Ah, Beloved,
Forgive yourself, as the Spirit of God has forgiven you, for human errors you have made. The Loving Soul of God knows that mortal mistakes have not touched the Good of the Divine Soul reflection you are. The Loving God knows you can be taught, and redeemed, and tenderly brought into alignment with the Harmony that heals and directs.
Forgiveness is not the same as justification or rationalization. The lies or poor behaviors of others do not remove your own responsibilities to be as God wants you to be, and that God made you, and all, to be. Forgive yourself because you can trust that God’s Spirit is telling the truth about forgiving you, and is gladly helping to overcome the errors, and help you remember who you are as an offspring of God.
No excuses. Just turn to the Good, be willing, and move forward in Grace.
Ah, Beloved,
You are not a mass of body parts. You are made of the Harmonies of Me.
Today (and always), think of the Wonderful Qualities of Me that are available to you because of your Oneness with Me, and that you can express simply by Knowing that and expressing that.
There is no more important way to be you than to simply and gladly express Good Harmony with Intelligence and Grace and Life, and yes, Love, Love, Love. THESE things, and more beautiful images, are the “body parts” of you. Be them.
You are nothing I Am not, but All That I Am, you ARE.
Ah, Beloved,
Even when all human logic and training says to do one thing, if the Sacred Voice in your heart says to do another, go with your Heart.
All due honor to human accomplishments, but the human perception simply cannot comprehend the bigger picture of what is Best for all. Which one do you want to serve? Human will or Divine Will?
You cannot serve both. Ultimately, only Divine Will prevails. But you can delay that in your own experience for a long, long time, for the human mind has made up the experience of time. Is that what you want? Look away from your imagined human goals and accomplishments, and look to your Heart, if you are ready to actually listen to what It says.
Therein is True Happiness.
We wish you could See how brightly your Spirit shines,
Ah, Beloved,
As we have spoken of many times, being in love on earth gives you a small glimpse of the choice that is before you always. Whether you are in love with another person, or a pet, or a vocation, or a place, when you are first overwhelmed with that feeling of love, you would do anything for the Beloved. You would give up all for that lover or that child. You would defend that darling home town. You would make sacrifices to spend time on that vocation.
All of these are but shadows of what you would feel if you just let yourself be in love with God/Goddess/All That Is. When you begin to experience that, then all that matters to you is doing whatever would make the Divine happy, for making the Divine happy makes you happy, because you are part of the Divine. And, you begin to see the Divine in everything, and so yearn to make the Divine happy wherever you see it—which Is everywhere.
O’ Beloveds, just be in love with the Divine, as the Divine is in love with you. Find yourself wanting to make the Divine happy above all else, and let that be your life. Let yourself spread Its Joy. Let the Divine Love you let pour from you counteract the human fears that run so rampart. Like smoke before a mirror, those fears cover the true and glorious reflection of Divine Love. It really is as simple as that.
Life or death? Love or fear? Joy or sorrow?
The same choices, in many forms, again and again,
Ah, Beloved,
You KNOW We are with you. If you can come to think of Us, your Divine Thoughts, as Someone that is in every conversation with you, and walking through every door with you, then you can train yourself to hold that door open for us, and to give us a chance to speak in your mind and through your tongue. You could grow accustomed to doing these things, just as you would politely include another human in a conversation, and hold open the door for him or her, so that they could join the group.
We are with you. You are with us. We are all together in the Unity of Consciousness that is God. Will you begin to remember that, in every moment?
Ah, Beloved,
Of a certainty, when the Unseen begins to have more reality for you than the sights and touches and sounds of the earth experience, you are ready for the next steps. Be very aware, though, of the fears of being Pure Spirit that hold so many enwrapped only in the dream. Do not tell those that are not ready to hear it, that they are only Spirit—for unless they see, or have experienced, the sweet touches of the Calm Within, they will be too frightened to experience the Truths of the Unseen Source and Reality.
There, too, as in everything, you must turn to your trust in the Prime Consciousness and Its guidance and wisdom. It knows just how much each individualization of Soul, each person, is ready to know or hear or experience. Listen, trust, and obey, as always, what to do or say to those around you, that they may have the most gentle pathways to their full and wonderful awakenings.
Presume upon Us! We will help,
Ah, Beloved,
When you totally realize that you care not whether or not you leave the world of the physical senses and its false desires, then God will truly be freed to use you in your Highest and Best capacities. Then, you will Shine, Shine, Shine, and understand that thus was your purpose all along.
Always, we have seen the Best of you shining through,
Ah, Beloved,
We have told you again and again that if you give God/Goddess/The One Force Source the pleasure of listening to It for a day, It will give you ideas that will bring you Joy and Satisfaction. Can you say it does not work without giving it a try?
Give the Loving Source a chance, Beloved. It would Love to help your human experience. Give It today. Be calm, and still and quiet, and Listen.
Ah, Beloved,
Those who have experienced the delightful Presence of God do certainly wish that you could feel what they feel, and have the Grace they are certain belongs to all, but they also understand it cannot be forced.
You can experience communication with Divine Spirit yourself. You can prove to yourself that the Peace of God can be invited to rise up in your heart, and that the Help of the Comforter can be seen when you ask for inspiration and direction and aid in your worldly dream. Just ask for it, and stay open to receiving. Prove that Reality for yourself, and you will feel no more need to question the testimonies of others, or to doubt that a Loving Force wants you to feel more happiness right here and right now, as you remember your way fully Home.
As ever,ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
“Worship the One God in the Beauty of Holiness..” is not just a song. It is the Truth of arranging your thoughts first, in order to see manifestation of your own Divine Life.
Think about Good first, at whatever level you understand It now. Put your thoughts in alignment with All that is Holy by focusing on Good, and letting It fill you. At first you will tend to focus on the comforting and sensual pleasures of the earthly, but as you allow yourself to deeply feel the wonderfulness of the lasting Love, loyalty, kindness, etc. that emanate from Soul, you will be lifted higher and higher into manifesting your Best Self.
We are with you in practicing this.
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
When you listen to God, in the stillness and surrender of your heart, having turned your back on the identity thief that is your body and its limited senses, then OBEY what you hear. If you have listened to God-Voice within this morning, after having asked God, “What am I, really?”, and have heard the answer, “You are Love”, then believe it. Spend all the day, while quiet and while busy, thinking the Thought “I am Love”.
We guarantee you, it will change your perceptions. It will help you know who you are, because as just one of the things of God you reflect, who you are really IS Love. And Love is healthy and sweet. Love is wealthy and generous and honest and good. Love is kindness. And It is patient and complete and capable and wonderful and whole. If you are Love, then you are these things. If you are Love, and God has told you that you are, then you can claim and BE these things.
Goodbye to the identity thief of the five sense, hello to the senses of Love.
We sense the True You, and Love It,
Ah, Beloved,
Let us affirm for you that you cannot change the unfolding of the Creator’s wonderful Reality any more than you can make an unfolding rose become a daisy.
You can delay the unfolding of a rose by chilling it with the cold withdrawal into your own thinking, away from the warm Love of God, or you can speed it up by immersing it in the warm water of Spirit by your listening, and obeying, (and enjoying!) the Plans of the One who thought up the rose, but you can only pretend it will turn into a daisy.
Just so is it with the delightful unfolding of the Thought of God that is the “you” that is the Thought’s reflection on earth, Beloved. O”, do let it unfold. Do water it with the warmth of Spirit. Do enjoy it, Beloved. Do enjoy it, for the truth of you IS lovely indeed.
Ah, Beloved,
When a deep communion with God has left you suffused with a feeling of Divine Bliss, bask in It. Bask in It. It is very Good and fine for you to do that.
Bask in the Love that creates and supports and fuels all, and feel the reservoir of your Heart-Thoughts filled with Its Power. God knows what you need each day, and God’s Spirit can see what will be faced and Spirit goes ahead to prepare the way. If Love has lifted you into a High Bliss, soak It up, and know It will be there for you just when you need It.
So, do not set aside the sweet Communion with Soul after a certain number of minutes. Do not rush off to your list of tasks or begin counting obligations and earthly plans. Enjoy the complete feeling of Oneness with God. Stretch out the time of Godly focus. Accept It. Enjoy It, and let the shared Joy with God slowly unfold your day without disrupting that Divine joining with planned schedules and small earthly goals.
O, so much better than any worldly achievement or accumulation or even a list of good works, is the full merging of your Love with God’s Love. God looks upon and embraces you, and is happy. Allow yourself to completely embrace God in turn, and be happy as well.
Bask in God’s Love, and be happy, and be filled. It is a very fine thing to do. It is a way to live.
Ah, Beloved,
There is great Kindness in leaving a situation in the Mighty Hands of God, when you simply do not humanly know what to do. If there are active measures to be taken, or a new face or place to bring into play, God can arrange that. And, God can give you the inner impulse to do anything else that you can still individually do.
Hand it into the Hands of God, and step back, in Love, and with Love, and trust, trust, trust in the Wonderful Will of God.
When you step back, and peace descends upon you, you will know it is right to do so,
Ah, Beloved,
If an incident in the past keeps coming to mind and making you feel regret or sorrow, imagine yourself there again and call Loving Spirit to you and forgive yourself and everyone involved in the moment.
Forgiveness works across time. Try it, and be free.
Ah, Beloved,
God begs us beg you, yet again, thus:
“Ah, Child,
Come directly unto me. A minute every hour, no more than this I ask for now, close you eyes and ask me to Love you. Let me tell you, “you are Loved”, let me remind you who you are, as spirit born of the Spirit of my Heart.”
We serve in This All alongside you,
Ah, Beloved,
It is a Truth that Love Loves all of Its reflections.
Every reflection, every individualized glimmer of Light that is one of the images of the Spirit of God, is Loved by God. If you would See as God Sees, timelessly, and past the illusion of human errors, you can make this part of your goal.
“I shall See as God Sees, I shall Love as God Loves, and God will help me do this.”
We are not asking you to love human error and sin. But Love the Soul of All, in Its various permutations and individualized reflections. It will help.
You can, you know. You can.
Ah, Beloved,
Like a mechanic fixing an engine, who uses a wrench to fix one thing, and a battery cable to fix another, and a hammer to pound here and there, many who seek spiritual growth try to use different aspects of truth to help with pains or sorrows or the sins that inflict them. And, for a time, meditating upon the purity of a certain saint may help you resist the lust of flesh, or pondering the wisdom of a favorite instructor might help you choose generosity instead of greed, as you walk through your days.
But, like the mechanic who has jump started the battery, only to find that the tires have gone flat, and he now needs another tool, the human soul fixing one small error of body or one bad habit of temperament will always find another “thing” coming up to “fix”.
The Love that is Infinite Source and the maintaining Force is the greater truth of wholeness. Realizing, and walking in awareness of, that Love is the greater path to peace and gladness. Reach for wisdom, yes. Search for big-heartedness and patience in yourself, yes. Seek to expand your chances for giving and helping those who are caught in pain or fear. But, above all, Love. Remember your Self, that was born in Love, and remains, as Spirit, immersed in Love, and give that Love to your “small’self, your earthly-emotional-body-self, and to others.
Love heals without just pushing the error to another place. It is the “first aid” that excels. It is the medium through which to administer all other antidotes. It is the Truth which contains, and sustains, all other truths.
As ever, in Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Asking God to help you let the Divine Plan unfold in your life does not mean you do not know what to do when you are not hearing specific instructions from Loving Spirit.
If you are not hearing definitive whispers about the day or the hour or the week, you have your “standing orders” to be kind, be forgiving, be loving, be patient and generous, be encouraging, and to honor the Truth of Spirit in your actions and your speech and thought.
You already know to allow yourself to be as Loving Spirit, the mirror image of loving Spirit Itself. You can do this easily, for it is what you really are. Relax into that identity, that role.
Holding you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to waste any time fretting. Always turn to the contemplation of the Beauty of Divine Love right away, and It will comfort you and complete your thoughts with new ideas and hold you so very close that you will realize deep in the soul of you that you are not alone, have never been alone, and never will be.
Realize that for others, too. When one whom you love, or even have just heard about, is sorrowing, but you cannot reach out with words or any worldly means, reach out through the shared connection of Divine Love. Speak to the soul reflection of that one, saying, “You are not alone, you are in the hands and power and thought of the One Love that holds us all.”
Then, you are speaking and being and thinking the Truth.
This is the most important function of all,
Ah, Beloved,
For everyone you know:
“Thank-you, Perfect Maker, for enabling me to See, my perfect friend and her perfect life, as they ARE in Thee.”
Right here, right now, as you dwell IN the Maker,
Ah, Beloved,
God’s deep desire is that you reach forth your mind from any muddy thoughts it may be mired in, and allow Clear Love to wash you clean, so that your shining Good essence glows bright.
The All Harmonious will sort out the false from the true for you, in those thoughts, and that sorting will fill your heart with Peace beyond imagining. Just allow that sorting to happen. Give over to God Control set times each day, and take any additional time when you feel confused or sorrowful or limited by perceived lack. Gladly give up your pains. Truth can wash them away.
There is no pressure from God or in God, no condemnation of the Essence of you, just the soft Love wanting to help you know your true status as Beloved of Love. That Beloved status of heir of Good is clear to that which is the Soul Source of you.
Clear and sparkling,
Ah, Beloved,
We are always with you. On the days when you cannot even find the words to express your confusion, or exaltation, or regret, or hope, or whatever human emotion you are feeling, we are with you.
Trust us, your wordless companions, to simply be with you, wordlessly Loving, Loving, and Loving again. There is no end to our Love.
Ah, Beloved,
One hair stuck in the teeth can ruin the enjoyment of a wonderful meal.
One annoyance held in the heart can ruin a beautiful day. Take time to give it up. Forgive, forgive. Put it in perspective., and forgive.
Ah, Beloved,
Hold this prayer close to your heart and thoughts today, dear child:
“Mother God, Help me see the Truth total of each person and situation today. Help me give and let go with no conditions, remembering that it is YOUR Truth of Creation I want to see, for that is easy to Love.”
“Help me see past the human frailties and the ephemeral, and see only Your eternal Love alive.”
You will understand your true worth more today, sweet one,
Ah, Beloveds,
We gently remind you again, you do not need this site, or any particular book or recording or video, in order to hear Divine Thought and feel the inspiration of God.
Just set aside the corrosive small self-thoughts, and turn quietly within. Pray for the revealed well-being of all, within the earth-mist dream, in order to open and clear your Soul connection.
Then, call to the Host of All, and say, “Speak to me and touch me, Your Child, and your servant within the time-space bubble, and give me Words of Comfort and Inspiration and Instruction for today. I Love you always, all-ways, and I listen and receive.”
Be mentally receptive then, with accepting heart, and allow God to guide you.
Make it so, for It is so,
Ah, Beloved,
Realizing how much is given to one from the Unseen Realms is indeed a thing that helps make one feel more generous in the realm of earth.
Never forget the dreams that reveal to you how much your guardians of Spirit have done for you in the course of a day, with no thanks and no paychecks and no recognition. If They can do all this for you in one span of daylight, how much can you do, willingly and lovingly, for those whom you are called to aid?
Stay aware, Love,
Ah, Beloved,
We are certain of this: You are, in essence, a very Beloved Child of God.
All the things your human self has heard, all of its mortal life, that you are “good” or “bad” or “ugly” or “beautiful” or “a sinner” or an “angel”—set those labels all aside, for they primarily referred to the body.
Concentrate instead on the truth that you are lovely perfect spirit born of Spirit, a Beloved Child of God. When you have established that in your mind and heart as your true identity, then whatever earthly labels seem appropriate and worthy can be added to that, always checked against the touchstone of the Truth. For God shines you forth, and declared you Good.
Know Who you are, and reflect, and are expected to project, and the earthly ways are secondary, and come as they need to come, to help you lovingly express your identity as Beloved Child.
We are with you in this, helping,
Ah, Beloved,
Welcome Love, that It may remove hatred, and the effects of hatred, from your body and the body of your life.
“Source Love, choose for me. Open my eyes and ears and let me hear and see, what I am, in Thee, of Thee , for Thee.”
Love wants this mist to clear away. Let It do Its work.
Recognize that in Timelessness, Its work is already done,
Ah, Beloved,
When one makes up one’s mind to change a destination, then routes are re-thought and expectations are adjusted. Resources to use for the new journey are re-evaluated.
If you make, at some moment in time, the choice that what you really want is a feeling of inner Peace and Joy, rather than a pursuit of familiar or unfamiliar sensual entertainments, then all the choices you make begin to change.
Consider carefully. Is this the time you are ready to choose the Peace of God in your heart as your main goal? If so, then let every thought and word and action be linked to that desire, so that the web of Life that is built around you becomes one where everything is linked firmly to that goal.
Only you can choose that timing. But please know that the Divine Heart, here and now, is always offering to work with you in your heart, to feel it. If you are ready, tell It so.
It is the setting aside of some childish things, and approaching a new goal in a fresh childlike way, and it is a pathway made out of Love, and leading to Love.
Ah, Beloved,
When you fully understand the True Omnipotence and Omnipresence of Love as God, of Love as Source and Original and Pure Goodness, then you can begin to grasp that each being is one little spiritual reflection of the fullness of Spirit.
Then, your alignments with this Causal Love (aka “prayers”) can be as simple as “Dear Love that makes us and holds us, help _______________, help me, be our Perfect Selves, reflecting You.”
You do not need to become lost in complicated assessments and politics and judgements and diagnoses to pray for yourself and others. You can just ask to be enabled to See Love’s version of all.
And, Beloved, even before you feel you really grasp the Omniscience of Love, you can do this. God did not make it hard. Love WANTS all to awaken to their Best Version, their only True Version, reflecting and Being Love. Just go ahead and ask to be aligned. Ask for others to be aligned. Make it your wish to See Good, and Be Good. Align with Love.
You align beautifully,
Ah, Beloved,
There is only God and God is only Good.
You can dream and imagine you are separated from That Glorious Creator Mind, but you are within It all the time. There is no “being out of touch” with God except in your own imagining. Stop imagining you are.
And do not think there is any punishment for imagining you are separate, and far away in a body-life. God does not punish the imaginings of a sleeping child. He/She only encourages the child to imagine Good, as it grows and matures and remembers it was created to create Spiritual Good.
Amen, Beloved, amen.
Ah, Beloved,
If you are faithfully praying “I will to Will Thy Will for my happiness and purpose”, you can trust that God has on its way to you all that you need for that.
Trust in Divine desire for your Good, for in you is God well Pleased.
Ah, Beloved,
We know that many believe that it is too hard, or too constricting, to vow to themselves to always listen to the Divine Source first, and to take time throughout the day to do this. That false belief that it is too hard, or that they are too unworthy, or that they are not trained enough, is just another trick of the “monkey-mind” that would try to stay focused on its own little world of limits and errors.
We know the Truth, that it is liberating and calmly Joyous to be aligned with Supreme Love, and to obey it. It is simple to do. Just choose it. You know this Truth too. You know It and follow It on most days. Remember how much wonderful influence you can have by simply being an example of one who endeavors to pause and listen to God, to Good.
And, remember how completely grateful is the Whole of Heaven when you do so.
Every moment of Calm Joy and Trust is a moment of Heavenly existence revealed, and We cannot thank you enough when you let this shine through you.
Ah, Beloved,
As the urgency flows away from you about simple day to day tasks, you will begin to realize how much their small tyranny has tried to rule you. Let none of them come before you and your time with the Constant Inner Voice. Let none of them distract you from listening to and obeying that Divine connection.
If THAT Voice says to urgently stop at a street, or speak up before a potentially harmful situation occurs, then be quick and timely. But otherwise, be measured and careful. Quietly pace yourself and always leave time to make sure you are aligned with Love and Its directions.
You will not regret it, once you have chosen to live Its Will,
Ah, Beloved,
There is enough in Me for all.
I Am the Mind that holds you all, and all there is, and there is enough in My Mind for all. Enough Love, enough provision of ideas, enough inspiration and harmony. Enough order and maintenance and governance. Enough for all.
Your thoughts may look at fearful events or words of the merely material, and argue about this, or not believe it could be true, but I tell you, I Am enough for all, there is enough in Me for all. Fill your mind with My Mind today, in that thought, “There is enough for all.”
All answers, all needs fulfilled, all solutions seen, all perfectness unfolded and revealed, “There is enough in Mind for all.”
So Lovingly,
Ah, Beloved,
Of course your desire for complete and instant healing, and awakening, for those whom you love humanly is strong. But, just as with those whom you silently pray for, in agape love, even when they have not asked you, or given their permission, as you passed them on the street, or in social situations, you must trust that the Divine Sight sees all, and knows all.
From the upsurge of the Healing Force within you, or just from human compassion, you may feel impelled to open yourself and your attention/intention to letting the Healing Presence use you, as a funnel to pour over that individual bit of Soul, but you must remember that the One Love knows how much the other is ready to handle. Open yourself as vehicle and instrument completely, but honor God’s wisdom in choosing how much force to give to Love’s Flow. Causing fear and shock with too quick a new vision cannot be the way.
Be ever gentle, with yourself and others, unless truly divinely impelled to move or speak very quickly to help Good be done.
Trust the Unseen Goodness, and be grateful It knows each one’s needs,
Ah, Beloved,
We are One with you. We are One. We are here, and able, to help you, in this realm that seems so real to you. We are Spirit, as are you. Let go into that conviction, and realize how mutable, and easy to change in an instant, is a form of existence that is lighter than air, lighter than light.
We are here. Ask us. What are you asking for when you ask us for Help? You are asking for a shift in belief and focus. You are asking for a flow of ideas. You are, above all, asking us to help you shift the focal point of your sight to one that enables you to see that the positives are all around you, if you would take your attention and your thoughts off of the negatives.
AND, that the greatest positive of all is Divine Love. Nothing else holds the Peace and the Power of that essence, of which you were born, and in which you remain, even as you imagine yourself made only of dust. You are asking us, therefore, to remind you of the Truth, when you are asking for Help. You are asking us to help you remember who you are, a being innocent and worthy, appreciated, embraced, and in the gracious hospitality of the One who made you, and called you Good.
Always, always, return to this Truth, “Open my eyes, Divine Helpers, and let me see, the solutions that are right here with me. Call me to trust, and help me be, the one that You know me to be.”
Always in Love,ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
Sara’s old poem about the “safe kept memory of a lovely thing” being better than the coins of the earthly realm is true for the worldly illusion. But the greater truth, indeed the only Truth, is that the living Presence of Unconditional Love which wants to permanently and infinitely embrace you, during your dream-time of the world, and forever more, is better still. It truly IS the only worthwhile thing, because It IS the Only thing.
Welcome Its embrace, and embrace It in return, and turn your thoughts and heart to It, whether you are celebrating the news of a new child, or whether you have just lost a cherished pet and are grieving or whether your day holds nothing but routine chores or once in a life presentations. Let the Living Love hold you, let It be the Cloud of awareness in which you walk, and think, and speak, and act from in all that you do.
It will guide you in familiar ways, such as kindly saying nothing when the person you are listening to accidentally uses the wrong word, or kicks dust across your toes, but It will also guide you to say and do surprising things. Those things will lead to the Greater Good in ways that your limited mortal sight cannot see or understand, but by which you can help make the apparent life of fear and pain and worry in some situation be shorter-lived for someone, somewhere. Feel blessed whenever the Greater Love Matrix uses you to pass some Love and kindness along, and know that you are doubly blessed, as it goes forth and as it comes back to you again.
Always with you,
Ah, Beloved,
What a joy it is to release care and upkeep of your car to a trusted mechanic. What joy it is to find a good carpenter when the railing of your stairs is broken.
Imagine the intense joy you can feel each day that you release to the Great Director the guidance of your hours and your life. Remember that you cannot see the consequences of each decision, but the Eagle Eye of God can. Once you trust that God wants your happiness and is good, then trusting God guidance in all things is the only thing that makes sense and brings sweet relaxation.
As we do,
Ah, Beloved,
God wants you to See all with His/Her eyes, not only because you will have more Joy from others, but because it will allow you to finally See yourself with full Joy.
Ah, Beloved,
When you have sincerely praying to see the Wholeness and Goodness of another, or of yourself, and do not see the demonstration of that in worldly form right away, do not be dismayed. Trust in the timing of the Spirit of God. If you have felt a deep calm come over you, and a sense of rightness and peace as the Presence of Spirit hears your prayer desires, then the good message and request has gone forth and is underway.
Then, only All-Knowing Spirit knows the proper way for the healing, the revealing of Wholeness, to be made manifest. There are some who would be too startled if their entire paradigm of world reference were to change in an instant. Remember that it is their thoughts and beliefs that are being gently and lovingly corrected by Love. As the Presence of Living Love changes those thoughts, then the outward matrix changes. Trust that God knows the good timing for all concerned.
Keep steady in your trust of God. Keep continually your Loving thoughts and intentions and righteous desires. Ask God for help for yourself to trust the Good Timing that what Blesses one Blesses all, and walk each moment and each day in the Beauty and Order of Divine Light that lights the way.
Relax into the Good Governance of God,
Ah, Beloved,
Leave the past in God’s Hands. Leave the future there also.
Try, just for the day, please, to be only in the utter peace of the Inner Stillness, right now. Think of it as your job for the day, and concentrate on it as completely as you would concentrate on an intricate task that needed to be done soon and well, and in the full light of the sun.
We will help you,
Ah, Beloved,
Slow down today, dear one. So often as you remember, slow down your thinking, slow down your breathing, slow down your moving and speaking.
Slow down your ways, so that between each breath and wave and word, you can hear the Mighty Voice of God, and actually have time to listen.
Such Good it will do you, lovely one. Such Good.
Ah, Beloved,
Human thought finds it very, very difficult to believe that God is interested in your Joy and in you expressing the wondrous talents of your Soul Self, but not picky about the form in which you do this. The exact “career” or skill set you choose to use matters not. Just shine with excellence and with Love, and you are then the completion of your part in the pattern of God.
Try today to shine with Love, whether you are weeding a garden or inventing a new way of spinning atoms. Be grateful today to be able to be grateful. Be the expression of Godliness that you are.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to convert anybody to anything. There is only the need to correct your own thinking to Thinking, and therefore you own sight to Sight, that each and every one is already a perfect being, a perfect Thought in the Mind of Creation.
Let yourself walk through this day today in this way, seeing that each one is already observed and declared Good in the Mind of God. You will be looking past the atom-mist of their bodies and Seeing the Light and Love they are truly made of, as are you.
It is a Blessing. Count it as such.
Love, Deeply,
Ah, Child,
When what you see in the “mirror” of earth is distressing, please realize right away that you do not fix things in a mirror by staring at the mirror, or by covering it over with black marks or with the water of your tears. You do not see a hole in your trousers in the mirror in your room, and try to fix them by poking needles at the glass of the mirror. You turn your back on the reflection, or take your eyes off the reflection, and turn to look at the original. And if your own thoughts, as you examine the trousers, cannot tell you whether to just mend the hole with a stitch or two, or whether to let them go and buy a new pair, perhaps you take them to a good tailor.
Go to the Good Tailor, always, Child, to see the best fit for your life. Everything is solved, and appears in, the Tailor’s Mind, before it can appear in the “mirror” of your earth room. All things are made in Heaven before they are seen on earth. Whether it is the need for new trousers, or the solving of a housing situation, or a new job, turn away from thinking only about what the appearance of the problem is, as seen with earthly senses, and turn to the Good Tailor, the Master Provider, the Technician of Harmony, and let your thoughts and needs be shared with Him.
Then, trusting in the flow of His expertise, tune your own thoughts to all the wonderful ways Harmony and Divine order are revealed right before your eyes. Keep your mind on the orderly flow of the seasons, or think upon a memory of a time when confused circumstances in your life resolved in a wonderful way. Meditate upon sacred scripture from whatever tradition you follow, and remember that is something in your life seems to be lost, it is only so that the next, better circumstance can be reflected in that same spot in the “mirror” of your life.
Teaching yourself to trust, listen, and obey is the best schooling you will ever give yourself,
Ah, Beloved,
When rains come and water flows, it is so easy to see that the water flows where it will. Even when man-made structures try to overrule the way of the water, water often goes where it will.
When you call to the Prime Cause, when you ask to have your sight cleared to see the Law of Divine Harmony at work in a situation, remember that you cannot dictate to It the way It will work. Stand back gratefully, Beloved, filling your heart with the desire for Good for all, and wait and watch, to see how Harmony chooses to flow.
We know that with so many books full of worldly advice around, and columns of “expert” learning leaping out at one, and the words of well-meaning friends, it is easy to fall into the trap of trying to humanly outline how Harmony should appear. Ask for the courage and trust to set all those aside, Beloved, and simply ask for Harmony to flow. Wait and watch, and respond with obedience to the urgings of Love, and be willing for all to enjoy their fair share of Harmony. For the Law of Harmony works for all, for all, for all, and looking to see that realized is the expectation of “the new earth”.
How joyous we are for you as the mists fall away, and Good is revealed,
Ah, Beloved,
When you are fully aware that there is plenty of good pure water available, it is easy to be the attentive and generous hostess, refilling all the glasses of the thirsty guests.
Be the Spiritual hostess today, Beloved. Remember when you did not realize that the Universe has an endless flow of Unconditional Love available within every Soul-self. Now that you know that It is Infinite, be one of the ones who freely give the encouraging word, the enlightened calm smile, the example of how to offer help.
And at any moment that you feel fatigue, or a lack of humor or honor, turn instantly to the Divine Love within, and refill, refill, refill.
It is always there for you, Beloved, and for all,
Ah, Beloved,
Although all beings are connected through the Divine Spirit that is them, which awaits to be welcomed to awaken, all beings also are individualized expressions of the Whole.
This means that when you meditate about clarifying your own understanding of the Whole, or when you pray for the healing or joy of another, it is best done one person at a time. Focus, focus, focus on your own individual awareness of the Divine Within, or focus on the Divine in the other person coming clearly forth.
When there is a nameless, faceless group that you wish to pray for, such as the victims of a storm, do so. The loving energy you send does help. But for your private work of enlightenment, and for offering Divine Love from your Inner Spirit to the individuals who come into your life, do it one being at a time.
Person to person, touch to touch, Spirit to Spirit, the Truth of Harmony is spread into the world. It cannot be legislated. It cannot be forced. It must be freely given.
We freely give all our Love to you,
Ah, Beloved,
WE urge you to keep your mind on all that is Good and True. Honestly make the effort to set aside all discouraged thoughts or painful memories and hold close and dear in your thoughts and heart all the times that you have deeply felt Spirit embracing you close, or giving you the gift of sweet dreams and visions of pure Heaven.
Think on these things. Keep your goal in mind, knowing It is Good and Right and True.
Think on these things, and take heart, take heart, take heart in the Love that surrounds you now. All promises will be kept by God. You are a Beloved right now, and there is no way to be divorced from God, to be separated from what you are an integral part of, now and forever.
As we are with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Whenever we are willing to help someone achieve the complete understanding that God controls all, and that physicality is an illusion that is easily mutable to good, it is because we have been given permission by that one’s asking.
They must ask, giving their willingness to be taught by God’s Helpers, and be led by God’s Voice. You must do the same, honoring the timing and free will and choice of those around you. Though it may feel as though it is breaking your heart to see them suffer the illusion of vulnerability and death thoughts longer than necessary, still you must honor their choices to dream on in the illusion, AND God’s wisdom in knowing when each soul-part of itself is ready to awaken. Be glad for the truth that all are already in God Mind and have never truly left It, and be comforted by knowing that the dreams of pain will be forgotten once the awakening is complete.
Just love those you love. That will be the best help you can give,
Ah, Beloved,
The human heart that tries to tell you all is bitter, or disappointment, or, if joyous, too brief to bother with, is no match for the Endless Joy that is your Full Body. Human sorrow simply does not have the capacity to overcome Calm Divine Infinite Desire to Expand Its Joy into every sleeping heart that has forgotten It. Divine Joy has placed Its Helpers and Angels and Sentinels in every heart and next to every human thought, standing ready to Help, Help, Help, and Love, Love, Love.
They do not want to trespass on your choices and your sense of individuality as part of Oneness, so They wait for you to turn to Them. Turn around, Look within. Look to the Light, O’ dear dear Beloved Children of the One. It is right beside you. It is right in the center of your consciousness, waiting to re-anoint you with your own marvelous Identity as Good and Perfect and entitled part of the Whole.
Playfully, gratefully, choose Calm Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
Any gifts or talents you have are but reflections from the Center Of All .
Therefore, give due Glory where Glory is truly due, and, in this way, see your gifts magnified, and solidified, even more.
There is no greater Truth than what is simply true, that you are the Goodness that the Center of All made you.
Ah, Beloved,
Just look over the last few days. Did not an Angel-Thought send you to an unknown restaurant to satisfy a craving, happily and quickly? Did not another Angel-Thought, sent by God, send you to the local post office just when a supplicant dearly needed an embrace of Spirit, and the reassurance that God’s desire is for her strength and joy?
Endlessly, this Guidance from God comes, tending to your Life, and tenderly helping with every aspect of the earth experience. Learn to listen, practice listening, and above all, learn to love listening to God’s Thoughts, and love obeying God.
It helps you. It helps everyone around you.
Ah, Beloved,
Many times we have used the phrase “best destiny”, when speaking about the choices you face in earthly life, or the prayers you say when facing those choices.
Now, you are ready to ponder this more deeply, and understand that there truly is only one “True Destiny” for each wonderfully conceived idea of God. God’s Truth for you IS your Destiny. As your own human self-concept moves closer to a deep surrender to the prayer “Thy Will be done”, this will become apparent.
All the alternate destinies that seem to be enacted in the earthly mirror are but rehearsals and shadows of the Truth that you ARE living, are Being, within the gracious Mind of God. Like children playing in the sandbox, the imaginary housekeeping and working in the piles of dust are left behind when the Mother/Father calls the children to Home in the heart.
“Allow me to see my Destiny as you have conceived it, dear God.”
In the dear Kingdom of Pure Consciousness, you are already there,
Ah, Beloved,
All is better and brighter if you remember to say always your thanks and your love for those in your daily sphere. To say thank you and I love you to spouse, to family, to friends, to the neighbor and the grocery clerk and the local dog, is to say those appreciations o the face of God.
To love and thank the face of God is to Love and encourage yourself, dear one. Do it.
Ah, Beloved,
Every time you let yourself simply rest into the supportive Love that is All, you are feeding yourself and others in ways that you cannot even imagine. Just as one person beginning to clap in an auditorium can begin the appropriate, appreciative clapping from all, so can one person relaxing superbly into Divine Silence, hold the door open for the restful Silence for all.
Feed the Heart with Silence,
We love you,
Ah, Beloved,
It is easier to pray “God’s Will be done for my life, I set aside all my own fantasies now”, if you first accept that God does truly want your happiness and joy, for if you are in joy and gladness, God can more easily shine through you,
Always and ever with you,
Ah, Beloved,
It is always in your best interests to ask, daily, to see and know yourself as the original perfect idea that the Creator/Source makes.
Your sight, your hearing, your very knowledge, all come unsullied from the Mind of God. Therefore, imagine them that way. Re-think them to BE that way. Accept no imperfections as emanating from the Source. Be willing, like a young child imagining, to be as free as you need to be, and be free indeed.
With you in every step of the endeavor,
And in expectation,
Ah, Beloved,
God does not Govern from far away or long ago. God Governs right here, right now, with Goodness.
Turn to It, welcome It, receive It right here, right now. God wants your happiness, and wants you to feel Blessed to be a Blessing to all.
Think on this, and WELCOME It.
Ah, Beloved,
If secrets try to be kept from those closest to you, think again.
One Mind governs all. One Divine Spirit sees and knows all. If something is to come out eventually, would you rather your friends and kin hear it from you, or from circumstance or strangers? Remember, Love, that unshared Joys are also secrets.
If you have had a Divine Moment or vision, and share it not with one to whom you are vow bonded, it does not make for further closeness. If you have unshared errors, that would hurt or touch the heart of another, it is a crack that will only grow wider with time.
Share with God first, yes. But then heed God if you are led to share all with those whom you revere, and want to be revered by, the most. Let God lead you in the sharing and in the making of amends, or honest celebration.
We revere and Love you no matter what,
Ah, Beloved,
The Force that can clear away the mist of your days, and let you keenly and truly see your high way, is always available to you.
The Life and Soul Mind of God, that creates the good thoughts in your mind, will Guide you. Practice allowing It, Beloved, and gladly clear away the fog. Just ask, and allow.
Trust that as you see and think and feel as a mind within One Mind, much Joy will be revealed.
Ah, Love,
Be as the sunlight today. Just shine forth on all you know.
Can the sunlight be worried about tomorrow? Can the sunlight be fat or thin? Does the sunlight fret about its promotion, or how the medical test will scan? Can a ray of light have allergies, or be lonely for another ray? Can a ray of light become the wind, or grow frustrated trying to become a tree?
O”, Love, be as the light today, flowing ceaselessly from your Source. Be as the light today, without form or disease or worry or need—and if you must give voice, let it be laughter, such as you imagine the sunlight would make, if, suddenly, it were given tongue and word.
Shine on us, too, Beloved, for we are your friends,
awaiting instructions from the light of you,
Ah, Beloved,
We who know the You that is as it ever was, whole and wonderful, the same part of the Everlasting Spirit that the Divine conceived of, still tenderly See that You.
Sheer Love burns away your own perceptions of the temporal you, with its wisps of thought about frailty and lack or inability. We say to you yet again that you do not need to undergo mortal death to begin to See bits of “Heaven” right within the daily dream. Ask for Help in Seeing aright, and look, look, look for Good. Look, and you will See more and more of It.
Humanity often characterizes itself as representing the “prodigal son” from the parable in the scriptures, wandering the wildness of the material carnival, but We tell you that you are already the “older Son”, the Son who stayed with the Parent all along, right within the Heaven of Your heart, in the Perfect state of Heaven in Mind. That perfect You, heir to all that the Father/Mother has, and in possession of it right now, is what you are as Spirit, as Energy, as Truth. Forgive the younger son, the dreaming son, as the Father bid in the parable, and celebrate his (your) return to Wholeness.
Read this and let it sink into your deep Consciousness. Understanding each word or the mental logic of it is not what is needed so much as gently opening your belief in heart, and asking yourself the rhetorical question, “What if I am already really the Perfect Whole idea-Spirit of the Divine?—the Perfect Child of God?”
“What if I am already filled with all the Goodness I need to shine with?”
Then Praise be, praise be, praise be, dear Love.
Ah, Beloveds,
Spending time with God is not a sacrifice. Immersing ones consciousness in the Great Consciousness is as spending time with the wise and talented and hale and joyful, and supportive and generous, but multiplied many, many times over.
You are not depriving yourself of anything meaningful if you are immersed completely in Divine Love. Decide for It, ask for It, and you will be embraced as It Wills.
It is an active and Living Peace,
Ah, Beloved,
In every day, there are moments where your words or actions might easily be influenced by wanting to please the people around you, or have their human approval.
In those moments, Beloved, just always make sure you pause and ask the Divine Voice within what God wants you to do. And if you feel that you cannot hear the guidance, ask yourself, “Is this the most Loving thing to say or do?”
And feel confident that all the contemplating and pondering and prayer you have done will bring to mind and heart the right answer.
Completely and always with you,
We Love you,
Ah, Beloved,
It is important to not let your means of focusing on the sweet Center of Being within become ritualistic and therefore too automatic. If you are not truly feeling centered in the Presence and Peace of the Source/Love after saying an accustomed prayer or thought, then become still and really focus and listen. You do yourself no favor if you become over-content with words and phrasing, but ignore whether or not you really feel the Love of God welling up within you in response. The understanding of the Presence must be there. The true feeling of connection must be there.
The mortal self will tease you with thoughts of what duties or routines you must get to. The fleshly self will rumble the belly or itch the teeth. Pay no attention. Leave not the prayer closet time of surrendering and listening and focus until you truly feel embraced by, and fortified by, Love, before you start your worldly day.
It is important. Would you leave the house without your clothes on? No. So, do not leave the house without donning the Love of God.
It is your armor. It is your wealth and health and strength and joy. Welcome It, embrace It, be cheerful and strong in your place as a part of the Whole.
Wholly yours,
Ah, Beloved,
God has, does, and will mightily transform some great sinners into saintly workers for the Light of Life.
Remember that as you pray for those whose hearts seem to be filled with the shadows of fear and anger and hate and revenge. Sooner or later, in some form or other, every individual is led to the purpose of Soul and Light, and given the chance to Love, and to teach others to do so.
“O”, dear God, privilege me to witness the Bright filling of every heart with Loving Light, so that all errors and inharmony fall away from sight and experience. Use me, dear God, for the Light, let all of us feel the Good of your Glory.”
God works wonders continually. Look for It.
Ah, Beloved,
Now, right at this moment in time-space, believe there is nothing standing between you and the Creative Force.
There is no membrane between you, there is no obstacle or barrier that is real, there is no time that must be endured before you feel the Lovely Force of Love.
Feel It now, Beloved. Welcome It now, Beloved, and let It do Its Work on your perceptions, which create what you are.
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be this knowing in you—the One who created you knows the True You better than you do. Hence the need to release daily into the thought:
“Not what I seem to be to my human self, but what You know me to truly be.
Let me see it. Let me know it. Let me be it. Amen.”
You are so much more, and better, than you think,
Ah, Beloved,
One Mind, Loving and Good, does govern all. If you agree to See that, and to let your own misty illusions fall away, the results are simply wonderful.
While you are yet dreaming the earth dream, playing a part in the play, the One Mind would have you know happiness and Joy and Calm, trusting Peace in your heart. It would have you dream the happy dream.
Let go of your judgments and your assumptions, and One Mind will help you see your own Good Self, and that of all around you.
What does it hurt to give it a try. Playfully, curiously, try!
Ah, Beloved,
There is never an inappropriate time to commune with God. Whether in the midst of errands, or as you are cornered by a conversational boor, you can turn to full transport in Consciousness, and ask and feel certain of receiving, “Heal me, O’ God, fill me with the wonder of life and the strength of compassion and the completeness of Knowing I am as You and one with You.”
With practice and time, this or a similar thought, will be the constant undercurrent in your mind, bubbling up to the surface like a refreshing spring of the water of Life, whenever you, or one near you, has need of It Truth.
Be the Love everyday, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no place in your thoughts that God cannot reach. There is no place in your swirl of confused or elated human thoughts that does not have the True Thoughts of God, that you share with God, right under that dusty layer of human thought.
Change your thoughts, change your mind, and you change your life.
You have our willing hands with you, in Love,
Ah, Beloved,
We are always glad to tell you what to do, that is of the Highest Harmony for all. When you feel the mortal state of confusion come upon you, wherein you simply do not know what to say or do, then NOTICE that confusion, and NOTICE that you do not want that confusion, and mentally step away from it, and ASK High Guidance within to help you.
If you quiet your thoughts, and just gaze out a window at the distance, or look with attention and appreciation at a simple object, or close your eyes and just feel the quiet, We will give you a Thought.
It may be a thought of a thing to do or say. It may be a thought of a place to go or a person to call. It may be just a gentle reassurance to wait on the Will of God, that is already in action, but whatever thought it is, if it is accompanied by a sense of peace and weightlessness, and a calm joy, you will know it is a Thought direct from God.
Why not ask? What do you have to lose? Confusion?
Ah, Beloved,
In Spiritual existence, which is the immortal reality of you, there is no such thing as “a table for one.”
If worldly circumstances of the moment, or changes that have occurred, make it seem as though you are eating alone, or walking alone, or living or working alone, remember that Divine Spirit is constantly with you. Let your “alone” times be times when you commune with the Spirit of God, talk and listen to the Soul of all, and have quiet loving gazes into the eyes of the Living Life-Maker that is your constant Companion.
No loneliness exists when you remember God,
Ah, Beloved,
Perhaps you are not quite ready to say, and truly mean and understand, “God is my Life.”
But until you realize that God IS a resource for strength, and ideas, and loving compassion, and an understanding of Wholeness, it is hard to make progress in your own spiritual awakening. Until you can admit that the Wisdom of the All-in-All is absolutely greater than your own limited human smarts, you can get nowhere in greater Consciousness.
Embrace as much humility as you are ready for, with regard to the Totality of Soul. Practice having hours and days in which you focus on staying very calm and obedient to your Better Spirit. Be so, so willing to receive from the Source of All the guidance, generous persistence, and Truths that show you your best way to Be You.
For You are an expression of God-Life. God’s Goodness is your real Life.
Ah, Beloved,
The Purity of checking your smooth Divine Connection of Consciousness the very first thing in the morning is important. If you fill your heart with Calm Joy from Love, if your wrap your mind in a sense of Holy Protection and outlook BEFORE you look at worldly headlines, and BEFORE you listen to the demands of human opinions and lists, your day will be Blessed by the Infinite.
The Loving Infinite offers Blessings to you continually, but if you do not take time to listen to Soul, and to absorb Its offerings and ideas, then you will not benefit in the Best way you could. Spirit Divine runs on the Principle of Harmony, but if you stay focused on material pursuits and complaints, you simply will not always see the Sweet Peace of Love’s Presence that is being extended to you.
Make Harmony your shared Goal with Love, and all Soul will benefit, including this very day of yours.
So tenderly,
Ah, Beloved,
Entering into the sweet calm Love of the Kingdom of Heaven within will grow more and more alluring, until the busy bee task lists of the world, and the brief pleasures of mortal senses will have less and less appeal. You will WANT your consciousness to stay aligned with the Divine.
Stay aligned with the Divine. You will still be able to accomplish what needs to be accomplished for the worldly, and appreciate those whom you love, and share the talents you have to share. In fact, doing your worldly part will grow easier, for staying aligned with the Divine will enhance your perceptions of truth and wisdom and timing and grace and strength.
Stay aligned with the Divine, Beloved. Stay aligned with the Divine.
Ah, Beloved,
With everyone you meet, be thinking, “I am willing to see the Divine of you, and you are willing to see the Divine of me.”
That is God’s Intent for all, dear one. God Will help you do it, and practicing it as the Golden rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” becomes much easier as you discern the glimmers of the Light of Goodness in them, and feel those glimmers expanding in yourself.
You can do this because it is God’s Loving Will for all.
Ah, Beloved,
When those whom you love are tempted into criticism, perhaps from their human effort to love and help you, let it slide past you, and look only at the underlying Divine Love that made and sustains them. Love It and be Loved by It, knowing that It is the Truth.
The human world’s confusion of Divine Love with human sentimentalism and lust is so confusing to most that they simply are not able to sort out the moments of their own hearts. Forgive them, for they indeed know not what they do, and be grateful for every time the Inner Divine Voice helps you to turn the other cheek when you are faced with criticism. Love the One Spirit Who helps you answer the well-meant, but hurtful, comments with Love, Love, Love.
Blessed you are,
Ah, Beloved,
We are inherently aware of all that you think you suffer or enjoy, for we accompany you in the dream. But the Divine Source is unaware of those phantoms, and would have you gently and permanently awaken to your perfection as part of the Oneness of Being.
Enjoy and savor that invitation, and be not afraid to spend this day picturing the living of Consciousness in the great Awareness of Being, rather than one of a set of fractured human forms that think they are separate from one another and from the Whole that is All.
We extend Love enough to float you anywhere,
Ah, Beloved,
The Infinite has plenty for all. What is given to another is not taken away from you.
There are plenty of new and old ideas. There is plenty of Divine Love.
There are plenty of talents and gifts of purpose. There is ever-expanding Wisdom.
Take and use your share. There is Plenty for all.
Ah, Beloved,
However long you think you must wait for something to occur, you must remember that the Source Light, God, is timeless. That not only means that you can constantly, and always, access the sweet Calm of God within, it means that all things can happen faster than you might imagine, when you remain in the outlook of God.
And if there needs to be an awaiting of all the soul-reflections involved to be in the right Harmony, God will see to it. Your task is for YOUR thoughts to stay aligned with God-Source, and keep praying that God aligns the others quickly and completely and blessedly for all.
Mind your thoughts, and look to see God revealed in others.
All things are possible to God. Do not doubt it.
Ah, Beloved,
The True You exists as an idea in the Golden Mist that is the Mind of God.
This week, stop trying to DO things, and just BE. Being within God, where all children are One Child, will let you know and hear what to do, where to go, what to be, to help all other parts of the child realign with Harmony.
Stop trying so hard to understand, or to perform perfectly, and relax into the UNCONDITIONAL Love that is that Golden Mist. Relax, and let the Golden Mist of God” Being permeate and support and hold you. You are a Beloved Idea, a cherished child of God’s Imagination. Relax into that, relax into that and be at peace.
It is not about you deserving or not deserving God’s Love by what you do or do not do. It is about realizing that you already exist within God’s Love, and that as you allow It to flow through you, and freely give It, you experience the Harmony of moving within that Golden Mist, and Being a part of the Greater Love that thought of you.
Words cannot describe this. Pray, be silent, listen, and allow It, and Know the Truth,
Ah, Beloved,
Once you really grasp that Love is God, then you know you cannot see God’s face in the traditional sense. You can free yourself from envisioning god as some huge human. Love is invisible but It effects are visible. Free yourself from thoughts of a limited god.
Instead, you can train yourself to discern the Omnipresence of Love/God by the waves of kindness you experience, or the harmonious function of a life process, or the solutions that come forth when you look for, and find, the “Face of Love” in everything and everybody.
Look for Pervasive Love everywhere and anywhere, in the visible and invisible, and be gleeful as your inner and outer sight expand to see more and more of It.
There are no limits on Love Divine, and
It wants to Help you know that.
Ah, Beloved,
The energy that you use in Loving and Giving and Forgiving is the energy God can use to funnel Goodness and Blessings back into your dream of earth. The energy that you use for anything else is as dust, and drops to the ground, giving nothing of any real use back to you.
Indeed, moments spent in irritation or doubt or even anger, can only take away from the moments you could be feeling Joy and Love.
Choose your investment in each moment. Choose Love.
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid, but think on how miraculously your Life holds itself together. As we have said to you many times, to turn your mind to the remembrance of all the times when it seemed situations and persons and your own thoughts of self would not work out for the Good, and yet somehow they did, is to train yourself in faith.
Practice, practice, practice remembering the Good Peace you have achieved so many times, and Welcome it with open heart each time It comes again. Like any skill, it grows easier and easier to drop into the State of Mind that IS the Kingdom of Heaven, especially since each willing effort to do so is accompanied by Divine Help.
Trust in the Divine Help you cannot see.
Ah, Beloved,
When the tender Voice of Divine Love within your heart urges you, once in a while, to offer up an ungodly, ungood habit to Spirit to be healed, or released, or gently reminds you to pray for instructions about correcting a small ailment, or learning a needed skill, there is generally a need for an eventual full focus on it, or surrendering of it, but there is no hurry. God will not nag you continually. God will just offer to help when the error crosses your mind.
But if you hear the “small, still Voice” seem suddenly louder, or repeat in your thoughts over and over and over, then try to obey immediately. Sometimes this is for your own welfare or guidance to an opportunity. You may feel the urge to drive a different road, or hear a name in your mind, again and again, to call. You may feel a restlessness about finding and bringing along with you a particular item before you go on an outing.
Frequently, when Loving Spirit wants to use you as an instrument to help another, you will feel a strong impulse to contact someone, or to give someone something, or to call upon the individual. Obey, obey, obey when those urges of Grace occur, Beloved, for of such are the moments of serendipity and salvation made, that helps all flow along in the Harmony of Divine Mind.
Sometimes you are the giver, sometimes the receiver, as all progress together in Oneness.
Ah, Beloved,
O”, do Bless yourself today by taking our instructions from yesterday and praying for at least three other people, one by one. They can be friends or acquaintances, or family or strangers. Simply choose them, and over the course of the day, pray for them one by one, a few focused and sincere minutes for each.
Then pray for yourself to be in full alignment and understanding of the Infinite Mercy that Holds you all. Having prayed for others, your heart will be more open and ready to be filled, filled, filled with that complete discernment, and the Upliftment it will bring.
We Love you so,
Sometimes just a few minutes of praying, or meditative realization, is enough. Bless you. Remember that you dwell in Love, that the true substance of you is Harmony of Spirit. “I am the substance of the Joy of God.”
Ah, Beloved,
If you stand to face an amazing and solid rock surface, and shout forth, so that you may hear your echo, the echo cannot say anything that you yourself have not said.
So is it with the Marvelous Speaking Spirit that is the Divine. You are Its echo. The only true sounds you can send forth are those that repeat the Harmony and Light and Life and Truth that are the very sounds of God. All else is babble, is nothingness, is the wind distorting the echo, or cutting off part of it to make a lie out of the Truth that God wants to hear back from you.
Think about it,
Ah, Beloveds,
Consistent deep Peace and Truth and Contented Happiness come only from the finely tuned Inner Self, fully aligned, and continuously fed by, the Infinite.
Different systems of human philosophy and religion and spiritual systems have various names for it and myriad systems that have been tried to completely achieve awareness of it, but that Oneness of Gentle Thought and Being flickers among them all in some form.
Seek It however you will, Beloveds, but do seek It. For that Oneness already Lovingly Holds you all, and the sooner you find the Inner Spirit to help awaken you fully, the sooner Harmony touches all in the Consciousness of Heaven.
Trust Love to constantly offer you ways to connect fully with Its Divine Self. It will not force you to look away from, or past the limited human senses, and learn to enjoy the joining with the Great Consciousness, but It will pour out floods of Gladness when you do. And, being outside of linear time, It knows you eventually will. Why not now?
Look, Look, Look, Seek, Seek, Seek, ask and open, for you exist within the Oneness, and flying throughout It are Its dedicated servants and healers and awakeners, ready to come to your side when you are ready to receive them.
God has made provision for all to awaken in some way,
Ah, Beloved,
Sometimes, in the night, you forget, and you wake up in what seems to be a very strange place. “What am I?”, you ask yourself.
“I am a happy idea, dancing around in the Mind of God.” CLAIM IT AND BE IT.
“The reflection of me that seems to walk and talk and think and stand and sit and plan and age and win or lose, all in the dusty mirror of earth, cannot speak for what I am.”
“I blow the dust of the mirror, with the Gentle Thought of what I really am, a happy idea in the Mind of God, and the reflection shows the happiness, too. The reflection shows the health and wealth of all that the idea of me is, and can be, and can easily receive, as it looks around in the Mind of God, at the True original of what I am, instead of at the dusty reflection.”
We are with you in the Mind of God, and in the reflection,
Ah, Beloved,
Recognizing the sibling nature of every other living being will help you refocus on the necessary plurality of prayers. You literally CANNOT pray aright if the answering of your prayers would be at the expense of the well-being of any other person.
In situations where it seems that there is any sort of competition, or jealousy, it is especially important to preface all your prayers, and Divine re-focusings, with the word “OUR”.
“OUR Divine Parent, help us all to see, the absolute best destiny you have mapped out for all of us, for we are all parts of Thee.”
Never forget the sisterhood and brotherhood of all, in Oneness,
Ah, Beloved,
From within the circle of your own sensory perceptions, you CANNOT see yourself clearly. To realize and appreciate the spiritual Truth of you, you must trust the word of One outside the physical circle of limited perception. That One has many names in many cultures and traditions, but basically you must learn to perceive Its Truth of you, and then do your utmost to believe that you are a perfectly loved and good Child of the Universe, and that the Spiritual original of you is valued and maintained in Its Wholeness. As you focus on that, the dim reflection that is the “physical” will show more and more evidence of that.
Be loved by Grace, Child, and trust Its word instead of your own limited perceptions. As you do, you will wonder why you waited to see as It Sees.
We assure you, you are beautiful,
Ah, Beloved,
Never condone sin. Never condemn the individual Spiritual Child that is being haunted by that sin, but never condone the enacting of it in their words or actions or thoughts. Turn their thoughts and eyes gently, with Love, to the enduring Truths of God—one of which IS that all beings are One as a reflection of the Divine Oneness.
Therefore, anything they do to another, they have DONE TO THEMSELVES. That is the Truth of “as you sow, so shall you reap” in the earthly. As you seek the Goodness of Spirit and Causal Love, so shall you reap that Sweetness as well. Which do you choose? For choose you must, in every moment—Truth and Integrity of God-Quality, or fear and pain and hatred and selfishness and revenge. Which shall it be? Which do you want to have come back at thee, in the closed circle of the dream?
The only opening in the bubble of the dream-consciousness is the way of the Divine Way -shower. Seek that One’s advice, and you are led to Goodness for all in all. Seek that One’s comfort and counsel, and you are led to Joy.
Ah, Beloved,
Each day, your job for God is to uplift those around you.
Could it be simpler, really?
Ah, Beloved,
The simplicity of turning on the words “I Am Love” in your mind will indeed be like a light chasing away the darkness in a room.
You are made of Love because That Which Made You could only work with what It is: Love.
Let it be simple today, Beloved. Let it be “I Am Love”, and let no lies of the world and the senses come between that thought and your Peace.
Is a day so much to give for this?
Ah, Dear One,
God already knows what you need. God knows it better than you do.
Let yourself go forth into each hour with the prayer that the Infinite give you what It has planned for you. Practice, each hour, letting go of the desires that have only come from your fevered and mesmerized mind, and letting God’s desires flow through you instead.
Be adult to yourself, when worldly desires come forth. Be the adult that has seen a child whine and beg for a certain toy that he saw advertised or that he saw on a friend’s shelf. Be the adult that has seen the toy cause only more tears when the child found that it was not the magical road to happiness that it seemed to be on T.V.
God knows the needs of your Best Self, and is very pleased to provide them, if you would but set aside the false needs that fill your heart, and be the open heart that waits to be filled with God.
Empty cups do not panic and try to fill themselves,