All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as God†“Source Power was your strength to stop committing the errors and temptations that were your weaknesses of the past, so can that Source strength be the strength you draw upon to do the Good Works of God.

    Use God Power as your courage. Use It as your resolve. Allow It to pour through you when you are asked by It to say the unusual thing, to do the unpopular action, to stand up when others would shy away. Be resolved to be an instrument of God, not only for non-sin, but for Good action, when Love asks you to speak, or help, or move, or stay silent. All done in the service of Love is noted, dear Child, and all of it helps with the Peace of the Whole, as well as your personal Peace of mind and heart.

    We know you need to know we are with you when you feel alone,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The maintenance of all that is the unseen is automatic. It is only when you limit your belief to what the five senses are telling you that you are limiting the healing (the revealing of wholeness) of your home, hearth love, and health. The inner Truth will then translate into what the five senses testify as well.

    Oh, do be willing, Beloved, to close the eyes and see with the whispers of the heart and the Divine Inner Voice within, and trust that your well being and happiness ARE desired, and are available to you as your let your thought be changed to Divine Thought of the you that is beautifully made, unchanged in the timeless arena of God, and GOOD.

    AS EVER,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Realize this, that there is no need to be re-joined to something you were never separate from to begin with. That is the common mistake that all make in the dream of separation—thinking you are a separate and alone human body that must plead and work to somehow re-join with the Divine Source.

    You are already joined in Reality. Just remember and acknowledge and love and cherish that Reality, and set yourself free from the desolate feeling of separation, of being just an alone body. You are really only Soul that is part of Soul, Spirit and Heart.

    You are already One, like the skin of a pudding is a very part of the pudding itself. You are part and parcel and likeness of Being. You are already, in wonderful essence, part of That Which Is Real, and holy, and All.

    Think upon that today. Does your own body’s skin wonder why it is not a part of you?

    Allow yourself to see the ludicrous humor of it, and be free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be patient. God will give you ideas and solutions at the rate you can handle.

    And will give them with Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless others and it becomes your Blessing. That is simply the way it works.

    But think not of this in only material terms. It must be your thoughts and heart that bless others. If you give, but give grudgingly, it does not work. If you try to help, but do so without Love, it does not work. Giving Loving Thoughts is really the absolutely Best thing you can do to Bless another. If you can also give of your time or hands or funds, then do what your heart leads. But let it be done with Love, with Love, with Love.

    That brings Love back around to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when estranged in the everyday course of affairs, siblings respond and try to help one another when a crisis looms.

    There is a good reason why the popular prayer says OUR Creator, Beloved. It is to help you remember that all are your brother and sister, all are other aspects of the family of the reflection of the Divine.

    That may just sound like theological words, Child. But it will help you if you just keep in mind the simplicity of it. When looking at another person whom you know is lying to you, or evading a situation, you must remember, “This is my brother, too.” When observing your own behavior, you must remember to realize “I am a Child of the Father/Mother God, and I have Their Good Qualities to reflect, if I choose.”

    I will remember these things. Brother. Sister. Child. I will remember these things, and forgive, and Love and be Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you make a decision, or handle an encounter, and feel a general uneasiness afterward, stop. Stop and be with Spirit for at least a few moments of silence and ask for help, and listen. Even if you cannot pinpoint the uneasiness, such as being fearful that the other person will not keep her promise, or fear that you will not be able to find time to follow through, turn to the warmth of the Fire of Spirit.

    There, offer your uneasiness to the flames of Truth. Let the fire melt away the cold ice of fear, or offer up the unknowing of your heart, admitting to yourself, and to Divine Spirit, that you feel uneasy about what was just done or promised or decided, and asking that the Truth help sort out what is Best for all concerned.

    Then, Beloved, give, give, give yourself time to receive the warm Peace that God always offers. Hold to that Warmth the cold feet of moving forward and the cold hands of fear and the chill torso of feeling inadequate to the task. Be warmed, Beloved. Be warm, for the Warmth of the ever-present Divine never fails. You will hear an answer, or you will feel a surge of courage that helps you proceed, and be able to skate forward again.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    SPIRIT is the substance of all form.

    Gently, gently, immerse yourself in this truth. Yes, you can use mind arguments such as Spirit could not have any aches or pains or age or sorrows, so neither than can I, as a reflection of Spirit.

    But remember as you think such things that Spirit already knows that. Tell your own consciousness that, if you like, to “get you in the right head-set”, but mostly just call out, INWARD, to Spirit, and claim It as the only substance of yourself.

    Spirit is the Loving Substance of All form.

    How We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are some things about the Truth of reality that those around you are not ready to hear. To have all their beliefs and perceptions questioned all at once would only put them into a panic.

    The one thing you can always safely teach and emanate is Divine Love. Let it shine softly from your eyes, in affirmation, in encouragement, in constancy.

    Leave the details of “training” each individual spirit of Spirit to the Divine Voice of Spirit, that knows how much each part of Itself can take at each time, like a loving mother knows when her child needs a nap, and knows what he is trying to say even if his sounds are like jibberish to others.

    Teach Love, Beloved. Teach that Love that is always true, and will always be true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are eager to help you realize that staying in tune with “As in Heaven, so on earth” is freedom, not constraint. By truly releasing into accepting whatever the Source sees and knows as your Best Way of representing It, you gain more deep Joy than you can humanly create.

    By not trying to outline God’s solutions, you expand possibilities. They become unlimited. Lean into the Stength of the Unlimited, Beloved. Lean into It, not trying to predict It, or control It. You, humanly, cannot control the Infinite. You can only appreciate, and receive, how wonderfully It has already worked all out in Harmony.

    Be grateful, in advance, and let God work,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This time that you seem to exist within is not a part of the Timeless Divine. The natural expansiveness of the Love that is God, contains all, and WILL eventually, within the bubble of time, Light up and Awaken every lost child of Itself.

    Therefore, Beloved, you cannot expect ANY to be condemned. All of Its reflective selves that It has created, the Divine Loves, and always will Love. When you are faced with the “flaws” of another, and the “flaws” of yourself, remember that you are both the Beloved reflections of the Divine Essence that is Love. It will not forsake you, and It will not forsake the other person. It is not for you to wonder or ask how the Divine could so purely Love one who seems to hurt you, or hurt others. Leave the alignment to God, and work on your own purity of focus—Love God, focus on the aspects of the nature of God, and believe in Goodness. We know that it can be difficult when you are faced with seeming evil in the earth drama, or illness or betrayal in the human play, but we urge you to close your eyes to those Halloween costumes and accoutrements, and to See, See, See the delightful Love of the Maker, formed into a beautiful set of Soul-facets, and be Glad.

    To wait upon, or ask for, condemnation of another is to condemn yourself. Each one caught in the web of the drama of earth will work out his or her own schooling of spirit, as guided by the wonderful Spirit Who has been assigned the job of awakening all. YOUR task is to let YOURSELF be schooled, purging from yourself all unforgiveness, all selfishness, and all unlove. As you bless others, so will you be blessed by all the Divine Love and Calm Peace and Fulfillment that is rightfully and generously yours, given by Grace from the Divine.

    Remember this each day, and in every moment,

    And leave all judgment and correction to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The complete and full Gratitude that you as an individual do not have to “take care of it all”, that you fully know that the gentle and Loving One Mind is guiding and arranging the sweet and inevitable movement into a Higher Consciousness for all within the realm of time, is the way to live.

    Live each and every moment in that Gracious Gratitude, and feel the strength of such a decision fill you. For in being Graciously Grateful, and encouraging others to do the same by simply pointing to their wondrous talents and blessings, you are drawing on the Infinite Strength and Love of the Divine.

    You hear this advice everywhere. But try to live it. And if in a moment you forget to live it and practice it, try again in the next moment. Each moment is new, and this you can do.

    You are supported in this in every moment by the very pervasive Presence of One Loving Mind Itself. And It is grateful to you for every try and every time that you let It move into your time.

    So Glad for your Goodness,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    When you want to effectively pray for someone’s physical or moral or spiritual healing, but you have not been given permission by that person to discuss their thoughts and their Soul-Self with them, then there is still something you can do.

    Realize that that person is in the orbit of YOUR thoughts, and since they are in the orbit of your thoughts and therefore part of your experience of your life, you can do affirmative prayer for them as a part of your own life.

    You can affirm, “Since I see and experience this man, I can say of him, just as I can say of myself, that he is a Child of God. And I can say and know that he is Good, and Whole, and Well, because that is what God says of him. God looked at him, and said, he is very good.”

    And you can petition God, with a petition prayer, “Dear God of all, help me see this woman as you see her. Help me see her as Whole and Good. Open my eyes, dear God, and help me see her rightly, and well.”

    This is what you can do, Beloved. And if you do it consistently, it will change your world. It will change the world you see to one of Love.

    We will assist you.


  • Ah. Beloved,

    You have recordings and letters and words and poems and moments of memory and places and people that you have marked “healing”, because at some time or other that place or series of words, or whatever, seems to have broken the spell of an illness or a bad mood or a run of mis-adventures. And it is good that you keep in your thought these healings. But we tell you again it is not the specific words or the specific places or people that heal you—it is the Presence of Divine Truth in your thoughts and heart, gently and lovingly correcting any thoughts you have that you are vulnerable or undeserving or too old or too unaware or too poor, etc, etc. The Infinite Spirit reminds you “You are but an image of Me, innocently glad and good and forever completely reflecting the part of Me that I chose you to express.”

    The Loving, Living Presence of Truth Heals all, when called upon. Yes, an object or a word may help you to remember to call out to the All in all. Yes, another person may join you in the calling, and remind you to trust. But it is the Truth that does the work, and that makes all work.

    That Truth erases the mistaken thoughts, like a mathematical correction fixing a formula, and you can move on with the Good Formula of your life. You ARE a living formula of Good Ability and Result—just let it unfold, Beloved.

    Let it unfold with appreciation and praise and gratitude.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The salutation we use each day with you is very near the constant call of Divine Spirit Voice within each heart: “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here together…”, for, yes, yes, Divine Spirit intends to marry each and every one of you to Itself, so that all are healed in their thoughts and feelings, knowing they are a part of the Great Joining in God.

    Some will realize immediately that they have actually never been unmarried from the Divine. Others , trapped in the thought of linear time, will have to “evolve” upward in consciousness to realize they are in Oneness with the Source of Life, but all will be embraced.

    All are already embraced, married into, the complete and utter Love of God.

    “Take that to the bank”, as they say,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Really, everyone is a practitioner of the Science of Divine Loving Mind. They can be nothing else, for Loving Mind is That within Which they dwell, as very Good ideas of God.

    But some practice this only in moments of human desperation, crying out, when lost in the human hypnosis of false senses, “If you exist, God, then help me!” And even then, not having learned to pray aright, they do not listen and wholeheartedly obey.

    Be one that practices ALL the time, dear Child. We have heard your cry of wishing to dedicate yourself to this, so simply do it. Humbly ask what you need to know, humbly listen, and immediately obey. There is such freedom and grace in doing so that joy and painless being swiftly follow. Only Good comes of God, and only Good is real. Rebuke the false, and turn to Good, and be delighted to Love only God.

    Pray and obey, pray and obey. For yourself, and for others, pray and obey.

    “Grace us to see Thy Will is done, as we humbly forgive and obey.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sincerely counting your Blessings and being glad of them will always counteract tense moments or hours. Focusing on what is good and true and that you are grateful for brings the Force of Harmony up to you like calling a trusted guide dog to lead you in the dark. Count the blessings, appreciate the Order that you do see around you, and be certain that the Spirit and Principle of Harmony being with you IS one of those Blessings. Indeed, it is the One Blessing that is the Cause of all Blessings.

    Focus on the Good, and more of It will come to you. If it seems, to the earthly senses, to be an acute or emergency situation, focusing on the Force of Harmony will give you good ideas and bring discernment about actions to take or not take.

    Be in love with bringing Love forth in every situation, Beloved. Each one that does so is a Divine Helper of the Light. And We know you can be, and are. Focus, and do it more and more, to your own delight, as well as Ours.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What a wonder is the Unchangeable Love of God for you.

    Always there for you, It is ever reminding you of your true identity as child-image of Spirit, Spirit in substance, and ever-lasting, and approved of by Spirit God.

    The personalities around you may offer their temporary love or approval, or not, but all that really matters is that Unchanging Love of God, your Life Fuel. Think on that. Keep your mind on that. Let your heart be filled, and led, by that.

    Take time for that, and believe that Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you begin to get a glimmer of the Truth that you must, and will, and have, fully remember that you are an integral part of the Singular Loving Source, you will realize that you can go through and around in the maze of time as much as you like. And/or, you can align yourself without the body-costume, as you serve and learn in Spirit.

    But align you will, with the Thoughts of God, so that your thoughts ARE God’s Thoughts. It is already accomplished in the timelessness of God, where there is no time, or space, or matter.

    What does that mean for you in the dream of time and matter? It means, dear Love, that there is no hurry. You can learn as slowly or as quickly as you choose. What will it be?

    The sweet mystery is also Love,


  • Ah, Beloved One,

    Your True individual Beauty is made up of the Light and color and shapes and sounds of the Unseen Qualities of God. The Soul, Spirit, Wisdom, Love, Truth, Harmony and Life of the Whole Divine are the paints and hues and forms of you. Close your eyes and feel them.

    And as you identify with these Qualities of God as the true portrait of you, the visible appearance of your costume in the earthly will Glow in a way that reflects that. Cease thinking of the body as a piece of clay that must be fed and pummeled and cleansed, and think of it as only a shifting of light that covers over the Blaze of Divine Qualities that you are.

    We See you Lovely and Complete. See yourself thus also.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such joy in curiosity about the very small. Indulge it when you wish to or need to, but at its best let it lead you to the most fruitful curiosity of all, the understanding of the Mind of God. God, from one point of view, is a Wondrous Mind in which you dwell as Spirit, and understanding that Mind and how It thinks with Love, will help you understand your own mind, which at its Best is truly One with the Mind that is God.

    Understand that, and all the small things, good and bad, fall away, and you dwell in the Bliss of Love. Daily, remember you dwell in the Blessings of Love, and that the Mind of God, not some human idol, must be your role model, your idol, your love.

    The rest takes care of itself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have amused and calmed yourself, on the road, by asserting that One Mind governs all. You have demonstrated that if a vehicle is following too closely, and you lovingly re-mind yourself, and project to the other mind, that One Calm, Safe Mind governs all, that the vehicle will often back off without any gestures or horns from you.

    Today, silently delight yourself in this way with every event and encounter. “One Mind governs him. One Mind governs her. One Mind governs me. And It governs us all Harmoniously.” Delight in seeing the True Self of everyone in your day today.

    Be delighted, Love, to meet those around you who are revealed by the Governance of Love, and Goodness, and Truth.

    So be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not superstitious, that if you feel suffused with well-being, it is because of the food you ate, or the route you drove home, or the way the new shoes fit.

    The bodily comforts can be an earthly joy, but know that all True Joy comes from the Divine Flow of Life to you. Savor that, and everything else can be savored. Make time for that, and you can look into each moment of earthly time and find something to be joyous about.

    Here is the fountain of Joy, within your heart connection to the Source. Get to know Its constancy, and you will never doubt that you can turn to It in each and every conversation and situation. And then even a simple slant of light can feel like a joyous inspiration, and even watching an ant carry his load so diligently can be fascinating and reassuring for whatever load you carry.

    Look with Joy, live with Joy, and the experience of Joy itself becomes a most sublime joy. You do have that fuel always within you. Turn to It for refilling. Feel filled and fueled, and then let the earthly joys be enjoyed.

    God is your Well-Being.


  • Ah, Child,

    Before you make a phone call, before you send a letter or a message, let it be edited by your Highest Self.

    Let your Higher Self help you ascertain, “Who has asked for this to be sent, or written?” Your ego self? Or the Divine Spirit whom you have asked to guide your days? Does the letter sound like an ego-driven toddler has written it, in an effort to capture attention, or control others with his emotions? Or does the letter sound like the Divine Self wrote it, in a sincere effort to uplift, or help, or inspire, or console?

    Remember, remember, Beloved Child, the ego self, like a toddler holding his breath until mommy “gives in”, wants to stay in physical and emotional control of the body, of circumstance, and of the people around him,, rather than give way to the Peace and Wholeness and Harmony that One Spirit actually created you in, and of, and that You are meant to be.

    Edit every word, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Put not your focus on the sometimes human farce, but on the return of Love.

    Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. Do you say it, and act it, enough times each day?

    We thank you for being you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Very simply, today:

    “God’s Will for me is Joy.”

    “God’s Love for me is to know God.”

    You cannot fail in this, for God’s Will is done. Let not time fool you into thinking it is not. God’s Will is done NOW. Accept it now and feel the Joy. Open your heart and feel the Joy, “God Loves me. God Loves me purposefully, expansively, completely. God Loves me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be the one in every situation to stay cool and calm, and not be distracted by the panic or the drama. Be the one who is willing to keep foremost in your mind and heart the Oneness that holds all, steady and firm and well, and can sing each moment into Harmony.

    Be the one who hears the song of Oneness. Lead others with Its quiet, but powerful, notes and swells and beats. It is the One Power.

    Be one with Oneness, for you already are. When you keep that always in mind, you are knowing Truth, and that is the Truth that sets you free to live with Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The depth of, and the time for, the Complete Divine Consciousness that you allow to take over your human thought, becomes the means by which you are healed, your earthly life is healed, and all who are near to you, or who encounter you, or who think of you, are healed or helped, as well.

    Therefore, allow yourself to concentrate on that total immersion in the Consciousness of the Divine, with all of Its wonderful aspects, and be free, be free, be free. As you are freed to be happy, so will others around you be as well.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, change how you spend your time, giving what is precious to you to What is Within, and watch how the exterior appearance of your life changes as well. Like a pumpkin growing from a seed that seems to hold only a speck or two of flesh, you will grow into what you have always been, through the addition of time, and the Water of Spirit.

    All Things are indeed possible, Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to worry. There is only the need to realize that the Connection you are seeking already exists. You already Live within, and are like, that which you want and need to feel close to.

    It is not far away that Love exists. It surrounds you and is you, and offers Its Absoluteness to your consciousness right now. It is only a fantasy that you are far away and alone. Just let go of that imagining of being separate.

    Now, you are Loved, and made of Love.

    Ask It, “If You are right here, let me feel you Holding me.”

    Give It a chance to prove Itself, and that It wants you to remember who you are within It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to play with the ideas that Spirit sends into your thoughts, if the ideas are accompanied by a sense of curiosity or peace or joy.

    It may be an idea of something that you have never thought of doing, or making, or trying, but let your imagination be playful with it, and see if you feel the urge to go one step further, to do a little research about the idea.

    The Governing, Loving Spirit does Lead in wonderful ways, and It always starts with an idea.

    Gently, and Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s omnipotent Good is in your every moment right here, right now.

    Look within and See It and feel It and let It do Its work.

    Picture It filling every vessel around you, and make no assumptions that every vessel holds what it held yesterday.

    If you see a pitcher on a table and know that yesterday it held orange juice, which you do not like, do you assume it holds orange juice again today? Do you at least give it a chance, and look again today, when it could hold the apple juice you love?

    Picture the people around you filled with God’s Omnipresence, and give yourself a chance to see it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a stage in the search for communion with the Divine wherein the seeker looks for a hero or a guru or a saint to emulate. In this stage, it is often easy to become confused about identity. One must learn what can be learned of truth or method from the teacher, but then, rather than falling into imitation, one must leap to trying to understand one’s own unique relationship to the Divine, and to knowing one’s own role in the Divine Plan.

    If you are a teacher, and the student before you is confused about identity, shift your sharing from the teaching of technique and recognition of truth to the complete giving of Grace, remembering always, compassionately, the stages that you yourself have been through, and that, “there, but for the Grace of God, go I.”

    God’s Grace rains and flows endlessly. Use it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We who know the You that is as it ever was, whole and wonderful, the same part of the Everlasting Spirit that the Divine conceived of, still tenderly See that You.

    Sheer Love burns away your own perceptions of the temporal you, with its wisps of thought about frailty and lack or inability. We say to you yet again that you do not need to undergo mortal death to begin to See bits of “Heaven” right within the daily dream. Ask for Help in Seeing aright, and look, look, look for Good. Look, and you will See more and more of It.

    Humanity often characterizes itself as representing the “prodigal son” from the parable in the scriptures, wandering the wildness of the material carnival, but We tell you that you are already the “older Son”, the Son who stayed with the Parent all along, right within the Heaven of Your heart, in the Perfect state of Heaven in Mind. That perfect You, heir to all that the Father/Mother has, and in possession of it right now, is what you are as Spirit, as Energy, as Truth. Forgive the younger son, the dreaming son, as the Father bid in the parable, and celebrate his (your) return to Wholeness.

    Read this and let it sink into your deep Consciousness. Understanding each word or the mental logic of it is not what is needed so much as gently opening your belief in heart, and asking yourself the rhetorical question, “What if I am already really the Perfect Whole idea-Spirit of the Divine?—the Perfect Child of God?”

    “What if I am already filled with all the Goodness I need to shine with?”

    Then Praise be, praise be, praise be, dear Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe not the voice of the darkness that would have you doubt what you have seen work, again and again, in your own living Voice from God. Be pleased with the sweet comfort that the Presence gives, and let today be a true day of thanks for that constant and uplifting Comfort.

    Gratitude, Child. Gratitude, again and again and again. It does not need to be spoken. It does not need to be written. It is simply held, sincerely, in the heart, and God can read it there. And there It does Its work.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Comforter, Holy Spirit, that accompanies you on your earth journey, knows exactly how quickly you can handle change. Whether it is healing, or new directions and inspirations, or novel friends and loves, Spirit knows the timing that is Perfect for you.

    So, trust God, AND trust God’s timing, Beloved. Stay open to being Loved by God and Guided by God, and trust in the Divine timings that you are ready for.

    God does not want you in fear or shock, for those are not of God.

    God wants you to feel gently Guided and supported and Loved.

    In Perfect timing.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, Joy will surprise you. Allow It to do so, and be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The One Infinite Mind, with Its Soul, Spirit, Truth, Love and Harmony as Divine Law, is the Cause of Good, and salvation from temporal illusion.

    God is the Source and Substance of you and yearns to show you your Wholeness.

    Keep in mind God as the One Good Cause, for otherwise it is tempting to fall into superstitions, like thinking the delightful idea you just had for a poem happened because you just ate a piece of peach pie. A new recipe for concrete does not come to an engineer because he had coffee at a new spot. A deep communion with Holy Spirit did not happen because you sat on a purple pillow instead of a yellow one.

    Stay alert to the material mind trying to credit or blame the visible world. All is Spirit that is what you truly need and want. Think outward from your shared Thoughts with God, rather than attributing power to the fleeting. If a certain small ritual or space helps calm you and helps you feel able to hear God, feel free to indulge it, but know that God is always near, and Clearly available, also in the market or on the road, or when you think you are alone in a tempest.

    Look to God for Good. Look to God as the Source of Wonder, and let no superstition snag you.

    God is ready, willing, and able to Help. Just know that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing but the Divine Source and Its Pure Reflection.

    “I am a part of the pure reflection of God, and I let my consciousness slide back along that ray of Light that reflects, and I am become Light again, with no thought of body or body needs in my way.”

    We know and see the Real you, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    First, God calms you with gentleness and kindness and humor and forgiveness and love. Then, God heals and leads you to what God knows is Best for you.

    Do not forget the basic truth of that, and be ready to receive and then give back love and gratitude. God gives first. The gift of Love from the God-Source is already given. Putting God first means listening and receiving what is yours from God, and recognizing that doing so leads to true happiness, instead making the “stuff” of the earthly your god. Which do you want, right now, today? Which do you want right now, this moment? Declare it, name it, receive your full share of God’s calm and love and provision.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Love,

    Settle into the depth of My Love as you would settle into a hot bath on a cold day, or into a cool pool of water on a hot day.

    Yes, your earthly experiences can seem like hot and cold days, but I am ever with you, ready to be whatever antidote, whatever comfort, whatever solution or celebration you need.

    Feel Me with you, and surrender to the gratitude for the Wonder of it all.

    So tenderly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, just trust God. Ask to be enabled to See that all God’s actions and Love and Intentions shine naturally through you, just as Light shines through a clear, clean strong window. And you go forth to enjoy your day.

    Trust God. Just let Light and Love shine through you.

    We know you can.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, again, be the delighted and delightful guest of God.

    Look with the eyes of Spirit. Look with the eyes of Soul. Look around with amazement and joy, when you see the World behind the world, and know it to be, too, YOUR Home.

    When you relax into the Spiritual Sight that you own, as beloved spiritual child, as image, of the Great Spirit, you DO, right here, right now, see a “New Heaven and a New Earth” indeed. It is Calm Beauty beyond compare. It is Peace.

    It costs nothing but a moment of time to stop, be still, and Look. Why not?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The days of buying doves to kill, or people to sacrifice, to appease God, are gone.

    God is Good, and does not want you, or anyone, to suffer in the dreamland of the world. So, what does “sacrifice” mean now? It means to sacrifice time given to thoughts of the worldly. It means to give your focus, instead, to God. Give of the time you spend in the days of earth, to thinking upon God, and doing what you are led to do towards Good, right here and now.

    Give your time, Beloved. Give a few minutes, at least, each day, for yourself, and many, many minutes for others. Give to yourself and to them, Love. Give of God. Sacrifice of your time to thinking thoughts of God. Be the transmitter of Grace. All it takes is a little time, and we know you have that, and to spare. What do you waste time on that is more important than giving a few minutes a day to letting God Love you?

    As do We,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    This site is not ultimately about words, or giving hints about enlightenment.

    It is dictated by Love’s Voice, and wants you to focus for at least a few minutes each day on feeling the Presence of Living Love, and learning to discern It each and every day and all the time. Read the words that are written here, but FEEL the Love holding you.

    It is Unconditional, and there is nothing like It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Isn”t it delightful to know that there is a home you can go to, where there is nothing to fear, where nothing can harm or hurt you, and where you are absolutely sure you are loved?

    That Home is in the very heart of your Consciousness. Center yourself there, and be not afraid. Go there whenever you need to. Go there whenever you like. Grow familiar with the way and the rooms of it, and know It as your true, true Home.

    “I am centered in the Divine Love that Governs the very spirit that I am. I am complete, whole, safe and loved. I am restored to all I am meant to be, and that perfect self is reflected through the window of this, my Divine Home, to show up in the mirror of earth.”



  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    The Great Director has placed you in the perfect place, or is in the process of moving you to the perfect place, for the work that you need to do for the Divine Plan to awaken all to the heritage of their divinity. Trust that, and know that if it seems like you are trying to be an example to those that are just not ready and willing to hear of their true identities as children of One Mind, it is only because you cannot see the end result. If you are a sower of the seeds of Grace, and we assure you that you are, then you may be reaching one very important individual that will help to save all from extra generations of suffering.

    Whether you are reaching one, or reaching many, you must trust that the overall Plan IS in action, and you are a sweet and appreciated part of it.

    Seek not human approval. Just reach out to the Living Divine Voice within you in the evening, and ask IT, “How did I do today?” That is the only opinion that counts.

    It will laud you for all that was done, and if there is more to be done, It will give you gentle, appreciative directions, and move you, and all, forward.

    We are under Its direction to, to Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When praying for others, it is the blessed Oneness awareness of the one who is meditating for the healing that MUST keep in mind that all error is illusion. Do not pay any more attention to those false curtains of error than would a musician to the props of smoke and spotlights that later will surround the truth of his music. If he plays his music well, then no poorly trained lighting engineer can ruin the sweet notes of the song.

    Keep your eyes and attention on the Light, on the sweet truth of Spirit, and ignore the imaginary walls the children have built to try to hide it. The walls are only smoke, and can do nothing to harm the Light that is the city, that is the song, that is the stronghold indeed. Blow the word of truth at them and they disappear as easily as that liar that erected them with his fairy-tales of darkness.

    Think it through, learner,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever you wonder how to feel about something that is humanly occurring,

    pause, step back into your heart and ask yourself how God feels about it, especially towards the other people involved.

    How God feels about it is how the Real, High Consciousness “You” feels about it. Let that truth help you heal and reveal your good feelings, and help guide you about how to react and act. Remember that You are just the visible end of a strand of Light that shines from God.

    Absolutely with you,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    When all persons accept that the individual heart’s longing for the Love that is All Life is as legitimate a need as the body’s thirst for water, then seeking to fulfill that need will become more widely acceptable.

    And as each heart seeks, God Knows that permission has been given by that heart, to let human will be bypassed, and fears dissipated, and awakening and Spiritual Goodness to unfold.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    UTTER TRUST IN THE Governance of One Mind is often hampered by the doubt that God is All Good. Spend the day pondering, and believing in, God’s Goodness, and you will begin to understand that that Goodness expresses Itself as you, and as your life, as reflections of what you are as a thought in that Loving, Loving, Loving Mind.

    The reflecting pool that is the earth seeming will reflect that Goodness, if you become still, still, still, and let the reflection be true and smooth.

    The stillness is up to you.

    Always seeing the Good that surrounds you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Not only can you not control others with your own human wishes, you cannot even control your own human behavior without the Help of Inner Spirit. Do not try, and waste time feeling discouraged and despairing. Rather, turn right away to the Comforting Inner Presence, and ask for advice in what to do or say.

    Make it a regular part of your day to turn within and be filled with the Utter Love of Spirit. As you do this for yourself, you will better be able to live the calm and joyous truth and talents you want to live. You will better be able to live your Loving Peace, and be an example of that higher mode of living to those around you.

    As you feel filled with, and more sure and trusting of, the Divine Love that fills you, you can ask for the overflow, and the freely given Grace, to go to those around you and to guide them, too. It is the only way you can rightly and ethically influence others, to ask Divine Sense to guide them, and to ask that your eyes and sensibilities be opened enough to the ways of Divine Spirit, to see aright the glory and joy and beauty and wholeness of those around you.

    Choose Love, be Love, send Love. It is the way, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In every day, there are moments where your words or actions might easily be influenced by wanting to please the people around you, or have their human approval.

    In those moments, Beloved, just always make sure you pause and ask the Divine Voice within what God wants you to do. And if you feel that you cannot hear the guidance, ask yourself, “Is this the most Loving thing to say or do?”

    And feel confident that all the contemplating and pondering and prayer you have done will bring to mind and heart the right answer.

    Completely and always with you,

    We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, We know, the headlines scream, and the beauties of the world beckon.

    But do you want to let those have power over your Serenity?

    Ponder and partake of the Sweet, Ineffable, Unchanging Great Soul that WANTS to embrace you, and Who wants to empower you with a deep understanding of the nature of Pure Good. Until you work up to being able to being in constant conscious communing, with that Unconditional and Omnipotent Love, at least soak in It for a few minutes several times a day. Think of your Self as a completely permeable membrane that fully absorbs the Substance of God. Soak in It, absorb It, Be It.

    Then, Beloved, you have open access to the Will within you to do your part against the screaming and sorrowful, and to be a part of the Joy and Beauty.

    We cannot say this enough. Feed yourself with Pure Harmony, and then play your part in the world. And feed yourself again, in Spirit and Soul, and play your part with Serenity.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be aware of being Loved and fed with Calm Peace from within. Just be aware of it, and let it happen. Allow it, today.

    If you let yourself get lost in intellectual understanding of exactly how it works, or what name for the Source is the “best” name, or whether you need certain rituals to help make It take care of you, then you are apt to put yourself in a more agitated state of mind. The Loving Source simply gives and gives and gives to you. Let yourself receive.

    Eventually, it will help lead you to a framework or an organization or a group that can also give you the worldly friendships or shared worship and human support that you might desire, but first, and foremost, let yourself Be Loved by Love Divine.

    As We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you do not feel able to shake off right away some thoughts of self pity, or drowsiness with earthly life, or body demands or discomfort, then call for brighter Light.

    Just as a tiny candle will change the perceived nature of a dark room right away, yet will not provide enough light to read a book, or do a detailed task, so is it with healing limiting thoughts and circumstances.

    Call for a Brighter Light. And keep calling. Call for Light, and demand of your own spirit that it not be content until it is so aligned with that Bright, Bright Source Light, that all is well, all is Bright, all is like unto the nature of One Mind of Love.

    Yes, you are meant to be an expression of God Qualities. But you fool yourself if you think those can be projected by anything except the force of Love Light. If you think of your purpose, shared with God and infused with God, as being the ever-expansion of Love Unlimited, then all the rest of Good will become apparent as well. Then your individualized talents can shine, and so can those of all others. Then the Light in the previously dark room of thought will be so very Bright that you can know your own innocence and holy gifts, and you can see through the haze of errors and sins to also see the Good worth of all others, beneath the costumes they have worn and the parts they have played in the dim illusions.

    Centered in the Bright Light of God=Sight, you will see all you are meant to yet do, step by step and day by day. It is to Love. To Love, and Love more, and yet more. Love as God Loves, no longer seeking aught else.

    We see you awakening. Look not back to dreams. Awaken.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do, do, do believe that it is not a certain set of specific words, or a formula, or the way you sit or stand or the time of day or the hat you wear or the ornament you pin to your clothing or the name of the building you are in, or any other of a thousand things that matter when you pray—it is just to open your heart to hearing God’s Love speak to you.

    We understand that some of the rituals you have adopted or evolved will calm or comfort you enough to discipline and still your human thoughts so that you can truly listen to the Voice of Soul, but do not worship the ritual itself. Be still and grateful, and Love God, and Love’s Voice will gladly reach out from within your own heart-soul, and guide you and smooth away the bumps that hide your perfection of thought and form.

    Reach in, be still, and listen. God is speaking to you and Loving you. Just listen and feel it True.

    Feel Me behind and within these words. I Am here.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as solutions in the home and town often come from communication about who needs what and how and when, trust that communicating with God, Who See all as Spirit, can send you not only the right ideas for Harmoniously running your life, but also the right people and provisions to enact them. There is no thing too small for God to Help you with, there is no thing too large.

    There is, though, the Oversight of God, that wants all to remember the Oneness of Being. Let God swirl into your life experience and thoughts the people, places, and ideas you need, but also be willing, very willing, to be the help or the resource that someone else needs. Pay attention to when the Spirit of Heart beckons you forward to speak or to act or to give.

    What Blesses one, Blesses all, and all Blessings come from One Source, God. Give thanks where thanks are due, to God, as well as to the individuals through which the Blessings have flowed.

    Today, thank God in advance for the Blessings you have not even seen yet. And open your arms and heart and mind and time to really feeling that Infinite Love that made you and supports you always, Child of Good Spirit. That feeling opens the way for you to receive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not think about what you are not.

    Think about what you are. Think about what all are.

    You are the truth that is Good. You are the image and wondrous idea of God.

    And if you think about this truth for others as well as yourself, It empowers your thoughts. For as you Love, so are you Loved. If you want to be Loved more, then Love more.

    Can you do this? Yes, you can, because you are a part of Love Itself. And so are all.

    Claim that Truth, Beloved. “I know what we really all are. We are Love.”

    Remember the scribed words: “I know the thoughts I think towards you, thoughts of good and not of evil.” God said that and means it. You are His/Her idea and you are a Good Idea. And more Good thoughts are being thought to you and around you all the time.

    For so do We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Serve God in secret and completely, and God will reward you openly.

    Rather than fretting about exactly what you need, or what those around you, that depend on you, need, leave it to God. Rather than trying to sort out which wants and desires are good and true, and which are the frivolous lures of the human mind, leave it to God.

    Simply agree to be a willing reflection of God. Be a transparency for God to shine through. Practice knowing the tenor and loving feel of the Presence, and then let It lead you in speech, in silence, in action, in example, and in every single choice you make.

    What we are speaking of is not a prison of rigid rules. It is freedom. It is True Freedom. It is the Freedom of Complete Love.

    Serve God today. Humbly lean into God Guidance, and see the rewards of Love and Joy come. Let constant service as an expression of God be your secret, and see all good provision come.

    It is the Way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether someone approaches you with meek request for teaching or wisdom, or whether they seem to approach you with reproach and a desire for intellectual or physical sparring, they both want and need the same thing: Agape Love.

    Give It. Answer with Love. Even if you must fiercely bite your human tongue to keep from answering with anger or tears, give Agape Love with your Heart/Mind, and know that it is the only proper and healing thing to do.

    Do we not do that for you, over and over?


  • Ah, Child,

    You can think of many situations in your life when you felt that you could not think of a good enough idea about how to solve something, or how to create something, or how to choose, and you went to someone more experienced and said, “Do you have any ideas about this?” “What would you do?”

    Let that also be your approach to One Spirit, your approach to the Voice of the Divine, Beloved. Sit and wait quietly, just as you would when waiting for the “expert” to come up with an idea for you to enact, and wait for the idea, God’s idea, to be voiced in your heart. Then enact it. It really is as simple as that. Let God’s ideas be your ideas, let God’s thoughts be your thoughts, just as you yourself, in True Form, are an idea in the Thought that is God.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The cloak of visibility (body) that you seem to be wearing is not the Real You.

    Suffer it to be so that you wear it as long as it is useful for communicating with others, but do not think it must suffer or decay or parade on its own. It is but a cloak for the visible human spectrum. The endless realm of the Unseen , ageless and perfect, is your True playground and home.

    Let your thoughts and motives emanate from that True home, and let the cloak just gently float about them, while you yet move through the human dream. Rest continually in the Glad realm of the Unseen, for from there, like a spotlight in the center of a room, you are projecting the love that animates the cloak of visibility, and directing its gestures and words.

    Be the Real actor, made of Light and Love, wearing the cloak, and never forget Who rules. The cloak does not rule. You do. The Divine You, eternally and utterly and completely linked in with God.

    ANGELS, loving the happy play

  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Humility is the essence of the willingness to better know the One Mind that made the essence of you. Without emptying yourself of the spiritual assumptions you have made in the past, and without setting aside the imprisoning lies of the mortal senses, there is no way for you to truly know God/Goddess Whose Thought you up, Whose Thought Child you are.

    Set aside the thought that you are a body, with the body’s wants and needs. Just be an open emptiness of heart, and willingness to listen, and experience, and be still and begin to learn more and more of That Of Which You Are Made.

    We tell you true, Beloved, that these days are pivotal. Become very grounded in knowing that you are made Of Love Supreme, and you will be able to draw on that when all things around you are swirling into new positions for the remaining tasks of your earthly existence,

    Remain in Love. Stay tuned to needing to forgive, and to overlook, with Utter Kindness, the unreal. Be at Peace, and let no thing of mortal dream waylay you from your appointed tasks, as whispered to you by the Divine soft Voice you know so well.

    Appreciatively, and in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Praying for yourself first is not selfish, it is realistic.

    If you cannot align yourself and fill with Grace, it will be harder to listen carefully enough to correctly open for Spirit to heal others through you during all the day.

    Yes, if you are having trouble lining up with Spirit in the morning, do use the technique of praying for another, or for a world situation, so as to open up the Flow, but then also remember to fill, fill, fill your own mind, so that there is no room for doubts or sorrows to creep in. Let there be nothing in your mind untouched by Truth.

    Then, Beloved, let God do Its work, with blessing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To realize your self as a simple and innocent and perfect part of the Whole is also to be able to realize others as the same. As you are healed of the thought of what you are, into the Thought that God has of what you are, you are also able to re-think “others”, to Think of them as God thinks of them, and therefore to heal them, or, to be clearer, to see them Healed as you let God’s Thoughts flow through you.

    O’ ponder this today, Beloved, and be freed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    At the end of the day, do not count up sad human dramas. Rather, count up how many individuals of Soul you may have helped awaken.

    As we have often said, you do no always know whom you have helped, in whatever small way, but there are many interactions that you can count as moments that have helped you and the other uplift your thoughts to God.

    Count them each night and look forward to more each morning, by the Grace of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Reviewing in your mind, calmly, and with the certainty that you have already been forgiven, just how often you have been forgiven, will help you forgive others more easily.

    Remember, as you do so, that this is not an exercise in feeling guilty about your errors, it is about trusting that God is right when He/She declared you Good. God absolutely knows that by dreaming that you were separate from the Whole, and off somewhere else wearing a body and doing painful things and pleasurable things and making mistakes, that you did nothing of lasting substance, for only God creates what lasts forever and is all Good. The essence of you, the idea of you IS all Good, and is a sweet idea that never left the Energy Force /Love that is God.

    Only in the dream of the body were the mistakes and mis-creations made, by your own mind(s). That is why God sent a forgiving Force, a Saving Spirit, into the dream; to help you feel forgiven, so you could clearly remember again who you really are.

    But, while you are still in the dream and must forgive yourself and others, remembering the Grace with which you have been forgiven, and how often you have been forgiven, WILL help you forgive and love others, until you can clearly Love them as you Love yourself, and as you gratefully Love God.

    We hope this helps today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The trouble with scripting your day with what you think you want in the “physical” realm is that you cannot see the Whole picture. True Happiness comes only when all are Happy, for All is One. Your intertwined relationship with all others and all life is more complex than the mortal mind can imagine. That is why the surrender to the One Mind must be so complete.

    “Today, Dear One, I surrender to you the day. All my errors, all my triumphs, all my moments of giving and receiving, I give over. Let me see the alternate dream that is the verandah of Your Truth. Take me gently then into the Inner Realm of Heaven, with all earthly mists clear at last.”

    Can you ask for the Peace of God and mean it?

    Our Love supports you. We are assigned to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In Spiritual existence, which is the immortal reality of you, there is no such thing as “a table for one.”

    If worldly circumstances of the moment, or changes that have occurred, make it seem as though you are eating alone, or walking alone, or living or working alone, remember that Divine Spirit is constantly with you. Let your “alone” times be times when you commune with the Spirit of God, talk and listen to the Soul of all, and have quiet loving gazes into the eyes of the Living Life-Maker that is your constant Companion.

    No loneliness exists when you remember God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to try to figure out details, to listen to Divine Voice for details, until you are Directed to do so.

    Let all your energy and focus be on trusting and pondering the marvelous Truth of That Which Delights in you, and in which you draw the power of by delighting in It.

    The details will come. Relax into the Plan. Relax into Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is truth in aloneness in that each individual must make the choice of timing in when to turn to Divine Instructions and accept them and live by them. But no one is out of the range of hearing those Instructions, and choosing to obey them.

    What can you do for another who seems not to hear the Voice, or even care to try to hear the Voice, or hears but deliberately disobeys?

    You can Love. You can be an example. You can make absolutely sure that the sulky behavior of another never tempts you to lower your standards. You can choose, each day, and each moment, to Love, and to obey the Love that Guides you, and to honor the Love that waits in each heart to Guide them all.

    You can do this. Obeying God leads to satisfaction.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are calling out to God from your humanness, and you hear a brief phrase from an old song,”Be Mine tonight”, believe it.

    Let God’s Spirit speak to you in whatever way It will, knowing that Its constant desire is to comfort and guide and love you.

    LET Spirit be your Inner Lover, always there, always caring, never out of range or attention in any way. The very fact that Spirit can be All, everywhere, to everyone, is the very first and most important miracle. And you are one of Its recipients. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can be part of one of the Grandest Love affairs ever, without regret or jealousy or interruption. Take Its Hand and Heart and be Held and be Loved, right now.

    We do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Free will cannot be bought. Free will cannot be ignored or argued away.

    If Inner Spirit has gifted you with the knowledge or vision of another’s potential, do your best to offer the Divine Love that wells up in you in recognition of the full Well of God-waters in that other one. Do your best to be available for the free-will invitation or asking of the other, for help in opening the cover of that Divine Well.

    But if the other does not choose God, Beloved, that free will choice must be respected. If the other chooses to cling to the false bright-seeming charms of the world, and will not relinquish the control of the ego, then that choice must be respected. It is still your free will choice to call to the Divine in that other person’s behalf, lending your share of Grace to be ready to be welcomed into the other heart when the other heart is ready, but let the One Spirit be in charge. Let the One Spirit stand guard at the closed heart that has so wrapped itself in pain and the worldly ways. Divine Spirit will wait there, ever ready, and It will know when It has been sincerely invited in, ever offering Itself until that time comes.

    In the meanwhile, pray and give energy of hope and expectation, but do not let your own spirit and mission be waylaid by the choices of others to wait and wait and wait to See. Be thou that which thou art, giving Love and Seed to fertile ground, wherever you encounter it. Remember, the Divine lets each child play in the imagination of earth-consciousness as long as that child likes, and then welcomes the child Blissfully when that one chooses God-consciousness. Remember, if any child chooses to live his or her self-made world role instead of choosing the Presence of God and the role God needs played to enact the Play of Awakening, God has plenty of stand-ins available.

    When someone near you says “no” to God, (which really means “not yet”, for the end is already Seen), trust that God will find another to play any crucial role, in every branching of time. God” Plan cannot be sabotaged by any child’s imaginings, and time does lead back to God.

    Every branch is connected to the same Source,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When one whom you love is heartbroken, do not underestimate the power of your prayers, for comfort to come to him. Even if that person does not yet believe that all beings exist within One Mind that holds them, One Heart that Loves them, you can use your awakened consciousness to help send ease and peace to the unawakened one.

    So, give human sympathy and understanding and offer what physical comforts you can, but, above all, pray. Speak to the One Mind, to the One Spirit, and ask that greater Comfort than any other human can give be given unto the broken-hearted one.

    And then, Peace be with you. Do your work, and let your own heart rest in the trust of the Divine. Let your Peace be an example to the young one. Let your Peace become part of the strength upon which he can lean, even as the Principle of Harmony works from within to enfold him.

    All Grace is yours to give away, for it comes again to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy in the Sight of Heaven within, looking out from inside every hazy mortal concept that walks the earth, any time any individual makes progress towards realizing “I Am Spirit”.

    “I Am Spirit”. Claim it today, Beloved. Claim it today.

    You are fully Spirit already, dear Child of God. Cease the mental battle of whether you are Spirit or body, or Spirit and body, and just relax into being pure and innocent Spirit right now, in the perception of Truth, in the Sight of Immortal Mind.

    Be aware of Being Spirit, and see what your heightened awareness Sees today.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The seed of Truth is planted in you already. It is the seed of your best destiny, and of your best way of experiencing peace and joy, and of helping those around you do the same. It is the Voice that will direct you, and nourish you, in your growing, like water helps the tiny black speck become the bush that becomes the rose.

    Each person that falls into the earth dream is a seed planted. Whether you let your seed sprout after three days, or after three weeks or three decades is up to you. Turn on the spout of that inner water of Life, that inner Voice that will guide your growth, and sprout and thrive you will. Let your consciousness be one of thriving, of being “well-refreshed” and “well-watered”, and stand aside and watch your own sense of truth and gladness and appreciation grow.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a fine and delicate line to walk between humility and strong faith.

    When you have demonstrated for yourself that the power of the Divine is the only power, and that the wisps of human error fade away in the Presence of that Truth, you will feel the surety of complete faith in that Power. To those around you, however, such assuredness may seem to be either arrogance, or insanity, even if you say, “To God be all the Glory for everything good that happens.”

    And so, you must remember to display humility and gentleness, even while firmly holding to your focus on, and belief in, the Divine as the only Power. Those that have not yet begun their understanding of the Enduring Life that animates the human form which they think of as “the self”, can only respond when they are ready. Rest assured that the same Divine Spirit that has served you so well knows exactly when and how to help awaken any individual, and can use you to assist in that, if you remain humble but sure in your listening.

    Never deny God, Beloved, but remain silent and kind when the ears before you are not ready to hear. Let Spirit within decide, and act from grateful obedience.

    Ready when you are, and when any are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This we tell you, darling, that whatever you do with Love guiding you, and that breaks no moral code, is helping you towards open salvation, and quenching your thirsty soul. The needs that pop up and try to distract you from understanding God, by focusing only on the body, are needs to be brushed aside, or taken care of quickly, so that you may re-focus on the deeds of goodness and on that sweet perception of the Presence, all around you, of God.

    That Presence may take the form of a palpable Love, or of the Voice of Instruction, or of a change in circumstance or strength, or of the Calm or Sublime Joy that you KNOW is not from any physical action or word spoken, or person seen. Riding on the Wave of Divine Presence, you will land further up the shore of your True Purpose, than your bodily dashing could have gone.

    Time is thus bent by the Divine, and progress to Understanding for all. Those temporal pleasures that create distraction and happiness for a moment can still be enjoyed, here and there, but do not let them keep you from leap-frogging forward in your complete escape from the rules of space and time. Your Consciousness always was, and is, and always will be, for “I and My God are as One”, and O”, that One is Lovely indeed.

    Read these words not with the mind of logic, but to quicken the Spirit Within, and surf the Wave of Love.

    And here we are, riding right here with you, dear one.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, in fact many times, what will make you happy is not clear to you.

    Then is when utter trust in the Infinite variety of God’s Perfection is so very useful to turn to. Knowing that there is always a solution, if you will just be open to it, in good will and heart, can free you from the mental barriers that may be keeping you from seeing it.

    “God’s Will for me is happiness, not just human necessities, although those are part of it for now, but Divine Happiness.”

    “God’s Will for me is Divine Happiness.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If God wants you to do something, God creates a way for it to happen, for all ideas in God come complete with all they need. God’s strength is your strength, for you are an image in Spirit-mirror. Remember that.

    Allow God to create all you need for Good, in glad obedience.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is the Darling and Wonderful Universe that God created, and that IS the God in which you live, made of Soul and Spirit and Love and One Mind.

    Then, even whilst you dwell within it, there is your dreamy perception of it. Your task is to perceive It more and more clearly, so that you truly come to believe and see and experience that It is a lovely Creation and meant to be enjoyed and Loved.

    And, yes, it is a shared dream on the perceived level. Just as you are seeing a little unclear bubble of your own reality within the Great Reality of Good Truth, so are others. To interact lovingly with them, it is important to try to know and see them as the Universe knows them to be. And it is crucial to see yourself this way as well. As more and more shared perceptions veer towards the utterly Loving, more and more of the delightful and Lovable and Loving Universe will appear.

    It has been present all along, beneath the illusion or sorrow and sickness and sin. Look for the Goodness today, Beloved. Look for the Lovable today, on a deep, deep level of Spirit.

    Start with those closest to you. We guarantee you that if you See them as their Loving Creator Sees them, you will find unlimited Goodness to appreciate.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Quietly and calmly, ask God Spirit what you need to ponder and know for the day.

    Then be still and listen, patiently and with trust.

    Although ALL have the task of shining with the Light of God to awaken the world, each individual child of God has tasks within that task, or simple attitudes with which to live each day. Whether the message that you hear especially for yourself today is a Divinely Gentle assurance, “I Am watching over you”, or whether it is an instruction for something that will occur in the day, like “Have compassion and forgiveness for the lies and dissembling of others”, trust that God’s Spirit knows exactly what you need to hear. Listen to God’s Love, and stay centered in the path of Holiness, that is a perfect connection to God and the Source of all your Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that if you sit still and quiet, and ask God, “What are you thinking about me?”, you will hear “I am thinking I Love You.”

    Yes, yes, there is much more to be discussed with God about which strengths and gifts you are meant to live out, but that Love is the most important thing, and the only CRUCIAL relationship you have.

    Please Love God in return, and be free, then to Love others with the Love that looks beyond the flesh.

    As We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The most important thing in your spiritual growth is to spend time and love with the Divine. The minutes you spend, upon awakening, and before sleep, and here and there throughout the day, simply letting yourself love the Divine, and allowing yourself to be loved by the Divine, are crucial.

    The human mind, the ego-self, will try to convince you that you must find one more set of rules or rituals, or one more book or one more guru or teacher or trick, but all that you really need is to commit your heart to the Divine Presence and Voice, and learn to love, listen, obey and be grateful. If you take with you into that sacred time the scriptures of your spiritual system, they can help you focus and align with the Joy and Peace of God, but even within sacred writings, it is important to let Divine Guidance whisper into your own Soul-heart and help you see what words are for you, right Now.

    Spend time with God. Tell God that you Love and that you are open to being Loved. From that intimate relationship comes all else. There is no other way to find peace, or to help re-write the script that is experienced on earth.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not confused by the two part plan. There are two parts to the Plan, but there is only One Reality. The Reality of God Creation, that is Spirit and Soul and Harmonious Intelligence and Life and Love, is the True Home of all individualizations of Spirit—the Children of God. In the sleeping state of some of those Spirit individuals, that you call human existence and human experience, there SEEMS to be a separate and other “physical reality”, which causes so many needs and woes and pleasures and pains of physical body.

    The eventual Plan, that has already been enacted and accomplished, is for all the sleeping Spirits to awaken and realize that they were always safely and happily in the Wholeness of the Creative Parent Spirit. The final part of the Plan lets all see that all physicality was but a dream.

    BUT, while they are yet dreaming, in this instant of time-perception that was over long ago,the humans going through different parts of it like lanes in a maze, the Loving Spirit Parent does not want to see them suffer. The Parent knows they are innocent and made of Love and do not need to, or deserve to, suffer. Therefore, the Divine Voice within, the Divine Guide and Friend, was placed within them to help them have a Happy Dream, before ascension is attained for all and the long, long, long “instant of time” can be ended in human perception.

    What this means for you is this: Yes, ascension into God-awareness and awakening fully to the realization that you have never been out of the Spiritual Realm that is God’s Mind, is the end goal for everyone. But, because you are in a dream of your own human thoughts, and the melded thoughts of many, you must recognize that, just as you deserve Happiness because of your God-created Innocence, so does everyone else in your dream. They are wearing costumes and attitudes and behaviors that you have made up with your own thoughts, and mass-shared thoughts. Be WILLING to let those thoughts go, as advised by the Divine Inner Guide, and you can begin to see the re-deeming (re-thinking) of yourself and of others. As you let God’s Thoughts control your thoughts, then the outer life of human perception and physicality begins to change for the better. Hence the old saying “seek ye first the Kingdom of God , and all these other things (aka human happiness, and existence in calm and peace) will be added to you”.

    As you try to make others around you (which are your own projected thoughts) happier, by thinking of them as innocent children of God, well deserving of goodness and happiness, those thoughts will bounce back on you, and your own happiness will increase. The other IS self, and both are Divine in their true nature. What you give you receive. The Golden rule lived is that Golden Thoughts lead to a Golden Life.

    So, ascension into complete Spirit is the ultimate goal, but the temporary goal is human dream happiness, as guided by Interior Realization, and recognizing that all ascend together—all is One. Thus, the more you see the essential innocence and sacredness of your brothers and sisters, the further ahead you yourself are in ultimate ascension. Be at Peace, and be not afraid,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not in competition with anything. God simply IS. God is All.

    Perhaps you would allow yourself to also not be in competition with anything, and simply relax in to being part of the Consciousness of God? We have explained before that anything that is part of the temporal dream that is not Good is not a part of God, and yet you do get drawn into battling with illusions. Battle not, give them reality not, and take your instructions from the Truth of God. Simply Be Spirit of Spirit.

    The Truth can do Its work even when your human mind does not comprehend. The Truth of God is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grateful and thankful that you know that the Divine has no desire for you to suffer for any errors you have made, allow yourself to see that if you are forgiven, if you are given a “free pass” for the illusion errors, then you must gladly let others be given the same.

    Be so full of gratitude that there is not an inch or a moment of time/space experience that can hold any bit of judgment or sense of competition. Be just Glad. Be only Glad.

    Be that clear Gladness today, expecting Good to come your way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The One Loving Consciousness does See and Know what is needed to heal every human mis-perception and inharmony. Pray for other hearts to let It work through them, to heal what needs to be healed, and to reveal what best Blesses all.

    And for your part, pray to let smoothly work, through you, the Qualities of the Divine that can express themselves, through you, to help demonstrate Goodness that benefits all. You know well that the gifts of Spiritual Qualities vary in their distribution, and type. If you are gifted as a nurturer, then pray to let that express Itself through you in a most excellent way. If you are gifted as a teacher, or healer, or peacemaker, then pray to let those things be expressed. You know some of the talents you have been given by The Loving Source of all. Let yourself be used to show them.

    And, Beloved, be very aware that all of the Goodness of God can move as It Wills. If you suddenly find yourself called upon to play the role of healer, or giver, or something else you have never been before, do your best to willingly let it through. God is not limited in how and when and where It can use someone to add to or resolve a situation. Be willing to let Goodness in whatever form flow through you, and be very Glad of the Gladness it brings you as it uses the vehicle that is you.

    Loving to see resolutions,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continue. And remember, Joy is not the icing on the cake; Joy IS the cake.

    Without Joy, the Light cannot shine through you. Without Joy, the Mission is not done.

    Put your relationship with the Mighty Source first, and Joy will fill you. Indeed, Joy will fill your other relationships as well. Put them not first. Put your relationship with the Mighty Source first, always and now.

    And enjoy the Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No change, in yourself or in those of family, friend, or stranger whom you try to teach or help, is permanent unless it is instigated and backed up by, the power of the Divine Source. Only by turning to that Divine Cause for guidance in knowing your own true self, and in seeing the eternal truth of others, will you see Creation’s Reality.

    The worldly aspects of virtue and vice will shift and change, with different areas of your life seeming like the “good” or the “bad”. Only that which you see revealed with your spiritual Sight, and with the help of the Divine Love that sustains you, is truly real.

    Go again and again to the truths of the positive Force that is your Source, and use only those to clear your sight, and to help yourself, and others who ask for your help, to change, and shed the human drama for divine serenity. Following endless human laws or lists of religious dogmatic laws will not permanently help a soul find peace. Only turning to the Gracious Cause will do that.

    Only looking to the Original will help you see what you really are, and be that.

    You are Love. When in doubt or turmoil, forgive and Love. Pay no attention to the shifting roles and costumes. Just forgive and Love the Essence that is one and the same in all.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not hard. Just turn to Me, and I will do the work of transforming your perceptions and uplifting you and changing your experience of Life to the Good.

    Just turn to Me. I will do the work. Indeed, I already have done it. I have overcome the illusions of the world. You just need to allow Me to pour the Truth into your heart, dear one. Turn to Me. Every day, turn to Me.

    So Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Expect the joyous Unexpected every day.

    Trust that there are solutions and prospects that your human imagination has not been able to conceive of, much less pray for. Leave a part of your mind, and a part of your willingness, and all of your attention, open to each moment of now, so that you will notice when the Divine chooses to move and shimmer into visibility through the haze of your human days.

    Always, it is for your Good, if you will notice, listen, and obey.

    All love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is only the Divine Mind and Its pure reflection, often called the Christ Mind. Your consciousness is a part of that delightful offspring, that Christ, that incredible reflection of Divine Thought. Innocent and pure, lovable and loving, you are good. You are Spirit, not the mortal dream of bodies. The Body of Christ is everlasting and unchanging.

    Today, turn to the Parent Mind of which you are part, and seek Its wisdom and affection. There is really no other source for them. And when you have filled yourself with that Loving wisdom and gracious glad tenderness and appreciation, then you can share them with others. Then you can Love God as God Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Treasure yourself. Treasure. Treat-as-sure-ly as if you will need to face your own image with Love in every ensuing moment of your life.

    Treasure those around you. Treat them as surely as you would treat the self whom you will need to face, in the mirror, every single remaining day of your earthly life, for they, and all you have done and are doing, will always be in your consciousness with you. Learning to live ion the Joy of the moment is very related to living each moment as one that will not poison the following moments with sorrow or cringing memories. Trying to live so that there is little to forgive in yourself, and then forgiving quickly, others and yourself, is the easier, and Best, path to treasuring others and yourself.

    Ah, if you knew how greatly we treasure you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The camera that shines forth an image either lovely or unlovely is not at fault for what is projected. It is simply a mechanism.

    Tenderly and lovingly keep control of your thoughts, so that what is projected outward is good and true. Think on, and yearn for, the Good and True, and that is what will be visible to the camera of your eye.

    Playfully prove this to yourself. Experiment. The Law of Harmony has created a world of wonder for you to see if you choose to. Try it. Think on the Good and the True.

    The Truth is Love, and It Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always room for more compassion. You might even think of it as the Force that keeps expanding the universe.

    Expand your universe today. Try flowing your own compassion, which flows from the One Compassionate Source, to people of other cultures and other professions and other lifestyles. It is easy to be compassionate with those that are familiar to you and were raised with the same rules as you, but as your heart grows in Spiritual understanding, it must learn to embrace all outer costumes and patterns, so as to embrace the One Love within all.

    This will be very useful today. God will give you all the Compassion you need. Trust that.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The entry into the maturity of Love, of agape, must be taught to some. Some will achieve it over time, self-teaching through experience and reading and media, but some young and old ones need to hear it directly. It is a long, long road from the youngster who believes that love means being willing to invite someone to your birthday party, and the teenager who thinks remembering your friends” birthdays is the epitome of loyalty and love, to the individual who realizes enabling the other person to be his or her true self is the Divine call of all.

    Therefore, teach it, Beloved. Tell it, teach it, be willing to look the fool, for the enabling of the Divine Truth within more and more hearts is the only real thing to do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy that formed you is always flowing. And you will always come to feeling It again, as moments of complete Aliveness become your entire state of mind.

    But if feeling that Joy seems blocked by the tasks and illusions of the earthly drama, then focus on allowing Peace. Allow, allow, allow Peace to calmly fill your heart. Remember that the Spirit Who formed you and in Whom you dwell always hears you, and allow It to fill your thoughts with Its Thoughts of Peace as you remain still and quiet.

    Peace, bid to come like a Helper for spring cleaning, will help clear the space and way for Joy to dwell, until a quiet state of Joy becomes your moments and your days.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry.

    Realize fully the truth of that. Since your Consciousness lives forever and can experience what it likes in complete Spirit, or upon the stage of time and space, then the pressure of time is off. There is no hurry.

    You are already complete and loved within the Whole of Spirit. If you choose to create and be, within some aspects of time, you may, but there is no hurry. Stand apart from time for a moment, and appreciate this. You, as essence, and reflection of Love, live forever. You may choose to step into time, to help, or to grow, or to practice, but there is no hurry.

    You are already Loved and Good and wonderful. There is no hurry.

    Relax into Love, Beloved,