All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am that I Am, and I Am Holding you, right now, Complete, Perfect and Whole in My Thoughts.

    Let no other thing be true in your feelings. Let no man come between this sacred marriage of Maker and Made Beloved. Have no other Gods before Me.

    Do these things, and let there be a new remaking of all that is yours, in the All that is Mine, dear Child. Yes, each time you sincerely, and selflessly, wish for the Best for another, progress is made in willingness to see the Best for, and of yourself. But let neither thing, wanting the Best for another, or wanting the Best for yourself, come ahead of acknowledging Me as All Cause, All True Will, and All that Is, ever, now, and to come.

    We are One, Child, and only disservice is done to your own full homecoming if you think of Us as separated in any way. Be pleased to be of service, but content to know of Our Oneness, and Pureness, now. There is no room for any inequity within the Pureness of the Infinite Totality of Being, and the sooner you realize this Truth, the sooner that seek only the Contentment of that Knowing, the sooner you will be free of any frightened thoughts of time, or trouble, or woe. I built you in Peace, and of Peace, Child. Won”t you drink of that Peace, right now?

    Drink of It, and be Free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are the Completeness of you. There is no hole in the sense of Self, or in the experience of health or wealth of experience and provision, when each individual surrenders to the Truth of themselves as part of the swirling Whole of Love expressing Itself.

    ANYTIME you feel a sense of hollowness, or “something missing”, or dis-ease, or discomfort, stop and be still, and ask to feel the Wholeness of All Holding you. Just as your mind can hold the idea of your favorite dessert, the One Mind Holds you, forever True, and very Good.

    Float in those Divine Thoughts, in that Divine Mind, and know yourself as Love,

    For We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no regret in how long it may have seemed to begin your awakening. Let there be no blame, either, for the way you were taught, or the things you yourself assumed to be true, based on the evidence of the bodily senses.

    Rather, celebrate, celebrate, that you have learned to See with the eyes of Spirit, and glorify and enjoy what is now, and evermore, revealed to you.

    As ever, loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are not a mass of body parts. You are made of the Harmonies of Me.

    Today (and always), think of the Wonderful Qualities of Me that are available to you because of your Oneness with Me, and that you can express simply by Knowing that and expressing that.

    There is no more important way to be you than to simply and gladly express Good Harmony with Intelligence and Grace and Life, and yes, Love, Love, Love. THESE things, and more beautiful images, are the “body parts” of you. Be them.

    You are nothing I Am not, but All That I Am, you ARE.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again and again, lest you forget, forgive.

    Stand back from assumptions and judgments, taking care to see that your human sight and human understanding and perspective can never know the complete picture of what has occurred, is occurring, and will occur in any one situation.

    Leave that Sight to the Divine Conductor, Beloved, and thus be freed to Love.

    Until later,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never, ever forget to be deeply grateful.

    Gratitude is not a thing that the Divine Creator NEEDS, but, just like a mother who freely gives her love to her child, she is pleased when the child is grateful. But more importantly, YOU need to give gratitude for the continual miracles that you are, and ones that you specifically see, in order to imprint them more clearly into your consciousness. You are a continuous miracle, really—the life Force that animates you and sustains the parameters in which you live is a joyous constancy. But when you have a specific wound or problem that is healed or becomes harmonious again, after turning to the Divine Parent with prayer, it is extremely important to be grateful.

    As we said, this is for your own benefit. Strong emotions, such as deep gratitude, help sear an event into the memory of your mind. By being grateful for healings and truths revealed, you will more easily bring those events to mind again when you have need of a boost to your belief. When challenges come, when doubts arise, you will be able to remind yourself that the Loving Force helped you before, and have trust that It will help you again, if you but turn to Its Truths and have the certitude of relief.

    Turn to Gratitude. Turn to Truth. Trust in the truly continuous miracle that is the Life of Spirit that embraces you, and sustains you, always.

    We are very grateful that you let Light shine through you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Over and over, allowing your thoughts, and therefore your life, to be healed, goes back to knowing and claiming your True Divine Identity.

    When your consciousness turns to the ever-present Loving and supportive God, and says “I am as Thou”, then God knows you want to claim and live your part in Holy Soul. And God Helps you do that.

    Live Love, dear one. Live Love, live Soul, be as God created you, so Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When there is realization of the Utter and Complete Love of God for you, and that your Happiness is sincerely desired and thus Ordained by, the creative Force, then you can choose trusting that Force more easily.

    Practice believing today, Beloved. Practice believing and therefore trusting, and feel how the sense of burden for your own well being feels lighter. When you move on to total trust, then you will indeed feel free.

    All Love to you always, Child of God,


  • Ah, Ah. Beloved.

    When your human mind and feelings hurl forth a mental criticism, as you look at someone or listen to someone, you must ask yourself if there was or is any time or place that you could have directed the same criticism at yourself. You must ask yourself if you really know what that person has humanly come from, or been through, and whether you might be as they are if you had been through the same.

    All individuals are children of God/Love. All of them are pure in the Soul that is the Life of them. Their human condition, fleeting and challenging, is a thing to look past. Look past the frailties and seeming faults, Beloved, just as you hope others look past the faults that you have not yet overcome.

    We see those mistakes, but We Love you. We see the Brightness of you and We Love you. Can you accept that We see the Brightness of all, and Love them? Can you join with Our Sight, and look for Brightness in absolutely every ray of Light that is posing as a human?

    Look with us, and Love, dear one. Look with Us, and Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continue asking Me what use you may be to Me each day, because you Love Me.

    Continue reaching out to give a word, because even if it is only for one person that day, it enriches that one and therefore enriches you, and therefore affirms the Completeness of Me.

    Continue, continue, continue expressing the Best of yourself within Me, for in that way, even while doing tasks and fulfilling obligations, you can be joyous and free.

    Each day and each moment bring new chances to quietly shine with the Still Light of the Source of your Living. Continue, continue to Shine.

    Strong in you; use My Strength,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more time you spend looking at all, earthly and Heavenly, from the Grand View of Love, the more you will understand how you simply cannot intellectually see all reason and purpose and sublimity within each moment. That is why you must choose actions and words in each moment guided only by Love.

    As you begin to see glimmers of how the pathways of your mortal life have brought you to choices of learning and love, as you see, even as you make a choice, that choosing forgiveness is always Good, then your trust in being guided by Love will grow and grow. Trust Love, trust Goodness, and let your logical analysis of events come second to that. Look with the eye of the Divine eagle, holding steadfast above it all. Join your sight to Spiritual Sight of your Heart, and know that is your true Sight as well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Encourage you own human heart to believe, and encourage every other human heart to believe, in every moment, that absolutely every being is completely Loved by the Creative Source. For, truly, not believing in their hearts that they are Unconditionally Loved by anyone or anything is the main part of why they find it hard to believe in miracles for themselves.

    They find it hard to believe that Divine Love really does shine completely and freely on all. Believe for yourself, and believe for others when they cannot believe for themselves, that absolutely every idea of the Divine Source is held dear and cherished in the Mind in which it lives and moves and has its being.

    “I am a cherished and important idea in God’s Mind, and I will always be that, no matter what evidence the small senses of earth present.”

    When you know and believe that, and believe it for others when they find it hard to believe, you will be allowing yourself to see evidence of it all around you in the earth scheme.

    Always, we love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When, in human affairs, you are faced with making choices about when and where and with whom to spend time, especially very committed time, it is imperative that you ask for Help from Inner Voice of Spirit.

    Making such decisions based on your five sensory impressions of the persons, or on what they said or did in the past, or what you have heard rumored that they did, is the opposite of what you should do. As someone trying to shine forth the Qualities of God, you MUST ask God what Its knowledge of the person is, and ask whether you are meant to be in or near that person’s life.

    Your human ability to know whether you can help that person, or whether they can help you, beyond the simple, decent, kindness of the moment, is something that your limited mortal senses just cannot see.

    Ask God, Beloved. Always ask God first. Always.

    You will be Glad you did,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When enough practice, or an epiphany of Voice or Vision, uplifts you into a clarity and a discernment of the Constant Presence of Good Spirit, Who is always with you and around you, then you will be able to silently walk and work with God, as with a very old Wonderful Friend.

    Wordlessly, and without ritual or fanfare, you will Know the Thoughts of God, the desires of God. And you will share them completely and utterly. And Gladness will be the natural substance of your communion.

    Picture this. It is achievable.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a roomful of Gladness right there in your heart. Go into that Ever-Presence and fill yourself with that Gladness. You cannot spread Gladness into the world if you do not fill yourself with It first.

    Take your thoughts off the fretful dreams of night and stop focusing on the waking dashings about, and turn to that awareness of Gladness. It wants you to be completely infused with and convinced of the Truth of Gladness, so that you can indeed go forth into the world and be an example of living Joy.

    Choose Gladness as your fuel.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Heaven welcomes you. Whether it is now, while yet you walk the earth dream, holding the sweet Calm of Joyous Heaven in your heart and thoughts and actions, or whether it is later, having laid aside that vehicle of expression, your body, Heaven welcomes you.

    Beloveds, Heaven welcomes you all. The dreams are as naught then, forgiven and kind, and all Heaven welcomes you with open arms.

    Open your own arms now, and thoughts and hearts, while yet you gaze upon sea and sand and trees and sky, and welcome Heaven now, as, Beloveds, It welcome you.

    Now and always, It welcomes you. Let Heaven be here and now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Leave the past in God’s Hands. Leave the future there also.

    Try, just for the day, please, to be only in the utter peace of the Inner Stillness, right now. Think of it as your job for the day, and concentrate on it as completely as you would concentrate on an intricate task that needed to be done soon and well, and in the full light of the sun.

    We will help you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you were trying to hear some important words from the radio, and having trouble hearing them, would you turn your ears away from the speakers so that you could hear more clearly? Of course not. You would put your ear right up to the speaker and you would ask to have the volume turned up.

    When you are trying to hear the Voice of Divine Spirit in for your life, remember that the speaker is right within your awareness. It was placed there before you were born, and it has never been removed. Turn your attention and your listening inside. Tune your focus to within, where the speaker is already connected to the Divine Reality. You are already wired. You can already hear. Why run around looking for the broadcasting station, when you are already receiving the signal from It in you?

    It is always broadcasting Love. Can you hear it?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to exit the tri-fold paper-consciousness shell of space, time and matter. Like a beautiful triangle of green that unfolds to reveal the rose, you will know your own full and fulfilled beauty of Spirit, as you let yourself visit, in thought, the Unfolding of the tri-fold of illusion.

    Visit it, in your thoughts. Ask for the Divine Helper to be with you, or one of those whom you know to have successfully unfolded their chrysalis painlessly, and picture the Unfolding. Envision the revealing, the Awakening, the transformation of Consciousness, the Peace that comes of being the complete Winged and Free Idea of the Oneness of Being.

    Remember, ascension is easy when you realize no-one ever “descended”,

    In Utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Serving the Joy and Wellness of others will serve you as well.

    Do that today. Bless all.

    Love grows as It is spread upon all grounds.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid. Only, each day, listen to the Voice of the One Mind, and obey, and be grateful. We have taught you how to do this.

    IS IT REALLY SO HARD? No, your human costume, trying to make you think it is real and true, wishes to make you think it is hard. It is not hard. It is just curling up into the embrace of Love, and letting It, and only It, lead the way.

    The further you go, the easier it will get,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fear not if your prayers feel like they are a confused mixture of your true Soul-Self desires and your worldly self’s cravings. God knows how to sort them out.

    As ever, the most important part of prayer is for you to listen to, and let yourself be molded by, the Words and Impressions you receive from God, the Best Creator, the Divine Potter, the Lover of the Best of you that is a wonderful part of the Plan to let all remember they are apart of a seamless Whole.

    Speak freely to God and let God sort out the details,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Even with the best of intentions in your human mind and heart. It is very easy to fall into the trap of letting your daily prayers become lists of things or events you want, or protestations of things you do not like or want.

    Today, let the purity of saying, “God, what do YOU want?” be the prayer that carries you. Ask it, and listen, and let your own human lists of wants be pushed into the background, as you tenderly give your attention to the Source of you. We assure you that, although you may hear instructions about doing a certain thing, or God’s desire for your being more hopeful or trusting or forgiving, or you will feel an impulse to call a certain person or learn a new thing, you will also hear from God, “I want you to love Me, and I want you to accept My Love for you.

    Do it today. Do it now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Choosing happiness by creating happiness for others is often the best way of sorting out your own human feelings and counting your blessings.

    Look for the good and the giving you can do today, and let that be your goal of these hours. Regarding your own desires and as-yet-unfulfilled ambitions can at times be only confusing, as you try to sort out what is true of your own Spirit, and what you have absorbed as “wants” from the culture around you. You are uniquely you. You have a purpose that God has designed for you, and that you are working to understand.

    Remember today that part of that purpose is Divine Peace of Mind, and work to feel that by doing good for others, for that makes you feel good, too.

    Give yourself time, Beloved. Letting all unfold makes it easy to sort the chaff from the wheat. We assure you of this, with Love. For God knows the end from the beginning, and so do we know you. You are made good. All are made good. Trust the directions of the God-Mind that leads you gently to the Peace that has already been gifted to the Soul of you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am Blessed.”

    Think of yourself this way, even if what you see at this moment does not inspire you to say that spontaneously, for if you are reading this message and have begun your seeking, in this Way, or some other, you ARE already Blessed. The moment that the Divine Source Sees that you want to remember your Blessed State, It will Help. It will guide you, It will guard you, It will govern you. Just keep seeking, Beloved, and keep always on your mind “I Am Blessed”, and let that Thought be your touchstone of Truth.

    Blessing you again and again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As your understanding grows about what the plan is, that your soul-self made with God, all that is not a part of that plan will become meaningless to you. As you stop trying to focus on having or achieving anything that does not help that plan, your fretting falls away with those things.

    Let go swiftly, when it becomes clear that an old cherished thing no longer has a place in your newly realized mission of the day, or of the decade, or of your life. Follow the guidance of the Divine Voice within in these things, and be free, O’ Child, be free.

    We try to turn up the volume,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be at Peace. Be at Peace today.

    When you strive too hard to resolve a certain circumstance or event, it is easy to become confused about what or who you are even praying for. Return then, to the basic goal of relaxing into, praying into, meditating into, the state of Peace that is the Source.

    Being in a state of Peace will open the door to the other inspirational Thoughts or Impulsions you need, for it is an indication of being aligned again with your true purpose. So let Peace be your intermediate goal, and you will be surprised to find that it is often the only goal you need, or, eventually, will want.

    Be still, be at Peace. Be Peace.

    Thankfully, and peacefully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you fully realize the wonderful release that comes, when you practice blessing somebody who is hurting you, or annoying you, or confusing you, you will rejoice.

    The freedom you gain by learning to instantly forgive and bless all of those around you is incomparable. And when you learn to also forgive and bless yourself, even while learning how to better live up to your own standards, and the Golden Rule, you will feel free indeed to learn to completely love.

    We already completely Love you. Won”t you join us?


  • Ah, Dear Child,

    To fight with the illusion is to make it more real.

    Keep your mind and your heart on the Good and the True.

    And the Good and the True is that I Love you, I Love you,

    I Love YOU.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If there are days when understanding the higher and greater ramifications of Spiritual Metaphysics makes you feel dizzy and confused, go back to the simplicity of your relationship with your Maker.

    You know how much better and happier and calmer you feel when a person whom you love, and who loves you, is with you. You know how uplifting it can feel to be with people whom you admire and feel supported by.

    Think of your Maker as simply as that. A Wonderful Loving Parent Who Loves you Absolutely and wants to support you, and see you happy, and calm and well and whole. Turn to, and trust, that Loving Parent, and know that that supportive Love is always in the room with you, in the situation with you, in the body-experience with you. That Wisdom and Balance are inspiring your goals and desires for Good, and have no requirements except to be Loved in return. Even Loving God is for your own Good, really, for if you are focused on Love, nothing can keep you from Its Goodness.

    Be grateful to simply have a Divine Parent that is Omnipotent and Omnipresent and Omniscient and Love, Loves, Loves you all the time. Love wants the Best for you, and wants to help you find out what it is and how to have it, so you can feel Gladly Loving.

    Let it be simple today, Beloved Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no regrets in the work you have done in the dream of earth. There is no way to evaluate, within the dream, how many lives you have touched, as student or as teacher, whilst working through the illusory maze of time. Trust that others have grown from knowing you, just as you have grown from knowing others.

    Keep in mind today your own growth in spiritual understanding and surrender and alignment, and allow your thoughts to be filled with Thoughts of God, and the qualities of God. LOOK for those Thoughts of Divine Attributes manifested in the natural world around you, and notice beauty, beauty, beauty everywhere. Let an awareness of Beauty as an aspect of the Divine be your goal today. Beauty and order ARE there, under the swirling grasses and the misty rain. Even the rain is part of that season and beauty and order. See it.

    We always see the Divine Beauty in all. Let us look with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wanting one thing more than anything else often leads to obtaining it, in earthly life.

    Wanting to know God more than anything else always sees you Home. The deep desire to be what God intended you to be, if placed above all else, will do no less than completely change your sight, your vision, your awareness.

    What do you want most, Dear One?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As one practices turning over every moment to Divine guidance within, there do come the moments of silence when no direction is immediately forthcoming. Then, just stay on track, listening in patience and quiet faith, until the next idea or calm impulse or word comes. Be aware that the Inner Voice knows how prone your human ear and imagination are to the illusions of the world, and It will use them if It needs to, to set you on the path to your greatest Peace.

    You may suddenly have a notion to go to a certain café and order a sundae. Your enjoyment of pineapple sundaes may be the thought-image that your Inner guidance uses to have you go to that certain place at that certain time, in order to have you meet someone whom you need to forgive, or in order to have you meet the person who can help you with your idea for a new business. Allow, allow, allow the Inner Guidance to flow, just remembering to assess whether it is calm, and joyful, and unhurried, for if it is those things, then It is of the Divine, and can indeed help you to your true Harmony.

    Wait for It when you need to, trusting that It does see the greater picture, and never letting the ego-self lead you into panic and quick reaction that is responding only to illusion. Always, the Truth will be there when all illusions are gone.

    Envy will lead you astray. Keep your focus on your unique path,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because God IS Life, God gives a living. It is ALL Spiritual, and that is what is so hard for your seemingly physical mind to accept. Play, today, with believing what God’s Words say, “All that I have is yours, for you are my Beloved Child,” instead of believing your own sad or worried or ambitious or hearty thoughts. Be quiet, and believe God.

    Can you play this loving game for your Self, today? Can you feel the sweet still beauty of it, the calm joy, and decide to play it for a lifetime?

    We wish you knew the joy we feel in your joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no doubt in your mind that the Divine Mind would always willingly replace any thoughts of sorrow or failure or doubt in your mind with the Thoughts of Joy and Truth and Assuredness that are Its Thoughts of you.

    “I am willingly giving up all my own mortal thoughts, dear God, and asking for your Thoughts to shine through me and on me and as me.”

    O’ Yes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more scenes you see of earthly existence, in your own life and the lives of others, and in your alternate earth dreams of night, the more honestly you can desire, and live for, the pure, sweet truth of Heaven, of God. The unchanging Love of God is the prize and the example to keep always in your mind. Let your mind become His/Her Mind, as you completely realize, that even within the dream, you are bidden to be a good example, a simple shining, of the Love of God.

    Old mistakes and current ones ARE forgiven, if you can forgive them in yourself by forgiving others. Cease to judge, and be free. Cease to judge, and learn to Love. Love always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The most flattering light is the Light that comes from within, shining from Soul.

    Let that be the flame of Love you nurture, and let that be the illumination you look for from others. You can See It, and feel Its warmth, with practice. Everybody can.

    It is a simple expertise for all to aim for,

    We Lovingly help you, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever we are willing to help someone achieve the complete understanding that God controls all, and that physicality is an illusion that is easily mutable to good, it is because we have been given permission by that one’s asking.

    They must ask, giving their willingness to be taught by God’s Helpers, and be led by God’s Voice. You must do the same, honoring the timing and free will and choice of those around you. Though it may feel as though it is breaking your heart to see them suffer the illusion of vulnerability and death thoughts longer than necessary, still you must honor their choices to dream on in the illusion, AND God’s wisdom in knowing when each soul-part of itself is ready to awaken. Be glad for the truth that all are already in God Mind and have never truly left It, and be comforted by knowing that the dreams of pain will be forgotten once the awakening is complete.

    Just love those you love. That will be the best help you can give,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As ever, Child, learn to think of yourself as your eternal and infinite self that IS, right now, a part of the ever present Source and Its reflection. That part of yourself, whether you call it “soul” or “essence”, or any other name, IS the Real part, and it was never born and will never die, and suffers no illness or pain or confusion. Tune into that part of yourself and feel Its Joy, and Its hope that you will remember It, in every moment and in every place, while you are dreaming that you are anything or anyone but what It IS.

    As Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you begin to see with Spiritual Sense, you will see even more to be grateful for. When that seeing comes upon you, you will find yourself praising the short term acquaintance that said a few words to you that saved your marriage. You will begin to understand which days an angel made you late to work, or helped you hold your tongue, or take a quiet day, so that you could enact your destiny.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thinking Good Thoughts about others strengthens YOU. Asking Dear God to help you see the full Spiritual potential of others helps YOU heal and be your Divine Best.

    O’ Beloved, let not your own Bright Soul Self be clouded over by any envy or anger or condemnation of another. Keep working on being a clear and clean transparency for the Light yourself, and leave the adjusting of the perfection of others to the Omnipresent Wisdom of Divine Spirit.

    Stay Compassionate, for there is much your human eye cannot see,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not let the Gift of Joy from God be the gift you do not open.

    If a favorite child or niece or nephew or friend were having a celebration, and you did not feel like attending because of a grumpy mood or low energy, you would probably muster the will to go for the sake of your affection for the person. And then you might surprise yourself by feeling Joy, experiencing happiness, and being very glad you went.

    Give a little effort to celebration with God each day, even when you feel gloomy or weary, and we assure you there will be a party prize of Joy there for you, if you would but accept it.

    God’s Will will help your will to do so, for really only God has full Power,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is Love. And in God’s provision to every individual of the Guiding Spirit that helps each one awaken and navigate the human experience, God has included the tools that are needed.

    One of these tools is a sense of humor. Be glad, when you are bemusedly observing your own human foibles and errors, that you can see the ironies and the humor in how you and others try to work with the absurdities of time and the limited senses. Look for humor, Beloved. Look for the oddly funny side of various losses and changes in your life.

    Later, We assure you, you will be able to see how Spirit was and is protecting you by swirling some circumstances and people out of your daily life. Welcome being able to laugh and learn when you make the same mistakes of human emotional reaction. Be willing to laugh when comedians and magicians point out the unreliability of the limited mortal senses, and be motivated to seek the Deeper Heart of Divine Truth.

    We laugh with you, and offer a Hand of Love to raise you up,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “High Guidance of the Light, come be with me. Look into my thoughts, look into my heart, O’ High Guidance, and set them right.”

    And with sincerity, patiently wait for the Presence to come, and help you discern what you need.

    We Love you utterly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Nothing convinces the doubting human mind of the effectiveness of turning to God’s Loving Law of Harmonization like personally experiencing it. You can hear testimony from others, or read about wonderful solutions that came through for those who turned to Divine Love or help, but the mortal mind will doubt and wonder if that wasn”t chance or imagination.

    So, it is important for your own understanding and belief, to prove for yourself that gladly handing over your small human will to God’s Will and Grace in any distressing situation does bring healing and insights and inspiration that leads to Good. You can do this. The wondrous Power of the Presence of God in which you dwell is delighted to help you, if you ask from the truth of the Spirit that is your Life.

    Prove for yourself that the Goodness of God is True and you need never doubt again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Right within your own Consciousness IS the Consciousness of God. It is the Life and Soul that IS expressing your individuality. Under the wispy clouds of your ephemeral human concerns, and material cravings, and fears or annoyances, IS the steady Light of Divine Calm, and Love, and Knowledge and Harmonious Purpose.

    It is an immense gift to yourself to practice taking active refuge in that Consciousness, and to claim all of Its Assets as your own to use. It does not mean you are hiding from the shared challenges of the world, or the needs of your family and yourself. It means you are establishing a Spiritual foundation which is built on the Infinite resources that can support your creative efforts and solutions, and supply your generous giving and receiving in the establishment of earthly Harmony.

    Take frequent shelter in the Divine Consciousness that is the basis of you, Dear One. Stand firm on that strong rock of Truth, and you will be a wonderful part of the Greater Good.

    Holding our sheltering wings of Thought over you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Close your bodily eyes and consider your Infinite Source.

    It is All. It is everywhere and everything, and all belongs to It. Truly FEEL this and KNOW this, Beloved. Then, when a spring in front of you seems to be dry or barren, you just need to consider your Infinite Source and look a little to the right or the left for a new spring, or look a little differently to see that what seemed to be barren is now new and fresh.

    But keep your thoughts on the Infinite, not on what the eyes seem to see at any one moment. The Infinite is always flowing, always flowing. It is unlimited. You who have been taught to believe in limits, remember to believe in unlimitedness. Just let it guide you to where It is flowing for You.

    We will help. Take our touch,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you knew that by filling your heart so full of gratitude that there were no room for blame or fear or anger, you would helping to open a portal for Divine Kindness to pierce through the clouds of sorrow, would you do it? Would you maintain that gratitude daily, and be a part of the Circle of Gratitude that jointly has as Its Mission the making of a greater opening to the Will of Love?

    It is ongoing, dear one. Can you softly promise yourself to be a constant part of It, or to take regular shifts in being part of Thankfulness? Even moments a day are vital to the Life of this Circle.

    We gladly join in the chorus of Appreciation,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This day, as always, rest joyfully against the inner knowledge you have gained, that the Source and matrix within which you live, and of which likeness you are made, is GOOD.

    Even when your human eyes and logic cannot see what is best for your happiness, that Goodness can. RELAX into hearing the inner instructions that you have learned to trust, and be obedient and certain and calm in that trust.

    Remember that the Inner Divine Voice is consistent and quiet and Loving and Absolute. By practice, you know Its feel. By familiarity, you believe in Its Good Will for you.

    Follow It. And be free of all lesser thoughts.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Everflowing warmth of Divine Love is not only for certain saints or mystics or those that have studied religion or holiness for years. It is for all. It is for all.

    Simply welcome It. Welcome It, and invite It to come into your awareness, into your life, in whatever form your heart and mind are ready to understand.

    And let It come. Let It come and warm up your outlook and your days. Let It cheer and inspire your plans and your ways. Let it be your Source, and be glad that It is the Source of all Good overcoming of the worldly, for all.

    Soul shines Its warmth 24 hours a day. Bask in It.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    If you ask the God, the Spirit, the Source, that you are attached to and part of, what Wonderful and Good Qualities of It are shining forth as you, It will tell you.

    Sit still and listen quietly, and you can hear a marvelous Truth about yourself. Or, if you just feel overcome by a Presence of Love and warm embrace, know that that is also a Quality of God that is living in you.

    Do this every day, Beloved, and you will be amazed at how full and rich the list of Godly within you is. And then you will know what you are meant to share with all, and See in all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For many, many, many, many centuries of human time, the Healing Spirit of Love has gladly spread to any heart and thought willing to accept It. It spreads easily if the individual has indicated willingness, for all the Truth of It is already installed in each individual heart.

    You are a ready instrument for the expression of health and Wholeness, for that is the Spirit form you were created to be. Catch the Truth. Absorb the Good Thought of Wholeness of Being, and be glad and grateful that the Divine Oneness is both your Physician and your Maintainer and All that you need.

    You do not need to choose catching rumors of illness. Catch the Truth that is ready and fully able to show you your wonderful and healthy expression as a shining expression of God. Allow those Thoughts of Perfect God. Allow the Truth of Wholeness and eschew all other thoughts and fears. You can choose Wholeness for It is already yours, given by God continually.

    “Spirit-God shines forth my Spirit-body, and it is Good and Whole.”


  • Ah. Beloved,

    Imagine you are a spark within a Great Mind of Light, fully formed and yet ever improved upon. You and the other ideas dance together and individually along the pathways of Love in the Intelligence of Harmony.

    This image is closer to the Cosmic Truth than that which your human eyes see. Entertain this image, in playful Peace and Creativity.

    We are the band you dance to,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look up the gifts of Spirit and count up which of them have been given you. Ponder and appreciate them, and allow them to magnify in your thought and behavior.

    Thus armored, you will have no problem shaking off any discouragement or suggestions of returning to shallow or selfish living.

    We hold our shields around you, as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We cannot remind you too many times to forgive what is not real, what is not Good.

    A circle can hold nothing if both sides of it are not present. Forgive your self and you can forgive others. Forgive others and you can forgive your self. Complete the circle.

    Forgiveness washes the dust of illusion away, and you can see clearly what Blessings are yours, TODAY.

    You know We will help you do this if you ask, and indicate willingness,


  • Ah, Gracious Beloved,

    We remind you again that it is easier to give the Love and certainty of God’s Goodness, and the Joy of Creation’s Beauty, to others, if you have fully taken time to fill your own consciousness with It. Please take time today to be still enough in mind, and receptive enough in heart, to be really aligned with, and awash in, the Glorious Allness of the Spiritual Soul in which you dwell and which enables you to thrive.

    Grace needs every walking embodiment of quiet Spiritual reflection that is willing to shine with the Life of God. We know that you are very aware that God can use you as an instrument of Grace even when you are feeling quite humanly flawed, or weary of the vigilance needed to dispel the errors and illusion. But we also know that you know it is easier, and more joyous for you, when the grace of you is already refilled, and ready to give, give, give.

    Yes, God is the Healer, but the intentional and grateful instruments are needed, too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Good, progress towards the Light revealed in all, is operating right now, even if it is not evident to your bodily senses. Trust that, and keep asking for the Divine Wisdom to guide you each and every day.

    But even more than “instructions” for your individual mission of Soul each day, turn to, and revel in, that Sublime Love that is offered to you constantly, and wants to have you truly feel that It is Holding, Holding, Holding you, and providing for your real needs. Divine Love wants to Help you, in every phase of your understanding.

    We assure you of this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You will never see anything but Compassion and Love and forgiveness in Our eyes.

    We are available to call to all hours of the day, all hours of life and beyond. Dwell not on old sorrows, drink not the poison of old pains. Forgive yourself as We forgive you for human follies, and move through this day counting all the reasons Life and Divine Love are Good, Good, Good.

    For they are, and We will help you See with the eyes of Spirit, Loving Spirit,


  • Ah, beloved,

    Today, think about timelessness. Think about the fact that all time, in the bubble of space-time imagination, already exists. As your consciousness visits different moments of time, it seems to experience linear time. Free yourself of that sense of linear time for a moment, and let your heart leap to the Heart of Creation, which is outside of time, and Holds you tenderly, even while you sleep and dream of visiting those moments of learning and history and human-beingness.

    You are a sacred child, a cherished reflection, of the Loving source Itself, dear one. Dream as long as you feel you need to, but do not forget you are all the while being Held in Love’s Mind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love Divine will find you in many ways. It will diligently use any person or place or thing to give you a stunning moment of revelation. It might awaken you to the thought of eternal infinite Life Force when you see a seedling pushing up through the snow, or a tendril working through a crack in the concrete.

    It might flood your heart with the Complete meaning of Compassion because you witness a child sharing a grubby jellybean with a friend.

    Pay attention to those small things today, dear Child of God. God wants you to understand, deeply and truly, the Infinite Whole, and will use anything and everything to help you do so. Until you can See the Unseen for yourself, the visible can give you clues and openings to look through.

    We will Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your human heart cries out, “Forgive me for looking to the whims and ways of the world!”, and pleads “Help me focus on the ways of Good and Truth”, know that it is done. It is granted.

    Soul of All knows your Infinite Innocence, and gladly aids you in turning away from limiting human emotions, and to the Calm Love of Life Source.

    Be guided not by the human heart, but by the Infinite Heart of Love.

    It will help you overcome sorrow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you see an image in your dreams or meditations, or hear a phrase from the Divine Voice of the Heart of you, in answer to a deep desire that prays to the Oneness of Being, ponder it. Ponder it in silence, and trust that it is an answer that springs forth from Love.

    For instance, when you heard the phrase “skinny river” come into your thoughts as you awoke this morning, know that it was a reply to your fervent prayers of yesterday that God would please flow into the hearts and thoughts of those that you so wish could feel the Power and Comfort of Love’s Design. There are those that are not ready to feel the “Niagara Falls” of Love’s Power that you feel when you enter deep prayer. It would frighten them at first.

    But they are ready for a “skinny river” of revelation to flow through their thoughts and feelings, cleansing and re-shaping. You can trust that Sweet Love is doing this, Beloved. Trust that God is doing this, and celebrate in your heart when you see evidence of the Goodness that grows in their minds and begins to shine forth in their lives.

    Trust God, and be grateful, and patient,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even pausing for just a minute three or four times a day, to quietly pray “Thank you for guiding me perfectly in everything, Dear God”, can change your experiences dramatically toward the All Good.

    Is it really so much to ask of yourself, to set aside the worldly, pervasive focus for these few minutes a day, and allow the Soul filling , health giving, Joy infusion, and Wisdom granting Love Divine to embrace you?

    Your heart is a reservoir big enough to hold all this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Absolute You that is already fully formed as a brilliant Idea of God’s is already present. Know that, today. Know that, here and now.

    Know that, and let the false shadows of small human-will fall away. Let your bright Real Self be revealed. God already made a perfect Plan for His/Her Idea that is you. Know that, be very still and quiet, and welcome the Spirit of God to show you Who you are, what you should do, where you should go, what you should say, and how to go about all these things.

    God made a Plan for you, Beloved. Why not just allow that, know that, and follow that?

    It is Lovely indeed to Love God, Love yourself, and let God Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many, when they realize the mutability of the earthly dream, just long for a better dream.

    Others want to leap to a full understanding of the Life Source that is completely Spirit, and cease to play the illusory game at all.

    Darlings, no matter what you think you wish for, know that Omnipresent and Omniscient Loving Mind knows better than your mortal thoughts do what would be perfect for you. It knows the timing that would be Best for all, It know what you are ready to understand and handle and discern.

    As We always advise you, turn to the adoring Wisdom of your Unconditionally Loving Divine Inner Voice, and heed It. Listen and heed, listen and obey, listen and be grateful.

    It will Guide you Best in your own individual way and timing of full Awakening to God.

    Tenderly tending you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The belief that All is Good is more powerful than your human intellect can understand.

    Part of that belief is the understanding that ONLY that Good is Real and is already right with you as you allow It to be. All that “physical” reality that old assumptions and memories and grudges hold on to and keep creating and re-creating as part of past thoughts are nothingness in the Face of Love.

    Close your eyes to what old notions and regrets would have you see, and ask to See the brightness of what the Good and endlessly Loving Mind would have you See. It trumps all, overcomes all illusions. It IS All.

    Oh, Yes, Beloved. Yes, yes, yes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is true that of your human will you cannot always keep your thoughts pure and sacred and good, as you would wish them to be. Small and large annoyances creep in.

    But of the Divine Will, anything can be done. Your choice only needs to be to ASK for Divine Help, and It will come.

    Ask, Beloved. Ask and ask and ask, and do not be ashamed. You are innocent and deserving and beloved in the eyes of the forgiving Source.

    We know this to be true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps with your heart, and with your intellect, you accept that there is a Loving Force in charge of the state of Mind that is Heaven.

    But have you really accepted that the Omnipotent Love, that is all, is also in charge, therefore, of what seems to be a separate little planet with woes and chaos and ephemeral matter? There is no place separate from the Omniscience of God, Beloved. What rules All really rules All, Beloved, including the mortal thoughts that seem to create a separate reality. Give over to It, Beloved. Feel relieved to surrender to It, Beloved. Be at one with the Will of God, and feel a part of something Joyful and Grand. It is the great Joining, Beloved, of your thoughts with God Thoughts, and in that joining all sense of separateness dissolves.

    What complete relief!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Choose the knowing of the Bliss of God as the most precious thing of all.

    You know that all else that is Real and Good follows along from that.

    You know this Blessing, available to all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel that you are rudderless, it is helpful to study the journeys of those you admire, not because your pathway will be exactly like theirs, but so that you will see that each time they were able to flow into their greatest accomplishments or give their wonderful inspiration, it was because they had connected to the One Source of Creativity, Strength, Goodness, and Truth.

    Therefore, look to the lives of the saints and avatars. Look to the heroes and heroines. Do not seek to repeat their exact actions or words, but emulate their seeking of the Divine Wisdom and Life that guides all journeys most perfectly. Seek It, and let It guide you to your most marvelous pathway and sharing of the uniqueness of you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you know that you serve the Holy and True, and that the real existence of everyone is in that Oneness, then stay very aware of that all the time. Put that absolutely first always. In every thing that you say and think and do, ask whether it is in alignment and accordance with Good.

    It is the Good way to live, and prosper, and be in peace of mind and heart.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    For the truth of what you are in the Heart of God, that shines Its ideas of Love forth as the entire Cosmos, you cannot trust your five senses any more than you would trust a fun-house mirror to tailor your clothes. You must ask Divine Spirit, and understand that what it knows of you is what you really are. You are Child of God, you are reflection and projection of Divine Qualities and Goodness.

    Ask for Its Help to speak and act as the real you that God knows you to be.

    Ask to know “I am strength. I am Lovable and Loving. I am a part of Wonder.”

    And for those who are around you, also wondering who they are, or for those who you wonder what they are to you, do the same. Ask Divine Spirit, and hear the truth “You are all My Beloved ideas, and I am Helping you remember it is so.”

    As ever, with you as you awaken, and always,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    For those around you that are not versed enough in spiritual language or metaphors to understand even a glimmer of what you try to describe as the All that Is, you must simply demonstrate living with Love. For those around you whose thoughts are so filled with material goals they have absorbed from the culture, or with myths about what causes what, you must demonstrate that Love is the cause of your Life and Purpose and Joy, and of theirs. For those around you that are convinced that they must struggle, struggle, struggle with their bodies to find survival and satisfaction, you must demonstrate that Love gives freely of Its ideas and Its maintenance of all the Ideas It gently Holds.

    And It Holds you all so tenderly while you dream the earthly dream,

    Let it Help you have a sweeter dream, and let yourself demonstrate Love for all to see,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The excellence of something within the illusion can be the greatest hindrance to understanding the completeness of the illusion of the sensory world. The emotional attachment to something that SEEMS so very good, can keep one trying to cling to a wish for its reality.

    Only Love is Real, Beloved. Just as you have practiced seeing, and understanding, that in the place or face where trouble seems to be, there is, instead only Infinite Goodness (aka God) which is all that exists where you think space and time are, so also practice seeing only invisible Love where you think you see a lovely flower or a beautiful sunset or a trusted friend.

    To see All, one must let go of all, and let the Infinite re-fill in the spaces that one will still experience. It will do so Lovingly. Trust It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of it this way: Life is a scavenger hunt for the Divine.

    Gleefully and cheerfully look for the Divine in everyone and everything. Look for the Unseen rather than the seen. No matter how tattered or glamorous is the exterior of any person, look for the Divine in him or her. No matter how grievous a situation, look for the miracle of the Mystery beneath or within it.

    Happily focus on the hunt for the Divine. When you seek the awakened God in those around you, you will find It. Do not try to force It to come forth–just look for It. Seek the Best, and you will find the Best.

    It is your job to seek and to see God in everything, Beloved. Joyfully seek, and joyfully find, not expecting the drab or sorrowful or seductive coverings to leap out of the way for you. It is their job to cover, it is your job to See beyond them, and be disturbed by them no more. Laugh at what tries to hide God, and let it be fun to find The Divine..

    “I know God is in here somewhere, I will seek and find the Good, and be happy doing so.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All are baskets woven by God, of Truth and Soul and Love, bound and sealed with Intelligence and Life by its Principle, keen and Harmonious.

    The basket of you is meant to carry the gifts of Spirit. Take time to look them up and know that you can carry them, and use them and distribute them, for it is what you are made to do.

    And We help carry them and give them out,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God begs us beg you, yet again, thus:

    “Ah, Child,

    Come directly unto me. A minute every hour, no more than this I ask for now, close you eyes and ask me to Love you. Let me tell you, “you are Loved”, let me remind you who you are, as spirit born of the Spirit of my Heart.”

    We serve in This All alongside you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mighty seem to be the proud, but True Might is in the Gentleness of God.

    Let the times come when you see how the gentle loving word turns away ire. Let the proof come as you care more about maintaining Peace than you do about being right, or about having credit for your works, and you will begin to understand the magnitude of the gentle, gentle Plan that God has enacted to awaken those who are sleeping and dreaming that they are separate and alone, instead of living and moving and having their Lives in the Gentle Love of Divine Thought.

    Think on these things, when next you are tempted to return rudeness for rudeness, and allow instead the forgiving and compassionate way of Divine Love to be your response. You may teach with humor, or with surprise, to let error be unveiled, but follow the advice of Spirit’s Voice within to know how to gently use those tools.

    All tools are for opening True Sight to Divine Reality,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is very easy to let thinking and talking become a habit of shared woes, or complaining or gossiping, or analyzing the past or present in critical ways. Observe your own speech and that of others just for an hour even and see this. The swirling of surface information and shared myths and social chatter is so pervasive that it seeps right into your thinking and talking unless you give attention to straining it out, and being discerning.

    Make a decision this morning to simply spend the day thanking God. Thank God discernment is possible, using discernment to see Good when you look for It. Thank God for all the amazing beauty and order you see. Thank God laughter exists and that there are multiple colors and creations to enjoy. There is no need for us to list it all—if you choose to let yourself spend a day saying to yourself “thank God, thank God, thank God…” you will find it easy to find reasons to do so.

    Spending one day a week doing this will change your life. Spending every day doing this will make you realize your limitlessness.

    We Love seeing you fulfill yourself, and claim what you really are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All are Beloved of God, but only those who love It in return can clearly hear The Voice.

    Do not block the easy flow of your blessings by refusing to return His/Her Love.

    Loving and Praising and realizing God are the best way to receive full understanding and see blessings. It is true that some feel God instructions so automatically that they do not even realize where their ideas and intuitions are coming from. But for those, too, a day comes when they must give Glory where Glory is due, and realize wherefrom their talents and blessings and ideas and strength come.

    So, Praise God. Love God. Aligning yourself with the Love of God, like a lens properly aligned in a telescope, is your fiirst and foremost job. Only then can you yourself be so filled with Love that you can firmly feel your own purpose and help others know theirs also.

    God is your strength. God is your Life. Love God, and feel what you are given.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joyous Flow that is the natural way of ever-continuous Life can be drawn upon at every moment within your current belief in time/space. You do not need to be in a sacred space of a church or a meditation center. You do not need for it to be the Sabbath day or a weekend devoted to a workshop. It Flows always.

    The key is that you have to decide to dip into it. You have to decide to allow yourself to feel it. Even when someone else is praying for you or blessing you or feeling grateful to you or thanking you with words or gifts, you have to DECIDE to feel the happiness that is natural for your soul. Decide you want happiness and joy, and allow it to flow. Decide you want to look for the best intentions from others, and you begin to see that intention. Decide you want to be a vehicle for healing, and you will be used thus.

    Decide to live with gratitude and faith in the Joyous Flow being available. Then, every moment and every place become sacred space. Shivering on a sidewalk, you can turn to the Comforting Love. Cozy in your own bed, you can turn to Love. While being praised, or while being yelled at, you can turn to Love.

    Try it, Beloved. Practice it, Beloved, and Love will hold you steady.

    We hold steady in Love for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no human joy that is received that was not first sent forth.

    If you feel like you are not receiving joy and a complete sense of well being, ask yourself when you last sent joy forth. Ask yourself when was the last time you took time (it takes but a moment!) to ask the Divine Source to fill you with joy so that you could have plenty to send forth.

    Be very aware of what you want to receive, and send ONLY that forth.

    We send you only Love, for we want only the Truth of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    False idols come in many, many, many, many forms. Beware of them. They have no true power, for the One Source of Love is truly All, but they can certainly seem to have power in daily earth awareness.

    If anything is keeping you from feeling the deep Love of God for you and for all, and if anything is keeping you from having Agape Love and Compassion for others and your self, then check your thoughts and see what false idols are lurking there. Ponder what is trying to vie for priority over Love.

    Nothing should, and nothing really can. But false idols can create quite a tempest while they surge through thought. Bid them goodbye, Beloved. Take dominion and command they depart, and let Love rule supreme in your heart again.

    It IS up to each heart to do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allow us to re-phrase your question:

    If you can help one, or a few today, with due appreciation and pleasure, or if you can help end the illusion for thousands, anonymously and vicariously, over the years, which do you choose to do?

    Allowing the Divine Self to be in charge allows the greater Good, Beloved, and trust allows the Greater Divine to always take care of the small “you” that helps enact that Greater Good.

    That should clear up any moment’s confusion,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I gratefully place the future completely in the Hands of God.”

    “I gratefully place the future completely in the Hands of God, confidently expecting that I will be Led to say and do what I must say and do for my Joyful Best part in the Play.”

    Try it,


  • Ah, Beloved, the time of pure Wisdom flowing is a very good period of life. Don”t miss it by trying to recreate younger interludes. Welcome it, welcome it, with open and ready heart.

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be the one in every situation to stay cool and calm, and not be distracted by the panic or the drama. Be the one who is willing to keep foremost in your mind and heart the Oneness that holds all, steady and firm and well, and can sing each moment into Harmony.

    Be the one who hears the song of Oneness. Lead others with Its quiet, but powerful, notes and swells and beats. It is the One Power.

    Be one with Oneness, for you already are. When you keep that always in mind, you are knowing Truth, and that is the Truth that sets you free to live with Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe, believe, believe that the great I Am would never have created pain and confusion. And as mortal dream-thought did create them, the wonderful Compassion of the One Creator made a solution—that each individual person has within the touchstone of Truth to use to compare what they seem to be seeing with what a Loving God would do.

    “Be ye therefore perfect even as your Creator in Heaven is perfect.”

    Use the Truth as you walk your day, and you WILL see differently.

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    The only environment there really is, is Spirit/God. Spirit is all. All is Spirit.

    We know that while you walk the earth dream, your flesh and bones and trees and homes all seem like solid and physical things to you. Yet even the growing understanding of your physicists will remind you that what seems so solid is just swirling bits of energy.

    And even those “experts” have not reached full comprehension of it all, Child. All is God. The thoughts of God are the substance of all, including you. And God is delighted with Its thoughts and has pondered them and declared them good. You are a good thought of God.

    And is that not enough reason for Bliss? Whether your body is standing in a pile of slush, or whether you are dreaming of a delightful walk in the gentle forest, God Loves you. You are a Good thought of the Divine, and part of the Divine, and that is the Bliss that goes with you wherever you are, if you but remember to feel it.

    We understand how heavily you are under the influence of your senses and how much they lure you with sensual comfort and desire, and place and space, and name and title. But the sooner you realize that all is Spirit, YOU are Spirit, the sooner your consciousness can be filled in every moment with the awareness of deep, calm Joy.

    Deep calm Joy has nothing to do with geography or a vehicle or any of the various bodily drives. It is simply God, in you and through you, and around you. It is the security that never fails, it is the Love that never fades or dies. It is the everlasting Life of you.

    “I have always been, and will always be, the delightful thought God thinks as me.”

    Do you begin to see? Do you begin to awaken?

    You are held in Love while the sleep of Adam dissipates.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Time and space do not matter in the realm of thought. Just as in your imagination of the perfect basketball shot through the hoop, it does not matter if the gym is a thousand miles away and you are in your bathtub and the ball seems to go in slow motion in your mind, the joy of the perfection is the same.

    Time and space, and time-bound physicality, do not matter in the Mind of God. In the Mind of God, you are a wonderful and good and joyous idea. Let yourself feel that Joy of God, and let that Joy heal you. It does not matter where or when you think you are, for everywhere is in the Mind of God, and you can feel and experience that Joy if you choose to, just as you can picture that perfect swoosh of a ball through the hoop in your mind.

    Be willing to be the thought of Joy, for that is what you are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Maintaining your own fullness of Spirit, having agreed to that with God, is enough to give you the silent Wisdom throughout the day, that will Guide you Lovingly, and be a Good influence on all you encounter. Humbly allow Spirit to Flow from you, and through you, to where It will, silently.

    Staying focused on the uplifted perceptions of the Divine Presence as the Identity of the Soul that Governs you, will give you plenty of the overflow of Grace that armors, comforts, maintains and companions your human journey of the day.

    “I am a Beloved expression of God” is not a hard Thought to live from. Be It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Right beneath the simmer of your material thoughts, We are there.

    Today is a day made for quietness, sipping from the still pool of Spirit within. And, when the eyes are open, in order to walk through the day, We suggest quietly appreciating the beauty of the very small and the order of the very large.

    It is not a day for big projects, Love. It is a day for being part of the small beauty and the fine order. If you need to do or say a certain thing, you will hear. Listen, and obey.

    Well you know how few listen to the Quiet Voice. Be one who listens, today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there is Love, there is a way.

    And Love IS always present for you to call upon. Not your own human sentiment, that waxes and wanes, or gives way to moments of ire and exasperation, but Divine Love, that contains and maintains the Soul of all. Call upon It and let It do Its work.

    Call upon It especially when your own feelings turn to irritation or blame, and ask It to help you to see the Blessed version of the person or situation that has YOU feeling anything except Love. For, any moment that you spend feeling something other than the dear Love you are truly made of, is a moment you have given away your Joy.

    Asking to be helped by Love to see the Blessed version of your challenges and enemies is how you free your own heart to be filled with Love. And, feeling filled with Divine Love, and letting It flow through you, to appear as good words and deeds and creativity and gentle appreciation and excellence of health and accomplishment, IS the purpose for which Love made you. Be that.

    Be that, Beloved, “blessing those that curse you and doing good to those that wish to serve you harm…”, for that ancient advice is what frees you to be in the supreme Joy of the Flow of Love. Remember, it is Love that does the Work. Call to It, ask for Its Help. It is there with you, and It is Glad to do the Work of dispelling all that is unlike Itself. You are not asked to Bless evil and error—you are asked to call to Love to help you see past those mists, and to see Love, and stay focused on Love.

    Truth, truth, truth,


  • Ah, Dearly Beloved,

    The Clarity with which you will see when you look with the eyes of Love cannot be imagined by human laws, or explained by physical illustrations of the eye. In fact, you may feel you are better able to see people, to sense the Spiritual Truth of them, with the bodily eyes closed.

    Particularly if you are trying to feel extra compassion for one who is behaving rudely, or if you are praying for healing for a body that seems ill to the human senses, try closing the eyes of your face, and asking Spirit to help you See as God Sees, Whole and True. Think of yourself and the one before you, as Beings of Light, and picture all as pulses of Goodness tenderly coming from the One Source.

    With the eyes, as with the other senses of body, they do not serve you well in Spiritual discernment. Trust the pulse of Love, trust the Life Force of God, trust the uplift of Spirit in the heart. Close your eyes even now and ask “God, show me my Best Self today. Guide It. Be my Eyes Divine.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest easy. Surrendering to the Divine Plan is an active waiting, but sometimes it is a waiting. Rest easy in trust. Rest easy, practicing feeling Grateful that you are so loved by the Maker of All, and see what happens. Pay attention to what thoughts and ideas come to your mind, and pay attention to what you witness. Look for God-Made events and you WILL see them.

    Trust in Good, and Look for It, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The worth of your Soul Self is priceless. Ponder that, stay aware of that. Know that the Magnificent Soul that you are a part of Knows that and offers you a living allowance of Joy each day, to simply Be your Priceless Self.

    Quietly and gratefully accept that payment of Joy each day, turning to the Divine paymaster, and filling yourself with that Life energy of Joy.

    For only by remembering, only by being disciplined enough to remember to turn to the Main Joy, and refill your account of Joy, can you find the way to enjoy your day, and to give Joy to others. Open your account with the password of gratitude, and fill your daily life account with Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Impersonalize the errors you see on others, and on yourself. Think of them as nothing more than costumes that were randomly placed upon all the beautiful inhabitants of the wondrous world. That is more accurate than thinking that you and those around you are mean spirited or spiteful beings. See yourselves all as wondrous parts of Creation that just happen to have on some strange and scary costumes.

    With your Mind’s Eye, take those costumes off everyone you see, and see the lovely good truth of who they are, as made by a Loving Creator.

    When you understand that what seems to need forgiving is just a bad costume, very cunningly and convincingly made, then forgiveness becomes easy. It is only when you see the mean and sinful or foolish costumes as reality that forgiveness becomes difficult. Take the costumes away, in your Sight, and Love instead of condemn.

    Healing and growth in Grace come with forgiveness, so learn how to quickly and completely forgive. It will serve you well, Beloved.

    Nothing to lose but the bitter grit of unforgiveness,


  • Ah, to delight in the Peaceful Joyous Calm of the Glad God, rather than in any of the pleasures of the flesh! Why do you think we always call you “Beloved”? We always see the Truth of you, that is the essence of Calm celebration and spiritual Joy reflected—the You that is Real, and cannot help but be Loved.

    Won”t you join us in seeing this of yourself?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is Holding me. God is Holding me. God is Holding me.”

    Say it again and again to yourself throughout the day.

    When you want Comfort, or an infusion of Inspiration or Wisdom, or just a reminder of the Great Support that is your True Source, remember that All of God is Holding you.

    Human arms can give you a hug, and comfort foods, and favorite entertainments and routines of movement may distract and relax you, but above all, remember, “God is Holding me.”

    If they are open to It, remind others of this aloud. If they are skeptics about the Divine, Bless them silently with your thoughts and heart. And know It to be True, God is holding all individuals of Divine Soul and Spirit in Love, Love, Love.

    Feel It. Take time to feel It.


  • Ah, Friend,

    Even as you find yourself led by Spirit to situations wherein it is clear that you must give, in order to help you learn to receive, you will find that it is indeed better to not focus on exactly what you wish to receive. Simply place yourself in Spirit’s Mighty Hands, and let your prayers be for Harmony and for Peace and for the Good of all, and enjoy the delight of seeing what wonderful surprises and small and great enjoyments come your way.

    Learning to enjoy each moment, and monitoring your thoughts, so that if they stray into the future or the past, you reign them back in to concentrating on the flow of Joy within, leads to a freshness of being, and the delight of daily expectation.

    We are able to give more than you expect,