All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved.


    Appreciation that you can smile and that when you smile sincerely at others, it is usually returned. Appreciation that when you have time you can spend that time on doing things that are helpful or enjoyable. Appreciation that you have the skills and money you put forth provide the elements of daily living that you need. Appreciation that the love and human affection you put forth feel good to give.

    Appreciation for when you are appreciated, and that appreciation itself exists as a feeling and as a state of mind.

    Appreciate. Actively appreciate.

    Even if you are starting with small smiles or small skills or small amounts of money or time, appreciate what you can give forth of them and what you receive, and they will grow. Appreciation feeds them.

    We appreciate you. Believe it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be so very glad when communion with the Sweet Source within feels more and more real to you, and easier to enact. As that Power begins to feel like a natural and complete part of you, you will find it almost automatic to turn to It FIRST in every situation. You will WANT to know Its will, and Its solutions, for you will trust that, above all, It wants you joyous and happy, in waking and in sleeping.

    You will want Its full Presence with you in times of quiet and in times of celebration. You will want to know Its sweet invisible embrace as you also embrace others around you, passing on the Joy you know to be so very Real.

    That is the way It works,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know that We constantly remind you of your True Identity as a Beloved Image, a Perfect Idea, Spiritual reflection of the Omnipresent Spirit of God. God holds up the Divine Spirit of Love within your heart as a true Mirror, and in It, you can see the Perfect image of God that you are. That is where you can see your innate Joy and decency. That is where you can see the flows of creative imaginings and goodness. That is where you can see superbly that you are made of the building blocks of Love. That is the Mirror on which is always written, “I am Love because I am a reflection of Love. God-Spirit moves, and so my Spirit moves, for I am God’s reflection. I and My One Wondrous Cause are one.”

    We hope you remind yourself of these things daily. And We certainly desire that you turn to them when you need to find solutions or heal, and can be led to both by simply realigning with these Truths, with God, as though you were re-centering yourself in front of a mirror, to get a complete picture of what you really are.

    But, in addition, Beloved, We hope you remember that for those around you who have not yet found a way of knowing their Wholeness in the All, of realizing that Love Loves them, you might be the only one in each day that is a Light of Truth to them. Be It, Beloved, Be It. Whether it is with a simple quiet smile, or a silent calm Presence, or a greeting of “Hey, Good man, or Hey, Good woman, be the Truth for someone, consistently. If they are open to hearing “God Loves you”, then affirm that each time you see them, or think about them. Be that strand of Light and Love to someone, and it will change their life, and yours, for the better.

    You have no idea how many go for days without a word of Love,

    Give it to them, and their own hearts can open more easily to All Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is Love. And in God’s provision to every individual of the Guiding Spirit that helps each one awaken and navigate the human experience, God has included the tools that are needed.

    One of these tools is a sense of humor. Be glad, when you are bemusedly observing your own human foibles and errors, that you can see the ironies and the humor in how you and others try to work with the absurdities of time and the limited senses. Look for humor, Beloved. Look for the oddly funny side of various losses and changes in your life.

    Later, We assure you, you will be able to see how Spirit was and is protecting you by swirling some circumstances and people out of your daily life. Welcome being able to laugh and learn when you make the same mistakes of human emotional reaction. Be willing to laugh when comedians and magicians point out the unreliability of the limited mortal senses, and be motivated to seek the Deeper Heart of Divine Truth.

    We laugh with you, and offer a Hand of Love to raise you up,


  • Ah, Friend,

    Be the rabbit, and listen. Listen carefully to every sound and to the silence between the sounds. Listen to the stillness in your body and in your heart.

    Be the Canada Goose, and pay attention. Be alert to every sense, right here, right now. Shift your attention into every new moment, as all things around you change. Be the sentry, pay attention, and observe all changing forms, while you stay still and wakeful.

    Look to the animal kingdom, and see how tuned is the consciousness there to the moment you are in. Let that manifestation of you that is also flesh upon the earth be also in the moment, and let the Life Force That Is thus flow through you.

    Anchor yourself in your unchanging Infinite Self, and then listen to, and pay attention to, the delight of the play of earth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What gifts have you been given by the Universe of Wholeness, of which you are a part, right here, right Now?

    Open your eyes and See them, and Appreciate them, for in the grace of Appreciation, you open your Self up to receiving the fullness of your own Divine Inheritance, of truly being all that you can be, and are, if you would just take stock of what is already yours, and love it.

    Love it, love it, love it, and See what else love reveals. Dare to be amazed by Love.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reflection which you think of as yourself, as physical matter, is truly just light, and energy. The sooner you begin to think of yourself as being made of light, held together by the Good Thought Energy of Creation, the sooner you can understand that your true self, made of Light, cannot be harmed by splinters or time or circumstance.

    “I am Light, and I remain as the Creative Force imagined me, now and evermore.” Think of yourself that way, sustained by Love, and the “physical form” that you seem to wear will adjust itself to the appropriate, whole, healthy costume that you need to wear for your part.

    O’ so Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To see a legitimate need, and to lovingly and creatively fulfill it, is to Be Divine.

    To give and offer whatever your skills and means and fellowship can provide is to be a part of the wonderful Plan for the re-uniting of human awareness with the High Consciousness that Holds All.

    That is all. That is enough. You will be led to do the kind and decent and uplifting things. Just listen and obey when you feel the surges of Compassion and Love fill you, and you will be enacting your perfect part.

    We assure you it is appreciated,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The fullness of Spirit that you feel as you transcribe these words IS conveyed. For although no single human mind interprets any word symbol in exactly the same way, the willingness to hear God Mind directly, is conveyed by the simple act of reading them. Thus does each mortal part open and awaken to the Loving One Mind.

    And thus does the Loving One Mind begin to do Its work, Its uplifting, throughout that person and consciousness. One Mind Governs all, as they swiftly or slowly realize that opening to Good, thinking about Good, and being thankful for Good creates Good in their experience.

    Endlessly. And it IS a way of Life one can train oneself to do. Just begin, and the word of Good you entertain and ponder will begin to work Its way with you like yeast in a savory and sweet and perfect dough.

    The seemingly grumpiest, the saddest, the most wicked, the least educated, the most stubborn, the completely oblivious, and on and on through the list of human labels,–all can be risen to remembering their wonderfulness as a part of One.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even those caught up in rampant materialism understand the value of human friendship and loyalty, and loving a person, or a type of experience.

    Go beyond that.

    Although your own gratitude list usually includes some things of the material perception, today concentrate on being deeply thankful for all the Invisible and unmeasurable Qualities of the Life and Soul Force. Be deeply grateful for Insights given to you by the Loving Spirit, Be so glad for mercy and Unconditional Love. Find awe in the Wisdom that comes at perfect times, and that grows with experience. Celebrate and praise the Truth that reigns above the limited bodily senses. Find Hope in the Compassion that surges up in your heart when a situation gives you the chance to silently share the healing Power of God.

    Count these Blessings, again and again. Count them, and stay centered in your identity as a Beloved offspring of God, and watch the Divine Unseen do Its Work.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honesty must be honored, above all, because utter honesty is a Quality of God.

    All your vows are made to God, Child. When you think you are making a promise to a friend, or a co-worker, or a spouse or a family member, you are making a vow to God. That vow must be honest and it must be kept, or you will bring upon yourself the balancing of it.

    What must you do, then? You must realize that you are making a promise to the soul of the other person, and to yourself, any time you make a promise. If you promise yourself something, you are making that vow to the High God-soul of yourself.

    These promises must be kept or the consequences bounce back to you. If you must change the parameters of a vow or promise, it must be done with openheartedness and honor and love and communication and confession.

    We are trying to save you from unnecessary detours, Beloved. Do you want that? We do not force our Help on you, for God is in no hurry. Do you want Help? Or do you want to wander down detours for long, long parts of time?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All the small and perfect things are just hints, small echoes, of the Amazing Perfection that is the Whole. Notice and appreciate those small perfections today, dear Beloved. Whether it is the lid that perfectly fits the pan, or the tender call of a friend just when you need to hear a friendly voice, or the sweet unseen Spirit that embraces you as you say your evening gratitudes, take wonder and joy at the perfections, and expect even more to come.

    For in great wonder we tell you that what is planned for each soul that is part of Soul is always perfect for that one. Be amazed and gratified by your own perfect learning, and let it help you leap to a new and deeper understanding of the Perfection of all. Expecting perfection and taking glory in it is but a small part of expecting Perfection for each and every one.

    You may not understand the Total of this yet, but we know you can be in awe of the perfection of your own skin closing up to be its wholeness again after a pinprick or a wound. The original Wholeness of you is sacred in Sacredness Itself, and can be shown forth as long as you and It agree to walk the world.

    Look for the small and perfect and build trust that the Whole is Perfect too.

    Lovingly and tenderly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, have compassion for yourself.

    How do you do this? By feeling great gratitude for how much the Divine Loves you. Feel that, constantly and silently, all day. Express it verbally or in writing or song, if you feel moved to do so.

    And, speak gratitude and thanks to those around you, for any nice thing they do or skill or truth they exhibit. Otherwise, be quiet. Say thank-you, or say nothing.

    Give thanks, within and without, and be silent, and you will have given yourself the Grace to walk in beauty all day.

    We always see your Beauty,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I gratefully place the future completely in the Hands of God.”

    “I gratefully place the future completely in the Hands of God, confidently expecting that I will be Led to say and do what I must say and do for my Joyful Best part in the Play.”

    Try it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the human level, love becomes hate and hate becomes love, shimmering back and forth like a mirage. But God, pure Love, can always speak to every heart.

    God can speak to your heart when you are having trouble thinking with Love and Seeing even your loved ones with Love. God can speak to every other heart and move it to safety and goodness and inspiration.

    O”, dear, dear Love, ask Love again today to help you See this way for yourself, and to offer Itself to every other heart, to restore them and uplift them.

    God is GLAD to do this for you when invited to,


  • Ah, Child,

    Giving out Divine Love is also an art. Consider yourself an artist, and a teacher of Beauty, when you can do so.

    “Help me remember I am filled with your Love, dear God, and help me feel It and give It out today.”

    That is the trust that is asked of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You full well know, even from human experience, how shifting thought can shift an entire experience. A mother that is upset and frustrated and sweating about an interaction with her teenage child can suddenly remember a tender moment from the love that she felt for that child when he was an infant, and suddenly her heart is flooded with extra patience and forgiveness and resolve to help.

    Just so, letting Love flood your mind with Loving thoughts when you are feeling confused or disoriented, or sad, or ill, in any situation, can turn things around. Change your thoughts and things change. Let Love be the spatula that flips your thoughts over, and gives you new perspectives, ideas, and strength.

    Just ask for Its Help, Love, and It is there. It is ALWAYS there, just waiting to be asked and allowed into your thoughts.

    As ever It will be,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are not in this life alone. You are part of the Oneness of Being, and It cannot be unattached from you any more than your own shadow can be unattached from you as you walk through your days with the sun shining on and around you.

    When you have learned to constantly remember that this is so, and that the Oneness is full of strong and yet gentle Love and Wisdom, then you will proceed through your days with an acceptance that precludes all the fretful human planning, and includes a delightful and constant stream of inspiration and guidance and comfort, whenever you welcome them.

    Welcome the Truth, Beloved. Welcome the Presence that holds you and molds you and contains you always as a Beloved Idea of Soul. The Truth is your constant companion and knows your wonderful High and True Self. Allow It full welcome and give It thanks for faithful and pure and tender attendance of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today We saw you help six lives just by being the giver of the Quiet, Healing smile.

    Do not underestimate how important that is to the Great Lovely Plan of God.

    Be the healing smile. As often as you can, be the healing smile.

    We Love you so, and smile on you always, with our invisible selves.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claim this:

    “High Guidance of the Light,

    Help us set aside our human selves,

    and let You shine through us,

    all today, and all tonight.”

    Learn that it is better than the earthly best,

    Accept that it is better than the illusion,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are no secrets from God’s Technician, Divine Spirit.

    You may as well be honest with yourself when trying to evaluate what parts of your thoughts need to be chiseled away, because they are not made of God. Spirit sees them all and knows your heart.

    Spirit, above all, knows your Good Heart, and the diamond that you are meant to be, even if it is covered in a little rough stuff right now. Spirit knows you and does not condemn you. Spirit will just endlessly and gently try to help you let fall away that which is not the Good Truth of what you were made to be.

    Be honest, and be ready to relinquish any habits and thoughts that keep you from moving forward. If you have the desire to give them up, Spirit will help with the doing. Trust that, and be grateful for that, and let yourself awaken to your own pure You.

    We believe the Best of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not throw stones at the mists of your illusion. The stones, the resentments and grievances, will just be there to trip you as you try to move forward. Rather, close your eyes to your interpretations, and turn to the Truth of God.

    “I release my plans from thought and heart, dear Abba. Show me your Plan.”

    We are part of that Plan. You KNOW It exists.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    At no time in your life is the Divine Connection within more important than when you feel loneliest, and at no other time will your ability to connect to the Whole be as strong. You may turn to your Inner Being with praise and delight when earthly things are going well, and you may cry out to God in desperation when they are not, but in both those times the outer circumstance holds much of your attention.

    When you turn to the Inner Voice when you feel that there is nothing and no one in the world for you, then you are turning with complete attention to God. Let that turning become a transformation, by opening up your self completely, and finally realizing that the True You is never, never alone. You are Divine Spirit in communion with all One Spirit. You are always supported, you are an essential and beloved part of the Whole, you are heir to all the delight of Divine Joy and Peace. In this state, when you again glance at the worldly, even an ant or a leaf can seem good company, as you perceive the Divine Force in them, as well. In this state, you draw to you the other parts of the Whole that you need in the world, as connections for your work, your sharing, your learning, your giving.

    Be at Peace, Beloved. Be in Joy. Stay centered in that and All, including you, is seen to be falling into its rightful Place.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no Truth greater than “All IS Love”.

    You may not intellectually understand the Power of thinking or saying this throughout your day, or turning to it in moments when you feel assailed by uneasy thoughts or disconcerting images, but the Power behind those words is there nonetheless. Use It. It is Love Itself and It wants to Help you and support you and be with you and near your heart.

    It is not a magic formula to be used without thinking or feeling. It is the claim of the Truth of what you, and what everything, actually IS. So, befriend It. Claim It, and call to It, and say, say, say, in every day a fresh way, “All IS Love”.

    In Love, and as Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a newness now to your trust.

    Let it be that you even realize it is inevitable.

    If God is All in All, and is All there is, including you as Its Idea and expression, what else is there to trust? There is only God, so there is only God to trust. Trust.

    Trust, Beloved, trust, trust, trust.

    It always comes to this.

    In utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never believe that the ego-body-self has any true power over the One Power that is the Creative Source. While, and if, you still believe that the body mind has power over the One Source, your physical senses will see the errors of your small earthly self, and the errors, physical and moral, of others. As you come to true Spiritual sight, you will see them all, and your self, as the Ideas of Light that you are, flawless and perfect, and utterly, utterly Lovable.

    Practice seeing them, and accepting yourself as, Light, and Light alone,

    In utter Love, as are you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say again, what you expect to see within the earthly, you will see more of.

    Diligently pray, before you begin your day, and your interactions with others, that the Divine Spirit enable you to see the Divine Soul within everyone. Look for the Good in them, and praise it.

    For when you praise Good, wherever you see it with earthly eyes, or discern it with Spiritual Sight, you are praising God. And praising God, as ever, leads to more Good enacted and made visible and useful. And that leads you, and All, more smoothly through the time on earth.

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the Truths God will tell you, if you ask, is that Its Physician of Soul is the most Powerful Physician there is.

    Let diagnosis and cure come from that Love, and feel the Life strength in you.

    Tending you tenderly always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many people understand that the gaining of secular skills and knowledge is a process that can take some time. Very few would expect to grasp high engineering skills in a fortnight, and yet the same individuals might feel frustrated if they do not merge into deep prayer or meditation or ability to demonstrate being a vehicle for healing or soothing from the Source, within a couple of lessons.

    Be patient, all. Be patient with yourself, and be patient with others who do not understand the amount of practice and training and studying and communing that is necessary to begin to skim the surface of the Ocean of the Divine. Above all, remember that it is always the “Divine Central Command” that knows best when you are ready to take on your role of healing minister or advocate for God. Whether that moment comes after years of study and dedication, or whether God raises you up from oblivion in the flash of a moment when you are needed, to be the vehicle for the Presence of the Divine in an unusual situation, God knows the perfect timing.

    Trust that. Stay ready. ENJOY the study of the Divine and Its nature and attributes. Bask in the sweetness of friendship with God. When God wants you to act or do or speak, God will certainly let you know, if you are simply listening, and willing.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each day, your job for God is to uplift those around you.

    Could it be simpler, really?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am Thou”.

    Know this all the day, Beloved One. “I Am Thou”.

    For imagining that there is a separation between you and God-Source, that you are not already a part of God-Source, shining from It, within It, like a ray from the sun, is poisonous thinking. You are not separate. You and your Source are One.

    “I Am Thou”.

    Bless yourself by knowing this today. Know it for now, and know it always.

    “I Am Thou”.

    And We Are,

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Double your resolve to be one who believes in Good, expects Good, and looks for Good, and sees Good.

    “Bless those that curse you and do good to those that seem to wish you ill.”

    For the more soul-lights that are determined to see Good and create Good, more of Good in the shared dream will indeed be revealed. Choose, please, to let Good lift you to a higher Sight, so that Good will be more easily apparent to you, and to all.


  • Ah, Dear Beloved,

    There is no use asking those who awaken to force others to awaken. Let the sleeping ones sleep as long as they wish, just being ready to share awakened Sight with them when they are ready.

    Also keep in mind, Beloved, that in the Great Joining, some are exactly where they need to be, ready to awaken to the right time and place for the learning of those around them. Let Divine Spirit drive it all, decide it all, and let your own heart concentrate on keeping your own feelings and thoughts aligned with what you know so far about Love.

    As your thought expands to more uplifted levels, you will see the wisdom unfolding.

    “Open my eyes, Dear God, and let me see the image that You see of me.”


  • Ah, Beloved, that is the Truth of Heaven—that the Truth of God is Life, Spirit. That which is Heaven is the Living. God is the God of the ever-present essence of all those that were ever thought of. But, the God †“Force that the Master metaphysician came to demonstrate is the Divine Spirit of God that God gave as a gift to the “dead” that need to remember they are living. The “dead” are those that dream they are just bodies. God is not the God of dust, but of Life, and Spirit and everlasting Awareness and Love.

    God is the God of All, Beloved. Do not discern what is not there. The incredible perfection of God is available at all times, and in all ways. Ask for the available God Knowing, and see through the dust into the essences of Life, Spirit, Goodness, Perfection, and Joy.

    Let the Joy be born again in every morning, and not just these few that you think remain in this familiar dusty body. Do not discern what is not there. Discern with your Spirit, that is One with Spirit, and see God is the God of all Life, all Spirit, God is the essence of You.

    Let It enfold your thoughts, and be as One and at Peace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is never a time to not be humble, if you define humble as the understanding that it is Divine Love that is the Cause of everything truly real. Your deep understanding of that will carry you, and let you be carried, into All Good.

    This is especially important to remember when you have prayed to see wholeness revealed, prayed to see healing accomplished, for someone, and cannot see any humanly visible results. Be humble then. Remember It is only the One Cause that made Goodness, and humbly turn your thoughts to remembering that.

    The Divine will work on persons and events in Its own way and timing. Keep your trust and your Mind on the praising and the Wonder of that, and stay humbly alert for your cues of when to speak, and what to say and do.

    Never do what the human ego asks. Do only what Divine Spirit asks.

    We are with you all along the humble way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Today, Grace, Abba, lift my thoughts higher, and help me keep them high.”

    “Help me focus on the joyous and the glorious, and not on the low and unseemly. In everyone and everything I can seek the wondrous Order and Goodness of Thee. Help me See. Help me See. Help me See, how marvelously you Govern he, and she, and me.”

    We are doing this with you, Beloved,


  • Ah. Beloved,


    Ask for Grace to silence the human will and human voice, and let only God Voice speak in you and through you today.

    You may be surprised to realize how much of what the human mind wishes to say is only full of empty ego. Silence it, and be full of God today.

    In Love, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    You will not see all the fruits of your efforts in your lifetime. Be not only at peace with that, but be inspired by that. Think with joy of those who may be inspired by a few words you wrote, or a piece of land you leave preserved, or a picture you paint, or a story you left to be told in your own family again and again.

    Just as you have found yourself inspired and comforted by the poetry of one of a thousand years ago, and even as you endeavor to live only in the Eternal moment of Now, do remember that ALL moments of the Eternal Now count and are important. There is no time in the Infinite Divine. Keep that perspective, and stay inspired, and do not look for immediate reward or thanks. Trust in God and trust in the Plan, and be content to be part of It.

    As are We,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A Beam of Light can hold no grudges.

    A Beam of Light can carry no weights.

    A Beam of Light can only shine.

    A Beam of Light can see no darkness, for where it is aimed becomes Light.

    A Beam of Light cannot carry Heaven, but

    A Beam of Light can shine from Heaven into hell,

    And a Beam of Light is what you are.

    “I Am a Beam of Light.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Act when God tells you to act, and DO constantly remind yourself that “One Mind Lovingly Governs all”, praying to keep your own heart open to that Governance, and that all other hearts listen as well, sooner instead of later.

    This is simple, but huge. Just do this today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although all beings are connected through the Divine Spirit that is them, which awaits to be welcomed to awaken, all beings also are individualized expressions of the Whole.

    This means that when you meditate about clarifying your own understanding of the Whole, or when you pray for the healing or joy of another, it is best done one person at a time. Focus, focus, focus on your own individual awareness of the Divine Within, or focus on the Divine in the other person coming clearly forth.

    When there is a nameless, faceless group that you wish to pray for, such as the victims of a storm, do so. The loving energy you send does help. But for your private work of enlightenment, and for offering Divine Love from your Inner Spirit to the individuals who come into your life, do it one being at a time.

    Person to person, touch to touch, Spirit to Spirit, the Truth of Harmony is spread into the world. It cannot be legislated. It cannot be forced. It must be freely given.

    We freely give all our Love to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a part of something so very Grand that it cannot be seen from human perspective. Therefore give yourself the gift of closing your human eyes several times a day, and letting your Inner Sight lift high, high, high, so that you can enter the Awareness of all-encompassing Love, and see the ineffable Grandness and Beauty of the Great Design.

    And feel Loved, and Loving. And Love It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Spiritual understanding and the Spiritual Sight and Hearing that lead to full experience of your already-existing Harmony as an idea of God-Mind, are not attained by dwelling on the pains or pleasures of the earthly senses. We understand that while you yet walk the maze of the senses, it is tempting to just look for improvements in that realm—in health, in wealth, in relationship and sense of purpose. But looking only to the effects fools the mind into thinking those are of true importance and independent existence.

    Today, Beloved, focus just on the Oneness of Spiritual Cause, and on Its Goodness. Today, truly concentrate on letting your heart merge with the Heart of God, in whose Consciousness you actually have your Home and Being. From there come all Good things. From staying aligned with God Heart you can direct your own Good Experiences and the Good Experiences of others. THIS is the Power of God, that was granted to all Its children.

    Do this thing today. We are with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, O’ remember, dear love, how first you struggled and were perplexed when the Call rose in your heart to seek the Voice and knowledge of God. When those around you are not eager, or, even, completely disinterested in that process of knowing who they are in the Universe, be patient and have mercy. Their good time will come, in the Will of God.

    Have mercy, have mercy, have mercy, and be kind.

    Are we not always merciful to you on the days you lose your way?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you feel annoyance or impatience when you hear or read a basic Spiritual Truth, it is likely you are suffering from some unresolved or unadmitted issue in your own Soul self.

    Someone you haven”t forgiven? Some opinion you are self righteous about? Some behavior you know is unfair to continue? These things chip away at your time spent in calm happiness.

    Take the time you feel annoyed and swap it for time asking Spirit Divine to create in you a clean heart.

    Your heart is already clean in God Source. Spirit just needs to help give it a shower of Love.

    Join forces with the Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As We have told you before, there are ways you can help yourself forgive yourself and others. You know you want to in order to stop the pain of the anger or the irritation of wasting so much time reviewing in your mind the old hurt.

    If just knowing that is not enough inducement, do ask for Divine Help, and think again of the times you have been forgiven. Do not become lost in the thoughts of old errors you have made, but acknowledge and be very grateful for the forgiveness you experienced. That will open up the way for empathy and compassion, and an acknowledgement that misunderstandings or unknown facts or explanations may be at play. Let all these things raise you up enough to think about the great exemplars of forgiveness that you want to emulate, and ask again for Divine Help.

    And turn to something you want to accomplish or enjoy thinking about, and let the Unseen Loving Help work on cleansing your heart. You have forgiven before and you will forgive again and you can do the same thing now. You have been forgiven and you will be forgiven and you are forgiven if you are being slow to forgive right now.

    You are perfectly aware that all true healing begins with forgiveness, and you know you love being Whole. Clear the path, toss old resentments into the Hands of God, and walk Whole and happy today. Celebrate the existence of forgiveness, and moving higher. It is, after all, your own humanness you are forgiving.

    With you, Helping,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember today to focus not on outer appearances, but on God’s Governance of each heart towards learning and remembering and expressing Goodness.

    Expect expressions of Goodness to be evident in the evolution of human Consciousness, and pray to see it so in all the world.

    And pray to see demonstrations of Goodness in your own life, and expect that Goodness.

    “God Governs”. Remind yourself of this many times today, and remember God is not limited.

    Let your faith be unlimited as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Loves you consistently. God Loves you consistently and completely, for you are simply a perfect reflection of Love Itself as the Soul of you.

    God Loves you consistently. Even if you rant against God, or disbelieve in God, or doubt God’s intent for your Joy, or get very angry at the loving demands of Truth, God Loves the very essence of you completely.

    Can you do the same for yourself and those around you? Can you Love the Soul of them in the face of their anger or ignorance? Can you completely keep in thought their identity as children of God, despite their errors of understanding? Can you accept the Grace of God, freely given, so that you may forgive yourself and others, and be able to Love consistently and steadily?

    Grace supports you in this. It does not need to be a struggle and a super-human effort.

    “I Love myself and others, because God Loves us all, and I shall allow God’s Wisdom to prevail.”

    It Flows if you let It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Order is pleasing because the Divine Principle includes an aspect of Order that helps Harmonize everything. So do enjoy temporary order that you create or that you witness, but do also expand your understanding of what the greater sense of Order truly is.

    Yes, the folded laundry or the tea bags arranged to easily find are enjoyable parts of momentary order, but there is also order that contains the illusion of time. The garden that morphs and changes with the seasons, including the wild seeding of the various plants and flowers, is a part of the order of provision and time. The wondrous awakening of human consciousness, each individual and as a mass in the Oneness of Being, is a part of Order.

    O, Beloved, enjoy being part of the Order that unfolds over time, of which God has already seen the beginning and the end. Yes, continue to be pleased by the small and temporary elements of order that you can create in your own home and life, but mostly be pleased when your mind is aligning with the Great Mind of Love that holds all.

    For in allowing your consciousness to be awakened and raised, you are obeying the Order given by Divine Spirit, “Rise, and follow Me!”

    We are thrilled as more and more awaken,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ponder the phrase, “Be not offended in Me”, which, in various forms, shows up in many sacred scriptures.

    The “Me” is the Oneness, the Infinite Source which contains and sustains and upholds and maintains all things and ideas of individuality (you are an idea of individuality).

    If you are “offended”, or holding a grievance, within that One Wholeness, then it is as though you have put up a fence around the idea of you, as you float within that Ever- present, Calm, Giving, Love. Or, in other words, being offended, or holding onto that feeling of being offended, translates into being unwilling to receive.

    The next time you feel offended by something someone says to you or does to you, ask yourself, “am I closing myself off to receiving Love?” Am I putting up a barrier to the possibility of receiving a sweet glimpse of the Divine, in this encounter, or from this person, or in the growth of my own actions and spiritual sight?

    “Let me turn to Trust and Forgiveness, and see what comes Flowing to me.

    For I vow, once more, to not be offended in Thee.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ever-present miracle is the ever-Presence of Creation’s Love.

    Turn to It, turn to It, turn to It, O”, Love. Let that Presence shine away any grievances you have, and that others might have towards you, and let the miracles that are RIGHT THERE, in your life, be revealed.

    We are as held in, and up by, that Love, as you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about that word. Beloved.

    Ponder it and embrace it today.

    You ARE Beloved of God. “God Loves me”, and “Through Its Strength I can do all things that are required of me” can carry you through all, with joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no confusion in your Heart, for confusion in your own Heart is like conflict with another person’s True Self. They are not reflections of God—of what you truly are. Remember this key thing—that if the aspects of self that you are thinking about, or that you are speaking or acting, are not like the Qualities of the Loving Maker/Source, then you have given way to the ego self that sees itself as separate from, and in opposition to, everything else.

    Just keep testing your thoughts—”Am I reflecting the Life, Truth and Love and Joyous Intelligence of the Source that made me, and in Whom I dwell?”

    Your Self of Spirit, and the Infinite Spirit are One, Love,

    PONDER that. silently, slowly, carefully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you want to hear clearly, make sure you hear yourself speak only Love today.

    If you want to think clearly and True, think only thoughts of Love today.

    We Help you when you let us. Be willing to accept Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not trust your human self to remember to use Gratitude constantly, write the word on your hand. Post a note on your dashboard or your handlebar or your phone.

    Remind yourself constantly, Gratitude! Gratitude! Gratitude!

    And then feel it, knowing that it is the wedge that holds open the door of your mind to the Thoughts of the Good Creator, so that the Power and Presence of Loving Creation can help you look at each person and thing with the eyes of Light, and See them True.

    Gratitude, Beloved. Gratitude.

    And help others count their Blessings, so that Love flows for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is never a real reason to fear. Trust in the unending existence of the Soul-Self, and concentrate on maintaining your constant connection to the Divine Voice. It will tell you the right places to go at the right times, the right things to do and say, the helpful ways to love and be compassionate towards others.

    So much becomes clear as you grow in spiritual understanding. If there are elements of relating to your part in being the Complete Unfoldment of Love that seem confusing to you, be patient. Trust that you will know each line and action when you most need to. It is the Source that shines forth the Good Plan, and you CAN just relax into being the clear transparency for It.

    We have said all of the above many times. But still it is true. Be calm, be calm, be calm.

    In the Joy of Good Creation, where all is made clear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never forget that the soul of each person you meet is really part of the Total Soul of the Source, and that all Source materials are made of the Primary Source. Therefore, the Parent of all is that Source, and when you try to take onto your human shoulders the responsibility for anothers understanding of how much that Source sustains and maintains each of Its parts, you are trying to pretend that you are the Parent.

    Care about your siblings in the earth play, blood-kin, or not, but turn always to the Primary Source-Parent to call out for the needs you may see them have. If you are told to help in some verbal or active way, then do so, but only in obedience to the Parental Voice. Silent well-wishing and prayers for relatives, friends, acquaintances and strangers is never amiss. Let those be your constant prayers, and you will find that it is smoother, then, to “pray without ceasing”, as you take your mind off of your prayers for yourself, and just enjoy the enlivening Presence that comes as you pray for others.

    We fly without ceasing on the thought and breath of your prayers,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the birth of the new Self occurs, you must, must, must let go of the old.

    The old definitions of your self as a body born on a certain day, and reared and educated in a certain way, and a list of events that occurred, to define who you were and are, must be released. Stop defining yourself as those things if you want to truly think of yourself as, and embrace your Self as, a Spiritual Child of God.

    When a student gets a math problem wrong, and turns to the teacher to ask what the correct procedure and answer is, the student must let go of the faulty procedure and the incorrect answer. Just so, Beloved, as you turn to God/Holy Spirit to help you understand who and what you are, you must let go of the old way of defining yourself. It must be a complete openness of thought and being, so that you will be able to truly declare, “I am Spirit. I am a clear reflection of the Divine Idea of me.”

    And let God/Divine Mind, tell Its idea (you), how to be a shining ray of Light, and of Goodness that plays its role in the Whole. God is Good, and you are actually God’s Good idea. Let go of the old definitions of yourself, and be calm and peaceful and free, as you be what God intended, and intends still, to be.

    Complete surrender is an old way, but still true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On most days, you look at the worldly news feeds, and read them, either quickly, or deeply. Many times you feel you are seeing repetitive stories, yet you still read them, or look for updates, or dwell on something that truly seems new in the news.

    Closing your eyes to the world and looking within at the daily “news” from God will have one line that is always the same, “I Love you.” Still, by actually listening to that “Godcast”, you feed and renew yourself. And that Love can have a different tone each day, while always being Wonderful and Complete. Listen to It. Hear that beautiful Truth each day in a new way, letting It build within you, and practicing your close alignment with It.

    And, Beloved, when you are filled with Love, and remember to ask of God, “What would You have me do for You this day?”, you may indeed hear something you have never heard before, or new instructions or details for a familiar purpose or goal. Listen to the news of God each day, Beloved. Listen, and take time to deeply feel and hear and accept that “Godcast” within.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry.

    Realize fully the truth of that. Since your Consciousness lives forever and can experience what it likes in complete Spirit, or upon the stage of time and space, then the pressure of time is off. There is no hurry.

    You are already complete and loved within the Whole of Spirit. If you choose to create and be, within some aspects of time, you may, but there is no hurry. Stand apart from time for a moment, and appreciate this. You, as essence, and reflection of Love, live forever. You may choose to step into time, to help, or to grow, or to practice, but there is no hurry.

    You are already Loved and Good and wonderful. There is no hurry.

    Relax into Love, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    ANYTIME that you find yourself “rehearsing” in your mind what you will say to someone, or do in a situation, beware. That rehearsal voice is often just the voice of the human ego, and may be motivated by one-upmanship, or self pity, or revenge, or anger, or hatred, or other of the un-Godly qualities.

    Ask for Divine Truth and Love to be with you, and heal your thoughts. Then, see what Loving Thoughts your Divine, True Self leads you to have, and know that often it will come down to this– It will remind you to remember “I AM LOVE”. “I speak Love, I give Love, I act Love.”

    And, of course, the Love It speaks of, and wishes you to speak of, is not the lust of the flesh, but the Unconditional Love that crosses all boundaries and Knows the Best of yourself and the Best of the other person. Whether it is the one with whom you are Divinely consecrated to share physical Love, or whether it is a stranger to whom you wish to show spiritual pure Compassion, speak Love. Speak only Love, especially if you have ANY doubt about what your “mind”, of human thought, has been rehearsing to say.

    We will help give you Will to do so. Just Ask.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have those moments when you are feeling like a lone being, separated from all that IS, and you wonder why you keep doing something for someone who never expresses thanks or reciprocates, you MUST try to remember that what you give to another, you ARE giving to yourself.

    If you send forth love and goodness and kindness and forgiveness, those elements return to you. Yes, they may not come from the person you are giving to at that moment, but they will return to you.

    The earthly dream of physical life is a closed and circular system. What you give forth comes back to you. It is as simple as that. And, by the way, Beloved, this applies to thoughts as well as actions. Each time you even “think”, much less say aloud, “I am tired”, “I am broke”, “ I am a failure”, those thoughts come back at you as part of the dream. Patrol your thoughts, Beloved. Patrol them and take dominion over them.

    Substitute the Truth, and burn away all error thoughts. The Truth is that you are a perfect and lovely and fully sustained idea in the Divine Mind.

    Embrace THAT, think THAT and say THAT, and Be it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Put the Flow of Sacred information and energy and Consciousness with God first, first, first.

    Your bodily senses will try to convince you to wait, and take time for contemplation and prayer and healing after you have finished your meal or your bath or the errand, etc. But the time to connect to and fill filled with the Wholeness and Strength and Reassurance of Divine Spirit is Now, is first. If feeling unwell, turn IMMEDIATELY to God-Sense for help, not after various physical adjustments. If feeling confused in your thoughts about the purpose and priorities of the day, consult with God-Soul right away, not after trying this and that plan or activity.

    Learning to not be derailed by the habits of limited sense, or someone else’s definition of your duties, is the Good Path to living from the Heart of the Power of God. If you are ready to truly want that, then put God first. Put constant conscious communion with God, first, first, first.

    In every circumstance, God is ready for you.

    Love is ready for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so important to wipe away the error before putting the correct answer in.

    You know how hard it is to write a new number over an old one, when you have incorrectly filled out a check or some financial form. Confusion comes, and a squinting at the messy figure, trying to ascertain what the number really is in that spot.

    Just so with all the body or life conditions that seem to have been “filled in wrong”.

    Bring in the eraser of Truth, and it WILL erase the error, and substitute Itself, but first you must bring that eraser in. What carries It? Love. The Arms of Love, the Hands of Love, the Wings of Love. Ask Love to be the transporter of Truth, let It flood in, carrying Truth, and then see the Work, the correction, done. Have the patience to wait for this step. Call in Love until you feel It is there.

    Yes, knowing the Truth helps, but if you do not bring It in with Love, It is not where It is needed. Practice the Love. Practice calling in Its readiness to transport to your error, or to your need, all the solutions and corrections Truth makes. You may not know exactly how or when the correction will happen, but you know how It gets there. It comes in on Love.

    Use Love as your carrier, and all Good can be carried to you.

    It carries Us, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am, in my bodily-self, a pure and clean and clear transparency for the Free Light of the Divine Source to shine into the earthly realm. I am that through which It may shine and warm, and awaken anyone sleeping in the darkness, like sunrise awakening a roomful of dreamers.”

    This it the ultimate purpose of everyone. There are many other things you can do, to pass the time, or to give joy or comfort, but do not ignore this aspect of what you are, for It will not rest until each has accepted that part of themselves.

    We say this in Great Tenderness,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Just one person, hopeful and helpful, can change the whole mood and climate of a room. You know this. Do you want to be that ray of hope and Light, wherever you are, today?

    We understand that you may not always feel that you are this Light, or can possibly be this Light, as you rise into the day, but We assure you that if you indicate your willingness to try, to let the Spirit of Loving Grace “do with you as It Will”, you will Brighten every space you enter.

    And, not only that, you will Lighten and Brighten the thoughts and hope of every person you hold in your thoughts from afar, sending them your embrace and acknowledgement of them as part of The Light.

    Even on the days that you do not feel up to this, if you indicate even a small willingness, and openness, God is able. And what God Wills and Wants you to do, you can.

    O”, do say yes each day, Loves,


  • Ah, Child,

    As everyone around you seems to be doubting of what you know, from your contemplation/communion time with the Source, to be true, hold fast to this:

    I am the substance of Spirit.

    I exist in Spirit, and all that Spirit is made of,

    the calm courage, the wholeness of Love,

    the beauty of creativity satisfied,

    All these are mine, for they are what I am made of,

    and It Is Good.

    As those that seem to be “others” doubt you, remember that all about them, too, substituting the words “we” and “ours” where before you said “I” and “mine”. To center yourself in Spirit, to know that you are part of eternal Life Divine, which is reflected as a play on earth, to feel the gratitude of that, and then to include others in that realization, that is to become a healer. That is to become a partaker of the ineffable calm and gladness that are the very essence of the Infinite Being.

    Giving It keeps It flowing through your heart, and through your life,

    Life IS Divine, and spirit, in Divine Life, is what you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If the voice you hear when you sit down to listen is not calm and clear and full of Love, then it is not The Voice.

    Sit longer. Let go and surrender, knowing That Which Is , Loves you.

    Listen again. If you are hearing anger or discontent or complaints or self-loathing, then you are only hearing the sounds of the temporal self. Listen again. Listen for the Voice of the Self that is inexorably linked with the Source that is all Love, and is All that is Real.

    It dissolves the other errors, It helps you Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Request the new Sight that comes of walking in the here and now of God.

    Use that new sight to see the true Soul of yourself and all around you. Condemn not the Soul with the error or sin that the five senses see. Rebuke the spirit of mis-teaching or misperception that has dusted over the shining soul or you or the other, but love the Soul that shines within them all, and ask for Its Help in shining away the mortal errors and unpalatable behaviors.

    Ask for Help with this, and you CAN receive It.

    Savor and enjoy the beautiful and lovely souls you see revealed, when the smudge of error is off them.


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Be not afraid. You are Beloved of the Creator Itself. What could be more wonderful? What could be more secure and True and Just?

    You are Beloved of the Creator, as Its own creation. Trust in that. Savor that, today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When in doubt about how to pray or focus or meditate, just simply praise and love.

    Praise and Love. Praise and Love God, and each and every one and thing around you AND yourself.

    Believe us, Beloved, that if you spend a day simply saying “Praise God”, all day, in your thoughts, it will only lead to Good. We are aware that the worldly concerns that obsess you, or distract you, or worry you, can leave you feeling confused about what to pray for, or how to pray, or whether you even know what is good and what is not good. Leave aside this human state of confusion and simply Praise God.

    God is not confused. God is not in any pain of any sort. Just Praise God, for Praising welcomes His/Her dominion and HisHer Governance and His/Her Joy.

    There is no greater Joy than releasing into Praise,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is important to not let your means of focusing on the sweet Center of Being within become ritualistic and therefore too automatic. If you are not truly feeling centered in the Presence and Peace of the Source/Love after saying an accustomed prayer or thought, then become still and really focus and listen. You do yourself no favor if you become over-content with words and phrasing, but ignore whether or not you really feel the Love of God welling up within you in response. The understanding of the Presence must be there. The true feeling of connection must be there.

    The mortal self will tease you with thoughts of what duties or routines you must get to. The fleshly self will rumble the belly or itch the teeth. Pay no attention. Leave not the prayer closet time of surrendering and listening and focus until you truly feel embraced by, and fortified by, Love, before you start your worldly day.

    It is important. Would you leave the house without your clothes on? No. So, do not leave the house without donning the Love of God.

    It is your armor. It is your wealth and health and strength and joy. Welcome It, embrace It, be cheerful and strong in your place as a part of the Whole.

    Wholly yours,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you find out that a friend of yours is color blind, or perhaps sees the energy auras that surround the visible body, you realize that that friend sees you in a completely different way than you see yourself.

    Beloved, God-Spirit Sees you with the eyes of Love, and only with the eyes of Love. God-Spirit Sees you as an expression of All Good Spirit, in Its own image, Spirit of Spirit, and perfectly lovable and capable and expansive of Compassion. If God sees you this way, you can begin to think of yourself in this way also. Strive to think of the wonderful Qualities of God you express, each day, and begin to See yourself as God Sees you. As you do so, the human qualities that are not God-like will fall away, washed off by the Truth.

    For God knows you to be delightful.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am here with you. I will be with you on all the journey.

    Today, think not only about how much I Love you and you Love me, but that Unconditional Love has already enacted the Plan to heal all, and Unconditional Love is Omnipotent. It has already healed all of their mis-beliefs.

    From within your perspective of linear time, that does not seem true. So step outside of your time thoughts for some moments today, and let your heart beat with my Heart, and see and feel that Unconditional Love is real, and feel how All is Well and healed and Whole and of Good, Good purpose.

    Loving you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a time in every life when opening a new door becomes imperative, and this is often the time when what happens in the visible realm may not seem “good” to your human judgment, but is indeed conducive to the pathway that will lead to your Highest Peace.

    Like the early explorers who had to be willing the re-plot their routes when they were alerted to upcoming mountain ranges by the native inhabitants who had the wisdom of generations to guide them, be willing to be guided.

    Your Internal Divine Guide has the wisdom of Eternity and Infinity, Beloved. Be willing to be guided, and remember each morning how important it is to practice and practice until you are certain you know how to hear and recognize the Divine Voice within. Listen not to the voice of fear, O’ Love. Listen only to the Voice of Certainty and Gladness.

    When you come to easily recognize when the lie of fear is trying to induce you to follow its advice, you will feel amazed that you followed it so often in the past. And, you will be very joyous that you can discern that, and follow it no more.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    For the truth of what you are in the Heart of God, that shines Its ideas of Love forth as the entire Cosmos, you cannot trust your five senses any more than you would trust a fun-house mirror to tailor your clothes. You must ask Divine Spirit, and understand that what it knows of you is what you really are. You are Child of God, you are reflection and projection of Divine Qualities and Goodness.

    Ask for Its Help to speak and act as the real you that God knows you to be.

    Ask to know “I am strength. I am Lovable and Loving. I am a part of Wonder.”

    And for those who are around you, also wondering who they are, or for those who you wonder what they are to you, do the same. Ask Divine Spirit, and hear the truth “You are all My Beloved ideas, and I am Helping you remember it is so.”

    As ever, with you as you awaken, and always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is the interest of your own Self in feeling Peace and Calm, in an unearthly way, unrelated to material causes or circumstances, that will lead you Spiritward. The true and deep desire to feel that Flow of Love, that needs no conditions and has no expectations except Good, is the fuel that will keep you practicing the Mindfulness that fills thought.

    When you let all your thoughts be God-Thoughts, Beloved, you are there. When you let all your actions and non-actions be guided by those God Thoughts, you can be the example to others you wish to be. And, even in the seeking of that, and the growing, and the stumbling only to get up again, you can demonstrate the graciousness of the goal.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Encourage everyone around you, today, to accept Goodness. Assure them they deserve it. Tell them they deserve Joy.

    Each one will be at a different place in their definition of Joy—some still only able to define it in terms of physical possessions. Some are ready to try to live more in the moment and take joy in all small and big things and in experiences and people. Some are ready for the Pure Joy of knowing God.

    But all are ready to be told they deserve Joy. Say it out loud to them, or say it with a smile, but say it.

    We Smile at you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “When I am tempted to look at the faults and errors of another, Dear God, help me see past those ephemeral aspects, and See the Loveliness of Your Love shining in their hearts.”

    This is crucial for you to remember to pray each and every day, Beloved. If you keep it in your mind and intentions, it will change your life. We assure you, you cannot imagine how many opportunities for love and prosperity you have walked by, simply because you did not see the Goodness that was waiting to flow to you through another person that came in an unlikely wrapper. And, of course, keeping this in your thoughts will help your own Loveliness shine forth to others. Be always ready and willing to Help in Godly ways.

    And We will Help you all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not trendy. God is the All in all. We could list many reasons and facts for you about this, but that is not the way your heart feels the experience of Truth. Simply relax today, Beloved, into a quiet vision of yourself as one cell in a great tree, fed by the sap that surges upward, and made strong and upright by being among all the other cells of the wood and leaves that are also part of the Great Tree.

    Let the flow of the sap nourish you. And feel how sweetly and securely you held in place as part of that Whole and beautiful structure, peacefully.

    We are the very air and sun moving around your leaves,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you wake in the morning praying “Give me some Joy today”,

    then hear your answer of the Loving Parent Source:

    “Take your Joy in looking at Me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ultimately, each individual that is part of One Great Soul must make its own peace with, and acceptance of, that Truth that it IS part of One Soul. As someone who loves another, or advises or supports another, your own awakening consciousness can do much to help that individual spirit rise to its greatness, but you cannot do for it that final act of giving over the individual will to the One Will.

    Be at peace with all that you are able to do for others, and do love them as they climb and live, but be not afraid to trust in the Wisdom of the One, that Knows exactly how quickly each individual can waken up.

    We know you do all you can,

    ALL Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am Love”

    “I am a ray of Love, and from that Love I can draw all the centered and wonderful substance and compassion and sustenance and power I need for all that I must do and want to do in the realm of earth-thought.”

    “I am Love”

    You are, Beloved, and We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have come so very far in realizing that the pains and sorrows of the earth journeying can be lightened and removed from experience by focusing on the Good that is the One Cause and of Whom you are a reflection. It is so delightful for you when you experience the lifting off of pain and the wondrous resolution of difficulties.

    But realize now that ALL illusions are illusion. Those brief pleasures that pull one away from the focus on serving Love, or the temptations that would make one want to believe that material elements are the source of true Joy, those also must be seen for what they are—nothingness. Step away from pursuing them. We assure you that the deeper Joys of serving the Oneness of Being will and do more than replace the enjoyment that false advertising would try to convince you is real and worthy of pursuit.

    The simple and complex joys of life will still be a part of your journey of bodily existence, but they will be full of the sweet purpose of the shared Qualities of the Divine.

    Hold fast today to knowing you are a Spiritual Embodiment, made of Light,

    I Am with you in this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I have no end. I had no beginning. I am without time.

    But you had a beginning. Yours was when I first Lovingly Thought of that which is You. And I continually Think about You, sustaining You, and delighting in You.

    This is how I expand, adding Loving Thoughts so that there is more and more of Me, more of Love. Expanding Love.

    Be glad of this, My Thought without end.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There IS always a choice available: to remember your identity.

    You are not a body, anxious and fearful and susceptible to all the myths and beliefs of the world. You are a Divine part of Consciousness Itself, and your Abilities, as that, can do what they need to do to modify and keep strong your costume of light, while you choose to still wear it.

    In every situation, forget the body and its seeming demands, and ask yourself, “What would Love do? What should I, as a part of Love, do?”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a friend needs to be listened to, become very still and listen.

    Become so still that you are no longer you. Become so still that you are just the frame for holding the mirror of Holy Spirit, reflecting back to the other being the beauty and the glory that is the Light that he or she truly Is.

    It is the best thing you can be.

    Your friends,


  • Sometimes just a few minutes of praying, or meditative realization, is enough. Bless you. Remember that you dwell in Love, that the true substance of you is Harmony of Spirit. “I am the substance of the Joy of God.”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many times, when you are feeling fears or doubts, or even an ecstasy in new love or interest that would tease you into taking new ways, it is so important to stand back and look at the Truth behind what you are feeling.

    Look deep, and know that what is really at issue every single day, is your faith in the Goodness of God. If you doubt that a solution can appear, or be thought of, for a problem situation, you are doubting the Goodness of the All in All. If you wonder whether a new exuberance is really leading you in the right direction, you are not demonstrating faith and certainty that Spirit will lead you right of you take time to listen to It as you move ahead.

    Today, Beloved, and all days, give Spirit your willingness to hear Its guidance and to trust that It wants a Happy Dream for you, before enfolding the ray of Light that is you, at the perfect time and place, into the timeless arena of the Divine.

    While you yet shine into time, It is with you. Trust It.


  • Dear One,

    If fear begins to touch you, reach for its opposite. If fear begins to motivate you, reassess the direction you are going. If a person that you are standing near, or talking to, begins to frighten you, reach out with a compliment, or speak your gratitude that the other is here upon earth, brave enough to come and be a living part of Oneness.

    If fear is grabbing your belly, remind yourself that the other person and yourself are both part of the same infinite organism, here to share and learn and teach and experience.

    If fear begins to find you, know that you are very close to also finding true courage and true faith. In the divine balance of oneness, where one emotion exists, another that is its opposite also exists as a possibility for you to go to. Note your emotions. Be aware of how you feel, and if you are feeling an emotion that you do not want, choose to go to its opposite with a thought, or with a word, or with a joke, or with an image, or with an action.

    You have more control over your own feelings and those of the people around you than you may think. Remind yourself that other possibilities in the grid of Life exist. Give yourself the gift of choosing the ones you want, and go there.

    Trusting you to remember love and all its cousins,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not bleak. Be Glad, Glad, Glad. As the Divine Plan, which has already been enacted, seeps through time, all will be awakened to their non-animal nature. All will realize they are glorious spiritual ever-living Life and Love, all interconnected, and never separate from the Oneness of Being. Each time the physicists realize another truth about the entanglement of all energy and quantum bits, take great heart. For as the “Great Joining” is proven to those who only look to the numbers and calculations for their beliefs, more and more individuals come to accept their part of being Harmony.

    Yet, those who still believe they are bodies, with no Essence of Heart to guide them, will continue to be frightened of those who see the Unseen. Be gentle and merciful with them, Beloved, just as you must be gentle and merciful with yourself on the days when bodily needs distract you from always placing Thoughts of God first. They will See when they are ready.

    First Good, God, dancing in the mind. Then the mind can Gladly awaken from its drowsy list of needs, and See that they are already fulfilled, being of One Mind with God.

    Again we say, ponder this without worrying about whether you understand quantum entanglement, or deep meditation techniques. Just ponder and love God, and God will lift you into His/Her level of Thought, and you will know already All is Well. Let Love seep in, like milk soaking into cereal, and let yourself soak in Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing to fear from God. God, Love, only Loves you, and gives an endless flow of Love and Life to you that is Its very Self and Soul, Child of Its own Goodness.

    Once you realize that thinking of yourself as a separate body is just to have armored yourself in fear of God, and that God really sees and knows you only as His/Her wonderful and innocent child, then you can change your thought of the body. Then, you can think of it as just a useful tool for communicating and for enjoying the phase of the Glad earth dream. Then, you can relax into letting all of your “self”, thoughts and body and surrounding life, be just simple expressions of all the valuable Harmony of the Oneness of Being. Then, you can realize that you WANT to please God by being Its perfect reflection and expression.

    Relax into Love, today, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate this day. Choose today to be a day when you utterly, and sincerely, say unto the One Mind that constantly thinks you, and Whose Thoughts of you ARE you and your True Life, “Let me see Your dream for me, dear Creator.”

    And be willing to wait and watch and seek and see the evidence of the Creator’s desire for your happiness.

    Let it be so, for it is so, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give yourself a gift today. Refill yourself with the hope and trust of all the sense of Goodness, that is what you want to See with Spiritual perception, and thus have in your experience. It is so much easier to look past the illusions when you have a full vessel of memories of extraordinary and wondrous moments. Review the serendipitous solutions that have come for you and to you. Remember the ones you have heard about in others” lives. Be so, so appreciative of these proofs of the underlying Divine Order that wants to be given a chance to guide you always.

    “Dear God, Show me today, your Harmony in every way, for I know all Harmony is possible for you. Help me See it, and believe.”

    You deserve and need this gift, to soar,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are condemning yourself for a bout of ill temper or a human sense of unforgiveness, allow yourself to remember that We do not see those traits. They are as but a smear of dust on the Real you that We see and Love, Love, Love.

    We Love You, We Love You, We Love You. You are Innocent, just as is the Spirit of the one whom you were angry with. You are both innocent, under the sway of an error, and We Love You, We Love You, We Love you.

    Correct the error. Let Our Love correct the error. Hold it up to Us, and let Us Love you, and let Love show you the way. Allow Love to Govern you, and allow Love to Govern the other. Hating yourself, or hating the other, only leaves you in the mire of error. Let Love reign, and concentrate now on letting Love wash away the dust of error from You.

    Love Itself, Divine and clear, corrects all errors of perception, and it will do the same for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, hold this in your thoughts: “I am Wholeness, and the Wholeness of my body and my life and my means and my ways are wonderful demonstrations of my Unity with God.”

    “God is Whole. I am Whole.” Darling, the moon is ALWAYS full, even though from the small perspective of earth it seems to wax and wane. It is always itself. It is always full.

    So with you, always fully yourself, pure Spirit and true, all within the Spirit of God.

    We See you whole and true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is so much yet to do as the play of earth life winds through all of its scenes.

    You can intersperse these scenes with intermissions of quiet retreat into your True self in your heart and attitude, and you can learn to bring the Peace of Mind and health of body back from intermission with you, while you take your paces in the next scene. But the next scenes need your participation, so that all possible opportunity for Joy Source to express Itself is given a place to shine through and light up the darkness.

    One day, there will be so many points of Light shining through, that no more darkness will linger in any corner. Won”t that be Glorious to see?

    Meanwhile, enact your roles, Beloved, sip from Heaven all the while, and let God be the air and the food and the drink that keeps you Whole and Sane and feeling very Loved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Listen to your personal Angels, for they are the Thoughts of God, inserted into your earthly awareness, that your Consciousness may awaken as fast as it can, and remember that you are worthy, you are Beloved, you are beautiful, you are whole and perfect. You are Love.

    You CAN remember this now, even while you still wear the thought of a body.

    We See the Real You now, and so can you. And you can help others know this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sweetest Truth that you can know is that you ARE in Oneness of Being with the Source—a very ray of Spirit shining forth from Spirit Whole.

    Yes, the temporal illusions seem to have settled over you like a body that is on its way to dying the moment it comes forth, but the Truth carefully and diligently works to help you remember the everlasting nature of your Spirit. Work with It by allowing It to work on you.

    For, Beloved, pleasing God truly is the lasting, complete, and consistent way to please yourself. When the illusions seem to tumble and confuse and strain, re-examine your thoughts and see if they are Loving. Are they Loving of the Source of you, and of yourself, and of others?

    Let them be gently rearranged to align with Love, and let Truth help you be pleased, immediately.

    Let Truth help you correct ALL errors in thinking.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel you have no extra Joy to share, that is precisely when you must give some Joy, some help, to others. For to do so breaks the dam of a false belief in limited provision of Love.

    Love is Infinite. Your Infinite Source is Love, and Its Lifeblood is Joy. There is plenty of It. Plenty. If your human self thinks, even for a moment, that not enough is flowing to you, then break the blockage, break that false belief, by giving, giving, giving whatever smile or Good you can muster.

    Then you can and will feel the Flow of Divine Loving Joy again.

    Let It Flow,