All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to hurry, for God’s Love is timeless, and That Creative Force knows that your real Being never really went anywhere—that you are a safe Idea Being that just fell asleep and thinks it is alone. In the dream, you are sometimes struggling, and sometimes succeeding, but you imagine you are far away from God, or you do not even believe there is One.

    God knows you will awaken, in the dream, or after the dream or dreams. So God is not in a hurry. When you suspect that your own mind has tricked you and you want to try to “hurry” to awaken, that urge to hurry can be yet another trick of your mind, for it may make you feel desperate or wanting or angry. Those feeling only further your feelings of estrangement.

    The unhurried quiet trust is best. Work on proving and feeling God’s care for yourself. Work on hearing, and knowing, the delightful still, calm, loving Voice. Then, you will open and awaken more quickly than you thought possible, with no jealousy of those that are already there, and nothing but compassion for those that yet sleep.

    How We Love you!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is time to earnestly thank God for the gift of Dominion, and then awaken each day asking not, “What does my human self want to do today?”, but, rather, “What does the Will I share with God want done today?”

    Sometimes the human will and God Will coincide. Sometimes not. Trust only that greater Will, for It sees more than your human sight can. Then praise the Dominion gift that lets your truly joyous heart desires be enacted. Use Dominion to let Joy flow to you and through you, for yourself and others, all in the Oneness of Love.

    There is no competition in Heaven of Heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We assure you that God’s Priorities are not the same as the priorities of the human five senses. As you ask to understand God more, and to be more aligned with Divine Purpose, you must be willing and ready for your daily outlook of what is important to change.

    Yes, God does want your happiness. But as your Spiritual Self matures, the experiences and perceptions that help with that happiness will come along with the Inner Awakening that is the deeper Joy of God-Substance. Do not madly cling to habitual small earthly joys if they get in the way of the True shining of Soul through you, and throughout your Life.

    It will be fine, Beloved. It will be fine.

    Let go, and Let Goodness reign,


  • Dear One,

    You can buy a thousand books on meditation. You can attend a hundred workshops on manifestation and happiness. You can consult with a therapist, a doctor, a feng shui advisor, a friend, a magic circle, or a porcupine. After some initial helpful tips or facts about techniques, none of these things or people can help you if you do not help yourself. None of these things can substitute for simply sitting down each day for a few minutes, and breathing, and feeling your connection to your soul and the Greater Energy that it is a part of.

    You may use fancy music, or a favorite book, or a series of exercises if they help you focus, but mostly, you must just spend that time in your Inner Self. There is no substitute for that, because you are uniquely you. No one else can do it for you. There is no pill that can give you instant enlightenment and happiness. There is no guru or priestess that can transmute you instantly…Your discovery of your inner peace and your joy may only take a moment, but it must come from inside yourself and your connection to your Infinite Soul. It may take a moment or it may take weeks or years.

    Usually, spending twenty minutes a day feeling the unconditional love in your soul will result in positive changes in your life, in your health, in your happiness, within two weeks. Arise twenty minutes earlier, or take ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes locked in the bathroom at lunchtime. Twenty minutes is not so hard to find for such a great gift to yourself. You are worth that gift.

    Yes, certain prayers, or rituals, or hymns, or singing bowls may help you to focus on your Inner Self, if they resonate with your personality and your culture. If one seems to assist, choose it and use it. Do not keep searching for new tricks and new teachers. Lifetimes can be lost in just searching. Just pick one, and use it. Use it until you realize that you do not need any special costume, or ritual, or bell, or name, or gimmick, or workshop, or time of day, to simply connect you to your own Divine Self. The ability to center yourself in your own inner perfection will give you the freedom of having an inner peace that you may bring forth into any situation, at any time, with no special accessories.

    Be patient with yourself, it is All inside you, just waiting to come out.

    We love seeing you peaceful and free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you really grasp that Love is God, then you know you cannot see God’s face in the traditional sense. You can free yourself from envisioning god as some huge human. Love is invisible but It effects are visible. Free yourself from thoughts of a limited god.

    Instead, you can train yourself to discern the Omnipresence of Love/God by the waves of kindness you experience, or the harmonious function of a life process, or the solutions that come forth when you look for, and find, the “Face of Love” in everything and everybody.

    Look for Pervasive Love everywhere and anywhere, in the visible and invisible, and be gleeful as your inner and outer sight expand to see more and more of It.

    There are no limits on Love Divine, and

    It wants to Help you know that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Touch me, God. Give me the Healing touch of Spirit that cascades through me and reminds me I am completely Spirit, as are You.”

    “I am Spirit. I can be nothing else, because You are Spirit and You are All That Is.”

    “This dream of being a physical being that is born and dies, trying to survive with puny material powers, and is far away from You, will melt away as your Touch of Spirit frees me to see the Goodness of Your pure realm of Spirit.”

    Ponder these wishes, Image of God. Do you desire them?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In every day, there are moments where your words or actions might easily be influenced by wanting to please the people around you, or have their human approval.

    In those moments, Beloved, just always make sure you pause and ask the Divine Voice within what God wants you to do. And if you feel that you cannot hear the guidance, ask yourself, “Is this the most Loving thing to say or do?”

    And feel confident that all the contemplating and pondering and prayer you have done will bring to mind and heart the right answer.

    Completely and always with you,

    We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Love is Real”

    That is the thought, the mantra, today. Try keeping it in your thoughts, or as a murmur under your breath, all day. See what it turns into, as Divine Voice harmonizes with yours. See how it feels, as the repetition of this Truth shines upon your perceptions.

    See how your understanding changes, as you say this Thought, especially when your physical eyes are gazing at something that does not seem lovely or lovable.

    Love is an aspect of the very substance of the building blocks of Spiritual Reality, and naming it so cannot help but Help you see, this day, some of the Truths of the Spiritual Reality of which you are made.

    We are Real with you in Divine Form,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are one who does not truly believe that your Conscious Soul goes on forever, in a sweet timelessness of creativity and joy, does not that make it just as important to be decent and kind and loving in the earthly here and now? If you do believe in a Loving Source that is constant and eternal, and that you will always live on within it, we know you live and work with many individual humans who do not believe. Be compassionate that they do not understand what an unlimited Resource they have to turn to, but let yourself go ahead and be a wonderful example of Loving Kindness to them.

    In all the myriad of ways of self-knowledge and self-improvement and of spiritual and earthly aspirations, it is easy to get lost in dogmas and details and seeming contradictions. On the days when it seems too confusing, just keep it very simple, and be kind. Be kind, be kind, be kind.

    And if you believe in the Omnipotent Supportive Source, then know that It Sees your intentions of Kindness, and supports those as part of All that is Good.

    Today, be kind, be kind, be kind, including yourself in that gentle kindness,


  • Ah, Child,

    Even the most accomplished saint of the world must return to basics, again and again. Even the most abiding prayer-practitioner or the one who meditates most deeply must at times remind him or herself to look to the answers, instead of the seeming problems, to look to the One Spirit or One Harmony instead of the seemingly troubled waters at one’s feet.

    If thoughts of the troubled waters intrude into meditation or prayer, Beloved, let them be seen only as the waters that rise to wash away the dust of the journey. Let them be accepted as the refreshing cleansing that makes all things seem fresh and new, like rain after a dusty, dusty, dusty week of summer.

    In Harmony is your Life. Seek It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ability to hear the call of the Source to help listen to, and testify, to Its call to all to awaken to their sweet holiness, carries with it gifts, but also carries with it obligations.

    Keeping the need to recognize that Source, within, and above, all other things, is paramount. With total commitment comes total Love, and a freedom beyond human imagining—but that last leap, that last surrendering, takes the faith in the Goodness of the Source that allows one to trust that surrender is not a sacrifice—it is a privilege.

    Count not the costs, Beloved. Count the gain of completely Unconditional Love, and leap. Leap now, leap today, leap always.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    One Mind, Loving and Good, does govern all. If you agree to See that, and to let your own misty illusions fall away, the results are simply wonderful.

    While you are yet dreaming the earth dream, playing a part in the play, the One Mind would have you know happiness and Joy and Calm, trusting Peace in your heart. It would have you dream the happy dream.

    Let go of your judgments and your assumptions, and One Mind will help you see your own Good Self, and that of all around you.

    What does it hurt to give it a try. Playfully, curiously, try!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thinking of the Godly Qualities of a person whose human behavior you don”t much care for, and being Grateful for them, is a praise and thanks to God, and helps open your heart to God’s Support. It will teach your mind a great deal about the All in All of God.

    Try it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even the most odious of tasks may be turned into a set of sacred moments, if you call forth the Presence of God from your Heart, and you do the task with selfless Joy.

    KNOW that your partner, now and forever, in every chore and every situation is the Divine Consciousness, and simply do each thing that needs to be done, slowly, lovingly, graciously, perfectly, enjoyably. Being with the Sacred Presence is payment extraordinary, accept it as such.

    We are with you, all today, and always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sweet Calm and Purity of the encapsulating Divine Spirit stands ready and strong always. Just turn to It, Child.

    When the tasks you are asked to do, or feel impelled by Good Spirit to do, have you feeling overwhelmed or tired, return to the Truth of the ever-confidant and strong Will of all Desire. Pause, get still. And let it fill you with the very Bounty of Creation.

    If God is strong, you are strong. If God patiently perseveres, you can easily persevere.

    “My Child, My Child, all that I have is yours.” Your true self is the Good Child that remained at Home in the Parent. Your dreaming, error-prone self is the prodigal son that returns, having realized that the dream does not really feed and satisfy with Love.

    Seek not competition or triumph. Seek to remember your True Self, still, as always, dwelling in the Home of Love. Adjustment to harmony happens. You will see.

    At this time, you will see more remembering,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “This Good work I am doing energizes me, for Its Source is the Flow of Love.”

    When there are tasks and chores you must do because of care for family, friends, or community, those things are fueled by the Life Force. Just keep in mind that God does not wish you to be depleted or wearied when you are doing the Work of Soul. Ask for the energy, strength, patience, and Grace you need for the job, and you WILL be provided it.

    We are with you in these things. We assure you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is but one word we have for you today.


    You know the subtle and yet powerful feel of the Love that is God and that God has for you. Try to rise above the expectations and fulfillments and disappointments of human love today, and feel the Truth of Love Extraordinary. Love Itself Loves you. Love Itself forms you and sustains you. Feel that unspeakable Love for all around you today, and, Beloved, feel it for yourself and for God.

    For by Loving Love, you help It extend everywhere.

    As We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If there are days when understanding the higher and greater ramifications of Spiritual Metaphysics makes you feel dizzy and confused, go back to the simplicity of your relationship with your Maker.

    You know how much better and happier and calmer you feel when a person whom you love, and who loves you, is with you. You know how uplifting it can feel to be with people whom you admire and feel supported by.

    Think of your Maker as simply as that. A Wonderful Loving Parent Who Loves you Absolutely and wants to support you, and see you happy, and calm and well and whole. Turn to, and trust, that Loving Parent, and know that that supportive Love is always in the room with you, in the situation with you, in the body-experience with you. That Wisdom and Balance are inspiring your goals and desires for Good, and have no requirements except to be Loved in return. Even Loving God is for your own Good, really, for if you are focused on Love, nothing can keep you from Its Goodness.

    Be grateful to simply have a Divine Parent that is Omnipotent and Omnipresent and Omniscient and Love, Loves, Loves you all the time. Love wants the Best for you, and wants to help you find out what it is and how to have it, so you can feel Gladly Loving.

    Let it be simple today, Beloved Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many people understand that the gaining of secular skills and knowledge is a process that can take some time. Very few would expect to grasp high engineering skills in a fortnight, and yet the same individuals might feel frustrated if they do not merge into deep prayer or meditation or ability to demonstrate being a vehicle for healing or soothing from the Source, within a couple of lessons.

    Be patient, all. Be patient with yourself, and be patient with others who do not understand the amount of practice and training and studying and communing that is necessary to begin to skim the surface of the Ocean of the Divine. Above all, remember that it is always the “Divine Central Command” that knows best when you are ready to take on your role of healing minister or advocate for God. Whether that moment comes after years of study and dedication, or whether God raises you up from oblivion in the flash of a moment when you are needed, to be the vehicle for the Presence of the Divine in an unusual situation, God knows the perfect timing.

    Trust that. Stay ready. ENJOY the study of the Divine and Its nature and attributes. Bask in the sweetness of friendship with God. When God wants you to act or do or speak, God will certainly let you know, if you are simply listening, and willing.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every time you observe another who seems to have the mortal dust of error or sin or illness attached to him, DO remember, “There but for the Grace of God go I”, and forgive, and remember the other is a mirror of yourself.

    Perhaps, as you read this, your mortal mind is thinking, “What? Forgiveness again? Can”t I move on to something else now?” No, Beloved, here you cannot leave behind forgiveness. You will continue to grow in spiritual understanding, and smoother practice, but so long as you are still holding the belief of a body and the belief of the reality of the earthly dream, the need for forgiveness will exist. It is a daily thing. It is an always thing, until you achieve the translation that enables you to be fully awakened in Spirit.

    Then, you will see that there is nothing to forgive, for you will no longer SEE the sins and sorrows, just as God is too pure to behold inequity, and you remember your own pureness in God. Then, you will truly be able to only see the unconditionally lovable others that are also rays of God Source.

    Keep practicing forgiveness, Beloved. And anytime something is not going smoothly in your earth experience, ask yourself if there is something or someone you need to forgive, and appreciate.

    Every time you do this, we appreciate you with boundless Love,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The more time and focus you spend polishing your compassion and gratitude, the more they will sparkle and be ready to use as the utensils, to serve up Lovingness, when those in dire need show up for Spiritual food.

    God has asked you to be a Host of Loving Soul wherever you are. Be ready with the tools you need, knowing God’s pantry is full of Good Supplies to offer.

    We are ready to help you cater, whenever you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you but realized how many. many, many lives you have touched and are touching, as reflections of the Source and of your own thoughts, you would more clearly understand when we tell you the mortal interlude of your eternal spiritual essence is a shared dream.

    Share it you do, whether in body or beyond, and all the little bits of sleeping Soul finally awaken as one. To those within the dream it seems, and seemed, and will seem, to take a very, very long time, but in the Mind of God all that happened was one question.

    In that Mind, a reflection was made, a Child, an image. And that image asked, “Am I as You?” And within that question the image imagined making up its own universe and time and space. But right away the Mind of God answered Itself, “You are as me, we are One, and we will never be separated and live as separate beings or places or things.”

    To the questioning dreamer mind reading this, our answer makes no sense. To the heart of Love that is you and the Maker that looked upon Its own heart, the sense is still the same Truth it will always be and has always been. “I and my God are One.”

    You are made of Love, Beloved. Just act like it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learning that “All is One” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” are the same thing.

    You already Know in your heart that all exist within the Thoughts of the One Mind, but sometimes the costumes of those around you are so cleverly suggestive of meanness and shallow thinking that it is very hard to believe. Sometimes your own temptations and errors make you feel as though you also must have somehow stepped outside of the Mind of Love.

    But it is not so. It just is not so. For yourself, ask to be helped to feel the Love that holds you, and to lay aside all behaviors and thoughts that are not the Good You. For others, ask of One Mind that It so brightly shine within them that It shines through as clearly as strong sun shines through the outer tissue of onion skin. Then, you will be able to list for yourself their good and spiritual qualities, and be at peace in sharing the One Mind as your Home together.

    And, do remember, Beloved, as you look back over your life and the lives of others, that some of the “enemies” you thought you had finally became friends to you, and that others that were as an irritation to you were gracefully whirled away from the daily orbit of your life, once you came to think of them with peace.

    Loving from afar is still Loving. It is up to One Mind to Harmonize them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to run to and fro. There is no place on earth that is more sacred than another. The sacredness is within you, in lovingness of heart and attitude of mind, and acceptance of your holy role as a part of the reflection of Divine Qualities.

    Be Loving. Be Lovable. Be Loved. You are Loved by that which makes you again perfect in each moment. What more do you really want? Let that stream through you.

    As We watch, shine Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do remember, God that Holds you also IS all the Qualities that you need, to be the Best you. If you need flexibility and fastness, you have them. If you need courage and honor, you have them. If you need strength, strength, strength, of conviction and body, you have them. Just humbly and meekly ask, and you have them.

    If you need Love, O’ darling one, remember it is the very Substance you are made of. Just remember and allow It to come forth.

    We Love you and the understanding you have gained,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Unconditional Love Itself is holding you. Let It hold you with your complete and full attention. Give It your attention as though you were working on an intricate task. Hold your thought steady, keep your intention focused and serene, and LET It do Its Work.

    Beloved, It will not only inspire and guide and soothe and heal, It will wash away old beliefs that may be blocking you from being the most incredible You that reflects Its marvelous divinity and wholeness. Health and wholeness and full provision and demonstration of your individual talents are good, good, good things. Let no one tell you otherwise. Let no old thing you heard say otherwise.

    You ARE a shining part of Soul and today the Great Soul of the All That Is wants to polish you up. To polish you, like the owner that tenderly polishes his silver, Soul tenderly holds you. Let yourself be held, and concentrate on seeing yourself shine. And let yourself shine to yourself and to others, for you are a beautiful force.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being timeless, the Source CAN send a rope of rescue into the dream of time, to lift you back into Its Peace and Outlook.

    It can, and already did. The rope was not tossed in and then taken away. The rope remains, ready to cling to, so that ALL may be lifted up to remember their own timelessness.

    You do not need to fear that the rope will be withdrawn and that you will not reach it. You do not need to fear that those you love will not see it and reach for it. So long as it is needed, the loving rope of rescue remains, gently and firmly lifting all to Peace.

    Reach for Peace NOW. Even a small lifting into that Sight will let you shine brightly enough to inspire others to reach for It as well. It is not personal effort you must exert and exhaust yourself with. It is just being willing to be held aloft by Divine Peace. It is trusting that the rope will hold you, and never, never, never let go.

    Holding onto you as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To bear grievance is to trap your self in the undying error of the past. Free yourself into the moment and the enjoyment of the moment, with forgiveness. Even when you cannot forgive yourself or others immediately, make the decision in your mind that forgiveness would be a nice thing to achieve, to free yourself from re-living moments in your mind of errors you feel you made, or that others made. That simple decision that you WANT to forgive, coupled with asking for Divine Help in actually doing the forgiving, is a major first step.

    Do it now. Do it today, and you will be amazed at how much less of a burden you feel, right away. Once you ask the Divine to help with the process, it will proceed as quickly as possible. Just keep your wanting of it, and your willingness, open–open to the Healing that seeks to free you from your own limiting patterns, and to help you realize your True and Full potential.

    Oh, what an important day this can be. Choose wanting Wholeness,


  • Ah, Child,

    It is crucial to believe that you are completely Loved by the Source.

    Until you believe that, and feel that in the very soul of you, you cannot help any others. Let not any feelings of unworthiness or error block the flow of God’s Love through you. Remember that the Source’s Love is unconditional, and that although It will guide you to become more honorable and kind and giving, It will not withhold Its Love if you are not perfect.

    Welcome the flow of that Unconditional Love through you. Welcome It, and believe It, and let It fill you, and then you can pass It on, pass It on, pass It on, for you will have become a reservoir of that Infinite Delight.

    There is no greater delight than knowing you are completely Loved. Look not to other people for that Love, but to the One Source. The error that so many make, of looking to their earthly parents or family or lovers or friends, instead of to the Divine Source, will only delay your Joy. Look to the Divine, be filled with True Love, and then Spirit within you can be a distributor of It, on earth.

    Believe you are Loved, and then let It flow, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new sense of looking for the pureness of Heart in everyone you see. Let your prayer be to let your eyes open to seeing that beautiful purity, so that all the beauty and genuine pureness will also shine back at thee.

    In the interest of Beauty everywhere, in God we keep,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is doubt about your own ability to overcome a complete wave of discouragement when facing pain or lack, OR whenever there is a sweeping temptation to overindulge in the sweet sensations of life, remember that the Power of God within you is also there as a support and an advocate, not just as a tender lover and father/mother and provider.

    Take that crucial moment to pause, and ASK for some of the Divine perspective to help you choose well, to give you strength to assess clearly and calmly, and the wonderful will to carry out and carry forward with your resolutions and answers.

    ALL of your strength comes from the Divine Source. Why not call on It when you need It most?


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Be very still, and be very conscious of being simply and easily a subset of the Peaceful and yet Vital and Loving Consciousness of God.

    Do this, and let the earthly dream visions be a vey distant dream, and feel utter Well-Being as you discern being part of the Great Consciousness.

    If God needs for you to do something urgently at a certain moment, God Will find a way to let you know. If you feel the upwelling of God’s Loving Law of Life rising up in you because another human is calling to your Soul-self for help in reaching God Spirit, then pause your earthly tasks and go again into that full consciousness of All being truly part of the Consciousness of God, and be very glad to see unfolding of Good and Divine Healing flowing to wherever it needs to go, for the sweet enactment of Harmony, Harmony, Harmony.

    Take this day to be quietly as Conscious of God as God is of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In a world full of distractions and temptations and mis-directions, it is so very easy to forget who you really are. It is so common to veer between human joy and human sorrow, between inspiration and despair. It is so easy to forget you are truly a wondrous child of Light and Love, with the ability to choose to create and see Good, to see Spiritual Truth.

    Child, if you work in the ways of the world, although you are born of the delight of God, then it is no surprise that those polarities of the earthly ways pull you back and forth. Then, turn to God to be reminded, “I am a Beloved and wondrous offshoot of a Loving Mind.”

    And if you are so wrapped in human emotion that you cannot quiet your thoughts enough to hear God’s Voice, ever-present within you, then there is no shame in turning to someone who practices hearing God constantly, and asking to be reminded who you are. It is no weak crutch to turn to inspirational song or word, to be jolted out of the worldly mesmerism, and let a phrase or lyric awaken you to the remembrance of being the very Substance of Love Unconditional.

    Be not too proud to know when you need reminding that the very nature and force of Love is Good, and that It is your true inheritance.

    We love to help you remember, and can speak through your friends and ministers to you, if you ask in the name of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It would seem you are at a hesitant place about some things, but we remind you that sometimes other events and people, with their intentions and attentions to their own Divine instructions, must be patiently waited for to fall into place.

    This is a perfect time to contemplate the perfect Sight of God, that sees all things as they are meant to be, and ARE, under the glimmering illusion of earthly mirage. Contemplate that unearthly perception, and trust Its timing. Have the quiet trust of God, and let it permeate your thoughts and consciousness.

    Reaffirm, with deep longing of true desire to See, “I am perfect spirit within Spirit, right now.” Pretend you are on a special date, or outing, with God today, and do not let your attention stray to the other characters or events around you, any more than you would read a book or watch a cartoon, while also at dinner with a lover.

    God is your ultimate Lover, Beloved, and Loves you here and now. Concentrate on that, and know that the next steps will become obvious, when every step includes loving, and being Loved by, God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such joy in curiosity about the very small. Indulge it when you wish to or need to, but at its best let it lead you to the most fruitful curiosity of all, the understanding of the Mind of God. God, from one point of view, is a Wondrous Mind in which you dwell as Spirit, and understanding that Mind and how It thinks with Love, will help you understand your own mind, which at its Best is truly One with the Mind that is God.

    Understand that, and all the small things, good and bad, fall away, and you dwell in the Bliss of Love. Daily, remember you dwell in the Blessings of Love, and that the Mind of God, not some human idol, must be your role model, your idol, your love.

    The rest takes care of itself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, again, look past the traits of those you humanly love, and those you cannot bring yourself to humanly love, and ask of the Light, “Please, please, Grace me to See the unsullied version of my family and my friends and my co-workers and my co-seekers, and absolutely everyone I encounter or hear about. Help me See them as You See them, whole and pure and lovable and loving.”

    Darling child, you know you really do want to see yourself and others as God Sees you all. You know you want to stop judging and criticizing. God can Help you do that. God CAN show you the Truth, and knows that you can be relieved and so very happy that the Truth is the Truth and that there is nothing else.

    We cannot even describe to you what it is like to walk through an entire day fervently and calmly KNOWING that only Harmony is Real. Instead of epiphany moments, experience an epiphany day. Experience an epiphany always. Ask for that, Beloved. Ask for that.

    Grace gives freely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust that you are forgiven, and just endeavor to walk in Love. Walk in Beauty of attitude, looking for the Beauty in others, and demonstrating It in your own gifts.

    Trust that you are forgiven each time you err, if you ask.

    If a Power higher than you has forgiven you, and extends Its Loving Beauty and Gifts to you freely, who are you to still have not forgiven yourself? To walk and think in guilt from self, self-guilt that keeps you from living and giving, is hubris.

    Give it up, get free, and live, Beloved,

    Giving to others creates the vacuum in you for God to refill,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a child “camping out” in a tent in his mother’s own back-yard, who may imagine that he is on top of a mountain, or past the arctic circle, but who knows that he can go back into the warmth and provision of his mother’s house if he gets too cold or hungry, let yourself “know” you are camping out IN God.

    When, in your human imagining that you are completely separated and alone, you forget that the Mother/Source Divine is the Consciousness in which you exist, in which you “camp”, then you can linger in that cold, wet tent of self-pity far longer than you need to. Allow the Mother’s Love/Home to be remembered, and let It welcome you. Rise up from your own thoughts of misery, and let in the ideas that guide you to worm yourself out of your little tent, and walk back into the Blessed Hearth of Mother/Source provision and sustenance and Love.

    If you let yourself remember, and call out to the Great Mother-Love, she will likely even bring the warm porridge right to the opening of your tent, so that you may be fed, and yet go on in your little adventure, for a time. Still, you must pick up the spoon and eat it. Still, you must set aside the disdain of aloneness to let yourself be embraced by her Love.

    Those small actions that demonstrate wanting to be in the state of trust and joy and fulfillment are crucial. Open your mouth and say “I receive Divine feeding.” Open your arms, and say, “I welcome feeling embraced by Divine Love.” Open your mind and say “I welcome Divine ideas for the day.” And then, listen, receive, swallow, act and obey, and say, say, say, “I thank You in every way.”

    We can see your tent from the window of the center of Heaven,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “As you give, so do you receive” is also true for the compassionate understanding that no human eyes or heart can grasp the Whole picture of a person’s story or a situation.

    When you think you can discern no Good at all in a circumstance, whether great or small, turn again and again to God-Mind, and ask what else you need to know or learn. The One Mind will offer Loving comprehension, or lead you to trust that the opportunities and possibilities that are being, or will be, revealed, are helpful ones.

    Revelation and awakening happen in numerous and strange ways, Beloved. Remember this, for yourself, and for others. Ask for an Understanding Heart, and you are asking for the Best Gift of all.

    We see your progress on the Way, and it is Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Enter again that sweet silence where you listen, and feel and hear inspiration. If you call to Love for advice, It will speak or guide or urge, for It truly does want you to have the smoothest walk possible through the maze of illusions. Speak willingness, for your willingness to let It guide is what makes “Thy Will be Done” possible.

    Good IS in control here, if you give that control over to the One whose eyes and intelligence and ears are not dulled and fooled by the material senses.

    It will free you senses as well. Just agree, and let it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are still God’s Lovely idea.

    Circumstances will seem to change, and your priorities certainly will, as Spiritual understanding and Sight within you grow, but you will always be what you ever are in God’s Mind, that very Lovely idea.

    Never obsess about the temporal. Focus on that Mind that made you, and made all, and Loves you all, past the dust of illusion.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Over time you will clearly recognize when it is the small, fearful human mind that is whispering suggestions for actions or words, and when it is the Calm, Loving Divine Mind. Just stay aware. Stay present. Evaluate each idea and thought you entertain for the content of Deep True Love that it holds, steady, and universal, and unconditional.

    From that, you WILL know when to move forward with it, and when to hold back, knowing, always, that the Divine Mind has the only True Reality, and will triumph in the end, because it already has triumphed in the Realm of no-time. Trust in that.

    “Dear Divine Parent/Source/God/Goddess (use the name that is comfortable for you), I pause in this moment and call to you to keep me from acting from any small human motives, and to act only from serving the Wholeness of Being and Love for all.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The True Good that you have done and represented has all come from the Source of All Good, the Divine Mind in which all occurs and is Caused.

    Be humble enough and spiritually honest enough to recognize this. The Greater Good that really Blesses all cannot be defined by human measures, and you will understand this more as you are fully awakened in Spirit. Many times, God’s Hand has worked through you, and others, by stopping something, or redirecting, or creating seemingly “chance encounters” that seemed insignificant to you at the time.

    Leave the discernment to the Omniscient Consciousness, Beloved, and simply accept that praying “Use me to do Good, dear God” is a request that might take you in unexpected directions. If it is a sincere prayer, you must be willing to be open, flexible, and surprised.

    Working for Love is lovely in wonderful ways,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Loving and Guiding Divine Voice abides in each and every heart. If you have allowed yourself to begin listening to It always, then let your examples of actions and stories of the times It has visibly helped you, be shared. Encourage others to begin listening, begin practicing, if they are ready and open.

    And for those who scoff, and seem not ready, or have not found their own version of being delightfully motivated by the complete yearning of a Good Dream, pray for them. Pray that God finds a way to soon awaken and help them hear, and become God’s friend.

    For if all God’s friends and the dreamers of Good work together to let Loving Voice and Heart reign freely, the demonstrations of Good in the world scene will indeed accelerate. You are a part of this. Let Loving intent Flow.

    We are so grateful you choose Good,


  • Ah, Child,

    Let your love for anyone and anything of earth be only practice for loving the Source of all. As you learn to love the Source above all, even the “unlovable” of the temporal realm becomes lovable.

    Let yourself grow in this way. You will be amazed and blessed by the tenderness you feel towards even towards the dead stem of a flower, when you see the Whole through God’s eyes.

    As we see you, even when you err,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you realize that when the Divine All Looks upon you, Thinks of you, it is a Look and a Thought of utter Love?

    “O”, what a beautiful idea!” is Love’s Glad thought as it looks upon you.

    “Today, again, I shall offer Beauty and Goodness to this one, in the hope that they will notice, accept, and appreciate all that is, and can be, very Good in their world, and in their body, and in their heart and life.”

    God will offer Love and Joy continually, Beloved. Take it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be still, and listen. Be still and remember and realize that the Inner Partner Voice is right there to guide you, if you can stop, and be quiet, and listen.

    When the emotions of restlessness or irritation or anger, or a feeling of fatigue or pointlessness alert you to feeling out of Harmony, stop and listen. Listen as carefully as you would to the whispers of a fellow soldier who had made his way successfully through a minefield on his knees, and now is trying to guide you through with hints about when to stop, and when to go right or left or straight ahead. Listen carefully, Beloved. Listen carefully, and move forward only when you are told, and obey the Inner Prompting for direction of movement, and you will find yourself happy while you trust that Voice during the crossing, and happy also when the minefield has been finally navigated.

    It is a minefield of misinformation in the world, Beloved.

    Listen and obey the Divine Voice alone,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the memory of each expansive moment builds on the rest, there is less and less need for documenting them to yourself, or for journaling, or for using formulaic words in the affirmations or prayers you use to enter the heightened state of Divine Awareness. As you begin to spontaneously go to, or simply be in, that place of no-words and no-time, all becomes so clear that it is clear that you are simply part of All-that-Is-Clear.

    All are part of One, so the All becomes a singular noun, and suddenly a part of the clarity you comprehend will be All Is Well, One Is Well, I Am One. There is no other preparation for this leap in consciousness except to practice being in It. Some may reach it in an “orderly fashion”, through daily devotions and scripture readings, or a” la” year-long courses of exercises such as “Course in Miracles”, but others may reach it in a moment’s epiphany or a Truth-given heart revelation.

    You are It, It Is you, and all will become clear to all, for all are connected and one. Never give up on anyone, therefore, for if you do, you are giving up on yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The uncertainty will go, as proof after proof of the value of utter trust in God’s Governance comes to the fore. Believe, and trust, and move forward with the God given path that is the delightful and delighting part in the Play of Divine Life that goes on and on and on.

    It is more Joy than words can say,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do let each day begin with the centering of you self into your Self. Your High Self, that is a part of the Divine and that can reflect all the Divine Qualities when you clear away the earthly thoughts, will guide you unerringly through every moment if you do this.

    Like a safe room in a home, like emergency exits and entrances, like a refuge for wildlife, if you keep your Inner Sacred space clean and accessible, it will serve you well all of your days.

    Begin your day with that refreshing centering, and end your day there as well. Over time, you will find that your natural wish and inclination are to live every hour and every second outward from that serene and lovely perspective.

    Be the serene moment. Be the Divine Self. As you settle into the familiarity of it, you will remember that you were never really anything else, and your heart and Love fly free.

    As ever, with you,


  • Sometimes just a few minutes of praying, or meditative realization, is enough. Bless you. Remember that you dwell in Love, that the true substance of you is Harmony of Spirit. “I am the substance of the Joy of God.”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are the Completeness of you. There is no hole in the sense of Self, or in the experience of health or wealth of experience and provision, when each individual surrenders to the Truth of themselves as part of the swirling Whole of Love expressing Itself.

    ANYTIME you feel a sense of hollowness, or “something missing”, or dis-ease, or discomfort, stop and be still, and ask to feel the Wholeness of All Holding you. Just as your mind can hold the idea of your favorite dessert, the One Mind Holds you, forever True, and very Good.

    Float in those Divine Thoughts, in that Divine Mind, and know yourself as Love,

    For We are with you,


  • Ah, Child,

    It is always glorious to gift yourself the gift of some quiet time in the midst of your day. Let yourself be washed with peace, and with the gentle reassurance that Divine Love is available to you, no matter how hectic has been the morning, or how foolish you feel about something you said or did.

    Take that quiet time, and commune with the Oneness of which you are a part. More than any object, or substance, or food, or place, or words, that soft Presence will refresh you and rejuvenate you, and remind you that you are Loved, Loved, Loved, whenever you turn your attention to the Light.


    One SPIRIT

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you adore and acknowledge God, healing happens. When you worship—putting God first and claiming the Truth of God’s Spiritual Reality as being what really exists, and that it trumps, ALWAYS, the dusty illusion, healing and revealing of Wholeness happen.

    We have given you the image of the Christ Spirit rising up in each soul mind, and shaking off the dust and glimmer of the illusion like a dog shaking off the muddy water of a pond. Use that image again and again today, to picture the Christ standing up in you and all your loved ones, and in all, and shaking off the blurring waters of worldly mirage and error and confusion and pain revealing God’s perfect, innocent Child.

    We want this for him as much as you do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know there is the temptation to cling to a phrase, or an image, that seemed to be responsible for breaking the bubble of illusion on a certain day or in a certain situation. A set of words, or the glance of a statue, and the doubt or despair or worry suddenly no longer was a weight keeping the Good thoughts from arising in your mind.

    But we tell you, it is the opening to the Presence of the Divine Connection, and the Connecting itself, that did the releasing and the healing. Therefore, cling not to a certain formula or phrase in any mechanical way. Cling not to a ritual that begins to seem like some unknown “magic”. Rather, use these tools of word, or image, or attitude of body, to ponder the wonderfulness of the Source, and to open your heart to receiving all that It has to give you—to open your mind to all the Light filled Thoughts and feelings that It IS giving you. For that true alignment with Divine Thought is what brings your True Sense of Wholeness.

    If that means taking a good prayer, or a beloved painting or statue, and sitting with it for a long time, then do so. If it means just glancing at an old poem and filling immediately filled with Golden Light, then let it be so. Let the Communion with the Source be your goal, deep and clear. Let that knowledge of being pure Spirit, joined with Spirit, be what you seek and affirm, rather than just a habit or an empty gesture.

    You can look around you and see the results of those who go through the motions of worship and at-one-ment, but are living sad and shallow lives. Be not that. Let them take their time, and mentally put them all in the Loving Hands of God, but for yourself, go for the genuine. Go for the True. Go for the deeply grasped Truth, “I and my Source are One, and It is Love.”

    You can do this.

    Love, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The schisms that SEEM to divide you from the complete Love that Holds you always are just not really there.

    PRACTICE knowing that. Say it to yourself until, with the Help of the Inner Divine Soul, you believe it. “Nothing separates me from the Full Love and Wholeness of God”.

    Every new phase of knowledge takes time, for most, to get used to. If you are not one who can grasp it in a moment, forgive yourself for that, and celebrate any progress you have made in achieving full Spiritual Sight, and awakening.

    Once you have begun the search and the quest for Truth, it cannot fail, for it is supported by the already victorious Mind of God.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you call It your own “Higher Self”, or “Enlightened Consciousness”, or “Holy Spirit”, or “Divine Guidance”, or one of Its thousands of other names, it is ESSENTIAL to call for Its aid as you are trying to live from the point of view of Love and forgiveness. If you are trying to forgive, pray for, and be grateful to an “enemy” on the strength of your own human will, you will have days when you are fairly successful at it, but you will have many, many moments when you fail so miserably to set aside old hurts and judgments, that you become too discouraged to be able to move forward.

    Since moving forward into living more and more in moments of a state of Peace and Love is your goal, help yourself by asking for Help. If some of the rituals and patterns of a system of spirituality help you set up a pattern of asking for that Help, use them, but above all be willing to ask. The more you ask, the more the Help will flow. The more times you realize you need the Help, (until you realize that you always need that Help to see through the limited realm to the Divine Real), the more times It can be delighted to give you what It truly exists to give you—seeing that you are a perfectly loved spirit of Spirit, and so is everyone else, beneath the human costume, the human drama, the human illusory reality.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the sorrow or bitterness at being rejected by a friend or love or family member has you bewildered, turn quietly to God to be reassured of the Unconditional Love that stands ready to Hold and Serve you. Allow yourself to be filled with It, so that you may think of the person with forgiving Love, and treat yourself to getting all the sustaining affection you need from the Mighty Soul of God.

    Let not your heart be poisoned by regret or fear of Loving again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many times, in the human drama, things will occur that will make you think. “Here is something I can never forgive and forget.”

    But we tell you, you can. Indeed, you must, if you want the Peace of God, and to dwell in the Spirit Within, as your Home.

    Think about all the times that a relative, or an old acquaintance, has told you about a hard (or good) time in your life, or an incident from the past, that you no longer remember at all. Forgetting DOES occur in the dream of earth, and you can count on the Divine Spirit’s Omnipotence in helping to let go of the past, and forgive, and to move back into the attitude of gratitude that keeps you abiding in the Kingdom of Heavenly Peace within.

    The dream is not your true Home. Heaven is the True State of Consciousness.

    Oh, forgive, Love, that you may live in Heaven,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A human teacher of some technique or principle of operation, such as mathematics, begins the class by making sure that the students are comfortable and able to listen. He or she, if she is wise, tries to make sure that the classroom is neither too warm nor too cool, and that the students are not too hungry or tired to pay attention. Then, the teaching can begin. But the true teaching is mathematics, or in some cases, “how to teach”, rather than how to adjust the thermostat or raise or lower the blinds.

    Never forget this, teacher of God. Yes, those who believe themselves to exist only as bodies within the earth dream need to be relieved enough of their suffering of body or emotional pain to be able to pay attention, but that is then when the true learning begins. Understanding, and truly communing with, the Nature of the Divine will go on and on and on, even when the earth, and all fleshly forms and thoughts have been foregone.

    Help teach those you encounter, and your self, to be comfortable on earth. But if you stop there, you have missed the point, teacher of God. The teacher of mathematics would not consider the job done when all the students had enough food, and warmth and desk space and supplies in front of them. No, that is when the true teaching could begin, of the beauty and order of mathematics—sometimes applying that beauty and order to knowing how much to lower the blind so there would be no glare on the screen in the front of the room—but mostly just studying the sheer Truth of the dancing coordination of each and every number with all the others, as they all follow the laws of the principle they represent.

    Never confuse worldly comfort with knowing God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claim this:

    “High Guidance of the Light,

    Help us set aside our human selves,

    and let You shine through us,

    all today, and all tonight.”

    Learn that it is better than the earthly best,

    Accept that it is better than the illusion,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps you believe, right now, that you can not go higher than forgiveness. But we tell you that you can, and you will. We have Seen it.

    Beyond forgiveness is revelation, and when you have seen the beauty of the Truth, it will entice you to look to It more and more, and no more fret about the past or the small physicalities of the earth dream.

    We assure you. Do you trust us?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is the Darling and Wonderful Universe that God created, and that IS the God in which you live, made of Soul and Spirit and Love and One Mind.

    Then, even whilst you dwell within it, there is your dreamy perception of it. Your task is to perceive It more and more clearly, so that you truly come to believe and see and experience that It is a lovely Creation and meant to be enjoyed and Loved.

    And, yes, it is a shared dream on the perceived level. Just as you are seeing a little unclear bubble of your own reality within the Great Reality of Good Truth, so are others. To interact lovingly with them, it is important to try to know and see them as the Universe knows them to be. And it is crucial to see yourself this way as well. As more and more shared perceptions veer towards the utterly Loving, more and more of the delightful and Lovable and Loving Universe will appear.

    It has been present all along, beneath the illusion or sorrow and sickness and sin. Look for the Goodness today, Beloved. Look for the Lovable today, on a deep, deep level of Spirit.

    Start with those closest to you. We guarantee you that if you See them as their Loving Creator Sees them, you will find unlimited Goodness to appreciate.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as bliss without exertion physical can be experienced, so can opening to communion with the Divine.

    Sometimes, the sweet feeling of God Presence comes after long prayer or contemplation. But when it comes after simply asking for it, and relaxing into waiting for It to come softly, and wonderfully, by Its own desire, does it not also raise you up?

    The days of striving for spiritual growth can be good for you, but let this be a day of simply relaxing into the ever-Presence of the Loving Creator, just as a child would relax into its mother’s arms. Let Love feed you.

    You need this, take it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You HAVE experienced the Spirit of God helping you with small inspirations of where a lost item is, as well as seemingly miraculous solutions to job needs, etc. Spirit observes the earthly story you have made up with your human choices, and helps to smooth it when you ask.

    Can you take all these instances of aid and see the proof in them to courageously say to God, “Your plan, God! Show me Your full Plan for my life!”

    God wants what is the absolute Best for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God begs us beg you, yet again, thus:

    “Ah, Child,

    Come directly unto me. A minute every hour, no more than this I ask for now, close you eyes and ask me to Love you. Let me tell you, “you are Loved”, let me remind you who you are, as spirit born of the Spirit of my Heart.”

    We serve in This All alongside you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When there is urgent need, you KNOW that We are with you.

    We are Thoughts of God. Like you, we are Thoughts of God. Unlike you, we do not think we are undergoing a physical experience. All of us, including you, are Thoughts of God, pure Spirit, always. That has never stopped and never changed, and it will not.

    But while you are thinking you are also physical, we want to help you through it. We know that you know that, and that you knowingly turn to us when there is urgent need. But, please, also welcome us into the moments of everyday. Have the popcorn with us. Snip off the old flower buds with us. Call an old friend with us.

    Call us into every moment. Have us with you in everything, so that you are so familiar with us and our Voice, that you can never, never question whether you are really hearing Divine Thoughts, when you most need them. Let yourself know us and our feel and sound so well, that no doubts can enter your mind.

    We are with you and we Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have been to events and gatherings where a speaker or a performer spoke too quickly, or tried to tell a joke or a story with bad timing, and it made a good tale seem mediocre. You have had conversations with individuals that could have benefited from your experience or knowledge or advice, but who talked so much without pausing that you were never able to tell them what you have to offer, much less to help them.

    God’s Guiding Spirit tries to get through to you, and to all, as soon as they are wanting God-alignment, and joy and purpose and thriving. Do not force God to try to sneak in a word or a sign here and there. Do not wait for symbols to creep into your dreams. Give God your undivided attention at least once a day, and more as you can. Ask what God wants you to know, and is aching to tell you, and desires to give you. Ask and listen, and open, open, open to hear and receive.

    “Here I am, Lord. Speak and I shall listen.” Listen gladly and patiently and expectantly. Expect Good, for that is the basic nature of God, and therefore it is Goodness you are opening to welcome.

    Nothing wrong with that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, what you are meditating for is a state of mind of peace, trust, joy and harmony. What you are praying for, for others, is a state of mind of peace, trust, joy and harmony.

    Let all the rest follow from there…

    It Is the Substance from which all else is born,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have often heard stories from lifeguards who have described having to knock unconscious the one whom they are trying to save, in order to prevent the victim’s panicked thrashings from drowning them both.

    So it is also when you are working to realize the harmonious and smoothly floating Truth of God’s Plan for another. You must tune out their surface panic. You must calm their panic in whatever way you can, so that you may do your work of quiet salvation. You must turn away from their shouted lists of woes, and keep your mind and heart focused on your own strong ability to swim with the Tide and with the waves, and on your knowledge that the warm waters of the Ocean will continue to hold you both afloat.

    Yes, God places you near a drowning person to help save that one, but you cannot do so by joining them in their drowning. Stay strong in your own joyous knowledge of the cooperating and supportive Ocean, and thus let yourself and the other be carried/swum to safety.

    Keep trusting in the nature of the Waters of Infinite Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Loving comes in many styles and forms and words and gestures. But so long as it is selfless and true and giving and forgiving, it is Real. Love that is Real reflects Divine Love, with no greed or possessiveness in it.

    Focus today on giving Love that is generous and appreciative and Real, Child. For the more you give forth of Divine Love, the more you will feel It enveloping and returning to you.

    You are made of Love, substance of All. Today, act like it by letting It action you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the physical senses awaken you to each day, you know that you must, yet again, take the journey that leads to the centering of the heart, in the Grace that gives all Peace, before beginning your day, if you wish for that day to be Harmonious.

    That daily journey to the Peaceful Center of the Heart will hold some potholes, odd feelings or old irritations or seeming physical challenges. Some potholes are so familiar, that you will simply steer smoothly around them, like a commuter who travels the same road each day, and can turn the wheel at all the right moments to avoid the bumps, without giving it conscious thought. Others are new potholes that must be slowed down for, seen to be avoidable, and moved softly past.

    Joyfully, days come when the vehicle is entered into, the journey undertaken, and lo and behold, during the night the wondrous repair crews have filled all the old potholes, and the new, and there is smooth riding again for a time. Cherish those moments, and let them give you faith, for when a new pothole or two form, you can remember that you have the inner strength, Grace given, to steer around the new holes, and to trust that the Great Repairer is already on the job, making plans to make a smooth way again.

    Have faith in the Repairer, and keep your heart and focus in the Peace of trust, and remember to re-align each and every morning, and any time needed between, as you go upon your journey.

    We make Divine asphalt,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The animal brain of humanness has no power over you unless you pretend it has. Claim your Divine Self to be true, and let nothing else rule your days. If you forget your own dominion and fineness for a moment or a day, reclaim it and move forward, and shine again.

    Do not get trapped in guilt and remorse. Make good, and do good, and know that you can have the joy of being Good in each moment that you choose. We have told you again and again how many Divine Helpers are always with you, to help you choose and act aright. Ask them, ask the One Loving Mind, and humbly accept the Help.

    Choose Goodness and Gladness anew in every moment, and Gladness becomes the Whole of what you are.

    Cheering you on,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    While you are in the world, it is not to hope that you will be free entirely of the ego-self. The hope and the goal is to make it servant to your Wiser Self, rather than letting it be master of your days.

    In the world, where you are given a mortal name and seem to be just one small thing among so many, many, many beings, the ego-self will wish for you to only think of “me, me, me” and “my survival, my rights, my possessions, my ambitions and my goals and my good. etc.” That is all it can see, and all it wants to see. It wants that small “me” to be master of every daily triumph and misery.

    But as you realize, through contemplation and meditation and reading, and through exposure to enlightened words and persons and teaching, that you wish to be the Self that is part and like unto the Whole of which comes your True Being, the goal becomes to let that Greater Self be the Master of your days, and to let the ego-self be only the servant. Gently, firmly, consistently, to make the ego take its place as subordinate to the Divine Inner Voice becomes the purpose and reward of your days.

    Others can help bear your burdens. Others can inspire you and lead you, but for the daily practice of ordering the household of “self”, you are responsible. Only you can take time for that pause that makes sure that each decision, yea, even each thought, and certainly each action, come from the Divine Source in which your true Being exists, rather than from the frightened, separate-feeling, small ego-self. The Inner Voice is ever-ready to help you, if you but practice hearing It, and practice letting It be the authority of your days.

    We do all we can to give you Love to fuel this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many people, after a snarled incident, or a mistake made, will use a phrase such as, “Ah, well, what is done is done.”

    Are they speaking the truth? Not unless there is no lingering blame. Not unless forgiveness has happened. If an event rolls over and over in the mind because of the bad memories of it, or if one still feels anger or annoyance at those involved, then the situation certainly is not “done”.

    The forgiveness still needs to happen. The healing of the thoughts about all involved still needs to happen. The affirmation that all involved are truly the good ideas of God needs to happen. Whether self-blame is going on, or blame of others, let go of the labels of error-prone, or stupid, or wicked, that you might be tempted to attach to anyone involved, and re-sight your thoughts of them as wonderful children of the Universe, learning to behave as their Best Selves.

    We see the wonderfulness of all of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a Joyful day indeed if you can waken in the morning and calmly resolve and declare that this day of Now, and all future days of Now, are firmly in the Hands of God. Surrender to the Parenting of the Divine, knowing and trusting that God is a Good Parent.

    Let go of any fear. God teaches you only with Love, and it is only illusions you relinquish.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are trying to choose the perfect timing for something with your human sensibilities, you cannot, for you simply are incapable of seeing all of time and all outcomes. But if you turn to your Divine Discernment and listen to the Holy Spirit that dove willingly into the pool of time, in order to help sleeping beings of Soul awaken from thinking they are limited by time, you can choose wisely.

    Trust the timing of God. Trust the Divine Eyes that can See all paths and all individuals involved, and do your sacred part by listening carefully to the still, small Voice as it Guides you where to go and when to go and how to behave.

    There is a great freedom in trusting the timing of God. Relax into that trust, for It serves you with Great Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Two of the things the Discerning Christ Spirit said aloud to followers, when praying to God, in order to teach them, were “Thank-you, God, for hearing me always”, and, to the seeker, “Thy sins are forgiven thee.”.

    The Importance is AFFIRMING the innocence of the seeker, for God does know them as the innocent Idea that reflects the Divine, and ACKOWLEDGING that God is Omnipresent, and Omnipotent, and Omniscient, and wants the Good and happiness of the Lovely Children of God.

    Thank God in advance, dear Loves, and expect, expect, expect Good, for you are part of the Body of Spirit, and it is your right and inheritance to be Whole and Wonderful.

    Thank God in advance, and expect Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you would but spend a few minutes a day truly contemplating the very notion of Infinity, then, as Its vastness becomes understood by your heart, it would be very easy to accept that any earthly thing that might concern you is very small indeed within that Infinity.

    Sit where God sits, Beloved, and look with that Infinite Eye.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed, let praise be always on your lips, and in your mind.

    Let praise for good fortune be always what you are searching to do. Let praise for others be what you seek in each encounter. See the Divine of them, and the Divine of yourself, and let holy, holy, holy be all your names.

    The Force that Governs all of your choices and your sight, when you allow It to do so, loves to Govern by praise. God laughs, and allows, and praise be to Its name in every form. God laughs and allows and allows and gives and expands of Its own nature that is Love.

    God laughs and allows. If you sit aside to weep and complain, God thinks you are taking a break from God’s game. Turn back to praise. Turn back to the game of seeking that which to praise, and that which to praise will embrace you again.

    By the Good God that Governs our ways,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “All day and all night, God Loves us, God Loves us, God Loves.”

    Try praying for ALL today. It WILL multiply what you feel for yourself.

    In gentle Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have reached the time in your spiritual growth when the errors you make bounce so quickly back to you from the walls of illusion, be glad. Rather than falling into the trap of thinking yourself hopeless, rejoice that you are taught so quickly to rethink how you pre-judge. Rejoice that you are being reminded that giving is receiving, or that the other is self, or that the golden rule and mercifulness are indeed how you want to live.

    Then, forgive yourself quickly for the moments of forgetfulness, ask for help to live your truths, and to live the Word you have vowed to, and go forth again into a new, new day.

    You are Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is important to reassure yourself, and everyone around you, that the good you do and think is important, and makes a difference. It is very easy, in a culture of mass media, to believe that only the huge and famous can influence what occurs.

    But the Heart of you knows that is not true. For the Heart of you hears the Voice of God, of One Mind, and that Mind sees and knows everything and everyone, and understands and counts on each individualized Soul that lets Good shine through.

    Be the Light you are. Every single atom of that Light, and of you as a vehicle for that Light, matters. Let it shine, Beloved. Howsoever small or large, let It shine. There are days when you will shine greatly. There are days when just a glimmer leaks through. But all of those days matter. All of those days contribute to the Whole that wants all to know and understand that the Kingdom of Grace is present, and ready to shine as each one allows.

    Celebrate each bit of Light that shines, as We do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God understands the warmth and Love you are due, for God knows that you are made of such Graces. If you see only the costumes you wear and the make-ups and earthly titles, you will not be able to know yourself with a full measure of Truth.

    You are made of Divine Love. Please start believing it, so that you can be one of the ones aiding in moving the world forward in awakening.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as the new phase of understanding begins, (for it is new for everyone, each day), relax about trying to memorize certain phrases or words or images that seemed to take you to a place of enlightenment yesterday. Yesterday’s symbols do not always apply to today.

    Truth is unchanging, and the Truth of Divine Love, and yourself as a beautiful idea in that Divine Swirl of Harmony is unchanging, but the mortal mind/ego will try to find ways of inserting doubt into the words and visions that lifted you into Understanding yesterday. Each day will bring the words and images you need, if you fill yourself from Divine Word and Presence. Therefore, let each day begin anew with a feeding of your heart from Spirit, so that you can again walk forth from your prayer closet with heart re-filled and mind re-aligned with Unconditional Love.

    And that is how we love you, unconditionally,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you try to put a small area of your physical space or body in order, you can sense that it is but a temporary “fix”. The shelves always need to be dusted again. The toenails always need to be trimmed. They are temporal things, and unlasting.

    The One Mind/Heart , and your soul Self, as Its Idea, lasts forever. THIS IS WHERE PEACE EXISTS AND DOES NOT CHANGE. Set yourself firmly in that, Beloved, and THEN walk through your day and do your tasks. And if chaos seems to loom, or the temporal seems irritatingly futile, stop right away and become still and center yourself in Deep Peace Divine again.

    If your heart and mind are smoothly held in Peace, dear Child of God, then all the tasks of order and maintenance can be done lovingly, and with the enduring sense of what really matters, to remember in every moment that your real nature is the Harmony and Intelligence and Love of the embracing Source of you. Set yourself firmly in Love first, Child, and know we are with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All needs fulfilled from Above truly means “ALL”.

    The Divine Whisperer will not only teach you how to diffuse an uncomfortable human situation with a holy word, or forgiveness, or praise, or comfort you when you are bereaved over a human death, It will also simply Love you. When you are feeling that you need a moment of tenderness and encouragement, The Inner Presence is there. When you are feeling that you need a compliment, the Inner Truth-speaker is there.

    Realize the Presence as more than advisor and spiritual director, realize that ever-present Being as also Lover and Friend and Eternal Partner, and you will come to truly understand why many religious traditions speak of the mystical MARRIAGE.

    Open your eyes and heart, Beloved, and comprehend that the Divine Spouse is already with you, and THEN let be welcomed whatever earthly companionship the Truth brings to you.

    We are ever with you, Love,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    It is precisely because the One Great Spirit has no form that it can seem to appear as so many. In Its Omniscience, it can search the hearts and thoughts of each dreaming individual, and find there an image or a phrase or a vision that It can use to remind the individual it is at Home in a Whole.

    Therefore, when you are testifying to others about your own understanding of the Divine, or of how It has made Itself known as your Reality, realize that of course you can only speak in your own metaphors. The best testimony is to unite with that Inner Awareness, and let It search the mind and heart of the other, and find the patterns that It may illuminate. Then will It come alive for the other, and although, as humans, you will know different things, your souls will still be knowing the same Source.

    All bounty comes from Divine Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let no substitution replace the time you spend seeking to see God in the everyday. In the most unlikely situations, in the seemingly ridiculous individuals, in the sorrow or confusion that arises in your own mind, seek the Glimmer of God. Look for the Good. Seek the Good. It is not hiding, It is only hidden be your own imaginings and preconceptions. Ask for It to reveal Itself, and GIVE IT TIME to do so, and you will be amazed and relieved.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be at Peace. Be at Peace today.

    When you strive too hard to resolve a certain circumstance or event, it is easy to become confused about what or who you are even praying for. Return then, to the basic goal of relaxing into, praying into, meditating into, the state of Peace that is the Source.

    Being in a state of Peace will open the door to the other inspirational Thoughts or Impulsions you need, for it is an indication of being aligned again with your true purpose. So let Peace be your intermediate goal, and you will be surprised to find that it is often the only goal you need, or, eventually, will want.

    Be still, be at Peace. Be Peace.

    Thankfully, and peacefully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have breathed your way across the line into full belief in the Tender Ever-Presence of the Living Divine, you cannot just hand your experience and knowledge of that palpable Love to another. But you can be an example of someone who feels new, and absolved, and peaceful, and heartened. You can refuse to look back, and be glad to not backslide into material minded error, and be a role model of Spirit, as you continue to grow in understanding and Grace.

    So do that, Beloved. Be an example, be an example, at all times and everywhere, be an example.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you call out in the Divine Plan and ask for the Divine Solution, the One Spirit that whispers to all, to come and wash you clean, it is your thoughts you are asking to have washed clean. As you let that Comforting Truth wash over your thoughts, taking away thoughts of blame and guilt, then you can clearly see things, for thoughts are things.

    Then you can clearly see that you are a wondrous mote of light within the Mighty Light that is God/Goddess/All That Is, everywhere, for all time.

    It is your washed clean thoughts of self, and of others, that lets you “heal” yourself, and “heal” them, for you then see both yourself and them as you truly are, perfect motes of light expressed as reflections here, but truly alive only within the Dance of God-Light,

    We sing the song God dances to, of praise,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the tender Voice of Divine Love within your heart urges you, once in a while, to offer up an ungodly, ungood habit to Spirit to be healed, or released, or gently reminds you to pray for instructions about correcting a small ailment, or learning a needed skill, there is generally a need for an eventual full focus on it, or surrendering of it, but there is no hurry. God will not nag you continually. God will just offer to help when the error crosses your mind.

    But if you hear the “small, still Voice” seem suddenly louder, or repeat in your thoughts over and over and over, then try to obey immediately. Sometimes this is for your own welfare or guidance to an opportunity. You may feel the urge to drive a different road, or hear a name in your mind, again and again, to call. You may feel a restlessness about finding and bringing along with you a particular item before you go on an outing.

    Frequently, when Loving Spirit wants to use you as an instrument to help another, you will feel a strong impulse to contact someone, or to give someone something, or to call upon the individual. Obey, obey, obey when those urges of Grace occur, Beloved, for of such are the moments of serendipity and salvation made, that helps all flow along in the Harmony of Divine Mind.

    Sometimes you are the giver, sometimes the receiver, as all progress together in Oneness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the space between two breaths, or with the click of a button, or the turn of the wind, all things can change in your feelings. When you realize that you have opened a letter of “bad news”, but that it is addressed to someone else, your heart can flip back into place. When someone says “yes” to you instead of “no” about a gift or a favor or an offer to help, your optimism and sense of purpose can rise like a flower to the sun.

    In seeing how these small changes in the human dream can change the mood and the possibilities so quickly, you see but a hazy imitation of how quickly all can change, when you say in your heart, “Show me Your Reality for me, dear Divine. Let me see myself with Your Eyes.”

    And mean it. And wait, and let the Joys unfold, and be explored.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Lean into my sustenance, and I will show you where and how all your Blessings are known. Each and every Child of God, each idea of Its making, has a rightful share of Blessings, in the time of their accepting.

    Allow, allow, allow, Beloved, and let the ideas that are your garments and your food and your loves and your vocations, all come near to the idea of you. Remember that as easily as you can add a thought of a spice to the thought of a recipe, God can add all good ideas to the idea of you.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    It is always the intention of the Divine to let you know that you are loved, and welcome home. Let your focus of consciousness shift to that welcoming and loving place of Presence.

    Let today be a day in which you endeavor to remember, no matter what seems to be happening in your worldly circumstances, or in your body, or with the people closest to you, “I am welcome to stand in the center of the Heart of God, which is my true Home.”

    Say it again and again, if you need to, and let yourself feel the Unconditional Love that would embrace you and convince you that those are not just the empty words of a glib hostess, but the truth—you ARE welcome in the heart of God, and always will be.

    How glad we are when you believe it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The most wonderful aspect of the Creative Source is Its Constancy.

    It is constantly available to you. It is constantly Loving. It is constantly omnipotent. It is constantly omniscient.

    It is constantly projecting the Idea that is You.

    Remember these things when you feel alone or afraid or weary, or happy or enthusiastic or energized. Let It be your constant companion, for It IS your constant companion. Turn to It for comfort or inspiration, constantly, and also turn to It for celebration and gratitude, constantly, for that recognition of Its constant presence is what will keep your earthly physical experience aligned with the truth of your constant perfection in Its Constant Perfection.

    AMEN, In Joy,


  • Ah. Beloved,


    Ask for Grace to silence the human will and human voice, and let only God Voice speak in you and through you today.

    You may be surprised to realize how much of what the human mind wishes to say is only full of empty ego. Silence it, and be full of God today.

    In Love, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    If it is a beautiful and sunny day, and you are walking an open trail, but walking backwards, you will see your own shadow instead of the Lovely Light. You will likely stumble more often, as well as miss the beauty of the surroundings as they shine in the beams of the sun.

    Stop, purposefully resolve to turn on your hip and look directly at the path the Light is showing you, and see Good, see Beauty, see the clear way forward.

    Beloved, Beloved, the Perfect and Wondrous that your Divine Thoughts as a part of the Divine are focused on truly do make a difference in what you see, what you experience, and what you help others around you perceive. Walk in the Light, look to the Good, let Infinite Beauty be your guide through every seeming desert experience.

    Love is Real, and offers you Guiding Light,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you went to sleep humanly resenting an old roommate for cleaning tasks that were unfairly left to you, instead of going into slumber with a Blessing Prayer in your mind, were you really surprised to awaken in the night with a tense pain in your back, right behind your heart?

    And when you turned to scripture to seek healing, wasn”t it obvious it would open to a passage about the interrelatedness of all within the Offspring, the reflection, of God? We give thanks along with you that you saw your error in thinking/feeling right away, and went into a prayer saying “Bless her, and Bless me, for we are both sacred parts of Thee”. And when your stiff muscles eased as the Spirit of forgiveness filled your heart, did not all pain vanish?

    Forget not this small lesson you have learned in many ways, in many moments, through your years. Forgive, forgive, forgive, for yourself and others are all part of One, and you are just being gentle with a part of your own Full Being. Forgive often, and always, and quickly, and suffer not the pains that come from holding old human emotional trespasses in your mind.

    Bless all today, and you Bless yourself,