All Messages

  • Dear Yearner,

    I have told the story here of how, during a crisis at work, I called out to God, “God, is it my main job on earth to learn how to suffer fools gladly?” (Including myself, in that thought of fools, by the way.) And God answered,

    “My dear, it is your job to do all things Gladly, for in Gladness Am I, and I want you with Me.”

    What, exactly was I calling to? I was calling to that Presence, within which we exist and live and have our being. I was calling to that sweet Voice that is piped into the little bubble of my own small ego-awareness. I was calling to that All-That-Is, that State of Mind, that is just beyond, and all around, and just beneath, the silly, temporal, short-sighted, grasping, narrow state of mind that is the ego self.

    When the small self calls outside the bubble of its own awareness, or to that Divine Voice that is “piped in” to the bubble of small, illusory sight, it is reaching out to the Divine State of Mind that most would call Heaven, or God, or Nirvana, or Oneness.

    What does God feel like? What is that State of Mind that is the very Presence of God in which we truly abide? To me, the answer I received above evokes only a tiny portion of what It Is.

    It Is Gladness. It Is Tenderness. It Is Humor. It Is Wisdom. It Is Love. It Is Compassion. It Is Creative Excitement. It Is Utter Peace and Calm and Reassurance. It Is Trustworthiness. It Is a Sense of Infinite Possibilities. It Is Completeness. It Is eager Welcome. It is Timeless and Ever-Present.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    What does it really mean—”Give us this day our daily bread”?

    Try this, today: “I Love you, God. Show me yourself, today, in all the saints and angels that inhabit this state of your Mind. Help me see all within You as saints and angels. Help them see the saint and angels of me. Let my sight clearly see all the Good you made. Let my ears clearly hear all the Good you speak. Let my heart clearly feel all the Good that you wish for me to do today. Give me this day the knowledge and the Love and perception and wisdom and gladness I need to be the clear reflection of You.”

    “I Love You, God, and I fully accept Your Love for me. Let us move through this day as One, with Your Brightness before me and in me and all around me.”

    THAT will feed you indeed, Beloved, that will feed you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    That is you. Beloved. Think about the infusion of Joy that gives you, that you are so completely Beloved of God.

    You know the human energy and happiness it gives you to be embraced and enjoyed by another human adult or child whom you are fond of. You know the sweetness of the greeting of a loyal pet. You have also discovered that the energy boost of those temporal loves passes, although good memories can feed your heart of feelings for a while.

    That is why it is so crucial to continually think of the Infinite and Undying and Unconditional Love of the God Who purposefully shines you forth. That satisfying connection nurtures and sustains you forever.

    Thank God and live on God, today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A new phase begins now, when all must realize that truly what they do unto another, they do unto themselves as part of the One Body of God.

    Be very aware of this, in total honesty with yourself and with God. When you are not sure what would Bless another in your words or actions, ask the Divine Voice in your heart, and It will tell you. Remember that an effort to Bless another involves understanding their needs, and not projecting your own needs and desires onto them. Ask God, and do what God asks you to do.

    And so be it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What better gift could you give yourself than to again spend a whole day knowing your own Wholeness? And as you know your own Wholeness, so does it gift those around you with your perception of each and every one of them as also Whole. For your own knowledge of the pureness of Soul reflection corrects your perception of all as reflecting Love, and Love alone.

    “Abba/Ima, I am Thou. I know that now.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today (and all days), “Divine Love Guides my life, if I will but listen and obey.”

    Love! Love! Love!

    It is the Truth to follow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust in the Truth. All things, all alternatives, ARE known to That Which Sees All, and if you do your moral part, to live AS a part of a Whole, where you treat all others as part of the same Oneness of which you are a part, the Loving Governance that rules all will guide you in a way that pleases you.

    Be not afraid of past blunders, Beloved. They are forgiven. But in each moment, live anew, letting each day be ruled by the laws you have come to understand, of thy brother and sister as thyself, and the Oneness of Being above all.

    It is the only way to easy and relaxed happiness,


  • Ah, my true dwelling is the Goodness of God, and ever more will I there abide.

    Ah, my true dwelling is built of the Joy of Creation, and there does my Spirit fly.

    And if, as It turns and dances, It forgets that the glimpses in the mirror of earth are not real, I will stand still and remember, “I am a Spirit, witnessing and speaking delight, in my Home in the Unseen world.”

    Retreating into the quietness of the Unseen Perfection many, many times a day will help you see the perfection in the world, Beloved. It is hard to see clearly when you are whirling.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I already exist in Delightful, Complete, Harmonious Creation.”

    Claim that, Beloved. You are living in the One Universe now, and the false, although seeming true, senses of limit and discord can dissolve in the Loving Light of Truth. Entertain this possibility, and decide to See Blessings about you all day, today. It is not about trying to philosophize sorrows and discord into goodness. It is about focusing on the actual and real Good of Love, and loyalty, and synergistic workings, and smooth functioning, and the Joy that expands as you notice Joy, and willingly focus on sincere Joy.

    The more Joy you fill yourself with, the more Good you notice, the more you will experience and truly See the already existent State of Harmony, reigned over by Divine Mind.

    Let It show you, child. Let It show you.

    As ever, tenderly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you would, as a mature driver, drive right through a mirage of water on the road, and smoothly proceed to your destination, also move through the mirages of the world to go where God asks you to go.

    Trust that the Good guidance you receive from the Loving Inner Voice will put you where and when you are needed to help bring blessings to all the beings that make up the Whole of God’s Child, God’s creation of Its own image.

    Listen to that Good guidance constantly, and trust It. Trust only It.

    Thus, you are trusting the Higher Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you reach the point of being able to plug into God Consciousness very quickly, or instantaneously, you will be so glad of the ability to call upon that Wisdom and Counsel and Comfort during your days.

    In the beginning of daily prayer practice, or meditation and centering in the Divine Thought, you may feel like a child sing-songing the alphabet in order to know its sequence. But when you can feel a connected Praise to Love immediately fill your heart, or be suffused with rapid well-being if you silently call forth “Help me God!”, all the times of focus and training yourself to Listen will be worth it.

    God is your Life, dear one. Practice knowing that, and ceding to that, and experiencing life as Good grows and grows.

    We want to join your gratitude,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    See, and silently Divinely appreciate, only the brothers and sisters of Soul that are all around you. React not to their dusty costumes, but walk in Love, and Gratitude that God has enabled you to not be fooled by the false faces of evil. See only the Divine Truth, be not drawn into false battles, and your days will be more filled with Joy.

    Your head will not be in the clouds or the sand, for you will still take actions or speak words, as Guided by God, to help awaken the sleepwalkers of the temporal world. But if your heart and Sight are filled with Love as you do it, then you are walking in perfect step with Divine Spirit.

    Walk in Beauty, walk in Joy, We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Mercy is much bigger than your fears and any errors you may think you have made in the mortal ways. God’s Mercy is Infinite.

    God’s Knowledge of your Innocence stands full and True, right where you think you stand in confusion or guilt or ignorance. God has already assessed you, as Spirit of God-Spirit, and judged you Beloved Child, wrapped in the cloak of Love, and in whom He/She is well pleased.

    Humbly realize that your own human opinion of yourself or others is as nothing, for the infinite Mercy and correction and Love of God shines on all.

    See the Child of God in ALL others, and know yourself one, too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no substitute for affirming that you trust that the Divine Counselor knows better than your human mind and logic, and listening to that Divine Lover, and following the Loving advice.

    No substitute.

    We assure you,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need for searching for those to teach, or for those from whom you will learn. They are always right on your doorstep. They will always find their way into your life, as you open each new layer of your self. Simply allow it to Be.

    It is when you try to force learning that trouble seems to come. It is when you try to fit into a gift that is not the gift of Spirit that you are meant for that uncertainty reigns. Stop, and turn your face to the glow of God’s Will, that is right there next to you, and right there in you, and right there all around you. Whether your faith and your connection are coming through at a trickle, or like a gushing well, at this moment, stop and let yourself be filled. Let yourself be filled, until you completely remember, “I am already a cherished part of the Whole Divine, and I have all I need to fulfill my part, right now.”

    In knowing that you already are filled with the ideas and gifts and talents that are perfect for you, be strong. In knowing who you are, you will have the courage to grasp what is yours, and, Beloved, to walk away from people and places and times and things that are not your rightful path.

    Down to each fallen leaf, this all has been choreographed,

    Your choice is when to do your part of the dance,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Interfering in any meaningful or permanent way with the Power of Love cannot be done.

    The smoke and mirrors and rumors of human thought can only distract, but not win. Divine Truth corrects and heals. Seek to sit in the sturdy seat of It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is time to earnestly thank God for the gift of Dominion, and then awaken each day asking not, “What does my human self want to do today?”, but, rather, “What does the Will I share with God want done today?”

    Sometimes the human will and God Will coincide. Sometimes not. Trust only that greater Will, for It sees more than your human sight can. Then praise the Dominion gift that lets your truly joyous heart desires be enacted. Use Dominion to let Joy flow to you and through you, for yourself and others, all in the Oneness of Love.

    There is no competition in Heaven of Heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take time, constantly, on your journey, to journey within, and give thanks for dwelling in the Inmost Mind of Love and Truth.

    The more often you journey within, to that Peaceful Kingdom , the more your outer kingdom will reflect It.

    It is not hard, but it does take discipline. It is worth it, Beloved,

    Always holding you up,

    With Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find yourself feeling the same kinds of feelings of sibling rivalry, in regards to strangers, that you felt for your blood relatives when you were a child, stand back and evaluate.

    If every being is born of the same Source, are they not your siblings? Do you want to relate to them as a six year old who is jealous of his two year old brother, or do you want to relate to them as does the eighteen year old brother, who is proud to see his fourteen year old brother shine? Do you want to find a way, as does the adult brother, to help the younger one avoid some of the painful lessons, and find an easier path to the brightest and best he can be?

    Examine the feelings in your own heart, Love, and observe the feelings around you. Look past the costumes, and see the relationship, and begin to understand a glimmer of how the Loving Parent Source has laid out a Plan for all of Its children to thrive.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the pace of the world in which you live, if you have not yet learned how to make every activity a working prayer, then it is extra important to take a day of spiritual focus every week. The few minutes a day you might already be taking each morning and night are a marvelous way to “snack” on the Divine, but you need a sustaining meal to hold your heart and vision on track.

    The earthly realm gives you its sensory evidence of “reality” sixteen or seventeen hours a day. To counteract that shallow worldly level of perception with your Divine Spiritual Sight and Knowledge, you must give the Divine some extended time. Do it, Love. Do it regularly and fully, that you may be well armored with Peace in every day that you walk the world.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Complain about your loved ones, in thought or voice, and it will cloud your ability to feel healing and guidance and Love from God.

    So stop it. Spirit will help you if you ask.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep your mind open to the Mind that rules all eternity, and on the Power of that Good, Pure and True. Keep your mind full of the Omnipotence of that which does not die, and know that your focus and your prayers DO make a difference.

    Your prayers do make a difference to more Good being revealed.

    What Joy it gives you to hear about clever solutions and wise decisions and peaceful will prevailing. Keep thinking on those things, and be sure that Consciousness does open to the Will of God, and thanks brings It forth.

    Good Will does win the day in human hearts beyond time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hold still, and quiet your heart, and the answers will come clear. Just as a prism must be held still in a beam of sunlight, before you can count, or distinctly see, all the colors of the rainbow it casts, you must hold still.

    You are the prism. If you would like to see the beautiful rainbow of your life that the Source Light intended you to see, hold still once in a while and let yourself see it. No one else can make you hold still, but you can do it any time you like, if you do not think that the piles of paper, or airwaves of chatter, or fast talkers around you, or twinges of body, hold power over where you put your attention.

    Hold still at least a few times a day, and see and appreciate the lovely rainbow of your life. After a time, you will begin to understand, and believe, that the Principal that holds the colors of a rainbow in place so wonderfully can hold every facet of your life in order as well. It is truly a well made and marvelous design, once you begin to see beyond the earthly spectrum.

    As ever, seeing your loveliness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am completely surrendering to Comforting Spirit thankfully removing from me all traces of sorrow, or error, or other human iniquity.”

    “I am simply Spirit. As God has created me.”

    Feel the Power of Love.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Unsolicited advice will come to you from relatives and friends and strangers. Do listen to it, for some of it is coming from the God-Source within them, trying to put a thought or a dream in your head that you have not been able to let flow for yourself. Some of their advice is just nosiness, or an effort to control you, or a misguided, although loving, attempt to help you, and those kinds, of course, you should gracefully ignore.

    How do you know the difference? By going Within, to the Divine Source within you, and discerning which new ideas and thoughts are in line with your Divine Purpose. The more you practice knowing the nature of the Divine Voice Within, the more easily you will be able to use It as a filter for all the advice and information that comes your way each day from the world.

    Spend enough time each day in meditation or prayer that you receive most of your information and inspiration there. For the thoughts that come your way from others, discipline yourself to always, always hold them to that crucible of Truth in your heart, so that all actions you take, and all responses you make, can be full-hearted and centered and Source-secure.

    Do the same with our advice, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Many say to us that they have trouble emptying their busy-busy minds enough to hear that small, still Voice of the Divine Guidance.

    To those, we say, remember that reading aloud to yourself very slowly from a favorite old story or fairy tale, or from the scripture you were raised with, or from a treasured poem or the words to a beloved song, will serve the purpose of slowing the thought circles enough to allow the Inner Truth to speak to you. You may find yourself reading the same sentence over and over again, or find that one particular word, or parts of several words, seem to form a new pattern to your understanding, or that they set off an inspiring train of thought.

    Those shifts are the High Guidance of the Light reaching out to speak to you, with special messages for your uniqueness. Savor them, and know that if they feel filled with calm and peace, they are truly of the Light, and of the Goodness that carries All. Welcome those lovely patterns and revelations, and let every joyous thought carry you to the Joy of the Truths that are God, and are you, and are All.

    The Truth is all around you, waiting to fill you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Now, more than ever, turn to the Divine Principle of Goodness first and always.

    Trust that It will always be consistently Itself. Trust as a mathematician trusts that the principles of mathematics will always work the same way every day, and that the 2s and 3s and 4s and 5s will be themselves, as he uses them.

    The Principle of God uses each of Its ideas (you!) just as a mathematician uses numbers. You do not need to “do” anything except be yourself, wherever in the formula or the equation God is using you. Just let yourself be placed in the place where the “Mathematician” puts you, and be, be, be what you are.

    Adding it all up,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the peace of Divine Goodness fills your heart, mark it well. Cherish it, keep tight a memory of it, testify to it and share it to preserve it and commemorate its joy. It will remain alive as you keep sharing it, and the renewed memory of it will help carry you through moments of doubt.

    The Divine Presence IS your ever-ready Source of comfort and clarity, but if the pressure of the earthly circumstance or the sensory evidence makes it difficult to reach that center of Calm in your awareness, turn to your stock of remembered sacred moments, and use them to help you trust, trust, trust in the omnipotent Goodness of the Divine.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grow in Grace. Grow in amazement of and at Grace.

    Grow not in time or in space. Just grow in Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not settle merely for human love.

    Seek Divine Love, and all Love will be raised higher.

    We Love you, Count on It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Are you running your beliefs and causes, or are they running you? Have you let your political or personal opinions become your gods, instead of always trusting in the One Power, One Spirit, whose Voice within you tries to guide you?

    For instance, if there is a book you feel led to read, because it has been mentioned to you many times, and you feel an affirmative whisper in your heart when you hear the title, do you accept that the Divine might be trying to reach you through that book? Or, do you let the ego-self sabotage that connection between you and God by saying to yourself, or to your friends, “Well, I sort of want to read that book, but it is only available from that religious press and I don”t like some of the things they support, so I will not buy anything there.”

    Or, do you say, “Well, I”ve heard there is someone in that office that might be able to help me, but I resent the fact that their office is not wheelchair accessible, so I refuse to go there, or to call them or ask them to come to see me.”

    Or, do you declare to yourself, “Well, although my dancing lesson is the one time of the week when I truly feel a connection to the Divine in my heart, my neighbor told me I was a bad mother if I left the kids with a sitter EVERY Monday, so I quit the ballet lesson.”

    You ego-self, your human perception, will disguise itself as many things, Beloved. It will, in its desperation to be thought master, instead of just servant to the Inner Spirit, do whatever it can to turn you away from your Spiritual Perception that will allow you to understand your true self to be a Whole part of God. It will gleefully nurse your resentments, to keep you away from hearts and helpers that might aid your return to Harmony and to Love.

    It will especially, and slyly, nurse any resentments that might help you resent large segments of the world and life around you, so as to eliminate them from your field of available help that God offers you. Witness in your own heart, and witness in your town, or in the world, how many people say things such as “I hate all landlords,” or “I hate all people from the tropics,” or “I hate anyone who has ever marched in support of that activity.” “I don”t go anywhere that hasn”t built a ramp for my double-wide baby carriage.” Has your ego tricked you? Is there a whole category of people or places that it has barricaded you from, even though they might be part of your Best Destiny?

    Turn and face those resentments, Beloved. Recognize them, forgive them, in yourself and in others, and release them. Let the walls fall down, let the barricades be as nothing, so that the Divine can reach you through anyone, anywhere, anytime. Work to make the changes you want to see made in the world, Beloved, but do not let making the changes delay you from what is rightfully yours as a cherished part of the Whole. If the One Spirit’s Voice within you says to go somewhere or talk to someone, do not let yourself be stopped by a haircut, or a wall, or a step, or the humility of borrowing a bus pass. Otherwise, Beloved, the ego has temporarily won. It will not win in the end, Beloved. We KNOW the ending. But why waste any time in pain if ignoring the ego will eliminate it?

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Universe is purring with contentment. Listen, and let yourself hear It, and let yourself be comforted.

    Listen, and hear Its quiet Joy, and let yourself feel Joy as well.

    Just as listening to a child laugh, and letting yourself catch that infectious laughter, can lighten your heart within moments, listen to the soft laugh of the Universe, and be Glad.

    Listen, and be glad for what you hear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Venturing into a resolve to try to See all behavior through the lend of God’s Laws, you may be quite surprised at how many contradict human laws.

    When forgiveness and Compassion trump all else, your behaviors will change often. God does not encourage anarchy, but God does demand living by the Laws of Love. Start now.

    Bit by bit, the world will evolve,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your sight, your hearing, your hands and arms and strength of spirit and soul, and all your senses, are perfect reflections of the Divine Faculties of God, when you withdraw your illusory human will from them, and acknowledge the Dominion of God, and place them at the Will of God.

    They become His/Her Faculty members. Like the faculty at a University, they become the teaching tools through which God’s Love and Kindness and Gracious Perception and Knowledge of Truth reach out to teach those who have forgotten that they live within the Dominion of the Divine.

    Allow them to serve, and let your self also use their perfection,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have no doubt that the Divine Cause ALWAYS has the ability to stop you from doing something, or start you to doing something, when it is crucial for the plan that you do so.

    Yesterday’s demonstration of this, of your inability to move your foot, when you needed to stay in place to minister to someone, can be your constant reminder that God IS in control, for the creation of that which is Good and which is True. Keep that incident in your memory and let it help you stay in faith and trust. Keep in your constantly aware mind all the incidents of miracle and of intervention that prove to you the here and now existence of the Divine Plan for you, and for all.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Harmony does not come from the other person. It comes from realizing that YOU are a reflection of the Harmony of the Loving Source, then shining that Harmony at the other person, and then enjoying the Harmony that shines back at YOU.

    Are We clear? You have fallen for this before. Do not mistake the Truth this time. Reflect God’s Love and be Lovable and Loving, always.

    As We Love YOU,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As ever, God knows what It is doing. In Its timelessness, It always will.

    When you have opened your free will to letting the Divine Will flow through you, and have practiced feeling Its Presence until you truly do feel It wash through you, and around you, just let It Flow. You do not need to tell God what to do. God already knows, Beloved. What you need to know is what you should do, besides opening your will to God’s Will.

    So if you feel the grace of Presence, do not waste words or thoughts telling God what you want. Just love and enjoy and be grateful for the Presence, and listen, listen, listen to hear if there are any words or images from God for you to act upon. And then, Love, obey. Do not question or doubt or give excuses. Just obey, and let your will become a part of God’s Will in truth.

    Disobeying only delays your own Joy, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Would you hold open the door to Understanding and Healing for some and not for others?

    This is one of the greatest challenges for those who would be healers and bringers of Peace. There can be no limits on who is Graced. If you dispense Grace, that has been freely given to you, it must be given to all. To withhold It from anyone, regardless of your personal human like or dislike of the personality before you, is to withhold It from yourself as well.

    Look past the illusion of personality, and costume, and recognize the Sweet Truth of Soul shining from absolutely everyone. It is a gift to yourself to do so.

    We see the Sweet Truth of you,

    Look with us,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    We are sincere in that appellation. Ponder that.

    And when you feel centered and secure in that Love, ponder the Truth that you are dwelling in the Wondrous Mind of God.

    Strive to behave as though you are in the home of a loved and respected friend, just as you would in the earthly dream. You have been gifted with unlimited Grace by God. Use it to behave Graciously. You are in your Sacred Home. Be Gracious.

    As you do so, it is an example to others, and a relief to yourself. At the end of each day, We assure you, you will be glad you chose the Gracious Way.

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am, I am, I am, in line for Peace and Joy.”

    Let that be your song of the day. But, do not think of “in line” as being only the waiting for, the anticipating of, future Joy. Heaven is also right now. Right alignment is also right here, as you adjust your consciousness and allow your focus to change to see the perfect glory of each moment as you experience it. “In line” also means in the right line of sight, in the right focus, for you to see the incredible beauty and blessings that exist just behind the pervasive mist of sorrow and error that one habitually sees in the mirror of earth. Change the habits of sight. Let your spiritual sight expand, and withdraw from the problems you were taught to focus on.

    Let that focus change. Look for the blessings. Look for the unexpected fulfillment of promises. Choose to enjoy whatever small or vast bit of goodness you see before you, or to purposefully rehearse thinking about what you have to be grateful for. We tell you, as we have so many times, that letting your thoughts align with the qualities of the Great Provider/Creator, which include qualities such as appreciation of beauty and joy and goodness, is like “lining up” your sight with the focus that is the best focus point from which to see the Best Play of earth.

    Stand in line with that focal point, and enjoy.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Practice silently envisioning everyone around you experiencing unlimited Joy.

    Everyone deserves Joy, as a right of the very innocence of their newborn and continued Being, born of Spirit, with Life in the Mind of God. Picture it for others, and the fuel of Joy will flow more easily to you, washing away the sand of human errors and carving a clear channel for the Wondrous water of Spirit to flow.

    Envision Innocent Joy in the eyes of others, and Innocent Joy will arise in you.

    Unseen though We may be, We are Working,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How Joyous is the soul that has completely opened its connection to the Source of Love.

    The connection was always there, and always will be there. Endlessly, It offers energy and ideas and Love, Love, Love. We have said this to you many times, but today we wish to emphasize that the Flow through the connection works in both directions and goes further still. Like a two-way valve, as you flow Love back to the Source, you can also flow through It to the other recipients of Its Provision.

    And that is why you can Love and heal others from afar. That is why your prayers can help reveal their Wholeness, as you send the cleansing power of Love from you to the supplying Pool of the Source, and then to and through the connection to the other, who is also supplied with Goodness and health from that same Source of Love, Love, Love.

    All true connection moves through the One Source of Love. Lending a helping hand on the physical plane is good and generous, but only temporary. Enduring healing, and enduring help, comes from healing the very consciousness of that individual. The fully awakened one can then create, superbly, with his or her own pure and happy and innocent thoughts, aligned with the bodiless Guidance of One Mind. One Mind does not sort by body or age or color or type. One Mind simply Loves and gives Love to all, and Sees all as Goodness.

    Trust that Goodness, and that It knows the cleansing power of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joyous Flow that is the natural way of ever-continuous Life can be drawn upon at every moment within your current belief in time/space. You do not need to be in a sacred space of a church or a meditation center. You do not need for it to be the Sabbath day or a weekend devoted to a workshop. It Flows always.

    The key is that you have to decide to dip into it. You have to decide to allow yourself to feel it. Even when someone else is praying for you or blessing you or feeling grateful to you or thanking you with words or gifts, you have to DECIDE to feel the happiness that is natural for your soul. Decide you want happiness and joy, and allow it to flow. Decide you want to look for the best intentions from others, and you begin to see that intention. Decide you want to be a vehicle for healing, and you will be used thus.

    Decide to live with gratitude and faith in the Joyous Flow being available. Then, every moment and every place become sacred space. Shivering on a sidewalk, you can turn to the Comforting Love. Cozy in your own bed, you can turn to Love. While being praised, or while being yelled at, you can turn to Love.

    Try it, Beloved. Practice it, Beloved, and Love will hold you steady.

    We hold steady in Love for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Divine creates me new in each moment, sustaining the perfect Thought of me. I am innocent, pure and free, in His/Her eyes, and that is, today, the me I choose to see.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Human temporal love will never completely match Divine Love.

    You know this now.

    But you CAN strive to enfold into your human attachments all the Unconditional Love and Compassion and forgiveness that you are learning more about as you understand more about God, The Divine Source.

    Work on it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more scenes you see of earthly existence, in your own life and the lives of others, and in your alternate earth dreams of night, the more honestly you can desire, and live for, the pure, sweet truth of Heaven, of God. The unchanging Love of God is the prize and the example to keep always in your mind. Let your mind become His/Her Mind, as you completely realize, that even within the dream, you are bidden to be a good example, a simple shining, of the Love of God.

    Old mistakes and current ones ARE forgiven, if you can forgive them in yourself by forgiving others. Cease to judge, and be free. Cease to judge, and learn to Love. Love always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you realize how much you look forward to those sweet moments of feeling suffused with the Presence of Love, feeling It will be a priority for you. Then, it will be easier and easier to set aside a few minutes to spend concentrating your focus on the Higher Perception of your Oneness with the Divine.

    Then, those small, or seemingly large, material concerns will all be seen as nothing in the Presence of the feeling of purposeful Love and Harmony. The earthly visible can smoothly fit into that Harmony without worry or frantic busy-ness, falling into place gently, around the central focus of your still and joyous reflection of the Source.

    Admit to your self how much your time of really, really feeling the Love of God means to you, and the yearning and the commitment become one, and constant, and achieved.

    Taking time to focus on that is not weakness, but true strength,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, you want to be a transparency for the Light, allowing It to shine through you and as you, wherever you are, no matter what you are doing or whom you are speaking to. It is the function all must come to accept, and desiring it now is a gracious choice.

    Do you understand what self-honesty this takes? You CAN do it, but be aware that it means being honest about when you feel the Presence and the Grace arising within you. It means being honest about when you are feeling the Peace of God within you. When you feel out of sorts, or if someone or something irritates you or annoys you, or if your prayers become perfunctory and no true Connection is felt, then be HONEST with yourself about these things, and become still. “BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.”

    Be still, and know “I Am Thou”, until you feel truly aligned and within the Arms of Peace again. Taking time to do this, just when you think you do not have time to do this, will actually save you more time, and save you from more grief, than you can possibly imagine.

    We are with you. Ask us for help. We never tire of helping,

    For we also are Thoughts of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    CHOOSE to be grateful.

    Again and again the earthly mist that overlays the True Reality of Goodness will demonstrate to you that which wears away, and behaves inexplicably, or disappears with time. Trust only in the Unchanging Goodness that underlies the mist of appearance. Be so very grateful to that Unchanging Love, and it will help you see the joyous Goodness of the Source.

    “I am Glad God Loves me.”

    “It makes me Glad to love God.”

    “As I see the “God” within the mist of everyone else, I feel completely loved and appreciated, for I know the God within them loves me. As I understand how much God loves me, I begin to understand more of my own Goodness and gifts.

    We Know these things to be True, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, remember, that the Presence of God-Source is right with you, and wants your joy, and say to yourself, again and again, “Only Good is happening here, and I am willing to see it.”

    Lovingly, playfully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All space is filled with Infinite Goodness. If you allow yourself to believe the truth of that, closing your eyes to the mist of illusion that forms itself otherwise, then you begin to allow what you would truly desire into the visible sight of the world.

    As ever more consciousnesses allow the omnipresent truth of Goodness, those who are near to them will also see. Ah, Beloved, let yourself be one who sees God/Goddess Gladness everywhere, solid and sure, and in that way, help others to be nearer the truth as well.

    Nest and rest in solid Goodness, and carve from It, with Thought, what you will.

    Even if this makes no sense to you, let it linger in the back of your mind,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine has put Its truth in many, many places. It is nestled in old fables and tucked into children’s stories. It is in scripture and in poetry. It is in scenes from movies and in newsclips of heroic actions. It is in the very movement of the clouds and sun, and the turning of the seasons.

    Wherever you see the Truth, Beloved, take it and tuck it away in your memory. If you are reading a story to your children and a line touched the harpstrings of your heart, copy it down to ponder later. If you keep hearing in your mind a line from the scripture of your childhood, scribe it onto a slip of paper. If you are reading a book and a sentence seems to light up in gold before you, or a paragraph in a newsletter so grabs your attention that you must read it again and again, copy it down.

    Armor yourself with these things, for they are the anointing of Divine Love upon you. They are the entry stamp to walking in the Divine Arbor with God. When you are armored with a Word in your pocket or the picture from a film in your mind, and your beset by doubts or memories of old failings, then pull forth that word again and let it replace the negative thing. When you feel that you have lost the sense of abiding with the Divine, look at the scene of triumph, again, in your mind, or read and reread that paragraph that reminds you that you are a Beloved child of the Whole.

    These Truths are seeded everywhere, Beloved. It is only up to you to use them, to pick them up and plant them in your mind and heart, so that they will thrive and grow, and be indeed that armor that fits you perfectly Take them, plant them, tend them again and again, until they fill you, and cover you, and protect you completely. Then, it is hard indeed for the weeds of life to take any root in your days, or for the winds of the hours to ruffle the calm peace of your countenance, or to take your eyes away from the Spiritual World.

    Choose your armor, and do not forget to USE it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    ANGELS are the ideas in the One Mind, God, that have not made the mistake of thinking they are apart from God, separate and powerless and alone. You, Beloved, are also an idea in God’s Mind and as soon as you completely realize that, you will see with spiritual sight instead of “physical sight”, and will see more and more angels around you. Some of them will seem to wear bodies, when they need to, in order to help some of their brother and sister ideas awaken to their own status as Beloved idea forms , dancing all together in the Mind of God.

    Killing the “body” with suicide or disease does not accomplish this. Healing your thoughts, changing your thoughts, into acceptance that you are already an idea-form in Oneness of Being, is the “cure” for feeling separate from the Divine. God helps you do this, as soon as you turn to Him/Her, and say you are ready.

    All are angelic and beloved and cherished perfect ideas, in God-Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to wonder and wonder whether a “message” in your mind aligns with the Divine Mind of God—if it is accompanied by feelings of Peace and Joy and a sense of weightlessness, it is of God. And, if it is of God-Mind-Thought, it will come again and again, in the same or various ways, so that it becomes clear that God is gently, patiently, waiting for you to act upon it.

    You can also be sure that if it aligns with “Love God-Love and Truth above all else, and Love thy neighbor as thyself,” it IS in accordance with One Mind.

    Any piercing and repetitive thought that is not of God will be accompanied by a sense of hesitation or pain or worry or sorrow, and you will also find that the way will be rocky—blocked by busy signals and waylaid items, etc. etc. Your own Good and High Self will help you NOT walk the stony path.

    Relax, and let Love Guide.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you let that thing and time go, let these words console you:

    When is a rose perfect?

    When it is a tiny seed?

    When it is a green bud?

    When it is a color tightly furled?

    When it is in full bloom?

    When it is petals blowing away in the wind?

    In all its phases, it is silent.

    In all its perfection, it is a conception in the Mind of God.

    All your times are a potpourri to us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each individualized part of the Great Soul, of which you are one, has a certain attitude of Mind, or a certain word or phrase or expression or color or shape or sound or taste, that puts him or her in a good alignment with Divine Thought and Being.

    What is yours? Do you know it? Is there a certain arrangement of colors in a sunrise that puts you into an immediate silent receptivity of the Divine Voice? Is there a certain phrase or word from sacred texts that helps you feel suffused with Love? Is there a fullness of gratitude that helps you remember the Joy that underlies all True Power and Presence? The smell of the ocean, the sight of a tall spire, the harmony of certain notes of music, the taste of a warm peach—do any of these things, or others, put you in prepared state of heart to access your connection to the Great Joining?

    The things themselves are not sacred and to be worshipped, Beloved. But if there is something that helps to calm you and make it easier to connect with the Gracious Calmness that is always with you, then find it and be aware of it. That way, when you are not calm, when the material world has pulled you into either excess pain or pleasure, you can turn to that thing, or think about that thing, and re-center yourself in the Truth, and be Free.

    For many, it is simply the name of God. Whatever it is, find it and use it consistently, so that it is automatic when you need it most, when your tumbled mortal thoughts are not clear. Use it, and know you are Love. Use it to know you have right with you what is Good, that you are, in fact Spiritual Goodness.

    The phrase “I am healed by Love” can seem very true, and IS True, but if that phrasing of it makes you think that Love is very far away, or a thing apart from you that must be begged to show up and fix you, then re-think it. “I am Love”. You Are healed by Love, but it is because your true nature IS Love, and so that wholeness, that “healed” condition can be revealed here and now, right away. All healing is of thought. So whether your concern is for the body costume or the circumstances or the sense of being trapped in linear time, let your thoughts be whole by knowing “I am Whole”. Use your individual trigger, your personal key, and open your Thought of Whole Being. Use it, and feel as a free Spirit.

    We Love you so, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    In your encounters of today, take extra care to assess your actions and reactions to those around you by the thought, “What would I do if this person were my mother or my sister or my brother or my spouse or my child, or my other close relation?”

    We tell you, Beloved, everyone IS your close relation, for each of you is a unique and wonderful cell dwelling together in the reflected Child of the Divine.

    Think about that. Ponder and embrace that, and behave accordingly, taking ALL your cues from the Parent Voice within.

    Your other relatives,


  • Ah, Beloved!

    TODAY, Ask for Joy, and the Grace to accept It. We Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep in your heart and mind and conviction of belief that the Infinite Director DOES desire Joy for all. Sometimes, indeed, that means the individual must straighten their priorities of what deserves feeling Joyous about, and that Primary on that list must be the Love of God, and of expressing the Good God in their days.

    But it also means that God mercifully and tenderly will help with the human needs, adjusting the bits and pieces of the human play, and giving ideas and solace and connections to solve seeming problems and to create opportunities. You DO “entertain Angels unawares”, and if you keep that in mind, and keep focused on the Truth that One Mind can, and does, Govern all, then you will be one of those who notices chances for change or preservation, and who listens to and obeys the still, small Voice when It advises action or inaction.

    Listen, and obey for Good, dear One.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    O”, do just take a rest today from all old opinions and judgments. Let it be like the first day of a vacation in a new place, wherein you just look around and look for good, and expect the joys of new experience.

    Let yourself do this. Expect Good. Look around, seek new good, and allow yourself the delight of seeing it happen.

    On this vacation with you, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love is the active ingredient.

    Just as when you read the label of some soothing balm, and it lists oils and fragrance and water and emulsion agents, etc., etc., and then lists an “active ingredient” that is what you are seeking, so is it with prayer and God-focused healing.

    The pure Spirit of Love is the active ingredient. You might surround it with flowers or candles or certain words, or a beautiful quiet space, but Love Spirit is the active ingredient.

    Love is the healer, Love is the comforter and the Guide and the wisdom and the Heart of it all. Love is the Truth that gently, but utterly, causes all falseness to be revealed and disappear. Love is Omnipresent and It is why you can call on Its activeness even in the most hurried and dismal situation. Even when the candles or quiet space are not there, Love is still the active ingredient. Count on that, and call to It, everywhere, anywhere. Call to Love.

    It Loves you so, and will Answer.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting the human thoughts of others slide over you and around you without touching or threatening or disturbing the Calm Center of your Trust in God is the Key. Your own human thoughts must part around the strong Rock of God in your heart as well.

    Why do you think it is called the first commandment? Stay with it. Stay centered in It.

    Be It, Beloved, and Be Free.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thanking, as a way of prayer, is also more successful than “asking” in demonstrating the answer to need and desire, because it shifts your own state of acceptance into a mode of expectation. When you sincerely expect, you are more likely to receive. When you give thanks for what you desire, before actually seeing the thing or circumstance, it helps free you from the restraints of linear time thinking.

    Linear time thinking, which entraps most humans most of the time, makes it hard for you to realize that everything already exists in the no-time of the Source. Linear time thinking traps you into not being able to believe that all good things are not only possible in the Creative Source, but that all possibilities already exist in the Creative Burst of Love that is the Divine.

    Therefore, give thanks before you feel or see. Give thanks for feeling Peace, and then allow the feeling of Peace to come. Give thanks for right livelihood and then allow the ideas and opportunities to flow. Give thanks for Love, and then allow Love to show up and be shared from your own heart, and shine back at you from the hearts of others.

    Give thanks, and you are opening the limits of your own mortal vision to seem past time and space, and into the Truth of the lovely, lovely possibilities of the Beyond, right here and now.

    Love, love, love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid of setting aside tasks of the day to join with the Love of the Source.

    We have told you many times that when you go into silent heart communion with the Divine, It will not ask you things like “Did you do the dishes yet?” or “Is the desk cleared and dusted?”

    It is not that accomplishing those tasks is bad. It can add to the peace of the home to have them done. But they are just not the most important thing, and certainly not to be placed ahead of renewing yourself from the Source. And, indeed, if you are refreshed and renewed in the Sweet Joy and Strength of God, doing the daily chores will be easier and smoother and more efficient.

    Put your priorities right, Beloved. Love first. Love, and then dust. Love, and then you can even dust with Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Joy in recognizing that you have a choice about when to accept that you can choose to serve as a transparency for Joy shining into the earth dream. No one is forcing you into that. Choosing that opens up a new phase of life, wherein you see, in your outer experience, what happens when you choose to think God-Thoughts of Joy. The choice happens again in each moment.

    Each moment, Joy or sorrow? Each moment, God Thoughts, or human selfishness? The understanding that grows, that choosing God-Thoughts leads to greater human Joy than choosing momentary human desires, will set you free into always choosing the better.

    God Thoughts reject no one. They include all. They Love all equally. Just accept that Love.

    You may not like the word “God”. That which thought of you and holds you cares not what you call It. It just Loves you. Can you accept that Love? Can you accept It in each moment?

    We do , and are satisfied, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not amazed when the wonderful and unusual happens.

    Rather, realize that that is the natural way that the Loving Source would like for your life and Happiness to proceed.

    Love it. Expect it. Welcome it with grace and gratitude.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As each one is ready, the way will open.

    Looking back over your earthly days, you can see how you were guided and where you took detours from Awakening. You can appreciate the Knowing that has been unfolding for you here and now, and be grateful.

    As you glance at others, trust that the Divine has them also in hand. As ever, offer and help and inspire when guided to do so, but trust, trust, trust that the Divine envelops you all.

    And it is a Loving containment,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When one has realized that one needs to let the “self” go and try to empty the mind of human thought so as to be filled only with the Thoughts of God, it is helpful to remember that only God’s Thoughts are true, and that all of God’s thoughts are Love. By this can you know them. If it is transcendent and unconditionally Loving, it is a True Thought. If it is not, it is not.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love Unconditionally.

    As the Mother-God endlessly gives you Grace and Unconditional Love, even as you are dreaming and making your human mistakes or simply being stubborn and willful, so endeavor to Love those around you, and yourself.

    When you are disappointed in your family and acquaintances, and/or in your own less-than-stellar behavior, remember the Love of the Divine Mother that flows ceaselessly to you, and use It to Love more. Love more. Turn the other cheek, turn the focus off of human error, and Love More.

    It gets easier with practice,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If We are wise, so are you. If We are Gracious, so are you. If We are Loving and Lovable, so are you.

    When you accept that that the Thoughts of God, which We are, are made of what you are also made of, you can begin to accept your true empowerment to help enact the Divine Plan for all awakening.

    CLAIM your true identity. You are a Thought of God. You are Wisdom, you are Grace, you are Loving and Lovable. Send packing the idea that you are pathetic and vulnerable aging flesh, and take up the Glorious mantle of Spirit and all the wondrous Qualities that Spirit is and contains.

    O’ Joyous day, darling. O’ Joyous day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “High Guidance of the Light, come to me now and set my thoughts aright.

    I open to receive you, this day, this night. Come forth completely, set my thoughts aright.”

    Let It happen, Child.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The most important father to honor is the Father/Mother Source of All.

    Yes, be kind and loving and appreciative of those who engender you and those who share your sisterhood and brotherhood of earth, but know that all true life sustaining and creating Power comes from the One who engendered all.

    Honor that. Tap into that, and let your self be used as the vessel that refills from that Well of Life to help others remember their perfection of creation, and their Joy of Being, that is unchanging and true. The fleshly engendered form will obey the greater Power if you let your earthly mind be emptied, and refilled only with the waters of the Father/Mother Source-well within.

    The greatest gift you can give your earthly progenitors is to fill your self with the same Divine Water that all higher selves share, and pour your share of the day upon them, directing your gift to give them peace, and sustaining harmony of body and mind and outlook.

    So be it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to enact radical choices. If waffle-waffling is getting you nowhere except into the same endless circle of human thoughts and doubts, then listen very carefully to your inner Voice, and be not afraid to enact at least a small change in routine or habit or choice that it suggests, and see if that change bears fruit.

    The bearing of the fruit will give you the trust and faith you need to make the next choice, and the next and the next, in seeking for the Happiness of living in accord with the Voice of God Within.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the world is quiet, I am with you. When the world is noisy, I am with you. Keep training yourself to hear Me, listening and obeying always. Keep teaching yourself by hearing Me, for I am with you, always. I am here.

    Loving SPIRIT

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Mind that Imagines me, and Knows me, and Sustains me, also Loves me entirely and gives me the chance, each day, indulgently, to begin anew, knowing I am utterly Loved and approved of and cared for.”

    If you mean to begin again, and choose to, you can,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Always, always, when you are tempted to feel judgmental, or to take an action you feel queasy about, take a minute to imagine yourself living an hour of the other person’s life. Take another minute to imagine living an hour of the life of the other people in that one’s life.

    Those two minutes may help you choose a word, or an action, or silence, or non-action, that you will not regret. Those two minutes will help change a feeling of condemnation into one of compassion, and a feeling of envy or passion into acceptance.

    You have your path to travel, and if you are traveling it with God in your heart, it can be traveled in a way that does not interfere with the paths of others, and helps theirs when yours crosses, or joins theirs.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mighty seem to be the proud, but True Might is in the Gentleness of God.

    Let the times come when you see how the gentle loving word turns away ire. Let the proof come as you care more about maintaining Peace than you do about being right, or about having credit for your works, and you will begin to understand the magnitude of the gentle, gentle Plan that God has enacted to awaken those who are sleeping and dreaming that they are separate and alone, instead of living and moving and having their Lives in the Gentle Love of Divine Thought.

    Think on these things, when next you are tempted to return rudeness for rudeness, and allow instead the forgiving and compassionate way of Divine Love to be your response. You may teach with humor, or with surprise, to let error be unveiled, but follow the advice of Spirit’s Voice within to know how to gently use those tools.

    All tools are for opening True Sight to Divine Reality,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Try moving into gratitude for opportunities to practice patience and expectation of harmonious solution, when faced with worldly demands. So long as you walk the dream of earth, there will be forms to fill out, and chores to do, but they can be done in an attitude of slow simplicity, and gracious practice of the virtues of Spirit—such as confidence, and endurance, and orderliness, and the ability to teach.

    Remember that you are teaching yourself as much as you are teaching others, by being an example of the Qualities of Holiness. Rejoice when you are given chances to let them shine.

    As we see them shining from you always,

    For we look on you with the eyes of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting go of old presumptions of what gives satisfaction and joy, and being willing to find purpose, and contentment, in new patterns of listening to Spirit and doing as It guides, is a large part of Holy Awakening.

    You are Holy. You are an emanation of Light and Life from the Holy Source Itself, and if you let the clouds of mortal thought fall away, your Holiness shines, even while you yet walk the dream of materiality. Be willing, Beloved. Be willing, for the more that awaken, the sooner sorrow diminishes and ends.

    And do EXPECT that living, and serving, the Greater Spirit, will bring transportive Calm Bliss, in ways that your unawakened self could not even have imagined. Living Spirit does not mean pain and sacrifice. It means smoothly having what you need, when you need it, to be your Best Self, as an integral part of All that Is Good.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no selfishness in praying for yourself first. To remain in constant conscious communion with the Divine Element of Love is to keep yourself filled with not only your share of the Infinite Healing Force that is All, but to have a “pantry” of Love ready to send to others.

    Keep your pantry of Love always fully stocked, and then when the human need of another is noticed by you, or another asks you for supportive prayers, you will have not only all that you need of Love, but plenty to send forth to assist others.

    You, and they, may think that the need is for some specific earthly thing or ill, but the truth is that the Substance of Love that is All forms Itself into whatever is the Best Balm for the situation. Keep your pantry of consciousness filled with Love and you will have plenty on hand to resolve your own needs, and to overflow to others.

    Go now in silence and submission of human will, and ask Divine Love to fill you to overflowing. Then freely give It wherever It is needed.

    We Love you and are grateful,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Lean against the wind as you go. Let it help to carry you. It is the wind that never ceases its gentle blowing, and it will help you through what you perceive to be a storm, but which is just the rearrangement of the bits of leaves and sticks around you. Think of the wind of change as a supportive force, and you can allow it to hold you up as solidly as a warm brick wall behind your back.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you hear about the health challenges or circumstances of a loved one, and you feel helpless, not knowing what to do or say to assist, then that very feeling of helplessness is a signal to turn your thoughts and heart to Divine Spirit. It is the most humble and the most powerful thing you can do.

    “Dear God, help me know what to do and say. Help me know what truth to remember here, based in the perfection of your Love, and Its constant completeness and wisdom projected as each one of us that are Your Whole.”

    And then wait patiently, and confidently, asking also for sweet calm, and let Good lead the way.

    Trust us, it is the best thing to do, not just in seemingly crucial moments, but every day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no lack of energy or Love or Creative Idea in God. There is no lack in Infinity.

    Ponder that as a fact of God’s availability for yourself, as an expression of God and within God. God’s Grace is a Law of Creation that makes the Good of the Infinite natural to shine in you and for you.

    Perhaps you feel you have been too gullible to the “scams” of the world as you now see it, or that you are a fool for having fallen for lies and illusions, or used them yourself in times of desperate feeling, not knowing or understanding yet what Infinite Love could and would gladly provide for you. But, dear one, the same sensitivity that left you open to mis-talk and misunderstanding can help open your heart to God’s Generous saving Grace.

    Trust that Grace and open your heart and thoughts to Gracious Governance.

    It is never too late in timeless Infinity,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We remind you all, that even when you are not feeling tip-top, or not pure or worthy enough to be an instrument of the Flow of Good, Good can still use you. For although your self-assessment may say that you are too far from the Glory of Good to be useful, God sees only the wonderful and marvelous child, reflecting Its own Love and Joy.

    And God, knowing that core Truth of you, can always use you to give a smile, a wink, a word, a hand, a simple Presence of Love.

    Do not be surprised if God uses you so, to spread Divine Love today. Each tiny measure of It makes a difference.

    And you will be further uplifted as well, in your awakening.


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because there is such a varying amount of time in which your own actions bounce back to you, it is sometimes difficult to see how exactly the ill effects of ill thoughts can bounce back to you. Therefore, it is so especially important to pay attention to “standing porter at the door of thought.” Be your own policing agent, and constantly watch your own thoughts, so that you truly keep your thoughts focused on the delightful Power of Good, and on all the blessings that It can bring to your life, which you can also pass on to others.

    Praying without ceasing, as the requirement for abiding in the Kingdom of Thought that is Heaven, is not an impossible thing. It just takes some discipline and practice, until it becomes habit. And as it becomes habit, and you fully understand the delightful happiness it brings, it gets easier and easier and easier to give yourself over to it, and to make the little effort to do it.

    Giving this to yourself gives it to God and to Good, for you and for others. It is Good for All.

    We only wish Good for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Miracles are made out of Love and Innocence. When you allow yourself to believe that these are attributes that the Great Cause of all sees in you, then you can enter into, relax into, that state of Consciousness that allows for a reflection of Heaven in the earthly experience.

    Here you are, Beloved. Right now and right here, the Loving Cause wants you to receive the ideas and opportunities and wholeness of health and supply that would seem like miracles to human logic, or ordinary “physical” laws. Be willing to accept that the Cause Loves you and sees you as innocent, and therefore deserving of what you need to be the perfect role that you are meant to play.

    We love watching Peace come over you and fill your heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be playful today, Beloved. Be the Play. “Pretend” that you are in a play and that you should only take actions, or speak, when the Director tells you to. Wait for the small still voice within to Direct you, and then, and then only, speak up, or make your movements.

    As you endeavor to do this, you will become aware of how much you would have said that was not really necessary, or what unpleasantness you might have wasted time on, if you had been following the directions of the self-serving human ego.

    Freeing yourself can be exhilarating,

    The Director Directs you with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved, emanate Peace from your Spirit and Peace will begin to flow back to you from the Source. Emanate rudeness and indifference from your human self and they will come back at you, sometime, somewhere in the world.

    Could there be an easier choice?

    Always there to give you strength, and sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you end up in situations that are unfamiliar, or those around you are making uninformed assumptions about who you are, do not change your colors. Do not change your mission.

    Fly the colors of God. Shine with Divine Qualities, that the maker has made you to reflect, and let that Glory touch the others, no matter who or what they think you are. The ones who are ready to see, and absorb, that Light for themselves, will do so. Then they can go on to light others.

    The ones who are not ready cannot be forced to it. That would be against the gentle Grace of the Awakening, that allows each part of the Whole to awaken at its own place and time.

    For you, Beloved, stay true to shining, now, everywhere and anywhere you are.

    We appreciate it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Not only is God the Hand that governs and guides the glove that is you, but you are also the Hand that governs the “glove” that is your seeming earthly life. You are of the essence of God, the child of the Source, the spirit of Spirit, and so, please know. “I am in God, I am in the Hand that guides the glove with Love, with Love, with Love.”

    Guide it only with Love, and the Wisdom and Soul that are God also, so that indeed the Hand and its outer shape are like unto “on earth, as in Heaven above.”

    As you ask, so is it,

    If you ask for Truth and Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as a banker who handles a lot of currency grows so familiar with the feel of genuine bills, that they can often sense when they are handling a counterfeit one, you can grow so familiar with the feel of God’s True Presence that you can deeply know when to pause before saying or doing something.

    Remember that the Omniscient view of Spirt Divine can see the heart and consequence of thoughts and words and actions. Test all that you think and do against the “feel” of the Divine that you have practiced, and you will know when to act and when to be still, what thoughts to allow, and which to firmly deny.

    Be at One with God, Good, and Good will be at One with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of it this way. Casting your cares into the Divine Love Within is like taking a tiny, tiny bitter pill that you must swallow, and casting it into an entire ocean of sweet water, and then being asked to drink only one drop of the diluted substance.

    The Ocean of Goodness, of All That Is, is Infinite, Beloved. What are your small cares when they are diluted in That? Cast them, cast them, into those sweet waves, dear one, and enjoy watching them be dissolved in the tides of Love.

    Always dancing at the edge of the waves,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether your human self believes it or not, your True Self is Good and Perfect for its part in the great unfolding of Love.

    Practice believing it. PLAY with believing it. “My Creator Loves me and knows me to be Good, for my individual and special part in the Play.”

    O”, do play today. Play radiating Goodness, and Cheer,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let your greeting, and your presence, and your farewell to others, be “Peace IS with you, rather than “Peace be with you”. Concentrate on your own awareness of the ever-now-Presence of the Divine that is Real and Good. Remind others, because of your conviction of Its Now-Presence, that Goodness, and Loving Guidance, are ever-available, right here, right now, wherever you are.

    Disregard the five senses for some minutes in each hour, and tune into the Peaceable Kingdom Within, and rest there, assured of Goodness and Light and Life.

    Be the example, Beloved. Be the accessed Peace, right now.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Do you really think the Force of God cannot rearrange and focus the little bits of Light that are your walking costume and character, and do so Lovingly?

    When you are seeming trapped and feeling very dense and weighty and unchangeable, remember how easily you can focus a camera lens to make something blurry or clear. Remember how easily you can aim the camera to capture images that are beautiful instead of dismal. Remember how swiftly you can pick up the camera and make it do what it does best.

    Just so, God can do all this with you. Give the Divine permission to do Its Will with you—to put you on auto-focus. Give God, Good, your full attention and see how swiftly you can be focused, and useful, and Good.

    We have seen it happen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have no idea just how joyous God is when you overcome your own concerns and focus to help another that clearly needs assistance in a form that you can give. And this includes not only the small material contributions you might make, but prayers to the Divine Whole to send the person ideas and courage and persistence, to uplift them into their proper purposeful place in this time.

    So the next time you are mentally fretting about something, or creatively focusing on a project, but notice someone who seems to be struggling with feelings or survival, take that moment to set aside your own concerns and offer the hand or the prayer or the coat or the coin, as led by God. The Joy it creates feeds all the World, including you.

    Look around you, and notice, and act. Silent prayer is not small.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be an example of calm quietness today.

    Do not talk and convince. Just show them the unearthly calm that comes from God.


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.