Ah, Beloved,
As every teacher on earth knows, there come moments when you are weary of teaching, or when you are tempted to begin to whine with the students, or to let their errors go unremarked and uncorrected.
But joining them in their errors will not help. Rather, train yourself, at the first hint of weariness of mind and heart, to turn to the fount that gives forth endlessly, and knows no weariness. Turn to the Gladness that holds you in sustainable orbit within the infinite Light. Let yourself ride for a while in silence, one light among infinite lights, and be renewed and refreshed, and ready to teach and lead again.
Ah, Beloved,
Always be kind and loving to others, but also let yourself be led by the trustworthy Inner Voice, as to whether or not to offer a Word of Spirit, or any advice of any kind, to another. Each individual shining ray of God has its own part to play, and human knowledge cannot judge what is right and wrong for the next step for that person. Listen for the Voice of Compassion, and do as It says. Ask, and do as It says.
And yet, when that Presence of Living Compassion wells up within you, without your asking, in the presence of someone who seems to need aid, comply unhesitatingly. Be obedient to the Inner Prompting, even when the request is for you to do or say something that seems illogical to the human mind. Trust the One Loving Mind, the Only Mind, for only It knows what is Best for all.
Oh so Lovingly,
Ah, Beloved,
There is great Kindness in leaving a situation in the Mighty Hands of God, when you simply do not humanly know what to do. If there are active measures to be taken, or a new face or place to bring into play, God can arrange that. And, God can give you the inner impulse to do anything else that you can still individually do.
Hand it into the Hands of God, and step back, in Love, and with Love, and trust, trust, trust in the Wonderful Will of God.
When you step back, and peace descends upon you, you will know it is right to do so,
Ah, Beloved,
To make no human plans for the day, instead vowing to listen for the Inner Voice of Spirit from hour to hour, is a Plan. It is the better plan, planning to put God’s Will first and foremost, knowing that God takes into account what you need to humanly achieve.
Do not let your own guilt or obsessions about “to do” lists sway you. Do not be dismayed by human personalities that would mock you for not have a written business plan or ambitious roster of goals.
Praying “Not my will, but Thy Will be done” IS a plan. It is the most gracious and freeing and powerful plan of them all. Put God’s Will first, listen, and obey It throughout the day.
We believe in you and know you can enact this.
Sometimes just a few minutes of praying, or meditative realization, is enough. Bless you. Remember that you dwell in Love, that the true substance of you is Harmony of Spirit. “I am the substance of the Joy of God.”
Ah, Beloved,
You are a spiritual offspring of Spirit-God. Let God enable you to See that Spirit is what you are and all you are, wonderfully.
Your earthly children and relatives are spiritual offspring of Spirit-God. Trust God to raise them into Consciousness of what they are in Truth.
Everyone you meet, no matter their disguises, is an offspring of Spirit-God. Leave it in God’s Grace to reveal the Life, Truth and Love of them. Your responsibility is to allow God to help you understand what you already are, complete, in Life, Truth, and Love.
Isn”t that enough to do?
Ah, Beloved,
The concern for those whom you love is magnified by the deep understanding that those whom you love most, and therefore those whom you feel most humanly vulnerable to, are those that you must most forgive, as you also must forgive yourself on the days that you fail to love them.
Oh, how easy it is to smile at a stranger and be cheerful and polite. Can you find the God given courage and strength to do the same for those that are with you in every day? By such agape Love, that Loves Unconditionally, are you saved, and welcomed into Divine Love’s embrace and kindness, or lost again for a time, wandering in the shadowy world of human fleeting emotions. Love, truly Love, those whom you see every day, and Love God in them, and in yourself, and THAT will set you free.
As We Love you,
Ah, Beloved,
Just as the Divine asks that you keep your heart open in peace and in joy so that the Power of the Divine may work through your consciousness and compassion to awaken those who are trapped in the material thoughts of the world, so does the Divine ask for you, as well.
Have compassion for yourself. There is a difference between selfishness and compassion for self. Selfishness simply wants, wants, wants, usually at the expense of others. Compassion for self means realizing that the attitude you want to maintain for others needs mending, or tending, and letting the self take time to rest, or to renew the truth in the thoughts, or to turn to the food of God’s stillness. Have compassion for your self, Loved one, so that you may continue to be a transparency for God. Take those five minutes of Inspirational Prayer. Reserve that day of Sabbath, and let no man-made rules cause you to forgo it. Pay no attention to those who think you should act more quickly, when your heart knows you need to affirm with Spirit before you take the next step.
And, give us our bidding, remembering that some of us are here to help you,
Ah, Beloved,
Remember that all celebration and defenses or attack or striving or care that are of the body do not help you spiral your soul up and through the temporal, so as to remember it has always been, and always will be, a pure emanation of the Great Soul that is the Source, the Loving Source, of all.
Spend time with that thought, that realization, today, rather than care of the body. What could be more important than being grateful for the very Source of you?
We join with you in the delight of Light,
Ah, Beloved,
Sometimes it is very helpful to break out of habitual patterns of thinking about yourself and your circumstances by thinking about the different names and qualities of the Divine Source.
For instance, if the Maker is Joy, and you are the image, the reflection, of the Maker, then you are constantly reflecting Joy, and emanating Joy. Just look out of your window right now and feel Joy about the movement of the young leaves in the breeze. Feel Joy about the fresh day that will bring fresh ideas to your thoughts. “I am Joy.”
If God is Infinite Plenty, then there is Infinite Plenty for you to call to and to draw upon. Let there be that awareness in you of the Plenty of Happiness that you can access right now for so many small and big things and feelings. Observe and appreciate how many wondrous things you have to be happy about. We See them. Look, and you will also See.
The Source is Love. It is Pure Creativity. It is supreme Order. It is Laughter. It is Pleased and Satisfied. Many, many, many are the Aspects, the Qualities, of the Original One. How many of them can you let shine through you today?
We will applaud each one you show forth, for they are Good.
Ah, Beloved,
“I Am Love. I am Love clothed in Light. Abba, let me be costumed, as You see fit and right, for the earth Play, in your way.”
I Am Love, reflected from, and dressed in, Light. Let me be positioned with the places and people and accoutrements, that You Know to be Good and Perfect and Bright, to shine the coming of Our Peace, Our birthright.”
ASK, and It is given,
Ah, Beloved,
The principle of Love, that can only be and give what it IS, pure Loving appreciation and support, upholds and reveals all individuals to be a part of It, already accomplished as Good Ideas.
To the human sense of time and matter, it may seem to be taking a long time to reach the pinnacle of creation, and wonderful goodness. But to the Center of Creation itself, it is already done. It gives you as much or as little of Its Sight and Love of you as you are willing to accept.
How much are you ready for? All? Just a touch? Nothing is being withheld from you. You just need to choose to take it.
Ah, Beloved,
As We said, have Compassion for those who are so caught up in the temptations of materialism, or the spiritual blindness of intellectualism, that they believe that considering God, or studying or pondering or communing with God, is beneath them.
Have Compassion, but do not falsely take on the job of teaching them, except by silent example. Share your experience and understanding of the One Divine, if you are asked, but know that the primary teaching and awakening of each offspring of God, is up to God.
Do not fret, and spend your time, trying to convince the unawakened who mock your understanding and your beliefs in the One Love that Guides. There is no need for you to suffer from their barbs and uninformed opinions.
Leave Loving Guidance up to God, enjoy your own relationship to Love, and do as God bids you do. If you are meant to speak or act, or reach out to one who desperately needs God’s Comfort and Wisdom, God’s small, still Voice will lead you and instruct you.
Otherwise, just be Glad you know the depth of the Truth of God that is beyond worldly perception and judgement, and Love, Love, Love. Just, Love, Love, Love God, and let yourself walk in Love without feeling any obligation to endure the criticisms of non-believers. Bless them in your mind, and release them to the Will of God, and walk in your understanding of Truth.
Ah, Beloved,
Let yourself be guided by unselfed Love.
There is no need to wonder what else to do, but just, truly, “Trust in God with all your heart and lean not into your own understanding.”
Just Listen very carefully, and the Loving Source will indeed direct your steps upon your path, and the steps of all others, upon their paths, all leading back unto Love.
Ah, Beloved,
When you call out to Me each morning, tenderly beseeching My Tender Love, I gladly tend to you. Like a devoted personal advocate and loyal Divine butler, I offer you Love for food, and dress you in Grace and Kindness and Courage. I provision your pockets with creativity and wisdom and opportunities to walk in Beauty.
Call to Me each morning, Beloved, and throughout the day. Be open and still and willing to let me fuel you, clothe you in Goodness, and wrap you in complete Support. Take time for Me, for I have endless time to give you.
Freely given.
Ah, Beloved,
When you have said your truths, and live the example of them as best you can, all else you can do is lend your grace to Spirit, for It to do Its work, on and in all the hearts around you. Be content with that, and know that in the Greater Harmony, all hearts are touched somehow, some way, some time.
All Is Well,
Ah, Beloved,
Thinking that you have to think up the best story for your life can leave you feeling pressured and confused and at the mercy of events that seem to have been made up without your input.
STOP thinking for the day. Focus your feelings on the Goodness of Love and on aligning yourself with that Love. Know that you are a part of that quiet glad Love, and revel in feeling that. Let the new story unfold from there, authored by the Author that sees all, and knows what blesses all.
We know that the worldly scene makes you think you have many jobs to do, but the only job that is truly, truly important is aligning yourself with Love, like a key clicking into a lock, and letting the door swing open.
Ah, Beloved,
It is no small thing to concentrate on creating Happiness for those whom you love, and for yourself. If each and every individual did this, and in the process realized how closely all are connected, and interwoven, then the movement toward manifesting Goodness throughout society is improved.
The Divine Will for all IS Happiness, an unselfish, sharing happiness, that recognizes the Soulness of each shining being. To know this and understand this helps to move forward the Whole. Never feel that the work you do is too small or too insignificant to help let the Light of Love shine and grow throughout Consciousness.
We see each small and delicate good thing you think and do and say, and we are grateful, grateful, grateful. Please continue.
Ah, Beloved,
Indeed, let praise be always on your lips, and in your mind.
Let praise for good fortune be always what you are searching to do. Let praise for others be what you seek in each encounter. See the Divine of them, and the Divine of yourself, and let holy, holy, holy be all your names.
The Force that Governs all of your choices and your sight, when you allow It to do so, loves to Govern by praise. God laughs, and allows, and praise be to Its name in every form. God laughs and allows and allows and gives and expands of Its own nature that is Love.
God laughs and allows. If you sit aside to weep and complain, God thinks you are taking a break from God’s game. Turn back to praise. Turn back to the game of seeking that which to praise, and that which to praise will embrace you again.
By the Good God that Governs our ways,
Ah, Beloved,
There are times when it is appropriate to cry forth a quick “Help!” to the Presence of God, for it helps you focus quickly on your human need for that Whole Perspective.
But in general, when you ponder with Great Wisdom and reason, to understand and perceive the Truth of a situation, it is important to start with thoughts of the One Good and Perfection of God as YOUR Source. Turn to that Calm and Loving Wholeness, and thankfully realize that What It is creates the true Quality of what you are. What your limited human senses are momentarily perceiving of your body or situation are not the imperfections seen by God. God shines you forth perfect and complete, and sees that individual image as victorious and lovable.
“Thank-you God, for my NOW Harmony!”
“Thank-you , God, for enabling me to experience my rightful strength and lovingness, and easy kindness and Joy.”
We could make a long, long list of all the useful and natural and wonderful Qualities of God-Source that are your rightful components and aspects, and are there for you to call upon. They exist. Thank God for them, and open to the feeling and power of their Presence as a part of you.
God is Good, and offers that Goodness to you,
Ah, Beloved,
This day, realize that there are no boundaries or limits on the Willingness of the One Source to refill and refuel you when you give of the Divine Qualities that want to pour through you.
You cannot “use up” Divine Compassion. You cannot “run out of” inspiring ideas. You cannot “deplete” the energy of Life Divine, and you cannot invent a personal truth that replaces Truth. Life, Truth and Love simply exist, and always will exist, and do not need to be improved. Small details of the time dance will change, but Infinite “I Am” will not.
Therefore, Beloved, look around you today and freely dispense Compassion and display your Trust of the Divine. Offer them to all, including yourself. Give, give, give of them, knowing that you can always and absolutely draw on the Infinite for more of these aspects of Love to dispense.
In the turning of the seasons of earth, and in the ending of some of its time markers, many individuals feel discouraged or afraid or let down in some way. Fill yourself with the Bright Light of the Infinite and be willing to quietly shine with that Light, to Gladden yourself and all those around you.
“Our Creator will always provide.” Being within, and part of, the Source that Thought of you, you cannot be placed outside of It, or beyond Its Help. You can pretend to be separate from It, and not need It, and not be a part of What It Is as Everything, but your pretense cannot endure. Why not enjoy Its delight in you now? Lay down your proud self-sense and enjoy God and let God enjoy you and your full attention. That enjoyment never runs out or runs away. God enjoys the truth of you now and always.
Feel It, and show It.
Ah, Beloved,
Know Who you are. You are the Darling offspring of the Loving Source, and created to Love and Be Loved.
You are NOT a frail mass of muscle and water and bone, meant to be always afraid and desperate. Do not think of your self as the body-self that is defined by a timeline, but as a timeless, delightful, strong and perfect reflection of the Idea that dances Joyously in the Divine Mind.
Fear is the opposite of Love, and is only a dream of darkness. If you are feeling fear, it is a sure symptom of having forgotten Who you really are. Then close your eyes and remember, “I am the Wondrous Child of the Loving God, Who wants only Good for me, and is only Good.”
For that is the Truth, and Truth will lead you gently the Good way in every moment,
Ah, Beloved,
To completely trust in the Loving Provision of the Infinite, and to know that you are a cherished and eternal and lovely part of It, always, is to set yourself free from fear.
To be free of fear is to be able to live, whether in the brief form of the body costume, or as the beautiful blaze of Light that you are, with Joy, Joy, Joy, and gratitude. No matter what costume you are wearing, or what props are around you in this moment, you are that lovely piece of the Design Entire, and important to the grace of the Whole.
Be grateful and appreciative to yourself for being so. Be kind and grateful to all others for beings so. O, today, Beloved, look beyond their costumes, and your own, and see and understands that the bodies are as nothing, and that, in the end, only Love, Love, Love remains.
It is so important to express and feel that, today, and every day,
Ah, Beloved,
More Whole Light and Brightness of Being is Willing to come your way than you can possibly imagine with your human consciousness.
Just be so very willing to receive It, Beloved. Ask to be Held in Love and welcomed by Holiness, and you will be.
Ask, ask, ask, and then expect It, and be receptive,
Ah, Beloved,
The basic question has not changed since the beginning of time, in that instant that an individual imagined itself separate and god of itself, and the Great Creative Source answered that error. Will you listen to and serve the mind of the flesh that dreams it is alone, or will you remember you are a part of the wonderful Creative One Mind?
Choose which you will serve. It is a choice that appears in many different ways, but it is always the same choice, in every religion and spiritual system. Choose the goodness of your own Oneness of Being, or choose the ephemeral. Choose which one will be that which you listen to, and obey.
A good minister is one who listens well—to God, and to the desire for peace from those around him or her. Will you listen? And then stay centered in your knowledge of Oneness when you answer? When you forget who you really are, and when those around you forget who they really are, then choose again to remember, “I am part of One Expansive Love, Whole and Complete, and so is everyone else.”
Let not your fleshly intellect try to block this Power. It cannot but delay your enjoyment of the Truth.
And we love to see you in Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
ENJOY the different stages of awareness that your friends and family and neighbors are in.
Just as you would delightfully watch a child entertaining herself with little play-times of pretend fairies and imaginary worlds, and smiling and laughing and being happy, enjoy the happiness of others, while they ready themselves to See more. Yes, stress the Golden Rule and a seeing of their interconnection with all things, but do not deprive yourself of the love of loving them, as they grow and change.
It all reveals more growing of your own,
Ah, Beloved,
Never, ever forget to be deeply grateful.
Gratitude is not a thing that the Divine Creator NEEDS, but, just like a mother who freely gives her love to her child, she is pleased when the child is grateful. But more importantly, YOU need to give gratitude for the continual miracles that you are, and ones that you specifically see, in order to imprint them more clearly into your consciousness. You are a continuous miracle, really—the life Force that animates you and sustains the parameters in which you live is a joyous constancy. But when you have a specific wound or problem that is healed or becomes harmonious again, after turning to the Divine Parent with prayer, it is extremely important to be grateful.
As we said, this is for your own benefit. Strong emotions, such as deep gratitude, help sear an event into the memory of your mind. By being grateful for healings and truths revealed, you will more easily bring those events to mind again when you have need of a boost to your belief. When challenges come, when doubts arise, you will be able to remind yourself that the Loving Force helped you before, and have trust that It will help you again, if you but turn to Its Truths and have the certitude of relief.
Turn to Gratitude. Turn to Truth. Trust in the truly continuous miracle that is the Life of Spirit that embraces you, and sustains you, always.
We are very grateful that you let Light shine through you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no reason to withhold Love from anyone.
Set aside the personal self and let God-Love flow through you to the other. Even if your mortal costume has an opinion that the person is shallow or unfair or undeserving, open your mind with the thought that “this also is God’s Beloved Child”, and set your own opinions aside, and let the Healing Force flow to the other, and to you.
You will see, quickly or eventually, sad behaviors improve, and your own judgmental self abate, and there will be a mellowing of all Oneness. We tell you, in the timelessness of the Creative One, it is already accomplished. Here in the time-play of earth, have faith in that, and help it onward by letting yourself be used for the Force of Love to flow through.
Always with you, even when you feel mortal and weak,
Ah, Beloved,
We are the Completeness of you. There is no hole in the sense of Self, or in the experience of health or wealth of experience and provision, when each individual surrenders to the Truth of themselves as part of the swirling Whole of Love expressing Itself.
ANYTIME you feel a sense of hollowness, or “something missing”, or dis-ease, or discomfort, stop and be still, and ask to feel the Wholeness of All Holding you. Just as your mind can hold the idea of your favorite dessert, the One Mind Holds you, forever True, and very Good.
Float in those Divine Thoughts, in that Divine Mind, and know yourself as Love,
For We are with you,
Ah, Beloved,
We cannot remind you too many times to forgive what is not real, what is not Good.
A circle can hold nothing if both sides of it are not present. Forgive your self and you can forgive others. Forgive others and you can forgive your self. Complete the circle.
Forgiveness washes the dust of illusion away, and you can see clearly what Blessings are yours, TODAY.
You know We will help you do this if you ask, and indicate willingness,
Ah, Beloved,
You HAVE experienced the Spirit of God helping you with small inspirations of where a lost item is, as well as seemingly miraculous solutions to job needs, etc. Spirit observes the earthly story you have made up with your human choices, and helps to smooth it when you ask.
Can you take all these instances of aid and see the proof in them to courageously say to God, “Your plan, God! Show me Your full Plan for my life!”
God wants what is the absolute Best for you.
Ah, Dear One,
When you feel that you are loving, loving, loving, but feel not loved in return, you have only made the common error of turning to human emotion for the Love you need.
It is Divine Love you need to give to those around you, and it is the Well of Divine Love you need, to keep filling yourself from, in order to keep giving. There is no other Source for Divine Love than the One Source from which all are made. Turn to It, O’ Beloved, and fill yourself, fill yourself, fill yourself.
Yes, thousands are the earthly metaphors for the Unconditional Love that constitutes your True existence—the beloved pet that loves you no matter how you look, the mother’s love that offers itself even when you have failed a test, the sun that shines freely on poor and rich alike, etc., but they are only metaphors for the Source. All that you need do is shift your awareness into “reception” mode and turn your will to the Divine to fill yourself, OR shift into “two-way” mode, so that you are receiving Divine Love from the Source even while you are giving It to others. It is a shift in perception, a shift in awareness, it is a surrendering to, and an acknowledgement of, your Source of Being.
Remember to take time to Be Filled. Remember that the One Source is the only place to get it from. When you are empty, turn There, and encourage others to turn There as well, for It is ever-present, and ever-flowing, and ever-Loving you
We stand ready to hand you a cup at the Well,
Ah, Beloved,
Never mind if you fail to learn a lesson or grab an opportunity at a certain moment. The Infinite nature of Love offers you chances again and again and again. The Harmony of God truly leaves no one behind in awakening to the serene bliss of knowing that you are part of the Whole.
And so, even within the level of worldly needs, as you grow to realize that matter is just a swirl of energy, you are offered chances over and over to comprehend the power of you own feel of God dominion. There are many systems of training your mind to relax into accepting Divine Mind as your mind, and to trusting It completely. If one method does not speak to you and capture your feelings and your heart, you will be led to another. Have confidence in that.
If your kitchen is a mess and someone offers to clean it up, you are unlikely to fuss about the exact method that is used. Believe that when the Feel of God rises in your heart and offers to help tidy your thoughts and soul, It will find the way that is best for you. Be willing, be trusting, be focused on your desire to know the Lovely Truth of what and who you are.
In the Soul that holds all soul, it is already done. Be timeless and be done.
Hold the name of God in your mind tenderly today, and see what happens.
“I Am”.
Ah, Beloved,
Try this game today, in your thoughts:
“I am centered in the delightful wellspring of God. From here, I can see the wonderful movie God has made, starring me. I relax back into the wisdom of God, and watch it.”
We recommend the movie highly,
“High Guidance of the Light, be with me all the day.
My job is to be happy, and let you have your way.”
Ah, Beloved,
Utter trust in the Unseen is difficult to achieve, yes, when your human consciousness has been so trained to trust the senses.
For this, too, you can ask for Help from the Unseen. ‘Let me learn to trust. Lead me to situations that show me a demonstration of the Unseen. Help me to hear and see situations that have no other explanation except that they are the “visible” around the invisible center that is the Source.’
What would the donut be without the hole?
Ah, Beloved,
Have we not told you many times that when you trust in Love, It will respond to you?
Be aware that It will respond not only to your own willingness to be a reflection of Its Will for Good, but also to your desire to do and see Good for others. Like a telephone that will do your bidding to record a number or leave a message, let your heart send forth your desires for Good for others to the Divine Communicator, and EXPECT for that desire to be fulfilled.
After your own alignment with the Divine, it IS your purpose to help others align as well. Not by forcing them, but by demonstrating to them that aligning with the Divine brings Its Goodness and calm into play.
Ah, Beloved,
If We are wise, so are you. If We are Gracious, so are you. If We are Loving and Lovable, so are you.
When you accept that that the Thoughts of God, which We are, are made of what you are also made of, you can begin to accept your true empowerment to help enact the Divine Plan for all awakening.
CLAIM your true identity. You are a Thought of God. You are Wisdom, you are Grace, you are Loving and Lovable. Send packing the idea that you are pathetic and vulnerable aging flesh, and take up the Glorious mantle of Spirit and all the wondrous Qualities that Spirit is and contains.
O’ Joyous day, darling. O’ Joyous day,
Ah, Beloved,
God did not create the world your five senses see. God created Good. Welcome New Sight, welcome New Life, as you look gratefully on, and through, new levels of perception.
What is it you see, then? Illusions and shared illusions, just as when a crowd mistakes the gleam of sunlight on cloud for a hovering craft coming towards them. We know how disconcerting it may feel to ponder this, but think also how FREEING, to realize that your eyes have not lied to you in only simple things, but in greater things. Is not a new dream or end of a dreadful dream, a good thing to cherish?
If what we say seems too shocking still, at least ponder the times your body’s eyes have misled you into thinking something was moving when it wasn”t, or was a different color once the sun came up, or a friend remembered an incident in a completely different way than you. Be willing to see differently, and, with Divine Help, you will, for the Divine knows what It created, and that is the Truth.
Listen, and learn to obey, like getting used to a new set of spectacles,
Ah, Beloved,
With each pizza you have eaten, you were looking for the Peace of GOD. With every hobby you found, you were looking for the Peace of GOD. With every kiss you gave or took, you were looking for the Peace of GOD. With every friend you called, you were looking for the Peace of GOD.
With every thing you did that was about trying to please the self as body, you were looking for the Peace of GOD.
Are you ready to set aside the intermediate steps, and simply ask for the Peace of GOD? Are you ready to know that that is what you want?
If you are ready to know that this is what you want, and are ready to ask it of God, it will be given. Listen, and God’s Voice in your heart will lead you, shepherd you, and give you Peace.
All hearts come to It, sooner or later,
Ah, Beloved,
It is so important that you cherish yourself and have the same sense of tenderness for your own set of yearnings to grow and expand and demonstrate your talents and gifts as the Divine Source of these things has for you. The Source that holds you as Spirit within Spirit has a completely tender cherishing of you. The human fogginess that often surrounds the wondrous essence of you CAN be lifted off so that the kindness and creativity of you shine forth, but you must care enough about having that happen to turn willingly to the Loving Divine to ask for help and adjustments in understanding, so that you begin to trust your own lovely Wholeness in the One Mind.
It is there. God thought you up as a Whole thing and part of a Whole. Trust that God does not toss away any idea as worthless or unlovable or incomplete. Ask again today, humbly and gratefully, to be enabled and taught to spiritually see yourself in the way God sees you, for that knowledge of your uniqueness, that God has, and will gladly share with you, enables you to shine as brightly as Divine Love Itself.
Ask God what It knows about your special Good talents and roles, and listen quietly, and feel Loved.
Love yourself enough to do this,
Ah, Beloved,
It is a certainty that everyone around you is a saint or an angel in the eyes of God Source, who Sees only the joyous and wonderful Qualities of Divinity in them.
Would not it feel sweet to See as God Sees? Do not deny yourself this pleasure, of looking for the wondrous goodness of all around you. Do not let their surface quibbles and quirks , that are not the True Soul of them, prevent you from perceiving and enjoying the marvelous patience and generosity and perseverance and loyalty and love and holiness that are the core of the Harmonious Being that they are an emanation of.
Stories and tales, and scriptures and novels and poems and songs abound that will tell you this same truth. Look past the mists of sorrow and suffering and gossip and myths, and See God and Heaven and saints and angels all around you right now.
It is the way of Beauty. Beauty and Order Divine.
Shed the mist of judgment and criticism and condemnation from your thoughts, and See, today, the Grandness of Being that is all around you, and ready to serve through your own heart of Light and Spirit.
Joy, joy, joy to you, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
Beware. Be aware of how you define “life” in your thoughts. If you think of it as the biological definition of a physical mechanism that pumps blood and breathes oxygen and ambulates, etc., etc., then you are limiting yourself to thinking of your life as just a continuum of the physical senses, from pleasure to pain and pain to pleasure.
But if you set aside that limited definition, and think of the Limitless Life of the God-Force that constantly flows as your soul and Loves you, you will have an uplifted sense of your eternal Self, and the opening of a wondrous Door into the Mind that really is your Life and where you Live.
Then, Life really is Good. Life is Good and always Good, and continuously a part of you as you are part of It, through every temporal valley and hill.
God is Life. You are Life. God is your Life.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to run to and fro. There is no place on earth that is more sacred than another. The sacredness is within you, in lovingness of heart and attitude of mind, and acceptance of your holy role as a part of the reflection of Divine Qualities.
Be Loving. Be Lovable. Be Loved. You are Loved by that which makes you again perfect in each moment. What more do you really want? Let that stream through you.
As We watch, shine Love,
Ah, Beloved,
There is never a time to not be humble, if you define humble as the understanding that it is Divine Love that is the Cause of everything truly real. Your deep understanding of that will carry you, and let you be carried, into All Good.
This is especially important to remember when you have prayed to see wholeness revealed, prayed to see healing accomplished, for someone, and cannot see any humanly visible results. Be humble then. Remember It is only the One Cause that made Goodness, and humbly turn your thoughts to remembering that.
The Divine will work on persons and events in Its own way and timing. Keep your trust and your Mind on the praising and the Wonder of that, and stay humbly alert for your cues of when to speak, and what to say and do.
Never do what the human ego asks. Do only what Divine Spirit asks.
We are with you all along the humble way,
Ah, Dear One,
The more deeply you go into communion with Oneness, which for most people means the more time you spend in that sweet communion, the more it will begin to feel like food and drink and rest to you. You will come to the place wherein you know that you are Spirit born of Spirit and that you need nothing else but to slip into awareness of your place in One Spirit, like a light plugging into a perfect socket.
Oh, you may still partake of the joy of the food and liquid and sense and sleep of earth, but you will understand that your true sustenance is from the All-in-all in which you dwell, and which is not a physical presence, but a state of Being.
Drink of It, Beloved. Eat of It, Beloved, and take your rest in Its Sweet Truth.
Ah, Beloved,
Cozy up to God.
Many spend their prayer time asking God for things, or listening to God-Voice for instructions, but ignore the importance of simply loving God.
Today, cozy up to God. Simply love God as you would a beloved human parent, being glad to spend time just appreciating and honoring and cherishing.
Cozy up, and be comforted and glad.
Ah, Beloved,
Entering the journey of time, one forgets so much. Ever and always, turn to that Voice of Home within, and listen and obey, so that you do not lose your way.
There is really nothing else to remember, if you do this one thing,
Ah, Beloved,
Omniscient Mind knows who is on your mind. When you are sincerely praying to be enabled to Spiritually See the Best Harmonic version of the members of your family, your friends, and all those in the orbit of your thought, and yourself, Omniscient Mind already knows of them. Trust that.
Do not fret if you forget to list someone, and do not let it feel like a chore to list everyone. The insidious whisper that prayer is a chore that is too hard is truly a sign that it is urgent to simply ponder “Love is All”, and to be filled with Pure Love and suffused with Love, and feel surrounded and uplifted by Love.
In that State of Grace, you will know in your heart that Omnipotent Mind knows what is in your heart and who is on your mind, and it will be clear to your spiritual perceptions that Love already covers and Governs all. Then, prayer will not feel like just one more chore on the daily list, but like an eagerly awaited time and place of Bliss, a smooth Harmony that you yearn to turn to, again and again, until you become one who truly does move through your days “praying without ceasing”. For to listen to the Divine Mind Voice constantly is to stay in alignment with Calm Joy, ever expanding the boundaries of Harmonic Love, until It envelops your perceptions of absolutely everyone and everything.
This ascension of thought is possible for everyone. It is your task to let it happen in you.
“I shall allow God’s Loving Thoughts to be my thoughts. I shall stay aware I am part of Love.” And you will be delighted.
As are We,
Ah, Beloved,
Take a God break. Fast from looking at and listing the problems of the world, or of yourself, or of another person, and cast your mind to the God Who is all Good and Whom you know and Love so well.
To cast your mind to God is to cast your cares to God, in Whom you live and move and have your real Being, and in Whom all answers are found. Cast your cares to God today, Beloved,
“Thy Wil is done”, trustingly and lovingly desired, is still an effective prayer. Use it.
Gently with you,
Ah, Beloved,
The One Loving Consciousness does See and Know what is needed to heal every human mis-perception and inharmony. Pray for other hearts to let It work through them, to heal what needs to be healed, and to reveal what best Blesses all.
And for your part, pray to let smoothly work, through you, the Qualities of the Divine that can express themselves, through you, to help demonstrate Goodness that benefits all. You know well that the gifts of Spiritual Qualities vary in their distribution, and type. If you are gifted as a nurturer, then pray to let that express Itself through you in a most excellent way. If you are gifted as a teacher, or healer, or peacemaker, then pray to let those things be expressed. You know some of the talents you have been given by The Loving Source of all. Let yourself be used to show them.
And, Beloved, be very aware that all of the Goodness of God can move as It Wills. If you suddenly find yourself called upon to play the role of healer, or giver, or something else you have never been before, do your best to willingly let it through. God is not limited in how and when and where It can use someone to add to or resolve a situation. Be willing to let Goodness in whatever form flow through you, and be very Glad of the Gladness it brings you as it uses the vehicle that is you.
Loving to see resolutions,
Ah, Beloved,
Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, and forgiveness again. Is it hard? Yes, but it gets easier as you truly experience being forgiven more often for your own foibles, as you practice consistently forgiving others.
And, to not forgive is to end up feeling worse and worse, as old unforgiven grievances pile up in your mind.
So, forgive, forgive, and forgive again, AND understand that the Loving part Grace plays in this is to help you completely forget the “wrong”, once you have forgiven it.
We never forget to love you,
Ah, Dear One,
There is a time that comes to review your own honesty with yourself. If you are enduring a time that seems dry or lifeless, or a series of worldly challenges, take a day of silence to review whether your heart is in accord with your thoughts and your soul.
Speak directly to the Divine, or to your spiritual director, if you have one, or to a friend whose spiritual maturity you recognize, and ask, are there lies in your life? Lies can take the form of exaggerations in conversation, or your word not being kept, or actual falsehoods spoken. But they can also take the form of your words and actions not being in harmony with your heart, or with the Divine whispers you have been hearing lately in your meditations. Lies can take the form of silence—the appreciating and loving words that you have not been speaking, and that are needed to oil your relationships and your work and your praise time.
Examine, and ask for Divine honor and strength to help yourself make the needed adjustments or amends or changes, and try, O’ try, Beloved, to make such review times a daily or weekly thing. For when you are in accord with your destined desires, and they are in accord with your words, and actions and thoughts and worship, then, Beloved, you are truly in the flow of Love, and the flow of Love is the flow of Life.
Ah, Beloved,
As your loved one who crossed over told you, “Seek not attainment of any kind, but release…”
Surrender, let go of willful control, seek ye righteousness, let go and let GOD,…, many are the phrases used in philosophies and spiritual systems. They are truth. Remember that what you are really after is Peace and Joy of mind and heart. You may imagine that these are attained by a certain person or place or money or object or activity, but they are indeed only attained by themselves being the goal. If you refresh and keep your attitude in Peace and Joy, then Peace and Joy become what you outwardly are, just as they are what your Soul of Spirit already is. Release.
Be what you already are, beloved. Be Soul of Spirit and Joy of Peace, and pray that each and every individual know themselves to be that also. As you pray silently for others to feel this, you will feel it yourself, more and more. Sending out that Divine Thought, that prayer, for others, multiplies It, and It comes back to you multiplied, full circle.
Do that, Beloved, and Amen,
Ah, Beloved,
Be the experimenter with your own life experience. Silently, consistently, keep affirming and feeling that “One Loving Mind Governs all” all the day. See if you are kept in Peace.
Whether you are trying to help free a trapped bumblebee, and desiring that it would fly to the window you have opened for it, or whether you are wanting to feel your own heart freed from an old grudge, or whether you deeply desire to know the energizing flow of Pure Love, hand over the acknowledgment of causality to God, and affirm “One Loving Mind Governs all.”
Be honest with yourself about how faithfully you are doing this training of your mind that exists within Mind, and, at the end of the day, evaluate. Many, many, after just one day, find that they want to live this way again upon the morrow.
Fear not, hope for all Good, and let Love lead the way.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no hiding from God and God’s Knowledge and Power.
The mistake your human thought makes is thinking that there is anything but Love and mercy in God. There is no need to hide from God. God’s Love is not diminished by the little sandbox dreams you have made up, or the way the sand structures crumble away. God lets you play as long as you want, welcoming you fully back into Love whenever you feel like taking a rest there.
And when you are ashamed of some human behavior or laziness, and scared to look God in the Face, God is always there in the Inner Stillness, still Loving, Loving, Loving you, and willing to help if you but ask.
Handing back over “human will” to the Infinite Will is not a thing done just once. It must be done again and again. It must be done each time the human will acts like a toddler, with a towel cape on, saying “I am a super-power”. The human will has no power at all, unless backed by the True Power of the Infinite.
Fear It not. Trust Its Love. Turn t
o It each day, each hour, and say “Thy Will Be Done”.
Trusting in the Infinite is Freedom,
Ah, Beloved,
To someone who has used a pencil for years, and been frustrated at having needed to begin writing over and over when an error was made, being told what the eraser on the other end of the pencil is for would seem like magic. Just so can the presence of a Guiding Wisdom within your spiritual Self seem like magic when you are first told of it, or awakened to it by your own experience.
Mistakes can be erased, Beloved. Let your erroneous thoughts be erased by the Thoughts of Truth †“the Truth being the Infinite Presence of Goodness—and you will be delighted and amazed at the tool that was right at hand all along.
Today, allow, with discipline, error thoughts to be erased,
Use the eraser carefully and completely, but Joyously,
Ah, Beloved,
One of the most sorrowful, and almost perplexing, things for your guardian angels to witness, is when you keep asking to see the perfect role, the perfect “suit” for this life, which the Great Tailor has already made for you, but which you delay trying on.
For, Beloved, how can you try on a new suit and see its true fit, if you will not take off your old one? If you continue to cling to the old details of your life, and to the images and talk of what you, as ego-human self thought you wanted for this life, how can you give a try to the perfection which God made for you?
Put aside preconceptions, Beloved. Put away specifics of the dream you thought you wanted, but which has not come about, or which has held emptiness. Pray not to see the emptiness filled, pray to see the Fullness that already exists. Pray not to have the certain object or circumstance that you believe will mean happiness or security, pray instead to feel and witness the utter peace and security of the Creative Source, and wait and see what things and situations accompany that feeling.
Your new suit is already made, and IS a perfect fit, Beloved. Disrobe, that you may try on the new, and let your self be surprised with delight.
We will hold the sleeves open for you,
Ah, Beloved,
Since you have carefully trained yourself to constantly and consistently listen to the Loving Inner Voice of God, you can trust that It will tell you when there seems to be urgency about any particular thing. You can proceed with the tasks that have been assigned to you as an Idea of God-Mind, in a calm and clear headed and unhurried way. You can at the same time use your appreciation of God in all Its forms to enjoy your day.
And if there is a moment when you must quickly act or speak or pray, to heal or help or save someone, the Loving Inner Will will impel you. Trust that, dear love, trust that.
We walk with you today, as always,
Ah, Beloved,
We love and honor you. We know you are grateful to us for always being at your call. So for the Love of us, love and honor others. And for the gratitude of us, forgive others when they lose themselves in their animal sense of identity.
We assure you, we will help you rise above these thoughts, these things.
Ah, Beloved,
Once again, We tell you, your Divine Mother/Father will not let you down, ever. Turn to them.
Yes, your human parents exhibited all the weaknesses of the human condition. Your human family and friends and loves have been inconsistent in being there for you, battling with their own human errors.
Forgive them all, Beloved. Forgive them and forget them for the moment, and think only about the unchanging and Complete Love and Support of God.
Claim “I Am Love” today, and slip into that mantra whenever your mortalness would try to take you into any other feeling or identity.
“I Am Love”, made by God, right here and above.
All We are, Really, is Love, and that is the Truth of Salvation,
Ah, Beloved,
It would seem you are at a hesitant place about some things, but we remind you that sometimes other events and people, with their intentions and attentions to their own Divine instructions, must be patiently waited for to fall into place.
This is a perfect time to contemplate the perfect Sight of God, that sees all things as they are meant to be, and ARE, under the glimmering illusion of earthly mirage. Contemplate that unearthly perception, and trust Its timing. Have the quiet trust of God, and let it permeate your thoughts and consciousness.
Reaffirm, with deep longing of true desire to See, “I am perfect spirit within Spirit, right now.” Pretend you are on a special date, or outing, with God today, and do not let your attention stray to the other characters or events around you, any more than you would read a book or watch a cartoon, while also at dinner with a lover.
God is your ultimate Lover, Beloved, and Loves you here and now. Concentrate on that, and know that the next steps will become obvious, when every step includes loving, and being Loved by, God.
Ah, Beloved,
Listen to the sweet Voice of Spirit in your heart. It WILL lead you to the places and people and purpose that are your goodness and prosperity. And above all, darling one, EXPECT Goodness to come of obeying Divine Spirit.
Listen, obey, expect Good. It is not really so hard as you might think. If you feel you do not know how to listen, Ask God. If you feel you do not know how to obey, ask God. If you feel you do not know how to expect, and feel worthy of, Good, ask God.
Ask, listen, obey and expect the Loving Good of God. It is yours, Beloved. God is yours.
Ah, Beloved Child of God,
This day, give up all criticizing, condemning and complaining.
Give those up, and just create, construct and compliment.
Create, construct and compliment, and see how Divinely Good you feel.
We will Help,
Ah, Beloved,
Let today be a day of silent gratitude for all the actors in your play. Think of your earthly life as a play that you have written, and in which you have asked all your loving fellow souls to play the parts of friends, family, enemies, acquaintances, etc. Within the great theater of earth life, they have been faithfully playing the roles assigned to them.
Now, perhaps you feel you are nearing the end of this particular earth play, or nearing the end of a certain scene, or wanting to change the play from a tragedy to a comedy, or to a scene of triumph. Before any of these things occur, acknowledge the dedication of the actors beneath the roles. Spend today being grateful to the underlying life-force-souls that have played all the “good” and “bad” roles in your life. Silently, gratefully, consider name after name of those who have helped shape you into who you have grown to be. Some of the ones who have played the “meanest” roles most deserve your gratitude, because as a loving, sibling soul that agreed to be in your play, acting bitterly or meanly toward you took greater courage than just simply being a smiling stranger. Be grateful. Just be silently grateful to every brother and sister life in the play.
And be grateful to the Oneness that created the Stage, and allowed you to play your play, all the while holding your place for you in the Reality of Loving Creation.
Be grateful, and let Gratitude bounce back to you,
Ah, Beloved,
Believing that you are a formulation of Light in the Heart/Mind of the Divine is important. However, understanding that all is energy on an intellectual level, is not the same as changing your perception of self so that your self-awareness shifts into abiding in the Divine.
Your Home is in God. Your Home is in God even while you seem to still be here on earth. You live and move and have your being in God, and to realize that all Harmony in your life was/is created there is a crucial part of Spiritual Perception.
The many mirrors in the ballet practice hall are very handy for learning and perfecting moves and beauty, but be not the ballerina who confuses her moving, dancing self with the images that she sees. Those who know her well know when they are seeing a mirror-rehearsed, audience directed, stiff smile, and when they are seeing a spontaneous expression of pure joy. Be the true self. Spin ’round and ’round from the heart-awareness that is centered in God.
Express Joy from the Inner You that has Its Home in God, and you will light up all the mirrors around you. Forget not the Central Source, and it will help you see the Light shining from those around you as well, even when they have many well-rehearsed moves.
All beings are needed,
Ah, Beloved,
God is not trendy. God is the All in all. We could list many reasons and facts for you about this, but that is not the way your heart feels the experience of Truth. Simply relax today, Beloved, into a quiet vision of yourself as one cell in a great tree, fed by the sap that surges upward, and made strong and upright by being among all the other cells of the wood and leaves that are also part of the Great Tree.
Let the flow of the sap nourish you. And feel how sweetly and securely you held in place as part of that Whole and beautiful structure, peacefully.
We are the very air and sun moving around your leaves,
Ah, Beloved,
Do not regard each day as a test. Regard them as demonstrations of Good, and Glory. Stand in wonder and appreciation, and cheer for Harmony, on the human level of perception, for Harmony already reigns in the timelessness of God.
Be at Peace this day, Beloved. Take it slowly, and be in wondrous Peace.
Ah, Beloved,
You can Love as God Loves, because you are Loved by God.
To find the strength and will to stay silent and humanly unjudging, when you see someone acting in a way that will only bounce back in human pain to them, turn to the stories of God. “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”
Pray to the shared One Divine Mind to guide the person, and you, and help both of you walk in the best possible destiny of earth.
We know you can do this,
Ah, Beloved,
Whenever there is a question in your heart about whether you have a true purpose to fulfill, remember that even one point of light removed from the projection of a film can create a spot of darkness to the visible eye.
The surface of the ever expanding Divine is complete and flawless and the Flow of Love through you is a part of that. Do not think there can be a point where the Light is not meant to shine. You are a point of Light, shining from the Sphere of Light that is God, and it is Good and Right for you to shine. Ask God, each day, “Where should I shine for you today?” Then, when you hear an idea, feel an impulse, obey.
It is that simple, Beloved. But it does mean setting aside your human plans when you hear a direction from God. The more often you obey, the more you will understand the incredible benefits and growth that result.
Always, ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
Mark well in your heart and mind how much better you feel, and are able to cope with good, positive directing of your day and strength and emotions when you have taken time to review the Truths of the Universe and soak in the Love of the Source.
So, why would you ever skip doing this each morning? Why would you forget to do this if suddenly tossed into uncertainty or pain or confusion by unexpected news or events?
That forgetfulness, that inattention to the Good Routines of alignment, are themselves manifestations of the lower “self” trying to make itself god, with dramas and fatigue and confusion. Treat those habits of skipping what is good for you with the same attention to God-Intelligence that you would a physical injury. You DO NOT need to be vulnerable to forgetfulness or laziness any more than you need to be susceptible to cold germs.
Take rightful Dominion over all thoughts, and thus over your body, Dear Child. Take Dominion over what seems like non-thought, non-action. Stay True to your good aligning with God, and you stay true to Joy.
We stay aligned with you through every twist,
Ah, Beloved,
Practicing patience provides power.
Ah, Beloved,
As much as worldly possible today, call only deep within, to the Mighty Heart of God, to celebrate all small and great Goods, that are the Aspects of Divine nature, and the ways of your own Best Self to celebrate as well.
In that Joy, is a deep tutorial, a deep remembering, that will flush away any misbeliefs that might keep you from seeing the Truth of All. You need this, Beloved.
Celebrate the Good of God. Celebrate the Good of your High Self, celebrate the Good.
Ah, Beloved,
Since the sufferings of many seem so real to them because of their mistaken belief that they are abandoned, and basically alone, in the earth drama, it is important to remind them that Spirit is ever-present with them, and Loves them, Loves them, Loves them, and wants to help smooth the way.
God, Spirit, Soul, the very Energy of Creativity, IS always, always with you. You are connected to It, you are part of It. And, It is not bound by the limited human laws and human understanding that make so many things seem impossible to the mortal mind.
Spend some concerted time today pondering the Truth that you are within God, All That Is, you are part of It and like unto It, and think about unlimitedness. Unlimitedness.
“I Am Unlimited, for what I was created to do.”
Love gives you unlimited tries. Do not give up.
Ah, Beloved,
The Glad Source gives and gives and gives. It never takes away. It is a one way street. It gave you Life as a reflection of Itself, and It continues to do so.
If you block the one-way street, by trying to resist giving, or by complaining, or believing that the Glad Cause is not supporting your Joy, then the flow simply waits there, waiting for you to stop resisting, waiting for you to stop blocking the one-way street with your thoughts of struggle.
Relax, Beloveds. Relax, and let the One Source gladly give, give, give all the Calm and Peace and Life and Love that you need. The reflections of those qualities of Spirit will show up as various things and people and situations in your earthly mirror, but do not worry about those forms—just think about the qualities of Goodness that the Source is endlessly pouring down that street of giving, giving, giving, of Itself, which is Love Extraordinary.
Ah, Beloved,
An Omnipotent God-Force, within which you dwell as Created Spirit, has no trouble reaching you if you are willing. If some form of “Thy Will be done” is always in your thoughts or feelings, then God can easily get through to your thoughts and feelings with Comfort, with Support, with Solutions, with Love and Loving Ideas.
If that “thy Will be done” does not rise easily to your heart and mind, then it is probably because you do not fully believe in the Goodness of the Divine All, or of the Divine Desire for your happiness. If mis-taught fears of God, or beliefs that God creates tragedies and harm, lurk in your being, work on reminding yourself that God is Good, and that you want your Life to shine with Good God Qualities.
Trusting God’s Goodness means it is easier to float on a faith of “Thy Will be done.”
Letting go of your old human plans, allowing, “Not my will, but Thy Will be done.”
One Loving Light is always ready to shine as you, as all,
Ah, Beloved,
Believe us when we tell you that there will come a day when the friend that exasperates you the most now will be a memory you cherish with affection, as you look back and see the pattern of learning in your life. The friend that drops responsibilities, the one who uses or lies or betrays, will be seen to have been the mirror that most helped you see how you yourself wanted to improve and grow and become more like the reflection of Goodness that you truly are.
We remind you again that those souls that love one another the most are the souls that agree to play all the parts in your earth play—the wicked and the good, the savior and the saved. Honor them all, for in honoring them, you save yourself from being lost in the part that is not true and is not you.
See the best in them, treat the best in them with the best of yourself, and let the true play of joy and goodness be revealed.
Ah, Beloved,
Take the other hand of the Hand that Holds you,
And say “Job well done!”
You want the praise and blessings of God,
So give thanks now, for all good already received,
and all good now, and all good yet to come.
Held and holding, you are aligned, and face to face with God,
Give thanks,
Ah, Beloved,
There are many things your ego-self, the self that thinks it is just a body and human mind, wants to take credit for, or is tempted to take credit for, or be glad to take recognition for.
All Grace comes from God, Beloved. To completely realize this is actually to free yourself more. It frees you because when you, as a human individual, fail at some earthly endeavor, you can feel fine about trying again when you feel Soul inspired. It frees you also to know that Divine Solutions and Creativity come in ways that the human mind , in its limited way, cannot imagine.
We have heard you asking for Divine Inspiration and Help. Honor the truth that all real Good comes from God. Let go of the mortal desire for recognitions, and the Good that God WANTS you to have can more easily flow to you, without your own human expectations and claims getting in the way. As We have said before, picture Gladness. Envision feeling Good and Seeing Good, and let God take care of the details of how that happens, and where and when, and through whom, it happens.
Picture Good, and be very, very grateful when it is seen and experienced and fills your heart with Love.
Shine with God in all that is Good,
Ah, Beloved,
Here we are, appreciating together, when you take the time to look softly around you, or listen deeply, or touch gently, and notice the exquisite shimmering of light and energy that is all around. Here we are together, appreciating.
That is the gist of it. Created to walk and talk together, in the lovely garden of all that is, and exclaim and wonder and name the goodness of it all.
Call me forth through the everyday jabber, into your high consciousness, your full awareness, and let us appreciate and love together.
For I hear you always, I hold you and answer you always with Love gentle and true,
Ah, Beloved,
There is nothing which you cannot trust to Divine Love.
Do not blame yourself for your human reactions—whether your learned responses of competition and desire for goods or places, that your culture has taught you, or your instinctual reactions, like a mother bear defending her cubs. Notice your human reactions, but then turn in your heart to the supernatural Divine Power before which earthly forms are just smoke, and give that Divine Power your attention, your permission, and your love. Your love reflects back to you as Love, and freely gives the Care of Its Harmony to you.
All situations, and all people, are subject unto It.
It Is So, Beloved, if you let it be,
Ah, Beloved,
Remember gladly that Spirit is fully yoked to you, with Omnipotent strength, for each new endeavor or invention or joy. Pull forward together, for you are both made of Soul Divine
In Oneness,
Ah, Beloved,
If someone you love asks for your help with an annoying task, do it for the sake of giving. Do it to affirm to yourself that you are a Gracious Child of God. You will not be sorry.
We assure you that you have forgotten many of the times in your earthly journey when some saintly-acting person has saved you, helped you, blessed you, or directed you.
Give help in the name of Love Divine, and help will come to you.
And say thank you when it does.
Ah, Beloved,
When speaking with someone who firmly believes they are just a mortal body and that no Consciousness of their wonderful Soul will linger when that mortal body belief is set aside, keep a sense of humor. You do not need to convince them of anything, for they will see for themselves when the body misbelief is set aside. Just keep striving to be an example of Light, and keep your good spirit by imagining the enjoyable communication the two of you will have when all illusions are gone, and you are both bodies of Light.
And silently ask Divine Spirit to Help them now.
As ever, with you, and all,
Ah, Beloved,
Regardless of what your fearful child-self ego thinks about your mortal state or situation, or what other seeming mortals around you think, you ARE still what the Creative Loving Parent Divine made you, and you are nothing else.
Put out of your mind what you think of yourself, or what any person around you thinks, and look to what God thinks of you. “You are my Beloved and perfect child.” EXPECT to see THAT reflected in the earth mirror, as your existence and as your entire situation, and feel blessed by what God unfolds as the movie of your life.
Look to the True Director, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be no doubt in your mind that Divine Mind is ALWAYS ready and willing and able to inspire you with ideas and give you tender care and support and Love. There is nowhere you can go where It is not. There is no time lapse during which It does not hear you turning to It.
All it takes is your attention and intention, Beloved. That is what all the meditation and prayer and mind-training are about—learning to stop listening to your own small human assessments and intellectualizations exclusively, and instead turning to the Divine Mind that so completely Loves and Governs all. That is what devoted time is about—setting aside the swirl of worldly information that would bombard you constantly, or eschewing only turning to the human opinions of friends and family, and instead hearing the individualized and very practical Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Truth that would uplift you and Guide you.
Do practice this daily, Beloved. Love will not force you to live more Peacefully, centered in Its Heart, but Love is always, always, always Holding you, and waiting for you to choose the Glory of Life lived in holiness and Grace.
Ah, My Beloved Child,
There is no place you can go that I am not with you. There is nothing you can do or say that would remove you from my Sight and My Love. That which you see as mortal error or terrible mistakes you have made is just a layer of old costume make-up to My perception of you, My KNOWING of you as my only and perfect Child. And all of those that are with you in that Sweet reflection of Myself, that is the One Child, are as equally loved and cherished by Me, as are you.
All I ask is that you Love them as much as I do, and as much as I Love you, so that you may all be awakened into remembrance of that Perfect and One Love.
Be at Peace with this and all Peace comes to you,
Ah, Beloved,
When earthly joys pale, and the earthly sorrows seem to be everywhere, and the thought of full merging with Divine Love is enticing, it is time to consider, did you agree to participate in the human play in order to be served, or to serve?
Beloved, when understanding of the Infinite has expanded to the point of knowing all illusions to be just illusions, good and bad, then the ability to lift others above their own dramas becomes one of your own keys to permanent Heaven Consciousness. Since All is One, the Grace to lend a hand of Compassion, and be a vehicle for the Thoughts of Truth, is the way to help all See the Wholeness of Being.
Serving others does serve you, dear one. You will see, you will see, you will see.
Service is simply letting Divine Love flow and govern through your focus and actions, like light through a clear window. God does the work.
And it becomes a Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
You DO know what instantaneous healing feels like. If you are handed a receipt at the bank, that shows only a tiny balance, that makes your heart drop in fear, and your mind feel confused because you thought you had enough funds to cover the bills of the day, you feel suddenly completely ill. But then you notice that the account number on the slip of paper is unfamiliar. You have been handed the wrong receipt.
And so, just as suddenly as you felt ill, you feel well again. It was a case of confusion, a case of mistaken identity.
This is what you must realize when your body would try to claim distress and ownership over you. This is what you must realize when danger seems to loom around you. The costume you use here cannot own you. No worldly law can trump the laws of God. Remember who you really are, spirit reflecting Spirit, and meant for good fulfillment, aligned with the Mind of Love, even while an image of you walks the earth. Know your true identity, trust your Loving Source, and do not let any false bit of paper or fleshly evidence pretend to take control of you.
Call to Harmony as yours, and be glad.
Ah, Beloved,
Be an excellent athlete of thought exercise.
The more you practice remembering, “I Am one with Divine Thought”, the more numerous and of ease become the proofs in your experience and perception.
You have nothing to lose but doubt and sorrow, so why not?
“I Am One with Love”.
Definitively, finally, and completely.
Claim it. Amen,
Ah, Beloved,
As you learn to discern, and have the desire to obey, the Divine Voice urgings from within, what you hear will often make no human sense to you. Obey anyway. Learn to say clearly, and gently, whatever you are being urged to say, with Love.
Oftentimes, the urgings will be a matter of timing, or hold a large element of timing. If you feel the urge to pause for an extra two minutes on a staircase, or linger in a restroom or a grocery isle, or a hallway, for a time, listen that urging, and go with it. When, then, someone comes along that clearly needs a word of encouragement, or a smile, or a gentle listening ear, you will have validated the intuition to linger.
In all these small ways, you are serving God greatly. And, in all these small ways, you are learning to trust that the Inner Voice knows what your human mind does not know, and that there is a Greater Plan in operation for all, at all times. Learn to trust that, Beloved, as well as trusting that the Plan was made, and was and is enacted, with Great and Tender Love.
Being a messanger will come to be its own reward. Tenderly,
Ah, Beloved,
The worldly chores will always go more easily and swiftly and efficiently if you DO take those few moments or minutes or hours to align with the calm Wisdom of Spirit before you begin, and tap into It as you do your tasks of the day.
You know this. You have proved this to yourself many times. Be wise enough to use your own proofs, and use that truth today.
We Love you so, and are glad to help solve and resolve the concerns and enjoyments of the day. We are also grateful to be able to help, for thus We fulfill what We are. Welcome Us.
Ah, Beloved,
Simply, today, “High Guidance of the Light and Life, Help me See and Know what is True and Right, as in your Sight.”
This will always serve you well. In Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Each day you can re-train your worldly self to remember that the sweet bliss of being in constant communion with the Divine Source and Surround is more precious than any earthly thing or goal or desire.
Just take a few minutes to focus upon that Loving Flow each morning, and fill your heart from that wonderful exchange of Absolute Love.
Then, move on to and through your day with the guiding Hand and Voice of God, and even mundane tasks and achievements will have a glow of Goodness.
Appreciate Goodness in everything, small and large, and Goodness is drawn to you.
Place Love and supreme Life first. That is not so hard to remember.
Ah, Beloved,
We return again to a quintessential point. God is omnipotent.
And, God is omnipresent. Many folk are frightened when they even think about some of what they have learned about human or earthly laws being not the real Truth that governs all. Many are uneasy to contemplate a Higher Reality that is truly the only Reality, for they want their fleeting temporal understanding to be what they think of as reality.
But, darling, that does not change the Truth. Know the Truth for yourself, and do not push or belittle those who still cling to the temporal pains and pleasures. But for your own part, remain in the constant Unity with God Consciousness, and stay in a moment-to-moment awareness, so that you may see, more and more, that which is truly Real. Your own presence will then be a conveyance for Presence.
And Unconditional and Unlimited Love is part of that,
Ah, Beloved,
When you search for the truth of a situation, let your seeking be calm and clear and patient. Your task, when faced with what seems to be untruth, is to ask for the Oneness of Being, the One Mind/Voice that has a spark in all, everywhere and always, to let you see and discern the truth.
Then, retreat into silence and observance, and wait and watch for the elements of the truth to be revealed. In time, they will.
As any gardener knows, if you are unsure whether the winter twig you are looking at is a crabapple tree shoot, or the young stick of a tree that will give forth golden delicious apples, you must wait for the leaves and the fruit to come forth, to know what you hold in your hand. Ask, with trust in the All-Knowing Maker of Being, and wait, Love, wait.
And, why not enjoy ourselves while we wait?
Ah, Beloved,
You do not need extra toiletries, or to have on a certain shirt, or be in a certain place, or sing a certain song, in order to hear and know God.
God knows the Spiritual Heart of you, and is completely connected to It always. All you need to do is stop and turn your focus to that Ever-Connection, and ask, for the comfort or courage or solutions or Love that you need to hear about and feel.
Ask, Beloved, and listen. Ask, “What would You say to me, right now, here, as I am, dear God?” Ask, and listen.
For no matter what else you hear, you will hear “You are My Beloved Child, Spirit of Spirit, made very well in My Image.”
God will lift your thoughts into higher Consciousness, whether you have on your make-up or not, whether your shoes match, whether your feet are dry or not, whether you are irritated or calm. Just focus on asking and listening, and remember the Wondrous Goodness that is God, and allow yourself to be Guided and Loved and Cherished.
Ah, Beloved,
When, in human affairs, you are faced with making choices about when and where and with whom to spend time, especially very committed time, it is imperative that you ask for Help from Inner Voice of Spirit.
Making such decisions based on your five sensory impressions of the persons, or on what they said or did in the past, or what you have heard rumored that they did, is the opposite of what you should do. As someone trying to shine forth the Qualities of God, you MUST ask God what Its knowledge of the person is, and ask whether you are meant to be in or near that person’s life.
Your human ability to know whether you can help that person, or whether they can help you, beyond the simple, decent, kindness of the moment, is something that your limited mortal senses just cannot see.
Ask God, Beloved. Always ask God first. Always.
You will be Glad you did,
Ah, Beloved,
Today, keep it very simple. God created you, as spiritual reflection of Itself, (Himself/Herself), to be happy. God is Happy looking at you and knows you to be Happy looking back.
Therefore, in this wavy reflection that is the earth dream, God also wants a good dream for you. Sum it up in your thoughts as “God wants me happy, and God knows what is Best for all, and God takes care of me.”
“God wants me Happy, and God gives me directions so I can be Happy. All I need to do is listen to those directions, and follow them.”
Be in innocent trust today. God WANTS you happy.
Love, Love, Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Believe that you have the quiet Peace, and you have it. For you already do in the timelessness of All that Is.
From your small viewpoint within the little bubble of time-space sense, think of it as a kind of time travel. You look ahead in your imagination , quietly and softly, and visit with your consciousness the moment in time where you have achieved that Peace and happiness of purpose. You dwell there a bit and feel the Truth of it.
Then carry that feeling back with you, like a souvenir, and enjoy it, and be it.
We tell you truly that moments spent quietly contemplating and pondering infinity are never wasted. In a way, time spent doing that, and knowing you are part of the wonderful order of that Infinity, will give you more time, more energy, more confidence in the buoyant Love that holds all.
This is the truth of creation,
Ah, Beloved,
With all True Life existing in One Mind, there can be nothing hidden. To stay centered in One Mind, you can have no secrets.
To stay in One Mind, stay in Truths, always. Mind will guide your mind, if you let it, and It will not let lies govern you, or cross your lips. If sweet silence and forgiveness are needed in a situation, It will lend those to you, so that, in Love, all truths that need to be revealed can be revealed.
When confronted with someone who seems to be lying to you, or about you, or about a situation, center yourself in the Truth of “One Mind holds us all”, and then stay centered in that silence, and let the small still Voice lead you in listening, in speaking, in doing.
Gently welcome the truth, not as judge, but as guidance,