Ah, Child,
Let yourself realize that when you turn to the “Friend that is always within you”, there is no delay because you cannot get through on the phone. There is no lost signal, there is no “loss of face” in a sensitive situation, there is no competitiveness. The Friend Within is the same One Spirit in All, and automatically sorts through the highest good for all.
Just practice hearing that Voice Within. Just Practice letting go to It. If all the time you spent trying to find a good spot for phone reception or for the “right” property or person or idea were instead spent trying to hear your Inner Guidance more clearly, you would have already found everything else you were looking for.
What could be a better investment?
Gently, As Ever,
Ah, Beloved,
To purposely turn from your own anger at being lied to, and forgive, and love unconditionally, that is the Truth to live by. To deliberately, with the support of Spirit, act out whatever good you can do, instead of nursing the thoughts of wrongs done, that is to choose to live in Gladness.
The Gladness of God is the ark that will carry you through the flood of human error and emotion, but you must choose to board that ark, over and over and over again.
It gets easier to choose aright, with practice, and Divine Joy is with you in every moment of choice. Go forth in Love, Beloved, and let others choose their own timing.
Ah, Beloved,
Be an example of calm quietness today.
Do not talk and convince. Just show them the unearthly calm that comes from God.
Ah, Beloved,
Entering into the sweet calm Love of the Kingdom of Heaven within will grow more and more alluring, until the busy bee task lists of the world, and the brief pleasures of mortal senses will have less and less appeal. You will WANT your consciousness to stay aligned with the Divine.
Stay aligned with the Divine. You will still be able to accomplish what needs to be accomplished for the worldly, and appreciate those whom you love, and share the talents you have to share. In fact, doing your worldly part will grow easier, for staying aligned with the Divine will enhance your perceptions of truth and wisdom and timing and grace and strength.
Stay aligned with the Divine, Beloved. Stay aligned with the Divine.
Ah, Beloved,
Like a child confronted by a great pile of small parts, all mixed together, from which he is supposed to build his toy car, or a house for his figures, or a piece of art, confusion in your thoughts can seem overwhelming. So, like the child who asks help from the parent to sort out all the strange pieces, when you feel your thoughts in a jumble, it would serve you well to ask for Help from your Divine Parent.
The thoughts in your mind must be sorted into the ones that are good and true and relevant. The broken thoughts and ones that are just leftover pieces of some old construction must be set aside. Without going through them one by one and agonizing or doubting, ask the Divine Inner Voice to speak to you with Its gentle Lovingness and let the pertinent and true and wonderful Guidance come to the surface of the Mind you share with God.
Let go of past paradigms and jumbles. Welcome the new thoughts and new life of today. A new fresh start will still hold all that is good that you now possess, but it will also hold a clear path on which to walk forward to know Goodness, to serve Goodness, to BE Goodness.
Each day is thus. And Goodness Itself, knowing Itself and how it made you, already knows you are the Light and Energy that does know how to dance this Joy in every phase of earthly life. Ask for the Good Thoughts and intents and impulses of the day, and dance forth.
ANGELS, dancing with the Spirit of you
Ah, Beloved,
We are “I Am” and I Am is what we are.
Use this Truth today, and look upon each thing you see and person you meet as another face of yourself. Go so far as to tell yourself, “I am that person, I am that stone or tree or leaf in the light”, and remember, remember, remember that All is One, and treat It accordingly.
This simple thing, if practiced consistently, will change all things you experience,
In Utter Love,
Ah, Beloved,
When your own thoughts, or those of others, try to make decisions and logical choice scenarios based on past successes and failures, and human understanding, they are leaving out a key thing. God’s Laws and Ways are above human limited laws and ways.
Yes, use your life’s gained wisdom. But remain open to Wisdom and Power that is beyond any limited thinking. Always remember, when making your human “pro and con” lists, and hearing human advice, to keep open the Inner Dialogue with Spirit, and show the willingness to let God unfold the happy Divine Solution, in every circumstance and timing.
Keep the happy truth that God wants your happiness, and good for all, foremost in your thinking.
Ah, Beloved,
The Loving Mind of God is always cozy. Remind yourself that you dwell within It, and let yourself feel Its warmth and buoyancy and support. Cozy into Love today. It is your right as a rightful and beloved citizen of God-Mind.
We tuck you into Love if you let us.
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to admit to your thoughts that you need a Teacher throughout the day and night. For the Perfection of God/Goddess/Creator IS hard to understand, and to the thought of oneself as made in the image of that perfection, one begins to feel immediate doubt. One looks at what one has said and done, or is doing or saying, and feels far short of perfection
But we say to you that it is only when thinking of yourself as a physical and humanly emotional self that you feel you fall short of being a Divine image. Remember that you are truly Spirit, as God/Goddess is Spirit, and lean into THAT understanding. Think about that. Ponder that with delight. Then, realize that in the very moment that the error was made, that the image in God looked at the image in the mirror and thought that the “image” of a body was itself, the Creator saw the error and gave the gift of a constant Teacher Voice and Presence within the heart of each Child-Spirit. This Voice will constantly Love you and Hold you and Teach you and be with you, reminding you, “You are not a body. You are my favored and beautiful Child, like Me in all ways of Goodness and Joy.” Turn to this Teacher constantly, for It knows only the Good of you, and will tell you again and again, “You are my Beloved Child.” It Knows you exist only within It, and that no error , no imaginary mirror reflection, can ever separate you from Its Mind and Hear
Then, Beloved, it will become easier to focus on the Force of Gratitude, that is also a reflected Quality of the Divine in the mirror of earth, and to stay utterly, utterly grateful, in every moment, thinking to the self, “I am so very grateful for God’s Love. I am so very grateful Goddess Loves me like the very Perfect Mother of All that She is.
Stay grateful for Divine Love, Child, and all else will fall into place in the play, and you will remember upon remembrance, “I am made only of Love.”
As We all are,
Ah, Beloved,
When your human visions of what your life “should” be feel thwarted, or you feel threatened or jealous by changes that those close to you make in their routine and in relating to you, there may be a part of you that demands of God “Why aren”t things going the way that feel good to me?” A feeling of anger at God, and anger or jealousy or fear or irritation or impatience with those around you seems to take over and drive your thoughts and your day. The human will is having a tantrum, wanting to be in charge, in charge, in charge.
It is a lesson that all individuals who are experiencing the limited senses of bodily life must learn over and over again. Having been taught to plan, and train and focus on goals, and perhaps compete to survive, and strive to succeed, the human will shouts out when its efforts do not create happiness. The characters and circumstances it perceives seem like plastic toys that will not bend and move in the way it wants. It wants, it wants, it wants.
But what is it that “wants” in this way? It is a false sense of self, as a small and vulnerable and short-lived thing. And while it shouts and yells and demands and blames and criticizes, the Great Love and Life Force and Mind that knows the Holiness of each of Its offspring is patiently Holding and Protecting and Tending to that child, that individual reflection of Soul. And when the tantrum is done, and a glimmer of willingness to let God Light lead the thoughts shows up again, Spiritual Truth can show the way past the disappointments, and to gratitude for Good, and inspirations for new perspective.
You can grow angry with God, dear one, and angry with all those around you who are part of God, but God will never grow angry with you. God will only Love, Love, Love, and Guide and Shepard. The more you “will to have the Divine Will” be your life, the less frequent the emotional tantrums and detours will be, for they are not a part of God. They are not a legitimate reality with any real power over your Good Life as a child of God.
Tenderly, God is ever-patient with you. Be glad of that.
Ah, Beloved,
Opening your heart to Wonder not only helps fulfill deep dreams and desires of your soul, it swings wide the door into elements and talents that you may not have even imagined you have. As the old example says, the caterpillar cannot imagine what it will be when it is a butterfly.
You cannot imagine all that you can become as you fully morph into the Wondrous Being that God made. Here and Now, and then Beyond, you are more Glorious than you suspect.
Welcome It, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
In any season, the Perfect gift you can give any one is that same silent (or spoken!) recognition, that we go on and on about, that they are a Beloved Child of God.
Some may be open to hearing it aloud, some may not. But God hears your heart and your words, and the Truth of their Divine heritage abiding in your awareness will Bless you, and Bless the other person. And it will constantly improve your Spiritual discernment.
So, whether you find the human costume attractive or repulsive, or enjoy or do not enjoy the personality and talents, or feel shocked or admiring of the behavioral choices, maintain the default mode of giving the simple thought, “First and foremost, you are a Beloved child of God.”
Doing so will also be a constant Gift to you, You can prove that to yourself.
Ah, Beloved,
Love, Love, Love.
“I am Love,” in the mind and on the tongue, will heal all, if embraced with trust.
Ah, Beloved,
When you have tried the healing truth of Forgiveness enough times, it will be easy to believe in. Then it will be easier to use it more and more frequently, and you will begin to realize the utter salvation of forgiving the humanness of yourself and all those around you, and be able to see your own True Self, and the glorious beings of Light that you are truly surrounded by.
What do you have to lose but that which is better lost?
Ah, Beloved,
I Am that I Am, and I Am Holding you, right now, Complete, Perfect and Whole in My Thoughts.
Let no other thing be true in your feelings. Let no man come between this sacred marriage of Maker and Made Beloved. Have no other Gods before Me.
Do these things, and let there be a new remaking of all that is yours, in the All that is Mine, dear Child. Yes, each time you sincerely, and selflessly, wish for the Best for another, progress is made in willingness to see the Best for, and of yourself. But let neither thing, wanting the Best for another, or wanting the Best for yourself, come ahead of acknowledging Me as All Cause, All True Will, and All that Is, ever, now, and to come.
We are One, Child, and only disservice is done to your own full homecoming if you think of Us as separated in any way. Be pleased to be of service, but content to know of Our Oneness, and Pureness, now. There is no room for any inequity within the Pureness of the Infinite Totality of Being, and the sooner you realize this Truth, the sooner that seek only the Contentment of that Knowing, the sooner you will be free of any frightened thoughts of time, or trouble, or woe. I built you in Peace, and of Peace, Child. Won”t you drink of that Peace, right now?
Drink of It, and be Free,
Oh, Beloved,
Do , do remember, dear Child of God, that it is not a specific thing, that you humanly think you are hoping for, to hold as the focus of a visioning meditation, or a prayer. It is the Peace and Joy that you think it will bring you. You might be very mistaken, in your human perceptions, about what will most Bless you.
So, please, please, today, focus on filling your heart and thoughts with the desire for Joy, and deeply listen to Divine Spirit guide you in the way that will give you that. For the Divine All sees what would bless not only you, but others, and all things are possible in the Reality of God.
Let go of all your small notions, and be open to great ones,
ANGELS, and SPIRIT that governs and Loves you
Ah, Child,
When I hear you, please listen. Ah, how I desire to give the sweet sleeping children of Spirit all that they need to make their dreams happy until they awaken to My Mind. But they do not realize that they do not always know what is best for their happiness, and that they must listen, listen, listen to the Divine Guardian that speaks in their heart, if they would but get quiet enough to hear It.
This day, give your energy to me. Let me be in your walking and in your laughing. Let me be in your resting and in your dashing. Let me be the Voice you converse with. Let it be a Holy day of hearing, and acknowledging that only the Loving Overseer can see what is best for the happiness of you, and for others, and thus for the Happiness of Me. Judge not the progress or ways of others, today. Just rest in Me.
Resting in the Divine Source (”Sabbath day”) , is more important than most sleeping children-people of you r day realize. Truly, it IS made for them, but they choose to see it as a tiresome obligation, instead of as the Blessing it is.
Rest in Me, today. Take your Sabbath, and be Blessed by the renewal it gives you.
When you realize your completeness in Me, others will be Blessed, too,
Ah, Beloved,
The wonderful goodly worth of every single shining essence that is a part of the Soul of God is something that you can count on. All you really need to remember is the Omnipotence of God’s Governance and call to It, and continue your faith in It, and be silent when needed and act and speak when needed. The Governance does the real work.
Your hard work, which gets easier and easier, is to discipline yourself to keep turning away from the paltry surface human evidence, and trusting to the Truth of Love, even when there is no visible evidence of It.
WE are in the world with you, but also not of it. Trust that.
Ah, Beloved,
Celebrate society’s rituals of timing, if you will, with courtesy and pleasure.
But more importantly, mark your triumphs of life by another measure, for such is the standard of Love.
A needful glance answered with a smile, a prayer said for a stranger,
Grace dispensed for all in want, without judgment or any anger.
Dispense Grace endlessly, after refilling from the Source,
like a ketchup bottle at the diner,
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
When you are about to say a critical or blaming thing, consider how sacred and natural it is for you to be Loving and Lovable.
God, Love Itself, made you to be an expression of Love, and feeds you the constant ability to be Quietly Loving, and Quietly Lovable.
Pause, consider, and act Lovingly.
Ah, Beloved,
Stop struggling. Relax. And float on the ocean like Wisdom of God to receive your healing, your supply of Love, your understanding of the total Support of Soul.
It IS all there for you, dear.
This is how it feels when I pray for you.
September 2004
Ah, Beloved,
To not constantly ask for My advice is like watching a person, lost and confused, drive around a city without consulting the map in his pocket or stopping to ask a kind stranger for directions.
Ask, ask, ask, Beloved, for I am right here in your heart. Stop the forward motion, still the gears of your thought, and ask. I am here, and I will answer.
I will answer with Love.
Spirit of God
Ah, Beloved,
God thinks no punishing Thoughts. God’s Thoughts of you are all of your Innocence and Goodness and Love.
It is your own mortal-body-personality thoughts that create any reality that you feel guilty about, and so it is your own thoughts that punish you. Stop any thoughts that you feel guilty about thinking, including all attacks thoughts on the self or others, and let God’s sweet assessment of you and others as “Good” be what reigns in your mind. Thus do your attain reigning in your own Heaven.
Return to your own “kingdom”, your own “home in Heaven” by attaining the Peace of God in your thoughts, and letting all the right details fall into place. There is no will but Divine Will that creates a Heavenly Reality, Love. Yours is waiting for you, here and now.
To assume that you can hide your own self-condemnation from yourself is to lie to yourself, is it not? Do you want to lie to yourself? Or do you want to tell yourself the truth, and then let God’s Truth shine gently in?
Always, always loving you, and holding you up when you would fall, if you let us,
Ah, Beloved,
The wakefulness, eventually, into the knowledge that you are now, and have always been, and always will be, a perfect part of Divine Thought, is guaranteed. It has already happened. Only in this little bubble of time do you believe you are just a body, and separate from that Loving Source.
What then of free will? There is much confusion and fear surrounding that thought and that definition. But we say again, there is no Time in the Source. It simply Is. This little detour you take into time is but a thought you choose to awaken from. Your willingness to awaken is what your free will is for, Beloved. Your willingness to choose to let the Divine Self’s “Voice within” choose with you how to operate a kind dream is the way to let the dream be more and more in alignment with the Source’s perfect dream of you.
Being in no hurry, the Divine Source gently watches you, encouraging you with Love. It Knows you will choose to remember how much you are Loved, and to realize how Complete you already are.
Ponder that perfect completeness, Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Another name you could give Divine Spirit, besides Comforter, is “translator”.
When you want to pray for someone, or give them words of compassion, or ideas for solutions, or inspiration, but do not know their language or culture or personal story well enough to really get those intentions accurately across, step back to remember that Spirt, God, is the real and only Cause and Creator. Turn to God humbly, and know that God will either inspire you with the right thing to do or say, or will quietly enter the heart and thoughts of the other person, in a way that they can comprehend.
Do not feel anxious or pressured when you want to assist. Just know that you are assisting the One Who is All, and let that God of All guide you, and guide the other. Your intent of Pure Love is the fuel for the Whole transaction.
Just pray with Love to see Wholeness and Harmony. It is enough to pray and obey.
And God is with you.
Ah, Beloved,
Today, keep in your thoughts and heart, “I am Thou, God. We are all Thou, God, in our Pure selves, that are but shining reflections of the Wondrous Soul of You.”
“Help is to shine clearly, dear God. Help us do that.”
This will help clarify the world into Peace.
We assure you. We reassure you.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no Truth but the One Mind that holds all. The sooner you realize this, and begin thinking it and believing it and living it daily and hourly and even, yes, moment by moment, the sooner you will feel free of the illusions of sorrow and illness and troubles. Let the One Mind show you Its glorious Truth of you, whole and pure and happy, and let no small human dreams and plans and false expectations dissuade you from pursuing this alignment of the heart and mind of your earthly time with the Divine Mind’s Knowledge of the Reality of you.
We have heard your prayers for your brothers and sisters in the Oneness of Being, and We are there with them, guiding and giving, and you will see their Best Selves come forth through the mist of the earthly costumes. Allow your Best Self to shine as well, Beloved. You know it is there within you and you know it is real and true. Let not your own mortal evaluations or plans stop you from being what God knows you to be right now. You do not need to wait a long time or until you finish a certain book or project. You are already what you are in the Mind of God, and as you cast off the old labels you have given yourself, or others have given you, then the You that God created and called “very Good” will shine and shine and be Glad, be Glad, be Glad.
Oh, Beloved, let go the humanly created costumes and labels, and temporal trimmings, and be Glad and Good right now. It is what you really are, and God knows it. And if God knows it, you know it.
It is True,
Ah, Beloved,
So fill me with Love, Abba, Spirit, that It drives out all hate, all regret, all interference with being totally and completely Yours.”
For I know that thus may I See all possible glimpses of Heaven here and now.
Ah, Beloved,
You CAN be a walking example of selfless Love.
We know you can be, for it is what you are made of. It is what all are made of. Why do you not believe it? Either because you do not really believe that the God-Quality of which you are made is entirely selfless love, or because you do not really want to be a walking example of God-Love yet. Can you be honest with yourself?
Do you want, yet, to be a shining example of the True Substance of Being? If you are not ready, you are not ready. We tell you truly, all beings will eventually shine with the Substance of Love of which they are made. You choose your timing. Time is of no matter to God, though God would wish you to not imagine you are suffering needlessly. Why not shine NOW?
And yet, if you are not yet ready to be an example of selfless Love, you are not guilty. You are just waiting to be ready, and God’s Love for you, and of which you are made, still remains the same. You are made of Love. That is True, and will be True, even when you pretend otherwise, or behave otherwise, or do not even wish to believe it.
“I Am Love,” God says. Could Its reflection say anything else? No. not any more than your body-reflection in a mirror could frown if you were smiling.
Be aware that you choose, and find strength in your Heart to begin,
Ah, Beloved,
Kleenex are sometimes out of reach, but God never is.
Reach for the Truth, Beloved, for there is no pause in God. The Infinite Invisible is ever ready to assist, and comfort, and tidy that which only seems to be in disarray.
Amen and amen and amen,
Ah, Child,
When what you see in the “mirror” of earth is distressing, please realize right away that you do not fix things in a mirror by staring at the mirror, or by covering it over with black marks or with the water of your tears. You do not see a hole in your trousers in the mirror in your room, and try to fix them by poking needles at the glass of the mirror. You turn your back on the reflection, or take your eyes off the reflection, and turn to look at the original. And if your own thoughts, as you examine the trousers, cannot tell you whether to just mend the hole with a stitch or two, or whether to let them go and buy a new pair, perhaps you take them to a good tailor.
Go to the Good Tailor, always, Child, to see the best fit for your life. Everything is solved, and appears in, the Tailor’s Mind, before it can appear in the “mirror” of your earth room. All things are made in Heaven before they are seen on earth. Whether it is the need for new trousers, or the solving of a housing situation, or a new job, turn away from thinking only about what the appearance of the problem is, as seen with earthly senses, and turn to the Good Tailor, the Master Provider, the Technician of Harmony, and let your thoughts and needs be shared with Him.
Then, trusting in the flow of His expertise, tune your own thoughts to all the wonderful ways Harmony and Divine order are revealed right before your eyes. Keep your mind on the orderly flow of the seasons, or think upon a memory of a time when confused circumstances in your life resolved in a wonderful way. Meditate upon sacred scripture from whatever tradition you follow, and remember that is something in your life seems to be lost, it is only so that the next, better circumstance can be reflected in that same spot in the “mirror” of your life.
Teaching yourself to trust, listen, and obey is the best schooling you will ever give yourself,
Ah, Beloved,
If you simply live with Calm Joy, you are ministering without saying a word.
Let the Presence that is All shine through you everywhere you go. It will do the Work.
Ah, Beloved,
Think of how deeply and completely a mother loves her child, even if he has made a mess or broken a rule.
Multiply that by thousands and you will have
a small feel of how much God Loves you.
Allow yourself to feel that Love today. It has many gifts for you.
Ah, Beloved,
Now, realize that it was never the certain person or thing or circumstance you wanted at all, it was the Grace, Gladness, and Peace that you associated with a certain person, circumstance, or thing.
So, go directly to the Grace. Go directly to the Divine, from which Grace is endlessly and freely given, and simply and gladly ask that It be revealed to you , while you are yet appearing in the earth mirror, as the circumstances, people, places and things, of your life, and all lives, that best serves the Most Beautiful Plan.
With no embarrassment, Beloved, claim your Grace,
Ah, Beloved,
We see where your thoughts go, when humanness and a feeling of being separate from others, overtake your God-Given Compassion and Love.
Have mercy on others, as you hope they have mercy for you, and as you KNOW God has shown you, and is showing you. Nip any thoughts of competition or judgment in the bud, and have mercy, mercy, mercy.
And, Beloved, have mercy on yourself as well. The pitfalls of the human condition are not easy to overcome, We know. But with Divine Thoughts bearing you aloft, it CAN be done.
Ah, Beloved,
There are many people whom you humanly care for or love. But remember that it is God’s privilege to give each of them their way to happiness. It is not your personal responsibility to make them happy, or keep them happy. Be content to treat them with the good ways of the Laws of Love, and to thank God for giving them their full measure of Joy.
Yes, of course, if the Divine Voice guides you to say or do a certain thing to help provide for another’s joy or well-being, then do so, in obedience to God. And as you stay aligned with the Divine perspective, and carefully listening to God’s directions to you, keep in mind that no other human is responsible for your happy consciousness and life. Hold no human personality responsible for your good. Turn to God for those, and stay very aware of your own wonderful association with the Divine way for your ephemeral and infinite Joy and earthly happiness.
Ah, Beloved,
Let the blessings that do come your way, and are clearly not of your own doing or instigation, be an encouragement to opening your heart and mind to better understanding the forces that support life. Look back over your life. Many Blessings have come to you. Note them.
The Force that IS Life will support and guide your search and growth, if you but give it your willingness.
It is that which Loves you more than you can imagine,
Ah, Beloved,
Whose testimony do you give more time each day to listening to? The whispers of the body senses, or the tender Voice in your soul heart that gives and gives and gives you reassurance that there is Goodness emanating from the very Truth of you, shining forth your image into the dream of the world?
As you choose what thoughts you listen to, so does the movie of the day proceed. Believe for Good today, Beloved. We beg this of you, because We Love you, and We want to see you Loving yourself and your endless Life and all and all and all.
O”, to swim in Thoughts of Love forevermore, is to feel always joyous and clean.
Ah, Beloved,
We Love you utterly. Keep that in your mind today, along with your goal of mental calm. We Love you utterly.
Yes, we know about the sad illusions you have of your own failings or those of others, but we know your true identity as lovely idea of Soul and Love Itself, and we tenderly hold that towards you like a true mirror, so that you can remind yourself of who you really are, You are really a being of Light, Loved and Lovable and Loving.
Hold that close to your heart today.
Ah, Beloved,
When seeking, and trusting for, a Harmonizing of any part of your human experience, whether it is of the body, or finances, or relationships or purpose, it is not the pulse of the wrist or the checkbook balance, or the texts, or the titles that you should keep monitoring. It is the feeling of the full Presence of Love and Infinite Possibility in your heart that is key.
Keep being grateful for all that is Good, honor the Will of the Truth, and make staying in alignment with Love your absolute goal each day.
The human symptoms will sort out as the Grace shines through all your thoughts.
Worry solves nothing and only blocks the hearing of the soft inspirations from God.
You know this. We Lovingly remind you.
Ah, Beloved,
God has not forgotten you. You have not been dropped into a costume carnival and left alone.
The Mighty Spirit of God is on your spirit like a second skin, and no smoky wisp or paint you put on your earth story costume can penetrate the armor of God Truth that is on you.
Ah, Beloved,
Let melt away all anger and pity and jealousy, as you realize that the other ones around you, like your worldly self, are but actors in a play.
To be able to sit calmly, and hear clearly, the smooth and Lovely Voice of the Divine Idea that whispers Its solutions to you, and Its healing for others share, you must lower the screen of human emotions. Understanding that the others, and your earth role, are only stage make-up and costume will help you do this.
Admire and love and enjoy the actors, and separate completely the emotional reactions to their roles from your appreciation of them as living beings that play their roles so well. Listen for the Prompter that knows best how to stage the play, and do not try to re-write those lines from where you are in the play.
Able to help you when you ask, wait, and quietly listen,
Ah, Beloved,
Bless, bless, bless all the characters that play their roles for you, just as you would bless the teacher who put you through some difficult exercises in order that you might truly learn how to play wonderful music.
For it IS wonderful music you are learning how to play—it is the music of pure Love.
Ah, Beloved,
The promises of God have not changed. The promises of God are not broken now, and never will be. As soon as you are ready to accept it, (right here, right now, if you will), He/She/Love still means this promise:
“I want to walk with you and talk with you and show you the Beauty of My Creation which includes all the perfect goodness and beauty of you. You are the receiver and the giver of My Love.”
Can you accept this? Now?
Ah, Beloved,
You are cheerios floating in the Sweet Milk of The Divine.
Soak It up, and you do not need to do anything else, but float where It sends you.
Always, you are sweet to see,
Ah, Beloved Dear,
We are certain, and so should you be, that the essence of you that CAN be seen, even within the dream of earth, is lovely and loving and lovable. Certainty is an aspect of God, and so certainty is a natural thing to shine in your heart.
Uncertainty is not the Truth of you. Pondering the Qualities of God that are already an intrinsic part of you, and are waiting to be born forth TODAY from your heart, as you give them permission to do so, is the way of Peace.
That Peace leads to non-judgment, non-criticism, non-complaint. And when those things are relinquished, and you have thus gained the Sight that is the way that God Sees, all things will morph into Truth around you.
We know, Beloved one, that this is especially difficult when you feel confronted by tempestuous personalities, or feel temptations yourself to be less than stellar, but the more you align yourself with God Sight and God Knowledge, the more pure Good Spirit you will feel yourself to be and act, and the more pure Good Spirit you will be able to see in others.
Go to God. Let God birth forth in yourself. See, then, God all around you.
Thus is Truth born, and Seen,
Ah, Beloved,
No Joy is complete unless it is shared with God, and gratitude for it is given to God.
You know well that most in the human condition are glad when they can share with another human the beauty of a sunset, or the story of a solution, or an accomplishment, or an inspiration or new love of any sort. For most, Joy seems best when it is shared.
Keep well in mind from Whence all Good comes, and invite the Consciousness of God to be fully with you in any celebration.
God IS already always with you, but rather than keeping that awareness tucked away deep in your heart, or in only that certain time of day or week when you overtly pray, invite God front and center in everything. It can be silent, or it can be obvious, but be as with God as God is always with you.
Ah, Beloved,
Only Divine Energy can free anyone from their patterns of negative thought or error-filled or hurtful behavior.
Therefore, Beloved, let go of the frustration of not being able to humanly help a friend who is filled with complaints and unhappiness. Turn to the Divine, and humbly ask for Divine assistance for him or her, maintain your own standards and goals of living within the Divine, and wait for the Divine to work in you and in those around you. Gently, kindly, continue to love, but honor the Divine’s ways and timing for others, just as you must do for your own soul work.
Your job is your own spiritual growth. Being drawn away into trying to “fix” someone else with only human ways will only end you both in the same quicksand.
Turn to the face of Goodness, again and again and again, and give freely of your own allotted Grace, and then let God/Goddess work.
We help make sure the prayers reach their Place,
Ah, Beloved,
Do not take your ideas of what to do and be from anyone else but God.
You are uniquely you. You are an expression of God gifts and talents that nobody else can be, and it is up to you to listen to the Voice of God in your heart, and express what It would Lovingly have you express, for that will always be the Will of God, which is Love.
And is not that what you would want to express every day? Whether you invent, or write, or cook, or create, or show visions and color, or minister or explore or teach or journey or move or touch, so long as you expressing Love’s intent in your unique way, you are doing the Will of God. Go direct, Beloved. Go direct to God’s Loving Heart and let It tell you what to do each day, and in each moment.
It knows your Best way. Be that.
Ah, Beloved,
There is nothing that can un-make you a citizen of God’s Heart.
You are of the One Mind and dwell in that Heart, and have all the rights and Goodness and Freedom to which that automatically entitles you.
Claim them. Be them. Love them.
How do you claim them? By thinking about them. What you think about, you are.
Ah, Beloved,
As you wind your way along your own particular road back to an understanding of your place in the Great Scheme of All, be gentle with those you glimpse on other pathways. Not all are as simple or as glorious as they may look, and it is certain that many times you see only the costume, and not the dedicated, complicated Soul beneath, who has agreed to play an unusual or difficult role, for you, or for someone else.
Be not hard. Let judgment fall away from your heart, for only the One Spirit that resides around and in all things can understand the purpose of all. Let the fetters of assumptions fall away from your mind, and remember that, beyond your individualized perception, all beings are perfectly in place for what they, and you, need to learn.
From the cab driver you yell at, only to find out that he is one of the most important people in saving your joy and your life, to the stranger whose life you transform with the fanciful smile and the kind comment you make as you walk by, all things work together to lead you back to knowing “I am One.” From the courageous choice you make to obey an impulse of Inner Spirit to give away a cherished thing, to the joyous obedience of the directive to love someone whom you already love, all your days will come together in the Awareness where there is no time. When you carry God-Consciousness with you through your moments of time, you will realize how very, very rich you are, have always been, and will always be.
We applaud all progress, and see the winning end,
Ah, Beloved,
Consider re-phrasing the way you pray, so that you can open your spiritual ear to the ideas that come forth from All-Governing and All-Loving Mind, God.
Knowing and trusting that God does truly Love you, and wants you to happily fulfill the mandate to expand Love and Good, get quiet and think of what you are really asking for. Then, phrase your request-thoughts of prayer in such a way that you yourself are clear. Ask, for instance, “Dear God, how can I feel more loyalty?” “Dear God, how can I create greater income or supply for my needs?” “Dear God, how can I find more time for harmonious and relaxed interactions with others?”
Form your prayer-questions, ask them in humble trust, and listen, listen, listen with open heart for ideas to come to you, and for inner urges to go to a certain place or call a certain person, or investigate appropriate information. The ways in which God answers prayer and seeming need are many, but if you are clear in your own mind and heart about what you are really asking for, your spiritual senses will hear the answers, feel the right impulses, and deepen your connection with the Loving Oneness of God.
“How can I hear your ideas more clearly, dear God?” That is a wonderful prayer question to start with.
And the still, small Voice, and scriptures, are full of answers, and clues for how to begin.
Ah, Beloved,
If you are faithfully praying “I will to Will Thy Will for my happiness and purpose”, you can trust that God has on its way to you all that you need for that.
Trust in Divine desire for your Good, for in you is God well Pleased.
Ah, Beloved, Beloved Child of God,
We address the eternal Life of you, that is part of the Life that is All.
That is the Real You. While you are dreaming this body adventure, we also address all that you are imagining and manifesting. Although the creative Force that was gifted to You as being a part of the Life that is All was misunderstood when you fell asleep into the body-dream, and you began imagining vulnerability and strife, it need not be so. We are glad, o” so glad, to help the dream be as happy as it can be while you yet sleep.
Ask us, Beloved. Ask for comfort. Ask for strength. Ask for ideas. Ask to be given the True thoughts to think, that you may create dream blessings for yourself, and for all those you meet. Ask to understand what really matters, and what really exists.
It is gently and happily we would have you awaken.
Ah, Beloved,
Complain about your loved ones, in thought or voice, and it will cloud your ability to feel healing and guidance and Love from God.
So stop it. Spirit will help you if you ask.
Ah, Beloved, we are with you,
O’ Darling Ones,
We are pleased to tell you that Gratitude is a force. It is a force as real as (or more real than) gravity, or any of your physical laws. It is a force that you may use at any time, in any place, in any situation. Feel it, say it, send it, be immersed in it. Gratitudes, given or spoken, for just being alive, and in love with life, are powerful indeed. Gratitudes for specifics of your life, or of the world around you, can take you from a place of anger or boredom to a lovely place in your energy and the power of your soul. Just think them, speak them aloud, or hold them in your heart.
We guarantee you that the more you feel and think and exude gratitude, the more you will have to be grateful for. It is as simple as that, for each individual and for all of us together in the Great Divine. Use the force of Gratitude and change your experience of life for the better.
Grateful that you came to this life,
Ah, Beloved,
If an angry thought, or judgmental feeling is urging you to do something, do the opposite instead. If a limiting belief tries to scare you into not trying to show your talents, set it aside, rebuke it, and stretch your wings. Let Love Lift you like the wind lifts a leaf or a feather.
You are as an angel, if you remember that an angel is what God made you to be. And what God made you to be, God still empowers. “I am exactly what God envisions me to be.”
We See the Real you. Let yourself See it also.
Ah, Beloveds,
You can test for yourself the Truth of God.
God IS ever-present, and always willing and glad to advise and comfort and give Love in the form that is Best for you. You turn and surrender and love and listen, and It Is So.
If you are in a day, or a stretch of days, wherein you doubt the Truth of God and disbelieve that it is good and helpful to turn daily, and moment by moment, to Divine alignment, then test it. Try going for a day or some days without giving any thought to God, Love. Try going for a while without any thought to your attitude of compassion or appreciation. See how it goes.
Getting back to Gratitude and Joy is but the work of a moment. And whenever you come back to It, you are very, very welcomed.
In God’s Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Do not try to force the Truth to appear from and as other people.
Instead, turn to God and ask for the Divine Light to shine away all illusion, and to impel hearts to speak Truth.
It is better this way, Beloved. More effective and more healing and painless for all.
Ah, Beloved,
The ultimate in the ego’s scheme is to make you feel unworthy of being an instrument of Divine Truth and Healing. It is not so.
No false dream you have had will lead you, as an extension of the Divine Thought, to be unworthy for the Cause of re-embracing all God’s Children in His/Her arms of Thought and Utter Care.
ENJOY the flow of Divine Love through you,
Ah, Beloved,
Then, as now, you are Beloved of that which is Life Itself. When you were proud of yourself, and when you were scared or disappointed in yourself, your Creator saw the Real You and Loved you. That Creative Life Force will endlessly give you the raw material to let Its Goodness shine through. It will endlessly Love you.
The sooner you learn that letting ONLY Goodness shine through creates all the loveliness you could want, and more, the sooner will your occasional happiness become pure and constant Bliss. Why not try it, each day? Playfully, experiment. Soberly, evaluate how your day proceeds when you declare in your mind, all day, that you are surrounded by saints and angels and Goodness.
We are there, smiling when you see and hear us,
Ah, Beloved,
We are never far from you. Your companion Spirit, having been welcomed into your heart and your experience of life, is as close to you as your breathing.
But still, for Us to be heard and help, you must turn your attention and your quiet listening to Us. Can you form the habit of doing this? We know you can, for We will help you. Just be willing. Just be willing, for the Greater Will is longing to help you, now and forever.
Ah, Beloved,
Remember, anytime you find yourself thinking of, or speaking of, others with a judgmental attitude, it is your own lack of Harmony that you need to find again. Re-center yourself in the Whole, and stand again in the awareness of complete Harmony of Oneness, and from there find the Grace and the Compassion and the ability to give Blessings to those around you.
Your view of that around you is determined by what you are allowing to come through you. Allow Love, and allow Enlightenment, and They come.
Ah, Beloved,
Slowly, slowly settle into a place and time each morning when you can think and feel the earnest welcoming of Divine Presence. Set aside any focus on human thoughts and emotions and concerns, and let this opening greeting come to the fore of your mind:
“High Guidance of the Light, I know you Love me and are holding me tight, and setting me right, and helping me see with Spiritual Sight.”
Stay still and quiet and allow, allow, allow the full Presence and Embrace of Love to move outward and around you, from that Soul umbilical cord that is ever-connected to the heart of the Wholeness of your Being.
Feel It, Feel It, Feel It, Beloved, for that feeling of Loving Completeness is the Real You.
We See the Real You and nothing else,
Ah, Child,
As ever, one can spend days and days trying to trample upon the little bits of the ego, but there is a better way. Just turn it all over to the Divine. Turn all your experience and understanding and life over to God/Goddess/All That Is.
Understanding that you cannot ever, whilst in the flesh, understand All, is to understand why you must Listen endlessly Within. Train yourself to relinquish the self, without being caught in its brambles of intellectual understanding. Train yourself to simply pause and Listen, again and again and again, and act from There, even when you must act without understanding.
It IS the best Way, beloved, although not the only way that the saints and the avatars of the world have found. Find a new way if you will, but why not take a way that has led so many to Peace and Understanding Profound?
Able to go the distance if you will,
Ah, Beloved, Beloved, Beloved,
God does not doubt. As an emanation of what God IS, as a ray of Light from the Soul that is all souls, do not think that doubt is a real part of you. You are Light, you are a right part of the Good Source that would shine further and further and further into the darkness of time/space, until It has expanded to enlighten all. Allow that, Beloved. It is a sacred task, and you should not doubt that each prayer you send forth is a Goodly part of It.
Ah, Beloved,
As the days roll forward in their routine, it can be so easy to fall into habits of body. Without conscious thought, one can spend time planning for eating, and then consuming this and that, or imbibing substances, without awareness of what one really wants or needs. It can become a pattern to read certain news that disheartens, or continuously think about various human trends. It can feel so important to brush the body, to clothe the flesh, or rub the skin, or trim this or that, or apply ointments.
O, Beloveds, let not the body seem your master. Claim your joyous right to acknowledge, and surrender to, the care of the Loving Creator, and take your mind off an identity of flesh and bone. You are Spirit and a reflection of Joy. Put your mind on Good today.
“I Am Spirit, and a reflection of Good Joy.”
Spend today in gratitude, graciously thanking God.
“Thank You, God, for maintaining and sustaining me as Your perfect Image of Life!”
SO be it, for so it is,
Ah, Beloved,
Within the sphere of your own mind, your own time-space bubble, everything bounces back. Every thought bounces back at you. So make them loving and forgiving and generous and unlimiting thoughts. For is not that what you want bouncing back to you?
Play with this today, Beloved.
“I am Love, and Love bounces back to me.”
“I give, and giving bounces back to me.”
“I encourage, and I am encouraged.”
Every child experiments with walls and bouncy balls.
Be the grown one, and Do the spiritual thought version.
Ah, Beloved,
We remind you gently that any heart that opens the door to the Divine in their own consciousness can speak to It, can ask of It, can listen to It. All that is needed is the openness, the willingness, and the intent and the honor of It.
You do not need fancy intercessors or rituals to do this. Turn within, open and love and honor, and feel how completely the Truth wants to set you free from discord and mis-purpose.
In earthly terms, it just costs a little time, and a giving of focus,
Loving you so,
Ah, Beloved,
If you knew that by filling your heart so full of gratitude that there were no room for blame or fear or anger, you would helping to open a portal for Divine Kindness to pierce through the clouds of sorrow, would you do it? Would you maintain that gratitude daily, and be a part of the Circle of Gratitude that jointly has as Its Mission the making of a greater opening to the Will of Love?
It is ongoing, dear one. Can you softly promise yourself to be a constant part of It, or to take regular shifts in being part of Thankfulness? Even moments a day are vital to the Life of this Circle.
We gladly join in the chorus of Appreciation,
Ah, Beloved,
“In the Peace of God are all the Truths I need to know. They are not in the frantic dashings of the earth.”
Ah, Beloveds,
I Am the Holy Home of you.
How many of you are simply forgetting to look to Me, focusing firstly instead each morning, on your stimulant beverages and sorrowful headlines?
Look to Me, Beloveds. Look to Me.
I Am in your Conscious Heart, and All around you. Look to Me.
Read this slowly and feel the Truth of It embrace you with Love,
Ah, Beloved,
God begs us beg you, yet again, thus:
“Ah, Child,
Come directly unto me. A minute every hour, no more than this I ask for now, close you eyes and ask me to Love you. Let me tell you, “you are Loved”, let me remind you who you are, as spirit born of the Spirit of my Heart.”
We serve in This All alongside you,
Ah, Beloved,
Calmness is the portal through which you enter the joyous quiet of Heavenly Consciousness.
Ask for Divine Help to get calm, stay calm, be calm. Then, in calmness, you can listen deeply and hear words of comfort and inspiration, and feel embraced by Love and Spirit.
Set aside the thoughts and images that induce distress or fretting, and seek the remedies and the solutions in Divine Calmness. From the Heart of all Truth come the equality and peace and joy you want. The Heart of all Truth is the place of answers, and correct perception.
You enter the place of answers though the portal of calmness.
Calmly, We are with you, loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
When you have focused and practiced on knowing the Divine enough, then the ever-present awareness of Its delight will move into your heart. When you finally have that experience, and realize that Grace is always raining into your heart, like a wonderful warm shower that never runs out of hot water, you will be eager to step into It to renew and refresh and cleanse yourself, again and again and again. It is pure Love. It is pure Joy.
To know that you carry within you this ever present connection to the Divine Source will change the way you approach everything. You will long to spend time and attention there, and if the world throws its temptations and distractions at you, you just need to train yourself to take that sacred pause, go within, and let Grace reign, in your heart, and therefore, in your world.
April showers…May flowers…,
Ah, Beloved,
The more scenes you see of earthly existence, in your own life and the lives of others, and in your alternate earth dreams of night, the more honestly you can desire, and live for, the pure, sweet truth of Heaven, of God. The unchanging Love of God is the prize and the example to keep always in your mind. Let your mind become His/Her Mind, as you completely realize, that even within the dream, you are bidden to be a good example, a simple shining, of the Love of God.
Old mistakes and current ones ARE forgiven, if you can forgive them in yourself by forgiving others. Cease to judge, and be free. Cease to judge, and learn to Love. Love always.
Ah, Beloved,
Even as you become more and more of “yourself” that always was, before the speaking spirit that you are fell asleep and dreamed it was born as a tiny body, you will find yourself seeing and hearing the true speaking spirit of those around you. And as you witness that to them, as you see the Truth of each of them, you help them to be freed from the constraints of their own dreams.
When you know, from the discernment of spirit, that someone is lying to you or stealing from you, be the one to do the opposite of what they expect. Be the one to believe them anyway. Be the one to give them an additional gift, even as you say nothing about the theft. Be the one to prove to them that they are part of the same Spirit that you are part of, and that no part of the Whole can really steal from, or lie to, another part.
Whether you are playing the role of student or teacher or thief or savior at any one moment is really only to realize that you are playing a role in the play of the Whole, Whose Plan it is to reawaken all who have lost themselves in their roles. Awaken to the speaking Spirit you are, and you will be able to laugh, even while you keep playing out the role that has been assigned to you in the land of the sleepers.
The dream can become enjoyable before it dissolves,
Ah, Beloved,
Letting yourself be Loved and knowing the priceless Peace of God does mean learning to set aside the lusts and wants of the body and of the time-bound. Even if it is just for a few minutes a day, set aside the journey of the human mind, and turn softly, and with quiet determination, and acceptance, to the One Mind that so very gently Holds you.
You will feel better for it, and all around you will seem better as well. Be well in the Peace of the Mind, and the Wellness spreads through the perceptions of all Soul. This is the way of all Healing.
We have seen it awaken even the stoniest heart. When your own heart is heavy as stone, or when another heart seems closed or broken, turn softly to the Power of Peace, and let the stone dissolve.
Ah, Sweet Peaceful Source,
Please let me see Your version of the one who stands before me.
Perfect Source, perfect friend,
Perfect Source, perfect husband,
Perfect Source, perfect wife,
Perfect Source,
Perfect work, and love, and life.
Sit very, very still, and still your thoughts, and listen, and wait for the sweet peace of the Source to fill your heart.
Ah, Beloved,
When your responsibilities to God, and to the Best of your Self, become more important to you than anything else, much of what you focus on will change. When your Love for God becomes greater than any human relationship of love, your perspectives and experiences will rise to a new level of wonder and expectation. Human love will then mean much less to you on a material level, but more to you on a recognition of the Godliness of every individual spirit identity.
Ah, Beloved,
It is not just positive thinking. It is Truth.
Right there, where you think you see a problem to be solved or a lack of something, there is the Goodness of All.
We understand that it is a great leap to realize that your thoughts, and your eyes that you have been trained to rely on, could be giving you incorrect information, but once you take that into account, it is much easier to begin always looking for Good. Look for Good when it is not immediately apparent. Search your thoughts and see if you are assuming that brokenness and evil are present. Remind yourself that Good is Omnipotent, and think again and look again and believe again in Joy, and the power of wanting Joy.
We always want Joy for you,
Ah, Beloved,
When a messiah or an avatar looks at you and says, “You are perfect,” what and who is the “you” that he or she is seeing?
They are seeing with the eyes of Spirit that made you, that made you only of Lightness of Being and Perfection and Goodness and Truth and Love. That Source Spirit does not know about the dusty and temporarily flawed exterior you have laid upon the body of Light. It Knows you and Sees you as the Truth that you are, shining right through the illusion formed by the dusty mirage.
Think upon this. Know this Truth of yourself, and let the rest of your thinking fall away. Do not name yourself as the body, with its bumps and lumps and quirks and false and time-related form—think of yourself as Bodiless Love, and let the exterior appearance settle into place as a light layer of dew on the spring flower would, so long as you dance in the breeze of the earth mirror.
How We long for you to see the Beauty of yourself and others, as We See It,
Ah, Beloved,
Never forget the metaphor of the rising tide that floats all the boats.
When someone calls to you from a boat that has foundered in the mud flats, it is your task as one joining him or her in silent (or earnest and focused verbal) meditation and prayer, to call in the floodtide of Presence that will float you both higher. It does not help either of you if you join the other in the mud.
Stay very aware of this, and do not let yourself be drawn too near the quagmire and the rocks. Stay where you can see, and feel the Support of, the soothing Ocean, and just call forth, compassionately, that you will join the other in calling It to all.
Ah, the joyous dance begins anew each moment,
Ah, Beloved,
Wishing well for others bounces back to you. Trust us that this is true. If you can completely and sincerely be glad for the good life circumstances of others, including the individuals you may not feel affection or admiration for, that gladness expands your own heart and thought.
Set aside all anger or envy or gossip, for those feelings block the opening in your Soul for Divine Love to pour through and uplift you, and help you, and heal you in all that you are.
Be glad for all Good, and more Good comes to you, and to all.
Ah, Beloved,
Trust in the forgiveness of others. Trust in the forgetfulness of others.
For when God Guides someone to forgive, God also enacts forgetting, or accepting.
Each individual, so caught up in their own little human memories and errors, might be astounded that others would have forgotten an incident or a word. But just look at your own experience, and how much you have forgotten, and/or forgiven, of interactions with others.
Forgive freely, Beloved. Focus on the Infinite Now, and the truth of the shared Divine Love that animates all, and forgive, and live. Forgive, and Live.
Ah, Beloved,
There is never a sense of hurry in the Kingdom of Peace . There is no time there, so how could there be a need to hurry?
All aspects of hurry are associated with your wanting of, or attachment to, certain physical accoutrements to learning how to Love. Those attachments create a panicky desire in you to learn The Lesson of Love with a certain person, or in a certain circumstance, or in a certain place with certain objects. You feel you must hurry if those people or places seem to be slipping away. In truth, Beloved, all things earthly slip away, and it is to realize that Love, and how to Love Unconditionally, can be learned everywhere and anywhere within the earth dream, by turning within to the Divine Teacher, and becoming utterly willing to learn—surrendering totally to the Truth.
Think about it, Beloved. What is making you feel hurried or pressured? Nothing of God fades away, and the Life, Love, Soul, Harmony, Truth, Omniscience, and Spirit that ARE God will never disappear into time, or be held back by time. They are forever, they are the stable foundation to turn to, when a sense of hurry gives you the clue that you have become unaligned with the Pure Stream of the Divine.
Purely Loving You,
Ah, Beloved,
Where there is an anointing of the overt Presence of the Divine Healing Force, it is meant to be shared. If you do not share it, and give the Divine the Glory for the results, it is lost again.
Be very aware of this now, Love, for as the Force flows through one as inspiration or healing or wisdom or comfort for another, great Joy is felt in all the unseen Universe. Let that Joy be a part of what you feel as you give whatever is yours to give, and do not worry about credit or coin for the small self—that will come as a part of the greater Will.
Be at Peace, and give and give and give, with love and love and love.
As we give our Love to you, endlessly,
Ah, Beloved,
When something seems unkind or wrong, be one of the ones that holds it up in your thoughts and heart, and asks, “Could this be God’s Good intent?”
Be one of the ones willing to hear and see the correction of sad seemings, and the adjustments that God makes in human direction, to bring about more Good for all. Human discernment cannot always tell what is Best, just as a human child cannot always tell what is best for themselves. But the willingness to Hold all up to the Touchstone of Divine Truth does more for All that you can possibly imagine.
“Help us all awaken to Your Good Allness, dear God. Help us all awaken.”
Gently accompanying you in the dream,
Ah, Beloved,
You can study the dream of man/woman, or you can study the Spirit that is One.
If you find yourself studying the human body dream, it will eventually lead you to studying the Spirit in Whom the dream occurs. Why not turn directly to studying God? Why not turn right away to knowing the One Spirit, of Whom your awareness is a part, and save yourself many years and many tears?
The understanding of what to “do” in the day to day of the dream will become clearer by turning to study the Source, than it will by studying the foggy emanations. Just as someone studying sunbeams, as they bounce off atmosphere and one another, is better off studying the sun directly, so can you cut through much illusion by realizing that it is God you are studying, no matter what else you think you are trying to understand.
Think about it, and Love yourself enough to save yourself the heartache of looking at a hazy reflection. Study the Source, brave one. Study the Source.
In utter respect,
Ah, Beloved,
All around you, and within you, the Giver of Delight and Calm Joy.
Focus on that. Keep that in thought all the day. It is just as easy as when you focus an entire day on preparing for a feast or studying for an exam or presentation. Just focus on being the recipient of delight from the All Loving One.
Ah, Beloved,
The depth of, and the time for, the Complete Divine Consciousness that you allow to take over your human thought, becomes the means by which you are healed, your earthly life is healed, and all who are near to you, or who encounter you, or who think of you, are healed or helped, as well.
Therefore, allow yourself to concentrate on that total immersion in the Consciousness of the Divine, with all of Its wonderful aspects, and be free, be free, be free. As you are freed to be happy, so will others around you be as well.
Always with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Even to those sleeping in the dream, the Principle of God is ever present and ever available—exuding provision and sustenance and care everlasting.
We saw you, of course, as you drove in your cold vehicle down the cold road, wishing you had a hot cup of tea to revive you and warm you, but your human self could see that there was no worldly source of that readily available. And We whispered in your mind that God’s provision is always available, and that just as you reach for the Presence of Spirit when you feel pain instead of reaching for an aspirin, so could you reach to that Source for the energy and the strength and warmth you needed. And so you did, and were flooded with a sweet sense of vigor and comfortableness.
This is as true today as it was yesterday, Beloved, and it will always be true. And it will be true for everything. For each and every human need that you feel and see, turn to God. God’s Principle of providing for the needs of the sleeping Children does not change. Just turn to that Principle and ask and ask and ask and say thank you thank you thank you, for each demonstration of Care. It has already been done, it is already promised.
Just trust It, and relax into knowing you are in Good Care accomplished.
Ah, Beloved,
Never have We asked you to sacrifice anything of lasting Happiness. And We never will.
Let us help your heart sort out WHAT is of lasting value. You will realize that it is your true identity. And what is your true identity?
And so is everyone else,
Look for It, in yourself, and others, like jack rabbits in a picture puzzle,
Ah, Beloved,
Do you think we wander away for days at a time and leave you without helpers who delight in helping if you ask? No, we are with you like water is with wetness. We are you, we are the Best of you.
God has held you always in Its CONSCIOUSNESS, and ever will. And next to you in that Great Mind are all the technicians and helpers and loves that God has devotedly assigned to you. Always.
Not on vacation. Not busy on the other line or with the other task. With you. Now.
Ah, Beloved,
The truth about a spring not being able to send forth bitter and sweet waters at the same time also applies to the flow of your voice and words and thoughts. If you are thinking grateful thoughts, you cannot at the same moment think resentful ones. If you are speaking praise you cannot at the same moment speak criticism. If you are singing halleluiahs, you cannot at the same moment be singing destruction.
You full know, Child, what words and people you enjoy being around—the ones who are expressing and/or demonstrating solutions and creativity and sincere compliments and Light and Love. You can choose to so fill your mind with these things that there is no room for despair or fear or nay-saying to goodness, and then you will want to be around yourself.
You can fill your mind with these things if you simply ask the Emanating Divine Source to fill your mind with Its Mind, and continually stay open to Its Joyous Flow. Ask for It. Ask for help in clinging only to It, and watch to see how less and less of you day gives way to the bitter waters.
We know you are Truly a sweet spring,
Ah, Beloved,
No matter what your human self seems to think, I am with you right now. I Am You right now. Relax into that. Stop worrying, and let Me take over for the day.
Ah, Beloved,
When one makes up one’s mind to change a destination, then routes are re-thought and expectations are adjusted. Resources to use for the new journey are re-evaluated.
If you make, at some moment in time, the choice that what you really want is a feeling of inner Peace and Joy, rather than a pursuit of familiar or unfamiliar sensual entertainments, then all the choices you make begin to change.
Consider carefully. Is this the time you are ready to choose the Peace of God in your heart as your main goal? If so, then let every thought and word and action be linked to that desire, so that the web of Life that is built around you becomes one where everything is linked firmly to that goal.
Only you can choose that timing. But please know that the Divine Heart, here and now, is always offering to work with you in your heart, to feel it. If you are ready, tell It so.
It is the setting aside of some childish things, and approaching a new goal in a fresh childlike way, and it is a pathway made out of Love, and leading to Love.