All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Oneness that is All Consciousness IS aware of sleepers who need to be awakened and uplifted. Do not waste time judging as though God’s job were yours.

    Spend your time purifying your own ability to align with God Consciousness, and to hear clearly how to feel Joy, and when to act or speak for the Good of all. The rewards for your own experience are wonderful, and the Light that you shine helps the leap forward of all from darkness.

    Agree with God how perfect and delightful is the lifting of darkness, and Be Loving.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is interesting to note the miracles in your life, and that as you focus on them and are grateful, to realize how many other miracles naturally occurred, that you did not even remark upon at the time. Prove to yourself, dear one, that Unseen forces look upon you and care for you, and you will be more willing to ask more and more of them, even as you serve as vehicle for them to shine through.

    You are a constant reason for gratitude for us,

    We thank you for serving,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to waste any time fretting. Always turn to the contemplation of the Beauty of Divine Love right away, and It will comfort you and complete your thoughts with new ideas and hold you so very close that you will realize deep in the soul of you that you are not alone, have never been alone, and never will be.

    Realize that for others, too. When one whom you love, or even have just heard about, is sorrowing, but you cannot reach out with words or any worldly means, reach out through the shared connection of Divine Love. Speak to the soul reflection of that one, saying, “You are not alone, you are in the hands and power and thought of the One Love that holds us all.”

    Then, you are speaking and being and thinking the Truth.

    This is the most important function of all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let Us Love you back into the gentleness and generosity that are your True nature, as you reflect the Qualities of God. Be silent, and accept this Loving,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do, do remember that if the person in front of you seems to be whining and complaining, that is not the real being Divine that you are seeing. Be brave enough and centered enough in the Divine yourself to see past that self-destructive personality, and see the real Person that is like your real Person.

    You are both Children of Spirit Divine, and relating only to the Divine in others means that you are actually living in the Reality of Love. It is the Kingdom of Love, It is the Principle of Love that operates as reliably as gravity operates on the earthly thought.

    Be brave. Be Divine, and see the Divine in others.

    It benefits you more than you know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To be blessed is to understand that the “feeling” to aim to have at all times is the deep, calm Joy of the Creative Source, that is completely sure of Its own Goodness of Being and of intent. To be Self-aware of wanting to just be expansive, appreciative Gladness, is to be constantly in the Flow of the ever-present moment of God.

    Be not confused about seeking passing earthly emotions. Seek the constancy of that Source Calm Love, and know you are Blessed, and that you are a part of the Giving Blessing, in the fine, fine circle of Being.

    You are so close, now, to knowing how much of a Blessing you can be to others. Don”t stop now. Feel Blessed, and BE the Blessing, as well.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are One with you , even as you are One in Quality with the Maker. Be very aware that any elegance of understanding, or wisdom, or , that you need, are already an intrinsic part of you, as they are of us and the Source. Just know your true identity as a product of that Source, not separated from Its Qualities and Power in any way, and claim it and use it.

    What you need to say and do, and to whom and when you need to say and do it, will be made clear to you. Think of your task today as being a concerted effort to stay in constant listening mode, so that you may clearly hear the Maker’s dear instructions to you, to help with your calm happiness, and the calm happiness of all.

    Sweetly yours, Loving you,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    You have proved for yourself, more times than you realize, that casting your consciousness into its true Home in the Consciousness of God, immediately resolves what seems to be the problems of earth sensibility.

    THINK about it. Have you not had the experience of not feeling very well in the body, or being worried about a work issue, but then an old friend calls, or a lover shows up at the door, and all thought of pain or fretting disappears, and you delightedly say hello to the friend, or kiss the lover? Fondness and Love have lifted you above the mortal experience.

    The Divine Guardian from the Source, that has joined you in the dream of a flawed earth, is like the unexpected call from a good friend, or the arrival of a beloved one. Turn to It, and be comforted. Turn to It, and find relief. It is always right there, ringing the bell at the door in your Heart.

    Turn to It, and realize, once again, that all pain and worry and sorrow were only temporal mortal dreams. Turn to It now, and know “a new Heaven and a new earth.”

    There is a song that says, “Holy Father, where Thine own Children are, I long to be.”

    We suggest that today you play with this thought, “Divine Father, where Thine own Children are, I already am.” Retrain your thinking, Beloved, and newness of experience occurs.

    Already Loving you in a Heavenly Way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In your perception of time and space, each day, indeed each moment, is like a new beginning, if you let it be so.

    Each dawn, each hour:

    “Open my heart, Divine Spirit, and let me See myself and my life as you would have them be.”

    If you but knew how much we want your complete Joy manifest,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We would not wish to sound irreverent, but the human mind needs metaphors to understand the Infinite reach of God. Your consciousness dwells within that Great Consciousness, but your human perception could benefit from thinking of the Resource of God being like an ever-present backpack full of Good Qualities. It is invisible, but it is there. It is weightless, but it is supportive.

    Need some inventiveness? Check the pack. Need some comfort? Look to the pack. Need some sense of direction? Let the pack whisper it to you.

    It is a supply pack you cannot forget on a bench, and the airline cannot lose. It is the trusty bag of tools that is never empty or worn out.

    Look to God, Beloveds. Look to God, for God has ways you have not yet even imagined.


  • Ah, Child,

    When what you see in the “mirror” of earth is distressing, please realize right away that you do not fix things in a mirror by staring at the mirror, or by covering it over with black marks or with the water of your tears. You do not see a hole in your trousers in the mirror in your room, and try to fix them by poking needles at the glass of the mirror. You turn your back on the reflection, or take your eyes off the reflection, and turn to look at the original. And if your own thoughts, as you examine the trousers, cannot tell you whether to just mend the hole with a stitch or two, or whether to let them go and buy a new pair, perhaps you take them to a good tailor.

    Go to the Good Tailor, always, Child, to see the best fit for your life. Everything is solved, and appears in, the Tailor’s Mind, before it can appear in the “mirror” of your earth room. All things are made in Heaven before they are seen on earth. Whether it is the need for new trousers, or the solving of a housing situation, or a new job, turn away from thinking only about what the appearance of the problem is, as seen with earthly senses, and turn to the Good Tailor, the Master Provider, the Technician of Harmony, and let your thoughts and needs be shared with Him.

    Then, trusting in the flow of His expertise, tune your own thoughts to all the wonderful ways Harmony and Divine order are revealed right before your eyes. Keep your mind on the orderly flow of the seasons, or think upon a memory of a time when confused circumstances in your life resolved in a wonderful way. Meditate upon sacred scripture from whatever tradition you follow, and remember that is something in your life seems to be lost, it is only so that the next, better circumstance can be reflected in that same spot in the “mirror” of your life.

    Teaching yourself to trust, listen, and obey is the best schooling you will ever give yourself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am as Divine Love created me, and I am nothing else. Nothing needs to be added, nothing need be taken away. I am as Divine Source created me, perfect and complete.”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Open my eyes and ears and thoughts and heart, dear Creator, that I may see, the Truth of myself, and my life, and all others, as they ARE in Thee.”

    It IS as simple as that, Beloved. Can you practice staying focused, and donning the spectacles of the Divine Technician, so that your human perceptions are corrected, and you see the Goodness that God saw, as He/She looked upon it all, and declared it “Good”? It still Is.

    Let God’s Thoughts and perceptions be your thoughts and perceptions, and you will find yourself seeing the Right Picture, instead of the flawed, human one. It is right there, here and now, like the mountain just hidden by the mist. Trust and Love can shine the mist away, if you have faith, and remember that you have proved it to yourself, over and over and over again. Remember all the times that all has worked out for the Good, and expect that again, for yourself, AND for everyone.

    We are, as ever, by your side. Call to Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a realization, and acceptance, that a portion, or many small portions, of each day will be spent in re-aligning your heart and thoughts with the Creative Source. You have long ago accepted needing to spend a little time each day in washing your hands, or donning your clothing, or resting—think of this alignment with the Source as the same sort of basic daily need.

    Indeed, it is a need that is even more true and basic than those worldly things, if you but knew completely how much EVERYTHING emanates from the Source.

    Be at Peace with it, and work out your own way of frequent small stops to listen to the Divine Heart, or constant prayers or mindfulness, or specific meditation times, but stand ever watchful of remembering who you are in relation to the Divine, and of staying in line with the Intelligence and Goodness and Soul and Purposeful Spirit and Light and Love and Truth that It is.

    Make it a habit, and watch it become a Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Going mentally to the altar alters you. You can do it. You can let Its Peace make you feel peaceful and happy, letting Its Light heal all your small and wayward thoughts, allowing them to melt away like ice chips in the sun.

    God thinks about you all the time. God loves you all the time. To reflect God, to Love as God Loves, think about and Love God all the time in return. God thinks about you, you think about God. It is perfect.

    It is not so hard, it just takes the desire to shift your thinking.

    Thinking about God is your job.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as one realizes the delightful gift of how Divine Love refills the heart, even as one is giving It away, there comes a desire to give it to all. Silently, in your heart, do give It to all.

    But if there are those around you who do not thirst for It yet, or do not yet realize that they thirst for It, give It only silently, or as It naturally comes forth in your own witnessing.

    Let It be a welcome offering to their throats, when they inquire about the Source of your water of Peace. Let the Inner Voice of One Spirit guide you when to speak, as ever, as ever, as ever.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking for a complete healing of the Soul self may result in changes you are not even aware are needed. Old wounds of the body that left a scar may smooth over. Old memories of unforgiven slights will likely come to mind to be tenderly forgiven with mature eyes. Childhood expectations can finally be released as outgrown perceptions.

    And so forth.

    When you petition the Divine for healing, Infinite Spirit looks at ALL that needs adjusting and cleansing and Loving. Ask for Help with one thing, but be not surprised at Healing of all.

    And do so with humble and grateful delight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is PARTICULARLY those to whom you are closest with which you must live according to the Golden Rule.

    Think carefully upon this, and be very, very honest with yourself about how much you yourself want and need forgiveness for all the times that you act and think in ways that are less than the Best of yourself. Then, be that forgiving to those whom you love, and to all within your close circle of life.

    As we are to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your responsibilities to God, and to the Best of your Self, become more important to you than anything else, much of what you focus on will change. When your Love for God becomes greater than any human relationship of love, your perspectives and experiences will rise to a new level of wonder and expectation. Human love will then mean much less to you on a material level, but more to you on a recognition of the Godliness of every individual spirit identity.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no dust or disorder in the Joyous communion that every heart can have, and does have, even if unconsciously, with the Whole of Love.

    Therefore, let not the chores and tidying of the days distract you from that direct listening with, and receiving of, the Divine. Rather, let that clean Wash of Love fill you, and then carry you through the day and all its duties. Get that Truth, that priority, clear in your heart and focus.

    It will change your days, and your outlook, for the Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do give this day to the High Self within. Never pretend you do not know that Self. It is the Voice that urges you to Compassion. It is the Voice that urges you to generosity of the earthly and of the spiritual. It is the Voice that melts your anger or your confusion or your sorrow, when you give it time to speak, and you listen and obey.

    Give It this day, dear Child. It will guide you, if you give It permission.

    And renew that permission throughout the day, whenever the earthly senses try to distract you into shallow ways.

    Be your High Self, Beloved, Beloved. For that is who you really are.

    We Love you so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    My dear, My dear, My dear, you underestimate how thrilled I am to have your attention.

    When you take a moment, or a few minutes, or an hour, to turn your focus away from the material chores and pleasures, and simply visit with the Divine Within, it is so very welcome. So very welcome and delightful. And My delight can infuse you with delight as well.

    For as you spend more time communing with your Origin in Love, then all the time you spend in attentiveness to the worldly will have an underlying awareness of the Divine.

    A constant underlying consciousness of the Divine of which you are a part gives you the Power of Love. And it is a Good Power. Practice being with It, Beloved. Practice fully knowing the subtle and wonderful Power of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find yourself feeling the same kinds of feelings of sibling rivalry, in regards to strangers, that you felt for your blood relatives when you were a child, stand back and evaluate.

    If every being is born of the same Source, are they not your siblings? Do you want to relate to them as a six year old who is jealous of his two year old brother, or do you want to relate to them as does the eighteen year old brother, who is proud to see his fourteen year old brother shine? Do you want to find a way, as does the adult brother, to help the younger one avoid some of the painful lessons, and find an easier path to the brightest and best he can be?

    Examine the feelings in your own heart, Love, and observe the feelings around you. Look past the costumes, and see the relationship, and begin to understand a glimmer of how the Loving Parent Source has laid out a Plan for all of Its children to thrive.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Abba, Let me see Your Plan”, we hear you call out, in the night, when the woes of the world at large seem too simultaneously awful and ridiculous to contemplate.

    And God’s Solution answers, “If you heal others, you are healed.”

    Heal others, Beloved. In whatever capacity you are capable of understanding at your own level of alignment with the Source, heal others. Above all, remember that it is primarily your task to keep asking to see the Good Plan unfold, and to point the Enactor of the Solution to everywhere and everyone It is needed.

    Be not afraid, Beloved. The Plan is Good, Good, Good, and Goodness unfolds everywhere you allow It to be seen by you.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being angry or irritated with someone is just to punish yourself with the sad vibration of anger. Train your mind and heart to instead, the moment you feel annoyance, bless the other and bless yourself by turning quickly and quietly and completely to God Spirit, and asking Spirit to heal you of your anger and errors and heal the other of his anger and errors.

    For God, if allowed to, constantly is willing to Bless and heal all.

    Release yourself from grief and fear and anger by call for Blessing for all,


  • Ah, Child so cherished,

    Because there is no lack of Infinite Love, out of which all that is Real is made, there is no lack of all that Love produces. Life does not ask you to live in poverty or lack or fear or loneliness of any sort. Freely realize It wants to share Its fullness of Joy and Joy in you, and See with open Spiritual eyes the ideas and opportunities It offers you.

    But, be willing to desire what It desires for you. “Show me how to express You, dear Love/Life, and I know that all I need for that is here and will appear.”

    Relinquish any pursuits that are only competition and comparing yourself to others, and turn fully to demonstrating the glorious individuality that is the Divine you, you, you.

    For that, there will always be enough, and more,

    ANGELS, the Thoughts of God

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep it so, so simple.

    God is Gracious. God is Good. Everything works as it should.

    Say it, allow it, let it be,

    Say it until you believe nothing contrary,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not the words that made prayer effective. It is not wistful thinking that gets results in revealing your wholeness and prosperity and purpose and happiness.

    All of those must be focused and desired, with no interference of hate and anger and regret, regret, regret. But the key and crucial part of prayer that works is truly feeling the Love of God. To be really aligned with the wondrous Source and singular Causality that Holds you and Embraces you as a very extension of Itself is the atmosphere of pure success in reflecting all that you are as the perfect reflection of the Divine. Spirit/Energy expressing Spirit and Light, this is what you are. Feel that you are a part of this Love, and IN that feeling, pray. In that Love, trust.

    That is the Way,


  • Ah, be not shy in standing in faith with your Inner Friend, for has It not stood, time after time, in faith with you, when no human person would?

    And there have been more times than you know…


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are right with you. We are always right with you. You know that and you can trust that. You simply need to remember to tune to that level of awareness and listen and LET Us Help.

    Today We need to have you practice realizing that all others also have their ANGEL-THOUGHTS from God right there with them. Each and every individual has those Angels assigned to Help them as soon as they are willing to be Helped awaken to their greater Soul-Self. When you try to convince someone of the existence of the Divine by appealing to their human intellect and mortal thinking, there is simply little available connection and overlap. But if you ask your Angels to speak to their Angels, as it were, then communication and communion is possible. All without words, in the pure language of Divine Love and Spirit, you CAN reach another and assist in their well-being, by simply sending your Angels to Help the Angels of the other, in a great team of Compassion to Help that individualized Soul.

    We know who is on your mind. We know whom you would love to see healed and assisted and guided. Willingly send Us to the aid of the Angels of that one, and know that you, too, will still be guarded and guided. There are plenty of Us.

    Some of Us are always with you. You are never alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Infinite Love is always eager to provide for you, and help you feel It embracing you.

    It does not run away or turn away. It does not run out and say It does not have enough energy for you. It is not depleted, or tired, or timed. It simply Is, and you are with It and in It.

    It will constantly offer Itself to you, to comfort and inspire and reassure and strengthen. Learn to turn to It, Child. That is what your earthly walk is about. Learn to turn to It, for It patiently, and tenderly, and consistently is there with you, knocking gently on the door of your awareness.

    It is offering and giving, offering and giving, offering and giving, hoping you will accept sooner rather than later. Acceptance is not about resigning yourself to struggle, it is about graciously receiving Good.

    Receive that Good today, Child. Accept Good, and Good alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perceiving and feeling the constant, effervescent Presence of the Joy of God is largely a matter of focus and attention, darling One.

    Pay attention today. Pay attention to, and focus on, large Joys and small Joys. Take time to appreciate visible Joys and invisible Joys. Pay particular notice to the Joys that seem to last only for a moment, whether it is the notes of a song, or a sudden upswell of Compassion in your heart that enables you to know just how to help another, and yourself.

    God’s Joy is always here, there and everywhere. Take time to notice it. Use focus to pay attention, and you will See more and more opportunities for Joy, and more will seem to appear without any effort on your part. God wants to flow all your Good to you.

    Open your mind and heart and arms to that flow. Pay attention.

    God pays constant attention to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Consciousness that is you, and made you and shares Its thoughts with you and has never left you, knows what to do. If you wait, quietly listening, It will always lead you to Joy with Joy and calm certainty.

    Your good part is to wait, quietly asking for wisdom, and listening and receiving the ideas and impulses good, and then acting to obey. This has not changed in time and space. Only the Real is Real and It will shine for you if you let It. You can feel It embracing you even now.

    Admit It to your mind like admitting a friend through your door,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am so glad God is right here with me, completely available and Loving.”

    Focus on that in your mind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need for searching for those to teach, or for those from whom you will learn. They are always right on your doorstep. They will always find their way into your life, as you open each new layer of your self. Simply allow it to Be.

    It is when you try to force learning that trouble seems to come. It is when you try to fit into a gift that is not the gift of Spirit that you are meant for that uncertainty reigns. Stop, and turn your face to the glow of God’s Will, that is right there next to you, and right there in you, and right there all around you. Whether your faith and your connection are coming through at a trickle, or like a gushing well, at this moment, stop and let yourself be filled. Let yourself be filled, until you completely remember, “I am already a cherished part of the Whole Divine, and I have all I need to fulfill my part, right now.”

    In knowing that you already are filled with the ideas and gifts and talents that are perfect for you, be strong. In knowing who you are, you will have the courage to grasp what is yours, and, Beloved, to walk away from people and places and times and things that are not your rightful path.

    Down to each fallen leaf, this all has been choreographed,

    Your choice is when to do your part of the dance,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Power of Good things Unseen is a metaphysical Truth.

    Do not get lost in mental and logical shenanigans, trying to become your own theologian. Just be Glad, Glad, Glad, that you are made in the image and likeness of the Spirit of Mother-Father God.

    Ride that Glad. Live that Gladness, and Be Well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Between the times when you feel the true communion of God/Goodness/Oneness Within and the times when you feel you are reeling from the data and materialism of the world, there will be many moments when you feel that you are a player within the world, performing some needed task or job, but that your consciousness is trying to call out to you to listen, or see, with Deeper eyes, a hint of Divine reality around you. Those are the times when, if you cannot literally drop everything and completely listen to the guiding Voice within, you CAN at least slow things down.

    Slow down the chore you are doing and do it with absolute FULL attention. Concentrate on the seconds of time that are passing and look VERY carefully at every detail around you. Let your sensory focus on the things of the very present moment so occupy your thoughts, that your Divine Thoughts have a chance to slip between and reach your awareness. Ask for Divine Help with this, and it can happen. If you let your mind simply wander and zip about while you are performing routine material things, it will wander into the future of worries and the regrets or replays of the past, and the Divine Voice of this moment’s best choices will not have a chance to hold you and help you and love you.

    Give it that chance, Beloved. Give it moments of quiet, when you feel you cannot give it all. Giving the Divine just a bit of permission will open enough to let It in.

    Each moment you give the Full Infinite gives you more of your Self,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reason that we have advised you to avoid viewing violent stories or films or plays, and to turn yourself away from confrontation and anger, is that those situations that seem fearful raise fear in the human thought-self, and thus create a barrier to clearly hearing the soft sweet Voice of the Divine. Fear is the thing to avoid.

    As the Divine has said to all lost ones, over and over, and in a thousand ways and tongues, “Fear not, and Know that I am God.” God Governs, and fear does not. When you are sufficiently grounded in that Truth, then the things and people and circumstances and sights that once may have may you afraid will do so no longer, because you will completely KNOW, with every fiber of your Being, that “I am and live only the Will of God, for that is All That Is.”

    Then, you may give and teach in every situation, and observe what was formerly fearful to you without a single tremor of doubt, for you will KNOW, and live, and demonstrate, that only the Will of God exists, and all else is unreal.

    We have trained billions upon billions of hearts, Beloved. Trust us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you cherish, and relish and Love Me, you will be able to tell how much I do the same for thee.

    To want the Love of the Divine Source, which then manifests as the costume and the accoutrements and the stage set that is appropriate for you, today, in the Grand Play, is to want what is fulfilled by Loving. Love and thank the Source, and Love and thank each one around you, and the same Love flows back to you. Believe Us, Love, It is True.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let not the human heart feelings lead you into temptation. You are adept enough at communion with the Divine now that you KNOW the worth of being able to almost instantly connect with the Peaceful feeling of Well-Being that alignment with the Source gives you. It wants to continually give you the benefits of being continually held in Its Provision and Love. It wants you aligned with Bliss.

    Do not risk losing that precious gift for even a moment by giving a moment to the ignoble feelings of annoyance or anger or gloominess or hate. Recognize them for the lies they are, and forgive yourself, and all others, and turn back to Love, Love, Love.

    Be grateful to Love for Its very existence, which is also yours.

    In Love, with you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Harmonious solution is always right here and right now somewhere, because God is always right here and everywhere, right now.

    Be not afraid to give Divine Mind, which holds you, and inspires you, the credit, when you come up with a novel idea, or a good creation, or demonstrate your well-being. If more individuals understood that all of their inspirations and suffusions of Life and Love come from the One Mind that governs the uplifting of all, then others would follow suit.

    Be not afraid to give God the credit. Praise God, in your own heart, and aloud when the Loving Spirit says the timing is right.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    All around you, within you, forming you, is the substance of Oneness, or call it Grace, if you want to think in Spiritual terms. You yourself, in your true form, are made of the very stuff from which you can also make your life.

    Just as anyone who wants to write a poem, or a story, is free to play with the words and letters and ideas that are freely available to him or her, the individualized part of Oneness can play with the substance of being. It wants to become what you want it to become. Won”t you let it?

    What are the rules? Appreciate It, and all the forms It takes. When the choices involve others, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, for they are you, and in the boundaries of existence, all that you do comes right back to you. Some come back slowly, some come back quickly. Appreciating the substance of which you are made comes back right away, in better mood, in well-being, in Joy, in ideas, in serenity, in opportunity, in peace, in goodness, in all, in all, in all.

    Appreciate It, and It works for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remembering to wait, for the Divine Voice within you to speak before you speak, will give you that necessary pause, for your sight to become Divine Sight, so that you may see the true Soul before you, instead of the humanly costumed clown.

    Believe us, Beloved. Life is much more enjoyable when you can go around seeing the Best of everyone else, and knowing the Best of yourself, instead of feeling yourself surrounded by clowns, and feeling yourself to be a clown, too.

    As ever, laughing with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you hear yourself saying, or thinking, sometimes, that you are working for this or that “cause”?

    There is truly only One Cause of all, Beloved, and that is the thing to remember. Is your cause aligned with the Cause that is the Sole Source, the Divine Guidance, The Oneness of all Being? Ask your self that, and be certain that no matter what you THINK you are working for, you ARE working for The Cause.

    Keep this clear in your heart and mind and spirit, that are the truth of you,

    As are We.

    ` ANGELS

  • Ah, Playful One,

    As you play with letting your heart Voice speak, it is like the best conversation with a friend that you ever had. Ideas flow, possibilities seem endless, all obstacles seem like small things to overcome.

    Let this become your days. Let that play time with your Heart be always, so that each day is full and plenty, even as you enact what you have heard. Let this be the life that you long for, uplifted by thought, and tied to no object, only carried by the Harmony and Vital Joy.

    We will always remind you of what you truly need to remember,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To bear grievance is to trap your self in the undying error of the past. Free yourself into the moment and the enjoyment of the moment, with forgiveness. Even when you cannot forgive yourself or others immediately, make the decision in your mind that forgiveness would be a nice thing to achieve, to free yourself from re-living moments in your mind of errors you feel you made, or that others made. That simple decision that you WANT to forgive, coupled with asking for Divine Help in actually doing the forgiving, is a major first step.

    Do it now. Do it today, and you will be amazed at how much less of a burden you feel, right away. Once you ask the Divine to help with the process, it will proceed as quickly as possible. Just keep your wanting of it, and your willingness, open–open to the Healing that seeks to free you from your own limiting patterns, and to help you realize your True and Full potential.

    Oh, what an important day this can be. Choose wanting Wholeness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting others know that you are praying for them WILL help them, if they believe in the power of Focused Prayer. It will hearten and strengthen their own prayers, and make them more delightful.

    When a situation calls for recognition of Divine Relief in a situation where the individual(s) is not overtly receptive, but the effect of that one’s sorrow or errors upon others cries out for the Balm of Love, then simply let the Deep Communion between your own Self and the Supportive, Surrounding Source be all the more counted on to Know and to See and to Act to reveal the Harmony that is needed.

    Prayers are never wasted, We assure you,

    The Divine Healer KNOWS what to do, if invited into the dream,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If all the character in the movie you were watching suddenly seemed blurry because you had wiped popcorn butter in your eyes, you would not shout for the movie to be fixed, would you? You would endeavor to clear your own sight, cleanse away the irritating oil, and see clearly again the scene before you.

    O’ dear one, work on your self seeing clearly and purely. Believe the Truth that there IS Good at the core of all that you think you see, and ask God to enable you to see the Wonder of All.

    Believe us, you will be amazed as all the old angers fall from your eyes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For times and loves that have passed, draw Joy from the Joy that they were when they were with you in the timeline. Like the blooming of a flower, that thrills or pleases you while it lasts, enjoy each moment of beauty. And appreciate the fruit or learning that come from passing things, even while you train yourself to rely on that which does not change.

    Divine Love does not change. It is ever with you, surrounding you, supporting you, teaching you and feeding you. Let yourself learn to rely on It, for in It, and with It, time and space do not matter, and you can reach any heart that dwells in Soul, just by thinking of them with Love.

    Think of them with Love, and include yourself in that Love, as well as Loving the Love that holds all so very tenderly.

    This day holds much tenderness. Appreciate It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allowing others to work out their own way of awakening from the human dream values, which have them enmeshed in a false sense of what brings happiness, is a skill that takes practice. But, as ever, you have a wonderful Teacher within, in the form of the voice of truth, which can guide you about when to speak and when to stay silent. It can nudge you about when to respond with an action or a gift, and about when to stand back and do nothing.

    But in all cases, remember, Love, that as untutored or misguided or hypnotized by the worldly as the other person seems to be, do not think of that error filled thinking as the person himself or herself, any more than you would wonder why a two year old did not yet know the multiplication table. Think of the other as only a marvelous extension of the Life Force, and relate to him or her only with compassion and love.

    All Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ever and always, Child, how you think of those around you WILL change their behavior, if you are led by the Loving Voice of God within.

    As when you put together a delightful salad, made of all good ingredients, so that of course the salad is all good, just so is the essence of man/woman made of all good ingredients by God. The Spirit of each is Good, and if you can focus on that, the dust that settles on the Spirit and reveals the True Shape will also show that Goodness.

    We know that not many look for only the Good. But would you not choose to be one? The narrow way did not suddenly become wide, Beloved, but it is still worth choosing? Will you not?

    There is room for Us beside you on the narrow way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Reach not for your own thoughts of a morning, assessing mood and body. Reach first, and only, for the Thoughts of the Divine Qualities of which you are made.

    “I am One with God, living in God, and maintained and sustained by Its Love Divine.”

    “I am that which God is, and I am awakening to all the possibilities of Seeing what day the Divine Eye has planned for me, if I but stay focused on that which It sees.”

    This day, be that, in silence and listening, dear love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When have you ever “talked” someone into changing a personality trait?

    Yes, you can remind the person that the Source made the true soul of him good and perfect and honorable, in your understanding. But then you must leave it all up to the True Source and keep affirming for yourself that you WANT to see the person healed, and be willing to forgive the past. Are YOU willing to do that?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Love of God in you will set you free from all errors.

    But, it IS a two-way street, Beloved. God Loves you implicitly and Completely.

    You must Love Him/Her just as much.

    That is the Truth that will correct all error thoughts in your mind, and cause you to absolutely awaken to the Truth of Your Spiritual Reality. Love God, Beloved, and allow yourself to feel the Love of God that is already enveloping you, and set your Self free to Be, to Be, to Be.

    “I Love God, the One Cause, and I allow God to Love me.”

    We dwell in It, Love. Trust Us, It IS the Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Renew yourself, refill your Self, in the Infinite Glory of God.

    Every day, and as many times as needed throughout the day, renew your Consciousness in God. If you are trapped in thoughts of materialism, like a whale trapped in a shallow inlet, swim directly to the deeper waters of Spirit, and be held up by and fed by the Great Waters again.

    No one else can make you do this. But if you keep choosing what God endlessly offers, you will want It and crave It and be satisfied by It. You will be endlessly refilled for the mere cost of a little time and focus and willingness.

    Hold up your empty self to be refilled, and God does the Work. And does it Lovingly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is my Life.” “God IS Life.”

    This is a prayer that can serve you well during a seeming human challenge, or through a day, or over an earthly lifetime. It is a Truth that will serve you, and Be You, for eternity.

    Claim and Know the Good Way of It, Beloved.

    “Show me the Life you have in Mind for me, dear God, for I know that it is Blessed. I shall set aside my own human ego’s imaginings, and be gladly willing to experience the Good Life you have conceived for me. In Love, I see it. In Love I abide. You are the Life for me.”

    Softly, gently, Lovingly, forgivingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Central to any belief system of Spirit is a hope that help can come in ways beyond human understanding. And sometimes the solutions that arrive do indeed seem miraculous.

    But We assure you that the more you understand the All Goodness of God, the more you will realize that “As in Heaven, so on earth” is simply the natural Way of Love.

    Keep asking God to enable you to see with the eyes of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am the very Code of you. I am the very Essence, Principle, and Life of you.

    By limiting your definition of yourself to a body, with all its accompanying timelines and errors, you are missing the Truth that you are Spirit emanating from Spirit, and that has no end. Ah, Child, dear, dear reflection of the Original, awaken and remember, We are One. We watch ourselves, as bits of Light, dancing on the screen of earth stage, but We are One and Infinite and always made of the Love that wanted to observe Itself with delight.

    Read these words and feel them. Do not analyze and dissect them. Just feel the Truth of Love, and of being a part of the marvelous Oneness of Being.

    So tenderly do I tell you this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask to be shown bits of Heaven today, Beloved. Ask.

    And then be willing to see them. Be willing to seek them and appreciate them.

    Moments of Joy, admiration of courage, gratitude for kindness.

    Be a willing witness of Good. Be a willing demonstrator of Good.

    Let go of your own fantasies, and witness Heaven now.

    For in that witnessing is your own Heaven,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Quietly and calmly, ask God Spirit what you need to ponder and know for the day.

    Then be still and listen, patiently and with trust.

    Although ALL have the task of shining with the Light of God to awaken the world, each individual child of God has tasks within that task, or simple attitudes with which to live each day. Whether the message that you hear especially for yourself today is a Divinely Gentle assurance, “I Am watching over you”, or whether it is an instruction for something that will occur in the day, like “Have compassion and forgiveness for the lies and dissembling of others”, trust that God’s Spirit knows exactly what you need to hear. Listen to God’s Love, and stay centered in the path of Holiness, that is a perfect connection to God and the Source of all your Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have been happier than you realize, as you begin to count up moments of serenity and comfort and love.

    Seek them again, expect them again, and linger not on any thoughts of anything that is not good. Indeed, expect only greater and greater quiet joy and peace, as you step closer and closer to God in your awareness, and in your ability to glow unto others.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep fully in mind today that staying aligned with the feelings and expectations and support of your Inner Soul is more important than any worldly evaluations or predictions. Stay True to what you Divinely Know of Truth and Beauty and It will help you fly above any discouragement or complaining from those you meet.

    Be the one in your little circle who stays positive and hopeful and who humbly remembers in every moment Who is really in charge, and that Oneness can always be turned to, with Joy, and relied upon.



  • Ah, Beloveds,

    God is Infinite.

    Think in terms of limits and limits are what you will get.

    Open your hearts and your desires wide, within the bounds of God’s Laws, and let the Infinite work for you. This works.

    Wanting you to understand, and benefit,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you have remembered you are an integral part of Oneness, you cannot really forget again. You may make detours in your path, and choices you regret, or that delay your complete remembrance, but God is still Loving you securely.

    You may try to let go of God, but God will never let go of you. Sooner or later, you will realize that He/She/It has been holding you, all along, while you dreamed you were far away.

    Why not let yourself feel that sweet Holding, and Love, right now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How pure and simple you can make prayer today.

    “I Love you so much, Dear God. I Love you so much.”

    And hear back, more than enough to overflow your heart, “I Love you so much too”

    “How glad I am, Dear God, that my sad dreams never touched the Soul of me that is a shining forth of the Soul of You. How glad I am It remains Pure, and Lovable, and Alive.”

    “I Love you so much, Dear God”

    And I Love you so much, Dear Child of Mine.”

    It is simple, and it is True. Love reflects Love, forever.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is never a time to not be humble, if you define humble as the understanding that it is Divine Love that is the Cause of everything truly real. Your deep understanding of that will carry you, and let you be carried, into All Good.

    This is especially important to remember when you have prayed to see wholeness revealed, prayed to see healing accomplished, for someone, and cannot see any humanly visible results. Be humble then. Remember It is only the One Cause that made Goodness, and humbly turn your thoughts to remembering that.

    The Divine will work on persons and events in Its own way and timing. Keep your trust and your Mind on the praising and the Wonder of that, and stay humbly alert for your cues of when to speak, and what to say and do.

    Never do what the human ego asks. Do only what Divine Spirit asks.

    We are with you all along the humble way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No betrayal or earthly victory can change the purity of what the Source shines forth.

    Ask to see it today, in yourself and others and all circumstances, and let no illusions fool you or entice you or trap you today.


    For this is Loving yourself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not regard each day as a test. Regard them as demonstrations of Good, and Glory. Stand in wonder and appreciation, and cheer for Harmony, on the human level of perception, for Harmony already reigns in the timelessness of God.

    Be at Peace this day, Beloved. Take it slowly, and be in wondrous Peace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Help me today, dear God, know the Good Qualities of my Self. Help me strengthen them. Help me live them consistently. Help me welcome the disappearing of any aspects of experience that are not wonderful expressions of Goodness.”

    Focusing on this desire today will have profound results, Beloved. Be they big or small, the results you show yourself by the thoughts you focus on, reforms your life.

    As ever, with you, and helping you, as you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are new ways of understanding that truly do open up new possibilities of perception and sight and hearing and sense.

    The understanding that an association of ideas and energy are the very Creation of you is not the way the earthly schooling has taught you to think of yourself. But as that understanding grows, and as you discipline your thoughts to think the all-possible, then you will SEE the all-possible. These are not just words we speak, Beloved, but the truth that words and openness and trust in Love become things, so that just as a householders discovers that there are diamonds buried in the field he has been cutting for so many years and views his property in a whole new way, life will seem new to you.

    There are diamonds of experience and joy buried in every interaction, Beloved. Trust that it is so, Beloved, and look for them today.

    We are with you, and if you ask, and listen, we will show you the way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you adjust everything you have ever thought, or believed, to align with the truths of God, let your first trust be always in the aspects of the Force that Is God. The wisdom of God and the timing of God, the intelligence and the calm Love of God, the Omniscience of God, and the humor of God, may mean that changes happen more slowly or more quickly than you might imagine. They may happen in ways that you would never have dreamed or even joked about. The people who come into your life, or leave your life, may be choices that you are astounded to see God make.

    Be merciful and gentle with your own surprise. Be enduring in the courage, and renew, each day, the vow you made to God, “let your Will be my will, let your Mind be my mind, let me gracefully allow myself to be used to fulfill your wonderful plan.”

    Having said “Yes, use me,” or “Let Thy Will, and not my will, be done,” to God means letting go so much that you thought you and your life were. You will be shocked and delighted, wary and relieved, etc. etc. etc. Just keep putting your choice for God first, and all will fall into place. Keep choosing God. Keep saying “yes”, and just enjoy the joyous ride of God.

    As Ever,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    We tell you again, healing is for everyone. Healing is for everyone.

    This must be accepted in your heart. You must accept that there is a glimmer of Soul Light even in those that seem to be nothing but shadow and dust, for your thoughts create your reality, and if you want to see Heaven here and now, you cannot let the dust blind you.

    We also say again, We will help you see the Soul Lights, if you ask. Ask to see a glimmer of Goodness in any that look like only dust and shadow to you, and We will.

    We Know the day already when the dust falls away from all, and illusion falls away. Do not let it have any imaginary power in your thoughts, for it has none in God sight.

    So it is, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Opening your heart to Wonder not only helps fulfill deep dreams and desires of your soul, it swings wide the door into elements and talents that you may not have even imagined you have. As the old example says, the caterpillar cannot imagine what it will be when it is a butterfly.

    You cannot imagine all that you can become as you fully morph into the Wondrous Being that God made. Here and Now, and then Beyond, you are more Glorious than you suspect.

    Welcome It, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turn to God in joy and in sorrow. Leave to It, leave to the Law of Harmony, today and tomorrow.

    When a thing you have just said or done makes you cringe, or an old thing from the past makes you shudder to even think about, when you are embarrassed to face another person, or too angry to even try to think about him or her, you MUST pray. You must pray for Blessings for you both. It is the only way to “escape” from cringing, Beloved. Avoiding thinking about it will only allow any error or resentment to build and cause more problems. Silently ask for Blessings for anyone you have wronged or who has wronged you, Child, and ask God for the Serenity of Love.

    IF you are led to actually say or do something, then do so carefully and lovingly, whether it is to speak or ask forgiveness, or to make amends in some way. Otherwise, ask silently of God for Blessings for all, and leave the redistribution of Harmony to God.

    God will always guide you, when you are asking for Blessings for all.

    As we freely give you our certainty of Blessings always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A mother’s love understands a great deal about the Divine Love that Mothers all.

    She wishes for her child to be peaceful and full of joy. She delights to see her child thrive. She loves her child no matter what costume he has on, and is happy when he loves her in return.

    God’s feelings for, and knowledge of, you, are similar but greatly magnified. And, they are the Truth that sets you free of whatever illusions, and nightmares, and blames, of self and others, you might think you are feeling at any one moment.

    Oh, do just pause and think of Divine Mother Love. Do just pause and let the Truth of that Love correct all errors in your mind. When you fully let His/Her Divine Thoughts replace yours, with their fullness of Compassion and Grace, there is no place left for fear or doubt or pain.

    It cannot hurt to try it today, Beloved. Slow things down. Give your thoughts pause, and take in the Truth of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The God-Force can and does heal the afflicted. When you have immersed yourself in hearing and listening for the Words and Thoughts of the Force Divine, but still have moments of doubt, take time to OBSERVE the healings of those around you, as well as reviewing the healings you yourself have experienced in bodily form, by trusting in the Grace of God.

    Observe, believe, and trust. And, O’ Child, give thanks, give thanks, give thanks. Be grateful to the Good Mind that holds you, loves you, cares for you, as though you were Itself, for you ARE Itself, in quality and in Holy Name.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    You HAVE Dominion in the Source within which you dwell. You have this Dominion if you use what the Source, and you, are made of, which is Truth and Love.

    Create from an attitude, a realization, of Love, and you will see the results of your Dominion; of your Creation. Try to create from indifference, or anger, or retaliation of any kind, and you are trying to create from nothingness, from non-authorized substances of earthly make-believe. To try to create Goodness and justice from anything except Divine Truth and Love is to create only more detrimental illusions, and to cover the Truth of the perfect beauty and goodness that you are, in the Source.

    You are perfect beauty and goodness within the Source, and so is everyone else. Make it your work to realize and see that Goodness in everyone around you, and you will find yourself delighted to see through the dismal and/or ridiculous illusions of the earthly dream.

    You are already in the Truth, Love. Feel the Source Love, and be strong in honing your Sight.

    All Love enfolds you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no certainty, as you walk the dream with the knowledge that God-Voice is within you always offering direction, that you will not encounter a few potholes. God will not force you into listening to the Inner Voice, the inner guidance.

    But the more practice you get at listening for, and obeying, the inner Voice, the better you will get at stepping over the potholes, or taking roads that have fewer of them. LISTEN carefully for the unsolicited whispers, and heed them. If God’s Angels remind you that you have left a candle burning on the table, get up and look. If the Inner Voice reminds you to call a certain friend RIGHT NOW, do so.

    As these small sorts of intercessions help you, you will have more faith when you actually sit down and ask for advice or healing on specific earth experience questions. You will know the sound and feel of that Divine Inner Guidance, and you will recognize It and trust It and be grateful for It when you need it most.

    In It we trust,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    God begs us beg you, yet again, thus:

    “Ah, Child,

    Come directly unto me. A minute every hour, no more than this I ask for now, close you eyes and ask me to Love you. Let me tell you, “you are Loved”, let me remind you who you are, as spirit born of the Spirit of my Heart.”

    We serve in This All alongside you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Discerning the Good, Godly Qualities in another, and remarking on them, is a wonderful way to uplift both of you, and make way for greater transforming Presence of Spirit. Letting another know how clearly you see their tenderness with their children, or their kindness to co-workers, or their generosity with strangers, helps YOU to comprehend that they are an offspring of the Good Divine.

    This view of another will change you, and, sooner or later, change the interactions between you for the better. If your thoughts of another align with God’s Loving Thoughts of both of you, the world makes Spiritual progress. Practice it today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is time to earnestly thank God for the gift of Dominion, and then awaken each day asking not, “What does my human self want to do today?”, but, rather, “What does the Will I share with God want done today?”

    Sometimes the human will and God Will coincide. Sometimes not. Trust only that greater Will, for It sees more than your human sight can. Then praise the Dominion gift that lets your truly joyous heart desires be enacted. Use Dominion to let Joy flow to you and through you, for yourself and others, all in the Oneness of Love.

    There is no competition in Heaven of Heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, you do want the body to be a thing that functions smoothly and wonderfully in the earth play, but we assure you that as you work on growing the spiritual understanding of loving smoothly and forgiving wonderfully, the body will follow suit.

    Focus on that growth in Grace today, Beloved, and you will find a beautifying smile more often on your face, and an energizing freedom in the body that occupies space.

    Pamper the soul, Child, for the Best health secret of all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that each time you forgive someone for something, you are forgiving yourself for the same problem. It IS that simple.

    And, as you forgive that person, he or she is healed, and you are healed, and both of your Best Selves, with all their marvelous potential, are revealed.

    Ask yourself, when the imp of something unworthy behavior has reared its head over someone you are interacting with, “What unGodly behavior am I forgiving in myself by forgiving it in this person?”

    Then forgive, and forget, and be free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learn to fall back into the supportive arms of the Infinite Source the moment you feel fatigue or irritation or pain or anger or wistful sorrow. If your arms feel tired while carrying the wood, or beating the eggs, stop that very instant and remember that there is infinite strength for you to draw upon, for it is the very substance of which you are made, and in which you live and move and have your true being.

    Do not think to yourself, “I will pray about that later”, or “I will stop and gather strength after this load,” relax into God’s Strength right away. Relax the muscles and relax the mind and remember “God’s Mind creates and sustains and gives endlessly to all, and I welcome God’s strength right now, to finish whisking the batter, to complete the cord of wood, to return to a feeling of blessed day, blessed moment, blessed life lived in Joy.”

    Always we will help if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For those that only pay attention to their limited bodily senses, times that seem to stress the body are worrisome.

    If you are one that knows well the Calm Power of turning to the Unseen Power of Divine Love, then do it all the more, enabling those around you to “catch” the desire to turn on their connection to the Kingdom of Heaven, of awakened Consciousness within.

    Everyone owns one of those connections. Everyone already has one installed. Like a phone, they just need to turn it on. You can shine when yours is in full operation, and you can envision all around you open and connected and feeling the delightful Truth of their place as a citizen of the Kingdom of Love.

    Connect to the Good, and all Good comes from there.


  • Ah, Let me remember, dear Source, that I stand next to you, with your clarity and all-ness of Sight and Truth.

    Let me look with you at the mirror of myself that seems to move and act and speak upon the earth, and let me see the Truth of what that mirror should reflect, that I am, in You, made of the characteristics of You.

    And let me see the Truth in all the other mirror fragments that are around me. Let me recognize all the others in my life as other views of You. Let me see the Truth of them as you know them to be, made them to be, as they are in Thee.

    Help me to let go of all old notions of what or who I am, and of what or who they are, and only be Thee, Thee, Thee.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is certain that you know the human feeling of adoring madly a new child of yours, or a new lover, or even a new puppy or other pet. Can you try to imagine that love multiplied by ten thousand or by Infinity, and then remember that the Greater Amount is how the Divine Parent Loves you.

    You are Loved, You are Loved, you are Loved, and THAT is your Power.


    We would not have you feel powerless,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is indeed timeless. But the merciful Spirit of God recognizes that the earthly dream is very awash in a perception of linear time. And thus it is important to ponder that events and understandings happen “in due time”, that is, in God’s timing.

    You can help make leaps in the timing of revelation of All Good, if you turn your heart willingly over to the God Guidance, each and every day, and sing praise in your heart when you feel Good happening, in Good timing. Progress to that shining Showing of Good is being made, we assure you.

    Stand outside of time, with God, and take a look,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to worry. There is only the need to realize that the Connection you are seeking already exists. You already Live within, and are like, that which you want and need to feel close to.

    It is not far away that Love exists. It surrounds you and is you, and offers Its Absoluteness to your consciousness right now. It is only a fantasy that you are far away and alone. Just let go of that imagining of being separate.

    Now, you are Loved, and made of Love.

    Ask It, “If You are right here, let me feel you Holding me.”

    Give It a chance to prove Itself, and that It wants you to remember who you are within It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What better gift could you give yourself than to again spend a whole day knowing your own Wholeness? And as you know your own Wholeness, so does it gift those around you with your perception of each and every one of them as also Whole. For your own knowledge of the pureness of Soul reflection corrects your perception of all as reflecting Love, and Love alone.

    “Abba/Ima, I am Thou. I know that now.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to admit fear, so as to examine it. Realize that you are feeling it, and then step back into the strength of the Divine Force that maintains your consciousness, and hold that fear gently in your awareness, and bathe it with Love. Let it melt away like a thin icicle would melt away in the summer sunshine.

    Know, always, that you would not be asked to do anything, by the small, still Voice within, unless you were given matching courage and means and wisdom to accomplish the task, or the partnership. Bathe in Deep Love, and take your ease in it, and let fear be washed away, and THEN move forward with your day, and all days.

    As ever, yours to call upon,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Discouragement is a trick of the emotional self to try to smoke over the Truth of the living Presence of the Divine that is always with you. Recognize it as a false thing, shoo it away, and restore yourself to praising the Love that creates and maintains and is all.

    Persevere in your proven faith. Praise and persevere. Praise and persevere.

    You will see results that align with the Will of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is All Spirit and All Spirit is Well”

    This silent prayer, kept going in the back of your thought all day, like a radio softly playing, can keep open a back channel to God. Divine Love adores having a way to quickly reach your thoughts, and infuse them with Omniscient God Thoughts.

    Just keep Us in mind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no distance and time between you and your Loving Originator. It is all around you, it is within you, it is the real you. Please, Beloved, do not think of yourself as something far away from Love, and apart and alone. Know that the everlasting, ever-living essence of you, is the same vibrant idea born in , and embraced by, the wondrous Mind of God.

    Today, do not try to make intellectual sense of this. Just feel the Love, and that It supports you.

    Relating to It thus brings tangible results,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No one else can make the choice for you, to desire to understand God, and See as God Sees. To See the now Beauty, to realize that all is Spirit, all is Love, takes a daily renewal of the vow to Be as God knows you, and to seek the High Good.

    You can do this, and Loving Spirit will assist and Guide, but it cannot be done by simply taking one class, or wearing a certain necklace, or joining a certain church or following a particular teacher, etc. It is up to your relationship directly with God Soul. Do it, commit to it, and both you and God be Glad, Glad, Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To stay within the shelter is to stay dry and protected, when you feel yourself buffeted by a storm.

    To stay within a delicious feeling of Grace, you must stay in the shelter of Unconditional Love and Truth. The Truth of you is serene Soul and sweet Dominion over a Good experience. To stay in that Truth, in that shelter, you must mindfully call upon It and desire It and stay in unity with It.

    It is more simple than you think, for Truth Itself wants Its unity with you. Accede to that knowledge, and find the great relief of knowing that whenever you turn to It, It is right there. It is for you, It is with you, It is sheltering you from the mists of unknowing.

    If you want the correcting and freeing Truth, know It has been within you all the time. It gently corrects the errors, and then all problems can be solved, like an equation that is solved easily once the errors in addition are corrected.

    Love does the hard work, Beloved. Let it correct with ease and compassion,

    Give It Its Way, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    So fill your mind with the truth of One Love, with words, and songs, and musings, that there is simply no room for the roiling mental complaints and judgements that would bind you to the woes of the world.

    Even while yet in the world, the fullness of Love within can inspire you with ideas and solutions and make you able to See and experience that which is not yet clear to the earthly senses. The dreams and visions and amazing synergies that come from the very Creative Heart of All, can be yours, if you but make communing with One Love, One Mind, your very reason for existence.

    And Joy comes from Loving Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you commune so deeply with God-Mind that all bodily senses seem distant, and you feel as though you are floating, enjoy it. Commune.

    Not all alignment with God Thought is about lofty information. Allow yourself to simply be held in Love, filled with Love. Be fed with Life.

    God is tender.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never, when directly asked for gracious help, refuse.

    Let that be your watchword. Watch your own words, to see how often you also must ask for help, whether of Heaven, or of human, and be glad, therefore, to give, and forgive.

    You absolutely never know when the person you shun today becomes the person whose help you most need tomorrow. All does come around, Beloved, in the circle of the earthly dream, and until your own private Awakening, take care to lovingly send forth only that which you wish to receive back.

    Ahhh, the golden rule is golden in deed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love first.

    Align yourself with Love first. As soon as you awake, align yourself with Love. Before you shower, before you drink your morning beverage, before you mentally list the tasks of the day, before you think about something that happened yesterday or you think will happen tomorrow, put yourself in the mood of expansive Love.

    Love first. Realize that Love is what you want. The happiness of Love and of being a part of All is what you really want, even when you think you want a certain place or person or thing. What you really want is the Joy of Loving from the Heart.

    So Love first. Align with the All Love that Loves you. Then, let Love flow in the form that keeps Love shining in your heart, and therefore in your body and life.

    We help you Love, if you allow us.