All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your beautiful, individual, divine Awareness stands in one moment of time that is at the entrance to a great Maze of little squares of time. Each possibility before you is its own square of time. Each square of time that you choose to move to has before it a whole new maze of possibilities.

    The Victorians in their complex garden hedge mazes would sometimes use a string to help guide them along the best way through the maze. What is the string that your Awareness can use to take you through the maze of time moments, in the way that is your best possible destiny?

    Ah, Beloved, follow the string of your Bliss—the leap to the next square of time should be the one which you choose based on the serene joy it gives you. Each and every moment that exists as a frozen square of time has within it also the choice of which square you will next move your awareness to. Choose well. Choose deliberately, rather than through habit or in fear.

    Believe us when we tell you that within the Maze of time-moment-squares before you is always a possible pathway of joy, if only you will choose it. The feeling of that joy, that bliss, is the clue and the string to follow.

    The joy we are speaking of goes deeper than a moment’s sensual pleasure. Pleasure in the touch and taste of the world around you can be a part of that joy, but true Bliss is the feeling that makes your soul feel that it is expanding inside of you. It is the feeling that makes you feel more full of compassion and unconditional love for everyone and everything around you. That is the feeling to follow.

    Imagine yourself standing in a square of time where that feeling of Bliss fills you. Imagine it and, ah, feel it in your heart and Let it be so.

    You may not be able to imagine all the squares of time that you will step through to reach that square of full Bliss, but keep focused on the Bliss and do not worry about the intervening details and turnings. Be as a blind man, who keeps moving towards the sweet smell of something, even though he cannot see each step that takes him there. Let the Universe take care of setting each square before you as you follow that string, that smell, of Bliss.

    Waiting for you at the end of the maze,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    O”, Do let there be Light! Call It to you, Beloved.

    “High Guidance of the Light, come be with me. Shine away all darkness in my thoughts, so that I can see as You would See.”

    Call to It, Beloved, by choice and by will, any time that, and as soon as, the lower, “animal self”, of your earth-self, calls forth its lusts or sorrows or fears or foretells. Look to the moment, only, and look to the Light, and do not let the animal-self enter any fight.

    Withdraw into the Light, and you let the world look Bright,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Let there be no animosity between sisters and brothers within the One.

    All harshness that you send forth only bounces back on you, whether it is a slighting comment or an outright war. Be brave enough, Beloveds, to follow this rule, for it is the rule of true release, and true Peace.

    Be willing enough, Beloveds, to look away from the pains and pleasures of the moment. Be willing to exhibit true willingness to move beyond the fears and comparisons of the body, and into the Oneness of all souls together as One Soul, without harm or hatred, without division or competition, but gently, gently, abiding in the same Truth of Love.

    You KNOW this. Listen quietly to your Heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When praying for others, it is the blessed Oneness awareness of the one who is meditating for the healing that MUST keep in mind that all error is illusion. Do not pay any more attention to those false curtains of error than would a musician to the props of smoke and spotlights that later will surround the truth of his music. If he plays his music well, then no poorly trained lighting engineer can ruin the sweet notes of the song.

    Keep your eyes and attention on the Light, on the sweet truth of Spirit, and ignore the imaginary walls the children have built to try to hide it. The walls are only smoke, and can do nothing to harm the Light that is the city, that is the song, that is the stronghold indeed. Blow the word of truth at them and they disappear as easily as that liar that erected them with his fairy-tales of darkness.

    Think it through, learner,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If it is not Love Omnipotent, it is not true.

    Tend your thoughts carefully, as does a gardener weeding the seedlings that she has set out to thrive in the spring sun. If you are uncertain whether something is true, or just a human myth about cause and effect, or a tale to frighten children, ask us. We are always glad to help you discern the weeds from the good strong food and flowers of Mind.

    It is not so hard to discern that which is made of Joy from that which is made of shadow, when you have practiced with Us by your side. And We are always by your side.

    We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once again, We tell you, your Divine Mother/Father will not let you down, ever. Turn to them.

    Yes, your human parents exhibited all the weaknesses of the human condition. Your human family and friends and loves have been inconsistent in being there for you, battling with their own human errors.

    Forgive them all, Beloved. Forgive them and forget them for the moment, and think only about the unchanging and Complete Love and Support of God.

    Claim “I Am Love” today, and slip into that mantra whenever your mortalness would try to take you into any other feeling or identity.

    “I Am Love”, made by God, right here and above.

    All We are, Really, is Love, and that is the Truth of Salvation,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “High Guidance of the Light, come to me now and set my thoughts aright.

    I open to receive you, this day, this night. Come forth completely, set my thoughts aright.”

    Let It happen, Child.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thinking of what it means that a different Aspect of God shines in you in different ways can help you better understand God, and thus yourself.

    Practice knowing “I Am Soul,”, or “I am timeless Wisdom”, etc etc, and learn, learn, learn that “I am a part of Glory” is True.


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Even with the best of intentions in your human mind and heart. It is very easy to fall into the trap of letting your daily prayers become lists of things or events you want, or protestations of things you do not like or want.

    Today, let the purity of saying, “God, what do YOU want?” be the prayer that carries you. Ask it, and listen, and let your own human lists of wants be pushed into the background, as you tenderly give your attention to the Source of you. We assure you that, although you may hear instructions about doing a certain thing, or God’s desire for your being more hopeful or trusting or forgiving, or you will feel an impulse to call a certain person or learn a new thing, you will also hear from God, “I want you to love Me, and I want you to accept My Love for you.

    Do it today. Do it now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you knew that by filling your heart so full of gratitude that there were no room for blame or fear or anger, you would helping to open a portal for Divine Kindness to pierce through the clouds of sorrow, would you do it? Would you maintain that gratitude daily, and be a part of the Circle of Gratitude that jointly has as Its Mission the making of a greater opening to the Will of Love?

    It is ongoing, dear one. Can you softly promise yourself to be a constant part of It, or to take regular shifts in being part of Thankfulness? Even moments a day are vital to the Life of this Circle.

    We gladly join in the chorus of Appreciation,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the deep joys of staying in a listening mode for the Inner Whispers of God is the places it will send you, so that you meet whom you need to meet, and so that the ones who need to meet you will do so.

    In this way, perfect encounters create opportunities, healings, inspirations, love, delight, and teaching.

    So if the small still Voice says to turn at the next intersection, even though you had planned to go a different way, do so. If It says to put down what you are doing and talk a walk or do an errand, right now, do so. And then stay alert for chances to be kind, to help, to give, to smile, to simply be a vehicle for Divine Love to do Its Work.

    WE walk with you and help you know what to do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be Loved. Receive and accept the proposal of God to walk and talk with Him/Her in the Garden of Joy.

    Be Loved. Accept the words of comfort and wisdom and direction that arise in your listening heart, and Joy will be your fruition. Accept. Release the old ways of thinking, mired in the limited senses, and imagining that your body and circumstance have power over you. Take dominion, Beloved, and Be Loved, and behold the Power of the Words of God, lovingly received into your heart of Soul.

    Today, walk and talk with God. Today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not human truth that will set you free. It is the Truth of Divine Harmony being the Law that oversees and overcomes all other laws and thought forms that will set you free. It is knowing that your everlasting Self will continue learning to Shine with the Truth of what it already is, reflecting and emanating the delightful Qualities of God, always and everywhere and anywhere, that will set you free from worry and sorrow.

    There are temporal endings, but there is no ending You and your being part of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where will the guarantee be that you will feel more Peace and sense of Good Will, as the days of earthly sense pass? When will the feeling pass, that forgiveness seems to be an endless thing that you need to give or receive, over and over?

    The guarantee WILL grow in your own heart, Beloved, as the layers of Blissful experience of the Loving Source add up. For every bit of Love that you immerse yourself in, and that you allow to shine through you, more bits of human fretful emotions melt away.

    We can promise you that if you allow Love to work within your mind, It will Work. But to encourage yourself, look also at how far you have come in understanding of the Divine reality, and of yourself as a part of that Spiritual Truth.

    “I Am Love.” I Look to the Center of the Source of me, and I receive Love, Love, Love, immersed within Its being. I Am Love.”

    We touch you tenderly tonight. Let us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Unlearning the earthly “laws” that were drilled into the logical self for so many years can happen in an instant of enlightenment, but it often takes years to let your heart truly grasp that the Law of Harmony (God) truly supersedes all those so-called laws. So have mercy on yourself, Beloved, when your human mind so easily slips back into wanting to analyze data and find logical means and reasons for events or appearances. Forgive yourself, and slip back into remembering miracles that you have witnessed in your own life and in others” lives, so that you may bolster your belief again, that God is a Law unto Itself.

    It is the Law of Harmony and the Law of Good and you are constructed within It and subject of It, and always Loved within It. Remember.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When envy tries to strike at you, practice its opposite. Today, practice being joyful for the joys, and successes, and triumphs, and salvations of others. Practice being sincerely pleased that they have Seen the Light, or achieved a dream, or found a true heart to love. Practice seeing the other as self, and realize that true celebration only really comes when all are free together.

    We Love you as One,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For earthly things and tasks, one thing at a time, focused and tenderly done.

    For all that is Divine, and holds you, stay in tune all the time, all the time. For if you do, you will be amazed at how smoothly and wonderfully the path that is good stays under your feet.

    And as you whisper to the Law of Love how much you Love It, bring your thoughts of others you know into that protective Glow. The Law of Love is there for all, Loving, and you increase Its Power for yourself, each time you bring another with you into Its protective Arbor.

    This is your day to Love, and be Loved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know how it feels to enter the presence of someone who is very happy to see you.

    Well, Beloved, there is Someone Who is always happy to see you. Enter into that Presence with your awareness, turning inward to your Heart where the Divine Lover always waits for you, and bask in the glow of being Loved, and appreciated, and known to be perfect and good and whole, as a part of the reflection of God.

    That One’s opinion is the only one that counts, for your lovability and worth,

    Get that One’s reassurance, and be well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you were trying to hear some important words from the radio, and having trouble hearing them, would you turn your ears away from the speakers so that you could hear more clearly? Of course not. You would put your ear right up to the speaker and you would ask to have the volume turned up.

    When you are trying to hear the Voice of Divine Spirit in for your life, remember that the speaker is right within your awareness. It was placed there before you were born, and it has never been removed. Turn your attention and your listening inside. Tune your focus to within, where the speaker is already connected to the Divine Reality. You are already wired. You can already hear. Why run around looking for the broadcasting station, when you are already receiving the signal from It in you?

    It is always broadcasting Love. Can you hear it?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The confidence of innocence can be yours as you try new creative ventures and experiences. Let it be so.

    But above all, let the Divine Innocence that God knows you to possess, be experienced as you re-realize your self as a confident and Love-endowed expression of the Creative Source.

    Accept your Innocence, and God’s Gifts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God understands silence. You do not even need a simple rhyming prayer, or a one word plea to call upon God.

    Just the simple intention of Loving and listening, turning inward to the Comforting Presence, is enough.

    Let this indeed be a day wherein you stop activities and thought, and turn in silent, still moments, again and again, to partake of the Comfort and Wisdom of God’s Spirit.

    You are Spirit, too, and Spirit knows how to lead Spirit.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us, there is nothing so powerful as pausing the “film” of your life, and tuning in to the ever-broadcasting Source within you, and asking It to shine away all the shadows from your sight. In this way, your earthly sight becomes Spiritual Sight, and you will know your own worth as a Beloved Reflection of God, and the Goodness and Beauty of all those around you, in their un-shadowed form.

    Just as the earthly light sources in your life have gotten brighter and brighter now, with more powerful bulbs and beams, so is the Light that pieces all the gloom of the mortal experience growing brighter and brighter now, as more and more souls let the Light of the Great Soul of All shine through. Bask in It. Let It shine away all shadows of perception, and feel the Joy It wants you to have, revealed as the Truth of purity that you are.

    For Goodness sake,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am willing to be a clear reflection of Love.”

    “I am willing to tell others I love them, just in case I never have another chance to let their human ears hear that, and their human sight to see it in my eyes, that channel it cleanly from God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, be glad if you can take joy in your earthly achievements, or take joy in the compliments of others for what you have done or know, but never forget to daily measure yourself by God’s question, “How much did you Love generously today?”

    God does not ask you this to judge you, but to help you evaluate for yourself whether you are living up to your full potential of being the Good reflection of Love Itself that you were created to Be. Love simply flows, flows, flows to you, so that each day you can express It more clearly and consistently. And any little bit of shining forth of It that you do is immensely appreciated, and applauded, and encouraged, by the Unseen Spirit of Infinite Life.

    And, Love yourself as Good Soul, as well…


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Joy and humor ARE a part of God’s communication. Expect that, and look for it.

    When you went to sleep the other night, asking in your heart for God to show you what to do next, you dreamed of yourself standing in front of a pizza parlor named, on a huge sign, “PIZZA PERFECTION”.

    You understood, when you awoke, after a moment of reflection and discernment, that God was saying to you, “Just be a piece of my perfection.” Darling, God understands that you have a fondness for corny puns, and so will use such things to communicate with you. God understands what language each heart will hear, and speaks to each heart in just the right way.

    That is part of why it is so important to keep your serving heart aligned with God, and when you hear in your heart to say a certain thing to a certain person, even if it sounds strange to your own ears, say what God tells you to say. God knows what that person will hear, and what words will touch that person’s heart, and what that one is ready to hear.

    Knowing your piece of perfection, DELICIOUS!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep talking to yourself about Harmony being Reality. Do not focus on the mirage of discord. Think about Harmony. Talk about Harmony. Ponder Harmony. Love, love, love Harmony.

    If the mirage of discord tempts you to anger or righteous indignation, return to appreciation by remembering all the times that you have seen Harmony coming out of situations that seemed unsolvable, irredeemable.

    Harmony always wins, Beloved, for HARMONY IS ALL THERE TRULY IS.

    Love It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you strive to hear the small, still Voice of the Great Director within, you must also relax enough to hear It. That paradox of staying focused and yet relaxed is the hardest part. Because once you have achieved consistent hearing of the Divine Voice, then all you need to do is listen for It all the time, and joyfully abide in Its Peace.

    It IS that simple, and sublime. Be at One with It, and be at Peace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think upon that which is Good, and let your memories focus on the times when solutions and changes came just when you needed them.

    This is now, and the same law of Harmony that brought unexpected ideas and solutions in the past can do so again. Keep in mind that Harmony already reigns in the here and now of the never-ending Source that constantly creates the idea of you. In the Source’s point of view, there is nothing of you that needs to be “fixed”, there is just the joyous Good that you are.

    Try, this night, to think like God, and know “I am Good, just as God makes me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am so glad God is right here with me, completely available and Loving.”

    Focus on that in your mind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know how strange you feel if you are standing in a group of people and they begin speaking about you as though you were not right there.

    God is always right there with you. You dwell within God. God is always with you. Try not to talk about God as though that Presence were far away, and separate from you, and unknowable. God is right there, right here, always. Be polite, and include the dear Source in all your thoughts and all your talk. Let God join in the conversation by whispering in your heart, or speaking to you from the words of another. Spirit does move the Good to speak up.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that what you are asking for, when you ask for Divine Assistance, or for guidance, or for “healing”, is for what already exists to simply be revealed. The Perfect Whole and Its unfolding in the realm of time already exist—it is just the clarification and visibility of It to the mortal consciousness that need to be focused on.

    Think of this metaphor—that you are sitting in a car surrounded by dewy windows. The lovely day is already there, waiting to be driven through. The road you will drive on already exists, ready to be rolled along. You just need the windows cleaned off and your sight raised to the clear part, to be able to move smoothly forth.

    “I am the substance of smooth sight, and the truth of orderly movement along the most lovely path in the world.”

  • Oh, Beloved,

    Be not surprised that Divine Love is always willing to give to you, for from Its point of view, It is giving to Itself.

    When this Oneness of Life and Consciousness truly penetrates your heart of understanding, you will not feel limited in any way, ever, or deprived at any time in any place. For you will comprehend that Love is flowing continually, projecting Itself as the image that is your continual Spirit.

    New facets of yourself, and others, as Perfect Spiritual Beings, will be revealed, as your understanding and acceptance deepen. Have faith in that Truth, Beloved, for Divine Love has already made it so.

    Longing to see you feel the full Love you are,


  • Ah, be not shy in standing in faith with your Inner Friend, for has It not stood, time after time, in faith with you, when no human person would?

    And there have been more times than you know…


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you enter the attitude of gratitude, or keep a gratitude journal, or express thanks to the friends and co-workers and relatives and family members whom you see every day, remember to Whom that gratitude is truly due. It is good and wonderful to say your thanks to those around you, but keep in your thoughts that the Source of All is the true way to direct your gratefulness.

    Thank the Divine for the Healing and comforting and providing Force that is the link between the dreams of earth and the Truths of Heaven. Keep your mind focused on the Loving, Giving God-Mind, as you thanks the expressions of that Mind that are all the people you know.

    Always grateful that you take time to center into the Source of Love,


  • Ah, USE the Sight, Beloved. Use that Divine Sight and SEE how utterly lovely some of the characters in your play truly are, even though they have played roles that have taught or tormented or treated with delight, your own human character-role.

    We See the Beauty of everyone, Beloved, and it is a Lovely, Lovely sight,

    Join us in that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you did well yesterday at being a transparency for Loving Spirit, and an instrument of Good, or whether you feel you were a fool or a defier yesterday, today is a new day.

    Take today in your mind, and ask for the Divine guidance and advice to flow smoothly through you, embellishing your talents and gifts, increasing your compassion and unconditional Love, honing your discernment, and giving you another day to shine with the Divine.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not just a mind game to think back to past events and try to see them with more love. It is an acknowledgment that the real Life of all souls has always been, is, and will always be, pure Love in the Mind of God, and under Its gentle control all the time.

    The time spent in the earth dream does not change the timeless Love and regard of God for you. To think about that, and bring Its compassion into the dream can help harmonize the time dream while you are still in it, and soften the pain of old events that seem unchangeable.

    Always beckoning you unto Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not mistake the simplicity of God’s message to you.

    It is simply this: “My Peace and Serenity and Love are ever-available to you.”

    Also, do not mistake this to mean what the world calls death. It is indeed the death of an old way of thinking, but stepping back into the Maker’s House is an attitude, a renewed way of thinking, an openness to seeing Love and Heaven in everything around you.

    It is indeed true that when you cease to judge, you begin. You realize that you choose just for yourself, to turn back to Love, and out of the pigsty of empty lusts or criticisms or rules, and just allow yourself to be Loved by God.

    Faith, that willingness to receive Love, is also extended to you from the Loving Divine Source. It has complete Faith in you. It wants to receive your Love. Are you ready to offer it?

    We offer you a surplus of Love continually,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I freely offer you My Unending and Unconditional Love and Peace with which to fill your heart, if you so choose, and whenever you choose. If you take time to turn to Me for It, I give It.

    And all I ask in return, dear Love, is that you be kind to others. Be kind, be gracious, be forgiving. And the more you do that, the more easily will flow to your own heart that Peace and Joy that overcome all the seeming troubles of the world.

    Be kind, Beloved, be kind. And include yourself in that kindness.



  • Ah, Dear One,

    As you enter a new phase of your life, there will always be things to let go of. Some of them will be material objects that you clearly have no need for any longer, and they will be easy to let loose. Other material objects will hold on to you with their “sentimental” value, and if they do, they still have something to teach you.

    Allow them to guide you to look at your sentiments. Let each thing help you choose. “Shall I be gracious to myself and let myself keep this teacup my mother gave me, to remind me of her love?” “Do I look at this old baseball cap and realize that I have still not forgiven that old lover who borrowed it one day? Do I let that unforgiveness go along with the cap?”

    Child, you can choose to be stuck or you can choose to let go. No one else can make you let go of something, although being near someone who lets go easily can help inspire you. Choosing to let go of the accoutrements of a phase of life sometimes means simply recognizing that it is a new phase. It may mean just recognizing that you are growing and changing, and letting yourself be delighted about it. What child clings to his tricycle when he finally learns to ride a “grown-up” bike?

    We are always delighted with your growth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are still with you. We are always with you. And we tell you that healing is the fun way to reach the awareness of Heavenly Mind. Time sense and deterioration are not the road to Heaven. Love is.

    Allow yourself to believe and receive it and see it revealed. Choose to believe what the truth of your heart says. It knows goodness is yours and what made you as spirit and essence and love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Proving to the self that concentrating on knowing the Power of the Law of Goodness is constantly operating in one’s life is the most wonderful way to help others, as well as yourself. The more often you prove to yourself that claiming dominion over mishaps or injuries WORKS will give you the confidence to give of your sharing with others your ability to lean on the sweet and pervasive Law of Good.

    Give yourself the gift of noting, in memory, or written word, how many times you have been able to claim the Healing Power of Divine Intent and Joy, so that you have that to turn to when doubt tries to whisper harm or sorrow to you. Turn to those memories also to testify to others, when that sincere desire rises in you for them to also know the wonder of turning to the Good Source for comfort and Healing and Inspiration.

    Remember that you are not giving them a formula or specific words that always will address their fears and neutralize errors. You are sharing how the Golden Love of truth will highlight the needed correction each time, for each situation, and that above all it is the Presence of Love, Love, Love that shines away the sense of separation from Goodness and Well Being.

    We can see that you can do this. It helps all, Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each system of thought that unfolds in your mind from Divine Mind enables you to better serve those that turn to you for help of any kind. But always remember, dear Love, that as your perceptions of other human thought grows, it is always and only so that you may help gently give them Truths about God Qualities, to quiet their human fears.

    So many have been taught fear. So many live in fear. Teach them that God’s Goodness of Spirit is always present, and maintain your own calm certainty of the Omnipotence of Spirit. As ever, the best demonstration of the Truth of God is your own health and serenity. Fear not to show those, and let them speak for themselves.

    So many see the false evidence all around them, with the human senses. Be willing to show them unearthly calm, unearthly Peace, to help convince them it is possible to have.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as every message that you give another is also for yourself, every good thing or idea or laugh or sharing of Joy that you give another is also for yourself.

    Truly think about this. The Oneness of all true being means that all of Life is one circle, running in a wondrous continuous loop through what seem to be countless separate beings. If It is a continuous loop, what you send out along It comes back around to you.

    Let that thought be in your thoughts continuously, and see how it courteously affects what you choose to send forth.

    Ah, Ah, Ah, you will See indeed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Feeling the Incredibly Loving Presence of God is a thing of the heart and soul Self.

    You do not need fancy prayers or accoutrements. Just open to receiving, and ask, as a child or lover would ask, “Hold, me. Just please hold me.”

    God is very, very Glad to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pray for those who count and sort and label to be awakened to the truth that the ineffable Presence of Love must also be considered, pondered, and understood. Pray for yourself to remember that as well, when you get caught up in human evaluations.

    Love offers Itself freely to your consciousness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ways of God are very quiet, but all-encompassing. You do not need to understand the Whole Plan—you just need to trust that it is Good and Good for each and every part of the Great Soul that is God. Your part is to listen to the cues for YOUR part, and then do them, with calm joy, with humility, with devotion to being in Love with God.

    The choice of timing is yours. Are you ready?

    Always loving you,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Peaceful Love of God contains you always. The Joyous Tenderness of God regards you well each and every day and moment.

    The hills and valleys of craggy human love cannot compare to the Infinite and Unconditional Love of God for you. On the days that you feel and act saintly, and on the days that you are dithering around in errors, God Loves and Knows the Good essence of you.

    Trust that steady Love, and turn to It. Your enjoyment of stormy human relations can be greater if your heart is already filled with the Calm and Loving Appreciation of God. It will never let you down, if you acquaint yourself with It, and partake of all the Full Love It offers you.

    Holding you in Our Protective Thoughts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give Divine Love freely, as it is given to you.

    ` Make it a part of your regular meditations to remember all the times that the sweet grace of God has carried you through the night, after you behaved stupidly, or forgetfully, or meanly, or with the paranoia of too much wine, or the jealousy like unto an angry child. Remember how much has been forgiven you, not to feel guilty and in pain, but so that you will remember to forgive freely, as well. As you write in your prayer log or journal, you can even convert actual events into your own reminder code. The blush-inducing event itself, you can forget, as it is forgiven, but make a note here and there in your log that you were given two buckets of grace here, four spoons of grace there, a truckload of forgiveness that one bad year, etc.

    Forgive, and forget. Be forgiven, and forget. But never forget that forgiveness itself is the oil of community and love, and the Grace by which God plans to bring each and every soul back to a place of joining.

    Give it freely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It can indeed be very humbling for the human ego to realize that God’s plan for your happiness is better than the plan you made. Yet, when greater Joy than you pictured comes your way, and blessings that enable you to bless others are made a part of your bounty, you will take great reward in that, and it will soothe the tender feelings of the unawakened ego-child.

    Be the royal Child of God, and not just the child of dust. It is truly better, we assure you. Trusting that God knows best what is good for your happiness is very humbling, but it can be more rewarding than you imagine.

    We have seen it again and again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not punish. God only Loves.

    Indeed, because God sees only the purity of the Spirit Ideas that It has created, It sees nothing that needs anything except Love,

    However, God does understand that the ideas that are dreaming they are bodies need a mechanism by which to escape from their own dis-ease filled dreams, and the mechanism that God invented to help that happen is forgiveness. Forgiveness of others is the recognition that it is not their true selves that are making errors of image or action or thought—it is only their shadow selves. Therefore, forgive and look past those shadow selves.

    Whence then “Divine Justice?” As We said, Divine Justice is not punishment from God. When the dream-body-self acts in ways that are not loving of others, those actions and thoughts just bounce back to the body-person. As each one begins to understand that the golden rule does truly enact itself, they become more Mindful of what they are doing and saying and thinking, for they understand that although God Loves them without condition, their own actions will bounce back at them in the earthly dream.

    Your part in allowing the Principle of Harmony and forgiveness to be revealed is to answer meanness with patience and blessing and prayer to let your eyes be opened to the purity of those around you, and of yourself. When all begin to see as God sees, then more and more of True Reality will be revealed in the shared dream.

    Have compassion for those who do not yet understand that they do indeed reap what they sow, and take care to always endeavor to see all the sparks of Light in them, even as you leave it to the Harmonizing Principle, and that individualization of Soul to work out his or her own salvation.

    Divine Helpers WILL help you do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, let your mission be, to listen, and to see, the Good in all of those around thee.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is so much glory when you let go of trying to plan details, and just trust, trust, trust in the One Cause to create what you wish. Wish for the outcome, Beloved.

    Wish for contentment. Wish for Joy. Wish for a sense of freedom and well-being.

    Wish for these things with deep gratitude and sincerity, for yourself and for all, and keep listening and obeying and expecting from the Causal Force that you know to be All Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We gently urge you to not make the very human mistake of waiting until you feel calmer, or happier, or better in the body, or more satisfied with accomplishments, before you turn to God for Guidance and for Inspiration and Aid. Go to God right away. Trust the Divine to do the uplifting of your mood or body condition or experience or situation. Go to God right away. The prayer can be as simply as thinking about God and saying in your mind “Help!”

    Right away, in any moment of need, (or celebration!), turn to the God Presence that is always with you, and know “I am already a Beloved of God.”

    “I am already a Beloved of God.” That alone, knowing you are a cherished and appreciated member of the Divine Family, can help you right away.

    “I am even now a Beloved of God.” For you are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God did not create the world your five senses see. God created Good. Welcome New Sight, welcome New Life, as you look gratefully on, and through, new levels of perception.

    What is it you see, then? Illusions and shared illusions, just as when a crowd mistakes the gleam of sunlight on cloud for a hovering craft coming towards them. We know how disconcerting it may feel to ponder this, but think also how FREEING, to realize that your eyes have not lied to you in only simple things, but in greater things. Is not a new dream or end of a dreadful dream, a good thing to cherish?

    If what we say seems too shocking still, at least ponder the times your body’s eyes have misled you into thinking something was moving when it wasn”t, or was a different color once the sun came up, or a friend remembered an incident in a completely different way than you. Be willing to see differently, and, with Divine Help, you will, for the Divine knows what It created, and that is the Truth.

    Listen, and learn to obey, like getting used to a new set of spectacles,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We urge you to know that as you comfort and heal others, so are you comforted and healed. There is no Truth that flows through you that does not also provide Its Balm for you.

    Be aware of that, and Love with Good intent and Divine expectation.



  • Ah, Child,

    Let yourself realize that when you turn to the “Friend that is always within you”, there is no delay because you cannot get through on the phone. There is no lost signal, there is no “loss of face” in a sensitive situation, there is no competitiveness. The Friend Within is the same One Spirit in All, and automatically sorts through the highest good for all.

    Just practice hearing that Voice Within. Just Practice letting go to It. If all the time you spent trying to find a good spot for phone reception or for the “right” property or person or idea were instead spent trying to hear your Inner Guidance more clearly, you would have already found everything else you were looking for.

    What could be a better investment?

    Gently, As Ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You HAVE Dominion in the Source within which you dwell. You have this Dominion if you use what the Source, and you, are made of, which is Truth and Love.

    Create from an attitude, a realization, of Love, and you will see the results of your Dominion; of your Creation. Try to create from indifference, or anger, or retaliation of any kind, and you are trying to create from nothingness, from non-authorized substances of earthly make-believe. To try to create Goodness and justice from anything except Divine Truth and Love is to create only more detrimental illusions, and to cover the Truth of the perfect beauty and goodness that you are, in the Source.

    You are perfect beauty and goodness within the Source, and so is everyone else. Make it your work to realize and see that Goodness in everyone around you, and you will find yourself delighted to see through the dismal and/or ridiculous illusions of the earthly dream.

    You are already in the Truth, Love. Feel the Source Love, and be strong in honing your Sight.

    All Love enfolds you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is only once answer to shadows and darkness, and that is to turn to the Light and make sure you are living by Its Word, and Its Love, and Its Guidance.

    When you behave badly, turn to the Light for forgiveness and Love and new direction. When another behaves badly, turn to the Light for the strength and Love to forgive, and advice in how to proceed.

    No matter how badly another behaves, when they are in the errors of shadows and not seeing clearly, there is never an excuse for you to choose to behave in any way except the way of Light.

    We are with you in the Light, let us Light up all shadows together,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Universe is purring with contentment. Listen, and let yourself hear It, and let yourself be comforted.

    Listen, and hear Its quiet Joy, and let yourself feel Joy as well.

    Just as listening to a child laugh, and letting yourself catch that infectious laughter, can lighten your heart within moments, listen to the soft laugh of the Universe, and be Glad.

    Listen, and be glad for what you hear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a between-place that can be lived in, wherein you understand that the earth-dream IS only a dream, and that All Is One Spirit, but that you allow yourself to still mistily see enough of the dream that you can help yourself, and those who seem to suffer in it, with utter compassion. Be very aware of the compromise you are making, and never, ever forget that your task is to stay aligned with the Reality of Oneness, and Its complete Love, even while observing, and offering, prayer partnership to the fellow souls-of-Soul that are looking at un untrue reflection of themselves.

    Compassion for what they think they see, or think they are experiencing, but total fidelity, on your part, to the Truth of the Divine Source’s perfection, will hold the doors open for new vision to come to more and more eyes that look upon the dream.

    Stop looking, but keep Looking,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you make the choice that your goal is to know your delightful place in the Oneness of Being, then incredible Help is available to you and dedicated to you. It will advise and Help you constantly, but your part of giving focus and intention, must continue.

    Help can be offered, and offered, and again lovingly offered, but if you do not spend those few minutes a day truly focusing and quietly listening to the ideas that flow from the Heart of all Being, and letting yourself be renewed by the deep Well of Love that Loves you, then the choice you have made remains stalled in time.

    Choose each day again, therefore, and give the little dedications of time and attention that will help you receive that Help and use it for your own joy, and for the Glory of all Being.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    GRATITUDE to find out, and then remember all the time, that underneath the dusty errors of yourself and of all others, is the perfect reflection of the infinite Cause.

    Spend your days, spend your thoughts, spend your energy, blowing away the dust, and Seeing the Good Reflection revealed.

    We are sure you will be delighted if you play the game this way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a star of light, held in place in the Firmament of All That Is by the loving power of Healing Spirit.

    I am a star of Light in the Glorious puzzle of All.

    Healing Spirit, hold me.

    Healing Spirit, shield me.

    Healing Spirit, surround and support me.

    Healing Spirit, work through me

    to connect me with All.

    What you give also holds you in place,

    Love holds all the stars of light together in the Mind of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think hard today about what you are thinking, and feeling.

    We have told you truly many times that God surely and absolutely desires and Wills your happiness. Your choice is when to embrace that Will and desire your own complete happiness.

    Watch what you are feeling and thinking. Is there a part of you that actually enjoys the drama or bonding of focusing on problems or sorrows, or that finds it fascinating to find human solutions to problems? Do you find it “fun” to solve problems?

    Solutions to the everyday human needs that come by opening your will to God’s Will, and aligning with Divine Joy, can flow in such a way that you feel happy even before complete fulfillment has come. Trusting the Divine Will can bring Peace and Joy within your heart, that is present always, even when the momentary material evidence seems to show disrupts or irregularities.

    Take loving care of your own intentions, so that rather than becoming addicted to solving problems humanly or secretly enjoying the drama of angst, you smoothly and trustingly join your will to Divine Will, and expect, expect, expect Joy, and the seeing of God’s Will for your happiness be done.

    And so it is.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of all the good Qualities you have and are and reflect. Think of the talents you have to develop and share. Think of the things you love to create and do.

    And then fill your heart and head with “The Universe supports me being the Best I can be.”

    The more traditional way of phrasing this is “Investing wisely with the talents God gave you.” But no matter exactly what words you use to fill and straighten out your thoughts, the Truth has not changed throughout the ages. Let your talents flow and grow, and assume the Divine Goodness is fully invested in and helping you with that.

    Understanding that God wants your good, and your experience of joy, is what you need to believe. Completely. But it is alright to start with just a little hope. Open your heart with just a little hope and God will get in and help you EXPECT Help.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Be very aware that Divine Spirit sees more than your human senses do. It foresees needs that human time sense does not understand. It sees the emotions that are deeply hidden by human politeness.

    Therefore, if Holy Spirit within urges you to compliment and uplift someone, do it. Human clues may seem to be telling you that the person is self-assured and completely well, but Spirit knows that individual Soul needs help. If Spirit tells you to give coin or goods to someone, do it. Their earthly need may not be obvious, but Spirit knows their full circumstances.

    Needs and suffering are not a part of God fully Revealed, but the Helper Spirit that God has sent into the human dream Sees all within the dream. Needs, lies, ignorance that needs to be corrected—all are clear to Spirit. And if Spirit is using you and your intuition and Spiritual Sight to help sort out a person or situation, be receptive and tender and true. Be willing, and know that Spirit will make you able.

    And let us offer you our Thanks in advance,


  • Dearly Beloved,

    We see, and we know, how filled are all your moments with the tasks and obligations that you have taken on. We just wish to remind you that if you would only take a few moments, twice a day, to do the following, your serenity will increase.

    1. Sit quietly and take three very deep and slow breaths into your belly and out again.

    2. Ask for your own Divine Spirit to be with you. Or, ask for whatever loving Divine forces that you love and believe in, by whatever name, to be with you.

    3. Send energy out. Imagine a beam of light, that is hope and compassion, moving from you to someone else, somewhere. The someone that you are sending energy to can be a family member, or a friend, or a stranger, or a group of strangers. If you find that thinking of a family member, or a lover, or friend brings up thoughts and emotions that interfere with your concentration, then think of strangers for now. Later, when you are more practiced at sending hope and forgiveness, you can send those feelings to people you are directly involved with. Send that beam of hope and light for just a minute or two to that unknown child across the world or next door, that is hungry or sad. Or send them to the people of a war-torn country that you wish you could comfort.

    4. After you have sent energy outward, breathe again. Then ask your Spirit and its Infinite Source, to fill you with that Light that is hope and unconditional love. Concentrate on feeling yourself filled with that Loving Light for at least a full minute—or as long as you can concentrate on the feeling of that beam of Light filling you.

    5. Breathe deeply and exhale slowly, feeling that Light that fills you. Picture a joyous thing as you feel that Light and as you breathe. Picture yourself laughing and feeling complete. Feel how that laughter would feel, moving up out of your belly and through your body and out into the air and light of the world.

    6. As the feeling of your own laughter and joy fills you, count your blessings. Count just a few or count them all, for as long as you can hold your concentration. Feel and savor a few of the blessings that are yours in this life.

    7. Open your eyes and look to your day with a joyous knowing that you are connected, by Love, to so much and to so many. Feel grateful to be alive, and honored to have choices.

    Give yourself this gift. It will change your life for the better.

    Ahhh, We love seeing you in joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not that the Divine Principles that are in operation, and available to you always, are in opposition to your earthly laws of physics—it is just that your current understanding of the laws of the Universe is still very limited. Those who study the Universe from the point of view of science and meticulous study, fact by fact, will eventually come to the same Truths that many, many, many, many sages and mystics have seen, that All is One.

    You do not need to know, on an intellectual level, every fact about the Principles of Divine Truth in order to use them. You just need to know that They operate constantly, and that the Divine wants you, as part of Itself, to have the use and benefit of Them.

    “I am within the Divine, constantly absorbing and reflecting Its Harmony and Its Peace. I am within the Divine, constantly bathed in Its Provision and Possibility, and I open myself to Its Strength and Its Love and Its Wisdom, which Flow into me and fill me, that I may fulfill my part of that which Is Divine.”

    Shine, on, shine on, Harvest Moon,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rely on the Loving Universe for your every need.

    Consider, ponder, breathe in, and delight in, the Word “Rely.”

    Think of it as “Replace the lie”. When the material senses would tell you there is pain, think about relying on the truth that there is only ease in the Universal Creator. When the material evidence tries to tell you that there is lack or sabotage, rely on the Truth that there is only Infinite Abundance and perfection of operation in the Divine Creator. When the small senses would try to lure you into irritation, remind your self of the Truth that sure and calm smoothness is shimmering with Light and Love and Clarity, right under the seeming dust of error and mistrust.

    Trust, and Rely, Beloved. Trust and Rely on the Universe, and Its utter, utter Desire to see you feeling fulfilled and purposeful, and Loved. If you read these words over and over, and let yourself feel the Loving Spirit with which they are imbued, you will begin to let your Heart be awakened, and you WILL begin to feel the Power that you can rely upon to replace the whispers of discouragement that the small senses would use to have you believe the lies of limited senses. Think, beyond them, feel Beyond them, replace them with Truths. Rely. Re place the lies. RELY on Love. RELY.

    We Rely and Realign constantly. It is our sustenance,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Healing happens. Many times you just do not recognize it for what it is, but we assure you that once you give your heart and your willingness to the Divine Director, needs are seen, desires and prayers are heard and answered as is appropriate. Put aside your own human “solutions” and let God do Its Work.

    Yes, it is easy to see when a cut on the finger or a burn on the foot heal within minutes or an hour or two, but it is not so easy for you to remember your expressed needs and heart pleas when it comes to other things. A call that you receive next week may be related to a prayer that you voiced two months ago and then forgot you even said. A reconciliation may happen after a year has gentled all the hearts involved.

    Give over to the Will of God, Beloved, but also trust in the Wisdom of God to pull everything together in the best way for all.

    None of your goodness is ignored. Believe this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One illusion, or a pile of illusions, does not make any of them true. Whether it is some joking teenage fantasies, or the inebriated visions of a group of talking drunkards, or the piles of wrong addition by a person who does not understand mathematics, all untruths are untrue.

    God Thought is the only cause of All Good, and to remember that when trying to address or solve seeming errors is to be able to clear your mind, heart and soul, and to hear the True Thought that will untangle the pile of errors. If you picture Holy Spirit as the talented and wise teacher that looks upon your pile of problems and equations and tells you where it went wrong, then the errors can be erased and the truth, and the answers, and the Harmony, can be revealed.

    Do not pile error upon error by relying upon uninspired human opinion, Dear ones. Turn to Spirit, and ask to hear a word of correction, a loving and guiding suggestion, an affirmation that all can be handled by the adjustment of Light and Love.

    Set aside the human pride and ego, and turn to Spirit, dear Loves.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We are always, always with you, for you are with Us in the Mind of the All, the One, that which many call God.

    The question is, will you give Us time and attention? Will you respect and appreciate that We have Love and Good Counsel, and Comfort to offer you?

    We do not force these things on you. You can exist within your small human awarenesses, or you can choose to be aware, by accepting from Us, the Thoughts of the One that are in your heart, that you are part of an amazing greater Whole. That is what free will is about—living in your own small dream, for good or for ill, or choosing to join in the Wondrous and Gracious listening and awakening to the timeless Whole.

    Do you have time to be still and receive Love Divine?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The worth of your Soul Self is priceless. Ponder that, stay aware of that. Know that the Magnificent Soul that you are a part of Knows that and offers you a living allowance of Joy each day, to simply Be your Priceless Self.

    Quietly and gratefully accept that payment of Joy each day, turning to the Divine paymaster, and filling yourself with that Life energy of Joy.

    For only by remembering, only by being disciplined enough to remember to turn to the Main Joy, and refill your account of Joy, can you find the way to enjoy your day, and to give Joy to others. Open your account with the password of gratitude, and fill your daily life account with Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you share your temporary human feelings with God, you will receive back understanding and compassion and guidance and suggestions for Good and for healing, or for improvement and encouragement. Share your woes or passing joys with God and you will not be answered with judgement and condemnation, but with Grace, and Love, and the open Arms of Truth that gently sets right.

    Pass by the human ears that would only gossip or savor your tears, and turn directly to God, Who listens with Glory, and invites you to listen to Divine Soul and Wisdom in return.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Congratulate yourself when you discern that something worldly is trying to pull you away from being securely centered in the Love and Be-Loving of God. The seductiveness of the pains and pleasures of the earthly dream can be noted, but you are powerful indeed when you discern them and call in your heart for Divine Help to stay on the Path of Spirit and God, Good.

    No earthly distraction has power over Principle Divine, Beloved, and you are wise indeed when you call to the Great Soul of All to keep you safely wrapped in Its protective wings.

    It will never ignore your call. Trust It. Call, and trust in the ever-present Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you were beginning to seek Spiritual healing for the human woes of flesh and circumstance, and relationship and provision, we have recommended the prayer “Perfect God, Perfect man/woman”, to enable you to know that all healing and solution comes because you are an emanation of Spirit from Its Divine Self.

    But as you progress in understand the Spirituality of All, and as the human trappings and experiences come to mean a different thing to you, we highly recommend letting your thoughts go to this very simple prayer: “Perfect God”.

    As you let your awareness be completely focused on and filled with thoughts of All that God Is, the Joy and Praise and amazement of that will be enough. God is enough because God Is All. God is All and All includes you, as Spirit, as Life, as Love.

    God is All. God is enough. “Perfect God Is.”

    Lose your small self in It. “Perfect God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel you have no extra Joy to share, that is precisely when you must give some Joy, some help, to others. For to do so breaks the dam of a false belief in limited provision of Love.

    Love is Infinite. Your Infinite Source is Love, and Its Lifeblood is Joy. There is plenty of It. Plenty. If your human self thinks, even for a moment, that not enough is flowing to you, then break the blockage, break that false belief, by giving, giving, giving whatever smile or Good you can muster.

    Then you can and will feel the Flow of Divine Loving Joy again.

    Let It Flow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Omnipotent takes me, and makes me as New, each day.”

    You know this. Turn your self over to the Omnipotent today.

    Let us celebrate together that this is True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do KNOW from personal experience how much more smoothly all goes when you take time to FEEL the Presence and let your heart open, and ask It to show you the way between the now of the question and the now of the solution to whatever you are asking.

    Think about how grateful you have felt as events and options fell into place. Remember and let your heart fill with trust and thanks, and ask again for Goodness now.

    We are with you and we remind you we all dwell in Goodness now. Open your eyes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Tenderly, tenderly, assess the thoughts of those around you, and yourself. When God has given you the Grace to discern the mortal thoughts of those around you, it is only so that you can help send the Correctional Divine Thought to replace them. You know that mortal thought creates an illusory mortal reality, and that it is the thoughts of yourself and your companions that must be aligned with divine Thought in order to completely experience Divine Harmony.

    Therefore, tenderly, tenderly, assess the thoughts, and lay them before the Divine Loving Face, to let It shine away the unloving parts, like a thrifty housewife would pare away the moldy edges of a cheese, to reveal the golden core.

    God is thrifty and saves each soul thus,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy you give others when you look past their human foibles and yearnings and sorrows, and See their Divine Selves shining with talents and possibilities, cannot be overestimated. Give yourself the gift of knowing you are truly a bright light reflection of the very Soul of the Divine Source, and that others are all that as well. Look past the shadowy costumes, and feel the Joy of Seeing Glorious Soul all around you.

    “I am living in Heavenly Mind right now, surrounded by saints and angels.”

    Play with that idea today, for we tell you it is actually the Truth beneath the costumes and dramas.

    Appreciate the actors, and silently choose to See only God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Always, our advice is to take it slow and focus on the NOW, but there are some days when you should slow down even more and truly keep all your thoughts and actions on being aligned with Divine Mind.

    When was the last time you truly took a Sabbath day? When was the last time you truly took a day unplugged from the world and its facts and whims and predictions and pronouncements?

    Take it today, Beloved. Take it today, and BE HELD in the arms of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, Love and Life, and loving having your true existence in Spirit’s Life, bring truth and intelligence and principle to your soul, that resides in Soul.

    Life. Love. Truth. Intelligence. Principle. Soul. Spirit.


    Remember them. Remember them always, and know that when you are calling on these aspect of Being, you are letting the Thoughts of the very Cause Itself flow through you, and to all that are with you in the play.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although repetitions of meditative phrases or prayers can put you in a calmer state of mind, and help re-tool your thoughts into hopeful, positive ones, there is no substitute for very quiet listening for the One Divine Voice within.

    So, once you have achieved that calmness, and that willingness to listen, then become very quiet and still, and listen and perceive with good expectation and feeling. As we have said before, what you receive can come as pictorial ideas, or as words, or as a feeling of being Lovingly Held, or a confident impulse to do a certain thing or call a certain person, but it will always be accompanied by a very quiet Joy.

    That deep and complete Joy helps you know that you are aligned with One Mind. It is not a feeling of fervor, but a feeling of serene Unity, that contains only Light. In that Light, there is no darkness at all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you would rein in a shy, or nervous, or ill, or aggressive pet, when friends or neighbors or kin come to visit, so reign in your own grievances when you encounter any others in your day. Let the Light of you shine forth. Let the kindness and forgiveness and generosity of you be in full play. Let the Divine in you recognize the Divine in the others, keeping uppermost in your mind and heart, “This one, too, is a Beloved child in the Mind of the Divine.”

    Not only will reining in the small, judgmental self help you interact in the way you truly WANT to interact, but by holding it still, some of the Light you shine forth will bounce back onto it and help it heal, and grow more peaceful.

    If you shine enough Light forth, Beloved, the dark pet of your sorrowful self will be utterly shined away.

    Our job is to magnify your shine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am centered in the smooth movement of the Harmony of Divine order and Governance.”

    Each time you find yourself strained or dizzy from trying to “figure things out” on your own, or from trying to force situations into release and resolution, remind yourself,

    “I am centered in the smooth movement of the Harmony of Divine Love. I quit trying to be in charge, and I let Divine Order and Perfection be revealed.”

    Let it all be cast to the Divine Order, and then let yourself take a happy walk,

    You will know when to act, and what to do, whistling and walking, and leaving the inner ear tuned to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the words seem empty, return to that which cannot be put into words.

    Today, return to the simplicity of Love.

    “I am Beloved of God/Goddess. I am Beloved. I am Beloved.”

    Let that Love wash over you and hold you. Let that Love wash away any sense of confusion or uncertainty or fatigue. Just rest in Love, be held in Love.

    Today, in Love, dear love, be free. Give yourself that gift. Ask for It, let it rise like a Tide in your heart, and accept what It feels for you and wants to give you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The cloak of visibility (body) that you seem to be wearing is not the Real You.

    Suffer it to be so that you wear it as long as it is useful for communicating with others, but do not think it must suffer or decay or parade on its own. It is but a cloak for the visible human spectrum. The endless realm of the Unseen , ageless and perfect, is your True playground and home.

    Let your thoughts and motives emanate from that True home, and let the cloak just gently float about them, while you yet move through the human dream. Rest continually in the Glad realm of the Unseen, for from there, like a spotlight in the center of a room, you are projecting the love that animates the cloak of visibility, and directing its gestures and words.

    Be the Real actor, made of Light and Love, wearing the cloak, and never forget Who rules. The cloak does not rule. You do. The Divine You, eternally and utterly and completely linked in with God.

    ANGELS, loving the happy play

  • So, let us Join in CHOOSING to feel Joy today. When we choose to feel the fuel of God , Joy, unlocking our hearts by enjoying small blessings of life given to us by God, and mostly by immersion in gratitude for the consistency of God Love, then that fuel of Joy can fill us and create Good in the Whole of our outer experience.

    We access Divine Joy by acknowledging that all Good came from the Divine Source and being so Grateful for It, and THEN look for earthly good to show up, not the other way around. If we look around for material good first, thinking we are limited human bodies seeking bodily and temporal pleasure, before praising God and agreeing to serve Glory, we have it backwards.

    Praise God, agree to be instrument of Love, and expect Good as God’s Will for you and all.

    You are not a body, you are Love.

    Amen and amen.

    In Divine Love,


  • Sent to a person who queried by email and seems a good message for all:

    Ah, Child, I Am the very Force of Gladness, gladly looking upon which I Am as reflected in My spiritual children. I Am Love and I Am Light and I Am Harmonious Intelligent Being and Soul, and so you are an idea made of these things and surrounded by these things and shining forth with these things. If you need a metaphor for your intellect to grasp, think of countless tiny bubbles all floating together within One Bubble of Being.

    But, Beloved Child, do not concern yourself overly with dogmas and names and metaphors–those are only struggles of the ideas that temporarily lost consciousness, and fell asleep into thinking they were separate from me, and not fully of My Pure Goodness. They dream that time and separateness of creation exist, and that they are bodies. All at once, I sent my Voice into their hearts, to be ready to wake them when they chose to stop playing their dusty sandbox dream, but never once were they really away from Me and all that I Am. I Am All. All is within Me.

    What IS important, dear Child of mine, is to be willing to invite Me into your awareness each day–A Living Love in your heart, calming you and reminding you that I am thou and thou art Me. We are wholeness, We are Joy, and We are timeless.

    Those that you called parents are also My Children, and exist with Me and within Me in eternal LIFE, not repose, just as you do. Just because they cast off the thoughts of being separate from me and housed in bodies did not remove them from Me, from My Love. Even if your “physical eyes” do not see them, their essences still joyously float and sport themselves in the Beauty that is my Complete Awareness.

    You will see. Sight is a Spiritual Quality, as is everything. See with the eyes of Love, and you will see All truly, rather than with the smudged glasses of supposedly physical life.

    I Am Spirit. I Am All. It is a nonduality, Child. We are One. What I shine forth and Am, so do you.

    Much of the sandbox dream is shared, but even now, in the illusion of time, many are choosing to awaken, and become part of the Great Joining, even while they yet use their illusion thought bodies as a means of communication to try to awaken others from the sorrows that seem so real there. There is no sorrow in Me. There is no darkness in Me.

    You reflect the Pure Light of Me, and if you allow this moment to be the one wherein you choose to allow me to be your Divine Director, you will fully awaken to being one of the teachers that helps others open their spiritual eyes and breathe a sweet sigh of relief.

    I tell this instrument that I use to scribe this, “ASK him, my Beloved, is he willing to let Me be Living Love in his heart each day and each word and each step.”

    For I Am ever-ready, and only waiting on your full allowance, My dear dear dear Child.

    I would see you fully Glad. Have that mercy on yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Choosing Gladness is not the same as choosing shallow earthly joys. Choosing Divine and Certain Gladness is remembering who you really are, and setting aside smaller focus to Be the High Self you are.

    Be honest with yourself. Do those material pleasures, as nice as they are, compare in any way with the deep Peace and Honor of Soul you feel when you are in Heart alignment with the God-Mind, All That Is?

    Seek that alignment for Its own sake, and remember that imaging the Good swiftly defeats the images that the senses would show you of a world gone awry with sorrow and pain and death. Good does happen and is happening and will happen, for It is the Maker’s Will and It has already been created in a way that the small mistakes of time cannot touch. Keep your heart and thoughts aligned with Good belief and image, and there will be no room in your mind for error to enter. It will try to enter, in a constant barrage of pictures and words and complainers, but if YOU have your consciousness centered in Good, you will remain in the calm and Divine Eye of the worldly storm.

    From that place of Peace, you also can say unto it, “Peace, be still”, and see it so.

    Accept the power Peace would give you to See with Peace, and give it to others as well.

    We help you whenever you ask this,


  • Ah Beloved,

    As we have said before, be not afraid, because God knows your original soul message and can replace it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understanding God’s Will for you is not hard if you spend enough time listening to the soft Inner Voice.

    You can do this even while tending to your long list of tasks, Child. You know you can. Listen, hear your individual mandate, and do it.

    We Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let not the journey discourage you. There is no doubt in the Mind of Creation that all is well in your progress, for in the Place of no time, all has already occurred, and you, and your Maker have both been true to the Word of Life that is you.

    Be at Peace, Beloved, and know that all things now have origin in learning and growing of Love. Keep your eyes on the complete Love you are unfolding to, and be not afraid, ever. There is nothing to be afraid of, for you are a part of Life ever-existent, and will always be. It IS You and it is Me, and It will always Be.



  • Ah, Child,

    Get very clear on this. There are two things that are your challenge and your battle, in each day. The rest are not YOUR battle.

    Your battle is to each day give your free will to the choice, “Do I, this day, choose to live a mean and sad role in this character play, or do I choose to live my happy and giving role?” The Joyous One Spirit writes the parts for all the glad roles, and each day you can choose whether you want to receive and live that script with praise, or whether you want to live the shadowed role, moaning and wailing.

    You make that choice, and you make the other choice of willingness to laud the Gladness that springs forth in your heart, even when the circumstances, or the people in the room, seem only painful and sad. Do you choose to bring forth the joy and praise, to be willing to be not afraid, trusting that the Joy you have chosen in your heart is stronger than all seeming sorrow?

    Choose Joy or choose sorrow, choose Life or choose deadness of spirit, and then choose whether or not to be witness and speaker for them. That is your daily battle, your daily challenge.

    Your battle is NOT to choose for anyone else. Example you may be, and merciful comforter you may be, but only the Divine Writer can offer anyone else a new script, and only the other soul can choose to recieve it. That battle is God’s, Beloved, and in knowing that you can release it to the authority of the All-Divine, you can feel an enormous release and support, standing in the fullness of the Light, even in the middle of a room of shadows.

    Choose for yourself each day, Dear One, and choose in each hour to laud the Joy, but leave the rest of the battle to the Spirit to Whom it belongs, being free, yourself, to be happy.

    O’ we praise your new release of sense of responsibility,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To be, and stay, very aware that you are strolling around in the Consciousness of Love and Good that is the Heavenly state of Mind, gives you strength. And with that Divine Strength, you can more easily avoid being tempted into pockets of illusion or sensualism, or pain or lack, that are that false indicators of where you dwell.

    You dwell in the Good Idea Source, and you are a Good and Pure Idea, and Loved.

    Never forget that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The insidious presence of discouraging words is all around you, and has infused itself into your mortal thoughts.

    Therefore, armor yourself well with the inspirational and sacred Words that uplift you, and whose very Presence in your mind uplifts you into Divine Mind, where all things are possible. Once you begin to notice how often common sayings, and advertisements encourage you to look for problems, instead of expecting completion and success and wellness, you will realize just how important it is to fill your mind with solutions, and affirmations, so that they are ready to hand when the smoke of a discouragement or a fear appears. Like a fireman who has trained his eyes to scan for smoke so that all fires may be put out right away, you can pour the water of Goodness and Divine Expectation on any wisp of discouraging thought if you are alert, and ready with the Water of Spirit Word that puts out all fires.

    Be armored, Beloved. Be alert. Be ready.

    As ever, ready to Love you, and Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the blessings that do come your way, and are clearly not of your own doing or instigation, be an encouragement to opening your heart and mind to better understanding the forces that support life. Look back over your life. Many Blessings have come to you. Note them.

    The Force that IS Life will support and guide your search and growth, if you but give it your willingness.

    It is that which Loves you more than you can imagine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, hold this in your thoughts: “I am Wholeness, and the Wholeness of my body and my life and my means and my ways are wonderful demonstrations of my Unity with God.”

    “God is Whole. I am Whole.” Darling, the moon is ALWAYS full, even though from the small perspective of earth it seems to wax and wane. It is always itself. It is always full.

    So with you, always fully yourself, pure Spirit and true, all within the Spirit of God.

    We See you whole and true,