Ah, Beloved,
Be willing to sometimes look around you at what your eyes can see, and ears can hear, and say “none of this is lasting”. And close your eyes and declare “But I Am Spirit, for God is Spirit, and I Am a Glimmer of God forever.”
“God is Spirit. I Am Spirit. All is Spirit.”
Let your Consciousness merge into that Awareness.
You are not limited. You are part of Unlimited God.
And We Love you.
Ah, Beloved,
If a fish knew to be grateful to the ocean in which it swims, it would be enlightened.
Be SO Glad,
p.s. Gratitude to those of you who have expressed thanks for the ideas shared here this year in the ‘internet ocean’. You are lovely ideas in the Ocean of God.
Ah, Beloved,
All the worldly tasks that you must turn away from, and put out of your thoughts, while you take consecrated time to be listening to, and loving, God, will go much more smoothly when you have established an abiding deep relationship with Divine Consciousness.
The Spirit of God is glad to help you with the small and large elements of human concern, for keeping you joyous helps Love express Itself through you, as Itself.
Please understand this basic Truth of effective prayer. Take your focus off what seems to be the problem of body, or relationship, or circumstance, and put ALL your focus on the Perfection of God as Love, God as All, and your Soul Self as Beloved reflection of God.
“As God is, so am I.”
God’s Wholeness, Truth and Love are ready to be revealed in you, if you let that abiding shake off the dust of illusion from the earthly minutes of your day. Love God, Beloved.
Love God, Love God, Love God, and watch the rest fall naturally into place.
Learning to pray aright is the best skill you can have.
Ah, Beloved,
If a thought comes into your head again and again, but it is accompanied by a feeling of self-justification or blame or sorrow or self-pity, it is not a thought from Loving Spirit-God.
If a thought comes again and again accompanied by forgiveness and compassion and calm Love, it is an instruction from God to act upon.
Learn to lovingly, patiently, discern the difference and humbly ask God to cleanse your mind of the angry and fearful thoughts. That alignment constitutes a life Guided by the High Consciousness of Soul, helping God and letting God help your human needs while you express the Divine.
Ah, Beloved,
Part of God’s Love for you is having Spirit constantly with you in the earthly dream layers. That Omnipresent, Omniscient Awareness can help you with even the smallest of your daily needs and tasks. Cannot find your keys? Ask Spirit and get quiet and still and ask to be given the right idea of where they are. Find yourself leaving the house without the right papers, or before moving the laundry or turning out the light? Take time, make time, to connect with Spirit as you move through your day, asking humbly, “Am I forgetting anything?” “DO You have any advice to Lovingly give me right now?”
Spirit always offers Good to you. Will you open your timetable to ask and listen, and be glad of the Good that comes?
We are right here with you,
Ah, Beloved,
When you thank God in advance for bringing Harmony to your worldly life, you are admitting that you experience this existence as a journey through linear time. But the very reason that you CAN thank God in advance is because God exists outside the bubble of the space/time dream, even though God has sent Spirit into the dream to aid you. From the eagle eye view outside of time, Spirit can see all the paths and detours you could take, and can help you journey along the smoothest one.
So, DO thank God in advance for assistance and aid, and be humble and grateful enough to surrender to that Guidance that can see what you cannot—all the moments of the time dream at once, and how to navigate them graciously and serenely.
Hold fast to the mast of Christ-Mind, the One-Mind, the Light,
Ah, Beloved,
If you were to play the old game of “What would you wish for if you had three wishes?”, would you wish for material things, or material circumstances, or new ways to please or comfort the body?
Or, would you wish to know more about the Divine Cause of All? Would you express desire to know the meaning of life?
The wishes your heart makes in this regard are clues to how much you truly put the Divine first in your life. Are you really following the urge to seek after spiritual understanding, and THEN letting the rest fall into place if your wishes are for the things of the five senses?
Ponder this, for the basic truth of how to reach your own rightful Inner Peace have not changed. It is still about honoring the Source of yourself above all and placing nothing else above It, and about seeking first after righteousness, and letting all things be reflected from that deep, deep Understanding that when you send forth Love, Love is what is reflected back to you.
O, so be it, for so it is,
Ah, Beloved,
Today, set aside thinking of yourself as a body born to a certain set of parents, with certain genes, and in a certain town and culture. You know in your heart that your identity is an awareness of Being, a consciousness, that has nothing to do with those things.
“I am a wonderful Spiritual Idea, flying and swimming and dancing and walking in the Mind of Spirit, God, and unlimited by any flesh or error.”
You are moving with other Ideas in Spirit, and the good truth of all your identities as Spirit can and does shine through to the dusty dream of earth, if you just stay focused on the Lovely Good ideas you truly are.
Play with this truth, today and every day, so that you know it in your heart,
Ah, Beloved,
Purposely look for humor today, dear one. For the Source is so very pleased by the underlying Spiritual Beauty of everything, that It cannot help but laugh with pure Joy.
The jokes of the world will help lift the perspective to Love.
Ah, Beloved,
There is the chance, always, to practice being still, and quiet, and centered, even when there are many tasks and duties and chosen joys to accomplish.
As we have told you many times, it is not hard to train yourself to step aside from other people and information input a few times a day. Those moments, with your eyes and ears closed to the world, in some quiet spot, give you that crucial time to ask the Over-Consciousness to fill you with Its Loving feeling of support, and inspiration, and calm steadiness.
When you are very practiced in this, you can access the Loving Serenity of the Divine Mind even in the midst of noise and chaos. But in the meantime, there are always places you can retreat to for a moment, in rest areas or hallways, or corners, or vehicles, to be still, and ask for the force of Love to calm you and fill you with the remembrance of the Infinite reserve you are connected to.
Get practiced in it, Child. Then, when you need it, or those around you need it, you are ready. It is such a delight to be always ready to let the force of Love flow through you.
Ah, Beloved,
Dear, do not eat when you are not really hungry. Enjoy the feeling of emptiness and let Me fill it with Love. I will be your food.
Do not speak when you do not really have anything to say. I will give you the words that need to be said to join yourself, and others, to Truth.
Do not drink when there really is no need. I will satisfy the thirst, and give you the Knowledge that sustains.
Let these Goods be your supply today. Upon Me you can rely.
Ah, Beloved,
Turn to the Divine first. Even when you know that you face some challenging decisions and/or actions, take those few minutes, or moments, to turn to the Divine Support that is always with you. If you tell yourself that you will spend the morning planning and figuring and worrying about some life issue, and then take half an hour at lunch time to pray, you have it backwards.
Root yourself in the Joy of the Divine, and then let the Divine guide you, or show you, the best path through the maze of life’s hedges. Let the Joy carry you and be with you, and the ideas and the strength will flow with you as you ponder choices in your own mind, or as someone else tosses them at you in a meeting or a conference call.
The Divine Root connects all the hedges, and It knows where all the sap is, and where the water and nutrients are flowing. Trust, Beloved, trust in that unseen taproot, and All that It is connected to.
Always growing in love, as is God, in Whom all else is unchanging.
God wants Love to always grow and further expand. It is what God Is.
Ah, Beloved,
When you reached out and called out a greeting to a long-time friend who recently passed, you heard the whisper back. “All are One. Have not even a shadow of disapproval against any.”
She said this, Beloved, to lovingly remind you that within Soul, any “other” is just another part of the self Soul that is also you. Her desire, to see you never held back from alignment by any judgement, was so strong that her whisper came through. Yes, continue to pray for the continual evidence of the reduction and end of sin and suffering. Continue to pray for the freedom from illusion for all.
But leave all Balancing and correction up to the Power of One Loving Mind. Keep your own individual part of that Oneness pure and loving. Pure and loving is the way to See more and understand more, and move forward.
For those that are bound in their flesh thoughts, or who back drop, pray.
Ah, Beloved,
In every instant that you feel Spiritually Awake and clear, praise God/One Mind that is your True Higher Self.
In every instant that you feel a little earth-sleepy and confused again, praise One Mind to return to the feeling of clarity.
Just praise God all the time, knowing that in God’s Mind, you are Good and fine.
It is easier than your time-bound self might think,
Ah, Beloved,
If you are a willing “carrier” of the High Guidance of Spirit, then just your silent presence can make a difference at a meeting or a gathering or a workplace. If you can hold fast to simply being one of the ones holding open the access for active Divine Love and sacred Comforter, then you will change the day everywhere you go.
God-Spirit will do the work. Just hold open the window to let Spirit clear the air of illusion,
Ah, Beloved,
Shifting your thought modes, and practicing staying in those modes every day, will indeed change how you experience your life, and how you see others.
Simply, today, hold this attitude:
“Dear God, I am grateful that You can help me see the Blessings that are mine because I am simply reflecting the Bliss of Thee.”
We happily See with you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no hurry.
Realize fully the truth of that. Since your Consciousness lives forever and can experience what it likes in complete Spirit, or upon the stage of time and space, then the pressure of time is off. There is no hurry.
You are already complete and loved within the Whole of Spirit. If you choose to create and be, within some aspects of time, you may, but there is no hurry. Stand apart from time for a moment, and appreciate this. You, as essence, and reflection of Love, live forever. You may choose to step into time, to help, or to grow, or to practice, but there is no hurry.
You are already Loved and Good and wonderful. There is no hurry.
Relax into Love, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
Because God wants to be with you no matter where you go or what you do, God IS with you. Whether you are achieving lofty human goals, or whether you are wondering just what your body self wants to do, God is with you.
And if you ask, God will Lovingly help you sort out your desires and needs of the moment. God just wants to Love you and be with you, and knows that you will find moments of Loving God in return, and then of forever Loving God in return.
As any human parent can tell you, they are thrilled to be with their children and love them. Whether it is to share an ice cream, or to watch an ant scurry, or to learn to read, or to wipe up spilled milk, the desire to enjoy the company of the beloved is there. Many times over in magnitude, and in constancy, it is thus with your Divine parents. They just want to be with you and Love you and encourage the expression of your Best. Father-Mother Source Loves you, Loves you, Loves you. They are singing Their lullaby and Their Love song and Their cheering songs to you continually.
Listen to them, Beloved. Listen.
Ah, Beloved,
When seeking, and trusting for, a Harmonizing of any part of your human experience, whether it is of the body, or finances, or relationships or purpose, it is not the pulse of the wrist or the checkbook balance, or the texts, or the titles that you should keep monitoring. It is the feeling of the full Presence of Love and Infinite Possibility in your heart that is key.
Keep being grateful for all that is Good, honor the Will of the Truth, and make staying in alignment with Love your absolute goal each day.
The human symptoms will sort out as the Grace shines through all your thoughts.
Worry solves nothing and only blocks the hearing of the soft inspirations from God.
You know this. We Lovingly remind you.
Ah, Beloved,
All the days you play here in the earth dream, your human ego self will try to convince you, in small ways and large, in emotional ways and intellectuals acrobatics, that you know more than God does, and can make good decisions on your own.
The sooner you realize that this is not true, and the sooner you resolve to give over your will to God’s Will, each and every day, the more quickly will all go smoothly towards attaining peace of mind and joy of heart.
Your choice is when to consistently do this, Beloved. God has forever. How long do you want to take to step on to the path to the Kingdom within your Heart and Soul?
Ah, Beloved,
Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, and forgiveness again. Is it hard? Yes, but it gets easier as you truly experience being forgiven more often for your own foibles, as you practice consistently forgiving others.
And, to not forgive is to end up feeling worse and worse, as old unforgiven grievances pile up in your mind.
So, forgive, forgive, and forgive again, AND understand that the Loving part Grace plays in this is to help you completely forget the “wrong”, once you have forgiven it.
We never forget to love you,
Ah, Beloved,
Yes, yes, yes, when you come to yourself, and realize “I am a Spirit dancing in the Mind of God/Goddess”, then there is such an awakening that All is indeed possible. Just as when you walk out of a movie house, and shake yourself back into the reality of choice, instead of just being the observer of what the film characters have already enacted, in the Perfection of the Divine you will step into the realization that every idea can be enacted and all that is needed is somewhere close to hand in the reservoir of Goodness that is your true and only Home.
Make yourself at Home, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
Even as each new age of a child brings new understanding, so does each new age of the earth bring new readiness to learn key parts of the Divine Love that sustains all. Ah, look around you, in this great mirror of the Divine that is the earth realm, and your Heart knows which parts of the mirror are reflecting, cleanly and purely, the harmony and truth of That Which Is. The beauty in the curve of a bird’s flying wing, the loyalty of a friend, the uninhibited delight of a child playing with water…
In the places where the mirror is fogged and smudged, where you seem to see pain and sorrow and death and betrayal, look Within for new Sight. Ask the Divine into your heart, to help you see with new eyes, and see the mirror cleared, and that, indeed, earth be a clear and beloved reflection of the perfection that is already the Divine, gazing into the mirror to see the perfect reflection of Itself.
If these words make no sense to your brain, just skip the mortal mind, and hold them in your heart,
Ah, Beloved,
Observe how sports players use the force of gravity to help them in their plays. The toss of the ball, the trusting of the body to the air, the downward stroke of the timer for the end of the game are all interwoven with the trust that gravity behaves the same way for everyone.
Let the Force of the Creator’s Technician be helpful to you in the same way. Know that It is yours to USE, for the asking, as the Creative Source’s answer to the needs of those dancing in the play of earth. Use it lovingly, use it wisely and gratefully, but know that It is there to use, and was enacted FOR your use. Do not be confused about who is the servant or beggar, and who it is that has been gifted with dominion and the right to ask for what is needed for one’s rightful path and role in the Great Game Play.
The Good Servant, Invisible Spirit, is honored to serve you, to help you be the Best You,
Ah, Beloved,
It is difficult, within the parameters of the earth experience, to understand unconditional giving. Tit for tat, and reciprocity are understood instead.
But God is an unconditionally giving Force. God exudes the very essence of you and your goodness and harmony, constantly. Can you stop thinking about it being about you deserving His/Her Love, and instead just accept the freely given gift of that Unconditional Love and Desire and Intent for your health and harmony?
God offers it. Can you decide to accept it? Can you decide to be that, and express it to others?
We celebrate your good fortune to be a Child of Good,
Ah, Child,
As ever, that which you give to others you are giving to yourself, through the Infinite connection that weaves you all together in the Great Web of Truth.
This is true not only for the goodness that you impart through actions or words or thoughts and prayers, but for the discernments of hurdles. When you sense that you are at a time of Spiritual growth, of deepening your communion with Oneness, listen to what you tell others. As you listen to the advice you give to others, know that of course at least some part of it is for yourself. Perhaps it will be an insight on some new thing, or perhaps a deepening of a slow building enlightenment. Perhaps it will just be a reminder to do a daily or weekly “clean-up” of your own error thoughts or negative or doubtful actions.
Be grateful, O’ be grateful, to all these walking mirrors around you, Child, who help you to see when you are shining with Love, and when there is a smudge on your face. Thank the mirror, instead of trying to clean it and not yourself, for all things are true unto themselves.
Grateful we are to serve and watch you grow,
Ah, Beloved,
Sincerely counting your Blessings and being glad of them will always counteract tense moments or hours. Focusing on what is good and true and that you are grateful for brings the Force of Harmony up to you like calling a trusted guide dog to lead you in the dark. Count the blessings, appreciate the Order that you do see around you, and be certain that the Spirit and Principle of Harmony being with you IS one of those Blessings. Indeed, it is the One Blessing that is the Cause of all Blessings.
Focus on the Good, and more of It will come to you. If it seems, to the earthly senses, to be an acute or emergency situation, focusing on the Force of Harmony will give you good ideas and bring discernment about actions to take or not take.
Be in love with bringing Love forth in every situation, Beloved. Each one that does so is a Divine Helper of the Light. And We know you can be, and are. Focus, and do it more and more, to your own delight, as well as Ours.
Ah, Beloved,
There are no limits on God. There are no limits of time and space on God.
Consciously join with the Unlimited, Beloved. Consciously join, for your Soul Self is already a part of the Unlimited, and the sooner you understand and believe that the sooner the limits of what you experience will be unbounded.
It all happens in the Great Love,
Ah Beloved,
As we have said before, be not afraid, because God knows your original soul message and can replace it.
Ah, Beloved,
As We said, have Compassion for those who are so caught up in the temptations of materialism, or the spiritual blindness of intellectualism, that they believe that considering God, or studying or pondering or communing with God, is beneath them.
Have Compassion, but do not falsely take on the job of teaching them, except by silent example. Share your experience and understanding of the One Divine, if you are asked, but know that the primary teaching and awakening of each offspring of God, is up to God.
Do not fret, and spend your time, trying to convince the unawakened who mock your understanding and your beliefs in the One Love that Guides. There is no need for you to suffer from their barbs and uninformed opinions.
Leave Loving Guidance up to God, enjoy your own relationship to Love, and do as God bids you do. If you are meant to speak or act, or reach out to one who desperately needs God’s Comfort and Wisdom, God’s small, still Voice will lead you and instruct you.
Otherwise, just be Glad you know the depth of the Truth of God that is beyond worldly perception and judgement, and Love, Love, Love. Just, Love, Love, Love God, and let yourself walk in Love without feeling any obligation to endure the criticisms of non-believers. Bless them in your mind, and release them to the Will of God, and walk in your understanding of Truth.
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
You have proved for yourself, more times than you realize, that casting your consciousness into its true Home in the Consciousness of God, immediately resolves what seems to be the problems of earth sensibility.
THINK about it. Have you not had the experience of not feeling very well in the body, or being worried about a work issue, but then an old friend calls, or a lover shows up at the door, and all thought of pain or fretting disappears, and you delightedly say hello to the friend, or kiss the lover? Fondness and Love have lifted you above the mortal experience.
The Divine Guardian from the Source, that has joined you in the dream of a flawed earth, is like the unexpected call from a good friend, or the arrival of a beloved one. Turn to It, and be comforted. Turn to It, and find relief. It is always right there, ringing the bell at the door in your Heart.
Turn to It, and realize, once again, that all pain and worry and sorrow were only temporal mortal dreams. Turn to It now, and know “a new Heaven and a new earth.”
There is a song that says, “Holy Father, where Thine own Children are, I long to be.”
We suggest that today you play with this thought, “Divine Father, where Thine own Children are, I already am.” Retrain your thinking, Beloved, and newness of experience occurs.
Already Loving you in a Heavenly Way,
Ah, Beloved,
Now, right at this moment in time-space, believe there is nothing standing between you and the Creative Force.
There is no membrane between you, there is no obstacle or barrier that is real, there is no time that must be endured before you feel the Lovely Force of Love.
Feel It now, Beloved. Welcome It now, Beloved, and let It do Its Work on your perceptions, which create what you are.
Ah, Beloved,
The more attention you pay to the Divine expansiveness in your heart, the more the Divine can give you. It may happen in an instant, or it may take extended time each day, but the more focus, focus, focus you give the Kingdom of Good within you, the more It can Help you and show Itself to you.
It wants to see you happy, Beloved. It wants you to know that Heaven is Real and illusions are not. Pay attention, stay aware of Love, and welcome, welcome, welcome Its Help.
Give it time each day, and It can give you the World of Good.
Ah, Beloved,
Right within your own Consciousness IS the Consciousness of God. It is the Life and Soul that IS expressing your individuality. Under the wispy clouds of your ephemeral human concerns, and material cravings, and fears or annoyances, IS the steady Light of Divine Calm, and Love, and Knowledge and Harmonious Purpose.
It is an immense gift to yourself to practice taking active refuge in that Consciousness, and to claim all of Its Assets as your own to use. It does not mean you are hiding from the shared challenges of the world, or the needs of your family and yourself. It means you are establishing a Spiritual foundation which is built on the Infinite resources that can support your creative efforts and solutions, and supply your generous giving and receiving in the establishment of earthly Harmony.
Take frequent shelter in the Divine Consciousness that is the basis of you, Dear One. Stand firm on that strong rock of Truth, and you will be a wonderful part of the Greater Good.
Holding our sheltering wings of Thought over you,
Ah, Beloved,
Each moment of now is filled with the Peace of the Divine Source that constantly Thinks of, and thus creates, you. Each time you let yourself ponder and rehash a moment from the past, or worry about the future, you are robbing yourself of the Peace of the moment.
Do you want to be your own thief? Why not choose to allow yourself to feel your rightful inheritance of Peace and Joy?
We do not try to tell you that re-training your thoughts to focus on the moment and on the calm trust of the Source is easy, but we do tell you that it can be done and that you have Infinite Divine help to do so, if you but ask and are willing.
The payback is infinite,
Ah, Beloved,
The ultimate way to discovery of your own feeling of freedom from being trapped in any physical form or situation is STILL the accessing of the Wisdom of Oneness.
We know, Beloved, you sometimes feel as though we use the same words over and over, and that you read them, and think that you think about them, but that you do not see the changes come in your circumstances or your life.
Well, you read the words, but do you practice them? The more you practice actually pausing and being still and letting Divine Voice and Impulse guide you, the easier it will get. And, O’ Dear One, we urge you to look back and mark the progress over the years and months. We certainly See how much your compassion has grown, and your patience and your willingness to be honest, and your greater longing for, and enacting of, Goodness. Give yourself credit for great progress made!
See yourself with Love, as We do, and being willing to entertain thoughts of your own Spiritual Perfection, and being in and of the Divine Perfection. Sharing of that calm perfection is the purpose of all in the earth play, until the play need be seen no more, and only sweet perfection reigns in all Thought.
In timelessness, that Perfection already reigns. Welcome It into YOUR life, and encourage others to welcome It into theirs.
We Love you so,
Ah, Beloved,
There is so much that can be drawn upon from the Infinite, and that your unique self can understand and demonstrate in a way that no one else can, that your mortal imagination cannot embrace it. Ask for the Infinite Creative Force to help you draw to you the specific, understandable bits of Itself, that are ready to be revealed as Blessings to you and to those around you.
Choose, darling one, whether you are ready to be a transparency for those wonders of Life to shine through you. Perhaps on some days you feel ready and able. Perhaps on some days you feel unworthy or unable to serve thus. But know this, that on any day you do let the Divine glow through you, the Grace and Gratitude of the All in all is yours.
Choose, this day. This day, commune with the Infinite and ask to see and comprehend your Share, and choose to share your Divine Share with others.
Ah, Beloved Ones.
There always comes a time when, lulled by the acceptability of your day to day routines and affairs, it seems convenient to shorten or set aside the time spent daily in Divine listening.
But, resist, Beloveds, resist. For if you keep up your practice of communing with Oneness, and releasing to It your concerns, and listening to Its Guidance, and absorbing the sweet flavor of Its Adoration of the idea of you, Its child, then it is easy to fall into the wonderful security of Its Love when there seems to be urgent need.
Too many, too many, only turn to the God Wisdom and Support, that is really readily available to them, when human crisis strikes. Then, in key moments or days, they are not sufficiently practiced and ready to slip into the state of acceptance and surrender that would enable them to See as God Sees, to hear the ideas and solutions their mortal needs call for, to discern the helpful place to go or person to turn to.
Be not one of those, Beloveds. Stay always tuned to God. Practice daily feeling the Divine Perfection with which God regards you, and that is always held forth to you, in complete Grace.
Ah, Beloved,
Remember to forget.
Remember to counteract any painful thought or memory, immediately, with a positive prayer or affirmation, or with a reminder to the self that the Loving Universe is always with you if you call to It. Let the pain and fear be counteracted right away, first. Then, if decisions must be made, or suggestions offered or taken, they can be done in calmness, and with an Inner feeling of the Loving support that the Divine always offers, as It holds you in Its embrace, Its sustenance, Its Comfort and Sureness of Being.
To try to make choices when you are in too much pain or confusion or fear is to let yourself be vulnerable to the choices that are not of the Goodness of Truth and Love. Take that pause. Banish fear with a certainty that you exist within the Divine Whole, and THEN let the next steps begin, guided by the Loving Parent Divine that holds you so dear.
Waiting can be good, good, good,
Ah, Beloved,
The ease with which you allow in Spirit in your own quiet space and time, can also be yours in the crowds and hubbub, if you but let it. Practice closing your worldly senses in every situation and let, let, let God guide you,
Divine, awakened Spirit within never misses the mark, never makes a wrong step. It knows the path clear and True, and It is with you. Let it lead, even as you pull the other part of the yoke that you share.
It will be a relief, not a burden or sacrifice,
Ah, Beloved,
There is only True Life in Goodness.
Keep thoughts of Goodness in your mind. Center your affections on the Highest examples of Love and Kindness and Forgiveness. Remind yourself again and again that the Purity of Love that is the very Essence of God CAN be reflected by the human Self in behavior and thought and willingness and deed.
When the world would toss images of cruelty and fear at you, cancel those images in your mind with the thoughts of God Likeness that you carry as your high goal. Soothe those feelings with the remembrance of acts of grace that you have witnessed. Comfort yourself by asking for Divine Embrace, and by reaching out to help another.
Even the smallest gesture of giving time or aid to another with Compassion is a healing thing for the sorrow that the worldly scene would try to convince you is inevitable.
Call for Angels to fly with you and soar the heights with Joy, and They will.
Ah, Beloved,
Forgiveness rules the known universe. The Unknown Universe, unsensed by the five mortal senses, has no need of forgiveness, for nothing occurs in It that needs forgiving.
Align your mind and heart with those two truths, and enable yourself to flow between the universes with ease. As forgiveness fills the seen universe, the need for it will cease. Meanwhile, let yourself be a lens that is so aligned, and so in focus, that the Light that shines from the Unseen can flow through you to the seen.
Let forgiveness rule your days, and periodically close your eyes and renew and refresh yourself in the Unseen, where you can rest from the need for forgiving, and bathe in the Gentle, Creative Truth.
Ah, Beloved,
Turn all your perceptions over to God today. Let the All That is All help you look through the ephemeral human mist of illusions and See the Harmony that can and does come forth. Outside the bounds of time-blindness, it already was Created.
For a moment, ponder the human story. Caught up in your own brief life span of human days, it is hard to see the progress of awakening. But if you think even for a moment about when there was no easy warmth or food to be had, when language for communication had hardly developed, then you can get a glimpse of the progress that has been made in overcoming animal nature and raising Consciousness to the understanding of good Harmony.
Yes, of course each individual wants to fulfill wishes of perfection in his or her own time, but step outside of time for a moment, and cherish the progress made towards the Light that has always existed, and always will. You can sip of It, even while you yet wear human-seeming costume. Turn to the Perceptions of God, and celebrate with the Source that you ARE fully connected to, the progress made. A chain of awakening that does not end until all are awake again to their status as Children of God. Your Divine Connection is already within you. Listen to It.
Release softly to a new Seeing today, Beloved. Release.
Ah, Beloved,
Asking for help when you need it can sometimes prove to your consciousness the Oneness of Life.
Be not too proud. Ask others. Ask God. Ask.
God is not hiding from you. God is seeking your attention.
Ask for Divine Help, and expect for It to come, without any reconceived notions of how God will choose to Best guide and uplift and help you.
Be gracious and open to God,
Ah, Beloved,
Do you understand just how Glad God is to think about you and enjoy you?
When, on the human level, you come up with a clever or imaginative idea for decorating your room, or solving a puzzle, do you not feel a glad delight just to see the solution? Multiply this delight of yours by a million, million fold, and you will have a taste of how the Divine Creator feels about the idea that is the constant Thought-Form that is you.
Delight in this delight, Beloved. Walk around today, keeping in your mind, “God is delighted with the True idea that is me!”
And, “God helps me know the True Idea of myself better and better now, so that I can love myself as much as He/She Loves me.”
Both things are very true,
Ah, Child,
We have spoken about forgiveness so many times that even when you find yourself unable to do it yet, you do understand how freeing it can be when you let go into love. Sometimes the same thought or the same incident must be freed, and forgiven, from the heart many times before it is entirely cleared away from the dam of old emotions that would block the clear flow of God Mind to you.
But today let us speak also of praying for the one whom you are forgiving. Pray that the other heart is ready and open to receiving your forgiveness. You free your own heart when you are completely ready to forgive, and thus heal yourself and are able to move back into love, but when you help pray for the other to be able to receive that love, you move into Divine Love, and gratitude, indeed.
It is always Divine Love that truly heals. Nothing else can.
Ah, Beloved,
“Show us each, dear God, our perfect lives in the Mind of Thee.”
Pray this for yourself, dear child, and for others.
Ah, Beloved,
Where you are, there God is also. Where the appreciation of God’s image, of the source’s Idea, is, is appreciation of creation Itself.
Today, Beloved one, know “I am a bright spot in the All that is All.”
And be that bright spot. And just as a bright spot dances back from all reflective surfaces when it shines into a room, you will find reflected back to you the brightness you are, the brightness you give, the brightness that you and others, all together, need, to complete the perfect image of the entirety of God.
Appreciate your own brightness, and it grows brighter still.
And what is brightness? A million words cannot adequately describe the Brightness of God. Be still and quiet, and you will know what characteristics of God you wish to demonstrate as part of your Brightness today. Perhaps integrity and consistency and joy and appreciation? Perhaps calmness and creativity? Perhaps order? Be quiet, and listen, and the Knowing will come.
Be a bright spot of the Character of God today, for you ARE a sweet and very Good reflection of He/She, in all that you are that is real.
Ah, Beloved,
As you commune so deeply with God-Mind that all bodily senses seem distant, and you feel as though you are floating, enjoy it. Commune.
Not all alignment with God Thought is about lofty information. Allow yourself to simply be held in Love, filled with Love. Be fed with Life.
God is tender.
Ah, Beloved,
As you seek to understand what God Is and how the Divine works, please realize it is not some form of magic, or a series of rituals or being able to hit the right notes in a hymn. It is about learning that YOU can help make the Good Unseen become seen by applying your knowledge that All is Spirit, unhindered by human laws of limited sense, and that God-Love is completely Harmonious and Good and did not create evil.
To know this as deeply and truly as a fine mathematician knows his numbers and the principles upon which they work, is to be a metaphysician. God is orderly and God is Good and you can feel and demonstrate that Pervasive and Loving Goodness as you simply study how to claim It as the Truth.
All is Spirit, All is One, and Life created and creates you Fine. Constantly.
Ah, Beloved,
Sometimes one will realize first that The One Creative Source is truly the fount of everything, or to put it in religious terms, “All Glory be to God.” When that awareness deepens, then one more fully understands that the One Source is also responsible for everything, or that “God/Goddess is Divine Parent of us all”, and then the “magic” happens, of simply relaxing into that Care, that Creation. Then, the sublime relief of feeling sustained and maintained and gently put in order can finally give one the complete sense of freedom that comes with choosing to release into the playfully Glad, calmly Loving Creator’s Care.
Perfectly expanding with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Love the Love in others, even if you see only a tiny seed of It. Loving It will help It be revealed more fully.
It is the task of Divine Spirit to tutor and correct all. It is your task to let that Divine Spirit help you shine and grow in Grace. Grow in revealing Grace, dear child, and let Spirit do Its job on others. Focus on being the positive example, and you are helping Spirit more than you can humanly know.
Let Spirit help you shine with Love, and trust Love to work on all.
Ah, Beloved,
When something feels out of sorts, whether spiritually, or financially, or physically, or morally, and you cannot seem to see the solution, there is Something that can help you see the way. Turn to that Principal that is Harmony, turn to the Truth that God wants your happiness, and ask to be shown or told the way to reach that Harmony of Being that is natural and right and Goof for all.
Like a student who recognizes that the math equation on the board is too complex for him to solve, or perhaps too familiar for him to see the same simple error that he is making over and over again, there are times when only calling upon the Master Teacher will solve the problem. Be not afraid to call upon the Teacher, child. Be not too proud to call upon the Teacher. Be not thinking that the Teacher does not want to help you, or that you do not deserve the help.
The Teacher of smooth Love and Life wants to Help you. The Teacher wants you to learn how to stop making the same errors and how to learn the principles of the more advanced ways. When you cannot simply and quickly solve the problem, ask for the Loving Master Teacher to show you the way—to point out the errors, to remind you of the true principles, to give you the skills and strengths and insights that will lead you to the proper answers and joy and relief.
Turn to the Teacher, today, dear child, for Harmonious adjustment and the right solutions are the very way the Cosmos was formed, and continues.
Let the burden lift from your heart and shoulders and rest in your trust of God. Open to receiving the Help, and listen quietly and stay alert to the answers that show themselves.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no limit to how many times you can say this in your thoughts and in your heart, and it will help keep you aligned with the very Soul of Life Good:
“O”, Dear Spirit Divine, align me with your Heart and Mind. Let me see as You See. Let me Hear as you Hear. Let me feel and know as You Know. Let me be always an expression of Your Compassion and Your Love and Your Courage. Let me be Whole as You would have me to be.”
“I am exactly as God made me to Be.”
Dear One, Love corrects all errors and illusions and clasps you unto Itself,
Ah, Beloved,
Yes, there are many wonderful things that have been developed on the earth scene, for helping to deal with the vagaries of the human experience. There are pills, and good therapists and fancy living. But not of them are lasting, None of them compare with the eventual thing each soul must do—make peace with, and align itself with, God.
Why wait? Why not align now, and receive the peace and the benefits thereof?
WE desire your peace and joy,
Ah, Beloved,
Choosing happiness by creating happiness for others is often the best way of sorting out your own human feelings and counting your blessings.
Look for the good and the giving you can do today, and let that be your goal of these hours. Regarding your own desires and as-yet-unfulfilled ambitions can at times be only confusing, as you try to sort out what is true of your own Spirit, and what you have absorbed as “wants” from the culture around you. You are uniquely you. You have a purpose that God has designed for you, and that you are working to understand.
Remember today that part of that purpose is Divine Peace of Mind, and work to feel that by doing good for others, for that makes you feel good, too.
Give yourself time, Beloved. Letting all unfold makes it easy to sort the chaff from the wheat. We assure you of this, with Love. For God knows the end from the beginning, and so do we know you. You are made good. All are made good. Trust the directions of the God-Mind that leads you gently to the Peace that has already been gifted to the Soul of you.
Ah, Beloved,
Only what is completely infused with, and of the Peace of the Source Cloud heals, and Is.
Center your thoughts on It, your silence on It.
Take the center seat, take the middle road, take the focus spot, be in the center of the heart, be the non-beat in the neutral spot of the metronome. Let your own small will be tossed into the flame of the Greater Will, and sit back and watch the delightful play from the peaceful spot you have chosen.
All peace comes from Here,
Ah, Beloved,
When you turn to Divine Love, and ask if It Loves you, you will feel a flood of forgiveness for your human errors, and the embrace of Unconditionally Loving Soul, and a new way of thinking that enables you to have the Good Thoughts that expect, and create, Good, Good, Good, in your life filled with Life of God. Move forward to this.
God, Good, is your Life if you let It be,
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
Bathe yourself in Love today.
Bathe yourself in Love today, and as you do so, remember that you are also bathing those that exist in your thoughts, that you imagined were outside of you. You have imagined an entire cast of characters, costuming the souls God created. Your costumes for them included some of tenderness, some of hatred, and some of wickedness and some of love or saintliness.
Bathe them all in Love in your thoughts today. Let Love wash away the glamours of costume, so that you can see them all, as you are, as delightful children of God.
Delight with us, in all,
Ah, Beloved,
There are no real monsters hiding under the bed, or in the past.
Trust in your Divine Parent to show you the way, teach you, and take care of you.
Some days need to be simple like that.
Ah, Beloved,
The reason that Divine Spirit is closer than breathing is that Consciousness is what you really are. You are Consciousness within the Great Consciousness, and you have just come to this dream of breathing to enjoy and to learn and to grow and to help awaken and to smell the rain and to witness beauty and to give and to receive Love.
You are Consciousness, dear one, and you can remember that at any time. Give yourself the gift of remembering it many times today, as you breathe and play and share of what you are.
All Our Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Before you ask someone a question, particularly if that person might possibly consider it as a critical question, ask the same question of yourself. And, ask yourself if you are asking the question in a tone of Love, from the Source of Love.
Then, make sure you are re-centered in the Brightest spot of the Source, like moving to a warm, sunny spot on a cold day, and consider whether you still want to ask the question.
Filling yourself with Love makes it possible to Love others, and then Love them more.
Ah, Beloved,
Being angry or irritated with someone is just to punish yourself with the sad vibration of anger. Train your mind and heart to instead, the moment you feel annoyance, bless the other and bless yourself by turning quickly and quietly and completely to God Spirit, and asking Spirit to heal you of your anger and errors and heal the other of his anger and errors.
For God, if allowed to, constantly is willing to Bless and heal all.
Release yourself from grief and fear and anger by call for Blessing for all,
Ah, Beloved,
Mother/Father God knows your worthiness and innocence, as it shines forth from Divine Love. Know yourself truly worthy of God’s confidence in you, and claim your wholeness of Spirit.
Human memories will try to convince you of sins and errors and faults, and the sorrow and guilt f them. Know that those are not part of God’s current Loving Sight of you, and claim your Purity and God’s Perfect Support.
Ah, Beloved,
Take a stand for Good. Take a stand by not keeping it a secret if you believe in the Power of Good, of God. Take a stand by thinking about the sweet Harmony that is the REAL Governing Principle, and that Harmony is the right and delight for all, expressing Itself even on the earth stage, as It is recognized and welcomed.
O”, do welcome delight today, Beloved. Let go of aggression,, and picture Harmony pouring over you, and all your affairs, and over those of everyone you know and hear about, and see.
Be a speaker for Harmony. Let It be your politics, your cause, your love, your purpose, your support, your reason for being in the play. You can be a silent speaker, if you like, or are so directed, but always be speaking in your mind and heart, for Harmony.
Ah, Beloved,
Be kind, be compassionate, be humble by knowing all come from the same Light.
And be kind also, for you never know when the neighbor you consider unfriendly or strange, often without really learning about his or her special gifts and talents, may be the very one that God sends to help you when you are stranded by the side of the road.
Be kind. Be not too proud to remember you are all sharing the same human experience and dream, and you all evolve together to the fullness of God-revelation. You can choose to live more of your own Soul perfection now, but be sure that includes kindness to everyone along the path.
We will help you when it seems too hard to see past the human personalities and errors,
Ah, Dear One,
Have you ever been on a train with a child and listened to the child wonder how the train can keep going on tracks that appear to meet in a point on the horizon? Have you ever walked or biked on a road that seems to dissolve into mist by the lake, but been able to trust in your mind and heart that the road would be there, even if you cannot see it?
How many times in your life have you wondered how you were going to get through a day or out of a situation, and then, somehow, you did? There is a great deal of Unseen around you, Beloved. What the human senses cannot see is the Divine Plan for your spiritual experience of body. Ignore the senses of the mind that say, “this is pain” and “this is vibrancy” and rest back into God’s Truth for you. Both “good” and “bad” health, as deemed by human definition, are just interpretations of the mind. Your body is a projection of Spirit, so pay attention to Spirit Within to know the True state of you experience of flesh.
Ponder this, Beloved. It means learning to ignore much of what your mind has assumed to be true, just as you have learned to ignore the illusion that the road ends at the edge of the mist.
We are in the mist, awaiting you,
Ah, Beloved,
Your true family is not animalistic bodies all competing and judging one another, it is the Spiritual Heart of Love that breathes the Life that all share.
Think upon that today, and feel the warmth of that Spiritual Embrace that outlasts all human dreams and nightmares. The Love shared is the family you want. Embrace that today.
We hold you consistently,
Ah, Rise up, rise up, my own True Love,
Rise up , abide with me,
For I would have you by my side,
Right here in God with me.
Right here in Joy with me.
The Comforter
Raise your Thoughts, today Beloved. Work with the Words from Love, and USE them to replace the crazy spin of mortal thought and self-image that are false. Know yourself perfect in Spirit, right here and now. Be in this moment, right Here in God, right now.
We Love you so,
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
Love is never broken, or in need of updates. Divine Love IS God, God IS Love. God, being timeless, is always one step ahead of you, knowing what you need, understanding what new layers of awareness your Consciousness is ready for. Gently, constantly, tenderly, It gives to you as much as you are willing to accept in your full alignment.
Stay willing, Beloved. Stay willing, and spend quiet time each day knowing “I am Love. I am a totally Spiritual Being, joyous and complete here in God that is Love, always tending and expressing me, Its wondrous idea.”
Love is never broken. A Spiritual idea cannot break.
You are Loved. You are Love.
Ah, Beloved,
The advantage that you gain by giving away your own will and opinions to the Inner Divine Voice is to never again feel alone.
Yes, there may be times of feeling human loneliness, especially when in the midst of those whose world view is so material as to utterly disregard your spiritual view, or to have open contempt for it. In those times, turn, of course, to the company of the Inner Companion Who Loves you completely, but also take comfort in this thought: All around the world, there are, in this very moment, millions that are turning to the Inner Voice, just like you are. Each one of you hears a distinctive and special message for your individual selves, for each of you is a unique facet of the Divine Source. But all of you together make up a great shimmering diamond that shines and shines, all lit from within by the selfsame Love that guides and shapes and sustains all things in the revealed layer of Good Spirit.
Shine on, little facet of the diamond, and look on the other facets with Love,
Ah, Beloved,
“Gently, O’ Gently, Love Governs me, without pain, or strain, or nerves, or sorrow.”
Remember that today, Beloved, and form the habit of asking Love to join you in every task, great or small. If you would only realize it, Love is already there, just hoping you allow It to Help.
Ah, Beloved,
If necessity of material concern seems to loom, remember how powerfully the Inner Divine Advisor has been able to comfort and change the feelings of the heart, and TAKE heart. Make not the mistake of thinking that objects are any less subject to the laws of Divine Love than are your own earthly emotions.
Divine Love truly governs all. Governance becomes demonstration when It is asked, and allowed, to do so, without being barred by disbelief or barred by resentment or anger or unforgiveness.
Divine Love WANTS to be with you, WANTS you to know It is already right next to your heart, if you will just turn from looking outward and pay attention to It, instead. But only you can answer the questions, “Do you WANT to walk with Divine Love?, and “When?”
When you are done with the dramas and the mirrors of what the ego-self imagines it needs or wants, then remember that the Divine Source is ever-ready, patiently waiting in the same place it has always been, right in the center of your own Divine Self.
And we gladly hold open the door,
Ah, Beloved,
As you review the various denominations of Spirituality, you can notice a commonality of a more pervasive understanding that the Goodness of God’s Creation is already accomplished, is already done. It is only within the illusion of linear time that there ever seems to be any delay in healing, or joy, or the marvelous Harmony of Spirit.
Thus it is that you so often now hear similar sermons or talks about thanking the Oneness of Being for the Good, even before the worldly evidence of It can be seen. Keep doing this, Beloved. Thank the Almighty Consciousness for the utter Goodness that already exists, and simply ask to let your eyes be opened to see It, to be a part of It, to help the linear illusion be dispelled, so that the wonder of Perfection be more quickly seen by all. Gratitude does Work.
In the name and means of Spirit, claim your role in Goodness” Plan,
Ah, Beloved,
We reach for you constantly, aching to guide and comfort and bless you—to show you that Good and Joy and Calm Inspiration are your natural heritage. Can you imagine how thrilled We are when you reach out to Us, willing to receive the Spiritual Understanding that will let you see the Truth of the Wondrous reflection of God-Light that you truly are?
Do remember, dear heart, that free will is about giving Us your willingness to see the Heaven beneath the flimsy body senses. It is about knowing “God’s Will is already done. I choose to See it.”
Ah, Beloveds,
Trying to tell God what to do is human arrogance and a misunderstanding of how the ultimate Good human story works. But you can solicit Guidance from the Divine Source in a way that helps you focus your day.
Imagine turning to full God Consciousness and saying “High Guidance of Love and Life, tell me what Godly Qualities to welcome and focus on this day, this night.”
And sit quietly and receptively and listen. There are many Wondrous Qualities that God might whisper to you to express. Imagine being urged to show creativity or compassion or generosity or confidence or bravery, or teaching, or orderliness, or just to look upon beauty and feel wonder. You might be told a specific act or word to share. You might be inspired to evaluate a change in career or other pastime.
The possibilities are endless, but developing a communication with Divine Direction will give a pattern to your activities and outlook that brings peace to mind and heart, and attracts to your Life the Spiritual tools you need.
Take time for the Guidance of Love.
Ah, Beloved,
Thinking about trouble brings on trouble.
Thinking about Wholeness brings on Wholeness.
Thinking about Holiness brings on Holiness.
Yearning for God brings God to your side.
We do Love you,
Ah, Beloved,
If you are not yet able to think of time, and space, and matter as imagined things of the so-called mortal mind, then think of the “Big Bang”, and the expansion and contraction of the known Universe, as just a single beat of God’s Heart.
Realization will come, and much that is unseen will be understood,
Ah, Beloved,
Everything is already ordered and held in place by Divine Consciousness. Just relax and enjoy it. Just relax, listen for your Divine prompts and act on them when they come, and live them, as a lovely part of All That Is. The perfect Order of genuine Creation will not be harmed or improved by the things you imagine, or by willing yourself to not be part of Heaven. You already are a Beloved part of the Divine Consciousness, and so you remain, even while you are dreaming of a separate existence without the comfort of the already-in-place Divine Order.
All it takes to access that Divine Order of Love is to recognize Its Truth and to relax into It. Right now, today, give It your stillness and your attention, and Be Held.
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be no confusion about the true purpose of each soul that takes the earth journey.
The individual’s purpose for entering the sleeping journey was to imagine itself separate from God and make its own world. But the world of mortal that that got make was less than perfect. In order to redeem the journey, and make it Good, God’s mercy offers forgiveness to each soul, and a reminder that the true soul of each has remained Innocent in His/Her eyes and Mind. Then, each soul can offer that truth to all other souls, and so make the journey, and all its endings, Harmonious for all again.
That is why to give is to receive, for as you remind others of their innocence in eternal being, so are you convinced of it for yourself, and all can enjoy the Grace of the eternal even while in the earth journey.
Give, give, give, of whatever Grace you realize,
Ah, Beloved,
It is not about human virtue or piety. It is about being willing to set aside your own goodness or wickedness or errors, and letting God/Goddess/All That Is work through you, and through others. It is about forgetting the self, and letting the All BE All.
Yes, there is no doubt that being humanly good and kind is a worthy goal, and working towards it will help you realize that the Divine gleams under everything, as you learn to love the other as self. But to think that the Divine cannot work through you, or through another, unless you are perfectly pure is only arrogance in another form.
Some of the greatest healing in your life may come through events that are grim, or through people that you might think of as unsavory. In the words or expression of one whom you consider a personal or business enemy, there may come a personal message for you from the Divine. A single phrase may leap out of context from a conversation or a letter and seem illumined, and just the answer you had been searching for. Allow the openness of heart and seeking that lets you be aware that the Divine Reveals Itself where and when It chooses, without any regard to how the world views that person, place or thing.
Your private, unique Divine revelation may come today from a broken stem, a homeless waif, the icon of a saint, or from an old note in a winter coat, or from an overheard sentence in a restaurant. Be open, and let All Be Revealed, for is That not what you want?
Ah, Beloved,
The Love you send forth tenderly returns to you. Today, we urge you again to open any blocked flows you have, of Love, by praying for the world at large, and all who walk in their thoughts upon it. Pray for those far and near whose names you do not even know.
This will always clear the backflows and dams that occur when your human emotions clog the Flow of Love to those you live with and work with each day. The small human annoyances, the minor disagreements and competitions can all seem to pollute the Love that flows your very Life to you. But they are of no power in the Omnipotence of Love.
Practice the full force of that Love by sending Love to all. Strangers and acquaintances, locales and situations; send Love to all. Picture the entire world soaking in Love, and the Love will also flood into your own thoughts and your own closer and nearer dramas.
Be Love, feel Love. Picture one stranger very Happy and Blessed, even, and that Blessing will Flow back around to you.
Ah, Beloved,
Have no doubt that the Divine Cause ALWAYS has the ability to stop you from doing something, or start you to doing something, when it is crucial for the plan that you do so.
Yesterday’s demonstration of this, of your inability to move your foot, when you needed to stay in place to minister to someone, can be your constant reminder that God IS in control, for the creation of that which is Good and which is True. Keep that incident in your memory and let it help you stay in faith and trust. Keep in your constantly aware mind all the incidents of miracle and of intervention that prove to you the here and now existence of the Divine Plan for you, and for all.
Ah, Beloved,
Never, ever try to give Divine Joy to another without first filling your own heart with It completely. Make sure there is a realization that there is no place in the Infinite Creative Cosmos that is not filled with the substance of Divine, expansive Joy. When you absolutely KNOW that where you, as an individual, seem to be, there is truly only a part of the Mind of the Creative Force, just as the one standing before you, or calling to you from afar, is a part of the same Creative Force, then you can see the pure Truth of that one.
To put this in other words, allow yourself to completely feel Unconditional Love, and then give some of It to anyone before you, and you both will feel the blessing of It.
It sustains, It maintains, It gladdens, It creates, It Is,
As we are,
Ah, Beloved,
“As Above, so below, enable us to see with Your Love, dear God.”
To ask to See as Good God Sees, dear child, is not to ask a faraway God to come to a tiny suffering earth, it is to ask to have your consciousness, and the consciousness of all, to be awakened, here and now, to the Reality of Divinity.
“As Above, so below, embrace them, and me, in Your Great and Omnipotent Love, dear, dear God. Show us all the way to be Whole and Loved and Loving, all as one in You, right now. Grace us to feel Your Embrace, dear God.”
Oh, Beloved,
What you wish for others, you ARE wishing for yourself. If you wish them harmony and love, you are wishing these for yourself. If you wish them justice and honor, you are wishing these for yourself. Keeping this truth in your mind and operations of thought will greatly effect what you experience.
Keep it in mind, Beloved. Keep it in mind.
For thus does Divine Mind wish Good for you.
Ah, Beloved,
You deserve Good. But know that faith is deeply understanding that the Great Oneness of Being understands what good is for all. That Oneness DOES NOT want any illness or harm or pain for you. It also does not want it for anyone else.
Therefore, claim deservedness and ability of Good for yourself, but also claim it for all. Thinking that your good must come at the cost of someone else’s good does not work in the long run. Thinking that someone else’s good limits your good is not true. The Infinite Good that holds all has no limits, and certainly there are no limits in Imagination that is the creative field of All.
Love yourself, love others. Know yourself deserving of goodness and know others deserving of it also. Can it be this simple? Yes, it can. Be at peace with that, and with cleaning out the “house” of your mind each day to make sure you keep love and deservedness clearly there, fresh and re-thought and re-believed, constantly.
We will help you with this if you welcome our help,
Ah, Beloved,
There will be a time to Go Home. There will be a time to lay aside the body illusion and fly free in Wisdom and Light. But, meanwhile, be the window through which the Light shines.
Open every moment of your days and nights to letting the Wisdom and Light shine through your every word and task and action. This is no small thing, but We know you can do it.
This is no small thing, and everyone can do it, and just imagine the Bright Light that would be shining everywhere if they did.
Be at Home in your heart, Child. Be at Home in the Peace of your heart, and shine a little longer into the dream, for Us.
Ah, Beloved,
All things truly True are known to the One Mind that holds them. When you are weary of seeing or wondering about human truths, or listening to what you know are lies or exaggerations or misinformation or error, turn to the Truth that corrects all things, and declare and claim, “One Mind Governs all, and One Mind wants our happiness to be revealed.
Simply do it, Love. Simply do it.
Ah, Beloved,
Human imaginings will never outweigh God. They cannot, being only imaginings, outweigh God’s Reality of a beautiful reflection that reflects All of Itself.
All, the “Allness” of the infinite reflection of an Infinite God, is already “mended” from the little error that made some parts of the reflection seem fuzzy. If you feel, or imagine, that you are still caught in the fuzzy part, know that it is not True.
Close your eyes, be still, and know that you are already caught up again, like a tiny dropped stitch in the Great Weaving, and that you are a part of the Ever Lovely Tapestry.
Although the day outside is lovely, close your eyes and see the Greater Loveliness,
Ah, Dear One,
There is no shame in avoiding temptation. There is no dishonor in avoiding the house of lust, or the party that serves items of illusion. There is nothing wrong with saying no to the scenes or the movies that only disturb the psyche. It does not mean you are weak in a way that is weakness of will. In fact, it is strength of will to know what tempts you away from walking in the Joy of God, and to walk away from it.
In the same way, if you must face or be near temptation, ask for the Strength that IS God to manifest in you, and know that you will be helped to stay focused and calm despite the chill surroundings. Let Divine Warmth be your shield, and look through the veil of spiritual sight.
These things you already know, Beloved, and we only repeat them to reassure you in the moment of doubt, and to let you know it is not foolishness to turn away from a place or a person or a thing which would try to draw you into sorrow. But there is another level to turning away from temptation, Beloved, that must also be looked at with loving honesty. Do you realize how important it is to turn away from “good works” and “honorable duties”, when they interfere with fulfilling a request from God?
Yes, in most moments, it is important to do the honorable tasks of the day. But if you hear a clear instruction to call upon someone, or to go to a new place for God, or to complete an essay God has asked you to write, then giving your attention instead to the chore, or to the tending of the normal obligation, is to place that thing above God. Then, also, realize that there is no shame in turning the back on temptation while you fulfill what the Divine Voice has asked. Let the polite society’s letter wait an extra day, while you make the call God has asked for. Let the pile of papers or the pile of leaves or dishes remain in untidiness for the extra week, while you take the trip to console or complete. Let there be nothing, Love, that comes between you and your loving joining to God.
Do not expect social norms to match God’s ways,
Ah, Beloved,
Put the Flow of Sacred information and energy and Consciousness with God first, first, first.
Your bodily senses will try to convince you to wait, and take time for contemplation and prayer and healing after you have finished your meal or your bath or the errand, etc. But the time to connect to and fill filled with the Wholeness and Strength and Reassurance of Divine Spirit is Now, is first. If feeling unwell, turn IMMEDIATELY to God-Sense for help, not after various physical adjustments. If feeling confused in your thoughts about the purpose and priorities of the day, consult with God-Soul right away, not after trying this and that plan or activity.
Learning to not be derailed by the habits of limited sense, or someone else’s definition of your duties, is the Good Path to living from the Heart of the Power of God. If you are ready to truly want that, then put God first. Put constant conscious communion with God, first, first, first.
In every circumstance, God is ready for you.
Love is ready for you.
Ah, Beloved,
As a yolk in the Albumin of God, you are always forming again.
Be thou healed.
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
When the seeming foxiness and sorrow of the world would have in you a sense of discouragement or heartbreak, that is the most important time to set aside human feelings and perceptions and say to the One Love:
“High Guidance of the Light, fill my mind and my heart, that I may See all things as You See them, made Good and Right.”
Pray for the world, Beloved, pray to See all creation in the Gloriousness of the Honor that is due the Creator and Lover of All. Be silent, and pray. Silence the small ego self, and pray.
It will be a prayer also for you and all whom you know,
Ah, Sweet Peaceful Source,
Please let me see Your version of the one who stands before me.
Perfect Source, perfect friend,
Perfect Source, perfect husband,
Perfect Source, perfect wife,
Perfect Source,
Perfect work, and love, and life.
Sit very, very still, and still your thoughts, and listen, and wait for the sweet peace of the Source to fill your heart.
Ah, Beloved,
Surrendering to Divine Love’s Intentions is not giving up some important separate part of yourself.
It is gaining the Powerful Freedom of letting All Good carry you, guide you, love you, and help you to a serene happiness.
Float with It, child.
Ah, Beloved,
There is great Kindness in leaving a situation in the Mighty Hands of God, when you simply do not humanly know what to do. If there are active measures to be taken, or a new face or place to bring into play, God can arrange that. And, God can give you the inner impulse to do anything else that you can still individually do.
Hand it into the Hands of God, and step back, in Love, and with Love, and trust, trust, trust in the Wonderful Will of God.
When you step back, and peace descends upon you, you will know it is right to do so,
Ah, Beloved,
When you pray for Wisdom or holy Strength, trust that God heard you the first time. God does not forget. It is you that has forgotten that these things are already a part of your Soul-self, and available to you all the time if you set aside your human ego’s will, and be humble and trusting. God is continually offering to you, shining forth to you, your perfection. Use the seeming events of each day to practice that humility and that trust and that charity and love, knowing that God IS on the job. God is constantly shining Itself forth. Open the curtains of your heart and thoughts, and let that Light shine in.
“Ah, dear God, keep Blessing and awakening them all, and me. Enable me to See with the eyes of discerning and wondrous Spirit, the Truth that is already the Good of them, and me.”
The Good Cosmos Light burst into being already exists. You just must open the heart to see It. You have made progress in your own lovely unveiling. Do not give up now. Spirit Helps. Trust that and begin each day at a new high mark of Spiritual Understanding, dear Child of God.
Ah, Beloved,
When you have focused and practiced on knowing the Divine enough, then the ever-present awareness of Its delight will move into your heart. When you finally have that experience, and realize that Grace is always raining into your heart, like a wonderful warm shower that never runs out of hot water, you will be eager to step into It to renew and refresh and cleanse yourself, again and again and again. It is pure Love. It is pure Joy.
To know that you carry within you this ever present connection to the Divine Source will change the way you approach everything. You will long to spend time and attention there, and if the world throws its temptations and distractions at you, you just need to train yourself to take that sacred pause, go within, and let Grace reign, in your heart, and therefore, in your world.
April showers…May flowers…,
Ah, Beloved,
The entry into enlightened sight is different for every part of the Great Soul. Honoring that, silently, in your heart, when you are tempted to judge or to try to convert someone to your way, is very important. Always check in with the wisdom of the Divine Voice of the Whole within when tempted to share your way aloud. Only with the overview of the Divine Loving Mind that governs all can you be led to the appropriate times and words for sharing.
The endlessness of flipping from being teacher to being student and back again is too much for the human intellect to sort out. Leave that to the Divine, and follow Its cues, for the One Soul knows when you are needed to play a role for another, and when the other is needed to play a role for you. It wants both of you to understand, finally and fully, that you were never apart from the Loving embrace and medium of the Whole, and unconditionally loved.
Be the actor or actress who listens gracefully to the Director,