All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your “job” is to reflect God/Goddess/Perfect Source.

    Don”t delay, don”t complain, don”t prevaricate. Just practice doing it.

    And, the only true way to help or teach others to do the same is to do it well yourself. Ask for Help to do it well, and ask for Help for others to do it well.

    Well, why not? Try it, and feel the delight,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    It is the human propensity to try to reduce all choices to a set of rules. But really, there are only the Truths that All is One, and that you and everyone else are, in Spirit, part of that One. Or, to put it in western form, Love God above all else, and Love thy neighbor as thy self.

    A corollary to those, of course, is keeping your awareness on them, and on giving time to listen to the Inner Voice from Oneness, from the Goodness of God, that will guide you in EVERY situation. Remember and act from those two rules, and you have the rule for every situation. Remember to pause and listen to all that flows from those Truths being accepted, and every choice falls into place.

    Awaken in the morning and remember them, and listen. Awake in the morning, and let those Truths guide you in what to do today. There is enough work on your doorstep to do, no matter where you are in the Great Puzzle today. Appreciate what you have, and work from what you have. Any work that is yours to do, of sharing, appreciating, forgiving, of giving and receiving, will spring from what is right to hand. Listen, love, and act.

    And if the Puzzle Dances you to a new spot, know that, there again, all the steps you need to do are right there, ready to be done, and to be enjoyed. Just let your Divine Partner Within always lead, and flow, flow, flow with the Dance.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing but the Divine Source and Its Pure Reflection.

    “I am a part of the pure reflection of God, and I let my consciousness slide back along that ray of Light that reflects, and I am become Light again, with no thought of body or body needs in my way.”

    We know and see the Real you, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say it again: Judgment is the opposite of Love. Let go of judgment and you will find yourself free to Love as the Divine Loves, and to be Loved by It.

    See with those eyes of Love and you will see that there is nothing to judge—just to See that the actors are all very Fine and Good actors, under the stage make-up and frightening or alluring costumes.

    We only and always see you with the eyes of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no going back to old ways, really, once you have felt the awakening kiss of God in your heart, and heard that Divine whisper in your mind. Oh, yes, you may have some moments of trying to retreat or pretend you have not heard. You may take some detours back into old comforts or pleasures or obsessions or patterns of human ways, but the Soul of you will win out.

    Be gentle with yourself, but why not begin the grand experience of getting to know the Oneness of Loving Being, and knowing yourself and all those around you as having full access to Its Grace and mercy.

    We Love to see you grow forward,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sharing a burden is a very real relief. Do not forget to always turn to the Divine Spirit for comfort and advice and word of power before you take action on something in your life, but if turning to one trusted spiritual advisor or prayer partner first can help calm you, do it. Raising the level of your emotions to a plateau where you can focus and be fully aware of the Divine Love that is available to you will make your ability to hear the still, small Voice much greater.

    You do not need to complain and whine, or even go into details, for a good friend of Spirit to help share your burden. Just let yourself feel the relief of sharing the emotional pain, and then turn to meditation or prayer to seek the answer, or help with forgiveness, that can always be found in the Divine Center where all True things are made.

    We can help carry burdens too, if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great freedom in surrendering to Oneness.

    There is the freedom of no longer fretting about intellectually figuring everything out. There is the delicious trust of knowing that your unity with the Greater Whole will whisper to you the ideas and the actions that are the Greater Good.

    There is the emancipation that comes of knowing that by releasing your small human will and human powers, you gain the power of the Oneness of Being. That joining gives you the company and the strength and the comfort and the wisdom that supply what you need in the various circumstances and scenes of life. Be not afraid to ask, and receive and act. Be not shy about having the confidence that you will find what you desire, or better, for you are desiring in partnership with the Will that Governs the Best for all.

    We want to see your sweet enjoyment of the Truth,

    All is Spirit, dear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turn to the Divine first. Even when you know that you face some challenging decisions and/or actions, take those few minutes, or moments, to turn to the Divine Support that is always with you. If you tell yourself that you will spend the morning planning and figuring and worrying about some life issue, and then take half an hour at lunch time to pray, you have it backwards.

    Root yourself in the Joy of the Divine, and then let the Divine guide you, or show you, the best path through the maze of life’s hedges. Let the Joy carry you and be with you, and the ideas and the strength will flow with you as you ponder choices in your own mind, or as someone else tosses them at you in a meeting or a conference call.

    The Divine Root connects all the hedges, and It knows where all the sap is, and where the water and nutrients are flowing. Trust, Beloved, trust in that unseen taproot, and All that It is connected to.

    Always growing in love, as is God, in Whom all else is unchanging.

    God wants Love to always grow and further expand. It is what God Is.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sing praise. Think Praise. Notice how much has been sorted out and has fallen into place. Say thank you and thank you and thank you unto all the human hands and hearts that helped make it so, but above all be full unto Gladness with praise for the Source that oversees all and Who Knows the end from the beginning and so Lovingly tends to all efforts made with Love.

    Sing praise today, child. Say praise. Look to all the people and things and Grace you love, and speak love, love, love of each and every one.

    Believe Us when we say that recognizing and applauding the Coordinating Love that has orchestrated the solution of this niggling human problem will help give you heart and faith that every earthly issue you face has the same wonderful Overseer on the job, helping, helping, helping.

    We are Glad with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Help me, God, help me through, by showing me the real me, and the real You, aligned and in purpose the same.”

    There are days, dear one, when this is the appropriate prayer. Lean into God’s support and action, and keep your mind on the Good and the True. Lean, in, dear child, lean in. God will take care of you.

    Count upon It, and trust, with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you notice and appreciate and compliment the Good Divine Qualities in others, the more you will know and feel them in yourself.

    Try to inspire others today to know their own Best, by pointing out the Good that you see in them. A single word can do it. A nod or a smile or a gesture of encouragement can do it.

    And you will be inspired to do what would be Good for you to do. It will not be exactly the same as another. It will be precisely what your own Soul-self was created to be.

    We know this is true and Lovingly empower you to know it too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If, one day, you imagined, and heard in your head, a perfect little melody, and loved it, it would be yours to enjoy always. You would play it again and again in your mind, glad of its perfection and that you had thought of it. That idea of a little perfect song would be kept alive in your mind and in your affections as you gave it a little part of your mind, and appreciation, each day.

    No scratch on your car could take away that little melody, or hurt it. No rainstorm could dampen your song. No undercooked pasta could ruin your pleasure in your tune, no extra paycheck could make it better, for it was and is already perfect. Your little idea of a beautiful song is yours, to think about again and again, and hold dear, and nothing and no one can change what it is to you, either to make it better or to mar it in any way. They cannot cut it out of your mind with a knife, and they cannot add to it by pouring sugar into your ears. It simply is your perfect song, forevermore.

    This, and more, is what you are in the Divine Mind. A perfect idea that cannot be harmed or changed, and is renewed endlessly as the Divine thinks of you constantly, and refreshes you perpetually with Its Love. There you are, and there you will always be.

    Align yourself with that, and know yourself to be safe there, and loved, and reflected perfectly in time.

    As all will,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because there is such a varying amount of time in which your own actions bounce back to you, it is sometimes difficult to see how exactly the ill effects of ill thoughts can bounce back to you. Therefore, it is so especially important to pay attention to “standing porter at the door of thought.” Be your own policing agent, and constantly watch your own thoughts, so that you truly keep your thoughts focused on the delightful Power of Good, and on all the blessings that It can bring to your life, which you can also pass on to others.

    Praying without ceasing, as the requirement for abiding in the Kingdom of Thought that is Heaven, is not an impossible thing. It just takes some discipline and practice, until it becomes habit. And as it becomes habit, and you fully understand the delightful happiness it brings, it gets easier and easier and easier to give yourself over to it, and to make the little effort to do it.

    Giving this to yourself gives it to God and to Good, for you and for others. It is Good for All.

    We only wish Good for you,


  • Ah, Friend,

    Just as any good and loving parent will lock the door to the cabinet of poisons, and fence off the dangerous ravine, so does God try to protect you by locking certain doors.

    God’s Awareness, right within you, knows when your fleshly self is about to embark on a venture or a direction that is not your Best Destiny, and will lock some doors to help guide you back to your Best Path.

    Can you trust that Awareness of God Within? Or will you be like the child whose parent has said to him, “There are dangerous chemicals in that cupboard, so I have locked the door”, but the child strives and connives to open the door anyway, consumed by mistrustful curiosity?

    It is true that there are times when persistence and discipline must be used to achieve actions and consciousness that ARE your Best Destiny, but if you have given your best efforts, and asked for Divine Help, and a door still remains closed to you, then trust God, and turn to another door, another way.

    It is simpler than you think, for all sincere quests lead to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember today, as we wish you would every day, to renew yourself.

    Let go of any judgments and old images of yourself, and ask again, for today,

    “Open the eyes of my Heart, and let me see myself as Heart-Spirit sees me, capable, strong, whole and kind. Let those thoughts of me be my model, and fill my mind.”

    We say, as always, we know these things to be the truth of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many regard meditation as an effort to completely empty the mind of thoughts.

    Not necessarily so, dear one. Observe the thoughts you have, and let them float before your consciously observing self. Sort them. Which ones are related, in some way, to fear, or anger, or pain, or sorrow, or a feeling of lack, or outrage or revenge? These are the ones to compassionately look at, and assess as human emotions that you can choose to neutralize with the gratitude and serenity and creativity and hope and inspiration you do want to feel.

    When you observe your thoughts going through a rehearsal, over and over, of a little speech you wish to say to someone, a justification you want to make, you can be fairly certain it is an argument born in the judgmental ego. Look at it carefully, and discern whether it has any divine righteousness in it. Is it really coming from the quiet and Loving Soul of you?

    Delay speaking, always, if you are not sure whether what you would say is coming from the Wisdom and Truth of the Spirit of you. In this way, you filter your thoughts, and cast aside the ones that are not worthy of the Divine Worth of you, and the day becomes a living meditation. The day becomes a contemplation of Good, and an experience of deep silent Joy.

    Try this way, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Many are the names of the Divine Mother. Whether you call Her the Yin of the yin-yang, or Mother Mary, or the Great Goddess, or the Feminine of God, or the Wholly Loving Aspect of your own heart, know that she is the ever-gracious completely welcoming Hostess to you.

    Imagine then, that this Loving Hostess has told you—”Welcome to my home. Make yourself at home. Take whatever you like from the pantry and make whatever you would like in my kitchen. Enjoy and remember to share.”

    You accept her kind invitation, and take stock of what is in her pantry to cook up into your life. What is in there? Great stocks of peace and calmness. Oodles of grace and love. Unconditional forgiveness by the barrel, beauty and harmony. Kindness and patient teaching in one-serving-at-a-time sizes. Well-being and acceptance in time-release packets. Expectancy and nurturing in boxes covered in smiles. And so on.

    All of it freely offered to you. What in Her pantry will answer your hunger? What in her pantry can be cooked up to answer your need? O”, Look to what is already around you and freely offered to your hearts, Beloveds, for the calm creative cook cooks well indeed.

    All Blessed Be,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you have worked on being a clear transparency for the Light of the Divine to shine through, all you need to keep working on is STAYING clear. The Qualities of the Divine that can shine through you, and to others, can take care of themselves. They will appear in you and through your works, and impel others to shine from their connection to the Source. ALL the wonderful Qualities of the Divine Source are available to all, for that same Divine substance comprises all.

    Just keep clear, keep agreeing to be that which the Divine can express through, and let God be God through you, even as you LOOK for God also being God in those around you. Look for Good and you will find it, Beloved, in yourself and in others.

    We love seeing all the Good everywhere,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Uncertainty in human plans can be a blessing if you let it be filled with Hope.

    Into that space of Hope, God’s Plans and ideas and solutions can surge, offering creative ways to move forward and visions and revisions from beyond human understanding.

    Place your gentle trust in the Love of God, and give It welcome.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just think what it would mean if all in the world gave the first time of awakening to Me, before they scuttled off to their day.

    Before you begin your tasks, self-assigned, tithe this task to Me: Fully, fully, fully align with the Truth that is Spirit, and the Spirit that is Love, and the Harmony that is the Soul of All. Fill yourself with complete awareness of My Presence, and carry that carefully throughout all the day and night of your dream.

    If you would do that, if all would do that, it would change the way everything seems.

    Take the time it takes to align, dear one, for I willingly Bless all who turn to Me,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is an art to discern when to let show the usual powers of Spirit, those powers that may seem so unusual on earth. There are those who need to understand, in the beginning of their learning and opening to One Spirit, that there does exist a realm of perception beyond what their physical eyes can see. For them, a key dream or vision revealed, or a miracle of presence or provision, can be an appropriate “eye opener”.

    But for those who simply want to see the “unusual” or the “strange and unexplainable” again and again,, as though they were attending a carnival sideshow, gentle teaching of Inner Life and Inner Patience is more appropriate. Just as a math student may not always realize for himself that he has mastered algebra well enough, or comprehend that what he has learned is just a tool for learning more, so do the seekers of the awe-inspiring or the startling often not realize that the wonders are but tiny clues to the beautiful Mystery Beyond.

    The good teacher assigns the next level, despite the student’s protest. The good teacher does not let the student linger too long at the delight of easy accomplishment. Praise what is learned and absorbed into the student’s being, praise that level well done, but then push on, push on, push on, for God will never stop pushing on the bubble of time until it has rolled all the way Home.

    Always encouraging you as you encourage,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each individualized part of the Great Soul, of which you are one, has a certain attitude of Mind, or a certain word or phrase or expression or color or shape or sound or taste, that puts him or her in a good alignment with Divine Thought and Being.

    What is yours? Do you know it? Is there a certain arrangement of colors in a sunrise that puts you into an immediate silent receptivity of the Divine Voice? Is there a certain phrase or word from sacred texts that helps you feel suffused with Love? Is there a fullness of gratitude that helps you remember the Joy that underlies all True Power and Presence? The smell of the ocean, the sight of a tall spire, the harmony of certain notes of music, the taste of a warm peach—do any of these things, or others, put you in prepared state of heart to access your connection to the Great Joining?

    The things themselves are not sacred and to be worshipped, Beloved. But if there is something that helps to calm you and make it easier to connect with the Gracious Calmness that is always with you, then find it and be aware of it. That way, when you are not calm, when the material world has pulled you into either excess pain or pleasure, you can turn to that thing, or think about that thing, and re-center yourself in the Truth, and be Free.

    For many, it is simply the name of God. Whatever it is, find it and use it consistently, so that it is automatic when you need it most, when your tumbled mortal thoughts are not clear. Use it, and know you are Love. Use it to know you have right with you what is Good, that you are, in fact Spiritual Goodness.

    The phrase “I am healed by Love” can seem very true, and IS True, but if that phrasing of it makes you think that Love is very far away, or a thing apart from you that must be begged to show up and fix you, then re-think it. “I am Love”. You Are healed by Love, but it is because your true nature IS Love, and so that wholeness, that “healed” condition can be revealed here and now, right away. All healing is of thought. So whether your concern is for the body costume or the circumstances or the sense of being trapped in linear time, let your thoughts be whole by knowing “I am Whole”. Use your individual trigger, your personal key, and open your Thought of Whole Being. Use it, and feel as a free Spirit.

    We Love you so, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us pretend that you have just moved into a wonderful old home, full of intriguing mirrors. Although all of the various mirrors are interesting, and each lovely in its own way, you notice that you cannot see yourself very clearly in some of them, or you notice that they would be more lovely if they were cleaned. To cleanse them, and to more fully appreciate their loveliness, you arm yourself with various cleansers and begin the task of revealing the true beauty of these heirlooms that surround you.

    For one, perhaps you just need a little water and soap to remove the old oil from the frame. For another, you use some vinegar to clear the streaks from the glass. For another, you use a hot solution to blot off old crayon marks, for another a dull knife to scrape off old drips of paint. And so on and so on. And in the end, you are delighted that each unique mirror shines and shows its own unique beauty, and that each, in its place, shines back your own beauty to you.

    The intangible qualities of beauty of the people about you are waiting to be revealed in just the same way, Beloved. For each bit of “grime or dust” that distorts the divine clarity of an individual, apply its opposite. Arm yourself with the cleansing qualities of the Divine Maker, such as Wisdom, Joy, Calmness, Truth, Intelligence, Love, and Creativity, and “apply” that silent, intangible quality to the person or situation before you. If you sense there is some falsehood in a conversation, silently ask in your heart for the Divine Truth that created both hearts to come forth and connect you in truth. If you sense discouragement in your own heart or in another, ask for Divine confidence and endurance to renew you both. If there feels to be a great fog of sorrow in a room, be the one to open your heart and request the Presence of Divine gladness and celebration of Life to be present. And so on. The more you ponder the qualities of the Divine Source, the more aspects of It you will be able to grasp and use to apply to anything that seems to cover It in another, or in yourself.

    Endlessly and ever, call on the wondrous Divine qualities that make up the very essence of you and everyone around you. They are what you are made of, and they are yours to call upon. Call them forth, use them, and be delighted (and sometimes surprised!) by the glorious beauty you suddenly see around you and in yourself.

    We will hand you your Divine supplies for the asking,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    As you make the choice to go to a greater level of Awareness, as you choose to move nearer to the Divine Within, the Divine will move nearer to you. It will reach out to you in all the levels that you are ready to feel and hear and see. The delightful overt signs that can seem like parlor tricks, or magic, such as the feeling of some Presence next to you at a solemn or celebratory occasion, or the sudden knowledge of where to find a lost object, or the instant recognition of who is on the phone when it first rings, or a precognitive dream about some simple shopping…such things are an effort by the Divine Presence to have you delight in and begin to recognize and trust that Divine Voice within you.

    Take Joy in these occurrences, and let them induce you to spend even more time with that Presence. Let It become your very Best Friend and Love. Let It take you to a level of understanding Oneness that goes far beyond the personal convenience of a guardian angel wakening you at just the right hour.

    And share, share, share your stories of little miracles, especially with those who know you and trust you, or any friend or stranger that seems open to stories that go beyond the human senses. Every heart that you help open to belief in miracles—which are just True Creation’s Reality revealed—helps to bring all human awareness back into Harmony with the Whole.

    Share, and you are doing yourself (which IS All Selves) a favor,

    Endlessly Loving You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it feels like there is nothing to say, be Silent.

    Do not struggle against the impulse for silence. Be LOVING in your silence. Be tender. Be kind, but be silent, and trust that the All-Knowing will work on your, and everyone else’s, minds. All minds are One Mind, when the shining brightness of One Source filters Its Thoughts into each place where there seemed to be independent thought. Then, any thought not in alignment with Joyful expansion of Love and Gladness of Being is simply gone.

    As ever, with you, with you, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wait softly and quietly and patiently, and the answers to your concerns will come. Spirit already knows the answers you need, BUT Spirit is also aware of exactly when you are ready to hear, and accept, the answers.

    So ask for the advice and guidance of Divine Voice, but be tenderly patient if you do not feel the guidance right away. It will come at the time, and in the way, that is most appropriate for you and for all others concerned. And while you wait, obey the command of God, and Love. Love God and Love others, and know that All is Well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe in the unlimited. The small circles of your usual day do contain enough examples of vast numbers to help you picture the supply of the Infinite Mind.

    Think of grains of sand on the riverbank. Think of stars in the sky. Think of the millions of leaves on trees. Think of the tiny and busy ants and microbes in your own land.

    Think big, Beloved. Think unlimited, for God is unlimited, and therefore so should you think of yourself.

    Unlimited, and all is well, Beloved. All is well, and answers come, as you open your consciousness to the Unlimited Mind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is loss, whether it be of life, or funds, or place or goods, let there be a shift into the awareness of All That Is that never changes, and where nothing is lost if desire still exists for it.

    Many complain that an existence of non-change would be boring, but that is only because they have not truly thought about the concept of Infinity. Infinity is difficult for your imagination to grasp, when you are dreaming in the finite bubble of time, but you can at least play with the idea. Try to stretch your imagination and see just one small facet of the Infinite Divine.

    If death did not happen, but choice and creativity still existed, would you really be unable to stay delighted? If your gaze and appreciation of one kind of flower wavered, but an infinite variety of other flowers existed to look at, or to think up, would you not be joyous?

    Love truly does express Itself in infinite ways, Beloved. Go within, where you are connected to the Infinite, and see. Contemplate Life and Love and Creativity and Joy and Wisdom wherever they exist, and you are contemplating aspects of the Infinite Divine. Contemplate them, ask to see more of them, and you will.

    Always, what you love goes with you, here and There,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you follow the Voice of God in your heart, you must stay vigilant to not let the seductive voice of the earthly senses try to draw you away from the goal of knowing you are part of the Godly Creation. When the senses try to get you to focus on that which is very painful or very bodily pleasurable, refocus again on the Love of God for you, and your Love for It, in all Its forms.

    Believe us, Child, this is not to say you cannot have any earthly joy. It is to say that really you will have MORE calm earthly joy if you keep your mind and thoughts focused on the Joy of God. Set aside the tiny goals today, and keep your will focused on knowing and loving God.


  • Ah, Divine Mirror, let me see, the truth of the Best that is meant to be.

    Relaxing into blissful humility, I know You know the desires you wrote for me.

    When, in silence, I let them come welling up in the heart awareness of me,

    I see, I see, how well they match the Best for me.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a sense of unease or discomfort arises, ask yourself just what it is you are afraid of. And, ask yourself, “Just who is it that is afraid?”

    As you ask that, it will help you remember that the true you, that lives and moves and has your being within the Love that made you, is not apart and alone. That true you has nothing to fear, for it exists where it always has, within the Sphere of Perfect Calm and Creative Love. The reflection of that self in the earth mirror may look temporarily distorted or distraught or in lack or sorrow, but as you close your eyes to the reflection and see the Truth again with the Sense of your spiritual heart, you will remember that you are whole and well and have help in the Great Awareness of perfect ideas.

    Like a woman in the dark searching in the bottom of her bag for a key, who closes her eyes and patiently sorts through the items in the purse by touch, trusting that the key will be encountered, because she KNOWS that it is there, close your eyes and physical senses to the false reflections of the world, and FEEL with your Spiritual Sense that God is always nigh, and there is nothing to fear. Feel the presence of that Key of Love and Ever present Help.

    “Be not afraid, for I am with you.” Or, to put it in terms of your point of view, since you exist IN GOD, there is nowhere else for your essence to be but in that safety.

    Allow yourself to know your own essence, and know it to be your best friend,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you enter a new phase (for each day is a new phase, even when you feel you have made no progress at all in your spiritual growth), be willing to be led by silence, and submission to the Greater Will. Some days, your silence will only last a few minutes, while you commune with the Divine before you rise, and before the world makes its many demands upon you. But some days, because you make them so, or because the flow of events puts you into a place and time of much waiting, can be ones of all silence, or mostly silence, of your own human voice and of the cacophony of the world.

    O”, use those blessed days, Beloved! Use the silence to listen to God. Your silent time spent in loving and being loved by God, and being spoken to and inspired by God’s vision of you, will be worth more than a lifetime of busy, busy talking or agreeing or consulting. To simply feel, if nothing else, well loved, and well-assured of the beauty of Divine Love, at the end of a day, is worth more than any worldly solution or savings or scheme.

    We will sing silent songs in the background,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God did not create the world your five senses see. God created Good. Welcome New Sight, welcome New Life, as you look gratefully on, and through, new levels of perception.

    What is it you see, then? Illusions and shared illusions, just as when a crowd mistakes the gleam of sunlight on cloud for a hovering craft coming towards them. We know how disconcerting it may feel to ponder this, but think also how FREEING, to realize that your eyes have not lied to you in only simple things, but in greater things. Is not a new dream or end of a dreadful dream, a good thing to cherish?

    If what we say seems too shocking still, at least ponder the times your body’s eyes have misled you into thinking something was moving when it wasn”t, or was a different color once the sun came up, or a friend remembered an incident in a completely different way than you. Be willing to see differently, and, with Divine Help, you will, for the Divine knows what It created, and that is the Truth.

    Listen, and learn to obey, like getting used to a new set of spectacles,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Whilst you dash about, enjoying the Good that abounds around you, thank the Maker for All That Is.

    And do not spend precious time trying to decide who deserves Good. Yes, serve equality and freedom, but let God sort out how to awaken the confused and sleeping ones. Act and speak when the Divine Voice asks you to, but then trust in the Wisdom of God’s Plan, giving yourself more time to appreciate and bloom and know that the Joy you emanate is part of the very, very Good.

    When you make the effort to See with spiritual Sight the Good in those around you, it is like fertilizing a seed. There are many seeds that do not look interesting or lovely before they sprout and bloom. Do your part by looking for the Good in all.

    We are grateful.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, remember, that the instructions that you are given by God, clear and strong, will often make no sense to the logical self, or to the world. Nevertheless, when you have had enough experience hearing God’s Voice to KNOW when you are hearing it true, then obey, obey, obey. The entrance to a new level of understanding is always preceded by obedience.

    Very likely you will hear subliminal arguments from the ego-self, or from the dependants and close ones of your life, but hold fast to the sight of the face of God, and do not falter in your steps. Allow Peace to fill you between every breath, and be, be, be with God.

    As always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, very simply, “I am of the Source, and the Source is mine”.

    “I am of the Source, all the time.”

    It will carry you now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is in your own interest to constantly ask yourself, “Am I living as a representative of Love?”

    For that is your True Job. However, because that question can make one feel hopelessly inept and as though one is doing less than good work, it is important to remember that you are only the distributor. It is as if someone gave you, entirely for free, a huge basket of treats or money or goodwill, and told you there was plenty more where that came from, and would you just please go around handing it out?

    What a lovely task! What a privilege to go around handing out that which was freely given to you, to give to others also!

    Won”t you take the chance to hand some out today, knowing it is also alright to eat of the treat of Love yourself, as you go around giving It to others?

    Think of it as a privilege, Love, not work,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take an entire day to do everything silently, and very, very slowly, and you will be amazed at what Wisdom, Peace, and Gratitude begins to flow in your heart, and envelope you.

    What a gift to give yourself!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Creative Source sees no iniquity. Love did not create any iniquity.

    If you want to see yourself and others as Love sees you, you must ask Love to wipe away all dust and error and sorrow and limits from your sight. The willingness to ask for that leads to being able to see as the Divine Sees, and Hears, and Knows.

    You do not need to feel that you are perfect and then ask. You just need to be willing to ask, and be taught, and then See that you, and all, already were and are and will be always perfect in that Loving Divine Sight.

    Choose within, to See without,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, Be Gratitude.

    Be Gratitude for all that you already are, perfect and good and whole Spiritual idea within Spirit, joyous and free.

    Be Glad. Be Gratitude. Be.

    And think not yourself anything else,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Good Mind minds you.

    Like a child who respects and adores his or her loving parent, if you respect and adore the Good Mind that minds you, that Thought of you and is Holding you, all proceeds smoothly in the story of your life.

    And, Beloved, focus, today, on trusting that the Good Mind minds the core being of everyone you know and see. That is Its job, not yours. You are meant to be a delighted witness of the Goodness, and Excellence and Glory of Goodness in action. Seek It. Look for It, so that you can appreciate It.

    Simply Appreciate, today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you hear back from others of how your prayers have helped uplift them into health and enlightened and creative ideas, or better morals, the more you will have faith in accepting healing for yourself and every single problem or issue that seems to arise in your life.

    Remember, let your body and your earth life SERVE the Essence of you, for your Essence is an important part of the Whole that is God’s reflection, as is everyone’s. Turn to Divine Spirit for everything, and let your earth life serve the Greater Good.

    As ever, loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am held together by the Invisible Love of God.”

    Just as a beautiful and sturdy stone wall built by an excellent crafter stands sturdy in gravity because of the shapes and placements of all the stones, God builds you steadily, day by day, experience by experience, in your earth journey.

    God created you perfect Spirit, and that has not changed, but Love will use each experience you choose in the earth dream to still hold you together, in a way that can stand steady and strong. Throughout, you are Spirit Lovely and Pure, and remembering that will further empower the Invisible Love that keeps you functioning and strong.

    We walk alongside you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    WHENEVER you feel the surge of the Living Spirit rise within you, STOP and pay attention. Sometimes you will feel this surge when there is a need for you to reconsider a word you are about to speak, or an action you are about to take, or an opportunity you are about to ignore. Sometimes you will feel this surge when there is someone near you who needs healing or help.

    So, stop, and pay attention. Ask for further instructions. Listen and obey, with words, or action, or inaction, or simply as a silence funnel through which Love, Love, Love may pour onto and into the situation.

    You have asked to be used for Divine Flow; now allow it.

    We Love and appreciate you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Kleenex are sometimes out of reach, but God never is.

    Reach for the Truth, Beloved, for there is no pause in God. The Infinite Invisible is ever ready to assist, and comfort, and tidy that which only seems to be in disarray.

    Amen and amen and amen,


  • Fresh and clean.

    Feel fresh and clean by showering in God’s Love anytime. Feel fresh and clean by showering mentally in Love especially anytime you are thinking badly of yourself or silently criticizing others.

    Yes, yes, sometimes you need to examine your thoughts and see if you need to honestly change a way of looking at an issue or a situation, or whether to amend your assessment of someone, but the best way to do this is to shower in Love. As you shower in Love, Love will help you amend or forgive or correct your thoughts, and give you ideas and strength to move on.

    Fresh and clean in God’s Love. There is nothing like it.

    And no water bill to pay, only grace to gather,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Harmony does not come from the other person. It comes from realizing that YOU are a reflection of the Harmony of the Loving Source, then shining that Harmony at the other person, and then enjoying the Harmony that shines back at YOU.

    Are We clear? You have fallen for this before. Do not mistake the Truth this time. Reflect God’s Love and be Lovable and Loving, always.

    As We Love YOU,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am the Deep Joy of God.”

    It is what all are. It is what all is made of.

    Think not of the dusty illusion that overlays it, like stage make-up. Think of how when you are sitting in the first row of a theater, or your high definition screen is so big, that you can clearly see the costume flaws and make-up exaggerations that try to make a young man look old, or a spry man look crippled. Because of the obvious falsity, your mind must decide to pretend, for the sake of the show, that the make-up is the truth.

    In your life, and flesh, and personality, the make-up is not the truth. Do not fall for that pretend nature. Look past it in yourself and others, and know you are the wondrous child of a Loving Mind. “I Am the Perfect Joy of God”. That is your Truth. Live that.

    Dearly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It IS a responsive Universe, with plenty of Gladness and Supply.

    Send forth, and receive. Send forth Gladness and expect Gladness, for as you let the responsiveness be a flowing part of your own nature, that is exactly what you will experience. Re-train your thoughts to send forth Goodness, and Goodness will return to you.

    Yes, it is oft said. Yes, it may sound too simple. But like the simple “please and thank-you” that were taught to you as a child, oft times the very simplest things work the best.

    Try it, Beloved, try it. Say thank-you, thank-you, thank-you to the wondrous Infinite around your thoughts and consciousness, and see if you do not find It responding to your creative goodness. Think Goodness, be Goodness, send forth Goodness to others.

    It is not arbitrary. It is fact.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Until you learn the sweet feeling of Peace and Love that IS the very Presence of the Divine in which you dwell, all of our words about turning to It will mean nothing. You must be able to recognize it.

    Practice, practice, practice knowing the intimate feel of loving and being Loved by the very Source that holds you and sustains you, so that when human drama tries to derail you from that Peace, you can turn to It and find It, as unerringly as a blind cat finding its bowl of food by touch and scent.

    The human senses will not help you know that Presence. But the Love of which your essence is made will recognize its own. Love will be drawn to Love, and Know It.

    Reach out with Love, and find It, and practice knowing what that joining feels like.

    You were never really “unjoined”. Just remember.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    To bow to the Good Will of God, is to choose Joy, instead of sorrow or doubt or discouragement. It is not a servitude of pain and powerlessness. It is a choice, rather, for letting the Power of God be with you, and for being a part of the march towards more Peace of Mind being visible in the earthly scene.

    Yes, it takes discipline, and re-ordering of priorities, when you are ready to tone down human strivings and pleasures, but it is to be gifted with extraordinary serenity and purpose, as you feel the Infinite guide your more matured and joyous way.

    Stay aware of this, Beloved. Stay awake and aware,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hold fast to the feelings of Love and Peace that you absolutely know are real and good when you focus your awareness deep in the Heart of you, and of Soul.

    You know they are what you want. You know you want to feel them in all circumstances and through every task and earthly triumph and challenge.

    Today, be at Peace with wanting a Peaceful Soul heart. Forget the quibbles about denominations or methods or dogmas, and simply focus on the very essence of your desire, to feel the Peace of God.

    Through the Peace comes the Joy, and all Good action and Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know that when you are feeling the false temptations of the woe of material goods, or the woe of the feelings of the world, you must shake them off of yourself by focusing on the opposite Quality, drawn from Truth in your heart, that is a Quality of God—yea, even the very Substance of God is Love and Truth.

    In that Light, we say to you that the opposite of hopeless is not “hope”—it is Trust, for to put your hope in God is to put your hope in that which can be Trusted.

    Do so, Beloved, do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that you are aware that the exhibition of very bad behavior, by yourself or a character around you, is a cry for Help. That soul desperately wants to shake off the illusory pain of the earth dream and be re-aligned with the Healing Spirit of the Source. Like a toddler seeking its mother’s attention, it acts angrily and sinfully.

    But please realize that desperately “good” behavior can be also a cry for Help. The individual who is acting out ultra pure or overly generous behavior, even unto the suffering of their own mortal costume, is also needing to be reminded that Grace and Love from God are given freely, and do not have to be earned by suffering. When Goodness shines from one who is in sweet re-alignment with the Source, It does so easily and smoothly.

    Answer ALL behavior with Love, dear one who has answered the call,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be this knowing in you—the One who created you knows the True You better than you do. Hence the need to release daily into the thought:

    “Not what I seem to be to my human self, but what You know me to truly be.

    Let me see it. Let me know it. Let me be it. Amen.”

    You are so much more, and better, than you think,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Consciousness that is you, and made you and shares Its thoughts with you and has never left you, knows what to do. If you wait, quietly listening, It will always lead you to Joy with Joy and calm certainty.

    Your good part is to wait, quietly asking for wisdom, and listening and receiving the ideas and impulses good, and then acting to obey. This has not changed in time and space. Only the Real is Real and It will shine for you if you let It. You can feel It embracing you even now.

    Admit It to your mind like admitting a friend through your door,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seek not solutions in matter. Seek the joyous calmness of the heart, and take meaning and purpose from that.

    Just as when a mother finds her lost child, and is in such awed and glorious relief that all of the other worries and concerns and prides and projects she thought she had fall into meaninglessness, so feel glad to find your Love for the Maker.

    And know that the Maker is just as glad to see you turning completely to It.

    The other concerns will fall into place. Just keep your focus on Love, and being Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    AS new phases of life unfold that help you grow Spiritward, celebrate and cherish them.

    Celebrate and cherish them, but also ponder and let The Great Spirit, that is the Source of all, help you unfold gently, and smoothly, and beautifully, beautifully, beautifully.

    How do you do this? You know and practice that there is no hurry. You do not hurry anything. You take time constantly to breathe the Breath of Life and to Listen to Its Heart.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no life that is not supported by the One Cause of Life.

    It IS your inheritance, it is your right, it is the very nature of your being. Claim it, Child. Claim it, celebrate it, open to it, and be known to be a vibrant part of Life.

    Always with you, encouraging you. Do you hear Us?


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    When you listen to God, in the stillness and surrender of your heart, having turned your back on the identity thief that is your body and its limited senses, then OBEY what you hear. If you have listened to God-Voice within this morning, after having asked God, “What am I, really?”, and have heard the answer, “You are Love”, then believe it. Spend all the day, while quiet and while busy, thinking the Thought “I am Love”.

    We guarantee you, it will change your perceptions. It will help you know who you are, because as just one of the things of God you reflect, who you are really IS Love. And Love is healthy and sweet. Love is wealthy and generous and honest and good. Love is kindness. And It is patient and complete and capable and wonderful and whole. If you are Love, then you are these things. If you are Love, and God has told you that you are, then you can claim and BE these things.

    Goodbye to the identity thief of the five sense, hello to the senses of Love.

    We sense the True You, and Love It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that you need those full days of full re-alignment, full healing, for the worldly will try to pick away at your balance and peace.

    All day : “I am as Thou art, naturally Whole, Harmonious and Happy. I am expressing all the glad Goodness that You are, O’ God.”

    Claim it, Love. Receive It. Be It, and be grateful It is so, and It is you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, hold this in your thoughts: “I am Wholeness, and the Wholeness of my body and my life and my means and my ways are wonderful demonstrations of my Unity with God.”

    “God is Whole. I am Whole.” Darling, the moon is ALWAYS full, even though from the small perspective of earth it seems to wax and wane. It is always itself. It is always full.

    So with you, always fully yourself, pure Spirit and true, all within the Spirit of God.

    We See you whole and true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you cry out to God the quick prayer “Help me!”, what do you do then?

    Do you wait in submission and quiet and patience and humility? Or do you cast your mind back to the “problem” and/or let your human thoughts be moved to other distractions or self pity or the temptations that might let you pretend you are only a fleshly body?

    Wait on the Lord with trust, Beloved. Cast your faith to the Creator of all answer, Beloved.

    Tenderly, gratefully, know that you are Loved, and expect Good answer, if you stay focused on faithful receptivity, and an understanding of the All Power that is God-Source.

    Waiting overlong for an answer means you are blocking hearing it,

    Open your heart, and be free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have Mercy, have Mercy, have Mercy. Have Mercy in your thoughts of others, for you know full well that there are many times you need that Mercy shown to you.

    Have Mercy, and leave the Divine Justice and adjustment of Love to God.

    Have Mercy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    SPIRIT is the substance of all form.

    Gently, gently, immerse yourself in this truth. Yes, you can use mind arguments such as Spirit could not have any aches or pains or age or sorrows, so neither than can I, as a reflection of Spirit.

    But remember as you think such things that Spirit already knows that. Tell your own consciousness that, if you like, to “get you in the right head-set”, but mostly just call out, INWARD, to Spirit, and claim It as the only substance of yourself.

    Spirit is the Loving Substance of All form.

    How We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is, in every mood, a place to turn for companionship. Whether in a desire to share Joy and celebration, or a need for comfort or quiet company, call to the One Voice within. That Presence Itself will be your friend, but It will also, if you ask It, gladly send other human forms into your life to smile with you, or stand with you.

    Try it, Beloved. Try it today, and see.

    Seek, ASK, and find! Find you have already received,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be never afraid that the Healing Principle of the Creator cannot sort out what is the Best Way for Harmony to occur in your life, and in the lives of others. Even when your intellectual self is confused about exactly how to proceed, or “what to pray for”, let your heart pray for Harmony, and for the Highest Best for all. The Heart Prayer is the prayer God listens to, and answers, with the Wisdom that goes beyond any human mind’s ability to understand.

    Love covers all. Love conquers all. Have faith in Its inherent Goodness, and let not your heart be troubled as it waits for Joy to be revealed.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there’s The Will, there’s a way.

    a.k.a. All things are possible to God.

    Ponder that, have faith in that, trust in that. Trust in the Goodness of the One Will. It is human will, that thinks it acts alone, that is not to be trusted. Align with One Will, and be free.

    Always with you in that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What keeps you from thinking steadily, “Give me True Grace, Dear God, Bless us all, Dear God, in our hearts and human experiences.”?

    What delays you from this alignment with God-Consciousness? False, fearful human pride? The scorn of those around you who do not believe in a Force greater than themselves? A bitterness that has built up from perceived lack of love?

    “God Loves me, and I am Love” is a thought you can replay in your mind every hour. It costs nothing but a few moments, and no one around you need be told it is your thought, and it does not mean attending a special service in a special place. Just try the thought,” I am Love’s reflection, because God Loves me and makes me so.”

    Simple. “God Loves me.”

    It opens a flood of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gladness. Gladness that you know yours is a Glad God, not an avenging one.

    Gratitude. Gratitude for that Gladness, and Its constant Care for you and of you.

    Stillness. Becoming very still and humble, willing to take advice and care.

    Listening. Truly listening to the Inner Divine Voice and willingly receiving It.

    Obedience. Trustingly believing Its Love and acting on Its advice.

    Delight. Delight in the results you see, of applying Joy and being Glad again.

    Beloved, God cannot hear your cries when you are in wrath or despair or sorrow. Put on your glad and trusting voice to call to God, for goodness and gladness and joy are the language God speaks, and answers. Let humor and trust and Praise and Joy be the way you speak to the Source, and your desires will not get lost in the translation.

    As always, wanting your Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What you love and appreciate will love and appreciate you in return.

    But it must be with sincerity. Do you want to be Blessed in order to share the Truth, and pass Blessings onward? Or do you want to be Blessed for momentary pleasure? Pleasure is a good part of Creation, but seek the enduring pleasure of Divine Love, and it will enrich the momentary pleasures so much that you no longer recognize them as what you formerly knew them to be.

    Nothing can really be fully appreciated until you experience it with the Love of God filling your heart. We know that you know how it feels to more fully enjoy a rainbow if you have a friend or a lover to stand next to you and share it. Doing ANYTHING with the Love of God sharing the fullness of your heart will be even more satisfying than that.

    Share all with God and God will share all with you.

    This is Truth, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I do wonderful work for God today, and God sees to my needs in every way.”

    Trust It,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    When you are about to say a critical or blaming thing, consider how sacred and natural it is for you to be Loving and Lovable.

    God, Love Itself, made you to be an expression of Love, and feeds you the constant ability to be Quietly Loving, and Quietly Lovable.

    Pause, consider, and act Lovingly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To live for feeling the Love of God, and to reciprocate It, is no small thing.

    In fact, It is everything.

    Relax into that Truth, Beloved, as though nestled into a warm comforter, and be healed. Know your Wholeness and Love. Love God, Be Love, and let the Presence that Heals flow through you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The notion that you are anything less than what God intends you to be is only a brief illusion. Think upon the nature of Infinity. There is no thing too small or too large to fit into Infinity. There is nothing Infinity cannot encompass or swallow or surround.

    Allow yourself to feel this and picture this. And then look again at what seem like your human concerns, that your body-mind has labeled big, or small, concerns, or needs or dreams, and then picture them wrapped in Infinite Love.

    Infinite Love. Infinite Love.

    Now, how great or small is your situation within the scope and sight of Infinity?

    Keep your mind on Infinite Love, dear love, and let Love encompass all in your thoughts, for Love DOES encompass all. It comforts and guides, and will gladly show you the way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take great heart in this: Each time you turn to the Well of the Source-Peace within, when you are troubled, or angry, or hurt, or sad, you haven taken another step towards totally knowing Who you truly are, and towards understanding the full nature of God.

    Remember, each time you willingly turn to God’s agent on earth, the still, sweet, gladly calming voice within you, It comes forth to greet you with great Joy. The moment of “prodigal child returning” is not a thing that happens just at the point of mortal “death”, it is re-union of Consciousness that happens in every moment of existence in which you allow it to happen. Seek the Loving Creator that constantly seeks you, asking, “Where has your mind drifted to, my Child? Remember, you are right here, with Me, safe and warmly Loved, where you have always been. Let your mind come Home, and know that it is part of my Mind, and has always been.”

    O”, let it happen all day long, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The part of God’s Soul that you express is very specific. Be that, with instructions constantly and completely from the Divine Guide, ready to serve you always in your heart’s Consciousness.

    You may be inspired by good human acts, or the trajectory of some human’s career or awakening to service, but it is important to realize your uniqueness. Yes, let the laughter and joy and compassion and creativity of others help lift you into a state of Spiritual awareness, but stay steady and focused on the goal of Being exactly what God Desires YOU to be. Ask, listen, obey.

    Therein lies true satisfaction and the Kingdom of Heavenly Consciousness.

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, please take time to let God-Source Flow Its Joy through your earthly perceptions.

    “Today I shall demonstrate the Joy of the substance of God by appreciating, by enjoying, all things large and small. I shall notice and delight in the ladybug. I shall marvel at and admire the sweep of stars. I shall be humbly touched by the order and kindness shown by a group of people waiting together for a sweet event.”

    “Today I shall be Joy. I shall let Joy fill me and reach to the edges of my consciousness. God, the Source and the Surround of me, is Joyous, and so shall I let myself be Joy also.”

    We take great Joy in you as you show forth Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    View your job today as remaining in Joy.

    There IS an ever-present undercurrent of Infinite Joy that flows, underneath and around and within, all that you think of as your world. Tune into that today. Be still enough and quiet enough to tune into It all day long. If It impels you to speak or act, do so, but keep regarding your job for today as staying in constant contact, as though you had been asked to hold onto an anchor rope so that a ship would not drift out to sea.

    The ship you are preventing from drifting is your very life, and the Infinite Joy that you hold onto is the only true anchor there is.

    We hold the rope with you,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when the eyes and ears of the body would try to tell you otherwise, hold fat to the Truth that you are, even now, a beloved, beloved, beloved and blessed and graced Child of God.

    ASK to see the evidence of this, and it WILL come to your trained and open awareness.

    We will help open your Spiritual Senses, for they will show you Truth,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    When you look back over your own human story, and feel grateful that you have been able to correct personality deficits and to give up unproductive habits, with the Grace and support of Divine Spirit, you can celebrate the humanly “improved” you that you are. And We are glad with you for that.

    And We know, you have pondered the story of the conversion on the road to Damascus, of a persecutor become a teacher. And We know you have witnessed the changes of many friends and family members and strangers as they came to enlightenment, or to greater understanding of God/Oneness, or simply grew and matured in human decency.

    Trust all those things now, Beloved. And know this, that each and every dreamer within the Great Soul of All has its time of awakening, its own “road to Damascus” experience. It is so, it is done, and all dreamers awaken in the arena of Love that is not bound by time.

    Keep teaching, keep witnessing, keep testifying, and above all, trust that the Great Teacher is on the job, just as promised. Keep Love in your sights and heart and mind.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the tender Voice of Divine Love within your heart urges you, once in a while, to offer up an ungodly, ungood habit to Spirit to be healed, or released, or gently reminds you to pray for instructions about correcting a small ailment, or learning a needed skill, there is generally a need for an eventual full focus on it, or surrendering of it, but there is no hurry. God will not nag you continually. God will just offer to help when the error crosses your mind.

    But if you hear the “small, still Voice” seem suddenly louder, or repeat in your thoughts over and over and over, then try to obey immediately. Sometimes this is for your own welfare or guidance to an opportunity. You may feel the urge to drive a different road, or hear a name in your mind, again and again, to call. You may feel a restlessness about finding and bringing along with you a particular item before you go on an outing.

    Frequently, when Loving Spirit wants to use you as an instrument to help another, you will feel a strong impulse to contact someone, or to give someone something, or to call upon the individual. Obey, obey, obey when those urges of Grace occur, Beloved, for of such are the moments of serendipity and salvation made, that helps all flow along in the Harmony of Divine Mind.

    Sometimes you are the giver, sometimes the receiver, as all progress together in Oneness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Miracles are made out of Love and Innocence. When you allow yourself to believe that these are attributes that the Great Cause of all sees in you, then you can enter into, relax into, that state of Consciousness that allows for a reflection of Heaven in the earthly experience.

    Here you are, Beloved. Right now and right here, the Loving Cause wants you to receive the ideas and opportunities and wholeness of health and supply that would seem like miracles to human logic, or ordinary “physical” laws. Be willing to accept that the Cause Loves you and sees you as innocent, and therefore deserving of what you need to be the perfect role that you are meant to play.

    We love watching Peace come over you and fill your heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am the soul born, into a dream, and then reawakened, again and again.

    I Am the soul perfect and reflected, I Am the Good Dream begun.”

    That is a Good Affirmation, but be so Aware, dear Reader, that the words of these messages are irrelevant. The Truth is that the purpose of them is to have you still your mind, still your body, and be intent and receiving, for just a few moments or minutes, so that you may be filled with the Presence of Divine Spirit. The dictation of the words is just that. It is the Dictating Presence that is trying to Touch you, to Help you, to Heal you, every single day. Won”t you open to it, be still, be quiet, and remember you inheritance of Joy and Good Will?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Primal Cause exists outside of time. Or, to put it in another way, the Primal Cause exists even where you think time exists. There IS no time, in the point of view of the Divine, and therefore the Divine has all the time in the world. The scriptural truth of “God’s is the earth and the fullness thereof” does not just refer to objects, but to all time and space, which only SEEM to exist where God already exists.

    To Something outside of the illusion of time, there IS all the time in the world. What does that mean to “you”, the “you” that seems to be living in time? It means that you can go around and around and around in that bubble of time that human dream-mind has massively created, but at some point you will have to choose to simply stop and hear the ever-present Infinite Voice that is quietly and endlessly saying, “I am already right here. Just Listen to Me.”

    Loop and loop and loop around if you will, but there the Divine will still be, not made to feel rushed by your imagining of time, or made to feel crowded by your imagining of space, or made to feel sorrowful by your imagining of sorrow or death or fear. The Divine will simply Be, right as It always was, is, and will Be. Stop hurrying and worrying, and turn your heart, face, and thoughts to that Oneness of Being that so gently holds you already, while you imagine that you are running in circles.

    And, It holds you with Utter Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a great simplicity in understanding that any thought you have of yourself, or any thought about you that is put in your mind by another human, is not true if it contradicts the Thought that God has of you. The Creator declared you “Good”.

    If ANY other thought is in your mind right now, such as a body part claiming pain, or an employer calling you unworthy, or a friend telling you that you are better than someone else, then those thoughts are just dust overlaying the True Thought of what you (and everyone else) are in the eyes of God. Blow them off. Blow those thoughts away.

    Let yourself return to the dust-free level of God Thought. “I am as God created me, and God created me Good.” Focused on, and allowed to fill your mind and heart, that Thought will, like a warm wind, blow away the dust of thought errors, of either negative or overly positive thoughts that would try to camouflage what you are, as the simple Goodness of God.

    We know the Good you, and it is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgive yourself, as the Spirit of God has forgiven you, for human errors you have made. The Loving Soul of God knows that mortal mistakes have not touched the Good of the Divine Soul reflection you are. The Loving God knows you can be taught, and redeemed, and tenderly brought into alignment with the Harmony that heals and directs.

    Forgiveness is not the same as justification or rationalization. The lies or poor behaviors of others do not remove your own responsibilities to be as God wants you to be, and that God made you, and all, to be. Forgive yourself because you can trust that God’s Spirit is telling the truth about forgiving you, and is gladly helping to overcome the errors, and help you remember who you are as an offspring of God.

    No excuses. Just turn to the Good, be willing, and move forward in Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you look upon another with joy and agape love and forgiveness, and ask for Divine Help to come for yourself and for the other, It will come.

    One person can play host, and the Divine will come to both. This is how the plan to reawaken all works. And it does work. It is working, and has already worked, from the point of view of God, where there is no time.

    Be at ease with this, and welcome Spirit to come to you, and to all whom you meet. You might or might not say a single word to that person, depending on whether they are consciously open to it, but you can silently Bless all, and so Bless yourself, and be uplifted.

    We thank you and thank you and thank you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you open your consciousness to the realization that One Mind governs all Lovingly, as each individual allows It to do so, you will be so delighted with the moving envelope of Wonder that it encases you within that you will have no thought left for the errors or frivolities that filled your thoughts before. You can be so filled with Wonder that there is no moment to concern yourself with what others are doing, imagining them to blame or thank. Keep your focus on the Divine Will today.

    Let go into Love, Beloved. Let go into Love. Try It, with abandon and willingness, and let the Divine, today, be your Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “What Blesses one Blesses all.”

    You have heard this. And perhaps you interpreted it to mean that some earthly event can be a blessing for all the persons involved in it. And, yes, that can happen.

    But think of it primarily, dear Love, as the “What” being equal to God. God Blesses all. God already has Blessed all by casting forth the image of Itself to behold, as the good reflections of Itself. God does not shine forth as Light and Blessing to one, and not to another. No. Stop thinking of only the earthly illusion, of the mist that seems to cover the Glory of God. Think of the God-Light that shines forth constantly, Blessing one and Blessing all.

    O”, dear Love, be willing to receive your Blessing, and be Glad,

    And the Blessing is Love Itself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like software pre-installed on a computer, the Divine Guiding Voice is in every heart. But like software, the individual must be alerted that the Loving Divine is there, and agree to use it, and be trained in Its use.

    Let each make that choice when they are ready, but give your help when asked.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know for certain that if you choose the names of the five people you are most annoyed with right now, and ask God to Bless them and aide them in whatever way would be Good for them, that your own Soul self will be uplifted.

    Bless others, heal yourself, and add to the Light in the world, dear one.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Loves you and wants what any “parent” would want for an offspring.

    Perhaps try to remember the simplicity of that. Without going into complex metaphysical explanations, or metaphors that help the human mind understand, just comfort and allow healing of your self today with “God Loves me and wants what is Good for me.”

    “God Loves me and wants what is Divinely Good for me.” Allow God’s wisdom to See Your Best and gladly offer you all Good that is uniquely yours to have.

    “God Loves me and wants what is Good for me.”

    We assure you this is True.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let Us Love you back into the gentleness and generosity that are your True nature, as you reflect the Qualities of God. Be silent, and accept this Loving,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honor All That Is as truly All That Is, knowing that All that is IS Good.

    For the rest, to help you see clearly through the smoky reflections of earth, hold in your hands heart, and humor, and humility. Hold them in your awareness, even as you take dominion over your day, knowing they allow your hands to be used as the Will of God.

    What was made in perfection always was, and will be, unchanging, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It would do you little good to record in a diary what outfits you wore each day, over the course of many decades, if you wanted to really assess your Spiritual growth. Each entry must instead somehow answer the question, “How much did I Love as God Loves?”

    And a great part of that is whether you were able to look past the cloth and passing personalities of others, to see the Soul of God shining through their eyes. Let not annoyance be a thing you waste time feeling, let not criticism and complaining be the paths your thoughts hike upon. Turn to the cleansing Source for Love and assess “How can I better have Divine Love’s attitude today?”

    Being grateful for small and great Blessings is always a perfect beginning.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not need to try so hard to remember exact words or phrases. The Golden Glory of God simply flows once you open to It.

    Just as We sometimes give a phrase or a thought about what this day’s “message” will be to the instrument, when the moment comes to type the words, it is not about her remembering what was hinted at ahead of time. Rather, it is just about emptying the self-mind, and letting Divine Mind use the fingers to type the words.

    Be the instruments of Love. Be the expressions of Grace. Be the clarity that simply stands still and lets the Light shine through without wavering.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sweetness of fully allowing God-Spirit to completely guide your day is assurance and insurance of God Love.

    To waken from night slumber inviting Whole Spirit to guide each word, each thought, each action, each bite, each exercise, each quiet reflection, is to acquire a day of experiences and perceptions that is beyond earthly joy. Bathe in and absorb that Infinite Joy, dear one, and be glad, be glad, be glad.

    Do not forget to allow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you feel you must “make a plan” for the day, make a firm plan to Love, to be gentle, to be silent unless and until your True Inner Voice says to speak. Make a good plan to pause and listen for the sweet constant guidance of Spirit frequently throughout the day, and to renew yourself with Its Wisdom. Make a plan to stop and look around you at the small beauties, and to see and remember good moments, and be filled with gratitude.

    Ask God to fill you with pure Joy, for Joy is the very substance of God, that made all of Its reflections (You!) burst forth.

    It is a day for renewal, and refreshing, and realizing you want to be of Good Heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Give me a renewing Divine Thought, Dear God.”

    Ask it quietly and trustingly, and wait at lest a full minute of earthly time to hear and feel God’s Loving Embrace and response. And then hold and cherish that Thought all the day.

    If it is an instruction, such as “forgive”, enact it. God’s Word is True, and Good for you.