All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are cheerios floating in the Sweet Milk of The Divine.

    Soak It up, and you do not need to do anything else, but float where It sends you.

    Always, you are sweet to see,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every moment is a Holy moment, for two reasons.

    One, every moment IS one moment in the Mind of God, where there is no time and your template Spirit lives always, loving and Being loved.

    Two, in the earth dream of time, in every moment you can choose to turn within and hear, “Your sins are forgiven you, for you are truly my own beloved and innocent child, always. Go forth and sin no more, and tell others they are Beloved, too.”

    Make every instant a Holy Instant, by turning to God without ceasing, for It never ceases loving you, and you exists within It, always.

    How clear can we make it?


  • Ah, the Beauty of the Divine dancing in every mirror!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many in the materialistically minded world have gotten completely away from taking time each day, and a full day each week, to simply rest in the Calm of Spirit, and be fed by the Love and Wisdom of Soul. You can choose to not be one of them. You can choose to not deprive yourself of the Glory and Sweet Care that truly wants to nourish you and heal you and lead you and uplift you.

    Take the time, Beloved, take the time. As We have told you again and again in these messages, pulling in to a quiet spot a few minutes a day and communing with the Great Life Force of the Whole will change your experiences and feelings in positive ways and in wonderful opportunities that the materialistically limited mind cannot imagine.

    Give yourself that gift, Beloved. Give yourself that gift. The more urgent the outer circumstance seems, the more important, really, is the quiet time communing with the Divine Mind.

    In such Great Love,


  • Ah, let your love mature, Beloved. Truly, through the One Spirit that lives in all, you can tune to the desires and best needs of the journey of the one before you, and be thus guided in what to give, what to offer, what to ask or demand. For indeed, Beloved, what you really want to give, or at least offer, is peace and joy and harmony.

    For in giving those, you receive them as well, and a little more of Oneness has been reclaimed. And what else could you want, but to know that neither one of you was ever truly apart from Love Itself, ever?

    We never were, and we recommend knowing Wholeness,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Unsolicited advice will come to you from relatives and friends and strangers. Do listen to it, for some of it is coming from the God-Source within them, trying to put a thought or a dream in your head that you have not been able to let flow for yourself. Some of their advice is just nosiness, or an effort to control you, or a misguided, although loving, attempt to help you, and those kinds, of course, you should gracefully ignore.

    How do you know the difference? By going Within, to the Divine Source within you, and discerning which new ideas and thoughts are in line with your Divine Purpose. The more you practice knowing the nature of the Divine Voice Within, the more easily you will be able to use It as a filter for all the advice and information that comes your way each day from the world.

    Spend enough time each day in meditation or prayer that you receive most of your information and inspiration there. For the thoughts that come your way from others, discipline yourself to always, always hold them to that crucible of Truth in your heart, so that all actions you take, and all responses you make, can be full-hearted and centered and Source-secure.

    Do the same with our advice, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is OK to get very, very still, and just be quiet and listen to God’s Love today. Not every day must be a day of accomplishment, in the worldly sense. In fact, if you spend a day just consciously being held in God’s Love, God counts it as a good day indeed.

    How about it?


  • Ah, Let me remember, dear Source, that I stand next to you, with your clarity and all-ness of Sight and Truth.

    Let me look with you at the mirror of myself that seems to move and act and speak upon the earth, and let me see the Truth of what that mirror should reflect, that I am, in You, made of the characteristics of You.

    And let me see the Truth in all the other mirror fragments that are around me. Let me recognize all the others in my life as other views of You. Let me see the Truth of them as you know them to be, made them to be, as they are in Thee.

    Help me to let go of all old notions of what or who I am, and of what or who they are, and only be Thee, Thee, Thee.

  • Dear One,

    Ah, the emptiness of unmindful habit, and the delight of heartfelt change!

    Even brushing the hair, or changing the bed, can become elements of prayer and meditation, if each thought and action are taken with joy and deliberate perfection. Even the most exciting remodeling of a day, or of a room, or of a life, can be just stressful if not seen as part of your growth and potential and purpose and love.

    Be careful to let each day be exactly what you need to grow in the Whole, Beloved. Be attentive to each action and thought being guided by the You that Sees all, that Knows all, that Appreciates all.

    There is not other way, for that way IS the Truth. Would you trade small, insignificant, temporary pleasures for the Great Joy of knowing you are a full part of the Creator and All Creation? Think again, Beloved, think again. And know you will be given chances to think again until you choose to know completely Who You Are.

    We Teach from Love, not pain,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Presence in your heart-thoughts of Divine Spirit, offering you a faithful binding to Itself for your life, is a wonderful opportunity. It is a marriage of Soul that takes no special ritual or dress or suit or venue or guest list.

    It takes only your willingness, and the true desire to know the Great Spirit of All, and yourself as sweetly one with It.

    We bear witness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    By joining in with others to tell stories of when you have seen and felt the Truths of the Oneness of Being lift you from confusion to clarity, or heal you of wounds or heartache, or inspire you with ideas to create joy or useful objects, you build your own certainty of dominion.

    That certainty is what you need now. Claim it, Beloved. Claim your dominion. Claim the Truth that God wants you to feel Its Harmony and Joy. God wants you to ask to be enabled to see them, even while declaring that disorder and illness and such have no right or power to cling to you.

    Turn your back on those things and claim God, Good, anew in every moment.

    That is the dominion to take hold of. Good. “I claim the Good God wants for me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No cake made with all good ingredients will turn out to taste utterly unlike those ingredients. No cake made with eggs and honey and flour will suddenly transform itself into the flavor of fish and pungent herb.

    Just so is it with you, Beloved. The Force that is All, a Speaking Spirit, made you out of Harmony and Light and Goodness, and then also declared you Good. So you are Good.

    Remember that, when your mortal-ego-logical-defensive self would argue, “Well, if the cake made of flour and sugar were burned, and the cake made of fish and herb were both burned, they would both taste like carbon.” Ah, but they were not burned when being created. Speaking Spirit declare them all “Good”, declared them all “Perfect” and “Just Right”. God is the Baker that baked well, in baking up the thought that is you, and Beloved, the true appearance of you, under the crinkly cellophane wrapping, is “Just Right”.

    Believe on this, Beloved. Ponder this, and believe, for such is the way to true Spiritual Sight, wherein you can, like God, see that all the cakes are “Perfectly Done”.


  • * For realize that the Divine IS normal. It IS the only reality. You have only fooled your senses into seeing another un-normal reality.

  • Ah, ah, ah, Beloved,

    Most humans assume that personalities cannot really change. But we assure you that they can. Just as the “body” costume can become healthy as the Governance of it is relinquished to the One Shining Source, so can the personality become more loving, more honest, more generous, more faithful and respectful and calm. For as it also reflects the sweet Governance of the Divine, those Qualities will shine from it, for they were there all the time.

    Let yourself be revealed to improve, and give trust in Grace that others can do so, too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Essence of Life that is All sustains and maintains all Its ideas forever, in one timeless moment of Being.

    Let the Love that is that Essence comfort you when the time realm seems to grab things and people from you, or send ones that seem to cause inharmony. It is the timeless You that is Real and always Joyous,. But we understand that the grief and bewilderment of time can seem to mar that essential Joy of You.

    So, reach for Comfort. Let yourself be held in Comfort. Be certain that any that have gone on into timelessness, or are still growing in other circles of time, want you to feel that Comfort.

    As do We,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be so very glad when communion with the Sweet Source within feels more and more real to you, and easier to enact. As that Power begins to feel like a natural and complete part of you, you will find it almost automatic to turn to It FIRST in every situation. You will WANT to know Its will, and Its solutions, for you will trust that, above all, It wants you joyous and happy, in waking and in sleeping.

    You will want Its full Presence with you in times of quiet and in times of celebration. You will want to know Its sweet invisible embrace as you also embrace others around you, passing on the Joy you know to be so very Real.

    That is the way It works,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to ask for your full worth of the Father/Mother/ Divine Source. It is given gladly and hopefully, with the Divine desire that you will not put off any longer receiving all that it is given you to receive as your Divine Inheritance.

    God is ever holding an open house for all Its Children, and there are many, many workers of Light, and Holies, and Religious, and Saints, and Avatars holding open the door to that Open House, that Heavenly Kingdom of Peace. Do not fear to ask them for help, and to thank them, and then to walk right in, and be greeted by the Grace of God.

    Always guiding you to that door,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Discerning the Good, Godly Qualities in another, and remarking on them, is a wonderful way to uplift both of you, and make way for greater transforming Presence of Spirit. Letting another know how clearly you see their tenderness with their children, or their kindness to co-workers, or their generosity with strangers, helps YOU to comprehend that they are an offspring of the Good Divine.

    This view of another will change you, and, sooner or later, change the interactions between you for the better. If your thoughts of another align with God’s Loving Thoughts of both of you, the world makes Spiritual progress. Practice it today.


  • Ah, Beloved

    Where you are, the Divine Empowerment of the Binding and Healing Force IS.

    Look no further, wait no time, just open yourself completely to being Cared for, Sustained, Renewed and Loved.

    Right Now, ask for It. Right Now, receive It. Do not wait until you have finished reading these words. Stop, and be very still, and open, and receive, receive, receive.

    Nothing is asked for in return, for what is expected in return will be freely given by you when you realize the enormity of what you have been freely, freely, freely given.

    This moment it IS given unto you. This very moment, this very day, you are renewed, renewed, renewed, if you but ask. Let time be a notion that is set aside, while you let timelessness fill you. Just as when you enter a movie theatre and are willing to accept that on the screen, years and years pass while only minutes pass on the clock in your pocket, let time be seen to be an imagined notion.

    Set it aside, and receive, O’ Dear Love, the timelessness of the Idea that made you. It made the idea of you and made all other ideas as well. Revel in that timeless swirl of ideas, and let yourself FEEL the Joy that is the medium in which all those ideas swirl and live and move and imagine.

    As ever,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let not the seeming continuity of the illusion of earth strife keep you from believing in the Utter Continuity of the Divine Source. Life exists. Error only exists as a dream.

    Trust in that, and remind yourself of that trust over and over. And remember that as you go about demonstrating your trust in the Force of Life, that your task is not to do the demonstrating of life paths of others FOR others, but to help uplift them to where they can hear for themselves the tender Loving guidance that Knows their perfect way.

    We ARE continuously with you. Just Listen.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again We say to you to realize the extent of what it means that God desires your sublime and Divine happiness.

    When you affirm to yourself “God’s Will for me is happiness”, but what you are picturing is the common ingredients of human satisfaction, then you are only claiming a limited part of what you really are as an image of God. Claim the fullness, Beloved. Claim what your human self cannot even imagine, or that your limited experience has not given you yet to understand.

    You could say that We are urging you to understand the complete Divine Reality of your true identity as a Child and a Beloved of God. We are delighted when you realize even glimpses of the unworldly Peace and Power that are yours as an integral part of Love Itself.

    Be willing to be delighted by the Unlimited Will of God, Who truly does want that delight and gladness to be unveiled and realized in you and to you.

    It is as close as your own breath. Take it in.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be never afraid that the Healing Principle of the Creator cannot sort out what is the Best Way for Harmony to occur in your life, and in the lives of others. Even when your intellectual self is confused about exactly how to proceed, or “what to pray for”, let your heart pray for Harmony, and for the Highest Best for all. The Heart Prayer is the prayer God listens to, and answers, with the Wisdom that goes beyond any human mind’s ability to understand.

    Love covers all. Love conquers all. Have faith in Its inherent Goodness, and let not your heart be troubled as it waits for Joy to be revealed.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever you are able, remember to remember who you Are.

    You are a Child of the Loving Universe, without limit or form. All the resources of Limitless Good are yours to draw upon—spiritual goodness—the Reality of Love, the Truth of Focus, the Calm and the Joy of Creation. As you ponder those things, and let those ideas and qualities of your Parent Universe fill your thoughts, then the earthly things and people and places that you need to fulfill your life’s Best Plan come into sight.

    Be not afraid, and be not stressful and striving about exactly what to do. Turn away from thoughts of details, and turn again and again and again to the Wonderful Governance of the Universal Mind that Knows how to swirl all of Its ideas into the right place and time, while the bubble of time exists.

    We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you would rein in a shy, or nervous, or ill, or aggressive pet, when friends or neighbors or kin come to visit, so reign in your own grievances when you encounter any others in your day. Let the Light of you shine forth. Let the kindness and forgiveness and generosity of you be in full play. Let the Divine in you recognize the Divine in the others, keeping uppermost in your mind and heart, “This one, too, is a Beloved child in the Mind of the Divine.”

    Not only will reining in the small, judgmental self help you interact in the way you truly WANT to interact, but by holding it still, some of the Light you shine forth will bounce back onto it and help it heal, and grow more peaceful.

    If you shine enough Light forth, Beloved, the dark pet of your sorrowful self will be utterly shined away.

    Our job is to magnify your shine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel as though the Divine Voice is just not there when you sit down to quietly listen, do not be discouraged. Think of the Silence as the kind of Love that is so great it cannot be put into words or gestures. Just soak in the Sweet Silence, and let it calm you and fill you.

    If words or images need to come, to Help you, we assure you they will. The Divine IS always with you, even when your human senses cannot see or feel or hear It. We assure you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When time ended, after a very brief moment, the Divine Source had already figured out and enacted the lovely Play that would help all the reflections of Itself remember that they were and are and will always be, sweet reflections of Its Love.

    You are that. You exist in that. Be not the monkey who thinks his reflection is real. Be the Truth of Love reflected as Love. It is not as hard as you think. It is only the body-self that thinks it IS the body, that makes you feel dizzy and confused when you ponder this.

    Consider the monk, who, when asked how he bends the spoon with his mind, answered “There is no spoon.” Pondering the non-reality of the physical world is easier when it comes to “inanimate” objects in front of you. Practice “bending the spoon” first, and then move on to “bending the body” or “bending personal circumstance”, because your emotional involvement with a spoon is so much less than with your fleshly costume, or personal relationships, or intimate circumstances. Bending a spoon or healing the body, using the power of thought that is All God Thought, are really no different.

    Play, Beloved, play, supported by Love, and surrender to the God Thought flowing glowingly through you, as you, and as Itself.

    Always playing with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you grow more and more adept at communion with the One Mind, or in spending time in deep prayer, it is easy for the human ego to whisper two temptations to you. First, that since One Mind is so very vast, that you are of no importance in the Grand Scheme. Or, that since it is so very pleasant in the Bliss of One Mind, that you may as well stop participating in earthly life.

    Listen not to those whispers, Beloved. Know that even though you are only one facet of the beautiful Infinite, you are as crucial a part as any other. Just as a marvelous tapestry would be marred if one thread were pulled out of the middle, so would that whole pattern of That Which Is be altered without the part that you reflect. If you start to feel dismayed by the thought “In this vastness, what do I matter?”, spend a deep and long meditation asking that question, to anchor yourself in the answer from the Divine Voice. You may meditate for only a minute, or for all night, but if you hear even one word in reply, such as “useful”, or “link”, or “kindness”, it will give you the word-raft to cling to when the dismaying thoughts of insignificance rear their heads. Just remembering, “I am useful to the Divine Plan”, or, “I am to show kindness here” can help anchor you in the joy of the day.

    Hold to your personal instructions and illuminations from the Divine, and let them help you choose the listening, and the action, and the words of each moment, as you release to the glad obeying of the Best of you.

    It works, Beloved, if you listen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Communing with the Divine within you is not about pleading or questioning or searching. It is about paying attention to what already Is. It is about listening to and delighting in the Presence that already lives in your awareness, and that delights when you allow It to express Itself through you, in Peace and Joy and Love.

    God already is. God only waits for you to gift back the free will you were given, gifting your will to the Divine Will that already flourishes and expresses and Is. Be delighted that your free will is so honored and respected that it is not ripped from you, but be delighted to hand it back freely to the Greater Sight that will, through you, create your Greater Life.

    We realize these words can sound like nonsense to one who has not experienced Divine Presence, but if that human will spends even a small time each day practicing the Presence, and saying “Yes, shine through me”, to God, it will begin to become O’ so clear.

    The Practice never ends, it becomes endless in your moments,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Right now, set aside all thoughts of duty and quietly ask to be Held in the ineffable Love of God. It is an experience like no other, of Bliss, of expanded Understanding of All that is, of Wholeness and Mercy.

    Understanding God is truly the great duty of all. And the more time you spend letting Divine Love completely embrace you, the more beautiful and good the world will look to you, although you will simultaneously understand that Divine Love is all that matters and all that really exists.

    Allow yourself this gift today, and help Love expand and quicken,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can know, and stay aware of, the Divine Plan to expand Love into all areas and times that seem dark, but only God can oversee all the small steps of that Infinite Complexity.

    When Holy Voice whispers to you to do or say something, be content to receive instructions bit by bit. God knows the way and will show the way as needed. Relax into the unfolding of each day, each mission for Spirit. Be glad that human fretting cannot interfere by trying to leap ahead to each phase of atonement.

    If you are tempted to try to substitute a human plan for God’s Plan, remind yourself, “I am simply Love, like God. I am simply Love.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The power of the Source flows through you only for purposes of Loving healing, never for revenge or satisfaction of what humans think of as justice. Be very tenderly careful to always check with Guiding Spirit within before opening the “tap” of that Source in your wishes and heart.

    Part of what you are asking about, when you check with Source, is where, when, and with whom you should speak or even pray for. Some are simply not ready for the full power of Loving Source to be seen or felt. Just as you would not give startling news about a loved one to someone who was gingerly stepping along a ledge, sometimes you cannot demonstrate the power of the Loving Source to someone who is on an emotional cliff. Wait for the Guidance of God, and obey, obey, obey what you so very carefully listen for.

    All Love flowing to you now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is plenty of Spirit and Love for all.

    Short, small, big, tall, there is plenty of Love for all.

    When you feel your little child-self wondering what the world is coming to, or what your purpose or mission is, or whether you will have days wherein you feel complete and content, then let your Full Self speak to the tiny scared or confused self as you would speak to a child. Make up rhymes such as the one above, and remind your mind of the Mind that watches over, and cares for, all. Whether each individualized reflection of Soul is wearing a visible form, or no, that Mind Knows you, and Loves you, and Watches you, and Appreciates you, wherever and whenever you go.

    There is plenty of Love for all, and it can and will fuel your good dreams if you ask.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be very pleased that you know the Power of Love.

    Let It soften your heart. Let It open you to the Flow of It that would flow through you to others, without tiring or harming you in any way.

    Even the smallest of earthly objects or scenes can help you glide into the Arms and Flow of Love. The homemade pickles that your neighbor made when you were young, and that delighted you so much to taste—the very thought of them, even now, can make you smile and feel filled with gratitude for the small pleasures and gifts and for the extreme kindness of the neighbor who so freely shared them.

    It is not the pickles that hold the Power. It is not the mortal taste buds that enjoyed them that hold the Power. It is the Joy. It is the Gratitude. It is the Generosity. It is the Creativity. It is the Love, Love, Love that holds it All.

    Use treasured moments and experiences to open you to Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to doubt the journey, for, as ever, your spirit is safely and always a part of the Wondrous Source. When the end and the truth are already known, there is no need to fret at seeming delays or twists and turns.

    Keep your mind on that certain awakening, and remember that you are always ion touch with all the Holiness that greets each and every one. You are always in touch, like a passenger who keeps letting the loved ones at both ends know where he is, calling frequently on his mobile phone, so that all know he is on track, and on time, and completely and fully provided for, and assured of that by Those he calls.

    Keep calling out. We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgive yourself, forgive yourself, forgive yourself.

    Forgive yourself, and See your self with the Loving eyes of God.

    When you understand your innocent Spiritual Self, you can move forward.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is absolutely nothing blocking you from the healing embrace of God’s Love except your unwillingness, or delay, to turn to It.

    If you say to yourself, “I will take time for that after I do the dishes”, or “I will look up what prayers or techniques a famous avatar used”, or “I will do that after I punch out of work for the day”, then you are fooling yourself. No one can make a fool out of you but yourself. You certainly cannot fool God.

    If you want to put God first, you can. If you want the healing embrace of Truth and Love, you can have It. There is always a minute before the chores, or a bathroom break at work, or a minute at a stoplight while you commute, when you can get still and quiet and Get GOD.

    Get God, for God already has you. God already has you, in Love. Admit to yourself you want that, and ask and receive.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Try calling on the Glory of God.

    When you need strength and determination and perseverance to start or finish something, try doing it for the Glory of God.

    All Good comes from God Source. Be Its Glory.

    God gives what you need for Gentle Glory.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You KNOW the steps of Divine Meditation; Deep Prayer.

    Acknowledgement of One Loving Mind, Deep Listening, Obedience, Gratitude.

    Just do them. Do them in every moment that you can remember and focus. Do them when in doubt or joy. Do them when in fatigue or energy. Just do them, be them, and trust.

    All will be Well, because All Is Well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps you think it does not matter whether you stay quietly attuned to the small, still Voice of Divine Spirit for even simple choices such as choosing which glass to use for your morning water. But, We say to you that such constant practice in being in tune with the frequency of Divine Consciousness, is exactly what will give your hours and your days and your life a smoother progress and greater Joy.

    Consider the choices you have made in the past that led to errors of action or feelings. Consider the feelings that have, and sometimes still do, try to lead you astray. Being in tune with the Divine Urges in your heart will give you the will to stop, consider, and choose wisely, and happily, for every moment of your days and nights.

    Feel the great Peace of being aligned with the One Whole, and let It Guide your every action, every word, every feeling, every hope, every plan. Practice it, practice it, practice it.

    Imagine if all plans matched the Great Plan of Awakening to Loving Soul,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you begin to get the feeling that the time for an ending has come, whether it is the right time to leave a party, or the time to move to a new home or to a new career, let yourself have the sacred thought space of listening. If the intuition is true, if the Inner Voice is of God, there will be a certainty, but not a sense of urgency.

    The human ego voice is very dramatic. If it says “right now” but says so with a sense of hurry that is fear-based, let yourself have time to think again. The True Inner Voice that is of the Divine will always be rooted in Peace. The True Voice, even if It is urging immediate action, will be a calm urging, certain of Its intent of Love, and drawing on Omnipotent strength.

    Therefore, wait on the Will of Divine Timing, Beloved. Give yourself the gift of sacred listening space—even if you must step apart from others in a crowded room, so that you may listen, or ask aloud for a minute of silence in which to commune with the Truth. You will never regret it, for you will be sure, and backed by Sureness.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Most mothers or fathers will set firm rules about the child who must stop playing in the sandbox and come in the real home at the end of the day, to eat and bathe and rest and share and be loved. But when the child is being very stubborn and refuses to come in, although the light is fading and the bugs are biting and the air grows chill, the parents might decide to simply let the child linger in the harsher and harsher elements until he is so exhausted that he is finally willing to turn to their loving care. They patiently and lovingly wait until he is willing to surrender to the arms that were always willing to give him the best of everything, if he would but give up trying to be the king of his own little sandbox world.

    Are you being the stubborn child at times? Are you willing to trust ALL to the Divine Parents? Please understand that because there is no time in the eternal now, it takes no “effort” of patience for the Divine to wait for you to claim your Good Heritage and Home. Time is a creation of the human (’sandbox”) mind, and therefore not an impediment to the Divine. It is up to you when to choose to give up that false sense of time, and willingly turn to choosing the Peace of God above all, and letting God’s inspiration and pro-vision run your life.

    Any time you choose, welcome Home. Just turn inside, to the God whose Voice dwells within you and is you, and welcome Home.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Intent and Cause that thought you up knows your very Heart.

    Trust that It knows it still, and can restore it, and all that it needs to play its part in the earth play that proceeds to reveal more of the full Goodness of God’s full Intent. God already knows all the Spiritual Universes created, and as the wisps of dream and limits of human perception are melted away, more of that lovely Glory will shine.

    Keep celebrating acts of Goodness and be Kind, Kind, Kind. Goodness does exist, and is already the only Truth. Just be your part of It. Each has his or her part. Do not try to be another. Just be your part.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As your Spiritual Sight and Awareness grows, you will quite likely find yourself thinking and acting more often in ways that you know are directly desired by God. As We have said often, God-impelled actions are not necessarily the same as the ones the human thoughts would call helpful, for God can See the greater picture that Blesses awakening of all. Do them gladly when God inspires, for your own well being, and as service to the Whole. Otherwise, just keep being willing each day to do all the small things that clearly feel in line with your “I Am Love” identity.

    Striving to be extraordinarily Godly each day cannot be conflated with human ambition. And it is important to remember that, just as a rarely used tool in your kitchen may be something that is only crucial on one or two days a year, God’s use of you as an instrument for extraordinary action may be infrequent, but very, very important when it occurs.

    Be what God asks you to simply be as a part of Goodness each day. And when God strongly directs a more special contribution of effort, be that gladly as well.

    Trust God’s Oversight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more scenes you see of earthly existence, in your own life and the lives of others, and in your alternate earth dreams of night, the more honestly you can desire, and live for, the pure, sweet truth of Heaven, of God. The unchanging Love of God is the prize and the example to keep always in your mind. Let your mind become His/Her Mind, as you completely realize, that even within the dream, you are bidden to be a good example, a simple shining, of the Love of God.

    Old mistakes and current ones ARE forgiven, if you can forgive them in yourself by forgiving others. Cease to judge, and be free. Cease to judge, and learn to Love. Love always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The “observer effect” is true, within the earth dream. The more Goodness you choose to see, and expect to see, the more Goodness you will see. The more Goodness you let flow through you, the more Goodness you will receive in return.

    Practice this today, Beloved. Expect Goodness, and be free.

    In great Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the happiness of knowing that not only are those Divine Thoughts called Angels assigned to watching over you, but that they also are utterly in Love with you, carry you through this day, and all days, with Joy.

    There ARE Angels assigned personally to you,

    The Over-Angel, who assigns all ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The goal is always to align yourself with God—to think God’s Thoughts as yours, to See as God Sees, to know you are one with Love. The goal is to focus yourself so that these things are what create your reality of Heaven, here and now, calm, pure, just. To know that God is THE fact, and nothing else is true.

    So what if you have detoured from this for an hour or a day or a decade or a lifetime? God is timelessly Loving you, and joyous to walk and talk with you again in the State of Being that is Perfection and Glory and Joy and Light. Stop regretting your detours, and take a walk with God.

    Take a walk with God today, and love and be Loved. It will do you nothing but Good, dear.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am as God Is.”

    Use this Truth to clear your thoughts today, Beloved, and align them with God Thoughts. Aligning with God Thoughts will bring the flickering movie of existence into focus, and give you clarity of feeling and purpose, and the Unearthly Calm you need to make choices that are pure and unclouded by old habits.

    “I am as God Is, and that is wondrous Spirit, and Exquisite Love, and a Joy that is Unbounded.”

    We are so with you in this. Join us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no greater Truth than that which says “You are One with your Source, and It is Love.”

    When you transfer that thought to your human thinking and begin to ponder it and let it soak in to your day, does not it give you a mysterious sense of peace? After all, if you are one with your Source, you are never really alone. If you are one with your Source and It is Love, then you must have access to total Love, even when you are not humanly feeling it.

    Think about that. Like a hiker through the desert who grows thirsty and dreams of water, or a bushwacker through the forest that grows so muddy and sweaty he longs for a river to wash off in, you sometimes dream of having love, or of being able to wash away feelings of resentment or anger or hopelessness. Gently, then, remember you have access to that Love. It can slake your thirst for love. It can wash away the feelings of fear and attack.

    You are one with your Source, and It is Love.

    What a gift!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can try to fritter away your attention, and distract yourself with material pursuits to temporarily avoid good awareness of Me, but eventually you will acknowledge and understand that we are One.

    We are One, Beloved. There is no where else and nothing else to be, for you are a part of My very Consciousness. Try surrendering to It, for as you do, you will be enabled to see the Harmonies that you are meant to live as your Life Divine and unending.

    Open the window of Soul, and look.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are asked, as you awaken from the earth-body dream, “Did you love as I have loved you? Did you express the Love that I Am?”, it is not asked in order to judge you. It is asked in order to help you focus on the moments and occasions in which you did love, to help you forget the times of unloving and the times you felt the danger of non-compassion.

    It is to help you remember that you were never really separate from the Whole of Love in which you dwell, and of which you are a part, and to realize that if you had let any of those moments of loving expand into a full realization of agape, of Unconditional Divine Love, you would have never felt apart from the Divine Source.

    You would have realized, and can realize as you are asked, that you were not, are not, and never will be separate from the Source that created the beautiful idea of you.

    Let any moment of agape expand now, and you can know it now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am utterly Loved by the Source-Imager that projects this image of what I am. I can trust that It wants my happiness, so that I may be free to let Its Love and Light shine through me.”

    Study this Truth, Beloved. But let there be a great deal of silence and pondering time in the study, rather than memorization. For in the Silence, and patient waiting for the Will of God, comes the Presence of the Maker to you. Remember, it is that Presence that is the Healing Force, the Guiding Force, the Lover and the Beloved. It is that communion time that is the marriage of Creator and created. It is the time spent bathing in the Presence that is the Unconditional support of Parent giving to Its Child/Reflection.

    Ponder all of this, and hold your heart open to quietly receive, and be filled, and be Loved.

    Ponder it smoothly and slowly, so that you let the Presence have the gentle and quiet time to fill you, and do Its Work.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are times when it is appropriate to cry forth a quick “Help!” to the Presence of God, for it helps you focus quickly on your human need for that Whole Perspective.

    But in general, when you ponder with Great Wisdom and reason, to understand and perceive the Truth of a situation, it is important to start with thoughts of the One Good and Perfection of God as YOUR Source. Turn to that Calm and Loving Wholeness, and thankfully realize that What It is creates the true Quality of what you are. What your limited human senses are momentarily perceiving of your body or situation are not the imperfections seen by God. God shines you forth perfect and complete, and sees that individual image as victorious and lovable.

    “Thank-you God, for my NOW Harmony!”

    “Thank-you , God, for enabling me to experience my rightful strength and lovingness, and easy kindness and Joy.”

    We could make a long, long list of all the useful and natural and wonderful Qualities of God-Source that are your rightful components and aspects, and are there for you to call upon. They exist. Thank God for them, and open to the feeling and power of their Presence as a part of you.

    God is Good, and offers that Goodness to you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Each one of you is at a different place and time of awakening completely to the fact of your complete Spirituality. If you look back, honestly, at the phases of your earthly memories, you can admit to yourself that you would not have been ready at earlier phases, to give up thoughts of the material and chasing the material. Accept, therefore, that those around you are at differing stages of readiness to experience the full Glory of Soul, and readiness to realize that nothing except pure Spirit exists. Be kind, be Loving, and work on improving your own discernment of the Divine Essence of all people, places and things.

    Understanding that all is Spirit, all is God-Thought, does not mean you need to pass away, to Ò¤ieÓ as the earthly labels it. It just means to look at you and your life and all around you as the lovingly mutable forms that have the ability to reflect, perfectly, the Perfect Harmony of God. You can still enjoy the earthly and material, but know first from wherein all Good comesÑ´he Wondrous projected Thoughts of God.

    You are asking to See the clear Good Thoughts of God, and you can. Be willing, be ready, and See. Take off the blinders of Ò·oe is meÓ¬ and be glad and grateful, and See.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy that awaits you when you turn to the Inner Communing with the Loving Source that it makes no sense to deprive yourself of it by dwelling on any earthly uneasiness. It is not denial of challenging situations to look away from them and turn to the wonderful Law of Harmony—it is movement towards a solution. It is movement towards a reservoir of strength and a place where neutralizing force can be obtained.

    No one would fault a fireman who took time to unreel his firehouse and hook it up to a fire hydrant. It gives him what he needs for solving a problem, for doing what he can to combat loss and prevent further harm. So if your own mind or the human minds of others chide you for seeming to look away from a challenge, and instead spending quiet focus on the One Mind Energy that is filled with Inspiration and Wisdom, remember that you are strengthening your ability to help solve problems by doing so. Remember that you are also opening your heart and intention to witness One Mind being the Unseen Force that operates to restore Harmony in ways no human thought can imagine.

    Stay strong in your faith in the Goodness of Spirit, and turn to It again and again and again, whenever discord tries to unfocus your Love. And turn to It again and again and again when you want to be grateful for the daily joys, and want to celebrate them with the Maker.

    So with you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Light of Life does reign, piercing through this cloud of unknowing.

    And that reigning Golden Light rains on all who are willing to turn up to receive It.

    Claim It for yourselves, and claim It for all whom you love, and do not love. Let the Glory of Divine Light do Its Work on all. Welcome It raining on all.

    More progress has been made than you might imagine. Light wins.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not easily feel the Grand Flow of Love, when you quietly ask to be filled with Light Joy for the day, and you feel like you have sincerely opened up your heart for receiving It, examine the gates of your heart.

    Are the stones of anger or accusation making the gate scrape noisily? Are blame or blustering in your thoughts blowing against it? Are criticism or condemnation closing the gate before Love can completely fill you?

  • Ah, ah, Beloved,

    You are always appealing to God. And when you let the Qualities of God courageously shine from you, the Glow of Grace gives you a gentle allure to all who are willing and ready to see it.

    Smile in Good gentleness and love to those that see only the dust of existence. Their time of awakened perception will come, and your silent extension of Grace will help them choose that time. For now, try smiling at your own Grace, and let It help you feel how very perfect you are as a reflection of Pure Spirit and Soul.

    We will help you act beautifully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Firmly and sweetly envision the constant and steady Flow of Unconditional Love as a River, and know yourself able to move as consistently as a water wheel placed in that River.

    Spend today pondering that Flow, Flow, Flow, and put aside any thoughts of being weary. You are sustained and moved by the Generous and Reliable Flow of Unconditional Love.

    Enjoy It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take time today to re-Assert that you know your Self to be a True Child of Spirit.

    Be not like the actor who has so lost himself in his role of drunkard or bum that he forgets he has a wonderful home and full resources and a loving family, all waiting for him each night after the play is over. Let your self think of your Self, and let the loveliness of those thoughts carry you through any moments when you need to remember your True, rich heritage of Love, of Pro-Vision, of Creative Urge.

    You are already there, Beloved, and sometimes even good actors set aside the drama for a night, and give themselves back to themselves for the renewal of their strength and joy and enjoyment of Being Loved.

    The Infinite Source is you unending stream of Love. Drench yourself in It.

    Ever and always admiring,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Only when one is beyond the veil of illusion will one completely understand how important one gesture or one word was, in earthly life, in the awakening of the self, or of another, in Oneness.

    Just be still, be quiet and gently observing of the ego, and let the Love of the Divine pour through you. Let It guide you when to speak, let It give you the impulse to act or the desire to plan.

    Make peace with this understanding, that only when you are beyond the veil will you completely see of what aid you have been in letting your dream be used by God.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    You will never see anything but Compassion and Love and forgiveness in Our eyes.

    We are available to call to all hours of the day, all hours of life and beyond. Dwell not on old sorrows, drink not the poison of old pains. Forgive yourself as We forgive you for human follies, and move through this day counting all the reasons Life and Divine Love are Good, Good, Good.

    For they are, and We will help you See with the eyes of Spirit, Loving Spirit,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You HAVE Dominion in the Source within which you dwell. You have this Dominion if you use what the Source, and you, are made of, which is Truth and Love.

    Create from an attitude, a realization, of Love, and you will see the results of your Dominion; of your Creation. Try to create from indifference, or anger, or retaliation of any kind, and you are trying to create from nothingness, from non-authorized substances of earthly make-believe. To try to create Goodness and justice from anything except Divine Truth and Love is to create only more detrimental illusions, and to cover the Truth of the perfect beauty and goodness that you are, in the Source.

    You are perfect beauty and goodness within the Source, and so is everyone else. Make it your work to realize and see that Goodness in everyone around you, and you will find yourself delighted to see through the dismal and/or ridiculous illusions of the earthly dream.

    You are already in the Truth, Love. Feel the Source Love, and be strong in honing your Sight.

    All Love enfolds you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Can a beam of light suffer sorrow and pain? Can a ray of Love have an attack of asthma?

    Think about it. The Source of you is a brilliant Light of Love. Let yourself entertain the idea that you are a beam of light, a ray of Love, and ponder welcoming the Truth of that into your heart, and into a new system of belief.

    Not everything that is in the print or jabber around you is true in the Divine Omnipresence. Is the jabber around you what you place your faith in, or will you choose the Divine All as your Source of truth?

    Crack open the door of you mind and Divine Mind will share,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Light heals and uplifts where it is welcomed.

    Human will must give that welcome. You cannot force It on another, but you can, again and again, be a loving and gentle example and demonstration of wholeness, sharing whatever good you have to share.

    Blame not yourself if others cling to their sins and their sorrows. But do not be drawn into imitating their ways. Revenge offers nothing but a tarnishing of your own hard-won shining.

    We give Love, Love, Love to you today. Share it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no wisdom or truth in the flesh. No longer think of yourself as a body—think of yourself as a Spirit being guided by the Great Spirit of Whom you are an emanation, and let the costume of dust shift and shape itself to conform to the instructions you receive from Spirit, the Great Whole.

    This is the Way. This is the Truth. This is the life that is the Happiness you are meant to have and be. Let not the costume dictate to you. Be the Spirit, and Be Joy.

    As ever and always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We see you obeying the signals from your phone or your computer or your other devices when the “low battery” message comes on. We see you following the instructions to plug in and recharge the electronics.

    O”, Beloved, if you would just recharge your soul and mind, as consistently, from the Loving Source that is the very fuel of your consciousness. If you are feeling humanly weary, or irritated or confused, or lonely or sad, or tempted to behave in an ungodly way, then it is a clear signal to recharge from the Source that is Love.

    Plug into It firmly. Set aside all else and recharge. Connect to the Energy that is All, and let Its Flow feed all that you need. You are not alone, you are not without Sweet Resource, but you must make the small effort, the believing willingness, to connect.

    Ask us, and We will Help you “plug in”,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If gratitude for the Goodness of God-Allness is what tops your gratitude list, then you are well on your way to a good day, and a Joyful life.

    It is easy to think of small and/or large material things to be grateful for, but it is the gratitude for the fundamental Truths of Love and Grace that will really set you free from limited thinking and feeling and manifestation. Let your very purpose be gratitude for Complete Good.

    It Works, dear one. It Works.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are with you, We are with you, We are with you.

    We are with you, here in the Mind of God. You are not alone in trying to accomplish the shining forth of Love through your own thoughts and to those that sleep. All of us, and everything, are the very Body of God, and you can absolutely trust that your prayers for the dissipation of the illusions are not wasted, and that when your hands and feet are busy with other tasks, God Mind will send another form to help where it is needed.

    God governs all, God is all, and everything is already created that is Good. Just keep seeking for the illusions to leave your thoughts, and so See and Think with only the Thoughts of God.

    We are with you.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Even as the brightness of the morning meditation or prayer fades a bit, as you are faced with the tasks of the day, their power is still with you. Allow yourself to feel the love and appreciation that you felt during the time of silent communion, and it truly is as though your prayer continues. In the same way that a beloved human partner or child or friend is always in the back of your mind, even while you have a meeting or perform a chore, allow the Divine Presence to be a caressed and caressing thought that stays with you throughout the day and night.

    It is possible to reach the stage where you are always aware of being a part of the Wholeness of the Divine. The Divine Itself embraces you into that centered place, and empowers you, when you fully realize that you want It more than anything that the physical world has to offer. The Divine knows when you are ready to fully receive It, for It sees when you are fully ready to give complete Compassion to others. As your heart projects, so are you more and more a reflection of the perfect part of the divine that the God of All made you to be.

    Every sliver of the reflected image will be found,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just listen quietly, to the song of the Heart, and hear:

    “Look up,

    Look up,

    my bright-eyed Love,

    and see me in the sky.

    I caught your attention with the whir of wings,

    Now, look past them,

    those flying feathered friends,

    and see,

    It is I, It is I, It is I.

    See, that I Am.

    See, and reflect Me.

    See, and know,

    for yourself,

    It is I, It is I, It is I.”

    Your Loving Patent/Source is ever with you,

    With all Power of Creation complete,

    Ask to see the best play of your life, and listen for your cues,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have used the metaphor before of the childhood pictures you made by covering a wondrous array of crayon colors with black crayon, and then scraping images with a pointed marker to make sublime revelations of form and hue.

    It is still so. Scrape away the dark illusions, and the natural order and rainbow brilliance of the Reality of the Universe shine forth. Dissolve the dark thoughts and sorrows with the sharp knife of Good Truth, and the complex beauty of your Real Life is revealed.

    As We have also told you before, there are those who wish to cling to their dark thoughts and the sensory evidence of error and awfulness. You cannot choose for them, but you can choose for yourself to diligently and quickly set aside any acceptance of error and pain. Those are NOT created by God or sent by God, and the more individuals that ask to have their eyes opened to God’s Good Reality, the more of It will be revealed. Keep asking, Beloved. Keep being a silent instrument of demonstrations of Compassion and showings of the Natural Order that seem like miracles to the unawakened ones. Keep scraping away the darkness, with any others that are ready to do so, and be giddy with Gladness at every Good thing that appears.

    The Good feeling of freedom is the very best thing, and aligning with the bright and light colors of Creation as envisioned by the One Source is the way to feel that freedom every day.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    It is the human propensity to try to reduce all choices to a set of rules. But really, there are only the Truths that All is One, and that you and everyone else are, in Spirit, part of that One. Or, to put it in western form, Love God above all else, and Love thy neighbor as thy self.

    A corollary to those, of course, is keeping your awareness on them, and on giving time to listen to the Inner Voice from Oneness, from the Goodness of God, that will guide you in EVERY situation. Remember and act from those two rules, and you have the rule for every situation. Remember to pause and listen to all that flows from those Truths being accepted, and every choice falls into place.

    Awaken in the morning and remember them, and listen. Awake in the morning, and let those Truths guide you in what to do today. There is enough work on your doorstep to do, no matter where you are in the Great Puzzle today. Appreciate what you have, and work from what you have. Any work that is yours to do, of sharing, appreciating, forgiving, of giving and receiving, will spring from what is right to hand. Listen, love, and act.

    And if the Puzzle Dances you to a new spot, know that, there again, all the steps you need to do are right there, ready to be done, and to be enjoyed. Just let your Divine Partner Within always lead, and flow, flow, flow with the Dance.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Treasure yourself. Treasure. Treat-as-sure-ly as if you will need to face your own image with Love in every ensuing moment of your life.

    Treasure those around you. Treat them as surely as you would treat the self whom you will need to face, in the mirror, every single remaining day of your earthly life, for they, and all you have done and are doing, will always be in your consciousness with you. Learning to live ion the Joy of the moment is very related to living each moment as one that will not poison the following moments with sorrow or cringing memories. Trying to live so that there is little to forgive in yourself, and then forgiving quickly, others and yourself, is the easier, and Best, path to treasuring others and yourself.

    Ah, if you knew how greatly we treasure you,


  • This is how it feels when I pray for you.

    September 2004

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, there are many wonderful things that have been developed on the earth scene, for helping to deal with the vagaries of the human experience. There are pills, and good therapists and fancy living. But not of them are lasting, None of them compare with the eventual thing each soul must do—make peace with, and align itself with, God.

    Why wait? Why not align now, and receive the peace and the benefits thereof?

    WE desire your peace and joy,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “You are Mine. You are so fine.”

    ACCEPTING God’s whispers of Appreciation for you is crucial to smooth function and Harmony. Don”t be shy or inappropriately humble. Accept that God Knows your Good worth.

    You are Loved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest in God today. Rest, and renew, and reshape your heart to match God’s Heart today.

    Why do we say it so often? Because you, and all who are sleeping the dream of earth, need it often. Rest in God, and ask to See, with God’s eyes, the new Heaven and the New earth, of the Loving Creator’s Plan.

    Even just a glimpse can feed the heart and soul for a long, long, long time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking to have your own thoughts about others healed is just a beginning of a sweet surrender to the Truth and Purpose of the Divine. But it is a wonderful beginning. For as you ask for Divine Help in seeing the good and complete aspects and talents of those around you, so that you may Love the Divine Soul of them, you will feel heartened enough to love your self more easily. As you love your self more, and find it easier to improve any behavior in your self that you wish to see better aligned with the Divine, you will find it all the easier to love others, and Love , Love, Love the God-Source that made them all, and you.

    Enjoy the Truth of each one, and see not the sorrows,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Have you ever felt like a pothole in the road, after a bad winter, that fills with trash and floods with mud and water and worse?

    Well, even while you work to the full understanding that you are already the Beloved Glory of God, as Its Child, be aware that the hot-patch team IS on the job. God the Infinite and all Its Perfect Powers are thrilled to send forth the Truths that will set you right.

    “I am Healed and set on the Good path because GOD Loves me.” Just welcome that, Beloved, just welcome the Hot Patch team that wants to see you smoothed and whole and ready to go. Every time you feel patched up, you will learn to Love God more. And that is the true Salvation.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, in the human sense of time, things spin very quickly, or slowly, depending on the situation and understanding. We assure you that there is plenty of time, and experience, for you to do all the unfolding you need to do, here or hereafter. Some awaken slowly, and some quickly, to their perfection, but we tell you again that ALL awaken. Have faith in that.

    See them thus now, and it will awaken you completely.

    We Love you all. Take it tenderly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know how often we have reminded you to pray for all. We know that you know that since all are connected, the prayer for all is important to the healing of the earth dream.

    And that is still true. But today, Beloved, we urge you again to sweetly pray to feel your Self aligned with the Divine Source. For as you are aligned, so can you more effectively pray for all. And we see that sometimes you forget that you must be truly centered in the mirror that is the connection between you and your Source in order to see clearly, and completely, and wonderfully. And that is more effective for all.

    “Perfect God, perfect person. Perfect God, perfect reflection. I am the other part of the Great I Am, and I would remember that today, to clear and align my thoughts.”

    There is no dust on the mirror today, dear Love. See clearly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To keep your focus on the Truth that All is Spirit, you must not only stand back from, and not react to, the animal-body-costume propensities of others, you must also stand back from your own. Observe the costume of body and personality, but let them not interfere with you constant honor of All is God and All is Good.

    Thus are you able to stay standing in the spot, in the perspective, from which True Healing is possible. Let your consciousness be on the holiness in which you dwell, and do not be fooled into thinking that you are somewhere else, doing something else, separated from God. Let your inner, God-given holiness rule, and not the flesh.

    We stand with you now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Compassion flows more easily if you remember the times when you have been humanly tempted, sorely tempted, to give in to anger or vengeful actions or words. Think of the times even now when only strong prayer keeps your will strong and able to not react to hurtful behaviors or verbal responses or negative correspondence.

    “There but for the Grace of God go I.”

    Forgiveness flows more easily from your heart when you ponder what you still hope to be forgiven for. Forgiveness expands when you contemplate what your Spiritual role models went through on the earthly plane, and yet were still able to forgive. Forgive the errors others make in the dream, and know you can be forgiven and grow, as well. Teach Truth with your actions and example, and leave the correction of error in the Hands of Spirit, Who knows exactly how to help each soul atone.

    “There but for the Grace of God go I.” Grace is abundant here and now, and infinite in Its reach. You can count on It. Count on It.

    Softly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine that you have been sent into a beautiful land, but that you were warned to beware of the mirages that sometimes form there, mirages making you think you were in great danger, or that you were not able to reach what you needed, or that you were separated by the mirage and mist from your parent that loves you. Would you not stay completely alert to assessing what you see and hear? Would you not be ready to peer keenly through the mists for the beauty, knowing that the mists were not the truth?

    It is exactly what has happened, Beloved. You are not separate from the Parent, Child. You are not sent into a real place of un-beauty. Laugh at the mirages. Take up the truth into your heart and sight, and see that all along your ever-alive soul-facet has been a part of that Beauty, and always will be.

    Be not fooled or drawn in by the mirages, Beloved. Your Parent has you in Hand, and wants your joy and your love and to appreciate you, and to be loved and appreciated in return. Stick to THOSE feelings, and you will be guided through the mists.

    With you, though the mists hide us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me my natural Joy today, dear God.”

    Say it, feel it, and expect it, Child. Expect it like a child expects good on its birthday. If you can capture that feeling, and feel it every day, you will be pleasantly surprised at how smoothly things go your way.

    Pleased by you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claiming your rightful Joy is not about beating out other people or proving you are more “right” in some matter or another. Neither is it about doing whatever “feels good” to your five senses and not caring what happens to anyone else as a consequence. It IS about claiming a nano-second of each minute to look about you and appreciate the Good and the Joyous that you already have.

    Some of this is about appreciating the “best things in life are free” elements that are available to all—the wonderful sun and rain and growth and animal life. But much of it is about appreciating the Qualities that you personally have been blessed with and can see in those around you. Faithfulness is one we would have you focus on today. Even someone whom you see as faithless in one area, because he or she betrayed you in that field, can be admired for faithfulness in other realms of life. You yourself have been faithful in many things, even though you may blush to remember the small betrayals of your own honor or honesty. Focus on the Good, Child, in yourself and others, and on appreciating all those gifts of beauty and life giving earthly aspects that all can equally partake of.

    Appreciation, appreciation, appreciation, and appreciation again, Praises God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because one day is covered by the dusty images of mirage and distress or confusion does not mean the next will be. Put aside all thoughts of other days, today. Let go of all assumptions or expectations of earthly sameness. Let today be fresh and new, and look to the only thing that never changes, which is the Love of God, and the Divine’s desire for you to awaken to how much and how perfectly you are Loved, and maintained and sustained until you know the completeness of that Oneness.

    In Love with you and for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always willing to give. For we understand the bounty of Bliss that flows back to one when one gives.

    Be thou willing to give Love generously also therefor, for we know you have come to value the Bliss of deep relation to God-Source-Love above all else. Do not forget that when your small mortal thoughts would have you worrying about some small human rules or even your own invented rules of proper behavior in even giving.

    Obey God’s Laws, and above all obey the Law to Love, including passing along God’s Love even when your human self feels nothing for a person, or even enmity of some sort.

    Give Love, and Love gives to you, in ways you cannot possibly imagine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting the complaints and compliments, and yearnings, and babblings of history, from others wash over and past you like water over solid stone is good practice. Keep your compassion high, knowing that the human condition that has been layered onto consciousness is a thing that all must peel away. But keep your focus on the sweet Spiritual Essence of the individual, and seek to See that.

    Seek again, this day, to see as God Sees, past the costumes and the temporal dreams and doubts, and See the Whole full Child of Light and Life and Love, in yourself and in others.

    For in this way is Glory born again, and the more who do it, the more will Glory shine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is PARTICULARLY those to whom you are closest with which you must live according to the Golden Rule.

    Think carefully upon this, and be very, very honest with yourself about how much you yourself want and need forgiveness for all the times that you act and think in ways that are less than the Best of yourself. Then, be that forgiving to those whom you love, and to all within your close circle of life.

    As we are to you,


  • Ah Beloved,

    God says today’s word is courage. God is not always tenderness and light. Ponder the stark power of God.


  • Ah, Beloved

    You are Spirit, pure and free, within the Great Spirit of Creatio

    THAT is the central thought to keep of yourself, for it is the Thought of the Creator that created you, and it is the only thought that is true. To fall into the trap of thinking of yourself as a small and flawed body with a marred personality is to take on playing your stage role all the time, and therefore getting lost in that stage role.

    Yes, do what your stage role of hero within your life calls for you to honorably do, as led by Spirit within, but do not think that is what you really are. You are Good Spirit, pure and free, and as you become convinced of this Truth, instead of all the physical lies of limit that you have been coated with for so many years, the outer self and circumstances will also begin to shine with the Lovely Truth of you.

    WE see the Shining You, and Love It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mercy can come in even small ways. The smile of a stranger. The nod from someone that clearly can see into the Goodness of your Soul Self without even knowing your name. The opportunity to help someone with a burden, or some information, or a gesture of kindness, which then leaves you feeling uplifted.

    Mercy and Goodness WILL pursue you all the days of your life so that you can continue to grow in Spiritual Awareness. Sometimes it will be obvious to you. Sometimes it will not. But always, It is right there behind you and around you, pushing you upward, pulling you upward, holding your hand as It walks beside you, all the way back to full remembrance of the Soul of which you are a part.

    You can count on this,


  • Ah Beloved,

    God understands you. God knows your true identity as perfect expression of Itself, Whole and Lovely.

    For you to understand God in return, and to feel truly filled with Its Wholeness, it is important to not let your limited thoughts be filled with thoughts that are not “God-Thoughts”. Set aside all judging and condemning thoughts, for they will not help you understand God, Who is Love.

    Understanding the Complete Reality of God as All, and as ALL GOOD, is key in believing you are freely offered Grace and Wholeness. Stand in the Central Point of View that is the God Source, and See all Good shining forth from there, in all directions, and always.

    Shine with God, and feel forgiven and innocent, and help others feel that way as well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Anger harbored is illness invited.

    Forgive, Love. Forgive with Love, release, and forget, and feel gratitude.

    You will be stronger, you will live happier, and above all, you will grow greater in Heart and in knowing, and demonstrating the One Glad and Giving Source that governs all.

    Fret not, fear not, just love and let go,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you seem to be trapped in the box of time, it can be hard to comprehend timelessness. But God, the Source, the One Cause, IS timeless. It just IS. It always was and always will be.

    It is only within the illusion of the big bang time/space that time seems to move linearly, or in loops.

    Let your thoughts step outside of time for this moment. The instant that God Thought of you, It gave you all blessings. They are already yours. They only seem to take time to get to you. The fact that the very idea of you was accompanied by all the ideas of whatever you need is why humans must give thanks for what they already have, Blessings, even if it seems like they do not see them yet. Human thought, caught in time, thinks it is giving “thanks in advance” for what it asks for. But the blessings are already there, and it is the human sight that must open its Spiritual sight and see them.

    Properly speaking, it is to give thanks for what you know is already there. “I know I am Blessed by you, O’ God, open my senses to perceive my Blessings.”

    And Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, for them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The circumstances that seem to be about you CAN be altered by the change of thought. It is not to let the determined human thought change them, but to release to the choice for Love governing, for God’s Thoughts.

    “I choose to give way fully to the Governance of Love. I choose to see people and circumstances as God would see them, beholding not iniquity, but looking for the beautiful and the good and the true in all. I choose to let God’s Voice guide me, and clear my sight and my hearing for Its Sight and Hearing, and so give myself the glimpses of Heaven that ARE possible, here and now.”

    We assure you it is so,

    Have you not seen proof of our word, over and over?