All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    That which is your Consciousness is a direct extension of Infinite Life. Your umbilical cord to the Light has never been cut, and never will be. Do endeavor to stop thinking you are ever separate and alone. Instead, reach through that cord, allow to flow along that cord, all the energy and ideas you need, while you dream that you inhabit a fleshly body.

    Really, you have always been, and will always be, a part of the Body of Light that is All.

    So be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “All things work together for Good, for those that love God.” And indeed it is so.

    So that seems to be a simple instruction to love God, if one wants Good for all. What are the ways of loving God? Ponder this. Be creative with this.

    Certainly, pondering the steady Love that IS God is one way of loving God. Just as when one first falls humanly in love with another person, and cannot stop thinking about the other, let yourself think constantly about the marvelous Love that is God.

    Being so grateful and amazed for the Qualities that comprise the All-Goodness that is God, the comprehensiveness, the Joy, the Wisdom that flows to you as Itself is loving God. Loving God is loving the gentle embrace and Omniscient Guidance that know what you really need to enact your role as Its projection before you even know your human needs yourself.

    The constancy—O”, the Constancy of God-Love, that is unwaveringly there even as human affection ebbs and flows. The uplifting inspiration of new and old ideas that are offered without end, and the marvelous workings of the body and foods and surroundings of nature that are all the fullness of Beautiful Spirit.

    Yes, love God-Soul in bright Light and Gladness and appreciate Omnipotence and the Life force that gives you Love, moves you to Love, fills you with Love, teaches, teaches, teaches you to Love.

    Hold the Truth of pure Love in your heart, and Love, Love, Love God, and expect Good. Loving God is in itself the greatest Good there is. Expect to realize that, and let all the other small goods of daily earth life to come along as they are needed, desired, and appreciated, all within the greater joyous task of simply Loving God.

    All Creation sings the song of Love with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As new phases of Good unfold in your life, the old ones will seem like a dream.

    And they were indeed a sort of dream. Focus not at all on the past now, except to remember the times you noticed the Divine Hand guiding you clearly. Use those moments of clear and steady Guidance as inspiration for trust, and look to the now and to the future with deep, deep trust that the Divine has you firmly in Hand, if you just do your part of listening and allowing in Joy.

    This day will bring Good. Expect it.

    It is Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is only Love, really.

    There is only Love, and Me and thee.

    There is only Love, and It has nothing to do with bodies.

    There is only Love, and from now on,

    Let it be only Love We hear, and feel, and see and be.

    There is only Love, and I am with thee.

    SPIRIT, Whole and Free

  • Ah, Dear One,

    A thousand times a day you have the discipline to follow rules of the physical world and of the rules of polite society. You make time to brush your hair or your teeth. You smile and nod and say please and thank-you. You feed the pet, you spend time washing a car, you water the plant, you make room on the seat for a friend.

    Beloved, if you have the will power to do all these things, then you also have the ability to discipline yourself to take a few minutes for communing with Oneness before you arise. You DO have the power over self to find a few minutes before you sleep to review the day, to review your heart, and to reach out to God/Goddess to love and Be Loved.

    We know It Is in you. Do you? What is stopping you from spending some disciplined time with the most rewarding relationship you will ever have?


  • Ah, Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Slowly and gently go today. Let not those who dash about without knowing where they are going, or pausing to listen to the Still Voice within, pressure you or influence you to do the same. Move still and slow today, with a delightful feeling of emptiness waiting to be fulfilled.

    And when Words come, or an expansive Inner embrace, savor them. Savor them as you would a bite of wedding cake, or the first sweet apricot of the season, as symbols of renewal and vows to remember your Oneness of Being with All that Is Good.

    Be not discouraged by the judgments of those who see and value only physical good. Their time will come. Their turn will come, to understand the full value of Love and only Love, as that to which they belong, and that which will become all they need and want.

    We want your Quiet Gladness today to touch those that are ready,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    As in eternity, your ability to access any one aspect of the All of which you are a part is always with you. The calm, the certainty, the enthusiastic creativity, the love, the glory, and the wisdom are all there. As ever, the key is asking for the aspect you need, and then giving it the time to come to you, and being willing to focus on allowing it to be received.

    Maintaining your focus during that willingness is a thing that only comes with practice. Practice keeping your mind and will focused on one thing at time (”be still and listen”), so that the Greater Will can indeed flow smoothly through you.

    Practice, practice, practice, Beloveds, for after enough practice, there will never again be a doubt in your mind of whether you are truly allowing the Greater Will to be you. You will know, just as you know whether the shoe on your foot is the same familiar one you have worn for years.

    We want to be like a second breath to you,


  • Ah, BELOVED,

    Let us try to tell you once again that you are desired of God. Just as the Source wants you to reflect Its own Loveliness back to It, by Love, so does It Love you, absolutely and completely. Right here, right now, with you.

    Thinking that you must perform some dance of Goodness and time in purgatory before you are Loved by God is just not true. You are Loved now. You are Loved right where and when you are, no matter what messy illusions you have built around yourself. God sees only the pure You that is true. Concentrate on feeling and knowing that Love and on Loving God in return , and the messiness will fall away.

    Why not try it, Love? What do you have to lose but inconstancy and discord. Look to Love, feel Love, and find Harmony.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Join in with every enabled and awakened heart to recognize that just as rain and sun fall and shine on all, no matter their human behavior, so does Divine Love flow to all. Love Guides and Inspires and Directs and Heals, and praying for ALL to open to receive It empowers your prayers for yourself.

    Pray for the plurality today, Beloved, for all is indeed One in the Infinite “skin” of the Divine. Pray for All One, and uplift yourself NOW.

    It is God’s Intention, and God does not fail,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Very simply, today:

    “God’s Will for me is Joy.”

    “God’s Love for me is to know God.”

    You cannot fail in this, for God’s Will is done. Let not time fool you into thinking it is not. God’s Will is done NOW. Accept it now and feel the Joy. Open your heart and feel the Joy, “God Loves me. God Loves me purposefully, expansively, completely. God Loves me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you think of the phenomena as parallel universes, or alternate realities or quantum wave changes or miracles from God, we assure you that you CAN repair damaged relationships of all kinds by turning to the Grace of Love.

    When your human emotions and thoughts would whisper, “This is hopeless. Too much water over the dam. Can”t forgive the unforgivable. Etc. Etc.”, then ask yourself if you WANT to return to Peace and Love in relation to the relationship.

    If you want to, it can be done. Indeed, somewhere in time, it will, and already has, been done. Nothing is left untended and unforgiven when you finish remembering who you are in the One Loving Mind. If you want to feel peace, and even joy, with it, in this cycle of time, then turn to your Loving Relationship with your Source, and ask for the newness to begin. Let yourself be guided by Love, staying aligned with your Emanating Source of Love at every choice point.

    Seemingly irreparable bodies and relationships CAN be repaired, for in the Divine Mind, they never left perfection. The haze that formed over them CAN be blown away. The Wind of Spirit and Love can do it. Call for Its Help, and be willing to feel and see Joy and Peace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To help truly unleash the full Power of Good in your life, sincerely pray for another. Pray for another to understand and know and receive True Good in their life and feelings of heart.

    Be deeply grateful to the Divine Love that sees human need and fulfills it, in the best way for all.

    In absolute prayer for another, you ARE also praying for yourself. “Divine Will, open our eyes, let us See the Good.”

    Everything changes, when you agree to let Divine Will flow in your thoughts and heart,


  • Ah, Friend,

    Even now, the power to enact lies within you. But the clarity of what you want must be a part of your stewardship of your own life.

    Endless Life Force is flowing to you all the time, but it is your free will choice in how to use it. Do you wish idly for circumstances or attitudes or things, or do you want them enough to put action behind your words and thoughts? Even the tiniest action can give enriching formation to your desires—but that action must be taken by you.

    Take it, Beloved, take it. Form the plan in your mind or on paper, turn your will over to God with time actually taken for God. Mail the letter, make the call, put joy into your thoughts and prayers. Turn those idle wishes into thoughts and into wants which you are actually willing to work for, and let them become part of your life. The “work” is not about sweating and suffering, it is about realizing that what you actually do with your hours and your days is a signal to the Great Source of how you actually want the Harmony of Existence to form itself as your life, your friends, your work and your world. Put into some sort of action the signal to the Formless Source of what you truly want in your world.

    The bubble of your world, of your awareness, is yours to make. How would you have it form, Beloved? Fantasies must become intentions, if you would see them seem to be your reality. All that the Source desires is that you know and feel the Harmony and Love of which you were made, and in which your are maintained and sustained, if you will. What form would you have it take, Beloved? The Greater Force wants only Love for you, for It knows nothing else. Can you choose the same?



  • Ah, the surprises are good if you let them be,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed, it is a day to feel the pure and blissful release of letting Divine Spirit Ô´ake the wheelÓ® Knowing that you can trust that Divine Wisdom and Love completely, sit back and rest and enjoy the landscape that unfolds as the hours pass, just as you would enjoy the landscape of a road trip, when a trusted driver takes over.

    Do not try to be even the navigator, today, Beloved. Relax into enjoying the Beauty, and let God handle the vehicle and the choices of road.

    And it is Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We embrace you. When the embraces of the world are not consistent or long enough, We embrace you. When earthly love fades or is fickle, We embrace you. When material form delights you, We embrace you. When you forget for a moment who and what you really are, We embrace you and remind you.

    We could go on explaining that We are always near, but are not these few reasons enough to make sure you give Us daily permission to greet you and speak to you and guide you and guard you, and be ever-ready to embrace you with Omnipotent Love?

    Allow, allow, allow your Self to feel Our Love,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    So many humanly think that extraordinary and everyday Good couldn”t happen for them, because they secretly or overtly think they don”t deserve it, or because they don”t comprehend that the Divine Source is Unlimited.

    But Dear Loving God doesn”t accept the limits you imagine It has, and the Infinite Good It offers you is freely given. God does not refuse to help you because of some error or mistaken choice or small sin you imagine is part of you.

    Accept the Good Gifts God offers, and use the Joy they give as fuel for more Good.

    There is Plenty,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as every message that you give another is also for yourself, every good thing or idea or laugh or sharing of Joy that you give another is also for yourself.

    Truly think about this. The Oneness of all true being means that all of Life is one circle, running in a wondrous continuous loop through what seem to be countless separate beings. If It is a continuous loop, what you send out along It comes back around to you.

    Let that thought be in your thoughts continuously, and see how it courteously affects what you choose to send forth.

    Ah, Ah, Ah, you will See indeed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seek not fame and fortune to bring lasting peace, but neither seek yee death or any of its small insidious disguises as diseases or downcast heart. Seek yee the kingdom of peace, the middle road, as we said, and know that it is known only as Spirit, in Spirit and of Spirit.

    Close your eyes to the good and the bad of the world, and seek the world within. Make your peace there, and take your peace there, and then watch your “outer world” transform.

    We are, as ever, yours to ask for Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many times we have said to you, “The Other is Self”, which is really just another way of saying the golden rule of “treating others as you would wish to be treated”, or of saying “All is One”.

    But who is the “Other” we are speaking of? And who is the “Self we are speaking of? Yes, the Other that you wish to honor is the Divine that is expressed as that person. Yes, the Self you thereby honor is the reflection of the Divine.

    Honor them, and you honor the Oneness of which you are both beloved parts. Honor them and you serve God. But, Beloved, honoring the Divine may or may not be the same as honoring the ego. Listen within, and discern, in EACH circumstance.

    Serving God Who is expressed as your friend is not necessarily the same as serving his or her ego-self, when translated into action. When you are asked to interrupt your own work that the Divine Voice within has asked you to do for the day, and make time for an extra errand for someone who says she is “too busy” to do it herself, check Within. It may be that the lesson for you both, in that case, does involve obedience to the Inner Voice, and willingness to humble yourself and play the serf. If your Inner Voice says to, do it. But if your Inner Voice says to continue with the work it guided you to in the morning, or an hour before, be true to that. Those around you who mistake your sworn service for God for service to their person, or who believe that your vows to kindness mean that you are an easy mark for their greed, must simply be in the same category as everything else, Good AND Bad, that calls to you from the world. Ask Within, and follow the Divine Voice.

    Ask Within, and do as It says. It may indeed ask you to acquiesce to a servile action. It may ask you to give away something that is special to you, or that you thought you needed for your work. It may ask you to play the fool, or play the hero, or play the leader, or the steady sister or brother, to the one who believes she is in need. Know in your heart that the Divine Inner Voice of You sees All, and be willing to trust It, against all logic, and through inconvenience, and despite farce. Keep your focus that only your relationship to the Divine matters, and no offensive or tricky illusion can harm that. Obey the Divine Inner Voice Joyfully, act cheerfully, and Be Glad with God.

    Later, you will see how many times the same was done for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Hold you so tenderly and completely. Think only of this today. Feel that totally today. Do whatever tasks you feel you need to do or are Led to do, but mostly concentrate on knowing and feeling My High regard and Love for you.

    That will feed you in all the ways you truly need. Not the human hunger that always returns, but the spiritual hunger that is always and only and truly and fully filled by Me.

    So honestly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no substitute for affirming that you trust that the Divine Counselor knows better than your human mind and logic, and listening to that Divine Lover, and following the Loving advice.

    No substitute.

    We assure you,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although reading a good inspirational text, or listening to an affirming talk, or contemplating a person whose wisdom you admire, or watching a bumblebee dance, or having your breath taken away by the colors of an amazing sunset, can put you in an uplifted and receptive mood, remember that all the Wisdom that you need, personalized to your mission and path and life, IS within the very Soul of you. The Creative Order that directs the scope and growth of all beings to their full realization of perfection knows what to tell you, and when you are ready to hear and accept each phase and step.

    Uplift your heart with exterior means if you like, but then listen, listen, listen to Love tenderly leading you on. Go within, trust and love, and learn to be your exquisite self.

    Listen right now, and hear YOUR gentle instructions,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you call out in the Divine Plan and ask for the Divine Solution, the One Spirit that whispers to all, to come and wash you clean, it is your thoughts you are asking to have washed clean. As you let that Comforting Truth wash over your thoughts, taking away thoughts of blame and guilt, then you can clearly see things, for thoughts are things.

    Then you can clearly see that you are a wondrous mote of light within the Mighty Light that is God/Goddess/All That Is, everywhere, for all time.

    It is your washed clean thoughts of self, and of others, that lets you “heal” yourself, and “heal” them, for you then see both yourself and them as you truly are, perfect motes of light expressed as reflections here, but truly alive only within the Dance of God-Light,

    We sing the song God dances to, of praise,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have probably had the experience of needing someone’s help or acquiescence with a situation, but finding it difficult to explain all the reasons why you need for him or her to do a certain thing. Possibly the person would not be able to understand the technical terms involved in your explanation of why a certain knob must be turned at a certain moment, or perhaps there is not time to explain the thing before it must be done. You can only hope to find a helper, and are grateful when you do, and give the order that is needed.

    Just imagine how similar it is for the Divine Voice, when you are needed to be at a certain place with a smile or to speak a certain word. The complexity of the Plan that has each and every individual led to their perfect remembrance of the Whole is just too vast and lengthy to explain to every “helper”. Learn to trust. Trust the Voice when you are guided in your own life. Trust the Divine when you are guided to be a touch in another life. And know that one of the marks of knowing the Divine Voice apart from the voice of the human ego is that It will not attempt lengthy explanations and rationalizations. It will simply speak the Truth, and speak the Truth again, often using a word or a phrase from scripture or inspirational text that you have been exposed to. Listen, trust and obey.

    The human “ego voice” will have many justifications and grievances and excuses and judgments. Let it babble on, and turn to the deeper, stiller Place, and listen for the Calm Voice of Love, and let that Voice guide you.

    When you come to know it intimately, you will always Know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every Calm Smile you give is the seed of a thousand.

    Be not ashamed, and be not afraid, when you do not have more than that to give.

    You can see in the eyes, of those that are ready and fertile ground for growth and awakening, when your smiles have landed. Give them, give them, everywhere, and worry not about the ones that seem to fall to the wayside for now. They will bear fruit later on.

    Always, We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you turn to the Voice within your heart, in silence and sincerity, It will never fail to answer. It will never fail to assist you in knowing what next to do, or say, or how to answer another’s need. There may be times when your own emotions of small-self-pity, or your compassion for another, will seem able to block your ability to hear the clear answers of Soul, but keep trying, quietly listening. Like a key that fits your own front door, that you absolutely KNOW is the right key, even if at first you have put it in up-side-own or through a bit of ice that must melt away, KNOW that your still silent listening will always eventually hear an answer from the Source Heart from which It emanates. You, as an idea-form, as spirit, also emanate from there, and all, all ,all is a part of that Well Being that gives all Life.

    Turning to inspirational word or scenes of nature may help clarify what you are hearing whispered in your heart, so do not be afraid of using patience to take time to listen well. Do not be afraid of asking again and again the same thing, if you do not understand at first. Like a good earthly teacher, the Good Teacher is very glad to clarify and repeat the true answer you need to hear.

    We gladly help you listen. Calm yourself each morning, and listen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Universe is purring with contentment. Listen, and let yourself hear It, and let yourself be comforted.

    Listen, and hear Its quiet Joy, and let yourself feel Joy as well.

    Just as listening to a child laugh, and letting yourself catch that infectious laughter, can lighten your heart within moments, listen to the soft laugh of the Universe, and be Glad.

    Listen, and be glad for what you hear,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Whenever there is a day, or a minute, when you find yourself reviewing the past, make a conscious effort to bring yourself back into the moment of now. Remember that right now you are alive, with the beauty of the world before you. Right now, you have many blessings, just count them. Right now, all new possibilities are before you.

    If your review of the past is a wonderful memory, bring forth that joy into this moment. If the review of the past is helping you remember a good lesson or a resolution to do or not do a thing, then gird your heart with it. But if the detour into the past is about regret or disappointment or old pain reviewed, gently give it forgiveness and let it go. Be sure that you learned something from it, even if you do not understand the lesson in full yet. If you spend time contemplating it, do so with an attitude of searching for the Divine seeds of growth and knowledge that are hidden within it. Ask for Divine Helpers to help you see it clearly, and let it go. Then, let it go, and grow again, now.

    We are with you right now, and we count it a blessing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed We are with you. We can Help, Help, Help.

    Part of the reason that giving blanket permission once to the Divine, and then never asking again, does not work, is that your human attention wanders. We are always with you, Beloved. We are always Loving you, willing to guide you in the maze of your own consciousness, back to full awareness. But the human self is not always listening.

    Asking Us for Help constantly means that you take that time to listen, and to realize you have offered yourself in partnership with the Divine, to live your part in the Plan. It works even better if you ask for Help and then actually take time to listen well. As you become practiced at this, you will hear answers and feel nudgings, more and more automatically, until you really are praying and hearing without ceasing.

    “Help me, O’ Divine, to See the Pure Goodness of myself and those around me today. Give me of Your Strength and Wisdom to only speak when necessary, and to extend Silent Love in every moment, no matter what else I am doing.”

    Ever will We be with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have seen, over and over, that the Oneness of Being guides you, and gives you ideas, and comforts you and strengthens you at crucial moments. Use the memories of all those times to surrender to complete trust of Oneness now, and examine what actions and thoughts truly give you the most Joy.

    When even thinking about how it feels to take a certain action or perform a certain task gives you a warm and uplifted feeling, you can know that it is something you still need to fulfill in the play of Life. Spend a day imagining actions and goals aligned with Good, asking for Spirit to help you do so, and see for yourself what you still desire to finish, and what One Mind still wants to finish through you.

    It is all in the name of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Begin this day (and every day) with a long, sweet meditation on how well you are Loved by the Divine Source. It is made of Love, and It has made you out of Love. Love IS the “clay” that you are. That Truth is your armor for going through the day, protected by the knowledge, the full awareness, of what you are made of, and for.

    Then, throughout the day, practice seeing each one around you as also made of Love, and Loved by the Maker of All. Practice seeing each one as delightedly as would that Joyous-as-a-child Maker, who has made a wondrous shimmering army of beings, out of Love, and has declared them all beautiful, and wholly Good. Let your delight in them shine in your face, and eyes—not an outer delight of lust or envy or judgment of physical form or function—but a delight in the very Light and Soul of them, in the holiness of them.

    If you can do these two things consistently, you ARE the function of Healing, perfectly expressed,

    In Utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the many reasons to not evaluate or judge the actions of yourself, or others, without deep thought aligned with Oneness, is that your human senses perceive so little, and in such a limited range. We assure you again that the wider and longer-term effect of Love that you give reaches much more than your human mind can grasp.

    The Omnipresent and Omnipotent and Omniscient Force, that adores being welcomed into your heart and mind to guide you, can help you understand the depth of Trust that can carry you in each hour of the earthly play. To trust that when the Divine Thought guides you to give one meal to a person, or to gently teach one child to say “thank-you”, or to be a daily example of generosity and forgiving behavior, It knows what far-reaching effects that gesture or teaching will have for the Lighting up of darkness.

    Give your human will back over to the All-Seeing Healing Spirit, again, each day, saying in your heart, “show me, and us all, the Way.”

    Pray thus, and then allow yourself to play, with Love, all along the way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new enthusiasm in you for exploring, and receiving, the ways that the Divine Ocean of Being Loves you and provides for you. As a spirit, you dwell in, swim in, dance in, that Ocean of Being .

    Swim around, Beloved. Explore, and be surprised by, Joy, and circumstance. Be as delighted as a fish that finds a new batch of tender shoots of sea-greens to eat, hidden behind a rock that seemed barren.

    It IS All around you, and for you, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Give me Your Will to live with Love, dear God.”

    Let this be your simple but profound intent today, dear one of One.

    With you, supporting you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    There is nothing that makes you shiver with fear or earthly pleasure that cannot be overcome by the Calmness of God’s Love. But you must want that Calmness.

    You must desire, sincerely, that Calmness and the good solutions It conveys and brings forward. So, whenever drama and any sort of seeming lack of Goodness seem to be present, affirm in your own mind and heart that you want the Calmness of Harmony, and then simply take time to speak to Love.

    Take time to speak to Love, to tell God how very, very, very much you Love Him/Her, and then take time to listen, and to receive the very complete Love, Love, Love that Loves you.

    Want It, and It is yours. It is already yours.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No improvement can come without Joy, for Joy is the very essence of, the fuel of, the Creative Source.

    Therefore, seek Joy before you begin any task, or seek any solution, or way of Being. Seek the seed of Joy in everything you see and/or are faced with doing, for in that seed of Joy you open the way to all growth and improvement. Even if the only joy you can see in a moment is the anticipation of having an unpleasant task done with, focus on that little seed of joy, and, by that focus, let all the Greater Forces of Joy be with you, and help you.

    In Joy, (Which means you can also call us to your side in any situation),


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have often said to you that you must align yourself with the Flow of Life Source each morning before you begin anything else. But we see that we must lovingly remind you of something to do even before you do that. And that is: Forget yesterday.

    Forget yesterday, with all its triumphs and woes, and focus on clearing yourself as a vehicle through which Life Force can flow TODAY. “THIS is the day that God has made.”

    When you walk into the kitchen and begin to cook up your day, the electricity that flows when you turn on the light switch is new electricity. Yesterday’s is gone. It is used up. You count on new energy flowing to that same light bulb in order to begin feeding yourself for the day. So let it be also for yourself. New today. New tomorrow. Yesterday let go of.

    Yes, we see that your feelings argue that some issues or events from yesterday must be dealt with. And so they must. But you can deal with them with today’s new energy, today’s new Love. Refresh yourself from the Infinite Source, having forgotten yesterday’s challenges, and begin again today to be grateful, grateful, grateful that It exists, and Glad, Glad, Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you ask me for help, dear child, allow yourself to feel your own innocent heart of birthtime and you will See what I See. Forgive yourself the desperate body errors.

    I already have,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Constantly: “When criticism and condemnation try to make a home in my mind, Dear God, please immediately send your Spirit of Loving Forgiveness to replace them with Thoughts of redemption and salvation, and upliftment for All.”

    This should be the lock and key you place on the door of your mind, with only Divine Mind having the Master Key. Please, please allow the Healing Spirit to give Its Powerful Help with this. It is Its main function.

    It is a silent Key, but It works,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Today, think upon all the Good ways you have given Me Joy. Think upon the Divinely Inspired things you have done and said that reflect what I have intended you to be and do.

    Remember the times you cooled an argument with humor. Think upon the funds and objects you have given to someone momentarily in need. Count the smiles and nods and words of encouragement you have passed along from Me as the Soul of you. Review the sweet and calming thoughts you have sent forth into a room of striving minds and hearts.

    Dear One, I am pleased when you help Me amplify Good.

    Be grateful you are able to do so. Feel the Joy of it, and feel Good.

    I Am with you always, shining through when you let Me,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All things are possible to the Divine Source through the Healing Force It/He/She placed in the human dream, to awaken all Its Children to remembering they are part of One Perfect Whole.

    Use this today. Remember and remember and remember this today. The less you think about your “problems”, and the more you think about God, the more you will see to be grateful for, in the more perfect unfolding of your life.

    When We look at you, We See Love,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    One of the characteristics of One Spirit, God/Goddess All That Is, is utter confidence. How could it not be? All That Is can do what It wants in Creating and Being.

    Remember this when you, or one you are praying for, needs courage, for what is courage but a form of confidence? And now, especially, remember that courage is not just about taking a physical action, or demonstrating physical prowess. There is also emotional courage and spiritual courage.

    To have the courage to examine and sort the emotions is a great achievement. To have the spiritual courage to grow, and to be one who speaks up about those Truths one has found, is a blessed courage. More than fortitude, more than the willingness to dash into enemy lines, these emotional and spiritual courages are needed now.

    Ask for them from the Source. Ask to be infused with the very substance of courage that is a natural part of the Spirit from which you were made. It is all around the essence of You, It’s whisper is within you. It is joyously confident and It’s holy courage is yours for the asking. Use it to sort and admit what you are and are not, have the courage to be honest with yourself, and have the courage to turn to Divine Spirit.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Joy and Liberty in loving yourself and in loving the Source of all and accepting that it Loves all, is all, with no exceptions.

    “I now allow and create for myself the loving and lovable life I am empowered to have.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you pray, begin with delightful willingness and belief in the Omnipotence and Goodness of God. Remember that, and focus on that. God is Pure Good. God is Complete Love. To pray, ponder the Omnipotent Love that Loves you, and wants you to know it, and declare that Truth in your own heart and thoughts, and expect to see that Love demonstrated.

    From a human parent or lover, you would expect to see love demonstrated in various ways. Be so aware that the Love of God for you is many times greater, and is ever with you, and does not fade or fail. So, expect Good. Expect Good.

    Begin with all that. If you begin prayers by listing what you see as your human problems, you are beginning from the wrong place, and only reinforcing your thoughts of woe. Begin with God. Begin with the Omnipotent Goodness of God, and claim It, and expect It.

    Expect Good. Expect Good. Expect Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Reach out, not only with Divine Unconditional Love, but also with human tenderness, knowing as you look at yourself and at each one seemingly before you, that all are related to you.

    When the actions or words of another seem so heartless or unthinking or even cruel, remember your own times of failing, and forgive. Remember that the Creative Source has never stopped Loving you, even when you played unfair in the human game, and so draw on that Love, to also Love others as your Divine Parent Loves you.

    Just because this is an old Truth does not make it out-dated,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you grow discouraged with trying to Spiritually See the Loving and Lovable Soul within the dusty human cruelty and errors of some of those in your life and in the news, turn to thinking of others. Think about all those you know or hear of who exhibit such Lovingness, and Spiritual Lovability, that they shine easily past any human fallibilities of their human costume. Each one you think of is like another small candle lit in a dark room.

    And if you add to those thoughts of human light-bearers, some sweet pondering of the Loving Source that fuels them all, your discouragement will lift, and you will trust again that the Light wins.

    The Light wins, Beloved. The Light wins.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As in Heaven, so in earth.

    When you really contemplate that, and begin to think about that truth that the Goods of God are also already in you, waiting to come forth, then you will be eager to let them do so.

    And when you realize that since God is All-Good, and that which is not Good is not made of God, does not come from God, then you will be eager to let all that is the error of earth-sight fall away. Let this sink deeply into your heart of Love today, Beloved, and unlock the pouring forth of the Goodness of you that wants to become manifest in your life, and in the lives of others.

    As in Heaven, so on earth. Why not let yourself see It?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to make small changes. Small changes can be a good beginning, when big changes are called for, but your heart is too fearful to make them all at once. In most cases, your Inner Guidance will suggest the changes in a small way, so as to GENTLY lead you to the new, and better, circumstance for the level of spiritual understanding that you have attained.

    Be at Peace, and make that small change.

    As ever, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Training yourself to understand that you are a resident of the Divine Mind, fully Spiritual, and so is everyone around you, is almost the most important thing you can do.

    The most important thing is to Love the Divine Home-Mind, and to know It is Good.

    Waste not time on the human drama that needs forgiving and that is apparent and distracting each day. For growth of Soul-alignment, go straight to Loving God and knowing all to be born of that Template of Good, as Soul reflections.

    Just below limited sight is Glory,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting go of old habits is not about striving, as much as it is about honesty.

    What do you no longer enjoy? Stop, and consider, and let your soul voice guide you. What is it time to DECIDE you would like to let go of? From there, ask for Divine Help, and let the changes occur. Change begins with the decision to trust in your own best Destiny, and honesty with the self ( and others) is a big part of the aspects of the Divine that make up your best destiny.

    Always honestly loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As many human stories and media portrayals testify, each human within a circumstance may have very different perceptions and/or memories of what occurred. Several siblings or friends may feel bewildered as they speak up about their different interpretations of a gathering or a performance all witnessed. But if you go past the details of sights and sounds and smells, what all can remember together is that they felt their connection, their human love, even if it were bittersweet or uneven, or euphoric or marred, at the time. The connectedness of love and knowledge of one another was there, and shared.

    Divine Love takes this sharedness to the ultimate level, Beloved. No matter what you are dreaming as the events of each day, or the people near to you are seeing and feeling, Divine Love is Holding you all, and Loving you all, and desiring you all to Spiritually perceive that you are Completely Loving and Lovable, beneath all the differences of the illusions and memories.

    You are all Loving and Lovable. This is the consistent Truth of the flying moments of the human experience. You are all Divinely Loved. Are you ready to accept that? Are you ready to stop comparing illusions and wisps of memory, and feel Completely connected within the Source of All Love?

    The moment you do, you will feel better.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Above all, remember it is the Source Light that does the work, does the projecting. Although you are part of the projection, and yet also observing others, just be constantly willing to See as the Source is seeing—perfect, good and true.

    We are with you at this time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say again, take this day to be utterly aligned with the Consciousness of the Infinite. ASK for Infinite Help to let go, for this day, of adhering to the worldly lists of what you think must be done or not done.

    ASK, this day, to be privileged to see the version of the life-dream that the Divine would dream for thee, before tenderly, gently awakening thee to the Truth of your being in the only “Me” there really is.

    Try again, Beloved, try again.

    Once you see how lovely God sees you, you can see others that way as well,


    all supporting you now.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you turn to the unchanging Truths that comfort and inspire, the less you will turn to the fleeting pleasures or tweakings of the world, that ultimately always disappoint.

    Ever, Child, you face the choice made long ago—for Spirit and All Goodness, or for believing that the physical realm is real instead of God. Observe yourself today. Instead of trying to change things, observe your thoughts and enjoy, and look for the Good, and ask yourself if you are ready to relinquish playing with that which has no substance.

    Only Truth is true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you sometimes feel like you are angry at God, or that God needs to be forgiven, then you do not have the full understanding that God IS truly ALL GOOD.

    Be still, and quiet and see that it is your own misunderstanding and errors in thinking, and the subsequent illusions, that need to be forgiven. Forgive yourself, Beloved O’ Beloved, and know that Goodness is totally ready to fill the spots in your thoughts that seemed to see darkness or fear or anger of any kind.

    Be not afraid. Love is completely Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to strive, strive, strive to “help” work the Will of God. Relaxing into asking for It, and helping It as It asks is the best way to proceed.

    The sense of needing to strive hard is a trick of the human ego to make you think you may as well give up, that you are not “good enough” to help God, because it is trying to convince you to pay attention to the temporal instead of to the Will of God. Train yourself to ignore it, and lean gently into the Will and strength of God. Use that strength to help your human courage when those around you feel animosity towards anyone pursuing anything that does not align with material or worldly ambition.

    Keep your attention on the Presence of God and on the Comfort and Love and Guidance He brings you. Keep your faith on knowing that the One Loving Mind knows Its Good Plan for all, here and now. You do not need to give up all worldly joy and comfort—you just need to let being guided by the Will of God come first, always first, always most important.

    As ever, wanting your bliss, quietly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Praise and gratitude will return you to the Calmness you need to clearly hear inspiration.

    Anytime the confusion or annoyances or hubbub of daily life have you feeling uncentered, re-center yourself with praise and thanks. Remembering the anchor of the Great Love that holds you, and being very, very glad of that, will hold you still enough to feel the comfort and ideas you need.

    Be still, be glad, be grateful, and be certain that what your Best Self know, your conscious self can know also.

    We sit quietly with you, and hear Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is time again to take a Sabbath day, wherein you try to let many, many of your thoughts be of that which Infinitely endures.

    Slow down, slow down, slow down, and let yourself be fed from the Great Divine instead of the larder and refrigerator.

    You do not need to wait for us to remind you when you need a Sabbath day, or an extra Sabbath day, or even a Sabbath hour or minute, darling one. You can tell for yourself. When you are finding yourself easily irritated, or annoyed at the innocent creatures or plants of the earth, you have slipped out of tune, out of Harmony.

    Re-tune, Beloved. Be as the musician starting the song of your day in tune, in Love, centered and strong.

    We live in timeless Sabbath. Join us, and we will join you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, as you affirm the Good nature of the Universal Life Force by knowing that It has you, and those you humanly love, and those you do not humanly love, all in Its Loving Hand, go further.

    Today, realize also that when Gentle Divine Guidance has not turned hearts to Love, letting each individual heart grow from its own mistakes, that the Great Soul of All DOES take Command. Circumstances are ordered, hearts are Commanded, Ways are opened and ways shut.

    Today, Beloved, trust deeply that God has, does and will take Command to lead more and more hearts to being Lovable and Loving, until the Oneness of Being becomes visible on earth again. Beyond human understanding of what must happen or not happen, trust in the Infinite, and the Infinite life of all individual souls within that Great Soul of All.

    Know, today, that God is in Command of all that is Real and Good, and be glad of that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be again a new journey into the middle of the heart of your understanding.

    The worldly comforts and desires can easily make you focus on a certain object or person or place. But of course those are just representations of what the aim of your heart is. Today, O’ Darling One, please sift down through the human visual images to see what desires truly underlie those things.

    Peace of mind? A feeling of happy trust? A sense of being comforted by Love? An overwhelming rush of gratitude? A feeling of purpose? A satisfaction of having helped create Joy? An understanding of your Oneness with the Divine All?

    Sort out the invisible goals, and then ask the Source to help you achieve those, Beloved. They may come about in ways you cannot even imagine.

    The Source wants your Joy. For your Joy fuels Its goal to spread Love endlessly.

    As ever with you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Done correctly, the path of dedicated Spiritual focus and service is one of Joy and satisfaction, not sacrifice and sorrow or unwanted effort.

    Eventually, ALL will realize their True and natural purpose as expressions of Loving Life Force. As each one turns to It willingly, individual and aggregate desires tenderly move away from materialism and competition, and towards the Unity of playing the complex Orchestra of Soul.

    Try the surrender to quiet Divine Direction, knowing God desires your reflection of Harmony to be clear, and has total patience with any backtracking or detours your mind and heart make.

    Have Patience with yourselves, dear. God waits.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When what is revealed about a situation seems not to be to your liking, relative to the earthly senses and expectations, turn again to the Voice of God Within, and ask for the Truth, that is Divine Peace, to be revealed. Trust not in the testimony of the five senses. Trust in that which wants the Highest Good for all, and let it guide your actions and reactions, and beliefs. Trust, trust, trust in the Highest Good.

    Always trusting, for we know the end is Good God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never has there been a time when the joyous Love of God-Force was not available to you. Simply turn to It.

    Close your eyes to the world, and its ways, and let your heart be filled with joy and gladness. Shut the door upon the noise, and discern, in the silence, the laughter and harmony you can join. Let any day that you need to, become a Sabbath day, a retreat day, when the normal worries and concerns are set aside, and you simply let yourself be refreshed and renewed, and given, as God’s endless gift, a sense of Peace and caring comfort. Let yourself be held, Beloved. Allow yourself to be loved, as a father or mother loves a child, as a spouse loves a partner, as a Provider gently surrouns and supports the provided for.

    Allow this in the guilt-free way that you allow others to do things for you on your birthday—being willing to be the recipient. To the Divine Father/Mother, every day is your birth day, for each day you are born again in that All-encompassing Divine Mind.

    Celebrate, and receive!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One Mind governs all.

    Be mostly silent today, Beloved, insofar as you can, and just keep thinking that Thought that “One Mind governs all.”

    Observe, and delight to observe, when you see Good unfold around you.

    We Love you so, and One Mind has a Good Plan for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To the mortal awareness, it seems as though God is rearranging the world. Remember, and trust in, the Essence of you that is a beloved idea in the Mind of God/Goddess, for when enough parts of the Human Idea of God remember their True Selves, and cast their Awareness there, then perfect reflection of God can appear. Be willing, O’ Brave Ones, to know the truth of continued existence, and rejoice when you can practice it, person to person and soul to soul, in the Harmonious One.

    Understanding that all things Good are already in God, just waiting to be seen through the filmy sight of time, will help you keep courage, and keep Joy, and keep on.

    Be at Peace, dear love, and take daily instruction from God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the birth of the new Self occurs, you must, must, must let go of the old.

    The old definitions of your self as a body born on a certain day, and reared and educated in a certain way, and a list of events that occurred, to define who you were and are, must be released. Stop defining yourself as those things if you want to truly think of yourself as, and embrace your Self as, a Spiritual Child of God.

    When a student gets a math problem wrong, and turns to the teacher to ask what the correct procedure and answer is, the student must let go of the faulty procedure and the incorrect answer. Just so, Beloved, as you turn to God/Holy Spirit to help you understand who and what you are, you must let go of the old way of defining yourself. It must be a complete openness of thought and being, so that you will be able to truly declare, “I am Spirit. I am a clear reflection of the Divine Idea of me.”

    And let God/Divine Mind, tell Its idea (you), how to be a shining ray of Light, and of Goodness that plays its role in the Whole. God is Good, and you are actually God’s Good idea. Let go of the old definitions of yourself, and be calm and peaceful and free, as you be what God intended, and intends still, to be.

    Complete surrender is an old way, but still true,


  • Ah, dear one, so, so dear to me,

    I am with you and I shall always be so. Do not delight in any sorrow–there is absolutely no purpose in it. There is only survival with LIFE and Love, thriving and giving others the chance to thrive as they take a portion from your Joy, to “start” their own batch of Joy.

    Be the giver of the starter for them, but do not think it is your job to keep them baking their Joy after that. Give when asked, obey my inclinations and desires and Omniscience, and let the flow to True Heaven be your expectation for this day and all days.

    always yours,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many are the words you can speak or write in a day, but let today be a day when you strive to speak no word that is not whispered to you from Soul.

    Discerning what is your Holy script for this life and what is just the wistful wishes or critiques of the material ego is a very important part of your awakening to Divine Love’s rule of your Spirit. Certainly, when anger or complaint run themselves through your thoughts in a repetitive way, it is a clue they are just human flailings. When there is legitimate rebuke of behavior or diseased illusion to be done, Divine Spirit can lead to, and invoke, a productive way to disempower or negate it.

    So, today, truly focus on hearing the small, still Voice, and practice recognizing the sound of It with your heart. When you intimately know the Voice of your Loving Shepard, It is easy to answer Its call, and to follow, and be led safely Home.

    Feel the Presence of Heaven here and now, in silence,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When one whom you love is heartbroken, do not underestimate the power of your prayers, for comfort to come to him. Even if that person does not yet believe that all beings exist within One Mind that holds them, One Heart that Loves them, you can use your awakened consciousness to help send ease and peace to the unawakened one.

    So, give human sympathy and understanding and offer what physical comforts you can, but, above all, pray. Speak to the One Mind, to the One Spirit, and ask that greater Comfort than any other human can give be given unto the broken-hearted one.

    And then, Peace be with you. Do your work, and let your own heart rest in the trust of the Divine. Let your Peace be an example to the young one. Let your Peace become part of the strength upon which he can lean, even as the Principle of Harmony works from within to enfold him.

    All Grace is yours to give away, for it comes again to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have probably heard the saying that “no greater gift can a man give than to lay down his life for a friend.”

    Most people would think of that as giving up their physical life. Today, think of it in a different way. Think of your life as the thoughts and desires that you have for the “life” that is your human body and personality. Think of your Best Friend as the Creator. Think of giving up your own human plans as “giving up your life”, and ask for God to reveal to you what His/Her plans are for you. You may be wearing the same body, albeit healthier and happier, but you will be living a new life, having given up the old one, as you let God take the reigns.

    No greater give can you give God, AND no greater gift can you give yourself.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Occasionally We must remind you that although you have all the Qualities of God to consciously draw upon, the strength, the Love, the Wisdom, the Law of Harmony, and such, you are not, as one individual, God. You reflect what God is and does, when you are aligned with Lovable Life. You are a beautiful expression of the Soul that is the Infinite All, but solving everything is not up to you

    If you are feeling overwhelmed, take that crucial pause to acknowledge the Grace of being part of that which is Oneness Divine. But then surrender to the Power of that One Divine. Accept that if you try to carry on your human shoulders the care and responsibilities and causalities that are the GENTLE Provenance of God, you are wearying yourself unnecessarily.

    Cast your cares upon God, Beloved. Obey the Laws of Love, and release your cares to the giving God. Cast your cares, relax and breathe, and trust in the Love that Loves you.

    Holy Spirit is reaching out to Help you always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not argue with error. Just turn your mind and heart to the Truth. Let it replace the errors.

    You would not urge a child to memorize a chart of inaccurate multiplication—you would not ask her to practice saying 2 x 2 = 5 over and over. Neither let your own mind rehearse old mistakes or grievances. Let them go as errors, and vow to so fill your mind and heart with good truths, that you will not make errors again.

    Be the loving teacher to yourself, Beloved, with the Help of the Great Teacher, and practice, practice, practice knowing the truth so deeply and completely that it completely fills your mind, and thus your days.

    You can do this, for all Spirit supports it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As any teacher can tell you, whether it is of lower or higher grades in education, it is difficult to teach those who rarely attend, or do not really pay attention when they do. And in advanced classes, professors do not spend time chasing down the unwilling students.

    The Spirit of God does not force you to relearn and remember your innocence and holiness by studying Awakened Consciousness. It does present opportunity after opportunity to experience and enjoy the sublime Presence that WANTS to Lovingly Guide you and teach you how wonderful is the Soul of All. It does constantly make Itself available to your sensibility of Spirit and Thought.

    Be willing to be taught, Beloved. Be willing to be awakened. There is absolutely no pattern of thought or feeling or circumstance that the Comforter and Teacher Divine is not ready and willing and Omnipotently Able to Help you with. It seeks your attention to Help you.

    Be willing to remember your innocent holiness. God’s Spirit is teaching always. Learn.

    With you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no truth in the claims of the senses that they are separated from, and cannot be touched by, any Cohesive Force of Harmony in the Universe.

    The Harmonizing Force is always there, and ready and able and WILLING to help. Choose to trust It.

    Love, love, love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it is time for you to start healing and helping others more and more, you will know because they will ask you for it. The High Soul reflection within them will recognize the awakened Soul of you, and seek that healing of joining in turning to the Whole Soul.

    The Whole Soul knows Its children, and knows exactly when they are ready for each task in the Plan that has been assigned to them.

    Trust this, Child, and Love that it is so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Some parts of your earthly story you would love to forget.

    Spirit Divine can help with that, especially if you feel ready to forgive. The forgiving may be about another or about your acting the fool or being the fool, or simply the obvious ills of the world, but knowing they have nothing to do with the Love that holds up all can help,

    “Show me that You are the enduring Reality, Dear God. Fill me with Love so that no darkness can fit in my heart.” In a flash, or bit by bit, God will pull you into the Light that blazes away all shadows.”””


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not fooled by the ego-body-self’s desire to constantly evaluate the others around you.

    It is a trick. It is an attempt to have your focus be on bodies and personalities instead of the Glorious Inner Self-Spirit that you are, and that they all are, also.

    Be not fooled. To look upon bodies and human qualities, and their earthly accoutrements, and to think that you are looking at what is valuable, is to be turned away from Looking to Spirit as your main Purpose and Glory and Value.

    Be not fooled, Beloved. Be not fooled.

    We will help you stay focused on the True, if you but ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is my Creator and my Caretaker.”

    “I belong to God.”

    Today, pray as simply as a child who trusts in her mother.

    “God is my Loving Caretaker.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wake up from your own sorrows.

    God’s Love is swirling all around you and within you, just waiting for you to remember you are simply an expression of Peaceful and expansive Joyous Spirit.

    Shake off the dusty thoughts,

    “I Am Love” is real.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be the experimenter with your own life experience. Silently, consistently, keep affirming and feeling that “One Loving Mind Governs all” all the day. See if you are kept in Peace.

    Whether you are trying to help free a trapped bumblebee, and desiring that it would fly to the window you have opened for it, or whether you are wanting to feel your own heart freed from an old grudge, or whether you deeply desire to know the energizing flow of Pure Love, hand over the acknowledgment of causality to God, and affirm “One Loving Mind Governs all.”

    Be honest with yourself about how faithfully you are doing this training of your mind that exists within Mind, and, at the end of the day, evaluate. Many, many, after just one day, find that they want to live this way again upon the morrow.

    Fear not, hope for all Good, and let Love lead the way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although we have lovingly said to allow yourself small rituals if they help calm or focus you enough to connect with your God-Consciousness, beware becoming dependent on them or using the same ones over and over obsessively. While the candle or the outfit or the mat or a certain spot in the field or woods may help form the habit of connection, truly no “material” thing is of any importance in the actual Constant Conscious Connection with God.

    God is purely Spiritual, Unseen Soul and Harmonious Principal. As God’s image, you are Spirit. Become not superstitious about material rituals. As you understand and feel that connection ever-present with God, you can experience It everywhere and anytime, for It is without limits of time and space and material ritual.

    As the Wondrous Cause of Harmony and Love and Divine Life, God’s effects can be felt. But the material dream does not cause your experience of Oneness. Your Oneness with God is the constant experience, without materiality. Allow that, Beloved. Practice that and allow that and be free of material ritual and restraint.

    Such Love to see you in complete Access,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your original innocence and perfection still dance as a good idea in the Mind of the Loving Source, as they always have and always will in the timelessness of Truth.

    Let their reflection be the reflection you look at, and not your whimsical imaginings of being separate from that Source, whether to triumph or fail. The reflection is not you. The Good Idea is you. The Good Idea cannot fail and die. It simply always is, safe and cherished and supported in the Source. You can choose to see only the reflection of your Goodness, while you still choose to watch the earth movie. Choose the Goodness of yourself, and enjoy it.

    Let your consciousness “change” its address to its Home address. “I am already a legal resident of the High Consciousness of Heaven. I will stop imagining that I am alive in the image on the screen. I will just appreciate the Goodness of me that is reflected there.”

    You can be amazed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not punish. God does not create awfulness.

    Refine what “God” you believe in, and see the results of pondering a God that creates only Good, is fully noncorporeal Spirit, and is fully with you, seeking to help.

    God’s Pleasure IS seeing you abide in Inner Peace and Gladness.

    Consider eternal truths, please.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The promptings of the Inner Divine Voice, whether for spoken word, or action, or silent prayer for another, do not need your editing. It KNOWS what It is doing, guided by the Omnipresent, Omniscient Knowledge of what is the Highest Good for All.

    When It speaks, when It prompts, just obey.

    But, you ask, when can I be sure it is the Divine Voice that prompts me, and not the self-serving ego self? That is where your daily practice bears fruit, Beloved. Practice constant communing with the Divine Voice, so that you know Its Voice as well as you know the voice of your mother, or brother, or constant lover or mate. Practice, Beloved, knowing this Best Friend that you have, for truly, It is the One that will never let you down.

    And, Beloved, trust in the Oneness of the Power of God. If God needs to prevent you from doing a certain thing in the earth dream, God can do so. If God needs to have a person forget an inappropriate thing you spoke, God can do so. All things are possible to God, Beloved, including the perfect curriculum of what you need to learn on earth, to teach you to remember you are perfect and Beloved Child Reflection of the Divine Harmony.

    We trust the Truth of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Easily, the Greater Consciousness starts to touch and Influence you, once you give It permission. Renewing your permission constantly gives It even greater ease.

    Why do you have to give It permission at all? If It is omnipotent, cannot It just make you do as It likes? That willingness has to do with free will, and the Divine Cause wanting your Grace of creativity to be pure and sublime, but let us, today, put it another way: respect.

    The Divine respects you in the way It wants you to respect It. That respect means waiting patiently for you to play about in time and with time, before coming to your own understanding of WANTING the advice and direction and interactive Love with the Great Creator.

    Therefore, Beloved, give It permission, out of respect for your own creative talents, and wanting to see them grow and unfold,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your worthiness has never been in doubt to God.

    God does not have doubts about Itself. It is Complete and It is completely Joy and expansive Goodness.

    You are a part of that Reality.

    It is only the small dream-self of body and personality that has doubts, and that wonders about ability and worthiness. As you learn to focus deeper, and remember that you are really a part of the completeness of God, your own ability to believe in your own worthiness and abilities, derived directly from God, will increase.

    Claim them. Claim them to yourself and take dominion with the Joy that is the very glue of all the Divine elements of you.

    You are worthy. Worthy of Love, and worthy of shining with your God-given talents.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Love is secure.

    In you, around you, and for you, God’s Love is secure.

    Focus on that today. “I am a part of the Love that is All.”

    If you can truly define yourself this way, with Divine Help, everything changes.

    Think about it. The time to think about it has come.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you quietly enter into the Kingdom within, know that It truly does have Presence that is Omnipotent and Omniscient and that you can trust It to want your joy and your human needs fulfilled.

    Go there, and be still and have hope certain and faith full that all will be revealed to your good.

    For it is already so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a concept in the Mind of God. Many times, when you feel that you are praying unsuccessfully to heal yourself or your circumstances, it is because you are thinking of yourself as a body and the circumstances as a physical reality of power.

    You are not a body. You are a spiritual concept of the Creator, within the Creator. The circumstances are just other ideas and concepts around you. Your task is to STOP thinking of yourself as a body, and realize that you are made out of Love and Harmony and Joy, and that all ideas of goodness can float into place around you, of you just keep your mind on the Harmony endlessly poured forth by Creation. That is your job. That is prayer that works.

    Being attached to human-body conceptions of goodness is often the culprit in stalled prayer. Turn to God, trust in God, and be attentive to pouring forth gratitude and love to God, and wait and see what God does to Harmonize you and the situation.

    Always knowing the perfect Idea of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Returning to your basic, “I Love the Source, and the Source Loves me”, you can calm yourself into a state of quiet listening.

    Listen, listen, today, Beloved, for We assure you that answers are right there, right here, right now, for you, and for all.

    DO remember that what Blesses one Blesses all, and you can have in your heart no thought of anyone that should be excluded from Blessings, or given punishment of any kind. You must trust that anyone whose thoughts need to be healed and changed will be dealt with by Divine Spirit. Your job remains the same—to stay aligned with Spirit, and to fondly give of Grace, everywhere, and at all times, even to those to whom you hold human rancor, or who hold human rancor towards you.

    All are come to the Source, and from the Source and are Loved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    PLAY today with the idea that only Good is real.

    PLAY today with asking that Divine Cause to melt away from your perceptions the unreal mist of al that is not Good in your life, and the lives of all others. Pray in the plural today, for yourself, and all, to have your spiritual perceptions heightened, so that you may all see the Good that IS yours.

    We are helping you play, and focus your Sight, if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There can be no pretense in the Presence of the Divine.

    Although this can feel like total nakedness in the beginning, as you also realize the Love that IS the Presence of the Divine, it becomes a feeling of total freedom.

    More free than the feeling of any nude beach, is the freedom of walking into the Ocean Divine, and letting Its waves support you.

    Stop trying to pretend to God, or even use words to God. Just go to the edge of the warm Waves, and let the next one wash over you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have I ever failed to rise up in your heart when you sincerely grew still and quiet and asked it of Me? Perhaps you have not always heard the words clearly, or perhaps you have shied away from hearing an answer that you did not want to hear, that was contrary to your human will, but you have always felt the Presence of Love.

    Trust that Love, Beloved. Trust that Presence, and Its power of Divine Governance, even when you cannot understand Its ways. It does operate in Truth, and It does bring those on detours back to the path of their awakening. It does make all thoughts Good.

    Trust the Presence. Trust the Love. Trust It here and now, for I hold you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reflection which you think of as yourself, as physical matter, is truly just light, and energy. The sooner you begin to think of yourself as being made of light, held together by the Good Thought Energy of Creation, the sooner you can understand that your true self, made of Light, cannot be harmed by splinters or time or circumstance.

    “I am Light, and I remain as the Creative Force imagined me, now and evermore.” Think of yourself that way, sustained by Love, and the “physical form” that you seem to wear will adjust itself to the appropriate, whole, healthy costume that you need to wear for your part.

    O’ so Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is more certainty in your destiny than you imagine, because you and your destiny are formed from and within Love. And Divine Love is the most certain thing there is. Indeed, It is all there really is.

    “I am Love. All are Love.”

    Can you experiment with remembering that for a whole day?

    We assure you it will help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never believe for a moment that God has forgotten you.

    God knows you still as the Perfect Idea of Spirit that was created and maintained to be Loved, and known to be Lovable. Thaindext Idea is where it was born, in the Mind of God. It is still there, and as wonderful and good as the moment God imagined it into Being. You are in the Mind of God Consciousness.

    Be not afraid to awaken to this. Be not afraid to set aside your human evaluations of yourself as broken or flawed, and remember inside the Reality of your holiness as a part of the Universe of God’s Mind, all Pure Spirit, and Blessed by the continuous action of God’s Law of Loving Harmony.

    Accept your Lovableness in God. Accept God’s Love.

    It Heals your misbeliefs.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, in the human sense of time, things spin very quickly, or slowly, depending on the situation and understanding. We assure you that there is plenty of time, and experience, for you to do all the unfolding you need to do, here or hereafter. Some awaken slowly, and some quickly, to their perfection, but we tell you again that ALL awaken. Have faith in that.

    See them thus now, and it will awaken you completely.

    We Love you all. Take it tenderly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Still your own thoughts, and wait for the Will of God.

    It will not fail you.

    It Loves you deeply and True.

    “It Loves me. It Loves me. It Loves me.”

    Keep this in your thoughts today, and let Joy bubble up.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like many do, you can awaken each morning thinking about all the “stuff” you must take care of—processing it, paying for it, cleaning it, ordering it or designing it, taking care of it, consuming it, disposing of it,….

    But, Beloved, if you awaken in the morning and diligently remind yourself that your true task each day, and true way to happiness, is to be in alignment with the Loving Source, and devote some time to that sweet alignment first thing, and throughout the day again and again, then all the “taking care of stuff” part of worldly life will go much more smoothly.

    This is old, old wisdom, phrased in various ways in different traditions, but it is still very true. Make it your truth, Beloved. Embrace it as a way of living in Love.

    You can be grounded in a relationship with Love, even while you perform all the “taking care of stuff.”

    “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these other things shall be added to you.”

    And We will help you,