All Messages

  • Ah, Dear One,

    All around you, within you, forming you, is the substance of Oneness, or call it Grace, if you want to think in Spiritual terms. You yourself, in your true form, are made of the very stuff from which you can also make your life.

    Just as anyone who wants to write a poem, or a story, is free to play with the words and letters and ideas that are freely available to him or her, the individualized part of Oneness can play with the substance of being. It wants to become what you want it to become. Won”t you let it?

    What are the rules? Appreciate It, and all the forms It takes. When the choices involve others, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, for they are you, and in the boundaries of existence, all that you do comes right back to you. Some come back slowly, some come back quickly. Appreciating the substance of which you are made comes back right away, in better mood, in well-being, in Joy, in ideas, in serenity, in opportunity, in peace, in goodness, in all, in all, in all.

    Appreciate It, and It works for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me today, and every day, dear God, that I, and all of those I know and see, are being led to the full revealing of our Harmony in Thee.”

    For is that not what you really want to See, darling?

    Live in Love and Gratitude, and watch and See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest, rest, rest in the Knowledge of Grace’s Existence. Turn all over to Grace, and be grateful that since It is in charge, you don”t have to be.

    “I trust in the True and Good, and I know my day will go as it should.”

    “Since I know that around me is the Good and True, I choose to see only the Good in you.”

    As ever we were, and you are, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    When you are about to say a critical or blaming thing, consider how sacred and natural it is for you to be Loving and Lovable.

    God, Love Itself, made you to be an expression of Love, and feeds you the constant ability to be Quietly Loving, and Quietly Lovable.

    Pause, consider, and act Lovingly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you ask me for help, dear child, allow yourself to feel your own innocent heart of birthtime and you will See what I See. Forgive yourself the desperate body errors.

    I already have,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have patience and mercy with those who have never experienced, because they have never asked for It, the wondrous uplift of the Presence of the Divine. If they would try to engage you in intellectual arguments about the existence of Oneness, as they fearfully try to protect their sense of bodily separateness, just be silent and loving. Ask the One Source for the strength and perception to See their Wholeness, and pray that they soon choose to experience It themselves.

    But graciously recognize that they can choose their own timing and readiness, and make sure you protect your own Knowing of Love, remaining uninfected by their doubt. All have, in due time, been reawakened into the embracing Love that always cherished them.

    Trust that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Born in every moment in your Home, the idea of you is ever-new.

    You carry that Home with you, for It is the Heart of God. You carry It, even as It carries you, for you are inseparable and ever-One.

    No matter where you seem to go in your dreams, Home and your Source are ever with you. Keep that in mind today, in all you say and do, as you explore your Dream.

    “I am Home, where I belong.”

    O”, Beloved, let the Peace of that Truth wash over you.

    Star shining,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is wise to pause sometimes, and look back and be grateful for the wisdom you have gained. Reviewing the past that would pull you back into ruminating over old regrets is not wise. Glance at them, repent, and bless, and concentrate on thinking about how much you have advanced in wisdom.

    Every moment that you give over to being gently taught and led by Divine Wisdom is a wondrous triumph. Be glad you have found this Inner Teacher, and be grateful for all the stairs you have climbed towards full realization of the Wisdom you desire.

    Just that brief pause to appreciate how far you have climbed, and then, look up, look up, look up again.

    Always beckoning you onward,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Going mentally to the altar alters you. You can do it. You can let Its Peace make you feel peaceful and happy, letting Its Light heal all your small and wayward thoughts, allowing them to melt away like ice chips in the sun.

    God thinks about you all the time. God loves you all the time. To reflect God, to Love as God Loves, think about and Love God all the time in return. God thinks about you, you think about God. It is perfect.

    It is not so hard, it just takes the desire to shift your thinking.

    Thinking about God is your job.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiving comes before forgetting. Or, at least, the desire to forgive comes before forgetting. If you are troubled by something that you, or someone else, did, or did not do, then at least declare to God that you WANT to forgive. By lowering the wall of anger/fear around your heart thoughts, you allow God to help you forgive and forget. God will not force Itself past your feelings of human emotions. God waits to be invited in to your heart to help.

    This is just as important in forgiving yourself as in forgiving others, for all are indeed One now, and in the end, as they were in the beginning.

    Enlist God’s help, and hearts will mend.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there is Love, there is a way.

    And Love IS always present for you to call upon. Not your own human sentiment, that waxes and wanes, or gives way to moments of ire and exasperation, but Divine Love, that contains and maintains the Soul of all. Call upon It and let It do Its work.

    Call upon It especially when your own feelings turn to irritation or blame, and ask It to help you to see the Blessed version of the person or situation that has YOU feeling anything except Love. For, any moment that you spend feeling something other than the dear Love you are truly made of, is a moment you have given away your Joy.

    Asking to be helped by Love to see the Blessed version of your challenges and enemies is how you free your own heart to be filled with Love. And, feeling filled with Divine Love, and letting It flow through you, to appear as good words and deeds and creativity and gentle appreciation and excellence of health and accomplishment, IS the purpose for which Love made you. Be that.

    Be that, Beloved, “blessing those that curse you and doing good to those that wish to serve you harm…”, for that ancient advice is what frees you to be in the supreme Joy of the Flow of Love. Remember, it is Love that does the Work. Call to It, ask for Its Help. It is there with you, and It is Glad to do the Work of dispelling all that is unlike Itself. You are not asked to Bless evil and error—you are asked to call to Love to help you see past those mists, and to see Love, and stay focused on Love.

    Truth, truth, truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claim TODAY”S reality.

    Can you put yourself in that playful, joyous attitude of thinking only about what you can create today, in your thoughts and in your experience? Choose joy and wellness and plenty, today. Entertain those thoughts, and be free of whatever thoughts belong to yesterday.

    When a drawing has gone wrong, and the teacher gives a child a fresh new piece of paper, and a new set of markers, the new picture to be made holds complete fresh promise of the art of joy and the joy of art. The good and wise child does not go to the trash basket and uncrumple the failed picture to look over it again and again and weep and feel remorse.

    Start fresh today, wise and guided child. The Great Artist will guide your mind and hand and heart. Start with a fresh attitude and create the freshness you need and want.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look over the many times that events have transpired that brought you from a place of dimness and confusion to a place of new ideas and light.

    Use the gratitude you feel for how things worked out in those times, to be grateful, IN ADVANCE, now, for how ideas will come to you for any current concerns. As all these examples build up, and your trust in the Divine Omnipotence to help you navigate the earthly dream becomes complete, you will become a teacher indeed. For when you can personally testify to all that the One All has shown as Good for you, you will be able to teach with the Voice of true conviction.

    And with the accompanying tone of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although it is One Spirit Whose Voice is in everyone, connected at the Source, it still has unique instructions for you. Like the conductor of an orchestra who can hear how all the sounds are melded together, and so direct certain sections or instruments to be softer, or louder, or mute, etc., so does One Spirit conduct the days.

    When you awaken from sleep each day, make sure you take time to listen to Spirit to see what instructions you have from It for the day. If you leap into your day with only a reflective moment on what is on the ‘body and mind’ list for what to accomplish that day, or with no reflective time at all, you may miss an important part of your Soul’s mission. Listen, and let Spirit help. Even if all It does is give you reassurance or guidance in how to achieve the earthly list that day, you will be able to do it more calmly and with more joy.

    Even if all it does is give you Spiritual sustenance to double your courage, or tell you to make one phone call that will change another life for the better forever, is it not worth five minutes of your life?

    Believe us, the first five minutes of you day, and the last five minutes of you day, if you use them to connect to and listen to Divine Voice within, are the most important minutes of your life.

    With you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry. If the flaring Presence of the Divine Impulse comes up within you and impels you to speak to someone or to reach out to them with help or hand right away, in a certain moment, then do so. But otherwise, keep remembering that there is no hurry in the Divine Mind in which you dwell.

    Take that extra time to listen. Take that extra time, before you make commitments or give replies, to humbly seek the wisdom of the Inner Voice, and then obey Its guidance, rather than reacting from any immediate human emotion or grievance or excitement. Tenderly, wisely, and all-seeingly, It will guide you as no human wisdom can. It will help you achieve what must be solved. It will help you gather what needs to be together for the completion of any worldly task. Listen, Trust, Obey.

    There is no hurry, today. Listen, Trust, Obey.

    It is as we say,


  • Ah, Dear Ones,

    God IS your Life. God IS your sustenance and your provision. To realize it, and to be welcoming of more, be utterly grateful for the ways in which God is already providing for you all around you and as you.

    If God is providing for you through a spouse, be utterly grateful to that spouse as a manifestation of God, in word and expression and heart-thought and touch. If God is providing for you through an innate skill, and through an employer or a client, be utterly grateful to those that support you, and to the touch of God that gave life to your talent. If God is providing for you through the ideas that come to you, be grateful to the ideas and to those who appreciate them or pay you for them or feed you with their joy when they hear them. Be utterly grateful to the friends and the strangers and the very bones of your flesh that ARE God Being your Life.

    Begin with where you are and with whatever you have, Beloved. Realize that God is your life, and is constantly providing for you by being around you and in you as every working and every thing. Be grateful that God appears before you as a working stoplight that keeps you safe at a busy, busy crossroads, metaphorical, or literal. Be grateful for the tiny glimpses of color and sound that feed the poetry of your heart. When you are grateful, you are awakened. When you are grateful, you are IN God, and from there God can give you more to be grateful for.

    Put yourself in gratitude first, and then express your exact need,

    for God wants all Its ideas to realize they live in the wholeness of Bliss,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Source and All is a recycling fountain of Joy.

    You live within It, and It holds nothing that is unlike Itself.

    Do yourself a favor, Beloved, and shake off any feelings that you are not a part of It and a rightful recipient of all that is meant to be yours to play your individual and special role as a demonstration of Love and Celebration of Life eternal.

    You will see this eventually. Why wait? Know It now, and show It now.

    You are Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have ideas, fun and creative and happy ideas, do you always evaluate them on the basis of current limits or physical laws?

    Do you truly think that when God forms new ideas, It evaluates them based on human laws and seemingly “physical” laws? God had the Good idea that is you. Whatever and whoever you need to have around you, they are just ideas. God can think them up.

    “Show me and tell me, God, what ideas you want to see around me, and go through me, for the joy you want me to have.”

    Release your limiting ideas about what God is, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Only Divine Energy can free anyone from their patterns of negative thought or error-filled or hurtful behavior.

    Therefore, Beloved, let go of the frustration of not being able to humanly help a friend who is filled with complaints and unhappiness. Turn to the Divine, and humbly ask for Divine assistance for him or her, maintain your own standards and goals of living within the Divine, and wait for the Divine to work in you and in those around you. Gently, kindly, continue to love, but honor the Divine’s ways and timing for others, just as you must do for your own soul work.

    Your job is your own spiritual growth. Being drawn away into trying to “fix” someone else with only human ways will only end you both in the same quicksand.

    Turn to the face of Goodness, again and again and again, and give freely of your own allotted Grace, and then let God/Goddess work.

    We help make sure the prayers reach their Place,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God IS Order. God is beautiful harmonious Order, and when you relax into that knowledge, and understand that God drives your life as soon as you give permission for It to do so, then sweet relief is felt.

    When you are taking a long car journey, and you relinquish the role of driver and take your rightful turn as passenger, enjoying the view and the ride, there is a relaxing of the attention and worries. Yes, it is true you may still be tempted to give driving advice to the One at the wheel, but if you can keep that to a minimum and look at and feel the loveliness of the trip, then the road unfolds with quiet pleasure.

    Be at peace with what is revealed now, Beloved. Be at peace and enjoy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is never a time to not be humble, if you define humble as the understanding that it is Divine Love that is the Cause of everything truly real. Your deep understanding of that will carry you, and let you be carried, into All Good.

    This is especially important to remember when you have prayed to see wholeness revealed, prayed to see healing accomplished, for someone, and cannot see any humanly visible results. Be humble then. Remember It is only the One Cause that made Goodness, and humbly turn your thoughts to remembering that.

    The Divine will work on persons and events in Its own way and timing. Keep your trust and your Mind on the praising and the Wonder of that, and stay humbly alert for your cues of when to speak, and what to say and do.

    Never do what the human ego asks. Do only what Divine Spirit asks.

    We are with you all along the humble way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such a tendency to believe that absolutely nothing can be done about deadlines and time, when you are looking to solve a problem. Once again, you must remember that the limits of human belief do not limit God. God exists beyond time, and there is no thing within the perceived realm of time that can alter that Omnipotent Power.

    Be at peace, Beloved. When you close your eyes to the visible, and rely on your faith in the Whole Truth, close your mind and heart also to invisible “time”, for it is but another dimension of the world that is not the Good Reality that God made and maintains and keeps in beautiful Order, the Inner Kingdom of Utter Peace.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The beliefs that you cherish and think about every day mold your world entirely. And yet, how many of those are uncontemplated? The force of gravity is one that is immensely integral to your movements and habits and assumptions, but your trust in it, in most situations, is so complete that you do not consciously think about it when you put down a cup, or shake out a rug, or take a step on a planet spinning through space.

    So let us remind you again, there is a Force of Divine Comfort and Friendship and Love that is above all physical laws and that will work for you endlessly and wonderfully, if you let It also become such a part of your assumptions that you can take It, too, for Granted. For Granted it is. It is a Gift, meant to bring you back to the remembrance of your own status as a Joyous and Perfect part of the Divine Whole.

    Wholly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is never a mistake to dispense Grace.

    If in doubt, do so.

    Let compassion move you to that, even when, by human standards, you would be justified to be in anger, or withdrawal of affection, or revenge, or snubbing.

    Fill yourself with Grace and forgiveness, remembering all the times you have received forgiveness, and give it back. Give it, give it, graciously.

    Always, always,


  • Ah, Bold One,

    Do not let false modesty stop you, when you have heard Divine Voice in the heart, or in your Dream, instruct you. When you KNOW that you must do a thing, or say a thing, or be in a place, let no man, or woman, stop you.

    That is what it means to do the will of All That Is. That is true obedience, and that is the path to true Joy. What you know to be truth for your part to play may not make any sense to your logical self, and may even be a surprise to the part of yourself that has had a secret dream for so long. But all the same, it is in the Harmony That Is, and it is the true meaning of “to thine own Self be True.”

    The Self you must be true to is the Self that is in Harmony with the Whole, that is, indeed, essentially an expression of the Whole. It does not matter what silliness the human mind or heart think it to be. It does not matter what your neighbors or corporate sponsor think it to be. It does not matter if it has upon it the stamp of a church or a college upon it. Just let, let, let the Greater be Done.

    All Is Well, don”t you want to know you are, too?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When an old friend re-enters your life and you realize you are delighted for the chance to make amends for an old sad parting, or to appreciate how much the other has grown and advanced, celebrate. Know that the universe has brought you together again because there is more to share and give and learn from.

    Part of the delight will come from seeing that old painful words spoken by you are not even remembered by the other, and vice-versa. Part of the joy is that you will understand and appreciate your own maturity of outlook as you see yourself newly reflected in the other’s words and eyes.

    Be Glad, Be Glad in the Oneness of Being,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Stay humble, and give all praise to where praise is due, to the Infinite Source that holds and maintains all. Let yourself FEEL the security of knowing how completely It holds all, even though Infinite in Size and Ability. Like an infinite eggshell, strong and mighty.

    You ARE Its Beloved Chick, growing and learning, even while you are held.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There does not exist a single moment in which you cannot practice Divine Mother-Love.

    Welcome that Unconditional Love to flow through you, everywhere and at all times, and extend it to everyone around you. See It in the trees, see it in the fields and stone, and know, know, know it is possible to be already Home, living from the Kingdome, and the view, within your heart.

    You are never apart from THAT Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, I tell you, more and more of Me, and less of everything else you think you see.

    We can have a very quiet day together, bathing in the Peace of Understanding Divine.

    Quiet, quiet. Be quiet with Me today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sift through all your desires that seem so various, and that seem so small and huge, and you will find that underneath them all is the deep desire for Peace of Mind and Love.

    Even if you think that it is excitement that you want, realize that the end result of an exciting time is the satisfaction and sense of achievement and peace of Self that accompany it, and come afterward, that is the feeling of the true heart. Seeking Peace of Mind and a Loving Heart does not mean doing nothing and simply sitting still or always being passive. It does mean keeping that lofty goal in mind.

    And in that lofty-goaled mind, you will find that God’s Mind is right there with you, guiding and helping and providing and Loving, Loving, Loving and appreciating the very essence of you.

    And so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Touch me, God. Give me the Healing touch of Spirit that cascades through me and reminds me I am completely Spirit, as are You.”

    “I am Spirit. I can be nothing else, because You are Spirit and You are All That Is.”

    “This dream of being a physical being that is born and dies, trying to survive with puny material powers, and is far away from You, will melt away as your Touch of Spirit frees me to see the Goodness of Your pure realm of Spirit.”

    Ponder these wishes, Image of God. Do you desire them?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In every day, there are moments where your words or actions might easily be influenced by wanting to please the people around you, or have their human approval.

    In those moments, Beloved, just always make sure you pause and ask the Divine Voice within what God wants you to do. And if you feel that you cannot hear the guidance, ask yourself, “Is this the most Loving thing to say or do?”

    And feel confident that all the contemplating and pondering and prayer you have done will bring to mind and heart the right answer.

    Completely and always with you,

    We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Consistent deep Peace and Truth and Contented Happiness come only from the finely tuned Inner Self, fully aligned, and continuously fed by, the Infinite.

    Different systems of human philosophy and religion and spiritual systems have various names for it and myriad systems that have been tried to completely achieve awareness of it, but that Oneness of Gentle Thought and Being flickers among them all in some form.

    Seek It however you will, Beloveds, but do seek It. For that Oneness already Lovingly Holds you all, and the sooner you find the Inner Spirit to help awaken you fully, the sooner Harmony touches all in the Consciousness of Heaven.

    Trust Love to constantly offer you ways to connect fully with Its Divine Self. It will not force you to look away from, or past the limited human senses, and learn to enjoy the joining with the Great Consciousness, but It will pour out floods of Gladness when you do. And, being outside of linear time, It knows you eventually will. Why not now?

    Look, Look, Look, Seek, Seek, Seek, ask and open, for you exist within the Oneness, and flying throughout It are Its dedicated servants and healers and awakeners, ready to come to your side when you are ready to receive them.

    God has made provision for all to awaken in some way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you speak from the pure love agape, trust in the Divine Spirit to help you sort out what you say, and to help the listener sort out what he or she hears, understands, and/or remembers.

    Let your focus be on the humble and loving attitude of knowing that the expertise of the Divine Advisor is Omnipotent, and let yourself be simply the willing holder of the hands and lips and smile for Him to use.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no reason to not be completely in Love with God. He/She is completely in Love with you.

    And if you allow yourself to completely feel that, and honor that, many things in your experience of life will change, for the better.

    It does not mean you cannot love other humans. But love God first,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each morning and evening, and anytime during the day that you must make an important decision, or when you feel stressed or confused, take these two simple steps:

    1. Remind yourself that the only real power is God, and God created only good and wants only good. Feel the gentle peace deep in your heart that is the pulse of God, while you think about that Grace and Fullness of God. Think about the Love and the Omniscience that are God.

    2. Stop thinking, but continue to feel the deep peace of God, while you become very still, and listen. Listen, listen, listen in a relaxed and quiet way. You are not striving to hear a particular thing. The Divine Inner Spirit may just give you a few moments of Loving Silence, which refreshes and calms you for the next phase of your day. Or, that Gracious Spirit may whisper a word or a name that gives you a new idea to solve a problem. Or, you may feel an urge to try a certain thing or call a certain person, or to go to a certain place, even if it is just to buy the groceries. Spirit may just suffuse you with a feeling that “All is Well, All is Well.” Just be still, and listen. Listen.

    Be the rabbit, inside, with ears huge. God is in there, in you, somewhere. Just Listen. Listen for that Divine breath, and footstep. Listen for that whisper, and above all, feel the Love that pours into your heart and mind, when you are still, and allow It. It will guide your every step of this earth journey, if you but be still, and listen, and allow.



  • Oh, Beloved,

    Each day is a wonderful new opportunity to express only kindness and Goodness and to give Inspiration. The Divine Love Source wants you to do this, and will endlessly flow a supply of those Qualities to you.

    Forgive yourself for any failings of yesterday, for Loving Spirit has already done so. Go forth again today, and allow your human complaints to get out of the way, and God will Gladly Shine through you. Gladly.

    It IS a new start every day. A new day.

    We Love you so.


  • Ah, Beloved, emanate Peace from your Spirit and Peace will begin to flow back to you from the Source. Emanate rudeness and indifference from your human self and they will come back at you, sometime, somewhere in the world.

    Could there be an easier choice?

    Always there to give you strength, and sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are pondering the Wonderfulness of the Source, in order to feel healed and centered and uplifted and inspired and fulfilled, do not worry about time and words.

    It is not that your prayer time must last a certain number of minutes, or contain specific words laid out in a certain way. It is the willingness of your mind and the openness of your heart, and the focus on yourself as a part of that Divine Whole, that does the work of truly enabling the marvelous flow of Living Love.

    Like holding a cup under a waterfall in a beautiful glade, you will know when you are filled with Spirit, without looking at the clock, or at the number of pages turned in a book you might be using to help focus.

    Close your eyes, and appreciate, appreciate, appreciate the warm Glory of the Divine.


  • Ah, Able One,

    Be believing in your own testimonies of how Truth has changed, and is changing, your life into Life.

    There is no better way to convince others of the Invisible Truth as you absolutely KNOW It to be, than to show them the visible changes that the Invisible has wrought for you. Do it, show it. Testify that all is well when you stay in the focused zone of All Is Well. Stand next to the One who Sees in Focus, and you will See all in focus as well. Draw others to your side, and let them See what you See.

    “Stand right here, in Focused Love, and See your life as it was meant to be.”



  • Beloved,

    Think of a delicious cooked pudding. It forms a thin skin on the surface, through which you stick your spoon to enjoy it.

    Spirit is the delicious pudding. You are the thin skin on top. The thin skin can seem to get wrinkled and out of place, seeming to ruin the presented beauty of the pudding, but if you let it be still and warm and settled, it tends to smooth out again, and again be lovely and perfect.

    Relax the skin that you are, Beloved. Relax, and let your being smooth again to match the smoothness of the underlying Spirit, that is tasty and good and true. Let It be your shape and your presentation. Let It be the purpose and the form that you are.

    You are One with It, formed and expressed by It. You are nothing alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God heard you say “I Love You”, and you heard God whisper in reply, “Then Love My children.”

    That is what We are trying to help you do, dear one. That is why We encourage you to see beyond the scraps of their behavior, and your own errors, and See, with the Eyes of God, the wondrous and marvelously made Living Joy that is the true face of God’s Child.

    Rather than being daunted by the amount of illusion there seems to be to See beyond, be Glad that it IS illusion. Rather than being dismayed and reacting to human-sense pain and insult, celebrate each time you discern glimmers of Goodness and acts of Kindness. Building from small bits of Light that you perceive, you can illuminate all the darkness that might ever seem to surround you. The Love Divine IS Real.

    Just remember that it is God that does the Lighting and revealing of Wholeness. It is your job to look for it and see it and celebrate it and be grateful for it and honor it, but never forget that all Power and Cause comes from the Oneness that is Life Itself.

    There is freedom in staying aware that the Divine is responsible for all Goodness, and dispenses it freely, graciously, and without measure.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine you are sitting in a theatre between the Soul and Spirit of The God that made you. Which movie do you want to see? The one God carefully planned for you as a part of the Truths of Divine Life? Or the one defined by only body senses?

    “Ask Me each morning, child of Mine, what I have planned for you, Good and Fine.”

    And hold hands with Soul and Spirit, and let Love load the film,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is to Itself, to Its own Joy, that Creation has wed you.

    You cannot be separate from It. Knowing that, reminding yourself of that, you can look for Joy in every situation, and allow It to be revealed. Do not be confused about this. This DOES NOT mean justifying sorrow and error and pain and loss, saying to yourself that the Divine must have sent them as a lesson. It DOES MEAN that there is an underlying Joy, a solution, an idea you can listen for, and trust in, if you will take your thoughts off the negative sensory evidence.

    Thinking of the wedding of your nature to the Divine Nature, look to the Joy, knowing It is there and will be revealed. The Joy is the Truth. The Joy is you.

    Let the anointing Flow to you, right now, through these words and Presence,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love is not abstract. It is very Real. I Am very Real.

    Ask Love for help and It will.

    “Love, help me. Help me in the way that is Best for me, and Best for all. I trust you. I know you want the Best for all to be revealed. I know You want us all to remember we are as You. We are Love. Help us know that and see that and be that.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Strengthen yourself with “ I am Love, I am Love, I am Love.”

    It is the acknowledgement that you have, ready to hand, all the qualities of the Divine, given to you for your needed work to make the Play go smoothly. Do it, and be grateful for the Joy that comes as payment for your efforts along the way. Stay centered in Love, and Bloom, like the full rose you are about to be.

    With are with you in this. Ask us, and we Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    That which is Love, and which is made of Love as Itself, remains. It is as it always was, and always will be. This is the thing to turn to, and to look for in yourself and in others. This is the thing to let flow through your thoughts and actions and image of who you are, for It is the only truly renewable thing. Love, Love, Love Divine.

    It renews Itself all the time.

    When you feel hate or anger or even a slight resentment, you are putting energy and effort into something that only drains and kills. If you want to feel constantly renewed and well and whole, then Love, Love, Love, and the Divine will flow through you, as you, and show you that you, and all else It has Thought up, are Divine.

    This is your real job. This is your real purpose. This is what it means to be Divine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The art of effective prayer is to realize that your willingness joined to Divine Power is what creates Good results. Surrender, surrender, surrender.

    “Not my will, but Thy Will be done. Thy Will in Thy timing be done.”

    ` ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the human behavior of another perplexes or disappointments you, remember how many of your own earthly errors I have freely forgiven you, and find Me within yourself, and forgive that other one.

    That is the path to feel Whole and Heavenly.

    That Which Holds you and Loves you and Loves all

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whatever Grace God gives to another is not taken away from you. Your “share” of God’s Love for the day is not depleted. God is Infinite Source; the bottomless Cup of Good. There is Plenty for all.

    So, even if you are not a dedicated religious or worker for the Light in whatever form, who spends most of their time focusing on being a transparency for the Whole Spirit of God to flood the earthly experience with Harmonious Rays of Life, you can take some moments each day to do so. Even a minute spent every day in deep silent communion with God, feeling the Thought of “Bless all of them, and Bless me”, makes more difference than you can possibly imagine.

    Be one more window briefly open to the Light and Breath of God each day, Beloved, and it will also raise your level of perception, and of visible Good, extraordinarily.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is a new truth in your manifested “physical” life, and you are not sure of the intended direction for you to take, hold that earthly truth against the touchstone of the Truth of Creation. Go back to the basics of “I am praising the Maker of my Best Destiny”, or, “I am reflecting NOW the Qualities of God/Goddess as my life”, and let the Divine Truth give you comfort or guidance or affirmation.

    Creation’s Flow of Abundance and Joy and Love is always available to you. Remember that. If you are not seeing it, just ask for Divine Love to shine away any inaccuracies in your sight, and be free to see clearly again.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What do you use to see an image of what you are, what your identity is?

    Do you use the bathroom mirror, a selfie, the statistics of description on some ID or a doctor’s chart? Do you listen to a well-meaning friend, who only sees a surface, and tells you your eyebrows are wrong? Do you gaze down at one of your limbs and think of yourself as smooth or wrinkled or freckled?

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once again, remind yourself daily (”die to the self daily”),

    Divine Creator, please show me, Your Good Idea of the man/woman/circumstance before me,

    and Dear Creator, help me see, Your Good Idea of me.”

    So simple, but it must be kept in focus every moment.

    It gets easier and easier, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Love and Harmony by which the One Source Governs the Heart of each part of Spirit, is Its Gracious desire to form, to use, to enable, and to enforce.

    Allow It to Lovingly guide you, but do not think you are Its enforcer for others. The Quality of honoring the Law of Love above all else is to be used to govern your own thoughts. Enforce Love there, Beloved. Check constantly to see if all your thoughts and motives are aligned with Love.

    If they are, you WILL see more Love shining around you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no just “Business as usual” with God.

    If you let yourself realize that walking with God-attitude each day can be as delightful and intriguing as walking with an appreciative young child, or a guest who has never seen your town before, then you can expect each day to hold Good experiences or realizations. Approach each task and hour and thought with a Substance of Grace or Wonder or Joy in your heart and you will observe how many small miracles occur in each day, and how much chance to grow in Understanding of Love expands in your thoughts.

    Yes, it may seem that you are just going to the same job, or in the same house, or on familiar roads or trails, but you are new each day, all around you is new in some way each day. God-awareness reveals new Creation in every moment, as the awakening of humanity unfolds.

    You are living in an amazing time. See it with fresh eyes each day, and be a vehicle of illumination for yourself and all, as well as simply having more joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you turn your thoughts more completely to Spiritual Wholeness, you will have less interest in any thoughts of the worldly, and yet, you will have more patience for the tasks that you will still perform while you finish out your parts in various dream scenes of the mortal realm.

    Trust this process. Proceed always with Love in your heart, and Love emanating from you. Remember, the Well of Love that sustains you is bottomless. Pause for a refill frequently, and then feel fed with It, and go forth and give some more. Divine Love and Peace are what you are here to pour forth, over all that you meet in your own thoughts, that seem to be outside yourself. Pour Love on everything, until everything seems to be covered in Love, and then you are free at last. Picture caramel covered apples. Caramel is the Love.

    ANGELS, with you in the dream, and in Spirit.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    All is better and brighter if you remember to say always your thanks and your love for those in your daily sphere. To say thank you and I love you to spouse, to family, to friends, to the neighbor and the grocery clerk and the local dog, is to say those appreciations o the face of God.

    To love and thank the face of God is to Love and encourage yourself, dear one. Do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hold still, and quiet your heart, and the answers will come clear. Just as a prism must be held still in a beam of sunlight, before you can count, or distinctly see, all the colors of the rainbow it casts, you must hold still.

    You are the prism. If you would like to see the beautiful rainbow of your life that the Source Light intended you to see, hold still once in a while and let yourself see it. No one else can make you hold still, but you can do it any time you like, if you do not think that the piles of paper, or airwaves of chatter, or fast talkers around you, or twinges of body, hold power over where you put your attention.

    Hold still at least a few times a day, and see and appreciate the lovely rainbow of your life. After a time, you will begin to understand, and believe, that the Principal that holds the colors of a rainbow in place so wonderfully can hold every facet of your life in order as well. It is truly a well made and marvelous design, once you begin to see beyond the earthly spectrum.

    As ever, seeing your loveliness,


  • If you want to change the effects, you must change the cause.

    If you want to change what you see and experience, you must change your thoughts that cause them.

    Many find it very, very difficult to change their thoughts to thinking only good. Here is where salvation, the aligning of your thoughts with the Loving Thoughts that are the Creative Matrix, comes in. For as you ask for Divine Help, Original Help, to help you change your thoughts to the good and the pure, it happens.

    It happens, Beloved, and the good effects happen.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Listening, not petitioning.

    You KNOW this.

    Just do it, and obey.

    What seems like servitude becomes gratitude, as true freedom and happiness are seen.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me today, with Your Truth and Wisdom, dear God, what I need to know about every situation and person and myself. Show me how to Love, Love, Love past all the costumes and posturing, to See the very Heart of you.”

    God know what you yearn for, Child. Let God show you how to be it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be pleased when you remember that counting your Blessings is a surefire way to help you escape from the trap of mortal self-pity.

    Count your blessings. Send blessing thoughts to others. Two old tricks. But tried and true.

    When you know that you are Blessed, then you can truly be a Blessing to others, rather than just making gestures that your heart does not feel. Glad giving, to yourself or others, is true giving, and comes back to you as more Gladness, and Wellness, and Life.

    In great Love and appreciation of you and for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How many times have we said to you that the phrase “small, still voice” is a set of instructions? That truth has not changed.

    When your checkbook does not seem to balance, you go back to the basic of checking your arithmetic. Do the same, Beloved, when your life seems out of balance. Go back to the basics of knowing you are a SMALL part of a Whole, getting very STILL, and listening for the VOICE Divine.

    Then, be comforted, and obey. Then, feel Loved, and be Love. A feeling of balance will come, for the very Law of God is Balance, and It is the Law above all laws.

    Balanced with you,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it feels like there is nothing to say, be Silent.

    Do not struggle against the impulse for silence. Be LOVING in your silence. Be tender. Be kind, but be silent, and trust that the All-Knowing will work on your, and everyone else’s, minds. All minds are One Mind, when the shining brightness of One Source filters Its Thoughts into each place where there seemed to be independent thought. Then, any thought not in alignment with Joyful expansion of Love and Gladness of Being is simply gone.

    As ever, with you, with you, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fear disables learning. Fear disables healing.

    Therefore, let all your teaching and all your offering of yourself as instrument for healing, be proceeded by the comforting and allaying of fears. Many who are in dire need of learning of their own beauty and wholeness in the Divine are also so trapped in the illusion of themselves as just a flesh and blood body, that any intimation of the Sole Reality of their spiritual being will overly frighten them. The very Presence of Spirit Itself will often frighten their mortal self image so much that they will be unable to receive the learning or the healing.

    Let Love convey sincerity. Let Love convey the tenderness with which fear can be dissipated. Let metaphors and parables and indirect tales be the means by which Truth is seeded without frightening. Let offers of prayer and healing be gentle and indirect as well, so that all things come to pass in the way that most smoothly nurtures the new face of Joy for that being, and that persons life.

    Do your best, and leave the healing, and the growth of truth in each soul, to the Divine Spirit that knows the best for each individual path. Listen carefully for moment by moment instructions, and obey. Love, and obey. Love, and obey, and Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are condemning yourself for a bout of ill temper or a human sense of unforgiveness, allow yourself to remember that We do not see those traits. They are as but a smear of dust on the Real you that We see and Love, Love, Love.

    We Love You, We Love You, We Love You. You are Innocent, just as is the Spirit of the one whom you were angry with. You are both innocent, under the sway of an error, and We Love You, We Love You, We Love you.

    Correct the error. Let Our Love correct the error. Hold it up to Us, and let Us Love you, and let Love show you the way. Allow Love to Govern you, and allow Love to Govern the other. Hating yourself, or hating the other, only leaves you in the mire of error. Let Love reign, and concentrate now on letting Love wash away the dust of error from You.

    Love Itself, Divine and clear, corrects all errors of perception, and it will do the same for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not ashamed that you must constantly re-center yourself with the Divine Source. Rejoice, rather, that It is constantly available to you, if you will just take those moments and that stillness and silence, to let yourself tune in again.

    Like a driver on a lovely journey, who is listening to a wonderful symphony on the radio, but who must sometimes re-tune the radio signal as the bumps in the road jiggle the dial, or as the storms cause interference with the transmission, or as the passenger in the other seat keeps trying to change the station, accept that the constant re-tuning is necessary. Just stay focused on your desire to hear the amazing Harmony of the Music, and let that give you the energy to do what is necessary to keep hearing It.

    We try to float you above the worst potholes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Concern for others IS so important, but concern must first be for your own alignment with God-Consciousness. For if you are not truly seeing what God sees, then you are unable to see what to do or say in each moment.

    You have experienced this. Sometimes the inner Voice urges you to give aid to one who seems already self-sufficient. Sometimes the inner Voice has you walk by one who seems to be in need, but whom God is aware is not yet ready to hear the Word of Spirit. In all things, let yourself be guided by the All Seeing, All Knowing, Everpresent Mind of God, who mercifully knows the Best Path for each of Its Children to remember they are Lovingly made and maintained by One Spirit.

    Today, concentrate on being Loved by God, and Loving God. The rest will fall into place. We assure you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Call to the Healing Force that is the gift of the Source to you. And then, Beloved, wait PATIENTLY, until you feel as though you were being kissed from within.

    Let that feeling of Love encompass you, and melt away all anger and worry and hurry. Give It the time and trust to heal you. Let yourself be filled with Its Ease and Light.

    What do you really have to do that is more important than this? What must you hurry off to do, or shift your mind to thinking about, that is more important than knowing and demonstrating that you are a Beloved and fulfilled and healthy and Whole Child of the Divine Source, and in the family of the Utter Consciousness of God?

    Give yourself the gift of receiving this Gift, that is endlessly offered to you. If only you will take the time and focus to receive It, you will know the Joy of Being.

    In the endless circumference and center of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It can indeed be frustrating or comical or perplexing to hear wordy, philosophical, or very inexperienced persons discussing which school of thought or program of training or historical trend you or they or another must be part of. But the labels of analysts and the unawakened matter not, Beloved.

    What matters is your own experience and relationship to the Living Presence of the Divine Creative Force that is All. Practice that “Love shining Love” connection each day, and prove for yourself Its Truth, Its working Principals, Its importance for your right Life.

    Be not lost in intellectual arguments and material definitions. The sleeping part of your own mind and others will try to detour all your hours into that, but if you aim to keep it simple in the power of Spirit, you can. Just fear not, and Love God, and express the Divine Mind in every day and way.

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need of ANYTHING bodily in the full Realm of Heaven. But even before you attain that full awareness of being only, and purely, Spirit, you can achieve much of the freedom of not needing any bodily thing, by simply, and truly relinquishing charge of the bodily needs to the Source Light. Let Its Voice guide you about what to do, where to go, what to buy, what to wear, what to eat, or not eat, what to cut, what to indulge in, and not to indulge in…

    Trusting in the Divine Voice, instead of in fashions or fads or well meaning advice from friends or media, is a liberating experience that will truly give you a foretaste, a LIVING foretaste, of the wondrous Freedom of Heaven.

    Listen, trust, obey. Let old habits fall away, as you find them replaced by what is Given to you to do, in this moment, in this Now, in this extension of Heaven to your Heart, and thus to the appearance that you make in the earth realm.

    Lovingly, as ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not join in the sorrow, if one near you is feeling miserable.

    Have compassion for that one’s sorrow, but let yourself consciously join with the Joy of the Creator, and, from that suffusion of Joy, send a share to the sorrowing one. It is the only way to truly help, besides giving of the small physical assistances like a ride, or a shoe-polishing, or a bite to eat.

    Align yourself with that Greater Help, and be truly helpful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you suspect that you are being drawn into old sad memories, or senseless discouragement about a current project, do not hesitate to call for help. Call for a higher consciousness than your own human mind to awaken you from that moment of non-fulfillment. On whatever level you understand higher consciousness, whether it be a friend wiser than yourself at that moment, or a teacher or religious leader, or angel, or guru, or Inner Spirit, or savior—call to the Loving Mind through whomever you can think of that feels more connected to the Joy of Being than you are yourself, at that moment.

    ALL HEALING COMES FROM THE DIVINE MAKER. But mercy is the water that carries It, and Mercy understands that, depending on your background and doctrine, education, and current swirl of beliefs, you may not be ready to call directly to God/Allness for your private revelation and awakening. It will cascade down whatever stairway of readiness you are on, and Help, Help, Help.

    Call, believe you are worth Help, and accept It with gratitude and relief.

    And, Beloved, do not fear to call for Help for those you love in earthly form. It will come to them also, and you will feel that Warmth melting away the cold mist of illusion, and healing you both from within. Relationships are built in Heaven, not on earth. Mend them from there, let them be mended from within, and they are mended indeed.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Law of adjustment is always in play, working to reveal the natural order of Harmony beneath the swirling mist of earthly illusion.

    Look for the Harmony again today. Be a witness to the Truth of Beauty and Calm Joy.

    It does exist. It is what is Real. The more you think about It and look for It, the more you will see It and feel It.

    God is counting on you to do this.

    You agreed, years ago. Just do it.

    ANGELS, with you in Love.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no difference between the still small Voice using audible word to get your attention, and Its use of a profound feeling in your heart. Either way, it is time to listen.

    It is time to listen with your Whole Being, and to act, and to rise and to go forth to learn or study or ponder or aid or simply be present in a certain place at a certain time. Do it. When the Voice speaks your name, or when Its Presence fills your heart, do as you are bid or led, but obey. Obey without question, Beloved, and you become the oil of anointing. You become the very life substance of the Divine, helping the Plan and Providence of God move into place.

    It will call twice if It has to, but Its message will not change,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take a day of wordless prayer, knowing that God sees the Innocence of your Spirit and wants your happiness in the Greater Plan of Love Divine. Trust that God sees the desires of your heart and takes them into full consideration for whatever is the highest Blessings for all.

    No intellectual pondering of theology today, Beloved. Just wordless Love of God, for God, as part of God.

    Be still, and Love God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate today. Celebrate that you know the sweet secret of focusing on the quiet stillness within right now, and that God’s Voice and certainty are always right there to join you, if you but take the time. It is truly your first and only Home, even though you seem to have a second home called “earth” right now. Be grateful you have that “First Home”, and stay very conscious of It. You can be aware of your true Home even while you still seem to walk the earth.

    Just as a man who has a vacation home, fully furnished with all good things, to go to, feels a sweetness of having a safe retreat, feel glad about your Home with God, Calm in the heart. And, just as that man with a second home would be less devastated than a man with only one home, if the day to day home burned, or were torn away from him, be so very Glad that you ALWAYS have the Home that is God Calm in the stillness within you.

    Your Home is God’s Thoughts, Loving you and being loved by you. Treasure that today, and cherish having the awareness of that safe view and shelter. Calm God Thought can help you see the here and now goodness of your everyday shelter as well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, and every day that you can remember, picture Divine perfect order. In yourself and for yourself, and in and for others, and in and for the world, picture Divine Order.

    It is simple to picture this. In your culture, every school child is taught how the atoms of air distribute themselves evenly throughout the space in a jar, or a beaker with a lid. Picture everyone, and everything, in the world and universe in the same way—each in its prefect spot, held in place, or moved to a new place, by the Force of Love.

    Picture Love moving you to, and holding you in, the perfect spots in every day. Picture this also for all your friends, and loves, and strangers. Picture each atom of Life being in its perfect place, at the perfect time, and feel the wonder at the Order that surrounds and holds all.

    We know that as you envision this for yourself, and for all whom you are concerned about, many, many things and opportunities will visibly fall into place.

    All is in Order in the Mind of God.

    Love, Love, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Above all, there is the Infinite to turn to, to cleanse and re-shape your thoughts, which create a shared reality. We have reminded you many times to ponder the existence and Truth of the Infinite size and Presence of God. There is no shame in forgetting, and getting caught up in the delightful world, or tricked into sorrow or worry by the distressing world, but it is so good to train yourself to remember to turn to the Loving Infinite for correction of thought and attitude.

    Most worries and excesses are based on the error of thinking there is lack. Lack of connection to the Giving Divine, or lack of resources, or lack of strength or courage, or lack of love, or lack of time, or lack of wisdom or beauty or intelligence or skill, and on and on.

    But the Infinite that made and sustains you contains all, and plenty of all that is Good. Therefore, practice turning to that thought of plenty, when a worry takes hold in your heart. Step back from the worry and look at its opposite that is part of the nature of Harmony that is God, and welcome that opposite. If you are feeling foolish, ask for wisdom. If you are feeling weak, ask for the vigor of the Life Force that is God. If you are feeling unsupported in supply, ask for the generous ideas and creativity of God. And so forth. And allow the plenty, the answer to lack, to come in the way that God sees fit.

    And if you are feeling unloved, always, always ask to be able to feel the ever-present Love of God, to Whom you are so very dear. “God Loves me” is a simple and true daily prayer.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many times, in the human drama, things will occur that will make you think. “Here is something I can never forgive and forget.”

    But we tell you, you can. Indeed, you must, if you want the Peace of God, and to dwell in the Spirit Within, as your Home.

    Think about all the times that a relative, or an old acquaintance, has told you about a hard (or good) time in your life, or an incident from the past, that you no longer remember at all. Forgetting DOES occur in the dream of earth, and you can count on the Divine Spirit’s Omnipotence in helping to let go of the past, and forgive, and to move back into the attitude of gratitude that keeps you abiding in the Kingdom of Heavenly Peace within.

    The dream is not your true Home. Heaven is the True State of Consciousness.

    Oh, forgive, Love, that you may live in Heaven,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As your understanding grows about what the plan is, that your soul-self made with God, all that is not a part of that plan will become meaningless to you. As you stop trying to focus on having or achieving anything that does not help that plan, your fretting falls away with those things.

    Let go swiftly, when it becomes clear that an old cherished thing no longer has a place in your newly realized mission of the day, or of the decade, or of your life. Follow the guidance of the Divine Voice within in these things, and be free, O’ Child, be free.

    We try to turn up the volume,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is absolutely nothing blocking you from the healing embrace of God’s Love except your unwillingness, or delay, to turn to It.

    If you say to yourself, “I will take time for that after I do the dishes”, or “I will look up what prayers or techniques a famous avatar used”, or “I will do that after I punch out of work for the day”, then you are fooling yourself. No one can make a fool out of you but yourself. You certainly cannot fool God.

    If you want to put God first, you can. If you want the healing embrace of Truth and Love, you can have It. There is always a minute before the chores, or a bathroom break at work, or a minute at a stoplight while you commute, when you can get still and quiet and Get GOD.

    Get God, for God already has you. God already has you, in Love. Admit to yourself you want that, and ask and receive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Self-immolation. Allowing, each morning, each hour, each minute, to let yourself be subject to the Greater Will that is the only Real Will, is the key to remaining in Higher Consciousness.

    Does it sound like enslavement? Only to the ego-self, Beloved. It is true freedom, Beloved. True security, true Hope, True Calm, and True Love. And, once the “ego-self” begins to see the worldly evidence of much of the worldly experience running more smoothly as you understand that “I am the substance of the Harmony of the Source”, it will be easier to subjugate the ego self to the Source-Self each day.

    Start your day with giving over to the Divine Self. End your day that way as well, and give over to It any time during the day that the “me, me, me-self” tries to take over. Life lived in the Higher Consciousness is its own reward, but you will also see greater and greater Harmony apparent in the worldly interactions that you are still led to perform.

    The Self that remains is the Self we know and Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We of course continually urge you to remember that the Total Divine Loving Presence is always with you, Omnipotent and Omniscient. To remember that the Spirit of God is always walking with YOU, one of Its Lovely reflections, and to say hello to It and listen to It, is to welcome more Harmony into your life.

    Do that again today, but also focus on the Truth that Loving Omnipresence is also there for everyone you know and hear of and have never met. When you are feeling concerned for someone, and that person has not given you permission to reach out with silent prayer or words or actions for him or her, focus on that sweet reality that God-Mind is already holding that individual consciousness. God is already Loving and caring for and guiding that one.

    Give gratitude to God for guiding you and for guiding all. Give God gratitude for the Great Plan already made and done, in the timeless perspective of God-Mind.

    You do not need permission to silently pray for Good for all. It will soothe you to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The still, Peaceful and sacred Presence of Divine Hope is an extraordinary experience. If you are one to whom, after a moment’s insight, or after months or years of practice, the experience is one that is easy to draw upon, indeed, that is truly “ever-present” in your awareness, then it behooves you to share It freely.

    Yes, it is still important for each individual child of the Whole Spirit to achieve mastery of that answering of the calling of the Voice within, but anyone that already exudes the excellence of that Flow of Love can be the primer that begins the Flow in another. Be that, Beloved. Each time you feel God’s Love, give it forth.

    Silently, sweetly, give It forth, greeting those around you, in your mind that has been given over to Divine Mind, with “I greet you in the Oneness of Being, and I recognize your completeness and perfection there.”

    Exempt no one, Beloved, from this, for if you exempt even one person from the Giving and Loving Thoughts of the Mind that is now your mind, you are creating a block against the Flow of Love to you. Be aware, stay aware, and be true and kind to yourself, by letting Love Flow to all others. Thus does Healing come.

    Helping you clear the way, whenever you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pure is the heart that wants to know God above all else.

    But purer still is the heart that silently includes all others in that desire, sincerely wanting them all to know the tender touch of God-awareness, and truly wanting to see them all as God sees them, without exception.

    Cherishing even a bit of resentment towards one will hold you back from seeing as God sees. Do not blame anyone for anything they have done any more than you would blame the phantoms in your night dreams when you awaken in the morning.

    Ask God to help you See the Best of each and all, including yourself.

    We know We have said this many times. We are grateful for each inch forward you take in loving yourself, and in loving others as you learn to love yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more scenes you see of earthly existence, in your own life and the lives of others, and in your alternate earth dreams of night, the more honestly you can desire, and live for, the pure, sweet truth of Heaven, of God. The unchanging Love of God is the prize and the example to keep always in your mind. Let your mind become His/Her Mind, as you completely realize, that even within the dream, you are bidden to be a good example, a simple shining, of the Love of God.

    Old mistakes and current ones ARE forgiven, if you can forgive them in yourself by forgiving others. Cease to judge, and be free. Cease to judge, and learn to Love. Love always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s words to you when you listen will not always be of a serious tone. If you hear “My jolly health is your jolly health”, that is also a good gift to you.

    God is always ready to forgive human errors and Love and support you. Concentrate on accepting.

    It is All, but it is Light.


  • Ah, Yes, Beloved,

    When the Divine knows that your heart is ready to truly release to Its Will, you will feel such a release of easy joy that it is unmistakable. Your intellect may try to fool you into thinking that you are ready before you are ready, but the Divine cannot be fooled. There is no way to hide from Omnipresence. There is no way to hide behind nothingness.

    Before one is ready for the next step of being, there is just trust—total trust, as one would trust a new lover, if one has never been hurt by love before. Trust the Divine, Beloved. Trust the Divine, and let no human put you asunder.

    Delightfully the Divine plans for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love is your heritage.

    Not the body. Not the genes. Not “physical” objects of any kind.

    Love is your heritage. Sign your ACCEPTANCE of this. Then, like a house that you had inherited and just signed the title acceptance of, explore it. Explore Love, Child. Explore It, and live within It, and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your rightfully inherited Home.


  • Ah, Beloved One,

    There is no reason to sorrow as changes come. In fact, the constant changes of the dream of earth can just accentuate how completely constant is the Love of God. Unchanging, abiding, and tender and true, It is always there for you, if you but relax into It in your thoughts.

    You are complete in the completeness of God. Cherish that. And all you need do is completely let go into that soft still place of thought. How wonderful is that?

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Humility is the essence of the willingness to better know the One Mind that made the essence of you. Without emptying yourself of the spiritual assumptions you have made in the past, and without setting aside the imprisoning lies of the mortal senses, there is no way for you to truly know God/Goddess Whose Thought you up, Whose Thought Child you are.

    Set aside the thought that you are a body, with the body’s wants and needs. Just be an open emptiness of heart, and willingness to listen, and experience, and be still and begin to learn more and more of That Of Which You Are Made.

    We tell you true, Beloved, that these days are pivotal. Become very grounded in knowing that you are made Of Love Supreme, and you will be able to draw on that when all things around you are swirling into new positions for the remaining tasks of your earthly existence,

    Remain in Love. Stay tuned to needing to forgive, and to overlook, with Utter Kindness, the unreal. Be at Peace, and let no thing of mortal dream waylay you from your appointed tasks, as whispered to you by the Divine soft Voice you know so well.

    Appreciatively, and in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is only one thing you need to always remember. “I am a Beloved Child of God”.

    If the word God has old negative connotations for you, substitute whatever word feels best to you, such as One Source, or Universe, or Mind, or Oversoul. The wonderful Energy and Love that is Itself does not change because of human labels.

    And Its Love for you and emanating as you does not change. If you can train your mind to always remembering that you are Its Beloved offspring, and be willing to act as that, then all the other elements you need for your understanding and prospering can open up in your heart. Understanding that you are Beloved of Love will help you remember that all others are also Beloved, and enable you to more easily live the Golden Rule.

    Err not into the thoughts again that you are alone and separate, and let Good, Good, Good unfold. The Loving Parent Loves you indeed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A Beam of Love is not reduced by shining Its Love upon others.

    Shining Its Love upon others does not mean using them to increase itself—It is already complete and Pure and only needs to shine, on everything and everyone.

    That which keeps It Pure is to put no conditions on Its shining—for as It shines on everything, all that looks unlovable or seems unloved, is gathered into the Truth of Love.

    Do you know, Love, that Words can heal you without your intellectual understanding of them? If they touch your heart, read them again and again, until you feel healed, until the fullness of your completeness in Love is revealed.

    Shining your Love back at you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest now, little rabbit. Rest now. All week you have given unto others, and given unto the faith of God. Rest now. Rest and grow.

    Remember that each spiritual idea of God’s, of which you are one, continues to grow in energy and grace, for all time, and beyond. Rest and grow, and know yourself Loved by God.

    We stay by you, in walking and grace and love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What does it really mean—”Give us this day our daily bread”?

    Try this, today: “I Love you, God. Show me yourself, today, in all the saints and angels that inhabit this state of your Mind. Help me see all within You as saints and angels. Help them see the saint and angels of me. Let my sight clearly see all the Good you made. Let my ears clearly hear all the Good you speak. Let my heart clearly feel all the Good that you wish for me to do today. Give me this day the knowledge and the Love and perception and wisdom and gladness I need to be the clear reflection of You.”

    “I Love You, God, and I fully accept Your Love for me. Let us move through this day as One, with Your Brightness before me and in me and all around me.”

    THAT will feed you indeed, Beloved, that will feed you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is God that does the Work. It is God that demonstrates Goodness if you let It.

    Get that through your head, and work on believing, and releasing to, the acceptance of a Goodness that Governs all, and wants to free you from any illusions that would try to cast a dusty glamour over the Truth.

    God does the Work. That can be very relaxing to know, once you let go of small thoughts.

    Let yourself be Governed by Good, and rejoice,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak not in vain.

    Let not your promises be empty, and therefore false.

    If you ask someone, “May I pray for you?”, and the person says “Yes”, then do so. Set aside your own thoughts and concerns, and take the time to consciously connect with the Oneness of All Awareness, and ask for that person’s Wellness of Being and Life to become evident.

    And, most importantly, Be-Loved, do this for your self. When you think, or say, “I need to pray about this”, then do so. Take the time. Set aside the world, and look to the Loving Source for your answer, your ideas, your pro-vision, your comfort, your strength and courage, and your life and love.

    Let not your thoughts be in vain.

    Always thinking of you with care and love,

    for we know who and what you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you really begin to understand the Infinite size of the Loving Source of you and your life, then you will not worry at all when something seems to be taken from you, or you give something away, or you are urged to release more and more to another or others. For you will realize that whatever ideas and things you give away, all belong to the Infinite, and for what needs you have, the Source will give you again, more and more and more.

    Let your prayer therefore be to be Blessed to be a blessing, and your purpose to be to share all the ideas and goods of Good Itself. “Even now, I am Blessed to be a Blessing.”

    We see what you need to function in Joy, and we help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not to say to God, “Do this exact thing,” it is to say to God, “Let me See what I, and this circumstance, are in Thee, right now.”

    Linear time does not exist in God, in the Source, but all the moments of Creation do. The child and the adult, and all the moments between, are there, in their perfection and harmony. Everything that is actually made of the Source is perfection, goodness, and harmony. Look for those, expect those. Welcome those.

    “What am I, in Your Perfect Play, right now?” That becomes your daily and hourly question to the Divine Director, rather than letting your human thoughts keep you clinging to yesterday’s perfection, or to tomorrow’s imagined glory. Ask to see THIS moment’s perfection, and relax into the Glad Source, like a dry sponge relaxing into a pool of wonderful warm water.

    God knows all your moments of intended Harmony,