All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved, there is only one mirror that can tell you the real Truth of who you are, what you are, and your health, and character of heart. That True Mirror is the Eyes of God.

    Look only into the Eyes of God. And ask God to show you your correct image and nature and welfare of Being, and to enable you to see your own Wholeness, and that of others as well.

    Look to the Word, and Whispers, and Love of God, and know that Good report,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It can indeed be very humbling for the human ego to realize that God’s plan for your happiness is better than the plan you made. Yet, when greater Joy than you pictured comes your way, and blessings that enable you to bless others are made a part of your bounty, you will take great reward in that, and it will soothe the tender feelings of the unawakened ego-child.

    Be the royal Child of God, and not just the child of dust. It is truly better, we assure you. Trusting that God knows best what is good for your happiness is very humbling, but it can be more rewarding than you imagine.

    We have seen it again and again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have known the feel of instantaneous healing of the body flesh. You have known the immediate Comfort that comes to surround and negate all human grief. When the experience of Wholeness of Being does not come right away, you know that it just means there is yet a little error to dust away in your thinking, for all to shine well again.

    Be held in that Sweet Sweet Comfort again today, and remember that when you let go of all judgment and criticism and condemnation, you leap to the true sight of Good Creation and all Its inhabitants. Be lifted to the shoulders of Spirit, and from that viewpoint, See the delightful parade of all the Thoughts of God Mind.

    We cheer with you when you See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so easy to transfer the pain or anger that one is feeling to thinking about events or people that one feels aggrieved about. Try to train yourself to notice what you are doing, and let the earthly grief or anger or exuberance be a signal to re-connect with the Oneness of Being, instead of an excuse for blame or a diversion into fleeting pleasures.

    When you have examined your own feelings, and realized where you may need to realign with the All-Lovingness of God, then look again at the “other” person, or the “outside situation”. Your upwelling of feeling may indeed be a calling to action, or to word spoken, or to obedience of giving, but let it be done in complete Love, and with the full guidance of your Inner Divine Voice.

    As ever, and always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Taking a few minutes when you awaken each day to affirm your identity as Soul can and will change your life. Know yourself as Life, Truth and Love, under the sweet Law of Harmony, and picture yourself shining those Qualities throughout the day.

    What you put in your mind carries you. Put those Good Qualities there, and ride the wave of them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Someone Loves you enough to keep on trying, trying, trying to awaken you to the Glory and Holiness that are freely yours. Someone Loves you enough to do this, and It is God.

    God will never give up on you. Why not allow it now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just be glad you are Wiser now.

    Be glad God freely gives Wisdom to you, when you are humble enough to take it. Be grateful and relieved God knows your true innocence of Soul and Perfection of working, despite whatever errors you may have made in the human condition. Celebrate that God has ways to bring forth your Good Life, so long as you are willing and want it.

    These are all wonders. And these are all the Divine adjustments that happen for all, over time. It is the Loving command of Spirit, and It is operating already. Keep watch.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid. Just gently, and trustingly, and gratefully, put your future in the Hands of God.

    Keep your thoughts focused on gratitude, and stay very ready to obey any Divine impulse you receive for action, or word, or inaction, in each moment.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    What do you spend your time studying or being fascinated by? Is it flickering images or words that frighten and dismay, or mock and shame and belittle? Is it fleeting escapes and appearances that are riveting but ultimately unsatisfying? Choose to focus on those thoughts if you like, but if you are ready for more moments of calm Peace and Wisdom and Soul contentment in your mind and heart and days, then study Love.

    Study Love, that is above human love and that includes Infinite Life and Truth and a Goodness of Spirit, fueled by Joyous Soul. Those aspects of what you really are deserve unlimited study, endless appreciation, and recognition as what you really want to emulate each day. Give time to what you already really are in Divine Mind and Eye, and the pleasure will surpass all worldly bursts of fun.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is true that of your human will you cannot always keep your thoughts pure and sacred and good, as you would wish them to be. Small and large annoyances creep in.

    But of the Divine Will, anything can be done. Your choice only needs to be to ASK for Divine Help, and It will come.

    Ask, Beloved. Ask and ask and ask, and do not be ashamed. You are innocent and deserving and beloved in the eyes of the forgiving Source.

    We know this to be true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the sorrow or bitterness at being rejected by a friend or love or family member has you bewildered, turn quietly to God to be reassured of the Unconditional Love that stands ready to Hold and Serve you. Allow yourself to be filled with It, so that you may think of the person with forgiving Love, and treat yourself to getting all the sustaining affection you need from the Mighty Soul of God.

    Let not your heart be poisoned by regret or fear of Loving again.


  • Ah,

    Say not, “I am flesh and blood.”

    Say “I am Love, created by Heavenly Consciousness. I am Love”.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Encourage everyone around you, today, to accept Goodness. Assure them they deserve it. Tell them they deserve Joy.

    Each one will be at a different place in their definition of Joy—some still only able to define it in terms of physical possessions. Some are ready to try to live more in the moment and take joy in all small and big things and in experiences and people. Some are ready for the Pure Joy of knowing God.

    But all are ready to be told they deserve Joy. Say it out loud to them, or say it with a smile, but say it.

    We Smile at you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you feel you must “make a plan” for the day, make a firm plan to Love, to be gentle, to be silent unless and until your True Inner Voice says to speak. Make a good plan to pause and listen for the sweet constant guidance of Spirit frequently throughout the day, and to renew yourself with Its Wisdom. Make a plan to stop and look around you at the small beauties, and to see and remember good moments, and be filled with gratitude.

    Ask God to fill you with pure Joy, for Joy is the very substance of God, that made all of Its reflections (You!) burst forth.

    It is a day for renewal, and refreshing, and realizing you want to be of Good Heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The uncertainty that grips you sometimes has no power in the Face and Mind of the Loving Source.

    It is like sand that a loving mother can brush off the face of her son, when he is frightened that he has suddenly grown little bumps all over his face. Turn your face to the Loving Mother and ask Her what is on your face. She will say, “It is nothing. It is nothing. Here, let Me brush it away.”

    She will say, “It is fine. You are fine. All is well, let Me brush it away.”

    She always knows what you truly look like, and are, and Loves you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Since the sufferings of many seem so real to them because of their mistaken belief that they are abandoned, and basically alone, in the earth drama, it is important to remind them that Spirit is ever-present with them, and Loves them, Loves them, Loves them, and wants to help smooth the way.

    God, Spirit, Soul, the very Energy of Creativity, IS always, always with you. You are connected to It, you are part of It. And, It is not bound by the limited human laws and human understanding that make so many things seem impossible to the mortal mind.

    Spend some concerted time today pondering the Truth that you are within God, All That Is, you are part of It and like unto It, and think about unlimitedness. Unlimitedness.

    “I Am Unlimited, for what I was created to do.”

    Love gives you unlimited tries. Do not give up.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take steady time with your prayers. Do not hurry them. Use calm steady focus to truly enter into a Consciousness of the Presence of God/Spirit, leaving behind thoughts of bodily needs or human pains or pleasures. Know yourself to be still abiding in the Divine, knowing and known.

    Be patient and be aware that even if you feel an immediate sense of reassurance, or answer, or wisdom, from God, you must gracefully allow for God’s timing. Harmony sometimes manifests in the human scene right away, but there are times that people and events swirl into alignment with Good at a slower pace. Rest in trust. Wrap yourself in ever-present Grace and Loving forgiveness.

    Do not hurry your prayers, but be quick with your praise of God, and confidence of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not have to buy Me. You do not have to sell Me.

    I am simply yours, gifted by the Grace of God. I dwell right in your heart of awareness, and that is why I can come so quickly when you call to Me, and are willing to let Me guide you.

    There I Am, quietly waiting for you to be willing to let us seek your best earthly dream together, fully aware that your best dream is also the best for all those in your dream.

    Call to Me often today, Beloved, and let us dream together, in a closeness that is closer than any human relationship, and freely given to you by the Divine Creation within which you dwell.

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As God told you in the night, asking for God Harmony to please pour over the situation and the people you know IS a true and good desire, but to phrase it that way can hinder your own understanding of the ever-Presence of God Harmony.

    It is already present AS your very Soul. It is already Itself. Today, hold to the image of It rising up from within your consciousness, like still waters rise up from the deep of the sea.

    What seems to be the roiling and wind of physical life is but the momentary surface of the waters of Love Harmonious. Blend with the quiet and the calmness within, and let Harmony rise, rise, rise into what you see and experience on the surface.

    God is not far away, waiting for you to beg for your Harmony to appear. God is right within you. Practice again, today, being the one that remembers this, and one of the ones asking for the serenity of One Mind to shine forth from all.

    We are so grateful when you do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that you know that the most wonderful part of turning to the Quiet Presence within is that It always, always Loves you.

    It Loves you when you are generous and kind, It Loves you when you mess up or lose your temper. It Loves you when you forget to Love yourself or others. Yes, It may gently rebuke you for errors, but the Love, Love, Love is always there.

    Take an inspiration from that, Beloved, and do always be Love, the Real thing you are made of. Would you not be glad to know that others could count on turning to you, and knowing you would be Loving?

    This does not mean you have to pretend that errors should not be fixed, or ways mended. But it does mean that you stay always aware that all is only mended by Love. Be one that always keeps Love close to hand and heart and mind, just as the Presence is ALWAYS Love to you and for you and with you.

    These are not just platitudes. It is the way to Live.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no Quest that is not answered by the Divine Source if what you are seeking is part of What the Divine Is.

    Therefore, if you are seeking Harmony, if you are seeking Peace, if you are seeking Soul and Spirit and Love and Wisdom and Creativity, your quest will be, indeed already is, answered, for these are the things you reflect as a reflection of God/Goddess/Source.

    Read that last sentence again, SLOWLY, and see if your heart lights on the Quality of the Divine that you most desire to shine forth from you now. Then, ask for that Quality to shine forth from you today, and allow it to do so by looking for it in others. You will feel it shine forth from you as well, as you seek it in the reflection of Source in All.

    What do you have to lose but hopelessness, and other qualities that are NOT of God?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turn to God, turn to whatever scripture or song or poetry or prose that inspire and uplift you. Turn to the friends that know and support and love you, and remind you of your worth. Cultivate new connections of Good Soul and Wisdom and fellowship.

    Yes, Love, it is good to stretch your abilities and your talents and patience as you spiritually grow clearer, but there are times when it is best to rest from the challenges and the challengers, and simply renew in the soothing Calm of friendly Joy.

    Seek it today, Beloved. And never forget that God is always your friend, WANTING to walk and talk with you in the Garden of the Creative Mind.

    It is the Home of all that is true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more scenes you see of earthly existence, in your own life and the lives of others, and in your alternate earth dreams of night, the more honestly you can desire, and live for, the pure, sweet truth of Heaven, of God. The unchanging Love of God is the prize and the example to keep always in your mind. Let your mind become His/Her Mind, as you completely realize, that even within the dream, you are bidden to be a good example, a simple shining, of the Love of God.

    Old mistakes and current ones ARE forgiven, if you can forgive them in yourself by forgiving others. Cease to judge, and be free. Cease to judge, and learn to Love. Love always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Lack is not a Quality of the Divine Truth.

    Plenty of Love. Plenty of Ideas. Plenty of Inspiration. Plenty of Gratitude. Plenty of Appreciation. Plenty of Opportunities.

    Think Plenty today, Beloved, and when others behave meanly or desperately, look past the human errors of them, and see the Truth of the Shining Soul. See That in them, and calmness will reign as you desire Harmony for All.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are no limits on God. There are no limits of time and space on God.

    Consciously join with the Unlimited, Beloved. Consciously join, for your Soul Self is already a part of the Unlimited, and the sooner you understand and believe that the sooner the limits of what you experience will be unbounded.

    It all happens in the Great Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How clear it all becomes, even as the earthly sight grows dimmer, or the orbit of thought and activity seems to lessen. The heart that is shared with the divine Source reaches everywhere, and IS everywhere, and will never forget. Where there is not time, nothing is ever forgotten, except the sorrow that only seemed so great, in the illusion of earth.

    Send forth Love, even in the fleeting,


  • Dear Beloved,

    You have come to this life with a special gift. No child is born without one. Each gift that comes to earth within someone is an essential thread of the great divine tapestry and each thread forms a part of the greater purpose. Your purpose is to find your gift and to share it. Whether that gift is to make others laugh, or to help yourself or others heal, or to create beauty, or to teach, or to simply be in one place at a certain time to say one word and change a life, your gift will seek to make itself known.

    Listen to the urges of your own soul if it wishes to see a certain place or if it longs for a certain landscape. Feel the joy that comes from certain activities, certain learning, or certain accomplishments. The joy is a clue about the gift you have come to share, and sharing the gift will bring the gift, and the joy of it, forth all the more strongly. All of the other experiences of life that bring happiness and sorrow can surround and enfold your gift. They can add to the sum of your life, but the sharing of your gift is crucial for your soul to feel expanded, connected and enriched.

    Find it and share it, and know that all else in your life will adapt to that flow. Your gift is not necessarily your career or your title—it is just a sharing of a part of the essence that is you. And that sharing creates Joy. That Joy can fuel your gift even more, and fuel anything else that you dream to do.

    All blessings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let It, the working Light of God, so shine through you that you bring out the matching Light in those around you. Let the Light of the Divine Source so shine through you that those who would stumble over their own shadows can see their way clearly when you are near, or even at the thought of you.

    You do not need to speak words to do this, but if you choose to speak, speak the words the Inner Wisdom gives you to speak, with calmness and courage and grace.

    As ever, loving you, and knowing what you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever you wonder how to feel about something that is humanly occurring,

    pause, step back into your heart and ask yourself how God feels about it, especially towards the other people involved.

    How God feels about it is how the Real, High Consciousness “You” feels about it. Let that truth help you heal and reveal your good feelings, and help guide you about how to react and act. Remember that You are just the visible end of a strand of Light that shines from God.

    Absolutely with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even after you realize that you want the Peace and Perception of the Divine more than you want anything of the worldly, there will be worldly things that still seem attractive or necessary. Be gentle and forgiving with your own heart and its desires, and just continue to work on discerning and trusting the Divine Voice within. It will guide you to your purpose as communicator of Unconditional Love, but It will also guide you to all that is needed for your earthly costume, and to the Joy and sense of Purpose that beholds each morning with gratitude and enthusiasm.

    Surrender to that Voice, and Its Presence, and trust, trust, trust, Beloved, that the combination of living in the world, but not of it, can indeed be lived, so long as it is your part to be in the Play. Many have done it, and so can you.

    As loving as ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Relax into My Love.

    Cozy there, tell Me what you would Love. Picture with Me, Create with Me, a thought of exactly how that would be and how Loving and Beloved that would feel. That is how I created the thought of you.

    Then relax into My Love, thinking about what you would Love, and I will caress your thoughts with ideas of the path from now to that feeling of Loving and Lovableness.

    Listen to My ideas, and give them a home in your thoughts, and keep the Loving feeling, and listen and obey, one step at a time.

    We will move forward in Love together.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Love will lift you higher in consciousness, joy, ability and sense of well-being than any worldly and visible thing possibly can.

    Turn to It, Beloved. Turn to It, and as and when It has fully filled your awareness, you can still choose to keep and explore and expand any worldly thing that still has meaning or value to you. And, you will find yourself delightfully Guided to the other tasks and words and events that God wants you to participate in, and to use your persona to shine through.

    Be what God knows you to be, a good and worthy expression of Soul, and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We often tell you to take time to listen, listen, listen to God—to let that small still Voice of Spirit Guide you. And that taking of time to do so is crucial every day and throughout the day. We still advise it.

    But there are days or situations wherein you simply may need to FEEL the wordless Love of God embracing you. Just let It sweetly and comprehensively hold you. Feel how Real It is, and let your trust of that Love completely fill you.

    Realize that there are circumstances when you must simply wait for opportunities to arrive, or for others to arrive on the scene, or into the circle of your consciousness. There are ways in which God can teach you your truth better by showing you the example of another than by speaking a word to you. The Wisdom and Guidance of God is not limited to a small still Voice with a vocabulary. It can also lead and heal and save you with visions, with examples, with connections, with the hands of seeming strangers, with the demonstration of Laws of Love that are above and beyond all human laws

    Ask for, and be glad to be shown, an awareness of the Presence of God in ALL Its ways.

    It created you from Good, to be Good, and has your continued Good in Mind.

    Trust that. Rely on that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As a yolk in the Albumin of God, you are always forming again.

    Be thou healed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you realize how much you look forward to those sweet moments of feeling suffused with the Presence of Love, feeling It will be a priority for you. Then, it will be easier and easier to set aside a few minutes to spend concentrating your focus on the Higher Perception of your Oneness with the Divine.

    Then, those small, or seemingly large, material concerns will all be seen as nothing in the Presence of the feeling of purposeful Love and Harmony. The earthly visible can smoothly fit into that Harmony without worry or frantic busy-ness, falling into place gently, around the central focus of your still and joyous reflection of the Source.

    Admit to your self how much your time of really, really feeling the Love of God means to you, and the yearning and the commitment become one, and constant, and achieved.

    Taking time to focus on that is not weakness, but true strength,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each individual’s way of relating to the Loving One Mind-Source is unique.

    So, even if you use this forum, or another, as a springboard for your contemplation or daily prayer, do not let it be a substitute for the quiet minutes of ACTIVE listening to God’s Voice in your own heart.

    God’s Good Plan for your experience of Joy and your expression of the One Harmony is a Plan perfectly made for you. Listen to that Divine Voice to hear your daily reassurance and inspiration.

    We are glad if reading these words and feeling the Spirit of them helps set your mood and receptivity to Soul Voice, but please take full advantage of the daily time spent being consciously Held in Love. The full Harmony of all needs it and is grateful for it.

    We will Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you turn to the unchanging Truths that comfort and inspire, the less you will turn to the fleeting pleasures or tweakings of the world, that ultimately always disappoint.

    Ever, Child, you face the choice made long ago—for Spirit and All Goodness, or for believing that the physical realm is real instead of God. Observe yourself today. Instead of trying to change things, observe your thoughts and enjoy, and look for the Good, and ask yourself if you are ready to relinquish playing with that which has no substance.

    Only Truth is true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have confidence in your prayers, and have utmost confidence in God.

    When you pray to God to help you see, to show you the Divine version of this or that person, or situation, confidently expect to see the Goodness show. Wait for it, watch for it.

    Rid your thoughts of criticism and condemnation and ask, ask, ask, to see God’s Good Stories of Life, here and now.

    Expect Good, and See Good. God is here.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are plenty of free pleasures that all may enjoy. The warmth of the sun, the intrigue of a moonrise, the sound of a rushing stream, the colors of the sky and the fields and the stones, the hug of a friend, the joke shared among companions, all the various beauties of earth, and of course the Unconditional Love of the Divine.

    Choose the ones that appeal or apply to you, and appreciate them and share them. But otherwise, do not compare your life with other lives beyond what is needed by all. Do not envy exactly what another has, or try to emulate another persons” specific role. Your role is unique. Your role, with all its joys and responsibilities, is yours alone.

    This is no schooldays platitude. It is Truth, and it is why you must learn to hear and sense the instructions that the Divine Will places in your heart for furthering the Goodness within all. It is not difficult. It only takes willingness and a little practice.

    Perhaps you are one who, from a very young age, has a heart filled with a deep desire to do a certain thing—learn to build bridges perhaps, or tend to the gathering of food, and all your learning and actions are driven by that deep desire. But, so many, indeed most, are not this way. They will be led from one focus to another, as the needs and scenes change, and as their understanding grows, of their completeness in the Whole. No matter how your unique heart and self are guided, know that the crucial thing is to do what you do, in alignment with Love.

    Know, that the happiest way to Be who you really are, is to Be it in perfect conjunction with the Spirit of all that is Love.

    Do not compare and envy. Ask God who you are, and Be that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your own Inner Divine can burn away all the mist of illusions,

    if you just spend today being grateful all the time.

    Above all, be grateful to God for Being All, and for being consistently and constantly the Love that contains you. There is no Truth but that which you need, if you stay aware and glad of It always. Let yourself know It as It knows you, and be gratefully obedient to Its directions for you.

    So glad when you are glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ah, let ALL fears be dissolved by Love. Just as an adult human knows that water will wash away the grime of the day, or of the play in the sandbox, the mature Spirit knows that Love will wash away all Fears and sorrows and disappointments of daily human existence. Wash in Love, dear Heart. Wash in Love, always.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Looking at the human condition, and the bodily sense evidence alone, it is easy to feel heartbroken, and discouraged at earthly prospects.

    But there is a better viewpoint, Beloved. Sometimes you must speak to your Creative Self with the simplicity of a child’s story. That small human-thought self needs to be trained like a child to See the truth and the Brighter picture. That child-self needs to remember that it’s real identity is a Child and an Inheritor of the All in All. That child-self needs to know that God wants to see Its creation know its fulfillment and happiness. And you are Its Creation. God wants you to know and experience your own completeness and happiness and provision, for they are offered to you by the All.

    Try a simple rhyme to remind your mind:

    God is never stuck, God is never sad.

    God is always flowing, God is always Glad.

    And what God has and knows, I can have and know,

    for I am a part of God.

    We will sing all the jingles you need, and have fun with you,

    Just ask us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To fuel a new view on life, to build a new life, take Joy in every moment of now.

    The Great Architect will help you build a new one with those pieces of Joy.

    It is OK to start over, all within Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To be, and stay, very aware that you are strolling around in the Consciousness of Love and Good that is the Heavenly state of Mind, gives you strength. And with that Divine Strength, you can more easily avoid being tempted into pockets of illusion or sensualism, or pain or lack, that are that false indicators of where you dwell.

    You dwell in the Good Idea Source, and you are a Good and Pure Idea, and Loved.

    Never forget that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when estranged in the everyday course of affairs, siblings respond and try to help one another when a crisis looms.

    There is a good reason why the popular prayer says OUR Creator, Beloved. It is to help you remember that all are your brother and sister, all are other aspects of the family of the reflection of the Divine.

    That may just sound like theological words, Child. But it will help you if you just keep in mind the simplicity of it. When looking at another person whom you know is lying to you, or evading a situation, you must remember, “This is my brother, too.” When observing your own behavior, you must remember to realize “I am a Child of the Father/Mother God, and I have Their Good Qualities to reflect, if I choose.”

    I will remember these things. Brother. Sister. Child. I will remember these things, and forgive, and Love and be Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The greatest capacity for leadership comes from those who realize that all their support will come from the unseen realms. The unseen Life Force may act through those whom you know, or those whom you have never met, to support your path and your leadership, but it is to the unseen Source that every leader must turn first and only. To turn for support to the very people one is trying to teach and lead not only undermines the ability to lead, it also teaches the wrong thing.

    Teach reliance on the Divine Oneness and you are teaching the Highest Good.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Frame not your evaluation of God in human references or physical clues. Come to know the Divine, and your own part of Its Expression, by the Awareness and Consciousness in your own silent communion time, whether you call it meditation or prayer or retreat. Come to know the sweet calm, glad bliss, and purposeful certainty of the Divine, and then you will begin to understand why, and how, It can help adjust the dream of earth to match Its own Harmony, till all are held in the Oneness of Being.

    There is no substitute for Knowing Its Being for yourself. Clues you can give to others, but no more. Have compassion for those still unaware of the Comfort that is available to them, but let the calm joy you CAN project be what leads them to ask you, “From whence comes this calm? From whence comes this quiet Joy?”

    Joy unto you, this day especially,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am not a body such as you seem to have. I am Everywhere-Love Itself, I am the Principle of Harmony, I am Immortal Life, I am the All-Soul…I am all these things and more, amorphous and invisible to the earthly senses, operating by the Law of Myself that is above all earthly laws.

    But darling, if your prayers need images and metaphors, that is fine. If you need to picture Me as a Great and Loving Father or Mother that is holding your ailing relative in a comforting and healing lap, then envision that. I can read your heart and your fervent and pure desires, and it does not matter if your metaphorical vision does not match the Substance of what I truly Am.

    Picture as you will. Pray as you will. I hear the Love in your plea, and I respond with Love.

    Spirit, Source, God, Love, One Mind, the Truth of All That Is

    We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Every day that you spend getting to know the Divine will help you understand the technology of the Divine. The Divine operates by very clear rules and laws, and once you understand this, it is a pleasure to learn to work WITH God instead of bumbling around trying to connect the wrong wires with the right plugs.

    Key to this is knowing the nature of the Divine, and that It is Good. The more you study God/Goddess/All That Is, the more you will be able to trust the Truth of that, and once you completely believe and trust the Truth of that Goodness, then you can let the Truth of God guide your life, your choices, your joys.

    Once you understand AND BELIEVE that God is Harmony, and that God is All, then when you are confronted with the sensory appearance of an inharmonious situation, you can remember to trust in God, and declare “Only God is true, and God is Harmony, so either I am seeing an illusion of disharmony, or this seeming is leading to something that is Harmony.”

    Both God/Goddess and unpeace/disharmony cannot be true. The Truth replaces the error, and appearance follows suit, Beloved. When faced with fear or doubt, remember, “If God is Truth and real, then this can”t be. I choose God. I choose to believe God.”

    O’ Glad are we to be your mirrors of Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I have no end. I had no beginning. I am without time.

    But you had a beginning. Yours was when I first Lovingly Thought of that which is You. And I continually Think about You, sustaining You, and delighting in You.

    This is how I expand, adding Loving Thoughts so that there is more and more of Me, more of Love. Expanding Love.

    Be glad of this, My Thought without end.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Picture a gorge through which a river flows. Sometimes, when your way seems to grow narrower and narrower, it is so that the waters of Spirit may be concentrated into the fullness of Their power. Then, Spirit can burst forth from the deep channel of the gorge, with a surge of enough Divine Force to carve stone.

    The “natural” laws of the earth may seem to be very hard stone, Beloved, but nothing can stop the waters of Spirit when they concentrate, and combine, pour over a spot that needs change.

    Relax into the depths that are being carved, and wait,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Floating your Consciousness through different moments in the bubble of time and space can be very liberating, and very confusing, all at once.

    Focus on the fact that You, as Consciousness, are always and ever so wondrous and perfect and alive. Then, as an aside, notice what part of time and space you are visiting. Enjoy and appreciate the Good in each part of that, but stay completely aware of the feeling of freedom that comes with truly knowing you are a Consciousness that is part of All Consciousness, and let the energetic Joy of that flood you and sustain you and uplift you, always.

    We are with you in this. Let us help you, like the many oars of a great boat,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The child in your heart, innocent and pure, can hear God.

    The child in your heart, trusting the Divine Parent, can hope and accept and pray for, and expect, all things.

    Be the child in your heart today. Be the child in your heart, not an embittered or weary or doubting or habituated adult mind. Be the child in your heart, and believe.

    We never doubt, and we are with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When worldly fears and rules and man-made laws would have you fretting about being able to fulfill what is expected of you, turn to the Love of God.

    That washing away of fear that calling in the Wonderful Presence of the Divine accomplishes can refresh you, and give you courage and strength and wisdom, as easily as a shower can wash away the dust of the road. Cleanse away your fears, or your feeling of being overwhelmed, with Divine Love, and then let the Mighty Intelligence of God lead you in performing each small task, calmly, and one at a time, as Divine Voice within directs, and all will either be accomplished, or become an irrelevant thing.

    Trust the Great Entruster, Beloved, and turn not to human rules. Trust the Way of beloved and Loving Guidance, and all ways lead to Peace. We are with you, and Know that Divine Love will never let you down—there is nowhere but remaining in Its Infinite Self, for you to “go”. You are empowered and free spirit within the Great Spirit of All that Is, and that is sufficient for all things.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not make shadows real by reacting to them, or imagining that you need to invent elaborate schemes or rituals or tools to defend yourself from them.

    In any and every situation, pause and ask your Loving Guide within, is there really anything to be afraid of here? Ask your Loving Guide what It Sees, and how to proceed, and be very grateful as It helps move your mind and hand to Love.

    Within Love’s Creative Energy you dwell, and It is always with you, and strong. There is not a separate human far away, just a dreamer who forgot for a moment that Almighty Love is right at hand.

    Turn your thoughts. Turn to Love.

    Be Completely in Love, Be Its Song,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claim the Calmness of God, sternly and with vigor, if human emotions seem to have mesmerized you into misery or drama. Drop other thoughts and actions for a minute, and firmly ask Good Spirit to help you break the hypnotic effect of grief or anger or sorrow that might be keeping you from making Good decisions, and clearly hearing the Loving Guidance of God.

    There are many days when quiet simple prayer, and openness to God-Guidance, can be something in the back of your mind, and an awareness in your heart, while you go about your normal routines. But when strong emotions arise, and try to pull you off track, and confuse you, take time to forcefully claim your identity and rights as a citizen of the Kingdom of Heavenly Consciousness, with a Joy that is great, but steady and supportive.

    The feelings that you have that are reflections of the Qualities of God, such as that Joy, and enthusiastic creativity, and Blissful inspiration, and amazing Love, are powerful feelings, but they are a power for Good Thought, Good action, Good solution based in Divine Soul.

    Let those Good feelings Guide you, rather than the temporal disruptive emotions that try to hijack you on your Good journey.

    Be firm in your dedication to Enduring Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The goal is always to align yourself with God—to think God’s Thoughts as yours, to See as God Sees, to know you are one with Love. The goal is to focus yourself so that these things are what create your reality of Heaven, here and now, calm, pure, just. To know that God is THE fact, and nothing else is true.

    So what if you have detoured from this for an hour or a day or a decade or a lifetime? God is timelessly Loving you, and joyous to walk and talk with you again in the State of Being that is Perfection and Glory and Joy and Light. Stop regretting your detours, and take a walk with God.

    Take a walk with God today, and love and be Loved. It will do you nothing but Good, dear.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Blessings are only blessings when the timing is right. A huge object given as a gift to someone who is about to board a ship and live in another country is not a timely gift.

    Be aware of how aware the One Mind is of the possibilities that are coming up for you, and trust that the Loving Source takes into account that timing, and greater circumstance, when granting the blessings you have asked for. Trust the greater View. Trust It.

    Speak your trust, feel it, and rest in the Joyous Peace of the Divine.


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved Child,

    What would We do without you?

    Without the essence of you shining forth from the Divine Center, the lovely kaleidoscope of Creation’s Image would be incomplete.

    But It IS complete. Therefore, worry not about how much or how long you are able to shine in any particular human timeline. Rather, concentrate on the willingness you give to the Source to shine completely and with purity, doing your best to be transparent in any and every moment, for Love to use you to shine through. God has already made all complete.

    And when you have a dimmer moment, when you feel foggy, forgive yourself quickly, and do your best again in the next moment. We remind you that many of the times when God spoke through you to say what needed to be said, you did not realize the importance of your offhand remark. None of your human fogginess can prevent God from having you speak and act as needed, once you have given your willingness. Meanwhile, God works from within you to make your human experience happier, for God knows you Its innocent reflection, and wants you to express Its Joy.

    Completely with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All doors of perception are open to you now. Here and now.

    Ask to be amazed. Ask to feel your full Power of being part of Oneness, and even today you will have glimpses of the full Reality that Joyfully exists beneath the dusty shimmer that seems to be the earth of God’s Creation.

    All is Spirit. The Joyous Love that is Its gift to you will help you see that today.

    Let those that only want to see the mortal surface do so. Their time for Spiritual Seeing will come, We assure you. Allow yourself to receive all that God wants to give you.

    Receive all that God wants to give you. Ask to be shown the vibration of your heart, like unto tuning to the right channel to get clear, clear, clear reception of the true adventure of Life.

    This is important now. As it has always been for your Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let not the concerns for sensual pleasure and material possession, that are so prevalent all around you, keep you from closing yours eyes and ears to the sights and words of the world, for the quiet time each day when you simply ask the Source of All Love to clear and fill your Soul Self.

    There is no time better spent and you will come to realize you want to feel that Full Flow of Spiritual Love continually. That is True Freedom.

    Delightedly joining you in prayer.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    No, you cannot go “through the looking glass”. You, as child of Spirit, as Divine idea, remain sweetly and always in the Mind of God. But, if the image of yourself that you see in the looking glass of earth seems distorted or diseased, you can call upon the technician of the Holy Realms, the Holy Spirit, and ask that the focus of the glass be adjusted. Ask that the smudges be cleaned off. Ask to be able to see clearly again that you are the wonderful and whole child of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Work on yourself, and encourage others to work on themselves, to believe, and KNOW, that each one of you is a perfect idea in the Vast Divine Energy Mind.

    The more absolutely you KNOW yourself to be an idea, a wonderful image, a set of attributes joined together, in God’s Mind, the more you can name that truth about those around you. And the more you name, and realize, that Truth about yourself and about those around you, the more sweetly divine harmony you will experience in your perceived life, and in the lives of those around you.

    Clearing your consciousness with the truth “I am a perfect offspring-idea in the Mind of All That Is” is like cleaning the dirt off your glasses, or washing the sleepy grit out of your eyes in the morning—you can finally begin to see the truth.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Occasionally We must remind you that although you have all the Qualities of God to consciously draw upon, the strength, the Love, the Wisdom, the Law of Harmony, and such, you are not, as one individual, God. You reflect what God is and does, when you are aligned with Lovable Life. You are a beautiful expression of the Soul that is the Infinite All, but solving everything is not up to you

    If you are feeling overwhelmed, take that crucial pause to acknowledge the Grace of being part of that which is Oneness Divine. But then surrender to the Power of that One Divine. Accept that if you try to carry on your human shoulders the care and responsibilities and causalities that are the GENTLE Provenance of God, you are wearying yourself unnecessarily.

    Cast your cares upon God, Beloved. Obey the Laws of Love, and release your cares to the giving God. Cast your cares, relax and breathe, and trust in the Love that Loves you.

    Holy Spirit is reaching out to Help you always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to suffer through doubting times. When those feelings surface, TURN, right away, to the Healing Presence of God Mind. If you cannot do it wordlessly, in the moment of doubt, then turn to the written inspirations of the ages, in whatever tradition has awakened you and nurtured you.

    AND, turn to sending deep Gratitude and Love to another being on earth, whomever you think of first when you think about whom you feel grateful to in this moment. Sending forth Love, calling on Love, and reading, slowly, the Words of Love, can break the bubble of doubt that would try to descend in you. like a foggy cloud on a driver in the dark.

    Call in that Greater Light, O’ Child, so that your light can shine. Call It in, and be not in doubt or fear, any longer.

    We do not doubt the One Mind, or you, as Its Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Observe how sports players use the force of gravity to help them in their plays. The toss of the ball, the trusting of the body to the air, the downward stroke of the timer for the end of the game are all interwoven with the trust that gravity behaves the same way for everyone.

    Let the Force of the Creator’s Technician be helpful to you in the same way. Know that It is yours to USE, for the asking, as the Creative Source’s answer to the needs of those dancing in the play of earth. Use it lovingly, use it wisely and gratefully, but know that It is there to use, and was enacted FOR your use. Do not be confused about who is the servant or beggar, and who it is that has been gifted with dominion and the right to ask for what is needed for one’s rightful path and role in the Great Game Play.

    The Good Servant, Invisible Spirit, is honored to serve you, to help you be the Best You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Prayer before action, always.

    The most heartbreaking question a guardian angel can hear is “Why didn”t you warn me?”, for usually the answer is “You didn”t ask,” or, worse yet, “You asked, but you did not take time to listen for the answer.”

    Prayer, including listening for the answer, always, Beloved.

    In utter love,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    You have no idea just how gently, and compassionately, and completely, Divine Love forgives your errors of judgment or choice or temptation. Find the heart of Love within yourself to forgive yourself, and learn from your errors so as not to repeat them, and rise and shine as a Beloved Child of God.

    You know you have Goodness that can shine and act for God. Trust that others that have made errors can do the same. Trust that God will guide them, and they will See with the eyes of Spirit, sooner or later, just like you. That is the Light to look to, and to keep in mind.

    In the Mind of God with you all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Power of reaching out to the healing Presence of the Divine All CAN happen by reaching out to the ones, seen or unseen, whom you know are dedicated to letting that Presence flow through them.

    If picturing and trusting the Oneness of being is too amorphous for you in a strained circumstance, do not hesitate to call out, silently, or by actual communication, with another human that you know would stand with you in prayer. It works because the God-essence has granted authority for it to work. Trust God/Goodness/Spirit, and trust Its delegated Grace.

    We Love you, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting others know that you are praying for them WILL help them, if they believe in the power of Focused Prayer. It will hearten and strengthen their own prayers, and make them more delightful.

    When a situation calls for recognition of Divine Relief in a situation where the individual(s) is not overtly receptive, but the effect of that one’s sorrow or errors upon others cries out for the Balm of Love, then simply let the Deep Communion between your own Self and the Supportive, Surrounding Source be all the more counted on to Know and to See and to Act to reveal the Harmony that is needed.

    Prayers are never wasted, We assure you,

    The Divine Healer KNOWS what to do, if invited into the dream,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The measure of worth is only and ever your perfect Goodness in the eyes of God, Who Loves you Unconditionally, and Who asks you to demonstrate your Good nature in your words and actions in the earthly play.

    The measure of time is the growth in your ability to let that Goodness shine through.

    But beginning of the play, to end, there is never any change in God’s Love.

    Count on it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Of a certainty, there will always be an amount of the Unlimited View of All that you cannot see while you are hampered by the teasing of the five senses. But you can improve your ability to ignore the five senses. And, you can fully trust that the Divine Eye always sees the Whole Picture, and that if you learn to hear and trust Its guidance, It will always guide you well.

    Therefore, do not think that you must attain instant saintliness or the full abilities of an avatar. You just need to stay aligned with hearing the Inner Voice and Sight for YOUR minutes and your days and years. It is more simple than you think. Have faith, and listen, and be true to that. Dear Child.

    We have faith in you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, the human senses are satisfied when you can do small good deeds to help others, and some of those seemingly small things can magnify as they spread forward or inspire other actions. We do applaud those actions, and encourage the desire to do more that is ignited when they are successful.

    But, Beloved, never forget the Power of Prayer, and of freely sharing with others who are ready and interested, the experiences you have had in the healings from the Presence of Spirit, and the adjustments for the Good in human perception. Your individualized Soul reflection, and those of all, must grow in discernment in order for the true Heavenliness of Creation to unfold. The charity of materialism is not sufficient.

    So, yes, do Good Works, but also give time each day for prayer for all the world to open to the Love and Understanding of the Divine that is real Life. More prayers are like a bigger funnel to let the Divine Adjustments pour in to the human experience.

    We gladly join you. You are never praying alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take the day off to walk with God. Regard your relationship with the Divine as your PRIMARY obligation, and take the day to walk with Spirit, with Love.

    It may be that you regard a certain day of the week as your Sabbath day, and it may be that some daily routines of prayer, or contemplation time and place, are rituals that have helped you establish your communication with God, but be willing to change them as necessary. God is not rituals and specific forms. God is simply All and should always come first if spontaneous and fresh word from Inner Voice indicates.

    Be fresh and new in your willingness to align with God, and your Best will align with you, every day. “I shall walk with Love today.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So simply can you guide your day, opening up to the Supportive Love that maintains the Soul of you, that IS the Soul of you, to constantly affirm, “I am a Beloved image of the Good God. All around me are Beloved images of the Good God. I remind myself of this, and I make the effort, with God’s Support, to See this.”

    A simple thing can be the work of a day, or of a lifetime, to master,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reason that Divine Spirit is closer than breathing is that Consciousness is what you really are. You are Consciousness within the Great Consciousness, and you have just come to this dream of breathing to enjoy and to learn and to grow and to help awaken and to smell the rain and to witness beauty and to give and to receive Love.

    You are Consciousness, dear one, and you can remember that at any time. Give yourself the gift of remembering it many times today, as you breathe and play and share of what you are.

    All Our Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your Conscious Self has a choice each morning, each hour, each moment.

    You stand before two rooms of thought. One is filled with thoughts of sorrow, or annoyance, or victimhood, or helplessness, and a sense of aloneness, or discomfort, or self pity or righteousness, and complaints and criticisms, etc. The other room of thought holds words of interest and curiosity and optimism and inventiveness and generosity and endurance and creativity and hopefulness, or faith and peacefulness, etc.

    Which room do you want to walk into? If you even step near the threshold of the room of Light and positivity, Divine Love will help you. The Divine Law of Harmony Will Help you.

    If, from desire or habit, or focus on materiality or reviewing your human problems again and again, you linger in the other room or chose it again and again, God will patiently wait for you to ask,

    “Help me to the other room. Carry me to Peace and Wholeness of Being. Awaken me, Dear God.”

    Even a tiny indication of willingness for this to be your time of enlightenment will bring Loving Spirit rushing to your mind to assist you.

    And Love Triumphs,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your human made physical laws do not apply to God. And what does not apply to God does not apply to you. We know that the humanly trained mind of you finds this difficult to believe.

    Start with this: “ If God is Kindness, so am I.”

    Can you do just that today?

    We will help you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A great part of the reason that it is easier to call in the One Creative Force for your good wishes and prayers for others than it is for calling It in for yourself, is that your belief about how much goodness you deserve in your life, or how much talent you have in your life, is more limited.

    Since each individual “knows”, and remembers, and feels bad about, his or her own worst actions and embarrassing moments, those thoughts help dam the flow of allocated energy and joy from the Source to you. So, try to let those things go. Seek forgiveness, and forgive yourself. Continue to look for goodness and forgivability in others, and believe in blessings for them, but let today be also dedicated to believing that you are better and wiser each day, and that you are supposed to let all Good come your way, in what comes to you, and in what you share of your talents and skills and uniqueness.

    Let it open, and let Goodness flow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today We saw you help six lives just by being the giver of the Quiet, Healing smile.

    Do not underestimate how important that is to the Great Lovely Plan of God.

    Be the healing smile. As often as you can, be the healing smile.

    We Love you so, and smile on you always, with our invisible selves.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a fine and delicate line to walk between humility and strong faith.

    When you have demonstrated for yourself that the power of the Divine is the only power, and that the wisps of human error fade away in the Presence of that Truth, you will feel the surety of complete faith in that Power. To those around you, however, such assuredness may seem to be either arrogance, or insanity, even if you say, “To God be all the Glory for everything good that happens.”

    And so, you must remember to display humility and gentleness, even while firmly holding to your focus on, and belief in, the Divine as the only Power. Those that have not yet begun their understanding of the Enduring Life that animates the human form which they think of as “the self”, can only respond when they are ready. Rest assured that the same Divine Spirit that has served you so well knows exactly when and how to help awaken any individual, and can use you to assist in that, if you remain humble but sure in your listening.

    Never deny God, Beloved, but remain silent and kind when the ears before you are not ready to hear. Let Spirit within decide, and act from grateful obedience.

    Ready when you are, and when any are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You, as perfect spirit-being, are dwelling, right now, in Loving Omnipotence.

    Think about it. OMNIPOTENCE.

    Can you set aside the flouncing and bouncing of your own imaginings, and think about it, and believe it? Can you believe It, and open your heart and consciousness and let It flood you with Its Love?

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust Me. As you ask Me to show you the Good Life I have envisioned for you, with the greatest happiness for all, it is true that some things will fall away. Some interests will no longer seem right, some habits will cease their hold on you, some people will become closer or farther, some choices will seem more certain.

    Trust Me. I know that there are Joys and Peacefulness you do not know how to imagine. Just ask Me for the Best, and imagine the feeling of Peace, and allow it to unfold.

    This is the Way of True Life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let Us Love you back into the gentleness and generosity that are your True nature, as you reflect the Qualities of God. Be silent, and accept this Loving,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not just positive thinking. It is Truth.

    Right there, where you think you see a problem to be solved or a lack of something, there is the Goodness of All.

    We understand that it is a great leap to realize that your thoughts, and your eyes that you have been trained to rely on, could be giving you incorrect information, but once you take that into account, it is much easier to begin always looking for Good. Look for Good when it is not immediately apparent. Search your thoughts and see if you are assuming that brokenness and evil are present. Remind yourself that Good is Omnipotent, and think again and look again and believe again in Joy, and the power of wanting Joy.

    We always want Joy for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us, together, hold Grace for all those who are still convinced they are but bodies, born to die. Let us hold in our thoughts, for them, as God does, the beautiful Essence of Being that they truly are, so that when they are discouraged or in what seems to be pain or great distress, we can say unto them,

    “You are a perfect and beloved Child of God, and have every right that that entitles you to. Just allow yourself to be Loved and Supported and Carried by the Wave of Love that IS God.”

    We always hold that thought of you, Beloved Child,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Have you ever stood by the side of an accident victim, or a crumbled wall, or an ill child, or a collapsed dam, or a suicidal friend, and felt the deep frustration of simply not knowing what to do? Have you felt the joyous relief that comes when the capable engineer shows up, or the skilled physician, or the professional counselor?

    Think of God Within as all these things and more, Dear Friend. Ease your frustration at your perception of human life by turning to the Planner that lives right within you. Expand your joy at human existence by sharing your celebrations with Divine Consciousness.

    The Consciousness of Creation, of which you are a part, did not build a Work and then leave. It is right at the edge of your own human consciousness, just waiting to be beckoned nearer, or embraced. It is just waiting for your will to say, “Join my awareness, for here is a Joy that is to big to contain,” or, “Help me, here is a drama that is too big for me to resolve,” or, “I am sure now that Your Plan for all awakening is more perfect than any human mind can grasp, may Thy Will be done!”

    You are not alone and never have been, except in the small human-self identification that has confused you for so long. Open, Friend, to the Help and Companionship and Love that lives right within you, waiting to express Itself as You.

    It takes but a moment to begin,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask God to sing you a song. And whether you hear a tune in your mind right away, or sometime later in the day, you can be sure it holds Love and Wisdom for you.

    Whether ancient hymn or contemporary song, or harmonic poem your own thoughts form, realize that song is one of the ways God speaks to you. Listen for Love, Listen for Love, Listen for the Source speaking to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of today as a day of new birth. Give Mother God your will, and accept in your Heart that Her Will can joyously run your life, be your life renewed and reborn in a satisfaction of Oneness of Being.

    Think on Her,

    ANGELS, in Love

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear God, open my eyes to See what You need me to do this day.”

    You are part of the Plan, Darling. Accede.


  • Ah, Rise up, rise up, my own True Love,

    Rise up , abide with me,

    For I would have you by my side,

    Right here in God with me.

    Right here in Joy with me.

    The Comforter

    Raise your Thoughts, today Beloved. Work with the Words from Love, and USE them to replace the crazy spin of mortal thought and self-image that are false. Know yourself perfect in Spirit, right here and now. Be in this moment, right Here in God, right now.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am, in my bodily-self, a pure and clean and clear transparency for the Free Light of the Divine Source to shine into the earthly realm. I am that through which It may shine and warm, and awaken anyone sleeping in the darkness, like sunrise awakening a roomful of dreamers.”

    This it the ultimate purpose of everyone. There are many other things you can do, to pass the time, or to give joy or comfort, but do not ignore this aspect of what you are, for It will not rest until each has accepted that part of themselves.

    We say this in Great Tenderness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as worldly life has programmed you to think of yourself as primarily a body, and you must re-train your thinking and your mind to perceive yourself as a dancing Spirit reflection projected from the Creative Source, so is it necessary to re-think the other “body parts” of your life. The “body” of your family, the “body” of your marriage, the “body” of your hobbies, the “body” of your finances and provisions, the “body” of your home, etc. They are all thoughts. To allow them to be perceived as good bodies, healthy and thriving, you must give them the same prayers and affirmations that you give your physical communication-flesh-body.

    But, do it all within the auspices of, “Thy Will be done.”

    For, as the Creative Source’s Thought’s become your thoughts, the dream is of purpose, and happy indeed.

    As We all Will together, Love becomes visible,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, at the very least, pray:

    “Dear, dear Divine Spirit, I am ready and willing to see Your Goodness made manifest in the words and actions of myself and those around me.”

    “Show me! Help me See as you See.”

    Love, Love, Love aids you in this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so very easy to automatically trust in the things of the world instead of trusting in the Great Life that is the Spirit that sustains your spirit. It has become automatic, for you have been trained to do so. Re-training the awareness and perception to the Spiritual is rarely easy, so forgive yourself when you slip. Slip and fall you may, but each time you step up the mountain again, you will likely get a little further than before.

    Trusting in the sustaining and maintaining nature of Divine Spirit is hardest when the earthly seems very good, and when it seems very bad. Both are times when it is easy to perceive only earthly despair or only earthly thrill, and forget that the steady abiding in God’s gladness is the best and only way. When you have given your heart to Divine Spirit, and have asked to live the life It has written for you, instead of living your ego-self’s false script, then ALL parts of the self-script must be released. Let go, let go, Beloved, and turn again and again to the Divine Voice within for the next cue, the next line, the next prompting.

    When enough beings live from their Divine script, then you will see change,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am Blessed.”

    Think of yourself this way, even if what you see at this moment does not inspire you to say that spontaneously, for if you are reading this message and have begun your seeking, in this Way, or some other, you ARE already Blessed. The moment that the Divine Source Sees that you want to remember your Blessed State, It will Help. It will guide you, It will guard you, It will govern you. Just keep seeking, Beloved, and keep always on your mind “I Am Blessed”, and let that Thought be your touchstone of Truth.

    Blessing you again and again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to wonder and wonder whether a “message” in your mind aligns with the Divine Mind of God—if it is accompanied by feelings of Peace and Joy and a sense of weightlessness, it is of God. And, if it is of God-Mind-Thought, it will come again and again, in the same or various ways, so that it becomes clear that God is gently, patiently, waiting for you to act upon it.

    You can also be sure that if it aligns with “Love God-Love and Truth above all else, and Love thy neighbor as thyself,” it IS in accordance with One Mind.

    Any piercing and repetitive thought that is not of God will be accompanied by a sense of hesitation or pain or worry or sorrow, and you will also find that the way will be rocky—blocked by busy signals and waylaid items, etc. etc. Your own Good and High Self will help you NOT walk the stony path.

    Relax, and let Love Guide.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ideas that are nurtured know where to find their homes. Trust, as a Mother must trust, that if she nurtures her children in an atmosphere of Love, that they will fly forth, or walk forth, or stumble forth, to find their Right Place in the world.

    No Idea that comes from the Divine Source is without a Rightful Place to land.

    In utter fondness for your growth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Refocus, refocus, refocus, on the Truths of God. The Divine Source, and all that it projects as the Spiritual Universe, is Infinite and, in the tiny dream of time and space, fills all time and space.

    That means, Beloved, that there is nowhere that God is not. There is no place or circumstance or situation where the aspects of God are not fully available. Ignore what the news media predicts or what doomsayers proclaim, and remember that all around your dream of your self, is the Infinite substance of God, Holding you, Loving you, letting you awaken gently to a remembrance that you are a part of the Infinite, ever-sustained Whole.

    Turn away from thoughts of fear and scarcity, and TO thoughts of the open, providing Nature of the Creator, and then LET THE CREATOR CREATE. Or, to be clear, let yourself see what was already created for you, full and complete and perfect, when the very idea of you was born in God’s Mind.

    “The Creator that created me, also created a Good Life for me. I open my eyes and See it now.”

    Do your part by Loving the Creator and all whom were created,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Source is fearless.

    Know that Quality to be a part of what you are made of as Soul, and use it. Be not afraid to take charge of your experience of life. Take dominion, take control, so long as you always check first with your Inner Guidance, and follow the Golden Rule.

    Gently, lovingly, assert your own needs and fulfill them, so that your Joy can overflow and be a Flowing to others experiencing this, the great overlapping dream of life. The more who flow in Joy, the greater the Flow of the Divine that can make the dream a gentler and uplifted one.

    In the Oneness of Love,