All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am what you need. I Am what you are. I Am what you will remember.

    Let your heart and thoughts be full of Me, Love, and know you are part of My Truth.

    Yes, yes, your body-identity will try to distract you with small desires or perplexities, but really what you need is a mind full of Love. You need thoughts filled with Love, for those thoughts will allow you to see in a whole new way, and make you realize that Love is what you need and all you need, to match what you already are as one with Me.

    Let go into this. Relax into this with your beliefs and your trust. Relax. I Am here with you, most tenderly. I make the constant effort to help you until you fully remember your wholeness in Me. You are worth that to Me.


  • AH. Child of God,

    Go gently, gently through the whims of the world, knowing that nothing that happens in the temporal touches the pure Truth of your Infinite and eternal self.

    And yet, go bravely and lovingly and strongly, knowing that each quiet smile of yours and testimony of honesty helps others to know that they are their spiritual selves, and Beloved.

    We know you can do this, for you have done,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    When you need to forgive someone, whether it is for a thing of the past that haunts you, or whether it is for a tiny irritation of the moment, remember to think about something you are grateful for about that person. Whether you are grateful for that one’s willingness to be present with you, or whether you are grateful for small or huge acts of kindness, or whether you are grateful for the sense of humor shown, or for simple or lavish objects given, let the gratefulness you feel for some aspect of that person grow into a wave of gratitude.

    As that wave of gratitude grows, it will carry forgiveness to you, and through you, and from you, to that person, and to yourself for feeling annoyed or betrayed, and for letting yourself be, for a moment, out of alignment with the Joy of Life. As that wave of forgiveness goes forth, it will carry with it, Love, Love, Love, and you will feel healed again.

    We surf all those waves with Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because of expectations that are human and body-based, sometimes (oftentimes!), it can be hardest to forgive and forget with those people in life whom one loves the most.

    Then, Beloved, it is time to turn to loving the self, so that you may love them as you love yourself. It is time to remember, and be grateful for, all the times you have been forgiven, by the people around you, and saved from calamity by the Grace of God. We assure you, you have no idea of how many times your “guardian angels” have intervened to make sure you were not humanly punished for some infraction of human laws, or emotional contracts.

    Think about this. We say this not to have you feeling guilty, but to have you realize that even as Grace has judged you INNOCENT and worthy of preserving and loving, so can you do the same for those around you. All are forgiven for the errors of the earth-dream by Spirit, and you can ask Spirit to help you do the same.

    And, at the same time, you can ask for Help in truly realizing that your expectations of fulfillment can always be directed at the Loving Source. That is truly the only place from which you can expect Good, and know you will never be failed. God/Goddess is the Source of All, and to mistakenly lay that burden on any human in your life is to set yourself up for disappointment.

    Turn to the Loving Source, Beloved. Turn to It for confirmation of your Innocence, and the Fountain of Love that is there for you, and the Help in forgiving and loving others. Turn to It to be so filled with Unconditional Love, that you find you have plenty left over to give, as enjoyment and compassion and appreciation and release from all blame.

    We are with you, watching over you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Kleenex are sometimes out of reach, but God never is.

    Reach for the Truth, Beloved, for there is no pause in God. The Infinite Invisible is ever ready to assist, and comfort, and tidy that which only seems to be in disarray.

    Amen and amen and amen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the time comes for you to do something, or say a specific thing, God will and does make it very clear. There are no completely lost opportunities for Happiness in the realm of God’s Thought.

    You may take detours and fall to momentary temptations, but God will always give you another chance, and another chance, and another chance, unto Infinity, which is the very nature of Him/Her Self.

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Time is definitely part of the illusion. Use this to your advantage by realizing that when you call to the Divine Source for Help, or reach out to It to hear the Plan It has for your day, the response is swift, or even immediate. And the more you practice this, the more constantly Present you will realize God-Spirit to be.

    Clutch It around you, lean into It, snuggle up against Its Love, and let all the time of the day feel Companioned by the One who Knows and Gives all that is Good.

    “I can of my own self do nothing, I and my Divine are One.” Live It. Live It now.

    Walk ins welcome,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Dirty dishes do not get clean if you leave them sitting on the table.

    If you put them under the flow of water, or let them soak in the water and soap, they become fresh and usable again.

    Do you really think it is any different with your own errors and sorrows? Treat yourself as a piece of fine china—put yourself under the Flow of Grace and Love that is God, each day, and you will remain fresh and usable. Go to the Flow, and use It, any time you feel even slightly soiled or inefficient or weary or guilty or inadequate or ill or unloved. Go to the Flow, and God will wash away those errors, and reveal again the fine, fine good being you are, and give you the shine you need to function and be beautiful.

    How do you go to the Flow? You simply spend time thinking about God, Loving God. You read scripture of inspiration or sing the songs of praise. You give of your time and talents to others, you count your blessings and share them. All these things and more will place you in the Flow, and you will feel fresh and clean again, ready to function as the fine thing you are.

    You already know what works for you, and you can seek new ways to commune.

    Ask for Help, ask for Flow, and It is given, dear rightful Child of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never, ever forget to thank the Divine for all the Good given you and the Good talents and skills you have been given to work with. The sum total of all that you are, and can still play out in the wondrous bubble of time, is really God-given and God directed.

    You would not admire an actor who did not look to his movie or play director before his work for that production each day. The lines would be blown, the plot and plan and teaching go awry, the other characters would be confused, if the overseer of the creation were ignored.

    Appreciate and thank and look to, each day, the Director of the production called human life that you are in. All Goodness of it comes from God, and God Direction. If there is anything wrong and erroneous and askew within it, it has not come from God, but from human manifestation. Ask God daily for your Directions, so that the part you play is helpful and good and satisfying, and contributes to the Whole in a way that moves every soul of the Great Soul closer to complete ascension of thought, and good, clear, Light existence.

    Some of the words or phrases we use might seem nonsensical to you. Let them simply slide through the mind, and let your Heart focus on the Unconditional Love that you float within and that wants to hold you and help you and honor you through every word and scene that you play. Thank It in advance for Its Help, and expect to be led right and true.

    “Look My way” says Spirit, and means it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No sacrifice or suffering is required of you to give to God your willingness to serve others. It costs just a moment to stand silently and let the God Force flow through you, Divine Soul to Divine Soul.

    Be pleased to do this, for it also helps you awaken, more fully and completely than you can possible realize. Be the silent feeder. Be the quietly joyous witness. Be the expression that glorifies the Qualities of God. You ARE It, why not act like It?

    We See It. And you will, more and more.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy in the simple pondering of the fact that the state of Mind/Being that is Heaven has nothing to do with bodies and the worry and care and competition and joining of them. And, this is a Joy you can access even while you still seem to be living the body dream. Just close your eyes and feel the Peace and Stillness of the One Mind of Being that is the fount of all energy and Love.

    Your body will go on functioning and being whole without your conscious worry and thought. The wondrous fount of all being will care for it, by Grace, while you let your mind be filled and renewed from the One Mind. Refresh yourself thus, O’ Darling one. Refresh yourself and be free in that which is the truth and the Love that is essence of you and the good of you.

    The cost of not doing this daily is greater than you can imagine. The reward of doing it is immeasurable, in health, in prosperity, in peace, in happiness and perspective,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to doubt the journey, for, as ever, your spirit is safely and always a part of the Wondrous Source. When the end and the truth are already known, there is no need to fret at seeming delays or twists and turns.

    Keep your mind on that certain awakening, and remember that you are always in touch with all the Holiness that greets each and every one. You are always in touch, like a passenger who keeps letting the loved ones at both ends know where he is, calling frequently on his mobile phone, so that all know he is on track, and on time, and completely and fully provided for, and assured of that by Those he calls.

    Keep calling out. We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grievances are like smog that hides the light of the sun.

    Let the Wind of Love blow your grievances away, and let the ever-present Light of Soul shine, shin, shine in your life.

    Expect Good, and Good is seen,

    Look for Good, and your ability to see it increases.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid of setting aside tasks of the day to join with the Love of the Source.

    We have told you many times that when you go into silent heart communion with the Divine, It will not ask you things like “Did you do the dishes yet?” or “Is the desk cleared and dusted?”

    It is not that accomplishing those tasks is bad. It can add to the peace of the home to have them done. But they are just not the most important thing, and certainly not to be placed ahead of renewing yourself from the Source. And, indeed, if you are refreshed and renewed in the Sweet Joy and Strength of God, doing the daily chores will be easier and smoother and more efficient.

    Put your priorities right, Beloved. Love first. Love, and then dust. Love, and then you can even dust with Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To drink and eat of pure Spirit, letting It fill your consciousness, is to be truly fed and supplied with all flow.

    “Fill me, Spirit. Fill me. You are my life entire, and I know I can feel that here and now.”

    Waves of Love will carry you now, dear one.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know that the God Source is Joy Itself and projects only Joy toward you and as you and available to you, is to understand God.

    Look for Joys today. Expect Joy today. Particularly seek and feel the Joys that are the very non-visible Joys of the One Source Itself—the Love, the inexplicable Inspirations, the Clever solutions, the very Soul and Intelligence of Harmonious circumstances.

    Enjoy the pattern of all things falling into place. Enjoy the Gladness of Good, everywhere you see it. Everywhere.

    We celebrate with you in your heart for all Good news,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as it is so important to “stand porter at the door of thought” in your own mind, and make sure you are not idly thinking of the ills of illusion, or falling prey to the temptations of a material view, it is also important to patrol your time spent around non-uplifting people and circumstance.

    Yes, part of Spiritual Truth is letting your willingness to be a vehicle to shine Divine Light and Thought and Outlook for the Light shining into and improving shadowy situations, but also stay very aware of when you need to refill and rest. It is the Divine Mind and the Loving Will that does the True Work of dispelling illusion, of salvation, but you can admit when you need to turn away from a spiritual battle so that you can focus on your own pure alignment with Good, with God-Love, and be strong for the next hour, the next day.

    You know full well that the illusions of evil are not an actual force that can defeat God, but they can seem very real indeed in the earth play, and those that believe in them can distract you from studying God, from aligning with God, from being fully in Love with God. God has overcome the worldly. Once you have prayed for someone, and for yourself to be able to hold fast to a Godly view of them, leave them to God. Step away from the negativity and wait for Harmony to do Its Lovely Loving Work.

    We Comfort you and give you rest,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have no idea just how joyous God is when you overcome your own concerns and focus to help another that clearly needs assistance in a form that you can give. And this includes not only the small material contributions you might make, but prayers to the Divine Whole to send the person ideas and courage and persistence, to uplift them into their proper purposeful place in this time.

    So the next time you are mentally fretting about something, or creatively focusing on a project, but notice someone who seems to be struggling with feelings or survival, take that moment to set aside your own concerns and offer the hand or the prayer or the coat or the coin, as led by God. The Joy it creates feeds all the World, including you.

    Look around you, and notice, and act. Silent prayer is not small.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Encourage everyone around you, today, to accept Goodness. Assure them they deserve it. Tell them they deserve Joy.

    Each one will be at a different place in their definition of Joy—some still only able to define it in terms of physical possessions. Some are ready to try to live more in the moment and take joy in all small and big things and in experiences and people. Some are ready for the Pure Joy of knowing God.

    But all are ready to be told they deserve Joy. Say it out loud to them, or say it with a smile, but say it.

    We Smile at you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Choosing happiness by creating happiness for others is often the best way of sorting out your own human feelings and counting your blessings.

    Look for the good and the giving you can do today, and let that be your goal of these hours. Regarding your own desires and as-yet-unfulfilled ambitions can at times be only confusing, as you try to sort out what is true of your own Spirit, and what you have absorbed as “wants” from the culture around you. You are uniquely you. You have a purpose that God has designed for you, and that you are working to understand.

    Remember today that part of that purpose is Divine Peace of Mind, and work to feel that by doing good for others, for that makes you feel good, too.

    Give yourself time, Beloved. Letting all unfold makes it easy to sort the chaff from the wheat. We assure you of this, with Love. For God knows the end from the beginning, and so do we know you. You are made good. All are made good. Trust the directions of the God-Mind that leads you gently to the Peace that has already been gifted to the Soul of you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are trying to have an “honest” conversation with someone, about the state of your work or personal relationship, or about your views on community or political issues, do make sure that you are not just observing and discussing the temporal personalities and costumes.

    The real Honesty, the real Truth, Beloved, is that you are both offshoots of the Divine Creator, and that you are part of that orderly Creation of Love and Life and Spiritual Light. To discuss only the surface dust is not to include the mainstay of Honesty—the Governance of Soul.

    Keep that Soul of all in mind, Beloved, and remember, remember, “One Loving Mind Governs all”, and be willing to let that guide all you say and do. Gently, quietly, listen to THAT voice before you speak. Whomever you are speaking with, remember God Loves you both and is guiding you both whenever you allow It to.

    Choosing when to start listening to the Voice of One Mind is the real choice you make.

    So sweetly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel you have no extra Joy to share, that is precisely when you must give some Joy, some help, to others. For to do so breaks the dam of a false belief in limited provision of Love.

    Love is Infinite. Your Infinite Source is Love, and Its Lifeblood is Joy. There is plenty of It. Plenty. If your human self thinks, even for a moment, that not enough is flowing to you, then break the blockage, break that false belief, by giving, giving, giving whatever smile or Good you can muster.

    Then you can and will feel the Flow of Divine Loving Joy again.

    Let It Flow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take time today to re-Assert that you know your Self to be a True Child of Spirit.

    Be not like the actor who has so lost himself in his role of drunkard or bum that he forgets he has a wonderful home and full resources and a loving family, all waiting for him each night after the play is over. Let your self think of your Self, and let the loveliness of those thoughts carry you through any moments when you need to remember your True, rich heritage of Love, of Pro-Vision, of Creative Urge.

    You are already there, Beloved, and sometimes even good actors set aside the drama for a night, and give themselves back to themselves for the renewal of their strength and joy and enjoyment of Being Loved.

    The Infinite Source is you unending stream of Love. Drench yourself in It.

    Ever and always admiring,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This day, take stock of your honesty with yourself and with God. God Lovingly observes you awakening to displaying all the wondrous Qualities that the Divine has imbued you with. Are you hiding those Qualities as you try to cling to illusory goals of worldly fame or fortune or the pleasing of others?

    Today, ask for God’s Help to wash away any goals that are not worthy of your Divine Self. We are One with you, the Real You, as you are really One with God. Ponder that, savor that, and make new choices based on being a Divine Heir, as all are, when they awaken to the Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you pray for others, and with others, pray with the goal and motive of hearing the other one say, “I am healed”, rather than hearing him or her say later “I need you again.” Pray from your certainty of heart that God exists already, in all His/Her Goodness, behind every disguising face, and in every time and place.

    Do not pray from a place of the sharing of wounds and of weeping together over earthly appearances. Pray together from a celebration of the Infinite Goodness of the Divine, and of a calling forth of your own Spiritual Sight, that you may discern the Brightness of God that is already there.

    Yes, there are times to “keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking”, as scripture says, because God will only reveal as much as you can handle at one time, but trusting in God’s timing and wisdom is a part of the faith that gives Joy, and moves mountains.

    We see all the real “yous”, and we tell you, you are all made of the substance of



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you must get into the flow of the river, before you start paddling the canoe, so must you enter into the Joyful Flow of the Universe before you use words of meditation or prayer, or aim the desires of the heart.

    It is an attitude. It is an understanding that navigating the waters of gladness and peace and calm expansive purpose will take you anywhere you want to go, but trying to paddle or pole your way through the roar of anger or fear or sorrow will only whirl you in circles, and those with you will be trapped in that same eddy.

    Flow to the clear waters, Beloved. Rise up and portal to that moving stream of Creative Love, so that you will be able to go where you want, and where you are meant to be, and be able to enjoy the ride, rather than wearying yourself against currents that go only back upon themselves.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you ask me for help, dear child, allow yourself to feel your own innocent heart of birthtime and you will See what I See. Forgive yourself the desperate body errors.

    I already have,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you hesitate to trust The Source completely, surrendering your mind to be filled with Its Thoughts, so that Its Thoughts create your reality, it is because you do not fully believe that the Source wants your happiness. A part of you is fearful that surrendering means fatalistically accepting pain or loss or error. It is not so. Trust in God’s Goodness. Trust that the Source emanates Joy towards you.

    Trust God for your Gladness. Trust God’s timing.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do, today, especially focus on the Good and the True.

    You know what those are. You know especially the invisible truths, such as Love and Compassion, for you see them in action every day. And as you have seen them inspire Good works and alignment in others, so know they can reveal those for you, and for everyone you love and pray for.

    Be grateful for the easy delights, like color and sound and stars and waves, but especially focus on the Infinite Good and True.

    We are with you in this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Slow down today, dear one. So often as you remember, slow down your thinking, slow down your breathing, slow down your moving and speaking.

    Slow down your ways, so that between each breath and wave and word, you can hear the Mighty Voice of God, and actually have time to listen.

    Such Good it will do you, lovely one. Such Good.


  • Ah, Child of God,

    You are child in that God thought of you, and created you, but you are not now, and never will be, separate from that Creator. To think that you are like some twig statue that an artist has made, and then set aside and forgotten as an old piece of work, is a grave mistake.

    Think of yourself as a creation that is more like an idea for a marvelous recipe for a fruit. The idea is tried and declared a wonderful thing, and then the recipe can be made again and again. So are you cherished and made and re-made constantly, with the undying attention of the Mind that created you, and always thinks of you, and tends you, still.

    Knowing you are within that Creating Mind, turn to it trustingly for the ingredients you need to be yourself each wonderful day, and fulfill the good part you are in the feast of Life.

    God still holds all Its ideas, Its children of Spirit.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I AM LOVE.”

    “Love’s Will be Done, Now, in my sight and as my life and form and interactions.”

    Hold these mantras today, to keep the human mind busy, so that Divine Mind may step up to do Its wondrous and perfect job.

    Bless you for all you do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to convert anybody to anything. There is only the need to correct your own thinking to Thinking, and therefore you own sight to Sight, that each and every one is already a perfect being, a perfect Thought in the Mind of Creation.

    Let yourself walk through this day today in this way, seeing that each one is already observed and declared Good in the Mind of God. You will be looking past the atom-mist of their bodies and Seeing the Light and Love they are truly made of, as are you.

    It is a Blessing. Count it as such.

    Love, Deeply,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are wondering what is really true—what you see or another person sees, what you remember or another person remembers, remember that the only real Truth is of the All-Knowing Oneness of Spirit.

    Sink gratefully into the sweet calm of your Heart, and listen to that Truth. Seek that Truth. Hear that Truth.

    And be Loving towards yourself and towards all others while you do it. Be humble while you listen for the Truth within. Righteousness comes from the Spiritual Truth, not from human opinion. The Truth is that all of you are children of the Loving Divine.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Desire can help manifest what you need for your journey and your work, but it can also confuse. If you are at all uncertain about what desires come from the flesh and the ego, and what ones come from the Heart of Soul within you, re-center your prayers and desire on Peace and Harmony. The Divine Soul that is the very Heart of you can sort out the details.

    Trust It. Trust It, and be at Peace and in Harmony, for those are what you KNOW you want truly.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I take great Joy in watching you explore your talents and seeing you use them to create Joy for yourself and others and Me.

    Won”t you take Joy in the Joy of others and what amazing creativity they let pour through themselves? Won”t you let it be an inspiration for you that such creativity and talent and joy exist at all?

    Never envy others. Be reassured by what they create for good, that you, too, at any age and place, can create, create, create right now. Create even a smile for Me, and I am mightily pleased.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All together, We are the Body of Good.

    This is the Body that does not die and is not constrained by time, and you are part of It. Be not afraid, and remember the truth worth of your important and particular and unique part in the Body of God.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust and experience how easily the Source Voice wishes to speak to you. Choose a simple Truth such as, “I am spirit and Great Spirit takes care of my needs” (or whatever phrase or song words speak this day to your heart), and say them in your mind all the day. They will begin to change over the course of the day and you WILL realize that the Divine IS speaking to you. The phrase will morph, or a simple sense of joy or accomplishment will fill your heart, and you will know you are being heard and answered.

    A True answer from the Divine is always accompanied by a sense of Peace or Wonder or Joy. If what you are hearing is accompanied by discouragement or disparagement, go back to your original Truth and try again. There is no shame in trying again and again, because you are the Divine’s innocent and Beloved Child, and the answers and support are always extended to you, and will be until you hear them. Accept that you are Loved, and it will grow easier and easier, and you will be grateful that you listened.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that your human self knows how wondrous and sweet and comforting and inspirational it is to turn to the Full Presence of the Divine Source. So why don”t you do it more often?

    Ponder this, and realize that it only takes a tiny bit of human will to pause, and be still, and turn to the Inner and Pervasive Whole to ask Its opinion and truth of a seeming situation, person, event, or condition. And, as We have told you many times, We are thrilled and purposed to Help you find and use that little bit of human will that it takes to turn to Love, turn to Love, turn to Love.

    So today, again, Beloved, with our Loving support, turn to Love, and know, there is no Truth but Love. There is no Truth but Love. Ask Love what It Knows, and you will Know, too.

    Let It help you live in awareness of Love in every moment,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do remember that words are but symbols, paltry when compared with the Presence of Truth. Love can heal wordlessly. Love can guide with soundless wisdom, and impulse, and hesitation. Be therefore willing to let the results of prayer and Divine Connection be wordless sometimes. Be willing to be simply silently Held in Love.

    As earthly warmth softens candle wax, and makes it malleable and moldable, so can the Unseen Force of Love warm your thoughts, and soften your feelings, so that any that do not fit with the wonderful Good Truth of you simply melt away.

    If you are not sure whether you are hearing words of Truth, when pondering an earthly problem, or if you are not sure whether the ideas you are hearing are the “right” ones, be willing to just be held in Love, to think about Love, to honor and be grateful for Divine Love. You are Its constant creation, and It does not need human words to do Its Work.

    Wordless alignment with God, as Love, as Life, as Soul, as the Harmony of Order, is always a way you can choose. Trust that Presence, rather than words. The more time you spend with It, the more you will absolutely know It, and no worldly thing or word or thought will be able to masquerade as It and fool you. You will come to Know the embrace of Divine Love as easily as you know the smell and feel and fit and touch of an old favorite sweater, even if you cannot see it. You cannot SEE God, but you can Know God.

    Simply ask to be Held in Love, with Love, today. And Love God in return.

    For Loving leads to Trust. And Trust leads to more Love.


  • Ah, USE the Sight, Beloved. Use that Divine Sight and SEE how utterly lovely some of the characters in your play truly are, even though they have played roles that have taught or tormented or treated with delight, your own human character-role.

    We See the Beauty of everyone, Beloved, and it is a Lovely, Lovely sight,

    Join us in that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What thoughts do you want manifested?

    What thoughts are you entertaining? If some of your thoughts are unwelcome guests, toss them out. Even if they seem “logical”, or “reasonable”, or of popular belief, toss them out. Even if the five senses try to fool you or seduce you, keep your mind on Peace and Grace. Let God’s Thoughts/Good Thoughts replace the unwelcome guests, for it is indeed true that God’s Good Thoughts of you and for you will bring you greater Joy than you can humanly imagine.

    Why not give it a try? No insurance forms to fill out for trying,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many interpret the commandment about not coveting thy neighbors” possessions as a simple rule about not falling into the negative emotion of envy, or as about not imagining that certain objects will bring you lasting happiness. While both of those rules do help one towards the Truth, it is also true that another meaning of the passage can help you help God on another level.

    Do not covet the role of another. Accept the role that you can play to bring the highest Good to yourself and to those around you, in order to most shorten the time that any must suffer in the realm of illusion that they are separated from Divine Love. There IS great Joy in pursuing and achieving a dream of doing certain things in earthly life, but if many clues and circumstance place one in a role and character that is not in complete accordance with one’s childhood dreams, examine whether you might not have been “called” by the Divine to play a certain role in the Divine Plan, and that if you spend your time envying the role or title of another, you will hold up the perfect enactment of the Best Plan.

    To re-phrase this, if you have always dreamed of being an amazing engineer, but find yourself cast in the role of teacher of students of mathematics, then do not covet the roles of the engineers that have “married” and embraced the engineering trade. Certainly, if God puts it into your heart to explore changing careers, do so. But if all that you do still leads you to remain a teacher, then embrace the marriage of your talents to your tasks, and perform them lovingly and graciously, trusting that the Peace that the Divine gives you in your heart is the Peace that leads to the greatest Peace for all, more quickly.

    If God walked into your room tonight, and said, “Will you give up your personal dream of breeding a new kind of butterfly, in order to be the pilot on a new kind of airplane, a pilot whose bravery in one crucial moment will not only save hundreds of thousands from their earthly dream of pain and death, but will also shorten by a millennia the mass thought that the world must be a cruel place?”, what would you say?

    Be willing to not covet the role your neighbor has been asked to play, Beloved. Trust the Great Play Writer. Trust the Director. Trust. Play the role you have been cast in with Love, and know you are Loved as well.

    We thank you for each scene that has been Divine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless those who curse you, and bless those whom you feel like cursing.

    Whether it is the momentary anger at someone who foolishly tries to pass you too quickly on the road, or whether it is the simmering and abiding anger at someone who betrayed you long ago, bless those whom your human self least feels like blessing. Reach down into the Divine Heart that animates the true you, and give blessings, blessings, blessings, to the other and to your self.

    “Bless that one and bless me, dear Divine, in whom we both move and live and dance.”

    If you practice no other lesson but this one, for all the days of your life, you will not have wasted your time of spiritual development.

    You are all well loved,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Anyone who practices focusing and listening can hear the Loving whispers of Spirit Divine and write down messages such as these. And many who read these messages will find them applicable to their thoughts and experiences, because of the One Mind that guides all, and because of the shared human dream.

    But each individual aspect of Soul, each of you, also has a specific purpose and wonderful Beingness, and each one benefits, therefore, from also asking and carefully listening to the specific words of encouragement and comfort and Love and inspiration that One Spirit has for your special heart. Be patient with yourselves in practicing this, and tenderly and confidently wait, for the ideas and answers and upliftment to come, when you ask to clearly hear and feel the Presence within Whom you dwell.

    As you more reliably feel the sweet Guidance that Loves and cherishes you so, you will wonder why you left that inner Wisdom untapped for so long. It has been urging Itself on you all along, but when you welcome It and give It the gift of your time, It will fully Gift you back many times over, and over.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Love and Harmony by which the One Source Governs the Heart of each part of Spirit, is Its Gracious desire to form, to use, to enable, and to enforce.

    Allow It to Lovingly guide you, but do not think you are Its enforcer for others. The Quality of honoring the Law of Love above all else is to be used to govern your own thoughts. Enforce Love there, Beloved. Check constantly to see if all your thoughts and motives are aligned with Love.

    If they are, you WILL see more Love shining around you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    You are completely Spiritual Beings.

    Some of you are ready to hear this. Some are not, having formed attachments to the material concept, or been told that the material perception is all there is.

    Ponder this, whether on the level of physics that is being now a little understood, or in the way that mystics and avatars have come to awakening.

    Are you ready to know yourself as Pure Soul shining, a tiny mirror of the Life that is All? Are you ready to choose that, and let the outer-sense glimmer of light and shadow fall into place on its own?

    Sometimes, at least once in a while, you must ask yourself this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although it may feel heartbreaking to watch someone you care deeply about struggle with their human circumstances, but refuse to turn to the Divine Love that could show them a better way, you must accept that each individualized part of Soul awakens in its own way and time. Whether he or she does not yet believe in the One Source of Love, or whether he or she has not found the right path to understanding the Oneness of Being, you must accept that God Governs all that.

    Your task, and your role, is still what it is every day. Love God, emulate God’s Goodness, be Guided by God’s still, small Voice, and Love others as God bids you do. Be faithful unto that, and your example of a life lived Loving God might be what helps the other one to seek the Calmness of intimate communion with the Divine.

    Keep the motive right. You have often asked yourself, (and others), “Would you rather have your ego be “right”, or have the Peace of God?” Keep choosing the Peace of God, Beloved. Keep choosing the Love of God.

    With you, be as patient as we have been with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are so very glad when we see you glad. We know that the true cause of your gladness is a widening of your acceptance of Loving Spirit in your heart. It is the sole true cause of Gladness. Be not confused about that.

    For we see you mistakenly attributing your good mood to the slice of cake you had, or the warm bath, or the good deed, or the new acquaintance, or the orderly arrangement of cupboards or tasks. We know it is the growing abiding of your soul within Soul that lifts you into Gladness. Be careful, now, to still enjoy the good works and good comforts, but to not be in error about what or who is the cause. Opening to the Loving Cause will bring new people and good things into your experience, but the invisible Cause must be honored as such. Opening to the Divine Source is the only consistent and perfect way to ascend, ascend, ascend in your thoughts, and evolve in your realization back to the Perfect Self God made.

    Be grateful unto God for all Good, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you give kindness, but see no immediate reward, let your human self remember that you are giving to yourself. Let your human self not forget that what you send forth on earth always comes back to you on earth, though it may be separated by enough time that you do not see the connection. Send forth peace, be peace, for peace IS what your heart truly desires.

    On a level of Spirit, give Peace also. Your Divine Spirit Self has never forgotten that All is connected, and that when you give forth love and honor, you are doing it for the Whole Divine, of which you are a part. In the human mind, you may wish to think of this as doing your work and your good acts for God. See the God in the Other, and do it for that manifestation of God, no matter whether the other human is appreciative or not, or responsive or not, or reciprocates or not.

    You truly are all in this together. Act like it.

    Endlessly urging your Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Stay, today, with that simple visual—you are standing on a foggy Globe, and the Divine Helper hands you a new pair of glasses that enable you to see through the fog. Suddenly, a whole new world shines forth to you, full of examples of goodness and honesty and love and charity.

    And you are part of it.

    Keep those holy glasses on today, Beloved. Keep them on and see what you See.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To experience the aspect of Life that is humor, you look at the comic strips, or read a laughter column, or watch an amusing show, nearly every day. Even when you see a cartoon that is very, very funny to you, you do not look at the same one each day and experience the same level of delight. You look to partake of the principle of humor in new and wonderful ways each day.

    Just so, look to experience faith, and love, and the Living Divine in new ways each day. To read and reread the same prayer each day, without exploring new ways to interpret it, or new ways to understand it, is to let it become as lifeless as the same cartoon seen two thousand times in a row. Let yourself explore different words of spiritual trust. Let yourself enjoy different aspects of understand the Divine Source, from many different writings and parts of scriptures, and sharings of testimony.

    And, if repeating the same prayer, or one of a simple series of prayers, is a comforting part of your particular faith ritual, speak or say them slowly enough and quietly enough that you can let them become totally Alive to you. Let them not be by rote. Let them be a true communing, a true dialogue, with lots and lots of time for listening between the sounds and the words and the letters, that you may HEAR IN YOUR HEART the other part of the conversation—the sweet Presence of the embracing Source.

    Look to new food for Spirit and from Spirit in every moment and every day, just as you look to new food for the enjoyment of humor in each day. Renew and renew and renew the experience of Goodness, in all of Its aspects, of which humor is just one tiny part. Do not wonder if writing new prayers is a waste—trust that new ones are needed just as much, and more, as are new cartoons, every day.

    Be un-hurried, and be free to hear God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no greater Truth than that which says “You are One with your Source, and It is Love.”

    When you transfer that thought to your human thinking and begin to ponder it and let it soak in to your day, does not it give you a mysterious sense of peace? After all, if you are one with your Source, you are never really alone. If you are one with your Source and It is Love, then you must have access to total Love, even when you are not humanly feeling it.

    Think about that. Like a hiker through the desert who grows thirsty and dreams of water, or a bushwacker through the forest that grows so muddy and sweaty he longs for a river to wash off in, you sometimes dream of having love, or of being able to wash away feelings of resentment or anger or hopelessness. Gently, then, remember you have access to that Love. It can slake your thirst for love. It can wash away the feelings of fear and attack.

    You are one with your Source, and It is Love.

    What a gift!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as the gatherers of an older earth let what they ate be dictated by what was in season and good on the trees and vines each day, so let your day today be guided by what is ripe and good before you this day. If you look at all to yesterday’s piles of fruit, choose quickly only what is good from it, and then move on to find this day’s due and fresh fruitage.

    Each day has new ripeness, Love. Do not miss it as you search through rotten old piles on the chance that there is something salvageable there. You deserve the best, you will get the most from the freshest, your Innkeeper wants you to have only the finest, as He constantly entertains and sustains the lovely idea of you.

    Greet each day with gratitude and courage, yes, but also with expectancy and curiosity, born of knowing the Innkeeper wants you to be pleased. Be, indeed, surprised by Joy, finding It everywhere, because It also wants to find you.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Anything that you say, or do, or think towards another, you also do unto yourself. We cannot emphasize this enough. If you would not do it to yourself, do not do it. If you attack another in your thoughts, or words, examine what part of yourself you are condemning.

    If you feel you, alone, cannot control these sort of thoughts and behaviors, then ask for Help. For Divine Help is every with you, just waiting to be allowed to help hold you in Love, and to give you enough Love to flow to all others as well.

    As ever we are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For those who would claim that they want God, that they wish to have a deeper understanding of the High Consciousness that is God, you must first gently convince them that they need God.

    Until they understand that that High Consciousness is the very force that holds them up, that created and sustains them, they will stay centered in the human-mind-ego sense of self that leads them to think that God is something they can take or leave, partake of or not, like a carnival ride at the fair.

    Lovingly, O’ Lovingly, and gently, O’ so gently, help them to begin to see that it is only when they fully realize they would not exist, not be anything at all, were it not for the Divine source/force that feeds and guides them, that they can move beyond the thought of using God as a “high”, or as a source of instant “wealth”, and realize that, as part of God-Which-Is, they are part of the Most Beautiful Plan.

    The difference between “wanting” and “knowing one needs” is great,


  • Ah, Beloved, if you only knew how We weep to see you suffer or even just not fully enjoy what is given you, all for a lack of learning the simple technique of turning to the Inner Soul Voice, and saying ìHelp.î ìThank-You for Helping me.î

    We give thanks when you ask for Help, knowing that opens all right doors,


  • Ah, Child,

    Let there be a renewed satisfaction in reminding yourself that once the Divine has an idea, that idea exists forever.

    Let that sit in your heart, and remember and Know that you exist as an idea in the Divine Mind, and forever will.

    Metaphorically, that idea of you seems to have taken on some particles of dust and light, and to exist on earth, but that smoky reflection is as the moon to the sun. The moon would reveal itself as having no light if the sun were extinguished, and if the Loving idea of you that was formed in the Divine Mind were not still right there, held in Joyous Harmony, there would be nothing at all of you to be reflected on earth.

    Remember the joyous truth, Beloved, and be a clear reflection of the perfect idea of you that is part of the Divine totality. Let fall away all that is only the earthly illusion, and be revealed to be a marvel of love reflecting Love, and nothing else.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Harmony IS a Law. It IS the reality of that which truly IS.

    And, like a dog shaking water off itself after it gets drenched, Harmony will shake off the illusions of inharmony until It can shine forth again, fresh and clean.

    THAT is what you can count on.

    Be one, Beloved, that cheers the Harmony on,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have seen many changes during your earthly play, but what does not change is the Love that holds the essence of you, and of all.

    Rest in It, Child. Sink down into the Love that seeks to emanate from you, and rest in It.

    The rest will do you good, and the Love is where good change comes from. Fuel yourself with It by resting within It, soaking It up, and let Its ideas and strength give you all the change you need. Such is the way the world changes. Need becomes Peace and sweet pervasive Love is revealed to be the underlying Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many times, in the human drama, things will occur that will make you think. “Here is something I can never forgive and forget.”

    But we tell you, you can. Indeed, you must, if you want the Peace of God, and to dwell in the Spirit Within, as your Home.

    Think about all the times that a relative, or an old acquaintance, has told you about a hard (or good) time in your life, or an incident from the past, that you no longer remember at all. Forgetting DOES occur in the dream of earth, and you can count on the Divine Spirit’s Omnipotence in helping to let go of the past, and forgive, and to move back into the attitude of gratitude that keeps you abiding in the Kingdom of Heavenly Peace within.

    The dream is not your true Home. Heaven is the True State of Consciousness.

    Oh, forgive, Love, that you may live in Heaven,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it seems like you are not seeing the Law of Divine adjustment towards Harmony at work in your life, despite constant prayers to be enabled to see it, take time to look back and review some months or years.

    When you can appreciate, and count as Blessings, the progress that has been made in your atmosphere of thought, in your calm trust, in your circumstances, then you will have confidence to pray again today to be graced to be a witness to the wonderful unfolding of the Divine Plan for you. God’s measure of Good for you may not always align with what you thought your human definition of personal happiness was, but even measured by daily well-being, you know that there has been great improvement in Peace of mind and heart.

    Have confidence in the Principle of Goodness to continue Its work in adjusting your thoughts and your life, as you surrender your will to that Greater Will, that is the healer and the worker of real Creation.

    Count the Blessings, visible and invisible, of this very moment, and pray to gracefully receive Good again today.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Miracles” are very natural to God. They are simply revelations of God’s natural Order and Harmony.

    Welcome the understanding and perception of more of Good Harmony, and you WILL see more of It, with Spiritual Sight and discernment. Ask to see God’s Order, and refrain from putting human framework and definitions on how that order should look, but trust that It is Loving and Good.

    It is simpler than it seems, Beloved. Let Love hold you, for It already does. You are a very sweet idea moving in the Mind of Love.

    Feel it, and Let go,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are being the healer, or when you are being the peacemaker, do not look for the problems to fix. Do not look for the wounds to share.

    Look, instead, for the common dreams and goals. Look, instead, for the common inspiration and the common Source of Life, for from that common Source of Life comes Harmony and Wholeness, for It IS the Law of Harmony. It IS the Law of Wholeness, and that is the Spiritual Reality that heals all wounds, that binds together all seeming separation, that lets flow all Joy.

    God as the Law of Harmony is the Law that is above the law of gravity or any other natural law or system. Think on this, and allow your heart to accept that it is under no Law but God, as soon as your will allows all other laws to fall away.

    So long as you think that the “natural laws” of the world are a reality apart from God, you have made them your laws, and your “gods”. When you believe and accept that God IS a Law above all laws, then you have just made yourself free.

    We love you in the Law of Harmony,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you count your blessings, to put you in the Mind-Frame of God, do you truly ponder and appreciate them, or has it become a rote thing, just a standard list to flick through? Appreciate them and walk around them, in thought, today, and see the space in your life expand to accommodate more.

    Count your blessings instead of grievances, and the results are marvelous indeed. It can change the way you see, and experience, the world.

    Yes, this sounds like standard advice. But are you doing it?

    We count you as one of our blessings, as we do each soul assigned to us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God governs all and GIVES to all.

    Receive your due and graciously given share, in order to be able to give, and to flourish.

    Receive , receive , receive, gratefully. Abandon yourself to receiving continually from God, so that, like a child on its birthday, you may feel how much you are appreciated and Loved.

    Abandon to receiving today. Love. Abandon to receiving Love.

    Love ,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Make it fun, Child.

    When doubt, or discouragement, or just a feeling of being overwhelmed by obligations or promises or chores or duties, comes over you, make it fun to replace those human thoughts with Truthful thoughts of God:

    “I turn all this over to God, and see, with Glee, what wonderful things, today, happen for me.”

    PLAY with allowing the Joyful truths of the Maker to ring in your head, through humor, through art, through music, through beauty, through laughter, through the sharing of Joy with others.

    Play, today, PLAY!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am grateful, dear God, for You. I am grateful for Your showing me, today, even glimpses of Your dream for me. Show me whatever I am ready to handle of Your Good dream for me. I am grateful.”

    Try it, Beloved,


  • Today’s message is dedicated to Sister Bertha Duperry of Biddeford, Maine, who transitioned into full remembrance of God yesterday, after over 80 years of cheerful and faithful service to God, having espoused to the Christ at age sixteen. I will dearly miss her supportive letters, although the spirit of her already assures me, “It is Lovely. I am dancing in the Arms of my Lord.”

    Ah, Beloved,

    You do not have to cast off the body-thought costume in order to dance in Joy. You can do so now, by simply shifting your thought into that focus. Cast off the thoughts off body-bondage, and CLAIM the rightful heritage of Glad Thought, that is your part as a reflection of the Divine Mind.

    ANGELS, right beside you, in Love.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    What a game of boomerang one plays each day.

    Send forth joy and blessings, and God joins the game, and sends even more back to you.

    Send forth bitterness and sorrow and judgment, and they will bounce back at you, and sting you as they hit, but God will not join in, for God does not keep an arsenal of pain and darkness. God only understands the giving, and seeing of, Good, and does not know what game you are playing when you seek errors and bitter woe. God stands aside, then, hoping you will play with Light again soon, that it may be joined to in Gladness.

    Play the game that delight knows, and delight will know you too.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you really, really get it through your head that what you are looking at, that seems to be a reality, outside your own mind connection to the Whole, is really more like a movie you are watching, then you will find it easier to only try to influence that movie by shouting to the Great Director Within.

    Shout for Help. Shout for Joy. Shout for consolation and for change and revelation. Shout not at the movie characters, but at the Director that can change their, and your, actions and appearances with just a Divine Moment of Divine Direction.

    One Mind governs all. It governs using Love and Order and Grace. Can you let yourself believe this? Can you CHOOSE to believe it long enough to test it, in small ways and then greater ways? If all the overlapping orbits of human thought surrendered to the governance of Divine Mind, just imagine the Good Movie that would be revealed.

    Ponder this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Today, I will accept the Goodness God has for me, setting aside my own opinions and expectations and desires, and looking to see the sweet Glory of God manifested in my life.”

    Give yourself this gift, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Gratitude, IN ADVANCE, for all the Good you KNOW is still to come in your life, is the watchword for today.

    Yes, build your faith, and uplift your sensibilities and consciousness by counting the Blessings of the past, and of the moment, but try, foremost, to place yourself firmly in a complete expectation of Good, with gratitude enfolding the expectation.

    And, remember that the most important blessings to be counted, as reason for gratitude, are for things unseen. The fact that Gratitude itself exists. The fact that Goodness is the Fact of Divine Spiritual Creation, reflected for the time bubble of earth, if you let it be. The fact of Love Itself, which desired to share Itself. The Appreciation available to one and all, of All that Is.

    Be so very aware, Beloveds, be so very aware that you are given dominion to claim Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It takes great courage to look to the strength and compassion of Spirit when the human forms are distracted by the dramas of pain and pleasure. But do it.

    Turn to Spirit-God-Source for the stamina and the wisdom and the love that you need to uphold the Holiness that sustains the Good Consciousness of all. Be one who remembers, even in the pressures of earthly moments, that the Soul of all will guide and deliver each part of Itself to their Best. Be an expression of benevolence. Be an expression of kindness.

    We reassure you, the God that is Pure Love sees each time you let Love move your heart and hands and mind and words. Let Love guide each individual now to awakening. Let Love guide the enlightenment of all. Begin by letting Love alone be your guide. Continue by letting Love alone be your guide. Move into full comprehension of Love by letting Love alone be your guide. For that is what helps all around you.

    Life eternal is the Soul of you. Center yourself in Its balm.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not need your help. YOU need His/Her Help to remember that you are the Spiritual image and likeness of Quality that IS the very substance of God.

    “Help me remember You today, dear God. Help me understand You. I welcome Your Mind as my mind, so that I can fully grasp that You and I are One.”

    And so be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Only when one is beyond the veil of illusion will one completely understand how important one gesture or one word was, in earthly life, in the awakening of the self, or of another, in Oneness.

    Just be still, be quiet and gently observing of the ego, and let the Love of the Divine pour through you. Let It guide you when to speak, let It give you the impulse to act or the desire to plan.

    Make peace with this understanding, that only when you are beyond the veil will you completely see of what aid you have been in letting your dream be used by God.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truly Loving the Source that thought you up and holds you, always aware of you and ready to help you awaken to your original Self, means wanting to please that Maker.

    You know how sweet it feels to please the humans you love, in even simple actions or small gestures, as well as continual support and comfort and counsel and inspiration. We assure you that making efforts to please the Maker of all leads to even sweeter reward of feeling Complete, for you, and for all you know.

    How do you please the Maker? By consistently Loving the firm Truth of All, Loving Divine Love as all, and acknowledging the Divine that created all and awakens all, in all. Please God by seeing as God Sees, and letting Unconditional Love be your Mentor.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Faith is not empty. It is really a deep understanding of the Truth that God is Good.

    When someone accuses you of being impractical, and having empty faith, take their misunderstanding and ignorant thoughts and words out of your mind right away, and replace them with the thought of the fact: “God is Good”.

    And that’s that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be this knowing in you—the One who created you knows the True You better than you do. Hence the need to release daily into the thought:

    “Not what I seem to be to my human self, but what You know me to truly be.

    Let me see it. Let me know it. Let me be it. Amen.”

    You are so much more, and better, than you think,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Kingdom of God-Source runs like a well-oiled machine because It is oiled with Love.

    If you run the little kingdom of your own earth-dream with anything other than Love, and the fruits of Loving Spirit (patience, kindness, goodness, forbearance, mercy, forgiveness, joy, and gratitude), then do not be amazed if the kingdom groans and squeaks.

    Oil it with Love. Oil it with goodness and mercy and Loving Spirit, and feel the sweet Peace of God’s Kingdom seeping through.

    Love is the Anointing Oil,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Calm resolve, and Love unfolding as per the Divine Plan to awaken all, are again today the priority. This is true of all days within the bubble of time. And it is true again today.

    But do remember also that Grace, given freely by God, is also right with you and with all that are willing to accept It. Fill yourself with Love Absolute again, and then dispense It with prayer to each and every heart in the world. God DOES seek to ease the earthly illusions and reveal, to each individual of Soul, the way forward.

    Never think that your prayers are not a balm and an opening for the Almighty Good to work. They help. And Good is at work, adjusting, adjusting, adjusting.

    Trust and faith, today, Child. Trust and faith.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Can a beam of light have the measles?

    Can a plastic flower be harmed by spider mites?

    You are a beam of Light, Beloved, emanating from the Source Light Divine. You are under no jurisdiction but that, and only subject to the Focus of God.

    Ponder that, and play today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All is better and brighter if you remember to say always your thanks and your love for those in your daily sphere. To say thank you and I love you to spouse, to family, to friends, to the neighbor and the grocery clerk and the local dog, is to say those appreciations o the face of God.

    To love and thank the face of God is to Love and encourage yourself, dear one. Do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember our metaphor from many years ago: what is baked into a cookie or a cake IS what it is made of. If no hard bits of nut shells have been put in before baking, you will not find them in the cookie.

    Pain was not an ingredient that God put into the cookie that is you. If you are imagining that pain is in that cookie, read again the list of ingredients, and reassure yourself that you were made only from all things good. Where only good has been put in and fills all space, there is no room for bad. Think about all the Good ingredients, and delight in them.

    Lovely holy cookies,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Consciously choosing to replace thoughts of the past, or fears for the future, with thoughts of what peace and joy you would like to have, is a trait that CAN be learned.

    CULTIVATE it. Ask the Divine Support system that sustains you, maintains you, and helps you to regain your full perfection as Spiritual Idea, to help you, and use Its help to play the practicing game today. A happy Life IS a game you can learn to play. Why not today?



  • Ah, Sweet Beloved,

    We are so very glad and willing to See the True You. You are capable and wondrous, by the Grace of God, and no errors or mistaken thinking can take away the incredible gifts and talents divine that you are here to share and explore. Be not taken in by the temporary lauds of human opinion or frivolous pursuits. Strive to fulfill the mandate of Good Soul, poured out to you from Higher Consciousness.

    Be Glad to make God Glad. The Joy of that will be the fuel and guidance for your Good Life. Be what your Loving Creator Knows you to really Be.

    So consistently with you and for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new enthusiasm in you for exploring, and receiving, the ways that the Divine Ocean of Being Loves you and provides for you. As a spirit, you dwell in, swim in, dance in, that Ocean of Being .

    Swim around, Beloved. Explore, and be surprised by, Joy, and circumstance. Be as delighted as a fish that finds a new batch of tender shoots of sea-greens to eat, hidden behind a rock that seemed barren.

    It IS All around you, and for you, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so important to give credit where credit is really due. If you daily give thanks and Glory unto God-Source, from Whom the Good Soul of you shines forth, you will not get confused about who and what you are. You will be able to stay humble and grateful, and yet fully confident that your Source of Life is always there to turn to, to draw upon, to Love and to be Loved by in return.

    Never forget you are a perfect and precious thing, but only that because you are a perfect and precious idea in the Governing Mind-Heart of God.

    That is the Divine Law and Truth, and It is Supreme over all human fantasies and errors.

    So simple to say “Thank-you God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How easy it humanly is to slip into old ways of thought and habits. But as you have asked for Our Help in unfolding new and good and happy ways of thought, We remind you to watch the language of your mind. Just as you must adjust the language that your tongue speaks when it is in a foreign country, so must you adjust your mind to thinking the thoughts of Love, when you wish to abide in the Kingdom of Love.”

    Think Love. Be Love. Abide in Love, and from within Its rosy and yet clear confines, all the world of Real Life will be seen to be Good.

    We listen for your thoughts of Love today. Name the elements of Love you see, in objects and people around you, to help you See, today, the Kingdom.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Wellness of Being, complete Wellness of Being, including joyous thought, is your natural state as you were created.

    “I stand and walk and run and rest quietly today and allow myself to float seamlessly on the supporting breath of Love.”

    Even when mortal mind would argue against the words or sense of such a statement, there is a part of you as Soul that feels it with delight. Focusing on it, and keeping it scrolling in your thought throughout the day, will lead to a sensation of Connection. That Connection with All That Is supplies more than you can imagine, including elements you do not yet even know you will need or desire.

    Work on that Connection to the Living All, and all things will come in their due time.

    If you are one who already feels the Spirit behind and around these words as you read them, then you are already doing exactly the right thing. Keep it up, and return to it whenever the worldly visions would try to distract you.

    Such joyous Love we offer,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Above all, reassure others that they are not alone. For most, especially those who have not unblocked their spiritual hearing to hear the Inner Friend within their Hearts, being alone is their greatest fear.

    Reassure them, Beloved. Remind them of that Voice that is their Friend, and reassure them that all other consciousnesses, that make up the One Consciousness, are with them, True and Whole, as they have always been, and all together. Be not afraid.

    With All of you,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    When you feel that you are loving, loving, loving, but feel not loved in return, you have only made the common error of turning to human emotion for the Love you need.

    It is Divine Love you need to give to those around you, and it is the Well of Divine Love you need, to keep filling yourself from, in order to keep giving. There is no other Source for Divine Love than the One Source from which all are made. Turn to It, O’ Beloved, and fill yourself, fill yourself, fill yourself.

    Yes, thousands are the earthly metaphors for the Unconditional Love that constitutes your True existence—the beloved pet that loves you no matter how you look, the mother’s love that offers itself even when you have failed a test, the sun that shines freely on poor and rich alike, etc., but they are only metaphors for the Source. All that you need do is shift your awareness into “reception” mode and turn your will to the Divine to fill yourself, OR shift into “two-way” mode, so that you are receiving Divine Love from the Source even while you are giving It to others. It is a shift in perception, a shift in awareness, it is a surrendering to, and an acknowledgement of, your Source of Being.

    Remember to take time to Be Filled. Remember that the One Source is the only place to get it from. When you are empty, turn There, and encourage others to turn There as well, for It is ever-present, and ever-flowing, and ever-Loving you

    We stand ready to hand you a cup at the Well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The part of God’s Soul that you express is very specific. Be that, with instructions constantly and completely from the Divine Guide, ready to serve you always in your heart’s Consciousness.

    You may be inspired by good human acts, or the trajectory of some human’s career or awakening to service, but it is important to realize your uniqueness. Yes, let the laughter and joy and compassion and creativity of others help lift you into a state of Spiritual awareness, but stay steady and focused on the goal of Being exactly what God Desires YOU to be. Ask, listen, obey.

    Therein lies true satisfaction and the Kingdom of Heavenly Consciousness.

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is truth in the thoughts you think about others. It is often thoughts you also think about yourself. Be careful and observant today. If you are thinking many critical thoughts about others, examine whether you see the same low behavior in your own actions sometimes. If you are admiring someone’s creativity, evaluate whether you also have been, and could be more, creative. And so on.

    The qualities you notice can be instructive about what you want to nurture and grow in your own human behaviors, and what you would like to refrain from. Be a friend to yourself, and observe today.

    Then, you can ask the divine Source of you to help strengthen and grow the Good Qualities and tendencies, and for the Grace and Blessing to reduce or eliminate the sad or erroneous.

    And, Child, using those around you as mirror of the self will deepen the well of compassion in you, for you will remember how easy it is to fall into dusty ways.

    Loving all as demonstrations of Living Love,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The worth of each individual spirit that reflects the Whole is true and inestimatable.

    Believe that. Know that, and trust that there is a Great Principle endlessly at work helping all those parts fall into place in the great, simplifying equation. When your awareness is focused inside of the circle of time, it is very difficult to accept this. But the more you practice thinking as God thinks, and seeing as God sees, and being , for a moment now and then, outside of time, the more easily you will be able to appreciate the truth of it.

    Error does not become truth. Truth only reveals error to be nothing. If you were in a room with a thousand people who were trying to convince you that 2+2=5, it would not matter how many arguments they gave, or how eloquent were their speeches, or how beautifully they were dressed, or what kind of objects or titles they owned, they would still be wrong about that fact. Would you let their fripperies convince you, if you KNEW that 2+2=4?

    You would like to think that you could not be fooled. But many have been, and many will be, within the play of time. Take heart in knowing that the equation is already correctly solved, the error resolved, and that each individual is a part of how the Great Principle swirled each part into place to make the Truth clear again.

    Value yourself. Relax into the role that the Great Solver would have you play, and trust in Its guidance, day by day by day.

    Always loving you, even when you are fooled by a bit of fluff,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It must be obvious to you by now that the tasks of the world will never be “done”. The only thing to do, whilst still in earth sensibility, is to move into a new Sensibility that puts you at peace with the continuing arrangements of the world. Find your own peace, and share that Divine peace with as many as you can, playing your part in the leavening of the worldly mists, and trust, trust, trust, Beloved that the leaven is Good.

    Peace be with you this day,

    And always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let not the concerns for sensual pleasure and material possession, that are so prevalent all around you, keep you from closing yours eyes and ears to the sights and words of the world, for the quiet time each day when you simply ask the Source of All Love to clear and fill your Soul Self.

    There is no time better spent and you will come to realize you want to feel that Full Flow of Spiritual Love continually. That is True Freedom.

    Delightedly joining you in prayer.


  • Ah, sweet Beloved,

    There is no change of the view of you in the Mind of God where you dwell. God does not think any less of you when you make mistakes. God simply offers Its endless, unconditional Love, to help you think well of yourself and others again. God offers ideas and solutions and orchestrates encounters and opportunities for you to use your talents and gifts and re-discover the Joy of the Spiritual, Infinite substance of yourself.

    Do not think any less of yourself. Only realize the Infinite Truth of yourself as pure Spirit, and feel the sweetness of seeing other as their innocent selves as well. Being deeply grateful for how much God has helped you and held you in purity of Thought surely helps you choose to see others with complete Compassion Divine.

    All are together the complete Child of God, at whatever stage of awakening to this fact they are. Be happy to aim for that freedom, and glad in every moment you feel it.

    “I, and all, are the Substance of the Joy of God. Not dying flesh. Not flesh at all. Just the substance of the Infinite Joy of God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Release for the self comes through releasing others. As you forgive others their human foibles, so are you forgiven, and free, free, free of the limitations of thinking yourself only human.

    You are made of Divine and perfect elements, as is everyone else. Let those elements shine, and let yourself see them shine also in others. Give yourself that gift.

    You will be pleasantly surprised.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you clearly realize that you are one part of the whole reflection of the Mind/Spiritual Body/Consciousness of God, then it is so much easier to look gently upon all your brothers and sisters that are part of the same Whole Body of God that you are.

    Just as every very different part of your earthly body works together to function as a whole, so let your thoughts ponder what it means to truly work in Harmony with all the other parts of the Body of the Infinite God. It is your pure Spirit self, and their Spirit selves that are this. Look past the human costumes and weave a communion with all in Spirit.

    You can think big, even as a small part,