Ah, Child,
Love has made you. Love will maintain you.
A True Mother does not need to be cajoled and begged to feed her child. No more would the Mother-Love that is part of the One Source not give you what you need. Reassure yourself that She has you in Her Heart.
Call to that Love, and let It Hold you. Call to that Love and let yourself feel that It is always near, surrounding and supporting and filling you with the Completeness of Itself.
No words today. Just feel Love, Love, Love.
Ah, Beloved,
Look around you. The wondrous invisible Good cannot be directly seen, it is true. But the effects of It can be seen. Compassion is invisible but you can see the actions It produces. Love has no color, but you can see that It has incredible strength and power when used in every situation. Forgiveness has no material dimensions, but Its reach is infinite.
Today, Beloved, be grateful for the underlying Unseen Divine Qualities that move the earthly good that you do see around you. Focus on thinking about It, and appreciating It.
Just as you cannot see the wind, and you do not know exactly which branches it will move, you cannot see the Infinite and how It will sway Consciousness, but you can ponder and welcome Its Goodness into your own heart, as It moves your thoughts and actions, and ask It to move well in the hearts of others.
Ah, Beloved,
If you want to know the freshness and wholeness of yourself, look upon yourself and others with the eyes of Love, the eyes of God.
This does not mean you will not notice the errors you make, or the flaws that seem to be part of those around you, but if you refrain from criticizing and condemning, and instead think and claim “Here and there is another child of God, just waiting to be seen under the illusion of fear and competition. For God Loves all.”
It is the Truth and it will change your experiences, if you take it on as a habit. Try it today, dear one.
We will help, as always,
Ah, Beloved,
The “news” that is most important for you to check each morning is the information that God wants to give you for your day.
We beg you to turn to that channel of Inner Divine Voice first and foremost, and with great attention and willingness.
It will not only change your attitude towards what others seem to be doing and saying, it will also change your perceptions, and your ability to be grateful for, and attract, Good.
We gladly join you in Inner Listening each morning, and anytime,
Ah, Beloved, emanate Peace from your Spirit and Peace will begin to flow back to you from the Source. Emanate rudeness and indifference from your human self and they will come back at you, sometime, somewhere in the world.
Could there be an easier choice?
Always there to give you strength, and sight,
Ah, Beloved,
When God gives you an assignment, view it not as an obligation, but as a Joy. If you find yourself dragging your earthly feet in completing it, do not feel guilty or harried—just ask God for more strength and heart, and then complete the mission.
Do remember that God knows you as an already completed and wonderful idea, and so is in no hurry if you feel you must grow “slowly” in certain spiritual understandings, in earthly time. Relax, and know you are still completely loved. And, if because of the intersecting dreams of many, there is a reason to move or decide or think more quickly, God WILL make that known, because you will feel impelled to act or speak, buoyed by a feeling or rightness.
God does want to see Goodness revealed in all.
God is not the “remedy”. God is the reality to be revealed.
Ah, Beloved,
There is but one word we have for you today.
You know the subtle and yet powerful feel of the Love that is God and that God has for you. Try to rise above the expectations and fulfillments and disappointments of human love today, and feel the Truth of Love Extraordinary. Love Itself Loves you. Love Itself forms you and sustains you. Feel that unspeakable Love for all around you today, and, Beloved, feel it for yourself and for God.
For by Loving Love, you help It extend everywhere.
As We Love you,
Ah, Beloved,
When the human behavior of another perplexes or disappointments you, remember how many of your own earthly errors I have freely forgiven you, and find Me within yourself, and forgive that other one.
That is the path to feel Whole and Heavenly.
That Which Holds you and Loves you and Loves all
Ah, Beloved,
The reflection which you think of as yourself, as physical matter, is truly just light, and energy. The sooner you begin to think of yourself as being made of light, held together by the Good Thought Energy of Creation, the sooner you can understand that your true self, made of Light, cannot be harmed by splinters or time or circumstance.
“I am Light, and I remain as the Creative Force imagined me, now and evermore.” Think of yourself that way, sustained by Love, and the “physical form” that you seem to wear will adjust itself to the appropriate, whole, healthy costume that you need to wear for your part.
O’ so Lovingly,
Ah, Beloveds,
No matter what seems to have happened in the play of the worldly, you all are perpetual Rays of Light from the central Loving Source.
Look to It, first and always, and be Helped at any point of time you visit. There is no need to learn by suffering. BE the Light, for It is freely given to you.
WE whisper encouragement always,
Ah, Beloved,
Be brave enough to honestly assess your own thoughts.
What or whom do you feel unloving towards? Stand back from the justified reasons you think you have, and choose to remember that underneath the earthly quibbles is the same shining Light of the One Intention.
BE grateful for that intention and join with It in seeing Good, and proclaiming Joy to be given the world. Be a giver of Joy today. Be a giver of as much Joy as you can muster, every day.
Turn to the One Source for Joy and fill yourself, and then give, give, give some more.
Ah, Beloved,
We have told you that turning to the Divine Source, Whose portal is within your heart and everywhere, with the gift of your WILLINGNESS to be shown the truth, is a key thing. And that is so.
But it is also true, and part of the Truth that you need to discern, that you must know your real identity. Are you ready to accept that you are not a fleshly body, wandering the earth, lost in the dream? Are you ready to embrace your Real Self as Spiritual Being, Lovingly and gently Guided from Home, to Home and in the Home of Whole Spirit?
Giving one’s will to the Great Will, and remembering one’s true identity in the Omnipresence of God, are the two things that open your eyes of Soul, and give you the freedom of trust and Joy.
Grace bids us help you. Let Us.
Ah. Beloved,
What advice you would give to another, take first for yourself.
Be very careful to examine your own motives and behaviors, and do your own self-cleansing in Pure Spirit, so that it is Pure Joy you can give forth.
Pure Joy is how God reaches and helps you. Give that gift of Joy to others.
Ah, Beloved,
Like most people, you probably have earthly authorities, or heroines or heroes, whom you admire. If one of these, whether a statesman, or an actress, or an inventor, or an accomplished doctor or speaker, gave you ten minutes of time, you would do your best to fully enjoy and appreciate those ten minutes. If you felt some minor discomfort, like an itchy foot, or chilly arms, while you and the admired one were speaking, you would most likely ignore it, wanting to give your full attention to the chance to be with, and converse with, the one who inspires you. Your desire for that one’s presence would give you the will to override the bodily sensations that would try to distract you.
Listening to the Spirit of God, or to your own Inner Voice of Best Self, takes the same discipline of will. If the desire to be with, and know, the Divine Presence, is great, finding the will to ignore the body and its sensations is easier. But the body, and ego-mind, WILL try to distract you from focusing all your awareness on Divine Reality.
If you are settling down to meditate, or someone has come to pray with you, the body and mind, like an ego-filled toddler, will try to pull tricks to distract your attention. The mind will race and try to remind you that the errand to mail that letter is more important than this, or whine that you are “too unaccomplished to ever succeed at catching the ear of God, so why bother?” The body will tell you that it is too hot, or too cold, or too hungry, or too much in pain in the neck, to meditate and commune and pray.
You must learn to ignore them. You must learn to ignore the physical evidence of the moment, and focus your will and your awareness on inviting forth the special Presence that waits patiently in your heart.
It waits patiently, but It is eager to be with you. Do you want to make It wait a lifetime while you make sure that your body is perfectly comfortable in exactly the right spot and room and country, and that your mind is perfectly quiet and happy with the money you have and the job and the mate or friends? Do you want to make God wait forever? Or even ten minutes?
Perhaps at first it is easier to connect with your Source (and your Tue Self that is part of It), if you are in a pleasant room, at physical ease, with nice music or a bubbling fountain in the background. Actually, many have gratefully found their first true communion with God when they reached out with deep desire during physical crisis, but however your relationship with God begins, don”t you want to be able to continue it in all circumstances? Don’t you want to be with God at will, instead of only when the body is happy?
Practice focusing on simply being with Spirit within. Set aside your outside concerns for those minutes, or that hour. Do not disrespect the authority of your Source by paying more attention to your itchy scalp, than you do to Its Voice. Do not cast aside those minutes of Love by worrying about which blanket is on your feet. As you come to love God, and your own Highest Self, more than you love your earthly heroes and your ephemeral body, it will grow easier to put the Divine first, and more natural to be able to focus on, and hear, your Divine Self during every kind of outer circumstance.
Meanwhile, practice ignoring the tricks and distractions of the body and mind. Tell the body you will deal with it in a few minutes. Tell the mind you will worry about those things on Wednesday. Admit to your Self that what you truly most want is, is, is to be in communion with the Whole. And then do it, no matter what else seems to be going on. Let your heart be held in the Divine, and remember who you really are.
That is what your body and mind are most afraid of—that you will remember that you are a Divine Spirit, and that the Divine Whole is in charge, and that they are meant to be only tools for your Divine Self. The earthly mind and flesh would have you believe that they are in charge, and they will try to take charge each time you try to spend time listening to True Authority. Ignore them, Beloved, just as so many have learned to do, and remember your True Self, and take charge. You, too, can overcome the world, if you let the Divine Within help you do it.
We are patient, and love you unconditionally, but we sorrow when you deprive yourself by setting us aside for jellybeans or for scratching a toe,
Ah, Beloved,
Relax into My Love.
Cozy there, tell Me what you would Love. Picture with Me, Create with Me, a thought of exactly how that would be and how Loving and Beloved that would feel. That is how I created the thought of you.
Then relax into My Love, thinking about what you would Love, and I will caress your thoughts with ideas of the path from now to that feeling of Loving and Lovableness.
Listen to My ideas, and give them a home in your thoughts, and keep the Loving feeling, and listen and obey, one step at a time.
We will move forward in Love together.
Ah, Beloved,
“I am a shining forth of Spirit, for that is God’s Truth of me.”
“I accept the gift this gives me, of a constant flow of energy and ideas and Love, that I may be the better person God always knows me to be.”
Use these thoughts today, dear one. Use them well.
Ah, Beloved,
When speaking with someone who firmly believes they are just a mortal body and that no Consciousness of their wonderful Soul will linger when that mortal body belief is set aside, keep a sense of humor. You do not need to convince them of anything, for they will see for themselves when the body misbelief is set aside. Just keep striving to be an example of Light, and keep your good spirit by imagining the enjoyable communication the two of you will have when all illusions are gone, and you are both bodies of Light.
And silently ask Divine Spirit to Help them now.
As ever, with you, and all,
Ah, Beloved,
“Let there be Light,” Joyous Light.
You can say it along with God every morning, as a refreshing and renewing Truth, for you are a part of God’s Life, linked to that Supreme Creative Force. Expressing what God wants is your happy job.
Ah, Beloved,
Healing happens. Many times you just do not recognize it for what it is, but we assure you that once you give your heart and your willingness to the Divine Director, needs are seen, desires and prayers are heard and answered as is appropriate. Put aside your own human “solutions” and let God do Its Work.
Yes, it is easy to see when a cut on the finger or a burn on the foot heal within minutes or an hour or two, but it is not so easy for you to remember your expressed needs and heart pleas when it comes to other things. A call that you receive next week may be related to a prayer that you voiced two months ago and then forgot you even said. A reconciliation may happen after a year has gentled all the hearts involved.
Give over to the Will of God, Beloved, but also trust in the Wisdom of God to pull everything together in the best way for all.
None of your goodness is ignored. Believe this.
Ah, Beloved,
Look back over your earth journey, and notice all the times that solutions have come, healings and reconciliations have happened, joys have arisen where none seemed possible—
These are times when Loving Spirit has obviously been with you, Guiding and Helping. But even when you had no conscious notice of expression of Divine Omniscience, It was there. It IS there.
Acknowledge It. Revere It as your True Source of All Good, and welcome, welcome, welcome Divine Spirit as the One Life that is Love for you.
These words may make no sense to you. But feel the Presence. It is One with you.
Ah, Beloved,
The proof is in the self. No matter how many testimonies you hear from others, or even see in another who is close to you, it is the serendipitous events, and experiences of healing, that you have in your own life that are the building blocks of faith. The small and large “miracles” that occur in your life are the parts of the corral that would gently hold in place the wild free spirit of your belief in the Divine pattern and Order and Harmony.
Put each stick into that fence reverently and firmly, and until the corral is fully built, so that faith is safely held, pay close, close attention, so that no stick is left upon the ground, unnoticed. Look carefully, each night and each morning, at the “ground” of your days and your dreams, so that those daily miracles in your life do not pass unremarked and unappreciated, and go unused.
O’ pick them up and use them, Beloved, and you will have tamed the wild Spirit Horse of belief, and will be able to name Him Delight.
Ah, Beloved,
When uncertainty assails you, turn to Me. When discouragement comes, or darkness seems to fall too soon in the afternoon, turn to Me. When body twinges or discomforts seem to whine for your attention, turn to Me.
These things are not of Me. These things are not sent by Me as signs or elements to focus on. These things are not of the Good Reality of Me. They ae but the temptations of shadows. Turn to Me, to be reminded of Beauty and fineness. Turn to Me to count your gratitudes together, and to feel the alignment of Love.
As we count together the small blessings, you will be able to discern again the larger ones, and be fit to be led to the next phase of the Divine Will for your Life and your Joy.
I am with you. Turn to Me.
Ah, Beloved,
At the very bottom of it all, remember that you are aiming to heighten your thoughts. You are aiming to let your consciousness be raised to the Consciousness of God, which is the Love that Holds all.
As your consciousness is raised, so are your thoughts purer and true more often, and those thoughts are projected on the visible light around you. So remember that you are not begging some far off God to fix the light. You are asking God to help you See the light correctly. Your body and life are part of that light, and you want to See them correctly.
“As in Heaven, so on earth” could be re-stated as “As Higher Consciousness and Thought is maintained, so does experience change,”
You see more of Heaven now as your thoughts are raised to God,
And we help tilt your thoughts that way,
Ah, Beloved,
You are not surprised when someone must take training to be a great musician or artist, or to execute a sports move in just such a way or that. You are not surprised when they must practice what they have learned, in order to perfect their skills.
So why be surprised that you must train, or retrain, your mind to think with spiritual thoughts, to see with spiritual sight, what the body’s eyes cannot see, or the human body mind has not been taught to think? Be willing to let Spirit retrain you. Be willing to let Spirit be the Loving teacher in your heart today. Claim the right to see the Order and Grace of the Universe, and to see those around you as saints and angels and good children of God, and let Spirit guide you in how to do this.
Is it so great a sacrifice to give over a day to seeing with the Charm of Divine Mind? Be charmed by God. Be charming to God. Be sweet, be tender, be true, to the Being that Loves you above all else, and Loves you despite any mis-sight and mis-thinking you may have had.
Be willing to re-think everything now, led by the Loving word and Hand of the Love that emanates you.
Feel the Presence, and go forth and play with this,
Ah, Beloved,
What a game of boomerang one plays each day.
Send forth joy and blessings, and God joins the game, and sends even more back to you.
Send forth bitterness and sorrow and judgment, and they will bounce back at you, and sting you as they hit, but God will not join in, for God does not keep an arsenal of pain and darkness. God only understands the giving, and seeing of, Good, and does not know what game you are playing when you seek errors and bitter woe. God stands aside, then, hoping you will play with Light again soon, that it may be joined to in Gladness.
Play the game that delight knows, and delight will know you too.
Ah, Beloved,
Grateful and thankful that you know that the Divine has no desire for you to suffer for any errors you have made, allow yourself to see that if you are forgiven, if you are given a “free pass” for the illusion errors, then you must gladly let others be given the same.
Be so full of gratitude that there is not an inch or a moment of time/space experience that can hold any bit of judgment or sense of competition. Be just Glad. Be only Glad.
Be that clear Gladness today, expecting Good to come your way.
Ah, Beloved,
Protect yourself from your own sad or worrisome thoughts. Be on guard, and the moment you feel grouchy or gloomy, call on and praise the Quality of Goodness that made you and of which you are made.
Praise and praise until you feel the protective Love that holds you always, behind any shadow thoughts you might try to lay upon It, and let yourself feel Loved.
Praise always, and praise again, and be grateful unto the Power that holds you.
Ah, Beloved,
The similarities among all of the Spiritual Children of the timeless God are greater than you think. When you have been so long fooled by the differences in personality and skin and gender and body type, you it is easy to forget the wondrous qualities and powers of God’s expressions that are the same, and always have been.
Look at sameness first, Beloved. Realize that all is Spiritual. All is Life that is not defined by matter. And that Life all contains the purposeful Soul of God, being Love and Harmony, and all the ways those appear.
But you are not puppets of sameness. As well as the shared Qualities of Goodness, there are unique and amazing talents and perceptions that each Spiritual image shines with, in understanding of different ways to demonstrate creation and beauty and intelligence and love and truth and curiosity and inventiveness and excellence.
So affirm you sameness and equality with all offspring of God, but then Joyfully express your uniqueness in ways that uplift the Glory of Love in all, and for all.
And Praise God,
Ah, Beloveds,
Be grateful to the Good Mind that holds you. It created you by Imagining you, and you are beloved and complete and true in Its immortal Realm.
Be grateful to It. Love It and BE Loved in return.
Ah, Beloved,
“I am as the Delightful Source is.”
That Source is not a dying body. That Source is Love and Life and an amazing infinite Harmonious Intelligence. It lacks for nothing and can always conceive new ideas. Reflect those things. Express those things.
But be willing for those Graces to be available for all to reflect. Just as the operations of gravity are something that every person can count on in their everyday earthly ways, so that they know their feet will stay on the ground while walking, and their cups of water will stay on the table, you must allow in your mind and heart that the operations of Grace are available to everyone. Judge no one as outside of the availability of Grace.
Trust Grace to operate for you. But be willing to be Glad that It operates for all, as a lovely projector of the aspects of the Source that are becoming nearer and dearer to you.
And so be it,
Ah, Beloved,
Lean on Me. I Am very Real. Indeed, I Am all that is Real.
When focusing only on the ephemeral illusion, as solid as it seems, you are tempted to try to rule illusion with illusion. Rule your thoughts, Beloved. Rule your desires. Rule them into knowing it is right to let Me Rule.
Tenderly hold in your mind the Peace I offer, and rest in It today,
Ah, Beloved,
If there were a wonderful statue in your garden that had been vandalized with some scribbling of spray paint, wouldn”t you consider calling the original sculptor to wash away the bits that mar the beauty? Or at least ask the artist’s advice about how to cope with it?
How many hesitate to ask the Supreme Original Creator of All for advice about that which seems to be spoiled or disfigured in some way, in their own lives, or all of Creation?
And if the hesitation comes from not knowing how to talk to and listen to the Divine, then learning how is the first step. It is a simple step. Turn quietly inward in the heart. And ask.
Is human willfulness stopping you from your benefits as heirs of Goodness Itself?
Love yourself enough to ask for the Help of Glory,
Ah, Beloved,
When earthly joys pale, and the earthly sorrows seem to be everywhere, and the thought of full merging with Divine Love is enticing, it is time to consider, did you agree to participate in the human play in order to be served, or to serve?
Beloved, when understanding of the Infinite has expanded to the point of knowing all illusions to be just illusions, good and bad, then the ability to lift others above their own dramas becomes one of your own keys to permanent Heaven Consciousness. Since All is One, the Grace to lend a hand of Compassion, and be a vehicle for the Thoughts of Truth, is the way to help all See the Wholeness of Being.
Serving others does serve you, dear one. You will see, you will see, you will see.
Service is simply letting Divine Love flow and govern through your focus and actions, like light through a clear window. God does the work.
And it becomes a Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be a new assessment of your own willingness to completely acknowledge the Singular Cause, the Singular Power of the Infinite Source. So long as you think of others as separate from yourself, or any different in basic qualities of Divine Creation, you are ascribing power to that which has no power.
Trust in the One Cause, the One Power, and know that It is Good. As you surrender to Its Emanations of Good, you will also see that Goodness on the visible plane.
It will be plain,
Ah, Beloved,
If you want to shine with the Glory of God, you must cease to judge, criticize or condemn. Just “forgive them for they know not what they do”, lost in their roles in the dream, and love them, love them, love, them, knowing that their High Consciousness will recognize yours if you recognize theirs, and be free.
Be free, be free, be free.
Lost, be saved, in the Glory of Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Today, simply ask Spirit Innocent to show you as much of God’s Vison of Life as you are ready to See.
God knows the Truth. God is the Truth. And Spirit knows what you are ready to understand. Ask to be given It. Ask to be shown. Be willing, and be receptive, and be Glad.
Ah, Beloved,
Once you deeply understand that God can and will use all the body-constructs around you to help you, whether to express to you the Love and Support of God, or whether to give you the chance to express the forgiveness and mercy and teaching of God-Qualities, it will be easier to be grateful to them ALL.
There is no favoritism in God. All His/Her expressions, all parts of the Divine Child, are equally Loved. See them with God’s eyes and you will better and better be able to Love them, too.
The body, and its supposed “needs”, is nothing but an instrument, a chance to give and receive the Truth of Spirit. Use it as such, and you will be free from being a slave to it and its desires and woes. It will simply function as attendant to the Spirit that moves you and in which you live and move and have your being, in Love, Love, Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Darling, you carry the Gladness of God within your heart, everywhere you go and no matter what you are doing. All you need to do is accept it. It is freely given. All you need to do is set aside focusing on the worldly emotions, and let the emotion of God’s Gladness accompany you in everything you do.
He/She has told you this. Have you forgotten? Does not all flow more smoothly if you let yourself be carried through it all on the wave of God’s Gladness? Allow it, Beloved. Allow it.
Ah, Beloved,
It is so good to keep remembering the total truth of the simple truth we have emphasized before. Do the “Still, small Voice.” Become very still, put in your mind the thought of how small but significant a part of the Almighty you are, and listen, listen, listen for the Voice of Truth to guide your thoughts and words and actions.
We are joyous, O’ so Joyous, for each one that learns their lines and sees their cues painted on the stage, and falls into place.
Ah, Beloveds,
Consistent deep Peace and Truth and Contented Happiness come only from the finely tuned Inner Self, fully aligned, and continuously fed by, the Infinite.
Different systems of human philosophy and religion and spiritual systems have various names for it and myriad systems that have been tried to completely achieve awareness of it, but that Oneness of Gentle Thought and Being flickers among them all in some form.
Seek It however you will, Beloveds, but do seek It. For that Oneness already Lovingly Holds you all, and the sooner you find the Inner Spirit to help awaken you fully, the sooner Harmony touches all in the Consciousness of Heaven.
Trust Love to constantly offer you ways to connect fully with Its Divine Self. It will not force you to look away from, or past the limited human senses, and learn to enjoy the joining with the Great Consciousness, but It will pour out floods of Gladness when you do. And, being outside of linear time, It knows you eventually will. Why not now?
Look, Look, Look, Seek, Seek, Seek, ask and open, for you exist within the Oneness, and flying throughout It are Its dedicated servants and healers and awakeners, ready to come to your side when you are ready to receive them.
God has made provision for all to awaken in some way,
Ah, Beloved,
When there is realization of the Utter and Complete Love of God for you, and that your Happiness is sincerely desired and thus Ordained by, the creative Force, then you can choose trusting that Force more easily.
Practice believing today, Beloved. Practice believing and therefore trusting, and feel how the sense of burden for your own well being feels lighter. When you move on to total trust, then you will indeed feel free.
All Love to you always, Child of God,
Ah, Beloved,
Even as the new phase of understanding begins, (for it is new for everyone, each day), relax about trying to memorize certain phrases or words or images that seemed to take you to a place of enlightenment yesterday. Yesterday’s symbols do not always apply to today.
Truth is unchanging, and the Truth of Divine Love, and yourself as a beautiful idea in that Divine Swirl of Harmony is unchanging, but the mortal mind/ego will try to find ways of inserting doubt into the words and visions that lifted you into Understanding yesterday. Each day will bring the words and images you need, if you fill yourself from Divine Word and Presence. Therefore, let each day begin anew with a feeding of your heart from Spirit, so that you can again walk forth from your prayer closet with heart re-filled and mind re-aligned with Unconditional Love.
And that is how we love you, unconditionally,
Ah, Beloved,
Thinking about past mistakes, of your own, or of others, will only trap you in a viscous cycle of knowing that you should forgive, and feeling a failure if you feel unable to. Ask for Divine Help in enabling you to forgive, and then, as you wait for that to develop, focus on the moment of Now by looking at the things of goodness and beauty that are right around you, AND by welcoming the undying, faithful, unchanging Love of the Divine Spirit that always is ready to embrace you, whenever you turn to It.
It does not see your mistakes. It simply, purely, utterly Loves you.
As that Love envelops you, try to gently remember that the Divine also loves those who seem to have done you wrong, and begin, just a little, to see that all whom God Loves are your companions in being the Beloved children of the Maker. That will help. Then, let yourself feel embraced again by the Divine, and know that It, and time, will do their work to help free you from all old ghosts.
Ah, Child,
As ever, one can spend days and days trying to trample upon the little bits of the ego, but there is a better way. Just turn it all over to the Divine. Turn all your experience and understanding and life over to God/Goddess/All That Is.
Understanding that you cannot ever, whilst in the flesh, understand All, is to understand why you must Listen endlessly Within. Train yourself to relinquish the self, without being caught in its brambles of intellectual understanding. Train yourself to simply pause and Listen, again and again and again, and act from There, even when you must act without understanding.
It IS the best Way, beloved, although not the only way that the saints and the avatars of the world have found. Find a new way if you will, but why not take a way that has led so many to Peace and Understanding Profound?
Able to go the distance if you will,
Ah, Beloved,
As you grow accustomed to feeling the impulses of Divine Soul in your heart and thoughts, leading you to certain Good ways of thinking and acting, you will find your priorities shifting in regards to your day to day activities. Indeed, as you look at your mental or written “to do” list for each day, you will realize that many of the things on it are self-assigned and do not really need to be done at all, or can be taken care of in an easier way. And, some activities that formerly provided distraction or enjoyment may now just seem too simplistic, or even tedious. You might realize that some enjoyments are things you have grown past, and some needed chores can be changed or simplified, or even become “meditative” times.
Beloved, it is not that God-Spirit has a set of rules about things like watching entertaining plays or participating in sports or which gardening to do, etc., it is rather that your own tastes and preferences will change as abiding in the sweet Mind-State that is the Glory of God, alive within your consciousness, becomes the thing you Love most.
O’ Beloved, it is not a bad thing. It is a Good thing. And, for a time, you will try to dip back into diversions that formerly gave satisfaction, but you might find them feeling empty instead of fulfilling. As you come into complete Spiritual maturity, you will indeed, of your own will, “put away childish things”, as Scripture puts it.
Make constant loving dialogue with God your priority, and together you will sort out all other priorities smoothly, and at exactly the right pace for you, and your perfect role in the play of earth.
We Love you so,
Ah, Beloved,
When you clearly feel the warm Presence of God with you, embrace It and relax into It, and experience It. Do not let yourself be drawn into worries about your earthly “to do” list. Do not be distracted by analyzing the experience with your intellect. Just be held and be Loved, and enjoy, and be in, the Gladness of God and Wholeness.
You can do this. We see you all the time becoming engrossed in a movie or a play or a song or a work task, and thinking of nothing else whilst you do that thing. When God wants to commune with you, let yourself be engrossed in that. It wants you. Let yourself want It.
God wants you, and wants you to feel Glad. Let yourself want God, and want to be Glad.
Ah, Beloved,
Consider re-phrasing the way you pray, so that you can open your spiritual ear to the ideas that come forth from All-Governing and All-Loving Mind, God.
Knowing and trusting that God does truly Love you, and wants you to happily fulfill the mandate to expand Love and Good, get quiet and think of what you are really asking for. Then, phrase your request-thoughts of prayer in such a way that you yourself are clear. Ask, for instance, “Dear God, how can I feel more loyalty?” “Dear God, how can I create greater income or supply for my needs?” “Dear God, how can I find more time for harmonious and relaxed interactions with others?”
Form your prayer-questions, ask them in humble trust, and listen, listen, listen with open heart for ideas to come to you, and for inner urges to go to a certain place or call a certain person, or investigate appropriate information. The ways in which God answers prayer and seeming need are many, but if you are clear in your own mind and heart about what you are really asking for, your spiritual senses will hear the answers, feel the right impulses, and deepen your connection with the Loving Oneness of God.
“How can I hear your ideas more clearly, dear God?” That is a wonderful prayer question to start with.
And the still, small Voice, and scriptures, are full of answers, and clues for how to begin.
Ah, Beloved,
The Great Creative Mind that constantly thinks of you also constantly delights in you. It faithfully watches over you while you dream you are separated from it into a body, and sends Its tender Sprit into your dream to help you remember your true and Spiritual self, and to assist in smoothing your dream.
Be you faithful as well. Be you tender and true to yourself and to others, and delight in the One Mind as It delights in you, and in all. Offer your delight to God and God freely gives delight to you—a Delight that surpasses all bodily and human understanding, but that you can truly know with the very depths of your Being. It is a healing Delight.
Ah, Dear One,
There is no shame in avoiding temptation. There is no dishonor in avoiding the house of lust, or the party that serves items of illusion. There is nothing wrong with saying no to the scenes or the movies that only disturb the psyche. It does not mean you are weak in a way that is weakness of will. In fact, it is strength of will to know what tempts you away from walking in the Joy of God, and to walk away from it.
In the same way, if you must face or be near temptation, ask for the Strength that IS God to manifest in you, and know that you will be helped to stay focused and calm despite the chill surroundings. Let Divine Warmth be your shield, and look through the veil of spiritual sight.
These things you already know, Beloved, and we only repeat them to reassure you in the moment of doubt, and to let you know it is not foolishness to turn away from a place or a person or a thing which would try to draw you into sorrow. But there is another level to turning away from temptation, Beloved, that must also be looked at with loving honesty. Do you realize how important it is to turn away from “good works” and “honorable duties”, when they interfere with fulfilling a request from God?
Yes, in most moments, it is important to do the honorable tasks of the day. But if you hear a clear instruction to call upon someone, or to go to a new place for God, or to complete an essay God has asked you to write, then giving your attention instead to the chore, or to the tending of the normal obligation, is to place that thing above God. Then, also, realize that there is no shame in turning the back on temptation while you fulfill what the Divine Voice has asked. Let the polite society’s letter wait an extra day, while you make the call God has asked for. Let the pile of papers or the pile of leaves or dishes remain in untidiness for the extra week, while you take the trip to console or complete. Let there be nothing, Love, that comes between you and your loving joining to God.
Do not expect social norms to match God’s ways,
Ah, Beloved,
You do not need those errors in your life and in your costume. God Loves you and so do We.
Stop punishing yourself, and get to know the good self that God made you to be. Just be vigilant in casting out ungodly thoughts when they first arrive, and take Joy in seeing the new you and the new life that becomes visible when the clouds of bad thoughts are chased away.
We will help. Ask us.
Ah, Beloved,
Love Itself, vast and Infinite, really, really wants you to feel It hugging you.
Won”t you welcome that wonderful embrace, surrendering to It as you would to the kind arms of a long-unseen but very, very dear friend?
Be hugged by God today, Beloved, and know in your heart It is always available.
Take the time, and welcome It.
Ah, Beloved,
In those moments when your consciousness achieves timelessness, and all of the fastness and fury and philosophy of earth are as a whirl of dust far away, and no more, you have a taste of Pure Peace.
“Help me, Dear God, have moments of Pure Peace today. Show me what needs to happen to let epiphany surprise my heart with Complete Love.”
Let this day be thus, expectantly. Not about a wish list for things, but a deep desire for Joy.
We are already there, and invite you,
Ah, Beloved,
All doors of perception are open to you now. Here and now.
Ask to be amazed. Ask to feel your full Power of being part of Oneness, and even today you will have glimpses of the full Reality that Joyfully exists beneath the dusty shimmer that seems to be the earth of God’s Creation.
All is Spirit. The Joyous Love that is Its gift to you will help you see that today.
Let those that only want to see the mortal surface do so. Their time for Spiritual Seeing will come, We assure you. Allow yourself to receive all that God wants to give you.
Receive all that God wants to give you. Ask to be shown the vibration of your heart, like unto tuning to the right channel to get clear, clear, clear reception of the true adventure of Life.
This is important now. As it has always been for your Joy.
Ah, Beloved,
When a dream of the night or a prayer or mediation of the day gives you a sweet vision of Heaven or an epiphany of the Complete Embrace of Love, savor It. Savor It, cherish It, remember It.
This is what you are meant to See and Feel all the time. Take that glimpse into your heart and make It a goal of Living, an aim of Consciousness, like an artist looking at the perfect Model before her as she sculpts her Life.
Ah, Beloved,
How gently the world will remind you, if you stay alert. of whom you still need to forgive. A thought of her will cross your mind, or a car similar to his will be in the parking lot at the market where you park. An old friend will say, “Do you know what ever happened to …?”
When these things happen, and an uneasiness in your belly tells you there is still unresolved shame or bitterness or anger, do not just push the thought away. Pour Love upon it. Ask for Divine help to be able to forgive, and that the other be able to forgive you. Ask to be able to receive pardon, and for the other to let go as well.
Replace the unease with ease, and let go, let go, so that resolution does not come up in a more obtrusive and war-like way. Let go, let go, so that your thoughts can be all- harmonious ones, that swiftly and smoothly align themselves with all that is God, and Good.
Helping people forgive is our main job,
Ah, Beloved,
The Guidelines for happily living Life and aligning with that which is Good have not changing, darling.
Today, take time for aligning with Good. Look for Good, do Good. Talk to God and let God talk to you. Take today for God, and leave the dashing here and there for its rightful time. Do what needs to really be done, but focus on feeling and seeing the Kingdom of Heavenly Thought here and now.
Review the Guidelines, and remember who you are,
Ah, Beloved,
We know that you know that the most wonderful part of turning to the Quiet Presence within is that It always, always Loves you.
It Loves you when you are generous and kind, It Loves you when you mess up or lose your temper. It Loves you when you forget to Love yourself or others. Yes, It may gently rebuke you for errors, but the Love, Love, Love is always there.
Take an inspiration from that, Beloved, and do always be Love, the Real thing you are made of. Would you not be glad to know that others could count on turning to you, and knowing you would be Loving?
This does not mean you have to pretend that errors should not be fixed, or ways mended. But it does mean that you stay always aware that all is only mended by Love. Be one that always keeps Love close to hand and heart and mind, just as the Presence is ALWAYS Love to you and for you and with you.
These are not just platitudes. It is the way to Live.
Ah, Beloved,
Consistency. Consistency is important.
Just as you cannot use the multiplication table only most of the time, and expect to solve equations correctly, you must have consistency in your spiritual truths and principle.
If you are desiring having the full Force of “I Am Love” flowing through you for giving, and for creativity, and for feeling and sharing health and happiness, you cannot hold aside a few grudges in reserve. If you want joy and want joy for all EXCEPT that one person that seemed to have hurt you long ago, you must let go of that old resentment. Leave it to God to equalize things.
If you want everything the Loving Source wants you to have, you must allow that Divine Rain to fall equally on everyone. To have everything, you must give everything that is in your own thoughts, and let every single one of them be washed clean by the gentle and persistent and CONSISTENT rain of Love. The reign of Love.
These are not just word games. It is the real power of Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Knowing that all revealing of Wholeness comes only with, and in, the total trusting of the Governor of Wholeness also implies another important thing. Trust the timing of God. Trust, trust, trust, the timing of God.
Just as a master choreographer knows when a student is ready to attempt a special leap, or as a traffic controller understands how many cars to let through so that the one lane bridge ahead is not clogged, trust in the Divine timing of the Whole. The Loving Governance knows when someone is ready to achieve more, or understand their special talents. The Divine Governance knows when seeing all elements of life change too quickly would be too shocking for an adjusting consciousness to accept, and will ease them slowly into the Light of Truth.
YES, keep in mind the IMMEDIATE availability of the Primal Mind, and Its Loving Care for all Its ideas, but trust that It knows how to feed Itself into the illusory sphere of time-sense in the best way possible for all.
All in All, It is Love,
Ah, Ah, Ah, Beloved,
What then, but to fall gratefully into the Loving Care of the Parent Cause, saying with the heart and lips and mind, “You take care of it from here, Dear Parent, and let me relax into this moment, and feel light and free,”? Let it go, let it be, and see that even the tasks of the day that must be achieved can be done in a sense of fun, and in the knowledge that you do not have in your hands more than you can do with good humor, for Greater Hands are handling all the rest.
Whenever anything of your day would call you into fretfulness or fatigue or blame, remember to remember, “I have placed all this, and every future moment, in the Loving Hands of my Dear Divine Parents, and I am free to just enjoy each moment, even as I listen for, and obey, Their promptings on what to do, what to say, and how to remain in Joy.”
Always, and ever,
Ah, Child,
When the Spirit of the Divine moves deep into your heart, there is no mistaking It. Though it may ask you to say what seem like unlikely words, or to take an inconvenient route to town, or change the schedule of your day, listen, and obey. Though It may ask you to proceed with courage even though your voice quavers, trust and go forth, for It sees far more than your senses can discern. Though It may ask you to look past the most boorish or distressing appearance to see the needy soul that you can befriend, believe that It knows what you are capable of, and do all that you can to be Its vehicle.
Remember above all that the Divine is not asking you to be something that you are not. It is only asking that you be willing to let Its Will work through you, as you, and around you, in a way that benefits All. Fear not, Its strength is with you, along with any other Aspect of the Divine that you need to call in for Its Help.
Call on Its Harmony, call on Its Beauty, call on Its Ineffable Peace. Call on Its Wisdom, call on Its Joy, call on Its Male/Feminine Balance, for All is One and you are within that Oneness, and It would have you be aware that All that It has is yours.
For we will not end when time ends,
Ah, Beloved,
Call to the Healing Force that is the gift of the Source to you. And then, Beloved, wait PATIENTLY, until you feel as though you were being kissed from within.
Let that feeling of Love encompass you, and melt away all anger and worry and hurry. Give It the time and trust to heal you. Let yourself be filled with Its Ease and Light.
What do you really have to do that is more important than this? What must you hurry off to do, or shift your mind to thinking about, that is more important than knowing and demonstrating that you are a Beloved and fulfilled and healthy and Whole Child of the Divine Source, and in the family of the Utter Consciousness of God?
Give yourself the gift of receiving this Gift, that is endlessly offered to you. If only you will take the time and focus to receive It, you will know the Joy of Being.
In the endless circumference and center of God,
Ah, Dear One,
You are beloved, perfect Harmony of God, expressed as individual. Begin to truly believe that, and THAT is the Truth that will set you free. Begin to finally understand that you are a projection of Light from an inner core of Being, and then you will let that projection of Light run through the clear lens of Love.
The clear lens, that before was smudged by your own tears and thoughts of error and sorrow and shortcomings, will project the Truth—a beloved beautiful harmonious being that is the true Idea of you.
They view the stars on paper,
Ah, Beloved,
The bounty of the Lord is unbounded. Do take a quiet day to ponder the various Qualities of the Creative Source, and know, and really feel, that all of them are yours to draw upon.
But, Beloved, you must step forward and ask to have them revealed in you. Just as a bank will not give money from your account to someone else, and you must show your identity proof before they will give it to you, you must step forward in your thoughts and heart and ask for your rightful good qualities and talents to be revealed in you.
The Source wants to see them flourish in you, and will not give your portion away to someone else, and will not run out of Goodness to dispense. Stand forth, think about the courage and wisdom, and lovableness and lovingness, and intelligence and creativity and joy you want, and ask for your rightful share.
As ever, with you, ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
ENTER the space of Peace in your heart, before you try to pray for others.
After that pervasive, Omnipotent, Unconditional Love has neutralized all your own angst and confusion, then you can ask that a part of your portion be given to all those for whom you are concerned and wish to give to.
And if every heart were doing this every morning, O”, the Joy you would begin to see more and more of in the worldly reflection.
It DOES make a difference, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
The certainty of Love’s need of, and possession of, Its reflection of Itself, cannot be waylaid by any imaginary independence of the reflection. God, Love, made you for Itself to look upon and Love, and be Loved by in return. It is Spirit Loving Spirit. It is Spirit completing Itself as half a circle completes the other half.
We are not talking about ephemeral images that you call bodies, but about the very essences of yourselves. Therefore, when you want to truly know, “what am I?”, you must answer yourself that you are Love, made to return Love to the Original that made you. You are a very part of Its own completion.
The part of you that wants to pretend it is a separate and clever little physical body cannot destroy the essence of you. Turn within and embrace the thought of being Love reflecting Love. Practice that for as many minutes a day as you can, and it will grow easier and easier to feel the Truth of it. We know that the earthly mind that made up itself does not understand and does not WANT to understand—but the Love that created the truth cannot be outwaited or outwitted. Just practice wanting to Love back the Source that made you, practice making the circle Whole, and be Blessed, be Blessed, be Blessed.
Bless you for every effort,
Ah, Beloved,
We know that your human self knows how wondrous and sweet and comforting and inspirational it is to turn to the Full Presence of the Divine Source. So why don”t you do it more often?
Ponder this, and realize that it only takes a tiny bit of human will to pause, and be still, and turn to the Inner and Pervasive Whole to ask Its opinion and truth of a seeming situation, person, event, or condition. And, as We have told you many times, We are thrilled and purposed to Help you find and use that little bit of human will that it takes to turn to Love, turn to Love, turn to Love.
So today, again, Beloved, with our Loving support, turn to Love, and know, there is no Truth but Love. There is no Truth but Love. Ask Love what It Knows, and you will Know, too.
Let It help you live in awareness of Love in every moment,
Ah, Beloved,
“Abba, Let me see Your Plan”, we hear you call out, in the night, when the woes of the world at large seem too simultaneously awful and ridiculous to contemplate.
And God’s Solution answers, “If you heal others, you are healed.”
Heal others, Beloved. In whatever capacity you are capable of understanding at your own level of alignment with the Source, heal others. Above all, remember that it is primarily your task to keep asking to see the Good Plan unfold, and to point the Enactor of the Solution to everywhere and everyone It is needed.
Be not afraid, Beloved. The Plan is Good, Good, Good, and Goodness unfolds everywhere you allow It to be seen by you.
Always with you,
Ah, Beloved,
It is always in your best interests to ask, daily, to see and know yourself as the original perfect idea that the Creator/Source makes.
Your sight, your hearing, your very knowledge, all come unsullied from the Mind of God. Therefore, imagine them that way. Re-think them to BE that way. Accept no imperfections as emanating from the Source. Be willing, like a young child imagining, to be as free as you need to be, and be free indeed.
With you in every step of the endeavor,
And in expectation,
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
The One Divine Mind that holds all and Whose Solving, Comforting Voice sees and hears all, DOES have complete mercy. But hold in mind, you who feel stuck in linear time, that the mercy is relentless, was relentless, so that the One True Mind knows all is already solved and accomplished. It will not give up on you, on seeing you whole. It will not rest until It sees you Whole, perfect.
For you, that means that once you turn away from thinking that you as a mortal, temporal thing have power and solutions, and you turn to God in some crisis, large or small to your sight, God takes very seriously your act of willingness to be awakened to Heaven. Thus the mercy and awakening become relentless.
Your human thought might be, “OK, thanks God, for helping me with that little problem or situation, but now I am in charge again and I will take it from here.”
It does not work that way. Once you have made the free will act to turn to the Comforter, you will be nudged more and more awake, in ways that sometimes seem large and sometimes seem small. How quickly you are willing to play your part in the Plan that awakens all is up to you. But why wait, Beloved? Why wait?.
Surrender to the compliance to Mercy and Governance, and take Joy in where It leads you, and where it leads those who benefit from the Light that begins to shine through you.
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be no doubt in your mind that the Divine Mind would always willingly replace any thoughts of sorrow or failure or doubt in your mind with the Thoughts of Joy and Truth and Assuredness that are Its Thoughts of you.
“I am willingly giving up all my own mortal thoughts, dear God, and asking for your Thoughts to shine through me and on me and as me.”
O’ Yes,
Ah, Beloveds,
It is so important to know the Completeness of My Love for you. It is never withdrawn. It is never off-duty. It is the very Life Force of you, flowing as you, before, during, and after the earth-life dream.
Be at Peace and Complete, in your trust of that, dear Children of the Heart of Love.
Ah, Beloved,
When overwhelmed by the evidence of the limited five senses, it is so easy to fall into the trap of “wishing” for things or circumstances, instead of turning to the Spiritual Kingdom where they already exist.
The simple solution is to turn to the Spiritual realm of Creative Thought first, and then ponder what is needed, whether thing or idea, for a certain situation. You may choose to think of it as going to the correct Supply Cupboard, instead of just sitting across the room from where the supplies are kept, and wishing you had what is in the cupboard.
Turn to, tune in to, the Great Supply of Spirit Creator, from where emanates, endlessly, all the ideas and thoughts of what is needed to fulfill your journey needs in the play of earth. Turn to It first. Turn to It endlessly. Turn to It always, and be glad to find yourself in Gladness of Being, again.
Again, We love you,
Ah, Beloved,
For so long now, you have understood that the One Mind graciously knows how best to completely awaken each of Its reflections, who dream they are far away and alone in the earth dream. Keep trusting that, Beloved. Nudge another along, if you are directed to by Divine Voice, but otherwise be the quiet Loving example of Love reflecting Love, letting not the small irritations of the worldly dream divert you from your Light Path.
If you lose your temper for a moment, if you feel hurt or unforgiving for a day, have mercy on yourself, and return to the sublime peace that comes with leaving all Awakening to God, and enjoy the gift God has given you, by speaking in your dreaming heart.
Like a home owner patiently polishing each tile upon a floor, until the whole room is gleaming, God will polish each human heart, and then they will all shine together in Joy.
Trust that, trust that, let not those bitter in the dream poison you,
Trust Love, ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
Any gifts or talents you have are but reflections from the Center Of All .
Therefore, give due Glory where Glory is truly due, and, in this way, see your gifts magnified, and solidified, even more.
There is no greater Truth than what is simply true, that you are the Goodness that the Center of All made you.
Ah, Beloved,
Do not forget this simple lesson we have said many times:
The more you complain, the more comes back to complain about. The more you bless, the more comes to you to feel blessed by.
How simple. But how hard to retrain the mind and heart to do. Get started again on this, and We will help.
Ah, Beloved,
There is great Joy in recognizing that you have a choice about when to accept that you can choose to serve as a transparency for Joy shining into the earth dream. No one is forcing you into that. Choosing that opens up a new phase of life, wherein you see, in your outer experience, what happens when you choose to think God-Thoughts of Joy. The choice happens again in each moment.
Each moment, Joy or sorrow? Each moment, God Thoughts, or human selfishness? The understanding that grows, that choosing God-Thoughts leads to greater human Joy than choosing momentary human desires, will set you free into always choosing the better.
God Thoughts reject no one. They include all. They Love all equally. Just accept that Love.
You may not like the word “God”. That which thought of you and holds you cares not what you call It. It just Loves you. Can you accept that Love? Can you accept It in each moment?
We do , and are satisfied, ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
The ease with which God-Mind can guide you gently through your days will astonish you, once you have practiced releasing to that each day, each hour.
It will simply feel right. It will simply feel Loving, giving and receiving. It will simply be that Great Love that makes and creates and sustains and maintains All.
Surrender to It, dear one,
Ah, Beloved,
The reason we call it an earth-dream Play is so that you will remember to be playful about it. Can you do that today? Ask for your guardian angels to help, and they will.
When you become tense and worried instead of playful, as a child is playful, it is hard for you to hear, or believe, their whispered guidance and clues.
Be playful, today, dear love, be playful, and you will feel yourself filled with the delightful sense of God’s Play.
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
The Joyous revelation of your own special inheritance is what you must wish for and believe in. You are a wonderful part of the Whole of Good. Yes, the reflection of that which you see in the mirror of earth often seems covered by mists of challenge or smudges of dirt, but you do have the ability, Spirit Given, to believe in the Goodness that just needs to be revealed.
And so, ask to be helped to See It. Ask for your Goodness, fully deserved and already assigned. Ask not with unbelief, as though Goodness were far away and you do not really think you could possibly see any. Ask with the full understanding and knowledge and belief that Goodness is the very matrix that holds you, and wants you to feel the Life-blood of Joy and Peace of Mind.
Ask for Goodness, Love. Ask for Goodness, and expect to See It and receive It.
And then give It, as well,
Ah, Beloveds,
God is not a human. God is not just some super-powered human.
You know this, in your Soul. But the human-ego self that wants its human pains and pleasures prefers to not think of the Great Reality of God as ever-present and all-potent amorphous Life Force, Joy of Being, and Spirit of Beauty and Principle of Harmony and Wisdom.
Think deeply today of yourself and all others, not as bodies with their physical pains and pleasures, but as reflections of the Light that is that Love, Soul, Spirit, Harmony and Beautiful Life. It is everywhere, It is everlasting, and you, and all, with and without bodies, are a part of It.
Celebrate Its existence. Be a demonstration and an example of Its All and Its Best. Seek deeply within yourself and shine forth just one Quality that you exhibit that you KNOW is an expression of God. It might just be a kind nod that you give to absolutely everyone you meet and think of today—the kind nod of acceptance, and recognition of the other as also being, in Soul, a reflection of the Divine.
You can do this, Beloveds. You can do this because you ARE expressions of One Being.
And it is delightful to be part of that.
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to share what you see of Glory in the world, in others, and in your own Heart. For as you share the visions of Good that you see, more will be seen by you, and more will be seen by others, and you can indeed see more of a new earth sine in your days. See Good and appreciate Good.
Complaining and looking for sins and errors and problems IS a habit that can be broken. Remember: Keep looking for “What is RIGHT with this picture?”
Thus can perception be changed.
We tell you it is true.
Ah, Beloved,
Unable to control another, it is also important to learn that the “self-earthly” cannot be controlled without the loving, firm Hand of God.
Let that Holy Comforter be with you now, and find in that Holy Space within, the utter Love you need.
There is no destiny set in stone, Beloved. There is only choosing, again and again, Love. The Love you choose is Loving God, not loving the dream, and then letting God dissolve the illusion of pain.
Let the Joy in, Beloved. Let the Joy in, and behold the Light of your True Dreams.
We say “Beloved” so often so that you will know you are,
Ah, Beloved,
When what seems like an exterior event occurs, that causes you distress or annoyance or discomfiture of any kind, seek calmness first. Seek calmness from the Source, and then seek Joy.
Seek the Calmness of the Source by remembering, “Be still, and know that I Am.”
And then seek to feel the Joy of your connection to the Source, so that creative solutions and ideas and comfort can flow to you, from where they are, right where you are.
Practice this with small and large occurrences, so you will have it be second nature to you,
Ah, Beloved,
When you do not entirely approve of your “self” that lives in the world, just think of the relief of setting that worldly self aside, and being just an instrument for Divine Light and Qualities to shine through.
Today, take a rest of the earthly self, and be quiet, and ask God/Goddess/All that Is to freely use the body-costume and voice while you take a vacation from your “self”.
This will begin to give you a glimmer of the wondrous way of living that it is to set the self aside entirely and exist in the fleshly only as an instrument of God.
We delight in being Spirit. Cannot you also?
Ah, Child,
When what you see in the “mirror” of earth is distressing, please realize right away that you do not fix things in a mirror by staring at the mirror, or by covering it over with black marks or with the water of your tears. You do not see a hole in your trousers in the mirror in your room, and try to fix them by poking needles at the glass of the mirror. You turn your back on the reflection, or take your eyes off the reflection, and turn to look at the original. And if your own thoughts, as you examine the trousers, cannot tell you whether to just mend the hole with a stitch or two, or whether to let them go and buy a new pair, perhaps you take them to a good tailor.
Go to the Good Tailor, always, Child, to see the best fit for your life. Everything is solved, and appears in, the Tailor’s Mind, before it can appear in the “mirror” of your earth room. All things are made in Heaven before they are seen on earth. Whether it is the need for new trousers, or the solving of a housing situation, or a new job, turn away from thinking only about what the appearance of the problem is, as seen with earthly senses, and turn to the Good Tailor, the Master Provider, the Technician of Harmony, and let your thoughts and needs be shared with Him.
Then, trusting in the flow of His expertise, tune your own thoughts to all the wonderful ways Harmony and Divine order are revealed right before your eyes. Keep your mind on the orderly flow of the seasons, or think upon a memory of a time when confused circumstances in your life resolved in a wonderful way. Meditate upon sacred scripture from whatever tradition you follow, and remember that is something in your life seems to be lost, it is only so that the next, better circumstance can be reflected in that same spot in the “mirror” of your life.
Teaching yourself to trust, listen, and obey is the best schooling you will ever give yourself,
Ah, Beloved,
Once you make the choice that your goal is to know your delightful place in the Oneness of Being, then incredible Help is available to you and dedicated to you. It will advise and Help you constantly, but your part of giving focus and intention, must continue.
Help can be offered, and offered, and again lovingly offered, but if you do not spend those few minutes a day truly focusing and quietly listening to the ideas that flow from the Heart of all Being, and letting yourself be renewed by the deep Well of Love that Loves you, then the choice you have made remains stalled in time.
Choose each day again, therefore, and give the little dedications of time and attention that will help you receive that Help and use it for your own joy, and for the Glory of all Being.
We Love you so,
Ah, Beloved,
Be not dismayed. Fear not. Those that have not yet awakened to the truth that they are not unaware animals who must fight and claw to survive will be uplifted into Consciousness as time unfolds. As you remain centered in awareness that you are part of a Oneness of Consciousness that is Orderly and Loving and Intelligent and Good, you can help time fold upon itself and awaken the Soul of all more quickly.
Stay grounded in your wonderful soul, and be led by righteousness and Life and Love now to do whatever is your part. Be motivated by Love and by Compassion, and be so very glad for each heart that discerns and acts from the impulsion of Good acting in concert, fueled by Joyous Truth, and led by a respect and awe for God’s tender and mighty justice.
Sins and errors come down of their own weight. Keep yourself uplifted in Soul, and trust, trust, trust in the Life that moves all forward through the dream of time in the Best way possible. When your heart called out this morning, “What now, what now?”, did you not hear that Strong and yet Gentle Voice say, “I have it well in Hand”? Omnipresent All awakens all.
The Soul and Spirit that moves all does so impeccably and consistently. The illusions fall away, and your individuality as a tiny part of the Oneness of Being, and your purpose, and each ones purpose, as a part of Creative Love, become more and more clear.
And so be it for so it already is, outside of time,
Ah, Beloved,
The Truth that you are not a body, that you are a spiritual and perfect Idea in the wonderful Creative Source-Mind, which is a projection of Light, can fool you into thinking that the perfect “body” of you is Imagined by God. The qualities of God are more amorphous than that—they are totally Spiritual. Therefore, when asking to see your healthy, perfect self, open your thoughts to Thoughts of Harmony, of Order, of Smooth Operation, of Perfect Responsiveness, of Utter Calm Beauty, of Timelessness, etc.—think upon the QUALITIES of God, not physical attributes. God is not a physical being.
As you ponder these Infinite QUALITIES, then understanding that you are made as an image, a reflection, of these QUALITIES will give you new Insight about how Wellness of Being appears in the earthly seeming of you. Ponder the Qualities of Infinite Love and Truth, and let the reflected appearance of them take care of itself.
Be the Spiritually Gracious Beauty and Grace of the Source,
Ah, Beloved,
Join in with every enabled and awakened heart to recognize that just as rain and sun fall and shine on all, no matter their human behavior, so does Divine Love flow to all. Love Guides and Inspires and Directs and Heals, and praying for ALL to open to receive It empowers your prayers for yourself.
Pray for the plurality today, Beloved, for all is indeed One in the Infinite “skin” of the Divine. Pray for All One, and uplift yourself NOW.
It is God’s Intention, and God does not fail,
Ah, Beloved Child,
There is no need to fear that the Wondrous Source of you, and the Voice of It here with you in the dream, does not see the pure intent of you. When the dusty illusions get in the way, when you make choices that you later feel were foolish, when you celebrate earthly joys in a way that leaves you feeling depleted, then trust that the Comforting Presence still knows the pure truth of your wellness and wholeness, and can help you re-focus, so that you match the original template of your Divinely created Self.
Turn to that Source and that Comforter, Beloved. Be not afraid to make It the first and only opinion that you choose and trust, and know that It knows what you truly are. And yet, also do not fear to be pointed in that direction by an earthly body, so that if a friend or a stranger or an unseen being reminds you gently, “You know, the Comforter does still Heal all”, then listen to that embodied or unseen voice, and be grateful the being has reminded you to look for the truth of you in the Original Source. There, find Grace, find Healing, find Love, find relief, find rest.
Ah, Beloved,
A Beam of Light can hold no grudges.
A Beam of Light can carry no weights.
A Beam of Light can only shine.
A Beam of Light can see no darkness, for where it is aimed becomes Light.
A Beam of Light cannot carry Heaven, but
A Beam of Light can shine from Heaven into hell,
And a Beam of Light is what you are.
“I Am a Beam of Light.”
Ah, Beloved,
Now and again, we say to you to let your own feelings of what seems good or true remain completely silent for a day. Quell them. Set them aside. Promise yourself to look at them tomorrow. Play “pretend”, letting yourself imagine that, yes indeed, the thing or development or change in circumstance or relationship that you think you don”t want, might really be the “best” for you. It is a way of opening up the heart, and considering the possibility of changes that you may not even realize you need.
Let go into playfulness, and let the next day open up into more acceptance of change because of it. The changes that Divine Grace brings you will not always seem right or good to you at first, Beloved, but the greater perspective of the Divine is a viewpoint you can practice, with childlike imagination and play.
Play, and relax into new possibilities,
Ah, Beloved,
You may not understand the worldly physics that explain why the sun warms you when you sit in it, and yet you can be warmed.
Today, try to understand that acceptance of Love and Healing from the Divine do not need to be fully understood to work for you. Yes, we know and applaud your desire to more fully understand, but, meanwhile, accept the Love. Accept the Healing. Keep on desiring to grow in understanding of Grace, but give Love permission to help you NOW, and Love will not only Help, It will lead the way for your comprehension of what a constant consciousness of Divine Wholeness can do, for you, and for all the world as you see it.
Bask in the warmth of Love, today, Beloved, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
It is in your own interest to constantly ask yourself, “Am I living as a representative of Love?”
For that is your True Job. However, because that question can make one feel hopelessly inept and as though one is doing less than good work, it is important to remember that you are only the distributor. It is as if someone gave you, entirely for free, a huge basket of treats or money or goodwill, and told you there was plenty more where that came from, and would you just please go around handing it out?
What a lovely task! What a privilege to go around handing out that which was freely given to you, to give to others also!
Won”t you take the chance to hand some out today, knowing it is also alright to eat of the treat of Love yourself, as you go around giving It to others?
Think of it as a privilege, Love, not work,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to despair of whether or not you have helped someone who is truly and clearly in human need, when the Force of Compassion rises up in you and wants to reach out. Trust that the Force Itself does the healing, does the “revealing”, in the timing, and the means, that that individual can handle in his or her current state of consciousness.
Just make sure you take your mind off any personal glory or credit for the healing, and let the person be at One with the Force that wants them Whole, and sees them Whole. When you have felt the Force move through you, and done or said the thing instructed to do, your job is done, unless you are led to open up and let more Energy come through when you think of that individual at a later time.
Yes, it IS true that you yourself want occasional “proof” that calling to the Creative Force/Source “works” to fulfill human needs, but it must be done in a way that is perfectly appropriate, and in the right timing, for that recipient. Therefore, do not feel you have failed if the healing is not instantaneous, just trust, trust, trust in the way of God. Whether it is moments later, or years later, that the person is fully healed and awakened, and whether or not they realize that your prayers and communion with the Healing Force had anything to do with it, be content that it is done, for as you give you receive, and all comes back to your own joy as well.
Keep your own heart focused on knowing that your utmost desire, which is also the Desire of God, is to be all the way back Home in God. Keep your mind and thoughts there, and let God worry about the “human needs” and provision that come along while you still wear a costume of earth.
We see it all, Love. Do not care about the sights of earth.
Ah, Beloved,
Listen to your personal Angels, for they are the Thoughts of God, inserted into your earthly awareness, that your Consciousness may awaken as fast as it can, and remember that you are worthy, you are Beloved, you are beautiful, you are whole and perfect. You are Love.
You CAN remember this now, even while you still wear the thought of a body.
We See the Real You now, and so can you. And you can help others know this.
Dear One,
Remember that everything that you do is another chance to express love. How you feel about the actions you have taken, and are taking, is often more important than the action itself. The feeling of having helped, the feeling of having chosen the more loving response, the feeling of having drawn on compassion instead of rage—these are the things you are constantly testing yourself on.
Do you feel good about how you have treated those that have mistreated you? That is the first lesson. That first lesson becomes inextricably mixed with the second lesson—that the Other is Self. How does the Other feel about how you have treated him or her? Society’s laws about revenge and judgement and payment are not the same as those of Spirit. Whatever you have done to another, you have done to yourself.
The “Why has this happened to me?” becomes irrelevant as you focus on, instead, “How do I, as a loving, forgiving, compassionate being, respond to this person and this situation?” You need to respond in a way that feels good to you, that does not rob you of your feeling of being serene in your own divine soul. As your consciousness embraces the knowledge and the awareness that the Other is Self, then how you feel about how you respond will evolve. What will feel good to you in how you respond, will come to include ever more love and empathy and kindness and compassion—it will begin to truly come from the knowledge of the soul that All is One.
If you have taken an action that makes you cringe now, each time that you think about it, is there something that you can do to give yourself the feeling that you have made amends? Can you write an apology, replace an item, give of your time and effort? Can you put yourself in a state of mind where you feel that you have done all that is possible to rectify the situation? Can you then forgive yourself, and move on?
If another has given you feelings of betrayal and pain, do you jail yourself with resentment, and trap yourself in obsession about revenge? How many moments of joy have you robbed yourself of because you are focused on those feelings of pain? Can you forgive the person, and move on? Can you give yourself the gift of shifting your focus to beauty and kindness and growth and possibility?
When you are feeling caught inside blame and judgement and revenge, when you want to forgive, but you feel unable to do so, where do you turn? In every religion, in every belief system, there are intermediaries that represent the Best of You and the Best of Everybody. These angelic and saintly beings, these higher souls, by whatever name and in whatever culture’s costume, have their hands open to take your anger and do your forgiving for you and with you. Ask for their help. They can help remind you of all that is good about life and soul. They can take your anger and let you see that as vast as your rage can be, joy can fill the same space in you.
Let the rage melt away and welcome the joy of choosing to live in moments of unconditional love.
We rejoice when you live in joy,
Ah, Beloved,
A great part of the reason that it is easier to call in the One Creative Force for your good wishes and prayers for others than it is for calling It in for yourself, is that your belief about how much goodness you deserve in your life, or how much talent you have in your life, is more limited.
Since each individual “knows”, and remembers, and feels bad about, his or her own worst actions and embarrassing moments, those thoughts help dam the flow of allocated energy and joy from the Source to you. So, try to let those things go. Seek forgiveness, and forgive yourself. Continue to look for goodness and forgivability in others, and believe in blessings for them, but let today be also dedicated to believing that you are better and wiser each day, and that you are supposed to let all Good come your way, in what comes to you, and in what you share of your talents and skills and uniqueness.
Let it open, and let Goodness flow,
Ah, Beloved,
How sweetly do the Angels pray (align fully with God), and praise, and be grateful, for every soul that is re-awakened to God.
Do the same, Beloved. Do the same.
We know the ones whom you have been praying for, hoping they will feel the awakening touch of Spirit in their Hearts. We tell you that the more you pray and praise for ALL who have been awakened, the more wonderful energy of Love there will be present to help awaken your friends and loved ones and “enemies”, awakening all in All.