All Messages

  • Ah, It Is all these things and more, and to be in complete Love with that State of Mind is to yearn and learn to abide within It. Abiding within It, to be in love with, and loved by, that Presence, is truly, as mystics have said throughout the ages, the worthwhile thing to yearn for, and do. All else comes from there.

    Just a little testimony, for a change of pace,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have ideas, fun and creative and happy ideas, do you always evaluate them on the basis of current limits or physical laws?

    Do you truly think that when God forms new ideas, It evaluates them based on human laws and seemingly “physical” laws? God had the Good idea that is you. Whatever and whoever you need to have around you, they are just ideas. God can think them up.

    “Show me and tell me, God, what ideas you want to see around me, and go through me, for the joy you want me to have.”

    Release your limiting ideas about what God is, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your small human concerns are just as important as your large ones, in the eyes of Spirit, who Loves to demonstrate to you that comfort, care, and solution are always on offer, as your hold forth the mortal dream dilemmas to the Truth of Harmony, the Law of God, for correction.

    We assure you that from a limited human perspective, you cannot always discern which elements of your life are urgently in need of alignment with Loving Life, and which are of lesser impact to your good progress, and to those around you. Turn it all over to Love Divine, Beloved. Turn it all over, as we say so often.

    Listen, accept, act or be still, as the small, still Voice advises, and abide gently in God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust in the Inner Directing Voice of God includes being willing to be surprised, and to let go of cherished spiritual “rules”, when guided to. Even if you hold your quiet hour of prayer time in the morning to be “sacred”, in your mind, unto yourself, and to God, if you sit down to pray and then clearly hear the instructions to get up and go into town, obey. Yes, of course, check for the Peace, and Joy, and Calm Certainty that accompany the True Inner Voice, but when you are certain that it is the Voice of God that you are hearing, that you know so well from so many times spent communing, then OBEY.

    There may be an encounter that changes your life, there may be a person that needs a smile or a word of Truth, there may be a situation that you can help harmonize by simply being a Presence of Light. You may not know the reason, and may never know the reason, but your task is to OBEY.

    For in that obedience, there is Light. Let there be Light, Beloved. Let there be Light.

    We are with you in the Light,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As an adult, you do not usually feel confusion when you look into a mirror. You do not think there are suddenly two of you.

    No more does God think there is a separate God looking back at Him/Her from the marvelous mirror It built. You, and all your other fellow beings, as Spirit, are what are looking back at God—God’s eyes looking at Its own eyes, and Loving what It sees, and Knowing It and Its reflection are One.

    It is not the human-self-imagined material reality that God Sees. It is the purity of Spirit. God Sees The perfection of unending Life Force holding bits of Light together.

    Ask to See as God Sees. Ask to Know as God Knows. Strive to surrender your human sight and judgment today, and, with each thing of wonder, and person of perfection, ask God to tell you what It sees when It looks upon that part of the reflection.

    Peer past the dust, Beloved. Like an antiques appraiser that is not fooled by an inch of dust when he spies a valuable desk in a pie of “junk”, look past the dust and become an expert at Seeing the reflections of God all around you.

    To use another metaphor—we know that sometimes you do not recognize your self in a mirror, if you have had a bit too much wine, or a lack of sleep, or have a new hair style. But then you shake off the fogginess of evaluation, and recognize yourself again. Shake off the fog of mortal sight, and of evaluating persons and things around you by their costumes. Practice Seeing with the eyes of God, and Seeing the delightful Goodness that you can look for and identify as part of God’s reflection.

    It CAN become a very fun game for you, Beloved, and create more joy for all,

    You WILL See,


  • Ah, Child of God,

    Your Innocence of God’s Creating is held perfectly safe in the Source-Mind of the Infinite Creator. That Innocence is there, good and true, no matter your human dreams of joy or sorrow.

    Think of It as a well of pure Spirit that you can turn to, to quench your thirst, whenever earthly life makes you feel dry and so dusted with discouragement. It will slake all needs.

    It is totally accessible to you, not far away. It is your right to drink from it, no tab.


  • Ah, Beloved,


    Consistency, Child. Not only consistency in keeping in focus, and mind, your desire to walk in the beauty and order and grace of God, but consistency in how you present yourself to, and react to, others. We know that you feel drawn away into old earthly pleasures for a few minutes or hours, here and there, even though you know already that they no longer really satisfy. Just so, when you are tempted to be non-compassionate with an unkind person, or to simply ignore one that snubs you, even while desiring your and Our help, you must step back into the consistency of aspiring to holiness. Holiness is the truly natural state of all, because all are born of Holiness and dwell within It, as the One Spirit they are all a part of.

    Never set aside that knowledge, once gained. Consistency in remembering who you are is crucial. You are a Child of God-Spirit. And consistently remembering that every else is a Child of God-Spirit as well. Act like you remember, even when their earthly inconsistencies seem to mask the holiness they are.

    Treat all with Love, including yourself, as we Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless those around you as your sacred mirrors, for when they irritate you with their impatience or their greed, it is time to understand that your own lack of fear has not been adequately demonstrated. Look within, and remember that all the Infinite Resource of God is yours to draw upon for what you have been assigned to do. Do not fear not having it, and do not fear that any other can take from you that which is assigned to you.

    Listen to the Divine Voice, and if the one before you is caught in fear about lack of provision or lack of opportunity, and you are instructed to respond, then grant whatever is yours to grant, demonstrating trust and knowledge that aught that you need for your Work will come to you. In the hour of your fulfillment, you will always have what you need ready to hand.

    Bless the courage of those who reflect to you your own fear, that you may cast it out,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you can feel the Loving Presence of the Divine Source when you open this page, then there is not really any need to ponder the words and try to intellectually understand them.

    The Presence is the point. The Presence of Love, embracing you, will feed you and teach you and maintain you and direct you. The Spirit that is the Essence of you and of all will custom make YOUR daily message, your hourly messages, your Infinite way of Life.

    Open to the endless Flow of Love around you, within you, as you, and you are alive indeed, and always will be.

    O’ So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Softly, slowly, simply, ask the Soul of all to inspire you to use your wisdom and creativity today to achieve a moment or an incident of happiness for yourself or another that is of an intensity that you KNOW that it is Universe born.

    For you are It, and It is you, and the more you demonstrate this, the more joy and strength will carry you through every day and every moment. Observe your thoughts and feelings this day, and allow yourself to celebrate when the bigger moments of Divine Inspiration flow.

    Then you will really know, “I Am Thou”, and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter what you are told about the games that are played in the human condition, in order to win titles or provisions or a certain kind of relationship, keep God’s Divine Voice, whispering Lovingly and Wisely in your heart, as your top advisor. No human advisor can see the full picture of God’s Good Soul plan for your unique and Beloved Spirit Self.

    Do not be mesmerized by human opinions and loud voices and famous influencers. Turn to God, check in with God, and trust only the choices that feel aligned with the Calm Harmony of Love’s Mission to expand Blessings for all, and that are right for YOU.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We assure you that each time you pray to see more of Good Divine revealed in humanity and its circumstances, it makes a difference. As your own perceptions and heart become more golden in your outlook and intent, many, many more awful human alternate realities are avoided. This is True, although it is very difficult to see from the human perspective.

    Many times those prayers for Love to enter a situation or a heart only take a moment of thought and intent, aided by Grace that is freely given you. So why not make those prayers?

    And when you hear instructions from your own Soul Voice to speak or act in ways that cost more effort or money or giving, then you will feel encouraged by how often you saw results from your simple silent prayers.

    Pray, Beloved, pray. Honor your faith in the triumph of Good, and help It to comfort and eliminate sorrow. Your prayers make a difference, and will give you a quiet Joy.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Everything that is truly Good comes from the One Source that emanates itself as the essences of all of you, and more. The sooner you admit that, and acknowledge and are grateful for that, the more easily It can flow through your thoughts, and subsequently, through your hands, through your words, and acts, and flesh. Let your thoughts become only the Creator’s Thoughts, and you start living in a good facsimile of Heaven right here and right now.

    To delay this by thinking about your name or fame, or the individual credit, or income, or applause, is to delay a greater appreciation of life, and Life lived to the fullest It can be lived, while you yet wear the costume of form. Learn the sweetness of utter surrender to the Creative Center, and be happily, happily surprised by what can occur when you let your acquisitive, jealous, apathetic or competitive ego-self be shunted aside. Use the ego/body self for some communication and interaction, but let it be Directed, let it be Driven, by the Creator’s Thoughts from Within.

    Listening to those Creator’s Thoughts within is your job. You will be given the courage and the means to enact any that need to be enacted, as your belief in surrender grows, and as the ego/body voice grows quieter, and the Divine Voice becomes the one you hear above all else.

    Quietly urging you to let God be loud in your heart,

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear Guiding and Healing Spirit, please lift my thoughts into truth. I ask for ascension of my thoughts above grievance and false human expectation, so that the veil may lift from my sight, and I will see your Glory everywhere, right here and right now.”

    That is a good prayer for today, Child. And for always/


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Peace in knowing that you have done all you humanly can in a situation. There is even greater Peace in knowing that you have called out to the Divine Source and asked to be privileged to witness Its All in the situation, and to be directed to do whatever you should do as the human voice and the human gesture.

    Do those things gallantly and calmly, and even joyfully. The joyfulness is a delight if the human events are a celebration. If the human events are a closure or an ending, let the deeper, soulful Joy, be the energy and the strength that you, and all concerned, need to smoothly enact what must be enacted.

    Above all, be not afraid of the surface of life. Real Life is always Breathing Its Life and Love into you. Accept Its Thoughts. Accept Its Love, and be, be, be Its praiseworthy vehicle.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Going mentally to the altar alters you. You can do it. You can let Its Peace make you feel peaceful and happy, letting Its Light heal all your small and wayward thoughts, allowing them to melt away like ice chips in the sun.

    God thinks about you all the time. God loves you all the time. To reflect God, to Love as God Loves, think about and Love God all the time in return. God thinks about you, you think about God. It is perfect.

    It is not so hard, it just takes the desire to shift your thinking.

    Thinking about God is your job.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Routines and habits serve you well in accomplishing the daily chores and tasks of home and work, but if your Soul is uneasy, those routines must be shifted.

    It does not take much of a change, for even the smallest opportunity will be Gladly grasped by Divine Spirit, and used to Help you. Just a few minutes, morning and night, to be still and in a receptive mode to Love’s Voice, will change your daily life, putting you in line with the Infinite Life that is your real Breath of existence.

    You can, in an instant, or softly, over time, have a new routine of; Listen to Love, Hear the Wisdom, Be in Harmony, Live the way of Truth. It is a routine of Joy, Beloved. And is not Calm Joy the heart and body and face and age you truly want to inhabit?

    We join you in Joy, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Consciously Abiding in the Calm Joy, deep Peace, and Inspirational Life Soul of God’s Mind is what awakening is. You cannot leave God’s Mind, for you were formed as an idea there, and there you remain.

    When in the dream state of the material world, if you feel you have lost your connection to that one Divine Soul that all are a part of, you can help awaken yourself by remembering that Joy attracts Joy. The eternal Joy that is far above the fleeting joys of earth are not the same, but they are related. On days when you feel no joy, feel no Soul infused energy, do something that gives you joy in order to attract and welcome the Halleluiah Joy of the Infinite Mind. Play a tune, eat and savor a favorite food, give a good deed, touch a flower, write a loving note…

    Keep in your thoughts the goal, which is to take a small joy and let it help your heart open to the Unquenchable Joy of God.

    It is easier than you think. Practice it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Beloved you are, within the Mind of the Creative Loving Source, and Beloved you will always be. While you are in the earth dream of space and time, this may seem hard to believe, but as you turn over your daily, and moment-by-moment, decisions to the gently guiding Force that is Love, you will come to fully realize Its Utter Goodness, Its Utterly Gracious Intent, Its Utter Loveliness of Being, and that you are part of It, and reflecting/projecting that, if you allow it, here into the dream-film of earth life.

    Be at Peace, Beloved, and REMEMBER yourself to be Beloved. Each time the earth view or circumstance seems to be in disarray, or to be a source of uneasiness, drop back into the sweet depths of knowing your true self to be safe and truly Loved, within the Heart/Mind of the Shining Source, and allow yourself to feel the calm Joy of that Love. Allow yourself to feel fed and refreshed by that Joy, and feel able and ready to participate in, again, the advancement of the Plan for the advancement of all the parts of the Reflection whose Totality is the Goodness of Creation.

    Truly seeing your progress, and rejoicing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you walk into the soul of another, it is not to analyze or criticize. It is to hold open the door for compassion and Unconditional Love and Harmony to come in with you, and put the other, and your self, into alignment with It.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today We saw you help six lives just by being the giver of the Quiet, Healing smile.

    Do not underestimate how important that is to the Great Lovely Plan of God.

    Be the healing smile. As often as you can, be the healing smile.

    We Love you so, and smile on you always, with our invisible selves.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of today as a day of new birth. Give Mother God your will, and accept in your Heart that Her Will can joyously run your life, be your life renewed and reborn in a satisfaction of Oneness of Being.

    Think on Her,

    ANGELS, in Love

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the happiness of knowing that not only are those Divine Thoughts called Angels assigned to watching over you, but that they also are utterly in Love with you, carry you through this day, and all days, with Joy.

    There ARE Angels assigned personally to you,

    The Over-Angel, who assigns all ANGELS

  • Ah. Beloved,

    It is so important to rely upon the Wisdom of God, letting It permeate your thoughts and your choices.

    To rely only upon a human expert, or even a few of them, is like relying upon a man who had studied one tree for years, and now declares himself an expert upon the forest. Turning to the Allness which can see the entire forest, and all that dwells within, is the only way to wisely proceed. The Allness that surrounds and knows each individual idea and its purpose, and the amalgam of all purposes, is the Counsellor that can advise you from within.

    You have experienced receiving this Wise Counsel on matters as small as which pumpkin to buy, or whether to attend a dinner party or not. There is no more difficulty for the All That Is to advise you on what seem like big and complicated human choices and dilemmas than on those small things.

    Turn to God, get quiet, and listen humbly. Comfort and Calm will come. And when you are calm and trusting enough to listen, ideas and means will come. And, you will be guided in the right timing.

    Practicing listening to, and obeying, God on the small daily choices is a wonderful thing. But do not hesitate to also trust, trust, trust God when it comes to the humanly overwhelming choices.

    If you find yourself consulting several friends and human “experts” about what to do with a decision in your life, it is really time to ask God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is difficult for those who think of themselves as only physical entities to hear about the Greater Plan, if they are in fear for the survival or the well-being of that “physical” form.

    Reassure them, O’ Beloved, that the very essence of what they are is ever-safe and cherished in the Mighty Mind of the Divine, and Loved, O’ so Loved.

    Many are confused about the beginning of the “physical” dream also being the beginning of the Divine, not understanding, or being able to even grasp the possibility of, the truth that the Divine always was, and always is and always shall be. Those who are caught in the belief system that includes the notion of linear time can become quite confused, or fearful, when they contemplate existence that is entirely unbound by time. And yet, that no-time “place”, that infinite, eternal, glad Presence Consciousness, is exactly where their safety springs from.

    Encourage the dissipation of their fears. Encourage the trust and faith of that which is perpetually supportive, and exists right behind the mist of time. As they begin to see glimmers of the patterns that have led and supported them at different periods in their earthly journey, they will open to letting their faith grow, in the Divine Purpose seeded into their very beings as important parts of the Spiritual Whole.

    For those seeking relief from misery, offer your sureness of Divine Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We see you obeying the signals from your phone or your computer or your other devices when the “low battery” message comes on. We see you following the instructions to plug in and recharge the electronics.

    O”, Beloved, if you would just recharge your soul and mind, as consistently, from the Loving Source that is the very fuel of your consciousness. If you are feeling humanly weary, or irritated or confused, or lonely or sad, or tempted to behave in an ungodly way, then it is a clear signal to recharge from the Source that is Love.

    Plug into It firmly. Set aside all else and recharge. Connect to the Energy that is All, and let Its Flow feed all that you need. You are not alone, you are not without Sweet Resource, but you must make the small effort, the believing willingness, to connect.

    Ask us, and We will Help you “plug in”,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fear not if your prayers feel like they are a confused mixture of your true Soul-Self desires and your worldly self’s cravings. God knows how to sort them out.

    As ever, the most important part of prayer is for you to listen to, and let yourself be molded by, the Words and Impressions you receive from God, the Best Creator, the Divine Potter, the Lover of the Best of you that is a wonderful part of the Plan to let all remember they are apart of a seamless Whole.

    Speak freely to God and let God sort out the details,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ponder again the word “desire”. Just look at it and realize it means the deep wishes that come from the Source—from That Which Sired, which created, you, Spirit of Spirit.

    And it is with that deep feeling wishes of the heart that you fuel your prayers and thoughts. Distell them to their essence, and all desires are for the clear demonstration of Harmony, ennobled by Spiritual happiness for all.

    “Whatsoever you desire in your heart, that you shall have.” The deep, pure wishes of the Spiritual Heart of you, that is a clear reflection and continued emanation of the Divine Light, those are what to focus on. The side effects of material goodness and betterment come after focusing, focusing, focusing on being in line with the deep wishes of God.

    God wishes Good for you, and yours, and all, for it is Its own clear reflection It wants to see in action. God wishes to see Its own Goodness clearly, enacted as one and all.

    Do your part to be that demonstration by surrendering to God’s desires for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Recognizing the sibling nature of every other living being will help you refocus on the necessary plurality of prayers. You literally CANNOT pray aright if the answering of your prayers would be at the expense of the well-being of any other person.

    In situations where it seems that there is any sort of competition, or jealousy, it is especially important to preface all your prayers, and Divine re-focusings, with the word “OUR”.

    “OUR Divine Parent, help us all to see, the absolute best destiny you have mapped out for all of us, for we are all parts of Thee.”

    Never forget the sisterhood and brotherhood of all, in Oneness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Part of the wonder of daily earnest prayer is to reaffirm your Identity as a Beloved Offspring of God. Knowing you are made of Spirit, and able to shine with all the Good Life and Love of the Divine Source, will keep you armored against petty human opinions.

    The judgments or criticisms of others that are based on nothing but fads and fashions and temporal materialism will not cling to your understanding of yourself as a part of the Good Whole if you are centered and grounded in the Light of God. Such words and glances that mean to belittle you will only be seen as something to forgive, and rise above. Spiritually unawakened chatter will be just a signal for you of where Blessings are needed, so that all can be drawn into Conscious Harmony. On days when you have forgotten your Identity in Love, be Glad if another Blesses you with the Blessings of God and Grace.

    What God Knows you to be is what you are. Just Know and Be that, every day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless others and it becomes your Blessing. That is simply the way it works.

    But think not of this in only material terms. It must be your thoughts and heart that bless others. If you give, but give grudgingly, it does not work. If you try to help, but do so without Love, it does not work. Giving Loving Thoughts is really the absolutely Best thing you can do to Bless another. If you can also give of your time or hands or funds, then do what your heart leads. But let it be done with Love, with Love, with Love.

    That brings Love back around to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How many people do you know who try to use an appliance, or operate a machine, or a vehicle, without ever reading the instruction booklet? Do you do this yourself? Or, do you read the instructions and then try to use the machine in a different way, and are unhappy with the results?

    Beloved, Beloved, the instructions for a Good Life are available in the small still Voice in your heart. The instructions for your life are available in the scribed Word of God, and from appointed intercessors. Use these things. Read these things. Listen to these things. Obey these things, and find your way Spiritward, day by day and moment by moment.

    We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is easy to doubt your own abilities, because your human mind holds a long list of memories of things you have not achieved, or choices you made that were less than perfect. But all those error dreams of the human condition do not change the fact that Divine Power does not have limits and is not bound by human rules and traditions and myths.

    When you re-train your thinking to think of yourself as a funnel through which Divine Goodness can flow, or a transparency through which Divine Light can shine, then you can expect that to be so. Agree in your own heart and agree with God that you WANT to be a Blessing to others and to be a Blessing to your own sharing of talents, and simply be willing to be so. Be willing to be happy, Beloved. Be willing to be a Blessing. Invite God to help you see how and when and where, keeping your focus always in the Glory and Peace that is you joined with the Divine in your heart.

    Focus on your alignment with Divine Mind, and aim that focused lens at the end result of Blessings. And be Grateful this is the Truth of God’s Love for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Nothing Good is achieved unless it first happen in the Actual, which is the Realm of Spiritual Reality (Heaven), so that it can be reflected in the dream of earth.

    Therefore, go ALWAYS first to the Voice of God. Seek ALWAYS first the calm assured Loving Presence of the Creative Source, and when you are suffused with That, then listen for ideas, and be open to impulsions to act, and move, and do, and express, the part that is yours to play today.

    We know you know this. Go first to God, and then move into the list of tasks for the day. Love always finds a way to carry you to what you are meant to do, and be, and are, as a complete and full and perfect expression of the Divine Idea.

    Be at Peace, and then Listen,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    God is Infinite.

    Think in terms of limits and limits are what you will get.

    Open your hearts and your desires wide, within the bounds of God’s Laws, and let the Infinite work for you. This works.

    Wanting you to understand, and benefit,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like many do, you can awaken each morning thinking about all the “stuff” you must take care of—processing it, paying for it, cleaning it, ordering it or designing it, taking care of it, consuming it, disposing of it,….

    But, Beloved, if you awaken in the morning and diligently remind yourself that your true task each day, and true way to happiness, is to be in alignment with the Loving Source, and devote some time to that sweet alignment first thing, and throughout the day again and again, then all the “taking care of stuff” part of worldly life will go much more smoothly.

    This is old, old wisdom, phrased in various ways in different traditions, but it is still very true. Make it your truth, Beloved. Embrace it as a way of living in Love.

    You can be grounded in a relationship with Love, even while you perform all the “taking care of stuff.”

    “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these other things shall be added to you.”

    And We will help you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember always that you are not trying to “fix” the smoky image. Your goal, in spiritual growth, is to improve your spiritual sight so that you are not distracted by the smoke of illusion at all, and that you see right through it to the true image, to the true reflection of the Divine.

    Know the truth to be Goodness, and turn your sight and your awareness to that. Let your discernment be so focused on seeking the delightful Goodness of the Divine substance that you do not let yourself be distracted be anything that appears to be anything else, any more than a master naturalist is distracted by a swirl of dust that looks for a moment like a cheetah. He knows the real cheetah when he sees one, or senses its movements or sound.

    Turn to the Divine and ask that your sight be Divine Sight—that your soul eyes be opened, so that you may see revealed the idea of you and your life that is the Divine Mind’s vision of you and yours.

    As always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust in the incredible Wisdom of the Infinite Eye that sees all. When you do not know what to do or say, rest in that Silent Wisdom, and simply wait for It to guide you. It WILL let you know when to speak and what to do, and you will know when that guidance is Divine because It will be accompanied by an Unhurrried Confidence and Peace. A Calm Joy will impel It, and you will know It to be Truth.

    Wait on the Will of God to act, and you will not wait in vain.

    Set aside all your own vanities, so that the Divine Will has a smooth place to land.

    Always adoring you as a sweet part of the Whole,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Well do we understand how hard it is for the human mindset to unbind itself and allow the Divine Mind to be seen.

    But we tell you, persist, and expect, for indeed, as your freed awareness grows, you will “know and see God in my flesh”, as Job did. And, the “flesh” in which you see the fruits of greater spiritual sight is not just the flesh of the body, but of your whole earthly experience.

    Many come first to their exploration of healing and understanding Divine Wholeness when their earthly bodies feel ill or pain. But, truly, the body of your entire earthly experience is what can be “healed” as your eyes are opened to the pervasive, infinite Good of the All That Is. As the All is welcomed by, and embraced by, your heart’s eyes, the “healings” will show up in your life—not only in your individual so-called body, but in your outlook, and your moods, and your family, and your work, and your ability to be light, light, light, wherever you are.

    For, as you shine forth the Light of your own happiness and your own Joy, others around you will indeed feel and see the truth of Divine Gladness be revealed in their own circumstances and the circumstances of the earthly journey.

    It is not selfish to work on making happier your own dream, for then you are led to make happier the dreams around you, as well as making them happier without even trying.

    All Joy to you, always, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, and all days, say, “Thank-you dear Love Divine, for guiding the hearts and choices and thoughts and perceptions, of everybody, all the time.”

    “I pray they accept Your Guidance, and I allow myself to see Love in action around me.”

    “I pray for the wisdom to follow Your Guidance for myself.”

    “I know I am strengthened by completely Loving You.”


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Like a ten year old child who has determined to give a fine party for her friends, but has forgotten to arrange the timing of the cooking of the elements of the meal, so that, although they are lovely, they are not ready in the right sequence, and so she welcomes the aid of her mother, be you also glad to welcome the aid of your Divine Mother.

    Believe us, by whatever name you call the Divine Arranger of the Universe you can see, and not see with your human eyes, welcoming Its help is key to Life being indeed the party you imagined it to be.

    Be not proud, but be glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Good is operating always. You cannot read it in the human law books, but it is functioning in every heart and soul idea, cleaning and directing and providing and correcting and containing and restraining and guiding, guiding, guiding to Love.

    We know it is achieved, and it is done. Where time seems to still swirl in the lists of days, it seems unfinished. But We know you have moments wherein you glimpse It. Reach for and cherish those moments, and trust that the Good that knows and creates your unfolding is unbounded. You cannot be without Its Loving Grasp.

    Seek to feel It tenderly holding you today. Your Good ideas are Its Good ideas.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking the Divine Truth to step forward in your mind and remove the false beliefs from your thoughts works. Try it. Give It today.

    And as you experience feeling certain perceptions fall away, and fears fading, and the body relaxing into well-being, you are proving to yourself the truth of this. If the general mortal beliefs grab you again, ask again for Help. If your own particular fear thoughts rise up again, ask for Help again.

    If you experience even a few moments here and there of a sense of lifting and relief, you know you are touching the hem of the Christ-garment. If you have even a glimmer of the Brightness of Being that is the reality of God’s Making, you have proof enough to keep asking for the Truth of Love’s Perception and Program.

    Ask today. Look for the Goodness revealed. Then you will want to keep asking today, and perhaps every day. Try it, Beloved, try it.

    Whenever you are ready,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am as I Am.

    And as I Am, so are you.

    Take that into your heart and mind and consume it.

    Take that into your heart and mind and use it.

    I Am as I Am, and that is Glad and Goodness.

    Be those, Beloved. Be those, for that is what you naturally are.

    I See this. I Know this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always a way that is Good. Although it might involve effort and change, there is always a way that is Good to move forward with Calm and with Peace.

    Set aside the dashing about and the extra phone calls and texting and take quiet time to sit and commune with the One Mind that Holds all and Governs all, and so deeply Loves all. Cast your cares to the One Mind , allowing it, so very willingly, to guide your mind, and the ideas of what to do will come, the opportunities and means will work their way to you and yours, in every challenging time.

    Right now, as in every now, is truly the time to “Trust in the Divine One with all your heart. Look not to your own human understanding.”

    The skill you want to hone above all is understanding and trusting God. Trust that God is Omnipotent, and Understand that you must allow GOD”S Solution to this worldly challenge to appear. If human actions on your part are necessary, God will let you know. Do not just hop in a car and go, or make drastic and convoluted plans, without sitting and allowing God’s Law of Good to guide you.

    It WILL do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know we have said it before, but we will remind you of it each time you have had a day when you forgot it for a while.

    “High Guidance of the Light, help me see the Pure Reflection of You in everyone around me, this day, this night.”

    “Keep my eyes open, and use me as you will, to shine into any dark or sad corner. I will to be the empty lantern, in which your Light can be carried where You will.”

    You know it works. Do not set it aside today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As ever, focus on the Good today. Keep especially in mind that when Wonderful Good happens to another, be glad for them. Be not envious or proud or competitive, but truly glad for them, for the happiness that Divine Love has in Mind for another, It also has in Mind for you.

    Divine Love knows the Best forms in Consciousness for your individual happiness to flourish. Being glad of the Joy others have keeps you in Good receiving mode. Fall not into complaint and jealousy. Look up to Good, and know that the Goodly Love of God wants all to feel the fuel of Joy, powering their journey to realization of Oneness.

    Blessing others Blesses you. It is the circle of Good.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again and again, you have found inspiration, comfort and solace, and ideas and solutions for the dream-events, by spending your first waking moments knowing and pondering the Truth of your Self as a wondrous and Beloved Idea dancing in the Mind of God. Again and again you have proved the efficacity of this.

    So, do so again today. Whether Grace seems far off, or you sense It very near, whether the worldly concerns seem small or large, the remembrance of Who You Are, One within God, is always the Good that Solves and Saves.

    Take Grace for yourself today. Be willing to fully receive Grace today, as It takes your Consciousness, and awakens you again, not from earthly sleep, but from the sleep of the Soul.

    Your Divine Self has been saved and safe all along,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    When the seeming foxiness and sorrow of the world would have in you a sense of discouragement or heartbreak, that is the most important time to set aside human feelings and perceptions and say to the One Love:

    “High Guidance of the Light, fill my mind and my heart, that I may See all things as You See them, made Good and Right.”

    Pray for the world, Beloved, pray to See all creation in the Gloriousness of the Honor that is due the Creator and Lover of All. Be silent, and pray. Silence the small ego self, and pray.

    It will be a prayer also for you and all whom you know,


  • Ah, Child,

    “Pure Joy is my Father. Pure Love is my Mother.

    These combine in my heart to be a Voice that comforts and guides and cares for me. I am sustained by the force of its Presence—held up as a feather is held on the warm summer breeze, with no needs and no plans, just a weightless, lovely journey through the sweet mists of time.”

    Let that be your image today. Let that be your thought. Let that be your experience.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Central to any belief system of Spirit is a hope that help can come in ways beyond human understanding. And sometimes the solutions that arrive do indeed seem miraculous.

    But We assure you that the more you understand the All Goodness of God, the more you will realize that “As in Heaven, so on earth” is simply the natural Way of Love.

    Keep asking God to enable you to see with the eyes of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Count your Blessings, to and fro,

    Bless the circle of morning.

    Never leave your couch of sleep without feeling the Flow of Joy.

    Whether the day is due to be busy or quiet,

    Remember to fill your heart with Good Spirit,

    And listen for the Wisdom of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All Glory be to God, from Whom All Good comes.

    Anytime and every time you try to take any personal, human, glory, you only delay your full awakening, your full God-realization. Having any interest in personal glory just gives a reality to the human dream that takes away from your focus on the True Reality of the One Source.

    All Glory be to God, Beloved. All focus be on your deep desire to understand and know how God Thinks.

    You will be Glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To remain in Joy, it is crucial to “pray without ceasing”—to constantly contemplate the Qualities of the Divine within which you live. The spiritual body that you ARE, in Truth, is made of those Qualities. They are Harmony, Love, Peace, Infinite Life, and Intelligence and Deep Calm Soul, among others.

    Think about them. Become the revelation of them, as you see the dusty reflection of your thought of yourself as a body fall away. Reflect purely those Qualities, and SEEK, as in a delightful game, the Qualities of the Divine in everyone around you. They are as you. They are you, just the same Qualities arranged in different ways, as flowers are arranged in different bouquets.

    All have the odor of sanctity,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We assure you of this: If a person has entered your field of consciousness, you can help One Spirit uplift that person in some way. Your task in relationship to that other human may be as simple as a smile, or an act of roadway courtesy, or a gesture of friendship shared. It may be a quick and simple prayer, like blessing someone when he sneezes, or it may be an earnest and extended vigil for health and peace, but there is always something you can do to be a portal for the work of One Divine Spirit to work for the revelation of All Good in another.

    And, we tell you true, that function can be performed even if you are not feeling totally well or blessed yourself. To feel completely well and pure and joyous yourself does help you to be a completely open and clear window for the Light of the Divine, but the Divine can use whatever small opening or slightly hazy mirror it is given, if it is given with the intention of Love. Be the portal, and then stand aside, letting the Wisdom of the Divine work in the way It knows best for that other, unless you get heart instructions to do more.

    Be that intention, Love. Be Love, and be God/Goddess/Goodness in action.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a man or woman knew with complete certainty just how many days were left to him or her in the earthly camping trip, assuredly the priorities of many days would change. Stay very aware, darling one, of the brevity of the worldly costume, and live with honor, and joy, and a valuing of every thing and one around you being Sourced from the same Deep Love that binds all beings together.

    The past and the future, the motives or whims of another, …none of these things can compare to living each moment, hour and day, as a pure expression of Living Soul.

    Notice the moments today, Beloved. Notice the moments, and listen well to your Soul.

    We sing Chorus for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not react to the fleeting images and sounds around you that would try to tempt you to anger or sorrow or sin. Act only from the golden Heart of yourself, and you will be Glad you did.

    The Presence of God-Spirit in your Heart-Soul acts like a Divine sieve. Run every word and action through It, and It will filter out all that is unlovely and untrue. Then the self that you present to yourself and to the world will indeed be the cleansed self you want to be.

    Do be your Best Self. We know that is what you, and all, really are.

    None of you can convince God that you are less than Love, really,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know it cannot be a full day of complete human silence for you, but it can be a day when you try to limit how much you speak. Let it be a day when you again focus on careful sweet listening to the Divine Inner Voice.

    Instead of “thinking twice before you speak”, think ten times before you speak.

    Not only will that give God Spirit a longer pause within which to guide you in exactly what to say, but it will give you a vacation from the chatter that does not satisfy.

    Silence can be so restful, dear love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Delay not the obedience to the spiritual desires of the heart, thinking they can only be done when earthly chores are finished.

    You can ask to feel the Joy of Divine Force and the Peace of God while you put the water on to boil. You can ask for them as you prepare your costume for the day, or do the dishes or arrange the supplies for the workplace. Your heart can silently seek Harmony even while you call the client, or delete the old nonsense from the computer.

    It is not only those persons on mountaintops or in quiet rooms that find the serene but vibrant Will of God. It is also anyone who seeks It, in subtle unspoken desire of Consciousness, and focus, within, on the marvelous Oneness of Being.

    WE are so very Glad when you hear us urging Joining in Calm Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gladly Spirit hears your appeals for the healing of thought, relationship, or circumstance. And once you relinquish control to Loving Spirit, adjustments begin.

    Trust that Omniscient Spirit knows best not only the good timing of these unfoldings, but the order of them. You might be praying for Divine assistance with a concern with your breathing, but be led to reconsider how your thinking is filled with self -pressure from too many long lists of things to do. As you surrender obsessive human expectation of what must be done each day, you might find that a painful cramping of the toes is healed, and then feel your breathing and heartbeat become easy. And you might simultaneously find that your patience with others is stronger.

    Spirit sees Wholeness, and sees the whole picture. It can be a relief to simply pray for Omnipotent Guidance in aligning ALL your thoughts and perceptions and priorities, and trust Omnipresence to demonstrate it all just as God’s Goodness would see it happen.

    Surrender, surrender, to the Heart of Love’s Wisdom,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Above all, remember it is the Source Light that does the work, does the projecting. Although you are part of the projection, and yet also observing others, just be constantly willing to See as the Source is seeing—perfect, good and true.

    We are with you at this time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, human interests and plans will swirl in the mind, but learn to also Bless yourself with the nightly soft and deep prayer, “I place the future in the Loving Hands of God “.

    It is a wide net.


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the discernment of human thoughts comes, as gift of the Spirit, it is ever more important to stay true to the vows of Truth, so that knowledge may be used only to help Heal. That is part of why Healers must be so consecrated to the task of being Healing vehicles, so that there is no temptation for personal use or misuse of what is discerned through gifts of Spirit.

    Stay alert, stay silent and kind, and let the Great Physician do the Healing, through the time you give by holding open awareness—the door to the dreams of mind.

    If this message is for you, you understand,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have learned to double check your map or your printed directions, when you come to an intersection or series of exits that are poorly labeled. You have learned to slow down when the glare of the sun or the speed of the rain or snow keep you from being able to see clearly on the road. This is only wise, of course, even if it means delaying a journey for minutes or hours or days while the way can be safely sorted out.

    O’ do this for your daily journey, too, please, Beloved. Do not completely trust the limited senses. Do not trust the harrumphing voice of the human ego in your head. Do not dash madly forth because you think there is not enough time to ponder, or because some supposed “expert” is urging you to hurry. Check with your Inner Guidance. Take those few minutes to align with Divine Calm and Spiritual discernment. We say this over and over again in different ways because it is so crucial for your own Soul unfolding, and for the visible unfolding of Good Creation in the earthly experience.

    Take a deep draught of Spirit each morning, and as needed throughout the day.

    You will be Glad you did.

    We join with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let EVERY day be the day of new growth of Soul awareness in you.

    “Dear God, Help me know and see and experience Your Good Dream for me.”

    “I let my own small dreams fall away, that I may be fully available to be the Good that You know me to be capable of.”

    To surrender to God is to surrender to Good and to Joy, dear heart. If you deeply accept the tenet that God is Good, then new Divine dreams can begin to open up for you.

    You are projected forth from the Good heart of God. Accept It, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have no idea quite what to do next, or when the list of earthly tasks seems overwhelming, the thing to do is get quiet, and listen to the Voice of Love, and feel the Comfort of Love.

    It is always with you. That is the Truth that We have been constantly trying to help you remember. It created you, It is creating you, It will always be renewing you, as It constantly thinks of you, Its delightful idea. In the phase of time you are in, It can and will give you grace and ideas and strength and courage. It will share with you the knowledge It has of your best possible journey to the star of your own Heart.

    Turn to It quietly, right now, and listen and feel,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can believe in your own abilities because you believe in the abilities of the Creator Mind. Mind did not think you up and think of all your good qualities, like unto Its own, and then abandon you to doubt. Believe in your Creator, and believe in the Creator that still holds you, constantly, in Its Loving Thoughts. You are not alone.

    You can do what you need to do, when you need to do it, by just following the sweet, calm guidance within. Keep your thoughts focused on displaying the lovely qualities of God. That is your goal. Let earthly goals fall into place around it, like the rays of the sun emanating from the sun.

    We know you have, and are, and will do as you are meant to do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are never far from you. Your companion Spirit, having been welcomed into your heart and your experience of life, is as close to you as your breathing.

    But still, for Us to be heard and help, you must turn your attention and your quiet listening to Us. Can you form the habit of doing this? We know you can, for We will help you. Just be willing. Just be willing, for the Greater Will is longing to help you, now and forever.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God’s Tender Strength is mine to draw upon.”

    Let that be your thought and your truth today. Let the Joy of knowing that fill you, and let confidence in that give you the resolve to draw upon that Tender Strength, and all else that the Divine Qualities offer you to use.

    Whether you are praying for a relative to know his full well-being, and you to be enabled to See it, or whether you want the courage and ideas for steps to let go of the old and welcome the new way of life, turn to the Joy and Strength of the All-encompassing, and use them today.

    Use them every day, Beloved. For all that is in the Source is yours to draw upon.

    Today, “God’s Tender Strength is mine to draw upon, and I do so.”

    We are Strongly with you now,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Bathe yourself in Love today.

    Bathe yourself in Love today, and as you do so, remember that you are also bathing those that exist in your thoughts, that you imagined were outside of you. You have imagined an entire cast of characters, costuming the souls God created. Your costumes for them included some of tenderness, some of hatred, and some of wickedness and some of love or saintliness.

    Bathe them all in Love in your thoughts today. Let Love wash away the glamours of costume, so that you can see them all, as you are, as delightful children of God.

    Delight with us, in all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find Words of Wisdom coming through you, that seem to come from some Muse or Angel, O”, Do let them come. The journey of learning and awakening in the earth dream can be so eased by helping one another along the path. And for those who are not yet ready to trust the Unseen Voice in their own hearts, it is so important that those around them, who know the Voice, to speak. If you know the Living Love within, please open up to being used as a messenger to let the Divine Wisdom reach out to the ones who walk in fear, thinking they are alone.

    No one is alone. But many think they are, for they are not yet able to see the bodiless sacred Helpers that walk with them, and the Sweet Comforter that is ready to speak in their hearts. Speak gently, and wait patiently for their permission, but do speak, Beloved, when you know that God wants you to do so.

    Trust in the Voice that guides, and when you know Its Love, share.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What do you do to heal yourself ?

    Think about your desire to be Good. Think about your longing to be a force for Good. Think about your yearning to help others know their Goodness, when they have the desire to.

    Think about the Goodness that is the True nature of All, and let yourself be aligned with it. As the identification of thought with Good Thought grows strong, the identification with the mortal needs and bodily concerns will fall away. Those things will then take care of themselves, as simple offshoots of the Purpose for Good that awakens you, that sustains you, that Is you at your core.

    The body is a child’s toy if thought of on its own, but as a means of God expression and communication and teaching and example, it can be an exalted thing. Be that, Beloved, and it helps Good be just where it is needed, at every perfect place and perfect time.

    Think of yourself as a means of transport, and you will See,


  • Oh, Beloved,

    What you wish for others, you ARE wishing for yourself. If you wish them harmony and love, you are wishing these for yourself. If you wish them justice and honor, you are wishing these for yourself. Keeping this truth in your mind and operations of thought will greatly effect what you experience.

    Keep it in mind, Beloved. Keep it in mind.

    For thus does Divine Mind wish Good for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Set aside idle thoughts of blame. They cause only pain.

    Focus your thoughts and heart and will on the Osmosis of Love.

    Since you are a single “cell” within the Infinite Body of God-Spirit, the exchange of Love is constant across the membrane of individuality. Simply allow it to happen. Love God and let God Love you. Back and forth, back and forth, Love God and let God Love you.

    Being very aware of how much you Love God, and letting yourself be a permeable membrane for that Spiritual Love, is the sate of substance and thought that creates the Good and the Grateful-worthy in your Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each time you recover from an inharmonious feeling or body discomfort, be very grateful and praising of the Truth that you used, to flip your thoughts over and regain composure and Joy.

    Last night it was the simple phrase “I Am Free” that rolled into your mind, and that you clung to as It caressed your thoughts and shifted away the body pain.

    See how delightful it is to trust the Words that come to you when you ask? The words are not a formula. It is the Presence of Love that heals. The next time you feel discomfort, Love may suggest a very different thought, different words. But It will always suggest some thought or feeling that WORKS.

    Listen, obey, be grateful.

    Today, be grateful, to finish the healing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If We are wise, so are you. If We are Gracious, so are you. If We are Loving and Lovable, so are you.

    When you accept that that the Thoughts of God, which We are, are made of what you are also made of, you can begin to accept your true empowerment to help enact the Divine Plan for all awakening.

    CLAIM your true identity. You are a Thought of God. You are Wisdom, you are Grace, you are Loving and Lovable. Send packing the idea that you are pathetic and vulnerable aging flesh, and take up the Glorious mantle of Spirit and all the wondrous Qualities that Spirit is and contains.

    O’ Joyous day, darling. O’ Joyous day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every companion on the journey adds something, and every companion takes something completed away when they leave the realm of your life. Be as pleased at endings as you are at beginnings, and know that each marked step of the journey takes you to closer fullness of alignment with God.

    Let go the ones who need to be gone, on to their next assignments, and on to their next perfect parts of Being, just as you move into a new perfect place each and every day.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Grace my eyes, dear God, and enable me to see, the purity and innocence and wholeness of us all, as we are in Thee.”

    “As Grace is with me always, amen.”

    There is certainty in God, Beloved. Do not forget it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All things are possible to the Divine Source through the Healing Force It/He/She placed in the human dream, to awaken all Its Children to remembering they are part of One Perfect Whole.

    Use this today. Remember and remember and remember this today. The less you think about your “problems”, and the more you think about God, the more you will see to be grateful for, in the more perfect unfolding of your life.

    When We look at you, We See Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes you will be the one to discern that you are in the time of no longer wanted to do a thing that you have done for a long time, such as a pottery class, or a teaching group. Or, you will form an understanding that you have moved past the time when you can give or receive more from a certain person or group, and will make an effort to form new associations and community. Do it lovingly, and stay committed to growing in your understanding of yourself and the Whole.

    But at other times, it will seem as though, through no choice of your own, circumstances and people are being taken away from you. If you begin to sense this, stand back in your own awareness and see how you can sense the Divine at work. Are you being lifted out of circumstances that were no longer helping you grow? Are people being pruned out of your life that were not helping you grow in a good way, or who had simply finished the role they were intended to play for you? Are you in a time of being advanced to the next stage of learning, or being circled around to refinish an old phase, with a new cast of characters and opportunities?

    Remember, this journey into and through time is never without purpose and growth. Assess all changes in terms of that Truth, and you may begin to see some of the upheaval in a new light. You may allow paranoia to become expectancy, you may allow loss to become space to be filled, you may find yourself blessing the new free time that gives you the chance to try new knowledge. You may come to bless the new patterns of habit that give you an entire new layer of Joy.

    Always, the Source has your growth in mind, whatever you have done or not done. Believe It has your rediscovered Harmony in Mind.

    With Great Love,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Whenever you feel even the slightest urge to pause, and hear, and obey your Higher spiritual impulses, do so.

    In the busy days of earthly senses, you often have no idea how many dangers are avoided by harkening to that Inner Knowing. You have no mortal idea about how many opportunities were and are missed by not taking time to notice what is being offered to you through an event or a person or a decision you make.

    Take time, Beloved. Take time for your Higher Wisdom to guide you, for the days grow brighter and brighter if you will.

    Your Bright Love is always watching out for you. Let It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When human reason would have you doubting the ability of That Which Is Beyond Physical Laws to solve your ills or circumstances, turn again to re-building faith in your heart and in your own thoughts. Treat yourself to sweet memories of when small or large “miracles” occurred in your life. Remind yourself of how amazed you were, and how grateful. Listen to, or read, the testimonials of others who have had certain evidence of the Gracious Intercession of God Solutions in their lives.

    Re-convince yourself, re-align with God, and expect results,

    The Healing Force of God does not fail,

    Ask for Its help, and let It choose how to help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Spiritual Realm, as Divine Source created it, is as it always has been and as it always shall be. Ask to see it. Look for it, in the purity of Love you seek to see in yourself, and in those around you. Be deeply grateful for the existence of the Truth, that only Love, and that which reflects Love, is Real.

    The way to truly forgive yourself and others for being caught up in the web of lies that is the sad and seemingly evil world, is to be grateful that Good exists.

    Be grateful for every aspect of Good that you are privileged to express, and grateful for every aspect of Love that you witness in every one around you. The others that were created are precious parts of the Whole Creator, and so, dear Beloved, are you.

    Be Glad. Be True. Be Whole. Be Graeful.

    Grateful to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone sees Joy where you see only sorrow, or sees Goodness where you see only lack, do you think that person is a liar or deluded? Can you open your heart to Seeing with the eyes of Love, and let your perceptions be awakened and expanded?

    All the world understands if a mother still declares love for her child who has committed some vandalisms or even atrocities. Let that worldly example give you a tiny inkling of how Pure and Wonderful and Beloved you are to the perception of the Mother/Father God that made you.

    Awaken to that Love. Accept that Love. Let that Love Guide your perceptions and solutions now, to see Creation as Loving Spirit knows it to be.

    Today, Love God and Love yourself as God Loves you.

    This touches all the world.


  • Ah, Sweet Beloved,

    Here is a day to be honest with yourself about your talents and skills. They were poured into you by the very Divine, and it is your privilege and purpose to share them.

    Everyone has talents and skills. Everyone. They are meant to be shared, that the parts of the Whole make awaken and be One again.

    So many times, humans associate honest self-assessment with faults and regrets. Routinely look at those to see what to improve, yes, but today, and every day, also honestly look at the gifts of Good Quality that God has given you, and let God show you how to share them for the greater Good and your own Good. This is important. Now, as ever, this is important.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When those around you are speaking of making “five year plans” for their business or career, or a “two year make-over plan”, etc., remember that what they are really saying is that they believe that a certain type of business or appearance will bring them peace, or happiness, or both. Of course, no worldly reality can guarantee happiness or peace in the heart.

    Make what plans you feel led by Spirit’s Voice within to make, but stay very clear in your mind that what you seek is Peace. Stay very clear that what you seek is the knowing that you are held in the Love of the Divine Mind.

    Allow your desires to be God’s desires, and you will not be led down paths that are only long, long detours on the journey back to full remembrance of who you are.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Settling on one set of words to say every day, when trying to cast aside the monkey mind that is so full of the worldly concerns, can make it hard to TRULY hear. It is fine to have favorite prayers or poems or songs, but say them or think them slowly enough that the pertinent part for TODAY can leap forth and inspire and uplift you. And be not afraid to open your heart to other parts of inspired words to see what needs to come to your attention for this day, for this hour. Be not afraid to become so practiced, in simple quiet listening, that you hear the daily instructions from Divine Spirit without turning to any written or memorized words.

    There are times when you feel so completely embraced or healed by a certain set of words or a phrase that it can be tempting to think “that is the phrase that is magic for me!” But it is not about “magic” or superstition, it is about a complete heart surrender to Love, an understanding of Spirit Divine. Sometimes one word or prayer works, sometimes complete stillness works. Stay open, and let the focus be on total willingness to be One with the Divine, and use words and mantras and phrases only as guides to that opening of the heart to One Will, One Life, One Love.

    Loving to see you Connect,

    Connection heals and answers,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How many people do not receive ideas for solutions, because they do not pause to ask the Creator for Its Loving supply of Ideas for Its children?

    How many times a day to you forget to ask, and instead fall into the pattern of expecting the same unsatisfactory results of the past, or of your own poor mistakes?

    The Creator Loves to please Its children, and longs for constant communion with them. Have, have dialogue with God all day long, Beloved, remembering to give God time to speak, time to guide, time to answer.

    You deserve Goodness, of self and of Life. Be still, and receive It.

    As ever, tenderly,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a day for soft Trust in your heart, Beloved.

    “Align my thoughts with Your Thoughts, dear God, that I may clearly feel Your Joy.”

    As We have been saying, you do not know exactly how or where or when the High Waves of Joy will come, but if you abide in the very Ocean of Joy Itself, you will be raised up High when they come.

    Be at Peace with seeking Joy, Beloved. Be at Peace with that as your goal each day. Abide.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you pray for others, and with others, pray with the goal and motive of hearing the other one say, “I am healed”, rather than hearing him or her say later “I need you again.” Pray from your certainty of heart that God exists already, in all His/Her Goodness, behind every disguising face, and in every time and place.

    Do not pray from a place of the sharing of wounds and of weeping together over earthly appearances. Pray together from a celebration of the Infinite Goodness of the Divine, and of a calling forth of your own Spiritual Sight, that you may discern the Brightness of God that is already there.

    Yes, there are times to “keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking”, as scripture says, because God will only reveal as much as you can handle at one time, but trusting in God’s timing and wisdom is a part of the faith that gives Joy, and moves mountains.

    We see all the real “yous”, and we tell you, you are all made of the substance of



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love is like a fog light, that will shine through the deep mists of human thought and existence, if you but turn It on, and move slowly enough to remain within the bubble of Its illumination.

    Turn It on, Beloved. Turn It on, and this day, be careful to move and speak slowly enough to stay within the field of Its Light, so that you do not wander into the mists that are so thick you cannot find your way out for days and days, or years and years, or lifetimes. Call for the fog Light, and call for a Helper to hold It, and walk slowly, and know you are Blessed indeed.

    Always Glad to hold the Light for you, if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think big, bigger, Biggest.

    Think beyond the small self and the body you seem to wear, think beyond the possessions and home, think beyond the town or community, think beyond the nation and the world….

    Think beyond what body senses or technologically enhanced senses can perceive…

    Think, today, of the Vast Unseen That runs to embrace you the moment you turn your attention to It, and ask to understand at least a bit of It. Ask to feel the Love of which It is made and emanates. Think and feel Infinitely today, and all days, and your own small challenges will be given a new perspective, or dissipate entirely.

    Be a part of the Expansiveness of God-Love. It is what you really are.


  • Ah Beloved,

    God governs all, for God is all. Today, just step back from trying to MAKE things happen, and just relax into the thought that God wants Good for you, and observe, and enjoy.

    Leave all judgment and planning up to God, and enjoy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new assessment of your own willingness to completely acknowledge the Singular Cause, the Singular Power of the Infinite Source. So long as you think of others as separate from yourself, or any different in basic qualities of Divine Creation, you are ascribing power to that which has no power.

    Trust in the One Cause, the One Power, and know that It is Good. As you surrender to Its Emanations of Good, you will also see that Goodness on the visible plane.

    It will be plain,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Place your love for the Divine Source first. For all the other loves you have really have their cause in that same Source.

    Today, sing every love song you know to God. Secure your thought, anchor your heart, in love of God. All the human loves you have ever had, and do have, and will have, are nothing without the Divine Love that supports all.

    Take time to celebrate and behold your Love of Love, and all other love, humanly felt, will thrive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid that you are the only one that sees beyond the visible light. We know that at moments it can seem that way, when surrounded by those living only the sensual or the five senses, but we assure you that countless other aspects of Soul see and feel and hear the great cry for constant prayer that is the labor sound of a new born world.

    When you feel or hear that call within your heart, even if there is not a certain name associated with it as recipient, stop whatever you are doing in the worldly, and give of your Love as well.

    It will join the River of Love, and it will, and it does, make a difference.

    This is the Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you have not yet practiced enough to let God’s Thoughts and God’s Love flow so smoothly to you and through you to feel utterly confident in doing God’s Will, be not afraid or hesitant.

    God knows you and compassionately will feed your mind and heart in such a way that what you can handle comes to you minute by minute or step by step. Fall back on the willing prayer of “Thy Will be done”, as needed, but know that Spirit always has the intention of helping you have that be an automatic thing. Humanly, you might label it “perfect intuition”, if you are not religious or spiritually aware, but whatever you call it, it will assist in Gladness being part of your every day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, to pray in agreement with someone for a certain thing or event in his or her life, it is important to have the permission, or the request, from that person, so as to honor free will.

    But, Beloved, it is also important to let your heart unfold each morning with a giving forth of grace that is about being part of a Whole. For instance:

    “I am so grateful for all the parts of the orbit of my life that are held in perfect Harmony. My friends and family are a part of the perfect play of my life, and I rejoice to see them receive all the blessings that are theirs today. My co-workers are a part of the orbiting of Life’s lights within the greater Light, and I appreciate the wondrous Goodness that holds them all in their perfect places, joyously giving to them all that they deserve for their sharing of talents and gifts and skills.

    I delight in the wondrous way in which Goodness works through every willing heart in the world, and I open my heart to be used that way today, for any loved one, or acquaintance, or stranger that comes into my path and my consciousness.”

    When you open your heart thus each morning, the Divine has a chance to flow unimpeded by drama or doubt.

    How constant are our prayers for all of you!


  • Ah, Child,

    When you are feeling that unbelief has been sabotaging your prayers, and your faith, and seeking to cure that unbelief by prayer and fasting, remember that fasting can mean many things.

    Yes, it can be fasting from food, or from certain foods, but it also can be fasting from routines, or patterns of behavior, or thoughts about tasks or career. Fasting from listening to endless news reports, and using the time to connect to Harmony, instead, can help your own heart know what it is to do. Fasting from your normal pattern of chores, and letting your hours of that day be given to a different kind of aid, might be what the Divine Heart leads you to do.

    Think of “fasting” as creating an empty space for the Divine Presence to be felt and heard and known, and you will have the Truth of it. Create the empty space in your thoughts, or your belly, or in the hours of your time, and you will be letting the Truth in, to help your See.

    With you all,