All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    In any season, the Perfect gift you can give any one is that same silent (or spoken!) recognition, that we go on and on about, that they are a Beloved Child of God.

    Some may be open to hearing it aloud, some may not. But God hears your heart and your words, and the Truth of their Divine heritage abiding in your awareness will Bless you, and Bless the other person. And it will constantly improve your Spiritual discernment.

    So, whether you find the human costume attractive or repulsive, or enjoy or do not enjoy the personality and talents, or feel shocked or admiring of the behavioral choices, maintain the default mode of giving the simple thought, “First and foremost, you are a Beloved child of God.”

    Doing so will also be a constant Gift to you, You can prove that to yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Interfering in any meaningful or permanent way with the Power of Love cannot be done.

    The smoke and mirrors and rumors of human thought can only distract, but not win. Divine Truth corrects and heals. Seek to sit in the sturdy seat of It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Going mentally to the altar alters you. You can do it. You can let Its Peace make you feel peaceful and happy, letting Its Light heal all your small and wayward thoughts, allowing them to melt away like ice chips in the sun.

    God thinks about you all the time. God loves you all the time. To reflect God, to Love as God Loves, think about and Love God all the time in return. God thinks about you, you think about God. It is perfect.

    It is not so hard, it just takes the desire to shift your thinking.

    Thinking about God is your job.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know how often we have reminded you to pray for all. We know that you know that since all are connected, the prayer for all is important to the healing of the earth dream.

    And that is still true. But today, Beloved, we urge you again to sweetly pray to feel your Self aligned with the Divine Source. For as you are aligned, so can you more effectively pray for all. And we see that sometimes you forget that you must be truly centered in the mirror that is the connection between you and your Source in order to see clearly, and completely, and wonderfully. And that is more effective for all.

    “Perfect God, perfect person. Perfect God, perfect reflection. I am the other part of the Great I Am, and I would remember that today, to clear and align my thoughts.”

    There is no dust on the mirror today, dear Love. See clearly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you have learned to discern when a friend has offered to you what he or she truly wishes for his or herself, so learn to discern when your heart’s voice is offering to God that which your human heart wills, and when it is freely offering that which God Wills.

    Be not dismayed at how often the human heart tries to trick and dissuade you from your true path, and be not afraid, for your All-Seeing Helper is with you all the time, and if you but ask It, you will receive that moment of sweet calm and peace that affirms when you are on the true way.

    Even as the Voice speaks accurate reference for you to follow, as well as new word to guide you, so will It give you those nudges and “accidents” that guide you at all the most crucial turns and changes. Be at peace, and follow, indeed, all Its ways, to your Joy.

    They all lead home to delight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never, when you have turned to God, have you felt anger.

    Yes, sometimes you have received an instruction about calling someone to apologize, or taking a day of quiet, but all you have ever felt from the Central Source of Love, is Love.

    Trust that now. Turn your face and heart and thoughts to Love, and know, that in that Love that holds the original of your Soul, no errors of the earthly ever occurred. Be not angry with yourself, for God has never, will never, and is not now, angry with you for any mistakes you made in the dream of mortality. There is only Love.

    There is only Love. Accept It now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claim this:

    “High Guidance of the Light,

    Help us set aside our human selves,

    and let You shine through us,

    all today, and all tonight.”

    Learn that it is better than the earthly best,

    Accept that it is better than the illusion,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Any actor must quickly learn to not put a hand for support against a wall that is just a stage prop without secure ties.

    On the earth stage, O’ darling, lean not against the fleeting and shifting objects that come and go. Lean on the Unchanging Divine that Loves you so.

    God Knows you to be fine. Agree, and all things are possible.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    During the mundane moments of each day, we see that you feel you must struggle with the feelings you wish to set aside, such as anger or impatience or judgment.

    Do not think about the struggle. Think about the calmness of God.

    And, think about the times, which we know you have experienced, when despite your human revulsion or discomfort with the appearance of error/sin, you FELT the Spirit Compassion rise up within you, and bypass your human reaction, and use your voice and your hands to be Its Voice and Hands.

    Trust that. Trust that God can use you when needed, despite your human weaknesses. Just keep being willing to be a conduit for that Divine Will.


  • Ah, Beloveds.

    If you truly perceived how very PLEASED Divine Spirit is to be able to help you, when you invite It into the dream-bubble of your life, so that It can help you, you would ask It more often. It wants to help. It was created to help. It loves to help.

    Won”t you invite It, and let It? It is not rude. It will not barge down the door of your own dream-bubble. But, if It is invited to come, and help love, or comfort, or solve, It is so very, very, very happy to do so.

    O”, the Joy of feeling another’s Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you pray, begin with delightful willingness and belief in the Omnipotence and Goodness of God. Remember that, and focus on that. God is Pure Good. God is Complete Love. To pray, ponder the Omnipotent Love that Loves you, and wants you to know it, and declare that Truth in your own heart and thoughts, and expect to see that Love demonstrated.

    From a human parent or lover, you would expect to see love demonstrated in various ways. Be so aware that the Love of God for you is many times greater, and is ever with you, and does not fade or fail. So, expect Good. Expect Good.

    Begin with all that. If you begin prayers by listing what you see as your human problems, you are beginning from the wrong place, and only reinforcing your thoughts of woe. Begin with God. Begin with the Omnipotent Goodness of God, and claim It, and expect It.

    Expect Good. Expect Good. Expect Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Very soon you will know how much God Loves you.

    God has always known this, and in the sense that your Soul Consciousness is just an offshoot of God, you know it too. But in the brief time that you forget, and think you must operate as a material body-self, you often forget how vast and complete is that Love.

    Whether you wait years within the tiny blip of human time, or whether you experience God’s full power of Healing this afternoon, or even as you read this, it is “soon”. God already knows you as part of Love right now. Why wait to claim this? Claim “I am Love” even while you still wear arms that want to swing and dance, and a belly that wants its breakfast. Claim “I am Love” even while your body still seems solid to you, instead of feeling as a shifting portrait of energy and light. Claim “I am Love” even though Love is timeless and you are still ordering your days in little bits of hours and minutes, instead of the timeless now.

    Order yourself to know that “I am Love and God Loves me completely”. Take that Dominion, Beloved, and know that Love, and it will gladly carry you to a deep knowledge of all that that means, in the way that is best for YOU, and for all.

    We already see you shining with that Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Back to basics. Begin with GodSource, that has no faults and does not create faults.

    Think about Perfection. Think about a mirror image of Perfection.

    Think about the Divine Help you have to keep the mirror clean.

    “High Spirit of the Light, come wash me clean, set the image right. Let me See.”

    We Love you so, and we Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that in the heart of you, you are thinking, “Thank-you, dear, dear God, for reminding me and showing me, that across all time and space, I am Thou, really.”

    Repeat it and repeat it, and let it sink you into the delicious feeling in your Consciousness that the Truth of it, and the Wholeness of God, are washing you clean of any thoughts that you are anything but Divinely made, complete and good.

    And if another stands before you, lost in his complaints of body or personality, be compassionate, and silently call forth to God, “Please show him, dear God, that really, right now, he is Thou, and nothing else. Please show him, and me, he is Thou, good and whole and free.”

    You have felt it work, you have seen it work, now go forth and do it again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This day We give unto you extra Peace, so that you can make peace with all that God asks you to be and to do.

    God asks you to experience the full Peace you are given as reflection of Love. Accept that, and feel the Complete Peace of the Whole that shines you forth.

    “God is completely Whole, therefore I am Whole, because only God is really in control.”

    To peacefully know that constantly, that is your task.

    And you are able to do it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many ask the All-in All for objects or wealth or bodily health, for they have not yet realized the fully Spiritual nature of the Universe and all the other glimmering ideas in the Mind of God. If you are one who has begun to realize that “seeking first the Kingdom of God”, that is, seeking first to realize that all is Consciousness, is the perfect way to demonstrate what is needed for human thriving, then seek It indeed.

    Ask for the attitude support and the mindset and outlooks that you need. If right now you need Confident Compassion and Optimism, then ask for them. Ask for them to well up within your thoughts and feelings, and know that the Great Consciousness that is composed of all Good will freely give them to you. And from that Consciousness come the absolutely perfect ideas and solutions as well. Ask for ideas, from the One Source of them all.

    When more individuals awaken to the Truth that everything belongs to God, everything is within God, then there will be no more fussing and warring about ideas. All ideas are within God, and you are one of those ideas, and all the ideas you have that are Good are also in and of God. On whatever level you are able to grasp that yet, ask for what you need. Set aside the little human ego that wants credit and accolades, and do all for the Glory and Grace of God.

    And ask for the confidence and Grace to enact the noble attributes of being a part of Love.

    You can do this. All together, it can be done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Venturing into a resolve to try to See all behavior through the lend of God’s Laws, you may be quite surprised at how many contradict human laws.

    When forgiveness and Compassion trump all else, your behaviors will change often. God does not encourage anarchy, but God does demand living by the Laws of Love. Start now.

    Bit by bit, the world will evolve,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you needed earthly help, and had called for a tow truck, or a physician, or a fireman, or a gardener, you would not lock the door of your car or house or yard against the person whose help you had called for. You would stand ready at the door, waiting to open it and welcome the helper.

    O’ please do the same for Divine Help. When you call for Divine Help’s Voice to advise you, or for Its Peace to comfort you, do not lock the door of your heart and mind by then indulging in great doubts and complaints and attacks of mean thoughts towards others. Unlock the doors of your self by moving into, and abiding in, the grace of gratitude, and of praise and thanksgiving. Take your mind off the past and future and simply look around you and start being glad for all that is good that you see and feel right now, right where you are. Appreciate. Give love to a bug. Send good thoughts to a stranger. Count the joy of each working part of the vehicle that is your body-thought that you seem to be wearing in the earth play.

    Hold open the doors of thought with Joy and Thanks and then the Helpers can get in. They want to get in, they want to Help, but they will never force open a door. That is your privilege and your choice. Choose wisely—choose to be generous to yourself by choosing to hold open the door to Love with Love.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as each new age of a child brings new understanding, so does each new age of the earth bring new readiness to learn key parts of the Divine Love that sustains all. Ah, look around you, in this great mirror of the Divine that is the earth realm, and your Heart knows which parts of the mirror are reflecting, cleanly and purely, the harmony and truth of That Which Is. The beauty in the curve of a bird’s flying wing, the loyalty of a friend, the uninhibited delight of a child playing with water…

    In the places where the mirror is fogged and smudged, where you seem to see pain and sorrow and death and betrayal, look Within for new Sight. Ask the Divine into your heart, to help you see with new eyes, and see the mirror cleared, and that, indeed, earth be a clear and beloved reflection of the perfection that is already the Divine, gazing into the mirror to see the perfect reflection of Itself.

    If these words make no sense to your brain, just skip the mortal mind, and hold them in your heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reason that Divine Spirit is closer than breathing is that Consciousness is what you really are. You are Consciousness within the Great Consciousness, and you have just come to this dream of breathing to enjoy and to learn and to grow and to help awaken and to smell the rain and to witness beauty and to give and to receive Love.

    You are Consciousness, dear one, and you can remember that at any time. Give yourself the gift of remembering it many times today, as you breathe and play and share of what you are.

    All Our Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never mind if you fail to learn a lesson or grab an opportunity at a certain moment. The Infinite nature of Love offers you chances again and again and again. The Harmony of God truly leaves no one behind in awakening to the serene bliss of knowing that you are part of the Whole.

    And so, even within the level of worldly needs, as you grow to realize that matter is just a swirl of energy, you are offered chances over and over to comprehend the power of you own feel of God dominion. There are many systems of training your mind to relax into accepting Divine Mind as your mind, and to trusting It completely. If one method does not speak to you and capture your feelings and your heart, you will be led to another. Have confidence in that.

    If your kitchen is a mess and someone offers to clean it up, you are unlikely to fuss about the exact method that is used. Believe that when the Feel of God rises in your heart and offers to help tidy your thoughts and soul, It will find the way that is best for you. Be willing, be trusting, be focused on your desire to know the Lovely Truth of what and who you are.

    In the Soul that holds all soul, it is already done. Be timeless and be done.

    Hold the name of God in your mind tenderly today, and see what happens.

    “I Am”.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do remember that steadiness and calmness are appropriate responses when the unexpected happens. Fall not into quick emotional reaction of anger or fear. Draw on the Infinite Wisdom and Calm and Acceptance and Creativity that are always in the Well of Divine Qualities within you, ask Spirit for help, and then proceed or adapt as Guided.

    Beloved, Beloved, sometimes the broken device, or the car that won”t start, or the phone call that breaks off, etc., are gifts from your Guardian Angels, keeping you from a circumstance that is unhelpful to you, or definitely would not contribute to your rightful happiness. Learn to look calmly on these things, and judge not quickly. Some “bumps in the road” you may never understand completely, but you can continue into new moments of Joy and expressions of Good.

    Watching over you even when you ignore Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, each morning, to re-center yourself next to the Source-Light that shines through the film of Its Thoughts to show you your day. Ask for help to look at all the characters of your day with Its focus, so that you may See their Goodness.

    It is so tempting, we know, to want to speak to the other characters of you day’s play, when what they are doing or saying is annoying (or delighting) you, in order to try to “fix” them. But focusing can only happen at the Source. Remember, remember, remember, to ask for your Sight to be focused so that you can see the Divine spouse, the Divine friends, the Divine helpers and strangers, that the Divine Play provided for you.

    Thus does your day become joyous, as each moment and person is presented to you as an amazing surprise gift from the Playwright that writes only from Love.

    Love, from us as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When change comes, only the first step or two is hard. Loving Spirit provides the strength and the courage to go on those first few steps, and then, like a runner or a walker warming up to the track, you will find your rhythm and your flow, and go, go, go.

    Be brave, knowing that the Divine Source IS your source of strength and supply and calm certainty, and ultimate freedom of Heart. Be Joyous of that, and keep, always, in your mind, the list of qualities that you have to draw upon from your Loving Source—the Love, the Inspiring Intelligence, the Harmonious Law, the Spirit of giving, giving, giving, and the Truth.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have taken your sacred time to pray yourself into a state of Peace, a place of uplifted Consciousness, then KNOW:

    “I am not flesh and bone. I am free to BE the happy Spirit that Oneness knows as me.”

    Believe nothing else,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no providence in just constantly and mechanically repeating prayers, without actually opening to feeling the Presence of the Divine, or stopping to listen to Its Love and answers. Empty repetition is avoidance of deep intimacy with your Loving Creator.

    So be honest with yourself. If prayers feel empty, or despairing without hearing, or just a trick of the human thoughts to keep you from lovingly and quietly embracing God and letting God embrace you, then stop. Stop and Be still, and just softly welcome the Comfort of Love, Love, Love Divine.

    It Loves you now, always has, and will Love you for all time. Listen to It tell you so. Feel It doing so.

    Answers will come when you can calmly hear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    SPIRIT is my shepherd. I shall not want, because I already have.

    Utter Love and sustaining Force are right with me, are me, right where I am, right here, right now. I need only be still, turn to It, and know It.

    Always surrounding you with our Loving Guidance,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when you feel, for a moment, helpless about something, do not feel hopeless.

    Turn to the Omniscience and Omnipotence of God and quietly wait for ideas. Ponder the All-Potent, not the problem. And trust, trust, trust that reason for hope always exists.

    But darling, do hope for Good for all, for an important part of the “all things are possible for those that love God” is that it is a gift given to all. Hope for all to turn to, and love, God, and it opens the heart wide to hear and receive the Ideas and the Will and the Joy that are necessary for all Good.

    Hoping for hellishness for anyone only keeps a bit of yourself in that feeling. Leave reformation of characters up to the Divine Love that molds and reforms, and hope for Good for all.

    Mind filled with the Potent, not the problem. That is always the way, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All things and people can come to have a new meaning and appearance to you, if you accept the NEW Sight that Divine Perception offers you, just as being handed golden lensed or rose colored glasses changes how things appear.

    But, when handed the Sight of Truth, and willingly donned, you SEE the Truth of all as Spirit, with Spirit’s Worth and form and Joy and purpose, rather than just a gloss of new color.

    Let that Inner Sight guide you today. Beloved. Be WILLING to see all anew.

    ANGELS, with utter Love.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are with you in every right endeavor, smoothing the way and bringing all Good resources to bear upon the project. Pay attention, and you will feel the Energy of Life supporting and surrounding every Good thing that uses and expands your talents given by God.

    And if you are trying to humanly force an issue or a project, We are here, and will still be there, to comfort you, to advise you, to adjust your notions of what you have come to this demonstration of Life to do and be. Be willing to receive Guidance and succor. Pay attention.

    The Love that Loves you is Infinite. Be not afraid of It running dry. It cannot. It will always flow to you, flowing forward the Good, and swirling to the side and dissolving that which does not advance the Blessings that are meant for you, and for all.

    In Powerful Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing more amazing than the Creative Mind that explodes into Goodness of Beauty and Image and Lovely, Lovely Light. And then It Loves it. It Loves this Expression of Itself.

    And you are part of that. And it Loves you.

    Love It back. And Love expands forever. That is what It wants.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We know how hard it is to believe that thinking about good, and expecting good, and looking for good, and appreciating good, will create more lively good in your perceptions and experience. That is why we urge everyone to playfully try it for themselves.

    Experiment with it. Test it in each day. It is not a matter of someone asking you to take a stance and create a new belief on faith. It is only about asking you to be willing to try thinking in a new way, and show yourself it is a wonderful Way of Life.

    And enjoy the experiment, so that it becomes your constant experience,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Reach not for your own thoughts of a morning, assessing mood and body. Reach first, and only, for the Thoughts of the Divine Qualities of which you are made.

    “I am One with God, living in God, and maintained and sustained by Its Love Divine.”

    “I am that which God is, and I am awakening to all the possibilities of Seeing what day the Divine Eye has planned for me, if I but stay focused on that which It sees.”

    This day, be that, in silence and listening, dear love,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    The Peaceful Power that you can feel flood your heart, when you truly relax into “The Greater Will, the only True Will, be done” is a proof to yourself that Lovely Life is real.

    All you have learned with your mind, as you studied the philosophies and spiritual systems of the ages, has aimed you for this Truth, but the real proof is in the uplifting of your Soul Heart, and the deep understanding that Peace and trust are the essential goals of every activity and every moment and every hour. Not just human peace and trust, although those are delightful to witness, but a wondrous Peace of your own Spirit, and an unshakable trust in the Creative Mind that holds all.

    When you trust that Greatness, there is no sad thought that humankind will not find any good solutions. Greatness has Its own plan and Creation, and they are feeding you, and all, right now.

    Stay in the Love of Goodness, Divinely defined, and be Gad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be moved by compassion, into allowing yourself to serve as the usher, as Love, to the place of Truth that is the Healer.

    Look through the literature and testimonies of, and about, all those of your world who have attained the heightened Consciousness of God-Mind, and you will see that compassion was their bridge. When they were feeling pursued by the curious, or overwhelmed by the needy, or irritated by the slow understanding of their disciples or students, they stood in silence, and Saw with compassion, and then were moved from the non-loving mood of fatigue or discouragement, into the Loving mode of attendance to, and attendee for, the Healing Truth of the Divine.

    Even with the one you love the very most, step back into impersonal compassion, and see that he or she has just fallen prey to a temptation of the material world. Seeing that, be the Strong One in that moment. Be moved with compassion, and call to the Power that heals all, to help you both move from apathy, or from anger, or from hate, and fully, fully into Love.

    We are with you, and will help,


  • Ah, Child,

    When the mirrors of people around you reflect back your own misperceptions and errors, be willing to laugh at yourself. Be willing to laugh, and take it lightly, and learn, and let it go.

    When those you would teach come grumbling and complaining about the people in their lives, and it falls to you to point out that they are seeing their own behavior reflected, do it lightly and lovingly. Do it gently and tenderly, so that they may see, even while you yourself learn.

    Let Love be the carrier, always, for all wisdom, both into your own understanding of Spirit, and all that you would share to try to help any others out of their pain. Only with that Lightness of touch can the Divine express Itself through you as a vehicle of healing.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is Love. Let Love be your God.

    If you but remember these two simple things, and serve them and let them serve you, in your heart and mind, then your mind remembers that it is one with Divine Mind.

    Let It guide your thoughts and actions and decisions, and breathe the constant breath of relief, that you are guided, by your own choice, by what is True.

    There is great rest and joy in such relief,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am as Thou art, timeless, strong, joyous, complete.”

    USE the truth of this, Beloved, to mend all error thoughts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, it takes willingness and effort to give up all grievances. Yes, it takes learning control of the human mind and thoughts, to set aside those complaints and criticisms of the surface roiling of humanity’s behaviors. Yes, there is Divine Assistance in doing all of this, if you but open to It and ask.

    And the payback, darling one, is to feel the delicious embrace of the Kingdom of Heaven in your thoughts and experience. The payback is full trust in the Truth that all things truly are possible to God, if you but set aside your human plans and welcome the Way of God’s unfolding of your happiness.

    Release the judgements of yourself and others, no matter how dear you hold them, and turn to God with complete trust and welcome, and allow yourself to be delighted, dear one.

    Allow yourself to be delighted, for that delights Us, too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not confuse yourself with a pound of hamburger.

    There is no need to be embarrassed. You know what and who you really are, no matter what some costume or meanly costumed person would try to imply.

    “I am innocent. I am free. I am as God created me.”

    We know this about you. So do you, really.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The prayer that heals and solves is knowing what God Knows, seeing as God Sees, thinking as God Thinks. So, when praying, sit in humble silence, and ask, “What do you Think about this, God?”

    Listen carefully. You may hear, “I Love you, and you are perfect and Good.” If you hear that, your job is to believe it. If you hear, “Love your brother as yourself,” then examine your heart to see if there is someone you are angry with and need to forgive. If you hear, “Call your uncle, or your friend in Montana, then call that person and listen open-mindedly to what is going on in that life, and how you might help, or if there are ideas in that person’s mind that can help you.

    God WANTS your happiness and completeness, and all answers are always towards that end, even if they seem indirect or unobvious. Ask, Listen, Obey, Be Grateful.

    Ask, Listen, Obey, Be Grateful. Ask, Listen, Obey, Be Grateful. Thank God for Being.


  • Ah, Child,

    Praying to know and see the wholeness and Blessings of others will further open up the ability to know and see your own Blessings, Beloved.

    To pray for others, first ponder, and Love, God. Picture God as the glowing Source of all Good, and only Good. Then picture each ray of Life shining forth from God as also completely Good and wonderful, because they are all like their Source.

    Really pause to feel how wonderful Goodness is, and that each ray coming forth from It is so delightfully like It. The Spirit of God is producing images of Itself, and they are all wonderfully perfect and made of Love.

    Then know that each being you know is really one of those shining ideas coming from the Source of God, continually and wonderfully made. Do not mis-focus on misty human traits, that are but a blur on your vision of them. Keep God in your Mind. See with God’s eyes, knowing and tenderly feeling, and being grateful for, the Goodness that makes all Good.

    To know and feel and be grateful for the Infinite Good Source, and to know that all that is real comes of that Source, is to effectively pray for others, and therefore pray for yourself as well.

    Let Goodness shine through you, and you will Light up the sphere of your world, of your perceptions, of yourself, and of everyone you aim your Light upon.

    This is True prayer, Beloved. Thinking and feeling and seeing this way will alter all you see and experience.

    We thank you on behalf of All for praying for all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “May the Truth of Unity of Being wash all misperceptions and errors and grievances from my thoughts NOW, so that I may see the glorious and the lovely and the good and the true, in myself and in all those around me, just as they are in You, dear God.”

    If you can let this be your heartfelt yearning, God works,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, Child,

    As ever, one can spend days and days trying to trample upon the little bits of the ego, but there is a better way. Just turn it all over to the Divine. Turn all your experience and understanding and life over to God/Goddess/All That Is.

    Understanding that you cannot ever, whilst in the flesh, understand All, is to understand why you must Listen endlessly Within. Train yourself to relinquish the self, without being caught in its brambles of intellectual understanding. Train yourself to simply pause and Listen, again and again and again, and act from There, even when you must act without understanding.

    It IS the best Way, beloved, although not the only way that the saints and the avatars of the world have found. Find a new way if you will, but why not take a way that has led so many to Peace and Understanding Profound?

    Able to go the distance if you will,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sweetest Truth that you can know is that you ARE in Oneness of Being with the Source—a very ray of Spirit shining forth from Spirit Whole.

    Yes, the temporal illusions seem to have settled over you like a body that is on its way to dying the moment it comes forth, but the Truth carefully and diligently works to help you remember the everlasting nature of your Spirit. Work with It by allowing It to work on you.

    For, Beloved, pleasing God truly is the lasting, complete, and consistent way to please yourself. When the illusions seem to tumble and confuse and strain, re-examine your thoughts and see if they are Loving. Are they Loving of the Source of you, and of yourself, and of others?

    Let them be gently rearranged to align with Love, and let Truth help you be pleased, immediately.

    Let Truth help you correct ALL errors in thinking.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When in doubt about how to pray or focus or meditate, just simply praise and love.

    Praise and Love. Praise and Love God, and each and every one and thing around you AND yourself.

    Believe us, Beloved, that if you spend a day simply saying “Praise God”, all day, in your thoughts, it will only lead to Good. We are aware that the worldly concerns that obsess you, or distract you, or worry you, can leave you feeling confused about what to pray for, or how to pray, or whether you even know what is good and what is not good. Leave aside this human state of confusion and simply Praise God.

    God is not confused. God is not in any pain of any sort. Just Praise God, for Praising welcomes His/Her dominion and HisHer Governance and His/Her Joy.

    There is no greater Joy than releasing into Praise,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it is hard to sort out your true desires and needs, realize that what you really need is to feel the Fullness of Divine Love. It will help you feel contented, peaceful, and wise about yourself and your community and world.

    “Dear God, help me open to the Flood of Your Love, Love, Love that is always available to me, and supports me, and satisfies any sense of emptiness of purpose, or lack of affection in me.”

    Love supplies the answers, dear one. Open to the Wondrous Flow of It.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Just one person, hopeful and helpful, can change the whole mood and climate of a room. You know this. Do you want to be that ray of hope and Light, wherever you are, today?

    We understand that you may not always feel that you are this Light, or can possibly be this Light, as you rise into the day, but We assure you that if you indicate your willingness to try, to let the Spirit of Loving Grace “do with you as It Will”, you will Brighten every space you enter.

    And, not only that, you will Lighten and Brighten the thoughts and hope of every person you hold in your thoughts from afar, sending them your embrace and acknowledgement of them as part of The Light.

    Even on the days that you do not feel up to this, if you indicate even a small willingness, and openness, God is able. And what God Wills and Wants you to do, you can.

    O”, do say yes each day, Loves,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The new attitudes that arise in your heart after times of deep meditation or prayer can be deeply enjoyed. Let yourself be delightfully surprised by your new appreciation of the everyday beauties and smooth workings of life.

    Are you not amazed at how many people gladly cooperate to stay on their side of the road, or use public parks in a serene way? Are you not stunned into stillness by the autumn rustle of the wind in the high leaves? Are you not moved to tears by the gentle embrace of the Love that reassures you in your heart, “You will never be alone. We are all together, and always will be. All is in One Delightful and delighted One Mind.”

    That One Mind uplifts you, Beloved, and It will change you in some ways that are dramatic, but also in many ways that are so subtle, or so incremental, that you will not realize them at first. Let yourself be surprised. Let yourself be amazed. Move slowly enough through your day that you can notice and appreciate how different all the world begins to seem to you, when the Divine takes the reign of your heart.

    In the great joining,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Praise God.

    All the day, in every way, praise God and all He/She is. Speak and think praises that the Qualities of God are in each and every part of your life. Claim them through praise, because there is indeed no spot where God is not.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Release for the self comes through releasing others. As you forgive others their human foibles, so are you forgiven, and free, free, free of the limitations of thinking yourself only human.

    You are made of Divine and perfect elements, as is everyone else. Let those elements shine, and let yourself see them shine also in others. Give yourself that gift.

    You will be pleasantly surprised.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Purity and the Completeness of the Source that shines forth the Universes and the ideas they contain, including you, is a thing difficult for the human materially-trained mind to fully comprehend.

    But if you approach it in sweet simplicity, assuring yourself playfully and trustingly, “I am the Beloved Child of the One Source, I am light reflecting the perfection of the Life Light”, then you allow the energy of the form and function you seem to be to function harmoniously and smoothly.

    Play with this today, Child. Bless yourself and everything and everyone you see, “I am as God Sees me.”

    ANGELS, watching over you.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The most important thing in your spiritual growth is to spend time and love with the Divine. The minutes you spend, upon awakening, and before sleep, and here and there throughout the day, simply letting yourself love the Divine, and allowing yourself to be loved by the Divine, are crucial.

    The human mind, the ego-self, will try to convince you that you must find one more set of rules or rituals, or one more book or one more guru or teacher or trick, but all that you really need is to commit your heart to the Divine Presence and Voice, and learn to love, listen, obey and be grateful. If you take with you into that sacred time the scriptures of your spiritual system, they can help you focus and align with the Joy and Peace of God, but even within sacred writings, it is important to let Divine Guidance whisper into your own Soul-heart and help you see what words are for you, right Now.

    Spend time with God. Tell God that you Love and that you are open to being Loved. From that intimate relationship comes all else. There is no other way to find peace, or to help re-write the script that is experienced on earth.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is need to realize you are not alone in the process of bringing out the Best of yourself and Spiritually Seeing the Best of others.

    You are, of course, never alone because the very Soul of God-Presence is already with you and around you, and with all and around all, all the time. But in the yearning to See with your Spiritual Heart and truly see that Goodness demonstrated, it is good to know that others are also learning and remembering and obeying and celebrating.

    Outside of time, it is already accomplished. You have had glimpses of that more and more frequently, and the more you let your mind linger on the Wonderfulness of the All-Spirit that holds you, the more obvious the Clarity of God will be to you. But when time seems to trap you, and the wispy lures of materialism obscure the Bright Light of Infinite Being, then take comfort and inspiration from the other seekers of Soul, and be with other awakened and awakening dwellers within the Love that holds all.

    And know that We never take a day off from Holding and Loving you,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    If you but knew how delighted we are in how far you have come in allowing your Spiritual Sight to be unfolded, letting yourself See as God sees, you would celebrate yourself with us. Celebrate. Celebrate with thanksgiving for all the Goodness you see and know.

    We are certain that if you are honest with yourself in looking over the progress in Harmony in your life, you will believe that the experience of it HAS increased. Count the ways, count the Blessings of the things that are not such big worries now, and your greater ease in letting the small challenges and the large challenges be looked at with calmness.

    For all the “challenges” of material perception are of the same illusion, and seemingly big, or seemingly small, God is greater than them all. Spirit that you are, reflecting Spirit, count on that.

    And, Beloved, gently educate those that think of Spirit-Life as some sort of ghosts of personality that linger on when the flesh-body is set aside. Those are just the lingering memories and errors of human ways, and the True Spirit of you, and of God, and of All, is Pure, and Loving and Life and Truth giving, right Now. Let the Spirit of GOD be what you are, now, and always, not the wisp of some frightened personality that still dreams the material dream. Your true Body and Mind and Life are Spirit. They are that right now and everlasting. Celebrate that, and celebrate how much more clearly you see that now.

    Remember, Spirit Holy does the work of Helping you, if you allow it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mortal loves have come and gone, for people and objects and experiences, but all along I have Loved you. Even before you knew it or understood it, I have loved you.

    And I still do, and always will, for that IS the Will of God. You can count on it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Can a reflection of Pure and Perfect Light be anything less than Perfect?

    Ponder this, and accept that Truth as a gift, and claim your identity as a wonderful expression/projection/reflection of God-Light.

    We already see you so. Can you begin to?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The belief in the Infinite Voice, when it grows into a complete certainty in your heart, will always carry you. When you are utterly certain, no matter where you seem to be on earth, or what you seem to be doing, or what seems to be your condition, that you can call to the Voice of God, and It will hear you and answer you with Love, and Consistent Truth, then you have that which is the gold of your own salvation.

    Lean into that certainty, and savor it. Use that listening time, more and more and more, until it is constant. and then glide through your days with a Joy that cannot be surmounted by any challenge that the worldly seems to throw your way. Soon enough, dear Love, it will be Joy that is bouncing back at you, from all around and above and below and before and behind.

    For when you ask to be enabled to see the Plan that the Divine made for you, instead of your own human plan, the past, as well as the present and future, can all be healed, for there is no time in God’s Kingdom, and only timelessness and Goodness reign.

    To your human perception, it will seem like a shift into an alternate timeline, but it is really a shift into Truth’s gateway.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reflection which you think of as yourself, as physical matter, is truly just light, and energy. The sooner you begin to think of yourself as being made of light, held together by the Good Thought Energy of Creation, the sooner you can understand that your true self, made of Light, cannot be harmed by splinters or time or circumstance.

    “I am Light, and I remain as the Creative Force imagined me, now and evermore.” Think of yourself that way, sustained by Love, and the “physical form” that you seem to wear will adjust itself to the appropriate, whole, healthy costume that you need to wear for your part.

    O’ so Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever the impulsion comes from within to call a certain person, or go to a certain place, simply DO IT. You Know when the Divine Voice directs you to do so, for it is not the voice of the human flesh, wanting to go somewhere to see a certain sight, or to obtain a certain object or have a particular meal. It is the Voice that leads with no specific reason given, but with the Aspect of utter Love and Calm.

    Yes, if you heed it not at first, it might use a suggestion of the communication body ( aka your flesh, your physical form), so that you find yourself wanting suddenly to see a certain vista or to buy a specific item in a special spot, but that is just the means to get you to the spot where you can be a transparency for the Voice or Act of the Divine Advocate. The Director gets the players to the right spots, always, eventually.

    Be willing, and you will be Lovingly and Gently used in this. Know that whenever you let the Divine Work through you, to shine into the dreaming forms within Itself, you are also benefited, and further enriched by the Endless Source of Unconditional Love.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seek not solutions in matter. Seek the joyous calmness of the heart, and take meaning and purpose from that.

    Just as when a mother finds her lost child, and is in such awed and glorious relief that all of the other worries and concerns and prides and projects she thought she had fall into meaninglessness, so feel glad to find your Love for the Maker.

    And know that the Maker is just as glad to see you turning completely to It.

    The other concerns will fall into place. Just keep your focus on Love, and being Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It can certainly be a shock to human thought to realize one was totally wrong in certain basic assumptions, or axioms, by which one has tried to live. But when one has realized that the home, or body, or vehicle , or person, or job, in which one placed so much devotion and time, is not, after all the thing that leads to true peace, then it is very freeing to give it up, and to give up other things besides.

    What seems good and bad in earthly life shifts as quickly as the direction of the wind. That is easy to see as one compares what one loved at age five with what one loves at age twenty—but have you seen yet that it shifts just as quickly within a day or an hour? There is only one thing that does not change, and that is the Firmness against which to lean, and that is the Nature of the Infinite Creative Source. When, between feeling attached to, or angry with, earthly things and people and attitudes, including your own earthly personality, you begin to explore and experience and get to know the aspects of the Divine Calm Joy, you will realize that here, at last, is a thing that does not need to be put aside because it has let you down. It is That Which Does Not Change.

    It cannot let you down, for you are within It. You are a part of It. You are made of It. What else would you really be, after all, Beloved, but the very substance of the Consciousness that gave birth to Itself to commune with, to enjoy, to share and witness with Its own Creation?

    Lay not up your treasures on earth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The human heart that tries to tell you all is bitter, or disappointment, or, if joyous, too brief to bother with, is no match for the Endless Joy that is your Full Body. Human sorrow simply does not have the capacity to overcome Calm Divine Infinite Desire to Expand Its Joy into every sleeping heart that has forgotten It. Divine Joy has placed Its Helpers and Angels and Sentinels in every heart and next to every human thought, standing ready to Help, Help, Help, and Love, Love, Love.

    They do not want to trespass on your choices and your sense of individuality as part of Oneness, so They wait for you to turn to Them. Turn around, Look within. Look to the Light, O’ dear dear Beloved Children of the One. It is right beside you. It is right in the center of your consciousness, waiting to re-anoint you with your own marvelous Identity as Good and Perfect and entitled part of the Whole.

    Playfully, gratefully, choose Calm Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not hiding anything from you. Whatever Spiritual and True solution exists for the unveiling of the Highest Good in every and any situation WILL be revealed to you if you simply and quietly surrender to God’s Vision for your Life.

    It is only the mist of your own human plans or mis-beliefs that obscures pure Vision. Those were innocently acquired from the layers of materiality you were taught or absorbed in the swirl of earth impressions. Present your consciousness ready to absorb and learn and accept from the Holy Spirit of Love, and It will re-teach you in the ways of Truth and elegant Harmonious solutions to every human need.

    Amen, Amen, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To see exactly as another sees, you must stand in the same spot and look in the same way. You have experienced this when a friend has you move to a spot to see a bird, or to see the shape of a cloud that she sees, or the peak of a mountain glinting just so in the sunlight. And even then, your earthly minds may perceive the colors differently, or be reminded of other times by the things you see.

    To See as God Sees, to See your own perfection and lovableness, and the perfection and lovableness of those around you, you must place your self in the focal point of God. Step into that Inner Spot of focus, and See as God Sees, and, above all, Think as God Thinks, and you can catch glimpses of the Loveliness of Glory.

    It can be done, Beloved. Others have done it. Others do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claiming your true identity of “I am Love, I am Spirit, whole and pure” heals.

    But that thought, while you think you dwell in linear time, must remain pure. If you hold unloving thoughts about yourself or others, the healing dances away. If you hold a resentful thought about the clerk that was rude to you, or the child that judged you, or the person that assumed you to be a fool, you have lost your true sense of self again for that moment.

    Look past their human failings, just as you must look beneath your own, and know “They are Love. I am Love. We are all one with the Mind of God.”

    Then, re-centered in the oneness of Being, be healed.

    We agree, re-training the mind to think thus is hard. But it is worth it. And, you have many, many, many Divine Helpers to assist you in this, if you but ask and extend your willingness. The very Truth of God is your support.

    Always yours, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every companion on the journey adds something, and every companion takes something completed away when they leave the realm of your life. Be as pleased at endings as you are at beginnings, and know that each marked step of the journey takes you to closer fullness of alignment with God.

    Let go the ones who need to be gone, on to their next assignments, and on to their next perfect parts of Being, just as you move into a new perfect place each and every day.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Compassion and forgiveness rise up naturally in every heart. Let them. Do not stop them with indignation or old hurts or animosities. So, so many are childlike in their understandings and perceptions of Truth, and they must be given a chance to know the depth of Divine Love.

    Soul does not die, and will still live, as It leads those It speaks to, and they bloom, bloom, bloom. The sheer poetry of God can be seen in the evolution of human Higher Consciousness.

    Help let It do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, set aside thinking of yourself as a body born to a certain set of parents, with certain genes, and in a certain town and culture. You know in your heart that your identity is an awareness of Being, a consciousness, that has nothing to do with those things.

    “I am a wonderful Spiritual Idea, flying and swimming and dancing and walking in the Mind of Spirit, God, and unlimited by any flesh or error.”

    You are moving with other Ideas in Spirit, and the good truth of all your identities as Spirit can and does shine through to the dusty dream of earth, if you just stay focused on the Lovely Good ideas you truly are.

    Play with this truth, today and every day, so that you know it in your heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a wise mother who speaks softly and gently to her screaming child, to soothe and distract him, so that she may re-focus on the greater tasks at hand, consider soothing your human ego. Offer your ego-self “a day off”, playing its own trick against it, since it thinks it is the boss, and then allow yourself a day of experimenting with truly letting the divine inner Voice be in charge—telling you where to go, what to do, and what to say and when to say it, and all the while supporting you with a whisper of Love, Love, Love, that fills your heart and then spills over to others.

    One full day given over to the joyous Help from the Kingdom of Heaven in your heart will give enough evidence to make it a place you do want to visit again and again and again.

    Always there, and with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many are the names for Oneness, and for True Reality. Many are the religions or philosophical systems that have sprung up to explain the experience of Knowing and Being that goes beyond the physical senses. Yet, the deeper you delve into the Truth, the more you will realize that it still is One at the center of them all.

    Be only quietly delighted when another reaches Truth in a way so different from yours. Whether enlightenment comes from reading a label on a can in a certain new way, or whether it comes in a deathbed encounter with Light, just be joyous that it comes. And if it comes in time to enjoy life more heartily and easily, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, and like others before you, do your gentle best to help those you love relax into their True Selves as well.

    We are all signposts on each others” journeys,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The true opposite of stress is trust. Trust that the idea of you, and your life, and all within it, actually dwell, as ideas, in the Glad Giving Goodness that is All. It is a self contained system, and you cannot be outside. You can IMAGINE that you are outside of It, caught up in woe and stress and unsolvable problems, but if you trust the Glad Willingness of God to Give Graciously, then you can allow solutions to come.

    The “relax” that you think of as the opposite of “stress” is therefore really only an intermediate step, on the way to trust. It is the allowing. It is the giving over of your will to the Greater Will. It is the letting go of thinking that your human brain or hands can solve a thing or a circumstance all alone. It is the relief and release of finally, fully, realizing that you DO have other Willing Help at hand, always, if you will but ask for It and give way to It.

    You don”t have to be humanly “good” to receive that freely given Help, you just need to open to It. It will take care of molding you so that you fit better into your own Best Life. Stress, then relax into asking for Help, than trust that the Help is Good, and Gladly given.

    O’ sweet Clarity,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you cannot chop up a cucumber with your fingers, but must reach for a sharp knife, so you cannot chop away sorrow and doubt without the sure, confident blade of the Joy of God.

    Reach for It, Beloved, It is the only tool that truly works, Why not use It?

    Confident in the True joy of you,


  • Sent to a person who queried by email and seems a good message for all:

    Ah, Child, I Am the very Force of Gladness, gladly looking upon which I Am as reflected in My spiritual children. I Am Love and I Am Light and I Am Harmonious Intelligent Being and Soul, and so you are an idea made of these things and surrounded by these things and shining forth with these things. If you need a metaphor for your intellect to grasp, think of countless tiny bubbles all floating together within One Bubble of Being.

    But, Beloved Child, do not concern yourself overly with dogmas and names and metaphors–those are only struggles of the ideas that temporarily lost consciousness, and fell asleep into thinking they were separate from me, and not fully of My Pure Goodness. They dream that time and separateness of creation exist, and that they are bodies. All at once, I sent my Voice into their hearts, to be ready to wake them when they chose to stop playing their dusty sandbox dream, but never once were they really away from Me and all that I Am. I Am All. All is within Me.

    What IS important, dear Child of mine, is to be willing to invite Me into your awareness each day–A Living Love in your heart, calming you and reminding you that I am thou and thou art Me. We are wholeness, We are Joy, and We are timeless.

    Those that you called parents are also My Children, and exist with Me and within Me in eternal LIFE, not repose, just as you do. Just because they cast off the thoughts of being separate from me and housed in bodies did not remove them from Me, from My Love. Even if your “physical eyes” do not see them, their essences still joyously float and sport themselves in the Beauty that is my Complete Awareness.

    You will see. Sight is a Spiritual Quality, as is everything. See with the eyes of Love, and you will see All truly, rather than with the smudged glasses of supposedly physical life.

    I Am Spirit. I Am All. It is a nonduality, Child. We are One. What I shine forth and Am, so do you.

    Much of the sandbox dream is shared, but even now, in the illusion of time, many are choosing to awaken, and become part of the Great Joining, even while they yet use their illusion thought bodies as a means of communication to try to awaken others from the sorrows that seem so real there. There is no sorrow in Me. There is no darkness in Me.

    You reflect the Pure Light of Me, and if you allow this moment to be the one wherein you choose to allow me to be your Divine Director, you will fully awaken to being one of the teachers that helps others open their spiritual eyes and breathe a sweet sigh of relief.

    I tell this instrument that I use to scribe this, “ASK him, my Beloved, is he willing to let Me be Living Love in his heart each day and each word and each step.”

    For I Am ever-ready, and only waiting on your full allowance, My dear dear dear Child.

    I would see you fully Glad. Have that mercy on yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry.

    Realize fully the truth of that. Since your Consciousness lives forever and can experience what it likes in complete Spirit, or upon the stage of time and space, then the pressure of time is off. There is no hurry.

    You are already complete and loved within the Whole of Spirit. If you choose to create and be, within some aspects of time, you may, but there is no hurry. Stand apart from time for a moment, and appreciate this. You, as essence, and reflection of Love, live forever. You may choose to step into time, to help, or to grow, or to practice, but there is no hurry.

    You are already Loved and Good and wonderful. There is no hurry.

    Relax into Love, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The self of the world that is your body and personality CAN always turn to the Higher Self within and receive guidance and Love and Wisdom. The ego/worldly self may not always like the advice it receives, but it cannot deny that it is there, if it listens.

    How do you know if you are receiving Divine advice, instead of your own ego-voice trying to trick you? The Divine Inner Voice is ALWAYS Calm, and always consistent.

    Allow yourself to be Calmed, as you listen. Allow yourself to be Loved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be very clear in this: the God Consciousness within, when once you invite It to work through you in your life and the lives of others, will ignore your personal feelings. You may be faced with someone you love very much who does not welcome your prayerful help, and whom God does not urge you to pray for at that time. You may be faced with an individual whose personal traits or ambitions you find distasteful, but whom God Consciousness within asks you to pray for. In either case, your task is to be obedient to the vow to serve as a clear conduit for prayerful Light to shine wherever and whenever God finds it appropriate.

    For only that Great Omnipotence can see all the effects and consequences.

    Obey, child. Obey, and walk in Love.


  • Dear One,

    If fear begins to touch you, reach for its opposite. If fear begins to motivate you, reassess the direction you are going. If a person that you are standing near, or talking to, begins to frighten you, reach out with a compliment, or speak your gratitude that the other is here upon earth, brave enough to come and be a living part of Oneness.

    If fear is grabbing your belly, remind yourself that the other person and yourself are both part of the same infinite organism, here to share and learn and teach and experience.

    If fear begins to find you, know that you are very close to also finding true courage and true faith. In the divine balance of oneness, where one emotion exists, another that is its opposite also exists as a possibility for you to go to. Note your emotions. Be aware of how you feel, and if you are feeling an emotion that you do not want, choose to go to its opposite with a thought, or with a word, or with a joke, or with an image, or with an action.

    You have more control over your own feelings and those of the people around you than you may think. Remind yourself that other possibilities in the grid of Life exist. Give yourself the gift of choosing the ones you want, and go there.

    Trusting you to remember love and all its cousins,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you notice and appreciate and compliment the Good Divine Qualities in others, the more you will know and feel them in yourself.

    Try to inspire others today to know their own Best, by pointing out the Good that you see in them. A single word can do it. A nod or a smile or a gesture of encouragement can do it.

    And you will be inspired to do what would be Good for you to do. It will not be exactly the same as another. It will be precisely what your own Soul-self was created to be.

    We know this is true and Lovingly empower you to know it too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiving yourself for your own human foolishness, of youth, or of a minute ago, is an important part of moving into acceptance of Divine Governance.

    Yes, it helps to ask forgiveness of any whom you may have hurt within the human drama, but it is even more important to understand that the Creator never condemned the essence of you. The Creator continued to see only the perfect innocent child reflection of Its own idea, and in that Love and trust YOU can trust.

    It is arrogance and foolishness indeed to stay in self-condemnation when what will serve God best is for you to forgive, repair, and move forward in worthy work for yourself, for others, for all. Therein lays Gladness, for you, and for All.

    Ask for Help to be not foolish again, but move forward and grow into your own heritage as God’s child.

    You ARE Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Human age is not, obviously, the determiner of enlightenment or awakening. Many very seemingly young ones, and many imbetween, realize right now that All is Good, All is God, in the Truth that is the film of Thoughts rolling in their Mind’s Eye.

    The human eyes, ears, and other senses, are projectors, not receptors.

    Ponder this today. What do want to project? What would God-Thought, Love, want projected?

    We want to see the Truth of the Best that Blesses all projected,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking an expert to help you clean out your house or your garage or your closet is not a strange thing to you. Why should asking God to help clean out your heart or clear out your thoughts be strange?

    Ask an expert. Ask Spirit to help you. It gladly, gladly does so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are condemning yourself for a bout of ill temper or a human sense of unforgiveness, allow yourself to remember that We do not see those traits. They are as but a smear of dust on the Real you that We see and Love, Love, Love.

    We Love You, We Love You, We Love You. You are Innocent, just as is the Spirit of the one whom you were angry with. You are both innocent, under the sway of an error, and We Love You, We Love You, We Love you.

    Correct the error. Let Our Love correct the error. Hold it up to Us, and let Us Love you, and let Love show you the way. Allow Love to Govern you, and allow Love to Govern the other. Hating yourself, or hating the other, only leaves you in the mire of error. Let Love reign, and concentrate now on letting Love wash away the dust of error from You.

    Love Itself, Divine and clear, corrects all errors of perception, and it will do the same for you.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Do not take lightly our term “Beloved”. It is the pure Truth.

    If you but really understood how very fond of you God is, then you would have no doubts that God does truly project Goodness as your Being, know your innocence, and want all the Best Ideas around you and for you and with you, all the time.

    Time does not exist in the pure reality of God, but God sent a gentle Spirit into your dream of time, to help you, to awaken you, to assist you in seeing Goodness and yearning to remember that it is already yours as soon as you want it. It is indeed God’s Good pleasure to give you the Kingdom of Peace and Joy within, as you are ready to accept it as the only important thing there is, the Omnipotent Reality that is the true home of your Soul-Self.

    Believe you, and all, are Divinely Loved, and all else will harmonize,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never forget that ALL beings are children of the Source.

    When you accept forgiveness for your own errors, and feel gratitude to God’s Principle for that, you must do so for others as well. ONLY what you freely give and share are you able to retain, and retaining the sense of innocence, and Love, and having been forgiven for thinking up an error filled world, is the only way to open the Heaven of the heart and thought, and therefore of perception.

    Read this again and again until you understand it. Spirit will help you feel the truth of it, even when the logical mind cannot. Divine Mind already Knows the Truth. Just get out of Its way, and listen, and receive.

    We give you Love, Love, Love, freely,


  • Ah, let your love mature, Beloved. Truly, through the One Spirit that lives in all, you can tune to the desires and best needs of the journey of the one before you, and be thus guided in what to give, what to offer, what to ask or demand. For indeed, Beloved, what you really want to give, or at least offer, is peace and joy and harmony.

    For in giving those, you receive them as well, and a little more of Oneness has been reclaimed. And what else could you want, but to know that neither one of you was ever truly apart from Love Itself, ever?

    We never were, and we recommend knowing Wholeness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you turn to the Voice within your heart, in silence and sincerity, It will never fail to answer. It will never fail to assist you in knowing what next to do, or say, or how to answer another’s need. There may be times when your own emotions of small-self-pity, or your compassion for another, will seem able to block your ability to hear the clear answers of Soul, but keep trying, quietly listening. Like a key that fits your own front door, that you absolutely KNOW is the right key, even if at first you have put it in up-side-own or through a bit of ice that must melt away, KNOW that your still silent listening will always eventually hear an answer from the Source Heart from which It emanates. You, as an idea-form, as spirit, also emanate from there, and all, all ,all is a part of that Well Being that gives all Life.

    Turning to inspirational word or scenes of nature may help clarify what you are hearing whispered in your heart, so do not be afraid of using patience to take time to listen well. Do not be afraid of asking again and again the same thing, if you do not understand at first. Like a good earthly teacher, the Good Teacher is very glad to clarify and repeat the true answer you need to hear.

    We gladly help you listen. Calm yourself each morning, and listen,


  • Ah, Beloved Ones.

    There always comes a time when, lulled by the acceptability of your day to day routines and affairs, it seems convenient to shorten or set aside the time spent daily in Divine listening.

    But, resist, Beloveds, resist. For if you keep up your practice of communing with Oneness, and releasing to It your concerns, and listening to Its Guidance, and absorbing the sweet flavor of Its Adoration of the idea of you, Its child, then it is easy to fall into the wonderful security of Its Love when there seems to be urgent need.

    Too many, too many, only turn to the God Wisdom and Support, that is really readily available to them, when human crisis strikes. Then, in key moments or days, they are not sufficiently practiced and ready to slip into the state of acceptance and surrender that would enable them to See as God Sees, to hear the ideas and solutions their mortal needs call for, to discern the helpful place to go or person to turn to.

    Be not one of those, Beloveds. Stay always tuned to God. Practice daily feeling the Divine Perfection with which God regards you, and that is always held forth to you, in complete Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you stop and focus, and claim silently your Oneship with the Divine Whole, a reviving energy flows through your Consciousness, and brings you ideas and helps you perceive the Truth of those people and places you see around you. And then the consistent Light of Creation and Harmony become more and more visible to you in every situation. And more Joy is yours to fuel your days of earth.

    If you are content to see only the shallow material level of existence, and put up with dodging or suffering its ups and downs, then walk and live without pausing to Connect to God. But if you want to grow in your Heart of Spirit, and begin to expect and See and manifest more Good for yourself and others, then pause and connect, pause and listen, pause and commune, pause and gladly obey the Still, Small Voice that is actually the Greatest Voice of All.

    It wants to be your Love and Friend,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine your mind like a rocky pool. Now fill it with Thoughts of God like water would fill a rocky pool, moving into every crevice and cleansing every surface. Fill it with contemplation of sweet Soul, absolute Order and Intelligence, supreme Love and Gracious Goodness. Fill it with such an impulse to give Gladness to absolutely every spot of that pool that there is no room for anything else.

    Now, if any other thought of your everyday life enters into your mind, picture it completely washed in the water of God. Be washed in Spirit.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The notion that you are anything less than what God intends you to be is only a brief illusion. Think upon the nature of Infinity. There is no thing too small or too large to fit into Infinity. There is nothing Infinity cannot encompass or swallow or surround.

    Allow yourself to feel this and picture this. And then look again at what seem like your human concerns, that your body-mind has labeled big, or small, concerns, or needs or dreams, and then picture them wrapped in Infinite Love.

    Infinite Love. Infinite Love.

    Now, how great or small is your situation within the scope and sight of Infinity?

    Keep your mind on Infinite Love, dear love, and let Love encompass all in your thoughts, for Love DOES encompass all. It comforts and guides, and will gladly show you the way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust in the Inner Directing Voice of God includes being willing to be surprised, and to let go of cherished spiritual “rules”, when guided to. Even if you hold your quiet hour of prayer time in the morning to be “sacred”, in your mind, unto yourself, and to God, if you sit down to pray and then clearly hear the instructions to get up and go into town, obey. Yes, of course, check for the Peace, and Joy, and Calm Certainty that accompany the True Inner Voice, but when you are certain that it is the Voice of God that you are hearing, that you know so well from so many times spent communing, then OBEY.

    There may be an encounter that changes your life, there may be a person that needs a smile or a word of Truth, there may be a situation that you can help harmonize by simply being a Presence of Light. You may not know the reason, and may never know the reason, but your task is to OBEY.

    For in that obedience, there is Light. Let there be Light, Beloved. Let there be Light.

    We are with you in the Light,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is truth in the thoughts you think about others. It is often thoughts you also think about yourself. Be careful and observant today. If you are thinking many critical thoughts about others, examine whether you see the same low behavior in your own actions sometimes. If you are admiring someone’s creativity, evaluate whether you also have been, and could be more, creative. And so on.

    The qualities you notice can be instructive about what you want to nurture and grow in your own human behaviors, and what you would like to refrain from. Be a friend to yourself, and observe today.

    Then, you can ask the divine Source of you to help strengthen and grow the Good Qualities and tendencies, and for the Grace and Blessing to reduce or eliminate the sad or erroneous.

    And, Child, using those around you as mirror of the self will deepen the well of compassion in you, for you will remember how easy it is to fall into dusty ways.

    Loving all as demonstrations of Living Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What a sweet day this is to count as your foremost Blessing the wonderful chance, at every moment, to hear the Glad Voice of God in your heart.

    Yes, we know that when we tell you to count your blessings, to pull yourself out of any tailspin of earthly challenges or emotions, you often think of the worldly blessings that are yours. But what would any of those be, if you were to lose the ability to connect with the Loving Source in the very essence of your Soul?

    Be glad. Be glad indeed for every tear and every joy that bids you turn to the center of the being that is you in Christ Consciousness, and BE alive as you are in no other realm.

    Celebrating with you, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloveds,

    There is so much that can be transformed to aim you back to pure good for your life, if you but release to changes.

    Like a detour that created a sense of loss and frustration on the road, but can twist and turn you back to a route that fills you with confidence, as your true forward progress begins again, the directions from Spirit in your heart can lead you forward from any errors you have made.

    Be patient. With the Glorious Infinite Help, you have plenty of time to get it right.

    Take our assurances to heart, and remember all the times you have felt saved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are held in Divine Love.

    There is nowhere you can go, nothing you can do, that can take you outside of that. You are safe in the embrace of Love.

    “I am safe in the Embrace of Love”, said again and again in moments of panic and confusion, OR in moments of humorous confusion, will help you re-center, and ref-focus, and find the clear path to the next moment, and the next, and the next.

    All in Love, and always in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no shame in asking the Wondrous Universe for Help.

    Indeed, if there is any shame, it is a shame that you do not ask for Help. The Universe Loves you so very much and wants to Help you have a marvelous experience, attuned to your Oneness with It. But it also respects your time of meandering and dreaming, and your free will of when to ask for Help. So ask. Asking frees the Flow to come to your visions and your needs.

    Asking and Flowing and being grateful for the smooth Oneness of Being is the way.

    It is the Truth of what Life is meant to be,

    Ask, and listen and watch,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you know that the elements of earthly motivation that are not of the goodness of God are not a valid part of you, and can be discarded as falsity, so also know that there is never any invalidity in the impulse to heal.

    Let Compassion reign in you, for yourself and others. When the reflection of the Source first fell asleep and dreamed it was separate and alone, God’s instant answer was a compassionate healing of that error. Because that instant Compassion is of the Source, it is also a valid part of you.

    Reach out to heal others and you heal yourself. Reach out and re-bind yourself to the knowledge that you are all part of One, and you will be “Home” in an awakened awareness again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you ask God once a day, or a thousand times, or forget to ask at all, “How much do you Love me?”, the answer is always the same, “100%”.

    The Love does not stop if you forget to ask. There It is, around you and in you and waiting for you. It does not run out or run away if you ask over and over again. It is Complete and It is Unlimited.

    Ask for It all you want and need and It is there. 100%, always.

    As ever,