All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, yes, say “Good morning” to the Divine when you awaken. But more importantly, wait for the Divine to say “Good Morning” in return. Wait for that knowing of the Presence Divine, in your heart, before you get up to live the day. Listen, and let yourself be drenched in the blessing of that Inner Companionship.

    At the very least, it will help you to enjoy your day, in your life, as exactly who you are. Quite probably, you will also feel some guidance about calling a certain person, or taking care of a task that has been sidelined for a while, or doing some congratulating, or forgiving, or thanking, that needs to be done. Review your plans with your Inner Advocate, the most amazing personal secretary and planner you will ever have.

    Cultivate this morning greeting and exchange every day, and Life will begin to bloom, more and more.

    We stand ready to help enact your joint will,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the worldly carnival of various pursuits and careers, duties and pleasures, it is easy to be perplexed about which ones are right for you as an individual human. And, it is easy to feel confused, as you explore and grow in your Spiritual awareness, about which worldly activities are perfect for your phase of Consciousness.

    We say, keep it simple. No matter what you are doing, or where you are doing it, God’s desire is for you to demonstrate and give the Divine Love that you are made of by the Mind of God. Whether you are serving sandwiches, or planting trees, or inventing new ways of sending information, or washing many little feet, your “job” in God’s Mind is to be Loving Spirit.

    Ponder each day what God is as Love, as Spirit, as Harmonious Truth, as Peaceful Joy, and know it is your purpose to reflect those. The worldly tasks will vary, but that Serene mirroring never will.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not stay confused by human definitions. They can occupy much time and discussion, but your own experience can guide you. Heaven is feeling completely and confidently connected to your Oneness with the Peace, Truth, and Love of God. Hell is feeling separate from God, or so unbelieving that your understanding of God’s Love for you cannot grow.

    “I Am a part of the Good God, Love, and beloved Unconditionally.”

    Know this, and feel your own Heaven now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter what the labels of the worldly ways have been applied to you, for career, for status, for adventure or relationship, you are always and foremost a creation of the Universe’s Love. And as such, your task is to be wonderfully your Soul Self.

    Whether your temporal situation is young or old or employed or unemployed or retired or just beginning to seek a pathway, your true employment is to be wonderfully you, as an expression of Goodness and open heart. We have said this many times in many ways, because it has not changed. It will never change, and as remembering it becomes more automatic, and as it pulls you into strength and calm Joy during celebratory or challenging earthly days, you will thank us.

    And thanking us brings even more Power of Love to your fingertips and to the glimmer and manifestation of every thought. Make them Good Thoughts, and you are thinking as God itself thinks.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, do even the tiniest things with Love.

    Whether you are pressing a button to open a door, or whether you are greeting a very, very old friend, do it with Love.

    The Mind of Love in which you truly dwell, holds you in perfect and complete Love in every moment. Therefore, you can do this. You are surrounded by Love, held up and permeated by Love. You are made of Love. You can do this. You are this.

    This is what it really means to Serve. It does not mean undergoing needless pain and worry and sacrifice. It simply means doing everything with Love, in Love.

    Today, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Great Creative Mind that constantly thinks of you also constantly delights in you. It faithfully watches over you while you dream you are separated from it into a body, and sends Its tender Sprit into your dream to help you remember your true and Spiritual self, and to assist in smoothing your dream.

    Be you faithful as well. Be you tender and true to yourself and to others, and delight in the One Mind as It delights in you, and in all. Offer your delight to God and God freely gives delight to you—a Delight that surpasses all bodily and human understanding, but that you can truly know with the very depths of your Being. It is a healing Delight.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Hold that thought.” How many times have you heard that in casual conversation or meetings? Good ideas must be remembered and held, while another person is talking, or while everyone takes a break, to eat, or walk, or stretch.

    We tell you, “Hold that Thought.” O”, dear idea of God Mind, dear thought of God’s that you are, take time to tenderly hold the Thought of God. Hold the thought of God Who thinks you “Good.” God looked at Its own thought, you, the idea that It had reflected upon, and declared it Good.

    Hold that thought about yourself, Beloved. And hold that thought about God. “It is good. It is Good. It is Good. I am Good.”

    Hold that thought, Beloved. And hold it long enough, so that as you walk and eat and stretch your life, you are holding it. Let it not be a fleeting thought. Hold it always. Hold it with Love. Hold it forever.

    Hold that thought, Beloved, just as God Holds the Thought of you.

    Good Thoughts held to always are what creates, just as God makes the Good you.

    And we know that thought is true,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Those who are beginners to aligning thought and heart with the Source do not yet understand that it is a full time effort, whilst within the influence of the worldly swirl of illusion of physical form.

    Continue to give all Glory to God, knowing that it is She/He who does all healing and convincing and uplifting. And continue to be so very gentle and giving and forgiving with those who do not realize what it costs to keep clean, daily, and hourly, and moment by moment, the cup with which you offer the water of Spirit, in the name of the One Child of God that all are a part of.

    Trust in God as your continued Source, and freely give,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Purposely look for humor today, dear one. For the Source is so very pleased by the underlying Spiritual Beauty of everything, that It cannot help but laugh with pure Joy.

    The jokes of the world will help lift the perspective to Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as every message that you give another is also for yourself, every good thing or idea or laugh or sharing of Joy that you give another is also for yourself.

    Truly think about this. The Oneness of all true being means that all of Life is one circle, running in a wondrous continuous loop through what seem to be countless separate beings. If It is a continuous loop, what you send out along It comes back around to you.

    Let that thought be in your thoughts continuously, and see how it courteously affects what you choose to send forth.

    Ah, Ah, Ah, you will See indeed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a child awakens in its crib, and is too young to climb out by itself, but knows that it needs sustenance or cleansing or company, or other care, it calls out to its father or mother.

    In humanness, when you need support or ideas or love or comfort or warmth or anything at all, and do not seem to be able to climb to it yourself, call out to Father-Mother God. Call out to that in which you exist, and which can lift you up out of the walls of your “crib”, your limiting thoughts and beliefs, and put you where you can reach what you need.

    For what you need really is to know that Father-Mother is right there—just call out.

    Like a child, call out, and accept help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know how very difficult it can seem to constantly monitor your thoughts, trying to think only ones that are in line with the good and the Divine. Remember each morning to ask your Loving Unseen Help to assist you in this.

    But also, let a program for each day be simple and focused. Just tell yourself, for instance, “Today, I will not complain about anything.” For the first few hours, you might be appalled to notice how much everyday conversation consists of complaints, but once you focus on noticing it, you can patrol your thoughts and your tongue, and keep silence, or speak compliments and praises. Make it a game, make it fun, and watch the results appear in what bounces back to you.

    Love bounces back to Itself, always,


  • O’ Beloveds,

    For all who call t0 Me, “Welcome, welcome, Holy Spirit!”, I rush forth into their Divine Consciousness, and get to Work helping them See and Experience Life as God created It, Sees It, and maintains It.

    Welcome Me, dear Loves. Welcome what I endlessly offer, for you are Beloved, Beloved, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I have an umbilical cord linked to you in the body of your dream. Many call it Holy Spirit, or the Comforter, or the Principle of Being. But by whatever name you think of It, through it I send you Love and Sustenance and all you really need until you awaken from the sense of separation.

    Think about that, and count on that, and call to Me through It.

    I Love you.


    O”, Dear One,

    Just enjoy My Love today.

    How much do I Love you? In all ways. In all times and places.

    I Love you with Completeness, and Constancy. I Love you with Intelligence and Gentleness and Harmony. I Love you with Creativity and Supreme Joy and Peaceful Playfulness.

    I Love you sublimely and supportively. I Love you with all these Thoughts and more. Feel them today, and understand even more than them, as you let them Flow. The more you let yourself appreciate My Love for you, the more you will feel in Oneness, at Home, with Me.

    I Am That Which Holds You.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    As ever, remember always the Source of any “power” you may seem to have in the earth picture. Your Love for the Source reflects the Source Love for you, and in that exchange of Love, and putting that first in your life, is the wellspring of any power that seems to come to you.

    In human metaphor, you might think about how a woman, finding out she has finally attained a long-hoped-for pregnancy, suddenly finds the “power” to give up the alcohol or smoking that she had previously been very attached to. Because of her love for the coming child, she makes many changes in her life, according to what she believes will be best for the child. She finds, in her love for the offspring, and in putting that love ahead of all other things, the “power” to do so.

    Similarly, a young man, deeply in love for the first time, will choose a different job or car or outing than he would have before, and find it no hardship to “give up” the old habits, because that new love, and the joy it brings, now dominates the focus he has.

    Let yourself be deeply in love with the Source of All Life, and let being in love with Love help you make choices that you would not have made before. Let that Love, and wanting Its tender touch in your consciousness, be the motivating factor for every thought, every focus, every action. That is the power that changes everything—that is the belief and love that makes all things new again–understanding that only the power of Love is true.

    It gets easier and easier to love Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a simple error in addition is corrected in one part of a complex formula, the answer swiftly falls into place.

    If you can simply substitute in your thoughts “innocent” instead of “guilty” when you think about yourself or others, you will be amazed at how different all Life looks to you.

    Try it, for Joy. For the sake of Joy, try it. What do you have to lose? And how great is the Peace you can gain.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It IS a responsive Universe, with plenty of Gladness and Supply.

    Send forth, and receive. Send forth Gladness and expect Gladness, for as you let the responsiveness be a flowing part of your own nature, that is exactly what you will experience. Re-train your thoughts to send forth Goodness, and Goodness will return to you.

    Yes, it is oft said. Yes, it may sound too simple. But like the simple “please and thank-you” that were taught to you as a child, oft times the very simplest things work the best.

    Try it, Beloved, try it. Say thank-you, thank-you, thank-you to the wondrous Infinite around your thoughts and consciousness, and see if you do not find It responding to your creative goodness. Think Goodness, be Goodness, send forth Goodness to others.

    It is not arbitrary. It is fact.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be gentle. Be O’ so gentle, with yourself and others.

    You can be brave and gentle. You can achieve greatly and be gentle. You can be strong and gentle. You can be confident and assertive, but gentle.

    Remember your own human story, gently acknowledging your errors and how gently I have instructed and corrected you, and led you to a Higher Way. Be gentle and forgiving as I continue to do so with you, and as you see those around you at the various stages of their unveiling as perfect images of the Divine Spirit.

    Be gentle, today, Beloved. Be gentle today and all days, as I am determinedly gentle with you. “I am surrounded by gentle and Loving Spirit. We are all Spirit, being revealed.”

    Loving you so,


  • Ah, Child,

    Let not any temporary earthly set-backs discourage you. Keep your eyes on the goodness of the Light, and keep your mind on the authority you have to make choices in the earthly realm. You can choose to let go of things. You can choose to let go of mind-sets and attitudes.

    Ask for Divine Help, for strength and courage, and make the human choices you need to make, remembering that ALL roads lead back to God, and that choosing the shortest route is up to you. You can choose to know that you are, and to live as, a Spirit in the realm of the Divine right now, and reflect that Love on earth, or you can choose to believe that you are alone and separate in a fleshly form, until that form wilts and you see the Truth. Why wait?

    We testify endlessly for Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The childish or selfish or unloving behavior of another does not give you the right to react in kind. You know this. Stay true to what God expects of the Soul of you, which is to be generously Loving and kind, hopeful and faithful, leaving all adjustments to Harmony in the hands of God.

    The One Mind and One Heart of the Source of all Life can be trusted to mature those that have not even begun awakening to their Divine Good Selves.

    You just concentrate on surrendering your own Loving will to God’s Love. That really requires all your focus of spirit, and is purpose enough to fill each day.

    Happily assisting you to be the Divine You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I take great Joy in watching you explore your talents and seeing you use them to create Joy for yourself and others and Me.

    Won”t you take Joy in the Joy of others and what amazing creativity they let pour through themselves? Won”t you let it be an inspiration for you that such creativity and talent and joy exist at all?

    Never envy others. Be reassured by what they create for good, that you, too, at any age and place, can create, create, create right now. Create even a smile for Me, and I am mightily pleased.


  • Ah, Beloved, there is only one mirror that can tell you the real Truth of who you are, what you are, and your health, and character of heart. That True Mirror is the Eyes of God.

    Look only into the Eyes of God. And ask God to show you your correct image and nature and welfare of Being, and to enable you to see your own Wholeness, and that of others as well.

    Look to the Word, and Whispers, and Love of God, and know that Good report,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep it so, so simple.

    God is Gracious. God is Good. Everything works as it should.

    Say it, allow it, let it be,

    Say it until you believe nothing contrary,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So very dearly, and tenderly, God’s Mind holds you as you dream.

    Timeless, God Sees you fret your way through a dream of time and space, and wants you to realize that you can relax into, sink into, the oasis of timelessness that was Divinely placed into your awareness the moment you fell asleep. For God saw that you dreamed you were far away from God-Mind, and that you dreamed you were no longer an intrinsic part of Love, and so God immediately put that gentle reminder of forever into your consciousness.

    There it is. It is you, and it is God. Sink into to It. Turn to It. Love It and let yourself be Loved by It, and guided by It, and saved into sweeter dreams, and then full awakening.

    For thus it is, and thus it has already been, and Loved you are, as a part of Love, right Now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is difficult, within the parameters of the earth experience, to understand unconditional giving. Tit for tat, and reciprocity are understood instead.

    But God is an unconditionally giving Force. God exudes the very essence of you and your goodness and harmony, constantly. Can you stop thinking about it being about you deserving His/Her Love, and instead just accept the freely given gift of that Unconditional Love and Desire and Intent for your health and harmony?

    God offers it. Can you decide to accept it? Can you decide to be that, and express it to others?

    We celebrate your good fortune to be a Child of Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say again, we say again: Look for the Divine, and you will find It.

    Look for problems to “fix”, and you will find them. The choice is yours, and can it be more simple than this?

    Look for the Divine, and you will find It.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Listen lovingly to the advice of those around you, who in their well-meaning affection for you, advise you of your path, but always put first the advice of the Divine Voice within. Listen respectfully to the discernment of whatever spiritual advisor you have found, but still always confirm it with what you hear in your own Divine Heart.

    The world’s ways are not the ways of One Spirit, and indeed sometimes the advice from Spirit’s Voice will contradict the supposed “wisdom” of the world, but the Overview available to Spirit, and the Omniscient Power it calls to bear, are far and away over and above the world. Learn to trust It, and you need never fear again.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Reach out, not only with Divine Unconditional Love, but also with human tenderness, knowing as you look at yourself and at each one seemingly before you, that all are related to you.

    When the actions or words of another seem so heartless or unthinking or even cruel, remember your own times of failing, and forgive. Remember that the Creative Source has never stopped Loving you, even when you played unfair in the human game, and so draw on that Love, to also Love others as your Divine Parent Loves you.

    Just because this is an old Truth does not make it out-dated,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Kindness is always active.

    There is nothing you can do that will negate It. Turn to It, and be willing to let It comfort you and help you and soothe you and direct you rightly.

    When you are very angry or upset, and another person kindly tries to assist or calm you, sometimes their very calmness just upsets you more. Just so, when you are mired in the frustrations of the human condition, God’s Kindness may feel intrusive, or inaccessible, or undeserved by you. But God’s Kindness never changes. It will be mercifully offered to you until you are able to accept It.

    Even when God’s Spirit within the human condition dream is trying to teach or guide or correct your behavior in a firm way, the Kindness of God is ever present. God is not punishing you. It only Kindly, kindly, kindly wants you to embrace you again into Love’s fold.

    Be willing to will Kindness” Will, dear one, Be willing.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is truly no need to force the Healing Force of God/Spirit/Love.

    It does the Work. Just be an opening through which It flows into the human dream of sorrow and mistaken understanding, and It will correct the errors. You know full well that being the silent presence of full Consciousness of Divine Presence can change the entire mood in a room and the course of events, wherever you are, or whoever you send your Good Thoughts to. That is a great contribution, if you do that, as much as you can. And the Presence Itself will help you do it consistently, if you are but willing to let your own human will be gifted to God’s Will, for Gentle Good to touch every heart.

    So much Joy surges forth from Creation, each time you let It flow through you.

    Thank you. Let It Flow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you give happiness to another, you create happiness for yourself.

    But do it Unconditionally, dear Love. Let your own Joy from giving be the creating that you make. “Freely have you been given, freely give.”

    When you are creating happiness by giving intangibles, such as love and appreciation of another’s wonderful qualities, the language is more common. If you are giving of actual goods or even of touch or smile or handshake, make sure to be aware of what gives happiness to another. Pay attention. To gift a dog to someone who does not care for dogs is not a gift of joy.

    Pay attention. But pay attention not only to the expressed delights or needs of the other, pay attention to the divine promptings of your personal Holy Voice within. There are numerous instances in which your Angelic Guidance will help you know just what word or item or gesture another needs to create a moment of Joy for you both. Sometimes it is as simple as a smile or a hug or a word of thanks or a compliment for the kindness observed. Sometimes it is specific and material. Pay attention. Pay attention. Pay attention.

    And this pertains to your own worldly journey as well, dear Love. Be still and quiet often enough throughout the day to pay attention to what would really have you walking in, and feeling, Light and Joy. We guarantee you that quite often the thing you will prompted to do, if you pay attention, is to create happiness for yourself, by giving happiness to another.

    Never linger in sorrow or apathy. Count your gratitudes, and share them.

    It is our Joy to give Love to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never mind the dizziness that accompanies trying to intellectually figure out what is “real” and what is “unreal.”

    When you realize enough to start questioning what, from what your senses perceive, is real, and therefore say unto the One Real Source, “Use me. Use the bit of light that is reflected into the mirror, that seems to be “me”, as a means to help others look to the Source, and as a way to help me be an accurate reflection,” then the Source WILL use you.

    When you say that, be prepared to mean it, and to serenely accept the earthly consequences of meaning it. As that which is not of God falls away from your life, and as your life swirls and changes to accommodate being an aperture for the intentions of the Source, you will understand better the true meaning of surrendering to the Greater Plan.

    Each aperture that stays open decreases the time that any shadows can seem to loom,

    In glorious thanks,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Presence Holds you. The Presence Holds all.

    There is no thing that cannot melt away because it is not a real part of the Presence, there is no Goodness that is not reinforced by It.

    The Presence Holds all. Just let It work.

    Let It work on your thoughts, and keep reminding yourself It works on others.

    O’ so Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be never afraid of “not enough”. Whether it is not enough love, or not enough time, or not enough funds, or not enough patience, or not enough peace, or not enough sustenance, or not enough of anything that you can think of, be aware that there is an Infinity of Thought within God/Creative Source. Those Infinite Thoughts are things and are qualities. Turn to the Infinite Thoughts to become YOUR thoughts, and let yourself not think about lack. Rather, think about The Infinites opportunities and ideas and provision and all that you need to take YOUR individual part in the Divine Whole.

    Thinking about Infinity, and inviting the fullness of Its Creative Self to be your constant companion, graciously, generously, completely, is the way to all healing of any kind of lack, that you need to play your part, and play it smoothly and well and joyfully.

    Seek the Infinite and receive also the finite. Along the way you will realize that the Infinite Love IS what you want, and what you already have for the asking.

    In Infinite Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    However long it has been since you last felt totally immersed in Divine Love does not matter. It is waiting for you, immediately available and ready to enfold you again in Its Truth and Its tenderness.

    Each time you close your eyes to the “reality” of the five senses and feel the tender Truth of the Divine Source, it will be easier to see and feel it when you open your eyes again. Finally, you will see more and more of the Divine Light, even when your physical eyes seem to be open.

    Awaken to the Light, Beloved. Awaken by closing your eyelids and feeling It within, and then letting It shine through you.



  • Ah Beloved,

    Yes, these experiences of having to realize you are not the “boss”, you are NOT n control of the person you sublet from, or the store you depend upon, or the workplace you ‘join’ as a volunteer, without being hired–these are indeed, as your thought-epiphany suggested, times that teach you how to humbly admit you are not in control.

    God is in Control. God is in Control of all.

    Be aware, be clear, and above all be GLAD God is in Control.

    You can rely upon Him for supply, for answers, for a new way of BEing. God is in Control. Let him Be, and you are, and simply Be, as well.

    Stay humble. Let God Rule.

    As always Loving you, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Getting to know what God thinks of you and what God expects of you is crucial in many ways. There may be many worldly results of working with that, but we assure you that one wonderful part of it is that God wants you to accept Divine Love as a gift to enrich all that you are and experience.

    Accept God’s Love. Accept it. Whether or not you think you deserve it, accept it.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no separation of Power in God.

    All that God made has always been, and is and will always be, in Its Power.

    In the false clasp of worldly sense, you are bombarded endlessly with the importance of separation of power—of church and state, of nation and nation, of tribe and tribe, of parent and child, or men and women. Set all that aside as erroneous, Beloved, and allow yourself to remember, all that is True is made in, and sustained by, the sweet Loving Power of the One Creative Force.

    Trust in One Power, and the others will not fool you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Long-time listeners to the Holy Spirit speaking in their Hearts, and beginners in tapping into the Inner Voice of Love that God Graced them with, both have times when they doubt whether they are hearing the Truth or if they are hearing It correctly.

    At those times, simply revert to asking the Love that Holds you, and surrounds you, and is within you, and of which you are made, to simply Love you. Ask Love to Love you, to infuse you with such a feeling of acceptance and veneration, that you feel connected, and safe, and secure in Its embrace.

    The words will come when you are ready. The help with choices, the Inspirations, the connections and people you need will come forth. Just let yourself be Held and Led by Love, and Love will find the right way and time and place to speak clearly to you, and help you understand God, and yourself, and your role as a part of Love.

    Accept this, for It is the Truth. Love is Omnipotent, and does not fail in Its Grand Plan of Awakening all.

    You are a part of It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid. Only Good can come from believing in the Goodness of Me, that is All in All.

    Trusting in the Good with ALL your heart truly means ALL. You cannot turn over to ME just most of your life and your decisions, and keep apart a little corner of your own wishes with regards to a certain person or certain old pleasures. You can trust Me that I do want the Best of each and every one to shine forth, and leave the Governance of others to me. Each and every soul evolves upward to remembrance of Me. Let that happen at the appropriate pace for each, as I have seen right to do, and keep your eyes on My Love for you. Let me unfold you at the proper pace for you. Try to focus on your Love and trust of Me.

    I will help you do that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you want to shine with the Glory of God, you must cease to judge, criticize or condemn. Just “forgive them for they know not what they do”, lost in their roles in the dream, and love them, love them, love, them, knowing that their High Consciousness will recognize yours if you recognize theirs, and be free.

    Be free, be free, be free.

    Lost, be saved, in the Glory of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I can have, and shall have, mercy on myself, for God, in complete Mercy, has sent His Spirit to dwell in my heart and Love me and Guide me.”

    When you feel joy or when you feel angst or fear, always turn back to the Truth that no earthly illusion has power over the Good and the Joy of the Soul of All that is your Life. No way that you walk is permanent except for the walk to remembering you are always Beloved of God.

    The Mind and Love of God is your dwelling. Be glad of that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continue to know, today, dear one, that Love is best served as you strive to know that which is Lovable in those around you. Ask God to enable you to see the Godly that desires to appear clearly in all, and make it your focus to do so.

    This serves God. This serves you. This serves all.

    So tenderly are you Loved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We beseech you to take a day now to really feel how good a Friend you have right in your own heart, always patiently ready to speak to you and hold you and comfort you and love you. Why look among the ephemeral for the constant companionship and inspiration you need, when there is the Infinite Friend right with you, now?

    Seek a deeper understanding of Who You Are within the Infinite, Beloved, and Whole, and ever-living, and see how all the body and outer life change towards the Harmony of that Infinite. Start that course of study, Beloved, and stick with it.

    God awaits your attention, and Gladly gives All,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, as you affirm the Good nature of the Universal Life Force by knowing that It has you, and those you humanly love, and those you do not humanly love, all in Its Loving Hand, go further.

    Today, realize also that when Gentle Divine Guidance has not turned hearts to Love, letting each individual heart grow from its own mistakes, that the Great Soul of All DOES take Command. Circumstances are ordered, hearts are Commanded, Ways are opened and ways shut.

    Today, Beloved, trust deeply that God has, does and will take Command to lead more and more hearts to being Lovable and Loving, until the Oneness of Being becomes visible on earth again. Beyond human understanding of what must happen or not happen, trust in the Infinite, and the Infinite life of all individual souls within that Great Soul of All.

    Know, today, that God is in Command of all that is Real and Good, and be glad of that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have a care to WAIT for the Peace of the Dove-Spirit to alight, Child, before you speak. It will save you much regret, and feed your wisdom instead of your fear, when you wait for Divine Calm Spirit to put words into your mouth, instead of speaking quickly.

    Try it, you”ll like it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the prayers have been sent forth, when the tithes of time, or energy, or money, or goods, have been given, and above all, the Presence of the Divine has been felt arriving, then is the time for the good Patience to wait on the Will of God.

    Patience, Beloved. Accept that part of the trust in the Divine that you must feel and believe in is Its knowledge of perfect timing. For perfect timing, just as it is for a comedian or a dramatist, is an essential part of how the Will for the Divine Plan works to the Best for everyone.

    Patience, today and always, to accompany the Trust,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, We know, the headlines scream, and the beauties of the world beckon.

    But do you want to let those have power over your Serenity?

    Ponder and partake of the Sweet, Ineffable, Unchanging Great Soul that WANTS to embrace you, and Who wants to empower you with a deep understanding of the nature of Pure Good. Until you work up to being able to being in constant conscious communing, with that Unconditional and Omnipotent Love, at least soak in It for a few minutes several times a day. Think of your Self as a completely permeable membrane that fully absorbs the Substance of God. Soak in It, absorb It, Be It.

    Then, Beloved, you have open access to the Will within you to do your part against the screaming and sorrowful, and to be a part of the Joy and Beauty.

    We cannot say this enough. Feed yourself with Pure Harmony, and then play your part in the world. And feed yourself again, in Spirit and Soul, and play your part with Serenity.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Technician, put in each heart to listen and guide and comfort and advise, hears all and sees all. It knows that the sorrowful parts of the dream, and the whimsical parts of the dream, are not real. Only Love, and what Love made, are Real.

    But It hears and sees all that you think you see and hear. It knows every thought you think. It does not judge and condemn you. Rather, It waits to be asked to give you solutions and help, and sweet Peace when you are aching. It simply Loves, Loves, Loves you, waiting for you to remember that Love is what you are.

    It already knows that Love is what you Really are, and so do We,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate society’s rituals of timing, if you will, with courtesy and pleasure.

    But more importantly, mark your triumphs of life by another measure, for such is the standard of Love.

    A needful glance answered with a smile, a prayer said for a stranger,

    Grace dispensed for all in want, without judgment or any anger.

    Dispense Grace endlessly, after refilling from the Source,

    like a ketchup bottle at the diner,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes quite a bit of human time elapses between when you share a heart request with God, and when you see an answer, or a solution, or complete fulfillment. By then, you may have even forgotten what you prayed for.

    Try to remember the times when you see clear answers to prayers, Beloved. For that will help you retain trust in God in the times when God’s gifts are delayed because of the other people and places involved, or a need for greater understanding developing in your own spirit.

    Keep focused of the Infinite Good, Beloved, and trust, trust, trust,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One Source of All. ONE Source of All, and It is Goodness in all Its Thoughts.

    We know how tempting it is to believe the evidence of the five senses and the “logical” mind that tries to assign cause and effect to earthly objects or events that you are able to sense with the body, but We tell you, over and over, that in order to heal those thoughts, and therefore your body and circumstances, you must COMPLETELY believe in the ONE Source of All.

    Take your mind and eyes and thoughts off the five senses and think about how the One Source emanates Its Harmony continuously, and that you can see that Harmony appear and work, if only you keep your mind upon It.

    O’ do this, Beloved, for We so want you to experience the Harmony that is your rightful and beautiful share of All.

    Such Love We feel and send you !


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless those that curse you. Bless those who are frightened by hearing the Truth.

    We say to you, dear one, that healing them, or seeing them healed, is really the best “revenge”, for as you see them healed, you are allowed to see Love again, you are privileged to have, and be fed by, feeling Love again. And as they are healed, they are able to feel the joy of having their true good self come forth, and, in their turn, heal others.

    Watch with happiness, dear one, the best selves of your self and of those around you come forth, for every best self you see revealed adds another individual to your own glorious Heaven.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Claiming happiness for yourself is only achieved if you claim happiness for all. Surrender, release and happiness for all are the surrender, release and happiness for each one.

    That is the nature of the shared dream of human thought. The One Mind is singular, and must be recognized to command all.

    This has been said in many ways. Find the way that your mind understands, and hold to it.

    Absolutely with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God wants everyone to know Harmony here in the mansion of Divine Love Thought.

    When many around you do not seem to want that, picture them willing to listen to God. Remind your own “small mind”, One Great Mind Governs all.

    And when you have resentments or doubts, repeat and repeat, “One Loving Mind Governs all.”

    Anchor yourself in Truth.


  • Weeping Cherry

    Pink blossoms

    Blue sky

    Ephemeral beauty sublime.

    But all I want is You,

    Dear God.

    That which is Good,

    That which is Lovely,

    All of it is You,

    All I want is You,

    Dear God.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    For those who are reluctant to think of God/Goddess/Source in any of the traditional ways (and wisely so—since to think of God as a stern taskmaster is an error), it is often helpful to think of the Divine Source as simply the “Giver of Ideas.”

    Whenever faced with a circumstance or a person or challenge that does not seem to be flowing smoothly, become still, be quiet and attentive, and open your heart and mind to the Flow of Ideas.

    That Flow of Ideas, and the sense of reassurance and possibility that come with them, are the Essence of the Source.

    Let them Flow.

    And use them, with a renewed sense of life and wellness and good solution.

    The resolution to ever expand Wellness of Being is part of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, keep in your thoughts and heart, “I am Thou, God. We are all Thou, God, in our Pure selves, that are but shining reflections of the Wondrous Soul of You.”

    “Help is to shine clearly, dear God. Help us do that.”

    This will help clarify the world into Peace.

    We assure you. We reassure you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When rains come and water flows, it is so easy to see that the water flows where it will. Even when man-made structures try to overrule the way of the water, water often goes where it will.

    When you call to the Prime Cause, when you ask to have your sight cleared to see the Law of Divine Harmony at work in a situation, remember that you cannot dictate to It the way It will work. Stand back gratefully, Beloved, filling your heart with the desire for Good for all, and wait and watch, to see how Harmony chooses to flow.

    We know that with so many books full of worldly advice around, and columns of “expert” learning leaping out at one, and the words of well-meaning friends, it is easy to fall into the trap of trying to humanly outline how Harmony should appear. Ask for the courage and trust to set all those aside, Beloved, and simply ask for Harmony to flow. Wait and watch, and respond with obedience to the urgings of Love, and be willing for all to enjoy their fair share of Harmony. For the Law of Harmony works for all, for all, for all, and looking to see that realized is the expectation of “the new earth”.

    How joyous we are for you as the mists fall away, and Good is revealed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you stay in alignment with the Divine Love that delights in Holding you in alignment with Itself, then you will not have to preach a word or make a gesture. Just let the Presence emanate from you, and be not afraid of anyone or any thing.

    Bask in that Love. Beloved, bask in that Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about this: “Thou shall not bear false witness” does not just mean that you should not lie about anything. It also means that you should not see the “lie” about anyone else. If the Divine made all souls Good, then to look at and focus on the lie of un-Goodness about them is to bear false witness.

    See the Good, and find that Good bouncing back to you. We assure you that if you look for it, you can find good in any person. Close your eyes of physical sight, and look with God’s eyes, and list their Goodnesses in your heart.

    We see the sweet Good of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To keep your focus on the Truth that All is Spirit, you must not only stand back from, and not react to, the animal-body-costume propensities of others, you must also stand back from your own. Observe the costume of body and personality, but let them not interfere with you constant honor of All is God and All is Good.

    Thus are you able to stay standing in the spot, in the perspective, from which True Healing is possible. Let your consciousness be on the holiness in which you dwell, and do not be fooled into thinking that you are somewhere else, doing something else, separated from God. Let your inner, God-given holiness rule, and not the flesh.

    We stand with you now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God thinks no punishing Thoughts. God’s Thoughts of you are all of your Innocence and Goodness and Love.

    It is your own mortal-body-personality thoughts that create any reality that you feel guilty about, and so it is your own thoughts that punish you. Stop any thoughts that you feel guilty about thinking, including all attacks thoughts on the self or others, and let God’s sweet assessment of you and others as “Good” be what reigns in your mind. Thus do your attain reigning in your own Heaven.

    Return to your own “kingdom”, your own “home in Heaven” by attaining the Peace of God in your thoughts, and letting all the right details fall into place. There is no will but Divine Will that creates a Heavenly Reality, Love. Yours is waiting for you, here and now.

    To assume that you can hide your own self-condemnation from yourself is to lie to yourself, is it not? Do you want to lie to yourself? Or do you want to tell yourself the truth, and then let God’s Truth shine gently in?

    Always, always loving you, and holding you up when you would fall, if you let us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you want to know the freshness and wholeness of yourself, look upon yourself and others with the eyes of Love, the eyes of God.

    This does not mean you will not notice the errors you make, or the flaws that seem to be part of those around you, but if you refrain from criticizing and condemning, and instead think and claim “Here and there is another child of God, just waiting to be seen under the illusion of fear and competition. For God Loves all.”

    It is the Truth and it will change your experiences, if you take it on as a habit. Try it today, dear one.

    We will help, as always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do remember that steadiness and calmness are appropriate responses when the unexpected happens. Fall not into quick emotional reaction of anger or fear. Draw on the Infinite Wisdom and Calm and Acceptance and Creativity that are always in the Well of Divine Qualities within you, ask Spirit for help, and then proceed or adapt as Guided.

    Beloved, Beloved, sometimes the broken device, or the car that won”t start, or the phone call that breaks off, etc., are gifts from your Guardian Angels, keeping you from a circumstance that is unhelpful to you, or definitely would not contribute to your rightful happiness. Learn to look calmly on these things, and judge not quickly. Some “bumps in the road” you may never understand completely, but you can continue into new moments of Joy and expressions of Good.

    Watching over you even when you ignore Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry, there is no worry, if you simply do your part by trusting God, and doing as God bids each day. The Pure Divine Thoughts that arise in your mind as you focus on hearing God-Spirit’s Voice, will lead you on a path that wastes no time and has no stones to make you stumble or fall.

    Love, listen, and trust,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is one way only to feel connected to the Heavenly Source.

    Reach out to It, with willingness complete. Reach out with all your heart, and welcome the Joy and Peace and Wisdom and Calm and Love that comes of It.

    This goes far beyond turning to God as though turning to a sort of Santa-Claus. This is a mature loving. A mature wanting to be loved, because you love that which is Heavenly, and knowing that means maturely loving.

    As we adore and love the Soul essence that you already are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that by now, you know when you are feeling the nudge from Divine Spirit to say something comforting or uplifting to another. We know that you have experienced being sent into places and situations where it became clear that Spirit needed you to act as peacemaker or as silent loving witness, even though you thought you had gone there for another reason.

    Part of the wonderful mercy of God is that Omniscience is able to discern who is centered enough in Spirit and Love to be used to help another who has temporarily lost his or her awareness of Goodness and Grace.

    Today, again, give permission to God to use you to help another. It may be one simple word you speak. It may be a tender hand on the shoulder. It may be a coin or a plate of food. It might be a silent prayer sent on angel wings. It may be anything that reminds the other that Good exists, and chaos does not win.

    God is all. Chaos does not win. God, Good, is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not you who remakes your story. It is not you who remakes your life. It is you allowing your story to fall away and saying to God, “Show me Your story for me. Fill me with Your Thoughts that become visible to me, and let me see Your story for me.”

    We assure you, God hears you. Allow those Thoughts residence in you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no fool in God’s Mind.

    There is only human foolishness of time-bound thought that overlays the shining loveliness and goodness of the image of you, the idea of you, that God makes.

    So never call yourself or others fool. Address your rebuke to the false silly human thoughts, shake them away, and concentrate on knowing the Good Qualities Divine you reflect, and must learn to See in others.

    We know it takes practice, Love. Why not start right now?


  • Ah, Beloved Child of God,

    This day, give up all criticizing, condemning and complaining.

    Give those up, and just create, construct and compliment.

    Create, construct and compliment, and see how Divinely Good you feel.

    We will Help,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Feed the body, feed the beasts, take care of the bills and tasks, but look to Beauty to feed the Soul.

    The Beauty of Graciousness, the Beauty of Creativity, the Beauty of Love and Generosity, the Beauty of nature, the Beauty of the sublime arrangements of Light, –All are all around you to feast upon. Feed your Soul well, for thus does Spirit, that links All, Harmonize All.

    In a shared appreciation of Purity of Beauty and Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do be grateful and thankful that everything you really need has already been given you. The ideas you need to act on, the inner conscience that helps you know what to do and when to do it, the ability to appreciate beauty and good—all these and more have been gifted to you with which to enact your earthly play.

    Slow down, today, slow down, and appreciate this by being so very grateful for each bit of beauty. The beauty of light, the beauty of the feeling of love, the beauty of how humor relieves tension and forgives mistakes, are all wondrous beauties to acknowledge.

    The Infinite has offered all this, tenderly watching how you use it. It tenderly watches and helps you enact Good, but never ever withholds Love, Love, Love and ever gives, gives, gives Life.

    We know these things and really you know them, too.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Practice again today the Power of praying for one person all the day today.

    Whether it be friend or lover or relative or neighbor or stranger or seeming foe, use the simple prayer of “Bless them” as many times as you can remember throughout the day.

    It changes you. For the better.

    We Love that you are willing to do this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a stage of understanding, wherein you gain the trust of another by sharing their wounds, by telling of your own. There is a place of such identification with the physical world and the physical body that trust can only be gained by listening, for a time, to the complaints about the body and the world.

    But listen silently, without listening. Let your own ear be utterly tuned to the Truth of the Creator, that nothing is impossible for the Creator, and that the Creator only creates Good. If a play, a projection, is painted from light, it can be changed dramatically and quickly by asking the focuser of the light to make the changes. Have mercy on, and sympathy for, those who are so intent on looking at the play of light that they have forgotten that it is being projected from elsewhere, and can be focused from Elsewhere, but let yourself, as assistant to the Light, remember it ALWAYS.

    And, do so with love,

    All our very best, always,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Everlasting Spirit, Life, is the Truth. Claim it now. See clearly that mortal death is no ticket to Heaven.

    To clear your sight, take delight in the Sweet Source of All.

    That will do it, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is always best to fill your thoughts and heart with the fullness of the Divine Love for you, before you begin your day. Before drinking the juice, before the warm beverage, fill your heart with the warm, warm Love of That Which Holds you, and which wants you to know you are Lovingly held.

    Jumping up and dashing off to fulfill worldly deadlines and tasks will not go as smoothly if you do not take those few moments to acknowledge and be fed by the Love that Holds you.

    Then, throughout the day, return to It. Be Held and fed again and again, as you pause for brief times to remember, “I am Held and Supported by Love Itself.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Join in with every enabled and awakened heart to recognize that just as rain and sun fall and shine on all, no matter their human behavior, so does Divine Love flow to all. Love Guides and Inspires and Directs and Heals, and praying for ALL to open to receive It empowers your prayers for yourself.

    Pray for the plurality today, Beloved, for all is indeed One in the Infinite “skin” of the Divine. Pray for All One, and uplift yourself NOW.

    It is God’s Intention, and God does not fail,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let go of old grudges today. Think of, or make a list of, anyone whom you still resent, and everyone whom you even faintly and secretly think owes you an apology, and address God and say.

    “Bless them and Bless me, for we are both a part of Thee.”

    We have prayed before with you about pondering the glimmers of Good you can find in anybody, and about honoring the Divine in each as you meet, and those practices are always pertinent. But today truly try to cover ALL lingering or new annoyances, and turn to the Truth that can heal or correct all, to declare your willingness to desire “God, dear God, Please Bless, Bless, Bless us all anew.”

    “Bless them, Bless me, enable us to See your Blessing upon all.”

    This is important.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you give just a little thought to the fact that Divine Spirit, quietly Ever-present in your heart, and always glad to commune with your thoughts and align them to Itself, is not part of the illusion of time, it will change how you make decisions within time. If you realize that The Divine Whole Sees all your choices as though they have already happened, and all the branching of alternate pathways, then you will be delighted to get very still, and pause in your wanderings of thought, and ask, again, to See as God Sees.

    Aligned with that timeless Wisdom, you can leap ahead into the waves of time and look back along your choices, and see and feel which one is truly the most harmonious for you. Taking time to See as God Sees, all your choices are in the view, and you can choose well, right now. Do remember, though, Beloved, that God’s definition of Harmony for you is not about fleeting satisfactions, but about remembering who you really are, a wonderful and talented and loving being of the One Being, full of Peace of Mind.

    If you are ready to choose Harmony, choose to let God show you the way.

    When your heart feels filled with a deep Peace, you know it is a Good choice.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love will never give up on anyone.

    Love will sometimes wait until that individual is readier to awaken, but if you are already awakened, it behooves you to go ahead and Love to the best of your ability, and to let Divine Love flow through you with your Full Ability. Do not try to limit how much God-Love flows through you, for It wants to flow through all completely.

    It is Unlimited. Set no limits upon It.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    As you see the pattern, in your own journals and own lessons, of how long it takes the human heart to learn a truth, let it give you compassion for others in their struggles, and for yourself in the other truths that still challenge you. And, let it put you into a mind-set of gratitude, that chances to learn the truths of Life will be given to you over and over and over, until you have learned them.

    You have seen the heartbroken look on the face of a child when he finds out that he will not be given another chance to pass the test that would have let him into the club he wanted to join, even though he had a terrible bellyache on the day he had to take the test. Be not heartbroken, and be not afraid, for to join in Awareness of God, you are given endless chances to re-test yourself, and endless Love to support you while you do it.

    We are there, we are here,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us, you DO want to See the world as God Sees It, rather than as your small human imagination sees it.

    If you had on a very dark and very scratched pair of sunglasses, and then took them off and saw the beautiful day, it would only be a tiny, tiny example of how this new way of understanding and looking feels.

    “Show me bits of Your world today, dear God, that I may be encouraged to drop all my own imaginings and See.”

    When God clears your Sight, it is cleared indeed,


    p.s. Feel the heightened sense of Love when it touches you when reading these, or any, words, and know that THAT is what takes you Home into Heaven in the Heart, not intellectual understanding.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each one will find his or her own willingness in due time, and turn to remembering the sacred place they hold in God’s wonderfully complete picture, but you can state your sureness of that. You can speak your reassurance of that and you can be a calm example of the true worth of clear thought.

    You can, this very day, make it clear you value Love above all things.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Very, very slowly today, appreciate everything and everyone around you. Savor each breath completely, enjoy each moment of joy and loyalty, be amazed at every sight of nature’s beauty. Slowing down your gratitude expands it.

    Slowing down allows God to fulfill Its purpose, which is to expand Love.

    For you know, Beloved, God’s purpose is also yours. Expand Love.

    Expand Love, until there is no darkness at all, for Love has lit every corner.

    Do your daily tasks, but never forget this purpose,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is time to remind you again that you do not need to ASK God to hold you. God ALREADY holds you. God already holds you Lovingly and Completely.

    What you really need to do when you feel like crying out to God to hold you is to raise your thoughts to a higher vibration so that you can feel that sweet Holding. Do this by remembering that God is All and already holds you, and by counting and being grateful for all blessings, including tangible and intangible ones. Count as a blessing the glory of the colors around you, as well as the existence of friendship and forgiveness, for instance. Think about the beauty of your favorite flower or food, and about the wonder of the demonstration of excellence in any field of endeavor.

    AND, raise your vibration by sending forth prayers, blessings, and good wishes of all sorts, to others. Strangers or friends, family or acquaintances, loves or pets…send forth blessings to others and it will open wide your own ability to feel God, to experience your own blessings, to discern the deep Love that is Divine, and that is already holding you and providing for you.

    Raise your vibration thus, and know you are always held wonderfully in God, in Love Itself.

    Take time to do it right. Then you WILL feel God by your side and all around you and through you and your life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “High Guidance of the Light, come to me now and set my thoughts aright.

    I open to receive you, this day, this night. Come forth completely, set my thoughts aright.”

    Let It happen, Child.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sharing Joy magnifies It. Sharing Joy glorifies It and brings more of It to you.

    When the Loving Creative Force of All Good comforts and supplies and inspires you, in ways that you could not have imagined, share your tales. Let others know that there is an amazing well of Grand Ideas within you, and within them, just waiting to be dipped into. Admit to others that there is adoration and appreciation, from the Divine Source, that your heart can feel each time it turns to It.

    We have told you many times that “the other is self”, and it is true. But we know that in the worldly costume appearances there seem to be many separate selves. So even if you cannot see them all as part of the same One Reflection of the Whole that you are a part of, do realize that it can give you great Joy to see them inspired and healed and cared for.

    So share your stories. Share your knowledge of, and experiences of, mercy. Share your Love of Soul.

    For that Soul is the very Life of All, and sharing your Love of It heals and helps all, and that further helps and uplifts you. All is One.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to worry. When you are tempted to worry, take it as a signal to be still and quiet and to soak your mind in the Power of Love.

    It is really just like the stained piece of clothing or the baked-on crust on a pan—you look at it, and you say, “This one’s a soaker.” Experience has taught you that although you could scrub and scrub at the thing, it is far easier, and less damaging to the item concerned, to simply put it in the proper solvent, and let the solvent do the work.

    Well, dear heart, Love is the proper solvent for everything. Put your thoughts of a situation in that marvelous Substance, and let It do Its Work.

    Nothing is ever damaged by being soaked in Love,

    And We, and the All, Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As we have said many times, if you are not yet completely skilled at looking past the temporal costumes, and seeing the Divine Soul of each individual, then it is harder to forgive. Being able to see that the outer costume and errors are not real means there is nothing real that needs to be forgiven—as the mist of error falls away, there is only the Sea of shining Soul.

    But if you are not at that point, or hit a moment in the journey when anger clouds your sight of Divine Soul, then forgiveness can be dredged up with gratitude. Look upon the other person, or look at yourself, and find even a small thing to be grateful for, or to appreciate. Whatever glimmer of kindness or goodness or talent you can see, let it be brought to mind, and let that thing soften your heart and attitude, and renew your ability to See as God sees—the lovability of the essence of that one.

    Sometimes you can even shift into warm uplifted Love by imagining what the earthly mother of that child must have felt when she first looked into that child’s eyes. Take it from there, and multiply and multiply and multiply, for a glimmer of what God-Love feels as It looks upon each shining offshoot of Its Soul Self.

    Seeing Soul feeds you. Let that be your food today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not think of the Divine as being limited by quantity. Do not think of the Divine as being limited in any way. The more you ponder the fact of the Unlimitedness of the Infinite Divine, the more you will begin to understand that, indeed, all things are possible to God/Goodness/Divine Being. And, since you live within that Being, what you may have for your role in the Plan is unlimited.

    IMAGINE unlimitedness! Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us see you actually wish for happiness. For, Child, it is God’s Will for you.

    Join in the Will that made you. Join in what is already done, if you would but receive it.

    Define yourself as Spirit, and accept your happiness with that ID,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    These messages flow through this particular instrument and are gently made available for any who care to look, and might absorb the words and deeper meaning. But even more important is to contemplate the Great Divine All, the Love, that puts them forth into the consciousness of the human hands that type them.

    This Love is so very glad to Flow to you as well. This awareness of God-Spirit can form Itself into words and comfort and inspiration in your heart and mind as well. Believe it, and feel it, and gracefully accept the tender and wise Counsel that so wants you to know the full substance of Joy that you are engendered by.

    The words of this message of the day, or of other days, might spark good thoughts in your mind, but Our true goal is for you to openly feel the Love of the Whole Source flowing to you, Loving you, helping you with new and broader perceptions.

    Ask for Love to flow through you, and It will.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Play some more today. Play and play, and listen to what you yourself say. So many times, when you become too immersed in the duties and fruitions of the world, you lose sight of what you yourself still secretly dream of doing, or playing with. Play, and playfully speak, and listen to what comes from your own imagination and heart.

    There IS still time to do some of those things, and to know that they are part of the Divine Will for your part in the Play. There is always still time enough for the things that are a part of Love’s expanding to come forth. Let those idea seeds be watered with Divine Love, and know, that if they are meant to grow, they will.

    Be gladly surprised at what comes up in your heart’s garden,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as it is so important to “stand porter at the door of thought” in your own mind, and make sure you are not idly thinking of the ills of illusion, or falling prey to the temptations of a material view, it is also important to patrol your time spent around non-uplifting people and circumstance.

    Yes, part of Spiritual Truth is letting your willingness to be a vehicle to shine Divine Light and Thought and Outlook for the Light shining into and improving shadowy situations, but also stay very aware of when you need to refill and rest. It is the Divine Mind and the Loving Will that does the True Work of dispelling illusion, of salvation, but you can admit when you need to turn away from a spiritual battle so that you can focus on your own pure alignment with Good, with God-Love, and be strong for the next hour, the next day.

    You know full well that the illusions of evil are not an actual force that can defeat God, but they can seem very real indeed in the earth play, and those that believe in them can distract you from studying God, from aligning with God, from being fully in Love with God. God has overcome the worldly. Once you have prayed for someone, and for yourself to be able to hold fast to a Godly view of them, leave them to God. Step away from the negativity and wait for Harmony to do Its Lovely Loving Work.

    We Comfort you and give you rest,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God has no wish to punish you for things It Knows never really occurred. God has no wish to traumatize you by waking you abruptly from your nightmares of mortal thought. She would rather gently, gently, gently awaken you, like a mother singing her child awake with a very, very sweet song.

    Won”t you listen to that song, and no other?

    It is a lovely melody, Beloved, It is Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You see how joyous is your feeling when you see another seemingly transformed from everything he or she was, in behavior, in your experience, before.

    Take great heart and faith from that. When you wonder whether your own unwanted habits will ever change, or you think a certain relative may never become kindly, remember the man at the recycling center that suddenly become friendly instead of angry towards everyone. Remember the co-worker whom you initially disliked but now see all the good of.

    Remember these things and understand that it is not just after some far off physical death that you see little glimpses of Heaven, but here and now. Each soul reflection grows and changes and is revealed to be, another small mirror of Good, each in its own special way.

    When your thoughts change, your world changes. Choose your thoughts to match God.

    Stay with it now, Beloved. More progress has been made than you realize,


  • Ah, Child,

    The Happiness that God Wills for you is spiritual happiness.

    No earthly, time-bound happiness compares with that, dear love.

    God understands that once you have spiritual Happiness guiding your heart and mind, then earthly happinesses come, too. But happiness in Spirit must come first.

    What exactly did you think the first commandment means? It is not about fearing God, or sacrificing things, but about first seeking your Happiness in aligning with the Spirit that made all and holds all. It is about realizing that Spirit was first, is now, and is last, and, indeed, is all there is.

    When that becomes your axiom, then all the Love and Joy you can feel by pure joining with It will naturally flow to joyful illusions you create for your dream-time of earth, for you will truly understand that giving forth Love insures receiving It.

    Revel in the timeless security of God’s Love for you,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Today, think upon all the Good ways you have given Me Joy. Think upon the Divinely Inspired things you have done and said that reflect what I have intended you to be and do.

    Remember the times you cooled an argument with humor. Think upon the funds and objects you have given to someone momentarily in need. Count the smiles and nods and words of encouragement you have passed along from Me as the Soul of you. Review the sweet and calming thoughts you have sent forth into a room of striving minds and hearts.

    Dear One, I am pleased when you help Me amplify Good.

    Be grateful you are able to do so. Feel the Joy of it, and feel Good.

    I Am with you always, shining through when you let Me,