All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you give kindness, but see no immediate reward, let your human self remember that you are giving to yourself. Let your human self not forget that what you send forth on earth always comes back to you on earth, though it may be separated by enough time that you do not see the connection. Send forth peace, be peace, for peace IS what your heart truly desires.

    On a level of Spirit, give Peace also. Your Divine Spirit Self has never forgotten that All is connected, and that when you give forth love and honor, you are doing it for the Whole Divine, of which you are a part. In the human mind, you may wish to think of this as doing your work and your good acts for God. See the God in the Other, and do it for that manifestation of God, no matter whether the other human is appreciative or not, or responsive or not, or reciprocates or not.

    You truly are all in this together. Act like it.

    Endlessly urging your Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a stage of understanding, wherein you gain the trust of another by sharing their wounds, by telling of your own. There is a place of such identification with the physical world and the physical body that trust can only be gained by listening, for a time, to the complaints about the body and the world.

    But listen silently, without listening. Let your own ear be utterly tuned to the Truth of the Creator, that nothing is impossible for the Creator, and that the Creator only creates Good. If a play, a projection, is painted from light, it can be changed dramatically and quickly by asking the focuser of the light to make the changes. Have mercy on, and sympathy for, those who are so intent on looking at the play of light that they have forgotten that it is being projected from elsewhere, and can be focused from Elsewhere, but let yourself, as assistant to the Light, remember it ALWAYS.

    And, do so with love,

    All our very best, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Abba, Let me see Your Plan”, we hear you call out, in the night, when the woes of the world at large seem too simultaneously awful and ridiculous to contemplate.

    And God’s Solution answers, “If you heal others, you are healed.”

    Heal others, Beloved. In whatever capacity you are capable of understanding at your own level of alignment with the Source, heal others. Above all, remember that it is primarily your task to keep asking to see the Good Plan unfold, and to point the Enactor of the Solution to everywhere and everyone It is needed.

    Be not afraid, Beloved. The Plan is Good, Good, Good, and Goodness unfolds everywhere you allow It to be seen by you.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When overwhelmed by the evidence of the limited five senses, it is so easy to fall into the trap of “wishing” for things or circumstances, instead of turning to the Spiritual Kingdom where they already exist.

    The simple solution is to turn to the Spiritual realm of Creative Thought first, and then ponder what is needed, whether thing or idea, for a certain situation. You may choose to think of it as going to the correct Supply Cupboard, instead of just sitting across the room from where the supplies are kept, and wishing you had what is in the cupboard.

    Turn to, tune in to, the Great Supply of Spirit Creator, from where emanates, endlessly, all the ideas and thoughts of what is needed to fulfill your journey needs in the play of earth. Turn to It first. Turn to It endlessly. Turn to It always, and be glad to find yourself in Gladness of Being, again.

    Again, We love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even to people who have tried to make “Love thy enemies” a part of their code to live by, the adjustment to one’s thoughts to do that can seem to be a hard thing to learn.

    We suggest you learn by doing, while your heart grows in the understanding that All is One.

    Since the evidence of your body senses says you are all separate beings, with varying talents and needs, do this: Each time you pray for anything, whether it is comfort for grief, or the increase in spiritual sight to discern truth, or for peace of mind, or for the wisdom and creativity for good business, or for revelation of any of the Goodness of the Universe, pray for someone else first. Choose someone you have uncomfortable feelings about, or mixed feelings, or perhaps no feelings at all. Pray for that one, praying for the same consoling or health or clarity or strength or lovableness or wealth or understanding that you are praying for yourself to receive and perceive. Then, pray for yourself.

    “Thy will is all my Good needs fulfilled, on earth as in the Heaven Mind. Let me See this done.”

    Pray this for the other person. Pray this for yourself. The more you do it, the less the other will seem like any sort of enemy, and the more you will believe in, and see, Good results for your human self.

    YOU can be the one to gather many into a sacred name,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Personal credit for tasks accomplished or peace enacted or inventions made is not the fuel for rising higher and further. All Glory be to God, the One Source, the only real Cause.

    Keep remembering that all Good Qualities you express, in whatever way, come from the Creator, and that expressing them in the ways that also express the most Divine Joy, is your goal. Give Glory to God. Give thanks to God. Accept human appreciation meekly, and never fear to admire whatever Good you see in and from others as the wonderful impetus of God.

    Thank them for being expressions of Goodness. Thank your self when you are true to expressing Goodness. Thank Goodness for Being Itself, calm and confident and strong while It shines forth, and Loves, Loves, Loves.

    We are so Glad each time you let It shine through you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Of a certainty, when the Unseen begins to have more reality for you than the sights and touches and sounds of the earth experience, you are ready for the next steps. Be very aware, though, of the fears of being Pure Spirit that hold so many enwrapped only in the dream. Do not tell those that are not ready to hear it, that they are only Spirit—for unless they see, or have experienced, the sweet touches of the Calm Within, they will be too frightened to experience the Truths of the Unseen Source and Reality.

    There, too, as in everything, you must turn to your trust in the Prime Consciousness and Its guidance and wisdom. It knows just how much each individualization of Soul, each person, is ready to know or hear or experience. Listen, trust, and obey, as always, what to do or say to those around you, that they may have the most gentle pathways to their full and wonderful awakenings.

    Presume upon Us! We will help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is not limited by your upbringing, or your assumptions, or your prejudices, or your genetics, or your past failures, or your phobias, or your addictions, or your personality. God is not limited by human laws of any kind, or by the limited human understanding of the very nature of the Universe.

    God does not see limits. God sees the spirit of a Beloved Child when He/She looks on you. God is the Unlimited. Be you, also, therefore, the unlimited you that reflects all that Glorious Goodness of God.

    Call forth. Ask to shown and helped and enabled to be that unlimitedness. God will mercifully bring thoughts to your mind, ideas to your heart, people to your side, in a way that you are ready to have and be with. There are many, many levels of readiness, and if you are even a tiny bit receptive to beginning your journey of complete understanding of Life Itself, then God will work with you wherever you are.

    Be not afraid that you must join a certain church or do specific rituals. Be not afraid that you must memorize and perplex over certain dogmas and procedures of enlightenment. Yes, there is work involved in enlightenment, but it begins with a simple desire and an innocent willingness, and then you are led to whatever you can best hear and see and understand.

    Gently, gently, gently, God continues to awaken all in the time/space in which they think they dwell. God knows you have always been in the Mind that holds all, and Lovingly waits for you to be ready to remember that.

    Be not afraid. Call forth for help in remembering, and remember.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are with you. We are with you.

    Feel our Loving embrace, and trust that in the moments when you cannot muster the will to count your Blessings, or say your usual healing prayers, or remember the words of the uplifting song, We will invite the Blaze of silent Divine Light.

    We shall invite the flash of Light, and all the unnamed and named fears of nothingness will scatter like ridiculous cockroaches. In the Light of Truth, in the Reality of Spirit, All is Well, All is Well, All is Well.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not regard each day as a test. Regard them as demonstrations of Good, and Glory. Stand in wonder and appreciation, and cheer for Harmony, on the human level of perception, for Harmony already reigns in the timelessness of God.

    Be at Peace this day, Beloved. Take it slowly, and be in wondrous Peace.


  • Ah, Beloved Ones.

    There always comes a time when, lulled by the acceptability of your day to day routines and affairs, it seems convenient to shorten or set aside the time spent daily in Divine listening.

    But, resist, Beloveds, resist. For if you keep up your practice of communing with Oneness, and releasing to It your concerns, and listening to Its Guidance, and absorbing the sweet flavor of Its Adoration of the idea of you, Its child, then it is easy to fall into the wonderful security of Its Love when there seems to be urgent need.

    Too many, too many, only turn to the God Wisdom and Support, that is really readily available to them, when human crisis strikes. Then, in key moments or days, they are not sufficiently practiced and ready to slip into the state of acceptance and surrender that would enable them to See as God Sees, to hear the ideas and solutions their mortal needs call for, to discern the helpful place to go or person to turn to.

    Be not one of those, Beloveds. Stay always tuned to God. Practice daily feeling the Divine Perfection with which God regards you, and that is always held forth to you, in complete Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Help always comes, to those who gladly and willingly look to the God-Thoughts floating into their hearts and minds, and who allow themselves to bask in the Love that accompanies those ideas.

    Just as a human child asks his or her parent for advice, and then may or may not take that advice, but feels uplifted by the genuine love that accompanies the parents desire for the child to make good choices, so should you let yourself be uplifted by the Love that comes with the advice and ideas and guidelines God gives.

    That Love, and the Joy It engenders, are the real keys to letting good ideas work for you. Take time to feel it fully. Take time to let It water the ideas in your mind, and from there grow to the changes you need in your life, to help yourself and others achieve the Peace of God.

    The flow is Infinite, and will come each time you call,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you look for Wholeness, and Wholeness looks for you, let every single part of you answer, “Here I am.”

    To hold back a part of your life from being Whole is to not truly commit. Let there be no exception, no hidden place, no secret wandering remaining, when you let go to floating with the marvelous Flow of Will that is yours to choose.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are certain times when the only way to get past the pervasive hypnotisms of the cultural materialistic view is to be faced, in another, with an extreme parody of what you are trying to relinquish, what you are “battling with” in your own physical perceptions.

    So, when you run into someone whom you feel immediately judgmental about, remember the old saying of “One finger pointed at thee is three fingers pointed back at me.” The traits which one admires or condemns in others are also the traits that one most condemns or admires in one’s own mortal self. If you have reached the point of exploring and growing the spiritual self, USE this tendency, to help you emulate the honor, honesty, willingness, generosity, kindness, and so forth, that you admire in others. You have come to understand that what you want to express are the Qualities of God/Love, and you can let the admirable actions and non-actions of others help guide you. You can let their ridiculous or sinful behaviors help you weed those out of yourself.

    Thank them for being such teachers, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Reviewing in your mind, calmly, and with the certainty that you have already been forgiven, just how often you have been forgiven, will help you forgive others more easily.

    Remember, as you do so, that this is not an exercise in feeling guilty about your errors, it is about trusting that God is right when He/She declared you Good. God absolutely knows that by dreaming that you were separate from the Whole, and off somewhere else wearing a body and doing painful things and pleasurable things and making mistakes, that you did nothing of lasting substance, for only God creates what lasts forever and is all Good. The essence of you, the idea of you IS all Good, and is a sweet idea that never left the Energy Force /Love that is God.

    Only in the dream of the body were the mistakes and mis-creations made, by your own mind(s). That is why God sent a forgiving Force, a Saving Spirit, into the dream; to help you feel forgiven, so you could clearly remember again who you really are.

    But, while you are still in the dream and must forgive yourself and others, remembering the Grace with which you have been forgiven, and how often you have been forgiven, WILL help you forgive and love others, until you can clearly Love them as you Love yourself, and as you gratefully Love God.

    We hope this helps today,


  • Ah, Beloved, Believe, and then, KNOW!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When speaking with someone who firmly believes they are just a mortal body and that no Consciousness of their wonderful Soul will linger when that mortal body belief is set aside, keep a sense of humor. You do not need to convince them of anything, for they will see for themselves when the body misbelief is set aside. Just keep striving to be an example of Light, and keep your good spirit by imagining the enjoyable communication the two of you will have when all illusions are gone, and you are both bodies of Light.

    And silently ask Divine Spirit to Help them now.

    As ever, with you, and all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take time to refill from the Divine. Yes, God is always with you and the Divine Life is always flowing, but you must take time to focus on letting It really and truly fill you.

    God Gives and Gives and Gives, and when you are a natural giver, or have taken vows to be so, there is the need to refill. Gladness accompanies giving when you are filled. If you are feeling no Gladness as you give, or feeling inadequate when another need is seen, then stop and be still and refill.

    Today, Beloved. Today, stop and be still and refill. God provides Love. Be still and refill, and you will Love Life and the giving of Life, fully, again.

    How Glorious it feels to Know there is Plenty to give,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have human role models if you like, and if it helps sort out what behaviors you wish to aspire to, and what life modes are ones you would like to experience, and if certain individuals inspire you to believe in your own ability to achieve human goals.

    But, Beloved, never ever put those things ahead of acknowledging the Source of all Good, and of agreeing to be an example of the Qualities of that Source, to be an expression of God. To be the best expression of your Divine Self is the most important task, and to really know how to do that, you must look to God

    In different cultures and different times, the essential tools of learning how to shine with Love and Grace have varied, and will vary. Each generation may find a new word for the constant clear communion with GOD. But whether you call it “intentions”, or whether you call it “prayer”, it always must come first, if what you are as Its Lovely and Holy demonstrator is to be consistent, and persistent and enduring.

    Sink back into that Truth today, Beloved,

    “Above all, I let Love shine through me today.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Darling, you carry the Gladness of God within your heart, everywhere you go and no matter what you are doing. All you need to do is accept it. It is freely given. All you need to do is set aside focusing on the worldly emotions, and let the emotion of God’s Gladness accompany you in everything you do.

    He/She has told you this. Have you forgotten? Does not all flow more smoothly if you let yourself be carried through it all on the wave of God’s Gladness? Allow it, Beloved. Allow it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God IS here. God is here, shining Its Goodness and Love forth as you, Spirit reflecting Spirit.

    Today, think not of the errors you have made as human, think of the Good that you are, as an expression of God-Spirit. Think of the Good that you are.

    We often urge you to count your Blessings, to help wash away any negative or erroneous thoughts that cloud your mind. Today, count also the Blessing that you are to others. Silently review the way you add Good to your community and friends and family and to the Body of Images that dances and sings and moves in the honor of God.

    Count the Good you do, and Be Glad. We see it clearly.

    Count the Good you do and Be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a well known experience in the human forms, that you fall in love with those you spend a great deal of time with. Whether it is at a school or a workplace or a prison or a club or a neighborhood, the eyes of soul will speak to the eyes of soul, and love grows.

    It is no different, although magnified beyond your imagination, in falling in love with the Divine Source, and all that have realized they are joined with It, as One. Spend time with God, and you will fall in love with God. Spend time with saints or angels or avatars or spirit guides, or whatever manifestations of God your paradigm has named, and you will fall in love with those expressions of the Divine.

    Let it be so, Beloved. Spend time with God-Source and Its manifestations, and allow yourself to fall in Love. For as you do so, you will indeed realize that you also are Love, and that with Love, and in Love, all things are possible.

    We are already in Love with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am constantly being Blessed by God. Dear Spirit, open my eyes to seeing the effects of this in my human needs. Thank you for helping me understand and see with your discernment.”

    Pray this way today, Beloved. Make it for yourself, and make it for all. Pray this way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am letting the Radiance of God burn away all of my perceptions and thoughts that are not of God, that are unlike God. I am welcoming the purifying Thought that clears out of my thoughts and emotions, and thus out of my life, anything that is not like the Divine Life that I live, right now, in the Wondrous Mind that endlessly thinks of, and Loves, us all.”

    I do this for myself, and I do this for all of my brothers and sisters, for we all have our being in the same Vast Being, and we are, in Totality, Its lovely Reflection and Joy.”

    There are times to go back to this basic, and be grateful and glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to ask BOLDLY for all that is True to BE true in your earthly play.

    The humble willingness to turn all things and people and circumstances over to God is the simple thing you must do to enact this. Like an artist who recognizes that too much paint has been smeared around on her canvas, and acceptingly sets it aside and starts with a fresh canvas, be willing to set aside all of what you thought you wanted, and let the Maker paint your picture of existence anew.

    “I want what the Divine KNOWS as Truth, to be true, here and now”,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are weary of the effort of peering through the cloud of unknowing, to see the Truth of Spiritual perception, take time away from the falsehoods,

    Spend the day with Truth seekers, or reading and pondering the Good and the True. Let your heart feel floating in the Infinite warmth of Love Divine. You deserve it. It is your Home and your right.

    Let no mirages of earth mesmerize you today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate today. Celebrate that you know the sweet secret of focusing on the quiet stillness within right now, and that God’s Voice and certainty are always right there to join you, if you but take the time. It is truly your first and only Home, even though you seem to have a second home called “earth” right now. Be grateful you have that “First Home”, and stay very conscious of It. You can be aware of your true Home even while you still seem to walk the earth.

    Just as a man who has a vacation home, fully furnished with all good things, to go to, feels a sweetness of having a safe retreat, feel glad about your Home with God, Calm in the heart. And, just as that man with a second home would be less devastated than a man with only one home, if the day to day home burned, or were torn away from him, be so very Glad that you ALWAYS have the Home that is God Calm in the stillness within you.

    Your Home is God’s Thoughts, Loving you and being loved by you. Treasure that today, and cherish having the awareness of that safe view and shelter. Calm God Thought can help you see the here and now goodness of your everyday shelter as well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not forget what we have told you before, that out of Love for one another, some individualized parts of Spirit agree to come to life to play roles of teacher or healer, or to be beside another part as it experiences a particular moment of Joy or beauty or challenge.

    The truth and scope of eternity are impossible for the human mind to grasp, but even a little comprehension can give one the perspective that a long life here is but nothing in the Timelessness of Full Awareness. So, no matter how long or short a life is lived in the awareness of earth, to appreciate a round of seasons, or to exchange one wonderful kiss in a mountain spring, or to stand with a friend for a decade, or to wander for forty years looking for the lost bliss of Nirvana, when the Spirit reawakens to Truth, it is again all just part of a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Whole.

    See but once the complete Joy on the face of the moment of transition, and you will know,


    In memory of Erik Meijers

    November 1961- November 2004

    with great thanks to the warm Ones who went with him.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Life Force that surrounds you, sustains you, supports you, and knows you, as a spiritual reflection of Itself, holds you very, very dear. Although It will allow you to play with notions of “self”, as a mother would allow a child to play dress-up, It will not allow you to exit the usefulness of the Play if it is not time for you to do so.

    Welcome Its protection, Love. Welcome Its Wisdom. Trust in all things for the Good, and let your awareness always be on the non-physical Reality that underlies anything you might imagine. It is Supportive, Loving, Gracious, and ever-displaying a Beauty of Creation that no “high-definition film” could ever capture.

    We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are an idea in the Mind of God. As swiftly as you can think of a piece of pie, and then think of adding to the thought of it a thought of drizzle of caramel or of ice cream, so can God swiftly place other ideas near you and with you. Those ideas can be creative inspirations. Those ideas can be other people or a change in weather or attitude or appetite.

    Allow the changes, Beloved. Allow the new. Be willing to say good bye to the old, and allow all new Good.

    Always with you in the Good,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    The Great Director has placed you in the perfect place, or is in the process of moving you to the perfect place, for the work that you need to do for the Divine Plan to awaken all to the heritage of their divinity. Trust that, and know that if it seems like you are trying to be an example to those that are just not ready and willing to hear of their true identities as children of One Mind, it is only because you cannot see the end result. If you are a sower of the seeds of Grace, and we assure you that you are, then you may be reaching one very important individual that will help to save all from extra generations of suffering.

    Whether you are reaching one, or reaching many, you must trust that the overall Plan IS in action, and you are a sweet and appreciated part of it.

    Seek not human approval. Just reach out to the Living Divine Voice within you in the evening, and ask IT, “How did I do today?” That is the only opinion that counts.

    It will laud you for all that was done, and if there is more to be done, It will give you gentle, appreciative directions, and move you, and all, forward.

    We are under Its direction to, to Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that each time you forgive someone for something, you are forgiving yourself for the same problem. It IS that simple.

    And, as you forgive that person, he or she is healed, and you are healed, and both of your Best Selves, with all their marvelous potential, are revealed.

    Ask yourself, when the imp of something unworthy behavior has reared its head over someone you are interacting with, “What unGodly behavior am I forgiving in myself by forgiving it in this person?”

    Then forgive, and forget, and be free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Going Home to Soul. Being constantly at Home in Soul.

    This Soul-dweller is Who you are, What you are, dear one.

    Walk through your days, and observe them and enjoy them, and expand the space for Love, but always, always, O’ Beloved, remain at Home in Soul.

    Relax in the knowledge that All Good is tending your Home of Soul,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not time that moves, it is your awareness that moves among the frozen moments of time. Keep it in the Now, Beloved, appreciating and glorifying, and with just a light touch on the next future moment, like the kiss of a feather, be led into the next Best Moment, and the next, and the next, within all the great maze of possibilities.

    We assure you again, we are with you at every moment, and the end,


  • Ah, Child,

    Key for you to understand is that the “I” in “I am” is a plurality.

    The mirror image of the Source, that is offspring, that is reflection, that is humanity, is One that is many. Therefore, let your prayer today be:

    “OUR Loving Source, Bless us all. Bless them, and Bless me, let us all see our Best Destinies.”

    No one should be held outside your blessings and your good wishes. No one.

    This is key, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When there is realization of the Utter and Complete Love of God for you, and that your Happiness is sincerely desired and thus Ordained by, the creative Force, then you can choose trusting that Force more easily.

    Practice believing today, Beloved. Practice believing and therefore trusting, and feel how the sense of burden for your own well being feels lighter. When you move on to total trust, then you will indeed feel free.

    All Love to you always, Child of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Illusions and misunderstandings, whether seemingly good or seemingly unfortunate or awful, are still just errors of perception. Close your eyes and stop the running dialogue in your mind for a moment and tell the storm of your earthly self “Peace, be still!”

    You have the dominion over reaction. You have the power, given by Grace, to re-think, and to re-feel. If you have ever thought to yourself, “Not even God could straighten out this mess”, we assure you that it is not true. For that which needs to be straightened out is just limited thinking and perception. And those limits of time and thought can and have been and shall be Overcome by the Reality of Calm Good.

    Knowing you desire Calm and Abiding Good means abiding in the trust of that which is infinitely larger than anything you are dreaming is right or wrong. Please, dear and honorable Child of God, ask continually for the Calm and True Spiritual Sight. It is a Sight not of the eyes, but of the Understanding of what you are as a part of the Soul that is All.

    Ask for Calm, no matter what the worldly mind is fretting about,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God wants only Good for you.

    The human machinations do not believe this and keep trying to make their own creations and their own logic and their own justice. Try today to think of God as the Writer of your Good script. Try today to be willing to see scenes of His/Her Play for you. Act like one of the players that would be in that play, with Love and Mercy for all.

    You can be amazed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Give me a renewing Divine Thought, Dear God.”

    Ask it quietly and trustingly, and wait at lest a full minute of earthly time to hear and feel God’s Loving Embrace and response. And then hold and cherish that Thought all the day.

    If it is an instruction, such as “forgive”, enact it. God’s Word is True, and Good for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The prayer of the Practitioner of God always comes down to the prayer of the saint who said, “Open my eyes, that I may see the truth of You, Lord, in that which is before me”, for always it is the perception that needs healing. And as you are led to see the Truth that streams and dances with joy, like a spring flow after a heavy rain, then you will be able to pray for others, “Open their eyes, Lord, that they may see all the support of You that is all around us, You in Whom we dwell…”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you practice and experience the deep and changeless Unconditional Love of God welling up continually, as a Gift from God, in your heart, the better you will get at feeling It fully. And the more your feel It fully, the less concerned you will be about pursuing the frivolous pursuits of the brief pleasures of earth, and the less you will fret about the mundane chores of earth that need to be done.

    To some, this may sound too steady, or too boring, and the desire to experience the wild ups and downs of temporal emotion will still attract them, for they cannot conceive of the Transportive nature of God-Love. But as the depths of that timeless Love glimmer through the earthly senses, and become more real and wonderful and dear to the inner being, AND yield fruit of Goodness and Harmony in the everyday events, the lure of the Inner Love will grow.

    Why wait, Beloved? Seek that Infinite Joy, and be truly fed in all circumstances and places. Ò‰ Am with you wherever you go,Ó says the Spirit of Love, and it is True.


  • Dearly Beloved,

    We see, and we know, how filled are all your moments with the tasks and obligations that you have taken on. We just wish to remind you that if you would only take a few moments, twice a day, to do the following, your serenity will increase.

    1. Sit quietly and take three very deep and slow breaths into your belly and out again.

    2. Ask for your own Divine Spirit to be with you. Or, ask for whatever loving Divine forces that you love and believe in, by whatever name, to be with you.

    3. Send energy out. Imagine a beam of light, that is hope and compassion, moving from you to someone else, somewhere. The someone that you are sending energy to can be a family member, or a friend, or a stranger, or a group of strangers. If you find that thinking of a family member, or a lover, or friend brings up thoughts and emotions that interfere with your concentration, then think of strangers for now. Later, when you are more practiced at sending hope and forgiveness, you can send those feelings to people you are directly involved with. Send that beam of hope and light for just a minute or two to that unknown child across the world or next door, that is hungry or sad. Or send them to the people of a war-torn country that you wish you could comfort.

    4. After you have sent energy outward, breathe again. Then ask your Spirit and its Infinite Source, to fill you with that Light that is hope and unconditional love. Concentrate on feeling yourself filled with that Loving Light for at least a full minute—or as long as you can concentrate on the feeling of that beam of Light filling you.

    5. Breathe deeply and exhale slowly, feeling that Light that fills you. Picture a joyous thing as you feel that Light and as you breathe. Picture yourself laughing and feeling complete. Feel how that laughter would feel, moving up out of your belly and through your body and out into the air and light of the world.

    6. As the feeling of your own laughter and joy fills you, count your blessings. Count just a few or count them all, for as long as you can hold your concentration. Feel and savor a few of the blessings that are yours in this life.

    7. Open your eyes and look to your day with a joyous knowing that you are connected, by Love, to so much and to so many. Feel grateful to be alive, and honored to have choices.

    Give yourself this gift. It will change your life for the better.

    Ahhh, We love seeing you in joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The special relationship to which you must stay most faithful and pure is your relationship to the Source of you. Think of It as It thinks of you, As One: “ I Am that I am. I am as the projection of myself, that is all the same Qualities and reflections of Me.”

    In this, Beloved, “to thine own self be true” becomes, “to the Divine Good Source be True”. It is not to the sense of body-self, to the small-self, that one must be true, but to the Divine Self that is but a projection of total perfection o1 Love.

    FEEL this, even if you do not understand our words,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not insist and push, as you grow your spiritual heart from day to day.

    If there is a situation of timing, or coordination with others, that is more urgent for Blessings or safety, God’s Voice in your Inner Self will push you with Divine Love. The more you have trained yourself to listen to that Inner Infinite Voice, the easier will be the comprehension. And you will be so glad for opportunities grasped, or troubles avoided.

    And, for most days, for smooth steady movement, at your own pace, in the Harmony of God, just keep letting God Guide.

    God Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every culture and life hold tales and examples aplenty of how destructive is the pursuit and holding to of anger and revenge and old pains. Coming to accept that that is true is a step each person must take.

    Then comes the search for ways to teach, to forgive, to let go, to heal. Many methods there are for those things as well, but there is no escaping that each person must find a way that gives actual release to their heart, and helps move their own outlook and behavior in a pure direction. Seek the ways that work for you, but do seek and find them, for it is critical for your own well-being. We, of course, as you can see throughout all these messages, recommend pondering and learning about God, about the Oneness of Being, and how to commune with It daily, and ask It for guidance and help in forgiveness, in release, in reformation of thought and perception. We urge accepting that Divine Love is ALL, until you feel light and free, and can see yourself and others. others in a new way.

    But whatever way you choose, or are led to, BEGIN! Begin, and gently urge others to begin. Anger and retribution serve no one. How lovely it is when all let them go, let them go, let them go, in even the smallest thoughts of the day.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Get your thoughts of your earthly self out of the way, and ask for Divine Love to flow through you. There is no other way to the Mindset of Heaven.

    Is that too simple?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The worth of your Soul Self is priceless. Ponder that, stay aware of that. Know that the Magnificent Soul that you are a part of Knows that and offers you a living allowance of Joy each day, to simply Be your Priceless Self.

    Quietly and gratefully accept that payment of Joy each day, turning to the Divine paymaster, and filling yourself with that Life energy of Joy.

    For only by remembering, only by being disciplined enough to remember to turn to the Main Joy, and refill your account of Joy, can you find the way to enjoy your day, and to give Joy to others. Open your account with the password of gratitude, and fill your daily life account with Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many of you, or of those you know, are lost in sorrow. Either your own circumstances, or the worldly conditions of so much of humanity, grasps at you hearts and fences in your souls with hopelessness and despair.

    When you, or someone you know, find your heart trapped within that fence, the only real solution is to go even deeper into the heart, and connect with the Divine qualities that are within you. If you can find the presence of awareness to remember to go there, to pray for others, the Divine Spirit that IS connected to every heart will eagerly take the chance to send Loving energy forth. As those hopes and kind thoughts are sent forth, the Energy of the Divine opens a part of the “fence”, which allows Good Energy to also flow back to you.

    The sending forth of prayers and Loving feelings for others primes the pump of the Divine well that is within you, and the spillover will also soothe your own heart. Filled from Within, and from what cycles back to you from what you sent forth, you are able to wash away the fence of sorrow, or float above it, and remember “I Am the substance of, the Spirit of, the image of, the Loving and Beloved Qualities of God. I AM, I AM, I AM.

    We will fly you over fences, too, if you ask. Asking, and sending forth thoughts to others, are both acts of will that give God’s Will permission to be revealed in you. When you ask, or act, We can help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, in the human sense of time, things spin very quickly, or slowly, depending on the situation and understanding. We assure you that there is plenty of time, and experience, for you to do all the unfolding you need to do, here or hereafter. Some awaken slowly, and some quickly, to their perfection, but we tell you again that ALL awaken. Have faith in that.

    See them thus now, and it will awaken you completely.

    We Love you all. Take it tenderly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust in the Inner Directing Voice of God includes being willing to be surprised, and to let go of cherished spiritual “rules”, when guided to. Even if you hold your quiet hour of prayer time in the morning to be “sacred”, in your mind, unto yourself, and to God, if you sit down to pray and then clearly hear the instructions to get up and go into town, obey. Yes, of course, check for the Peace, and Joy, and Calm Certainty that accompany the True Inner Voice, but when you are certain that it is the Voice of God that you are hearing, that you know so well from so many times spent communing, then OBEY.

    There may be an encounter that changes your life, there may be a person that needs a smile or a word of Truth, there may be a situation that you can help harmonize by simply being a Presence of Light. You may not know the reason, and may never know the reason, but your task is to OBEY.

    For in that obedience, there is Light. Let there be Light, Beloved. Let there be Light.

    We are with you in the Light,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, again, look past the traits of those you humanly love, and those you cannot bring yourself to humanly love, and ask of the Light, “Please, please, Grace me to See the unsullied version of my family and my friends and my co-workers and my co-seekers, and absolutely everyone I encounter or hear about. Help me See them as You See them, whole and pure and lovable and loving.”

    Darling child, you know you really do want to see yourself and others as God Sees you all. You know you want to stop judging and criticizing. God can Help you do that. God CAN show you the Truth, and knows that you can be relieved and so very happy that the Truth is the Truth and that there is nothing else.

    We cannot even describe to you what it is like to walk through an entire day fervently and calmly KNOWING that only Harmony is Real. Instead of epiphany moments, experience an epiphany day. Experience an epiphany always. Ask for that, Beloved. Ask for that.

    Grace gives freely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Desires of the heart are considered prayers by the Creative Universe.

    Therefore, keep your heart focused on the upward and the Good. And, do remember, darlings, that whether you are wishing for a perfect snack, or for a more appropriate dwelling, within the Infinite Universe, the “size” of the true desire means nothing. All are considered.

    And, do remember, darlings, that just as a mother does not care which cookie her child chooses from a festive buffet, but carefully shields him from the stimulating drinks, the Loving God of you discerns which of your wishes would actually benefit you, and which would not.

    Accept the Wisdom of the One Mind, even as you accept Its largesse.

    We Love you so. Love others as We Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The delight of seeing God’s Loving Principles work surpasses all other delight.

    Believe us, as you grow more sure of the play of Harmony’s Light upon disorder, chasing the gloom of error away, you will not hesitate you play that Light upon ALL disorder you see, shining It into every dark corner. It all happens in your own mind—no force is needed.

    Can you imagine seven billion hearts/minds directing Divine Mind Light onto all? The thoughts of all CAN arise into God-Light, and ascension out of error into Spiritual Thought come. Each heart/mind must begin the work in itself. It is a gift to your Self to begin.

    Others will choose their own timing. But the more they see around them, the easier it will be for them to choose. If you are a Light, then just being yourself is enough.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The True Source of Joy is God. Accessing that deep Source of God means abiding in Consciousness of God. Fill yourself from there, and Joy comes in seen and unseen ways into your days.

    It is true that some mortal pleasures can bring fleeting joys, but even those must be recognized as having their first origins in ideas given by God, or born of talents and elements bestowed by God. Turn to God, turn to God, turn to God, Beloved, adjust the connection carefully, and fill yourself with Divine Joy each day, for the fuel of God to give you full Life.

    Take time or It, and then use It, give It, share It, teach It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Love and Power are available right here and now to your consciousness.

    God did not think you up, create you and then toss you like an old abandoned doll into some forest, to be lost and alone. God is right now. You are in Love and Life’s Mind right here.

    One of the good reasons to listen to the Good reports of how others have felt God working wellness into their lives, is that it helps you believe that God is not far away and long ago, but here, right now, wanting to Help you happily Be and know your Wholeness.

    Look and Listen. See God at Work everywhere.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the small mechanical problems of daily life are easily fixed, be so grateful you have the means and/or the knowledge to fix them. Be so grateful to honor the Source from which all means and knowledge come.

    Let not the annoyance of the inconveniences of daily human life fill your moments. Be glad and rejoice as they are solved, or as they give you a welcome respite from mindless routine, and let the situations remind you to be grateful, be grateful, be grateful.

    So many incidents can help you see the True priorities of living, and to turn the thought back to honoring the God Source, and keep the heart sending forth gratitude and Love.

    Be grateful, be glad, Be Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way to change a daisy into a rose by yelling at it. But as you fill your mind with the ideas of what constitutes Beauty, and look with the intent of seeing Beauty in whatever you are observing, you can see the daisy as beautiful, you can see the rose as beautiful, you can see the seeds of them as beautiful. Even if they are not before you in any material way, you can beautifully think of the beautiful ideas of them.

    You are one of Divine Mind’s ideas. As such, you have the ability to fill your thoughts with ideas of Beauty and Harmony, and look for them in all around you, and in what you can create, and invent, and experience and use.

    Each Good idea you have is a gift from the Divine. Be grateful, and play and create and appreciate.

    We Love the Beautiful idea of you. Do you?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perfection begets perfection. Love creates Love.

    Never forget that, as you don your body costume each day. You are the awareness of shared perfection, the purpose of reflected Love. As you don the costume of body and personality, keep in mind the perfection that Divine Mind holds you in, and expects you to represent, and share, and share, and share. It is a perfection of Love, not of eyelash or curve or muscle. It is a perfection of expression of Truth, and of regarding all as sisters and brothers in the One Reflection of the Source.

    Costumes can seem mutable in the dream-play of earth, but they are under control of Thought, if you give way your own earth-play-character-thoughts of being old or young or broken or pure or weak or strong, and agree, with the Great Director, to don the costume you were created to fit, perfect reflecting perfect, for your chosen and assigned role.

    How lovely, lovely, lovely you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are joined in time in order to release you from the limiting sense of time. This is not done by the death of the body, but by letting your thoughts and heart ascend into the timeless, where no human belief limits the Power of Love.

    Already in your life you have experienced moments where time seemed irrelevant or to have changed its nature. To feel timeless more and more often is to allow yourself to drop away from the self-limiting beliefs that would keep you from feeling the full Joy of your High Soul Self. When one of the exercises we have suggested over the years, or the breathless beauty of a piece of nature, or an experience, lift you into a euphoria of timelessness, savor it.

    Savor it, and be grateful for it. Be grateful for it, so that your mind and heart will be willing to welcome more freedom from time-thought. Do not think that this is achieved by repeating the specific earthly experience that seemed to generate the soul Knowledge of timelessness, or by possessing the object of beauty that took your breath away. Rather, be grateful for the embrace of timelessness, and begin to acknowledge that it is an aspect of the Heavenly state of Mind that can be welcomed into every day and way and circumstance. Remember that what you are grateful for, or let your thoughts dwell on, you receive more of.

    With you in the illusion of time and beyond time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love Divine will find you in many ways. It will diligently use any person or place or thing to give you a stunning moment of revelation. It might awaken you to the thought of eternal infinite Life Force when you see a seedling pushing up through the snow, or a tendril working through a crack in the concrete.

    It might flood your heart with the Complete meaning of Compassion because you witness a child sharing a grubby jellybean with a friend.

    Pay attention to those small things today, dear Child of God. God wants you to understand, deeply and truly, the Infinite Whole, and will use anything and everything to help you do so. Until you can See the Unseen for yourself, the visible can give you clues and openings to look through.

    We will Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking indicates that your will is open to Divine Will. You cannot order the Divine around, but you can give It your permission to offer you the Best that can be, for you and for all.

    “High Guidance of the Light,

    Come to me and hold me tight.

    Guide me through the day, Inspire me through the night.

    Be the Loving motion that always leads me right.”

    Or, make up you own ditty, or poem, to remind you. But give your will to God.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    The worth of every moment is in the Love that is given. Whether it is the man dying in a muddy ditch in a war, who is infinitely grateful for the company of a bird who flies overhead as a last sight of the expression of life that they have in common, or whether it is taking time to pause and wave at a neighbor, feel Love in your awareness, send forth Love.

    We are not speaking of sentimental love, of course, or of just human passion. Simply feel that Infinite Love that you are one expression of. The Source of all that exists, at Its heart, is the same Light. Your human eyes may only see the glamour, the illusion, that tries to obscure that Light, but it is there just the same. Look with your Heart, let like call to like, and let everything else be seen to be the same Divine Ray that you are, just shining through different lens.

    Beloved, until you are ready to see only this commonality, you will have a part of yourself that feels alone and misunderstood. Is letting go of the outer judgments and comparisons too high a price to pay to never feel alone again? Think of forgiving as simply NOT SEEING anything about others except the Light (and Love) they are made of, and you will begin to Love yourself, as well.

    You are of the only substance we recognize,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “We are Rays of the One Source-Light of Love, God.”

    “We are nothing more, and we are nothing less.”

    Claim the fullness of the Light of Divine Love that is you, today, and claim It also for all others. It is a time in the great unfolding of awakening to know that God truly does want ALL Beloved Children of Light to know they are One with God.

    Pray for yourself. Pray for all. Claim the fullness of Innocent Spiritual Being.

    And We thank you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you totally realize that you care not whether or not you leave the world of the physical senses and its false desires, then God will truly be freed to use you in your Highest and Best capacities. Then, you will Shine, Shine, Shine, and understand that thus was your purpose all along.

    Always, we have seen the Best of you shining through,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are times when the function that Spirit would have you perform, as a communicator within the dream, makes absolutely no sense to you, by human logic or even visceral understanding. But when you have come to trust the Voice, then trust you must, at all times. Trust, Beloved, trust. We ASSURE you that some of the small acts of empathy, or gestures of friendliness, or letting another car go ahead of you, or one or a few words spoken, that Spirit has asked you to do, have changed destinies for the better, in terms of swiftness, and heartache avoided.

    Trust, and continue to let yourself be a willing distributor of Grace. It IS the highest and best purpose for remaining in the dream of earth.

    Endlessly in Love, and Loving,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your own Inner Divine can burn away all the mist of illusions,

    if you just spend today being grateful all the time.

    Above all, be grateful to God for Being All, and for being consistently and constantly the Love that contains you. There is no Truth but that which you need, if you stay aware and glad of It always. Let yourself know It as It knows you, and be gratefully obedient to Its directions for you.

    So glad when you are glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Unconditional Love Itself is holding you. Let It hold you with your complete and full attention. Give It your attention as though you were working on an intricate task. Hold your thought steady, keep your intention focused and serene, and LET It do Its Work.

    Beloved, It will not only inspire and guide and soothe and heal, It will wash away old beliefs that may be blocking you from being the most incredible You that reflects Its marvelous divinity and wholeness. Health and wholeness and full provision and demonstration of your individual talents are good, good, good things. Let no one tell you otherwise. Let no old thing you heard say otherwise.

    You ARE a shining part of Soul and today the Great Soul of the All That Is wants to polish you up. To polish you, like the owner that tenderly polishes his silver, Soul tenderly holds you. Let yourself be held, and concentrate on seeing yourself shine. And let yourself shine to yourself and to others, for you are a beautiful force.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am thine, as thou art Mine.

    It is a marriage of Oneness, for you cannot be separate from Me any more than a reflection in the looking glass can be separate from the Original that stands before it.

    Dear, dear one, think today about being Mine, and all that I Am being you and yours.

    Omnipresent really does mean “always with you”, not as a judge and an evaluator, but as an example, as a gift, as a blueprint of the Love that you are made of.

    Always with you. Always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear Loving Source, please shine away

    anything of me and my life that is not a part of your Good Way.

    Dear Loving Guidance, let me see,

    what You would have me say, and do, and be.”

    And, Love yourself as you ask this, and let the answers come,


  • Dear readers, Three times I tried to write this message and post it, and my computer kept freezing up, and I had to start over. Finally I walked away for a while, and drank some cold water and asked Spirit for Help. Then I came back and it worked.

    Be faithful. Persevere. Trust God to help even when all seems frozen.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    We remind you again that we understand that it seems contrary to human logic to take your mind off the “problem”, whatever that seems to be, and to put your mind to opening to the Mind of God, but it IS the Way.

    What do you have to lose? Worry, pain, giddiness that you do not trust? Affirm that you want Calm and Peace and Joyous Good ideas, and be still, and listen to God, and feel the Presence that Holds all.

    ANGELS, with you in Love

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The returning of your thoughts to the Truth that you are a spiritual entity living within the very Life that is Spirit, will change how you perceive things.

    Simply re-training your thought to “I am Spirit living within Spirit, right now” will help free you from all the habitual thoughts about being a vulnerable and brief body, to remembering your part in the wonderful and sublime Play of Light. It will open you to hearing the One Voice.

    Try it. All it costs is your concentrated thought, and willingness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is love, and there is Love.

    Cling not to earthly love as a substitute for Divine Love. Rather, embrace Divine Love first and foremost, and COMPLETELY, and then be delighted to find that It has enhanced all of your human love as well.

    All is Well when you do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Knowing the Truth that Spiritual existence is real and pervasive and all ,and Loving, is not an arduous thing. It is what frees you into relaxing into the tender Guidance of God, and allows you to completely enjoy the human experience of adventure and creativity and appreciation.

    Yes, the mis-educated mortal personality, and limited bodily senses, may be frightened of seeing “physical laws” overcome and surpassed, but as the unfolding of God-understanding comes to the mind, these breakings of limited thought will be wonderful proof of your glorious heritage of Dominion and Joyous Peace as an inhabitant of the Divine Universe.

    Be Glad, Beloved, be Glad. For today, as all days, God walks with you, and will talk to you and show you Good things, if you but listen and ask.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are ready, when it would not be too shocking to your system of perception of the world and how to function within it, begin to ponder the futility of relating to the non-existent.

    To relate to the unreal, to the ego-illusions of persona and situations around you, is akin to trying to adjust the temperature of the theater by speaking to one of the characters in the film you are watching. It is akin to trying to change the ending of the movie by speaking to one of the actors who has already performed the previous ending.

    Speak to the Manager of the theater, Beloved. Speak to the Director of the Story. Learn that in all cases and all situations, there is the Essence of Goodness, ready to guide you, via the Voice in your heart. In all circumstances, the Essence of Goodness is ready to cast Its lovely Light, and help focus the “film” so that you can see, truly see, the full beauty of it. Begin to see and sense, with your spirit, the Real, and relate only to that.

    Ponder this, Beloved, and wean yourself from relating to the non-existent.

    In Dearest Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Good, progress towards the Light revealed in all, is operating right now, even if it is not evident to your bodily senses. Trust that, and keep asking for the Divine Wisdom to guide you each and every day.

    But even more than “instructions” for your individual mission of Soul each day, turn to, and revel in, that Sublime Love that is offered to you constantly, and wants to have you truly feel that It is Holding, Holding, Holding you, and providing for your real needs. Divine Love wants to Help you, in every phase of your understanding.

    We assure you of this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are many Spiritual Truths that you know full well, but you forget to actively use. You know that to keep thinking angry or hurt thoughts about someone, even when you know you will probably never see that person again, drains some of your joy from the day, and takes away from your ability to focus on good, and inspiration and appreciation.

    Take ACTIVE time each day, Beloved, to examine your thoughts as they pop up, and quickly remember to let go, to forgive, to remind yourself to focus on the Good of now, when you see that shadowy thoughts are trying to disrupt you. Loving spirit is glad to help you do this. Ask for Divine Help, count Its Love as an ever-present Blessing, and take that time to rid your mind of thoughts that sneakily rob you of the day, of your True Way.

    When you allow Divine Love to fully flood your mind, there is no place for anger and hurt to live or seem insurmountable.

    We Love you so. We are ready to help from where we live in the Soul that is your heartbeat.


  • Ah, Beloved,


    Praise God, praise others, praise yourself.

    Praise All,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Can the swipe of a knife hurt a beam of light? Can water tossed through it, or a handful of dust tossed at it, harm a beam of light? Can words that are meant to hurt and doubt make the beam of light waver? No and no and no and no.

    And the Divine Light that shines forth the idea of you is Complete Oneness, with all Power, far more than the beams of light from your temporal sun.

    Be the Beam of Light today, Beloved, fearless and proud to believe and know that it is the Power of Love Itself that shines you forth. You are not material. You are Spirit and you are Light and you are Love. Walk strong, for you are those.

    SPIRIT, with you

  • Ah, Beloved.


    Appreciation that you can smile and that when you smile sincerely at others, it is usually returned. Appreciation that when you have time you can spend that time on doing things that are helpful or enjoyable. Appreciation that you have the skills and money you put forth provide the elements of daily living that you need. Appreciation that the love and human affection you put forth feel good to give.

    Appreciation for when you are appreciated, and that appreciation itself exists as a feeling and as a state of mind.

    Appreciate. Actively appreciate.

    Even if you are starting with small smiles or small skills or small amounts of money or time, appreciate what you can give forth of them and what you receive, and they will grow. Appreciation feeds them.

    We appreciate you. Believe it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know how easy it is to feel compassion for one whom you see who is suffering from a crippled foot, or a wounded arm, or a gash to the head. You very naturally wish to pray for the healing, the wholeness, of that person to be revealed.

    When confronted with someone who seems to have a vicious personality, or a lying character, or sinful disregard of the feelings of others, you must think of that person as also suffering from some of the wounds of the earth-play world. The false spirit of error and wrong-doing and acting, that falls upon the good spirits that the Creator made, must be seen as one more thing that needs healing. Think of them this way, and have the same compassion that you do for bodily ills, and pray to see them healed and whole and good and true.

    Would that not be more pleasant for you than seeing them as hopeless villains?

    Take Joy in seeing revealed to you the Good men and Women of God’s making.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Deep, deep, deep in the consciousness of your Soul, there is a constant good Calm and Well-Being. Sink down into It, purposefully, several times a day, and renew yourself. Claim your energy, claim your health and wealth and Love, as a Child of Soul, and then hold those tightly in your thoughts as you again face the earth play, and enjoy it.

    The individual spiritual self that you were made by Soul, and which you are constantly renewed as, by timeless Spirit, will never change or diminish or feel anything but quiet Joy. Trust in that, and let your own special Spirit be the good mirror you look in as you go deep, deep, deep into the truth of the Source of You.

    And be Glad, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no condemnation in Divine Love.

    When It says, “You are forgiven for the errors you humanly dreamed, and you are therefore healed, revealed as the Wholeness with which and in which God created you, but go forth and sin no more”, it is not a threat.

    It is simply a teaching. It is an explanation that if you fall back into the human error of dreamy illusions, of thinking you are nothing but a material body making material errors and prone to all sorts of buffeting physical forces, then you may imagine yourself un-Whole again.

    WAKE UP to the Wholeness with which and in which Love made you, and drift not back to sleep in the ignorance or disregard of the absolute Truth of God’s Spiritual Reality.

    To stay awake and alert is to sin no more.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love yourself as much as God Loves you, and you are freed to be what God knows you to Be, a Good reflection, an image of Life that Loves.

    God does not see your human errors and ponder them endlessly. God sees the image of Love reflected, and if you awaken from the dream of human error and choose to live in the earth play as that Light of Love, then illusions will not hold sway over you.

    Accept the awakening, and live Love, Beloved. Live Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God wants everyone to know Harmony here in the mansion of Divine Love Thought.

    When many around you do not seem to want that, picture them willing to listen to God. Remind your own “small mind”, One Great Mind Governs all.

    And when you have resentments or doubts, repeat and repeat, “One Loving Mind Governs all.”

    Anchor yourself in Truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not like the feelings you are having, then list in your mind the feelings that you do want. Are they things such as peace, joy, contentment, harmony, and Love?

    Then you must turn to Spirit that is the One Source. That is what will give you those feelings permanently. Yes, you can turn to material things or personalities or bodies for a brief imitation of those feelings, but to truly banish their opposites, and take true peace and joy into your heart and mind, you must turn to the Original Source of All.

    Do you want the permanent healing of feeling, or don”t you?

    We permanently Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you have had enough glimpses of the Harmony that underlies all things, and is the real Law of Life, then you will seek to see as much of It as possible.

    And all of It is possible, and is already achieved in the Mind of Spirit. Be not afraid to set aside old ways and goals, and to seek the unlimited expression of that which you are as one facet of that Beautiful Spirit, always seeking to Harmonize all to Itself.

    What does it take? Just thinking about It, and wanting It, all the time. Let yourself be trained to do this, and to let go of old thought patterns. Spirit Itself will help you. Just give permission and behold Harmony flower in your days.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The most wonderful aspect of the Creative Source is Its Constancy.

    It is constantly available to you. It is constantly Loving. It is constantly omnipotent. It is constantly omniscient.

    It is constantly projecting the Idea that is You.

    Remember these things when you feel alone or afraid or weary, or happy or enthusiastic or energized. Let It be your constant companion, for It IS your constant companion. Turn to It for comfort or inspiration, constantly, and also turn to It for celebration and gratitude, constantly, for that recognition of Its constant presence is what will keep your earthly physical experience aligned with the truth of your constant perfection in Its Constant Perfection.

    AMEN, In Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there’s The Will, there’s a way.

    a.k.a. All things are possible to God.

    Ponder that, have faith in that, trust in that. Trust in the Goodness of the One Will. It is human will, that thinks it acts alone, that is not to be trusted. Align with One Will, and be free.

    Always with you in that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have Mercy, have Mercy, have Mercy. Have Mercy in your thoughts of others, for you know full well that there are many times you need that Mercy shown to you.

    Have Mercy, and leave the Divine Justice and adjustment of Love to God.

    Have Mercy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gratitude is marvelous. In a moment, it can change your thoughts, and therefore your mood, and situation, and your perception of another person. Gratitude is a way of Being.

    Forgiveness is Divine. It can completely mellow and heal the feelings, and open the heart to inspiration, and reveal the wholeness of Soul. Forgiveness is the method of Seeing as God Sees, past the illusion of time-bound existence.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “ I am as Good as anyone else in God’s eyes, Who sees right past my human errors.”

    “I give it all over to Him/Her, who graciously gives me life.”

    Gently allow this truth to guide and heal you today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Complaints from your mouth, or in your mind, will come back to you magnified. Gratitude and Blessings sent forth from your mouth, or in your mind, will come back to you magnified.

    Which one do you want to send forth? Choose, and do it. Ask for our Help to enact this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are ready, realize this: You are one with us. We are one with God. You are one with God.

    We understand that the small identity of self will try to have you find joy and solace and inspiration in the small pleasures of worldly life, but when these continually pass away or fail to satisfy, then turn around, and look again to the Truth: You are One with God.

    Even now, if you speak that phrase in your mind and heart, again and again, you will feel the Peace of God coming over. Relax into It. Thank It and Praise It, and know It to be the Home you carry with you, always, for It is carrying you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do be grateful and thankful that everything you really need has already been given you. The ideas you need to act on, the inner conscience that helps you know what to do and when to do it, the ability to appreciate beauty and good—all these and more have been gifted to you with which to enact your earthly play.

    Slow down, today, slow down, and appreciate this by being so very grateful for each bit of beauty. The beauty of light, the beauty of the feeling of love, the beauty of how humor relieves tension and forgives mistakes, are all wondrous beauties to acknowledge.

    The Infinite has offered all this, tenderly watching how you use it. It tenderly watches and helps you enact Good, but never ever withholds Love, Love, Love and ever gives, gives, gives Life.

    We know these things and really you know them, too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is indeed timeless. But the merciful Spirit of God recognizes that the earthly dream is very awash in a perception of linear time. And thus it is important to ponder that events and understandings happen “in due time”, that is, in God’s timing.

    You can help make leaps in the timing of revelation of All Good, if you turn your heart willingly over to the God Guidance, each and every day, and sing praise in your heart when you feel Good happening, in Good timing. Progress to that shining Showing of Good is being made, we assure you.

    Stand outside of time, with God, and take a look,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love is ALWAYS ready to offer a state of Peace and Gladness to you, if you are ready to receive. Hold yourself in that state of receptiveness and appreciation, and let that Helpful Will be done.

    THAT is really what the commandment about honoring the One Divine above all is about. The second, of loving others as you yourself are loved by the Divine Source, is about holding your Consciousness in that Higher Aspect, so that you stand ready to assist in offering the Grace, Joy, Life and Unconditional Love that you yourself have received so freely.

    If you stand in fear, you cannot help those around you. If you cringe in worry, you cannot support those before you. If you let fear and worry and sorrow live within you, and, with their insidious time-loops of thought, hold sway over your thoughts, you cannot help yourself, or anyone around you. Give yourself the gift of training the thoughts to stay on the Good traits of Being, and, in this way, you are open to receive Greater Assistance, and therefore open, and able, to give.

    Yes, it is a constant effort to hold to the Good,

    But it is worth it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It has been proven to you that when you LISTEN to the small, still Voice and obey It, Good things happen.

    How about a day of silence now, so that you can listen even more than usual, and actually hear more of the Good instructions that the Divine would love for you to hear and obey and receive fruit of?

    As ever, we want your Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, simply ask the Life Force that is Love to help you feel It holding you.

    Feel Its warm and tender and supporting Embrace, and feel nurtured and calm and fully protected.

    It is already holding you, as It always does, but you have forgotten Its Ever-presence, and that is why you think you need a hug. The Great Embracer is already Holding you. Just turn your thoughts and your awareness to It and let your consciousness sink into the Consciousness of Love, and be Held, be Held, be Held.

    We hold you always in our thoughts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each individualized part of the Great Soul, of which you are one, has a certain attitude of Mind, or a certain word or phrase or expression or color or shape or sound or taste, that puts him or her in a good alignment with Divine Thought and Being.

    What is yours? Do you know it? Is there a certain arrangement of colors in a sunrise that puts you into an immediate silent receptivity of the Divine Voice? Is there a certain phrase or word from sacred texts that helps you feel suffused with Love? Is there a fullness of gratitude that helps you remember the Joy that underlies all True Power and Presence? The smell of the ocean, the sight of a tall spire, the harmony of certain notes of music, the taste of a warm peach—do any of these things, or others, put you in prepared state of heart to access your connection to the Great Joining?

    The things themselves are not sacred and to be worshipped, Beloved. But if there is something that helps to calm you and make it easier to connect with the Gracious Calmness that is always with you, then find it and be aware of it. That way, when you are not calm, when the material world has pulled you into either excess pain or pleasure, you can turn to that thing, or think about that thing, and re-center yourself in the Truth, and be Free.

    For many, it is simply the name of God. Whatever it is, find it and use it consistently, so that it is automatic when you need it most, when your tumbled mortal thoughts are not clear. Use it, and know you are Love. Use it to know you have right with you what is Good, that you are, in fact Spiritual Goodness.

    The phrase “I am healed by Love” can seem very true, and IS True, but if that phrasing of it makes you think that Love is very far away, or a thing apart from you that must be begged to show up and fix you, then re-think it. “I am Love”. You Are healed by Love, but it is because your true nature IS Love, and so that wholeness, that “healed” condition can be revealed here and now, right away. All healing is of thought. So whether your concern is for the body costume or the circumstances or the sense of being trapped in linear time, let your thoughts be whole by knowing “I am Whole”. Use your individual trigger, your personal key, and open your Thought of Whole Being. Use it, and feel as a free Spirit.

    We Love you so, ANGELS