All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, human interests and plans will swirl in the mind, but learn to also Bless yourself with the nightly soft and deep prayer, “I place the future in the Loving Hands of God “.

    It is a wide net.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to doubt the journey, for, as ever, your spirit is safely and always a part of the Wondrous Source. When the end and the truth are already known, there is no need to fret at seeming delays or twists and turns.

    Keep your mind on that certain awakening, and remember that you are always in touch with all the Holiness that greets each and every one. You are always in touch, like a passenger who keeps letting the loved ones at both ends know where he is, calling frequently on his mobile phone, so that all know he is on track, and on time, and completely and fully provided for, and assured of that by Those he calls.

    Keep calling out. We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Bless yourself with memories of when you have passed along Divine Generosity by giving time, and good wishes, and love and goods and efforts and provisions. Uplift yourself by remembering when you have had compassion and forgiven, forgiven, forgiven.

    Being grateful and counting blessings are such an automatic bridge from dark thoughts to Divine Light Thoughts of Heart. Most of you know this. You know this intellectually.

    But how often do you cross that bridge? Do you read and study things that encourage using that way to the Heavenly view? Cross that bridge, dear ones. Cross that bridge, and invite others to cross it with you.

    Leave the angers behind,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ever and always, Child, how you think of those around you WILL change their behavior, if you are led by the Loving Voice of God within.

    As when you put together a delightful salad, made of all good ingredients, so that of course the salad is all good, just so is the essence of man/woman made of all good ingredients by God. The Spirit of each is Good, and if you can focus on that, the dust that settles on the Spirit and reveals the True Shape will also show that Goodness.

    We know that not many look for only the Good. But would you not choose to be one? The narrow way did not suddenly become wide, Beloved, but it is still worth choosing? Will you not?

    There is room for Us beside you on the narrow way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To actually ASK the All-Knowing Inner Voice for Ideas and Directions, and then follow them, is the height of Wisdom.

    How much time do you spend feeling lost or confused, but refuse to STOP and ask the All Knowing for advice? Like a driver, too full of pride to stop and ask for a map or for directions, do you angrily try dead end streets and waste time and energy going the wrong way?

    Let pride go, Beloved. ASK and listen to the answer, and obey gladly. Each small step can be laid out for you, if you but find in your heart the willingness to be led. The Divine will always lead you to something that is Good, for that is all that it Knows, and Is, and Wanted, and Created.

    Errors (sins) have not changed in humankind. Look at the list and clear yours away, and be free to share the Gladness of the Divine Realm,

    All Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Opening your heart to Wonder not only helps fulfill deep dreams and desires of your soul, it swings wide the door into elements and talents that you may not have even imagined you have. As the old example says, the caterpillar cannot imagine what it will be when it is a butterfly.

    You cannot imagine all that you can become as you fully morph into the Wondrous Being that God made. Here and Now, and then Beyond, you are more Glorious than you suspect.

    Welcome It, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you feel fear about a thing, the fear is only of the small perspective of the human mind, and you must seek to overcome the fear with the already-granted Power of Spirit that is there to support you and help you. But if you feel only hesitation, consider that the hesitation may actually be a subtle message from the Divine Overseer.

    The item that you hesitate to sell or throw away might be well needed by you or another in a few days time. The message you hesitate to send might be better not sent at all after a day’s thought. The action not taken can be as important as the actions you do take, in the Spirit of what blesses one blesses all.

    Pay attention when you hear a whisper of hesitation. As you grow more and more practiced in feeling the impulsions of Divine Spirit and trusting Its Good Intent, you will gracefully accept that sometimes delay can be a great guide.

    As can the quiet impulse to act right away on other things…


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is an urge that you cannot explain, to go apart and be quiet, oh, do it, Beloved.

    Spirit is fully aware of how difficult it can be to clearly hear the Wisdom of your Inner Voice when you are surrounded by the distractions of the world. Spirit observes that the Comfort of the Inner Love does not reach you in Its entirety when the jangling of the material emotions and involvements is so pervasive.

    So listen to that little whisper, to that tiny tapping at the door of Consciousness, and take yourself into a silent spot, near or far, and be still, and be Guided, and be Loved.

    It can be under a tree, it can be in your car, it can be in a restroom, it can be in an official Sanctuary, or it can be behind your own closed eyelids. Just take those moments, and Connect, and you will know again, All is Well and your Heart of Hearts is Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine attitude of Love can and does heal things.

    The whimsical or tentative beginner, trying to “apply” this attitude to the stuff of earthly life, will usually be concerned first with trying to “fix” what the human eye can see. Allow yourself the playfulness of letting an attitude of Love fill you when you are having a feeling that you cannot “see”, but that you can feel with your human emotions. Deliberately, and consciously, turn over to your attitude of Love any feelings of anger you might have about a broken car, or other non-working equipment. Consciously counteract any temptation you might feel to judge another’s actions or words, by embracing an attitude of Love. Let the feelings of earth that are describable, although “unseen”, be the first step in realizing that Absolute Love covers and governs an Unseen Realm that the human mind refuses even to imagine.

    Be present to Love, Beloved, and let go of trying to be any presence except that Presence.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I know that Grace is freely given to me always, and that when I feel that I cannot find enough love or compassion for another, I can reach to the Infinite Source and draw on It for more, for there is Plenty , Plenty, Plenty in that which is All-in All.”

    You CAN Love, because you are so Loved, and of Love, dear one.

    And, include yourself in this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    GRATITUDE to find out, and then remember all the time, that underneath the dusty errors of yourself and of all others, is the perfect reflection of the infinite Cause.

    Spend your days, spend your thoughts, spend your energy, blowing away the dust, and Seeing the Good Reflection revealed.

    We are sure you will be delighted if you play the game this way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know for certain that if you choose the names of the five people you are most annoyed with right now, and ask God to Bless them and aide them in whatever way would be Good for them, that your own Soul self will be uplifted.

    Bless others, heal yourself, and add to the Light in the world, dear one.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe not the voice of the darkness that would have you doubt what you have seen work, again and again, in your own living Voice from God. Be pleased with the sweet comfort that the Presence gives, and let today be a true day of thanks for that constant and uplifting Comfort.

    Gratitude, Child. Gratitude, again and again and again. It does not need to be spoken. It does not need to be written. It is simply held, sincerely, in the heart, and God can read it there. And there It does Its work.

    All Love,


  • For young Ian. It was an honor to know your brief human expression of creativity. And thank you for your message of Good.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many, if they pray or meditate at all before sleeping at night, tend to pray about their perceived problems or wishes to be fulfilled.

    We tell you true, if you close your day with counting the blessings the day has brought, no matter how small, and savor the joyous and good things and persons and feelings, and note the Love that occurred, it will do you a thousand times more good than listings your “needs”.

    List your Blessings. Believe in more of them, and sleep in the Divine Arms that support and cherish you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have come so very far in realizing that the pains and sorrows of the earth journeying can be lightened and removed from experience by focusing on the Good that is the One Cause and of Whom you are a reflection. It is so delightful for you when you experience the lifting off of pain and the wondrous resolution of difficulties.

    But realize now that ALL illusions are illusion. Those brief pleasures that pull one away from the focus on serving Love, or the temptations that would make one want to believe that material elements are the source of true Joy, those also must be seen for what they are—nothingness. Step away from pursuing them. We assure you that the deeper Joys of serving the Oneness of Being will and do more than replace the enjoyment that false advertising would try to convince you is real and worthy of pursuit.

    The simple and complex joys of life will still be a part of your journey of bodily existence, but they will be full of the sweet purpose of the shared Qualities of the Divine.

    Hold fast today to knowing you are a Spiritual Embodiment, made of Light,

    I Am with you in this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am with you.

    I have heard your request to show you My Spiritual version of your happy existence, and I Am and I will.

    Be not judging of your self, only trust and embrace My Love.

    I Am yours, as you are Mine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no truth but God’s Truth of Goodness and Purity and Love.

    When you ask God to show you the truth of an earthly situation, are you asking for earthly-dream human truth, or are you asking to see the Divine Truth that underlies the dust? It comes down to the same question that we have asked you many times—do you want the Peace of God, or do you want to be “right”?

    Even if the human truth were revealed to you by Spirit, who sees all, or were told to you by the humans involved, would not your task still be the same? Forgiveness for the acts done and the ones who did them, and for yourself who let someone else down, or did not do all that you could have done for fellowship? Forgiveness, and the subsequent gratitude, are always the end result as you move towards translation and full awakening in God.

    Why not jump right to the forgiveness, and not worry about the details?

    Move forward now, into the timelessness of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that the consciousness that IS you exists only in the munificence of God. You are not a separate being, dangling on some golden strand far off from the Creator.

    Only the reflection of your chosen appearance is reflected in the earth mirror. The true you, that which chooses to be reflected, sings and laughs and expands and rejoices and dances in the Mighty Munificence of Calmly exuberant Joy.

    Do not forget, and turn to the Truth before judging anything.

    Would you try to build a house by hammering at the mirror?


  • Ah, Dear One,

    God already knows what you need. God knows it better than you do.

    Let yourself go forth into each hour with the prayer that the Infinite give you what It has planned for you. Practice, each hour, letting go of the desires that have only come from your fevered and mesmerized mind, and letting God’s desires flow through you instead.

    Be adult to yourself, when worldly desires come forth. Be the adult that has seen a child whine and beg for a certain toy that he saw advertised or that he saw on a friend’s shelf. Be the adult that has seen the toy cause only more tears when the child found that it was not the magical road to happiness that it seemed to be on T.V.

    God knows the needs of your Best Self, and is very pleased to provide them, if you would but set aside the false needs that fill your heart, and be the open heart that waits to be filled with God.

    Empty cups do not panic and try to fill themselves,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be a relaxed observer today, dear one.

    When you attend a play or a movie, without friends along whom you need to comfort or entertain or listen to, and without children along whom you must take care of and tend, you can simply sit back in silence and enjoy the unfolding of the drama and the laughs and the scenes and the acting ability.

    Let today be so for life. Simply observe carefully and enjoy the play of earth life. Pause your own “acting”, and play the role of audience to the most comprehensive cast of characters any director ever assembled. Watch with agape love. Watch with compassion. Let the silence of those be all that comes forth from you, today.

    And, observe how they come back to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All the days you play here in the earth dream, your human ego self will try to convince you, in small ways and large, in emotional ways and intellectuals acrobatics, that you know more than God does, and can make good decisions on your own.

    The sooner you realize that this is not true, and the sooner you resolve to give over your will to God’s Will, each and every day, the more quickly will all go smoothly towards attaining peace of mind and joy of heart.

    Your choice is when to consistently do this, Beloved. God has forever. How long do you want to take to step on to the path to the Kingdom within your Heart and Soul?


  • Ah, Darling One,

    “I am true to the state of the Lord.”

    “I am as the seven main aspects of God.”

    Hold to these thoughts today, Beloved. You know them, and We know the truth of them for you. Just remember them today, and be Whole.

    Such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be so very pleased when your efforts to release your struggles to God carry you to the peaceful shores and waters. Let it help you resolve to always be as the swimmer who allows the current to flow her away from the turbulent waves and to the area that can be joyfully swum.

    O continue to be joyfully led today, trusting the guiding current of Love, letting your own effort be to release to the One that causes All effortlessly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, you can count on the ever-present Love of the Divine, but please understand that It is also counting on you to do the part of letting It shine through you.

    When you FEEL that wave of Compassion lift you up and bid you do or say a thing, DO IT.

    You will enact God’s Will this very day, in something, if you do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let go of the guilt. If you choose to indulge yourself in a delightful task, focus on enjoying it completely while you are doing it. The thought that you must accomplish some “work” or some “planning” of some sort, while you also play, will only mean your play does not reach the level of Joy that it could, and should.

    Likewise, when it is clearly time to finish a task, or begin one, let yourself focus entirely upon it, with the joy of its process and completion filling your heart, so that the ever-present buoyancy of the Divine Flow can hold you up and assist you while you fulfill all duties. Being completely present for what you are doing, without distracting yourself into old regrets or new expectations, is the key to being completely fueled by the Infinite Source that would gladly express Itself as you, as your life, as your work, as your abundance, as you circumstance, as your purpose and as your joy.

    Grow as grass, or as flowers, right now, rather than after planning or discussion,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It really is a new day every day in the story you project forth as your life.

    “I Am Love. I Am made of Love and I project forth a story of Love today.”

    The Love that is all, and surrounds all, will join you in this Good endeavor.

    All is God’s Thoughts. Let yours change for the better.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just be Beloved, today.

    Just be Beloved, like a bride or a groom

    on wedding day, think of nothing else but being joined to the Beloved.

    Just be Beloved, today.

    It feeds and sustains you, and never lets go,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There seems to be no way to go forward at times, within human perception.

    And in any moment you feel that thought, feel that feeling, then indeed, do not go forward, go within.

    Within is where clarity and ideas are born. Within is where all good and true action come from. When a thought of change or action or attitude is accompanied by Loving Peace and Peaceful Loving in feeling, within, then it is the right way.

    Go within, dear child of God. Go within and let Love hold and guide you. And then you will know what to do or say, or not do or say, in this day on the earth stage.

    Loving you so warmly and completely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As we have said to you many, many times, it is your own perception of another that changes them right before your eyes.

    Seek the Kingdom of God not only in the quietness of your self. Seek Its Peace also in the eyes of another, that you may see, and know, and understand, the power inherent in Spiritual Sight—that is to say, that when you see others with God’s eyes, with the eyes of Love, you begin to see them aright. Not only will the eyes of Love see past any tiny things that seemed to be physical imperfections before, but you will see the kindly and courteous and changed behavior that the recognition of Common Spirit brings forth in every man, woman, and child, all one Child of God.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be this new Truth in you.

    “I will always remember my ability to turn to Inner True Thought, and at least give It a chance to calm me, comfort me, heal me, Love me.”

    When one is not yet trained to clearly hear the Inner Voice, one can be easily excused for sometimes not giving oneself that chance, and that time, to turn to Love, and Its Intents. But when has been through the training of a mystic, or undergone other enlightening experience, there should be the expectation for oneself of remembering to remember. For of course, YOU, as well as everyone around you, are the beneficiaries.

    So, remember. And expect that of yourself. And benefit.

    And yet…….if you fall and fail, forgive yourself, as you are always and already forgiven, by the Whispering Source, for ever forgetting at all…

    In Deepest Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid of changes. Your Good Guide goes with you.

    Just keep your hopes and trust on the Goodness of your Guide, and on the Happiness that your Maker desires for you, and knows to be rightfully yours, and tailor made for you.

    You have agreed to walk the Way. Cherish it. Trust It.

    Relax into that, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The only approval you should ever be worried about is God’s.

    You know this. Try to remember it constantly.

    “Dear God, Dear God, show me the ways that You want me to show Love today.”

    Giving forth Love brings what you need back to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When forgiving all, do not forget to forgive yourself.

    “I am God’s Good Idea. I misunderstood how creating works, but I can choose now to reflect Love, and know myself as loving and lovable.”

    It is Divine Love you reflect, not the little human substitute. Reflect Love today, and Love yourself as God Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God makes no mistakes. You are not a mistake. You are a Good Idea made by God, and God sends you other Good Ideas, in the form of people, places and things. They all come in the form of Thought.

    You are a Good Idea. Trust that, Beloved. Trust God, and let your part be to cast aside any thought that would try to negate that pristine trust. Review your thoughts throughout the day, and set aside or laugh away the ones that are not expectant of Good, expressions of Good, or the gratitude that comes before and after Good.

    No goofs, just Good.

    You are Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, you are only requiring to be able to see what has already been accomplished. It is asking to have your perception lightened, your eyes opened, amen.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes you need a deep sleep to be able to hear a message from God.

    Set aside time for a nap or a quiet night and say to God you are ready to hear.

    Love well send it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think upon that which is Good, and let your memories focus on the times when solutions and changes came just when you needed them.

    This is now, and the same law of Harmony that brought unexpected ideas and solutions in the past can do so again. Keep in mind that Harmony already reigns in the here and now of the never-ending Source that constantly creates the idea of you. In the Source’s point of view, there is nothing of you that needs to be “fixed”, there is just the joyous Good that you are.

    Try, this night, to think like God, and know “I am Good, just as God makes me.”


  • Ah, Dear One,

    As you see the pattern, in your own journals and own lessons, of how long it takes the human heart to learn a truth, let it give you compassion for others in their struggles, and for yourself in the other truths that still challenge you. And, let it put you into a mind-set of gratitude, that chances to learn the truths of Life will be given to you over and over and over, until you have learned them.

    You have seen the heartbroken look on the face of a child when he finds out that he will not be given another chance to pass the test that would have let him into the club he wanted to join, even though he had a terrible bellyache on the day he had to take the test. Be not heartbroken, and be not afraid, for to join in Awareness of God, you are given endless chances to re-test yourself, and endless Love to support you while you do it.

    We are there, we are here,


  • Ah, Child,

    As ever, the messages that you give to others will always help you also, since all the ideas that are children of the Divine are in the Divine Mind together. In a certain sense, all the children are One Child. But lest you take that as sad news, thinking that it is pathetic that you always need correcting, in the constant shared error of the human outlook, think also of the shared triumphs.

    When one individual has a breakthrough of greater Consciousness, so does it raise all towards that Consciousness. When one person finally is able to clearly let go of a grudge and be back in the Clarity of Love, it helps lift all. When one person reaches a state of saintliness or holiness or selflessness, all individuals benefit.

    Every five minutes that you spend being in complete appreciation, bathed in the Flow of the Divine, and allowing It to come through you for yourself and for others, helps the evolution of humanity to its Highest Good. And remember, Beloved, that you cannot perceive what is the Highest Good with your human perceptions. Only when you look with spiritual awareness will you be able to see how a word or an action or a moment of silence helped heal or enlighten another soul.

    Trust in the Whole, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not about Perfection of sensation, it is about Perfection of Intent.

    The Loving Whole of which you are an immaculate part as an Intention of God is always funneling Perfection to you. Let your daily intention be to represent It Well.

    There is no competition in the Infinite of the Loving Whole. There is just the desire for all to remember that each is a wondrous part of It. You do not need to compete to be Beloved of God. You already are so Beloved.

    But you could delight in representing well the Love, the Soul of Life, the generosity of Spirit, the Wisdom, the Embracing Harmony that is the very principle and Purpose of God. Willingly listen to God’s Voice in your heart today for the Perfect Intentions and how to enact them in your words and through your hands and feet and looks. Every small gesture counts.

    We are looking at you with Love,


  • Ah, Darling One,

    God Loves you. God is already holding you.

    Won”t you put your mind on that, and take your mind off anything else, and just know and feel and trust how you are Held by Love?

    God Loves you, and will instruct you about the best way Home.

    Just trust and listen.

    We will help you listen,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Divine Mothering Qualities of the God-Love-Spirit that holds all freely shares of all the Lovely Nurturing that She is. Look for, and see demonstrated, this wonderful Nurturing of one another coming forth in this time of so many realizing “we are One.” The Source of the True Nurturing is God, through All.

    You are all One, and you are One with God as Love. Look to the Love’s Infinite Engagement to give all that needed now. There is Plenty of Love to go around. Infinite.

    Nurture in the ways your Divine Heart leads.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    After you begin your day by giving over your “personal will” to God’s Will, to Divine Design Central, then, be approachable.

    Be approachable, for you never know, as you go through the minutes and hours of your day, what or whom will be the means through which the Great Designer demonstrates to you the most wonderful part you have to play, today, in the best Design for all. Be open to receive, be approachable, be open minded and ready to be delighted by how God finds a way to lovingly answer your call to let Divine Will, God’s Will, replace your human dream with the Dream that is best for All.

    Turn over your will to Will all day long, each hour, each minute, without ceasing,

    Lovingly, not grudgingly, let the Will be done,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    We are gathered here together to unite all the parts of Oneness back into an awareness that they are One.

    How does this uniting happen? Seeing the One in one another. Feeling, and Loving, the One in oneself. Forgiving the illusions that seem to fence off the parts of Oneness from one another. Being grateful for being a perfect part of One. Joining together all the parts that thought they were alone, marrying them, in thought, back into the One they have always been in True Form.

    Do you take your own Oneness to be your True Self? Do you take all these others to be a part of you? Do you agree to cling to, and be faithful to, the Oneness that you all really are, regardless of what the outer sense tell you?

    May We have the Love that binds, and slip it onto all of you?

    Pull it up from the Inner pocket that is You, and It will be Done.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is the task of the human Spiritual guide, or prayer practitioner, or priest or priestess, or rabbi, or Truth teacher of whatever name, to remind you constantly of Who you really are. You are a perfect spirit, loving and lovable, and intelligent and wise, and gentle and creative, and giving, and many, many more good and creative things. You are Good Spirit.

    When you know that someone else truly knows this about you, then you can use it as the touchstone of Truth, and begin to live the Truth of what you are right away. Hear the human witness, learn to hear the Divine Witness within, and then be, be, be the wonderful shining Light that you already are.

    When you forget your Self, ask one who remembers, and be free to be again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How easy it is to forget, in the whirlwind of human duties and struggles, that there is an endless well of Love and Forgiveness and sustenance that you can draw upon. You might call it God. You might call it the Infinite. You might call it your best alternate reality or the Universe, or quantum energy, or other labels, depending upon what level of understanding you have reached.

    But no matter what you call it, there it is. The important thing is to stop, even in the midst of the whirlwind of human sense, and call upon it and let it help you. Welcome it, drink of it, feed of it, renew yourself in it, be inspired, be calmed, be loved.

    Names are meaningless when you can just relax into your perfect part in the grand design.

    We love to help guide you to remember,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Healing Principle that God invented, of forgiveness, does not exclude anyone. Therefore, since you are part of God, neither can you. If you have a harder time forgiving someone or something or yourself, then ask for Help, and Know It will come, and forgive, and forgive, and move on into Blessing.

    As Ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have told you that turning to the Divine Source, Whose portal is within your heart and everywhere, with the gift of your WILLINGNESS to be shown the truth, is a key thing. And that is so.

    But it is also true, and part of the Truth that you need to discern, that you must know your real identity. Are you ready to accept that you are not a fleshly body, wandering the earth, lost in the dream? Are you ready to embrace your Real Self as Spiritual Being, Lovingly and gently Guided from Home, to Home and in the Home of Whole Spirit?

    Giving one’s will to the Great Will, and remembering one’s true identity in the Omnipresence of God, are the two things that open your eyes of Soul, and give you the freedom of trust and Joy.

    Grace bids us help you. Let Us.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love lifts human sense into a Higher Sense. That heightened perception, that focuses on Seeing Harmony and Loving Good, is available to you right now. Allowing God to Govern your perceptions opens that awareness.

    So many stumble. or walk. or strut around saying “I am only human.” They are identifying with the wrong thing and time. Limiting their thoughts and thus their senses. You are not some statue of dust that later becomes Divine. You are, right now, a wondrous and Beloved creation in the Infinite Sense of God. You are, right now, a Bright Spirit born of Spirit.

    “Enable me, dear God, to See as Brightly as you See all you have made.”

    Today, already you are a citizen of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claiming your rightful Joy is not about beating out other people or proving you are more “right” in some matter or another. Neither is it about doing whatever “feels good” to your five senses and not caring what happens to anyone else as a consequence. It IS about claiming a nano-second of each minute to look about you and appreciate the Good and the Joyous that you already have.

    Some of this is about appreciating the “best things in life are free” elements that are available to all—the wonderful sun and rain and growth and animal life. But much of it is about appreciating the Qualities that you personally have been blessed with and can see in those around you. Faithfulness is one we would have you focus on today. Even someone whom you see as faithless in one area, because he or she betrayed you in that field, can be admired for faithfulness in other realms of life. You yourself have been faithful in many things, even though you may blush to remember the small betrayals of your own honor or honesty. Focus on the Good, Child, in yourself and others, and on appreciating all those gifts of beauty and life giving earthly aspects that all can equally partake of.

    Appreciation, appreciation, appreciation, and appreciation again, Praises God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Joy in realizing how completely your thoughts create your reality, Child. And when you allow the great Overseer and Comforter to guide you with Its Omniscient Thoughts, then the reality you create, even within the earth dream, can be very lovely indeed. The Truth of God is always present, dear Love. All you have to do is take off the dusty or gloomy or fearful “glasses” of the body perceptions, and be willing to see playfully, and experiment playfully, with letting your joyous thoughts come true.

    A pure thing always stands pure, though you may distort your vision of it by donning dark glasses or looking at it upside down or smearing mud on it or trying to discern its shape after a dust storm or a blizzard.

    Ask continually to see the beautiful Truth, and playfully try to enact that every day.

    We always See the real you, even when you are having a tantrum,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be, now that you have spent some days affirming your identity as a part of Oneness, some time spent devoted to LISTENING to that Oneness.

    Listen today. Get very still, and Listen. Listen deeply. Listen honestly. Listen without fear or judgment, and feel the Love that accompanies the Voice of Oneness. It is not action that is called for today—just Listening. Knowing that, you can Listen, and not feel any worldly pressure to proclaim or refute or act on, what you hear. Just Listen, and receive, and know that on other days you will act on what needs to be acted on, with all the Strength of Oneness behind you. There is nothing to be afraid of. Just Listen.

    Ponder this, Beloved. The phrase “small still voice”, to describe the Divine Calling card left within your soul, is usually thought of as two adjectives describing a Voice. Ponder whether some punctuation is missing—are those three words really a set of instructions? Meaning: BE small. BE still, very, very still. Then, listen for, and hear, the Voice.

    Smallness can be thought of as remembering that you are a small part of the reflection of the Divine Whole. Or, think of it as meekness—the willingness to be taught and to turn to Greater wisdom to help you know how to be and what to do. Stillness is a matter of not only body but of thought. And Listening is not the listening of the physical ears, but of the heart, to hear the Voice.

    Be small. Be still. Listen for, and open to receive, the Voice.

    Listening Deeply will change your life,


  • Ah Beloved,

    SPIRIT Divine is indeed your Best friend. Loving Spirit is always completely there for you, and able to enrich and uplift any human relationships you have, whether it is one of a moment or one which endures.

    Constant and complete, Spirit is with you, throughout you and above, beneath, below. Constant and complete, SPIRIT is what you need, and HAVE.

    Spirit is what all have, in Its various forms, and if you ignore the costumes and keep in mind that you are always speaking directly with Spirit, you cannot go wrong.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as we are trying to teach you to believe the Word of God about physical circumstances and your worth and health, rather than the false temporal testimony of the physical senses, so must you turn to God when wondering about another person.

    Will you believe the gossip and various references, or will you believe the Word that says “That is also one of my children. Love him. Love her. See the image of Me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is ever Good to reach out to those whom you humanly love, and explore the deeper sense of Divine Love that you can observe in them, and feel about them, and appreciate in them. Think about those whom you love in the daily life, and ask God to point out to you the Divine Qualities that shine from them.

    Doing this can help you love more deeply those whom you already admire, and can help you understand the Divine Qualities that you emanate and share and demonstrate. And, it can give you a smooth foundation for looking for the Holy aspects of those that seem, in worldly life, to be irritating, or mean. For We do understand that it can be disheartening to spend too many days trying desperately to “love my enemies”. So, some days, like today, fill up the reservoirs of your heart with extra Divine Love, by Loving those whom you already love.

    Then, the healing force of Love can spill over all else in your thoughts and path.

    Always with you on that path,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If it is not true in the Purity of Me, it need not be manifest in the earthly. Trust in the progression of the revelation of Light, and believe, believe, believe, for I Am with you.

    Watch, wait, and listen, and strive to align with Me, Loving you,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Be very aware that Divine Spirit sees more than your human senses do. It foresees needs that human time sense does not understand. It sees the emotions that are deeply hidden by human politeness.

    Therefore, if Holy Spirit within urges you to compliment and uplift someone, do it. Human clues may seem to be telling you that the person is self-assured and completely well, but Spirit knows that individual Soul needs help. If Spirit tells you to give coin or goods to someone, do it. Their earthly need may not be obvious, but Spirit knows their full circumstances.

    Needs and suffering are not a part of God fully Revealed, but the Helper Spirit that God has sent into the human dream Sees all within the dream. Needs, lies, ignorance that needs to be corrected—all are clear to Spirit. And if Spirit is using you and your intuition and Spiritual Sight to help sort out a person or situation, be receptive and tender and true. Be willing, and know that Spirit will make you able.

    And let us offer you our Thanks in advance,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sara’s old poem about the “safe kept memory of a lovely thing” being better than the coins of the earthly realm is true for the worldly illusion. But the greater truth, indeed the only Truth, is that the living Presence of Unconditional Love which wants to permanently and infinitely embrace you, during your dream-time of the world, and forever more, is better still. It truly IS the only worthwhile thing, because It IS the Only thing.

    Welcome Its embrace, and embrace It in return, and turn your thoughts and heart to It, whether you are celebrating the news of a new child, or whether you have just lost a cherished pet and are grieving or whether your day holds nothing but routine chores or once in a life presentations. Let the Living Love hold you, let It be the Cloud of awareness in which you walk, and think, and speak, and act from in all that you do.

    It will guide you in familiar ways, such as kindly saying nothing when the person you are listening to accidentally uses the wrong word, or kicks dust across your toes, but It will also guide you to say and do surprising things. Those things will lead to the Greater Good in ways that your limited mortal sight cannot see or understand, but by which you can help make the apparent life of fear and pain and worry in some situation be shorter-lived for someone, somewhere. Feel blessed whenever the Greater Love Matrix uses you to pass some Love and kindness along, and know that you are doubly blessed, as it goes forth and as it comes back to you again.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “One Cause Governs me, and all.”

    When you consistently practice this, and come to a full understanding of it, you will not be pulled back and forth by assigning cause or purpose to ephemeral things or thoughts. When you realize that Life Itself is your very energy, then you will not think you are ruled by the cloudy or sunny days, or the item you ate or did not eat, or the tone of voice of another. When you have grown very adept at calmly and trustingly turning to the Glow of One Cause/Love, then you will see, with deep Spiritual Knowledge, that nothing else is true causality.

    We know this seems outrageous to the body-rules you have been taught, but if you begin to free your mind to comprehend the Soul that Governs you and all, you will not be so seemingly dependent on the “physical laws”. Why not try the freedom, a moment at a time, of thought and life ruled by One Smooth and Good Law of Life?

    Nobody but you has to know you are training yourself, quietly and consistently, to begin your days by silently turning to the Oneness of Being, and saying “Guide me and sustain me all the day, with all the energy and wisdom and joy and purpose and strength I need for my part of the Good story.”

    And after asking, wait for the Wonder to fill your essence, before you go forth.

    It is delighted to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you think there is ever a moment in the illusion of time that we are not with you?

    There is not, Beloved. Only remove the mist of any sorrow or discouragement or inattention from your mind, and let Joy Flow. Joy wants your joy. Joy knows that joy is your true state of being. Look to that to feel grateful, and believe Joy wants your joy.

    Believing is receiving,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as photographers have the choice of what to focus on in their pictures, you have the choice to focus on the Good of what you see, and of what you can discern with Spiritual Sense.

    Choose each day, Beloved, to focus on discerning Good, asking God to help you see with Divine Sight. For with that Sight, you see the Good, the True, the Lovely.

    It is a simple choice to make each day, and in every circumstance, and if you humbly employ Divine assistance to look thus consistently, you will find yourself looking upon a whole new world.

    Try it, Beloved, try it.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Believe Me. I am your Source, Good and True. Let all your thoughts today be the thoughts I think of you—that you are also Good and True.

    Quietly, quietly, self-lovingly, and loving of others, Good and True. Think these thoughts today and always, for they are the ones I think of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    NOW is the time. It is not after you finish the dishes, or once you make three phone calls to check on the relatives, or when you finish watering and trimming the houseplants.

    It is NOW. NOW is when you open your mind to God Thought. NOW is when you ask for continuous direction and sustenance of soul throughout the day, so that you may be guided to do all necessary things, and to do even the mundane with an attitude of Love.

    NOW is the time to ask for the strength and Will of the Divine, that you may relate to those that are your dearest in the same kind way you are asked to relate to those who seem to be strangers. NOW is the time to stop whining or moaning or complaining or gossiping, and to, instead, say only what God Thought in your mind says to pass on to your tongue.

    Indeed, endeavor to think only what God Thought would have you think, so that you wean yourself from any judgmental thoughts and harsh assessments of the human condition.

    Let God Thought train you to see only the Good the Pure and the True, and you will find that you, also , are an entirely new You.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For those that seem to want to cling to their body thoughts and see and know themselves as walking outside of the Whole of God, exude patience and love. Remember when you wanted the same. Remember when your body self and the care of it consumed all your thought and time.

    Bless each moment that you feel the freedom of spiritual peace, and be glad to know that each and every heart will achieve that in the great Order of All.

    There is a time to let go of thinking you must “save” anybody from their own pain or ignorance or error, and just work on keeping yourself so aligned with love that just your Presence reminds others of what they have forgotten, that they are Love, too.

    We see you all as pure Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Choose again each day Whom and what you will serve.

    The earthly joys and loves and such will come and go. The hobbies that satisfied at one stage will not at another. The body exalts in different ways at different times. This is certainly so obvious by now.

    Set as your goal and your desire the underlying Peace of Mind and sense of being part of something Great, and the changing of the surface waves will not disturb or dismay you. Many fill their dream boxes or inspiration boards with pictures of objects they want, but of course really what they want is a sense of enduring satisfaction and joy. Desire the objects if you like, for a season, but all along look to aligning with the Great Calm Joy and Love that underlies all, and truly brings forth the Creativity and Supply that provides all the temporal needs.

    O’ Beloved, Whom do you serve today? Reaffirm your commitment to God, to Soul, to Spirit, to seeing Harmony dancing before you and within you and all around you. Make no mistake, your intentions, and high goal of mirroring divine Love, make a difference in each moment and hour.

    We join you in all exultation and rejoicing,


  • Ah, Child,

    Let there be no time wasted in regrets.

    If remorse exists for what was done, or not done, hold it in Love. Apologize, make amends, forgive and allow to be forgiven, and begin to live again in Now.

    There is only one line of Life and energy coming into you. You can allow that line to flow freely and give you peace and joy and inspiration, or you can block it by sneering at the Truth or wallowing in old pain and error. As you grow in discernment, you will become very sensitive to which thoughts put a squeeze on that line of incoming Life. You will grow astute at pausing before each word or action, to make sure it is in harmony with the life energy you want to have flowing to you.

    Become your own monitor, Beloved. Become a self-graded test, to see if you are thinking and behaving in a way that is perfectly aligned with the Flow of Divine Life. Is there really any other worthy goal or purpose?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do give this day to the High Self within. Never pretend you do not know that Self. It is the Voice that urges you to Compassion. It is the Voice that urges you to generosity of the earthly and of the spiritual. It is the Voice that melts your anger or your confusion or your sorrow, when you give it time to speak, and you listen and obey.

    Give It this day, dear Child. It will guide you, if you give It permission.

    And renew that permission throughout the day, whenever the earthly senses try to distract you into shallow ways.

    Be your High Self, Beloved, Beloved. For that is who you really are.

    We Love you so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Venturing into a resolve to try to See all behavior through the lend of God’s Laws, you may be quite surprised at how many contradict human laws.

    When forgiveness and Compassion trump all else, your behaviors will change often. God does not encourage anarchy, but God does demand living by the Laws of Love. Start now.

    Bit by bit, the world will evolve,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If the truth comes out about one, it comes out about all.

    Nothing is hidden from One Mind. Therefore, forgive as you wish to be forgiven, and love as you would wish to be loved.

    As we love all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me today, with Your Truth and Wisdom, dear God, what I need to know about every situation and person and myself. Show me how to Love, Love, Love past all the costumes and posturing, to See the very Heart of you.”

    God know what you yearn for, Child. Let God show you how to be it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgive yourself, always, for having seen the dark instead of the Light. God will give you the strength to see whatever you need to see, and do whatever you need to do. Ask for this strength continually. Then, if you do not have the strength or heart to do something, you will know it was not ordained by God’s Will.

    The Truth of God’s Good man and Good woman casts out the errors you may have been seeing. Ask for strength, and ask to see God’s Good.

    God’s Will reigns, if you look for It,


  • Ah, Dear Ones,

    God IS your Life. God IS your sustenance and your provision. To realize it, and to be welcoming of more, be utterly grateful for the ways in which God is already providing for you all around you and as you.

    If God is providing for you through a spouse, be utterly grateful to that spouse as a manifestation of God, in word and expression and heart-thought and touch. If God is providing for you through an innate skill, and through an employer or a client, be utterly grateful to those that support you, and to the touch of God that gave life to your talent. If God is providing for you through the ideas that come to you, be grateful to the ideas and to those who appreciate them or pay you for them or feed you with their joy when they hear them. Be utterly grateful to the friends and the strangers and the very bones of your flesh that ARE God Being your Life.

    Begin with where you are and with whatever you have, Beloved. Realize that God is your life, and is constantly providing for you by being around you and in you as every working and every thing. Be grateful that God appears before you as a working stoplight that keeps you safe at a busy, busy crossroads, metaphorical, or literal. Be grateful for the tiny glimpses of color and sound that feed the poetry of your heart. When you are grateful, you are awakened. When you are grateful, you are IN God, and from there God can give you more to be grateful for.

    Put yourself in gratitude first, and then express your exact need,

    for God wants all Its ideas to realize they live in the wholeness of Bliss,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your own thoughts, or those of others, try to make decisions and logical choice scenarios based on past successes and failures, and human understanding, they are leaving out a key thing. God’s Laws and Ways are above human limited laws and ways.

    Yes, use your life’s gained wisdom. But remain open to Wisdom and Power that is beyond any limited thinking. Always remember, when making your human “pro and con” lists, and hearing human advice, to keep open the Inner Dialogue with Spirit, and show the willingness to let God unfold the happy Divine Solution, in every circumstance and timing.

    Keep the happy truth that God wants your happiness, and good for all, foremost in your thinking.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Stay true to following the path of the Soul that Loves you, and let all the rest fall into place.

    Please the Great Consciousness of All, and you will be pleased in ways greater than any earthly good. It is not as hard as you think, for there is freedom in a devotion to reflecting Love.

    We are with you, as We are with All,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turn to Me. I will uplift you. I will do the Work of Spirit that you are asked to do.

    Just let Me use your voice, your arms, your hands, your feet. Go as I would have you go, speak as I would have you speak, and let your heart feel free to notice beauty and appreciate life, and be filled with Love, as I, yes I, do the Work.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    You have proved for yourself, more times than you realize, that casting your consciousness into its true Home in the Consciousness of God, immediately resolves what seems to be the problems of earth sensibility.

    THINK about it. Have you not had the experience of not feeling very well in the body, or being worried about a work issue, but then an old friend calls, or a lover shows up at the door, and all thought of pain or fretting disappears, and you delightedly say hello to the friend, or kiss the lover? Fondness and Love have lifted you above the mortal experience.

    The Divine Guardian from the Source, that has joined you in the dream of a flawed earth, is like the unexpected call from a good friend, or the arrival of a beloved one. Turn to It, and be comforted. Turn to It, and find relief. It is always right there, ringing the bell at the door in your Heart.

    Turn to It, and realize, once again, that all pain and worry and sorrow were only temporal mortal dreams. Turn to It now, and know “a new Heaven and a new earth.”

    There is a song that says, “Holy Father, where Thine own Children are, I long to be.”

    We suggest that today you play with this thought, “Divine Father, where Thine own Children are, I already am.” Retrain your thinking, Beloved, and newness of experience occurs.

    Already Loving you in a Heavenly Way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Following the Calling of God to serve is important and rewarding.

    But some days, Beloved, it is good to simply rest, rest, rest in the comforting arms of Spirit. Being renewed by quiet prayer also serves the Divine Soul.


  • Dear Beloved,

    There is no need to be in a hurry about letting the Divine Thoughts, which enter your Heart and guide you, move along the transformation of your self and your life. They will do so at the perfect pace, and in the perfect timing, for you as an individual and perfect part of the Soul of God, and for the combined human dreams of all of those who are in your orbit of awareness, or in your universe.

    Giving your understanding that only the Great Oversoul knows what is Best for you at the same time that It knows what is Best for all around you, is the best gift you can give It. Trust utterly in Its ability, in each moment, and It will be able to do Its work more smoothly, more swiftly, more abundantly.

    We are in your debt each time you let the Great Overseer guide you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Wondrous Love that never changes Its Presence and Intensity and Completeness for you is a thing to remember and embrace every day.

    Do not turn to It only when an infatuation fades, or human love rejects, or fades, or moves far away in time, or space. Turn to It every day. Sustain yourself from Divine Love in every moment.

    When the watery dips and waves of human love toss you about, the Infinite Steady Love of God is the Deep Water you can walk upon.

    Practice it high and low, so you know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you wish to spend any time assessing the past, assess it by the Spiritual unfolding you have had. Remember and be Glad for all the times that your heart has led you well, and by the ways that solutions have come from your Inner Voice or unexpected Grace.

    Use those memories to help you expect Grace now. Expect Grace, O’ Darling one. Expect Grace, for Grace is always all around you and ready to help when you allow It to fill your consciousness.

    We assure you this is True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gratitude is marvelous. In a moment, it can change your thoughts, and therefore your mood, and situation, and your perception of another person. Gratitude is a way of Being.

    Forgiveness is Divine. It can completely mellow and heal the feelings, and open the heart to inspiration, and reveal the wholeness of Soul. Forgiveness is the method of Seeing as God Sees, past the illusion of time-bound existence.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    To say often to yourself throughout the day “I love my Spirit” is not vanity. It is a claiming of your True identity and a feeding of your purpose.

    Do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although carefully and slowly reading the words of these messages, and pondering the meaning of what is said, can induce a receptivity to the individualized message that the small, still Voice has for each one who reads these messages, it is important to go further in your practice.

    Our first daily words to you can carry you there. Repeat our greeting, “Ah, Beloved” in your own quiet mind, and then close your eyes and feel the Love that our greeting holds. Feel the Love. Feel the Love. Feel the Love.

    Then practice listening for any other Loving word or phrase that the calm, quiet Voice of Love has for you. Beyond the Love, but included in the Love, and with complete Love, It has words and understanding and knowledge and gifts of Spirit for everyone, and unique to each. For although all are one with the One Spirit, each is amazingly unique. Listen, hear, absorb.

    Practice feeling the Love. Practice feeling Its Truth and Its plan and instructions for you.

    In such deep and Tender Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no joy that can compare with the Joy of one who has also experienced the depths of despair. Know that every time you feel you can go no lower in the desire to live or the amount of pain that can be endured, you WILL leap to even greater heights of knowing the Love and the Joy of God. This is not to say that one should purposely indulge in the pain of the error filled thoughts that produce the pain of the worldly thought and experience—it is to say to let the ensuing Joy be the sturdy post that you lasso your thoughts onto, to pull yourself OUT of any sorrow or pain or great discouragement. You are not meant to suffer. You are not meant to feel pain. Take your innocence of Creation to heart, and know that your Divine Maker/Parent wants your Joy, wants your Happiness, wants your clarity of thinking, so that that you are aligned with the Divine and so that He/She can shine through you to others.

    Aim to be that clear pane, that open door, so that others may feel the Joy and Love of the Oneness of Being through you. It is indeed a Good reason for being.

    All in the One,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your original innocence and perfection still dance as a good idea in the Mind of the Loving Source, as they always have and always will in the timelessness of Truth.

    Let their reflection be the reflection you look at, and not your whimsical imaginings of being separate from that Source, whether to triumph or fail. The reflection is not you. The Good Idea is you. The Good Idea cannot fail and die. It simply always is, safe and cherished and supported in the Source. You can choose to see only the reflection of your Goodness, while you still choose to watch the earth movie. Choose the Goodness of yourself, and enjoy it.

    Let your consciousness “change” its address to its Home address. “I am already a legal resident of the High Consciousness of Heaven. I will stop imagining that I am alive in the image on the screen. I will just appreciate the Goodness of me that is reflected there.”

    You can be amazed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love never stops flowing.

    Like the river near your home that does not stop flowing even though you are asleep and do not see it, like the sun that keeps shining even when your blinds are pulled, God never stops sending forth Its perfect Love and Life.

    Ponder today the unending Flow that is in you, around you, above you, below you.

    It simply IS, Love, and will always be. Why not let your thoughts be bathed in It?

    ANGELS, knowing It will feed you and supply you with what you need.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Return again and again to the basic desire: “Dearest Father/Mother God, Divine Source and Circumference of our Being, open my eyes and show me Your version of me, and of everything and everybody.”

    The stage of Heaven you are ready for, Beloved, looks a lot like earth, but It is all Good.

    And when you see Good things happening, and feel so wonderful in your own costume and soul, then make sure to give all glory and thanks and credit to the Loving Source that shines it all forth. To parade your own accomplishments and brief earthly name is to leave an opening for the human mind to again slyly suggest that you can become your own little heaven without the help or energy or Love of God. Give Glory where Glory is due. Yes, value your time when you serve others, and value their time in return, giving and receiving for earthly needs, but always, always, always, let all give Glory and credit and praise to the Good that Governs all.

    We celebrate with you each moment and bit of Good that is revealed to your opened Sight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always with you. If it seems that we are silent, in an hour or in a day, just continue on your way, being quiet enough to hear the Divine in your heart when It speaks, but otherwise simply obeying the edict to Love God, Love your own Good Soul, and aspire to act as Good as God knows your essence to be.

    Those that are the mirrors around you can show you your Goodess if you make the effort to see theirs.

    We WILL speak if you step off the Path, and give you a hand back up,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Well of new ideas that is the surge of God-Wisdom in the heart is Infinite. Although some epiphanies and Spiritual Awakenings are instantaneous, most individuals experience a higher understanding of the All Oneness of Being step by small step, a few steps back, and more steps forth, all the while held in the merciful Hand of God, and Guided by God’s soft and Loving Voice. Just keep with it, allowing the supreme discernment of Spirit to use Omniscience to give you the upliftment you are ready for. Just be willing.

    In a similar way, for those many, many that are not ready to understand aught but a material perception of the world and universe and themselves, the kind and generous Parenting of Infinite Mind gives them ideas, small and large, step by step, or in a flash, of ways to survive and solve, and continue to grow in embracing Peace, and wanting the Peace of alignment with Good. God offers thriving, not despair.

    In both ways, in all ways, acknowledge and be grateful, o so grateful, that God is Loving Goodness itself, and the Source from which all ideas come. The more individuals that seek enlightenment and creative ideas in a humble way, without strutting their egos and claiming personal dominion, the more Divine ideas will flow, for the Good of all.

    O do acknowledge that they all come from the same Source of Creative Light, give praise, and receive, receive, receive, receive, for the self and for all.

    It is the way forward, and has always been. Love has not changed.


  • Ah, Dear ones,

    Tiny bits of Comfort, moments of quiet Joy, small Inspirations that build, these all become the Whole of Life reflected.

    The Whole of Love Holds you, and It always will, and always has. Let all Its Aspects be received by your open heart and hands, as they come to you, as needed or desired, carried drop by drop in the Flow of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Maintain your sense of Self. With Divine Help, that swirls all around your Spiritual Self, you can do this. Maintain your Good Spiritual Self.

    Let not your body trick you with its complaints or pleasures into lowering your standard of Divine Self. Keep being Love. Keep your focus on Loving the Divine Mind in which you dwell, and Loving your sacred Self, and the sacred Selves of others. To lower your Self to complaining or blaming is to tarnish your Light and to sacrifice to the darkness time that you could spend Loving and uplifting.

    The Loving All supports you in this. Allow that Help, gladly and humbly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, yes, say “Good morning” to the Divine when you awaken. But more importantly, wait for the Divine to say “Good Morning” in return. Wait for that knowing of the Presence Divine, in your heart, before you get up to live the day. Listen, and let yourself be drenched in the blessing of that Inner Companionship.

    At the very least, it will help you to enjoy your day, in your life, as exactly who you are. Quite probably, you will also feel some guidance about calling a certain person, or taking care of a task that has been sidelined for a while, or doing some congratulating, or forgiving, or thanking, that needs to be done. Review your plans with your Inner Advocate, the most amazing personal secretary and planner you will ever have.

    Cultivate this morning greeting and exchange every day, and Life will begin to bloom, more and more.

    We stand ready to help enact your joint will,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here We are, always in your Heart of Soul, ready to quietly speak to you and constantly Loving you.

    Please take time to listen to us. Please pause throughout the day, and not give way to fad or impulse from stimuli that would lead you astray. Obey only God.

    Obey only God. You have Divine Commandments that cover most human circumstances, and when they are your primer, many decisions are easy. But when there is any doubt, over over-quick pleasure that would tempt you, pause and listen to God, and obey God.

    There IS always time enough to listen to God, for God is faster than the speed of light, and faster than human thought. Never be embarrassed to take time to listen to God, and then to obey God’s advice.

    It will serve you better than every human opinion around you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If the exterior elements of people, places, and things can inspire or put one in an appreciative mood, allow that, indeed. But as you enjoy the eucalyptus-mint bath, or eat the spiced baked cracker, or gaze at the beauty of the clouds or seas or hills, be very aware that it is the gratitude for what is good that is the key to the Kingdom of Peace and Calm Joy in your heart.

    Assuredly, even experiencing the elements that create inharmony or sorrow can help one remember that it is the enduring Goodness of Love that is the goal, the height, and the Truth to which one journeys in thought and feeling. It is the sacred living out of Soul that is the momentary and long Purpose of what you are.

    The details that seem to be substance, for good or evil, become meaningless as you identify completely with Spirit as All Substance of what you are, and always have been and shall be, as time ceases to seem to rule you. So enjoy any sweet details as you drink the sweet water, or soak in the scent of lemon, but make Gratitude and Praise your mindset and the “ground” of attitude you make your stand upon.

    We stand with you, arm in arm, and We walk forth together,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are not trying to “fix” the broken. You are trying to remember, and realize, and believe, and Know, that nothing was ever broken in the All in All of God.

    There is only the dream of brokenness, and no dream can rule you. The illusion has no power over those that are not fooled by it.

    Even very practiced hypnotists of the worldly dream will tell you there are individuals who are not susceptible to hypnotic suggestions. You can be one of those, Beloved. You can be one who sees through the illusions to the Truth that heals perception. Anyone can be non-suggestible. It is a decision. It is a choice of free will, for it is the Will of God.

    “God’s Will for me is Happiness and Wellness.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The pure, beautiful, perfect and true idea of me and my life are living Thoughts in the Mind of God. The projection of light that seems to be my “body” and my “physical” life, projected onto the screen, the backdrop, of earth, is therefore perfect and good and as whole as God continually imagines it, as well. If there seems to be any lack or excess of the body sense or its surroundings, it is only the dust of mortal belief.

    I choose to shed those beliefs now. I close my physical eyes and let God show me what I look like to Him/Her, a dancing Spirit-Ray of Light, joyous and free and complete. I am complete. I am complete in Joy and Peace, and refuse to let dusty mortal thoughts mar that picture and experience in any way. I am Joy, dancing in the Light of Life in God.”

    TAKE this dominion of thought, Beloved, and remember the Truth of the Goodness of you and your life that is the Play that God is watching in His/Her own Mind. Watch THAT Play with God, and take your beliefs off of the mortal imaginings.

    When mortal belief is set aside and the spirit awakens to know it was never anywhere except in the safe, consistently pure and good Mind of God, do you realize how many weep to see the “movie” of the life they could have experienced, instead of their own desperate imaginings? Some choose, then, to re-watch the movie with clearer eye, and some choose to keep growing in purity of Spirit, but all continue forever in the timelessness of God. Nothing you have done or not done in the mortal dream dust, overlaying the image of you that God made, changes the Truth of you as a Beloved Idea in God-Mind.

    We see the perfect Truth of you and your life. Won”t you look with our eyes today?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believing in possibilities, but believing them limited, is to forget that there are no limits on the Infinite Imagination of God.

    If you feel yourself believing in limitation of Good, then ask for help in believing that all things are possible to God, in the way of “Thy Will be done.”

    As ever, with you in this, in calmness and resolve,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not say, “I Am becoming God”. God IS God.

    The Infinite IS the Infinite.

    As Its reflection, Its idea, Its image, you already are what It IS.

    Therefore, assert that Truth. “I am Infinite”.

    It is not to say “I am becoming Loving”, but, rather, “I am Loving”.

    It is not to say “I am becoming honest”, but “I am honest, I am truth”.

    “I am all that I need. I am giving. I am harmonious. I am Spirit”.

    Forget the time bound self-identity, and claim “I am now a perfect idea of God and Beloved.”

    There are so many gifts with your name on them right now. “I am as God knows me to be.”

    Understand that as your identity, now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Now and again, we say to you to let your own feelings of what seems good or true remain completely silent for a day. Quell them. Set them aside. Promise yourself to look at them tomorrow. Play “pretend”, letting yourself imagine that, yes indeed, the thing or development or change in circumstance or relationship that you think you don”t want, might really be the “best” for you. It is a way of opening up the heart, and considering the possibility of changes that you may not even realize you need.

    Let go into playfulness, and let the next day open up into more acceptance of change because of it. The changes that Divine Grace brings you will not always seem right or good to you at first, Beloved, but the greater perspective of the Divine is a viewpoint you can practice, with childlike imagination and play.

    Play, and relax into new possibilities,