Ah, Beloved,
What a wonder is the Unchangeable Love of God for you.
Always there for you, It is ever reminding you of your true identity as child-image of Spirit, Spirit in substance, and ever-lasting, and approved of by Spirit God.
The personalities around you may offer their temporary love or approval, or not, but all that really matters is that Unchanging Love of God, your Life Fuel. Think on that. Keep your mind on that. Let your heart be filled, and led, by that.
Take time for that, and believe that Love.
Ah, Beloved,
We of course continually urge you to remember that the Total Divine Loving Presence is always with you, Omnipotent and Omniscient. To remember that the Spirit of God is always walking with YOU, one of Its Lovely reflections, and to say hello to It and listen to It, is to welcome more Harmony into your life.
Do that again today, but also focus on the Truth that Loving Omnipresence is also there for everyone you know and hear of and have never met. When you are feeling concerned for someone, and that person has not given you permission to reach out with silent prayer or words or actions for him or her, focus on that sweet reality that God-Mind is already holding that individual consciousness. God is already Loving and caring for and guiding that one.
Give gratitude to God for guiding you and for guiding all. Give God gratitude for the Great Plan already made and done, in the timeless perspective of God-Mind.
You do not need permission to silently pray for Good for all. It will soothe you to do so.
Ah, Beloved,
Your guardian and guiding Spirit is utterly faithful to, and devoted to, you.
Think about that. Whether you call It your guardian angel or your personal savior or the individualized consciousness of the Divine, or one of thousands of other names, the special part of the Whole that is the Truth of you gently and completely and wholeheartedly loves YOU. It is assigned to you and only you, for returning you to your remembrance of your uniqueness as a part of the Perfect Whole is Its one and only task. It is faithful to that, AND convinced of that, because It knows that where there is no time, this re-union of yourself with your perfection is already accomplished.
So turn to the faithfulness of your Guiding Spirit, and think about that when anything in the worldly seems confusing or out of sorts. Letting yourself think it lets you see it so.
Loving you so,
Ah, Beloved,
Do not lose sight of what is lovely and good in the world, in the visible realm. Being grateful for those things can counteract sorrow and dismay somewhat.
But, above all, do not lose Spiritual Sight of the Divine Love, Compassion, and Mercy that are Unseen. Rarely does your earthly news report those, or note the underlying Omniscient and Omnipresent Guide that is the Spirit Guiding all to align with the Soul of their best Selves. Ponder and practice trusting those, Beloveds. Be a window open to that Light.
Sacred Love does dissolve anger and fear, and can grow healthily in each heart.
Ah, Beloved,
O”, Do let there be Light! Call It to you, Beloved.
“High Guidance of the Light, come be with me. Shine away all darkness in my thoughts, so that I can see as You would See.”
Call to It, Beloved, by choice and by will, any time that, and as soon as, the lower, “animal self”, of your earth-self, calls forth its lusts or sorrows or fears or foretells. Look to the moment, only, and look to the Light, and do not let the animal-self enter any fight.
Withdraw into the Light, and you let the world look Bright,
Ah, Beloved,
Healing and resolution most often happen if you focus not on the seeming problems or wounds, but on the amazing Perfection of the Infinite.
If you feel too overwhelmed trying to picture the wondrous Allness of God, then concentrate on a small and perfect beauty—the swirl of a shell, the petals of a flower, the tree that lives unborn within the pine seed.
Place all your thoughts on the Good and Beautiful, and let Grace heal all the raggedness within your mind.
And so be it, for so it is,
Ah, Beloved,
The Utter Joy that will fill you as you realize you have taken the first steps towards Home, as you begin your Loving remembrance of your oneness with the Source, is more than we can describe in any words.
Utter Joy. Do you not want it? Do you not want it more than the fleeting sorrows and pleasures of daily sensory life? You will still have those daily things, as you release yourself to be an instrument of communication for the Source, but you will also float on, and be fed by, the Utter transporting Joy of God, of the Oneness of Being.
We know You, in Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
The ease with which you can feel the Flow of Life and Light filling you with Joy can be represented by how easily you can see the sunlight if you take your hand from in front of your eyes.
The Love that shines you forth is always flowing to you, darling one. Take away from your sensibilities any belief that it is not there for you, and you will feel It flow, flow, flow and fill you with Its tender regard, and inspiration, and fun.
“I am with you always. Let us enjoy that right now.”
Ah, Beloved,
Absolute, unquestioning willingness to receive the Power of God’s Superconscious Thought over human thought.
That is instantaneously healing.
Ah, Beloved,
The more you count the non-temporal Bliss as your Blessings, the more of the non-temporal Wonders will be revealed to your growing Sight,
Within the human condition, “counting ones blessings” usually results in a list of objects or titles, and counting those can bring more worldly goodness to you. But, O’ Beloved, is it not really the timeless Blessings you yearn for now? Count them, Beloved. Count them, and feel free, more and more and more. Feel free of any fear of change or loss, with countless timeless Blessings in your mind/Mind.
As Love,,, ANGELS
Fresh and clean.
Feel fresh and clean by showering in God’s Love anytime. Feel fresh and clean by showering mentally in Love especially anytime you are thinking badly of yourself or silently criticizing others.
Yes, yes, sometimes you need to examine your thoughts and see if you need to honestly change a way of looking at an issue or a situation, or whether to amend your assessment of someone, but the best way to do this is to shower in Love. As you shower in Love, Love will help you amend or forgive or correct your thoughts, and give you ideas and strength to move on.
Fresh and clean in God’s Love. There is nothing like it.
And no water bill to pay, only grace to gather,
Ah, Beloved,
Unseen Forces ARE supporting you now. Even when you have not heard the details from the Source and Matrix of all, you can rest assured that Love, Order and Harmony ARE around you and within you, preparing the way for you to be, and walk, and do all that it is your Divine right to be and walk and do.
Rest assured in that Love today, Beloved. Rest assured. We are with you,
And no illusions can usurp Divine Rights,
Ah, Beloved,
Take a God break. Fast from looking at and listing the problems of the world, or of yourself, or of another person, and cast your mind to the God Who is all Good and Whom you know and Love so well.
To cast your mind to God is to cast your cares to God, in Whom you live and move and have your real Being, and in Whom all answers are found. Cast your cares to God today, Beloved,
“Thy Wil is done”, trustingly and lovingly desired, is still an effective prayer. Use it.
Gently with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Really, everyone is a practitioner of the Science of Divine Loving Mind. They can be nothing else, for Loving Mind is That within Which they dwell, as very Good ideas of God.
But some practice this only in moments of human desperation, crying out, when lost in the human hypnosis of false senses, “If you exist, God, then help me!” And even then, not having learned to pray aright, they do not listen and wholeheartedly obey.
Be one that practices ALL the time, dear Child. We have heard your cry of wishing to dedicate yourself to this, so simply do it. Humbly ask what you need to know, humbly listen, and immediately obey. There is such freedom and grace in doing so that joy and painless being swiftly follow. Only Good comes of God, and only Good is real. Rebuke the false, and turn to Good, and be delighted to Love only God.
Pray and obey, pray and obey. For yourself, and for others, pray and obey.
“Grace us to see Thy Will is done, as we humbly forgive and obey.”
Ah, Beloved,
The measure of worth is only and ever your perfect Goodness in the eyes of God, Who Loves you Unconditionally, and Who asks you to demonstrate your Good nature in your words and actions in the earthly play.
The measure of time is the growth in your ability to let that Goodness shine through.
But beginning of the play, to end, there is never any change in God’s Love.
Count on it,
Ah, Beloveds,
Just one person, hopeful and helpful, can change the whole mood and climate of a room. You know this. Do you want to be that ray of hope and Light, wherever you are, today?
We understand that you may not always feel that you are this Light, or can possibly be this Light, as you rise into the day, but We assure you that if you indicate your willingness to try, to let the Spirit of Loving Grace “do with you as It Will”, you will Brighten every space you enter.
And, not only that, you will Lighten and Brighten the thoughts and hope of every person you hold in your thoughts from afar, sending them your embrace and acknowledgement of them as part of The Light.
Even on the days that you do not feel up to this, if you indicate even a small willingness, and openness, God is able. And what God Wills and Wants you to do, you can.
O”, do say yes each day, Loves,
Ah, Beloved,
Wisdom will take you further into Itself than you ever thought possible, if you let yourself learn to listen. All of the most wonderful ideas that have helped humankind learn more about helping one another and giving in compassion and love have come from the One Source of all. Learn to listen to it. Learn to ignore any that makes claims that you are too old or too young or too unskilled in a certain area. One Mind chooses to give Its ideas freely, and only It can say where and when they will bear fruit.
Listen. Be fertile ground, and tune out the nay-sayers in your life.
Ah, Beloved,
Take the other hand of the Hand that Holds you,
And say “Job well done!”
You want the praise and blessings of God,
So give thanks now, for all good already received,
and all good now, and all good yet to come.
Held and holding, you are aligned, and face to face with God,
Give thanks,
Ah, Beloved,
Ever-present, willing and glad to show you Goodness, and Omnipotent.
That is God.
O, do claim it and accept it today, Beloved. We would not have you spend any time in maze detours of uncertainty or confusion or doubt or sorrow.
Claim the joy for today, for only God’s Goodness is Real.
That gives us Joy to live on,
Ah, Beloved,
ENJOY the different stages of awareness that your friends and family and neighbors are in.
Just as you would delightfully watch a child entertaining herself with little play-times of pretend fairies and imaginary worlds, and smiling and laughing and being happy, enjoy the happiness of others, while they ready themselves to See more. Yes, stress the Golden Rule and a seeing of their interconnection with all things, but do not deprive yourself of the love of loving them, as they grow and change.
It all reveals more growing of your own,
Ah, Dear One,
Have you ever been on a train with a child and listened to the child wonder how the train can keep going on tracks that appear to meet in a point on the horizon? Have you ever walked or biked on a road that seems to dissolve into mist by the lake, but been able to trust in your mind and heart that the road would be there, even if you cannot see it?
How many times in your life have you wondered how you were going to get through a day or out of a situation, and then, somehow, you did? There is a great deal of Unseen around you, Beloved. What the human senses cannot see is the Divine Plan for your spiritual experience of body. Ignore the senses of the mind that say, “this is pain” and “this is vibrancy” and rest back into God’s Truth for you. Both “good” and “bad” health, as deemed by human definition, are just interpretations of the mind. Your body is a projection of Spirit, so pay attention to Spirit Within to know the True state of you experience of flesh.
Ponder this, Beloved. It means learning to ignore much of what your mind has assumed to be true, just as you have learned to ignore the illusion that the road ends at the edge of the mist.
We are in the mist, awaiting you,
Ah, Dear One,
Forget about time. You can do this. Forget about time, for this moment, here and now. Claim the Truth of what you are for yourself and for all, right here, right now.
“I AM the Qualities of the Source that makes me new in each moment. I DO NOT have to wait, wait, wait for this. I claim it for NOW, by lifting my thoughts into the higher place of what I already am, in the Source, projected forth into visible sight.”
It is not time that is the issue. It is enlightened, uplifted Thoughts.
Think on this NOW, Beloved. Claim It.
Ah, Beloved,
When a new person enters your life, be silent and appreciative and observant. Just as each individual being is a part of the Great Soul that is God, so each person that comes into the orbit of your thought/experience a part of the completeness that is you. There is always agape love to be exchanged. There is always the chance to recognize and appreciate the Divine soul that is the other.
Know that each reflection/projection of God that comes into your experience is a chance for you to truly understand the simplicity of All are One that reflect One God. Your bodies may never touch, your eyes may never meet, but as you hold another in your thoughts with complete God-Love, you understand Oneness of Being, and feel calm and complete.
We Love, Love, Love you and know completeness because of that,
Ah, Beloved,
“God is All Spirit and All Spirit is Well”
This silent prayer, kept going in the back of your thought all day, like a radio softly playing, can keep open a back channel to God. Divine Love adores having a way to quickly reach your thoughts, and infuse them with Omniscient God Thoughts.
Just keep Us in mind.
Ah, Beloved,
The most painful situations of the five senses will, of course, be the hardest ones to ignore, so that one may look to the Spiritual Truth underneath. And yet, because the Divine Truth’s omnipresence is exactly what will relieve the pain of the senses, those times are when it is most important to use the abilities you have honed to reach past the “unreal” to the Cosmic Cause, and access the Peace you need.
Therefore, do not lay aside your daily practice of communion with, and ease of reaching, the Divine Causality. When you most need to feel it, it should come readily, and swiftly, from all the relaxed times during which you have made “knowing” the Reality of the Maker your daily priority.
It is not to serve others, or to impress others, that your daily welcome of the Divine Peace into your heart is important. It is to be able to live in Joy, and to have the strength and the resources to choose to serve when you wish, or when God asks.
Practice, practice, practice, Beloved, and bless the painful times for their help in your attainment of mastery,
Always faithfully loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
The joining of two souls who have the capacity to awaken in one another the fullness of their own Divinity is a wonderful and marvelous device by which the One Great Soul helps to awaken all of Its bits to their own heritage of Divine freedom.
That does not mean that those souls will always, each day, find human smoothness in their interactions. But it does mean that if they live with, and try to work with, trust and forgiveness and love, they can learn to love more and more deeply. And the more deeply they love humanly, the closer their love is to being a reasonable facsimile of the Divine Love that holds them both, and all.
Love, therefore. Love one another and your selves, as a gesture to the Divine Creator that you want to remember, and learn how to express, the Divine Love that creates and cradles all. It is All.
All in Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Seek Me as your Source of Joy. I am the constant Joy, the constant Comforter, the constant Inspiration and Healer.
You can do this. You can turn to Me, and ask, “Show me my life complete as You See it with Your Divine Sight, all things Harmonious.” You can do this.
Turn to Me. Trust me. Ask for Joy complete to fill your mind. We will walk this day together, and all days that you allow Me to be your constant companion.
Ah, Beloved,
Thus, each day, begins Good again, “Dearest Maker, constant and giving, I know You need us all as expressions of what You Are. Help me express You perfectly today. Show me the way, and help me see You expressed in all around me. Thank-you. I am willing to See.”
Try it again today, Beloved. With practice, you WILL See more and more Good each day. And We delight with you when you do.
Ah, Beloved,
To truly love others as you love your Self, and to truly realize that you are all reflecting facets of the same Oneness of Being, you must practice, practice, practice thinking of “others” that way.
Let today’s focus of thought be about that. For EVERYONE you see, remember to remember, and to think, “This person in front of me, is another cell in the Body of the Divine, just like I am.”
As you practice this throughout the day, consider the absolute ramifications in your behavior that would result if you let yourself, and train yourself, to act as if this were true. Consider a world where this were understood to be true.
For We tell you, it is true.
All Love,
O”, Beloved,
Observing your own behaviors and words and thoughts can be a heartening experience when you realize how easily you can modify your thoughts and actions by simply choosing to give up all that is not part of what you want to be, with Love in you and with you.
Spend some silent days truly watching your human thoughts, and see that setting aside criticism and condemnation of others can truly make it easier to Love them, and Love yourself. Letting go of thinking that real Wisdom comes from your human experience, and turning to the Spirit of God for Wisdom instead can help you shed that feeling of being stuck in strange world.
Behold with gentle Beauty today, silent and accepting, and see sublime eternal Beauty glimmer forth around and within.
Ah, Beloved,
When you do not entirely approve of your “self” that lives in the world, just think of the relief of setting that worldly self aside, and being just an instrument for Divine Light and Qualities to shine through.
Today, take a rest of the earthly self, and be quiet, and ask God/Goddess/All that Is to freely use the body-costume and voice while you take a vacation from your “self”.
This will begin to give you a glimmer of the wondrous way of living that it is to set the self aside entirely and exist in the fleshly only as an instrument of God.
We delight in being Spirit. Cannot you also?
Ah, Beloved,
Just as God†“Source Power was your strength to stop committing the errors and temptations that were your weaknesses of the past, so can that Source strength be the strength you draw upon to do the Good Works of God.
Use God Power as your courage. Use It as your resolve. Allow It to pour through you when you are asked by It to say the unusual thing, to do the unpopular action, to stand up when others would shy away. Be resolved to be an instrument of God, not only for non-sin, but for Good action, when Love asks you to speak, or help, or move, or stay silent. All done in the service of Love is noted, dear Child, and all of it helps with the Peace of the Whole, as well as your personal Peace of mind and heart.
We know you need to know we are with you when you feel alone,
Ah, Beloved,
Whether darkness is murky grey, or completely black, or brownish or opaque white mistiness—it is still the inability to see clearly. The Light chases it away.
The answer is always to turn to the Light. Do it, Child. Delay not, now.
Ah, Beloved,
Here we are, appreciating together, when you take the time to look softly around you, or listen deeply, or touch gently, and notice the exquisite shimmering of light and energy that is all around. Here we are together, appreciating.
That is the gist of it. Created to walk and talk together, in the lovely garden of all that is, and exclaim and wonder and name the goodness of it all.
Call me forth through the everyday jabber, into your high consciousness, your full awareness, and let us appreciate and love together.
For I hear you always, I hold you and answer you always with Love gentle and true,
Ah, Beloved,
Even when estranged in the everyday course of affairs, siblings respond and try to help one another when a crisis looms.
There is a good reason why the popular prayer says OUR Creator, Beloved. It is to help you remember that all are your brother and sister, all are other aspects of the family of the reflection of the Divine.
That may just sound like theological words, Child. But it will help you if you just keep in mind the simplicity of it. When looking at another person whom you know is lying to you, or evading a situation, you must remember, “This is my brother, too.” When observing your own behavior, you must remember to realize “I am a Child of the Father/Mother God, and I have Their Good Qualities to reflect, if I choose.”
I will remember these things. Brother. Sister. Child. I will remember these things, and forgive, and Love and be Good.
Ah, Sweet Beloved,
There is no need to place any one earthly task above another, for just as the human perspective cannot always discern what is really helpful or unhelpful for ones happiness and purpose, so can the mortal mind not always tell what small or large task is working towards and for the Greater Good.
Just place Loving God, and being and acting as part of God’s Good, FIRST, and each day you will be guided and led to the tasks and actions and words that most benefit your own at-one-ment with Good, and the alignment with Good of those around you. There is great and delightful freedom in giving control of your schedule over to God, and then performing whatever you are called to do with Order and Love and Wisdom.
God provides the Order and Love and Wisdom to flow through you as you work. Just be open and willing to give what you want to receive.
So Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
As spring comes in the heart, examine again what habits and old instructions are still true for you. Just because the Divine Voice told you to begin a certain study a year ago does not mean that it is true for this year as well. Let nothing become a habit. Re-examine. Rethink. Renew your mind in every season, with the fresh wash of Divine Thought, approving it to continue, or to amend it, or to let it go.
Willingly. Ever willingly,
Ah, Beloved,
Align yourself, again, to the deep Will and Joy of God.
We know that you wish that after an hour of sublime communion with the God Force that IS you, and sustains you, that you wish it were done for once and for all. But while your Soul-self yet chooses to remain in the dream drama of earthly ways, you must re-align everyday, and even constantly, to remember who you are, and to be a clear transparency for the Divine.
Use gratitude to help you find the courage and strength to do so. After all, are you not glad that you can clearly hear the angel Voices telling you to take the casserole out of the oven before it burns? Are you not supremely glad that the Inner Voice alerted you that a friend or your child needed a phone call or some help, right when it was very important. Be so grateful for the peace and harmony that these sort of things bring to your daily worldly life, that you find the motivation to STAY aligned, and never, never, never give up on your trust in the Great Love that watches over all, as they walk through the maze of the physical campground.
Loving you more than you know,
Ah, Beloved,
You are not helpless in the face of all that physical life seems to be.
Call on That Which You Really Are, and know “I am the Strength of the Creative Source. I Am the Consistency and the Peace and Wholeness of the Endlessly sustaining matrix of Life.”
I Am. I Am. I Am. Simple words. A simple phrase. But one that will ground you again to the Truth, if you turn to It again and again and yet again.
Again truly becomes a gain,
Dear One,
It is Spiritual Knowledge that cleanses the mirror, and lets you be the clear refection of the One Spirit that joyously made an image of Itself to talk to.
That One Spirit is already perfect and harmonious and unchanging. Let yourself be the clear reflection by knowing that you cannot change Its Perfection and Its Glad Love, and that you can clean the mirror with Divine Love and Joy.
Ah, Beloved,
Ever with you, GOD Spirit is always ready to talk to you and guide you. But you, and those around you, must choose when to listen, and certainly must choose when to obey.
Obedience is a thing that may seem difficult at first, if you feel you are hearing an instruction that seems humanly nonsensical or embarrassing to enact, or goes against a long standing personal habit, or is inconvenient in the moment. But as you learn to obey, and see evidence that Loving as God instructs brings blessings for all, it gets easier to trust and obey. And the impulses that God sends, with Peaceful and Loving Voice, come to be seen as a wonderful gift from your Maker, gently but strongly guiding you in all Good things.
God will never lead you to harm another. Trust that the true Voice and Guidance of God is always calm and Loving and Constantly Peaceful. It might feel urgent in some moments, as your Guardian thoughts (”Angels”) instruct you to turn a certain direction or avoid an appointment, in order to protect your body and feelings from all harm, but it will always be Loving. Your guardian Voice might simply ask you to remain silent and discerning when those around you shout and doubt.
Taking time to listen is worth it, Beloved. The more you do, the more you will prove it to yourself. The more you do, the more you can be an example to those around you, quietly and simply, and lovingly.
Ah, Beloved of God,
Set aside your list, and truly give this day to God to run.
Let it unfold moment by moment, peacefully and purposefully and joyfully, knowing that to really listen to the Friend and Advisor in your heart is the epitome of freedom.
There is time enough, there is energy and wisdom and creativity enough, for whatsoever God leads you to do, the accompanying means and accessories come with it.
Do as We say, and feel the Utter Love,
“I Am Loved”
“In every day, in every Way, Love Itself is Loving Me”
That is the simple treasure that you must turn to as your true treasure, and let the rest follow from there. Look to the Cause, Beloved, rather than tracking the effects constantly. The Cause of all is Goodness, and it creates Goodness and Love to reflect Itself and enjoy.
Won”t you let It enjoy you by looking at It and enjoying Its Goodness and Love?
Ah, Beloved,
Remember to remember your perfection, as spirit born of Spirit. Remember to remember that the Creative Force that is Spirit has never forgotten your perfection.
Relax into that, and trust, and let Good Spirit reign.
Always, Beloved, Always,
Ah, Beloved,
As we accompany you in the times of silence when you listen for the Voice and the Urgings of God within, we sing Peace to you.
Take it as a gift, O’ Gentle One. Take it as a gift and honor it with your attention, in the quiet, in the same way that you would honor, with your time and focus, a gift given by an honored relative or mentor.
We stand beside you, and extend this gift, to try to help you. We know that your human thoughts will try to pull you away to things of the earth and to the personality of self and to attitudes of guilt or blame. Look at our eyes, Beloved. Look at our hands. Focus on accepting our gift, that it may help you remain in the stillness and silence in which you may indeed remember, “I am as God made me in the Whole and the awareness of All That Is is accessible to me all the time.”
“I hear, and am filled with Love.”
We stand guard. We stand in friendship. We give Love,
Ah, Beloved,
When it is time for you to start healing and helping others more and more, you will know because they will ask you for it. The High Soul reflection within them will recognize the awakened Soul of you, and seek that healing of joining in turning to the Whole Soul.
The Whole Soul knows Its children, and knows exactly when they are ready for each task in the Plan that has been assigned to them.
Trust this, Child, and Love that it is so,
Ah, Beloved,
We emphasize, turn to thoughts of the Gory, Glory, Gory of God.
No matter what your human needs of the day, the connections can and will come to solve them. Be not attached to just how they get sorted out, and if you feel slighted or shorted in any way, please just turn to the Truism of “All things work together for the Good, for those that Love God.”
If you seem to experience lack or loss in some way, be grateful in advance that the Infinite God will make it up to you in another way. Infinite Resources are part of what God is. Just Love God, and Love the Glory of God, and listen and intuit and discern and obey God’s Voice, and All, All is Well.
All is Well, for you are already Perfect Spirit in the Spirit of God.
Ah, Beloved,
Keep in your heart and mind and conviction of belief that the Infinite Director DOES desire Joy for all. Sometimes, indeed, that means the individual must straighten their priorities of what deserves feeling Joyous about, and that Primary on that list must be the Love of God, and of expressing the Good God in their days.
But it also means that God mercifully and tenderly will help with the human needs, adjusting the bits and pieces of the human play, and giving ideas and solace and connections to solve seeming problems and to create opportunities. You DO “entertain Angels unawares”, and if you keep that in mind, and keep focused on the Truth that One Mind can, and does, Govern all, then you will be one of those who notices chances for change or preservation, and who listens to and obeys the still, small Voice when It advises action or inaction.
Listen, and obey for Good, dear One.
Ah, Beloved,
Do not let the reading of texts distract you from actually listening to YOUR individual instructions from God. Yes, the same Voice of One Spirit speaks to all, but your individuality is still sacred in the One reflection of God, and the part you play in the Great Play of remembrance is unique. Read texts and inspirations that help you grow, but also listen to Your unique instructions.
Therefore, spend time LISTENING to God, quietly and joyfully. You can ask a text, or a prayer partner, to help uplift your thoughts to God Thoughts, and to a place of Good Listening, but it is You that must hear the individual instructions that are yours to follow, to help release the Whole into God and to guide you in the small actions and perceptions of the day.
It is the way, Beloved. It is the Way.
Listen. And practice listening, so that when the Voice comes to you unbidden, in circumstances that demand your immediate action or attention, you will recognize the Voice of the Divine, and obey. Like getting to know the voice of a new friend, the Voice must be listened to, in order to grow familiar and trusted.
We trust you to do your part, for We know you already have, in the timelessness of God,
Ah, Beloved,
God has not forgotten you. You have not been dropped into a costume carnival and left alone.
The Mighty Spirit of God is on your spirit like a second skin, and no smoky wisp or paint you put on your earth story costume can penetrate the armor of God Truth that is on you.
Ah, Beloved,
Today, let it be as simple as this: Be grateful for the Good and the Faithful in your life. Be grateful, be grateful, be grateful, all, all the day.
As we have told you before, Gratitude is a Force. Feel It, Be It, Trust It, and Let It Do Its Work.
WE see and we know your Good,
Ah, Beloved,
Be kind, be compassionate, be humble by knowing all come from the same Light.
And be kind also, for you never know when the neighbor you consider unfriendly or strange, often without really learning about his or her special gifts and talents, may be the very one that God sends to help you when you are stranded by the side of the road.
Be kind. Be not too proud to remember you are all sharing the same human experience and dream, and you all evolve together to the fullness of God-revelation. You can choose to live more of your own Soul perfection now, but be sure that includes kindness to everyone along the path.
We will help you when it seems too hard to see past the human personalities and errors,
Ah, Beloved,
Never, ever forget to thank the Divine for all the Good given you and the Good talents and skills you have been given to work with. The sum total of all that you are, and can still play out in the wondrous bubble of time, is really God-given and God directed.
You would not admire an actor who did not look to his movie or play director before his work for that production each day. The lines would be blown, the plot and plan and teaching go awry, the other characters would be confused, if the overseer of the creation were ignored.
Appreciate and thank and look to, each day, the Director of the production called human life that you are in. All Goodness of it comes from God, and God Direction. If there is anything wrong and erroneous and askew within it, it has not come from God, but from human manifestation. Ask God daily for your Directions, so that the part you play is helpful and good and satisfying, and contributes to the Whole in a way that moves every soul of the Great Soul closer to complete ascension of thought, and good, clear, Light existence.
Some of the words or phrases we use might seem nonsensical to you. Let them simply slide through the mind, and let your Heart focus on the Unconditional Love that you float within and that wants to hold you and help you and honor you through every word and scene that you play. Thank It in advance for Its Help, and expect to be led right and true.
“Look My way” says Spirit, and means it,
Ah, Beloved,
The activities and services that give you particular Joy and satisfaction are certainly clues to the gifts and talents God has given you, and that you are meant to explore and use and share and expand upon. Yes, yes, do that, and know that all of Heaven is grateful to you for shining with Its Light.
But when there is a task or way of giving that you seem to be dreading, turn to Spirit, quietly nestled in your mind, and ask for guidance. Rather than avoiding the task or turning away, turn to God and ask “What wonderful aspect of Your Infinity is it that I need to embrace in this situation to do what needs to be done?” And you may hear that you need to open your heart to courage and strength, or open your thoughts to the Completeness of God, and that God would never leave a Good thing half-done. You may gently be reminded to discern that everyone involved, in the day or days that challenge you, can also be perceived as a vessel of Good Qualities. You may be led to examine your own fleeting or obsessive thoughts, and urged to let go of old grudges, with Spirit’s Help.
Whatever you are Lovingly guided to do or let go of, obey joyfully. For then the Harmony of God that is a Spiritual Law will abundantly pour through you, and you can not only achieve what is needed, but even enjoy it.
As ever, We will Help,
Ah, Beloved,
If you quietly, and receptively, turn to the Divine Inner Voice and ask, “Dear God, What truth do I need to know today, to guide me harmoniously, in this situation?”, you will hear some version of this:
“I Am your Truth. My Love makes you Whole. I Am your wellness of all Being.”
Bathe in that Truth, Beloved. Soak in that Love.
And then, or throughout the day, stay open to the inner urges or words or images that lead you to place that call, or do that activity, or read that new book, or pull those weeds, or simply rest, rest, rest, in God.
Turn to Love, turn to God, turn to Divine Inspiration,
Dear Beloved,
“I Am the Trust of the High Guidance of the Light, and I Trust in that Trust.”
Dedicate this day, Beloved,
Remember you ARE a royal child of God, as are all,
and entitled to that high Spiritual inheritance,
Ah, Beloved,
Remember that one of the marvelous aspects of Goodness/God/Goddess/Divine to call upon, to heal your own feelings, and to soothe/heal those around you is Honor.
Honor of Self, Honor of those people and things that seem to be around you, Honor of the Divine within each one, Honor of the Good enduring beneath situations that seem out of control, but are not, for the Divine is lovingly, and Honorably, in control all the time.
All the Time,
Ah, Beloved,
Do not regard each day as a test. Regard them as demonstrations of Good, and Glory. Stand in wonder and appreciation, and cheer for Harmony, on the human level of perception, for Harmony already reigns in the timelessness of God.
Be at Peace this day, Beloved. Take it slowly, and be in wondrous Peace.
Ah, Beloved,
God DOES exist. Nothing else does. Only Good and only Loving.
If you do not see the overt evidence right away, you must trust and have faith. AND WATCH YOUR OWN THOUGHTS, TO REVERT ALWAYS TO “I AM LIVING AS Spirit reflection in Heaven right now.”
Ah, Beloved,
Still your own thoughts, and wait for the Will of God.
It will not fail you.
It Loves you deeply and True.
“It Loves me. It Loves me. It Loves me.”
Keep this in your thoughts today, and let Joy bubble up.
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
We are sincere in that appellation. Ponder that.
And when you feel centered and secure in that Love, ponder the Truth that you are dwelling in the Wondrous Mind of God.
Strive to behave as though you are in the home of a loved and respected friend, just as you would in the earthly dream. You have been gifted with unlimited Grace by God. Use it to behave Graciously. You are in your Sacred Home. Be Gracious.
As you do so, it is an example to others, and a relief to yourself. At the end of each day, We assure you, you will be glad you chose the Gracious Way.
As ever, with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Time is definitely part of the illusion. Use this to your advantage by realizing that when you call to the Divine Source for Help, or reach out to It to hear the Plan It has for your day, the response is swift, or even immediate. And the more you practice this, the more constantly Present you will realize God-Spirit to be.
Clutch It around you, lean into It, snuggle up against Its Love, and let all the time of the day feel Companioned by the One who Knows and Gives all that is Good.
“I can of my own self do nothing, I and my Divine are One.” Live It. Live It now.
Walk ins welcome,
Ah, Beloved,
It is a well known experience in the human forms, that you fall in love with those you spend a great deal of time with. Whether it is at a school or a workplace or a prison or a club or a neighborhood, the eyes of soul will speak to the eyes of soul, and love grows.
It is no different, although magnified beyond your imagination, in falling in love with the Divine Source, and all that have realized they are joined with It, as One. Spend time with God, and you will fall in love with God. Spend time with saints or angels or avatars or spirit guides, or whatever manifestations of God your paradigm has named, and you will fall in love with those expressions of the Divine.
Let it be so, Beloved. Spend time with God-Source and Its manifestations, and allow yourself to fall in Love. For as you do so, you will indeed realize that you also are Love, and that with Love, and in Love, all things are possible.
We are already in Love with you,
Ah, Beloveds.
Do remember it is a shared dream of earthly illusions, and so as you pray to be enabled to See Truth, pray for all to See Truth. That is one way of Loving your neighbor as yourself.
God wants you to See Truth, Glorious and Good, so asking to be enabled to do so is completely in accordance with God’s Will. Go for It.
Ah, Beloved,
It is true that We advise you to not take on the false responsibility of thinking it is your personal job and power to directly heal another, for always in your heart you must be gently acknowledging the Ultimate Power of the One Mind that holds and governs all. But it is your responsibility to stay Loving and Kind and joyfully confident in that One Mind, so that Its Power may flow through to you and to others in the earth experience.
Stay strong in wishing for Good for others, even when their outer behavior is poor. Sincerely hope and expect, for them, and yourself, to be healed unto your Wholeness in God.
We assure you, seeing someone transform into the good image of God-Qualities that they are capable of, is a wonderfully satisfying thing. Think of how much you have grown and changed, and pray for that for all, while you continue to strive to align your own mind with the Divine Mind that tenderly tends to all.
It is happening, even when the five senses cannot see it,
Ah, Beloved,
God heard you say “I Love You”, and you heard God whisper in reply, “Then Love My children.”
That is what We are trying to help you do, dear one. That is why We encourage you to see beyond the scraps of their behavior, and your own errors, and See, with the Eyes of God, the wondrous and marvelously made Living Joy that is the true face of God’s Child.
Rather than being daunted by the amount of illusion there seems to be to See beyond, be Glad that it IS illusion. Rather than being dismayed and reacting to human-sense pain and insult, celebrate each time you discern glimmers of Goodness and acts of Kindness. Building from small bits of Light that you perceive, you can illuminate all the darkness that might ever seem to surround you. The Love Divine IS Real.
Just remember that it is God that does the Lighting and revealing of Wholeness. It is your job to look for it and see it and celebrate it and be grateful for it and honor it, but never forget that all Power and Cause comes from the Oneness that is Life Itself.
There is freedom in staying aware that the Divine is responsible for all Goodness, and dispenses it freely, graciously, and without measure.
Ah, Beloved,
Measure your accomplishments each day not by worldly measures, but by your growth in Graciousness. Have you been more Gracious today than yesterday?
Have you finally begun to truly understand that being a clearer image of the Love and Harmony that made you is what also makes clear all that is good and true for your earthly life? Ah, Beloved, just strive to be Loving and Good today, and let, let, let the rest fall into place, judging no thing, but just opening your heart to seeing Eden still all around you.
We are all Love, Beloved. Know this, and cast all your cares to Love. In the joining of Its Great Warmth, all that is cold and sharp melts away. All that is error is corrected. Let the Law of Harmony Work.
These words are infused with the Presence of Love. Steep in them.
Ah, Beloved,
Be very grateful and affectionate to those that are kind to you. Whether it is one brief kind smile from a stranger or the numerous kindnesses from someone who takes care of you or assists you consistently, be of help to God by letting Gratitude grow, grow, grow and be shown.
Every heart that is warmed by hearing another thank-you is a heart which Divine Sprit can rush into and fill, and inspire to comfort or help solve or create or Love or be Godly in other ways in the worldly scene.
Be grateful, show gratitude, offer affection. It Helps God and it also comes back around to you.
Ah, Beloved,
We are the One who loves you and adores you faithfully and honestly and continually.
Do not ignore us to waste time on confusion.
Listen to us, move in our Word today, and do not worry for the morrow. It is what you believe and work with TODAY that counts,
Ah, Dear One,
If you do not have God for breakfast, you will still be hungry all day.
Have It in silence, or have It in spoken Word. Have It in solitude or have It in ceremony and song. Have It in pomp or have It in simplicity, but have It, Beloved, have It, and remember It is your True Food.
Dear One,
Remember that everything that you do is another chance to express love. How you feel about the actions you have taken, and are taking, is often more important than the action itself. The feeling of having helped, the feeling of having chosen the more loving response, the feeling of having drawn on compassion instead of rage—these are the things you are constantly testing yourself on.
Do you feel good about how you have treated those that have mistreated you? That is the first lesson. That first lesson becomes inextricably mixed with the second lesson—that the Other is Self. How does the Other feel about how you have treated him or her? Society’s laws about revenge and judgement and payment are not the same as those of Spirit. Whatever you have done to another, you have done to yourself.
The “Why has this happened to me?” becomes irrelevant as you focus on, instead, “How do I, as a loving, forgiving, compassionate being, respond to this person and this situation?” You need to respond in a way that feels good to you, that does not rob you of your feeling of being serene in your own divine soul. As your consciousness embraces the knowledge and the awareness that the Other is Self, then how you feel about how you respond will evolve. What will feel good to you in how you respond, will come to include ever more love and empathy and kindness and compassion—it will begin to truly come from the knowledge of the soul that All is One.
If you have taken an action that makes you cringe now, each time that you think about it, is there something that you can do to give yourself the feeling that you have made amends? Can you write an apology, replace an item, give of your time and effort? Can you put yourself in a state of mind where you feel that you have done all that is possible to rectify the situation? Can you then forgive yourself, and move on?
If another has given you feelings of betrayal and pain, do you jail yourself with resentment, and trap yourself in obsession about revenge? How many moments of joy have you robbed yourself of because you are focused on those feelings of pain? Can you forgive the person, and move on? Can you give yourself the gift of shifting your focus to beauty and kindness and growth and possibility?
When you are feeling caught inside blame and judgement and revenge, when you want to forgive, but you feel unable to do so, where do you turn? In every religion, in every belief system, there are intermediaries that represent the Best of You and the Best of Everybody. These angelic and saintly beings, these higher souls, by whatever name and in whatever culture’s costume, have their hands open to take your anger and do your forgiving for you and with you. Ask for their help. They can help remind you of all that is good about life and soul. They can take your anger and let you see that as vast as your rage can be, joy can fill the same space in you.
Let the rage melt away and welcome the joy of choosing to live in moments of unconditional love.
We rejoice when you live in joy,
Ah, Beloved,
It is best to not let yourself be trapped into formulaic prayers, which can become so automatic in thought or speech that you do not allow the Spirit of them to be alive in the Heart as you use them. Instead, let the same truth of “I am governed by the One Loving Divine Mind” be played with, and delighted in, in a different way each day, so that the joyful, childlike trust of your Spirit can be engaged in the surrender to the Highest Love each day, each hour.
Some days, your prayers may be silly rhymes or absurd images and cartoons that make you laugh as you turn your face to God. Some days they may be solemn. Let whatever helps you stay focused on God and Goodness be what you use for the day, for the hour, for every precious minute of the wondrous awareness of Life.
If today it is “One Love governs me, and I allow the Big Lens to govern all that I see,” so be it.
Ah, Child,
Before you make a phone call, before you send a letter or a message, let it be edited by your Highest Self.
Let your Higher Self help you ascertain, “Who has asked for this to be sent, or written?” Your ego self? Or the Divine Spirit whom you have asked to guide your days? Does the letter sound like an ego-driven toddler has written it, in an effort to capture attention, or control others with his emotions? Or does the letter sound like the Divine Self wrote it, in a sincere effort to uplift, or help, or inspire, or console?
Remember, remember, Beloved Child, the ego self, like a toddler holding his breath until mommy “gives in”, wants to stay in physical and emotional control of the body, of circumstance, and of the people around him,, rather than give way to the Peace and Wholeness and Harmony that One Spirit actually created you in, and of, and that You are meant to be.
Edit every word, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no limit to how many times you can say this in your thoughts and in your heart, and it will help keep you aligned with the very Soul of Life Good:
“O”, Dear Spirit Divine, align me with your Heart and Mind. Let me see as You See. Let me Hear as you Hear. Let me feel and know as You Know. Let me be always an expression of Your Compassion and Your Love and Your Courage. Let me be Whole as You would have me to be.”
“I am exactly as God made me to Be.”
Dear One, Love corrects all errors and illusions and clasps you unto Itself,
Ah, Beloved,
Forgiving others IS forgiving yourself.
Today, do not try to understand that intellectually. Just taste it with your heart, and see if it does not taste like the Truth.
We have tasted its truth,
P. S. Think not yourself anything else, because you HAVE dominion over your thoughts, Take that Dominion. “I am Spirit’s child. I am nothing else.”
Ah, Beloved,
If you want to be more aware of the Good in yourself, look for the Good in others. They are your mirror. You know this is true.
If you find yourself feeling annoyed or impatient with family members and friends and associates, right away begin counting aspects of their characters you are grateful for. This will melt away any thoughts you have that they are not also Children of God, as you are.
Above all, Beloved, know that if you want to know yourself as Loving and Lovable, then you must know others to be the same.
It is clear to us God is merciful, and Loves all,
Ah, Beloved,
Daily, you trust that gravity will operate when you walk, and that your chair will stay put beneath you. Daily, you trust that your stomach will process the water you drink, and send it where it is needed in the body. You trust these unseen things.
Is it so hard then, to gladly trust in the Great Process of the Harmony of Divine Love’s Life, as It governs all Spirit?
Trust the Unseen Life Force, Love. Trust It. You are an expression of this Unseen Good.
Ah, Beloved,
Expect favor.
Expect it cheerfully and gratefully.
Expect favor from the Source that made you and maintains you.
Ah, Beloved,
Give to receive.
Send forth mercy and desire for the Best for others, and that mercy and desire come back around to you. See Love in others and Love them, and they will see Love in you and Love you.
It really is as simple as this, Beloved. It may sound trite and cliché to say that everyone and everything around you in the human scene is a mirror, and that what you send forth shines back at you, for good or for ill, but that does not make it less true. The deep and Good Love of the Infinite Creator shines underneath it all, but first you must send forth the desire to See that Divine Love even here and now in the earth scene you have created with human thought and desire.
The human ego would have you think that you must read one more book or attend one more lecture or have one more degree or clarification or certification to understand this, but that is not so. Love is simple. Most children understand this until they are captured by intellectual and bodily rules. Love is simple.
Pray with this today. Pray to know Love is simple, and “I am Love. I can do this and be this, Now.” “I can be Loving and Lovable, and Love Itself supports me in this, always.”
Ah, Beloved,
Do you realize that when the Divine All Looks upon you, Thinks of you, it is a Look and a Thought of utter Love?
“O”, what a beautiful idea!” is Love’s Glad thought as it looks upon you.
“Today, again, I shall offer Beauty and Goodness to this one, in the hope that they will notice, accept, and appreciate all that is, and can be, very Good in their world, and in their body, and in their heart and life.”
God will offer Love and Joy continually, Beloved. Take it.
Ah, Beloved,
A teacher who is presented with a child that has been challenged in being able to master the basic facts of letters or numbers rejoices each time that student gets even one word spelled right, or one addition problem solved correctly. That good teacher so tenderly praises the child, and so gladly and proudly counts all the correct knowledge that the child exhibits.
The child responds to that gentle and loving response, and new knowledge builds up, until the child can cope with all the tasks that will be important for him or her. And, above all, that child feels appreciated, and enhanced, and smarter, and more eager to shine with the beauty and goodness that the teacher has noticed and respected and encouraged.
Just so, of course, does your Divine Teacher Love and Celebrate each new layer of Truth that each person understands and “gets right”. As each individual learns to remember all the time “I Am Love”, “I Am made of Love and I reflect Love, so that I can walk and talk with God through the garden of Life each day,” the Divine Guide rejoices, rejoices, rejoices.
No one is too dumb to know God. Begin where you are, and the Teacher will help you, and ALL whom you know.
It is already done in the Mind of God, Beloved. Trust that.
Ah, Beloved,
God’s Love is secure.
In you, around you, and for you, God’s Love is secure.
Focus on that today. “I am a part of the Love that is All.”
If you can truly define yourself this way, with Divine Help, everything changes.
Think about it. The time to think about it has come.
Ah, Beloved,
The Truth is your Friend. Your everlasting Friend. Trust It.
It is not the truths of the mortal dream. It is the Truth of your Spiritual Selfhood. Trust in that truth, and set your Self free by seeing that as the Truth of others, and so setting them free.
As ever, your task has not changed, and neither has ours,
To Love you,
Ah, Beloved,
Forgiveness rules the known universe. The Unknown Universe, unsensed by the five mortal senses, has no need of forgiveness, for nothing occurs in It that needs forgiving.
Align your mind and heart with those two truths, and enable yourself to flow between the universes with ease. As forgiveness fills the seen universe, the need for it will cease. Meanwhile, let yourself be a lens that is so aligned, and so in focus, that the Light that shines from the Unseen can flow through you to the seen.
Let forgiveness rule your days, and periodically close your eyes and renew and refresh yourself in the Unseen, where you can rest from the need for forgiving, and bathe in the Gentle, Creative Truth.
Ah, Beloved,
O’ Dear One, do so be aware of when you are trying to do everything, and to help others, by your own human will. Turn it ALL over to the Wondrous Source and One Cause. It will tell you when It needs your voice or your hands or feet, but It will provide the energy and the knowledge and the wellness of complete Being.
Turn It over, Beloved, turn it over. Whether for friend or kin or enemy or yourself, turn it over to the One Mind/Heart that Governs all by Its Principle of Goodness.
If you do this, you will feel energized, not wearied,
Ah, Beloved,
The certainty of Love’s need of, and possession of, Its reflection of Itself, cannot be waylaid by any imaginary independence of the reflection. God, Love, made you for Itself to look upon and Love, and be Loved by in return. It is Spirit Loving Spirit. It is Spirit completing Itself as half a circle completes the other half.
We are not talking about ephemeral images that you call bodies, but about the very essences of yourselves. Therefore, when you want to truly know, “what am I?”, you must answer yourself that you are Love, made to return Love to the Original that made you. You are a very part of Its own completion.
The part of you that wants to pretend it is a separate and clever little physical body cannot destroy the essence of you. Turn within and embrace the thought of being Love reflecting Love. Practice that for as many minutes a day as you can, and it will grow easier and easier to feel the Truth of it. We know that the earthly mind that made up itself does not understand and does not WANT to understand—but the Love that created the truth cannot be outwaited or outwitted. Just practice wanting to Love back the Source that made you, practice making the circle Whole, and be Blessed, be Blessed, be Blessed.
Bless you for every effort,
Ah, Beloved,
God has, does, and will mightily transform some great sinners into saintly workers for the Light of Life.
Remember that as you pray for those whose hearts seem to be filled with the shadows of fear and anger and hate and revenge. Sooner or later, in some form or other, every individual is led to the purpose of Soul and Light, and given the chance to Love, and to teach others to do so.
“O”, dear God, privilege me to witness the Bright filling of every heart with Loving Light, so that all errors and inharmony fall away from sight and experience. Use me, dear God, for the Light, let all of us feel the Good of your Glory.”
God works wonders continually. Look for It.
Ah, Beloved,
Open your will and your sight, by praying deeply, “Unblur my sight, dear God, clear my perceptions, that I may enjoy the beauty and goodness that shine in glory just under my interpretations. Help me remember that Love conquers hate and fear and the pain of rejection or failure, as I see Its power and that It, Love, is the one Truth that endures.”
When you see you have been angry at illusions, forgiveness is easy,
Ah, Beloveds,
It is God, One Loving Mind that holds all, and is the very essence of total Harmony, that does the “healing” of anything that seems inharmonious. The healing is really just a revealing of the perfect Spiritual existence that God already created, thought up, in Its Mind. God IS all, all that is real, and that all IS Good.
To access that pervasive flow of Harmony, simply let go of thinking that another human can restore your experience of Harmony, or that you must, by human will, try, try, try to fix someone or something. Turn to the tender Thoughts of God, and let yourself feel Harmony flow through you and around you. “God is me, and God is my life.”
For those that define their lives as their human story-dream, this may seem like nonsense. But all those dreams and alternate dreams are as nothing. God is the perfect lives of you all.
This may seem frightening to those that cling to the details of human stories, but there is such an incredible freedom in realizing the Spiritual Reality of oneself, and all. Relax into that. Relax into the Reality of God, and that all is Spirit, and, as Spirit, Harmony and Its ideas.
If you but thought every day, “I am one of God’s Good ideas”, incredible aligning with Harmony would happen.
Take a time each day to realize that, and We join you in it.
Ah, Beloved,
God sees every Good deed you do. Many times, you know exactly what to do, for you know what you would want or need if you were in the other person’s shoes. And if you are unsure what to do, or whether your actions or words would be welcome, ask God. Get still and quiet and ask Divine Spirit what to do. Have confidence It will tell you, for It is so Glad to see Good deeds done for the greater Glory of all.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no shame in needing to ask the Spirit of God for help each day in seeing through the impersonal face of the illusion of evil. Ask, and ask again, and God will help you forgive, and then help you see the Inner Good that needs no forgiveness.
On the days that you can see the Divine Good in all, feel Blessed, and celebrate and be Glad. On the days when sorrow and evil and death distress your thoughts, seek God’s Help to see Good again. For so it goes, until all can see through and past illusion, and know the faces of Grace.
God keeps giving and never stops.
Ah, Beloved,
It does no harm to picture the Divine Creative Infinite Force in any way that you need to for the feel of the moment, so long as that picture includes one or more of the aspects of God/Goddess/All That Is that are Truth, Goodness, Love and Life.
If you are feeling fatigued and overwhelmed and need to picture the Divine as the infinitely nurturing and tenderly loving Mother-force that rocks you and hums softly to you to calm you for sleep, do so. If you need to think of the Divine Child, of whom you are a part, as sibling and friend to you, as you seek something to share your joy with while you watch an amazing display of summer greenery against an outburst of color in the sky, do so. If you need to think of the Divine as a powerful, upstanding Father Force of unending strength and wisdom, as you reach out for the endurance to finish a project, then do so.
Ponder whatever aspect of Goodness and Life and Love and Truth and Infinite Omnipresence that you need, to be the Source for feeling sustained and supported, in each moment. If anthropomorphizing those aspects into a visual image of an ever-giving Mother, or calm, strong Father, or tender Brother, or capable, supportive Sister helps you focus on the Infinite qualities within yourself that you want to bring forth into the worldly situation of the moment, then do not fear to do so. Just do not make the mistake of thinking, or believing, that the Divine is limited in any way by the fleeting images that form the earth-dream. Picturing the Divine as a super-human form does not give the Divine human limits. That Divine Mother/Brother/ Sister/Father truly can “move mountains”, and tell strangers ten thousand miles away to call you, and lift off darkness or tumors in the blink of an eye, or help open your eyes to see the Unseen Beauty that shines, always, even when the earthly senses stagger, and would trip, your perceptions.
In whatever metaphor, just learn to look always to the Supportive Infinite Good,
And help others See It, too,
Ah, Beloved,
If the pleasures of the world, or of enjoying beauty of nature, are used to open the heart to Infinite Joy, and to the flow of the individual’s Divine Purpose, then they are being used well, for in the allowing of the Divine Flow, the Whole is served and completed. The error, for most humans, is in getting so lost in the tasting of the pleasures and the seeking of beauty that they do not go to the next level of becoming still and quiet in the joy, and letting the Greater Joy come to them.
The Greater Joy that is the communion with the Heavenly Realm contains so much more happiness and sublime perfection than the surface facsimiles of earth that, once experienced, it cannot be completely set aside. But, to experience it, once must have those moments of humble silence, as one rests in the earthly level of happiness, but simultaneously calls out to the ever-present Divine, and agrees to surrender to the Greater Sight.
Don”t stop now,
Ah, Beloved,
One of the most sorrowful, and almost perplexing, things for your guardian angels to witness, is when you keep asking to see the perfect role, the perfect “suit” for this life, which the Great Tailor has already made for you, but which you delay trying on.
For, Beloved, how can you try on a new suit and see its true fit, if you will not take off your old one? If you continue to cling to the old details of your life, and to the images and talk of what you, as ego-human self thought you wanted for this life, how can you give a try to the perfection which God made for you?
Put aside preconceptions, Beloved. Put away specifics of the dream you thought you wanted, but which has not come about, or which has held emptiness. Pray not to see the emptiness filled, pray to see the Fullness that already exists. Pray not to have the certain object or circumstance that you believe will mean happiness or security, pray instead to feel and witness the utter peace and security of the Creative Source, and wait and see what things and situations accompany that feeling.
Your new suit is already made, and IS a perfect fit, Beloved. Disrobe, that you may try on the new, and let your self be surprised with delight.
We will hold the sleeves open for you,
Ah, Beloved,
Look up the gifts of Spirit and count up which of them have been given you. Ponder and appreciate them, and allow them to magnify in your thought and behavior.
Thus armored, you will have no problem shaking off any discouragement or suggestions of returning to shallow or selfish living.
We hold our shields around you, as well,
Ah, Beloved,
If you simply live with Calm Joy, you are ministering without saying a word.
Let the Presence that is All shine through you everywhere you go. It will do the Work.
Ah, Beloved,
Oneness never broke into countless separate pieces.
If you can take your eyes and mind off all the evidence of separate bits and pieces and let your consciousness float down into your heart and hear the Voice of Oneness, you can hear that Voice of the fully joined. You can be again in that moment of time where your senses have not fooled you into feeling alone, walled off by flesh and the seeming passage of time and space.
Join with that Voice. Listen to Its lullaby, and be calmed and sweetened with Its Love.
Turning away from “events”, you can find calm and courage, and see them anew,
Ah, Beloved,
If you feel tired of “overthinking”, if you feel tired of living with your own human self, just relinquish control. Turn over your thoughts to Divine Mind. Surrender to It, resting yourself against the breast of Pure Love, and quietly, trustingly, waiting for Its Thoughts to send you a sense of relief.
It will come. It is already with you, just having waited for your permission. It will hold you and Love you, Love you, Love you, always, and certainly now.
Ah, Beloved,
One Spirit knows what is in every heart, because It is in every heart. It may not have been called forth yet, but It knows when a true desire to grow or change is present. It knows when It is being given an opening to blossom and to help.
It is intrinsically connected to All That Is, and does not need fancy forms or complicated rituals in order to be able to help guide a soul back to knowledge of its own Wholeness. One Spirit just needs to feel the presence of sincere desire in the soul, and the willingness of the soul to let go of old belief systems.
Sometimes the soul must answer a spoken question, “Do you want to be healed?” Sometimes it just gives silent permission each morning, in the heart, for the Greater Will to be in charge, and then lets It be in charge. Sometimes, the soul must take an action or speak a word, to be the act of will that gives permission to All That Is. Often, the soul must battle with a constant desire for, or attachment to, material things, whether those things are toys, or tobacco, or the body, or the earth itself, understanding that putting those things first is to tell God to wait.
Many, many have become attached to the earth, but when they realize that they need a Love which will outlast earth, or any of its things, then One Spirit is there, ready to read that desire of the heart.
O’ the Joy of what lies beyond the realization of emptiness!