All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have told you that turning to the Divine Source, Whose portal is within your heart and everywhere, with the gift of your WILLINGNESS to be shown the truth, is a key thing. And that is so.

    But it is also true, and part of the Truth that you need to discern, that you must know your real identity. Are you ready to accept that you are not a fleshly body, wandering the earth, lost in the dream? Are you ready to embrace your Real Self as Spiritual Being, Lovingly and gently Guided from Home, to Home and in the Home of Whole Spirit?

    Giving one’s will to the Great Will, and remembering one’s true identity in the Omnipresence of God, are the two things that open your eyes of Soul, and give you the freedom of trust and Joy.

    Grace bids us help you. Let Us.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is Truth in every journey, just waiting to sprout.

    At the end of each day, if you ask yourself, “How have I grown today, in awareness of Soul?”, and “How have I been Blessed today?”, “How have I Blessed others today?”, you would sleep easier, and be more filled with Joy.

    For remember, at the end of earthly life, and during it, God’s only real question to you is “How much did you Love, Love, Love, in thought, act and deed?”

    It is wonderful when you can say “Greatly”, or “Here, there, and everywhere”.

    Such Love, no matter what you answer,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be now a new view of your life. ASSUME that your perceptions and understanding of Good Reality are moving you closer to the parallel version of your Life that is All Good, and start LOOKING for evidence of that TODAY.

    Make a Good Game of it, and HAVE FUN.

    Forgivingly, and Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Qualities of the Divine Source that are what you live within, and are what you are made of in Spirit, are not somewhere far away, up a mountain that you must climb. They are all around you and what you are right now. The thought is to let fall away the dusty thoughts that you are anything else. Let those thoughts of being anything else fall away.

    You are Goodness. You are Innocence. You are Soul and Spirit and Light and Love. The more you think about those things and let them shine forth, the more the Truth will burn away the dust on the image of God.

    Be perfectly clear in your already inner perfection,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Taking a few minutes when you awaken each day to affirm your identity as Soul can and will change your life. Know yourself as Life, Truth and Love, under the sweet Law of Harmony, and picture yourself shining those Qualities throughout the day.

    What you put in your mind carries you. Put those Good Qualities there, and ride the wave of them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be patient when listening for the small still Voice from within you, that is the Consciousness of Heaven. Be patient when awaiting the sublime feeling of Divine Presence that is always with you, desiring to Guide and Help you.

    Like the translation delay at an international conference, Divine Voice must work Its way past the mortal mind babble to be heard by your listening heart.

    The Loving Presence of God, reaching past the stormy fears of your thoughts, must sometimes take time to cleanse and clear them, like a trail master clearing the fallen branches on the path after a high wind.

    Be patient, be patient. Give the Power time to reach your awareness. If you turn your attention away too soon to material concerns or mundane chores, you may miss the benefits of the Blessings God is eager to give. Set aside the self and be willingly receptive to the cleansing pace of Spirit.

    Many “unanswered prayers” are just impatience blocking the Light.


  • Ah, Child,

    Remember, “I am a part of the expression of the Divine, and so is everyone around me in his or her true being. I choose to see that Divine in all around me, and I choose to express the gladness, wellness, and peace of being exactly who I am in the Body of God.”

    Be glad, O”, Beloved, to be who you are, unique and amazing and Loved. Do not try to be anyone else. Rather, be delighted to explore and enjoy the Divinity of yourself and everyone else, so that you will know more and more of the Wholeness of what God Is. Each part you meet can make you See more, and be more Glad, if you let yourself look for the Divine in everything and everyone.

    No one else can be You, Beloved. Explore It, and Express It, to the full.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are ready, when it would not be too shocking to your system of perception of the world and how to function within it, begin to ponder the futility of relating to the non-existent.

    To relate to the unreal, to the ego-illusions of persona and situations around you, is akin to trying to adjust the temperature of the theater by speaking to one of the characters in the film you are watching. It is akin to trying to change the ending of the movie by speaking to one of the actors who has already performed the previous ending.

    Speak to the Manager of the theater, Beloved. Speak to the Director of the Story. Learn that in all cases and all situations, there is the Essence of Goodness, ready to guide you, via the Voice in your heart. In all circumstances, the Essence of Goodness is ready to cast Its lovely Light, and help focus the “film” so that you can see, truly see, the full beauty of it. Begin to see and sense, with your spirit, the Real, and relate only to that.

    Ponder this, Beloved, and wean yourself from relating to the non-existent.

    In Dearest Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak no ill. Praise and praise, to recognize all that is Good around you. Even if you must rebuke a lie, in the course of teaching your children, or peers, or self, or employees or employers, speak with Love.

    Words spoken with Love are the Truth. To say nothing, and emanate Love, is also the Truth. Speak only when you absolutely must, and then let the words come from the Leading Voice within. You will know Its Voice, for It always speaks with Love.

    Let your voice do the same. Tones of Love are music. Speak Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you try to BE God, God of your own little human desires, you will only feel exhausted and pulled between pain and pleasure, as you view your own wispy projections as true creation and reality.

    But if you let yourself be AS God, loving and lovable, a transparency through which the Loving Truth of Harmony flows and demonstrates what It knows to be true, you can relax into surrender and enjoy the order and delight of what Love Created as Real. Praise the Principle of Love, and open to letting Love flow through you in every circumstance, setting aside your limited human definitions.

    Be AS Love IS, and appreciate, appreciate, appreciate the tender Glory that is there for all to experience and absorb, if only they would be willing.

    Let God do Its Work, and just enjoy letting It flow through you and around you. When you feel tempted to be caught up in your own judgements and complaints, praise, praise, praise God, and thank, thank, thank God for being the Truth of Order and Harmony, and look again at the situation, and yourself.

    It is a relief to let God be God, and you be just an appreciate being within that Great Mind.

    We Love you and tell you true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you went to sleep humanly resenting an old roommate for cleaning tasks that were unfairly left to you, instead of going into slumber with a Blessing Prayer in your mind, were you really surprised to awaken in the night with a tense pain in your back, right behind your heart?

    And when you turned to scripture to seek healing, wasn”t it obvious it would open to a passage about the interrelatedness of all within the Offspring, the reflection, of God? We give thanks along with you that you saw your error in thinking/feeling right away, and went into a prayer saying “Bless her, and Bless me, for we are both sacred parts of Thee”. And when your stiff muscles eased as the Spirit of forgiveness filled your heart, did not all pain vanish?

    Forget not this small lesson you have learned in many ways, in many moments, through your years. Forgive, forgive, forgive, for yourself and others are all part of One, and you are just being gentle with a part of your own Full Being. Forgive often, and always, and quickly, and suffer not the pains that come from holding old human emotional trespasses in your mind.

    Bless all today, and you Bless yourself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us pretend that you have just moved into a wonderful old home, full of intriguing mirrors. Although all of the various mirrors are interesting, and each lovely in its own way, you notice that you cannot see yourself very clearly in some of them, or you notice that they would be more lovely if they were cleaned. To cleanse them, and to more fully appreciate their loveliness, you arm yourself with various cleansers and begin the task of revealing the true beauty of these heirlooms that surround you.

    For one, perhaps you just need a little water and soap to remove the old oil from the frame. For another, you use some vinegar to clear the streaks from the glass. For another, you use a hot solution to blot off old crayon marks, for another a dull knife to scrape off old drips of paint. And so on and so on. And in the end, you are delighted that each unique mirror shines and shows its own unique beauty, and that each, in its place, shines back your own beauty to you.

    The intangible qualities of beauty of the people about you are waiting to be revealed in just the same way, Beloved. For each bit of “grime or dust” that distorts the divine clarity of an individual, apply its opposite. Arm yourself with the cleansing qualities of the Divine Maker, such as Wisdom, Joy, Calmness, Truth, Intelligence, Love, and Creativity, and “apply” that silent, intangible quality to the person or situation before you. If you sense there is some falsehood in a conversation, silently ask in your heart for the Divine Truth that created both hearts to come forth and connect you in truth. If you sense discouragement in your own heart or in another, ask for Divine confidence and endurance to renew you both. If there feels to be a great fog of sorrow in a room, be the one to open your heart and request the Presence of Divine gladness and celebration of Life to be present. And so on. The more you ponder the qualities of the Divine Source, the more aspects of It you will be able to grasp and use to apply to anything that seems to cover It in another, or in yourself.

    Endlessly and ever, call on the wondrous Divine qualities that make up the very essence of you and everyone around you. They are what you are made of, and they are yours to call upon. Call them forth, use them, and be delighted (and sometimes surprised!) by the glorious beauty you suddenly see around you and in yourself.

    We will hand you your Divine supplies for the asking,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No one can steal God from your Consciousness. It is you.

    Even when the worldly game SEEMS to steal your Peace of mind for a moment, or for a day, there is still that same Deep Peace gently waiting for you to return to it. Wash your thoughts clean in that deep pool of Peace, and know that to be your true Home of Consciousness, from which all else springs.

    As ever, there with you, in Peace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not be shy. There is no need to be shy with God, who already knows your all.

    Ask, today, for a special word from God Voice today, to you. BE NOT SHY, God wants you to hear whatever word or words you most need to hear. Just listen, quietly, and let it come.

    And if you hear a word you do not understand at first, or wonder how it could apply to you, ask for understanding. Or, ask again whether you heard rightly.

    Do not be shy. God is thrilled when you say you are ready to listen.

    As are we,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truly following the Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” takes constant alertness and self-awareness. It is very easy to let the human mind “self”, that thinks it is separate from the other person, rationalize thoughts you direct at the other person, and actions you take towards him, by thinking that you would forgive an error or disobedience, if it were done unto you.

    Beware, Beloved. The other is self. The other truly IS self, for both are thoughts in One Mind, in whom you live and dwell and have your being. Treat each other one in the Body of God’s Child as you would treat each favored part of your own earthly body. As you do, you will find a great burden of grievance and judgment falling away from you, as your thoughts and actions reflect back to you, and those around you come to reflect your own perfect beauty.

    To the human mind, it seems mysterious, but to Spirit One Mind, it is the simple physics of all Light emanating from One Place . Let go of any attempt to analyze the mechanism of it, and just stay very, very mindful that in each interaction, you truly do follow the Golden Rule.

    It gets easier with practice, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe in your own usefulness as a vehicle of Light. If it is Truth, then it sprouts where is needed. If it is lies, then it melts away in the heat of the Light.

    It is not your task to force it to grow or fade, it is the prerogative of God to see that Its seed grows where it needs to be.

    Just cast it forth, Beloved, and move on to the next place God needs you to be.

    All Love to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Choosing Gladness is not the same as choosing shallow earthly joys. Choosing Divine and Certain Gladness is remembering who you really are, and setting aside smaller focus to Be the High Self you are.

    Be honest with yourself. Do those material pleasures, as nice as they are, compare in any way with the deep Peace and Honor of Soul you feel when you are in Heart alignment with the God-Mind, All That Is?

    Seek that alignment for Its own sake, and remember that imaging the Good swiftly defeats the images that the senses would show you of a world gone awry with sorrow and pain and death. Good does happen and is happening and will happen, for It is the Maker’s Will and It has already been created in a way that the small mistakes of time cannot touch. Keep your heart and thoughts aligned with Good belief and image, and there will be no room in your mind for error to enter. It will try to enter, in a constant barrage of pictures and words and complainers, but if YOU have your consciousness centered in Good, you will remain in the calm and Divine Eye of the worldly storm.

    From that place of Peace, you also can say unto it, “Peace, be still”, and see it so.

    Accept the power Peace would give you to See with Peace, and give it to others as well.

    We help you whenever you ask this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As your relationship to the formative Divine Force grows, you will find yourself craving It. Pay attention, and answer the craving, particularly if you find yourself wishing for a few quiet moments with the Divine Silence just when people or events around you are pressuring you to respond. If you are feeling the craving outside of your usual extended (or brief) prayer or meditation times of the day, it is often a good indicator that you truly need to “tune in” to the Divine in order to choose wisely in the situation.

    Pay attention, Beloved. Listen, and obey the Wise Heart, and have Peace extraordinary.

    Even a child must be taught to know when it is hungry,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be playful in looking for the Divine in everyone you know, and in the essence of the beauty of the world around you. Let it be a delightful game you play today, as you say to yourself, with each person you meet, “I am seeing the God/Goddess here. I am seeing Love here. I am projecting the Love that I am here.”

    When you let yourself be light-hearted about seeing and knowing the Divine, it is easier to see. If seeing the Divine in everything around you, exercising your spiritual sight to see through the illusions of earth-dream, has become a gruesome task, then you have let the un-beauty of the illusions block your heart-Sight.

    Be playful, be light. Look with the eyes of angels, and see that all the children of the Creator are truly made of the same Lovely, Lovely Light.

    Hide and Seek, and you are It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Often, it will take radical courage to speak directly to the Loving Soul of those around you, and to cling to your own, within.

    Yet, you must do so, if you would maintain the Divine Mindset that keeps you able to see and know the Kingdom of Heaven within.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are more grateful than words can express, for a gift of healing or salvation that occurs in your life, sing a song of Joy as offering to the Source.

    Then, share your Joy with the world. Share it with the small world of your friends and neighbors whom you can encourage or help, but share it also in testimony to strangers who care to listen if they choose, that all may come to know, there is a solid Truth that one can cling to, in every time and place and circumstance.

    Remember, and testify, that the Divine Whole occupies all of what seem to human measurements to be space and time, and It can be invited to appear, and does, when you need It, or when you are ready to accept It.

    As ever, Dear One,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe I want to see you enjoy human happiness. Believe it, accept it and allow it.

    But be aware that what may come is that there are changes in what makes you happy. You may find yourself happy, even now, with what you have, and with unfolding days that are different than you have imagined, rather than what is stuck in your mind from the past.

    Can you accept a new definition of human happiness? Can you open your heart?

    And, O’ My Beloved, can you let the shining Soul of you simply be happy with My Love?

    For I Love Loving you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you desire to do a thing, or go in a certain direction, but the path to it and the means needed are not appearing harmoniously, you must ask yourself about spiritual motive.

    Is it a goal that includes honoring the demonstration of Loving God? Is it a skill or activity that is engaged in for the glory and gratitude of the qualities God has given you?

    If an idea to do something comes from Divine Source, that which is needed for it unfolds. Set aside human fantasies and sensual imaginings, and calmly look for the Clues from God, listen for the Word of God, wait upon the perfect timing of Omnipresence.

    Spiritual Sight has a perfect map for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love is the “Ticket” home. Physical death of the body-image is not the ticket to knowing who you really are as a consciousness and an image of Goodness. Divine Love is the way to know a feeling and awareness of Heaven and Peace of Mind. Here and now.

    Immerse yourself in Divine Love today, Beloved. As you save yourself with that healing Love, you will know yourself Good, Godly, and you will see and know all around you as Good and Godly as well. Whether through song or words or quiet welcoming and pondering, immerse yourself in Love. Try it for yourself, or ask the Help of someone more practiced at it than you, but focus on remembering who you are as a whole and verified and rightful resident of Love.

    Take the ticket of Divine Love, and carry It in your heart always, and walk in Its Glory.

    Someone Else bought that ticket for you. Use it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not throw stones at the mists of your illusion. The stones, the resentments and grievances, will just be there to trip you as you try to move forward. Rather, close your eyes to your interpretations, and turn to the Truth of God.

    “I release my plans from thought and heart, dear Abba. Show me your Plan.”

    We are part of that Plan. You KNOW It exists.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To get what you want, you have to know what you want and claim it.

    Above all else, you must decide if you WANT to be happy, and claim it, claim that.

    “I want to Be Happy.”

    Decide it, claim it, believe it is possible.

    AS have we,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust not your own evaluation of yourself, and what you have done for good or error. You have no complete idea of how many lives you have touched and will still touch by things you do, directed by Spirit, that seem of little consequence to you. This is so for everyone. So many, many puzzle pieces make up the whole that no one piece can understand its own impact.

    And that is why you must simply endeavor to stay aligned with Good Will and obedient to the Loving Divine, and trust that the Great Good of Harmony oversees all in a plan of unity and awakening. Be in Harmony and the Divine can shine as you, as It wills to shine as all.

    Releasing feels good, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A million million and more human stories have been told.

    You can look at more of them, you can read more of them, and twist your own story in various ways. But would you not rather See the lovely and inspired version of your Life that the Divine Sees in the great Realm of Its Thoughts? Ask to see It, Beloved. Ask to feel It.

    Get quiet, tell the Divine how much you Love It, and let Its Love and Embrace and Thoughts guide you all the day. Let that Divine story of having overcome the errors and mis-beliefs of the world be the story you aspire to.

    It brings Joy as you live It, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have no idea just how joyous God is when you overcome your own concerns and focus to help another that clearly needs assistance in a form that you can give. And this includes not only the small material contributions you might make, but prayers to the Divine Whole to send the person ideas and courage and persistence, to uplift them into their proper purposeful place in this time.

    So the next time you are mentally fretting about something, or creatively focusing on a project, but notice someone who seems to be struggling with feelings or survival, take that moment to set aside your own concerns and offer the hand or the prayer or the coat or the coin, as led by God. The Joy it creates feeds all the World, including you.

    Look around you, and notice, and act. Silent prayer is not small.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Love feeds us and relieves us. Love creates and sustains and maintains us. Love makes us in order to make more of Itself, to expand Itself forever. We are Love, and It freely gives us Its Strength, Its nurturing Soul, Its Wisdom and Intelligence, and guides us in how to go.”

    Your intellect may have a hard time understanding what this means at first, but do not worry about that. Just read and reread the words, for that indicates to Love your willingness to understand and participate in the Glorious expansion of Love’s Intent.

    Soak in, and absorb, the True Life that is what you are, and feel refreshed, and calmly invigorated, and ready to Be Love each day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like many do, you can awaken each morning thinking about all the “stuff” you must take care of—processing it, paying for it, cleaning it, ordering it or designing it, taking care of it, consuming it, disposing of it,….

    But, Beloved, if you awaken in the morning and diligently remind yourself that your true task each day, and true way to happiness, is to be in alignment with the Loving Source, and devote some time to that sweet alignment first thing, and throughout the day again and again, then all the “taking care of stuff” part of worldly life will go much more smoothly.

    This is old, old wisdom, phrased in various ways in different traditions, but it is still very true. Make it your truth, Beloved. Embrace it as a way of living in Love.

    You can be grounded in a relationship with Love, even while you perform all the “taking care of stuff.”

    “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these other things shall be added to you.”

    And We will help you,


  • Ah, Love,

    Divine Love belongs to everyone, and there is Plenty of It to go around.

    Welcome your share, that just waits for you to ask for It.



  • Ah, Beloved,


    If you pray for serenity for yourself, you must pray for serenity for all. The true spirit of them is One with you. Look past your dislike of their temporary costumes or personalities, and look at the Oneness of Being. The more you do that, the more you LIVE your own pure Oneness, the more you will see of It, and be able to Love It, in yourself, and in All.

    If you are tired of hearing this advice repeated, why not just try doing it? We WILL help. We DO want to see you walking through your days, and eternity, with Gladness of Being.

    Always, always, with you,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be so much Gratitude in your heart for what DID go right in your day, that there is no room left in your mind for worrying over the future or reviewing the events that seemed like frustrations and blockages.

    We remind you that the human perspective cannot always see what is Best for all, and that many glorious things can come of what seemed, at the time, like a disappointment or problem to you. Let them go, and be grateful that the Law of Harmony exists for all, and freely operates for all, always. Turn to It, and be Glad, Be Glad, Be Glad.

    We love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, the human senses are satisfied when you can do small good deeds to help others, and some of those seemingly small things can magnify as they spread forward or inspire other actions. We do applaud those actions, and encourage the desire to do more that is ignited when they are successful.

    But, Beloved, never forget the Power of Prayer, and of freely sharing with others who are ready and interested, the experiences you have had in the healings from the Presence of Spirit, and the adjustments for the Good in human perception. Your individualized Soul reflection, and those of all, must grow in discernment in order for the true Heavenliness of Creation to unfold. The charity of materialism is not sufficient.

    So, yes, do Good Works, but also give time each day for prayer for all the world to open to the Love and Understanding of the Divine that is real Life. More prayers are like a bigger funnel to let the Divine Adjustments pour in to the human experience.

    We gladly join you. You are never praying alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God has already forgiven all for their errors. But each is continually given chances to do better, to demonstrate their lovableness and lovingness, wisdom, and compassion, and joy and willingness to let Good creativity pour through the mind and heart.

    Perhaps think of it as you would a very, very kind mathematics teacher who comes into a room and sees that the students have made many errors in their calculations that result in the incorrect answers to the equations and problems. The teacher does not get angry and fierce. The teacher knows that they are there, after all, because they still need to learn more facts and practice using the principles of mathematics. So the teacher repeats the rules and ways of math again, and shows them how to solve the problems, correcting the errors they have not noticed, and urging them to help one another as they work on the problems. Those who understand more about the math techniques are urged to help the others. The teacher is so glad when all advance in their understanding of math and how to delightedly use its rules.

    Just so is the Loving Mind of the Divine, in whom you exist, delighted when you understand and apply the rules of Love and Divine Order to your lives, and allow Its Loving Teacher to guide you.

    No anger. Only learning to Love and be Loved.

    Be willing to do this, Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Source of you, the One Who had and has the original pure idea of you, sees the truth of you, sees the heart of you as Spirit/Soul.

    Whether you finish all your tasks in a day, whether your good intentions are fulfilled or misunderstood, whether you are a day younger or older in earth-years, God sees the timeless wonder and marvel of you.

    Be at peace, Beloved. Rest in that constant approval and Love of God, rather than in earthly opinions, of your own or others. Today, just realize you are One with One Who knows and Loves you, and let that be enough.

    “I have God, and that is enough.”

    “That is All.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    To remain standing as a porter at the door that allows Divine Healing Spirit to enter the dream, and help any who willingly come into Its Presence, you must stand in the Light. T o hold the door open, you must keep all thoughts of blame, or judgment, or anger, or pain, or personal gain, out of the thoughts you hold, or entertain.

    Let only loving thoughts be yours, aligned thus with the Thoughts of God, for only then can that dear Light flow, and help you, and those around you, in the earthly realm of nod.

    As ever, we help hold them if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Any gifts or talents you have are but reflections from the Center Of All .

    Therefore, give due Glory where Glory is truly due, and, in this way, see your gifts magnified, and solidified, even more.

    There is no greater Truth than what is simply true, that you are the Goodness that the Center of All made you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bid goodbye lovingly. When phases of your life are done, bid goodbye lovingly to the people and things and circumstances that were yours for so long. We assure you that you often do not understand what was “good” and what was “bad” in your life, until you look back later and see where adjustments were made, because of unanswered phone calls, or unrequited affection, and that they were adjustments that needed to be made for your best destiny.

    Let appreciation and love and peace be your reaction to each change, and use the peace as a guiding light to each next step.

    Peace is already within you. Reach to It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ultimate way to discovery of your own feeling of freedom from being trapped in any physical form or situation is STILL the accessing of the Wisdom of Oneness.

    We know, Beloved, you sometimes feel as though we use the same words over and over, and that you read them, and think that you think about them, but that you do not see the changes come in your circumstances or your life.

    Well, you read the words, but do you practice them? The more you practice actually pausing and being still and letting Divine Voice and Impulse guide you, the easier it will get. And, O’ Dear One, we urge you to look back and mark the progress over the years and months. We certainly See how much your compassion has grown, and your patience and your willingness to be honest, and your greater longing for, and enacting of, Goodness. Give yourself credit for great progress made!

    See yourself with Love, as We do, and being willing to entertain thoughts of your own Spiritual Perfection, and being in and of the Divine Perfection. Sharing of that calm perfection is the purpose of all in the earth play, until the play need be seen no more, and only sweet perfection reigns in all Thought.

    In timelessness, that Perfection already reigns. Welcome It into YOUR life, and encourage others to welcome It into theirs.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once again We say to you to be not concerned by any opinion except God’s. For God’s “opinion” of you is Truth, and it is that you are an essence of Spirit, Loved and Good, and under the Law of God.

    Be delighted to be under the Law of Love, and let it guide as well as reward you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Can a beam of light have the measles?

    Can a plastic flower be harmed by spider mites?

    You are a beam of Light, Beloved, emanating from the Source Light Divine. You are under no jurisdiction but that, and only subject to the Focus of God.

    Ponder that, and play today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If, when you feel an upwelling of the Presence of Divine Love, you not only enjoy it yourself, but you heartily wish for Its Healing Presence to flow mightily to others, in your family and in your friends, and in all those in your orbit of thought, there is no possibility that it is not helping change the appearance of the world.

    Keep calling forth the Divine Love you feel flowing in you, keep enjoying it, and keep sending it to others, and you ARE helping change the world that humans perceive. Keeping focused on the simplicity of that can keep you from getting lost in the despair of details. Divine Love Itself will tell you whether to send It forth silently or with written words or speech or action.

    Love is simply Love and wants to shine Its Light everywhere, expanding and expanding and expanding.

    Let It expand throughout you and all you perceive,


  • Ah, Dearly Beloved,

    It is time indeed to make commitment to people and causes that you have only toyed with thus far, or not quite given your whole heart to.

    Give you heart first to God/Source, from which All shines, but then realize that showing dedication and faithfulness to what you are called to do gives the Source a kind of permission to give you even more ability and power in that area.

    Whether it is about learning to love at least one person completely and unconditionally, or whether it is about so practicing a talent you have been gifted with that you become a beacon, a wondrous example of that particular art, let commitment be a thing you demonstrate to your Maker now.

    We are committed to helping all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that believing in the Unseen, more than in the seen, is a crucial part of being your Divine Self. And, believing in the Unseen for those around you who seem completely trapped in the visible realm is an important part of honing your own vision of the Unseen.

    It is your own willingness to see God’s true intention that is crucial, Beloved. The more you focus on seeing the God in everyone, the more you will see It. Whether or not all of those around you believe that they are expressions of the Divine is not important. Some of the most amazing “miracles”, or “revelations of God’s Truth”, to describe it in another way, happen to those who are not aware of having any faith at all, and to many who do not admit that there is any Unseen Reality.

    Look away from the evidence of the senses, Beloved. Listen not to those who would show you smoke for reality. Look to the Divine Reality, and listen to the Divine Voice, and remember, above all, It is already accomplished. You only seem to be in time, where things are not yet done.

    What God has already accomplished, no one can really undo. And the Divine You, and the Divine Everyone, already Is.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when estranged in the everyday course of affairs, siblings respond and try to help one another when a crisis looms.

    There is a good reason why the popular prayer says OUR Creator, Beloved. It is to help you remember that all are your brother and sister, all are other aspects of the family of the reflection of the Divine.

    That may just sound like theological words, Child. But it will help you if you just keep in mind the simplicity of it. When looking at another person whom you know is lying to you, or evading a situation, you must remember, “This is my brother, too.” When observing your own behavior, you must remember to realize “I am a Child of the Father/Mother God, and I have Their Good Qualities to reflect, if I choose.”

    I will remember these things. Brother. Sister. Child. I will remember these things, and forgive, and Love and be Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you remind yourself constantly that the Peace and Harmony of the Divine is the main goal for your mindset, then the choices you make throughout the day will be clearer and easier, with the Loving Help of Spirit.

    “God is my goal. God is my way and my Light in the wilderness of illusion.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a way to pray constantly and still complete your tasks and duties and joys of the day. You know this.

    And, in fact, you already often choose to mull over an important thought or decision while you also wipe down the counter or tidy a room or take a walk or scan the mail. Simply tune into that Higher, Quiet Consciousness, to Whom you have given full permission to Guide you. Feel embraced by It, and listen to It, while your hands and feet and bodily eyes do the tasks of earth.

    When you feel a deep Calm and Peace, you will know it is time to stop the worldly tasks for a moment, and simply absorb and listen to the Truth that Loves to Help you. You might hear and answer or a word, or see an image, or you might just feel that release of Glorious energy that lets you Know that God is on the job, as always, and Spirit is flying to where and when It needs to go to pull together the solutions that Bless one and all.

    Ask for Help for yourself. Ask for Help for all.

    And Help you It will. With Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even if objects or weather or human error delay the written conveyance of God’s Thoughts, or of prayers, be not dismayed,

    Be certain God is already with you, that you are contained in the Loving Infinite Mind of God, being purified constantly. The Life Energy is there. Feel the Soul Flow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a certainty that comes, after one has had enough of the peak moments of glimpsing the Truth of the Oneness of Being. This Certainty is what properly prepares one for helping others turn to the Healing Power of the Source, and to absolutely know that ones own needs will be covered by the seamless, lovely weave of Light that is the Source.

    When the first witnessing of a “miracle” occurs, or the occasional extraordinary moment is experienced, doubt, or the pervasive flood of human thought and error come right afterward to take away the feeling of enlightenment and empowerment. The repetition of hearing about, and the daily experiencing of the living presence of Oneness does the convincing, and then complete belief is born, and cannot be unborn.

    Allow the full birth, Beloved. Allow your absolute conviction to be so strong that you can stand firm in it when those around you question or doubt, or plea. Stand firm, and point to the Source, like a mother pointing to the sun when her child is pointing to the ripples of light on the water and asking where they come from.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy you give is the Joy you live.

    Today, let it be as simple as that.

    Always flying in Joy,


  • In gratitude for Ivars, 6-22-05

    Ah, Beloved Child,

    Thinking that you must “do” something besides be an example of the happiness of the Divine, of which you are an expression, is the mistake that many, many make.

    Shine with the joy of living the role you play, stay in the attitude of peace and gratitude, and share with any who ask, the Source of your peace. Be happy, and the Divine can flow through your thoughts and to your life and intentions and inventions. Be happy, and let Grace guide your every move of hand and hope, to focus on that reflection that truly reflects the Good substance of which you are made.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Those whom you are meant to help, or to be helped by, will find their way to you. The smoothest path to meeting them all, and helping one another to a higher conscience, is to listen to each moment’s direction from Divine Voice within.

    Listen, and act. Listen and act. Act with love. Act with obedience, knowing that the Greater Eye than yours is directing events, and returning with love the ones that are done with love.

    Therefore, do all things with Love, knowing that Love Itself is your witness, always.

    As are we,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Love is secure.

    In you, around you, and for you, God’s Love is secure.

    Focus on that today. “I am a part of the Love that is All.”

    If you can truly define yourself this way, with Divine Help, everything changes.

    Think about it. The time to think about it has come.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Mind that Imagines me, and Knows me, and Sustains me, also Loves me entirely and gives me the chance, each day, indulgently, to begin anew, knowing I am utterly Loved and approved of and cared for.”

    If you mean to begin again, and choose to, you can,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I forgive, and I live as though I am in love with God.”

    “I am healed of the belief that the body rules all, for I have answered Love’s call.”

    Swim in these thoughts today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mighty seem to be the proud, but True Might is in the Gentleness of God.

    Let the times come when you see how the gentle loving word turns away ire. Let the proof come as you care more about maintaining Peace than you do about being right, or about having credit for your works, and you will begin to understand the magnitude of the gentle, gentle Plan that God has enacted to awaken those who are sleeping and dreaming that they are separate and alone, instead of living and moving and having their Lives in the Gentle Love of Divine Thought.

    Think on these things, when next you are tempted to return rudeness for rudeness, and allow instead the forgiving and compassionate way of Divine Love to be your response. You may teach with humor, or with surprise, to let error be unveiled, but follow the advice of Spirit’s Voice within to know how to gently use those tools.

    All tools are for opening True Sight to Divine Reality,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Slowly, slowly, slowly, examine today the truth of what circumstances and activities best let you reach and stay in communication with your lovely Inner Wisdom. The goal is to stay in constant contact with your Divine Guidance as you walk your days, but in the beginning, and in some challenging conditions, there are personal ways and best methods of letting those Loving Truths wash over you and through you and around you.

    What are your ways? Assess what is working for you and what is not helping, and above all ask for soft Divine Help in sorting through how best to release to the tender Guidance that wishes only to serve all willing hearts. And if it is time to let go of certain unhelpful activities, such as frightening visual entertainments, or over-indulgences of this or that, then ask for Help in letting go of those. The Truth of Love stands ever-ready to Help with whatever you are ready to do.

    Be willing, be soft, be gentle, and let your honest part of Oneness come fully revealed.

    It is so very beautiful, and We know It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is never a mistake to dispense Grace.

    If in doubt, do so.

    Let compassion move you to that, even when, by human standards, you would be justified to be in anger, or withdrawal of affection, or revenge, or snubbing.

    Fill yourself with Grace and forgiveness, remembering all the times you have received forgiveness, and give it back. Give it, give it, graciously.

    Always, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If, in the night, you are worried for the safety of those whom you love, turn to the All in All that is the Divine Source, and ask It to be with you.

    And you will hear from that Calm Glad Voice, “You are made of Love. Your loved ones are made of Love. Do not fear, do not fear, do not fear, my dear, my dear, my dear.”

    Trust it, Beloved, now and always,



  • 4-4-05

    Ah, Beloved,

    To the human who is trying to give up some temptations of worldliness, in order to spend more time better knowing the Realm of the Divine Truth, there are many temptations that are obvious, and, at first, still alluring—frittering away some days with idle reading, or choosing the extra hour of play over the heart’s call to center and be still.

    Less obvious, and perhaps even harder to relinquish, is a relapse into melancholy. Whether it is a sorrow brought on by a certain event, or whether it is an old state of mind that was habitual before being born into the Joy of Spirit, melancholy IS a temptation, and an easy excuse for the ego to urge the True Self to give up the seeking of God-Knowledge.

    Know this, and name it, and let it not have you. Just as the adult understands, when the child does not, that the third candy bar will make you feel ill instead of happy, so let your mature spiritual self understand that sorrow indulged overlong does not lead to Joy.

    Make knowing God/Goddess your challenge, and your joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing that can un-make you a citizen of God’s Heart.

    You are of the One Mind and dwell in that Heart, and have all the rights and Goodness and Freedom to which that automatically entitles you.

    Claim them. Be them. Love them.

    How do you claim them? By thinking about them. What you think about, you are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Power of praying for others, along with yourself, is great.

    Today, feel that by picturing the circle of your immediate or extended family, or a circle of friends, or a community group you are part of, and simply pondering and embracing some form of the True Thought “We are all perfect in God right now”.

    We are all Perfect in God right now, and, O’ Beloved, We are there with you.

    Throughout the day, whenever you remember to feel It, “We are perfect in God.”

    Always, God’s Perfection always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a good gardener pulls a weed, he or she knows it is better to try to plant a good seed or bulb, or tree, in the spot than to try to keep it always empty.

    So let it be when you try to “weed” mean or regretful or sorrowful thoughts from your mind. Replace them with good words. Replace them with the opposite of the angry or vengeful or morose thought that was trying to swim in circles in your thoughts. Training yourself to do so is not hard, and it is even easier if you have a wondrous supply of good thoughts or words to choose from. That is why happy poetry, or memorized uplifting scripture, or pleasant memories, or focusing on the perfections of the joyous moment, serve so well. Repeat, and repeat those good words until they are so firmly in your thought patterns that it is easy to draw from them. Like the springtime sower of good seed, keep the bag of sweet seeds slung always at you side.

    Believe us, it is harder for the weeds of negativity and unbelief to grow if you have been nurturing the good seeds and good shoots to instantly transplant into the newly weeded good soil.

    Welcome the gardening of your own mind, and know your due season is here,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not give up. Ask to be guided, let go of your own plans, and do, do, do trust that you will be sent the opportunities and people that can help you see your way clearly to the next step of your own full purpose and Joy.

    We have seen it, and know it is there,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Peace in knowing that you have done all you humanly can in a situation. There is even greater Peace in knowing that you have called out to the Divine Source and asked to be privileged to witness Its All in the situation, and to be directed to do whatever you should do as the human voice and the human gesture.

    Do those things gallantly and calmly, and even joyfully. The joyfulness is a delight if the human events are a celebration. If the human events are a closure or an ending, let the deeper, soulful Joy, be the energy and the strength that you, and all concerned, need to smoothly enact what must be enacted.

    Above all, be not afraid of the surface of life. Real Life is always Breathing Its Life and Love into you. Accept Its Thoughts. Accept Its Love, and be, be, be Its praiseworthy vehicle.


  • O’ Sweet Beloved,

    Do not forget your mission, which is the true mission of everyone, to remember that you are a part of God that is All in All.

    If you walk through your visible world with this in mind, you will be constantly looking for revealed evidence of a Glory that is Peace and Good. It is not the full Glory, that is true. But the more keenly you look for it, the more you will See the glimmers of reflection of the Good.

    Think how delighted you have been when you pray for a Good outcome for something for someone, and it has happened. Yes, we know that many times that other person does not even remember that he or she asked for your prayers for it, and does not give God the Glory, and instead credits their own cleverness or luck for the result, but We tell you to be uplifted in faith by every positive revelation of Good.

    Be uplifted and stay uplifted, and that uplifts those around you. That is your mission, Beloved, uplifting and giving all Glory to the One Mind that contains and sustains all. No matter what those around you seem to be, what you think and do affects all.

    As ever, with you,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know that in the giving and sharing of your gifts is their perfection honed. Be not afraid to share what seems not yet perfect, for just as the teacher is taught by teaching, the healer is healed by healing. All benefit in the Goodness of All that Is, if you remain humble in your sharing, by staying aware of the Source of your gift, and by following the directions of the Source in when and where to share it.

    Planning how to share a talent, or garner earthly reward from it, based on worldly systems of commerce, is to let the human ego have control. Listen to the wisdom of the Divine within each hour, and each day, in order to know how and when to proceed with any part of a plan. Acceptance of Holy oversight, and obedience in all the small ways and things, are delightful practice for the times when the Greater Will is the most needed and desired.

    Fear not, for we are always with you, and when the giving, giving, giving begins, Divine Love will see that you do not run dry.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have taken your sacred time to pray yourself into a state of Peace, a place of uplifted Consciousness, then KNOW:

    “I am not flesh and bone. I am free to BE the happy Spirit that Oneness knows as me.”

    Believe nothing else,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The principle of gravity works for all. So is it with the Principle of Harmony.

    It has been called by many names and deified and un-deified by human thought, but still It timelessly and unerringly operates.

    What difference does that make to those that believe they are caught in the web of time? If they turn to the Truth of the Principle of Harmony, and use It, they can use it to their benefit, just as a workman tossing old broken wood out of a building uses the principle of gravity to make his work easier.

    “I am Spirit-child within Spirit, and if I concentrate on that, and on the thought of Its Qualities functioning SMOOTHLY within me and all that is around me, then the circumstances and costume of my earth time will adjust themselves to the smoothly functioning idea of me.”

    “I am a good and perfect spirit-idea of the Harmony that is All, and I keep my mind on that, and look to It for Truth, rather than looking outward to the mists of time.”

    We know the Truth of you, Child, and it is good.

    We know the Truth of all around you, and it is good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, just trust God. Ask to be enabled to See that all God’s actions and Love and Intentions shine naturally through you, just as Light shines through a clear, clean strong window. And you go forth to enjoy your day.

    Trust God. Just let Light and Love shine through you.

    We know you can.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Repeating prayers of entreaty is not necessary from the God-Consciousness point of view. It hears your plea the first time, reading your True Heart that is connected to Its own. But if repetition helps your mortal mind shift into the Zone of fully feeling the Presence of Infinite Loving Mind, and helps you maintain the open heart of acceptance and full expectation of reconciliation and healing and solutions, then keep praying.

    Keep praying as answers and comfort and wholeness and inspiration come, and keep praying just to center your perceptions in the Loving Joy of the God-Substance of Being.

    Keep praying, and keep Loving and Being Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Please believe the Truth of what you have proved to yourself, over and over again, that turning inward for Wisdom and Comfort, to the Divine Link, is the answer to feeling confused about the next step. Never was any earth situation smoothly solved without this. Oh, those whose intuition speaks so quietly that they never even suspected that they were being Divinely Guided at certain moments of their lives, might disagree, but they will come to other moments when they realize the Truth of the Presence that is the Sole Cause of all that truly IS.

    For now, turn in, and drink of Calm Truth and Love, and let ideas and attitudes be shaped by that Love, so that all efforts you make are heralded and upheld by the Compassion that must be present in all things and words and acts, if they are to add to the Goodness of the world experience.

    We will meet you there,


  • Ah, Deeply Beloved,

    We are always earnestly happy to be with you and hold you and help you. Understand this, in the process of dominion over the earth dream: Always the first step is to COMPLETELY surrender to the authority of the One Divine Source, the surrender that is “Let Thy Good and Loving Will be done” that appears in scriptures of all Truths. But once you have surrendered your human will to Divine Will, and then become still and silent so as to hear the ideas and instructions that are given to your quiet mind, THEN it is appropriate to ask for Divine Helpers, (Angels, or call them by whatever name you will), to help you enact the ideas that have been given you.

    Sometimes that Divine Help will come through the idea of asking someone you know for assistance or advice. Sometimes it will come through a stranger or friend of a friend of a friend suddenly stepping into your life experience. Sometimes it will happen in ways that cannot be explained by the physical laws of earth. Sometimes you will be given very clear instructions about exactly the next step to take, but often you will be told only a tiny thing to do or to say, or even just to wait in patience for the working of the Divine Will to swirl into place, while you just keep on Trusting in that Omnipresence Omniscient and Omnipotent Presence.

    Keep that faith, O’ Child, Keep that faith. But be not afraid to ask for your Personal Assistants to help you—with ideas, with strength, with procedure, with Light for your Good Part.

    In All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know it cannot be a full day of complete human silence for you, but it can be a day when you try to limit how much you speak. Let it be a day when you again focus on careful sweet listening to the Divine Inner Voice.

    Instead of “thinking twice before you speak”, think ten times before you speak.

    Not only will that give God Spirit a longer pause within which to guide you in exactly what to say, but it will give you a vacation from the chatter that does not satisfy.

    Silence can be so restful, dear love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have reached the time in your spiritual growth when the errors you make bounce so quickly back to you from the walls of illusion, be glad. Rather than falling into the trap of thinking yourself hopeless, rejoice that you are taught so quickly to rethink how you pre-judge. Rejoice that you are being reminded that giving is receiving, or that the other is self, or that the golden rule and mercifulness are indeed how you want to live.

    Then, forgive yourself quickly for the moments of forgetfulness, ask for help to live your truths, and to live the Word you have vowed to, and go forth again into a new, new day.

    You are Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is another way to think about the statement that “God is Love”.

    Think about this interpretation that re-words it to say “Goodness is the love of Love.” For the truth that each human must seek is not human truth, but Spiritual Truth, and to re-translate that back into human terms, it means that to create a sense of goodness and well-being in your life, you must be more in love with the feeling of Love, unconditional, agape Love, than with the feelings of envy, or hatred, or jealousy, or fear, or anger, or sorrow of any kind.

    To be so in love with the enveloping presence of the feeling of Love that any time any other feeling tries to take even a moment of your thought or consciousness, you immediately drop back into re-centering yourself in Love. You immediately acknowledge and choose to feel Unconditional Love, and let It radiate from you and through you, and around you, where truly It already exists.

    No more hiding behind the mists of sorrow or error,

    Welcome the well-being of Love,

    Welcome the awareness of the ever-presence of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you have had enough glimpses of the Harmony that underlies all things, and is the real Law of Life, then you will seek to see as much of It as possible.

    And all of It is possible, and is already achieved in the Mind of Spirit. Be not afraid to set aside old ways and goals, and to seek the unlimited expression of that which you are as one facet of that Beautiful Spirit, always seeking to Harmonize all to Itself.

    What does it take? Just thinking about It, and wanting It, all the time. Let yourself be trained to do this, and to let go of old thought patterns. Spirit Itself will help you. Just give permission and behold Harmony flower in your days.


  • Ah, ah, Beloved,

    Take time to remember that the ultimate task your thoughts have is to know your own wonderful holiness. Ask that It be revealed to you. Take time to remember, and know what you really are, as a perfect and lovable Child of God.

    Compete only with yourself, Beloved. Each night, each morning, review your own thoughts and words and behavior, and see what you would like to improve, to be more kind, to be more holy, to be more of your true self revealed.

    You are not a machine, Beloved. You are a perfect thought in the Mind of God, and each day more and more of that perfection can be uncovered, if your goal is Peace of Mind and being a shining example of that which is right and Good.

    Each day can be better, Beloved, in knowing your own Golden heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you can say “All Glory be to God, or, All honor be to Great Spirit,” and truly, truly mean it, with every energy of your thought, then are you freed from all thoughts of human self, and able to be that clear transparency for the use of the Light that would Gladly shine through, to you, and to others.

    When you can set aside the self and all thoughts of self or of desires that hold aught of the worldly, then are you ready to be truly, truly, a dispenser of Grace. Be freed, child, from worrying for the self and for others, and in ceasing the worry, bring yourself and others the answers and the Peace that no worrying would ever or will ever bring.

    Let go, and let Peace reign now, and ever, in your heart.


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Just as We have urged you to trust God, and obey the Good directions you receive in your heart, so do We urge you to trust that the other individuals who have awakened to the way to the Good Source, the Loving Spirit, will be guided to do their parts. Take on only what you are assigned, and let shine your Godly and Compassionate gifts, and relax about the rest. The big picture is God’s, Beloved. Just do your part each day for Good, and do it well.

    With Gratitude for that, and offering you endless Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To help truly unleash the full Power of Good in your life, sincerely pray for another. Pray for another to understand and know and receive True Good in their life and feelings of heart.

    Be deeply grateful to the Divine Love that sees human need and fulfills it, in the best way for all.

    In absolute prayer for another, you ARE also praying for yourself. “Divine Will, open our eyes, let us See the Good.”

    Everything changes, when you agree to let Divine Will flow in your thoughts and heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Training yourself to understand that you are a resident of the Divine Mind, fully Spiritual, and so is everyone around you, is almost the most important thing you can do.

    The most important thing is to Love the Divine Home-Mind, and to know It is Good.

    Waste not time on the human drama that needs forgiving and that is apparent and distracting each day. For growth of Soul-alignment, go straight to Loving God and knowing all to be born of that Template of Good, as Soul reflections.

    Just below limited sight is Glory,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are many people whom you humanly care for or love. But remember that it is God’s privilege to give each of them their way to happiness. It is not your personal responsibility to make them happy, or keep them happy. Be content to treat them with the good ways of the Laws of Love, and to thank God for giving them their full measure of Joy.

    Yes, of course, if the Divine Voice guides you to say or do a certain thing to help provide for another’s joy or well-being, then do so, in obedience to God. And as you stay aligned with the Divine perspective, and carefully listening to God’s directions to you, keep in mind that no other human is responsible for your happy consciousness and life. Hold no human personality responsible for your good. Turn to God for those, and stay very aware of your own wonderful association with the Divine way for your ephemeral and infinite Joy and earthly happiness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Sweet Truth that sets you free is fully realizing that you are spirit fully powered by the Great Spirit of Love.

    Use It. Know It and use It.


  • O”, Beloved,

    Observing your own behaviors and words and thoughts can be a heartening experience when you realize how easily you can modify your thoughts and actions by simply choosing to give up all that is not part of what you want to be, with Love in you and with you.

    Spend some silent days truly watching your human thoughts, and see that setting aside criticism and condemnation of others can truly make it easier to Love them, and Love yourself. Letting go of thinking that real Wisdom comes from your human experience, and turning to the Spirit of God for Wisdom instead can help you shed that feeling of being stuck in strange world.

    Behold with gentle Beauty today, silent and accepting, and see sublime eternal Beauty glimmer forth around and within.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find it difficult to think of completely relinquishing all control of thought and action and word to the Guidance of Inner Divine Voice, remember to shift your attitude about the Source of that Voice.

    If you realize that the Inner Spirit Touch is the friend that will never leave you, the all true love of your life (and of everyone’s lives!), then the thought of surrendering all to Its Guidance will not seem like a sacrifice. Instead, it will seem like giving your will to that Will is a lovely and wonderfully gift you can give to your Beloved, knowing that the Beloved wants what is best for you, and knows and appreciates your goodness and wholeness. The Inner One knows your perfection as a part of the Oneness of Being.

    Give willingly to Love. Surrender to Love, and let the Truth of Its Love for you hold you and hold you and hold you.

    always with you there,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your small human concerns are just as important as your large ones, in the eyes of Spirit, who Loves to demonstrate to you that comfort, care, and solution are always on offer, as your hold forth the mortal dream dilemmas to the Truth of Harmony, the Law of God, for correction.

    We assure you that from a limited human perspective, you cannot always discern which elements of your life are urgently in need of alignment with Loving Life, and which are of lesser impact to your good progress, and to those around you. Turn it all over to Love Divine, Beloved. Turn it all over, as we say so often.

    Listen, accept, act or be still, as the small, still Voice advises, and abide gently in God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Help me, dear God, to be strong enough to hold back nothing from your Governance.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Shining forth from within all, Holy Spirit sends Strength, Life, Happiness, Well-Being, connected in a vast network of Itself, and yet honoring each one as an individual and Beloved Idea of God’s.

    When you fully surrender to the Delightful Governance of Divine Spirit, you do not lose something. You empower that which you really are of your best. Draw on that Power factory of Soul, shining like a bright bulb in you, healing and guiding.

    It is a Beautiful and Warm and Worthy Light,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless, bless, bless all the characters that play their roles for you, just as you would bless the teacher who put you through some difficult exercises in order that you might truly learn how to play wonderful music.

    For it IS wonderful music you are learning how to play—it is the music of pure Love.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Right now, in this very moment, your body and life are an idea in God’s Mind. In every moment, God is re-thinking you. IN every moment, God is considering you and Loving you and knowing you to be made out of Its own Goodness.

    Allow this, Beloved. Close your eyes and give way completely to God’s Loving Thought of you. Tenderly, tenderly, let yourself be bathed in that perfect thought of you.

    We consider your story well told,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To fully feel the Supreme Love of All Being, it is often necessary to look away from all specific human loves.

    But, do not fear. When one looks back to the human realm, to continue with life, the human loves that remain will seem brighter, feel righter, and be at one with the new Oneness of Love that you feel. Do not shy from the sabbatical of human love, for the interim of experiencing Higher Love will only add to the Joy of experiencing the rest of your pattern of life on earth.

    As always, above and so then below,

    In Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claiming your rightful Joy is not about beating out other people or proving you are more “right” in some matter or another. Neither is it about doing whatever “feels good” to your five senses and not caring what happens to anyone else as a consequence. It IS about claiming a nano-second of each minute to look about you and appreciate the Good and the Joyous that you already have.

    Some of this is about appreciating the “best things in life are free” elements that are available to all—the wonderful sun and rain and growth and animal life. But much of it is about appreciating the Qualities that you personally have been blessed with and can see in those around you. Faithfulness is one we would have you focus on today. Even someone whom you see as faithless in one area, because he or she betrayed you in that field, can be admired for faithfulness in other realms of life. You yourself have been faithful in many things, even though you may blush to remember the small betrayals of your own honor or honesty. Focus on the Good, Child, in yourself and others, and on appreciating all those gifts of beauty and life giving earthly aspects that all can equally partake of.

    Appreciation, appreciation, appreciation, and appreciation again, Praises God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The loyalty of those who are your Spiritual Guardians and the loyalty of those who are wearing temporal form, but realize that all are One in Spirit, far surpasses any loyalty that works by human definitions.

    Seek and honor your loyalty to the High standards of God, Beloved, and loyalty to yourself with that as your goal. As you do so, you will draw to your earthly experience, more and more, those who share your chosen standards. And, with the Help of Spirit, you will all help one another keep to those standards, and forgive one another the errors of the weak days, and be strong, strong, strong in God.

    And those goals of loyalty to Love and Goodness and Mindful Kindness will also be as a beacon to others, who can find new goals in the example of those whose intent is focused there.

    You know our Loyalty to you. Be ye likewise.

    And you know Our Gratitude that you want that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy in knowing that obedience to the Inner Voice’s ideas will bring happiness, and will bring the willingness and the strength and opportunities needed for the earthly reflection to accurately image the Truth that you and your life already ARE, in the Divine Mind, is a very great Joy.

    Read that again. Read it again and again, if you need to, to let it soak down into your Heart of heart, and be as Blessed as you are, by your right as a royal idea in the Mind of God.

    As always, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When feeling yourself becoming unfocused, focus again on the very basic goal you have of wanting the Peace of the Divine and the Sublime in your heart.

    Taste It, Embrace It, dwell within It, and then return to claiming “Good is in control here”.

    Love the All in All, and keep the Golden Rule. It is not so hard as some would try to make it seem. Love the All, keep that rule, and then see what happens, with Love.

    Loving You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, you have long lists of what you want, but have you asked yourself, “What does the Divine Force want of me?”

    There are thousands of books and tapes and lectures available about manifesting your personal desires. They are a step along the way. They are a step to raising your awareness to a place of opening to true happiness. They are a step along the way to opening a glad heart, and to saying to the Divine in which you exist:

    “I am your willing servant of communion and conduction and communication and witnessing. Use me as an open vehicle, through which to express your Pure Joy and Truth, that all may remember that they dwell in You forever.”

    A glad giver is embraced at the altar,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The emergence of fully trusting that the Divine Source of raw substance WANTS your Happiness will encourage you to more easily script, and expect, Good results. Learn to avoid, or ignore, those who are always listing bad effects or quoting the worst possible outcomes, until you grow strong enough in your faith in Goodness, and that you and all you love and everyone deserve Goodness, that you can let those non-Goodness viewpoints not touch your thoughts.

    Believe in what the Good-Source wants you to have for your earth dream, and yet, always, know that the Reality of Utter Completeness is Grander yet—far beyond your ability to humanly imagine. As you come closer and closer to that, with the Divine responsiveness to you willingness to open to Good happenings and people and events in your life, you will begin to see glimmers of that Divine eternity, here and now.

    LOOK for Goodness in your day. Expect It, and Its manifested appearance in the sensory projection, and you will see more and more and more of it. Yes, Beloved, you will. For it is the Divine Will, and that cannot be waylaid.

    Love, Love,