All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truly practice today, Love, seeing each person you encounter as a magic mirror.

    Experiment, and see, that as you shine joy at them, joy will shine back at you. As you shine peace at a crowd, peace will fill you. As you wish harmony for them, harmony will also enfold you.

    Shine these things from the Inner Source of your being, and you will be shining Truth.

    If, in some moments, you accidentally shine forth irritation or annoyance, those things will shine back at you also, and you will be able to enjoy the perfect lesson of seeing how quickly you can make a correction, and realign yourself with the Source-Divine qualities.

    Learn to bless those around you as mirrors, and thank them when they offer correction to you, just as you would be glad to locate a mirror, when you are trying to get some spinach from between your teeth.

    Bless you, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The animal brain of humanness has no power over you unless you pretend it has. Claim your Divine Self to be true, and let nothing else rule your days. If you forget your own dominion and fineness for a moment or a day, reclaim it and move forward, and shine again.

    Do not get trapped in guilt and remorse. Make good, and do good, and know that you can have the joy of being Good in each moment that you choose. We have told you again and again how many Divine Helpers are always with you, to help you choose and act aright. Ask them, ask the One Loving Mind, and humbly accept the Help.

    Choose Goodness and Gladness anew in every moment, and Gladness becomes the Whole of what you are.

    Cheering you on,


  • Ah, Friend,

    Even now, the power to enact lies within you. But the clarity of what you want must be a part of your stewardship of your own life.

    Endless Life Force is flowing to you all the time, but it is your free will choice in how to use it. Do you wish idly for circumstances or attitudes or things, or do you want them enough to put action behind your words and thoughts? Even the tiniest action can give enriching formation to your desires—but that action must be taken by you.

    Take it, Beloved, take it. Form the plan in your mind or on paper, turn your will over to God with time actually taken for God. Mail the letter, make the call, put joy into your thoughts and prayers. Turn those idle wishes into thoughts and into wants which you are actually willing to work for, and let them become part of your life. The “work” is not about sweating and suffering, it is about realizing that what you actually do with your hours and your days is a signal to the Great Source of how you actually want the Harmony of Existence to form itself as your life, your friends, your work and your world. Put into some sort of action the signal to the Formless Source of what you truly want in your world.

    The bubble of your world, of your awareness, is yours to make. How would you have it form, Beloved? Fantasies must become intentions, if you would see them seem to be your reality. All that the Source desires is that you know and feel the Harmony and Love of which you were made, and in which your are maintained and sustained, if you will. What form would you have it take, Beloved? The Greater Force wants only Love for you, for It knows nothing else. Can you choose the same?



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many jails are self-made.

    The choice to stay in a certain job. The choice to look only at the faults of a relationship, instead of counting its blessings and helping it bloom. The choice to deem the vacuuming more important than taking a walk on a lovely spring day. The choice to stay in a mindset of mistrust and unworth. The choice to keep a set of old obligations that no longer serve you or anyone around you. The choice to dwell on the past and worry, worry, worry about this afternoon, or tomorrow, or tomorrow, or tomorrow.

    Be of good cheer! Have faith in and praise for the Divine in all circumstances. Choose, choose, choose to let the bars of your jail melt away by changing what you wish to change, and can, and cheerfully accepting the situations and promises that you must keep for honor and for love, or by circumstance.

    Help, Oh Help, the Divine flow through you by aligning yourself with the attitudes and aspects that ARE the Divine—Joy, Peace, Unchanging Calm, Wisdom, and Unconditional Love, Unbridled Creativity. Align your self, so that you do not jail your Self.

    YOU hold the keys, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Accept graciously and with enormous gratitude the fourfold gift that is given you by all the difficult or troubled friends, strangers, lovers, relatives, and acquaintances that comprise your little universe.

    First, they give you a chance to practice unconditional love and compassion and forgiveness, as they exhibit their woe and anger and paranoia, or love of sorrow. They give you a chance to reach out with silence, and listening, and healing Love.

    Second, they are playing an amazing example to you, of what happens when the awareness is stayed on the world, instead of on the Divine. They are a living reminder of the choice that is always before, of turning your face and mind and imagination and trust to the shadows, or to the Light. They are like the battered sample that the salesman brings forth of the “other brand” to convince you to choose the first quality item.

    Third, there but for the Grace of God, is the role that could have been assigned to your soul. Bless each soul that plays such a teacher for you, for it takes a strong soul and a powerful actor to be willing to hide the joy and the beauty under layers of grime, to play the wicked or lost one.

    Fourth, realize that many times you do play the dark role for others. Many times you play it without even knowing it, when you break something with your sleeve in passing, or speak a word that you did not realize would pain another. When these unconscious acts occur, or when you know you have caused sorrow by your short temper or disloyalty or greed, remember the gift of the dark mirrors you have been shown, again and again. See what you do not want to be, and choose joy. Choose forgiveness, choose apology and amends, choose Life and Light above all. Choose to remember that all Life comes from the One Divine Spirit, bless all the parts of It who have taught you, and turn to It again and again and again.

    Keep your awareness on the Light, and keep walking in gratitude,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Please know that no matter what you humanly think you deserve, God thinks of you as Its Beloved Child, and want you to thrive and be fully alive.

    That includes your human needs. Become very aware today that what seem like miracles to the human perceptions are only natural to God. That which you need for your well-being and happiness, God wants you to have.

    Join your belief to God in this, and expect that God’s Will be done. Be courageous in enacting the ideas you are given and being grateful for the opportunities and people you meet.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be very grateful and affectionate to those that are kind to you. Whether it is one brief kind smile from a stranger or the numerous kindnesses from someone who takes care of you or assists you consistently, be of help to God by letting Gratitude grow, grow, grow and be shown.

    Every heart that is warmed by hearing another thank-you is a heart which Divine Sprit can rush into and fill, and inspire to comfort or help solve or create or Love or be Godly in other ways in the worldly scene.

    Be grateful, show gratitude, offer affection. It Helps God and it also comes back around to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone presented you with a restaurant bill, and asked you what the total was, would you just toss it onto the table, and say, “well, the principles of mathematics will solve this”?

    No, you must take your knowledge of mathematics, and USE it to add up the tab.

    Just so, Beloved, you must USE your knowledge of God, your understanding of God, to solve your worldly tabs. What are the tools you use to demonstrate your knowledge and apply the principles of God? You count your blessings, you reverse all negatives into Good in your thoughts, you free the compassion from your heart and let it flow, you trust that you, and all, deserve Good, you love God and you love your neighbor as yourself.

    You must DO these things, not just sit back and know that the principles exist. BE the active enactment of God, and you will see the results, the totals, come about.

    We surround you with constant Love, that is our action,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So much busy-ness around you. So much busy thought in your own mind.

    Consider how very glad you are when one of the people you love takes some time to be with you and appreciate you and express affection. Think about how grateful you feel to get to spend time with a lover or relative or friend or old connection from long ago. The communion and exchange with that person make life seem good and real, instead of just a series of tasks and days.

    Beloved, multiply that feeling of good humor and love shared, and know that this is how God feels as well. God is so very delighted when you actually take time to spend with Him/Her. God is so very ready and open to extending supreme Love to you when you turn away from your busy thoughts and turn instead to simply being quietly with God.

    Slow it down, Beloved. Turn to telling God your love, and feel the absolute Love embracing you in return. It does not need to be in a certain building or within a specific ritual or accompanied by exact words. Whether walking or touching leaves or sitting still with your eyes closed or bouncing a ball in the sport that is a favorite to you, just turn your thoughts to God, and say “I Love You”.

    God will hear. God always hears, and is thrilled you are taking time to know your Oneness within the Light of Spirit.

    To make this part of every day and hour completely changes your life,

    Make it part of your experience, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mirrors, mirrors, walking around you. A kaleidoscope of your own body thoughts and earthly feelings are being reflected to you. The “other” is self. When you fully realize this, you will understand that what you say to another you are saying to yourself. Then it will be easier to hold your tongue from criticisms and easier to express love and encouragement.

    Of course, this means you must also wish to give love and encouragement to yourself. Can you do this? Do you want this? We can help. We see all the lovely and strong Qualities of God reflected in you, and we are glad to remind you of them if you but ask, and listen.

    It is always easy for Us to see that you, as Spirit Self, are the image of the Creator. You are wonderful and very Good. THAT is the nature of which you were made.

    Here we are. Use us. We are Thoughts flying around in the Mind you are part of, waiting to serve you,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understand this: The Source always was and always will be, and IS right now. It would behoove you to spend more time contemplating timelessness, so that you truly hold It in your heart.

    But for today, we want to emphasize that the only thing that the Source ever really created was a “mirror” of Infinity, so It could view Itself, Know Itself.

    You are a reflection in that mirror, a little bit of the Source, spirit reflecting Spirit, an essence of Light and Love.

    This is very important to understand, because it means you cannot really be anything the Father/Mother Source is not. A reflection cannot show things that the original does not contain. It can SEEM to show other things, because of shadows or smudges on the mirror. This is why your senses, the false indicators of the world as you think you see it, can make you think the Source contains errors and wickedness and loss and pain, etc. etc—but they are but smudges on the mirror. Clean off the mirror in your thoughts by realizing that only the Goodness that is the Source can really be Infinite eternal reality, and you will begin to see demonstrations of this.

    You know the saying, “With God, all things are possible.” Really, that should say, “With God, all God’s things, all Good things, are possible”, for God made only Good, Beloved.

    God made only Good. Peer closely at the reflections all around you today, and endeavor, and ask, to See with your Spiritual Sight, and truly See only Good. You will be doing others, and yourself, a favor.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Before you ask someone a question, particularly if that person might possibly consider it as a critical question, ask the same question of yourself. And, ask yourself if you are asking the question in a tone of Love, from the Source of Love.

    Then, make sure you are re-centered in the Brightest spot of the Source, like moving to a warm, sunny spot on a cold day, and consider whether you still want to ask the question.

    Filling yourself with Love makes it possible to Love others, and then Love them more.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Peaceful in your heart. A weight-lifted-off-my-shoulders type of feeling.

    These are signals that your prayers have been heard and enacted in the way that is truly Blessed and Best for you.

    Take Joy in the sense of Peace, and mark the feeling of having given your burdens to the Force of Love that knows how to carry them away from your perceptions, and show you instead the Gladness of Being.

    Continue to begin your days with the meditations and prayer that bring this Peace sublime to your heart, and before you know it you will feel as though you have a whole new life.

    This is the Truth of Life and Love. Learning it is the goal of human growth, and we applaud each moment that you know the good of it. Keep your eyes and thoughts on this goal, dear one, and remember We walk beside you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The proof is in the self. No matter how many testimonies you hear from others, or even see in another who is close to you, it is the serendipitous events, and experiences of healing, that you have in your own life that are the building blocks of faith. The small and large “miracles” that occur in your life are the parts of the corral that would gently hold in place the wild free spirit of your belief in the Divine pattern and Order and Harmony.

    Put each stick into that fence reverently and firmly, and until the corral is fully built, so that faith is safely held, pay close, close attention, so that no stick is left upon the ground, unnoticed. Look carefully, each night and each morning, at the “ground” of your days and your dreams, so that those daily miracles in your life do not pass unremarked and unappreciated, and go unused.

    O’ pick them up and use them, Beloved, and you will have tamed the wild Spirit Horse of belief, and will be able to name Him Delight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Praying for all, for God to awaken all hearts, is your assignment today. It will clear up so much, in the world, and in your self, that you will be gladly surprised.

    Throughout the day: “Bless us all, Bless me, Thank-you God.”

    “Bless them, Bless me. Bless us all, Bless me.”

    It is simple, but more effective than you can imagine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new emergence into the softness of the Presence of Spirit, as you, as all that is around you, as the thoughts you choose to entertain in your mind. Let it indeed be One Mind that guides you, all this day, letting no idle moments become human daydreams or calculations, but only the soft, soft Truths of the Guiding Love that would have you remain always in Its flow of Joy, Joy, Joy.

    In Joy we dwell. If you are not allowing It in, you are sleep-walking,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether someone approaches you with meek request for teaching or wisdom, or whether they seem to approach you with reproach and a desire for intellectual or physical sparring, they both want and need the same thing: Agape Love.

    Give It. Answer with Love. Even if you must fiercely bite your human tongue to keep from answering with anger or tears, give Agape Love with your Heart/Mind, and know that it is the only proper and healing thing to do.

    Do we not do that for you, over and over?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you give kindness, but see no immediate reward, let your human self remember that you are giving to yourself. Let your human self not forget that what you send forth on earth always comes back to you on earth, though it may be separated by enough time that you do not see the connection. Send forth peace, be peace, for peace IS what your heart truly desires.

    On a level of Spirit, give Peace also. Your Divine Spirit Self has never forgotten that All is connected, and that when you give forth love and honor, you are doing it for the Whole Divine, of which you are a part. In the human mind, you may wish to think of this as doing your work and your good acts for God. See the God in the Other, and do it for that manifestation of God, no matter whether the other human is appreciative or not, or responsive or not, or reciprocates or not.

    You truly are all in this together. Act like it.

    Endlessly urging your Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Right now, we urge you to appreciate and be grateful for the Harmony that has reached through and over and around your circumstances. Years ago, when you prayed for a seemingly toxic relationship to be healed or removed, you felt that no answer was coming.

    Now, that is gone. Your prayer IS answered, though you had to be patient. Remember this, when other confusions are not instantly resolved. Stay true to God, and true to knowing you need God’s Guidance, and be Glad and grateful today. Celebrate the freedom from old constraints, and be Glad, be Glad, be Glad.

    You may have forgotten how much you prayed about that challenge, but We have not. Be grateful and Glad for the fruit you see now. And let it teach you to be patient again for current and future needs.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The materialism that can distract can also give one pause and rest and refreshment, so long as one realizes where and what is the Source of All Good. Take today to enjoy the beauty of Creation and the Qualities of Good and Excellence and Giving that are displayed in the kindness and order of those around you. And be sure to display them yourself.

    Thus is the Greatness of Glory shared. And the sharing and the cooperation that enable so many to live together in Harmony will progress within your life time, as more and more fill their hearts with the Light of the Divine Truths.

    The Light has already seen It is done, and so, from within time, you will see it move forward.

    All Joy to you today, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, let your mission be, to listen, and to see, the Good in all of those around thee.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Only Divine Energy can free anyone from their patterns of negative thought or error-filled or hurtful behavior.

    Therefore, Beloved, let go of the frustration of not being able to humanly help a friend who is filled with complaints and unhappiness. Turn to the Divine, and humbly ask for Divine assistance for him or her, maintain your own standards and goals of living within the Divine, and wait for the Divine to work in you and in those around you. Gently, kindly, continue to love, but honor the Divine’s ways and timing for others, just as you must do for your own soul work.

    Your job is your own spiritual growth. Being drawn away into trying to “fix” someone else with only human ways will only end you both in the same quicksand.

    Turn to the face of Goodness, again and again and again, and give freely of your own allotted Grace, and then let God/Goddess work.

    We help make sure the prayers reach their Place,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What you give when you silently Bless another, petitioning the Divine to reveal to them their Wholeness, cannot be really measured by any human quotient. But whatever it is and however much it is, you give yourself even more Blessing of Consciousness by doing so. So keep doing so.

    And thus the world awareness spiral upward.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a Source of Calm, Sweet and Clear, that is more powerful than anything of the earthly senses. You CAN grow adept at accessing It. Turn your thoughts and your cries and your heart and your beliefs to God, dear one, and ask, ask, ask for Calm. “Thank-you for providing me with Divine Calmness” can be your prayer.

    Beloved, perhaps you are accustomed to thinking that if only you had a snack to eat, or the loud noises of the household would abate, or the list of chores were crossed off, or the weather or politics of the day would shift, then you could be calm. But We say, that for certain, if you turn to Love and fill yourself with Divine Calm, you will feel refreshed, and able to regard the earthly “reasons” for unease in a new Light.

    Divine Calm opens many doors of understanding and Wisdom, Beloved. Practice accessing It. Practice calling to It and feeling the sweet and wondrous answer of Holy Soul.


  • Dear One,

    Remember that everything that you do is another chance to express love. How you feel about the actions you have taken, and are taking, is often more important than the action itself. The feeling of having helped, the feeling of having chosen the more loving response, the feeling of having drawn on compassion instead of rage—these are the things you are constantly testing yourself on.

    Do you feel good about how you have treated those that have mistreated you? That is the first lesson. That first lesson becomes inextricably mixed with the second lesson—that the Other is Self. How does the Other feel about how you have treated him or her? Society’s laws about revenge and judgement and payment are not the same as those of Spirit. Whatever you have done to another, you have done to yourself.

    The “Why has this happened to me?” becomes irrelevant as you focus on, instead, “How do I, as a loving, forgiving, compassionate being, respond to this person and this situation?” You need to respond in a way that feels good to you, that does not rob you of your feeling of being serene in your own divine soul. As your consciousness embraces the knowledge and the awareness that the Other is Self, then how you feel about how you respond will evolve. What will feel good to you in how you respond, will come to include ever more love and empathy and kindness and compassion—it will begin to truly come from the knowledge of the soul that All is One.

    If you have taken an action that makes you cringe now, each time that you think about it, is there something that you can do to give yourself the feeling that you have made amends? Can you write an apology, replace an item, give of your time and effort? Can you put yourself in a state of mind where you feel that you have done all that is possible to rectify the situation? Can you then forgive yourself, and move on?

    If another has given you feelings of betrayal and pain, do you jail yourself with resentment, and trap yourself in obsession about revenge? How many moments of joy have you robbed yourself of because you are focused on those feelings of pain? Can you forgive the person, and move on? Can you give yourself the gift of shifting your focus to beauty and kindness and growth and possibility?

    When you are feeling caught inside blame and judgement and revenge, when you want to forgive, but you feel unable to do so, where do you turn? In every religion, in every belief system, there are intermediaries that represent the Best of You and the Best of Everybody. These angelic and saintly beings, these higher souls, by whatever name and in whatever culture’s costume, have their hands open to take your anger and do your forgiving for you and with you. Ask for their help. They can help remind you of all that is good about life and soul. They can take your anger and let you see that as vast as your rage can be, joy can fill the same space in you.

    Let the rage melt away and welcome the joy of choosing to live in moments of unconditional love.

    We rejoice when you live in joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The mission never changes, just the aspect of honesty with self about the moment. Turn again and again to the Inner wisdom, to understand whether, in this moment, you are doing the most Loving thing for all concerned.

    It is NOT personal, human standards that you are turning to, to see what is best in a certain situation. It is the Wisdom that is beyond your own, some of which can be infused into human laws, but the unalterable form of which, must be referenced from the Living Truth, to know the All in All.

    Beloved, be joyous that a Wisdom beyond your own human wisdom exists, so that you may freely know that you can turn to It when it is obvious that your own human knowledge simply will not cover the need of the moment. Cover your heart with the knowledge that the Greater Wisdom is Good, and relax into turning to It, turning to It, turning to It. Like a child who delights in the spinning arms and hands and feet of the joyous parent who spins him through the air for a “flying ride”, take delight in the turning and turning of the Governance of God.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Feeling the Incredibly Loving Presence of God is a thing of the heart and soul Self.

    You do not need fancy prayers or accoutrements. Just open to receiving, and ask, as a child or lover would ask, “Hold, me. Just please hold me.”

    God is very, very Glad to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There seems to be no way to go forward at times, within human perception.

    And in any moment you feel that thought, feel that feeling, then indeed, do not go forward, go within.

    Within is where clarity and ideas are born. Within is where all good and true action come from. When a thought of change or action or attitude is accompanied by Loving Peace and Peaceful Loving in feeling, within, then it is the right way.

    Go within, dear child of God. Go within and let Love hold and guide you. And then you will know what to do or say, or not do or say, in this day on the earth stage.

    Loving you so warmly and completely,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Loving Grace IS the medium in which the little spaceship bubble of “you” floats. If you let yourself be permeable, by sending forth the love in return, then the Grace flows easily into you and your life. Giving forth kindness and love and creativity is the way to keep It flowing to you. Giving IS receiving.

    Giving forth, even when, and especially when, the dim or dark senses of the world make it hard to see beyond the walls of your own self-bubble, is the only way to open yourself again to the joyous Peace of the Divine medium. You are like a little spaceship pre-programmed for Goodness. If you shoot forth the Unconditional Love that is in Harmony with the medium in which you float, all is well, all is exchanged back and forth in the Grand Whole. If you try to shoot forth the anger and despair and self-centeredness that the world would have you try to identify yourself with, then it can only bounce back at you—for the Divine cannot be pierced by darkness. It is Light.

    The Light can shine into you, can flow into you, but you cannot sully the Divine Light with your darkness. Any darkness that is sent out will only make your own bubble seem that more dim, because it cannot bounce into the Light—it can only bounce back at you. Think about it, Beloved. Would not you rather send out that which you want back, now that you know how the “Divine Delivery system” works?

    We only deliver Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have probably had the experience of needing someone’s help or acquiescence with a situation, but finding it difficult to explain all the reasons why you need for him or her to do a certain thing. Possibly the person would not be able to understand the technical terms involved in your explanation of why a certain knob must be turned at a certain moment, or perhaps there is not time to explain the thing before it must be done. You can only hope to find a helper, and are grateful when you do, and give the order that is needed.

    Just imagine how similar it is for the Divine Voice, when you are needed to be at a certain place with a smile or to speak a certain word. The complexity of the Plan that has each and every individual led to their perfect remembrance of the Whole is just too vast and lengthy to explain to every “helper”. Learn to trust. Trust the Voice when you are guided in your own life. Trust the Divine when you are guided to be a touch in another life. And know that one of the marks of knowing the Divine Voice apart from the voice of the human ego is that It will not attempt lengthy explanations and rationalizations. It will simply speak the Truth, and speak the Truth again, often using a word or a phrase from scripture or inspirational text that you have been exposed to. Listen, trust and obey.

    The human “ego voice” will have many justifications and grievances and excuses and judgments. Let it babble on, and turn to the deeper, stiller Place, and listen for the Calm Voice of Love, and let that Voice guide you.

    When you come to know it intimately, you will always Know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be the one in every situation to stay cool and calm, and not be distracted by the panic or the drama. Be the one who is willing to keep foremost in your mind and heart the Oneness that holds all, steady and firm and well, and can sing each moment into Harmony.

    Be the one who hears the song of Oneness. Lead others with Its quiet, but powerful, notes and swells and beats. It is the One Power.

    Be one with Oneness, for you already are. When you keep that always in mind, you are knowing Truth, and that is the Truth that sets you free to live with Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No improvement can come without Joy, for Joy is the very essence of, the fuel of, the Creative Source.

    Therefore, seek Joy before you begin any task, or seek any solution, or way of Being. Seek the seed of Joy in everything you see and/or are faced with doing, for in that seed of Joy you open the way to all growth and improvement. Even if the only joy you can see in a moment is the anticipation of having an unpleasant task done with, focus on that little seed of joy, and, by that focus, let all the Greater Forces of Joy be with you, and help you.

    In Joy, (Which means you can also call us to your side in any situation),


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting the ENTIRE future be placed in the hands of the Divine includes “details” that you think must be finished before you “hand over” control. To wait until those are done is to let your thinking be limited, like a lawyer, who feels that the agreement of a handshake is not binding until every duplicate written copy is stapled and initialed. If you have agreed with the message of your Heart that a new stage of life is now to begin, LET IT BE SO.

    Do not wait until that last stack of receipts is sorted or that last old garment mended. Just let the new work begin, and know that those last old things will either be taken care of by someone else, or turn out to be unnecessary.

    Where there is readiness of the heart for a work of the Divine, let no earthly rules and tasks delay you. Join fully with Divine Love, and with those rosy lights in your eyes, all things will look different and new and kinder.

    As were ever were,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To “preach the gospel (or the “Truth”), to all the world” does not mean going forth and sharing memorized words or advising certain rituals. It simply means forgiving others from your Heart of Hearts, and being glad to see them go forth healed and happy, to live their lives.

    Forgive all, including yourself, and be Glad for the Gladness of others. It IS that simple. Forgive, and help others to heal.

    Each person’s name is “Child of God”. To think of them as other names, or as anything different than yourself, is to set up a sense of separation, which weakens your adeptness at tuning into the Oneness of being, and from that Oneness, drawing on the forgiveness which leads to Wholeness and Happiness, and living Life as it was meant to be lived.

    Know each one around you as brother or sister, all pre-ordained to forgive, as you are pre-ordained to forgive, and forgive them and allow them to forgive you. See their true identities as perfect ideas born of Divine Mind, and let your sight, and appreciation, of that, be the “preaching” of the Truth that you do.

    As we know the beautiful Truth of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Congratulate yourself when you discern that something worldly is trying to pull you away from being securely centered in the Love and Be-Loving of God. The seductiveness of the pains and pleasures of the earthly dream can be noted, but you are powerful indeed when you discern them and call in your heart for Divine Help to stay on the Path of Spirit and God, Good.

    No earthly distraction has power over Principle Divine, Beloved, and you are wise indeed when you call to the Great Soul of All to keep you safely wrapped in Its protective wings.

    It will never ignore your call. Trust It. Call, and trust in the ever-present Help.


  • Ah, Beloved Child,

    God WILL send those that need to be in your life, in trust of your full awakening, exactly when you need. Be aware of that, and try, today, to trust in that and expect the Goodness of it to happen.

    WE are always with you,

    Let us hold you, and be together,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The energy of the Creative Force is always with you, and always Lovingly ready to be plugged in to fuel the creative force that is your life. What do you want to direct it to? What do you want to plug it into?

    Your thoughts are the prongs of the plug, Beloved. Direct them to the good. Direct them to the best and the giving. Direct them to the matching receiver of person or place or situation, and see the lovely energy of the Creator, through you, flow.

    The earthly realm is but a reflection of the Absolute Spiritual Good that Is, but while you still seem to have eyes to see and ears to hear, let the Faculties of the Creator help you see beyond sight and hear beyond ears, and know that the Presence and Force and Omnipotence of the Creator of Images is always, always with you and available to you. The Good Force will not itself be used for evil–Goodness onlys knows Goodness. Any sending forth of evil will only bounce back to you like a boomerang. Good creates good that is lasting, and blesses all involved. When you feel the rising of the Creative Force within you, listen carefully within to understand what Good Creation It can be directed to, whether of solution to problem, or joining in friendship or work or love, or ideas for communication, and go with the Inner Wisdom that always knows the highest and best Good for all concerned.

    You are not alone in this. Ask for Help to interpret the Inner Voice if you need to, and It will come.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, we know there seem to be some standard rules that are true: Do not steal, do not lust rule you, etc. And we often urge you to let nothing but the Reality of God be what you live by, but we gently remind you that you always also have your constant interpreter, your constant comforter and companion, Divine Voice of Spirit, with you. Consult It each time you feel confused by the myriad of sense evidence. ASK It for help and advice when you are not sure how to interpret a situation or what golden rules to apply.

    That is what it is there for, to help you constantly, and without fail.

    Such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perfection begets perfection. Love creates Love.

    Never forget that, as you don your body costume each day. You are the awareness of shared perfection, the purpose of reflected Love. As you don the costume of body and personality, keep in mind the perfection that Divine Mind holds you in, and expects you to represent, and share, and share, and share. It is a perfection of Love, not of eyelash or curve or muscle. It is a perfection of expression of Truth, and of regarding all as sisters and brothers in the One Reflection of the Source.

    Costumes can seem mutable in the dream-play of earth, but they are under control of Thought, if you give way your own earth-play-character-thoughts of being old or young or broken or pure or weak or strong, and agree, with the Great Director, to don the costume you were created to fit, perfect reflecting perfect, for your chosen and assigned role.

    How lovely, lovely, lovely you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It would seem you are at a hesitant place about some things, but we remind you that sometimes other events and people, with their intentions and attentions to their own Divine instructions, must be patiently waited for to fall into place.

    This is a perfect time to contemplate the perfect Sight of God, that sees all things as they are meant to be, and ARE, under the glimmering illusion of earthly mirage. Contemplate that unearthly perception, and trust Its timing. Have the quiet trust of God, and let it permeate your thoughts and consciousness.

    Reaffirm, with deep longing of true desire to See, “I am perfect spirit within Spirit, right now.” Pretend you are on a special date, or outing, with God today, and do not let your attention stray to the other characters or events around you, any more than you would read a book or watch a cartoon, while also at dinner with a lover.

    God is your ultimate Lover, Beloved, and Loves you here and now. Concentrate on that, and know that the next steps will become obvious, when every step includes loving, and being Loved by, God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am timeless, I am timeless, I am timeless.”

    Practice this today. Everyone who seems to live within the bodily senses knows how time seems to stretch or race or lay heavy or holy within the mind. But the truth is timelessness.

    So practice it today, un-hypnotizing yourself from the illusion of time, and see how very Light it makes you feel. Let your Spirit soar with the memory of timelessness today.

    “I am timeless, I am timeless, I am timeless.”

    And so is Love, soaring with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is always sincere in saying “I Love you.”

    The God that is Truth and Love has no conditions on that Love. It is not the old view of a God that has human tantrums and grudges, it is God that Is Love and Loves, and only tenderly wants you to remember your Real Self as like Loving Spirit Itself.

    Human errors are gently corrected and washed away, as the phantoms they are, and are not remembered and nurtured in some dark heart of revenge. Today, practice forgiving as the Soul of Love forgives. There are a thousand times a day you have the opportunity to do so. Forgive and forgive, as We assure you God forgives, indeed does not even bother to glance at, all your own errors of blurting out foolish things, or breaking hearts or limbs. Re-label as illusion all that is clearly not the Good God made, and let the sincere Love of God be your fuel for continued Life.

    See yourself as the Good Image of God=Spirit, and See others the same, past the shadows draped upon them.

    To see the Real of Light is to forgive and See the Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We answer your question thus, dear Child, for it is the answer to all questions. Listen for your own individual answer in your heart and mind and intuition:

    “I cede my will to Your Will. Thy Will be done. Just tell me my part, show me my actions/nonactions. Lead my feelings with Your Calm Love.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are right with you. We are always right with you. You know that and you can trust that. You simply need to remember to tune to that level of awareness and listen and LET Us Help.

    Today We need to have you practice realizing that all others also have their ANGEL-THOUGHTS from God right there with them. Each and every individual has those Angels assigned to Help them as soon as they are willing to be Helped awaken to their greater Soul-Self. When you try to convince someone of the existence of the Divine by appealing to their human intellect and mortal thinking, there is simply little available connection and overlap. But if you ask your Angels to speak to their Angels, as it were, then communication and communion is possible. All without words, in the pure language of Divine Love and Spirit, you CAN reach another and assist in their well-being, by simply sending your Angels to Help the Angels of the other, in a great team of Compassion to Help that individualized Soul.

    We know who is on your mind. We know whom you would love to see healed and assisted and guided. Willingly send Us to the aid of the Angels of that one, and know that you, too, will still be guarded and guided. There are plenty of Us.

    Some of Us are always with you. You are never alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reason you need to keep proving to yourself each day that God is Real, and is a Powerful Love, is that you are assailed every day by the animal and material thoughts of earthly existence. You know your Soul reflection is more than dust, but it is only by immersing your consciousness in the soothing Water of Spirit for times throughout the day, that you stay aware of your true Identity.

    Do not let your thoughts become lost in the sea of materialism. Turning to the Loving Source, endlessly offered to you from within, is the Life Raft. You do not do this as part of a dogma or ritual. You do this for your own Joy and Peace of Mind.

    Be Kind to your self.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a jeweler holds a magnifying loupe to her eye, and looks through one facet of a stone to see into its interior, so that she may see any flaws or variations that need to be taken into account in re-cutting the stone, the facet and the stone and her loupe and her eye must be held very steadily to be able to see anything truly.

    So it is, love, with the healer that would look to help another. If God is the diamond, and each individual is a facet on the diamond, through which the Light of God may be reflected, then to see the Truth, hold steady. Hold steady to your knowledge of the Light of God, hold still your own eye and hand as instruments of God, and look past any dust on the surface of the facet, that you may see the truth of how the Light would shine through the facet, to be most beautiful.

    There are no flaws in God, Beloved. If you seem to see one, check to see whether your hand is steady, or whether you are focusing on the dust on the surface of the diamond instead of into the lovely flare of Its Inner Light, or whether your eye is distracted and trying to look through more than one facet at once. When your knowledge of God’s perfection is clear and sure, and your own self and eye are held still, you cannot help but see the complete beauty of the stone, through the facet that is before you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claim TODAY”S reality.

    Can you put yourself in that playful, joyous attitude of thinking only about what you can create today, in your thoughts and in your experience? Choose joy and wellness and plenty, today. Entertain those thoughts, and be free of whatever thoughts belong to yesterday.

    When a drawing has gone wrong, and the teacher gives a child a fresh new piece of paper, and a new set of markers, the new picture to be made holds complete fresh promise of the art of joy and the joy of art. The good and wise child does not go to the trash basket and uncrumple the failed picture to look over it again and again and weep and feel remorse.

    Start fresh today, wise and guided child. The Great Artist will guide your mind and hand and heart. Start with a fresh attitude and create the freshness you need and want.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the days when human errors seem to abound, or sad old memories creep into your thoughts, turn of course to My Steady Love.

    Keep your mind on the Good and the True, and My Steady, Steady Love. I will Help you. It is what I do.

    Yours, and rising in every heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Training yourself to understand that you are a resident of the Divine Mind, fully Spiritual, and so is everyone around you, is almost the most important thing you can do.

    The most important thing is to Love the Divine Home-Mind, and to know It is Good.

    Waste not time on the human drama that needs forgiving and that is apparent and distracting each day. For growth of Soul-alignment, go straight to Loving God and knowing all to be born of that Template of Good, as Soul reflections.

    Just below limited sight is Glory,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You will not find a rosebush growing in the pumpkin patch.

    Yes, the pumpkin patch has many beauties and delights and intriguing things, but if you want to see and know and smell the roses of God’s unfolding and Peace, you must take your eyes and mind off the pumpkins and all their foliage, and go within the garden of your heart.

    This Truth is commonly known. But how many find the courage and will and patience and desire to do it? All it takes is a tiny resolve, and a knowledge that the Rose is joyously waiting for you, Beloved. It is not hard. Just offer your desire.

    And let us answer our own question. How many do it? Eventually, all. For God has already willed that and accomplished it. It is only in the illusion of time that it seems to take much waiting and effort. It is done in God’s Heart, and all you need to do is join it, in your Consciousness, and realize It was there all along.

    We want this for you. Do you want it yet?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “This Good work I am doing energizes me, for Its Source is the Flow of Love.”

    When there are tasks and chores you must do because of care for family, friends, or community, those things are fueled by the Life Force. Just keep in mind that God does not wish you to be depleted or wearied when you are doing the Work of Soul. Ask for the energy, strength, patience, and Grace you need for the job, and you WILL be provided it.

    We are with you in these things. We assure you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In every instant that you feel Spiritually Awake and clear, praise God/One Mind that is your True Higher Self.

    In every instant that you feel a little earth-sleepy and confused again, praise One Mind to return to the feeling of clarity.

    Just praise God all the time, knowing that in God’s Mind, you are Good and fine.

    It is easier than your time-bound self might think,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest now, little rabbit. Rest now. All week you have given unto others, and given unto the faith of God. Rest now. Rest and grow.

    Remember that each spiritual idea of God’s, of which you are one, continues to grow in energy and grace, for all time, and beyond. Rest and grow, and know yourself Loved by God.

    We stay by you, in walking and grace and love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no problem, there is only smoke trying to hide the One Light of the One Mind that is all.

    There is no problem, there is only a miracle waiting to be freed.

    Practice knowing this, Beloved. Practice it again and again, whenever your thoughts would stray into doubt or allure or sorrow. There is only One Mind and It holds, and Loves, all Truth that will ever be.

    We are with you in this. You are never alone,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Any actor must quickly learn to not put a hand for support against a wall that is just a stage prop without secure ties.

    On the earth stage, O’ darling, lean not against the fleeting and shifting objects that come and go. Lean on the Unchanging Divine that Loves you so.

    God Knows you to be fine. Agree, and all things are possible.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Purity of Good triumphs. Its Perfect Power is within you, AND is ever-connected to the Source of All. Only a misty cloud of error seems to separate you from It.

    Beloved, choose to believe that Good is the only Power in the enduring Spirit of Life, and the Truth of that will help you allow the worries of the fleeting body slip away. The Source can and does help you with whatever bodily needs you have on your journey, and when you turn to fulfilling your deep longing to fully feel the Divine Love that you shine from, that will be what occupies and drives your thoughts.

    Let the Thoughts and desires of Divine Love be your thoughts and desires, and there will not seem to be a war within your own mind. Each mind must allow that. And will. And already did, in the timeless realm of Soul’s Harmony.

    The Perfect Power is the Love.

    You can be convinced, and believe, before you fully understand.


  • Ah Beloved,

    God says today’s word is courage. God is not always tenderness and light. Ponder the stark power of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know what to do. When you think “someone else” is in error, re-align with the Harmony that is All, and look again, at yourself, and the “other”.

    You know this Truth, and will not avoid it forever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When new ideas come into your mind, when you are endeavoring to hear your Holy instructions, receive them quietly. If some of them seem very unusual, or frighten you at first, just hold them softly, as you would a young animal, and look at them. Let the Love of God fill your heart and look at them.

    If they are of God, they will endure. It is fine to ask again and again, for many days, if you need to, to see if you hear the same thought again and again, given softly and persistently. The Voice of God does not demand or screech for immediacy. It is soft and calm and sure. When you can be soft and calm and sure also, then let It fill your heart and mind with what is True. God is in no hurry.

    As ever, with you throughout the illusion of time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Before anything else, you were what God/Mind imagined you to be. You are a marvelous idea, held dearly and lovingly in God’s Consciousness, and that is what and where you remain. Just now you may imagine that you somehow got out of that Mind’s awareness and are living your own little life far away from God in a spaceship called a body, but we assure you it is impossible to exit God’s Mind. It thought of you, and still thinks of you, and the wholeness of you remains right here in that Omniscient Soul.

    True, you are having that little dream of “awayness”, but you can choose to awaken from any sorrowful dream, and remember you are being what you are in Soul. You can also partake of the Power of Soul that you are made of, and create a happier dream while yet you imagine a game of physical bodies and physical laws.

    O, do let God help you, Beloved. Do let us help you. Ask us to join in all decisions and learn how light-hearted can be the ones made jointly with the Divine, held in the Hands of Spirit.

    You do not need to intellectually understand these words to just say “YES” to Spirit,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even without a deep understanding of metaphysics and the Laws of Divine Harmony, you can do the simple thing of opening to receive, and being willing to be helped.

    Picture an endless Wave of Good and Wellness flowing to you, and correcting and filling any parts of your consciousness that need it. Do not strive to make It come, just gently allow It. Do not demand It show up in a certain way, or try to define It.

    Just deeply desire to feel the Complete Love that knows you Perfect and Lovable, and give It some time and stillness to work Its Wondrous ways with you.

    It wants to,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We return again to a quintessential point. God is omnipotent.

    And, God is omnipresent. Many folk are frightened when they even think about some of what they have learned about human or earthly laws being not the real Truth that governs all. Many are uneasy to contemplate a Higher Reality that is truly the only Reality, for they want their fleeting temporal understanding to be what they think of as reality.

    But, darling, that does not change the Truth. Know the Truth for yourself, and do not push or belittle those who still cling to the temporal pains and pleasures. But for your own part, remain in the constant Unity with God Consciousness, and stay in a moment-to-moment awareness, so that you may see, more and more, that which is truly Real. Your own presence will then be a conveyance for Presence.

    And Unconditional and Unlimited Love is part of that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember today, as we wish you would every day, to renew yourself.

    Let go of any judgments and old images of yourself, and ask again, for today,

    “Open the eyes of my Heart, and let me see myself as Heart-Spirit sees me, capable, strong, whole and kind. Let those thoughts of me be my model, and fill my mind.”

    We say, as always, we know these things to be the truth of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, The All-in All God does want you to realize and completely remember that everything Real is Love. But, mercifully, God-spirit knows you may not be ready for utter transcendence of the human dream, and so has made Itself available to pour Its Harmony into your awareness and help make your sad dreams into happy dreams, whilst they still seem real to you. Be glad of that compassion, Beloved, and give the same compassion to others when you can.

    “Father/Mother God, flood me with the Harmony of your Being in which I dwell, and thus cleanse away any thoughts and perceptions I have that are so unlike Your Love, that Is All.”

    “I know You want to see my deep and peaceful Joy bloom. Thank-you.”

    And, realize, Beloved, you are addressing that which You really Are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you understand that seeing with an eye single means see only the Good?

    O”, Love, try it today. Just try. And be delighted with the results.

    You know We see only the good of you, after all,

    It is why you trust Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    While you are in the world, it is not to hope that you will be free entirely of the ego-self. The hope and the goal is to make it servant to your Wiser Self, rather than letting it be master of your days.

    In the world, where you are given a mortal name and seem to be just one small thing among so many, many, many beings, the ego-self will wish for you to only think of “me, me, me” and “my survival, my rights, my possessions, my ambitions and my goals and my good. etc.” That is all it can see, and all it wants to see. It wants that small “me” to be master of every daily triumph and misery.

    But as you realize, through contemplation and meditation and reading, and through exposure to enlightened words and persons and teaching, that you wish to be the Self that is part and like unto the Whole of which comes your True Being, the goal becomes to let that Greater Self be the Master of your days, and to let the ego-self be only the servant. Gently, firmly, consistently, to make the ego take its place as subordinate to the Divine Inner Voice becomes the purpose and reward of your days.

    Others can help bear your burdens. Others can inspire you and lead you, but for the daily practice of ordering the household of “self”, you are responsible. Only you can take time for that pause that makes sure that each decision, yea, even each thought, and certainly each action, come from the Divine Source in which your true Being exists, rather than from the frightened, separate-feeling, small ego-self. The Inner Voice is ever-ready to help you, if you but practice hearing It, and practice letting It be the authority of your days.

    We do all we can to give you Love to fuel this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as worldly life has programmed you to think of yourself as primarily a body, and you must re-train your thinking and your mind to perceive yourself as a dancing Spirit reflection projected from the Creative Source, so is it necessary to re-think the other “body parts” of your life. The “body” of your family, the “body” of your marriage, the “body” of your hobbies, the “body” of your finances and provisions, the “body” of your home, etc. They are all thoughts. To allow them to be perceived as good bodies, healthy and thriving, you must give them the same prayers and affirmations that you give your physical communication-flesh-body.

    But, do it all within the auspices of, “Thy Will be done.”

    For, as the Creative Source’s Thought’s become your thoughts, the dream is of purpose, and happy indeed.

    As We all Will together, Love becomes visible,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Prayer before action, always.

    The most heartbreaking question a guardian angel can hear is “Why didn”t you warn me?”, for usually the answer is “You didn”t ask,” or, worse yet, “You asked, but you did not take time to listen for the answer.”

    Prayer, including listening for the answer, always, Beloved.

    In utter love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Love of God in you will set you free from all errors.

    But, it IS a two-way street, Beloved. God Loves you implicitly and Completely.

    You must Love Him/Her just as much.

    That is the Truth that will correct all error thoughts in your mind, and cause you to absolutely awaken to the Truth of Your Spiritual Reality. Love God, Beloved, and allow yourself to feel the Love of God that is already enveloping you, and set your Self free to Be, to Be, to Be.

    “I Love God, the One Cause, and I allow God to Love me.”

    We dwell in It, Love. Trust Us, It IS the Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you enter a new phase (for each day is a new phase, even when you feel you have made no progress at all in your spiritual growth), be willing to be led by silence, and submission to the Greater Will. Some days, your silence will only last a few minutes, while you commune with the Divine before you rise, and before the world makes its many demands upon you. But some days, because you make them so, or because the flow of events puts you into a place and time of much waiting, can be ones of all silence, or mostly silence, of your own human voice and of the cacophony of the world.

    O”, use those blessed days, Beloved! Use the silence to listen to God. Your silent time spent in loving and being loved by God, and being spoken to and inspired by God’s vision of you, will be worth more than a lifetime of busy, busy talking or agreeing or consulting. To simply feel, if nothing else, well loved, and well-assured of the beauty of Divine Love, at the end of a day, is worth more than any worldly solution or savings or scheme.

    We will sing silent songs in the background,


  • Ah, Child of the Glorious Mind in which you dwell, before you rise, before you even open your eyes, turn your thoughts to the Light that holds you. Tap your inner consciousness and be filled with the Ever-Loving Life that constantly flows Its Brightness to you.

    Fill yourself with that Unconditional Love, for It shines you forth so tenderly, so gently, so completely, so well. Take time to do this, accepting all It has to give, and letting It wash away any sorrows and regrets, so that you can be truly and wonderfully filled with Light, Light, Light.

    And then you can indeed “Rise and shine”.

    It only takes a moment or two, and you can refill throughout the day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We embrace you. When the embraces of the world are not consistent or long enough, We embrace you. When earthly love fades or is fickle, We embrace you. When material form delights you, We embrace you. When you forget for a moment who and what you really are, We embrace you and remind you.

    We could go on explaining that We are always near, but are not these few reasons enough to make sure you give Us daily permission to greet you and speak to you and guide you and guard you, and be ever-ready to embrace you with Omnipotent Love?

    Allow, allow, allow your Self to feel Our Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understand how grateful the Source-Mind, in which you dwell as an idea, is for each and every one of Its ideas. Whether that idea is a series of colors and light and stars and formations, or whether that idea is a being, like your own soul self, to walk in the color and light and appreciate it, God appreciates Its ideas.

    Today (and ALL days), appreciate and be grateful for how smoothly ideas come to you when you relax and let them. Whether it is the arrangement of a group of colors and flowers, or the movement of musical notes for a sweet, sweet song, or the item to substitute in a recipe when you are out of one ingredient, be grateful for ideas.

    Be grateful for ideas of how to love someone who is acting unlovable. Be grateful for ways to improve your own behavior when you are feeling annoyed or hurt. Be grateful for the ever-present Love of God that swirls each of Its ideas to a perfect place and time to optimize their opportunities to feel Joy. Be grateful. Be grateful, be grateful.

    And gratitude opens the door to more ideas,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about a feeling you love, like deeply felt gratitude. Or think about a place or a thing or a person you love, that makes you feel filled with gratitude.

    Then use that upwelling of Joy to fuel this thought, and claim it:

    “Today, today, in every way, more of God’s Glory and Goodness are revealed for me.”

    “And for thee.”

    Claiming it for all, including those you think you dislike, insures it happening for you.


    P.S. If the word “God” scares you, or some of your friends, just use the word “goodness”. God does not care about words, for God reads the heart and the intent of the soul.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not join in the sorrow, if one near you is feeling miserable.

    Have compassion for that one’s sorrow, but let yourself consciously join with the Joy of the Creator, and, from that suffusion of Joy, send a share to the sorrowing one. It is the only way to truly help, besides giving of the small physical assistances like a ride, or a shoe-polishing, or a bite to eat.

    Align yourself with that Greater Help, and be truly helpful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your community of like-minded individuals is far flung. And because the Divine Awakener needs transparencies for the Light abiding in all the places that need awakening, sometimes you feel that not many of those shining Lights are near enough to see every day, or to hold your hand and nod to your eyes.

    But in the age in which you dwell, there is such instantaneous connection through the energies and the electricities of the earth, that you can readily find, and be electronically with, the other human elements that have said “Yes!” to Spirit. Look for them, tune to them, be with them, when you need human companionship and reminders of awakened Goodness. Or let your own testimonials awaken someone near you today, and feel the glow and healing of that.

    And, of course, be ever-aware that God is always, always, always with you, and you can ask to feel God-Love in each and every moment. And you will, if you allow your heart to open and savor that Unsurpassed and Ever-constant Love.

    For So It Is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not need your help. YOU need His/Her Help to remember that you are the Spiritual image and likeness of Quality that IS the very substance of God.

    “Help me remember You today, dear God. Help me understand You. I welcome Your Mind as my mind, so that I can fully grasp that You and I are One.”

    And so be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry. The Divine Source is securely happy in you and of you and around you, as Spirit-Child within Itself. It knows you will always reawaken to your safe and glorious existence within It, and is not afraid that you can actually separate yourself from It by dreaming you are far off and adrift in a body made of dust.

    Therefore, relax into the Knowledge of God’s Love. Relax in to the Provision of His/Her Sustenance. Let yourself be carried, knowing that the Carrier loves to hold and help you, and replies to your “I Love You” with an “Of Course—for you are made of my Love, to do just that.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The choice we make, in the Heavenly State of Thought, is to continually Be and ponder Love. It is not understanding It. It is Being It.

    There is no way to explain this with words of intellect, and no way to explain it to those who only process their thoughts through words and intellect. Give it time. Give yourself and them time. For when readiness is expressed in the Heart, that which is Love Itself expands into all the dark corners of non-understanding, as quickly as you are able to receive it.

    Love comes softly and quietly and steadily. It has no hurry, for It knows It is the only Truth, always and ever, and that It cannot be vanquished by silly dreams It did not create.

    Let yourself be Loved, and it will enable you to Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am grateful, dear God, for You. I am grateful for Your showing me, today, even glimpses of Your dream for me. Show me whatever I am ready to handle of Your Good dream for me. I am grateful.”

    Try it, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always thrilled when you contemplate the Infinite. This means not only contemplating the Delightful God/Love that some call “the Infinite”, but also the very concept of infiniteness.

    For, Beloved, the more you contemplate the infinite as an understanding of size and perspective, and of yourself as a part of it, the more you will be able to understand your own power as a part of something so very vast, that is yours to draw upon, and at the same time find the humility to remember that you are a small part of “many that make One”, and to let all the other parts of Infinity be themselves as representatives of the Whole.

    In Spirit, Whole and One, but many, many, many shining facets reflecting that Light.

    Thank you for each bit of Light you reflect, lovingly, to others,

    Do it today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is an urge that you cannot explain, to go apart and be quiet, oh, do it, Beloved.

    Spirit is fully aware of how difficult it can be to clearly hear the Wisdom of your Inner Voice when you are surrounded by the distractions of the world. Spirit observes that the Comfort of the Inner Love does not reach you in Its entirety when the jangling of the material emotions and involvements is so pervasive.

    So listen to that little whisper, to that tiny tapping at the door of Consciousness, and take yourself into a silent spot, near or far, and be still, and be Guided, and be Loved.

    It can be under a tree, it can be in your car, it can be in a restroom, it can be in an official Sanctuary, or it can be behind your own closed eyelids. Just take those moments, and Connect, and you will know again, All is Well and your Heart of Hearts is Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that you already experience moments of timelessness, in waking dream or sleeping dream. Those moments give you a brief view of how God Sees.

    Savor them, Beloved. Cultivate them. Whether it is a panorama of nature that gives you an epiphany, or whether it is the deep feeling of Love that you know when looking into a newborn’s eyes, seek to know timelessness. Call in your heart for the Companionship of the All in All, and you can drink of Its timelessness.

    For by looking from above the web of time, even while you still feel enmeshed within it, you can learn to See as God Sees, to know, as God knows, that there is only Now, in the One Mind that Holds All.

    O’ Beloved, feel free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is wise to pause sometimes, and look back and be grateful for the wisdom you have gained. Reviewing the past that would pull you back into ruminating over old regrets is not wise. Glance at them, repent, and bless, and concentrate on thinking about how much you have advanced in wisdom.

    Every moment that you give over to being gently taught and led by Divine Wisdom is a wondrous triumph. Be glad you have found this Inner Teacher, and be grateful for all the stairs you have climbed towards full realization of the Wisdom you desire.

    Just that brief pause to appreciate how far you have climbed, and then, look up, look up, look up again.

    Always beckoning you onward,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of it this way: Life is a scavenger hunt for the Divine.

    Gleefully and cheerfully look for the Divine in everyone and everything. Look for the Unseen rather than the seen. No matter how tattered or glamorous is the exterior of any person, look for the Divine in him or her. No matter how grievous a situation, look for the miracle of the Mystery beneath or within it.

    Happily focus on the hunt for the Divine. When you seek the awakened God in those around you, you will find It. Do not try to force It to come forth–just look for It. Seek the Best, and you will find the Best.

    It is your job to seek and to see God in everything, Beloved. Joyfully seek, and joyfully find, not expecting the drab or sorrowful or seductive coverings to leap out of the way for you. It is their job to cover, it is your job to See beyond them, and be disturbed by them no more. Laugh at what tries to hide God, and let it be fun to find The Divine..

    “I know God is in here somewhere, I will seek and find the Good, and be happy doing so.”


  • Ah, the Beauty of the Divine dancing in every mirror!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Listen to your personal Angels, for they are the Thoughts of God, inserted into your earthly awareness, that your Consciousness may awaken as fast as it can, and remember that you are worthy, you are Beloved, you are beautiful, you are whole and perfect. You are Love.

    You CAN remember this now, even while you still wear the thought of a body.

    We See the Real You now, and so can you. And you can help others know this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not forget the playfulness of God’s Creativity.

    Start the day being aware of the countless ways God will offer you a chance to be an expression of Love for yourself, And for others, as you are urged to.

    Play with Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Everything that emerges from Me is Good. Everything that emerges from Me is taken care of.”

    We know you heard the soft, but strong, Voice say that to you this morning.

    Believe it. You are spirit born of Spirit, living in a Spiritual World. Take your focus off the immaterial material, and look to the Goodness of Spirit. Keep your memories on the feeling of the Love that speaks thus to you, and that knows that all that emerge from It are Good.

    Feel that Presence even now, and soak It up,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not think of the Divine as being limited by quantity. Do not think of the Divine as being limited in any way. The more you ponder the fact of the Unlimitedness of the Infinite Divine, the more you will begin to understand that, indeed, all things are possible to God/Goodness/Divine Being. And, since you live within that Being, what you may have for your role in the Plan is unlimited.

    IMAGINE unlimitedness! Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no recriminations of your own lapses wasting time. Just as if you were trying to watch a dearly loved movie or game through a crack in a fence, but could only see it clearly when looking straight through the opening, and would quickly re-align your viewing position if you got jostled out of place, line up your moments and days.

    Line up your days by getting in line with Divine Sight, giving It permission to guide you, and seeing from Its forgiving and Delighted point of View, and so let your self see the Play clearly. There is no other way, Beloved. Do not waste a moment in regret, just line your self up quickly, quickly again.

    Discerning your Goodness always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you stand in front of a mirror, it does not wait, and show you your reflection two days from now, or one hour from now. It shows you how your worldly self looks almost instantaneously. At the speed of light, you see an image of your “natural” self, changed only by the dust on the mirror, or the quality of the mirror, or the atmosphere’s dust and moisture through which the light bounces.

    There is nothing stopping you from being a perfect mirror of the Divine. It is what you were designed to be, Beloved, and freely given the right to be. There is nothing stopping you from reflecting the strength, the joy, the love and the harmony of the Divine right away, for you are a mirror of Light. Why wait, wait, wait? Look at yourself with Love, and reflect Love right now, with the speed of Light, and the Unconditional Presence of Light, that does not discriminate upon whom It will shine. It is available equally to all, everywhere.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truth and Love offer you the perspective that you are innocent and a part of basic Goodness. They have watched you sleep and dream and fret about errors you made or thought you saw others making, but they saw only your sweet purpose of shining with Oneness.

    Accept their verdict of your inherent and complete purity, and feel the freedom of the core value of your Self. But of course, you must, at the same time, be willing to leave the verdict of what all others are to Truth and Love as well. The human condition calls this “forgiveness”.

    Truth and Love say simply “there is nothing to forgive”, for you only imagined your central spirit to be bad or independently triumphant or confused.

    Yes, yes, the human condition seems to have a long list of tasks and chores and desires for you to fulfill today. But We ask you, is there really an urgent worldly reason for you to not just take a Sabbath day—a day spent feeling and being and remembering and knowing your innocence and completeness in God Mind?

    Believing in your own innate Goodness and in the core Goodness of others will change your world. Begin it, and continue it, day by day.

    Believe in the power of letting go of condemnation,

    I Am your Truth

  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Sharing with one another of God-alignment your stories of proof of God Presence and direct assistance is important for keeping one another encouraged. So, do it with Love.

    And if non-believers overhear or seem ready to hear, be glad for each heart whose time has come to open. Forgive them with compassion if they have mocked your faith in the past.

    God welcomes all paths to Understanding Pure Soul.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The divine humbleness of knowing that although you are Spirit expressing all the qualities of Joy and Being and Truth that are God, you still need to rely on the Whole of Spirit to feel complete, is essential. Holding yourself in that humbleness, grateful for the Life that animates your Spirit, listen for the whisper of the rest of God.

    Listen, listen, Beloved, holding yourself very still and quiet and calm. You may hear, “Be at Peace, We are One” or you may hear an old phrase from a song or a poem. It does not matter exactly what words God finds in your consciousness to use to communicate with you, it is your attitude of acceptance of being part of the Whole that is the most important.

    Listen, Beloved, listen. Just be still, and listen.

    In all the words, you will hear Love,


  • Ah, Child,

    When the Spirit of the Divine moves deep into your heart, there is no mistaking It. Though it may ask you to say what seem like unlikely words, or to take an inconvenient route to town, or change the schedule of your day, listen, and obey. Though It may ask you to proceed with courage even though your voice quavers, trust and go forth, for It sees far more than your senses can discern. Though It may ask you to look past the most boorish or distressing appearance to see the needy soul that you can befriend, believe that It knows what you are capable of, and do all that you can to be Its vehicle.

    Remember above all that the Divine is not asking you to be something that you are not. It is only asking that you be willing to let Its Will work through you, as you, and around you, in a way that benefits All. Fear not, Its strength is with you, along with any other Aspect of the Divine that you need to call in for Its Help.

    Call on Its Harmony, call on Its Beauty, call on Its Ineffable Peace. Call on Its Wisdom, call on Its Joy, call on Its Male/Feminine Balance, for All is One and you are within that Oneness, and It would have you be aware that All that It has is yours.


    For we will not end when time ends,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you can probably smell a beloved food recipe being cooked by someone in your home, the moment you enter the door, and identify it correctly, you can learn to trust your Spiritual Sense, with experience.

    Unless you are quite practiced at it, it is often easier to feel the palpable Presence of Divine Love with your eyes closed. The images your mind projects can fool you, whether of seeming beauty or disorder and brokenness, and those can distract you from truly feeling the Everpresent Embracing Divine Love. Close your earthly eyes, and ask Loving Soul to help you FEEL the Unconditional Love of God. Love is the Truth, not bodily cues.

    It is everywhere. It is everytime. It is you, unfooled by bodily senses. Close your eyes, feel the Love, and be aware of Divine Reality.

    There is nothing else like It. Practice, and know your Truth, Lovable and Loving.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine attitude of Love can and does heal things.

    The whimsical or tentative beginner, trying to “apply” this attitude to the stuff of earthly life, will usually be concerned first with trying to “fix” what the human eye can see. Allow yourself the playfulness of letting an attitude of Love fill you when you are having a feeling that you cannot “see”, but that you can feel with your human emotions. Deliberately, and consciously, turn over to your attitude of Love any feelings of anger you might have about a broken car, or other non-working equipment. Consciously counteract any temptation you might feel to judge another’s actions or words, by embracing an attitude of Love. Let the feelings of earth that are describable, although “unseen”, be the first step in realizing that Absolute Love covers and governs an Unseen Realm that the human mind refuses even to imagine.

    Be present to Love, Beloved, and let go of trying to be any presence except that Presence.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is only True Life in Goodness.

    Keep thoughts of Goodness in your mind. Center your affections on the Highest examples of Love and Kindness and Forgiveness. Remind yourself again and again that the Purity of Love that is the very Essence of God CAN be reflected by the human Self in behavior and thought and willingness and deed.

    When the world would toss images of cruelty and fear at you, cancel those images in your mind with the thoughts of God Likeness that you carry as your high goal. Soothe those feelings with the remembrance of acts of grace that you have witnessed. Comfort yourself by asking for Divine Embrace, and by reaching out to help another.

    Even the smallest gesture of giving time or aid to another with Compassion is a healing thing for the sorrow that the worldly scene would try to convince you is inevitable.

    Call for Angels to fly with you and soar the heights with Joy, and They will.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You ARE the Beloved Child of a Loving God. Try this:

    “I place today in the Loving Hands of the one Loving God.

    I relax into my status as Its Child, and I choose to expect happiness,

    I choose to expect success, I choose to experience Joy, seek Joy, find Joy,

    in all things, people, and circumstance.”

    “I am a Child of God, and I am Joy. I will glow with Joy, and let others join me.”

    We join Joy, always. It is our mission.