All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not let the Gift of Joy from God be the gift you do not open.

    If a favorite child or niece or nephew or friend were having a celebration, and you did not feel like attending because of a grumpy mood or low energy, you would probably muster the will to go for the sake of your affection for the person. And then you might surprise yourself by feeling Joy, experiencing happiness, and being very glad you went.

    Give a little effort to celebration with God each day, even when you feel gloomy or weary, and we assure you there will be a party prize of Joy there for you, if you would but accept it.

    God’s Will will help your will to do so, for really only God has full Power,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Forget about time. You can do this. Forget about time, for this moment, here and now. Claim the Truth of what you are for yourself and for all, right here, right now.

    “I AM the Qualities of the Source that makes me new in each moment. I DO NOT have to wait, wait, wait for this. I claim it for NOW, by lifting my thoughts into the higher place of what I already am, in the Source, projected forth into visible sight.”

    It is not time that is the issue. It is enlightened, uplifted Thoughts.

    Think on this NOW, Beloved. Claim It.


  • Ah, Child,

    As you enter an ever more wordless phase of meditation, you will discover the utter richness of Silence.

    Where there are no words, where bliss is beyond words, there is the loam that will feed the very root of you, and help to send forth the shoots and buds and blossoms of your teaching. Thus, while you are yet on earth, there will be nothing of you or of your voiced or written truths that does not come from the very center that is the Source and the sustenance of the green edge that you call life.

    Send down a taproot into the silence, Beloved, send it and send it, until you know that it is deep enough to always give you the water of Spirit and the perfection of assuredness, that is needed to drink of and lean into, when the winds of illusion blow hard.

    Many have reached It, and so will you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you know how many times we try to speak to the heart-ear of someone, and they tell Us they do not have time to listen? Over and over, we offer. Over and over, God offers. It does not take much time to listen to God each day. Much more time is spent in idle worrying or gossip or physical distraction.

    It is your choice of when to give some devoted time each day to Listening to, and being guided by, Love. God/Source is very patient, because there is no time in God, so there is no hurry in God. God will wait and wait and try and try, and will not stop offering until every Child-Idea of God remembers that it is at Home in God, and is always welcomed and Loved in God.

    You CAN multi task. You can welcome God’s Love to Hold you, even while you brush your teeth or wash your hands, or lay back to go to sleep.

    The timing is your choice, Beloved. We just hope you save yourself unneeded suffering and pain, by turning to hear your High Inner Guidance sooner rather than later.

    We offer comfort and solutions and Love, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The complete and delicious and wonderful Spiritual Union with the Divine Awareness, that is the true Life Awareness of all, cannot really be described in words. Why even try? Simply experience Its worthy and Great Calm and Love, and enjoy It and let It fill you with Joy.

    And then quietly demonstrate that Joy in how you live, how you act, what you do, and in what you say that It leads you to say. That is Divine Love true, that is Divine Love expressing Itself and sharing with all and to all.

    Be what you feel as Divine,

    You can. It is what you really are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is certain that you can create what you truly want, for what you truly want is already created by the Creator, for you. The error that arises is your own confusion about what you want, and what is Good.

    Let there be that humble recognition in you, Beloved, and learn, yet again today, and every day, that the Creator of the artwork (that is you–“you” are the artwork) knows Best what is Good for the work.

    Allow, allow, allow, Beloved, and be delighted by what you find, and see, and realize that it was what you were seeking. Seek first the Creator’s View, and from that View, see what you want, and how and when to get there.



  • Dear One,

    When you feel confused by something someone has said or done, consider why it has come to you. Instead of wondering why the person said that, or blaming someone for something that was done, ponder what opportunity you have to react in a way that comes from the heart of your Spirit.

    Turn it around, Beloved, and delve deep. Look past the surface explanation, and seek in your Inner Self the response that you truly want to make. Seek the response that you would want if the other were you, for the other IS you, All is One in the Body of God.

    Again and again, you are given chances to love and be grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God governs all and GIVES to all.

    Receive your due and graciously given share, in order to be able to give, and to flourish.

    Receive , receive , receive, gratefully. Abandon yourself to receiving continually from God, so that, like a child on its birthday, you may feel how much you are appreciated and Loved.

    Abandon to receiving today. Love. Abandon to receiving Love.

    Love ,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Divine creates me new in each moment, sustaining the perfect Thought of me. I am innocent, pure and free, in His/Her eyes, and that is, today, the me I choose to see.”


  • Ah, ah, Beloved,

    Take a deep earthly breath, but then also take a moment to take a Breath of God.

    Renew your faith in the working of the Good, for those that love Good, by looking back over the events of your bodily life, and marking, and being grateful for, all the ways that everything has worked out well. Realize, even as you do this, that some of the things you do not currently label as “working out well” cannot be seen in true perspective until more events have transpired. We are not saying to label the truly wicked as good or sent in any way by God into your experience, but we are saying that you do not always immediately realize when an inconvenience, a re-sorting, a misappropriation, a re-adjustment, will later be seen to be a great Blessing.

    Think on this, and trust that praising blessings that can be seen helps you to see more blessings still.

    With you in the Breath that is all Real Life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you adore and acknowledge God, healing happens. When you worship—putting God first and claiming the Truth of God’s Spiritual Reality as being what really exists, and that it trumps, ALWAYS, the dusty illusion, healing and revealing of Wholeness happen.

    We have given you the image of the Christ Spirit rising up in each soul mind, and shaking off the dust and glimmer of the illusion like a dog shaking off the muddy water of a pond. Use that image again and again today, to picture the Christ standing up in you and all your loved ones, and in all, and shaking off the blurring waters of worldly mirage and error and confusion and pain revealing God’s perfect, innocent Child.

    We want this for him as much as you do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is every instance of Divine Governance that you experience that will finally convince you to NEVER believe that your own human will is in charge.

    Like a child trying to exist on the mudpies he makes in the sandbox, and feeling ill and hungry all the time, all humans must eventually stand up out of the mud, and go inside to the Parents” House, and eat Real Food, and live their Real Lives.

    How long can you pretend that the mudpies are real, and believe your own imagination about how satisfying they are? Only you can choose when to go in to the Real Feast.

    Has not the fraudulent pleasure been equaled by fraudulent pain?


  • God Is, and we are the reflection.

    Perfect God, perfect reflection.

    Think about it.

    Perfect God idea, perfect cat.

    Perfect God idea, perfect place.

    Perfect God, perfect provision.

    Perfect God, perfect spiritual you.

    Perfect God, perfect harmony of function.

    Perfect God, perfect abode.

    And on and on… think about it, joyfully ponder it, and let your heart play with the endless possibilities of believing the Truth of it, just as you believe that there is a perfect road right under the appearance of heat waves on the way in front of you, and you merrily drive your car right on. Once you know the truth, the truth surely does set you free to drive, and to enjoy the drive.

    Riding with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new assessment of your own willingness to completely acknowledge the Singular Cause, the Singular Power of the Infinite Source. So long as you think of others as separate from yourself, or any different in basic qualities of Divine Creation, you are ascribing power to that which has no power.

    Trust in the One Cause, the One Power, and know that It is Good. As you surrender to Its Emanations of Good, you will also see that Goodness on the visible plane.

    It will be plain,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know how often we have reminded you to pray for all. We know that you know that since all are connected, the prayer for all is important to the healing of the earth dream.

    And that is still true. But today, Beloved, we urge you again to sweetly pray to feel your Self aligned with the Divine Source. For as you are aligned, so can you more effectively pray for all. And we see that sometimes you forget that you must be truly centered in the mirror that is the connection between you and your Source in order to see clearly, and completely, and wonderfully. And that is more effective for all.

    “Perfect God, perfect person. Perfect God, perfect reflection. I am the other part of the Great I Am, and I would remember that today, to clear and align my thoughts.”

    There is no dust on the mirror today, dear Love. See clearly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine is always ready. It is always ready to offer the full Flow of Itself to you, for It has never stopped flowing and being.

    But, like a good parent, It knows how much you are ready to feel, see, and carry. Like a Mother who knows that her toddler cannot carry the heaviest bag of groceries, even though he thinks he can, The Divine will carefully answer your request to carry out your best mission in life. You may be given responsibilities and powers that you think are less than you can easily carry, but The Divine knows how many steps are in your journey, and what else you will encounter, and adjusts your load and your abilities to match.

    Be at Peace, Beloved, by abiding in Trust. “I am the essence of Trust abiding in That Which Is, Which Knows and Loves and Sustains me.” It knows when you are ready for more, and will let you have it right on time.

    All Blessings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask for Help in letting go of all old errors and mistakes against others.

    Ask to be filled with a feeling of Grace and forgiveness.

    Give that Grace freely to others, as forgiveness and appreciation.

    Be grateful and give thanks.

    Be still and silent and listen.

    Start it all over again.

    Each day, Beloved, or more often as you learn to delight in helping,


  • Ah, Child,

    Why do people write and write and write,
    and speak and speak and speak?
    It is to confess, and be forgiven,
    It is to blame, and to forgive.
    It is to finally seek and learn God,
    And to Know, and let go, and be One.
    Then, O’ then, Beloved,
    It is to share, and be shared, in Joy.
    Go above the mortal realm in your mind,
    And relax your heart in the Divine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be moved by compassion, into allowing yourself to serve as the usher, as Love, to the place of Truth that is the Healer.

    Look through the literature and testimonies of, and about, all those of your world who have attained the heightened Consciousness of God-Mind, and you will see that compassion was their bridge. When they were feeling pursued by the curious, or overwhelmed by the needy, or irritated by the slow understanding of their disciples or students, they stood in silence, and Saw with compassion, and then were moved from the non-loving mood of fatigue or discouragement, into the Loving mode of attendance to, and attendee for, the Healing Truth of the Divine.

    Even with the one you love the very most, step back into impersonal compassion, and see that he or she has just fallen prey to a temptation of the material world. Seeing that, be the Strong One in that moment. Be moved with compassion, and call to the Power that heals all, to help you both move from apathy, or from anger, or from hate, and fully, fully into Love.

    We are with you, and will help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are interested in YOUR progress of Spiritual understanding and purity. We are not interested in your pointing out where others are failing or soiled

    Cleanse yourself and turn to us with happy arms.

    Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Stop looking at, or trying to argue with, the cartoon, My Love.

    Just think about Me.

    Yes, this seems un-sensible. But it is only un-sensible to the material senses.

    Close your material eyes, and let Me lift you with Love, until you can See, and know in your Heart, “The battle was never mine, for God has already fought it, and won. I win, for the Golden Heart has already won, and taken me into It.”

    It is already done, Sweet Love, and each will remember that in his or her own wonderful time in the loops of time-illusion that make up the world. You need do nothing but think only of Me.

    Think only of Me.


  • O”, Beloved,

    Observing your own behaviors and words and thoughts can be a heartening experience when you realize how easily you can modify your thoughts and actions by simply choosing to give up all that is not part of what you want to be, with Love in you and with you.

    Spend some silent days truly watching your human thoughts, and see that setting aside criticism and condemnation of others can truly make it easier to Love them, and Love yourself. Letting go of thinking that real Wisdom comes from your human experience, and turning to the Spirit of God for Wisdom instead can help you shed that feeling of being stuck in strange world.

    Behold with gentle Beauty today, silent and accepting, and see sublime eternal Beauty glimmer forth around and within.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are already Spirit, and a welcome member of the family of Spirit that is God, the One Mind, the One Source.

    You do not need to die in the body to “become” Spirit. You do not need to wait to feel the Love of Spirit/God. Simply shift your thought from yourself as a “body”, and begin thinking of yourself as, even now, a member of the family of God. You are fully Spiritual, now and always, and Loved, Loved, Loved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again, we remind you that it is wonderful to leave room in your heart for unexpected joys. To cling to only the old familiar joys is to deprive yourself of a happiness that can far surpass what you have known heretofore.

    Whether it is as small a thing as trying a flavor of ice cream you have never tried before, because the one you are accustomed to buying is out of stock, or whether it is allowing a new friend to come into your life, let there be such chances given to receive new gifts from God. It is not about “collecting” new experiences or things, it is about deeply appreciating, and being open to loving, the ones that flow your way as changes occur from each choice that you, and those around you, make.

    Lives are built, and enriched, by welcoming each day with Joy, rather than with sorrow, Love. Rather than regretting the plans that “went awry”, embrace the new occasions or circumstances completely. Embrace them reverently, knowing that each new moment of Good is a part of God, and is the Grace that God wants to express, as you.

    Engineered by the Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wordless, God Loves you. Patient, the Voice of God waits within your own golden heart to speak to you in this earthly realm of words, and will use words when you need them. But It does not need words to know you.

    Pray with words when you need them, but know that That Which Is All already knows your needs and your thoughts, and just seeks to Love and Support you. Pray without words sometimes, relaxing into the Simple Peace of God, or praying with sounds that make no sense to human logic, but that call forth the wordless longing of your heart.

    No matter whether you use words or silence, or sounds of sounds, God hears you when you call forth with Love. And answers, with Love, “I am right here with you, and always will be.” The answer may be in words or it may be in new ideas that come forth in your mind, or it may be just a feeling of being infused with such Love that all the World you see suddenly looks vibrant and alive and colorful in a way it did not look before.

    We see the vibrant, alive You, and it is all we see,

    Put you attention there, too, we beg you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am the very Code of you. I am the very Essence, Principle, and Life of you.

    By limiting your definition of yourself to a body, with all its accompanying timelines and errors, you are missing the Truth that you are Spirit emanating from Spirit, and that has no end. Ah, Child, dear, dear reflection of the Original, awaken and remember, We are One. We watch ourselves, as bits of Light, dancing on the screen of earth stage, but We are One and Infinite and always made of the Love that wanted to observe Itself with delight.

    Read these words and feel them. Do not analyze and dissect them. Just feel the Truth of Love, and of being a part of the marvelous Oneness of Being.

    So tenderly do I tell you this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    PLEASE let your self see, and affirm to others, that there is no moment, and no where, that God is not.

    God is everywhere, always, just patiently certain that you will turn from your mortal dreams and awaken to His/Her Beauty and Truth and Kind Resolve.

    Think about this today. Omnipresence is the Power.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can look around you, or perhaps at yourself, and see how physical addictions such as drugs, or alcohol, or smoking, are harming, or completely ruining, lives.

    What about other addictions? Are you addicted to complaining? Do you have friends who are addicted to complaining? Remaining in a complaining state, which is the opposite of a grateful and blessing state, can ruin your life and your potential just as quickly as can drugs or alcohol.

    The Peace of the Divine is always flowing and wants to flow to you. If the receptor that is you always has its spigot turned to the “pour forth complaining” position, how do you expect God to flow into your awareness? It is an addiction, pure and simple, Beloved. It is not your natural state, nor the way a Loving Source designed you to be.

    Can you admit the addiction, and treat it as such? Can you take that first step, that is so important in any addiction, and admit that you have it and that you want Help in giving it up? Can you begin to see friends that are addicted to complaining in a new light, and pray for them to receive Help?

    The choice is yours, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forget the past and the future when you are thinking about the Source of All Things.

    Give yourself the gift of those timeless moments when the chill of the fingers reminds you of the new season for a moment, or when all of your attention is focused on the wonder of a ladybug being able to fly. Be in timelessness when you are awestruck by the very truth that Love exists, and that It keeps on surging forth in the unlikeliest of situations, as strangers step forward to help each other, or as a Loving answer, a Loving idea, comes into your awareness in response to a question you have had for a very, very long time.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    False idols come in many, many, many, many forms. Beware of them. They have no true power, for the One Source of Love is truly All, but they can certainly seem to have power in daily earth awareness.

    If anything is keeping you from feeling the deep Love of God for you and for all, and if anything is keeping you from having Agape Love and Compassion for others and your self, then check your thoughts and see what false idols are lurking there. Ponder what is trying to vie for priority over Love.

    Nothing should, and nothing really can. But false idols can create quite a tempest while they surge through thought. Bid them goodbye, Beloved. Take dominion and command they depart, and let Love rule supreme in your heart again.

    It IS up to each heart to do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take great care to program your mind in the morning and before you sleep with a Truth such as “God Loves me”.

    The human emotions and thoughts are so very easily touched by the worries of physical conditions that it is important to confirm the Soul and Protection of Divine Thought as the foundation for your dreams of the night and of the day.

    Love Loves you. Love makes and maintains you. Now, and tomorrow, Be Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Truth is right there/here with you. It is not far away, waiting to be begged for. It is gently, ever, right with you, waiting to be opened to.

    Think on this, and do not try to hold yourself separate and apart from what you cannot be separated from, for you exist WITHIN It, and of It and for It. It did not give you good ideas and then abandon you to deal with them all on your own. It remains ever with you, ready with solutions and more ideas, and encouraging, supporting Love.

    It is a freeing dependence,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are countless images of realignment with Harmony available to you. Whether it is an image of a canoe staying in the smooth flow of the river, or of a key slipping smoothly into the right lock, or the puzzle piece into the picture, or the thread into the weave, or the sheep into the flock, etc., the important thing is to USE the image.

    Use it until you have recaptured the peace and purpose of the Divine Flow, and know that you are an important and beloved part of it. Waiting for that feeling of realignment to come is the most important part of prayer. That waiting, that “listening”, for the Presence of healing Love to be with you is the time during which the thoughts of daily tasks and irritations will try to draw you back into unalignment, but if you gently set those thoughts aside, and use and reuse your image of re-centering into the Glad Flow of the Source, you will be able to draw on Its strength to maintain your True Place.

    Realign often during the day, calling on your image, or your Personage of saving grace, and find the delight of surrendering to the Infinite River of Perfection.

    Rather than becoming lost in the metaphors, find YOURS and USE it.

    Endlessly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If the worldly has hypnotized you with its thoughts of decay and random change, you can absolutely unmask that, and reintegrate your thinking into the existence of Harmony and Loving Order. Just watch your thoughts, make the effort to ask for Divine Help to pull you from the whirlpool of time-bound mentality, and repeat and repeat, with awareness, the truth of now and of grace.

    Time is a construct all within your mind, and you can re-hypnotize yourself to live it with Joy and purpose and Well-being. Your consciousness leaps from moment to moment, and it really is possible to do those leaps in Gladness, through Gladness, and with Gladness.

    “I am Wholeness, and enlivened by Joy.” You cannot say it too many times.

    You have nothing to lose,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Can a beam of light have the measles?

    Can a plastic flower be harmed by spider mites?

    You are a beam of Light, Beloved, emanating from the Source Light Divine. You are under no jurisdiction but that, and only subject to the Focus of God.

    Ponder that, and play today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you but realized how many. many, many lives you have touched and are touching, as reflections of the Source and of your own thoughts, you would more clearly understand when we tell you the mortal interlude of your eternal spiritual essence is a shared dream.

    Share it you do, whether in body or beyond, and all the little bits of sleeping Soul finally awaken as one. To those within the dream it seems, and seemed, and will seem, to take a very, very long time, but in the Mind of God all that happened was one question.

    In that Mind, a reflection was made, a Child, an image. And that image asked, “Am I as You?” And within that question the image imagined making up its own universe and time and space. But right away the Mind of God answered Itself, “You are as me, we are One, and we will never be separated and live as separate beings or places or things.”

    To the questioning dreamer mind reading this, our answer makes no sense. To the heart of Love that is you and the Maker that looked upon Its own heart, the sense is still the same Truth it will always be and has always been. “I and my God are One.”

    You are made of Love, Beloved. Just act like it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The power of the Source flows through you only for purposes of Loving healing, never for revenge or satisfaction of what humans think of as justice. Be very tenderly careful to always check with Guiding Spirit within before opening the “tap” of that Source in your wishes and heart.

    Part of what you are asking about, when you check with Source, is where, when, and with whom you should speak or even pray for. Some are simply not ready for the full power of Loving Source to be seen or felt. Just as you would not give startling news about a loved one to someone who was gingerly stepping along a ledge, sometimes you cannot demonstrate the power of the Loving Source to someone who is on an emotional cliff. Wait for the Guidance of God, and obey, obey, obey what you so very carefully listen for.

    All Love flowing to you now,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    God’s Will for you IS happiness. God’s Will is for a happiness in the “movie” of your life that includes purpose, deep peace, and Calm Joy.

    When you feel that God is saying “no” to the desires of your heart, God may be actually protecting you, being able, with Omniscient Wisdom, to see that a certain person or place or thing or task is just not conducive to your truly Good Life.

    Be patient and kind, Beloved, trusting that God is always shepherding you with the Greater Kindness in Mind.

    Feed on God’s Love, and wait to see what is revealed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How many times will we lovingly remind you to go back to the basic Truths?

    Until you wake up one morning, and have not been led into forgetting by any wistful or fretting dreams of the night.

    Today, Beloved, all day, “I am Thou”.

    How we love you!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If secrets try to be kept from those closest to you, think again.

    One Mind governs all. One Divine Spirit sees and knows all. If something is to come out eventually, would you rather your friends and kin hear it from you, or from circumstance or strangers? Remember, Love, that unshared Joys are also secrets.

    If you have had a Divine Moment or vision, and share it not with one to whom you are vow bonded, it does not make for further closeness. If you have unshared errors, that would hurt or touch the heart of another, it is a crack that will only grow wider with time.

    Share with God first, yes. But then heed God if you are led to share all with those whom you revere, and want to be revered by, the most. Let God lead you in the sharing and in the making of amends, or honest celebration.

    We revere and Love you no matter what,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Illness is NOT the Will of God.

    Check into the Kingdom of Heaven within your Consciousness to be given a dose of your Divine Well Being. Ponder and ponder and ponder the Truths of Love’s desire for you to flourish.

    Love will have Its Way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Play, play, play with the aspects of God that you are made of in Spirit.

    As you let there be a light touch to your prayers, letting your heart hear the Divine Voice guide it to what quality of God you need to let come forth in your awareness, you will thrive. Laughter will help your prayers, not harm them. Humor that is born of kindness will help you see your earthly circumstances in new light, and help you feel the Unseen Divine that is all around you , just waiting to help you.

    Be not serious with God, Beloved, but delighted, for God is delighted with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    While it is true that giving of your understanding of God and Compassion to others is the most powerful way of understanding It for yourself, it is also true that there are days when it is good to simply work on your own alignment with the Divine Source. There are days when you need to simply let the Truth that is Oneness permeate your thoughts and feelings and perception.

    Like a baker who kneads the dough and kneads the dough, but then gives it time to rest before it is reformed again, you must sometimes give your own awareness time to rest and settle. That is why all ways of spiritual growth recommend Sabbath days of quiet and reflection.

    How about today, Beloved?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are fully aware that there is plenty of good pure water available, it is easy to be the attentive and generous hostess, refilling all the glasses of the thirsty guests.

    Be the Spiritual hostess today, Beloved. Remember when you did not realize that the Universe has an endless flow of Unconditional Love available within every Soul-self. Now that you know that It is Infinite, be one of the ones who freely give the encouraging word, the enlightened calm smile, the example of how to offer help.

    And at any moment that you feel fatigue, or a lack of humor or honor, turn instantly to the Divine Love within, and refill, refill, refill.

    It is always there for you, Beloved, and for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Practice, at least twice a day, feeling pure, unconditional love for someone whom you love. Pure Love, felt and projected, is a healing Force.

    But, also, Beloved, after you have focused on feeling and sending that Love to one whom you know you Love, letting It flow to him or her or them through you from the Great Source of Love, then focus also, and send also, to anyone whom you might, today, be thinking of as an enemy, or an irritating person. Let that one, also, be healed, and so let yourself be healed.

    This exercise, if practiced daily, will change your outward life, as well as letting blossom the lovely soul-bud that you Are. Think about it. Think about it, and then DO IT.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    All God needs to use your presence to shine His/Her Presence through is your willingness.

    Your willingness to lay to the side your personal feelings of triumph or sorrow, even for a few moments, and let the shining Spirit flow through you, the Soul of you touching the Soul of the other, and reminding the mind of that one, “You are completely Spirit, you are Whole, you are Loved.”

    No words even need be spoken. Just be willing, take the moment, and let Love do Its Work.

    And so be It. That is all that matters.

    And We thank you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of all the good gestures and motives and feelings and demonstrations of kindness and forgiveness and inspiration that happen in your own community each day even though you are not personal witness to them. Think of how many times all the generosity and goodwill acts and personal growth examples of an individual only come to light for all when stories are being told at that person’s funeral. Think of how many times you yourself have anonymously given, or even just held your tongue when you could have gossiped or criticized.

    Good is happening all around you, and within you.

    And We tell you, the awesome portion of Good that God can always See far exceeds these small examples of human goodness. God Sees the Good of every soul that is part of the Divine Great Soul, and it is unlimited. Open you mind, open your heart, open your imagination and vision, and See It with God.

    And how very Lovely it is!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing that Love cannot advise you about. And, it will advise you in a way that Blesses all for the Best.

    How do you know if it is really the Highest Guidance of Love that you are hearing in your heart? It will be accompanied by a sense of Peace and Completeness and tender, tender Calm Love.

    Listen for It constantly. That is unceasing prayer.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turn all your perceptions over to God today. Let the All That is All help you look through the ephemeral human mist of illusions and See the Harmony that can and does come forth. Outside the bounds of time-blindness, it already was Created.

    For a moment, ponder the human story. Caught up in your own brief life span of human days, it is hard to see the progress of awakening. But if you think even for a moment about when there was no easy warmth or food to be had, when language for communication had hardly developed, then you can get a glimpse of the progress that has been made in overcoming animal nature and raising Consciousness to the understanding of good Harmony.

    Yes, of course each individual wants to fulfill wishes of perfection in his or her own time, but step outside of time for a moment, and cherish the progress made towards the Light that has always existed, and always will. You can sip of It, even while you yet wear human-seeming costume. Turn to the Perceptions of God, and celebrate with the Source that you ARE fully connected to, the progress made. A chain of awakening that does not end until all are awake again to their status as Children of God. Your Divine Connection is already within you. Listen to It.

    Release softly to a new Seeing today, Beloved. Release.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is true that of your human will you cannot always keep your thoughts pure and sacred and good, as you would wish them to be. Small and large annoyances creep in.

    But of the Divine Will, anything can be done. Your choice only needs to be to ASK for Divine Help, and It will come.

    Ask, Beloved. Ask and ask and ask, and do not be ashamed. You are innocent and deserving and beloved in the eyes of the forgiving Source.

    We know this to be true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are sure you have heard the phrase, “Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.”

    We would have you consider that your true Home is the Mind and Love of God, and that although that may seem humble to those that judge only by appearances, or costumes, or the number of coins in a pocket, the Glorious Embrace of the One Mind holds all, all, all.

    There is really no Home at all except the Loving Mind of the Creator, and all the interim campsites you have built or will build in the earthly illusion that overlays the Kingdom of Heaven-Consciousness cannot compare to the Bliss of that Divine and welcoming abiding. Hold your heart safely in the Kingdom of Heaven, where it was born and from which you project forth the play of your life. No earthly bitterness or condemnation can touch the Truth of what you are as created by Love.

    God knows the Truth of you and it is Good. And that is the Way that overcomes the dream. Berating yourself, as you seek to improve earthly behavior and choices, will only delay God’s assured uplifting of you. God does not see your errors. Re-think your perceptions of yourself, hand your heart over to God, and be glad to be assigned ways to shine.

    God knows you to be Good, and has Good for you to do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let It, the working Light of God, so shine through you that you bring out the matching Light in those around you. Let the Light of the Divine Source so shine through you that those who would stumble over their own shadows can see their way clearly when you are near, or even at the thought of you.

    You do not need to speak words to do this, but if you choose to speak, speak the words the Inner Wisdom gives you to speak, with calmness and courage and grace.

    As ever, loving you, and knowing what you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The human heart that tries to tell you all is bitter, or disappointment, or, if joyous, too brief to bother with, is no match for the Endless Joy that is your Full Body. Human sorrow simply does not have the capacity to overcome Calm Divine Infinite Desire to Expand Its Joy into every sleeping heart that has forgotten It. Divine Joy has placed Its Helpers and Angels and Sentinels in every heart and next to every human thought, standing ready to Help, Help, Help, and Love, Love, Love.

    They do not want to trespass on your choices and your sense of individuality as part of Oneness, so They wait for you to turn to Them. Turn around, Look within. Look to the Light, O’ dear dear Beloved Children of the One. It is right beside you. It is right in the center of your consciousness, waiting to re-anoint you with your own marvelous Identity as Good and Perfect and entitled part of the Whole.

    Playfully, gratefully, choose Calm Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am an enjoyer, quietly and continually, of Glorious Creation.”

    Look for wondrous beauties and examples of Grace today, Beloved. Let today be a day wherein you recognize that the Divine flows most smoothly when Its ideas are appreciating the Lovely One Mind that Creates, and each other. Appreciate each blade of grass, each grain of sand, and each human heart that is growing.

    Ask for God to heighten your perceptions, and you shall See, you shall See, you shall See…you shall See glimpses of Glory right now. Silently See, carefully observe and appreciate, and gratefully Know Heaven to be true beneath the haze of human limitation.

    Let us join you in constant Praise,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This very instant, close your eyes and take a respite from the world. Ask Divine Love to enfold you, and affirm in your heart and mind that you want the gladness and peace of God. Then sit quietly and simply bask in it.

    There is time enough to go back to concerns and lists and duties if you want to. Just now, feed yourself with the Love of God. Quench your thirst for Joy with the Presence that holds you quiet and still. Just be. Just be. Just be.

    This is the very best kind of vacation to take. Take these moments throughout the day, and you will find your days flowing more smoothly, and with more enjoyment.

    As We enjoy the Grace and Uniqueness of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We assure you that as you are diligently working towards an understanding of GOD,

    It is silently rubbing off on those around you.

    Be gentle with yourself. Work on forgiving yourself and convincing yourself God already has declared you good and pure.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to test your beliefs.

    Enjoy a day of demonstrating. ASK to have the Divine Spirit, that guides all, show you the High Light within of everyone.

    But, you must be willing to set aside your own preconceptions, and judgments, and criticisms and LOOK for that demonstration of the Qualities of God in those around you, and in yourself.

    It truly is a matter of willingness of Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know you are Loved, by a Love that never fades or fails or turns away.

    To this Love, you can always turn, for It always is turned to you, and ever attentive that every detail of you remain in Its image.

    This is important to know every day.

    Know it today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you give, so do you receive. This we have told you before.

    But, have you understood that the giving comes first? First you give forgiveness, THEN you receive forgiveness. First you give help, THEN you receive help.

    If it must be given on faith, because you do not feel or have it yet, then so be it. But be the one to act first, for all things grow from that willingness in you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not easily feel the Grand Flow of Love, when you quietly ask to be filled with Light Joy for the day, and you feel like you have sincerely opened up your heart for receiving It, examine the gates of your heart.

    Are the stones of anger or accusation making the gate scrape noisily? Are blame or blustering in your thoughts blowing against it? Are criticism or condemnation closing the gate before Love can completely fill you?

  • Ah, Beloved,

    No moping. Just smoothly coping, asking always for Help Divine, and constantly hoping, yea even expecting, those uplifted moments of Joy sublime.

    Moments become days filled with Gladness and Love, don”t they, Darling?

    We whisper to all. We are grateful you have agreed to listen.

    As ever, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, to pray in agreement with someone for a certain thing or event in his or her life, it is important to have the permission, or the request, from that person, so as to honor free will.

    But, Beloved, it is also important to let your heart unfold each morning with a giving forth of grace that is about being part of a Whole. For instance:

    “I am so grateful for all the parts of the orbit of my life that are held in perfect Harmony. My friends and family are a part of the perfect play of my life, and I rejoice to see them receive all the blessings that are theirs today. My co-workers are a part of the orbiting of Life’s lights within the greater Light, and I appreciate the wondrous Goodness that holds them all in their perfect places, joyously giving to them all that they deserve for their sharing of talents and gifts and skills.

    I delight in the wondrous way in which Goodness works through every willing heart in the world, and I open my heart to be used that way today, for any loved one, or acquaintance, or stranger that comes into my path and my consciousness.”

    When you open your heart thus each morning, the Divine has a chance to flow unimpeded by drama or doubt.

    How constant are our prayers for all of you!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You may think that you must achieve Calm and Joy by your human will. That is a mistake. Human will serves the human ego and will not lift you to Divine Calm. The good use for the human will is to turn it over to the Divine Will.

    For it is the Divine W ill that gives you the gift of Calm, and the gift of constant guidance that leads you to Joy. Do not be misled, Love, into thinking you are too unworthy, or too happy on your own, to turn to the Divine Will. Those are whispers of the ego. They are trying to delay your progress and your inheritance.

    Give your will to the Divine Will, now, and surrender happily to the gifts of Spirit that are yours by right of being a reflection of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new enthusiasm in you for exploring, and receiving, the ways that the Divine Ocean of Being Loves you and provides for you. As a spirit, you dwell in, swim in, dance in, that Ocean of Being .

    Swim around, Beloved. Explore, and be surprised by, Joy, and circumstance. Be as delighted as a fish that finds a new batch of tender shoots of sea-greens to eat, hidden behind a rock that seemed barren.

    It IS All around you, and for you, dear one,


  • Ah, Child,

    Always, when confronted with one with whom you feel anger or bitterness, or a lingering resentment, you must look at it as an opportunity to practice love.

    “I am grateful to be given this chance to look beyond the costume and outer behavior of this person, and to see in her the same Spark of Spirit that lives in me, and around me, and in us all, and around us all.”

    There is no other way, Beloved. Yes, you could simply choose to not see that person, but then the Universe would simply send you the same lesson in a new disguise. The sooner faced, and loved, the sooner done, Beloved. The sooner done.

    We love you in your many disguises,

    Pass it on,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you see a home that is essentially sound and beautiful, but that seems to need some straightening of shutters and a coat of paint, and you wish to see its loveliness shine, you must ask for permission to help it be so. Whether you obtain permission from the owner to help, or whether you become the owner, the permission comes before the changes.

    So it is with the body, Beloveds. For the Divine Spirit to reveal the perfect health and beauty of your form, through Its ministrations, It must have your permission first. The freely given will of your mind must be given to the Great Loving Mind, so that Its Will can be done, in your earthly form, as it is in Spiritual Perfection.

    This is just another way of saying what we have said to you before, that the purpose of your “free will”, if you want happiness, is to gift that free will back to the Great Will, the Only True Will, and let Divine Will be done.

    God is not a robber. God will not enter your home and begin redecorating and fixing without your permission. That permission, that freely given control, must be chosen by you, when you are ready.

    Ahh, what a good decorator the Father/Mother/Divine is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be an enduring faith in the Beautiful and the Good, for we assure you, they exist, in Absoluteness, and Omnipresence.

    Right where you are, right here, right now, you can choose to close your eyes to the sometimes beautiful, but imperfect, world, and ask the Omnipresent Thought and Love of the Divine to fill you. Then, you can feel the truth of Goodness, and then, you can see Its” glimmers, in the spaces between the seeming truisms of the world.

    Close your eyes today, love, often, and come Home. Refresh yourself in that outlook, and be glad of the Beauty within. Then you will see It in everyone, as It is in Her/Him.

    Omnipresence is Omnipotent,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Will you wait another day before choosing to trust the timing and work of the Creative Loving Force?

    Work on your trust of Its expertise, omnipotent and omniscient, instead of working on your own “technique”. Yes, It is a Force that all are free to use, for It is freely given, but you need to trust that Its nature is unchanging and sure, and will not be affected by your whimpers or pleas or different ways of saying thanks—It works because It Wills to work, and if you mis-speak a phrase you have memorized to call to It, that does not stop the effectiveness of All-That-Is, anymore than calling a toaster a tester will keep your morning bread from browning, if you plug it in.

    Just speak Love with your heart, which is the request it understands, and open to It Will.

    ANGELS, always, in Love

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I will to Will God’s Love for me.”

    Let that be your choice for the day, your prayer, your mantra, your focus. Even if you do not completely understand how God’s Loving Truth works, It is working to set you free.

    Set aside your human evaluations of what you are, or what others are, and simply and totally accept God’s Will of Love.

    “I accept God’s Will of Healing Love.”

    We will keep reminding you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you simply do not know what to say to someone who stands before you, ask the Voice of Living Love inside you.

    Ask. And pause and listen. It WILL guide you. And It will guide you in a way that uplifts both, and all.

    Really, you want that, do you not?

    Try to set a record for days you feel Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Release for the self comes through releasing others. As you forgive others their human foibles, so are you forgiven, and free, free, free of the limitations of thinking yourself only human.

    You are made of Divine and perfect elements, as is everyone else. Let those elements shine, and let yourself see them shine also in others. Give yourself that gift.

    You will be pleasantly surprised.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    As in eternity, your ability to access any one aspect of the All of which you are a part is always with you. The calm, the certainty, the enthusiastic creativity, the love, the glory, and the wisdom are all there. As ever, the key is asking for the aspect you need, and then giving it the time to come to you, and being willing to focus on allowing it to be received.

    Maintaining your focus during that willingness is a thing that only comes with practice. Practice keeping your mind and will focused on one thing at time (”be still and listen”), so that the Greater Will can indeed flow smoothly through you.

    Practice, practice, practice, Beloveds, for after enough practice, there will never again be a doubt in your mind of whether you are truly allowing the Greater Will to be you. You will know, just as you know whether the shoe on your foot is the same familiar one you have worn for years.

    We want to be like a second breath to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain of the end of your mental and heart search.

    We know you will finally fully realize “I am Love. I am complete and completely in the Full Consciousness of All.”

    Yes, yes, you could play mental games about words, and looking at current developments in your physics and science that hint at the Truth of the Universe, but why not just let yourself, today, relax into the Truth of “I am Love.”

    That is the verity of the ages, and, clung to, will help you feel all healthfulness, experience all provision and opportunity and harmony, and guide you in each interaction.

    “I am Love.”

    And it is the Truth, washing you clean of all error,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No heart that clings so tightly to the material realm will be able to hear your words when you try to speak of the glory and comfort and perfection of the Spiritual Realm. Only a heart that has felt that first spark of amazing warmth, or that has become aware of the emptiness it feels when it holds the “object” it thought it most wanted, is ready to know the Truth of ineffable Peace.

    Yes, Beloved, offer, offer, offer again and again, and again. But never try to force, and do not be dismayed, for every heart will come to its own perfect time of alignment with the Light.

    We assure you All is Well in the end, and already, where there is no time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not trudge through the dream layer of earth experience, Child. Do not even just stroll or walk through it. Dance, Beloved Child of God. Acknowledge all others as Children of God learning to dance just as you are, and listen for yourself for the Song of the Divine music in your mind and heart, and dance, dance, dance, accepting each Divine instruction to live Lovingly and smoothly, and all will feel just right.

    This is your right as Child of God, and if you dance with acceptance of God’s Love, it will also be your Joy.

    Be aware of the Inner Song keenly now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allowing and creating. These two words, and the thoughts behind them, take much pondering for them to be used correctly in your life. Strictly speaking, you must mostly ALLOW, and realize that your human self does NOT do any creating of lasting Peace. It is by allowing your own human desires to be set aside that you allow the Divine Creation to flow through you.

    You allow your desires to be replaced by Divine desires, once you find it in your heart to trust that the Divine wants your happiness. It does not want your suffering—It flows through your faith and trust and love and joy. When you let that flow occur, then what the Divine desires for you will satisfy your human needs and good desires, as well as helping those around you

    Work, therefore, on that great trust in the Divine Goodness. Work on trusting Its desire for your Good Truth and Life to be revealed, under the misty forms of your thoughts of errors and troubles. Then, ponder what you allow and what you can create, by acting on the Divine Ideas that you are given by the trustworthy Heart Whispers of God.

    Essentially, your human heart does the allowing, and the Divine Heart does the True Creating. Let It reveal to you the Best that you are, the Goodness that you are. Ponder this, Beloved, and allow the Loving Presence to come forth from Its quiet residence in your heart. It WILL speak to you, and comfort you, if you allow It to.

    In Great Love,


  • Dear One,

    It is Spiritual Knowledge that cleanses the mirror, and lets you be the clear refection of the One Spirit that joyously made an image of Itself to talk to.

    That One Spirit is already perfect and harmonious and unchanging. Let yourself be the clear reflection by knowing that you cannot change Its Perfection and Its Glad Love, and that you can clean the mirror with Divine Love and Joy.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes it is very helpful to break out of habitual patterns of thinking about yourself and your circumstances by thinking about the different names and qualities of the Divine Source.

    For instance, if the Maker is Joy, and you are the image, the reflection, of the Maker, then you are constantly reflecting Joy, and emanating Joy. Just look out of your window right now and feel Joy about the movement of the young leaves in the breeze. Feel Joy about the fresh day that will bring fresh ideas to your thoughts. “I am Joy.”

    If God is Infinite Plenty, then there is Infinite Plenty for you to call to and to draw upon. Let there be that awareness in you of the Plenty of Happiness that you can access right now for so many small and big things and feelings. Observe and appreciate how many wondrous things you have to be happy about. We See them. Look, and you will also See.

    The Source is Love. It is Pure Creativity. It is supreme Order. It is Laughter. It is Pleased and Satisfied. Many, many, many are the Aspects, the Qualities, of the Original One. How many of them can you let shine through you today?

    We will applaud each one you show forth, for they are Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am as God Is.”

    Use this Truth to clear your thoughts today, Beloved, and align them with God Thoughts. Aligning with God Thoughts will bring the flickering movie of existence into focus, and give you clarity of feeling and purpose, and the Unearthly Calm you need to make choices that are pure and unclouded by old habits.

    “I am as God Is, and that is wondrous Spirit, and Exquisite Love, and a Joy that is Unbounded.”

    We are so with you in this. Join us,


  • Ah, Friend,

    Even now, the power to enact lies within you. But the clarity of what you want must be a part of your stewardship of your own life.

    Endless Life Force is flowing to you all the time, but it is your free will choice in how to use it. Do you wish idly for circumstances or attitudes or things, or do you want them enough to put action behind your words and thoughts? Even the tiniest action can give enriching formation to your desires—but that action must be taken by you.

    Take it, Beloved, take it. Form the plan in your mind or on paper, turn your will over to God with time actually taken for God. Mail the letter, make the call, put joy into your thoughts and prayers. Turn those idle wishes into thoughts and into wants which you are actually willing to work for, and let them become part of your life. The “work” is not about sweating and suffering, it is about realizing that what you actually do with your hours and your days is a signal to the Great Source of how you actually want the Harmony of Existence to form itself as your life, your friends, your work and your world. Put into some sort of action the signal to the Formless Source of what you truly want in your world.

    The bubble of your world, of your awareness, is yours to make. How would you have it form, Beloved? Fantasies must become intentions, if you would see them seem to be your reality. All that the Source desires is that you know and feel the Harmony and Love of which you were made, and in which your are maintained and sustained, if you will. What form would you have it take, Beloved? The Greater Force wants only Love for you, for It knows nothing else. Can you choose the same?



  • Ah, Beloved,

    As anyone newly “in love”, in the realm of earthly emotions, can tell you, it is easier to love others and let challenges not bother one, when you are in that heightened state of joy.

    Remember that each morning, and take time to “fall in love” again each day with the Divine Inner Love, so that you will approach your day with the Full Joy that can help you enjoy your mission and your journey, as you endeavor to remain a portal for the Greater Consciousness, into the dream of earth. Let the Greater Joy carry you, when you would be tempted into pointless pursuits, or into bitterness or even simple impatience, as you go about your worldly tasks.

    The quiet constancy of the Inner Companion is ALWAYS there to uphold you and refresh you and renew you. Trust It. Turn to It, and take time with It, and trust It to let your days be also carried on a wave of being “in Love”, for it IS in Love in which you “move, and dwell and have your being.”

    Just a few minutes taken each morning will change you whole day,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Today, let “My Consciousness is at home in Heaven right now” be the thought you practice.

    Practice it, for it is the Truth. Eventually, you will understand that where the Consciousness abides is really all there is. You are a citizen of Heaven right now. Claim it. Claim that citizenship. It gives you extraordinary rights and privileges. Claim it.

    What you focus on, with utter trust and faith, changes what you perceive. Focus on Heaven now

    Ask us to remind you throughout the day. We are so very glad to help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is no burden to pray for those that you Love—to picture them healthy and whole and happy and complete.

    Therefore, if you are feeling it a burden when one whom you know seems to need prayer—whether it is an acquaintance or a person long known, look within and see if you are centered in Love. Contemplate the divine Qualities that person exhibits. Remember and claim the Divine Qualities that you yourself exhibit. Then, when you are feeling Love for yourself, and Love for the other, in at least that small way, and Love, Love, Love for the Wondrous Source that is Love Itself, try again to pray.

    When you are focused on Love, as Source and as recipient, and as instrument, then there will no feeling of burden at all—just a Joy, Joy, Joy to be a part of that Flow.

    Let It make you smile, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God wants everyone to know Harmony here in the mansion of Divine Love Thought.

    When many around you do not seem to want that, picture them willing to listen to God. Remind your own “small mind”, One Great Mind Governs all.

    And when you have resentments or doubts, repeat and repeat, “One Loving Mind Governs all.”

    Anchor yourself in Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no separation of Power in God.

    All that God made has always been, and is and will always be, in Its Power.

    In the false clasp of worldly sense, you are bombarded endlessly with the importance of separation of power—of church and state, of nation and nation, of tribe and tribe, of parent and child, or men and women. Set all that aside as erroneous, Beloved, and allow yourself to remember, all that is True is made in, and sustained by, the sweet Loving Power of the One Creative Force.

    Trust in One Power, and the others will not fool you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Silently observe today, Beloved. And Know the interconnectedness of all things, and humbly ask, “God, please open my eyes to seeing the men and women of Your Creation, for I would See them as You See them, with Love.”

    It is a Joy to see them thus, Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do, do remember that if the person in front of you seems to be whining and complaining, that is not the real being Divine that you are seeing. Be brave enough and centered enough in the Divine yourself to see past that self-destructive personality, and see the real Person that is like your real Person.

    You are both Children of Spirit Divine, and relating only to the Divine in others means that you are actually living in the Reality of Love. It is the Kingdom of Love, It is the Principle of Love that operates as reliably as gravity operates on the earthly thought.

    Be brave. Be Divine, and see the Divine in others.

    It benefits you more than you know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not forget to offer yourself the same tenderness, compassion, and agape love that you offer to others.

    When the Divine Healing Consciousness rising within you and bids you to serve as a conduit for It to another, you do so with Grace. We are grateful. Do you understand that we would be even more grateful if you let yourself receive that same Love when It is offered to you, sweet and silent, out of the Blue.

    Accept It, Beloved. For what is given you can be shared, can be passed on. Remember to receive so that you may give.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is time again to take a Sabbath day, wherein you try to let many, many of your thoughts be of that which Infinitely endures.

    Slow down, slow down, slow down, and let yourself be fed from the Great Divine instead of the larder and refrigerator.

    You do not need to wait for us to remind you when you need a Sabbath day, or an extra Sabbath day, or even a Sabbath hour or minute, darling one. You can tell for yourself. When you are finding yourself easily irritated, or annoyed at the innocent creatures or plants of the earth, you have slipped out of tune, out of Harmony.

    Re-tune, Beloved. Be as the musician starting the song of your day in tune, in Love, centered and strong.

    We live in timeless Sabbath. Join us, and we will join you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The certainty that you are Loved by God can carry you through any time illusion and any doubts you have about your ability to hear the perfect answers for every lesson you must learn or teach. Be the teacher, be the student, but know that all lessons end with the same Truth: All are part of One, and all are Loved by God.

    If you are in Love with God, you must find something to Love within every soul you meet. Begin there with each new meeting, and with all re-encounters. All come forward again and again, through the times of your soul, until you can see all with God Love.

    We see you, and all, succeeding in this, and rejoice, past time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    EVERY moment you spend being offended is a moment you have lost for feeling Joy.

    “Ah, *Normal One of Harmony, open my eyes and enable me to see, feel, and know, the True Joy of Oneness that is in this person, this situation, this event that seems to be in front of me.”

    Use that prayer, and the INSTANT that you see a glimmer of Truth and Beauty amid the dusty and detritus of the worldly vision, focus on it, and let it expand, until you can see the Perfect One, of which your own True Self is part.

    Again and again you will learn this, Beloved. It gets easier.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the very hardest things in the earth dream is to have reached, even for just a moment here and there, the feel of the Peace of the Infinite Divine in your heart, and then find that those whom you love do not want to hear about it. To work to maintain that ineffable peace for yourself is the thing you will most desire.

    To watch those whom you love struggle and strive, even if you suggest that they also seek peace, is a sorrow indeed. But, you must turn it around, Love, and realize that their discontent is another lesson for you. Learn to be an ever clearer conduit of Peace, so that your very presence for the Presence will help them find their way, too, to that which you seek. Remember, even though they are themselves, they are also actors in your play, and whatever you would wish to teach or give them, you must also give yourself.

    We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Everflowing warmth of Divine Love is not only for certain saints or mystics or those that have studied religion or holiness for years. It is for all. It is for all.

    Simply welcome It. Welcome It, and invite It to come into your awareness, into your life, in whatever form your heart and mind are ready to understand.

    And let It come. Let It come and warm up your outlook and your days. Let It cheer and inspire your plans and your ways. Let it be your Source, and be glad that It is the Source of all Good overcoming of the worldly, for all.

    Soul shines Its warmth 24 hours a day. Bask in It.


  • Ah, Child,

    You can think of many situations in your life when you felt that you could not think of a good enough idea about how to solve something, or how to create something, or how to choose, and you went to someone more experienced and said, “Do you have any ideas about this?” “What would you do?”

    Let that also be your approach to One Spirit, your approach to the Voice of the Divine, Beloved. Sit and wait quietly, just as you would when waiting for the “expert” to come up with an idea for you to enact, and wait for the idea, God’s idea, to be voiced in your heart. Then enact it. It really is as simple as that. Let God’s ideas be your ideas, let God’s thoughts be your thoughts, just as you yourself, in True Form, are an idea in the Thought that is God.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    It is precisely because the One Great Spirit has no form that it can seem to appear as so many. In Its Omniscience, it can search the hearts and thoughts of each dreaming individual, and find there an image or a phrase or a vision that It can use to remind the individual it is at Home in a Whole.

    Therefore, when you are testifying to others about your own understanding of the Divine, or of how It has made Itself known as your Reality, realize that of course you can only speak in your own metaphors. The best testimony is to unite with that Inner Awareness, and let It search the mind and heart of the other, and find the patterns that It may illuminate. Then will It come alive for the other, and although, as humans, you will know different things, your souls will still be knowing the same Source.

    All bounty comes from Divine Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your small human concerns are just as important as your large ones, in the eyes of Spirit, who Loves to demonstrate to you that comfort, care, and solution are always on offer, as your hold forth the mortal dream dilemmas to the Truth of Harmony, the Law of God, for correction.

    We assure you that from a limited human perspective, you cannot always discern which elements of your life are urgently in need of alignment with Loving Life, and which are of lesser impact to your good progress, and to those around you. Turn it all over to Love Divine, Beloved. Turn it all over, as we say so often.

    Listen, accept, act or be still, as the small, still Voice advises, and abide gently in God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ego-self, that is the human self that thinks it is in charge of true reality, will try to convince you that working first and foremost on your own good relationship with Divine Consciousness is a selfish, and therefore bad, thing to do. In Truth, Beloved, the more you work on your own communion with the Force of Unconditional Love, the cleaner and clearer of a transparency you can be, to let the Light of that Love shine to and for others. Let your High Self, your Living Spiritual reflection self, be in charge.

    Work on your own clean clear purity of Divine Thought transmission, and let that clarity be the window through which others can see the Light, and allow the Light to shine upon them. It is a Good Thing. It is a God thing.

    Always shining our Love on you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Kingdom of God-Source runs like a well-oiled machine because It is oiled with Love.

    If you run the little kingdom of your own earth-dream with anything other than Love, and the fruits of Loving Spirit (patience, kindness, goodness, forbearance, mercy, forgiveness, joy, and gratitude), then do not be amazed if the kingdom groans and squeaks.

    Oil it with Love. Oil it with goodness and mercy and Loving Spirit, and feel the sweet Peace of God’s Kingdom seeping through.

    Love is the Anointing Oil,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look around you. The wondrous invisible Good cannot be directly seen, it is true. But the effects of It can be seen. Compassion is invisible but you can see the actions It produces. Love has no color, but you can see that It has incredible strength and power when used in every situation. Forgiveness has no material dimensions, but Its reach is infinite.

    Today, Beloved, be grateful for the underlying Unseen Divine Qualities that move the earthly good that you do see around you. Focus on thinking about It, and appreciating It.

    Just as you cannot see the wind, and you do not know exactly which branches it will move, you cannot see the Infinite and how It will sway Consciousness, but you can ponder and welcome Its Goodness into your own heart, as It moves your thoughts and actions, and ask It to move well in the hearts of others.


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,