Ah, Beloved,
You have no idea just how joyous God is when you overcome your own concerns and focus to help another that clearly needs assistance in a form that you can give. And this includes not only the small material contributions you might make, but prayers to the Divine Whole to send the person ideas and courage and persistence, to uplift them into their proper purposeful place in this time.
So the next time you are mentally fretting about something, or creatively focusing on a project, but notice someone who seems to be struggling with feelings or survival, take that moment to set aside your own concerns and offer the hand or the prayer or the coat or the coin, as led by God. The Joy it creates feeds all the World, including you.
Look around you, and notice, and act. Silent prayer is not small.
Ah, Beloved,
Sift through all your desires that seem so various, and that seem so small and huge, and you will find that underneath them all is the deep desire for Peace of Mind and Love.
Even if you think that it is excitement that you want, realize that the end result of an exciting time is the satisfaction and sense of achievement and peace of Self that accompany it, and come afterward, that is the feeling of the true heart. Seeking Peace of Mind and a Loving Heart does not mean doing nothing and simply sitting still or always being passive. It does mean keeping that lofty goal in mind.
And in that lofty-goaled mind, you will find that God’s Mind is right there with you, guiding and helping and providing and Loving, Loving, Loving and appreciating the very essence of you.
And so it is,
Ah, Beloved,
Physical death is not when you account to God for yourself. Every day is when you account to God for yourself, and to yourself for yourself. For living as God would have you live is what opens the path to Happiness, Peace, and Purpose.
So, each and every day, ask yourself what God asks you, “How much and how well have I Loved today, Loved in the way that God Loves me?”
For that IS the Happiness, the Peace and the Purpose. Love as God Loves. Love.
As I Love you. Because I Love you, you can do it.
Ah, Beloved,
If you spend your time Loving God, you will have no time for grievances.
If you spend your time looking for aspects of God to appreciate and love, in the world around you and in yourself, and in others, the glimmers you are able to see will hone your ability to See God, and soon you will have no grievances.
If you spend your time being a cheerful and peaceful and helpful example of God, more cheer and peace and help will come to you.
It is as simple as that. Plant those simple seeds, over and over, and soon you will have a field full of harvest.
We are right behind you, watering them,
Ah, Beloved,
Sometimes you will be the one to discern that you are in the time of no longer wanted to do a thing that you have done for a long time, such as a pottery class, or a teaching group. Or, you will form an understanding that you have moved past the time when you can give or receive more from a certain person or group, and will make an effort to form new associations and community. Do it lovingly, and stay committed to growing in your understanding of yourself and the Whole.
But at other times, it will seem as though, through no choice of your own, circumstances and people are being taken away from you. If you begin to sense this, stand back in your own awareness and see how you can sense the Divine at work. Are you being lifted out of circumstances that were no longer helping you grow? Are people being pruned out of your life that were not helping you grow in a good way, or who had simply finished the role they were intended to play for you? Are you in a time of being advanced to the next stage of learning, or being circled around to refinish an old phase, with a new cast of characters and opportunities?
Remember, this journey into and through time is never without purpose and growth. Assess all changes in terms of that Truth, and you may begin to see some of the upheaval in a new light. You may allow paranoia to become expectancy, you may allow loss to become space to be filled, you may find yourself blessing the new free time that gives you the chance to try new knowledge. You may come to bless the new patterns of habit that give you an entire new layer of Joy.
Always, the Source has your growth in mind, whatever you have done or not done. Believe It has your rediscovered Harmony in Mind.
With Great Love,
Ah, Beloved,
The more you forgive others, the more you are able to forgive yourself for errors and sorrows and misunderstandings.
And the more you forgive yourself, the more open will be your Spiritual Sight, that allows you to perceive what has been the human dream, and how openly God can show you God’s Good dream for you.
Ultimately, as time rolls up into a point of nothingness, so that you know there has been nothing Real to forgive, your Consciousness will be utterly free. Meanwhile, forgive, forgive, forgive, asking God, “Enable us all to See your Good dreams, for we long to See what we are in Thee.”
God wants you to See and feel Good.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no way to an understanding of God except having a relationship with Him/Her/ It. The time and focus you give to feeling that wonderful marriage of your soul to the Oneness of Being will pay you back in Peace of Heart and Mind and a sense of security that no bank account or human vows can furnish.
For you will realize indeed that truly nothing can separate you from the Love of God. It is all. It is everywhere and every time. It is what you reflect and express, as you comprehend the completeness of Omnipresent Being.
It is the best investment you will ever make, Beloved. Spend time today holding Love.
Let It be your thoughts,
Ah, Beloved,
Do not try to fool yourself.
It is impossible to serve two masters.
Choose to serve the worldly illusion, seeking its pains and pleasures, or choose to serve the Creative Source. Sooner or later, you must choose.
The only overlap between the two is the Inner Voice that stands ready to lead you back to the true fullness of your everlasting Spiritual Self, as soon as you choose to awaken to it, to fully remember it. And It will help that awakening be gentle, gentle, gentle, if you let It take charge.
“Not what I want, but what God wants, in Heaven and in my earth dream.”
The Laws of Truth do not change, That is what Truth is.
Ah, Beloved,
To remain in Joy, it is crucial to “pray without ceasing”—to constantly contemplate the Qualities of the Divine within which you live. The spiritual body that you ARE, in Truth, is made of those Qualities. They are Harmony, Love, Peace, Infinite Life, and Intelligence and Deep Calm Soul, among others.
Think about them. Become the revelation of them, as you see the dusty reflection of your thought of yourself as a body fall away. Reflect purely those Qualities, and SEEK, as in a delightful game, the Qualities of the Divine in everyone around you. They are as you. They are you, just the same Qualities arranged in different ways, as flowers are arranged in different bouquets.
All have the odor of sanctity,
Ah, Beloved,
There is absolutely no one around you that does not reflect a part of the ego-self of yourself that you are trying to let go of, so that you may be a clear vessel for the Truth.
Think about that. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed by the audacity of a dictator’s evil, or just mildly annoyed at the insensitivity of a spouse, or anxious because of a slow clerk at the station, they are all reflections of your own earthly emotions.
Be at peace, Beloved. Seek only peace, Beloved. In peace is your harmony. In peace is the word of God, which you may finally hear in its entirety, because you have let go of the last bit of attachment to trying to “fix” the world of illusion.
Close your eyes to the fun-house mirrors, for they will never show you the Truth,
Ah, Beloved,
Express Love, always. Express Love, and the body, its temporary vehicle, falls into place.
God Loves you as Love, and to Love. Be that Love and take your mind off the body.
Be that Love, and that is truly to be one with God, and in the Oneness of being, your complete understanding begins. The Body of Light includes all, and exists and functions with perfect Harmony always. God causes Harmony and God is the only Cause there is. Be the Cause of Love.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
The point is not to call on a faraway Force of Love and Wisdom to solve some problem that you have humanly decided is real and needs the solution you humanly want.
The point is to realize that the Infinite Force of Love that made your awareness of being, and that Holds you within all Awareness, can restore your awareness to what it is meant to be. A whole new sense of Being, One and Wonderful, is what the Infinite wants for those who have forgotten that they have never really left the Loving Mind that conceived of the Idea of each and every one.
Imagine waking to a new sense of Life and Love. Not just a patched up version of what you thought that you and your life were before, but a whole new sense of Life, vibrant and purposeful, and enjoyable with a steady delight, and Good, Good, Good.
Ask to awaken. Let yourself awaken to this Love.
Ah, Beloved,
We are One with you. We understand that at first that will sound like something that is a meaningless, cute or comforting, but inapplicable to daily life “saying”, but in time you will realize just how true and practical it is.
Understanding that the means God invented to awaken you, and to care for you while you are yet asleep to your own rightful place within creation, can be called upon at all times and in all places, is crucial to the deep Gratitude which will keep you ever-aware of the ever-present Help. Read that sentence again. And again. Practical ever-present Help is there to call upon.
It hurts nothing to try it out. Begin each day with lovely expectation, tossing your heart into the understanding that God wants, and already created, your Harmony.
Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
How easy it humanly is to slip into old ways of thought and habits. But as you have asked for Our Help in unfolding new and good and happy ways of thought, We remind you to watch the language of your mind. Just as you must adjust the language that your tongue speaks when it is in a foreign country, so must you adjust your mind to thinking the thoughts of Love, when you wish to abide in the Kingdom of Love.”
Think Love. Be Love. Abide in Love, and from within Its rosy and yet clear confines, all the world of Real Life will be seen to be Good.
We listen for your thoughts of Love today. Name the elements of Love you see, in objects and people around you, to help you See, today, the Kingdom.
Ah, Beloved,
Learning to love, and not judge outward appearance of, others also means not judging yourself. When you are in the moments of not liking your own behavior or appearance, stop and clearly ask God what the Divine Eyes See as you.
You will hear Thoughts such as “You are my Beloved and Beautiful and Goodly made child.” And if there is also a suggestion to forgive someone or to let an inspiration blossom, follow that advice. But know that always, always, always, you are a Beloved Child of Spirit.
God’s Mercy shines always. Only human forms of fear and anger bounce back and make mischief. Give them up, and count on and lean into, God’s Mercy.
Ah, Beloved,
Normally, in the Harmonious function of all of God’s Creation, the energy and Life and Joy you need flow to you automatically, without your constant conscious thought. But when you feel as though that is not happening, when you feel depleted, then is the time to use your experience with Divine Source communion, and remember “I Am renewable”.
“I Am renewable.” God is ever-ready to refill your mind and consciousness of Spirit with whatever you need to go on, go forth, go happy.
Remember to turn to the True Source, Loving Spirit ever-renewing you.
Ah, Beloved,
In every instant that you feel Spiritually Awake and clear, praise God/One Mind that is your True Higher Self.
In every instant that you feel a little earth-sleepy and confused again, praise One Mind to return to the feeling of clarity.
Just praise God all the time, knowing that in God’s Mind, you are Good and fine.
It is easier than your time-bound self might think,
Ah, Beloved,
The world of the five senses trains you to reach for things, such as reaching for a tissue when you think you have a sniffle.
The Divine would train you to reach for thoughts of Truth, and Joy, so that whether you are feeling a sniffle, or feeling doubt or fear or confusion, you reach for thoughts of the nature of the Divine of which you are made. Training yourself to think automatically about the Joyous impulse of Divine Creation, and resting in that feeling of Joy, can turn around a seemingly confusing situation in just moments.
Training yourself to look for thoughts of gratitude in your mind when you are feeling resentful can become a truly saving habit. Whether you are feeling resentful about the weather that has changed some picnic plans, or a relative’s opinions about your hobbies, moving your thoughts into gratitude about nature, or about the relative’s good qualities, can shift your heart into the open state that the Divine can enter, and Help you heal the moment.
Consider how very “magic” and liberating it can feel to realize that you carry right within your own heart the ability to turn to thoughts of Joy and Gratitude, and so change your own experience of people and events, without having to reach for any “object” of earth or go through any argument.
Never too soon or late to begin your self-training. We will Help.
With Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Look honestly at the path you have walked in the earth journey and you can find examples of the times that the gentle Source knew your needs before you did, and prepared the Best Way for you. Ponder one of those things or experiences and be utterly, utterly grateful. For being grateful does indeed prepare you to see, recognize and utilize the Goodly ideas and people and places that will serve your human needs Best, today and in all the days to come.
Be Grateful, Beloved, Be Grateful,
Ah, Beloved,
Putting God first truly means always putting thoughts about Perfection of the Infinite Original first. Rather than focusing first on what you think are your personal faults or abilities, or needs or dreams, focus on thoughts of the Perfect Power of God, and then allow that to be expressed in you and through you.
Put God first. Rather than dwelling on imperfection and the temporal, put thoughts of Everlasting Perfection first.
Do not make your problems your god. Have no God ahead of God, Good.
Ah, Beloved,
Whenever there is doubt about your own ability to overcome a complete wave of discouragement when facing pain or lack, OR whenever there is a sweeping temptation to overindulge in the sweet sensations of life, remember that the Power of God within you is also there as a support and an advocate, not just as a tender lover and father/mother and provider.
Take that crucial moment to pause, and ASK for some of the Divine perspective to help you choose well, to give you strength to assess clearly and calmly, and the wonderful will to carry out and carry forward with your resolutions and answers.
ALL of your strength comes from the Divine Source. Why not call on It when you need It most?
Ah, Beloved,
Holding grudges keeps you in a hellish state of mind. Forgiving and forgetting them keeps you open to the possibilities of Heaven. It is that simple.
Can you remember that all day today?
As ever, Loving,
Ah, Beloved,
There is so much that can be drawn upon from the Infinite, and that your unique self can understand and demonstrate in a way that no one else can, that your mortal imagination cannot embrace it. Ask for the Infinite Creative Force to help you draw to you the specific, understandable bits of Itself, that are ready to be revealed as Blessings to you and to those around you.
Choose, darling one, whether you are ready to be a transparency for those wonders of Life to shine through you. Perhaps on some days you feel ready and able. Perhaps on some days you feel unworthy or unable to serve thus. But know this, that on any day you do let the Divine glow through you, the Grace and Gratitude of the All in all is yours.
Choose, this day. This day, commune with the Infinite and ask to see and comprehend your Share, and choose to share your Divine Share with others.
Ah, Beloved,
Knowing that all revealing of Wholeness comes only with, and in, the total trusting of the Governor of Wholeness also implies another important thing. Trust the timing of God. Trust, trust, trust, the timing of God.
Just as a master choreographer knows when a student is ready to attempt a special leap, or as a traffic controller understands how many cars to let through so that the one lane bridge ahead is not clogged, trust in the Divine timing of the Whole. The Loving Governance knows when someone is ready to achieve more, or understand their special talents. The Divine Governance knows when seeing all elements of life change too quickly would be too shocking for an adjusting consciousness to accept, and will ease them slowly into the Light of Truth.
YES, keep in mind the IMMEDIATE availability of the Primal Mind, and Its Loving Care for all Its ideas, but trust that It knows how to feed Itself into the illusory sphere of time-sense in the best way possible for all.
All in All, It is Love,
Ah, Beloveds,
Heaven welcomes you. Whether it is now, while yet you walk the earth dream, holding the sweet Calm of Joyous Heaven in your heart and thoughts and actions, or whether it is later, having laid aside that vehicle of expression, your body, Heaven welcomes you.
Beloveds, Heaven welcomes you all. The dreams are as naught then, forgiven and kind, and all Heaven welcomes you with open arms.
Open your own arms now, and thoughts and hearts, while yet you gaze upon sea and sand and trees and sky, and welcome Heaven now, as, Beloveds, It welcome you.
Now and always, It welcomes you. Let Heaven be here and now.
Ah, Beloved,
Forgiving others IS forgiving yourself.
Today, do not try to understand that intellectually. Just taste it with your heart, and see if it does not taste like the Truth.
We have tasted its truth,
Grace comes into the mind and thoughts that seek It,
When they are ready to admit that it is the only Force, freely given,
That ever made the heart keep beating.
Life is Grace and Grace gives Life.
Say thank-you again and again, for that which you live within,
Ah, Beloved,
Grace flows endlessly and abundantly from God-Spirit.
If you had some dust on your hands, you would not doubt that holding them under the gushing waters of Niagara Falls would wash them clean. Just so, do not doubt that the regrets and confusion and guilty feelings of the human condition can be counteracted by the Mighty Flow of God’s Grace. Be still, and turn to the Soul of God, and ask to be showered with Grace, soaked in Grace, healed with Grace.
Do not wait for moments of crisis. Bathe in Grace each morning just to begin your day fresh and renewed and sure of your Care from God.
The daily Spiritual routines matter.
Ah, Beloved,
Serve God in secret and completely, and God will reward you openly.
Rather than fretting about exactly what you need, or what those around you, that depend on you, need, leave it to God. Rather than trying to sort out which wants and desires are good and true, and which are the frivolous lures of the human mind, leave it to God.
Simply agree to be a willing reflection of God. Be a transparency for God to shine through. Practice knowing the tenor and loving feel of the Presence, and then let It lead you in speech, in silence, in action, in example, and in every single choice you make.
What we are speaking of is not a prison of rigid rules. It is freedom. It is True Freedom. It is the Freedom of Complete Love.
Serve God today. Humbly lean into God Guidance, and see the rewards of Love and Joy come. Let constant service as an expression of God be your secret, and see all good provision come.
It is the Way,
Ah, Beloved,
It is a Truth that Love Loves all of Its reflections.
Every reflection, every individualized glimmer of Light that is one of the images of the Spirit of God, is Loved by God. If you would See as God Sees, timelessly, and past the illusion of human errors, you can make this part of your goal.
“I shall See as God Sees, I shall Love as God Loves, and God will help me do this.”
We are not asking you to love human error and sin. But Love the Soul of All, in Its various permutations and individualized reflections. It will help.
You can, you know. You can.
Ah, Be Loved, Beloved. Sink down into your Inner Awareness and let yourself feel supported and Loved. Let yourself feel It until you feel like you are as full of Love as an old water skin that has been held under the tap for a long, long time.
For what is the thought of a body but as like a water skin, with a few other particles here and there?
You, the Real You, is not that. It is Consciousness, but visiting a body for a brief time and space.
Hold your Consciousness in Love, under the Flow of Love, until you are completely filled. Any time you do not do that, you are cheating yourself. Any day that you do not begin that way only leaves you vulnerable to bubbles of distress. Leave no room for distress. Fill yourself with LOVE, Beloved, and it will satisfy and protect and keep the very shape of you firm and fine and in control of Love, always. “I am filled with Love.”
We are in the Control of Love, and we love it,
Ah, Beloved,
The certainty that Good is supposed to happen, and, indeed already has happened, from the perspective of the timeless mountain of Spiritual View, can free your heart from endless worry.
Good happens, Beloved. Eventually, you remember that you have always been a joyous part of All. Each time you choose to remember this, it helps shorten the time you endure any uncertainty, or pain, or death. This is a hard concept for the human mind to understand. But the simple approach to it is easy. Choose to expect Good. Choose to be grateful for Good.
How the time of worry becomes timeless Joy cannot be absorbed in a moment. But the simpleness of trusting Good, and expecting Love to keep Loving you, can.
Expect that. Be Loved, and Love Goodness back, and you leapfrog into your best.
Ah, Beloved,
You can believe in your own abilities because you believe in the abilities of the Creator Mind. Mind did not think you up and think of all your good qualities, like unto Its own, and then abandon you to doubt. Believe in your Creator, and believe in the Creator that still holds you, constantly, in Its Loving Thoughts. You are not alone.
You can do what you need to do, when you need to do it, by just following the sweet, calm guidance within. Keep your thoughts focused on displaying the lovely qualities of God. That is your goal. Let earthly goals fall into place around it, like the rays of the sun emanating from the sun.
We know you have, and are, and will do as you are meant to do,
Ah, Beloved,
“I am a sweet expression of the desires of God for my life.”
“More and more of the honor and trust and approval and love for Creation shine through me, from the Creator, as I let my worldly concerns fall away, and I am a clearer and clearer transparency for the Light of God to shine through.”
That IS your mission today, Love. Be it.
Always with you!
Ah, Beloved,
The simplicity of turning on the words “I Am Love” in your mind will indeed be like a light chasing away the darkness in a room.
You are made of Love because That Which Made You could only work with what It is: Love.
Let it be simple today, Beloved. Let it be “I Am Love”, and let no lies of the world and the senses come between that thought and your Peace.
Is a day so much to give for this?
Ah, Beloved,
RELAX into the Hand that made you.
Let yourself be guided. Let yourself be comforted.
Forget about thinking you can do anything of yourself that is not filled with human error. RELAX into the Love that made you and wants to see Itself reflected in you. Be humble enough to allow yourself to be Loved.
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
Accepting that you can remain in the dream, agreeing to be a sweet instrument of Love’s expression, gives you a greater freedom than you now realize. The effort it takes now to choose trust, and choose forgiveness, and choose to look at all with childlike wonder, will grow easier.
Relinquishing “control” to the Divine Source within frees you from thinking all choices are hard, and gives you a feeling of constant protection. AND, you come to see that the Divine is also protecting others from YOUR human mistakes, causing them to not be offended when you misspeak, or helping them see when you are unable to humanly help, and yet bringing to your side those that are ready to hear of your Love for the Oneness of Being.
ANGELS, Loving you so
Ah, Beloved,
Just as a gingerbread house is constructed of all edibles, in many different forms, so can you and your world be thought of as constructed entirely of the substance of Love in different forms.
Begin to think that way. Not as physical objects and bodies, but as the very Substance of the Thought of Love, floating in the Cosmos of Divine Mind.
All healing comes from thought aligned, Beloved. All healing.
Think about it, Beloved. Think on it.
Ah, Beloved,
It is because God is everywhere and everything that you can successfully send Loving and Healing Thoughts from afar. Whether you are praying for a community on the other side of the globe, or a neighbor you know well, your Loving Thoughts, given willingly, just as God gives them to you, do reach the others. God will freely refill your reservoir of Love. Trust that God is giving Love directly to them, as well. When you give yours, it just creates more and more. Love expands forever.
God is the All in which all exist and are connected. God knows all of the facets that make up the Great Soul. You are one facet, and you can shine to any other facet, simply by sincerely and lovingly deciding to do so.
Spirit-filled heart to hungry heart, send your desire to see Wellness of Being for all.
You can do this. It makes a difference. Never doubt the power of every Loving intent, for every such intent opens another way for God Life to shine forth.
Ah, Beloved,
One illusion, or a pile of illusions, does not make any of them true. Whether it is some joking teenage fantasies, or the inebriated visions of a group of talking drunkards, or the piles of wrong addition by a person who does not understand mathematics, all untruths are untrue.
God Thought is the only cause of All Good, and to remember that when trying to address or solve seeming errors is to be able to clear your mind, heart and soul, and to hear the True Thought that will untangle the pile of errors. If you picture Holy Spirit as the talented and wise teacher that looks upon your pile of problems and equations and tells you where it went wrong, then the errors can be erased and the truth, and the answers, and the Harmony, can be revealed.
Do not pile error upon error by relying upon uninspired human opinion, Dear ones. Turn to Spirit, and ask to hear a word of correction, a loving and guiding suggestion, an affirmation that all can be handled by the adjustment of Light and Love.
Set aside the human pride and ego, and turn to Spirit, dear Loves.
Ah, Beloved,
There is nothing that is untrue about God.
Consider the meanings of the word “true”.
People use the word to indicate “fact”, but they also use it when speaking of someone that is faithful and consistent, or a thing that has been engineered perfectly, or cut exactly right.
All these are the truth of God. God is ever faithful to you, the created image of spiritual essence. God is always consistent in intent and treatment of all Its creations, with complete and undying Love. What is true of God for you, is true for another person as well. God TRULY wants the best for all, and it is part of why, when asking for blessings for yourself, you must first ask that your neighbor, friend, or “competitor”, or “enemy”, be blessed as well. Blessings are only true when they are true for all.
Consider all the meanings of the word “true”, and grasp with your heart why it is truly simpler to study God, which is unchanging and true, than it is to study all the changing and changeable objects and thoughts and feelings and sciences of earthly perception.
Very truly yours,
Ah, Beloved,
There is the warmth of the sun, and the warmth of the center of the earth, and the warmth of human friendships and activities. But deeper than those, and higher, is the Warmth of the Soul of God that creates you and fuels you and inspires you and Loves you and appreciates you.
And that Warmth of God faileth never.
When the earthly warmths diminish or fail or disappear for a day or an hour, remember that unfailing Warmth of Love’s Spirit, and turn to It, again and again and again.
It only takes a word, or a thought, or a cry of the heart, to God, and It will offer All Its Warmth to you. Give It permission.
Ah, Beloved,
“I am grateful, dear God, for You. I am grateful for Your showing me, today, even glimpses of Your dream for me. Show me whatever I am ready to handle of Your Good dream for me. I am grateful.”
Try it, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
Keep your focus on the Good and the True that your Spiritual Sense informs you is real, though unseen. Even a few righteous hearts, intent on seeing the demonstration of Love, can change the course of a shared story.
Keep your focus on the substance of things hoped for, and know you are walking in the Light, as you do your part in Creation. Creation is sustained by calm and Loving order, and swirls all into the places that are needed. Remember the utter delight you have felt when prayers were answered in wonderful ways.
Feel the Power of God that is all, and trust It,
Ah, Beloved,
If you are driving down the road, clearly having the “right-of-way” on your side of the line, and you see someone coming at you in your lane, recklessly trying to pass someone else without sufficient space and time, what do you do? If you value your well-being, you either slow down or move over onto the side of the road. You do this regardless of the fact that you were in the right in your own behavior. You do this because you value well-being, of yourself and of any passengers you might have, and even of the poorly trained driver coming at you.
Forgiveness is the same, dear Love. Do you want to be right, or do you want to have well-being? Choosing to not forgive is choosing to make a wreckage of your own emotions and body and life.
Think about it,
Ah, Beloved,
Let us remind you, O’ dear, dear, dear Child, to ask of the Loving Parent each day:
“Dear God, show me now, the Spiritual Truth of my Life and Soul, and the Truth of the Life and Soul of those around me.”
“Show me my form and health and wealth and purpose as you see them. Show me the worth and Goodness of those around me. I am grateful, dear God.”
Doing this each day with heart and mind and willingness will give you results and joy, if you set aside your own assumptions and patiently wait on the WIll and Sight of God,
Ah, Beloved,
Remember, as you pray “not my will, but Thy Will is done”, that the One Will always Blesses all. Therefore, you must take off the human blinkers of narrow and time-bound sight, and trust to that One Will when evaluating whether what is occurring is “going my way”. And, you must remember that just as a human parent must sometimes quickly and very strongly grab the hand of a toddler who is about to step into traffic, so must the divine sometimes delay your human steps in order to give you the smoother pathway.
Let today be about that trust, Beloved. “What adjustments need to happen, dear God, for the Harmonious Blessing of all?”
Be open and believing in the utter Goodness of God and Its Will for your thriving Truth.
Such Love no words cover it,
Ah, Beloved,
The ways of God are very quiet, but all-encompassing. You do not need to understand the Whole Plan—you just need to trust that it is Good and Good for each and every part of the Great Soul that is God. Your part is to listen to the cues for YOUR part, and then do them, with calm joy, with humility, with devotion to being in Love with God.
The choice of timing is yours. Are you ready?
Always loving you,ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
Graciously, graciously, GIVE.
Trust, as the Giver, that the Divine Source knows and sees all that you give, and that there is no need to try to pry out of others the reward or appreciation to fulfill your own needs. You are completely aware of the Almightiness of the Divine. Trust It for your needs, turn to It for your appreciation, offer to It your Love.
Just be in alignment with It, with those Qualities of Life and Truth and Love that ARE It, and you will be aligned to receive what you need for fellowship, for provision, for the knowledge of timing of all things.
As we see you perfect,
Ah, Beloved,
WE urge you to keep your mind on all that is Good and True. Honestly make the effort to set aside all discouraged thoughts or painful memories and hold close and dear in your thoughts and heart all the times that you have deeply felt Spirit embracing you close, or giving you the gift of sweet dreams and visions of pure Heaven.
Think on these things. Keep your goal in mind, knowing It is Good and Right and True.
Think on these things, and take heart, take heart, take heart in the Love that surrounds you now. All promises will be kept by God. You are a Beloved right now, and there is no way to be divorced from God, to be separated from what you are an integral part of, now and forever.
As we are with you,
Ah, Beloved,
The uncertainty that grips you sometimes has no power in the Face and Mind of the Loving Source.
It is like sand that a loving mother can brush off the face of her son, when he is frightened that he has suddenly grown little bumps all over his face. Turn your face to the Loving Mother and ask Her what is on your face. She will say, “It is nothing. It is nothing. Here, let Me brush it away.”
She will say, “It is fine. You are fine. All is well, let Me brush it away.”
She always knows what you truly look like, and are, and Loves you,
Ah, Beloved,
To stay within the shelter is to stay dry and protected, when you feel yourself buffeted by a storm.
To stay within a delicious feeling of Grace, you must stay in the shelter of Unconditional Love and Truth. The Truth of you is serene Soul and sweet Dominion over a Good experience. To stay in that Truth, in that shelter, you must mindfully call upon It and desire It and stay in unity with It.
It is more simple than you think, for Truth Itself wants Its unity with you. Accede to that knowledge, and find the great relief of knowing that whenever you turn to It, It is right there. It is for you, It is with you, It is sheltering you from the mists of unknowing.
If you want the correcting and freeing Truth, know It has been within you all the time. It gently corrects the errors, and then all problems can be solved, like an equation that is solved easily once the errors in addition are corrected.
Love does the hard work, Beloved. Let it correct with ease and compassion,
Give It Its Way, ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
Do let each day begin with the centering of you self into your Self. Your High Self, that is a part of the Divine and that can reflect all the Divine Qualities when you clear away the earthly thoughts, will guide you unerringly through every moment if you do this.
Like a safe room in a home, like emergency exits and entrances, like a refuge for wildlife, if you keep your Inner Sacred space clean and accessible, it will serve you well all of your days.
Begin your day with that refreshing centering, and end your day there as well. Over time, you will find that your natural wish and inclination are to live every hour and every second outward from that serene and lovely perspective.
Be the serene moment. Be the Divine Self. As you settle into the familiarity of it, you will remember that you were never really anything else, and your heart and Love fly free.
As ever, with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Gratitude. You know how often we urge you to feel grateful for all that is Good, whether worldly or beyond, because in focusing on what is Good, you draw more of It to you.
But today We focus on the gratitude We feel for you.
We thank you, thank you, thank you, for all you have done and will do. We thank you.
Use our gratitude as a warm embrace today.
And remember It always, for It is always there for you.
Ah, Beloved,
“Hold that thought.” How many times have you heard that in casual conversation or meetings? Good ideas must be remembered and held, while another person is talking, or while everyone takes a break, to eat, or walk, or stretch.
We tell you, “Hold that Thought.” O”, dear idea of God Mind, dear thought of God’s that you are, take time to tenderly hold the Thought of God. Hold the thought of God Who thinks you “Good.” God looked at Its own thought, you, the idea that It had reflected upon, and declared it Good.
Hold that thought about yourself, Beloved. And hold that thought about God. “It is good. It is Good. It is Good. I am Good.”
Hold that thought, Beloved. And hold it long enough, so that as you walk and eat and stretch your life, you are holding it. Let it not be a fleeting thought. Hold it always. Hold it with Love. Hold it forever.
Hold that thought, Beloved, just as God Holds the Thought of you.
Good Thoughts held to always are what creates, just as God makes the Good you.
And we know that thought is true,
Ah, Beloved,
Understanding how much the thoughts that fill your head shape your reality, and wishing to have more of the true, Divine thoughts dwell in your consciousness, so as to help increase your perception of your Best Destiny, take care what thoughts you feed your head.
How quickly the jingles of advertising take hold in the repetitious mind! How easy it is to fill the minutes with the repeating song about toothpaste, or the popular song about trouble and woe!
Sing songs of love, Beloved. Listen to songs of goodness and possibility and praise. Let hymns be lodged in the mind, or words of worship sung to a catchy tune, so that they can reside and repeat there, to help you when your heart feels pulled to the mesmerizing sorrows or struggles of earth. Let peaceful prayers be sounded forth and positive, loving songs sung, that they would give you the grounding to hold your temper, shine your worth, and carry you with Grace through each moment.
Thus, with words come from Word, and from the heart of Love, does the Divine Mind try to help you, circling lifeboats of good word and thought endlessly around you, inviting you to step on, step on, step on the life rafts of Truth, so that you, too, can walk over troubled waters.
Ah, Beloved,
Consciously Abiding in the Calm Joy, deep Peace, and Inspirational Life Soul of God’s Mind is what awakening is. You cannot leave God’s Mind, for you were formed as an idea there, and there you remain.
When in the dream state of the material world, if you feel you have lost your connection to that one Divine Soul that all are a part of, you can help awaken yourself by remembering that Joy attracts Joy. The eternal Joy that is far above the fleeting joys of earth are not the same, but they are related. On days when you feel no joy, feel no Soul infused energy, do something that gives you joy in order to attract and welcome the Halleluiah Joy of the Infinite Mind. Play a tune, eat and savor a favorite food, give a good deed, touch a flower, write a loving note…
Keep in your thoughts the goal, which is to take a small joy and let it help your heart open to the Unquenchable Joy of God.
It is easier than you think. Practice it.
Ah, Beloved,
Do not let your mis-knowledge of “physical” laws bind you. God is not bound by them—why should you let yourself be?
As the greater understanding of the Laws of Light come closer to the humanly known laws of the universe, this will get easier to picture for those who cannot leave their intellectual knowledge behind. But why wait? You already understand, with your heart, that God can do all things, in order to free all Spirit/Oneness/Children into awakening. So why not let yourself feel that freedom NOW?
You were so delighted to see the clear joy of the horses that had escaped their fence and were running freely in your field—why not let your own heart and faith run as freely? God is All in All and does not bind you. Be free.
We laughed with you,
Ah, Beloved,
There are times when it is appropriate to cry forth a quick “Help!” to the Presence of God, for it helps you focus quickly on your human need for that Whole Perspective.
But in general, when you ponder with Great Wisdom and reason, to understand and perceive the Truth of a situation, it is important to start with thoughts of the One Good and Perfection of God as YOUR Source. Turn to that Calm and Loving Wholeness, and thankfully realize that What It is creates the true Quality of what you are. What your limited human senses are momentarily perceiving of your body or situation are not the imperfections seen by God. God shines you forth perfect and complete, and sees that individual image as victorious and lovable.
“Thank-you God, for my NOW Harmony!”
“Thank-you , God, for enabling me to experience my rightful strength and lovingness, and easy kindness and Joy.”
We could make a long, long list of all the useful and natural and wonderful Qualities of God-Source that are your rightful components and aspects, and are there for you to call upon. They exist. Thank God for them, and open to the feeling and power of their Presence as a part of you.
God is Good, and offers that Goodness to you,
Ah, Beloved,
Let this be your heart’s daily call:
“High Guidance, Holy Helper, of the Light,
Come to help us see ourselves aright.
Use me for any that need to see,
The way, the truth, the good, that You know them to be.”
All the journeys end in love, Beloved,
When nothing else remains,
Ah, Beloved,
There is a moment that comes when one realizes that many of the things that meant the most to one last year, or last month, or for the last decade, mean nothing at all.
To an adult, who suddenly realizes that all one has worked for, for one or many decades, suddenly seems empty, it can be shocking.
Every parent has witnessed how a child can quite easily abandon, or take no interest in, a certain book, or a certain set of toys, or a hobby upon which he formerly spent hours. A child does not fight his changing interests, unless he or she continues an old pattern or class to please a parent or a caregiver or teacher. The favorite movie is just watched no more, the set of toy cars grows dusty on the floor or shelf, the little shovel rusts in the garden, while the new interest is pursued with vigor or glee or determination.
Let yourself be as a child, Love. Let the new unfolding of new interests and new joys, which your spiritual awakening has led you to, come without a fight. Let go the habits, unclench the hands, dig not the heels in to the old worn path. Let Divine Thought lead you to the new places and times of growth, for Divine Thought flies above the walls of the maze, and will assuredly and wonderfully, bring you home to the Consciousness of what you truly are.
All Love,
Ah, Beloved,
The Touch of Grace will reach through you to heal and help others without any effort on your part except for noticing that It wants to pour out to an individualized soul. Just stand or sit quietly near that individual, or approach and speak a word or give a touch if Led to do so, but otherwise just Let Grace Do Its Work.
As It is doing with you, each day, each minute. Be willing to Receive.
Ah, Beloved,
Like many do, you can awaken each morning thinking about all the “stuff” you must take care of—processing it, paying for it, cleaning it, ordering it or designing it, taking care of it, consuming it, disposing of it,….
But, Beloved, if you awaken in the morning and diligently remind yourself that your true task each day, and true way to happiness, is to be in alignment with the Loving Source, and devote some time to that sweet alignment first thing, and throughout the day again and again, then all the “taking care of stuff” part of worldly life will go much more smoothly.
This is old, old wisdom, phrased in various ways in different traditions, but it is still very true. Make it your truth, Beloved. Embrace it as a way of living in Love.
You can be grounded in a relationship with Love, even while you perform all the “taking care of stuff.”
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these other things shall be added to you.”
And We will help you,
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
Do not be seduced into looking at the surface of things or people. Do not be caught up in reacting with fear or anger or envy or over indulgence.
It is only God that YOU want to see. You know this. Look at the smooth still Wholeness that is the Truth within and beneath, and keep to that outlook, all this day, and always.
We Love you so, and We are with you,
Ah, Beloved,
As you found your lost object yesterday, and as you read about the latest progressive musings in quantum entanglement and the understanding of the fullness of creation, and as you uplifted the spirits of the woman in the restroom, and blessed the couple in the elevator, you could FEEL the Harmonious swirling of the Infinite Mind that fuels all with Its tender solicitude.
Count those sorts of moments each day, Beloved. Trust that tender solicitude and keep, in your heart, that constant calling out to Goodness, Goodness, Goodness.
It is there. And it is working for you, and all, to awaken fully to Joy and Gladness of Being.
Ah, Beloveds,
We are so grateful to all of you who have willingly stepped forth to be shining conduits of the Goodness of Infinite Love into the dream of the world, over these many years.
You are appreciated. The Divine Flow to you and through you is continuous. Use It.
You are wonderfully made, and are a natural part of Harmony.
Ah, Beloveds,
The worth of each individual spirit that reflects the Whole is true and inestimatable.
Believe that. Know that, and trust that there is a Great Principle endlessly at work helping all those parts fall into place in the great, simplifying equation. When your awareness is focused inside of the circle of time, it is very difficult to accept this. But the more you practice thinking as God thinks, and seeing as God sees, and being , for a moment now and then, outside of time, the more easily you will be able to appreciate the truth of it.
Error does not become truth. Truth only reveals error to be nothing. If you were in a room with a thousand people who were trying to convince you that 2+2=5, it would not matter how many arguments they gave, or how eloquent were their speeches, or how beautifully they were dressed, or what kind of objects or titles they owned, they would still be wrong about that fact. Would you let their fripperies convince you, if you KNEW that 2+2=4?
You would like to think that you could not be fooled. But many have been, and many will be, within the play of time. Take heart in knowing that the equation is already correctly solved, the error resolved, and that each individual is a part of how the Great Principle swirled each part into place to make the Truth clear again.
Value yourself. Relax into the role that the Great Solver would have you play, and trust in Its guidance, day by day by day.
Always loving you, even when you are fooled by a bit of fluff,
Ah, Beloved,
Do not bind yourself with human superstitions in regards to God, for God is not bound by them. If you observe yourself thinking that Divine Spirit would only heal you of an illness or a habit, or comfort you, if you pray a certain prayer in a certain way, then you are letting your imagination try to put rules on God.
God already is your Cause and your Originator, and shines you forth with Complete Love. The Truth that God made you wonderfully and without iniquity is what shifts the human picture. If saying a pray in rhyme, or adopting a prayer that healed a friend, or making a certain time of day your communion time help you to tune in to the joined Consciousness that is you and God, then graciously allow yourself those things. But do not think them “magic”. They are aids, no more, in remembering the Sweet Truth, “I and my God are One, my true Identity is Pure Spirit.”
Sometimes human thought will even use superstitious belief as a temptation to stay materially focused, suggesting that only after one obtains a certain book, or takes a special pathway up a mountain, or drinks a special communion wine, would God be willing to help you with your human needs and healings. Those are tricks of human thought, delaying a Divine alignment with God Soul.
Beloved, God is ever-ready to provide and Love and inspire and sustain you. Let every day be a fresh chance to feel fresh ways of knowing you already walk with God, in God, Perfectly.
The Unseen Good Love Holds you. Feel that.
Ah, Beloved,
Where there is Love, there is always a way, for Love Governs.
Trust in that Governance of Love. Your task is to make sure that you are oriented to that Love, so that It flows through you smoothly. Do not let irritation or momentary earthly greed or discontent let you drift sideways, so that the flow of Love is impeded.
If you want the complete Flow, then let yourself be completely true to that. It IS simple, and yet it is the work of complete commitment and focus. It is worth it, Love. Indeed, It is the only worth there is.
Always aligned with you, Helping,
Ah, Beloved,
There is absolutely no reason today to be perplexed about the past or future.
Fill your reservoir of appreciation by COMPLETELY appreciating everything that gives you even the tiniest amount of inspiration or gratitude. Note these moments to yourself. Note them to others if you are with others. Call or write and give gratitude to those whose names cross your mind as ones you wish to thank.
We Thank you,
Ah, Beloved,
Training yourself to instantly Bless anyone that you feel like cursing will change your life for the better in ways that you cannot even imagine.
Remember, you are not voicing or praying approval of bad behavior. You are asking to be enabled to see revealed to you the Good Soul of the individual. You are asking for God-Sight to help you see the gifts and potentials that were given to that one to demonstrate. You are asking to have yourself Blessed and cleansed so that you can rise above your own desire to curse anyone.
“Dear God, Bless that one and Bless me, so we all can be seen shining with our Best, that is You.”
We see your Best. It is lovely.
Ah Beloved,
God understands you. God knows your true identity as perfect expression of Itself, Whole and Lovely.
For you to understand God in return, and to feel truly filled with Its Wholeness, it is important to not let your limited thoughts be filled with thoughts that are not “God-Thoughts”. Set aside all judging and condemning thoughts, for they will not help you understand God, Who is Love.
Understanding the Complete Reality of God as All, and as ALL GOOD, is key in believing you are freely offered Grace and Wholeness. Stand in the Central Point of View that is the God Source, and See all Good shining forth from there, in all directions, and always.
Shine with God, and feel forgiven and innocent, and help others feel that way as well.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to fret about whether something is possible or isn”t possible for God/All that Is.
It is calmly and happily ridiculous to even think so, if you take a moment to ponder “All That Is”, for that phrase truly means “All That Really Is”. Nothing that human thought has made up in its made up game can possible out-power the Only Power.
Trust in that, we say again, Beloved. Trust in the All-Powerful to truly mend that which your own human heart thinks cannot be mended, or attended to, or foretold. All is already told and re-told in the Life Extension of the Divine, and that you will understand, when you, for moments now and then, and at the end, step outside of time.
As ever, loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
To keep your focus on the Truth that All is Spirit, you must not only stand back from, and not react to, the animal-body-costume propensities of others, you must also stand back from your own. Observe the costume of body and personality, but let them not interfere with you constant honor of All is God and All is Good.
Thus are you able to stay standing in the spot, in the perspective, from which True Healing is possible. Let your consciousness be on the holiness in which you dwell, and do not be fooled into thinking that you are somewhere else, doing something else, separated from God. Let your inner, God-given holiness rule, and not the flesh.
We stand with you now,
Ah, Beloved,
The divine humbleness of knowing that although you are Spirit expressing all the qualities of Joy and Being and Truth that are God, you still need to rely on the Whole of Spirit to feel complete, is essential. Holding yourself in that humbleness, grateful for the Life that animates your Spirit, listen for the whisper of the rest of God.
Listen, listen, Beloved, holding yourself very still and quiet and calm. You may hear, “Be at Peace, We are One” or you may hear an old phrase from a song or a poem. It does not matter exactly what words God finds in your consciousness to use to communicate with you, it is your attitude of acceptance of being part of the Whole that is the most important.
Listen, Beloved, listen. Just be still, and listen.
In all the words, you will hear Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to admit fear, so as to examine it. Realize that you are feeling it, and then step back into the strength of the Divine Force that maintains your consciousness, and hold that fear gently in your awareness, and bathe it with Love. Let it melt away like a thin icicle would melt away in the summer sunshine.
Know, always, that you would not be asked to do anything, by the small, still Voice within, unless you were given matching courage and means and wisdom to accomplish the task, or the partnership. Bathe in Deep Love, and take your ease in it, and let fear be washed away, and THEN move forward with your day, and all days.
As ever, yours to call upon,
Ah, Beloved,
On the earth stage, the unexpected will always occur. The better armed you are with an awareness of the Truths of the nature of the Divine, which is your true substance and inheritance, the better you will be able to respond with an appropriate Truth, when faced with a challenging, or delightfully surprising, circumstance.
Whether you know the Truths from memorizing and pondering Scripture of your Creed, or whether you know them from simply communing privately with the Inner Voice of Holy Spirit each day, or whether you have gleaned your working rules of Decency from myths and films and stories, take time to let the Truth arise in your heart before you react to any surprise, “good” or “bad”. Know your Truths completely. Test them in every situation. Let them become automatic, so that they are the “override” that carries you. Then, like an accomplished Shakespearean actor who can deliver his lines wonderfully, even if he has sprained his elbow, or even if he has just been informed of a wonderful inheritance, you will be able to react, and speak, and share, with the Truth of Calm Joy in which you want to remain.
Centered in the Divine is center-stage indeed,
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to make small changes. Small changes can be a good beginning, when big changes are called for, but your heart is too fearful to make them all at once. In most cases, your Inner Guidance will suggest the changes in a small way, so as to GENTLY lead you to the new, and better, circumstance for the level of spiritual understanding that you have attained.
Be at Peace, and make that small change.
As ever, in Love,
Ah, Child of Oneness,
The Spiritual umbilical cord between you and the Great Spirit that thought you up was never cut, and never will be.
All that Great Spirit is and has flows freely to you through that. Think about that, and stop pretending you are without that resource. Re-Source yourself daily and hourly and even moment to moment.
All beings experience moments of epiphany, feeling that Connection to be true, even if they call it something else, or credit some earthly thing as cause for it. The secret to always feeling and experiencing Wonder is to remain aware of your delightful umbilical cord to Oneness all the time, in every place and circumstance, and drawing all that you need from it.
We flow through it and around you constantly. Welcome us,
Ah, Beloved,
The more attuned you become to your Divine Self that is part of the Whole Self, the more the people around you will act as instant mirrors.
You will find that when you indulge in an hour of self-pity, you will run into a friend whom you thought of as calm and stable, and you will see her giving into whining, even though you know how blessed she is. The moment you find yourself judging someone for the advantage he takes of people, you will be presented with the temptation, or the need, to use someone’s help without thanks or pay. The day that you find yourself unable to forgive another’s bungle quickly, you will botch something and need forgiveness yourself. The instant you curse someone for not keeping his word, you will be reminded of a promise you forgot to keep.
When you ask the Universe to teach you, it will. The more quickly you learn to pare away the behaviors that are not consistent with the golden rule, the more quickly you will begin to feel the Harmony of living as though All were part of One.
For It Is,
Ah, Beloved,
God has not forgotten you. You have not been dropped into a costume carnival and left alone.
The Mighty Spirit of God is on your spirit like a second skin, and no smoky wisp or paint you put on your earth story costume can penetrate the armor of God Truth that is on you.
Ah, Beloved,
“I have no lack of love or health or provision. I am a worthy and well supplied child of God.”
Darling ones, if a false hypnotist tried to convince you that you were all frogs, you would not believe you are frogs. Just so, do not let a false world or false evidence convince you that you are anything but what you really are—a delightful and delighted child of God. It is not hard to claim what you already are. Claim your likeness to your Maker, claim the trusting Spirit of your heart, and gently and humbly and joyfully follow Its instructions.
You have the right to claim what you already are. It is the True You. Claim your spiritual inheritance, and feel Its Sight well up within you, revealing every good step of the Path for today. Soul already knows the way you should walk—give It the day, give It Its say. And walk that way.
Be willing to see your charming worth. We do.
Ah, Beloved,
Being a representative of the Light and Life Divine does not need to be complicated. Yes, we know that there are many who flaunt their credentials or form complicated alliances with dogmas and rules and churches, but we tell you ministry of Love can be simple.
Simply telling someone that you know the Universe wants him to be happy, can change not only that individual’s life experience, but all the lives he touches.
Keep reassuring people, dear heart, that God is Good and wants Goodness apparent to all. That is ministry. That is hope. That is helping the Divine Plan move along.
If you could stand outside time with us, you would see what your words did,
Ah, Beloved,
Just as God†“Source Power was your strength to stop committing the errors and temptations that were your weaknesses of the past, so can that Source strength be the strength you draw upon to do the Good Works of God.
Use God Power as your courage. Use It as your resolve. Allow It to pour through you when you are asked by It to say the unusual thing, to do the unpopular action, to stand up when others would shy away. Be resolved to be an instrument of God, not only for non-sin, but for Good action, when Love asks you to speak, or help, or move, or stay silent. All done in the service of Love is noted, dear Child, and all of it helps with the Peace of the Whole, as well as your personal Peace of mind and heart.
We know you need to know we are with you when you feel alone,
Ah, Beloved,
To understand that the Source truly is Infinite, is to stop fearing giving.
When you absolutely KNOW that all Grace that is given to you in every day, nay, given to you even in every moment, is utterly renewable, instantaneously, then you do not fear giving “your share” of Grace to another, for you know that all you need to do to be renewed yourself, is to ask the Source for more Grace to dispense.
There is the gist of it, Love. Ask, give, ask, give, ask, give. And on and on until your part in the charade is done.
Always giving to you,
Ah, my true dwelling is the Goodness of God, and ever more will I there abide.
Ah, my true dwelling is built of the Joy of Creation, and there does my Spirit fly.
And if, as It turns and dances, It forgets that the glimpses in the mirror of earth are not real, I will stand still and remember, “I am a Spirit, witnessing and speaking delight, in my Home in the Unseen world.”
Retreating into the quietness of the Unseen Perfection many, many times a day will help you see the perfection in the world, Beloved. It is hard to see clearly when you are whirling.
All Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Whenever you are able, remember to remember who you Are.
You are a Child of the Loving Universe, without limit or form. All the resources of Limitless Good are yours to draw upon—spiritual goodness—the Reality of Love, the Truth of Focus, the Calm and the Joy of Creation. As you ponder those things, and let those ideas and qualities of your Parent Universe fill your thoughts, then the earthly things and people and places that you need to fulfill your life’s Best Plan come into sight.
Be not afraid, and be not stressful and striving about exactly what to do. Turn away from thoughts of details, and turn again and again and again to the Wonderful Governance of the Universal Mind that Knows how to swirl all of Its ideas into the right place and time, while the bubble of time exists.
We are with you,
Ah, Beloved,
God’s Love will lift you higher in consciousness, joy, ability and sense of well-being than any worldly and visible thing possibly can.
Turn to It, Beloved. Turn to It, and as and when It has fully filled your awareness, you can still choose to keep and explore and expand any worldly thing that still has meaning or value to you. And, you will find yourself delightfully Guided to the other tasks and words and events that God wants you to participate in, and to use your persona to shine through.
Be what God knows you to be, a good and worthy expression of Soul, and be glad.
Ah, Beloved,
God is the Soul of you.
God is the Soul of you and It is Hearty and Whole.
This is the Truth and there can be only one Truth that is True.
Turn to the Truth, and let that be reflected clearly in your life and how you live.
God is the Soul of you.
We tenderly assure you that this is the Truth.
Just reflect It.
Ah, Beloved,
Whenever there is a new truth in your manifested “physical” life, and you are not sure of the intended direction for you to take, hold that earthly truth against the touchstone of the Truth of Creation. Go back to the basics of “I am praising the Maker of my Best Destiny”, or, “I am reflecting NOW the Qualities of God/Goddess as my life”, and let the Divine Truth give you comfort or guidance or affirmation.
Creation’s Flow of Abundance and Joy and Love is always available to you. Remember that. If you are not seeing it, just ask for Divine Love to shine away any inaccuracies in your sight, and be free to see clearly again.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
“I am Good, and you are Good, for we are both made of the Goodness that Is.”
Let that be your constant thought line today, Beloved. You are a player in a Play, and your silent CORRECT thoughts of the Spiritual Goodness of yourself and of all those around you WILL heal you, and WILL heal others.
Be not afraid. Let Goodness reign, via your thoughts. Hold your thoughts in Goodness, and on Goodness, and let freedom reign.
“For I Know the Thoughts I think towards you, and they are all only Good.” God declared the Idea of you Good, and declared the Ideas of all those with you Good. Can you do any less?
It is a living affirmation of the two Commandments, and it is scripture fulfilled in your own thought and healing. Be thou healed, and become, therefore, active agent of healing for others on earth.
As ever and ever, Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Infinite Love is always eager to provide for you, and help you feel It embracing you.
It does not run away or turn away. It does not run out and say It does not have enough energy for you. It is not depleted, or tired, or timed. It simply Is, and you are with It and in It.
It will constantly offer Itself to you, to comfort and inspire and reassure and strengthen. Learn to turn to It, Child. That is what your earthly walk is about. Learn to turn to It, for It patiently, and tenderly, and consistently is there with you, knocking gently on the door of your awareness.
It is offering and giving, offering and giving, offering and giving, hoping you will accept sooner rather than later. Acceptance is not about resigning yourself to struggle, it is about graciously receiving Good.
Receive that Good today, Child. Accept Good, and Good alone.
Ah, Beloved,
When you feel confused, or un-peaceful, remember that you can see better with your eyes closed. With your eyes closed, you can see with the Sight of God.
Try it, today. You will See.
Ah, Beloved,
Today is a day to appreciate the small and large examples of Good that are around you right now, or present in the here and now in your thoughts. Count up a few of the dreams that have been fulfilled in your life. Take note of the beauty of a small bloom or the wondrous pattern of ice on the window.
God is always talking to you within. Focusing on some aspects of Godliness, such as beauty and order, can still the human thoughts enough that the Divine Voice and Joy come through clearly. Observe the exquisite loveliness of a flower, or admire the simple elegance and usefulness of a cup, or feel grateful for a moment of true friendship that you have felt or feel right now.
Simple things such as these will help re-order your entire day into one of expectation of Good, and the ability to enjoy, and lead to an easy hearing of the Guidance that Loves you always and gives you endless opportunities to be an example of Wholeness.
In such Love,
Ah, Beloved,
When you simply do not know what to say to someone who stands before you, ask the Voice of Living Love inside you.
Ask. And pause and listen. It WILL guide you. And It will guide you in a way that uplifts both, and all.
Really, you want that, do you not?
Try to set a record for days you feel Good,
Ah, Beloved,
Today, tell your dreams, “I welcome you.”
Tell the dreams you do not even know you have, “I welcome you”, by saying to God, “Dear God, I welcome the dreams YOU have for me.”
We guarantee you that the best Grace God envisions for you is better than what limited human imagination envisions for itself.
Today, welcome the dreams that the Divine has for you, as part of Itself.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no providence in just constantly and mechanically repeating prayers, without actually opening to feeling the Presence of the Divine, or stopping to listen to Its Love and answers. Empty repetition is avoidance of deep intimacy with your Loving Creator.
So be honest with yourself. If prayers feel empty, or despairing without hearing, or just a trick of the human thoughts to keep you from lovingly and quietly embracing God and letting God embrace you, then stop. Stop and Be still, and just softly welcome the Comfort of Love, Love, Love Divine.
It Loves you now, always has, and will Love you for all time. Listen to It tell you so. Feel It doing so.
Answers will come when you can calmly hear,
Ah, Beloved,
Where there is God’s Will, there is always a way.
Where there is only human will and temptational seeking, there may seem to be a way for a while, but it will not last. That is why all desires that arise in your heart must be aligned with a feeling of Calm guidance and support from your Divine connection.
When your will is aligned with the Grand Will for your happiness and purpose, then, indeed all things are possible. God wants your Gladness of Soul. Now and always.
Ah, Beloved,
If you feel fear about a thing, the fear is only of the small perspective of the human mind, and you must seek to overcome the fear with the already-granted Power of Spirit that is there to support you and help you. But if you feel only hesitation, consider that the hesitation may actually be a subtle message from the Divine Overseer.
The item that you hesitate to sell or throw away might be well needed by you or another in a few days time. The message you hesitate to send might be better not sent at all after a day’s thought. The action not taken can be as important as the actions you do take, in the Spirit of what blesses one blesses all.
Pay attention when you hear a whisper of hesitation. As you grow more and more practiced in feeling the impulsions of Divine Spirit and trusting Its Good Intent, you will gracefully accept that sometimes delay can be a great guide.
As can the quiet impulse to act right away on other things…
Ah, Beloved,
To drink and eat of pure Spirit, letting It fill your consciousness, is to be truly fed and supplied with all flow.
“Fill me, Spirit. Fill me. You are my life entire, and I know I can feel that here and now.”
Waves of Love will carry you now, dear one.