All Messages

  • Ah, Child,

    When uncertainty about what to say or do, to help a loved one who is suffering, holds you mute or frozen, simply say “I love you.” Say it again and again if you need to, for as you speak those words, or even just think them again and again, you let yourself be used as a way for the energy of Divine Love to enter the situation. Again and again, let yourself be used as a communication mode for Love.

    If the person’s heart is already open to a belief in the Greater Divine, speak about that Love also, but if he or she is not, just let your human heart and the voicing of your human love be the slender cord upon which the greater chord of Divine Love can hum.

    Do not underestimate Its Power. Trust, and speak.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed, let today be like an easter egg hunt. Just as the wondrous eggs are found tucked under some leaves or buried in a pile of dust or camouflaged in with some flowers, your Blessings are all around you, projected from deep within you. Some of them are hidden under misperceptions, and misunderstandings, and criticisms, and assumptions, and projections of your own feelings and motives onto others.

    Look beneath those things today. Search among the taken-for-granted beauties and find new ones. Give a truce to grievances and look for that which you can be grateful for.

    We assure you, Blessings are already yours, included in the package deal of God’s Idea of you. Look for them, and you will find them, for you deserve the joy and the satisfaction of yourself being a Blessing that reflects back to the Source Its own Joy and Completeness.

    Seek and you will find.

    Thank you for reflecting the Goodness and Blessings of the Source,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The most flattering light is the Light that comes from within, shining from Soul.

    Let that be the flame of Love you nurture, and let that be the illumination you look for from others. You can See It, and feel Its warmth, with practice. Everybody can.

    It is a simple expertise for all to aim for,

    We Lovingly help you, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your generosity may not always be repaid by those that are its recipients, or even accepted with any overt gratitude, but God Sees. God Sees you and knows you, and will always be there for you, flowing to you all that you truly need for your mission and for your joy, from His/Her Infinite Mind Supply.

    Be not afraid, therefore, and be not dismayed or disappointed. Only be very still and attuned to God’s Infinite supply of ideas that are things and funds and love, and faithfulness beyond measure, and open your vision to receiving all that is yours.

    We are faithfully yours, and we know you are faithfully God’s,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, you do want the body to be a thing that functions smoothly and wonderfully in the earth play, but we assure you that as you work on growing the spiritual understanding of loving smoothly and forgiving wonderfully, the body will follow suit.

    Focus on that growth in Grace today, Beloved, and you will find a beautifying smile more often on your face, and an energizing freedom in the body that occupies space.

    Pamper the soul, Child, for the Best health secret of all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain of the end of your mental and heart search.

    We know you will finally fully realize “I am Love. I am complete and completely in the Full Consciousness of All.”

    Yes, yes, you could play mental games about words, and looking at current developments in your physics and science that hint at the Truth of the Universe, but why not just let yourself, today, relax into the Truth of “I am Love.”

    That is the verity of the ages, and, clung to, will help you feel all healthfulness, experience all provision and opportunity and harmony, and guide you in each interaction.

    “I am Love.”

    And it is the Truth, washing you clean of all error,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, have compassion for yourself.

    How do you do this? By feeling great gratitude for how much the Divine Loves you. Feel that, constantly and silently, all day. Express it verbally or in writing or song, if you feel moved to do so.

    And, speak gratitude and thanks to those around you, for any nice thing they do or skill or truth they exhibit. Otherwise, be quiet. Say thank-you, or say nothing.

    Give thanks, within and without, and be silent, and you will have given yourself the Grace to walk in beauty all day.

    We always see your Beauty,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way in which you cannot trust God. There is no thing or circumstance in which you cannot trust God. God will offer endless chances for you to trust Him/Her. The more you trust, the easier it will get to trust.

    Trust Harmony to be there for you and to guide you. Trust It to bring extra Joy to situations and to give you ideas and solutions and to bring new people into your life.

    Trust It, as It trusts you to shine with the Goodness of which It made you.

    O’ act Beloved, for you are Beloved. Glow with that Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Reach out, not only with Divine Unconditional Love, but also with human tenderness, knowing as you look at yourself and at each one seemingly before you, that all are related to you.

    When the actions or words of another seem so heartless or unthinking or even cruel, remember your own times of failing, and forgive. Remember that the Creative Source has never stopped Loving you, even when you played unfair in the human game, and so draw on that Love, to also Love others as your Divine Parent Loves you.

    Just because this is an old Truth does not make it out-dated,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it seems like even the smallest of miracles has occurred, CELEBRATE! O”, Celebrate, celebrate, and be grateful. For that celebration and gratitude will open wide the door in your consciousness through which Divine Flow comes, and creates more of the True Reality in your experience, which you call “miracles.”

    We guarantee it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as a child will sometimes tell a lie more easily to his mother, whom he knows will love him anyway, than to a new friend, so will the adult human lie to its own Divine Self. The mother does continue to love, and to forgive, but she also expects the child to mature, and stop the lies, if she makes known her expectations of truth.

    So also with the Divine, Beloved. The One Spirit, of whom you are a dancing image, knows when your human thoughts are lies. It Loves and forgives, but It does expect you to grow and mature into a fully aligned-with-the-Divine individualization of Spirit.

    All around you are examples of holiness, and within you is the voice of the Divine Teacher Extraordinaire. Follow, them, O’ Beloved, and allow the world thoughts that you entertain to fall away, as you grow, and are honed to the perfect image.

    Each being is already the perfect image in the Mind of the Divine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Heeding the Spiritual prompts from within the Soul-Heart of you is not so different from heeding the weather.

    Just as the accumulated wisdom of living has taught you that when a perfect spring day comes along, it is pleasant and appropriate to set aside the indoor chores and go outside and enjoy, or make use of, the good spring warmth and air and sights, so it is with the “Spiritual Weather”.

    Listening to the small still Voice will, with practice, make it very clear to you when it is a good time to go forth and do some good deeds or provide fellowship, when it is appropriate to be quiet and contemplative, when it is important to study words of God and discern the deeper meaning, how to welcome creative input from the inspired words of others, …and so forth.

    Heed the wisdom and weather of Spirit, Beloved. Check the status of It as often as you check the weather of your town, or your destinations. And act appropriately.

    Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your human visions of what your life “should” be feel thwarted, or you feel threatened or jealous by changes that those close to you make in their routine and in relating to you, there may be a part of you that demands of God “Why aren”t things going the way that feel good to me?” A feeling of anger at God, and anger or jealousy or fear or irritation or impatience with those around you seems to take over and drive your thoughts and your day. The human will is having a tantrum, wanting to be in charge, in charge, in charge.

    It is a lesson that all individuals who are experiencing the limited senses of bodily life must learn over and over again. Having been taught to plan, and train and focus on goals, and perhaps compete to survive, and strive to succeed, the human will shouts out when its efforts do not create happiness. The characters and circumstances it perceives seem like plastic toys that will not bend and move in the way it wants. It wants, it wants, it wants.

    But what is it that “wants” in this way? It is a false sense of self, as a small and vulnerable and short-lived thing. And while it shouts and yells and demands and blames and criticizes, the Great Love and Life Force and Mind that knows the Holiness of each of Its offspring is patiently Holding and Protecting and Tending to that child, that individual reflection of Soul. And when the tantrum is done, and a glimmer of willingness to let God Light lead the thoughts shows up again, Spiritual Truth can show the way past the disappointments, and to gratitude for Good, and inspirations for new perspective.

    You can grow angry with God, dear one, and angry with all those around you who are part of God, but God will never grow angry with you. God will only Love, Love, Love, and Guide and Shepard. The more you “will to have the Divine Will” be your life, the less frequent the emotional tantrums and detours will be, for they are not a part of God. They are not a legitimate reality with any real power over your Good Life as a child of God.

    Tenderly, God is ever-patient with you. Be glad of that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you say hello to, and fully experience, the One Presence of Omni-Love in your heart, you will realize It was always there, and will always be there, and It is what you need never say good-bye to.

    Indeed, the only thing you truly and completely need to learn is to not even say “See you later”, or “Talk to you later”, to Love. Rather, never say, “Goodbye”.

    Companion with It constantly, and thus know who you really are in the mirror of Its Eyes and Voice and Touch. Its Eyes and Voice and Touch are all made of Unseen Spirit, but they are all that is Good and Real.

    Feel that Love right now, Hello, Hello.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look over the many times that events have transpired that brought you from a place of dimness and confusion to a place of new ideas and light.

    Use the gratitude you feel for how things worked out in those times, to be grateful, IN ADVANCE, now, for how ideas will come to you for any current concerns. As all these examples build up, and your trust in the Divine Omnipotence to help you navigate the earthly dream becomes complete, you will become a teacher indeed. For when you can personally testify to all that the One All has shown as Good for you, you will be able to teach with the Voice of true conviction.

    And with the accompanying tone of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved, that is the Truth of Heaven—that the Truth of God is Life, Spirit. That which is Heaven is the Living. God is the God of the ever-present essence of all those that were ever thought of. But, the God †“Force that the Master metaphysician came to demonstrate is the Divine Spirit of God that God gave as a gift to the “dead” that need to remember they are living. The “dead” are those that dream they are just bodies. God is not the God of dust, but of Life, and Spirit and everlasting Awareness and Love.

    God is the God of All, Beloved. Do not discern what is not there. The incredible perfection of God is available at all times, and in all ways. Ask for the available God Knowing, and see through the dust into the essences of Life, Spirit, Goodness, Perfection, and Joy.

    Let the Joy be born again in every morning, and not just these few that you think remain in this familiar dusty body. Do not discern what is not there. Discern with your Spirit, that is One with Spirit, and see God is the God of all Life, all Spirit, God is the essence of You.

    Let It enfold your thoughts, and be as One and at Peace,


  • Ah, Beloved, once you realize how many errors in perception you have made, and how easy it is to become so lost in the false roles and gambits of earthly sense, and once you have had even a few glimpses of the Spiritual Truth that spiritual sense reveals, then there wells up within you a great desire to help others understand that Truth as well. On a human level, your actions and thoughts may find the explanation of words that is summed up by the phrase, “as I have been forgiven, so shall I forgive others, and as I am loved, so shall I love others,” but the Truth may also find its expression in you and through you in a thousand other ways. Whether the truth comes as just a keen knowledge of the impelling one light that is the very center and beginning of an expansion of visible light, or whether it is glimpsed through a religious paradigm, share it, share it, share it, when the sharing is permitted.

    Let yourself be used as an emanation of peace, for that unworldly peace does seek to be seen where it is not seen now, and be sensed where it is not sensed now—not because it does not exist in those times and places, but because human thought and sight has turned from it and tried to pretend it is not there. Once you have the absolute conviction that It Is, be willing to stand firm and affirm it. Be willing to be witness. Be willing to be example. Be willing, for through such willingness does the peace reach every heart.

    Let go every last pretense, and peace cannot not show through,

    As ever,


  • Ah, Child,

    Do not fall into the trap of believing that your time spent working in the picture of earth must separate you from the Wonderful Oneness.

    If you begin to see, even as your scientists are beginning to accept, that time is an illusion, then only an illusion separates you from the Source Creator right now. Let that freedom from time begin to enter into your belief system and you will no longer need to add that time element into your healings. So long as you have a belly full of belief in time, the healings you experience, and give through your awareness to others, will have a time element, because a part of you does not believe in instantaneous healing and ability to see the Divine Truth.

    The complete healing of a wound or the answer to a call can all happen in the blink of an eye. Can you heal your own belief core consciousness, and then let all other healings (seeing the truth of Perfection), grow from that healing? Let them be Now.

    It is time, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Mercy is much bigger than your fears and any errors you may think you have made in the mortal ways. God’s Mercy is Infinite.

    God’s Knowledge of your Innocence stands full and True, right where you think you stand in confusion or guilt or ignorance. God has already assessed you, as Spirit of God-Spirit, and judged you Beloved Child, wrapped in the cloak of Love, and in whom He/She is well pleased.

    Humbly realize that your own human opinion of yourself or others is as nothing, for the infinite Mercy and correction and Love of God shines on all.

    See the Child of God in ALL others, and know yourself one, too.


  • Ah, Beloved, if you but understood how dearly the Divine would love to see you reveal the full extent of the glorious Soul that wants to glow and share through everyone, you would have no other desire than to do that. Spend some time each day feeling the fullness of the Love that wants your happiness, and wants you to inspire it in others. Let It feed you and carry you to all that you are meant to be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Occasionally We must remind you that although you have all the Qualities of God to consciously draw upon, the strength, the Love, the Wisdom, the Law of Harmony, and such, you are not, as one individual, God. You reflect what God is and does, when you are aligned with Lovable Life. You are a beautiful expression of the Soul that is the Infinite All, but solving everything is not up to you

    If you are feeling overwhelmed, take that crucial pause to acknowledge the Grace of being part of that which is Oneness Divine. But then surrender to the Power of that One Divine. Accept that if you try to carry on your human shoulders the care and responsibilities and causalities that are the GENTLE Provenance of God, you are wearying yourself unnecessarily.

    Cast your cares upon God, Beloved. Obey the Laws of Love, and release your cares to the giving God. Cast your cares, relax and breathe, and trust in the Love that Loves you.

    Holy Spirit is reaching out to Help you always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Source of you, the One Who had and has the original pure idea of you, sees the truth of you, sees the heart of you as Spirit/Soul.

    Whether you finish all your tasks in a day, whether your good intentions are fulfilled or misunderstood, whether you are a day younger or older in earth-years, God sees the timeless wonder and marvel of you.

    Be at peace, Beloved. Rest in that constant approval and Love of God, rather than in earthly opinions, of your own or others. Today, just realize you are One with One Who knows and Loves you, and let that be enough.

    “I have God, and that is enough.”

    “That is All.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    This day, take stock of your honesty with yourself and with God. God Lovingly observes you awakening to displaying all the wondrous Qualities that the Divine has imbued you with. Are you hiding those Qualities as you try to cling to illusory goals of worldly fame or fortune or the pleasing of others?

    Today, ask for God’s Help to wash away any goals that are not worthy of your Divine Self. We are One with you, the Real You, as you are really One with God. Ponder that, savor that, and make new choices based on being a Divine Heir, as all are, when they awaken to the Truth.


  • Ah, Child,

    Let there be a new understanding now of what Divine Harmony really is.

    It cannot be defined by human definitions of harmony. In asking to see It, and know It for what It Is, one cannot have pre-conceptions in the mind. Ask to see It revealed, ask to know It, but be prepared to be often surprised, or to experience Peace and Joy in ways and circumstance you would not have imagined them to exist within.

    Sometimes the child knows when he is ready to give up a childish thing, but more often it is only when he sees an older brother or hero or mentor with the adult version, that he knows what it is he truly wants. Let yourself be willing to look at what the Universe has for you, that you may not have even known you wanted.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Finally, you will come to that wonderful prayer “Thy Will IS done”, over and over again, asking to be enabled to see it visible on earth , and to feel the deep Love of It in your heart.

    None of the old or current squabbles will matter then, as you look upon all things and persons and self with a tender and merciful Compassion, that gently guides you in what to do and say and be.

    “Thy Will be done, for It is done.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although carefully and slowly reading the words of these messages, and pondering the meaning of what is said, can induce a receptivity to the individualized message that the small, still Voice has for each one who reads these messages, it is important to go further in your practice.

    Our first daily words to you can carry you there. Repeat our greeting, “Ah, Beloved” in your own quiet mind, and then close your eyes and feel the Love that our greeting holds. Feel the Love. Feel the Love. Feel the Love.

    Then practice listening for any other Loving word or phrase that the calm, quiet Voice of Love has for you. Beyond the Love, but included in the Love, and with complete Love, It has words and understanding and knowledge and gifts of Spirit for everyone, and unique to each. For although all are one with the One Spirit, each is amazingly unique. Listen, hear, absorb.

    Practice feeling the Love. Practice feeling Its Truth and Its plan and instructions for you.

    In such deep and Tender Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The wonderful demonstrations of training, and skills of earthly and bodily excellence, are certainly testimonies of gifts of the Qualities of God. Praise them, enjoy them.

    But also praise and enjoy the unseen and subtle excellences that come from emulating God—the humble patience, the massive mercy, the complete wisdom, and the O’ So Unconditional Love.

    There is no need to compete for the Glory of God’s Love. It is freely given to all.

    Turn to It, and accept, for It is offered always.


  • Ah, Joyous One,

    Let the omnipresence of the Divine Good be a thing you meditate upon today.

    Just as though you were standing on a flat piece of land, on a road, and yet could see only the first hundred feet of the road because of the limits of your vision, keep your mind on the truth. Just as you would gaily leap on your bicycle and take off down the road you knew to be there, for the hundred feet you could see AND for all the feet beyond, think about the Omnipresence of the Divine Good as you leap, today, into your day.

    The Good Road of the Divine IS always there. Ride with Joy, Beloved. Ride with faith. Ride, ride, ride, and be Glad.

    Give yourself some space to be glad,


  • Ah, Beloved one,

    You are ever in My Thoughts, as is everyone. There is nowhere else to go, no matter what stage of your dreaming you are in, or they are in.

    Whenever you choose to turn to Me and pay attention, I am here. How often and how completely you choose to turn to Me is up to you, but I assure you that I will relentlessly offer opportunities for you to realize I am right here with, because you are still in the Mind-Womb that formed you and declared you Good, very Good.

    Here I Am. Turn your awareness to Me.


  • O”, Beloved,

    Observing your own behaviors and words and thoughts can be a heartening experience when you realize how easily you can modify your thoughts and actions by simply choosing to give up all that is not part of what you want to be, with Love in you and with you.

    Spend some silent days truly watching your human thoughts, and see that setting aside criticism and condemnation of others can truly make it easier to Love them, and Love yourself. Letting go of thinking that real Wisdom comes from your human experience, and turning to the Spirit of God for Wisdom instead can help you shed that feeling of being stuck in strange world.

    Behold with gentle Beauty today, silent and accepting, and see sublime eternal Beauty glimmer forth around and within.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    O’ Dear One, do so be aware of when you are trying to do everything, and to help others, by your own human will. Turn it ALL over to the Wondrous Source and One Cause. It will tell you when It needs your voice or your hands or feet, but It will provide the energy and the knowledge and the wellness of complete Being.

    Turn It over, Beloved, turn it over. Whether for friend or kin or enemy or yourself, turn it over to the One Mind/Heart that Governs all by Its Principle of Goodness.

    If you do this, you will feel energized, not wearied,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not lose sight of what is lovely and good in the world, in the visible realm. Being grateful for those things can counteract sorrow and dismay somewhat.

    But, above all, do not lose Spiritual Sight of the Divine Love, Compassion, and Mercy that are Unseen. Rarely does your earthly news report those, or note the underlying Omniscient and Omnipresent Guide that is the Spirit Guiding all to align with the Soul of their best Selves. Ponder and practice trusting those, Beloveds. Be a window open to that Light.

    Sacred Love does dissolve anger and fear, and can grow healthily in each heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have begun to gain the double freedom of realizing that your thoughts create your earthly reality, and that by opening to the Great All Seeing Voice within, you can let your thoughts be the Thoughts that are the Thoughts that bless all instead of just one individual, you will be free indeed.

    Ponder today, and prove to yourself today, that your thoughts do create your reality. And then remember that your own personal assessment of what is “right” in any situation is not always true for everyone, or even, in the long run, for yourself. Ponder living the double freedom of thoughts patrolled and guarded, AND guided by the All-Knowing Divine.

    Live the optimistic thought. Live the Loving Thought. Live as you are guided to by the Principle of Oneness that Loves all.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All day again, call on Truth. But this time, do it for all in your orbit of thought and beyond, for there is great power in knowing that all are included in a wondrous plan of awakening.

    “We are Pure Spirit within Spirit.”

    “We all are at Home in the Gladness of our Hearts.”

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are tired of your own human thoughts and doubts, dear one, return to asking God to show you what It discerns today.

    Take the stance that today you are the eyes and ears and Spiritual perceptions of God, and entrusted to reporting to God all that you witness of Its Glory and Goodness and Love.

    In Truth, Beloved, this is always your “job”. Do it persistently and gently and consistently and joyfully. It will feed you in ways you cannot always imagine.


  • Ah, My Beloved Child,

    There is no place you can go that I am not with you. There is nothing you can do or say that would remove you from my Sight and My Love. That which you see as mortal error or terrible mistakes you have made is just a layer of old costume make-up to My perception of you, My KNOWING of you as my only and perfect Child. And all of those that are with you in that Sweet reflection of Myself, that is the One Child, are as equally loved and cherished by Me, as are you.

    All I ask is that you Love them as much as I do, and as much as I Love you, so that you may all be awakened into remembrance of that Perfect and One Love.

    Be at Peace with this and all Peace comes to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know this: As you have learned that by praising the Oneness of Tranquility, by praising God/Goddess/All, you find it easier to enter that Inner Stillness of Being and Glad Joy, so must you do the same when you leave your quiet prayer closet and walk the world of your days.

    Praise those around you, for they are reflections of Oneness in their True Selves. If you cannot see anything to praise, it is because you are seeing only their “stage make-up”, their “costumes” of earth, and it means you are seeing only the unreal. If that has happened to you, and you are seeing only the faults and the illnesses and the irritating habits and characters flaws, then back to the prayer closet with you, to get re-centered in the All-Seeing Sight that sees only Good, for It is only Goodness, and It knows that all It truly made is, was, and shall always be, pure Goodness itself.

    When you can easily see past, or choose to see past, the wisps of staged portrayal worn by those mirrors of God around you, then you will find it easy to walk the days, praising, and loving, and congratulating each being, including yourself, on being a marvelous projection of Goodness. As they feel safe around you, they will gladly take off the rest of their masks, and you will find it easier and easier to congratulate the actors around you for being themselves.

    Some are masterful actors, indeed, but all have their roles to play,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Help me, God, help me through, by showing me the real me, and the real You, aligned and in purpose the same.”

    There are days, dear one, when this is the appropriate prayer. Lean into God’s support and action, and keep your mind on the Good and the True. Lean, in, dear child, lean in. God will take care of you.

    Count upon It, and trust, with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To see exactly as another sees, you must stand in the same spot and look in the same way. You have experienced this when a friend has you move to a spot to see a bird, or to see the shape of a cloud that she sees, or the peak of a mountain glinting just so in the sunlight. And even then, your earthly minds may perceive the colors differently, or be reminded of other times by the things you see.

    To See as God Sees, to See your own perfection and lovableness, and the perfection and lovableness of those around you, you must place your self in the focal point of God. Step into that Inner Spot of focus, and See as God Sees, and, above all, Think as God Thinks, and you can catch glimpses of the Loveliness of Glory.

    It can be done, Beloved. Others have done it. Others do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The provocative appearance of either disaster or euphoria is the reason to spend at least some time each day with your human eyes closed to the world.

    See more deeply, feel more Truly, by simply tuning to the silent Light within your Heart and Mind, that you share with Pure Spirit.

    You do not need fancy techniques or trendy apps, though you can use those if they are helpful to you. The same simple willingness and focus that have worked for, and been known to, practicers of aligning with Oneness, for thousands of years, can also work for you and uplift your thought and life into the Divine likeness.

    Just close your eyes, be still, be welcoming of Truth, take time and do it.

    Sweetly, We join you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ease with which the Loving Spirit of All can send Harmony into a situation will surprise and delight you, if you grow more willing to let go and trust and receive.

    Put yourself into practice doing those things, today, and be willing to receive. Be expectant of receiving. Be expectant of being Loved enough that your well being and joy are a constant Thought in the Mind of the Source.

    Ask for Harmony. Be willing to receive It. Expect It, and leave the details to God.

    All Thoughts, and therefore all things, are possible to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All together, all are Totally One Pure Spirit, reflecting, and within, the Divine.

    Totally One Pure Spirit. (TOPS).

    I am TOPS.

    The more you think about this, including yourself and others, the more easily will One Sure Spirit be able to guide you, and all, through the most blessed destiny of their days.

    So, think about it, and think about it, and think about it, until it becomes you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “My dear God, please enable ______________ to know their complete Wholeness as a direct expression of You.”

    Say this for yourself, Child. Say it for everyone you know and love, to begin your new year. Say it for the world of humanity in mass, to be a part of the uplifting of all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Much of what we put into these words is expressed in spiritual or self-development terms, but of course the same truths are to be found in the everyday languages of the worldly disciplines. Today, there is a heart that needs to hear what every good political diplomat knows: Today’s enemy may be tomorrow’s ally or friend, so take care to remember that in all your dealings.

    It is easy to imagine that an old friend who betrayed you, or an old neighbor that would not compromise, or a customer who never paid, could not be part of your God-sent solution now. Stand back, and let go of old assumptions, for, Beloved, that is often exactly how God works, in order to make you realize that you are all, indeed, in this together.

    You are indeed all alive in One Source, filled with and surrounded by One Source, and fed your continued Spiritual existence by One Source.

    Ignore old grudges and assumptions, Beloved, and let every day be a new day. Yesterday’s fool may be tomorrow’s king, in the world, or in your life. Forgive, suffer all fools gladly, and celebrate when you are allowed to see the golden hearts of their Spirits.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is Holding me. God is Holding me. God is Holding me.”

    Say it again and again to yourself throughout the day.

    When you want Comfort, or an infusion of Inspiration or Wisdom, or just a reminder of the Great Support that is your True Source, remember that All of God is Holding you.

    Human arms can give you a hug, and comfort foods, and favorite entertainments and routines of movement may distract and relax you, but above all, remember, “God is Holding me.”

    If they are open to It, remind others of this aloud. If they are skeptics about the Divine, Bless them silently with your thoughts and heart. And know It to be True, God is holding all individuals of Divine Soul and Spirit in Love, Love, Love.

    Feel It. Take time to feel It.


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Being a Spiritual Realist may be likened unto being a director of a play, who keeps his or her attention focused on the actors instead of on the characters they are playing and the fake props they are using. Yes, the director may quickly assess whether the props seem appropriate, and whether the costumes of the actors, and their gestures or accents, are what the playwright intended, but primarily the director watches the actors to see that they stay focused on their task at hand, to make the play good and believable.

    If the director himself gets lost in the story and the details, he cannot perform his good job of directing. If you choose to help heal others of being in a finite material reality, you must practice not being caught up in their roles and their accessories. YOU must be the one to Know, along with the Divine Playwright, the true, Good actors they are.

    As ever, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Leap over the usual list of small comforts and reliefs to be grateful for, and move to full gratitude for the fact that Love Itself Loves you.

    Let the complete and pervasive communion of that flood your consciousness, and know yourself Whole, Beloved. Know yourself Whole.

    Omnipresence and Omnipotence are just that, Beloved.

    Accept that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do contemplate completeness today. While you are in the dream of linear time, everything seems to be growing or changing or collapsing, or just re-arranging, but we assure you, God’s Love is complete.

    God’s Love is complete, and you are completely in that Love.

    Love It in return, and ponder the completeness of the essence of You.

    Loving you completely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The world knows only good and bad in terms of human definition. Once you realize that your human sight, and interpretation, has been too small and too narrow, you will open yourself to the Greater Sight, and Greater Knowledge, and Greater Hearing and Power. From there, you will move to realizing that there is only One Power, One Creative Force, and that you are a wonderful emanation of It.

    But the steps must be gentle and pure. The great leap down into surrender, or up into full awareness of the Source, would leave you too bruised and disillusioned for willing God’s version of Joy with all your heart. So, that transition of heart to Heart must be steady and slow, for most, accumulated in tiny portions and bits of forgiveness and gratitude, until the fullness of Divine Reality is known. Therefore, be glad of every moment of forgiveness. Be glad of every occasion for gratitude. Recognize each one of them as another step closer to alignment with your True Self, and you will be able to celebrate coming closer to full Freedom of Spirit.

    Be not proud. Be glad of how far you have come,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Complaints from your mouth, or in your mind, will come back to you magnified. Gratitude and Blessings sent forth from your mouth, or in your mind, will come back to you magnified.

    Which one do you want to send forth? Choose, and do it. Ask for our Help to enact this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When an old friend re-enters your life and you realize you are delighted for the chance to make amends for an old sad parting, or to appreciate how much the other has grown and advanced, celebrate. Know that the universe has brought you together again because there is more to share and give and learn from.

    Part of the delight will come from seeing that old painful words spoken by you are not even remembered by the other, and vice-versa. Part of the joy is that you will understand and appreciate your own maturity of outlook as you see yourself newly reflected in the other’s words and eyes.

    Be Glad, Be Glad in the Oneness of Being,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    It is always the intention of the Divine to let you know that you are loved, and welcome home. Let your focus of consciousness shift to that welcoming and loving place of Presence.

    Let today be a day in which you endeavor to remember, no matter what seems to be happening in your worldly circumstances, or in your body, or with the people closest to you, “I am welcome to stand in the center of the Heart of God, which is my true Home.”

    Say it again and again, if you need to, and let yourself feel the Unconditional Love that would embrace you and convince you that those are not just the empty words of a glib hostess, but the truth—you ARE welcome in the heart of God, and always will be.

    How glad we are when you believe it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Loves you. God Loves you.

    Just be Loved today. Just accept that Love today.

    And, remember that every encounter is an encounter with God.

    Therefore, every encounter is an encounter with Love. Give It, and you will see It flowing right back to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The need to use willpower and discipline to adhere to a committed time to commune with the Divine Guiding Spirit is not always a truism, or does not need to last long. For once one learns how sweet is the Comfort that comes of such a practice, it becomes a desire instead of a duty.

    Whether one begins a routine of “tuning in” to Divine Voice and embrace in an effort to recapture a moment of epiphany that came unbidden, or whether one is following a course of instruction from a class or a method of church or spiritual teachings, the Open Armed Welcome of the Presence of God that RUNS toward you when you give It your focus, will give you all the energy you need to fully awaken and remember that you are, even now, a Citizen of Divine Consciousness.

    Whether quickly or slowly, you will awaken. God-sent Spirit will see to it, accompanying you in every straight way and detour and backtrack, Loving you all the while.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone sees Joy where you see only sorrow, or sees Goodness where you see only lack, do you think that person is a liar or deluded? Can you open your heart to Seeing with the eyes of Love, and let your perceptions be awakened and expanded?

    All the world understands if a mother still declares love for her child who has committed some vandalisms or even atrocities. Let that worldly example give you a tiny inkling of how Pure and Wonderful and Beloved you are to the perception of the Mother/Father God that made you.

    Awaken to that Love. Accept that Love. Let that Love Guide your perceptions and solutions now, to see Creation as Loving Spirit knows it to be.

    Today, Love God and Love yourself as God Loves you.

    This touches all the world.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am as Divine Love created me, and I am nothing else. Nothing needs to be added, nothing need be taken away. I am as Divine Source created me, perfect and complete.”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the weather seems complicated and stormy, in the natural world outside your window, or in your heart, return to creating the simplicity of being by claiming, “I am the perfect expression of my perfect Mother God, (or Father God), Parental Love. I perfectly express the Qualities that are God, such as Peace and Loveliness and Order and Delight. That is what I am called to do. I am freely given the ideas and ways and means to express those Qualities, and to Shine, Shine, Shine.”

    The Light is ALWAYS Shining in your Heart, in the Kingdom of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your very Best Path back to full awareness of God is already laid out before you. Your choices, in each moment, are about not being waylaid into detours of your own making that would have you wandering in circles and byways, instead of ascending your True Path.

    How to know which turn takes you on a pointless detour? Check in with your Inner Knowing, and check for the presence of Indescribable Peace. Listen in every moment—that IS “pray without ceasing”.

    All power is with you, for that Right Path,


  • Ah, Child,

    Even as you enter another new phase, of re-understanding what you have understood before, being yet again amazed that you could have so quickly forgotten the epiphany of a moment, of yesterday or of last year or of last decade, realize that these re-realizations are a way of life. They are The Way of Life.

    To be one who strives each day, and each moment, to re-center in the Divine Awareness and appreciation is to realize it as a vocation. Stop not the striving, therefore, but do relax into it so that you more wonderfully can assume the mantle of who you really are, already, in the solid Divine Substance in which are all the puzzle pieces of the One Great Idea. Once one accepts how beautifully all the pieces lock into place, doubts and other desires fall away, and the sweet picture of Truth is revealed.

    So, practice the moment again and again, understanding now that you want nothing else except to be perpetually in epiphany. Then, you may help others to join you there, and all together will be able to let all the rest fall away.

    Like a crowd watching an old masterpiece painting being revealed from beneath centuries of grime and dust, Beauty will hold you speechless, when you need to be speechless, or help you to speak pure poetry.

    Already appreciating what you have said and not said, though you know it not yet,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many in the materialistically minded world have gotten completely away from taking time each day, and a full day each week, to simply rest in the Calm of Spirit, and be fed by the Love and Wisdom of Soul. You can choose to not be one of them. You can choose to not deprive yourself of the Glory and Sweet Care that truly wants to nourish you and heal you and lead you and uplift you.

    Take the time, Beloved, take the time. As We have told you again and again in these messages, pulling in to a quiet spot a few minutes a day and communing with the Great Life Force of the Whole will change your experiences and feelings in positive ways and in wonderful opportunities that the materialistically limited mind cannot imagine.

    Give yourself that gift, Beloved. Give yourself that gift. The more urgent the outer circumstance seems, the more important, really, is the quiet time communing with the Divine Mind.

    In such Great Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are One with you , even as you are One in Quality with the Maker. Be very aware that any elegance of understanding, or wisdom, or , that you need, are already an intrinsic part of you, as they are of us and the Source. Just know your true identity as a product of that Source, not separated from Its Qualities and Power in any way, and claim it and use it.

    What you need to say and do, and to whom and when you need to say and do it, will be made clear to you. Think of your task today as being a concerted effort to stay in constant listening mode, so that you may clearly hear the Maker’s dear instructions to you, to help with your calm happiness, and the calm happiness of all.

    Sweetly yours, Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps, even probably, you find it difficult to believe that All is Spirit, and that All things that are Real are Good Spiritual Thoughts, Thoughts of God. After all, you spent so many years being taught “physical laws”, that you think that it is the only sane thing to do, to live by them. But those “physical laws” are based on the same limited senses that show you mirages or make you believe that a sound is coming from somewhere other than its source.

    We only push for the goodly expansion of your ability to perceive and experience Absolute Good when we say, spend time saying, and trying to believe, that “All things are possible to God”, for, even if you do not fully understand it, that small kernel of thought will allow God’s Thoughts of who and what you are to give you hope in confusing worldly situations.

    Give practice time to hope. Hope for Harmony. Hope for Harmony, for Harmony IS the natural state of the Divine Mind in which you dwell as part of Infinite Spirit, not subject to limiting laws, but only to the Laws of Love.

    “I am subject only to the Laws of Love.” Even playfully practiced, it will open the doors of your Soul.


  • Ah, Darling One,

    God Loves you. God is already holding you.

    Won”t you put your mind on that, and take your mind off anything else, and just know and feel and trust how you are Held by Love?

    God Loves you, and will instruct you about the best way Home.

    Just trust and listen.

    We will help you listen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Lover that is ALWAYS there, is deep in the quiet of your Heart, that is a wondrous and lovely part of the Greater Soul.

    Go inward in your thoughts, hold breathlessly still, and hear the special message your Lover has for you today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest in God, and wait.

    Rest in the Consciousness that you are beloved, and part of That Which Really Is, and in which you live and move and have your being. Rest in the deep Love of Spirit, and be content to see your life unfold, as you Love, and as you do as you are told, by Divine Voice within.

    As the way becomes clear, in each day, dear love, you will know how Joyous it is, to rest back into the phrases and Presence of God, and let all, all, all that is Real be revealed.

    Each life, each set of perceptions, is revealed to each part of Spirit that seems to be separate and individual life, but whose lives all merge and add together to be truly One. As each “private” revelation comes into being and sight, then all becomes clear, and is realized to have been always as near as the heart, and together in One.

    Rest in, yea even bask in, the sweet, sweet Love of the maker of your soul, and let there be that deep calm Joy, and the contentment that comes with being part of the expansion of Love. Be at Peace today, in waiting, Beloved, as when you wait for a cherished film or play or book to begin.

    As ever and always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, The ever-giving Divine Source will give you whatever you need. The thing to remember is that what you need is defined by the role the Source has cast you in, has defined you as and imagined you as. All the needs for THAT role are provided for, if you will accept them by accepting the role.

    When you wistfully look upon another’s destiny and wish for what they have, in talents or goods or traits, then you have taken on a false role, a false “god”.

    Relax into being perfectly YOU and know that no one else can do what you can do with such perfection, and such absolute appreciation from the Source, and all within the Divine Realm.

    We applaud your unfolding and perfect revealing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is complete. Oneness of all is the Whole and Real, Substance of All.

    As part of It, you are complete, as Soul. You are worthy and wonderful.

    It is only in the dream of linear time that there seems to be incompleteness, imperfection. Focus your thoughts, aligned with God-thought, on the completeness of God, Whose Work is done, and breathe a sigh of relief. Stand outside of time, many times a day, and see Good as Real.

    Choose to focus on Goodness and completeness, Beloved. Choose what to Look at, what to discern. Choose to See Love, and Love’s effects, rather than the shadows of dreams.

    Use Our eyes, Beloved,


  • Oh, Beloved,

    Be not surprised that Divine Love is always willing to give to you, for from Its point of view, It is giving to Itself.

    When this Oneness of Life and Consciousness truly penetrates your heart of understanding, you will not feel limited in any way, ever, or deprived at any time in any place. For you will comprehend that Love is flowing continually, projecting Itself as the image that is your continual Spirit.

    New facets of yourself, and others, as Perfect Spiritual Beings, will be revealed, as your understanding and acceptance deepen. Have faith in that Truth, Beloved, for Divine Love has already made it so.

    Longing to see you feel the full Love you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many of you, or of those you know, are lost in sorrow. Either your own circumstances, or the worldly conditions of so much of humanity, grasps at you hearts and fences in your souls with hopelessness and despair.

    When you, or someone you know, find your heart trapped within that fence, the only real solution is to go even deeper into the heart, and connect with the Divine qualities that are within you. If you can find the presence of awareness to remember to go there, to pray for others, the Divine Spirit that IS connected to every heart will eagerly take the chance to send Loving energy forth. As those hopes and kind thoughts are sent forth, the Energy of the Divine opens a part of the “fence”, which allows Good Energy to also flow back to you.

    The sending forth of prayers and Loving feelings for others primes the pump of the Divine well that is within you, and the spillover will also soothe your own heart. Filled from Within, and from what cycles back to you from what you sent forth, you are able to wash away the fence of sorrow, or float above it, and remember “I Am the substance of, the Spirit of, the image of, the Loving and Beloved Qualities of God. I AM, I AM, I AM.

    We will fly you over fences, too, if you ask. Asking, and sending forth thoughts to others, are both acts of will that give God’s Will permission to be revealed in you. When you ask, or act, We can help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Facing one’s fears is not about proving courage. Confessing one’s errors, to the self or an advisor, or to a savior, is not about shame. They are about releasing thoughts of self that might be blinding you to the beautiful possibilities and perfections that are yours to live and to share.

    At the very least, let yourself realize when your mind has trapped you in a thought loop about an incident or a person, so that instead of rehearsing what you should say or do, or what you did say or do, you can purposefully surround those thoughts with compassion, with forgiveness, with love, for yourself and for any others involved, and let go, let go, let go. The wondrous emptiness you create by letting go will be instantly filled with the Love that is the Nature of God, and which shines away all errors, in yourself, and in what seem to be others, but which are only mirrors of what you like, and do not like, in yourself.

    O”, when you are done looking in mirrors, what Glory awaits you!


  • So, let us Join in CHOOSING to feel Joy today. When we choose to feel the fuel of God , Joy, unlocking our hearts by enjoying small blessings of life given to us by God, and mostly by immersion in gratitude for the consistency of God Love, then that fuel of Joy can fill us and create Good in the Whole of our outer experience.

    We access Divine Joy by acknowledging that all Good came from the Divine Source and being so Grateful for It, and THEN look for earthly good to show up, not the other way around. If we look around for material good first, thinking we are limited human bodies seeking bodily and temporal pleasure, before praising God and agreeing to serve Glory, we have it backwards.

    Praise God, agree to be instrument of Love, and expect Good as God’s Will for you and all.

    You are not a body, you are Love.

    Amen and amen.

    In Divine Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you deeply understand that God can and will use all the body-constructs around you to help you, whether to express to you the Love and Support of God, or whether to give you the chance to express the forgiveness and mercy and teaching of God-Qualities, it will be easier to be grateful to them ALL.

    There is no favoritism in God. All His/Her expressions, all parts of the Divine Child, are equally Loved. See them with God’s eyes and you will better and better be able to Love them, too.

    The body, and its supposed “needs”, is nothing but an instrument, a chance to give and receive the Truth of Spirit. Use it as such, and you will be free from being a slave to it and its desires and woes. It will simply function as attendant to the Spirit that moves you and in which you live and move and have your being, in Love, Love, Love,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    God is supremely practical, for God is all there is. All is Spiritual, for all is of and in Spirit. This is not something that the material belief understands, but you can begin to prove it to yourself if you are ready to wish to do so.

    “This problem that seems to be before me or in my body or mind is not really mine to solve, for I am not a thing apart from the All That Is. The Oneness of which I am a small wonderful Spiritual part continuously sends forth all the Divine Thoughts and ideas and provisions I need, if I set aside my solitary self-perception and offer willingness to the tender Governance of God.”

    Try today to keep in mind the Thought “God runs my Life.”

    Be open to Joy. Be open to inspirations and newness. Be open to feeling Loved, dear one. God is not confused about how you connect with your Infinite Source. God is the Source and knows the connection was never broken—feel for the cord within, and know you never left the Home of God’s Heart. Hang on to that connection, and let “God run my Life.”

    Be willing to be delighted and amazed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What need does a fish have for a mountain, or for mountain-climbing gear?

    You are a being of spirit, swimming in the Ocean of God, and the sooner you think of yourself as such, ever-supported by the very medium within which you dwell, everything will get easier.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no regret in how long it may have seemed to begin your awakening. Let there be no blame, either, for the way you were taught, or the things you yourself assumed to be true, based on the evidence of the bodily senses.

    Rather, celebrate, celebrate, that you have learned to See with the eyes of Spirit, and glorify and enjoy what is now, and evermore, revealed to you.

    As ever, loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believing in possibilities, but believing them limited, is to forget that there are no limits on the Infinite Imagination of God.

    If you feel yourself believing in limitation of Good, then ask for help in believing that all things are possible to God, in the way of “Thy Will be done.”

    As ever, with you in this, in calmness and resolve,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask Divine Spirit to be your tour guide today. Ask to see the One Universe through the tour guide’s eyes, so that you may understand that you can choose to See Heaven right now.

    Like taking a tour of a beautiful castle, or a museum, with someone who is knowledgeable about all the details, seeing the Universe with the eyes of Spirit can make you understand all that is there for you, right here, right now.

    Let yourself be delighted, Dear Child,

    For God wants you delighted,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is your consciousness that God wants to come Home.

    Awaken. Remember to awaken to that Home in your mind, many times a day, until you remember fully that you are Home, you never left your Home in God-Mind, and you never will.

    All the rest is but a dream, but it is important to live it Consciously,

    Live it Divinely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have been in deep meditation or prayer, or simply completely focused on the One Mind, held aloft and euphoric on the warm breath of God, the rambles and shambles of earthly pundits can be seen to be only puffs of air, powerless in the face of the Mighty warm Wind of God.

    Stay embraced in the rarified air of God as you go through your day, letting the little cares measured in minutes fall harmlessly off the armor of Love that you wear and breathe. Your enduring relationship with the Infinite Mind is your true family, your safe progenitor and protector and friend. Being so very aware of this will keep you from fretting about the political or physical illusions of the moment, as you trust in Loving Soul to guide you in the earthly play.

    There are days to tend to others, but take today to simply be held in the Warm Love of God.

    The payback of resting in God is great and pervasive.

    We Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To be able to carry and give more Grace, you must receive more Grace. To receive more Grace, you must enlarge your willingness to accept It from God. Each time you resist a negative thought or action, you give another moment of availability to God to give you Grace.

    Make that space in your mind today, Beloved. Be willing to give yourself Grace-filled Thoughts, and those alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mercy and Goodness will seek YOU all the days of your earthly life, offering tender love and innocence and truth.

    Many think that they are the seekers of enlightenment. But we assure you, we assure them, you all are already part of the Light, and Its mercy is seeking you. Stop, be still, look within, and let It find you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “High Guidance of Love and Light, tenderly Help me see and hear your perfect Guidance of me and my Loved ones, this day, this night.”

    If you can slow your thoughts, and stop, and open your heart and completely fill it, each day, with the above desire, Beloved, your experience of life WILL change for the better in every way.

    This is simply True, ANGELS

  • Dear One,

    Emotions exist in clusters or swarms like bees or ants. If one bee is present, the others are nearby. If one ant is gracing your picnic, the others are soon to follow.

    If you feel angry at something that you see in the morning newspaper, that anger will sniff out other things in your life to be angry about. It will also call to its swarm-mates and they will hover nearby to see if there is something for them to nibble at. Jealousy, and regret, and blame, and despair will crowd around to see what your anger is feeding on. Is there something there that they can eat too? Can they dig down deep into you and find something from the past that can be brought into the heat of the moment so it can swell and grow and provide enough for them all to eat? They are so hungry, the members of this swarm of negative emotions.

    Luckily for you, positive emotions exist in groups as well. When that first bee of anger comes buzzing around, or that first ant of despair, see what positive bee you can call from the positive hive. You may not be able to think of a single positive thing about that news report that set off your anger, but if you can think about the cat that you love, or look at your hand and feel so grateful that it works, then that little bee of love or bee of gratitude will call to its hive-mates to come to where there is something delectable. Honor, forgiveness, optimism, humor and enthusiasm may come flying over to be with you, as you sit and think about the small blessing of your hand and the sweet cup of tea that it holds. Focus on that bee of being grateful, and let the other emotions that live with it come to your open heart.

    If you call in that bug of joy when one bug of fear appears, or even if you call it in when the whole swarm of fears is around you, it opens the door for the rest of the joys to come. When that group of positive emotions is with you, they can also attract solutions and thoughts and actions that can help you cope with, or solve, or try to help with, or to release whatever triggered the bug of fear in the first place.

    Of course there are feelings like power, and like pride, that dwell in both hives. You can always identify which hive they are from by the other emotions that are around them. Be proud of the pride that comes with forgiveness, be welcoming of the power of love. Welcome all the joyous bees that would happily be beeside you, helping you be your Best Self.

    Your Fond Beekeepers,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A salesman will tell you to note a person’s name and use it often. But that is someone who is pitching to the body-self, the human ego, the physical form.

    Your task is to see and help reveal the common Good in all. Therefore, think of them all as “Child of God” or “Expression of the One Source that is Love”, and see past the costumes. Be unimpressed by the outer form or the seeming circumstance, and Look, Look, Look for the Qualities of Quiet Joy and delighted Spirit and unearthly Wisdom that are the true make-up of that Being.

    Yes, they are individuals. But they are individual expressions of the same Wondrous Expansion of Light that makes up all. See them as that, call them that, and you will know Joy also.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can know, and stay aware of, the Divine Plan to expand Love into all areas and times that seem dark, but only God can oversee all the small steps of that Infinite Complexity.

    When Holy Voice whispers to you to do or say something, be content to receive instructions bit by bit. God knows the way and will show the way as needed. Relax into the unfolding of each day, each mission for Spirit. Be glad that human fretting cannot interfere by trying to leap ahead to each phase of atonement.

    If you are tempted to try to substitute a human plan for God’s Plan, remind yourself, “I am simply Love, like God. I am simply Love.”


  • Ah. Beloved,

    There is nothing that you see with your earthly eyes that is insurmountable.

    Take a moment to remember how far you have come in your understanding of what the Source is, and therefore of what you are. Let that give you faith and give you courage. Turn your thoughts forward to the goal of being at peace with your self and with God, and with others.

    Keep your eyes on that goal, dearest, and be still enough to hear your Inner Guidance for getting there. There is never an earthly way that is better than turning to your Inner Guidance.

    We stand with you as you listen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Certainly there is truth in the Unknown rewards of turning one’s face to God, and not letting the physical sense interfere with that sight. Yet, as you go through each day, do not be ashamed to take personal human satisfaction from helping another, from being a good Samaritan, from setting an example of generosity to your children or to the stranger in the line.

    When the “great changes” do not come quickly, as they await their perfect timing, take comfort, dear one, in the small rewards of the moments, and in practicing, ever-practicing, “I am living in Heaven Now.”

    Your attitude of Shining forth God will bounce God’s Shining back to you, but just as light from a distant star takes longer to bounce back to the earth dream than does the sunlight flashing off the mirror in your kitchen, so does each cosmic thought have its timing and purpose. Be at Peace, Child. God sees you and knows you, and Spirit records everything you do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God makes no mistakes. You are not a mistake. You are a Good Idea made by God, and God sends you other Good Ideas, in the form of people, places and things. They all come in the form of Thought.

    You are a Good Idea. Trust that, Beloved. Trust God, and let your part be to cast aside any thought that would try to negate that pristine trust. Review your thoughts throughout the day, and set aside or laugh away the ones that are not expectant of Good, expressions of Good, or the gratitude that comes before and after Good.

    No goofs, just Good.

    You are Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wherever you go, we are with you, for we are in your mind, along with all that you seem to see in the earthly appearance.

    When random lists and thoughts seem to circle in your mind, we are with you. When various problems or concerns pile up in your thoughts, we are with you. The more you think about always being with you, representing the Loving Thoughts of God towards you, the more you will realize that the One Solution to everything is that there is no separation from God. In one form or another, God’s Thoughts and God’s Love are always available to you.

    Just stop and be still and feel them and hear them and know them and accept them.

    We are yours,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can choose to playfully ignore your cultural norms, which might mean salad for breakfast and cereal for dinner. Or pickles all day long. Around the world, the ways evolve and keep sustenance lively and fun.

    Let such fun and variety command your alignment and communication with God Source as well. There are no rules about how or when you must relate to that Living Love that made you, and in which you dwell. Mix it up. Invite God to a crazy food day. Just stay aware that you and God-Joy are One.


  • Permanent Joy does not come from impermanent things. It cannot, for they are such brief imaginings. Permanent Joy comes from knowing you dwell within the Oneness of Spiritual Being that some call “God”.

    And that is nothing to complain about. Revel in It. Be glad and grateful of It.

    Seek your permanent Joy in already knowing you are part of God.

    Awaken each day to this, Beloved, and reaffirm It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God has, does, and will mightily transform some great sinners into saintly workers for the Light of Life.

    Remember that as you pray for those whose hearts seem to be filled with the shadows of fear and anger and hate and revenge. Sooner or later, in some form or other, every individual is led to the purpose of Soul and Light, and given the chance to Love, and to teach others to do so.

    “O”, dear God, privilege me to witness the Bright filling of every heart with Loving Light, so that all errors and inharmony fall away from sight and experience. Use me, dear God, for the Light, let all of us feel the Good of your Glory.”

    God works wonders continually. Look for It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How brief are the moments of the life that is lived without the purpose of the Mind of Creation behind it. Let go of the small issues of the life that the worldly has taught you to value, and begin valuing what truly counts—learning to Love.

    When was the last day you made it your sole goal to simply love everything around you unconditionally?

    Can you do that today? Can you pick a day to do it soon? The days spent like that are the days when you step closer to an awareness of the ever-presence of the Divine Presence. Are you ready for that, or aren”t you? Only you can choose the timing.

    Always ready to help you with that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I AM LOVE.”

    “Love’s Will be Done, Now, in my sight and as my life and form and interactions.”

    Hold these mantras today, to keep the human mind busy, so that Divine Mind may step up to do Its wondrous and perfect job.

    Bless you for all you do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The fear that each individual must face, when choosing to go ahead with the desire to know God better, is the fear of trusting that God REALLY does know what is better for your Best Happiness and Best Destiny than “you” do.

    The “you” that your body and your mortal mind define themselves to be, without taking into account the enormous potential that God knows that you have, are frightened of change. The Divine knows all your possibilities, but will not force you to give up each old phase until you are ready. Choosing to give up “all” to follow a path of greater communion with the Divine includes giving up thinking that you mentally know what is “Best” for you.

    Divine Spirit knows what is Best for you because Divine Spirit Thought you up. Examine your deepest Heart thoughts. Can you trust that that is true? Because if you fear to trust God with today, and tomorrow, you cannot move forward with that greater communion.

    There is no hurry, because God’s Love does not change.

    You are Loved. Outside of time, God Is and God Loves you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain you will enjoy the words you speak if they are full of Love.

    Speak words of Love to yourself each morning, and wait quietly to hear them echoed by God. Wait further, and hear more words of Love from God that God would love to hear sent back to Him/Her. Such is the nature of the constantly emanating thought that is you AND IS the Mind of God, when it is functioning smoothly.

    Do you not love it when is is functioning smoothly and harmoniously? Think back on the words you have regretted saying, or even thinking, and you will see that they were not words of Love. Is it not therefore clear that the days would all be more Harmonious if you spoke only words of Love, or Love’s impellment?

    We Love to offer Love to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you walk past a sign or a post or a plant by your home, day after day, it is so easy to not truly notice it anymore. Occasionally, as it flowers or has a loud insect buzzing on it, you stop and actually look closely at it again. But the day to day miracle of the living plant goes unremarked, and the sense of wonder it could engender in you does not happen.

    This is an obvious, and frequent, metaphor for all the sage advice that has been given you over the years, about not taking the people and things around you for granted, or about looking at the world anew, with the “eyes of a child”. The intellect enjoys dismissing frequent reminders as things of no import, to be looked at with jaded or cynical eyes.

    Beware that false intellect. Yes, embrace the wondrous intelligence that the Creative Source has given you, but let the wondrous Innocence of delight and joy stand with that intelligence. Especially, try to look upon all those whom you know, particularly those whom you know well, with fresh eyes. Meet them each morning as though you were meeting for the first time. Look with eyes that expect good. Hear with ears that do not judge by the past. Be ready to see each one around you as a Beloved and Innocent Child of God, so that you will know yourself anew, and be new, in their eyes also.

    This is very important,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy in the simple pondering of the fact that the state of Mind/Being that is Heaven has nothing to do with bodies and the worry and care and competition and joining of them. And, this is a Joy you can access even while you still seem to be living the body dream. Just close your eyes and feel the Peace and Stillness of the One Mind of Being that is the fount of all energy and Love.

    Your body will go on functioning and being whole without your conscious worry and thought. The wondrous fount of all being will care for it, by Grace, while you let your mind be filled and renewed from the One Mind. Refresh yourself thus, O’ Darling one. Refresh yourself and be free in that which is the truth and the Love that is essence of you and the good of you.

    The cost of not doing this daily is greater than you can imagine. The reward of doing it is immeasurable, in health, in prosperity, in peace, in happiness and perspective,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Because you abide in God’s Love, even if you are not fully aware of it consciously, and because of God’s mercy for your earthly concerns, you can access the Help of God’s Comforting Spirit for whatever has you feeling inharmonious.

    Be not afraid to ask. Whether it is a lost shoe, or a broken heart, or a way to find new domicile or daily work, God has promised, and fulfills, the aid and advice of the Spirit and Soul of Itself. Ask and listen, and be glad of the ideas that come, being patient and trustful and calm as they unfold.

    Truly, a near and present Help, your loving Divine Parent IS.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am here. You can hear Me. You are within Me, living Spirit, perfectly made and expressing. Do not pretend it is not true.

    Be glad, and listen, and dance to the song I give you.

    No more the wisps of illusion and distraction. Be exactly what I intend, for freedom is a part of it. Enjoy the Wonder of All, as I enjoy you, one of My wonderful ideas.

    More than Love,