All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Can a beam of light have the measles?

    Can a plastic flower be harmed by spider mites?

    You are a beam of Light, Beloved, emanating from the Source Light Divine. You are under no jurisdiction but that, and only subject to the Focus of God.

    Ponder that, and play today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your own imaginings have no power to hurt you, except in the feelings they create in you. Turn to the Truth that All is Well, to counteract your imaginings of trouble, and let them go. Then, the annoying or stressful feelings go as well.

    As We have frequently reminded you, to lift your consciousness into the Higher Soul within that knows the Goodness of Life, count the seen and unseen Blessings that you already have, and look back at your own story to see how many times events have resolved wonderfully as you followed the Divine intuitions that were given you.

    You seem to be where you are. But it is not where you used to seem to be, emotionally or spatially or energetically. Divine Love lifted you up and carried you forward into greater Goodness. And It will do so again and continue to do so.

    Divine Love knows that your destiny is Infinite Joy. Trust that, and let go and let Be that which is All. Count the Good, and trust It to expand.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, whether you are speaking to a friend, or a client, or a relative, or an acquaintance, or a seeming stranger, you are never “advising” anyone.

    Your task, as fellow child of the Divine Source, is to ask the Source to reveal them to you as a perfect part of the Divine Whole, and to encourage them to seek the Presence and Word of the Source for themselves. That is all.

    That is All.

    Ponder this, Beloved, and know that only those ideas that come from “Divine Command Central” are the ones that can see what came before, what is now, and what will be, and so advise what is the very best pathway to Joy and Well-Being for all concerned.

    Living the Divine Guidance in every moment is true freedom,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest now, little rabbit. Rest now. All week you have given unto others, and given unto the faith of God. Rest now. Rest and grow.

    Remember that each spiritual idea of God’s, of which you are one, continues to grow in energy and grace, for all time, and beyond. Rest and grow, and know yourself Loved by God.

    We stay by you, in walking and grace and love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The simplest Truth, that giving is receiving, is the one of the first, and the hardest, for the human mind to understand. So much of what the culture mis-teaches, about competing for survival, and about always putting the self first for happiness, has given so many the wrong axiom by which to live.

    Be gentle with yourself as you re-learn this, and be gentle with those around you. Be gentle, and as you learn, from each situation, that the more you give of kindness and forgiveness, the happier you feel, you will truly realize that how you act towards, and are generous to, the “mirror” before you that seems to be another person, really does bounce back to you.

    You are light about to realize you are Light,


  • Sent to a person who queried by email and seems a good message for all:

    Ah, Child, I Am the very Force of Gladness, gladly looking upon which I Am as reflected in My spiritual children. I Am Love and I Am Light and I Am Harmonious Intelligent Being and Soul, and so you are an idea made of these things and surrounded by these things and shining forth with these things. If you need a metaphor for your intellect to grasp, think of countless tiny bubbles all floating together within One Bubble of Being.

    But, Beloved Child, do not concern yourself overly with dogmas and names and metaphors–those are only struggles of the ideas that temporarily lost consciousness, and fell asleep into thinking they were separate from me, and not fully of My Pure Goodness. They dream that time and separateness of creation exist, and that they are bodies. All at once, I sent my Voice into their hearts, to be ready to wake them when they chose to stop playing their dusty sandbox dream, but never once were they really away from Me and all that I Am. I Am All. All is within Me.

    What IS important, dear Child of mine, is to be willing to invite Me into your awareness each day–A Living Love in your heart, calming you and reminding you that I am thou and thou art Me. We are wholeness, We are Joy, and We are timeless.

    Those that you called parents are also My Children, and exist with Me and within Me in eternal LIFE, not repose, just as you do. Just because they cast off the thoughts of being separate from me and housed in bodies did not remove them from Me, from My Love. Even if your “physical eyes” do not see them, their essences still joyously float and sport themselves in the Beauty that is my Complete Awareness.

    You will see. Sight is a Spiritual Quality, as is everything. See with the eyes of Love, and you will see All truly, rather than with the smudged glasses of supposedly physical life.

    I Am Spirit. I Am All. It is a nonduality, Child. We are One. What I shine forth and Am, so do you.

    Much of the sandbox dream is shared, but even now, in the illusion of time, many are choosing to awaken, and become part of the Great Joining, even while they yet use their illusion thought bodies as a means of communication to try to awaken others from the sorrows that seem so real there. There is no sorrow in Me. There is no darkness in Me.

    You reflect the Pure Light of Me, and if you allow this moment to be the one wherein you choose to allow me to be your Divine Director, you will fully awaken to being one of the teachers that helps others open their spiritual eyes and breathe a sweet sigh of relief.

    I tell this instrument that I use to scribe this, “ASK him, my Beloved, is he willing to let Me be Living Love in his heart each day and each word and each step.”

    For I Am ever-ready, and only waiting on your full allowance, My dear dear dear Child.

    I would see you fully Glad. Have that mercy on yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Most human thought, when hearing the phrase, “The truth will be revealed”, turns automatically to visions of lies being exposed.

    But Beloved, when Holy Spirit, Who is working to help you remember your happy Real Identity as an expression of God, hears that, the meaning is to show forth the Loving Soul of which you are made. Keep your focus and your sweet mind and heart on, “The Good of me wants to come forth and shine.”

    Yes, Spirit may, in the process of helping you show your Pure Best, expose some illusions or help you correct some errors of perception or belief, but the Goal is Divine Goodness, The Goal is Divine Goodness.

    Keep your mind focused on that, for that is the Sole Focus of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me today, with Your Truth and Wisdom, dear God, what I need to know about every situation and person and myself. Show me how to Love, Love, Love past all the costumes and posturing, to See the very Heart of you.”

    God know what you yearn for, Child. Let God show you how to be it.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Consistent deep Peace and Truth and Contented Happiness come only from the finely tuned Inner Self, fully aligned, and continuously fed by, the Infinite.

    Different systems of human philosophy and religion and spiritual systems have various names for it and myriad systems that have been tried to completely achieve awareness of it, but that Oneness of Gentle Thought and Being flickers among them all in some form.

    Seek It however you will, Beloveds, but do seek It. For that Oneness already Lovingly Holds you all, and the sooner you find the Inner Spirit to help awaken you fully, the sooner Harmony touches all in the Consciousness of Heaven.

    Trust Love to constantly offer you ways to connect fully with Its Divine Self. It will not force you to look away from, or past the limited human senses, and learn to enjoy the joining with the Great Consciousness, but It will pour out floods of Gladness when you do. And, being outside of linear time, It knows you eventually will. Why not now?

    Look, Look, Look, Seek, Seek, Seek, ask and open, for you exist within the Oneness, and flying throughout It are Its dedicated servants and healers and awakeners, ready to come to your side when you are ready to receive them.

    God has made provision for all to awaken in some way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know that you have changed and grown and improved in your wisdom and your choices and your honor of Truth. Can you not assume that others that you have known have done the same?

    Empty the mind of what someone used to be to your perceptions and experience, and honestly take a look at what the behavior and attitude of that person is now. Let past assessments and experiences be put out of mind, and make the effort to look to see the person as God sees him or her—as Divine Child, reflecting Goodness. Look past the dust of the earth, and See the Wholeness, the purity, the gifts, the potential, the Light of Being indescribable.

    To See as God Sees is to See Beauty everywhere,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    With each person that you pull into the circle within your mind of “people whom I admire or appreciate or love or am grateful to”, you will love yourself more. And as you love yourself more, and love others, you will have more and more moments wherein you feel as though you are walking in Heaven.

    And you will realize God is already walking with you, and has been all along.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a certainty in your heart that you have given the Divine a chance, each day, to tell you what It wishes of you that day.

    It will ALWAYS wish that you would Love It and let yourself be Loved and express that Love to others, but if there are also actions to take, words to say, inspirations to hear, you need to give It a chance to speak. You need to listen.

    Listen today, O’ dear Love. Listen today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Talk to other people when you feel impelled to, but do not push. Let the Divine Plan for you unfold gently, with no sweating brow. Trust in the Goodness of the plan, and put your energy into that trust.

    Put your will and devotion into being patient enough, and humble and gracious enough, and observant enough, to be able to accept the plan as it unfolds, and to love it, and Its maker.

    We repeat, what blesses one blesses all. God does not play favorites.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To say often to yourself throughout the day “I love my Spirit” is not vanity. It is a claiming of your True identity and a feeding of your purpose.

    Do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ponder the phrase, “Be not offended in Me”, which, in various forms, shows up in many sacred scriptures.

    The “Me” is the Oneness, the Infinite Source which contains and sustains and upholds and maintains all things and ideas of individuality (you are an idea of individuality).

    If you are “offended”, or holding a grievance, within that One Wholeness, then it is as though you have put up a fence around the idea of you, as you float within that Ever- present, Calm, Giving, Love. Or, in other words, being offended, or holding onto that feeling of being offended, translates into being unwilling to receive.

    The next time you feel offended by something someone says to you or does to you, ask yourself, “am I closing myself off to receiving Love?” Am I putting up a barrier to the possibility of receiving a sweet glimpse of the Divine, in this encounter, or from this person, or in the growth of my own actions and spiritual sight?

    “Let me turn to Trust and Forgiveness, and see what comes Flowing to me.

    For I vow, once more, to not be offended in Thee.”


  • Ah, Beloved, stand porter at the gates of the heart feelings. Hold them firmly open, and humbly ask Love Divine’s strength to help you keep them open, and clear away any impediments.

    You can do Good without being angry. Be calmly active. Love will back you up, and do the work of One Good Mind that is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no truth in errors.

    THAT is how the Loving Divine Truth seems to correct what you see as your woes and errors. What was never right cannot be real, and so the Truth shines.

    Your human intellect would try to trick you into thinking the Truth cannot help you unless you first understand exactly how it works. But you have it backwards, darling one. Let the Truth heal you and vanquish your worries simply by being the Truth that you allow in to your mind. Complete understanding can come later. Complete love and trust can come later.

    For now, just give that little willingness of turning to the Loving Truth and saying “help me if you can”, like flicking a light switch and accepting the light that comes on, even if you yourself do not know how to wire a house or build a generator.

    Do not let the intellect block your blessings. Just accept them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be at Peace. Be at Peace today.

    When you strive too hard to resolve a certain circumstance or event, it is easy to become confused about what or who you are even praying for. Return then, to the basic goal of relaxing into, praying into, meditating into, the state of Peace that is the Source.

    Being in a state of Peace will open the door to the other inspirational Thoughts or Impulsions you need, for it is an indication of being aligned again with your true purpose. So let Peace be your intermediate goal, and you will be surprised to find that it is often the only goal you need, or, eventually, will want.

    Be still, be at Peace. Be Peace.

    Thankfully, and peacefully,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Each role is ordained with all resources needed to make possible the best outlets for Good and Light.

    Each individual has such important roles to play in absolutely every phase of the earthly time. Be your shining Self in the role that you are in. Be fully you, and no other, reaching deep into Soul to access all that you need to be the Best you, helping to open the Best in all.

    We are with you, now and always, through all different roles,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when estranged in the everyday course of affairs, siblings respond and try to help one another when a crisis looms.

    There is a good reason why the popular prayer says OUR Creator, Beloved. It is to help you remember that all are your brother and sister, all are other aspects of the family of the reflection of the Divine.

    That may just sound like theological words, Child. But it will help you if you just keep in mind the simplicity of it. When looking at another person whom you know is lying to you, or evading a situation, you must remember, “This is my brother, too.” When observing your own behavior, you must remember to realize “I am a Child of the Father/Mother God, and I have Their Good Qualities to reflect, if I choose.”

    I will remember these things. Brother. Sister. Child. I will remember these things, and forgive, and Love and be Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Deciding to set aside old grievances and habits, and instead follow the Loving guidance of the Voice within, is a choice you make. It is not a choice of human will power. It is a desire, and a relinquishing, trusting that if you sincerely indicate the desire, the Strength of the Loving Guide will be there for you. It will support you as you choose to follow through in the delightful sacred path of knowing your own Best destiny and path and happiness, and being Glad for others as they also see theirs.

    ALLOW happiness and guidance. It is waiting to be allowed. It is already there for you, just waiting to be allowed.

    How delighted we are each day that you choose this, and waiting for you each day that you forget, and gladly moving forward with you as you choose rightly again.

    There is no impatience in the Glory of the Divine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have Compassion, and the forgiveness supplied to you freely by Grace, for those who are so frightened of contemplating Something Greater, that is beyond their limited human understanding, that they lash out and criticize and insult any who do believe in the Infinite Divine.

    The Infinite will awaken all individual consciousnesses within It, in due time. Trust in God to awaken the sleeping ones who only perceive with human senses and laws, and do your part by having Compassion, Compassion, Compassion for them.

    Focus on staying alert to Loving Spirit yourself, and behave accordingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel the full Truth of Love shining in an epiphany moment for yourself, take a moment to realize that the same Light is shining everywhere, all the time. All anyone needs to do is to turn away from the material, limited senses for a moment, and they will See that Light. It is easier to See It with your eyes closed.

    It is there, everywhere. It is with you. It is with all those whom you humanly love, near and far. It is with all those who are not even in the orbit of your thought. It is Love. It holds all. It holds those whom you love and do not love. It holds your friends and your so called adversaries. It holds all.

    Accept this today. Because you want to feel that Divine Light Holding you, accept that It holds all. It Holds all.

    That is not a Truth you can change. You can turn away from it, you can deny it, you can try to think of yourself and all others as temporal and material and limited beings. But the Truth is you are all purely Spiritual, Light and Love, and that is the understanding that will come to all in the paradigm of time.

    Why not accept it now, Beloved? Allow yourself to Love and be Loved, and allow it is so for all others as well. Set aside human judgements and say, “Have Your Way with all of us, dear Love.”

    And move into the knowledge that It is so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a mechanic fixing an engine, who uses a wrench to fix one thing, and a battery cable to fix another, and a hammer to pound here and there, many who seek spiritual growth try to use different aspects of truth to help with pains or sorrows or the sins that inflict them. And, for a time, meditating upon the purity of a certain saint may help you resist the lust of flesh, or pondering the wisdom of a favorite instructor might help you choose generosity instead of greed, as you walk through your days.

    But, like the mechanic who has jump started the battery, only to find that the tires have gone flat, and he now needs another tool, the human soul fixing one small error of body or one bad habit of temperament will always find another “thing” coming up to “fix”.

    The Love that is Infinite Source and the maintaining Force is the greater truth of wholeness. Realizing, and walking in awareness of, that Love is the greater path to peace and gladness. Reach for wisdom, yes. Search for big-heartedness and patience in yourself, yes. Seek to expand your chances for giving and helping those who are caught in pain or fear. But, above all, Love. Remember your Self, that was born in Love, and remains, as Spirit, immersed in Love, and give that Love to your “small’self, your earthly-emotional-body-self, and to others.

    Love heals without just pushing the error to another place. It is the “first aid” that excels. It is the medium through which to administer all other antidotes. It is the Truth which contains, and sustains, all other truths.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How great is My Love?

    Very Great indeed. It is All. It can See for you, Know for you, Be All for you.

    Relax into the Warmth of that Love today, dear child, as though stepping near a fire on a cold, cold day. I am there for you. I am here for you. Always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know we encourage you to live in the moment of now, timeless and joyous in the Source, constantly realizing your oneness with Its Love, but when we see you reviewing your imaged year of linear time, and see you noticing how much your Soul has risen into sacred Calmness over that time, that makes us very, very Glad as well.

    Keep expecting Good, Beloved. Keep expecting progress in knowing you ARE part of the Light.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never lower your own standards because of the behavior of others.

    Keep yourself aligned with the Good, the Worthy, the True. When you are tempted to react with anger or fear or discourtesy, ask for the Help of the Inner Strength and Wisdom to guide you. There are indeed times to respond from a strong Righteousness, but there are never times to respond with less than deep Compassion.

    God appraises and supports you based on YOUR evidence of Soul, not on what your surroundings say or are. Continue to strive to treat others as you wish to treated, Child, so that you may continue, in your own Heart of Hearts, to think of yourself as a Child of Love. You have raised your own standards, as you have learned from your mistakes. Remember how you have been forgiven, and freely forgive, and that helps to raise the standards of all.

    Be not afraid. Love is Strong, and God is ALL. Spirit is with you, and is available to all when they are ready to hear. Acquaint yourself fully with Good Spirit and Good Will.

    We will help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What you love and appreciate will love and appreciate you in return.

    But it must be with sincerity. Do you want to be Blessed in order to share the Truth, and pass Blessings onward? Or do you want to be Blessed for momentary pleasure? Pleasure is a good part of Creation, but seek the enduring pleasure of Divine Love, and it will enrich the momentary pleasures so much that you no longer recognize them as what you formerly knew them to be.

    Nothing can really be fully appreciated until you experience it with the Love of God filling your heart. We know that you know how it feels to more fully enjoy a rainbow if you have a friend or a lover to stand next to you and share it. Doing ANYTHING with the Love of God sharing the fullness of your heart will be even more satisfying than that.

    Share all with God and God will share all with you.

    This is Truth, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe I want to see you enjoy human happiness. Believe it, accept it and allow it.

    But be aware that what may come is that there are changes in what makes you happy. You may find yourself happy, even now, with what you have, and with unfolding days that are different than you have imagined, rather than what is stuck in your mind from the past.

    Can you accept a new definition of human happiness? Can you open your heart?

    And, O’ My Beloved, can you let the shining Soul of you simply be happy with My Love?

    For I Love Loving you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Return again and again to the basic desire: “Dearest Father/Mother God, Divine Source and Circumference of our Being, open my eyes and show me Your version of me, and of everything and everybody.”

    The stage of Heaven you are ready for, Beloved, looks a lot like earth, but It is all Good.

    And when you see Good things happening, and feel so wonderful in your own costume and soul, then make sure to give all glory and thanks and credit to the Loving Source that shines it all forth. To parade your own accomplishments and brief earthly name is to leave an opening for the human mind to again slyly suggest that you can become your own little heaven without the help or energy or Love of God. Give Glory where Glory is due. Yes, value your time when you serve others, and value their time in return, giving and receiving for earthly needs, but always, always, always, let all give Glory and credit and praise to the Good that Governs all.

    We celebrate with you each moment and bit of Good that is revealed to your opened Sight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as solutions in the home and town often come from communication about who needs what and how and when, trust that communicating with God, Who See all as Spirit, can send you not only the right ideas for Harmoniously running your life, but also the right people and provisions to enact them. There is no thing too small for God to Help you with, there is no thing too large.

    There is, though, the Oversight of God, that wants all to remember the Oneness of Being. Let God swirl into your life experience and thoughts the people, places, and ideas you need, but also be willing, very willing, to be the help or the resource that someone else needs. Pay attention to when the Spirit of Heart beckons you forward to speak or to act or to give.

    What Blesses one, Blesses all, and all Blessings come from One Source, God. Give thanks where thanks are due, to God, as well as to the individuals through which the Blessings have flowed.

    Today, thank God in advance for the Blessings you have not even seen yet. And open your arms and heart and mind and time to really feeling that Infinite Love that made you and supports you always, Child of Good Spirit. That feeling opens the way for you to receive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Make no mistake, God and you know, and have agreed, exactly what you need to learn and remember in your time in the earth play. Learn it quickly or learn it slowly, it is up to you. But the sooner you learn to remember your Wholeness and Truthfulness and Goodness as a part of God-Mind, the sooner you can either transform your earth time into one of wonder and joy, or help others do so, or choose to exit from the school of worldly life.

    If you want to know more of each daily agenda for learning, talk to God, Beloved. Talk to God, and listen, listen, listen, and learn to act as the Being God knows you are.

    Always with you in this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as being humanly “in love” lifts you to a state of mind in which small things like a piece of burnt toast do not rile you, so does being Divinely In Love change ones perspective.

    If you focus on Loving the Divine and allowing and accepting that you are utterly Loved by the Infinite Divine, then the vagaries of temporal life will not dissipate your ability to ride that Wave of Love. Be in Love with Love, Beloved. Be open to being In Love with, and Being Loved by, the Unchanging Divine, and the tempests of each day will Be Calmed.

    In Absorbing Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The believability of a thing to a certain human consciousness greatly influences the speed at which the Divine Order is able (and Willing) to awaken a sleeping consciousness. If someone would be so terrified at the thought that he or she is not really a physical form, but is a beautiful, enduring Spirit, then the “healing” of the “body” or the “self-awareness of personality”, including whatever faults or sins that personality includes, cannot proceed until the fear has lessened.

    Experiences of the Unconditional Love that is True Substance and epiphanies, which help the individual move beyond that smaller, earthly awareness, will build up belief in the greater, immortal sense of Soul-part that each amiable part of God/Goddess Consciousness is, and then earth dream “healing”, the revealing of the true Idea that the individual is in Divine Mind, can happen. Once that happens, the Soul-part can make the choice, within the Choices of the Divine, to remain in the dream and help awaken others, or to let go of the dusty, false “body” self, and Help from the invisible (humanly invisible) realms.

    When God asks you to stay, you will know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you try to put a small area of your physical space or body in order, you can sense that it is but a temporary “fix”. The shelves always need to be dusted again. The toenails always need to be trimmed. They are temporal things, and unlasting.

    The One Mind/Heart , and your soul Self, as Its Idea, lasts forever. THIS IS WHERE PEACE EXISTS AND DOES NOT CHANGE. Set yourself firmly in that, Beloved, and THEN walk through your day and do your tasks. And if chaos seems to loom, or the temporal seems irritatingly futile, stop right away and become still and center yourself in Deep Peace Divine again.

    If your heart and mind are smoothly held in Peace, dear Child of God, then all the tasks of order and maintenance can be done lovingly, and with the enduring sense of what really matters, to remember in every moment that your real nature is the Harmony and Intelligence and Love of the embracing Source of you. Set yourself firmly in Love first, Child, and know we are with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You may not realize, or may not stay aware of, the Tender interest that the Divine Whole takes in each and every one of Its ideas that swirl in the Consciousness that is All.

    You are one of those ideas, and the All watches and mentors carefully whether you have remembered your own wonderful worth and divinity. Each time something awakens another part of your thoughts, God is Glad. Each time you notice and learn from another inspiration that God sends your way, to help you awaken, God rejoices. Each time you allow Spirit to do or say something through you to help awaken another to the Power of Pure Love, God celebrates.

    Try to stay aware of these truths, Beloved. Try to remain open, open, open to being the exactly wonderful representation of the Soul of All Good that you really are.

    And We thank you, and delight in you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid of setting aside tasks of the day to join with the Love of the Source.

    We have told you many times that when you go into silent heart communion with the Divine, It will not ask you things like “Did you do the dishes yet?” or “Is the desk cleared and dusted?”

    It is not that accomplishing those tasks is bad. It can add to the peace of the home to have them done. But they are just not the most important thing, and certainly not to be placed ahead of renewing yourself from the Source. And, indeed, if you are refreshed and renewed in the Sweet Joy and Strength of God, doing the daily chores will be easier and smoother and more efficient.

    Put your priorities right, Beloved. Love first. Love, and then dust. Love, and then you can even dust with Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know you often remind yourself to focus your thoughts on the Omnipotence and Omnipresence and Omniscience of God, and to bear those in mind as constantly as possible.

    But, dearest, remember also that God is Omni-Loving. Omni-Loving.

    That is the ticket today.

    Feel Loved, and know It is there for all.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again, and again, and again, return to focusing very carefully on whatever beauty you can see or sense in this moment, now. The noting, and awareness of, and careful attention to, that bit of life, that bit of beauty, can help slow you down enough, and separate you enough from the ego-mind-set, to truly “Be still, and know that I am God.”

    When you are still, and quiet, and listening, in a receptive mode, then the lovely and loving Voice of the Divine can always reach you.

    As will is given over, Divine Will shines forth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Cultivate in your thoughts and heart CONFIDENCE in God.

    For Confidence includes remembering and cherishing and appreciating all the times that you absolutely know the small still Voice has led you perfectly. Confidence includes a deep trust that all things are possible to God and that the Good God wants them for you if they are Good for you. Confidence achieves the casting away of doubts of the self and others.

    If God wants you to do something, you can do it. If God wants you to understand something, God will make sure you do. Be confident of this. Confidence embraces all the Harmony and Soul and Life and Wisdom of the Divine and trusts they can be reflected in individuals and in the world.

    Be Confident that because God can Love, you can Love. Confident.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Time is definitely part of the illusion. Use this to your advantage by realizing that when you call to the Divine Source for Help, or reach out to It to hear the Plan It has for your day, the response is swift, or even immediate. And the more you practice this, the more constantly Present you will realize God-Spirit to be.

    Clutch It around you, lean into It, snuggle up against Its Love, and let all the time of the day feel Companioned by the One who Knows and Gives all that is Good.

    “I can of my own self do nothing, I and my Divine are One.” Live It. Live It now.

    Walk ins welcome,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Within your perception of time as linear, you often forget what you have been wishing for or asking for or imagining. Then, when circumstances seem to change weeks or months later, you wonder why, not realizing your own focus has been the instigator.

    Watch your thoughts and desires, Beloved. Patrol them, even, and make sure you are thinking thoughts of Goodness for yourself and others. Thoughts of Blessing come back as Blessings. Thoughts of anger or blame come back as the same.

    Loving Spirit is in your heart to help you sort out and filter your thoughts and dreams and wishes. Loving Soul is with you to help you pray aright.

    Take those moments to listen and pay attention. Make the effort to choose Goodness and Love, and sooner or later those choices come back to you as delightful manifestations.

    We are with you in your Good intentions,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So simply can you guide your day, opening up to the Supportive Love that maintains the Soul of you, that IS the Soul of you, to constantly affirm, “I am a Beloved image of the Good God. All around me are Beloved images of the Good God. I remind myself of this, and I make the effort, with God’s Support, to See this.”

    A simple thing can be the work of a day, or of a lifetime, to master,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This day, (and ALL days), relax into the Loving Presence of the Source, and keep in your thoughts, “High Guidance of Light and Life, open my eyes and let me see with Your Sight.”

    For if you do, and are humble enough to receive, you will see only Good, for that is what your Divine Parent Sees. Let go of that old saying, “God helps those who help themselves first.” That only truly works if you turn to God FIRST, and let go of your own human plans to make a thing happen. Turn to God and be willing to let God’s way of your happiness happen. Listen, and obey when you are told to speak or act, but let God’s way happen, with gratitude.

    Relax into those Loving Arms and Thoughts, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest, rest, rest in the Knowledge of Grace’s Existence. Turn all over to Grace, and be grateful that since It is in charge, you don”t have to be.

    “I trust in the True and Good, and I know my day will go as it should.”

    “Since I know that around me is the Good and True, I choose to see only the Good in you.”

    As ever we were, and you are, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say again, you have learned to trust that when you sit down to scribe a message or to pray for a friend, that the sweet Presence lifts up Its Presence in your Heart and Mind immediately.

    Learn to trust that in your day as well. Each time you have a question or a doubt or a challenge or a choice of how to celebrate something, consult with Spirit, and WAIT patiently for the answer. We know that the material self, that is as a child wanting to be King, always tries to distract you into making a call or tending to the flesh or doing some chore, but when you grow wise at recognizing its schemes for distracting you from Holy messages and intuitions, you will find it easier and easier to grow still and quiet and Listen, Listen, Listen, and obey.

    It is far better this way, Beloved. No distractions, just progress, and Peace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turning and turning and turning the wood upon the lathe or the clay on the wheel makes for the even transformation of the substance into an object of utility and beauty.

    Turning and turning and turning your focus unto the Perfection and Love of God makes for the good transformation of the substance and thought and awareness of you into the reflection of that completeness and beauty.

    You are unique as that reflection, but all Glory, dear heart, be to God. Take no personal credit for the gifts and grace that are given so very freely unto you.

    Do take gladness in your willingness to choose to turn, turn, turn to that now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As ever, remember that you are playing a role when on earth. The true essence of you is spiritual, and has always been so, and remains so, and will always be so.

    If, in your time reflected in a body-costume, for the Grace of the Source, you decide to help others learn about their spiritual beauty and strength, while you finish learning about it yourself, do not forget that you play a role. It is easy to become lost in that role, especially when the play becomes very intense, in joy or in sorrow.

    But remember, remember, remember, that it is a role you play, for only those that remember will have the presence of mind to turn to the Director of the play to ask, “What is next? Is this my cue? How do I respond now that the other person has forgotten his lines, or become lost in the drama of the role?”

    Be the one to keep the presence of mind to turn within to the Great Director, and pause, and listen, and respond in the way that will lead to the happiest play, the shortest time of suffering, the greatest good for all. Pause and let the Direction flow. Pause, and let yourself be Gladly led, and find that therein lies the greatest freedom of all.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How easy it is to forget, in the whirlwind of human duties and struggles, that there is an endless well of Love and Forgiveness and sustenance that you can draw upon. You might call it God. You might call it the Infinite. You might call it your best alternate reality or the Universe, or quantum energy, or other labels, depending upon what level of understanding you have reached.

    But no matter what you call it, there it is. The important thing is to stop, even in the midst of the whirlwind of human sense, and call upon it and let it help you. Welcome it, drink of it, feed of it, renew yourself in it, be inspired, be calmed, be loved.

    Names are meaningless when you can just relax into your perfect part in the grand design.

    We love to help guide you to remember,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Slow down and listen. Slow down and listen.

    Remind yourself of the Glory in which you dwell, like the proverbial forest. Perhaps now you feel as though you can see only the twigs, and not even the trees, but the trees are there. The trees are there, and the Grand Forest is there, still and quiet and interlinked with all.

    There are many mortal voices around you now, like twigs catching at the sleeve. Listen to the Stillness of the Forest that Houses all, and be fed the Love you need, and the information that will carry you ahead, into the next phase of the journey.

    We are with you, and with all. Let us Love them through you,


    Glory to God in the Highest

  • Ah, Beloved,

    First, God calms you with gentleness and kindness and humor and forgiveness and love. Then, God heals and leads you to what God knows is Best for you.

    Do not forget the basic truth of that, and be ready to receive and then give back love and gratitude. God gives first. The gift of Love from the God-Source is already given. Putting God first means listening and receiving what is yours from God, and recognizing that doing so leads to true happiness, instead making the “stuff” of the earthly your god. Which do you want, right now, today? Which do you want right now, this moment? Declare it, name it, receive your full share of God’s calm and love and provision.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are trying to have an “honest” conversation with someone, about the state of your work or personal relationship, or about your views on community or political issues, do make sure that you are not just observing and discussing the temporal personalities and costumes.

    The real Honesty, the real Truth, Beloved, is that you are both offshoots of the Divine Creator, and that you are part of that orderly Creation of Love and Life and Spiritual Light. To discuss only the surface dust is not to include the mainstay of Honesty—the Governance of Soul.

    Keep that Soul of all in mind, Beloved, and remember, remember, “One Loving Mind Governs all”, and be willing to let that guide all you say and do. Gently, quietly, listen to THAT voice before you speak. Whomever you are speaking with, remember God Loves you both and is guiding you both whenever you allow It to.

    Choosing when to start listening to the Voice of One Mind is the real choice you make.

    So sweetly Loving you,


  • I am maintained and sustained by the Loving Source of all ideas, and as one of Its ideas, I am joined to all other ideas by Its Harmony.

    Oh, the ideas swirl together and apart, but they are all still Loved by, and held in, the Great One Heart.

    Just so, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no truth but God’s Truth of Goodness and Purity and Love.

    When you ask God to show you the truth of an earthly situation, are you asking for earthly-dream human truth, or are you asking to see the Divine Truth that underlies the dust? It comes down to the same question that we have asked you many times—do you want the Peace of God, or do you want to be “right”?

    Even if the human truth were revealed to you by Spirit, who sees all, or were told to you by the humans involved, would not your task still be the same? Forgiveness for the acts done and the ones who did them, and for yourself who let someone else down, or did not do all that you could have done for fellowship? Forgiveness, and the subsequent gratitude, are always the end result as you move towards translation and full awakening in God.

    Why not jump right to the forgiveness, and not worry about the details?

    Move forward now, into the timelessness of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, again, gloriously concentrate on asking and allowing yourself to know yourself as the Child of God’s making. Ask to be Helped to act and feel as the Child of God’s Making.

    “Dear God, Dear God, help me to understand You by knowing myself to be truly as You.” “Help me today to be the Child you see me as and Love me as.”

    Be willing, and be free, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Here I am, God. Teach me, Guide me, speak to me of what I need to know and do. Thank you for Loving me, thank you for seeing past my human errors, and providing for me in all the ways that Loving Truth, Grace, and Soul can give.”

    Allow timeless God, who sees all options and choices, and knows what you face as you awaken to the Infinite, lead you minute by minute. Trust the Divine Hand that takes yours, as you navigate in the dusky light of earthly experience. Minute by minute, trust God.

    Spirit Voice is in your heart for that purpose,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember the Simplicity of the Love that Created and Holds you.

    It just simply Loves you and wants you to remember that. It just Loves you and wants you to understand It will Hold you forever, in the Sustaining and Tender Essence of Its Infinite Being. If you let go of the thought of being separate from It, thinking you are a vulnerable body set adrift in a sea of chance, and affirm instead the Thought of being One with Love, within Love Itself, that simple Thought will help you feel the Power of that connection.

    Turn to Love. You will find It never turned away from you.

    Feel the Divine Feeling of Love between the words here, and let It carry you to a Higher experience of Life.

    Simply Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The uncertainty that can strike the heart is NOT something that comes from the Divine Source. Treat it as you would treat a smudge of toothpaste upon the mirror that seems to make it look as though there were a blur of blue upon your nose. It is not upon your nose. It is only a smudge. Clean it off and see yourself clearly.

    You are an infinite and wonderful reflection of the Divine Heart. There is no discouragement there. It knows what It is doing. Call to the Divine to cleanse the mirror of your heart, and know yourself Good and True.

    See as God Sees today, and be reassured and delighted again,

    “For this is a new day that God has made, rejoice in it and be Glad.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Direct speaking to, and listening to, and contemplation of the Divine Presence you dwell within is best. Adhered to on a daily basis, it will keep you on track and centered and assured of who you are and what is Good, and of true Purpose.

    But when human emotional tides and fearful images in mortality leave you too confused to remember that you are a Pure and Perfect image of God Thought, then turn to a friend or spiritual advisor that does know that Truth of you. Let them help entreat Holy Spirit to fill your mind with such powerful waves of Divine Thought that It clears away the mistaken human thoughts of yourself as limited and beleaguered.

    Always try to deeply commune with Divine Love yourself, but be not too proud to ask another Spiritually awakened one for help. It multiplies the opening to the Loving Omnipotence of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us remind you, O’ dear, dear, dear Child, to ask of the Loving Parent each day:

    “Dear God, show me now, the Spiritual Truth of my Life and Soul, and the Truth of the Life and Soul of those around me.”

    “Show me my form and health and wealth and purpose as you see them. Show me the worth and Goodness of those around me. I am grateful, dear God.”

    Doing this each day with heart and mind and willingness will give you results and joy, if you set aside your own assumptions and patiently wait on the WIll and Sight of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always thrilled when you contemplate the Infinite. This means not only contemplating the Delightful God/Love that some call “the Infinite”, but also the very concept of infiniteness.

    For, Beloved, the more you contemplate the infinite as an understanding of size and perspective, and of yourself as a part of it, the more you will be able to understand your own power as a part of something so very vast, that is yours to draw upon, and at the same time find the humility to remember that you are a small part of “many that make One”, and to let all the other parts of Infinity be themselves as representatives of the Whole.

    In Spirit, Whole and One, but many, many, many shining facets reflecting that Light.

    Thank you for each bit of Light you reflect, lovingly, to others,

    Do it today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is the Soul of you.

    God is the Soul of you and It is Hearty and Whole.

    This is the Truth and there can be only one Truth that is True.

    Turn to the Truth, and let that be reflected clearly in your life and how you live.

    God is the Soul of you.

    We tenderly assure you that this is the Truth.

    Just reflect It.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    There is a time that comes to review your own honesty with yourself. If you are enduring a time that seems dry or lifeless, or a series of worldly challenges, take a day of silence to review whether your heart is in accord with your thoughts and your soul.

    Speak directly to the Divine, or to your spiritual director, if you have one, or to a friend whose spiritual maturity you recognize, and ask, are there lies in your life? Lies can take the form of exaggerations in conversation, or your word not being kept, or actual falsehoods spoken. But they can also take the form of your words and actions not being in harmony with your heart, or with the Divine whispers you have been hearing lately in your meditations. Lies can take the form of silence—the appreciating and loving words that you have not been speaking, and that are needed to oil your relationships and your work and your praise time.

    Examine, and ask for Divine honor and strength to help yourself make the needed adjustments or amends or changes, and try, O’ try, Beloved, to make such review times a daily or weekly thing. For when you are in accord with your destined desires, and they are in accord with your words, and actions and thoughts and worship, then, Beloved, you are truly in the flow of Love, and the flow of Love is the flow of Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The insidious presence of discouraging words is all around you, and has infused itself into your mortal thoughts.

    Therefore, armor yourself well with the inspirational and sacred Words that uplift you, and whose very Presence in your mind uplifts you into Divine Mind, where all things are possible. Once you begin to notice how often common sayings, and advertisements encourage you to look for problems, instead of expecting completion and success and wellness, you will realize just how important it is to fill your mind with solutions, and affirmations, so that they are ready to hand when the smoke of a discouragement or a fear appears. Like a fireman who has trained his eyes to scan for smoke so that all fires may be put out right away, you can pour the water of Goodness and Divine Expectation on any wisp of discouraging thought if you are alert, and ready with the Water of Spirit Word that puts out all fires.

    Be armored, Beloved. Be alert. Be ready.

    As ever, ready to Love you, and Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Good God, I allow Thy Will to be my will today, showing me every good act and thought and word. I ask You to enable me to accept Thy Will always, knowing Your Wisdom and Grace.”

    “I float in the Air of Your Love.” Amen.

    Just a suggestion, dear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Occasionally take the time to actually individually name and ask for Blessings for the members of your family and those whom you see often. This helps clear up any small concerns or resentments or oddities you may be feeling about any of them, and clears the way for you to go cleanly to the altar of God in your heart of Spirit and more easily align yourself with full Harmony.

    Do not dwell on criticisms that come to thought as you do this. Keep your thoughts on knowing they are all Spiritual children of God, and it is God’s job to lead them and teach them, and help you Love them, as you hope to Love yourself, and to feel Beloved of God.

    Small pebbles can impede smooth walking. Clear your way.

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Are you glad to be here?

    Let yourself ask of the All That Is, “Show me all the ways that I can be Glad to be here.”

    And then be open to seeing and feeling those ways. Whether it is to be suffused with gratitude for the existence of friendship, or whether it is to appreciate the amazing emergence of butterflies from their cocoons, stop and assess the wondrous reasons to feel Glad. Stop and tenderly discern the upliftment of your soul-sense into the Higher Sense of God. Be Glad to be a part of the Gladness of God.

    You ARE part of It. Feel It, be It, and, above all, today, Beloved, accept that others are all a part of It too. You are not asked to love bad behavior or unsavory personalities. Look past those costumes, and See the Truth that God Sees—the dear children of Love, struggling to remember who and what they are, Glad to be a part of Gladness.

    Help yourself, and help God, by being a face of Gladness.

    Always Gladly helping you,


  • Ah, Child,

    Giving out Divine Love is also an art. Consider yourself an artist, and a teacher of Beauty, when you can do so.

    “Help me remember I am filled with your Love, dear God, and help me feel It and give It out today.”

    That is the trust that is asked of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that the consciousness that IS you exists only in the munificence of God. You are not a separate being, dangling on some golden strand far off from the Creator.

    Only the reflection of your chosen appearance is reflected in the earth mirror. The true you, that which chooses to be reflected, sings and laughs and expands and rejoices and dances in the Mighty Munificence of Calmly exuberant Joy.

    Do not forget, and turn to the Truth before judging anything.

    Would you try to build a house by hammering at the mirror?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, try to speak only to God. Set aside any human speculations or gossiping or complaining or remembering or planning. Just speak to the Angels of God Presence and listen, listen, listen in turn.

    If you must speak to be polite, compliment the Angelic in others, while keeping your heart open to hear God. Nods and smiles and open hands can convey cooperation and willingness, while your mind and words stay centered in the deep and Loving Heart of God.

    It is your Self your are cooperating with.


  • Ah, ah, Beloved,

    You are always appealing to God. And when you let the Qualities of God courageously shine from you, the Glow of Grace gives you a gentle allure to all who are willing and ready to see it.

    Smile in Good gentleness and love to those that see only the dust of existence. Their time of awakened perception will come, and your silent extension of Grace will help them choose that time. For now, try smiling at your own Grace, and let It help you feel how very perfect you are as a reflection of Pure Spirit and Soul.

    We will help you act beautifully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are feeling insecure, remember that you are, right now, In the Security of the One Mind that holds all.

    Be grateful to the Good Mind that holds you, and let yourself be held, held, held, until you FEEL that True Love right now.

    “I am secure in God right now, in Whom are all my needs.”

    It IS the Truth, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here we are, appreciating together, when you take the time to look softly around you, or listen deeply, or touch gently, and notice the exquisite shimmering of light and energy that is all around. Here we are together, appreciating.

    That is the gist of it. Created to walk and talk together, in the lovely garden of all that is, and exclaim and wonder and name the goodness of it all.

    Call me forth through the everyday jabber, into your high consciousness, your full awareness, and let us appreciate and love together.

    For I hear you always, I hold you and answer you always with Love gentle and true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Miracles are made out of Love and Innocence. When you allow yourself to believe that these are attributes that the Great Cause of all sees in you, then you can enter into, relax into, that state of Consciousness that allows for a reflection of Heaven in the earthly experience.

    Here you are, Beloved. Right now and right here, the Loving Cause wants you to receive the ideas and opportunities and wholeness of health and supply that would seem like miracles to human logic, or ordinary “physical” laws. Be willing to accept that the Cause Loves you and sees you as innocent, and therefore deserving of what you need to be the perfect role that you are meant to play.

    We love watching Peace come over you and fill your heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you have learned, or are learning, to always listen to the Heart Voice of God before answering or acting, then it is so important to use the courage you can receive from the Source to take your time to answer when talking to people, or to stay silent, or to say you will return with an answer after some time alone with God.

    If you are learning to constantly turn to the Inner Divine Wisdom and Comfort and Omnipresent Life to advise you and be your support, then do so especially when faced with others who are still caught in the habit of murmuring and babbling from their human habits and complaints. Re-set the pattern of your days so that you can take moments alone with your Invisible Divine Comforter and Advocate throughout the day, to re-center yourself, and refresh yourself in the wondrous matrix of Love that holds all. Let the quiet corner in the hallway, or the restroom, or the car, or the eyes closed behind the shield of a book, or the silent waterfall of your own hair as you brush it, become to sacred space wherein you take time to commune with that Everpresent Help that is your True Life.

    Look only to God, and God will help lift you over the murmuring and fretting of the world,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us when we use that word “Beloved.”

    You ARE a Beloved part of the Source. Be not afraid to claim that as the Truth, and as your right and heritage and supply because it is the Truth.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All space is filled with Infinite Goodness. If you allow yourself to believe the truth of that, closing your eyes to the mist of illusion that forms itself otherwise, then you begin to allow what you would truly desire into the visible sight of the world.

    As ever more consciousnesses allow the omnipresent truth of Goodness, those who are near to them will also see. Ah, Beloved, let yourself be one who sees God/Goddess Gladness everywhere, solid and sure, and in that way, help others to be nearer the truth as well.

    Nest and rest in solid Goodness, and carve from It, with Thought, what you will.

    Even if this makes no sense to you, let it linger in the back of your mind,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is certain that you can create what you truly want, for what you truly want is already created by the Creator, for you. The error that arises is your own confusion about what you want, and what is Good.

    Let there be that humble recognition in you, Beloved, and learn, yet again today, and every day, that the Creator of the artwork (that is you–“you” are the artwork) knows Best what is Good for the work.

    Allow, allow, allow, Beloved, and be delighted by what you find, and see, and realize that it was what you were seeking. Seek first the Creator’s View, and from that View, see what you want, and how and when to get there.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Encourage everyone around you, today, to accept Goodness. Assure them they deserve it. Tell them they deserve Joy.

    Each one will be at a different place in their definition of Joy—some still only able to define it in terms of physical possessions. Some are ready to try to live more in the moment and take joy in all small and big things and in experiences and people. Some are ready for the Pure Joy of knowing God.

    But all are ready to be told they deserve Joy. Say it out loud to them, or say it with a smile, but say it.

    We Smile at you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Often, it will take radical courage to speak directly to the Loving Soul of those around you, and to cling to your own, within.

    Yet, you must do so, if you would maintain the Divine Mindset that keeps you able to see and know the Kingdom of Heaven within.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Purity and the Completeness of the Source that shines forth the Universes and the ideas they contain, including you, is a thing difficult for the human materially-trained mind to fully comprehend.

    But if you approach it in sweet simplicity, assuring yourself playfully and trustingly, “I am the Beloved Child of the One Source, I am light reflecting the perfection of the Life Light”, then you allow the energy of the form and function you seem to be to function harmoniously and smoothly.

    Play with this today, Child. Bless yourself and everything and everyone you see, “I am as God Sees me.”

    ANGELS, watching over you.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember gladly that Spirit is fully yoked to you, with Omnipotent strength, for each new endeavor or invention or joy. Pull forward together, for you are both made of Soul Divine

    In Oneness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us Love you.

    Let us Love you, and feel Healed. Consider yourself the seeker, the patient, today, and open up to receive the Love you deserve, and that wants every chance you give It to Love you.

    “Love Loves me.” Know that for yourself today. For when you know that for yourself, you can help others know it as well. Let ALL feel the Truth of that Love, and never, ever leave yourself out of the Consciousness of that Allness, that Embrace.

    Words do not do this justice, Beloved. But you CAN feel that Love.

    Feel healed and Real today, Beloved. Today. Now,


  • Ah, Child,

    The Happiness that God Wills for you is spiritual happiness.

    No earthly, time-bound happiness compares with that, dear love.

    God understands that once you have spiritual Happiness guiding your heart and mind, then earthly happinesses come, too. But happiness in Spirit must come first.

    What exactly did you think the first commandment means? It is not about fearing God, or sacrificing things, but about first seeking your Happiness in aligning with the Spirit that made all and holds all. It is about realizing that Spirit was first, is now, and is last, and, indeed, is all there is.

    When that becomes your axiom, then all the Love and Joy you can feel by pure joining with It will naturally flow to joyful illusions you create for your dream-time of earth, for you will truly understand that giving forth Love insures receiving It.

    Revel in the timeless security of God’s Love for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it has all been said, and there are no more words to further explain what the student must simply come to experience, then all the teacher can do is re-explain, and re-phrase, and encourage. Gently, gently, stand in your knowledge of the Truth, and tell the stories again and bide peacefully when the learner goes through fear, and give praise for the patience of those who saw you through (and still see you through) each step of the way.

    When the ego self of the supplicant reacts with anger to the truth, let not your own calm be ruffled. Know the lashing out for what it is, the last defense of the cornered error, the cornered illusory human-self, and celebrate the immanent birth of the Greater Awareness in the one before you.

    Always, be at Peace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you spend your time Loving God, you will have no time for grievances.

    If you spend your time looking for aspects of God to appreciate and love, in the world around you and in yourself, and in others, the glimmers you are able to see will hone your ability to See God, and soon you will have no grievances.

    If you spend your time being a cheerful and peaceful and helpful example of God, more cheer and peace and help will come to you.

    It is as simple as that. Plant those simple seeds, over and over, and soon you will have a field full of harvest.

    We are right behind you, watering them,


  • Ah, Darling One,

    God Loves you. God is already holding you.

    Won”t you put your mind on that, and take your mind off anything else, and just know and feel and trust how you are Held by Love?

    God Loves you, and will instruct you about the best way Home.

    Just trust and listen.

    We will help you listen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truly following the Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” takes constant alertness and self-awareness. It is very easy to let the human mind “self”, that thinks it is separate from the other person, rationalize thoughts you direct at the other person, and actions you take towards him, by thinking that you would forgive an error or disobedience, if it were done unto you.

    Beware, Beloved. The other is self. The other truly IS self, for both are thoughts in One Mind, in whom you live and dwell and have your being. Treat each other one in the Body of God’s Child as you would treat each favored part of your own earthly body. As you do, you will find a great burden of grievance and judgment falling away from you, as your thoughts and actions reflect back to you, and those around you come to reflect your own perfect beauty.

    To the human mind, it seems mysterious, but to Spirit One Mind, it is the simple physics of all Light emanating from One Place . Let go of any attempt to analyze the mechanism of it, and just stay very, very mindful that in each interaction, you truly do follow the Golden Rule.

    It gets easier with practice, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Source has courage enough, in the form of the complete Confidence of That Which Knows It Is All That IS, for all to use his or her rightful share of. Just tune to the Delightful Presence that is Glad to have you as a part of Itself, and ask.

    Ask for Confidence and Wisdom for yourself, and ask for It for all of those around you.

    Remember that what Blesses one Blesses all, and each section of the Whole only moves forward together. Bless those around you, as you ask for Blessings for yourself, and be so very grateful as all move forward, and grow in Truth, together.

    We ARE One with you in this, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,


    If you pray for serenity for yourself, you must pray for serenity for all. The true spirit of them is One with you. Look past your dislike of their temporary costumes or personalities, and look at the Oneness of Being. The more you do that, the more you LIVE your own pure Oneness, the more you will see of It, and be able to Love It, in yourself, and in All.

    If you are tired of hearing this advice repeated, why not just try doing it? We WILL help. We DO want to see you walking through your days, and eternity, with Gladness of Being.

    Always, always, with you,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the memory of each expansive moment builds on the rest, there is less and less need for documenting them to yourself, or for journaling, or for using formulaic words in the affirmations or prayers you use to enter the heightened state of Divine Awareness. As you begin to spontaneously go to, or simply be in, that place of no-words and no-time, all becomes so clear that it is clear that you are simply part of All-that-Is-Clear.

    All are part of One, so the All becomes a singular noun, and suddenly a part of the clarity you comprehend will be All Is Well, One Is Well, I Am One. There is no other preparation for this leap in consciousness except to practice being in It. Some may reach it in an “orderly fashion”, through daily devotions and scripture readings, or a” la” year-long courses of exercises such as “Course in Miracles”, but others may reach it in a moment’s epiphany or a Truth-given heart revelation.

    You are It, It Is you, and all will become clear to all, for all are connected and one. Never give up on anyone, therefore, for if you do, you are giving up on yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Slowly, slowly settle into a place and time each morning when you can think and feel the earnest welcoming of Divine Presence. Set aside any focus on human thoughts and emotions and concerns, and let this opening greeting come to the fore of your mind:

    “High Guidance of the Light, I know you Love me and are holding me tight, and setting me right, and helping me see with Spiritual Sight.”

    Stay still and quiet and allow, allow, allow the full Presence and Embrace of Love to move outward and around you, from that Soul umbilical cord that is ever-connected to the heart of the Wholeness of your Being.

    Feel It, Feel It, Feel It, Beloved, for that feeling of Loving Completeness is the Real You.

    We See the Real You and nothing else,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know that when you have no idea what God wants to say to you, and others, each morning, that if you grow still and quiet and receptive, the words come flowing forth.

    Trust, Beloved, that it IS the same for the circumstances and opportunities and actions that can greet you in your day.

    Get still, and quiet, and receptive, trusting in and expecting the GOOD of God, and see what happens. Obey Loving directions you are given, and flow with the forward and joyous movement of God.

    We are in the boat with you, our hands also on the rudder,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How can it be true, in the “math” of Spirituality, that 1 plus 1 = 1?

    Because, Beloved, if the first one in the equation is the not-really-existent “body self”, that only imagines itself to be an independent living reality, then the first 1 becomes 0, and the equation becomes 0 plus 1 = 1.

    When you come to truly know that the “stuff” of which you are made is just the living light of the Oneness of Being, then you realize that what you are made of is the Goodness, and Joyfulness of that Oneness that simply exists to Be, and you can let it smoothly and simply govern the part of Itself that is you.

    The zero, the “you” that you seem to be, to the five senses, in a “body” and living in the time-mists of earth, is just a sweet and simple part of the Spiritual Reality that is All. Relax into It. Be Glad of It. Take Joy in It, and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We assure you that each time you pray to see more of Good Divine revealed in humanity and its circumstances, it makes a difference. As your own perceptions and heart become more golden in your outlook and intent, many, many more awful human alternate realities are avoided. This is True, although it is very difficult to see from the human perspective.

    Many times those prayers for Love to enter a situation or a heart only take a moment of thought and intent, aided by Grace that is freely given you. So why not make those prayers?

    And when you hear instructions from your own Soul Voice to speak or act in ways that cost more effort or money or giving, then you will feel encouraged by how often you saw results from your simple silent prayers.

    Pray, Beloved, pray. Honor your faith in the triumph of Good, and help It to comfort and eliminate sorrow. Your prayers make a difference, and will give you a quiet Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When speaking with someone who firmly believes they are just a mortal body and that no Consciousness of their wonderful Soul will linger when that mortal body belief is set aside, keep a sense of humor. You do not need to convince them of anything, for they will see for themselves when the body misbelief is set aside. Just keep striving to be an example of Light, and keep your good spirit by imagining the enjoyable communication the two of you will have when all illusions are gone, and you are both bodies of Light.

    And silently ask Divine Spirit to Help them now.

    As ever, with you, and all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Follow the trails of your heart back to your roots of love, and you will find Me there. I am always with you, for you are a part of Me, you are within Me.

    Trying to deny that, and living for a separate self that is in contest with other selves, other beings and things, is as laughable as it would be if the cells of your arm bones were saying they are not a part of you.

    Think about this, Beloved. Though you dream that you are separate from Me, I constantly offer you My awareness, My support, and My Love. I will not force you to take of it, but it is constantly offered, as a mother would offer a glass of cool water to her thirsty child.

    Offering always, and delighted to see your thirst quenched,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are days when you feel that you have a plethora of things and feelings and wonders and truths to be grateful for. And there are moments when a shadow falls across thoughts and you must make the effort to discern what you can focus on to be so very grateful for.

    But in both cases, and at all times, do not forget the mighty power of gratitude. It is quite literally a Power of the Divine. And if you concentrate on a thought that lets gratitude well up in your heart, you have opened the door to Divine Help.

    Opening the door to the Divine is all that is needed for It to willingly and happily Help you with Its ideas and solutions and harmony. Gratitude opens the door. Whether a crack or all the way, open the door with gratitude. THAT is giving your permission to God. It is another way of saying “Thy GOOD Will be done, in the dream of earth as it is in the Reality of Heaven.”

    We assure you, God is totally grateful to you each moment you let Good flow,


  • Oh, Beloved,

    What you wish for others, you ARE wishing for yourself. If you wish them harmony and love, you are wishing these for yourself. If you wish them justice and honor, you are wishing these for yourself. Keeping this truth in your mind and operations of thought will greatly effect what you experience.

    Keep it in mind, Beloved. Keep it in mind.

    For thus does Divine Mind wish Good for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you hear yourself saying, or thinking, sometimes, that you are working for this or that “cause”?

    There is truly only One Cause of all, Beloved, and that is the thing to remember. Is your cause aligned with the Cause that is the Sole Source, the Divine Guidance, The Oneness of all Being? Ask your self that, and be certain that no matter what you THINK you are working for, you ARE working for The Cause.

    Keep this clear in your heart and mind and spirit, that are the truth of you,

    As are We.

    ` ANGELS