All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just be Beloved, today.

    Just be Beloved, like a bride or a groom

    on wedding day, think of nothing else but being joined to the Beloved.

    Just be Beloved, today.

    It feeds and sustains you, and never lets go,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    At the end of the day, do not count up sad human dramas. Rather, count up how many individuals of Soul you may have helped awaken.

    As we have often said, you do no always know whom you have helped, in whatever small way, but there are many interactions that you can count as moments that have helped you and the other uplift your thoughts to God.

    Count them each night and look forward to more each morning, by the Grace of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For those who are reluctant to think of God/Goddess/Source in any of the traditional ways (and wisely so—since to think of God as a stern taskmaster is an error), it is often helpful to think of the Divine Source as simply the “Giver of Ideas.”

    Whenever faced with a circumstance or a person or challenge that does not seem to be flowing smoothly, become still, be quiet and attentive, and open your heart and mind to the Flow of Ideas.

    That Flow of Ideas, and the sense of reassurance and possibility that come with them, are the Essence of the Source.

    Let them Flow.

    And use them, with a renewed sense of life and wellness and good solution.

    The resolution to ever expand Wellness of Being is part of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let simple sweet True Thought be your thought today:

    “I Am as Spirit Pure and free, Mother/Father God takes Care of me.”

    And enjoy Seeing the world as all Spirit.

    For you are all Spirit, Pure and free, and Great Giving Spirit takes care of thee.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgive yourself, as the Spirit of God has forgiven you, for human errors you have made. The Loving Soul of God knows that mortal mistakes have not touched the Good of the Divine Soul reflection you are. The Loving God knows you can be taught, and redeemed, and tenderly brought into alignment with the Harmony that heals and directs.

    Forgiveness is not the same as justification or rationalization. The lies or poor behaviors of others do not remove your own responsibilities to be as God wants you to be, and that God made you, and all, to be. Forgive yourself because you can trust that God’s Spirit is telling the truth about forgiving you, and is gladly helping to overcome the errors, and help you remember who you are as an offspring of God.

    No excuses. Just turn to the Good, be willing, and move forward in Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Listen to the sweet Voice of Spirit in your heart. It WILL lead you to the places and people and purpose that are your goodness and prosperity. And above all, darling one, EXPECT Goodness to come of obeying Divine Spirit.

    Listen, obey, expect Good. It is not really so hard as you might think. If you feel you do not know how to listen, Ask God. If you feel you do not know how to obey, ask God. If you feel you do not know how to expect, and feel worthy of, Good, ask God.

    Ask, listen, obey and expect the Loving Good of God. It is yours, Beloved. God is yours.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Divine Love’s Care for you is unending, and Sees even the tiniest need.

    Remember who you are, as trusted and cared for Children of God, and expect true needs to be met in a wonderful way.

    Each of you can continually keep in thought, silently, or verbally if prompted by Love, the Truth, as you look upon one another, that is “You are a good and Loved Child of God”. And then more and more Good would become visible to human sight and awareness, as already manifested by God.

    “You are a Child of God, created Good, and Loved.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Two of the things the Discerning Christ Spirit said aloud to followers, when praying to God, in order to teach them, were “Thank-you, God, for hearing me always”, and, to the seeker, “Thy sins are forgiven thee.”.

    The Importance is AFFIRMING the innocence of the seeker, for God does know them as the innocent Idea that reflects the Divine, and ACKOWLEDGING that God is Omnipresent, and Omnipotent, and Omniscient, and wants the Good and happiness of the Lovely Children of God.

    Thank God in advance, dear Loves, and expect, expect, expect Good, for you are part of the Body of Spirit, and it is your right and inheritance to be Whole and Wonderful.

    Thank God in advance, and expect Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know we have joked with you before about “The first question God will ask you is NOT “Did you keep your house dusted?””

    It is still true. Whether you turn inward to the Soul Light and face God in this moment, or whether it is after you have cast aside the earth costume, what God always is asking you is “Did you Love? How much did you Love? Did you Love, and forgive, and then Love some more?”

    That has always been true and it is true now and will always be true. God’s nature is to endlessly Love and project Love as You. And God wants to know how well the transmission is getting through.

    Love, Beloved, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The entry into enlightened sight is different for every part of the Great Soul. Honoring that, silently, in your heart, when you are tempted to judge or to try to convert someone to your way, is very important. Always check in with the wisdom of the Divine Voice of the Whole within when tempted to share your way aloud. Only with the overview of the Divine Loving Mind that governs all can you be led to the appropriate times and words for sharing.

    The endlessness of flipping from being teacher to being student and back again is too much for the human intellect to sort out. Leave that to the Divine, and follow Its cues, for the One Soul knows when you are needed to play a role for another, and when the other is needed to play a role for you. It wants both of you to understand, finally and fully, that you were never apart from the Loving embrace and medium of the Whole, and unconditionally loved.

    Be the actor or actress who listens gracefully to the Director,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How about this? Today, just let Me Love you.

    I know your human wants and needs and desires. I know about your humanly laid plans.

    All My plans for you and for all come down to one thing—they remember they are Loved and part of Me. Why not get a good start on that today? Get a start on really believing I Love you and that you can trust in Me for all that is Good.

    I Love you, Love you, Love you, and you can trust in Me.

    Relax into that today,


  • Ah, Beloved, if you but understood how dearly the Divine would love to see you reveal the full extent of the glorious Soul that wants to glow and share through everyone, you would have no other desire than to do that. Spend some time each day feeling the fullness of the Love that wants your happiness, and wants you to inspire it in others. Let It feed you and carry you to all that you are meant to be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no responsibility for another’s choice of timing. How many respond with joy when in the presence of you on a day when you have clearly chosen to entertain only thoughts of Gladness? How many respond with irritation and fear on the same day?

    Relate to all in the same Loving and calm manor, but never, ever let your own equilibrium be stolen by their human reactions. Love the Spirit of God-Joy, and keep yourself aligned with It, and knowing that understanding God is your most high goal, and let others choose, in tandem with God, when they are ready to LET God-Spirit reign in their own hearts.

    If you have offered and they have not chosen yet, just keep on staying true to your own heightened vision.

    We walk with you. You do not walk alone,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many times we have said to you, “The Other is Self”, which is really just another way of saying the golden rule of “treating others as you would wish to be treated”, or of saying “All is One”.

    But who is the “Other” we are speaking of? And who is the “Self we are speaking of? Yes, the Other that you wish to honor is the Divine that is expressed as that person. Yes, the Self you thereby honor is the reflection of the Divine.

    Honor them, and you honor the Oneness of which you are both beloved parts. Honor them and you serve God. But, Beloved, honoring the Divine may or may not be the same as honoring the ego. Listen within, and discern, in EACH circumstance.

    Serving God Who is expressed as your friend is not necessarily the same as serving his or her ego-self, when translated into action. When you are asked to interrupt your own work that the Divine Voice within has asked you to do for the day, and make time for an extra errand for someone who says she is “too busy” to do it herself, check Within. It may be that the lesson for you both, in that case, does involve obedience to the Inner Voice, and willingness to humble yourself and play the serf. If your Inner Voice says to, do it. But if your Inner Voice says to continue with the work it guided you to in the morning, or an hour before, be true to that. Those around you who mistake your sworn service for God for service to their person, or who believe that your vows to kindness mean that you are an easy mark for their greed, must simply be in the same category as everything else, Good AND Bad, that calls to you from the world. Ask Within, and follow the Divine Voice.

    Ask Within, and do as It says. It may indeed ask you to acquiesce to a servile action. It may ask you to give away something that is special to you, or that you thought you needed for your work. It may ask you to play the fool, or play the hero, or play the leader, or the steady sister or brother, to the one who believes she is in need. Know in your heart that the Divine Inner Voice of You sees All, and be willing to trust It, against all logic, and through inconvenience, and despite farce. Keep your focus that only your relationship to the Divine matters, and no offensive or tricky illusion can harm that. Obey the Divine Inner Voice Joyfully, act cheerfully, and Be Glad with God.

    Later, you will see how many times the same was done for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a child confronted by a great pile of small parts, all mixed together, from which he is supposed to build his toy car, or a house for his figures, or a piece of art, confusion in your thoughts can seem overwhelming. So, like the child who asks help from the parent to sort out all the strange pieces, when you feel your thoughts in a jumble, it would serve you well to ask for Help from your Divine Parent.

    The thoughts in your mind must be sorted into the ones that are good and true and relevant. The broken thoughts and ones that are just leftover pieces of some old construction must be set aside. Without going through them one by one and agonizing or doubting, ask the Divine Inner Voice to speak to you with Its gentle Lovingness and let the pertinent and true and wonderful Guidance come to the surface of the Mind you share with God.

    Let go of past paradigms and jumbles. Welcome the new thoughts and new life of today. A new fresh start will still hold all that is good that you now possess, but it will also hold a clear path on which to walk forward to know Goodness, to serve Goodness, to BE Goodness.

    Each day is thus. And Goodness Itself, knowing Itself and how it made you, already knows you are the Light and Energy that does know how to dance this Joy in every phase of earthly life. Ask for the Good Thoughts and intents and impulses of the day, and dance forth.

    ANGELS, dancing with the Spirit of you

  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Not only is it important for you to stop, be still, and listen to the Divine Voice in your own heart each day, several times a day, it is important to listen to others as well.

    If you set aside your amusements and your busy, busy thoughts a few times a day, and truly, quietly listen to those whom you encounter, you will also hear truths that are helpful to you. Believe us, that when you are wishing that Mother/Father God would answer you about something, They will sometimes speak to you with a Golden word through another person, if They are having trouble getting through the static of your own human thoughts.

    Listen carefully, listen slowly and quietly, and you can and will hear all that you need to hear, each and every day. The Divine Wisdom you need for each day and each situation is right there around you, if you would but pay attention to It.

    We always have our Loving eyes and ears with you,


  • Dear readers, Three times I tried to write this message and post it, and my computer kept freezing up, and I had to start over. Finally I walked away for a while, and drank some cold water and asked Spirit for Help. Then I came back and it worked.

    Be faithful. Persevere. Trust God to help even when all seems frozen.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you can train yourself to always, always pause before you speak, or acquire, or desire, or act, then you are well on your way to being able to simply accept the Grace, and the Harmony and Joy and ease of Peace that the Divine wants to express Itself as, as your life your, your work, your family and your world.

    Pause, pause, pause, Beloved, and reflect. Do you really want to say that thing? Do you really want to own that thing? Do you really want to have that person? Do you really want to go to that place? To pause, and to answer the question with honesty, and with the input of your High Self (Divine Spirit, Inner Voice), is the way to know: “Is this desire really the best road to my peace and happiness and the greater Good, or is it just a form of empty wanting?” Is it just the small human ego trying to take charge with its tricks of trying to control, of trying to be a law above the law of Harmony that is God?

    Ahhhh, Beloved, once you are free of the suggestive voice of the ego-self, you are free indeed…



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learning to hear God clearly, and feel that Unconditional Love deeply, is like finding the sweet spot in front of a three-way mirror from where you can see what you need to see of your appearance. That spot exists. Just practice finding it in your consciousness, knowing that God WANTS you to be able to See yourself as the very image and likeness of the Divine Qualities that you are.

    God WANTS you to hear the Loving whispers and ideas that Bless one and all.

    God is quite happy when you listen to the Divine Voice that endlessly endeavors to help you find your happiness.

    O”, Dear Ones all, please listen, and be Loved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Slow down today, dear one. So often as you remember, slow down your thinking, slow down your breathing, slow down your moving and speaking.

    Slow down your ways, so that between each breath and wave and word, you can hear the Mighty Voice of God, and actually have time to listen.

    Such Good it will do you, lovely one. Such Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Technician, put in each heart to listen and guide and comfort and advise, hears all and sees all. It knows that the sorrowful parts of the dream, and the whimsical parts of the dream, are not real. Only Love, and what Love made, are Real.

    But It hears and sees all that you think you see and hear. It knows every thought you think. It does not judge and condemn you. Rather, It waits to be asked to give you solutions and help, and sweet Peace when you are aching. It simply Loves, Loves, Loves you, waiting for you to remember that Love is what you are.

    It already knows that Love is what you Really are, and so do We,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    When the Spirit of Love awakens within each heart, it does not matter what that heart names It. Whether It names Itself to that heart and mind, or whether the person of that heart chooses to label It by the name of some teaching or some religion, It is still One Spirit. It is what It Is. It is Love, Truth, Peace, and the everlasting Presence of all kinship.

    It will come to all hearts, whether through the joy and suffering of earth, or the grace of instantaneous mercy, or at the instant of death. It may seem to come in many forms, but It will be the same One Spirit that is the Life of all and All.

    No one is left behind, for they were never apart,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    All Good abilities come from God-Source. Your very Consciousness comes from God-Source. So long as you stay grateful for all that, and honoring of all that, It will flow your own individual holiness to you for your life deeds and purposes.

    But as you try to use them for that which is not in the overall Blessing of Good, they become seemingly polluted with difficulty and obstructions. You can keep them flowing, Beloved. You can keep them pure. Have an arsenal of inspiration and Goodness that you turn to every day, choosing what you need of song or word or truth to remind you of the very Center of your Self. Keep it fresh and focused, and pay true attention to it.

    And always, always, cleanse your thoughts each day by simply becoming still, and asking of the OneGreat Spirit, “What do I need to know today?”, and listen intently for the answer.

    Some days, all you will hear is “I Love you.” That can be enough. Love Itself will cleanse you, and when that kind of Love touches you, you will not want to let It down. Knowing that Love, and wanting to honor It will keep your thoughts in line, and your actions pure, and the flow, flow, flow of words and Love through your heart and hands.

    And so be it, for so is Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the understanding that it is your own perceptions that need to be “healed” comes fully into your heart, you will begin to perceive just how completely each individual awareness of the Whole creates its own universe of dominion. And yet, you will also understand how held together all those little universes of perception are, by the One Spirit that holds them all, and guides them back to true perception, when they are ready to accept it.

    How does one be done with dreaming of a life separate from the Whole? One speaks the readiness, and feels it in the heart, and takes the step of surrender to the Whole, and then, knowing that the Divine is always ready, practices hearing the small, still voice, which would gladly guide you the rest of the way home to seeing only the truth instead of dreams.

    Remember, though, that the practicing of hearing the voice of One Spirit within is not as important as learning to trust and obey it. Many, many hear the sound of Holy Spirit’s voice in their hearts, or feel the hesitation It induces before they take an unwise action, but they do not obey that Greater Guidance because it seems to be contrary to their worldly senses, or to their mental paradigm of what is “good” or “bad”, or “wise” or “unwise”.

    Learning to trust the Greater Good (God), and therefore obey It, comes most easily after one has learned to love God, and come to believe that God loves all Its ideas, including you. Have you come to believe that yet, Beloved?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you wind your way along your own particular road back to an understanding of your place in the Great Scheme of All, be gentle with those you glimpse on other pathways. Not all are as simple or as glorious as they may look, and it is certain that many times you see only the costume, and not the dedicated, complicated Soul beneath, who has agreed to play an unusual or difficult role, for you, or for someone else.

    Be not hard. Let judgment fall away from your heart, for only the One Spirit that resides around and in all things can understand the purpose of all. Let the fetters of assumptions fall away from your mind, and remember that, beyond your individualized perception, all beings are perfectly in place for what they, and you, need to learn.

    From the cab driver you yell at, only to find out that he is one of the most important people in saving your joy and your life, to the stranger whose life you transform with the fanciful smile and the kind comment you make as you walk by, all things work together to lead you back to knowing “I am One.” From the courageous choice you make to obey an impulse of Inner Spirit to give away a cherished thing, to the joyous obedience of the directive to love someone whom you already love, all your days will come together in the Awareness where there is no time. When you carry God-Consciousness with you through your moments of time, you will realize how very, very rich you are, have always been, and will always be.

    We applaud all progress, and see the winning end,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What can you sincerely and deeply say thanks for today?

    Beloved, what you say and pray thanks for, more comes to you.

    You know this, gladly. Do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed, let today be like an easter egg hunt. Just as the wondrous eggs are found tucked under some leaves or buried in a pile of dust or camouflaged in with some flowers, your Blessings are all around you, projected from deep within you. Some of them are hidden under misperceptions, and misunderstandings, and criticisms, and assumptions, and projections of your own feelings and motives onto others.

    Look beneath those things today. Search among the taken-for-granted beauties and find new ones. Give a truce to grievances and look for that which you can be grateful for.

    We assure you, Blessings are already yours, included in the package deal of God’s Idea of you. Look for them, and you will find them, for you deserve the joy and the satisfaction of yourself being a Blessing that reflects back to the Source Its own Joy and Completeness.

    Seek and you will find.

    Thank you for reflecting the Goodness and Blessings of the Source,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Like a ten year old child who has determined to give a fine party for her friends, but has forgotten to arrange the timing of the cooking of the elements of the meal, so that, although they are lovely, they are not ready in the right sequence, and so she welcomes the aid of her mother, be you also glad to welcome the aid of your Divine Mother.

    Believe us, by whatever name you call the Divine Arranger of the Universe you can see, and not see with your human eyes, welcoming Its help is key to Life being indeed the party you imagined it to be.

    Be not proud, but be glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so important to accept that you want to, and need to, see your enemies healed and uplifted instead of punished. You can only receive the full benefit of knowing your own complete health and wealth shining, if you accept that God loves all equally and created all equally. The “small-minded” human self often wants to see those it disagrees with punished, because of their silly or sinful or irritating mortal behavior, but you must remember that the Divine Task assigned to all is to see all as God sees them—made in Divine image of Spirit and very good and lovable.

    Oh, we know how hard it is to look past the mortal costume and behavior sometimes, but if you remind yourself of how much you want your own Best Self to be brought to the surface, you can find the strength and reserves to look past the costumes of others. As all the “Divine Selves” do this for each other, the world illusion WILL get better and better, we assure you, shining more with the Glory of God.

    We see the glorious in you and all right now,


  • Dear One,

    To believe in joy is to believe in your own soul’s plan. The plan that you made to come here to life included great joy. Joy to feel as you experience life and as you share whatever gift is yours to share.

    Pick a thing of experience that gives you joy and hold it in your thoughts — the face of a loved one, the gentleness of gardening, the beauty of a sunset — whatever fills your heart with joy and with the sweetness of existence. Then, apply that joy to any struggle in your life. Let the joy fill you and let it overflow from your heart to bathe any worry you have. Immerse your thoughts, your worries, in that joy.

    Imagine joy as golden water. Let it flow over the anger, over the feeling of lack, over the sense of despair. Feel the power that joy has to wash these things from your heart in this moment, as you continue to hold your joyous experience in your thoughts. Have faith that the Universe wants everything within it to move towards Joy.

    Believe in yourself and believe in your joy, for your soul has made its plan for life, and the fuel for that perfect plan is joy. Let it be so, indeed.

    All blessings upon you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is but one word we have for you today.


    You know the subtle and yet powerful feel of the Love that is God and that God has for you. Try to rise above the expectations and fulfillments and disappointments of human love today, and feel the Truth of Love Extraordinary. Love Itself Loves you. Love Itself forms you and sustains you. Feel that unspeakable Love for all around you today, and, Beloved, feel it for yourself and for God.

    For by Loving Love, you help It extend everywhere.

    As We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as more warmth disperses more perfume, so does more Love disperse more Grace.

    Try to go about today raising the temperature of your Unconditional Love for God, self, and others, in order that you may dispense more Grace.

    And if you are having trouble feeling more Love, remember that Gratitude is the fire that heats It up.

    Let this be simple and true in your mind today: Gratitude, Love, Grace.

    It is a good system.


  • “Ah, I am a spiritual force in the body of God, gathering unto itself the raw materials of love and harmony, for the making of all that is.”

    Know this, and let yourself see the Truth, Beloved. Let yourself see only the Truth, with the eyes that are not of this earthly world.

    Howsoever you believe, so shall you see. Believe only in Goodness, and All is Well. Or, let us believe for you, like a child holding the hand to cross the street, and Joyous will be the path taken.

    Divine Guidance of the Light

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let It, the working Light of God, so shine through you that you bring out the matching Light in those around you. Let the Light of the Divine Source so shine through you that those who would stumble over their own shadows can see their way clearly when you are near, or even at the thought of you.

    You do not need to speak words to do this, but if you choose to speak, speak the words the Inner Wisdom gives you to speak, with calmness and courage and grace.

    As ever, loving you, and knowing what you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When one makes up one’s mind to change a destination, then routes are re-thought and expectations are adjusted. Resources to use for the new journey are re-evaluated.

    If you make, at some moment in time, the choice that what you really want is a feeling of inner Peace and Joy, rather than a pursuit of familiar or unfamiliar sensual entertainments, then all the choices you make begin to change.

    Consider carefully. Is this the time you are ready to choose the Peace of God in your heart as your main goal? If so, then let every thought and word and action be linked to that desire, so that the web of Life that is built around you becomes one where everything is linked firmly to that goal.

    Only you can choose that timing. But please know that the Divine Heart, here and now, is always offering to work with you in your heart, to feel it. If you are ready, tell It so.

    It is the setting aside of some childish things, and approaching a new goal in a fresh childlike way, and it is a pathway made out of Love, and leading to Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God takes only Joy in you and gives you only Love/

    We help you let that Love shine out.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Source that shines you forth not only would not leave you comfortless, It cannot. Since you are a very extension of unending, unbroken Spirit, Spirit is always right with you.

    Think today about your invisible Friend. Realize today that your very special Helper and Mentor and Lover and Governor is right with you, wanting you to choose well, and to feel the tremendous strength of Divine Love.

    Walk with Light and Oneness today, and be very aware that you are not walking alone.

    And neither is anyone else. Leave them to Love’s Guidance,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Are there activities that you indulge in just because they are habits? Each day, or certainly each week, evaluate what you do and do not do that really gives you a deep feeling of Goodness, or a growth in Grace. What pleasures are still rewarding for you, or for others, and which ones have you outgrown?

    The Divine Mind that gently unfolds your understanding of your oneness with It, and helps you purify your own thoughts and intentions, does not harshly force you to give up things that still serve the revealing of your Best Self, or your enjoyment of life. But It does gladly help you to give up what you are ready to give up, and It does give you a measure to compare against and test the Truth of, by being the most lovely Love you will ever feel or know or be part of.

    When Divine Wisdom and Intelligence are your measure of all things Good, then you have the perfect measure for what you wish to strive for, and what you want to enjoy.

    Above all, enjoy Divine Joy, that indescribable communion with the Infinite. And enjoy getting to know your Good Self as a part of that Infinite.

    We Know, admire, and Love the Perfect You that shines as Divine Idea,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    We see how hard you try.

    Now, today, try relaxing into letting God drive and steer and initiate instead. Take the back seat today, Beloved, and enjoy letting the Greater Loving Will decide and guide.

    Speak when it asks you to speak, appreciate the beauty and joy and order It offers, and sweetly and gently enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

    There is no wonder so great as realizing that letting God take charge means you accomplish more, not less, and that it is much more enjoyable.

    Graciously it is given, graciously and gratefully receive,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    God is Infinite.

    Think in terms of limits and limits are what you will get.

    Open your hearts and your desires wide, within the bounds of God’s Laws, and let the Infinite work for you. This works.

    Wanting you to understand, and benefit,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you allow yourself to sink into the soft Refuge of Love Within, more and more often, communing with the Wisdom and Divine Courage and Creativity that are there, the understanding of their Ultimate Reality will grow. As that understanding grows in your heart and mind, the wispy pull of surface particulars will mean less and less.

    Yes, excellence will still matter to you. Yes, honor and tenderness will still be modes of behavior to strive for always. But, the desire to be primarily a vehicle for helping Love’s Plan, of awakening all, will begin to influence every decision you make, in concert with God.

    Welcome that greater understanding, Beloved. Return not to fretting over small emotional battles and ephemeral things. Seek the bravery and calm glow of working for Love, and know you are snipping the boundaries of time.

    And that We are grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Feeling the Incredibly Loving Presence of God is a thing of the heart and soul Self.

    You do not need fancy prayers or accoutrements. Just open to receiving, and ask, as a child or lover would ask, “Hold, me. Just please hold me.”

    God is very, very Glad to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pull out the children’s toys. Pull out the simple art supplies or the piles of dirt and sand in the outdoors.

    Play, Beloved, and remember the Joy of being as a child. For being as simply creative as a child, as truly believing as a child, as scripture says, IS a clear path to true understand of the Force and Presence of God.

    The grains of sand in a hand, the simple scrawl of a crayon…can help you remember and realize, “I am a creator, because I reflect a part of the Great Creator of All.”

    Simply true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone has her eyes closed, and has grasped the tail of an elephant, and is thinking of it as an over-wiggly snake, and is calling to God to please quiet this snake in her hand, it is not the elephant that needs to be healed or changed, it is the thinking of the person who holds it.

    Allow the Sight to replace faulty thinking, and perception,

    ` Open your eyes and Awaken,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    One Mind governs all.

    Be mostly silent today, Beloved, insofar as you can, and just keep thinking that Thought that “One Mind governs all.”

    Observe, and delight to observe, when you see Good unfold around you.

    We Love you so, and One Mind has a Good Plan for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, in the human sense of time, things spin very quickly, or slowly, depending on the situation and understanding. We assure you that there is plenty of time, and experience, for you to do all the unfolding you need to do, here or hereafter. Some awaken slowly, and some quickly, to their perfection, but we tell you again that ALL awaken. Have faith in that.

    See them thus now, and it will awaken you completely.

    We Love you all. Take it tenderly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Absolute confidence is a Quality of the Creative Source. It knows what It IS. It knows what It is Doing and Being.

    Ponder that today, and know that whatever is a Quality of the Divine Emanator is also a quality of you. Do and Be perfectly what you are, and be blessed, be blessed, be blessed, and grateful.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We see and hear and know absolutely everything you are going through in the human experience. We are glad to help you, in comments and ideas and other people and thing ideas brought close to you, if you would but ask. You must ask.

    That is free will. We are the Friend who is closer to you than air, but who never intrudes without being invited. Invite us to participate each day, each hour, each moment. If you invite us to participate and to speak and to act, We will.

    Trust this, It is your Divine Heritage,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Dedicate this day to Love, and to Gratitude.

    Let there be nothing, and no one, in which or whom, you do not notice. today, the qualities of Goodness, and appreciate them.

    You know the Qualities of Goodness. They are Life and Love, and Purpose and Plenty, and the Giving Principle of fulfillment, and the Mighty Soul and Spirit of the constant expansion of Truth and Wisdom, working generously for all. They are Unconditional, offered freely, to all who clear the way for them by agreement to receive.

    Look for, and give thanks for, those things, today. Practice seeing them in everyone, and everything.

    That is the truth that shows you the Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I have no end. I had no beginning. I am without time.

    But you had a beginning. Yours was when I first Lovingly Thought of that which is You. And I continually Think about You, sustaining You, and delighting in You.

    This is how I expand, adding Loving Thoughts so that there is more and more of Me, more of Love. Expanding Love.

    Be glad of this, My Thought without end.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Healing Principle that God invented, of forgiveness, does not exclude anyone. Therefore, since you are part of God, neither can you. If you have a harder time forgiving someone or something or yourself, then ask for Help, and Know It will come, and forgive, and forgive, and move on into Blessing.

    As Ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Within your perception of time as linear, you often forget what you have been wishing for or asking for or imagining. Then, when circumstances seem to change weeks or months later, you wonder why, not realizing your own focus has been the instigator.

    Watch your thoughts and desires, Beloved. Patrol them, even, and make sure you are thinking thoughts of Goodness for yourself and others. Thoughts of Blessing come back as Blessings. Thoughts of anger or blame come back as the same.

    Loving Spirit is in your heart to help you sort out and filter your thoughts and dreams and wishes. Loving Soul is with you to help you pray aright.

    Take those moments to listen and pay attention. Make the effort to choose Goodness and Love, and sooner or later those choices come back to you as delightful manifestations.

    We are with you in your Good intentions,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a unique and individualized thought in the Infinite Loving Mind.

    There are purposes and expressions that Mind shines forth as you. It is the True Mind of you, and the Best you that is.

    But if you choose to be “asleep” to your Spiritual Reality, paying attention only to the ebb and flow of body awareness, then the God Source uses other bright Lights of Soul to carry forward the awakening of those that are ready to awaken. Do you really want to choose to spend more time in a murky view of the purpose and meaning of Life, or do you want to call forth “Dear God, allow me to help expand Your Love and Joyous Wholeness throughout all of Consciousness now”?

    There is Divine Work to be done. Be a clear transparency for the Good Work God already did, and find yourself fueled with more Joy than can be humanly imagined. It is not a fleeting “sensation”, it is actually living the vibrant Truth of “I and my Divine Creator are One.”

    Allow the Healing of all to be helped along by you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you but would turn to Me, who Loves you so tenderly and completely, you could live through each day of time feeling uplifted and unafraid.

    You have read about, and some of you have experienced, the wondrous connection with the Infinite All and Eternal Life Force, that occurs with near-body death, or from a great challenge, for some. The subsequent change in outlook and overview and upliftment of Understanding changes the direction of many lives. But you do not need to experience near death to feel that.

    You can experience Me just by turning to Me, within your own heart, and saying “Let me feel your Love, Father/Mother. Let me be held in your Love all this day, paying attention to It more than I pay attention to anything that seems to be outside me.”

    There I Am, Beloved. There I Am,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you have learned, or are learning, to always listen to the Heart Voice of God before answering or acting, then it is so important to use the courage you can receive from the Source to take your time to answer when talking to people, or to stay silent, or to say you will return with an answer after some time alone with God.

    If you are learning to constantly turn to the Inner Divine Wisdom and Comfort and Omnipresent Life to advise you and be your support, then do so especially when faced with others who are still caught in the habit of murmuring and babbling from their human habits and complaints. Re-set the pattern of your days so that you can take moments alone with your Invisible Divine Comforter and Advocate throughout the day, to re-center yourself, and refresh yourself in the wondrous matrix of Love that holds all. Let the quiet corner in the hallway, or the restroom, or the car, or the eyes closed behind the shield of a book, or the silent waterfall of your own hair as you brush it, become to sacred space wherein you take time to commune with that Everpresent Help that is your True Life.

    Look only to God, and God will help lift you over the murmuring and fretting of the world,


  • Ah, Child,

    Always, when confronted with one with whom you feel anger or bitterness, or a lingering resentment, you must look at it as an opportunity to practice love.

    “I am grateful to be given this chance to look beyond the costume and outer behavior of this person, and to see in her the same Spark of Spirit that lives in me, and around me, and in us all, and around us all.”

    There is no other way, Beloved. Yes, you could simply choose to not see that person, but then the Universe would simply send you the same lesson in a new disguise. The sooner faced, and loved, the sooner done, Beloved. The sooner done.

    We love you in your many disguises,

    Pass it on,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    First, God calms you with gentleness and kindness and humor and forgiveness and love. Then, God heals and leads you to what God knows is Best for you.

    Do not forget the basic truth of that, and be ready to receive and then give back love and gratitude. God gives first. The gift of Love from the God-Source is already given. Putting God first means listening and receiving what is yours from God, and recognizing that doing so leads to true happiness, instead making the “stuff” of the earthly your god. Which do you want, right now, today? Which do you want right now, this moment? Declare it, name it, receive your full share of God’s calm and love and provision.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you speak from the pure love agape, trust in the Divine Spirit to help you sort out what you say, and to help the listener sort out what he or she hears, understands, and/or remembers.

    Let your focus be on the humble and loving attitude of knowing that the expertise of the Divine Advisor is Omnipotent, and let yourself be simply the willing holder of the hands and lips and smile for Him to use.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    True hearing is discernment of the fact that you are listening to the True Source.

    If you are only hearing and seeing the testimony of the five senses, without considering the Light and Love and Breath of God that they are costuming, it is like hearing an advertisement for a certain product and believing everything it says without checking the facts or looking at the context.

    Darling one, you would not look at a news flash “sponsored” by a drug company without considering the motives involved in what is presented. Remember that the body-thought-self is motivated to make you think that you are just a body and just the five senses. It is that “liar from the beginning” that scripture describes.

    Child, you are a projection of Light and Love from the Great Director of Life. Tune your hearing to that Truth, and you will hear clearly, and be able to ignore the silly murmurings of the body and of fears.

    We hear the Truth with you, dear one. We celebrate the Truth with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Wellness of Being, complete Wellness of Being, including joyous thought, is your natural state as you were created.

    “I stand and walk and run and rest quietly today and allow myself to float seamlessly on the supporting breath of Love.”

    Even when mortal mind would argue against the words or sense of such a statement, there is a part of you as Soul that feels it with delight. Focusing on it, and keeping it scrolling in your thought throughout the day, will lead to a sensation of Connection. That Connection with All That Is supplies more than you can imagine, including elements you do not yet even know you will need or desire.

    Work on that Connection to the Living All, and all things will come in their due time.

    If you are one who already feels the Spirit behind and around these words as you read them, then you are already doing exactly the right thing. Keep it up, and return to it whenever the worldly visions would try to distract you.

    Such joyous Love we offer,


  • Ah, Don’t you know?

    “God is my provider. God is my husband. God is the perfecter of my person.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Spiritual Realm, as Divine Source created it, is as it always has been and as it always shall be. Ask to see it. Look for it, in the purity of Love you seek to see in yourself, and in those around you. Be deeply grateful for the existence of the Truth, that only Love, and that which reflects Love, is Real.

    The way to truly forgive yourself and others for being caught up in the web of lies that is the sad and seemingly evil world, is to be grateful that Good exists.

    Be grateful for every aspect of Good that you are privileged to express, and grateful for every aspect of Love that you witness in every one around you. The others that were created are precious parts of the Whole Creator, and so, dear Beloved, are you.

    Be Glad. Be True. Be Whole. Be Graeful.

    Grateful to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is absolutely no reason today to be perplexed about the past or future.

    Fill your reservoir of appreciation by COMPLETELY appreciating everything that gives you even the tiniest amount of inspiration or gratitude. Note these moments to yourself. Note them to others if you are with others. Call or write and give gratitude to those whose names cross your mind as ones you wish to thank.

    We Thank you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, you are a child of God/Goddess, but consider well the word “child”. Just as a human might call his biological offspring his child, but also call the garden plat he designed his “child”, or his creative enterprise or his book his “child, so also must you free yourself free preconceptions when you think of yourself as God’s child. Being God’s child does not mean that God is a physical form that looks like you think you look.

    You are an idea in the Delightful Mind of God. You are a speaking Spirit. You are a reflection of Joy. Free your self of thinking of yourself as a body, and you will find that you are freed of many things. You are as God made you, out of Harmony and Love, and as limitless as God Itself. Begin to know this, and you will know your own eternity.

    Love always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let your greeting, and your presence, and your farewell to others, be “Peace IS with you, rather than “Peace be with you”. Concentrate on your own awareness of the ever-now-Presence of the Divine that is Real and Good. Remind others, because of your conviction of Its Now-Presence, that Goodness, and Loving Guidance, are ever-available, right here, right now, wherever you are.

    Disregard the five senses for some minutes in each hour, and tune into the Peaceable Kingdom Within, and rest there, assured of Goodness and Light and Life.

    Be the example, Beloved. Be the accessed Peace, right now.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The willingness and ability to trust God includes trusting in Divine timing.

    There is no time within the Infinite Divine, All is now, but Spirit recognizes that within the human story, there are times of readiness in individual stories, and in the shared story of human kind.

    Draw on the patience and strength you are given from Loving Soul, and be glad to trust the timing of God.

    Keep faith. Keep honoring God, Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never fear speaking the truth for God. Even if you, in your humanness, are an imperfect messenger, you can trust that the Divine Spirit that connects and holds all in Love knows Its work. It can, and does, overcome any earth-dream’s stuttering and hesitancies of yours, to touch the Heart of anyone whom you try to help.

    And, as you more often realize the inadequacy of words or actions of form, you will learn to trust, more and more, the simple Silence through which you stand, and joyfully watch Generous Spirit of Love do Its work, through the kindly willingness of your faith and joy.

    All is in Goodly progress in the realm where all has already been resolved. Stand outside of time in your awareness, and look, and see, and rejoice.

    We know it is so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many people are frightened of the concept that they are an Idea floating, growing and Loving in the Infinite Mind of God.

    They are not ready to believe in aught but the sensual body of pleasure and pain. Leave them be, Beloved, and simply silently Bless and forgive them if they reject any hearing of Spiritual Truth. God will awaken them in the fullness of time, and you can practice Full Compassion for them every day, as you journey the earth dream.

    Remember the years when you, too, were caught up in the struggles and passions of the body, and have tender Compassion, Compassion, Compassion.

    Continue to do Spiritual Work on yourself and with others that are Ready and willing to See as God Sees, and be glad for that sweet endeavor. There is plenty to do just doing that.

    Bravery is also knowing what not to do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such gentleness in relaxing into the guardianship of One Mind.

    Many come into that relaxing in order to feel better about their own lives, and to help hear, from the Divine Voice within, the ideas and impulses that solve the seeming problems and issues in their experiences.

    But as each individual grows adept enough to sense the Divine Impulse, or just naturally feels it as a part of his or her birth right, the realization comes that wherever you are, you are meant to be a healer and a helper. God is One, but it is a Oneness that includes all. Thus, quietly assisting and inspiring others is a constant call to each heart.

    If you are uncertain whether you are meant to assist a certain person, or whether to offer worldly help of some sort, ask Within. The Divine Omnipotent knows when your help would be welcomed and efficacious, and when it would only be resented or regarded as interference. Trust that the All-Seeing Spirit of Spirit knows what is best for each and all in every moment.

    As always, we urge you to ask and ask and ask. Ask for help, for guidance, for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give yourself the gift of recognizing that when characters in your play seem to be doing either good or ill, their Real Selves were dancing in the purity of the Light.

    See the Light of them, Beloved. See the Light.

    See the Light of them, that they may see the Light of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You ask us, “How long?” “How long do I hold up the Light, or is it right to do it in this way?”

    Beloved, You will never leave the Light. You cannot. You exist within It. But we understand that your question is really about how best to serve the Light and Be the Light within the world.

    Darling, if you were the keeper, the steward, of an island that you knew was the only resting place or refuge for those that fly overhead, or swim ceaselessly, you know that you would feel committed to tending that Island so long as you could. The duties of the keeper may change from day to day and hour to hour, or shine more brightly in some seasons, but mostly it is important to just Be There.

    Just Be someone who consistently stays on that Island of Awareness within the human dream, so that others can rest upon Its shores, or join you, or be glad to see the strip of shore on the horizon. Just stay Aware, Beloved. Stay Constantly Conscious of God, of Goodness. That is enough.

    We will tell you when you are ready to change,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us affirm for you that you cannot change the unfolding of the Creator’s wonderful Reality any more than you can make an unfolding rose become a daisy.

    You can delay the unfolding of a rose by chilling it with the cold withdrawal into your own thinking, away from the warm Love of God, or you can speed it up by immersing it in the warm water of Spirit by your listening, and obeying, (and enjoying!) the Plans of the One who thought up the rose, but you can only pretend it will turn into a daisy.

    Just so is it with the delightful unfolding of the Thought of God that is the “you” that is the Thought’s reflection on earth, Beloved. O”, do let it unfold. Do water it with the warmth of Spirit. Do enjoy it, Beloved. Do enjoy it, for the truth of you IS lovely indeed.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think hard today about what you are thinking, and feeling.

    We have told you truly many times that God surely and absolutely desires and Wills your happiness. Your choice is when to embrace that Will and desire your own complete happiness.

    Watch what you are feeling and thinking. Is there a part of you that actually enjoys the drama or bonding of focusing on problems or sorrows, or that finds it fascinating to find human solutions to problems? Do you find it “fun” to solve problems?

    Solutions to the everyday human needs that come by opening your will to God’s Will, and aligning with Divine Joy, can flow in such a way that you feel happy even before complete fulfillment has come. Trusting the Divine Will can bring Peace and Joy within your heart, that is present always, even when the momentary material evidence seems to show disrupts or irregularities.

    Take loving care of your own intentions, so that rather than becoming addicted to solving problems humanly or secretly enjoying the drama of angst, you smoothly and trustingly join your will to Divine Will, and expect, expect, expect Joy, and the seeing of God’s Will for your happiness be done.

    And so it is.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid of fear in others. You know how to treat it. It is a cry for Help, and you can instantly start Knowing, in your mind/Mind that “I am Love, and I can trust in that”, and silently stand in that Truth while the other person complains or expresses his or her fears. Emanate Calm Divine Love, and let the next step come to your heart.

    When you look around you at the world of earthly experience, you might be tempted to think that selfishness or greed or other sins are the most prevalent disease, but at the root of them all is fear of death, fear for the body-self. Treat it with Love. Dispel it with your sure Knowledge that death is superseded by Life, and always has been and always will be, in the dancing realm of Spiritual Reality.

    All is as It ever was in Joyous Creation,

    Walk there and talk with God, and See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The level of thought that is “only human” is so underinformed and misinformed that it is important to practice days of humility. Today, try to remember, “I of myself know nothing, but Divine Mind is very glad to share Its All-Knowing Thoughts with me.

    Thus, in humility do you become completely Wise.

    Try it, and try it again. You will see what a relief it is to have God Thought flooding through you.

    Such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Simply, today, “High Guidance of the Light and Life, Help me See and Know what is True and Right, as in your Sight.”

    This will always serve you well. In Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you feel you must “make a plan” for the day, make a firm plan to Love, to be gentle, to be silent unless and until your True Inner Voice says to speak. Make a good plan to pause and listen for the sweet constant guidance of Spirit frequently throughout the day, and to renew yourself with Its Wisdom. Make a plan to stop and look around you at the small beauties, and to see and remember good moments, and be filled with gratitude.

    Ask God to fill you with pure Joy, for Joy is the very substance of God, that made all of Its reflections (You!) burst forth.

    It is a day for renewal, and refreshing, and realizing you want to be of Good Heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not interested in making it difficult for you to remember your Oneness.

    “God Loves me, and I Love God.” Simple.

    To keep that central in thought and heart changes everything.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Absolutely every time you are about to speak a correcting word to another, examine yourself and know whether you should first speak the word to yourself. Be ready to cast the spirit of negative talk out of your own heart, before you would condemn it in another.

    And, whether you correct yourself, or another, for the sake of both progressing to the state of the Divine that is your Truth, speak with Love. Speak with Love to the self, Beloved, and, indeed, you will find it easier to guide and govern others with Love as well.

    We speak it all in Love to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    See, and silently Divinely appreciate, only the brothers and sisters of Soul that are all around you. React not to their dusty costumes, but walk in Love, and Gratitude that God has enabled you to not be fooled by the false faces of evil. See only the Divine Truth, be not drawn into false battles, and your days will be more filled with Joy.

    Your head will not be in the clouds or the sand, for you will still take actions or speak words, as Guided by God, to help awaken the sleepwalkers of the temporal world. But if your heart and Sight are filled with Love as you do it, then you are walking in perfect step with Divine Spirit.

    Walk in Beauty, walk in Joy, We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here now, be still.

    Be still, and let Me Hold you.

    Feel Me Holding you.

    All is well now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    USE the constant Flow of Love that comes to you from God each day and throughout each day. Use It for yourself, use It for others, let It become the very thoughts that fill your mind.

    Use It, Beloved. Practice It. Flex It like an athlete flexes and uses her muscles, like a car buff maintains his car, like a horse rider rides each day.

    Use Love, for you are Love, and It will feel more and more natural to behave that way, and see that way, and think and Be that which you as Spirit, a Wonderful part of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Make no mistake, God and you know, and have agreed, exactly what you need to learn and remember in your time in the earth play. Learn it quickly or learn it slowly, it is up to you. But the sooner you learn to remember your Wholeness and Truthfulness and Goodness as a part of God-Mind, the sooner you can either transform your earth time into one of wonder and joy, or help others do so, or choose to exit from the school of worldly life.

    If you want to know more of each daily agenda for learning, talk to God, Beloved. Talk to God, and listen, listen, listen, and learn to act as the Being God knows you are.

    Always with you in this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keeping a loving atmosphere in the home is one of the hardest jobs in the world. But it is also one of the most important jobs in the world.

    With those whom you see every day, at home and work, it becomes easy to know when they are silently thinking “I love you”, or “I am judging you”, or “I hate you”, or “I am angry with you”, or “I am grateful to you.” Without a word being spoken, you know what the other one is feeling.

    And if you are wise in the ways of One Divine Spirit, you have learned to answer all thoughts directed at you with “I love you.” You have learned to deflect all fearful and mean thoughts with “I give you Grace. I forgive you. I love you.” You do not even need to speak these words. You can just think them, and they will be received.

    That wisdom, enacted, is what keeps a loving home. Just do it.

    And, one day a week, or one day a month, or every day, try to enact that wisdom in the world as well. Could it be that all the world is meant to be a loving home?

    Your loving doorkeepers,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be the experimenter with your own life experience. Silently, consistently, keep affirming and feeling that “One Loving Mind Governs all” all the day. See if you are kept in Peace.

    Whether you are trying to help free a trapped bumblebee, and desiring that it would fly to the window you have opened for it, or whether you are wanting to feel your own heart freed from an old grudge, or whether you deeply desire to know the energizing flow of Pure Love, hand over the acknowledgment of causality to God, and affirm “One Loving Mind Governs all.”

    Be honest with yourself about how faithfully you are doing this training of your mind that exists within Mind, and, at the end of the day, evaluate. Many, many, after just one day, find that they want to live this way again upon the morrow.

    Fear not, hope for all Good, and let Love lead the way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Self pity does not attract the Strength of God.

    Draw on the Divine Qualities if Good by affirming your rights as a wondrous offspring of the Infinite Source. It is your free inheritance.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You will never see anything but Compassion and Love and forgiveness in Our eyes.

    We are available to call to all hours of the day, all hours of life and beyond. Dwell not on old sorrows, drink not the poison of old pains. Forgive yourself as We forgive you for human follies, and move through this day counting all the reasons Life and Divine Love are Good, Good, Good.

    For they are, and We will help you See with the eyes of Spirit, Loving Spirit,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like software pre-installed on a computer, the Divine Guiding Voice is in every heart. But like software, the individual must be alerted that the Loving Divine is there, and agree to use it, and be trained in Its use.

    Let each make that choice when they are ready, but give your help when asked.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As your Spiritual Sight and Awareness grows, you will quite likely find yourself thinking and acting more often in ways that you know are directly desired by God. As We have said often, God-impelled actions are not necessarily the same as the ones the human thoughts would call helpful, for God can See the greater picture that Blesses awakening of all. Do them gladly when God inspires, for your own well being, and as service to the Whole. Otherwise, just keep being willing each day to do all the small things that clearly feel in line with your “I Am Love” identity.

    Striving to be extraordinarily Godly each day cannot be conflated with human ambition. And it is important to remember that, just as a rarely used tool in your kitchen may be something that is only crucial on one or two days a year, God’s use of you as an instrument for extraordinary action may be infrequent, but very, very important when it occurs.

    Be what God asks you to simply be as a part of Goodness each day. And when God strongly directs a more special contribution of effort, be that gladly as well.

    Trust God’s Oversight.


  • Ah, Child so cherished,

    Because there is no lack of Infinite Love, out of which all that is Real is made, there is no lack of all that Love produces. Life does not ask you to live in poverty or lack or fear or loneliness of any sort. Freely realize It wants to share Its fullness of Joy and Joy in you, and See with open Spiritual eyes the ideas and opportunities It offers you.

    But, be willing to desire what It desires for you. “Show me how to express You, dear Love/Life, and I know that all I need for that is here and will appear.”

    Relinquish any pursuits that are only competition and comparing yourself to others, and turn fully to demonstrating the glorious individuality that is the Divine you, you, you.

    For that, there will always be enough, and more,

    ANGELS, the Thoughts of God

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many are the words you can speak or write in a day, but let today be a day when you strive to speak no word that is not whispered to you from Soul.

    Discerning what is your Holy script for this life and what is just the wistful wishes or critiques of the material ego is a very important part of your awakening to Divine Love’s rule of your Spirit. Certainly, when anger or complaint run themselves through your thoughts in a repetitive way, it is a clue they are just human flailings. When there is legitimate rebuke of behavior or diseased illusion to be done, Divine Spirit can lead to, and invoke, a productive way to disempower or negate it.

    So, today, truly focus on hearing the small, still Voice, and practice recognizing the sound of It with your heart. When you intimately know the Voice of your Loving Shepard, It is easy to answer Its call, and to follow, and be led safely Home.

    Feel the Presence of Heaven here and now, in silence,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you give it but a little thought, you will see by looking over the events that you have experienced, that taking quiet time to Listen to Inner Guidance has worked for your Harmony many, many, many times. And We assure you that there are even more instances that you do not consciously remember when the Divine that Holds All has been there with you, advising, comforting, adjusting, protecting and Loving you.

    Take time, Beloved. Take time with Inner Love, many times a day. It is your most important relationship. It is your forever Friend and Love and Giver of Life. Is not that worth a few minutes of your focus many times a day?

    If you are ready for Harmony, let desire be made real.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are well aware that part of your task for this life is to be a demonstration of the fruits of faith for others. Are you aware that you must be that for yourself, as well?

    We want this for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We always Love you.

    We understand that as you wake each day and look on the tasks and dreams of your earthly life, that the mature stance seems to be to put on your face of confidence or bravado, and step forth and act.

    But if you leave out the step of feeling like a little child, and turning trustingly to mama/papa God, then you are just presenting a shell to the world. Be willing to be glad that there is a Greater Power that is so constantly willing to Embrace and Love and Guide you. Gladly, gladly throw yourself into those arms and surrender to that Loving softness and safeness and peace and comfort, for the very first minutes of the day. And do so again throughout the day.

    This seeming vulnerability of admitting your need and dependence, and turning to the Invisible mama/papa each morning, and always, may seem like weakness in the earthly rules you have learned. But it actually gives you the wonderful Divinely Mature version of the confidence and wisdom and intelligence and strength that you need to fulfill your own dreams and the dreams and needs of others.

    When you realize that fulfilling God’s Will to Love actually fulfills your own true will, and creates greater Harmony for all, then you will not mind admitting that you are growing up within the Loving Circle of those Divine Parental Arms. Wrap them willingly around you, and laugh or cry or just snuggle, and let Love share Its Sweet Dreams of you with you.

    It wants you to know all the Joy and Peace It has already made you of,

    ANGELS and more ANGELS all around you

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Blaming something outside of yourself for how you seem to be feeling will never fix anything. Reviewing and adjusting your feelings, drawing on your innate Divine empowerment, will. You can choose to be more compassionate, you can choose to be more Loving, you can choose to be part of creating Harmony and recognizing Good. You can vow to work towards seeing the Best in everyone brought forth.

    These truisms are so oft repeated that they sound almost trite. But they are still true. And you must still choose each hour and each day, “Will I see the Good God made revealed, or will I let the turmoil of the days and the seeming riffraff of animal behavior misdirect me into irritation and fear?”

    Choose the Good, dear Love. Choose the Good, again and again, and follow God’s directions for allowing more of It to blossom. Rest in God’s Heart, draw on Divine Wisdom, and you can do this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Was, is, am, will be.

    Think about all the different words you use for time. And then think about the fact that through them all, and now, you are still you. You have always been you. You may rejoice at the bad habits you have given up. You may celebrate the talents you have demonstrated. But all those surface and temporal things are but small waves on the surface of the Ocean of Love that you are, right now, a part of.

    “I Am Love.”

    “I Am Love. and I have always been Love, and I shall always be Love.”

    And, being a part of that Ocean of Love, It can constantly well up in you and wash over all that seems to be on the surface. The real You, Loving and Pure, can always step forth and be beautiful in word and thought and deed and health and provision and example.

    O”, Child, be not afraid now. For, even now, you are a Child of Love, timeless, and filled and surrounded by all that Love Is.

    Now, now, now. Let go of time, now,


    p.s. there IS a Good ending to this story that so concerns you right now.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the thought comes into your mind, “I need the Presence of God,” just remember that you already have it.

    The sneaky part of the thought of that need is that it implies that you are far away from God, and in the throes of need. Actually, the Presence is all around you and already placed in your Consciousness. You already have it, closer than your own heart. Just turn to It in your mind, and know you are part of One Mind.

    One Mind, One Mind, One Mind. One Mind governs all.

    Work with that thought today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you clearly realize that you are one part of the whole reflection of the Mind/Spiritual Body/Consciousness of God, then it is so much easier to look gently upon all your brothers and sisters that are part of the same Whole Body of God that you are.

    Just as every very different part of your earthly body works together to function as a whole, so let your thoughts ponder what it means to truly work in Harmony with all the other parts of the Body of the Infinite God. It is your pure Spirit self, and their Spirit selves that are this. Look past the human costumes and weave a communion with all in Spirit.

    You can think big, even as a small part,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have this word for you. Reignite your awareness of your Love for God and God’s Love for you each day, or even each moment.

    Do not use a standard formula. Do not use yesterday’s ritual. The words or the exercise that lit your spiritual heart on fire yesterday are often not the ones that will awaken the Spirit Voice in your heart today.

    Comb through the ashes with your attention until you find a live ember to alight you. Look through words of God or sing through notes of song until something ignites your heart and soul. Then, let THAT be your guide for the day. ASK for Spirit to guide you and if you do not hear a word or feel an inspiration directly, then troll through poems and prayers and revelations until something seems to glow with the healing, loving, comforting Love of God.

    It is a Living God that guides you, not dead words,

    Listen, and be Loved and guided,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes it is very helpful to break out of habitual patterns of thinking about yourself and your circumstances by thinking about the different names and qualities of the Divine Source.

    For instance, if the Maker is Joy, and you are the image, the reflection, of the Maker, then you are constantly reflecting Joy, and emanating Joy. Just look out of your window right now and feel Joy about the movement of the young leaves in the breeze. Feel Joy about the fresh day that will bring fresh ideas to your thoughts. “I am Joy.”

    If God is Infinite Plenty, then there is Infinite Plenty for you to call to and to draw upon. Let there be that awareness in you of the Plenty of Happiness that you can access right now for so many small and big things and feelings. Observe and appreciate how many wondrous things you have to be happy about. We See them. Look, and you will also See.

    The Source is Love. It is Pure Creativity. It is supreme Order. It is Laughter. It is Pleased and Satisfied. Many, many, many are the Aspects, the Qualities, of the Original One. How many of them can you let shine through you today?

    We will applaud each one you show forth, for they are Good.