All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be moved by compassion, into allowing yourself to serve as the usher, as Love, to the place of Truth that is the Healer.

    Look through the literature and testimonies of, and about, all those of your world who have attained the heightened Consciousness of God-Mind, and you will see that compassion was their bridge. When they were feeling pursued by the curious, or overwhelmed by the needy, or irritated by the slow understanding of their disciples or students, they stood in silence, and Saw with compassion, and then were moved from the non-loving mood of fatigue or discouragement, into the Loving mode of attendance to, and attendee for, the Healing Truth of the Divine.

    Even with the one you love the very most, step back into impersonal compassion, and see that he or she has just fallen prey to a temptation of the material world. Seeing that, be the Strong One in that moment. Be moved with compassion, and call to the Power that heals all, to help you both move from apathy, or from anger, or from hate, and fully, fully into Love.

    We are with you, and will help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Shower us with your De-Sires, Dear God. Wash away, rinse away, our own small, human, false desires, and replace them with Your Desires. For Your Desires, being of you, Whose work is already done, are already accomplished, and already known to be Good, right now. You are already in control, and we are already Your perfect ideas, surrounded by all the perfect ideas we need. Open the eyes and ears of our Hearts to see and know and feel this, Dear God, Dear God, Dear God.

    Give us the Calmness and Trust and Joy that we need to know the immediate and timely action of the enactment of what You know us to be.”

    Amen, amen, amen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Creative Source Loves you, no matter what occurs in the earth dream.

    But you must be aware that what you send forth in the boomerang of illusion does come back to you. Sin returns as sin done to you. Lies told return as lies told to you. Unkindness returns as unkindness, kindness returns as kindness.

    What then, can God do to help you in the earth dream? God makes you want the Truth, and more of the Truth. God inspires you to want to reflect more of the Qualities of Goodness. You will no longer want to sin, if you put God in charge. You will no longer be willing to lie, if you let Inner Divine Spirit take the reins. You will look for ways to serve and be fair and honest and kind, if you let the Grace of Love rule you.

    When do you want to let Dear Love take charge of you? That is your choice. The timing is your choice. Do you want to let your own mistakes keep bouncing back at you, or do you want to let God help you stop making mistakes? Do you want to forgive others their mistakes, and help them see themselves as Beloveds of God, even as you become willing to see them thus?

    When? Now? Why not?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How about this? Today, just let Me Love you.

    I know your human wants and needs and desires. I know about your humanly laid plans.

    All My plans for you and for all come down to one thing—they remember they are Loved and part of Me. Why not get a good start on that today? Get a start on really believing I Love you and that you can trust in Me for all that is Good.

    I Love you, Love you, Love you, and you can trust in Me.

    Relax into that today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be greater understanding in you about how the power of thought changes your life, and you will be better motivated to turn your actions and thoughts over to the guidance of Spirit God.

    When you willingly look away from the evidence of the material senses that say “you are sick”, or “you have a character flaw” and instead look to the opinion of the Creative God Source Parent that looked at you and “saw that you were good”, then you are showing that you give your will to God—that you trust God’s opinion and truth above all else. That is part of why affirmations, faithfully employed, help healing and revealing of Truth to occur. If, despite what the eyes or nose tell you, you affirm over and over, “I am healthy and whole in the Mind of God”, or “All is well with my Life in God”, or whatever affirmation you are led to say, then you are essentially telling God “I will believe and trust you, no matter what the small mortal senses say.”

    THAT gives the Divine Healing Spirit a chance to blow away the mists of illusion, and let the pure truth and Goodness of you and your life, to be revealed.

    Is this clear? Let it be clear, Beloved, for therein is the way to guiding you to always trust God’s Word above all else, in every situation and every element of your costume and way of life.

    How we love you! How God loves you!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask Spirit to help you sort your thoughts and to clarify which ones are Good for today, or even for this hour and this minute. Even the most Holy of truths, floating in your mind, or purposely held on to as a sort of constant prayer, may not be the bit of Conscious Love that is most useful to you in the perceived play of the moment.

    You may be diligently contemplating the power of forgiveness in a self-assigned spiritual focus for the week, inspired by events in your own life, or an item in the news. But if the circumstances of the morning are such that what you really need to remember, in your identity as dear child of God, is the very ready and constant Presence of the Omnipotent Divine, in order to call upon It for immediate assistance, then it is important to be flexible, and trusting, and constantly alert in your Spiritual Awareness.

    Do not hesitate to ask of God Voice at any given moment, “Dear God, what do I need to know, right here and now, to best partake of Your Harmony?”

    Be willing to change. Be willing to re-focus,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask God to sing you a song. And whether you hear a tune in your mind right away, or sometime later in the day, you can be sure it holds Love and Wisdom for you.

    Whether ancient hymn or contemporary song, or harmonic poem your own thoughts form, realize that song is one of the ways God speaks to you. Listen for Love, Listen for Love, Listen for the Source speaking to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today give yourself the gift of celebrating that you really understanding that you are made of spirit, and that Great Spirit is your ever-present very best friend and guide and supporter and comforter and love.

    The time-bound things and personalities will come and go, to and fro, but you have Spirit, you have Spirit, you have Spirit. Proclaim and claim that and celebrate with your best friend. Your friend will lead you to all you really need and together you can enjoy the process and the result and every moment between.

    Sing praise to that which holds you and walks with and in you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is important to not let your means of focusing on the sweet Center of Being within become ritualistic and therefore too automatic. If you are not truly feeling centered in the Presence and Peace of the Source/Love after saying an accustomed prayer or thought, then become still and really focus and listen. You do yourself no favor if you become over-content with words and phrasing, but ignore whether or not you really feel the Love of God welling up within you in response. The understanding of the Presence must be there. The true feeling of connection must be there.

    The mortal self will tease you with thoughts of what duties or routines you must get to. The fleshly self will rumble the belly or itch the teeth. Pay no attention. Leave not the prayer closet time of surrendering and listening and focus until you truly feel embraced by, and fortified by, Love, before you start your worldly day.

    It is important. Would you leave the house without your clothes on? No. So, do not leave the house without donning the Love of God.

    It is your armor. It is your wealth and health and strength and joy. Welcome It, embrace It, be cheerful and strong in your place as a part of the Whole.

    Wholly yours,


  • Dear One,

    It is Spiritual Knowledge that cleanses the mirror, and lets you be the clear refection of the One Spirit that joyously made an image of Itself to talk to.

    That One Spirit is already perfect and harmonious and unchanging. Let yourself be the clear reflection by knowing that you cannot change Its Perfection and Its Glad Love, and that you can clean the mirror with Divine Love and Joy.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe not the voice of the darkness that would have you doubt what you have seen work, again and again, in your own living Voice from God. Be pleased with the sweet comfort that the Presence gives, and let today be a true day of thanks for that constant and uplifting Comfort.

    Gratitude, Child. Gratitude, again and again and again. It does not need to be spoken. It does not need to be written. It is simply held, sincerely, in the heart, and God can read it there. And there It does Its work.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    As you make the choice to go to a greater level of Awareness, as you choose to move nearer to the Divine Within, the Divine will move nearer to you. It will reach out to you in all the levels that you are ready to feel and hear and see. The delightful overt signs that can seem like parlor tricks, or magic, such as the feeling of some Presence next to you at a solemn or celebratory occasion, or the sudden knowledge of where to find a lost object, or the instant recognition of who is on the phone when it first rings, or a precognitive dream about some simple shopping…such things are an effort by the Divine Presence to have you delight in and begin to recognize and trust that Divine Voice within you.

    Take Joy in these occurrences, and let them induce you to spend even more time with that Presence. Let It become your very Best Friend and Love. Let It take you to a level of understanding Oneness that goes far beyond the personal convenience of a guardian angel wakening you at just the right hour.

    And share, share, share your stories of little miracles, especially with those who know you and trust you, or any friend or stranger that seems open to stories that go beyond the human senses. Every heart that you help open to belief in miracles—which are just True Creation’s Reality revealed—helps to bring all human awareness back into Harmony with the Whole.

    Share, and you are doing yourself (which IS All Selves) a favor,

    Endlessly Loving You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no urgency in becoming like as unto the Qualities of your Creator/Source. There is just simplicity. Just be still and quiet and KNOW that you are made of the very Love and Truth and Soul and Harmonious Intelligence that is the Spirit in which you are an idea.

    Do not define yourself as a body. Practice getting still and quiet and knowing you are those things, and you are fine, and will be fine. Try it calmly. Try it constantly. Be fine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know that the God Source is Joy Itself and projects only Joy toward you and as you and available to you, is to understand God.

    Look for Joys today. Expect Joy today. Particularly seek and feel the Joys that are the very non-visible Joys of the One Source Itself—the Love, the inexplicable Inspirations, the Clever solutions, the very Soul and Intelligence of Harmonious circumstances.

    Enjoy the pattern of all things falling into place. Enjoy the Gladness of Good, everywhere you see it. Everywhere.

    We celebrate with you in your heart for all Good news,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you were thirsty, and someone pointed out that there was a glass of water on the table right next to you, you would reach for it and drink it, wouldn”t you?

    Let it be even so with the water of Spirit, Dear, dear child. The High Guidance of the Light, the Healing Force that the Creator installed in each Heart, is right there next to you. You are given the right to choose to reach for it or not, as you will. Why not reach for it, Beloved, when you feel the need of healing, or see the need for healing in those around you? It is your thoughts that you are longing to heal, and needing to heal, and the first thought that needs healing is that you are without help, that you are alone.

    You are NOT alone. The Healing, Helping Force is right there with you. Call on it. Claim the Truth that is IS there for you, Loving you and wanting to help you in all thoughts and things, be the pure and deserving and innocent Child that you ARE in the Mind of the Creator. Call for It, silently. Call for It, and wait for the sweet Peace of It to descend upon you, and then listen to It, and Savor Its Love, and be refreshed, and humbly obey, and receive, what It gives you and tells you.

    It is the most satisfying drink of all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gladly Spirit hears your appeals for the healing of thought, relationship, or circumstance. And once you relinquish control to Loving Spirit, adjustments begin.

    Trust that Omniscient Spirit knows best not only the good timing of these unfoldings, but the order of them. You might be praying for Divine assistance with a concern with your breathing, but be led to reconsider how your thinking is filled with self -pressure from too many long lists of things to do. As you surrender obsessive human expectation of what must be done each day, you might find that a painful cramping of the toes is healed, and then feel your breathing and heartbeat become easy. And you might simultaneously find that your patience with others is stronger.

    Spirit sees Wholeness, and sees the whole picture. It can be a relief to simply pray for Omnipotent Guidance in aligning ALL your thoughts and perceptions and priorities, and trust Omnipresence to demonstrate it all just as God’s Goodness would see it happen.

    Surrender, surrender, to the Heart of Love’s Wisdom,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allow yourself to have a day that is as timeless as God.

    You would learn a lot about living under the Wondrous direction of Life-Spirit within if you spent a day without looking at the time and arranging your life by it. To act on an idea when you feel the inspiration, to sit still and commune with God until your soul feels full,, to eat when you are hungry and not because it is a designated break for food, to be floating in your spiritual perceptions so that you can hear the small Voice urging you to call a certain friend and offer assistance. To be as Spiritually aware as the Loving Wisdom that seeks to Guide you is to be a participant in God’s Harmonious Plan in a whole new way.

    Letting God, rather than timepieces and human opinion, govern your day, is living Truth, and opening the heart to full alignment with God as Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know how it feels to enter the presence of someone who is very happy to see you.

    Well, Beloved, there is Someone Who is always happy to see you. Enter into that Presence with your awareness, turning inward to your Heart where the Divine Lover always waits for you, and bask in the glow of being Loved, and appreciated, and known to be perfect and good and whole, as a part of the reflection of God.

    That One’s opinion is the only one that counts, for your lovability and worth,

    Get that One’s reassurance, and be well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are not surprised when someone must take training to be a great musician or artist, or to execute a sports move in just such a way or that. You are not surprised when they must practice what they have learned, in order to perfect their skills.

    So why be surprised that you must train, or retrain, your mind to think with spiritual thoughts, to see with spiritual sight, what the body’s eyes cannot see, or the human body mind has not been taught to think? Be willing to let Spirit retrain you. Be willing to let Spirit be the Loving teacher in your heart today. Claim the right to see the Order and Grace of the Universe, and to see those around you as saints and angels and good children of God, and let Spirit guide you in how to do this.

    Is it so great a sacrifice to give over a day to seeing with the Charm of Divine Mind? Be charmed by God. Be charming to God. Be sweet, be tender, be true, to the Being that Loves you above all else, and Loves you despite any mis-sight and mis-thinking you may have had.

    Be willing to re-think everything now, led by the Loving word and Hand of the Love that emanates you.

    Feel the Presence, and go forth and play with this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You CAN be a SILENT vehicle for healing others, by simply standing by and letting Divine Love pour through you, to them. You can add a smile, you can add a twinkle of compassion from your eyes, but it is Divine Healer that does the Healing and Revealing of Goodness.

    Relax, and let It do Its Work.

    Then you will realize, it is not that hard,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you strive to hear the small, still Voice of the Great Director within, you must also relax enough to hear It. That paradox of staying focused and yet relaxed is the hardest part. Because once you have achieved consistent hearing of the Divine Voice, then all you need to do is listen for It all the time, and joyfully abide in Its Peace.

    It IS that simple, and sublime. Be at One with It, and be at Peace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say yet again, patiently, lovingly, “Do you want the Love and Peace of God, or do you want to be “right” as the world defines it?”

    In every moment, there must be that choice made. The more you make the choice for the Peace of God, and ask the Inner Voice how it may be obtained, the more you will have it. The Will of God DOES lead to Peace. Do you want your will, or God’s Will?

    The timing of this is for you to choose. God includes all in His/Her unconditional Love, for there is no time in God.

    Are you ready to choose only God?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have chosen to go to a party. At the door, you are handed a frog costume. You know you are a beloved child of God, donning a frog costume, but you don it willingly, and go in. You see right away that some of the souls at the party having been wearing their costumes so long that they have started to believe they are truly frogs, and act in character.

    Your job, if you accept it, is to remember that you are really a delightful child of God, and to remind those that are ready to hear it that they are also the wonderful good spirits of Love.

    What do you say?

    ANGELS, not frogs

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that what you really want is Peace of Mind and heart.

    Your humanly-taught, and mortal, mind will try to convince you that many temporal things or circumstances can give you Peace, but the truth is you do not always realize exactly which path and place and person will be the conduit for the Divine Peace that wants to flow to you and embrace you. Therefore, stay focused on your desire for the Heavenly Loving completeness, and do not fret about the details of how it must come about. Stay focused on being Loved and Loving, forgiven and forgiving, and let the end of each moment be the Peace and Joy that you need and want.

    This is the way in many systems of Spirituality. Why fight it with human definitions? Understanding that God soul and Spirit knows the best way for you better than your sensory perceptions do is a great leap forward into understanding the Goodness of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know the joy of giving someone you love something that they would truly appreciate and love, whether it is an object or an experience. You delight in watching as they receive it, and then seeing them enjoy it and perhaps they share the intrigue of it with others. That piece of pottery or perfect tool or skiing lesson or quilting experience, etc. becomes a memory, a bonding, a way of relating.

    We assure you that it is even more true for God, wanting you to fully receive and use and enjoy and grow with, the Divine Gifts that are given you. Assess your own heart callings, and fear not to ask God directly “What are the gifts you have given me?”

    Perhaps you hear “Art is the heart I have given you.” Perhaps you discern that teaching is the talent that uplifts Soul in you, or being a mediator of Harmony, or a creator of solutions. God may have installed many Gifts in your Life Force, or a few that change over time, but be assured that Your Creator adores giving your unique Self these offerings, so that you can delight in them and God can delight in your delight.

    Talk to God about it, and open and explore your Gifts. You may surprise yourself with what new or old thing you can Divinely enjoy, and that gives Joy to others as well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am” is the name of God, Dear Child. God is the Projector of Light.

    If you slip a thought into the projector, you are creating as the Light shines through it. Take care what you think and what you say and create, dear, dear one. If you say “I am weary”, what are you creating an illusion of on the screen of time?

    If you say, “I Am Well, I Am Loved, I Am whole and capable,” you are agreeing with the True creative Light that made you very good.

    Play with this, today, Child. Remake your thoughts, and remake yourself.

    And listen only to the Truth of God that wants your Goodness and Joy revealed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not amazed when the wonderful and unusual happens.

    Rather, realize that that is the natural way that the Loving Source would like for your life and Happiness to proceed.

    Love it. Expect it. Welcome it with grace and gratitude.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is doubt about your own ability to overcome a complete wave of discouragement when facing pain or lack, OR whenever there is a sweeping temptation to overindulge in the sweet sensations of life, remember that the Power of God within you is also there as a support and an advocate, not just as a tender lover and father/mother and provider.

    Take that crucial moment to pause, and ASK for some of the Divine perspective to help you choose well, to give you strength to assess clearly and calmly, and the wonderful will to carry out and carry forward with your resolutions and answers.

    ALL of your strength comes from the Divine Source. Why not call on It when you need It most?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing to fear from God. God, Love, only Loves you, and gives an endless flow of Love and Life to you that is Its very Self and Soul, Child of Its own Goodness.

    Once you realize that thinking of yourself as a separate body is just to have armored yourself in fear of God, and that God really sees and knows you only as His/Her wonderful and innocent child, then you can change your thought of the body. Then, you can think of it as just a useful tool for communicating and for enjoying the phase of the Glad earth dream. Then, you can relax into letting all of your “self”, thoughts and body and surrounding life, be just simple expressions of all the valuable Harmony of the Oneness of Being. Then, you can realize that you WANT to please God by being Its perfect reflection and expression.

    Relax into Love, today, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Spiritual Realm, as Divine Source created it, is as it always has been and as it always shall be. Ask to see it. Look for it, in the purity of Love you seek to see in yourself, and in those around you. Be deeply grateful for the existence of the Truth, that only Love, and that which reflects Love, is Real.

    The way to truly forgive yourself and others for being caught up in the web of lies that is the sad and seemingly evil world, is to be grateful that Good exists.

    Be grateful for every aspect of Good that you are privileged to express, and grateful for every aspect of Love that you witness in every one around you. The others that were created are precious parts of the Whole Creator, and so, dear Beloved, are you.

    Be Glad. Be True. Be Whole. Be Graeful.

    Grateful to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Life is not a contest. It is about each individual shining and demonstrating the simple and many Glories of God, supported by the hand of Love.

    Do not compare yourself with others. Ask God what YOU are meant to be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As soon as you ALLOW your mind to stop reeling around and around its habitual thoughts/human thoughts, We are with you. You know that. Stop thinking, be still, and allow yourself to feel the Ever-Presence that surrounds you and IS you.

    Now, knowing We are there/here/everywhere, turn to us. When you read a passage in a book that has a word in it you do not understand, you turn to a dictionary for help. When you see or hear a thing or person in the world that you do not understand, turn to Us. We will explain. We will Help. We will give instruction. We will be and are your life Dictionary.

    Stop, be quiet, turn to Us, listen and obey and then be glad. We have said these things many times, and the process never changes. It never will.

    Be glad, and make Us glad in the joining of Gladness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No one believes in God’s Goodness until they are ready. They will give up the whims of illusion in time, with the Loving Help of Spirit.

    For yourself, turn your face from their disbelief. Listen not to the tales of evil.

    Set your heart and thoughts upon the unrelenting Peace of God, and aim to be cleansed and perfect, as God is Perfect. As in Heaven, so in your experience of earth. God helps you do this, in the flow of your joyous faith.

    Many have done it. So can you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is complete. Oneness of all is the Whole and Real, Substance of All.

    As part of It, you are complete, as Soul. You are worthy and wonderful.

    It is only in the dream of linear time that there seems to be incompleteness, imperfection. Focus your thoughts, aligned with God-thought, on the completeness of God, Whose Work is done, and breathe a sigh of relief. Stand outside of time, many times a day, and see Good as Real.

    Choose to focus on Goodness and completeness, Beloved. Choose what to Look at, what to discern. Choose to See Love, and Love’s effects, rather than the shadows of dreams.

    Use Our eyes, Beloved,


  • Dear Beloved,

    Endlessly, we watch you. We watch you with love, hoping for a chance to help you achieve the Best Self that you have come here to be. We honor your plan, and we honor your right to choose what to enact and what to do, so we need your permission to help that plan be enacted.

    You are living your plan. We do not ask you to turn over the living of it to anyone but yourself. We just ask that you give the divine Infinite a chance to provide the loving resources that you need to enact that Dream, that you keep in your heart. We just ask that we be allowed to help distribute your gift when you decide that your gift is ready to be shared.

    You brought that gift, whatever yours is, with you when you came to this life. We ask you to feel the truth, that your gift wants to be explored and shared. Believe this, that we would love to help bring that about, guided by your own love of your gift and your own will that it be so.

    You have already begun it by coming here to this life. All of our love and all of the abundance of the Universe stand ready to back you up. Call out to the Universe in a voice of love, knowing that a loving voice is the voice it hears, and answers. Call out in a feeling of full faith that the Universe supports you.

    Endlessly, we listen. When you say, “Yes”, we act. To doubt yourself and your gifts, and your ability to contribute them to the world is to say, “Maybe”. Do not doubt yourself and your gifts. Instead, trust and say, “Yes”, and let a new world of possibilities open up before you.

    We are lovingly listening,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have you not noticed that when your own questions lead you to most totally immerse yourself in the affirmations of Truth, that is the time when others seem to flock around you, and want answers, or help, or comfort? When the Light comes out to answer your call, it IS tangible to others.

    Believe it, and let that lead you to immerse yourself totally ALWAYS. It will Help you. It will Help others. And all will move forward together.

    We Love to See you all know you are One,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Count not time. Oh, do be courteous within the human parameters of being “on time” and respectful of limits when possible, but remember in your heart the timelessness of God. Like the Qualities of Goodness and Harmony and Intelligence and Spirit and Love, that are what God Is, thinking about timelessness can help free you of the earth sense of panic or fretting that will try to distract you from the letting come forth of the Good Qualities of God of which you are made.

    You are timeless of Soul, Beloved. Fall not prey to the lies of those that would say that parts of your body must fail at a certain age or that no new project can be begun by you if others in your group have seen fewer or more sunrises. Free yourself of body identification by knowing yourself to be truly timeless Spirit, ever-ready to reflect the timelessness of God.

    Our Love for you does not wear out, why should you?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the sweet Peace of God Thoughts fill your mind, savor them. Savor the feeling of Wellness of Being, without reverting back to the mortal “to do” list. If there is something “to do”, you will be told, but until that Thought is installed in your thoughts, just savor, savor, savor the Wellness of Being a part of God.

    Behold, Joy!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Wondrous part of the Whole that is the True You needs no words. It is already Good and Complete and Glad to shine. But the dreaming bit that thinks it is a body and a separate self needs these words to relate to, to re-awaken daily, and to help allow downtrodden thought to be uplifted.

    And so, we remind you again, that you ARE part of a Whole Reflection of Goodness. When that small human self of thought tries to trip you with woe or discouragement or what seem like challenges or blocks to movement forward, remember that you can help break out of that circling thought by reaching out to others with your thought. You can reach out to the Source and ask to be used as a vehicle for healing and awakening and cheering others. As you do so, vast amounts of Goodness also flow back to you, and through you. Praying in the plural, saying “we” instead of “me”, is more effective than your mortal mind can imagine, for uplifting yourself, and all.

    Use it as a sacred tool, Beloved. Use it often, and especially right now.

    For even now, are ALL souls the children of God, and connected, one to another,

    And souls are what is real. Forget the bodies, for now, with their various errors, and pray for all souls to collectively reflect the brightness of the Great One Soul that IS them,

    ANGELS, as ever

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The entry into the maturity of Love, of agape, must be taught to some. Some will achieve it over time, self-teaching through experience and reading and media, but some young and old ones need to hear it directly. It is a long, long road from the youngster who believes that love means being willing to invite someone to your birthday party, and the teenager who thinks remembering your friends” birthdays is the epitome of loyalty and love, to the individual who realizes enabling the other person to be his or her true self is the Divine call of all.

    Therefore, teach it, Beloved. Tell it, teach it, be willing to look the fool, for the enabling of the Divine Truth within more and more hearts is the only real thing to do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is true that of your human will you cannot always keep your thoughts pure and sacred and good, as you would wish them to be. Small and large annoyances creep in.

    But of the Divine Will, anything can be done. Your choice only needs to be to ASK for Divine Help, and It will come.

    Ask, Beloved. Ask and ask and ask, and do not be ashamed. You are innocent and deserving and beloved in the eyes of the forgiving Source.

    We know this to be true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to wonder and wonder whether a “message” in your mind aligns with the Divine Mind of God—if it is accompanied by feelings of Peace and Joy and a sense of weightlessness, it is of God. And, if it is of God-Mind-Thought, it will come again and again, in the same or various ways, so that it becomes clear that God is gently, patiently, waiting for you to act upon it.

    You can also be sure that if it aligns with “Love God-Love and Truth above all else, and Love thy neighbor as thyself,” it IS in accordance with One Mind.

    Any piercing and repetitive thought that is not of God will be accompanied by a sense of hesitation or pain or worry or sorrow, and you will also find that the way will be rocky—blocked by busy signals and waylaid items, etc. etc. Your own Good and High Self will help you NOT walk the stony path.

    Relax, and let Love Guide.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to hurry, for God’s Love is timeless, and That Creative Force knows that your real Being never really went anywhere—that you are a safe Idea Being that just fell asleep and thinks it is alone. In the dream, you are sometimes struggling, and sometimes succeeding, but you imagine you are far away from God, or you do not even believe there is One.

    God knows you will awaken, in the dream, or after the dream or dreams. So God is not in a hurry. When you suspect that your own mind has tricked you and you want to try to “hurry” to awaken, that urge to hurry can be yet another trick of your mind, for it may make you feel desperate or wanting or angry. Those feeling only further your feelings of estrangement.

    The unhurried quiet trust is best. Work on proving and feeling God’s care for yourself. Work on hearing, and knowing, the delightful still, calm, loving Voice. Then, you will open and awaken more quickly than you thought possible, with no jealousy of those that are already there, and nothing but compassion for those that yet sleep.

    How We Love you!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Please understand that the reason “healings” (which are just the un-veiling of the Goodness of the Divine that already exists) can happen instantaneously, is because time simply does not exist in the Divine Realm that is truly the only reality. All the moments that you think of as beginning and middle and end, in human experience of time, are really just one instant, one glimmer in the Vast Beyond, wherein an idea was born, and right away was welcomed into the Mind that had it.

    There is no time and space that God/Goddess/Provider of Perfection must cross to get to you and hold you and Love you. You already exist as part of that perfect idea in the God/Goddess Mind, and that idea is already desired and cherished and sustained. You are already the substance of smooth movement of the Divine. You are already an element in the order of wonderful Beauty. You are already an aspect of Life and Spirit expressed.

    What you are already, you do not need to “become sometime”. You are already the sweet substance of the Amazing Beyond—and the only thing that It is beyond is any tiny belief that you might have that It would not want you. You are wanted. You are already Loved. You are already complete and a perfect spirit within Spirit. Stop thinking of yourself as a body with the limits of physical sense and the ticking of internal and external clocks and start thinking of yourself as an inhabitant of the Spirit that is Divine All.

    Welcome the release from the sense of time. Welcome the new understanding of how truth may be seen. Thinking outside of time may be confusing at first, but when you have seen the evidence of first and last being the same, you will laugh with joy and release.

    We clasp and release you constantly,

    You are never out of our care,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Human age is not, obviously, the determiner of enlightenment or awakening. Many very seemingly young ones, and many imbetween, realize right now that All is Good, All is God, in the Truth that is the film of Thoughts rolling in their Mind’s Eye.

    The human eyes, ears, and other senses, are projectors, not receptors.

    Ponder this today. What do want to project? What would God-Thought, Love, want projected?

    We want to see the Truth of the Best that Blesses all projected,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that in the heart of you, you are thinking, “Thank-you, dear, dear God, for reminding me and showing me, that across all time and space, I am Thou, really.”

    Repeat it and repeat it, and let it sink you into the delicious feeling in your Consciousness that the Truth of it, and the Wholeness of God, are washing you clean of any thoughts that you are anything but Divinely made, complete and good.

    And if another stands before you, lost in his complaints of body or personality, be compassionate, and silently call forth to God, “Please show him, dear God, that really, right now, he is Thou, and nothing else. Please show him, and me, he is Thou, good and whole and free.”

    You have felt it work, you have seen it work, now go forth and do it again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Beloved you are, within the Mind of the Creative Loving Source, and Beloved you will always be. While you are in the earth dream of space and time, this may seem hard to believe, but as you turn over your daily, and moment-by-moment, decisions to the gently guiding Force that is Love, you will come to fully realize Its Utter Goodness, Its Utterly Gracious Intent, Its Utter Loveliness of Being, and that you are part of It, and reflecting/projecting that, if you allow it, here into the dream-film of earth life.

    Be at Peace, Beloved, and REMEMBER yourself to be Beloved. Each time the earth view or circumstance seems to be in disarray, or to be a source of uneasiness, drop back into the sweet depths of knowing your true self to be safe and truly Loved, within the Heart/Mind of the Shining Source, and allow yourself to feel the calm Joy of that Love. Allow yourself to feel fed and refreshed by that Joy, and feel able and ready to participate in, again, the advancement of the Plan for the advancement of all the parts of the Reflection whose Totality is the Goodness of Creation.

    Truly seeing your progress, and rejoicing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not condemn you for the stupid mistakes you feel you have made in the earth drama. God only Loves you, and says “Never mind that. Come to Me and be free to shine.”

    Once you understand that, and BELIEVE that, then you can flow forward in your perfect role in life, constantly directed by Love.

    Do not take our word for it. Go within, and hear for yourself what God thinks of you.

    We already know it is Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new beginning in your heart. Be willing, O’ so willing, to let the Divine Best Destiny, that you could be living, be shown to you.

    Yes, many believe in trying to script their lives, based on affirmations and visualizations that come from their own human egos and dreams. And they may achieve these things for a time. But how many of them end up with ill health or a conflict with the dreams of others, losing friends and loved ones in the pursuit of their own pleasures?

    Let the Great Eye of the Divine help you walk your Best Destiny, Beloved. For It sees the Best Path for ALL, not just for the short term pleasures of one human set of desires. Choose that, and you choose the long term Good, the Best Destiny for all, that is One with yours.

    Stand away, and look with timeless eyes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Dear Spirit of Christ did Mighty Works and It is still with All now.

    CALL upon It and prove to yourself that Unconditional Love Sees you Whole.

    Unconditional Divine Love sees you Whole and Loves you very dearly. The Mighty Works continue.

    “I AM Loved by Love.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can spend five minutes arguing with someone, or you can spend those minutes being glad for the day. Which one do you want?

    You can spend a minute feeling angry about something, or you can spend that minute with the deep Peace of God in your heart. Which one do you want?

    If your earthly presence ended tonight, which one would you be happy to have chosen?

    It is always the same choice—earthly focus or Infinite Peace while in the world.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not confuse yourself with a pound of hamburger.

    There is no need to be embarrassed. You know what and who you really are, no matter what some costume or meanly costumed person would try to imply.

    “I am innocent. I am free. I am as God created me.”

    We know this about you. So do you, really.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How clear it all becomes, even as the earthly sight grows dimmer, or the orbit of thought and activity seems to lessen. The heart that is shared with the divine Source reaches everywhere, and IS everywhere, and will never forget. Where there is not time, nothing is ever forgotten, except the sorrow that only seemed so great, in the illusion of earth.

    Send forth Love, even in the fleeting,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting go of old presumptions of what gives satisfaction and joy, and being willing to find purpose, and contentment, in new patterns of listening to Spirit and doing as It guides, is a large part of Holy Awakening.

    You are Holy. You are an emanation of Light and Life from the Holy Source Itself, and if you let the clouds of mortal thought fall away, your Holiness shines, even while you yet walk the dream of materiality. Be willing, Beloved. Be willing, for the more that awaken, the sooner sorrow diminishes and ends.

    And do EXPECT that living, and serving, the Greater Spirit, will bring transportive Calm Bliss, in ways that your unawakened self could not even have imagined. Living Spirit does not mean pain and sacrifice. It means smoothly having what you need, when you need it, to be your Best Self, as an integral part of All that Is Good.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The notion that you are anything less than what God intends you to be is only a brief illusion. Think upon the nature of Infinity. There is no thing too small or too large to fit into Infinity. There is nothing Infinity cannot encompass or swallow or surround.

    Allow yourself to feel this and picture this. And then look again at what seem like your human concerns, that your body-mind has labeled big, or small, concerns, or needs or dreams, and then picture them wrapped in Infinite Love.

    Infinite Love. Infinite Love.

    Now, how great or small is your situation within the scope and sight of Infinity?

    Keep your mind on Infinite Love, dear love, and let Love encompass all in your thoughts, for Love DOES encompass all. It comforts and guides, and will gladly show you the way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Now, take the affirmations of yesterday, that focused on remembering that the Primal Cause is the Source for your happiness and Joy/Creativity, and make those affirmations plural. Remember that it is never just for yourself that you remember that you dwell WITHIN the Source, it is for all. It is for you and all of those around you, because all the dreamings of earth are intertwined. As you pray for others, as you pray for all, you are praying for yourself.

    “OUR Source, thank-you for loving us, and for upholding and providing for us. Thank-you for all the sustaining and training and un-blaming that you give us. Thank-you for each blessing and each idea that You let flow into OUR awareness. We are all parts of One, and as One, we reflect You. Help us enjoy You completely by letting us reflect You completely. Help us remember , in every moment, We are One.”

    The Whole is unutterably lovely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say again, we say again: Look for the Divine, and you will find It.

    Look for problems to “fix”, and you will find them. The choice is yours, and can it be more simple than this?

    Look for the Divine, and you will find It.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no greater worth of any given moment than turning your thoughts to Divine Source, and letting Its Thoughts, and Its Qualities of Being fill your consciousness.

    All the small excuses that you can think up to not spend some time doing this—that you must be somewhere at a certain moment, or that a particular task is more urgent than staying centered in Awareness, etc. etc., are all worldly things that should not be considered as having power over the One Cause. Do not place your faith in an earthly power that does not exist. Do not let those earthly excuses fool you and keep you from your rightful and deserved Joy.

    Since the Delightful and Delighting One Power is All There Is, without time and space and matter, It can compensate your experience for anything your human thought is worries that it will be late to or not have enough time for or the understanding or strength to do. Trust in That which is over all time and space, not the fleeting shadows that make up what you experience with the “physical” senses.

    It IS Real, Beloved,

    Turn to It, again and again and again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to ask BOLDLY for all that is True to BE true in your earthly play.

    The humble willingness to turn all things and people and circumstances over to God is the simple thing you must do to enact this. Like an artist who recognizes that too much paint has been smeared around on her canvas, and acceptingly sets it aside and starts with a fresh canvas, be willing to set aside all of what you thought you wanted, and let the Maker paint your picture of existence anew.

    “I want what the Divine KNOWS as Truth, to be true, here and now”,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just pay attention to your own alignment with God, One Mind, One Love, and let the rest fall into place on its own, governed by that One Mind.

    THAT is salvation. Yours is up to you, for the timing of your full desire to be aligned with the One Source is your choice. Desire it in your heart and thoughts, and Omniscient Mind will know it, and help you.

    As will all Its Thoughts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Facing one’s fears is not about proving courage. Confessing one’s errors, to the self or an advisor, or to a savior, is not about shame. They are about releasing thoughts of self that might be blinding you to the beautiful possibilities and perfections that are yours to live and to share.

    At the very least, let yourself realize when your mind has trapped you in a thought loop about an incident or a person, so that instead of rehearsing what you should say or do, or what you did say or do, you can purposefully surround those thoughts with compassion, with forgiveness, with love, for yourself and for any others involved, and let go, let go, let go. The wondrous emptiness you create by letting go will be instantly filled with the Love that is the Nature of God, and which shines away all errors, in yourself, and in what seem to be others, but which are only mirrors of what you like, and do not like, in yourself.

    O”, when you are done looking in mirrors, what Glory awaits you!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To completely trust in the Loving Provision of the Infinite, and to know that you are a cherished and eternal and lovely part of It, always, is to set yourself free from fear.

    To be free of fear is to be able to live, whether in the brief form of the body costume, or as the beautiful blaze of Light that you are, with Joy, Joy, Joy, and gratitude. No matter what costume you are wearing, or what props are around you in this moment, you are that lovely piece of the Design Entire, and important to the grace of the Whole.

    Be grateful and appreciative to yourself for being so. Be kind and grateful to all others for beings so. O, today, Beloved, look beyond their costumes, and your own, and see and understands that the bodies are as nothing, and that, in the end, only Love, Love, Love remains.

    It is so important to express and feel that, today, and every day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Much of what we put into these words is expressed in spiritual or self-development terms, but of course the same truths are to be found in the everyday languages of the worldly disciplines. Today, there is a heart that needs to hear what every good political diplomat knows: Today’s enemy may be tomorrow’s ally or friend, so take care to remember that in all your dealings.

    It is easy to imagine that an old friend who betrayed you, or an old neighbor that would not compromise, or a customer who never paid, could not be part of your God-sent solution now. Stand back, and let go of old assumptions, for, Beloved, that is often exactly how God works, in order to make you realize that you are all, indeed, in this together.

    You are indeed all alive in One Source, filled with and surrounded by One Source, and fed your continued Spiritual existence by One Source.

    Ignore old grudges and assumptions, Beloved, and let every day be a new day. Yesterday’s fool may be tomorrow’s king, in the world, or in your life. Forgive, suffer all fools gladly, and celebrate when you are allowed to see the golden hearts of their Spirits.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to suffer through doubting times. When those feelings surface, TURN, right away, to the Healing Presence of God Mind. If you cannot do it wordlessly, in the moment of doubt, then turn to the written inspirations of the ages, in whatever tradition has awakened you and nurtured you.

    AND, turn to sending deep Gratitude and Love to another being on earth, whomever you think of first when you think about whom you feel grateful to in this moment. Sending forth Love, calling on Love, and reading, slowly, the Words of Love, can break the bubble of doubt that would try to descend in you. like a foggy cloud on a driver in the dark.

    Call in that Greater Light, O’ Child, so that your light can shine. Call It in, and be not in doubt or fear, any longer.

    We do not doubt the One Mind, or you, as Its Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so very easy to automatically trust in the things of the world instead of trusting in the Great Life that is the Spirit that sustains your spirit. It has become automatic, for you have been trained to do so. Re-training the awareness and perception to the Spiritual is rarely easy, so forgive yourself when you slip. Slip and fall you may, but each time you step up the mountain again, you will likely get a little further than before.

    Trusting in the sustaining and maintaining nature of Divine Spirit is hardest when the earthly seems very good, and when it seems very bad. Both are times when it is easy to perceive only earthly despair or only earthly thrill, and forget that the steady abiding in God’s gladness is the best and only way. When you have given your heart to Divine Spirit, and have asked to live the life It has written for you, instead of living your ego-self’s false script, then ALL parts of the self-script must be released. Let go, let go, Beloved, and turn again and again to the Divine Voice within for the next cue, the next line, the next prompting.

    When enough beings live from their Divine script, then you will see change,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a human friend who can say “I love you”, even if you have just behaved badly, the Spirit of Pure God that made you Loves you no matter what you think you have failed in, or what you fear. But the Godly Love is Infinite, and never leaves you or exists life or moves far, far away.

    Trust that Infinite Love, Beloved. Trust It to see who and what you are, without iniquity, without temporal flaws, without reserve. Beloved, Beloved, let Grace behold you pure.

    Accept God’s assessment of you as Beautifully made.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seeker to servant to solver, Beloved. Dominion IS given to any who are willing to accept it. Be not afraid, and be Glad to radiate the Qualities of the Maker through yourself.

    Always serving you,

    With Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Shifting your thought modes, and practicing staying in those modes every day, will indeed change how you experience your life, and how you see others.

    Simply, today, hold this attitude:

    “Dear God, I am grateful that You can help me see the Blessings that are mine because I am simply reflecting the Bliss of Thee.”

    We happily See with you,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved, Beloved,

    The more willingness and desire you show from your heart to Know the ways of the Loving Source, the more grandly and quickly It will show Itself to you.

    The Source does not force, but It rejoices as you turn towards wanting to understand your nature and Spiritual form, and It comes RUNNING out to meet you with Gladness.

    Have a heart to run towards Love as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be pleased when you remember that counting your Blessings is a surefire way to help you escape from the trap of mortal self-pity.

    Count your blessings. Send blessing thoughts to others. Two old tricks. But tried and true.

    When you know that you are Blessed, then you can truly be a Blessing to others, rather than just making gestures that your heart does not feel. Glad giving, to yourself or others, is true giving, and comes back to you as more Gladness, and Wellness, and Life.

    In great Love and appreciation of you and for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such a tendency to believe that absolutely nothing can be done about deadlines and time, when you are looking to solve a problem. Once again, you must remember that the limits of human belief do not limit God. God exists beyond time, and there is no thing within the perceived realm of time that can alter that Omnipotent Power.

    Be at peace, Beloved. When you close your eyes to the visible, and rely on your faith in the Whole Truth, close your mind and heart also to invisible “time”, for it is but another dimension of the world that is not the Good Reality that God made and maintains and keeps in beautiful Order, the Inner Kingdom of Utter Peace.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is in your own interest to constantly ask yourself, “Am I living as a representative of Love?”

    For that is your True Job. However, because that question can make one feel hopelessly inept and as though one is doing less than good work, it is important to remember that you are only the distributor. It is as if someone gave you, entirely for free, a huge basket of treats or money or goodwill, and told you there was plenty more where that came from, and would you just please go around handing it out?

    What a lovely task! What a privilege to go around handing out that which was freely given to you, to give to others also!

    Won”t you take the chance to hand some out today, knowing it is also alright to eat of the treat of Love yourself, as you go around giving It to others?

    Think of it as a privilege, Love, not work,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I will to Will God’s Love for me.”

    Let that be your choice for the day, your prayer, your mantra, your focus. Even if you do not completely understand how God’s Loving Truth works, It is working to set you free.

    Set aside your human evaluations of what you are, or what others are, and simply and totally accept God’s Will of Love.

    “I accept God’s Will of Healing Love.”

    We will keep reminding you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The immediacy of the relief that Divine Love can provide, in bodily need and in circumstances, is something that some human minds do need time to adjust to.

    For those that are ready, Divine relief can come instantly. This is not about human “goodness”, it is about readiness of the individual part of soul to accept awakening. Healing, of life situations or of illness or amorality, sometimes comes when it can be an inducement to being a seeker of an understanding of Source/God.

    The One Spirit does know what any individual can accept at that moment. If a human is hungry, not necessarily is he one who is ready to hear, “you can live on prana, you can live on light, and need no physical sustenance.” If that one needs to hear, “There is a loaf of bread in the back of the freezer you have forgotten about, and some blackberries ripe behind the shed,” then that is what the Inner Voice will tell him.

    EVERY moment of each individual curriculum for awakening to God is overseen by Spirit. It proceeds as quickly as it can to avoid any extra suffering. Welcome It, O”Beloved. Give It endless welcome, and be glad of every step forward your mind takes. Give your constant permission to be taught, and let God take it from there.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not trust your human self to remember to use Gratitude constantly, write the word on your hand. Post a note on your dashboard or your handlebar or your phone.

    Remind yourself constantly, Gratitude! Gratitude! Gratitude!

    And then feel it, knowing that it is the wedge that holds open the door of your mind to the Thoughts of the Good Creator, so that the Power and Presence of Loving Creation can help you look at each person and thing with the eyes of Light, and See them True.

    Gratitude, Beloved. Gratitude.

    And help others count their Blessings, so that Love flows for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, do please focus on the Good, the Beautiful and the True.

    All of these are equivalent to Love, and to the Divine.

    It is the Divine that heals the Divine in yourself and in others. Let it Flow through you and be relieved. Be comforted. Feel satisfied and Loved.

    Be privileged to see others feel Loved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, realizing that your human thoughts need to be changed and healed and uplifted goes a long way towards improvements in your human scene. Be willing to do that, and very often positive changes are seen right away.

    But there is a deeper level, Love. Where does the good change come from? Where do the better and uplifted thoughts come from? After the willingness, and after the reinforcement of better attitude by positive change, there must come a realization of what the first and only Cause really is. It is the Divine Source and the Divine Self that must be acknowledged and pondered and accepted and thanked.

    Human will and human thought, of a temporal nature, do not do the healing. It is the Divine Goodness that is your Life that feeds you the Good New Thoughts. It is the Divine Will that wants your happiness—and it is a happiness that does not go by human definitions or limits, but by and from that greater perspective of the endless Love of ever-expanding Creation.

    If you think to heal yourself and your human circumstance by force of human thought and will, you may see temporary benefits. But you may just see the problems show up in a different time or form, or you may so exhaust yourself with effort and struggle, that you wonder if that is really the way, if that is really the solution.

    Turn to the inexhaustible Source, Beloved. Turn to that which always helps if you ask and acknowledge, and surrender and are grateful. Turn to Love that Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are many worldly mirages and illusions you have learned to ignore—the train tracks that seem to come together and become too small to fit the train, the road that seems to disappear at the horizon, the sun that appears to “set”, the size of the moon that seems to change as it rises, etc. etc. It is all a matter of perspective and you have trained your mind to recognize this, even while you may enjoy some of the illusions, like the hugeness of the rising moon against the sight of trees or buildings. You understand the perspective, and so you can operate smoothly and without hesitation, without being fooled into stopping your car when the road seems to narrow ahead.

    Darling one, there is as much illusion in the seeming ills and sorrows and desperate scenarios in the human dramas as there is in the arrangement of objects. The perspective that Divine Truth can give you of the unchanging Energy that projects the image of Love as life can help your mind understand how to move forward anyway, and how to live. To know yourself as an extension of Good intent and Good purpose and worth, with wondrous order and soul, and to know others as the same, you must look past the illusions that try to cloud your mind and lead you to judge and worry based on false evidence. Train yourself to be willing to see past the surface illusions and See the children of Goodness, the rays of the Loving Source, as what others and you really are. Look for evidence of it. Practice thinking of each walking and moving life force as having the potential to shine perfectly with Grace.

    Truth does not ask you to condone sin and vicious error. Spirit asks you to allow your sight to picture the healed and whole panorama of the Cosmos in a way that understands your delightful part of the Infinite. Accept that all of existence would be more pleasant if you could see with God’s perspective, seeing no iniquity, but only an array of Beloved, Beloved, Beloved children of God.

    With that Loving Wisdom, you can see the way to clear and eternal sailing ahead.

    As in the Real, as in Heaven, so in the dream of earth. Allow the illusions to fade.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you cannot feel the Truth of faith, go with the habit of faith.

    This is why it is so very important to discipline yourself to times of contemplation and alignment—that they become so automatic that they are there for you, even when the “mood” of the moment may not be. Attend to the Source that Loves you, even if you are not in the mood, and It will Attend to you, ever-Loving, ever pure, ever faithful to Its own.

    We tend to you always, even when you do not sense us,

    Be Grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every thought you have is a chance to be an expression of the Good Divine.

    Think about it. With every thought you entertain, you have the choice to allow the Source to give you an uplifting thought, or idea, or impulse for an action. The words that Good Infinite Spirit gives you to speak, or the actions to take, may not make any sense to your human perceptions, but you must learn to trust that the Overseer can see what you cannot of how your words or handiwork will touch a thousand others.

    So long as you let your own “human” thoughts rule, with methods you have been taught or myths of the world you have come to believe, you are casting smoke into your own eyes, and will not be able to clearly see the realm of Peace that could be projected from your heart into your everyday life.

    Pray without ceasing, indeed, Beloved, that you may consistently hear the Word of Truth, and lean not into your own understanding. The intellect will betray you, trying to convince you to trust human logic. Human logic never has all the True facts, for too many of them are invisible to the human eye. Trust in the Divine, and the Divine Voice within. Practice hearing It, and practice, and practice again, in order to let it Be you Life, and to help It guide the lives of those who seek your experience.

    Ever full of hope for your smooth, swift Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is indeed timeless. But the merciful Spirit of God recognizes that the earthly dream is very awash in a perception of linear time. And thus it is important to ponder that events and understandings happen “in due time”, that is, in God’s timing.

    You can help make leaps in the timing of revelation of All Good, if you turn your heart willingly over to the God Guidance, each and every day, and sing praise in your heart when you feel Good happening, in Good timing. Progress to that shining Showing of Good is being made, we assure you.

    Stand outside of time, with God, and take a look,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Each role is ordained with all resources needed to make possible the best outlets for Good and Light.

    Each individual has such important roles to play in absolutely every phase of the earthly time. Be your shining Self in the role that you are in. Be fully you, and no other, reaching deep into Soul to access all that you need to be the Best you, helping to open the Best in all.

    We are with you, now and always, through all different roles,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    You are responsible for your own happiness. You are responsible for choosing to, and disciplining yourself to, commune with the Divine Within so that you will feel the flow of that Happiness.

    You are not responsible for the happiness of others, although you ARE responsible to them in desiring their happiness. If you demonstrate your own peace and happiness, and sincerely desire happiness and harmony for others, teaching them and witnessing for them when asked, it will help them. You cannot force them to meditate or pray or connect with the Divine through their creativity or form or purpose, but you can invite the Divine Consciousness so fully into yourself that you are able to See It in others and welcome It forth.

    Welcome It, in yourself and others, rather than trying to force It, and you will be surprised and delighted by what you begin to see, on a worldly level as well as in mystic Consciousness.

    We see the Beauty of all of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to observe your self. Yes, the more quickly you turn to thoughts of seeing yourself as the Loving Maker sees you, the more quickly you can heal yourself of certain feelings or behaviors or pains that you do not want, but you must know yourself well enough to know the “warning signs” of unalignment with Goodness, so that when they first arise, you can turn to Goodness again.

    Turn to Goodness, turning to the deep Heart Knowledge of “I Am made of the Love of God” will heal all things, held in deep belief, but you must learn to know when to turn to that first aid. Watch yourself, turn to that Love, and strive to keep it as a subliminal armor that is always playing in your Heart, and thoughts.

    If you do this truly, more is not needed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As your loved one who crossed over told you, “Seek not attainment of any kind, but release…”

    Surrender, let go of willful control, seek ye righteousness, let go and let GOD,…, many are the phrases used in philosophies and spiritual systems. They are truth. Remember that what you are really after is Peace and Joy of mind and heart. You may imagine that these are attained by a certain person or place or money or object or activity, but they are indeed only attained by themselves being the goal. If you refresh and keep your attitude in Peace and Joy, then Peace and Joy become what you outwardly are, just as they are what your Soul of Spirit already is. Release.

    Be what you already are, beloved. Be Soul of Spirit and Joy of Peace, and pray that each and every individual know themselves to be that also. As you pray silently for others to feel this, you will feel it yourself, more and more. Sending out that Divine Thought, that prayer, for others, multiplies It, and It comes back to you multiplied, full circle.

    Do that, Beloved, and Amen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy in understanding the other meanings, Spiritual and Soul meanings, of words commonly used to describe the sensory earth experience.

    Consider “richness”. You can think of it meaning the level of a bank account or the delicious flavor of a piece of cake, but you can slip into your subtle sphere of understanding and contemplate the “richness” of simplicity, of trust, of traveling light. You can contemplate the richness of freedom, and of an unscheduled day, wherein you can follow the intuitions of your Heart-self. You can be grateful for the richness of friendship and for help or inspiration that comes unbidden and unexpectedly.

    You can, above all, be amazed at the richness of knowing you are Absolutely Loved by something greater than your human self.

    Oh, dear one, are you not “rich”, indeed?

    Be Glad,

    We want you in Gladness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    GRATITUDE to find out, and then remember all the time, that underneath the dusty errors of yourself and of all others, is the perfect reflection of the infinite Cause.

    Spend your days, spend your thoughts, spend your energy, blowing away the dust, and Seeing the Good Reflection revealed.

    We are sure you will be delighted if you play the game this way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a circle of friends or bodyguards circling around you while you move through an unruly crowd, God-Thoughts circling in your mind can protect you from unwanted encounters.

    To not be drawn into reactions of anger, or delayed in your purposes by brief human dramas, keep Divine Truths in your thoughts. Stop and remind yourself many times a day that you choose to look for Good, that you are a citizen of High Consciousness, that your existence in Soul is continuous, that God Loves you and made you of Love.

    Whether you wish to keep in mind complex bits of Spiritual poems, or long memorized passages of Scriptures, or simple rhymes such as “no spot God is not” or self-reminders “Life is Beautiful”, and so forth, have a regimen that gives you safe spots of time and outlook to protect you from the barrage of worldly suggestions that do not uplift or heal or inspire.

    A small investment of time in marshalling your thoughts and attitudes throughout the day will carve a way for the Gracious Will of God to help you feel and see the Divine right now.

    Small minutes spent bring great rewards of Peace and Spiritual Value.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you give, so do you receive. This we have told you before.

    But, have you understood that the giving comes first? First you give forgiveness, THEN you receive forgiveness. First you give help, THEN you receive help.

    If it must be given on faith, because you do not feel or have it yet, then so be it. But be the one to act first, for all things grow from that willingness in you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The perfect Power of the Presence IS within you and you are within It.

    All this is pure Spirit. We understand that it is very difficult to shake the identification of your “Self” with that of your body costume, but We assure you that the more you think about the Perfect Power being within that costume of you, the more you will identify with that wondrous Presence, and the easier it will become to use the Power of creativity to bless yourself and others with remembering who you really are.

    You are one with the Creative Force. You are a wondrous part of Its Joy.

    “The Perfect Power is within me, as I am one with It.”

    Play again today with shining that Power on all, silently,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no reason to not be completely in Love with God. He/She is completely in Love with you.

    And if you allow yourself to completely feel that, and honor that, many things in your experience of life will change, for the better.

    It does not mean you cannot love other humans. But love God first,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    If you find yourself rehearsing a conversation in your head with someone you are still annoyed with, you can be sure it is the human ego trying to bedevil you.

    Turn immediately to “God Loves me. God Loves us all. One Mind Governs us all. God Loves me and will help me forgive and forget, and feel compassion, and soothe anything that would limit me and my thoughts. God Loves me, and that Love is my Power.”

    Love does not waste time being annoyed. Love Loves.

    Be unlimited.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no enmity between yourself and any institution. With a person, a soft answer and a loving respect for the Inner Divinity of the individual, will always make the relationship, and the sorting out of any problems, go more smoothly. As you relate to an office of the government, or to a bank or large market, relate to the people within it in the same way, and prove to yourself that all ways are ennobled and made easier by a loving attitude.

    We are with you, and when you ask us for it, can put our shoulders to yours and give you the added patience and the strength and the courage to work through the annoying or difficult moments of the day. And when circumstances do clear up in what seem to be miraculous ways, count them as “miracle moments” that you can add to the string of ones you should remember. When there come new moments of challenge or doubt or confusion, remember old “miracle moments”, and thus remind yourself to ask for the ever-present Help of the Universe, and gratefully and graciously accept it.

    It is our JOY to help you, when asked,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continuous is the reign of the Creative Source. You might, with human thoughts, fool yourself into thinking that you are a separate thing, and that God only comes to you, or is available, when you enact certain rituals or sit down to say certain prayers, but you need to realize that God-Thought is CONTINUOUSLY emanating the Thought of You.

    RELAX into that Truth, Beloved. You are a delightful Thought of God’s, continuously held in the Thoughts of Love Itself.

    What could be better?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel as though every friend and/or resource has left you, and you hear yourself thinking, “I have nothing left but God,” REJOICE!

    You have nothing left but the omnipresent, omnipotent Being that is Life and Love and Truth? Ha! Let yourself have the joy of laughing at your own thoughts, for in them is a childlike wisdom. You have nothing left but the very Thing you should have turned your thoughts to in the first place, for you yourself ARE a Thought in the wondrous and creative and delightful Infinite Mind of God/Goddess/All That Is. You have nothing left but EVERYTHING!

    Celebrate, Beloved, and know that as you realize that your only true dependence is on That Omniscient Source, be at Peace, and be glad of all that took you to that awareness. It is a reason for a party, not for sorrow. Choose to know that, and be fully and wonderfully Alive, as Spirit, as Child of God, as Joy incarnate.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never resist the impulses that the Divine Spirit places in your human heart. Whether it is a simple whisper to move your car to a different spot that night, or whether it is a strong urge to place a comforting hand on a widow’s arm, obey.

    While you yet live the human dream, and you have given Spirit open permission to Govern you, It has your best human interests right in Hand. You can choose to ignore those whispers, for you do have free human will. But that only delays the glorious certainty of being able to fully trust to Spirit to truly provide you with all you need for the good human dream, before you fully self-realize the Embrace of God.

    Help yourself, and others, by Listening and obeying,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let this be your heart’s daily call:

    “High Guidance, Holy Helper, of the Light,

    Come to help us see ourselves aright.

    Use me for any that need to see,

    The way, the truth, the good, that You know them to be.”

    All the journeys end in love, Beloved,

    When nothing else remains,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Expanding your own attunement to Love, of the Divine kind, is your purpose. Expanding the awareness of It to others becomes a part of that.

    So long as the causes and tasks you have chosen to be aligned with are within that greater Purpose, continue them. But if they start to feel too peripheral, or simply give no joy or energy anymore, reconsider them. The commitment that must come first, for yourself, and for others, to be happily “Purposed”, is Loving Love Itself above all else.

    That Truth has not changed throughout the ages, and it will not change. Take time today to quietly listen to the whispers of Love as it guides you, if you want to more consistently feel you are walking with Love holding you in Its arms. All alternate “realities” become One when they are the One that Love created. You can See this, and you will See this.

    We are really with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always a new journey to tomorrow. It starts today.

    Let humor lead your way today. You look around in the news feeds and you of course feel some dismay at what seems to be afflicting so many, although you also feel joy at some of the inspirational innovations or presentations of beauty and order that you see.

    DO realize that you must raise your perspective above the five senses that think they know all, and focus on the thoughts that need to be healed, the truth that needs to be championed. If everyone around you thought he or she were a giraffe, you would know right away that it was their mistaken beliefs that needed to be healed, not some sort of surgery or assassination.

    If you also thought you were a giraffe, it would be hard to realize what the others needed.

    Dear, dear one, remember you are not a giraffe. You are a child of Spirit, of God. You know this, and so do many, many others. Be of One Mind with all who remember they are not animals fighting for survival and domination, but images of the Creator, striving to let all fierce and unloving behavior fall away.

    Rather than letting the illusion make you weep, see beyond it, remember who you are, and ask of the One Mind that endlessly gives of Its Love to shine through you.

    Stand back, outside of time, laugh, heal, and help heal others,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understand this: The Source always was and always will be, and IS right now. It would behoove you to spend more time contemplating timelessness, so that you truly hold It in your heart.

    But for today, we want to emphasize that the only thing that the Source ever really created was a “mirror” of Infinity, so It could view Itself, Know Itself.

    You are a reflection in that mirror, a little bit of the Source, spirit reflecting Spirit, an essence of Light and Love.

    This is very important to understand, because it means you cannot really be anything the Father/Mother Source is not. A reflection cannot show things that the original does not contain. It can SEEM to show other things, because of shadows or smudges on the mirror. This is why your senses, the false indicators of the world as you think you see it, can make you think the Source contains errors and wickedness and loss and pain, etc. etc—but they are but smudges on the mirror. Clean off the mirror in your thoughts by realizing that only the Goodness that is the Source can really be Infinite eternal reality, and you will begin to see demonstrations of this.

    You know the saying, “With God, all things are possible.” Really, that should say, “With God, all God’s things, all Good things, are possible”, for God made only Good, Beloved.

    God made only Good. Peer closely at the reflections all around you today, and endeavor, and ask, to See with your Spiritual Sight, and truly See only Good. You will be doing others, and yourself, a favor.