All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look honestly at the path you have walked in the earth journey and you can find examples of the times that the gentle Source knew your needs before you did, and prepared the Best Way for you. Ponder one of those things or experiences and be utterly, utterly grateful. For being grateful does indeed prepare you to see, recognize and utilize the Goodly ideas and people and places that will serve your human needs Best, today and in all the days to come.

    Be Grateful, Beloved, Be Grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even those who call out to the Spirit of God to be with them, but do it in jest, or desperation, or on a dare, or as a joke, can find themselves transformed, morally, in consciousness, in circumstance, and thought and body. Do not underestimate the Power and Willingness of the Divine to grasp any opportunity to reach one of Its children caught in a bad dream of aloneness.

    That is also why there should be no hesitation of deep believers to pray for the unbelievers around them There is great effect that comes from the greatly hopeful or righteous or compassionate who stand their certain hearts next to the ones who seem to be caught in a quicksand of errors and sorrow.

    Stand fast in your Truths, able ones, and pull your siblings in the Love that is God along with you to the fresh breath of new Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that turning first (and only) to the Divine in every need means also looking only to the Divine for the approval and tanks and reward of what you do. As you have learned not to look to persons for needs or advice, so also look not to persons for affirmation of what you are. They cannot even see what you are unless they are ones who are also living by spiritual sight. In many ways, you are invisible to them.

    To realize that you love and want God instead of the world is to be able to reach God. Paradoxically, that is when you can finally also receive and truly appreciate the world, and the universe, and beyond. Let your sight and your hopes and your wishes all be centered on God, and let all else fall into place, Beloved.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is easiest to receive Joy if you expect it.

    If you cannot yet convince yourself to expect it, at least be willing to be surprised by it.

    The more you get to know the nature of God, the easier you will find it to believe in Joy and in the utter Goodness of your true home in Spirit, right there in your heart. Right here, right now, your Heart can project Its Joyous reality.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to try to figure out details, to listen to Divine Voice for details, until you are Directed to do so.

    Let all your energy and focus be on trusting and pondering the marvelous Truth of That Which Delights in you, and in which you draw the power of by delighting in It.

    The details will come. Relax into the Plan. Relax into Love,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Perhaps you have used the kind of beverage pitcher that has a lid that must be turned so that the spout in the lid and the hole in the pitcher itself are aligned for the juice to flow freely.

    There is plenty of Divine Juice inside you. Just align your spout for It to flow freely through you, and into your life on earth. How do you adjust the spout? By adjusting your attitude, by adjusting your mindset.

    Turn your attitude to Calm Joy and Peace, and leave it there. Smoothly align your spout with Love and enjoy the flow of other Divine attitudes, such as patience, endurance, kindness, hope, faith, cheerfulness, optimism.

    The Infinite Resources are always in plentitude. But you, with your lovely free will, must choose to be aligned with them. Your joy gives Joy to Heaven, and when they are combined, they are a Deep Bliss beyond compare.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no Source Light that asks you to suffer or asks others to suffer.

    Hold to the realization that you fully glimpsed at other times, that there is ONE Great Light, God, and that everyone is bits of Light that shine from that Great Light.

    And that Light Loves. You and all are made of Its True Nature, Love.

    So, look today with the eyes of Love, and pray for all around you to know their true identities to be that, to be Love shining from Love, and for the perception of suffering to cease. As you pray for them, you are praying for yourself to know this also, and will find your own suffering ceasing, as your perceptions are lifted into Love, Love, Love.

    WE are with you in this, We are Helping,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today must be a day of Praise, if you wish yourself to be lifted into higher thought, and therefore into healing of any malady or discord. Lift, lift, lift your thoughts into Praise, and feel Its mighty power.

    Praise the warmth of the sun or the fire that warms your feet. Praise the cool water that slakes your thirst. Praise the enduring regrowth of the plants you eat. Praise the beauty of the flying flocks of birds. Look for what to Praise, and you will see it.

    But above all, Praise the Maker of Joy. Praise the Maker of the Life Force that sustains and maintains the wonderful essence of you, all ever and harmonious and growing into full remembrance of Its own perfection.

    We join you in the great Joining of this Power, Beloved. Praise.

    And with the uplifting of the Praising thoughts, comes healing, and goodness, and Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As circumstances change, we are comforted by turning to the changeless Love of the Source. It wants us to express Life. It wants our happiness.

    Let It do Its work, Love. Trust, trust, trust now that It can do so.

    When families gather, for shared Joy or shared celebration, or shared sorrow, there are always different human opinions and values and codes of ethics involved. But the inner Voice of Love can give you clues and direct instructions in what to do and say that speaks to each person in his or her own language. Trust that. Let not words or rituals get in the way of the shared Love that never, never changes, even as human dreams and bodies come and go.

    We are with thee, Child. Appreciate the great bonding and growing that comes from shared experience, and make sure Love is the main part of every experience.

    We are Love, in Love, and of Love, and so are you, and all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that many believe that it is too hard, or too constricting, to vow to themselves to always listen to the Divine Source first, and to take time throughout the day to do this. That false belief that it is too hard, or that they are too unworthy, or that they are not trained enough, is just another trick of the “monkey-mind” that would try to stay focused on its own little world of limits and errors.

    We know the Truth, that it is liberating and calmly Joyous to be aligned with Supreme Love, and to obey it. It is simple to do. Just choose it. You know this Truth too. You know It and follow It on most days. Remember how much wonderful influence you can have by simply being an example of one who endeavors to pause and listen to God, to Good.

    And, remember how completely grateful is the Whole of Heaven when you do so.

    Every moment of Calm Joy and Trust is a moment of Heavenly existence revealed, and We cannot thank you enough when you let this shine through you.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Never forget that the greatest gift of Spirit is Unconditional Love. Giving that, wordlessly, is always a good response to anyone before you, and to yourself.

    Truth spoken without love is like truth being offered on the point of a knife. Truth offered eloquently but without the utter peacefulness of Divine Love is like truth offered with a gun in one hand.

    Practice, practice giving silent Divine Love, and let the other gifts of Spirit grow from there.

    Always offering Love to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Power of Good things Unseen is a metaphysical Truth.

    Do not get lost in mental and logical shenanigans, trying to become your own theologian. Just be Glad, Glad, Glad, that you are made in the image and likeness of the Spirit of Mother-Father God.

    Ride that Glad. Live that Gladness, and Be Well.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Very, very slowly today, appreciate everything and everyone around you. Savor each breath completely, enjoy each moment of joy and loyalty, be amazed at every sight of nature’s beauty. Slowing down your gratitude expands it.

    Slowing down allows God to fulfill Its purpose, which is to expand Love.

    For you know, Beloved, God’s purpose is also yours. Expand Love.

    Expand Love, until there is no darkness at all, for Love has lit every corner.

    Do your daily tasks, but never forget this purpose,


  • Ah, Dear ones,

    Tiny bits of Comfort, moments of quiet Joy, small Inspirations that build, these all become the Whole of Life reflected.

    The Whole of Love Holds you, and It always will, and always has. Let all Its Aspects be received by your open heart and hands, as they come to you, as needed or desired, carried drop by drop in the Flow of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Letting the human thoughts of others slide over you and around you without touching or threatening or disturbing the Calm Center of your Trust in God is the Key. Your own human thoughts must part around the strong Rock of God in your heart as well.

    Why do you think it is called the first commandment? Stay with it. Stay centered in It.

    Be It, Beloved, and Be Free.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust that the Inner Divine Guidance knows just how much of the Truth any one individual’s consciousness is ready to handle. When you hear someone expressing an opinion about how the Divine works that your own experience has gently allowed you to see a little bit more of, as you also search for a complete understanding of God, be kind and quiet. The Divine will reveal itself to each one, through experience, or a teacher, or a book, or a series of words seen or heard, when that individual is ready to see his or her paradigm shift. The shock would be too great, for most, otherwise.

    The old mystics who understood that very few can look at the Infinite and still be able to relate to the world at all had that right. Be grateful for what you understand at each phase, and leave to the Infinite the assessment of what any one around you is ready to hear or to understand or to cope with. All in due time. All in God’s time.

    The mix of ripeness is as lovely as watching a season in nature change,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Ah, Divine Spirit, Help me see the Truth of You and of Me.”

    The Voice of the Divine Whole has told you many times that you are a dear part of Its Child. Do you not wish to know and See that of yourself? Then ask to See. Ask to See, and be guided where and how to look.

    As We See you,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Just as you have learned to turn to the Divine Voice within to guide you when you are feeling angry with a family member, or hurt by the worldly opinions of your work or your appearance, so also apply the loving comfort and advice of the Advocate for Harmony to your mundane tasks. When the paperwork of life, or the mounds of chores, would try to draw you into an attitude of resentment or weary sorrow, turn to the Advisor within, and let yourself be helped. Let yourself be assisted in turning back to a mindset of patience and appreciation. Let yourself be led in the smoothest way to accomplish the tasks set before you, which help you live in harmony with your neighbors, your society, and your world.

    Trusting in the Divine to help make ALL ways smooth before you, and for the greatest good, is not a vow that only covers a part of your existence. It is for all things, for all seasons, for all ways of being in the world, but not of its ways.

    Divine Gladness can float you through every lake of obligation,


  • Ah. Beloved,

    You have recordings and letters and words and poems and moments of memory and places and people that you have marked “healing”, because at some time or other that place or series of words, or whatever, seems to have broken the spell of an illness or a bad mood or a run of mis-adventures. And it is good that you keep in your thought these healings. But we tell you again it is not the specific words or the specific places or people that heal you—it is the Presence of Divine Truth in your thoughts and heart, gently and lovingly correcting any thoughts you have that you are vulnerable or undeserving or too old or too unaware or too poor, etc, etc. The Infinite Spirit reminds you “You are but an image of Me, innocently glad and good and forever completely reflecting the part of Me that I chose you to express.”

    The Loving, Living Presence of Truth Heals all, when called upon. Yes, an object or a word may help you to remember to call out to the All in all. Yes, another person may join you in the calling, and remind you to trust. But it is the Truth that does the work, and that makes all work.

    That Truth erases the mistaken thoughts, like a mathematical correction fixing a formula, and you can move on with the Good Formula of your life. You ARE a living formula of Good Ability and Result—just let it unfold, Beloved.

    Let it unfold with appreciation and praise and gratitude.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Play, play, play with the aspects of God that you are made of in Spirit.

    As you let there be a light touch to your prayers, letting your heart hear the Divine Voice guide it to what quality of God you need to let come forth in your awareness, you will thrive. Laughter will help your prayers, not harm them. Humor that is born of kindness will help you see your earthly circumstances in new light, and help you feel the Unseen Divine that is all around you , just waiting to help you.

    Be not serious with God, Beloved, but delighted, for God is delighted with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Those who have experienced the delightful Presence of God do certainly wish that you could feel what they feel, and have the Grace they are certain belongs to all, but they also understand it cannot be forced.

    You can experience communication with Divine Spirit yourself. You can prove to yourself that the Peace of God can be invited to rise up in your heart, and that the Help of the Comforter can be seen when you ask for inspiration and direction and aid in your worldly dream. Just ask for it, and stay open to receiving. Prove that Reality for yourself, and you will feel no more need to question the testimonies of others, or to doubt that a Loving Force wants you to feel more happiness right here and right now, as you remember your way fully Home.

    As ever,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not look first for people who love you. Look first to the God who Loves you, the selfsame Source that maintains you continually in Its thoughts.

    Immersed in that Love, the people that you can love and who will love you will swirl into place in your life.

    Immersed in Love for God, you will begin to see It everywhere,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Release for the self comes through releasing others. As you forgive others their human foibles, so are you forgiven, and free, free, free of the limitations of thinking yourself only human.

    You are made of Divine and perfect elements, as is everyone else. Let those elements shine, and let yourself see them shine also in others. Give yourself that gift.

    You will be pleasantly surprised.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    God is with you, but God does not force your choices in the earth play. We say this often because so many do not seem to understand that giving just a little time each day, and a little handing over of your human will to God’s Will, makes a huge difference in every day and every choice and every possibility.

    Try it, oh dear ones. Try it. Just a little quiet time each day to say, “High Guidance of the Light, help me, set me right.”

    And feel the Love welling up in you.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    If you saw what seemed to be a river of water flooding the road ahead of you, and were stopped before it in terror, and another motorist came up and said, “Oh, that is only a mirage. Follow me, and I will show you that we can drive right through it,” would you not be glad?

    Glad to know you would not be trapped or long delayed by what your sensory eyes were mistakenly telling you? Glad someone with more experience, or better perception, came along to guide you?

    Just so, Beloveds, every spiritual tradition has those who have walked before you. Be glad. Look at their examples. Read and hear what they have said. The one whose voice is best for you will find you, as you find it. Follow, and be glad that you can be led safely through the mirages of the earth.

    Be glad, be glad, be glad, for gladness paves the way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every good idea you have ever had has been a gift from God, from Whom all good ideas Flow. If you acknowledge and ponder this Truth, and give credit where credit is due, all Good will flow to you more easily. Give glory and honor to God, setting aside your human ego’s claim to fame, and allow God to give you even more, freely and continually.

    All people are Good ideas in the Mind of God, surrounded by the Good ideas they need to feel Joy and prosper. It is the human ego with its claims of good or bad that casts dust into the smooth swirl of God’s ideas and seems to create a world of contradictions.

    Love the Dear God with all your heart, and be willing to simply Be one of God’s smoothly flowing and harmoniously functioning ideas.

    God is so Glad to feel you do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as two inches in the placement of a footstool can make all the difference between comfort and awkward seating, so can spending two minutes an hour communing with God make all the difference between a smooth and a chaotic day.

    Two minutes. Is it so much to pay?

    Say in your heart, “Dear God, Guide my thoughts. Help me know and see All Good.”

    And then be still and quiet for that two minutes. Calmly listen for Guidance, and feel Love.

    If all did some version of this throughout the day, how the world would shine!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Harmony does not come from the other person. It comes from realizing that YOU are a reflection of the Harmony of the Loving Source, then shining that Harmony at the other person, and then enjoying the Harmony that shines back at YOU.

    Are We clear? You have fallen for this before. Do not mistake the Truth this time. Reflect God’s Love and be Lovable and Loving, always.

    As We Love YOU,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are trying to have an “honest” conversation with someone, about the state of your work or personal relationship, or about your views on community or political issues, do make sure that you are not just observing and discussing the temporal personalities and costumes.

    The real Honesty, the real Truth, Beloved, is that you are both offshoots of the Divine Creator, and that you are part of that orderly Creation of Love and Life and Spiritual Light. To discuss only the surface dust is not to include the mainstay of Honesty—the Governance of Soul.

    Keep that Soul of all in mind, Beloved, and remember, remember, “One Loving Mind Governs all”, and be willing to let that guide all you say and do. Gently, quietly, listen to THAT voice before you speak. Whomever you are speaking with, remember God Loves you both and is guiding you both whenever you allow It to.

    Choosing when to start listening to the Voice of One Mind is the real choice you make.

    So sweetly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As a genuine Mother/Father God part, you are made perfect and whole. As a genuine perfect part, you are an instrument of the moving vehicle that is the eternal ever-expansive Life and Love, that Is the purpose of God.

    Only Name-brand parts are installed, for they are the Best,

    And all of you are Best,

    Laugh with us, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The fine balance that must be maintained between rebuking the lies that would come at you from the world, and welcoming the loving truths of One Mind, creates a narrow path indeed in your thought life. Constant is the focus and attention that must be paid to keep ones mind and speech and actions on that way to the Infinite realm.

    Yet, it is worth the weary work, Beloved. It is worth it, we assure you, for falling in to the seeking and reaction of the physical realm will only lead to decay and death, whilst opening to the vistas of the Blissful and unlimited realm of Unconditional Love and Harmony will make each step easier. Each time you have even a tiny glimpse of that Divine Vision, you will find that it gives you strength for the next step, and the next, and the next, until it is truly simple to laugh at the childish lies the world would present to you as truths, and you know the Divinity your heart is really made of.

    We walk with you, let us light your path, with laughter and rejoicing, when it grows dim,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have been in deep meditation or prayer, or simply completely focused on the One Mind, held aloft and euphoric on the warm breath of God, the rambles and shambles of earthly pundits can be seen to be only puffs of air, powerless in the face of the Mighty warm Wind of God.

    Stay embraced in the rarified air of God as you go through your day, letting the little cares measured in minutes fall harmlessly off the armor of Love that you wear and breathe. Your enduring relationship with the Infinite Mind is your true family, your safe progenitor and protector and friend. Being so very aware of this will keep you from fretting about the political or physical illusions of the moment, as you trust in Loving Soul to guide you in the earthly play.

    There are days to tend to others, but take today to simply be held in the Warm Love of God.

    The payback of resting in God is great and pervasive.

    We Love you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the physical senses awaken you to each day, you know that you must, yet again, take the journey that leads to the centering of the heart, in the Grace that gives all Peace, before beginning your day, if you wish for that day to be Harmonious.

    That daily journey to the Peaceful Center of the Heart will hold some potholes, odd feelings or old irritations or seeming physical challenges. Some potholes are so familiar, that you will simply steer smoothly around them, like a commuter who travels the same road each day, and can turn the wheel at all the right moments to avoid the bumps, without giving it conscious thought. Others are new potholes that must be slowed down for, seen to be avoidable, and moved softly past.

    Joyfully, days come when the vehicle is entered into, the journey undertaken, and lo and behold, during the night the wondrous repair crews have filled all the old potholes, and the new, and there is smooth riding again for a time. Cherish those moments, and let them give you faith, for when a new pothole or two form, you can remember that you have the inner strength, Grace given, to steer around the new holes, and to trust that the Great Repairer is already on the job, making plans to make a smooth way again.

    Have faith in the Repairer, and keep your heart and focus in the Peace of trust, and remember to re-align each and every morning, and any time needed between, as you go upon your journey.

    We make Divine asphalt,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such joy in curiosity about the very small. Indulge it when you wish to or need to, but at its best let it lead you to the most fruitful curiosity of all, the understanding of the Mind of God. God, from one point of view, is a Wondrous Mind in which you dwell as Spirit, and understanding that Mind and how It thinks with Love, will help you understand your own mind, which at its Best is truly One with the Mind that is God.

    Understand that, and all the small things, good and bad, fall away, and you dwell in the Bliss of Love. Daily, remember you dwell in the Blessings of Love, and that the Mind of God, not some human idol, must be your role model, your idol, your love.

    The rest takes care of itself,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am always present. You do not need to beg Me to be close. I am always close to you, for the true Consciousness of you is a part of Me. Allow yourself to turn away from the human swirl of thoughts, and simply Be with Me.

    Be knowingly with Me, even while you continue your human journey.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sharing Joy magnifies It. Sharing Joy glorifies It and brings more of It to you.

    When the Loving Creative Force of All Good comforts and supplies and inspires you, in ways that you could not have imagined, share your tales. Let others know that there is an amazing well of Grand Ideas within you, and within them, just waiting to be dipped into. Admit to others that there is adoration and appreciation, from the Divine Source, that your heart can feel each time it turns to It.

    We have told you many times that “the other is self”, and it is true. But we know that in the worldly costume appearances there seem to be many separate selves. So even if you cannot see them all as part of the same One Reflection of the Whole that you are a part of, do realize that it can give you great Joy to see them inspired and healed and cared for.

    So share your stories. Share your knowledge of, and experiences of, mercy. Share your Love of Soul.

    For that Soul is the very Life of All, and sharing your Love of It heals and helps all, and that further helps and uplifts you. All is One.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take great heart in this: Each time you turn to the Well of the Source-Peace within, when you are troubled, or angry, or hurt, or sad, you haven taken another step towards totally knowing Who you truly are, and towards understanding the full nature of God.

    Remember, each time you willingly turn to God’s agent on earth, the still, sweet, gladly calming voice within you, It comes forth to greet you with great Joy. The moment of “prodigal child returning” is not a thing that happens just at the point of mortal “death”, it is re-union of Consciousness that happens in every moment of existence in which you allow it to happen. Seek the Loving Creator that constantly seeks you, asking, “Where has your mind drifted to, my Child? Remember, you are right here, with Me, safe and warmly Loved, where you have always been. Let your mind come Home, and know that it is part of my Mind, and has always been.”

    O”, let it happen all day long, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Leave the sourcing to the Source, and just simply hold open your heart and thoughts and say “Give me Joy, dear God, give me Joy, give me Joy, give us all Joy.”

    Joy is always flowing forth from God. If you align with It by asking, It fills you.

    It IS you.

    “I am willing for you to fill me with Joy, dear God. I am willing to be the living forth of Your Joy.”

    Remember to wait within the focus of thought till you are full, then Be Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is truly a time and a season for every phase of the earthly play.

    Dear Child, entitled and commanded and cherished mightily by God, today say:

    “I hold out my cup of receiving to the Infinite Grace of your Love, dear God, that you may fill It to overflowing with whatever understanding and ideas and thoughts and manifestations I need for my happiness in You, knowing I am Loved, and made of Your Love”

    Amen, Beloved, amen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The certainty that Good is supposed to happen, and, indeed already has happened, from the perspective of the timeless mountain of Spiritual View, can free your heart from endless worry.

    Good happens, Beloved. Eventually, you remember that you have always been a joyous part of All. Each time you choose to remember this, it helps shorten the time you endure any uncertainty, or pain, or death. This is a hard concept for the human mind to understand. But the simple approach to it is easy. Choose to expect Good. Choose to be grateful for Good.

    How the time of worry becomes timeless Joy cannot be absorbed in a moment. But the simpleness of trusting Good, and expecting Love to keep Loving you, can.

    Expect that. Be Loved, and Love Goodness back, and you leapfrog into your best.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Desire can help manifest what you need for your journey and your work, but it can also confuse. If you are at all uncertain about what desires come from the flesh and the ego, and what ones come from the Heart of Soul within you, re-center your prayers and desire on Peace and Harmony. The Divine Soul that is the very Heart of you can sort out the details.

    Trust It. Trust It, and be at Peace and in Harmony, for those are what you KNOW you want truly.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is my Strength”

    Strength of heart, Strength of resolve, Strength of Love.

    Be very aware that every human quality that is good has as its Source the Divine Infinite version. Call out for what you need, for the Source gives it gladly, in the form most useful and holy.

    Strength is part of Harmony. Call for It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you totally realize that you care not whether or not you leave the world of the physical senses and its false desires, then God will truly be freed to use you in your Highest and Best capacities. Then, you will Shine, Shine, Shine, and understand that thus was your purpose all along.

    Always, we have seen the Best of you shining through,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Today, Grace, Abba, lift my thoughts higher, and help me keep them high.”

    “Help me focus on the joyous and the glorious, and not on the low and unseemly. In everyone and everything I can seek the wondrous Order and Goodness of Thee. Help me See. Help me See. Help me See, how marvelously you Govern he, and she, and me.”

    We are doing this with you, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Love is Perfect and Grand. You are made of It, and in Its Hands.

    To think that you are but a frail mortal body is to tie your own hands. You are Spirit, pure and free. “I claim the Power of knowing God created me as Itself.”

    Expect Good today, Child of God. It is your heritage.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Joining even just occasionally in close or distant prayer with others who clearly feel and Spiritually See the wondrous Presence of God-Source will change the ways that you humanly act and think and prosper.

    And when you cannot be near any others, there are countless Inspired writings and songs and images to lift your heart and Soul senses to the quiet place of Perception wherein you can directly hear and attend to the Words of God. God is always with you, Love. Love is always ready to Guide you and Comfort you and reassure you.

    Join with the seen and Unseen who work for Peace, and be in that army of Good, Good, Good.

    It is well worth it, and helps soothe all the raging hearts.

    God wins.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let not the night close your eyes without reminding yourself who you are, as a lovely and loving part of the Universal Mind.

    No matter what disciplines or routines you engage in for evening activity, let always the last thoughts and images you choose to fill your consciousness with before sleep, be the Goodness and Glory, and sublime Power, of the Divine Source. The sleeping hours are so especially important for allowing the Source to feed you and sustain you with Its Love, particularly if you have not yet fully learned to “Pray without ceasing” all the day. Let the hours of sleep be learning and giving, not just scattered images of the earthly day. Consecrating them to Goodness will bring Goodness flying around you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a Truth that Love Loves all of Its reflections.

    Every reflection, every individualized glimmer of Light that is one of the images of the Spirit of God, is Loved by God. If you would See as God Sees, timelessly, and past the illusion of human errors, you can make this part of your goal.

    “I shall See as God Sees, I shall Love as God Loves, and God will help me do this.”

    We are not asking you to love human error and sin. But Love the Soul of All, in Its various permutations and individualized reflections. It will help.

    You can, you know. You can.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps you think it does not matter whether you stay quietly attuned to the small, still Voice of Divine Spirit for even simple choices such as choosing which glass to use for your morning water. But, We say to you that such constant practice in being in tune with the frequency of Divine Consciousness, is exactly what will give your hours and your days and your life a smoother progress and greater Joy.

    Consider the choices you have made in the past that led to errors of action or feelings. Consider the feelings that have, and sometimes still do, try to lead you astray. Being in tune with the Divine Urges in your heart will give you the will to stop, consider, and choose wisely, and happily, for every moment of your days and nights.

    Feel the great Peace of being aligned with the One Whole, and let It Guide your every action, every word, every feeling, every hope, every plan. Practice it, practice it, practice it.

    Imagine if all plans matched the Great Plan of Awakening to Loving Soul,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are bits of Light dancing on the Wide Glory of God,

    Like fireflies moving in graceful patterns in the dusk of the great flowered prairie.

    Be grateful to the Good Mind that Holds you, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Choosing to see Harmony is about willingness to see Harmony. Many humans have bought into the thought that speaking about the awfulness of the world, and endlessly discussing it, is realism and is wisdom and is righteous. But does it not take even more courage and righteousness to discuss Harmony and seek to see It and enact It?

    Be honest with yourself. Are you outraged by worldly injustice because it makes for a feeling of self-importance and justification or your own human views? Do you have the courageous humility to be a seeker of peace, and an example of peace and love? Do you have the wisdom to be a giver of forgiveness, sharing the Spirit of Love as It wells up within your heart?

    Truly, with a world made up of the projections of the feelings and thoughts of so many, the more that think and project tender Harmony, the better.

    Here’s to more Harmony being revealed, in your own heart and home and mind, and everywhere!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Womb of God’s Mind is the Womb you are in forever, ever-growing in Love.

    Be not afraid that your fetal dream of a contentious world leaves you alone and unsupported. Your umbilical corn to God Soul is intact. You are floating in the Spirit of Life.

    Close your eyes and feel it. Close your eyes and continue to Be Safely Held.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As every parent knows, sometimes a child will make up a game in private playtime, and make up rules as he or she goes along. The rules may make no sense to the parents” reality, but seem to make sense to the child, and his playmates, while he is in the game. The sand cakes made in the sandbox play may look delicious, but they do not provide true sustenance.

    The wise parent stays aside, and lets the child play. But when at last the child realizes that he is truly hungry, or that his rules have grown so complex that they make him dizzy and tired, or that the stick he declared to be a magic wand does not really make the dry leaves into a warm blanket, then he turns back to the parent. Then, he invites the parent into his little made-up world, or willingly goes back to the world of the parent.

    Just so, with your free will and your human mind’s rules and your made up “world” of perception, Beloved Child. Surrender the reign of your own will, and invite in the Will of your Divine Parents. It is the key to all mature spiritual understanding. It is the feeding at a table where the fare truly satisfies.

    But it is your free will choice. How long will playtime last?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This is a day about truly knowing the Oneness of Being. You are not living a life now that is cut off from the Divine real you. You are able to access your Divine Self, part of the Loving Source, right now, right here. As It directs and Loves and cleanses your thoughts of your Self from within, the outer illusions fall away and more and more of the Beautiful Truth of Creation is revealed to your senses.

    Heaven is not what you see after physical death, it is what you can know, and begin to see more and more of, right now. Life is Spirit and Life is Harmony. Fill your thoughts with that, and flood yourself with Love.

    Slot a Loving thought into your mind any moment you get sad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Stop looking at, or trying to argue with, the cartoon, My Love.

    Just think about Me.

    Yes, this seems un-sensible. But it is only un-sensible to the material senses.

    Close your material eyes, and let Me lift you with Love, until you can See, and know in your Heart, “The battle was never mine, for God has already fought it, and won. I win, for the Golden Heart has already won, and taken me into It.”

    It is already done, Sweet Love, and each will remember that in his or her own wonderful time in the loops of time-illusion that make up the world. You need do nothing but think only of Me.

    Think only of Me.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Everyone can hear the Divine Voice of God whispering within. It is not only for special people. When you are ready to clearly hear, God will find ways for the still, small Voice to become a part of your Life, for truly It already is. You are a part of the very Life of God, and the wisdom and Spirit and Soul and Love that are that Life are built right into you, as such a lovely expression of the One Great Being that is All in All.

    Relax into It. Be glad of your kinship with God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Kindness in leaving a situation in the Mighty Hands of God, when you simply do not humanly know what to do. If there are active measures to be taken, or a new face or place to bring into play, God can arrange that. And, God can give you the inner impulse to do anything else that you can still individually do.

    Hand it into the Hands of God, and step back, in Love, and with Love, and trust, trust, trust in the Wonderful Will of God.

    When you step back, and peace descends upon you, you will know it is right to do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Listen to your personal Angels, for they are the Thoughts of God, inserted into your earthly awareness, that your Consciousness may awaken as fast as it can, and remember that you are worthy, you are Beloved, you are beautiful, you are whole and perfect. You are Love.

    You CAN remember this now, even while you still wear the thought of a body.

    We See the Real You now, and so can you. And you can help others know this.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    God may not know what each sleeping Ray of Itself dreams, but the instrument that was set in each ones Heart to listen does. Let your ear become Holy, that it may hear the reply to each thought that you think, and manifest. The reply will always be, “You are an extension of My Loving Self. Just Love, as the very basis and fabric of your Being, and you will doing what you are supposed to do.”

    Thus is the Light born again in each moment, on every day. Just shine, Unconditionally.

    Hark, for we sing this every day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The human heart that tries to tell you all is bitter, or disappointment, or, if joyous, too brief to bother with, is no match for the Endless Joy that is your Full Body. Human sorrow simply does not have the capacity to overcome Calm Divine Infinite Desire to Expand Its Joy into every sleeping heart that has forgotten It. Divine Joy has placed Its Helpers and Angels and Sentinels in every heart and next to every human thought, standing ready to Help, Help, Help, and Love, Love, Love.

    They do not want to trespass on your choices and your sense of individuality as part of Oneness, so They wait for you to turn to Them. Turn around, Look within. Look to the Light, O’ dear dear Beloved Children of the One. It is right beside you. It is right in the center of your consciousness, waiting to re-anoint you with your own marvelous Identity as Good and Perfect and entitled part of the Whole.

    Playfully, gratefully, choose Calm Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel humbled by how little effect your own efforts seem to have, to help alleviate the suffering of another, or yourself, or to sort out the confusion or overwhelming complexity of a situation, then count your sense of humbleness as a victory, for in that humbleness is the seed of your complete surrender to and release to, and recognition of, the Greater Force that Governs all.

    Your abilities and talents are, and will be, still good to use as that Divine Force directs, but to recognize that you need that Oversight will mean that your own talents are used for their Highest and Best Purpose. Be humble, be willing. Hold yourself open in every moment to accept the Help that Governs, that Guides, that Protects, that Nourishes, that Cherishes, and Enjoys, and Loves you.

    Lighting you with our Delight of you,


  • Ah, Child,

    It is crucial to believe that you are completely Loved by the Source.

    Until you believe that, and feel that in the very soul of you, you cannot help any others. Let not any feelings of unworthiness or error block the flow of God’s Love through you. Remember that the Source’s Love is unconditional, and that although It will guide you to become more honorable and kind and giving, It will not withhold Its Love if you are not perfect.

    Welcome the flow of that Unconditional Love through you. Welcome It, and believe It, and let It fill you, and then you can pass It on, pass It on, pass It on, for you will have become a reservoir of that Infinite Delight.

    There is no greater delight than knowing you are completely Loved. Look not to other people for that Love, but to the One Source. The error that so many make, of looking to their earthly parents or family or lovers or friends, instead of to the Divine Source, will only delay your Joy. Look to the Divine, be filled with True Love, and then Spirit within you can be a distributor of It, on earth.

    Believe you are Loved, and then let It flow, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are times when the function that Spirit would have you perform, as a communicator within the dream, makes absolutely no sense to you, by human logic or even visceral understanding. But when you have come to trust the Voice, then trust you must, at all times. Trust, Beloved, trust. We ASSURE you that some of the small acts of empathy, or gestures of friendliness, or letting another car go ahead of you, or one or a few words spoken, that Spirit has asked you to do, have changed destinies for the better, in terms of swiftness, and heartache avoided.

    Trust, and continue to let yourself be a willing distributor of Grace. It IS the highest and best purpose for remaining in the dream of earth.

    Endlessly in Love, and Loving,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When someone with a broken human heart approaches you for comfort, let the Love that never fails flow through you to that one’s heart.

    Silently, consistently, like unto like, Love is Itself always.

    “I am made of Love. Soul-Spirit alone is what I am, Loving and always Lovable. No human temporal emotion can fool me into thinking I am anything less. Love will always and has always Loved me, and that is True, and enough, right now. I am Complete in Love.”

    Turn to that Spirit of Love, Spirit that you are, for inspiration and sustenance and purpose and desires, yes, but above all turn to it for Unbroken Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you would, as a mature driver, drive right through a mirage of water on the road, and smoothly proceed to your destination, also move through the mirages of the world to go where God asks you to go.

    Trust that the Good guidance you receive from the Loving Inner Voice will put you where and when you are needed to help bring blessings to all the beings that make up the Whole of God’s Child, God’s creation of Its own image.

    Listen to that Good guidance constantly, and trust It. Trust only It.

    Thus, you are trusting the Higher Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This day We give unto you extra Peace, so that you can make peace with all that God asks you to be and to do.

    God asks you to experience the full Peace you are given as reflection of Love. Accept that, and feel the Complete Peace of the Whole that shines you forth.

    “God is completely Whole, therefore I am Whole, because only God is really in control.”

    To peacefully know that constantly, that is your task.

    And you are able to do it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As an adult, you do not usually feel confusion when you look into a mirror. You do not think there are suddenly two of you.

    No more does God think there is a separate God looking back at Him/Her from the marvelous mirror It built. You, and all your other fellow beings, as Spirit, are what are looking back at God—God’s eyes looking at Its own eyes, and Loving what It sees, and Knowing It and Its reflection are One.

    It is not the human-self-imagined material reality that God Sees. It is the purity of Spirit. God Sees The perfection of unending Life Force holding bits of Light together.

    Ask to See as God Sees. Ask to Know as God Knows. Strive to surrender your human sight and judgment today, and, with each thing of wonder, and person of perfection, ask God to tell you what It sees when It looks upon that part of the reflection.

    Peer past the dust, Beloved. Like an antiques appraiser that is not fooled by an inch of dust when he spies a valuable desk in a pie of “junk”, look past the dust and become an expert at Seeing the reflections of God all around you.

    To use another metaphor—we know that sometimes you do not recognize your self in a mirror, if you have had a bit too much wine, or a lack of sleep, or have a new hair style. But then you shake off the fogginess of evaluation, and recognize yourself again. Shake off the fog of mortal sight, and of evaluating persons and things around you by their costumes. Practice Seeing with the eyes of God, and Seeing the delightful Goodness that you can look for and identify as part of God’s reflection.

    It CAN become a very fun game for you, Beloved, and create more joy for all,

    You WILL See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Good Mind minds you.

    Like a child who respects and adores his or her loving parent, if you respect and adore the Good Mind that minds you, that Thought of you and is Holding you, all proceeds smoothly in the story of your life.

    And, Beloved, focus, today, on trusting that the Good Mind minds the core being of everyone you know and see. That is Its job, not yours. You are meant to be a delighted witness of the Goodness, and Excellence and Glory of Goodness in action. Seek It. Look for It, so that you can appreciate It.

    Simply Appreciate, today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you do not feel confident that you can hear and feel the Word and Support of God, either turn to someone who feels In Tune, and let them help uplift you to your rightful Divine Connection, or turn to old favorite Spiritual Truths, and repeat them until you feel calm.

    God always hears you, and Spirit that joins you in your earth dream, always ready to awaken you to Light, is already with you. Divine Calm will join your human calm, and infuse it with Powerful Love.

    Set aside the endless chatter of woes, and turn to these endless Wells of Goodness that help solve, and comfort, and release, and assure the return of thoughts to the Heavenly Consciousness of “All is Well, All is Well, All is Well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy available as the very fabric of Creation, if you but close your eyes and realize that It is what constitutes you, surrounds you, supports you, continues you forever.

    Close your eyes, Beloved, and feel the Love that pulses through your awareness as the very Life that you are now, and will always be. There is no way to experience this except to really STOP all else, and allow the fullness of Spiritual Reality to overcome your simple human senses, and embrace you in the curvature of Its Space of Consciousness, of Soul.

    The words here may make no logical sense to you, but just absorb them and let them float your awareness like the ocean floats your body if you relax upon it. Close your eyes. Float your awareness on the very Allness of Spiritual Reality, and It will raise your Consciousness into Love as Life.

    So wanting you to feel Our Touch,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The maintenance of all that is the unseen is automatic. It is only when you limit your belief to what the five senses are telling you that you are limiting the healing (the revealing of wholeness) of your home, hearth love, and health. The inner Truth will then translate into what the five senses testify as well.

    Oh, do be willing, Beloved, to close the eyes and see with the whispers of the heart and the Divine Inner Voice within, and trust that your well being and happiness ARE desired, and are available to you as your let your thought be changed to Divine Thought of the you that is beautifully made, unchanged in the timeless arena of God, and GOOD.

    AS EVER,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that each time you forgive someone for something, you are forgiving yourself for the same problem. It IS that simple.

    And, as you forgive that person, he or she is healed, and you are healed, and both of your Best Selves, with all their marvelous potential, are revealed.

    Ask yourself, when the imp of something unworthy behavior has reared its head over someone you are interacting with, “What unGodly behavior am I forgiving in myself by forgiving it in this person?”

    Then forgive, and forget, and be free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mercy and Goodness will seek YOU all the days of your earthly life, offering tender love and innocence and truth.

    Many think that they are the seekers of enlightenment. But we assure you, we assure them, you all are already part of the Light, and Its mercy is seeking you. Stop, be still, look within, and let It find you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, what you are meditating for is a state of mind of peace, trust, joy and harmony. What you are praying for, for others, is a state of mind of peace, trust, joy and harmony.

    Let all the rest follow from there…

    It Is the Substance from which all else is born,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God has not forgotten you. You have not been dropped into a costume carnival and left alone.

    The Mighty Spirit of God is on your spirit like a second skin, and no smoky wisp or paint you put on your earth story costume can penetrate the armor of God Truth that is on you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Holy Spirit is the tutor that God sent into your dream to gently and lovingly correct the errors of the dream, and remind you that you have been truly in the Mind of God all along, perfect and whole.

    Spirit is your wise heart. Listen to It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There will never be a time when you do not have the availability of the Calm Gladness of God. Remember that It is timeless and unchanging, although containing all Joyous Thoughts and Ideas. When you humanly “think” that you are stuck in time, or all the things and circumstances that time seems to contain, try to pause and remember that you exist within the sweet timelessness of the One Source of Universal Mind.

    Then, do that sacred pause, and set aside your own thoughts and perceptions and judgments, and ask the Source, “What do You Think of this? What do you See here?” Ask as though you are consulting the best specialist for your particular situation, for you are doing exactly that. Beloved, in Its loving kindness and mercy, the Specialist placed Its Voice and Love in the very Heart of your thoughts, so that you could consult with It, anytime, anywhere, while you dream your earthly life, and beyond. Consult. Take the sacred pause of time, and consult, and feel calmer and succeed in feeling new Thoughts enter your own.

    That is when the surety of safety and Goodness comes. Let the timeless Thoughts enter your own.

    As ever, with you, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We who know the You that is as it ever was, whole and wonderful, the same part of the Everlasting Spirit that the Divine conceived of, still tenderly See that You.

    Sheer Love burns away your own perceptions of the temporal you, with its wisps of thought about frailty and lack or inability. We say to you yet again that you do not need to undergo mortal death to begin to See bits of “Heaven” right within the daily dream. Ask for Help in Seeing aright, and look, look, look for Good. Look, and you will See more and more of It.

    Humanity often characterizes itself as representing the “prodigal son” from the parable in the scriptures, wandering the wildness of the material carnival, but We tell you that you are already the “older Son”, the Son who stayed with the Parent all along, right within the Heaven of Your heart, in the Perfect state of Heaven in Mind. That perfect You, heir to all that the Father/Mother has, and in possession of it right now, is what you are as Spirit, as Energy, as Truth. Forgive the younger son, the dreaming son, as the Father bid in the parable, and celebrate his (your) return to Wholeness.

    Read this and let it sink into your deep Consciousness. Understanding each word or the mental logic of it is not what is needed so much as gently opening your belief in heart, and asking yourself the rhetorical question, “What if I am already really the Perfect Whole idea-Spirit of the Divine?—the Perfect Child of God?”

    “What if I am already filled with all the Goodness I need to shine with?”

    Then Praise be, praise be, praise be, dear Love.


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Love is never broken, or in need of updates. Divine Love IS God, God IS Love. God, being timeless, is always one step ahead of you, knowing what you need, understanding what new layers of awareness your Consciousness is ready for. Gently, constantly, tenderly, It gives to you as much as you are willing to accept in your full alignment.

    Stay willing, Beloved. Stay willing, and spend quiet time each day knowing “I am Love. I am a totally Spiritual Being, joyous and complete here in God that is Love, always tending and expressing me, Its wondrous idea.”

    Love is never broken. A Spiritual idea cannot break.

    You are Loved. You are Love.


  • Ah, Sweet Beloved,

    Never think that We do not sympathize with how very real the earth experience dream seems to you, when it seems like a struggle, or it seems like constant temptations. But our task is to empower You, to help you remember and realize that in each moment you can hear and listen to and obey Your own God-given Guidance, and use It to make Your way through an appreciative and happy dream.

    God wants Your Gladness. God wants Your Gladness. Believing that is key to wanting to take time to listen to the quiet Inner Guidance that is constantly flowing to You.

    Practice that today. “ God wants My Gladness. God wants Our Gladness.”

    You will be Glad You did.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking God to help you let the Divine Plan unfold in your life does not mean you do not know what to do when you are not hearing specific instructions from Loving Spirit.

    If you are not hearing definitive whispers about the day or the hour or the week, you have your “standing orders” to be kind, be forgiving, be loving, be patient and generous, be encouraging, and to honor the Truth of Spirit in your actions and your speech and thought.

    You already know to allow yourself to be as Loving Spirit, the mirror image of loving Spirit Itself. You can do this easily, for it is what you really are. Relax into that identity, that role.

    Holding you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continue to look for Good in all the people around you, but also fervently look for the Good in yourself.

    Never let a day go by without declaring your own Truths of Soul—”I am kind. I am compassionate. I step forward to help others. I am creative. I uplift others with good words and gestures. I use my talents to the fullest.” And so forth. Even if you feel you are having a day wherein exhibiting your God-given Goodness is difficult, declare the Truths of your Spiritual Self. Declaring helps shift your thoughts, and shifting your thoughts changes your life, with the power of Divine Life behind them.

    Make it so, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Follow the trails of your heart back to your roots of love, and you will find Me there. I am always with you, for you are a part of Me, you are within Me.

    Trying to deny that, and living for a separate self that is in contest with other selves, other beings and things, is as laughable as it would be if the cells of your arm bones were saying they are not a part of you.

    Think about this, Beloved. Though you dream that you are separate from Me, I constantly offer you My awareness, My support, and My Love. I will not force you to take of it, but it is constantly offered, as a mother would offer a glass of cool water to her thirsty child.

    Offering always, and delighted to see your thirst quenched,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “As Above, so below, enable us to see with Your Love, dear God.”

    To ask to See as Good God Sees, dear child, is not to ask a faraway God to come to a tiny suffering earth, it is to ask to have your consciousness, and the consciousness of all, to be awakened, here and now, to the Reality of Divinity.

    “As Above, so below, embrace them, and me, in Your Great and Omnipotent Love, dear, dear God. Show us all the way to be Whole and Loved and Loving, all as one in You, right now. Grace us to feel Your Embrace, dear God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always a way to help others. By shifting away from mortal help into the Help that is dispatched with your prayers, you are enacting a series of thoughts and words and circumstances that opens to the Infinite solutions of God.

    In your prayers, you may also be instructed to do or say a certain thing within the earthly realm, but never doubt for a moment that simply and silently asking Love to send Love is doing something.

    It is doing something, for Love is All.

    You are all darling to Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “One Mind governs ______________ and _____________ and me, and knows how to govern us all in Harmony. I will let go and let One Mind guide me and them, in what to do and say and see.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    To take Joy in Life is to take Joy in letting the Divine Talents flow through you; shine through you. Give credit where credit is due, and recognize the One Source as the Source of ALL Good things and qualities and talents.

    To take Joy in Life, recognize that none of these talents you seem to have are of a personal nature. Recognize that they are the Talents of the Divine, ready to flow through you, and give you Joy, as they pass their way through the transparency that is you, to be shared among all.

    Thus is Joy shared among all.

    And, Beloved, thus it is not a personal failing of any sort when there are times of quiet. God’s timing is always perfect and good. Let the Joy of Inspiration flow in Its own time, just staying open, always, to being Its expression.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Please understand that the reason “healings” (which are just the un-veiling of the Goodness of the Divine that already exists) can happen instantaneously, is because time simply does not exist in the Divine Realm that is truly the only reality. All the moments that you think of as beginning and middle and end, in human experience of time, are really just one instant, one glimmer in the Vast Beyond, wherein an idea was born, and right away was welcomed into the Mind that had it.

    There is no time and space that God/Goddess/Provider of Perfection must cross to get to you and hold you and Love you. You already exist as part of that perfect idea in the God/Goddess Mind, and that idea is already desired and cherished and sustained. You are already the substance of smooth movement of the Divine. You are already an element in the order of wonderful Beauty. You are already an aspect of Life and Spirit expressed.

    What you are already, you do not need to “become sometime”. You are already the sweet substance of the Amazing Beyond—and the only thing that It is beyond is any tiny belief that you might have that It would not want you. You are wanted. You are already Loved. You are already complete and a perfect spirit within Spirit. Stop thinking of yourself as a body with the limits of physical sense and the ticking of internal and external clocks and start thinking of yourself as an inhabitant of the Spirit that is Divine All.

    Welcome the release from the sense of time. Welcome the new understanding of how truth may be seen. Thinking outside of time may be confusing at first, but when you have seen the evidence of first and last being the same, you will laugh with joy and release.

    We clasp and release you constantly,

    You are never out of our care,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are fretting about your feelings about yourself, or your relationship with anyone, or your circumstance, turn away from thoughts of them, and turn to your relationship with God. Focus on that Love of God and Its Love making you anew in each Pure moment, and that is the beginning of Harmony in the outer sight and experience.

    To the body senses, this may sound ridiculous, but we assure you there is Infinite value in turning to God, turning to Good Consciousness, turning to God.

    Timeless God still offers the Spirit that heals, and always will.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when you are not taking great Joy in yourself, or in another, or all others, God is taking Joy in you. God knows the Great Spirit of you, and is taking Joy in contemplating It and Holding It.

    Start with yourself. “God is taking great Joy in me.”

    Do something nice for yourself, and do something nice for another, and keep your feelings focused on “God is taking great Joy in me.”

    New projects are ahead, and now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, as you choose to believe that you are a perfect reflection, Spirit speaking to Itself in the realms of Spirit, you will begin to see that perfect reflection mirrored here on earth. What your human senses see is only the mirror. Look to the Spiritual Realm to see the true image, and then pay attention to blowing the dust off the mirror and aiming it to catch all of the perfect reflection that is You.

    You WILL need Divine Help to do so. Call for the Divine Helpers, or call for Divine Voice in your own heart or that of another, like a surveyor would call to another as he tried to position a mirror on a mountain top. Adjust, adjust, adjust the mirror constantly, Beloveds, and as the alignment becomes more perfect, the you that the Goddess/God sees in Spirit will be revealed.

    Your fellow surveyors are all around you. Seek them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be quiet, quiet, quiet today.

    Listen carefully for God’s Words and prompts, and only do what They say.

    This quiet will rest your Soul.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God, and what God IS, as Spirit of Life, as Love and Light, is the Truth, and the Truth is God. What your body senses perceive is but a dusty mist trying to obscure the Truth of God, and the Truth of you as a dancing Spirit of Life that reflects God.

    God is Truth, and Truth is God and God’s reflection, which is you. When the grime and mist of the mirror of existence are cleared, the mirror of delight that God created will show all whole and beautiful.

    These words may seem like gobbeldy gook to you, but if you simply think, over the course of the day, “God is Truth, and Truth is God, and I am God’s reflection”, you will be welcoming into your discernment a brightening of Spirit, and a deepening of Divine understanding.

    Work with yourself on this, for it is the work of awakening.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Talk to us. Talk to us not because God/We do not already know your thoughts and your desires, but because in talking to Us you give permission to the Divine Will to give to you Its Governance, and because in talking to us you are giving yourself the gift of focusing some time on God and God’s Help, which is always there for the asking.

    Know that no matter what you think you are asking for, the reality is that you are asking for happiness and peace of mind. Ask for those to begin with, and you can skip the step of wondering what to ask for to achieve them.

    Trust God to know what would REALLY give you Divine happiness and peace, and talk to us. Talk to Us.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid of fear in others. You know how to treat it. It is a cry for Help, and you can instantly start Knowing, in your mind/Mind that “I am Love, and I can trust in that”, and silently stand in that Truth while the other person complains or expresses his or her fears. Emanate Calm Divine Love, and let the next step come to your heart.

    When you look around you at the world of earthly experience, you might be tempted to think that selfishness or greed or other sins are the most prevalent disease, but at the root of them all is fear of death, fear for the body-self. Treat it with Love. Dispel it with your sure Knowledge that death is superseded by Life, and always has been and always will be, in the dancing realm of Spiritual Reality.

    All is as It ever was in Joyous Creation,

    Walk there and talk with God, and See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no enmity between yourself and anyone. You cannot control the other person’s willingness to forgive or forget, but you can quickly forgive and forget, for your part, and you can open your heart fully to love and the Governing Force, and ask that That Force work in the heart of the other person.

    More good works, and progress in the freedom of the soul, are stopped by a delay in forgiving, or a refusal to forgive, than any other human mental or emotional “gate” that you can erect against your own happiness and peace of mind.

    Take down those gates, Beloved, and be free. And, do not forget about forgiving yourself. That is also a very, very important gate to leave open.

    Always seeing all of you as innocent and blameless, like a mother who lovingly sees her child under the day’s layer of mud,


  • Ah Beloved,

    God governs all, for God is all. Today, just step back from trying to MAKE things happen, and just relax into the thought that God wants Good for you, and observe, and enjoy.

    Leave all judgment and planning up to God, and enjoy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If there is any hesitation on your part when you are asked to help pray for someone to heal, it likely comes from your misunderstanding of what kind of love heals.

    Divine Love heals. Divine Love is Itself Wholeness.

    Your personal human love for, or lack of love for, someone does not matter if you know that you are a spiritual offshoot of Great Spirit, and so is the other person, and both are fully Beloved of Spirit. You are both made and maintained by Love Itself.

    Love Itself Loves you, and Love Itself Loves the other, perfectly, and well, and knowing that calls upon your Divinely inherited right to discern the Truth of Wholeness.

    “God Loves us. God is our health. God is our strength. God is the Truth that dispels the illusions about ourselves. God is our wholeness and goodness.” Start with the Truth of the one Whole God that is All, and not by gazing upon the appearance of individual errors.

    It is God’s Love that heals. It is God’s Truth that corrects errors. It is your privilege to call them forth and correct your own perceptions, so that you can See as God Sees now. It is thoughts and perceptions you are healing, and not separate living objects. God is already Whole. And so are you. And so are all, and all Beloved of Love.

    Love would Love to help you Love yourself and others completely.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the small mechanical problems of daily life are easily fixed, be so grateful you have the means and/or the knowledge to fix them. Be so grateful to honor the Source from which all means and knowledge come.

    Let not the annoyance of the inconveniences of daily human life fill your moments. Be glad and rejoice as they are solved, or as they give you a welcome respite from mindless routine, and let the situations remind you to be grateful, be grateful, be grateful.

    So many incidents can help you see the True priorities of living, and to turn the thought back to honoring the God Source, and keep the heart sending forth gratitude and Love.

    Be grateful, be glad, Be Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know Who you are. You are the Darling offspring of the Loving Source, and created to Love and Be Loved.

    You are NOT a frail mass of muscle and water and bone, meant to be always afraid and desperate. Do not think of your self as the body-self that is defined by a timeline, but as a timeless, delightful, strong and perfect reflection of the Idea that dances Joyously in the Divine Mind.

    Fear is the opposite of Love, and is only a dream of darkness. If you are feeling fear, it is a sure symptom of having forgotten Who you really are. Then close your eyes and remember, “I am the Wondrous Child of the Loving God, Who wants only Good for me, and is only Good.”

    For that is the Truth, and Truth will lead you gently the Good way in every moment,