All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Only complete surrender to the Gracious Will of the Source creates true Peace. Small, or partial surrenders, where you hide, in your own thoughts, some things that you feel you must still do “my own way”, will only create stumbling blocks. Let go of even those little cherished things, and you will find, that if they are truly a Divinely ordained part of your life, they will remain, or come back, faithfully, unto you.

    Seemingly important things will fall away, and, like a child carrying a ragged blanket that he thought he could not live without, you will feel a new sense of freedom, as those extra duties or things fall away from the baggage you must carry in the world.

    If you don”t carry the embarrassing scrap of “blankie”, you don”t have to worry about anyone seeing it.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Consciously choosing to replace thoughts of the past, or fears for the future, with thoughts of what peace and joy you would like to have, is a trait that CAN be learned.

    CULTIVATE it. Ask the Divine Support system that sustains you, maintains you, and helps you to regain your full perfection as Spiritual Idea, to help you, and use Its help to play the practicing game today. A happy Life IS a game you can learn to play. Why not today?



  • Ah, Child,

    When uncertainty about what to say or do, to help a loved one who is suffering, holds you mute or frozen, simply say “I love you.” Say it again and again if you need to, for as you speak those words, or even just think them again and again, you let yourself be used as a way for the energy of Divine Love to enter the situation. Again and again, let yourself be used as a communication mode for Love.

    If the person’s heart is already open to a belief in the Greater Divine, speak about that Love also, but if he or she is not, just let your human heart and the voicing of your human love be the slender cord upon which the greater chord of Divine Love can hum.

    Do not underestimate Its Power. Trust, and speak.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Calm Confidence, and a Quiet Joy in the heart, are good indicators that the Wisdom you heard by communing with God about a project, and the timing of it, are moving you to act now.

    And be sure that Divine Grace also uses a feeling of hesitation to slow you if needed, and redirects you as new choices appear.

    Trust your communing sessions with God. Trust Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Physical death is not when you account to God for yourself. Every day is when you account to God for yourself, and to yourself for yourself. For living as God would have you live is what opens the path to Happiness, Peace, and Purpose.

    So, each and every day, ask yourself what God asks you, “How much and how well have I Loved today, Loved in the way that God Loves me?”

    For that IS the Happiness, the Peace and the Purpose. Love as God Loves. Love.

    As I Love you. Because I Love you, you can do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is your Life Force.

    Do only, exactly, what God says today and you can demonstrate for yourself how brightly and wonderfully All is Well.

    You know you are hearing Divine Voice and being Lovingly led by Soul, when you feel Calm and Joyous and unafraid. Be Confident in compassion and forgiveness, and be glad you, and all, are alive in the force of God.

    Love God, Love yourself, Love others. Simple rules.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the timelessness of The One Consciousness, God is not fooled into thinking it is “Too late” for anything. Accept the Calmness of no hurry, albeit speaking, or acting, exactly when God bids you do so, in the day to day situations that seem to be all around you and fill your minutes.

    But do so steadily, and assured, that all illusions will wisp away and all hearts will be awakened, in the due process of God’s Law reigning Supreme. Even when groups or individuals do not act promptly when God bids them to, God offers them the chance again and again and again.

    No parent ever really stops searching for a lost child, and God will not stop until every part of individualized Soul is awakened and embraced in Love.

    Try to be Holy as God is Holy, each day. When you fail, refill with Love and try again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as banks of low clouds that seem to be mountains can be quickly dissipated by an invisible wind, the seeming mountains of human needs and challenges can be leveled to a smooth path, by God.

    Trust in the tender ministrations of Mother Love, dear one, laying forth the spiritual desires of your heart. Grace will read the desires you know of, and the ones that you are not even consciously aware of, and sort them out, and fulfill the ones that would actually Bless you, uplift you, and help and protect your journey as Good Spirit born of Spirit.

    Be filled with Praise and Wonder, and trustingly open your heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, as on all days, agree with your own heart and mind to fully trust that the Principle of Good is operating in your beliefs and thoughts and life to Help you perceive perfectly, and to experience Joy, even if you cannot see the complete evidence of It yet.

    That is faith, to know that the Truth is True, and no misty illusion can win over It. It just needs to be revealed as the Truth once all the mist has melted away. Do not fear, or fear for others, just work on trusting and knowing the Truth for yourself.

    And We are with you, amen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know how often you have heard the advice to stop and take some deep breaths, if you are feeling anxious. And it sometimes works.

    We say to you, whether you are feeling anxious and confused, or exuberant and excited, stop and consciously take thought of the Presence of Spirit that guides you, the Breath of God that is the Life of you. It will uplift you and inspire you out of anxiety, or fill you with a sense of power and wisdom for the ideas you are enthused about. And It always works.

    The Breath of God is your breath. And It is with you in every breath, and beyond.


  • AH. Child of God,

    Go gently, gently through the whims of the world, knowing that nothing that happens in the temporal touches the pure Truth of your Infinite and eternal self.

    And yet, go bravely and lovingly and strongly, knowing that each quiet smile of yours and testimony of honesty helps others to know that they are their spiritual selves, and Beloved.

    We know you can do this, for you have done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is so much glory when you let go of trying to plan details, and just trust, trust, trust in the One Cause to create what you wish. Wish for the outcome, Beloved.

    Wish for contentment. Wish for Joy. Wish for a sense of freedom and well-being.

    Wish for these things with deep gratitude and sincerity, for yourself and for all, and keep listening and obeying and expecting from the Causal Force that you know to be All Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When forgiving all, do not forget to forgive yourself.

    “I am God’s Good Idea. I misunderstood how creating works, but I can choose now to reflect Love, and know myself as loving and lovable.”

    It is Divine Love you reflect, not the little human substitute. Reflect Love today, and Love yourself as God Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you can feel the Loving Presence of the Divine Source when you open this page, then there is not really any need to ponder the words and try to intellectually understand them.

    The Presence is the point. The Presence of Love, embracing you, will feed you and teach you and maintain you and direct you. The Spirit that is the Essence of you and of all will custom make YOUR daily message, your hourly messages, your Infinite way of Life.

    Open to the endless Flow of Love around you, within you, as you, and you are alive indeed, and always will be.

    O’ So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is the Darling and Wonderful Universe that God created, and that IS the God in which you live, made of Soul and Spirit and Love and One Mind.

    Then, even whilst you dwell within it, there is your dreamy perception of it. Your task is to perceive It more and more clearly, so that you truly come to believe and see and experience that It is a lovely Creation and meant to be enjoyed and Loved.

    And, yes, it is a shared dream on the perceived level. Just as you are seeing a little unclear bubble of your own reality within the Great Reality of Good Truth, so are others. To interact lovingly with them, it is important to try to know and see them as the Universe knows them to be. And it is crucial to see yourself this way as well. As more and more shared perceptions veer towards the utterly Loving, more and more of the delightful and Lovable and Loving Universe will appear.

    It has been present all along, beneath the illusion or sorrow and sickness and sin. Look for the Goodness today, Beloved. Look for the Lovable today, on a deep, deep level of Spirit.

    Start with those closest to you. We guarantee you that if you See them as their Loving Creator Sees them, you will find unlimited Goodness to appreciate.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no confusion about this one thing: If you want to be forgiven when you make mistakes, or when you are seduced into longing or worry, then you must forgive others when they do the same. And you must learn to forgive yourself, and allow yourself to be forgiven. It is a truth that does not change. Indeed, you could regard it as the mission that everyone carries, no matter what other divine desires and goals they have.

    Yes, train yourself to try to not make mistakes. Yes, train yourself to try to always do the nobler or more gracious thing, but accept that your days will always have a human error or two in them, made by you or another, and let your heart be taught to react first and foremost with forgiveness. The anxiety and pain you will save yourself from by forgiving first, and then learning, and then forgetting, are mountainous.

    There are climbs enough. Save yourself from some of them,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember this: As a spiritual Being, abiding in the infinite reaches of that which is Divine, there are no limits on you. The Divine Realm truly is Infinite, and even the most far-reaching understanding that you can imagine does not come near to grasping It.

    If you have set up limits and barriers by your choices on earth, how many of them can you easily change? How many do you wish to change by choosing anew?

    Do not let yourself be lost in confusion or despair as you contemplate this. Ponder it playfully. Yes, of course there are many obligations and bonds that, because of honor and love, you cannot see letting fall away. Or, to put it another way, you can see that the cost of choosing to not feed your child or to not support your spouse would eventually come to more than you care to pay. We are speaking here of the things that may seem small, but are the insidious stealers of your minutes, and then your days.

    Is the money that is spent on purchasing a magazine that you could read at the library money that could be spent on a book about the new field you feel drawn towards? Indeed, would the time be better spent studying that field instead of reading the magazine? Is the time that you spend with the same old friends discussing the same sports figures still giving you a sense of community and worth and pleasure? If it is, continue, but if you honestly listen to the Voice of your Inner Heart and realize that you go home from the events now feeling drained instead of refreshed, be honest with yourself, and choose change.

    The Infinite is built from very small blocks of energy, Beloved. Choosing to give up just one type of food or to give five extra minutes to a slower, more meditative route to work each day, can indeed be the beginning of changing your entire Infinity. Be honest, for the lies you tell yourself only build fence after fence to hold you back from the wide range of possibility that you were created to dance upon.

    And we bow to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such a tendency to believe that absolutely nothing can be done about deadlines and time, when you are looking to solve a problem. Once again, you must remember that the limits of human belief do not limit God. God exists beyond time, and there is no thing within the perceived realm of time that can alter that Omnipotent Power.

    Be at peace, Beloved. When you close your eyes to the visible, and rely on your faith in the Whole Truth, close your mind and heart also to invisible “time”, for it is but another dimension of the world that is not the Good Reality that God made and maintains and keeps in beautiful Order, the Inner Kingdom of Utter Peace.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you want the Good feeling and sense of trust that come from thinking on Good things, or do you want the fear and doubt that come from focusing on that which seems to be out of order? You can choose, you know. You can choose.

    But no matter what you invest your moments of time in, We assure you that the Principle of Love and Harmony that is God DOES Govern an Order that is Infinite and Lovely, and that your misty chaos illusions cannot harm. God is Real and only God is Real.

    Can you keep your mind on that, with the help of Mind Sustaining you?

    The payoff is Delight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    That which is your Consciousness is a direct extension of Infinite Life. Your umbilical cord to the Light has never been cut, and never will be. Do endeavor to stop thinking you are ever separate and alone. Instead, reach through that cord, allow to flow along that cord, all the energy and ideas you need, while you dream that you inhabit a fleshly body.

    Really, you have always been, and will always be, a part of the Body of Light that is All.

    So be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If an incident in the past keeps coming to mind and making you feel regret or sorrow, imagine yourself there again and call Loving Spirit to you and forgive yourself and everyone involved in the moment.

    Forgiveness works across time. Try it, and be free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The depth of, and the time for, the Complete Divine Consciousness that you allow to take over your human thought, becomes the means by which you are healed, your earthly life is healed, and all who are near to you, or who encounter you, or who think of you, are healed or helped, as well.

    Therefore, allow yourself to concentrate on that total immersion in the Consciousness of the Divine, with all of Its wonderful aspects, and be free, be free, be free. As you are freed to be happy, so will others around you be as well.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone gave you a pile of Lego blocks, that were all the same color, and told you to build whatever you want, you could build all sorts of extraordinary things, but they would all be that same color.

    In the Causal Mind of God/Goddess/All That Is, all the building blocks are the “color” Harmony. This is not a visual color. It is a quality—a Principle, an aspect of the very essence of which your spiritual self and the Mind within which your being exists is made. They are the “color” Good. Sit your consciousness down in the focal point that is the center of God and you will be able to see that, and able to see the Good Creation that God also declared and “saw that it was Good.”

    It truly is as simple as that, Beloved. And once you have experienced it, you will experience it more and more often, and will understand that you can demand all the additional building blocks you want, as long as they are “colored” Good—as long as they are of Loving Intent.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved!

    TODAY, Ask for Joy, and the Grace to accept It. We Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have first had your Spiritual Sight and Feeling awakened, you will be amazed at how long it seemed to take to become aware of another whole level of perception and existence. But the power and delight of It will make you want even more depth and endurance of that Soul understanding.

    It is Real, Beloved. It is Real. You knew this when you first entered the human experience, and for years afterward, but most individuals forget much of It when they are trained in the use of the limited body senses. Do not dwell on how many years you have missed of Divine Perception. Just open your mind and heart to perceiving more now, and let your total Being become more and more visible right here and right now.

    You are a part of the Whole Real Soul, created and sustained by Love. Practice knowing It, and let the delight of It embrace you and help you change your routines and habits and desires to align with the Love that you are made of.

    It is Real, and It is happening to everyone at his or her own pace of understanding. Mind your own progress to the perception and demonstration of the Reality of the Divine, and be a teacher by example, accepting that the Divine oversees the triumph over time.

    Joyous day to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, as you choose to believe that you are a perfect reflection, Spirit speaking to Itself in the realms of Spirit, you will begin to see that perfect reflection mirrored here on earth. What your human senses see is only the mirror. Look to the Spiritual Realm to see the true image, and then pay attention to blowing the dust off the mirror and aiming it to catch all of the perfect reflection that is You.

    You WILL need Divine Help to do so. Call for the Divine Helpers, or call for Divine Voice in your own heart or that of another, like a surveyor would call to another as he tried to position a mirror on a mountain top. Adjust, adjust, adjust the mirror constantly, Beloveds, and as the alignment becomes more perfect, the you that the Goddess/God sees in Spirit will be revealed.

    Your fellow surveyors are all around you. Seek them.


  • Ah, Yes, Beloved,

    When the Divine knows that your heart is ready to truly release to Its Will, you will feel such a release of easy joy that it is unmistakable. Your intellect may try to fool you into thinking that you are ready before you are ready, but the Divine cannot be fooled. There is no way to hide from Omnipresence. There is no way to hide behind nothingness.

    Before one is ready for the next step of being, there is just trust—total trust, as one would trust a new lover, if one has never been hurt by love before. Trust the Divine, Beloved. Trust the Divine, and let no human put you asunder.

    Delightfully the Divine plans for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the interest of helping those who have not yet developed the discernment to know the true Spirit of the words they hear or read, it is important to make sure that all words are spoken on a tide of Love. It is Divine Love Itself, by Its very Presence and substance, that heals and delivers and awakens. The words are only a bridge.

    They are an important bridge, to be sure, for there are many who can only choose to let their hearts open if their minds are convinced of the worth of Love. Therefore, to let all of wisdom and enlightenment pour forth from the Source of Love, whether in words or in silent example, is to let the Truth take whatever form It needs to take to reach each soul that hungers for a remembrance of what it is, always has been, and always will be, as a perfect part of the Whole expression of Love.

    Trust in that perfection, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not confused. When you are seeking healing, wholeness, for yourself or for another, it is your THOUGHT of yourself, and your THOUGHT of the other that you are correcting.

    The simpleness of your understanding and claiming, by your rightful dominion as an emanation of the Source, is that you already ARE a perfect expression of the Life, Love, Fullness of Soul and Calm Purpose, Orderliness, and Joy of that Infinite Wellness of Being. To know your immediate perfection, and the true and “right now” perfection of the other person, as expressions of the Divine undying Spirit, is to heal your thoughts of yourself, and of the other. Those healed thoughts are then expressed as what you seem to see and experience.

    Endlessly correct your thought, and your course through life, by listening for the Simple Truth within, constantly expressed by the Inner Loving Voice, so that you thoughts are the Source Thoughts, and no lies of human error intrude. No lie of time can affect the Truth of each of the emanations of the Source.

    Abundantly, we love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ease with which you can feel the Flow of Life and Light filling you with Joy can be represented by how easily you can see the sunlight if you take your hand from in front of your eyes.

    The Love that shines you forth is always flowing to you, darling one. Take away from your sensibilities any belief that it is not there for you, and you will feel It flow, flow, flow and fill you with Its tender regard, and inspiration, and fun.

    “I am with you always. Let us enjoy that right now.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When opportunities come that you have been led to, let yourself approach the work involved with Joy. Joy can carry you through even seemingly huge, or seemingly tedious, tasks. Invite your “guardian angels” to join you in the doing, and make each work mound, and each day’s chores, a “party of angels”, and you will feel angelic, too.

    We love to playfully Help you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep looking to God as the Director of your life, rather than to the bodily senses or the actions of the fad-driven personalities, and you WILL find yourself playing the hero or heroine every day.

    Some days you will be a quiet good man or woman. Some days you will take bold actions for Good. But be glad each day to accept being “typecast” as a child of God, an enlightened being, an awakened one, a good example of Grace, rather than changing roles each day from good to bad human, from virtuous to errant, from whole to broken.

    Take your directions from the Light of Love, and be that Light every day. It is not boring at all. It is an endless Living of Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you give the Source your heart, desiring Happiness, you must let the Source define that Happiness for you. Look for It in all small things, and wait to see the truth of It, even if at first it seems disconcerting.

    Be pleased and grateful for each Good thing that occurs and so go through your days, watching Happiness accrue, bit by bit by bit. Be absolutely happiest for every new bit of understanding you gain about God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As your Spiritual Sight and Awareness grows, you will quite likely find yourself thinking and acting more often in ways that you know are directly desired by God. As We have said often, God-impelled actions are not necessarily the same as the ones the human thoughts would call helpful, for God can See the greater picture that Blesses awakening of all. Do them gladly when God inspires, for your own well being, and as service to the Whole. Otherwise, just keep being willing each day to do all the small things that clearly feel in line with your “I Am Love” identity.

    Striving to be extraordinarily Godly each day cannot be conflated with human ambition. And it is important to remember that, just as a rarely used tool in your kitchen may be something that is only crucial on one or two days a year, God’s use of you as an instrument for extraordinary action may be infrequent, but very, very important when it occurs.

    Be what God asks you to simply be as a part of Goodness each day. And when God strongly directs a more special contribution of effort, be that gladly as well.

    Trust God’s Oversight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way to take yourself entirely out of the dream while you still feel so attached to so many aspects of it. Trying to not care about elements of it does not work, even stopping the body from breathing does not work.

    Your consciousness is forever. The way to raise it is to realize it is One with the Infinite. Then, the dream can be looked upon with tenderness and the perspective that it is already overcome in the timelessness of Spiritual Perfection. Then, one can appreciate and expand the loveliness of invention and discovery and beauty and compassion and kindness.

    When one realizes the everlasting link with the Infinite in, and all around, the Soul of one, then all the perspective changes and the True Value of Life emerges into sight and can be Seen by all. FEEL the Truth of these words. Without analyzing them, just FEEL the Truth. And Be the example.

    So Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give away some objects today.

    Savor your attachment to weightless, pure, ever-renewable Divine Love.

    Divine Love moves with you wherever you go, easy to carry, untaxed, and free.

    “Here I Am, Dear One, carry Me, carry Me. Firmly attached to thee.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The certainty that you can have, when speaking to the Wholeness that is Good, and that holds you, and in Whom all live and move and have their Being, is that the Thoughts of the Whole, of God, can go anywhere and into the sleeping thoughts of anyone. Therefore, when you hope and pray and desire for yourself or for someone else to receive, on the Wings of Love, an idea, an inspiration, a comfort, a resolution, a realization, a spark of understanding, a remembrance, a wake-up, those Thoughts can come to you, or go to them, with no trouble at all.

    Love’s Thoughts, Ever-Living Thoughts, gladly and willingly come and go to whomever is ready to awaken and receive.

    So DO ask to be awakened, and ask for the Thoughts that reveal Harmony of Life to go to others. Empty your own human emotions, and still your mortal thoughts, and be open to the Thoughts of God that go anywhere in time and space and reach the sleeping offspring of Its Pleasure. For it is indeed the great pleasure of the Divine Whole that Holds you to awaken you to and in the Kingdom of Heaven.

    You are a citizen of the State of Mind that is Heaven. Vote to go there. Be there even while you half-dream you are still bound by earth illusions. Gently, you will awaken and be glad. Softly, you will feel and see more Good while you listen to the Thoughts of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We KNOW that you aware that when you go into receptive silence for our words to come to you, you are often surprised at what comes through. The amazement that we would say something that seems unrelated to your current concerns is a continual wonder to you.

    Why? Can you learn to trust that we see through and beyond the surface drama that your human ego/mind would let you see? Just as a trained adult sees through the mirage of water on the road and keeps on driving, even though the toddler in the seat is shivering in fear, we DO see past the errors and terrors you are trying to freeze your own actions with.

    We see the Real You, and we know your Good road and Plan, and we tell you, keep on driving, keep on moving, keep on going with faith in God. And turn to us, God’s Thoughts, more and more. Do not turn to us only at your designated prayer times, but ALL the time. We will help you choose rightly, in each moment. We will help you choose rightly, whether it is about what to say, or where to go, or whom to talk to, or when to take action.

    Take time to listen to us always, Child. We have the desire for your highest Joy in our hearts, along with wanting to see you fulfill your mission.

    In sincere and true Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Constant Appreciation. That is key to staying in constant alignment with Divine Thought and intent. Whether you are appreciating the small and visible blessings, or whether you are contemplating the amazing worthiness of the Greater Good, and the Divine Qualities of the Shining forth of God, staying in that constant appreciation leaves open the door to all that is meant to be yours, and keeps you uplifted.

    Make it your goal, Beloved. And if you think of it as your goal, We will help you achieve it. It is the state of mind and heart that all are meant to dwell within.

    Loving you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you really begin to understand the Infinite size of the Loving Source of you and your life, then you will not worry at all when something seems to be taken from you, or you give something away, or you are urged to release more and more to another or others. For you will realize that whatever ideas and things you give away, all belong to the Infinite, and for what needs you have, the Source will give you again, more and more and more.

    Let your prayer therefore be to be Blessed to be a blessing, and your purpose to be to share all the ideas and goods of Good Itself. “Even now, I am Blessed to be a Blessing.”

    We see what you need to function in Joy, and we help,


  • Ah, Child,

    It is crucial to believe that you are completely Loved by the Source.

    Until you believe that, and feel that in the very soul of you, you cannot help any others. Let not any feelings of unworthiness or error block the flow of God’s Love through you. Remember that the Source’s Love is unconditional, and that although It will guide you to become more honorable and kind and giving, It will not withhold Its Love if you are not perfect.

    Welcome the flow of that Unconditional Love through you. Welcome It, and believe It, and let It fill you, and then you can pass It on, pass It on, pass It on, for you will have become a reservoir of that Infinite Delight.

    There is no greater delight than knowing you are completely Loved. Look not to other people for that Love, but to the One Source. The error that so many make, of looking to their earthly parents or family or lovers or friends, instead of to the Divine Source, will only delay your Joy. Look to the Divine, be filled with True Love, and then Spirit within you can be a distributor of It, on earth.

    Believe you are Loved, and then let It flow, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The worth of your Soul Self is priceless. Ponder that, stay aware of that. Know that the Magnificent Soul that you are a part of Knows that and offers you a living allowance of Joy each day, to simply Be your Priceless Self.

    Quietly and gratefully accept that payment of Joy each day, turning to the Divine paymaster, and filling yourself with that Life energy of Joy.

    For only by remembering, only by being disciplined enough to remember to turn to the Main Joy, and refill your account of Joy, can you find the way to enjoy your day, and to give Joy to others. Open your account with the password of gratitude, and fill your daily life account with Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not your human will that you need to count on when facing an obstacle, or an honor, with grace. It is Grace that is greater than your little human self.

    All you need to offer is the willingness to turn to, and count on, and trust for Goodness, that Grace.

    Can you do this? Even to answer this question, you can turn to the Greater Grace, and be willing to ask for Help to be willing. Human grace is a societal, culturally learned, thing. Divine Grace is a Gift, freely given you if you hold out your mind in willingness and acceptance.

    We know that asking for Grace to be willing to ask for Grace sounds circular and even silly. Can you let the very silliness of it help you feel like giggling, like a little child, ready to receive gifts?

    It is a Gift that Loves to be given,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One thing at a time. One thought at a time.

    Let it be a day of calm and slow and gentle Guidance, leading you from one moment to the next, and one task to the next, in a way that feels Perfect. And remember that the main task you are trying to accomplish is to be fully aware of being completely connected to the Heart and Mind of God.

    Stay aligned, Beloved. Stay aligned with the Mind of the Divine, and you will enjoy your day, this day that God has made.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new beginning in your heart. Be willing, O’ so willing, to let the Divine Best Destiny, that you could be living, be shown to you.

    Yes, many believe in trying to script their lives, based on affirmations and visualizations that come from their own human egos and dreams. And they may achieve these things for a time. But how many of them end up with ill health or a conflict with the dreams of others, losing friends and loved ones in the pursuit of their own pleasures?

    Let the Great Eye of the Divine help you walk your Best Destiny, Beloved. For It sees the Best Path for ALL, not just for the short term pleasures of one human set of desires. Choose that, and you choose the long term Good, the Best Destiny for all, that is One with yours.

    Stand away, and look with timeless eyes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are well aware that part of your task for this life is to be a demonstration of the fruits of faith for others. Are you aware that you must be that for yourself, as well?

    We want this for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All together, all are Totally One Pure Spirit, reflecting, and within, the Divine.

    Totally One Pure Spirit. (TOPS).

    I am TOPS.

    The more you think about this, including yourself and others, the more easily will One Sure Spirit be able to guide you, and all, through the most blessed destiny of their days.

    So, think about it, and think about it, and think about it, until it becomes you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, whether you are speaking to a friend, or a client, or a relative, or an acquaintance, or a seeming stranger, you are never “advising” anyone.

    Your task, as fellow child of the Divine Source, is to ask the Source to reveal them to you as a perfect part of the Divine Whole, and to encourage them to seek the Presence and Word of the Source for themselves. That is all.

    That is All.

    Ponder this, Beloved, and know that only those ideas that come from “Divine Command Central” are the ones that can see what came before, what is now, and what will be, and so advise what is the very best pathway to Joy and Well-Being for all concerned.

    Living the Divine Guidance in every moment is true freedom,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is so much to be learned by watching how others love. Yes, we want you to always, above all, listen to the Inner Divine Voice, and Love as It tells you to Love, but it is also important to honor that others find creative ways of expressing that Love.

    Honor them. Love them. Learn from them. All must learn from and teach one another, even as they all take instruction within from the Source of all Love.

    And, Beloved, enjoy them. Enjoy the Infinite variety of expression. You can do this if you set aside judgment and evaluation, and just observe and love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not give first importance to your time alone with the Loving Source each day, you have robbed yourself.

    You have robbed yourself of the Calmness and Wisdom and Strength that the solitude with God would have given you. You have starved yourself of the sustenance you would have received of Love, Love, Love.

    Even just a few minutes spent listening to, and being consciously Held by, the Gracious Parent, will pay back many times over in increased perception and patience and creativity and joy.

    Your choice. Give yourself this gift. Let yourself use this Resource.

    Spend time with God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Infinite Thought projects all Its ideas forth to look upon them and enjoy them.

    You are one of Its ideas projected forth, manifested, for It to appreciate and Love and tend to. Do you really think It cannot add good things to the idea of you, or swirl other helpful ideas to your side? It can, Beloved. There are no limits to Infinite Thought, ever-active and desiring to expand Life and Love.

    Just as you might have an idea for a kind of bread, and make it and bake it, but then also think up ways to garnish it, or glaze it, or toast it, or accompany it, or make it part of a more complex dish, so can Loving Thought easily imagine and manifest ways to adorn and use the Soul of you in ever more intricate ways.

    Be delighted to delight yourself and God by being a willingly shifting and growing idea. And trust that each good idea has its good place, and that there are plenty of good ideas around you, and coming to you, forming constantly from Infinite Thought.

    The Infinite panorama is beautiful indeed, Beloved.

    You are part of that Beauty.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, even as the able-bodied help the unable-bodied, that all are projections of Light from the One Source.

    Turn your awareness to that Source, even while your hands and minds are busy with tasks. Turn your trust to that Source, even while your hearts and homes open to others. Let help be extended, person to person, but let your faith be focused on the Great Arrangement, even while you play your part in enacting It.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When praying to be enabled to see Harmony visible in your world of consciousness, it is not just about Harmony between humans or countries or even insects and crops, or trees and the rain pattern.

    It is about deeply realizing that Harmony is an actual Divine Force, beyond physics and biology. It is a part of how God wants to direct your very thoughts, in line with Infinite Soul and Love.

    O. Dear Ones, pray to be Graced with a deep understanding of Harmony, and how to call upon It and welcome Its workings, from the tiny biotical in your belly to the very swirling of galaxies. It is a Force of Spirit, and naturally a part of the Life of you.

    You can glimpse the Infinite.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God’s Joy is the Wave of Love that carries me away from my own complaints”

    Let the happy Substance of Truth of Spirit be in control of your Sight and Perception, and let you See the Good of your life.

    “God is my Life, and holds Good Aplenty. I am gratefully saved by Love.”

    “I can See again, for I See with Love.”

    It is the better way, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you open your consciousness to the realization that One Mind governs all Lovingly, as each individual allows It to do so, you will be so delighted with the moving envelope of Wonder that it encases you within that you will have no thought left for the errors or frivolities that filled your thoughts before. You can be so filled with Wonder that there is no moment to concern yourself with what others are doing, imagining them to blame or thank. Keep your focus on the Divine Will today.

    Let go into Love, Beloved. Let go into Love. Try It, with abandon and willingness, and let the Divine, today, be your Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Prayer before action, always.

    The most heartbreaking question a guardian angel can hear is “Why didn”t you warn me?”, for usually the answer is “You didn”t ask,” or, worse yet, “You asked, but you did not take time to listen for the answer.”

    Prayer, including listening for the answer, always, Beloved.

    In utter love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing you can do, in error or in triumph, that Spirit has not seen before. Your human challenges and successes are all just misty swirls about the wondrous Truth of you that is a perfect reflection-image of the Spirit of God that you shine from.

    Count not your human attainments as your goal. Count your progress Spiritward by the accuracy with which you let yourself reflect the Perfect Glow of God.

    We see it. Let yourself and others see it too.

    We feed you Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Close your physical eyes, and in complete trust and humility of knowing “my own mind does not see the truth”, ask the All-Knowing, All-present Cause, “What aspect of Original Cause is right here before me, where this situation or this person seems to be?”

    And wait, Beloved. Wait in sweet and quiet humility, listening for the Truth that will help reveal to thee the wonderful, Loving aspect of Goodness that you can experience right before you, if you are willing to listen, and to see as God sees.

    You may hear a single word, like “do-ability”, that helps you see and appreciate how much the person in front of you achieves when given tasks to do. You may hear a phrase from some scripture or some old song. Let what you hear, in the Voice of Calm Gladness, guide you as to the kernel of Light on which to build your Knowing of the person, or the seed of an idea with which to proceed with a situation, or the simple loving words that remind you that you are not alone, and there is nothing to fear, for the Creative Cause is right there with you, always near.

    Be willing to be guided. That is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you see a home that is essentially sound and beautiful, but that seems to need some straightening of shutters and a coat of paint, and you wish to see its loveliness shine, you must ask for permission to help it be so. Whether you obtain permission from the owner to help, or whether you become the owner, the permission comes before the changes.

    So it is with the body, Beloveds. For the Divine Spirit to reveal the perfect health and beauty of your form, through Its ministrations, It must have your permission first. The freely given will of your mind must be given to the Great Loving Mind, so that Its Will can be done, in your earthly form, as it is in Spiritual Perfection.

    This is just another way of saying what we have said to you before, that the purpose of your “free will”, if you want happiness, is to gift that free will back to the Great Will, the Only True Will, and let Divine Will be done.

    God is not a robber. God will not enter your home and begin redecorating and fixing without your permission. That permission, that freely given control, must be chosen by you, when you are ready.

    Ahh, what a good decorator the Father/Mother/Divine is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is no small thing to concentrate on creating Happiness for those whom you love, and for yourself. If each and every individual did this, and in the process realized how closely all are connected, and interwoven, then the movement toward manifesting Goodness throughout society is improved.

    The Divine Will for all IS Happiness, an unselfish, sharing happiness, that recognizes the Soulness of each shining being. To know this and understand this helps to move forward the Whole. Never feel that the work you do is too small or too insignificant to help let the Light of Love shine and grow throughout Consciousness.

    We see each small and delicate good thing you think and do and say, and we are grateful, grateful, grateful. Please continue.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fly above the clouds on an overcast day, and you can still see and enjoy the rays of the sun that freely shine towards earth.

    Look beyond the limited senses and you can discern the constant Life, Love, and Wellness of Being that constantly shine to you from the Source of All Good.

    Your intellect understands that the earthly sun is shining above the clouds. You must retrain your intellect to believe that you can EXPECT the Good that is your right as a recipient of the Loving Thoughts of God, Who is Ever-Aware of you.

    Expect Good, Beloveds, instead of expecting and believing the shadow illusions.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that turning first (and only) to the Divine in every need means also looking only to the Divine for the approval and tanks and reward of what you do. As you have learned not to look to persons for needs or advice, so also look not to persons for affirmation of what you are. They cannot even see what you are unless they are ones who are also living by spiritual sight. In many ways, you are invisible to them.

    To realize that you love and want God instead of the world is to be able to reach God. Paradoxically, that is when you can finally also receive and truly appreciate the world, and the universe, and beyond. Let your sight and your hopes and your wishes all be centered on God, and let all else fall into place, Beloved.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “One Cause Governs me, and all.”

    When you consistently practice this, and come to a full understanding of it, you will not be pulled back and forth by assigning cause or purpose to ephemeral things or thoughts. When you realize that Life Itself is your very energy, then you will not think you are ruled by the cloudy or sunny days, or the item you ate or did not eat, or the tone of voice of another. When you have grown very adept at calmly and trustingly turning to the Glow of One Cause/Love, then you will see, with deep Spiritual Knowledge, that nothing else is true causality.

    We know this seems outrageous to the body-rules you have been taught, but if you begin to free your mind to comprehend the Soul that Governs you and all, you will not be so seemingly dependent on the “physical laws”. Why not try the freedom, a moment at a time, of thought and life ruled by One Smooth and Good Law of Life?

    Nobody but you has to know you are training yourself, quietly and consistently, to begin your days by silently turning to the Oneness of Being, and saying “Guide me and sustain me all the day, with all the energy and wisdom and joy and purpose and strength I need for my part of the Good story.”

    And after asking, wait for the Wonder to fill your essence, before you go forth.

    It is delighted to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone sees Joy where you see only sorrow, or sees Goodness where you see only lack, do you think that person is a liar or deluded? Can you open your heart to Seeing with the eyes of Love, and let your perceptions be awakened and expanded?

    All the world understands if a mother still declares love for her child who has committed some vandalisms or even atrocities. Let that worldly example give you a tiny inkling of how Pure and Wonderful and Beloved you are to the perception of the Mother/Father God that made you.

    Awaken to that Love. Accept that Love. Let that Love Guide your perceptions and solutions now, to see Creation as Loving Spirit knows it to be.

    Today, Love God and Love yourself as God Loves you.

    This touches all the world.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you take the authority of Grace into your heart, and use it to free yourself of any obsessions about earthly desires, there will begin to be a shift in what you are able to love, and welcome into your life.

    In brief, you will be able to Love everything. Just as a mother can love her child even when he is dusty or distraught, or as an artist can love all the stages of a painting, from blank canvas to finished product, and all the good and bad stages in between, so can this earth-seeming of Life become totally beautiful to you.

    Welcome, welcome, welcome that phase of seeing, Beloved, for when you are seeing through that wavelength, it is as though you have borrowed the eyeglasses of God.

    From Clear Sight to Embrace, as you take your journey back to God, it is but a few paces, we assure you.

    Cleaning your glasses for you, anytime you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am Beloved and Whole as Spirit within God. Come, Holy Spirit, and help me see what I Am as Perfect Image of God.”

    Beloved, when information and misinformation swirl around you, return to the basic Truths of Divine Love. It will answer your call, and help you sort out and remember your identity in Joyous Soul. It will sustain you with strength and wisdom from God, and It will comfort you and wash away your fears. Be flooded with Love, Beloved, by returning to basic God Truth.

    “I Am Beloved and Whole within God.”

    Loving Spirit is ever-ready to serve you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look up the gifts of Spirit and count up which of them have been given you. Ponder and appreciate them, and allow them to magnify in your thought and behavior.

    Thus armored, you will have no problem shaking off any discouragement or suggestions of returning to shallow or selfish living.

    We hold our shields around you, as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you awaken in the morning, or in the night, with your head filled with a whirling of worldly duties or tasks or emotions, and you feel confused or anxious or fretful, treat yourself to a quiet reminder of your true identity. “I am Love.”

    When you find yourself rushing through the day, or feeling too hurried to actually enjoy the sky, or a friend’s voice, or the gracious taste of your lunch, stop and remind yourself of who you really are. “I am Love. I am a part of the All-Divine.”

    Remember, remember, remember, who and what you are, and all will be well.

    In joyous Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hold constantly in your mental toolkit the Truth that the God-Source holds you in Its Thoughts as Beloved and Pure and Innocent. Be always ready to remind yourself, “God Loves me”.

    When others bring up old mistakes you have made, and that they have supposedly forgiven, or you remember old errors of behavior or thought, remember “God Loves me and has already forgiven my mortal errors.”

    And when you look upon someone who has hurt you, or about whom you have heard of misdeeds, remind yourself, “God Loves this one also, God Loves this one also.”

    It will help you to forgive, and to know yourself forgiven.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Calmness is the portal through which you enter the joyous quiet of Heavenly Consciousness.

    Ask for Divine Help to get calm, stay calm, be calm. Then, in calmness, you can listen deeply and hear words of comfort and inspiration, and feel embraced by Love and Spirit.

    Set aside the thoughts and images that induce distress or fretting, and seek the remedies and the solutions in Divine Calmness. From the Heart of all Truth come the equality and peace and joy you want. The Heart of all Truth is the place of answers, and correct perception.

    You enter the place of answers though the portal of calmness.

    Calmly, We are with you, loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid that you are not fulfilling all that the Divine Source has planned for you to do as your part in the earthly Play. The Divine is not bound by your little errors or forgetfulness, any more than it is bound by the “physical laws” of earth. They are as nothing, and the sooner you relax into the Governance of that One Power that takes no cognizance of the rules that humans have made up, the sooner you will be able to let go of fretting about whether you have done the right thing at the right moment, or in the right way, etc., etc., etc. Just let go into Love.

    Just let go into Love, Beloved. “I love Love, I am Love, and I am Beloved.”

    “And so is everyone around me…”. Today, in Silence, know this to be true.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a fish knew to be grateful to the ocean in which it swims, it would be enlightened.

    Be SO Glad,


    p.s. Gratitude to those of you who have expressed thanks for the ideas shared here this year in the ‘internet ocean’. You are lovely ideas in the Ocean of God.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Of course the material limited senses will try to convince you that scratching your back, or closing the curtains, or answering the ping of the phone, or jotting down the errand list, or one of a thousand things, are more urgent and important than spending ten minutes quietly communing with the Unseen Force of Life. Discipline of the distracting thoughts is needed at first, or when emotional upset makes quiet difficult.

    But We assure you, what seems like a nuisance exercise in the beginning of spiritual dedication will indeed become what you look forward to, as refuge, as renewal, as trustworthy Presence. And it is not only beginners in spiritual seeking that must take care to set aside human frettings in order to know the Loving Source. The relentless striving of the human ego will craftily try to convince even a seasoned meditator or believer, that the worldly pile of thoughts and duties and pleasures are beckoning too mightily, for constant welcoming of the Divine Presence into Consciousness to have priority.

    Allowing yourself to really fall in Love with Love helps alleviate those temptations. For just as with human love, there is a pull and a focus in Divine Love that helps mute or sedate the material input. Allow yourself to Love Love. Allow that, and It will reward you many times over.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It really is a new day every day in the story you project forth as your life.

    “I Am Love. I Am made of Love and I project forth a story of Love today.”

    The Love that is all, and surrounds all, will join you in this Good endeavor.

    All is God’s Thoughts. Let yours change for the better.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Someone Loves you enough to keep on trying, trying, trying to awaken you to the Glory and Holiness that are freely yours. Someone Loves you enough to do this, and It is God.

    God will never give up on you. Why not allow it now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there is an anointing of the overt Presence of the Divine Healing Force, it is meant to be shared. If you do not share it, and give the Divine the Glory for the results, it is lost again.

    Be very aware of this now, Love, for as the Force flows through one as inspiration or healing or wisdom or comfort for another, great Joy is felt in all the unseen Universe. Let that Joy be a part of what you feel as you give whatever is yours to give, and do not worry about credit or coin for the small self—that will come as a part of the greater Will.

    Be at Peace, and give and give and give, with love and love and love.

    As we give our Love to you, endlessly,


  • Talk, today, Beloved, to only God.

    Do not either argue or celebrate with the human man or woman beside you, for that only reinforces the thought of yourself as a limited mortal-thought body=thing.

    Talk to God, today, Beloved.

    Remember Who You are.

    If You forget, ask God again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your own imaginings have no power to hurt you, except in the feelings they create in you. Turn to the Truth that All is Well, to counteract your imaginings of trouble, and let them go. Then, the annoying or stressful feelings go as well.

    As We have frequently reminded you, to lift your consciousness into the Higher Soul within that knows the Goodness of Life, count the seen and unseen Blessings that you already have, and look back at your own story to see how many times events have resolved wonderfully as you followed the Divine intuitions that were given you.

    You seem to be where you are. But it is not where you used to seem to be, emotionally or spatially or energetically. Divine Love lifted you up and carried you forward into greater Goodness. And It will do so again and continue to do so.

    Divine Love knows that your destiny is Infinite Joy. Trust that, and let go and let Be that which is All. Count the Good, and trust It to expand.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us, there is nothing so powerful as pausing the “film” of your life, and tuning in to the ever-broadcasting Source within you, and asking It to shine away all the shadows from your sight. In this way, your earthly sight becomes Spiritual Sight, and you will know your own worth as a Beloved Reflection of God, and the Goodness and Beauty of all those around you, in their un-shadowed form.

    Just as the earthly light sources in your life have gotten brighter and brighter now, with more powerful bulbs and beams, so is the Light that pieces all the gloom of the mortal experience growing brighter and brighter now, as more and more souls let the Light of the Great Soul of All shine through. Bask in It. Let It shine away all shadows of perception, and feel the Joy It wants you to have, revealed as the Truth of purity that you are.

    For Goodness sake,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have discussed many times that true forgiveness is gratitude—that once you have understood that the “other”, or the “ego-self”, that seems to have betrayed you is actually playing a role in helping you learn to live from the center of your own Divine Self, instead of from the sense of self as a physical entity, you can feel gratitude towards the soul that was willing to play that role for you.

    Now, think about this: If you are having trouble completely forgiving someone, hop on up to the next step of gratitude. Try to think of something, anything, for which you are grateful for about that person, or for something he or she has done, or exhibits as a positive trait. By leaping past the step of forgiveness, like climbing a long staircase two steps at a time, you can more quickly rise to a Consciousness wherein forgiveness comes more easily. Move your thoughts to gratitude, and then let forgiveness come naturally, as you look back down at the previous step, having already lifted yourself into that Higher Awareness of Compassion, Appreciation, and Gratitude.

    We assure you, it helps,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such joy in curiosity about the very small. Indulge it when you wish to or need to, but at its best let it lead you to the most fruitful curiosity of all, the understanding of the Mind of God. God, from one point of view, is a Wondrous Mind in which you dwell as Spirit, and understanding that Mind and how It thinks with Love, will help you understand your own mind, which at its Best is truly One with the Mind that is God.

    Understand that, and all the small things, good and bad, fall away, and you dwell in the Bliss of Love. Daily, remember you dwell in the Blessings of Love, and that the Mind of God, not some human idol, must be your role model, your idol, your love.

    The rest takes care of itself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let go of telling yourself, and others, “your” story, and just watch the story that the Divine already wrote for you, told of you, “IS” you. Let there be peace today, in spending the time watching God be revealed as your Life, and as the Life of the things, pets, places, work and relationships that are around you.

    Act, and react, as if only Good exists, Beloved, for only Good does exist. To waste energy reacting to, and battling with, and worrying about, the problems or un-eases or lacks or illnesses that the illusion is pretending to be, is to rob yourself of another delightful day of watching the Divine tell Its story. Turn to the Divine story today, Beloved, and watch and be delighted.

    It is why the “Sabbath day” (or Sabbath minute or hour) is so important, Beloved—that there be time taken to just watch the play of the Creator be shown, without being distracted by the little endless tasks and trip-ups the world would try to make you think you “must” deal with. Do what you must for love and grace, but just relax into appreciating the good that is already with you, and that unfolds and blossoms before your eyes, and let there be Peace, today.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Taking a day of Silence to renew the Self is never amiss.

    If God wants you to break that vow with a kind word or a simple “yes”, God will let you know. The intention is to silence the ego-self, so that the Divine Voice can be heard. And It speaks only Love.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are no real monsters hiding under the bed, or in the past.

    Trust in your Divine Parent to show you the way, teach you, and take care of you.

    Some days need to be simple like that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, perhaps all you need is water and the Word of Love.

    There are many times when it is appropriate to fast from your own poor thoughts, and welcome, welcome, welcome, the tender and supportive Words of God.

    Look to them. Or just Listen in your heart and hear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How many people do you know who try to use an appliance, or operate a machine, or a vehicle, without ever reading the instruction booklet? Do you do this yourself? Or, do you read the instructions and then try to use the machine in a different way, and are unhappy with the results?

    Beloved, Beloved, the instructions for a Good Life are available in the small still Voice in your heart. The instructions for your life are available in the scribed Word of God, and from appointed intercessors. Use these things. Read these things. Listen to these things. Obey these things, and find your way Spiritward, day by day and moment by moment.

    We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be at Peace with, and forgiving of, the distressing costumes worn by those around you. As you forgive them, and learn to look past their costumes to the shining Good Men and Good Women that reflect CLEARLY the Perfect Spiritual Men and Women of God’s Creating, you will more easily forgive yourself, and begin to see more and more of your own perfect reflection of the Perfect Being you are, as dancing, joyous Spirit within Great Spirit.

    It IS as simple as that. “Today, God/Goddess/All that is, shine away the fog in my sight that prevents me from seeing myself as your perfect child, and seeing all of those around me as your perfect children.”

    It can be done, for it already has been demonstrated,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We return again to a quintessential point. God is omnipotent.

    And, God is omnipresent. Many folk are frightened when they even think about some of what they have learned about human or earthly laws being not the real Truth that governs all. Many are uneasy to contemplate a Higher Reality that is truly the only Reality, for they want their fleeting temporal understanding to be what they think of as reality.

    But, darling, that does not change the Truth. Know the Truth for yourself, and do not push or belittle those who still cling to the temporal pains and pleasures. But for your own part, remain in the constant Unity with God Consciousness, and stay in a moment-to-moment awareness, so that you may see, more and more, that which is truly Real. Your own presence will then be a conveyance for Presence.

    And Unconditional and Unlimited Love is part of that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter what the human trouble seems to be, it can always be comforted by turning to the Divine Source and the Truth of what you are as an entity dancing in the Mind of the Creator.

    Turn to that Divine Love today, Beloved. Turn to It as you would turn to a dance partner, and dance, dance, dance to the Song of Love. Dance through the moments of the day, listening as you would listen to a new song from a favorite composer, and hear the Music of Creation, and be uplifted and guided and soothed.

    In celebration, in comfort, in appreciation, in expectation, in fulfillment, and in sharing of the depth of Being, dance, dance, dance.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For so long now, you have understood that the One Mind graciously knows how best to completely awaken each of Its reflections, who dream they are far away and alone in the earth dream. Keep trusting that, Beloved. Nudge another along, if you are directed to by Divine Voice, but otherwise be the quiet Loving example of Love reflecting Love, letting not the small irritations of the worldly dream divert you from your Light Path.

    If you lose your temper for a moment, if you feel hurt or unforgiving for a day, have mercy on yourself, and return to the sublime peace that comes with leaving all Awakening to God, and enjoy the gift God has given you, by speaking in your dreaming heart.

    Like a home owner patiently polishing each tile upon a floor, until the whole room is gleaming, God will polish each human heart, and then they will all shine together in Joy.

    Trust that, trust that, let not those bitter in the dream poison you,

    Trust Love, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not just positive thinking. It is Truth.

    Right there, where you think you see a problem to be solved or a lack of something, there is the Goodness of All.

    We understand that it is a great leap to realize that your thoughts, and your eyes that you have been trained to rely on, could be giving you incorrect information, but once you take that into account, it is much easier to begin always looking for Good. Look for Good when it is not immediately apparent. Search your thoughts and see if you are assuming that brokenness and evil are present. Remind yourself that Good is Omnipotent, and think again and look again and believe again in Joy, and the power of wanting Joy.

    We always want Joy for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like many do, you can awaken each morning thinking about all the “stuff” you must take care of—processing it, paying for it, cleaning it, ordering it or designing it, taking care of it, consuming it, disposing of it,….

    But, Beloved, if you awaken in the morning and diligently remind yourself that your true task each day, and true way to happiness, is to be in alignment with the Loving Source, and devote some time to that sweet alignment first thing, and throughout the day again and again, then all the “taking care of stuff” part of worldly life will go much more smoothly.

    This is old, old wisdom, phrased in various ways in different traditions, but it is still very true. Make it your truth, Beloved. Embrace it as a way of living in Love.

    You can be grounded in a relationship with Love, even while you perform all the “taking care of stuff.”

    “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these other things shall be added to you.”

    And We will help you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am completely surrendering to Comforting Spirit thankfully removing from me all traces of sorrow, or error, or other human iniquity.”

    “I am simply Spirit. As God has created me.”

    Feel the Power of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no certainty except the Truth. And the Truth is that you are part of the pattern of ideas that makes up the Central Cause and is All. The Cause of that Cause is to expand Love endlessly. The Cause of that Cause is to bring forth so much Light that ALL illusions are gone—all shadows are dissipated.

    The sooner you realize that therefore your cause is part of the Great Cause, the sooner you will be aligned with the happiness of Truth. You can flirt with the shadows and dance with the temporal, and there is nothing preventing you form doing that. But does it give you any true fulfillment?

    Dance with the beauty of the sensory world, as you like, but, Beloved, align yourself at the selfsame time with the Great Cause of Light for all. Begin with yourself.

    Light received is Light that can be shared,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is absolutely no reason to be afraid to talk to God, or to hear the Divine solace and advice for the human situation. God only gives, and God only gives Love.

    God is the Best Friend you do have, or can have, or will ever have. Talk to God that way. Listen to God that way. It is true that, like a good friend, God may give you advice that is not what you fantasized hearing, like about it being time to give up a certain habit, or a certain endeavor, but even if you do not take that advice right away, God will still Love you, and is still your Best Friend.

    You can count on that. Count on that, and act like you do.

    We are here to help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As anyone who has come through a weather disaster or an exodus or refugee situation can tell you, it is the Qualities of friendship and respect and dignity and love and peace and kindness and faith that are the enduring and meaningful things.

    So, as you sort and release or keep the “material” things of each day, bear that constantly in mind. Believe with all your heart that the true worth of you is the Qualities of the Divine that you can fill your mind with, and shine forth, and each day will have a meaning and a purpose that far exceeds any brief satisfaction of shiny object or exquisite taste or impressive word.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We Love you utterly. Keep that in your mind today, along with your goal of mental calm. We Love you utterly.

    Yes, we know about the sad illusions you have of your own failings or those of others, but we know your true identity as lovely idea of Soul and Love Itself, and we tenderly hold that towards you like a true mirror, so that you can remind yourself of who you really are, You are really a being of Light, Loved and Lovable and Loving.

    Hold that close to your heart today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting the complaints and compliments, and yearnings, and babblings of history, from others wash over and past you like water over solid stone is good practice. Keep your compassion high, knowing that the human condition that has been layered onto consciousness is a thing that all must peel away. But keep your focus on the sweet Spiritual Essence of the individual, and seek to See that.

    Seek again, this day, to see as God Sees, past the costumes and the temporal dreams and doubts, and See the Whole full Child of Light and Life and Love, in yourself and in others.

    For in this way is Glory born again, and the more who do it, the more will Glory shine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you hear about the health challenges or circumstances of a loved one, and you feel helpless, not knowing what to do or say to assist, then that very feeling of helplessness is a signal to turn your thoughts and heart to Divine Spirit. It is the most humble and the most powerful thing you can do.

    “Dear God, help me know what to do and say. Help me know what truth to remember here, based in the perfection of your Love, and Its constant completeness and wisdom projected as each one of us that are Your Whole.”

    And then wait patiently, and confidently, asking also for sweet calm, and let Good lead the way.

    Trust us, it is the best thing to do, not just in seemingly crucial moments, but every day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are looking upon one whom worldly measurers would call enviable, look again. Look to see if those eyes and that heart are truly at peace, and in Joy.

    Hold in your consciousness the full measure you have been given, of feeling even the edge of the aspects of the Source’s Goodness and humorous Wisdom, and ever-present Gentle Love. Then, if you feel even a touch of envy of another’s worldly life, ask yourself, “Would I give up this heart knowledge of Divine Family for anything the bodily senses see or do?”

    Keep your focus and your thoughts on all the wondrous aspects of the Good Source, Beloved, and allow all else that you might truly need to come from there. As the Divine Realities are more clearly reflected in your own state of mind and deep peace and happiness, you will be given more and more opportunities to share of them with all and any around you. Whether the one before you is king or pauper, or whether the one before you plays the role of your friend or the unenviable role of your saboteur, offer your tender acknowledgement that all, all, all, are in the Loving Sight of the Source.

    As you lend the Loving Source your eyes, Its Divine regard can begin to cleanse their eyes to See, as well.

    As soon as you feel envy, give something away,

    as you did, thank-you, yesterday,