All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am timeless, I am timeless, I am timeless.”

    Practice this today. Everyone who seems to live within the bodily senses knows how time seems to stretch or race or lay heavy or holy within the mind. But the truth is timelessness.

    So practice it today, un-hypnotizing yourself from the illusion of time, and see how very Light it makes you feel. Let your Spirit soar with the memory of timelessness today.

    “I am timeless, I am timeless, I am timeless.”

    And so is Love, soaring with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your mind wanders out of the moment of “Now”, use that wandering to a purpose. Whatever moment it is remembering, focus on what you have to be grateful for and cherish, if it was a wonderful moment of the earthly realm. Or, if it was a moment of lesser joy, or uncomfortable, then focus on what you learned from it, or how it led to a better thing as the months and years passed. Let all memories be brought into gratitude.

    Then, gently, O’ so gently, lead yourself back to this moment, this Now, this Eden of the Infinite that is the present time that Is, and in which your are more aware of your Oneness with All. In that, is Heaven.


  • Ah, ah, Beloved,

    The more appreciative you are for the intangibles and tangibles you have in your life, the more will like-spirited elements come into your experience and perceptions.

    The more glad you are for a deeper understanding of the nature of God as an amorphous Principle of Goodness that is always around you, and impelling your good growth, the more deeply you will understand and reflect the perfection of Goodness.

    Oh, do be glad today, Beloved. Do not deprive yourself of gladness by focusing on the lost and the sorry, unless it is to solve misunderstandings, and help the un-visioned who dwell in a sad state of mind. With your growing understanding of, and alignment with, the Thoughts of God, help lift others to a higher state of Consciousness, with whatever ideas the One Mind gives you to share.

    All get there, eventually. That is a given. Trust in the Mind that held and holds and will hold all. Always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give this day to Me, and reacquaint yourself with what I know of you and expect of you.

    Anytime anyone has or is describing your limits to you, cast aside those opinions and turn to Me, for My Word of you, and of what you were created for, is the only opinion that matters, the only Truth of you.

    Spend time with Me today, and re-hear My Word for you, as unique as it is for each wonderful part of shining Soul. I am with you. Be with Me.

    As ever,

    The Spirit of Good

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have taken your sacred time to pray yourself into a state of Peace, a place of uplifted Consciousness, then KNOW:

    “I am not flesh and bone. I am free to BE the happy Spirit that Oneness knows as me.”

    Believe nothing else,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ponder “perfection” today.

    When we say that, do you think of perfect appearances, such as of a face or a cup? Do you think of the perfect shape of a form, or the perfect set of answers on a test?

    Or do you think of a state of mind? Perfect joy and peace? Perfect sense of safety and calm?

    It is of course the Perfect State of Mind we are asking you to ponder, but it is important to notice if your thoughts stray into pondering perfect materialism and the ephemeral.

    Is not lasting perfection the prize you want—lasting awareness of Grace and Love?

    Ponder It, Beloved. Give It the day. Ponder It.

    We could print this message every day, for every day you choose,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So very dearly, and tenderly, God’s Mind holds you as you dream.

    Timeless, God Sees you fret your way through a dream of time and space, and wants you to realize that you can relax into, sink into, the oasis of timelessness that was Divinely placed into your awareness the moment you fell asleep. For God saw that you dreamed you were far away from God-Mind, and that you dreamed you were no longer an intrinsic part of Love, and so God immediately put that gentle reminder of forever into your consciousness.

    There it is. It is you, and it is God. Sink into to It. Turn to It. Love It and let yourself be Loved by It, and guided by It, and saved into sweeter dreams, and then full awakening.

    For thus it is, and thus it has already been, and Loved you are, as a part of Love, right Now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We remind you again, when you stayed up all night asking and praying to God-Source to tell you Its purpose, and as the sun came up over the river, you heard “To extend Love everywhere there is darkness, and to ever expand It”.

    That is still true, Beloved. Where there is no time, and all is already done, there is no change of purpose. Therefore, if you align yourself with that purpose, you purpose will never change.

    How we love you for being part of it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you understand that seeing with an eye single means see only the Good?

    O”, Love, try it today. Just try. And be delighted with the results.

    You know We see only the good of you, after all,

    It is why you trust Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Glory and Goodness of God that is your Infinite existence and Reality simply cannot be measured in human terms. Yet It is what exists for all individuals, whether they are aware of It or not.

    Whether you know someone well in terms of visible and personality details, or whether you are a complete stranger to their human ways, you can honor the Truth that the invisible Spirit of them is part of the One Divine. Keep that always in your thoughts, and let it help you refrain from spending time in human judgement that does not help you understand Godly Love.

    Honor the Love that is the substance of all, and please, please, please honor the Love that is YOUR True Substance and form. We know well how much you have not forgiven yourself for, and how many hours you spend not truly feeling as an integral part of Love, and worthy of Divine Love. We know the Truth of your Goodness. You are Love, Lovable and Beloved, by that which made and maintains your timeless Self.

    Honor that of yourself today, and of others. Honor Love. You will see results.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sharing a burden is a very real relief. Do not forget to always turn to the Divine Spirit for comfort and advice and word of power before you take action on something in your life, but if turning to one trusted spiritual advisor or prayer partner first can help calm you, do it. Raising the level of your emotions to a plateau where you can focus and be fully aware of the Divine Love that is available to you will make your ability to hear the still, small Voice much greater.

    You do not need to complain and whine, or even go into details, for a good friend of Spirit to help share your burden. Just let yourself feel the relief of sharing the emotional pain, and then turn to meditation or prayer to seek the answer, or help with forgiveness, that can always be found in the Divine Center where all True things are made.

    We can help carry burdens too, if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mother/Father God knows your worthiness and innocence, as it shines forth from Divine Love. Know yourself truly worthy of God’s confidence in you, and claim your wholeness of Spirit.

    Human memories will try to convince you of sins and errors and faults, and the sorrow and guilt f them. Know that those are not part of God’s current Loving Sight of you, and claim your Purity and God’s Perfect Support.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let no doubts assail you. The more you ponder the Qualities of the Infinite, the more you will realize that there is nothing that God’s harmony cannot solve, or dissipate, or smooth over.

    Do not spend any time pondering the “problems” you think you have in the earthly. Count your blessings, be grateful, and ponder the Infinite range and abilities of the Great Source to shine where and as It will. Welcome It.

    Be the gracious hostess or host to the Infinite Presence,

    And be Glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, Love and Life, and loving having your true existence in Spirit’s Life, bring truth and intelligence and principle to your soul, that resides in Soul.

    Life. Love. Truth. Intelligence. Principle. Soul. Spirit.


    Remember them. Remember them always, and know that when you are calling on these aspect of Being, you are letting the Thoughts of the very Cause Itself flow through you, and to all that are with you in the play.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The insidious presence of discouraging words is all around you, and has infused itself into your mortal thoughts.

    Therefore, armor yourself well with the inspirational and sacred Words that uplift you, and whose very Presence in your mind uplifts you into Divine Mind, where all things are possible. Once you begin to notice how often common sayings, and advertisements encourage you to look for problems, instead of expecting completion and success and wellness, you will realize just how important it is to fill your mind with solutions, and affirmations, so that they are ready to hand when the smoke of a discouragement or a fear appears. Like a fireman who has trained his eyes to scan for smoke so that all fires may be put out right away, you can pour the water of Goodness and Divine Expectation on any wisp of discouraging thought if you are alert, and ready with the Water of Spirit Word that puts out all fires.

    Be armored, Beloved. Be alert. Be ready.

    As ever, ready to Love you, and Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Praise God.

    All the day, in every way, praise God and all He/She is. Speak and think praises that the Qualities of God are in each and every part of your life. Claim them through praise, because there is indeed no spot where God is not.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are not trying to “fix” the broken. You are trying to remember, and realize, and believe, and Know, that nothing was ever broken in the All in All of God.

    There is only the dream of brokenness, and no dream can rule you. The illusion has no power over those that are not fooled by it.

    Even very practiced hypnotists of the worldly dream will tell you there are individuals who are not susceptible to hypnotic suggestions. You can be one of those, Beloved. You can be one who sees through the illusions to the Truth that heals perception. Anyone can be non-suggestible. It is a decision. It is a choice of free will, for it is the Will of God.

    “God’s Will for me is Happiness and Wellness.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let your greeting, and your presence, and your farewell to others, be “Peace IS with you, rather than “Peace be with you”. Concentrate on your own awareness of the ever-now-Presence of the Divine that is Real and Good. Remind others, because of your conviction of Its Now-Presence, that Goodness, and Loving Guidance, are ever-available, right here, right now, wherever you are.

    Disregard the five senses for some minutes in each hour, and tune into the Peaceable Kingdom Within, and rest there, assured of Goodness and Light and Life.

    Be the example, Beloved. Be the accessed Peace, right now.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do remember, God that Holds you also IS all the Qualities that you need, to be the Best you. If you need flexibility and fastness, you have them. If you need courage and honor, you have them. If you need strength, strength, strength, of conviction and body, you have them. Just humbly and meekly ask, and you have them.

    If you need Love, O’ darling one, remember it is the very Substance you are made of. Just remember and allow It to come forth.

    We Love you and the understanding you have gained,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of someone.

    It may be someone you think you love. It may be someone you think you hate, or feel neutral about. Whoever is the person that first came into your mind, think of that person again now and make them part of today’s prayer;

    “Bless that one, dear God, and Bless me. Open my Sight and let me See the Happy path that we both walk, in the Mind of Thee.”

    Praying for another even while you pray for yourself opens up the Power of Oneness in your heart. For the other is self, and all, all, all are equally loved by God. That Love goes beyond concern or judgment about worldly behavior. It simply IS, and IS you, and all, and all.

    We think of you all the time, with Love,


  • Ah, Blessed One,

    As ever, know that although what you do for someone, or refrain from doing, may not be seen with earthly eyes, the eyes of Spirit still see all. The One Spirit that is the awareness of the Divine sent into the dream to observe and to teach and to aid, is everywhere.

    The anonymous helpful call, the unpaid advice, the goodness shared with a smile, all are a part of helping to dissipate the mist of illusion, and is that not what you want, after all? Do go the extra mile, Beloved, do share the cloak as well as the coat, and know that your longing to be fully aware of Unity does not go unnoticed or unrewarded.

    All the power of the One Mind that is All is with all. Do not let the flow of It in you, and as you, be impeded by any self-doubt or impatience or loathing. Love lets It flow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, Be Gratitude.

    Be Gratitude for all that you already are, perfect and good and whole Spiritual idea within Spirit, joyous and free.

    Be Glad. Be Gratitude. Be.

    And think not yourself anything else,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Trust Me,” says God. Can you do that? Can you choose to do that? Trust God to inspire your friends and children. Trust God to harmonize rights and wrongs. Trust God to Love you always, and to lead you in what to do and say.

    Never think to yourself that there is no one you can trust, for there is God who is always with you, the most Trustworthy One possible. Lean into that trust and count it as strength, as joy, as possibility of all. The sweetness of utter trust is swirled together with Unconditional Love, and as you trust, Unconditional Love flows as well.

    We assure you it is so true it will feel like magic.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be as lovely as you ARE.

    Close your eyes, to better see God. Close your eyes, to better see your Self as God Sees you, now and forevermore.

    And as we see you, with utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask for Help.

    When your own willpower falls short, as you try to treat yourself with affirmations that “only the Light is Real”, ask for Help. After a time, you will stop thinking that your own human willpower is ever enough, and you will begin to turn to Divine Help right away, as you always should have, and could have, done.

    Free yourself from trusting the small human will that cannot be trusted, and turn to the only Will that exists always and complete. “Thy Will is Done. Let me see It.”

    Ah, the freedom of trusting the Greater,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Presence, the Comforter, IS able to help you relinquish thoughts of your human past, and focus on the glory and happiness available to you NOW.

    Do just ask, and count the blessings of the very moment, seen and Unseen, humanly tangible, and humanly delightful but intangible. And do not forget to count the emotion of gratitude as a blessing itself. For if you could not feel gratitude, how long could love ever last?

    Divine Love is with you always. Help yourself love with gratitude,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the senses of the material world would try to tell you that Glory is dying, or dead, or that you have passed all the phases of good and exhilarating life, turn away from them, just as you would turn away from listening to a person whom you knew to be a habitual liar. Do not invest your energy in the words of a known liar. Invest your energy and thought in the truths of Goodness.

    Put your mind on the truths that YOU know to be true. Even if you are in a doubting mood that does not trust old sayings of wisdom or scripture or philosophers, turn to the truth YOU KNOW to be true.

    Friendship is Good. Loyalty is Good. Love is Good. Honesty is Good. Beauty is Good. Orderliness is Good. Being forgiven is Good.

    Turn to these things, these thoughts, and trust in them. Invest your time and your thought in these things and let that investment pay back to you as no earthly investment can, for it pays back in the Gladness and Peace of God.

    As ever, investing ourselves in our Love for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The simplicity of Oneness, even though It is infinite, is that each facet of Oneness is a complete reflection of the center stillness. Each facet is a window through which can be seen the perfect centralized Source of all Being. Like a good diamond, of which any cut can be used to see clearly into the interior, the Divine Center can be seen through any individual that turns within and looks through the Window Within.

    Therefore, look to that Window. Look to the Source, as the individual facet that you, as the “edge” of Spirit, are. Do not imagine that your support and your comfort must come from another human who seems to be a character in your scene—look for your own, for the Source is arranged so that It shines equally through every single facet of It Great, Great Being.

    None are refused that ask for Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid. Fear only tries to fool you, and block your thoughts from receiving the Loving thoughts and Care of the sustaining Creator. Lean back into the comforting trust of the Divine, and reaffirm that Its Peace of Mind is what you want, now and forever.

    We know you know the worth of it. It is worth All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust that the Inner Divine Guidance knows just how much of the Truth any one individual’s consciousness is ready to handle. When you hear someone expressing an opinion about how the Divine works that your own experience has gently allowed you to see a little bit more of, as you also search for a complete understanding of God, be kind and quiet. The Divine will reveal itself to each one, through experience, or a teacher, or a book, or a series of words seen or heard, when that individual is ready to see his or her paradigm shift. The shock would be too great, for most, otherwise.

    The old mystics who understood that very few can look at the Infinite and still be able to relate to the world at all had that right. Be grateful for what you understand at each phase, and leave to the Infinite the assessment of what any one around you is ready to hear or to understand or to cope with. All in due time. All in God’s time.

    The mix of ripeness is as lovely as watching a season in nature change,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Please your Self. Be utterly honest with your Divine Self today. Listen carefully to what You/Inner Divine Voice are led to do or be or think about today, and DO IT.

    Let not this be subjugated to that worldly list of tasks that sits on the desk or notepad. Let not the Divine guidance come second to what you think you “should” do today, or what the world seems to be calling for. Put the Divine viewpoint first, and trust that any of the other things that seemed to need today’s immediate attention will get taken care of if they really do. Trust the Inner Leadings, and move in the Gracious Bubble of Calm in a world that so often seems to be all storms.

    The lust you can trust is yearning to have time with God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, and all days, say, “Thank-you dear Love Divine, for guiding the hearts and choices and thoughts and perceptions, of everybody, all the time.”

    “I pray they accept Your Guidance, and I allow myself to see Love in action around me.”

    “I pray for the wisdom to follow Your Guidance for myself.”

    “I know I am strengthened by completely Loving You.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seek not fame and fortune to bring lasting peace, but neither seek yee death or any of its small insidious disguises as diseases or downcast heart. Seek yee the kingdom of peace, the middle road, as we said, and know that it is known only as Spirit, in Spirit and of Spirit.

    Close your eyes to the good and the bad of the world, and seek the world within. Make your peace there, and take your peace there, and then watch your “outer world” transform.

    We are, as ever, yours to ask for Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Lord has promised Good to me,…” Sing to yourself the song, and let its words, and the Presence it evokes, chase away any thoughts of non-good that try to sneak their way into your mind.

    Trust in Good leads to kindness and giving on your part, and those Divinr grstures draw in yet more Good, which leads to more trust and loving on your part, which leads to more Good, which keeps the cycle rolling, rolling, rolling all along…


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are aware of how tempting it is for you to try to argue your loved ones into changing their opinions and/or behaviors.

    Only God Mind can show you the perfect soul of all of them. You must turn your thoughts to Higher Thought rather than arguing with other human thought, and ask that Higher Thought to enable you to See the Good Truth of those around you.

    Yes, brief temporal change can come in human behavior with carrot or stick reinforcement, but do you not really want to see the revelation of Wholeness (aka healing) that comes with Seeing as God Sees?

    Try, try, try turning to the Thoughts of God,

    And let your thoughts and sight be healed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask to be enabled to see and feel Harmony. Ask, and be willing to expect It and help enact It. And as It appears, in ways swift and slow, in the form of ideas, people, places and events, be grateful, be grateful, be grateful for all that is Good.

    Remind yourself continually of all the Good ideas that have come to you, and be grateful. And expect more, so that they build into complete Harmony of Heart and Soul.

    We say this often. We remind you of this often, because if you do it, it works. God does the Work if you give your work and word. Turn your heart and soul and belief over to that Gracious Giving.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The wonderful truth is, it is Truth Itself that does the “work” of melting errors away. Like pouring vinegar on calcium deposits and letting the natural reaction take care of the build-up, inviting Truth into your thoughts and your life, by giving It your willingness, and then constantly re-pouring It into your thoughts by listening to or hearing or looking for, sacred Word, dissolves the errors in your thoughts.

    As your smaller thoughts are replaced with uplifted Thoughts of the Divine, everything changes. Hand everything over to that uplifting, Beloved. Do not compartmentalize, and think that God will take of those other five things, but I will do the worrying about my children, or about my car, or about my basement. Hand every thought over to God. Trust in God to take care of giving you Good ideas about all choices, and trust in God to oversee even what you think is something “belonging” to you.

    Listen, trust, obey, and be grateful. That set of instructions has not changed for thousands of years, and it does still work if you work with it.

    God is delighted to know you and wants you to hear Its Voice.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Always trust that the Oneness of which you are a part knows that you need help in order to realign your thinking to be in Harmony with the Whole. So, when you are faced with vibrant or vehement opinions that give you pause, or when you find human emotions or learned reactions trying to control your response to another human or a situation, fear not asking for Help.

    Turn to your Inner Advisor. Turn your face to Truth and your heart to Joy, and seek where in yourself you need to change your thinking so that you may respond as you would truly like to, for the Greater Harmony.

    It is no small task and it will happen a hundred times a day, or more, but we assure you that is does grow easier, as you grow to be more of who You Truly are.

    We are there with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be your own prophet. Be your own profit.

    You are made of, and live in, the substance of the Goodness and Life of God, the first and only Causality. There is absolutely nothing stopping you except your own disbelief or doubt of that. Let that doubt go, turn your back on any mental whispers of denial, and See revealed the sweet, sweet life of Harmony that God would gladly reveal to thee.

    As Ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be very alert to the tricks of the human ego. If you feel drawn to a certain inspirational place or situation, but then find yourself turning away from it because of a distasteful décor or a personality that offends you, you have fallen into an ego-trap. Look beyond the surface things that annoy or irritate you, and hold fast to the directions of the Inner Voice that tell you to read a certain book, or hear a lecture, or attend a gathering of praise.

    To let one rude usher with an ugly tie keep you away from a sermon that could take you closer to God is to let the ego, with its petty judgments and addiction to pain, keep you away from your Truth and Joy. The ego will do all it can to keep you away from inspiration and spiritual growth, and from giving control of your life to the Truth of Spirit Within.

    When you feel hurt or annoyed, call to Beauty to come forth, and follow It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you call out in the Divine Plan and ask for the Divine Solution, the One Spirit that whispers to all, to come and wash you clean, it is your thoughts you are asking to have washed clean. As you let that Comforting Truth wash over your thoughts, taking away thoughts of blame and guilt, then you can clearly see things, for thoughts are things.

    Then you can clearly see that you are a wondrous mote of light within the Mighty Light that is God/Goddess/All That Is, everywhere, for all time.

    It is your washed clean thoughts of self, and of others, that lets you “heal” yourself, and “heal” them, for you then see both yourself and them as you truly are, perfect motes of light expressed as reflections here, but truly alive only within the Dance of God-Light,

    We sing the song God dances to, of praise,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are ready, when it would not be too shocking to your system of perception of the world and how to function within it, begin to ponder the futility of relating to the non-existent.

    To relate to the unreal, to the ego-illusions of persona and situations around you, is akin to trying to adjust the temperature of the theater by speaking to one of the characters in the film you are watching. It is akin to trying to change the ending of the movie by speaking to one of the actors who has already performed the previous ending.

    Speak to the Manager of the theater, Beloved. Speak to the Director of the Story. Learn that in all cases and all situations, there is the Essence of Goodness, ready to guide you, via the Voice in your heart. In all circumstances, the Essence of Goodness is ready to cast Its lovely Light, and help focus the “film” so that you can see, truly see, the full beauty of it. Begin to see and sense, with your spirit, the Real, and relate only to that.

    Ponder this, Beloved, and wean yourself from relating to the non-existent.

    In Dearest Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It’s not just you and God that makes One. It’s you and everybody.

    Sing a mental or vocal song of Praise to the Vibrant Source each day, but know and stay aware that you are part of a chorus.

    We sing with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are right with you. We are always right with you. You know that and you can trust that. You simply need to remember to tune to that level of awareness and listen and LET Us Help.

    Today We need to have you practice realizing that all others also have their ANGEL-THOUGHTS from God right there with them. Each and every individual has those Angels assigned to Help them as soon as they are willing to be Helped awaken to their greater Soul-Self. When you try to convince someone of the existence of the Divine by appealing to their human intellect and mortal thinking, there is simply little available connection and overlap. But if you ask your Angels to speak to their Angels, as it were, then communication and communion is possible. All without words, in the pure language of Divine Love and Spirit, you CAN reach another and assist in their well-being, by simply sending your Angels to Help the Angels of the other, in a great team of Compassion to Help that individualized Soul.

    We know who is on your mind. We know whom you would love to see healed and assisted and guided. Willingly send Us to the aid of the Angels of that one, and know that you, too, will still be guarded and guided. There are plenty of Us.

    Some of Us are always with you. You are never alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to be honest with God.

    God does not punish. God only Loves, and gives you ideas about ways out of your earthly dilemmas.

    Is there anyone in your earthly life you can be totally honest with? Can you even be totally honest with yourself, or do you suspect that you hide some of your own motives even from your conscious mind?

    Be therefore, honest with God, about your uncertainties and confusions and triumphs and shames. God Knows the Truth of you: “You are my Beloved and Perfect Child, and I will help guide you through the maze of your own dream, and into the remembrance of Me and your purity as My Idea. Then, you can help others awaken, even as you yourself shake off the final cobwebs of illusion.”

    This is the Truth of things.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rejoice at the Harmonized situations of others, and know that it is proof that the Divine Source can Joyously do the same for you, appropriate to your Best Blessings.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “As Above, so below, enable us to see with Your Love, dear God.”

    To ask to See as Good God Sees, dear child, is not to ask a faraway God to come to a tiny suffering earth, it is to ask to have your consciousness, and the consciousness of all, to be awakened, here and now, to the Reality of Divinity.

    “As Above, so below, embrace them, and me, in Your Great and Omnipotent Love, dear, dear God. Show us all the way to be Whole and Loved and Loving, all as one in You, right now. Grace us to feel Your Embrace, dear God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that what God is most grateful for about you is the moments when you See the Soul Goodness of others, and demonstrate Its existence as your core of Life, by being Wise and kind and helpful and Loving.

    Patiently nurture your own expansion of Goodness of Soul, and forgivingly and compassionately nurture It in others, trusting the Divine to guide and help with that, every second along the way. That is enough for a life’s work, no matter what human labels and descriptions you put upon your activities and your days.

    We assure you that being glad to please Soul will also lead to your gladness.

    We love seeing you glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “One Cause Governs me, and all.”

    When you consistently practice this, and come to a full understanding of it, you will not be pulled back and forth by assigning cause or purpose to ephemeral things or thoughts. When you realize that Life Itself is your very energy, then you will not think you are ruled by the cloudy or sunny days, or the item you ate or did not eat, or the tone of voice of another. When you have grown very adept at calmly and trustingly turning to the Glow of One Cause/Love, then you will see, with deep Spiritual Knowledge, that nothing else is true causality.

    We know this seems outrageous to the body-rules you have been taught, but if you begin to free your mind to comprehend the Soul that Governs you and all, you will not be so seemingly dependent on the “physical laws”. Why not try the freedom, a moment at a time, of thought and life ruled by One Smooth and Good Law of Life?

    Nobody but you has to know you are training yourself, quietly and consistently, to begin your days by silently turning to the Oneness of Being, and saying “Guide me and sustain me all the day, with all the energy and wisdom and joy and purpose and strength I need for my part of the Good story.”

    And after asking, wait for the Wonder to fill your essence, before you go forth.

    It is delighted to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here we are, appreciating together, when you take the time to look softly around you, or listen deeply, or touch gently, and notice the exquisite shimmering of light and energy that is all around. Here we are together, appreciating.

    That is the gist of it. Created to walk and talk together, in the lovely garden of all that is, and exclaim and wonder and name the goodness of it all.

    Call me forth through the everyday jabber, into your high consciousness, your full awareness, and let us appreciate and love together.

    For I hear you always, I hold you and answer you always with Love gentle and true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Absolutely let yourself go to obedience of the Highest One of whom your true self is a part. To withhold anything is to hold back your own advancement into pure Joy. To lay only your burdens at the feet of Mother God, instead of all your successes and joys as well, is to delay your completeness of Being.

    Trust that you do not really know what is best for you and what is not. Trust that the things and people and circumstances that help you, and all with you, move into their best destinies more quickly, will be given back to you, or better will come, if you hand over all to the Great Divine. Trust that the Greater Vision really does aim, over time, to let all completely know the Higher Good, and that it is impossible for one small part, held in the earth illusion, to know which way to go at each turning.

    Turn to the Loving Voice, the Loving “Intuition”, and trust It, trust It, trust It.

    For We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is complete. There is no need. Creation is complete.

    Look around you with the eyes of Spiritual Love, and see,

    “I am complete. I am made of completeness, and completed, and I exist in the very Heart of the Creation of God. There is no need. There is only order, and as I step into the circle of focus from where God has declared all thought things Good, I will see the great Beauty of the design.”

    As ever, ponder the Wholeness of which you are made,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need for a loving champion on earth, for you have God. There is no power than can verbally or mentally attack you that is more powerful than the God that rules and contains your essence.

    Whether you are afraid of your own anger, or tempted to feel offended or hurt by the anger of another, let it go to God. There is nothing but God. There is nothing but God and His/Her perfect image, spirit born in Spirit, Love reflecting Love.

    What you are, It is. What It is, you Are. All desires to attack or defend are but the mirages of bodies doing a dance of meanness, trying to mock that which Knows them to be not the truth of the wonderful Child-Images that were made All Good.

    “I am purely spirit, as is this seeming body-person before me, and nothing that this eye-image before me can do can hurt the pure Truth of what I am.”

    We are right here with you in the dream, Child. Ask us, Beloved, and we will hold you thoughts, and your hands, and give you courage, and sublime joy and company,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We return again to a quintessential point. God is omnipotent.

    And, God is omnipresent. Many folk are frightened when they even think about some of what they have learned about human or earthly laws being not the real Truth that governs all. Many are uneasy to contemplate a Higher Reality that is truly the only Reality, for they want their fleeting temporal understanding to be what they think of as reality.

    But, darling, that does not change the Truth. Know the Truth for yourself, and do not push or belittle those who still cling to the temporal pains and pleasures. But for your own part, remain in the constant Unity with God Consciousness, and stay in a moment-to-moment awareness, so that you may see, more and more, that which is truly Real. Your own presence will then be a conveyance for Presence.

    And Unconditional and Unlimited Love is part of that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as in the days of human affairs, there are those days to just sit back and let others love you and assist you, so let it be with Me, my love.

    Sit back of your own thoughts today, dear one, and let Me Love you.

    Just let Me Love you.

    Spirit of God

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are sure of that. You ARE Beloved.

    If you were as sure of that as we are, things would feel so much smoother to you. Therefore, tell yourself again and again today, “I am Beloved of God.”

    “I am Beloved of Love. I am as like Love as is Itself.”

    “I am Beloved.”

    Once you believe it, Love can ride in on the rays of Love to heal your other thoughts, and bring great Goodness to you.

    We Love you utterly, Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have learned to double check your map or your printed directions, when you come to an intersection or series of exits that are poorly labeled. You have learned to slow down when the glare of the sun or the speed of the rain or snow keep you from being able to see clearly on the road. This is only wise, of course, even if it means delaying a journey for minutes or hours or days while the way can be safely sorted out.

    O’ do this for your daily journey, too, please, Beloved. Do not completely trust the limited senses. Do not trust the harrumphing voice of the human ego in your head. Do not dash madly forth because you think there is not enough time to ponder, or because some supposed “expert” is urging you to hurry. Check with your Inner Guidance. Take those few minutes to align with Divine Calm and Spiritual discernment. We say this over and over again in different ways because it is so crucial for your own Soul unfolding, and for the visible unfolding of Good Creation in the earthly experience.

    Take a deep draught of Spirit each morning, and as needed throughout the day.

    You will be Glad you did.

    We join with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the long run, it is easier to love than to hate.

    It may seem that it is less trouble to simply “write off” a troublesome stranger or relative or friend, without going to the trouble of taking time to forgive, and bless, the other, but it is not true. Remember that the “other” is a part of the Whole, just as you are, and so, if you do not take the time and effort to turn your hurt feelings or anger or simmering resentment into acceptance or tender forgiveness, you are only delaying having those feelings mirrored back to you.

    Take care of forgiveness right away. Choose to lovingly accept, even when you do not yet understand. Let yourself have peace of mind and heart, rather than letting old pains or outrage slowly surface, and poison your moments that could be given to Joy.

    Friendships and loves are sometimes re-forged. But, even if there are “good-byes”, let them be “I love you, and goodbye”, rather than “I hate you, goodbye.” The cast members of your earthly play will drift in and out of your scenes, and you may yet be surprised at which ones can seem inconsequential, or slightly annoying, but turn out to be one of the most important characters in your long life.

    Always, lean to the side of Love, on the path, in case you fall over the edge,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am centered in the smooth movement of the Harmony of Divine order and Governance.”

    Each time you find yourself strained or dizzy from trying to “figure things out” on your own, or from trying to force situations into release and resolution, remind yourself,

    “I am centered in the smooth movement of the Harmony of Divine Love. I quit trying to be in charge, and I let Divine Order and Perfection be revealed.”

    Let it all be cast to the Divine Order, and then let yourself take a happy walk,

    You will know when to act, and what to do, whistling and walking, and leaving the inner ear tuned to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The dawn is beautiful, and you are warm and well.

    Even if yesterday’s sorrow lays on your shoulders like glitter left from a New Year party, you can still let the Life and Love and Intelligence of Spirit flow through your Soul and actions, and touch and heal others. And with the flowing, the old glitter will also wash off the surface of your Spirit.

    Carry on, Beloved. Carry on with Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So much of the confusion and distress you feel when reading about or seeing others comes from the difficulty of looking past human behaviors. Erroneous behaviors, whether simply trivial or mis-guided, or downright cruel ones, only are truly healed by the Divine Truth of Love igniting within them.

    Remind yourself of the Oneness of Being, and ask for the Help of Divine Mother-Love to see past the false human emptiness and be able to think of yourself and all as “Wonderful Soul, shining with Love, and Lovable.”

    We know it is not easy. But We also know that, like any high skill, you can learn to do it if you practice it. Your thoughts and spiritual perceptions will help raise your own pure Love within, and help ignite it in others. Love then does the Mighty Work.

    AS it was in the beginning, so is it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each joyous step you take in freeing yourself of the dream is a step towards firmer footing from which you have the leverage to pull others from that mist of illusion.

    Each attachment that you let go of, and each relationship that you let play itself out in acknowledgement of the player instead of the role, will help place you for perfect hearing of only the Voice of the Divine Prompter. Listen to those Divine instructions, and let your words, your looks, your actions be the ropes that others can hold to when they realize they want to escape the fog and see the Beauty that is revealed at the edge of it, and right behind it.

    At your side as you slip in and out of the mist,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “All day and all night, God Loves us, God Loves us, God Loves.”

    Try praying for ALL today. It WILL multiply what you feel for yourself.

    In gentle Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God has already forgiven all for their errors. But each is continually given chances to do better, to demonstrate their lovableness and lovingness, wisdom, and compassion, and joy and willingness to let Good creativity pour through the mind and heart.

    Perhaps think of it as you would a very, very kind mathematics teacher who comes into a room and sees that the students have made many errors in their calculations that result in the incorrect answers to the equations and problems. The teacher does not get angry and fierce. The teacher knows that they are there, after all, because they still need to learn more facts and practice using the principles of mathematics. So the teacher repeats the rules and ways of math again, and shows them how to solve the problems, correcting the errors they have not noticed, and urging them to help one another as they work on the problems. Those who understand more about the math techniques are urged to help the others. The teacher is so glad when all advance in their understanding of math and how to delightedly use its rules.

    Just so is the Loving Mind of the Divine, in whom you exist, delighted when you understand and apply the rules of Love and Divine Order to your lives, and allow Its Loving Teacher to guide you.

    No anger. Only learning to Love and be Loved.

    Be willing to do this, Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here is a very Important thing to understand. True forgiveness means letting go of all the assumptions and memories you have about others and yourself. You can think of it as a cast of actors that you used in another play, whom you now want to use in a new play.

    For you WANT to see a new play, do you not, Beloved? You want to see those around you, and yourself, as Blessed and Good? If so, then you must let go of all old assumptions and grievances and obsessions, and decide to cast them in your new play as all good souls. Ask for Spirit’s Help with your second sight, and write in your mind a new role for yourself and everyone in your world, all good souls of the Greater Soul.

    This can be very necessary especially with those whom with you have very long term or involved interactions. It can seem daunting, for instance, to forget, to let go of, all old irritations and assumptions about the personality of a spouse or a sibling. But if you want to see a new, fresh view of that one’s Lovable soul, you must let go of all the old visions of him or her. Ask for Divine Help in doing so.

    And ask for Divine Help in letting yourself shine forth as a Divine soul, too.

    For you are. We know that. Let yourself believe it, and act it.

    In deep Love,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are so very pleased when you take those sacred moments to step back mentally and look at your thoughts, and purposely ask for them to be filled with Grace, instead of any complaint or sorrow. We are so very pleased when you hear yourself beginning to join in with some complaining, and you let Spirit help you stop those words, and find something uplifting to say or do instead.

    Letting old habits of complaining and sour outlook go on as they have for years is an addiction that CAN be broken, Beloved. Even though it may seem to be what many conversations consist of in the groups of people around you, you can be the one to ask for Grace and bring the fresh thoughts of Good into the moment. You can be the one to draw other acquaintances and friends into your circle who speak with inspiration and joy and faith in Goodness.

    You CAN see these changes, Beloved. Ask for the help of Grace, and be Grace. It only takes a mindful moment to change an entire day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think big, bigger, Biggest.

    Think beyond the small self and the body you seem to wear, think beyond the possessions and home, think beyond the town or community, think beyond the nation and the world….

    Think beyond what body senses or technologically enhanced senses can perceive…

    Think, today, of the Vast Unseen That runs to embrace you the moment you turn your attention to It, and ask to understand at least a bit of It. Ask to feel the Love of which It is made and emanates. Think and feel Infinitely today, and all days, and your own small challenges will be given a new perspective, or dissipate entirely.

    Be a part of the Expansiveness of God-Love. It is what you really are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So simply can you guide your day, opening up to the Supportive Love that maintains the Soul of you, that IS the Soul of you, to constantly affirm, “I am a Beloved image of the Good God. All around me are Beloved images of the Good God. I remind myself of this, and I make the effort, with God’s Support, to See this.”

    A simple thing can be the work of a day, or of a lifetime, to master,


  • If you want to change the effects, you must change the cause.

    If you want to change what you see and experience, you must change your thoughts that cause them.

    Many find it very, very difficult to change their thoughts to thinking only good. Here is where salvation, the aligning of your thoughts with the Loving Thoughts that are the Creative Matrix, comes in. For as you ask for Divine Help, Original Help, to help you change your thoughts to the good and the pure, it happens.

    It happens, Beloved, and the good effects happen.


  • Weeping Cherry

    Pink blossoms

    Blue sky

    Ephemeral beauty sublime.

    But all I want is You,

    Dear God.

    That which is Good,

    That which is Lovely,

    All of it is You,

    All I want is You,

    Dear God.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is key to remember that when the Divine created the reflected, free will experienced, world, and gave dominion over each individual dream to Its children, to Its created ideas, the Divine Consciousness set up a Law. It will not violate Its own Law. Therefore, your own individual will must proclaim its willingness to be given back over to the Divine Will, if you would fully see Its glory, and Its aid to others, in your experience.

    Thus it is, that when you speak that willingness to “Let Thy Will be done”, you become the portal through which the Divine can enter the dream. As host of your own dream, with all the rights of dominion, you are the one that casts open the window, that props open the door, that acts as the guest house for the Divine to visit, and thus heal, the mortal thought realm.

    Would you be the guest house for God? Or would you keep your home only for yourself? It is up to you to choose when you will cast your doors open and say “Welcome, welcome, and welcome again.”

    And, it is up to you to renew that welcome each day, and even each moment.

    We help clean and maintain the guest house,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The wonder of worshipping in a way that just delightfully releases you to an adoration of the Presence that holds you cannot be compared with any pleasure of earthly realization. It is beyond all that.

    Release to It, O’ Love. Play today with asking the Great Director to show to you that Life that you were created to emulate, to project, to reflect, to reveal. See what you See, and be Glad.

    It is easier than you think, and available to YOU,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are weary of the effort of peering through the cloud of unknowing, to see the Truth of Spiritual perception, take time away from the falsehoods,

    Spend the day with Truth seekers, or reading and pondering the Good and the True. Let your heart feel floating in the Infinite warmth of Love Divine. You deserve it. It is your Home and your right.

    Let no mirages of earth mesmerize you today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to fuss. Just listen, quietly, all day, to the quiet Word of the Divine school guide within, and you will know what to do.

    No mess, no fuss, just listen, and then do,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    God eagerly answers each willing heart that humbly asks for direction.

    Fear not that you are not adept enough at prayer or understanding subtle answers.

    God is Creative enough to guide you repeatedly until you do understand, and offers Divine Spirit’s Voice quietly within to help you comprehend a phrase of scripture, or an occurrence, or an urge to rethink a choice or interpretation of your daily ways.

    Just ask. Keep seeking, and ask, for Good Loves to answer.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The “news” that is most important for you to check each morning is the information that God wants to give you for your day.

    We beg you to turn to that channel of Inner Divine Voice first and foremost, and with great attention and willingness.

    It will not only change your attitude towards what others seem to be doing and saying, it will also change your perceptions, and your ability to be grateful for, and attract, Good.

    We gladly join you in Inner Listening each morning, and anytime,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Regardless of what your fearful child-self ego thinks about your mortal state or situation, or what other seeming mortals around you think, you ARE still what the Creative Loving Parent Divine made you, and you are nothing else.

    Put out of your mind what you think of yourself, or what any person around you thinks, and look to what God thinks of you. “You are my Beloved and perfect child.” EXPECT to see THAT reflected in the earth mirror, as your existence and as your entire situation, and feel blessed by what God unfolds as the movie of your life.

    Look to the True Director, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When trying the mental prayer method of understanding, remember that Truth is the part of God that reveals illusions, and Divine Love, called forth generously, is the Healer.

    The Golden Life Light of God is real. Call on It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you bathe your body-costume each day, bathe with Me—the Divine Voice that gently reminds you that you are perfectly loved, and perfectly sustained spiritual child of the Creative Parents.

    Let yourself feel washed clean. Let yourself be free of all thoughts of yesterday or sorrows, and feel full appreciation of the Love we are together in, right now. Be at Peace, Beloved, and know that you can choose this Peace in every coming moment, too.

    Even when you are no longer in the earthly water, feeling cleansed, you can call on the water of Spirit, to help you feel refreshed in each and every instant of your experience of, and expression of, Life.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Do not blame God for timings. Time is an illusion of Earth and the answer comes to each when it is right.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although carefully and slowly reading the words of these messages, and pondering the meaning of what is said, can induce a receptivity to the individualized message that the small, still Voice has for each one who reads these messages, it is important to go further in your practice.

    Our first daily words to you can carry you there. Repeat our greeting, “Ah, Beloved” in your own quiet mind, and then close your eyes and feel the Love that our greeting holds. Feel the Love. Feel the Love. Feel the Love.

    Then practice listening for any other Loving word or phrase that the calm, quiet Voice of Love has for you. Beyond the Love, but included in the Love, and with complete Love, It has words and understanding and knowledge and gifts of Spirit for everyone, and unique to each. For although all are one with the One Spirit, each is amazingly unique. Listen, hear, absorb.

    Practice feeling the Love. Practice feeling Its Truth and Its plan and instructions for you.

    In such deep and Tender Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have confidence in your prayers, and have utmost confidence in God.

    When you pray to God to help you see, to show you the Divine version of this or that person, or situation, confidently expect to see the Goodness show. Wait for it, watch for it.

    Rid your thoughts of criticism and condemnation and ask, ask, ask, to see God’s Good Stories of Life, here and now.

    Expect Good, and See Good. God is here.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know Who you are. You are the Darling offspring of the Loving Source, and created to Love and Be Loved.

    You are NOT a frail mass of muscle and water and bone, meant to be always afraid and desperate. Do not think of your self as the body-self that is defined by a timeline, but as a timeless, delightful, strong and perfect reflection of the Idea that dances Joyously in the Divine Mind.

    Fear is the opposite of Love, and is only a dream of darkness. If you are feeling fear, it is a sure symptom of having forgotten Who you really are. Then close your eyes and remember, “I am the Wondrous Child of the Loving God, Who wants only Good for me, and is only Good.”

    For that is the Truth, and Truth will lead you gently the Good way in every moment,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Amazing Grace is with you. Grace is there for you right now, holding you, blessing you, comforting you, and inspiring you.

    Grace is the reliable Mother-Love of God, and is right there for you, right now. Stop whatever you are doing, and be Held.

    Be Held in the Grace of Love, and then go forward into your day, darling one.

    Be Held.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God wants only Good for you.

    The human machinations do not believe this and keep trying to make their own creations and their own logic and their own justice. Try today to think of God as the Writer of your Good script. Try today to be willing to see scenes of His/Her Play for you. Act like one of the players that would be in that play, with Love and Mercy for all.

    You can be amazed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As We have urged you, and as you sometimes remember to practice, there is absolutely no situation in which some part of your heart, your feeling-mind, cannot be focusing on the truth of “I Love you so much, dear God.”

    Even while a relative might chatter at you about people you do not know, even while you ride the bus and notice all the signs and people, even while you wash the dishes or watch an entertainment, some level of your thoughts can be whispering, “I Love you so much, dear God.”

    God is constantly Loving you, constantly emanating you, so why not? And to allow yourself to stay rooted in that fertile Love is to be fed the food of Bliss all the day. And that Bliss fuels your ideas, your functions of body, your strength, and your wisdom and compassion. It feeds all those in a way that the worldly does not, and cannot. It feeds those in the way you so need.

    “We Love you so much, dear God”,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Now, take the affirmations of yesterday, that focused on remembering that the Primal Cause is the Source for your happiness and Joy/Creativity, and make those affirmations plural. Remember that it is never just for yourself that you remember that you dwell WITHIN the Source, it is for all. It is for you and all of those around you, because all the dreamings of earth are intertwined. As you pray for others, as you pray for all, you are praying for yourself.

    “OUR Source, thank-you for loving us, and for upholding and providing for us. Thank-you for all the sustaining and training and un-blaming that you give us. Thank-you for each blessing and each idea that You let flow into OUR awareness. We are all parts of One, and as One, we reflect You. Help us enjoy You completely by letting us reflect You completely. Help us remember , in every moment, We are One.”

    The Whole is unutterably lovely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no certainty, as you walk the dream with the knowledge that God-Voice is within you always offering direction, that you will not encounter a few potholes. God will not force you into listening to the Inner Voice, the inner guidance.

    But the more practice you get at listening for, and obeying, the inner Voice, the better you will get at stepping over the potholes, or taking roads that have fewer of them. LISTEN carefully for the unsolicited whispers, and heed them. If God’s Angels remind you that you have left a candle burning on the table, get up and look. If the Inner Voice reminds you to call a certain friend RIGHT NOW, do so.

    As these small sorts of intercessions help you, you will have more faith when you actually sit down and ask for advice or healing on specific earth experience questions. You will know the sound and feel of that Divine Inner Guidance, and you will recognize It and trust It and be grateful for It when you need it most.

    In It we trust,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you stand in front of a mirror, it does not wait, and show you your reflection two days from now, or one hour from now. It shows you how your worldly self looks almost instantaneously. At the speed of light, you see an image of your “natural” self, changed only by the dust on the mirror, or the quality of the mirror, or the atmosphere’s dust and moisture through which the light bounces.

    There is nothing stopping you from being a perfect mirror of the Divine. It is what you were designed to be, Beloved, and freely given the right to be. There is nothing stopping you from reflecting the strength, the joy, the love and the harmony of the Divine right away, for you are a mirror of Light. Why wait, wait, wait? Look at yourself with Love, and reflect Love right now, with the speed of Light, and the Unconditional Presence of Light, that does not discriminate upon whom It will shine. It is available equally to all, everywhere.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more scenes you see of earthly existence, in your own life and the lives of others, and in your alternate earth dreams of night, the more honestly you can desire, and live for, the pure, sweet truth of Heaven, of God. The unchanging Love of God is the prize and the example to keep always in your mind. Let your mind become His/Her Mind, as you completely realize, that even within the dream, you are bidden to be a good example, a simple shining, of the Love of God.

    Old mistakes and current ones ARE forgiven, if you can forgive them in yourself by forgiving others. Cease to judge, and be free. Cease to judge, and learn to Love. Love always.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    If you do not have God for breakfast, you will still be hungry all day.

    Have It in silence, or have It in spoken Word. Have It in solitude or have It in ceremony and song. Have It in pomp or have It in simplicity, but have It, Beloved, have It, and remember It is your True Food.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you decide, and feel joyous about, a personal decision to spend more time getting to know your own soul, and the Divine, you may find yourself challenged by those around you. The friends and family to whom you used to give your quiet time may feel abandoned, or insulted, or they may mock the new direction of your interest. If, or when, you try to shift conversations away from gossip and complaining, to joy and appreciation, they may feel resentful and judged.

    And, your body may act just as insulted as your old friends and family members. If it is not used to getting up an hour earlier to meditate or pray, it will complain. If it is not used to obeying the Inner Voice to finish a certain task instead of going home to that drink and hot shower, it will give you pains and grumbles.

    In both these things, Beloved, pray for strength, and pray for endurance and peace. Be kind, but make no compromise except silence. Renew your own vows to know your True Self and the Divine Mind within which you live, and feel the surge of support from there. Change friends if you must, and change habits to train the body to let go of old ones. Good friends will stay with you, or maybe even grow with you. The body will find new equilibrium and better habits.

    Stand fast, heart and eyes on the Unseen Divine, and let all the changes come from There, where all is known, and all is possible,


  • Bless you all.

    Today’s message dedicated to my brave mother, who passed beyond the cloud of unknowing a few days ago, suddenly, in Latvia. She had gone back there to do what she could to help reinvigorate her homeland, after raising eight children with honesty and kindness, and generosity to many, many people here in the states. Bless her giving heart and all she did here in the earth play, with such honor and love and humility, under very trying circumstances. She taught me a great deal about forgiveness, just by saying nothing so many times.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not interested in making it difficult for you to remember your Oneness.

    “God Loves me, and I Love God.” Simple.

    To keep that central in thought and heart changes everything.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whose testimony do you give more time each day to listening to? The whispers of the body senses, or the tender Voice in your soul heart that gives and gives and gives you reassurance that there is Goodness emanating from the very Truth of you, shining forth your image into the dream of the world?

    As you choose what thoughts you listen to, so does the movie of the day proceed. Believe for Good today, Beloved. We beg this of you, because We Love you, and We want to see you Loving yourself and your endless Life and all and all and all.

    O”, to swim in Thoughts of Love forevermore, is to feel always joyous and clean.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The energy that you use in Loving and Giving and Forgiving is the energy God can use to funnel Goodness and Blessings back into your dream of earth. The energy that you use for anything else is as dust, and drops to the ground, giving nothing of any real use back to you.

    Indeed, moments spent in irritation or doubt or even anger, can only take away from the moments you could be feeling Joy and Love.

    Choose your investment in each moment. Choose Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You well know that you can be right in the room with someone you love, and hear them talking, but not really listen to a word he or she is saying, because your thoughts are elsewhere. You well know that the same thing happens to you—that your spouse or friend or family member seems to just not listen to you, although you are speaking right next to them.

    Please laugh for us and with us, for we see the humor, in that the same thing happens to us. We are right there with you—the very messages that your own Best Self is trying to make you hear are being whispered right into your heart. Are you listening, dear love? Can you stop and focus and listen, tenderly and calmly, right now?

    Do not be afraid to hear us, Beloved. As we have said many times, the primary and underlying thing you will hear from us is “We Love you and are here to support and help you.” Do not be afraid to really, really listen, and feel our Love, and accept the Wisdom and Truth God wants you to realize is yours.

    It is a glorious thing to realize your authentic Self, and we want to see you do that. It is a wonderful thing to know that you are never alone. We are with you, and will always listen and help you discern between the false and the true.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Everybody has the Qualities of God, just waiting to be revealed. One does not need to wait until casting off the human costume in order to start shining with the Qualities of Goodness and Grace.

    Begin now. Shine now. Help others to shine by shining yourself and by expecting and knowing that they can shine, too.

    It is a more fun way to spend your days,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are plenty of free pleasures that all may enjoy. The warmth of the sun, the intrigue of a moonrise, the sound of a rushing stream, the colors of the sky and the fields and the stones, the hug of a friend, the joke shared among companions, all the various beauties of earth, and of course the Unconditional Love of the Divine.

    Choose the ones that appeal or apply to you, and appreciate them and share them. But otherwise, do not compare your life with other lives beyond what is needed by all. Do not envy exactly what another has, or try to emulate another persons” specific role. Your role is unique. Your role, with all its joys and responsibilities, is yours alone.

    This is no schooldays platitude. It is Truth, and it is why you must learn to hear and sense the instructions that the Divine Will places in your heart for furthering the Goodness within all. It is not difficult. It only takes willingness and a little practice.

    Perhaps you are one who, from a very young age, has a heart filled with a deep desire to do a certain thing—learn to build bridges perhaps, or tend to the gathering of food, and all your learning and actions are driven by that deep desire. But, so many, indeed most, are not this way. They will be led from one focus to another, as the needs and scenes change, and as their understanding grows, of their completeness in the Whole. No matter how your unique heart and self are guided, know that the crucial thing is to do what you do, in alignment with Love.

    Know, that the happiest way to Be who you really are, is to Be it in perfect conjunction with the Spirit of all that is Love.

    Do not compare and envy. Ask God who you are, and Be that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such a tendency to believe that absolutely nothing can be done about deadlines and time, when you are looking to solve a problem. Once again, you must remember that the limits of human belief do not limit God. God exists beyond time, and there is no thing within the perceived realm of time that can alter that Omnipotent Power.

    Be at peace, Beloved. When you close your eyes to the visible, and rely on your faith in the Whole Truth, close your mind and heart also to invisible “time”, for it is but another dimension of the world that is not the Good Reality that God made and maintains and keeps in beautiful Order, the Inner Kingdom of Utter Peace.
