All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    As ever, remember always the Source of any “power” you may seem to have in the earth picture. Your Love for the Source reflects the Source Love for you, and in that exchange of Love, and putting that first in your life, is the wellspring of any power that seems to come to you.

    In human metaphor, you might think about how a woman, finding out she has finally attained a long-hoped-for pregnancy, suddenly finds the “power” to give up the alcohol or smoking that she had previously been very attached to. Because of her love for the coming child, she makes many changes in her life, according to what she believes will be best for the child. She finds, in her love for the offspring, and in putting that love ahead of all other things, the “power” to do so.

    Similarly, a young man, deeply in love for the first time, will choose a different job or car or outing than he would have before, and find it no hardship to “give up” the old habits, because that new love, and the joy it brings, now dominates the focus he has.

    Let yourself be deeply in love with the Source of All Life, and let being in love with Love help you make choices that you would not have made before. Let that Love, and wanting Its tender touch in your consciousness, be the motivating factor for every thought, every focus, every action. That is the power that changes everything—that is the belief and love that makes all things new again–understanding that only the power of Love is true.

    It gets easier and easier to love Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is important to lovingly allow others to recognize God in their own ways and at their own pace. You can rest assured that God is monitoring what they best need for awakening and learning. If God needs for you to be a silent example or give verbal or active cues, God will tell you, if you loyally remain in listening and obedient mode.

    But, Beloved it is never appropriate to go contrary to your own understanding of God’s Laws, even in small things, to join the trust or attention of another. Silently hold the higher ground, as you currently comprehend it, and stay true to your Best of Friends, the Soul of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God sees every Good deed you do. Many times, you know exactly what to do, for you know what you would want or need if you were in the other person’s shoes. And if you are unsure what to do, or whether your actions or words would be welcome, ask God. Get still and quiet and ask Divine Spirit what to do. Have confidence It will tell you, for It is so Glad to see Good deeds done for the greater Glory of all.


  • O’ Darling Ones,

    We are pleased to tell you that Gratitude is a force. It is a force as real as (or more real than) gravity, or any of your physical laws. It is a force that you may use at any time, in any place, in any situation. Feel it, say it, send it, be immersed in it. Gratitudes, given or spoken, for just being alive, and in love with life, are powerful indeed. Gratitudes for specifics of your life, or of the world around you, can take you from a place of anger or boredom to a lovely place in your energy and the power of your soul. Just think them, speak them aloud, or hold them in your heart.

    We guarantee you that the more you feel and think and exude gratitude, the more you will have to be grateful for. It is as simple as that, for each individual and for all of us together in the Great Divine. Use the force of Gratitude and change your experience of life for the better.

    Grateful that you came to this life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Carrying yesterday’s sorrows, pain, or worries only adds weight to them. If you had them at all, and cannot forgive them (yourself or others) right away and completely, at least forgive and let go a little each day. That way, like a hiker on a long trail who is nibbling away at the burden in his pack, you load will become lighter and lighter, until, at the end of the journey, you are carrying nothing at all.

    The Lightness of what you are carrying will make for a joyous journey’s end.

    Journeying with you,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    How many of your joys are only temporal ones? Are you happy when you have a thing, and angry when you don”t? Can you enjoy the beauty of a flower in the sweet union of Oneness, but not grieve as it dies, or as you walk away without possessing it?

    Letting the Inner Happiness fill you can feel like opening an aperture right behind the human heart, and letting yourself fill up with Still Peace as though you were an empty space filling with light and air, or an dry well filling with water. None of the metaphors that have been used through the ages quite describe the experience of Union with Spirit, but all of the attempted descriptions agree that time spent practicing that merging of the self with the Divine, and focusing on Now, are crucial.

    Whether you are a beginner or well-practiced, give it as much time of your day as you can, staying in the Connected state for as many of your daily activities as possible. The more you practice, the more your “outer” and “inner” activities will become One, Beloved, until you are indeed, “praying without ceasing”, as Christians would say, or “living in Buddha Mind” as Buddhists would say.

    We repeat this again and again for it is key to all awakening.

    We want your Happiness as much as we want you to want It for others,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Real Truth of what you are is like a ball of Golden Light in the Mind of God.

    Picture that. Imagine that, and feel suffused with Loving Golden Light.

    And when you are feeling really Loved, and really Light, picture those you most care about in Golden balls of Light as well. And when you feel strong, or when you feel the most human despair, picture all of humanity as Golden balls of Light, joined together in the Mind of God. Hold that image as long as, and as often as, you can.

    All is Light. All is Love, and there is plenty of Golden Love to go around. Let It do Its Work.

    It Inspires, It Creates, and It is always on the job,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seek not to please people, seek to please God.

    Ask for, and listen to, Divine Instructions each day, and obey them.

    That is the way to please God, and it in turn pleases your human perceptions as you see the revealed Joy.

    And if God asks you to Bless someone with a word or your time or your skills or a coin or a gift or some training, do so with Love. Be careful to ask God in what way that person would be most Blessed, and do what would Bless him or her, rather than yourself.

    Bless yourself by pleasing God. You cannot imagine how far it will take you.

    Bless you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Kindness comes in many forms. Sometimes the highest kindness is loving silence. Consider that today for yourself, and for those whom you love the most.

    And, kindness is always Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you have worked on being a clear transparency for the Light of the Divine to shine through, all you need to keep working on is STAYING clear. The Qualities of the Divine that can shine through you, and to others, can take care of themselves. They will appear in you and through your works, and impel others to shine from their connection to the Source. ALL the wonderful Qualities of the Divine Source are available to all, for that same Divine substance comprises all.

    Just keep clear, keep agreeing to be that which the Divine can express through, and let God be God through you, even as you LOOK for God also being God in those around you. Look for Good and you will find it, Beloved, in yourself and in others.

    We love seeing all the Good everywhere,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way to take yourself entirely out of the dream while you still feel so attached to so many aspects of it. Trying to not care about elements of it does not work, even stopping the body from breathing does not work.

    Your consciousness is forever. The way to raise it is to realize it is One with the Infinite. Then, the dream can be looked upon with tenderness and the perspective that it is already overcome in the timelessness of Spiritual Perfection. Then, one can appreciate and expand the loveliness of invention and discovery and beauty and compassion and kindness.

    When one realizes the everlasting link with the Infinite in, and all around, the Soul of one, then all the perspective changes and the True Value of Life emerges into sight and can be Seen by all. FEEL the Truth of these words. Without analyzing them, just FEEL the Truth. And Be the example.

    So Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your soul is part of God-Soul. You are not separate and far away and alone. You are a part of the great enduring Consciousness.

    And that Consciousness knows when it is time for your earth journey to be done. Have trust in, and take solace from, communing with the One Loving Mind, knowing that the journeys of those who have passed from earth continue there, and that your will is gently joined to God’s Will in agreement of the time to exit.

    Take Joy in this day. And all the days to come. Growth occurs in your spiritual understanding while you take the worldly trip, and that growth does not ever end.

    Loving you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just listen quietly, to the song of the Heart, and hear:

    “Look up,

    Look up,

    my bright-eyed Love,

    and see me in the sky.

    I caught your attention with the whir of wings,

    Now, look past them,

    those flying feathered friends,

    and see,

    It is I, It is I, It is I.

    See, that I Am.

    See, and reflect Me.

    See, and know,

    for yourself,

    It is I, It is I, It is I.”

    Your Loving Patent/Source is ever with you,

    With all Power of Creation complete,

    Ask to see the best play of your life, and listen for your cues,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it seems like even the smallest of miracles has occurred, CELEBRATE! O”, Celebrate, celebrate, and be grateful. For that celebration and gratitude will open wide the door in your consciousness through which Divine Flow comes, and creates more of the True Reality in your experience, which you call “miracles.”

    We guarantee it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, when using the prayer-thoughts of “opposites” from the “Inner Index Card”, by thinking of the quality of the Divine that you need to see before you, and around you, and in yourself, when you feel that you are seeing sorrowful earth things, that it is YOU that must ask for Divine Help in changing YOUR thoughts.

    If you are observing your own thoughts and reactions, and find yourself thinking that someone before you is acting uncharitable, or unaffectionate, or impatient, then it is YOU that must pause, and pray, “Dear Divine Helper, Please help me think of and see the good qualities of Love and Life and Gladness that are the Spiritual Truth of the Perfect Individual that You created, that now is in my thoughts.” Then, WAIT, and see what whisper you hear from your Heart about what divine quality to look for, and expand on, as you think about the person before you, or as you try to adjust your own behavior.

    It is not asking God to change the person that you are, or to change the person before you—it is asking God to help you see and think of and feel the perfect beings that God already created each individual facet of Itself to already be. Ask God for Help to see God in yourself and in everyone and everything around you, and take time to listen for and receive that Help, and it will change your experience of this earthly life completely.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Any actor must quickly learn to not put a hand for support against a wall that is just a stage prop without secure ties.

    On the earth stage, O’ darling, lean not against the fleeting and shifting objects that come and go. Lean on the Unchanging Divine that Loves you so.

    God Knows you to be fine. Agree, and all things are possible.


  • Ah, Child,

    As each large temptation is dealt with, and falls away, do not be surprised as the smaller weaknesses of personality and little annoyances of life seem to come bounding forward. They, too, will fall away in time, and your ability to bring peace to them will be easier because of the confidence you carry that Divine Spirit is with you in every test, and every confrontation with the illusions of the world.

    Turn to that greater savoring, of appreciating the Divine Mind that holds you, when you weary of all the little tests. Turn, indeed, to that finer Love when all the testing and learning is done, and delightfully discover that you can enjoy it as wholeheartedly as a youngster enjoys a special treat, with no guilt, and no reserve, and no thought to past or future…just the utter joy of the moment complete.

    Do you realize that that is how we enjoy each of you?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be this awareness

    “I am all that I am meant to be, in the Grace of the pure reflection of the individualization of Great Creative Spirit, that I Am.

    Ponder that, ponder that, ponder that. YOUR task, aided by your willingness to ask for Divine Help in clearing your sight and your thoughts of all dusty smears of earth-bound senses and habitual thought, is to search out the clear reflection of the Divine Perfection that you are as Spirit, reflected on this screen of earth Play.

    We know it seems complex. But it is really very simple. Trust in the Divine Help to aid you to See.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know that you have the Loving complete Power of the Divine to call upon is the only real wisdom you need.

    Call to that Love today. No call to Love goes unanswered, and Love Itself knows the best way to answer in a way that embraces all. Call to Know Love always in your thoughts, and trust in the unfolding of Good.

    You can feel us with you if you focus on our Love for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be patient now, as it becomes clear to you just what being an embodiment/reflection of Spiritual Qualities is, from the point of view of the worldly.

    Concentrate on speaking, acting, and appearing as Harmony. Ponder the meaning of Harmony, especially as related to All. If Harmony creates and contains and sustains all, consider the Omniscience necessary to do so. Stop thinking of ephemeral bodies, and gently consider billions of parts of One Soul all swirling and dancing in Harmony.

    How can you dance in Harmony today? Listen for instructions from Soul, and embrace that Harmony and dance your duet with It.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are interested in seeing you have the energy of Joy. Divine Joy is unlimited, for It takes Its Joy from knowing Itself and knowing you as Its Audience, Its Child, and Its Protectee. Ponder how much Joy It takes in you, just as a child feels comforted by thinking about how its mother loves it, even when the child forgets something, or makes a mistake, and you will greatly increase your Joy.

    Increasing your Joy leads to more fuel with which to manifest your most Joyous Life, here and now, and that is only Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know for certain that if you choose the names of the five people you are most annoyed with right now, and ask God to Bless them and aide them in whatever way would be Good for them, that your own Soul self will be uplifted.

    Bless others, heal yourself, and add to the Light in the world, dear one.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remembering to wait, for the Divine Voice within you to speak before you speak, will give you that necessary pause, for your sight to become Divine Sight, so that you may see the true Soul before you, instead of the humanly costumed clown.

    Believe us, Beloved. Life is much more enjoyable when you can go around seeing the Best of everyone else, and knowing the Best of yourself, instead of feeling yourself surrounded by clowns, and feeling yourself to be a clown, too.

    As ever, laughing with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask for God to show you today Its version of your Life dream. Become the silent, appreciative observer, looking for the beauty of each cinematic moment, and appreciating it.

    Be so grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Dark and Light cannot mix, Dear, any more than you can see your hand in front of your face when there is no illumination.

    Turn to the Inner Light and Voice by shutting your eyes and ears to the physical senses, and then seek the quiet listening to hear the Truth of any “Cure” for the dream world of earth. As a writer turns within to hear the muse speak of the next step of a story, so must you turn to the Original Writer to hear what really happens in the Great Play.

    Practice this with a humble heart, sing the joy of being surprised and delighted,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Many are the names of the Divine Mother. Whether you call Her the Yin of the yin-yang, or Mother Mary, or the Great Goddess, or the Feminine of God, or the Wholly Loving Aspect of your own heart, know that she is the ever-gracious completely welcoming Hostess to you.

    Imagine then, that this Loving Hostess has told you—”Welcome to my home. Make yourself at home. Take whatever you like from the pantry and make whatever you would like in my kitchen. Enjoy and remember to share.”

    You accept her kind invitation, and take stock of what is in her pantry to cook up into your life. What is in there? Great stocks of peace and calmness. Oodles of grace and love. Unconditional forgiveness by the barrel, beauty and harmony. Kindness and patient teaching in one-serving-at-a-time sizes. Well-being and acceptance in time-release packets. Expectancy and nurturing in boxes covered in smiles. And so on.

    All of it freely offered to you. What in Her pantry will answer your hunger? What in her pantry can be cooked up to answer your need? O”, Look to what is already around you and freely offered to your hearts, Beloveds, for the calm creative cook cooks well indeed.

    All Blessed Be,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never let your personal human distress prevent you from praying for Harmony and Healing for another, if they ask you. Never let your own concerns keep you from giving a little time each day to a sincere general desire to see the smooth expansion of Love in the world, and your circle of people and community.

    As ever, praying for another or others also surges the Wonder of God through you, and by the time you have helped enable another to remember their identity as Beloved manifestation of the Infinite All, you will often find that ease of your own inharmonies has occurred.

    Pray generously, dear one. Pray without limits or conditions, for God is without limits, and feeling Wonder at that Infinitude helps all Good prayer be felt and seen.

    Giving gives back, and it still is True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as every message that you give another is also for yourself, every good thing or idea or laugh or sharing of Joy that you give another is also for yourself.

    Truly think about this. The Oneness of all true being means that all of Life is one circle, running in a wondrous continuous loop through what seem to be countless separate beings. If It is a continuous loop, what you send out along It comes back around to you.

    Let that thought be in your thoughts continuously, and see how it courteously affects what you choose to send forth.

    Ah, Ah, Ah, you will See indeed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you say the prayer, “Dear God, please remove from my life and my perceptions anything that is not of Goodness, not of You”, do not be surprised when all sorts of things start to happen.

    Some circumstances and people will fade away. Others will appear. Stay focused on God, and on Love, and watch, and See, See, See what happens. Keep praying. Keep listening to the Divine Voice.

    Love God above all, for God IS All in All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is transformation that calls for complete focus. Sooner or later, you will come to a time in your awakening to the Spiritual sensibility of Divine Mind being the ONLY Mind, meaning that you will realize that your own “brain” does not have a separate existence outside God, when you will need to let other responsibilities be set aside so that you can assimilate the Truth.

    Like builders who, in the face of an advancing storm, set aside all plumbing and finishing work so as to get the new home under roof before the rain comes, there must be a shifting of priorities. Be not afraid to honestly look at the pattern of your life and see what old traditions and habits can be relinquished permanently, and also which current tasks can be delayed. Be not afraid to see that some maintenance chores and polite responses can be set aside until a later date.

    When your heart calls for retreat into listening to the Divine Voice, listen. When the Divine Voice calls for you to listen more carefully, set everything else down. When the time has come to BE what and as the Voice asks, let the other things go, and feel the freedom of surrendering to the Greater Plan.

    You cannot memorize your lines if you don”t hear them,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every good manager learns the art and benefits of delegation. When you are managing your own life arrangements and fears and joys, be aware you can “delegate” to the Divine Love that is always with you.

    If you awaken again in the night, anxious about an issue of relationship, or whether you might have left a door unlocked, and you cannot find the Calm to clearly pray about it, or do not have the long-distance means to check on it, ask for the Divine Help of Spirit, of Angelic Thought-Beings. Ask for Omnipresent protection on your goods, ask for inspiration and answers to flow to all minds within One Mind, ask for Guardian Soul to comfort and guide your loved ones, near and far.

    You can cultivate an absolute trust of the Immortal ideas that dwell with the idea of you here in the Mind of God, and that the Good Love of God wants to help, help, help you dispel all problems and uneasiness, and be and live the fullness of the Good-hearted. Ask Them for ideas to help you do what you can, and trust Them to do what you cannot. Envision All Good, for God IS All Good.

    Delegate to your Guardian Angels, Beloved. You deserve it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you want the Peace that is Beyond the world, then do not look to the worldly to receive It.

    Go to It, the Source of all Peace, first and foremost, when you feel yourself caught in the wishes for events, or objects, or thoughts, or feelings, that are of the illusory, sensory realm.

    There, experiencing Agape, you will quickly remember that nothing that the world offers as temptation can compare with the Peace and Joy and Humor of the Vast Beyond. Let It carry you beyond the small passions and desires and meanness of the physical self, and when you come back to those awarenesses, it will be to come back cleansed, and refreshed, and with a largeness of compassion that leaves you able to forgive, and forget, and give, and love, again.

    This is the very essence of placing no Gods before God, Beloved, and it will save you, again, and again, and again, if you but turn to It, that Great Peace and Grace, again, and again, and again, and always. Remembering to remember it becomes your only job.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Inner Helper can fill you with tenderness when you need it.

    The Inner Helper can fill you with acceptance, and peace, and resolve, and strength. The catch is, you must turn to It, and ask, and wait for It to do Its work. If you are very practiced at this, it will happen instantaneously. If you are not, it may take some moments or minutes or hours, but it does not fail, if you wait in patience and willingness to receive that Goodness.

    Turn, turn, turn to that which is True, Beloved, and watch the wrinkles smooth out of your day like the folds of a cotton in the stream of steam.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never forget the metaphor of the rising tide that floats all the boats.

    When someone calls to you from a boat that has foundered in the mud flats, it is your task as one joining him or her in silent (or earnest and focused verbal) meditation and prayer, to call in the floodtide of Presence that will float you both higher. It does not help either of you if you join the other in the mud.

    Stay very aware of this, and do not let yourself be drawn too near the quagmire and the rocks. Stay where you can see, and feel the Support of, the soothing Ocean, and just call forth, compassionately, that you will join the other in calling It to all.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is uncertainty, return to the Presence that is Certainty Itself. Knowing all things, Seeing all things, It cannot be otherwise. Resting in Its Presence, let your questions and worries float away from thought, and let the spots where those worries or uncertainties were be replaced by Peace, and by restful ideas or knowledge of timing and movement or waiting, or whatever Goodness the Certainty of Certainties sends.

    It IS this way and it has always been, dearly Beloveds. Why not make use of It, rather than “fretting and strutting your way upon the stage”?

    Loving you in and through every choice, as we wait for your full Awakening,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you realize that there is nothing and no one you can count on except God, it should not give you a feeling of loss, but of victory. Knowing that in all things you can, and should, turn only to God will keep you from wasting time trying to find human solutions. And, in a seeming paradox, it will help lead you to the people and places and talents that are perfect for what you need, as the glorious Qualities of God use those ways to reach you.

    Turn to God. Count on God. Praise God and Thank God.

    And the illusions fall into place, Child. They fall away, and Glory is revealed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God has no expiration date. The Source is always giving, and it is always fresh.

    The Word and Love of God are always present, and always ready to feed you. Like milk, the various sacred scriptures have different brands and slightly different flavors, but all of them will give you sustenance and inspiration if you look to them and allow your heart to open and your thoughts to heal.

    Turn to God, and God will rush to you. Turn to holy Words, and they will fill you, new and whole each day.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the thought comes into your mind, “I need the Presence of God,” just remember that you already have it.

    The sneaky part of the thought of that need is that it implies that you are far away from God, and in the throes of need. Actually, the Presence is all around you and already placed in your Consciousness. You already have it, closer than your own heart. Just turn to It in your mind, and know you are part of One Mind.

    One Mind, One Mind, One Mind. One Mind governs all.

    Work with that thought today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new emergence into the softness of the Presence of Spirit, as you, as all that is around you, as the thoughts you choose to entertain in your mind. Let it indeed be One Mind that guides you, all this day, letting no idle moments become human daydreams or calculations, but only the soft, soft Truths of the Guiding Love that would have you remain always in Its flow of Joy, Joy, Joy.

    In Joy we dwell. If you are not allowing It in, you are sleep-walking,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new beginning in your heart. Be willing, O’ so willing, to let the Divine Best Destiny, that you could be living, be shown to you.

    Yes, many believe in trying to script their lives, based on affirmations and visualizations that come from their own human egos and dreams. And they may achieve these things for a time. But how many of them end up with ill health or a conflict with the dreams of others, losing friends and loved ones in the pursuit of their own pleasures?

    Let the Great Eye of the Divine help you walk your Best Destiny, Beloved. For It sees the Best Path for ALL, not just for the short term pleasures of one human set of desires. Choose that, and you choose the long term Good, the Best Destiny for all, that is One with yours.

    Stand away, and look with timeless eyes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love is the opposite of fear. If you are sick of feeling fear, in any of its masquerades, such as anger, sorrow, hate, despair, etc., then choose to feel Love.

    The Presence of Love, that is the Primal Cause and everywhere, cancels out fear . Welcome Love. If you are having trouble feeling Love and welcoming It, ask us, ask It, to Help you.

    Quietly, trustingly, wait for that Help to come, like a soft blanket of Thought and Peace.

    We Love you more than you can imagine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What seems to be the obvious thing to do or say is often only the learned pattern of the five senses, or comfortable habit, or belief based on old experiences and old emotions.

    Therefore, Beloved, ALWAYS take that pause to turn to the Divine Wisdom. It will, if you grow still, and humble, and willing to listen, guide you to the true Highest Good for all concerned. What is best for one is best for all ONLY if the definition of “best” comes from the Oneness that sees All. Let that be your guide. Let that be your source of choice.

    It is the only Source that counts. It will guide you with Love.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Be very still, and be very conscious of being simply and easily a subset of the Peaceful and yet Vital and Loving Consciousness of God.

    Do this, and let the earthly dream visions be a vey distant dream, and feel utter Well-Being as you discern being part of the Great Consciousness.

    If God needs for you to do something urgently at a certain moment, God Will find a way to let you know. If you feel the upwelling of God’s Loving Law of Life rising up in you because another human is calling to your Soul-self for help in reaching God Spirit, then pause your earthly tasks and go again into that full consciousness of All being truly part of the Consciousness of God, and be very glad to see unfolding of Good and Divine Healing flowing to wherever it needs to go, for the sweet enactment of Harmony, Harmony, Harmony.

    Take this day to be quietly as Conscious of God as God is of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a new Voice in you now, for each time you mature in listening to It, you are given more Grace to hear. Just as a trained musician hears more of the right and wrong notes in an orchestra, so do you grow in your ability to hear every Word spoken in your heart, and feel every bit of Love conveyed to embrace you.

    Approach your quiet and constant time with the Divine Perfect Soul in that way—let It be each day new to you, falling in love with It again each day.

    It IS the way to peaceful trust and happiness, for the temporal lures will not be able to compete with that level of Bliss. But, that which is good and true and delightful in your life will be enriched by the Inner Joy, and your delight in those things can be heightened by having your Inner Love with you in all things, at all times.

    Ponder this today, deeply,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Welcome Love, that It may remove hatred, and the effects of hatred, from your body and the body of your life.

    “Source Love, choose for me. Open my eyes and ears and let me hear and see, what I am, in Thee, of Thee , for Thee.”

    Love wants this mist to clear away. Let It do Its work.

    Recognize that in Timelessness, Its work is already done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no Truth but the One Mind that holds all. The sooner you realize this, and begin thinking it and believing it and living it daily and hourly and even, yes, moment by moment, the sooner you will feel free of the illusions of sorrow and illness and troubles. Let the One Mind show you Its glorious Truth of you, whole and pure and happy, and let no small human dreams and plans and false expectations dissuade you from pursuing this alignment of the heart and mind of your earthly time with the Divine Mind’s Knowledge of the Reality of you.

    We have heard your prayers for your brothers and sisters in the Oneness of Being, and We are there with them, guiding and giving, and you will see their Best Selves come forth through the mist of the earthly costumes. Allow your Best Self to shine as well, Beloved. You know it is there within you and you know it is real and true. Let not your own mortal evaluations or plans stop you from being what God knows you to be right now. You do not need to wait a long time or until you finish a certain book or project. You are already what you are in the Mind of God, and as you cast off the old labels you have given yourself, or others have given you, then the You that God created and called “very Good” will shine and shine and be Glad, be Glad, be Glad.

    Oh, Beloved, let go the humanly created costumes and labels, and temporal trimmings, and be Glad and Good right now. It is what you really are, and God knows it. And if God knows it, you know it.

    It is True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are within Me as a fish is within the ocean. You are floating in Me as an idea floats in The Mind.

    Rely upon Me for your everything. Turn to Me for all in All.

    Take this day to really understand this, for all you do and are well depends on knowing the Mind within which you swim. You are swimming in the Ocean of Love, spirit within Spirit, soul within Soul, love within Love Itself.

    Take it fully to heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is another way to think about the statement that “God is Love”.

    Think about this interpretation that re-words it to say “Goodness is the love of Love.” For the truth that each human must seek is not human truth, but Spiritual Truth, and to re-translate that back into human terms, it means that to create a sense of goodness and well-being in your life, you must be more in love with the feeling of Love, unconditional, agape Love, than with the feelings of envy, or hatred, or jealousy, or fear, or anger, or sorrow of any kind.

    To be so in love with the enveloping presence of the feeling of Love that any time any other feeling tries to take even a moment of your thought or consciousness, you immediately drop back into re-centering yourself in Love. You immediately acknowledge and choose to feel Unconditional Love, and let It radiate from you and through you, and around you, where truly It already exists.

    No more hiding behind the mists of sorrow or error,

    Welcome the well-being of Love,

    Welcome the awareness of the ever-presence of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you ask the Divine to embrace you, It will. Be very still, and expect, and receive that embrace. Whether it takes a few moments, or whether it comes over you after you have spent an hour composing and quieting yourself to accept the Love that is your Divine right, It will come. It is already with you. As you lower your blocking beliefs and remember that It wants to Hold you as much as you want to be Held, you will experience It.

    You will feel It and know It and you will feel blessedly empowered and freed.

    We know your end and newness. They are Good. Begin now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Dear, do not eat when you are not really hungry. Enjoy the feeling of emptiness and let Me fill it with Love. I will be your food.

    Do not speak when you do not really have anything to say. I will give you the words that need to be said to join yourself, and others, to Truth.

    Do not drink when there really is no need. I will satisfy the thirst, and give you the Knowledge that sustains.

    Let these Goods be your supply today. Upon Me you can rely.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Protect yourself from your own sad or worrisome thoughts. Be on guard, and the moment you feel grouchy or gloomy, call on and praise the Quality of Goodness that made you and of which you are made.

    Praise and praise until you feel the protective Love that holds you always, behind any shadow thoughts you might try to lay upon It, and let yourself feel Loved.

    Praise always, and praise again, and be grateful unto the Power that holds you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Play, play, play with the aspects of God that you are made of in Spirit.

    As you let there be a light touch to your prayers, letting your heart hear the Divine Voice guide it to what quality of God you need to let come forth in your awareness, you will thrive. Laughter will help your prayers, not harm them. Humor that is born of kindness will help you see your earthly circumstances in new light, and help you feel the Unseen Divine that is all around you , just waiting to help you.

    Be not serious with God, Beloved, but delighted, for God is delighted with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If, when you feel an upwelling of the Presence of Divine Love, you not only enjoy it yourself, but you heartily wish for Its Healing Presence to flow mightily to others, in your family and in your friends, and in all those in your orbit of thought, there is no possibility that it is not helping change the appearance of the world.

    Keep calling forth the Divine Love you feel flowing in you, keep enjoying it, and keep sending it to others, and you ARE helping change the world that humans perceive. Keeping focused on the simplicity of that can keep you from getting lost in the despair of details. Divine Love Itself will tell you whether to send It forth silently or with written words or speech or action.

    Love is simply Love and wants to shine Its Light everywhere, expanding and expanding and expanding.

    Let It expand throughout you and all you perceive,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am here. You can hear Me. You are within Me, living Spirit, perfectly made and expressing. Do not pretend it is not true.

    Be glad, and listen, and dance to the song I give you.

    No more the wisps of illusion and distraction. Be exactly what I intend, for freedom is a part of it. Enjoy the Wonder of All, as I enjoy you, one of My wonderful ideas.

    More than Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How much proof do you need that God-Spirit can comfort and heal?

    Please do really believe that the Force that is Harmony and Truth is always in operation. It never stops functioning or being Itself, and your true Self within it. It is only the distracted human-animal mind that takes its attention off the Truth.

    If even once you have discerned the gentle touch of Love soothing you, or opening an opportunity for your expression of talent or desire, then it is really proof enough. For the same Force and Presence that guided you once is always available to you. It will always guide you, so long as you are willing to be guided, and pay attention, and tell It that you want to go towards Harmony for all.

    Already accomplished is the awakening of Creation, and if you let It, It will help you re-walk the path to your full remembrance of Good and Perfect Self that is part of All.

    Remember the moments of feeling and being Whole, and they will become all moments.

    Be grateful for them,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not need your help. YOU need His/Her Help to remember that you are the Spiritual image and likeness of Quality that IS the very substance of God.

    “Help me remember You today, dear God. Help me understand You. I welcome Your Mind as my mind, so that I can fully grasp that You and I are One.”

    And so be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “There can be no pain, where I reign, in my kingdom of Consciousness in God.”

    Master that, Beloved, first. Turn to your own God-Consciousness, first and foremost, and always. Center your Spiritual Self there, and then reach to touch the kingdoms of others” thoughts, and bless them and remind them,

    “There can be no pain, where you reign, in your own kingdom of Consciousness in God.”

    Because all the dreams of earth, and earth existence, are woven together, Beloved, it is important to bless others so that you will be fully blessed. Even as your own dream becomes more beautiful and serene, as you dwell in the Consciousness of God, you will still be able to see the pain and sorrow of others” dreams. Bless them, Beloved, with your thoughts and prayers. Bless them, when bidden by God, with your hands and heart and sustenance.

    Bless each thread of the Woven Dream, so that not just your thread, but every thread, will help reveal the Picture more beautiful than you can imagine.

    But begin with your own Consciousness, which is reflected as a thread in the tapestry of earth:

    “There is no pain, where I reign, in my kingdom made in the image of God.”

    Always, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you say to us, or to the One Source, “I Love you so much”, you will always hear, in answer “We Love you, too. We Love you no matter what.”

    You will not receive silence as a reply. You will not receive an affirmation of love, but with exceptions listed. You will not receive a vacillating answer. You will only hear, from your Angels, and from the Divine Voice within, “We Love you, We Love you, We Love you.”

    Count on It, Beloved. Turn to It, and count on It. Turn to It when others seem unsure of their love for you, but turn to It also when you yourself are feeling unworthy of complete and utter Love. Remember, We do not see or recognize as Divine Reality you iniquities, so We simply say “We Love you, We Love you, We Love you.”

    So be it, for so it Is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter what the human trouble seems to be, it can always be comforted by turning to the Divine Source and the Truth of what you are as an entity dancing in the Mind of the Creator.

    Turn to that Divine Love today, Beloved. Turn to It as you would turn to a dance partner, and dance, dance, dance to the Song of Love. Dance through the moments of the day, listening as you would listen to a new song from a favorite composer, and hear the Music of Creation, and be uplifted and guided and soothed.

    In celebration, in comfort, in appreciation, in expectation, in fulfillment, and in sharing of the depth of Being, dance, dance, dance.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    EACH time you feel grief, pressure, pain or sorrow, turn instantly to the Sacred Presence within, and ask for Its Peace.

    It only takes minutes, or even just a moment, if you have practiced well, and you can feel that Gracious Peace with you, and say, “Thank-you for being ever-present. Guide me with your uplifting calm, give me your word and gentle reassurance, that I may know your comfort, your love, and your advice for what to do, say, and be, to guide ALL in this situation to the best Harmony. Bless me, and Bless all persons and things involved, to be the equal recipients of your Goodness, for only You can see what is the highest and best for everyone.”



  • Ah, Dear One,

    When you feel that you are loving, loving, loving, but feel not loved in return, you have only made the common error of turning to human emotion for the Love you need.

    It is Divine Love you need to give to those around you, and it is the Well of Divine Love you need, to keep filling yourself from, in order to keep giving. There is no other Source for Divine Love than the One Source from which all are made. Turn to It, O’ Beloved, and fill yourself, fill yourself, fill yourself.

    Yes, thousands are the earthly metaphors for the Unconditional Love that constitutes your True existence—the beloved pet that loves you no matter how you look, the mother’s love that offers itself even when you have failed a test, the sun that shines freely on poor and rich alike, etc., but they are only metaphors for the Source. All that you need do is shift your awareness into “reception” mode and turn your will to the Divine to fill yourself, OR shift into “two-way” mode, so that you are receiving Divine Love from the Source even while you are giving It to others. It is a shift in perception, a shift in awareness, it is a surrendering to, and an acknowledgement of, your Source of Being.

    Remember to take time to Be Filled. Remember that the One Source is the only place to get it from. When you are empty, turn There, and encourage others to turn There as well, for It is ever-present, and ever-flowing, and ever-Loving you

    We stand ready to hand you a cup at the Well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, you will still help let the Love that is Source of all shine for dimmed eyes, when you have set aside the body-costume. And you will do that when you choose.

    But, Beloved, even though the Light of Love trumps all error, there are those who are simply not ready to lift their eyes to see that Light. It is those that still need a human-body voice that can suggest Truth be listened to. It is those that still need to see a human smile in a sea of frowns. It is those who still feel the Presence of Love most clearly when given a touch of one fingertip by an awakened one.

    Ponder this. Discuss it with God each day. Of all the alternate routes, the Quiet Vast Voice will always help you choose the Best Way.

    Peacefully Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “High Guidance of the Light Governs us all, and does it Right.”

    Trust the Law of Love, dear Child. It does and will have Its way, in Its own way. Let the Law of Love be what you obey.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today: “Heal my thoughts, dear God. Help me to know your thoughts of me and for me and through me. Set me free, via your thoughts, to see Reality as you intended it to be.”

    With Great Love upholding you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you but would turn to Me, who Loves you so tenderly and completely, you could live through each day of time feeling uplifted and unafraid.

    You have read about, and some of you have experienced, the wondrous connection with the Infinite All and Eternal Life Force, that occurs with near-body death, or from a great challenge, for some. The subsequent change in outlook and overview and upliftment of Understanding changes the direction of many lives. But you do not need to experience near death to feel that.

    You can experience Me just by turning to Me, within your own heart, and saying “Let me feel your Love, Father/Mother. Let me be held in your Love all this day, paying attention to It more than I pay attention to anything that seems to be outside me.”

    There I Am, Beloved. There I Am,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your thoughts are on what would seemingly make you happiest in a certain situation, keep in mind that God’s Thoughts are always on what would truly Bless all in that situation. And open your mind to the truth that God can see and understand what would make you happiest from an Omniscient perspective that your human senses cannot fathom. Be willing

    Open your eyes and heart to Spiritual perspective, Beloved. They are not physical organs, they are spiritual. Use them as such. And trust, trust, trust that God wants your happiness and will open the way for more Good revealed for all, in the Infinite timeline of Life.

    As ever with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When for years the human mind pattern has been constant assessment and/or judgement of visually evident details or traits, do not be surprised if it takes a while for you to turn first and foremost to the Unseen Truth about everything and everyone, including yourself. Yes, some individuals have moments of epiphany, or a “road to Damascus” experience that converts them immediately to seeing only Spiritually, but for most there is that Divinely inspired self-training to let the underlying Truth of “I Am Love, I Am Spirit of Life and Soul” replace the mundane view.

    Gently, gently, practice replacing any judgmental or limiting thought with “I Am Love”.

    It will change your perception of yourself and your life and of others.

    And We are and always shall be with you in this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The energy We give you, the Calmness We infuse into you, the Words We whisper to remind you to forgive, to help you to be patient, to remember how much you yourself have needed extra Love at times, is so that you will find the strength to offer these to others. And to yourself.

    “Love your neighbor as yourself” is a Truth that must be constantly practiced. You will not succeed in it in every day or every circumstance, but you, and We, can be very Glad each time you do. Do not feel frozen in heart and guilty in thought, when you fail in it.

    Instead, turn back to the first Truth, “Love God with all your heart and mind”, and be renewed by knowing that God’s Knowledge of your Innocence, and God’s Unconditional Constant Love, are there for you to draw upon. We are God-Thoughts, always ready to pour more courage and inspiration, and whatever else is needed, your way.

    Here We are. Use Us. It is free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allow yourself to have a day that is as timeless as God.

    You would learn a lot about living under the Wondrous direction of Life-Spirit within if you spent a day without looking at the time and arranging your life by it. To act on an idea when you feel the inspiration, to sit still and commune with God until your soul feels full,, to eat when you are hungry and not because it is a designated break for food, to be floating in your spiritual perceptions so that you can hear the small Voice urging you to call a certain friend and offer assistance. To be as Spiritually aware as the Loving Wisdom that seeks to Guide you is to be a participant in God’s Harmonious Plan in a whole new way.

    Letting God, rather than timepieces and human opinion, govern your day, is living Truth, and opening the heart to full alignment with God as Love.


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Child,

    When what you see in the “mirror” of earth is distressing, please realize right away that you do not fix things in a mirror by staring at the mirror, or by covering it over with black marks or with the water of your tears. You do not see a hole in your trousers in the mirror in your room, and try to fix them by poking needles at the glass of the mirror. You turn your back on the reflection, or take your eyes off the reflection, and turn to look at the original. And if your own thoughts, as you examine the trousers, cannot tell you whether to just mend the hole with a stitch or two, or whether to let them go and buy a new pair, perhaps you take them to a good tailor.

    Go to the Good Tailor, always, Child, to see the best fit for your life. Everything is solved, and appears in, the Tailor’s Mind, before it can appear in the “mirror” of your earth room. All things are made in Heaven before they are seen on earth. Whether it is the need for new trousers, or the solving of a housing situation, or a new job, turn away from thinking only about what the appearance of the problem is, as seen with earthly senses, and turn to the Good Tailor, the Master Provider, the Technician of Harmony, and let your thoughts and needs be shared with Him.

    Then, trusting in the flow of His expertise, tune your own thoughts to all the wonderful ways Harmony and Divine order are revealed right before your eyes. Keep your mind on the orderly flow of the seasons, or think upon a memory of a time when confused circumstances in your life resolved in a wonderful way. Meditate upon sacred scripture from whatever tradition you follow, and remember that is something in your life seems to be lost, it is only so that the next, better circumstance can be reflected in that same spot in the “mirror” of your life.

    Teaching yourself to trust, listen, and obey is the best schooling you will ever give yourself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the whisper of Unconditionally Loving Spirit in your heart suggests a small action, or a slight shift in viewpoint, pay attention. A very small change can lead to great changes. You know this.

    Why not trust God with your happiness, now, today, and forever? Each heart suggestion is one drop in the wonderful wave that will carry you into full remembrance of what you are as Good Spirit, good Soul, Wise and Joyful Being of Life.

    As it is, infinite ideas in Infinite Mind,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not to say to God, “Do this exact thing,” it is to say to God, “Let me See what I, and this circumstance, are in Thee, right now.”

    Linear time does not exist in God, in the Source, but all the moments of Creation do. The child and the adult, and all the moments between, are there, in their perfection and harmony. Everything that is actually made of the Source is perfection, goodness, and harmony. Look for those, expect those. Welcome those.

    “What am I, in Your Perfect Play, right now?” That becomes your daily and hourly question to the Divine Director, rather than letting your human thoughts keep you clinging to yesterday’s perfection, or to tomorrow’s imagined glory. Ask to see THIS moment’s perfection, and relax into the Glad Source, like a dry sponge relaxing into a pool of wonderful warm water.

    God knows all your moments of intended Harmony,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take the day off to walk with God. Regard your relationship with the Divine as your PRIMARY obligation, and take the day to walk with Spirit, with Love.

    It may be that you regard a certain day of the week as your Sabbath day, and it may be that some daily routines of prayer, or contemplation time and place, are rituals that have helped you establish your communication with God, but be willing to change them as necessary. God is not rituals and specific forms. God is simply All and should always come first if spontaneous and fresh word from Inner Voice indicates.

    Be fresh and new in your willingness to align with God, and your Best will align with you, every day. “I shall walk with Love today.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you remember when you stayed up all the night, asking the Divine Source what Its purpose was? God held you and held you, wrapping and over-wrapping you in waves of Love, and then merrily answered “To ever expand Love.”

    You are within that purpose, Child. You reflect and are a reflection of and extension of that purpose, as are all when they remember it. Be not afraid to be that, and let waves of Love also shine merrily from you. God will know when you have done your part. God will know when all have done their parts, and then there will be darkness no more.

    Always remember, the end of the story is happy,

    “I am a willing, happy, healthy giver of Light.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I gratefully place the future completely in the Hands of God.”

    “I gratefully place the future completely in the Hands of God, confidently expecting that I will be Led to say and do what I must say and do for my Joyful Best part in the Play.”

    Try it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not give up. Ask to be guided, let go of your own plans, and do, do, do trust that you will be sent the opportunities and people that can help you see your way clearly to the next step of your own full purpose and Joy.

    We have seen it, and know it is there,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To constantly keep in your awareness that “God, All in All, IS my Life”, is to be born of the Light in every moment.

    It can be a constant refrain in your consciousness, even while you walk through your day, and talk, and appreciate, and love, and ponder, and serve, and perform, and prosper.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What you can always give to yourself and those around you is the Gracious Inner acknowledgement of their true identities as Beloved offspring of the Loving Source.

    Doing so consistently will change the world you experience. When the Divine looks at you, It does not see the dust of the devil, It sees only the wonderful image of Itself.

    This could be, and is, said in a thousand ways. Which one works for you? Which phrase awakens your heart and helps you live it?

    Find it, and know who you are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Embrace the Joy of knowing that the Invention of the Infinite Mind, that is your Inner Voice, has been ASSIGNED the job of taking care of you.

    Turn to It, over and over, for everything. Trust in It, like a wise child in the nursery turns to her nanny, or the driver of a car turns to his good mechanic, when elements of your life or body need fine tuning.

    And, turn with gratitude and celebration to that Inner Servant, when things DO feel fine tuned and are going what seems to be perfectly. Count your blessings constantly, that you may create space in your heart to receive more—more understanding and thought of the miracle of the existence of Love.

    Those appreciative thoughts of Love and Life and the Sweet Order of the Infinite Spiritual Realm then lead to more beauty and truth being perceived as your earthly life. We tell you the Truth, Beloved, and yearn you to feel the Joy of It in every moment.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The entry into enlightened sight is different for every part of the Great Soul. Honoring that, silently, in your heart, when you are tempted to judge or to try to convert someone to your way, is very important. Always check in with the wisdom of the Divine Voice of the Whole within when tempted to share your way aloud. Only with the overview of the Divine Loving Mind that governs all can you be led to the appropriate times and words for sharing.

    The endlessness of flipping from being teacher to being student and back again is too much for the human intellect to sort out. Leave that to the Divine, and follow Its cues, for the One Soul knows when you are needed to play a role for another, and when the other is needed to play a role for you. It wants both of you to understand, finally and fully, that you were never apart from the Loving embrace and medium of the Whole, and unconditionally loved.

    Be the actor or actress who listens gracefully to the Director,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am that I Am, and I Am Holding you, right now, Complete, Perfect and Whole in My Thoughts.

    Let no other thing be true in your feelings. Let no man come between this sacred marriage of Maker and Made Beloved. Have no other Gods before Me.

    Do these things, and let there be a new remaking of all that is yours, in the All that is Mine, dear Child. Yes, each time you sincerely, and selflessly, wish for the Best for another, progress is made in willingness to see the Best for, and of yourself. But let neither thing, wanting the Best for another, or wanting the Best for yourself, come ahead of acknowledging Me as All Cause, All True Will, and All that Is, ever, now, and to come.

    We are One, Child, and only disservice is done to your own full homecoming if you think of Us as separated in any way. Be pleased to be of service, but content to know of Our Oneness, and Pureness, now. There is no room for any inequity within the Pureness of the Infinite Totality of Being, and the sooner you realize this Truth, the sooner that seek only the Contentment of that Knowing, the sooner you will be free of any frightened thoughts of time, or trouble, or woe. I built you in Peace, and of Peace, Child. Won”t you drink of that Peace, right now?

    Drink of It, and be Free,


  • O’ Beloved,

    Seek not the small prizes and titles of men. Seek not the fame and the flurry for its own sake. Seek the approval of your own beating heart, and seek the smile of the Divine.

    Seek the kiss of serenity.

    Find the fulfillment of your own rich gift. Find the joy of giving. Find the understanding that comes as you love, and find, in that, the reason for living.

    Bathe in the joy that surrendering brings. Bathe in the light of letting go. All of your other selves and morrows will be plenty enough to catch what you surrender here.

    Just be exactly who you are.

    We love who you are,


  • Ah, Able One,

    Be believing in your own testimonies of how Truth has changed, and is changing, your life into Life.

    There is no better way to convince others of the Invisible Truth as you absolutely KNOW It to be, than to show them the visible changes that the Invisible has wrought for you. Do it, show it. Testify that all is well when you stay in the focused zone of All Is Well. Stand next to the One who Sees in Focus, and you will See all in focus as well. Draw others to your side, and let them See what you See.

    “Stand right here, in Focused Love, and See your life as it was meant to be.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gratitude is marvelous. In a moment, it can change your thoughts, and therefore your mood, and situation, and your perception of another person. Gratitude is a way of Being.

    Forgiveness is Divine. It can completely mellow and heal the feelings, and open the heart to inspiration, and reveal the wholeness of Soul. Forgiveness is the method of Seeing as God Sees, past the illusion of time-bound existence.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is certain that you can create what you truly want, for what you truly want is already created by the Creator, for you. The error that arises is your own confusion about what you want, and what is Good.

    Let there be that humble recognition in you, Beloved, and learn, yet again today, and every day, that the Creator of the artwork (that is you–“you” are the artwork) knows Best what is Good for the work.

    Allow, allow, allow, Beloved, and be delighted by what you find, and see, and realize that it was what you were seeking. Seek first the Creator’s View, and from that View, see what you want, and how and when to get there.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are fretting about your feelings about yourself, or your relationship with anyone, or your circumstance, turn away from thoughts of them, and turn to your relationship with God. Focus on that Love of God and Its Love making you anew in each Pure moment, and that is the beginning of Harmony in the outer sight and experience.

    To the body senses, this may sound ridiculous, but we assure you there is Infinite value in turning to God, turning to Good Consciousness, turning to God.

    Timeless God still offers the Spirit that heals, and always will.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Convince others of the existence of Great Loving Spirit by expressing Its qualities as you and your life. BE Calmness. Be Love. Be Confidence and Trust.

    YOU are the demonstration. That is the task of teaching.

    As we Know you to be, demonstrate what you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Nothing convinces the doubting human mind of the effectiveness of turning to God’s Loving Law of Harmonization like personally experiencing it. You can hear testimony from others, or read about wonderful solutions that came through for those who turned to Divine Love or help, but the mortal mind will doubt and wonder if that wasn”t chance or imagination.

    So, it is important for your own understanding and belief, to prove for yourself that gladly handing over your small human will to God’s Will and Grace in any distressing situation does bring healing and insights and inspiration that leads to Good. You can do this. The wondrous Power of the Presence of God in which you dwell is delighted to help you, if you ask from the truth of the Spirit that is your Life.

    Prove for yourself that the Goodness of God is True and you need never doubt again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be very grateful and affectionate to those that are kind to you. Whether it is one brief kind smile from a stranger or the numerous kindnesses from someone who takes care of you or assists you consistently, be of help to God by letting Gratitude grow, grow, grow and be shown.

    Every heart that is warmed by hearing another thank-you is a heart which Divine Sprit can rush into and fill, and inspire to comfort or help solve or create or Love or be Godly in other ways in the worldly scene.

    Be grateful, show gratitude, offer affection. It Helps God and it also comes back around to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be again a new journey into the middle of the heart of your understanding.

    The worldly comforts and desires can easily make you focus on a certain object or person or place. But of course those are just representations of what the aim of your heart is. Today, O’ Darling One, please sift down through the human visual images to see what desires truly underlie those things.

    Peace of mind? A feeling of happy trust? A sense of being comforted by Love? An overwhelming rush of gratitude? A feeling of purpose? A satisfaction of having helped create Joy? An understanding of your Oneness with the Divine All?

    Sort out the invisible goals, and then ask the Source to help you achieve those, Beloved. They may come about in ways you cannot even imagine.

    The Source wants your Joy. For your Joy fuels Its goal to spread Love endlessly.

    As ever with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that one of the marvelous aspects of Goodness/God/Goddess/Divine to call upon, to heal your own feelings, and to soothe/heal those around you is Honor.

    Honor of Self, Honor of those people and things that seem to be around you, Honor of the Divine within each one, Honor of the Good enduring beneath situations that seem out of control, but are not, for the Divine is lovingly, and Honorably, in control all the time.

    All the Time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can bond with others having the human experience through challenges and sorrows and sin. Or, you can choose to bond with them in the shared Inner Joy of Soul that holds you all together in Love. You choose. All human bondings based in shared illusions of error and dust are temporary. Shared bonds of Infinite connection last forever. You choose.

    You can bond with the Infinite in your consciousness only through Love and the depth of Spirit that holds your Spiritual Self. God cannot bond with your awareness through errors. God will only draw you into the bond of Oneness through Truth and Love.

    You can choose WHEN that happens, but it will happen, We assure you. It is already accomplished in the timeless eyes of Love.

    Choose alignment with Love today?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone presented you with a restaurant bill, and asked you what the total was, would you just toss it onto the table, and say, “well, the principles of mathematics will solve this”?

    No, you must take your knowledge of mathematics, and USE it to add up the tab.

    Just so, Beloved, you must USE your knowledge of God, your understanding of God, to solve your worldly tabs. What are the tools you use to demonstrate your knowledge and apply the principles of God? You count your blessings, you reverse all negatives into Good in your thoughts, you free the compassion from your heart and let it flow, you trust that you, and all, deserve Good, you love God and you love your neighbor as yourself.

    You must DO these things, not just sit back and know that the principles exist. BE the active enactment of God, and you will see the results, the totals, come about.

    We surround you with constant Love, that is our action,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate this day. Choose today to be a day when you utterly, and sincerely, say unto the One Mind that constantly thinks you, and Whose Thoughts of you ARE you and your True Life, “Let me see Your dream for me, dear Creator.”

    And be willing to wait and watch and seek and see the evidence of the Creator’s desire for your happiness.

    Let it be so, for it is so, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way to open your thought process to the re-training of God-Thought except to do it. Once your willingness, your sweet agreement, is offered to the One Mind’s Love, It will lead you in Its ways, including the appropriate people to meet or words to ponder, as well as your Divine Inner locutions. Listen, learn, obey.

    Yes, many groups of people also have human rules they wish you to follow, and you may find many of these helpful, especially if you are seeking fellowship for the worldly hours, but let the Calm Love that guides you from within, and never harms, be the Truth of your days and steps.

    Can you give It consecrated time each day, and many, many moments throughout the day? If so, It WILL lead you and love you and sustain you and teach you, over and over into the Highest Thoughts of All.

    Sooner or later, all choose,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no reason to be afraid of falling out of the Arms of Love. Love created you, your essence, and Love sustains you so long as Love lasts, which is always.

    And even while you dream of being far away from the environment of Divine Love and Its Wondrous Creation, you are still there, and still held there in complete Love. In wonderful Mercy for your mistaken dreamy notions, the tender ideas of Love are given to you, are fed to you, to help you within the dream.

    “I Am Love and I Am holding you. You can feel safe and secure and free to be of the Spirit you are”, says Spirit Whole.

    The sustaining, fluid Harmony of Spirit flows through you. Focus on feeling that.

    We are the very Thoughts of God, and so are you.


    Ah. Beloved,

    Do ask God/Source for help in sorting out the thoughts you harbor, that create so much of what you seem to see and feel and experience. God is the Creator of Good, and does not create harm and sickness and sorrow. As you ask to be trained to think and live aright, also humbly realize that you do not humanly always understand what is to be cherished and what is but a wisp of a dream, any more than a tiny child understands how to harvest just the perfectly ripe fruit.

    Yes, it is a wonderful beginning to follow the commandments of Love as written in various religions, but in the confusing moments of multiple human choices, learn to turn to God, turn to God, turn to God, to find the choice that brings Peace and Love, and Blessings that are Best for all. God is the Voice you can trust always, and that always Loves you.

    “Dear God, help adjust my thoughts so that all that is not Godly is removed from my perceptions of body and life and experience. Help me be and see what I am as pure Spirit, an image of Your Mind. I give my will to Your Will, that this may be done.”

    Surrender to the Greater Will begets success in Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do, do, do believe that it is not a certain set of specific words, or a formula, or the way you sit or stand or the time of day or the hat you wear or the ornament you pin to your clothing or the name of the building you are in, or any other of a thousand things that matter when you pray—it is just to open your heart to hearing God’s Love speak to you.

    We understand that some of the rituals you have adopted or evolved will calm or comfort you enough to discipline and still your human thoughts so that you can truly listen to the Voice of Soul, but do not worship the ritual itself. Be still and grateful, and Love God, and Love’s Voice will gladly reach out from within your own heart-soul, and guide you and smooth away the bumps that hide your perfection of thought and form.

    Reach in, be still, and listen. God is speaking to you and Loving you. Just listen and feel it True.

    Feel Me behind and within these words. I Am here.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All Glory be to God, always. All gratitude be to God, always.

    All Glory be to God, for there is really nothing else. If you forget, in your own heart and thoughts, to give Glory unto God when things feel good and right and accomplished, then you are forgetting where all good ideas and strength and inspiration come from.

    All Glory be unto God, because you are not separate from God. You are part of God—you live and move and have your being within God. If you try to take personal glory, and feel proud and bragging about the good achieved, then you have forgotten where all that you are originates. If you feel you must present what you have done, to move forward or to clarify your skills to the world, then be clear in your own heart that it has all shone forth from God, through you.

    For the flip side, Beloved, is that if events and body do not seem to be going well, then you may feel the stress of feeling overburdened. You may feel the distress of thinking solutions impossible or overwhelming. You may feel separate from God, and all alone against enormous odds. But you are not.

    You are not alone. You are within God. God is with you, and offers you freely all the Good you are humbly and graciously willing to receive, for your part of the Play. Joyously remember that Glory is God’s, during success. And then, during challenges of the material illusion, you will be firmly and wholly abiding in the knowledge and trust that God is also the solution.

    All Glory be unto God, Beloved, and to you as PART of God,

    Here’s to the Divine of You!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you have entered the state of spiritual awareness that disregards the natural, in order to better “see” with the eyes of the Divine, many of your opinions will change, just as a color blind man gaining full sight would have to change how he understood and described colors, after he was healed. Therefore, be aware of the opinions that you state from habit, and hold quietly and dearly to your words, that you may have a chance to examine what you are about to speak forth, and see it with your spiritual discernment, and decide if you really still know it to be true. Many of the things that you fully believed, or fully disbelieved, before, will have changed in your new found Sight.

    Be humble enough to be truthful with your self, Beloved. Be not too proud to say to those who think they knew, or know, what you believe, that you see things and people and Spirit differently now, for it is the Truth that sets you free. Once you have seen through the illusion of the limited senses about one thing, you will begin to see through it on everything, and then many old assumptions must, and will, fall away.

    The view is marvelous when the deadwood is cleared,