All Messages

  • Ah, the surprises are good if you let them be,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The seeming obstacles and illusions of the “physical” world will be before your eyes and around your ears and to your touch every day. Enjoy the parts of it that can be enjoyed, and, for the rest, keep close to your heart the truths that you have memorized, or that have come to your mind from Divine Mind, so that you can reach for them QUICKLY whenever you feel a hint of sorrow or discouragement wisp its way toward you from the illusory mist.

    There are endless ways to phrase the Truths of Being. Choose your favorites, or let new ones form in the poetry of your heart, and then use them, use them, use them, to stay focused in the center of the Divine, from where the view is perfect and good, all day, each day, all life.

    “I am the unending substance of the compassionate glow of Love.”

    “I am made of Love.”

    “Love Gives. Love Gives. Love Gives Love.”

    Agape does Rule, Beloved. Remember that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Omnipotent. Omnipotent on earth, as in Heaven. Omnipotent over all, for It is All.

    Omnipotent. There is your word to ponder and accept today.

    Do you think that OMNIPOTENCE would not could not, hold sway over your illusions of time and space? Turn to Its desire for your Grace and Happiness and make that same thing your desire. Turn to It and accept Love. It is not a part of Love to force and coerce. It sees you have made a mistake and that you think there is much error in you and around you—that chaos has some kind of a true hold. But if you are willing to see that if Loving Omnipotence is True, then chaos has no real hold at all, then Omnipotence can wipe away your view of chaos like Sun melts ice, and show you Love, Love, Love.

    Omnipotence on earth. Let Spirit into your dream, Beloved. Let Spirit in, make It one of your characters, one of your understandings, and allow It to correct your dream.

    Omnipotence. Loving Omnipotence.

    We have been waiting to see you feel Full Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not confuse sending Divine Blessings to those that confuse or perplex or annoy you with “rewarding” bad human behavior.

    Think of it, rather, as asking Divine Wisdom to aid and guide those who seem to be lacking in the loving wisdom to make good choices for themselves and those around them. Consider all the times that Holy Wisdom has helped you re-think a situation, and a path to take in the human drama, and it will help you have enough compassion to continue to follow your mandate to “Love your enemies, Bless those that curse you, do Good to those that wish you ill.”

    Use the Divine Well of Compassion, and continue, continue, continue to pray that Divine Wisdom swiftly fill the hearts of all with the Guidance that always works to bring forth the Blessings that Bless all.

    You are one of the All, and so remember that All must be Guided and Blessed, and so does the Oneness of Being move into right alignment with God.

    Ask for the Blessing of Wisdom, for yourself, and for all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be as lovely as you ARE.

    Close your eyes, to better see God. Close your eyes, to better see your Self as God Sees you, now and forevermore.

    And as we see you, with utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The frequency of questing for the Presence of the Creative Source does not count. The number of words spoken does not count. The height of the intellectual discussion about the Divine Source doesn”t count.

    All that counts is the willingness to actually feel and listen to and ponder the Omnipresence of the One Source. All that counts is being willing to receive It, and obey It.

    Being Grateful for what comes as a result of listening and obeying is what leads to human happiness.

    Amen, amen, Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy that can fill you when you do the right thing, the thing that Grace would do, the thing that Divine Spirit would do, is indescribable. The Gratitude of the Heavens is with you then, the Glory of God pours through you then, and you are truly an instrument of Soul and Love.

    Do the right thing, Beloved. Do what Love would do, even if others in the room have gone temporarily amok, and given into shadow suggestions. YOU choose to do the right and Loving thing, as God bids you do.

    We Help you choose. Ask Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Everybody has the Qualities of God, just waiting to be revealed. One does not need to wait until casting off the human costume in order to start shining with the Qualities of Goodness and Grace.

    Begin now. Shine now. Help others to shine by shining yourself and by expecting and knowing that they can shine, too.

    It is a more fun way to spend your days,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you see others struggling with spiritual and moral questions that you have faced, and worked through, have compassion, compassion, compassion.

    Have compassion, and share your solutions and triumphs and backslidings and re-dedications to Good, if they ask, but have compassion. Mostly, dear Child, be a good example, and teach where you are welcomed, and above all, pray , pray, pray to be Blessed to see Grace grow in the hearts of those around you, as well as blossom in your own heart. Pray to See them healed and Blessed. Pray to be able to See, spiritually, no iniquity, as God Sees.

    Be the Best Soul of you, always,


  • Ah, dear one, so, so dear to me,

    I am with you and I shall always be so. Do not delight in any sorrow–there is absolutely no purpose in it. There is only survival with LIFE and Love, thriving and giving others the chance to thrive as they take a portion from your Joy, to “start” their own batch of Joy.

    Be the giver of the starter for them, but do not think it is your job to keep them baking their Joy after that. Give when asked, obey my inclinations and desires and Omniscience, and let the flow to True Heaven be your expectation for this day and all days.

    always yours,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In your contemplation times, in your prayer times, in your gentle asking of Spirit to help you see rightly each day, in your plea to God to help you see the Truth and Joy of a situation when you feel confused, do not fear to ask again and again.

    God is not trying to withhold Divine understanding from you. God does not want you to stay at the mercy of sad illusions or lacks or pains. God wants you to know and experience your thriving Identity as a child of God, of Love, of Spirit, of Soul and Harmonious Principle. Ask again and again in your heart if you need to, and listen and observe carefully and trustingly, knowing that God will find a way to let you truly know you are Beloved, Beloved, Beloved.

    You are as Whole as Love the Source of Life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hiding from God and God’s Knowledge and Power.

    The mistake your human thought makes is thinking that there is anything but Love and mercy in God. There is no need to hide from God. God’s Love is not diminished by the little sandbox dreams you have made up, or the way the sand structures crumble away. God lets you play as long as you want, welcoming you fully back into Love whenever you feel like taking a rest there.

    And when you are ashamed of some human behavior or laziness, and scared to look God in the Face, God is always there in the Inner Stillness, still Loving, Loving, Loving you, and willing to help if you but ask.

    Handing back over “human will” to the Infinite Will is not a thing done just once. It must be done again and again. It must be done each time the human will acts like a toddler, with a towel cape on, saying “I am a super-power”. The human will has no power at all, unless backed by the True Power of the Infinite.

    Fear It not. Trust Its Love. Turn t

    o It each day, each hour, and say “Thy Will Be Done”.

    Trusting in the Infinite is Freedom,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We cannot remind you too many times to forgive what is not real, what is not Good.

    A circle can hold nothing if both sides of it are not present. Forgive your self and you can forgive others. Forgive others and you can forgive your self. Complete the circle.

    Forgiveness washes the dust of illusion away, and you can see clearly what Blessings are yours, TODAY.

    You know We will help you do this if you ask, and indicate willingness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truly following the Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” takes constant alertness and self-awareness. It is very easy to let the human mind “self”, that thinks it is separate from the other person, rationalize thoughts you direct at the other person, and actions you take towards him, by thinking that you would forgive an error or disobedience, if it were done unto you.

    Beware, Beloved. The other is self. The other truly IS self, for both are thoughts in One Mind, in whom you live and dwell and have your being. Treat each other one in the Body of God’s Child as you would treat each favored part of your own earthly body. As you do, you will find a great burden of grievance and judgment falling away from you, as your thoughts and actions reflect back to you, and those around you come to reflect your own perfect beauty.

    To the human mind, it seems mysterious, but to Spirit One Mind, it is the simple physics of all Light emanating from One Place . Let go of any attempt to analyze the mechanism of it, and just stay very, very mindful that in each interaction, you truly do follow the Golden Rule.

    It gets easier with practice, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know the instant relief of being able to empty your bladder when you finally come to some facilities after driving or walking a long way. The uncomfortable feeling of fullness and focus on the need are simply gone when that relief comes.

    When you human mind and emotions are overly full of anxiety or anger or worry or a seeming experience of pain or unfairness, you can relieve THAT feeling of over-fullness by emptying your mind and heart into the deep Peace of God. Turn inward, to that access point to Infinity that you have been learning to open. Just pour all the excess feelings and thoughts into that void. Just let go of them into where there is no humanness—no human emotions or body pains and needs—just the Presence of the Infinite One, sweetly empty of fear.

    That “void” is only void of fear. That “void” is only void of human weakness. It holds the Infinite, and that Infinite then can flood all your humanness with light, showing you that it is everywhere. The relief can be instantaneous. Learn to count on it, and you will be able to count on it as automatically as you now count on the relief of voiding the bladder, or the properties of gravity that make you trust that your feet move along the sidewalk in an orderly way.

    No one is withholding this from you. It is yours to choose, as a natural Quality of the Infinite.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Love and Power are available right here and now to your consciousness.

    God did not think you up, create you and then toss you like an old abandoned doll into some forest, to be lost and alone. God is right now. You are in Love and Life’s Mind right here.

    One of the good reasons to listen to the Good reports of how others have felt God working wellness into their lives, is that it helps you believe that God is not far away and long ago, but here, right now, wanting to Help you happily Be and know your Wholeness.

    Look and Listen. See God at Work everywhere.


  • Ah, Dear Child,

    To fight with the illusion is to make it more real.

    Keep your mind and your heart on the Good and the True.

    And the Good and the True is that I Love you, I Love you,

    I Love YOU.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give permission to the Almighty to give you Good Thoughts today.

    Ask for the courage and the resolve to set aside any thoughts that are just old habits, or reactions to momentary disappointment, or superfluous material whims, and open your heart to giving God dominion over your mind. Filling your mind with the Mind of God, realizing that those Clear Thoughts were always right there, already placed in you, but just covered by the mists of human thinking, will clear your sight, and give acuity to your hearing of Soul.

    Give way to this, Beloved. Delight yourself by setting aside old thinking, and finding the way of Truth, that so wants your happiness and acceptance, and Joy.

    We know this can be done, was done, and is done, so do it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Try this game today, in your thoughts:

    “I am centered in the delightful wellspring of God. From here, I can see the wonderful movie God has made, starring me. I relax back into the wisdom of God, and watch it.”

    We recommend the movie highly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are faithfully praying “I will to Will Thy Will for my happiness and purpose”, you can trust that God has on its way to you all that you need for that.

    Trust in Divine desire for your Good, for in you is God well Pleased.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In all your journeying in the Consciousness of Love, as you awaken more and more to Its complete Omnipresence in Reality, it is always true that as you pardon and heal, and forgive and let go, you also remember your Wholeness.

    Get very quiet today, and stay still, and ask Loving Spirit what good thing of yourself to focus on expanding and sharing today, and all days.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reason that Divine Spirit is closer than breathing is that Consciousness is what you really are. You are Consciousness within the Great Consciousness, and you have just come to this dream of breathing to enjoy and to learn and to grow and to help awaken and to smell the rain and to witness beauty and to give and to receive Love.

    You are Consciousness, dear one, and you can remember that at any time. Give yourself the gift of remembering it many times today, as you breathe and play and share of what you are.

    All Our Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us Love you.

    Let us Love you, and feel Healed. Consider yourself the seeker, the patient, today, and open up to receive the Love you deserve, and that wants every chance you give It to Love you.

    “Love Loves me.” Know that for yourself today. For when you know that for yourself, you can help others know it as well. Let ALL feel the Truth of that Love, and never, ever leave yourself out of the Consciousness of that Allness, that Embrace.

    Words do not do this justice, Beloved. But you CAN feel that Love.

    Feel healed and Real today, Beloved. Today. Now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One illusion, or a pile of illusions, does not make any of them true. Whether it is some joking teenage fantasies, or the inebriated visions of a group of talking drunkards, or the piles of wrong addition by a person who does not understand mathematics, all untruths are untrue.

    God Thought is the only cause of All Good, and to remember that when trying to address or solve seeming errors is to be able to clear your mind, heart and soul, and to hear the True Thought that will untangle the pile of errors. If you picture Holy Spirit as the talented and wise teacher that looks upon your pile of problems and equations and tells you where it went wrong, then the errors can be erased and the truth, and the answers, and the Harmony, can be revealed.

    Do not pile error upon error by relying upon uninspired human opinion, Dear ones. Turn to Spirit, and ask to hear a word of correction, a loving and guiding suggestion, an affirmation that all can be handled by the adjustment of Light and Love.

    Set aside the human pride and ego, and turn to Spirit, dear Loves.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you leave the house in the morning, you pat your pockets or your bag, and make sure you have your keys or your coin purse or your wallet. We see you do it. Sometimes, we whisper to you to do it and you subconsciously hear our whisper and turn back to seek the missing item.

    But why do we not always see you pausing to make sure you have opened your connection to Spirit? Why do you not let our whisper, our reminder, of that need, come into your awareness? Believe us, you need It. You need to remember that another part of Divine Spirit is driving every car around you. Another part of Divine Soul is guiding the true thoughts of every heart in every person around you.

    We cannot force it. As ever, every day, every moment, we honor your free will. We can only hope you will offer that free will back to the Holy, so that It may flow through you and Be.

    Won”t you offer it? Won”t you, as you pat your pockets to see if you remembered your wallet, also pat your heart to hear the Voice of God/Goddess, so that you may hear It reply, “Lo, I am with you always.”?

    We are always trying to remind you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that turning first (and only) to the Divine in every need means also looking only to the Divine for the approval and tanks and reward of what you do. As you have learned not to look to persons for needs or advice, so also look not to persons for affirmation of what you are. They cannot even see what you are unless they are ones who are also living by spiritual sight. In many ways, you are invisible to them.

    To realize that you love and want God instead of the world is to be able to reach God. Paradoxically, that is when you can finally also receive and truly appreciate the world, and the universe, and beyond. Let your sight and your hopes and your wishes all be centered on God, and let all else fall into place, Beloved.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “In My Name” is where you are able to heal and be healed, because in My Consciousness is where you exist. Allow My complete understanding of that to permeate your thoughts, so that your thoughts become My Thoughts. Thus do you become free of the mortal thoughts that you thought you were bound in. Thus do you realize your own fitness and completeness and constancy, for those qualities are what I AM, and you are made of the substance of Me, of My Thought.

    I AM what you are. Gently set aside your concept of self as a separate and fragile physical being, and Know yourself to be free in the Great I AM of Oneness.

    Enduringly Loving you and Holding you while you awaken,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As We have told you before, there are ways you can help yourself forgive yourself and others. You know you want to in order to stop the pain of the anger or the irritation of wasting so much time reviewing in your mind the old hurt.

    If just knowing that is not enough inducement, do ask for Divine Help, and think again of the times you have been forgiven. Do not become lost in the thoughts of old errors you have made, but acknowledge and be very grateful for the forgiveness you experienced. That will open up the way for empathy and compassion, and an acknowledgement that misunderstandings or unknown facts or explanations may be at play. Let all these things raise you up enough to think about the great exemplars of forgiveness that you want to emulate, and ask again for Divine Help.

    And turn to something you want to accomplish or enjoy thinking about, and let the Unseen Loving Help work on cleansing your heart. You have forgiven before and you will forgive again and you can do the same thing now. You have been forgiven and you will be forgiven and you are forgiven if you are being slow to forgive right now.

    You are perfectly aware that all true healing begins with forgiveness, and you know you love being Whole. Clear the path, toss old resentments into the Hands of God, and walk Whole and happy today. Celebrate the existence of forgiveness, and moving higher. It is, after all, your own humanness you are forgiving.

    With you, Helping,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not punish. God only Loves.

    Indeed, because God sees only the purity of the Spirit Ideas that It has created, It sees nothing that needs anything except Love,

    However, God does understand that the ideas that are dreaming they are bodies need a mechanism by which to escape from their own dis-ease filled dreams, and the mechanism that God invented to help that happen is forgiveness. Forgiveness of others is the recognition that it is not their true selves that are making errors of image or action or thought—it is only their shadow selves. Therefore, forgive and look past those shadow selves.

    Whence then “Divine Justice?” As We said, Divine Justice is not punishment from God. When the dream-body-self acts in ways that are not loving of others, those actions and thoughts just bounce back to the body-person. As each one begins to understand that the golden rule does truly enact itself, they become more Mindful of what they are doing and saying and thinking, for they understand that although God Loves them without condition, their own actions will bounce back at them in the earthly dream.

    Your part in allowing the Principle of Harmony and forgiveness to be revealed is to answer meanness with patience and blessing and prayer to let your eyes be opened to the purity of those around you, and of yourself. When all begin to see as God sees, then more and more of True Reality will be revealed in the shared dream.

    Have compassion for those who do not yet understand that they do indeed reap what they sow, and take care to always endeavor to see all the sparks of Light in them, even as you leave it to the Harmonizing Principle, and that individualization of Soul to work out his or her own salvation.

    Divine Helpers WILL help you do this,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Loving Grace IS the medium in which the little spaceship bubble of “you” floats. If you let yourself be permeable, by sending forth the love in return, then the Grace flows easily into you and your life. Giving forth kindness and love and creativity is the way to keep It flowing to you. Giving IS receiving.

    Giving forth, even when, and especially when, the dim or dark senses of the world make it hard to see beyond the walls of your own self-bubble, is the only way to open yourself again to the joyous Peace of the Divine medium. You are like a little spaceship pre-programmed for Goodness. If you shoot forth the Unconditional Love that is in Harmony with the medium in which you float, all is well, all is exchanged back and forth in the Grand Whole. If you try to shoot forth the anger and despair and self-centeredness that the world would have you try to identify yourself with, then it can only bounce back at you—for the Divine cannot be pierced by darkness. It is Light.

    The Light can shine into you, can flow into you, but you cannot sully the Divine Light with your darkness. Any darkness that is sent out will only make your own bubble seem that more dim, because it cannot bounce into the Light—it can only bounce back at you. Think about it, Beloved. Would not you rather send out that which you want back, now that you know how the “Divine Delivery system” works?

    We only deliver Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When what you are outwardly seeing seems too silly or too sad or too fleeting to be true, stop and be still and examine your thoughts. Allow your mind to be filled with the everlasting Truths that you know are real. Ponder the Truth of graciousness, and appreciate the times you have seen it exhibited. Think about the wonder of beauty and colors and shapes that lift your heart so much they take your breath away. Soak your mind in the feeling of Love that is above all human Love, and endures.

    Re-centering in the Truths of the Good will always give new perspective and ideas and hope, and lift you to seeing and feeling and being inspired by the Best. The labels that are placed on the truth vary widely, but by Its fruit of joy and heartening, you can know It is not an imposter.

    Whether you follow the religion of your ancestors, or whether you take part in meditations or disciplines that have some new name, judge all by whether It brings out the Best and the Worthy in you, and helps you Love. If It helps you Love, It is Good. Does It get any simpler than that?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Nothing is incurable in God, for in God there is nothing that needs curing.

    And, since all spiritual Reality Is in God and of God, that essence can be reflected into the earth mirror, as long as it needs to be. Old sorrows CAN be forgotten, the supposedly immediately fatal can be set aside… If God, Goodness, is All in All, and It Is, then just picture the expansiveness your thoughts can take, when overtaken by the Thoughts of God.

    Be playful with these thoughts, and let delight come in their wake,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of God as thinking this way, if God thought in words:

    “I am that I am. I am All Consciousness and I am All That Is. Within My Consciousness is the idea of____(your name)__________ and her life. That life is perfect and good and true, for it is a very part of Me. Her consciousness is my Consciousness, and Mine continually maintains the idea of her and her life and being and constancy of delight within ME.”

    Put your name in, and ponder being part of, and living within, that Consciousness,

    AND that it is the only way in which you exist at all.

    Always with you, until you really get this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The entry into enlightened sight is different for every part of the Great Soul. Honoring that, silently, in your heart, when you are tempted to judge or to try to convert someone to your way, is very important. Always check in with the wisdom of the Divine Voice of the Whole within when tempted to share your way aloud. Only with the overview of the Divine Loving Mind that governs all can you be led to the appropriate times and words for sharing.

    The endlessness of flipping from being teacher to being student and back again is too much for the human intellect to sort out. Leave that to the Divine, and follow Its cues, for the One Soul knows when you are needed to play a role for another, and when the other is needed to play a role for you. It wants both of you to understand, finally and fully, that you were never apart from the Loving embrace and medium of the Whole, and unconditionally loved.

    Be the actor or actress who listens gracefully to the Director,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to hurry with God. Neither is there any need to delay. When a thought touches you, of someone who needs a prayer, just stop, and go within to God, and hold the thought of that other person there with you, both perfect ideas in the Mind of God. There is no need to wait until you reach your special meditation room or prayer closet. Wherever you are, go within, and direct your awareness to God, and be open.

    When we say to you to “go within” and be with God, what do we mean by “within”? We do not mean within the physical form of you, or the brain of your body. We mean that you should let your Awareness, the Spirit of you that is the True You, to realize it is within the Mind of God. Focus your awareness within the Mind of God, and realize that the Spirit that is You is already there, joyfully being its part of the Whole.

    We are all Within, Beloved. It is only when you imagine that you are apart from It, when you dream that you are outside the Mind of God, that error and pain and death seem to exist.

    We are There with you, and so are with you everywhere,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting go of old habits is not about striving, as much as it is about honesty.

    What do you no longer enjoy? Stop, and consider, and let your soul voice guide you. What is it time to DECIDE you would like to let go of? From there, ask for Divine Help, and let the changes occur. Change begins with the decision to trust in your own best Destiny, and honesty with the self ( and others) is a big part of the aspects of the Divine that make up your best destiny.

    Always honestly loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you awaken in the morning, or in the night, with your head filled with a whirling of worldly duties or tasks or emotions, and you feel confused or anxious or fretful, treat yourself to a quiet reminder of your true identity. “I am Love.”

    When you find yourself rushing through the day, or feeling too hurried to actually enjoy the sky, or a friend’s voice, or the gracious taste of your lunch, stop and remind yourself of who you really are. “I am Love. I am a part of the All-Divine.”

    Remember, remember, remember, who and what you are, and all will be well.

    In joyous Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no regret in how long it may have seemed to begin your awakening. Let there be no blame, either, for the way you were taught, or the things you yourself assumed to be true, based on the evidence of the bodily senses.

    Rather, celebrate, celebrate, that you have learned to See with the eyes of Spirit, and glorify and enjoy what is now, and evermore, revealed to you.

    As ever, loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The availability of the Healing Force is Absolute.

    But to use It, you must turn to It. To see It work for others, you must turn to It.

    Like your knowledge of cooking, It will not do anything if you do not pick up its ingredients, and USE your knowledge, and put those ingredients(qualities) together for the feast.

    Be the craftsman, and use the Divine Tool,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is true that We advise you to not take on the false responsibility of thinking it is your personal job and power to directly heal another, for always in your heart you must be gently acknowledging the Ultimate Power of the One Mind that holds and governs all. But it is your responsibility to stay Loving and Kind and joyfully confident in that One Mind, so that Its Power may flow through to you and to others in the earth experience.

    Stay strong in wishing for Good for others, even when their outer behavior is poor. Sincerely hope and expect, for them, and yourself, to be healed unto your Wholeness in God.

    We assure you, seeing someone transform into the good image of God-Qualities that they are capable of, is a wonderfully satisfying thing. Think of how much you have grown and changed, and pray for that for all, while you continue to strive to align your own mind with the Divine Mind that tenderly tends to all.

    It is happening, even when the five senses cannot see it,


  • O’ Beloved,

    If you would but let yourself be so astonished at the incredible Presence of the Creator’s Love right there within your heart, Loving you so absolutely and continually, you would realize that Being Loved that way is the constant Miracle. It is the constant All. And, realizing that with every part of your consciousness, you would forget to hold anything against anybody. You would forget to feel discontent about anything in yourself or around you.

    You would realize, right here, right Now, “I Am a Glorious part of All That Is, and I am completely Loved, and It is Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful.”

    You are a part of that Wonderful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The trouble with scripting your day with what you think you want in the “physical” realm is that you cannot see the Whole picture. True Happiness comes only when all are Happy, for All is One. Your intertwined relationship with all others and all life is more complex than the mortal mind can imagine. That is why the surrender to the One Mind must be so complete.

    “Today, Dear One, I surrender to you the day. All my errors, all my triumphs, all my moments of giving and receiving, I give over. Let me see the alternate dream that is the verandah of Your Truth. Take me gently then into the Inner Realm of Heaven, with all earthly mists clear at last.”

    Can you ask for the Peace of God and mean it?

    Our Love supports you. We are assigned to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is ALWAYS ready to reach out Hand and Fullness of Mind to you.

    Are YOU ready to accept them? Each time you choose to put the things and thoughts and commissions of the earthly realm ahead of taking time to hold the Hand and Thoughts of God, you are asking God to wait. God is not offended by your unreadiness, for God sees only the Good of you, and knows that, in Infinity, there is no time, and therefore, no time wasted. God simply offers, and offers, and offers again, your Full Joy to you.

    When you are ready, you will accept.

    And what Joy it is…


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Best part of you, that which is a demonstration of the Divine, already is the Divine. When you are feeling frustrated by not understanding that completely, or by feeling that you are not seeing that Divine in yourself, it is usually because you are trying too hard.

    Relax. Relax into the Divine. As the worldly ego-self-aware dusty earth self blows away, then, you will know, “I Am.”

    Let yourself relax. Let the thought patterns and lists of things you think you “have to do” become secondary to just remembering that you are a Beloved child of God/Goddess.

    You will be led to what truly needs to be done or said, and done joyfully and willingly. In fact, you will be amazed at what can be done with Bliss, once you realize you are doing it because of how much you are in love with the Divine, instead of doing it because the world, or some friend or relative, or government, expects it of you.

    Be led by God, and you will find yourself dancing ahead of the leash.

    Always Able,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you pray to God, “Please help me see Your Best Plan for my happiness”, remember that you not only do not know exactly how it exists or will happen, but you do not know where and who else will be involved. Trust God. Trust the All-in-All, and keep in your awareness that your thoughts being tuned to the Ever-Presence of God/Good is key.

    If God is Ever-Present, and It IS, then your happiness is already available in the Ever-Presence of God Thoughts that Know All and Imagine and Create All. Trust God, stay open to seeing and experiencing happiness, and do not limit God by imagining that you know better than the All-in-All where, when, how, or with whom, that happiness will fill you beyond measure.

    Look for It now. Look, and find It in small things, and in Grand things, and make it your mission to be a feeler of Sublime Joy, and an acceptor of happiness Created by, and offered by, the Grand Good-Maker, God.

    Open your Spiritual Eyes, and See Good now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There but for the Grace of God, go I.

    It bears repeating because you forget it a hundred times a day. When the mortal mind tries to trick you into judging or criticizing others, then remember it again.

    Yes, you CAN look upon circumstances that seem ungodly, or behaviors that you know are the earthly mistakes and mis-teachings of physical sense, and classify those as ungodly, and not to be turned to, but that judgment must then turn your thoughts to contemplating and trusting God, Good.

    Turn to the Godlike Thought over and over, and ask that It replace all thought and sight of the ungodly in your human mind, and you will begin to see more and more of the Godly appear to your limited, mortal sight.

    It sounds like “magic”, but it is Truth. Generation upon generation of seekers and mystics and philosophers have seen glimpses of it, or found it. Would you discount all that, and turn back to trusting the very limited five senses? Be wise, today, Beloved, and trust in only your Spiritual Sight and Knowledge.

    Always seeing your perfection in God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To align oneself with Divine Joy, in every seeming circumstance, IS to allow the Goodness of the Creative Source to flow.

    But, to make the error of taking credit for that Goodness, for that Joy, is to be drawn into the error of the ego’s false pride. All Goodness comes from Mother/Father/Creative Source God, and to think otherwise is to have turned away from the Source, and open oneself to losing that Joy.

    Endlessly honor the Source, Beloved, even while enjoying the Joy. Yes, the Love that is First Cause, Source, shines only goodness, because It is only goodness. Be Its reflection, in joyful honor, but do not think to take credit for It, any more than the mirror in the tailor’s shop can take credit for sewing the perfect suit that it reflects.

    Credit for cleaning the mirror goes to the tailor’s assistant,

    Love and honor that as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When others murmur and complain, it is all the more important for you to hold faith and trust in the Provision and Love of God.

    Be the one to do this. Be the one to hold to what you Know it True, that God answers human need in ways humans cannot foresee.

    Ignore those that criticize and doubt, and instead Praise God. Praise Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, again, practice praying without words. True Communion with, and letting flow of, the Divine Understanding of what you are, and what your life is, and what the lives of all those around you are, is without words. The Divine Knowing of all of you is a deep Knowledge of Beauty and Order and Goodness.

    Relax into that today. Relax into affirming that God/Goddess/ Divine Source Knows Best, and will guide you. Remind yourself of this Truth anytime in the day that your human mind or tongue try to jabber. Go back into the Wisdom of Deep Silence and agree to allow that the Divine Source Knows Best.

    It is a privilege to be allowed to see Its Show. Be grateful that you are allowed to watch It.

    Sitting by you, walking with you,


  • For Andris Meijers, of generous heart, knowing Infinite serenity has replaced your tears now.

    Ah, Beloved,

    You must trust, trust, trust that the Divine Plan for awakening all was and is perfect. The choice to Love is always presented to everyone, over and over, until they choose well. And then their glorious Truth unfolds.

    This does not mean that God sends pain or disease or lack. God simply endlessly offers Love, and leaves the timing of the choice out of the unhappy dream, and into a happy dream, and then out of the dream altogether, to each shining facet of Itself.

    If the words we have just said are unintelligible to you yet, just take away this, “I am choosing to trust God, to trust Loving instead of doubting, forevermore.”

    WE are comforting you, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust that the Divine Source knows who and what is True. Your task is to look for the Divine in everything and everyone, hoping to train your Sight to See as God Sees, where only the Real that God made is seen, because it is Good and True.

    And if some things, objects or behaviors or patterns, or even people, turn out to be just phantoms and amalgams of shadow, God will sort that out. God Knows which things and souls are True. God will sort it out. Traditional western scripture calls this “separating the wheat from the tares”.

    That is not your job. Your job is to look for the Good, and to train yourself to See the Good. Leave judgment up to God. Let God’s Light shine away the shadows. You concentrate on letting that Light shine on, and through, you.

    Ask God to help you see the Good in each persona nd the True in each situation, and to let the rest melt from your sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep talking to yourself about Harmony being Reality. Do not focus on the mirage of discord. Think about Harmony. Talk about Harmony. Ponder Harmony. Love, love, love Harmony.

    If the mirage of discord tempts you to anger or righteous indignation, return to appreciation by remembering all the times that you have seen Harmony coming out of situations that seemed unsolvable, irredeemable.

    Harmony always wins, Beloved, for HARMONY IS ALL THERE TRULY IS.

    Love It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are many, many ways that the Inner Impulsion will reach you. Among the most important is that when the compassionate urge to help, or speak to, another rises within you, do as It asks, but also pay very close attention for yourself.

    What you give to another, you give to yourself. The help or message that goes through you to another is also the help or message that you need to ponder for your own awakening.

    It often involves something you must forgive yourself for doing, in the human dream, even as you urge the other to look forward and up, and move closer to Joy and Good. Let your own thoughts also veer to Joy and Good, and focus on those for your own growth of Sight in the Source.

    We behold you perfect,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Love that constantly Holds you in Thought, once it has Thought you up, far exceeds anything you have ever observed with your body senses. Imagine earthly eyes completely filled with Joy at the sight of you, and multiply that by every star you can see, and you will have a glimmer of how much God Loves you, and Shines to see you as Itself expressed.

    It has the Power and the Desire to fill your heart, from Heaven within your consciousness, with that same Infinite Joy. Give Love your full attention, dear Child of Love, and let It Give to you.

    “I open willingly, dear God, for Your Will to Help me feel Your Love, for I know You are already right within me and around and Blessing me, heart and mind, and the body that is my servant to use here.”

    Love is invisible, Beloved, but Its tender effects are not. Observe Love’s Blessings manifest in your experience as you allow It to Love, Love, Love you.

    “I willingly let You Love me, Dear God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take a day to do everything that you must do, or want to do, or are led to do, very slowly. In the slowness, the mind and heart can take time to listen. In the slowness, you can check your own motives, and discern what you are doing by habit, and what is in answer to the Divine Inner Voice. Stay in the attitude of holiness today, and be careful to let each slow step be to Its rhythm.

    As ever, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No human prescription is as easy as this:

    Get quiet and still, and meditate upon the delightful Qualities of God. All of them are delightful. Do not believe that God is anything but Loving.

    Mediate upon the Qualities. Let thoughts of them float up in your quiet mind, and when one seems to particularly glow to you, ponder how you as an individual reflect that Quality, and how you could demonstrate It even more.

    Delight in yourself as an able reflection of that wondrous aspect of Creation. Delight in God, and delight in yourself, and see how much better you feel.

    Truth heals and reveals when you let It; when you ponder It,


  • Ah, Friend,

    We are with you now. We are with you always.

    When you make a request of the Divine, which the Divine has known about before you made it, being outside of time, it is already enacted, already in progress, and just needs all the characters and props to fall into place. We, as enactors of some of what must, help see that it all comes to be as must be, for Grace and the Highest Good.

    The Divine will not use pain. The Divine’s only purpose and answer were, and are, the outreach of Goodness and gain, of purity and Love and Light. Listen for your prompts and say and act as they are given, and trust that We are there to help, when new answers must be shown.

    Sit tight, sit tight, O’ Love, and believe that a Good future has already arisen.


  • Ah, Child,

    When the mirrors of people around you reflect back your own misperceptions and errors, be willing to laugh at yourself. Be willing to laugh, and take it lightly, and learn, and let it go.

    When those you would teach come grumbling and complaining about the people in their lives, and it falls to you to point out that they are seeing their own behavior reflected, do it lightly and lovingly. Do it gently and tenderly, so that they may see, even while you yourself learn.

    Let Love be the carrier, always, for all wisdom, both into your own understanding of Spirit, and all that you would share to try to help any others out of their pain. Only with that Lightness of touch can the Divine express Itself through you as a vehicle of healing.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no reason to search for the Source of Joy outside yourself.

    It is right inside your consciousness. Just focus your consciousness on the One Cause, the Wondrous Mind that gives forth all good Thoughts, all appreciation, all Harmonious idea and action and energy, and you will find Joy woven through it all. Joy weaves and glues and brings around, and the more you allow it to be your focus, the more of It will uplift you.

    We know that when it seems as though there are outer challenges and worldly concerns, it can be hard to focus on Joy and the ideas and good solutions that It gives you, but if you can indeed train yourself to get still and soft-hearted, then that moment of stillness and willingness is enough for the eager Joy of the Divine to reach you.

    It pursues you and will not give up on you, any more than a mother would give up looking for her lost child.

    Love Holds you already, and knows It can infuse you with Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Power of reaching out to the healing Presence of the Divine All CAN happen by reaching out to the ones, seen or unseen, whom you know are dedicated to letting that Presence flow through them.

    If picturing and trusting the Oneness of being is too amorphous for you in a strained circumstance, do not hesitate to call out, silently, or by actual communication, with another human that you know would stand with you in prayer. It works because the God-essence has granted authority for it to work. Trust God/Goodness/Spirit, and trust Its delegated Grace.

    We Love you, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    UTTER TRUST IN THE Governance of One Mind is often hampered by the doubt that God is All Good. Spend the day pondering, and believing in, God’s Goodness, and you will begin to understand that that Goodness expresses Itself as you, and as your life, as reflections of what you are as a thought in that Loving, Loving, Loving Mind.

    The reflecting pool that is the earth seeming will reflect that Goodness, if you become still, still, still, and let the reflection be true and smooth.

    The stillness is up to you.

    Always seeing the Good that surrounds you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Unseen Force of Harmony, aka God, is ALWAYS at work to produce visible Harmony, if you are open to seeing it. Do you allow yourself to be totally open to the truth of “All things are possible to God”, or have you humanly decided that there are some things in your personal or world experience that even God cannot help with?

    To surrender to the Loving Governance of God means completely giving over all worries to that Omnipotent Force of Good. Its Loving Spirit is never confused about which of your ways are the illusions of the earth dream, and which are the Good reflection of the Divine Qualities. It will sort the True from the false, and allow Harmony to be seen.

    Your part is to, with Divine Help, make sure you are feeling Loving and forgiving and Compassionate about everyone involved in your concern. Hold nothing against any of your brothers and sisters in Soul, and then put it on the altar, and trust God.

    Trust Love, trust God, trust God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In every moment, you are Thought anew in the Mind of the Source.

    Realize this important part of the “Golden Rule”, that you must be willing to SEE others anew, just as you would have them SEE you. You know that you have changed and grown. You know that you have, with Divine Help, been able to give up some habits and prejudices that you formerly were prone to, and that you have been able to grow in compassion and understanding. Yet, how many of those around you do you look upon and assume that they are the same that they were yesterday? Can you not also allow that God has helped them grow and improve? Do you not hope that others will See how you have grown and improved?

    Be willing to See the “created anew” beings, each day, in yourself, and in others. Be willing that you might be privileged to See all the world change into God’s vision of it, in the twinkling of an eye, or stone by stone and heart by heart. Be willing to See the world Good.

    To realize that The Source Mind thinks you anew in each instant is to be open to instantaneous healing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Loving as God Loves leads to happiness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are not yet able to think of time, and space, and matter as imagined things of the so-called mortal mind, then think of the “Big Bang”, and the expansion and contraction of the known Universe, as just a single beat of God’s Heart.

    Realization will come, and much that is unseen will be understood,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust that you are forgiven, and just endeavor to walk in Love. Walk in Beauty of attitude, looking for the Beauty in others, and demonstrating It in your own gifts.

    Trust that you are forgiven each time you err, if you ask.

    If a Power higher than you has forgiven you, and extends Its Loving Beauty and Gifts to you freely, who are you to still have not forgiven yourself? To walk and think in guilt from self, self-guilt that keeps you from living and giving, is hubris.

    Give it up, get free, and live, Beloved,

    Giving to others creates the vacuum in you for God to refill,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each glimpse of Unconditional Love that you see enacted around you, each small or large proof of the unexplainable-except-by-the-Divine, each tiny whisper of Sweet Encouragement from your Inner Voice will add to the growth of Trust in your heart.

    Welcome them. Revel in them. Let that trust and faith grow until they are so automatic that no time at all is wasted on doubt, or offense, or judgmental attitude. Believe so much in the Good intent of the Prime Cause that you are able to find delight in seeking the answers that are hidden in the mists of your own being.

    Be not afraid. Be in love with finding out God’s answer to each perplexing thing.

    We look with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is Infinite, and occupies and IS the true Substance of all that seems to your human sensibilities to be space, time, and power.

    Let that Truth soak into and through your consciousness, so that you can realize you are a reflection of the Consciousness of God, and let It be the One and Only force of your life.

    It is a Loving Force, Beloved. Loving. Welcome It.


  • Ah, Child,

    “Pure Joy is my Father. Pure Love is my Mother.

    These combine in my heart to be a Voice that comforts and guides and cares for me. I am sustained by the force of its Presence—held up as a feather is held on the warm summer breeze, with no needs and no plans, just a weightless, lovely journey through the sweet mists of time.”

    Let that be your image today. Let that be your thought. Let that be your experience.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sharing Joy magnifies It. Sharing Joy glorifies It and brings more of It to you.

    When the Loving Creative Force of All Good comforts and supplies and inspires you, in ways that you could not have imagined, share your tales. Let others know that there is an amazing well of Grand Ideas within you, and within them, just waiting to be dipped into. Admit to others that there is adoration and appreciation, from the Divine Source, that your heart can feel each time it turns to It.

    We have told you many times that “the other is self”, and it is true. But we know that in the worldly costume appearances there seem to be many separate selves. So even if you cannot see them all as part of the same One Reflection of the Whole that you are a part of, do realize that it can give you great Joy to see them inspired and healed and cared for.

    So share your stories. Share your knowledge of, and experiences of, mercy. Share your Love of Soul.

    For that Soul is the very Life of All, and sharing your Love of It heals and helps all, and that further helps and uplifts you. All is One.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the governance of the individualized part of Being that is you is completely relinquished to Divine Mind, you will see changes that surprise you.

    Sleep patterns may change. Thought patterns will change. Desires of certain food or activities will undergo metamorphoses. A book or a play that used to be your favorite will suddenly or gradually seem insipid. An old friend who is obsessed with physical pleasure or sailing or translating will suddenly seem like a child, or a different species. An acquaintance, whom you found foolish or past the edge before, may now seem to be wise to you.

    Let all these changes flow and float, putting your trust in Divine Governance. Let Wisdom and Gladness come to you as they will, and keep listening for the truth of your next moment, deep within your heart.

    We only see endless possibility,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How does one release enmity into friendship, and into a feeling of Brotherhood and Sisterhood?

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the weather seems complicated and stormy, in the natural world outside your window, or in your heart, return to creating the simplicity of being by claiming, “I am the perfect expression of my perfect Mother God, (or Father God), Parental Love. I perfectly express the Qualities that are God, such as Peace and Loveliness and Order and Delight. That is what I am called to do. I am freely given the ideas and ways and means to express those Qualities, and to Shine, Shine, Shine.”

    The Light is ALWAYS Shining in your Heart, in the Kingdom of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Somewhere, sometime, it will be your moment to truly see the Face of God beneath everything you thought you were seeing before. Some come to this as they end their temporal journey, but many, many come to it while they yet take the particular journey they are on.

    You do not need to convince anyone that this will happen, for the Truth will always shine forth eventually. But if you yourself have had the Joy of having this extra Sight already, and are living the journey with that understanding, and subsequent Dominion, then do not hide that Joy.

    No one, who consistently sees the Hand and Mind and Face of God beneath all, worries about other causes. There is only One Cause and that is God. Love is All. And as you are opened to the ability to See God beneath all, you do not dream of taking personal credit for the Good that exists and feeds Life.

    If “All Glory be unto God” is your outlook, then God looks out for you. Trust that, be that, and do not be afraid to speak that to those that are ready to hear.

    Let the rest choose their own timing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy that awaits you when you turn to the Inner Communing with the Loving Source that it makes no sense to deprive yourself of it by dwelling on any earthly uneasiness. It is not denial of challenging situations to look away from them and turn to the wonderful Law of Harmony—it is movement towards a solution. It is movement towards a reservoir of strength and a place where neutralizing force can be obtained.

    No one would fault a fireman who took time to unreel his firehouse and hook it up to a fire hydrant. It gives him what he needs for solving a problem, for doing what he can to combat loss and prevent further harm. So if your own mind or the human minds of others chide you for seeming to look away from a challenge, and instead spending quiet focus on the One Mind Energy that is filled with Inspiration and Wisdom, remember that you are strengthening your ability to help solve problems by doing so. Remember that you are also opening your heart and intention to witness One Mind being the Unseen Force that operates to restore Harmony in ways no human thought can imagine.

    Stay strong in your faith in the Goodness of Spirit, and turn to It again and again and again, whenever discord tries to unfocus your Love. And turn to It again and again and again when you want to be grateful for the daily joys, and want to celebrate them with the Maker.

    So with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be an ease in your heart, knowing that Divine Mind Governs.

    ASK for Its Goodness, and ASK for Its Harmony, and contemplate the sublime perfection and beauty of Its Truth, but do not try to dictate what that Harmony consists of, or what path would be best for you to reach It. Your task is to stay centered, in Loving God back the way that God Loves you, and to let the rest unfold, for you, and for everyone around you.

    When anyone around you calls out for help, verbally, or by their actions of disharmony, give silent aid, by recognition of God’s Supreme Governance in Love. Let It do Its work, as you have done yours, by standing firm in KNOWLEDGE that It is Real, and Omnipotent, and Omnipresent.

    We are yours for the helping, helping the adept technician, helping God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never, when directly asked for gracious help, refuse.

    Let that be your watchword. Watch your own words, to see how often you also must ask for help, whether of Heaven, or of human, and be glad, therefore, to give, and forgive.

    You absolutely never know when the person you shun today becomes the person whose help you most need tomorrow. All does come around, Beloved, in the circle of the earthly dream, and until your own private Awakening, take care to lovingly send forth only that which you wish to receive back.

    Ahhh, the golden rule is golden in deed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the sweet stillness of early morning, or the evening rise of the moon, be quiet and calm with Me. It is not too soon to begin agreeing with Me that the most important thing you can do is to See that all was made at once, and that It is All Good. The dance and the mist of time that swirls around the Reality that is All Good would have you think there are many insurmountable problems and unfulfilled potentials, but if you step with Me into the focus of timelessness for a few minutes each day, and try to See My Way, you will know that it is not so.

    Be reassured, Beloved, by these forays into the Divine perspective, and let them infuse you with such a sense of gratitude and forgiveness and true perception of All being Love and Lovely, that you are filled with the Peace and Energy to be the delightful Being that you Truly Are.

    Because I want this for you, It is already achieved. Visit your Self and See.


  • Ah, Beloved Dear,

    We are certain, and so should you be, that the essence of you that CAN be seen, even within the dream of earth, is lovely and loving and lovable. Certainty is an aspect of God, and so certainty is a natural thing to shine in your heart.

    Uncertainty is not the Truth of you. Pondering the Qualities of God that are already an intrinsic part of you, and are waiting to be born forth TODAY from your heart, as you give them permission to do so, is the way of Peace.

    That Peace leads to non-judgment, non-criticism, non-complaint. And when those things are relinquished, and you have thus gained the Sight that is the way that God Sees, all things will morph into Truth around you.

    We know, Beloved one, that this is especially difficult when you feel confronted by tempestuous personalities, or feel temptations yourself to be less than stellar, but the more you align yourself with God Sight and God Knowledge, the more pure Good Spirit you will feel yourself to be and act, and the more pure Good Spirit you will be able to see in others.

    Go to God. Let God birth forth in yourself. See, then, God all around you.

    Thus is Truth born, and Seen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you want to know who and what you really are, look not into an earthly mirror. Look into the Eye of God. Ask Love what It Sees as you.

    And keep looking and keep asking, and you will see and hear, because God will find ways to show and speak that you are capable of perceiving. Different ways will reach different individuals, but God is not limited by human limits, and gladly Lights a way for each one.


  • Ah, Child,

    Let there be a renewed satisfaction in reminding yourself that once the Divine has an idea, that idea exists forever.

    Let that sit in your heart, and remember and Know that you exist as an idea in the Divine Mind, and forever will.

    Metaphorically, that idea of you seems to have taken on some particles of dust and light, and to exist on earth, but that smoky reflection is as the moon to the sun. The moon would reveal itself as having no light if the sun were extinguished, and if the Loving idea of you that was formed in the Divine Mind were not still right there, held in Joyous Harmony, there would be nothing at all of you to be reflected on earth.

    Remember the joyous truth, Beloved, and be a clear reflection of the perfect idea of you that is part of the Divine totality. Let fall away all that is only the earthly illusion, and be revealed to be a marvel of love reflecting Love, and nothing else.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the days roll forward in their routine, it can be so easy to fall into habits of body. Without conscious thought, one can spend time planning for eating, and then consuming this and that, or imbibing substances, without awareness of what one really wants or needs. It can become a pattern to read certain news that disheartens, or continuously think about various human trends. It can feel so important to brush the body, to clothe the flesh, or rub the skin, or trim this or that, or apply ointments.

    O, Beloveds, let not the body seem your master. Claim your joyous right to acknowledge, and surrender to, the care of the Loving Creator, and take your mind off an identity of flesh and bone. You are Spirit and a reflection of Joy. Put your mind on Good today.

    “I Am Spirit, and a reflection of Good Joy.”

    Spend today in gratitude, graciously thanking God.

    “Thank You, God, for maintaining and sustaining me as Your perfect Image of Life!”

    SO be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you set aside your lists and your tasks and your sense of guilt about things not accomplished or not finished, and just rest in walking and talking with God, you will hear some version of “I Love you. I want you with me. I Will that you be Conscious of Me all the time.”

    O’ do this, Beloved. Take a day or part of a day, or a moment or an hour, and just look at Beauty. Appreciate the grandeur of Creation. Enjoy the Wonder of Being.

    It is more important than you know. It is a necessary thing. It will renew you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether someone approaches you with meek request for teaching or wisdom, or whether they seem to approach you with reproach and a desire for intellectual or physical sparring, they both want and need the same thing: Agape Love.

    Give It. Answer with Love. Even if you must fiercely bite your human tongue to keep from answering with anger or tears, give Agape Love with your Heart/Mind, and know that it is the only proper and healing thing to do.

    Do we not do that for you, over and over?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are inherently aware of all that you think you suffer or enjoy, for we accompany you in the dream. But the Divine Source is unaware of those phantoms, and would have you gently and permanently awaken to your perfection as part of the Oneness of Being.

    Enjoy and savor that invitation, and be not afraid to spend this day picturing the living of Consciousness in the great Awareness of Being, rather than one of a set of fractured human forms that think they are separate from one another and from the Whole that is All.

    We extend Love enough to float you anywhere,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love, Love, Love.

    “I am Love,” in the mind and on the tongue, will heal all, if embraced with trust.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turning and turning and turning the wood upon the lathe or the clay on the wheel makes for the even transformation of the substance into an object of utility and beauty.

    Turning and turning and turning your focus unto the Perfection and Love of God makes for the good transformation of the substance and thought and awareness of you into the reflection of that completeness and beauty.

    You are unique as that reflection, but all Glory, dear heart, be to God. Take no personal credit for the gifts and grace that are given so very freely unto you.

    Do take gladness in your willingness to choose to turn, turn, turn to that now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God did not create the world your five senses see. God created Good. Welcome New Sight, welcome New Life, as you look gratefully on, and through, new levels of perception.

    What is it you see, then? Illusions and shared illusions, just as when a crowd mistakes the gleam of sunlight on cloud for a hovering craft coming towards them. We know how disconcerting it may feel to ponder this, but think also how FREEING, to realize that your eyes have not lied to you in only simple things, but in greater things. Is not a new dream or end of a dreadful dream, a good thing to cherish?

    If what we say seems too shocking still, at least ponder the times your body’s eyes have misled you into thinking something was moving when it wasn”t, or was a different color once the sun came up, or a friend remembered an incident in a completely different way than you. Be willing to see differently, and, with Divine Help, you will, for the Divine knows what It created, and that is the Truth.

    Listen, and learn to obey, like getting used to a new set of spectacles,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great power in believing that I Love you, for when you believe that Truth, then the Love flows more easily past all your misbeliefs and errors, and time-earthly “laws” that mean nothing to Me. The Laws that are important and crucial to My very Being are Laws of Order and Love and Giving. It is the Law that is simply, I Am All, and All is Spiritual Love.

    So rather than trying to wash away your ills or mistakes with soap and water, or words, wash them away with Love. Bathing in Love, letting It upwell from within you and from all that truly surrounds you as Spiritual Substance, cleanses and heals.

    What a perfect day this is, dear one, to bathe in Love, and believe in It, and let It be, in your new mind, what you and all really are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God understands the warmth and Love you are due, for God knows that you are made of such Graces. If you see only the costumes you wear and the make-ups and earthly titles, you will not be able to know yourself with a full measure of Truth.

    You are made of Divine Love. Please start believing it, so that you can be one of the ones aiding in moving the world forward in awakening.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Good is operating always. You cannot read it in the human law books, but it is functioning in every heart and soul idea, cleaning and directing and providing and correcting and containing and restraining and guiding, guiding, guiding to Love.

    We know it is achieved, and it is done. Where time seems to still swirl in the lists of days, it seems unfinished. But We know you have moments wherein you glimpse It. Reach for and cherish those moments, and trust that the Good that knows and creates your unfolding is unbounded. You cannot be without Its Loving Grasp.

    Seek to feel It tenderly holding you today. Your Good ideas are Its Good ideas.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In every way that is important, all answers are already inside you.

    For just a week, let your full definition of prayer or meditation be “listening.”

    Lay aside the pleas and the bargaining. Set away the questions you think you need to have answered. Simply go into a time of quietness, and listen. Begin, perhaps, with some appreciation, just pondering the sounds around you, or your favorite color, or the freely given air you breathe, or the miracle of your flesh in all its workings. Then, let there be that silence, and that willing openness, into which the Divine Spirit can speak. It wll speak, from Its place in the depths of your Soul’s Heart. Just listen.

    Just Listen. Just Listen. Just Listen.

    Ah, Beloved, So It Begins,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you do not entirely approve of your “self” that lives in the world, just think of the relief of setting that worldly self aside, and being just an instrument for Divine Light and Qualities to shine through.

    Today, take a rest of the earthly self, and be quiet, and ask God/Goddess/All that Is to freely use the body-costume and voice while you take a vacation from your “self”.

    This will begin to give you a glimmer of the wondrous way of living that it is to set the self aside entirely and exist in the fleshly only as an instrument of God.

    We delight in being Spirit. Cannot you also?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as We have urged you to not see a human fault in another without making sure you have not let that same fault settle in your own thoughts and behaviors, We urge the Spiritual Sight of Oneness for the Good.

    If your Soul Sees Generosity in another, let it encourage your own. If the Compassion of another amazes, open your own heart to feeling more of It. And as you see others forgive, O’ Beloved, do the same, do the same, do the same.

    The lies of human flaw can spread around in human culture and must be guarded against, and battled with the Wondrous Good of Divine Spirit, but the Loving Good of God is a positive contagion, and you are a Blessed Worker of Light when you help It spread.

    Be a part of Heaven appearing, and See and spread the Strength of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not interested in making it difficult for you to remember your Oneness.

    “God Loves me, and I Love God.” Simple.

    To keep that central in thought and heart changes everything.


  • Ah,

    God has created the Causal Plane. Your own peaceful thoughts, aligned with God, create our Reality.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Humbly, humbly, realize that it is the Creator’s knowledge of your perfect attitude and perception that you must turn to, to be able to live with a perfect attitude, and to achieve clear perception of the Truth around you. The Loving force that made you of Love knows you and Sees you clearly.

    So, like an art restorer who must look to images of the original if a piece of art has been smudged with soot, or rolled and wrinkled, you must look to Love’s image of you to wash away any thoughts and beliefs that are covering your wonderful Goodness of form and function and talents.

    Lovingly, if you turn to ask the Creator, you will hear “THIS Goodness is what I KNOW you to be, Whole and Lovable and Loving.”

    We See it too,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, please take time to let God-Source Flow Its Joy through your earthly perceptions.

    “Today I shall demonstrate the Joy of the substance of God by appreciating, by enjoying, all things large and small. I shall notice and delight in the ladybug. I shall marvel at and admire the sweep of stars. I shall be humbly touched by the order and kindness shown by a group of people waiting together for a sweet event.”

    “Today I shall be Joy. I shall let Joy fill me and reach to the edges of my consciousness. God, the Source and the Surround of me, is Joyous, and so shall I let myself be Joy also.”

    We take great Joy in you as you show forth Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seeker to servant to solver, Beloved. Dominion IS given to any who are willing to accept it. Be not afraid, and be Glad to radiate the Qualities of the Maker through yourself.

    Always serving you,

    With Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so good to keep remembering the total truth of the simple truth we have emphasized before. Do the “Still, small Voice.” Become very still, put in your mind the thought of how small but significant a part of the Almighty you are, and listen, listen, listen for the Voice of Truth to guide your thoughts and words and actions.

    We are joyous, O’ so Joyous, for each one that learns their lines and sees their cues painted on the stage, and falls into place.