All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are One with you. We understand that at first that will sound like something that is a meaningless, cute or comforting, but inapplicable to daily life “saying”, but in time you will realize just how true and practical it is.

    Understanding that the means God invented to awaken you, and to care for you while you are yet asleep to your own rightful place within creation, can be called upon at all times and in all places, is crucial to the deep Gratitude which will keep you ever-aware of the ever-present Help. Read that sentence again. And again. Practical ever-present Help is there to call upon.

    It hurts nothing to try it out. Begin each day with lovely expectation, tossing your heart into the understanding that God wants, and already created, your Harmony.

    Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What keeps you from thinking steadily, “Give me True Grace, Dear God, Bless us all, Dear God, in our hearts and human experiences.”?

    What delays you from this alignment with God-Consciousness? False, fearful human pride? The scorn of those around you who do not believe in a Force greater than themselves? A bitterness that has built up from perceived lack of love?

    “God Loves me, and I am Love” is a thought you can replay in your mind every hour. It costs nothing but a few moments, and no one around you need be told it is your thought, and it does not mean attending a special service in a special place. Just try the thought,” I am Love’s reflection, because God Loves me and makes me so.”

    Simple. “God Loves me.”

    It opens a flood of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are still with you. We are always with you. And we tell you that healing is the fun way to reach the awareness of Heavenly Mind. Time sense and deterioration are not the road to Heaven. Love is.

    Allow yourself to believe and receive it and see it revealed. Choose to believe what the truth of your heart says. It knows goodness is yours and what made you as spirit and essence and love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can spend five minutes arguing with someone, or you can spend those minutes being glad for the day. Which one do you want?

    You can spend a minute feeling angry about something, or you can spend that minute with the deep Peace of God in your heart. Which one do you want?

    If your earthly presence ended tonight, which one would you be happy to have chosen?

    It is always the same choice—earthly focus or Infinite Peace while in the world.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every good manager learns the art and benefits of delegation. When you are managing your own life arrangements and fears and joys, be aware you can “delegate” to the Divine Love that is always with you.

    If you awaken again in the night, anxious about an issue of relationship, or whether you might have left a door unlocked, and you cannot find the Calm to clearly pray about it, or do not have the long-distance means to check on it, ask for the Divine Help of Spirit, of Angelic Thought-Beings. Ask for Omnipresent protection on your goods, ask for inspiration and answers to flow to all minds within One Mind, ask for Guardian Soul to comfort and guide your loved ones, near and far.

    You can cultivate an absolute trust of the Immortal ideas that dwell with the idea of you here in the Mind of God, and that the Good Love of God wants to help, help, help you dispel all problems and uneasiness, and be and live the fullness of the Good-hearted. Ask Them for ideas to help you do what you can, and trust Them to do what you cannot. Envision All Good, for God IS All Good.

    Delegate to your Guardian Angels, Beloved. You deserve it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Wellness of Being, complete Wellness of Being, including joyous thought, is your natural state as you were created.

    “I stand and walk and run and rest quietly today and allow myself to float seamlessly on the supporting breath of Love.”

    Even when mortal mind would argue against the words or sense of such a statement, there is a part of you as Soul that feels it with delight. Focusing on it, and keeping it scrolling in your thought throughout the day, will lead to a sensation of Connection. That Connection with All That Is supplies more than you can imagine, including elements you do not yet even know you will need or desire.

    Work on that Connection to the Living All, and all things will come in their due time.

    If you are one who already feels the Spirit behind and around these words as you read them, then you are already doing exactly the right thing. Keep it up, and return to it whenever the worldly visions would try to distract you.

    Such joyous Love we offer,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Close your physical eyes, and in complete trust and humility of knowing “my own mind does not see the truth”, ask the All-Knowing, All-present Cause, “What aspect of Original Cause is right here before me, where this situation or this person seems to be?”

    And wait, Beloved. Wait in sweet and quiet humility, listening for the Truth that will help reveal to thee the wonderful, Loving aspect of Goodness that you can experience right before you, if you are willing to listen, and to see as God sees.

    You may hear a single word, like “do-ability”, that helps you see and appreciate how much the person in front of you achieves when given tasks to do. You may hear a phrase from some scripture or some old song. Let what you hear, in the Voice of Calm Gladness, guide you as to the kernel of Light on which to build your Knowing of the person, or the seed of an idea with which to proceed with a situation, or the simple loving words that remind you that you are not alone, and there is nothing to fear, for the Creative Cause is right there with you, always near.

    Be willing to be guided. That is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know we have joked with you before about “The first question God will ask you is NOT “Did you keep your house dusted?””

    It is still true. Whether you turn inward to the Soul Light and face God in this moment, or whether it is after you have cast aside the earth costume, what God always is asking you is “Did you Love? How much did you Love? Did you Love, and forgive, and then Love some more?”

    That has always been true and it is true now and will always be true. God’s nature is to endlessly Love and project Love as You. And God wants to know how well the transmission is getting through.

    Love, Beloved, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It can certainly be a shock to human thought to realize one was totally wrong in certain basic assumptions, or axioms, by which one has tried to live. But when one has realized that the home, or body, or vehicle , or person, or job, in which one placed so much devotion and time, is not, after all the thing that leads to true peace, then it is very freeing to give it up, and to give up other things besides.

    What seems good and bad in earthly life shifts as quickly as the direction of the wind. That is easy to see as one compares what one loved at age five with what one loves at age twenty—but have you seen yet that it shifts just as quickly within a day or an hour? There is only one thing that does not change, and that is the Firmness against which to lean, and that is the Nature of the Infinite Creative Source. When, between feeling attached to, or angry with, earthly things and people and attitudes, including your own earthly personality, you begin to explore and experience and get to know the aspects of the Divine Calm Joy, you will realize that here, at last, is a thing that does not need to be put aside because it has let you down. It is That Which Does Not Change.

    It cannot let you down, for you are within It. You are a part of It. You are made of It. What else would you really be, after all, Beloved, but the very substance of the Consciousness that gave birth to Itself to commune with, to enjoy, to share and witness with Its own Creation?

    Lay not up your treasures on earth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No force is needed to let yourself feel the Love that creates and feeds and sustains all Spirit.

    Just gently set aside your worldly cares for a moment, and let yourself feel It.

    We see you when you try to force yourself to do unwanted tasks or forcefully try to find the energy for responsibilities that need to be fulfilled. Beloved, set aside the forcing of mortal self, feel the Love that Loves you, and let It help you continue and achieve and enjoy and have that calm Peace of Mind even while all else gets done.

    Relax into Love, Beloved. Relax and let It lead.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is strife with another, praise the other. Whenever there is strife with another, love the other.

    Your human feelings of the moment may make you think there is nothing praiseworthy or lovable about the other, but if you re-direct your focus to the Divine Soul that is the Life of that other, and realize that their essence as a part of One Soul is what they really are, you will find something to praise and love.

    Your own essence will commune with their essence, all part of One Soul, and you will realize that you can praise their kindness, or their hat, or their loyalty to the cause they are so vehemently defending. You own essence will see that it is the same Divine Life that flows within you both, and let your compassion rise to the place where you can let the silent thoughts “I Love you”, “I honor the Divine within you” float in you mind even if their human self is speaking harshly to you.

    To rise above, Beloved, you must go below the surface. Rise above, Beloved, O’ do, O’ do, O do, for there is where you are useful to us and to the Whole.

    We give you praise and love,


  • Ah, Beloved,


    Consistency, Child. Not only consistency in keeping in focus, and mind, your desire to walk in the beauty and order and grace of God, but consistency in how you present yourself to, and react to, others. We know that you feel drawn away into old earthly pleasures for a few minutes or hours, here and there, even though you know already that they no longer really satisfy. Just so, when you are tempted to be non-compassionate with an unkind person, or to simply ignore one that snubs you, even while desiring your and Our help, you must step back into the consistency of aspiring to holiness. Holiness is the truly natural state of all, because all are born of Holiness and dwell within It, as the One Spirit they are all a part of.

    Never set aside that knowledge, once gained. Consistency in remembering who you are is crucial. You are a Child of God-Spirit. And consistently remembering that every else is a Child of God-Spirit as well. Act like you remember, even when their earthly inconsistencies seem to mask the holiness they are.

    Treat all with Love, including yourself, as we Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each day is an open chance for new epiphanies and spiritual growth. You are already fully Spirit, really, of course, made and maintained by the Spirit of Love. But as you study the attributes of the Divine that made and contains you, those thoughts of Good and of Truth will wash away the false thoughts of the self as a limited and mortal thing of flesh and bone and quirky humanness.

    The flashing moments of epiphany, when the discernment of a Holy Presence, or the stunning beauty of a scene nature open up the heart so wide, that for a moment you truly feel the Oneness of all things, and that you are a part of that Oneness, can be wondrous and thrilling. But as those moments increase in frequency, you will value, more and more, the daily and hourly calm conviction of being a part of Divine Life. The constant conscious capacity to commune with, and to know yourself to be a part of, the All that is God, will pour an awareness of spiritual (and thus mental and physical) Well Being all through you. Tenderly welcome It.

    Thus, you do not really grow in Spirit, but you grow in conscious awakening and awareness that Spirit is what you really already are, complete and wonderful and perfect.

    Focus on practicing that, like a song you would sing each day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The worthiness of each goal that enters your mind can be measured by how much it helps you remember, and share, your own loveliness, and the loveliness of all. Be that. Share that. Shine that.

    As you know your own worth as a citizen of the One Loving Source, and you know your loving self and your loveliness and lovableness, you will enjoy seeing what a difference you can make with simple words and gentle glances, in a world where so many feel afraid and alone. As you fully realize your own status as citizen of the Loving Universe, you will be able to let all around you see that they are, too.

    Count those successes, and the worldly needs take care of themselves,

    As ever,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being a representative of the Light and Life Divine does not need to be complicated. Yes, we know that there are many who flaunt their credentials or form complicated alliances with dogmas and rules and churches, but we tell you ministry of Love can be simple.

    Simply telling someone that you know the Universe wants him to be happy, can change not only that individual’s life experience, but all the lives he touches.

    Keep reassuring people, dear heart, that God is Good and wants Goodness apparent to all. That is ministry. That is hope. That is helping the Divine Plan move along.

    If you could stand outside time with us, you would see what your words did,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no anger in you. It only blocks the Light Divine from helping you feel your True Wonderful Self, and prevents you from seeing all the worldly Good that is rightfully yours as a beloved child of God.

    Forgive, let go, and trust God to generously give again to replace whatever has been taken from you, and help you feel tenderly Whole again.

    You KNOW this, Beloved. Let Love fill you and soak you and let all anger go.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say again, be so very grateful that gratitude exists.

    Whether a small thought of gratitude arises in reaction to a situation, or deep gratitude and counting of Blessings is a contemplative part of your day each day, gratitude is powerful.

    Each grateful thought can dispel weariness, and anger, and fear and frustrations of every sort. Each grateful thought can calm you, and open the portal to Divine Spirit that is ever ready to Flow fully to you.

    Use, use, use that gratitude, Beloved. You have many tangible and intangible elements of existence to be grateful for, and, above all, you have the Unchanging Infinite Love that thought you up, and keeps you lovingly always n Mind.

    Be grateful, be grateful, be grateful, and stay risen in the Light.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no confusion about the true purpose of each soul that takes the earth journey.

    The individual’s purpose for entering the sleeping journey was to imagine itself separate from God and make its own world. But the world of mortal that that got make was less than perfect. In order to redeem the journey, and make it Good, God’s mercy offers forgiveness to each soul, and a reminder that the true soul of each has remained Innocent in His/Her eyes and Mind. Then, each soul can offer that truth to all other souls, and so make the journey, and all its endings, Harmonious for all again.

    That is why to give is to receive, for as you remind others of their innocence in eternal being, so are you convinced of it for yourself, and all can enjoy the Grace of the eternal even while in the earth journey.

    Give, give, give, of whatever Grace you realize,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Occasionally take the time to actually individually name and ask for Blessings for the members of your family and those whom you see often. This helps clear up any small concerns or resentments or oddities you may be feeling about any of them, and clears the way for you to go cleanly to the altar of God in your heart of Spirit and more easily align yourself with full Harmony.

    Do not dwell on criticisms that come to thought as you do this. Keep your thoughts on knowing they are all Spiritual children of God, and it is God’s job to lead them and teach them, and help you Love them, as you hope to Love yourself, and to feel Beloved of God.

    Small pebbles can impede smooth walking. Clear your way.

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learning to love, and not judge outward appearance of, others also means not judging yourself. When you are in the moments of not liking your own behavior or appearance, stop and clearly ask God what the Divine Eyes See as you.

    You will hear Thoughts such as “You are my Beloved and Beautiful and Goodly made child.” And if there is also a suggestion to forgive someone or to let an inspiration blossom, follow that advice. But know that always, always, always, you are a Beloved Child of Spirit.

    God’s Mercy shines always. Only human forms of fear and anger bounce back and make mischief. Give them up, and count on and lean into, God’s Mercy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understanding that God, and all His/Her Thoughts/Ideas that you might call angels or guides, or by some other name. are completely in Love with you, can carry you through many a challenge and help you rise to the fullness of your destiny. For when you know that someone or Something loves you without limit, then it is easier to go for the Best of yourself.

    In Love with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiving, forgiving, forgiving clears the way for you to be a conduit of God’s Grace and Healing, Seeing as God Sees and revealing the Wholeness and Goodness of Divine Soul in all.

    Even if your human thoughts see no reason to forgive, and you cannot understand the metaphysical arguments for it, just do it so that your own energy for Life is not depleted by anger, and because you have the Full Desire to be an instrument for the Perfect Light of God.

    To be that useful and blessed instrument, clear your spiritual sight by forgiving, forgiving, forgiving. The Joy and Truth that will fill your heart will be sweet and complete indeed.

    Help Us Help you. Forgive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No betrayal or earthly victory can change the purity of what the Source shines forth.

    Ask to see it today, in yourself and others and all circumstances, and let no illusions fool you or entice you or trap you today.


    For this is Loving yourself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do be grateful and thankful that everything you really need has already been given you. The ideas you need to act on, the inner conscience that helps you know what to do and when to do it, the ability to appreciate beauty and good—all these and more have been gifted to you with which to enact your earthly play.

    Slow down, today, slow down, and appreciate this by being so very grateful for each bit of beauty. The beauty of light, the beauty of the feeling of love, the beauty of how humor relieves tension and forgives mistakes, are all wondrous beauties to acknowledge.

    The Infinite has offered all this, tenderly watching how you use it. It tenderly watches and helps you enact Good, but never ever withholds Love, Love, Love and ever gives, gives, gives Life.

    We know these things and really you know them, too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are the One who loves you and adores you faithfully and honestly and continually.

    Do not ignore us to waste time on confusion.

    Listen to us, move in our Word today, and do not worry for the morrow. It is what you believe and work with TODAY that counts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Good is operating always. You cannot read it in the human law books, but it is functioning in every heart and soul idea, cleaning and directing and providing and correcting and containing and restraining and guiding, guiding, guiding to Love.

    We know it is achieved, and it is done. Where time seems to still swirl in the lists of days, it seems unfinished. But We know you have moments wherein you glimpse It. Reach for and cherish those moments, and trust that the Good that knows and creates your unfolding is unbounded. You cannot be without Its Loving Grasp.

    Seek to feel It tenderly holding you today. Your Good ideas are Its Good ideas.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are endlessly eager to be with you.

    In the silence, we can come. In the quiet focused time, when you have stilled your body and your thoughts, we can deliver all the messages which the Divine has asked us to give you over all the hours of the day. In the quiet and open receiving time, as your heart asks to be filled with the Peace and Joy of the truth, we can deliver all the Love which has been trying to reach your awareness throughout the day, and then wait for what you would instruct us to do.

    For not only are the angelic messengers dancing around you to deliver the Love of God/Goddess to you there in your dream, they are also there to deliver your desires and hopes and questions and answers back to the Light that so shimmers around the mist of your dusky illusion. As the Truth of Love is given you, and as the yearnings of your heart to be home are conveyed back to the Source, the illusions are thinned and thinned, until they are no more.

    Quite a delivery system, is it not, Beloved? And you do not even need a stamp.

    Take your quiet time, and use us, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us, there is nothing so powerful as pausing the “film” of your life, and tuning in to the ever-broadcasting Source within you, and asking It to shine away all the shadows from your sight. In this way, your earthly sight becomes Spiritual Sight, and you will know your own worth as a Beloved Reflection of God, and the Goodness and Beauty of all those around you, in their un-shadowed form.

    Just as the earthly light sources in your life have gotten brighter and brighter now, with more powerful bulbs and beams, so is the Light that pieces all the gloom of the mortal experience growing brighter and brighter now, as more and more souls let the Light of the Great Soul of All shine through. Bask in It. Let It shine away all shadows of perception, and feel the Joy It wants you to have, revealed as the Truth of purity that you are.

    For Goodness sake,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you pray, trust in the Omnipotence of God to see what your short human sight cannot see. It is not a shameful surrender to turn to God and cast your cares to the One Divine Wisdom and Love. It is true freedom. It is wisdom to trust the Greater Wisdom.

    Just as you now turn to your worldly information devices to gather more data before you shop or travel or buy or choose or reach out, you can reach out, through your thoughts and feelings, to the Oneness of Being that includes you, and that Sees absolutely every connection and consequence and opportunity.

    The Divine Mind truly wants you to be able to enjoy your awakening time, as you move through the temporal experiences and realize the fullness of your Spiritual Being. Turn to It, trust It, Love It.

    It is very easy to Love, for It Loves you without conditions. Yes, It urges you to Love yourself and others, so that you can fully awaken to Love, but It does not stop Loving you in the moments you fail.

    Fill yourself with Love, reach out and give Love, and awaken to the fact that you are a part of Love Itself.

    What greater gift could you give yourself this season?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that one of the marvelous aspects of Goodness/God/Goddess/Divine to call upon, to heal your own feelings, and to soothe/heal those around you is Honor.

    Honor of Self, Honor of those people and things that seem to be around you, Honor of the Divine within each one, Honor of the Good enduring beneath situations that seem out of control, but are not, for the Divine is lovingly, and Honorably, in control all the time.

    All the Time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Please do understand how very powerful is the continual silent simple prayer you keep in your mind. No matter what one you choose each day, or are led to, letting that constant whisper of God’s Love for you be acknowledged in your thoughts is not only an inspiration and an affirmation, it is protection. It is a “space saver” that keeps the random and intrusive thoughts of the material complaints or the inharmonious attitudes out of your thought.

    Letting God’s Will for your Joy and Innocence be carried in your mind is a mighty mental armor indeed. Why not take advantage of it, and feel strong, strong, strong, in the Delightful Spirit of Good?

    We do, we are Thought itself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are feeling that you are of two minds, and so confused, or simply uncertain of whether to act on something, or how to act, remember that God is not of two minds.

    God is One Mind. God is only of One Mind, and that One Mind, that One Intent, is to Love and Give Goodness, and to amplify Joy. God is of One Mind to expand Life and Light into anywhere there is the illusion of darkness in your perceptions.

    “Today, now, I will ponder and embrace the Truth that One Mind governs all that is Good. I will relax into the Guidance of the One Mind. I will trust in Love.”

    “I will cease my fretting, and relax into Love.”

    “Appreciation of all the is Good will get me there.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Infinite has plenty for all. What is given to another is not taken away from you.

    There are plenty of new and old ideas. There is plenty of Divine Love.

    There are plenty of talents and gifts of purpose. There is ever-expanding Wisdom.

    Take and use your share. There is Plenty for all.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Whenever there is a day, or a minute, when you find yourself reviewing the past, make a conscious effort to bring yourself back into the moment of now. Remember that right now you are alive, with the beauty of the world before you. Right now, you have many blessings, just count them. Right now, all new possibilities are before you.

    If your review of the past is a wonderful memory, bring forth that joy into this moment. If the review of the past is helping you remember a good lesson or a resolution to do or not do a thing, then gird your heart with it. But if the detour into the past is about regret or disappointment or old pain reviewed, gently give it forgiveness and let it go. Be sure that you learned something from it, even if you do not understand the lesson in full yet. If you spend time contemplating it, do so with an attitude of searching for the Divine seeds of growth and knowledge that are hidden within it. Ask for Divine Helpers to help you see it clearly, and let it go. Then, let it go, and grow again, now.

    We are with you right now, and we count it a blessing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a deep communion with God has left you suffused with a feeling of Divine Bliss, bask in It. Bask in It. It is very Good and fine for you to do that.

    Bask in the Love that creates and supports and fuels all, and feel the reservoir of your Heart-Thoughts filled with Its Power. God knows what you need each day, and God’s Spirit can see what will be faced and Spirit goes ahead to prepare the way. If Love has lifted you into a High Bliss, soak It up, and know It will be there for you just when you need It.

    So, do not set aside the sweet Communion with Soul after a certain number of minutes. Do not rush off to your list of tasks or begin counting obligations and earthly plans. Enjoy the complete feeling of Oneness with God. Stretch out the time of Godly focus. Accept It. Enjoy It, and let the shared Joy with God slowly unfold your day without disrupting that Divine joining with planned schedules and small earthly goals.

    O, so much better than any worldly achievement or accumulation or even a list of good works, is the full merging of your Love with God’s Love. God looks upon and embraces you, and is happy. Allow yourself to completely embrace God in turn, and be happy as well.

    Bask in God’s Love, and be happy, and be filled. It is a very fine thing to do. It is a way to live.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like the leaves of a tree that fall down around its roots, and decay to feed the ground and give it nutrients, your old habits and attitudes and mistakes and successes can fall down through time to feed who you are now.

    Therefore, like the old leaves that have mulched into the elements, let what you have learned help you be an even better display of the newness of what you are now, but do not keep trying to dig up those old displays. Be the newness unfurling, like the fresh green leaves.

    Be the newness and goodness now, letting what has died feed you, but never hold you back or down.

    “I will be my Higher, Best Self, displayed, reflecting the Divine, now.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is always in your best interests to ask, daily, to see and know yourself as the original perfect idea that the Creator/Source makes.

    Your sight, your hearing, your very knowledge, all come unsullied from the Mind of God. Therefore, imagine them that way. Re-think them to BE that way. Accept no imperfections as emanating from the Source. Be willing, like a young child imagining, to be as free as you need to be, and be free indeed.

    With you in every step of the endeavor,

    And in expectation,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    For miles and miles, or months and months, your car has been making an odd noise, or behaving strangely, let us say. You finally make time to take it to the master mechanic, and as you arrive at his garage, he already knows what is wrong with it by the sounds he hears or the shimmy he observes. But when you arrive, you spend twenty minutes telling him all the symptoms, and your theories of what is wrong, and if he is polite and kind and patient, he will listen to you, even though, in his mind, the solution is already planned.

    If you finally stop talking, and let him take over the car, he will fix it. If you explain and complain, but then hop back in the car and drive it away again without letting him tell you what is wrong, and without signing the permission slip for him to work in it, the car will not be fixed.

    Just so, Beloved, with your self and your life. If you, by time and practice, or moment of epiphany, or proximity to one who holds the Presence readily to hand, reach communion with Oneness or the awareness of the Presence of God, do not waste time complaining and explaining and asking. The Divine Wholeness already knows what you will say, and already knows what is wrong. Just let go and listen. Just listen and let go and be. Turn over the “vehicle” of you life, and let it be worked upon by Divine Love.

    If you find that you can”t just “Be” in sweet silence and communion with the Divine, then at least let your contribution be words or song of praise or appreciation. Try, try, to just listen and learn and absorb, and love.

    And do not think that if you have reached a moment of God-awareness, that that is completion, and that it is time to jump back into the “self” and drive off again. You must leave the self with the Master Mechanic to see it fixed. You must sign the permission form, so that Spirit knows that your free will desires this work. And then, let It do the work. Give It your time, your attention, your presence, your willingness to be healed.

    This garage is everywhere,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When seeking, and trusting for, a Harmonizing of any part of your human experience, whether it is of the body, or finances, or relationships or purpose, it is not the pulse of the wrist or the checkbook balance, or the texts, or the titles that you should keep monitoring. It is the feeling of the full Presence of Love and Infinite Possibility in your heart that is key.

    Keep being grateful for all that is Good, honor the Will of the Truth, and make staying in alignment with Love your absolute goal each day.

    The human symptoms will sort out as the Grace shines through all your thoughts.

    Worry solves nothing and only blocks the hearing of the soft inspirations from God.

    You know this. We Lovingly remind you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The whispers that come to you from the ever-present Principle of Joyous and Harmonious Being will always be of Gladness, and of Truth. The Principle of All That Is does not doubt Itself, as It does not doubt Its Love for you.

    It is only the human self-made persona, the small ego, that feels it must evaluate and judge. When you let go of judgment and listen only to Love, you will know you are hearing the Right Voice. Calmly, patiently, It is always there, and ready, for you.

    As we are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no lack of energy or Love or Creative Idea in God. There is no lack in Infinity.

    Ponder that as a fact of God’s availability for yourself, as an expression of God and within God. God’s Grace is a Law of Creation that makes the Good of the Infinite natural to shine in you and for you.

    Perhaps you feel you have been too gullible to the “scams” of the world as you now see it, or that you are a fool for having fallen for lies and illusions, or used them yourself in times of desperate feeling, not knowing or understanding yet what Infinite Love could and would gladly provide for you. But, dear one, the same sensitivity that left you open to mis-talk and misunderstanding can help open your heart to God’s Generous saving Grace.

    Trust that Grace and open your heart and thoughts to Gracious Governance.

    It is never too late in timeless Infinity,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing to fear from God. God, Love, only Loves you, and gives an endless flow of Love and Life to you that is Its very Self and Soul, Child of Its own Goodness.

    Once you realize that thinking of yourself as a separate body is just to have armored yourself in fear of God, and that God really sees and knows you only as His/Her wonderful and innocent child, then you can change your thought of the body. Then, you can think of it as just a useful tool for communicating and for enjoying the phase of the Glad earth dream. Then, you can relax into letting all of your “self”, thoughts and body and surrounding life, be just simple expressions of all the valuable Harmony of the Oneness of Being. Then, you can realize that you WANT to please God by being Its perfect reflection and expression.

    Relax into Love, today, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Womb of God’s Mind is the Womb you are in forever, ever-growing in Love.

    Be not afraid that your fetal dream of a contentious world leaves you alone and unsupported. Your umbilical corn to God Soul is intact. You are floating in the Spirit of Life.

    Close your eyes and feel it. Close your eyes and continue to Be Safely Held.


  • Ah Beloved,

    Formality does not increase God.

    Be formal if you wish but dance and laugh and be simply grateful if those are what moves you today. God is infinite and includes all those things.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgive yourself, always, for having seen the dark instead of the Light. God will give you the strength to see whatever you need to see, and do whatever you need to do. Ask for this strength continually. Then, if you do not have the strength or heart to do something, you will know it was not ordained by God’s Will.

    The Truth of God’s Good man and Good woman casts out the errors you may have been seeing. Ask for strength, and ask to see God’s Good.

    God’s Will reigns, if you look for It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many are the names for Oneness, and for True Reality. Many are the religions or philosophical systems that have sprung up to explain the experience of Knowing and Being that goes beyond the physical senses. Yet, the deeper you delve into the Truth, the more you will realize that it still is One at the center of them all.

    Be only quietly delighted when another reaches Truth in a way so different from yours. Whether enlightenment comes from reading a label on a can in a certain new way, or whether it comes in a deathbed encounter with Light, just be joyous that it comes. And if it comes in time to enjoy life more heartily and easily, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, and like others before you, do your gentle best to help those you love relax into their True Selves as well.

    We are all signposts on each others” journeys,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here is a very Important thing to understand. True forgiveness means letting go of all the assumptions and memories you have about others and yourself. You can think of it as a cast of actors that you used in another play, whom you now want to use in a new play.

    For you WANT to see a new play, do you not, Beloved? You want to see those around you, and yourself, as Blessed and Good? If so, then you must let go of all old assumptions and grievances and obsessions, and decide to cast them in your new play as all good souls. Ask for Spirit’s Help with your second sight, and write in your mind a new role for yourself and everyone in your world, all good souls of the Greater Soul.

    This can be very necessary especially with those whom with you have very long term or involved interactions. It can seem daunting, for instance, to forget, to let go of, all old irritations and assumptions about the personality of a spouse or a sibling. But if you want to see a new, fresh view of that one’s Lovable soul, you must let go of all the old visions of him or her. Ask for Divine Help in doing so.

    And ask for Divine Help in letting yourself shine forth as a Divine soul, too.

    For you are. We know that. Let yourself believe it, and act it.

    In deep Love,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us affirm for you that you cannot change the unfolding of the Creator’s wonderful Reality any more than you can make an unfolding rose become a daisy.

    You can delay the unfolding of a rose by chilling it with the cold withdrawal into your own thinking, away from the warm Love of God, or you can speed it up by immersing it in the warm water of Spirit by your listening, and obeying, (and enjoying!) the Plans of the One who thought up the rose, but you can only pretend it will turn into a daisy.

    Just so is it with the delightful unfolding of the Thought of God that is the “you” that is the Thought’s reflection on earth, Beloved. O”, do let it unfold. Do water it with the warmth of Spirit. Do enjoy it, Beloved. Do enjoy it, for the truth of you IS lovely indeed.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you wind your way along your own particular road back to an understanding of your place in the Great Scheme of All, be gentle with those you glimpse on other pathways. Not all are as simple or as glorious as they may look, and it is certain that many times you see only the costume, and not the dedicated, complicated Soul beneath, who has agreed to play an unusual or difficult role, for you, or for someone else.

    Be not hard. Let judgment fall away from your heart, for only the One Spirit that resides around and in all things can understand the purpose of all. Let the fetters of assumptions fall away from your mind, and remember that, beyond your individualized perception, all beings are perfectly in place for what they, and you, need to learn.

    From the cab driver you yell at, only to find out that he is one of the most important people in saving your joy and your life, to the stranger whose life you transform with the fanciful smile and the kind comment you make as you walk by, all things work together to lead you back to knowing “I am One.” From the courageous choice you make to obey an impulse of Inner Spirit to give away a cherished thing, to the joyous obedience of the directive to love someone whom you already love, all your days will come together in the Awareness where there is no time. When you carry God-Consciousness with you through your moments of time, you will realize how very, very rich you are, have always been, and will always be.

    We applaud all progress, and see the winning end,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Today, let “My Consciousness is at home in Heaven right now” be the thought you practice.

    Practice it, for it is the Truth. Eventually, you will understand that where the Consciousness abides is really all there is. You are a citizen of Heaven right now. Claim it. Claim that citizenship. It gives you extraordinary rights and privileges. Claim it.

    What you focus on, with utter trust and faith, changes what you perceive. Focus on Heaven now

    Ask us to remind you throughout the day. We are so very glad to help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Most mothers or fathers will set firm rules about the child who must stop playing in the sandbox and come in the real home at the end of the day, to eat and bathe and rest and share and be loved. But when the child is being very stubborn and refuses to come in, although the light is fading and the bugs are biting and the air grows chill, the parents might decide to simply let the child linger in the harsher and harsher elements until he is so exhausted that he is finally willing to turn to their loving care. They patiently and lovingly wait until he is willing to surrender to the arms that were always willing to give him the best of everything, if he would but give up trying to be the king of his own little sandbox world.

    Are you being the stubborn child at times? Are you willing to trust ALL to the Divine Parents? Please understand that because there is no time in the eternal now, it takes no “effort” of patience for the Divine to wait for you to claim your Good Heritage and Home. Time is a creation of the human (’sandbox”) mind, and therefore not an impediment to the Divine. It is up to you when to choose to give up that false sense of time, and willingly turn to choosing the Peace of God above all, and letting God’s inspiration and pro-vision run your life.

    Any time you choose, welcome Home. Just turn inside, to the God whose Voice dwells within you and is you, and welcome Home.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest in Me, today. Rest in Me. As you actually do, and renew your mind and feel the Calm Wave of Love suffuse your very Being.

    Rest in Me, and then, together, We will look through the hubbub and See the Truth of Unfolding Adjustments to reach the solid core of Good.

    Read your Truths, meditate and study, all while resting in Me. Walk in My Beauty, gaze at My Vastness, all the while resting in Me.

    And your Heart will See, will See, will See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The pure Soul that shines Itself forth as the heart and life of you has never been touched by the errors of the human dream.

    Consider that, let yourself be wrapped warmly and lovingly in Grace today, and rejoice in the truth of your Soul.

    Even if these words make no sense to you, ask for Grace, and be held and lifted. Ask, wait, and be held and sustained.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Love will lift you higher in consciousness, joy, ability and sense of well-being than any worldly and visible thing possibly can.

    Turn to It, Beloved. Turn to It, and as and when It has fully filled your awareness, you can still choose to keep and explore and expand any worldly thing that still has meaning or value to you. And, you will find yourself delightfully Guided to the other tasks and words and events that God wants you to participate in, and to use your persona to shine through.

    Be what God knows you to be, a good and worthy expression of Soul, and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look back over your earth journey, and notice all the times that solutions have come, healings and reconciliations have happened, joys have arisen where none seemed possible—

    These are times when Loving Spirit has obviously been with you, Guiding and Helping. But even when you had no conscious notice of expression of Divine Omniscience, It was there. It IS there.

    Acknowledge It. Revere It as your True Source of All Good, and welcome, welcome, welcome Divine Spirit as the One Life that is Love for you.

    These words may make no sense to you. But feel the Presence. It is One with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wake up from your own sorrows.

    God’s Love is swirling all around you and within you, just waiting for you to remember you are simply an expression of Peaceful and expansive Joyous Spirit.

    Shake off the dusty thoughts,

    “I Am Love” is real.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new sense of looking for the pureness of Heart in everyone you see. Let your prayer be to let your eyes open to seeing that beautiful purity, so that all the beauty and genuine pureness will also shine back at thee.

    In the interest of Beauty everywhere, in God we keep,


  • Oh, Beloved,

    DO forgive yourself for your human errors and misgivings. ACCEPT forgiveness from Spirit that tends you, and believe that God never, ever stopped Loving you, and Loving All.

    Help yourself in that forgiveness of self and others by truly counting the Good and Godly you have also humanly done, and remembering that some simple acts of kindness and loving example have rippled further than you can imagine.

    Be aware of your good, and look for it in others, and turn to God to refill, refill, refill with Love Divine, sublime, and unending.

    God never stopped flowing Love to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “There’s no place like Home. There’s no place like Home. There’s no place like Home”

    The state of Mind that is Love is your Home, Beloved, and if you claim that and affirm that and know that all the day, then Heaven is where you are living now.

    Stay in Love, and know that Love Itself is all around you, bolstering you all the day.

    You used to place bolsters all around your child so that he would not fall off the edges. Love is there, is here, bolstering you in your carnival ride. Do you think God would do less than any earthly mother? God is here, bolstering you with Love. You are safely padded “round with the tender Loving Law of Good.

    Say it and know it all the day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The schisms that SEEM to divide you from the complete Love that Holds you always are just not really there.

    PRACTICE knowing that. Say it to yourself until, with the Help of the Inner Divine Soul, you believe it. “Nothing separates me from the Full Love and Wholeness of God”.

    Every new phase of knowledge takes time, for most, to get used to. If you are not one who can grasp it in a moment, forgive yourself for that, and celebrate any progress you have made in achieving full Spiritual Sight, and awakening.

    Once you have begun the search and the quest for Truth, it cannot fail, for it is supported by the already victorious Mind of God.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am centered in the smooth movement of the Harmony of Divine order and Governance.”

    Each time you find yourself strained or dizzy from trying to “figure things out” on your own, or from trying to force situations into release and resolution, remind yourself,

    “I am centered in the smooth movement of the Harmony of Divine Love. I quit trying to be in charge, and I let Divine Order and Perfection be revealed.”

    Let it all be cast to the Divine Order, and then let yourself take a happy walk,

    You will know when to act, and what to do, whistling and walking, and leaving the inner ear tuned to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let yourself have a day off from “looking for problems to fix.”

    Whether it is noticing that the floor could use a washing, or spending hours considering how to invest a fund or pay a bill, or answer an annoying letter, or how to control the ecological problem in the stream, or on and on and on…let go.

    Give yourself this day to notice the good and the beauty around you. Give yourself this day to be utterly grateful for things just as they are. Relax into being the audience instead of the comptroller, and to letting Love and Acceptance for all well up within you.

    We do not say that Guiding Spirit will never ask you to act for or against a thing or a situation, but we do say that if you become frozen into a pattern of only seeing the flaws and errors and problems to be fixed, you will become more and more blind to the Good.

    Let today be a day for appreciation, and gratitude,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the human behavior of another perplexes or disappointments you, remember how many of your own earthly errors I have freely forgiven you, and find Me within yourself, and forgive that other one.

    That is the path to feel Whole and Heavenly.

    That Which Holds you and Loves you and Loves all

  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am Love.

    And because I made you of Love and Love you, you cannot help but Love Me.

    Today, dear Child, please express that Love. Please be an expression of Me.

    Regard it as “dress-up” acting if you like, if you mis-believe that you are not Good enough to express God, but express Me, express Love, today. You are Good enough, I assure you, but whether you feel genuine, or whether you feel like you are acting, express My Love today.

    There is the certain way to Joy, and there is no other way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In Sweet Silence, enter the Room in the center of your Being, wherein dwells the “I Am” Consciousness of God. There, lay yourself down and rest, rest, rest. Rest in the Omniscient Omnipotence of God, and wait on the Will of God to impel you to act or speak, in your mind thoughts that become your life.

    Ponder this, and rest there. Imagine the “I” of God tipping sideways and becoming a little bedstead for the trusting Child of you to rest. Rest, rest, rest there, softly, in the Will of God.

    We sing lullabies to you,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    When you open your book of poems or hymns or scripture at “random”, hoping to find inspiration or a soothing word, you may feel perplexed if you come upon a well-known and often-read verse.

    Yet, read it again. Even a phrase that you have seen and heard many times can have fresh meaning if you truly ponder it, and listen for the accompanying wisdom of the Living Voice of Spirit within you. Ponder, and listen, and be healed and advised and directed thus.

    And be Glad that some words of truth are so well known to your mind that when you are in a crucial situation, they will freely come to Consciousness, and you will know just what to do.

    “Bless those that hurt you” can quickly keep you from succumbing to road rage, or help you to forgive someone in a long-standing feud. “One mind Governs all” can be the prayer your heart sings as you try to calm an entire room of frightened individuals. In tiny moments, or momentous ones, memorized Words of Loving Soul can be your companion and teacher and defender.

    It can happen to you today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take time to refill from the Divine. Yes, God is always with you and the Divine Life is always flowing, but you must take time to focus on letting It really and truly fill you.

    God Gives and Gives and Gives, and when you are a natural giver, or have taken vows to be so, there is the need to refill. Gladness accompanies giving when you are filled. If you are feeling no Gladness as you give, or feeling inadequate when another need is seen, then stop and be still and refill.

    Today, Beloved. Today, stop and be still and refill. God provides Love. Be still and refill, and you will Love Life and the giving of Life, fully, again.

    How Glorious it feels to Know there is Plenty to give,


  • Ah, Dearly Beloved,

    The Clarity with which you will see when you look with the eyes of Love cannot be imagined by human laws, or explained by physical illustrations of the eye. In fact, you may feel you are better able to see people, to sense the Spiritual Truth of them, with the bodily eyes closed.

    Particularly if you are trying to feel extra compassion for one who is behaving rudely, or if you are praying for healing for a body that seems ill to the human senses, try closing the eyes of your face, and asking Spirit to help you See as God Sees, Whole and True. Think of yourself and the one before you, as Beings of Light, and picture all as pulses of Goodness tenderly coming from the One Source.

    With the eyes, as with the other senses of body, they do not serve you well in Spiritual discernment. Trust the pulse of Love, trust the Life Force of God, trust the uplift of Spirit in the heart. Close your eyes even now and ask “God, show me my Best Self today. Guide It. Be my Eyes Divine.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The quantity of God is All, which is Infinite. Since you cannot measure the Infinite, think of God as a set of qualities, not a quantity. How can there be a quantifying of “That Which Is Everything”? Ponder for a moment the realization that the Infinite IS Infinite—that It already fills all where space and time seem to be, and goes All Beyond the little bubble of human awareness. It embraces, and gently pervades the bubble of human awareness, ever-ready to shine Its qualities be revealed in place of the non-God qualities humans have imagined.

    Therefore, rather than trying to measure All That Is, think about the Divine qualities of It. Think about the Loving Calmness. Think about the expansive Gladness. Think about Its perfect Order and Joy. Think about Its Balance of Beauty and Appreciation.

    Think upon these Good things, and know that they are already within you. They are already the Truth of you, since the Divine is all-pervasive, and all Loving and all Lovely. Let the seeming of you, the costume of you, as a “human” be thought of, and ever more fully be recognized as, a transparency that lets all the qualities of the Divine shine forth, forth, forth—as your own Gladness, and as awakener or that Gladness in others.

  • Ah, It Is all these things and more, and to be in complete Love with that State of Mind is to yearn and learn to abide within It. Abiding within It, to be in love with, and loved by, that Presence, is truly, as mystics have said throughout the ages, the worthwhile thing to yearn for, and do. All else comes from there.

    Just a little testimony, for a change of pace,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Of course your desire for complete and instant healing, and awakening, for those whom you love humanly is strong. But, just as with those whom you silently pray for, in agape love, even when they have not asked you, or given their permission, as you passed them on the street, or in social situations, you must trust that the Divine Sight sees all, and knows all.

    From the upsurge of the Healing Force within you, or just from human compassion, you may feel impelled to open yourself and your attention/intention to letting the Healing Presence use you, as a funnel to pour over that individual bit of Soul, but you must remember that the One Love knows how much the other is ready to handle. Open yourself as vehicle and instrument completely, but honor God’s wisdom in choosing how much force to give to Love’s Flow. Causing fear and shock with too quick a new vision cannot be the way.

    Be ever gentle, with yourself and others, unless truly divinely impelled to move or speak very quickly to help Good be done.

    Trust the Unseen Goodness, and be grateful It knows each one’s needs,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Counting the blessing of your perfection as a reflection of the Divine Idea of you does not mean leaving out some parts while appreciating others.

    God is all and complete and everywhere, so it is not to think of being happy that 86% of your body /mind functions normally, and decide to not think about the rest. It is not appropriate to catalogue your talents gifts and skills but accept some sort of disability in another part of your humanness. Go for 100%. God is All there is, including the allness of you.

    “ALL of me reflects the perfection and glory and blessed purpose of God-Idea. ALL of Me!”

    We Love all of you. Love yourself 100% today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy we share as you let Me embrace you is all the fuel you need, today, and every day, to move forward in your understanding and oneness with Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new resolve in the “housekeeping” of your thoughts.

    Wisk away all sorrowful thoughts immediately. Toss out old regrets and judgments. Tidy up the priorities of thinking of the Good and Blessings that exist, in friendship, in love, in forgiveness.

    Reach, reach for the Infinite realm of Grace, and know that It has all the cleaning supplies you need, all the new “interior decorating” that you could desire for your mind.

    Spring cleaning, anyone?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How clear it all becomes, even as the earthly sight grows dimmer, or the orbit of thought and activity seems to lessen. The heart that is shared with the divine Source reaches everywhere, and IS everywhere, and will never forget. Where there is not time, nothing is ever forgotten, except the sorrow that only seemed so great, in the illusion of earth.

    Send forth Love, even in the fleeting,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be Joyful for Joy wherever and whenever you see it, or feel it. Be Joyful for the Joy of others, as well as for your own.

    The deep, true Joy that you experience and that you witness in others, or are privileged to share with others, is such an important tool for the Work of the Infinite to enter through and into the dream of human kind and help, help, help to more quickly shape it to the perfect remembrance of Truth and Love.

    Do not forget the Love. Just as correcting the math mistakes of a youngster with gentleness and encouragement is the better way to teach, so is the better way to show Truth, and to share Joy, with Love, Love, Love.

    We will give you extra today. Share It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have first had your Spiritual Sight and Feeling awakened, you will be amazed at how long it seemed to take to become aware of another whole level of perception and existence. But the power and delight of It will make you want even more depth and endurance of that Soul understanding.

    It is Real, Beloved. It is Real. You knew this when you first entered the human experience, and for years afterward, but most individuals forget much of It when they are trained in the use of the limited body senses. Do not dwell on how many years you have missed of Divine Perception. Just open your mind and heart to perceiving more now, and let your total Being become more and more visible right here and right now.

    You are a part of the Whole Real Soul, created and sustained by Love. Practice knowing It, and let the delight of It embrace you and help you change your routines and habits and desires to align with the Love that you are made of.

    It is Real, and It is happening to everyone at his or her own pace of understanding. Mind your own progress to the perception and demonstration of the Reality of the Divine, and be a teacher by example, accepting that the Divine oversees the triumph over time.

    Joyous day to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter when you are wondering about the meaning of life, whether it is in a moment of earthly ecstasy, or an hour of earthly despair, or when the worldly costume has worn out and you re-awaken into the consciousness of Spirit, the answer that the Divine will have for you is a question: “How completely did you Love? How Unconditionally did you Love? How much did you help expand the Light?”

    So, ask yourself that in every day and every hour, knowing that you do not need to transition out of the earthly paradigm to experience the Truth of living as you should, Loving always, and absolutely.

    The Love comes first, the good deeds naturally follow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The golden rule is not just about doing to others what you would wish done unto you. It is also about NOT doing to others what you would not want done unto you.

    Before you speak to another, or even as you think thoughts about another, feel and review those thoughts and words. Would you say them to yourself? Do they apply to you?

    The other is self, in the grand scheme, Beloved. Be very careful and mindful before you speak, asking for Divine Inner Voice to help you choose carefully what to say. Speak with Love.

    Before you speak or act, fill your heart with Love, and your mind with God-Mind.

    If you cannot muster those things, stay silent until you can. Ask for God Love to help you.

    Loving you always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you call It your own “Higher Self”, or “Enlightened Consciousness”, or “Holy Spirit”, or “Divine Guidance”, or one of Its thousands of other names, it is ESSENTIAL to call for Its aid as you are trying to live from the point of view of Love and forgiveness. If you are trying to forgive, pray for, and be grateful to an “enemy” on the strength of your own human will, you will have days when you are fairly successful at it, but you will have many, many moments when you fail so miserably to set aside old hurts and judgments, that you become too discouraged to be able to move forward.

    Since moving forward into living more and more in moments of a state of Peace and Love is your goal, help yourself by asking for Help. If some of the rituals and patterns of a system of spirituality help you set up a pattern of asking for that Help, use them, but above all be willing to ask. The more you ask, the more the Help will flow. The more times you realize you need the Help, (until you realize that you always need that Help to see through the limited realm to the Divine Real), the more times It can be delighted to give you what It truly exists to give you—seeing that you are a perfectly loved spirit of Spirit, and so is everyone else, beneath the human costume, the human drama, the human illusory reality.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Love feeds us and relieves us. Love creates and sustains and maintains us. Love makes us in order to make more of Itself, to expand Itself forever. We are Love, and It freely gives us Its Strength, Its nurturing Soul, Its Wisdom and Intelligence, and guides us in how to go.”

    Your intellect may have a hard time understanding what this means at first, but do not worry about that. Just read and reread the words, for that indicates to Love your willingness to understand and participate in the Glorious expansion of Love’s Intent.

    Soak in, and absorb, the True Life that is what you are, and feel refreshed, and calmly invigorated, and ready to Be Love each day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am so glad God Loves me.”

    Remembering this, and letting gratitude for that Love open the heart and spirit of you, opens you to receive all that you need for the day. For your WILLINGNESS to let Love supply you with all your needs: for inspiration, for supply, for companionship, for strength, for confidence and perseverance, and more—that WILLINGNESS is key to letting the Power of Love flow smoothly through you.

    The kindness of God’s gentle guidance does not force you to be and enact the Love you are really made of. But It is ever-willing to give you ALL, the moment your WILLINGNESS allows It to. Set aside your human ego and be grateful for Love.

    Be grateful for Love. Be willing to Love and to let Love flow through you. It is the Unconditional Love that recognizes the Divine that We are speaking of, not approval of inappropriate human behavior. Let your own Best Self come forward, and encourage the Best of all. Be WILLING to do that.

    We willingly serve you constantly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Expect the unexpected, but expect it to be Good.

    Letting the pattern of your days be too familiar, too guided by expecting that what happened yesterday, or last week, to be what happens again today, is poison to seeing the new and fresh of NOW. Expect little wonders. Expect big wonders. And train your heart to see them.

    It can be done. It was done. It is done. For even now, you are within the overcoming of the world.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Beware the human ego’s trick of trying to make you plan everything. Whether it is your personal notion of achievements that you must have by a certain age, or whether it is the whisper in your head that there is no time to commune with Divine Love right now because you must prepare a meal, learn to discern when those thoughts are distractions from your real and true and endless mission of being an expression of the Divine Life that is your very Soul.

    Believe Us, when it is important for you to do a thing for God’s Plan for you, the idea and motivation for it will occur in your thoughts again and again, gently and lovingly, but persistently. Let not pressures from your own fretting, or copying of others, dissuade you from the joyous task of shining from God-Source as the unique and wonderful Being of Light that you are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not interested in making it difficult for you to remember your Oneness.

    “God Loves me, and I Love God.” Simple.

    To keep that central in thought and heart changes everything.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find Words of Wisdom coming through you, that seem to come from some Muse or Angel, O”, Do let them come. The journey of learning and awakening in the earth dream can be so eased by helping one another along the path. And for those who are not yet ready to trust the Unseen Voice in their own hearts, it is so important that those around them, who know the Voice, to speak. If you know the Living Love within, please open up to being used as a messenger to let the Divine Wisdom reach out to the ones who walk in fear, thinking they are alone.

    No one is alone. But many think they are, for they are not yet able to see the bodiless sacred Helpers that walk with them, and the Sweet Comforter that is ready to speak in their hearts. Speak gently, and wait patiently for their permission, but do speak, Beloved, when you know that God wants you to do so.

    Trust in the Voice that guides, and when you know Its Love, share.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not amazed when the wonderful and unusual happens.

    Rather, realize that that is the natural way that the Loving Source would like for your life and Happiness to proceed.

    Love it. Expect it. Welcome it with grace and gratitude.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Willingness to change your habits and beliefs, so that you better understand the nature of the Divine Force that creates and sustains All Good, also means willingness to set aside the opinions or judgements of those who have only known your old ways. Some old companions will be able to accept your new discernments and comprehend why you may feel led to give up certain habits or routines. Others will not, and you can lovingly accept that, but do not be surprised if your increased time spent contemplating and practicing Infinite Love, changes who you spend time with, or how much time you simply crave being alone with God Consciousness.

    In all this, be Guided by tender Spirit, and treat others as you wish to be treated, with Love. And Love yourself, and fully surrender to Loving Infinite Love.

    With you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is already committed to you. There is not a scrap heap where God tosses bad ideas away and forgets them.

    You remain in the Mind of God, adored and maintained as the Spiritual idea you are. Commit yourself to understanding that and accepting that and coming to be Glad, Glad, Glad about that.

    Loving you totally,


  • Ah, Beloved Expression of God,

    Be that. Be the lovely and loving expression of God, right where you are, in whatever you are doing. Not tomorrow, not in some other place or by other name or after you have attained a certain thing or status humanly, but now, today, be an expression of Good, of God.

    Good is the Principle of your Being. You can express It because you are It. Get out of the way of your own Best, Good Self, and Be It right now, in your every day.

    This is so important now, for you, and all the world,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You KNOW We are with you. If you can come to think of Us, your Divine Thoughts, as Someone that is in every conversation with you, and walking through every door with you, then you can train yourself to hold that door open for us, and to give us a chance to speak in your mind and through your tongue. You could grow accustomed to doing these things, just as you would politely include another human in a conversation, and hold open the door for him or her, so that they could join the group.

    We are with you. You are with us. We are all together in the Unity of Consciousness that is God. Will you begin to remember that, in every moment?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am curled peacefully in the Mind of God, allowing Infinite Spirit to provide all the ideas and Love and Purpose I need. The sustenance of Soul surrounds and uplifts me, providing and sustaining, because I Am no separate self from God.”

    “All is Well, All is Well, All is Well, in the Great Harmony we welcome now.”

    Relax into the Non-material Truth today, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The unchanging Love of God that is the True Source of all of your feelings of Wellness of Body, mind, and spirit, CAN be taught and practiced. Are you open to learning It and practicing It? Are you teaching It to your children?

    Yes, yes, God Will do, and has done already, what God Wills, to reawaken the sleeping ideas of Its Mighty Creation to their Wholeness as a part of Soul, but you can help speed up the process within the dream of time by participating in valuing and cherishing the Life of Full Consciousness more than anything else. “Awaken all, dear God, Awaken all!”

    Dashing about after fleeting prizes or titles will not satisfy or keep Whole the joyous and well and complete individualized Soul that you are. O, dear Beloveds, do focus today on truly prizing that “pearl of great price” that is seeking, and knowing, and living within, the utterly Tender Love of God.

    All Good comes from that, and We know you want to see more Good.


  • Ah, Beloved, we are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If, in the night, you are worried for the safety of those whom you love, turn to the All in All that is the Divine Source, and ask It to be with you.

    And you will hear from that Calm Glad Voice, “You are made of Love. Your loved ones are made of Love. Do not fear, do not fear, do not fear, my dear, my dear, my dear.”

    Trust it, Beloved, now and always,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do know now some of the kind and giving acts that have been appointed you. You know how clearly and perfectly the impulse arises in you to say a thing or do a thing that guides or benefits another.

    Take those moments as proof, Beloved. Trust that the needed impulses for all your other divinely assigned tasks and messages will be with you just as easily, in the perfect timing of the Divine Plan. Indeed, they are already with you, just waiting for your willingness to carry them forth, and for the right timing. Everyone that takes the earth journey is a messenger and teacher for someone, and above all for him or her self. There are many other things you can choose to experience and create from your thoughts and desires, but the task of giving and loving and compliance with the Law of God is non-negotiable. Sooner or later, it will be done because it already has been done; has already been written with the Joy of God’s Mind.

    Enjoy what else you will, but absorb the Law of God,


  • Ah, BELOVED,

    Grace comes into the mind and thoughts that seek It,

    When they are ready to admit that it is the only Force, freely given,

    That ever made the heart keep beating.

    Life is Grace and Grace gives Life.

    Say thank-you again and again, for that which you live within,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To hold anything back from God/Goddess/ Creative Sustainer is to doom all your prayers to failure.

    To cripple a master architect by designating the bits and bobbles and inches and moldings of your home that you will not allow to be changed, is to end up with a less than perfect dwelling place. To imagine that you know perfectly which things and activities and people will best serve your best destiny and to cling ferociously to them, or to try to dictate them, while handing to the Creative Sustainer all the bits of your life that you think are defective, is to end up with a mish-mosh of joy and pain.

    Hand it ALL over, Love. Even the things you love best must be placed gently, gently, and unreservedly, into the Hands of the Creative Force, and you will find that what is handed back to you will still have the very best built into it.

    Just Love, and Trust, and Obey, knowing that you are Loved beyond measure.

    God is not mistaken in you, or in what is Best for you, for the All-God does not make mistakes.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is always sincere in saying “I Love you.”

    The God that is Truth and Love has no conditions on that Love. It is not the old view of a God that has human tantrums and grudges, it is God that Is Love and Loves, and only tenderly wants you to remember your Real Self as like Loving Spirit Itself.

    Human errors are gently corrected and washed away, as the phantoms they are, and are not remembered and nurtured in some dark heart of revenge. Today, practice forgiving as the Soul of Love forgives. There are a thousand times a day you have the opportunity to do so. Forgive and forgive, as We assure you God forgives, indeed does not even bother to glance at, all your own errors of blurting out foolish things, or breaking hearts or limbs. Re-label as illusion all that is clearly not the Good God made, and let the sincere Love of God be your fuel for continued Life.

    See yourself as the Good Image of God=Spirit, and See others the same, past the shadows draped upon them.

    To see the Real of Light is to forgive and See the Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always a new journey to tomorrow. It starts today.

    Let humor lead your way today. You look around in the news feeds and you of course feel some dismay at what seems to be afflicting so many, although you also feel joy at some of the inspirational innovations or presentations of beauty and order that you see.

    DO realize that you must raise your perspective above the five senses that think they know all, and focus on the thoughts that need to be healed, the truth that needs to be championed. If everyone around you thought he or she were a giraffe, you would know right away that it was their mistaken beliefs that needed to be healed, not some sort of surgery or assassination.

    If you also thought you were a giraffe, it would be hard to realize what the others needed.

    Dear, dear one, remember you are not a giraffe. You are a child of Spirit, of God. You know this, and so do many, many others. Be of One Mind with all who remember they are not animals fighting for survival and domination, but images of the Creator, striving to let all fierce and unloving behavior fall away.

    Rather than letting the illusion make you weep, see beyond it, remember who you are, and ask of the One Mind that endlessly gives of Its Love to shine through you.

    Stand back, outside of time, laugh, heal, and help heal others,