All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never forget what we told you so long ago, that the basic motive of the Originator, also known as God/Goddess/ Universe/All That Is, is to endlessly expand the Joy of Itself.

    Put in other words, although, because It is infinite, the Prime Cause is already everywhere, not every part of itself has yet awakened to the JOY of being everywhere. It wants that Joy of awareness to be felt and known and enjoyed in every part of itself.

    That Joy is part of the very substance of your being. Understand that, and you begin to enjoy being part of the whole in every moment. Understand that, and you will be like the raisin in the raisin bread that stops moaning “When will I be part of the raisin bread?”

    That raisin already IS part of the raisin bread. In fact, its very name is right there as a part of the name of the Whole. And is that not what is true when you think, in your prayers, of the name of God being “I am that I am”?

    Some raisins still do not believe in raisin bread, but there they are, in it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learning to love, and not judge outward appearance of, others also means not judging yourself. When you are in the moments of not liking your own behavior or appearance, stop and clearly ask God what the Divine Eyes See as you.

    You will hear Thoughts such as “You are my Beloved and Beautiful and Goodly made child.” And if there is also a suggestion to forgive someone or to let an inspiration blossom, follow that advice. But know that always, always, always, you are a Beloved Child of Spirit.

    God’s Mercy shines always. Only human forms of fear and anger bounce back and make mischief. Give them up, and count on and lean into, God’s Mercy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allowing and creating. These two words, and the thoughts behind them, take much pondering for them to be used correctly in your life. Strictly speaking, you must mostly ALLOW, and realize that your human self does NOT do any creating of lasting Peace. It is by allowing your own human desires to be set aside that you allow the Divine Creation to flow through you.

    You allow your desires to be replaced by Divine desires, once you find it in your heart to trust that the Divine wants your happiness. It does not want your suffering—It flows through your faith and trust and love and joy. When you let that flow occur, then what the Divine desires for you will satisfy your human needs and good desires, as well as helping those around you

    Work, therefore, on that great trust in the Divine Goodness. Work on trusting Its desire for your Good Truth and Life to be revealed, under the misty forms of your thoughts of errors and troubles. Then, ponder what you allow and what you can create, by acting on the Divine Ideas that you are given by the trustworthy Heart Whispers of God.

    Essentially, your human heart does the allowing, and the Divine Heart does the True Creating. Let It reveal to you the Best that you are, the Goodness that you are. Ponder this, Beloved, and allow the Loving Presence to come forth from Its quiet residence in your heart. It WILL speak to you, and comfort you, if you allow It to.

    In Great Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Get down to the basic, today.

    “Thank-you, dearest God, for Helping me be a perfect expression of Thee.”

    “Govern my thoughts, that become me and my world, and I let them all Loving Be.”

    This applies to you, AND to all around you, dear, dear Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    After you begin your day by giving over your “personal will” to God’s Will, to Divine Design Central, then, be approachable.

    Be approachable, for you never know, as you go through the minutes and hours of your day, what or whom will be the means through which the Great Designer demonstrates to you the most wonderful part you have to play, today, in the best Design for all. Be open to receive, be approachable, be open minded and ready to be delighted by how God finds a way to lovingly answer your call to let Divine Will, God’s Will, replace your human dream with the Dream that is best for All.

    Turn over your will to Will all day long, each hour, each minute, without ceasing,

    Lovingly, not grudgingly, let the Will be done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you come to know the Presence of One Spirit, know too that It is what links you to Harmony and All that is possible. You must link with It and through It, to be able to even clearly see the self of you that is lost in the dream of earthly life. And certainly, you must link with it to be able to draw upon all that is yours to help yourself, and any others, awaken.

    You will call It by the name you have been taught. A young child from another culture will call It by another name, but It is One Spirit, and Its service to all is the same. Link to It, O’ Beloved, for without that link you cannot See. You cannot do it alone.

    As Lovingly and patiently as we would have you be with yourself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Consistency. Consistency is important.

    Just as you cannot use the multiplication table only most of the time, and expect to solve equations correctly, you must have consistency in your spiritual truths and principle.

    If you are desiring having the full Force of “I Am Love” flowing through you for giving, and for creativity, and for feeling and sharing health and happiness, you cannot hold aside a few grudges in reserve. If you want joy and want joy for all EXCEPT that one person that seemed to have hurt you long ago, you must let go of that old resentment. Leave it to God to equalize things.

    If you want everything the Loving Source wants you to have, you must allow that Divine Rain to fall equally on everyone. To have everything, you must give everything that is in your own thoughts, and let every single one of them be washed clean by the gentle and persistent and CONSISTENT rain of Love. The reign of Love.

    These are not just word games. It is the real power of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is truly a time and a season for every phase of the earthly play.

    Dear Child, entitled and commanded and cherished mightily by God, today say:

    “I hold out my cup of receiving to the Infinite Grace of your Love, dear God, that you may fill It to overflowing with whatever understanding and ideas and thoughts and manifestations I need for my happiness in You, knowing I am Loved, and made of Your Love”

    Amen, Beloved, amen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Praying for others does not mean needing to be nosy or intrusive about their human situation. Just recognize that they are a fellow offspring of God, automatically deserving of God’s Love and Help, and call out to Divine Spirit:

    “Dear Comforter, Thank you for going to my fellow being and giving them whatever they need.” And sit quietly and really envision your intentions giving wing and direction to the full Harmony and happiness of that person or group.

    Leave the details to Spirit. Just add your Love and Trust in God. Be the faith in action.


  • Ah. Beloved,

    What advice you would give to another, take first for yourself.

    Be very careful to examine your own motives and behaviors, and do your own self-cleansing in Pure Spirit, so that it is Pure Joy you can give forth.

    Pure Joy is how God reaches and helps you. Give that gift of Joy to others.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    When the Spirit of Love awakens within each heart, it does not matter what that heart names It. Whether It names Itself to that heart and mind, or whether the person of that heart chooses to label It by the name of some teaching or some religion, It is still One Spirit. It is what It Is. It is Love, Truth, Peace, and the everlasting Presence of all kinship.

    It will come to all hearts, whether through the joy and suffering of earth, or the grace of instantaneous mercy, or at the instant of death. It may seem to come in many forms, but It will be the same One Spirit that is the Life of all and All.

    No one is left behind, for they were never apart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We remind you that you cannot give what you do not have. It may seem selfish to spend time quietly aligning yourself with the Power and Ever-Presence of God, when others are urging you to do, do, do something with your human hands and efforts, but human efforts are without power at all if the Grace of Divine Energy is not behind them.

    Therefore, take care to take your private renewal time in Spirit even more seriously when worldly events seem to present an urgency. We assure you that the more hearts and minds that are aligned with that Gracious Force that is metaphysics—beyond worldly physics, the more Goodness can help present worldly solutions and comfort.

    Continue to keep your thoughts above the clouds, and on what truly Is the Abundant Truth for All. Be a channel for that to come into the clouds and help to melt them away, revealing the Kingdom of Love.

    We are with All,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love will show Its Perfect Work.

    The ingrained illusions of the limited senses will try to keep you focused on the sorrows and sins and errors of the worldly picture, but Love cannot be denied or overcome, in demonstrating the Good and True It made and makes.

    Keep asking It. Keep begging Love to enable you to See the Good, the True, the Lovely, the Harmony. Keep looking and be willing, and Love will show you Its Perfect Work.

    Glimpses become full faith,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    With everyone you meet, be thinking, “I am willing to see the Divine of you, and you are willing to see the Divine of me.”

    That is God’s Intent for all, dear one. God Will help you do it, and practicing it as the Golden rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” becomes much easier as you discern the glimmers of the Light of Goodness in them, and feel those glimmers expanding in yourself.

    You can do this because it is God’s Loving Will for all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thanking God in advance for all the Good the day will bring exhibits the trust and faith that it will happen, and your understanding that the nature of God is Love.

    So, happily trust, and say in the morning, thank you God, thank you God, thank-you God.

    And look for the Good that IS,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, anytime you find yourself thinking of, or speaking of, others with a judgmental attitude, it is your own lack of Harmony that you need to find again. Re-center yourself in the Whole, and stand again in the awareness of complete Harmony of Oneness, and from there find the Grace and the Compassion and the ability to give Blessings to those around you.

    Your view of that around you is determined by what you are allowing to come through you. Allow Love, and allow Enlightenment, and They come.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sweet simplicity of remembering the eagerness of God/Goddess, the One Source, to please you and hold you and take care of you, while you are having the earth-dream, before you remember that you are totally Spirit, is the actuality to keep always in your mind. God WANTS to help you, with ideas, with guidance, with correcting the reflection of Spirit that you are, when you feel out of focus.

    Ask for it, allow it, believe it, Beloved. Savor the desire of God’s desire for you to be happy. Like a parent who loves to see her child smile, or a lover who is thrilled to know just how his love likes to be kissed, God loves to see your joys, for they reflect the Joy Divine. Thank God continually, and allow your joys to be felt, seen and acknowledged to be of the Divine. Allow God to be completely reflected in thee.

    Remember God’s eagerness to please you into the higher Consciousness that understands All beyond the dream.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you pay close attention, and discern with your spiritual heart, everything you encounter today can contain an arrow pointing to Wisdom, and a chance to Love and appreciate, and to give Glory where Glory is due.

    There is nothing keeping you from this except a focus on the surface of things.

    To focus on the stormy surface is to not be able to walk upon the deep calm waters of Truth, dear Child. Look, feel, discern past surface appearances, and invite God’s Voice within to narrate for you, and you will walk through your day in an entirely new, and uplifting, way.

    We hover next to you, lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We will help you release the view of the world you have had. We will help you see Good, not bad,

    Is it so hard to be playful today, asking us to be your playmates in Seeing the world Our Way? You deserve this, and We would love your company in it. As your brother said, release, release, release your old way of seeing.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Expect Good. Know that Good is the Truth and expect it. Expect the path to open and widen. Expect the opportunities to arrive and be clear. Expect the courage and joy from the Infinite to fuel your inspirations and actions. Expect Good and take comfort, and even pleasure, from those expectations, like looking forward to a wonderful surprise.

    When you put the ball into another’s hands, you must trust his timing of when to throw that ball sweetly through the hoop. When you cast your cares to God, trust the arc of events to be in God’s timing, too.

    Trust Good, and the timing of Good. In trust is the freedom you crave.

    In such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved, The perfect You already exists, like a masterpiece painting found under layers of dust in an old pawn shop.

    You can ask Spirit to remove the dust, so that you shine as brightly as the day first painted in God’s Thoughts, but you must be willing to do ask God asks. That is the caveat. When God says to move, or speak or not speak, or give or not give, or teach or not teach, or heal or not heal, you must be willing to do as It says.

    It is only a little willingness, and fiercely and joyfully supported by your guardian Angels. Can you do it? Can you WANT to be revealed as a masterpiece reflection of the Divine Artist, and be willing to be the work of Art?

    Now, or later in human time, that is your choice,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you pray, begin with delightful willingness and belief in the Omnipotence and Goodness of God. Remember that, and focus on that. God is Pure Good. God is Complete Love. To pray, ponder the Omnipotent Love that Loves you, and wants you to know it, and declare that Truth in your own heart and thoughts, and expect to see that Love demonstrated.

    From a human parent or lover, you would expect to see love demonstrated in various ways. Be so aware that the Love of God for you is many times greater, and is ever with you, and does not fade or fail. So, expect Good. Expect Good.

    Begin with all that. If you begin prayers by listing what you see as your human problems, you are beginning from the wrong place, and only reinforcing your thoughts of woe. Begin with God. Begin with the Omnipotent Goodness of God, and claim It, and expect It.

    Expect Good. Expect Good. Expect Good.


  • Ah, Now, Friend,

    Realize that when you have become accustomed to feeding your self from Spirit within, there is no going back. Be of that Mind, or be discontent and grumbling and complaining.

    There is only the Divine Mind, and the illusion of the world. Take your concentration off the illusion, Beloved, and focus only on letting your mind be illumined from within. That is all.

    That is the only true place, Beloved, to resolve the things that seem to be on the outside, irritating or frustrating you. Go within, be of Peace, become Peace, and let the outer reflect the Truth you begin to live. Be the Illumined mind, or be nothing, Love. It is the only choice there is.

    We support the choice, but you must make it, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Infinite has plenty for all. What is given to another is not taken away from you.

    There are plenty of new and old ideas. There is plenty of Divine Love.

    There are plenty of talents and gifts of purpose. There is ever-expanding Wisdom.

    Take and use your share. There is Plenty for all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mother/Father God knows your worthiness and innocence, as it shines forth from Divine Love. Know yourself truly worthy of God’s confidence in you, and claim your wholeness of Spirit.

    Human memories will try to convince you of sins and errors and faults, and the sorrow and guilt f them. Know that those are not part of God’s current Loving Sight of you, and claim your Purity and God’s Perfect Support.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Set aside idle thoughts of blame. They cause only pain.

    Focus your thoughts and heart and will on the Osmosis of Love.

    Since you are a single “cell” within the Infinite Body of God-Spirit, the exchange of Love is constant across the membrane of individuality. Simply allow it to happen. Love God and let God Love you. Back and forth, back and forth, Love God and let God Love you.

    Being very aware of how much you Love God, and letting yourself be a permeable membrane for that Spiritual Love, is the sate of substance and thought that creates the Good and the Grateful-worthy in your Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A reliable conductor directs his orchestra throughout the entire symphony, to the finish of the program. If one violinist and one drummer are not paying attention to him, they may miss a beat or play too loudly or softly, but it does not mean the conductor stopped conducting.

    Are you paying attention to your Conductor all the time? His intention is for the experience to be Harmonious for all, and the practicing will go on and on until it is so. Pay attention, Beloved, pay attention. Pay attention, and then you will not miss a note, and your example will help the performance of those around you as well.

    The Conductor never stops conducting. You can count on that.

    Lovingly, lovingly, lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to turn to the other light bulbs in an array if the “light bulb” that is you is temporarily not functioning. Turn to the source of the power supply, instead. Be grateful that it always flows, if you are properly connected to it.

    Turn to it. Ask to be turned back on and re-connected to the Vibrant Flow of Life, Child. Remember, you are fully alive as an idea, a thought, a word, within the Source of all Power, and your projection in to this array of lights is dependant only on what the “original” of you is doing, to shine in its Originator.

    Shine on, Child. Shine on. Your time to be dimmed is not yet,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Direct speaking to, and listening to, and contemplation of the Divine Presence you dwell within is best. Adhered to on a daily basis, it will keep you on track and centered and assured of who you are and what is Good, and of true Purpose.

    But when human emotional tides and fearful images in mortality leave you too confused to remember that you are a Pure and Perfect image of God Thought, then turn to a friend or spiritual advisor that does know that Truth of you. Let them help entreat Holy Spirit to fill your mind with such powerful waves of Divine Thought that It clears away the mistaken human thoughts of yourself as limited and beleaguered.

    Always try to deeply commune with Divine Love yourself, but be not too proud to ask another Spiritually awakened one for help. It multiplies the opening to the Loving Omnipotence of God.


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learning to hear God clearly, and feel that Unconditional Love deeply, is like finding the sweet spot in front of a three-way mirror from where you can see what you need to see of your appearance. That spot exists. Just practice finding it in your consciousness, knowing that God WANTS you to be able to See yourself as the very image and likeness of the Divine Qualities that you are.

    God WANTS you to hear the Loving whispers and ideas that Bless one and all.

    God is quite happy when you listen to the Divine Voice that endlessly endeavors to help you find your happiness.

    O”, Dear Ones all, please listen, and be Loved,


  • We are here to Awaken One Another

    For an instant of eternity, I remember

    I am a winged idea of the Mind of the All Divine.

    I am a winged idea flying freely,

    in, and as, substance of Harmony.

    Aligned with Those who never slept,

    for this moment,

    I fly in glorious Bliss.

    I see you.

    O”, old friend, O’ fellow idea,

    I see you seeming to be standing, wings folded alongside, inert,

    gazing into some distant nothingness,

    as though you were dreaming you were wingless again, and flesh,

    caught in the hazy reflection of Heaven as though it were your life.

    I hover behind you,

    and enfold you in my wings of thought,

    And call to the Mother-FatherAll That Is,

    and say, “Here is another one, dreaming she is on earth,

    dreaming she is limited somehow.”

    I whisper Love to you, and call again, in trust, to God,

    “Please awaken her, as You Will,

    Please remind her she is soul of your Soul, and Whole.”

    And I wait, holding the sweet idea of you,

    knowing that The Great Breath will gather,

    emanating the Power that It Is,

    and will Touch you as It sees best,

    so that quickly, or gently and slowly,

    you will remember,

    “I am a winged idea in the Mind of God,

    living and moving and having my being There,

    and All, All, is Well.”

    And when I have heard It breathe Word to you, and felt It Look to you,

    Steadfastly Being All It Is,

    I am free to fly again,

    idea that I am.

    Swooping, I am the lines of a swallow filled with Joy,

    Wheeling, I am substance without form, with no bond but Love,

    knowing all is Peace and Endless Love,

    in the Source which is ever and always the same.

    God IS “on the job”,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Return to the basic of Joy. Joy is the fuel that gives you the strength to have faith when challenges seem to be present, and the purpose for celebration when you see the unfolding of beauty and order.

    When you think about teaching beauty, it is about teaching the beauty of thoughts of Harmony. Sometimes those thoughts translate into worldly objects of beauty, but also they translate into basking in the very understanding of Harmony as a Cause; of Harmony as the only Law that really governs you.

    Let It govern you with Joy today, Beloved. And if challenges try to distract you, go back to thinking about Harmony and Joy ruling you, and asking, yet again, “Let me see Your Solutions, dear God, in the Law of Harmony, for I know those solutions will be beautiful.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Human imaginings will never outweigh God. They cannot, being only imaginings, outweigh God’s Reality of a beautiful reflection that reflects All of Itself.

    All, the “Allness” of the infinite reflection of an Infinite God, is already “mended” from the little error that made some parts of the reflection seem fuzzy. If you feel, or imagine, that you are still caught in the fuzzy part, know that it is not True.

    Close your eyes, be still, and know that you are already caught up again, like a tiny dropped stitch in the Great Weaving, and that you are a part of the Ever Lovely Tapestry.

    Although the day outside is lovely, close your eyes and see the Greater Loveliness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to worry. There is only the need to realize that the Connection you are seeking already exists. You already Live within, and are like, that which you want and need to feel close to.

    It is not far away that Love exists. It surrounds you and is you, and offers Its Absoluteness to your consciousness right now. It is only a fantasy that you are far away and alone. Just let go of that imagining of being separate.

    Now, you are Loved, and made of Love.

    Ask It, “If You are right here, let me feel you Holding me.”

    Give It a chance to prove Itself, and that It wants you to remember who you are within It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What the Soul of each truly longs for is Peace of Mind—meaning Peace as emanated by the Divine Mind, when Its reflections, Its creations, including you, are aligned with the Joy and Peace and Perfection of the Spirit that is Harmonious All-in-All.

    What most people mean when they say they want “peace of mind” is just the hypnotic lure of materialism. They may mistakenly equate peace of mind with the level of their bank account, or the number of awards or degrees or friend connections or objects they have. You have only to look at how many wealthy people are miserable or morally bankrupt, and how many dispossessed people have imagination and wisdom, to know that materialism is not the same as Peace of Mind.

    Beloved, the true Peace of Mind is about serenity in knowing you are Loved and Lovable as Spirit and Essence. It is about understanding and believing that you are part of the Great Life Force Itself and not a body, but a Consciousness that is ever floating in the Wisdom of God, and partaking of the Calm Awareness of Love Infinite and Everlasting. Claim the Peace of God-Love.

    Are you letting your human intellect define you? Or are you letting the Loving embrace of Divine Spirit keep you aware of being One with God?

    Feel the Truth of God’s Love, and other worldly desires are put into perspective.

    Softly supportive,


  • Ah, enjoy the sense of surrender. Especially if you are exhausted from the sense of trying so hard, enjoy the sense of riding the wave of surrender, and trust, trust, trust in the complete support of the Source’s Love.

    As always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As any teacher can tell you, whether it is of lower or higher grades in education, it is difficult to teach those who rarely attend, or do not really pay attention when they do. And in advanced classes, professors do not spend time chasing down the unwilling students.

    The Spirit of God does not force you to relearn and remember your innocence and holiness by studying Awakened Consciousness. It does present opportunity after opportunity to experience and enjoy the sublime Presence that WANTS to Lovingly Guide you and teach you how wonderful is the Soul of All. It does constantly make Itself available to your sensibility of Spirit and Thought.

    Be willing to be taught, Beloved. Be willing to be awakened. There is absolutely no pattern of thought or feeling or circumstance that the Comforter and Teacher Divine is not ready and willing and Omnipotently Able to Help you with. It seeks your attention to Help you.

    Be willing to remember your innocent holiness. God’s Spirit is teaching always. Learn.

    With you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The wonderful goodly worth of every single shining essence that is a part of the Soul of God is something that you can count on. All you really need to remember is the Omnipotence of God’s Governance and call to It, and continue your faith in It, and be silent when needed and act and speak when needed. The Governance does the real work.

    Your hard work, which gets easier and easier, is to discipline yourself to keep turning away from the paltry surface human evidence, and trusting to the Truth of Love, even when there is no visible evidence of It.

    WE are in the world with you, but also not of it. Trust that.


  • Ah, Child,

    Do not become trapped in your own shortcomings. In fact, if your mortal mind would try to trap you into thinking about problems that you cannot overcome, or failures that you cannot forget, then know it is your cue to surrender all the more to the Divine Spirit, whose voice is within you, and who is the part of you that is part of the Divine. Let go to It, and be glad.

    When the negative self-talk would make you dizzy with its repetitions, or the mortal voice of friends or relatives would try to convince you to blame, or point the finger, because they speak from their own fears, then hold fast to your Calm Center. Take one strong hand of your practice and your will and your faith, and hold, in silence, to that Calmness, and wait, wait, wait for Its word.

    Move not by your own mortal word, nor by old and new worries, but by the word from Within, and be at Peace with Divine Timing, O’ Love.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yesterday’s message was about releasing, forgiving, or celebrating and then letting go of, old thoughts that repeat, and interfere with, your ability to receive clear Guidance for the current moment. That was about specific repetitive memories.

    There is another category of detour that will try to draw you away from the enactment of the Divine Will in this moment, and that is a more general unease. If each time you think of a certain person, or hear his or her name, or read the name of a particular place, or glimpse an old photo of a friend, or similar such things, and you feel an uneasy or queasy reaction in the heart and belly and mind, then you know there is some unfinished work. You may have no idea at all why the uneasiness is there, and no clear memory or a specific mistake that you need to forgive or be forgiven for, but the unease alone should be enough to signal you to stop, pause, and turn to the Divine Spirit for help.

    Turn in honesty to that Help, and ask that your heart be opened to giving and receiving forgiveness for whatever you may have done or not done with or to that person whose name makes you cringe. Welcome the Divine Love that heals all things, and earnestly request the healing of the unknown cause of the lack of harmony. Ask that the other person also be open to forgive and to receive Divine Love, so that all may be realigned with the Flow of joy and purpose.

    It is not necessary to ferret out, or remember, the details of the incident that was the seeming source of the unease. If there is unease, it needs to be healed. Just allow it to be admitted to, and focused on, and released to the Healing Spirit, so that you may realign with your Divine Truth, right here and right now. And, if in the course of the hour or the day or the week, you are given a chance to encounter that person or place again, then welcome the chance to extend unconditional love in person, and feel the separation mended, and be ready to be at peace again.

    Let not unease stop your hour or your day. Cast it to the Divine Healer, and be free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is enough in Me for all.

    I Am the Mind that holds you all, and all there is, and there is enough in My Mind for all. Enough Love, enough provision of ideas, enough inspiration and harmony. Enough order and maintenance and governance. Enough for all.

    Your thoughts may look at fearful events or words of the merely material, and argue about this, or not believe it could be true, but I tell you, I Am enough for all, there is enough in Me for all. Fill your mind with My Mind today, in that thought, “There is enough for all.”

    All answers, all needs fulfilled, all solutions seen, all perfectness unfolded and revealed, “There is enough in Mind for all.”

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To realize your self as a simple and innocent and perfect part of the Whole is also to be able to realize others as the same. As you are healed of the thought of what you are, into the Thought that God has of what you are, you are also able to re-think “others”, to Think of them as God thinks of them, and therefore to heal them, or, to be clearer, to see them Healed as you let God’s Thoughts flow through you.

    O’ ponder this today, Beloved, and be freed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Harmony IS a Law. It IS the reality of that which truly IS.

    And, like a dog shaking water off itself after it gets drenched, Harmony will shake off the illusions of inharmony until It can shine forth again, fresh and clean.

    THAT is what you can count on.

    Be one, Beloved, that cheers the Harmony on,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Between the times when you feel the true communion of God/Goodness/Oneness Within and the times when you feel you are reeling from the data and materialism of the world, there will be many moments when you feel that you are a player within the world, performing some needed task or job, but that your consciousness is trying to call out to you to listen, or see, with Deeper eyes, a hint of Divine reality around you. Those are the times when, if you cannot literally drop everything and completely listen to the guiding Voice within, you CAN at least slow things down.

    Slow down the chore you are doing and do it with absolute FULL attention. Concentrate on the seconds of time that are passing and look VERY carefully at every detail around you. Let your sensory focus on the things of the very present moment so occupy your thoughts, that your Divine Thoughts have a chance to slip between and reach your awareness. Ask for Divine Help with this, and it can happen. If you let your mind simply wander and zip about while you are performing routine material things, it will wander into the future of worries and the regrets or replays of the past, and the Divine Voice of this moment’s best choices will not have a chance to hold you and help you and love you.

    Give it that chance, Beloved. Give it moments of quiet, when you feel you cannot give it all. Giving the Divine just a bit of permission will open enough to let It in.

    Each moment you give the Full Infinite gives you more of your Self,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The rules that the world teaches you about supply and happiness simply do not take into account the Law of Harmony and Loving Source that IS. It is God, and It is yours if you learn, above all, in every situation, to hear and obey the Divine Voice that was placed in your heart from the beginning of time.

    Absolutely nothing is more important to your human journey than learning to hear that Voice, and love It and live It.

    “For I Am your God, and there is none else.”

    Learning to faithfully love your faithful God is the only real road to any kind of lasting happiness. It is the smooth wave that carries you through the journey, and beyond. Love that, be grateful for that, and simply let It do Its work through you.

    Stop consulting earthly “experts” and listen to God always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Excellence in anything is a reflection of the Goodness of God, so long as it is Good, and follows the laws of Love.

    How about an excellent nap today? Ask for God’s Love to enfold you, and let it be short, sweet, satisfying and healing.

    We will hold your hand.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Womb of God’s Mind is the Womb you are in forever, ever-growing in Love.

    Be not afraid that your fetal dream of a contentious world leaves you alone and unsupported. Your umbilical corn to God Soul is intact. You are floating in the Spirit of Life.

    Close your eyes and feel it. Close your eyes and continue to Be Safely Held.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing that is untrue about God.

    Consider the meanings of the word “true”.

    People use the word to indicate “fact”, but they also use it when speaking of someone that is faithful and consistent, or a thing that has been engineered perfectly, or cut exactly right.

    All these are the truth of God. God is ever faithful to you, the created image of spiritual essence. God is always consistent in intent and treatment of all Its creations, with complete and undying Love. What is true of God for you, is true for another person as well. God TRULY wants the best for all, and it is part of why, when asking for blessings for yourself, you must first ask that your neighbor, friend, or “competitor”, or “enemy”, be blessed as well. Blessings are only true when they are true for all.

    Consider all the meanings of the word “true”, and grasp with your heart why it is truly simpler to study God, which is unchanging and true, than it is to study all the changing and changeable objects and thoughts and feelings and sciences of earthly perception.

    Very truly yours,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Serving the Joy and Wellness of others will serve you as well.

    Do that today. Bless all.

    Love grows as It is spread upon all grounds.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never mind the dizziness that accompanies trying to intellectually figure out what is “real” and what is “unreal.”

    When you realize enough to start questioning what, from what your senses perceive, is real, and therefore say unto the One Real Source, “Use me. Use the bit of light that is reflected into the mirror, that seems to be “me”, as a means to help others look to the Source, and as a way to help me be an accurate reflection,” then the Source WILL use you.

    When you say that, be prepared to mean it, and to serenely accept the earthly consequences of meaning it. As that which is not of God falls away from your life, and as your life swirls and changes to accommodate being an aperture for the intentions of the Source, you will understand better the true meaning of surrendering to the Greater Plan.

    Each aperture that stays open decreases the time that any shadows can seem to loom,

    In glorious thanks,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never extend willingness to give what you do not have, or not know that you will have, within the world. DO extend, endlessly, the gift of God’s Love, for you KNOW it is of the Infinite source, and freely available to you, and to all others who are willing to receive It.

    Give, give, give of It freely, knowing It is always flowing to you, and allowing your own human thoughts to step out of the way so that It CAN freely flow to you.

    You choose when to “unstopper” the vessel that is you,

    the rest flows to you on its own,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When what seems like an exterior event occurs, that causes you distress or annoyance or discomfiture of any kind, seek calmness first. Seek calmness from the Source, and then seek Joy.

    Seek the Calmness of the Source by remembering, “Be still, and know that I Am.”

    And then seek to feel the Joy of your connection to the Source, so that creative solutions and ideas and comfort can flow to you, from where they are, right where you are.

    Practice this with small and large occurrences, so you will have it be second nature to you,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ah, how easy it seems to take on false responsibility.

    Most people interpret “Honor thy mother and father” as an edict to honor their earthly parents. And, to be sure, honoring those who gave sweet care and love to you is good, as well as honoring them as other soul-reflections of One Soul.

    But ALL are children of One Loving Source. That Oneness governs all and plans for all and has responsibility for all. Would you usurp the authority of God? Would you not honor the authority of your Heavenly Mother/Father? Would you imagine that you know best what would be good for another, when you are not even sure what would be good for yourself?

    Yes, Beloved, if you are led by the Divine Voice to do or say a thing, or to give care or nourishment of some kind to another, do so. But let yourself be LED by Divine Voice in those doings, and gracefully give way to the Divine leadings of others. Remind yourself often that God governs you, and that it is God’s job to govern others, not yours.

    Your job is only to love them as you are loved, for when you receive Love, as one of God’s children, it is Good to pass that Love along, recognizing that if God deems it Good to Love that other, those others, as His/Her children, then surely so must you recognize that what they really are is Lovable children of God, endlessly forgiven when they behave badly, and endlessly encouraged to shine the Brightness out of which they are made.

    Can you do any less?



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need of ANYTHING bodily in the full Realm of Heaven. But even before you attain that full awareness of being only, and purely, Spirit, you can achieve much of the freedom of not needing any bodily thing, by simply, and truly relinquishing charge of the bodily needs to the Source Light. Let Its Voice guide you about what to do, where to go, what to buy, what to wear, what to eat, or not eat, what to cut, what to indulge in, and not to indulge in…

    Trusting in the Divine Voice, instead of in fashions or fads or well meaning advice from friends or media, is a liberating experience that will truly give you a foretaste, a LIVING foretaste, of the wondrous Freedom of Heaven.

    Listen, trust, obey. Let old habits fall away, as you find them replaced by what is Given to you to do, in this moment, in this Now, in this extension of Heaven to your Heart, and thus to the appearance that you make in the earth realm.

    Lovingly, as ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Shifting thought, from whatever human emotional mood one is in, to thoughts about what the Divine Source is, assists in the fuel of Joy. Just thinking about what Joyous impulses of God began Creation, and what pleasure God takes in the Beauty of the worlds, will uplift your basis of Spiritual feeling to a true springboard. Blessings will leap into your gratitude thoughts. Praise for God will fill your heart.

    All this will put your Soul thoughts in the perfect attitude for deep active and effective prayer. For as you align with the nature and substance of God, and your thoughts are as God’s Thoughts, the mirrored Good Wishes and purpose come true.

    Laugh as God Laughs. Love as God Loves. And Life will feel Beautiful indeed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it is hard to sort out your true desires and needs, realize that what you really need is to feel the Fullness of Divine Love. It will help you feel contented, peaceful, and wise about yourself and your community and world.

    “Dear God, help me open to the Flood of Your Love, Love, Love that is always available to me, and supports me, and satisfies any sense of emptiness of purpose, or lack of affection in me.”

    Love supplies the answers, dear one. Open to the Wondrous Flow of It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even now, within the busy-ness and chores and enjoyments of the beauties of the day, there are moments that you are fully aware that all that really matters is feeling the Love of God, and returning the Love of God, and seeing It alive in others.

    Note those moments today, Child. Note those moments and resolve to feel more of them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Kindness in leaving a situation in the Mighty Hands of God, when you simply do not humanly know what to do. If there are active measures to be taken, or a new face or place to bring into play, God can arrange that. And, God can give you the inner impulse to do anything else that you can still individually do.

    Hand it into the Hands of God, and step back, in Love, and with Love, and trust, trust, trust in the Wonderful Will of God.

    When you step back, and peace descends upon you, you will know it is right to do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are the living Truth, held in order by the Love of God.

    “I am the Living Truth, an expression of the expansive Love of God.”

    “I am the Beloved Child, all embraced by Pure Care of Mother God.”

    Let yourself feel that, and know that, today,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    So many humanly think that extraordinary and everyday Good couldn”t happen for them, because they secretly or overtly think they don”t deserve it, or because they don”t comprehend that the Divine Source is Unlimited.

    But Dear Loving God doesn”t accept the limits you imagine It has, and the Infinite Good It offers you is freely given. God does not refuse to help you because of some error or mistaken choice or small sin you imagine is part of you.

    Accept the Good Gifts God offers, and use the Joy they give as fuel for more Good.

    There is Plenty,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the earth stage, the unexpected will always occur. The better armed you are with an awareness of the Truths of the nature of the Divine, which is your true substance and inheritance, the better you will be able to respond with an appropriate Truth, when faced with a challenging, or delightfully surprising, circumstance.

    Whether you know the Truths from memorizing and pondering Scripture of your Creed, or whether you know them from simply communing privately with the Inner Voice of Holy Spirit each day, or whether you have gleaned your working rules of Decency from myths and films and stories, take time to let the Truth arise in your heart before you react to any surprise, “good” or “bad”. Know your Truths completely. Test them in every situation. Let them become automatic, so that they are the “override” that carries you. Then, like an accomplished Shakespearean actor who can deliver his lines wonderfully, even if he has sprained his elbow, or even if he has just been informed of a wonderful inheritance, you will be able to react, and speak, and share, with the Truth of Calm Joy in which you want to remain.

    Centered in the Divine is center-stage indeed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is Unseen, but very Real.

    You can feel the Love.

    It is what you, pure spirit, dwell within.

    Learn it. Believe it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting the human thoughts of others slide over you and around you without touching or threatening or disturbing the Calm Center of your Trust in God is the Key. Your own human thoughts must part around the strong Rock of God in your heart as well.

    Why do you think it is called the first commandment? Stay with it. Stay centered in It.

    Be It, Beloved, and Be Free.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To completely be a transparency for the Greater Good to shine through thee, it is necessary, dear Love, to be greatly desirous of that function. So long as too many hours a day are spent in daydreaming of luxury, or credit for personal worth, or appreciation, or, in the other direction, of feeling the pinch of unappreciation, or the mistaken notions of the worth of suffering, then not enough clarity and holiness are present for the God-Presence to pour Itself through you into the needy dream of earth.

    Like a mother who sets aside, IMMEDIATELY, all thoughts of the small chores of the day, such as dishes or meal preparation or toilette, if her child goes missing from the backyard, in order to search for him, you must set your priorities of thought. For the sleepers of the world, dear one, are like unto that missing child, who does not realize how far he has wandered, in thought, from his true and real Home.

    Be the surrogate parent, Beloved, and set aside all that is unimportant, in order to bring all the children of the Divine Heart Home safely, and have the Divine Gratitude that is more rewarding than any fleeting joy or sorrow of earth dream.

    We assure you, the sublime is beyond imagining,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To say often to yourself throughout the day “I love my Spirit” is not vanity. It is a claiming of your True identity and a feeding of your purpose.

    Do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hold still, and quiet your heart, and the answers will come clear. Just as a prism must be held still in a beam of sunlight, before you can count, or distinctly see, all the colors of the rainbow it casts, you must hold still.

    You are the prism. If you would like to see the beautiful rainbow of your life that the Source Light intended you to see, hold still once in a while and let yourself see it. No one else can make you hold still, but you can do it any time you like, if you do not think that the piles of paper, or airwaves of chatter, or fast talkers around you, or twinges of body, hold power over where you put your attention.

    Hold still at least a few times a day, and see and appreciate the lovely rainbow of your life. After a time, you will begin to understand, and believe, that the Principal that holds the colors of a rainbow in place so wonderfully can hold every facet of your life in order as well. It is truly a well made and marvelous design, once you begin to see beyond the earthly spectrum.

    As ever, seeing your loveliness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Those who speak of turning to God for healing and for solutions to human discord as though it were just a vague faith, and probably unreliable as compared to human efforts, do not really understand anything about the Infinite Omnipotence of God.

    If you think of God as some far off and capricious entity who must follow human comprehension of physical laws, and is secondary to cultural fads of well being, then you are only looking at something in your own imagination. Beyond the mixed knowledge of your white coated physicians or herbalists or manipulators of body and bones, there is the Omnipresent Creator that is not “still learning”, or practicing to “get it right”, fiddling around with drips and techniques.

    God’s Perfect view of the perfect you that is Spirit-Light-Life shining forth from One Spirit, is that you are very Good, and All is Well. Take your mind and trust away from the ephemeral smoky errors of human thought, and ASK every day to be enabled to See as God Sees, to Know as God Knows, to Love as God Loves, and to feel the fullness of Soul as your animating Purpose.

    The Spiritual understanding of God, and of yourself as Spirit, is the way to truly heal.

    Keep your mind on the glimpses of glory you have seen, and you will See more,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Life is the Love God has given us, that always has been, is now, and always will be. The brief illusory costumes are not the beginning, and not the end. The Infinite Love that is given forth from the very Creative Force of Mind, goes on, on, on as Life.

    Life is the Love God IS giving us. Take great Joy in Its foreverness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are absolutely never alone. You exist within the Mind of God, serene and perfect as an idea of Omniscient Spirit.

    Just as a quantum particle is shining in the same way that its entangled partner is shining, always and forever, you are shining as the idea that is the embedded idea of you that God thought up, and declared very Good.

    Do let yourself shine today, Beloved. And We know for a fact that you will inspire others to shine around you, bringing such Light forth that the shadows are as nothing. Today you will meet kindred spirits. Look for them, and smile together, in joyous agreement at what you have found yourselves ready to See and understand.

    To Understand the Omnipotent Infinitude of All is to know you were never alone. That was only a shadow of a dream.

    Grateful for each awakening heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give yourself the gift of giving up. of releasing. And give over all control to Me. I have it already, but as you acknowledge it, I can give to you My Joy.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can spend five minutes arguing with someone, or you can spend those minutes being glad for the day. Which one do you want?

    You can spend a minute feeling angry about something, or you can spend that minute with the deep Peace of God in your heart. Which one do you want?

    If your earthly presence ended tonight, which one would you be happy to have chosen?

    It is always the same choice—earthly focus or Infinite Peace while in the world.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Training yourself to understand that you are a resident of the Divine Mind, fully Spiritual, and so is everyone around you, is almost the most important thing you can do.

    The most important thing is to Love the Divine Home-Mind, and to know It is Good.

    Waste not time on the human drama that needs forgiving and that is apparent and distracting each day. For growth of Soul-alignment, go straight to Loving God and knowing all to be born of that Template of Good, as Soul reflections.

    Just below limited sight is Glory,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Unable to control another, it is also important to learn that the “self-earthly” cannot be controlled without the loving, firm Hand of God.

    Let that Holy Comforter be with you now, and find in that Holy Space within, the utter Love you need.

    There is no destiny set in stone, Beloved. There is only choosing, again and again, Love. The Love you choose is Loving God, not loving the dream, and then letting God dissolve the illusion of pain.

    Let the Joy in, Beloved. Let the Joy in, and behold the Light of your True Dreams.

    We say “Beloved” so often so that you will know you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    While it is certainly Holy Spirit’s main task to remind you constantly of your identity as a Good Child of God, and to help you remember how best to love and forgive and be a perfect image of God Qualities, that small still Voice is glad to assist you in all the small human ways as well. Befriending and supporting you in living happily is part of having you peacefully be an instrument for God.

    And for you, learning to know and trust the Loving and Guiding Voice of Spirit on the small day to day things will help you trust when it comes to bigger questions. So, whether you are listening to the inner Advisor when picking out a grapefruit, or choosing a travel destination, or committing to a partner, or deciding when to answer a calling, or asking for the courage to forgive a human error, just be very, very glad you have that inner Advocate.

    And you always will have.

    We walk with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you awaken with a surge of energy, or feel suddenly uplifted or inspired during the daily duties, give honor and glory to the Loving Source.

    Rather than crediting the new blanket, or the new kind of tea, or the taste of the water or the smell of the soap, give gratitude and glory to God, dear child. Give gratitude and glory to God, from Whom, and through Whom, All Good comes.

    It is not about physical causes. It is about all Gratitude to Spirit, that IS All.

    Loving you so, within that Spirit,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so important to accept that you want to, and need to, see your enemies healed and uplifted instead of punished. You can only receive the full benefit of knowing your own complete health and wealth shining, if you accept that God loves all equally and created all equally. The “small-minded” human self often wants to see those it disagrees with punished, because of their silly or sinful or irritating mortal behavior, but you must remember that the Divine Task assigned to all is to see all as God sees them—made in Divine image of Spirit and very good and lovable.

    Oh, we know how hard it is to look past the mortal costume and behavior sometimes, but if you remind yourself of how much you want your own Best Self to be brought to the surface, you can find the strength and reserves to look past the costumes of others. As all the “Divine Selves” do this for each other, the world illusion WILL get better and better, we assure you, shining more with the Glory of God.

    We see the glorious in you and all right now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To someone who has used a pencil for years, and been frustrated at having needed to begin writing over and over when an error was made, being told what the eraser on the other end of the pencil is for would seem like magic. Just so can the presence of a Guiding Wisdom within your spiritual Self seem like magic when you are first told of it, or awakened to it by your own experience.

    Mistakes can be erased, Beloved. Let your erroneous thoughts be erased by the Thoughts of Truth †“the Truth being the Infinite Presence of Goodness—and you will be delighted and amazed at the tool that was right at hand all along.

    Today, allow, with discipline, error thoughts to be erased,

    Use the eraser carefully and completely, but Joyously,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you count up the days, and realize, how little of the journey remains, you will find it easier and easier to not count the cost, but be generous, and create and think and act as if only Love sustains, sustains, sustains. For that is Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you thank God in advance for bringing Harmony to your worldly life, you are admitting that you experience this existence as a journey through linear time. But the very reason that you CAN thank God in advance is because God exists outside the bubble of the space/time dream, even though God has sent Spirit into the dream to aid you. From the eagle eye view outside of time, Spirit can see all the paths and detours you could take, and can help you journey along the smoothest one.

    So, DO thank God in advance for assistance and aid, and be humble and grateful enough to surrender to that Guidance that can see what you cannot—all the moments of the time dream at once, and how to navigate them graciously and serenely.

    Hold fast to the mast of Christ-Mind, the One-Mind, the Light,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is easiest to receive Joy if you expect it.

    If you cannot yet convince yourself to expect it, at least be willing to be surprised by it.

    The more you get to know the nature of God, the easier you will find it to believe in Joy and in the utter Goodness of your true home in Spirit, right there in your heart. Right here, right now, your Heart can project Its Joyous reality.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grow in Grace. Grow in amazement of and at Grace.

    Grow not in time or in space. Just grow in Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like the leaves of a tree that fall down around its roots, and decay to feed the ground and give it nutrients, your old habits and attitudes and mistakes and successes can fall down through time to feed who you are now.

    Therefore, like the old leaves that have mulched into the elements, let what you have learned help you be an even better display of the newness of what you are now, but do not keep trying to dig up those old displays. Be the newness unfurling, like the fresh green leaves.

    Be the newness and goodness now, letting what has died feed you, but never hold you back or down.

    “I will be my Higher, Best Self, displayed, reflecting the Divine, now.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What a game of boomerang one plays each day.

    Send forth joy and blessings, and God joins the game, and sends even more back to you.

    Send forth bitterness and sorrow and judgment, and they will bounce back at you, and sting you as they hit, but God will not join in, for God does not keep an arsenal of pain and darkness. God only understands the giving, and seeing of, Good, and does not know what game you are playing when you seek errors and bitter woe. God stands aside, then, hoping you will play with Light again soon, that it may be joined to in Gladness.

    Play the game that delight knows, and delight will know you too.



  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved Child of God,

    We address the eternal Life of you, that is part of the Life that is All.

    That is the Real You. While you are dreaming this body adventure, we also address all that you are imagining and manifesting. Although the creative Force that was gifted to You as being a part of the Life that is All was misunderstood when you fell asleep into the body-dream, and you began imagining vulnerability and strife, it need not be so. We are glad, o” so glad, to help the dream be as happy as it can be while you yet sleep.

    Ask us, Beloved. Ask for comfort. Ask for strength. Ask for ideas. Ask to be given the True thoughts to think, that you may create dream blessings for yourself, and for all those you meet. Ask to understand what really matters, and what really exists.

    It is gently and happily we would have you awaken.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is very common for those who still are caught in time and thinking of themselves as only body-thought to feel uncomfortable and threatened when they are near someone who has had glimpses of Oneness and eternity. Be gentle, be forgiving, and remember the days when you always felt that way, and the days when you sometimes still do.

    The sorrows of time will not end until ALL give them up. Each moment that you glimpse past time and each moment you help others do so, you are saving much sorrow from happening.

    Turn to God, Beloved. Trust in the calmness that is the boat along the river of time, and It will see you through to the end.

    Stay unoffended by those whose vision is yet clouded.

    It will clear, and you will celebrate together.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am willing to be a clear reflection of Love.”

    “I am willing to tell others I love them, just in case I never have another chance to let their human ears hear that, and their human sight to see it in my eyes, that channel it cleanly from God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your thoughts do not even know where to alight, or when you are trying to let go of your human thought plans and surrender to the Lovely Will of God, focus on the beauty of nature. Look upon the wonder of the clouds, or of a single grain of sand. Ponder the cycle that brings birth and flowering and fruiting of seed.

    Take solace, and find inspiration, in the marvel of colors and textures that are around you in the great painting of the visible and touchable world. If you quiet and calm yourself with these, and let yourself be still with appreciation of them, then the Flow of Love that uplifts and guides can easily accompany you on the next steps to your freedom of Soul.

    This is a lovely day, wherever you are. Be glad of it.


  • Ah, Beloved, This day, all day, remember:

    “Ah, Divine Order, I trust in Thee. Make this day special for You, and for me.”

    In utter and grateful Love,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved

    You are Spirit, pure and free, within the Great Spirit of Creatio

    THAT is the central thought to keep of yourself, for it is the Thought of the Creator that created you, and it is the only thought that is true. To fall into the trap of thinking of yourself as a small and flawed body with a marred personality is to take on playing your stage role all the time, and therefore getting lost in that stage role.

    Yes, do what your stage role of hero within your life calls for you to honorably do, as led by Spirit within, but do not think that is what you really are. You are Good Spirit, pure and free, and as you become convinced of this Truth, instead of all the physical lies of limit that you have been coated with for so many years, the outer self and circumstances will also begin to shine with the Lovely Truth of you.

    WE see the Shining You, and Love It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is Infinite, and occupies and IS the true Substance of all that seems to your human sensibilities to be space, time, and power.

    Let that Truth soak into and through your consciousness, so that you can realize you are a reflection of the Consciousness of God, and let It be the One and Only force of your life.

    It is a Loving Force, Beloved. Loving. Welcome It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you begin to search for glimpses of the Divine in all the slivers of mirror around you that seem to be “Life on Earth”, you will find It everywhere. The more you look, the more you will find, for you will have trained yourself to discern even the tiniest glimpse of God.

    Like a child on a car trip, who eases the burden of the long journey by counting up the times he can see the number five or the color red, you will become so attuned to noticing the Divine, that you will truly not only begin to see It everywhere, but to help call It forth, even when It is not visible to the physical eye. You will begin to smile with joy for each new bit you see, and thus become a blessing to yourself, and a blessing to those around you.

    Give it a try today, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You may think that you will never be able to forgive someone for something, or never be able to see a single redeeming feature in someone whom you feel is hurting so many others, but you can, We know, picture simply taking a day off from those feelings that hurt and rattle you so much. Resolve to take a day without fretting and thinking about those individuals. Ask for our Help to put them out of mind, and spend a day using your own Best Divine Qualities bringing Joy to yourself, and Joy to others.

    DO this, and see the uplifting that Joy creates, raising your spirits, and the spirits and happiness of many. Try it today. Try it another day, and another day.

    And then, perhaps you will take more days off from being angry, and you will find that the Joy you create gives you the power to forgive more easily, and to love more permanently, and to see glimmers of Good in all.

    We see your Good so clearly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All, all, all, is the substance of One Mind, made by Mind and held in Mind.

    Concentrate on really knowing that, and on discontinuing the misbelief that somehow there is a Brilliant God far away from you and that you can never know. The dream, the illusion, f being far away from Oneness of Being is the thing to give up.

    When you can joyfully live the Reality of “I and my Maker are One”, then there is no hesitation, no interruption, in that flow of Joy. There is no real separation, no cutting off and away.

    Your tender Maker is gently shaking Its Mind, telling the dreaming thoughts within It, “wake up, wake up, wake up.”

    You will be so glad when you do stop fearing phantoms,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Please understand that the reason “healings” (which are just the un-veiling of the Goodness of the Divine that already exists) can happen instantaneously, is because time simply does not exist in the Divine Realm that is truly the only reality. All the moments that you think of as beginning and middle and end, in human experience of time, are really just one instant, one glimmer in the Vast Beyond, wherein an idea was born, and right away was welcomed into the Mind that had it.

    There is no time and space that God/Goddess/Provider of Perfection must cross to get to you and hold you and Love you. You already exist as part of that perfect idea in the God/Goddess Mind, and that idea is already desired and cherished and sustained. You are already the substance of smooth movement of the Divine. You are already an element in the order of wonderful Beauty. You are already an aspect of Life and Spirit expressed.

    What you are already, you do not need to “become sometime”. You are already the sweet substance of the Amazing Beyond—and the only thing that It is beyond is any tiny belief that you might have that It would not want you. You are wanted. You are already Loved. You are already complete and a perfect spirit within Spirit. Stop thinking of yourself as a body with the limits of physical sense and the ticking of internal and external clocks and start thinking of yourself as an inhabitant of the Spirit that is Divine All.

    Welcome the release from the sense of time. Welcome the new understanding of how truth may be seen. Thinking outside of time may be confusing at first, but when you have seen the evidence of first and last being the same, you will laugh with joy and release.

    We clasp and release you constantly,

    You are never out of our care,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For those that seem to want to cling to their body thoughts and see and know themselves as walking outside of the Whole of God, exude patience and love. Remember when you wanted the same. Remember when your body self and the care of it consumed all your thought and time.

    Bless each moment that you feel the freedom of spiritual peace, and be glad to know that each and every heart will achieve that in the great Order of All.

    There is a time to let go of thinking you must “save” anybody from their own pain or ignorance or error, and just work on keeping yourself so aligned with love that just your Presence reminds others of what they have forgotten, that they are Love, too.

    We see you all as pure Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your prayers have healed more than you know.

    Some have thanked you for prayer and kindness, and joined in praising God for the Good result. Others have not realized the relationship between the prayer and the wellness, if it was not instantaneous, or been too bewildered by the change in circumstance to be able to admit all credit was due to God. The Law of Harmony that is God’s Nature works in ways that sometimes surprise and confound the limited body senses, and human thought has trouble accepting what happened. Others fear that if they give credit to prayers made for good received, that they will be obliged to join some church, or commit to some spiritual obligations, or contribute in some way.

    But Good goes on. Prayers have effect, if done rightly. God has mercy on the fearful dreams of the unawakened. So do not stop praying for others, Beloved. Healing happens, for the believers and the unbelievers. When all open their eyes to the Light, they will See.

    Keep praying.


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved.

    Representing God’s Love accurately only requires sincere willingness.

    The Loving Spirit that is your true Life-Force is ever-Present, and does not flicker up and down like human attention. Practice paying steady attention, and being constantly willing, and be ready to be delighted by the spillover of Divine Soul.

    “Use me, God. Lovingly and Openly use me.”

    “I welcome seeing your Heaven on earth as here and now. Use me.”