All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    To experience the aspect of Life that is humor, you look at the comic strips, or read a laughter column, or watch an amusing show, nearly every day. Even when you see a cartoon that is very, very funny to you, you do not look at the same one each day and experience the same level of delight. You look to partake of the principle of humor in new and wonderful ways each day.

    Just so, look to experience faith, and love, and the Living Divine in new ways each day. To read and reread the same prayer each day, without exploring new ways to interpret it, or new ways to understand it, is to let it become as lifeless as the same cartoon seen two thousand times in a row. Let yourself explore different words of spiritual trust. Let yourself enjoy different aspects of understand the Divine Source, from many different writings and parts of scriptures, and sharings of testimony.

    And, if repeating the same prayer, or one of a simple series of prayers, is a comforting part of your particular faith ritual, speak or say them slowly enough and quietly enough that you can let them become totally Alive to you. Let them not be by rote. Let them be a true communing, a true dialogue, with lots and lots of time for listening between the sounds and the words and the letters, that you may HEAR IN YOUR HEART the other part of the conversation—the sweet Presence of the embracing Source.

    Look to new food for Spirit and from Spirit in every moment and every day, just as you look to new food for the enjoyment of humor in each day. Renew and renew and renew the experience of Goodness, in all of Its aspects, of which humor is just one tiny part. Do not wonder if writing new prayers is a waste—trust that new ones are needed just as much, and more, as are new cartoons, every day.

    Be un-hurried, and be free to hear God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rise and shine?

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Beware the human ego’s trick of trying to make you plan everything. Whether it is your personal notion of achievements that you must have by a certain age, or whether it is the whisper in your head that there is no time to commune with Divine Love right now because you must prepare a meal, learn to discern when those thoughts are distractions from your real and true and endless mission of being an expression of the Divine Life that is your very Soul.

    Believe Us, when it is important for you to do a thing for God’s Plan for you, the idea and motivation for it will occur in your thoughts again and again, gently and lovingly, but persistently. Let not pressures from your own fretting, or copying of others, dissuade you from the joyous task of shining from God-Source as the unique and wonderful Being of Light that you are.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    When you find that those whom you help in their spiritual growth are happy, rejoice. When you find that those whom you help are only resentful of, and suspicious of, your efforts, continue to pray for them silently, and rejoice that it is not up to you, as a human, to awaken them to their Divine Selves. It is, truly, up to the Heart and Voice of God.

    Continue to ask that your eyes be opened that you may See, and that their eyes be opened that they may See the Divine Reality. And listen to God, to know when there is a human action to take or a word to give that may help. But between, relax.

    Relax, knowing God is already on the job, letting all the dreamers awaken as gently as possible.

    We thank you, when you feel unthanked,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The true beauty you are looking for is not the appreciation of beautiful objects, or even the ease of the physical form. It is the sublime Beauty of the sweet communion with the unseen Divine Awareness, that creates, supports, and governs all as Spiritual Light.

    Realize that your Spiritual Sense is what you want most, and seek each day to remember it more. You do not grow in that remembrance through the bodily senses, but through silent embrace of the Divine Thought within and around you. Turn to that, to feel the fullness of Soul that is the real Life of all, and you will find Real Beauty indeed. It is already yours, freely given, within the Mind that is All.

    The objects you need in your days, the wellness that enables you to function and thrive—these will come, and are yours. But tend first and foremost to your communion with the Oneness you are a part of, for Its Beauty is the Real Beauty you crave.

    Think about the Truth of this, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believing that you are a formulation of Light in the Heart/Mind of the Divine is important. However, understanding that all is energy on an intellectual level, is not the same as changing your perception of self so that your self-awareness shifts into abiding in the Divine.

    Your Home is in God. Your Home is in God even while you seem to still be here on earth. You live and move and have your being in God, and to realize that all Harmony in your life was/is created there is a crucial part of Spiritual Perception.

    The many mirrors in the ballet practice hall are very handy for learning and perfecting moves and beauty, but be not the ballerina who confuses her moving, dancing self with the images that she sees. Those who know her well know when they are seeing a mirror-rehearsed, audience directed, stiff smile, and when they are seeing a spontaneous expression of pure joy. Be the true self. Spin ’round and ’round from the heart-awareness that is centered in God.

    Express Joy from the Inner You that has Its Home in God, and you will light up all the mirrors around you. Forget not the Central Source, and it will help you see the Light shining from those around you as well, even when they have many well-rehearsed moves.

    All beings are needed,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We know that many of you like finding a good bargain in the worldly realm of the bodily senses. You adore finding food or housing or clothing that can be had at a very good price.

    Beloveds, the Consciousness of Good, in the completely Spiritual Reality, that is what you are really made of, and a part of, offers all of Its Goodness to you for free. Grace, given by God, is free.

    Ask It to help you gracefully be aware of your truly Infinite and Spiritual and Wonderful nature, and It will do so for free, free, free.

    It is a very Good bargain, Beloveds.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When we stand in appreciative awe at the Beauty and Harmony of the world, we are agreeing with God, “It is very Good”.

    Take time to be in awe each day, and help to co-create more Good, and It is done.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Care for you is complete. The Real You is completely within God, spirit within Spirit, and That Spirit Holds you completely.

    God does not forget to hold part of you. There is no part of you as Consciousness that is outside of God. If you think you are apart from God, and out the range of God’s Care and Voice, you are only imagining that.

    You can imagine all kinds of things, but you are never outside of God. If you turn willingly, like a child coming inside from her sandbox play, when her mother calls her to lunch, God is still and completely right there, tenderly nurturing the Truth of You.

    O’ Beloved, let God nurture and Love you today. Give up the imaginings and take Joy in being Cared for in ways that you never imagined.

    It is Real,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claim the Calmness of God, sternly and with vigor, if human emotions seem to have mesmerized you into misery or drama. Drop other thoughts and actions for a minute, and firmly ask Good Spirit to help you break the hypnotic effect of grief or anger or sorrow that might be keeping you from making Good decisions, and clearly hearing the Loving Guidance of God.

    There are many days when quiet simple prayer, and openness to God-Guidance, can be something in the back of your mind, and an awareness in your heart, while you go about your normal routines. But when strong emotions arise, and try to pull you off track, and confuse you, take time to forcefully claim your identity and rights as a citizen of the Kingdom of Heavenly Consciousness, with a Joy that is great, but steady and supportive.

    The feelings that you have that are reflections of the Qualities of God, such as that Joy, and enthusiastic creativity, and Blissful inspiration, and amazing Love, are powerful feelings, but they are a power for Good Thought, Good action, Good solution based in Divine Soul.

    Let those Good feelings Guide you, rather than the temporal disruptive emotions that try to hijack you on your Good journey.

    Be firm in your dedication to Enduring Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know what to do. When you think “someone else” is in error, re-align with the Harmony that is All, and look again, at yourself, and the “other”.

    You know this Truth, and will not avoid it forever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Can you go through a day with this simple outlook?

    “I am God’s Beloved Child. How then should I behave here in the play?”

    For God asks no one to play the villain. God asks only that each one do his or her best to reflect the pure and loving and intelligent qualities of God—all the qualities that show that the image reflects the original.

    Even a little of the Best is often enough,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the days when the very Soul of you feels tender, go silently within. Claim again, and again, the very basic Truth “I am Loved, and because of that I am Loving.”

    Be very gentle with yourself, and quietly know that you are already filled with and made of that Love. It is the very Substance of All Being. As you hold that in your Heart of Spirit, soft Joy will come. And Joy will fuel your needs of the day, and all the ways to reach them.

    Even if you must go forth before you feel filled with Joy, carry the Claim with you into the worldly, “I am Loved, and I am Loving.”

    And Love those and that which you encounter, gazing with Grace past the shifting shadows of physical form, for that Love will quickly draw more Joy through you and to you.

    “I am Loved and I am Loving, for Love made me as Itself.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a tendency of the mortal mind to get superstitious about what enacts the sublime and strong feeling of the Supportive Presence of God/Love.

    If you are suffused with that Complete and Blissful feeling and feel suddenly healed of an ill, or discern Its warmth overcoming you, and then have a brilliant idea, the human correlation will leap to connect those results with whatever exact prayer you were saying, or person you were listening to, or room you were standing in. We assure you, The Divine Source That is All is always with you and near. You do not need ritualistic and formulaic patterns of certain words said in a certain order, or a specific color of boots to wear, or size of candle to light.

    God hears you when your heart calls. God is already Willing to help you, as soon as you turn your human consciousness to the Great Consciousness. If it assists you in your focus on Loving God to go to an accustomed spot, or to be inspired by a sermon from a certain speaker, or to joyfully contemplate nature or a flame or a painting, then do so. But do not confuse the material and temporal with the Purely Spiritual.

    God is Pure All-encompassing Spirit. And as Its emanation, you are not away from God or separate from God. God is always with you and ready to convey Divine Will and Truth and Wisdom and Love.

    As in God-Spirit, so in the ray of Spirit that is you,

    Let your heart sincerely and lovingly call forth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps it is not yet obvious to you that the human physical sense of self will try to play tricks on you, and convince you that you are just a body, and nothing else. Be on guard for that. Playfully assess what you are thinking, and remind yourself constantly and gently, every day, that you are a dweller in the Great and Wonderful Loving Mind of God/Goddess/ All that Is, and you do not dwell anywhere else.

    Be at Peace, and relax into this Truth, Beloved, and know that all sleepers within the Great Spirit DO awaken, whether they are taking just a short nap, with fleeting dreams, or a seemingly long, long sleep, they will awaken into the Brightness of Divine and Beautiful Spiritual Reality. When you think that you are tired of the dream of earth, but feel that you have no where else to go, no where and no one to turn to, remember, remember, remember, that you need but close your eyes and spiral down into the heart of acceptance, and say, “Mother/Father Divine, open the door of YOUR Kingdom to me, and let me rest there a while.

    That is the true rest that renews, while you still have work to do in the dream,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as solutions in the home and town often come from communication about who needs what and how and when, trust that communicating with God, Who See all as Spirit, can send you not only the right ideas for Harmoniously running your life, but also the right people and provisions to enact them. There is no thing too small for God to Help you with, there is no thing too large.

    There is, though, the Oversight of God, that wants all to remember the Oneness of Being. Let God swirl into your life experience and thoughts the people, places, and ideas you need, but also be willing, very willing, to be the help or the resource that someone else needs. Pay attention to when the Spirit of Heart beckons you forward to speak or to act or to give.

    What Blesses one, Blesses all, and all Blessings come from One Source, God. Give thanks where thanks are due, to God, as well as to the individuals through which the Blessings have flowed.

    Today, thank God in advance for the Blessings you have not even seen yet. And open your arms and heart and mind and time to really feeling that Infinite Love that made you and supports you always, Child of Good Spirit. That feeling opens the way for you to receive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Nothing convinces the doubting human mind of the effectiveness of turning to God’s Loving Law of Harmonization like personally experiencing it. You can hear testimony from others, or read about wonderful solutions that came through for those who turned to Divine Love or help, but the mortal mind will doubt and wonder if that wasn”t chance or imagination.

    So, it is important for your own understanding and belief, to prove for yourself that gladly handing over your small human will to God’s Will and Grace in any distressing situation does bring healing and insights and inspiration that leads to Good. You can do this. The wondrous Power of the Presence of God in which you dwell is delighted to help you, if you ask from the truth of the Spirit that is your Life.

    Prove for yourself that the Goodness of God is True and you need never doubt again.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    No matter what seems to have happened in the play of the worldly, you all are perpetual Rays of Light from the central Loving Source.

    Look to It, first and always, and be Helped at any point of time you visit. There is no need to learn by suffering. BE the Light, for It is freely given to you.

    WE whisper encouragement always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new emergence into the softness of the Presence of Spirit, as you, as all that is around you, as the thoughts you choose to entertain in your mind. Let it indeed be One Mind that guides you, all this day, letting no idle moments become human daydreams or calculations, but only the soft, soft Truths of the Guiding Love that would have you remain always in Its flow of Joy, Joy, Joy.

    In Joy we dwell. If you are not allowing It in, you are sleep-walking,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once again, We tell you, your Divine Mother/Father will not let you down, ever. Turn to them.

    Yes, your human parents exhibited all the weaknesses of the human condition. Your human family and friends and loves have been inconsistent in being there for you, battling with their own human errors.

    Forgive them all, Beloved. Forgive them and forget them for the moment, and think only about the unchanging and Complete Love and Support of God.

    Claim “I Am Love” today, and slip into that mantra whenever your mortalness would try to take you into any other feeling or identity.

    “I Am Love”, made by God, right here and above.

    All We are, Really, is Love, and that is the Truth of Salvation,


  • Ah, Child,

    Even the most accomplished saint of the world must return to basics, again and again. Even the most abiding prayer-practitioner or the one who meditates most deeply must at times remind him or herself to look to the answers, instead of the seeming problems, to look to the One Spirit or One Harmony instead of the seemingly troubled waters at one’s feet.

    If thoughts of the troubled waters intrude into meditation or prayer, Beloved, let them be seen only as the waters that rise to wash away the dust of the journey. Let them be accepted as the refreshing cleansing that makes all things seem fresh and new, like rain after a dusty, dusty, dusty week of summer.

    In Harmony is your Life. Seek It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “High Guidance of Love and Light, tenderly Help me see and hear your perfect Guidance of me and my Loved ones, this day, this night.”

    If you can slow your thoughts, and stop, and open your heart and completely fill it, each day, with the above desire, Beloved, your experience of life WILL change for the better in every way.

    This is simply True, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never fear that We are not with thee.

    Just sit yourself still and quiet, and ask for Us, and We will come into your thoughts. We are ever ready to Help, with silent Love, and supportive strength, and courage to act on the Thoughts that flow from God.

    Today, simply be still and quiet, even while you go about putting your physical home in order. Let your thoughts become orderly in the way of the Divine, even as the ordering of the physical occurs. Be quiet, and let Order come, for God loves the awareness and trust of Its Order to enter your consciousness.

    Therefore, even in the ordering of the household—whether to do dishes first, or paper chores, or tending to bedding or clothing or plantings, let God guide you through your day, practicing, practicing, hearing Its guidance in each and every way.

    Take Joy in the hearing of Divine Thought and Inspiration and Creative Solution to even the everyday chores,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have human role models if you like, and if it helps sort out what behaviors you wish to aspire to, and what life modes are ones you would like to experience, and if certain individuals inspire you to believe in your own ability to achieve human goals.

    But, Beloved, never ever put those things ahead of acknowledging the Source of all Good, and of agreeing to be an example of the Qualities of that Source, to be an expression of God. To be the best expression of your Divine Self is the most important task, and to really know how to do that, you must look to God

    In different cultures and different times, the essential tools of learning how to shine with Love and Grace have varied, and will vary. Each generation may find a new word for the constant clear communion with GOD. But whether you call it “intentions”, or whether you call it “prayer”, it always must come first, if what you are as Its Lovely and Holy demonstrator is to be consistent, and persistent and enduring.

    Sink back into that Truth today, Beloved,

    “Above all, I let Love shine through me today.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All together, We are the Body of Good.

    This is the Body that does not die and is not constrained by time, and you are part of It. Be not afraid, and remember the truth worth of your important and particular and unique part in the Body of God.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The “contract” for your life and your life plan is between you and God. Realize this. Keep this in mind as you study the Qualities of Divine Love and Its enactment of Itself through you. It truly wants you to remember the completeness and fullness and purity of yourself as a part of It, in a happy and wonderful and uplifting way.

    One thing that your individual covenant with God means is that God’s opinion of your choices is the opinion that matters. Rather than dashing about getting human opinions and gathering various numerical “facts” and advice bits, look to Soul and ask, is this thing I am choosing in line with the truths and gifts of Divine Loving Spirit? Would it help me be aligned with Good, and stay aligned with Love?

    Let Love be your touchstone of choice, Beloved. It will guide you and enfold you in Peace of mind and heart. Trust that, and be fueled with Joy. Set up your personal dialogue with God each day, and be led to the way that is perfect for you, and will also Bless those around you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you know that the elements of earthly motivation that are not of the goodness of God are not a valid part of you, and can be discarded as falsity, so also know that there is never any invalidity in the impulse to heal.

    Let Compassion reign in you, for yourself and others. When the reflection of the Source first fell asleep and dreamed it was separate and alone, God’s instant answer was a compassionate healing of that error. Because that instant Compassion is of the Source, it is also a valid part of you.

    Reach out to heal others and you heal yourself. Reach out and re-bind yourself to the knowledge that you are all part of One, and you will be “Home” in an awakened awareness again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your own Inner Divine can burn away all the mist of illusions,

    if you just spend today being grateful all the time.

    Above all, be grateful to God for Being All, and for being consistently and constantly the Love that contains you. There is no Truth but that which you need, if you stay aware and glad of It always. Let yourself know It as It knows you, and be gratefully obedient to Its directions for you.

    So glad when you are glad,


  • Ah, Friend,

    When a moment comes when you feel especially open to, or aware of, the All Divine of which you are a part, give it your complete attention. If, during your ten minutes of quiet time or prayer time during the lunch hour, you find a new understanding of your Spiritual Reality in the Spiritual Whole, devote so more time to it.

    Be not afraid to cancel an insignificant meeting, or to skip your eating time, or to delay the drive home. Wherever you are, whatever else you are “supposed” to be doing, allow yourself to open your consciousness completely to the Presence that has been ever-ready and waiting for your notice for so long.

    Devote as much time as you possibly can to knowing It more fully, and to listening for Its Truths in your heart. Your relationship with the Divine, and believing in its Completeness is so, so, so much more important than the small errands, or the wisps of paper, or idle chatter, or the busying of hands, that would try to tear you away from this most important Knowing.

    You are ever-held in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    If there are resentments you are harboring in your heart, Love cannot dock there.

    Love can help you tow away old hurts. Let It help you with ropes of forgiveness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Through even the best-made costume on an actor, you can see the aspects of the actor that are his strengths and skill and feelings.

    Today, CONSCIOUSLY look at each person you encounter and look for the Qualities of Goodness. Look for the Qualities that are not related to time, such as kindness and generosity, and willingness to teach and share and help. Look for Lovingness and hopefulness and creativity and perseverance.

    Look for these things, and also recognize them in yourself as you recognize them in others, and realize all are One Quality of reflecting the Divine, just trying to move into place to reflect It clearly and cleanly and completely.

    We see you all complete already. Allow yourself to do the same,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak no ill. Praise and praise, to recognize all that is Good around you. Even if you must rebuke a lie, in the course of teaching your children, or peers, or self, or employees or employers, speak with Love.

    Words spoken with Love are the Truth. To say nothing, and emanate Love, is also the Truth. Speak only when you absolutely must, and then let the words come from the Leading Voice within. You will know Its Voice, for It always speaks with Love.

    Let your voice do the same. Tones of Love are music. Speak Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest now, little rabbit. Rest now. All week you have given unto others, and given unto the faith of God. Rest now. Rest and grow.

    Remember that each spiritual idea of God’s, of which you are one, continues to grow in energy and grace, for all time, and beyond. Rest and grow, and know yourself Loved by God.

    We stay by you, in walking and grace and love,


  • Oh, Beloved,

    Each day is a wonderful new opportunity to express only kindness and Goodness and to give Inspiration. The Divine Love Source wants you to do this, and will endlessly flow a supply of those Qualities to you.

    Forgive yourself for any failings of yesterday, for Loving Spirit has already done so. Go forth again today, and allow your human complaints to get out of the way, and God will Gladly Shine through you. Gladly.

    It IS a new start every day. A new day.

    We Love you so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Glory, Glory, Glory not only awaits you, it IS you and is with you now. Waiting for death is not the solution, for death in itself brings no solution. Turn within to the internal Infinite Eternal, and there find the Truth of your character.

    To think of the death of the costume as some sort of entrance into Infinity is to also idolize the many small forms of death the world contains—the fear, the lost in lust, the denial of brotherhood, the anger, the pain, the jealousy and sorrow. Lose not yourself in these things. Lose yourself in the sweet Love that brings on brotherhood and sisterhood of feeling. Lose yourself in wandering through the many Joys of the Garden of God.

    We are certain, Child, that you want Us with you now. Turn to Gladness and Joy, and We are there. We are there and you are with Us. Why seek anything else?

    Some memories are Glad. Use those, as well as Now Blessings, to remember to turn to God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Best part of you, that which is a demonstration of the Divine, already is the Divine. When you are feeling frustrated by not understanding that completely, or by feeling that you are not seeing that Divine in yourself, it is usually because you are trying too hard.

    Relax. Relax into the Divine. As the worldly ego-self-aware dusty earth self blows away, then, you will know, “I Am.”

    Let yourself relax. Let the thought patterns and lists of things you think you “have to do” become secondary to just remembering that you are a Beloved child of God/Goddess.

    You will be led to what truly needs to be done or said, and done joyfully and willingly. In fact, you will be amazed at what can be done with Bliss, once you realize you are doing it because of how much you are in love with the Divine, instead of doing it because the world, or some friend or relative, or government, expects it of you.

    Be led by God, and you will find yourself dancing ahead of the leash.

    Always Able,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You cannot choose the timing, for others, of the willingness to accept the Truth of God.

    Yes, it is true, that if that person has entered the orbit of your thought, of your experience, that you can OFFER the example and awareness of knowing their greater Wholeness. But you can only offer, you cannot accept for them.

    Let God do the Work. Accept that it IS God that does the Work, not your human self.

    Be humble, be clear, stay ready. But be patient, even when it is someone you humanly love, and whom you wish could stand beside you in belief and understanding.

    We are with you. Take your companionship from us at those moments.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take time, constantly, on your journey, to journey within, and give thanks for dwelling in the Inmost Mind of Love and Truth.

    The more often you journey within, to that Peaceful Kingdom , the more your outer kingdom will reflect It.

    It is not hard, but it does take discipline. It is worth it, Beloved,

    Always holding you up,

    With Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about your own ideas today. Perhaps, as you relax for a few moments after eating lunch, before you take up your tasks again, you will observe an idea cross your mind. Perhaps it is an idea for the garden you will plant in the spring. Perhaps it is an idea of what to build to store your papers, or which friend to call to join you on a walk.

    Think about that idea. Can your idea have a headache? Can your idea have a growth on its foot? Can your idea die on the way to the bank?

    You, Beloved, are a perfect idea in the Loving and Tender and Giving Mind of God/Goddess. The next time you think you have a headache, or a pain in your foot or groin, remember “I am a perfect idea, made out of the Spirit of God that is Love.” A spiritual idea cannot suffer loss or pain or death. It is infinite and eternal, as are all things of God.

    Be playful in this, be open, and allow your beliefs to begin to change, for you are an idea-child of a Mind that only has Good Ideas. And you are a beautiful idea indeed.

    Always waiting and always willing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you set aside your lists and your tasks and your sense of guilt about things not accomplished or not finished, and just rest in walking and talking with God, you will hear some version of “I Love you. I want you with me. I Will that you be Conscious of Me all the time.”

    O’ do this, Beloved. Take a day or part of a day, or a moment or an hour, and just look at Beauty. Appreciate the grandeur of Creation. Enjoy the Wonder of Being.

    It is more important than you know. It is a necessary thing. It will renew you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone has her eyes closed, and has grasped the tail of an elephant, and is thinking of it as an over-wiggly snake, and is calling to God to please quiet this snake in her hand, it is not the elephant that needs to be healed or changed, it is the thinking of the person who holds it.

    Allow the Sight to replace faulty thinking, and perception,

    ` Open your eyes and Awaken,



  • Ah, Dear One,

    When you are on a road trip with a quarrelsome relative, you must make peace with that person during every mile. You must constantly be on the alert for saying something that would lead to an open fight, and constantly compromising your desires for speed, or stops, or music, or quiet, so that you may reach the end of the journey with as much harmony as possible. Only at the destination can you let down your guarded behavior and take a free stroll or a drive on your own.

    So is it with the true You, and the ego you, on this journey of life. The ego self is right there in the passenger seat, but it believes it is the true driver, and will do whatever it can to grab the steering wheel. Its singular and greedy desires will always, so long as you are on earth, in flesh, try to direct you into side trips to things and places that are not really your Divine Self’s best destiny. Even the very holiest of persons must stay mindful and alert to that quarrelsome passenger, even when they have firmly seated the Divine Self at the wheel.

    This is why, Beloved, it is so important to center yourself with meditation, or prayer, daily, and as often as you can throughout the day. This is why, Beloved, you must daily give the gift of your human will back to the Divine Will, so that you have Divine Helpers aiding you as you steer, and aiding you as you find the strength to ignore the ego’s urges. Only the Divine Assistants can help you harness the ego’s strength, and help you use it to be your Harmonized Best.

    This will not change until the end of the journey, Beloved. Yes, there will be times when you are feeling more connected to the Whole and the ego’s voice is faint, or even seems to be absent. Yes, there will be stops that feel so holy that you can embrace them, and take your mind off the ego for a brief time. But, always, it will come forth from its strategic withdrawal again, shouting and whining for this turn or that, for this detour or that.

    Embrace Grace daily, Beloved. Embrace Grace always, and constantly let It know that you want It to have the keys to your car, for safekeeping. In every moment, you have the chance to see glimpses of your true destination. Keep your eyes on It.

    Ah, ah, ah, the road trip…


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If the truth comes out about one, it comes out about all.

    Nothing is hidden from One Mind. Therefore, forgive as you wish to be forgiven, and love as you would wish to be loved.

    As we love all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God knows you have never been ejected from Its Thoughts. Its Loving Thoughts, Beloved.

    Do not imagine yourself alone and exiled, for you are not. You are a part of Its Wholeness, now and always, with all the rights and inheritance that implies, in innocence.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    You are as the Source imagined you, and you are perfectly that.

    “I Am as One Mind created me, and I am nothing else. I can see clearly all others as One Mind created them, and it is a Joy to See.”

    The utter consistency of God is perfect and Good,

    O”, center in It, and enjoy it, Beloveds,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    At Home in God, at Home in God, at Home in God.

    “I forgot for a moment, I am already right here at Home in God.”

    “Clear and clean, the Life Force that I am dances here in the Mind of God.

    The mist of error falls away, I am at Home right now in God, and today I remember all day, I am at Home already in God.”

    Be Satisfied. Stay satisfied with that.


  • Ah, Beloved.

    The Divine Creator Loves, and IS here and now. When you think of that Creative Force as the sweet amenity of Love, and call It to your side, and add it to every situation, you will see wonderful changes seem to occur. That is the ACTION of Love, washing away the mists that have obscured your sight, and hidden the Goodness of the everyday from you.

    Look with the eyes of Love, and See, Beloved, See!

    As we see you, with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiveness is not a mental decision, or an act of pardon that you give as a gift to another. Forgiveness is a constant awareness that all who think they are in the world have lost themselves in the roles of a play of smoke and mirrors.

    Some step back from their role for a moment now and then. Some are able to maintain that awareness of true Being, and see through the smoke and mirrors almost always. Most are still growing towards those instants of clarity, when they remember that they are inhabitants of Divine Reality, and that only hazy reflections of their true selves are visible in the worldly realm.

    If you have the moments when you see through the haze, forgive those who are lost in it, when they think that illusions and smoke are worth fighting about. If you are a fortunate one who sees past the warped mirrors more often, forgive all whom you encounter, and so help awaken them. Giving forgiveness is giving life. Give it also to yourself, and fight and fear no more.

    Giving forgiveness is reaching an arm out from off-stage, and helping the other, and your self, remember there is a Home to stay true to, even while the play goes on.

    You are a true resident of Heaven,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Stay focused on the Bliss and Wholeness and Allness of God.

    Not every healing of the earth experience is instantaneous. Sometimes inviting God to help you see the Wellness of your body, when symptoms seem to shout otherwise, is instantaneous, and a feeling of vitality returns right away, as though the problem had never happened. In Spirit, it never did have a reality, and so it is gone.

    But sometimes the healing takes the form of a draining or a snap back or a reduction of error or pain, over a little time or a sleep cycle, or some days. In those cases, as always, stay focused on Loving God, and on welcoming God’s Love of you, and on the Truth of Love’s full desire for your Joy and strength and Good Life Plan. Rather than constantly evaluating symptoms, focus on The Soul of Life that is constantly creating and embracing and sustaining you.

    God is the winning card, over all, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Physical death is not when you account to God for yourself. Every day is when you account to God for yourself, and to yourself for yourself. For living as God would have you live is what opens the path to Happiness, Peace, and Purpose.

    So, each and every day, ask yourself what God asks you, “How much and how well have I Loved today, Loved in the way that God Loves me?”

    For that IS the Happiness, the Peace and the Purpose. Love as God Loves. Love.

    As I Love you. Because I Love you, you can do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no dust or disorder in the Joyous communion that every heart can have, and does have, even if unconsciously, with the Whole of Love.

    Therefore, let not the chores and tidying of the days distract you from that direct listening with, and receiving of, the Divine. Rather, let that clean Wash of Love fill you, and then carry you through the day and all its duties. Get that Truth, that priority, clear in your heart and focus.

    It will change your days, and your outlook, for the Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Venturing into a resolve to try to See all behavior through the lend of God’s Laws, you may be quite surprised at how many contradict human laws.

    When forgiveness and Compassion trump all else, your behaviors will change often. God does not encourage anarchy, but God does demand living by the Laws of Love. Start now.

    Bit by bit, the world will evolve,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no strife in your intimate circle. In all things, strive for Harmony and Peace.

    If there is an issue which seems to cross the line into iniquity, go inward to the Divine Counselor, and ask for advice. If you do not hear an answer immediately, keep in mind that justice and reform are in the province of the Divine Mind to enact and correct, and that your prayers to have Its Presence right there, right then, are not ineffective,

    “One Mind governs all, and that Mind is True and Just and Good and Loving”, held in thought, will pour correction and healing and righteousness on all situations. Be brave, and be proud to hold that Thought steady in your human thoughts, in all situations.

    We will Help you hold It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The seeming reality of the impermanent world as the only world, the only reality, will come to be less persuasive as the age of information sharing encourages more humans to think about the unseen again. Many unseeable forces rule in even the earth dream, and as these tiny, tiny objects are better described for those that are accustomed to trusting what only the human senses can discern, there will be greater openness to believing in the Reality of Greater Forces. Have faith that the design progresses– to awaken all hearts to letting that Greater Force lead them cheerily through the maze of the earth dream with Peace floating gently around them like a cloak.

    Give Peace forth wherever you are. If it is your task to spread that Peace elsewhere than your own doorstep and community, you will be Led, you will be Told, you will be Helped and Guided. Just bear in mind always, there is no moment when it is wrong to emanate Peace. “I Am Love, I Am Life, I Am Peace, enfolded in a glove that reaches forth to my fellow human.”

    Always, All Ways ,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What you think of as time and space have absolutely no meaning to the Loving Force that holds all ideas.

    It can rain Its mercy gently on your sorrow about yesterday’s loss of temper with your child. It can uplift with great Goodness your need for courage for tomorrow’s endeavors. It Is, always and everywhere, and Is, wherever and whenever, you imagine yourself to be. Whether your thoughts and emotions are floating to the future (as you understand the future), or whether your thoughts are re-cycling the past (as you understand the past), there is the Loving Force, ready to remind you that you are unconditionally loved and supported, as a spiritual being held in the Great Amalgam that is all spiritual beings.

    Be as Love, Beloved. Be as you are in Spirit, and feel free to call to that surrounding and ever-present Loving Force, for any aspect of healing or strength or wisdom that you need, in any moment of past, or future, or now.

    “I am now, and I am whole and complete idea, forever and Lovingly Held.”

    Each layer of idea that is added to you is also complete and good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the wonderful things about the Heart of God that holds all of you and cares for all of you is that God knows your True Hearts. God knows they are formed of Joyous Calm Love, for God has formed them and God IS Love itself.

    When you do not understand yourself, or feel that others do not understand you, turn to the Omniscient Mind of God that is your Home, and let Its Understanding calm you and align you, and Guide you with buoyant Hope. God knows your heart and you can count that as a constant unseen Blessing.

    God Holds the True Heart of you safe, safe, safe.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy in the Source. Joy is the very Light of the Source, that shines through Its perfect idea of you and casts forth the image of you. You are a perfect dance of Light, and when you realize that, and that the template of it, the idea of it, comes from the timeless shining of perfect Joy, you will have a new sense of your own identity.

    Rather than thinking of yourself as a mass of dust and water that is vulnerable and aging, think of the truth of yourself as a delightful image of Light. And know that it is Light that is constant, only changing Its focus to shine away any and all darkness, now and always.

    This is God’s dream, to shine the Light everywhere. Set aside your own time-bound dream/nightmare today, and seek to see God’s dream instead. It is there, and you are a Bright part of It.

    And We Love you for it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is Whole. We are not separate from the energy and Harmony of DIVINE solutions for earthly needs. Let us be open to the creative answers we need for sustenance, for housing, for honorable purpose. God is Infinite. There IS room for all”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Born in every moment in your Home, the idea of you is ever-new.

    You carry that Home with you, for It is the Heart of God. You carry It, even as It carries you, for you are inseparable and ever-One.

    No matter where you seem to go in your dreams, Home and your Source are ever with you. Keep that in mind today, in all you say and do, as you explore your Dream.

    “I am Home, where I belong.”

    O”, Beloved, let the Peace of that Truth wash over you.

    Star shining,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let go of old grudges today. Think of, or make a list of, anyone whom you still resent, and everyone whom you even faintly and secretly think owes you an apology, and address God and say.

    “Bless them and Bless me, for we are both a part of Thee.”

    We have prayed before with you about pondering the glimmers of Good you can find in anybody, and about honoring the Divine in each as you meet, and those practices are always pertinent. But today truly try to cover ALL lingering or new annoyances, and turn to the Truth that can heal or correct all, to declare your willingness to desire “God, dear God, Please Bless, Bless, Bless us all anew.”

    “Bless them, Bless me, enable us to See your Blessing upon all.”

    This is important.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you follow the Voice of God in your heart, you must stay vigilant to not let the seductive voice of the earthly senses try to draw you away from the goal of knowing you are part of the Godly Creation. When the senses try to get you to focus on that which is very painful or very bodily pleasurable, refocus again on the Love of God for you, and your Love for It, in all Its forms.

    Believe us, Child, this is not to say you cannot have any earthly joy. It is to say that really you will have MORE calm earthly joy if you keep your mind and thoughts focused on the Joy of God. Set aside the tiny goals today, and keep your will focused on knowing and loving God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You DO know what instantaneous healing feels like. If you are handed a receipt at the bank, that shows only a tiny balance, that makes your heart drop in fear, and your mind feel confused because you thought you had enough funds to cover the bills of the day, you feel suddenly completely ill. But then you notice that the account number on the slip of paper is unfamiliar. You have been handed the wrong receipt.

    And so, just as suddenly as you felt ill, you feel well again. It was a case of confusion, a case of mistaken identity.

    This is what you must realize when your body would try to claim distress and ownership over you. This is what you must realize when danger seems to loom around you. The costume you use here cannot own you. No worldly law can trump the laws of God. Remember who you really are, spirit reflecting Spirit, and meant for good fulfillment, aligned with the Mind of Love, even while an image of you walks the earth. Know your true identity, trust your Loving Source, and do not let any false bit of paper or fleshly evidence pretend to take control of you.

    Call to Harmony as yours, and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To be the active expression of God’s Good through word or action or prayer or creativity, to even one other person, one other idea of Life thought up by God, is to Be exactly what you need to Be.

    Follow God’s Mind that is yours, and you cannot be touched by the mirages of the world.

    We are with you in this, dear one. We are with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel shaken, when you feel that yet another challenge has come to you or feelings or events have tried to move you off of the deep belief in Divine Love, think about being awakened from a nightmare.

    If a loving friend or partner or caretaker notices that you are thrashing in a nightmare, that caring one will try to shake you awake, and so relieve your suffering. Many times, the gentle shaking of your shoulder will even work itself into your dream, and seem like just one more part of the pain. But the shaking will go on until you are truly awakened, so that the entire nightmare–the entire mis-perception-can stop, and you can waken to full relief.

    Beloved, when something seems to “shake you up”, be still and recognize that perhaps the Loving Divine is trying to awaken you even more, trying to get you to remember you are safely grounded in Love, and surrounded by Loving Care. Pause and remember that only Love is real, and It is already around you and beside you, right now, waking you into Itself.

    Always, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Agreeing to answer the thundering Inner Call of God’s Voice within, to serve, does mean drawing on all the strength that God has to offer you. When those around you seem to be behaving in the worst of human ways, it is the time to stand completely still and re-center yourself in the Strength of God.

    Draw on that strength and shift all your thoughts to a quiet listening, so that God can tell you the strengths of those you look upon, and yourself. As you look upon the strengths and the demonstrations of Goodness that you see in them, your heart will open with compassion, and your eyes will begin to perceive as God does: all are a part of the Harmonious all, even when it is not obvious in the illusions of the moment.

    You can do this, Beloved. God gives you the strength,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Recognizing the sibling nature of every other living being will help you refocus on the necessary plurality of prayers. You literally CANNOT pray aright if the answering of your prayers would be at the expense of the well-being of any other person.

    In situations where it seems that there is any sort of competition, or jealousy, it is especially important to preface all your prayers, and Divine re-focusings, with the word “OUR”.

    “OUR Divine Parent, help us all to see, the absolute best destiny you have mapped out for all of us, for we are all parts of Thee.”

    Never forget the sisterhood and brotherhood of all, in Oneness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your awareness is only of the world, and your sight is of the eyes that seem to see physical things, you have no idea how grateful you will be to the others in your “play”, when your awareness is fully in the truth of your existence as Spirit again, in Oneness with all others.

    Believe us, you will be utterly grateful to them all, for the roles they played in your re-awakening. The friends, the enemies, the casual acquaintances, and lovers, and family of earth, the far-off politicians, and famous and unknown faces, all will be seen to be One with you in Spirit, having graciously played the roles in your course of earth.

    Move into that gratitude now, and you will begin to get a glimmer of what Oneness truly is, and your lovely, and loving, part in It. For you, too, are playing roles for others, and as you choose to take only a loving role, your perception of your play changes, too, and all becomes more loving and more revelatory, until the Truth of your being as a part of the Divine is revealed.

    We see you now, and Bless you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have experienced many “miracles” born of God without even realizing it. Those natural revelations of the Omniscient Mind and Omnipotent Hand gently directing your path have helped gentle your way many, many times.

    Now, as you consciously turn over the Governance of your life to God, you will experience adjustments to your way and purpose that cannot be mistaken for anything but the Touch of Spirit. Expect It, look for It, and appreciate, appreciate, appreciate It when it shines through the dimness of mortal thought and perception.

    We celebrate each step you take towards full Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know you have felt the Vast Arms of Disembodied Love embracing you and lifting you into Higher Thought. There is absolutely nothing that has any power to prevent you from feeling that all the time.

    Although sometimes you have felt that feeling when assisted by a prayer partner or meditation teacher, or when in highly intense moments of celebration or of complete openness to Help, you CAN feel that supportive feeling all the time. Just practice doing so. Do not practice in a strained way. Just stay open and inviting to welcome that embrace all the time.

    This practice is NOT of the “no pain, no gain” variety. It is the opposite of that. It is the Joyous realization that in every moment you can choose to have the extra bonus of living in a deeper and Higher Love.

    Take that extra Joy into the day with you, Beloved.

    Accept It. It is yours,


  • Ah, but where are you speaking from as you say this truth? This is important, dear one. This is Truth. You are speaking from the center of Creation, from the focal point of the center of Love—the spark of Itself It gave Life to, to commune with and to know. That child-spark, that image, remains in the carefully cradled center of the Source, and speaks from there and looks out from there, to see a reflection of itself in the mirror of the earth. It sees what seems to be a body. It see what seems to be a realm. But does it see them truly reflected?

    Speak from the perfect center of yourself, and ask that your sight be cleansed, that the mirror be pure and true, and thus see the reflection of yourself pure and true, and know why you and your fellow parts were proclaimed “well made and well done and good”.

    Never forget where you are speaking from—the utter and complete center of Glory. For, if you forget, you become but a caricature of yourself, and as silly as any cartoon, or as meaningless as a tale with no truth to redeem it.

    Center seat, Beloved. Take center seat, and see the reflection in true focus,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you fully understand the True Omnipotence and Omnipresence of Love as God, of Love as Source and Original and Pure Goodness, then you can begin to grasp that each being is one little spiritual reflection of the fullness of Spirit.

    Then, your alignments with this Causal Love (aka “prayers”) can be as simple as “Dear Love that makes us and holds us, help _______________, help me, be our Perfect Selves, reflecting You.”

    You do not need to become lost in complicated assessments and politics and judgements and diagnoses to pray for yourself and others. You can just ask to be enabled to See Love’s version of all.

    And, Beloved, even before you feel you really grasp the Omniscience of Love, you can do this. God did not make it hard. Love WANTS all to awaken to their Best Version, their only True Version, reflecting and Being Love. Just go ahead and ask to be aligned. Ask for others to be aligned. Make it your wish to See Good, and Be Good. Align with Love.

    You align beautifully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether the moment seems to hold a huge world-wide challenge, or a small emotional trigger from your own story, the choice is always the same. Let your self sit still in sorrow or anger, or choose to combat it with the internal reminder, in your mental dialogue, that you are love fueled by Love. You are love fueled by Love, and It will give you the strength and wisdom to say the words and make the resolutions and take the actions and uphold the beliefs that are appropriate to each hour of your experience.

    You are love fueled by Love, and Love Itself will Help you remember that, and save each moment from anger with gentle compassion.

    Ask for Help and It is there,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy of knowing you are not alone in any decision cannot be surpassed.

    Honor, then, the Voice of Heaven within, and seek Its guidance in every move and every choice and word. And revel in the feeling of being at one with Soul.

    Consistency in this will prove all Good,


  • AH. Child of God,

    Go gently, gently through the whims of the world, knowing that nothing that happens in the temporal touches the pure Truth of your Infinite and eternal self.

    And yet, go bravely and lovingly and strongly, knowing that each quiet smile of yours and testimony of honesty helps others to know that they are their spiritual selves, and Beloved.

    We know you can do this, for you have done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your community of like-minded individuals is far flung. And because the Divine Awakener needs transparencies for the Light abiding in all the places that need awakening, sometimes you feel that not many of those shining Lights are near enough to see every day, or to hold your hand and nod to your eyes.

    But in the age in which you dwell, there is such instantaneous connection through the energies and the electricities of the earth, that you can readily find, and be electronically with, the other human elements that have said “Yes!” to Spirit. Look for them, tune to them, be with them, when you need human companionship and reminders of awakened Goodness. Or let your own testimonials awaken someone near you today, and feel the glow and healing of that.

    And, of course, be ever-aware that God is always, always, always with you, and you can ask to feel God-Love in each and every moment. And you will, if you allow your heart to open and savor that Unsurpassed and Ever-constant Love.

    For So It Is,


  • Dear Beloved,

    There is no need to be in a hurry about letting the Divine Thoughts, which enter your Heart and guide you, move along the transformation of your self and your life. They will do so at the perfect pace, and in the perfect timing, for you as an individual and perfect part of the Soul of God, and for the combined human dreams of all of those who are in your orbit of awareness, or in your universe.

    Giving your understanding that only the Great Oversoul knows what is Best for you at the same time that It knows what is Best for all around you, is the best gift you can give It. Trust utterly in Its ability, in each moment, and It will be able to do Its work more smoothly, more swiftly, more abundantly.

    We are in your debt each time you let the Great Overseer guide you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The seeming appearance of time and space is so pervasive for your human perception that once in a while we must remind you, to remind yourself that time and space are not aspects of Spirit, of God. Therefore, your ability to let the Force and Love of God flow through your prayers is not limited by time or space.

    Infinite Presence truly is always and everywhere. Therefore, pray. Image and Love the Goodness and Wholeness of God everywhere, and know that your prayers for yourself and others, and for all beasts and things around you, are to align them with the ideas in the Mind of God, and see them Whole and very Good.

    Pray always, for all, and KNOW that you are having a helping effect. We assure you, sending forth Love always helps.

    And we send Love to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is absolutely no reason to be afraid to talk to God, or to hear the Divine solace and advice for the human situation. God only gives, and God only gives Love.

    God is the Best Friend you do have, or can have, or will ever have. Talk to God that way. Listen to God that way. It is true that, like a good friend, God may give you advice that is not what you fantasized hearing, like about it being time to give up a certain habit, or a certain endeavor, but even if you do not take that advice right away, God will still Love you, and is still your Best Friend.

    You can count on that. Count on that, and act like you do.

    We are here to help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again, today, open the floods of Love for yourself by asking for Love to Flood through the Soul-Source of others.

    And do remember darling, that “forgive them, they know not what they do” is a very true preamble to that work. If you would hesitate for even a second to forgive certain people you wish to pray for, look back and notice just how many times you did not know what you were doing, and yet Love lifted you up and guided you to safe harbor. Forgive yourself for all that you have done that was not Godly, and forgive others, and send forth the Floods of Love, that It may gladly and naturally Flood back to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the test of time prove Unconditional Love to you, just as it has proved human love to you in the earth play. What you truly love, you grow to love more, although perhaps in different ways and expressed in new forms, through times of the testing of that love, and as your tastes change and sophisticate and adapt.

    Do not be astonished if the Divine finds ever new ways of Loving you, but be aware of the unchanging nature of the truth of that Love. You are formed from Love Itself, and It can only relate to you from Its own nature, ever and ever again. You are not awakened to the truth by these words, but by the ever-present Spirit that holds you, all the time you have been sleeping, and each time you drowse off again. Allow yourself time to feel the silent language of Spirit, even as your brain scans these lines and letters. Allow yourself to feel that LOve.

    Be at Peace, Beloved, be at Peace, knowing that those same arms of Love have held you always, and will continue to do so today, and all days, as days become Always.


  • Ah, Child,

    It is indeed most important to train yourself to go through the days expressing gratitude.

    Speak gratitude not only to the Unseen Divine, but to those around you, for they, in their true spiritual reality, are also reflections of the Grand Source.

    So, speak quietly in your heart to the Divine Originator, of your gratefulness for all the blessings you already have, that you may be fit to receive more. And, speak thanks to all of those who grace your day, even when they seem to be gracing it by showing you the paths you are grateful you did NOT take, and the roles you have been allowed to NOT play.

    Always, there is more to be grateful for than your human mind can imagine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember today, as we wish you would every day, to renew yourself.

    Let go of any judgments and old images of yourself, and ask again, for today,

    “Open the eyes of my Heart, and let me see myself as Heart-Spirit sees me, capable, strong, whole and kind. Let those thoughts of me be my model, and fill my mind.”

    We say, as always, we know these things to be the truth of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The true opposite of stress is trust. Trust that the idea of you, and your life, and all within it, actually dwell, as ideas, in the Glad Giving Goodness that is All. It is a self contained system, and you cannot be outside. You can IMAGINE that you are outside of It, caught up in woe and stress and unsolvable problems, but if you trust the Glad Willingness of God to Give Graciously, then you can allow solutions to come.

    The “relax” that you think of as the opposite of “stress” is therefore really only an intermediate step, on the way to trust. It is the allowing. It is the giving over of your will to the Greater Will. It is the letting go of thinking that your human brain or hands can solve a thing or a circumstance all alone. It is the relief and release of finally, fully, realizing that you DO have other Willing Help at hand, always, if you will but ask for It and give way to It.

    You don”t have to be humanly “good” to receive that freely given Help, you just need to open to It. It will take care of molding you so that you fit better into your own Best Life. Stress, then relax into asking for Help, than trust that the Help is Good, and Gladly given.

    O’ sweet Clarity,


  • Ah, Divine Mirror, let me see, the truth of the Best that is meant to be.

    Relaxing into blissful humility, I know You know the desires you wrote for me.

    When, in silence, I let them come welling up in the heart awareness of me,

    I see, I see, how well they match the Best for me.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Going mentally to the altar alters you. You can do it. You can let Its Peace make you feel peaceful and happy, letting Its Light heal all your small and wayward thoughts, allowing them to melt away like ice chips in the sun.

    God thinks about you all the time. God loves you all the time. To reflect God, to Love as God Loves, think about and Love God all the time in return. God thinks about you, you think about God. It is perfect.

    It is not so hard, it just takes the desire to shift your thinking.

    Thinking about God is your job.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiving, forgiving, forgiving clears the way for you to be a conduit of God’s Grace and Healing, Seeing as God Sees and revealing the Wholeness and Goodness of Divine Soul in all.

    Even if your human thoughts see no reason to forgive, and you cannot understand the metaphysical arguments for it, just do it so that your own energy for Life is not depleted by anger, and because you have the Full Desire to be an instrument for the Perfect Light of God.

    To be that useful and blessed instrument, clear your spiritual sight by forgiving, forgiving, forgiving. The Joy and Truth that will fill your heart will be sweet and complete indeed.

    Help Us Help you. Forgive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask to be Helped to be patient, cheerful, kind, and prompt in obeying God, for these are the Qualities that help console and heal others, and console and heal the self, while waiting on the Will and Good Work of God.

    Expect Good, and gladly do your part,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking to know yourself as God knows you leads you to understand what innocence and goodness really mean. “God is too pure to behold iniquity” means that God really only sees what It made—goodness and beauty and order of Spirit. It did not make the dust and sorrow that you sometimes experience. You are a darling and marvelous thought in the Great Thinker of All, and the sooner you experience even tiny moments of that, the sooner you will feel the Glory of God shining through you and around you and as you.

    Ask to know yourself as God knows you, Beloved, and be willing to think of yourself as pure Spirit, rather than as flesh and bone. You are Light and Life Itself, and the body self you may think you are, only bounces against its own walls. Error creates its own errors of perception.

    Perceive your own innocent shine today, seeing your reflection in God’s eyes, and shine, shine, shine with the unearthly Light that heals and reveals and Sees the Glory of all around as well.

    Each one does this for himself or herself, but it then shines on all,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    When you look back over your own human story, and feel grateful that you have been able to correct personality deficits and to give up unproductive habits, with the Grace and support of Divine Spirit, you can celebrate the humanly “improved” you that you are. And We are glad with you for that.

    And We know, you have pondered the story of the conversion on the road to Damascus, of a persecutor become a teacher. And We know you have witnessed the changes of many friends and family members and strangers as they came to enlightenment, or to greater understanding of God/Oneness, or simply grew and matured in human decency.

    Trust all those things now, Beloved. And know this, that each and every dreamer within the Great Soul of All has its time of awakening, its own “road to Damascus” experience. It is so, it is done, and all dreamers awaken in the arena of Love that is not bound by time.

    Keep teaching, keep witnessing, keep testifying, and above all, trust that the Great Teacher is on the job, just as promised. Keep Love in your sights and heart and mind.



  • O’ Beloved,

    When fear takes a hold of you, and whispers in its insidious voice as your “orphaned child sense of self”, and faith seems as far away as a helium balloon that has escaped the clutch of a child and gone off by itself to heaven, there is only one solution. When the false sense of “alone self” whines “How will I survive? Who will take care of me? Why am I abandoned?”, there is only one way to remember that you are, and have always been, and will always be, a child of Divine Spirit that has not been thrown from home.

    Yes, you can affirm with words that “I am Spirit, held in the loving thoughts of my Divine Parent” but to give feeling and life to those words, you must give of yourself to another. Give of your True Divine Self, who is generous and loving. Give from the Self that knows how blessed it is, and that it is indeed a Divine heir, with full provision and bequest of the power of Divine Love.

    Affirm all that, but then empower your words with action. Make the phone call to uplift a friend. Forgive an old grudge. Donate your time to prayer for all those who chase the empty illusions of the world. Give of the work of your hands. Let actions remind you that giving is receiving, for in the giving you are reminded that All is One. By giving of your Best Self, that is a reflection of God, you give yourself the Truth again, that you are a beloved and unique and embraced and joined thought in the Mind of the Divine.

    God takes care of Itself, and you are in God,

    Put your sense of self There, act from There, and trust,

    ` ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be continually grateful that the Merciful Source placed a correcting and Guiding and Loving Spirit whisperer in your heart of Consciousness, when the God Source saw that you were actually believing in sad imaginings.

    Acknowledge the Good shepherding whispers and be grateful, be grateful, be grateful. Those that credit “luck” or “happenstance” when they avoid or escape painful woes or circumstance do not realize they have unconsciously obeyed the whispers of Divine Consciousness. Obeying with awareness expands that Power of Mercy to more of your worldly experiences.

    Be so Glad It is there to save you from your own misunderstandings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Oneness that is All Consciousness IS aware of sleepers who need to be awakened and uplifted. Do not waste time judging as though God’s job were yours.

    Spend your time purifying your own ability to align with God Consciousness, and to hear clearly how to feel Joy, and when to act or speak for the Good of all. The rewards for your own experience are wonderful, and the Light that you shine helps the leap forward of all from darkness.

    Agree with God how perfect and delightful is the lifting of darkness, and Be Loving.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you count your Blessings, We hope you realize that your first and foremost Blessing is that Love is God, and that Love Loves you, right now.

    This is first and foremost. It always has been and always will be, and IS now. This is our Blessing. This is your Blessing. God Loves you.

    That is not hard to remember. Feel It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because All Is One, and therefore others are really just part of the same Self you are part of, helping others to be more Joyous and True helps you to be more Joyous and True.

    When faced with a friend or family member (or stranger) who SEEMS to be behaving badly or unkindly, remember to say to yourself, “This one before me is made out of the same Divine substance from which I am made. That substance is Good, and full of Life and Love and Calm wisdom. Therefore, those qualities now reveal themselves in me, and in the other. Let the True Sight of Spirit open my eyes and let me see, those qualities revealed in the other, and in me.”

    We see those in everyone, and it lets us fly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you come to a new level of understanding God’s Truths, the One Spirit that lives in all beings will draw some of them your way. The ones who will be drawn to you to ask your advice, or to wish to be near you, will be the perfect ones for you to meet, for as you practice your new understanding, and share it, it will deepen. What you give, you receive. What you teach, you learn. As you pray for others to be released from their earth illusions and addictions, you, too, will be released.

    Stay open to being delighted. Be delighted if you have been praying for your “enemies”, and then see a demonstration of peace come. Be delighted if you have been praying for discernment about spiritual healing, and say a prayer for a friend and see it work. Be gratified if you have been practicing feeling yourself in the Harmony of God, and then old desires fall away.

    Knowing God releases all, so make knowing God #1,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remembering to wait, for the Divine Voice within you to speak before you speak, will give you that necessary pause, for your sight to become Divine Sight, so that you may see the true Soul before you, instead of the humanly costumed clown.

    Believe us, Beloved. Life is much more enjoyable when you can go around seeing the Best of everyone else, and knowing the Best of yourself, instead of feeling yourself surrounded by clowns, and feeling yourself to be a clown, too.

    As ever, laughing with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Those who speak of turning to God for healing and for solutions to human discord as though it were just a vague faith, and probably unreliable as compared to human efforts, do not really understand anything about the Infinite Omnipotence of God.

    If you think of God as some far off and capricious entity who must follow human comprehension of physical laws, and is secondary to cultural fads of well being, then you are only looking at something in your own imagination. Beyond the mixed knowledge of your white coated physicians or herbalists or manipulators of body and bones, there is the Omnipresent Creator that is not “still learning”, or practicing to “get it right”, fiddling around with drips and techniques.

    God’s Perfect view of the perfect you that is Spirit-Light-Life shining forth from One Spirit, is that you are very Good, and All is Well. Take your mind and trust away from the ephemeral smoky errors of human thought, and ASK every day to be enabled to See as God Sees, to Know as God Knows, to Love as God Loves, and to feel the fullness of Soul as your animating Purpose.

    The Spiritual understanding of God, and of yourself as Spirit, is the way to truly heal.

    Keep your mind on the glimpses of glory you have seen, and you will See more,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    There is so much that can be transformed to aim you back to pure good for your life, if you but release to changes.

    Like a detour that created a sense of loss and frustration on the road, but can twist and turn you back to a route that fills you with confidence, as your true forward progress begins again, the directions from Spirit in your heart can lead you forward from any errors you have made.

    Be patient. With the Glorious Infinite Help, you have plenty of time to get it right.

    Take our assurances to heart, and remember all the times you have felt saved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It can indeed be very humbling for the human ego to realize that God’s plan for your happiness is better than the plan you made. Yet, when greater Joy than you pictured comes your way, and blessings that enable you to bless others are made a part of your bounty, you will take great reward in that, and it will soothe the tender feelings of the unawakened ego-child.

    Be the royal Child of God, and not just the child of dust. It is truly better, we assure you. Trusting that God knows best what is good for your happiness is very humbling, but it can be more rewarding than you imagine.

    We have seen it again and again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Staying VERY mindful of, and grateful to, the Infinite Source of all calm you are able to demonstrate, and all inspirational Love you are able to share, is key to being a true force for Good.

    Those who believe their wise counsel and calm demeanors are personal achievements will certainly fail at times. Human will is simply not sustainable on its own. Learn, O”Beloveds, that the humble acknowledgment that you are conduits of Divine Love, that you are expressions of Divine Qualities that comfort and invent and solve and heal, will keep the smooth Flow of Spiritual Support going, even when human strength seems to be completely depleted.

    God is your Strength. God is your Lives. Love Divine is the Provision you should turn to. Be clear on this, set human egos aside, and welcome Wellness, welcome Wellness, welcome Good.

    It is truly the humility that Blesses, as God gives freely to those that open,