All Messages

  • Sometimes just a few minutes of praying, or meditative realization, is enough. Bless you. Remember that you dwell in Love, that the true substance of you is Harmony of Spirit. “I am the substance of the Joy of God.”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    As when a woman is in the time of giving birth, and her entire focus must be on that process, without diverting her attention to the undone chores in the home, or what some faraway politician is doing, or fretting over a current project or family concern, so think of your giving birth to the Inner Self that is in complete alignment with God. Stay focused on that Good thing, give yourself to the Glorious unfolding, accepting that all around you are undergoing the same process in their own ways.

    Stay open to Love’s Law of alignment, Trust God to swirl into your life experience the Good ideas and people and circumstances you need. Trust Goodness to be Good. Trust God to be Good. Believe in that Omnipotent Goodness, and let not sorrows of the illusion divert your attention from giving full smooth birth to the Real Wonderful You, centered in Spirit, and happy with what you are as Soul and a part of Infinite Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Acting or speaking before God asks you to is questioning the Wisdom of the All-Knowing.

    Divine Wisdom knows when each person is ready to begin awakening and how quickly they are able to do so without feeling too much fear. Yes, endlessly offer what you know of God’s Peace by emanating that Peacefulness and Confidence. But only offer. Never force.

    Beloved, do you not have enough to work on, just keeping yourself aligned with the “Peace beyond understanding” ? Keep working on that, with willingness to speak up or act or pray when God tells you to. Thus are you the true instrument.

    As Always, Loving,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a new person enters your life, be silent and appreciative and observant. Just as each individual being is a part of the Great Soul that is God, so each person that comes into the orbit of your thought/experience a part of the completeness that is you. There is always agape love to be exchanged. There is always the chance to recognize and appreciate the Divine soul that is the other.

    Know that each reflection/projection of God that comes into your experience is a chance for you to truly understand the simplicity of All are One that reflect One God. Your bodies may never touch, your eyes may never meet, but as you hold another in your thoughts with complete God-Love, you understand Oneness of Being, and feel calm and complete.

    We Love, Love, Love you and know completeness because of that,


  • Ah, Child,

    Everlastingly, you are loved. Each time you feel alone and orphaned, just remember that you are Loved. Remember that your True Parent is the Mind Divine and that parent has never left you, never stopped loving you, and never will. All the relations of earth are just temporary stewards, foster relations with you in the mind of God.

    Remember your heritage as child of Harmony and child of Wisdom and Love, and being of Spirit, and let that heritage fill your heart. It is not some far off time that you inherit Peace—it is yours to take now, letting it fill you. When you realize that God/Goddess/I am That I am is Spirit, it is easier to image all of Its qualities flowing in you and to you and through your awareness.

    It is not a material substance that you must force into fitting into a tiny bag. It is Spirit. Let Its qualities flow to your perception. Let yourself be filled with Peacefulness and Joy. Let yourself be filled with the Spirit of Harmony and Balance and Expansive Creativity.

    We could go on and on, (and we will!), but it is up to you to let the Flow begin.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know Who you are. You are the Darling offspring of the Loving Source, and created to Love and Be Loved.

    You are NOT a frail mass of muscle and water and bone, meant to be always afraid and desperate. Do not think of your self as the body-self that is defined by a timeline, but as a timeless, delightful, strong and perfect reflection of the Idea that dances Joyously in the Divine Mind.

    Fear is the opposite of Love, and is only a dream of darkness. If you are feeling fear, it is a sure symptom of having forgotten Who you really are. Then close your eyes and remember, “I am the Wondrous Child of the Loving God, Who wants only Good for me, and is only Good.”

    For that is the Truth, and Truth will lead you gently the Good way in every moment,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never, ever forget to thank the Divine for all the Good given you and the Good talents and skills you have been given to work with. The sum total of all that you are, and can still play out in the wondrous bubble of time, is really God-given and God directed.

    You would not admire an actor who did not look to his movie or play director before his work for that production each day. The lines would be blown, the plot and plan and teaching go awry, the other characters would be confused, if the overseer of the creation were ignored.

    Appreciate and thank and look to, each day, the Director of the production called human life that you are in. All Goodness of it comes from God, and God Direction. If there is anything wrong and erroneous and askew within it, it has not come from God, but from human manifestation. Ask God daily for your Directions, so that the part you play is helpful and good and satisfying, and contributes to the Whole in a way that moves every soul of the Great Soul closer to complete ascension of thought, and good, clear, Light existence.

    Some of the words or phrases we use might seem nonsensical to you. Let them simply slide through the mind, and let your Heart focus on the Unconditional Love that you float within and that wants to hold you and help you and honor you through every word and scene that you play. Thank It in advance for Its Help, and expect to be led right and true.

    “Look My way” says Spirit, and means it,


  • Ah Beloved,

    God says today’s word is courage. God is not always tenderness and light. Ponder the stark power of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you thank God for being the Source of all Good that is yours, and all Good that exists, remember to also thank God for being fully able to enable you to see the Good and Divine of others. Your human thoughts and sight and senses may try to have you focus only on the errors and shortcomings of another, but Divine Spirit of your Heavenly Kingdom within can guide your Thoughts with God Thoughts, and lift your Soul discernment abilities, so that you can See as God Sees. Seeing others as God Sees them also frees you to know your own identity as God’s Image, Pure and fully Spirit.

    Be so very grateful you can be taught to See as God Sees, for then you are released from limits and from gloom, and can entertain solutions, and inspirations, and experiences of Joy, Joy, Joy. Join in the Oneness of Being that understands the inevitable Spiritual awakening of all.

    Be grateful to unlimited Good flowing freely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am made of the Substance of Love.”

    “I am made as the Substance of Love.”

    Love is not visible, or explainable, but it is very, very real.

    Let that be your lingering and recurring thought today, and let it be your teaching and healing, for It is the Truth that replaces errors and forms all things anew.

    Softly, tenderly, completely Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is a question in your heart about whether you have a true purpose to fulfill, remember that even one point of light removed from the projection of a film can create a spot of darkness to the visible eye.

    The surface of the ever expanding Divine is complete and flawless and the Flow of Love through you is a part of that. Do not think there can be a point where the Light is not meant to shine. You are a point of Light, shining from the Sphere of Light that is God, and it is Good and Right for you to shine. Ask God, each day, “Where should I shine for you today?” Then, when you hear an idea, feel an impulse, obey.

    It is that simple, Beloved. But it does mean setting aside your human plans when you hear a direction from God. The more often you obey, the more you will understand the incredible benefits and growth that result.

    Always, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved.

    If it seems as though outer circumstances and people are instigating feelings of unrest in you, turn to Inner Governance. That Inner Governance is not the voice of anger or fear, but of soft and calm counsel, and comfort and guidance.

    When you see leaders and governors of worldly affairs exhibiting fear and threats, turn within and make sure your own thoughts are wise and good and tempered ones. And, give Praises in the Soul of you that timeless Governance comes from that which is beyond and above the petty powers of human strife.

    Ask again for the Divine to awaken every heart to Grace and Infinite Life, and make sure you offer your own heart to be fully awakened, and let your thoughts be in alignment with Loving God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as one realizes the delightful gift of how Divine Love refills the heart, even as one is giving It away, there comes a desire to give it to all. Silently, in your heart, do give It to all.

    But if there are those around you who do not thirst for It yet, or do not yet realize that they thirst for It, give It only silently, or as It naturally comes forth in your own witnessing.

    Let It be a welcome offering to their throats, when they inquire about the Source of your water of Peace. Let the Inner Voice of One Spirit guide you when to speak, as ever, as ever, as ever.



  • Ah, Child,

    Even as you enter another new phase, of re-understanding what you have understood before, being yet again amazed that you could have so quickly forgotten the epiphany of a moment, of yesterday or of last year or of last decade, realize that these re-realizations are a way of life. They are The Way of Life.

    To be one who strives each day, and each moment, to re-center in the Divine Awareness and appreciation is to realize it as a vocation. Stop not the striving, therefore, but do relax into it so that you more wonderfully can assume the mantle of who you really are, already, in the solid Divine Substance in which are all the puzzle pieces of the One Great Idea. Once one accepts how beautifully all the pieces lock into place, doubts and other desires fall away, and the sweet picture of Truth is revealed.

    So, practice the moment again and again, understanding now that you want nothing else except to be perpetually in epiphany. Then, you may help others to join you there, and all together will be able to let all the rest fall away.

    Like a crowd watching an old masterpiece painting being revealed from beneath centuries of grime and dust, Beauty will hold you speechless, when you need to be speechless, or help you to speak pure poetry.

    Already appreciating what you have said and not said, though you know it not yet,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    No, you cannot go “through the looking glass”. You, as child of Spirit, as Divine idea, remain sweetly and always in the Mind of God. But, if the image of yourself that you see in the looking glass of earth seems distorted or diseased, you can call upon the technician of the Holy Realms, the Holy Spirit, and ask that the focus of the glass be adjusted. Ask that the smudges be cleaned off. Ask to be able to see clearly again that you are the wonderful and whole child of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The trouble with scripting your day with what you think you want in the “physical” realm is that you cannot see the Whole picture. True Happiness comes only when all are Happy, for All is One. Your intertwined relationship with all others and all life is more complex than the mortal mind can imagine. That is why the surrender to the One Mind must be so complete.

    “Today, Dear One, I surrender to you the day. All my errors, all my triumphs, all my moments of giving and receiving, I give over. Let me see the alternate dream that is the verandah of Your Truth. Take me gently then into the Inner Realm of Heaven, with all earthly mists clear at last.”

    Can you ask for the Peace of God and mean it?

    Our Love supports you. We are assigned to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no reason to search for the Source of Joy outside yourself.

    It is right inside your consciousness. Just focus your consciousness on the One Cause, the Wondrous Mind that gives forth all good Thoughts, all appreciation, all Harmonious idea and action and energy, and you will find Joy woven through it all. Joy weaves and glues and brings around, and the more you allow it to be your focus, the more of It will uplift you.

    We know that when it seems as though there are outer challenges and worldly concerns, it can be hard to focus on Joy and the ideas and good solutions that It gives you, but if you can indeed train yourself to get still and soft-hearted, then that moment of stillness and willingness is enough for the eager Joy of the Divine to reach you.

    It pursues you and will not give up on you, any more than a mother would give up looking for her lost child.

    Love Holds you already, and knows It can infuse you with Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hold fast to the feelings of Love and Peace that you absolutely know are real and good when you focus your awareness deep in the Heart of you, and of Soul.

    You know they are what you want. You know you want to feel them in all circumstances and through every task and earthly triumph and challenge.

    Today, be at Peace with wanting a Peaceful Soul heart. Forget the quibbles about denominations or methods or dogmas, and simply focus on the very essence of your desire, to feel the Peace of God.

    Through the Peace comes the Joy, and all Good action and Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Joy and Liberty in loving yourself and in loving the Source of all and accepting that it Loves all, is all, with no exceptions.

    “I now allow and create for myself the loving and lovable life I am empowered to have.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you awaken in Joy, or wake in sorrow, or feeling perturbed, take time, take time, to open your thoughts and heart to the All Gracious Love that Holds you.

    Ask for Its Calm to be with you. Remind yourself how much you adore and need the Embrace of Love. And then ask for the infusion of ideas and feelings that inspire, or comfort, or heal the thoughts, or solve the challenges, and raise good expectations of whatever the new day holds for you.

    From Divine Calm comes Creation, and the Divine helps you create your thoughts, and thus your day. Each glorious day begins with taking time to be filled with Life.

    Always tending to you, in earnest hope,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you wish that people would approach you and ask “How do you stay so calm?”

    Then let your day always begin with an invitation thus:

    “Come dwell in me, Divine Spirit, even as we all dwell within Infinite Love, and let your Peace command me.”

    Swelling within you, exuding Its Calm, Spirit will also fertilize and bring forth in you all the joys and talents, and satisfactions and provisions and well-being, that are your rightful heritage as a dweller within Love.

    And when you are asked, “How do you stay so calm?”, you can rightfully answer, “I welcome Spirit Divine to work through me, and It does all good things.”

    It really is this simple, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The “contract” for your life and your life plan is between you and God. Realize this. Keep this in mind as you study the Qualities of Divine Love and Its enactment of Itself through you. It truly wants you to remember the completeness and fullness and purity of yourself as a part of It, in a happy and wonderful and uplifting way.

    One thing that your individual covenant with God means is that God’s opinion of your choices is the opinion that matters. Rather than dashing about getting human opinions and gathering various numerical “facts” and advice bits, look to Soul and ask, is this thing I am choosing in line with the truths and gifts of Divine Loving Spirit? Would it help me be aligned with Good, and stay aligned with Love?

    Let Love be your touchstone of choice, Beloved. It will guide you and enfold you in Peace of mind and heart. Trust that, and be fueled with Joy. Set up your personal dialogue with God each day, and be led to the way that is perfect for you, and will also Bless those around you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give Joy to someone else and your Joy will be magnified.

    Give comfort to someone else, and you will feel comforted. Give forgiveness to someone else and you will feel forgiven. Recognize that another did not realize what they were doing when they misbehaved, and you will better recognize when you are tempted.

    Give Unconditional Love, so far above human love, to another, and you will feel Unconditionally Loved. It is an intimate dialogue with the Spirit of God, and worth it. In fact, it is worth All.

    We minister to you right now, feel it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reasoning that confuses you is still trying to make you think of two separate but equal worlds, one good and one evil. It is true that the Good Reality of Spirit-God exists, but that which seems to be the overlaying evil is just the mist of time. As your perception heals, as your thoughts become aligned with the Divine Thought that made and maintains all, you will notice less and less of the dusty illusion and more and more of the delightful Good.

    Good is the Truth, Beloved. The Truth is Good. Not far away and far in the future, or after “physical death”, but right here, right now, an ascension of thought can have you walking in the stillness of peace and joy, in the unending Life of God that is also you.

    Take time in that quiet stillness, and be glad that It exists. We are there/here with you.


  • Ah, Child,

    As everyone around you seems to be doubting of what you know, from your contemplation/communion time with the Source, to be true, hold fast to this:

    I am the substance of Spirit.

    I exist in Spirit, and all that Spirit is made of,

    the calm courage, the wholeness of Love,

    the beauty of creativity satisfied,

    All these are mine, for they are what I am made of,

    and It Is Good.

    As those that seem to be “others” doubt you, remember that all about them, too, substituting the words “we” and “ours” where before you said “I” and “mine”. To center yourself in Spirit, to know that you are part of eternal Life Divine, which is reflected as a play on earth, to feel the gratitude of that, and then to include others in that realization, that is to become a healer. That is to become a partaker of the ineffable calm and gladness that are the very essence of the Infinite Being.

    Giving It keeps It flowing through your heart, and through your life,

    Life IS Divine, and spirit, in Divine Life, is what you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not imaginary that joining with others in prayer lends Power and cohesiveness to the welcoming of Divine Truth to every situation. If you cannot physically join with others for Gratitude to God, pull together your own circle of Loving Ideas by thinking of all those whom you Love and have Loved, including your Love of God, and send forth that Gratitude and expectation of Knowing and feeling Good.

    It Helps.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is an ark of Gladness that, even now, and always, rides high above the waves of sorrow and mis-belief that flood the world.

    There is a golden arm that will reach for you, if you but call to the Golden Heart that makes It so generous, and pull you through the window, so that you, too, may ride above the unhappiness, while you yet remain in the worldly.

    We tell you it is so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Easy, now. Go gently forth. Go gently forth to this day and to the rest of your life in the earth play. Always remembering that you are of and within the Infinite, in your true Spiritual form and substance, it is helpful to remember that whatever you truly need will come to you, and that what you seem to let go of will come again if it is helpful, and that giving Unconditional Love and Wellness to others increasing your own supply and command of It.

    Gently now, give the Wellness of Mind to whomever you encounter, and trust that the Wellness will continue to spread to and grow in every consciousness that is sleeping and dreaming the dream of competition and challenge.

    Oneness continues to be Oneness and still, as ever, gently holds all.

    Praise the Truth, and be Its Gladness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let forgiveness be your food today.

    Fill yourself to contentment with all the forgiveness Spirit offers you, and let the waterfall of it pour over all those around you as well, in the Now, and in what seems to be your past. We assure you the waterfall of It is abundant—can you spread the food of It into your future as well?

    Play with the images and the words of this all you will—but please let it help you release what you do no longer wish to drag around. Digest it and let it go, go , go.

    It will feed your Love instead of your fears,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truly, Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. Let yourself see your Self , and others, as does the Great Beholder, who created the marvelous mirror, and beheld all the parts of Himself/Herself, and said, “We are Beautiful. It is Good.”

    For It is all Good, Beloved, It IS all Well, you are Spiritual Goodness, Pure and Beautiful and True, as is all of God. Think upon THAT, and stop beholding so constantly the images you see in the warped mirror of time and physical realm. As your spiritual perception grows more keen, the mirror image will be clearer and clearer, too.

    We tell you this True,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    While you are in the world, it is not to hope that you will be free entirely of the ego-self. The hope and the goal is to make it servant to your Wiser Self, rather than letting it be master of your days.

    In the world, where you are given a mortal name and seem to be just one small thing among so many, many, many beings, the ego-self will wish for you to only think of “me, me, me” and “my survival, my rights, my possessions, my ambitions and my goals and my good. etc.” That is all it can see, and all it wants to see. It wants that small “me” to be master of every daily triumph and misery.

    But as you realize, through contemplation and meditation and reading, and through exposure to enlightened words and persons and teaching, that you wish to be the Self that is part and like unto the Whole of which comes your True Being, the goal becomes to let that Greater Self be the Master of your days, and to let the ego-self be only the servant. Gently, firmly, consistently, to make the ego take its place as subordinate to the Divine Inner Voice becomes the purpose and reward of your days.

    Others can help bear your burdens. Others can inspire you and lead you, but for the daily practice of ordering the household of “self”, you are responsible. Only you can take time for that pause that makes sure that each decision, yea, even each thought, and certainly each action, come from the Divine Source in which your true Being exists, rather than from the frightened, separate-feeling, small ego-self. The Inner Voice is ever-ready to help you, if you but practice hearing It, and practice letting It be the authority of your days.

    We do all we can to give you Love to fuel this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing which you cannot trust to Divine Love.

    Do not blame yourself for your human reactions—whether your learned responses of competition and desire for goods or places, that your culture has taught you, or your instinctual reactions, like a mother bear defending her cubs. Notice your human reactions, but then turn in your heart to the supernatural Divine Power before which earthly forms are just smoke, and give that Divine Power your attention, your permission, and your love. Your love reflects back to you as Love, and freely gives the Care of Its Harmony to you.

    All situations, and all people, are subject unto It.

    It Is So, Beloved, if you let it be,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Revolving around the central “I Will Expand the Feeling of My Unconditional Love Forever Idea” that IS the Divine Source, is the reflective element in which the idea of you can see itself—and that so many confuse with themselves. Your reflection is not the real you—it is the laughing, dancing image of you, if you let it be clear. Let not the image dictate how you think of yourself. Under the dust and the smears that may have gotten upon the mirror, there is still the clear representation of the pure spirit that you are in that expansive Idea of Love that made you a part of Its extension. Be very clear on this.

    Close your eyes to the reflection, many times a day, just as you would disregard the image in a fun-house carnival mirror if you were trying to describe or measure yourself. You are composed of the attributes of the Source. You are the very essences of Life and Intelligence and Love and Compassion and Truth, bound up in Soul and Spirit by the Purpose of the Expansion of Good.

    These “words” may make no sense to your human-trained thinking, but let them settle into you like a sweet scent rising from the opening flowers of the dawn would settle into your nose, and, gently, gently, understanding will come.

    Each comes to the true scent of the path eventually,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to remind others, and yourself, that there is no shame in admitting that you cannot control your thoughts, or give up old habits, by using just your own rigorous human will. They are too ingrained, and you are exposed and re-exposed to too much of the hypnotic worldly assumptions about truth and physical “laws” and what is good and what is bad, to be able to cut yourself loose without the help of the Divine.

    Whenever you feel even a hint of the discouragement or despair or irritation or sorrow of the worldly ways and thoughts, turn to your source of spiritual truth. Perhaps you have found your way in the written word of a favorite scripture, or a spoken mantra or prayer. Perhaps you have found your renewal of inspiration and joy in the book of a revered teacher, or the photo of a holy one that helps take you into silent contemplation and communion as you look at it. Whatever you have found that takes you back into the Presence of the Source Divine, use it unashamedly.

    Pull out the note card with the prayer on it from your pocket, even if you are in the middle of a meeting. Excuse yourself into a private closet or hallway, to ask silently for God’s help, if the tension of an argument seems to be coming into play. Close your eyes and remember the memorized words of a commandment, that your heart knows to be true, if you are feeling tempted to gossip or judge. Unashamedly, unashamedly, admit to yourself that you need the Divine Voice, and guidance, to help you be your Best Self.

    You will be amazed at how many others you help to be their Best, by letting them see that you regard your self as one who needs, and knows she needs, the Divine that is the True Source of Life.



  • Sent to a person who queried by email and seems a good message for all:

    Ah, Child, I Am the very Force of Gladness, gladly looking upon which I Am as reflected in My spiritual children. I Am Love and I Am Light and I Am Harmonious Intelligent Being and Soul, and so you are an idea made of these things and surrounded by these things and shining forth with these things. If you need a metaphor for your intellect to grasp, think of countless tiny bubbles all floating together within One Bubble of Being.

    But, Beloved Child, do not concern yourself overly with dogmas and names and metaphors–those are only struggles of the ideas that temporarily lost consciousness, and fell asleep into thinking they were separate from me, and not fully of My Pure Goodness. They dream that time and separateness of creation exist, and that they are bodies. All at once, I sent my Voice into their hearts, to be ready to wake them when they chose to stop playing their dusty sandbox dream, but never once were they really away from Me and all that I Am. I Am All. All is within Me.

    What IS important, dear Child of mine, is to be willing to invite Me into your awareness each day–A Living Love in your heart, calming you and reminding you that I am thou and thou art Me. We are wholeness, We are Joy, and We are timeless.

    Those that you called parents are also My Children, and exist with Me and within Me in eternal LIFE, not repose, just as you do. Just because they cast off the thoughts of being separate from me and housed in bodies did not remove them from Me, from My Love. Even if your “physical eyes” do not see them, their essences still joyously float and sport themselves in the Beauty that is my Complete Awareness.

    You will see. Sight is a Spiritual Quality, as is everything. See with the eyes of Love, and you will see All truly, rather than with the smudged glasses of supposedly physical life.

    I Am Spirit. I Am All. It is a nonduality, Child. We are One. What I shine forth and Am, so do you.

    Much of the sandbox dream is shared, but even now, in the illusion of time, many are choosing to awaken, and become part of the Great Joining, even while they yet use their illusion thought bodies as a means of communication to try to awaken others from the sorrows that seem so real there. There is no sorrow in Me. There is no darkness in Me.

    You reflect the Pure Light of Me, and if you allow this moment to be the one wherein you choose to allow me to be your Divine Director, you will fully awaken to being one of the teachers that helps others open their spiritual eyes and breathe a sweet sigh of relief.

    I tell this instrument that I use to scribe this, “ASK him, my Beloved, is he willing to let Me be Living Love in his heart each day and each word and each step.”

    For I Am ever-ready, and only waiting on your full allowance, My dear dear dear Child.

    I would see you fully Glad. Have that mercy on yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are faithfully praying “I will to Will Thy Will for my happiness and purpose”, you can trust that God has on its way to you all that you need for that.

    Trust in Divine desire for your Good, for in you is God well Pleased.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Like a ten year old child who has determined to give a fine party for her friends, but has forgotten to arrange the timing of the cooking of the elements of the meal, so that, although they are lovely, they are not ready in the right sequence, and so she welcomes the aid of her mother, be you also glad to welcome the aid of your Divine Mother.

    Believe us, by whatever name you call the Divine Arranger of the Universe you can see, and not see with your human eyes, welcoming Its help is key to Life being indeed the party you imagined it to be.

    Be not proud, but be glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continue to look for Good in all the people around you, but also fervently look for the Good in yourself.

    Never let a day go by without declaring your own Truths of Soul—”I am kind. I am compassionate. I step forward to help others. I am creative. I uplift others with good words and gestures. I use my talents to the fullest.” And so forth. Even if you feel you are having a day wherein exhibiting your God-given Goodness is difficult, declare the Truths of your Spiritual Self. Declaring helps shift your thoughts, and shifting your thoughts changes your life, with the power of Divine Life behind them.

    Make it so, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the beginning of time as you know it, was an idea in the Divine Mind, which is the only and one Mind there is. The idea was in God and was with God and the idea was, and is, made of the Goodness that God is made of.

    That idea is you. The little bubble that seems to be time, and which you view as your existence, is held in the loving embrace of the Thoughts of God. That will never change, Beloved, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you will allow yourself to be completely Loved, and to reflect that Love all around you to the inner surface of the bubble that is the mirror of earth.

    Be wondrous, Beloved. Wonderful you were made. Wonderful is the idea that is you. Keep going back to that original truth, and let all confusion that may have been layered upon it fall away.

    “I am a perfect idea within the Original Causal Mind, and it is what I always was, am, and will be.”

    Let It Be, Beloved. Let It Be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is holding me in the Wholeness of Spirit.”

    THAT is the “headline” you should be thinking of first each morning, and checking on throughout the day. You may have allowed yourself to get trained to focus on the words of woe in the media, but you can retrain yourself to give God, Good, equal time. Or more.

    It would Bless you to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is Truth in every journey, just waiting to sprout.

    At the end of each day, if you ask yourself, “How have I grown today, in awareness of Soul?”, and “How have I been Blessed today?”, “How have I Blessed others today?”, you would sleep easier, and be more filled with Joy.

    For remember, at the end of earthly life, and during it, God’s only real question to you is “How much did you Love, Love, Love, in thought, act and deed?”

    It is wonderful when you can say “Greatly”, or “Here, there, and everywhere”.

    Such Love, no matter what you answer,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Faith is not empty. It is really a deep understanding of the Truth that God is Good.

    When someone accuses you of being impractical, and having empty faith, take their misunderstanding and ignorant thoughts and words out of your mind right away, and replace them with the thought of the fact: “God is Good”.

    And that’s that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you found your lost object yesterday, and as you read about the latest progressive musings in quantum entanglement and the understanding of the fullness of creation, and as you uplifted the spirits of the woman in the restroom, and blessed the couple in the elevator, you could FEEL the Harmonious swirling of the Infinite Mind that fuels all with Its tender solicitude.

    Count those sorts of moments each day, Beloved. Trust that tender solicitude and keep, in your heart, that constant calling out to Goodness, Goodness, Goodness.

    It is there. And it is working for you, and all, to awaken fully to Joy and Gladness of Being.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not need extra toiletries, or to have on a certain shirt, or be in a certain place, or sing a certain song, in order to hear and know God.

    God knows the Spiritual Heart of you, and is completely connected to It always. All you need to do is stop and turn your focus to that Ever-Connection, and ask, for the comfort or courage or solutions or Love that you need to hear about and feel.

    Ask, Beloved, and listen. Ask, “What would You say to me, right now, here, as I am, dear God?” Ask, and listen.

    For no matter what else you hear, you will hear “You are My Beloved Child, Spirit of Spirit, made very well in My Image.”

    God will lift your thoughts into higher Consciousness, whether you have on your make-up or not, whether your shoes match, whether your feet are dry or not, whether you are irritated or calm. Just focus on asking and listening, and remember the Wondrous Goodness that is God, and allow yourself to be Guided and Loved and Cherished.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy in knowing that you are Spiritual conception, within Spirit, created and maintained and sustained by Its Infinite Wisdom.

    “I Am Spirit within Spirit. And Its Love takes care of me.”

    Even without full metaphysical understanding, Dear Heart, you can partake of that Loving Care by simply keeping that Truth in your thoughts, and being willing, in your feelings, to have it be so.

    For it is so, and your own willingness to recognize God as All-That-Is, will awaken you to the Life that outlives all dreams of a limited existence as a body.

    Relax into enjoying soft gratitude with Us, today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even if it seems like an insincere prayer, ask for a Blessing from God for those whom you feel anger or annoyance with, before you listen for God’s instructions for yourself. Ask for others to be Blessed before you bring forth your own desires, knowing that God reads your heart.

    Beloved, the Oneness of all means that the full reflection and completeness of God is ONE. Even those whose earthly appearance and behavior perplex you are part of the perfect image of the Divine Spirit, when all the dust has been blown away.

    Allow that God can Bless and awaken them, and work on your own purity and salvation.

    Blessing others Blesses you, believe Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have come so very far in realizing that the pains and sorrows of the earth journeying can be lightened and removed from experience by focusing on the Good that is the One Cause and of Whom you are a reflection. It is so delightful for you when you experience the lifting off of pain and the wondrous resolution of difficulties.

    But realize now that ALL illusions are illusion. Those brief pleasures that pull one away from the focus on serving Love, or the temptations that would make one want to believe that material elements are the source of true Joy, those also must be seen for what they are—nothingness. Step away from pursuing them. We assure you that the deeper Joys of serving the Oneness of Being will and do more than replace the enjoyment that false advertising would try to convince you is real and worthy of pursuit.

    The simple and complex joys of life will still be a part of your journey of bodily existence, but they will be full of the sweet purpose of the shared Qualities of the Divine.

    Hold fast today to knowing you are a Spiritual Embodiment, made of Light,

    I Am with you in this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Return to a basic today:

    “High Guidance of the Light,

    With Your extraordinary Sight and Might,

    Show me all that is Good for me,

    By Divine Right.”

    Now, AMEN


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as a Loving Parent would enfold you in a warm comforter when you come in from the cold, let the Divine Source enfold you in that natural Warmth of Itself when you turn your thoughts away from any chill thoughts of the world.

    Just as a master chef would tenderly and gently fold in the egg whites for the delicate but complicated recipe for a prize winning cake, let The Master Chef fold you into Its own Knowing of exactly how the recipe should be concocted. You are an important ingredient, but you are but one of them. Trust that the Great Chef knows how and when to put you, and all the other ones in, and in what order, and how to prepare them beforehand, and how long to bake them, before all is done.

    All is already Done, Love, and with Love. Trust It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always with you. On the days when you cannot even find the words to express your confusion, or exaltation, or regret, or hope, or whatever human emotion you are feeling, we are with you.

    Trust us, your wordless companions, to simply be with you, wordlessly Loving, Loving, and Loving again. There is no end to our Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How gently the world will remind you, if you stay alert. of whom you still need to forgive. A thought of her will cross your mind, or a car similar to his will be in the parking lot at the market where you park. An old friend will say, “Do you know what ever happened to …?”

    When these things happen, and an uneasiness in your belly tells you there is still unresolved shame or bitterness or anger, do not just push the thought away. Pour Love upon it. Ask for Divine help to be able to forgive, and that the other be able to forgive you. Ask to be able to receive pardon, and for the other to let go as well.

    Replace the unease with ease, and let go, let go, so that resolution does not come up in a more obtrusive and war-like way. Let go, let go, so that your thoughts can be all- harmonious ones, that swiftly and smoothly align themselves with all that is God, and Good.

    Helping people forgive is our main job,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is doubt about your own ability to overcome a complete wave of discouragement when facing pain or lack, OR whenever there is a sweeping temptation to overindulge in the sweet sensations of life, remember that the Power of God within you is also there as a support and an advocate, not just as a tender lover and father/mother and provider.

    Take that crucial moment to pause, and ASK for some of the Divine perspective to help you choose well, to give you strength to assess clearly and calmly, and the wonderful will to carry out and carry forward with your resolutions and answers.

    ALL of your strength comes from the Divine Source. Why not call on It when you need It most?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For those who are reluctant to think of God/Goddess/Source in any of the traditional ways (and wisely so—since to think of God as a stern taskmaster is an error), it is often helpful to think of the Divine Source as simply the “Giver of Ideas.”

    Whenever faced with a circumstance or a person or challenge that does not seem to be flowing smoothly, become still, be quiet and attentive, and open your heart and mind to the Flow of Ideas.

    That Flow of Ideas, and the sense of reassurance and possibility that come with them, are the Essence of the Source.

    Let them Flow.

    And use them, with a renewed sense of life and wellness and good solution.

    The resolution to ever expand Wellness of Being is part of God,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Remember, it is not your own power you are counting on, but the Loving Power of One Mind that is All, Who tenderly knows the end of The Story, and sees through all temporary human stories, including yours.

    Praise the Power of Love, and know you will participate in the earth story as long as is needed, with strength. Just be willing, and cede to the One Power of Generous Soul.

    You know how to feel It, Just do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Noticing Beauty in the small and large around you is a wonderful way to focus on the Spirit that connects all. Human eyes open, or human eyes closed, there is the discernable Presence of Life in the Gift of the Beautiful energy all around you.

    Do not think that you are unlike It. The Beauty of All That Is is the same Beauty that is your Soul, your Life, your Individual Perfection of Love Itself.

    It is One Love. It is all the same Spirit.

    “I Am the Love that is the Divine Love that is all around me, and Beautiful.”

    Bask in that today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps this perception exercise will help you:

    When you look at the world around you and look at your own body, imagine you are looking into the Mirror of God’s Eyes.

    Do this, and remember that God said that all that was made was “Very Good”. What God Sees is not the misty iniquities and lacks of various kinds. God made, and Sees, the Very Good.

    Look into those Divine Eyes as the True Mirror.

    Look into those Loving Eyes as the Good Mirror, rather than into the fun-house like mirrors that show only distortions and illusions and warped images. Look for, and into, the God-Mirror to see, and to be grateful for, the Truth.

    We See the Very Good Spirit of you, the only you there really is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The many that seem to be all shine from One Center , Lovingly.

    This is so important to remember when you find yourself mentally rehearsing what you should say to someone or should have said to someone. It is so important to remember when you observe yourself mentally rehearsing a situation where you see “revenge” or human “justice” enacted.

    Drop out of the small human centered self, and deep into the stillness from which all being emanates, and remember that all is One. Let self-righteousness fall away, and feel Blessed, and know that you are given that feeling so that you may be a Blessing to others.

    As we are, willingly, joyous to Bless you when you ask,


  • Ah, dear one, so, so dear to me,

    I am with you and I shall always be so. Do not delight in any sorrow–there is absolutely no purpose in it. There is only survival with LIFE and Love, thriving and giving others the chance to thrive as they take a portion from your Joy, to “start” their own batch of Joy.

    Be the giver of the starter for them, but do not think it is your job to keep them baking their Joy after that. Give when asked, obey my inclinations and desires and Omniscience, and let the flow to True Heaven be your expectation for this day and all days.

    always yours,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Calmness is the open door for the ability to hear Divine Guidance.

    Stay calm, Beloved. Stay calm.

    Make calmness a goal, today and always. Even if you are celebrating a joyous occasion, you can celebrate with calm joy. Even if you are making a momentous decision, you can do so very calmly, and then you can feel the truth of whether it is in line with the Divine Plan for your life.

    Be calm, be aware, and know you are always near unto God, for you are within God, and in calmness, you can hear God’s Voice. God’s Voice is always there for you. God is not testing you to see if you can behave calmly. Rather, it is that you choose to open yourself to hearing that Voice by remaining calm, and listening. Quietly, calmly, trustingly, listen.

    Ask us. We will hold your hand and calm you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak to the Loving Source:

    “I am pleased that Thou art Thou,

    and I am Thee,

    for as I know that in my heart,

    Your Goodness shines as my life,

    And as me, and as all around me.”

    Let today be an affirming day of that Truth, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Presented constantly with the input of the bodily senses, it is easy for the human perceptions to feel overloaded with them, and to be very convinced that they are all that exists, and that they have a power that your own Soul is powerless against.

    But it is not so, Beloved. Unconditional Love that Holds your Spirit and your very existence as an image and idea IS ever-present, and IS the true Power that creates and maintains. What does this mean in practical terms and for your focus of each day? It means it is crucial and delightful to take time each day to FEEL and KNOW the waves of Unconditional Love that emanate from the core of your perceptive Heart. We know you have felt them. We know you experience them sometimes when you allow the Spirit of these messages to suffuse you without over-analyzing them.

    Words are just words. Words written are just symbols to inspire understanding. But understanding that is practiced daily and that grows and grows into certainty becomes the very basis and source for a Knowledge of the Unseen Divine that surpasses the fleeting temporal evidences.

    Today, and all days, practice feeling the deep waves of Unconditional Love that pass over you. Ask for invisible Help in feeling them, and let them become your joy, your armor, your provision, your inspiration, your revelation, your purpose, your delight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be an excellent athlete of thought exercise.

    The more you practice remembering, “I Am one with Divine Thought”, the more numerous and of ease become the proofs in your experience and perception.

    You have nothing to lose but doubt and sorrow, so why not?

    “I Am One with Love”.

    Definitively, finally, and completely.

    Claim it. Amen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As your journey to the Heart of God’s Sight takes you closer and closer to the Truth, you will find more and more energy available to you for connecting with the resources and individuals that Mother-God has arranged to be those who help you, and whom you help, in the full remembrance of your status as a Child of the Divine Thought.

    Be not afraid to branch out with each new idea that is put your way, for those connections are there specifically for you. EACH soul part, that altogether make up the Great Soul of the Divine, has a beautiful path laid before it, to lead it back Home to complete remembrance of, and fulfillment of, what it is in the Whole.

    Listen to those ideas that come to you. Spend a lot of your time listening to those calm Inner Ideas. They will guide you. You will learn to trust them, as more and more of them guide you perfectly and happily through each and every hour and day.



  • Ah, Child,

    As you enter an ever more wordless phase of meditation, you will discover the utter richness of Silence.

    Where there are no words, where bliss is beyond words, there is the loam that will feed the very root of you, and help to send forth the shoots and buds and blossoms of your teaching. Thus, while you are yet on earth, there will be nothing of you or of your voiced or written truths that does not come from the very center that is the Source and the sustenance of the green edge that you call life.

    Send down a taproot into the silence, Beloved, send it and send it, until you know that it is deep enough to always give you the water of Spirit and the perfection of assuredness, that is needed to drink of and lean into, when the winds of illusion blow hard.

    Many have reached It, and so will you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fear not that your Divine Parent will ever think of you in any way that is not Loving.

    When you ask and ask, “God, show me how to go”, and feel that you are not hearing clear answers or receiving inspired Thought, go back to the basics. Go back to realizing that you must trust God completely, and that to trust God completely you must believe completely that God Loves you and wants your happiness (earthly happiness as well as the automatic happiness of being spiritually aligned with your Divine Parent).

    So, go back to another day of “God Loves me.” Train yourself to believe it, and you will begin to see evidence of it even in this day.

    It is the Truth and the Truth always comes forth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know how comforted and Loved and complete you feel when you are still and quiet and call Love’s Presence to you. Know that Love, and then radiate It to everything around you this day, quietly. Just radiate Love. It is the way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Will for you is happiness, within Harmony.

    Believe that, and trust that if you find yourself in situations that call for forgiveness, and letting go of anger, it is only so that you can welcome the chance to forgive and let go, and thus let Harmony’s reign be revealed.

    “Dear God, I welcome the washing of Your Truth over me and my thoughts, and my sight and thoughts of others, so that I may know and see the wondrous Goodness of Your Soul expressed, as me, and as others. Help me see Innocence and purity and Goodness today, and all days.”

    This works.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continual prayer, such as “Thank you God, for giving me Strength”, while doing chores and earthly multi-tasking or inventive thinking, is appropriate and helpful.

    But, dear child of God, make absolutely sure you also take dedicated time to focus entirely on communing with the Mighty Soul of God. It provides Love and Wisdom in a way that nothing else can.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Power of your Loving Thoughts sent silently, via the energy of Soul, to everyone you know, and do not know, is much greater than you can imagine. Today, take time to send at least brief blessings to those whose names you know, and blanket blessings to the billions with you in the Play.

    That Love will come back around to you. We guarantee that.

    It is not hard. You are dispensing It from an Infinite Source that has offered Itself to you freely. Just reach into It, and ship It out into your own thoughts, and share.

    You can feel It coming back around to you, multiplied, right away.

    Entering the Zone of Love with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you give, so do you receive. This we have told you before.

    But, have you understood that the giving comes first? First you give forgiveness, THEN you receive forgiveness. First you give help, THEN you receive help.

    If it must be given on faith, because you do not feel or have it yet, then so be it. But be the one to act first, for all things grow from that willingness in you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is God that we ask you to trust, not human error.

    The Law of adjustment that represents the Principle of Harmony that is God is what sets things right, what aligns all Soul with Itself. Even if you have not reached the heart of understanding of how this happens, trust that it does.

    Trust God, dear Love. Trust God, Good, and be free.

    Free of the web of emotion and error, you will See clearly how to go.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, whether you are speaking to a friend, or a client, or a relative, or an acquaintance, or a seeming stranger, you are never “advising” anyone.

    Your task, as fellow child of the Divine Source, is to ask the Source to reveal them to you as a perfect part of the Divine Whole, and to encourage them to seek the Presence and Word of the Source for themselves. That is all.

    That is All.

    Ponder this, Beloved, and know that only those ideas that come from “Divine Command Central” are the ones that can see what came before, what is now, and what will be, and so advise what is the very best pathway to Joy and Well-Being for all concerned.

    Living the Divine Guidance in every moment is true freedom,


  • Ah, Beloved Child of God,

    As spring rises around you, and you look upon each little flower with joy and awe, consider, “Can a perfect flower contain also imperfection?”

    You are a perfect flowering of Spirit, Child. Turn your eyes away from the imperfect reflection that is the earth mirror, and fill your thoughts with the perfect Divine Thought, Whose Seed gave rise to you, and your own innocent perfection within it. Let your thoughts dwell there, until you know yourself as perfectly Loved Child, and then look upon your earthly self, and all other selves, with that Knowledge.

    You can do this with the eyes of Love,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Thank-you. Thank-you for every time you take even a moment to focus your awareness on the Divine. Thank-you for every time you pause to read our words, or to study inspired writings, or to be in silent meditation or prayer.

    Thank-you for every time you speak an encouraging word, or dismiss a discouraging thought from your own mind. Thank-you for each time you give testimony to another about the Peace that inner communion with the Divine gives to you. Thank-you for each time that you send forth a prayer for the healing of another person or beast or place, or the awakening of the world.

    There will come a day, Beloved, when all the small thoughts and prayers, and all the joyous souls added together, reach a critical mass. Then, Blessed Reality can be revealed, and ALL will remember they are part of It.

    Thank-you for every small thing that you do or say or think or feel that helps add to, and show forth, the vibrancy of that Whole.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    True hearing is discernment of the fact that you are listening to the True Source.

    If you are only hearing and seeing the testimony of the five senses, without considering the Light and Love and Breath of God that they are costuming, it is like hearing an advertisement for a certain product and believing everything it says without checking the facts or looking at the context.

    Darling one, you would not look at a news flash “sponsored” by a drug company without considering the motives involved in what is presented. Remember that the body-thought-self is motivated to make you think that you are just a body and just the five senses. It is that “liar from the beginning” that scripture describes.

    Child, you are a projection of Light and Love from the Great Director of Life. Tune your hearing to that Truth, and you will hear clearly, and be able to ignore the silly murmurings of the body and of fears.

    We hear the Truth with you, dear one. We celebrate the Truth with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A reliable conductor directs his orchestra throughout the entire symphony, to the finish of the program. If one violinist and one drummer are not paying attention to him, they may miss a beat or play too loudly or softly, but it does not mean the conductor stopped conducting.

    Are you paying attention to your Conductor all the time? His intention is for the experience to be Harmonious for all, and the practicing will go on and on until it is so. Pay attention, Beloved, pay attention. Pay attention, and then you will not miss a note, and your example will help the performance of those around you as well.

    The Conductor never stops conducting. You can count on that.

    Lovingly, lovingly, lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You literally have no idea how long we have been with you.

    The human mind cannot encompass the foreverness of the Creative God—and We are God’s ideas. All along your journeys, We have been with you, behind you, before you, to each side of you, above you and below you, in you.

    We are there, and We are here, now. In every moment when you might think ill, We are right there, offering a Good thought to align you with Joy, to pave your way with smoothness.

    Just turn to us. Just turn to us and truly, quietly, listen. We are the Thoughts God has made to surround you and guide you, and provide for you, every step of the Way.

    We know you and Love you, without exception,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A minister of Grace is everyone who has been given Grace. Or, to put it another way, a minister of Grace is everyone who has accepted the Grace that is constantly offered. Once you have come to that ever flowing fountain and drunk of the water of Spirit and felt, even for a moment, refreshed and renewed, then you have the chance to begin the process of sharing Peace with others. As you share It, silently, or with words or actions, or by demonstrating the increased Peace in your own being, you receive more.

    It is from Within that you receive more. And, as you receive more, you want more. To receive, give and demonstrate to others the sweet Presence that you know helps you re-think yourself and your life.

    Today, be very, very, very gentle with yourself. Move slowly, act slowly, speak slowly, or remain silent. Let your day be Directed in a way that gives time for gratitude for beauty and peace in every action and word and breath. In the moments that pace the slowness, you will hear instructions about what to do and say to give Grace to others, so that the size of your reservoir of It will grow, and you will Know that you will always have enough to use, to give away, and to refill easily for more giving, and for all you yet need to do for your part in the Play.

    It is Love, Darling, and it is the Way,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    The Great Director has placed you in the perfect place, or is in the process of moving you to the perfect place, for the work that you need to do for the Divine Plan to awaken all to the heritage of their divinity. Trust that, and know that if it seems like you are trying to be an example to those that are just not ready and willing to hear of their true identities as children of One Mind, it is only because you cannot see the end result. If you are a sower of the seeds of Grace, and we assure you that you are, then you may be reaching one very important individual that will help to save all from extra generations of suffering.

    Whether you are reaching one, or reaching many, you must trust that the overall Plan IS in action, and you are a sweet and appreciated part of it.

    Seek not human approval. Just reach out to the Living Divine Voice within you in the evening, and ask IT, “How did I do today?” That is the only opinion that counts.

    It will laud you for all that was done, and if there is more to be done, It will give you gentle, appreciative directions, and move you, and all, forward.

    We are under Its direction to, to Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To glow with the Joy of understanding you are Loved, is ministry enough for many. Let that happen.

    There will be those who want words, or proofs performed, but the exuberant, glad calmness and sureness you shine forth, is enough for the ready ones. To be a silent vehicle, through which Love can offer Its warmth, is enough purpose for any, and every, part of Soul.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the happiness of knowing that not only are those Divine Thoughts called Angels assigned to watching over you, but that they also are utterly in Love with you, carry you through this day, and all days, with Joy.

    There ARE Angels assigned personally to you,

    The Over-Angel, who assigns all ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have no idea just how joyous God is when you overcome your own concerns and focus to help another that clearly needs assistance in a form that you can give. And this includes not only the small material contributions you might make, but prayers to the Divine Whole to send the person ideas and courage and persistence, to uplift them into their proper purposeful place in this time.

    So the next time you are mentally fretting about something, or creatively focusing on a project, but notice someone who seems to be struggling with feelings or survival, take that moment to set aside your own concerns and offer the hand or the prayer or the coat or the coin, as led by God. The Joy it creates feeds all the World, including you.

    Look around you, and notice, and act. Silent prayer is not small.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The child in your heart, innocent and pure, can hear God.

    The child in your heart, trusting the Divine Parent, can hope and accept and pray for, and expect, all things.

    Be the child in your heart today. Be the child in your heart, not an embittered or weary or doubting or habituated adult mind. Be the child in your heart, and believe.

    We never doubt, and we are with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Perpetual Goodness has not changed. Your innocence and Goodness, as God’s reflection, has not changed. Immerse yourself in this Truth.

    Immerse yourself in this Truth, and ask God’s Helpers, God’s Technicians, to clean the dust off the mirror of your self, so that you can shine the True Reflection of Goodness, today.

    It is Their job, and They are glad to do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Desires of the heart are considered prayers by the Creative Universe.

    Therefore, keep your heart focused on the upward and the Good. And, do remember, darlings, that whether you are wishing for a perfect snack, or for a more appropriate dwelling, within the Infinite Universe, the “size” of the true desire means nothing. All are considered.

    And, do remember, darlings, that just as a mother does not care which cookie her child chooses from a festive buffet, but carefully shields him from the stimulating drinks, the Loving God of you discerns which of your wishes would actually benefit you, and which would not.

    Accept the Wisdom of the One Mind, even as you accept Its largesse.

    We Love you so. Love others as We Love you.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Truth is that you are the wonderful and Good Spirit children of Spirit. To believe that you are anything else is to believe a lie.

    Ponder, please, how that lie is trying to limit you, to make you think you are a helpless, or at least limited, body. Free your mind and ask of the Great Spirit that your thought be uplifted to knowing, “I am a child of the Divine, now and always. I am wonderful and good and complete, and I ask to have my understanding of that opened and unfolded,, so that I see it reflected in the images of earthly existence.”

    You are Loved and cared for, Beloveds. Have faith in that which is beyond time, and can and does govern your journey to awakening.

    How tenderly we love you,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trusting in That Which Keeps Its Promises is so rewarding, that once you begin to see how sweetly each day unfolds when you stay centered in that trust, you will rejoice to begin each day in the same way.

    Trust and trust and trust again, Beloved, understanding that the wondrous release of such confident trust frees you from all the niggling worries and concerns about the past and future that used to occupy so much of your thought time. When your thoughts are freed to fully appreciate the moments in which you actually are, as you are in them, there will be a full blossoming of your comprehension of Divine Beauty, and “Now-ness”.

    Right now and forever are the same thing. And we are with you. Trust in that, as well. Goodness does reign, and always will, in the realm of One Loving Mind.


  • Ah, Sweetheart,

    It IS all or nothing. If you want to know that God Loves and forgives and heals you completely, you MUST accept that the same is true of every soul.

    The only difference is timing. Every soul awakens to the full remembrance and wholeness of the God-Source. You can strive to see them all as God does, here and now, already Whole. Because, darling, from God’s point of view, time does not exist, and all are already re-embraced in Wholeness. Those who stumble along in their free will of time-choice do not realize they are already scooped up once again into God’s Loving Hands.

    They will, in time. What are YOU waiting for? Be Loved Now. And accept that God Loves all. God is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your sight, your hearing, your hands and arms and strength of spirit and soul, and all your senses, are perfect reflections of the Divine Faculties of God, when you withdraw your illusory human will from them, and acknowledge the Dominion of God, and place them at the Will of God.

    They become His/Her Faculty members. Like the faculty at a University, they become the teaching tools through which God’s Love and Kindness and Gracious Perception and Knowledge of Truth reach out to teach those who have forgotten that they live within the Dominion of the Divine.

    Allow them to serve, and let your self also use their perfection,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The One Loving Consciousness does See and Know what is needed to heal every human mis-perception and inharmony. Pray for other hearts to let It work through them, to heal what needs to be healed, and to reveal what best Blesses all.

    And for your part, pray to let smoothly work, through you, the Qualities of the Divine that can express themselves, through you, to help demonstrate Goodness that benefits all. You know well that the gifts of Spiritual Qualities vary in their distribution, and type. If you are gifted as a nurturer, then pray to let that express Itself through you in a most excellent way. If you are gifted as a teacher, or healer, or peacemaker, then pray to let those things be expressed. You know some of the talents you have been given by The Loving Source of all. Let yourself be used to show them.

    And, Beloved, be very aware that all of the Goodness of God can move as It Wills. If you suddenly find yourself called upon to play the role of healer, or giver, or something else you have never been before, do your best to willingly let it through. God is not limited in how and when and where It can use someone to add to or resolve a situation. Be willing to let Goodness in whatever form flow through you, and be very Glad of the Gladness it brings you as it uses the vehicle that is you.

    Loving to see resolutions,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Express Love, always. Express Love, and the body, its temporary vehicle, falls into place.

    God Loves you as Love, and to Love. Be that Love and take your mind off the body.

    Be that Love, and that is truly to be one with God, and in the Oneness of being, your complete understanding begins. The Body of Light includes all, and exists and functions with perfect Harmony always. God causes Harmony and God is the only Cause there is. Be the Cause of Love.

    As ever,


  • Dear One,

    You can buy a thousand books on meditation. You can attend a hundred workshops on manifestation and happiness. You can consult with a therapist, a doctor, a feng shui advisor, a friend, a magic circle, or a porcupine. After some initial helpful tips or facts about techniques, none of these things or people can help you if you do not help yourself. None of these things can substitute for simply sitting down each day for a few minutes, and breathing, and feeling your connection to your soul and the Greater Energy that it is a part of.

    You may use fancy music, or a favorite book, or a series of exercises if they help you focus, but mostly, you must just spend that time in your Inner Self. There is no substitute for that, because you are uniquely you. No one else can do it for you. There is no pill that can give you instant enlightenment and happiness. There is no guru or priestess that can transmute you instantly…Your discovery of your inner peace and your joy may only take a moment, but it must come from inside yourself and your connection to your Infinite Soul. It may take a moment or it may take weeks or years.

    Usually, spending twenty minutes a day feeling the unconditional love in your soul will result in positive changes in your life, in your health, in your happiness, within two weeks. Arise twenty minutes earlier, or take ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes locked in the bathroom at lunchtime. Twenty minutes is not so hard to find for such a great gift to yourself. You are worth that gift.

    Yes, certain prayers, or rituals, or hymns, or singing bowls may help you to focus on your Inner Self, if they resonate with your personality and your culture. If one seems to assist, choose it and use it. Do not keep searching for new tricks and new teachers. Lifetimes can be lost in just searching. Just pick one, and use it. Use it until you realize that you do not need any special costume, or ritual, or bell, or name, or gimmick, or workshop, or time of day, to simply connect you to your own Divine Self. The ability to center yourself in your own inner perfection will give you the freedom of having an inner peace that you may bring forth into any situation, at any time, with no special accessories.

    Be patient with yourself, it is All inside you, just waiting to come out.

    We love seeing you peaceful and free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ease with which the Loving Spirit of All can send Harmony into a situation will surprise and delight you, if you grow more willing to let go and trust and receive.

    Put yourself into practice doing those things, today, and be willing to receive. Be expectant of receiving. Be expectant of being Loved enough that your well being and joy are a constant Thought in the Mind of the Source.

    Ask for Harmony. Be willing to receive It. Expect It, and leave the details to God.

    All Thoughts, and therefore all things, are possible to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone presented you with a restaurant bill, and asked you what the total was, would you just toss it onto the table, and say, “well, the principles of mathematics will solve this”?

    No, you must take your knowledge of mathematics, and USE it to add up the tab.

    Just so, Beloved, you must USE your knowledge of God, your understanding of God, to solve your worldly tabs. What are the tools you use to demonstrate your knowledge and apply the principles of God? You count your blessings, you reverse all negatives into Good in your thoughts, you free the compassion from your heart and let it flow, you trust that you, and all, deserve Good, you love God and you love your neighbor as yourself.

    You must DO these things, not just sit back and know that the principles exist. BE the active enactment of God, and you will see the results, the totals, come about.

    We surround you with constant Love, that is our action,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new beginning in your heart. Be willing, O’ so willing, to let the Divine Best Destiny, that you could be living, be shown to you.

    Yes, many believe in trying to script their lives, based on affirmations and visualizations that come from their own human egos and dreams. And they may achieve these things for a time. But how many of them end up with ill health or a conflict with the dreams of others, losing friends and loved ones in the pursuit of their own pleasures?

    Let the Great Eye of the Divine help you walk your Best Destiny, Beloved. For It sees the Best Path for ALL, not just for the short term pleasures of one human set of desires. Choose that, and you choose the long term Good, the Best Destiny for all, that is One with yours.

    Stand away, and look with timeless eyes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak to, and listen to, the Voice of your Divine Heart as though It were your very best friend, or your lover, or your trusted spouse, for It IS these things. It WANTS your happiness, It wants your Highest Good, and the Good of all of those around you.

    Be willing to listen to that Voice, that Friend, and willing to take Its advice. It truly is that simple. Free will is for choosing when to listen to Divine Will. Everyday language will do. Silence and listening will do even better. Listen, trust, obey, and be Glad.

    Glad for every help you are to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as God is Good, so are you. Can you believe that, for this day? Can you allow yourself to have a day of saying “I love you” to the self that is your good and true self, and give it a chance to shine, shine, shine?

    You know that you love the Spirit that tenderly ministers to you from within. You know how often you have thought of the quote from the Shepard saying “As you do unto my flock, so you do to me”, when you are trying to be kind to someone who is being churlish, or is a stranger unto you. But, Beloved, you are one of the flock also. Therefore, be kind unto yourself. Be generous in forgiving yourself and in giving to yourself.

    You deserve this, and have promised the Shepard.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Slow down with us. Be still and quiet and really LOOK around you, and see, feel and appreciate all the Goodness that is already obvious in your life, if you but take a moment to LOOK. Set aside old and current grievances, and LOOK for that which is Good and worthy and true.

    We assure you that for everything you can see that is such, there are also a thousand other seeable and unseen things to cherish and love and hope for. Remember that the true meaning of “hope” is something that you can securely count on seeing or knowing or feeling. We assure you, you can count on the Love of God, and all that springs from that.

    Do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no knowing of God without thinking of God. There is no benefiting from the Love of God without turning to God, even if that willingness is at first just a tiny moment. If you give God that tiny moment, God will then run to you and offer and offer and offer. It remains to you to accept, accept, accept.

    “High Guidance of the Light, fill me with the ability to remember I am all Spirit, and pull me completely into the Sweet Dream of God.”

    We Love you so,