All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved.

    Representing God’s Love accurately only requires sincere willingness.

    The Loving Spirit that is your true Life-Force is ever-Present, and does not flicker up and down like human attention. Practice paying steady attention, and being constantly willing, and be ready to be delighted by the spillover of Divine Soul.

    “Use me, God. Lovingly and Openly use me.”

    “I welcome seeing your Heaven on earth as here and now. Use me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Healing Mind, the Healing Thoughts, stand ready in every heart, just waiting to be invited, waiting to be asked, waiting to be sent elsewhere with Love to heal and help others.

    It is that simple. Won”t you be willing? Won”t you ask, and help It Help by sending it to other hearts, with Love?

    But remember, you must ask It to go to all with Love. You must ask It to come speak in your own heart, and you must send It to the hearts of others with Love—to those whom you humanly love, AND to those whom you do not love or understand. Ask It to be everywhere, for everyone. That is dominion indeed.

    Then watch Harmony Work.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Quieted by the Calm energy which can suffuse your heart if you have begun your day by reminding yourself “I am made by Love and maintained by Love”, it is easier to consider the worldly news of the day. React not with quick exclamations of dismay or thoughtless celebration. Rather, test all things against the Wisdom and Truth of Harmony.

    And ask of God, “What do I do this day to add to Harmony?”

    And, “What do I do this day to demonstrate that to live aligned with God is to live with Joy?” For, dear one, your behavior and your demeanor and your faith, can teach and aide others without a word. Be that example. Be that living example of Good Spirit.

    Complete God’s Gladness by sharing It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgive yourself, forgive yourself, forgive yourself.

    Remind yourself that God sees nothing in you that needs forgiving, for God knows He/She made you Good, and that you are a perfect spiritual replica of Himself/Herself. This dream that you are having of having a body and a physical life is not the permanent you that is spirit, and free, and joyous and all Good.

    While you are yet in the dream, God wants you happy. That is why the Helper, also known by many other names in many spiritual and religious systems, is in your Heart to guide you with ideas, instructions, and intuitions. Learn to listen, therefore, and be happy. You chose to come into the time-dream to help others. Help them by helping yourself. Forgive yourself for volunteering for such a mission, be happy and reflective of the Qualities of God, and then help others do the same.

    It need not be hard. Just consistent.

    We Love you so much,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel like flouncing out of a room in righteous indignation, or your shoulders stiffen with a sense of being misunderstood, or your hand itches to throw something, remember, yet again, the golden rule.

    Remember, yet again, to choose Peace instead of being “right”, and above all, remember that, close by, handily in the Well of your Heart, is the Peace of God, upon which you can endlessly draw, without ever running out.

    Draw upon it now, Love. Draw upon it always. And as the adeptness with which you draw from that Well of Peace increases, it will grow ever easier to truly treat others as you would wish to be treated, with gentleness, with peace, with love.

    Peace will not leave you, even when you leave It,


  • Ah. Beloved,

    The Inner Voice of Divine Wisdom is always Loving and Calm and Consistant.

    Any mental suggestion that is even slightly smug or mean is only earthly thought and not to be regarded as real or good. Give it no power to sway you in word or action.

    Be at One with Peace and feel the peace spread throughout your affairs.

    In utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ultimately, all individuals will accept that All is Spiritual Substance, and that there is not a real separate realm of matter with its own laws of matter. Infinite Law of One is All.

    But in the seeming of linear time, Saving Spirit understands that each individual can only accept new ideas and new modes of thought when they will not throw him or her into a fearful state of a reality that is not what they thought. Spirit gently offers Spiritual solutions always, but also allows each heart and mind to move as slowly as needed from material to spiritual outlook, so the comprehension of Truth is at an absorbable pace. Sometimes there are leaps ahead in understanding. Sometimes it is all at a steady pace, or it is instantaneous. Merciful God adjusts the learning and remembering as needed.

    As much as you are able, keep your thoughts each day on your identity as offshoot of God, as part of the Consciousness of Love Divine. Spirit will help you advance in discernment, and willingness to let the Truth set you free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate today that the Creator of you Loves you and that the Creator is Good and made your everlasting Self Good.

    For from that Goodness springs happiness and a deep calm Joy. Once you really accept that a Joyous existence is your purpose, you can infect others with Joy. And would not spreading Joyousness be a good contagion to be a part of?

    It is not momentary pleasure, although that can be an offshoot of it. It is true, deep Joy that comes of knowing you are a part of Love Itself. When others see Its Presence emanating from you, and when you feel It constantly with you, you will feel that all good things truly are possible, for you already have the best of them all.

    You already have the Love of God governing you and all that you are and are meant to be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Open your heart to let Me Govern. For I do. All the dream wisps that you think govern you are as dust. Let Me Govern you, and all your thoughts of others. And pray that all Let Me Govern, and you will see results indeed, for I Govern with Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learn the simplicity of casting your cares to God.

    When you let go of human-formed ambitions and strife, and simply cast your desire for happiness to God, then decisions come easier.

    Love God, love yourself, love others and treat them as you would wish to be treated, and cast your cares to God, trusting for all Good and Happiness to come to you. The world DOES start to look different to you, when you See more and more through God’s eyes of Goodness.

    Why not give it a try?

    We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can spend five minutes arguing with someone, or you can spend those minutes being glad for the day. Which one do you want?

    You can spend a minute feeling angry about something, or you can spend that minute with the deep Peace of God in your heart. Which one do you want?

    If your earthly presence ended tonight, which one would you be happy to have chosen?

    It is always the same choice—earthly focus or Infinite Peace while in the world.



  • Ah Beloved,

    Formality does not increase God.

    Be formal if you wish but dance and laugh and be simply grateful if those are what moves you today. God is infinite and includes all those things.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Harmonious solution is always right here and right now somewhere, because God is always right here and everywhere, right now.

    Be not afraid to give Divine Mind, which holds you, and inspires you, the credit, when you come up with a novel idea, or a good creation, or demonstrate your well-being. If more individuals understood that all of their inspirations and suffusions of Life and Love come from the One Mind that governs the uplifting of all, then others would follow suit.

    Be not afraid to give God the credit. Praise God, in your own heart, and aloud when the Loving Spirit says the timing is right.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Praising the Divine Source is En-Joying what you see of It, emanating around you and through you and through others.

    Look for the Glow of simple beauty. Look for the excellence of Harmony and Cooperation among all the order of nature, and be glad and be free.

    It is not more complicated than that. Today, and all days, just be simple and En-Joy, and that constitutes Praising and Thanking, which are the first steps of True Prayer,

    Adoring It with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All space is filled with Infinite Goodness. If you allow yourself to believe the truth of that, closing your eyes to the mist of illusion that forms itself otherwise, then you begin to allow what you would truly desire into the visible sight of the world.

    As ever more consciousnesses allow the omnipresent truth of Goodness, those who are near to them will also see. Ah, Beloved, let yourself be one who sees God/Goddess Gladness everywhere, solid and sure, and in that way, help others to be nearer the truth as well.

    Nest and rest in solid Goodness, and carve from It, with Thought, what you will.

    Even if this makes no sense to you, let it linger in the back of your mind,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We understand that not many are ready to absolutely mean it when they say to themselves, “I place the future in the hands of God.”

    To many, that is a frightening thought, and God does not wish you to be frightened. But can you trust enough to playfully let one day, this day, be lived without your own “planning”? Just for today, place each next minute, and each next hour, in the hands of God. FEEL the great sense of release that comes as you do so, and see if you do not feel moments of delight that are never felt when you are always worrying about the next moment and the next and the next.

    Always with you in the now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is the task of the human Spiritual guide, or prayer practitioner, or priest or priestess, or rabbi, or Truth teacher of whatever name, to remind you constantly of Who you really are. You are a perfect spirit, loving and lovable, and intelligent and wise, and gentle and creative, and giving, and many, many more good and creative things. You are Good Spirit.

    When you know that someone else truly knows this about you, then you can use it as the touchstone of Truth, and begin to live the Truth of what you are right away. Hear the human witness, learn to hear the Divine Witness within, and then be, be, be the wonderful shining Light that you already are.

    When you forget your Self, ask one who remembers, and be free to be again.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Today, think upon all the Good ways you have given Me Joy. Think upon the Divinely Inspired things you have done and said that reflect what I have intended you to be and do.

    Remember the times you cooled an argument with humor. Think upon the funds and objects you have given to someone momentarily in need. Count the smiles and nods and words of encouragement you have passed along from Me as the Soul of you. Review the sweet and calming thoughts you have sent forth into a room of striving minds and hearts.

    Dear One, I am pleased when you help Me amplify Good.

    Be grateful you are able to do so. Feel the Joy of it, and feel Good.

    I Am with you always, shining through when you let Me,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We often tell you to take time to listen, listen, listen to God—to let that small still Voice of Spirit Guide you. And that taking of time to do so is crucial every day and throughout the day. We still advise it.

    But there are days or situations wherein you simply may need to FEEL the wordless Love of God embracing you. Just let It sweetly and comprehensively hold you. Feel how Real It is, and let your trust of that Love completely fill you.

    Realize that there are circumstances when you must simply wait for opportunities to arrive, or for others to arrive on the scene, or into the circle of your consciousness. There are ways in which God can teach you your truth better by showing you the example of another than by speaking a word to you. The Wisdom and Guidance of God is not limited to a small still Voice with a vocabulary. It can also lead and heal and save you with visions, with examples, with connections, with the hands of seeming strangers, with the demonstration of Laws of Love that are above and beyond all human laws

    Ask for, and be glad to be shown, an awareness of the Presence of God in ALL Its ways.

    It created you from Good, to be Good, and has your continued Good in Mind.

    Trust that. Rely on that.


  • Ah, Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    What then, but to fall gratefully into the Loving Care of the Parent Cause, saying with the heart and lips and mind, “You take care of it from here, Dear Parent, and let me relax into this moment, and feel light and free,”? Let it go, let it be, and see that even the tasks of the day that must be achieved can be done in a sense of fun, and in the knowledge that you do not have in your hands more than you can do with good humor, for Greater Hands are handling all the rest.

    Whenever anything of your day would call you into fretfulness or fatigue or blame, remember to remember, “I have placed all this, and every future moment, in the Loving Hands of my Dear Divine Parents, and I am free to just enjoy each moment, even as I listen for, and obey, Their promptings on what to do, what to say, and how to remain in Joy.”

    Always, and ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, the measure of you is not your earthly accomplishments. The measure of the true You is “How much did you Love?”

    God asks you this, not to judge and punish you, but to ascertain how much more re-alignment you need to fully fit back into your own realization of being a part of the Consciousness that is Pure Unconditional Love.

    When the choices of the earth dream have you concerned or euphoric or reeling, then re-center yourself with the question, “How much am I Loving?”

    “How much am I completely expressing the Divine Self of me, that is the only self that is Real?”

    It is the only self of you we see, though we try to guide you to happier dreams,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A wonderful exercise to experience is to pray for someone else throughout the day.

    Choose one. It might be a friend or love. It might be a stranger or someone who annoys you. Then, simply thank God for giving that person Life from God Spirit, and ask that God Help them know their Blessings.

    Leave the manifestations to God. Just simply, and throughout the day, focus for a moment here and there, “God Bless them.” And go through your hours being aware that you can help bring Light to a life, and to the world, by these prayer minutes and intentions that you silently give, like a shining of the sun.

    Be the silent giver to someone today. Give prayer.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pay attention to the Light in all things and feelings and circumstances, for only the Light has the Power to make anything grow.

    Shadows have no power to make anything grow. Linger not in them.

    Look to the Light, let It shine the shadows away, and let yourself grow, grow, grow in all that is Good. Look to the Light to do Its job, trust it, and you just grow and give Good, right now.

    Child of the Light, that is your only true task. Grow in Light.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the memory of each expansive moment builds on the rest, there is less and less need for documenting them to yourself, or for journaling, or for using formulaic words in the affirmations or prayers you use to enter the heightened state of Divine Awareness. As you begin to spontaneously go to, or simply be in, that place of no-words and no-time, all becomes so clear that it is clear that you are simply part of All-that-Is-Clear.

    All are part of One, so the All becomes a singular noun, and suddenly a part of the clarity you comprehend will be All Is Well, One Is Well, I Am One. There is no other preparation for this leap in consciousness except to practice being in It. Some may reach it in an “orderly fashion”, through daily devotions and scripture readings, or a” la” year-long courses of exercises such as “Course in Miracles”, but others may reach it in a moment’s epiphany or a Truth-given heart revelation.

    You are It, It Is you, and all will become clear to all, for all are connected and one. Never give up on anyone, therefore, for if you do, you are giving up on yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are feeling too confused by mortal thoughts, or too weary to focus your heart-thoughts well, return to whatever basic truths or prayers you know best, and center yourself by using them, softly and slowly, until you feel calm and peaceful and loved, again.

    Be still, and know that I Am God.

    Fear not, for “I” am with you.

    Thy Loving Will be done.

    These are basics. Every form of spirituality and scripture has their equivalents. Whatever ones you have committed to memory, or that were imprinted in your mind in your youth, USE them. Cherish them, and use them, Beloved, for the Divine Mind hears them, and does not care exactly what words you use. It knows your intents and It knows your heart, and It wants you to know Its Love and Gladly expansive Care. It gives freely, and Whole-Heartedly, if you just open to receive, and let yourself be Supported and Loved.

    As Ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to constantly wonder if you will ever be able to achieve spiritual growth in a certain area or overcome a weakness in another.

    It is already done in God. God knows the perfection of your Essence, and It is that that shines forth through the personality-accessory, through the body-costume, through the life circumstances.

    Take faith in the Truth that God already knows the beginning and the end of the story that is “You”, and do not fear to take dominion over the earthly elements that are temporary. Your body and your circumstances are simply servants to the greater Good of you shining forth as the Ray of God that you ARE.

    Claim that dominion and lovingly tell the details of wholeness of duty to the fleshly elements, as you would gently explain to a child how to do the household chore that has been assigned to him as his.

    We help whenever you ask, Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you must get into the flow of the river, before you start paddling the canoe, so must you enter into the Joyful Flow of the Universe before you use words of meditation or prayer, or aim the desires of the heart.

    It is an attitude. It is an understanding that navigating the waters of gladness and peace and calm expansive purpose will take you anywhere you want to go, but trying to paddle or pole your way through the roar of anger or fear or sorrow will only whirl you in circles, and those with you will be trapped in that same eddy.

    Flow to the clear waters, Beloved. Rise up and portal to that moving stream of Creative Love, so that you will be able to go where you want, and where you are meant to be, and be able to enjoy the ride, rather than wearying yourself against currents that go only back upon themselves.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Call on the Beloved Spirit that is espoused to Its own Perfect idea, for you are that perfect idea, and it wants to take care of you, and love you, and be with you, forever.

    O”, Beloved, appreciate how wonderful it is to be the spouse of pure Love. Celebrate with others that they, too, are the espoused perfect ideas of the Creative One Love.

    It can be married to all, for all are One.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the pace of the world in which you live, if you have not yet learned how to make every activity a working prayer, then it is extra important to take a day of spiritual focus every week. The few minutes a day you might already be taking each morning and night are a marvelous way to “snack” on the Divine, but you need a sustaining meal to hold your heart and vision on track.

    The earthly realm gives you its sensory evidence of “reality” sixteen or seventeen hours a day. To counteract that shallow worldly level of perception with your Divine Spiritual Sight and Knowledge, you must give the Divine some extended time. Do it, Love. Do it regularly and fully, that you may be well armored with Peace in every day that you walk the world.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Facing one’s fears is not about proving courage. Confessing one’s errors, to the self or an advisor, or to a savior, is not about shame. They are about releasing thoughts of self that might be blinding you to the beautiful possibilities and perfections that are yours to live and to share.

    At the very least, let yourself realize when your mind has trapped you in a thought loop about an incident or a person, so that instead of rehearsing what you should say or do, or what you did say or do, you can purposefully surround those thoughts with compassion, with forgiveness, with love, for yourself and for any others involved, and let go, let go, let go. The wondrous emptiness you create by letting go will be instantly filled with the Love that is the Nature of God, and which shines away all errors, in yourself, and in what seem to be others, but which are only mirrors of what you like, and do not like, in yourself.

    O”, when you are done looking in mirrors, what Glory awaits you!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Gracious Love of the Oneness of Being that Loves you without measure and wants your Joy and thriving happiness, does the work of clearing away your false beliefs and limitations and blocking memories, if you just constantly let Its Love flow through your thoughts. Believe It. Trust It. Love Love, and let It Love you in return, and old programmed thoughts in your mind that are limiting what you think you can be or achieve can be washed away and purified.

    And as you see wonderful changes come in your experiences, from Loving Love, and letting It Love you, continue to float in Its Power daily, in your heart and thoughts, so that the nay-sayers and misbeliefs of those around you do not sabotage your infinite expansion into the demonstration of all the health and goodness you can be. You can be these things because they are your natural heritage of Soul from God, the Oneness of Love that is pure.

    There is no pain in Pure, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a stage of understanding, wherein you gain the trust of another by sharing their wounds, by telling of your own. There is a place of such identification with the physical world and the physical body that trust can only be gained by listening, for a time, to the complaints about the body and the world.

    But listen silently, without listening. Let your own ear be utterly tuned to the Truth of the Creator, that nothing is impossible for the Creator, and that the Creator only creates Good. If a play, a projection, is painted from light, it can be changed dramatically and quickly by asking the focuser of the light to make the changes. Have mercy on, and sympathy for, those who are so intent on looking at the play of light that they have forgotten that it is being projected from elsewhere, and can be focused from Elsewhere, but let yourself, as assistant to the Light, remember it ALWAYS.

    And, do so with love,

    All our very best, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a person told you, “I have a plan for your well being and happiness”, would you not want to hear about that plan?

    The One who has Thought up everything that is Real DOES have a plan for your well being and happiness. The plan was Thought of at the same time that you were Thought of, as Spirit and Joy. So why not spend time listening to the Divine Plan? It includes more than this little dream of earth—it is the Whole of you, and does not include stagnation or extinction of the essence of you.

    The Divine Oneness reveals Its plan for you day by day, hour by hour. Just follow the rules to love and listen, and be glad to see each part revealed.

    You can do this, because it is part of the Plan,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have been to events and gatherings where a speaker or a performer spoke too quickly, or tried to tell a joke or a story with bad timing, and it made a good tale seem mediocre. You have had conversations with individuals that could have benefited from your experience or knowledge or advice, but who talked so much without pausing that you were never able to tell them what you have to offer, much less to help them.

    God’s Guiding Spirit tries to get through to you, and to all, as soon as they are wanting God-alignment, and joy and purpose and thriving. Do not force God to try to sneak in a word or a sign here and there. Do not wait for symbols to creep into your dreams. Give God your undivided attention at least once a day, and more as you can. Ask what God wants you to know, and is aching to tell you, and desires to give you. Ask and listen, and open, open, open to hear and receive.

    “Here I am, Lord. Speak and I shall listen.” Listen gladly and patiently and expectantly. Expect Good, for that is the basic nature of God, and therefore it is Goodness you are opening to welcome.

    Nothing wrong with that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to worry about whether you are “doing something wrong”.

    Concentrate on communing with the Divine Whole each day, for some devoted time, but also as you go about your regular tasks and chores and routines. If you keep one spiritual ear tuned in to the Guardian within, then you will be alerted when you should do, or not do, something.

    And, Beloved, if you have heard an answer about a project or question—if the Source of All has essentially told you “I will take care of it”, then do not fret and keep asking. Learn to relax into trusting the Word of God, for that trust will carry you into Peace of mind and keep you there. Yes, sometimes there is a delay in seeing the earthly reflection of the Best for All, but it may not be due to what you are not seeing or completing, but due to others in the Play needing to be brought into place. When you are in a waiting or healing time, just trust, trust, trust, and keep up your end of the process by being an exemplar of Lovingness.

    We see the Goodness, We assure you it is there.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The skill of setting aside the jabbering monkey mind so as to quietly and trustingly and calmly ask God each morning, “What do I need to know today for my thoughts to be in alignment with your Wonderful Will?” is the highest and best skill to have.

    Practice it, Beloved. Practice it and use it constantly, and your life will be Wonderfully Guided by the Voice and Love of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the western sky is lit by a beautiful sunset, you do not fret over your mind and tongue still calling it “a sunset”. You know that it is not the sun that is setting; that it remains right where it was and is, and the falseness of the word does not change your knowledge.

    Do not let words rule you. Let true, deep knowledge rule you. Yes, be careful of the words that you let form in your mind, or that you listen to, if they make you uncertain of what you believe. Patrolling your thoughts, and wanting to be a Good thinker that thinks in alignment with the One Mind, becomes easier once your complete trust in God feels so very real and complete in your heart. Then, you do not need to worry so much about semantics, or misusing a word in a prayer. You can just relax into the Heart Knowledge of God/Love/Mind, and let words fall away from you. You can just be at one with the very Soul of Being.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to convert anybody to anything. There is only the need to correct your own thinking to Thinking, and therefore you own sight to Sight, that each and every one is already a perfect being, a perfect Thought in the Mind of Creation.

    Let yourself walk through this day today in this way, seeing that each one is already observed and declared Good in the Mind of God. You will be looking past the atom-mist of their bodies and Seeing the Light and Love they are truly made of, as are you.

    It is a Blessing. Count it as such.

    Love, Deeply,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Law of adjustment is always in play, working to reveal the natural order of Harmony beneath the swirling mist of earthly illusion.

    Look for the Harmony again today. Be a witness to the Truth of Beauty and Calm Joy.

    It does exist. It is what is Real. The more you think about It and look for It, the more you will see It and feel It.

    God is counting on you to do this.

    You agreed, years ago. Just do it.

    ANGELS, with you in Love.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you encounter those who are simply not ready to remember their full heritage as parts of Oneness, be kind. Let unconditional kindness be your task today.

    The patience and wisdom for this are easier if you remember your own path of growth, and recognize your own knowledge of how far you must still go to finish awakening. The understanding to fuel the kindness is deeper if you realize how easily you accept that a child will not readily give up his empty sweets, until his palate is developed enough to appreciate the richness of wholesome sustenance, and the subtlety of complex combinations of spices and herbs and full flavors.

    Include yourself in the unconditional kindness, Beloved. What do you yet cling to? What do you yet see the value of that is, in Truth, only part of the illusion? Be not too proud to admit that although there are many things you have let go of that were annoyances, there are yet many things you hold near to you, from affection, or habit. Let humbleness be the doorstop that holds open the door to your own continued growth, and kindness the balm that keeps your eyes open to see the Way.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you sit down to meditate or to pray, let your invitation be “Welcome only Holy Spirit. “ Welcome only Holy Spirit in my heart and in my thoughts,” or, “Welcome only the Highest Light now to guide me.”

    Intend that your thoughts be only the same thoughts that are the Divine Thought, and allow it, with practice, to be so, Beloved. In that way, you will see your own amazing Beauty and Light, just as you will see It in all others.

    Choose the Divine Perspective, and be amazed at the view,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Blessings are only blessings when the timing is right. A huge object given as a gift to someone who is about to board a ship and live in another country is not a timely gift.

    Be aware of how aware the One Mind is of the possibilities that are coming up for you, and trust that the Loving Source takes into account that timing, and greater circumstance, when granting the blessings you have asked for. Trust the greater View. Trust It.

    Speak your trust, feel it, and rest in the Joyous Peace of the Divine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sensitivity to “blotches” in the Light is but a phase that some go through. Seeing the many errors of human self, and other humans, and being dismayed by them becomes a tiny thing as one learns more about the magnitude of the brightness of the Divine Light.

    Be not afraid. Whenever the small errors of thought in your own mind, or in others” minds distress you, concentrate on thinking of the incalculable Brilliance of God, of the One Source, for God IS Light as well as Love, and truly does shine away all misty dark error.

    Your eyes WILL see that, for God has declared it so, and it is already done.

    As is all Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every generation finds its own way of seeing and expressing the Truth. Within each generation are seeded those who perceive through Spirit, and who teach through Spirit, and those who know they are Spirit. They will find the ways, the means, the outlets, and the students they need, and who need them. At every level of understanding, the appropriate teachers exist for the students who have realized their hunger for something besides the world.

    Be merciful to those at all levels, Beloved, for you have walked in all their shoes. You do walk in all their shoes, in Truth, Beloved, for there is no discontinuity in the One Spirit that is All. Be Loving and Tender to the Truth of them, even when it is most meanly disguised, for in seeing the Truth of them, you Heal them, and yourself.

    By turning to you for a word or a look, they have made a gesture of free will to the Universe, to All That Is, and by mirroring back the Love they are, you can help them completely remember, “I am Spirit, I am as All That Is.” Be no other thing, for you are no other thing, Beloved. Be the Will that answers their wills, and says “I am Here, and so are You.”

    It is indeed time to stop trying to play any other role, for when the Divine has called you completely, it is to be completely the Divine’s, and to know that the Divine IS All There Is.

    As Always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God sees every Good deed you do. Many times, you know exactly what to do, for you know what you would want or need if you were in the other person’s shoes. And if you are unsure what to do, or whether your actions or words would be welcome, ask God. Get still and quiet and ask Divine Spirit what to do. Have confidence It will tell you, for It is so Glad to see Good deeds done for the greater Glory of all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you can feel the Loving Presence of the Divine Source when you open this page, then there is not really any need to ponder the words and try to intellectually understand them.

    The Presence is the point. The Presence of Love, embracing you, will feed you and teach you and maintain you and direct you. The Spirit that is the Essence of you and of all will custom make YOUR daily message, your hourly messages, your Infinite way of Life.

    Open to the endless Flow of Love around you, within you, as you, and you are alive indeed, and always will be.

    O’ So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to doubt the journey, for, as ever, your spirit is safely and always a part of the Wondrous Source. When the end and the truth are already known, there is no need to fret at seeming delays or twists and turns.

    Keep your mind on that certain awakening, and remember that you are always ion touch with all the Holiness that greets each and every one. You are always in touch, like a passenger who keeps letting the loved ones at both ends know where he is, calling frequently on his mobile phone, so that all know he is on track, and on time, and completely and fully provided for, and assured of that by Those he calls.

    Keep calling out. We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether your current prayers are complicated or simple, remember that the Spirit of God can read your heart. Spirit can see what dusty errors or misperceptions might be there, preventing you from knowing the full holiness of your Soul Self. Be willing to be cleansed, be willing to be taught, by listening to the loving whispers of God.

    Most frequently, God’s whispers will be about forgiving yourself or others. God will help you with this, and God will encourage you to leave judgement and justice in the Mighty Hands of God.

    Do that. Trust God to teach and correct others, as you focus on your own Spiritual understanding.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be this new Truth in you.

    “I will always remember my ability to turn to Inner True Thought, and at least give It a chance to calm me, comfort me, heal me, Love me.”

    When one is not yet trained to clearly hear the Inner Voice, one can be easily excused for sometimes not giving oneself that chance, and that time, to turn to Love, and Its Intents. But when has been through the training of a mystic, or undergone other enlightening experience, there should be the expectation for oneself of remembering to remember. For of course, YOU, as well as everyone around you, are the beneficiaries.

    So, remember. And expect that of yourself. And benefit.

    And yet…….if you fall and fail, forgive yourself, as you are always and already forgiven, by the Whispering Source, for ever forgetting at all…

    In Deepest Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I want the Reality of God.”

    Give this permission to the Divine. Extend your willingness to see, feel, and hear the Divine Will enacted, like having the courage to admit that you are not enjoying a movie you paid to see, and being willing to get up and leave the theatre.

    Withdraw from your own human plans and assumptions, and “Leave the theatre” by being willing to take quiet direction from the dear Inner Voice, and see the Play It will show you, and let you star in.

    Sweet Heart, what do you have to lose? Choose God. Choose Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be willing always to apologize quickly, even if you are not sure what you did that offended someone, and even if you are sure you were “in the right”.

    Nothing is a good enough excuse to treat another as you would not treat yourself. Nothing.

    Tap into the Divine of your self, and look beyond the worldly elements of the other person, and you will see the same Divine Light shining back at you. There is the Truth. So long as you look with your human eyes and see only the human quirks of the other person, and judge them and react to them as human to human, you will behave in ways that just come bouncing back to you in the worldly realm.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The interpretation that your human thought gives to events is so skewed by your inability to see the Whole, that you MUST learn to trust the Inner Voice of the Oneness that sees and knows all. It is why you cannot judge rightly yourself or others, and why sometimes the thing or person or event that you “think” would bring you the greatest pleasure or happiness does not.

    Be pleased that the Oneness of Being is in Love with you, and learn to trust, trust, trust Its Voice like you would trust the perfect Parent.

    RELAX into that trust, Child, and be delighted,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy you give is the Joy you live.

    Today, let it be as simple as that.

    Always flying in Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are so many ways and reasons to help others, with words and smiles and encouragement and prayers, and sincerely trying to See them as God Sees them, holy and complete and good, that we cannot even list them all in human words.

    But the most important one for you to remember is that helping them helps you. Helping them returns you to your self-knowledge as a good and perfect part of God’s expression. Hold to that reason, and just go forth and see God in all Creation, Spiritual and Real.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    A woman was finding it difficult to overcome her annoyance with a man who was being very judgmental in his politics, and she asked, in her evening prayers, for help in being compassionate. In answer, she was given an endless night of dreams.

    For hours and hours, or days and days, one after another, she was everyone. She was the soldier, wounded and bedridden, fighting the flies off his sores. She was the general ordering lives to be lost, she was the hot dog cart man out of wares. She was the famous actress with stage fright, weeping before each performance, she was the child living the joy of a first kitten. She was the famous saint reliving the horror of his young transgression, she was the chef winning a prize for chive mousse. She was the rat by the bedside, she was the fly on the wall, she was the ballerina with broken toes.

    On and on the night went, until she had lived a thousand lives. And through them all, she felt the Presence of One Spirit, slipping her from one awareness to the next as simply as a tree shifts its sap to its branches. Through them all, she felt the Love and Compassion that just waited, flowing around and through and to each branch, waiting for them to drink of Its substance, and Remember, and be Filled, and be Loved, and be Everyone, and be free to be pure Compassion.

    Ask, and you, too, can be given the gift of the long dream,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Voice of Love that whispered to you, “Your job is to heal your own heart”, meant, as you know, to remember the fullness and perfection of your own status as made by God.

    It is the job of everyone. For when they are in complete wholeness with their own Spirit, they can see the outer world’s Innocence and Goodness again.

    Try it today, Beloved. Set aside all sorrow, and claim the Truth, “God knows me Whole”. Do that today, and always.

    Shining with your own Wholeness is the way to heal others. Listening to their complaints, or to your own grievances, is not the way to remember your place as a part of One Soul. The Way is to be a demonstration of Harmony and Love, as created and kept in order by the principle of God.

    Be that, for you ARE that, in Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiveness is not a mental decision, or an act of pardon that you give as a gift to another. Forgiveness is a constant awareness that all who think they are in the world have lost themselves in the roles of a play of smoke and mirrors.

    Some step back from their role for a moment now and then. Some are able to maintain that awareness of true Being, and see through the smoke and mirrors almost always. Most are still growing towards those instants of clarity, when they remember that they are inhabitants of Divine Reality, and that only hazy reflections of their true selves are visible in the worldly realm.

    If you have the moments when you see through the haze, forgive those who are lost in it, when they think that illusions and smoke are worth fighting about. If you are a fortunate one who sees past the warped mirrors more often, forgive all whom you encounter, and so help awaken them. Giving forgiveness is giving life. Give it also to yourself, and fight and fear no more.

    Giving forgiveness is reaching an arm out from off-stage, and helping the other, and your self, remember there is a Home to stay true to, even while the play goes on.

    You are a true resident of Heaven,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Spirit does the Work of showing you what It created, including your Whole self.

    But you have to open the door by appreciating Good Spirit, and agreeing to abide in Harmony.

    It is not hard. Do not try to make it hard. Just release to Love. Open the door of the heart with gratitude and thanks, and let Good reign in the kingdom of your heart.

    Blessed be, for Blessed you ARE.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you count your blessings, to put you in the Mind-Frame of God, do you truly ponder and appreciate them, or has it become a rote thing, just a standard list to flick through? Appreciate them and walk around them, in thought, today, and see the space in your life expand to accommodate more.

    Count your blessings instead of grievances, and the results are marvelous indeed. It can change the way you see, and experience, the world.

    Yes, this sounds like standard advice. But are you doing it?

    We count you as one of our blessings, as we do each soul assigned to us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Loving the self, so as to accurately reflect the Perfection and Harmony of the Divine that you are as a created idea in the Spiritual Infinite, cleanses the self to reflect perfectly. Loving the self may also be worded as “I believe that I am deserving of God’s perfect Love, and that I am Its perfect child.”

    That believing the self to be worthy, and of therefore allowing the self to be loved, is why the step of shaking off the dust of the world, through confession (to self or to God) and acceptance of forgiveness, are so very important. You will never allow yourself to fully receive Divine Love and Perfection if you do not believe you deserve them, even though they are freely offered by the Divine.

    Assess, confess, make reparations where possible, and accept forgiveness, and then accept healing of the heart and body and mind. There is no other way to let it fully come.

    God’s Love is never withheld from the heart that opens,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, do even the tiniest things with Love.

    Whether you are pressing a button to open a door, or whether you are greeting a very, very old friend, do it with Love.

    The Mind of Love in which you truly dwell, holds you in perfect and complete Love in every moment. Therefore, you can do this. You are surrounded by Love, held up and permeated by Love. You are made of Love. You can do this. You are this.

    This is what it really means to Serve. It does not mean undergoing needless pain and worry and sacrifice. It simply means doing everything with Love, in Love.

    Today, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seeking is the same as finding, from the perspective of the end of time-sense.

    Remember, Beloved, the Divine Source knows that you, as consciousness, as brilliant and perfect Idea, have not “gone” anywhere. You are sleeping and dreaming you are in “time”, but the Source knows you are perfectly safe and wonderfully Loved, right here, right now, in Its ever-Loving Mind.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love is the “Ticket” home. Physical death of the body-image is not the ticket to knowing who you really are as a consciousness and an image of Goodness. Divine Love is the way to know a feeling and awareness of Heaven and Peace of Mind. Here and now.

    Immerse yourself in Divine Love today, Beloved. As you save yourself with that healing Love, you will know yourself Good, Godly, and you will see and know all around you as Good and Godly as well. Whether through song or words or quiet welcoming and pondering, immerse yourself in Love. Try it for yourself, or ask the Help of someone more practiced at it than you, but focus on remembering who you are as a whole and verified and rightful resident of Love.

    Take the ticket of Divine Love, and carry It in your heart always, and walk in Its Glory.

    Someone Else bought that ticket for you. Use it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being socially charming is not always part of being Unconditionally Loving from a spiritual perspective. Be kind, be true to the Divine Voice within, and trust that those that are ready to feel and hear the Truth of the Omnipotence of God will thank-you, for either your words or your silence.

    For those that are not ready, leave them to God’s Loving Mind Touch. Clad yourself, your thoughts, in the armor or Love, and let not human hatred and power struggles touch you. You are Loved by God and you Love God, and that is the Truth to cling to. Nothing else really matters.

    Let Love do Its Work—on you, and on all. It is such a relief to know that your only task is to Love God and let God shine through you.

    And amen and amen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like the leaves of a tree that fall down around its roots, and decay to feed the ground and give it nutrients, your old habits and attitudes and mistakes and successes can fall down through time to feed who you are now.

    Therefore, like the old leaves that have mulched into the elements, let what you have learned help you be an even better display of the newness of what you are now, but do not keep trying to dig up those old displays. Be the newness unfurling, like the fresh green leaves.

    Be the newness and goodness now, letting what has died feed you, but never hold you back or down.

    “I will be my Higher, Best Self, displayed, reflecting the Divine, now.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All are joined together in the Heart/Mind that is God and is all.

    Let that thought be your thought today as you rest. God is restful, calm Creation, and you can do that, too. Many times, in all spiritual systems, people have been told that Divine commandments are to HELP them live joyous and productive and happy live. Among those guidelines is rest. Rest today, Beloved. Rest in Love.


  • Ah, sweet Beloved,

    There is no change of the view of you in the Mind of God where you dwell. God does not think any less of you when you make mistakes. God simply offers Its endless, unconditional Love, to help you think well of yourself and others again. God offers ideas and solutions and orchestrates encounters and opportunities for you to use your talents and gifts and re-discover the Joy of the Spiritual, Infinite substance of yourself.

    Do not think any less of yourself. Only realize the Infinite Truth of yourself as pure Spirit, and feel the sweetness of seeing other as their innocent selves as well. Being deeply grateful for how much God has helped you and held you in purity of Thought surely helps you choose to see others with complete Compassion Divine.

    All are together the complete Child of God, at whatever stage of awakening to this fact they are. Be happy to aim for that freedom, and glad in every moment you feel it.

    “I, and all, are the Substance of the Joy of God. Not dying flesh. Not flesh at all. Just the substance of the Infinite Joy of God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    At the slightest hint of criticism or meanness in your thoughts about someone, ask Harmonizing Spirit to Bless them, and Bless you. Only then can you be cleared in the conduit of the Perfect Power that flows to all, to heal, to reconcile, to redeem and correct.

    It is how It Works, Beloved. All behavior that is ungodly on both sides must be set aside in order to reveal the True Golden Hearts that are Heaven’s awakened residents, shining with the Qualities of God. Do your part for learning to occur. Do your part for behavior to change.

    We are helping all do this, heart by heart throughout time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sift through all the object desires and the momentary wants or pains or pleasures, and realize that what you really want is Love. You want to Love and be Loved. You want to Love the work you are doing. You want to Love the ability to give and to receive. You want to Love the feeling you have when you think about your role in the Universe, and whatever little bits of it you did this day.

    You want to Love and Be Love, and to see that Love give fruit.

    So ask for that. Do not be confused about what or who or where to ask for—ask the Divine, that tenderly holds you, for seeds of thought that give you instant Love, or lead to Love.

    “I want Love. I want Divine Love. I want Love.”

    It IS yours, for God already Loves you. Receive it.

    Take time to receive it. Receive it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps you believe, right now, that you can not go higher than forgiveness. But we tell you that you can, and you will. We have Seen it.

    Beyond forgiveness is revelation, and when you have seen the beauty of the Truth, it will entice you to look to It more and more, and no more fret about the past or the small physicalities of the earth dream.

    We assure you. Do you trust us?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there seems to be trouble, there is also Good.

    Remember that the All-Presence of One Mind, of the Divine, of Spirit Holy, means there is nowhere that God is not. Yes, yes, there is the misty human illusion of discord or lack or terrible fear or bodily inharmony, but We are trying to train you to See past those veils of human perception and realize that the Divine Solutions and resolutions for those things are right there.

    Ask to See them. Ask for others to have their eyes opened to See them. You would not be reading these messages if you were not ready to be awakened to your full Spiritual potential. Humanity is ready to be awakened to be able to See and experience its own Goodness.

    Be willing to participate in this wonder by simply remembering, always, where there seems to be trouble and sorrow, there is Good already there. And allow the Good to come forth in the way that It has ordained, and be willing to be Its peaceful and loving instrument.

    There is progress being made, even though you may not be aware of it.

    God Loves you so. God Loves you all so very much.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Grace of God is your Holy Lover, and faithful.

    Look to that, and know that your faithful ones will also appear on earth.

    As ever, yours,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To see a legitimate need, and to lovingly and creatively fulfill it, is to Be Divine.

    To give and offer whatever your skills and means and fellowship can provide is to be a part of the wonderful Plan for the re-uniting of human awareness with the High Consciousness that Holds All.

    That is all. That is enough. You will be led to do the kind and decent and uplifting things. Just listen and obey when you feel the surges of Compassion and Love fill you, and you will be enacting your perfect part.

    We assure you it is appreciated,


  • Ah, Child,

    You can think of many situations in your life when you felt that you could not think of a good enough idea about how to solve something, or how to create something, or how to choose, and you went to someone more experienced and said, “Do you have any ideas about this?” “What would you do?”

    Let that also be your approach to One Spirit, your approach to the Voice of the Divine, Beloved. Sit and wait quietly, just as you would when waiting for the “expert” to come up with an idea for you to enact, and wait for the idea, God’s idea, to be voiced in your heart. Then enact it. It really is as simple as that. Let God’s ideas be your ideas, let God’s thoughts be your thoughts, just as you yourself, in True Form, are an idea in the Thought that is God.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Grace my eyes, dear God, and enable me to see, the purity and innocence and wholeness of us all, as we are in Thee.”

    “As Grace is with me always, amen.”

    There is certainty in God, Beloved. Do not forget it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understand that within everything, everywhere, what you think of as empty “space”, whether between atoms or between planets, is really filled with the Force of Creative energy and Light.

    You cannot get away from it, for you are within It. You are not a body, although you do seem to “see” one. You are an endless expression of the energy of Light, and once you relinquish thinking of yourself as something separate and small, it is a most comforting thought.

    Let yourself relax into that Thought, for as you relax into it, the One Thought that you are an emanation of will sustain you and heal you and enliven you, and let you know you are indeed a part of total Love and Acceptance.

    All Truth is revealed eventually,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Put some things in order today.

    Whether it is the objects on your nightstand or in your car, or the jars in the cupboard, or your thoughts about traveling next month, or the numbers in your account, put some things in order.

    As you do so, contemplate the joy of order, and the calmness it induces. Remember that order is a marvelous Quality of the Divine, Who is constantly bringing more Order to the expansion of Love to all places and minds that have but a dim Light now.

    Trust, Beloved, that Order is at work, bringing Itself to each spot that needs greater Harmony. You are part of that. All are part of that. Each moment you calmly Love, you are helping bring order to the awakening of all.

    When your mind is calm and ordered, We can reach your thoughts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As your journey to the Heart of God’s Sight takes you closer and closer to the Truth, you will find more and more energy available to you for connecting with the resources and individuals that Mother-God has arranged to be those who help you, and whom you help, in the full remembrance of your status as a Child of the Divine Thought.

    Be not afraid to branch out with each new idea that is put your way, for those connections are there specifically for you. EACH soul part, that altogether make up the Great Soul of the Divine, has a beautiful path laid before it, to lead it back Home to complete remembrance of, and fulfillment of, what it is in the Whole.

    Listen to those ideas that come to you. Spend a lot of your time listening to those calm Inner Ideas. They will guide you. You will learn to trust them, as more and more of them guide you perfectly and happily through each and every hour and day.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, it is best to think in very simple terms.

    When you were very young, you ran quickly to a mother or father or parental substitute, knowing there were some arms and a voice and a kiss to comfort you or advise when you needed.

    Perhaps later you ran to a best friend or a coach or a teacher, in addition to, or instead of, the parents. Perhaps later it was a lover or a group of friends.

    All of these come and go, or pass away, or move out of your life, or are busy that day or that moment, or on vacation, or pre-occupied…

    Just think for a moment of the sweetness of having a Loving Omnipresence that you can always, BECAUSE YOU DWELL WITHIN IT, call upon, turn to, and ask for help from. Think for a moment of the surety of absolutely knowing you are always heard, and responded to, because It wants your glad, peaceful Joy, as a part of Itself.

    That is the essence of the Truth. It will serve you well if you keep it in the forefront of your consciousness, when you feel lost in a confusing muddle of spiritual teachings, or theological points, or twistings of human endeavor and relationship.

    The oneness of Being, Infinite and Loving and Warm, is simply always there if you reach for your awareness of it. It is your first call, your last call, your constantly available Friend. Let it happen. Let it Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no doubt in your mind that Divine Mind is ALWAYS ready and willing and able to inspire you with ideas and give you tender care and support and Love. There is nowhere you can go where It is not. There is no time lapse during which It does not hear you turning to It.

    All it takes is your attention and intention, Beloved. That is what all the meditation and prayer and mind-training are about—learning to stop listening to your own small human assessments and intellectualizations exclusively, and instead turning to the Divine Mind that so completely Loves and Governs all. That is what devoted time is about—setting aside the swirl of worldly information that would bombard you constantly, or eschewing only turning to the human opinions of friends and family, and instead hearing the individualized and very practical Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Truth that would uplift you and Guide you.

    Do practice this daily, Beloved. Love will not force you to live more Peacefully, centered in Its Heart, but Love is always, always, always Holding you, and waiting for you to choose the Glory of Life lived in holiness and Grace.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We know that many of you like finding a good bargain in the worldly realm of the bodily senses. You adore finding food or housing or clothing that can be had at a very good price.

    Beloveds, the Consciousness of Good, in the completely Spiritual Reality, that is what you are really made of, and a part of, offers all of Its Goodness to you for free. Grace, given by God, is free.

    Ask It to help you gracefully be aware of your truly Infinite and Spiritual and Wonderful nature, and It will do so for free, free, free.

    It is a very Good bargain, Beloveds.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every personal resolution you make for being your best self is good. But realize always that you do not do that alone, and that every resolution you make is also equal to the prayer “I trust You. Thy Will be done. Thy Will IS done, in my dream of physical life, I let that be my truth.”

    Loving you tenderly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the discernment of human thoughts comes, as gift of the Spirit, it is ever more important to stay true to the vows of Truth, so that knowledge may be used only to help Heal. That is part of why Healers must be so consecrated to the task of being Healing vehicles, so that there is no temptation for personal use or misuse of what is discerned through gifts of Spirit.

    Stay alert, stay silent and kind, and let the Great Physician do the Healing, through the time you give by holding open awareness—the door to the dreams of mind.

    If this message is for you, you understand,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am Holding you. I Am Holding you. I Am Holding you.

    Let yourself feel that. Allow yourself to discern being Held in Love.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, Be Gratitude.

    Be Gratitude for all that you already are, perfect and good and whole Spiritual idea within Spirit, joyous and free.

    Be Glad. Be Gratitude. Be.

    And think not yourself anything else,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps you think it does not matter whether you stay quietly attuned to the small, still Voice of Divine Spirit for even simple choices such as choosing which glass to use for your morning water. But, We say to you that such constant practice in being in tune with the frequency of Divine Consciousness, is exactly what will give your hours and your days and your life a smoother progress and greater Joy.

    Consider the choices you have made in the past that led to errors of action or feelings. Consider the feelings that have, and sometimes still do, try to lead you astray. Being in tune with the Divine Urges in your heart will give you the will to stop, consider, and choose wisely, and happily, for every moment of your days and nights.

    Feel the great Peace of being aligned with the One Whole, and let It Guide your every action, every word, every feeling, every hope, every plan. Practice it, practice it, practice it.

    Imagine if all plans matched the Great Plan of Awakening to Loving Soul,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allow us to re-phrase your question:

    If you can help one, or a few today, with due appreciation and pleasure, or if you can help end the illusion for thousands, anonymously and vicariously, over the years, which do you choose to do?

    Allowing the Divine Self to be in charge allows the greater Good, Beloved, and trust allows the Greater Divine to always take care of the small “you” that helps enact that Greater Good.

    That should clear up any moment’s confusion,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take yourself into this truth, that as you declare, and know, that “I am Life, shown forth as Harmony”, you embrace all that Harmony would include.

    Let yourself be rested in this all-embracing truth, and trust that the Divine Spirit of you knows what Harmony you need. When you become immersed in trying to figure out the details of what is “good” for you or “bad” for you, the human illusions have their chance to turn your sight again to the foggy world.

    Today, stay in the Light. Just keep knowing, keep being aware, that you are alive, that you are a manifestation of Light, and let, O’ let, Harmony sweetly reign.

    The “devil” is in the details. He has no power in the Whole,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love is not abstract. It is very Real. I Am very Real.

    Ask Love for help and It will.

    “Love, help me. Help me in the way that is Best for me, and Best for all. I trust you. I know you want the Best for all to be revealed. I know You want us all to remember we are as You. We are Love. Help us know that and see that and be that.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “High Guidance of the Light Governs us all, and does it Right.”

    Trust the Law of Love, dear Child. It does and will have Its way, in Its own way. Let the Law of Love be what you obey.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are with you. We are with you.

    Feel our Loving embrace, and trust that in the moments when you cannot muster the will to count your Blessings, or say your usual healing prayers, or remember the words of the uplifting song, We will invite the Blaze of silent Divine Light.

    We shall invite the flash of Light, and all the unnamed and named fears of nothingness will scatter like ridiculous cockroaches. In the Light of Truth, in the Reality of Spirit, All is Well, All is Well, All is Well.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the days when the very Soul of you feels tender, go silently within. Claim again, and again, the very basic Truth “I am Loved, and because of that I am Loving.”

    Be very gentle with yourself, and quietly know that you are already filled with and made of that Love. It is the very Substance of All Being. As you hold that in your Heart of Spirit, soft Joy will come. And Joy will fuel your needs of the day, and all the ways to reach them.

    Even if you must go forth before you feel filled with Joy, carry the Claim with you into the worldly, “I am Loved, and I am Loving.”

    And Love those and that which you encounter, gazing with Grace past the shifting shadows of physical form, for that Love will quickly draw more Joy through you and to you.

    “I am Loved and I am Loving, for Love made me as Itself.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Mind that saw how Its children, Its ideas, were misinterpreting creativity, and thus were imagining sorrowful dreams for themselves, gave them an Inner Voice of Joy to guide them. That Voice has Infinite Patience, and will freely share that Patience with you as you learn to understand your own holiness and lovableness, so that you can create Joy.

    Ask for that Patience today, in small and big tasks, and ask for it so that you may patiently listen carefully to the Divine Inner Voice that is custom made for you, and that gently leads you to remember your wholeness as a part of the Loving Mind.

    We are patiently offering you Our Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Humor at the absurd helps the mind realize the illusory conditions that can be overcome. When the human condition tries to feed fear, let humor lead to hope and let hope lead to faith in Good. Then, let the changes that come set you firmly in the knowledge of Love, and Love’s desire for your Joy.

    Notice the absurd, let laughter chase fear aside, and trust in the ways of Truth, dear one. Trust that the Truth will shine through.

    These words may not seem logical to you. Yet, set disbelief aside, and feel, feel, feel the Presence. You can thus allow yourself to see that All things are possible to the Divine that is above human logic.

    The Divine wants you to feel Joy. Trust that and trust Its ways, including laughter that opens your heart to receiving Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grace is so warm. It rests the soul and melts the heart of stone. It lets you feel so relaxed into God’s point of view that you can truly, sincerely, ask to See all as God Sees. Then, you See revealed the reality of Goodness, seeing beyond the tattered costumes and worn hills, to understand yourself to truly be a part of the Infinite beauty that ever expands, but does not fail.

    You do not fail, or die. You are forever unfolded with the Infinite Sight, as Its demonstration. Though a costume and a moment in time may be cast aside, you can already experience the Inner Joy of being a part of It All.

    Rest into that warmth. Welcome It. What does fretting gain you? Rest into Warmth Divine, now, Beloved, and feel Blessed. Accepting and being grateful for Blessings brings more Blessings. Is not that the greatest gift of all?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Very simply, today:

    “God’s Will for me is Joy.”

    “God’s Love for me is to know God.”

    You cannot fail in this, for God’s Will is done. Let not time fool you into thinking it is not. God’s Will is done NOW. Accept it now and feel the Joy. Open your heart and feel the Joy, “God Loves me. God Loves me purposefully, expansively, completely. God Loves me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many days, we urge you to try to See the Godliness in those around you that seem to often annoy you, or whose choices you find mystifying. And We have often pointed out that they are usually mirroring the aspects of your own human self that you wish to smooth away or let go of. We applaud you for all of that work on a new perception and set of behaviors and outlooks.

    Today, Beloved, dedicate yourself to Loving even more those whom you already love. Ask God /Spirit/One Mind to Help you See them in an even more wonderful way. As you interact with them, or as you simply think about them, ponder the wonderful Divine Qualities they exhibit in their creativity, in their intelligence, in their giving generously, in their gentleness, in their loving. Be amazed at the calm tenderness that exists as Love is exchanged.

    And, just as with the weaknesses you wish to shed, be aware that the Good Qualities you See in those you love are also mirroring the Good Qualities of you. Love yourself extra well today, dear one. Note and be Glad of the Truth of your High Soul that shines through and puts you on your Best behavior just when it is needed.

    We See the Best of you, and all, all the time. Join us.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As yet another whom you know passes from the mortal realm, think upon the aptness of the celebration called “a wake”, for truly the soul that was slumbering now awakens. Sit beside its Golden Heart, and celebrate with It as It wakens to Joy.

    Take a moment to give praise and thanks that Its final time in the dream was full of forgiveness and truth, rather than bitterness and sorrow. Take a moment to hold Its hand as It bows from Its role in your play and bids you adieu, and be grateful for all you both learned. And then, be glad, as Gladness takes It back to Its Own Bosom, and all fears and tears are set aside, for the Peace that ever recreates Itself, again and again and again.

    This We Know to Be True,


  • Ah, Now, Friend,

    Realize that when you have become accustomed to feeding your self from Spirit within, there is no going back. Be of that Mind, or be discontent and grumbling and complaining.

    There is only the Divine Mind, and the illusion of the world. Take your concentration off the illusion, Beloved, and focus only on letting your mind be illumined from within. That is all.

    That is the only true place, Beloved, to resolve the things that seem to be on the outside, irritating or frustrating you. Go within, be of Peace, become Peace, and let the outer reflect the Truth you begin to live. Be the Illumined mind, or be nothing, Love. It is the only choice there is.

    We support the choice, but you must make it, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no moment when you cannot turn to the Unrelenting Love of Spirit. Turn to It for comfort and inspiration. Turn to It to be reminded that the Presence of Love that never ends is Love Divine.

    And is not that the Love that you want above all? Seek that Love first and always, and let human love come where and when it is appropriate and needed and can be appreciated.

    Love because you are made of God’s Love. Love because it is the core purpose of all.

    We are always with you, Child.

    Give, give, give to receive, receive, receive.