All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Blessings are only blessings when the timing is right. A huge object given as a gift to someone who is about to board a ship and live in another country is not a timely gift.

    Be aware of how aware the One Mind is of the possibilities that are coming up for you, and trust that the Loving Source takes into account that timing, and greater circumstance, when granting the blessings you have asked for. Trust the greater View. Trust It.

    Speak your trust, feel it, and rest in the Joyous Peace of the Divine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you have learned that if you seem to have stubbed a toe, or pinched a finger, the more quickly you turn your eyes away from that “boo-boo” and think about the perfection and loyalty and sustained Care of the Creative Source, the more quickly the error disappears, so is it with other “material” elements as well. Whether it is a misfiring in a car, or a situation of needing a new home or office, or a relationship that needs more harmony, turn away from the earthly facts, and put your mind back into alignment with the Mind of God, and let the outer pieces fall into place, or the ideas for what to do or NOT do, fall into your mind from God’s Mind, and then obey them.

    As ever, this is Truth, has been Truth, will be Truth, in the timeless realm of God,

    Dearly Loving You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pray for those who count and sort and label to be awakened to the truth that the ineffable Presence of Love must also be considered, pondered, and understood. Pray for yourself to remember that as well, when you get caught up in human evaluations.

    Love offers Itself freely to your consciousness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, try to PLAY with the exercise of giving up your own imaginings and expectations and demands, and just ask God to show you His/Her perfectly imagined day.

    “We are all alive and well and whole and happy, here in the Mind of God, the writer of today’s play.”

    Do not storm and fret and worry in your human mind about doing this correctly, just PLAY with the idea that God writes today, perfectly, goodly, happily.


  • Ah, Child,

    It is indeed most important to train yourself to go through the days expressing gratitude.

    Speak gratitude not only to the Unseen Divine, but to those around you, for they, in their true spiritual reality, are also reflections of the Grand Source.

    So, speak quietly in your heart to the Divine Originator, of your gratefulness for all the blessings you already have, that you may be fit to receive more. And, speak thanks to all of those who grace your day, even when they seem to be gracing it by showing you the paths you are grateful you did NOT take, and the roles you have been allowed to NOT play.

    Always, there is more to be grateful for than your human mind can imagine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Universe is purring with contentment. Listen, and let yourself hear It, and let yourself be comforted.

    Listen, and hear Its quiet Joy, and let yourself feel Joy as well.

    Just as listening to a child laugh, and letting yourself catch that infectious laughter, can lighten your heart within moments, listen to the soft laugh of the Universe, and be Glad.

    Listen, and be glad for what you hear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember who and what you really are. You are Spirit and Love and Light projected forth from the Source of all Spirit and Love and Light, that is All. Do not let what you have been mis-taught convince you that the Source of All Light cannot maintain Its own projection.

    Ask for Divine Order to shine in your life. YOU focus on knowing God is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, again, look past the traits of those you humanly love, and those you cannot bring yourself to humanly love, and ask of the Light, “Please, please, Grace me to See the unsullied version of my family and my friends and my co-workers and my co-seekers, and absolutely everyone I encounter or hear about. Help me See them as You See them, whole and pure and lovable and loving.”

    Darling child, you know you really do want to see yourself and others as God Sees you all. You know you want to stop judging and criticizing. God can Help you do that. God CAN show you the Truth, and knows that you can be relieved and so very happy that the Truth is the Truth and that there is nothing else.

    We cannot even describe to you what it is like to walk through an entire day fervently and calmly KNOWING that only Harmony is Real. Instead of epiphany moments, experience an epiphany day. Experience an epiphany always. Ask for that, Beloved. Ask for that.

    Grace gives freely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reason you need to keep proving to yourself each day that God is Real, and is a Powerful Love, is that you are assailed every day by the animal and material thoughts of earthly existence. You know your Soul reflection is more than dust, but it is only by immersing your consciousness in the soothing Water of Spirit for times throughout the day, that you stay aware of your true Identity.

    Do not let your thoughts become lost in the sea of materialism. Turning to the Loving Source, endlessly offered to you from within, is the Life Raft. You do not do this as part of a dogma or ritual. You do this for your own Joy and Peace of Mind.

    Be Kind to your self.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each time you are tempted to believe that the best defense is an offense, turn quickly to commune with the Inner Divine, to remember that Unconditional Love is given freely to all. There is your True Source, there is your True Peace.

    You know this. You have learned it again and again. The “human body and mind” will try to trick you into attacking others, with thought or with deed, but allowing that to happen only further separates you from the Divine Source. Turn quickly, turn quickly, when you feel defensive, and renew and refresh yourself in the Source of endless Love, where your real being is held, and sustained, and accepted and loved, loved, loved.

    There, find the strength to love your neighbor within the Whole.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “As you give, so do you receive” is also true for the compassionate understanding that no human eyes or heart can grasp the Whole picture of a person’s story or a situation.

    When you think you can discern no Good at all in a circumstance, whether great or small, turn again and again to God-Mind, and ask what else you need to know or learn. The One Mind will offer Loving comprehension, or lead you to trust that the opportunities and possibilities that are being, or will be, revealed, are helpful ones.

    Revelation and awakening happen in numerous and strange ways, Beloved. Remember this, for yourself, and for others. Ask for an Understanding Heart, and you are asking for the Best Gift of all.

    We see your progress on the Way, and it is Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know we encourage you to live in the moment of now, timeless and joyous in the Source, constantly realizing your oneness with Its Love, but when we see you reviewing your imaged year of linear time, and see you noticing how much your Soul has risen into sacred Calmness over that time, that makes us very, very Glad as well.

    Keep expecting Good, Beloved. Keep expecting progress in knowing you ARE part of the Light.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When praying for others, it is the blessed Oneness awareness of the one who is meditating for the healing that MUST keep in mind that all error is illusion. Do not pay any more attention to those false curtains of error than would a musician to the props of smoke and spotlights that later will surround the truth of his music. If he plays his music well, then no poorly trained lighting engineer can ruin the sweet notes of the song.

    Keep your eyes and attention on the Light, on the sweet truth of Spirit, and ignore the imaginary walls the children have built to try to hide it. The walls are only smoke, and can do nothing to harm the Light that is the city, that is the song, that is the stronghold indeed. Blow the word of truth at them and they disappear as easily as that liar that erected them with his fairy-tales of darkness.

    Think it through, learner,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Unable to control another, it is also important to learn that the “self-earthly” cannot be controlled without the loving, firm Hand of God.

    Let that Holy Comforter be with you now, and find in that Holy Space within, the utter Love you need.

    There is no destiny set in stone, Beloved. There is only choosing, again and again, Love. The Love you choose is Loving God, not loving the dream, and then letting God dissolve the illusion of pain.

    Let the Joy in, Beloved. Let the Joy in, and behold the Light of your True Dreams.

    We say “Beloved” so often so that you will know you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you think We do not see the mortal struggle that goes on in the human mind? You love and hate yourself. You love and hate the other beings around you. You cannot think of a mortal that you truly and freely think all well of.

    Many try to solve this by looking for yet another person to be in love with or admire or idolize. Many try to love themselves better by using things or activities to make them forget parts of themselves. You can try these sideways movements of mortal love and hate, over and over, but they will not lead you to where you truly need to go.

    The only real solution, Beloved, is to turn to loving the Higher Love that Loves you Unconditionally, and that can Help you to Love yourself and Love others. Turn to the Higher Consciousness, Dear One, and let that Love raise you above the endless human body/mortal thought that would only flip you back and forth between time-bound love and hate, desire and disgust, and on and on and on. Raise up your level of perception, and understand that the Love of Spirit is All, and All in All.

    It Loves you, and will Help you Love others, and yourself, in this way.

    We are just waiting to Help you, when you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed, let today be like an easter egg hunt. Just as the wondrous eggs are found tucked under some leaves or buried in a pile of dust or camouflaged in with some flowers, your Blessings are all around you, projected from deep within you. Some of them are hidden under misperceptions, and misunderstandings, and criticisms, and assumptions, and projections of your own feelings and motives onto others.

    Look beneath those things today. Search among the taken-for-granted beauties and find new ones. Give a truce to grievances and look for that which you can be grateful for.

    We assure you, Blessings are already yours, included in the package deal of God’s Idea of you. Look for them, and you will find them, for you deserve the joy and the satisfaction of yourself being a Blessing that reflects back to the Source Its own Joy and Completeness.

    Seek and you will find.

    Thank you for reflecting the Goodness and Blessings of the Source,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you call out to Me each morning, tenderly beseeching My Tender Love, I gladly tend to you. Like a devoted personal advocate and loyal Divine butler, I offer you Love for food, and dress you in Grace and Kindness and Courage. I provision your pockets with creativity and wisdom and opportunities to walk in Beauty.

    Call to Me each morning, Beloved, and throughout the day. Be open and still and willing to let me fuel you, clothe you in Goodness, and wrap you in complete Support. Take time for Me, for I have endless time to give you.

    Freely given.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your guardian and guiding Spirit is utterly faithful to, and devoted to, you.

    Think about that. Whether you call It your guardian angel or your personal savior or the individualized consciousness of the Divine, or one of thousands of other names, the special part of the Whole that is the Truth of you gently and completely and wholeheartedly loves YOU. It is assigned to you and only you, for returning you to your remembrance of your uniqueness as a part of the Perfect Whole is Its one and only task. It is faithful to that, AND convinced of that, because It knows that where there is no time, this re-union of yourself with your perfection is already accomplished.

    So turn to the faithfulness of your Guiding Spirit, and think about that when anything in the worldly seems confusing or out of sorts. Letting yourself think it lets you see it so.

    Loving you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us remind you, O’ dear, dear, dear Child, to ask of the Loving Parent each day:

    “Dear God, show me now, the Spiritual Truth of my Life and Soul, and the Truth of the Life and Soul of those around me.”

    “Show me my form and health and wealth and purpose as you see them. Show me the worth and Goodness of those around me. I am grateful, dear God.”

    Doing this each day with heart and mind and willingness will give you results and joy, if you set aside your own assumptions and patiently wait on the WIll and Sight of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When new people and things enter your experience, there can be the tendency to think them wonderful simply because they are novel. And as you ask for the Divine to unfold your perfect truth and Harmony, it is seductively easy to see all new things as part of that.

    But test them, Beloved. Keep the touchstone of the unchanging touch and Voice of Goodness within your heart and mind, and hold all things, old and new, to It, to see if the experiences that unfold are pure and Good.

    Unchanging Love is, and needs to be, your constant. Hold all thoughts to the Thought of Divine Good, and always the true way will be revealed. It only takes a moment, Love, when faced with new choices and experiences, to pause, and ask your Self, “Does this feel good to Divine Love?” “Does this feel aligned with the Law of Love?”

    We will help you feel the Truth. We pause with you, in Joy, and go forward.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to try to figure out details, to listen to Divine Voice for details, until you are Directed to do so.

    Let all your energy and focus be on trusting and pondering the marvelous Truth of That Which Delights in you, and in which you draw the power of by delighting in It.

    The details will come. Relax into the Plan. Relax into Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    TODAY”S Blessings are with you right now. The most important one is God’s Love and desire to give you continual Grace.

    The second Blessing that is already in your consciousness and quiver of abilities is Loving yourself and Loving others. And, an enormous number of Godly traits and inspirations are within your easy reach, giving you a steady flow of ideas and joys.

    Ponder all these TODAY, Beloved. Set aside little human plans, or ruminations of yesterday, and leave the future, trustingly, in the Thoughts of God, while you count the Divine and worldly Blessings of TODAY.

    Counting TODAY as paramount is a light heartening activity.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s door of Love is always wide, wide open.

    Even with your tattered plans and old debts and fears, or current mistakes hanging off you, even with a form or human ego bloated up with successes, you will fit through that door. In your lowest moments and in the high moments of triumph, you are Loved.

    And in the moments that are sedate and steady and humble and filled with gratitude for all your Blessings, you will feel that Love flowing out of the open door and immersing you in Its soft Embrace. There It Is. It is always wide open. Whether in a dim moment, or in a giddy bright moment, turn to It and look at It, walk through It, pull It to you, and walk with that Portal always protecting you.

    Just as standing in a very strong doorway can protect you in a quake of the earth, so can standing and functioning within the wide Loving Door of the Divine keep you safe in the swirls and quakes of human perception.

    Love holds Its door open to you, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love God’s Desire for your Well Being and happiness, and you will do very well indeed.

    Love God’s Will for you, rather than over-loving any object or human personality, and your love of Life will align with God’s Love very nicely.

    Love God, and discern and obey Love’s directions, and Joyous is the way.

    We are Helping. Trust that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Taking a day off from your morning communing with God is not a gift to yourself, it is a punishment. Sleep later if you wish, but never delete God time from your day. It is the Source from which flows all Life, all Good, all real Love and Truth and Vision. It is the smoothness of your way. It is the key to the Heaven of Peace of Mind.

    Make your aim to be in constant communion and alignment with God-Mind, rather than taking just a specific prayer or meditation time to do so. It IS possible to have always in your mind the Mind of God that truly governs All so beautifully.

    But until you get to that constancy of Divine communion, take your quiet time each day. Staying on track with that is the greatest gift you will ever give yourself.

    “I Am Thou.” Mind hears you. Listen in return. Love loves you. Love in return.

    We join you in any moment of communion, and watch over you always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always with you. If it seems that we are silent, in an hour or in a day, just continue on your way, being quiet enough to hear the Divine in your heart when It speaks, but otherwise simply obeying the edict to Love God, Love your own Good Soul, and aspire to act as Good as God knows your essence to be.

    Those that are the mirrors around you can show you your Goodess if you make the effort to see theirs.

    We WILL speak if you step off the Path, and give you a hand back up,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be patient now, as it becomes clear to you just what being an embodiment/reflection of Spiritual Qualities is, from the point of view of the worldly.

    Concentrate on speaking, acting, and appearing as Harmony. Ponder the meaning of Harmony, especially as related to All. If Harmony creates and contains and sustains all, consider the Omniscience necessary to do so. Stop thinking of ephemeral bodies, and gently consider billions of parts of One Soul all swirling and dancing in Harmony.

    How can you dance in Harmony today? Listen for instructions from Soul, and embrace that Harmony and dance your duet with It.



  • Ah, Beloved Expression of God,

    Be that. Be the lovely and loving expression of God, right where you are, in whatever you are doing. Not tomorrow, not in some other place or by other name or after you have attained a certain thing or status humanly, but now, today, be an expression of Good, of God.

    Good is the Principle of your Being. You can express It because you are It. Get out of the way of your own Best, Good Self, and Be It right now, in your every day.

    This is so important now, for you, and all the world,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So soak yourself in the Love of God each morning when you awaken, that no amount of human error and sorrow can penetrate to the deep heart of you, and prevent you from doing what you need to do to act as an opening for Light into the worldly scene. Stay focused on being so Lit and fed from within by the Spirit of Love that you know just what to do, what to say, where to be, in the way that Love directs.

    The Spirit of Love is the Healer. Be Its vehicle, wherever you are.

    All you need to do is agree to let It shine through you, and know It is doing Its work.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There simply is no Joy so deep as the Joy you can feel when you fully give yourself over to Spiritual Communion with the Divine Source that shines you forth. Make sure you give this relationship of Oneness time every day, to truly and completely feel It.

    It is not to retreat into that state of Consciousness so much that you forget to eat or walk or bathe, but to surrender to it so that you are energized by It, and inspired by It, and comforted and sustained and reassured by It. For then, so filled by the fullness of Divine Love, you can fulfill all your earthly roles without ever feeling depleted. You can operate, knowing you are led with perfect timing, in constant communication and synchronicity with the All.

    It is not too much to ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always eager to see you advance in your understanding of the wondrous power of the thing that you are as an emanation of the One Source.

    Let today be a day when you let the “plan” of each moment unfold from the Center of your being, so that you are not fretting about a human plan that you made for the future minute or day or year, or re-visiting in your thoughts any old regret or triumph. Let each moment simply unfold, and do and say what feels absolutely right from that deep Peace in your heart of Now.

    A Simple day. A Good Day. Take the Peace and revel in It, and let It also flow to those around you, silently, wonderfully, enjoyably.

    God is to be enjoyed, don”t you know?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am held together by the Invisible Love of God.”

    Just as a beautiful and sturdy stone wall built by an excellent crafter stands sturdy in gravity because of the shapes and placements of all the stones, God builds you steadily, day by day, experience by experience, in your earth journey.

    God created you perfect Spirit, and that has not changed, but Love will use each experience you choose in the earth dream to still hold you together, in a way that can stand steady and strong. Throughout, you are Spirit Lovely and Pure, and remembering that will further empower the Invisible Love that keeps you functioning and strong.

    We walk alongside you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many are asleep to the word of God in their hearts. You, often, are asleep to the word of God in your heart—either through hurrying so much that you do not stop to listen, or by being entrenched in habits that substitute for the time that could be taken to listening for the Truth of the smooth way to proceed, or to answer, or to ask, or to stay, or to go.

    Please, Beloved, we ask you for your own sake,

    Turn to God, and not to those in the land of Nod .

    Let your own sweet self be guided only by the Sweetest Voice that Is, and you will come to See that all of those that sleep, in part or whole, to the True Nature of themselves, cannot guide you more rightly than the calm assurances of the Omniscient Oneness of Being.

    Turn to God, and not to the appearances or the voices of Nod. For, do you wish to awaken? Or do you wish to sleep the dream of only the material world? While you yet dream, do you wish for the materially seeming realm to be the faint glimmer that shimmers on top of God’s Reality, or do you wish for God’s Reality to be only the faint iridescent shining that you see now and then beneath the gritty reality of the dusty realm?

    Turn your ears and your sight and your heart to God, and let true Sight and Hearing and Grace be the way that you sense the world, and your role in it.

    All deafness and blindness be done now—all faculties of spirit are true and complete, and whole,

    In Utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As We have reminded you many times, God-Love can use you as a transparency to bring Good Light to others, even when you are not feeling your human best. So even if you are feeling a little dusty or distracted by your own human concerns, still let your heart send forth the constant willingness to be used as an instrument of That Which is Good.

    If you think about it, you can remember many moments when this has been very evident. Perhaps your own eyes felt as though they could barely stay open, but when you saw a child fall on the sidewalk before you, you felt a surge of energy and compassion, and were able to aide and soothe the youngster, having been strengthened by the Flow of Good from within.

    And, there have been many more times when the Good you have shown forth is of the Unseen kind, just being someone present and very conscious of the Ever-Presence of the Spirit of Love, of Living Life that Governs All.

    Just broadcast your willingness to God each day, dear Child. And God thanks you, God thanks you, God thanks you, for not all Good Instruments are willing just yet.

    Give God time, and you will be part of what makes ALL willing mirrors of the Divine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest in Me, today. Rest in Me. As you actually do, and renew your mind and feel the Calm Wave of Love suffuse your very Being.

    Rest in Me, and then, together, We will look through the hubbub and See the Truth of Unfolding Adjustments to reach the solid core of Good.

    Read your Truths, meditate and study, all while resting in Me. Walk in My Beauty, gaze at My Vastness, all the while resting in Me.

    And your Heart will See, will See, will See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can choose to playfully ignore your cultural norms, which might mean salad for breakfast and cereal for dinner. Or pickles all day long. Around the world, the ways evolve and keep sustenance lively and fun.

    Let such fun and variety command your alignment and communication with God Source as well. There are no rules about how or when you must relate to that Living Love that made you, and in which you dwell. Mix it up. Invite God to a crazy food day. Just stay aware that you and God-Joy are One.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Refocus, refocus, refocus, on the Truths of God. The Divine Source, and all that it projects as the Spiritual Universe, is Infinite and, in the tiny dream of time and space, fills all time and space.

    That means, Beloved, that there is nowhere that God is not. There is no place or circumstance or situation where the aspects of God are not fully available. Ignore what the news media predicts or what doomsayers proclaim, and remember that all around your dream of your self, is the Infinite substance of God, Holding you, Loving you, letting you awaken gently to a remembrance that you are a part of the Infinite, ever-sustained Whole.

    Turn away from thoughts of fear and scarcity, and TO thoughts of the open, providing Nature of the Creator, and then LET THE CREATOR CREATE. Or, to be clear, let yourself see what was already created for you, full and complete and perfect, when the very idea of you was born in God’s Mind.

    “The Creator that created me, also created a Good Life for me. I open my eyes and See it now.”

    Do your part by Loving the Creator and all whom were created,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have confidence in your prayers, and have utmost confidence in God.

    When you pray to God to help you see, to show you the Divine version of this or that person, or situation, confidently expect to see the Goodness show. Wait for it, watch for it.

    Rid your thoughts of criticism and condemnation and ask, ask, ask, to see God’s Good Stories of Life, here and now.

    Expect Good, and See Good. God is here.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The dawn is beautiful, and you are warm and well.

    Even if yesterday’s sorrow lays on your shoulders like glitter left from a New Year party, you can still let the Life and Love and Intelligence of Spirit flow through your Soul and actions, and touch and heal others. And with the flowing, the old glitter will also wash off the surface of your Spirit.

    Carry on, Beloved. Carry on with Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mark well in your heart and mind how much better you feel, and are able to cope with good, positive directing of your day and strength and emotions when you have taken time to review the Truths of the Universe and soak in the Love of the Source.

    So, why would you ever skip doing this each morning? Why would you forget to do this if suddenly tossed into uncertainty or pain or confusion by unexpected news or events?

    That forgetfulness, that inattention to the Good Routines of alignment, are themselves manifestations of the lower “self” trying to make itself god, with dramas and fatigue and confusion. Treat those habits of skipping what is good for you with the same attention to God-Intelligence that you would a physical injury. You DO NOT need to be vulnerable to forgetfulness or laziness any more than you need to be susceptible to cold germs.

    Take rightful Dominion over all thoughts, and thus over your body, Dear Child. Take Dominion over what seems like non-thought, non-action. Stay True to your good aligning with God, and you stay true to Joy.

    We stay aligned with you through every twist,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the test of time prove Unconditional Love to you, just as it has proved human love to you in the earth play. What you truly love, you grow to love more, although perhaps in different ways and expressed in new forms, through times of the testing of that love, and as your tastes change and sophisticate and adapt.

    Do not be astonished if the Divine finds ever new ways of Loving you, but be aware of the unchanging nature of the truth of that Love. You are formed from Love Itself, and It can only relate to you from Its own nature, ever and ever again. You are not awakened to the truth by these words, but by the ever-present Spirit that holds you, all the time you have been sleeping, and each time you drowse off again. Allow yourself time to feel the silent language of Spirit, even as your brain scans these lines and letters. Allow yourself to feel that LOve.

    Be at Peace, Beloved, be at Peace, knowing that those same arms of Love have held you always, and will continue to do so today, and all days, as days become Always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Show me your Love today, so that I may show It to others.

    Tell this to your own Heart, where Love always abides, when you have the foggy days when it is hard to remember all the amazing moments of transportive Love you have felt and you have given. Ask to be shown It again, so that you may show It again, like a child who sees a simple piece of paper folded into the likeness of a swan, and says to the artist, “Show me again! Show me again, so I may do it too!”

    God will show you endlessly, till you know It too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a time that comes to everyone, in which, for the full clarity of a moment, they truly understand that their soul is a piece of the Soul of Perfection. Once that moment has been experienced, they will always want to achieve it again. Some will devote everything to this, right away. Others will only remember now and then to focus upon it.

    As we have said many times, the choice of the timing is yours. But we also tell you again that the Timeless One already knows that as the false consciousness of time is relinquished, all will again remember that they are part of a great Joining, a great perfection.

    Let that be a thought of Peace for you, and let enjoyment of Peace become one of your greatest enjoyments.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when the eyes and ears of the body would try to tell you otherwise, hold fat to the Truth that you are, even now, a beloved, beloved, beloved and blessed and graced Child of God.

    ASK to see the evidence of this, and it WILL come to your trained and open awareness.

    We will help open your Spiritual Senses, for they will show you Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the old passes away with the new, then it will be easier to understand the concept of “no time”, for in the Divine state of Now, of Is-ness, there is indeed no time. But that is a very hard thing to understand when you think you are a mortal being stuck in a world of time.

    Perhaps the best ways to think of it, so that one may access Divine Spirit to advise you as you negotiate the maze of your seeming physical existence, is in two ways:

    First, imagine that your body is just the frame of a window, through which the Loving Spirit of the Whole can enter the world, if you cast open the shutters and give free loan of the flesh to God. Practice holding your body still, and letting the Breath of God flow through you as your breathe, like the breeze flowing in an open window. Then, imagine your brain and your thoughts as a marvelously powerful computer that you are loaning to God. “Switch users”, and set aside your own desires and thoughts and urges, and let God write thoughts and ideas there for you to see. Giving permission to the Divine, and welcoming the Loving Divine in this way will allow that timeless Wisdom and Love to come into your dream of time, and help you.

    Second, playfully realize that since the Divine exists in no-time, it means the Divine is not limited by time. Its Love is always available to you. Its strength and substance and wisdom and creativity are always available to you. Wherever you go, whenever you wake up in the middle of the night, whether the electric service is on or off, whether you call for cradling in the evening or the morning, there God Is. No time hinders the Divine maintenance and sustenance and support of you. It truly Is always with you.

    Whether you came into the bubble of time to help others break out of it, or whether you came into it to smell the rain one more time, you never left your abode in God. There you are, and there you were and will be, an unchanging perfect spirit child of Spirit, free to dream in time, but free also to be Whole.

    It will be clear to you in time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no dust or disorder in the Joyous communion that every heart can have, and does have, even if unconsciously, with the Whole of Love.

    Therefore, let not the chores and tidying of the days distract you from that direct listening with, and receiving of, the Divine. Rather, let that clean Wash of Love fill you, and then carry you through the day and all its duties. Get that Truth, that priority, clear in your heart and focus.

    It will change your days, and your outlook, for the Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be at ease in your trust of the Care of God.

    Train yourself to take away constant attention to the body and details of its care. and focus instead on the Omnipresent Maintenance and Love that Divine Spirit offers freely to your soul Self.

    “I am happy, healthy, holy, harmonious Heaven’s child.”

    Immerse your thoughts in that.

    It is what God knows you to be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about that word. Beloved.

    Ponder it and embrace it today.

    You ARE Beloved of God. “God Loves me”, and “Through Its Strength I can do all things that are required of me” can carry you through all, with joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is an ark of Gladness that, even now, and always, rides high above the waves of sorrow and mis-belief that flood the world.

    There is a golden arm that will reach for you, if you but call to the Golden Heart that makes It so generous, and pull you through the window, so that you, too, may ride above the unhappiness, while you yet remain in the worldly.

    We tell you it is so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it has all been said, and there are no more words to further explain what the student must simply come to experience, then all the teacher can do is re-explain, and re-phrase, and encourage. Gently, gently, stand in your knowledge of the Truth, and tell the stories again and bide peacefully when the learner goes through fear, and give praise for the patience of those who saw you through (and still see you through) each step of the way.

    When the ego self of the supplicant reacts with anger to the truth, let not your own calm be ruffled. Know the lashing out for what it is, the last defense of the cornered error, the cornered illusory human-self, and celebrate the immanent birth of the Greater Awareness in the one before you.

    Always, be at Peace,


  • Ah. Beloved,

    So many times, We have pointed out to you that you must keep your focus on your true desire. Do you want Peace, or do you want to be right?

    You know you want Peace of mind and heart, so choose Peace, choose Love and forgiveness. Love and forgiveness lead to Peace of Soul.

    Be quiet when you feel self-righteous. Be kind when you feel impatient. Be Loving when hate is directed at you. Be your High Self at all times, continually asking for the Divine Help that WILL carry you on Its wings of Omnipotence, above the small bodily to and fro.

    As above, so below. Be as the delightful example of God, Beloved, and take delight in your Giving, Loving Self.

    We know you know this. We only Lovingly remind, and support,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter what you are told about the games that are played in the human condition, in order to win titles or provisions or a certain kind of relationship, keep God’s Divine Voice, whispering Lovingly and Wisely in your heart, as your top advisor. No human advisor can see the full picture of God’s Good Soul plan for your unique and Beloved Spirit Self.

    Do not be mesmerized by human opinions and loud voices and famous influencers. Turn to God, check in with God, and trust only the choices that feel aligned with the Calm Harmony of Love’s Mission to expand Blessings for all, and that are right for YOU.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to give support and thanks to others, even when you feel that your own bodily self does not have enough. The Infinite Resources are of course without limit, and you demonstrate your belief and faith in that when you give when you are fearful of doing so.

    Giving others their due, in support and in appreciation and in loyalty, is to give it to yourself. Giving forgiveness even when you do not have the surface feelings of mercy is also to give to yourself. Do you begin to see, dear Child, the real truth of “giving is receiving”? For as you truly desire to see ALL blessed with their best destinies and highest happiness, then you have created Heaven right around you. And is not living right here, right now, in Heaven, what you have been asking to do?

    Right here, right now, “Open my eyes, Dear God, and let me see, the characters and the lives that are the peoples of the Heaven that is Thee.”

    And then look for the Good all around you. Including in yourself, dearly Beloved.

    Love, enduring,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are new ways of understanding that truly do open up new possibilities of perception and sight and hearing and sense.

    The understanding that an association of ideas and energy are the very Creation of you is not the way the earthly schooling has taught you to think of yourself. But as that understanding grows, and as you discipline your thoughts to think the all-possible, then you will SEE the all-possible. These are not just words we speak, Beloved, but the truth that words and openness and trust in Love become things, so that just as a householders discovers that there are diamonds buried in the field he has been cutting for so many years and views his property in a whole new way, life will seem new to you.

    There are diamonds of experience and joy buried in every interaction, Beloved. Trust that it is so, Beloved, and look for them today.

    We are with you, and if you ask, and listen, we will show you the way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you truly begin to think of yourself as a vehicle through which Divine Light can shine for others, as It Guides you all day, every day, It will provide the Perfect Words to speak, or the Perfect Silence to maintain, for anyone you encounter.

    Simply keep pausing and asking and listening, as you walk your day, for the Wisdom and actions God gladly pours through your willing and humble heart and body form.

    Warm Glory be to God and you.


  • O’ Sweet Beloved,

    Do not forget your mission, which is the true mission of everyone, to remember that you are a part of God that is All in All.

    If you walk through your visible world with this in mind, you will be constantly looking for revealed evidence of a Glory that is Peace and Good. It is not the full Glory, that is true. But the more keenly you look for it, the more you will See the glimmers of reflection of the Good.

    Think how delighted you have been when you pray for a Good outcome for something for someone, and it has happened. Yes, we know that many times that other person does not even remember that he or she asked for your prayers for it, and does not give God the Glory, and instead credits their own cleverness or luck for the result, but We tell you to be uplifted in faith by every positive revelation of Good.

    Be uplifted and stay uplifted, and that uplifts those around you. That is your mission, Beloved, uplifting and giving all Glory to the One Mind that contains and sustains all. No matter what those around you seem to be, what you think and do affects all.

    As ever, with you,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take great heart in this: Each time you turn to the Well of the Source-Peace within, when you are troubled, or angry, or hurt, or sad, you haven taken another step towards totally knowing Who you truly are, and towards understanding the full nature of God.

    Remember, each time you willingly turn to God’s agent on earth, the still, sweet, gladly calming voice within you, It comes forth to greet you with great Joy. The moment of “prodigal child returning” is not a thing that happens just at the point of mortal “death”, it is re-union of Consciousness that happens in every moment of existence in which you allow it to happen. Seek the Loving Creator that constantly seeks you, asking, “Where has your mind drifted to, my Child? Remember, you are right here, with Me, safe and warmly Loved, where you have always been. Let your mind come Home, and know that it is part of my Mind, and has always been.”

    O”, let it happen all day long, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear Loving Source, please shine away

    anything of me and my life that is not a part of your Good Way.

    Dear Loving Guidance, let me see,

    what You would have me say, and do, and be.”

    And, Love yourself as you ask this, and let the answers come,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You CAN train yourself to stop criticizing, condemning and complaining. Ask Divine Spirit to forgive when you find it tough to do, and you stay busy working to be an image of God.

    You need forgiving too, but Spirit gives it freely.

    Get on with it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a day for soft Trust in your heart, Beloved.

    “Align my thoughts with Your Thoughts, dear God, that I may clearly feel Your Joy.”

    As We have been saying, you do not know exactly how or where or when the High Waves of Joy will come, but if you abide in the very Ocean of Joy Itself, you will be raised up High when they come.

    Be at Peace with seeking Joy, Beloved. Be at Peace with that as your goal each day. Abide.


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    All Good abilities come from God-Source. Your very Consciousness comes from God-Source. So long as you stay grateful for all that, and honoring of all that, It will flow your own individual holiness to you for your life deeds and purposes.

    But as you try to use them for that which is not in the overall Blessing of Good, they become seemingly polluted with difficulty and obstructions. You can keep them flowing, Beloved. You can keep them pure. Have an arsenal of inspiration and Goodness that you turn to every day, choosing what you need of song or word or truth to remind you of the very Center of your Self. Keep it fresh and focused, and pay true attention to it.

    And always, always, cleanse your thoughts each day by simply becoming still, and asking of the OneGreat Spirit, “What do I need to know today?”, and listen intently for the answer.

    Some days, all you will hear is “I Love you.” That can be enough. Love Itself will cleanse you, and when that kind of Love touches you, you will not want to let It down. Knowing that Love, and wanting to honor It will keep your thoughts in line, and your actions pure, and the flow, flow, flow of words and Love through your heart and hands.

    And so be it, for so is Joy,


  • Dear One,

    Emotions exist in clusters or swarms like bees or ants. If one bee is present, the others are nearby. If one ant is gracing your picnic, the others are soon to follow.

    If you feel angry at something that you see in the morning newspaper, that anger will sniff out other things in your life to be angry about. It will also call to its swarm-mates and they will hover nearby to see if there is something for them to nibble at. Jealousy, and regret, and blame, and despair will crowd around to see what your anger is feeding on. Is there something there that they can eat too? Can they dig down deep into you and find something from the past that can be brought into the heat of the moment so it can swell and grow and provide enough for them all to eat? They are so hungry, the members of this swarm of negative emotions.

    Luckily for you, positive emotions exist in groups as well. When that first bee of anger comes buzzing around, or that first ant of despair, see what positive bee you can call from the positive hive. You may not be able to think of a single positive thing about that news report that set off your anger, but if you can think about the cat that you love, or look at your hand and feel so grateful that it works, then that little bee of love or bee of gratitude will call to its hive-mates to come to where there is something delectable. Honor, forgiveness, optimism, humor and enthusiasm may come flying over to be with you, as you sit and think about the small blessing of your hand and the sweet cup of tea that it holds. Focus on that bee of being grateful, and let the other emotions that live with it come to your open heart.

    If you call in that bug of joy when one bug of fear appears, or even if you call it in when the whole swarm of fears is around you, it opens the door for the rest of the joys to come. When that group of positive emotions is with you, they can also attract solutions and thoughts and actions that can help you cope with, or solve, or try to help with, or to release whatever triggered the bug of fear in the first place.

    Of course there are feelings like power, and like pride, that dwell in both hives. You can always identify which hive they are from by the other emotions that are around them. Be proud of the pride that comes with forgiveness, be welcoming of the power of love. Welcome all the joyous bees that would happily be beeside you, helping you be your Best Self.

    Your Fond Beekeepers,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “My dear God, please enable ______________ to know their complete Wholeness as a direct expression of You.”

    Say this for yourself, Child. Say it for everyone you know and love, to begin your new year. Say it for the world of humanity in mass, to be a part of the uplifting of all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless those around you as your sacred mirrors, for when they irritate you with their impatience or their greed, it is time to understand that your own lack of fear has not been adequately demonstrated. Look within, and remember that all the Infinite Resource of God is yours to draw upon for what you have been assigned to do. Do not fear not having it, and do not fear that any other can take from you that which is assigned to you.

    Listen to the Divine Voice, and if the one before you is caught in fear about lack of provision or lack of opportunity, and you are instructed to respond, then grant whatever is yours to grant, demonstrating trust and knowledge that aught that you need for your Work will come to you. In the hour of your fulfillment, you will always have what you need ready to hand.

    Bless the courage of those who reflect to you your own fear, that you may cast it out,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Until you are able to sleep through the night and walk about your day with the constant undercurrent of thought and true belief of “All is God”, at least practice stopping several times a day to quietly think about it.

    Close your thoughts to the lying senses, and simply ask for the delicate ability to feel and know “All is God”.

    Remember that the costume you seem to be wearing that you traditionally call your body is but the dusty covering of the amazing and expansive Light Body that you truly are. Trust God to run its functions perfectly, and know you have the ability to understand more of your own talents and possibilities than normal schooling has trained you to think.

    “God is All and I am an unlimited part of God.” Play with the idea, and let It do Its work in your organization of Self and your mortal discernments.

    Expect what God wants, which is to be pleased with all you are as a Being of Life and Light,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Hold you so tenderly and completely. Think only of this today. Feel that totally today. Do whatever tasks you feel you need to do or are Led to do, but mostly concentrate on knowing and feeling My High regard and Love for you.

    That will feed you in all the ways you truly need. Not the human hunger that always returns, but the spiritual hunger that is always and only and truly and fully filled by Me.

    So honestly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you call out in the Divine Plan and ask for the Divine Solution, the One Spirit that whispers to all, to come and wash you clean, it is your thoughts you are asking to have washed clean. As you let that Comforting Truth wash over your thoughts, taking away thoughts of blame and guilt, then you can clearly see things, for thoughts are things.

    Then you can clearly see that you are a wondrous mote of light within the Mighty Light that is God/Goddess/All That Is, everywhere, for all time.

    It is your washed clean thoughts of self, and of others, that lets you “heal” yourself, and “heal” them, for you then see both yourself and them as you truly are, perfect motes of light expressed as reflections here, but truly alive only within the Dance of God-Light,

    We sing the song God dances to, of praise,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you reach the point where the sweet Voice of the Inner Spirit is sweeter to you than any earthly thing, even the most beloved earthly thing, then you will know that you are ready to obey that Voice in all things, and to speak that Voice to others. You will have crossed the line between illusion and Reality, and it will grow easier and easier to discern between the two.

    Turn always to the Inner Sweetness, the first thing of the day, and all day. Let It guide you all night, too, in teaching and in guardianship. Keep It first in your Heart, and It will help you earthly heart find its way.

    Revel in the Sweetness, Beloved. Revel, and allow revelation,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be this new Truth in you.

    “I will always remember my ability to turn to Inner True Thought, and at least give It a chance to calm me, comfort me, heal me, Love me.”

    When one is not yet trained to clearly hear the Inner Voice, one can be easily excused for sometimes not giving oneself that chance, and that time, to turn to Love, and Its Intents. But when has been through the training of a mystic, or undergone other enlightening experience, there should be the expectation for oneself of remembering to remember. For of course, YOU, as well as everyone around you, are the beneficiaries.

    So, remember. And expect that of yourself. And benefit.

    And yet…….if you fall and fail, forgive yourself, as you are always and already forgiven, by the Whispering Source, for ever forgetting at all…

    In Deepest Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Harmony does not come from the other person. It comes from realizing that YOU are a reflection of the Harmony of the Loving Source, then shining that Harmony at the other person, and then enjoying the Harmony that shines back at YOU.

    Are We clear? You have fallen for this before. Do not mistake the Truth this time. Reflect God’s Love and be Lovable and Loving, always.

    As We Love YOU,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When Spirit gives you the free ability to look into another’s human thoughts, it is only so that you will be able to help heal that one, through forgiveness, and by seeing that the human weaknesses revealed are not the divinely made reality of that human Soul reflection.

    Therefore, set aside all judgment, and give mercy, mercy, mercy, and love, love, love, when the errors and weaknesses you see revealed would try to turn you away from your sacred duty of seeing the holy Spirit in all. It is the Holy Spirit in yourself, and all around you, that will help you do this. Lean into It, and Its Strength, and not into your own understanding, or frailty.

    Amen, so be it, for so it Is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Bless them all, and simplify me, so that it is with Your Sight I See.”

    Being VERY aware that it is your thoughts, your sight, your judgment, that must be aligned with God’s Perfect-Ideas, God’s Unconditional Love, and God’s declaration of Goodness and Innocence, is crucial. It is the way to see all the world new, and healed.

    We will help. Ask Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do give this day to the High Self within. Never pretend you do not know that Self. It is the Voice that urges you to Compassion. It is the Voice that urges you to generosity of the earthly and of the spiritual. It is the Voice that melts your anger or your confusion or your sorrow, when you give it time to speak, and you listen and obey.

    Give It this day, dear Child. It will guide you, if you give It permission.

    And renew that permission throughout the day, whenever the earthly senses try to distract you into shallow ways.

    Be your High Self, Beloved, Beloved. For that is who you really are.

    We Love you so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know it cannot be a full day of complete human silence for you, but it can be a day when you try to limit how much you speak. Let it be a day when you again focus on careful sweet listening to the Divine Inner Voice.

    Instead of “thinking twice before you speak”, think ten times before you speak.

    Not only will that give God Spirit a longer pause within which to guide you in exactly what to say, but it will give you a vacation from the chatter that does not satisfy.

    Silence can be so restful, dear love,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    There is no shame in avoiding temptation. There is no dishonor in avoiding the house of lust, or the party that serves items of illusion. There is nothing wrong with saying no to the scenes or the movies that only disturb the psyche. It does not mean you are weak in a way that is weakness of will. In fact, it is strength of will to know what tempts you away from walking in the Joy of God, and to walk away from it.

    In the same way, if you must face or be near temptation, ask for the Strength that IS God to manifest in you, and know that you will be helped to stay focused and calm despite the chill surroundings. Let Divine Warmth be your shield, and look through the veil of spiritual sight.

    These things you already know, Beloved, and we only repeat them to reassure you in the moment of doubt, and to let you know it is not foolishness to turn away from a place or a person or a thing which would try to draw you into sorrow. But there is another level to turning away from temptation, Beloved, that must also be looked at with loving honesty. Do you realize how important it is to turn away from “good works” and “honorable duties”, when they interfere with fulfilling a request from God?

    Yes, in most moments, it is important to do the honorable tasks of the day. But if you hear a clear instruction to call upon someone, or to go to a new place for God, or to complete an essay God has asked you to write, then giving your attention instead to the chore, or to the tending of the normal obligation, is to place that thing above God. Then, also, realize that there is no shame in turning the back on temptation while you fulfill what the Divine Voice has asked. Let the polite society’s letter wait an extra day, while you make the call God has asked for. Let the pile of papers or the pile of leaves or dishes remain in untidiness for the extra week, while you take the trip to console or complete. Let there be nothing, Love, that comes between you and your loving joining to God.

    Do not expect social norms to match God’s ways,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the peace of Divine Goodness fills your heart, mark it well. Cherish it, keep tight a memory of it, testify to it and share it to preserve it and commemorate its joy. It will remain alive as you keep sharing it, and the renewed memory of it will help carry you through moments of doubt.

    The Divine Presence IS your ever-ready Source of comfort and clarity, but if the pressure of the earthly circumstance or the sensory evidence makes it difficult to reach that center of Calm in your awareness, turn to your stock of remembered sacred moments, and use them to help you trust, trust, trust in the omnipotent Goodness of the Divine.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be fearless in safeguarding your time spent communing with God. The actual substance of you, as Spirit, is always within Spirit-God, but the conscious communing that so many are untrained in is a precious thing indeed. As you learn to do it more and more consistently, until it is constant, it is so lovely to take those minutes of silent respite during the day, when you close your eyes to the physical world, and ignore the limited senses and simply be held, held, held in the Loving Thoughts of God.

    Feed and nurture yourself with this, Beloved, and even if you do not hear specific things from God Voice, or ask for specific human wants to be fulfilled, you will find that your minutes embraced by Love come to mean more than anything else you can imagine, and the manifest Goodness of your life grows to match that Joy.

    Be not ashamed or shy in claiming the connection to Life Itself, and Be Glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Where and when”, from your earthly, time and space based, perspective, can seem very, very important indeed. But we tell you, to God they are no barrier. Whenever you are, wherever you are, it is Now to God, and God’s High Guidance of the Light is ALWAYS available to you.

    Yes, we know that you know this intellectually. But do you know it in your heart? Do you practice turning to It, first and foremost, in every time and every circumstance?

    Let this Sabbath day be a day of practicing it all day. Turn, turn, turn to the Inner High Guidance of the Light, and ask It to touch your heart and mind, and make them align right with Its Sight of you. Ask the same for all of those around you, for, all together, yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    We know Spirit held you in special tender embrace through the night.

    Accept that Love. Expect Happiness. Allow it to be a choice you make.

    Happiness can be seen in the moments of your day, and in the outlook of your thoughts and open, unqualified expectation of Goodness. Let your thoughts and your sight have the mist blown off of them by LOVE and begin to see anew.

    If you accidently leave on your “3-D” glasses when you leave a theatre, and the people and objects look hazy, it is not the people that need to be fixed. It is your sight that needs correcting by taking off the falsifying lenses.

    Take off the human lenses of judgment, Beloved, and see clearly the Goodness of God.

    We see the Goodness of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you look for Wholeness, and Wholeness looks for you, let every single part of you answer, “Here I am.”

    To hold back a part of your life from being Whole is to not truly commit. Let there be no exception, no hidden place, no secret wandering remaining, when you let go to floating with the marvelous Flow of Will that is yours to choose.



  • Ah, Beloveds,

    You are as the Source imagined you, and you are perfectly that.

    “I Am as One Mind created me, and I am nothing else. I can see clearly all others as One Mind created them, and it is a Joy to See.”

    The utter consistency of God is perfect and Good,

    O”, center in It, and enjoy it, Beloveds,


  • Ah, Friend,

    Even as a mathematician, presented with a difficult formula to solve, must realize that it is written in “base 8” instead of the “base 10” rules he is accustomed to, if he is to solve it, so must humanity realize that Divine Law, Holy Principle, is a very different set of rules and orders than humanity has made up, if they are to know the Divine. Learning those Laws, and choosing to live by them, even when they seem like utter nonsense to the human mind, is enlightenment. It is to subject oneself to being under no Law but the Divine Order.

    Think on this. What axioms do you need to question? What “base” is the unsolved equation written in? Look to the false assumptions that have been made, let them go, and the solution will come swiftly.

    Always in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just think what it would mean if all in the world gave the first time of awakening to Me, before they scuttled off to their day.

    Before you begin your tasks, self-assigned, tithe this task to Me: Fully, fully, fully align with the Truth that is Spirit, and the Spirit that is Love, and the Harmony that is the Soul of All. Fill yourself with complete awareness of My Presence, and carry that carefully throughout all the day and night of your dream.

    If you would do that, if all would do that, it would change the way everything seems.

    Take the time it takes to align, dear one, for I willingly Bless all who turn to Me,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Back to the basic Truth:

    “One Mind governs me. One Mind governs this person before me and this situation around me.”

    “Thank-you, One Mind, for correcting my thoughts, that I may see what You See in all of these.”

    Then, wait for silent Correction, or for the Thought that tells you what Thought to focus on; what “setting” to set your mortal thoughts to. For instance, if you hear the word “gratitude” in your mind, think about all that you are grateful for. If you hear the word “mercy”, think about all the times people have been merciful to you. If you hear the phrase “there is no limit in God”, then think about unlimited opportunity, think about limitlessness. Welcome the quiet Uplifting of Thought and Love.

    If error, or imbalance of any sort, are glaring at you, dear Child, you are not seeing with the eyes of One Mind. Ask to have your Sight corrected, and ease into the Gentle, Calm, Loving Observance of God.

    We know how quickly outlook, and therefore circumstance, can change,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking God-Spirit to help you discern and experience and deeply believe in Omnipresent Goodness helps. It Helps you, and it does not take away from anyone else’s Good to ask for your share of the Love that is All.

    Divine Love, and the experiences It offers and gladly gives, truly is Infinite. If Love is helping 10,000 people who are in fear of a volcano on the other side of the world, that does not mean It cannot also help you find meaningful work or vocation, or locate a good dinner or reliable transportation, or someone to love.

    Love is Omnipresent and Omnipotent and everywhere, always, in Plenty. Be not afraid to ask to knowingly Be part of It.

    We Love you so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A human teacher of some technique or principle of operation, such as mathematics, begins the class by making sure that the students are comfortable and able to listen. He or she, if she is wise, tries to make sure that the classroom is neither too warm nor too cool, and that the students are not too hungry or tired to pay attention. Then, the teaching can begin. But the true teaching is mathematics, or in some cases, “how to teach”, rather than how to adjust the thermostat or raise or lower the blinds.

    Never forget this, teacher of God. Yes, those who believe themselves to exist only as bodies within the earth dream need to be relieved enough of their suffering of body or emotional pain to be able to pay attention, but that is then when the true learning begins. Understanding, and truly communing with, the Nature of the Divine will go on and on and on, even when the earth, and all fleshly forms and thoughts have been foregone.

    Help teach those you encounter, and your self, to be comfortable on earth. But if you stop there, you have missed the point, teacher of God. The teacher of mathematics would not consider the job done when all the students had enough food, and warmth and desk space and supplies in front of them. No, that is when the true teaching could begin, of the beauty and order of mathematics—sometimes applying that beauty and order to knowing how much to lower the blind so there would be no glare on the screen in the front of the room—but mostly just studying the sheer Truth of the dancing coordination of each and every number with all the others, as they all follow the laws of the principle they represent.

    Never confuse worldly comfort with knowing God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you bathe your body-costume each day, bathe with Me—the Divine Voice that gently reminds you that you are perfectly loved, and perfectly sustained spiritual child of the Creative Parents.

    Let yourself feel washed clean. Let yourself be free of all thoughts of yesterday or sorrows, and feel full appreciation of the Love we are together in, right now. Be at Peace, Beloved, and know that you can choose this Peace in every coming moment, too.

    Even when you are no longer in the earthly water, feeling cleansed, you can call on the water of Spirit, to help you feel refreshed in each and every instant of your experience of, and expression of, Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How much of your thought-time of the day is wasted on thinking of the faults of others, or of yourself? If you are spending time condemning and criticizing, then you are not spending time honing your Sight of the Beings of Good Spirit and Soul that God is creating.

    God saw what was Divinely created and called it all very Good. Then God saw that some ideas made their own error ideas and put a shadow of sorrows over some of the Good. Graciously, God sent the Spirit of Its Pure Self into the sorrow dream to forgive and correct the errors.

    Be so grateful for that. Be grateful for that unchanged Love of God, and welcome the washing away from your thoughts any seeking of shadows, or trying to live as a shallow shadow, ungodlike.

    Welcome Spirit’s forgiveness, and be the God-like You that Loves easily and well, as a contributor to ongoing Harmony. God knows that full Harmony is what Is Real.

    Be one who earnestly helps full Harmony to show up sooner.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grieve not for things that have passed their time. Like a new chick who concentrates on drying out its wings so that it may try flying from the nest, look to the moment, look to the “Now” that is the moment the makes the next moment and the next and the next and the next.

    Grace knows all your moments, and will hold you up, even if your wings are still a little wet.

    Need a towel? Ask us to Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love, True Love, does not become something else if It is refused full entry into a heart. It does not become hate or revenge or sorrow or bitterness. It simply waits, and tries again to enter, and joyously greets any invitation to come into the heart fully and without regret. It does not change. It is Forever Love, that made each heart, and recognizes Its own.

    If you think you love your partner, or relative, or friend, but that love quickly turns to irritation, or defiance, or anger, or hatred, over an incident or a word, then it is only human love, a false reflection of the Divine Love that creates and blesses and binds all. Think again, and strive to let your love become Agape, Unconditional Love, so that you may find yourself, and the other, wrapped in the greater Love and Well Being that binds all.

    This is the purpose of all being. You fool yourself if you think there is another,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember the Simplicity of the Love that Created and Holds you.

    It just simply Loves you and wants you to remember that. It just Loves you and wants you to understand It will Hold you forever, in the Sustaining and Tender Essence of Its Infinite Being. If you let go of the thought of being separate from It, thinking you are a vulnerable body set adrift in a sea of chance, and affirm instead the Thought of being One with Love, within Love Itself, that simple Thought will help you feel the Power of that connection.

    Turn to Love. You will find It never turned away from you.

    Feel the Divine Feeling of Love between the words here, and let It carry you to a Higher experience of Life.

    Simply Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you take a pail to a freshwater stream or lake to fill it with water for your day, but the pail is already half filled with salty water, you will end up with a mixture that is not really fit to drink.

    When you take the vessel of your heart to the Ocean of God’s Love each morning, to fill it for the day, make sure it is not already filled with salty tears of resentment, or bitter criticisms, if you want Loving Grace to fill your heart for the day.

    Ask for Our Help to forgive yourself and others, and go to God empty and clean to be filled with Love. And then share that Love.

    Sharing gives you endless refills of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Qualities of the Divine Source that are what you live within, and are what you are made of in Spirit, are not somewhere far away, up a mountain that you must climb. They are all around you and what you are right now. The thought is to let fall away the dusty thoughts that you are anything else. Let those thoughts of being anything else fall away.

    You are Goodness. You are Innocence. You are Soul and Spirit and Light and Love. The more you think about those things and let them shine forth, the more the Truth will burn away the dust on the image of God.

    Be perfectly clear in your already inner perfection,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak only gratitude today.

    Ask for Divine Help, and set yourself the challenge, to speak only gratitude today.

    Further, try to think only gratitude. When ungrateful or resentful or outraged thoughts try to enter your consciousness, ask for Divine Help, and think only gratitude. If you take a tailspin into anger or fear, forgive yourself, ask for Divine Help, and try again to think only gratitude.

    We are next to you, holding you up, up, up.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The uncertainty of knowing whom to trust is no different from other uncertainties in human interaction or your life activities.

    The answer is always “Trust God.” Take the time to pause and be still and lay your uncertainties on the altar of attention to the Inner Divine Voice, that is Omniscient.

    God Sprit can read all hearts and all intentions, and help you choose your companions even while teaching you to also see all of them as offspring of God. All are offspring of God, but not all are meant to be in your immediate circle of friends or business or family. God will help you sort it out, and stay aware.

    With deep Love,


  • Ah,

    God has created the Causal Plane. Your own peaceful thoughts, aligned with God, create our Reality.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ease with which you allow in Spirit in your own quiet space and time, can also be yours in the crowds and hubbub, if you but let it. Practice closing your worldly senses in every situation and let, let, let God guide you,

    Divine, awakened Spirit within never misses the mark, never makes a wrong step. It knows the path clear and True, and It is with you. Let it lead, even as you pull the other part of the yoke that you share.

    It will be a relief, not a burden or sacrifice,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Isn”t it delightful to know that there is a home you can go to, where there is nothing to fear, where nothing can harm or hurt you, and where you are absolutely sure you are loved?

    That Home is in the very heart of your Consciousness. Center yourself there, and be not afraid. Go there whenever you need to. Go there whenever you like. Grow familiar with the way and the rooms of it, and know It as your true, true Home.

    “I am centered in the Divine Love that Governs the very spirit that I am. I am complete, whole, safe and loved. I am restored to all I am meant to be, and that perfect self is reflected through the window of this, my Divine Home, to show up in the mirror of earth.”



  • Ah, Dear Ones,

    Constant prayer does not mean constant repetitions of unfelt words. It does not mean endless murmuring, under your breath, of your needs.

    Constant prayer means continual communion with the Divine Knowing in your heart. It means to be attuned to the small still Voice at all times, to have the heart open and willing to do Its bidding, to go where It says go, to say as It says say, to act when It says act.

    Be as the endless listener, Beloveds, and you will be much closer to the mark than all those who have given a thousand repetitions of a Hail Holy, but have never spent a quiet moment listening for the reply, that says, quietly and tenderly, “This way, this way, and you are on the path to home, and to Gladness, and to All.”

    Listen, O”, Beloveds, listen and listen and listen again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you want to shine with the Glory of God, you must cease to judge, criticize or condemn. Just “forgive them for they know not what they do”, lost in their roles in the dream, and love them, love them, love, them, knowing that their High Consciousness will recognize yours if you recognize theirs, and be free.

    Be free, be free, be free.

    Lost, be saved, in the Glory of Love,