All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even to those sleeping in the dream, the Principle of God is ever present and ever available—exuding provision and sustenance and care everlasting.

    We saw you, of course, as you drove in your cold vehicle down the cold road, wishing you had a hot cup of tea to revive you and warm you, but your human self could see that there was no worldly source of that readily available. And We whispered in your mind that God’s provision is always available, and that just as you reach for the Presence of Spirit when you feel pain instead of reaching for an aspirin, so could you reach to that Source for the energy and the strength and warmth you needed. And so you did, and were flooded with a sweet sense of vigor and comfortableness.

    This is as true today as it was yesterday, Beloved, and it will always be true. And it will be true for everything. For each and every human need that you feel and see, turn to God. God’s Principle of providing for the needs of the sleeping Children does not change. Just turn to that Principle and ask and ask and ask and say thank you thank you thank you, for each demonstration of Care. It has already been done, it is already promised.

    Just trust It, and relax into knowing you are in Good Care accomplished.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Amour yourself in God-Love.

    There is nothing in the realm of God that can harm you or be out of alignment with you in any way. Go inward to God’s Kingdom and rest and soak in that Love, until you are armored in it, like a gold statue is armored in purified gold.

    Take your eyes off the earth play, and go in to the fortress of God and armor yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To actually ASK the All-Knowing Inner Voice for Ideas and Directions, and then follow them, is the height of Wisdom.

    How much time do you spend feeling lost or confused, but refuse to STOP and ask the All Knowing for advice? Like a driver, too full of pride to stop and ask for a map or for directions, do you angrily try dead end streets and waste time and energy going the wrong way?

    Let pride go, Beloved. ASK and listen to the answer, and obey gladly. Each small step can be laid out for you, if you but find in your heart the willingness to be led. The Divine will always lead you to something that is Good, for that is all that it Knows, and Is, and Wanted, and Created.

    Errors (sins) have not changed in humankind. Look at the list and clear yours away, and be free to share the Gladness of the Divine Realm,

    All Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when you are not taking great Joy in yourself, or in another, or all others, God is taking Joy in you. God knows the Great Spirit of you, and is taking Joy in contemplating It and Holding It.

    Start with yourself. “God is taking great Joy in me.”

    Do something nice for yourself, and do something nice for another, and keep your feelings focused on “God is taking great Joy in me.”

    New projects are ahead, and now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no shame in a change of Spiritual outlook or technique.

    Just as a child moves from a tricycle to a bicycle, or an athlete switches from one sport to another as they discover their particular skills, you WILL find your way Spiritward to a complete communion and understand of God.

    In God’s Mind you are already One, and God is patiently waiting for you to know it.

    Just choose progress in Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is possible to pray while doing other things, and in fact, learning to softly repeat favorite inspirations or scriptures or songs of praise while doing mundane chores can make task-time a smoothly sacred time. And that helps create a Constant Consciousness of the Oneness of God you dwell within.

    But, Beloved, to truly hear what God wishes to say to you for this particular day or a certain situation, it is usually best to be completely quiet and still. Set aside the chewing or drinking, turn off the music or chanting, set aside the bodily senses, and just be very quiet and still and listen to God speaking to you.

    God is always speaking in some way or another, and as you ask to be enabled to hear clearly, and practice humbly and trustingly listening, you will hear, you will hear, you will hear.

    God is eager to share Wisdom and Love, to shine them into the human illusion and shine away the darkness. Be still, listen, and give the Light full opportunity to enlighten you, and thus to illumine all that is around you.

    We stand with you. We sit with you, softly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not amazed when the wonderful and unusual happens.

    Rather, realize that that is the natural way that the Loving Source would like for your life and Happiness to proceed.

    Love it. Expect it. Welcome it with grace and gratitude.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The deep Happiness of being perfectly aligned with the God-nature, like a telescope perfectly in focus upon a certain star, is the wondrous goal of each day and hour.

    Yes, yes, some days or some hours you will try to take solace in, or derive happiness from, the smaller, brief pleasures of food or flowers, or creative endeavors or winning of accolades, but even as you dip back into the temporal forms of satisfaction, try to keep in mind the infinite and undying Joy that suffuses you when you know that your soul-flow is One with the Soul-Flow of God.

    That One River of Soul is circular, and never diverts or goes dry. Align with that Flow.

    Always giving you suggestions. Just listen.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you cry out to God the quick prayer “Help me!”, what do you do then?

    Do you wait in submission and quiet and patience and humility? Or do you cast your mind back to the “problem” and/or let your human thoughts be moved to other distractions or self pity or the temptations that might let you pretend you are only a fleshly body?

    Wait on the Lord with trust, Beloved. Cast your faith to the Creator of all answer, Beloved.

    Tenderly, gratefully, know that you are Loved, and expect Good answer, if you stay focused on faithful receptivity, and an understanding of the All Power that is God-Source.

    Waiting overlong for an answer means you are blocking hearing it,

    Open your heart, and be free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not invite someone to a party at your house, you are not surprised if they do not come.

    Why, then, are you surprised if the Goodness of God/Goddess does not come to an event, or through a person, if you did not invite Him/Her?

    Invite the Divine, for Goodness sake! Invite, and expect, and believe, and let not your tongue or your heart decry it, and the Divine does come, for It has been waiting for your will to welcome Its” Will for a long, long time.

    We love helping to open the door for the party,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, simply ask the Life Force that is Love to help you feel It holding you.

    Feel Its warm and tender and supporting Embrace, and feel nurtured and calm and fully protected.

    It is already holding you, as It always does, but you have forgotten Its Ever-presence, and that is why you think you need a hug. The Great Embracer is already Holding you. Just turn your thoughts and your awareness to It and let your consciousness sink into the Consciousness of Love, and be Held, be Held, be Held.

    We hold you always in our thoughts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A devotion to, and benefits of, a conscious relationship, with the Divine that Holds you, does not need to be complicated. One word prayers, wordless focus and yearning, long talks to the Oversoul, deep meditations, etc. etc.—God, One Mind, hears them all, receives them all.

    Your willingness, your focus, your Love, your receptivity, and such are the sweet keys to communicating with the Divine All, and feeling and hearing and seeing Its Comfort and Solutions and tender Ministrations.

    A simple cry of “Help”, directed at the All in All, is heard. A formal and long recitation of holy words is noted. Wherever you are, God IS. Whatever way you reach out to feel the Oneness of your being within the Good Divine is fine.

    Be not afraid. Just know “I Am already connected to God, I Am already part of the Lovely and Loving Whole, as Spirit, as Truth, as timeless Conscious self.”

    We so want you to feel the reassurance of this, and identify not with the body, but with the Soul-self you ARE. God IS, and you ARE, and that is forever.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being in constant Conscious contact with the Supreme Spirit in which you dwell is the goal, is a way to live. It is not just a thing to cross off a list, like washing your hands or answering your mail, or feeding your pets.

    ” Say my prayers” is a way of thinking, a way of feeling, a way of Being.

    Be It, O’ Beloved. Be It, and observe how wonderfully your experience of Life expands in Love.

    Expand with Love, in Love, for Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every generation finds its own way of seeing and expressing the Truth. Within each generation are seeded those who perceive through Spirit, and who teach through Spirit, and those who know they are Spirit. They will find the ways, the means, the outlets, and the students they need, and who need them. At every level of understanding, the appropriate teachers exist for the students who have realized their hunger for something besides the world.

    Be merciful to those at all levels, Beloved, for you have walked in all their shoes. You do walk in all their shoes, in Truth, Beloved, for there is no discontinuity in the One Spirit that is All. Be Loving and Tender to the Truth of them, even when it is most meanly disguised, for in seeing the Truth of them, you Heal them, and yourself.

    By turning to you for a word or a look, they have made a gesture of free will to the Universe, to All That Is, and by mirroring back the Love they are, you can help them completely remember, “I am Spirit, I am as All That Is.” Be no other thing, for you are no other thing, Beloved. Be the Will that answers their wills, and says “I am Here, and so are You.”

    It is indeed time to stop trying to play any other role, for when the Divine has called you completely, it is to be completely the Divine’s, and to know that the Divine IS All There Is.

    As Always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The great practice of seeing everyone around you, and yourself, as offspring of the Infinite Intelligence of God, is a practice that serves you best if done daily and consistently. If you do, and thus begin to see the amazing results of looking with the perceptive Eyes of Love, you will WANT to get more skilled at seeing as God sees in all ways.

    Keep at it. Keep at it. It is part of being the expression of Goodness and Charity and Forgiveness and Love that God created you to be.

    We Help. Keep asking for our Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You could say the same worthy prayer each and every day, and expect good results, so long as you truly ponder it and connect in deep communion with your Loving Source. Empty prayers are those said or thought by rote, rather than filled with Love.

    If you are filled with the Oneness of True Love, no prayer can fail.

    Connect with what you ARE,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have patience and mercy with those who have never experienced, because they have never asked for It, the wondrous uplift of the Presence of the Divine. If they would try to engage you in intellectual arguments about the existence of Oneness, as they fearfully try to protect their sense of bodily separateness, just be silent and loving. Ask the One Source for the strength and perception to See their Wholeness, and pray that they soon choose to experience It themselves.

    But graciously recognize that they can choose their own timing and readiness, and make sure you protect your own Knowing of Love, remaining uninfected by their doubt. All have, in due time, been reawakened into the embracing Love that always cherished them.

    Trust that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is absolutely no one around you that does not reflect a part of the ego-self of yourself that you are trying to let go of, so that you may be a clear vessel for the Truth.

    Think about that. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed by the audacity of a dictator’s evil, or just mildly annoyed at the insensitivity of a spouse, or anxious because of a slow clerk at the station, they are all reflections of your own earthly emotions.

    Be at peace, Beloved. Seek only peace, Beloved. In peace is your harmony. In peace is the word of God, which you may finally hear in its entirety, because you have let go of the last bit of attachment to trying to “fix” the world of illusion.

    Close your eyes to the fun-house mirrors, for they will never show you the Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is so much that can be drawn upon from the Infinite, and that your unique self can understand and demonstrate in a way that no one else can, that your mortal imagination cannot embrace it. Ask for the Infinite Creative Force to help you draw to you the specific, understandable bits of Itself, that are ready to be revealed as Blessings to you and to those around you.

    Choose, darling one, whether you are ready to be a transparency for those wonders of Life to shine through you. Perhaps on some days you feel ready and able. Perhaps on some days you feel unworthy or unable to serve thus. But know this, that on any day you do let the Divine glow through you, the Grace and Gratitude of the All in all is yours.

    Choose, this day. This day, commune with the Infinite and ask to see and comprehend your Share, and choose to share your Divine Share with others.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hold fast to the feelings of Love and Peace that you absolutely know are real and good when you focus your awareness deep in the Heart of you, and of Soul.

    You know they are what you want. You know you want to feel them in all circumstances and through every task and earthly triumph and challenge.

    Today, be at Peace with wanting a Peaceful Soul heart. Forget the quibbles about denominations or methods or dogmas, and simply focus on the very essence of your desire, to feel the Peace of God.

    Through the Peace comes the Joy, and all Good action and Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have known the feel of instantaneous healing of the body flesh. You have known the immediate Comfort that comes to surround and negate all human grief. When the experience of Wholeness of Being does not come right away, you know that it just means there is yet a little error to dust away in your thinking, for all to shine well again.

    Be held in that Sweet Sweet Comfort again today, and remember that when you let go of all judgment and criticism and condemnation, you leap to the true sight of Good Creation and all Its inhabitants. Be lifted to the shoulders of Spirit, and from that viewpoint, See the delightful parade of all the Thoughts of God Mind.

    We cheer with you when you See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Touch of Grace will reach through you to heal and help others without any effort on your part except for noticing that It wants to pour out to an individualized soul. Just stand or sit quietly near that individual, or approach and speak a word or give a touch if Led to do so, but otherwise just Let Grace Do Its Work.

    As It is doing with you, each day, each minute. Be willing to Receive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a certainty that you should be aware of when all the chaos of the worldly dream seems to mask the beauty of Creation.

    Good exists. Only Good really exists, and God, Good, always hears you. When you appeal to the Law of Harmony to make Itself visible to your earthly eyes, make sure your Spiritual Sight is open. For It is your Spiritual Sight and faith that makes your Divine Heart able to clear your worldly sight, and focus your perceptions.

    Remember that worldly sight can seem to betray you, and that you should always call, within your Heart, for Good Spirit to inform you what It knows of the circumstance and you and the others involved. And trust that It always hears you, for It does.

    It will help you Understand, It will help you See, It will help you perceive Goodness again. Delight in that Goodness, delight in Its Willingness to play the dream game while you finish awakening, and are truly able to See again.

    We See you lovely and lovingly, lovable and loving. Share that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have urged you many times to turn to reliable Divine Love for Wisdom and for Comfort and Inspiration and Encouragement, and We gladly see how often you do turn to that Omnipresence for those things. In Unseen form, It is indeed tenderly with you everywhere.

    And that “everywhere” includes Love’s ability to shine forth to you from the Good Soul that is the Life Force of those around you. Learn to look for It in them. Practice Seeing It in them. We would not have you turn to relying on the limited opinions and personalities of those you live with and encounter, but We would have you patiently and diligently practice Seeing the Good Divine of them. Ask for the Help of Spirit to See the aspects of the Infinite in them, and be delighted in what begins to show Itself forth in all.

    Grow in your ability to see with Grace, and you will see more of the effects of forgiving Grace.

    And you will be so Glad of It,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Can you draw a picture of a baby chick by looking at an egg?

    Only if you hold it up to the Light.

    Beloved, you can no more see Your Self by looking in a mirror than you can see that chick by looking at its shell. Close your eyes, let rest your hands and mind, be still in the silence spaces of your heart, and say, “I am as God made me.”

    “I am as God made me.” Ignore the evidence of your earthly senses, though they may scream for your attention, and FEEL that you are as God made you. You are Light, you are a unit of God, you are Peace and Delight just waiting to manifest forth from the appearance of the shell.

    Hold your self to the Light, Beloved, and know Your Self to be part of It.

    All is Love, All is One, when the ego-self is ignored,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All Pure Peace and Pure Love come from God.

    They do not come from objects and other mortals. Once you truly understand that, you will unerringly turn to God for all that you need. Then, even when satisfaction SEEMS to come from a thing or another person, you will comprehend and discern that it is really God flowing through that funnel of body or object that brings you your delight.

    Turn to God, now, Beloved. That Loving Presence is ALWAYS with you—not far off and far away. It is connected to you. It is you. Spiral deep within your heart and find It and feel It. It has not abandoned you in a strange place. You have dreamed you are in a strange place and It is trying to reach you and remind you that you are where you have always been, safe and Loved and embraced.

    All that you need is given unto you,

    And God knows those needs,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Change what you choose to see. Change what you choose to look at.

    Think of it as politeness to yourself. Just as you would not, in politeness, mention the cracker crumbs on the shirtfront of a very interesting individual you were speaking to at a party, but would instead concentrate on the conversation and the inspiration you were receiving from it, so focus on the good always.

    Focus on the inspiring. Focus on the love. Focus on the loyalty and strength you admire. Focus on what is worthy to behold.

    For only what is Love and Holy has truly been made, and is deserving of your attention. All the rest is fleeting mortal details and can be let to blow away like dust, if you refuse to give it your precious attention.

    Believe in the Divine’s desire for happiness for you, and for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no wall between you and the Source of All.

    Keep that simple truth in your mind and heart today, practicing thinking of yourself as a ray of Light shining from a Great Light, instead of as a frail and mortal thing with a very brief existence. You are Light of Light. Do let it shine.

    “No wall between me and All. The Goodness of the Source is also ours and mine. The Goodness of the Source is not bound by one life line.”

    It is an Infinite thing you are an amazing and individual part of. That does not end with your little dance upon the earth.

    You will see.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Walk over the stormy sea of emotions, of yours and others, and keep, keep, keep your total eyes on God.

    All, Beloved, all, are Innocents abroad. Keep knowing that that is what God knows. Keep your eyes on God.

    “Dear God, give me the Grace to See what you See when you look at me, and all of those around me, in this shared sea of humanity.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When will you begin to feel that God is something you know, you ask yourself? In every moment that you feel an overriding Love, an ineffable sense of Beauty, a continuity of Life.

    Knowing builds and builds, and as it does, you want more and more of it, and look for it and cultivate it, and welcome it as the Truth that sets one free from all limiting illusions.

    With great tenderness,


  • Ah, Child,

    There is a phrase in the worldly: Being “madly in love”.

    Although many recognize that there are aspects to this state of emotion that cause one to sometimes ignore worldly logic, it is generally seen as a good sort of experience to have, and to build upon with another person, or talent.

    We tell you to allow yourself to be madly in Love with the Extraordinary Spirit of Life Itself. That supremely delicious feeling of being Unconditionally Loved, and of adoringly Loving so much that nothing else seems to matter is an incredibly empowering condition. It is the natural condition that is necessary and sufficient for all creating and forming or ideas and manifestations. And, just as the euphoria of human love makes you feel that anything is possible, being in Love with Love Itself is the energy potion that lifts your creative thinking above and beyond any logical mortal limits.

    Be unlimited, Love. Let yourself be in Love with Love. Those near to you may think you are mad with Love, but they will come to understand when they see you demonstrate Good in your behavior and ideas and all around well-being.

    Be madly in Love with Love Divine, and Guided by Its Hand.

    We are your Helpers

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The emergence of fully trusting that the Divine Source of raw substance WANTS your Happiness will encourage you to more easily script, and expect, Good results. Learn to avoid, or ignore, those who are always listing bad effects or quoting the worst possible outcomes, until you grow strong enough in your faith in Goodness, and that you and all you love and everyone deserve Goodness, that you can let those non-Goodness viewpoints not touch your thoughts.

    Believe in what the Good-Source wants you to have for your earth dream, and yet, always, know that the Reality of Utter Completeness is Grander yet—far beyond your ability to humanly imagine. As you come closer and closer to that, with the Divine responsiveness to you willingness to open to Good happenings and people and events in your life, you will begin to see glimmers of that Divine eternity, here and now.

    LOOK for Goodness in your day. Expect It, and Its manifested appearance in the sensory projection, and you will see more and more and more of it. Yes, Beloved, you will. For it is the Divine Will, and that cannot be waylaid.

    Love, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When faced with the absurdity of some human rules and laws, it is good to remember humor, humor, humor. For innocent humor is a wonderful thing.

    And when the absurdity is human laws, it is an excellent opportunity to practice the prayer “One Mind Governs all”. For as you pray for the Inner Divine Goodness and Wisdom of lawmakers to unfold, and as you are impelled by Soul to do what you can do for what is loving and good, then there is growth in your own spiritual awakening, as well as in that of the world.

    Stay lighthearted as you do what you must for forms and rules of your community, and keep in mind above all that God’s regard of you and God’s Love for you are the only Truths that really matter.

    We offer comfort and counsel and strength, anytime you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you know that you serve the Holy and True, and that the real existence of everyone is in that Oneness, then stay very aware of that all the time. Put that absolutely first always. In every thing that you say and think and do, ask whether it is in alignment and accordance with Good.

    It is the Good way to live, and prosper, and be in peace of mind and heart.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting others know that you are praying for them WILL help them, if they believe in the power of Focused Prayer. It will hearten and strengthen their own prayers, and make them more delightful.

    When a situation calls for recognition of Divine Relief in a situation where the individual(s) is not overtly receptive, but the effect of that one’s sorrow or errors upon others cries out for the Balm of Love, then simply let the Deep Communion between your own Self and the Supportive, Surrounding Source be all the more counted on to Know and to See and to Act to reveal the Harmony that is needed.

    Prayers are never wasted, We assure you,

    The Divine Healer KNOWS what to do, if invited into the dream,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Slowly, slowly, slowly, examine today the truth of what circumstances and activities best let you reach and stay in communication with your lovely Inner Wisdom. The goal is to stay in constant contact with your Divine Guidance as you walk your days, but in the beginning, and in some challenging conditions, there are personal ways and best methods of letting those Loving Truths wash over you and through you and around you.

    What are your ways? Assess what is working for you and what is not helping, and above all ask for soft Divine Help in sorting through how best to release to the tender Guidance that wishes only to serve all willing hearts. And if it is time to let go of certain unhelpful activities, such as frightening visual entertainments, or over-indulgences of this or that, then ask for Help in letting go of those. The Truth of Love stands ever-ready to Help with whatever you are ready to do.

    Be willing, be soft, be gentle, and let your honest part of Oneness come fully revealed.

    It is so very beautiful, and We know It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking to know yourself as God knows you leads you to understand what innocence and goodness really mean. “God is too pure to behold iniquity” means that God really only sees what It made—goodness and beauty and order of Spirit. It did not make the dust and sorrow that you sometimes experience. You are a darling and marvelous thought in the Great Thinker of All, and the sooner you experience even tiny moments of that, the sooner you will feel the Glory of God shining through you and around you and as you.

    Ask to know yourself as God knows you, Beloved, and be willing to think of yourself as pure Spirit, rather than as flesh and bone. You are Light and Life Itself, and the body self you may think you are, only bounces against its own walls. Error creates its own errors of perception.

    Perceive your own innocent shine today, seeing your reflection in God’s eyes, and shine, shine, shine with the unearthly Light that heals and reveals and Sees the Glory of all around as well.

    Each one does this for himself or herself, but it then shines on all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you know how many times we try to speak to the heart-ear of someone, and they tell Us they do not have time to listen? Over and over, we offer. Over and over, God offers. It does not take much time to listen to God each day. Much more time is spent in idle worrying or gossip or physical distraction.

    It is your choice of when to give some devoted time each day to Listening to, and being guided by, Love. God/Source is very patient, because there is no time in God, so there is no hurry in God. God will wait and wait and try and try, and will not stop offering until every Child-Idea of God remembers that it is at Home in God, and is always welcomed and Loved in God.

    You CAN multi task. You can welcome God’s Love to Hold you, even while you brush your teeth or wash your hands, or lay back to go to sleep.

    The timing is your choice, Beloved. We just hope you save yourself unneeded suffering and pain, by turning to hear your High Inner Guidance sooner rather than later.

    We offer comfort and solutions and Love, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I can have, and shall have, mercy on myself, for God, in complete Mercy, has sent His Spirit to dwell in my heart and Love me and Guide me.”

    When you feel joy or when you feel angst or fear, always turn back to the Truth that no earthly illusion has power over the Good and the Joy of the Soul of All that is your Life. No way that you walk is permanent except for the walk to remembering you are always Beloved of God.

    The Mind and Love of God is your dwelling. Be glad of that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you read past that first phrase now without really noticing it?

    We LOVE you. You are Beloved. God-Source Loves you Unconditionally and that Love is unstoppable. Yes, you can delay receiving it by turning your attention to the whims of the world, or by refusing to believe it, but It still waits to fill you and remake you and take you fully into Its Heart again.

    God Loves me. God Loves us.

    If you spent all day today thinking about that, it would be a day very well spent.

    Loving with His/Her Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Healing Principle that God invented, of forgiveness, does not exclude anyone. Therefore, since you are part of God, neither can you. If you have a harder time forgiving someone or something or yourself, then ask for Help, and Know It will come, and forgive, and forgive, and move on into Blessing.

    As Ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am completely surrendering to Comforting Spirit thankfully removing from me all traces of sorrow, or error, or other human iniquity.”

    “I am simply Spirit. As God has created me.”

    Feel the Power of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a good day to speak only to God, and listen only to God. God will not evaluate and criticize and remind of old pains. God will Love you. God does Love you and always has.

    Listen to that Love today. Fill yourself with the truth of It, so that you have plenty to share with others that are feeling a lack of Love, or are in fear, or a sense of deep competitiveness. God Loves all, encompasses all, and will continue to do so as each one is re-enfolded into awareness of Love.

    But today, do not worry about the others. Tend to yourself with Love, filling every part of your consciousness with that which soothes, adjusts, and frees you to be happy being you.

    We will help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Qualities of the Divine Source that are what you live within, and are what you are made of in Spirit, are not somewhere far away, up a mountain that you must climb. They are all around you and what you are right now. The thought is to let fall away the dusty thoughts that you are anything else. Let those thoughts of being anything else fall away.

    You are Goodness. You are Innocence. You are Soul and Spirit and Light and Love. The more you think about those things and let them shine forth, the more the Truth will burn away the dust on the image of God.

    Be perfectly clear in your already inner perfection,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have probably had the experience of needing someone’s help or acquiescence with a situation, but finding it difficult to explain all the reasons why you need for him or her to do a certain thing. Possibly the person would not be able to understand the technical terms involved in your explanation of why a certain knob must be turned at a certain moment, or perhaps there is not time to explain the thing before it must be done. You can only hope to find a helper, and are grateful when you do, and give the order that is needed.

    Just imagine how similar it is for the Divine Voice, when you are needed to be at a certain place with a smile or to speak a certain word. The complexity of the Plan that has each and every individual led to their perfect remembrance of the Whole is just too vast and lengthy to explain to every “helper”. Learn to trust. Trust the Voice when you are guided in your own life. Trust the Divine when you are guided to be a touch in another life. And know that one of the marks of knowing the Divine Voice apart from the voice of the human ego is that It will not attempt lengthy explanations and rationalizations. It will simply speak the Truth, and speak the Truth again, often using a word or a phrase from scripture or inspirational text that you have been exposed to. Listen, trust and obey.

    The human “ego voice” will have many justifications and grievances and excuses and judgments. Let it babble on, and turn to the deeper, stiller Place, and listen for the Calm Voice of Love, and let that Voice guide you.

    When you come to know it intimately, you will always Know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The certainty that you are Loved by God can carry you through any time illusion and any doubts you have about your ability to hear the perfect answers for every lesson you must learn or teach. Be the teacher, be the student, but know that all lessons end with the same Truth: All are part of One, and all are Loved by God.

    If you are in Love with God, you must find something to Love within every soul you meet. Begin there with each new meeting, and with all re-encounters. All come forward again and again, through the times of your soul, until you can see all with God Love.

    We see you, and all, succeeding in this, and rejoice, past time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way to enter into the Calm and exalted Kingdom of Love except through your own heart, your own willingness to always choose the Higher Way of Unconditional Compassion and Joy and Love.

    Bodily death is not the entrance. Another human is not the answer. It is to embrace the knowledge and understanding of your Oneness with the One Cause, God, and from there all illusions fall away.

    This may sound daunting, from a human time-space bound point of view, but when you realize that the way is open right within you, you can rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, to know it is available to you, right here and right now. Come on in.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, as you affirm the Good nature of the Universal Life Force by knowing that It has you, and those you humanly love, and those you do not humanly love, all in Its Loving Hand, go further.

    Today, realize also that when Gentle Divine Guidance has not turned hearts to Love, letting each individual heart grow from its own mistakes, that the Great Soul of All DOES take Command. Circumstances are ordered, hearts are Commanded, Ways are opened and ways shut.

    Today, Beloved, trust deeply that God has, does and will take Command to lead more and more hearts to being Lovable and Loving, until the Oneness of Being becomes visible on earth again. Beyond human understanding of what must happen or not happen, trust in the Infinite, and the Infinite life of all individual souls within that Great Soul of All.

    Know, today, that God is in Command of all that is Real and Good, and be glad of that,


  • Ah, but where are you speaking from as you say this truth? This is important, dear one. This is Truth. You are speaking from the center of Creation, from the focal point of the center of Love—the spark of Itself It gave Life to, to commune with and to know. That child-spark, that image, remains in the carefully cradled center of the Source, and speaks from there and looks out from there, to see a reflection of itself in the mirror of the earth. It sees what seems to be a body. It see what seems to be a realm. But does it see them truly reflected?

    Speak from the perfect center of yourself, and ask that your sight be cleansed, that the mirror be pure and true, and thus see the reflection of yourself pure and true, and know why you and your fellow parts were proclaimed “well made and well done and good”.

    Never forget where you are speaking from—the utter and complete center of Glory. For, if you forget, you become but a caricature of yourself, and as silly as any cartoon, or as meaningless as a tale with no truth to redeem it.

    Center seat, Beloved. Take center seat, and see the reflection in true focus,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be your High Self as you touch others. Be your High Self as you are touched by others. Just be your High Self all of the time.

    It IS that simple. When you momentarily fail to do this, forgive yourself, and begin anew in the next moment. Each new moment redeems the old.

    Forgive yourself and Trust Us, for We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The promptings of the Inner Divine Voice, whether for spoken word, or action, or silent prayer for another, do not need your editing. It KNOWS what It is doing, guided by the Omnipresent, Omniscient Knowledge of what is the Highest Good for All.

    When It speaks, when It prompts, just obey.

    But, you ask, when can I be sure it is the Divine Voice that prompts me, and not the self-serving ego self? That is where your daily practice bears fruit, Beloved. Practice constant communing with the Divine Voice, so that you know Its Voice as well as you know the voice of your mother, or brother, or constant lover or mate. Practice, Beloved, knowing this Best Friend that you have, for truly, It is the One that will never let you down.

    And, Beloved, trust in the Oneness of the Power of God. If God needs to prevent you from doing a certain thing in the earth dream, God can do so. If God needs to have a person forget an inappropriate thing you spoke, God can do so. All things are possible to God, Beloved, including the perfect curriculum of what you need to learn on earth, to teach you to remember you are perfect and Beloved Child Reflection of the Divine Harmony.

    We trust the Truth of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God know when you need to just be Held quietly in the Loving Presence, and when you need a word of advice, or correction of understanding, or an inspired idea. Let God decide, for God knows best what you need. Just turn to God, ask for God’s Help, and absorb what is given.

    When the shared human condition would try to lure you into dismay or doubt, or entice you with delight and distraction, turn again to that Surrounding Soul, and accept what It knows you need. It will help solve what needs solution, and help moderate and give wisdom to the delights, and throughout, hold and heal you, hold and teach you, hold and lift you unto Itself.

    It is the day you need it to be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allowing others to work out their own way of awakening from the human dream values, which have them enmeshed in a false sense of what brings happiness, is a skill that takes practice. But, as ever, you have a wonderful Teacher within, in the form of the voice of truth, which can guide you about when to speak and when to stay silent. It can nudge you about when to respond with an action or a gift, and about when to stand back and do nothing.

    But in all cases, remember, Love, that as untutored or misguided or hypnotized by the worldly as the other person seems to be, do not think of that error filled thinking as the person himself or herself, any more than you would wonder why a two year old did not yet know the multiplication table. Think of the other as only a marvelous extension of the Life Force, and relate to him or her only with compassion and love.

    All Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Close your physical eyes, and in complete trust and humility of knowing “my own mind does not see the truth”, ask the All-Knowing, All-present Cause, “What aspect of Original Cause is right here before me, where this situation or this person seems to be?”

    And wait, Beloved. Wait in sweet and quiet humility, listening for the Truth that will help reveal to thee the wonderful, Loving aspect of Goodness that you can experience right before you, if you are willing to listen, and to see as God sees.

    You may hear a single word, like “do-ability”, that helps you see and appreciate how much the person in front of you achieves when given tasks to do. You may hear a phrase from some scripture or some old song. Let what you hear, in the Voice of Calm Gladness, guide you as to the kernel of Light on which to build your Knowing of the person, or the seed of an idea with which to proceed with a situation, or the simple loving words that remind you that you are not alone, and there is nothing to fear, for the Creative Cause is right there with you, always near.

    Be willing to be guided. That is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are with you, We are with you, We are with you.

    We are with you, here in the Mind of God. You are not alone in trying to accomplish the shining forth of Love through your own thoughts and to those that sleep. All of us, and everything, are the very Body of God, and you can absolutely trust that your prayers for the dissipation of the illusions are not wasted, and that when your hands and feet are busy with other tasks, God Mind will send another form to help where it is needed.

    God governs all, God is all, and everything is already created that is Good. Just keep seeking for the illusions to leave your thoughts, and so See and Think with only the Thoughts of God.

    We are with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are many worldly mirages and illusions you have learned to ignore—the train tracks that seem to come together and become too small to fit the train, the road that seems to disappear at the horizon, the sun that appears to “set”, the size of the moon that seems to change as it rises, etc. etc. It is all a matter of perspective and you have trained your mind to recognize this, even while you may enjoy some of the illusions, like the hugeness of the rising moon against the sight of trees or buildings. You understand the perspective, and so you can operate smoothly and without hesitation, without being fooled into stopping your car when the road seems to narrow ahead.

    Darling one, there is as much illusion in the seeming ills and sorrows and desperate scenarios in the human dramas as there is in the arrangement of objects. The perspective that Divine Truth can give you of the unchanging Energy that projects the image of Love as life can help your mind understand how to move forward anyway, and how to live. To know yourself as an extension of Good intent and Good purpose and worth, with wondrous order and soul, and to know others as the same, you must look past the illusions that try to cloud your mind and lead you to judge and worry based on false evidence. Train yourself to be willing to see past the surface illusions and See the children of Goodness, the rays of the Loving Source, as what others and you really are. Look for evidence of it. Practice thinking of each walking and moving life force as having the potential to shine perfectly with Grace.

    Truth does not ask you to condone sin and vicious error. Spirit asks you to allow your sight to picture the healed and whole panorama of the Cosmos in a way that understands your delightful part of the Infinite. Accept that all of existence would be more pleasant if you could see with God’s perspective, seeing no iniquity, but only an array of Beloved, Beloved, Beloved children of God.

    With that Loving Wisdom, you can see the way to clear and eternal sailing ahead.

    As in the Real, as in Heaven, so in the dream of earth. Allow the illusions to fade.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You cannot choose the timing, for others, of the willingness to accept the Truth of God.

    Yes, it is true, that if that person has entered the orbit of your thought, of your experience, that you can OFFER the example and awareness of knowing their greater Wholeness. But you can only offer, you cannot accept for them.

    Let God do the Work. Accept that it IS God that does the Work, not your human self.

    Be humble, be clear, stay ready. But be patient, even when it is someone you humanly love, and whom you wish could stand beside you in belief and understanding.

    We are with you. Take your companionship from us at those moments.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Remember this—that the All-in-all knows you all intimately. It knows you as Its” good and brilliant and beautiful ideas, and even though your understanding and clarity may be hazed by the human dream. The Infinite All will lovingly help each one of you remember what you really are, Spirit within Spirit.

    There is no set way that applies to every individual awakening. If you are reading this particular message, you have chosen to do so. And the Infinite offers you many, many ways to grow and learn in your closeness to Itself, for It knows you have never left the Love you are made of and live within.

    As It helps you carve away the parts of your understanding that are not pure and true, the wonderful Being of Light and Life that you are will be fully revealed. Trust that. Go to whatever inspiration It leads you to, and leave others to theirs, just taking care to be the Best example of Love that you can be, every day.

    All roads end in God,

    It is already done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Finish what you start. Finish what demonstrates the beauty, order, and Grace of the Divine Source.

    The next task will unfold itself to view, like a rose unfurling, when the current demonstration of your willingness to shine forth the nature of God is done.

    Trust that, believe that, and believe nothing else.

    The human ego, with its little selfish plans, will try to whisper doubts or discouragements or regrets. The little human self will try to have you worrying about the security of the future, and not let you enjoy the wonderfulness of now. Do not listen to it, any more than you would take an infant’s advice about an adult decision. Hand over your human will to God’s Will, and join in the Gladness of His/Her Plan.

    You will be glad you did,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you walk into the soul of another, it is not to analyze or criticize. It is to hold open the door for compassion and Unconditional Love and Harmony to come in with you, and put the other, and your self, into alignment with It.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The simplicity of Oneness, even though It is infinite, is that each facet of Oneness is a complete reflection of the center stillness. Each facet is a window through which can be seen the perfect centralized Source of all Being. Like a good diamond, of which any cut can be used to see clearly into the interior, the Divine Center can be seen through any individual that turns within and looks through the Window Within.

    Therefore, look to that Window. Look to the Source, as the individual facet that you, as the “edge” of Spirit, are. Do not imagine that your support and your comfort must come from another human who seems to be a character in your scene—look for your own, for the Source is arranged so that It shines equally through every single facet of It Great, Great Being.

    None are refused that ask for Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you review the various denominations of Spirituality, you can notice a commonality of a more pervasive understanding that the Goodness of God’s Creation is already accomplished, is already done. It is only within the illusion of linear time that there ever seems to be any delay in healing, or joy, or the marvelous Harmony of Spirit.

    Thus it is that you so often now hear similar sermons or talks about thanking the Oneness of Being for the Good, even before the worldly evidence of It can be seen. Keep doing this, Beloved. Thank the Almighty Consciousness for the utter Goodness that already exists, and simply ask to let your eyes be opened to see It, to be a part of It, to help the linear illusion be dispelled, so that the wonder of Perfection be more quickly seen by all. Gratitude does Work.

    In the name and means of Spirit, claim your role in Goodness” Plan,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a Father that has never been disappointed in you, there is a Mother who has never stopped nurturing you. They are God, and they have always and will always, Love, Love, Love you.

    Honor your earthly parents, and Love and esteem them, forgiving whatever human challenges they did or do struggle with, but for the Certainty of your complete Fulfillment, turn to your True Father/Mother, GOD.

    While being grateful to your earthly parents, know your real Creator as Spirit GOD.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Love that constantly Holds you in Thought, once it has Thought you up, far exceeds anything you have ever observed with your body senses. Imagine earthly eyes completely filled with Joy at the sight of you, and multiply that by every star you can see, and you will have a glimmer of how much God Loves you, and Shines to see you as Itself expressed.

    It has the Power and the Desire to fill your heart, from Heaven within your consciousness, with that same Infinite Joy. Give Love your full attention, dear Child of Love, and let It Give to you.

    “I open willingly, dear God, for Your Will to Help me feel Your Love, for I know You are already right within me and around and Blessing me, heart and mind, and the body that is my servant to use here.”

    Love is invisible, Beloved, but Its tender effects are not. Observe Love’s Blessings manifest in your experience as you allow It to Love, Love, Love you.

    “I willingly let You Love me, Dear God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Choosing happiness by creating happiness for others is often the best way of sorting out your own human feelings and counting your blessings.

    Look for the good and the giving you can do today, and let that be your goal of these hours. Regarding your own desires and as-yet-unfulfilled ambitions can at times be only confusing, as you try to sort out what is true of your own Spirit, and what you have absorbed as “wants” from the culture around you. You are uniquely you. You have a purpose that God has designed for you, and that you are working to understand.

    Remember today that part of that purpose is Divine Peace of Mind, and work to feel that by doing good for others, for that makes you feel good, too.

    Give yourself time, Beloved. Letting all unfold makes it easy to sort the chaff from the wheat. We assure you of this, with Love. For God knows the end from the beginning, and so do we know you. You are made good. All are made good. Trust the directions of the God-Mind that leads you gently to the Peace that has already been gifted to the Soul of you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask God to show you the Truth of those around you.

    Do not trust your human eyes or assumptions or preconceptions, or think about your memories of the person.

    Learn to hear God’s Voice, and then trust It in all things, if you want to see the Whole, Healed Truth of All.

    Wouldn”t it be a relief?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The self of the world that is your body and personality CAN always turn to the Higher Self within and receive guidance and Love and Wisdom. The ego/worldly self may not always like the advice it receives, but it cannot deny that it is there, if it listens.

    How do you know if you are receiving Divine advice, instead of your own ego-voice trying to trick you? The Divine Inner Voice is ALWAYS Calm, and always consistent.

    Allow yourself to be Calmed, as you listen. Allow yourself to be Loved,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    When the Spirit of Love awakens within each heart, it does not matter what that heart names It. Whether It names Itself to that heart and mind, or whether the person of that heart chooses to label It by the name of some teaching or some religion, It is still One Spirit. It is what It Is. It is Love, Truth, Peace, and the everlasting Presence of all kinship.

    It will come to all hearts, whether through the joy and suffering of earth, or the grace of instantaneous mercy, or at the instant of death. It may seem to come in many forms, but It will be the same One Spirit that is the Life of all and All.

    No one is left behind, for they were never apart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sink into the fullness of Soul for healing and Joy, for the same Whole Soul that is the very essence of God is shared by all. It is the Soul that is your eternal Life, and that you can know as yourself, and that makes you sibling to all others.

    The gifts of Spirit and Mind and Harmony will vary from individual to individual, and you will find and feel the talents that are yours, but the same Grand Soul connects all.

    Look for It, and feel kindred,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is easy to open to the ones who are open to you, but the true test of your willingness to unconditionally Love comes when you are faced with what seems like an exterior circumstance or person. This is obvious to many, that it is easier to Love a friend than an enemy, but what is not obvious to most is that there is no difference between them. All is One. They are both reflections of you, of the same Source of which you are.

    Therefore, Beloved, as we have told you many times, concentrate today on letting the Unconditional Source-Love love YOU, so that That Love will overflow from you to ALL around you, and help you love friend and “enemy” alike.

    This is the meaning of Love God first, and thy neighbor as thyself,

    You are spirit, not just body-costume,

    Lose yourself not in your role,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know the truth of the Soul that shines in you and through you, visit your Self outside of time today. Close your eyes, and other senses, to the world and its clocks and its ways, and sink deep into your own Consciousness. Visit the Self that is a part of All, and feel its Joy and its Peace and its enthusiasm for the constant creation of Love and of the Lovely.

    Visit with your Self, and know the Glory that is without measure. And perhaps, too, you will hear from your own Self, some ideas about what to say and do when you come back to your sojourn in time. For who knows better what still would be Good and Right to do, than your own Best Self, that has never been confused by thinking it is separate from All Good?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Other people are not the problem. God is not the problem. Your outlook is the problem.

    If you wake up grumpy, it is to yourself that you must look to adjust the perceptions. That is when God is not only not the problem, God is the answer. The shadows of grouchiness that have settled on you are not the Real You. If you choose to not want to be grumpy, then turn humbly and willingly to God Love, and ask to be so filled with Love, so cleansed by Love, that all good things seem possible. Do not leave your bed or your room, until you have claimed the Truth of “I Am as Love.” Do not walk out into the world, or contemplate solutions to the needs of the day, until you have opened graciously and wonderfully to the receiving of the Divine Guidance that leads to your Good Life, your Good day, your Good All.

    “Not what we seem, dear Lord, O’ but O”, What Thou Art.”

    “We are Love, because Thou art Love.”

    Claim the Truth. Be the Truth you are.


  • Ah, Dear, Dear Ones,

    Give Me daily permission to show you My Sweet dreams for you, to send you My Good opportunities for your experience and Gracious sharing of Life.

    This daily permission helps break the illusion of the limits of time, and creates a frequent point of Conscious contact between us, and reminds you that you have a Divine Partner, and empowers you with an Infusion of My Love.

    It only takes moments, Beloved. I Love you so.


  • Ah, Bold One,

    Do not let false modesty stop you, when you have heard Divine Voice in the heart, or in your Dream, instruct you. When you KNOW that you must do a thing, or say a thing, or be in a place, let no man, or woman, stop you.

    That is what it means to do the will of All That Is. That is true obedience, and that is the path to true Joy. What you know to be truth for your part to play may not make any sense to your logical self, and may even be a surprise to the part of yourself that has had a secret dream for so long. But all the same, it is in the Harmony That Is, and it is the true meaning of “to thine own Self be True.”

    The Self you must be true to is the Self that is in Harmony with the Whole, that is, indeed, essentially an expression of the Whole. It does not matter what silliness the human mind or heart think it to be. It does not matter what your neighbors or corporate sponsor think it to be. It does not matter if it has upon it the stamp of a church or a college upon it. Just let, let, let the Greater be Done.

    All Is Well, don”t you want to know you are, too?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Observe how sports players use the force of gravity to help them in their plays. The toss of the ball, the trusting of the body to the air, the downward stroke of the timer for the end of the game are all interwoven with the trust that gravity behaves the same way for everyone.

    Let the Force of the Creator’s Technician be helpful to you in the same way. Know that It is yours to USE, for the asking, as the Creative Source’s answer to the needs of those dancing in the play of earth. Use it lovingly, use it wisely and gratefully, but know that It is there to use, and was enacted FOR your use. Do not be confused about who is the servant or beggar, and who it is that has been gifted with dominion and the right to ask for what is needed for one’s rightful path and role in the Great Game Play.

    The Good Servant, Invisible Spirit, is honored to serve you, to help you be the Best You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To feel that you are alone is like thinking a ray of the sun is alone. It may seem to be distinct and separate, but it is inexorably connected to its source, and of course made the same as all the other individual rays.

    Thus it absolutely is with the image of you that shines from and as Spirit.

    When you seek to alleviate a feeling of aloneness, you must think of this, and correct your thinking of being alone immediately. You are completely and forever connected to that which projects images of you. When you wish for more energy or understanding or wisdom or joy or comfort, you must feel back along the ray of yourself, and know you are suffused with, and infused by, that lovely Source. Be so grateful It is there for you.

    So many, when they feel separate and alone, turn to other bodies or objects, or cascades of experiences, but none of those fix the sense of separateness. Straighten out your thought about what you are connected to, and cherished by, and then enjoy the other individuals and wonders of earth, and creations of your own, and gifts that are revealed in you to share.

    Wonder of wonders, you are.

    And all are, at core,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The animal brain of humanness has no power over you unless you pretend it has. Claim your Divine Self to be true, and let nothing else rule your days. If you forget your own dominion and fineness for a moment or a day, reclaim it and move forward, and shine again.

    Do not get trapped in guilt and remorse. Make good, and do good, and know that you can have the joy of being Good in each moment that you choose. We have told you again and again how many Divine Helpers are always with you, to help you choose and act aright. Ask them, ask the One Loving Mind, and humbly accept the Help.

    Choose Goodness and Gladness anew in every moment, and Gladness becomes the Whole of what you are.

    Cheering you on,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Release for the self comes through releasing others. As you forgive others their human foibles, so are you forgiven, and free, free, free of the limitations of thinking yourself only human.

    You are made of Divine and perfect elements, as is everyone else. Let those elements shine, and let yourself see them shine also in others. Give yourself that gift.

    You will be pleasantly surprised.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If necessity of material concern seems to loom, remember how powerfully the Inner Divine Advisor has been able to comfort and change the feelings of the heart, and TAKE heart. Make not the mistake of thinking that objects are any less subject to the laws of Divine Love than are your own earthly emotions.

    Divine Love truly governs all. Governance becomes demonstration when It is asked, and allowed, to do so, without being barred by disbelief or barred by resentment or anger or unforgiveness.

    Divine Love WANTS to be with you, WANTS you to know It is already right next to your heart, if you will just turn from looking outward and pay attention to It, instead. But only you can answer the questions, “Do you WANT to walk with Divine Love?, and “When?”

    When you are done with the dramas and the mirrors of what the ego-self imagines it needs or wants, then remember that the Divine Source is ever-ready, patiently waiting in the same place it has always been, right in the center of your own Divine Self.

    And we gladly hold open the door,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    God IS Mighty. The Force that projects the Lovely Spiritual Picture of All is Mightier than any of your human eye illusions, and while you yet dream of being in bodies, God’s Might can give you a lovelier illusion than your fears would paint for you.

    Ponder that Might, that is not bound by human-made laws or the physical habits that you suppose are hard and fast, and think upon the Loveliness of God’s Desires.

    ASK to See, with your eyes of joyous Spirit, the picture that God has painted of today. Ask to See It, and observe in quiet wonder the pervasive Loveliness that is here and there and everywhere.

    Why deny this to yourself?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not give first importance to your time alone with the Loving Source each day, you have robbed yourself.

    You have robbed yourself of the Calmness and Wisdom and Strength that the solitude with God would have given you. You have starved yourself of the sustenance you would have received of Love, Love, Love.

    Even just a few minutes spent listening to, and being consciously Held by, the Gracious Parent, will pay back many times over in increased perception and patience and creativity and joy.

    Your choice. Give yourself this gift. Let yourself use this Resource.

    Spend time with God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know it cannot be a full day of complete human silence for you, but it can be a day when you try to limit how much you speak. Let it be a day when you again focus on careful sweet listening to the Divine Inner Voice.

    Instead of “thinking twice before you speak”, think ten times before you speak.

    Not only will that give God Spirit a longer pause within which to guide you in exactly what to say, but it will give you a vacation from the chatter that does not satisfy.

    Silence can be so restful, dear love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God sees every Good deed you do. Many times, you know exactly what to do, for you know what you would want or need if you were in the other person’s shoes. And if you are unsure what to do, or whether your actions or words would be welcome, ask God. Get still and quiet and ask Divine Spirit what to do. Have confidence It will tell you, for It is so Glad to see Good deeds done for the greater Glory of all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never, when directly asked for gracious help, refuse.

    Let that be your watchword. Watch your own words, to see how often you also must ask for help, whether of Heaven, or of human, and be glad, therefore, to give, and forgive.

    You absolutely never know when the person you shun today becomes the person whose help you most need tomorrow. All does come around, Beloved, in the circle of the earthly dream, and until your own private Awakening, take care to lovingly send forth only that which you wish to receive back.

    Ahhh, the golden rule is golden in deed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To believe in the Goodness of the Source is to believe in the inherent Goodness of yourself, for as is the Cause, so is the effect.

    Let yourself be that effect today. Allow yourself to think, without thinking yourself vain, “I allow the Goodness of God to shine through me to others, and to shine away any mist of error that seems to cling to me.”

    You are doing more Good than you know.

    Keep doing it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a part of the Whole reflection of God’s idea. As such, you can know yourself and those around you to be a perfect part of that perfect reflection.

    When you deeply desire to see another, and yourself, as perfectly healed and whole, think of yourselves both as utterly clean and unwarped mirrors, upon which can be seen the perfect images of God-Idea.

    “Clear my thoughts to make me a clean mirror, dear God, and show me the Wholeness of my life/body, and the Wholeness of the lives/bodies of those around me, for whom I pray. And I pray for all. I trust in Your vision of our perfect lives. Thy Will be done.”

    And we thank God for the delightful perfection we are allowed and enabled to mirror, as the earthly illusions fall away, and God’s Idea of perfection begins to appear to human sight.

    And AMEN.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We cannot overemphasize this key thing: If someone does or says something that makes you angry, train yourself to think, right away, “If I am feeling angry, the one before me needs compassion.” Learn to associate the feeling of anger with the response of compassion. Learn to immediately put yourself in the “other one’s shoes”, and to feel compassion for how he or she is feeling.

    Feeling compassion for the other will allow you to feel compassion for yourself, which will in turn give you the ability to apologize first (even if you are not in the wrong!), and to so defuse the situation, and let Love flow again.

    We row our boats gently down the stream of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ease with which God-Mind can guide you gently through your days will astonish you, once you have practiced releasing to that each day, each hour.

    It will simply feel right. It will simply feel Loving, giving and receiving. It will simply be that Great Love that makes and creates and sustains and maintains All.

    Surrender to It, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you focus on simply and trustingly getting to know the High Guidance of Love that always is with you, that is always ready to share with you and cherish you, know that what It is, you are.

    As you say to the Loving Partner within, “What are you?”, you will hear such as this:

    “I am Love, and therefore so are you. I am strength, and honor and true, and therefore so are you. I am joyous and able to laugh at the play of earth, and therefore so are you. I am wise and constant and trusting of God’s omnipotence, and therefore so are you.”

    “Keep talking to me and walking with me, and abiding in my sweet kingdom of good thought, and we will walk as one, with one another, and in the Oneness of our dear Creator, God.”

    And for your part, Child, keep giving permission, and be willing to receive: “Divine Spirit, come into my thoughts and heart and cleanse away all error and misconceptions. Wipe away all old resentments and miscalculations and help me think as you think, and love as you love, both content and guided happily by the Great Governor of All that is Real and Good. Let us be Joy together.”

    So be it, for so it is.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no doubt in your mind that you CAN build a new life, if you listen to the Guidance that is the ventriloquist Voice of the Divine Source in your Heart, and do as it says.

    It is a life filled with Joy, and with helping to release others from the pains and sorrows that their own mortal thoughts would imprison them in. Let yourself believe this, and begin today, with glee, and with faith, that all things truly are possible to the All That Is, for they are all only Thoughts that are Thought by Love.

    Always with you, each step of the Way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, let yourself ponder the fact of the TIMELESSNESS of the Creative Source.

    What does it really mean for your human experience? For one, it means that you can count on the unchanging Goodness of God, for where there is no time there is no change.

    For another, it means that when you allow your thoughts to be replaced by the Thoughts of God, Good changes on the human scene can truly happen instantaneously. God’s workings do not “take time” to happen; it is only human thought that thinks a healing, or a change of circumstance, must happen over many hours or days or years.

    In an instant of God-Thought allowed, a healing can happen, an opportunity can arise or be fulfilled, a sense of pure Love can burn away all enmity and hate. Allow God Thoughts. Make it your goal to be a willing window for God Thoughts to shine through to those willing to receive them in the bubble of the earthly dream.

    There is no higher calling than this, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am here. You can hear Me. You are within Me, living Spirit, perfectly made and expressing. Do not pretend it is not true.

    Be glad, and listen, and dance to the song I give you.

    No more the wisps of illusion and distraction. Be exactly what I intend, for freedom is a part of it. Enjoy the Wonder of All, as I enjoy you, one of My wonderful ideas.

    More than Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have been to events and gatherings where a speaker or a performer spoke too quickly, or tried to tell a joke or a story with bad timing, and it made a good tale seem mediocre. You have had conversations with individuals that could have benefited from your experience or knowledge or advice, but who talked so much without pausing that you were never able to tell them what you have to offer, much less to help them.

    God’s Guiding Spirit tries to get through to you, and to all, as soon as they are wanting God-alignment, and joy and purpose and thriving. Do not force God to try to sneak in a word or a sign here and there. Do not wait for symbols to creep into your dreams. Give God your undivided attention at least once a day, and more as you can. Ask what God wants you to know, and is aching to tell you, and desires to give you. Ask and listen, and open, open, open to hear and receive.

    “Here I am, Lord. Speak and I shall listen.” Listen gladly and patiently and expectantly. Expect Good, for that is the basic nature of God, and therefore it is Goodness you are opening to welcome.

    Nothing wrong with that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to give support and thanks to others, even when you feel that your own bodily self does not have enough. The Infinite Resources are of course without limit, and you demonstrate your belief and faith in that when you give when you are fearful of doing so.

    Giving others their due, in support and in appreciation and in loyalty, is to give it to yourself. Giving forgiveness even when you do not have the surface feelings of mercy is also to give to yourself. Do you begin to see, dear Child, the real truth of “giving is receiving”? For as you truly desire to see ALL blessed with their best destinies and highest happiness, then you have created Heaven right around you. And is not living right here, right now, in Heaven, what you have been asking to do?

    Right here, right now, “Open my eyes, Dear God, and let me see, the characters and the lives that are the peoples of the Heaven that is Thee.”

    And then look for the Good all around you. Including in yourself, dearly Beloved.

    Love, enduring,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many days, we urge you to try to See the Godliness in those around you that seem to often annoy you, or whose choices you find mystifying. And We have often pointed out that they are usually mirroring the aspects of your own human self that you wish to smooth away or let go of. We applaud you for all of that work on a new perception and set of behaviors and outlooks.

    Today, Beloved, dedicate yourself to Loving even more those whom you already love. Ask God /Spirit/One Mind to Help you See them in an even more wonderful way. As you interact with them, or as you simply think about them, ponder the wonderful Divine Qualities they exhibit in their creativity, in their intelligence, in their giving generously, in their gentleness, in their loving. Be amazed at the calm tenderness that exists as Love is exchanged.

    And, just as with the weaknesses you wish to shed, be aware that the Good Qualities you See in those you love are also mirroring the Good Qualities of you. Love yourself extra well today, dear one. Note and be Glad of the Truth of your High Soul that shines through and puts you on your Best behavior just when it is needed.

    We See the Best of you, and all, all the time. Join us.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do remember, God that Holds you also IS all the Qualities that you need, to be the Best you. If you need flexibility and fastness, you have them. If you need courage and honor, you have them. If you need strength, strength, strength, of conviction and body, you have them. Just humbly and meekly ask, and you have them.

    If you need Love, O’ darling one, remember it is the very Substance you are made of. Just remember and allow It to come forth.

    We Love you and the understanding you have gained,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You would not walk into a pet store, seeking to find an ice cream sundae.

    No more can you look to the physical realm that is seemingly all around you to find lasting satisfaction and honor and faithful Bliss and Love. Look to the Soul of Spirit, Beloved. Realize all is Spirit Divine and know Its Love is your Love, Its Wholeness and Supply are your Wholeness and Supply, Its Intelligence and Calm Harmony and Truth are yours, freely given as you turn inward instead of outward.

    As you repeatedly find those fulfillments from your Inner Abiding and Connection, you will more frequently find them in what seems to be your outer existence in the worldly. Turn in, turn in, turn in, and find that lasting Joy. It will lead you to, and show you, any outer Joys you need. Just change your expectations of where and how Joy is found.

    “God’s Calm is my Calm, God’s Love is my Love, and I am complete and content.”

    It is time, Beloved. It is time..



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do make the effort today to set aside everything the human self thinks it knows. Set aside what your human ego is ashamed of and what it is pompous about. Set aside in your thoughts what you think gives you pain and what you think gives you pleasure. Approach today as though you were all at once in a new place that you know nothing about, and be as an untutored child who finds delight in the very color of the light and the fabric of the grass.

    Absorb today the joy of smiling and discovering, with a willingness of understanding that you COULD accept a point of view that is built on finding the happiness and love that you were engineered to know. Be as a little child indeed, humbly and playfully answers God as It asks you, “Where and how do you feel the Spirit of Joy here? Do you See My Glory?”

    And tell God about everything that shines of and feels of that Brightness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Witnessing Truth being demonstrated, against your learned understanding of the “natural” laws of the world, is not a game that God plays, or a titillating trick to impress or awe. It is just a Loving response to the need of a child. It is the giving of competence where knowledge is lacking, just as you would gladly give your own son instructions in how to light a fire when he is cold.

    Expect that Loving response, in return for your own trust, and know that it is given, freely, even before you give your thanks.

    But be grateful so that gratitude will bounce back to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Help yourself realize the true nature of God by imagining ways to visualize and feel that Wondrous Source of Love and Life and Soul and Omnipotence without picturing an old man with a flowing beard, as so many artists have pictured the Creator.

    The Infinite Omnipresence can playfully be thought of as an excellent artist of Light. All the amazing ways that visible light can be combined to form images and convey mood and change would be but a tiny slice of the Living, Pulsing Force that is God. No human words or sensory images can really completely describe the All-in-All, but any ways you let your intuition use to capture the Tender Good Harmony that makes and creates all that is real, will help shake off untrue visions of God formed in the image of humans.

    “I am an image painted by light by the Infinite artist of Light.”

    Help yourself come to comprehend God as an unlimited Omniscience, and that will help you have faith and trust that all things are possible to God. Human limits are not applicable to God, and open and willing discernment of that will bring more Loving Hope to your life and to your world. Train yourself to believe in an unlimited Infinite, for It is what us Unseen, but very, very Present and Real.

    Free your understanding, and see Good bloom,