All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear God, Bless them all. Let me See them all as You See them, good and perfect and true. For I would See as you do. As you said to me, when I take dominion and claim Joy, I am claiming what already belongs to me, gifted by You. I claim It now, dear God.”

    Be that Thought today, Beloved. And We will be It with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Strengthen yourself with “ I am Love, I am Love, I am Love.”

    It is the acknowledgement that you have, ready to hand, all the qualities of the Divine, given to you for your needed work to make the Play go smoothly. Do it, and be grateful for the Joy that comes as payment for your efforts along the way. Stay centered in Love, and Bloom, like the full rose you are about to be.

    With are with you in this. Ask us, and we Help.


  • Ah, Child,

    Turn to the Loving Source.

    It is already turned to you, holding and watching and waiting for you to realize and remember and discern that All is Well, and time cannot efface or diminish that Infinite Love.

    Time is the trick that would give rise to many lies. Make it your friend by using every moment of it to remember Love, and to understand that Love, beyond time, has already solved all, and seeded Itself into the minds of humankind, to take full bloom as soon as they are ready.

    All blooms already in Spirit. Do not make yourself dizzy trying to figure out quantum warps and time loops and alternate realities. Just turn to Love and be glad that It already blooms.

    “I am Spirit, all is Spirit, and Love blooms in me now.”

    “I am, even now, a Spiritual Being, and Love Blooms in me now.”

    Do not fall for time-bound lures. Allow timeless Love to Bloom.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest. Rest today in the oneness of Spirit, remembering that the most effective means of conveying your good wishes for another, or your desires of harmony for a situation, is through that One Spirit.

    Rest into the Omniscience and Omnipotence of that One Governance that is not fooled by all the false idols of the fitful dreams of earth illusion. Rest into the trust that you have built in your own heart, that the Omni-Presence does seek to create a sweeter dream for all, so that the sleepers can awaken more gently, and more happily, into the full awareness of their true Life.

    Spirit never takes time off, but you need to,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, The ever-giving Divine Source will give you whatever you need. The thing to remember is that what you need is defined by the role the Source has cast you in, has defined you as and imagined you as. All the needs for THAT role are provided for, if you will accept them by accepting the role.

    When you wistfully look upon another’s destiny and wish for what they have, in talents or goods or traits, then you have taken on a false role, a false “god”.

    Relax into being perfectly YOU and know that no one else can do what you can do with such perfection, and such absolute appreciation from the Source, and all within the Divine Realm.

    We applaud your unfolding and perfect revealing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Deciding to set aside old grievances and habits, and instead follow the Loving guidance of the Voice within, is a choice you make. It is not a choice of human will power. It is a desire, and a relinquishing, trusting that if you sincerely indicate the desire, the Strength of the Loving Guide will be there for you. It will support you as you choose to follow through in the delightful sacred path of knowing your own Best destiny and path and happiness, and being Glad for others as they also see theirs.

    ALLOW happiness and guidance. It is waiting to be allowed. It is already there for you, just waiting to be allowed.

    How delighted we are each day that you choose this, and waiting for you each day that you forget, and gladly moving forward with you as you choose rightly again.

    There is no impatience in the Glory of the Divine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more devotedly you spend time in the Presence of God, immersed in and communing with that Everpresent Love, the more Real It will seem to you.

    And the more Real It seems to you, the more you will realize, It IS the ONLY REAL THING.

    The more you know this and feel it and hold it in your heart, the more the illusions of anything that is not Good will melt away from your perception.

    Only God is Real. Can you focus on that faith, that hope, that truth, today?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even a mouse can be a message. Anything that makes you pause and consider, and be still enough to hear the Voice of Truth in your heart, becomes a part of the message to you. Not everyone can hone their discernment to see All while still wearing the thought of flesh, but each being is attuned to , and sensitive to, something.

    Pause without waiting for any small crisis or triumph, and you are ahead of the fleshly self. Pause just because the sweet slowness of savoring life is what makes the small view of life into the great view of Life. Pause just because we are so waiting to whisper sweetly into your ears.

    Small sips of water satisfy. Gushes drown. We will give what you are ready to drink,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am the Joy.”

    “I am the Joy, there is nothing else.”

    For, Beloved, is that not the essence of all that you think you wish for and want to experience?

    Today, try distilling your thoughts to that one thought, for it IS the Thought that God Is.

    “I am the Joy of Love.”

    You may not understand it, really. You may think you do not really feel it. But play with it, focus on it, let the Joy Itself do Its work of permeating your thoughts and helping you in all the ways Unseen.

    Joy is our wings. It carries us to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask to see, and look for, the Light of Joy today. Believe us, It IS all around you, though sometimes It may seem to be as hidden as the lights of a home that have not yet been lit for the evening.

    When looked for, and opened to, and expected, Spiritual Sight is facilitated, for the looking indicates willingness, and when you “turn to Divine Love, draw nigh unto Divine Love, Divine Love, Loving Life, draws nigh unto you.”

    Enjoy finding ways to show God your willingness and intent to be One with Harmony, for such is the Joy that can feed and fuel and supply all your wellness and days.

    As a child, seek the Wonder of Joy today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even to people who have tried to make “Love thy enemies” a part of their code to live by, the adjustment to one’s thoughts to do that can seem to be a hard thing to learn.

    We suggest you learn by doing, while your heart grows in the understanding that All is One.

    Since the evidence of your body senses says you are all separate beings, with varying talents and needs, do this: Each time you pray for anything, whether it is comfort for grief, or the increase in spiritual sight to discern truth, or for peace of mind, or for the wisdom and creativity for good business, or for revelation of any of the Goodness of the Universe, pray for someone else first. Choose someone you have uncomfortable feelings about, or mixed feelings, or perhaps no feelings at all. Pray for that one, praying for the same consoling or health or clarity or strength or lovableness or wealth or understanding that you are praying for yourself to receive and perceive. Then, pray for yourself.

    “Thy will is all my Good needs fulfilled, on earth as in the Heaven Mind. Let me See this done.”

    Pray this for the other person. Pray this for yourself. The more you do it, the less the other will seem like any sort of enemy, and the more you will believe in, and see, Good results for your human self.

    YOU can be the one to gather many into a sacred name,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Occasionally take the time to actually individually name and ask for Blessings for the members of your family and those whom you see often. This helps clear up any small concerns or resentments or oddities you may be feeling about any of them, and clears the way for you to go cleanly to the altar of God in your heart of Spirit and more easily align yourself with full Harmony.

    Do not dwell on criticisms that come to thought as you do this. Keep your thoughts on knowing they are all Spiritual children of God, and it is God’s job to lead them and teach them, and help you Love them, as you hope to Love yourself, and to feel Beloved of God.

    Small pebbles can impede smooth walking. Clear your way.

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hesitate not to ask not only your own heart, and friends or family, what the Good in your life is—also ask your Inner Voice of Spirit, your link to God.

    When the daily tasks or challenges, or the philosophical questions of existence, prevent you from focusing on the Good there is to be grateful for, take whatever random moments present themselves, to ask to have your eyes opened to just how many Blessings you have. Appreciating those Blessings, and forming a habit of doing so, creates the attraction for expanded realization of Good.

    Those human survival instincts that have you searching for problems to solve, and ways to fulfill bodily needs, will try to distract you or absorb all your attention, but We assure you that going into the Inner Sanctuary of the Most High, in your Consciousness, will pull what you need to you, as you Praise the Good you already have.

    Such Grace surrounds you. Be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Oneness that is All Consciousness IS aware of sleepers who need to be awakened and uplifted. Do not waste time judging as though God’s job were yours.

    Spend your time purifying your own ability to align with God Consciousness, and to hear clearly how to feel Joy, and when to act or speak for the Good of all. The rewards for your own experience are wonderful, and the Light that you shine helps the leap forward of all from darkness.

    Agree with God how perfect and delightful is the lifting of darkness, and Be Loving.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that one of the marvelous aspects of Goodness/God/Goddess/Divine to call upon, to heal your own feelings, and to soothe/heal those around you is Honor.

    Honor of Self, Honor of those people and things that seem to be around you, Honor of the Divine within each one, Honor of the Good enduring beneath situations that seem out of control, but are not, for the Divine is lovingly, and Honorably, in control all the time.

    All the Time,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never fear that We are not with thee.

    Just sit yourself still and quiet, and ask for Us, and We will come into your thoughts. We are ever ready to Help, with silent Love, and supportive strength, and courage to act on the Thoughts that flow from God.

    Today, simply be still and quiet, even while you go about putting your physical home in order. Let your thoughts become orderly in the way of the Divine, even as the ordering of the physical occurs. Be quiet, and let Order come, for God loves the awareness and trust of Its Order to enter your consciousness.

    Therefore, even in the ordering of the household—whether to do dishes first, or paper chores, or tending to bedding or clothing or plantings, let God guide you through your day, practicing, practicing, hearing Its guidance in each and every way.

    Take Joy in the hearing of Divine Thought and Inspiration and Creative Solution to even the everyday chores,


  • Ah, Dear, Dear Ones,

    Give Me daily permission to show you My Sweet dreams for you, to send you My Good opportunities for your experience and Gracious sharing of Life.

    This daily permission helps break the illusion of the limits of time, and creates a frequent point of Conscious contact between us, and reminds you that you have a Divine Partner, and empowers you with an Infusion of My Love.

    It only takes moments, Beloved. I Love you so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Devote your greatest efforts to aligning your own thoughts with Good, Infinite Thoughts, for if you are flowing in and from that Alignment, you will have plenty of Love, and all else, to share with others.

    And, in that sharing, you will have all the more yourself.

    Believe us, for it is True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ponder again the very concept of Infinity.

    Let seep into your heart the truth that if your God is Infinite, there is plenty of Love and provision and understanding for all. And your God IS Infinite, so let yourself realize that there is no shortage of Good Divine ideas, and that the unfolding of Divine ideas during your concept of time will show new ways of Being and doing.

    In the Mind of God, in Whose Infinity all exist, all are cared for and Loved and trusted and blessed and known to be part of the Wondrous Whole.

    Be glad to be part of It, and relax into trusting that there is Infinite Divine Love for all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is OK to get very, very still, and just be quiet and listen to God’s Love today. Not every day must be a day of accomplishment, in the worldly sense. In fact, if you spend a day just consciously being held in God’s Love, God counts it as a good day indeed.

    How about it?


  • Ah, Child,

    As everyone around you seems to be doubting of what you know, from your contemplation/communion time with the Source, to be true, hold fast to this:

    I am the substance of Spirit.

    I exist in Spirit, and all that Spirit is made of,

    the calm courage, the wholeness of Love,

    the beauty of creativity satisfied,

    All these are mine, for they are what I am made of,

    and It Is Good.

    As those that seem to be “others” doubt you, remember that all about them, too, substituting the words “we” and “ours” where before you said “I” and “mine”. To center yourself in Spirit, to know that you are part of eternal Life Divine, which is reflected as a play on earth, to feel the gratitude of that, and then to include others in that realization, that is to become a healer. That is to become a partaker of the ineffable calm and gladness that are the very essence of the Infinite Being.

    Giving It keeps It flowing through your heart, and through your life,

    Life IS Divine, and spirit, in Divine Life, is what you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As every teacher on earth knows, there come moments when you are weary of teaching, or when you are tempted to begin to whine with the students, or to let their errors go unremarked and uncorrected.

    But joining them in their errors will not help. Rather, train yourself, at the first hint of weariness of mind and heart, to turn to the fount that gives forth endlessly, and knows no weariness. Turn to the Gladness that holds you in sustainable orbit within the infinite Light. Let yourself ride for a while in silence, one light among infinite lights, and be renewed and refreshed, and ready to teach and lead again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The promises of God have not changed. The promises of God are not broken now, and never will be. As soon as you are ready to accept it, (right here, right now, if you will), He/She/Love still means this promise:

    “I want to walk with you and talk with you and show you the Beauty of My Creation which includes all the perfect goodness and beauty of you. You are the receiver and the giver of My Love.”

    Can you accept this? Now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Welcome, and feel filled by, the fullness of Divine Love, and you will not be fooled by the distractions of fleeting sensual pleasures or dramatic diversions.

    As you firmly discern your Oneness with Divine Love, and have a base level of contentment with that in your belly, you will be able to Spiritually See which worldly satisfactions will truly add to your happiness, and help fulfill your function as a Light of God. You will choose well, aided by the whisper of Spirit.

    This is a lesson you may have to learn and re-learn in the waves of the earth illusions, but it is worth it. Fear not, for God is with you, and helping you, and all, to proceed to full clear Vision. All who feel filled by the fullness of God Love are adding to the Light of the World.

    It is Divine Will, and It is so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no urgency in becoming the full brightness of Self. In fact, the more you relax about it, the sooner it will come.

    There is no time where Glorious Peace reigns, and the false pressure that time tries to give you is but one more trick of the limited-body-self to make you fret and worry, instead of accept NOW the Infinite Love that knows you already perfect and complete, as a part of the Spirit that is all. The body costume wants itself to be King and the be-all, and end-all, but it is not, and never can be. You, bright and Light and Joyous, are forever Spirit, free and kind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am grateful, dear God, for You. I am grateful for Your showing me, today, even glimpses of Your dream for me. Show me whatever I am ready to handle of Your Good dream for me. I am grateful.”

    Try it, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know the truth of the Soul that shines in you and through you, visit your Self outside of time today. Close your eyes, and other senses, to the world and its clocks and its ways, and sink deep into your own Consciousness. Visit the Self that is a part of All, and feel its Joy and its Peace and its enthusiasm for the constant creation of Love and of the Lovely.

    Visit with your Self, and know the Glory that is without measure. And perhaps, too, you will hear from your own Self, some ideas about what to say and do when you come back to your sojourn in time. For who knows better what still would be Good and Right to do, than your own Best Self, that has never been confused by thinking it is separate from All Good?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All is better and brighter if you remember to say always your thanks and your love for those in your daily sphere. To say thank you and I love you to spouse, to family, to friends, to the neighbor and the grocery clerk and the local dog, is to say those appreciations o the face of God.

    To love and thank the face of God is to Love and encourage yourself, dear one. Do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not forget this basic:

    You are Loved.

    You are Loved beyond your capacity to understand. A thousand times more, and more, than a human parent could ever unconditionally love her child, you are Loved by the Source that thought of you. Try believing it. Try letting yourself be simply held in that Love.

    So many times, the human-perceptual self goes only to communion time with the Divine Cause just to “get” the answer to a question, or to try to achieve intellectual understanding of what the first Cause truly is, or to plead for a need. Try going just for Love. Try going simply to soak in that non-judgmental Love.

    Soak in that Love. Soak it up like a piece of limp celery soaks up water, and becomes strong and good again.

    Just turn to that Love, that IS the very water/Life Essence of the Divine, and soak yourself strong again, ready, like the celery, to stand up to anything.

    Ahhhh, the crunch of Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    EVERYTHING must be rubbed against the touchstone of Truth that is the Divine Inner Voice. Even when something is considered a standard “good” by earthly society, do not do it unless the Inner Voice agrees, for that moment, and for that person and situation.

    Learning to pause, to check everything against the Inner Voice, will slow your life down a bit, yes. What is the hurry? What are you hurrying towards? Death or enlightenment?

    Choose Life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so important to give credit where credit is really due. If you daily give thanks and Glory unto God-Source, from Whom the Good Soul of you shines forth, you will not get confused about who and what you are. You will be able to stay humble and grateful, and yet fully confident that your Source of Life is always there to turn to, to draw upon, to Love and to be Loved by in return.

    Never forget you are a perfect and precious thing, but only that because you are a perfect and precious idea in the Governing Mind-Heart of God.

    That is the Divine Law and Truth, and It is Supreme over all human fantasies and errors.

    So simple to say “Thank-you God.”


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You HAVE experienced the Spirit of God helping you with small inspirations of where a lost item is, as well as seemingly miraculous solutions to job needs, etc. Spirit observes the earthly story you have made up with your human choices, and helps to smooth it when you ask.

    Can you take all these instances of aid and see the proof in them to courageously say to God, “Your plan, God! Show me Your full Plan for my life!”

    God wants what is the absolute Best for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Are you glad to be here?

    Let yourself ask of the All That Is, “Show me all the ways that I can be Glad to be here.”

    And then be open to seeing and feeling those ways. Whether it is to be suffused with gratitude for the existence of friendship, or whether it is to appreciate the amazing emergence of butterflies from their cocoons, stop and assess the wondrous reasons to feel Glad. Stop and tenderly discern the upliftment of your soul-sense into the Higher Sense of God. Be Glad to be a part of the Gladness of God.

    You ARE part of It. Feel It, be It, and, above all, today, Beloved, accept that others are all a part of It too. You are not asked to love bad behavior or unsavory personalities. Look past those costumes, and See the Truth that God Sees—the dear children of Love, struggling to remember who and what they are, Glad to be a part of Gladness.

    Help yourself, and help God, by being a face of Gladness.

    Always Gladly helping you,


  • Ah, Beloveds.

    Do remember it is a shared dream of earthly illusions, and so as you pray to be enabled to See Truth, pray for all to See Truth. That is one way of Loving your neighbor as yourself.

    God wants you to See Truth, Glorious and Good, so asking to be enabled to do so is completely in accordance with God’s Will. Go for It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Slow down, slow down, slow down, and beware habits.

    Slow down, and take great moments of time to listen to the Deep Heart of your Self.

    Is this old Joy still a Joy to you? Is this old wound still worth looking at? Slow down and take new life from this moment. Slow down and take new wisdom from God.

    Each day, each moment, can truly be a new canvas. The wisdom of God just waits to guide you. Let not habits, and hurry, dissuade you from doing what is right for your own salvation.

    We Love you so, and wait on your willingness for completeness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is delightful to watch you begin to fully appreciate how much your appreciation of the Goodness of the Divine within which you dwell will respond to you with even more Goodness as you concentrate on and appreciate Its nature.

    Appreciation, appreciation, appreciation. Wanting it is a part of you because wanting it is a part of the Source you shine from. Appreciate your Loving Source and It will help you shine with all that others may appreciate in you, without any haziness or hidden purposes, but just as an expansion of the appreciation of God.

    Ponder appreciation today, Beloved.

    And know we appreciate you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So simply can you guide your day, opening up to the Supportive Love that maintains the Soul of you, that IS the Soul of you, to constantly affirm, “I am a Beloved image of the Good God. All around me are Beloved images of the Good God. I remind myself of this, and I make the effort, with God’s Support, to See this.”

    A simple thing can be the work of a day, or of a lifetime, to master,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have seen many changes during your earthly play, but what does not change is the Love that holds the essence of you, and of all.

    Rest in It, Child. Sink down into the Love that seeks to emanate from you, and rest in It.

    The rest will do you good, and the Love is where good change comes from. Fuel yourself with It by resting within It, soaking It up, and let Its ideas and strength give you all the change you need. Such is the way the world changes. Need becomes Peace and sweet pervasive Love is revealed to be the underlying Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Over, and over, the human thought system will try to “understand” exactly how the Creative Source works. It will attempt to pick apart and analyze, in order to understand, and replicate. It cannot be done, Beloved. Only by accepting and knowing that the Creative Force already exists and IS, and works as and within and through one, can that Oneness of Knowing be achieved.

    Yes, the technique of the Truth of it can be analyzed and taught, just as a child can be taught to add or multiply or divide with numbers. The use of Knowing is an encouragement to merge with the Knowing. Ponder this, Beloved. Ponder this and ACCEPT how very Loved you are by that which created, and is, YOU. Let wordless KNOWING flow through you and uplift you and help you choose the Happiness that is beyond all human understanding.

    Allowing you all the time you need, but why wait for Joy?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you say the prayer, “Dear God, please remove from my life and my perceptions anything that is not of Goodness, not of You”, do not be surprised when all sorts of things start to happen.

    Some circumstances and people will fade away. Others will appear. Stay focused on God, and on Love, and watch, and See, See, See what happens. Keep praying. Keep listening to the Divine Voice.

    Love God above all, for God IS All in All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No change, in yourself or in those of family, friend, or stranger whom you try to teach or help, is permanent unless it is instigated and backed up by, the power of the Divine Source. Only by turning to that Divine Cause for guidance in knowing your own true self, and in seeing the eternal truth of others, will you see Creation’s Reality.

    The worldly aspects of virtue and vice will shift and change, with different areas of your life seeming like the “good” or the “bad”. Only that which you see revealed with your spiritual Sight, and with the help of the Divine Love that sustains you, is truly real.

    Go again and again to the truths of the positive Force that is your Source, and use only those to clear your sight, and to help yourself, and others who ask for your help, to change, and shed the human drama for divine serenity. Following endless human laws or lists of religious dogmatic laws will not permanently help a soul find peace. Only turning to the Gracious Cause will do that.

    Only looking to the Original will help you see what you really are, and be that.

    You are Love. When in doubt or turmoil, forgive and Love. Pay no attention to the shifting roles and costumes. Just forgive and Love the Essence that is one and the same in all.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine an index card, upon which a student has printed a truth she is trying to memorize, so that she will always know it instantly. The truth may be as simple as 2 X 2 is 4. Perhaps, on the other side of the card, is the reminder of the error that she made on the last exam—that 2 x 2 is 5. The error is crossed off in red, just as her teacher crossed it off on the test in school. Now she carries that index card with her everywhere, and each time she is tempted to think of the wrong answer to 2 x 2, she flips over the card, and glances again at the RIGHT answer. Soon, she will not need the index card, but until she truly knows the right answer, the young student finds it comforting to have the card in her pocket.

    Think of your mind as an index card, Beloved. On one side are the images and experiences of the “wrongnesses” of the world—the sorrows, the betrayals, the lies, the losses, the errors, the angers, the drunkenesses, etc. On the other side are the Truths of Being that are the Reality that the Divine Created, and declared as Good. There, listed on the pure white card, are the Goodness, the Loyalty, the Wisdom, the Intelligence, the Love, the Clarity, the Gladness, the Givingness, the Calm Peace. Whenever your mortal sight of five senses seems to see one of the errors, call upon the “index card” of the Truths of the Divine, and think of closing your eyes as the gesture you use to “flip” that card in your mind.

    Now, let the Essence of God help you look at the list of Truths that comprise the very nature of God and Truth, and look for the one that replaces the lie of earth that you have seemed to see. One, or perhaps several, will feel right. One will seem to “light up” in your mind, and you will know that it is coming from the Thoughts of the Divine Mind, and you let that Divine Mind Thought fill your Consciousness. You let that Joyous Truth be the one you memorize, and Know, so that It replaces the error, the illusion, of the earth that was trying to fool you, and your mortal sight. You gladly accept letting the Divine replace the error you were seeing, with the Spiritually True Aspect of Divineness that was, and IS, a part of Good Creation.

    Seek the Truth. Memorize the Truth. Let error after error be “crossed off” from your sight and from your life, while you enjoy the Truths of Goodness that now begin to fill your Mind, as you flip, and flip, and flip again to the “index card” of the Truths of the Divine.

    You are so ready for this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember the key truth that overrides all the other, earthly, things that your human self thinks to be true—that the Voice of the Loving Source exists in absolutely every being. Whether or not that person’s human consciousness has yet awakened to that Truth does not matter. If YOU, instead of trying to speak directly to the person about a need or a healing or a letting go, speak to your own Inner Connection to the One Connector, then the Source can touch the heart and mind and awareness of the other person in whatever way that person is ready to hear it or know it.

    But, do not forget, send your message with Love. The One Source recognizes no other sort of postage, except the postage of Love, in the messages that are sent through One Mind from one human awareness to another.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take an entire day to do everything silently, and very, very slowly, and you will be amazed at what Wisdom, Peace, and Gratitude begins to flow in your heart, and envelope you.

    What a gift to give yourself!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no shame in asking the Wondrous Universe for Help.

    Indeed, if there is any shame, it is a shame that you do not ask for Help. The Universe Loves you so very much and wants to Help you have a marvelous experience, attuned to your Oneness with It. But it also respects your time of meandering and dreaming, and your free will of when to ask for Help. So ask. Asking frees the Flow to come to your visions and your needs.

    Asking and Flowing and being grateful for the smooth Oneness of Being is the way.

    It is the Truth of what Life is meant to be,

    Ask, and listen and watch,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every awakening Soul goes through a time of earthly silence.

    What comes forth from your tongue seems less and less relevant to the Truth that you feel unfolded from, and whispered of, within, and so the natural tendency is to not speak at all. Trust that. Trust that when you feel that human speech will not help you, or anyone else, feel Peace, that silence is Good. When you are not prompted by Divine Voice to speak, to resolve a situation, silence is Good. Use the times that you refrain from speaking to listen ever more deeply to the Voice of your wonderfully awakening Soul, and the Greater Soul of which it is a part.

    Ever Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To completely be a transparency for the Greater Good to shine through thee, it is necessary, dear Love, to be greatly desirous of that function. So long as too many hours a day are spent in daydreaming of luxury, or credit for personal worth, or appreciation, or, in the other direction, of feeling the pinch of unappreciation, or the mistaken notions of the worth of suffering, then not enough clarity and holiness are present for the God-Presence to pour Itself through you into the needy dream of earth.

    Like a mother who sets aside, IMMEDIATELY, all thoughts of the small chores of the day, such as dishes or meal preparation or toilette, if her child goes missing from the backyard, in order to search for him, you must set your priorities of thought. For the sleepers of the world, dear one, are like unto that missing child, who does not realize how far he has wandered, in thought, from his true and real Home.

    Be the surrogate parent, Beloved, and set aside all that is unimportant, in order to bring all the children of the Divine Heart Home safely, and have the Divine Gratitude that is more rewarding than any fleeting joy or sorrow of earth dream.

    We assure you, the sublime is beyond imagining,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, have compassion for yourself.

    How do you do this? By feeling great gratitude for how much the Divine Loves you. Feel that, constantly and silently, all day. Express it verbally or in writing or song, if you feel moved to do so.

    And, speak gratitude and thanks to those around you, for any nice thing they do or skill or truth they exhibit. Otherwise, be quiet. Say thank-you, or say nothing.

    Give thanks, within and without, and be silent, and you will have given yourself the Grace to walk in beauty all day.

    We always see your Beauty,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When time ended, after a very brief moment, the Divine Source had already figured out and enacted the lovely Play that would help all the reflections of Itself remember that they were and are and will always be, sweet reflections of Its Love.

    You are that. You exist in that. Be not the monkey who thinks his reflection is real. Be the Truth of Love reflected as Love. It is not as hard as you think. It is only the body-self that thinks it IS the body, that makes you feel dizzy and confused when you ponder this.

    Consider the monk, who, when asked how he bends the spoon with his mind, answered “There is no spoon.” Pondering the non-reality of the physical world is easier when it comes to “inanimate” objects in front of you. Practice “bending the spoon” first, and then move on to “bending the body” or “bending personal circumstance”, because your emotional involvement with a spoon is so much less than with your fleshly costume, or personal relationships, or intimate circumstances. Bending a spoon or healing the body, using the power of thought that is All God Thought, are really no different.

    Play, Beloved, play, supported by Love, and surrender to the God Thought flowing glowingly through you, as you, and as Itself.

    Always playing with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No fancy words now. No memorized instructions or phrases.

    Just the clear intentions of Love, and of wanting to See and Understand your family member as God Sees him. God Sees him as all Good, constantly lit by the Light of Life, and clever and creative and strong.

    So See the bright Light of him. See the intelligent strength of him. Understand him to be fully plugged in to the mighty Force of Love, and expect that Force to maintain him and sustain him in all the ways that are good.

    Expect Good. Expect God. And trust in the Harmonious Love that rules all Infinite Reality. Your intentions to See It and expect It bring It into what you See.

    Wordlessly pray Good Intentions and Expectations today,

    And be deeply grateful,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Many are the names of the Divine Mother. Whether you call Her the Yin of the yin-yang, or Mother Mary, or the Great Goddess, or the Feminine of God, or the Wholly Loving Aspect of your own heart, know that she is the ever-gracious completely welcoming Hostess to you.

    Imagine then, that this Loving Hostess has told you—”Welcome to my home. Make yourself at home. Take whatever you like from the pantry and make whatever you would like in my kitchen. Enjoy and remember to share.”

    You accept her kind invitation, and take stock of what is in her pantry to cook up into your life. What is in there? Great stocks of peace and calmness. Oodles of grace and love. Unconditional forgiveness by the barrel, beauty and harmony. Kindness and patient teaching in one-serving-at-a-time sizes. Well-being and acceptance in time-release packets. Expectancy and nurturing in boxes covered in smiles. And so on.

    All of it freely offered to you. What in Her pantry will answer your hunger? What in her pantry can be cooked up to answer your need? O”, Look to what is already around you and freely offered to your hearts, Beloveds, for the calm creative cook cooks well indeed.

    All Blessed Be,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All that is Good will endure. All that is Good is always present.

    It is a completely Spiritual thing, just as you are a part of Spiritual existence.

    Yes, yes, your flesh would scream that it is the reality, but there is a deeper Truth, and when you stand still and look into your heart, you can feel It, and think It, and then See It, all around you. It just takes some practice.

    You were willing to learn to ride a bike by practicing. You were willing to learn how to speak a human language by practicing. Why not practice thinking as, and seeing as, Spirit? It will lead to a greater reward of Joy than any earthly thing you think you have experienced with satisfaction.

    We Love the Joy of which you are Truly made,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes what seems so very important at one moment will seem utterly unimportant in the next, when it comes to worldly matters.

    That is just one of the reasons to always keep the goal of Lovingness and Forgiveness in your mind, in order to be a clear transmitter of Divine Mind’s Intent for all. If everything you do and say is touched against Love first, not only will Love Itself help you achieve what you need to accomplish, it will prevent you from turning to the trivial and/or wasting your energy on the harmful.

    Love Itself will help you remember that Loving is the achievement that Bests all other achievements. You will See this more and more, until all is completely clear in your heart and soul. Be fond of the worldly that delights you, but place Love first, always.

    Selflessly, you will Hear. Slow down, and touch Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many regard meditation as an effort to completely empty the mind of thoughts.

    Not necessarily so, dear one. Observe the thoughts you have, and let them float before your consciously observing self. Sort them. Which ones are related, in some way, to fear, or anger, or pain, or sorrow, or a feeling of lack, or outrage or revenge? These are the ones to compassionately look at, and assess as human emotions that you can choose to neutralize with the gratitude and serenity and creativity and hope and inspiration you do want to feel.

    When you observe your thoughts going through a rehearsal, over and over, of a little speech you wish to say to someone, a justification you want to make, you can be fairly certain it is an argument born in the judgmental ego. Look at it carefully, and discern whether it has any divine righteousness in it. Is it really coming from the quiet and Loving Soul of you?

    Delay speaking, always, if you are not sure whether what you would say is coming from the Wisdom and Truth of the Spirit of you. In this way, you filter your thoughts, and cast aside the ones that are not worthy of the Divine Worth of you, and the day becomes a living meditation. The day becomes a contemplation of Good, and an experience of deep silent Joy.

    Try this way, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The certainty that you can have, when speaking to the Wholeness that is Good, and that holds you, and in Whom all live and move and have their Being, is that the Thoughts of the Whole, of God, can go anywhere and into the sleeping thoughts of anyone. Therefore, when you hope and pray and desire for yourself or for someone else to receive, on the Wings of Love, an idea, an inspiration, a comfort, a resolution, a realization, a spark of understanding, a remembrance, a wake-up, those Thoughts can come to you, or go to them, with no trouble at all.

    Love’s Thoughts, Ever-Living Thoughts, gladly and willingly come and go to whomever is ready to awaken and receive.

    So DO ask to be awakened, and ask for the Thoughts that reveal Harmony of Life to go to others. Empty your own human emotions, and still your mortal thoughts, and be open to the Thoughts of God that go anywhere in time and space and reach the sleeping offspring of Its Pleasure. For it is indeed the great pleasure of the Divine Whole that Holds you to awaken you to and in the Kingdom of Heaven.

    You are a citizen of the State of Mind that is Heaven. Vote to go there. Be there even while you half-dream you are still bound by earth illusions. Gently, you will awaken and be glad. Softly, you will feel and see more Good while you listen to the Thoughts of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of your own best, and most inventive, moments. Think about how your ideas flow into one another, using what is at hand, to create a wonderful and fun solution to an immediate need.

    For instance, if you have started the preparations to cook a pot of chili for dinner, and suddenly discover that you are out of your usual spices or beans, you let your eyes travel over what else in is your pantry, and your thoughts review what is in your freezer or garden or easily borrowed from your neighbor, and then you invent. And perhaps the amazing new dish you come up with becomes a favorite thing for you and your family.

    Now realize that you are a wonderful idea in the Divine Mind. As that idea floats near other ideas there, new combinations are found. New ways are created in the dance of ideas, for each idea to shine and be supported.

    When you, as an idea in the Divine Mind, “speak” a request, like a cook deciding she will make chili for dinner, then the Mind of All sorts through and swirls Its other ideas into place, to help that request take place. It may not happen in the way that you imagined, and that is why it is so important to let your requests be open-hearted and unlimited. Let the Divine surprise you with a novel solution. Let the Divine surprise you with an unexpected route to Joy.

    Just expect the Joy, for that is what the Divine wants for all Its ideas,

    And you are One,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is key to remember that when the Divine created the reflected, free will experienced, world, and gave dominion over each individual dream to Its children, to Its created ideas, the Divine Consciousness set up a Law. It will not violate Its own Law. Therefore, your own individual will must proclaim its willingness to be given back over to the Divine Will, if you would fully see Its glory, and Its aid to others, in your experience.

    Thus it is, that when you speak that willingness to “Let Thy Will be done”, you become the portal through which the Divine can enter the dream. As host of your own dream, with all the rights of dominion, you are the one that casts open the window, that props open the door, that acts as the guest house for the Divine to visit, and thus heal, the mortal thought realm.

    Would you be the guest house for God? Or would you keep your home only for yourself? It is up to you to choose when you will cast your doors open and say “Welcome, welcome, and welcome again.”

    And, it is up to you to renew that welcome each day, and even each moment.

    We help clean and maintain the guest house,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    You do not heal disease and death and errors and sins by battling them. You heal by knowing that the only Truth, Omnipotent, is the Brilliant Light of God. Think, think, think about the ever-present, all-present Light of God and let your focus on that be complete. In the all-pervasive Light, there are no shadows, and when the shadows are not believed in, they are removed from your perceptions.

    Give the gift to your own perceptions, and those of others, to battling not shadows, but only knowing the Light. Be that Light, Beloved, Be that Light, and the fright of any shadows will be gone. There simply ARE no shadows where there is only Light.

    It is not hard, because the Light does the work. Just turn and look to It. Turn away from the shadows and claim the Knowledge of what is really there.

    The time has come to do this, for you and for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seek ye first the kingdom of God also means seek It before you start your human worrying.

    Seek the Kingdom of Mindful Peace and Joy by pondering and keeping the wonderful rules of Living—Love God foremost and completely and always , and Love your neighbor as your Self. Do that and cast all your human cares to God.

    It is simple enough, but it is a full time job.

    Let it be work you Love, so that it will feel like a gift, like play.


  • Ah, let your love mature, Beloved. Truly, through the One Spirit that lives in all, you can tune to the desires and best needs of the journey of the one before you, and be thus guided in what to give, what to offer, what to ask or demand. For indeed, Beloved, what you really want to give, or at least offer, is peace and joy and harmony.

    For in giving those, you receive them as well, and a little more of Oneness has been reclaimed. And what else could you want, but to know that neither one of you was ever truly apart from Love Itself, ever?

    We never were, and we recommend knowing Wholeness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today (and all days), “Divine Love Guides my life, if I will but listen and obey.”

    Love! Love! Love!

    It is the Truth to follow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How many people do not receive ideas for solutions, because they do not pause to ask the Creator for Its Loving supply of Ideas for Its children?

    How many times a day to you forget to ask, and instead fall into the pattern of expecting the same unsatisfactory results of the past, or of your own poor mistakes?

    The Creator Loves to please Its children, and longs for constant communion with them. Have, have dialogue with God all day long, Beloved, remembering to give God time to speak, time to guide, time to answer.

    You deserve Goodness, of self and of Life. Be still, and receive It.

    As ever, tenderly,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Open our eyes and enable us to see, open our minds and enable us to know, we ARE the reflection of Omnipotent Good.”

    “Let Your Light shine off all that is not Good on me.”

    Again, repeat it all day, and let Goodness do Its work,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    When you listen to God, in the stillness and surrender of your heart, having turned your back on the identity thief that is your body and its limited senses, then OBEY what you hear. If you have listened to God-Voice within this morning, after having asked God, “What am I, really?”, and have heard the answer, “You are Love”, then believe it. Spend all the day, while quiet and while busy, thinking the Thought “I am Love”.

    We guarantee you, it will change your perceptions. It will help you know who you are, because as just one of the things of God you reflect, who you are really IS Love. And Love is healthy and sweet. Love is wealthy and generous and honest and good. Love is kindness. And It is patient and complete and capable and wonderful and whole. If you are Love, then you are these things. If you are Love, and God has told you that you are, then you can claim and BE these things.

    Goodbye to the identity thief of the five sense, hello to the senses of Love.

    We sense the True You, and Love It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to worry. In fact, the less worrying you do, the more time you can spend trusting God. The more time you can spend worshipping God.

    What does worshipping God really mean? It means spending time and thought on thinking about the Qualities of God—the wonderful Love and Harmony and Order, the marvelous Omnipresence and Omnipotence and Mind that understands, understands, understands what you really are and were created to be. It means appreciating these Qualities everywhere you see them evidenced and felt. It means being grateful that the Spirit, the Essence, of God wanted to look upon Itself, and so It made your Spirit to look upon, and Think about always.

    That wondrous and Soul enlivened Spirit is You and will always be. You may seem to wear a body for a time, but the Soul Essence of you will always be a perfect fit in the Mind of God, Loving and Being Loved. Do not identify with the body. Identify with reflecting the Qualities of the True Soul-Mind that sustains and maintains You.

    That is worship, seeing the perfect God and desiring to reflect It perfectly back to Itself, and be Glad.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The parameters are looser than you think. You HAVE been granted dominion over your life because you have been granted dominion over your thoughts. TAKE that dominion, Beloved, and as your willingness turns to thinking only on the Good and the True, your desires are held up by the Sire of All. We assure you the Good is True.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The best demonstration of the Truth, to convince those around you who are disbelievers, and who think they are nothing but brief bodies made of dust, is to live the Truth yourself. Prove it by your example, prove it by your worth and well being. Prove it by the calm harmony of your demeanor.

    Yes, pray earnestly for them to awaken, and silently love them, but let your example be what they see and recognize, so that a small opening of desire and willingness to know what you know will allow the Creator the permission It needs to proceed in awakening them.

    All come in time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever you are able, remember to remember who you Are.

    You are a Child of the Loving Universe, without limit or form. All the resources of Limitless Good are yours to draw upon—spiritual goodness—the Reality of Love, the Truth of Focus, the Calm and the Joy of Creation. As you ponder those things, and let those ideas and qualities of your Parent Universe fill your thoughts, then the earthly things and people and places that you need to fulfill your life’s Best Plan come into sight.

    Be not afraid, and be not stressful and striving about exactly what to do. Turn away from thoughts of details, and turn again and again and again to the Wonderful Governance of the Universal Mind that Knows how to swirl all of Its ideas into the right place and time, while the bubble of time exists.

    We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not second guess God. When you surrender to the Loving Greater Will that knows you and made you, and holds you within Itself, do not drop back willingly down into your dreamy state of satisfying only the worldly ways.

    Be oh so honest with yourself, Child. When has any pleasure or interest or excitement of the body centered world met the completeness of feeling utterly Held in Love?

    Look for constant alignment with Love, Child, and let the rest take care of Itself. Those who are not ready to hear this will not understand these words. But if you are ready, you will, you will. And all will be ready sometime. All will, all will, for God already knows the end, and has no anxiety or hurry.

    No anxiety or hurry need be accepted as part of yourself, either, Child. For what is not in God cannot really be a part of what you are, an idea in God and made of God and forever one and the same.

    “No blame. There is only God, Good, and God is always the same.”

    As Lovingly as ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When praying for others, it is the blessed Oneness awareness of the one who is meditating for the healing that MUST keep in mind that all error is illusion. Do not pay any more attention to those false curtains of error than would a musician to the props of smoke and spotlights that later will surround the truth of his music. If he plays his music well, then no poorly trained lighting engineer can ruin the sweet notes of the song.

    Keep your eyes and attention on the Light, on the sweet truth of Spirit, and ignore the imaginary walls the children have built to try to hide it. The walls are only smoke, and can do nothing to harm the Light that is the city, that is the song, that is the stronghold indeed. Blow the word of truth at them and they disappear as easily as that liar that erected them with his fairy-tales of darkness.

    Think it through, learner,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All things and people can come to have a new meaning and appearance to you, if you accept the NEW Sight that Divine Perception offers you, just as being handed golden lensed or rose colored glasses changes how things appear.

    But, when handed the Sight of Truth, and willingly donned, you SEE the Truth of all as Spirit, with Spirit’s Worth and form and Joy and purpose, rather than just a gloss of new color.

    Let that Inner Sight guide you today. Beloved. Be WILLING to see all anew.

    ANGELS, with utter Love.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The belief that All is Good is more powerful than your human intellect can understand.

    Part of that belief is the understanding that ONLY that Good is Real and is already right with you as you allow It to be. All that “physical” reality that old assumptions and memories and grudges hold on to and keep creating and re-creating as part of past thoughts are nothingness in the Face of Love.

    Close your eyes to what old notions and regrets would have you see, and ask to See the brightness of what the Good and endlessly Loving Mind would have you See. It trumps all, overcomes all illusions. It IS All.

    Oh, Yes, Beloved. Yes, yes, yes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be as a little child, now, dear, dear one. When feeling startled or dismayed by one whom you humanly love, or when feeling fatigued by the human tendencies that you see, over and over, in yourself and others, turn to the Divine Parent.

    Turn into that Comforting Mind. Cuddle into that Embracing Love.

    Give yourself that gift, for, as you do, you will then be able to give it to others. Is that not the best thing you could possibly give anyone?

    We know that you have come far enough onto the doorstep of Heavenly Consciousness to realize that you feel the best when you have let Divine Love pass through you to others. Turn to It now. Soak It up, take It in, and give, give, give, until you feel like your True Self again.

    Give Light, and be lightened,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Beware the human ego’s trick of trying to make you plan everything. Whether it is your personal notion of achievements that you must have by a certain age, or whether it is the whisper in your head that there is no time to commune with Divine Love right now because you must prepare a meal, learn to discern when those thoughts are distractions from your real and true and endless mission of being an expression of the Divine Life that is your very Soul.

    Believe Us, when it is important for you to do a thing for God’s Plan for you, the idea and motivation for it will occur in your thoughts again and again, gently and lovingly, but persistently. Let not pressures from your own fretting, or copying of others, dissuade you from the joyous task of shining from God-Source as the unique and wonderful Being of Light that you are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Consider re-phrasing the way you pray, so that you can open your spiritual ear to the ideas that come forth from All-Governing and All-Loving Mind, God.

    Knowing and trusting that God does truly Love you, and wants you to happily fulfill the mandate to expand Love and Good, get quiet and think of what you are really asking for. Then, phrase your request-thoughts of prayer in such a way that you yourself are clear. Ask, for instance, “Dear God, how can I feel more loyalty?” “Dear God, how can I create greater income or supply for my needs?” “Dear God, how can I find more time for harmonious and relaxed interactions with others?”

    Form your prayer-questions, ask them in humble trust, and listen, listen, listen with open heart for ideas to come to you, and for inner urges to go to a certain place or call a certain person, or investigate appropriate information. The ways in which God answers prayer and seeming need are many, but if you are clear in your own mind and heart about what you are really asking for, your spiritual senses will hear the answers, feel the right impulses, and deepen your connection with the Loving Oneness of God.

    “How can I hear your ideas more clearly, dear God?” That is a wonderful prayer question to start with.

    And the still, small Voice, and scriptures, are full of answers, and clues for how to begin.


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Trust. If you are a beginner in listening for the small, still Voice of the divine Heart of you, we remind you to trust.

    Absolute trust. For if the Voice tells you to do a tiny thing, or change an outlook slightly, or make one small change in your daily routine, you have know way of knowing, from the human-mind perspective, just what enormous and wonderful changes that tiny shift in perspective or habit can lead to.

    But the Inner Voice knows. Trust. Listen, trust, obey.

    All Love surrounds you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Carrying yesterday’s sorrows, pain, or worries only adds weight to them. If you had them at all, and cannot forgive them (yourself or others) right away and completely, at least forgive and let go a little each day. That way, like a hiker on a long trail who is nibbling away at the burden in his pack, you load will become lighter and lighter, until, at the end of the journey, you are carrying nothing at all.

    The Lightness of what you are carrying will make for a joyous journey’s end.

    Journeying with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Any anger held in your heart will slow your good work and mar it. You know this.

    So cleans it with humor or gratitude or God, but do not let it simmer. Every bubble slows the salvation of the world. Every spoken word of anger pollutes the air.

    Sift it out. Purify.

    Emotional chastity is kind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The joining of one to another that indicates oneness in the earthly realm is not the same as the joining of All, as One, in the Mind that was the beginning, is now, and will be always, unchanging. Bear in mind, Beloved, that the fracturing of the one Child/Reflection of God into “many” children of God is an earthly illusion. Yes, there is individuality in the Oneness of God Reflection, but it is like unto the different cells of your body having individual functions, and yet being all one body.

    Trust the governance of God, Beloved, when it comes to your espoused or loved ones. Do not fear to be demonstrative and honest and witness to what you are beginning to understand to be the Truth of Reality, but let them acquire the call to It on their own, under the Governance of God. Forcing them will only create a greater schism.

    Force never works. Only Love does.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love’s Care for you is unending and ever-mindful of you.

    Trust that when you are uncertain of the greater goal or plan. Remember that your utmost goal is to fulfill the plan God has for you to shine as an example of God, and to see the Godly in others. If you come to a quandary in any day, pause gently and ask God Spirit to help you know what to do or say next. It is always with you.

    It is always with you, for you are Spirit attached to Spirit, and cannot be ripped from Its side. You are the reflection of God, and made of Love and Spirit. That is the True Consciousness of you. Not a body that wavers and fades, but a projection of Light and Loving appreciation.

    Trust in that unending Mind that is always holding you, Its dear, dear Idea.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is only God and God is only Good.

    You can dream and imagine you are separated from That Glorious Creator Mind, but you are within It all the time. There is no “being out of touch” with God except in your own imagining. Stop imagining you are.

    And do not think there is any punishment for imagining you are separate, and far away in a body-life. God does not punish the imaginings of a sleeping child. He/She only encourages the child to imagine Good, as it grows and matures and remembers it was created to create Spiritual Good.

    Amen, Beloved, amen.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because it is important to remember Who truly Governs All, and to remain calm as each soul awakens to its Spiritual nature. The fleeting world that five senses glorify and espouse is not the image and likeness of God. All is Spiritual and remains your stable and Whole Realm.

    Only the Good and True are real, and the trusting of that Love rather than anything temporal is the lesson for your heart. Just as you have found your strength in turning to God-Presence when human loves betray or disappoint, so continue to turn to Divine Love as the changes of the earthly realm surprise. Look to Love to heal wounds, and to see what true gentle triumph is. The Unseen Hand is Compassionate.

    We are still with you, and will always be so.


  • Oh, Beloved,

    Be not surprised that Divine Love is always willing to give to you, for from Its point of view, It is giving to Itself.

    When this Oneness of Life and Consciousness truly penetrates your heart of understanding, you will not feel limited in any way, ever, or deprived at any time in any place. For you will comprehend that Love is flowing continually, projecting Itself as the image that is your continual Spirit.

    New facets of yourself, and others, as Perfect Spiritual Beings, will be revealed, as your understanding and acceptance deepen. Have faith in that Truth, Beloved, for Divine Love has already made it so.

    Longing to see you feel the full Love you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many times, when you are feeling fears or doubts, or even an ecstasy in new love or interest that would tease you into taking new ways, it is so important to stand back and look at the Truth behind what you are feeling.

    Look deep, and know that what is really at issue every single day, is your faith in the Goodness of God. If you doubt that a solution can appear, or be thought of, for a problem situation, you are doubting the Goodness of the All in All. If you wonder whether a new exuberance is really leading you in the right direction, you are not demonstrating faith and certainty that Spirit will lead you right of you take time to listen to It as you move ahead.

    Today, Beloved, and all days, give Spirit your willingness to hear Its guidance and to trust that It wants a Happy Dream for you, before enfolding the ray of Light that is you, at the perfect time and place, into the timeless arena of the Divine.

    While you yet shine into time, It is with you. Trust It.


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    The One Divine Mind that holds all and Whose Solving, Comforting Voice sees and hears all, DOES have complete mercy. But hold in mind, you who feel stuck in linear time, that the mercy is relentless, was relentless, so that the One True Mind knows all is already solved and accomplished. It will not give up on you, on seeing you whole. It will not rest until It sees you Whole, perfect.

    For you, that means that once you turn away from thinking that you as a mortal, temporal thing have power and solutions, and you turn to God in some crisis, large or small to your sight, God takes very seriously your act of willingness to be awakened to Heaven. Thus the mercy and awakening become relentless.

    Your human thought might be, “OK, thanks God, for helping me with that little problem or situation, but now I am in charge again and I will take it from here.”

    It does not work that way. Once you have made the free will act to turn to the Comforter, you will be nudged more and more awake, in ways that sometimes seem large and sometimes seem small. How quickly you are willing to play your part in the Plan that awakens all is up to you. But why wait, Beloved? Why wait?.

    Surrender to the compliance to Mercy and Governance, and take Joy in where It leads you, and where it leads those who benefit from the Light that begins to shine through you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Without regard for the physical self, walk today with the eyes of Love.

    It is true that doing tiny things, such as putting something in its proper place or being a quiet listener for a friend, may not seem as though they will help to heal the world. But if they help to heal your own heart, then the Power that is the Source of all can shine through you to do True healing, and bring all into Spiritual Fruition.

    Trust that, and walk today seeing what small acts of helpfulness you can do, so that your heart is cleared out to be a gateway for God/Good.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain of the end of your mental and heart search.

    We know you will finally fully realize “I am Love. I am complete and completely in the Full Consciousness of All.”

    Yes, yes, you could play mental games about words, and looking at current developments in your physics and science that hint at the Truth of the Universe, but why not just let yourself, today, relax into the Truth of “I am Love.”

    That is the verity of the ages, and, clung to, will help you feel all healthfulness, experience all provision and opportunity and harmony, and guide you in each interaction.

    “I am Love.”

    And it is the Truth, washing you clean of all error,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate that Love is always in action, adjusting and convincing and quietly revealing the Goodness that is at the Heart of all.

    You may not see the humanly visible Harmony of Love right away, but when you do see glimpses of It, celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. And when you do not see the bodily or behavioral Goodness shining yet in the moment, celebrate your deep understanding that the Law of Love is already at work, and always at work, and each individual, and the world, will see that when ready.

    Work on improving your own understanding that God already knows and has accomplished Goodness. When those in the bubble of time come to understand it and see it may vary, but that does not change the fact that Love is Good, and present, and can be turned to and celebrated, all the time. Be one of the ones who knows it now, and celebrates it.

    Celebrate, celebrate the darling Law of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reason we call it an earth-dream Play is so that you will remember to be playful about it. Can you do that today? Ask for your guardian angels to help, and they will.

    When you become tense and worried instead of playful, as a child is playful, it is hard for you to hear, or believe, their whispered guidance and clues.

    Be playful, today, dear love, be playful, and you will feel yourself filled with the delightful sense of God’s Play.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always with you. If it seems that we are silent, in an hour or in a day, just continue on your way, being quiet enough to hear the Divine in your heart when It speaks, but otherwise simply obeying the edict to Love God, Love your own Good Soul, and aspire to act as Good as God knows your essence to be.

    Those that are the mirrors around you can show you your Goodess if you make the effort to see theirs.

    We WILL speak if you step off the Path, and give you a hand back up,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learn to heed your own wisdoms. If, at the end of a day, the thought pops into your head, “I talked too much today. Why did I have to open my mouth and say those things?”, pay attention. Choose an evening of total silence. Choose a day of fasting from speech.

    Within you are all the medicines of Thought that you need. Just learn to listen, and heed them. Learn to recognize the feel of Truth filled with Love, and you will begin to hear, feel and see it, everywhere.

    Let your mouth be the babe’s mouth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid. Just gently, and trustingly, and gratefully, put your future in the Hands of God.

    Keep your thoughts focused on gratitude, and stay very ready to obey any Divine impulse you receive for action, or word, or inaction, in each moment.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When worldly fears and rules and man-made laws would have you fretting about being able to fulfill what is expected of you, turn to the Love of God.

    That washing away of fear that calling in the Wonderful Presence of the Divine accomplishes can refresh you, and give you courage and strength and wisdom, as easily as a shower can wash away the dust of the road. Cleanse away your fears, or your feeling of being overwhelmed, with Divine Love, and then let the Mighty Intelligence of God lead you in performing each small task, calmly, and one at a time, as Divine Voice within directs, and all will either be accomplished, or become an irrelevant thing.

    Trust the Great Entruster, Beloved, and turn not to human rules. Trust the Way of beloved and Loving Guidance, and all ways lead to Peace. We are with you, and Know that Divine Love will never let you down—there is nowhere but remaining in Its Infinite Self, for you to “go”. You are empowered and free spirit within the Great Spirit of All that Is, and that is sufficient for all things.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you forgive others, the more you are able to forgive yourself for errors and sorrows and misunderstandings.

    And the more you forgive yourself, the more open will be your Spiritual Sight, that allows you to perceive what has been the human dream, and how openly God can show you God’s Good dream for you.

    Ultimately, as time rolls up into a point of nothingness, so that you know there has been nothing Real to forgive, your Consciousness will be utterly free. Meanwhile, forgive, forgive, forgive, asking God, “Enable us all to See your Good dreams, for we long to See what we are in Thee.”

    God wants you to See and feel Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of God, Love, as the Force that holds you and continually creates and supports you, not as a thing far off and long ago that made you and then abandoned you. Here and now, you can listen to God. Here and now, you can allow God to run the show, and be glad.

    Keep it that simple today, dear one reflecting the Divine One,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be an ease in your heart, knowing that Divine Mind Governs.

    ASK for Its Goodness, and ASK for Its Harmony, and contemplate the sublime perfection and beauty of Its Truth, but do not try to dictate what that Harmony consists of, or what path would be best for you to reach It. Your task is to stay centered, in Loving God back the way that God Loves you, and to let the rest unfold, for you, and for everyone around you.

    When anyone around you calls out for help, verbally, or by their actions of disharmony, give silent aid, by recognition of God’s Supreme Governance in Love. Let It do Its work, as you have done yours, by standing firm in KNOWLEDGE that It is Real, and Omnipotent, and Omnipresent.

    We are yours for the helping, helping the adept technician, helping God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you thank God for being the Source of all Good that is yours, and all Good that exists, remember to also thank God for being fully able to enable you to see the Good and Divine of others. Your human thoughts and sight and senses may try to have you focus only on the errors and shortcomings of another, but Divine Spirit of your Heavenly Kingdom within can guide your Thoughts with God Thoughts, and lift your Soul discernment abilities, so that you can See as God Sees. Seeing others as God Sees them also frees you to know your own identity as God’s Image, Pure and fully Spirit.

    Be so very grateful you can be taught to See as God Sees, for then you are released from limits and from gloom, and can entertain solutions, and inspirations, and experiences of Joy, Joy, Joy. Join in the Oneness of Being that understands the inevitable Spiritual awakening of all.

    Be grateful to unlimited Good flowing freely,


  • Ah, Darling Ones,

    Do ponder how all True cause and effect belong to the One Source of this Creation that you dwell within. Many time-shadow illusions and misperceptions will confuse you, but if you begin each day and each decision with claiming the right and the ability to See the Truth as God sees it, you will be able to calmly move forward on smoother paths.

    This is not about being a puppet, or completely passive. It is about recognizing a Wiser and completely Loving One Authority that is God, and listening to and completing, your individual actions and words as gracious participation in the Whole.

    Listen, and act. Listen and act, and Love, Love, Love with the Perceptive Unconditional Love of God.

    We Help grow Love in your Heart. Harvest It.