All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We assure you, for every time you notice what seems like a miracle of provision, or inspiration, or rescue from danger, there are countless times when the Divine Source and Embracer has protected you and supported you and comforted you and kept you whole and directed upon the right path although you did not even realize it.

    That is why it is important to continually praise and thank the Loving All-Presence that you are a part of. You are an expression of Its Wonder whenever you help expand Goodness and Light.

    Stay always grateful, Beloved, for through every moment of your experience, you go by and with the Grace of God. As your spiritual perception increases and is practiced, you will be aware of Its continual influence and Omnipotence and Omnipresence.

    And that It is grateful for, and appreciative, of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All needs fulfilled from Above truly means “ALL”.

    The Divine Whisperer will not only teach you how to diffuse an uncomfortable human situation with a holy word, or forgiveness, or praise, or comfort you when you are bereaved over a human death, It will also simply Love you. When you are feeling that you need a moment of tenderness and encouragement, The Inner Presence is there. When you are feeling that you need a compliment, the Inner Truth-speaker is there.

    Realize the Presence as more than advisor and spiritual director, realize that ever-present Being as also Lover and Friend and Eternal Partner, and you will come to truly understand why many religious traditions speak of the mystical MARRIAGE.

    Open your eyes and heart, Beloved, and comprehend that the Divine Spouse is already with you, and THEN let be welcomed whatever earthly companionship the Truth brings to you.

    We are ever with you, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you can feel the Loving Presence of the Divine Source when you open this page, then there is not really any need to ponder the words and try to intellectually understand them.

    The Presence is the point. The Presence of Love, embracing you, will feed you and teach you and maintain you and direct you. The Spirit that is the Essence of you and of all will custom make YOUR daily message, your hourly messages, your Infinite way of Life.

    Open to the endless Flow of Love around you, within you, as you, and you are alive indeed, and always will be.

    O’ So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to know the truth about any situation, so long as you are grounded in the Loving Spirit of Forgiveness. KNOWING that it is your assigned sacred duty to forgive others, be willing to discover and listen to elements of the dream of physical life that need to come forth to be forgiven.

    As ever, we repeat, true forgiveness is gratitude. For, the chance to see the bright, forgiven Divine enlightened soul-part of the person you forgive, is a blessing you do not fully understand yet, but which Blesses you nevertheless. Be kind, be forgiving, and trust that YOU will be forgiven and kindly treated, despite any errors that you seem to make in the play of earth sensibilities.

    Giving is receiving, and is more equal than you think,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you understand how constantly you are in the thoughts of the Creator?

    Your constancy there IS your eternal life, and it is why your true “birth date” is the moment God thought of you, and why, even after you cast off this belief of this earth body and earth personality, you will still be you, always and forever God’s perfect and Beloved Child-Idea, and reflection of all God Qualities. That is your true heritage.

    Draw on It today, as a trust-fund-baby would draw on his father’s wealth. Draw on the Qualities of God, for they are you freely given inheritance.

    That Goodness and Strength and Soul ARE yours. Use them,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The believability of a thing to a certain human consciousness greatly influences the speed at which the Divine Order is able (and Willing) to awaken a sleeping consciousness. If someone would be so terrified at the thought that he or she is not really a physical form, but is a beautiful, enduring Spirit, then the “healing” of the “body” or the “self-awareness of personality”, including whatever faults or sins that personality includes, cannot proceed until the fear has lessened.

    Experiences of the Unconditional Love that is True Substance and epiphanies, which help the individual move beyond that smaller, earthly awareness, will build up belief in the greater, immortal sense of Soul-part that each amiable part of God/Goddess Consciousness is, and then earth dream “healing”, the revealing of the true Idea that the individual is in Divine Mind, can happen. Once that happens, the Soul-part can make the choice, within the Choices of the Divine, to remain in the dream and help awaken others, or to let go of the dusty, false “body” self, and Help from the invisible (humanly invisible) realms.

    When God asks you to stay, you will know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To live for feeling the Love of God, and to reciprocate It, is no small thing.

    In fact, It is everything.

    Relax into that Truth, Beloved, as though nestled into a warm comforter, and be healed. Know your Wholeness and Love. Love God, Be Love, and let the Presence that Heals flow through you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The advantage that you gain by giving away your own will and opinions to the Inner Divine Voice is to never again feel alone.

    Yes, there may be times of feeling human loneliness, especially when in the midst of those whose world view is so material as to utterly disregard your spiritual view, or to have open contempt for it. In those times, turn, of course, to the company of the Inner Companion Who Loves you completely, but also take comfort in this thought: All around the world, there are, in this very moment, millions that are turning to the Inner Voice, just like you are. Each one of you hears a distinctive and special message for your individual selves, for each of you is a unique facet of the Divine Source. But all of you together make up a great shimmering diamond that shines and shines, all lit from within by the selfsame Love that guides and shapes and sustains all things in the revealed layer of Good Spirit.

    Shine on, little facet of the diamond, and look on the other facets with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps, even probably, you find it difficult to believe that All is Spirit, and that All things that are Real are Good Spiritual Thoughts, Thoughts of God. After all, you spent so many years being taught “physical laws”, that you think that it is the only sane thing to do, to live by them. But those “physical laws” are based on the same limited senses that show you mirages or make you believe that a sound is coming from somewhere other than its source.

    We only push for the goodly expansion of your ability to perceive and experience Absolute Good when we say, spend time saying, and trying to believe, that “All things are possible to God”, for, even if you do not fully understand it, that small kernel of thought will allow God’s Thoughts of who and what you are to give you hope in confusing worldly situations.

    Give practice time to hope. Hope for Harmony. Hope for Harmony, for Harmony IS the natural state of the Divine Mind in which you dwell as part of Infinite Spirit, not subject to limiting laws, but only to the Laws of Love.

    “I am subject only to the Laws of Love.” Even playfully practiced, it will open the doors of your Soul.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is your Life Force.

    Do only, exactly, what God says today and you can demonstrate for yourself how brightly and wonderfully All is Well.

    You know you are hearing Divine Voice and being Lovingly led by Soul, when you feel Calm and Joyous and unafraid. Be Confident in compassion and forgiveness, and be glad you, and all, are alive in the force of God.

    Love God, Love yourself, Love others. Simple rules.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forget who you thought you were and are as an earthly being.

    Think of yourself as a Whole and complete spirit reflecting Spirit, as I am complete and Whole Spirit. “I Am Whole and Complete in God already.”

    The more you let THAT Thought occupy your mind, the more the outer, seemingly earthly, costume and role will fall into place. The more you let your sacred identity occupy your mind, the more the outer self can be a good lens for projecting the Light from within.

    We assure you of this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ultimate in the ego’s scheme is to make you feel unworthy of being an instrument of Divine Truth and Healing. It is not so.

    No false dream you have had will lead you, as an extension of the Divine Thought, to be unworthy for the Cause of re-embracing all God’s Children in His/Her arms of Thought and Utter Care.

    ENJOY the flow of Divine Love through you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do give this day to the High Self within. Never pretend you do not know that Self. It is the Voice that urges you to Compassion. It is the Voice that urges you to generosity of the earthly and of the spiritual. It is the Voice that melts your anger or your confusion or your sorrow, when you give it time to speak, and you listen and obey.

    Give It this day, dear Child. It will guide you, if you give It permission.

    And renew that permission throughout the day, whenever the earthly senses try to distract you into shallow ways.

    Be your High Self, Beloved, Beloved. For that is who you really are.

    We Love you so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the understanding of spiritual truths increases in the heart, there will at first be a frustration of wishing that others around you could be awakened more quickly. Keep studying and meditating and praying, and keep focusing on increasing your own God-awareness. It is the best thing you can do for others, and it is the best thing you can do to increase your own sense of compassion. It will help others as you welcome the Divine Presence into your words and actions and thoughts and being, and it will help you have a fond patience for the journey each soul must take as it matures.

    A good parent enjoys the various stages her children go through, delighting in the varieties of each one. Let it be the same, as you enjoy your own stages of growth, and as you observe, or hope for, or admire the enlightenment of those around you.

    All of you are dear to us in every stage,


  • Ah, Love,

    Settle into the depth of My Love as you would settle into a hot bath on a cold day, or into a cool pool of water on a hot day.

    Yes, your earthly experiences can seem like hot and cold days, but I am ever with you, ready to be whatever antidote, whatever comfort, whatever solution or celebration you need.

    Feel Me with you, and surrender to the gratitude for the Wonder of it all.

    So tenderly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is holding me in the Wholeness of Spirit.”

    THAT is the “headline” you should be thinking of first each morning, and checking on throughout the day. You may have allowed yourself to get trained to focus on the words of woe in the media, but you can retrain yourself to give God, Good, equal time. Or more.

    It would Bless you to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One thing at a time. One thought at a time.

    Let it be a day of calm and slow and gentle Guidance, leading you from one moment to the next, and one task to the next, in a way that feels Perfect. And remember that the main task you are trying to accomplish is to be fully aware of being completely connected to the Heart and Mind of God.

    Stay aligned, Beloved. Stay aligned with the Mind of the Divine, and you will enjoy your day, this day that God has made.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you set aside your lists and your tasks and your sense of guilt about things not accomplished or not finished, and just rest in walking and talking with God, you will hear some version of “I Love you. I want you with me. I Will that you be Conscious of Me all the time.”

    O’ do this, Beloved. Take a day or part of a day, or a moment or an hour, and just look at Beauty. Appreciate the grandeur of Creation. Enjoy the Wonder of Being.

    It is more important than you know. It is a necessary thing. It will renew you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When we stand in appreciative awe at the Beauty and Harmony of the world, we are agreeing with God, “It is very Good”.

    Take time to be in awe each day, and help to co-create more Good, and It is done.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As We have urged you, and as you sometimes remember to practice, there is absolutely no situation in which some part of your heart, your feeling-mind, cannot be focusing on the truth of “I Love you so much, dear God.”

    Even while a relative might chatter at you about people you do not know, even while you ride the bus and notice all the signs and people, even while you wash the dishes or watch an entertainment, some level of your thoughts can be whispering, “I Love you so much, dear God.”

    God is constantly Loving you, constantly emanating you, so why not? And to allow yourself to stay rooted in that fertile Love is to be fed the food of Bliss all the day. And that Bliss fuels your ideas, your functions of body, your strength, and your wisdom and compassion. It feeds all those in a way that the worldly does not, and cannot. It feeds those in the way you so need.

    “We Love you so much, dear God”,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Always be kind and loving to others, but also let yourself be led by the trustworthy Inner Voice, as to whether or not to offer a Word of Spirit, or any advice of any kind, to another. Each individual shining ray of God has its own part to play, and human knowledge cannot judge what is right and wrong for the next step for that person. Listen for the Voice of Compassion, and do as It says. Ask, and do as It says.

    And yet, when that Presence of Living Compassion wells up within you, without your asking, in the presence of someone who seems to need aid, comply unhesitatingly. Be obedient to the Inner Prompting, even when the request is for you to do or say something that seems illogical to the human mind. Trust the One Loving Mind, the Only Mind, for only It knows what is Best for all.

    Oh so Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new emergence into the softness of the Presence of Spirit, as you, as all that is around you, as the thoughts you choose to entertain in your mind. Let it indeed be One Mind that guides you, all this day, letting no idle moments become human daydreams or calculations, but only the soft, soft Truths of the Guiding Love that would have you remain always in Its flow of Joy, Joy, Joy.

    In Joy we dwell. If you are not allowing It in, you are sleep-walking,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Thank-you. Thank-you for every time you take even a moment to focus your awareness on the Divine. Thank-you for every time you pause to read our words, or to study inspired writings, or to be in silent meditation or prayer.

    Thank-you for every time you speak an encouraging word, or dismiss a discouraging thought from your own mind. Thank-you for each time you give testimony to another about the Peace that inner communion with the Divine gives to you. Thank-you for each time that you send forth a prayer for the healing of another person or beast or place, or the awakening of the world.

    There will come a day, Beloved, when all the small thoughts and prayers, and all the joyous souls added together, reach a critical mass. Then, Blessed Reality can be revealed, and ALL will remember they are part of It.

    Thank-you for every small thing that you do or say or think or feel that helps add to, and show forth, the vibrancy of that Whole.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you hover between Truth and error, and choose, in each moment, what to take on as your experience, please note that only Truth is Real, only God and Love are Real.

    God does not prevent you from experiencing dream illusions, and does Its part in offering you relief from the pain or sorrow you may dream, but ultimately you must choose and agree to See only what God actually sets before you: The Good and the True reflection of a Beautiful Life lived in God, appreciating Creation with Him/Her, your Loving Source.

    If you See that today, we join in your walk with Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be so glad to discover the name of God in your own heart today. Ask God, ìWhat is your name today?î, and know that the answer you hear is also the name for the quality you need today, and the Quality you ARE.

    If you hear ìI am courageî know that this day you must think of yourself as courage. If you hear ìI am confident Goodî you shall think of yourself as that.

    God is all True things, all True thoughts. Each person, each wondrous part of the Whole God, is given what they need that day to succeed, to shine, to be the health and wealth and happy purpose of Spirit.

    Listen today to what name God is for you, and be grateful to be it, and know yourself part of the Completeness of the Divine.

    ANGELS, always with you

  • Ah, Beloved,

    BELIEVE that the state of heart/mind that is Heaven, that is peace and joy, IS always with you. It cannot not be, for you really exist within It.

    When it seems that what you see in the world is a batch of needs, or darkness or lack or sorrow, go ahead and turn out the lights. Turn out the lights and close your eyes and go within to that Inner Light and say to It, “I Love You. I know You are in control and all around and within me, of and in Spirit.”

    “I Love You. I know you Love me.”

    Relax, relax, Beloved into the Inner Light. Be so willing to do this that you feel It swiftly and completely. You are in Its Hands, and It is always at hand. It is at hand for all. You only need to be willing to relax into It, and LET It guide and Govern. And the first step is to let It simply Love you.

    The rest comes from there.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you were to play the old game of “What would you wish for if you had three wishes?”, would you wish for material things, or material circumstances, or new ways to please or comfort the body?

    Or, would you wish to know more about the Divine Cause of All? Would you express desire to know the meaning of life?

    The wishes your heart makes in this regard are clues to how much you truly put the Divine first in your life. Are you really following the urge to seek after spiritual understanding, and THEN letting the rest fall into place if your wishes are for the things of the five senses?

    Ponder this, for the basic truth of how to reach your own rightful Inner Peace have not changed. It is still about honoring the Source of yourself above all and placing nothing else above It, and about seeking first after righteousness, and letting all things be reflected from that deep, deep Understanding that when you send forth Love, Love is what is reflected back to you.

    O, so be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not easily feel the Grand Flow of Love, when you quietly ask to be filled with Light Joy for the day, and you feel like you have sincerely opened up your heart for receiving It, examine the gates of your heart.

    Are the stones of anger or accusation making the gate scrape noisily? Are blame or blustering in your thoughts blowing against it? Are criticism or condemnation closing the gate before Love can completely fill you?

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, yes, yes, when you come to yourself, and realize “I am a Spirit dancing in the Mind of God/Goddess”, then there is such an awakening that All is indeed possible. Just as when you walk out of a movie house, and shake yourself back into the reality of choice, instead of just being the observer of what the film characters have already enacted, in the Perfection of the Divine you will step into the realization that every idea can be enacted and all that is needed is somewhere close to hand in the reservoir of Goodness that is your true and only Home.

    Make yourself at Home, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be nothing that interferes with your constant attention to the whispers of High Guidance in your heart. Yes, still enjoy earthly life while you are here, but if you sit down to pay attention to God for a few minutes, and the body/human mind starts immediately suggesting that you need to check your “to do” list or eat a snack or check your emails, then please know it is trying to distract you from your communion with the Divine Plan.

    The High Guidance must come first, and be sacred. Listen to It, trust in It, and then do whatever earthly things still seem appropriate. You DO have the choice, and the willpower, to decide what to do first. Put listening to God first, and all the rest falls into place, Child,

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the days when you feel the animal self of humanness growling near the surface of you, and trying to form thoughts of complaint and attack in your mind, ask for Help.

    The Help from your Divine Self and Assistants can at the very least help you stay silent, even if you cannot bring yourself to voice the Loving Thoughts and Words of God that you KNOW are the Truth of things. Recognize the growling, and strive to ignore and subdue it, and turn to the Inner Good Self and pray, pray, pray for Calm, or sing, sing, sing for Praise, or listen to another read aloud the thanks and Glory of God.

    Like a recipe gone partly awry, there are ways to make the bad days Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a capable friend offers to take over the driving on an urgent long trip, when he sees you yawning and squinting, you most likely have the wisdom to accept, if you can set aside your human preference to always be the driver.

    God constantly offers to drive in moments of struggle. Can you find the humility to accept?

    We hope so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As every parent knows, sometimes a child will make up a game in private playtime, and make up rules as he or she goes along. The rules may make no sense to the parents” reality, but seem to make sense to the child, and his playmates, while he is in the game. The sand cakes made in the sandbox play may look delicious, but they do not provide true sustenance.

    The wise parent stays aside, and lets the child play. But when at last the child realizes that he is truly hungry, or that his rules have grown so complex that they make him dizzy and tired, or that the stick he declared to be a magic wand does not really make the dry leaves into a warm blanket, then he turns back to the parent. Then, he invites the parent into his little made-up world, or willingly goes back to the world of the parent.

    Just so, with your free will and your human mind’s rules and your made up “world” of perception, Beloved Child. Surrender the reign of your own will, and invite in the Will of your Divine Parents. It is the key to all mature spiritual understanding. It is the feeding at a table where the fare truly satisfies.

    But it is your free will choice. How long will playtime last?


  • Ah, Child of the Glorious Mind in which you dwell, before you rise, before you even open your eyes, turn your thoughts to the Light that holds you. Tap your inner consciousness and be filled with the Ever-Loving Life that constantly flows Its Brightness to you.

    Fill yourself with that Unconditional Love, for It shines you forth so tenderly, so gently, so completely, so well. Take time to do this, accepting all It has to give, and letting It wash away any sorrows and regrets, so that you can be truly and wonderfully filled with Light, Light, Light.

    And then you can indeed “Rise and shine”.

    It only takes a moment or two, and you can refill throughout the day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless those that curse you. Bless those who are frightened by hearing the Truth.

    We say to you, dear one, that healing them, or seeing them healed, is really the best “revenge”, for as you see them healed, you are allowed to see Love again, you are privileged to have, and be fed by, feeling Love again. And as they are healed, they are able to feel the joy of having their true good self come forth, and, in their turn, heal others.

    Watch with happiness, dear one, the best selves of your self and of those around you come forth, for every best self you see revealed adds another individual to your own glorious Heaven.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even on less-than-joyful days, when your own prayers do not fully lift you into pure Peace of Wellness, do try to forgive as you wish to be forgiven. Forgive the grumpy clerk at the market. Forgive the person who delays you on the road. Forgive the unskilled worker who is still learning as they prepare your order. Forgive, forgive, forgive, Beloved, for do not you yourself wish to be forgiven your less-than-stellar mood?

    And as you forgive, Child, you will see that your own heart is uplifted, for in all Good expressed, more Good flows to you, and feeds the heart of your Soul, and polishes It for you to feel, and all to See. Forgive, Child, forgive, the small ills as well as the large, for We know you want to be forgiven for your own.

    We See the Lovable You. See it in others. It is there.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Carrying yesterday’s sorrows, pain, or worries only adds weight to them. If you had them at all, and cannot forgive them (yourself or others) right away and completely, at least forgive and let go a little each day. That way, like a hiker on a long trail who is nibbling away at the burden in his pack, you load will become lighter and lighter, until, at the end of the journey, you are carrying nothing at all.

    The Lightness of what you are carrying will make for a joyous journey’s end.

    Journeying with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you were young, you understood clearly that there were certain people to whom you could turn for different needs. You ran to your mother or your grandmother for that guaranteed hug. You ran to an elder brother or a teacher for inspiration. You ran to a generous neighbor for that shiny coin, etc.

    So remember still that all the Aspects of support that you need are there for you ever, in the Aspects of the Divine. Turn within, and ask for the Aspect you need. If you need Tender Merciful Mother-Love, ask. If you need Courage and Wisdom, ask. If you need Loving Intelligence, ask. There is no nature of the Positive Goodness that is the All in All that you cannot receive by seeking for it in the Natural Source of All Thought and All Things that IS what you are a spiritual reflection of, within.

    Reach for that Mercy, today, and receive it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is my Life.” “God IS Life.”

    This is a prayer that can serve you well during a seeming human challenge, or through a day, or over an earthly lifetime. It is a Truth that will serve you, and Be You, for eternity.

    Claim and Know the Good Way of It, Beloved.

    “Show me the Life you have in Mind for me, dear God, for I know that it is Blessed. I shall set aside my own human ego’s imaginings, and be gladly willing to experience the Good Life you have conceived for me. In Love, I see it. In Love I abide. You are the Life for me.”

    Softly, gently, Lovingly, forgivingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A day now and then passed with utter silence of the human voice can make you very aware of how often human talk is filled with whisperings of ego, or self centeredness, or gossip, or repetition of negativities. If, however, you find that staying silent seems at first impossible for you, know that replacing human talk with voicings of spiritual truths is a time honored way of staying on Higher Ground.

    In whatever system of spirituality you choose, there are Truths that you know in your heart to be so. Keep those words in your heart and mind and on your tongue for a day, and see if it does not change your Soul’s Flight into high gear.

    Always, practicing makes perfect,


  • Ah, Child,

    Whenever there is a new need to refresh your spirit, turn to the words that have fed you before. When your spirit is full, you will be led to new words and new ways of communing with the Divine and living your best path, but when you are feeling drained or weary, it is best to turn to the tried and true spiritual food.

    Turn to song or scripture that has always been your favorites. Sing glory in old hymns or in childhood rhymes. Read and reread the poem or the parable that has always given you a warm glow. Even as you read these words, into your mind and heart will come thought and feel of the sustenance that has always been there for you in a certain story, or certain parable or cadence or tune.

    Go to it, and come to Spirit that is all spirits, and be fed and filled, and feel True again.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you have learned that if you seem to have stubbed a toe, or pinched a finger, the more quickly you turn your eyes away from that “boo-boo” and think about the perfection and loyalty and sustained Care of the Creative Source, the more quickly the error disappears, so is it with other “material” elements as well. Whether it is a misfiring in a car, or a situation of needing a new home or office, or a relationship that needs more harmony, turn away from the earthly facts, and put your mind back into alignment with the Mind of God, and let the outer pieces fall into place, or the ideas for what to do or NOT do, fall into your mind from God’s Mind, and then obey them.

    As ever, this is Truth, has been Truth, will be Truth, in the timeless realm of God,

    Dearly Loving You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The intricacies of others” lives may be interestingly and inspiring and curious, but never compare their purposes and earthly missions with your own, unless it is to appreciate how they shine with the Love that is All. For the purpose of ALL individuals IS to shine with Love and Life and Goodness. The details of the earthly enactment will vary, vary, vary.

    What never varies is Good, God. Within each day and at the end of each day, the only real question you must answer from God/Inner Heart, is “How much did I Love? How well did I Love?”

    If you ask and listen, God will tell you. And God will gently guide you and unfold to you ways to reveal the True You, the Loving you, the perceptive you that is truly the Child of the Loving Mind, in Harmony with all. This is God’s Law of adjustment, always in action.

    However long it takes you to learn this Law, and choose to live by it, and learn to live by it and love it, it is the Truth. Learn gently and sweetly, and be free to Love, Love, Love, dear one.

    God knows you to be perfectly you, and happy. God wants you to be perfectly happy being the sweet authentic reflection of Itself that IS you.

    So tenderly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Grace my eyes, dear God, and enable me to see, the purity and innocence and wholeness of us all, as we are in Thee.”

    “As Grace is with me always, amen.”

    There is certainty in God, Beloved. Do not forget it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of all the good Qualities you have and are and reflect. Think of the talents you have to develop and share. Think of the things you love to create and do.

    And then fill your heart and head with “The Universe supports me being the Best I can be.”

    The more traditional way of phrasing this is “Investing wisely with the talents God gave you.” But no matter exactly what words you use to fill and straighten out your thoughts, the Truth has not changed throughout the ages. Let your talents flow and grow, and assume the Divine Goodness is fully invested in and helping you with that.

    Understanding that God wants your good, and your experience of joy, is what you need to believe. Completely. But it is alright to start with just a little hope. Open your heart with just a little hope and God will get in and help you EXPECT Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    My Strength IS your strength.

    Draw on Me. Let Me help you in every circumstance and every direction you take. The smallest bit of willingness from you allows Me to gently and Lovingly direct your path, restore your health, provide for the human needs that you have. And the greatest need you have is to constantly remember that you are not in any way separated, really, from My Love and all that It seeks to supply to you.

    It is only your mis-belief that you are separate and far from Me and My Willingness to hold you so very tenderly, and show you how best to use the gifts and talents that I have built into your very consciousness, that holds you back and leaves you feeling empty or discontent. Open to Me, trust in Me, celebrate with Me the amazingness of you as an expression of Aspects of the Divine.

    There is nothing extra special about those who clearly hear and live My Loving Intent. They have just practiced being still and silent, and have willingly listened to the Great Soul guidance that speaks in their hearts. The happiness and quiet, strong Joy that the grateful communion with Living Love gives them, is the fuel for all that they do, and say, and are.

    You can clearly hear also. Just be willing and listen, and receive.


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • O Beloved,

    “Oh, Goodness!”`

    God hears every call for Help, every permission given, and Helps. Believe that, and listen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there is an impulse for anger or revenge, turn it to forgiveness and kindness. Remember, that in the three steps of working prayer: praise, humility, and pondering the truth of the Qualities of Creator/you, none of those qualities is condemnation.

    When faced with seeming sin, sorrow and error and lack, you must look PAST the illusion, and focus again on the Truths of what you, and true reality, are made of.

    Artists and stage prop makers of centuries have always known this. You can make facsimiles of what nature holds, but you cannot make the real thing out of elements that are not what the real thing is made of. To be the real you, you must see yourself as made of the Qualities that the original is made of. Goodness, Consistent Honor, Spirit, Love.

    And if you are really made of these, so is everyone else…


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not to say to God, “Do this exact thing,” it is to say to God, “Let me See what I, and this circumstance, are in Thee, right now.”

    Linear time does not exist in God, in the Source, but all the moments of Creation do. The child and the adult, and all the moments between, are there, in their perfection and harmony. Everything that is actually made of the Source is perfection, goodness, and harmony. Look for those, expect those. Welcome those.

    “What am I, in Your Perfect Play, right now?” That becomes your daily and hourly question to the Divine Director, rather than letting your human thoughts keep you clinging to yesterday’s perfection, or to tomorrow’s imagined glory. Ask to see THIS moment’s perfection, and relax into the Glad Source, like a dry sponge relaxing into a pool of wonderful warm water.

    God knows all your moments of intended Harmony,


  • Ah, Yes, Child,

    When you understand that even the most precious, most dear thing that you have thought of as “good” in your earthly life must also be offered freely to the Divine in your heart, then you come to that unsurpassable level of Peace.

    When you have offered your very best dream, your very best possession, your very best love, because you have come to the realization that none of them mean anything compared to being held in the Divine All, then you have stepped into Heaven. The Divine might take away, or replace, or give right back to you, the thing, or the hope, or the person, or the worth, that you offer, but you will accept in advance whatever choice the Divine makes, in order to never again live a day when you cannot feel the Touch of God/Goddess.

    The Realm of the Real shines so brightly that even the prettiest illusion pales, Beloved. Believe us about that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is always utterly glad to look upon you, Its creation and reflection, pure innocent substance of Spirit. Can you believe that and accept it, and be glad in return?

    If the reason that you cannot believe it is that you think you are a body that has done some awful and selfish or non-innocent things, think again. You are the substance of Spirit. The only reason for continuing to use the thought of a body costume is to use it to express the Gladness of God, and share that Gladness with others.

    You, pure essence of the nature of God, can no more be a failure at being an image of Spirit than a brass pig could fly through the air.

    Where are you, really? In Innocence. In Gladness. Direct your body from there, to express those things, and only those things. You can do this, for the Good Director directs you.

    ANGELS, applauding

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Humility. Selflessness.

    These are not just words. They are tools for letting go of the material claims of power that the body tries to make on you. Use them to remember that your Heart and the divine Voice that guides it and helps it think rightly ARE the only Power.

    Take dominion over your heart and mind. Evict all thoughts that are not harmonious, and help move the Good ones in.

    Charge them no rent. Welcome them and love them, and allow them to be your friends.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To see exactly as another sees, you must stand in the same spot and look in the same way. You have experienced this when a friend has you move to a spot to see a bird, or to see the shape of a cloud that she sees, or the peak of a mountain glinting just so in the sunlight. And even then, your earthly minds may perceive the colors differently, or be reminded of other times by the things you see.

    To See as God Sees, to See your own perfection and lovableness, and the perfection and lovableness of those around you, you must place your self in the focal point of God. Step into that Inner Spot of focus, and See as God Sees, and, above all, Think as God Thinks, and you can catch glimpses of the Loveliness of Glory.

    It can be done, Beloved. Others have done it. Others do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the language of Truth and Love be the language that you long to be completely fluent in. Let the language of Spirit Divine make it easy for you to communicate with God, clearly opening and re-thinking and hearing and agreeing.

    Just as a rarely used second human language grows dimmer in memory, while the oft used first language grows eloquent and beautifully expressive, so realize that you can curate your spiritual language. Purposely think on the Good and the Harmonious. Continually ask God to help your thoughts be God’s Thoughts, the Thoughts of Love, and smooth operation of orderly Soul. As you focus on God’s language of Complete Love as your own, the language of sorrow and sickness and errors of living will be dimmer and dimmer to you, until Love and Whole Harmony are the only language that lives in your heart. Then are your thoughts as God’s Thoughts. Then are your manifestations of Joy the language and experience of every day.

    Speak with the Divine continually, and you will become fluent in Love indeed.

    We will help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, Love and Life, and loving having your true existence in Spirit’s Life, bring truth and intelligence and principle to your soul, that resides in Soul.

    Life. Love. Truth. Intelligence. Principle. Soul. Spirit.


    Remember them. Remember them always, and know that when you are calling on these aspect of Being, you are letting the Thoughts of the very Cause Itself flow through you, and to all that are with you in the play.



  • O’ Beloveds,

    For all who call t0 Me, “Welcome, welcome, Holy Spirit!”, I rush forth into their Divine Consciousness, and get to Work helping them See and Experience Life as God created It, Sees It, and maintains It.

    Welcome Me, dear Loves. Welcome what I endlessly offer, for you are Beloved, Beloved, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every good manager learns the art and benefits of delegation. When you are managing your own life arrangements and fears and joys, be aware you can “delegate” to the Divine Love that is always with you.

    If you awaken again in the night, anxious about an issue of relationship, or whether you might have left a door unlocked, and you cannot find the Calm to clearly pray about it, or do not have the long-distance means to check on it, ask for the Divine Help of Spirit, of Angelic Thought-Beings. Ask for Omnipresent protection on your goods, ask for inspiration and answers to flow to all minds within One Mind, ask for Guardian Soul to comfort and guide your loved ones, near and far.

    You can cultivate an absolute trust of the Immortal ideas that dwell with the idea of you here in the Mind of God, and that the Good Love of God wants to help, help, help you dispel all problems and uneasiness, and be and live the fullness of the Good-hearted. Ask Them for ideas to help you do what you can, and trust Them to do what you cannot. Envision All Good, for God IS All Good.

    Delegate to your Guardian Angels, Beloved. You deserve it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more you Divinely Love them, the more clearly you will see the Holy Soul of those around you. Put on God’s Sacred rose colored glasses today, and see yourself surrounded by the reflections of all the Angelic ideas of ever Creative Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you can say “All Glory be to God, or, All honor be to Great Spirit,” and truly, truly mean it, with every energy of your thought, then are you freed from all thoughts of human self, and able to be that clear transparency for the use of the Light that would Gladly shine through, to you, and to others.

    When you can set aside the self and all thoughts of self or of desires that hold aught of the worldly, then are you ready to be truly, truly, a dispenser of Grace. Be freed, child, from worrying for the self and for others, and in ceasing the worry, bring yourself and others the answers and the Peace that no worrying would ever or will ever bring.

    Let go, and let Peace reign now, and ever, in your heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    That which is “lost” by realizing that old desires no longer have any value for you is only what you no longer really want, or need. This time is a great leap forward in spiritual understanding and discernment. Do not think that you must throw away everything in your life, and abandon all relationships, when your Inner Voice says to let go of old ways. It is the view of their value that must shift in your mind and heart. Let the Inner Voice help you reassess what each object and place and person is in your life, from a point of view of being helpful to your awakening to your full True Self (and the awakening of the Selves around you).

    Thus, you may still find yourself in the same job or the same house or the same marriage, but with a new way of relating to those things and circumstances and people.

    Asking for, and expecting, and wanting, the Peace of the Divine Source creates a new Heaven and a new Earth for you, right where you are.

    We are right there with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The pattern that already exists for your best journey through life contains all possibilities. Enacting the pattern in a way that chooses the most harmonious and joyous experiences begins with believing that you are Loved.

    The raw materials of the Divine Source are always ready and always there, and as an individualization of the Divine Whole, your “share” already belongs to you. Believe this, Beloved.

    The raw materials of the Divine Source in which your Spirit exists are all Good, for that is the very nature of God, All That Is. Choose, with your words and your thoughts, to believe this, Beloved, and let your heart rejoice that you have been given the power to form thoughts and speech to mold your heart’s desires out of the raw material of the Source.

    Let not a sorrowing imagination send you into making molds of what you do not want, Dear One. Focus, focus, focus the thoughts and spoken words on the truth that you have been given, that you are a unique and Loved part of the Wonderful Whole, and take that raw Love and “bake” it into the forms that support your expression of that Love to the world.

    Years of not believing that the best is for you can be turned around,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter how much all those around you are caught up in the earthly moment, whether horrific or of body celebration, YOU can stay centered in the everlasting moment deep within the Heart of Being. Make no mistake—staying centered in the Light, and thus being a pinhole for the Light to shine through into the darkness of the great sleeping, will do more Good than you can possibly imagine.

    Calm claiming of the Truth of Life as the Force that creates and sustains can do more to shift perception and your sense of reality than we can describe in words. Falling into to any sort of anger and sense of revenge or futility is the curtain that is drawn over the Light. The Light will always come through. It does not fail and will never fail and has not failed, although it can seem so to dark human perception.

    Continue being a point of Light, and realize that alternate realities and futures CAN be seen, if you stand next to, and within, the Light and see with the eyes of Its Love.

    Claim Life for all. Claim Light for all. Shared prayers of Truth have effect, and if you have not witnessed that for yourself just yet, you will have to trust for that, and begin to learn the meaning of deep, deep faith.

    All sweet comfort and love extends to you now, allow it to be felt and to Heal you, and all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The choice you always have is to turn to the Divine Peace that waits quietly in your heart.

    In every situation of earth, you can react with human emotions and learned (and mis-learned) responses, or you can choose to drop back from your human awareness, and into the Awareness of God. Now, whether you call It God, or Christ Consciousness, or the Force, or etc, etc, does not matter. No name can truly describe the experience that is the Divine. Just practice, in silence and solitude, feeling Its Joy and Peace.

    The more you practice, the more easily you will feel It. The more you feel It, the more easily your “outer” life will flow to the best expression of the Divine that you can be. The movement to your best destiny may be, even probably will be, accompanied by some changes that are not what your human self imagined for your life, but living in the Flow is well worth it. Learn to let go of human preconceptions and labels, and let your life be guided by that Loving Force that is ever willing to express Itself as your Joy.

    We join you in Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, it is best to think in very simple terms.

    When you were very young, you ran quickly to a mother or father or parental substitute, knowing there were some arms and a voice and a kiss to comfort you or advise when you needed.

    Perhaps later you ran to a best friend or a coach or a teacher, in addition to, or instead of, the parents. Perhaps later it was a lover or a group of friends.

    All of these come and go, or pass away, or move out of your life, or are busy that day or that moment, or on vacation, or pre-occupied…

    Just think for a moment of the sweetness of having a Loving Omnipresence that you can always, BECAUSE YOU DWELL WITHIN IT, call upon, turn to, and ask for help from. Think for a moment of the surety of absolutely knowing you are always heard, and responded to, because It wants your glad, peaceful Joy, as a part of Itself.

    That is the essence of the Truth. It will serve you well if you keep it in the forefront of your consciousness, when you feel lost in a confusing muddle of spiritual teachings, or theological points, or twistings of human endeavor and relationship.

    The oneness of Being, Infinite and Loving and Warm, is simply always there if you reach for your awareness of it. It is your first call, your last call, your constantly available Friend. Let it happen. Let it Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you really, really get it through your head that what you are looking at, that seems to be a reality, outside your own mind connection to the Whole, is really more like a movie you are watching, then you will find it easier to only try to influence that movie by shouting to the Great Director Within.

    Shout for Help. Shout for Joy. Shout for consolation and for change and revelation. Shout not at the movie characters, but at the Director that can change their, and your, actions and appearances with just a Divine Moment of Divine Direction.

    One Mind governs all. It governs using Love and Order and Grace. Can you let yourself believe this? Can you CHOOSE to believe it long enough to test it, in small ways and then greater ways? If all the overlapping orbits of human thought surrendered to the governance of Divine Mind, just imagine the Good Movie that would be revealed.

    Ponder this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Play, play, play with the aspects of God that you are made of in Spirit.

    As you let there be a light touch to your prayers, letting your heart hear the Divine Voice guide it to what quality of God you need to let come forth in your awareness, you will thrive. Laughter will help your prayers, not harm them. Humor that is born of kindness will help you see your earthly circumstances in new light, and help you feel the Unseen Divine that is all around you , just waiting to help you.

    Be not serious with God, Beloved, but delighted, for God is delighted with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Healing Mind, the Healing Thoughts, stand ready in every heart, just waiting to be invited, waiting to be asked, waiting to be sent elsewhere with Love to heal and help others.

    It is that simple. Won”t you be willing? Won”t you ask, and help It Help by sending it to other hearts, with Love?

    But remember, you must ask It to go to all with Love. You must ask It to come speak in your own heart, and you must send It to the hearts of others with Love—to those whom you humanly love, AND to those whom you do not love or understand. Ask It to be everywhere, for everyone. That is dominion indeed.

    Then watch Harmony Work.


  • Ah, Beloved, so Beloved,

    There is no need to run away from God. There is no need to not want to look at the Truth, for the Truth CONTAINS you, and is Glorious.

    Beloved, just as in the parable of western scripture, wherein the prodigal son finally turns away from living solely to indulge the physical senses, and turns back to the sensibility and identity of the Father’s house, you can turn to looking at the Loving Truth of God. God is not in a hurry, and knows that always you will eventually realize that you are already at Home in Him/Her/One. But the minute that you use your free will to DECIDE that it is time to ponder life through God’s perspective rather than through the five limited senses, and turn towards God to understand who and what you really are, God comes RUNNING out to meet you, eager and glad for the return of one of Its children to the heart of understanding.

    Be not afraid, Child. Choose now to turn towards your greater understanding, and be Glad, be Glad, be Glad.

    Yes, whilst still in the earth play, you will forget sometimes, or your senses will tempt your focus to sensual pleasures, but even within those, you can keep centered in God’s Mind, if you only train your thinking to do so. Stay centered in the Divine, ask for Its touch in every word you speak and in every move you make, and all is well, all is Good, all is God.

    Trust us, We have seen it play out thousands and thousands and thousands of times.

    The Angels assigned to you ARE with you. The One Mind waits in your Heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as redecorating a room in good fashion means that one must empty it completely, and clean it thoroughly, before painting, or rearranging, or installing new furnishings, so one must do when deciding it is time to redecorate your mind in Divine Fashion.

    Clean out old thoughts and attitudes, allow there to be new color and new light, and then welcome, welcome, welcome, the Ultimate Redecorator, the Creator, to fill your mind with Thoughts Divine, so that they may manifest as your happy and whole body and life. Live fresh, live new, let the Divine Source show through as the wonderfully understood new you.

    Helping you move out the old and in the new,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If spending time alone gives you even a glimpse of the Divine Satisfaction of honing your Union with the Creating Source, then it is sacred time indeed. You may think that you dearly miss the sensual satisfactions and pursuits of the body that you have made such a huge part of your life, but We assure you that although you will enjoy some of them again, they do not compare with the enrichment of your understanding of Soul, if you work on that discernment.

    Work on knowing your place in the Great Soul. Choose to work on it. If you but whisper “yes” to God, God will run forth and shout “YES” to you, for Complete alignment with the Spirit of what you are, of what All Is, is the Truth that gives rises to a Harmonious earthly life.

    What an opportunity you have now, child of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Principle of Creative Love is always active and consistent and timeless and unchanging. But it is also very wise, and understands that as you grow in your remembrance of yourself as part of It, as one with It and Sourced from It, It can give you more of Itself in new and good ways.

    As you mature in your willingness and openness to receiving the tender input from Love Itself, It will reveal more of Itself to you. So, keep being willing, Beloved. Keep practicing alignment with the Divine Truth, and never think that God is not enough, or that God does not have enough for you. God is and has Plenty, and will always offer you what you need, and what you can handle, what you are ready for. Trust that Infinite Goodness.

    And trust yourself to be able to fully reflect It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is in your own interest to constantly ask yourself, “Am I living as a representative of Love?”

    For that is your True Job. However, because that question can make one feel hopelessly inept and as though one is doing less than good work, it is important to remember that you are only the distributor. It is as if someone gave you, entirely for free, a huge basket of treats or money or goodwill, and told you there was plenty more where that came from, and would you just please go around handing it out?

    What a lovely task! What a privilege to go around handing out that which was freely given to you, to give to others also!

    Won”t you take the chance to hand some out today, knowing it is also alright to eat of the treat of Love yourself, as you go around giving It to others?

    Think of it as a privilege, Love, not work,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Do not blame God for timings. Time is an illusion of Earth and the answer comes to each when it is right.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Opening to miracles means truly believing in the utter Goodness of the Loving Source.

    Do you?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, do please focus on the Good, the Beautiful and the True.

    All of these are equivalent to Love, and to the Divine.

    It is the Divine that heals the Divine in yourself and in others. Let it Flow through you and be relieved. Be comforted. Feel satisfied and Loved.

    Be privileged to see others feel Loved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, you have a dream in the night that is so wild and strange that you cannot help but laugh at it when you awaken. Even so, Beloved, as you awaken to your High, God-Created Self, even while you yet walk the earth, you will fondly laugh at some of what you thought yourself, and others to be, before.

    Awaken, awaken, awaken. Be willing to See the Beauty now, for that willingness to See gives permission to the Divine Helper to stride past your free will and open the blinds for you.

    O’ do let that Light stream in!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To help the constant flow of Loving Harmony in action, even if your own human harmony is not fully apparent right now, go forth and be a conduit for Blessings. Whether they are large or small (and human evaluation does not always know the difference), or whether they are paid or volunteer, or whether they are journeys to the center of Soul, where you send forth prayers for Divine Aid for all to be completely realized, because you know God is always on the job, be a blessing today.

    You know it works. Shine with the Light of God, trusting Spirit in your heart as to what to do, to say, to realize. With Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Work on yourself, and encourage others to work on themselves, to believe, and KNOW, that each one of you is a perfect idea in the Vast Divine Energy Mind.

    The more absolutely you KNOW yourself to be an idea, a wonderful image, a set of attributes joined together, in God’s Mind, the more you can name that truth about those around you. And the more you name, and realize, that Truth about yourself and about those around you, the more sweetly divine harmony you will experience in your perceived life, and in the lives of those around you.

    Clearing your consciousness with the truth “I am a perfect offspring-idea in the Mind of All That Is” is like cleaning the dirt off your glasses, or washing the sleepy grit out of your eyes in the morning—you can finally begin to see the truth.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You know we encourage you to live in the moment of now, timeless and joyous in the Source, constantly realizing your oneness with Its Love, but when we see you reviewing your imaged year of linear time, and see you noticing how much your Soul has risen into sacred Calmness over that time, that makes us very, very Glad as well.

    Keep expecting Good, Beloved. Keep expecting progress in knowing you ARE part of the Light.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Consciousness that is you, and made you and shares Its thoughts with you and has never left you, knows what to do. If you wait, quietly listening, It will always lead you to Joy with Joy and calm certainty.

    Your good part is to wait, quietly asking for wisdom, and listening and receiving the ideas and impulses good, and then acting to obey. This has not changed in time and space. Only the Real is Real and It will shine for you if you let It. You can feel It embracing you even now.

    Admit It to your mind like admitting a friend through your door,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Central to any belief system of Spirit is a hope that help can come in ways beyond human understanding. And sometimes the solutions that arrive do indeed seem miraculous.

    But We assure you that the more you understand the All Goodness of God, the more you will realize that “As in Heaven, so on earth” is simply the natural Way of Love.

    Keep asking God to enable you to see with the eyes of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Life is about aiming towards Peace, Joy, and a sense of purpose and expansive Gladness and Love. The word for “sin” is best translated as “missing the mark”. Is the arrow of your life missing the mark? Is the aim of your thoughts and emotions and how you spend your time aiming away from the true target?

    If your thoughts and your actions have you dashing off after lost arrows that have gone into the woods, or the swamp, be not surprised if you do not feel peace. Remind yourself of your target, pull a new arrow, and aim for peace and joy.

    All our Love flies with you, and with it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What you need to Know from Me, Child, is that My Goodness is your Goodness.

    What you need to Know from Me is that your Goodness is therefore already done and complete. Expect It, accept It, enjoy It. Look to and be grateful for all the evidence of It you already see, and expect to see more revealed.

    It is one with Me. What I Am, you are, and that takes myriad wonderful forms. Believe that, and look for them, and you can see them revealed. I have given you this dominion, and it is your gift to use. It is your gift that I am delighted to see you take Joy in.

    Count your Blessings, Child, but count them with honesty. As your spiritual Self is more and more revealed, you will perceive that what you appreciate and value is not what a human child would value—that which glitters and beeps, but the deep wondrous Light and Love that connect all. That All Love shows up in family and friends and loves, and momentary angels and epiphanies, and the Truth of Me. And those sorts of Blessings multiply greatly when you hold them in your thoughts and are grateful, grateful, grateful.

    All those that have awakened to the fact that they live in Love, and that they can make Love their Guide, are you family. You are not alone. There are more and more of them showing up in time. Cherish THAT family, and feel newly welcomed into Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I stand ready to help you.

    I always stand ready to help you. Just reach out to Me, thus giving me, with humility, your human will, letting go of your human viewpoint, with all the human rules and supposed laws it has formed, and let me do my Work.

    My Work is Good, and you are part of it. I stand ready. Are you ready?

    Let go of time thinking. I am here right now. Hear My Thoughts.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you first enter into deep contemplations of the Infinite Mind, it may make you feel as though you are so tiny as to be insignificant. Yet, even a tiny part of Infinity is Infinite itself. This must be remembered, for not only are you Infinite as a part of the Great Whole, you are cherished and important.

    A fine museum would endeavor to restore a masterpiece painting if even just one flake of paint came off the nose in the portrait. So it is with you. God wants you to remember that you are a bit of what the Face of God looks like, and feel the uniqueness and importance of that.

    We love you so and are thrilled as you let yourself humbly grow,

    You have much to contribute. We Know it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy of Creativity is being fully experienced by many now. Counting the Blessing of what one has and what truly matters is expanding gratitude now. The upliftment of satisfaction that giving provides is being experienced by many who rarely pause to give when they are in a mad dash of busyness.

    Spirit Divine, as Teacher, and Repairer of Soul, is thrilled to use these openings of Joy, these avenues of Light into the heart, to reach individuals that have been so limited by the routines and assumptions that no new sprouts of Infinite Love could grow.

    Water these new sprouts with your silent prayers of Love, Love, Love, and not only will Delightful Awareness of the One Life of All expand, but Truths of Wholeness and Well-Being will be floated on to the shared experience of earth.

    Consciousness Omnipotent is present. Beloved. Help It Help to speed up the Awakening of all. Help It to Help you all Heal.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have given and given and given, both humanly, and in response to the upwelling request of the Spirit Within, to speak a word or take an action or send a message, and you feel emptied and weary, take a day to renew. Sometimes one must take many Sabbath days in a row to renew.

    If Spirit needs you to act during that time, you will feel the upwelling request and see the need, AND be given the necessary energy and wisdom to fulfill the task.

    Be not afraid. The Divine Plan IS proceeding, and all will be given the chances and the motives to play their parts. God is not in a hurry. God is not bound by time. Do not let yourself feel bound by time either. Rest into God’s Grace, and receive what you need, when you need it, in obedience and love and gratitude.


  • Ah, Best Beloved,

    The tiers of understanding must be respected. Forgive those that resent the Light behind your eyes and that It seems to bring you “lucky breaks”, remembering when you yourself thought that those who trusted, in the Good desire of God for your happiness, seemed like fools to you.

    Forgive, and Love. Forgive and Love. At first it seems tedious, but then it becomes a habit, and then, even appreciated and enjoyed, like an old comfortable sweater. Cozy into it, and it WILL help cozy others into the Best of themselves.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How many times will we lovingly remind you to go back to the basic Truths?

    Until you wake up one morning, and have not been led into forgetting by any wistful or fretting dreams of the night.

    Today, Beloved, all day, “I am Thou”.

    How we love you!


  • Beloved,

    We assure you that if you ask for divine Help in going through an entire day without criticizing or complaining, you will see many wondrous things to enjoy.

    What does it cost you? Just some willingness, Beloved.

    If you fail in any moment, letting a mean thought in, forgive yourself and keep going on seeing Good revealed.

    Love to see you in Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never forget that you are Loved.

    The most important thing is to realize that the Love that created you and sustains you is ever-present, and an Infinite Source. It is there to draw upon for your health, your sustenance, and for the healing of others.

    It is not their bodies you are healing, it is the mistaken thought in their mind that they are separate from the Divine Source in which they exist. They are happy, wonderful dancing spirits within Spirit, and that is the silent Loving Thought you should gently and lovingly place in their minds, and then feel the privilege of watching Divine Love at work, healing and harmonizing the appearance of the life that reflects True Life, and always will.

    First and foremost, feed yourself with Love from the Infinite Source, that you may then help feed the hungry, worldly thoughts of others.

    Well satisfied on Divine Love alone,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We cannot remind you too many times to forgive what is not real, what is not Good.

    A circle can hold nothing if both sides of it are not present. Forgive your self and you can forgive others. Forgive others and you can forgive your self. Complete the circle.

    Forgiveness washes the dust of illusion away, and you can see clearly what Blessings are yours, TODAY.

    You know We will help you do this if you ask, and indicate willingness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thank-you. We are grateful to you. The Divine Whole, of which you are a part, is grateful to you for being a shining expression of What It Is.

    We often tell you to be grateful, and to live with an attitude of gratitude, so that you will be open to receiving the flow of Life through you as Its expression, but you need to realize also how much We, and All That Is, are grateful to you.

    Each time you perform an act of unrecognized kindness, it is important to the healing and awakening of all. Each time you catch yourself thinking a judgmental or angry thought about someone, and bless that person, silently or aloud, instead, we thank-you. Each time you recognize, with a softening of the heart in deep compassion, that the person before you is only acting inappropriately because he or she has been so deeply wounded by earthly life, we gratefully add your feeling of Compassion to the stockpile of It that serves the world.

    So, Thank-you. Know that all the other facets of the Diamond of All That Is thank-you when you shimmer with the Pure Light that wants to re-light every cloudy and dim part that hides any part of Its Shine. We are grateful to you. We are grateful for you.

    Always appreciating you, even as we guide,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Living Force that created you, that is the very Soul of what you are, knows how to take care of that which It created within Itself. It does not care what particular earthly name you assign to It. It does not matter if you “believe” in It or not; It does not need your belief in order to Exist.

    But It does need your attention when you decide that it is time for you to remember all that you are as a part of the Great Soul of Life. It has been waiting patiently within your heart, coiled like a sweet bulb waiting for spring, and assisting you, unseen, when you needed Its Help the most. Now, turn your attention to hearing It more clearly and cleanly, and be glad and amazed at just how much Love has held you all along, and will continue to hold you, and is holding you, right here and now. Let It blossom.

    You exist within It. Be not afraid. Ponder what you exist within, and be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are contained in and sustained in the Mind of God, like an idea is contained and sustained in your own mind. Can you let that sink into your understanding?

    Therefore, you cannot escape from God. Therefore, God is your instantly available resource. You are contained in and sustained in, and surrounded by and supported by, Truth and Love. It is not a physical thing, it is ALL, including you, entirely Spirit.

    When you avail yourself of it, you will begin to See,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Just as a petty thief or a liar may find great comfort in being in a new town, where no one has heard about his old deeds, and where he can make a fresh start, let yourself take comfort in each new day. Whatever your small or large failings, or small or huge accomplishments, each time you turn to the Presence of the Divine, nothing exists but this new moment, and Love.

    Enter that “new town” of Love each day. Let each night before sleeping be a time of release, of both the sorrows and the triumphs. Forgive, and receive forgiveness, for all that was not harmony, and give, and be given, lauds for what gave peace and joy, and then open your heart to Spirit for a new day. Each day is your “new town” in One Spirit. One Spirit does not see or know your darkness, for where It looks, there is always Light. One Spirit’s Realm is the new town where you are seen in new light, and where the light that IS you is given another chance to shine.

    Each day is your chance to start again to give time to listening to your Divine Inner Guidance. Each moment is your chance to start obeying what you hear there, and, as you obey, being led to the realm of Peace that is “your town” forevermore.

    Always we are dancing there,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Make no decisions if you are not making them in a mood of Calm and Joy.

    The Qualities of God that guide you well will always include that Calm Joy, so if you are not feeling Its Presence, hallmarked by those Qualities, then you are not receiving Full, True Guidance.

    Ask, again, for the Highest Guidance of the Light, and let the heart be filled with Calm Joy and Hope and Trust, before you proceed again, flooded with the Intelligence and Peace of God’s Soul.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so important to ponder the fact that it is a Universe of Energy, a Universe of Thought and Spirit. YOU are a spiritual being. Your form is a spiritual form.

    To think of the body as a heavy material thing that must be prey to material forces is to forget your dominion over it, and to feel trapped or vulnerable. Think of yourself as a spiritual body, light and free and renewing in every moment, within the Energy Mind that lovingly holds all. Laugh with God and be delighted with the orderly, flexible, wondrous YOU.

    We see you new in each moment.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Others can pray for you, or with you, but there is no substitute for personal awakening. And once you learn to fully befriend the Divine Presence that is your essence, all celebrations will be more joyous, all challenges easier to resolve, and all talents and skills more inspired.

    It is worth your devoted practice, Beloved, it is worth it. Whether for a few minutes here and there, or for longer periods, just begin. Or continue. Divine Love Itself will lead the Way.

    And We are there with you,