Ah, Beloved,
When you do not feel confident that you can hear and feel the Word and Support of God, either turn to someone who feels In Tune, and let them help uplift you to your rightful Divine Connection, or turn to old favorite Spiritual Truths, and repeat them until you feel calm.
God always hears you, and Spirit that joins you in your earth dream, always ready to awaken you to Light, is already with you. Divine Calm will join your human calm, and infuse it with Powerful Love.
Set aside the endless chatter of woes, and turn to these endless Wells of Goodness that help solve, and comfort, and release, and assure the return of thoughts to the Heavenly Consciousness of “All is Well, All is Well, All is Well.
Ah, Beloved,
“I am held together by the Invisible Love of God.”
Just as a beautiful and sturdy stone wall built by an excellent crafter stands sturdy in gravity because of the shapes and placements of all the stones, God builds you steadily, day by day, experience by experience, in your earth journey.
God created you perfect Spirit, and that has not changed, but Love will use each experience you choose in the earth dream to still hold you together, in a way that can stand steady and strong. Throughout, you are Spirit Lovely and Pure, and remembering that will further empower the Invisible Love that keeps you functioning and strong.
We walk alongside you,
Ah, Beloved,
Yes, human interests and plans will swirl in the mind, but learn to also Bless yourself with the nightly soft and deep prayer, “I place the future in the Loving Hands of God “.
It is a wide net.
Ah, Beloved,
Trust, trust, trust. Trusting God with all your heart and mind, and turning not to your human intellectual understanding, is not just a proverb wisdom for you. You must also apply it to those around you.
When you are having difficulty trusting another, turn to trusting God to Govern that heart and mind as well as yours. When you practice, practice, practice this, then you come closer and closer to full Soul comprehension that One Mind, One Love truly does Govern all.
Trust in the One Mind, and that leads to being able to trust others, and to being able to trust yourself to see the Good in others.
We will help you with this, never fear,
Ah, Beloved,
You have looked, and can look, and quite probably will look, for human causes to work for. But God has already placed a Cause in each and every heart—to Be Good. Not Goodness as defined by fleeting wants and desires, but in the way of shining forth the Eternal and Infinite Goodness of God. If you keep that as your Truth, you will be amazed at the seemingly endless ideas, and serendipitous events, and strength and courage, and appreciative love, that come your way so that you can fulfill the role as instrument of Light.
It is time to do this. Ask God, and be gently and quietly led to aid yourself and all,
O’ Beloved One,
Positivism. Take it on as a belief that can merge with whatever religion or creed is working for you now. To believe above all that the One universe of which we are a part, by whatever name you choose to call that Oneness, is a positive force that supports harmony, love, and abundance.
Believe that since you are a part of Oneness, you too can partake of that harmony, and love, and abundance. It is true, for it is within you to focus on positive thoughts, and the joy that fuels those thoughts, to make them a part of your experience in this life. Think positively, speak positively, feel positive that you are meant to create and partake in this existence in a way that is in harmony with the loving nature of Oneness.
Positivism. Practice it for the next hour, for yourself, as you go about your day. Set aside all un-positive thoughts and feelings as they come your way. Set aside, for this hour, the urge to watch or listen to any un-positive news or stories. Set the mood of your hour to positive and keep it there.
If you wish to focus on a thought for that hour, let it be a positive dream you have, or let it be a healing thought for someone that you know. Keep it positive. If negative thoughts intrude, tell yourself you will set them aside for now. Then, bring in that positive dream again.
Positivism for an hour. Perhaps positivism, then, for an afternoon or a night. Keep your thoughts and feelings positive for a full day or a full week, just to give it a chance. Be your own judge of this experiment.
How do you feel, and what is happening in your life, after embracing this attitude for a day or a week? Remember that the positive nature of the Divine Oneness is your foundation and your Source. Reach to that Source, if your own barrel of Positive Attitude runs low—the One Source is always full.
You are a living part of that positively loving Oneness.
Great Love to you always,
Ah, Beloved,
When you count your blessings, to put you in the Mind-Frame of God, do you truly ponder and appreciate them, or has it become a rote thing, just a standard list to flick through? Appreciate them and walk around them, in thought, today, and see the space in your life expand to accommodate more.
Count your blessings instead of grievances, and the results are marvelous indeed. It can change the way you see, and experience, the world.
Yes, this sounds like standard advice. But are you doing it?
We count you as one of our blessings, as we do each soul assigned to us,
Ah, Beloved,
Whenever we are willing to help someone achieve the complete understanding that God controls all, and that physicality is an illusion that is easily mutable to good, it is because we have been given permission by that one’s asking.
They must ask, giving their willingness to be taught by God’s Helpers, and be led by God’s Voice. You must do the same, honoring the timing and free will and choice of those around you. Though it may feel as though it is breaking your heart to see them suffer the illusion of vulnerability and death thoughts longer than necessary, still you must honor their choices to dream on in the illusion, AND God’s wisdom in knowing when each soul-part of itself is ready to awaken. Be glad for the truth that all are already in God Mind and have never truly left It, and be comforted by knowing that the dreams of pain will be forgotten once the awakening is complete.
Just love those you love. That will be the best help you can give,
Ah, Beloved,
When a messiah or an avatar looks at you and says, “You are perfect,” what and who is the “you” that he or she is seeing?
They are seeing with the eyes of Spirit that made you, that made you only of Lightness of Being and Perfection and Goodness and Truth and Love. That Source Spirit does not know about the dusty and temporarily flawed exterior you have laid upon the body of Light. It Knows you and Sees you as the Truth that you are, shining right through the illusion formed by the dusty mirage.
Think upon this. Know this Truth of yourself, and let the rest of your thinking fall away. Do not name yourself as the body, with its bumps and lumps and quirks and false and time-related form—think of yourself as Bodiless Love, and let the exterior appearance settle into place as a light layer of dew on the spring flower would, so long as you dance in the breeze of the earth mirror.
How We long for you to see the Beauty of yourself and others, as We See It,
Oh, Beloved,
Each day is a wonderful new opportunity to express only kindness and Goodness and to give Inspiration. The Divine Love Source wants you to do this, and will endlessly flow a supply of those Qualities to you.
Forgive yourself for any failings of yesterday, for Loving Spirit has already done so. Go forth again today, and allow your human complaints to get out of the way, and God will Gladly Shine through you. Gladly.
It IS a new start every day. A new day.
We Love you so.
Ah, Beloved,
Keeping a loving atmosphere in the home is one of the hardest jobs in the world. But it is also one of the most important jobs in the world.
With those whom you see every day, at home and work, it becomes easy to know when they are silently thinking “I love you”, or “I am judging you”, or “I hate you”, or “I am angry with you”, or “I am grateful to you.” Without a word being spoken, you know what the other one is feeling.
And if you are wise in the ways of One Divine Spirit, you have learned to answer all thoughts directed at you with “I love you.” You have learned to deflect all fearful and mean thoughts with “I give you Grace. I forgive you. I love you.” You do not even need to speak these words. You can just think them, and they will be received.
That wisdom, enacted, is what keeps a loving home. Just do it.
And, one day a week, or one day a month, or every day, try to enact that wisdom in the world as well. Could it be that all the world is meant to be a loving home?
Your loving doorkeepers,
Ah, Beloved,
Be very aware, as you commiserate with others in their extreme distress, or as you congratulate others in their extreme happiness, that both states are conducive to being ready to live beyond the worldly. Whether one realizes that the world holds nothing one wants because one feels that all is lost, or whether one feels that one already is complete in all the world has to offer, then there is room in the heart for the Divine Reality to be known.
In both cases, be ready to share to that heart that is ready to hear and sense, the Truth that you have known all along. Tell that heart that it has known all along, as well, the substance of what it really is. If it will but hold still and quiet and listen, it will hear that Truth “I am the substance of Love. I am made of Love and Harmony and Joyous Creativity, and these are the true Reality of me, and of All That Is.”
All That Is always waits, and is ever ready,
Ah, Beloved,
On most days, you look at the worldly news feeds, and read them, either quickly, or deeply. Many times you feel you are seeing repetitive stories, yet you still read them, or look for updates, or dwell on something that truly seems new in the news.
Closing your eyes to the world and looking within at the daily “news” from God will have one line that is always the same, “I Love you.” Still, by actually listening to that “Godcast”, you feed and renew yourself. And that Love can have a different tone each day, while always being Wonderful and Complete. Listen to It. Hear that beautiful Truth each day in a new way, letting It build within you, and practicing your close alignment with It.
And, Beloved, when you are filled with Love, and remember to ask of God, “What would You have me do for You this day?”, you may indeed hear something you have never heard before, or new instructions or details for a familiar purpose or goal. Listen to the news of God each day, Beloved. Listen, and take time to deeply feel and hear and accept that “Godcast” within.
Ah, Beloved,
When human reason would have you doubting the ability of That Which Is Beyond Physical Laws to solve your ills or circumstances, turn again to re-building faith in your heart and in your own thoughts. Treat yourself to sweet memories of when small or large “miracles” occurred in your life. Remind yourself of how amazed you were, and how grateful. Listen to, or read, the testimonials of others who have had certain evidence of the Gracious Intercession of God Solutions in their lives.
Re-convince yourself, re-align with God, and expect results,
The Healing Force of God does not fail,
Ask for Its help, and let It choose how to help,
Dear One,
Emotions exist in clusters or swarms like bees or ants. If one bee is present, the others are nearby. If one ant is gracing your picnic, the others are soon to follow.
If you feel angry at something that you see in the morning newspaper, that anger will sniff out other things in your life to be angry about. It will also call to its swarm-mates and they will hover nearby to see if there is something for them to nibble at. Jealousy, and regret, and blame, and despair will crowd around to see what your anger is feeding on. Is there something there that they can eat too? Can they dig down deep into you and find something from the past that can be brought into the heat of the moment so it can swell and grow and provide enough for them all to eat? They are so hungry, the members of this swarm of negative emotions.
Luckily for you, positive emotions exist in groups as well. When that first bee of anger comes buzzing around, or that first ant of despair, see what positive bee you can call from the positive hive. You may not be able to think of a single positive thing about that news report that set off your anger, but if you can think about the cat that you love, or look at your hand and feel so grateful that it works, then that little bee of love or bee of gratitude will call to its hive-mates to come to where there is something delectable. Honor, forgiveness, optimism, humor and enthusiasm may come flying over to be with you, as you sit and think about the small blessing of your hand and the sweet cup of tea that it holds. Focus on that bee of being grateful, and let the other emotions that live with it come to your open heart.
If you call in that bug of joy when one bug of fear appears, or even if you call it in when the whole swarm of fears is around you, it opens the door for the rest of the joys to come. When that group of positive emotions is with you, they can also attract solutions and thoughts and actions that can help you cope with, or solve, or try to help with, or to release whatever triggered the bug of fear in the first place.
Of course there are feelings like power, and like pride, that dwell in both hives. You can always identify which hive they are from by the other emotions that are around them. Be proud of the pride that comes with forgiveness, be welcoming of the power of love. Welcome all the joyous bees that would happily be beeside you, helping you be your Best Self.
Your Fond Beekeepers,
Ah, Dear One,
When you realize that the Divine is alive within everyone, and waiting to be in constant communication with them, you will want others to rejoice in listening Within.
But, Love, you cannot force them to listen. You cannot even force them to pause and be still. You cannot force an opening through their old assumptions and habits. All you can do is demonstrate your own Peace and Joy. All you can do is be Loving and Patient and wait, wait, wait for them to ask you of your Source of Peace.
Kin or friend, spouse or stranger, you must wait. No matter what points they begin from, once they take the first step of inquiry or search for the Truth of their Essence, God will become active in answering. The answers may come as inner revelations or words or visions, but they may also come as friends and books and films. You will know which seekers you are meant to help, by the questions they ask, and by a certain light of longing in their eyes.
Be at Peace, Peace, Peace, until it is time to share with one who wants Peace.
You will know,
Ah, Beloved,
You know how often you have heard the advice to stop and take some deep breaths, if you are feeling anxious. And it sometimes works.
We say to you, whether you are feeling anxious and confused, or exuberant and excited, stop and consciously take thought of the Presence of Spirit that guides you, the Breath of God that is the Life of you. It will uplift you and inspire you out of anxiety, or fill you with a sense of power and wisdom for the ideas you are enthused about. And It always works.
The Breath of God is your breath. And It is with you in every breath, and beyond.
Yes, Beloved,
The Divine Source is beyond words. But It is not beyond love.
If you love It, and let Its love shine in your face and anoint your words, then if even one other consciousness is led to that touch of Joy, the Whole is well served. No words can show them Oneness, but if they can see the evidence of Its Unity, they can deduce the existence of a Source, and seek It.
“O’ let the shining Glory of your Being be reflected in my face, Beloved, that others may also desire this Truth that is beyond these desires of earth.”
As Ever,
Ah, Beloved,
How Joyous is the soul that has completely opened its connection to the Source of Love.
The connection was always there, and always will be there. Endlessly, It offers energy and ideas and Love, Love, Love. We have said this to you many times, but today we wish to emphasize that the Flow through the connection works in both directions and goes further still. Like a two-way valve, as you flow Love back to the Source, you can also flow through It to the other recipients of Its Provision.
And that is why you can Love and heal others from afar. That is why your prayers can help reveal their Wholeness, as you send the cleansing power of Love from you to the supplying Pool of the Source, and then to and through the connection to the other, who is also supplied with Goodness and health from that same Source of Love, Love, Love.
All true connection moves through the One Source of Love. Lending a helping hand on the physical plane is good and generous, but only temporary. Enduring healing, and enduring help, comes from healing the very consciousness of that individual. The fully awakened one can then create, superbly, with his or her own pure and happy and innocent thoughts, aligned with the bodiless Guidance of One Mind. One Mind does not sort by body or age or color or type. One Mind simply Loves and gives Love to all, and Sees all as Goodness.
Trust that Goodness, and that It knows the cleansing power of Love,
For Karlis, with love. Fare thee well beyond the veil.
We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.
Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.
Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.
Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.
Ah, Beloved,
To be the active expression of God’s Good through word or action or prayer or creativity, to even one other person, one other idea of Life thought up by God, is to Be exactly what you need to Be.
Follow God’s Mind that is yours, and you cannot be touched by the mirages of the world.
We are with you in this, dear one. We are with you.
Ah, Child,
Everlastingly, you are loved. Each time you feel alone and orphaned, just remember that you are Loved. Remember that your True Parent is the Mind Divine and that parent has never left you, never stopped loving you, and never will. All the relations of earth are just temporary stewards, foster relations with you in the mind of God.
Remember your heritage as child of Harmony and child of Wisdom and Love, and being of Spirit, and let that heritage fill your heart. It is not some far off time that you inherit Peace—it is yours to take now, letting it fill you. When you realize that God/Goddess/I am That I am is Spirit, it is easier to image all of Its qualities flowing in you and to you and through your awareness.
It is not a material substance that you must force into fitting into a tiny bag. It is Spirit. Let Its qualities flow to your perception. Let yourself be filled with Peacefulness and Joy. Let yourself be filled with the Spirit of Harmony and Balance and Expansive Creativity.
We could go on and on, (and we will!), but it is up to you to let the Flow begin.
Ah, Beloved,
Just as worldly life has programmed you to think of yourself as primarily a body, and you must re-train your thinking and your mind to perceive yourself as a dancing Spirit reflection projected from the Creative Source, so is it necessary to re-think the other “body parts” of your life. The “body” of your family, the “body” of your marriage, the “body” of your hobbies, the “body” of your finances and provisions, the “body” of your home, etc. They are all thoughts. To allow them to be perceived as good bodies, healthy and thriving, you must give them the same prayers and affirmations that you give your physical communication-flesh-body.
But, do it all within the auspices of, “Thy Will be done.”
For, as the Creative Source’s Thought’s become your thoughts, the dream is of purpose, and happy indeed.
As We all Will together, Love becomes visible,
Ah, Beloved,
If you do not like the feelings you are having, then list in your mind the feelings that you do want. Are they things such as peace, joy, contentment, harmony, and Love?
Then you must turn to Spirit that is the One Source. That is what will give you those feelings permanently. Yes, you can turn to material things or personalities or bodies for a brief imitation of those feelings, but to truly banish their opposites, and take true peace and joy into your heart and mind, you must turn to the Original Source of All.
Do you want the permanent healing of feeling, or don”t you?
We permanently Love you,
Ah, Beloved,
As We have urged you, and as you sometimes remember to practice, there is absolutely no situation in which some part of your heart, your feeling-mind, cannot be focusing on the truth of “I Love you so much, dear God.”
Even while a relative might chatter at you about people you do not know, even while you ride the bus and notice all the signs and people, even while you wash the dishes or watch an entertainment, some level of your thoughts can be whispering, “I Love you so much, dear God.”
God is constantly Loving you, constantly emanating you, so why not? And to allow yourself to stay rooted in that fertile Love is to be fed the food of Bliss all the day. And that Bliss fuels your ideas, your functions of body, your strength, and your wisdom and compassion. It feeds all those in a way that the worldly does not, and cannot. It feeds those in the way you so need.
“We Love you so much, dear God”,
Ah, Beloved,
Just as you must CHOOSE to cooperate with the principle of gravity, such as when you let go of a dirty towel, in order to let it fall down the laundry chute, so must you choose to cooperate with the Law of Harmony that is God.
God will never force you in your timing. God will offer, again and again, as you dream of shadows, to show you the fullness of Light and Harmony. Whenever you choose to ask for, and let go to, that Harmony, It gladly reveals Itself. Let trust in, and thoughts of, Harmony’s ever-presence, replace all your sad or doubting thoughts.
Let go of all regrets that are like dirty linens, and accept Harmony, dear,
Ah, Beloveds,
Be very still, and be very conscious of being simply and easily a subset of the Peaceful and yet Vital and Loving Consciousness of God.
Do this, and let the earthly dream visions be a vey distant dream, and feel utter Well-Being as you discern being part of the Great Consciousness.
If God needs for you to do something urgently at a certain moment, God Will find a way to let you know. If you feel the upwelling of God’s Loving Law of Life rising up in you because another human is calling to your Soul-self for help in reaching God Spirit, then pause your earthly tasks and go again into that full consciousness of All being truly part of the Consciousness of God, and be very glad to see unfolding of Good and Divine Healing flowing to wherever it needs to go, for the sweet enactment of Harmony, Harmony, Harmony.
Take this day to be quietly as Conscious of God as God is of you.
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
You know full well that the same keys open the Kingdom of Peace and Heavenly Awareness in your heart each day. You know that generous forgiveness for mistakes, and new chances to do Good, and to Be Good, and to be grateful, are offered to you each day and each minute.
So gladly and gaily turn those keys each morning, not as an excuse to glibly err again each day, but as the chance to build good upon good, and to accrue wisdom, and to feel more and more understanding of the whole and clear purpose of Love Divine, and what you are and why you are within Its Expanse.
Every day new chances, Beloved. God never gives up on Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
When new people and things enter your experience, there can be the tendency to think them wonderful simply because they are novel. And as you ask for the Divine to unfold your perfect truth and Harmony, it is seductively easy to see all new things as part of that.
But test them, Beloved. Keep the touchstone of the unchanging touch and Voice of Goodness within your heart and mind, and hold all things, old and new, to It, to see if the experiences that unfold are pure and Good.
Unchanging Love is, and needs to be, your constant. Hold all thoughts to the Thought of Divine Good, and always the true way will be revealed. It only takes a moment, Love, when faced with new choices and experiences, to pause, and ask your Self, “Does this feel good to Divine Love?” “Does this feel aligned with the Law of Love?”
We will help you feel the Truth. We pause with you, in Joy, and go forward.
Ah, Beloved,
If you hear whispers from God about a new mission or direction for yourself. do pay attention. Those Spiritual missions will always be some form of at-oneness with God for yourself, and of representing Love and spreading Divine Love. Doing that routinely is a good simple rule to follow.
But it may be that your part in the Great Play suddenly takes a new turn, and it is important to not start making excuses, like “ I will think about that after I paint the house, or when I have finished answering all the emails”. If God’s Voice calmly repeats, or even seems urgent, set aside that human list, and pay attention.
Obedience aids the Good.
Ah, Beloved,
Whenever there is loss, whether it be of life, or funds, or place or goods, let there be a shift into the awareness of All That Is that never changes, and where nothing is lost if desire still exists for it.
Many complain that an existence of non-change would be boring, but that is only because they have not truly thought about the concept of Infinity. Infinity is difficult for your imagination to grasp, when you are dreaming in the finite bubble of time, but you can at least play with the idea. Try to stretch your imagination and see just one small facet of the Infinite Divine.
If death did not happen, but choice and creativity still existed, would you really be unable to stay delighted? If your gaze and appreciation of one kind of flower wavered, but an infinite variety of other flowers existed to look at, or to think up, would you not be joyous?
Love truly does express Itself in infinite ways, Beloved. Go within, where you are connected to the Infinite, and see. Contemplate Life and Love and Creativity and Joy and Wisdom wherever they exist, and you are contemplating aspects of the Infinite Divine. Contemplate them, ask to see more of them, and you will.
Always, what you love goes with you, here and There,
Ah, Beloved,
God does not dole out Love to you, bit by bit, in return for good deeds.
God already Loves you Completely, and automatically.
In accepting and absorbing that Divine Love. you will likely feel impelled to do Good deeds, and will hope that others may also experience that overwhelming and Unconditional Love of God.
Take what you are offered by Loving Spirit, and gladly do as It bids.
Ah, Beloved,
Do not let your heart be saddened by a false sense of responsibility. If you have been praying for a spouse, or a child, or a relative, or a friend, or strangers, to open their hearts to the Love of God/Goddess/All that is, and you see them continue to deny the Divine, or see them turn away or take another detour from that Great Relief, be not sad or afraid. God Oversees their souls. That is not your job.
Continue to pray to be a clear opening for Love to shine into situations, but know that it is that Divine that does the healing, it is the Divine that does the awakening, it is the Divine that forgives all sleeping and backsliding, and tenderly waits for a new chance to let each soul turn fully unto Love.
This endurance is a gift of the Spirit. Use it gratefully,
Ah, Beloved,
Right beneath the simmer of your material thoughts, We are there.
Today is a day made for quietness, sipping from the still pool of Spirit within. And, when the eyes are open, in order to walk through the day, We suggest quietly appreciating the beauty of the very small and the order of the very large.
It is not a day for big projects, Love. It is a day for being part of the small beauty and the fine order. If you need to do or say a certain thing, you will hear. Listen, and obey.
Well you know how few listen to the Quiet Voice. Be one who listens, today.
Ah, ah, Beloved,
Forget not who you are. Do not think about what you are not. Think about what you are—a loving and lovable part of the Whole that is Goodness Itself. You exist within It and are made of It, in truth, and so when you rate your own “success”, rate it by your lovingness. We assure you, we call you “beloved”, because you are Beloved. Every idea within the One Mind is Beloved. And as they all awaken to remembering their true inheritance as children of Love, the outer dream you see will become very different.
Oh do look with Love today, Beloved, upon yourself and others, for we know you want to see the Heart and Face of God. It is all around you, if you look past the material, and see with the eyes of Love, to the everlasting Spiritual Infinite that gave rise to YOU, loving and lovable.
“I am successful at being Love today”. Let that be your measure.
Ah, Beloved,
The Spiritual Realm, as Divine Source created it, is as it always has been and as it always shall be. Ask to see it. Look for it, in the purity of Love you seek to see in yourself, and in those around you. Be deeply grateful for the existence of the Truth, that only Love, and that which reflects Love, is Real.
The way to truly forgive yourself and others for being caught up in the web of lies that is the sad and seemingly evil world, is to be grateful that Good exists.
Be grateful for every aspect of Good that you are privileged to express, and grateful for every aspect of Love that you witness in every one around you. The others that were created are precious parts of the Whole Creator, and so, dear Beloved, are you.
Be Glad. Be True. Be Whole. Be Graeful.
Grateful to you,
Ah, Beloved,
No heart that clings so tightly to the material realm will be able to hear your words when you try to speak of the glory and comfort and perfection of the Spiritual Realm. Only a heart that has felt that first spark of amazing warmth, or that has become aware of the emptiness it feels when it holds the “object” it thought it most wanted, is ready to know the Truth of ineffable Peace.
Yes, Beloved, offer, offer, offer again and again, and again. But never try to force, and do not be dismayed, for every heart will come to its own perfect time of alignment with the Light.
We assure you All is Well in the end, and already, where there is no time,
Ah Beloved,
As we have said before, be not afraid, because God knows your original soul message and can replace it.
Ah, Beloved,
Male, female, genderless, all Good Qualities come of God.
“As Its image, I can let all Good shine through me.”
“All Intelligence, Grace, Harmony, Effervescence, Soul and Love, and all, all, Good can shine through me. I just have to agree. I can just joyfully let It all shine through me.”
O, Beloved, God is so very grateful when you do this, for then the time-bound evolution of Consciousness leaps forward. Do you not want it to leap more quickly? Look around you. Help it leap forward to demonstrations of All-Goodness, please.
You will Love it.
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
There cannot be too many Sabbath days. Take, again, a day to consecrate all thought to God’s Thoughts. Remember that because you have consecrated yourself to God, to helping to enact the Divine Plan within the earth dream, your goal is to make ALL days Sabbath days, wherein no thought is given to the worldly, but all thought is given to letting God’s Thoughts work through, and manifest through, you.
This IS “prayer without ceasing”, and is it not what you have been asking to understand how to do? Then do it, child, do it.
All Be Blessed, for it all exists within Blessing,
Ah, Beloved,
Even as one realizes the delightful gift of how Divine Love refills the heart, even as one is giving It away, there comes a desire to give it to all. Silently, in your heart, do give It to all.
But if there are those around you who do not thirst for It yet, or do not yet realize that they thirst for It, give It only silently, or as It naturally comes forth in your own witnessing.
Let It be a welcome offering to their throats, when they inquire about the Source of your water of Peace. Let the Inner Voice of One Spirit guide you when to speak, as ever, as ever, as ever.
Ah, Beloved,
The ultimate human need is for growth in Grace and remembrance of already Being a part of God.
Why are you worrying about any lesser ones? Think about the high goal, and let the rest fall into place, dear Child.
Just thinking about wanting to improve in Grace and Understanding is a prayer. Do that.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no pleasure that can compare with the pleasure and bliss of communing with God.
When you indulge in the other ones, remember that. Remember that, and never let the other dalliances interfere with your time spent with God.
Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
Believe in your own usefulness as a vehicle of Light. If it is Truth, then it sprouts where is needed. If it is lies, then it melts away in the heat of the Light.
It is not your task to force it to grow or fade, it is the prerogative of God to see that Its seed grows where it needs to be.
Just cast it forth, Beloved, and move on to the next place God needs you to be.
All Love to you,
Ah, Beloved,
Speak to, and listen to, the Voice of your Divine Heart as though It were your very best friend, or your lover, or your trusted spouse, for It IS these things. It WANTS your happiness, It wants your Highest Good, and the Good of all of those around you.
Be willing to listen to that Voice, that Friend, and willing to take Its advice. It truly is that simple. Free will is for choosing when to listen to Divine Will. Everyday language will do. Silence and listening will do even better. Listen, trust, obey, and be Glad.
Glad for every help you are to God,
Ah, Beloved,
Just as a child is more excited by an elegant wrapping, and an intriguing box, than by the actual gift within, so do your five limited senses mislead you.
Close your eyes, Beloved, so that you make look beneath the stage make-up of earth, and see with the Spiritual Senses, the mighty and lovely Glory of God-Source in all creation. See the shifting, and yet, everlasting, Life of Soul, beneath the bodies and objects that you think you are.
As you do this, you will begin to recognize others who also see,
As you do this, what the mortal senses see will fall into line with the spiritual,
Ah, Dear One,
When the full extent of the power of your own beliefs settles into your heart, and that relaxation of your thoughts into the Thought of Oneness comes, you will feel that you are walking about in a protective cocoon of Infinite Creative Love.
As that occurs, you will also find it easier and faster to offer Its healing Presence to those around you who notice It, and express a desire to have that same Peace. And, as you notice how many do not notice It, or seem to desire to be in the Peace that is not of this world, you will feel more compassion for their desire to stay longer among the toys and sand playthings of illusion. Their day will come. Meanwhile, let their theories and games wash over you and past you, and know yourself unchanged, even while you swim yet awhile in time.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
Joining even just occasionally in close or distant prayer with others who clearly feel and Spiritually See the wondrous Presence of God-Source will change the ways that you humanly act and think and prosper.
And when you cannot be near any others, there are countless Inspired writings and songs and images to lift your heart and Soul senses to the quiet place of Perception wherein you can directly hear and attend to the Words of God. God is always with you, Love. Love is always ready to Guide you and Comfort you and reassure you.
Join with the seen and Unseen who work for Peace, and be in that army of Good, Good, Good.
It is well worth it, and helps soothe all the raging hearts.
God wins.
Ah, Beloved,
Claiming happiness for yourself is only achieved if you claim happiness for all. Surrender, release and happiness for all are the surrender, release and happiness for each one.
That is the nature of the shared dream of human thought. The One Mind is singular, and must be recognized to command all.
This has been said in many ways. Find the way that your mind understands, and hold to it.
Absolutely with you,
Ah, Beloved,
The joining of two souls who have the capacity to awaken in one another the fullness of their own Divinity is a wonderful and marvelous device by which the One Great Soul helps to awaken all of Its bits to their own heritage of Divine freedom.
That does not mean that those souls will always, each day, find human smoothness in their interactions. But it does mean that if they live with, and try to work with, trust and forgiveness and love, they can learn to love more and more deeply. And the more deeply they love humanly, the closer their love is to being a reasonable facsimile of the Divine Love that holds them both, and all.
Love, therefore. Love one another and your selves, as a gesture to the Divine Creator that you want to remember, and learn how to express, the Divine Love that creates and cradles all. It is All.
All in Love,
Ah, Beloved,
As the older, cherished beliefs fall away, you may feel uncertain at times about what joy there is to be had in staying on watch at the earth mirror. Until the Greater Bliss comes fully into play, and you learn to lean back into it at all times, pay attention to the small joys.
The perfection of a simple flower, the courage and perseverance of an insect climbing a tall, tall tree, and the kiss of the soft breeze are all observations you can share with your Inner Witness. As the very sharing of your self with the Inner Witness becomes more important to you than the thing or observation you are sharing, you will become that vehicle for Bliss, and for awakening others, by letting them feel the presence of that Bliss.
Each day holds endless small joys. Share them, share them, share them, with the One Awareness that never leaves your heart.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to fret about whether the Omnipresence is hearing you.
It is always hearing you. The training of yourself, via pondering or meditation or prayer or contemplation, is about you learning to hear the Voice of Spiritual Reality, the Voice of Love.
No one can learn this for you. No one can surrender your will to the Divine Will for you. No one can accept for you the wonderful Grace that the Divine wants you to have, and feel, and see the effects of. Decide to do it, when you are ready, and open your mind and heart.
Yes, you can be inspired by the writings and lives and examples of those who have gone before you, or are around you now, and on the path of enlightenment, but ultimately it is an individual choice and awareness and striving. But the striving is a delightful thing to do, Beloved, for the fruits of aligning yourself with Spirit are many, and are good.
You can choose this at any moment. No need to wait.
Why not pledge to do it right now? The Divine will rush to help you.
Ah, Beloved,
God already knows that all things that Bless all are possible to God, as the dreaming human minds awaken to their place as an integral part of God.
But you need to remind yourself of it sometimes. Periodically review the times when seemingly unlikely solutions and healings and opportunities and help have come to you. Keep reading and listening to the testimonies of Divine Help that came to others. Realize that neither of these two activities even includes all the times that God-Truth intervened for your good and the good of all, and you were not even aware of it.
Remember, notice, and be very, very grateful for, all the moments of Divine Guidance that you are aware of, and trust that God IS with you, and that all things are possible to God.
And remember that God determines what is Best, from the Great View of Good, but that God is only Good. Let the sorrowful fall away as minds awaken to their part in Divine Mind.
Spirit IS ever with you, and you yourself are Spiritual. Believe the Truth.
Ah, Beloved,
We say again, the more Compassion and forgiveness you have for others, the more easily you will be able to forgive yourself for any errors you have made. In what seems like striving for human survival, many choices are made that later seem silly or wrong, when you begin to understand that a Greater Power will guide you and help you to all that you need.
Be so glad that the Spiritual Core of what you are, made by God, is as innocent and Good as when God made you, and as you still are, and as God knows you will forever remain. The human game and schooling do not define you. You are Love’s Child, and so is it, and so it always has been. Forgive and be forgiven, and rejoice that God tenderly awakens all.
This comes up often, for it is at the heart of the True Heaven of Living.
So fondly,
Ah, Beloved,
Love, Love, Love.
“I am Love,” in the mind and on the tongue, will heal all, if embraced with trust.
Ah, Beloved,
Choose the Love and Joy that are unchanging—the Infinite Love of the Truth of yourself.
When you played the good Samaritan and gave food to the homeless, and then gave the prayers that came bouncing back to you, filled with the Glory and Bliss of God, you were experiencing the Love that does not change. Whether you pray for the poor or for the wealthy, it is the Communion with God that results, that is the true richness of Life.
To choose actions based on fear of lack, or love of a favorite object or earthly pleasure, is to choose the ephemeral. Those fleeting pleasures can still be part of your life, but choosing to base your days on the Love that is everlasting is the only foundation that holds. To feel it, spend time and attention with God. To feel it even more strongly and more often, give it away to others via prayer, and let it bounce back to you.
Remember, Beloved, in the closed circle of the earth dream, whatever you give forth bounces back to you. Is it not only Love that you would want to see coming back at you? Doing unto others is exactly what you will see done unto yourself. Love them with the Love of God, and you will be immersed in It, and Joyous.
Ah, Beloved,
I am with you.
I have heard your request to show you My Spiritual version of your happy existence, and I Am and I will.
Be not judging of your self, only trust and embrace My Love.
I Am yours, as you are Mine,
Ah, Beloved,
“My innate Spiritual Holiness, gifted to me by the Creative Source, becomes my visible Wholeness today.”
Gratefully pray with some version of this today, dear one. Keep your intent full of expectant Joy, and God will Guide the words and images and metaphors you need to stay aligned with the Truth of Love.
“My holiness becomes my Wholeness of Good.”
We Work with you,
Ah, Beloved,
All things and people can come to have a new meaning and appearance to you, if you accept the NEW Sight that Divine Perception offers you, just as being handed golden lensed or rose colored glasses changes how things appear.
But, when handed the Sight of Truth, and willingly donned, you SEE the Truth of all as Spirit, with Spirit’s Worth and form and Joy and purpose, rather than just a gloss of new color.
Let that Inner Sight guide you today. Beloved. Be WILLING to see all anew.
ANGELS, with utter Love.
Ah, Beloved,
Full responsibility for seeing that the “other” person is your self is key to being able to completely forgive. All those non-bodily Divine Helpers that are around you CAN help you with this. Just remember to take time to listen to Them, and to indeed remember that what you are doing, you ARE doing to yourself. When you are tempted to criticize or to judge or condemn, forgive instead.
Forgive, knowing that by forgiving the “other” you are also releasing yourself, and forgiving yourself. Be free, Child, now, be free to forgive, and free, therefore, to truly live. The roles of the actors upon the stage can be cast off, and the actors can enjoy themselves as they truly are, as wonderful children of spirit, while yet on the stage.
Death then truly loses, completely, its sting.
Be at Peace, Child, be at Peace,
Ah, Beloved,
“I am standing in the wondrous works of god, as Spirit, as Soul, as Life extraordinaire.”
There are days, Beloved, when the thought of the day must be kept clear and pure and simple, over and over, like the threads of light in an electronic sensor, crossing the portal of the mind, so that the chatter of the worldly cannot enter and defile the Truth of what Beauty you are in the Beloved Mind of the Infinite Intelligence in Whom you live.
Ah, Beloved,
To KNOW that you are utterly dependent on the Divine Guidance to wisely shepherd you through the mortal maze is the beginning of purity. Have no thought that you can move smoothly through it in the Best Way unless you take time to Love and follow the Creative Source.
Love the Soul and Goodness of the Source. Love It supremely. That is the first and most important task, and the way of Spiritward being. Turn to It, ask, and It will teach you how It wants to be Loved.
It already Loves you,
Ah, Beloved,
It is certain that God wants your Harmony. You may believe that, and yet also believe that your human desires know what defines that Harmony.
You do not, really. The old joke about making God laugh by telling Him YOUR plans has a corollary. The way to make yourself cry is to stubbornly stick to YOUR plans and not be willing to accept what He unfolds for you instead, trusting that He will not remove the Good.
Ponder this today, Beloved, and trust the restoration that follows release,
Ah, Beloved,
We very much want you to understand that Divine Love as a Force is not limited by human will.
You might feel completely exhausted or unmotivated, but if you give God even a wisp of permission, the Spiritual Power that operates beyond your senses can change and carry and provide in ways past human discernment.
Whether or not you fully grasp all that God is, or even completely believe that there is a Soul Force that holds all, give grateful permission each morning for Infinite Life to Help, Help, Help you. It can lift your mortal self in ways beyond your imagining.
Let us Love you. We are with you.
Ah, Beloved,
Be very alert to toss aside the thoughts that try to distract you as you try to empty your mind and let God-Thoughts uplift you. As you try to focus on timelessness, and Spirit, and Love, into your consciousness may creep reminders of the laundry that needs to be moved, or the pile of papers that must be sorted, or the beans put on to soak, or any one of a thousand other things. Gently ignore those things. They can all wait, or turn out to be unnecessary.
Gently ignore those things, just as you would ignore them if a long lost love had suddenly come to the door, or a dear, dear relative stopped by for a surprise visit. The daily cares will try to keep you focused on the worldly concerns, just when you would be best focused on the concern for your High Soul that will lift you into an easier movement through the days.
Gently. Gently, train yourself to give all of your self to Spirit-Thought, as many times a day as you can.
Gently, we help you do this,
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
If you find yourself rehearsing a conversation in your head with someone you are still annoyed with, you can be sure it is the human ego trying to bedevil you.
Turn immediately to “God Loves me. God Loves us all. One Mind Governs us all. God Loves me and will help me forgive and forget, and feel compassion, and soothe anything that would limit me and my thoughts. God Loves me, and that Love is my Power.”
Love does not waste time being annoyed. Love Loves.
Be unlimited.
Ah, Beloved,
If secrets try to be kept from those closest to you, think again.
One Mind governs all. One Divine Spirit sees and knows all. If something is to come out eventually, would you rather your friends and kin hear it from you, or from circumstance or strangers? Remember, Love, that unshared Joys are also secrets.
If you have had a Divine Moment or vision, and share it not with one to whom you are vow bonded, it does not make for further closeness. If you have unshared errors, that would hurt or touch the heart of another, it is a crack that will only grow wider with time.
Share with God first, yes. But then heed God if you are led to share all with those whom you revere, and want to be revered by, the most. Let God lead you in the sharing and in the making of amends, or honest celebration.
We revere and Love you no matter what,
Ah, Beloved,
The interpretation that your human thought gives to events is so skewed by your inability to see the Whole, that you MUST learn to trust the Inner Voice of the Oneness that sees and knows all. It is why you cannot judge rightly yourself or others, and why sometimes the thing or person or event that you “think” would bring you the greatest pleasure or happiness does not.
Be pleased that the Oneness of Being is in Love with you, and learn to trust, trust, trust Its Voice like you would trust the perfect Parent.
RELAX into that trust, Child, and be delighted,
Ah, Beloveds,
You are completely Spiritual Beings.
Some of you are ready to hear this. Some are not, having formed attachments to the material concept, or been told that the material perception is all there is.
Ponder this, whether on the level of physics that is being now a little understood, or in the way that mystics and avatars have come to awakening.
Are you ready to know yourself as Pure Soul shining, a tiny mirror of the Life that is All? Are you ready to choose that, and let the outer-sense glimmer of light and shadow fall into place on its own?
Sometimes, at least once in a while, you must ask yourself this,
Ah, Beloved,
The more time you spend looking at all, earthly and Heavenly, from the Grand View of Love, the more you will understand how you simply cannot intellectually see all reason and purpose and sublimity within each moment. That is why you must choose actions and words in each moment guided only by Love.
As you begin to see glimmers of how the pathways of your mortal life have brought you to choices of learning and love, as you see, even as you make a choice, that choosing forgiveness is always Good, then your trust in being guided by Love will grow and grow. Trust Love, trust Goodness, and let your logical analysis of events come second to that. Look with the eye of the Divine eagle, holding steadfast above it all. Join your sight to Spiritual Sight of your Heart, and know that is your true Sight as well.
Ah, Beloved,
It is not hard. Just turn to Me, and I will do the work of transforming your perceptions and uplifting you and changing your experience of Life to the Good.
Just turn to Me. I will do the work. Indeed, I already have done it. I have overcome the illusions of the world. You just need to allow Me to pour the Truth into your heart, dear one. Turn to Me. Every day, turn to Me.
So Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
Try it again, this new, fresh day that has been Made.
When you feel that you have run out of Love, or out of Energy, make sure you stop, and get quiet and still, or at least slow down, slow down, slow down, and refill your reserves by telling yourself, “God Loves me. God Loves me. God Loves all of us. God made us of Love. We have plenty of Love, and all that It provides. We are Love. God Loves me.”
And so on. And FEEL It. Do not just say it automatically, as though it were a rhyme in a children’s game. Say it, think it, feel it, until you truly feel softened by Love, and filled with Love, and able to See with Love.
It makes such a difference.
Ah, Beloved
Look upon the “other” that is irritating you, whether in small or great scale, and turn away from the thoughts of the irritation, and “Be Still, and Know that I Am God.”
In that stillness, you will hear that you are Beloved of God, and reflecting of God, and that so is the non-Halloween version of the one before you. You are both Beloved of God, you are both within God, you are both needed to remain in your rightful spot in the array of ideas that is the landscape of One Mind.
Be at Peace with this, and THEN look again upon the other, Child. See your brother or sister in God in this New Light, and let there be freedom from the pain of judgment. When you unthinkingly judge, you only invite pain into your heart, for by judging you are unrightfully taking the place of God. God judges in order to heal, for God knows that beneath all error filled appearance and behavior is GOOD.
If you, as a human thought, judge, it is the opposite of Love. God bids you Love, Love, Love and Love again, unconditionally, and leave all else to Him/Her. Love, dear Child. Love again and again, pausing to remember that any sense of irritation or judgment or categorizing means you have stepped out of Love. Step back in, and Look again, and Love.
Dear One,
You can buy a thousand books on meditation. You can attend a hundred workshops on manifestation and happiness. You can consult with a therapist, a doctor, a feng shui advisor, a friend, a magic circle, or a porcupine. After some initial helpful tips or facts about techniques, none of these things or people can help you if you do not help yourself. None of these things can substitute for simply sitting down each day for a few minutes, and breathing, and feeling your connection to your soul and the Greater Energy that it is a part of.
You may use fancy music, or a favorite book, or a series of exercises if they help you focus, but mostly, you must just spend that time in your Inner Self. There is no substitute for that, because you are uniquely you. No one else can do it for you. There is no pill that can give you instant enlightenment and happiness. There is no guru or priestess that can transmute you instantly…Your discovery of your inner peace and your joy may only take a moment, but it must come from inside yourself and your connection to your Infinite Soul. It may take a moment or it may take weeks or years.
Usually, spending twenty minutes a day feeling the unconditional love in your soul will result in positive changes in your life, in your health, in your happiness, within two weeks. Arise twenty minutes earlier, or take ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes locked in the bathroom at lunchtime. Twenty minutes is not so hard to find for such a great gift to yourself. You are worth that gift.
Yes, certain prayers, or rituals, or hymns, or singing bowls may help you to focus on your Inner Self, if they resonate with your personality and your culture. If one seems to assist, choose it and use it. Do not keep searching for new tricks and new teachers. Lifetimes can be lost in just searching. Just pick one, and use it. Use it until you realize that you do not need any special costume, or ritual, or bell, or name, or gimmick, or workshop, or time of day, to simply connect you to your own Divine Self. The ability to center yourself in your own inner perfection will give you the freedom of having an inner peace that you may bring forth into any situation, at any time, with no special accessories.
Be patient with yourself, it is All inside you, just waiting to come out.
We love seeing you peaceful and free,
Ah, Beloved,
Call on the Beloved Spirit that is espoused to Its own Perfect idea, for you are that perfect idea, and it wants to take care of you, and love you, and be with you, forever.
O”, Beloved, appreciate how wonderful it is to be the spouse of pure Love. Celebrate with others that they, too, are the espoused perfect ideas of the Creative One Love.
It can be married to all, for all are One.
Ah, Beloved,
The more frequently and/or intensely you spend your thought-time in the timeless awareness of Spirit, and your ageless self within It, the easier it will be for you to accept the timeless, non-physical state as Reality.
And that will then float with you through your days of the Play.
Give yourself this gift, Beloved. Spend devoted time with Great Spirit, and be strengthened to see past all your illusions, and be joyous. It is a gift you CAN give yourself, and with Spirit bearing you up, it becomes perfect, as God knew it was all along.
ANGELS, sitting with you, standing with you, walking with you.
Ah, Beloved,
When confusion seems to cloud the mind, remember to take dominion over that feeling as well, before trying to sort out anything else. Claim the Truth that confusion is no part of God-Source, so therefore confusion cannot be a true part of what the Source shines forth as you. As you allow that false sense to dissipate, the priorities of what Good things to do and say will become clearer.
Then, as the priorities become clear, remember to use just very simple Knowings of the heart to See them with new eyes, “I have the Good Mind of God at my disposal”, “ I rest in the Plan of Good”, “I and the Source are One Joy, One Love”, etc. Keeping it all as simple as possible, one thing at a time, will keep confusion from coming back, as long as you LET GO of each thing, as you methodically turn it over to God. Let God sort out the details.
Ah, Beloved,
Just be glad you are Wiser now.
Be glad God freely gives Wisdom to you, when you are humble enough to take it. Be grateful and relieved God knows your true innocence of Soul and Perfection of working, despite whatever errors you may have made in the human condition. Celebrate that God has ways to bring forth your Good Life, so long as you are willing and want it.
These are all wonders. And these are all the Divine adjustments that happen for all, over time. It is the Loving command of Spirit, and It is operating already. Keep watch.
Ah, Beloved,
“I am Love”
“I am a ray of Love, and from that Love I can draw all the centered and wonderful substance and compassion and sustenance and power I need for all that I must do and want to do in the realm of earth-thought.”
“I am Love”
You are, Beloved, and We are with you,
Ah, Beloved,
When an actor is preparing for his time on the stage, he must look at a picture of himself to make sure he is putting on the same wig, and the right color of make-up, and the appropriate clothing and collar, and even the correct facial expression, as in the image of the assigned role.
Before you even open your eyes to each day on the earth stage, and certainly before you gather yourself for the day, look to the image of what you want to present to the world of what you truly are. Mentally, and with the heart’s eyes, look to the Wholeness of the Maker. Think upon the kindness, and strength and joyousness of the Spirit Source. Enoble yourself with and costume your thought in the fabric and qualities of God.
This is the gift you give yourself each day. These are the gifts you have been given to share with the world. Play your role true and well, and feel the loving applause of God.
Ah, Beloved,
Never condone sin. Never condemn the individual Spiritual Child that is being haunted by that sin, but never condone the enacting of it in their words or actions or thoughts. Turn their thoughts and eyes gently, with Love, to the enduring Truths of God—one of which IS that all beings are One as a reflection of the Divine Oneness.
Therefore, anything they do to another, they have DONE TO THEMSELVES. That is the Truth of “as you sow, so shall you reap” in the earthly. As you seek the Goodness of Spirit and Causal Love, so shall you reap that Sweetness as well. Which do you choose? For choose you must, in every moment—Truth and Integrity of God-Quality, or fear and pain and hatred and selfishness and revenge. Which shall it be? Which do you want to have come back at thee, in the closed circle of the dream?
The only opening in the bubble of the dream-consciousness is the way of the Divine Way -shower. Seek that One’s advice, and you are led to Goodness for all in all. Seek that One’s comfort and counsel, and you are led to Joy.
Ah, Beloved,
Yes, yes, yes, say yes to the Will of God.
Do not waste any time today fiddling with grievances. Just focus on saying yes, yes to the Will of God, and let Good Light shine through. The more human minds that do this, the more transparent becomes the film of dusty errors of thought that keeps the Perfection of Harmony from being clearly projected on the screen of daily life.
Saying yes, yes, yes leads to ideas for action or words, or simple refusal to act in any way that goes against the simple Goodness of All. Saying Yes, Yes to Seeing the Good Spirit come forth in every eye enables all to be more of the Good they really are.
Start with yourself. Say yes, yes to the Will of God every day. It Will delight you.
Ah, beloved,
Enter not into discouragement. There is no holiness in it. There is no Grace in it. Rather, Use Grace to counter the thoughts of discouragement.
Remember always, the timeless Source already knows all in the realm of time to be solved and overcome and restored to Joy. Keep your eyes and mind on the ending of the tale already told, and it is easier to walk with acceptance and trust through the misty illusions of obstacles.
Ask for Grace and It comes. Ask, and It answers in the way that is best for All.
As ever, with you, ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
If an angry thought, or judgmental feeling is urging you to do something, do the opposite instead. If a limiting belief tries to scare you into not trying to show your talents, set it aside, rebuke it, and stretch your wings. Let Love Lift you like the wind lifts a leaf or a feather.
You are as an angel, if you remember that an angel is what God made you to be. And what God made you to be, God still empowers. “I am exactly what God envisions me to be.”
We See the Real you. Let yourself See it also.
Ah, Beloved,
Do your know where your hometown is? Yes, certainly you do. If you absolutely know that your hometown is Chicago , Illinois , you absolutely KNOW that your hometown is Chicago and that it is in Illinois . If a stranger tries to convince you that your hometown is in Arkansas , you could only laugh, or kindly say nothing, but let the truth remain in your mind and heart. Absolute knowledge cannot be shaken.
In the same way, Beloved, we assure you that your True Home is the Mind of God/Goddess/ One Great Love. You can argue about it. You can try to pretend you are just a body. You can behave badly in the dream of earth and pretend that you are not a part of the Living God, but nothing you do or say can change what We KNOW, that you are good spirit born of Good Spirit, reflecting it perfectly, and all the stage make-up and pretend personalities of the ephemeral realm cannot change that Truth.
The sorrowful part is that the dream of earth seems so very real, and the dusty dream and stage behavior and grease paint can cause such human pain and loss. So it is best to give up behavior and thinking that is non-goodness as soon as possible. Remember who you are. Remember that your True Hometown is the Goodness of the One Loving Heart/Mind, and let yourself behave accordingly. Be the True You, and help others to be the same, in order that all will be able to remember and absolutely KNOW they are Beloved children of the Divine Mind.
Practice KNOWING the Good Truth of yourself and everyone around you, and you will be able to remember It, when the personality before you is behaving badly, or when the five senses say there is a problem. You ARE from the Perfect Hometown of God, let no other thing be true to you.
Lovingly, extraordinarily,
Ah, Beloved,
Step gladly into the Soul of God. It is steady and strong.
Look directly and quietly into the eyes of God by being very still. Hold your body still and your thoughts still, and ask God to look straight back at you and tell you what you need to know.
Stay very still, and hear God tell you, “You are innocent, and I Love, Love, Love you.”
Turn to the Soul of God for all the steady Strength you need, and be mentally and emotionally still while God’s Harmony does Its work on you. Trust Harmony to do Its Divine work on you while you walk through your day.
Daily, take time to be still, and look steadily into the steady eyes of God, and agree to Harmony.
Ah, Beloved,
When you pray, trust in the Omnipotence of God to see what your short human sight cannot see. It is not a shameful surrender to turn to God and cast your cares to the One Divine Wisdom and Love. It is true freedom. It is wisdom to trust the Greater Wisdom.
Just as you now turn to your worldly information devices to gather more data before you shop or travel or buy or choose or reach out, you can reach out, through your thoughts and feelings, to the Oneness of Being that includes you, and that Sees absolutely every connection and consequence and opportunity.
The Divine Mind truly wants you to be able to enjoy your awakening time, as you move through the temporal experiences and realize the fullness of your Spiritual Being. Turn to It, trust It, Love It.
It is very easy to Love, for It Loves you without conditions. Yes, It urges you to Love yourself and others, so that you can fully awaken to Love, but It does not stop Loving you in the moments you fail.
Fill yourself with Love, reach out and give Love, and awaken to the fact that you are a part of Love Itself.
What greater gift could you give yourself this season?
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
Bless and Bless and Bless, in your thoughts and words, everyone and everything around you. Say “Bless you” constantly in whispers and aloud and with your eyes.
It costs you nothing, Beloved, but the decision to do so, for the Blessings come from God. The Blessings come from God—you are just the transparency through which they flow.
Bless everything, Beloved, and in this way feel Blessed yourself.
The cloth that cleans with the water of Love is also cleaned as it cleanses.
We Love you so,
Ah, Dear One,
As you see the pattern, in your own journals and own lessons, of how long it takes the human heart to learn a truth, let it give you compassion for others in their struggles, and for yourself in the other truths that still challenge you. And, let it put you into a mind-set of gratitude, that chances to learn the truths of Life will be given to you over and over and over, until you have learned them.
You have seen the heartbroken look on the face of a child when he finds out that he will not be given another chance to pass the test that would have let him into the club he wanted to join, even though he had a terrible bellyache on the day he had to take the test. Be not heartbroken, and be not afraid, for to join in Awareness of God, you are given endless chances to re-test yourself, and endless Love to support you while you do it.
We are there, we are here,
Ah, Beloved,
Whenever there is an urge that you cannot explain, to go apart and be quiet, oh, do it, Beloved.
Spirit is fully aware of how difficult it can be to clearly hear the Wisdom of your Inner Voice when you are surrounded by the distractions of the world. Spirit observes that the Comfort of the Inner Love does not reach you in Its entirety when the jangling of the material emotions and involvements is so pervasive.
So listen to that little whisper, to that tiny tapping at the door of Consciousness, and take yourself into a silent spot, near or far, and be still, and be Guided, and be Loved.
It can be under a tree, it can be in your car, it can be in a restroom, it can be in an official Sanctuary, or it can be behind your own closed eyelids. Just take those moments, and Connect, and you will know again, All is Well and your Heart of Hearts is Good.
Ah, Beloved,
To be blessed is to understand that the “feeling” to aim to have at all times is the deep, calm Joy of the Creative Source, that is completely sure of Its own Goodness of Being and of intent. To be Self-aware of wanting to just be expansive, appreciative Gladness, is to be constantly in the Flow of the ever-present moment of God.
Be not confused about seeking passing earthly emotions. Seek the constancy of that Source Calm Love, and know you are Blessed, and that you are a part of the Giving Blessing, in the fine, fine circle of Being.
You are so close, now, to knowing how much of a Blessing you can be to others. Don”t stop now. Feel Blessed, and BE the Blessing, as well.
As ever, in Love,
Ah, Dear One,
As ever, find it in your heart to share your testimonies with others. Each story of faith felt, used, and answered will inspire others to believe that they, too, can call upon, and use, and be guided and comforted by, the Presence and Voice of the Source in their daily lives.
Just as you felt overwhelmed by worry and anger in that moment at the market, and asked for the Divine Consciousness for Help, and suddenly felt everything slow down, so that you were able to see the incredible beauty of each snowflake landing on your glove, and to feel the ineffable Peace of your Spiritual Existence, and to KNOW that nothing of this earth was more than a passing of the briefest of moments, and not worth feeling pain about, so do others at times need to remember that they may be comforted.
The Divine Essence that holds all ideas, all Beings in Its Heart/Mind never runs out of comfort and Love, any more than a mathematician runs out of the numbers he needs to work his craft. Turn to that Divine Essence of Peace always and first and foremost, and encourage, by your testimonies, others to turn to It also, knowing it is truly and Endless Well of Well-Being.
Let It reign,
Ah, Beloved,
All God needs to use your presence to shine His/Her Presence through is your willingness.
Your willingness to lay to the side your personal feelings of triumph or sorrow, even for a few moments, and let the shining Spirit flow through you, the Soul of you touching the Soul of the other, and reminding the mind of that one, “You are completely Spirit, you are Whole, you are Loved.”
No words even need be spoken. Just be willing, take the moment, and let Love do Its Work.
And so be It. That is all that matters.
And We thank you.
Ah, Beloved,
Keep your awareness on the light, and in the Light.
Like a driver, carefully and SLOWLY driving through the fog, in just the circle of light that his fog-lights illuminate, keep your focus on the Good.
Do not seek problems. Do not look for troubles to fix. Rather, look to the good. Think upon beauty and joy. Seek the word of Love in your heart. As it whispers encouragement to you, follow it, follow it, follow it, and, like the driver, you WILL come to clear road again.
Ask more fog lights to be with you, and we will,
Ah, Beloved,
Sing praise. Think Praise. Notice how much has been sorted out and has fallen into place. Say thank you and thank you and thank you unto all the human hands and hearts that helped make it so, but above all be full unto Gladness with praise for the Source that oversees all and Who Knows the end from the beginning and so Lovingly tends to all efforts made with Love.
Sing praise today, child. Say praise. Look to all the people and things and Grace you love, and speak love, love, love of each and every one.
Believe Us when we say that recognizing and applauding the Coordinating Love that has orchestrated the solution of this niggling human problem will help give you heart and faith that every earthly issue you face has the same wonderful Overseer on the job, helping, helping, helping.
We are Glad with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Where are you ? You are in the Vast Mind of God.
What are you? You are an idea of God’s, Innocent, Perfect and Pure.
Who are you? You are as God Knows you to be, an amazing Spiritual Image.
This is who, what, and where you are. Let the thought of anything else fly off you like dust off the wings of a bird, when it takes to the air after a storm. You are that free flying Spirit, and you are Loved.
Ah, Beloved,
Whether the moment seems to hold a huge world-wide challenge, or a small emotional trigger from your own story, the choice is always the same. Let your self sit still in sorrow or anger, or choose to combat it with the internal reminder, in your mental dialogue, that you are love fueled by Love. You are love fueled by Love, and It will give you the strength and wisdom to say the words and make the resolutions and take the actions and uphold the beliefs that are appropriate to each hour of your experience.
You are love fueled by Love, and Love Itself will Help you remember that, and save each moment from anger with gentle compassion.
Ask for Help and It is there,
Ah, Beloved,
The One Mind knows all truth and can enact it, and indeed has enacted it. Unto many throughout the ages of the earth walk, the illusion already has been revealed, and each and every one will come to that awakening in their time of choosing.
Meanwhile, O’ so Beloved, rely on the One Mind to guide all. Constantly, throughout the day, claim the Truth, that “One Mind Lovingly Governs all of them. One Mind Lovingly Governs me.”
It is not an entreaty. It is the Truth. Watch It work.
And be Glad,
Ah, Beloved,
As when a woman is in the time of giving birth, and her entire focus must be on that process, without diverting her attention to the undone chores in the home, or what some faraway politician is doing, or fretting over a current project or family concern, so think of your giving birth to the Inner Self that is in complete alignment with God. Stay focused on that Good thing, give yourself to the Glorious unfolding, accepting that all around you are undergoing the same process in their own ways.
Stay open to Love’s Law of alignment, Trust God to swirl into your life experience the Good ideas and people and circumstances you need. Trust Goodness to be Good. Trust God to be Good. Believe in that Omnipotent Goodness, and let not sorrows of the illusion divert your attention from giving full smooth birth to the Real Wonderful You, centered in Spirit, and happy with what you are as Soul and a part of Infinite Life.
Ah, Beloved,
If you regret it, God has already forgiven it.
Give yourself gentle Love today. God does.