All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gently, gently, gently, ever so gently, place the future in the Hands of God.

    Letting yourself remember this in every hour will help you stay calm in ALL needed decisions. Be at peace, be at rest in God, and let each movement forward through time be known to have been already witnessed by God. He/She will guide your steps, if you but stop and listen many, many times throughout the day.

    If there is no coin to tithe in a certain moment, as you are bid to tithe and then relax into the Will of God, tithe YOUR will. Letting go of your human interference is the most necessary step in letting God’s Will be seen, as It has already been done.

    When It was done, It was declared Good. You, a dancing spirit of Spirit, are Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not spend Its time looking for your faults, as you yourself sometimes do. God does not see them—the Great Source only sees the good It created and that some parts of It are dreaming they are in error or flawed.

    When you pray and pray for God to enable you to see others, and the world, as It sees them, Good beneath the dust of illusions, do not forget to see yourself this way also.

    Why not spend today, Beloved, not only aligning with God, but also asking to see yourself as God sees YOU?

    We assure you, it is perfect and beloved. Spend today count the things that are good of you; that reflect the goodness and light and life and love of the Source, rather than reviewing your mistakes or faults or triumphs in the earth-dream,

    Value yourself as a pure reflection of God, and there are indeed no limits to what the Holiness of you, the Source that shines through you, cannot do.

    You cannot imagine how much we value you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as more warmth disperses more perfume, so does more Love disperse more Grace.

    Try to go about today raising the temperature of your Unconditional Love for God, self, and others, in order that you may dispense more Grace.

    And if you are having trouble feeling more Love, remember that Gratitude is the fire that heats It up.

    Let this be simple and true in your mind today: Gratitude, Love, Grace.

    It is a good system.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be aware of being Loved and fed with Calm Peace from within. Just be aware of it, and let it happen. Allow it, today.

    If you let yourself get lost in intellectual understanding of exactly how it works, or what name for the Source is the “best” name, or whether you need certain rituals to help make It take care of you, then you are apt to put yourself in a more agitated state of mind. The Loving Source simply gives and gives and gives to you. Let yourself receive.

    Eventually, it will help lead you to a framework or an organization or a group that can also give you the worldly friendships or shared worship and human support that you might desire, but first, and foremost, let yourself Be Loved by Love Divine.

    As We Love you,


  • Ah, Sweet Beloved,

    There is no need to place any one earthly task above another, for just as the human perspective cannot always discern what is really helpful or unhelpful for ones happiness and purpose, so can the mortal mind not always tell what small or large task is working towards and for the Greater Good.

    Just place Loving God, and being and acting as part of God’s Good, FIRST, and each day you will be guided and led to the tasks and actions and words that most benefit your own at-one-ment with Good, and the alignment with Good of those around you. There is great and delightful freedom in giving control of your schedule over to God, and then performing whatever you are called to do with Order and Love and Wisdom.

    God provides the Order and Love and Wisdom to flow through you as you work. Just be open and willing to give what you want to receive.

    So Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Waiting on the Will of God is waiting for what already IS.

    And yet, from your viewpoint in the temporal zone, it will seem like something that is yet to be created, yet to be enacted, for you are still in the “scene before the scene” of the enactment you are waiting for.

    Respect the timing, Beloved. Just as you would not give a guest a fork and spoon and then take them away before you serve the meal, or would not give them their meal and then give them the utensils an hour later, trust in the timing of God.

    Keep listening for your cues. Act when God says to act. Speak when God says to speak. Meanwhile, hold yourself ready in the wings, prepared, attentive, rested and readily abiding in Divine Awareness. Wait in Divine Timing, for when God says to move, and thus to be in the perfect place at the perfect time, to be a shining of that Will.

    We are endlessly astounded by Timing and sing Its praises,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    When you listen to God, in the stillness and surrender of your heart, having turned your back on the identity thief that is your body and its limited senses, then OBEY what you hear. If you have listened to God-Voice within this morning, after having asked God, “What am I, really?”, and have heard the answer, “You are Love”, then believe it. Spend all the day, while quiet and while busy, thinking the Thought “I am Love”.

    We guarantee you, it will change your perceptions. It will help you know who you are, because as just one of the things of God you reflect, who you are really IS Love. And Love is healthy and sweet. Love is wealthy and generous and honest and good. Love is kindness. And It is patient and complete and capable and wonderful and whole. If you are Love, then you are these things. If you are Love, and God has told you that you are, then you can claim and BE these things.

    Goodbye to the identity thief of the five sense, hello to the senses of Love.

    We sense the True You, and Love It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am as the Delightful Source is.”

    That Source is not a dying body. That Source is Love and Life and an amazing infinite Harmonious Intelligence. It lacks for nothing and can always conceive new ideas. Reflect those things. Express those things.

    But be willing for those Graces to be available for all to reflect. Just as the operations of gravity are something that every person can count on in their everyday earthly ways, so that they know their feet will stay on the ground while walking, and their cups of water will stay on the table, you must allow in your mind and heart that the operations of Grace are available to everyone. Judge no one as outside of the availability of Grace.

    Trust Grace to operate for you. But be willing to be Glad that It operates for all, as a lovely projector of the aspects of the Source that are becoming nearer and dearer to you.

    And so be it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, you exist within God. When your awareness of self is of a small, separate self that has flesh and name, you are as a bubble floating within the Vastness of God. Even then, you have the Voice of God piped into you, if you will but pause and hear It. And when you stop, and listen to It, it helps you remember what Is outside the bubble of small self, and step from the small-self awareness, and into the Power and Infinite Resource of God, where All is possible.

    For instance, if you are going about your earthly day, and have been delayed by someone on the sidewalk in front of you who has blocked the way with her suitcases and a spilled purse, what do you do? You can, from the perspective of the small, separate self, feel irritated and annoyed, and exasperatedly try to push through, or stand and curse and complain. Or, you can hear the Voice of mercy that speaks in the back of your heart, and think “What a sad thing for her. The same sort of mishap has come to me, or easily could. I feel my heart Voice urging me to forget my missed appointment, and help her pick up her things and clear the way. I hear a Voice urging me to be kind, and forgiving.”

    And if, and when, you respond to that Inner Voice, a part of you has stepped outside the self, and into the Fullness of God. If you allow yourself to step completely outside the small selves who are enacting the playlet you are living in that moment, then you will be completely the Observer, you will be completely In God. The bubble will have dissolved away, and as the self-awareness merges completely into God-Awareness, you have available all the Total Mercy and Harmony of the Divine within which you exist, and move, and are. It ever flows, and ever waits, to Be You.

    Being willing to listen to and obey that Merciful Self within is the conduit that leads to realizing “I am my Greater Self, whenever I choose to be.”

    Be It, Beloved, O’ Be It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Lovely Intelligence of the Divine surrounds, permeates, and supports, all of Its ideas. You are one of Its complex ideas, given other ideas to feed upon, and yet more ideas to enjoy and share with and be melded to.

    Trust that Loving Intelligence. Trust It as you would trust a person whom you admire and respect, and whom you know to be one who loves you unconditionally.

    Go to the Divine Living Intelligence each day, setting aside your own imaginings and the sensory input of the flesh (which does not even always know up from down, like a child dizzy after a carnival ride), and lay open your heart and your worries. Hold them forth to that Loving Intelligence, and allow It to permeate the quietness of your willingly listening, silently and trustful, center of being.

    Twice a day, at least for a few minutes, do this. More, if you need. The more you turn There for your awareness of what to do or say, the more you will WANT to turn There for solace, for strength, for wisdom, for tender and knowing Love.

    We would not mislead you in this, for we turn there, too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When Spirit gives you the free ability to look into another’s human thoughts, it is only so that you will be able to help heal that one, through forgiveness, and by seeing that the human weaknesses revealed are not the divinely made reality of that human Soul reflection.

    Therefore, set aside all judgment, and give mercy, mercy, mercy, and love, love, love, when the errors and weaknesses you see revealed would try to turn you away from your sacred duty of seeing the holy Spirit in all. It is the Holy Spirit in yourself, and all around you, that will help you do this. Lean into It, and Its Strength, and not into your own understanding, or frailty.

    Amen, so be it, for so it Is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the mind awakens in the morning, but the body is still still, claim, claim, claim:

    “I am floating in the Perfectly Warm Love of God, like a healthy fish supported Harmoniously on all sides by the enriched water it dwells within, breathing the very oxygen of its home waters.”

    “I am swimming in the strong Spirit of God, reveling in Its Tender Embrace, and trusting the currents that aid and guide my journey.”

    We know God will Guide you well today, Beloved. Expect Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Physical death is not when you account to God for yourself. Every day is when you account to God for yourself, and to yourself for yourself. For living as God would have you live is what opens the path to Happiness, Peace, and Purpose.

    So, each and every day, ask yourself what God asks you, “How much and how well have I Loved today, Loved in the way that God Loves me?”

    For that IS the Happiness, the Peace and the Purpose. Love as God Loves. Love.

    As I Love you. Because I Love you, you can do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know Who you are. You are the Darling offspring of the Loving Source, and created to Love and Be Loved.

    You are NOT a frail mass of muscle and water and bone, meant to be always afraid and desperate. Do not think of your self as the body-self that is defined by a timeline, but as a timeless, delightful, strong and perfect reflection of the Idea that dances Joyously in the Divine Mind.

    Fear is the opposite of Love, and is only a dream of darkness. If you are feeling fear, it is a sure symptom of having forgotten Who you really are. Then close your eyes and remember, “I am the Wondrous Child of the Loving God, Who wants only Good for me, and is only Good.”

    For that is the Truth, and Truth will lead you gently the Good way in every moment,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, even as the able-bodied help the unable-bodied, that all are projections of Light from the One Source.

    Turn your awareness to that Source, even while your hands and minds are busy with tasks. Turn your trust to that Source, even while your hearts and homes open to others. Let help be extended, person to person, but let your faith be focused on the Great Arrangement, even while you play your part in enacting It.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you understand how constantly you are in the thoughts of the Creator?

    Your constancy there IS your eternal life, and it is why your true “birth date” is the moment God thought of you, and why, even after you cast off this belief of this earth body and earth personality, you will still be you, always and forever God’s perfect and Beloved Child-Idea, and reflection of all God Qualities. That is your true heritage.

    Draw on It today, as a trust-fund-baby would draw on his father’s wealth. Draw on the Qualities of God, for they are you freely given inheritance.

    That Goodness and Strength and Soul ARE yours. Use them,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allowing and creating. These two words, and the thoughts behind them, take much pondering for them to be used correctly in your life. Strictly speaking, you must mostly ALLOW, and realize that your human self does NOT do any creating of lasting Peace. It is by allowing your own human desires to be set aside that you allow the Divine Creation to flow through you.

    You allow your desires to be replaced by Divine desires, once you find it in your heart to trust that the Divine wants your happiness. It does not want your suffering—It flows through your faith and trust and love and joy. When you let that flow occur, then what the Divine desires for you will satisfy your human needs and good desires, as well as helping those around you

    Work, therefore, on that great trust in the Divine Goodness. Work on trusting Its desire for your Good Truth and Life to be revealed, under the misty forms of your thoughts of errors and troubles. Then, ponder what you allow and what you can create, by acting on the Divine Ideas that you are given by the trustworthy Heart Whispers of God.

    Essentially, your human heart does the allowing, and the Divine Heart does the True Creating. Let It reveal to you the Best that you are, the Goodness that you are. Ponder this, Beloved, and allow the Loving Presence to come forth from Its quiet residence in your heart. It WILL speak to you, and comfort you, if you allow It to.

    In Great Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Choose a day when your own human ambitions and will feel quieter, and experiment with the delight of simply surrendering to being in the passenger seat of Consciousness driving your journey. Relax into the thought that “The smooth function of God’s Harmony is my smooth Harmony as well, as I roll through these thoughts and this day.”

    Be very glad and grateful that the True Driver of your life wants you to have Its deep Peace and Happy Purpose. Let the human ego sit back, and see what unfolds in the awareness.

    Such Love fuels your journey. Allow It to be so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What is the most generous thing you can do for others, and for yourself? To carefully note the Qualities you all reflect that are the Lovely and Lovable Qualities of Good.

    The ability HAS been given you to discern these. Think not in terms of human animal definitions of good—comfortable shoes or big muscles or physical beauty. Those things can be useful in the material perceptions, but the enduring Qualities of Soul and Wisdom and Intelligence and the Spirit of Love are what really create and truly comfort.

    When you define yourself as a human body, your thoughts of comforting yourself might center around warm clothing, or cool shade, or a tasty meal, or physical urges satisfied. But as you generously and accurately realize your identity as a being of Spirit, then the most comforting and curative thing you can do for yourself is to note and expand the Qualities of Good that you express.

    And every time you express them, they grow. One Good Quality leads to another, and heals and reveals your Wholeness of purpose and of Life. Generously comfort yourself and others by making it your mission to see and expand Good, Good, Good.

    ANGELS, helping you when you allow us to

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Lean against the wind as you go. Let it help to carry you. It is the wind that never ceases its gentle blowing, and it will help you through what you perceive to be a storm, but which is just the rearrangement of the bits of leaves and sticks around you. Think of the wind of change as a supportive force, and you can allow it to hold you up as solidly as a warm brick wall behind your back.



  • Ah, Child,

    As everyone around you seems to be doubting of what you know, from your contemplation/communion time with the Source, to be true, hold fast to this:

    I am the substance of Spirit.

    I exist in Spirit, and all that Spirit is made of,

    the calm courage, the wholeness of Love,

    the beauty of creativity satisfied,

    All these are mine, for they are what I am made of,

    and It Is Good.

    As those that seem to be “others” doubt you, remember that all about them, too, substituting the words “we” and “ours” where before you said “I” and “mine”. To center yourself in Spirit, to know that you are part of eternal Life Divine, which is reflected as a play on earth, to feel the gratitude of that, and then to include others in that realization, that is to become a healer. That is to become a partaker of the ineffable calm and gladness that are the very essence of the Infinite Being.

    Giving It keeps It flowing through your heart, and through your life,

    Life IS Divine, and spirit, in Divine Life, is what you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the language of Truth and Love be the language that you long to be completely fluent in. Let the language of Spirit Divine make it easy for you to communicate with God, clearly opening and re-thinking and hearing and agreeing.

    Just as a rarely used second human language grows dimmer in memory, while the oft used first language grows eloquent and beautifully expressive, so realize that you can curate your spiritual language. Purposely think on the Good and the Harmonious. Continually ask God to help your thoughts be God’s Thoughts, the Thoughts of Love, and smooth operation of orderly Soul. As you focus on God’s language of Complete Love as your own, the language of sorrow and sickness and errors of living will be dimmer and dimmer to you, until Love and Whole Harmony are the only language that lives in your heart. Then are your thoughts as God’s Thoughts. Then are your manifestations of Joy the language and experience of every day.

    Speak with the Divine continually, and you will become fluent in Love indeed.

    We will help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you mistakenly thought that 2 plus 2 was 3, you would quickly retrain your mind to the truth of 2 plus 2 is 4.

    O, Dear One, please retrain your mind also to know that there is no place and no moment when the Good God that wants your happiness is not ready, able and willing to help you. Ask for it, know God as Good, and trust the Joy that comes.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    No, you cannot go “through the looking glass”. You, as child of Spirit, as Divine idea, remain sweetly and always in the Mind of God. But, if the image of yourself that you see in the looking glass of earth seems distorted or diseased, you can call upon the technician of the Holy Realms, the Holy Spirit, and ask that the focus of the glass be adjusted. Ask that the smudges be cleaned off. Ask to be able to see clearly again that you are the wonderful and whole child of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there not be trouble in your heart, anymore than you would invite a wild snake into your living room.

    Keep thoughts of the Goodness of Infinite Life coursing through your mind just as blood courses through your body, and let It give you Its sustenance over and over and continually. Be not afraid, Child. Has not so much worked out for the Best, even in the parts you remember? Remember those things and have faith, aka “willingness to receive Good”, always.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Before you speak anything to anyone else, speak it in your mind to yourself. Are you about to give advice that is really for you? Is it valid for both of you, or are you just as well off giving it just to yourself?

    Are you about to say something that is critical or judgmental, that is really about a part of your own behavior that you do not like? Listen carefully, and see if it is really yourself you want to be changing, rather than the other person.

    Are you about to share something uplifting and valid that will help you both? Are you about to speak sincere congratulations and joy? Are you about to fill your words with compassion or love, even if the words are just “good morning”?

    The Other is Self, Beloved, as we have said so many times. Are you remembering to remember that BEFORE you speak and extend your feelings, or do you only think of it afterward, and then end up with so many words you wish you had not spoken, or better feelings you wish you had shared?

    Just a little pause works wonders. A pause that gives you a chance to review your own thoughts and feelings. A pause that gives your Inner Voice a chance to whisper “wait” or “be kind” or “be quiet” or “offer help”. A pause that gives the Divine a chance to fill your heart with “you are both my Beloved children”, so that all your words are fed by Love.

    Teaching yourself to pause is a high skill indeed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ego-self, that is the human self that thinks it is in charge of true reality, will try to convince you that working first and foremost on your own good relationship with Divine Consciousness is a selfish, and therefore bad, thing to do. In Truth, Beloved, the more you work on your own communion with the Force of Unconditional Love, the cleaner and clearer of a transparency you can be, to let the Light of that Love shine to and for others. Let your High Self, your Living Spiritual reflection self, be in charge.

    Work on your own clean clear purity of Divine Thought transmission, and let that clarity be the window through which others can see the Light, and allow the Light to shine upon them. It is a Good Thing. It is a God thing.

    Always shining our Love on you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gladness. Gladness that you know yours is a Glad God, not an avenging one.

    Gratitude. Gratitude for that Gladness, and Its constant Care for you and of you.

    Stillness. Becoming very still and humble, willing to take advice and care.

    Listening. Truly listening to the Inner Divine Voice and willingly receiving It.

    Obedience. Trustingly believing Its Love and acting on Its advice.

    Delight. Delight in the results you see, of applying Joy and being Glad again.

    Beloved, God cannot hear your cries when you are in wrath or despair or sorrow. Put on your glad and trusting voice to call to God, for goodness and gladness and joy are the language God speaks, and answers. Let humor and trust and Praise and Joy be the way you speak to the Source, and your desires will not get lost in the translation.

    As always, wanting your Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you leave the house in the morning, you pat your pockets or your bag, and make sure you have your keys or your coin purse or your wallet. We see you do it. Sometimes, we whisper to you to do it and you subconsciously hear our whisper and turn back to seek the missing item.

    But why do we not always see you pausing to make sure you have opened your connection to Spirit? Why do you not let our whisper, our reminder, of that need, come into your awareness? Believe us, you need It. You need to remember that another part of Divine Spirit is driving every car around you. Another part of Divine Soul is guiding the true thoughts of every heart in every person around you.

    We cannot force it. As ever, every day, every moment, we honor your free will. We can only hope you will offer that free will back to the Holy, so that It may flow through you and Be.

    Won”t you offer it? Won”t you, as you pat your pockets to see if you remembered your wallet, also pat your heart to hear the Voice of God/Goddess, so that you may hear It reply, “Lo, I am with you always.”?

    We are always trying to remind you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you think of the phenomena as parallel universes, or alternate realities or quantum wave changes or miracles from God, we assure you that you CAN repair damaged relationships of all kinds by turning to the Grace of Love.

    When your human emotions and thoughts would whisper, “This is hopeless. Too much water over the dam. Can”t forgive the unforgivable. Etc. Etc.”, then ask yourself if you WANT to return to Peace and Love in relation to the relationship.

    If you want to, it can be done. Indeed, somewhere in time, it will, and already has, been done. Nothing is left untended and unforgiven when you finish remembering who you are in the One Loving Mind. If you want to feel peace, and even joy, with it, in this cycle of time, then turn to your Loving Relationship with your Source, and ask for the newness to begin. Let yourself be guided by Love, staying aligned with your Emanating Source of Love at every choice point.

    Seemingly irreparable bodies and relationships CAN be repaired, for in the Divine Mind, they never left perfection. The haze that formed over them CAN be blown away. The Wind of Spirit and Love can do it. Call for Its Help, and be willing to feel and see Joy and Peace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it seems like you are not seeing the Law of Divine adjustment towards Harmony at work in your life, despite constant prayers to be enabled to see it, take time to look back and review some months or years.

    When you can appreciate, and count as Blessings, the progress that has been made in your atmosphere of thought, in your calm trust, in your circumstances, then you will have confidence to pray again today to be graced to be a witness to the wonderful unfolding of the Divine Plan for you. God’s measure of Good for you may not always align with what you thought your human definition of personal happiness was, but even measured by daily well-being, you know that there has been great improvement in Peace of mind and heart.

    Have confidence in the Principle of Goodness to continue Its work in adjusting your thoughts and your life, as you surrender your will to that Greater Will, that is the healer and the worker of real Creation.

    Count the Blessings, visible and invisible, of this very moment, and pray to gracefully receive Good again today.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remind yourself constantly that everyone you meet is in the Loving Mind of God, Who is gently guiding them to grow to remember the Self they are as the image and likeness of God.

    God is guiding you, too. You can help the Whole picture focus more clearly by doing your best, with God’s Help, to see through the body form and human behavior of each one, and knowing them to be part of Good, as you are.

    Why do We say this to you so often? We remind you because you need to do it every day. Each day, the seemingly outer input tries to convince you that all you can do is react to it. But We assure you that you can choose to live from Love and Good Intention, and to decide to See the Good Soul of God right now, quietly emerging from everyone you meet.

    Shed the chrysalis, see it falling away from others, and Be Glad


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the days roll forward in their routine, it can be so easy to fall into habits of body. Without conscious thought, one can spend time planning for eating, and then consuming this and that, or imbibing substances, without awareness of what one really wants or needs. It can become a pattern to read certain news that disheartens, or continuously think about various human trends. It can feel so important to brush the body, to clothe the flesh, or rub the skin, or trim this or that, or apply ointments.

    O, Beloveds, let not the body seem your master. Claim your joyous right to acknowledge, and surrender to, the care of the Loving Creator, and take your mind off an identity of flesh and bone. You are Spirit and a reflection of Joy. Put your mind on Good today.

    “I Am Spirit, and a reflection of Good Joy.”

    Spend today in gratitude, graciously thanking God.

    “Thank You, God, for maintaining and sustaining me as Your perfect Image of Life!”

    SO be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am that I Am, and I Am Holding you, right now, Complete, Perfect and Whole in My Thoughts.

    Let no other thing be true in your feelings. Let no man come between this sacred marriage of Maker and Made Beloved. Have no other Gods before Me.

    Do these things, and let there be a new remaking of all that is yours, in the All that is Mine, dear Child. Yes, each time you sincerely, and selflessly, wish for the Best for another, progress is made in willingness to see the Best for, and of yourself. But let neither thing, wanting the Best for another, or wanting the Best for yourself, come ahead of acknowledging Me as All Cause, All True Will, and All that Is, ever, now, and to come.

    We are One, Child, and only disservice is done to your own full homecoming if you think of Us as separated in any way. Be pleased to be of service, but content to know of Our Oneness, and Pureness, now. There is no room for any inequity within the Pureness of the Infinite Totality of Being, and the sooner you realize this Truth, the sooner that seek only the Contentment of that Knowing, the sooner you will be free of any frightened thoughts of time, or trouble, or woe. I built you in Peace, and of Peace, Child. Won”t you drink of that Peace, right now?

    Drink of It, and be Free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgive yourself, forgive yourself, forgive yourself.

    Forgive yourself, and See your self with the Loving eyes of God.

    When you understand your innocent Spiritual Self, you can move forward.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let forgiveness be your food today.

    Fill yourself to contentment with all the forgiveness Spirit offers you, and let the waterfall of it pour over all those around you as well, in the Now, and in what seems to be your past. We assure you the waterfall of It is abundant—can you spread the food of It into your future as well?

    Play with the images and the words of this all you will—but please let it help you release what you do no longer wish to drag around. Digest it and let it go, go , go.

    It will feed your Love instead of your fears,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Old habits of the world WILL try to pull you back into a fearful body awareness and a pattern of wasting time on activities or attitudes that led nowhere except sorrow or boredom or frustration.

    Stay Spiritually aware, Beloved. Stay alert to each thing you are doing or saying from habit, and question it in your heart to see if indeed it truly is a thing that really still should be said or done. Be willing to realize that you are the emperor in his new clothes, and your own Awareness is the child who is willing to say the emperor has no clothes. Be both. Be your own assessor, so that you will not be offended, or disbelieving, when someone else tries to be.

    Your OWN Heart’s Truth will set you free. It is delightful to watch old habits go, and realize how much energy, that they took, is now available for what else you want to be, and do, and say.

    All Love, and With you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether someone approaches you with meek request for teaching or wisdom, or whether they seem to approach you with reproach and a desire for intellectual or physical sparring, they both want and need the same thing: Agape Love.

    Give It. Answer with Love. Even if you must fiercely bite your human tongue to keep from answering with anger or tears, give Agape Love with your Heart/Mind, and know that it is the only proper and healing thing to do.

    Do we not do that for you, over and over?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as a movie will catch you up into another time and place and seeming reality, the daily headlines that shout and beckon will try to have you focus on all that they proclaim. Some of it you can learn from and help heal, some of it is for others to take to task. And some of it, of course, is delightful news worthy of human celebration.

    But no matter what the details and place, it is the ephemeral. That is why it is so important to ground and center yourself in the unchanged and ever-Kind Divine, before you turn your attention to the human sensory input of sight or sound or touch or smell.

    Turn to the Soul of you, that is the Soul of all, and fill yourself with Its Strength and Wisdom and Charity, and then move on to your day, stopping for Divine refills as many times a day as you need to in order to stay filled with Compassion and Love Unchanging and Strong.

    We repeat this often, Dear One, because it is True every day,

    And so, so good to remember, and to remember to do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Oneness of Being means that no secrets are ever really kept, for the aspect of Divine One Mind that keeps tabs on Its children of thought as they dream that they are having a physical experience, so as to help them make that dream more lovely, before they fully awaken to their complete spiritual nature, knows all.

    However, remember that “secret facts” of the mortal realm are not Divine Truth. To know little bits about another’s errors, or for them to know them about you, is not the point of revelation. Only if it is needed for improvement to happen, need such things come forth, for they are not the Creative Force’s Truth that all of Its children are good and wonderful ideas. If small mortal truths must come forth, let them be forgiven and forgotten quickly, that your sight, and the sight of the other, may again be filled with the Good and Glad completeness of that individual spirit as a part of the Good Whole.



  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Spending time with God is not a sacrifice. Immersing ones consciousness in the Great Consciousness is as spending time with the wise and talented and hale and joyful, and supportive and generous, but multiplied many, many times over.

    You are not depriving yourself of anything meaningful if you are immersed completely in Divine Love. Decide for It, ask for It, and you will be embraced as It Wills.

    It is an active and Living Peace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sweetest Truth that you can know is that you ARE in Oneness of Being with the Source—a very ray of Spirit shining forth from Spirit Whole.

    Yes, the temporal illusions seem to have settled over you like a body that is on its way to dying the moment it comes forth, but the Truth carefully and diligently works to help you remember the everlasting nature of your Spirit. Work with It by allowing It to work on you.

    For, Beloved, pleasing God truly is the lasting, complete, and consistent way to please yourself. When the illusions seem to tumble and confuse and strain, re-examine your thoughts and see if they are Loving. Are they Loving of the Source of you, and of yourself, and of others?

    Let them be gently rearranged to align with Love, and let Truth help you be pleased, immediately.

    Let Truth help you correct ALL errors in thinking.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you turn to the unchanging Truths that comfort and inspire, the less you will turn to the fleeting pleasures or tweakings of the world, that ultimately always disappoint.

    Ever, Child, you face the choice made long ago—for Spirit and All Goodness, or for believing that the physical realm is real instead of God. Observe yourself today. Instead of trying to change things, observe your thoughts and enjoy, and look for the Good, and ask yourself if you are ready to relinquish playing with that which has no substance.

    Only Truth is true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is every instance of Divine Governance that you experience that will finally convince you to NEVER believe that your own human will is in charge.

    Like a child trying to exist on the mudpies he makes in the sandbox, and feeling ill and hungry all the time, all humans must eventually stand up out of the mud, and go inside to the Parents” House, and eat Real Food, and live their Real Lives.

    How long can you pretend that the mudpies are real, and believe your own imagination about how satisfying they are? Only you can choose when to go in to the Real Feast.

    Has not the fraudulent pleasure been equaled by fraudulent pain?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about the phrase, “All in All”.

    Think about how the elements of a bowl of water all flow into one another, whether in the deep stillness, or the ripples and waves on top. Let the knowledge that if all parts of something are made of the same thing, they move and exist in harmony together, seamlessly and without void.

    This is the seamless substance of Goodness. This is the vibrant Life Energy of which you are made. And as it is projected, like a delightful movie, forth from the Source Light, it shines Its Harmony more widely, and Is Glad.

    When something, or someone, seems to annoy you for a moment, remember that both of you are streaming images made of the same source substance of Gladness.

    Always Glad to know you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always the choice to turn to the delightful willingness of your guardian angel thoughts to help you through an hour, or through the night, or in the five minutes when you are listening for a divine idea to help solve a situation.

    They comfort, those angels, but they also inspire, and they Love, Love, Love you without any judgment about mistakes or detours you may have made, are making, or will make. They know the sweet Truth of the Real you, and they know that it is Good.

    Trust them. Turn to them. Be glad, and receive. They exist to serve you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    God IS here. God is here, shining Its Goodness and Love forth as you, Spirit reflecting Spirit.

    Today, think not of the errors you have made as human, think of the Good that you are, as an expression of God-Spirit. Think of the Good that you are.

    We often urge you to count your Blessings, to help wash away any negative or erroneous thoughts that cloud your mind. Today, count also the Blessing that you are to others. Silently review the way you add Good to your community and friends and family and to the Body of Images that dances and sings and moves in the honor of God.

    Count the Good you do, and Be Glad. We see it clearly.

    Count the Good you do and Be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know there are times when you delight in seeing the same favorite scene of a movie over and over again, but do you not eventually want to see the rest of the story?

    When it is time to leave behind a favorite phase of your own life story, and see the next scene (and perhaps be even more delighted with it than you were with the previous one!), do so with grace. Grace enables you to move smoothly from one scene to the next, and to appreciate the one you are in, and be grateful for the ones of the past, and to trust and look forward to the goodness of the ones yet to be played.

    It is time, Beloved,

    Ask for Grace,


  • Oh, Behold the banquet,

    to which I am bid.

    Before one is the gold,

    Before one is the gemstone bowl.

    Before another is the cattle of a thousand hills,

    and all their fields of clover.

    Before another is fame and applause.

    But before me, O”Joy, is laid the best of all,

    My portion of the Unlimited, Unseen God.

    Remember the True value each day, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When confusion surrounds your heart, from the worldly pressures to label yourself as a certain type of personality or in a particular profession, remember that you already have clear instructions from your Maker.

    “I am a giver of Grace. As It has been freely given to me, and is continually given to me, so do I give It to others.”

    When in doubt, give Grace. Let it soothe and cleanse you as it flows to another, and then look at your situation again, refreshed and renewed by remembering that, above all, you are a giver of Grace, and a beloved child of Creation.

    Grace does not change, but It can change everything else,


  • Ah, Child,

    We have spoken about forgiveness so many times that even when you find yourself unable to do it yet, you do understand how freeing it can be when you let go into love. Sometimes the same thought or the same incident must be freed, and forgiven, from the heart many times before it is entirely cleared away from the dam of old emotions that would block the clear flow of God Mind to you.

    But today let us speak also of praying for the one whom you are forgiving. Pray that the other heart is ready and open to receiving your forgiveness. You free your own heart when you are completely ready to forgive, and thus heal yourself and are able to move back into love, but when you help pray for the other to be able to receive that love, you move into Divine Love, and gratitude, indeed.

    It is always Divine Love that truly heals. Nothing else can.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter how the person or people around you seem to be behaving, it is up to you, with God’s Help, to act as the Loving and Lovable offspring of God.

    It is God, and the Goodness of your Self, that you need to please, not the human personalities in the scene. And, Beloved, as you are Gracious with God, the abilities to better see and understand and discern and empathize with others will grow, so that you can peer past their mortal stories, and see the Divine Soul of their purpose.

    Take responsibility for being Lovable and Loving. You can do it, for you are Created by Love Aware.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    God is with you, but God does not force your choices in the earth play. We say this often because so many do not seem to understand that giving just a little time each day, and a little handing over of your human will to God’s Will, makes a huge difference in every day and every choice and every possibility.

    Try it, oh dear ones. Try it. Just a little quiet time each day to say, “High Guidance of the Light, help me, set me right.”

    And feel the Love welling up in you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are only poor when we forget that The Omniscient Source is ever-present.

    “Where lack of provision seems to be, there is only Thee, dear God. Open my eyes and let me see it.”

    “Where discord seems to be, there is only Divine Harmony. Thank-you for opening my eyes and letting me see it, dear Commander of All.”

    Gratefully, gratefully, gratefully, dear Child, and patiently,


  • Ah. Beloved,

    There is a newness to you, once you have turned from the human senses for a moment, and looked to, and given permission to, the Joy of Divine Voice in your heart. That newness of Being will grow and grow, until every quantum bit of you shines with Its Light.

    Sometimes progress and growth will seem slow to your human intellectual and sense perceptions, sometimes it will seem instantaneous. But know this—Once you have found the perfect moment of free will to give permission to the Divine to be heard in your heart, It will never, ever leave you. If you have moments or days or years wherein you turn back to focusing on only worldly joys, It will patiently wait, always offering Itself to you again, as guardian, as comforter, as provider, as Love, as friend.

    It is only yourself you deprive, on the days when you do not turn to It, and partake,


  • Ah, Friend,

    Even now, the power to enact lies within you. But the clarity of what you want must be a part of your stewardship of your own life.

    Endless Life Force is flowing to you all the time, but it is your free will choice in how to use it. Do you wish idly for circumstances or attitudes or things, or do you want them enough to put action behind your words and thoughts? Even the tiniest action can give enriching formation to your desires—but that action must be taken by you.

    Take it, Beloved, take it. Form the plan in your mind or on paper, turn your will over to God with time actually taken for God. Mail the letter, make the call, put joy into your thoughts and prayers. Turn those idle wishes into thoughts and into wants which you are actually willing to work for, and let them become part of your life. The “work” is not about sweating and suffering, it is about realizing that what you actually do with your hours and your days is a signal to the Great Source of how you actually want the Harmony of Existence to form itself as your life, your friends, your work and your world. Put into some sort of action the signal to the Formless Source of what you truly want in your world.

    The bubble of your world, of your awareness, is yours to make. How would you have it form, Beloved? Fantasies must become intentions, if you would see them seem to be your reality. All that the Source desires is that you know and feel the Harmony and Love of which you were made, and in which your are maintained and sustained, if you will. What form would you have it take, Beloved? The Greater Force wants only Love for you, for It knows nothing else. Can you choose the same?



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ever and always, Child, how you think of those around you WILL change their behavior, if you are led by the Loving Voice of God within.

    As when you put together a delightful salad, made of all good ingredients, so that of course the salad is all good, just so is the essence of man/woman made of all good ingredients by God. The Spirit of each is Good, and if you can focus on that, the dust that settles on the Spirit and reveals the True Shape will also show that Goodness.

    We know that not many look for only the Good. But would you not choose to be one? The narrow way did not suddenly become wide, Beloved, but it is still worth choosing? Will you not?

    There is room for Us beside you on the narrow way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never condone sin. Never condemn the individual Spiritual Child that is being haunted by that sin, but never condone the enacting of it in their words or actions or thoughts. Turn their thoughts and eyes gently, with Love, to the enduring Truths of God—one of which IS that all beings are One as a reflection of the Divine Oneness.

    Therefore, anything they do to another, they have DONE TO THEMSELVES. That is the Truth of “as you sow, so shall you reap” in the earthly. As you seek the Goodness of Spirit and Causal Love, so shall you reap that Sweetness as well. Which do you choose? For choose you must, in every moment—Truth and Integrity of God-Quality, or fear and pain and hatred and selfishness and revenge. Which shall it be? Which do you want to have come back at thee, in the closed circle of the dream?

    The only opening in the bubble of the dream-consciousness is the way of the Divine Way -shower. Seek that One’s advice, and you are led to Goodness for all in all. Seek that One’s comfort and counsel, and you are led to Joy.



  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Because you abide in God’s Love, even if you are not fully aware of it consciously, and because of God’s mercy for your earthly concerns, you can access the Help of God’s Comforting Spirit for whatever has you feeling inharmonious.

    Be not afraid to ask. Whether it is a lost shoe, or a broken heart, or a way to find new domicile or daily work, God has promised, and fulfills, the aid and advice of the Spirit and Soul of Itself. Ask and listen, and be glad of the ideas that come, being patient and trustful and calm as they unfold.

    Truly, a near and present Help, your loving Divine Parent IS.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not confuse yourself with a pound of hamburger.

    There is no need to be embarrassed. You know what and who you really are, no matter what some costume or meanly costumed person would try to imply.

    “I am innocent. I am free. I am as God created me.”

    We know this about you. So do you, really.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine your mind like a rocky pool. Now fill it with Thoughts of God like water would fill a rocky pool, moving into every crevice and cleansing every surface. Fill it with contemplation of sweet Soul, absolute Order and Intelligence, supreme Love and Gracious Goodness. Fill it with such an impulse to give Gladness to absolutely every spot of that pool that there is no room for anything else.

    Now, if any other thought of your everyday life enters into your mind, picture it completely washed in the water of God. Be washed in Spirit.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that you will have more and more proof to your self of what turning to the Truth of Divine Thought will do for the serenity and happiness of you and all that are in your life. Remember that when the Maker Thought you up, and then projected you onto the viewing screen that is earth appearance, He/She/It also Thought up all the accoutrements, and surrounding things and people, that you would need to make you feel whole and good and needed and complete and joyous.

    Therefore, all answers are already right around you. Your task is to hone your spiritual sight, by aligning your thoughts with the Maker’s Thoughts, so that you can, along with the Maker, see what is best for you.

    We are cleansing your sight constantly. Just ask for Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    WE urge you to keep your mind on all that is Good and True. Honestly make the effort to set aside all discouraged thoughts or painful memories and hold close and dear in your thoughts and heart all the times that you have deeply felt Spirit embracing you close, or giving you the gift of sweet dreams and visions of pure Heaven.

    Think on these things. Keep your goal in mind, knowing It is Good and Right and True.

    Think on these things, and take heart, take heart, take heart in the Love that surrounds you now. All promises will be kept by God. You are a Beloved right now, and there is no way to be divorced from God, to be separated from what you are an integral part of, now and forever.

    As we are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a part of spiritual work that consists of being a handkerchief for the tears of others. When one before you is consumed by anger or hatred or pain, silently offer your own calm heart and loving attitude as the dry cloth that can wipe up their woes. This is not about giving advice, or trying to change their beliefs in the moment—it is about simply being a sponge that can absorb their mind’s pain, and transmute it, through the Divine within the other and yourself, into something harmless.

    Like a mother, who pulls into her tender lap and loving arms the young child who has skinned his knees or been taunted and called names, comforts just by her presence and her unspoken love, let your own heart be the conduit for calling in the Presence of the Divine. Let that Presence within and around both your souls be the clean kerchief that dries all tears.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you practice and experience the deep and changeless Unconditional Love of God welling up continually, as a Gift from God, in your heart, the better you will get at feeling It fully. And the more your feel It fully, the less concerned you will be about pursuing the frivolous pursuits of the brief pleasures of earth, and the less you will fret about the mundane chores of earth that need to be done.

    To some, this may sound too steady, or too boring, and the desire to experience the wild ups and downs of temporal emotion will still attract them, for they cannot conceive of the Transportive nature of God-Love. But as the depths of that timeless Love glimmer through the earthly senses, and become more real and wonderful and dear to the inner being, AND yield fruit of Goodness and Harmony in the everyday events, the lure of the Inner Love will grow.

    Why wait, Beloved? Seek that Infinite Joy, and be truly fed in all circumstances and places. Ò‰ Am with you wherever you go,Ó says the Spirit of Love, and it is True.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you, or someone else, takes a pill or drinks or is dosed with some other substance, they take some moments to take effect on the physical plane.

    Not so with God, with Love, Beloved. You are within It, It is within you, you are as One. All you need to do is realize that and It is able to give you the benefit of that LOVEóthat support and healing and reminder that It can handle all, does handle all, IS All.

    When any confusion or fear fills your mind or heart about yourself or another, remember that ìGod is Us. God governs usî. Fill in the blanks with your own name and the names of those around you, ìGod is ___________________î.

    ìGod is us all.î

    Be as silent as you can today, Child, and let God Be what God is.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, when using the prayer-thoughts of “opposites” from the “Inner Index Card”, by thinking of the quality of the Divine that you need to see before you, and around you, and in yourself, when you feel that you are seeing sorrowful earth things, that it is YOU that must ask for Divine Help in changing YOUR thoughts.

    If you are observing your own thoughts and reactions, and find yourself thinking that someone before you is acting uncharitable, or unaffectionate, or impatient, then it is YOU that must pause, and pray, “Dear Divine Helper, Please help me think of and see the good qualities of Love and Life and Gladness that are the Spiritual Truth of the Perfect Individual that You created, that now is in my thoughts.” Then, WAIT, and see what whisper you hear from your Heart about what divine quality to look for, and expand on, as you think about the person before you, or as you try to adjust your own behavior.

    It is not asking God to change the person that you are, or to change the person before you—it is asking God to help you see and think of and feel the perfect beings that God already created each individual facet of Itself to already be. Ask God for Help to see God in yourself and in everyone and everything around you, and take time to listen for and receive that Help, and it will change your experience of this earthly life completely.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allowing means recognizing that All is owned by God, and All is owed to God.

    Allowing means being grateful that you have been able to borrow and use “all” for your journey here. Allowing can continue, and can expand into more goodness, (more God-ness), when you appreciate what you have already been allowed to borrow, and use, and thrive with.

    Give thanks for all the Grace, all the gifts and goods and growth, already given, and then more of what you need to live your journey is “allowed” to come,

    We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When enough practice, or an epiphany of Voice or Vision, uplifts you into a clarity and a discernment of the Constant Presence of Good Spirit, Who is always with you and around you, then you will be able to silently walk and work with God, as with a very old Wonderful Friend.

    Wordlessly, and without ritual or fanfare, you will Know the Thoughts of God, the desires of God. And you will share them completely and utterly. And Gladness will be the natural substance of your communion.

    Picture this. It is achievable.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not need to try so hard to remember exact words or phrases. The Golden Glory of God simply flows once you open to It.

    Just as We sometimes give a phrase or a thought about what this day’s “message” will be to the instrument, when the moment comes to type the words, it is not about her remembering what was hinted at ahead of time. Rather, it is just about emptying the self-mind, and letting Divine Mind use the fingers to type the words.

    Be the instruments of Love. Be the expressions of Grace. Be the clarity that simply stands still and lets the Light shine through without wavering.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Child,

    If you invited a guest to use your wonderful house, and told him to please make himself at home, would you not assume he would find what he needed to be happy and comfortable? Imagine you returned from your own business and affairs, and your guest complained, “I could not find the milk. I looked in the yard, I looked in the garage, I looked under all the porches and under the bed and in the bathtub, but I could not find the milk I needed!”

    Would you not be surprised? Would you not say, “But, of course, the milk is kept in the refrigerator, where it will stay whole and cool and good. Did you not think to look there?”

    So it is with the Love and Peace of God, Beloved, that are kept safe and cool in the delightfully shaded safe of your heart. Look there for your Love and Peace and Harmony, and do not frantically seek them in all the limbs of others, or the words of strutting fame. Seek them in the safe cool haven of God, and then enjoy the rest of “God’s House” through eyes already filled with Joy.

    God did not realize that you would become so confused as you enjoyed the reflection of the expression of Itself that is what you see. Once God saw your perplexity, then was immediately the answer given, was the Voice placed in the safe cool calm space of your heart to give you the clue of where to find your milk of Love, “Here I am, here I am, here I am.” It endlessly calls to you, if you will but listen, “Here I am, Here I am, Here I am.”

    We”ll take a drink of It with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep a good listen each day for fresh word and inspiration from the Divine Spirit that is your Life and your inner Voice.

    But also keep a record in your heart of the times the healings and solutions have been extraordinary, for yourself or for others. When discouragement looms, or deep communion with God feels like a struggle, return to the memories and feelings of the proofs you have witnessed, and be uplifted to faith and conviction again.

    God exists. Error is powerless before Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when you are caught up in the human senses, we know you can hear us. Remember the various parables about those who became impatient about seeing the promises of God fulfilled. Think on this, and let not your material sense lead you astray today.

    Impatience = not trusting God.

    That is true, Child. Have we ever lied to you?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no truth in errors.

    THAT is how the Loving Divine Truth seems to correct what you see as your woes and errors. What was never right cannot be real, and so the Truth shines.

    Your human intellect would try to trick you into thinking the Truth cannot help you unless you first understand exactly how it works. But you have it backwards, darling one. Let the Truth heal you and vanquish your worries simply by being the Truth that you allow in to your mind. Complete understanding can come later. Complete love and trust can come later.

    For now, just give that little willingness of turning to the Loving Truth and saying “help me if you can”, like flicking a light switch and accepting the light that comes on, even if you yourself do not know how to wire a house or build a generator.

    Do not let the intellect block your blessings. Just accept them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Someone Loves you enough to keep on trying, trying, trying to awaken you to the Glory and Holiness that are freely yours. Someone Loves you enough to do this, and It is God.

    God will never give up on you. Why not allow it now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a great simplicity in understanding that any thought you have of yourself, or any thought about you that is put in your mind by another human, is not true if it contradicts the Thought that God has of you. The Creator declared you “Good”.

    If ANY other thought is in your mind right now, such as a body part claiming pain, or an employer calling you unworthy, or a friend telling you that you are better than someone else, then those thoughts are just dust overlaying the True Thought of what you (and everyone else) are in the eyes of God. Blow them off. Blow those thoughts away.

    Let yourself return to the dust-free level of God Thought. “I am as God created me, and God created me Good.” Focused on, and allowed to fill your mind and heart, that Thought will, like a warm wind, blow away the dust of thought errors, of either negative or overly positive thoughts that would try to camouflage what you are, as the simple Goodness of God.

    We know the Good you, and it is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Peacefully, Peacefully, Peacefully, sink down into the Sacred Quiet of your heart.

    As much as possible, let silence be your Guide today, so that you can feel the sweet relief of not expressing human opinions. Endeavor to let your thoughts slide away like a gentle stream, and welcome the Thoughts of God, Peaceful, Peaceful, Peaceful, to cradle you.

    The importance of such Quiet days has been forgotten by many in the world. Claim them, use them, be Healed by them.

    Sweet silence can be catching, And so, so Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the same way that you pull your vehicle to the side of the road to let an emergency truck get quickly by you on its way to help somebody, be ready to set aside your own small concerns when you clearly hear or feel the “siren” of God instructions in your heart.

    When the “still small Divine Voice” becomes an urgent feeling in your thoughts that you should call someone, or pay for a person’s groceries, or pray right away for Love’s protection and Guidance for a family member, or join in a group effort to fulfill a community need, then quickly put away your personal routine plans and ACT on what God is asking of you. It makes a huge difference in the timing of the full Harmony of Life. Do it. Learn to Listen to God’s Voice and cleanly and swiftly obey.

    We assure you that you do not realize how often you yourself have been aided or saved by another doing the Will of God, and neither can your human perspective see the final results of your own obediences to Divine Spirit. But they are Good, Good, Good.

    Be a helping force of Good. Listen to God impulses in the heart, and be an “ambulance” for the Loving Soul of Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learn to fall back into the supportive arms of the Infinite Source the moment you feel fatigue or irritation or pain or anger or wistful sorrow. If your arms feel tired while carrying the wood, or beating the eggs, stop that very instant and remember that there is infinite strength for you to draw upon, for it is the very substance of which you are made, and in which you live and move and have your true being.

    Do not think to yourself, “I will pray about that later”, or “I will stop and gather strength after this load,” relax into God’s Strength right away. Relax the muscles and relax the mind and remember “God’s Mind creates and sustains and gives endlessly to all, and I welcome God’s strength right now, to finish whisking the batter, to complete the cord of wood, to return to a feeling of blessed day, blessed moment, blessed life lived in Joy.”

    Always we will help if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never fear that We are not with thee.

    Just sit yourself still and quiet, and ask for Us, and We will come into your thoughts. We are ever ready to Help, with silent Love, and supportive strength, and courage to act on the Thoughts that flow from God.

    Today, simply be still and quiet, even while you go about putting your physical home in order. Let your thoughts become orderly in the way of the Divine, even as the ordering of the physical occurs. Be quiet, and let Order come, for God loves the awareness and trust of Its Order to enter your consciousness.

    Therefore, even in the ordering of the household—whether to do dishes first, or paper chores, or tending to bedding or clothing or plantings, let God guide you through your day, practicing, practicing, hearing Its guidance in each and every way.

    Take Joy in the hearing of Divine Thought and Inspiration and Creative Solution to even the everyday chores,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not scared of anything.

    Brush off the fear, listen to Divine Wisdom, and remember “I am Spirit born within Spirit, part of a fearless Omnipotent God.”

    Pure Spirit is your True Home, but while you dream you are a vulnerable body, Spirit can infuse you with Well Being, and wrap you in a Harmony of Comfort, living in a Trust in God.

    Be not afraid, for God is not afraid, and God is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you needed earthly help, and had called for a tow truck, or a physician, or a fireman, or a gardener, you would not lock the door of your car or house or yard against the person whose help you had called for. You would stand ready at the door, waiting to open it and welcome the helper.

    O’ please do the same for Divine Help. When you call for Divine Help’s Voice to advise you, or for Its Peace to comfort you, do not lock the door of your heart and mind by then indulging in great doubts and complaints and attacks of mean thoughts towards others. Unlock the doors of your self by moving into, and abiding in, the grace of gratitude, and of praise and thanksgiving. Take your mind off the past and future and simply look around you and start being glad for all that is good that you see and feel right now, right where you are. Appreciate. Give love to a bug. Send good thoughts to a stranger. Count the joy of each working part of the vehicle that is your body-thought that you seem to be wearing in the earth play.

    Hold open the doors of thought with Joy and Thanks and then the Helpers can get in. They want to get in, they want to Help, but they will never force open a door. That is your privilege and your choice. Choose wisely—choose to be generous to yourself by choosing to hold open the door to Love with Love.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not blame this year’s tulip if the bloom from last year lost its petals early in an angry storm. You do not fail to enjoy this year’s peaches if last year’s crop was a failure due to frost.

    We understand how difficult it can seem to let go of old grievances and guilts and try to see others and yourself as Good Souls now, but perhaps today you should remember the flower bulbs and the good roots of the peach, and think of people that way.

    The Good Soul that is the Cause of all continually sends forth Its beauty and Goodness. Give yourself a chance to See It by forgetting the seasons gone by, and looking anew.

    Do we not See the Best of you, even when your earthly self acts snippy?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What you do not have the strength or heart or courage to do on your human own, delegate. Delegate to the Holy Spirit, the Helper. Ask that It forgive for you. Ask that It infuse you with strength and Courage and Wisdom. Ask that It fill you with Love.

    That is a first step. When you do that again and again, then, little by little, the Helper will leave more and more of Its footsteps in you, touching your fears with Its unlimited Truth, and you will find you are closer to being of One Mind with the Divine. Then, nothing will cause you to fear or hesitate, for you will have in your self the very completeness of God.

    Then, you, too, will be able to call out for forgiveness for all the illusions.

    And it is given, for you, and for all.

    Delegate mercy and justice to God, and feel yourself free.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Knowing God to be Wise and Kind, you strive to be that in your mind.

    Simply allow it, now, and know, furthermore, simple child of Mind, that God never hurries or worries. Be thou unhurried. Be thou unworried, and let yourself become True Mind.

    There is plenty of time in the dream to become this, Beloved. God knows it already done, in the true existence that is already Thine.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgive yourself, always, for having seen the dark instead of the Light. God will give you the strength to see whatever you need to see, and do whatever you need to do. Ask for this strength continually. Then, if you do not have the strength or heart to do something, you will know it was not ordained by God’s Will.

    The Truth of God’s Good man and Good woman casts out the errors you may have been seeing. Ask for strength, and ask to see God’s Good.

    God’s Will reigns, if you look for It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many are the words you can speak or write in a day, but let today be a day when you strive to speak no word that is not whispered to you from Soul.

    Discerning what is your Holy script for this life and what is just the wistful wishes or critiques of the material ego is a very important part of your awakening to Divine Love’s rule of your Spirit. Certainly, when anger or complaint run themselves through your thoughts in a repetitive way, it is a clue they are just human flailings. When there is legitimate rebuke of behavior or diseased illusion to be done, Divine Spirit can lead to, and invoke, a productive way to disempower or negate it.

    So, today, truly focus on hearing the small, still Voice, and practice recognizing the sound of It with your heart. When you intimately know the Voice of your Loving Shepard, It is easy to answer Its call, and to follow, and be led safely Home.

    Feel the Presence of Heaven here and now, in silence,


  • Permanent Joy does not come from impermanent things. It cannot, for they are such brief imaginings. Permanent Joy comes from knowing you dwell within the Oneness of Spiritual Being that some call “God”.

    And that is nothing to complain about. Revel in It. Be glad and grateful of It.

    Seek your permanent Joy in already knowing you are part of God.

    Awaken each day to this, Beloved, and reaffirm It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be your own prophet. Be your own profit.

    You are made of, and live in, the substance of the Goodness and Life of God, the first and only Causality. There is absolutely nothing stopping you except your own disbelief or doubt of that. Let that doubt go, turn your back on any mental whispers of denial, and See revealed the sweet, sweet life of Harmony that God would gladly reveal to thee.

    As Ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us help you understand a very, very basic thing.

    The line of prayer that says “And God leads us not into temptation…” is a wonderful clue about what to believe. If something seems to be leading you into sin, disease or any of the small deaths like anger or irritation or woefulness, then look again. Those somethings must not really be good or true. They are of the lies, the illusions of earth. They are not the Truth to follow.

    Turn around, and think instead on the Lovely, the Good, and the True, that are Love and inspiration and divine intelligence and truth. Turn your thoughts around and look not, and think not, on the false evidence that leads to sin and disease and death. Look towards the Good evidence of God’s Love, that leads to calm Joy and Life that is always alive in you, regardless of what the temporal seems to be saying.

    Divine Love melts away sin, disease and death, for only It is real… feel It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am an expression, pure Spirit, of the Central Spirit of All That Is.”

    That is the Truth of you, Beloved. We know that when you have moments of acting for God, or letting God act through your seemingly mortal self, you usually feel like it is just a role you are playing for a moment. Reverse that thought, Beloved.

    The Divine Expression IS the Real You and is your True and only Self. The human moments are the temporary role you play. Is it time to be done with playing, with pretending to be human, however good that human might be striving to be, and set aside the thoughts of that role and simply be God’s expression in every moment, in every moment under God’s direction?

    The timing of when to acknowledge the Allness of God is up to you, Beloved. But let us assure you that the Bliss, calm and sweet, of doing so, is of greater measure than all temporal accolades. The body costume will smoothly cooperate, when you are following the directives of God in each day, in each moment.

    Walking with you, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a certain concern or human desire has you too emotionally connected to be able to freely surrender to the prayer “Not my will, but Thy Will Be Done, consider swapping prayers with another who loves God, or who is dedicated spiritually.

    As you pray for another, knowing that God wants their Joy full and complete, but that it may occur in a way that they have not imagined, you can do wonders. The one clinging to a certain human solution or standard cultural advice is inadvertently limiting what they are willing to see manifest. Surrender, surrender, to the Omniscience that knows what best Blesses all.

    Pray this for another who has that need, and let that one pray for you, when you are too emotionally attached to surrender completely to the Greater Divine Good Plan.

    And pray openness to the Power of Joy for all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reason you need to periodically reread, or re-listen to, inspirational words or scripture or literature, is because you have not stopped growing in your spiritual understanding. God has not changed. The Truth has not changed. But you have.

    Re-read and re-ponder, and continue to grow, grow, grow in your discernment, and your abilities to reflect and share the Qualities of God. There is no other way.

    We are with you as you do this, cheering you on,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there is Love, there is always a way, for Love Governs.

    Trust in that Governance of Love. Your task is to make sure that you are oriented to that Love, so that It flows through you smoothly. Do not let irritation or momentary earthly greed or discontent let you drift sideways, so that the flow of Love is impeded.

    If you want the complete Flow, then let yourself be completely true to that. It IS simple, and yet it is the work of complete commitment and focus. It is worth it, Love. Indeed, It is the only worth there is.

    Always aligned with you, Helping,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each individualized Soul is privileged to have the direct inheritance of All That God Is to draw upon. The Wondrous Love and Joy, the Imagination, the Spirit and Life and Expansiveness, and more, are there to draw upon. It is a Beautiful privilege, a marvelous choice to have.

    But, like a bank account that is full of funds, but rarely accessed and used, the Aspects of Glory that God has included in your Creation, banked in your name, do you no Good if you do not recognize that they are yours as a Child of God, and gratefully turn to them and make use of them.

    Not enough Joy and energy today? Turn to the Divine Source, and rightfully claim your share, Beloved. Rightfully claim your share of that Infinite Identity and Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am a hologram of Love’s Light.”

    “I Am a hologram of the Light of Love.”

    Say this in all your heart today all day.

    Be the Child of Light.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us, you DO want to See the world as God Sees It, rather than as your small human imagination sees it.

    If you had on a very dark and very scratched pair of sunglasses, and then took them off and saw the beautiful day, it would only be a tiny, tiny example of how this new way of understanding and looking feels.

    “Show me bits of Your world today, dear God, that I may be encouraged to drop all my own imaginings and See.”

    When God clears your Sight, it is cleared indeed,


    p.s. Feel the heightened sense of Love when it touches you when reading these, or any, words, and know that THAT is what takes you Home into Heaven in the Heart, not intellectual understanding.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new enthusiasm in you for exploring, and receiving, the ways that the Divine Ocean of Being Loves you and provides for you. As a spirit, you dwell in, swim in, dance in, that Ocean of Being .

    Swim around, Beloved. Explore, and be surprised by, Joy, and circumstance. Be as delighted as a fish that finds a new batch of tender shoots of sea-greens to eat, hidden behind a rock that seemed barren.

    It IS All around you, and for you, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter what the human trouble seems to be, it can always be comforted by turning to the Divine Source and the Truth of what you are as an entity dancing in the Mind of the Creator.

    Turn to that Divine Love today, Beloved. Turn to It as you would turn to a dance partner, and dance, dance, dance to the Song of Love. Dance through the moments of the day, listening as you would listen to a new song from a favorite composer, and hear the Music of Creation, and be uplifted and guided and soothed.

    In celebration, in comfort, in appreciation, in expectation, in fulfillment, and in sharing of the depth of Being, dance, dance, dance.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Enter again that sweet silence where you listen, and feel and hear inspiration. If you call to Love for advice, It will speak or guide or urge, for It truly does want you to have the smoothest walk possible through the maze of illusions. Speak willingness, for your willingness to let It guide is what makes “Thy Will be Done” possible.

    Good IS in control here, if you give that control over to the One whose eyes and intelligence and ears are not dulled and fooled by the material senses.

    It will free you senses as well. Just agree, and let it.