All Messages

  • Ah, ah, Beloved,

    Take time to remember that the ultimate task your thoughts have is to know your own wonderful holiness. Ask that It be revealed to you. Take time to remember, and know what you really are, as a perfect and lovable Child of God.

    Compete only with yourself, Beloved. Each night, each morning, review your own thoughts and words and behavior, and see what you would like to improve, to be more kind, to be more holy, to be more of your true self revealed.

    You are not a machine, Beloved. You are a perfect thought in the Mind of God, and each day more and more of that perfection can be uncovered, if your goal is Peace of Mind and being a shining example of that which is right and Good.

    Each day can be better, Beloved, in knowing your own Golden heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Heart of God-Love is everyone’s Hometown.

    When you are longing for the comfort of something familiar, as earthly time has changed every person and place around you, seek the sweet and changeless Source of All birthing. Sink deep into knowing that nothing temporal matters and lasts, but that seeking the Infinite Hometown of God-Love brings Joy everywhere and anytime.

    Love God, and be Loved by God,

    You are already, and always, in that Hometown,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that your human self knows how wondrous and sweet and comforting and inspirational it is to turn to the Full Presence of the Divine Source. So why don”t you do it more often?

    Ponder this, and realize that it only takes a tiny bit of human will to pause, and be still, and turn to the Inner and Pervasive Whole to ask Its opinion and truth of a seeming situation, person, event, or condition. And, as We have told you many times, We are thrilled and purposed to Help you find and use that little bit of human will that it takes to turn to Love, turn to Love, turn to Love.

    So today, again, Beloved, with our Loving support, turn to Love, and know, there is no Truth but Love. There is no Truth but Love. Ask Love what It Knows, and you will Know, too.

    Let It help you live in awareness of Love in every moment,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The genius of living one moment at a time is that, from within that one moment, you can stay in constant touch with the One Mind that governs all. The One Mind Governs all and is truly beyond time. Aligning with it gives you the ability to see the truth of the moment but also of the “past” and the “future”, as you gaze at all the moments that exist at once, of every possible trajectory of time.

    Do not make yourself dizzy trying to figure this out with the intellect, if you are not someone who comfortably ponders timelines and space continuums. Just endeavor to live in the moment in constant Communion with the One Consciousness that Lovingly embraces all, and It will guide you down the smoothest pathway for who and where you are right now.

    It will guide you with Love. Trust It.

    And know We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look again to the Author of your life, and remember that the True Play is already written.

    That which seems to be growth in the human sense of time is certainly good, but it is also perfect to remember that in the sight of the Author, you are already created, your role is already written, you are the perfect character and enactor right Now.

    Think of yourself in Heaven right Now. “I Am in Heaven right Now. There is no waiting and no paining in the Author’s Mind, I Am perfect in Heaven right Now, and all I need to do is acknowledge that and let myself Be that.”

    As we see you: Beloved and Perfect,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of God is Harmony. God IS Harmony.

    Allow that to be your Law. “I am allowing Harmony to guide my thoughts, and, therefore, the entire body of my life, right now.”

    Even if you do not completely understand this yet, keep it as your focus, and It will help, it will Heal.

    We so Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say again, we say again: Look for the Divine, and you will find It.

    Look for problems to “fix”, and you will find them. The choice is yours, and can it be more simple than this?

    Look for the Divine, and you will find It.



  • Oh, Beloved,

    What you wish for others, you ARE wishing for yourself. If you wish them harmony and love, you are wishing these for yourself. If you wish them justice and honor, you are wishing these for yourself. Keeping this truth in your mind and operations of thought will greatly effect what you experience.

    Keep it in mind, Beloved. Keep it in mind.

    For thus does Divine Mind wish Good for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is complete. God enacts things completely.

    If God asks you to do something, God will give you the means and strength to do so.

    The only thing that can stop your particular assignment is your own human willfulness. And that also impedes your own beautiful unfoldment. If your own reluctance or your own material clingings keep you from saying “yes” to God, you are missing out on great Joy and expansion of your Love.

    God can find another glad instrument, but you cannot find another real God. Ponder that.

    Love does not Love partially, and Love does nothing halfway.

    O”, do open to Love’s Will, Beloved. Open.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The worldly chores will always go more easily and swiftly and efficiently if you DO take those few moments or minutes or hours to align with the calm Wisdom of Spirit before you begin, and tap into It as you do your tasks of the day.

    You know this. You have proved this to yourself many times. Be wise enough to use your own proofs, and use that truth today.

    We Love you so, and are glad to help solve and resolve the concerns and enjoyments of the day. We are also grateful to be able to help, for thus We fulfill what We are. Welcome Us.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    When worldly labor overtakes you, and it is clear, from Inner Voice, that it simply must be done, undertake it gladly. If you greet the tasks with cheer and willingness, the strength of angelic hands is under your own, the endurance of invisible Force is in your own back, the joy of glory is in every small part accomplished.

    Be at peace with doing all that is in your power, Beloved, and leave the rest where it belongs, with the Divine, Whose Power has never stopped being on the job, for you, for us, for thine, for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Here I am, God. Teach me, Guide me, speak to me of what I need to know and do. Thank you for Loving me, thank you for seeing past my human errors, and providing for me in all the ways that Loving Truth, Grace, and Soul can give.”

    Allow timeless God, who sees all options and choices, and knows what you face as you awaken to the Infinite, lead you minute by minute. Trust the Divine Hand that takes yours, as you navigate in the dusky light of earthly experience. Minute by minute, trust God.

    Spirit Voice is in your heart for that purpose,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Already, in your span in the time/space orbit, you have seen that the worldly news comes and goes and comes and goes. Cycles of triumph and despair may make it seem that progress is not being made in the Consciousness of human awareness, but we assure you that more and more ARE awakening to the vital unchanging Soul of All.

    Today, Beloved, focus on that Unchanging Soul that nurtures all individual souls within It. Today, Beloved, Love It and let yourself be Loved.

    For that Unchanging Love, filling all with the Fullness of Itself, changes everything.

    Stay aware of It, today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Easily, the Greater Consciousness starts to touch and Influence you, once you give It permission. Renewing your permission constantly gives It even greater ease.

    Why do you have to give It permission at all? If It is omnipotent, cannot It just make you do as It likes? That willingness has to do with free will, and the Divine Cause wanting your Grace of creativity to be pure and sublime, but let us, today, put it another way: respect.

    The Divine respects you in the way It wants you to respect It. That respect means waiting patiently for you to play about in time and with time, before coming to your own understanding of WANTING the advice and direction and interactive Love with the Great Creator.

    Therefore, Beloved, give It permission, out of respect for your own creative talents, and wanting to see them grow and unfold,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Silent, deep floods of Compassion for another, and reinforcing your perception and knowledge of their True Identity as a Beloved Child of God, is sometimes better than trying to share your own stories of learning or enlightenment to help them.

    Each individual’s path of awakening and salvation and service, as a part of God-Mind, is so unique. Trust the Divine Inner Voice to help you decide when to share your own growth stories, and when to just be a silent support, an Instrument for God’s quiet Healing Love.

    Spoken advice, or bad example, can be harmful or intrusive, but Divine Love, Love, Love, sent forth as waves of God-Thought, is never wrong. God Knows perfectly well how to adjust and teach and awaken each heart of all the Rays of Light shining forth as Life.

    Trust Spirit, which is the Soul of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many people, especially those who wish to hold to a personal philosophy of relating to others in a way that does not sound overtly religious, try to practice the rule of “Do unto others as they would do to you.” It can be a delightful rule if properly used, but let us suggest going to an even more basic one.

    “Let there be Light.” The same sweet Word with which the Creative Source thought up the idea of Everything, that would mirror Its own delight and Gladness back to It, in a constant dialogue/appreciation of Artist and audience, still has Power. Light.

    Let there be Light. Let yourself remember to assess situations and responses in that way. If you are in a tense situation, or confronted with a worrying or grieving person, do you ask yourself, “What can I do to lighten the mood?” “What can I do to lift away sorrow and reveal the glad souls of us both that God created?”

    “Confronted with the appearance of errors or illness, do you ask yourself, “What can I do to see with the eyes of God here, to see past the mistakes and accidents, and into the Truth of Light?”

    “Let there be Light”. Let it become a mantra of today, just for fun and play, and see if you do not start seeing, and responding to, many things, in an entirely new way.

    Let there be Light, indeed, and know that there Is Light, and you are a part of It,


  • Ah, USE the Sight, Beloved. Use that Divine Sight and SEE how utterly lovely some of the characters in your play truly are, even though they have played roles that have taught or tormented or treated with delight, your own human character-role.

    We See the Beauty of everyone, Beloved, and it is a Lovely, Lovely sight,

    Join us in that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Step gladly into the Soul of God. It is steady and strong.

    Look directly and quietly into the eyes of God by being very still. Hold your body still and your thoughts still, and ask God to look straight back at you and tell you what you need to know.

    Stay very still, and hear God tell you, “You are innocent, and I Love, Love, Love you.”

    Turn to the Soul of God for all the steady Strength you need, and be mentally and emotionally still while God’s Harmony does Its work on you. Trust Harmony to do Its Divine work on you while you walk through your day.

    Daily, take time to be still, and look steadily into the steady eyes of God, and agree to Harmony.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask the question the right way, Child, for the right way brings the right answers.

    “How will You Bless me today, dear Causal Universe, with the ideas for creativity, and the right Understanding of my health, wealth and goodness in You?”

    Let go of wrong ideas, take hold of right ones, open to Spiritual Understanding of yourself as part of Divine Spirit, and expect to be delighted.

    It is easier than you think. It is easier than many have told you. Listen, and Be the accepting Child of Love.

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Shining forth from within all, Holy Spirit sends Strength, Life, Happiness, Well-Being, connected in a vast network of Itself, and yet honoring each one as an individual and Beloved Idea of God’s.

    When you fully surrender to the Delightful Governance of Divine Spirit, you do not lose something. You empower that which you really are of your best. Draw on that Power factory of Soul, shining like a bright bulb in you, healing and guiding.

    It is a Beautiful and Warm and Worthy Light,


  • Ah. Beloved,

    You have recordings and letters and words and poems and moments of memory and places and people that you have marked “healing”, because at some time or other that place or series of words, or whatever, seems to have broken the spell of an illness or a bad mood or a run of mis-adventures. And it is good that you keep in your thought these healings. But we tell you again it is not the specific words or the specific places or people that heal you—it is the Presence of Divine Truth in your thoughts and heart, gently and lovingly correcting any thoughts you have that you are vulnerable or undeserving or too old or too unaware or too poor, etc, etc. The Infinite Spirit reminds you “You are but an image of Me, innocently glad and good and forever completely reflecting the part of Me that I chose you to express.”

    The Loving, Living Presence of Truth Heals all, when called upon. Yes, an object or a word may help you to remember to call out to the All in all. Yes, another person may join you in the calling, and remind you to trust. But it is the Truth that does the work, and that makes all work.

    That Truth erases the mistaken thoughts, like a mathematical correction fixing a formula, and you can move on with the Good Formula of your life. You ARE a living formula of Good Ability and Result—just let it unfold, Beloved.

    Let it unfold with appreciation and praise and gratitude.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This time that you seem to exist within is not a part of the Timeless Divine. The natural expansiveness of the Love that is God, contains all, and WILL eventually, within the bubble of time, Light up and Awaken every lost child of Itself.

    Therefore, Beloved, you cannot expect ANY to be condemned. All of Its reflective selves that It has created, the Divine Loves, and always will Love. When you are faced with the “flaws” of another, and the “flaws” of yourself, remember that you are both the Beloved reflections of the Divine Essence that is Love. It will not forsake you, and It will not forsake the other person. It is not for you to wonder or ask how the Divine could so purely Love one who seems to hurt you, or hurt others. Leave the alignment to God, and work on your own purity of focus—Love God, focus on the aspects of the nature of God, and believe in Goodness. We know that it can be difficult when you are faced with seeming evil in the earth drama, or illness or betrayal in the human play, but we urge you to close your eyes to those Halloween costumes and accoutrements, and to See, See, See the delightful Love of the Maker, formed into a beautiful set of Soul-facets, and be Glad.

    To wait upon, or ask for, condemnation of another is to condemn yourself. Each one caught in the web of the drama of earth will work out his or her own schooling of spirit, as guided by the wonderful Spirit Who has been assigned the job of awakening all. YOUR task is to let YOURSELF be schooled, purging from yourself all unforgiveness, all selfishness, and all unlove. As you bless others, so will you be blessed by all the Divine Love and Calm Peace and Fulfillment that is rightfully and generously yours, given by Grace from the Divine.

    Remember this each day, and in every moment,

    And leave all judgment and correction to God,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    How many of your joys are only temporal ones? Are you happy when you have a thing, and angry when you don”t? Can you enjoy the beauty of a flower in the sweet union of Oneness, but not grieve as it dies, or as you walk away without possessing it?

    Letting the Inner Happiness fill you can feel like opening an aperture right behind the human heart, and letting yourself fill up with Still Peace as though you were an empty space filling with light and air, or an dry well filling with water. None of the metaphors that have been used through the ages quite describe the experience of Union with Spirit, but all of the attempted descriptions agree that time spent practicing that merging of the self with the Divine, and focusing on Now, are crucial.

    Whether you are a beginner or well-practiced, give it as much time of your day as you can, staying in the Connected state for as many of your daily activities as possible. The more you practice, the more your “outer” and “inner” activities will become One, Beloved, until you are indeed, “praying without ceasing”, as Christians would say, or “living in Buddha Mind” as Buddhists would say.

    We repeat this again and again for it is key to all awakening.

    We want your Happiness as much as we want you to want It for others,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Absolute, unquestioning willingness to receive the Power of God’s Superconscious Thought over human thought.

    That is instantaneously healing.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All day again, call on Truth. But this time, do it for all in your orbit of thought and beyond, for there is great power in knowing that all are included in a wondrous plan of awakening.

    “We are Pure Spirit within Spirit.”

    “We all are at Home in the Gladness of our Hearts.”

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved is mine,” is the song of Solomon but think of it not as an earthly love song, but as a Love Song from God/Goddess/Maker to YOU.

    Ergo, “I am the Maker Whose Love belongs to you. I love you completely, and you are my image, my child. I will take care of you always, Spirit born of Spirit, just Love me in return, as I created you to do.”

    AND, think of it in the plural, Beloveds. You are all spirits of One Spirit, you are all, collectively, the Maker’s Image, and Child. You are ALL God’s Beloveds, and He/She Loves you all equally, and well.

    “WE are our Beloved’s, and Our Beloved is OURS.” Remember that, dear reader, dear seemingly “singular” beloved, when you would feel ire or blame or anger for another. ALL are Beloved of God, in their pure and Spiritual Form. See them as God sees them, and your job will be done.

    As Ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again, today, open the floods of Love for yourself by asking for Love to Flood through the Soul-Source of others.

    And do remember darling, that “forgive them, they know not what they do” is a very true preamble to that work. If you would hesitate for even a second to forgive certain people you wish to pray for, look back and notice just how many times you did not know what you were doing, and yet Love lifted you up and guided you to safe harbor. Forgive yourself for all that you have done that was not Godly, and forgive others, and send forth the Floods of Love, that It may gladly and naturally Flood back to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that many believe that it is too hard, or too constricting, to vow to themselves to always listen to the Divine Source first, and to take time throughout the day to do this. That false belief that it is too hard, or that they are too unworthy, or that they are not trained enough, is just another trick of the “monkey-mind” that would try to stay focused on its own little world of limits and errors.

    We know the Truth, that it is liberating and calmly Joyous to be aligned with Supreme Love, and to obey it. It is simple to do. Just choose it. You know this Truth too. You know It and follow It on most days. Remember how much wonderful influence you can have by simply being an example of one who endeavors to pause and listen to God, to Good.

    And, remember how completely grateful is the Whole of Heaven when you do so.

    Every moment of Calm Joy and Trust is a moment of Heavenly existence revealed, and We cannot thank you enough when you let this shine through you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the variety of the lure of worldly thought tries to fool you into worry or attraction, let yourself have the time and space to check your feelings against the steady calm wind of God-Love in your heart.

    The steadiness of God-support never changes, and if you take a few moments to lean into it and be held up by it, like a sailor leaning into the wind, and you notice that you are feeling either too excited or too fearful to be gladly accepting and receiving those few God-support moments, then you have likely fallen for the lure of the illusory world. Let it be the signal to you to slow down, reconsider and re-center, and then look at the situation or the options again.

    Once you are filled with the stately Love of the Divine, you can look again at the earthly pleasure to be enjoyed, or the earthly fear to face and overcome, but you can do so from that grounded and measured and peaceful middle road.

    Remember, Divine Spirit wants you front and center, from where you can see clearly, with God’s point of view,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Stay focused on being an expression of Divine Love, and Loving in your human actions and reactions. To consciously do so all the time, is the Grace the Infinite Source of Love offers to you freely.

    If a well-meaning friend tries to draw you into conversations about the limits of a too young or too old body, or the hopelessness of some situation, remember that it is not their True Sacred Good Soul speaking. It is only the mortal assumptions they have been mistaught or the spirit of discouragement that has landed on their shoulder, and made ill suggestions to their thinking. Stand fast in your own knowledge of your essence and theirs being Good Spirit, and only subject to the Good Laws of Infinite Love.

    Do not argue. Simple battle error influences with the Truth held silently in your heart, direct from Divine Mind. Speak a positive affirmation, or give testimony of the unlimited Power of God, if you feel moved to, but let their negative words slide off your consciousness, knowing they cannot hurt the Life you are given by Unlimited Spirit.

    “Forgive them, they know not what they do”, for that is still so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that in the heart of you, you are thinking, “Thank-you, dear, dear God, for reminding me and showing me, that across all time and space, I am Thou, really.”

    Repeat it and repeat it, and let it sink you into the delicious feeling in your Consciousness that the Truth of it, and the Wholeness of God, are washing you clean of any thoughts that you are anything but Divinely made, complete and good.

    And if another stands before you, lost in his complaints of body or personality, be compassionate, and silently call forth to God, “Please show him, dear God, that really, right now, he is Thou, and nothing else. Please show him, and me, he is Thou, good and whole and free.”

    You have felt it work, you have seen it work, now go forth and do it again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each day you can re-train your worldly self to remember that the sweet bliss of being in constant communion with the Divine Source and Surround is more precious than any earthly thing or goal or desire.

    Just take a few minutes to focus upon that Loving Flow each morning, and fill your heart from that wonderful exchange of Absolute Love.

    Then, move on to and through your day with the guiding Hand and Voice of God, and even mundane tasks and achievements will have a glow of Goodness.

    Appreciate Goodness in everything, small and large, and Goodness is drawn to you.

    Place Love and supreme Life first. That is not so hard to remember.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Well do we understand how hard it is for the human mindset to unbind itself and allow the Divine Mind to be seen.

    But we tell you, persist, and expect, for indeed, as your freed awareness grows, you will “know and see God in my flesh”, as Job did. And, the “flesh” in which you see the fruits of greater spiritual sight is not just the flesh of the body, but of your whole earthly experience.

    Many come first to their exploration of healing and understanding Divine Wholeness when their earthly bodies feel ill or pain. But, truly, the body of your entire earthly experience is what can be “healed” as your eyes are opened to the pervasive, infinite Good of the All That Is. As the All is welcomed by, and embraced by, your heart’s eyes, the “healings” will show up in your life—not only in your individual so-called body, but in your outlook, and your moods, and your family, and your work, and your ability to be light, light, light, wherever you are.

    For, as you shine forth the Light of your own happiness and your own Joy, others around you will indeed feel and see the truth of Divine Gladness be revealed in their own circumstances and the circumstances of the earthly journey.

    It is not selfish to work on making happier your own dream, for then you are led to make happier the dreams around you, as well as making them happier without even trying.

    All Joy to you, always, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there is God’s Will, there is always a way. The Law of Harmony and Wonderfulness cannot be waylaid.

    Acceptance is a state of mind, and you can gain strength in that state of mind by Blessing others. As your own willingness to accept Good as your rightful peace of mind and existence increases, you will find it even easier to Bless others.

    This spiral upward will carry you into the complete heart understanding of God/Love.

    And what a delightful Heart place that is to stand!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The prayer of the Practitioner of God always comes down to the prayer of the saint who said, “Open my eyes, that I may see the truth of You, Lord, in that which is before me”, for always it is the perception that needs healing. And as you are led to see the Truth that streams and dances with joy, like a spring flow after a heavy rain, then you will be able to pray for others, “Open their eyes, Lord, that they may see all the support of You that is all around us, You in Whom we dwell…”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as the gatherers of an older earth let what they ate be dictated by what was in season and good on the trees and vines each day, so let your day today be guided by what is ripe and good before you this day. If you look at all to yesterday’s piles of fruit, choose quickly only what is good from it, and then move on to find this day’s due and fresh fruitage.

    Each day has new ripeness, Love. Do not miss it as you search through rotten old piles on the chance that there is something salvageable there. You deserve the best, you will get the most from the freshest, your Innkeeper wants you to have only the finest, as He constantly entertains and sustains the lovely idea of you.

    Greet each day with gratitude and courage, yes, but also with expectancy and curiosity, born of knowing the Innkeeper wants you to be pleased. Be, indeed, surprised by Joy, finding It everywhere, because It also wants to find you.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How much of your thought-time of the day is wasted on thinking of the faults of others, or of yourself? If you are spending time condemning and criticizing, then you are not spending time honing your Sight of the Beings of Good Spirit and Soul that God is creating.

    God saw what was Divinely created and called it all very Good. Then God saw that some ideas made their own error ideas and put a shadow of sorrows over some of the Good. Graciously, God sent the Spirit of Its Pure Self into the sorrow dream to forgive and correct the errors.

    Be so grateful for that. Be grateful for that unchanged Love of God, and welcome the washing away from your thoughts any seeking of shadows, or trying to live as a shallow shadow, ungodlike.

    Welcome Spirit’s forgiveness, and be the God-like You that Loves easily and well, as a contributor to ongoing Harmony. God knows that full Harmony is what Is Real.

    Be one who earnestly helps full Harmony to show up sooner.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like most people, you probably have earthly authorities, or heroines or heroes, whom you admire. If one of these, whether a statesman, or an actress, or an inventor, or an accomplished doctor or speaker, gave you ten minutes of time, you would do your best to fully enjoy and appreciate those ten minutes. If you felt some minor discomfort, like an itchy foot, or chilly arms, while you and the admired one were speaking, you would most likely ignore it, wanting to give your full attention to the chance to be with, and converse with, the one who inspires you. Your desire for that one’s presence would give you the will to override the bodily sensations that would try to distract you.

    Listening to the Spirit of God, or to your own Inner Voice of Best Self, takes the same discipline of will. If the desire to be with, and know, the Divine Presence, is great, finding the will to ignore the body and its sensations is easier. But the body, and ego-mind, WILL try to distract you from focusing all your awareness on Divine Reality.

    If you are settling down to meditate, or someone has come to pray with you, the body and mind, like an ego-filled toddler, will try to pull tricks to distract your attention. The mind will race and try to remind you that the errand to mail that letter is more important than this, or whine that you are “too unaccomplished to ever succeed at catching the ear of God, so why bother?” The body will tell you that it is too hot, or too cold, or too hungry, or too much in pain in the neck, to meditate and commune and pray.

    You must learn to ignore them. You must learn to ignore the physical evidence of the moment, and focus your will and your awareness on inviting forth the special Presence that waits patiently in your heart.

    It waits patiently, but It is eager to be with you. Do you want to make It wait a lifetime while you make sure that your body is perfectly comfortable in exactly the right spot and room and country, and that your mind is perfectly quiet and happy with the money you have and the job and the mate or friends? Do you want to make God wait forever? Or even ten minutes?

    Perhaps at first it is easier to connect with your Source (and your Tue Self that is part of It), if you are in a pleasant room, at physical ease, with nice music or a bubbling fountain in the background. Actually, many have gratefully found their first true communion with God when they reached out with deep desire during physical crisis, but however your relationship with God begins, don”t you want to be able to continue it in all circumstances? Don’t you want to be with God at will, instead of only when the body is happy?

    Practice focusing on simply being with Spirit within. Set aside your outside concerns for those minutes, or that hour. Do not disrespect the authority of your Source by paying more attention to your itchy scalp, than you do to Its Voice. Do not cast aside those minutes of Love by worrying about which blanket is on your feet. As you come to love God, and your own Highest Self, more than you love your earthly heroes and your ephemeral body, it will grow easier to put the Divine first, and more natural to be able to focus on, and hear, your Divine Self during every kind of outer circumstance.

    Meanwhile, practice ignoring the tricks and distractions of the body and mind. Tell the body you will deal with it in a few minutes. Tell the mind you will worry about those things on Wednesday. Admit to your Self that what you truly most want is, is, is to be in communion with the Whole. And then do it, no matter what else seems to be going on. Let your heart be held in the Divine, and remember who you really are.

    That is what your body and mind are most afraid of—that you will remember that you are a Divine Spirit, and that the Divine Whole is in charge, and that they are meant to be only tools for your Divine Self. The earthly mind and flesh would have you believe that they are in charge, and they will try to take charge each time you try to spend time listening to True Authority. Ignore them, Beloved, just as so many have learned to do, and remember your True Self, and take charge. You, too, can overcome the world, if you let the Divine Within help you do it.

    We are patient, and love you unconditionally, but we sorrow when you deprive yourself by setting us aside for jellybeans or for scratching a toe,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each morning and evening, and anytime during the day that you must make an important decision, or when you feel stressed or confused, take these two simple steps:

    1. Remind yourself that the only real power is God, and God created only good and wants only good. Feel the gentle peace deep in your heart that is the pulse of God, while you think about that Grace and Fullness of God. Think about the Love and the Omniscience that are God.

    2. Stop thinking, but continue to feel the deep peace of God, while you become very still, and listen. Listen, listen, listen in a relaxed and quiet way. You are not striving to hear a particular thing. The Divine Inner Spirit may just give you a few moments of Loving Silence, which refreshes and calms you for the next phase of your day. Or, that Gracious Spirit may whisper a word or a name that gives you a new idea to solve a problem. Or, you may feel an urge to try a certain thing or call a certain person, or to go to a certain place, even if it is just to buy the groceries. Spirit may just suffuse you with a feeling that “All is Well, All is Well.” Just be still, and listen. Listen.

    Be the rabbit, inside, with ears huge. God is in there, in you, somewhere. Just Listen. Listen for that Divine breath, and footstep. Listen for that whisper, and above all, feel the Love that pours into your heart and mind, when you are still, and allow It. It will guide your every step of this earth journey, if you but be still, and listen, and allow.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give permission to the Almighty to give you Good Thoughts today.

    Ask for the courage and the resolve to set aside any thoughts that are just old habits, or reactions to momentary disappointment, or superfluous material whims, and open your heart to giving God dominion over your mind. Filling your mind with the Mind of God, realizing that those Clear Thoughts were always right there, already placed in you, but just covered by the mists of human thinking, will clear your sight, and give acuity to your hearing of Soul.

    Give way to this, Beloved. Delight yourself by setting aside old thinking, and finding the way of Truth, that so wants your happiness and acceptance, and Joy.

    We know this can be done, was done, and is done, so do it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as worldly life has programmed you to think of yourself as primarily a body, and you must re-train your thinking and your mind to perceive yourself as a dancing Spirit reflection projected from the Creative Source, so is it necessary to re-think the other “body parts” of your life. The “body” of your family, the “body” of your marriage, the “body” of your hobbies, the “body” of your finances and provisions, the “body” of your home, etc. They are all thoughts. To allow them to be perceived as good bodies, healthy and thriving, you must give them the same prayers and affirmations that you give your physical communication-flesh-body.

    But, do it all within the auspices of, “Thy Will be done.”

    For, as the Creative Source’s Thought’s become your thoughts, the dream is of purpose, and happy indeed.

    As We all Will together, Love becomes visible,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is always best to fill your thoughts and heart with the fullness of the Divine Love for you, before you begin your day. Before drinking the juice, before the warm beverage, fill your heart with the warm, warm Love of That Which Holds you, and which wants you to know you are Lovingly held.

    Jumping up and dashing off to fulfill worldly deadlines and tasks will not go as smoothly if you do not take those few moments to acknowledge and be fed by the Love that Holds you.

    Then, throughout the day, return to It. Be Held and fed again and again, as you pause for brief times to remember, “I am Held and Supported by Love Itself.”


  • For young Ian. It was an honor to know your brief human expression of creativity. And thank you for your message of Good.

  • Ah, Dear One,

    As you move towards expecting God to simply be God, instead of something that your human mind imagines It to be, you will feel a new freedom in letting God express Itself as your life.

    It is typical and natural, from millennia of human thought and mortal-ego feelings of being alone, to wish for a God that is just a great vending machine for the things human beings think they want. But that is not what God is. The error in human perception, built up over generations, is pervasive, but that does not make it Truth.

    Your journey to letting the Divine completely express Itself through you as your life may begin when you do not really feel that you can hear God’s Voice in your heart, or feel It as impulses in your actions. At first, you may simply begin to feel like a bewildered observer of your own human emotions, asking yourself such things as “Why did I just shout at that person I really love?” “Why do I keep agreeing to do things I have no true interest in?”

    Letting your awareness step back from your human thoughts and emotions, to observe them, is a wonderful first step in becoming a delighted observer of letting God flow through you. As you observe your own human foibles, and open yourself to new motivations and guidance, and ask for Guidance Within, you are taking that first step towards letting your consciousness be Divine Consciousness.

    Taking that first step of asking the Greater Whole what It is about, or asking It for help, is a giving of permission. Each individualized part of God has free will, and the giving of that will back to the Will of the Greater Perception is the only way to begin living from a new perspective.

    Gift your individual will back to the Divine Will that rests in you, and then begin listening, and allowing. Turn your attention to that quiet place Within, and practice letting God Flow forth with all Its Calm Joy, Peace, Wisdom, Paced Exuberance, and Love.

    Be gladly surprised by Joy and Peace alive within you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you align your heart and thoughts with the Thoughts of the Life Source, and begin to feel It flowing through you and as you, do not try to limit where It flows. Like water that flows along the easy and best paths for itself, the Life Source knows where it is Good to go.

    Let It flow, yes, to your desires and your dreams, that were perhaps the reason that you called out to It, but also welcome what seem to be random ideas or thoughts of other people and places that need the sustaining Flow of the Source in extra measure now. Let It flow through you to them, as well, with Blessing, with generosity, with certainty that the Source knows exactly where to go to water the earth garden that reflects Life. When you open to the Flow, open for All.

    As you let yourself be “used” as this river of Life Source, you will feel the delightful overflow,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the words seem empty, return to that which cannot be put into words.

    Today, return to the simplicity of Love.

    “I am Beloved of God/Goddess. I am Beloved. I am Beloved.”

    Let that Love wash over you and hold you. Let that Love wash away any sense of confusion or uncertainty or fatigue. Just rest in Love, be held in Love.

    Today, in Love, dear love, be free. Give yourself that gift. Ask for It, let it rise like a Tide in your heart, and accept what It feels for you and wants to give you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The wonderful truth is, it is Truth Itself that does the “work” of melting errors away. Like pouring vinegar on calcium deposits and letting the natural reaction take care of the build-up, inviting Truth into your thoughts and your life, by giving It your willingness, and then constantly re-pouring It into your thoughts by listening to or hearing or looking for, sacred Word, dissolves the errors in your thoughts.

    As your smaller thoughts are replaced with uplifted Thoughts of the Divine, everything changes. Hand everything over to that uplifting, Beloved. Do not compartmentalize, and think that God will take of those other five things, but I will do the worrying about my children, or about my car, or about my basement. Hand every thought over to God. Trust in God to take care of giving you Good ideas about all choices, and trust in God to oversee even what you think is something “belonging” to you.

    Listen, trust, obey, and be grateful. That set of instructions has not changed for thousands of years, and it does still work if you work with it.

    God is delighted to know you and wants you to hear Its Voice.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many times, in the human drama, things will occur that will make you think. “Here is something I can never forgive and forget.”

    But we tell you, you can. Indeed, you must, if you want the Peace of God, and to dwell in the Spirit Within, as your Home.

    Think about all the times that a relative, or an old acquaintance, has told you about a hard (or good) time in your life, or an incident from the past, that you no longer remember at all. Forgetting DOES occur in the dream of earth, and you can count on the Divine Spirit’s Omnipotence in helping to let go of the past, and forgive, and to move back into the attitude of gratitude that keeps you abiding in the Kingdom of Heavenly Peace within.

    The dream is not your true Home. Heaven is the True State of Consciousness.

    Oh, forgive, Love, that you may live in Heaven,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Truth is your Friend. Your everlasting Friend. Trust It.

    It is not the truths of the mortal dream. It is the Truth of your Spiritual Selfhood. Trust in that truth, and set your Self free by seeing that as the Truth of others, and so setting them free.

    As ever, your task has not changed, and neither has ours,

    To Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We of course continually urge you to remember that the Total Divine Loving Presence is always with you, Omnipotent and Omniscient. To remember that the Spirit of God is always walking with YOU, one of Its Lovely reflections, and to say hello to It and listen to It, is to welcome more Harmony into your life.

    Do that again today, but also focus on the Truth that Loving Omnipresence is also there for everyone you know and hear of and have never met. When you are feeling concerned for someone, and that person has not given you permission to reach out with silent prayer or words or actions for him or her, focus on that sweet reality that God-Mind is already holding that individual consciousness. God is already Loving and caring for and guiding that one.

    Give gratitude to God for guiding you and for guiding all. Give God gratitude for the Great Plan already made and done, in the timeless perspective of God-Mind.

    You do not need permission to silently pray for Good for all. It will soothe you to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, yes, yes, say yes to the Will of God.

    Do not waste any time today fiddling with grievances. Just focus on saying yes, yes to the Will of God, and let Good Light shine through. The more human minds that do this, the more transparent becomes the film of dusty errors of thought that keeps the Perfection of Harmony from being clearly projected on the screen of daily life.

    Saying yes, yes, yes leads to ideas for action or words, or simple refusal to act in any way that goes against the simple Goodness of All. Saying Yes, Yes to Seeing the Good Spirit come forth in every eye enables all to be more of the Good they really are.

    Start with yourself. Say yes, yes to the Will of God every day. It Will delight you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What you do not have the strength or heart or courage to do on your human own, delegate. Delegate to the Holy Spirit, the Helper. Ask that It forgive for you. Ask that It infuse you with strength and Courage and Wisdom. Ask that It fill you with Love.

    That is a first step. When you do that again and again, then, little by little, the Helper will leave more and more of Its footsteps in you, touching your fears with Its unlimited Truth, and you will find you are closer to being of One Mind with the Divine. Then, nothing will cause you to fear or hesitate, for you will have in your self the very completeness of God.

    Then, you, too, will be able to call out for forgiveness for all the illusions.

    And it is given, for you, and for all.

    Delegate mercy and justice to God, and feel yourself free.



  • Ah, Beloveds,

    There is no need for urgency in the daily tasks, but there is need to stay still, and be guided, and renewed by, the sweet, sweet Joy of the Emanator of All Things, including you. Without that receptivity to the Joy that created you, and out of Whose Awareness you are made and sustained, nothing can feel smooth and lasting.

    Oh, the temporal pleasures may lull you into a complacency of the moment, from treats or hobbies or physical embrace, but none of those substitutes will amount to anything when some more moments have passed, and the brief pleasures fade. The enduring Gladness is the Gladness of God.

    Seek It, even as It is Lovingly awaiting your seeking of It, and be Glad, O’ so Glad, in each moment that you remember you were always completely within Its embrace.

    “I am Held in God’s Embrace. I am under the Law of Love. As I live by the Law of Love, so does Love come back, multiplied, to me.”

    As ever, in love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each day is an open chance for new epiphanies and spiritual growth. You are already fully Spirit, really, of course, made and maintained by the Spirit of Love. But as you study the attributes of the Divine that made and contains you, those thoughts of Good and of Truth will wash away the false thoughts of the self as a limited and mortal thing of flesh and bone and quirky humanness.

    The flashing moments of epiphany, when the discernment of a Holy Presence, or the stunning beauty of a scene nature open up the heart so wide, that for a moment you truly feel the Oneness of all things, and that you are a part of that Oneness, can be wondrous and thrilling. But as those moments increase in frequency, you will value, more and more, the daily and hourly calm conviction of being a part of Divine Life. The constant conscious capacity to commune with, and to know yourself to be a part of, the All that is God, will pour an awareness of spiritual (and thus mental and physical) Well Being all through you. Tenderly welcome It.

    Thus, you do not really grow in Spirit, but you grow in conscious awakening and awareness that Spirit is what you really already are, complete and wonderful and perfect.

    Focus on practicing that, like a song you would sing each day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honestly evaluate how much the comforts of old, when you did not have spiritual sight, truly make you happy now. When one awakens to one’s spiritual heritage, there comes a time when even the few cherished things of the old ways must be laid upon the altar of Truth. Some will morph into even better versions of themselves. Others will fade away and no longer be a part of your life.

    It is about trust, Love. Trust Love. Trust that Force that Knows you and Loves you better than you know yourself. Awaken to trust, and you awaken to a greater knowledge of, and experience of, Love Itself.

    It is Glory, and glorious,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How much the Universe Loves you! We are not speaking of the limited universe that your physical sciences describe, but the Unlimited Source, the All in All, the Mother/Father God, the Oneness of All Being. The Universe Loves you and wants you to know your share of infinite Joy.

    This is the very structure and substance within which you live, all Energy, all Spirit. Know, today Beloved, that you are Spirit within Spirit, and ask, gently, and humbly, to be aided to See the Good, Good, Good of the All in All, and to see no illusions that would have you believing in an evil intent of Creation.

    “Help me See Your Good, and only Your Good, dear, dear God.”

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Just think of all the false landmarks that have fallen away in your life. The temporary physical pleasures, although still enjoyed when they come, are now but a whisper of joy compared to the Bliss that fills you when you are in full communion and alignment with your Divine Source. Keeping this Truth supreme in your Consciousness helps makes all choices Good and True and Easy, for any choice that even slightly disrupts that connection is a sign that the choice needs more Thought.

    Take great Joy in this, Beloved, and put your complete faith in it. It is a thing only you can do, for each path is unique and complete and good and true. Yes, it is good to respect the spiritual laws you have learned, and to honor those who have walked the path of enlightenment before you, but ultimately each ray of Light must let Itself be aimed by the unique angle of the Source shining through it.

    Make peace with this, Beloved, and you will be at Peace, even while you yet shine in the Play.

    Love, Love, Love, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ponder again the word “desire”. Just look at it and realize it means the deep wishes that come from the Source—from That Which Sired, which created, you, Spirit of Spirit.

    And it is with that deep feeling wishes of the heart that you fuel your prayers and thoughts. Distell them to their essence, and all desires are for the clear demonstration of Harmony, ennobled by Spiritual happiness for all.

    “Whatsoever you desire in your heart, that you shall have.” The deep, pure wishes of the Spiritual Heart of you, that is a clear reflection and continued emanation of the Divine Light, those are what to focus on. The side effects of material goodness and betterment come after focusing, focusing, focusing on being in line with the deep wishes of God.

    God wishes Good for you, and yours, and all, for it is Its own clear reflection It wants to see in action. God wishes to see Its own Goodness clearly, enacted as one and all.

    Do your part to be that demonstration by surrendering to God’s desires for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to strive, strive, strive to “help” work the Will of God. Relaxing into asking for It, and helping It as It asks is the best way to proceed.

    The sense of needing to strive hard is a trick of the human ego to make you think you may as well give up, that you are not “good enough” to help God, because it is trying to convince you to pay attention to the temporal instead of to the Will of God. Train yourself to ignore it, and lean gently into the Will and strength of God. Use that strength to help your human courage when those around you feel animosity towards anyone pursuing anything that does not align with material or worldly ambition.

    Keep your attention on the Presence of God and on the Comfort and Love and Guidance He brings you. Keep your faith on knowing that the One Loving Mind knows Its Good Plan for all, here and now. You do not need to give up all worldly joy and comfort—you just need to let being guided by the Will of God come first, always first, always most important.

    As ever, wanting your bliss, quietly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us when we use that word “Beloved.”

    You ARE a Beloved part of the Source. Be not afraid to claim that as the Truth, and as your right and heritage and supply because it is the Truth.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no being that is beyond the touch of Divine Wisdom and Guidance in their heart.

    There is no one that is outside of the Power of God.

    With Infinite patience, God waits for each heart to be willing to awaken. But awakening will and does and has occurred, so you need not think that there is any individual who is really nothing but an empty shell of lies and self-interest. Leave it up to God, Beloved, and work on your own complete understanding of Love Divine, and what it truly means to Love God supremely, and Love your brothers and sisters in God as yourself.

    We help you remember what it is to Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiveness, and kindness. Do yourself the favor of using them before you know all the facts, and even without knowing all the worldly facts.

    Knowing more, and more, and more, of a situation involving pain, or loss, will only keep you in that state of the perception of pain and sorrow. Forgive yourself, and those around you, when they seek happiness through inappropriate situations, people, and places, and look to the Source for your true Joy instead.

    Think upon this: that in seeking joy, you, and all the characters in the play of your life, are exhibiting a bit of Divine Wisdom, understanding that your and their true purpose includes being joyous. If, in their, and your, infancy of spiritual understanding, that joy is sought in the fleeting images and things of earth, praise the seeking of joy, and forgive the means that were attempted. Be kind, kind, kind, to yourself, and all, Beloved, in the misunderstandings of where happiness is to be found.

    Pray for all to begin turning to the steadiness of the Unchanging Gladness of One Divine for happiness. Begin with yourself, Beloved. Fill yourself with the sure, calm Joy of the Oneness of all Being, and then look again, at yourself, and “others”, and see, not misdeeds and pain, but Joy, and gain, gain, gain, in moving into the awareness of the Wholeness of all that Is.

    Seek error, and you will surely find it. Seek Joy, and the Peace of the Divine heart, and you will find your sight raised to where it can see only Joy in all,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    You may think that you will never be able to forgive someone for something, or never be able to see a single redeeming feature in someone whom you feel is hurting so many others, but you can, We know, picture simply taking a day off from those feelings that hurt and rattle you so much. Resolve to take a day without fretting and thinking about those individuals. Ask for our Help to put them out of mind, and spend a day using your own Best Divine Qualities bringing Joy to yourself, and Joy to others.

    DO this, and see the uplifting that Joy creates, raising your spirits, and the spirits and happiness of many. Try it today. Try it another day, and another day.

    And then, perhaps you will take more days off from being angry, and you will find that the Joy you create gives you the power to forgive more easily, and to love more permanently, and to see glimmers of Good in all.

    We see your Good so clearly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The pure Soul that shines Itself forth as the heart and life of you has never been touched by the errors of the human dream.

    Consider that, let yourself be wrapped warmly and lovingly in Grace today, and rejoice in the truth of your Soul.

    Even if these words make no sense to you, ask for Grace, and be held and lifted. Ask, wait, and be held and sustained.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wordless, timeless, God shines through the window of you.

    Tenderly, but powerfully, God shines through the window of you.

    If you allow the window to be covered, or dusty or smeared, God will feed advice and help to assist you in the cleansing or revealing of the window, but it will never be forced upon you. Do you want to be a spotless transparency for the Love and Life and Honor of Harmony that shine?

    There is no window that cannot be cleaned or uncovered. And the same strong Light shines for and through and as all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can choose to playfully ignore your cultural norms, which might mean salad for breakfast and cereal for dinner. Or pickles all day long. Around the world, the ways evolve and keep sustenance lively and fun.

    Let such fun and variety command your alignment and communication with God Source as well. There are no rules about how or when you must relate to that Living Love that made you, and in which you dwell. Mix it up. Invite God to a crazy food day. Just stay aware that you and God-Joy are One.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Open your will and your sight, by praying deeply, “Unblur my sight, dear God, clear my perceptions, that I may enjoy the beauty and goodness that shine in glory just under my interpretations. Help me remember that Love conquers hate and fear and the pain of rejection or failure, as I see Its power and that It, Love, is the one Truth that endures.”

    When you see you have been angry at illusions, forgiveness is easy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Purify your thoughts. Be honest with yourself about how many times you have been forgiven, or felt forgiven, or “gotten away with” some human error. Be very grateful for all those times, and if you are thinking ill of another, replace that thought with mercy.

    Ill thoughts lead to illness. It is that simple. They may be ill criticisms you are clinging to, or they may be the hypnosis of the human life and culture that classifies persons as bodies and nothing more. It is altogether too easy to soak up those erroneous thoughts. Either way, cast them off, and fill your thoughts with the Good and the Beauty of Love, and let that Love ease you and wash your thoughts clean.

    Forgive and be forgiven, and be glad endless forgiveness is available, until you do not need forgiveness anymore. Love Itself offers this. Align yourself with it, and think and feel pure.


  • “I am Happy because God Loves Me”

    Does it get any simpler than this, Beloved?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know how tempting it is, when you feel tired, to turn back to old habits of creature comforts. That is your choice, and God does not love you less if you do so.

    But have the mercy of honesty with yourself. Consider the feeling and knowledge of upliftment that occurs when you use a few moments and a little willingness and focus to tune in to the Power and Love of God to feel re-energized and centered. Does that not far exceed what light entertainment or some food or substance does for your state of mind?

    No, you do not have to give up every earthly comfort. But consider enjoying those things AFTER you have re-centered in the Joy and Power of Life Divine, and enjoy the worldly comforts in that state of Mind, rather than as crutches that keep you from facing and attaining true healing.

    Attain the Mind-set of God, and then enjoy the Play of Life. That is real comfort. That is real mercy on the self.

    You have no idea how much we love you and want the Best for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It ever bears repeating that you must constantly hold open the door in your Heart-Consciousness to the Divine Healing Creative Force of Love.

    You are the doorstop, and as you hold open the door for Love to shine for others, It will also suffuse, and care for, you. There is no other way, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when you feel, for a moment, helpless about something, do not feel hopeless.

    Turn to the Omniscience and Omnipotence of God and quietly wait for ideas. Ponder the All-Potent, not the problem. And trust, trust, trust that reason for hope always exists.

    But darling, do hope for Good for all, for an important part of the “all things are possible for those that love God” is that it is a gift given to all. Hope for all to turn to, and love, God, and it opens the heart wide to hear and receive the Ideas and the Will and the Joy that are necessary for all Good.

    Hoping for hellishness for anyone only keeps a bit of yourself in that feeling. Leave reformation of characters up to the Divine Love that molds and reforms, and hope for Good for all.

    Mind filled with the Potent, not the problem. That is always the way, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be as a little child, now, dear, dear one. When feeling startled or dismayed by one whom you humanly love, or when feeling fatigued by the human tendencies that you see, over and over, in yourself and others, turn to the Divine Parent.

    Turn into that Comforting Mind. Cuddle into that Embracing Love.

    Give yourself that gift, for, as you do, you will then be able to give it to others. Is that not the best thing you could possibly give anyone?

    We know that you have come far enough onto the doorstep of Heavenly Consciousness to realize that you feel the best when you have let Divine Love pass through you to others. Turn to It now. Soak It up, take It in, and give, give, give, until you feel like your True Self again.

    Give Light, and be lightened,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every thought you have is a chance to be an expression of the Good Divine.

    Think about it. With every thought you entertain, you have the choice to allow the Source to give you an uplifting thought, or idea, or impulse for an action. The words that Good Infinite Spirit gives you to speak, or the actions to take, may not make any sense to your human perceptions, but you must learn to trust that the Overseer can see what you cannot of how your words or handiwork will touch a thousand others.

    So long as you let your own “human” thoughts rule, with methods you have been taught or myths of the world you have come to believe, you are casting smoke into your own eyes, and will not be able to clearly see the realm of Peace that could be projected from your heart into your everyday life.

    Pray without ceasing, indeed, Beloved, that you may consistently hear the Word of Truth, and lean not into your own understanding. The intellect will betray you, trying to convince you to trust human logic. Human logic never has all the True facts, for too many of them are invisible to the human eye. Trust in the Divine, and the Divine Voice within. Practice hearing It, and practice, and practice again, in order to let it Be you Life, and to help It guide the lives of those who seek your experience.

    Ever full of hope for your smooth, swift Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is your invisible support and foundation. If something truly needs to be done, God will help you do it.

    Review your lists and plans, and let Divine Guidance help you choose what to do, and do generously. Let go of thoughts and idle wishes with no surge of Spirit behind them, and BE the Complete expression of Soul’s Light this season.

    Simple Loving affirmations will do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep looking to God as the Director of your life, rather than to the bodily senses or the actions of the fad-driven personalities, and you WILL find yourself playing the hero or heroine every day.

    Some days you will be a quiet good man or woman. Some days you will take bold actions for Good. But be glad each day to accept being “typecast” as a child of God, an enlightened being, an awakened one, a good example of Grace, rather than changing roles each day from good to bad human, from virtuous to errant, from whole to broken.

    Take your directions from the Light of Love, and be that Light every day. It is not boring at all. It is an endless Living of Joy.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thinking that you have to think up the best story for your life can leave you feeling pressured and confused and at the mercy of events that seem to have been made up without your input.

    STOP thinking for the day. Focus your feelings on the Goodness of Love and on aligning yourself with that Love. Know that you are a part of that quiet glad Love, and revel in feeling that. Let the new story unfold from there, authored by the Author that sees all, and knows what blesses all.

    We know that the worldly scene makes you think you have many jobs to do, but the only job that is truly, truly important is aligning yourself with Love, like a key clicking into a lock, and letting the door swing open.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it seems as though someone has taken from you, remember the Infinite resource of God-Source. Perhaps it seems that an object or a resource or love was taken away from you, but even if that particular thing cannot be returned, Divine Creation will give you another thing, another way, another affection.

    There is plenty of Love Provision in the Infinite All, and when you deeply know that, you will not fear lack of any kind. What you need for your purpose and Joy will stream forth, will unfold. Trust God. Listen, and trust God, without blame or resentment or regret about what is past.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The intensity of the peak moments of God-experience will remain, but there will also arise, as you practice calling forth and abiding in the Divine Presence, a calmer, more sustained sense of hearing and feeling that God is with you throughout the day and night.

    Aim for that, Beloved, for in the walk of earth-life, it is important for you to be able to smoothly and swiftly turn to the comfort and advice of the Divine, rather than needing to completely retreat from the world. It is indeed the age of bringing God-Divine Sense out among all those in the world who would never visit a nominally sacred space, but who, if they are shown that EVERY place can become a sacred space by simply tuning to the Divine Kingdom within themselves, will become anointed.

    Anoint, anoint, for those who have allowed the anointing to flow to their own hearts, and then out to others who desire it, should and must carry It forth to wherever it needs to be seeded. Let the asking direct the seeding, or the impulsion from the anointing itself, for the Great Sower knows where, and in what season, each seed should be sown.

    We water all seeds with tears of Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This very instant, close your eyes and take a respite from the world. Ask Divine Love to enfold you, and affirm in your heart and mind that you want the gladness and peace of God. Then sit quietly and simply bask in it.

    There is time enough to go back to concerns and lists and duties if you want to. Just now, feed yourself with the Love of God. Quench your thirst for Joy with the Presence that holds you quiet and still. Just be. Just be. Just be.

    This is the very best kind of vacation to take. Take these moments throughout the day, and you will find your days flowing more smoothly, and with more enjoyment.

    As We enjoy the Grace and Uniqueness of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Deep, deep, deep in the consciousness of your Soul, there is a constant good Calm and Well-Being. Sink down into It, purposefully, several times a day, and renew yourself. Claim your energy, claim your health and wealth and Love, as a Child of Soul, and then hold those tightly in your thoughts as you again face the earth play, and enjoy it.

    The individual spiritual self that you were made by Soul, and which you are constantly renewed as, by timeless Spirit, will never change or diminish or feel anything but quiet Joy. Trust in that, and let your own special Spirit be the good mirror you look in as you go deep, deep, deep into the truth of the Source of You.

    And be Glad, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The aspect of God that is heart-reading and thought-seeing absolutely knows which of your ponderings and desires are Good and True, and would lead to happiness for you.

    Yes, endeavor to sort your thoughts and heart-aims into those which are productive and positive, and ask Divine Spirit for help with that, but also trust Omnipresent Wisdom to understand what is Good and Real for you. God made and maintains what is Good and Real, and no wispy illusion can overcome the marvels God wants to reveal, for you, and for all.

    Pray for yourself, and for all, to be enabled to see them, with the eyes of Spirit.


  • Ah, ah, Beloved,

    Take a deep earthly breath, but then also take a moment to take a Breath of God.

    Renew your faith in the working of the Good, for those that love Good, by looking back over the events of your bodily life, and marking, and being grateful for, all the ways that everything has worked out well. Realize, even as you do this, that some of the things you do not currently label as “working out well” cannot be seen in true perspective until more events have transpired. We are not saying to label the truly wicked as good or sent in any way by God into your experience, but we are saying that you do not always immediately realize when an inconvenience, a re-sorting, a misappropriation, a re-adjustment, will later be seen to be a great Blessing.

    Think on this, and trust that praising blessings that can be seen helps you to see more blessings still.

    With you in the Breath that is all Real Life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sharing a burden is a very real relief. Do not forget to always turn to the Divine Spirit for comfort and advice and word of power before you take action on something in your life, but if turning to one trusted spiritual advisor or prayer partner first can help calm you, do it. Raising the level of your emotions to a plateau where you can focus and be fully aware of the Divine Love that is available to you will make your ability to hear the still, small Voice much greater.

    You do not need to complain and whine, or even go into details, for a good friend of Spirit to help share your burden. Just let yourself feel the relief of sharing the emotional pain, and then turn to meditation or prayer to seek the answer, or help with forgiveness, that can always be found in the Divine Center where all True things are made.

    We can help carry burdens too, if you ask,


  • Ah, Child,

    Relax into the Flow of God.

    Be silent, be peaceful, and relinquish “your” control.

    Relax into the Flow of God this day. Appreciate, watch, and observe. Love.

    Relax into the Flow of God this day, only listening for that still, small Voice, and obeying if it prompts you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    To make no human plans for the day, instead vowing to listen for the Inner Voice of Spirit from hour to hour, is a Plan. It is the better plan, planning to put God’s Will first and foremost, knowing that God takes into account what you need to humanly achieve.

    Do not let your own guilt or obsessions about “to do” lists sway you. Do not be dismayed by human personalities that would mock you for not have a written business plan or ambitious roster of goals.

    Praying “Not my will, but Thy Will be done” IS a plan. It is the most gracious and freeing and powerful plan of them all. Put God’s Will first, listen, and obey It throughout the day.

    We believe in you and know you can enact this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Technician, put in each heart to listen and guide and comfort and advise, hears all and sees all. It knows that the sorrowful parts of the dream, and the whimsical parts of the dream, are not real. Only Love, and what Love made, are Real.

    But It hears and sees all that you think you see and hear. It knows every thought you think. It does not judge and condemn you. Rather, It waits to be asked to give you solutions and help, and sweet Peace when you are aching. It simply Loves, Loves, Loves you, waiting for you to remember that Love is what you are.

    It already knows that Love is what you Really are, and so do We,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your function, in the eyes of God, is to be Loved by God, and to Love God.

    To Enjoy God, and be Enjoyed by God.

    There is no other.

    What does that mean in the earth dream? To seek for glimpses of God, EVERYWHERE, and to know that as your Joy. There is no other lasting Joy.

    As ever, We Enjoy the Truth of Your Spirit,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you reached out and called out a greeting to a long-time friend who recently passed, you heard the whisper back. “All are One. Have not even a shadow of disapproval against any.”

    She said this, Beloved, to lovingly remind you that within Soul, any “other” is just another part of the self Soul that is also you. Her desire, to see you never held back from alignment by any judgement, was so strong that her whisper came through. Yes, continue to pray for the continual evidence of the reduction and end of sin and suffering. Continue to pray for the freedom from illusion for all.

    But leave all Balancing and correction up to the Power of One Loving Mind. Keep your own individual part of that Oneness pure and loving. Pure and loving is the way to See more and understand more, and move forward.

    For those that are bound in their flesh thoughts, or who back drop, pray.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Counting the blessing of your perfection as a reflection of the Divine Idea of you does not mean leaving out some parts while appreciating others.

    God is all and complete and everywhere, so it is not to think of being happy that 86% of your body /mind functions normally, and decide to not think about the rest. It is not appropriate to catalogue your talents gifts and skills but accept some sort of disability in another part of your humanness. Go for 100%. God is All there is, including the allness of you.

    “ALL of me reflects the perfection and glory and blessed purpose of God-Idea. ALL of Me!”

    We Love all of you. Love yourself 100% today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the days when human errors seem to abound, or sad old memories creep into your thoughts, turn of course to My Steady Love.

    Keep your mind on the Good and the True, and My Steady, Steady Love. I will Help you. It is what I do.

    Yours, and rising in every heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    SPIRIT Divine will not waste time chastising you for errors you make when you fall away from the Ways of Love.

    Love Itself will only lift you up, embrace and console you, and say, “Try again. Let Me Help.”

    You have come so far. Keep shining and trying to shine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be SO aware that when you open your mind and heart to the Healing of the Divine Source, that Source Sees the Whole Truth of you.

    That means two things—that nothing can be hidden or held back from being offered to God, including all that you would never admit to another human, and all the habits that your human self thinks it wants to hold onto, AND, secondly, that the Divine will Heal parts of you and your life that you did not even know needed Healing. Do not fear to admit all to the Divine Source, for It loves you Unconditionally, and will help you release any habits or traits that keep you from your best way to live now as a wondrous demonstration of Joy. There is not punishment, there is only growth in Spiritual Understanding and desire to align oneself with Goodness.

    You are perfect in the Divine Mind, and if you give that Divine Source permission to totally re-make you and use you as a Happy example of Itself, It Will show your Complete Goodness in the mirror of earth-time. It already made you and declared you Good, and that has not changed in the Calm Realm of no-time. Therefore, the reflection of that Original Pure Idea that is you can also show that lovely and lovable Goodness.

    You are so Beloved. Accept it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember today, as we wish you would every day, to renew yourself.

    Let go of any judgments and old images of yourself, and ask again, for today,

    “Open the eyes of my Heart, and let me see myself as Heart-Spirit sees me, capable, strong, whole and kind. Let those thoughts of me be my model, and fill my mind.”

    We say, as always, we know these things to be the truth of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to worry about whether every soul will awaken to its full heritage. In the place of no time, it is already done. The loop of time that is earth-sense is a means to an end, a way to learn and grow and remember. It is a way to believe in the Best of yourself, and to realize the Best was waiting in the sidelines all along.

    Be at Peace, Beloved. The more you are able to be at Peace in your quiet times, and in your times of busy duty, the more your earth sensibilities, your world, will reflect that Peace, and begin also to reflect Joy.

    Practicing Peace is much like a ballerina learning to hold a steady gaze and a certain pose, no matter how her shoes feel, or whether the audience is being quiet or noisy, or what she had to eat last night. Practice, practice, practice going into that soft space in your heart, where there is always steady Calm and Knowledge and Love. When the earth would most pull you away from Peace, you will be as practiced as that ballerina, who never blinks an eye when the lights fail, or the emergency door slams, or her own belly rumbles.

    You are all better dancers than you know. We love seeing you reach your heights,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not criticize you. Why do you criticize yourself?

    Today, Love yourself, as essence, as pure and true spiritual Idea. Today, Let your Self bask in God’s Love. God does not criticize you, God Loves you, and loves every effort you make to Love, and just waits for you to remember you are Love.

    Loving you already,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once again, we encourage you to think about the timelessness of God.

    When you are in the midst of a situation, within the bubble of space-time, it is difficult to remember that the Good end is already accomplished. When you hear sweet God tell you, “All is Well. Good is in control here. Holy Spirit is on Patrol here,” you need to realize and respect that God knows the Good End already written.

    Beloved, take a few moments to sit with God in timelessness. Feel refreshed and renewed there, before stepping back into the play, determined to see the Christ in everyone, including yourself, and the Good that is in control. Feel the faith in that, and nurture it in your heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the old passes away with the new, then it will be easier to understand the concept of “no time”, for in the Divine state of Now, of Is-ness, there is indeed no time. But that is a very hard thing to understand when you think you are a mortal being stuck in a world of time.

    Perhaps the best ways to think of it, so that one may access Divine Spirit to advise you as you negotiate the maze of your seeming physical existence, is in two ways:

    First, imagine that your body is just the frame of a window, through which the Loving Spirit of the Whole can enter the world, if you cast open the shutters and give free loan of the flesh to God. Practice holding your body still, and letting the Breath of God flow through you as your breathe, like the breeze flowing in an open window. Then, imagine your brain and your thoughts as a marvelously powerful computer that you are loaning to God. “Switch users”, and set aside your own desires and thoughts and urges, and let God write thoughts and ideas there for you to see. Giving permission to the Divine, and welcoming the Loving Divine in this way will allow that timeless Wisdom and Love to come into your dream of time, and help you.

    Second, playfully realize that since the Divine exists in no-time, it means the Divine is not limited by time. Its Love is always available to you. Its strength and substance and wisdom and creativity are always available to you. Wherever you go, whenever you wake up in the middle of the night, whether the electric service is on or off, whether you call for cradling in the evening or the morning, there God Is. No time hinders the Divine maintenance and sustenance and support of you. It truly Is always with you.

    Whether you came into the bubble of time to help others break out of it, or whether you came into it to smell the rain one more time, you never left your abode in God. There you are, and there you were and will be, an unchanging perfect spirit child of Spirit, free to dream in time, but free also to be Whole.

    It will be clear to you in time,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Have you ever felt like a pothole in the road, after a bad winter, that fills with trash and floods with mud and water and worse?

    Well, even while you work to the full understanding that you are already the Beloved Glory of God, as Its Child, be aware that the hot-patch team IS on the job. God the Infinite and all Its Perfect Powers are thrilled to send forth the Truths that will set you right.

    “I am Healed and set on the Good path because GOD Loves me.” Just welcome that, Beloved, just welcome the Hot Patch team that wants to see you smoothed and whole and ready to go. Every time you feel patched up, you will learn to Love God more. And that is the true Salvation.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Peaceful in your heart. A weight-lifted-off-my-shoulders type of feeling.

    These are signals that your prayers have been heard and enacted in the way that is truly Blessed and Best for you.

    Take Joy in the sense of Peace, and mark the feeling of having given your burdens to the Force of Love that knows how to carry them away from your perceptions, and show you instead the Gladness of Being.

    Continue to begin your days with the meditations and prayer that bring this Peace sublime to your heart, and before you know it you will feel as though you have a whole new life.

    This is the Truth of Life and Love. Learning it is the goal of human growth, and we applaud each moment that you know the good of it. Keep your eyes and thoughts on this goal, dear one, and remember We walk beside you.