Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid. God’s Plan is already complete, and all His/Her Children are still safe and happy within the realm of Mind-God, where they have always really been.
Think on this when you wonder if you are making the right choices or commitments. All is already done. The Divine Spirit Voice within you already knows the Best Path you can and did take. Just ask It. And if you do not hear clearly, and take a detour, there is always another chance and another chance and another chance.
And in the end, you awaken, safe in the Father/Mother arms of Love. It is already done and accomplished and complete. You but walk the dream of time. Walk softly and lovingly and slowly, savoring, and serving, and being willing to be a vessel through which the Light of God Accomplished shines.
We thank you,
Ah, Beloved,
Understanding that God, and all His/Her Thoughts/Ideas that you might call angels or guides, or by some other name. are completely in Love with you, can carry you through many a challenge and help you rise to the fullness of your destiny. For when you know that someone or Something loves you without limit, then it is easier to go for the Best of yourself.
In Love with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be a new sense of release in you that realizes that it is in EVERY MOMENT that your trust in God occurs when you surrender to Grace.
If you carefully look at your thoughts, you will see that many of them are still the ones programmed into your mind from the worldly words and myths and common beliefs. Articles about what must be in the bank for retirement, or advice given by well-meaning friends about health planning, or side effects of weather, or what makes someone happy at a certain age or stage—all these and more work their way into your thoughts and help create or mis-create the reality that would truly give you joy and purpose and completeness.
Check in with the Divine inner Advisor about each decision and each thought, Beloved. What is true for many others need not be true for you. What many others choose to experience need not be what you experience. Check in with the God you trust. Trust that if you do need to do some “future” planning, you will be told, or feel the strong inner impulse.
Trust in God. Trust in God. Learn to trust in God by seeing and demonstrating for yourself how many times the answers and the calmness and the peace of mind come, as you turn inward to the Loving embrace, and the proof of Its all-encompassing Support.
Small and great, trust in God,
Loving you,ANGELS
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
The Joyous revelation of your own special inheritance is what you must wish for and believe in. You are a wonderful part of the Whole of Good. Yes, the reflection of that which you see in the mirror of earth often seems covered by mists of challenge or smudges of dirt, but you do have the ability, Spirit Given, to believe in the Goodness that just needs to be revealed.
And so, ask to be helped to See It. Ask for your Goodness, fully deserved and already assigned. Ask not with unbelief, as though Goodness were far away and you do not really think you could possibly see any. Ask with the full understanding and knowledge and belief that Goodness is the very matrix that holds you, and wants you to feel the Life-blood of Joy and Peace of Mind.
Ask for Goodness, Love. Ask for Goodness, and expect to See It and receive It.
And then give It, as well,
Ah, Beloved,
Learn to fall back into the supportive arms of the Infinite Source the moment you feel fatigue or irritation or pain or anger or wistful sorrow. If your arms feel tired while carrying the wood, or beating the eggs, stop that very instant and remember that there is infinite strength for you to draw upon, for it is the very substance of which you are made, and in which you live and move and have your true being.
Do not think to yourself, “I will pray about that later”, or “I will stop and gather strength after this load,” relax into God’s Strength right away. Relax the muscles and relax the mind and remember “God’s Mind creates and sustains and gives endlessly to all, and I welcome God’s strength right now, to finish whisking the batter, to complete the cord of wood, to return to a feeling of blessed day, blessed moment, blessed life lived in Joy.”
Always we will help if you ask,
Ah, Beloved,
When you are more grateful than words can express, for a gift of healing or salvation that occurs in your life, sing a song of Joy as offering to the Source.
Then, share your Joy with the world. Share it with the small world of your friends and neighbors whom you can encourage or help, but share it also in testimony to strangers who care to listen if they choose, that all may come to know, there is a solid Truth that one can cling to, in every time and place and circumstance.
Remember, and testify, that the Divine Whole occupies all of what seem to human measurements to be space and time, and It can be invited to appear, and does, when you need It, or when you are ready to accept It.
As ever, Dear One,
Ah, Beloved,
Never cast stones. In the playground of human sense and emotion, they will always bounce back at you. Elevate your thought to Thoughts of the Loving Source, and remember that each other individual you see is ALSO Child of the Divine, and therefore brother or sister to you, in Truth.
As ever, gently, tenderly, loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
When you need, give away to someone else. Can it be more simple than that?
We know it sounds backwards, but we assure you that the inverted reflection that you are of the projecting Source makes it True.
Give love to receive love, and all the other subcategories of Love (Good Energy), as well.
We give freely to you,
Ah, Beloved,
“Help me see and feel clearly, Dear, Dear God, my portion of your inexhaustible Good. And help me see It for everyone else, expressions True of Thee.”
Reaffirm this prayer, or a similar one, many times a day, that is acknowledgement of God’s Goodness Infinite, and God’s desire to help all hearts awaken to their natural Divine State.
Staying aware of your membership in Heaven is an invisible passport that gives you access to every Good road. Keep that passport current. Renew it as often as you need to, when the shallow lures of the earthly make you forget to be Glad of your Heavenly Home in Consciousness Supreme.
God will Help you use that passport for every journey of every day.
Ah, Beloved,
Ask Spirit to help you sort your thoughts and to clarify which ones are Good for today, or even for this hour and this minute. Even the most Holy of truths, floating in your mind, or purposely held on to as a sort of constant prayer, may not be the bit of Conscious Love that is most useful to you in the perceived play of the moment.
You may be diligently contemplating the power of forgiveness in a self-assigned spiritual focus for the week, inspired by events in your own life, or an item in the news. But if the circumstances of the morning are such that what you really need to remember, in your identity as dear child of God, is the very ready and constant Presence of the Omnipotent Divine, in order to call upon It for immediate assistance, then it is important to be flexible, and trusting, and constantly alert in your Spiritual Awareness.
Do not hesitate to ask of God Voice at any given moment, “Dear God, what do I need to know, right here and now, to best partake of Your Harmony?”
Be willing to change. Be willing to re-focus,
Ah, Beloved,
When unwanted thoughts start to circle in the mind, immediately give prayers for others, to cast yourself into the flow of God.
It can be as simple as “They are Love, They are Love.”
Pray for them. Pray for yourself, as well. “I am Love.”
Love breaks the cycle of error, and if everyone did this, the world would truly seem new in the twinkling of an eye.
We are Love,
Ah, Beloved,
When you are ready, realize this: You are one with us. We are one with God. You are one with God.
We understand that the small identity of self will try to have you find joy and solace and inspiration in the small pleasures of worldly life, but when these continually pass away or fail to satisfy, then turn around, and look again to the Truth: You are One with God.
Even now, if you speak that phrase in your mind and heart, again and again, you will feel the Peace of God coming over. Relax into It. Thank It and Praise It, and know It to be the Home you carry with you, always, for It is carrying you.
We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.
Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.
Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.
Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.
Ah, Beloved,
Each individualized Soul is privileged to have the direct inheritance of All That God Is to draw upon. The Wondrous Love and Joy, the Imagination, the Spirit and Life and Expansiveness, and more, are there to draw upon. It is a Beautiful privilege, a marvelous choice to have.
But, like a bank account that is full of funds, but rarely accessed and used, the Aspects of Glory that God has included in your Creation, banked in your name, do you no Good if you do not recognize that they are yours as a Child of God, and gratefully turn to them and make use of them.
Not enough Joy and energy today? Turn to the Divine Source, and rightfully claim your share, Beloved. Rightfully claim your share of that Infinite Identity and Truth.
Ah, Beloved,
We are with you when you sorrow, but cannot reach your thoughts to help you turn them, unless you first turn to us. To see something more clearly, do you not walk to the window where there is more light, so that you can see all the detail and truth?
Do so now, Beloved, and always. Turn to the Truth of the Light, and let It give you the true Thoughts to think, so that you will see the results that are Good.
As ever, and ever,
Ah, It Is all these things and more, and to be in complete Love with that State of Mind is to yearn and learn to abide within It. Abiding within It, to be in love with, and loved by, that Presence, is truly, as mystics have said throughout the ages, the worthwhile thing to yearn for, and do. All else comes from there.
Just a little testimony, for a change of pace,
Ah, Beloved,
Look over the many times that events have transpired that brought you from a place of dimness and confusion to a place of new ideas and light.
Use the gratitude you feel for how things worked out in those times, to be grateful, IN ADVANCE, now, for how ideas will come to you for any current concerns. As all these examples build up, and your trust in the Divine Omnipotence to help you navigate the earthly dream becomes complete, you will become a teacher indeed. For when you can personally testify to all that the One All has shown as Good for you, you will be able to teach with the Voice of true conviction.
And with the accompanying tone of Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to speak the words that the Divine Inner Voice leads you to speak. Even when they seem ridiculous, even when they seem improbable, speak them with Love, and trust, trust, trust that you have practiced enough that Holy Pause that leads you to consult the Inner Voice and then say or do what It says in every situation.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
When things seem to go awry and machines and keys are not functioning, be so glad you can slow down, slow down, and draw on the Infinite Well of patience that springs from God.
How long do you think Timeless God is waiting for humans to each tread their own little wheel of time and awaken to their Soul of Love? As long as it takes, dear one, as long as it takes. The calm patience is there.
So, if you have a day or a week when you need to pause and be deeply aware that smooth functioning is an Aspect of Divine Cause that you can claim as part of your right, do so. Be pleased to be a part of That Which Knows the end from the beginning and that All is Well, All is Well, All is Well, even if it is seeming to take too long.
See with Timeless eyes and breathe Life, for It Loves you,
Ah, Beloved,
We know that you already experience moments of timelessness, in waking dream or sleeping dream. Those moments give you a brief view of how God Sees.
Savor them, Beloved. Cultivate them. Whether it is a panorama of nature that gives you an epiphany, or whether it is the deep feeling of Love that you know when looking into a newborn’s eyes, seek to know timelessness. Call in your heart for the Companionship of the All in All, and you can drink of Its timelessness.
For by looking from above the web of time, even while you still feel enmeshed within it, you can learn to See as God Sees, to know, as God knows, that there is only Now, in the One Mind that Holds All.
O’ Beloved, feel free.
Ah, Beloved,
We embrace you. When the embraces of the world are not consistent or long enough, We embrace you. When earthly love fades or is fickle, We embrace you. When material form delights you, We embrace you. When you forget for a moment who and what you really are, We embrace you and remind you.
We could go on explaining that We are always near, but are not these few reasons enough to make sure you give Us daily permission to greet you and speak to you and guide you and guard you, and be ever-ready to embrace you with Omnipotent Love?
Allow, allow, allow your Self to feel Our Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Until you learn the sweet feeling of Peace and Love that IS the very Presence of the Divine in which you dwell, all of our words about turning to It will mean nothing. You must be able to recognize it.
Practice, practice, practice knowing the intimate feel of loving and being Loved by the very Source that holds you and sustains you, so that when human drama tries to derail you from that Peace, you can turn to It and find It, as unerringly as a blind cat finding its bowl of food by touch and scent.
The human senses will not help you know that Presence. But the Love of which your essence is made will recognize its own. Love will be drawn to Love, and Know It.
Reach out with Love, and find It, and practice knowing what that joining feels like.
You were never really “unjoined”. Just remember.
Ah, Beloved,
Either by personal experience, or by observing the lives of others, each human learns, again and again, that objects of the material experience wear out, break, get lost, wash away, or are taken in other ways. Sometimes it is a relief, and sometimes it feels like a hardship, but always it can highlight the Truth that only the Love of God is constant and unchanging.
Those that serve the material realm or that take their sorrow and joy from it will go up and down in their pleasure of life and their feeling of wellness. But if you have practiced and practiced, and integrated into your Consciousness, the original Guidance of “Thou shall have no other Gods before Me”, then steadiness of awareness and purpose and ability are your delightful lot.
Serve God first and always, Beloved, whether it is your calling and vocation, or whether it is simply the foundation upon which you operate from for your worldly career. Serve God first, center in Love each day and each hour, and the doubts and vagaries of materialism will have no sway over you. Isn”t it time to see this, know this, admit this?
The temptations of the earthly have no real power. God is All Power, God is All-in-All.
Ah, Beloved,
If someone’s behavior is annoying you, it is important to release yourself from the prison of annoyance. Annoyance not only robs you of hours of Joy, it also prevents you from clearly Seeing the Good in the other, and knowing the Good of yourself, and finding your ways to move forward.
So, all the day, say, “That person is also, in Soul, a Beloved Child of God.”
“We are both Beloved Children of God.”
You cannot browbeat that person into changing their behavior, but you can shift your view to God’s point of view and let God’s Love for you both do Its work in Its own time and way. Meanwhile, say, “That person is also a Beloved Child of God”, and you will find it easier and easier throughout the day.
We are with you, and Love you when you act annoying, too,
Ah, Beloved,
Today you will learn things about moving forward.
Every day you learn things about moving forward.
But, like a child learning the multiplication table, learning the things does no good if you do not use what you have learned. Today, USE all that your sweet heart has been learning to forgive someone, to forgive yourself, to start fresh in being a “new you”. Today, give testimony to ways Goodness has blessed you. Today, share what you have of Joy in words, or riches of time, or excess goods for living.
Today, toss out at least one old habit or behavior, and be the more enlightened you that you are beginning to realize IS the Real You after all.
We know you can do it. Every small way you begin is applauded and lauded and appreciated by All Who Tutor your awakening. Remember, We already See and Know AND LOVE the Real You, so we cannot help but have faith that you will See it also, even now, even today.
Ah, Beloved,
When you share your temporary human feelings with God, you will receive back understanding and compassion and guidance and suggestions for Good and for healing, or for improvement and encouragement. Share your woes or passing joys with God and you will not be answered with judgement and condemnation, but with Grace, and Love, and the open Arms of Truth that gently sets right.
Pass by the human ears that would only gossip or savor your tears, and turn directly to God, Who listens with Glory, and invites you to listen to Divine Soul and Wisdom in return.
Ah. Beloved,
You have recordings and letters and words and poems and moments of memory and places and people that you have marked “healing”, because at some time or other that place or series of words, or whatever, seems to have broken the spell of an illness or a bad mood or a run of mis-adventures. And it is good that you keep in your thought these healings. But we tell you again it is not the specific words or the specific places or people that heal you—it is the Presence of Divine Truth in your thoughts and heart, gently and lovingly correcting any thoughts you have that you are vulnerable or undeserving or too old or too unaware or too poor, etc, etc. The Infinite Spirit reminds you “You are but an image of Me, innocently glad and good and forever completely reflecting the part of Me that I chose you to express.”
The Loving, Living Presence of Truth Heals all, when called upon. Yes, an object or a word may help you to remember to call out to the All in all. Yes, another person may join you in the calling, and remind you to trust. But it is the Truth that does the work, and that makes all work.
That Truth erases the mistaken thoughts, like a mathematical correction fixing a formula, and you can move on with the Good Formula of your life. You ARE a living formula of Good Ability and Result—just let it unfold, Beloved.
Let it unfold with appreciation and praise and gratitude.
Ah, Beloved,
I am the very Code of you. I am the very Essence, Principle, and Life of you.
By limiting your definition of yourself to a body, with all its accompanying timelines and errors, you are missing the Truth that you are Spirit emanating from Spirit, and that has no end. Ah, Child, dear, dear reflection of the Original, awaken and remember, We are One. We watch ourselves, as bits of Light, dancing on the screen of earth stage, but We are One and Infinite and always made of the Love that wanted to observe Itself with delight.
Read these words and feel them. Do not analyze and dissect them. Just feel the Truth of Love, and of being a part of the marvelous Oneness of Being.
So tenderly do I tell you this.
Today, again, Beloved, let silence reign.
Unless you hear true Divine Impulsion within to speak to someone, let silence be your celebration of joy, and/or your answer to any doubts. The small-minded merely human self will wish to talk and jabber often, but hold it in check, or let it scribble down some words, but let the world see you as held in the sweet cocoon of the Silence of the Lord.
Ah, Playful One,
As you play with letting your heart Voice speak, it is like the best conversation with a friend that you ever had. Ideas flow, possibilities seem endless, all obstacles seem like small things to overcome.
Let this become your days. Let that play time with your Heart be always, so that each day is full and plenty, even as you enact what you have heard. Let this be the life that you long for, uplifted by thought, and tied to no object, only carried by the Harmony and Vital Joy.
We will always remind you of what you truly need to remember,
Ah, Beloved,
Be gentle. Be O’ so gentle, with yourself and others.
You can be brave and gentle. You can achieve greatly and be gentle. You can be strong and gentle. You can be confident and assertive, but gentle.
Remember your own human story, gently acknowledging your errors and how gently I have instructed and corrected you, and led you to a Higher Way. Be gentle and forgiving as I continue to do so with you, and as you see those around you at the various stages of their unveiling as perfect images of the Divine Spirit.
Be gentle, today, Beloved. Be gentle today and all days, as I am determinedly gentle with you. “I am surrounded by gentle and Loving Spirit. We are all Spirit, being revealed.”
Loving you so,
Ah, Beloved,
Generosity of Spirit is fuel for you.
When you realize that the flow of Spirit to you, which is your Life and which sustains and maintains your life, can be given to others by your sincere desires for their glad thriving, and by your prayers for their full well-being, then you, in turn, receive more Life-energy as well. Let the flow of Spirit be constant, for as you give, give, give it, you receive, receive, receive it. Be generous of Spirit.
ESPECIALLY, when you are wishing for more fuel for enactment for your life, or for ideas about a situation or project, pray for others. That sending forth of desire for another’s best destiny will wash away the fog hiding your own best destiny from you. Indeed, it is the only thing that will—for the desires (de-sire = of the Source) comes from beyond the illusion of the world, and shows you the Truth of all of your Lives as they really are within the Source.
Endlessly desiring Best Love for you,
Ah, Beloved,
It is not that the Divine Principles that are in operation, and available to you always, are in opposition to your earthly laws of physics—it is just that your current understanding of the laws of the Universe is still very limited. Those who study the Universe from the point of view of science and meticulous study, fact by fact, will eventually come to the same Truths that many, many, many, many sages and mystics have seen, that All is One.
You do not need to know, on an intellectual level, every fact about the Principles of Divine Truth in order to use them. You just need to know that They operate constantly, and that the Divine wants you, as part of Itself, to have the use and benefit of Them.
“I am within the Divine, constantly absorbing and reflecting Its Harmony and Its Peace. I am within the Divine, constantly bathed in Its Provision and Possibility, and I open myself to Its Strength and Its Love and Its Wisdom, which Flow into me and fill me, that I may fulfill my part of that which Is Divine.”
Shine, on, shine on, Harvest Moon,
Ah, Beloved,
RELAX into the wonder and joy of beholding how the Universe works, when you have agreed with It that, so long as you are still here in the earth-dream, to live and complete your part of the play, that you do need to have the health and wealth, companionship and supply, and a way to express the aspects of the Divine that you are.
Like a good actor who trusts the writer and the director, relax, relax, relax, Love, into enjoying the parts of the Play that you are given.
Ever and always,
Ah, Beloved,
We are certain you know that the Beauty, Order, and Grace that are the Oneness of Being are also You.
Keep that simple Thought today. Let go of multi-tasking, multi-thinking, today, and simply BE the Truth of Beauty and Order and let yourself feel the Harmony of that.
You deserve this gift to yourself. Take it.
Ah, Beloved,
God did not create the world your five senses see. God created Good. Welcome New Sight, welcome New Life, as you look gratefully on, and through, new levels of perception.
What is it you see, then? Illusions and shared illusions, just as when a crowd mistakes the gleam of sunlight on cloud for a hovering craft coming towards them. We know how disconcerting it may feel to ponder this, but think also how FREEING, to realize that your eyes have not lied to you in only simple things, but in greater things. Is not a new dream or end of a dreadful dream, a good thing to cherish?
If what we say seems too shocking still, at least ponder the times your body’s eyes have misled you into thinking something was moving when it wasn”t, or was a different color once the sun came up, or a friend remembered an incident in a completely different way than you. Be willing to see differently, and, with Divine Help, you will, for the Divine knows what It created, and that is the Truth.
Listen, and learn to obey, like getting used to a new set of spectacles,
Ah, Beloved,
It is not to say to God, “Do this exact thing,” it is to say to God, “Let me See what I, and this circumstance, are in Thee, right now.”
Linear time does not exist in God, in the Source, but all the moments of Creation do. The child and the adult, and all the moments between, are there, in their perfection and harmony. Everything that is actually made of the Source is perfection, goodness, and harmony. Look for those, expect those. Welcome those.
“What am I, in Your Perfect Play, right now?” That becomes your daily and hourly question to the Divine Director, rather than letting your human thoughts keep you clinging to yesterday’s perfection, or to tomorrow’s imagined glory. Ask to see THIS moment’s perfection, and relax into the Glad Source, like a dry sponge relaxing into a pool of wonderful warm water.
God knows all your moments of intended Harmony,
Ah, Dear One,
As ever, find it in your heart to share your testimonies with others. Each story of faith felt, used, and answered will inspire others to believe that they, too, can call upon, and use, and be guided and comforted by, the Presence and Voice of the Source in their daily lives.
Just as you felt overwhelmed by worry and anger in that moment at the market, and asked for the Divine Consciousness for Help, and suddenly felt everything slow down, so that you were able to see the incredible beauty of each snowflake landing on your glove, and to feel the ineffable Peace of your Spiritual Existence, and to KNOW that nothing of this earth was more than a passing of the briefest of moments, and not worth feeling pain about, so do others at times need to remember that they may be comforted.
The Divine Essence that holds all ideas, all Beings in Its Heart/Mind never runs out of comfort and Love, any more than a mathematician runs out of the numbers he needs to work his craft. Turn to that Divine Essence of Peace always and first and foremost, and encourage, by your testimonies, others to turn to It also, knowing it is truly and Endless Well of Well-Being.
Let It reign,
Ah, Beloved,
Understanding God’s Will for you is not hard if you spend enough time listening to the soft Inner Voice.
You can do this even while tending to your long list of tasks, Child. You know you can. Listen, hear your individual mandate, and do it.
We Help,
Ah, Beloved,
As we have spoken of many times, being in love on earth gives you a small glimpse of the choice that is before you always. Whether you are in love with another person, or a pet, or a vocation, or a place, when you are first overwhelmed with that feeling of love, you would do anything for the Beloved. You would give up all for that lover or that child. You would defend that darling home town. You would make sacrifices to spend time on that vocation.
All of these are but shadows of what you would feel if you just let yourself be in love with God/Goddess/All That Is. When you begin to experience that, then all that matters to you is doing whatever would make the Divine happy, for making the Divine happy makes you happy, because you are part of the Divine. And, you begin to see the Divine in everything, and so yearn to make the Divine happy wherever you see it—which Is everywhere.
O’ Beloveds, just be in love with the Divine, as the Divine is in love with you. Find yourself wanting to make the Divine happy above all else, and let that be your life. Let yourself spread Its Joy. Let the Divine Love you let pour from you counteract the human fears that run so rampart. Like smoke before a mirror, those fears cover the true and glorious reflection of Divine Love. It really is as simple as that.
Life or death? Love or fear? Joy or sorrow?
The same choices, in many forms, again and again,
Ah, Beloved,
There are countless images of realignment with Harmony available to you. Whether it is an image of a canoe staying in the smooth flow of the river, or of a key slipping smoothly into the right lock, or the puzzle piece into the picture, or the thread into the weave, or the sheep into the flock, etc., the important thing is to USE the image.
Use it until you have recaptured the peace and purpose of the Divine Flow, and know that you are an important and beloved part of it. Waiting for that feeling of realignment to come is the most important part of prayer. That waiting, that “listening”, for the Presence of healing Love to be with you is the time during which the thoughts of daily tasks and irritations will try to draw you back into unalignment, but if you gently set those thoughts aside, and use and reuse your image of re-centering into the Glad Flow of the Source, you will be able to draw on Its strength to maintain your True Place.
Realign often during the day, calling on your image, or your Personage of saving grace, and find the delight of surrendering to the Infinite River of Perfection.
Rather than becoming lost in the metaphors, find YOURS and USE it.
Endlessly Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
In many times, and in different places, you have been many things, in error and in triumph. Remember those times with forgiveness for yourself and with gratitude for good, and let those memories nurture your grace and your compassion. For as your empathy and your compassion grow, you will find it easier and easier to forgive others their human misperceptions, and to be glad for their accomplishments and expressions of Good.
Oh, we know you hear this advice often and everywhere. Practice it, rather than letting it become an everyday truism that just washes past you. If you but knew the incredible Joy that flares in the realm of Divine Thought each time you Love instead of judge, you would wish to partake of more of that Joy yourself by giving, giving, giving, and forgiving, forgiving, forgiving, and thereby releasing the mists of illusion, and feeling the Deep Peace of God.
Always with you, and cheering you on,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no jumbled situation that your Inner Eye of God-Viewpoint does not see more ways through, and out of, than your human imagination or mind can possibly conceive of.
Always, therefore, even when you think you have thought of all options before a choice, take time to be still, and look with that Inner Eye and be still and listen to that Inner Voice, and see if there are not even more elegant or mysterious ways forward, aided by the Calm Joy of the Source.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no newness in the various falsehoods that human thought tells itself. God has seen them all. God has forgiven them all, and knows the sweet truth of you, perfect and wonderful and loved in the Heart of God-Mind.
Take heart from that today. Stop thinking of yourself as a body with a human name and birthdate today, and just think of your Self as “I am a perfect Child of God.”
The simplicity of this prayer can take you through confusion, and through any doubt or pain, and have you feeling Whole again.
Ah, Beloved,
Today, resolve differences and Be Kind.
Go through the day slowly and mindfully, being so very Kind to yourself and others.
Hurry is an addictive habit you do not need to give in to. Being unkind only slings mud on the window that allows you to See Good.
Today, let it be as simple as that, for so It Is,
Ah, Beloved,
God’s deep desire is that you reach forth your mind from any muddy thoughts it may be mired in, and allow Clear Love to wash you clean, so that your shining Good essence glows bright.
The All Harmonious will sort out the false from the true for you, in those thoughts, and that sorting will fill your heart with Peace beyond imagining. Just allow that sorting to happen. Give over to God Control set times each day, and take any additional time when you feel confused or sorrowful or limited by perceived lack. Gladly give up your pains. Truth can wash them away.
There is no pressure from God or in God, no condemnation of the Essence of you, just the soft Love wanting to help you know your true status as Beloved of Love. That Beloved status of heir of Good is clear to that which is the Soul Source of you.
Clear and sparkling,
Ah, Beloved,
If praying for an issue that affects much of the world, keep the prayer simple.
Ah, Beloved,
“I am as the Delightful Source is.”
That Source is not a dying body. That Source is Love and Life and an amazing infinite Harmonious Intelligence. It lacks for nothing and can always conceive new ideas. Reflect those things. Express those things.
But be willing for those Graces to be available for all to reflect. Just as the operations of gravity are something that every person can count on in their everyday earthly ways, so that they know their feet will stay on the ground while walking, and their cups of water will stay on the table, you must allow in your mind and heart that the operations of Grace are available to everyone. Judge no one as outside of the availability of Grace.
Trust Grace to operate for you. But be willing to be Glad that It operates for all, as a lovely projector of the aspects of the Source that are becoming nearer and dearer to you.
And so be it,
Ah, Beloved,
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, let me see the Divine Truth, of myself, and of all.”
Call to the Divine Spirit Sight, within yourself, to open your eyes and let you see the best in those around you, and to help exhibit the best in your own assumptions and words and actions.
Realize that the Divine Spirit of those closest to you can act as your mirror for you. Like a monkey at the zoo, they can reflect back to you your own bad habits of oblivious unkindness, or hurrying, or selfishness, or scowling, or negative thinking, or they can reflect back to you your patience, your humor, your thoughtfulness and generosity.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, let me show you, today, what I want to see reflected back at me.
We wash the mirror between each use,
Ah, Beloved,
Before anything else, you were what God/Mind imagined you to be. You are a marvelous idea, held dearly and lovingly in God’s Consciousness, and that is what and where you remain. Just now you may imagine that you somehow got out of that Mind’s awareness and are living your own little life far away from God in a spaceship called a body, but we assure you it is impossible to exit God’s Mind. It thought of you, and still thinks of you, and the wholeness of you remains right here in that Omniscient Soul.
True, you are having that little dream of “awayness”, but you can choose to awaken from any sorrowful dream, and remember you are being what you are in Soul. You can also partake of the Power of Soul that you are made of, and create a happier dream while yet you imagine a game of physical bodies and physical laws.
O, do let God help you, Beloved. Do let us help you. Ask us to join in all decisions and learn how light-hearted can be the ones made jointly with the Divine, held in the Hands of Spirit.
You do not need to intellectually understand these words to just say “YES” to Spirit,
Ah, Beloved,
Look back over your earth journey, and notice all the times that solutions have come, healings and reconciliations have happened, joys have arisen where none seemed possible—
These are times when Loving Spirit has obviously been with you, Guiding and Helping. But even when you had no conscious notice of expression of Divine Omniscience, It was there. It IS there.
Acknowledge It. Revere It as your True Source of All Good, and welcome, welcome, welcome Divine Spirit as the One Life that is Love for you.
These words may make no sense to you. But feel the Presence. It is One with you.
Ah, Beloved,
Dear, do not eat when you are not really hungry. Enjoy the feeling of emptiness and let Me fill it with Love. I will be your food.
Do not speak when you do not really have anything to say. I will give you the words that need to be said to join yourself, and others, to Truth.
Do not drink when there really is no need. I will satisfy the thirst, and give you the Knowledge that sustains.
Let these Goods be your supply today. Upon Me you can rely.
Ah, Beloved,
The world knows only good and bad in terms of human definition. Once you realize that your human sight, and interpretation, has been too small and too narrow, you will open yourself to the Greater Sight, and Greater Knowledge, and Greater Hearing and Power. From there, you will move to realizing that there is only One Power, One Creative Force, and that you are a wonderful emanation of It.
But the steps must be gentle and pure. The great leap down into surrender, or up into full awareness of the Source, would leave you too bruised and disillusioned for willing God’s version of Joy with all your heart. So, that transition of heart to Heart must be steady and slow, for most, accumulated in tiny portions and bits of forgiveness and gratitude, until the fullness of Divine Reality is known. Therefore, be glad of every moment of forgiveness. Be glad of every occasion for gratitude. Recognize each one of them as another step closer to alignment with your True Self, and you will be able to celebrate coming closer to full Freedom of Spirit.
Be not proud. Be glad of how far you have come,
Ah, Beloved,
Remember that you need those full days of full re-alignment, full healing, for the worldly will try to pick away at your balance and peace.
All day : “I am as Thou art, naturally Whole, Harmonious and Happy. I am expressing all the glad Goodness that You are, O’ God.”
Claim it, Love. Receive It. Be It, and be grateful It is so, and It is you.
Ah, Beloved,
The intricacies of others” lives may be interestingly and inspiring and curious, but never compare their purposes and earthly missions with your own, unless it is to appreciate how they shine with the Love that is All. For the purpose of ALL individuals IS to shine with Love and Life and Goodness. The details of the earthly enactment will vary, vary, vary.
What never varies is Good, God. Within each day and at the end of each day, the only real question you must answer from God/Inner Heart, is “How much did I Love? How well did I Love?”
If you ask and listen, God will tell you. And God will gently guide you and unfold to you ways to reveal the True You, the Loving you, the perceptive you that is truly the Child of the Loving Mind, in Harmony with all. This is God’s Law of adjustment, always in action.
However long it takes you to learn this Law, and choose to live by it, and learn to live by it and love it, it is the Truth. Learn gently and sweetly, and be free to Love, Love, Love, dear one.
God knows you to be perfectly you, and happy. God wants you to be perfectly happy being the sweet authentic reflection of Itself that IS you.
So tenderly,
Ah, Beloved,
What is your faith? If you think of your faith as the utter belief that all Good already has been created, and that the substance of It is being revealed bit by bit, in moments and in swathes of time, then you will better understand how each little Loving choice you make changes the world you think you see.
We tell you, each heart you awaken, including your own on the days it drifts into doubt or routine, makes an incredible difference. And as humanity’s understanding of time as a simple dimension expands, all will be able to grasp just how easily and quickly leaps to Good can occur.
See your own heart with God’s eyes again today, and in that purity of Sight, see all possibilities, including the ones that you shall put your hand to, tenderly.
We are holding out Grace and Strength and Courage to you for adding to Peace,
Ah, Beloved,
When you turn to Divine Love, and ask if It Loves you, you will feel a flood of forgiveness for your human errors, and the embrace of Unconditionally Loving Soul, and a new way of thinking that enables you to have the Good Thoughts that expect, and create, Good, Good, Good, in your life filled with Life of God. Move forward to this.
God, Good, is your Life if you let It be,
Ah, Beloved,
Remember, again, that in Truth you are the wonderfully Loved, and fully provided for and guided, Child of the Divine Mind.
Now, the costume you wear in this earth play, and the role you take on here and now, are meant to be happy and good. Ask for the stage whispers each day, to help you know, and be given, that which is yours to wear (as idea of flesh and clothing), and to say and to do, and to ENJOY, as your part of the Divine’s Plan to lead all of Its parts to Joy, and then to full awakening.
Ask and it is given, Beloved. But ask in Joy and in Trust,
Ah, ah, Beloved,
Take a deep earthly breath, but then also take a moment to take a Breath of God.
Renew your faith in the working of the Good, for those that love Good, by looking back over the events of your bodily life, and marking, and being grateful for, all the ways that everything has worked out well. Realize, even as you do this, that some of the things you do not currently label as “working out well” cannot be seen in true perspective until more events have transpired. We are not saying to label the truly wicked as good or sent in any way by God into your experience, but we are saying that you do not always immediately realize when an inconvenience, a re-sorting, a misappropriation, a re-adjustment, will later be seen to be a great Blessing.
Think on this, and trust that praising blessings that can be seen helps you to see more blessings still.
With you in the Breath that is all Real Life,
Ah, Beloved,
The Womb of God’s Mind is the Womb you are in forever, ever-growing in Love.
Be not afraid that your fetal dream of a contentious world leaves you alone and unsupported. Your umbilical corn to God Soul is intact. You are floating in the Spirit of Life.
Close your eyes and feel it. Close your eyes and continue to Be Safely Held.
Ah, Beloved,
When Spirit gives you the free ability to look into another’s human thoughts, it is only so that you will be able to help heal that one, through forgiveness, and by seeing that the human weaknesses revealed are not the divinely made reality of that human Soul reflection.
Therefore, set aside all judgment, and give mercy, mercy, mercy, and love, love, love, when the errors and weaknesses you see revealed would try to turn you away from your sacred duty of seeing the holy Spirit in all. It is the Holy Spirit in yourself, and all around you, that will help you do this. Lean into It, and Its Strength, and not into your own understanding, or frailty.
Amen, so be it, for so it Is,
Ah, Beloved,
Right within your own Consciousness IS the Consciousness of God. It is the Life and Soul that IS expressing your individuality. Under the wispy clouds of your ephemeral human concerns, and material cravings, and fears or annoyances, IS the steady Light of Divine Calm, and Love, and Knowledge and Harmonious Purpose.
It is an immense gift to yourself to practice taking active refuge in that Consciousness, and to claim all of Its Assets as your own to use. It does not mean you are hiding from the shared challenges of the world, or the needs of your family and yourself. It means you are establishing a Spiritual foundation which is built on the Infinite resources that can support your creative efforts and solutions, and supply your generous giving and receiving in the establishment of earthly Harmony.
Take frequent shelter in the Divine Consciousness that is the basis of you, Dear One. Stand firm on that strong rock of Truth, and you will be a wonderful part of the Greater Good.
Holding our sheltering wings of Thought over you,
Ah, Beloved,
The Power of your Loving Thoughts sent silently, via the energy of Soul, to everyone you know, and do not know, is much greater than you can imagine. Today, take time to send at least brief blessings to those whose names you know, and blanket blessings to the billions with you in the Play.
That Love will come back around to you. We guarantee that.
It is not hard. You are dispensing It from an Infinite Source that has offered Itself to you freely. Just reach into It, and ship It out into your own thoughts, and share.
You can feel It coming back around to you, multiplied, right away.
Entering the Zone of Love with you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no dust or disorder in the Joyous communion that every heart can have, and does have, even if unconsciously, with the Whole of Love.
Therefore, let not the chores and tidying of the days distract you from that direct listening with, and receiving of, the Divine. Rather, let that clean Wash of Love fill you, and then carry you through the day and all its duties. Get that Truth, that priority, clear in your heart and focus.
It will change your days, and your outlook, for the Good.
Ah, Beloved,
Where there is the Divine Will at work, and invoked, the illusion of non-Good drops away. Please remember, dear Love, the rule of plural—ask for blessings for All-for you are part of All, and what blesses one blesses all.
This is important, and helps you realize why you must forgive those that hurt your feelings, whether long ago or now. If there are unforgiven ones in your heart, you cannot sincerely pray for the blessing for all, and therefore for yourself.
All are worth loving, Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Effective prayer for better understanding Perfect God-Source begins with turning to God, pondering God. When the physical symptoms you are facing in your body or the circumstance of home or work are very riveting, it can be difficult to focus on the Pure Spirit of God, of All-spirit.
That is one of the times it is good to turn to others that comprehend the Power of God-centered prayer. For they can focus on healing Love, and noy be preoccupied by your earthly costume and stage.
So, ask. Ask fellow children of God to help you pray. There is no shame in it. Ask.
Ah, Beloved,
Even to those sleeping in the dream, the Principle of God is ever present and ever available—exuding provision and sustenance and care everlasting.
We saw you, of course, as you drove in your cold vehicle down the cold road, wishing you had a hot cup of tea to revive you and warm you, but your human self could see that there was no worldly source of that readily available. And We whispered in your mind that God’s provision is always available, and that just as you reach for the Presence of Spirit when you feel pain instead of reaching for an aspirin, so could you reach to that Source for the energy and the strength and warmth you needed. And so you did, and were flooded with a sweet sense of vigor and comfortableness.
This is as true today as it was yesterday, Beloved, and it will always be true. And it will be true for everything. For each and every human need that you feel and see, turn to God. God’s Principle of providing for the needs of the sleeping Children does not change. Just turn to that Principle and ask and ask and ask and say thank you thank you thank you, for each demonstration of Care. It has already been done, it is already promised.
Just trust It, and relax into knowing you are in Good Care accomplished.
Ah, Beloved,
There is plenty of Spirit and Love for all.
Short, small, big, tall, there is plenty of Love for all.
When you feel your little child-self wondering what the world is coming to, or what your purpose or mission is, or whether you will have days wherein you feel complete and content, then let your Full Self speak to the tiny scared or confused self as you would speak to a child. Make up rhymes such as the one above, and remind your mind of the Mind that watches over, and cares for, all. Whether each individualized reflection of Soul is wearing a visible form, or no, that Mind Knows you, and Loves you, and Watches you, and Appreciates you, wherever and whenever you go.
There is plenty of Love for all, and it can and will fuel your good dreams if you ask.
Ah, Beloved,
The more time you spend looking at all, earthly and Heavenly, from the Grand View of Love, the more you will understand how you simply cannot intellectually see all reason and purpose and sublimity within each moment. That is why you must choose actions and words in each moment guided only by Love.
As you begin to see glimmers of how the pathways of your mortal life have brought you to choices of learning and love, as you see, even as you make a choice, that choosing forgiveness is always Good, then your trust in being guided by Love will grow and grow. Trust Love, trust Goodness, and let your logical analysis of events come second to that. Look with the eye of the Divine eagle, holding steadfast above it all. Join your sight to Spiritual Sight of your Heart, and know that is your true Sight as well.
Ah, Beloved,
Think about the pure Goodness of the Source/God/Origin of All things.
Ponder that Goodness often enough that you begin to feel it as a Warmth in your heart understanding.
Then, when faced with a friend who is seeming less than kind, or a relative who is behaving badly, or a nauseous tremor in your own belly-self, say:
Here I am, and here is “——-”, and we are both but good reflections of the Utter Goodness of the First Thing that ever came to Be.
And let yourself sink into the soft warmth of the feeling of Goodness, and let yourself wait for, and see, that Goodness turn into something you can see.
Many times, as simple an approach as this, to resolution of an annoying habit or itchy body, will demonstrate amazing results right away. Practice going into the realm of Good-Feeling, God-Presence, for such is where all good dreams form.
As ever, wanting your best dreams for you,
Ah, Beloved,
The simplest Truth, that giving is receiving, is the one of the first, and the hardest, for the human mind to understand. So much of what the culture mis-teaches, about competing for survival, and about always putting the self first for happiness, has given so many the wrong axiom by which to live.
Be gentle with yourself as you re-learn this, and be gentle with those around you. Be gentle, and as you learn, from each situation, that the more you give of kindness and forgiveness, the happier you feel, you will truly realize that how you act towards, and are generous to, the “mirror” before you that seems to be another person, really does bounce back to you.
You are light about to realize you are Light,
Ah, Beloved,
Remember today, as we wish you would every day, to renew yourself.
Let go of any judgments and old images of yourself, and ask again, for today,
“Open the eyes of my Heart, and let me see myself as Heart-Spirit sees me, capable, strong, whole and kind. Let those thoughts of me be my model, and fill my mind.”
We say, as always, we know these things to be the truth of you,
Ah, Beloved,
You seek, and then you serve, and then you realize “I Am Thou.”
But, before that, Beloved? You were sleeping. Many, many sleep. Except by example and kindness and calm joy, do not try to awaken them before they are ready. Wait to be asked, unless you are impelled, by the Rising of Compassion within, to make a gesture or an offer or a word.
Some players awaken just exactly when they are needed in the Great Plan. Be at peace with that, and tend to your own continued alignment.
We love being aligned with you,
Ah, Beloved,
God knows you have never been ejected from Its Thoughts. Its Loving Thoughts, Beloved.
Do not imagine yourself alone and exiled, for you are not. You are a part of Its Wholeness, now and always, with all the rights and inheritance that implies, in innocence.
Ah, Beloved,
There is but one certainty. You cannot be separated from the Love of God.
God Loves you no matter what you are imagining you are doing, or have done. God Loves you even though you do not believe your true existence is entirely within It. God Loves you even when you misunderstand what God Is, or are angry or hateful towards God.
God Loves you, and that will not change. Ponder that, Beloved.
Ah, Beloved,
Even if it seems like an insincere prayer, ask for a Blessing from God for those whom you feel anger or annoyance with, before you listen for God’s instructions for yourself. Ask for others to be Blessed before you bring forth your own desires, knowing that God reads your heart.
Beloved, the Oneness of all means that the full reflection and completeness of God is ONE. Even those whose earthly appearance and behavior perplex you are part of the perfect image of the Divine Spirit, when all the dust has been blown away.
Allow that God can Bless and awaken them, and work on your own purity and salvation.
Blessing others Blesses you, believe Us,
Ah, Beloved,
Melding together some of the beliefs that are strong in you can help you grow to the next level of Consciousness.
For instance, your Heart/mind can powerfully feel the Truth that God governs God.
AND, your Heart/mind fully accepts that you, as a consciousness, dwell within the Divine Mind Awareness.
Now, then, let today be a day where you ponder the complete merging of those two beliefs. Let today be the day when you let yourself become aware that if God governs God, and you are a sub-awareness within that Awareness, then God governs you.
God governs you. Ponder that. Let it grow from a thought to a full awareness within you. Feel the freedom that comes of knowing and accepting that you have a Good and Gracious Governor, surrounding you and upholding you, and just waiting to be turned to, at all times and in all places.
God governs God. Perhaps you can allow, and trust, God to also govern you.
We do, and it allows our constant Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
God thinks no punishing Thoughts. God’s Thoughts of you are all of your Innocence and Goodness and Love.
It is your own mortal-body-personality thoughts that create any reality that you feel guilty about, and so it is your own thoughts that punish you. Stop any thoughts that you feel guilty about thinking, including all attacks thoughts on the self or others, and let God’s sweet assessment of you and others as “Good” be what reigns in your mind. Thus do your attain reigning in your own Heaven.
Return to your own “kingdom”, your own “home in Heaven” by attaining the Peace of God in your thoughts, and letting all the right details fall into place. There is no will but Divine Will that creates a Heavenly Reality, Love. Yours is waiting for you, here and now.
To assume that you can hide your own self-condemnation from yourself is to lie to yourself, is it not? Do you want to lie to yourself? Or do you want to tell yourself the truth, and then let God’s Truth shine gently in?
Always, always loving you, and holding you up when you would fall, if you let us,
Ah, Beloved,
Perhaps you are one who does not understand exactly how the patterns of form and nature and chemistry work so that water comes to your lakes and rivers and wells, and hence to your table and your hands, but you can be very glad of it. Perhaps you are one who does not understand the steps by which a seed is formed, or how the seed becomes the plant and then the fruit which you eat, but you are very grateful for it. Perhaps you are one who marvels that love can grow between friends, or that a parent so fiercely adores a child, but you can see how those feelings create goodness and sharing.
We know that you do not fully understand the Omnipotence and Omnipresence of the Loving Mind that holds all, but we know that you can be fully grateful for It.
It is an attitude to choose, to uplift you and enliven you, so that you may discern more of the right turnings to take in every day that you walk the earth. When you think of the phrase, “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice in it and be glad”, do not think of it as a thing you are forcing yourself to do with human will. Rather, re-phrase it, perhaps, to “This is the day the Lord has made, I CAN rejoice in it and be glad.” Choose to rejoice. Choose to be glad.
Without fully understanding how creating happens, and without fully understanding even how choosing happens, you can take on the feeling of Gladness. You CAN rejoice in the All in ALL, and be Glad. This is the day the Lord has made, choose to rejoice in it, and be Glad.
As We rejoice in you,
Ah, Child,
Why do people write and write and write,
and speak and speak and speak?
It is to confess, and be forgiven,
It is to blame, and to forgive.
It is to finally seek and learn God,
And to Know, and let go, and be One.
Then, O’ then, Beloved,
It is to share, and be shared, in Joy.
Go above the mortal realm in your mind,
And relax your heart in the Divine,ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
Express Love, always. Express Love, and the body, its temporary vehicle, falls into place.
God Loves you as Love, and to Love. Be that Love and take your mind off the body.
Be that Love, and that is truly to be one with God, and in the Oneness of being, your complete understanding begins. The Body of Light includes all, and exists and functions with perfect Harmony always. God causes Harmony and God is the only Cause there is. Be the Cause of Love.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
Remember, even as the able-bodied help the unable-bodied, that all are projections of Light from the One Source.
Turn your awareness to that Source, even while your hands and minds are busy with tasks. Turn your trust to that Source, even while your hearts and homes open to others. Let help be extended, person to person, but let your faith be focused on the Great Arrangement, even while you play your part in enacting It.
Ah, Beloved,
Today, simply ask Spirit Innocent to show you as much of God’s Vison of Life as you are ready to See.
God knows the Truth. God is the Truth. And Spirit knows what you are ready to understand. Ask to be given It. Ask to be shown. Be willing, and be receptive, and be Glad.
Ah, Beloved,
No Joy is complete unless it is shared with God, and gratitude for it is given to God.
You know well that most in the human condition are glad when they can share with another human the beauty of a sunset, or the story of a solution, or an accomplishment, or an inspiration or new love of any sort. For most, Joy seems best when it is shared.
Keep well in mind from Whence all Good comes, and invite the Consciousness of God to be fully with you in any celebration.
God IS already always with you, but rather than keeping that awareness tucked away deep in your heart, or in only that certain time of day or week when you overtly pray, invite God front and center in everything. It can be silent, or it can be obvious, but be as with God as God is always with you.
Ah, Beloved,
A skillful parent will use the child’s ideas and fantasies to help train and speak to and raise the child. Just so, the Heavenly Father/Mother/Source will use the aspects of the mortal thought creation that best help gently awaken the Children of Its Mind.
Time is one of these. All is the endless Now within the One Divine Source. But it will use the seeming passage of time like an artist or a potter would, to help change and mold and color the individuals that yearn to understand themselves and to experience the joy that they sense is their birthright. Think about time, even as you ponder the delightful timelessness of the Creative Source, and try to see how the Divine Parent has been using time to help grow and shape and help you.
All things align in timelessness again,
Ah, Beloved,
You are a part of something so very Grand that it cannot be seen from human perspective. Therefore give yourself the gift of closing your human eyes several times a day, and letting your Inner Sight lift high, high, high, so that you can enter the Awareness of all-encompassing Love, and see the ineffable Grandness and Beauty of the Great Design.
And feel Loved, and Loving. And Love It.
Ah, Beloved,
Again We say to you to realize the extent of what it means that God desires your sublime and Divine happiness.
When you affirm to yourself “God’s Will for me is happiness”, but what you are picturing is the common ingredients of human satisfaction, then you are only claiming a limited part of what you really are as an image of God. Claim the fullness, Beloved. Claim what your human self cannot even imagine, or that your limited experience has not given you yet to understand.
You could say that We are urging you to understand the complete Divine Reality of your true identity as a Child and a Beloved of God. We are delighted when you realize even glimpses of the unworldly Peace and Power that are yours as an integral part of Love Itself.
Be willing to be delighted by the Unlimited Will of God, Who truly does want that delight and gladness to be unveiled and realized in you and to you.
It is as close as your own breath. Take it in.
Ah, Beloved,
The more scenes you see of earthly existence, in your own life and the lives of others, and in your alternate earth dreams of night, the more honestly you can desire, and live for, the pure, sweet truth of Heaven, of God. The unchanging Love of God is the prize and the example to keep always in your mind. Let your mind become His/Her Mind, as you completely realize, that even within the dream, you are bidden to be a good example, a simple shining, of the Love of God.
Old mistakes and current ones ARE forgiven, if you can forgive them in yourself by forgiving others. Cease to judge, and be free. Cease to judge, and learn to Love. Love always.
Ah, Beloved,
Do you think we do not know that you need proof? We are well aware that when you feel trapped in the human outlook on things, that you need proof that God Thoughts are reality. Ask that today you be shown something that seems so humanly unlikely that it gives you that iota of faith that lets you believe that ALL things are possible to God.
For believing that you are under no Law but the Law of Goodness that is God is truly the one and only thing you need now. Do not define your needs in terms of human love or money or circumstance. Define your need as utter and complete faith in the Truth and Harmony of God.
This basic, Love. Take It,
Ah, Beloved,
“I will to Will God’s Love for me.”
Let that be your choice for the day, your prayer, your mantra, your focus. Even if you do not completely understand how God’s Loving Truth works, It is working to set you free.
Set aside your human evaluations of what you are, or what others are, and simply and totally accept God’s Will of Love.
“I accept God’s Will of Healing Love.”
We will keep reminding you,
Ah, Beloved,
Do not trudge through the dream layer of earth experience, Child. Do not even just stroll or walk through it. Dance, Beloved Child of God. Acknowledge all others as Children of God learning to dance just as you are, and listen for yourself for the Song of the Divine music in your mind and heart, and dance, dance, dance, accepting each Divine instruction to live Lovingly and smoothly, and all will feel just right.
This is your right as Child of God, and if you dance with acceptance of God’s Love, it will also be your Joy.
Be aware of the Inner Song keenly now,
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be no doubt in your mind that the earthly dream can be transformed into the Joy that is the prelude to full awakening. Is Heaven “over there”?
No, Heaven is the “there” without the “t”, without the cross, it is “here”. It is the state of awareness without the cross; without the pain of crucifixion and suffering. Go straight for the resurrection, Love. Go straight for understanding that God does not condemn you. Just love yourself and love others as your Divine brothers and sisters, and claim the right to see that you are IN the Heaven of Divine Mind right here, right now, if you let go of guilt and a feeling of anger and blame and separation. Forgive yourself now, as God has already forgiven you, and let yourself feel the feeling of Heaven.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
We say again, Love is long-suffering, patient and kind. If you feel even the slightest hint of irritation or anger when a child or a spouse or a friend asks you to do a favor, then it is not Love you are feeling. Reach always for the Love that is beyond the human emotion called “love”, and see the Divine of the Other that is your self. Only thus can you feel true Joy for the good fortune of others, and so draw that Joy also to yourself.
Giving is receiving, and it is the lesson that you relearn every day.
We are with you in this. Ask for endurance,
Ah, Beloved,
Taking a day of Silence to renew the Self is never amiss.
If God wants you to break that vow with a kind word or a simple “yes”, God will let you know. The intention is to silence the ego-self, so that the Divine Voice can be heard. And It speaks only Love.
Ah, Beloved,
If for five minutes today, or for an hour, or for all the day, you can be a clear and calm transparency for the Creative Light of Love to shine through, you will be amazed at the Life Movie you see. Set your human thoughts aside and watch God’s Thoughts played out.
Try it for a minute here and there?
We Love you so, and take great Joy in seeing you Joyous,
P.S. “There may be human hate around me, but I can be Love. There may be human fear around me, but I can be Love. I can choose to shine Love. I only must answer to God for what I choose in my thoughts in each moment and in each day.”
Ah, Beloved,
When all that is around you, to the five senses, seems that it could not possibly be of the Good God that you know in your Heart, take a day for exclusive communion WITH God awareness. Let It refill your reservoirs of Love and Ultra Perception, so that you may again See the Lovely in the everyday.
We know that you must still do the dishes and open the mail and tend to the calls and the floor, but all the tasks of the day can be done in the silent Awareness of God. Indeed, Beloved, learning to live every day with God paramount in your awareness is really what enlightenment is. Each hour that you practice this, each day that you practice this, you will come closer and closer to seeing the All Good that IS already available to you, right here, right now.
We stand with you, making you laugh at the absurd, and find Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
Learning to trust One Mind, as the governing force behind and beneath and in and over all, is not only a matter of hearing the stories of others, it is about looking over your own story again and again. Look back, look around, and see where and when the “miracles”, the serendipitous events, have occurred, again and again, to keep you as close as possible to your best pathway for realizing your oneness with All.
Let learning that relaxing and trusting be a main task for today, remembering and remembering again “I am, and all are, as spiritual beings, truly governed by the Great Spirit within which we dwell.”
All the “I’s that seem so separate, are the “One”, Beloved,
Ah, Child,
It is easy to become lost in asking, over and over, “but what is my task?”
Your task is to smile lovingly and gently at ten people today. Your task is to forgive the world for being silly and strange. Your task is to be the one to apologize first and say “I love you” out loud, when those before you are behaving most badly.
God will never ask you, if you take time to listen to God before you go to sleep each night, “Did you finish all your paperwork today?” God will not say “If you did not trim the bushes or do the dishes, I cannot love you.” God will always say, “I love you. Whom did you find to give some Unconditional Love to today? Did you give yourself some dear Love today?”
If you stay focused on those true tasks, the worldly chores and forms of work will take their proper place in your hours and days and mind, and will even get done more smoothly, because they will fueled by Love.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
Imagine, as a child would imagine, that everything around you is made out of something different than you have always thought. And imagine that this new “something” everything is made out of is perfect in every way–able to adapt and adjust to every circumstance in a way that is best for everybody.
Now imagine that there is something you have or someone you know that is broken. Or that you are broken. And then that you remember that everything is really made out of this other substance, and it adapts and changes as it is needed to fix everything. You might be looking down at that person’s broken leg, or listen to him argue about something, and say to yourself, it looks like he doesn”t have a leg to stand on (or his argument doesn”t have a leg to stand on), but then you think to yourself, “His good leg is working, and it is made of the same wonderful and perfect thing that the other one is made of. So, I will picture and realize that in the space where there seems to be a broken thing, the amazing and perfect something that makes up everything flows back into the shape it remembers to be right.
And it does. And it is Love. It is perfection. It is happiness.
As True Reality will always be,
Ah, Beloved,
We say to you again, words are not necessary.
Your quiet presence, your utter CONFIDENCE in the Divine Will, is enough. If human words can reassure and calm and comfort, in order for the One Sustaining Life Force to be heard and felt and revealed, then use those things as the Inner Presence directs, but also have true faith in what emanates silently from you, as your willingness to be a clear window through which it shines is taken up, and used and used and used, to shine Light into every dim place.
It is of Good Purpose. You will see. And as It shines through you, you, too, will feel free.
Always cleaning the glass of you,