All Messages

  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Harmonious solution is always right here and right now somewhere, because God is always right here and everywhere, right now.

    Be not afraid to give Divine Mind, which holds you, and inspires you, the credit, when you come up with a novel idea, or a good creation, or demonstrate your well-being. If more individuals understood that all of their inspirations and suffusions of Life and Love come from the One Mind that governs the uplifting of all, then others would follow suit.

    Be not afraid to give God the credit. Praise God, in your own heart, and aloud when the Loving Spirit says the timing is right.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because God/Mother/Father/Source looks upon all that It made with Gladness, gladness is an access way to that Divine Loving Source.

    From the human viewpoint, that access way, that door, may be marked “Gladness”, because when you are in Gladness, you can easily open the door to the Source for yourself and others.

    But the door may be marked “Sincerity”, and also lead to the Peace, the Healing, the sense of Home, that is the very nature of the Divine. That door marked “Sincerity” is the one that many use when they finally turn to Divine Source because they are desperate or in dire pain or realize that they cannot humanly do what needs to be done.

    Whether you turn in sheer Gladness, or whether you turn in Sincerity, remember that all the doors that enter into God-Sense are always unlocked. But you have to turn towards them, and knock. Knock with gladness and celebration, or knock with sincerity, but let not human pride keep you from knocking at all.

    We help hold open all the doors that are knocked upon,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to fret about whether something is possible or isn”t possible for God/All that Is.

    It is calmly and happily ridiculous to even think so, if you take a moment to ponder “All That Is”, for that phrase truly means “All That Really Is”. Nothing that human thought has made up in its made up game can possible out-power the Only Power.

    Trust in that, we say again, Beloved. Trust in the All-Powerful to truly mend that which your own human heart thinks cannot be mended, or attended to, or foretold. All is already told and re-told in the Life Extension of the Divine, and that you will understand, when you, for moments now and then, and at the end, step outside of time.

    As ever, loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing the Divine Parent/Source would withhold from you, except that which might cause you fear or pain.

    God leads to Joy, not to sorrow. Trust God to lead you to Joy, and to BE Joy flowing to you and through you to others, even now.

    We joyously see the whole you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Already, in your span in the time/space orbit, you have seen that the worldly news comes and goes and comes and goes. Cycles of triumph and despair may make it seem that progress is not being made in the Consciousness of human awareness, but we assure you that more and more ARE awakening to the vital unchanging Soul of All.

    Today, Beloved, focus on that Unchanging Soul that nurtures all individual souls within It. Today, Beloved, Love It and let yourself be Loved.

    For that Unchanging Love, filling all with the Fullness of Itself, changes everything.

    Stay aware of It, today.


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your thoughts are on what would seemingly make you happiest in a certain situation, keep in mind that God’s Thoughts are always on what would truly Bless all in that situation. And open your mind to the truth that God can see and understand what would make you happiest from an Omniscient perspective that your human senses cannot fathom. Be willing

    Open your eyes and heart to Spiritual perspective, Beloved. They are not physical organs, they are spiritual. Use them as such. And trust, trust, trust that God wants your happiness and will open the way for more Good revealed for all, in the Infinite timeline of Life.

    As ever with you,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Slow down and listen. Slow down and listen.

    Remind yourself of the Glory in which you dwell, like the proverbial forest. Perhaps now you feel as though you can see only the twigs, and not even the trees, but the trees are there. The trees are there, and the Grand Forest is there, still and quiet and interlinked with all.

    There are many mortal voices around you now, like twigs catching at the sleeve. Listen to the Stillness of the Forest that Houses all, and be fed the Love you need, and the information that will carry you ahead, into the next phase of the journey.

    We are with you, and with all. Let us Love them through you,


    Glory to God in the Highest

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The uncertainty of knowing whom to trust is no different from other uncertainties in human interaction or your life activities.

    The answer is always “Trust God.” Take the time to pause and be still and lay your uncertainties on the altar of attention to the Inner Divine Voice, that is Omniscient.

    God Sprit can read all hearts and all intentions, and help you choose your companions even while teaching you to also see all of them as offspring of God. All are offspring of God, but not all are meant to be in your immediate circle of friends or business or family. God will help you sort it out, and stay aware.

    With deep Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For anything of earthly good that ends, be glad of the good and the beauty and the inspiration it gave you. Be grateful, and let the Grace of Gratitude heal any sorrow you may feel at what has had its run of time.

    And, O’ Beloved, let that Gratitude lead you to count as your Great Blessing that the Good that is constantly born of God never ends. Be very aware that all Good you have ever experienced has come from the Creative Loving Heart of God, and be thankful in advance for all the Good yet to come.

    God’s expansion of Love and Good is constant, as humanity will see as it forgives and awakens and moves forward.

    Be grateful and praise God now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thanking God in advance for all the Good the day will bring exhibits the trust and faith that it will happen, and your understanding that the nature of God is Love.

    So, happily trust, and say in the morning, thank you God, thank you God, thank-you God.

    And look for the Good that IS,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that you wish you could hear “I Love you” often from those humans whom you love. You have seen, as have all, that it does not always happen that way in the earthly voyage. You do not, though, need to wait until the end of human voyage to hear “I Love you” from God.

    Just go within and be quiet and still and listen. You will hear it. You will feel it.

    In and around any advice or instruction or inspiration Divine Voice gives, will always be that harmony of Love, that refrain of Love. The melody of Love is God’s very essence, and it is always playing for you.

    When human loneliness, or disappointment, or betrayal, or separation occur, turn to God and hear “I Love you.” When human joy, of meeting, or marriage, or new communion or friendship occur, turn to God and hear “I Love you.” Value the human love, but value the gift of Love from God above all others, and it will carry you on and on and on through all human beginnings and all human endings.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are indeed a flawless idea in the Mind of God.

    That idea is Spiritual, shimmering Light and Love and Energy of Life.

    Do, today, truly focus on that Soul Perfection of yourself and What Thought of you, rather than on little body elements or objects or people you wish you had. Focus on the Flawless Source, and let It delight your heart by suffusing you with Ineffable Love.

    You are not alone. We are helping you with this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, what you are meditating for is a state of mind of peace, trust, joy and harmony. What you are praying for, for others, is a state of mind of peace, trust, joy and harmony.

    Let all the rest follow from there…

    It Is the Substance from which all else is born,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gloriously formed of Love and Spirit, in the Mind of the Infinite, you dance and shine. All that your essence of Soul portion needs for merger and expression exists with you in Perfect Creation.

    Do not fall into the sad dream that you do not have access to all that you are. Where you dwell in Perfection, all that your Consciousness needs for full Love is right with you. Ask the Infinite Source that you be clearly led to what you need for expansion of Self, or to draw It to you. Have confidence that the Great Consciousness supports the Truth of you in every way.

    You are asking as Spirit, you are receiving and giving as Spirit. Claim your deathless identity as Spirit, and you have your passcard to being Aware of the Limitless You.

    Reach for the feeling. The Knowledge comes along.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If for five minutes today, or for an hour, or for all the day, you can be a clear and calm transparency for the Creative Light of Love to shine through, you will be amazed at the Life Movie you see. Set your human thoughts aside and watch God’s Thoughts played out.

    Try it for a minute here and there?

    We Love you so, and take great Joy in seeing you Joyous,


    P.S. “There may be human hate around me, but I can be Love. There may be human fear around me, but I can be Love. I can choose to shine Love. I only must answer to God for what I choose in my thoughts in each moment and in each day.”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    What would you do and say if your Loving God were in the room with you?

    The Source IS in the room with you. Behave accordingly.

    The Source of all, that IS All in All, is not some far away thing or persona that plays with humans as though they were Its action figures or dolls. The spiritual essences of you all are the spiritual emanations of Spirit, endlessly connected to It and to one another. It is a shining amalgam of Light.

    Its Omnipotence and Omnipresence and Omniscience means that It sees and knows all, but it also means that It is available to you as Loving Help, right here, right now.

    Take that into your heart, and use it.

    As ever, helping with that Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that letting God’s Good Thoughts replace your own random ones is a way to start seeing a better reality.

    We hear many of you say, “But I do not know God’s Thoughts.”

    You know one that many know: “I Am that I Am.”

    Try that, today. Think about it as much as you can. Say it. Ponder it.

    Feel it changing you heart.

    We are with you in the I Am,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grievances are like smog that hides the light of the sun.

    Let the Wind of Love blow your grievances away, and let the ever-present Light of Soul shine, shin, shine in your life.

    Expect Good, and Good is seen,

    Look for Good, and your ability to see it increases.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If it is My Will, then there is a way.

    Surrender your own plans, your own details of imagining Harmony, and let My Will be done. O’ dear love, it is much easier that way. And remember that your joy is My delight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, when using the prayer-thoughts of “opposites” from the “Inner Index Card”, by thinking of the quality of the Divine that you need to see before you, and around you, and in yourself, when you feel that you are seeing sorrowful earth things, that it is YOU that must ask for Divine Help in changing YOUR thoughts.

    If you are observing your own thoughts and reactions, and find yourself thinking that someone before you is acting uncharitable, or unaffectionate, or impatient, then it is YOU that must pause, and pray, “Dear Divine Helper, Please help me think of and see the good qualities of Love and Life and Gladness that are the Spiritual Truth of the Perfect Individual that You created, that now is in my thoughts.” Then, WAIT, and see what whisper you hear from your Heart about what divine quality to look for, and expand on, as you think about the person before you, or as you try to adjust your own behavior.

    It is not asking God to change the person that you are, or to change the person before you—it is asking God to help you see and think of and feel the perfect beings that God already created each individual facet of Itself to already be. Ask God for Help to see God in yourself and in everyone and everything around you, and take time to listen for and receive that Help, and it will change your experience of this earthly life completely.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you give kindness, but see no immediate reward, let your human self remember that you are giving to yourself. Let your human self not forget that what you send forth on earth always comes back to you on earth, though it may be separated by enough time that you do not see the connection. Send forth peace, be peace, for peace IS what your heart truly desires.

    On a level of Spirit, give Peace also. Your Divine Spirit Self has never forgotten that All is connected, and that when you give forth love and honor, you are doing it for the Whole Divine, of which you are a part. In the human mind, you may wish to think of this as doing your work and your good acts for God. See the God in the Other, and do it for that manifestation of God, no matter whether the other human is appreciative or not, or responsive or not, or reciprocates or not.

    You truly are all in this together. Act like it.

    Endlessly urging your Best,


  • Dear Beloved,

    Endlessly, we watch you. We watch you with love, hoping for a chance to help you achieve the Best Self that you have come here to be. We honor your plan, and we honor your right to choose what to enact and what to do, so we need your permission to help that plan be enacted.

    You are living your plan. We do not ask you to turn over the living of it to anyone but yourself. We just ask that you give the divine Infinite a chance to provide the loving resources that you need to enact that Dream, that you keep in your heart. We just ask that we be allowed to help distribute your gift when you decide that your gift is ready to be shared.

    You brought that gift, whatever yours is, with you when you came to this life. We ask you to feel the truth, that your gift wants to be explored and shared. Believe this, that we would love to help bring that about, guided by your own love of your gift and your own will that it be so.

    You have already begun it by coming here to this life. All of our love and all of the abundance of the Universe stand ready to back you up. Call out to the Universe in a voice of love, knowing that a loving voice is the voice it hears, and answers. Call out in a feeling of full faith that the Universe supports you.

    Endlessly, we listen. When you say, “Yes”, we act. To doubt yourself and your gifts, and your ability to contribute them to the world is to say, “Maybe”. Do not doubt yourself and your gifts. Instead, trust and say, “Yes”, and let a new world of possibilities open up before you.

    We are lovingly listening,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a stage of understanding, wherein you gain the trust of another by sharing their wounds, by telling of your own. There is a place of such identification with the physical world and the physical body that trust can only be gained by listening, for a time, to the complaints about the body and the world.

    But listen silently, without listening. Let your own ear be utterly tuned to the Truth of the Creator, that nothing is impossible for the Creator, and that the Creator only creates Good. If a play, a projection, is painted from light, it can be changed dramatically and quickly by asking the focuser of the light to make the changes. Have mercy on, and sympathy for, those who are so intent on looking at the play of light that they have forgotten that it is being projected from elsewhere, and can be focused from Elsewhere, but let yourself, as assistant to the Light, remember it ALWAYS.

    And, do so with love,

    All our very best, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask to see, and look for, the Light of Joy today. Believe us, It IS all around you, though sometimes It may seem to be as hidden as the lights of a home that have not yet been lit for the evening.

    When looked for, and opened to, and expected, Spiritual Sight is facilitated, for the looking indicates willingness, and when you “turn to Divine Love, draw nigh unto Divine Love, Divine Love, Loving Life, draws nigh unto you.”

    Enjoy finding ways to show God your willingness and intent to be One with Harmony, for such is the Joy that can feed and fuel and supply all your wellness and days.

    As a child, seek the Wonder of Joy today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No change, in yourself or in those of family, friend, or stranger whom you try to teach or help, is permanent unless it is instigated and backed up by, the power of the Divine Source. Only by turning to that Divine Cause for guidance in knowing your own true self, and in seeing the eternal truth of others, will you see Creation’s Reality.

    The worldly aspects of virtue and vice will shift and change, with different areas of your life seeming like the “good” or the “bad”. Only that which you see revealed with your spiritual Sight, and with the help of the Divine Love that sustains you, is truly real.

    Go again and again to the truths of the positive Force that is your Source, and use only those to clear your sight, and to help yourself, and others who ask for your help, to change, and shed the human drama for divine serenity. Following endless human laws or lists of religious dogmatic laws will not permanently help a soul find peace. Only turning to the Gracious Cause will do that.

    Only looking to the Original will help you see what you really are, and be that.

    You are Love. When in doubt or turmoil, forgive and Love. Pay no attention to the shifting roles and costumes. Just forgive and Love the Essence that is one and the same in all.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here is a very Important thing to understand. True forgiveness means letting go of all the assumptions and memories you have about others and yourself. You can think of it as a cast of actors that you used in another play, whom you now want to use in a new play.

    For you WANT to see a new play, do you not, Beloved? You want to see those around you, and yourself, as Blessed and Good? If so, then you must let go of all old assumptions and grievances and obsessions, and decide to cast them in your new play as all good souls. Ask for Spirit’s Help with your second sight, and write in your mind a new role for yourself and everyone in your world, all good souls of the Greater Soul.

    This can be very necessary especially with those whom with you have very long term or involved interactions. It can seem daunting, for instance, to forget, to let go of, all old irritations and assumptions about the personality of a spouse or a sibling. But if you want to see a new, fresh view of that one’s Lovable soul, you must let go of all the old visions of him or her. Ask for Divine Help in doing so.

    And ask for Divine Help in letting yourself shine forth as a Divine soul, too.

    For you are. We know that. Let yourself believe it, and act it.

    In deep Love,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a star of light, held in place in the Firmament of All That Is by the loving power of Healing Spirit.

    I am a star of Light in the Glorious puzzle of All.

    Healing Spirit, hold me.

    Healing Spirit, shield me.

    Healing Spirit, surround and support me.

    Healing Spirit, work through me

    to connect me with All.

    What you give also holds you in place,

    Love holds all the stars of light together in the Mind of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be a seeker of Joy today. Be a seeker of extra Joy today. Find extra fuel for living and extra Will for Understanding God, by being a seeker of extra Joy today.

    Were you not thrilled to see the bright full moon setting just now when We urged you to get up immediately and go to the next room with its west window? All those kinds of small, breathtaking sights can raise your Joy to overflowing. And then, how easy it is to fulfill your task of giving Joy to uplift others. What a new world it would be, if all sought to be truly filled with the sublime Divine Joy of the Infinite.

    Yes, yes, We know the lawn mower must be hauled in for servicing. But We tell you there will be an opportunity to sweetly counsel someone at the station, and that will raise Joy. And yes, We know there are wild blown branches in the yard to gather and stack, but We know you will hear the phoebes sing while you do so. And yes, We know there are the papers and the dust and the dishes to deal with, as there always are. But We tell you, Child, We remind you, Child, that every task that is accompanied by a welcoming of Divine Joy can truly become an act of Joy.

    New levels of appreciation of the everyday Good can be attained this week, Beloved. Ask for Our Help, and attain them, for then you have floodtides of Joy with which to manifest your Best life, and to raise the Joy of others.

    We are counting on you, and all who have given their hearts to Us, to do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you know that the elements of earthly motivation that are not of the goodness of God are not a valid part of you, and can be discarded as falsity, so also know that there is never any invalidity in the impulse to heal.

    Let Compassion reign in you, for yourself and others. When the reflection of the Source first fell asleep and dreamed it was separate and alone, God’s instant answer was a compassionate healing of that error. Because that instant Compassion is of the Source, it is also a valid part of you.

    Reach out to heal others and you heal yourself. Reach out and re-bind yourself to the knowledge that you are all part of One, and you will be “Home” in an awakened awareness again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you wind your way along your own particular road back to an understanding of your place in the Great Scheme of All, be gentle with those you glimpse on other pathways. Not all are as simple or as glorious as they may look, and it is certain that many times you see only the costume, and not the dedicated, complicated Soul beneath, who has agreed to play an unusual or difficult role, for you, or for someone else.

    Be not hard. Let judgment fall away from your heart, for only the One Spirit that resides around and in all things can understand the purpose of all. Let the fetters of assumptions fall away from your mind, and remember that, beyond your individualized perception, all beings are perfectly in place for what they, and you, need to learn.

    From the cab driver you yell at, only to find out that he is one of the most important people in saving your joy and your life, to the stranger whose life you transform with the fanciful smile and the kind comment you make as you walk by, all things work together to lead you back to knowing “I am One.” From the courageous choice you make to obey an impulse of Inner Spirit to give away a cherished thing, to the joyous obedience of the directive to love someone whom you already love, all your days will come together in the Awareness where there is no time. When you carry God-Consciousness with you through your moments of time, you will realize how very, very rich you are, have always been, and will always be.

    We applaud all progress, and see the winning end,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here you are now.

    Drop all thoughts of yesterday, and past victories or mistakes, and move back into the simplicity of asking, “Open my eyes, dear Love, and help me see, all the Blessings You have in Your ever-living plan for me.”

    Then open the eyes of your heart, and look, and look, and love, and see,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no greater worth of any given moment than turning your thoughts to Divine Source, and letting Its Thoughts, and Its Qualities of Being fill your consciousness.

    All the small excuses that you can think up to not spend some time doing this—that you must be somewhere at a certain moment, or that a particular task is more urgent than staying centered in Awareness, etc. etc., are all worldly things that should not be considered as having power over the One Cause. Do not place your faith in an earthly power that does not exist. Do not let those earthly excuses fool you and keep you from your rightful and deserved Joy.

    Since the Delightful and Delighting One Power is All There Is, without time and space and matter, It can compensate your experience for anything your human thought is worries that it will be late to or not have enough time for or the understanding or strength to do. Trust in That which is over all time and space, not the fleeting shadows that make up what you experience with the “physical” senses.

    It IS Real, Beloved,

    Turn to It, again and again and again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, when you pray for someone, it is not the other person you are truly praying to change, it is your own perception you are asking to be clarified and heightened. In the Divine Consciousness, that “other” person is already a perfect and marvelous idea. Your prayer is about having your own consciousness opened enough to See the perfection of the other.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as a mother does not love her child any less when he stumbles and falls while he is learning to walk, so does the Mother/Father of All Light, not Love you any less as you are learning to remember that you are one with Her, of Her, and as Her, in all ways that mean anything in the test of time.

    Be at Peace today, Beloved, and keep taking steps. Keep remembering and learning, aiming your thoughts at the Wondrous Love that Loves you always, and All It represents.

    For that is what you also Are.


  • Ah, Child,

    Do not think of yourself as yourself today, but as simply an extension of God.

    Go forth and be kind today, a ray of light from the Light, a warmth of love from Love.

    Go forth, and God will help you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as in the days of human affairs, there are those days to just sit back and let others love you and assist you, so let it be with Me, my love.

    Sit back of your own thoughts today, dear one, and let Me Love you.

    Just let Me Love you.

    Spirit of God

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Intention of the Divine Source is happening right now. It has happened and it will happen, from your point of view in linear time. In the timelessness of the Source, you are ever perfect and ever Loved. The more you can abide in that Thought, “I am living in the Knowledge of Heaven, right now”, the more you will be able to calmly view the events of you life with a trust and a joy that carry you through the rest of your time-moments.

    You do not have to wait upon physical death to reach Joy. You need but turn your focus inwards and accept the Truth of the Source, and Its intent for your utter Joy.

    Instantaneous healings DO occur, we assure you. For they are already True in the realm of Heaven. Reflect them here, for yourself, and for others, and be Free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The deep, steady and constant support of My Love that is your Life force is just that—steady and constant. Its constancy is something you are so accustomed to that you do not realize how easily you could turn to it for more than you are asking.

    Just as you would notice, in your day to day life, if gravity suddenly stopped working, I assure you that if the impossible were to happen, and the force of my Love and Life were suddenly not working, you would cease. But, just as gravity can be used purposefully to achieve tasks of engineering and movement, so can the force of My Love be used by you to shine Light into the earthly experience, if you but understand It and choose to employ Its Qualities.

    This is the Truth and the repeatable way to live and use the Force of Love.

    Join those who live with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Any gifts or talents you have are but reflections from the Center Of All .

    Therefore, give due Glory where Glory is truly due, and, in this way, see your gifts magnified, and solidified, even more.

    There is no greater Truth than what is simply true, that you are the Goodness that the Center of All made you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One hair stuck in the teeth can ruin the enjoyment of a wonderful meal.

    One annoyance held in the heart can ruin a beautiful day. Take time to give it up. Forgive, forgive. Put it in perspective., and forgive.


  • Dear Beloved,

    Endlessly, we watch you. We watch you with love, hoping for a chance to help you achieve the Best Self that you have come here to be. We honor your plan, and we honor your right to choose what to enact and what to do, so we need your permission to help that plan be enacted.

    You are living your plan. We do not ask you to turn over the living of it to anyone but yourself. We just ask that you give the divine Infinite a chance to provide the loving resources that you need to enact that Dream, that you keep in your heart. We just ask that we be allowed to help distribute your gift when you decide that your gift is ready to be shared.

    You brought that gift, whatever yours is, with you when you came to this life. We ask you to feel the truth, that your gift wants to be explored and shared. Believe this, that we would love to help bring that about, guided by your own love of your gift and your own will that it be so.

    You have already begun it by coming here to this life. All of our love and all of the abundance of the Universe stand ready to back you up. Call out to the Universe in a voice of love, knowing that a loving voice is the voice it hears, and answers. Call out in a feeling of full faith that the Universe supports you.

    Endlessly, we listen. When you say, “Yes”, we act. To doubt yourself and your gifts, and your ability to contribute them to the world is to say, “Maybe”. Do not doubt yourself and your gifts. Instead, trust and say, “Yes”, and let a new world of possibilities open up before you.

    We are lovingly listening,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Another way to think about God’s Gracious and Great and Complete Calm becoming evident in your life is as “Divine Equilibrium”. Like the water in a delta going to equal level in every inlet and outlet, or the cells in a body exchanging water through osmosis, think of yourself as a part of the equilibrium of the body of life.

    Equilibrium. Realize that whatever you have to offer, another would like to have. Realize that whatever you would like to receive, another has to give. Think about the Divine Order that has all arranged so that all have their part to play in this endless placement and replacement of energy.

    What you have to supply, another has the demand for. Whether it is an artistic sense, or whether it is the ability to tie a good knot, or whether it is the desire to hear someone sing in tune, think of the flowing of needs and desires, Divinely Led, and let yourself be smoothly in that Flow.

    You will Know it when you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you ask God once a day, or a thousand times, or forget to ask at all, “How much do you Love me?”, the answer is always the same, “100%”.

    The Love does not stop if you forget to ask. There It is, around you and in you and waiting for you. It does not run out or run away if you ask over and over again. It is Complete and It is Unlimited.

    Ask for It all you want and need and It is there. 100%, always.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Leap over the usual list of small comforts and reliefs to be grateful for, and move to full gratitude for the fact that Love Itself Loves you.

    Let the complete and pervasive communion of that flood your consciousness, and know yourself Whole, Beloved. Know yourself Whole.

    Omnipresence and Omnipotence are just that, Beloved.

    Accept that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We give you a simple assignment today, to help enhance your Spiritual perceptions.

    Every person you meet has at least one visible or perceivable Divine Quality. Look for that today. Sometimes you can see such things as generosity without even speaking with them. Sometimes a brief conversation will reveal their astounding creativity or gentle kindness or imagination, etc. Just look, look, look. For, as you practice seeing Qualities of God around you, you will see more and more. And, you will begin to cherish and acknowledge them in yourself.

    We will do this with you. Listen to Our Whispers.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The only multi-tasking that will actually help you calmly and efficiently and wisely accomplish more each day is to layer your tasks on top of Good. Ponder Good, receive Good, Love Good, expect Good.

    Let Good be in Its rightful place as the central core of you, and place It first at the top of your list each day, each hour, each minute.

    Spirit made you of Light, but Good, God, is the Breath of your Life.

    When you live this, all is easier,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust not your own evaluation of yourself, and what you have done for good or error. You have no complete idea of how many lives you have touched and will still touch by things you do, directed by Spirit, that seem of little consequence to you. This is so for everyone. So many, many puzzle pieces make up the whole that no one piece can understand its own impact.

    And that is why you must simply endeavor to stay aligned with Good Will and obedient to the Loving Divine, and trust that the Great Good of Harmony oversees all in a plan of unity and awakening. Be in Harmony and the Divine can shine as you, as It wills to shine as all.

    Releasing feels good, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The most difficult thing for a newly awakened soul to teach the human mind that it is connected to is that it is not the body or the worldly situation that needs to be healed—it is the concept of self. It is to teach the self to redefine itself and realize that the person is not the body or the home or work situation, it is a divine and wonderful and perfect spirit part of God. As the concept of the truth of self is glimpsed again, and believed in, so does the outer appearance also change.

    You are a perfect spirit child of Spirit. When you come to know that, all else falls into place, and then you can teach others the same.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Quite often, the Wisdom of the quote “This is the day that God has made, rejoice in it and be glad”, is much easier to experience fully if you remain flexible and obedient to the Gentle Inner Voice.

    If you were planning an errand to a nearby town, or a task done from a list, or a phone call for business, to be done upon the morrow, but you get a sudden inkling to take care of it right now, TODAY, then do it. As God swirls Its different Ideas about in place and time that can be Best for all, the willingness of the Ideas to adjust the details of their lives to God’s timing is important for Harmony to appear. As one of God’s Ideas, you might delightfully find that changing your schedule because of an impulse from Divine Voice, creates extra reasons to rejoice in your day.

    The resultant Joy might be very obvious, or you may need to keep your eyes open wide to see the Extra Good, or you may never know about the trouble you avoided by being a day “early”, but We assure you that learning to hear and heed God’s suggestions is an asset in your experience of Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, as always, you will be presented with many chances to choose to express Love and Compassion. You do realize that is your choice, do you not?

    The difficulty comes in two ways. One is in overcoming any personal feelings of irritation or annoyance or surprise that may wish to leap out and “attack”. The other is in not humanly always knowing exactly WHAT is the most compassionate or loving thing to do in a situation.

    In both cases, hand over the human will and the human wondering to the Divine Control within. In both cases, It can Help. It will Help. All you need to do is turn to It, pause long enough to give It your will, and let It Help.

    Practice this today, Beloved. Practice this always.

    And Let yourself bask in the Love that overflows as you do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you reach the moments of enlightenment, a great deal of your own joy will come from letting that Light shine to others. When It glows within you and around you, you will not need to try to convince others of Its worth, for the happiness and the peace that are on you will be the demonstration.

    And yet, even while you seek within your private prayer or meditation room to know the Divine intimately, and feel not yet ready to help others with their walk, have them in your heart. Whether you are soul who is a speaker in front of thousands, or a single individual on retreat, sending blessings to others with your heart is an important part of having the Divine River of Unconditional Love come to you. It keeps the waters of your Spirit clear. It keeps the waters of your Spirit flowing, and is the means by which new opportunities and chances for learning and growing are carried into your day.

    So, even when your heart truly leads you into self-healing time, forget not the blessings that you call forth from the Source for others, so that you may enrich and tend the self without becoming lost in the self.

    Reach out and give, today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter how much all those around you are caught up in the earthly moment, whether horrific or of body celebration, YOU can stay centered in the everlasting moment deep within the Heart of Being. Make no mistake—staying centered in the Light, and thus being a pinhole for the Light to shine through into the darkness of the great sleeping, will do more Good than you can possibly imagine.

    Calm claiming of the Truth of Life as the Force that creates and sustains can do more to shift perception and your sense of reality than we can describe in words. Falling into to any sort of anger and sense of revenge or futility is the curtain that is drawn over the Light. The Light will always come through. It does not fail and will never fail and has not failed, although it can seem so to dark human perception.

    Continue being a point of Light, and realize that alternate realities and futures CAN be seen, if you stand next to, and within, the Light and see with the eyes of Its Love.

    Claim Life for all. Claim Light for all. Shared prayers of Truth have effect, and if you have not witnessed that for yourself just yet, you will have to trust for that, and begin to learn the meaning of deep, deep faith.

    All sweet comfort and love extends to you now, allow it to be felt and to Heal you, and all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust in the Truth of the Creator to Govern you. Let God drive. Listen to God’s Voice, and only act or move or speak, by Its prompting.

    Even more importantly, trust in the Truth of God to Govern others. When faced with behavior in others that is unsettling to you, for either good or bad, turn inward, and remember, “I trust in God’s Truth to Govern this other aspect of Itself, wonderfully and well. I let God govern me, and I recognize that it is God’s job to Govern others.”

    For if you do, All is well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It would seem you are at a hesitant place about some things, but we remind you that sometimes other events and people, with their intentions and attentions to their own Divine instructions, must be patiently waited for to fall into place.

    This is a perfect time to contemplate the perfect Sight of God, that sees all things as they are meant to be, and ARE, under the glimmering illusion of earthly mirage. Contemplate that unearthly perception, and trust Its timing. Have the quiet trust of God, and let it permeate your thoughts and consciousness.

    Reaffirm, with deep longing of true desire to See, “I am perfect spirit within Spirit, right now.” Pretend you are on a special date, or outing, with God today, and do not let your attention stray to the other characters or events around you, any more than you would read a book or watch a cartoon, while also at dinner with a lover.

    God is your ultimate Lover, Beloved, and Loves you here and now. Concentrate on that, and know that the next steps will become obvious, when every step includes loving, and being Loved by, God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forget the past and the future when you are thinking about the Source of All Things.

    Give yourself the gift of those timeless moments when the chill of the fingers reminds you of the new season for a moment, or when all of your attention is focused on the wonder of a ladybug being able to fly. Be in timelessness when you are awestruck by the very truth that Love exists, and that It keeps on surging forth in the unlikeliest of situations, as strangers step forward to help each other, or as a Loving answer, a Loving idea, comes into your awareness in response to a question you have had for a very, very long time.



  • Ah, Love,

    Settle into the depth of My Love as you would settle into a hot bath on a cold day, or into a cool pool of water on a hot day.

    Yes, your earthly experiences can seem like hot and cold days, but I am ever with you, ready to be whatever antidote, whatever comfort, whatever solution or celebration you need.

    Feel Me with you, and surrender to the gratitude for the Wonder of it all.

    So tenderly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You may not believe all the various rules of the religion you were raised in, or the religions or systems of spirituality you are exposed to, but if you do even believe in loving the Divine Maker, and loving yourself, and living by the Golden Rule, then think about this: How much time each day do you spend following the various rules of your world? How much time each day do you spend just stopping at stop signs or obeying basic telephone courtesy?

    Will you make a choice to spend as much quiet time communing with the Divine Creation that made you as you spend at stop signs each day? Or, will you give equal time to centering yourself in the dynamic energy of Peace that is the Divine, as you give to checking your email folder each day?

    Begin in such small ways, and let you prove to yourself how delightful and energizing it can be, to feed your Inner Self in small increments by honoring God’s Law the way you honor human law and convention. Let yourself be amazed at the ways in which God’s Law of Love begins to operate in your life, when you let yourself give time to it, and receive It in return.

    God is not greedy, except in wanting more happiness for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because of expectations that are human and body-based, sometimes (oftentimes!), it can be hardest to forgive and forget with those people in life whom one loves the most.

    Then, Beloved, it is time to turn to loving the self, so that you may love them as you love yourself. It is time to remember, and be grateful for, all the times you have been forgiven, by the people around you, and saved from calamity by the Grace of God. We assure you, you have no idea of how many times your “guardian angels” have intervened to make sure you were not humanly punished for some infraction of human laws, or emotional contracts.

    Think about this. We say this not to have you feeling guilty, but to have you realize that even as Grace has judged you INNOCENT and worthy of preserving and loving, so can you do the same for those around you. All are forgiven for the errors of the earth-dream by Spirit, and you can ask Spirit to help you do the same.

    And, at the same time, you can ask for Help in truly realizing that your expectations of fulfillment can always be directed at the Loving Source. That is truly the only place from which you can expect Good, and know you will never be failed. God/Goddess is the Source of All, and to mistakenly lay that burden on any human in your life is to set yourself up for disappointment.

    Turn to the Loving Source, Beloved. Turn to It for confirmation of your Innocence, and the Fountain of Love that is there for you, and the Help in forgiving and loving others. Turn to It to be so filled with Unconditional Love, that you find you have plenty left over to give, as enjoyment and compassion and appreciation and release from all blame.

    We are with you, watching over you,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Representing God’s Love accurately only requires sincere willingness.

    The Loving Spirit that is your true Life-Force is ever-Present, and does not flicker up and down like human attention. Practice paying steady attention, and being constantly willing, and be ready to be delighted by the spillover of Divine Soul.

    “Use me, God. Lovingly and Openly use me.”

    “I welcome seeing your Heaven on earth as here and now. Use me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when your day or conversations or old letters have immersed you in sweet memories, still remember that you must re-center yourself in the moment and power of now. Whether good or ill, the illusions of material life are still illusions, and you must remind yourself that all true power is in the spiritual Source of all.

    Therefore, this night also, set aside the reminiscing, and remember, “I and my Source are one, right here, right now.”

    Be grateful to all that have played heroes and villains in your play,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are truly a clear bit of mirror on the edge of the horizon that seems to shine with “events”—and each bit of mirror reflects the Light and Goodness and Warmth, Warmth, Warmth of the Source-Light that shines in the center of all.

    Be that Light today, Beloved, for you cannot truly be anything else. Let the shadow smudges be ignored, just as you would ignore some dust on your closet’s mirror, when checking your appearance before leaving the house. Only the real, moving Life is the image to see, when you look in the mirror, and slip into your shoes to walk the day.

    Only the Real, delightful reflection of the Source Light is True, as you go forth to demonstrate the Warmth of the reflected Light. Be the real you, nothing else is true.

    We know, Darling, that there are those who think that what you speak of, when you speak of the Source, is too esoteric to be proven or useful. The answer to that is to simply keep on being a living example of generosity and forgiveness. The answer to that is to enact the ideas the Source gives you. The ideas the Source gives you are seeds. Water them with Love, and they grow into the very useful and practical things you need to demonstrate Life truly lived.

    We See the Real You. Turn to our testimony of your Identity, when false labels try to stick to you.

    So Lovingly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgive yourself, as the Spirit of God has forgiven you, for human errors you have made. The Loving Soul of God knows that mortal mistakes have not touched the Good of the Divine Soul reflection you are. The Loving God knows you can be taught, and redeemed, and tenderly brought into alignment with the Harmony that heals and directs.

    Forgiveness is not the same as justification or rationalization. The lies or poor behaviors of others do not remove your own responsibilities to be as God wants you to be, and that God made you, and all, to be. Forgive yourself because you can trust that God’s Spirit is telling the truth about forgiving you, and is gladly helping to overcome the errors, and help you remember who you are as an offspring of God.

    No excuses. Just turn to the Good, be willing, and move forward in Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Observe how your prayers vary. Always let them be a listening to God, but notice when you are hoping for energizing ideas and supply and courage and strength, and when what you really need is a deep calm and release from agitation and worry.

    Take a day now and then to simply seek the deep Calm of God, and then the receiving of all else will be easier. Deep Calm. Deep Peace. They are part of the Core of which God made you.

    Feel It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine, as a child would imagine, that everything around you is made out of something different than you have always thought. And imagine that this new “something” everything is made out of is perfect in every way–able to adapt and adjust to every circumstance in a way that is best for everybody.

    Now imagine that there is something you have or someone you know that is broken. Or that you are broken. And then that you remember that everything is really made out of this other substance, and it adapts and changes as it is needed to fix everything. You might be looking down at that person’s broken leg, or listen to him argue about something, and say to yourself, it looks like he doesn”t have a leg to stand on (or his argument doesn”t have a leg to stand on), but then you think to yourself, “His good leg is working, and it is made of the same wonderful and perfect thing that the other one is made of. So, I will picture and realize that in the space where there seems to be a broken thing, the amazing and perfect something that makes up everything flows back into the shape it remembers to be right.

    And it does. And it is Love. It is perfection. It is happiness.

    As True Reality will always be,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Going Home to Soul. Being constantly at Home in Soul.

    This Soul-dweller is Who you are, What you are, dear one.

    Walk through your days, and observe them and enjoy them, and expand the space for Love, but always, always, O’ Beloved, remain at Home in Soul.

    Relax in the knowledge that All Good is tending your Home of Soul,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The availability of the Healing Force is Absolute.

    But to use It, you must turn to It. To see It work for others, you must turn to It.

    Like your knowledge of cooking, It will not do anything if you do not pick up its ingredients, and USE your knowledge, and put those ingredients(qualities) together for the feast.

    Be the craftsman, and use the Divine Tool,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Well do we realize that when one thinks of the illusory nature of the supposed “physical laws”, there can be fright, and a sense of meaninglessness at first. But when one looks beneath that surface fear of an entire framework of belief changing, then one begins to see the freedom that is a part of it.

    For if the human mind creates and mis-creates what it thinks it sees, then can it also CHANGE what it decides to see. And in choosing to see only the Good, and therefore aligning with what God would have you see in the dream, then are you beginning to see little bits of the Reality of Good that is the Pure Spirit of God.

    Feel the delight of change being possible, and you will begin to feel true freedom in your heart.

    There IS a way out of pain sense,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes all you need to overcome fear and doubt and discouragement is to ask a friend of great faith to join you in prayer. Try it.

    We help too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grace is so warm. It rests the soul and melts the heart of stone. It lets you feel so relaxed into God’s point of view that you can truly, sincerely, ask to See all as God Sees. Then, you See revealed the reality of Goodness, seeing beyond the tattered costumes and worn hills, to understand yourself to truly be a part of the Infinite beauty that ever expands, but does not fail.

    You do not fail, or die. You are forever unfolded with the Infinite Sight, as Its demonstration. Though a costume and a moment in time may be cast aside, you can already experience the Inner Joy of being a part of It All.

    Rest into that warmth. Welcome It. What does fretting gain you? Rest into Warmth Divine, now, Beloved, and feel Blessed. Accepting and being grateful for Blessings brings more Blessings. Is not that the greatest gift of all?


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Do not take lightly our term “Beloved”. It is the pure Truth.

    If you but really understood how very fond of you God is, then you would have no doubts that God does truly project Goodness as your Being, know your innocence, and want all the Best Ideas around you and for you and with you, all the time.

    Time does not exist in the pure reality of God, but God sent a gentle Spirit into your dream of time, to help you, to awaken you, to assist you in seeing Goodness and yearning to remember that it is already yours as soon as you want it. It is indeed God’s Good pleasure to give you the Kingdom of Peace and Joy within, as you are ready to accept it as the only important thing there is, the Omnipotent Reality that is the true home of your Soul-Self.

    Believe you, and all, are Divinely Loved, and all else will harmonize,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that a great part of your human consciousness now understands that the body and its accoutrements are but tools to serve you and others in the learning and teaching of your Oneness of Being.

    So when a moment of frustration comes, with an elderly computer, or any other person or thing, USE it as an opportunity to examine your thoughts. Have you let yourself be seduced into an assumption that age equals decline in ability? Do you let a moment of delay become a chance for impatience to try to rule you, rather than exercising patience and appreciation?

    The insidious nature of the shadow thoughts of the world is their persistent presence in the “everyday”, and how seemingly firmly they are entrenched in the minds around you, and in yours. Do not be fooled, Beloved. Every moment is a chance to practice the Qualities of Pure Loving Spirit, and every mind that you encounter that seems so stubbornly hypnotized by what it has been mis-taught to them can give you ever-greater inspiration to be a beacon of light and a practitioner of Unconditional Love.

    We are counting on you, and remind you that the end is already Good in God,

    Stay in Hope, and Joy at what changes bring,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Absolute, unquestioning willingness to receive the Power of God’s Superconscious Thought over human thought.

    That is instantaneously healing.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In sweet time, All Is Well. For those within the bubble of time-space sense, that can be long or brief, but We assure you that from the timeless Presence, that Sees all your dream of time at once, Its Love pours over you. Each time you listen or do not listen to Its advice of what to say or do, and each time that you feel or do not feel Its nudging of the smoothest path to take, It Loves you. It Loves and Loves and Loves you endlessly, and absolutely KNOWS you are safely where you have always been, in Its Heart, no matter what you seem to be doing in linear time.

    Reflect that Love to yourself. If you forgot for some hours yesterday to claim “I Love Me”, forgive yourself, and claim it again. It is a bottomless Well of Love, and you can drink from It always, anytime, all time, from anywhere.

    We offer you the Cup of Knowing,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    What gifts have you been given by the Universe of Wholeness, of which you are a part, right here, right Now?

    Open your eyes and See them, and Appreciate them, for in the grace of Appreciation, you open your Self up to receiving the fullness of your own Divine Inheritance, of truly being all that you can be, and are, if you would just take stock of what is already yours, and love it.

    Love it, love it, love it, and See what else love reveals. Dare to be amazed by Love.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you ask God for healing, or help with a human problem, and you wait for a sign or a word, but instead feel an inexplicable Joy rise in your heart, go for the Joy.

    Immerse yourself in It, let It suffuse you. Stop looking at the bodily symptoms or the problem paperwork, and simply allow yourself to feel the Joy of God. Allowing the Infinite and pervasive feel of that Substance of Joy helps convert your Spiritual Understanding to the High Consciousness wherein there is no healing needed, no problems to solve. There is only the Wonderful Glory of God and Love Divine.

    Like thanking a friend in advance when you know they will do you a favor, revel in and honor the Joy of God, for as you understand It, you will understand that all Good comes to those that honor the Mighty All of God. The Joy is a part of the healing or solution that is coming, but giving reign to It is the way to let It do Its Work. Let go of the worries, let go of the details of the body, and simply feel the Wondrous Power of the Joy of the Substance of God.

    It will do the Work. Be grateful and glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiving yourself for your own human foolishness, of youth, or of a minute ago, is an important part of moving into acceptance of Divine Governance.

    Yes, it helps to ask forgiveness of any whom you may have hurt within the human drama, but it is even more important to understand that the Creator never condemned the essence of you. The Creator continued to see only the perfect innocent child reflection of Its own idea, and in that Love and trust YOU can trust.

    It is arrogance and foolishness indeed to stay in self-condemnation when what will serve God best is for you to forgive, repair, and move forward in worthy work for yourself, for others, for all. Therein lays Gladness, for you, and for All.

    Ask for Help to be not foolish again, but move forward and grow into your own heritage as God’s child.

    You ARE Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Unconditional Love Itself is holding you. Let It hold you with your complete and full attention. Give It your attention as though you were working on an intricate task. Hold your thought steady, keep your intention focused and serene, and LET It do Its Work.

    Beloved, It will not only inspire and guide and soothe and heal, It will wash away old beliefs that may be blocking you from being the most incredible You that reflects Its marvelous divinity and wholeness. Health and wholeness and full provision and demonstration of your individual talents are good, good, good things. Let no one tell you otherwise. Let no old thing you heard say otherwise.

    You ARE a shining part of Soul and today the Great Soul of the All That Is wants to polish you up. To polish you, like the owner that tenderly polishes his silver, Soul tenderly holds you. Let yourself be held, and concentrate on seeing yourself shine. And let yourself shine to yourself and to others, for you are a beautiful force.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so easy to get consumed by praying about your own human concerns, or those of your immediate community, but it is important to also spend time contemplating the Loving Governance of the Divine for the entire human family and its earthly home. To be caught up in addressing the challenges or joys of only your own immediate circle, is to lose sight of the shared dream of the worldly stage, and the interconnectedness of all.

    And, to practice praying Good for those whose individual stories and details you do not know anything about is a way of affirming oneness with God that does not get detoured by mortal pathos or discouragement. It can be very freeing, in your Spiritual practice and honoring of the Divine Truth to simply focus on the Great Harmony and smoothness of Being that you desire for all, all, all, and that you know are available from the One Cause, Love.

    Today, and some minutes each day, pray for ALL.

    Pray to be privileged to See Heaven Now, here and there.


  • Ah, beloved,

    When you try finding qualities to be grateful for in those around you, it feels good.

    Is not that reason enough to practice doing it daily?

    The spiritual growth and the re-thinking of thought that occurs, and the resultant improvement in your life circumstances, are what you will also see. But for now, do it because it feels happy. Do it because it feels Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that you know that the most wonderful part of turning to the Quiet Presence within is that It always, always Loves you.

    It Loves you when you are generous and kind, It Loves you when you mess up or lose your temper. It Loves you when you forget to Love yourself or others. Yes, It may gently rebuke you for errors, but the Love, Love, Love is always there.

    Take an inspiration from that, Beloved, and do always be Love, the Real thing you are made of. Would you not be glad to know that others could count on turning to you, and knowing you would be Loving?

    This does not mean you have to pretend that errors should not be fixed, or ways mended. But it does mean that you stay always aware that all is only mended by Love. Be one that always keeps Love close to hand and heart and mind, just as the Presence is ALWAYS Love to you and for you and with you.

    These are not just platitudes. It is the way to Live.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    However long you think you must wait for something to occur, you must remember that the Source Light, God, is timeless. That not only means that you can constantly, and always, access the sweet Calm of God within, it means that all things can happen faster than you might imagine, when you remain in the outlook of God.

    And if there needs to be an awaiting of all the soul-reflections involved to be in the right Harmony, God will see to it. Your task is for YOUR thoughts to stay aligned with God-Source, and keep praying that God aligns the others quickly and completely and blessedly for all.

    Mind your thoughts, and look to see God revealed in others.

    All things are possible to God. Do not doubt it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When praying to be enabled to see Harmony visible in your world of consciousness, it is not just about Harmony between humans or countries or even insects and crops, or trees and the rain pattern.

    It is about deeply realizing that Harmony is an actual Divine Force, beyond physics and biology. It is a part of how God wants to direct your very thoughts, in line with Infinite Soul and Love.

    O. Dear Ones, pray to be Graced with a deep understanding of Harmony, and how to call upon It and welcome Its workings, from the tiny biotical in your belly to the very swirling of galaxies. It is a Force of Spirit, and naturally a part of the Life of you.

    You can glimpse the Infinite.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What a sweet day this is to count as your foremost Blessing the wonderful chance, at every moment, to hear the Glad Voice of God in your heart.

    Yes, we know that when we tell you to count your blessings, to pull yourself out of any tailspin of earthly challenges or emotions, you often think of the worldly blessings that are yours. But what would any of those be, if you were to lose the ability to connect with the Loving Source in the very essence of your Soul?

    Be glad. Be glad indeed for every tear and every joy that bids you turn to the center of the being that is you in Christ Consciousness, and BE alive as you are in no other realm.

    Celebrating with you, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Loving comes in many styles and forms and words and gestures. But so long as it is selfless and true and giving and forgiving, it is Real. Love that is Real reflects Divine Love, with no greed or possessiveness in it.

    Focus today on giving Love that is generous and appreciative and Real, Child. For the more you give forth of Divine Love, the more you will feel It enveloping and returning to you.

    You are made of Love, substance of All. Today, act like it by letting It action you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter when you are wondering about the meaning of life, whether it is in a moment of earthly ecstasy, or an hour of earthly despair, or when the worldly costume has worn out and you re-awaken into the consciousness of Spirit, the answer that the Divine will have for you is a question: “How completely did you Love? How Unconditionally did you Love? How much did you help expand the Light?”

    So, ask yourself that in every day and every hour, knowing that you do not need to transition out of the earthly paradigm to experience the Truth of living as you should, Loving always, and absolutely.

    The Love comes first, the good deeds naturally follow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For those that seem to want to cling to their body thoughts and see and know themselves as walking outside of the Whole of God, exude patience and love. Remember when you wanted the same. Remember when your body self and the care of it consumed all your thought and time.

    Bless each moment that you feel the freedom of spiritual peace, and be glad to know that each and every heart will achieve that in the great Order of All.

    There is a time to let go of thinking you must “save” anybody from their own pain or ignorance or error, and just work on keeping yourself so aligned with love that just your Presence reminds others of what they have forgotten, that they are Love, too.

    We see you all as pure Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The willingness to be the first to accede is more important than you can imagine.

    Be always the first to offer Peace. Be willing to welcome those to your heart and home who do not welcome you to theirs. They are confused and afraid and think they are limited by a body and all the efforts to keep that body fed and safe and whole.

    Yes, you are afraid sometimes, too. But since you have learned that the Infinite Truth of you is what prevails and endures, and is Infinitely provided for, is what You really are, it is up to you to carry the Peace of that Knowledge into every situation. You carry the Peace and offer It, and then the Peace and Truth do the Work.

    Be the one who refuses to be drawn into conflict. Be the one who offers Peace and then let Peace do Its Work.

    With relatives, friends, foes, strangers, you will not regret this,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Giving IS Receiving. How many times have we said that to you? So many that there is no count, and yet you will not really believe it until you prove it to yourself.

    The mind that thinks it is limited and separated from others and from all has a hard time grasping that all is One. One Mind, One Being, One swirling Infinity of Good Love energy.

    When you give away a gesture of love, when you give away goods or money or time, and find that even more comes back to you, you will begin to accept that truth. When it happens over and over, as you find the courage to test it, you will feel almost giddy with the realization of Infinitude.

    When Life and Love are Infinite, you cannot “run out” of them. When you realize you are joined in Thought with the Source of all Spirit, your Spirit Self will leap up, up, up for Joy.

    Keep testing it, Beloved. Keep testing it until you believe. And believe even before you test it, what you give forth in Spirit, you receive in Spirit, and Spirit is all the substance there is.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not condemn you for the stupid mistakes you feel you have made in the earth drama. God only Loves you, and says “Never mind that. Come to Me and be free to shine.”

    Once you understand that, and BELIEVE that, then you can flow forward in your perfect role in life, constantly directed by Love.

    Do not take our word for it. Go within, and hear for yourself what God thinks of you.

    We already know it is Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Some find it helpful to ask for Help,

    And then imagine sinking down, down, down into the center of their being, far below the surface senses, and THERE begin to see glimpses of the Real Calm World as Created True.

    For some, this “Deep Sea Diving” is easier than trying to imagine flying the thoughts upward into some celestial Heaven.

    Wherever you think you are, God IS with you, but each ray of Consciousness must find its own best way of accessing that.

    Wherever you think you are, you are LOVED,

    Let that Truth be the world you seek to find, up or down,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When kindness shines from you, when the very Presence of the Divine seems to glow around you and walk quietly beside you, then your simple “being there” is enough. When you are with others or seemingly alone, truth comes up, compassion upwells, peace is more prevalent. When you are there, others want to do the best for each other.

    When you are willing to be that vehicle for Spiritual Kindness, putting aside the thought of yourself as a body and personality with its demands, then every facet of life is lit up for all. Oh, do just picture, Beloved, what if enough hearts agreed to be vehicles? Begin that lovely dance of Goodness by being one yourself.

    Many instruments make the orchestra,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Will for you is happiness, within Harmony.

    Believe that, and trust that if you find yourself in situations that call for forgiveness, and letting go of anger, it is only so that you can welcome the chance to forgive and let go, and thus let Harmony’s reign be revealed.

    “Dear God, I welcome the washing of Your Truth over me and my thoughts, and my sight and thoughts of others, so that I may know and see the wondrous Goodness of Your Soul expressed, as me, and as others. Help me see Innocence and purity and Goodness today, and all days.”

    This works.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each and every sensibility that is an individualization of the One Cause is climbing a ladder back to that full awareness. Some are “ahead” of you on the climb, and some are “behind”, but all will achieve it, for they are already included in the Totality of God/All That Is. You cannot tell by worldly appearances where someone is on that ladder to Heaven, that Inner Mountain Climb, but you know that each one will begin it, and continue it until done, once they choose to begin.

    You cannot MAKE anyone take that first step, Beloved. You can offer, and you can demonstrate, and you can let yourself be used to let a word or action of Divine Authority come through, but then you must let that one climb at his or her own pace.

    Oh, how softly patient you must be, with yourself and others,

    Practice that, and be Grateful for each step you gain,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you mistakenly thought that 2 plus 2 was 3, you would quickly retrain your mind to the truth of 2 plus 2 is 4.

    O, Dear One, please retrain your mind also to know that there is no place and no moment when the Good God that wants your happiness is not ready, able and willing to help you. Ask for it, know God as Good, and trust the Joy that comes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no place or time you can be where the Goodness of the True Idea of you is not. Each time you feel confused or curious, or even slightly sensible of the need for a change in focus, take time for stillness, and remember,

    “I am Life, I am Love, I am Truth. Those are the elements that the original of the image that is you is made of, and the sooner you come to think of those things as what you are, instead of an amalgam of body parts and human emotions, the sooner you will feel the Joy of their melding into a sense of Self that KNOWS itself to be part of a Greater Whole.

    As ever and always, Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like the spout on the lid of a pitcher, that must be properly aligned in order to pour forth the liquid within, your consciousness must stay properly aligned with that of One Spirit in order for you to pour forth the fullness of Spirit’s Gifts from within.

    Honor is about the “lid” of you staying aligned with the Laws of Spirit, so that you may give forth the gracious fullness of Its Gifts that are always welling up in the spiritual nature of you. Keeping the Laws of Spirit foremost in your heart, and obeying them, is for YOUR benefit—to keep the spout of you aligned with the joyous wellness and fullness that is funneled to you each day from the Upwelling Source. Honor is for you, not for the opinions of someone else, or for the fame or awards. Honor is about realizing the fulfillment of your own true purpose.

    Obedience is not about avoiding being punished by God or by someone else—it is about avoiding punishing yourself. When you are out of alignment with the full flow of the Gifts of Spirit that have been given you, you are denying yourself the delightful best destiny that you were designed for. You are denying yourself the joy of well-being and the satisfaction of seeing the grace that is given you pour forth to others as well.

    Keep the Divine Laws for your own sake, Love. Keep them, and feel Love, and Be Love, and Be Able to give Love.

    Pouring forth endlessly to you,


  • Ah, Sweetheart,

    It IS all or nothing. If you want to know that God Loves and forgives and heals you completely, you MUST accept that the same is true of every soul.

    The only difference is timing. Every soul awakens to the full remembrance and wholeness of the God-Source. You can strive to see them all as God does, here and now, already Whole. Because, darling, from God’s point of view, time does not exist, and all are already re-embraced in Wholeness. Those who stumble along in their free will of time-choice do not realize they are already scooped up once again into God’s Loving Hands.

    They will, in time. What are YOU waiting for? Be Loved Now. And accept that God Loves all. God is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know that the Good End is already written, and keep your heart on that.

    The ephemeral will pass away more quickly, or more slowly, depending on your good will and works. Play your part joyously, and enjoy it for yourself as well, and let the solutions be imparted from the One Whose task it is to give.

    Give the Love that you are given, adding no churlishness between the Gifting and the re-giving, and you will see, as others have seen, the fruits of All-Good Spirit. Nothing need be added, or taken away, from the pure Love of the Making Spirit. Remember that, and be only the delighted observer, as you let that Love pass through your hands, and mind and thoughts and heart, and heal and care for you, as It goes along Its way.

    All True Ways are the Way of Love,