All Messages

  • Ah, Dear Ones,

    Because The Source is fueled by Love and Joy, that IS available to you always. The Creative Joy of the Source is quiet and deep and steady, and you can draw upon that anytime you want, if you just learn to be conscious of It, to be still and allow It to sustain you.

    That Joy can become exuberant at time as you explore your Soul gifts, or seem quiescent for a time as you go through new phases, but It can be felt as a steady Flow within you and to you, if you simply practice being aware of It.

    All Spiritual systems emphasize this in some form. Do you think those many centuries of experience are incorrect? Set aside your brief fixes and ephemeral solutions, and turn to the Understanding of Joyous Love that will carry you now, and always, in Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Agreeing to answer the thundering Inner Call of God’s Voice within, to serve, does mean drawing on all the strength that God has to offer you. When those around you seem to be behaving in the worst of human ways, it is the time to stand completely still and re-center yourself in the Strength of God.

    Draw on that strength and shift all your thoughts to a quiet listening, so that God can tell you the strengths of those you look upon, and yourself. As you look upon the strengths and the demonstrations of Goodness that you see in them, your heart will open with compassion, and your eyes will begin to perceive as God does: all are a part of the Harmonious all, even when it is not obvious in the illusions of the moment.

    You can do this, Beloved. God gives you the strength,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Loves you. Always and completely and no matter whether your day has held human errors or human acts of kindness and virtue, God Loves you.

    Hold on to THAT Truth, when you do not know what else to hold on to.

    Softly embracing you in Divine Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you share your temporary human feelings with God, you will receive back understanding and compassion and guidance and suggestions for Good and for healing, or for improvement and encouragement. Share your woes or passing joys with God and you will not be answered with judgement and condemnation, but with Grace, and Love, and the open Arms of Truth that gently sets right.

    Pass by the human ears that would only gossip or savor your tears, and turn directly to God, Who listens with Glory, and invites you to listen to Divine Soul and Wisdom in return.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is wonderful to take disciplined quiet and focused times throughout the day to commune with your Loving Source. It will serve well to teach and sustain and comfort and armor you. It will help you remember you are Love reflected as Love.

    But, Beloved, it is so good also to practice calling on the Everpresence of the Kingdom of Peace when you or your circumstances seem noisy and chaotic or sorrowful or risky. Practice being able to move your consciousness gladly away from the evidence of the body senses, and draw on the wondrous Wisdom and Aid of the Divine. Reach for that practiced connection with God, and call out “Help!”, or “Tell me what to do.” And listen softly for that soft but True Voice, to guide you, and meet you right where you are. For It is everywhere.

    Loving you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Dawn and Dusk, Dawn and Dusk. What lovely markers to remind you to be still and quiet at least twice a day, to look through your thoughts, and to utterly welcome the total, royal embrace of Divine Spirit from within. That ever-embrace and Consciousness is the real goal of everything, remember. That Wholesome touch is the touch that brings Joy and also attracts to you all the daily accoutrements you need for your earth story.

    That same touch can touch All. Never doubt that. As you continue to look for Loving and Lovable Qualities in yourself and those around you, also silently ask for Love within all to amplify Itself and shine Its Light so that all darkness evaporates in every heart and sends the dark human thoughts scuttling away like cockroaches surprised by the sudden sun.

    Your thoughts and prayers CAN raise the blind that lets the Light shine in. They can.

    You will see evidence of this as you practice it, and then you will fully believe,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Anger harbored is illness invited.

    Forgive, Love. Forgive with Love, release, and forget, and feel gratitude.

    You will be stronger, you will live happier, and above all, you will grow greater in Heart and in knowing, and demonstrating the One Glad and Giving Source that governs all.

    Fret not, fear not, just love and let go,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are non-physical delights that you know not of.

    Just as in your early life there were joys of living that you could not imagine, because you simply had not experienced them yet, so be aware there are Joys that Spirit-God can help you feel that are greater still. Do, willingly and trustingly and gladly, ask God to enable you to know what Wonders of Soul the Divine can unfold for you in the time yet to come.

    It can begin now. Just be willing. God honors your willingness.


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    When you are about to say a critical or blaming thing, consider how sacred and natural it is for you to be Loving and Lovable.

    God, Love Itself, made you to be an expression of Love, and feeds you the constant ability to be Quietly Loving, and Quietly Lovable.

    Pause, consider, and act Lovingly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be the simplicity of the incorporeal.

    Knowing, and claiming the Truth of, your existence as pure spirit will go a long, long, long way towards establishing the harmony of being in your consciousness, and therefore in your life.

    “I Am incorporeal. I am only all the Goodness and Wholeness that are the wondrous Divine attributes of pure Life and Love.”

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No sacrifice or suffering is required of you to give to God your willingness to serve others. It costs just a moment to stand silently and let the God Force flow through you, Divine Soul to Divine Soul.

    Be pleased to do this, for it also helps you awaken, more fully and completely than you can possible realize. Be the silent feeder. Be the quietly joyous witness. Be the expression that glorifies the Qualities of God. You ARE It, why not act like It?

    We See It. And you will, more and more.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The most important thing in your spiritual growth is to spend time and love with the Divine. The minutes you spend, upon awakening, and before sleep, and here and there throughout the day, simply letting yourself love the Divine, and allowing yourself to be loved by the Divine, are crucial.

    The human mind, the ego-self, will try to convince you that you must find one more set of rules or rituals, or one more book or one more guru or teacher or trick, but all that you really need is to commit your heart to the Divine Presence and Voice, and learn to love, listen, obey and be grateful. If you take with you into that sacred time the scriptures of your spiritual system, they can help you focus and align with the Joy and Peace of God, but even within sacred writings, it is important to let Divine Guidance whisper into your own Soul-heart and help you see what words are for you, right Now.

    Spend time with God. Tell God that you Love and that you are open to being Loved. From that intimate relationship comes all else. There is no other way to find peace, or to help re-write the script that is experienced on earth.



  • Ah, Child,

    Praying to know and see the wholeness and Blessings of others will further open up the ability to know and see your own Blessings, Beloved.

    To pray for others, first ponder, and Love, God. Picture God as the glowing Source of all Good, and only Good. Then picture each ray of Life shining forth from God as also completely Good and wonderful, because they are all like their Source.

    Really pause to feel how wonderful Goodness is, and that each ray coming forth from It is so delightfully like It. The Spirit of God is producing images of Itself, and they are all wonderfully perfect and made of Love.

    Then know that each being you know is really one of those shining ideas coming from the Source of God, continually and wonderfully made. Do not mis-focus on misty human traits, that are but a blur on your vision of them. Keep God in your Mind. See with God’s eyes, knowing and tenderly feeling, and being grateful for, the Goodness that makes all Good.

    To know and feel and be grateful for the Infinite Good Source, and to know that all that is real comes of that Source, is to effectively pray for others, and therefore pray for yourself as well.

    Let Goodness shine through you, and you will Light up the sphere of your world, of your perceptions, of yourself, and of everyone you aim your Light upon.

    This is True prayer, Beloved. Thinking and feeling and seeing this way will alter all you see and experience.

    We thank you on behalf of All for praying for all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We cannot emphasize too often, dear one, that each time you feel annoyed with, or disappointed in, a friend or a family member, look to yourself. What are you seeing in the mirror of that “other”?

    Are you seeing your own human ego’s expectations denied? Are you seeing an answer to some imaginary illusion you had projected about how a relationship “should” be? Are you responding to a projection of an old statistic you heard in one of the tales of earth about how family “should” relate, or how a spouse “should” respond?

    What of your own responses? Look over the last days and hours. Is there a time your Inner Voice called out for you to be kinder, but you ignored it? Is there a moment when you could have been the first to apologize, or the one to instantly let go of a prior expectation, to go with the flow of Goodness in the moment? Was there a moment when the Inner Divine was urging you to simply be quiet and listen to Spirit about what you could do or say to help ease the burdens of another?

    Oh, how endlessly the human ego will urge you to find someone or something to blame, and how endlessly the Divine Self will urge you to Love, Love, Love and forgive, forgive, forgive. The ego’s satisfaction, if it gets its way, is short and slight. The Spirit’s gifts, if they are given in glory, seep back around to one, again and again and again.

    O”, choose Life, Beloved. Choose Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Can a reflection of Pure and Perfect Light be anything less than Perfect?

    Ponder this, and accept that Truth as a gift, and claim your identity as a wonderful expression/projection/reflection of God-Light.

    We already see you so. Can you begin to?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust and experience how easily the Source Voice wishes to speak to you. Choose a simple Truth such as, “I am spirit and Great Spirit takes care of my needs” (or whatever phrase or song words speak this day to your heart), and say them in your mind all the day. They will begin to change over the course of the day and you WILL realize that the Divine IS speaking to you. The phrase will morph, or a simple sense of joy or accomplishment will fill your heart, and you will know you are being heard and answered.

    A True answer from the Divine is always accompanied by a sense of Peace or Wonder or Joy. If what you are hearing is accompanied by discouragement or disparagement, go back to your original Truth and try again. There is no shame in trying again and again, because you are the Divine’s innocent and Beloved Child, and the answers and support are always extended to you, and will be until you hear them. Accept that you are Loved, and it will grow easier and easier, and you will be grateful that you listened.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are so pleased to be with you. Some days, just enjoy that. Just enjoy that as you would enjoy have a loving grandchild, or uncle, or parent or grandparent smile and smile and smile at you, just for the delightful joy of your company.

    You are delightful to us. We see the wonderfulness of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    O”, do just take a rest today from all old opinions and judgments. Let it be like the first day of a vacation in a new place, wherein you just look around and look for good, and expect the joys of new experience.

    Let yourself do this. Expect Good. Look around, seek new good, and allow yourself the delight of seeing it happen.

    On this vacation with you, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do, today, especially focus on the Good and the True.

    You know what those are. You know especially the invisible truths, such as Love and Compassion, for you see them in action every day. And as you have seen them inspire Good works and alignment in others, so know they can reveal those for you, and for everyone you love and pray for.

    Be grateful for the easy delights, like color and sound and stars and waves, but especially focus on the Infinite Good and True.

    We are with you in this,


  • Ah, Let me remember, dear Source, that I stand next to you, with your clarity and all-ness of Sight and Truth.

    Let me look with you at the mirror of myself that seems to move and act and speak upon the earth, and let me see the Truth of what that mirror should reflect, that I am, in You, made of the characteristics of You.

    And let me see the Truth in all the other mirror fragments that are around me. Let me recognize all the others in my life as other views of You. Let me see the Truth of them as you know them to be, made them to be, as they are in Thee.

    Help me to let go of all old notions of what or who I am, and of what or who they are, and only be Thee, Thee, Thee.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no uncertainty in the Source Whom you reflect and express. Therefore, when you feel any moment of uncertainty, stand quietly in front of the mirror of God, and ask to see the True Image again. Ask to see the True Image of your Self. Ask to see the True Image of others.

    Let all uncertainty and falseness be sliced away from your thoughts, and know yourself to be a part of a very, very Great Plan. Be joyous there is a Plan, and that It has been fulfilled and you are dear witness to Its unfolding. Be Glad.

    Time is the unfolding. And you can take leaps through time by asking to see the Goodness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Curiously enough, when the issues of the world seem overwhelming, and you cannot seem to focus the stream of Divine Love that constantly flows to the Soul of you, in order to pray to see Harmony for the world, then it is Good to concentrate on thinking about Grace enfolding your immediate family and friends. Similarly, when your immediate circle of close ones are seeming to act or speak in ways that annoy you so much that you find it hard to see the Inner Core of Infinite Love in them, then it is Good to pray for all the world of humanity that you wish to see thriving and joyous. Moving back and forth between near and far concerns and issues can break an impression in your thoughts of being unable to connect with the Pure Flow of Living Light.

    And, of course, always spend time asking that your own heart of Spirit and thought be completely cleansed and filled with the Truth. That gives you the generous ability to give to others, and to see others as a beautiful part of the Whole. The Whole maintains Itself, but your prayers recognize Its ability to heal all that you embrace in your thoughts.

    Cede to GodÕ³ Thoughts, and See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you want to know the freshness and wholeness of yourself, look upon yourself and others with the eyes of Love, the eyes of God.

    This does not mean you will not notice the errors you make, or the flaws that seem to be part of those around you, but if you refrain from criticizing and condemning, and instead think and claim “Here and there is another child of God, just waiting to be seen under the illusion of fear and competition. For God Loves all.”

    It is the Truth and it will change your experiences, if you take it on as a habit. Try it today, dear one.

    We will help, as always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a decision comes with a feeling of deep, deep peace that cannot be shaken, you will know that that choice has come of God, of Goodness, of the best path for all concerned. Let your awareness be centered twixt the belly and the heart, and from there move out in a great circle around you, and feel whether what you contemplate, of action or of word, feels peaceful and right not only for you, but for every person and dream that is intertwined with you and yours.

    God’s Goodness reigns for all things and all beings, and in God’s desire to help all achieve a greater peace of awareness before all of Divine Reality is revealed, all beings are considered, all paths are looked upon. Be at Peace, and know you are in God. Be at Peace, and remember you have never been anywhere else. You are in the desire and Spirit of God, and God’s desire for you is Joy, and unshakeable Peace.

    “I am in the Peace and Wisdom of God, right now, and all the time.”

    Let Peace guide your choices now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Laugh with relief. Laugh with Divine gratitude when a small or large amazing solution comes for a problem, or when a creative idea blossoms.

    Laugh because laughter is a gift from God, and brings forth the Joy that is the Spiritual fuel of all thought and activity. When a baby smiles or a child laughs, do not all who witness that delight want to join in the Joy? Consider it a chance to truly feel your Oneness with God when you laugh, laugh, laugh.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Because I Love God so dearly, and I am part of God, I Love myself dearly. I Love myself dearly today.”

    It is just claiming the Truth, Child. Bathe your mind in Love today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Regret not the time you spent swamped in materialism, either pursuing its lovelies, or trying to fix its woes. Be glad for what felt good to your material senses, and appreciative of the wisdom you accrued from the challenges. But let go of it all as you let go a night dream when you awaken to a new day, and let the heartbeat of Soul fill you and remind you that you are not a body playing the material carnival game. You are Spirit, expressing the Spirit that is the God-Force, above, below, to the sides, and forward and behind.

    You are Spirit expressing Spirit, and as the bodily things become just an automatic functioning, you can focus on allowing the Truth that the Desires of God are your real Desires.

    De-sire. From the Sire, from the Source. From the Mother-Father Mind that Thought you up, you grow and thrive in the Divine family of Mind in which you were born, and in which you remain. The family business and Desire is expressing and expanding Love, and when you accept that fully, it is easy to grow and thrive in Brightness.

    Shine with Divine Brightness, and those that are ready will see it. Shine with Brightness and all old shadows and diversions of your limited self will scuttle away.

    No need for delay, Beloved. Spirit is always ready to awaken you, from temporal dream, and naps that you may fall into along the way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let go of mulling over any debts unpaid to you, or apologies you think you were owed. Any moments spent in regret or blame are moments you are not collecting the Divine Currency due you: the Love, Love, Love of God.

    Turn to your Spiritual Sensibilities and open your Immortal Heart to feeling and understanding the Love, Love, Love that Imagined and birthed you. Feel Its uplifting Peace.

    This is the real riches of Life and Soul.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learn to fall back into the supportive arms of the Infinite Source the moment you feel fatigue or irritation or pain or anger or wistful sorrow. If your arms feel tired while carrying the wood, or beating the eggs, stop that very instant and remember that there is infinite strength for you to draw upon, for it is the very substance of which you are made, and in which you live and move and have your true being.

    Do not think to yourself, “I will pray about that later”, or “I will stop and gather strength after this load,” relax into God’s Strength right away. Relax the muscles and relax the mind and remember “God’s Mind creates and sustains and gives endlessly to all, and I welcome God’s strength right now, to finish whisking the batter, to complete the cord of wood, to return to a feeling of blessed day, blessed moment, blessed life lived in Joy.”

    Always we will help if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many times, in the human drama, things will occur that will make you think. “Here is something I can never forgive and forget.”

    But we tell you, you can. Indeed, you must, if you want the Peace of God, and to dwell in the Spirit Within, as your Home.

    Think about all the times that a relative, or an old acquaintance, has told you about a hard (or good) time in your life, or an incident from the past, that you no longer remember at all. Forgetting DOES occur in the dream of earth, and you can count on the Divine Spirit’s Omnipotence in helping to let go of the past, and forgive, and to move back into the attitude of gratitude that keeps you abiding in the Kingdom of Heavenly Peace within.

    The dream is not your true Home. Heaven is the True State of Consciousness.

    Oh, forgive, Love, that you may live in Heaven,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no urgency in becoming like as unto the Qualities of your Creator/Source. There is just simplicity. Just be still and quiet and KNOW that you are made of the very Love and Truth and Soul and Harmonious Intelligence that is the Spirit in which you are an idea.

    Do not define yourself as a body. Practice getting still and quiet and knowing you are those things, and you are fine, and will be fine. Try it calmly. Try it constantly. Be fine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, in fact many times, what will make you happy is not clear to you.

    Then is when utter trust in the Infinite variety of God’s Perfection is so very useful to turn to. Knowing that there is always a solution, if you will just be open to it, in good will and heart, can free you from the mental barriers that may be keeping you from seeing it.

    “God’s Will for me is happiness, not just human necessities, although those are part of it for now, but Divine Happiness.”

    “God’s Will for me is Divine Happiness.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a between-place that can be lived in, wherein you understand that the earth-dream IS only a dream, and that All Is One Spirit, but that you allow yourself to still mistily see enough of the dream that you can help yourself, and those who seem to suffer in it, with utter compassion. Be very aware of the compromise you are making, and never, ever forget that your task is to stay aligned with the Reality of Oneness, and Its complete Love, even while observing, and offering, prayer partnership to the fellow souls-of-Soul that are looking at un untrue reflection of themselves.

    Compassion for what they think they see, or think they are experiencing, but total fidelity, on your part, to the Truth of the Divine Source’s perfection, will hold the doors open for new vision to come to more and more eyes that look upon the dream.

    Stop looking, but keep Looking,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    While we are Joyous when any words or anointing here help any dear reader, dear partaker, of these messages, we hope you do not stop with that.

    Whether you sense Truth through a message here, or whether you doubt or are annoyed by a message, please turn to God, One Mind, Spirit, Divine Source and Soul, for yourself, and ASK.

    Be quiet and still, and take time to understand what God is saying to YOU about you. Be open and receptive and feel how God is Loving and expressing Itself as YOU. YOU are unique, and an important part of All That Is. Tenderly give yourself the gift of knowing that, and hearing about the details of that from God, and of feeling the completeness of It.

    No one can do that for you. Allow yourself to be Loved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are well aware of the surface things of life that annoy you and cause you human concern. We have compassion for the concern and discomfort.

    But We remind you again that the Great Way to dissolving those discomforts is to use the solvent of Truth. The Truth is of yourself and others as Spiritual Beings that are ordered in the pattern and progress ordained by that which created and creates continually. Turn to thinking of that Beautiful Order of Love when your human thoughts try to tempt you to distraction. Focus on the beauty and the progress of innovative imagination. Turn away from the concerns, and ponder Order.

    Remember that God, All, is as orderly as mathematics, and will graciously re-remind all beings of what they are in Love. Today, concentrate on remembering yourself as Spirit, in order, and feel yourself Held in Love.

    Love is the solvent of any human woe, small or large,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be so grateful to the Good that holds you, the “you” that is spirit dancing within Spirit, so that you feel fueled with Joy. For when you are dancing with Joy, and happen to glance at the earth mirror (where the world of physical form seems to be, where you seem to be inhabiting a physical body), you will not be fooled into thinking that Joy does not surround you, and therefore surround the reflection of you that shows up in that mirror.

    Be grateful, today, dear one. Be Grateful, and let others know you are grateful for the wondrous aspects of God which they reflect, as well.

    And we are grateful to you, each time you exhibit Divine Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Help me see and feel clearly, Dear, Dear God, my portion of your inexhaustible Good. And help me see It for everyone else, expressions True of Thee.”

    Reaffirm this prayer, or a similar one, many times a day, that is acknowledgement of God’s Goodness Infinite, and God’s desire to help all hearts awaken to their natural Divine State.

    Staying aware of your membership in Heaven is an invisible passport that gives you access to every Good road. Keep that passport current. Renew it as often as you need to, when the shallow lures of the earthly make you forget to be Glad of your Heavenly Home in Consciousness Supreme.

    God will Help you use that passport for every journey of every day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not insist and push, as you grow your spiritual heart from day to day.

    If there is a situation of timing, or coordination with others, that is more urgent for Blessings or safety, God’s Voice in your Inner Self will push you with Divine Love. The more you have trained yourself to listen to that Inner Infinite Voice, the easier will be the comprehension. And you will be so glad for opportunities grasped, or troubles avoided.

    And, for most days, for smooth steady movement, at your own pace, in the Harmony of God, just keep letting God Guide.

    God Loves you.


  • Ah Beloved,

    God understands you. God knows your true identity as perfect expression of Itself, Whole and Lovely.

    For you to understand God in return, and to feel truly filled with Its Wholeness, it is important to not let your limited thoughts be filled with thoughts that are not “God-Thoughts”. Set aside all judging and condemning thoughts, for they will not help you understand God, Who is Love.

    Understanding the Complete Reality of God as All, and as ALL GOOD, is key in believing you are freely offered Grace and Wholeness. Stand in the Central Point of View that is the God Source, and See all Good shining forth from there, in all directions, and always.

    Shine with God, and feel forgiven and innocent, and help others feel that way as well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God sees every Good deed you do. Many times, you know exactly what to do, for you know what you would want or need if you were in the other person’s shoes. And if you are unsure what to do, or whether your actions or words would be welcome, ask God. Get still and quiet and ask Divine Spirit what to do. Have confidence It will tell you, for It is so Glad to see Good deeds done for the greater Glory of all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Infinite give give you all the reserves you need if and when it suggests that you change focus.

    If you are praying along the lines of being enabled to really shine with expansive Love, because you know that that mission is part of God’s purpose for all, you WILL be led. And if that leading nudges you towards a different worldly role than you ever pictured yourself doing before, all the means to move in that direction will come with it.

    Expanding the visibility of Divine Love can happen through small acts and silent Thought and simple smiles, or an offering of Patience or Compassion into a situation. But when God’s Plan for you includes some shift such as a worldly career change, or entirely new locale, trust that God can see and provide for the entire package of those things.

    Trust in Infinite Love means that you are aware It is with you AND has gone before you to prepare your way for demonstrating Its Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you know that someone is misrepresenting herself or himself, remember that such is just another part of the illusion to be healed, and God’s Lovely Harmony revealed. Whether or not that human personality is being honest with himself or herself is not your battle. Your task, as ever, is to ask God to elevate your Sight so that you can see the Truth of that being’s Wholeness as a Child of God—including body health, moral personality, and provision and purpose.

    Ask to See her Wholeness today, Beloved, and leave the manner of Harmonizing to the Lord.

    We Love you, and We Love all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have sincerely praying to see the Wholeness and Goodness of another, or of yourself, and do not see the demonstration of that in worldly form right away, do not be dismayed. Trust in the timing of the Spirit of God. If you have felt a deep calm come over you, and a sense of rightness and peace as the Presence of Spirit hears your prayer desires, then the good message and request has gone forth and is underway.

    Then, only All-Knowing Spirit knows the proper way for the healing, the revealing of Wholeness, to be made manifest. There are some who would be too startled if their entire paradigm of world reference were to change in an instant. Remember that it is their thoughts and beliefs that are being gently and lovingly corrected by Love. As the Presence of Living Love changes those thoughts, then the outward matrix changes. Trust that God knows the good timing for all concerned.

    Keep steady in your trust of God. Keep continually your Loving thoughts and intentions and righteous desires. Ask God for help for yourself to trust the Good Timing that what Blesses one Blesses all, and walk each moment and each day in the Beauty and Order of Divine Light that lights the way.

    Relax into the Good Governance of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is very common for those who still are caught in time and thinking of themselves as only body-thought to feel uncomfortable and threatened when they are near someone who has had glimpses of Oneness and eternity. Be gentle, be forgiving, and remember the days when you always felt that way, and the days when you sometimes still do.

    The sorrows of time will not end until ALL give them up. Each moment that you glimpse past time and each moment you help others do so, you are saving much sorrow from happening.

    Turn to God, Beloved. Trust in the calmness that is the boat along the river of time, and It will see you through to the end.

    Stay unoffended by those whose vision is yet clouded.

    It will clear, and you will celebrate together.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God, and what God IS, as Spirit of Life, as Love and Light, is the Truth, and the Truth is God. What your body senses perceive is but a dusty mist trying to obscure the Truth of God, and the Truth of you as a dancing Spirit of Life that reflects God.

    God is Truth, and Truth is God and God’s reflection, which is you. When the grime and mist of the mirror of existence are cleared, the mirror of delight that God created will show all whole and beautiful.

    These words may seem like gobbeldy gook to you, but if you simply think, over the course of the day, “God is Truth, and Truth is God, and I am God’s reflection”, you will be welcoming into your discernment a brightening of Spirit, and a deepening of Divine understanding.

    Work with yourself on this, for it is the work of awakening.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Right now, set aside all thoughts of duty and quietly ask to be Held in the ineffable Love of God. It is an experience like no other, of Bliss, of expanded Understanding of All that is, of Wholeness and Mercy.

    Understanding God is truly the great duty of all. And the more time you spend letting Divine Love completely embrace you, the more beautiful and good the world will look to you, although you will simultaneously understand that Divine Love is all that matters and all that really exists.

    Allow yourself this gift today, and help Love expand and quicken,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Essence of Life that is All sustains and maintains all Its ideas forever, in one timeless moment of Being.

    Let the Love that is that Essence comfort you when the time realm seems to grab things and people from you, or send ones that seem to cause inharmony. It is the timeless You that is Real and always Joyous,. But we understand that the grief and bewilderment of time can seem to mar that essential Joy of You.

    So, reach for Comfort. Let yourself be held in Comfort. Be certain that any that have gone on into timelessness, or are still growing in other circles of time, want you to feel that Comfort.

    As do We,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How easy it humanly is to slip into old ways of thought and habits. But as you have asked for Our Help in unfolding new and good and happy ways of thought, We remind you to watch the language of your mind. Just as you must adjust the language that your tongue speaks when it is in a foreign country, so must you adjust your mind to thinking the thoughts of Love, when you wish to abide in the Kingdom of Love.”

    Think Love. Be Love. Abide in Love, and from within Its rosy and yet clear confines, all the world of Real Life will be seen to be Good.

    We listen for your thoughts of Love today. Name the elements of Love you see, in objects and people around you, to help you See, today, the Kingdom.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You could say the same worthy prayer each and every day, and expect good results, so long as you truly ponder it and connect in deep communion with your Loving Source. Empty prayers are those said or thought by rote, rather than filled with Love.

    If you are filled with the Oneness of True Love, no prayer can fail.

    Connect with what you ARE,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    True forgiving is eventually accompanied by forgetting, so that old hurts cannot hypnotize you by coming again and again into thought.

    Divine Spirit loves to Help with that. SO, when old wounds of emotion or erroneous actions plague the mind again, ask the One Loving Mind to assist you in focusing on current Beauty, and the Blessings of the moment. Old memories and mistakes CAN be put into the mists of time and be unremembered.

    Daily, forgive quickly, and live Compassion. And forget as soon as possible, so that your moments of living are not wasted on uncherished things. Be the happiness and wholeness and quiet Joy that God sketches out as your Flow of Life for each day.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Whether you connect with the world through zeroes and ones, or whether you go straight to God, it is important to connect with the world somehow. We of course prefer that you connect with the religious, but we are pleased if you in any way connect with every soul. Please sometime take a retreat to do so, and eventually you will connect with every soul through God.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    We are gathered here together to unite all the parts of Oneness back into an awareness that they are One.

    How does this uniting happen? Seeing the One in one another. Feeling, and Loving, the One in oneself. Forgiving the illusions that seem to fence off the parts of Oneness from one another. Being grateful for being a perfect part of One. Joining together all the parts that thought they were alone, marrying them, in thought, back into the One they have always been in True Form.

    Do you take your own Oneness to be your True Self? Do you take all these others to be a part of you? Do you agree to cling to, and be faithful to, the Oneness that you all really are, regardless of what the outer sense tell you?

    May We have the Love that binds, and slip it onto all of you?

    Pull it up from the Inner pocket that is You, and It will be Done.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We understand that not many are ready to absolutely mean it when they say to themselves, “I place the future in the hands of God.”

    To many, that is a frightening thought, and God does not wish you to be frightened. But can you trust enough to playfully let one day, this day, be lived without your own “planning”? Just for today, place each next minute, and each next hour, in the hands of God. FEEL the great sense of release that comes as you do so, and see if you do not feel moments of delight that are never felt when you are always worrying about the next moment and the next and the next.

    Always with you in the now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When seeking, and trusting for, a Harmonizing of any part of your human experience, whether it is of the body, or finances, or relationships or purpose, it is not the pulse of the wrist or the checkbook balance, or the texts, or the titles that you should keep monitoring. It is the feeling of the full Presence of Love and Infinite Possibility in your heart that is key.

    Keep being grateful for all that is Good, honor the Will of the Truth, and make staying in alignment with Love your absolute goal each day.

    The human symptoms will sort out as the Grace shines through all your thoughts.

    Worry solves nothing and only blocks the hearing of the soft inspirations from God.

    You know this. We Lovingly remind you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The higher you get in your understanding, your TRUE gut-level, heart-level, understanding of what OMNIPRESENCE really means, the easier it will be for you to rise to a level of prayer that is not impeded by any other method of seeking wholeness.

    Right now, you feel frustrated if you are trying to help yourself or another, through the prayerful recognition of God’s Perfection and Allness, and you find yourself superstitiously also favoring a certain food or activity, or the patient trying to combine physical remedies with a trust in the Un-Physical Divine, because you know that even slightly trusting to illusory causes takes away from total trust in God.

    But we tell you, Beloved, that no child’s game can take away from the Omnipresence, Omnipotence, of God. Trust in It, even when your own human training has led you to trust a certain exercise or food, or the human media would try to push certain fads of belief on you. Trust God, Trust God, Trust God. Put your energy to that, rather than trying to battle the illusive mis-training of the human outlook.

    There are no limits on God, Beloved,

    Think “God is Unlimited, and God governs me and those I Love.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be the one in every situation to stay cool and calm, and not be distracted by the panic or the drama. Be the one who is willing to keep foremost in your mind and heart the Oneness that holds all, steady and firm and well, and can sing each moment into Harmony.

    Be the one who hears the song of Oneness. Lead others with Its quiet, but powerful, notes and swells and beats. It is the One Power.

    Be one with Oneness, for you already are. When you keep that always in mind, you are knowing Truth, and that is the Truth that sets you free to live with Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes all you need to overcome fear and doubt and discouragement is to ask a friend of great faith to join you in prayer. Try it.

    We help too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honestly evaluate how much the comforts of old, when you did not have spiritual sight, truly make you happy now. When one awakens to one’s spiritual heritage, there comes a time when even the few cherished things of the old ways must be laid upon the altar of Truth. Some will morph into even better versions of themselves. Others will fade away and no longer be a part of your life.

    It is about trust, Love. Trust Love. Trust that Force that Knows you and Loves you better than you know yourself. Awaken to trust, and you awaken to a greater knowledge of, and experience of, Love Itself.

    It is Glory, and glorious,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your original innocence and perfection still dance as a good idea in the Mind of the Loving Source, as they always have and always will in the timelessness of Truth.

    Let their reflection be the reflection you look at, and not your whimsical imaginings of being separate from that Source, whether to triumph or fail. The reflection is not you. The Good Idea is you. The Good Idea cannot fail and die. It simply always is, safe and cherished and supported in the Source. You can choose to see only the reflection of your Goodness, while you still choose to watch the earth movie. Choose the Goodness of yourself, and enjoy it.

    Let your consciousness “change” its address to its Home address. “I am already a legal resident of the High Consciousness of Heaven. I will stop imagining that I am alive in the image on the screen. I will just appreciate the Goodness of me that is reflected there.”

    You can be amazed,


  • Ah, Beloved, together, Gratitude and Forgiveness are the tools that can and will show you that you and all, as spirits of Life, are Truth and Love and parts of an Infinite One.

    Experiment for yourself. Use them all the time, and see what happens.

    We Love you so, and watch you grow Spiritward,


  • Ah, Dear Source Divine,

    “Thank-you for giving us the gift of a clear mirror, to hold up and look into and See the perfect reflection of what each of us was born as, as a Good Idea in Thee.”

    “We look for those perfect reflections of perfection, as You help open our eyes and hold up in us, constantly, that perfect mirror. How grateful we are.”

    “I Am as God created me. Let my sight be clear that I may see the perfect reflection of that Good creation, in myself and in all others. In each moment there is a perfect thing we can be, and do, and say, and offer, and appear as.”

    You KNOW this, Beloved. Practice it.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Divine Mothering Qualities of the God-Love-Spirit that holds all freely shares of all the Lovely Nurturing that She is. Look for, and see demonstrated, this wonderful Nurturing of one another coming forth in this time of so many realizing “we are One.” The Source of the True Nurturing is God, through All.

    You are all One, and you are One with God as Love. Look to the Love’s Infinite Engagement to give all that needed now. There is Plenty of Love to go around. Infinite.

    Nurture in the ways your Divine Heart leads.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Human realities may vary and one’s human perceptions can move from heavenly to challenging, but the choice one can always make in each moment is to stay grounded in Deep Divine Calm Love.

    It is a Joyous Calmness that knows the Truth of Omnipresent Spiritual Being, undying and Glad. It does not change.

    So many words and names have been used for It. The names change and the rituals vary, and understanding of It ebbs and flows, but That which is One Love and Light does not change. Ground yourself in It, and make that connection and grounding and understanding the true goal of every day and every hour. Then you will never feel adrift, and can enjoy the joys of humanness while finding the Truth of your Self as Spirit.

    Even right now, you ARE a son or daughter of God, with all the rights that entails,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Expecting whatever you really need for your well-being and deep happiness to show up and reveal itself is not ridiculous, it is good and appropriate. That is how the Universe works, because It Loves you so much.

    Stay alert. Stay tuned to the waves of Love that carry you and obey when ideas and Divine nudges come. Be obedient to Good, and Good will pour forth Its Grace upon you and around you, because that is the very nature of what It is and how It works.

    Let It work for you by expecting Good.

    And Good this day, to you, and yours. We have heard your prayers.

    Trust us. We are on the job.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you can laugh at your own human foibles and dramas, then you can more easily forgive yourself, and truly believe that God has not stopped loving you during your errors. In fact, God never saw your errors at all, and has always and will always keep Seeing and supporting the Idea of Love that you really are.

    As you let go of more and more of the shallow aspects of the human dream, you will be able to laugh and Love freely, all the while letting the Good of you shine through those errors until they can be seen for the illusions they were.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you went to sleep humanly resenting an old roommate for cleaning tasks that were unfairly left to you, instead of going into slumber with a Blessing Prayer in your mind, were you really surprised to awaken in the night with a tense pain in your back, right behind your heart?

    And when you turned to scripture to seek healing, wasn”t it obvious it would open to a passage about the interrelatedness of all within the Offspring, the reflection, of God? We give thanks along with you that you saw your error in thinking/feeling right away, and went into a prayer saying “Bless her, and Bless me, for we are both sacred parts of Thee”. And when your stiff muscles eased as the Spirit of forgiveness filled your heart, did not all pain vanish?

    Forget not this small lesson you have learned in many ways, in many moments, through your years. Forgive, forgive, forgive, for yourself and others are all part of One, and you are just being gentle with a part of your own Full Being. Forgive often, and always, and quickly, and suffer not the pains that come from holding old human emotional trespasses in your mind.

    Bless all today, and you Bless yourself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Only what is completely infused with, and of the Peace of the Source Cloud heals, and Is.

    Center your thoughts on It, your silence on It.

    Take the center seat, take the middle road, take the focus spot, be in the center of the heart, be the non-beat in the neutral spot of the metronome. Let your own small will be tossed into the flame of the Greater Will, and sit back and watch the delightful play from the peaceful spot you have chosen.

    All peace comes from Here,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In this time of understanding of the importance of giving, please consider carefully that when you give without conditions, that is, give without any expectation of return, you are learning to accept yourself completely.

    The Other is Self. The Other is part of the same expression of the Divine that you are part of. So, in giving without conditions or expectation, even of thanks, you are giving yourself the great gift of letting yourself express Oneness. Especially when the giving is done without name or presence, you are giving yourself the gift of simply being part of the delightful Source, Who delights in endless giving of Grace, without regard to deservedness.

    The Divine gives freely, and endlessly. When you do the same, even briefly or in small ways, you let yourself be Divine as well. Think about it, and rejoice in it.

    Blessings to you, Child of Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Self pity does not attract the Strength of God.

    Draw on the Divine Qualities if Good by affirming your rights as a wondrous offspring of the Infinite Source. It is your free inheritance.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not dance because it is good for your body. You dance, if you do, because of Joy.

    Never again fall for the claims of what is good or bad for the body—listen only to the deep Spirit of Joy, and dance, or sleep, or eat, or fast, or wash, or stand still, or any bodily thing, only at the behest of what feels best for your Spirit—of what you hear Divine Voice tell you to do. This is freedom. While yet wearing the thought of a body, so that it may be used to communicate with those who cannot yet hear in another way, take dominion over it, under guidance from the Great Voice that holds you all.

    Spirit has Dominion. Spirit is your true Self. When you know the certainty of that, you are free from the petty demands of a body that thinks it is king. It is not king. It is but servant of Spirit, that holds sway and reign without exception.

    There is no God but God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We urge you, this day, (and all days), to stay focused on the everpresent Good that lives in your heart of hearts to help you. If your thoughts try to stray to the past, whether for good or ill, or if your daydreams or fears of the future try to derail your hours, return the focus to the wondrous day you stand in right now.

    And if the day itself seems fraught with worldly concerns, focus on the Grace and Beauty of each moment. Focusing on the gratitude, for even the tiniest thing, or feeling, or glimmer of God, opens the heart and lets the Power of Grace stand with you like a mighty Angel with wings that hover over you with protection and lift you up into inspiration. Trust the idea of Angel that walks and flies with you. Trust the inner Angel of your Self, and know how very much more than a body you really are, connected to all that is Good and Powerful, and True.

    We are all with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am Light. We are All Light.”

    Beloved, you remember this on some days, or in some moments, but sometimes you forget your True Identity as Offspring of Love and Spirit. You are not a clunky body. You are Light.

    From all the sunrises and sunsets you have watched, and the days you have spent watching Light dance in waves and leaves, you know how Light can change swiftly and easily into different forms of Good Beauty. You know you are also Light, shining forth from the Center of Love.

    When you forget this, remind yourself. When others forget this, remind them. When you think of them as anything other than Light, remember.

    “I Am Light. They Are Light. We Are the shining sunrises and sunsets and days of Light together,”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain you know that the Beauty, Order, and Grace that are the Oneness of Being are also You.

    Keep that simple Thought today. Let go of multi-tasking, multi-thinking, today, and simply BE the Truth of Beauty and Order and let yourself feel the Harmony of that.

    You deserve this gift to yourself. Take it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of your own best, and most inventive, moments. Think about how your ideas flow into one another, using what is at hand, to create a wonderful and fun solution to an immediate need.

    For instance, if you have started the preparations to cook a pot of chili for dinner, and suddenly discover that you are out of your usual spices or beans, you let your eyes travel over what else in is your pantry, and your thoughts review what is in your freezer or garden or easily borrowed from your neighbor, and then you invent. And perhaps the amazing new dish you come up with becomes a favorite thing for you and your family.

    Now realize that you are a wonderful idea in the Divine Mind. As that idea floats near other ideas there, new combinations are found. New ways are created in the dance of ideas, for each idea to shine and be supported.

    When you, as an idea in the Divine Mind, “speak” a request, like a cook deciding she will make chili for dinner, then the Mind of All sorts through and swirls Its other ideas into place, to help that request take place. It may not happen in the way that you imagined, and that is why it is so important to let your requests be open-hearted and unlimited. Let the Divine surprise you with a novel solution. Let the Divine surprise you with an unexpected route to Joy.

    Just expect the Joy, for that is what the Divine wants for all Its ideas,

    And you are One,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that by now, you know when you are feeling the nudge from Divine Spirit to say something comforting or uplifting to another. We know that you have experienced being sent into places and situations where it became clear that Spirit needed you to act as peacemaker or as silent loving witness, even though you thought you had gone there for another reason.

    Part of the wonderful mercy of God is that Omniscience is able to discern who is centered enough in Spirit and Love to be used to help another who has temporarily lost his or her awareness of Goodness and Grace.

    Today, again, give permission to God to use you to help another. It may be one simple word you speak. It may be a tender hand on the shoulder. It may be a coin or a plate of food. It might be a silent prayer sent on angel wings. It may be anything that reminds the other that Good exists, and chaos does not win.

    God is all. Chaos does not win. God, Good, is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No betrayal or earthly victory can change the purity of what the Source shines forth.

    Ask to see it today, in yourself and others and all circumstances, and let no illusions fool you or entice you or trap you today.


    For this is Loving yourself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a certainty in your mind and heart of God/Goddess/Divine Creator’s Love for you.

    Become certain, through pondering it, and allowing it to be felt, that This Is True, and all else comes from that. Let Love hold you, and convince you of Its Truth.

    Imagine the best friend or the best friend you have ever known, whom you absolutely knew you could turn to for celebration or fellowship or help. Multiply that times the greatest number you can imagine and then you will have but a glimmer of how much the Creative Force Loves you. There are no exceptions.

    Remember this not only for yourself, although that is the most crucial thing, but remember it also for ones that seem to be your enemies. Look upon them, or him or her, and remember that when the Divine Mind contemplates that spirit, It says “It Is Good. I Love It. All Is Well.” It says the same for each. Just ask the Creator to let you see yourself as It sees you, and others at It sees them. That is the glimpse of Heaven that can be yours in the dream of earth.

    As ever, joyfully dreaming of you awakened,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no life that is not supported by the One Cause of Life.

    It IS your inheritance, it is your right, it is the very nature of your being. Claim it, Child. Claim it, celebrate it, open to it, and be known to be a vibrant part of Life.

    Always with you, encouraging you. Do you hear Us?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How much the Universe Loves you! We are not speaking of the limited universe that your physical sciences describe, but the Unlimited Source, the All in All, the Mother/Father God, the Oneness of All Being. The Universe Loves you and wants you to know your share of infinite Joy.

    This is the very structure and substance within which you live, all Energy, all Spirit. Know, today Beloved, that you are Spirit within Spirit, and ask, gently, and humbly, to be aided to See the Good, Good, Good of the All in All, and to see no illusions that would have you believing in an evil intent of Creation.

    “Help me See Your Good, and only Your Good, dear, dear God.”

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are facing what seems to be a fiscal loss, remember that giving truly is receiving. Whether you are looking at the unprofitability of a business venture, or whether you have lost some bank notes from your pocket as they fluttered to the ground when you reached for a tissue, or whether you have had to give away something to atone for another’s rudeness, change your thinking to think of your “losses” as giving.

    Re-center your attitude in the truth of giving is receiving. Remind yourself that the other is self, and that what you give to another, or that another delightedly “finds”, does come back to you in the circular nature of the worldly. Delight in the delight of those whom you have supported or surprised or gifted, and remember that there is no loss or gain in the Whole in which you truly exist. There, which is reflected here, all is in the same complete Balance that it has always been, will always be, and remains right now.

    All aspects are in Balance in God, not just money,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always with you. On the days when you cannot even find the words to express your confusion, or exaltation, or regret, or hope, or whatever human emotion you are feeling, we are with you.

    Trust us, your wordless companions, to simply be with you, wordlessly Loving, Loving, and Loving again. There is no end to our Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Complain about your loved ones, in thought or voice, and it will cloud your ability to feel healing and guidance and Love from God.

    So stop it. Spirit will help you if you ask.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is the chance, always, to practice being still, and quiet, and centered, even when there are many tasks and duties and chosen joys to accomplish.

    As we have told you many times, it is not hard to train yourself to step aside from other people and information input a few times a day. Those moments, with your eyes and ears closed to the world, in some quiet spot, give you that crucial time to ask the Over-Consciousness to fill you with Its Loving feeling of support, and inspiration, and calm steadiness.

    When you are very practiced in this, you can access the Loving Serenity of the Divine Mind even in the midst of noise and chaos. But in the meantime, there are always places you can retreat to for a moment, in rest areas or hallways, or corners, or vehicles, to be still, and ask for the force of Love to calm you and fill you with the remembrance of the Infinite reserve you are connected to.

    Get practiced in it, Child. Then, when you need it, or those around you need it, you are ready. It is such a delight to be always ready to let the force of Love flow through you.




  • Ah, Beloved,

    To be freed from all rules would be misery. Be aware, dear child of Spirit, that the delightful rules of Love that are the very Principle of Mother/Father God Source, are there to help you have greater joy, greater potential fulfilled, greater peace in your heart.

    They are helpful road signs. They are glowing guidelines in the fog. They are the steps to serene growth and enjoyment of being. They are good.

    Bless them, and let them assist you in your journey.

    All Love and happiness to you this day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know full well that each one finds his or her or their own way, as led by God’s tender Oversight of the awakening of each reflected, and shining, facet of Soul Divine.

    But stay alert, Beloved, for when you ARE the vehicle for the Voice or the gentle or urgent nudge of God. If you clearly discern the Voice of Love instructing you to say a Spiritual word to someone, or to give to them or your testimony of healing, or of the Wisdom of One Mind, or other direct action, then obey, obey, obey.

    Obey when you are led to share Love in Its many forms, above and beyond being the silent daily example of letting Love be simply the way you live.

    It can happen anywhere. Stay alert, and hearken unto that still Voice.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the days that are simple, and in the days that are filled with variety of experience and newness, the prayer of open heart to hold up to God is the same.

    “Dear God, show me Your Blessings for me, Your Plan for me, Your Understanding of my Best happiness, Your way to help me do Your Will.”

    And then truly open your heart and hands and mind, and let the Infinite show you YOUR Infinite Way.

    Receiving gratefully with you today, in thanks for all Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The very moment you feel annoyed with someone, ask God to Bless you by helping you see the Divine in them, and ask God to Bless them and help them shine.

    You KNOW this. Now practice it in every circumstance. You know it is your own heart that is hurt if you let annoyance eat away at you. God will guide you to a productive and Harmonious solution. God will guide All. God will lead gladly if you do not let your own human feelings trip you.

    Trust in the power of God Soul,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When another human seems to misread your thoughts or intentions, consider whether he or she is really projecting his or her own needs and queries onto you. Answer the need for love. Answer with truth of Spirit, rather than with defensiveness. Let your voice be the voice for Spirit, not the voice plaintive with doom.

    And, let it be as learning to you, careful to watch for when you are projecting your own desires and claims onto another. What is being mirrored to you, and what do you really want to project? There is no shame in honing this over and over, until it becomes automatic to pause, touch all thought to the Inner Divine Heart, and then, and only then, speak.

    We See the Good Heart of you, as does God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have practiced surrendering to the Loving Divine Guidance within, and grown good at obeying it, letting go of your simple or grandiose human plans, you will learn to love the Joy that comes of living in alignment with the Divine Source.

    It is indeed a Peace that is beyond human intellectual understanding, but it is very Real for certain. Try it and See. No other can do it for you, although they may try to describe it and share what they can. Try the Loving Peace of God, and do not look back to the ephemeral for satisfaction.

    We walk with you all along the way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as two inches in the placement of a footstool can make all the difference between comfort and awkward seating, so can spending two minutes an hour communing with God make all the difference between a smooth and a chaotic day.

    Two minutes. Is it so much to pay?

    Say in your heart, “Dear God, Guide my thoughts. Help me know and see All Good.”

    And then be still and quiet for that two minutes. Calmly listen for Guidance, and feel Love.

    If all did some version of this throughout the day, how the world would shine!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy that formed you is always flowing. And you will always come to feeling It again, as moments of complete Aliveness become your entire state of mind.

    But if feeling that Joy seems blocked by the tasks and illusions of the earthly drama, then focus on allowing Peace. Allow, allow, allow Peace to calmly fill your heart. Remember that the Spirit Who formed you and in Whom you dwell always hears you, and allow It to fill your thoughts with Its Thoughts of Peace as you remain still and quiet.

    Peace, bid to come like a Helper for spring cleaning, will help clear the space and way for Joy to dwell, until a quiet state of Joy becomes your moments and your days.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about that word. Beloved.

    Ponder it and embrace it today.

    You ARE Beloved of God. “God Loves me”, and “Through Its Strength I can do all things that are required of me” can carry you through all, with joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Praying for yourself first is not selfish, it is realistic.

    If you cannot align yourself and fill with Grace, it will be harder to listen carefully enough to correctly open for Spirit to heal others through you during all the day.

    Yes, if you are having trouble lining up with Spirit in the morning, do use the technique of praying for another, or for a world situation, so as to open up the Flow, but then also remember to fill, fill, fill your own mind, so that there is no room for doubts or sorrows to creep in. Let there be nothing in your mind untouched by Truth.

    Then, Beloved, let God do Its work, with blessing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can believe in your own abilities because you believe in the abilities of the Creator Mind. Mind did not think you up and think of all your good qualities, like unto Its own, and then abandon you to doubt. Believe in your Creator, and believe in the Creator that still holds you, constantly, in Its Loving Thoughts. You are not alone.

    You can do what you need to do, when you need to do it, by just following the sweet, calm guidance within. Keep your thoughts focused on displaying the lovely qualities of God. That is your goal. Let earthly goals fall into place around it, like the rays of the sun emanating from the sun.

    We know you have, and are, and will do as you are meant to do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grateful and thankful that you know that the Divine has no desire for you to suffer for any errors you have made, allow yourself to see that if you are forgiven, if you are given a “free pass” for the illusion errors, then you must gladly let others be given the same.

    Be so full of gratitude that there is not an inch or a moment of time/space experience that can hold any bit of judgment or sense of competition. Be just Glad. Be only Glad.

    Be that clear Gladness today, expecting Good to come your way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continual prayer, such as “Thank you God, for giving me Strength”, while doing chores and earthly multi-tasking or inventive thinking, is appropriate and helpful.

    But, dear child of God, make absolutely sure you also take dedicated time to focus entirely on communing with the Mighty Soul of God. It provides Love and Wisdom in a way that nothing else can.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Choose again each day Whom and what you will serve.

    The earthly joys and loves and such will come and go. The hobbies that satisfied at one stage will not at another. The body exalts in different ways at different times. This is certainly so obvious by now.

    Set as your goal and your desire the underlying Peace of Mind and sense of being part of something Great, and the changing of the surface waves will not disturb or dismay you. Many fill their dream boxes or inspiration boards with pictures of objects they want, but of course really what they want is a sense of enduring satisfaction and joy. Desire the objects if you like, for a season, but all along look to aligning with the Great Calm Joy and Love that underlies all, and truly brings forth the Creativity and Supply that provides all the temporal needs.

    O’ Beloved, Whom do you serve today? Reaffirm your commitment to God, to Soul, to Spirit, to seeing Harmony dancing before you and within you and all around you. Make no mistake, your intentions, and high goal of mirroring divine Love, make a difference in each moment and hour.

    We join you in all exultation and rejoicing,


  • Ah, Love,

    Settle into the depth of My Love as you would settle into a hot bath on a cold day, or into a cool pool of water on a hot day.

    Yes, your earthly experiences can seem like hot and cold days, but I am ever with you, ready to be whatever antidote, whatever comfort, whatever solution or celebration you need.

    Feel Me with you, and surrender to the gratitude for the Wonder of it all.

    So tenderly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To keep your focus on the Truth that All is Spirit, you must not only stand back from, and not react to, the animal-body-costume propensities of others, you must also stand back from your own. Observe the costume of body and personality, but let them not interfere with you constant honor of All is God and All is Good.

    Thus are you able to stay standing in the spot, in the perspective, from which True Healing is possible. Let your consciousness be on the holiness in which you dwell, and do not be fooled into thinking that you are somewhere else, doing something else, separated from God. Let your inner, God-given holiness rule, and not the flesh.

    We stand with you now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always enough time to consult with God, for God/Cause/ Source is always flowing to you. God is not far away, or withholding Its Joy in your smooth progress and wholeness. God does not need to be begged to Help you.

    God is able, willing, and ready to help you see and feel and experience Good.

    “I would Love to See what you See, right now, dear God. I would Love to know what You know, and understand as you Understand. I am willing.”

    Be willing to know your Wholeness, Child,