Ah, Beloved,
When your thoughts do not even know where to alight, or when you are trying to let go of your human thought plans and surrender to the Lovely Will of God, focus on the beauty of nature. Look upon the wonder of the clouds, or of a single grain of sand. Ponder the cycle that brings birth and flowering and fruiting of seed.
Take solace, and find inspiration, in the marvel of colors and textures that are around you in the great painting of the visible and touchable world. If you quiet and calm yourself with these, and let yourself be still with appreciation of them, then the Flow of Love that uplifts and guides can easily accompany you on the next steps to your freedom of Soul.
This is a lovely day, wherever you are. Be glad of it.
Ah, Beloved,
In the beginning of practice, Seeing the realm and the kingdom of God means closing your eyes to the land of nod.
In the attainment, opening your Heart to the world of God means letting go of all desires for the land of nod.
We will help move your awareness into your heart, but you must allow it,
Ah, Child,
“Pure Joy is my Father. Pure Love is my Mother.
These combine in my heart to be a Voice that comforts and guides and cares for me. I am sustained by the force of its Presence—held up as a feather is held on the warm summer breeze, with no needs and no plans, just a weightless, lovely journey through the sweet mists of time.”
Let that be your image today. Let that be your thought. Let that be your experience.
Ah, Beloved,
Do not be shy. There is no need to be shy with God, who already knows your all.
Ask, today, for a special word from God Voice today, to you. BE NOT SHY, God wants you to hear whatever word or words you most need to hear. Just listen, quietly, and let it come.
And if you hear a word you do not understand at first, or wonder how it could apply to you, ask for understanding. Or, ask again whether you heard rightly.
Do not be shy. God is thrilled when you say you are ready to listen.
As are we,
Ah, Beloved,
Take a God break. Fast from looking at and listing the problems of the world, or of yourself, or of another person, and cast your mind to the God Who is all Good and Whom you know and Love so well.
To cast your mind to God is to cast your cares to God, in Whom you live and move and have your real Being, and in Whom all answers are found. Cast your cares to God today, Beloved,
“Thy Wil is done”, trustingly and lovingly desired, is still an effective prayer. Use it.
Gently with you,
Ah, Beloved,
God is Infinite, and occupies and IS the true Substance of all that seems to your human sensibilities to be space, time, and power.
Let that Truth soak into and through your consciousness, so that you can realize you are a reflection of the Consciousness of God, and let It be the One and Only force of your life.
It is a Loving Force, Beloved. Loving. Welcome It.
Ah, Beloved,
Here We are, always in your Heart of Soul, ready to quietly speak to you and constantly Loving you.
Please take time to listen to us. Please pause throughout the day, and not give way to fad or impulse from stimuli that would lead you astray. Obey only God.
Obey only God. You have Divine Commandments that cover most human circumstances, and when they are your primer, many decisions are easy. But when there is any doubt, over over-quick pleasure that would tempt you, pause and listen to God, and obey God.
There IS always time enough to listen to God, for God is faster than the speed of light, and faster than human thought. Never be embarrassed to take time to listen to God, and then to obey God’s advice.
It will serve you better than every human opinion around you.
Ah, Beloved,
When you reach the point where the sweet Voice of the Inner Spirit is sweeter to you than any earthly thing, even the most beloved earthly thing, then you will know that you are ready to obey that Voice in all things, and to speak that Voice to others. You will have crossed the line between illusion and Reality, and it will grow easier and easier to discern between the two.
Turn always to the Inner Sweetness, the first thing of the day, and all day. Let It guide you all night, too, in teaching and in guardianship. Keep It first in your Heart, and It will help you earthly heart find its way.
Revel in the Sweetness, Beloved. Revel, and allow revelation,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no truth but God’s Truth of Goodness and Purity and Love.
When you ask God to show you the truth of an earthly situation, are you asking for earthly-dream human truth, or are you asking to see the Divine Truth that underlies the dust? It comes down to the same question that we have asked you many times—do you want the Peace of God, or do you want to be “right”?
Even if the human truth were revealed to you by Spirit, who sees all, or were told to you by the humans involved, would not your task still be the same? Forgiveness for the acts done and the ones who did them, and for yourself who let someone else down, or did not do all that you could have done for fellowship? Forgiveness, and the subsequent gratitude, are always the end result as you move towards translation and full awakening in God.
Why not jump right to the forgiveness, and not worry about the details?
Move forward now, into the timelessness of God,
Ah, Beloved,
Back to the basic Truth:
“One Mind governs me. One Mind governs this person before me and this situation around me.”
“Thank-you, One Mind, for correcting my thoughts, that I may see what You See in all of these.”
Then, wait for silent Correction, or for the Thought that tells you what Thought to focus on; what “setting” to set your mortal thoughts to. For instance, if you hear the word “gratitude” in your mind, think about all that you are grateful for. If you hear the word “mercy”, think about all the times people have been merciful to you. If you hear the phrase “there is no limit in God”, then think about unlimited opportunity, think about limitlessness. Welcome the quiet Uplifting of Thought and Love.
If error, or imbalance of any sort, are glaring at you, dear Child, you are not seeing with the eyes of One Mind. Ask to have your Sight corrected, and ease into the Gentle, Calm, Loving Observance of God.
We know how quickly outlook, and therefore circumstance, can change,
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be so much Gratitude in your heart for what DID go right in your day, that there is no room left in your mind for worrying over the future or reviewing the events that seemed like frustrations and blockages.
We remind you that the human perspective cannot always see what is Best for all, and that many glorious things can come of what seemed, at the time, like a disappointment or problem to you. Let them go, and be grateful that the Law of Harmony exists for all, and freely operates for all, always. Turn to It, and be Glad, Be Glad, Be Glad.
We love you so,
Ah, Beloved,
What thoughts do you want manifested?
What thoughts are you entertaining? If some of your thoughts are unwelcome guests, toss them out. Even if they seem “logical”, or “reasonable”, or of popular belief, toss them out. Even if the five senses try to fool you or seduce you, keep your mind on Peace and Grace. Let God’s Thoughts/Good Thoughts replace the unwelcome guests, for it is indeed true that God’s Good Thoughts of you and for you will bring you greater Joy than you can humanly imagine.
Why not give it a try? No insurance forms to fill out for trying,
Ah, Beloved,
It is not about Perfection of sensation, it is about Perfection of Intent.
The Loving Whole of which you are an immaculate part as an Intention of God is always funneling Perfection to you. Let your daily intention be to represent It Well.
There is no competition in the Infinite of the Loving Whole. There is just the desire for all to remember that each is a wondrous part of It. You do not need to compete to be Beloved of God. You already are so Beloved.
But you could delight in representing well the Love, the Soul of Life, the generosity of Spirit, the Wisdom, the Embracing Harmony that is the very principle and Purpose of God. Willingly listen to God’s Voice in your heart today for the Perfect Intentions and how to enact them in your words and through your hands and feet and looks. Every small gesture counts.
We are looking at you with Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Open my eyes, “Father/Mother/I Am, and let me see the Harmony of You revealed in all that manifests as me, and around me, as my life, my world, my work, my play, my family, my humanity, my Thee.
Let that prayer play in your heart until you feel the Presence of the Divine anchoring Itself in your thoughts, so that your thoughts become Divine Thoughts, witnessing the Lovely Order of That Which Is.
Always , Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Think about the phrase, “All in All”.
Think about how the elements of a bowl of water all flow into one another, whether in the deep stillness, or the ripples and waves on top. Let the knowledge that if all parts of something are made of the same thing, they move and exist in harmony together, seamlessly and without void.
This is the seamless substance of Goodness. This is the vibrant Life Energy of which you are made. And as it is projected, like a delightful movie, forth from the Source Light, it shines Its Harmony more widely, and Is Glad.
When something, or someone, seems to annoy you for a moment, remember that both of you are streaming images made of the same source substance of Gladness.
Always Glad to know you,
Ah, Beloved,
God does not punish. God does not create awfulness.
Refine what “God” you believe in, and see the results of pondering a God that creates only Good, is fully noncorporeal Spirit, and is fully with you, seeking to help.
God’s Pleasure IS seeing you abide in Inner Peace and Gladness.
Consider eternal truths, please.
Ah, Beloved,
As the urgency flows away from you about simple day to day tasks, you will begin to realize how much their small tyranny has tried to rule you. Let none of them come before you and your time with the Constant Inner Voice. Let none of them distract you from listening to and obeying that Divine connection.
If THAT Voice says to urgently stop at a street, or speak up before a potentially harmful situation occurs, then be quick and timely. But otherwise, be measured and careful. Quietly pace yourself and always leave time to make sure you are aligned with Love and Its directions.
You will not regret it, once you have chosen to live Its Will,
Ah, Beloved,
“The Omnipotent takes me, and makes me as New, each day.”
You know this. Turn your self over to the Omnipotent today.
Let us celebrate together that this is True,
Ah, Beloved,
The sweet simplicity of remembering the eagerness of God/Goddess, the One Source, to please you and hold you and take care of you, while you are having the earth-dream, before you remember that you are totally Spirit, is the actuality to keep always in your mind. God WANTS to help you, with ideas, with guidance, with correcting the reflection of Spirit that you are, when you feel out of focus.
Ask for it, allow it, believe it, Beloved. Savor the desire of God’s desire for you to be happy. Like a parent who loves to see her child smile, or a lover who is thrilled to know just how his love likes to be kissed, God loves to see your joys, for they reflect the Joy Divine. Thank God continually, and allow your joys to be felt, seen and acknowledged to be of the Divine. Allow God to be completely reflected in thee.
Remember God’s eagerness to please you into the higher Consciousness that understands All beyond the dream.
Ah, Beloved,
If you ask the Divine to embrace you, It will. Be very still, and expect, and receive that embrace. Whether it takes a few moments, or whether it comes over you after you have spent an hour composing and quieting yourself to accept the Love that is your Divine right, It will come. It is already with you. As you lower your blocking beliefs and remember that It wants to Hold you as much as you want to be Held, you will experience It.
You will feel It and know It and you will feel blessedly empowered and freed.
We know your end and newness. They are Good. Begin now.
Ah, Beloved,
How much proof do you need that God-Spirit can comfort and heal?
Please do really believe that the Force that is Harmony and Truth is always in operation. It never stops functioning or being Itself, and your true Self within it. It is only the distracted human-animal mind that takes its attention off the Truth.
If even once you have discerned the gentle touch of Love soothing you, or opening an opportunity for your expression of talent or desire, then it is really proof enough. For the same Force and Presence that guided you once is always available to you. It will always guide you, so long as you are willing to be guided, and pay attention, and tell It that you want to go towards Harmony for all.
Already accomplished is the awakening of Creation, and if you let It, It will help you re-walk the path to your full remembrance of Good and Perfect Self that is part of All.
Remember the moments of feeling and being Whole, and they will become all moments.
Be grateful for them,
Dear Beloved,
There is no need to be in a hurry about letting the Divine Thoughts, which enter your Heart and guide you, move along the transformation of your self and your life. They will do so at the perfect pace, and in the perfect timing, for you as an individual and perfect part of the Soul of God, and for the combined human dreams of all of those who are in your orbit of awareness, or in your universe.
Giving your understanding that only the Great Oversoul knows what is Best for you at the same time that It knows what is Best for all around you, is the best gift you can give It. Trust utterly in Its ability, in each moment, and It will be able to do Its work more smoothly, more swiftly, more abundantly.
We are in your debt each time you let the Great Overseer guide you,
Ah, Beloved,
The reflection of the Source that is Light and Love is everywhere, and wants to be visible everywhere. That is Its mission, and accomplishment.
Therefore, anywhere that there seems to be a little dust or shadow obscuring the fine view of the Light of Itself, It wants those that are shining with Light to attend to shining away the shadow, and cleaning off the dust. Everywhere.
This is why you must not be surprised if you are asked by the Divine Voice within to practice shining with Love, and using the Golden Rule, even on a backwater road or in the grimy restroom of a waystation, or in any of all the places that you do not normally regard as your sacred or spiritual places. Wherever you are, God needs for you to shine. Keep your highest inner sense always tuned to the Presence within, and dispense as instructed.
You are Thanked, and you are Loved. Bless you.
Ah, Beloved,
Convince others of the existence of Great Loving Spirit by expressing Its qualities as you and your life. BE Calmness. Be Love. Be Confidence and Trust.
YOU are the demonstration. That is the task of teaching.
As we Know you to be, demonstrate what you are,
Ah, Beloved,
Never believe that the ego-body-self has any true power over the One Power that is the Creative Source. While, and if, you still believe that the body mind has power over the One Source, your physical senses will see the errors of your small earthly self, and the errors, physical and moral, of others. As you come to true Spiritual sight, you will see them all, and your self, as the Ideas of Light that you are, flawless and perfect, and utterly, utterly Lovable.
Practice seeing them, and accepting yourself as, Light, and Light alone,
In utter Love, as are you,
Ah, Beloved,
Fear disables learning. Fear disables healing.
Therefore, let all your teaching and all your offering of yourself as instrument for healing, be proceeded by the comforting and allaying of fears. Many who are in dire need of learning of their own beauty and wholeness in the Divine are also so trapped in the illusion of themselves as just a flesh and blood body, that any intimation of the Sole Reality of their spiritual being will overly frighten them. The very Presence of Spirit Itself will often frighten their mortal self image so much that they will be unable to receive the learning or the healing.
Let Love convey sincerity. Let Love convey the tenderness with which fear can be dissipated. Let metaphors and parables and indirect tales be the means by which Truth is seeded without frightening. Let offers of prayer and healing be gentle and indirect as well, so that all things come to pass in the way that most smoothly nurtures the new face of Joy for that being, and that persons life.
Do your best, and leave the healing, and the growth of truth in each soul, to the Divine Spirit that knows the best for each individual path. Listen carefully for moment by moment instructions, and obey. Love, and obey. Love, and obey, and Love,
Ah, Beloved,
The more attention you pay to the Divine expansiveness in your heart, the more the Divine can give you. It may happen in an instant, or it may take extended time each day, but the more focus, focus, focus you give the Kingdom of Good within you, the more It can Help you and show Itself to you.
It wants to see you happy, Beloved. It wants you to know that Heaven is Real and illusions are not. Pay attention, stay aware of Love, and welcome, welcome, welcome Its Help.
Give it time each day, and It can give you the World of Good.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no way to enter into the Calm and exalted Kingdom of Love except through your own heart, your own willingness to always choose the Higher Way of Unconditional Compassion and Joy and Love.
Bodily death is not the entrance. Another human is not the answer. It is to embrace the knowledge and understanding of your Oneness with the One Cause, God, and from there all illusions fall away.
This may sound daunting, from a human time-space bound point of view, but when you realize that the way is open right within you, you can rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, to know it is available to you, right here and right now. Come on in.
Ah, Beloved,
Please believe the Truth of what you have proved to yourself, over and over again, that turning inward for Wisdom and Comfort, to the Divine Link, is the answer to feeling confused about the next step. Never was any earth situation smoothly solved without this. Oh, those whose intuition speaks so quietly that they never even suspected that they were being Divinely Guided at certain moments of their lives, might disagree, but they will come to other moments when they realize the Truth of the Presence that is the Sole Cause of all that truly IS.
For now, turn in, and drink of Calm Truth and Love, and let ideas and attitudes be shaped by that Love, so that all efforts you make are heralded and upheld by the Compassion that must be present in all things and words and acts, if they are to add to the Goodness of the world experience.
We will meet you there,
Ah, Beloved,
When a decision comes with a feeling of deep, deep peace that cannot be shaken, you will know that that choice has come of God, of Goodness, of the best path for all concerned. Let your awareness be centered twixt the belly and the heart, and from there move out in a great circle around you, and feel whether what you contemplate, of action or of word, feels peaceful and right not only for you, but for every person and dream that is intertwined with you and yours.
God’s Goodness reigns for all things and all beings, and in God’s desire to help all achieve a greater peace of awareness before all of Divine Reality is revealed, all beings are considered, all paths are looked upon. Be at Peace, and know you are in God. Be at Peace, and remember you have never been anywhere else. You are in the desire and Spirit of God, and God’s desire for you is Joy, and unshakeable Peace.
“I am in the Peace and Wisdom of God, right now, and all the time.”
Let Peace guide your choices now,
Ah, Beloved,
The Love you send forth tenderly returns to you. Today, we urge you again to open any blocked flows you have, of Love, by praying for the world at large, and all who walk in their thoughts upon it. Pray for those far and near whose names you do not even know.
This will always clear the backflows and dams that occur when your human emotions clog the Flow of Love to those you live with and work with each day. The small human annoyances, the minor disagreements and competitions can all seem to pollute the Love that flows your very Life to you. But they are of no power in the Omnipotence of Love.
Practice the full force of that Love by sending Love to all. Strangers and acquaintances, locales and situations; send Love to all. Picture the entire world soaking in Love, and the Love will also flood into your own thoughts and your own closer and nearer dramas.
Be Love, feel Love. Picture one stranger very Happy and Blessed, even, and that Blessing will Flow back around to you.
Ah, Beloved,
If We are wise, so are you. If We are Gracious, so are you. If We are Loving and Lovable, so are you.
When you accept that that the Thoughts of God, which We are, are made of what you are also made of, you can begin to accept your true empowerment to help enact the Divine Plan for all awakening.
CLAIM your true identity. You are a Thought of God. You are Wisdom, you are Grace, you are Loving and Lovable. Send packing the idea that you are pathetic and vulnerable aging flesh, and take up the Glorious mantle of Spirit and all the wondrous Qualities that Spirit is and contains.
O’ Joyous day, darling. O’ Joyous day,
Ah, Beloved,
The Presence in your heart-thoughts of Divine Spirit, offering you a faithful binding to Itself for your life, is a wonderful opportunity. It is a marriage of Soul that takes no special ritual or dress or suit or venue or guest list.
It takes only your willingness, and the true desire to know the Great Spirit of All, and yourself as sweetly one with It.
We bear witness,
Ah, Beloved,
Remember, even as the able-bodied help the unable-bodied, that all are projections of Light from the One Source.
Turn your awareness to that Source, even while your hands and minds are busy with tasks. Turn your trust to that Source, even while your hearts and homes open to others. Let help be extended, person to person, but let your faith be focused on the Great Arrangement, even while you play your part in enacting It.
Ah, Dear One,
As you make the choice to go to a greater level of Awareness, as you choose to move nearer to the Divine Within, the Divine will move nearer to you. It will reach out to you in all the levels that you are ready to feel and hear and see. The delightful overt signs that can seem like parlor tricks, or magic, such as the feeling of some Presence next to you at a solemn or celebratory occasion, or the sudden knowledge of where to find a lost object, or the instant recognition of who is on the phone when it first rings, or a precognitive dream about some simple shopping…such things are an effort by the Divine Presence to have you delight in and begin to recognize and trust that Divine Voice within you.
Take Joy in these occurrences, and let them induce you to spend even more time with that Presence. Let It become your very Best Friend and Love. Let It take you to a level of understanding Oneness that goes far beyond the personal convenience of a guardian angel wakening you at just the right hour.
And share, share, share your stories of little miracles, especially with those who know you and trust you, or any friend or stranger that seems open to stories that go beyond the human senses. Every heart that you help open to belief in miracles—which are just True Creation’s Reality revealed—helps to bring all human awareness back into Harmony with the Whole.
Share, and you are doing yourself (which IS All Selves) a favor,
Endlessly Loving You,
Ah, Beloved,
Yes, nothing that we say here is new. What must be re-newed each morning is your willingness to take it in. You must take the time to “Be still and know that I Am God.” How can you expect to handle each day with Grace and Strength unless you remind yourself each say that that Grace and Strength of Spirit are always available to you? God Power does not force feed Itself to you. You must sit still and be willing to be filled by It.
You are so careful to fill your belly, and the tank of your car, and to connect the power to your home, and to charge your cell phone, etc. etc. etc. Can you give yourself the gift of doing for your immortal self all those things that you do for the mortal dream, for the body-self?
We gently and eagerly wait to attend you when you sit, still and quiet, long enough to be filled with Divine Love and all that It offers. The choice is yours, and THAT is what free will means. When will you be ready? And when will you take time to put the Divine Love embrace first in your life and in each day?
We assure you, when you See Its benefits, you will wonder why you waited,
Ah, Beloved,
Whatever it is your true need and purpose to do, as a Wondrous Spirit shining forth as human, you can do. Trust in the provision of strength and wisdom and understanding, and go slowly, and deliberately, so as to be able to discern Inner Instruction as you go.
And if the need of what must be done seems chore-like, appreciate each step as it occurs, and savor and find joy in the small beauties and serendipities that occur as the project is accomplished. There is time enough, always, to enjoy each moment of existence.
We are always with you, helping in unseen ways,
Ah, Beloved,
Think Big. Think Big because your Loving Source is bigger than Big, and if It has placed an idea or dream in your heart that is Good and Serving, then It can pave the way for you and provide all that you need to play your part in all that the Source has planned to re-awaken all to Itself.
Clear away any old limiting thoughts and think unlimited. The Source unlimits you because It flows infinitely, and washes away all doubt.
As ever, with Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Beware the human ego’s trick of trying to make you plan everything. Whether it is your personal notion of achievements that you must have by a certain age, or whether it is the whisper in your head that there is no time to commune with Divine Love right now because you must prepare a meal, learn to discern when those thoughts are distractions from your real and true and endless mission of being an expression of the Divine Life that is your very Soul.
Believe Us, when it is important for you to do a thing for God’s Plan for you, the idea and motivation for it will occur in your thoughts again and again, gently and lovingly, but persistently. Let not pressures from your own fretting, or copying of others, dissuade you from the joyous task of shining from God-Source as the unique and wonderful Being of Light that you are.
Ah, Beloved,
When you fall into asking yourself, “Why was I born as this or that, or here or there?”, remember that the “body-you” is not what You really are.
You are a delightful idea, ever existent, and ever sustained and loved, in the Mind of God-Goddess-Source. Put your thoughts on that, and let the earth-dream body costume take care of itself, as dust layered onto an idea. When you are pondering who you are, it is the Idea-Source’s Idea of who you are that you need to ponder, and appreciate, and be grateful for, and come to completely Love.
Ah, Beloved,
Saying thanks constantly to God in your heart will keep you aligned with the humbleness for full receiving of your Blessings, because it indicates understanding and acknowledgement of the fact that all Good comes from God.
It indicates openness to realizing all that is real IS God. God is Real. Error is not.
And that is that. It is only the seeming realness of the temporal perception that makes sorrow and pain so awful, and that try to trap one in the quicksand of mortal outlook. Keep thanking God in your heart for Goodness, and you will be amazed at how much Goodness flows into your mortal perceptions, as the Divine Realm shines through the dust.
Worship of God is really just a constant thanks to God for being Goodness, and for being what you are made of. Thank It, notice It, and you will see It more and more.
Live in the assurance of Love,
Ah, Beloved,
As in the beginning, so will be the end.
The comfort to look for, and to know, is that the Source which IS the beginning and the end has never changed all along. There It has been, steady, Calm, Joyous and True and Sure, like a strong house around you that was there when you went to sleep into fretful dreams, and is there again when you awaken in the morning, for of course you never really went anywhere at all except into a viewing of images and feelings that felt out of order.
All along, the House of the Source stood strong and true, with you as Its cherished inhabitant. And It stands so still, and always will. Your awareness of what you are as Its inhabitant will change, but the Love that cements the walls of safety will not.
Close your eyes to the fleeting images, and test the truth with your Heart,
Ah, Beloveds,
Spending time with God is not a sacrifice. Immersing ones consciousness in the Great Consciousness is as spending time with the wise and talented and hale and joyful, and supportive and generous, but multiplied many, many times over.
You are not depriving yourself of anything meaningful if you are immersed completely in Divine Love. Decide for It, ask for It, and you will be embraced as It Wills.
It is an active and Living Peace,
Ah, Beloved,
Human silence is better than speaking ill. Even speaking slowly, instead of quickly, can give you the chance to filter your thoughts and review which words and sentiments you want to let forth with your tongue or demonstrate with your hands. The Divine Guide that lives in the inner room of your Consciousness will help, help, help you actually live the Golden Rule.
Doing as others are doing is no excuse for you yourself not choosing that rule and following it always. Silence, or near-silence, or just slowing down your words and actions, will help you achieve that goal of Loving others as you would have yourself be Loved, and of being a transparency for Truth.
And Love will fuel your happiness while you do so.
Ah, Beloved,
Once even one person in a room focuses on the truth that the Principle of Harmony is at hand and in charge, all events proceed more smoothly.
That Truth never changes. Be the director of your own perceptions, and keep that Truth always in your heart and mind.
If you are the only person on a square of land that understands that gravity always operates on earth, and if all those around you are afraid to jump up in the air because they are fearful of floating away, you are easily able to stay calm, and demonstrate to the others the rule of gravity that you know to be true.
Prove God, prove Harmony, prove Unconditional Love, darling one. Prove them everywhere you go, for wherever you go, there they are. God is Omnipresent, and Omnipotent. Know it for yourself, and you can know it for all the characters and events of your day.
And how fulfilling that is!
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be this new Truth in you.
“I will always remember my ability to turn to Inner True Thought, and at least give It a chance to calm me, comfort me, heal me, Love me.”
When one is not yet trained to clearly hear the Inner Voice, one can be easily excused for sometimes not giving oneself that chance, and that time, to turn to Love, and Its Intents. But when has been through the training of a mystic, or undergone other enlightening experience, there should be the expectation for oneself of remembering to remember. For of course, YOU, as well as everyone around you, are the beneficiaries.
So, remember. And expect that of yourself. And benefit.
And yet…….if you fall and fail, forgive yourself, as you are always and already forgiven, by the Whispering Source, for ever forgetting at all…
In Deepest Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Today, let it be as simple as this: Be grateful for the Good and the Faithful in your life. Be grateful, be grateful, be grateful, all, all the day.
As we have told you before, Gratitude is a Force. Feel It, Be It, Trust It, and Let It Do Its Work.
WE see and we know your Good,
Ah, Beloved,
The Divine Love, and Raw “Material” of Thought, that are yours, are always yours. The total package of the precious idea of you, that was born in Spirit, and that dwells in Spirit, is always intact, and held for you, and around you.
Asking for your graciously given share of Infinite Love does not deprive anyone else of theirs. Trust this, and be willing to playfully allow your share of the Divine Infinite Joy and Supply, to come to you today in expected and unexpected ways. Take delight in watching, and appreciating, the wonderful creative ways that the Mother/Father Divine/Original Cause finds to offer you Beauty and Support and Affection and Gladness.
Be Delighted, today, Beloved. Be Delighted, and feel Light,
Ah, Beloved,
You do not need extra toiletries, or to have on a certain shirt, or be in a certain place, or sing a certain song, in order to hear and know God.
God knows the Spiritual Heart of you, and is completely connected to It always. All you need to do is stop and turn your focus to that Ever-Connection, and ask, for the comfort or courage or solutions or Love that you need to hear about and feel.
Ask, Beloved, and listen. Ask, “What would You say to me, right now, here, as I am, dear God?” Ask, and listen.
For no matter what else you hear, you will hear “You are My Beloved Child, Spirit of Spirit, made very well in My Image.”
God will lift your thoughts into higher Consciousness, whether you have on your make-up or not, whether your shoes match, whether your feet are dry or not, whether you are irritated or calm. Just focus on asking and listening, and remember the Wondrous Goodness that is God, and allow yourself to be Guided and Loved and Cherished.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to doubt. God is with you always, and all you need to do is turn to It, like going from a dark room to a room that has a bright light lit within it.
Just choose to go to the Light, Beloved, and It is Done.
We Hold your hand, and your consciousness,
Ah, Beloved,
On the days when the very Soul of you feels tender, go silently within. Claim again, and again, the very basic Truth “I am Loved, and because of that I am Loving.”
Be very gentle with yourself, and quietly know that you are already filled with and made of that Love. It is the very Substance of All Being. As you hold that in your Heart of Spirit, soft Joy will come. And Joy will fuel your needs of the day, and all the ways to reach them.
Even if you must go forth before you feel filled with Joy, carry the Claim with you into the worldly, “I am Loved, and I am Loving.”
And Love those and that which you encounter, gazing with Grace past the shifting shadows of physical form, for that Love will quickly draw more Joy through you and to you.
“I am Loved and I am Loving, for Love made me as Itself.”
Ah, Beloved,
Turn to God first.
Certainly do this first thing in the morning, and whenever a big issue seems to arise during the day. Turn to God first. Remember, your goal is to stay ALWAYS aligned with the Mind and Focus that are God. So, certainly, if you have not achieved continual rapport yet, consciously turn to God first when a situation seems difficult or a choice seems daunting.
Many would say that one should do what is humanly possible before turning to God for Divine help. They mean well, but they do not understand that God is ALWAYS present, and anything Good that is achieved is never achieved without God as Cause. Turning to God first, and filling yourself with the Joy and Calm and Inspiration that are God, before moving your feet or hands or tongue, is the Wise course of action. Good human action is empowered by God action.
Turn to God first. God will Guide you. God will enrich you, and give solutions you never dreamed of, small or large, and enable you to enact the ideas, and connect with all that is Best and Good in the circumstance.
Turn to God first, and be Blessed. Turn to God first, and endeavor to keep the connection continually, so that Divine Mind completes and protects and inspires you always.
It is a Joy to live in alignment with God,
Ah, Dear One,
Have you ever been on a train with a child and listened to the child wonder how the train can keep going on tracks that appear to meet in a point on the horizon? Have you ever walked or biked on a road that seems to dissolve into mist by the lake, but been able to trust in your mind and heart that the road would be there, even if you cannot see it?
How many times in your life have you wondered how you were going to get through a day or out of a situation, and then, somehow, you did? There is a great deal of Unseen around you, Beloved. What the human senses cannot see is the Divine Plan for your spiritual experience of body. Ignore the senses of the mind that say, “this is pain” and “this is vibrancy” and rest back into God’s Truth for you. Both “good” and “bad” health, as deemed by human definition, are just interpretations of the mind. Your body is a projection of Spirit, so pay attention to Spirit Within to know the True state of you experience of flesh.
Ponder this, Beloved. It means learning to ignore much of what your mind has assumed to be true, just as you have learned to ignore the illusion that the road ends at the edge of the mist.
We are in the mist, awaiting you,
Ah, Beloved,
Each system of thought that unfolds in your mind from Divine Mind enables you to better serve those that turn to you for help of any kind. But always remember, dear Love, that as your perceptions of other human thought grows, it is always and only so that you may help gently give them Truths about God Qualities, to quiet their human fears.
So many have been taught fear. So many live in fear. Teach them that God’s Goodness of Spirit is always present, and maintain your own calm certainty of the Omnipotence of Spirit. As ever, the best demonstration of the Truth of God is your own health and serenity. Fear not to show those, and let them speak for themselves.
So many see the false evidence all around them, with the human senses. Be willing to show them unearthly calm, unearthly Peace, to help convince them it is possible to have.
Ah, Beloved,
Let yourself have a day off from “looking for problems to fix.”
Whether it is noticing that the floor could use a washing, or spending hours considering how to invest a fund or pay a bill, or answer an annoying letter, or how to control the ecological problem in the stream, or on and on and on…let go.
Give yourself this day to notice the good and the beauty around you. Give yourself this day to be utterly grateful for things just as they are. Relax into being the audience instead of the comptroller, and to letting Love and Acceptance for all well up within you.
We do not say that Guiding Spirit will never ask you to act for or against a thing or a situation, but we do say that if you become frozen into a pattern of only seeing the flaws and errors and problems to be fixed, you will become more and more blind to the Good.
Let today be a day for appreciation, and gratitude,
We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.
Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.
Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.
Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.
Ah, Beloved,
Gratitude and compliments and appreciation are the water and food and cleansers of the seeds and sprouts of Goodness.
Sincere giving of these to even the tiniest evidence of Good that you see in those around you, AND in yourself, will help the Good Will of the gracious Source to shine clearly.
Each time a thought enters your mind that is judgement or criticism, quickly think of a Good thing about yourself, or those around you, or the situation. We know it is not the instinctual human fear-defense sort of way, but We assure you that LOOKING for bright bits of Goodness in yourself and those around you will expand your experience of Grace and Joy and Good. Inviting in the appreciation, and sincerely feeling It, truly is like bringing a watering can to a room full of drooping plants, and giving them refreshment.
Be the refresher, the giver, in every room you enter, Child. AND be the refresher in the room of your own mind, noticing and being glad of each of your Good Qualities and actions. Even if it is as small as sincerely appreciating how kind someone is to an animal, or how patient he or she is when waiting in a line, that bright thought allows in the Great Goodness that fuels all. You are truly helping the Good Plan when you do this.
Ah, Beloved,
You can bond with others having the human experience through challenges and sorrows and sin. Or, you can choose to bond with them in the shared Inner Joy of Soul that holds you all together in Love. You choose. All human bondings based in shared illusions of error and dust are temporary. Shared bonds of Infinite connection last forever. You choose.
You can bond with the Infinite in your consciousness only through Love and the depth of Spirit that holds your Spiritual Self. God cannot bond with your awareness through errors. God will only draw you into the bond of Oneness through Truth and Love.
You can choose WHEN that happens, but it will happen, We assure you. It is already accomplished in the timeless eyes of Love.
Choose alignment with Love today?
Ah, Beloved,
Whether you ask God once a day, or a thousand times, or forget to ask at all, “How much do you Love me?”, the answer is always the same, “100%”.
The Love does not stop if you forget to ask. There It is, around you and in you and waiting for you. It does not run out or run away if you ask over and over again. It is Complete and It is Unlimited.
Ask for It all you want and need and It is there. 100%, always.
As ever,
When That Which Is split Itself into Creator and Nurturer, that It might Appreciate and Love Itself, It gave birth to Joy.
Let the part of yourself that is creator turn to the part of yourself that is nurturer, and let there be the joy of life in you.
Embrace and kiss your own self that feeds, that it may feed all that you are. Encourage and praise all that you envision and make, that it may make all that will encircle and embrace. In the loving circle of self that is formed are ever the two parts. O’ let them circle, let them create, for then you are complete.
Ah, Beloved,
God’s Technician, put in each heart to listen and guide and comfort and advise, hears all and sees all. It knows that the sorrowful parts of the dream, and the whimsical parts of the dream, are not real. Only Love, and what Love made, are Real.
But It hears and sees all that you think you see and hear. It knows every thought you think. It does not judge and condemn you. Rather, It waits to be asked to give you solutions and help, and sweet Peace when you are aching. It simply Loves, Loves, Loves you, waiting for you to remember that Love is what you are.
It already knows that Love is what you Really are, and so do We,
Ah, Beloved,
If you are faithfully praying “I will to Will Thy Will for my happiness and purpose”, you can trust that God has on its way to you all that you need for that.
Trust in Divine desire for your Good, for in you is God well Pleased.
Ah, Beloved,
Try moving into gratitude for opportunities to practice patience and expectation of harmonious solution, when faced with worldly demands. So long as you walk the dream of earth, there will be forms to fill out, and chores to do, but they can be done in an attitude of slow simplicity, and gracious practice of the virtues of Spirit—such as confidence, and endurance, and orderliness, and the ability to teach.
Remember that you are teaching yourself as much as you are teaching others, by being an example of the Qualities of Holiness. Rejoice when you are given chances to let them shine.
As we see them shining from you always,
For we look on you with the eyes of Love,
Ah, Beloved Child,
There is no need to fear that the Wondrous Source of you, and the Voice of It here with you in the dream, does not see the pure intent of you. When the dusty illusions get in the way, when you make choices that you later feel were foolish, when you celebrate earthly joys in a way that leaves you feeling depleted, then trust that the Comforting Presence still knows the pure truth of your wellness and wholeness, and can help you re-focus, so that you match the original template of your Divinely created Self.
Turn to that Source and that Comforter, Beloved. Be not afraid to make It the first and only opinion that you choose and trust, and know that It knows what you truly are. And yet, also do not fear to be pointed in that direction by an earthly body, so that if a friend or a stranger or an unseen being reminds you gently, “You know, the Comforter does still Heal all”, then listen to that embodied or unseen voice, and be grateful the being has reminded you to look for the truth of you in the Original Source. There, find Grace, find Healing, find Love, find relief, find rest.
Ah, Beloved,
You are absolutely never alone. You exist within the Mind of God, serene and perfect as an idea of Omniscient Spirit.
Just as a quantum particle is shining in the same way that its entangled partner is shining, always and forever, you are shining as the idea that is the embedded idea of you that God thought up, and declared very Good.
Do let yourself shine today, Beloved. And We know for a fact that you will inspire others to shine around you, bringing such Light forth that the shadows are as nothing. Today you will meet kindred spirits. Look for them, and smile together, in joyous agreement at what you have found yourselves ready to See and understand.
To Understand the Omnipotent Infinitude of All is to know you were never alone. That was only a shadow of a dream.
Grateful for each awakening heart,
Ah, Beloved,
God does not Govern from far away or long ago. God Governs right here, right now, with Goodness.
Turn to It, welcome It, receive It right here, right now. God wants your happiness, and wants you to feel Blessed to be a Blessing to all.
Think on this, and WELCOME It.
Ah, Beloved,
You KNOW the steps of Divine Meditation; Deep Prayer.
Acknowledgement of One Loving Mind, Deep Listening, Obedience, Gratitude.
Just do them. Do them in every moment that you can remember and focus. Do them when in doubt or joy. Do them when in fatigue or energy. Just do them, be them, and trust.
All will be Well, because All Is Well,
Ah, Beloved,
God does not spend Its time looking for your faults, as you yourself sometimes do. God does not see them—the Great Source only sees the good It created and that some parts of It are dreaming they are in error or flawed.
When you pray and pray for God to enable you to see others, and the world, as It sees them, Good beneath the dust of illusions, do not forget to see yourself this way also.
Why not spend today, Beloved, not only aligning with God, but also asking to see yourself as God sees YOU?
We assure you, it is perfect and beloved. Spend today count the things that are good of you; that reflect the goodness and light and life and love of the Source, rather than reviewing your mistakes or faults or triumphs in the earth-dream,
Value yourself as a pure reflection of God, and there are indeed no limits to what the Holiness of you, the Source that shines through you, cannot do.
You cannot imagine how much we value you,
Ah, Child,
As ever, remember that those around you who bring forth a sense of irritation or frustration in your own heart, are being wonderful mirrors for you. Stand back, in your awareness, and observe your own feelings. Stand back, and ask yourself whether the trait that you find so annoying in the other person is a trait that you need to finish cleansing from yourself.
If the other person seems too quick to judge others, ask yourself whether you have recently been too quick to judge someone. If the other person seems to you to exhibit gross greed in a negotiation, ask yourself if you have fallen into greed lately. Etc., etc.
Remember, you are loved and maintained as a living idea in the Divine Awareness no matter what errors you seem to fall into in earthly life. But, to welcome that Grace to use you to touch other hearts, it is important to let your own heart be constantly examined, and constantly emptied, and constantly refilled with love and compassion.
We send you mirrors so you can adjust yourself,
Ah, Beloved,
Again and again, you have found inspiration, comfort and solace, and ideas and solutions for the dream-events, by spending your first waking moments knowing and pondering the Truth of your Self as a wondrous and Beloved Idea dancing in the Mind of God. Again and again you have proved the efficacity of this.
So, do so again today. Whether Grace seems far off, or you sense It very near, whether the worldly concerns seem small or large, the remembrance of Who You Are, One within God, is always the Good that Solves and Saves.
Take Grace for yourself today. Be willing to fully receive Grace today, as It takes your Consciousness, and awakens you again, not from earthly sleep, but from the sleep of the Soul.
Your Divine Self has been saved and safe all along,
Ah, Beloved,
It really IS as simple as “Nothing unreal exists,” or, to put it another way, “God , Good, exists, and all else is illusion.”
The thing that makes it hard for yourself, and for most people, to accept this at times, and to truly, truly Know it in the Heart of you, is that accepting that your body and all that you see with the five senses are a part of the malleable illusion, is frightening. Once that fear is calmed, and you see and trust that God wants you to have a kinder illusion before being joined again to the Sense beyond the senses, it grows easier. In fact, you will grow eager to await and see what fun and wonderful thing or person or circumstance God has to offer you in the graciously improved dream of Life.
Ponder, and trust, with Love, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be no confusion about this one thing: If you want to be forgiven when you make mistakes, or when you are seduced into longing or worry, then you must forgive others when they do the same. And you must learn to forgive yourself, and allow yourself to be forgiven. It is a truth that does not change. Indeed, you could regard it as the mission that everyone carries, no matter what other divine desires and goals they have.
Yes, train yourself to try to not make mistakes. Yes, train yourself to try to always do the nobler or more gracious thing, but accept that your days will always have a human error or two in them, made by you or another, and let your heart be taught to react first and foremost with forgiveness. The anxiety and pain you will save yourself from by forgiving first, and then learning, and then forgetting, are mountainous.
There are climbs enough. Save yourself from some of them,
Ah, Beloved,
Dawn and Dusk, Dawn and Dusk. What lovely markers to remind you to be still and quiet at least twice a day, to look through your thoughts, and to utterly welcome the total, royal embrace of Divine Spirit from within. That ever-embrace and Consciousness is the real goal of everything, remember. That Wholesome touch is the touch that brings Joy and also attracts to you all the daily accoutrements you need for your earth story.
That same touch can touch All. Never doubt that. As you continue to look for Loving and Lovable Qualities in yourself and those around you, also silently ask for Love within all to amplify Itself and shine Its Light so that all darkness evaporates in every heart and sends the dark human thoughts scuttling away like cockroaches surprised by the sudden sun.
Your thoughts and prayers CAN raise the blind that lets the Light shine in. They can.
You will see evidence of this as you practice it, and then you will fully believe,
Ah, Beloved,
Help always comes, to those who gladly and willingly look to the God-Thoughts floating into their hearts and minds, and who allow themselves to bask in the Love that accompanies those ideas.
Just as a human child asks his or her parent for advice, and then may or may not take that advice, but feels uplifted by the genuine love that accompanies the parents desire for the child to make good choices, so should you let yourself be uplifted by the Love that comes with the advice and ideas and guidelines God gives.
That Love, and the Joy It engenders, are the real keys to letting good ideas work for you. Take time to feel it fully. Take time to let It water the ideas in your mind, and from there grow to the changes you need in your life, to help yourself and others achieve the Peace of God.
The flow is Infinite, and will come each time you call,
Ah, Beloved,
Your very Best Path back to full awareness of God is already laid out before you. Your choices, in each moment, are about not being waylaid into detours of your own making that would have you wandering in circles and byways, instead of ascending your True Path.
How to know which turn takes you on a pointless detour? Check in with your Inner Knowing, and check for the presence of Indescribable Peace. Listen in every moment—that IS “pray without ceasing”.
All power is with you, for that Right Path,
Ah, Child,
It is always glorious to gift yourself the gift of some quiet time in the midst of your day. Let yourself be washed with peace, and with the gentle reassurance that Divine Love is available to you, no matter how hectic has been the morning, or how foolish you feel about something you said or did.
Take that quiet time, and commune with the Oneness of which you are a part. More than any object, or substance, or food, or place, or words, that soft Presence will refresh you and rejuvenate you, and remind you that you are Loved, Loved, Loved, whenever you turn your attention to the Light.
Ah, Beloved,
When you simply do not know what to say to someone who stands before you, ask the Voice of Living Love inside you.
Ask. And pause and listen. It WILL guide you. And It will guide you in a way that uplifts both, and all.
Really, you want that, do you not?
Try to set a record for days you feel Good,
Ah, Beloved,
There are many Spiritual Truths that you know full well, but you forget to actively use. You know that to keep thinking angry or hurt thoughts about someone, even when you know you will probably never see that person again, drains some of your joy from the day, and takes away from your ability to focus on good, and inspiration and appreciation.
Take ACTIVE time each day, Beloved, to examine your thoughts as they pop up, and quickly remember to let go, to forgive, to remind yourself to focus on the Good of now, when you see that shadowy thoughts are trying to disrupt you. Loving spirit is glad to help you do this. Ask for Divine Help, count Its Love as an ever-present Blessing, and take that time to rid your mind of thoughts that sneakily rob you of the day, of your True Way.
When you allow Divine Love to fully flood your mind, there is no place for anger and hurt to live or seem insurmountable.
We Love you so. We are ready to help from where we live in the Soul that is your heartbeat.
Ah, Beloved,
Pray, pray, pray for those whose hearts seem hardened, to be awakened to Love.
You may helplessly feel that your words and calls and letters to other people can make no difference in a cruelty or injustice you observe, but do not forget that you also have the power that is given to all through their direct connection to All That Is, and that Creates Good.
Do call forth through that connection and ask God to befriend and soften each and every person. Ask God to pour such a flood of Wisdom and Love and Soul into the Spirit of them, that they will feel impelled from within to learn, to seek righteousness, and to see with Love.
Call, through that which connects all, to reach all.
Have the confidence to use your own birthright in God, to call to the Godly in others,
Ah, Beloved,
“I am as Thou, dear God, for You said I was made in Your image. All the Goodness and Cheer of You is therefore what I am. Show me how to use that Truth, dear wonderful God, to live this life splendidly and well.”
Ah, Beloved,
Confusion is an illness. God is not confused and it is not natural or normal for you to feel confused. When worldly thoughts would lead you to feel confused, go back to the very basic Truth, “One Mind governs all. One Mind governs all with Love. One Mind governs me and everyone concerned with this situation.”
Calm yourself with this. Let One Mind calm you.
Ah, Beloved,
You have probably had the experience of needing someone’s help or acquiescence with a situation, but finding it difficult to explain all the reasons why you need for him or her to do a certain thing. Possibly the person would not be able to understand the technical terms involved in your explanation of why a certain knob must be turned at a certain moment, or perhaps there is not time to explain the thing before it must be done. You can only hope to find a helper, and are grateful when you do, and give the order that is needed.
Just imagine how similar it is for the Divine Voice, when you are needed to be at a certain place with a smile or to speak a certain word. The complexity of the Plan that has each and every individual led to their perfect remembrance of the Whole is just too vast and lengthy to explain to every “helper”. Learn to trust. Trust the Voice when you are guided in your own life. Trust the Divine when you are guided to be a touch in another life. And know that one of the marks of knowing the Divine Voice apart from the voice of the human ego is that It will not attempt lengthy explanations and rationalizations. It will simply speak the Truth, and speak the Truth again, often using a word or a phrase from scripture or inspirational text that you have been exposed to. Listen, trust and obey.
The human “ego voice” will have many justifications and grievances and excuses and judgments. Let it babble on, and turn to the deeper, stiller Place, and listen for the Calm Voice of Love, and let that Voice guide you.
When you come to know it intimately, you will always Know,
Ah, Dear One,
A thousand times a day you have the discipline to follow rules of the physical world and of the rules of polite society. You make time to brush your hair or your teeth. You smile and nod and say please and thank-you. You feed the pet, you spend time washing a car, you water the plant, you make room on the seat for a friend.
Beloved, if you have the will power to do all these things, then you also have the ability to discipline yourself to take a few minutes for communing with Oneness before you arise. You DO have the power over self to find a few minutes before you sleep to review the day, to review your heart, and to reach out to God/Goddess to love and Be Loved.
We know It Is in you. Do you? What is stopping you from spending some disciplined time with the most rewarding relationship you will ever have?
We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.
Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.
Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.
Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.
Ah, Beloved,
Love will never give up on anyone.
Love will sometimes wait until that individual is readier to awaken, but if you are already awakened, it behooves you to go ahead and Love to the best of your ability, and to let Divine Love flow through you with your Full Ability. Do not try to limit how much God-Love flows through you, for It wants to flow through all completely.
It is Unlimited. Set no limits upon It.
Ah, Beloved,
The greatest gift of learning to hear the gracious voice of Divine Spirit in your heart is that It will help you sort out all the “exceptions to the rule” that occur in earthly life.
It will not contradict needing to love the All That Is, or to love others as yourself, or the free will you offer it every day, but as other situations and intellectual ponderings come up, it will help indeed. People love to find the “truth” that they may write on scraps of paper, or look up in a book, or shake in pamphlet form in other faces, or point to in some holy text. They want the security of that, and the courage of that, but written or memorized truths can shift when they are out of context. Discerning the Truth for yourself, for a certain moment and a certain decision, must happen with the help of that Inner Spirit that can see the vast picture you cannot see.
You may turn to a scripture or a page that has helped you again and again, in choosing how to relate to your family, but realizing how to apply it might vary a little bit each time. Divine Spirit can help you there.
Turning to a Truth from a poem or psalm may go from becoming a “hint” to total clarity by letting the guidance of Spirit help you see certain words in a new Light.
Each moment and each choice are fraught with so many possibilities, Beloveds. Let yourself be accompanied. Let yourself be guided. Why walk alone, when you can walk with a Companion, and with Love?
Practice letting that Voice live with you,
Ah, Beloved,
When will you begin to feel that God is something you know, you ask yourself? In every moment that you feel an overriding Love, an ineffable sense of Beauty, a continuity of Life.
Knowing builds and builds, and as it does, you want more and more of it, and look for it and cultivate it, and welcome it as the Truth that sets one free from all limiting illusions.
With great tenderness,
Ah, Beloved,
Speak to the Loving Source:
“I am pleased that Thou art Thou,
and I am Thee,
for as I know that in my heart,
Your Goodness shines as my life,
And as me, and as all around me.”
Let today be an affirming day of that Truth, dear one,
Ah, Beloved,
It is important to look at your family members each day as though they were born anew. Let each day be truly a new beginning.
You know how much you have grown and changed in the last years, or months or minutes. And you know how much you desire to change in holding fast to love and kindness in all relationships. Give your family members the grace of trying to see the positive and the matured selves of them, as well.
Grace begins in letting your own heart be remade, but then you must take it to seeing the grace in the hearts of those around you.
Let it be so,
Ah, Beloved,
Venturing into a resolve to try to See all behavior through the lend of God’s Laws, you may be quite surprised at how many contradict human laws.
When forgiveness and Compassion trump all else, your behaviors will change often. God does not encourage anarchy, but God does demand living by the Laws of Love. Start now.
Bit by bit, the world will evolve,
Ah, Child,
The Wondrous Source finished Its Work. It is done. It is Good.
You, and all, are already standing in the Holy Mind, as complete and perfect Ideas.
Just as when you walk into an artist’s studio and see sketches and models and half drawn plans, but then turn to see the full scaled perfect work, and it so takes your breath away that it is all you can focus on, so let your Self contemplate the finished Work of God.
Contemplate the Omnipresent finished Perfection of God.
Yes, yes, we understand that for a few minutes you may humanly need to think about what it is you wish were fixed, or harmonized, but then turn from any scraps of evidence about unfinished work, and TURN all your thoughts to being, right now, a finished Thought of God.
We assure you, that Thought is Love and Glad, and Peace and Joy come from dwelling within that awareness. That is the Thought that completes. That is the Presence of Mind that heals. That is the Real Joyous thing that You are.
Let it be so,
Ah, Beloved,
PLEASE let your self see, and affirm to others, that there is no moment, and no where, that God is not.
God is everywhere, always, just patiently certain that you will turn from your mortal dreams and awaken to His/Her Beauty and Truth and Kind Resolve.
Think about this today. Omnipresence is the Power.
Ah, Beloved,
Today, let your mission be, to listen, and to see, the Good in all of those around thee.
As ever,
Ah, Lovely Beloved,
To be very still, and to listen carefully Within, and to obey what you hear, is the height of Wisdom and Truth.
When you practice this consistently, you will convince yourself, prove to yourself, that Divine Spirit can always whisper to you exactly what you need to Know.
And then follow It, Beloved. Follow It.
Ah, Beloved,
If you think about how much Infinity you can even picture with your human imagination, and then picture being offered, freely, a small portion of that Lovely Vastness, you can feel uplifted by that thought. The Infinity that formed you and of which you are a part Lovingly WANTS you to feel that Power and use it to Love yourself and to Love others.
Infinity IS bigger than the human mind can picture. But you can at least imagine a steady little stream of It pouring over you endlessly. Won”t you drink of It?
Your heart and Divine Words are the cup,
And you can share that cup with others,
Ah, Beloved,
Your “job” is to reflect God/Goddess/Perfect Source.
Don”t delay, don”t complain, don”t prevaricate. Just practice doing it.
And, the only true way to help or teach others to do the same is to do it well yourself. Ask for Help to do it well, and ask for Help for others to do it well.
Well, why not? Try it, and feel the delight,
Ah, Beloved,
See, and silently Divinely appreciate, only the brothers and sisters of Soul that are all around you. React not to their dusty costumes, but walk in Love, and Gratitude that God has enabled you to not be fooled by the false faces of evil. See only the Divine Truth, be not drawn into false battles, and your days will be more filled with Joy.
Your head will not be in the clouds or the sand, for you will still take actions or speak words, as Guided by God, to help awaken the sleepwalkers of the temporal world. But if your heart and Sight are filled with Love as you do it, then you are walking in perfect step with Divine Spirit.
Walk in Beauty, walk in Joy, We are with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Appreciation of excellence in any form is appreciating a Quality of God Reflection.
When it seems that you observe many not appreciating or understanding God, look at what they do appreciate. If they admire the amazing performances of athletes or musicians, if they are stilled into silence by the beauties of nature, if they are poetic about the loyalties of good friends, if they are excited about discoveries of processes of the physical realm, then be very glad. They may not perceive yet that All is One, and that they must eventually recognize and praise and thank the Source of all that is Good, but they are at least turning their thoughts to the ways that Goodness shines.
Be glad of that, Beloved. Be glad, for, as We have told you, in Gladness you are with me, aligned with me, and I am able to flow through you in ways most fine.
Ah, Beloved,
Just be Beloved, today.
Just be Beloved, like a bride or a groom
on wedding day, think of nothing else but being joined to the Beloved.
Just be Beloved, today.
It feeds and sustains you, and never lets go,
Ah, Beloveds,
There is no need for urgency in the daily tasks, but there is need to stay still, and be guided, and renewed by, the sweet, sweet Joy of the Emanator of All Things, including you. Without that receptivity to the Joy that created you, and out of Whose Awareness you are made and sustained, nothing can feel smooth and lasting.
Oh, the temporal pleasures may lull you into a complacency of the moment, from treats or hobbies or physical embrace, but none of those substitutes will amount to anything when some more moments have passed, and the brief pleasures fade. The enduring Gladness is the Gladness of God.
Seek It, even as It is Lovingly awaiting your seeking of It, and be Glad, O’ so Glad, in each moment that you remember you were always completely within Its embrace.
“I am Held in God’s Embrace. I am under the Law of Love. As I live by the Law of Love, so does Love come back, multiplied, to me.”
As ever, in love,