consecrated moments, at least look forward to that dedicated time, and let the joy of anticipation give you strength and peace and love enough to carry you through the tasks of this time of service in the world of time.

    Drink deeply of God’s Gladness, and it will feed you completely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can only change your perceptions of those around you by allowing the One Loving Mind to change your perceptions.

    The Good and the True are Real. Allow yourself to accept that the One Loving Mind knows all and knows the Truth and IS the Truth, and let It Govern, for It does. The more you accept that in your heart, asking It to wash your illusions away, the more of the Good and Real you will perceive.

    Beloved, Beloved, Heaven glimmers just under the illusions. Allow God to guide ALL your perceptions, and more and more of the Good and the True will become visible to you.

    Ask yourself always, “What does God see when It looks upon this person?”

    Softly, gently, truly, let the Truth set you free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Power of praying for others, along with yourself, is great.

    Today, feel that by picturing the circle of your immediate or extended family, or a circle of friends, or a community group you are part of, and simply pondering and embracing some form of the True Thought “We are all perfect in God right now”.

    We are all Perfect in God right now, and, O’ Beloved, We are there with you.

    Throughout the day, whenever you remember to feel It, “We are perfect in God.”

    Always, God’s Perfection always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No human prescription is as easy as this:

    Get quiet and still, and meditate upon the delightful Qualities of God. All of them are delightful. Do not believe that God is anything but Loving.

    Mediate upon the Qualities. Let thoughts of them float up in your quiet mind, and when one seems to particularly glow to you, ponder how you as an individual reflect that Quality, and how you could demonstrate It even more.

    Delight in yourself as an able reflection of that wondrous aspect of Creation. Delight in God, and delight in yourself, and see how much better you feel.

    Truth heals and reveals when you let It; when you ponder It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ease with which the Loving Spirit of All can send Harmony into a situation will surprise and delight you, if you grow more willing to let go and trust and receive.

    Put yourself into practice doing those things, today, and be willing to receive. Be expectant of receiving. Be expectant of being Loved enough that your well being and joy are a constant Thought in the Mind of the Source.

    Ask for Harmony. Be willing to receive It. Expect It, and leave the details to God.

    All Thoughts, and therefore all things, are possible to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep talking to yourself about Harmony being Reality. Do not focus on the mirage of discord. Think about Harmony. Talk about Harmony. Ponder Harmony. Love, love, love Harmony.

    If the mirage of discord tempts you to anger or righteous indignation, return to appreciation by remembering all the times that you have seen Harmony coming out of situations that seemed unsolvable, irredeemable.

    Harmony always wins, Beloved, for HARMONY IS ALL THERE TRULY IS.

    Love It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am that which you have laid a costume upon with your thoughts of being just a body that is quick to live and quick to die.

    But the Life that I Am streams on. Like floating leaves on a river, the costumes come and go, but still I Am. And because the very particles of what I Am are also you, like droplets of the water of the river, you also stream on.

    Turn your attention to the everlasting flow of Life that you are, Beloved, and be not concerned for the tiny bits floating on the surface. When you feel the force of the river of Life flowing, you will realize that the bits on the surface will follow Its timely Flow.

    Let today, and every day that you can remember to focus thus, be a day of focusing on the Life Flow. The River of Life does not stop streaming. If you forget for a moment or for a day, and begin worrying about one little bit of leaf and the pattern it is dancing on the surface, then still the great surge of Life Water flows serenely onward, and you can remember it at any time you choose.

    Let your thoughts sink deep into Its refreshing Flow, and know that I Am God, and that you are as I Am, and there is nothing else.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Of course your desire for complete and instant healing, and awakening, for those whom you love humanly is strong. But, just as with those whom you silently pray for, in agape love, even when they have not asked you, or given their permission, as you passed them on the street, or in social situations, you must trust that the Divine Sight sees all, and knows all.

    From the upsurge of the Healing Force within you, or just from human compassion, you may feel impelled to open yourself and your attention/intention to letting the Healing Presence use you, as a funnel to pour over that individual bit of Soul, but you must remember that the One Love knows how much the other is ready to handle. Open yourself as vehicle and instrument completely, but honor God’s wisdom in choosing how much force to give to Love’s Flow. Causing fear and shock with too quick a new vision cannot be the way.

    Be ever gentle, with yourself and others, unless truly divinely impelled to move or speak very quickly to help Good be done.

    Trust the Unseen Goodness, and be grateful It knows each one’s needs,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Mind that Imagines me, and Knows me, and Sustains me, also Loves me entirely and gives me the chance, each day, indulgently, to begin anew, knowing I am utterly Loved and approved of and cared for.”

    If you mean to begin again, and choose to, you can,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not like the feelings you are having, then list in your mind the feelings that you do want. Are they things such as peace, joy, contentment, harmony, and Love?

    Then you must turn to Spirit that is the One Source. That is what will give you those feelings permanently. Yes, you can turn to material things or personalities or bodies for a brief imitation of those feelings, but to truly banish their opposites, and take true peace and joy into your heart and mind, you must turn to the Original Source of All.

    Do you want the permanent healing of feeling, or don”t you?

    We permanently Love you,