All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Blaming something outside of yourself for how you seem to be feeling will never fix anything. Reviewing and adjusting your feelings, drawing on your innate Divine empowerment, will. You can choose to be more compassionate, you can choose to be more Loving, you can choose to be part of creating Harmony and recognizing Good. You can vow to work towards seeing the Best in everyone brought forth.

    These truisms are so oft repeated that they sound almost trite. But they are still true. And you must still choose each hour and each day, “Will I see the Good God made revealed, or will I let the turmoil of the days and the seeming riffraff of animal behavior misdirect me into irritation and fear?”

    Choose the Good, dear Love. Choose the Good, again and again, and follow God’s directions for allowing more of It to blossom. Rest in God’s Heart, draw on Divine Wisdom, and you can do this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do, do, do believe that it is not a certain set of specific words, or a formula, or the way you sit or stand or the time of day or the hat you wear or the ornament you pin to your clothing or the name of the building you are in, or any other of a thousand things that matter when you pray—it is just to open your heart to hearing God’s Love speak to you.

    We understand that some of the rituals you have adopted or evolved will calm or comfort you enough to discipline and still your human thoughts so that you can truly listen to the Voice of Soul, but do not worship the ritual itself. Be still and grateful, and Love God, and Love’s Voice will gladly reach out from within your own heart-soul, and guide you and smooth away the bumps that hide your perfection of thought and form.

    Reach in, be still, and listen. God is speaking to you and Loving you. Just listen and feel it True.

    Feel Me behind and within these words. I Am here.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not the amount of time spent in specific prayer or meditation that enables—it is the depth and completeness of your willingness to allow the Greater Will to Lovingly guide you and give to you the Best that can be.

    Many, many make the mistake of thinking that hours spent in chants or words, or money spent on extensive retreats, can substitute for simply and completely believing in Love and vowing yourself to seeing Its Truth. Be a witness to Goodness, Beloved, and be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Observe how sports players use the force of gravity to help them in their plays. The toss of the ball, the trusting of the body to the air, the downward stroke of the timer for the end of the game are all interwoven with the trust that gravity behaves the same way for everyone.

    Let the Force of the Creator’s Technician be helpful to you in the same way. Know that It is yours to USE, for the asking, as the Creative Source’s answer to the needs of those dancing in the play of earth. Use it lovingly, use it wisely and gratefully, but know that It is there to use, and was enacted FOR your use. Do not be confused about who is the servant or beggar, and who it is that has been gifted with dominion and the right to ask for what is needed for one’s rightful path and role in the Great Game Play.

    The Good Servant, Invisible Spirit, is honored to serve you, to help you be the Best You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you rely upon the help of the Loving Voice within you, you will find that It always guides you to extend feelings of Love and Blessing to those who have hurt you or angered you. But many times It will also guide you to enact that Love and Blessing with words or actions. A word spoken, a gift extended, an idea offered, to the one whom your human heart is quailing before, are the ways that Divine Spirit helps you to commit to living the way of One Spirit, of One Love, of knowing that the Other is Self, and that both are manifestations of Agape.

    Take the action, enact the faith, and feel better,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have chosen to go to a party. At the door, you are handed a frog costume. You know you are a beloved child of God, donning a frog costume, but you don it willingly, and go in. You see right away that some of the souls at the party having been wearing their costumes so long that they have started to believe they are truly frogs, and act in character.

    Your job, if you accept it, is to remember that you are really a delightful child of God, and to remind those that are ready to hear it that they are also the wonderful good spirits of Love.

    What do you say?

    ANGELS, not frogs

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hatred or Harmony?

    The initial learned response in some situations may be that surge of hatred and fear, but we assure you it is not one of the elements of which your True Spiritual Self is made.

    The True Self that lives forever in the Infinite can feel and draw upon Harmony, and let that be the framework of the life you live. Practice it, practice it, and you will not regret it.

    Angry words are usually regretted, but peacemaking gestures are golden markers of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Uniqueness must be kept in mind. You are a unique idea in the Mind of God, right now. Your journey to awakening to, remembering of, your full Being as a creative and wonderful Divine idea is also unique.

    Trust that it always moves forward to the already secure fullness of yourself in God’s Mind. Do not compare your method or quickness of awakening with someone else’s, for yours is yours and theirs is theirs. Be at ease with that, and do not let the envy or discouragement or gloating or competitiveness that comes from comparisons be a part of how you, simply and sweetly, keep turning to thoughts of your own perfect wholeness in God, and let GOD help you Manage the pace, and Govern the outcome.

    It is already All Fine, Child. Trust. Walk softly forward, in Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to turn to the other light bulbs in an array if the “light bulb” that is you is temporarily not functioning. Turn to the source of the power supply, instead. Be grateful that it always flows, if you are properly connected to it.

    Turn to it. Ask to be turned back on and re-connected to the Vibrant Flow of Life, Child. Remember, you are fully alive as an idea, a thought, a word, within the Source of all Power, and your projection in to this array of lights is dependant only on what the “original” of you is doing, to shine in its Originator.

    Shine on, Child. Shine on. Your time to be dimmed is not yet,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Illusions and misunderstandings, whether seemingly good or seemingly unfortunate or awful, are still just errors of perception. Close your eyes and stop the running dialogue in your mind for a moment and tell the storm of your earthly self “Peace, be still!”

    You have the dominion over reaction. You have the power, given by Grace, to re-think, and to re-feel. If you have ever thought to yourself, “Not even God could straighten out this mess”, we assure you that it is not true. For that which needs to be straightened out is just limited thinking and perception. And those limits of time and thought can and have been and shall be Overcome by the Reality of Calm Good.

    Knowing you desire Calm and Abiding Good means abiding in the trust of that which is infinitely larger than anything you are dreaming is right or wrong. Please, dear and honorable Child of God, ask continually for the Calm and True Spiritual Sight. It is a Sight not of the eyes, but of the Understanding of what you are as a part of the Soul that is All.

    Ask for Calm, no matter what the worldly mind is fretting about,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never believe that the ego-body-self has any true power over the One Power that is the Creative Source. While, and if, you still believe that the body mind has power over the One Source, your physical senses will see the errors of your small earthly self, and the errors, physical and moral, of others. As you come to true Spiritual sight, you will see them all, and your self, as the Ideas of Light that you are, flawless and perfect, and utterly, utterly Lovable.

    Practice seeing them, and accepting yourself as, Light, and Light alone,

    In utter Love, as are you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about this: “Thou shall not bear false witness” does not just mean that you should not lie about anything. It also means that you should not see the “lie” about anyone else. If the Divine made all souls Good, then to look at and focus on the lie of un-Goodness about them is to bear false witness.

    See the Good, and find that Good bouncing back to you. We assure you that if you look for it, you can find good in any person. Close your eyes of physical sight, and look with God’s eyes, and list their Goodnesses in your heart.

    We see the sweet Good of you,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Very, very slowly today, appreciate everything and everyone around you. Savor each breath completely, enjoy each moment of joy and loyalty, be amazed at every sight of nature’s beauty. Slowing down your gratitude expands it.

    Slowing down allows God to fulfill Its purpose, which is to expand Love.

    For you know, Beloved, God’s purpose is also yours. Expand Love.

    Expand Love, until there is no darkness at all, for Love has lit every corner.

    Do your daily tasks, but never forget this purpose,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take an entire day to do everything silently, and very, very slowly, and you will be amazed at what Wisdom, Peace, and Gratitude begins to flow in your heart, and envelope you.

    What a gift to give yourself!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have been in deep meditation or prayer, or simply completely focused on the One Mind, held aloft and euphoric on the warm breath of God, the rambles and shambles of earthly pundits can be seen to be only puffs of air, powerless in the face of the Mighty warm Wind of God.

    Stay embraced in the rarified air of God as you go through your day, letting the little cares measured in minutes fall harmlessly off the armor of Love that you wear and breathe. Your enduring relationship with the Infinite Mind is your true family, your safe progenitor and protector and friend. Being so very aware of this will keep you from fretting about the political or physical illusions of the moment, as you trust in Loving Soul to guide you in the earthly play.

    There are days to tend to others, but take today to simply be held in the Warm Love of God.

    The payback of resting in God is great and pervasive.

    We Love you.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Believe Me. I am your Source, Good and True. Let all your thoughts today be the thoughts I think of you—that you are also Good and True.

    Quietly, quietly, self-lovingly, and loving of others, Good and True. Think these thoughts today and always, for they are the ones I think of you.


  • Ah, My Beloved Child,

    There is no place you can go that I am not with you. There is nothing you can do or say that would remove you from my Sight and My Love. That which you see as mortal error or terrible mistakes you have made is just a layer of old costume make-up to My perception of you, My KNOWING of you as my only and perfect Child. And all of those that are with you in that Sweet reflection of Myself, that is the One Child, are as equally loved and cherished by Me, as are you.

    All I ask is that you Love them as much as I do, and as much as I Love you, so that you may all be awakened into remembrance of that Perfect and One Love.

    Be at Peace with this and all Peace comes to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine you are going on a camping trip and you bring along various bags of gear. For a while you camp beside a lovely fresh water stream, enjoying the rambles and sights and adventures. One day, you decide to wade across the stream and explore the trails and hills and meadows you can see there. You bring along a pack of what you will need for the excursion for the day, and find the new vistas wonderful, and the paths unmuddied. The unexplored newness of the terrain is inviting and consumes your thoughts and imagination, inspiring even more wanderings and feeding you with joy and beauty.

    Towards the end of the day, you return to where the water you crossed is visible and you can see, even from afar, that the waters have grown wide and gushing. A choice arises. Do you perilously try to return and then unhappily sort through soggy possessions and spend time on resetting a “safer” camp? Or do you let all that go and move forward into more new days, and new sights and experiences?

    O’ Beloved, whether it is the passing of a day, or the passing of a life, be very ready to let go, let go, let go. It is a tender mercy of God’s Grace that sometimes floods your thoughts and lets old ways of thinking and being wash away. Each of you knows that although there are some good and sentimental thoughts of the past, there are many that you would be glad to see removed from your memory and your thought patterns and your habits. Be glad that the Divine waters can use time to give each mind continual opportunity to begin again in better ways, moving forward, moving forward, moving forward.

    Be glad to forget unhelpful thoughts and errors, and let the Loving Thoughts of your Generous Creator Guide you anew, within each day, within each hour, within each life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When symptoms of body or circumstance try to frighten you, remember that the misty illusions of mortality are but shadows of time-leaves flickering in front of the Brilliant Light of Source Soul.

    Nothing can really block or change the Loving Light of God. Turn to It. It heals.

    The errors you have made, or that others around you have made, will never, and have never, changed the Truth of who you are, all beloved offshoots of the Light that is Love. Take your mind off the errors of time-bound days, and think about the Truth of what you are as Infinite Light.

    And to boost yourself to that point, remember the various good deeds you did yesterday on the human level, and realize that the impetus for all of those came from that same steady Divine Light that is also maintaining and sustaining you today, in Love. It will help you be the Best you again today.

    You have a dependable Love, and that is Spirit always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is my Strength”

    Strength of heart, Strength of resolve, Strength of Love.

    Be very aware that every human quality that is good has as its Source the Divine Infinite version. Call out for what you need, for the Source gives it gladly, in the form most useful and holy.

    Strength is part of Harmony. Call for It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter what the human trouble seems to be, it can always be comforted by turning to the Divine Source and the Truth of what you are as an entity dancing in the Mind of the Creator.

    Turn to that Divine Love today, Beloved. Turn to It as you would turn to a dance partner, and dance, dance, dance to the Song of Love. Dance through the moments of the day, listening as you would listen to a new song from a favorite composer, and hear the Music of Creation, and be uplifted and guided and soothed.

    In celebration, in comfort, in appreciation, in expectation, in fulfillment, and in sharing of the depth of Being, dance, dance, dance.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more attuned you become to your Divine Self that is part of the Whole Self, the more the people around you will act as instant mirrors.

    You will find that when you indulge in an hour of self-pity, you will run into a friend whom you thought of as calm and stable, and you will see her giving into whining, even though you know how blessed she is. The moment you find yourself judging someone for the advantage he takes of people, you will be presented with the temptation, or the need, to use someone’s help without thanks or pay. The day that you find yourself unable to forgive another’s bungle quickly, you will botch something and need forgiveness yourself. The instant you curse someone for not keeping his word, you will be reminded of a promise you forgot to keep.

    When you ask the Universe to teach you, it will. The more quickly you learn to pare away the behaviors that are not consistent with the golden rule, the more quickly you will begin to feel the Harmony of living as though All were part of One.

    For It Is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are feeling a deep hesitation about a course of action, you know that that it means you need to quietly listen to your Inner Wisdom some more before proceeding. Immerse yourself in Loving Silence, or in an atmosphere of slow prayer or meditation, and listen for and feel that Inner Guidance.

    Thus will you find out the reason for the hesitation, or understand that the timing is just not right, or be given the courage to proceed past the human fear that might be keeping you from moving forward. Many times, you will unearth a new idea that is the much better one.

    And do remember that there are occasions when the Divine asks you to forgo something because with Its Omniscient Sight, It knows It is preventing you from having an experience of human pain.

    Trust the Loving Intent of God for you, Child. Trust It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you went to sleep humanly resenting an old roommate for cleaning tasks that were unfairly left to you, instead of going into slumber with a Blessing Prayer in your mind, were you really surprised to awaken in the night with a tense pain in your back, right behind your heart?

    And when you turned to scripture to seek healing, wasn”t it obvious it would open to a passage about the interrelatedness of all within the Offspring, the reflection, of God? We give thanks along with you that you saw your error in thinking/feeling right away, and went into a prayer saying “Bless her, and Bless me, for we are both sacred parts of Thee”. And when your stiff muscles eased as the Spirit of forgiveness filled your heart, did not all pain vanish?

    Forget not this small lesson you have learned in many ways, in many moments, through your years. Forgive, forgive, forgive, for yourself and others are all part of One, and you are just being gentle with a part of your own Full Being. Forgive often, and always, and quickly, and suffer not the pains that come from holding old human emotional trespasses in your mind.

    Bless all today, and you Bless yourself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many people understand that the gaining of secular skills and knowledge is a process that can take some time. Very few would expect to grasp high engineering skills in a fortnight, and yet the same individuals might feel frustrated if they do not merge into deep prayer or meditation or ability to demonstrate being a vehicle for healing or soothing from the Source, within a couple of lessons.

    Be patient, all. Be patient with yourself, and be patient with others who do not understand the amount of practice and training and studying and communing that is necessary to begin to skim the surface of the Ocean of the Divine. Above all, remember that it is always the “Divine Central Command” that knows best when you are ready to take on your role of healing minister or advocate for God. Whether that moment comes after years of study and dedication, or whether God raises you up from oblivion in the flash of a moment when you are needed, to be the vehicle for the Presence of the Divine in an unusual situation, God knows the perfect timing.

    Trust that. Stay ready. ENJOY the study of the Divine and Its nature and attributes. Bask in the sweetness of friendship with God. When God wants you to act or do or speak, God will certainly let you know, if you are simply listening, and willing.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of it this way: Life is a scavenger hunt for the Divine.

    Gleefully and cheerfully look for the Divine in everyone and everything. Look for the Unseen rather than the seen. No matter how tattered or glamorous is the exterior of any person, look for the Divine in him or her. No matter how grievous a situation, look for the miracle of the Mystery beneath or within it.

    Happily focus on the hunt for the Divine. When you seek the awakened God in those around you, you will find It. Do not try to force It to come forth–just look for It. Seek the Best, and you will find the Best.

    It is your job to seek and to see God in everything, Beloved. Joyfully seek, and joyfully find, not expecting the drab or sorrowful or seductive coverings to leap out of the way for you. It is their job to cover, it is your job to See beyond them, and be disturbed by them no more. Laugh at what tries to hide God, and let it be fun to find The Divine..

    “I know God is in here somewhere, I will seek and find the Good, and be happy doing so.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Venturing into a resolve to try to See all behavior through the lend of God’s Laws, you may be quite surprised at how many contradict human laws.

    When forgiveness and Compassion trump all else, your behaviors will change often. God does not encourage anarchy, but God does demand living by the Laws of Love. Start now.

    Bit by bit, the world will evolve,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love is returned for Love.

    Each and every time you think about your Love for God, that Love is returned to you. It may show up in thousands of different ways, but it always flows back to you abundantly. And all of them are Good.

    Think about Loving God. Learn how it feels to Love God. Experience the delight of knowing you are Loved in return. Let it motivate you, comfort you, engage you, lead you, teach you, sustain you, and give to you all that It is.

    There is no end to It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Infinite, Infinite, Infinite. That is the scope of the Divine Mind you live within. And that is the scope through which the Divine Knows you, and all that you uniquely have the potential to be, and in Its timeless scope, already are. Be faithful and true to that by realizing that God will unerringly bring forth all the Light of you that helps to brighten the Whole.

    Be grateful, this day, for the Infinitude of the Divine Source that shines forth an image of you into the time-bound play, and let that Infinity guide your life, your awareness, your hours. Let Love Itself light your way, and trust in the Infinite reach of Good.

    You cannot fall out of Its Arms. You cannot fall from the Arms of Love.


  • Ah, Friend,

    It is so important to ignore not only the vapor of humanity in those around you, and see instead their God-Selves, it is also important to know that Truth about your Self. Wherever you are, God Is, and if you can remember that and keep yourself in that Consciousness, then you can rest assured that God is already doing Its work.

    Oh, yes, mirages can be very convincing. And the feelings they induce can be very real. If a bunch of branches and leaves seem to form the body of an intruder at your window, the fear that the figure gives you is quite real until you shine a light at it and see the truth. Branches cloaked in leaves, fear, sorrow, illness, and death have been fooling much of humankind for a very, very long time.

    But in the timeless place of God, expressing Itself as you and everywhere, All is still as it has always been and always will be. Visit that Awareness. Learn to abide in that Awareness, and invite It into every moment to help you See and Know that, after all, All is Well.

    The Divine of you, and of everyone, is unchanging,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When forgiving all, do not forget to forgive yourself.

    “I am God’s Good Idea. I misunderstood how creating works, but I can choose now to reflect Love, and know myself as loving and lovable.”

    It is Divine Love you reflect, not the little human substitute. Reflect Love today, and Love yourself as God Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Search, with Joy, for the Truth.

    The world will try to seduce you with its earthly ways of reward, but remember that all good achievements and ideas of the world you see are only facsimiles of the Good that exists in God/Goddess. If you remember that all credit belongs only to the Divine, and not to any works of your human hands or head, then you will not be limiting yourself. And when you let go of all credit, and all limits, then the Truth appears.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, as you pray “not my will, but Thy Will is done”, that the One Will always Blesses all. Therefore, you must take off the human blinkers of narrow and time-bound sight, and trust to that One Will when evaluating whether what is occurring is “going my way”. And, you must remember that just as a human parent must sometimes quickly and very strongly grab the hand of a toddler who is about to step into traffic, so must the divine sometimes delay your human steps in order to give you the smoother pathway.

    Let today be about that trust, Beloved. “What adjustments need to happen, dear God, for the Harmonious Blessing of all?”

    Be open and believing in the utter Goodness of God and Its Will for your thriving Truth.

    Such Love no words cover it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even on less-than-joyful days, when your own prayers do not fully lift you into pure Peace of Wellness, do try to forgive as you wish to be forgiven. Forgive the grumpy clerk at the market. Forgive the person who delays you on the road. Forgive the unskilled worker who is still learning as they prepare your order. Forgive, forgive, forgive, Beloved, for do not you yourself wish to be forgiven your less-than-stellar mood?

    And as you forgive, Child, you will see that your own heart is uplifted, for in all Good expressed, more Good flows to you, and feeds the heart of your Soul, and polishes It for you to feel, and all to See. Forgive, Child, forgive, the small ills as well as the large, for We know you want to be forgiven for your own.

    We See the Lovable You. See it in others. It is there.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pure Love cures.

    Be immersed in Pure Love today, like a fish in the Ocean, and feel it seep into every iota of your Consciousness.

    You can do this. You CAN give a day to something as important as this. Let the worldly concerns go today, and BE Pure Love.

    This is important, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    As Spirit awakens in more and more hearts, it will not be so strange to have to stand up in a room and say that you must pray or meditate before you give the answer to a “simple” question. It will become more commonly understood if you refuse to commit to a certain schedule, unless it is agreed that the schedule will be ignored if the small, still voice says to change it. It will be less lonely to be the one who does, or does not, sign a popular petition based on the Advisor in your heart.

  • Ah. Beloved,

    Imagine you are a spark within a Great Mind of Light, fully formed and yet ever improved upon. You and the other ideas dance together and individually along the pathways of Love in the Intelligence of Harmony.

    This image is closer to the Cosmic Truth than that which your human eyes see. Entertain this image, in playful Peace and Creativity.

    We are the band you dance to,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Walking around you ARE Archangels.

    We know this is especially hard to see in those whose faces you have made very familiar in your mind—whether as family or villain. But you can playfully experiment with allowing yourself to experience the touch of the Divine using human forms to speak through.

    Say and think and playfully believe “There are Archangels walking all around me in human costumes, and one will say or do something nice for me today.”

    Or, you might feel the impulse to be an Archangel for someone else.

    And see what happens. Proving to your own heart the readiness of the Divine to be with you sometimes begins in very small ways.

    Such Love,


  • Ah Beloved,

    As we have said before, be not afraid, because God knows your original soul message and can replace it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    By joining in with others to tell stories of when you have seen and felt the Truths of the Oneness of Being lift you from confusion to clarity, or heal you of wounds or heartache, or inspire you with ideas to create joy or useful objects, you build your own certainty of dominion.

    That certainty is what you need now. Claim it, Beloved. Claim your dominion. Claim the Truth that God wants you to feel Its Harmony and Joy. God wants you to ask to be enabled to see them, even while declaring that disorder and illness and such have no right or power to cling to you.

    Turn your back on those things and claim God, Good, anew in every moment.

    That is the dominion to take hold of. Good. “I claim the Good God wants for me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your job is to know and understand God, and God gladly helps you do that. Put nothing else first.

    Yes, some tasks of living need to be done today, but even while you do them, think about the Qualities of God. This is important for you now.

    We will help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are still certain that you are needed here, in the earth dream, to help complete the Lovely Plan of Awakening in the stream of time. Be ye certain also.

    Yes, in God’s Mind, all is already completed. But you are part of that completion. Walk it, love. Live it. Love it, and be Glad.

    Be aware for those that are not yet aware for themselves,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you decide, and feel joyous about, a personal decision to spend more time getting to know your own soul, and the Divine, you may find yourself challenged by those around you. The friends and family to whom you used to give your quiet time may feel abandoned, or insulted, or they may mock the new direction of your interest. If, or when, you try to shift conversations away from gossip and complaining, to joy and appreciation, they may feel resentful and judged.

    And, your body may act just as insulted as your old friends and family members. If it is not used to getting up an hour earlier to meditate or pray, it will complain. If it is not used to obeying the Inner Voice to finish a certain task instead of going home to that drink and hot shower, it will give you pains and grumbles.

    In both these things, Beloved, pray for strength, and pray for endurance and peace. Be kind, but make no compromise except silence. Renew your own vows to know your True Self and the Divine Mind within which you live, and feel the surge of support from there. Change friends if you must, and change habits to train the body to let go of old ones. Good friends will stay with you, or maybe even grow with you. The body will find new equilibrium and better habits.

    Stand fast, heart and eyes on the Unseen Divine, and let all the changes come from There, where all is known, and all is possible,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There simply is no Joy so deep as the Joy you can feel when you fully give yourself over to Spiritual Communion with the Divine Source that shines you forth. Make sure you give this relationship of Oneness time every day, to truly and completely feel It.

    It is not to retreat into that state of Consciousness so much that you forget to eat or walk or bathe, but to surrender to it so that you are energized by It, and inspired by It, and comforted and sustained and reassured by It. For then, so filled by the fullness of Divine Love, you can fulfill all your earthly roles without ever feeling depleted. You can operate, knowing you are led with perfect timing, in constant communication and synchronicity with the All.

    It is not too much to ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have forgotten how many sad and challenging things you have already forgotten.

    Seek the Deep Joy of Divine Beauty today, and It will Help you let go of even more sorrowful thoughts. They can disappear into the mists of time, and you can concentrate on the Uplifting Love of God.

    God Loves you, dear one. God sees not your errors. God Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being willing to will God’s Will means letting God Spirit fight the battles against darkness, and letting Soul Light wash away the errors. It does not mean using your human willpower and plans to fix what must be solved on the level of Divine Love.

    Tell God you are willing, and then do as God tells you to do. God knows best.


  • Dear One,

    Remember that everything that you do is another chance to express love. How you feel about the actions you have taken, and are taking, is often more important than the action itself. The feeling of having helped, the feeling of having chosen the more loving response, the feeling of having drawn on compassion instead of rage—these are the things you are constantly testing yourself on.

    Do you feel good about how you have treated those that have mistreated you? That is the first lesson. That first lesson becomes inextricably mixed with the second lesson—that the Other is Self. How does the Other feel about how you have treated him or her? Society’s laws about revenge and judgement and payment are not the same as those of Spirit. Whatever you have done to another, you have done to yourself.

    The “Why has this happened to me?” becomes irrelevant as you focus on, instead, “How do I, as a loving, forgiving, compassionate being, respond to this person and this situation?” You need to respond in a way that feels good to you, that does not rob you of your feeling of being serene in your own divine soul. As your consciousness embraces the knowledge and the awareness that the Other is Self, then how you feel about how you respond will evolve. What will feel good to you in how you respond, will come to include ever more love and empathy and kindness and compassion—it will begin to truly come from the knowledge of the soul that All is One.

    If you have taken an action that makes you cringe now, each time that you think about it, is there something that you can do to give yourself the feeling that you have made amends? Can you write an apology, replace an item, give of your time and effort? Can you put yourself in a state of mind where you feel that you have done all that is possible to rectify the situation? Can you then forgive yourself, and move on?

    If another has given you feelings of betrayal and pain, do you jail yourself with resentment, and trap yourself in obsession about revenge? How many moments of joy have you robbed yourself of because you are focused on those feelings of pain? Can you forgive the person, and move on? Can you give yourself the gift of shifting your focus to beauty and kindness and growth and possibility?

    When you are feeling caught inside blame and judgement and revenge, when you want to forgive, but you feel unable to do so, where do you turn? In every religion, in every belief system, there are intermediaries that represent the Best of You and the Best of Everybody. These angelic and saintly beings, these higher souls, by whatever name and in whatever culture’s costume, have their hands open to take your anger and do your forgiving for you and with you. Ask for their help. They can help remind you of all that is good about life and soul. They can take your anger and let you see that as vast as your rage can be, joy can fill the same space in you.

    Let the rage melt away and welcome the joy of choosing to live in moments of unconditional love.

    We rejoice when you live in joy,


  • Ah, Beloved One,

    Your True individual Beauty is made up of the Light and color and shapes and sounds of the Unseen Qualities of God. The Soul, Spirit, Wisdom, Love, Truth, Harmony and Life of the Whole Divine are the paints and hues and forms of you. Close your eyes and feel them.

    And as you identify with these Qualities of God as the true portrait of you, the visible appearance of your costume in the earthly will Glow in a way that reflects that. Cease thinking of the body as a piece of clay that must be fed and pummeled and cleansed, and think of it as only a shifting of light that covers over the Blaze of Divine Qualities that you are.

    We See you Lovely and Complete. See yourself thus also.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the Truths God will tell you, if you ask, is that Its Physician of Soul is the most Powerful Physician there is.

    Let diagnosis and cure come from that Love, and feel the Life strength in you.

    Tending you tenderly always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not your human will that you need to count on when facing an obstacle, or an honor, with grace. It is Grace that is greater than your little human self.

    All you need to offer is the willingness to turn to, and count on, and trust for Goodness, that Grace.

    Can you do this? Even to answer this question, you can turn to the Greater Grace, and be willing to ask for Help to be willing. Human grace is a societal, culturally learned, thing. Divine Grace is a Gift, freely given you if you hold out your mind in willingness and acceptance.

    We know that asking for Grace to be willing to ask for Grace sounds circular and even silly. Can you let the very silliness of it help you feel like giggling, like a little child, ready to receive gifts?

    It is a Gift that Loves to be given,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Please understand that the reason “healings” (which are just the un-veiling of the Goodness of the Divine that already exists) can happen instantaneously, is because time simply does not exist in the Divine Realm that is truly the only reality. All the moments that you think of as beginning and middle and end, in human experience of time, are really just one instant, one glimmer in the Vast Beyond, wherein an idea was born, and right away was welcomed into the Mind that had it.

    There is no time and space that God/Goddess/Provider of Perfection must cross to get to you and hold you and Love you. You already exist as part of that perfect idea in the God/Goddess Mind, and that idea is already desired and cherished and sustained. You are already the substance of smooth movement of the Divine. You are already an element in the order of wonderful Beauty. You are already an aspect of Life and Spirit expressed.

    What you are already, you do not need to “become sometime”. You are already the sweet substance of the Amazing Beyond—and the only thing that It is beyond is any tiny belief that you might have that It would not want you. You are wanted. You are already Loved. You are already complete and a perfect spirit within Spirit. Stop thinking of yourself as a body with the limits of physical sense and the ticking of internal and external clocks and start thinking of yourself as an inhabitant of the Spirit that is Divine All.

    Welcome the release from the sense of time. Welcome the new understanding of how truth may be seen. Thinking outside of time may be confusing at first, but when you have seen the evidence of first and last being the same, you will laugh with joy and release.

    We clasp and release you constantly,

    You are never out of our care,


  • Ah, Ah, Ah, Beloved Child,

    Do you not WANT to believe the Voice of the Divine Creator when It tells you that “You are my perfect and wonderful and beautiful and whole child, and I Love you completely.”? Do you not hope that all your errors and seeming sins and seeming lacks and illnesses and faults have been but a dream from which the Divine can awaken you?

    It IS the Truth, Beloved.

    BUT, since the Divine Creator Loves all Its children and ideas equally, that means it is also True for all others. That is what you must accept, and that is what leads to inspiration of, and healing of, and forgiveness of, and gratitude for, others. If you want your own holy heritage to shine into the costumes and circumstances of your life, or shine you fully to ascension, then you MUST accept that it applies to ALL.

    “The Holiness of me is the only truth and therefore the Holiness of you is the only truth as well. We are both equal and pure reflections of the Holy Oneness of Being.”

    Keep this your only thought today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In Spiritual existence, which is the immortal reality of you, there is no such thing as “a table for one.”

    If worldly circumstances of the moment, or changes that have occurred, make it seem as though you are eating alone, or walking alone, or living or working alone, remember that Divine Spirit is constantly with you. Let your “alone” times be times when you commune with the Spirit of God, talk and listen to the Soul of all, and have quiet loving gazes into the eyes of the Living Life-Maker that is your constant Companion.

    No loneliness exists when you remember God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are asked, as you awaken from the earth-body dream, “Did you love as I have loved you? Did you express the Love that I Am?”, it is not asked in order to judge you. It is asked in order to help you focus on the moments and occasions in which you did love, to help you forget the times of unloving and the times you felt the danger of non-compassion.

    It is to help you remember that you were never really separate from the Whole of Love in which you dwell, and of which you are a part, and to realize that if you had let any of those moments of loving expand into a full realization of agape, of Unconditional Divine Love, you would have never felt apart from the Divine Source.

    You would have realized, and can realize as you are asked, that you were not, are not, and never will be separate from the Source that created the beautiful idea of you.

    Let any moment of agape expand now, and you can know it now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Joy in following the commandment to have no other Gods above God.

    And there is great enlightenment in pondering all that the first commandment means.

    As we said to you before, remember that it is not profitable to place pondering your own human behavior above the pondering of God. Whether you are happy about good deeds, large or small, that you have done, or whether you are feeling sad or guilty about misdeeds, large or small, that you fell prey to, spending time obsessing about these mortal behaviors is to misunderstand human will.

    You cannot force yourself to change and repent (re-think) and improve by using stronger human will. To believe that you can is to place your own temporary mortal thoughts and power, above the Thoughts of God, the Power of God. Turn to God Thoughts. Humbly ask for Help in doing good deeds and in evaporating the sad or bad temptations. Realize that God’s Purity of Light and Love and Being are what cleanse and reshape your thoughts and your ways.

    If you are thinking, I cannot approach God to ask anything until I have improved myself, then you have fallen into the trap of thinking you have great individual power. All true Power comes from God, Beloved. You improve yourself, your thoughts and experiences and ideas and personality and body, BY turning to God, not by waiting to turn to God when you are perfect.

    All Perfect Light comes from Higher Consciousness, and that causes the lifting of your own consciousness to remembrance that you re part of the High Consciousness that is All in All.

    Place no other Gods above knowing that. Look to the Good Perfection of Original Source, and see Perfection shining forth in your thoughts and feelings about yourself, and about others.

    Thus is the claiming of the Truth of Love accomplished.

    Forgive yourself now, and turn to God.


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    If you had any consciousness of all of the Infinite range of Love that holds you, throughout your dream journeys and for all the expansion of your Self as Creative Spirit, you would never let any limited thoughts or thoughts of limits to hold you back.

    Please ponder that today. “My Source of thoughts is unlimited. Its Qualities of creativity and joy and wisdom are unlimited. Therefore, my Source can feed me all I need of those Qualities, and more. I ask for my rightful ones, that they may fill me and guide me as I move and choose today.”

    O’ Loving you so, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine a rock climber on a sheer cliff that has reached a spot that seems like an impasse. He cannot see another handhold or foothold to grab to, and does not wish to retreat down into the abyss again. Imagine also that above him is someone who can see, from the higher perspective, just where there is another spot for the next step to safely be. By calling to his friend, the climber can follow the directions and ascend. But if his friend tried to tell him all of the next 643 steps ahead that were needed, and then went away, the climber would have great difficulty in remembering all the steps in order, and nimbly and happily ascending. At each new step or two, the climber calls to his friend, and receives new assurance and new instructions and happily trusts, and climbs, and climbs, and climbs. His faithful friend is glad to see him ascend.

    Just so is it with your calling to the Divine Guidance of Light, Beloved. Yes, the end of the climb is to look fully on the Truth of Spirit and bask in Its Beauty. But to ask for all the steps ahead of you at once is to incorrectly believe you could memorize them and keep them straight, as you also worked to climb. Ask for just each step for each moment, for each day, and TRUST that the Friend with the Great View will be there to guide you for the next step, and the next step, and the next. It is better this way, dear love, than thinking you must know ten steps ahead, or a thousand steps ahead.

    Taking every step with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When hopes are realized, and the encouragement of seeing that God/Divine Source can surmount the laws of physics as you have understood them until now, then it is time to realize you have been given a great inducement to know more and more about what you, and God, truly are. That is when your real education begins.

    Yes, all the skills and tasks you have learned to perform in the earthly way still come in handy in the realm of the five senses, but do not be limited by thinking that those are all there is. Unlimited Potential, darling. Unlimited.

    We give you a hand up above limits,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you see others struggling with spiritual and moral questions that you have faced, and worked through, have compassion, compassion, compassion.

    Have compassion, and share your solutions and triumphs and backslidings and re-dedications to Good, if they ask, but have compassion. Mostly, dear Child, be a good example, and teach where you are welcomed, and above all, pray , pray, pray to be Blessed to see Grace grow in the hearts of those around you, as well as blossom in your own heart. Pray to See them healed and Blessed. Pray to be able to See, spiritually, no iniquity, as God Sees.

    Be the Best Soul of you, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have mercy and compassion for those who can only believe in what they can see. Have sympathy when they cannot believe in the Joy and Glory that may be just out of their sight in the physical realm. Have tender regard for their faith that clings to touching the three dimensional relic of a saint or the fingerable hem of a woven garment.

    Soon enough, O’ Beloved, in each one’s journey, they will come to understand that it is the Spirit they are reaching out to touch. First, they may think they are reaching out to touch the Spirit of a very holy incarnate one, and then they may turn their hearts to whatever Spirit of their creed who was incarnate, and is no longer, but whose Loving Spirit they can still feel. Finally, they will come to realize that All is One Spirit, and that It is Alive in them as well, and that the ever-present touching of Spirit was there all along.

    Have mercy on yourself, Beloved, when you forget to stay centered in the Loveliness of the Unseen, and have empathy for those whose eyes have not glimpsed it yet. Remember, the more you stay centered in It, the more of It there is allowed into the Seen, so that others may choose to See. Do your part.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you buy a ticket to a play, you know that you are there in the audience to admire, and experience, and observe, and learn from the story, and be entertained by the comedy, and appreciate the writer and the skill of the actors, and notice the set and the artistry. You are there to applaud and give thanks for what was offered.

    Be the audience of the world today, Beloved. Observe. Appreciate. Learn. Admire.

    Stay silent, and give thanks, give thanks, and applaud at the appropriate moments.

    You can discover a lot about yourself by watching silently,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Self-immolation. Allowing, each morning, each hour, each minute, to let yourself be subject to the Greater Will that is the only Real Will, is the key to remaining in Higher Consciousness.

    Does it sound like enslavement? Only to the ego-self, Beloved. It is true freedom, Beloved. True security, true Hope, True Calm, and True Love. And, once the “ego-self” begins to see the worldly evidence of much of the worldly experience running more smoothly as you understand that “I am the substance of the Harmony of the Source”, it will be easier to subjugate the ego self to the Source-Self each day.

    Start your day with giving over to the Divine Self. End your day that way as well, and give over to It any time during the day that the “me, me, me-self” tries to take over. Life lived in the Higher Consciousness is its own reward, but you will also see greater and greater Harmony apparent in the worldly interactions that you are still led to perform.

    The Self that remains is the Self we know and Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are a willing “carrier” of the High Guidance of Spirit, then just your silent presence can make a difference at a meeting or a gathering or a workplace. If you can hold fast to simply being one of the ones holding open the access for active Divine Love and sacred Comforter, then you will change the day everywhere you go.

    God-Spirit will do the work. Just hold open the window to let Spirit clear the air of illusion,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You DO know the sound and the feel of the Divine Inner Voice. You know the sense of calmness It evokes and the sense of Love and Peace that always accompany It. And you know It is always there, behind that small door of stillness and willingness.

    So when the human self inner voice starts whining or justifying, stomp it down. Say No! to it, in your mind or even out loud, and take that CRUCIAL moment to open the small door, and hear the Voice that guides you right. You will never regret being reminded, “I Am Love” before you act.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Wellspring of Being that is within you, and offers an Infinite Source of the refreshing draughts of Spirit, is always available.

    But, like the proverbial horse that is led to water, but cannot be forced to drink, your will, your choices are involved. Your “self”, your earthly self, must do the choosing. The Well is Good. The Well is Peace and health and Loving Guidance. The choice is yours. Can you close your eyes to the outer, bitter waters, or to the ephemeral pleasures of the senses, and turn instead to the unending Wellness Of Being? Can you drink deep of Its draughts and realize that they are made of the same Substance that is the Inner You?

    The Well springs from outside of time, so there is no hurry, and no threat of Its removal from your availability. But why wait? Only you can decide. Only you can choose, like the horse, when to drink of that refreshing Substance, that Water of Spirit. If you bring yourself, your awareness, to the edge of it, and ask, the buckets of refreshing Spirit will come up to you.

    We live on It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The One Mind knows all truth and can enact it, and indeed has enacted it. Unto many throughout the ages of the earth walk, the illusion already has been revealed, and each and every one will come to that awakening in their time of choosing.

    Meanwhile, O’ so Beloved, rely on the One Mind to guide all. Constantly, throughout the day, claim the Truth, that “One Mind Lovingly Governs all of them. One Mind Lovingly Governs me.”

    It is not an entreaty. It is the Truth. Watch It work.

    And be Glad,


  • Ah, Beloved Dear,

    We are certain, and so should you be, that the essence of you that CAN be seen, even within the dream of earth, is lovely and loving and lovable. Certainty is an aspect of God, and so certainty is a natural thing to shine in your heart.

    Uncertainty is not the Truth of you. Pondering the Qualities of God that are already an intrinsic part of you, and are waiting to be born forth TODAY from your heart, as you give them permission to do so, is the way of Peace.

    That Peace leads to non-judgment, non-criticism, non-complaint. And when those things are relinquished, and you have thus gained the Sight that is the way that God Sees, all things will morph into Truth around you.

    We know, Beloved one, that this is especially difficult when you feel confronted by tempestuous personalities, or feel temptations yourself to be less than stellar, but the more you align yourself with God Sight and God Knowledge, the more pure Good Spirit you will feel yourself to be and act, and the more pure Good Spirit you will be able to see in others.

    Go to God. Let God birth forth in yourself. See, then, God all around you.

    Thus is Truth born, and Seen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wait, wait, on the actions of the Universe.

    TRUST that you will feel impelled to do what you should, when and where you should, if you have been diligently practicing listening to the Good Inner Voice. Be not so arrogant as to think that the Prime Cause cannot overcome your distractedness or inner deafness or doubt, when It needs to. All Things are possible for It, and the human wanderings, in thought and feeling, between pleasure and pain, will not stop the Prime Being from being Itself, in smoothness and beautiful Order.

    Negate the negations, to become positivism,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Discouragement is a trick of the emotional self to try to smoke over the Truth of the living Presence of the Divine that is always with you. Recognize it as a false thing, shoo it away, and restore yourself to praising the Love that creates and maintains and is all.

    Persevere in your proven faith. Praise and persevere. Praise and persevere.

    You will see results that align with the Will of God.


  • Ah, Beloved.

    We tell you again, healing is for everyone. Healing is for everyone.

    This must be accepted in your heart. You must accept that there is a glimmer of Soul Light even in those that seem to be nothing but shadow and dust, for your thoughts create your reality, and if you want to see Heaven here and now, you cannot let the dust blind you.

    We also say again, We will help you see the Soul Lights, if you ask. Ask to see a glimmer of Goodness in any that look like only dust and shadow to you, and We will.

    We Know the day already when the dust falls away from all, and illusion falls away. Do not let it have any imaginary power in your thoughts, for it has none in God sight.

    So it is, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sweet simplicity of remembering the eagerness of God/Goddess, the One Source, to please you and hold you and take care of you, while you are having the earth-dream, before you remember that you are totally Spirit, is the actuality to keep always in your mind. God WANTS to help you, with ideas, with guidance, with correcting the reflection of Spirit that you are, when you feel out of focus.

    Ask for it, allow it, believe it, Beloved. Savor the desire of God’s desire for you to be happy. Like a parent who loves to see her child smile, or a lover who is thrilled to know just how his love likes to be kissed, God loves to see your joys, for they reflect the Joy Divine. Thank God continually, and allow your joys to be felt, seen and acknowledged to be of the Divine. Allow God to be completely reflected in thee.

    Remember God’s eagerness to please you into the higher Consciousness that understands All beyond the dream.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bear in mind always, the old truth of the old prophet who said, “Open their eyes, God, that they may see.”

    Yes, it is your job as an individual child-image-idea of God-Mind, to see the Best in everyone around you, and to know and acknowledge their brotherhood, sisterhood to you, but it is not by your knowledge of that truth that they will awaken. Your job is to appreciate the Truth of what they are as a child of God, but then to call upon the only Real Power that can awaken them, and let That Power open their eyes to their own perfection, usefulness, beauty and life and order, as wonderful parts of the Great Divine.

    “Open their eyes, and mine, Dear God, that we all may see, what Wonderful and Good and Beloved parts we are, as images, in Thee.”

    O”, the Wonder of It All,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to enact radical choices. If waffle-waffling is getting you nowhere except into the same endless circle of human thoughts and doubts, then listen very carefully to your inner Voice, and be not afraid to enact at least a small change in routine or habit or choice that it suggests, and see if that change bears fruit.

    The bearing of the fruit will give you the trust and faith you need to make the next choice, and the next and the next, in seeking for the Happiness of living in accord with the Voice of God Within.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gentle your heart today. Let all anger melt away. Let any old regrets or current sorrows or future worries melt away. Gentle your heart today with Love.

    Love is the Mother Essence of God. Like a GOOD Mother, Love loves you forever, without condition or time or uneven expectation. Love only wants you to Love Her back.

    Loving Her back , and feeling Her Love, is the crucible in which you can burn away all the irritations and disappointments and grievances. Be Loved, and Love back, and gentle your heart today. “I am Loved by Mother-Love, and I Love also in return.”

    The softness of It within will soothe and fill you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keeping a loving atmosphere in the home is one of the hardest jobs in the world. But it is also one of the most important jobs in the world.

    With those whom you see every day, at home and work, it becomes easy to know when they are silently thinking “I love you”, or “I am judging you”, or “I hate you”, or “I am angry with you”, or “I am grateful to you.” Without a word being spoken, you know what the other one is feeling.

    And if you are wise in the ways of One Divine Spirit, you have learned to answer all thoughts directed at you with “I love you.” You have learned to deflect all fearful and mean thoughts with “I give you Grace. I forgive you. I love you.” You do not even need to speak these words. You can just think them, and they will be received.

    That wisdom, enacted, is what keeps a loving home. Just do it.

    And, one day a week, or one day a month, or every day, try to enact that wisdom in the world as well. Could it be that all the world is meant to be a loving home?

    Your loving doorkeepers,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Basic Truths don”t change. That is why so many of these messages we give to you seem the same, even if given in different words or metaphors.

    And that sameness is truly the very secret you need to comprehend as a Truth in your Heart. For, if you are the same basic idea, the same basic Truth and Beauty of Spirit that you were created as, as a part of Goodness, then that sameness is what you can count on when you are looking to heal your thoughts. Heal your thoughts by thinking instead about the ever-sameness of the Thoughts God has of you, of what God Knows you to be made of and for, and then those Truths heal the circumstance, the body, and those around you, as you see them also through the Thoughts of the Creator. The emphasis is not on healing the body or circumstance, the emphasis must be on serving as a conduit of the Thoughts of God.

    Sameness. Always the same, God Is. The Calm Joy. The Constant Completeness. The Expression of Itself.

    Think about eternal sameness of the timeless Qualities, and let the thoughts of the temporal go, go, go,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Call to the Healing Force that is the gift of the Source to you. And then, Beloved, wait PATIENTLY, until you feel as though you were being kissed from within.

    Let that feeling of Love encompass you, and melt away all anger and worry and hurry. Give It the time and trust to heal you. Let yourself be filled with Its Ease and Light.

    What do you really have to do that is more important than this? What must you hurry off to do, or shift your mind to thinking about, that is more important than knowing and demonstrating that you are a Beloved and fulfilled and healthy and Whole Child of the Divine Source, and in the family of the Utter Consciousness of God?

    Give yourself the gift of receiving this Gift, that is endlessly offered to you. If only you will take the time and focus to receive It, you will know the Joy of Being.

    In the endless circumference and center of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing that Love cannot advise you about. And, it will advise you in a way that Blesses all for the Best.

    How do you know if it is really the Highest Guidance of Love that you are hearing in your heart? It will be accompanied by a sense of Peace and Completeness and tender, tender Calm Love.

    Listen for It constantly. That is unceasing prayer.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine you are sitting in a theatre between the Soul and Spirit of The God that made you. Which movie do you want to see? The one God carefully planned for you as a part of the Truths of Divine Life? Or the one defined by only body senses?

    “Ask Me each morning, child of Mine, what I have planned for you, Good and Fine.”

    And hold hands with Soul and Spirit, and let Love load the film,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you let that thing and time go, let these words console you:

    When is a rose perfect?

    When it is a tiny seed?

    When it is a green bud?

    When it is a color tightly furled?

    When it is in full bloom?

    When it is petals blowing away in the wind?

    In all its phases, it is silent.

    In all its perfection, it is a conception in the Mind of God.

    All your times are a potpourri to us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As every teacher on earth knows, there come moments when you are weary of teaching, or when you are tempted to begin to whine with the students, or to let their errors go unremarked and uncorrected.

    But joining them in their errors will not help. Rather, train yourself, at the first hint of weariness of mind and heart, to turn to the fount that gives forth endlessly, and knows no weariness. Turn to the Gladness that holds you in sustainable orbit within the infinite Light. Let yourself ride for a while in silence, one light among infinite lights, and be renewed and refreshed, and ready to teach and lead again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Perfect Power is within your consciousness. Ask It for Help with anything and everything, and let It Help you, setting aside human arrogance.

    Do not get lost in religious squabbles or dogmas or labels or semantics. By whatever Name you call It, the Perfect Source Power is within you and wants to Help Harmony visibly reign. Help It Help you.

    Help It Help all.

    There is such Joy in High Consciousness when another one joins.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Knowing that all revealing of Wholeness comes only with, and in, the total trusting of the Governor of Wholeness also implies another important thing. Trust the timing of God. Trust, trust, trust, the timing of God.

    Just as a master choreographer knows when a student is ready to attempt a special leap, or as a traffic controller understands how many cars to let through so that the one lane bridge ahead is not clogged, trust in the Divine timing of the Whole. The Loving Governance knows when someone is ready to achieve more, or understand their special talents. The Divine Governance knows when seeing all elements of life change too quickly would be too shocking for an adjusting consciousness to accept, and will ease them slowly into the Light of Truth.

    YES, keep in mind the IMMEDIATE availability of the Primal Mind, and Its Loving Care for all Its ideas, but trust that It knows how to feed Itself into the illusory sphere of time-sense in the best way possible for all.

    All in All, It is Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The uncertainty that can strike the heart is NOT something that comes from the Divine Source. Treat it as you would treat a smudge of toothpaste upon the mirror that seems to make it look as though there were a blur of blue upon your nose. It is not upon your nose. It is only a smudge. Clean it off and see yourself clearly.

    You are an infinite and wonderful reflection of the Divine Heart. There is no discouragement there. It knows what It is doing. Call to the Divine to cleanse the mirror of your heart, and know yourself Good and True.

    See as God Sees today, and be reassured and delighted again,

    “For this is a new day that God has made, rejoice in it and be Glad.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a part of something so very Grand that it cannot be seen from human perspective. Therefore give yourself the gift of closing your human eyes several times a day, and letting your Inner Sight lift high, high, high, so that you can enter the Awareness of all-encompassing Love, and see the ineffable Grandness and Beauty of the Great Design.

    And feel Loved, and Loving. And Love It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy of Creativity is being fully experienced by many now. Counting the Blessing of what one has and what truly matters is expanding gratitude now. The upliftment of satisfaction that giving provides is being experienced by many who rarely pause to give when they are in a mad dash of busyness.

    Spirit Divine, as Teacher, and Repairer of Soul, is thrilled to use these openings of Joy, these avenues of Light into the heart, to reach individuals that have been so limited by the routines and assumptions that no new sprouts of Infinite Love could grow.

    Water these new sprouts with your silent prayers of Love, Love, Love, and not only will Delightful Awareness of the One Life of All expand, but Truths of Wholeness and Well-Being will be floated on to the shared experience of earth.

    Consciousness Omnipotent is present. Beloved. Help It Help to speed up the Awakening of all. Help It to Help you all Heal.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, and forgiveness again. Is it hard? Yes, but it gets easier as you truly experience being forgiven more often for your own foibles, as you practice consistently forgiving others.

    And, to not forgive is to end up feeling worse and worse, as old unforgiven grievances pile up in your mind.

    So, forgive, forgive, and forgive again, AND understand that the Loving part Grace plays in this is to help you completely forget the “wrong”, once you have forgiven it.

    We never forget to love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the sweet Peace of God Thoughts fill your mind, savor them. Savor the feeling of Wellness of Being, without reverting back to the mortal “to do” list. If there is something “to do”, you will be told, but until that Thought is installed in your thoughts, just savor, savor, savor the Wellness of Being a part of God.

    Behold, Joy!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you realize and believe that it is supremely natural and right for ideas and joys to come to you, and you settle into the calm receptive mode of thought that hears them and feels them and sees them, they will come smoothly.

    Ideas come and are fulfilled and enacted. Expectations of Joy are held dear and then they are gifted to you. The very understanding of the Great Love Loving you so much that It wants your steady happiness gives you that happiness.

    You are truly blessed already, and when the moments come when this is known and welcomed and embraced, then it is easy to ask for what needs to be given. At that point, you also know deep in your soul Self that it is the unseen aspects of Divine Love and Goodness and Truth that are what you are always really asking for. Ask and you will receive.

    Ask, and you will remember that you and Creation are One.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The certainty that you have about some of the things and feelings you have can be the certainty that you have about any thought, once you master the feel of Divine Knowing. When the knowing of Deep Peace is something you have practiced enough to recognize the experience, and have seen the results that occur in the earth paradigm, then that Peace becomes the touchstone by which you can test any thought and any decision.

    If it is right and good, it will give you that feeling of Peace. It will give you that awareness of upliftment. Never be afraid to sit with a thought or decision quietly until you are sure whether it is accompanied by that Peace. And be not afraid to turn to treasured scriptures or trusted human counselors who have helped you attain the calm that you need to hear the Divine Voice.

    Be not afraid. Practice listening. Practice Peace of Heart.

    Others can help you do this, but cannot do it for you,

    You must choose it. You must want it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be at ease in your trust of the Care of God.

    Train yourself to take away constant attention to the body and details of its care. and focus instead on the Omnipresent Maintenance and Love that Divine Spirit offers freely to your soul Self.

    “I am happy, healthy, holy, harmonious Heaven’s child.”

    Immerse your thoughts in that.

    It is what God knows you to be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No one else can make the choice for you, to desire to understand God, and See as God Sees. To See the now Beauty, to realize that all is Spirit, all is Love, takes a daily renewal of the vow to Be as God knows you, and to seek the High Good.

    You can do this, and Loving Spirit will assist and Guide, but it cannot be done by simply taking one class, or wearing a certain necklace, or joining a certain church or following a particular teacher, etc. It is up to your relationship directly with God Soul. Do it, commit to it, and both you and God be Glad, Glad, Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing that is untrue about God.

    Consider the meanings of the word “true”.

    People use the word to indicate “fact”, but they also use it when speaking of someone that is faithful and consistent, or a thing that has been engineered perfectly, or cut exactly right.

    All these are the truth of God. God is ever faithful to you, the created image of spiritual essence. God is always consistent in intent and treatment of all Its creations, with complete and undying Love. What is true of God for you, is true for another person as well. God TRULY wants the best for all, and it is part of why, when asking for blessings for yourself, you must first ask that your neighbor, friend, or “competitor”, or “enemy”, be blessed as well. Blessings are only true when they are true for all.

    Consider all the meanings of the word “true”, and grasp with your heart why it is truly simpler to study God, which is unchanging and true, than it is to study all the changing and changeable objects and thoughts and feelings and sciences of earthly perception.

    Very truly yours,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak to the Loving Source:

    “I am pleased that Thou art Thou,

    and I am Thee,

    for as I know that in my heart,

    Your Goodness shines as my life,

    And as me, and as all around me.”

    Let today be an affirming day of that Truth, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The pure Soul that shines Itself forth as the heart and life of you has never been touched by the errors of the human dream.

    Consider that, let yourself be wrapped warmly and lovingly in Grace today, and rejoice in the truth of your Soul.

    Even if these words make no sense to you, ask for Grace, and be held and lifted. Ask, wait, and be held and sustained.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “One Mind governs ______________ and _____________ and me, and knows how to govern us all in Harmony. I will let go and let One Mind guide me and them, in what to do and say and see.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Healing others and healing yourself both come down to the same thing. You must keep focused on Understanding God. When you get even glimpses of the real essence of Life and Love, and begin to know and feel of Its Omnipotence and Omnipresence, then understanding the Wholeness of yourself and others comes automatically.

    For now, continue to spend time each day communing with the Divine Heart within your awareness, and never refuse to do Its bidding when It rises within on a wave of Compassion, and bids you be kind to another, or say a Word of encouragement to another, or to give help to another.

    And always strive to see and know yourself and others as all equal offspring of the Divine Vision, for that IS the mass Consciousness of all. You are making more progress than you know at grasping the Nowness of God. Continue.

    Continue in Joy and Confidence. Continue. We Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need for searching for those to teach, or for those from whom you will learn. They are always right on your doorstep. They will always find their way into your life, as you open each new layer of your self. Simply allow it to Be.

    It is when you try to force learning that trouble seems to come. It is when you try to fit into a gift that is not the gift of Spirit that you are meant for that uncertainty reigns. Stop, and turn your face to the glow of God’s Will, that is right there next to you, and right there in you, and right there all around you. Whether your faith and your connection are coming through at a trickle, or like a gushing well, at this moment, stop and let yourself be filled. Let yourself be filled, until you completely remember, “I am already a cherished part of the Whole Divine, and I have all I need to fulfill my part, right now.”

    In knowing that you already are filled with the ideas and gifts and talents that are perfect for you, be strong. In knowing who you are, you will have the courage to grasp what is yours, and, Beloved, to walk away from people and places and times and things that are not your rightful path.

    Down to each fallen leaf, this all has been choreographed,

    Your choice is when to do your part of the dance,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you want to see changes, talk to God.

    There is absolutely no use in speaking to the costumed characters of the cartoon, who are staying in their pretend roles.

    Talk to God. Ask to be graced to see the true selves of those around you. We understand that this is not what you learned. It is not what the world teaches. But you have chosen to take a new teaching now, and that means turning to the Great Director and Writer when you would wish to see a happier story.

    That is the Fountain of Love. Turn to Love, Beloved. It is the Writer of Truth and Creation.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The golden glow of agape not only gives one a surrounding bubble of love in which to enfold others and help them choose Wholeness, it also helps all the ludicrous aspects of the dream of earth seem comic instead of tragic. Being able to laugh at the posturing of the ego self, and to see through the illusion of its ideas, creates a steady flow of bubbling Joy in the heart, until it becomes as hard to keep a solemn face, as it is for a mother to maintain a stern demeanor when her toddler pins an old towel to his shoulders and struts about the house claiming superpowers.

    All Power rests only in God/Goddess. Rest there, too, and stay in Joy, O”Beloved, stay in Joy.

    Always, in greeting and goodbye,