All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Obviously, you, as a human, do not control the behavior of others. But you DO control whether you treat them with Love, react to them with Love.

    And it IS Love that ultimately governs all. So, as you choose agape Love as your default mode of offering interaction with others, you are choosing to allow Love to do Its work through you. It can work more wonders than you can imagine.

    We Love you Unconditionally, over and over,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honesty must always be tempered by Love.

    There is the truth of man, and there is the Truth of God. When you feel you must be forthright and “honest” with someone about something, make sure it is a truth that is also True through God-Sight.

    With those you love in the earthly alignments and relations, is not the greatest honesty to always remember that you want to love them Unconditionally? The small temporal truths and daily details come and go, but the deep desire to Love Unconditionally is part of the very fabric of your Soul-self.

    So, what do you really, Honestly, want to say to your kin?

    We stand with you, and hold you upright with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Truth that you are not a body, that you are a spiritual and perfect Idea in the wonderful Creative Source-Mind, which is a projection of Light, can fool you into thinking that the perfect “body” of you is Imagined by God. The qualities of God are more amorphous than that—they are totally Spiritual. Therefore, when asking to see your healthy, perfect self, open your thoughts to Thoughts of Harmony, of Order, of Smooth Operation, of Perfect Responsiveness, of Utter Calm Beauty, of Timelessness, etc.—think upon the QUALITIES of God, not physical attributes. God is not a physical being.

    As you ponder these Infinite QUALITIES, then understanding that you are made as an image, a reflection, of these QUALITIES will give you new Insight about how Wellness of Being appears in the earthly seeming of you. Ponder the Qualities of Infinite Love and Truth, and let the reflected appearance of them take care of itself.

    Be the Spiritually Gracious Beauty and Grace of the Source,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Am I forgiven

    YES, you are, if you but turn to God and ask. And, God will help you to not need to ask that again, as you listen to His/Her Loving way.

    So many ask this question and need to hear that answer. If you all but understood how completely in Love with you God is, you would never again doubt, and never again feel unloved or lost.


    God is in Love with you, Child, just as any good parent is in love with his or her son or daughter, the moment they see, or picture, that face. Accept and believe that Love, and receive it, until you completely understand the phrase “There is nothing to forgive.”

    Always delighted to see you freed into Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turn to the Divine first. Even when you know that you face some challenging decisions and/or actions, take those few minutes, or moments, to turn to the Divine Support that is always with you. If you tell yourself that you will spend the morning planning and figuring and worrying about some life issue, and then take half an hour at lunch time to pray, you have it backwards.

    Root yourself in the Joy of the Divine, and then let the Divine guide you, or show you, the best path through the maze of life’s hedges. Let the Joy carry you and be with you, and the ideas and the strength will flow with you as you ponder choices in your own mind, or as someone else tosses them at you in a meeting or a conference call.

    The Divine Root connects all the hedges, and It knows where all the sap is, and where the water and nutrients are flowing. Trust, Beloved, trust in that unseen taproot, and All that It is connected to.

    Always growing in love, as is God, in Whom all else is unchanging.

    God wants Love to always grow and further expand. It is what God Is.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When one begins to realize the extent of the Inner Universe, one tends to try first to simplify and put in order ones immediate physical world. There can be the feeling, because of the way the human mind has been trained in this time, to feel that it would be easier to pay attention to the truth of the heart if only the immediate surroundings seemed simpler, or more focused, or more defined as beauty.

    And, indeed, if in those beginning stages it is easier to learn to be still, and listen, if the room is perfect, or if the order of self-space is there, then let it be so. But, Beloved, as one goes deeper into the Vastness of Inner Perception, one realizes better than ever how tiny is the role of each being. When you get that first slight glimpse of just how unimaginable, to the human mind, is the Infinite, then it becomes easier to let go of any thought of control by the human self. The very hugeness of the picture helps to let one let go to the guidance of the Divine Voice. The very complexity of the Truth, that All is One, can be the thing that utterly convinces the heart of the human that there is absolutely no way to fulfill ones perfect part, ones perfect role, without constant guidance from the Inner Voice.

    Be in glad humility of that, and be still, and listen, and joyously know that your only part of being the Greater Perception is to listen to, and obey, the prompting lines that YOU are given. Listen to the lines for no others, and do not try to play the role of another, for you are unique and wondrous and perfectly you, if you would let it be so.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you would invite a math expert to come in and look over your calculations, to correct any errors, invite Truth into your mind and heart to correct all errors and quirks and misbeliefs.

    Whether you think of Truth as the Light Being of the Christ, or whether you think of Truth as the Spiritual essence of the Golden Rule, or whether you think of the Truth as the God or One Source or Love, that you pray to, and with, invite It in.

    Invite Truth in, so that the illusions of malady, or the preoccupation with accumulating collections, or the competitive ambition that sours relations, or the pride of objects or excess ungiving wealth, can be sorted out and soothed. Truth will comfort and solve, and show you the path to your True Work as a Blessed and Blessing Child of the Divine.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no Truth but the One Mind that holds all. The sooner you realize this, and begin thinking it and believing it and living it daily and hourly and even, yes, moment by moment, the sooner you will feel free of the illusions of sorrow and illness and troubles. Let the One Mind show you Its glorious Truth of you, whole and pure and happy, and let no small human dreams and plans and false expectations dissuade you from pursuing this alignment of the heart and mind of your earthly time with the Divine Mind’s Knowledge of the Reality of you.

    We have heard your prayers for your brothers and sisters in the Oneness of Being, and We are there with them, guiding and giving, and you will see their Best Selves come forth through the mist of the earthly costumes. Allow your Best Self to shine as well, Beloved. You know it is there within you and you know it is real and true. Let not your own mortal evaluations or plans stop you from being what God knows you to be right now. You do not need to wait a long time or until you finish a certain book or project. You are already what you are in the Mind of God, and as you cast off the old labels you have given yourself, or others have given you, then the You that God created and called “very Good” will shine and shine and be Glad, be Glad, be Glad.

    Oh, Beloved, let go the humanly created costumes and labels, and temporal trimmings, and be Glad and Good right now. It is what you really are, and God knows it. And if God knows it, you know it.

    It is True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you enter a new phase (for each day is a new phase, even when you feel you have made no progress at all in your spiritual growth), be willing to be led by silence, and submission to the Greater Will. Some days, your silence will only last a few minutes, while you commune with the Divine before you rise, and before the world makes its many demands upon you. But some days, because you make them so, or because the flow of events puts you into a place and time of much waiting, can be ones of all silence, or mostly silence, of your own human voice and of the cacophony of the world.

    O”, use those blessed days, Beloved! Use the silence to listen to God. Your silent time spent in loving and being loved by God, and being spoken to and inspired by God’s vision of you, will be worth more than a lifetime of busy, busy talking or agreeing or consulting. To simply feel, if nothing else, well loved, and well-assured of the beauty of Divine Love, at the end of a day, is worth more than any worldly solution or savings or scheme.

    We will sing silent songs in the background,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you walk into the soul of another, it is not to analyze or criticize. It is to hold open the door for compassion and Unconditional Love and Harmony to come in with you, and put the other, and your self, into alignment with It.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are always on His Mind. Literally, you are always in His/Her Mind, for God is All there is.

    When you forget this and think you must beg and beg to be heard or answered, you have simply misunderstood again that you truly are a Beloved idea in God. Relax, be still, float in silence for a moment, and reach out to the Ocean of Love and Life that hold you so very dear.

    Quite simply, always in Mind. Awaken to that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not pleased with fear. Be pleased only with Love.

    Making someone fear you, whether because of your schematic power over them, or your public or family duty to them, is the opposite of Love, and the opposite of what you want to call to yourself. What you send forth, you eventually receive. You may not always recognize the relationship between the giving and the receiving, because of the intervening time, but it exists.

    Therefore, send only Love forth. AND, ask for Divine assistance in neutralizing any old or current or “future” fears that stand unaccounted for and as yet unreturned. Anything handed into the Loving flame of the Good Source will not come back to harm any, so long as all are included in Its Beneficence. To ask Good for the self, one must ask for Good for all. Do not be afraid to do so.

    Nothing to fear in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it feels unclear what to say, and you are hearing no specific prompts from Divine Voice within, remember it is always fine to simply silently Love those around you, and Love yourself, just as God is always silently Loving you, In each moment of now, creating you anew by simply Holding the Thought of you, God is Loving you, making you out of Love.

    The worldly minded do not assign great value to silence, but Silent Love is a very great language and communicator indeed, and a day is not wasted that is spent practicing silently emanating Divine Love, from your connection to the Source of All Soul, to feed your own heart and the hearts of those around you


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you come to a new level of understanding God’s Truths, the One Spirit that lives in all beings will draw some of them your way. The ones who will be drawn to you to ask your advice, or to wish to be near you, will be the perfect ones for you to meet, for as you practice your new understanding, and share it, it will deepen. What you give, you receive. What you teach, you learn. As you pray for others to be released from their earth illusions and addictions, you, too, will be released.

    Stay open to being delighted. Be delighted if you have been praying for your “enemies”, and then see a demonstration of peace come. Be delighted if you have been praying for discernment about spiritual healing, and say a prayer for a friend and see it work. Be gratified if you have been practicing feeling yourself in the Harmony of God, and then old desires fall away.

    Knowing God releases all, so make knowing God #1,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You cannot choose alignment with the Divine Source for another person. Each individual must choose the timing of when he or she is ready to disregard the material dream and begin to See the Lovely Unseen Spiritual Reality. We know it is humanly heart-breaking to watch those who suffer from their own illusions, but what you CAN do is to choose to Glow even more brightly with Love yourself.

    To keep your own consciousness so aligned with Divine Consciousness that others can sense that Presence emanating from you is to help awaken them from their dreams. Some will feel It right away and clearly. Some will perceive It only dimly. But if you just keep shining your Light, more of the darkness of the dream will disappear.

    That is the essence of the Plan, Beloved. Be willing to be a part of It, and shine.

    We Love it when you do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Healing, Helping Spiritual Force is right here. The Healing Force, the Helper, is right here, thank God. The Healer is right here, Thank God.”

    Today, Love, let it be as simple as that. Let today be a day of simple, but constant, alignment with the Source, by that prayer. Do not cling to the exact wording, but let the desire of it stay pure, as you adjust the words and your heart to the truth of the intent. BE the prayer, today.

    Always praying with you, wordlessly, or with words,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never extend willingness to give what you do not have, or not know that you will have, within the world. DO extend, endlessly, the gift of God’s Love, for you KNOW it is of the Infinite source, and freely available to you, and to all others who are willing to receive It.

    Give, give, give of It freely, knowing It is always flowing to you, and allowing your own human thoughts to step out of the way so that It CAN freely flow to you.

    You choose when to “unstopper” the vessel that is you,

    the rest flows to you on its own,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The whole time you have been trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes and See clearly, the perfect world and universe has already existed in the Mind of Causal Love/ God.

    Just awaken and be there. Just desire to awaken and let the pathway unfold.

    O’ Beloved, you have no idea how wonderfully strong are the Loving Ideas that surround and support you once you have declared, “Yes, yes, let the Divine Voice in my heart of soul speak forth and guide me now. Let It take my hand and lead me, let It send me the notions and tendencies and talents and friends and circumstances I need now to fully awaken.”

    It wants you to awaken. It does not want you to dream you are suffering. It wants to celebrate gladness and joy and amazement with you.

    ANGELS< ANGELS > < > < > flying all around

  • Ah, Beloved, so Beloved,

    There is no need to run away from God. There is no need to not want to look at the Truth, for the Truth CONTAINS you, and is Glorious.

    Beloved, just as in the parable of western scripture, wherein the prodigal son finally turns away from living solely to indulge the physical senses, and turns back to the sensibility and identity of the Father’s house, you can turn to looking at the Loving Truth of God. God is not in a hurry, and knows that always you will eventually realize that you are already at Home in Him/Her/One. But the minute that you use your free will to DECIDE that it is time to ponder life through God’s perspective rather than through the five limited senses, and turn towards God to understand who and what you really are, God comes RUNNING out to meet you, eager and glad for the return of one of Its children to the heart of understanding.

    Be not afraid, Child. Choose now to turn towards your greater understanding, and be Glad, be Glad, be Glad.

    Yes, whilst still in the earth play, you will forget sometimes, or your senses will tempt your focus to sensual pleasures, but even within those, you can keep centered in God’s Mind, if you only train your thinking to do so. Stay centered in the Divine, ask for Its touch in every word you speak and in every move you make, and all is well, all is Good, all is God.

    Trust us, We have seen it play out thousands and thousands and thousands of times.

    The Angels assigned to you ARE with you. The One Mind waits in your Heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The beliefs that you cherish and think about every day mold your world entirely. And yet, how many of those are uncontemplated? The force of gravity is one that is immensely integral to your movements and habits and assumptions, but your trust in it, in most situations, is so complete that you do not consciously think about it when you put down a cup, or shake out a rug, or take a step on a planet spinning through space.

    So let us remind you again, there is a Force of Divine Comfort and Friendship and Love that is above all physical laws and that will work for you endlessly and wonderfully, if you let It also become such a part of your assumptions that you can take It, too, for Granted. For Granted it is. It is a Gift, meant to bring you back to the remembrance of your own status as a Joyous and Perfect part of the Divine Whole.

    Wholly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When hopes are realized, and the encouragement of seeing that God/Divine Source can surmount the laws of physics as you have understood them until now, then it is time to realize you have been given a great inducement to know more and more about what you, and God, truly are. That is when your real education begins.

    Yes, all the skills and tasks you have learned to perform in the earthly way still come in handy in the realm of the five senses, but do not be limited by thinking that those are all there is. Unlimited Potential, darling. Unlimited.

    We give you a hand up above limits,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter what your human self seems to think, I am with you right now. I Am You right now. Relax into that. Stop worrying, and let Me take over for the day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you leave the house in the morning, you pat your pockets or your bag, and make sure you have your keys or your coin purse or your wallet. We see you do it. Sometimes, we whisper to you to do it and you subconsciously hear our whisper and turn back to seek the missing item.

    But why do we not always see you pausing to make sure you have opened your connection to Spirit? Why do you not let our whisper, our reminder, of that need, come into your awareness? Believe us, you need It. You need to remember that another part of Divine Spirit is driving every car around you. Another part of Divine Soul is guiding the true thoughts of every heart in every person around you.

    We cannot force it. As ever, every day, every moment, we honor your free will. We can only hope you will offer that free will back to the Holy, so that It may flow through you and Be.

    Won”t you offer it? Won”t you, as you pat your pockets to see if you remembered your wallet, also pat your heart to hear the Voice of God/Goddess, so that you may hear It reply, “Lo, I am with you always.”?

    We are always trying to remind you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know that the other voice, the Voice Divine, is always right there, in your heart-mind, waiting to talk to you and help you understand what is the right and decent and gracious thing to do or say. If you do not pause and listen to It, you have no one but yourself to teach.

    Let It teach you. Be Glad you are progressing in your spiritual understanding. We know that on many days you feel discouraged at your progress in acting and thinking in the saintly ways you want to think and act, but we tell you to take heart. In the small progressions of days, perhaps it is difficult to see your own progress. But We See it. Have you not grown more tolerant and forgiving? Have you not begun acting more honestly and with more generosity and compassion? Give thanks for all the progress made, and expect more, and Be Glad, O’ Darling One, Be Glad.

    Glad to know you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hold still, and quiet your heart, and the answers will come clear. Just as a prism must be held still in a beam of sunlight, before you can count, or distinctly see, all the colors of the rainbow it casts, you must hold still.

    You are the prism. If you would like to see the beautiful rainbow of your life that the Source Light intended you to see, hold still once in a while and let yourself see it. No one else can make you hold still, but you can do it any time you like, if you do not think that the piles of paper, or airwaves of chatter, or fast talkers around you, or twinges of body, hold power over where you put your attention.

    Hold still at least a few times a day, and see and appreciate the lovely rainbow of your life. After a time, you will begin to understand, and believe, that the Principal that holds the colors of a rainbow in place so wonderfully can hold every facet of your life in order as well. It is truly a well made and marvelous design, once you begin to see beyond the earthly spectrum.

    As ever, seeing your loveliness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So simply can you guide your day, opening up to the Supportive Love that maintains the Soul of you, that IS the Soul of you, to constantly affirm, “I am a Beloved image of the Good God. All around me are Beloved images of the Good God. I remind myself of this, and I make the effort, with God’s Support, to See this.”

    A simple thing can be the work of a day, or of a lifetime, to master,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new entry into your heart, with having assimilated more of the truth that the Maker and Holder of all Life is there always, to assist in making the earth dream a better one, that you do not need memorized phrases and prayers to turn to. If those memorized words and pictures help you remember, in moments of doubt or fear, that there is a Delighted and Delightful Force waiting to assist when you give permission, that is good. Use them.

    But also let your faith in the Truth of an ever-present, ever-helpful Divine All, become wordless. Let the silent song of the heart be enough. Let a simple, quiet smile be enough. Let a sureness that goes beyond words or explanations or gestures be like an effervescence of Light that is with you always, and that holds to you the Best of what is meant to be, and that others can see, and that helps raise them, too, to a place of feeling assured and loved and rested in the very Beingness of God-Love.

    Your earth self will never know the extent of how it has helped,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not interested in making it difficult for you to remember your Oneness.

    “God Loves me, and I Love God.” Simple.

    To keep that central in thought and heart changes everything.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so easy to be forgiven. Just ask that it be so.

    When you are caught in the web of human values and perceptions, it is difficult to see or understand just how many small things or thoughts or words, throughout the day, can leave you feeling guilty or afraid. That is why, before you rest, and/or as you take moments of quiet respite in your mind during the day, you should ask the Inner Voice, Higher Power, God, Universe (whatever “Name” you are comfortable with), for forgiveness.

    Forgiveness comes automatically, for the Loving Source knows your true Goodness. When the peaceful feeling of having been forgiven settles over your heart, then can come inspiration and exuberance and joy. Then can come the Thoughts of God, and Beauty and Good. When the calmness of thought that forgiveness brings clears your mind of destructive fear, then healing and solutions and fulfillment can be revealed, lovely and pristine, as they have been kept safe in Soul for you, all along.

    Let yourself be forgiven, and thus let your Wholeness be revealed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust that the truth of the Loving Reality WILL reach every heart, for in the One Causal Source, where timelessness Reigns, It already has reached All.

    Perhaps some hear it first from an enlightened parent or childhood teacher. Perhaps some discover it in lyrics of uplifting songs, or old scripture, or a phrase on the side of a building, but we assure you that no man or woman is any different in the Mind that thought of them all, and each and every one will be tenderly brought to the memory of how much they are Loved and Cherished and Held, in God.

    “When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are…”—God Hears all Heart desires and answers them with Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the sweet Peace of God Thoughts fill your mind, savor them. Savor the feeling of Wellness of Being, without reverting back to the mortal “to do” list. If there is something “to do”, you will be told, but until that Thought is installed in your thoughts, just savor, savor, savor the Wellness of Being a part of God.

    Behold, Joy!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there’s The Will, there’s a way.

    a.k.a. All things are possible to God.

    Ponder that, have faith in that, trust in that. Trust in the Goodness of the One Will. It is human will, that thinks it acts alone, that is not to be trusted. Align with One Will, and be free.

    Always with you in that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be honest with your Self. Are there really any worldly demands that cannot wait, while you spend a day in communion with the Divine, remembering your own holy Self?

    Be that today, Beloved. Be your Real Self, ignoring the identity thief that tries to parade as you, and worry for you and about you, and tries to make you focus on other masqueraders.

    Cannot you take one day? We will join you in a party of Honest Selves,

    ANGELS, Lovingly

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Join not in the fears of lack. The Infinite Loving Source can be trusted to provide what you truly need in some form or another, and the deep understanding of your Spiritual nature and the Light of Life that makes up all Being can satisfy you in ways beyond human sense.

    Stay open, simply and humbly, to ideas and experiences of Thought that lead your Soul Self to new solutions and different definitions of being fulfilled.

    Silent deep listening to the Voice of God within is a daily must, and reminding yourself constantly, “God wants my full Harmonious function as Joy and I can leave every moment of the future in that Divine Oversight.”

    Be not afraid. Trust God. Love God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Re-boot your thoughts if they go into a tailspin. Program your feelings to expect Goodness. Do not become mired in dramatic fears or childish whimsy of castles and monsters, but do create Good Expectation.

    Expectation IS a part of the birth of a feeling of Goodness and Connection within you. Whether the gestation period is long or short in part depends on how diligently you practice keeping to Good Thought, and the deepness of your heart desire. PONDER THIS,

    Today, perhaps you wish to claim “I want evidence of faithful and grateful Love, and I want a complete feeling of full provision of Grace and all that I need for my journey. I want to see mendings of any appearance of brokenness or feelings of division, and I want to feel overflowing with Love.”

    Read this more than once today, and welcome any Unseen Help that wants you to achieve it all.

    We want to help, if you invit Us, O’ ye of free will,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Heal others, and you will be healed. Pray for others and the Bright Grace will bounce back to you, and fill you with the Joy of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give yourself the gift of recognizing that when characters in your play seem to be doing either good or ill, their Real Selves were dancing in the purity of the Light.

    See the Light of them, Beloved. See the Light.

    See the Light of them, that they may see the Light of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Studying the commandment of “placing no gods above God” is not about studying a gruesome law that you follow only by sacrificing what you really want. It is about studying the Law that frees you from thinking that anything else is true.

    You cannot REALLY place any gods above God, because only God exists, and you are a Spirit within that God-Goodness. To fool yourself into thinking that there are other things that exist beside God, is to trap your awareness into illusions and shadows. “Thou shall have no other gods before Me” is a protective Rule, a Loving Rule, not a thing to bind you. Let It free you. Let it make you hopeful and happy and certain of your beautiful place in the Order that is the Loving Rule of God-Mind.

    Yet, know yourself unique in God, as a beloved part/ partner,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that believing in the Unseen, more than in the seen, is a crucial part of being your Divine Self. And, believing in the Unseen for those around you who seem completely trapped in the visible realm is an important part of honing your own vision of the Unseen.

    It is your own willingness to see God’s true intention that is crucial, Beloved. The more you focus on seeing the God in everyone, the more you will see It. Whether or not all of those around you believe that they are expressions of the Divine is not important. Some of the most amazing “miracles”, or “revelations of God’s Truth”, to describe it in another way, happen to those who are not aware of having any faith at all, and to many who do not admit that there is any Unseen Reality.

    Look away from the evidence of the senses, Beloved. Listen not to those who would show you smoke for reality. Look to the Divine Reality, and listen to the Divine Voice, and remember, above all, It is already accomplished. You only seem to be in time, where things are not yet done.

    What God has already accomplished, no one can really undo. And the Divine You, and the Divine Everyone, already Is.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grievances are like smog that hides the light of the sun.

    Let the Wind of Love blow your grievances away, and let the ever-present Light of Soul shine, shin, shine in your life.

    Expect Good, and Good is seen,

    Look for Good, and your ability to see it increases.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am utterly Loved by the Source-Imager that projects this image of what I am. I can trust that It wants my happiness, so that I may be free to let Its Love and Light shine through me.”

    Study this Truth, Beloved. But let there be a great deal of silence and pondering time in the study, rather than memorization. For in the Silence, and patient waiting for the Will of God, comes the Presence of the Maker to you. Remember, it is that Presence that is the Healing Force, the Guiding Force, the Lover and the Beloved. It is that communion time that is the marriage of Creator and created. It is the time spent bathing in the Presence that is the Unconditional support of Parent giving to Its Child/Reflection.

    Ponder all of this, and hold your heart open to quietly receive, and be filled, and be Loved.

    Ponder it smoothly and slowly, so that you let the Presence have the gentle and quiet time to fill you, and do Its Work.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The pattern that already exists for your best journey through life contains all possibilities. Enacting the pattern in a way that chooses the most harmonious and joyous experiences begins with believing that you are Loved.

    The raw materials of the Divine Source are always ready and always there, and as an individualization of the Divine Whole, your “share” already belongs to you. Believe this, Beloved.

    The raw materials of the Divine Source in which your Spirit exists are all Good, for that is the very nature of God, All That Is. Choose, with your words and your thoughts, to believe this, Beloved, and let your heart rejoice that you have been given the power to form thoughts and speech to mold your heart’s desires out of the raw material of the Source.

    Let not a sorrowing imagination send you into making molds of what you do not want, Dear One. Focus, focus, focus the thoughts and spoken words on the truth that you have been given, that you are a unique and Loved part of the Wonderful Whole, and take that raw Love and “bake” it into the forms that support your expression of that Love to the world.

    Years of not believing that the best is for you can be turned around,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be willing always to apologize quickly, even if you are not sure what you did that offended someone, and even if you are sure you were “in the right”.

    Nothing is a good enough excuse to treat another as you would not treat yourself. Nothing.

    Tap into the Divine of your self, and look beyond the worldly elements of the other person, and you will see the same Divine Light shining back at you. There is the Truth. So long as you look with your human eyes and see only the human quirks of the other person, and judge them and react to them as human to human, you will behave in ways that just come bouncing back to you in the worldly realm.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is very obvious to you that others have human stories in common with you, so that when you are celebrating or grieving, or just learning the best way to eat a piece of fruit, you know you are not alone.

    What is not so apparent is that each and every individual goes through a soul journey and a spiritual unfolding. Some speak about it or write about it, but many do not. Yet, if you remember that absolutely everyone goes through it and grows and examines and reveals more and more of their Spiritual nature, you can feel in community with all. Whether or not you feel comfortable sharing your personal spirit story, know that you are not alone, and that as you feel more of your own Life and Love holiness, it helps all.

    When you are praying for your own Best Self to come forward, you are actually also praying for the uplifting of many. Praying aligns you with Goodness. Praying brings forth more Goodness for all.

    Many are in step with you, near and far.

    We are always with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    True Beauty is Spirit, and Spirit is the Truth.

    Picture yourself as Spirit, formed of Light and Love, and you will See yourself as God Sees you, and you will know your True Beauty.

    These words make no sense to the bodily eyes you usually use, but if you ponder them regardless, and let your Spirit float, you will know that Spirit is All, and All is Spirit. The freedom of Wholeness comes from that Sacred understanding.

    Such constant Love flows to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is complete. Oneness of all is the Whole and Real, Substance of All.

    As part of It, you are complete, as Soul. You are worthy and wonderful.

    It is only in the dream of linear time that there seems to be incompleteness, imperfection. Focus your thoughts, aligned with God-thought, on the completeness of God, Whose Work is done, and breathe a sigh of relief. Stand outside of time, many times a day, and see Good as Real.

    Choose to focus on Goodness and completeness, Beloved. Choose what to Look at, what to discern. Choose to See Love, and Love’s effects, rather than the shadows of dreams.

    Use Our eyes, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no shame in needing to ask the Spirit of God for help each day in seeing through the impersonal face of the illusion of evil. Ask, and ask again, and God will help you forgive, and then help you see the Inner Good that needs no forgiveness.

    On the days that you can see the Divine Good in all, feel Blessed, and celebrate and be Glad. On the days when sorrow and evil and death distress your thoughts, seek God’s Help to see Good again. For so it goes, until all can see through and past illusion, and know the faces of Grace.

    God keeps giving and never stops.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learning that “All is One” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” are the same thing.

    You already Know in your heart that all exist within the Thoughts of the One Mind, but sometimes the costumes of those around you are so cleverly suggestive of meanness and shallow thinking that it is very hard to believe. Sometimes your own temptations and errors make you feel as though you also must have somehow stepped outside of the Mind of Love.

    But it is not so. It just is not so. For yourself, ask to be helped to feel the Love that holds you, and to lay aside all behaviors and thoughts that are not the Good You. For others, ask of One Mind that It so brightly shine within them that It shines through as clearly as strong sun shines through the outer tissue of onion skin. Then, you will be able to list for yourself their good and spiritual qualities, and be at peace in sharing the One Mind as your Home together.

    And, do remember, Beloved, as you look back over your life and the lives of others, that some of the “enemies” you thought you had finally became friends to you, and that others that were as an irritation to you were gracefully whirled away from the daily orbit of your life, once you came to think of them with peace.

    Loving from afar is still Loving. It is up to One Mind to Harmonize them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ever-present, willing and glad to show you Goodness, and Omnipotent.

    That is God.

    O, do claim it and accept it today, Beloved. We would not have you spend any time in maze detours of uncertainty or confusion or doubt or sorrow.

    Claim the joy for today, for only God’s Goodness is Real.

    That gives us Joy to live on,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the prayers have been sent forth, when the tithes of time, or energy, or money, or goods, have been given, and above all, the Presence of the Divine has been felt arriving, then is the time for the good Patience to wait on the Will of God.

    Patience, Beloved. Accept that part of the trust in the Divine that you must feel and believe in is Its knowledge of perfect timing. For perfect timing, just as it is for a comedian or a dramatist, is an essential part of how the Will for the Divine Plan works to the Best for everyone.

    Patience, today and always, to accompany the Trust,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How pure and simple you can make prayer today.

    “I Love you so much, Dear God. I Love you so much.”

    And hear back, more than enough to overflow your heart, “I Love you so much too”

    “How glad I am, Dear God, that my sad dreams never touched the Soul of me that is a shining forth of the Soul of You. How glad I am It remains Pure, and Lovable, and Alive.”

    “I Love you so much, Dear God”

    And I Love you so much, Dear Child of Mine.”

    It is simple, and it is True. Love reflects Love, forever.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How very readily and easily God Loves you. How completely and continually God Loves you. We assure you this is true.

    The thing that confuses you or makes you doubt this is the definition of “you”. If you think of yourself as a body—a thought-costume, ephemeral and varying, with its associated pleasures and pains and whims and errors and triumphs, then of course you would wonder whether you are always Lovable.

    But, Love, a body is not what YOU really are. It is just a temporal dream, a time-space experience, that can be amended and can improve and grow in Grace. What God Sees is the wondrous and good idea of You that is one of the lovely ideas in the Great Mind that is God. And that is ALL God Sees, and so, Loves.

    But God did recognize that you mistakenly created a fitful dream with your power of thought-creation, and sent ambassadors into the dream to help you awaken gently and completely, so that joy can be You and yours again. O”, dear Child of Spirit, let God’s thoughts of what you are be what you know yourself to be, rather than that limited dream of being a body. Know yourself as an extension of Love and Intelligence and Spirit. Ask the Ambassador Voice, Divinely Loving You in your heart, what you are.

    Expand your definition of yourself, and you will realize that as you exhibit the delightful Qualities of God, that you are made up of, you will feel, and be, supremely lovable.

    The very essence of You IS Love. That is the Truth that can guide you like a camper’s lamp.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, trust in God and do good while you wait on the Will of God, as the psalm says, but listen to God to understand what doing Good is.

    As you give and as you serve, discerning what will actually Bless another person or the earth is important. If you gift what is unwanted, or too complex for the person to understand, or inappropriate for any other number of reasons, you are not doing Good. Be guided by the small Inner Divine Voice even when choosing small gifts or giving labor or gestures or words, for the One Mind knows what will truly Bless one and Bless all.

    Give Good that is ready to be appreciated,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Did you feel God come into your spiritual hearing this morning and say, “Please look and listen with my eyes and ears today” ?

    Look, Beloved. Listen, Beloved.

    Look for the Good Qualities that you know are God. Listen for Kindness and Compassion in the voices around you. Listen for Good reports and Good news.

    Give your report to God, and know that you are tuning your senses to help help help see more and more of God revealed in the earthly dream.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The effervescence of Love is far better than that of champagne, and all it costs is the asking.

    Ask Divine Loving Spirit to fill you with Its warmth and effervescence and It will. Ask and wait quietly until you FEEL It. Be patient, Beloved, but so very expectant.

    The Spirit of Love always answers, and the more you set aside your material concerns as you wait for the feeling of Its Presence to fill you, the more easily you will sense It.

    Keep your mind on the Goodness of God, that is also your Goodness, and you will feel filled with the mercy of Love.

    When once you have experienced It, nothing else will compare.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Presence in your heart-thoughts of Divine Spirit, offering you a faithful binding to Itself for your life, is a wonderful opportunity. It is a marriage of Soul that takes no special ritual or dress or suit or venue or guest list.

    It takes only your willingness, and the true desire to know the Great Spirit of All, and yourself as sweetly one with It.

    We bear witness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know that once one has fully experienced the Presence of the Divine Love that sustains and maintains and reveals the Wholeness of each and all, there is no going back to complete unbelief. Feel It, appreciate It, work with It, to further open your heart and align your mind with the One Mind, and enjoy the glory of your own unfolding salvation.

    There is no need for you to personally and stridently convince any other. They will be shown and see for themselves in due time, as soon as they are willing and can absorb the Truth. Pray for them, yes, and strive to see them all as Divine Children coming into view, but mostly just continue to be a living example of one who calmly and joyfully knows the Presence of Omnipotent Love. That is work enough, is it not?

    Leave the rest up to Omnipresence. It Knows and It has Worked, and continues to Work.



  • Ah, Beloved.

    Be not afraid. You are Beloved of the Creator Itself. What could be more wonderful? What could be more secure and True and Just?

    You are Beloved of the Creator, as Its own creation. Trust in that. Savor that, today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All together, We are the Body of Good.

    This is the Body that does not die and is not constrained by time, and you are part of It. Be not afraid, and remember the truth worth of your important and particular and unique part in the Body of God.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not have to force the Will of the Divine. It already exists. It already wants to manifest as the graciousness and best of you.

    Think of “manifesting” as the revealing of that which is already true. Like an art conservator who removes the grime of centuries to show the original brilliant colors and forms of a painting, let the desire to know yourself as God knows you wash off the grime of time.

    Be not afraid. Do not try to force God’s Will. Just gently and calmly and trustingly set aside your own human plans, and let the quiet glory of the life God created for you be revealed.

    It is there, and we are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God, and what God IS, as Spirit of Life, as Love and Light, is the Truth, and the Truth is God. What your body senses perceive is but a dusty mist trying to obscure the Truth of God, and the Truth of you as a dancing Spirit of Life that reflects God.

    God is Truth, and Truth is God and God’s reflection, which is you. When the grime and mist of the mirror of existence are cleared, the mirror of delight that God created will show all whole and beautiful.

    These words may seem like gobbeldy gook to you, but if you simply think, over the course of the day, “God is Truth, and Truth is God, and I am God’s reflection”, you will be welcoming into your discernment a brightening of Spirit, and a deepening of Divine understanding.

    Work with yourself on this, for it is the work of awakening.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    True freedom of Heart is not about trusting that there is enough work, or enough money in the bank, or enough companionship or supply.

    True freedom is in trusting utterly in the Divine Source to supply all that is needed, in whatever time and place it is needed.

    Is it true freedom you want, or just a temporary, reasonable copy? Only you can decide when true freedom is what you want to go for, even is it means giving up some or all of what you seem to rely upon now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The energy We give you, the Calmness We infuse into you, the Words We whisper to remind you to forgive, to help you to be patient, to remember how much you yourself have needed extra Love at times, is so that you will find the strength to offer these to others. And to yourself.

    “Love your neighbor as yourself” is a Truth that must be constantly practiced. You will not succeed in it in every day or every circumstance, but you, and We, can be very Glad each time you do. Do not feel frozen in heart and guilty in thought, when you fail in it.

    Instead, turn back to the first Truth, “Love God with all your heart and mind”, and be renewed by knowing that God’s Knowledge of your Innocence, and God’s Unconditional Constant Love, are there for you to draw upon. We are God-Thoughts, always ready to pour more courage and inspiration, and whatever else is needed, your way.

    Here We are. Use Us. It is free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We remind you again, when you stayed up all night asking and praying to God-Source to tell you Its purpose, and as the sun came up over the river, you heard “To extend Love everywhere there is darkness, and to ever expand It”.

    That is still true, Beloved. Where there is no time, and all is already done, there is no change of purpose. Therefore, if you align yourself with that purpose, you purpose will never change.

    How we love you for being part of it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take time today to re-Assert that you know your Self to be a True Child of Spirit.

    Be not like the actor who has so lost himself in his role of drunkard or bum that he forgets he has a wonderful home and full resources and a loving family, all waiting for him each night after the play is over. Let your self think of your Self, and let the loveliness of those thoughts carry you through any moments when you need to remember your True, rich heritage of Love, of Pro-Vision, of Creative Urge.

    You are already there, Beloved, and sometimes even good actors set aside the drama for a night, and give themselves back to themselves for the renewal of their strength and joy and enjoyment of Being Loved.

    The Infinite Source is you unending stream of Love. Drench yourself in It.

    Ever and always admiring,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of God as thinking this way, if God thought in words:

    “I am that I am. I am All Consciousness and I am All That Is. Within My Consciousness is the idea of____(your name)__________ and her life. That life is perfect and good and true, for it is a very part of Me. Her consciousness is my Consciousness, and Mine continually maintains the idea of her and her life and being and constancy of delight within ME.”

    Put your name in, and ponder being part of, and living within, that Consciousness,

    AND that it is the only way in which you exist at all.

    Always with you, until you really get this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The miracles, or what seem like miracles to human eyes, but are actually a natural part of God’s order, are yours, because they are natural to you. YOU are a natural part of God.

    Accept this, Beloved, and be free.

    “I am a natural part of all that GOD IS.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honestly evaluate how much the comforts of old, when you did not have spiritual sight, truly make you happy now. When one awakens to one’s spiritual heritage, there comes a time when even the few cherished things of the old ways must be laid upon the altar of Truth. Some will morph into even better versions of themselves. Others will fade away and no longer be a part of your life.

    It is about trust, Love. Trust Love. Trust that Force that Knows you and Loves you better than you know yourself. Awaken to trust, and you awaken to a greater knowledge of, and experience of, Love Itself.

    It is Glory, and glorious,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, and every day that you can remember, picture Divine perfect order. In yourself and for yourself, and in and for others, and in and for the world, picture Divine Order.

    It is simple to picture this. In your culture, every school child is taught how the atoms of air distribute themselves evenly throughout the space in a jar, or a beaker with a lid. Picture everyone, and everything, in the world and universe in the same way—each in its prefect spot, held in place, or moved to a new place, by the Force of Love.

    Picture Love moving you to, and holding you in, the perfect spots in every day. Picture this also for all your friends, and loves, and strangers. Picture each atom of Life being in its perfect place, at the perfect time, and feel the wonder at the Order that surrounds and holds all.

    We know that as you envision this for yourself, and for all whom you are concerned about, many, many things and opportunities will visibly fall into place.

    All is in Order in the Mind of God.

    Love, Love, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the great line dance that is the dance of God, there are only a few set steps. So long as you recognize that you are in the Whole Dance and love and enjoy It, and so long as you recognize everyone else’s right to dance, and try to dance in harmony with them (especially those nearest you), there is no special way that you must move your feet, or sing, or choose direction.

    When unsure, follow the footsteps of the one right by you, for an angel has joined the dance with you. No one enters the dance alone, and no one leaves it alone. Dance, but feel not abandoned or un-partnered. Dance, and help beat the rhythm of Joy that patterns the Universe.

    Smoothly, the line opens to weave in new dancers,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is the warmth of the sun, and the warmth of the center of the earth, and the warmth of human friendships and activities. But deeper than those, and higher, is the Warmth of the Soul of God that creates you and fuels you and inspires you and Loves you and appreciates you.

    And that Warmth of God faileth never.

    When the earthly warmths diminish or fail or disappear for a day or an hour, remember that unfailing Warmth of Love’s Spirit, and turn to It, again and again and again.

    It only takes a word, or a thought, or a cry of the heart, to God, and It will offer All Its Warmth to you. Give It permission.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    With someone you have known a very long time, you can communicate with just a look, or a simple gesture, or a single word, or even a single thought. You can indicate your need or your intent or your thanks without a lot of complications or fanfare.

    Well, God has known you a very, very long time. And even if you do not remember it all, you have known God forever, ever since you were born as a thought in the Divine Mind. Therefore, Beloved, your prayers, your communications, with God, do not need to be complicated or accompanied by fancy rituals.

    God understands even a simple quiet sigh. Now, do God the Grace of turning to the invitation extended, to pay attention to the simple Divine signals coming to you, that all point to the Truth of “I am here. You are not alone. I am with you, and Love you.”

    Be aware, be simple, be glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When what you are outwardly seeing seems too silly or too sad or too fleeting to be true, stop and be still and examine your thoughts. Allow your mind to be filled with the everlasting Truths that you know are real. Ponder the Truth of graciousness, and appreciate the times you have seen it exhibited. Think about the wonder of beauty and colors and shapes that lift your heart so much they take your breath away. Soak your mind in the feeling of Love that is above all human Love, and endures.

    Re-centering in the Truths of the Good will always give new perspective and ideas and hope, and lift you to seeing and feeling and being inspired by the Best. The labels that are placed on the truth vary widely, but by Its fruit of joy and heartening, you can know It is not an imposter.

    Whether you follow the religion of your ancestors, or whether you take part in meditations or disciplines that have some new name, judge all by whether It brings out the Best and the Worthy in you, and helps you Love. If It helps you Love, It is Good. Does It get any simpler than that?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turn to God, turn to whatever scripture or song or poetry or prose that inspire and uplift you. Turn to the friends that know and support and love you, and remind you of your worth. Cultivate new connections of Good Soul and Wisdom and fellowship.

    Yes, Love, it is good to stretch your abilities and your talents and patience as you spiritually grow clearer, but there are times when it is best to rest from the challenges and the challengers, and simply renew in the soothing Calm of friendly Joy.

    Seek it today, Beloved. And never forget that God is always your friend, WANTING to walk and talk with you in the Garden of the Creative Mind.

    It is the Home of all that is true,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    I am the Innocent Soul-seed in the layered Heart of you, and I am as essential to your day as breathing. Just as you automatically take time for breathing, take time to feel and hear, and be Loved by, Me.

    There is no wonder so great as realizing that you are Governed by Love, but you must pause and be aware of it, now and again and again and again. Be aware, Beloved, and know that you are Loved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not forget what we have told you before, that out of Love for one another, some individualized parts of Spirit agree to come to life to play roles of teacher or healer, or to be beside another part as it experiences a particular moment of Joy or beauty or challenge.

    The truth and scope of eternity are impossible for the human mind to grasp, but even a little comprehension can give one the perspective that a long life here is but nothing in the Timelessness of Full Awareness. So, no matter how long or short a life is lived in the awareness of earth, to appreciate a round of seasons, or to exchange one wonderful kiss in a mountain spring, or to stand with a friend for a decade, or to wander for forty years looking for the lost bliss of Nirvana, when the Spirit reawakens to Truth, it is again all just part of a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Whole.

    See but once the complete Joy on the face of the moment of transition, and you will know,


    In memory of Erik Meijers

    November 1961- November 2004

    with great thanks to the warm Ones who went with him.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there is the Divine Will at work, and invoked, the illusion of non-Good drops away. Please remember, dear Love, the rule of plural—ask for blessings for All-for you are part of All, and what blesses one blesses all.

    This is important, and helps you realize why you must forgive those that hurt your feelings, whether long ago or now. If there are unforgiven ones in your heart, you cannot sincerely pray for the blessing for all, and therefore for yourself.

    All are worth loving, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whatever good thing you ask for, ask for it also for your brother, sister, and all.

    It will help you understand How It Works,

    Dear God, give us all Sight of Your Harmony,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Of course, dear one, the meditation or prayer that seemed to give you a sweet sense of Oneness with All yesterday may seem just to be just empty words today. It is not about the words or the ritual. It is about truly feeling the Presence of the Divine Consciousness ever with you, and knowing that you dwell within Its Infinite embrace.

    So, if you have gotten no further in a prayer than “Our Father, Mother God,…”, and you clearly feel the Wondrous Love enveloping you, you can finish the words of the standard prayer if you wish to, or you can just surrender to the Comfort of Love, or you can just repeat the opening words until you feel completely calm and open and filled with Peace.

    Allow yourself to change whatever routines you endeavor, so as to keep your communion with the Love in which you abide constantly feeling fresh and new and wonderful. It is not magic tricks. It is not formulas. It is a relationship ever giving and growing, in both directions.

    We are Glad with you no matter the path you take,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is PARTICULARLY those to whom you are closest with which you must live according to the Golden Rule.

    Think carefully upon this, and be very, very honest with yourself about how much you yourself want and need forgiveness for all the times that you act and think in ways that are less than the Best of yourself. Then, be that forgiving to those whom you love, and to all within your close circle of life.

    As we are to you,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    You have proved for yourself, more times than you realize, that casting your consciousness into its true Home in the Consciousness of God, immediately resolves what seems to be the problems of earth sensibility.

    THINK about it. Have you not had the experience of not feeling very well in the body, or being worried about a work issue, but then an old friend calls, or a lover shows up at the door, and all thought of pain or fretting disappears, and you delightedly say hello to the friend, or kiss the lover? Fondness and Love have lifted you above the mortal experience.

    The Divine Guardian from the Source, that has joined you in the dream of a flawed earth, is like the unexpected call from a good friend, or the arrival of a beloved one. Turn to It, and be comforted. Turn to It, and find relief. It is always right there, ringing the bell at the door in your Heart.

    Turn to It, and realize, once again, that all pain and worry and sorrow were only temporal mortal dreams. Turn to It now, and know “a new Heaven and a new earth.”

    There is a song that says, “Holy Father, where Thine own Children are, I long to be.”

    We suggest that today you play with this thought, “Divine Father, where Thine own Children are, I already am.” Retrain your thinking, Beloved, and newness of experience occurs.

    Already Loving you in a Heavenly Way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is complete. There is no need. Creation is complete.

    Look around you with the eyes of Spiritual Love, and see,

    “I am complete. I am made of completeness, and completed, and I exist in the very Heart of the Creation of God. There is no need. There is only order, and as I step into the circle of focus from where God has declared all thought things Good, I will see the great Beauty of the design.”

    As ever, ponder the Wholeness of which you are made,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy of knowing you are not alone in any decision cannot be surpassed.

    Honor, then, the Voice of Heaven within, and seek Its guidance in every move and every choice and word. And revel in the feeling of being at one with Soul.

    Consistency in this will prove all Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that if you saw a candle fall over onto your table and begin to set the tablecloth afire, you would grab a glass of water and use it to douse the flames. We are certain that if you felt a bee alight on your nose you would wave it away.

    You can train your mind, with Our Help, to chase away all gloomy thoughts by calling their antidote in, just as you do in the above material examples. Keep the Good Thoughts handy, of what is lovely and true, and of God’s Love for you, and USE them to counteract, immediately, any distressed or discouraging or evil thoughts that come into your mind. The bad thoughts cannot continue to exist there, and create any seeming reality in your life, if you let those sad thoughts be chased out of your mind by the Good Thoughts of One Mind. LET the Truth of Joy Light up your mind by knowing it is part of One Mind.

    We Help if you give us permission,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Calmness is the open door for the ability to hear Divine Guidance.

    Stay calm, Beloved. Stay calm.

    Make calmness a goal, today and always. Even if you are celebrating a joyous occasion, you can celebrate with calm joy. Even if you are making a momentous decision, you can do so very calmly, and then you can feel the truth of whether it is in line with the Divine Plan for your life.

    Be calm, be aware, and know you are always near unto God, for you are within God, and in calmness, you can hear God’s Voice. God’s Voice is always there for you. God is not testing you to see if you can behave calmly. Rather, it is that you choose to open yourself to hearing that Voice by remaining calm, and listening. Quietly, calmly, trustingly, listen.

    Ask us. We will hold your hand and calm you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing to be afraid of. Someone Trustworthy already sailed this ship back into harbor. You but review and re-live in your mind a journey long done.

    Just ask an Angel, therefore, to Love you today. Wordlessly, bodiless, let yourself be embraced in Grace, expertly, tenderly, forgivingly.

    We excel at it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no wisdom or truth in the flesh. No longer think of yourself as a body—think of yourself as a Spirit being guided by the Great Spirit of Whom you are an emanation, and let the costume of dust shift and shape itself to conform to the instructions you receive from Spirit, the Great Whole.

    This is the Way. This is the Truth. This is the life that is the Happiness you are meant to have and be. Let not the costume dictate to you. Be the Spirit, and Be Joy.

    As ever and always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How easy it is to forget, in the whirlwind of human duties and struggles, that there is an endless well of Love and Forgiveness and sustenance that you can draw upon. You might call it God. You might call it the Infinite. You might call it your best alternate reality or the Universe, or quantum energy, or other labels, depending upon what level of understanding you have reached.

    But no matter what you call it, there it is. The important thing is to stop, even in the midst of the whirlwind of human sense, and call upon it and let it help you. Welcome it, drink of it, feed of it, renew yourself in it, be inspired, be calmed, be loved.

    Names are meaningless when you can just relax into your perfect part in the grand design.

    We love to help guide you to remember,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let yourself be delighted when you begin to understand that everywhere around you are the metaphors for epiphany. Everyone that has experienced, whether briefly, or enduringly, the unity with Oneness, wants to share it. But, like the old stories of dreamers awakening from visions of golden magic held in their hands, to find that they are holding only piles of fallen leaves, each person seeking to share his or her epiphany feels at a loss for words and gestures.

    That, Beloved, is when the seeker begins to realize that although stories and parables can be told, and plays can be performed, the only real way to share the sublime Beauty of Godness with others is to bless them, bless them, bless them, and help them reach those moments for themselves. That is when the seeker truly knows that he or she will only retain the fullness of Love by constantly giving it away. That is when the seeker goes past the eros and filia styles of love on earth, and begins to give Grace, to give Agape Love, that only lives to expand Itself forever.

    Seek to share, and you find yourself enriched,

    And your epiphany preserved as it shines in the eyes of others,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way to change a daisy into a rose by yelling at it. But as you fill your mind with the ideas of what constitutes Beauty, and look with the intent of seeing Beauty in whatever you are observing, you can see the daisy as beautiful, you can see the rose as beautiful, you can see the seeds of them as beautiful. Even if they are not before you in any material way, you can beautifully think of the beautiful ideas of them.

    You are one of Divine Mind’s ideas. As such, you have the ability to fill your thoughts with ideas of Beauty and Harmony, and look for them in all around you, and in what you can create, and invent, and experience and use.

    Each Good idea you have is a gift from the Divine. Be grateful, and play and create and appreciate.

    We Love the Beautiful idea of you. Do you?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you worship the Truth, and ignore differences of dogma and creed, you will see more and more clearly the way to the constant abiding in Joy of the Divine Awareness. When you have found, in a book or a letter, or heard in a talk or a sermon or a conversation, a phrase that captures your heart, and inspires, stop reading, stop talking, and listen in silence to what your heart is responding to in that phrase.

    The Divine Voice will guide you, always, if you take time and quiet meekness, to listen. Listen, listen, listen, and let that listening guide your actions, Beloved, and each and every one of your words. A vow of complete silence is not asked of many. But a vow to silence the greedy human ego voice, and to let only the Divinely inspired voice of your own sacred, higher self to speak– that is asked of all. When will you begin?

    Why not today?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine attitude of Love can and does heal things.

    The whimsical or tentative beginner, trying to “apply” this attitude to the stuff of earthly life, will usually be concerned first with trying to “fix” what the human eye can see. Allow yourself the playfulness of letting an attitude of Love fill you when you are having a feeling that you cannot “see”, but that you can feel with your human emotions. Deliberately, and consciously, turn over to your attitude of Love any feelings of anger you might have about a broken car, or other non-working equipment. Consciously counteract any temptation you might feel to judge another’s actions or words, by embracing an attitude of Love. Let the feelings of earth that are describable, although “unseen”, be the first step in realizing that Absolute Love covers and governs an Unseen Realm that the human mind refuses even to imagine.

    Be present to Love, Beloved, and let go of trying to be any presence except that Presence.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have been praying for a beloved so long and so often, let go of the striving, and trust that God knows your heart and understands your yearnings. Give yourself a rest and trust quietly in God.

    God understands your heart, and if you focus on gratefully and thankfully understanding God’s Heart, nothing else need be said or thought. God knows you want to see your family whole and happy. God knows you want to witness all peoples revealed as part of what is Light and Bright. God knows your heart.

    Today, relax into the Omniscience of God, and feel how God will use your calm happiness to flow more of Its Presence into the human hearts and minds around you.

    Be excellent at being Calm. That is a talent to cultivate.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, the measure of you is not your earthly accomplishments. The measure of the true You is “How much did you Love?”

    God asks you this, not to judge and punish you, but to ascertain how much more re-alignment you need to fully fit back into your own realization of being a part of the Consciousness that is Pure Unconditional Love.

    When the choices of the earth dream have you concerned or euphoric or reeling, then re-center yourself with the question, “How much am I Loving?”

    “How much am I completely expressing the Divine Self of me, that is the only self that is Real?”

    It is the only self of you we see, though we try to guide you to happier dreams,


  • Ah, Sweet One,

    There is nothing that need be different about one when one begins the process of knowing the Divine, except the willingness to begin, and the desire to do so.

    There is no need to give up a certain hat or to change the food one eats or the work one does, in order to begin to spend just a little time each day holding forth in one’s heart the desire to know the Divine. Just give It a little time and focus, and It will do the rest.

    Yes, over time, you will change. You may find the work you do, and the way you spend your time, or the material goods you value, changing because of your new perspective, but most of the changes will be in your heart and attitude, and from there will come all the other changes. You just see to the little glad time spent with God each day, and Beloved, O’ Beloved, God will see to the rest.

    It has always worked this way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust and experience how easily the Source Voice wishes to speak to you. Choose a simple Truth such as, “I am spirit and Great Spirit takes care of my needs” (or whatever phrase or song words speak this day to your heart), and say them in your mind all the day. They will begin to change over the course of the day and you WILL realize that the Divine IS speaking to you. The phrase will morph, or a simple sense of joy or accomplishment will fill your heart, and you will know you are being heard and answered.

    A True answer from the Divine is always accompanied by a sense of Peace or Wonder or Joy. If what you are hearing is accompanied by discouragement or disparagement, go back to your original Truth and try again. There is no shame in trying again and again, because you are the Divine’s innocent and Beloved Child, and the answers and support are always extended to you, and will be until you hear them. Accept that you are Loved, and it will grow easier and easier, and you will be grateful that you listened.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keeping a loving atmosphere in the home is one of the hardest jobs in the world. But it is also one of the most important jobs in the world.

    With those whom you see every day, at home and work, it becomes easy to know when they are silently thinking “I love you”, or “I am judging you”, or “I hate you”, or “I am angry with you”, or “I am grateful to you.” Without a word being spoken, you know what the other one is feeling.

    And if you are wise in the ways of One Divine Spirit, you have learned to answer all thoughts directed at you with “I love you.” You have learned to deflect all fearful and mean thoughts with “I give you Grace. I forgive you. I love you.” You do not even need to speak these words. You can just think them, and they will be received.

    That wisdom, enacted, is what keeps a loving home. Just do it.

    And, one day a week, or one day a month, or every day, try to enact that wisdom in the world as well. Could it be that all the world is meant to be a loving home?

    Your loving doorkeepers,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Counter any discouragement in your own mind by counting the Blessings of Mind. Counter any discouragement you see in the disappointed faces of others by helping them count their Blessings. Some of the Blessings you count can be the ones you are able to see and hear, but let more and more of them be from your growing awareness of the Unseen—the fact that Love exists, that Intelligence exists, that your Soul is connected to All-Soul and Spirit, etc.

    Let it be that simple, today, and all days. A small change made, such as starting each day by determinedly, or gratefully, counting Blessings, can change every aspect of your life.

    We will gladly join you in this, each morning and night,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In some circles, it sounds like a cliché to say that peace for the world begins with every heart. It is a trick of the human ego to try to label things as clichés, to take away any seeming value they have.

    Do not fall for that trick. Peace does begin in every heart. When, in your Heart, you accept the Love and Peace that God-Voice constantly offers you, then your heart becomes like a little projecting room, projecting images of Love and Peace to the bubble of your little world. If more and more Hearts project Peace and the desire for Peace, more and more little bubbles of the earth play shine with it.

    Work on accepting the Divine Gift of Peace into your Heart, dear. Dear Child, and be glad for every little bit you can shine forth.

    On the days when you feel bitterness or anger or weariness or envy fermenting in your own heart, work on neutralizing them by claiming God’s abundant Love and mercy, and count it as a victory if you do not let your fearful and hateful feelings spill forth from your mouth. And when Grace and Love have negated your inner turmoil and refilled the reservoir of your soul with Love, then count it the even greater victory when you can shine that forth as your world.

    We are with you in this, as are many, many incarnate beings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no lack of energy or Love or Creative Idea in God. There is no lack in Infinity.

    Ponder that as a fact of God’s availability for yourself, as an expression of God and within God. God’s Grace is a Law of Creation that makes the Good of the Infinite natural to shine in you and for you.

    Perhaps you feel you have been too gullible to the “scams” of the world as you now see it, or that you are a fool for having fallen for lies and illusions, or used them yourself in times of desperate feeling, not knowing or understanding yet what Infinite Love could and would gladly provide for you. But, dear one, the same sensitivity that left you open to mis-talk and misunderstanding can help open your heart to God’s Generous saving Grace.

    Trust that Grace and open your heart and thoughts to Gracious Governance.

    It is never too late in timeless Infinity,