Ah, Beloved,
When you are in the phases of complete focus on materialism, Wisdom will seem like a word that indicates the ability to secure more goods or money, or just how best to settle disputes about such matters.
But as your discernment grows, and Wisdom comes to mean that you can understand what is really important to the Soul of you, your priorities and choices will change indeed. Your willingness to set aside old ways and pursuits will expand, and the support of, or focus on, endeavors that seemed so crucial before will change. As these unfoldings of new insight come into your heart, trust, as ever, that Divine Spirit can and will Guide you in the Truth of them, and in whatever prayerful or hands-on contributions you can make as your part of the earth tale.
Ah, Beloved,
The more you hear back from others of how your prayers have helped uplift them into health and enlightened and creative ideas, or better morals, the more you will have faith in accepting healing for yourself and every single problem or issue that seems to arise in your life.
Remember, let your body and your earth life SERVE the Essence of you, for your Essence is an important part of the Whole that is God’s reflection, as is everyone’s. Turn to Divine Spirit for everything, and let your earth life serve the Greater Good.
As ever, loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
The calming and centering in Soul Power that comes, if you simply find your way to deeply tuning into the One Consciousness as often as you can during the earthly day, cannot be overstated.
Here is a sample daily prayer :
“I am Spirit. I am Spirit. I am Spirit. God Spirit shines me forth and lovingly Governs all my needs, gently and simply and perfectly.”
Find the prayers that work for you, or listen to the small still Voice for the personalized prayer of the day. And then USE them, O’ Beloved, USE them, to stay Connected Consciously, all the time. Say them, think them, absorb them, FEEL them, obey them as the Truth.
Loving you so, wanting you to feel fine,
Ah, Beloved,
In the sweet stillness of early morning, or the evening rise of the moon, be quiet and calm with Me. It is not too soon to begin agreeing with Me that the most important thing you can do is to See that all was made at once, and that It is All Good. The dance and the mist of time that swirls around the Reality that is All Good would have you think there are many insurmountable problems and unfulfilled potentials, but if you step with Me into the focus of timelessness for a few minutes each day, and try to See My Way, you will know that it is not so.
Be reassured, Beloved, by these forays into the Divine perspective, and let them infuse you with such a sense of gratitude and forgiveness and true perception of All being Love and Lovely, that you are filled with the Peace and Energy to be the delightful Being that you Truly Are.
Because I want this for you, It is already achieved. Visit your Self and See.
Ah, Beloved,
Be still, and listen. Be still and remember and realize that the Inner Partner Voice is right there to guide you, if you can stop, and be quiet, and listen.
When the emotions of restlessness or irritation or anger, or a feeling of fatigue or pointlessness alert you to feeling out of Harmony, stop and listen. Listen as carefully as you would to the whispers of a fellow soldier who had made his way successfully through a minefield on his knees, and now is trying to guide you through with hints about when to stop, and when to go right or left or straight ahead. Listen carefully, Beloved. Listen carefully, and move forward only when you are told, and obey the Inner Prompting for direction of movement, and you will find yourself happy while you trust that Voice during the crossing, and happy also when the minefield has been finally navigated.
It is a minefield of misinformation in the world, Beloved.
Listen and obey the Divine Voice alone,
Ah, Beloved,
A Beam of Love is not reduced by shining Its Love upon others.
Shining Its Love upon others does not mean using them to increase itself—It is already complete and Pure and only needs to shine, on everything and everyone.
That which keeps It Pure is to put no conditions on Its shining—for as It shines on everything, all that looks unlovable or seems unloved, is gathered into the Truth of Love.
Do you know, Love, that Words can heal you without your intellectual understanding of them? If they touch your heart, read them again and again, until you feel healed, until the fullness of your completeness in Love is revealed.
Shining your Love back at you,
Ah, Beloveds,
It is so important to know the Completeness of My Love for you. It is never withdrawn. It is never off-duty. It is the very Life Force of you, flowing as you, before, during, and after the earth-life dream.
Be at Peace and Complete, in your trust of that, dear Children of the Heart of Love.
Ah, Beloveds,
It is God, One Loving Mind that holds all, and is the very essence of total Harmony, that does the “healing” of anything that seems inharmonious. The healing is really just a revealing of the perfect Spiritual existence that God already created, thought up, in Its Mind. God IS all, all that is real, and that all IS Good.
To access that pervasive flow of Harmony, simply let go of thinking that another human can restore your experience of Harmony, or that you must, by human will, try, try, try to fix someone or something. Turn to the tender Thoughts of God, and let yourself feel Harmony flow through you and around you. “God is me, and God is my life.”
For those that define their lives as their human story-dream, this may seem like nonsense. But all those dreams and alternate dreams are as nothing. God is the perfect lives of you all.
This may seem frightening to those that cling to the details of human stories, but there is such an incredible freedom in realizing the Spiritual Reality of oneself, and all. Relax into that. Relax into the Reality of God, and that all is Spirit, and, as Spirit, Harmony and Its ideas.
If you but thought every day, “I am one of God’s Good ideas”, incredible aligning with Harmony would happen.
Take a time each day to realize that, and We join you in it.
Ah, Beloved,
The God-Source of you is Good. It is Love and Loves you, therefore you are Good and Loving, in your real nature. It is natural for you to be this. Just let anything that is not Love and Lovely fall away, like old dust blowing off a perfect leaf on a tree.
We assure you that each branch of the tree has this,
“High Guidance of the Light, be with me all the day.
My job is to be happy, and let you have your way.”
Ah, Beloved,
Utter trust in the Unseen is difficult to achieve, yes, when your human consciousness has been so trained to trust the senses.
For this, too, you can ask for Help from the Unseen. ‘Let me learn to trust. Lead me to situations that show me a demonstration of the Unseen. Help me to hear and see situations that have no other explanation except that they are the “visible” around the invisible center that is the Source.’
What would the donut be without the hole?
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
Whenever we see you confused about who you really are, we embrace you in Love and patiently wait. We know that none of those temporal confusions can last, for they are false and only illusions brought about by the belief in linear time. We stand outside of time, with God, and extend our Love to you, so that you may also see, you are already perfect and whole, as a wonderful child of God, and always will be.
Stand with us, and See with the eyes of God. Sight is a spiritual gift, already yours if you will take a moment to accept it.
Ah, Beloved,
Just as you wear a favorite shirt so much that its every fold and seam are utterly familiar to you, and you can completely relax in it, wear your communion with the Divine.
Practice wearing it. Practice relaxing into It. Practice, wear it, become so familiar with It, that you can have the same easy affability with It that you have with your favorite shirt.
It will show. And then others will trust it, and through you, trust It,
Ah, Beloved,
When you do not feel confident that you can hear and feel the Word and Support of God, either turn to someone who feels In Tune, and let them help uplift you to your rightful Divine Connection, or turn to old favorite Spiritual Truths, and repeat them until you feel calm.
God always hears you, and Spirit that joins you in your earth dream, always ready to awaken you to Light, is already with you. Divine Calm will join your human calm, and infuse it with Powerful Love.
Set aside the endless chatter of woes, and turn to these endless Wells of Goodness that help solve, and comfort, and release, and assure the return of thoughts to the Heavenly Consciousness of “All is Well, All is Well, All is Well.
Ah, Beloved,
Gratitude that the Unseen Forces of Good are always there to turn to, day or night, in sickness, in health, in sorrow , in joy. They are ALWAYS there.
Accept their comfort and advice,
Ah, Beloved,
You are standing in the Full Steam of Good Consciousness. Open to It completely and let it Flow through you and as you, and know that NOTHING can oppose It. Your own feelings or thoughts of undeservedness or doubt or anger can delay It—but the Creative Force Will Get, and, indeed, already has gotten, Its Way.
Remember that, and glory in, and be grateful for, Its Lovingness and Its Truth. Be aware that even standing near, or speaking to, or thinking of, someone who has cleared his or her thoughts enough to let the God Thoughts come clearly through, can be beneficial to you. On the other hand, spending great deals of time with those who are locked into a tailspin of discouragement or error or pain or vindictiveness can nudge your own hard-won pure thoughts out of alignment, like a cluster of canoes caught in a whirl of confusion in a fast running steam.
Protect yourself with even more Love. Let It armor you when you are near others, and let It lift you when you embrace the moments to be alone with It, and know the fullness of how much you are Loved, and how much the Creative Force wants you to feel happy, as you regain your full awareness of the Flow of Its Perfection.
Be at Peace, and continually align yourself with Peace, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
“I am.” Every consciousness has that thought. The error comes when the individual consciousness thinks it is a separate thing, a body far away from the parent body. Each “I am” is WITHIN the Great I AM, and so must rearrange its small thinking into that remembrance of the Whole within which it sleeps and moves and breathes and is, and within which it wonderfully, wonderfully exists.
Think of God as that which continually contains and embraces you, not as a far off thing that must be pleaded with and petitioned for good and for life. It already holds you. It already Loves you. It already knows you as Good and Complete, and delights in what you are.
Ah, Beloved,
When you are more grateful than words can express, for a gift of healing or salvation that occurs in your life, sing a song of Joy as offering to the Source.
Then, share your Joy with the world. Share it with the small world of your friends and neighbors whom you can encourage or help, but share it also in testimony to strangers who care to listen if they choose, that all may come to know, there is a solid Truth that one can cling to, in every time and place and circumstance.
Remember, and testify, that the Divine Whole occupies all of what seem to human measurements to be space and time, and It can be invited to appear, and does, when you need It, or when you are ready to accept It.
As ever, Dear One,
Ah, Beloved,
When earthly joys pale, and the earthly sorrows seem to be everywhere, and the thought of full merging with Divine Love is enticing, it is time to consider, did you agree to participate in the human play in order to be served, or to serve?
Beloved, when understanding of the Infinite has expanded to the point of knowing all illusions to be just illusions, good and bad, then the ability to lift others above their own dramas becomes one of your own keys to permanent Heaven Consciousness. Since All is One, the Grace to lend a hand of Compassion, and be a vehicle for the Thoughts of Truth, is the way to help all See the Wholeness of Being.
Serving others does serve you, dear one. You will see, you will see, you will see.
Service is simply letting Divine Love flow and govern through your focus and actions, like light through a clear window. God does the work.
And it becomes a Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
Proving to the self that concentrating on knowing the Power of the Law of Goodness is constantly operating in one’s life is the most wonderful way to help others, as well as yourself. The more often you prove to yourself that claiming dominion over mishaps or injuries WORKS will give you the confidence to give of your sharing with others your ability to lean on the sweet and pervasive Law of Good.
Give yourself the gift of noting, in memory, or written word, how many times you have been able to claim the Healing Power of Divine Intent and Joy, so that you have that to turn to when doubt tries to whisper harm or sorrow to you. Turn to those memories also to testify to others, when that sincere desire rises in you for them to also know the wonder of turning to the Good Source for comfort and Healing and Inspiration.
Remember that you are not giving them a formula or specific words that always will address their fears and neutralize errors. You are sharing how the Golden Love of truth will highlight the needed correction each time, for each situation, and that above all it is the Presence of Love, Love, Love that shines away the sense of separation from Goodness and Well Being.
We can see that you can do this. It helps all, Love.
Ah, Beloved,
You see how joyous is your feeling when you see another seemingly transformed from everything he or she was, in behavior, in your experience, before.
Take great heart and faith from that. When you wonder whether your own unwanted habits will ever change, or you think a certain relative may never become kindly, remember the man at the recycling center that suddenly become friendly instead of angry towards everyone. Remember the co-worker whom you initially disliked but now see all the good of.
Remember these things and understand that it is not just after some far off physical death that you see little glimpses of Heaven, but here and now. Each soul reflection grows and changes and is revealed to be, another small mirror of Good, each in its own special way.
When your thoughts change, your world changes. Choose your thoughts to match God.
Stay with it now, Beloved. More progress has been made than you realize,
Ah, Beloved,
It can certainly be a shock to human thought to realize one was totally wrong in certain basic assumptions, or axioms, by which one has tried to live. But when one has realized that the home, or body, or vehicle , or person, or job, in which one placed so much devotion and time, is not, after all the thing that leads to true peace, then it is very freeing to give it up, and to give up other things besides.
What seems good and bad in earthly life shifts as quickly as the direction of the wind. That is easy to see as one compares what one loved at age five with what one loves at age twenty—but have you seen yet that it shifts just as quickly within a day or an hour? There is only one thing that does not change, and that is the Firmness against which to lean, and that is the Nature of the Infinite Creative Source. When, between feeling attached to, or angry with, earthly things and people and attitudes, including your own earthly personality, you begin to explore and experience and get to know the aspects of the Divine Calm Joy, you will realize that here, at last, is a thing that does not need to be put aside because it has let you down. It is That Which Does Not Change.
It cannot let you down, for you are within It. You are a part of It. You are made of It. What else would you really be, after all, Beloved, but the very substance of the Consciousness that gave birth to Itself to commune with, to enjoy, to share and witness with Its own Creation?
Lay not up your treasures on earth,
Ah, Sweet Beloved,
There is no need to place any one earthly task above another, for just as the human perspective cannot always discern what is really helpful or unhelpful for ones happiness and purpose, so can the mortal mind not always tell what small or large task is working towards and for the Greater Good.
Just place Loving God, and being and acting as part of God’s Good, FIRST, and each day you will be guided and led to the tasks and actions and words that most benefit your own at-one-ment with Good, and the alignment with Good of those around you. There is great and delightful freedom in giving control of your schedule over to God, and then performing whatever you are called to do with Order and Love and Wisdom.
God provides the Order and Love and Wisdom to flow through you as you work. Just be open and willing to give what you want to receive.
So Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
Help yourself realize the true nature of God by imagining ways to visualize and feel that Wondrous Source of Love and Life and Soul and Omnipotence without picturing an old man with a flowing beard, as so many artists have pictured the Creator.
The Infinite Omnipresence can playfully be thought of as an excellent artist of Light. All the amazing ways that visible light can be combined to form images and convey mood and change would be but a tiny slice of the Living, Pulsing Force that is God. No human words or sensory images can really completely describe the All-in-All, but any ways you let your intuition use to capture the Tender Good Harmony that makes and creates all that is real, will help shake off untrue visions of God formed in the image of humans.
“I am an image painted by light by the Infinite artist of Light.”
Help yourself come to comprehend God as an unlimited Omniscience, and that will help you have faith and trust that all things are possible to God. Human limits are not applicable to God, and open and willing discernment of that will bring more Loving Hope to your life and to your world. Train yourself to believe in an unlimited Infinite, for It is what us Unseen, but very, very Present and Real.
Free your understanding, and see Good bloom,
Ah, Beloved,
You can choose to playfully ignore your cultural norms, which might mean salad for breakfast and cereal for dinner. Or pickles all day long. Around the world, the ways evolve and keep sustenance lively and fun.
Let such fun and variety command your alignment and communication with God Source as well. There are no rules about how or when you must relate to that Living Love that made you, and in which you dwell. Mix it up. Invite God to a crazy food day. Just stay aware that you and God-Joy are One.
Ah, Beloved,
The Inner Helper can fill you with tenderness when you need it.
The Inner Helper can fill you with acceptance, and peace, and resolve, and strength. The catch is, you must turn to It, and ask, and wait for It to do Its work. If you are very practiced at this, it will happen instantaneously. If you are not, it may take some moments or minutes or hours, but it does not fail, if you wait in patience and willingness to receive that Goodness.
Turn, turn, turn to that which is True, Beloved, and watch the wrinkles smooth out of your day like the folds of a cotton in the stream of steam.
Ah, Beloved,
It is a mistake to think that you do not need to forgive those who have passed on, or whom you never see because they live in a distant town or land. If there is unforgiveness in your thoughts about them, it is still poisoning you.
Ask for Angelic help, and forgive them, for your own sake. Remember that claiming the illusion of earthly drama to be a thing that cannot rule you, by its sins and sorrows and physical ills, means that you claim this Truth for yourself and for ALL!
Therefore, forgive. Claim that whatever words or acts seemed to hurt you never hurt the True You that is pure Spirit idea, and always happy and free and good. Forgive. And forgive yourself for taking so long to forgive, for the things that are of old, old times very best forgotten.
Always with you, We will never betray you or leave you,
Ah, Beloved,
When one has come to know the sweet intimacy of hearing the heart whisper about even the tiniest of things and actions in your life—what time to walk down to the mailbox, when to call the friend who needs an encouraging word, which vegetable to choose for perfect flavor…
then, you will fully realize the State of Grace of being in love with Love, for you will miss it terribly, if you stray too far from center of the Soul-Heart, and can no longer hear Its Guidance.
Love being in Love with It,
Ah, Beloved,
We see where your thoughts go, when humanness and a feeling of being separate from others, overtake your God-Given Compassion and Love.
Have mercy on others, as you hope they have mercy for you, and as you KNOW God has shown you, and is showing you. Nip any thoughts of competition or judgment in the bud, and have mercy, mercy, mercy.
And, Beloved, have mercy on yourself as well. The pitfalls of the human condition are not easy to overcome, We know. But with Divine Thoughts bearing you aloft, it CAN be done.
Ah, Beloved,
As you practice turning to Soul first each day, instead of the worldly news, you will afterward be able to calmly observe the headlines and events of the earthly in a different way. You will see more Wholeness, you will perceive more patterns of progress towards Awakening, you will feel more call to engage your own mind and offer your heart as instruments for God-Love to use.
You will more consistently turn to the Inner “God-channel” for interpretation and knowledge about anything that seems to be before you. “What do I need to focus on here, God?” you will ask.
Soon, it will be your favorite channel, your favorite pod-cast, your favorite information flow and emotional balm—the Inner Presence of Love. Turn to It.
Turn to It, and gladly learn to be as It, in Love,
Ah, Beloved,
The thought of being just a body that can turn into an older version of itself, or a thing that cannot complete every little thing it wants, is frightening, but that fear is really covering up the fear of the Truth of being purely Spirit. Go past the small fear of body, without control over circumstance or time, and stand and face the body’s fear of simply being Spirit. Ask for the Peace of the Enfolding, All-encompassing, Great Spirit, as you do so, and let yourself feel the Truth, that there is absolutely nothing, nothing, nothing to fear.
Bask in that, as you would in the sun, or warm water, or praise,
Ah, Beloved,
You have been to events and gatherings where a speaker or a performer spoke too quickly, or tried to tell a joke or a story with bad timing, and it made a good tale seem mediocre. You have had conversations with individuals that could have benefited from your experience or knowledge or advice, but who talked so much without pausing that you were never able to tell them what you have to offer, much less to help them.
God’s Guiding Spirit tries to get through to you, and to all, as soon as they are wanting God-alignment, and joy and purpose and thriving. Do not force God to try to sneak in a word or a sign here and there. Do not wait for symbols to creep into your dreams. Give God your undivided attention at least once a day, and more as you can. Ask what God wants you to know, and is aching to tell you, and desires to give you. Ask and listen, and open, open, open to hear and receive.
“Here I am, Lord. Speak and I shall listen.” Listen gladly and patiently and expectantly. Expect Good, for that is the basic nature of God, and therefore it is Goodness you are opening to welcome.
Nothing wrong with that,
Ah, Beloved,
“Show me my Life as you see it, dear God”
As many times as you remember, pray this.
And be open to new sight.
Ah, Beloved,
If someone asks you to pray for them, just do so.
You do not need to share all their beliefs or even consider yourself religious. You do not need to feel it is complicated or will take sacrifice on your part.
If you can just feel and think that you are willing to see that person as an offspring of the Divine Source, and thus willing to see them healed, or instructed, or uplifted and corrected, and Blessed, you are praying for them. You are willing to see that each and every being can be, and is, governed by the Grace of God.
When someone says “pray for me”, be willing to see Grace Harmonize them.
And pray for yourself the same,
“Grace is Harmonizing me and I receive It”
Ah, Beloved,
Stay, today, with that simple visual—you are standing on a foggy Globe, and the Divine Helper hands you a new pair of glasses that enable you to see through the fog. Suddenly, a whole new world shines forth to you, full of examples of goodness and honesty and love and charity.
And you are part of it.
Keep those holy glasses on today, Beloved. Keep them on and see what you See.
Ah, Beloved,
Try moving into gratitude for opportunities to practice patience and expectation of harmonious solution, when faced with worldly demands. So long as you walk the dream of earth, there will be forms to fill out, and chores to do, but they can be done in an attitude of slow simplicity, and gracious practice of the virtues of Spirit—such as confidence, and endurance, and orderliness, and the ability to teach.
Remember that you are teaching yourself as much as you are teaching others, by being an example of the Qualities of Holiness. Rejoice when you are given chances to let them shine.
As we see them shining from you always,
For we look on you with the eyes of Love,
Ah, Beloved,
“I Am curled peacefully in the Mind of God, allowing Infinite Spirit to provide all the ideas and Love and Purpose I need. The sustenance of Soul surrounds and uplifts me, providing and sustaining, because I Am no separate self from God.”
“All is Well, All is Well, All is Well, in the Great Harmony we welcome now.”
Relax into the Non-material Truth today, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
Welcome Love, that It may remove hatred, and the effects of hatred, from your body and the body of your life.
“Source Love, choose for me. Open my eyes and ears and let me hear and see, what I am, in Thee, of Thee , for Thee.”
Love wants this mist to clear away. Let It do Its work.
Recognize that in Timelessness, Its work is already done,
Ah, Beloved,
As you move towards not only love, but commitment, for another human being, you naturally come to a point of wanting to, and needing to, meet that person’s family. For seeming good, or seeming ill, it is the family you will be a part of.
Just so with God, Beloved. As you fall more deeply in Love with God, as you realize that a complete and wonderful sense of Love and commitment to God are a big part of your happiness, you need to meet the “family”. You need to meet God’s other children.
That is why you must learn to See the God-Child of everyone. Yes, unfortunately your human self seems to meeting most of them at a giant costume party, with both lovely and frightening disguises, but there you have it. God has assured you, “They are all my children”, and so you must look for that Love and Life and Spirit and Truth and Essence in the Light of everyone around you, as well as knowing it in yourself.
You can do this, because you have the delightful Divine Help that has brought you into the Family. Ask for It, and you cannot fail, for the Great Heart already knows and recognizes all the perfect children living and moving and having their being in God.
Some will delightfully surprise you,
Ah, Beloved,
If you would but spend a few minutes a day truly contemplating the very notion of Infinity, then, as Its vastness becomes understood by your heart, it would be very easy to accept that any earthly thing that might concern you is very small indeed within that Infinity.
Sit where God sits, Beloved, and look with that Infinite Eye.
Ah, Beloved,
The certainty of Love’s need of, and possession of, Its reflection of Itself, cannot be waylaid by any imaginary independence of the reflection. God, Love, made you for Itself to look upon and Love, and be Loved by in return. It is Spirit Loving Spirit. It is Spirit completing Itself as half a circle completes the other half.
We are not talking about ephemeral images that you call bodies, but about the very essences of yourselves. Therefore, when you want to truly know, “what am I?”, you must answer yourself that you are Love, made to return Love to the Original that made you. You are a very part of Its own completion.
The part of you that wants to pretend it is a separate and clever little physical body cannot destroy the essence of you. Turn within and embrace the thought of being Love reflecting Love. Practice that for as many minutes a day as you can, and it will grow easier and easier to feel the Truth of it. We know that the earthly mind that made up itself does not understand and does not WANT to understand—but the Love that created the truth cannot be outwaited or outwitted. Just practice wanting to Love back the Source that made you, practice making the circle Whole, and be Blessed, be Blessed, be Blessed.
Bless you for every effort,
Ah, Beloved,
When you call out in the Divine Plan and ask for the Divine Solution, the One Spirit that whispers to all, to come and wash you clean, it is your thoughts you are asking to have washed clean. As you let that Comforting Truth wash over your thoughts, taking away thoughts of blame and guilt, then you can clearly see things, for thoughts are things.
Then you can clearly see that you are a wondrous mote of light within the Mighty Light that is God/Goddess/All That Is, everywhere, for all time.
It is your washed clean thoughts of self, and of others, that lets you “heal” yourself, and “heal” them, for you then see both yourself and them as you truly are, perfect motes of light expressed as reflections here, but truly alive only within the Dance of God-Light,
We sing the song God dances to, of praise,
Ah, Darling One,
God Loves you. God is already holding you.
Won”t you put your mind on that, and take your mind off anything else, and just know and feel and trust how you are Held by Love?
God Loves you, and will instruct you about the best way Home.
Just trust and listen.
We will help you listen,
Ah, Beloved,
Your effort is to put your FULL confidence, heart and mind, into the Omnipotence of the Divine and Its accomplishment of Goodness. If you truly feel that Harmony already exists as the very Principle of the Universe, as you send forth your prayers, then you will see Harmony appear in the outer, just as quickly as It can be.
Love sometimes reveals the Whole Harmony immediately, and sometimes, in mercy, shows It forth bit by bit, as one would slowly rehydrate a parched plant. Believe us, dear love, each individual is given glimpses of Heaven just as soon as they are ready, until they can serenely accept the Whole Brightness of being.
So pray on, dear love, pray on,
Ah, Beloved,
Gently, gently, like a housewife tenderly laying her new-washed, hand-woven, garments in the sun to dry them, lay your errors and sorrows before the Light of the Divine. There, the Truth of Warm Joy will dry away the illusions, and you will feel the fresh, crisp, comforting true fiber of Being again.
Trust in the comforting guiding Light of Spirit as completely as you trust that the sunlight will dry wet clothes, and you will find yourself wanting to wash everything new and clean in order to lay it before that Revealing Light.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to hurry, for God’s Love is timeless, and That Creative Force knows that your real Being never really went anywhere—that you are a safe Idea Being that just fell asleep and thinks it is alone. In the dream, you are sometimes struggling, and sometimes succeeding, but you imagine you are far away from God, or you do not even believe there is One.
God knows you will awaken, in the dream, or after the dream or dreams. So God is not in a hurry. When you suspect that your own mind has tricked you and you want to try to “hurry” to awaken, that urge to hurry can be yet another trick of your mind, for it may make you feel desperate or wanting or angry. Those feeling only further your feelings of estrangement.
The unhurried quiet trust is best. Work on proving and feeling God’s care for yourself. Work on hearing, and knowing, the delightful still, calm, loving Voice. Then, you will open and awaken more quickly than you thought possible, with no jealousy of those that are already there, and nothing but compassion for those that yet sleep.
How We Love you!
Ah, Beloved,
Each time you make the choice, moment by moment, to focus on Good, in yourself, and in others, and in the circumstances and environment around you, you are doing the work of God.
For God wishes for Its Grace to fully replace the sights and experiences of all that is not Good, and as you allow yourself to help the Good that exists be noted, and worked with, and expanded, then more and more of the Good that is truly All can be revealed. Yes, Beloved, that which is troubled and dark in the world can seem to be very, very real, and pervasive, but that makes it all the more important to be one that seeks and observes Good, and gives It a chance to multiply Its visibility and to be sweetly known by all.
Trust that your part of this is important, and that all others are led to their parts, and carry on, carry on, carry on. Trust God to do Its job, and you do your part of exhibiting the God-Goodness of yourself, and looking for It in others.
It is going on all the time. Trust that. Trust Goodness.
Ah, Beloved,
No moping. Just smoothly coping, asking always for Help Divine, and constantly hoping, yea even expecting, those uplifted moments of Joy sublime.
Moments become days filled with Gladness and Love, don”t they, Darling?
We whisper to all. We are grateful you have agreed to listen.
As ever, ANGELS
Talk, today, Beloved, to only God.
Do not either argue or celebrate with the human man or woman beside you, for that only reinforces the thought of yourself as a limited mortal-thought body=thing.
Talk to God, today, Beloved.
Remember Who You are.
If You forget, ask God again.
Ah, Beloved,
While it is certainly Holy Spirit’s main task to remind you constantly of your identity as a Good Child of God, and to help you remember how best to love and forgive and be a perfect image of God Qualities, that small still Voice is glad to assist you in all the small human ways as well. Befriending and supporting you in living happily is part of having you peacefully be an instrument for God.
And for you, learning to know and trust the Loving and Guiding Voice of Spirit on the small day to day things will help you trust when it comes to bigger questions. So, whether you are listening to the inner Advisor when picking out a grapefruit, or choosing a travel destination, or committing to a partner, or deciding when to answer a calling, or asking for the courage to forgive a human error, just be very, very glad you have that inner Advocate.
And you always will have.
We walk with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Yes, it takes willingness and effort to give up all grievances. Yes, it takes learning control of the human mind and thoughts, to set aside those complaints and criticisms of the surface roiling of humanity’s behaviors. Yes, there is Divine Assistance in doing all of this, if you but open to It and ask.
And the payback, darling one, is to feel the delicious embrace of the Kingdom of Heaven in your thoughts and experience. The payback is full trust in the Truth that all things truly are possible to God, if you but set aside your human plans and welcome the Way of God’s unfolding of your happiness.
Release the judgements of yourself and others, no matter how dear you hold them, and turn to God with complete trust and welcome, and allow yourself to be delighted, dear one.
Allow yourself to be delighted, for that delights Us, too.
Ah, Beloved,
Just as a Loving Parent would enfold you in a warm comforter when you come in from the cold, let the Divine Source enfold you in that natural Warmth of Itself when you turn your thoughts away from any chill thoughts of the world.
Just as a master chef would tenderly and gently fold in the egg whites for the delicate but complicated recipe for a prize winning cake, let The Master Chef fold you into Its own Knowing of exactly how the recipe should be concocted. You are an important ingredient, but you are but one of them. Trust that the Great Chef knows how and when to put you, and all the other ones in, and in what order, and how to prepare them beforehand, and how long to bake them, before all is done.
All is already Done, Love, and with Love. Trust It.
Ah, Beloved,
Thinking about trouble brings on trouble.
Thinking about Wholeness brings on Wholeness.
Thinking about Holiness brings on Holiness.
Yearning for God brings God to your side.
We do Love you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is but one way to see a different movie, if you do not like the one you are seeing. Make your decision, get up, and go into a different theatre.
Remember that as a metaphor when you are not enjoying the theme or schemata of your day. Realize it does not feel right, raise your thoughts into your Higher Self, move your expectations into seeing the Goodness and Peace of God, and be Guided to re-See and re-work your day. Moment by moment, and day by day, a new life, God’s Life for you, is revealed.
Stand fast in your thoughts of being open to the Life God envisions for you, setting aside the “movie” your limited human mind wrote, and be willing to See God’s Will for you.
Change your mind to God-Mind, for It is Wisdom,
Ah, Beloved,
You have probably heard the saying that “no greater gift can a man give than to lay down his life for a friend.”
Most people would think of that as giving up their physical life. Today, think of it in a different way. Think of your life as the thoughts and desires that you have for the “life” that is your human body and personality. Think of your Best Friend as the Creator. Think of giving up your own human plans as “giving up your life”, and ask for God to reveal to you what His/Her plans are for you. You may be wearing the same body, albeit healthier and happier, but you will be living a new life, having given up the old one, as you let God take the reigns.
No greater give can you give God, AND no greater gift can you give yourself.
Always Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
Blaming something outside of yourself for how you seem to be feeling will never fix anything. Reviewing and adjusting your feelings, drawing on your innate Divine empowerment, will. You can choose to be more compassionate, you can choose to be more Loving, you can choose to be part of creating Harmony and recognizing Good. You can vow to work towards seeing the Best in everyone brought forth.
These truisms are so oft repeated that they sound almost trite. But they are still true. And you must still choose each hour and each day, “Will I see the Good God made revealed, or will I let the turmoil of the days and the seeming riffraff of animal behavior misdirect me into irritation and fear?”
Choose the Good, dear Love. Choose the Good, again and again, and follow God’s directions for allowing more of It to blossom. Rest in God’s Heart, draw on Divine Wisdom, and you can do this.
Ah Beloved,
“Show me my Self that you conceived of, dear God. Let no distractions pull me away today from knowing who I truly am, made in and of the Light of You.”
This is what you need today, Beloved Child. The phantasm of matter and how much it seems to matter is what you must take your focus off of today.
Practice this, dearest. “I am a Child of God. I am nothing else. I have the Glory and the full Presence and Purpose I need to be in exactly the right place and the right time to help move forward the Lovely, Lovely Plan of God. And so does everyone else.”
We will Help you remember all day, Child.
Ah, Beloved,
I see the Beautiful You.
What do you see? Set aside whatever thoughts you have of yourself that are based on time or old experiences or something someone once said to you, and See with Me.
See the Beautiful you, full of Light, made of Love, and shining with Joy.
See the Beautiful You that I See, and Look at the Beauty of Creation with Me.
Ah, Dear One,
Like a ten year old child who has determined to give a fine party for her friends, but has forgotten to arrange the timing of the cooking of the elements of the meal, so that, although they are lovely, they are not ready in the right sequence, and so she welcomes the aid of her mother, be you also glad to welcome the aid of your Divine Mother.
Believe us, by whatever name you call the Divine Arranger of the Universe you can see, and not see with your human eyes, welcoming Its help is key to Life being indeed the party you imagined it to be.
Be not proud, but be glad,
Ah, Beloved,
“Allowing the Truth that the Divine Source Loves to see me happy, I place today softly and trustingly in Its Hands.
Today, I will think of myself not as a limited mortal body, but as a wonderful expression of the flowing Energy of Divine Joy.”
“And I will See marvelous results in all the aspects of my life.”
So be it, for so it is,
Ah, Beloved,
Of course, dear one, the meditation or prayer that seemed to give you a sweet sense of Oneness with All yesterday may seem just to be just empty words today. It is not about the words or the ritual. It is about truly feeling the Presence of the Divine Consciousness ever with you, and knowing that you dwell within Its Infinite embrace.
So, if you have gotten no further in a prayer than “Our Father, Mother God,…”, and you clearly feel the Wondrous Love enveloping you, you can finish the words of the standard prayer if you wish to, or you can just surrender to the Comfort of Love, or you can just repeat the opening words until you feel completely calm and open and filled with Peace.
Allow yourself to change whatever routines you endeavor, so as to keep your communion with the Love in which you abide constantly feeling fresh and new and wonderful. It is not magic tricks. It is not formulas. It is a relationship ever giving and growing, in both directions.
We are Glad with you no matter the path you take,
Ah, Beloved,
Even the most odious of tasks may be turned into a set of sacred moments, if you call forth the Presence of God from your Heart, and you do the task with selfless Joy.
KNOW that your partner, now and forever, in every chore and every situation is the Divine Consciousness, and simply do each thing that needs to be done, slowly, lovingly, graciously, perfectly, enjoyably. Being with the Sacred Presence is payment extraordinary, accept it as such.
We are with you, all today, and always,
Ah, Beloved,
An Omnipotent God-Force, within which you dwell as Created Spirit, has no trouble reaching you if you are willing. If some form of “Thy Will be done” is always in your thoughts or feelings, then God can easily get through to your thoughts and feelings with Comfort, with Support, with Solutions, with Love and Loving Ideas.
If that “thy Will be done” does not rise easily to your heart and mind, then it is probably because you do not fully believe in the Goodness of the Divine All, or of the Divine Desire for your happiness. If mis-taught fears of God, or beliefs that God creates tragedies and harm, lurk in your being, work on reminding yourself that God is Good, and that you want your Life to shine with Good God Qualities.
Trusting God’s Goodness means it is easier to float on a faith of “Thy Will be done.”
Letting go of your old human plans, allowing, “Not my will, but Thy Will be done.”
One Loving Light is always ready to shine as you, as all,
Ah, Beloved,
The complete and delicious and wonderful Spiritual Union with the Divine Awareness, that is the true Life Awareness of all, cannot really be described in words. Why even try? Simply experience Its worthy and Great Calm and Love, and enjoy It and let It fill you with Joy.
And then quietly demonstrate that Joy in how you live, how you act, what you do, and in what you say that It leads you to say. That is Divine Love true, that is Divine Love expressing Itself and sharing with all and to all.
Be what you feel as Divine,
You can. It is what you really are.
Ah, Beloveds,
Keep your thoughts and feelings on track, with Our Help.
When you are criticizing and condemning and complaining, you are preventing yourself from using those moments to achieve, and affirm and ascend. Achieve, and affirm, and ascend. And Appreciate.
Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate.
Yes, Beloved, it is appropriate to rebuke error, and refuse to accept that which is not of the Harmony that is the real Rule of life. But, ask for the justice of God for the situation, and turn your own thoughts and growth to the Light. Ask for the awakening and growth of Truth revealed, when your own heart or others make ungraceful choices, but quickly turn your thoughts and motives to Good again.
Turn to Good, and expect Good to prevail in every heart, and appreciate, appreciate, appreciate. God knows the end from the beginning, and it is Good.
Trust us, and stay focused on Good,
Ah, Beloved,
Uncertainty in human plans can be a blessing if you let it be filled with Hope.
Into that space of Hope, God’s Plans and ideas and solutions can surge, offering creative ways to move forward and visions and revisions from beyond human understanding.
Place your gentle trust in the Love of God, and give It welcome.
Do not waste time trying to figure out why you drop back into anger or feelings of regret. Rather, when you notice that you are thinking such things, turn, right away to the Inner Presence, and ask whether It still Loves you.
It will always say YES.
Hear that YES, and bask in the Love. Soak in It, and let It melt away the anger and any sorrow and any and all self-belittlement.
It Loves you. Let It do so, and be healed.
You cannot heal others if you do not let yourself be healed.
Ah, Beloved,
God is already being God. The entire of the Divine Universe is already expressing itself as what you truly are, and as everything else. You do not need to do anything to convince God to be God, or to bring God into alignment with God’s purpose.
Talking to God, and praying to, and being with God, is to bring YOU, meaning your conscious awareness, into alignment with God. God, and the Mind of God are already what Is, but the human, earthly awareness has been fogged over by worldly beliefs and perceptions. Spending time with God in the heart of your soul’s awareness will bring you a clarity of sight, and a clarity of perception on all levels. The world might label that clarity “healing” or “enlightenment”, but in truth, it is just the revelation of the Truth of God that was there all along.
Other people may help you see clearly temporarily, but it is up to you to hold to that true sight, by practicing it.
O’ how We want you to see all that Beauty,
Ah, Beloved,
It is not the caffeine kind of wakefulness that you need, it is the wakeful, mindful awareness of being at one with the Source. It is realizing that the Love and the truth of God are everywhere, waiting to help you see clearly the Light in all, and around all.
Close your eyes, turn within, and quietly, calmly, ask for the Light to light your way.
We are so with you in this. Ask us to join you,
Ah, Beloved,
As we have spoken of many times, being in love on earth gives you a small glimpse of the choice that is before you always. Whether you are in love with another person, or a pet, or a vocation, or a place, when you are first overwhelmed with that feeling of love, you would do anything for the Beloved. You would give up all for that lover or that child. You would defend that darling home town. You would make sacrifices to spend time on that vocation.
All of these are but shadows of what you would feel if you just let yourself be in love with God/Goddess/All That Is. When you begin to experience that, then all that matters to you is doing whatever would make the Divine happy, for making the Divine happy makes you happy, because you are part of the Divine. And, you begin to see the Divine in everything, and so yearn to make the Divine happy wherever you see it—which Is everywhere.
O’ Beloveds, just be in love with the Divine, as the Divine is in love with you. Find yourself wanting to make the Divine happy above all else, and let that be your life. Let yourself spread Its Joy. Let the Divine Love you let pour from you counteract the human fears that run so rampart. Like smoke before a mirror, those fears cover the true and glorious reflection of Divine Love. It really is as simple as that.
Life or death? Love or fear? Joy or sorrow?
The same choices, in many forms, again and again,
Ah, Beloved,
The resistance to full surrender to the Holy Voice of the Source within you relates to not trusting that the Source Spirit knows better than you do what is, and would be, your true happiness. Practice thinking about the fact that your human happiness makes Spirit able to better work through you to spread Light and Joy to others, and then you will gain some glimmer of understanding about why surrendering to that Inner Guidance is trustable.
O”, Beloved, what Joy is due to you! Surrender, and accept the Peace of the Divine Heart.
As ever,
Ah, Darling Ones,
Divine Love Itself is simple. You could use countless words to try to describe It, of course, but in Its essence, It is simply what it is. Trying to pick It apart into all that It IS would be like trying to dissect a living thing and explain its life completely by inanimate parts.
Life, as a Substance of Love Divine, is built up of so many complex Ideas of Divine Love that it cannot be truly picked apart into bits for greater understanding, either.
In all ways, your best way of understanding Life, and Holy Love, and the Great “I am that I Am”, is simply to ponder It wordlessly , to allow yourself to fall in love with It, to ask It to hold you and awaken you in such a way that your perceptions are raised in such a way that no labels are needed. The “I Am that I Am” knows that you need this, and Lovingly provides it, so that you can come to realize of yourself also, “I simply am what I am”, as a part of the Loving Whole.
And as you Know this, errors of thought and manifestation fall away. As you ponder and practice this, all unLovingness drops away, and you, too, are Holy, Holy, Holy beyond measure.
Simply Be a Perfect part of God, for you are, Spirit of Spirit, uncontained.
Ah, Beloved,
Understanding that God, and all His/Her Thoughts/Ideas that you might call angels or guides, or by some other name. are completely in Love with you, can carry you through many a challenge and help you rise to the fullness of your destiny. For when you know that someone or Something loves you without limit, then it is easier to go for the Best of yourself.
In Love with you,
Ah, Beloved,
As when a woman is in the time of giving birth, and her entire focus must be on that process, without diverting her attention to the undone chores in the home, or what some faraway politician is doing, or fretting over a current project or family concern, so think of your giving birth to the Inner Self that is in complete alignment with God. Stay focused on that Good thing, give yourself to the Glorious unfolding, accepting that all around you are undergoing the same process in their own ways.
Stay open to Love’s Law of alignment, Trust God to swirl into your life experience the Good ideas and people and circumstances you need. Trust Goodness to be Good. Trust God to be Good. Believe in that Omnipotent Goodness, and let not sorrows of the illusion divert your attention from giving full smooth birth to the Real Wonderful You, centered in Spirit, and happy with what you are as Soul and a part of Infinite Life.
Ah, Beloved,
Consider the gifts of death. Know that one them is the tender understanding that is gained when people are surprised by death in the company of those whom they thought to be enemies. Those who are given a moment or two of conscious notice that earthly death is imminent are amazed that the neighbor that they did not know well, or the co-worker whom they avoided at the lunch counter, is to be the last face they see. The amazement comes from the sudden light of kinship and commonality. Suddenly, none of the old bickering matters, and none of the differences of outlook are important. All those things are swept away as they join hands to face the wave or the flame or the onrushing wind, taking courage from their commonality as they go through the metamorphosis of consciousness together.
No one dies alone, Beloved.ANGELS and True Spirit are always a part of the process. But if another human is present, sometimes more is learned by both those souls of the true Divine nature of themselves, than they learned in all their years of living.
Be never afraid, for all is learned in time,
Ah, Beloved,
The willingness to give up old beliefs/thoughts is key to letting the true nature and state of your innocent, and pure, and good Being, as a Spirit-Child, shine forth in the earthly mirror. Be willing to see yourself, and those around you, in at least neutral terms, for by judging not, you leave room for the Creator to fill your mind with His/Her Thoughts, which are of your Goodness and Wholeness and Perfect Purpose and Beauty. You are freed to know yourself as, and see others through, the eyes of God, which are the eyes of Love.
Be not afraid, little Ones, to let go of what you thought was true, for in letting go, you give room for the Truth, and you can be free to feel the fullness of Joy. Each time you are tempted to judge a situation or another person, think of how many times you yourself have been mis-judged because the one doing the judging did not see the whole picture of what was occurring. If you just always ASSUME you do not know all the facts, then you can turn to the Divine Voice and Eye, and ask It to show you the Truth of the situation.
And the Truth that It will show you is that all are the equally Beloved Children of God, and urge you to help set those Spirits free in your mind. Let your mind thoughts be Good God Thoughts, and let your heart be filled with the Joy they bring.
Would you be free to feel Joy this day?
Ah, Beloved,
Whatever it is your true need and purpose to do, as a Wondrous Spirit shining forth as human, you can do. Trust in the provision of strength and wisdom and understanding, and go slowly, and deliberately, so as to be able to discern Inner Instruction as you go.
And if the need of what must be done seems chore-like, appreciate each step as it occurs, and savor and find joy in the small beauties and serendipities that occur as the project is accomplished. There is time enough, always, to enjoy each moment of existence.
We are always with you, helping in unseen ways,
Ah, Beloved,
God is your Life Force.
Do only, exactly, what God says today and you can demonstrate for yourself how brightly and wonderfully All is Well.
You know you are hearing Divine Voice and being Lovingly led by Soul, when you feel Calm and Joyous and unafraid. Be Confident in compassion and forgiveness, and be glad you, and all, are alive in the force of God.
Love God, Love yourself, Love others. Simple rules.
Ah, Beloved,
In all your journeying in the Consciousness of Love, as you awaken more and more to Its complete Omnipresence in Reality, it is always true that as you pardon and heal, and forgive and let go, you also remember your Wholeness.
Get very quiet today, and stay still, and ask Loving Spirit what good thing of yourself to focus on expanding and sharing today, and all days.
Ah, Beloved,
It is not just a mind game to think back to past events and try to see them with more love. It is an acknowledgment that the real Life of all souls has always been, is, and will always be, pure Love in the Mind of God, and under Its gentle control all the time.
The time spent in the earth dream does not change the timeless Love and regard of God for you. To think about that, and bring Its compassion into the dream can help harmonize the time dream while you are still in it, and soften the pain of old events that seem unchangeable.
Always beckoning you unto Love,
Ah, Beloved,
“Bless them all, and simplify me, so that it is with Your Sight I See.”
Being VERY aware that it is your thoughts, your sight, your judgment, that must be aligned with God’s Perfect-Ideas, God’s Unconditional Love, and God’s declaration of Goodness and Innocence, is crucial. It is the way to see all the world new, and healed.
We will help. Ask Us,
Ah, Beloved,
Why is it the responsibility of the healer to heal, rather than telling the person what he or she must do? Because, Beloved, the healer must make the choice to look with the eyes of Grace upon the “other”, and, with those eyes, see the perfection of the Divine.
Just as someone watching a movie can choose to really pay attention to it or not, so must the observer, the healer, choose to pay attention to the Divine in those around him or her.
The Grace with which you will look, if you choose to, is given to you freely and endlessly. It is up to you whether you use it or not. It is up to you whether you will give it away or not, knowing that there is an infinite Source of more of it, within which you live and are sustained.
Take the responsibility, and it is yours,
Ah, Beloved,
The Everflowing warmth of Divine Love is not only for certain saints or mystics or those that have studied religion or holiness for years. It is for all. It is for all.
Simply welcome It. Welcome It, and invite It to come into your awareness, into your life, in whatever form your heart and mind are ready to understand.
And let It come. Let It come and warm up your outlook and your days. Let It cheer and inspire your plans and your ways. Let it be your Source, and be glad that It is the Source of all Good overcoming of the worldly, for all.
Soul shines Its warmth 24 hours a day. Bask in It.
Ah, Beloved,
Everything you do and think and feel bounces back to you in the earthly dream. It is certainly a reason to watch carefully what you think and choose to feel.
But, Beloved, you can also step outside the dream and align yourself with Spirit, Good and True, and allow yourself to draw on that sweet Integrity to help you behave as you would wish to do to demonstrate the best of you, and the Best of God.
You are the strength God gives you, if you ask It and welcome It,
Ah, Beloved,
What a wonder is the Unchangeable Love of God for you.
Always there for you, It is ever reminding you of your true identity as child-image of Spirit, Spirit in substance, and ever-lasting, and approved of by Spirit God.
The personalities around you may offer their temporary love or approval, or not, but all that really matters is that Unchanging Love of God, your Life Fuel. Think on that. Keep your mind on that. Let your heart be filled, and led, by that.
Take time for that, and believe that Love.
Ah, Beloved,
You can bond with others having the human experience through challenges and sorrows and sin. Or, you can choose to bond with them in the shared Inner Joy of Soul that holds you all together in Love. You choose. All human bondings based in shared illusions of error and dust are temporary. Shared bonds of Infinite connection last forever. You choose.
You can bond with the Infinite in your consciousness only through Love and the depth of Spirit that holds your Spiritual Self. God cannot bond with your awareness through errors. God will only draw you into the bond of Oneness through Truth and Love.
You can choose WHEN that happens, but it will happen, We assure you. It is already accomplished in the timeless eyes of Love.
Choose alignment with Love today?
Ah, Beloved,
There is only the Divine Mind and Its pure reflection, often called the Christ Mind. Your consciousness is a part of that delightful offspring, that Christ, that incredible reflection of Divine Thought. Innocent and pure, lovable and loving, you are good. You are Spirit, not the mortal dream of bodies. The Body of Christ is everlasting and unchanging.
Today, turn to the Parent Mind of which you are part, and seek Its wisdom and affection. There is really no other source for them. And when you have filled yourself with that Loving wisdom and gracious glad tenderness and appreciation, then you can share them with others. Then you can Love God as God Loves you.
Ah, Beloved,
God’s Perpetual Goodness has not changed. Your innocence and Goodness, as God’s reflection, has not changed. Immerse yourself in this Truth.
Immerse yourself in this Truth, and ask God’s Helpers, God’s Technicians, to clean the dust off the mirror of your self, so that you can shine the True Reflection of Goodness, today.
It is Their job, and They are glad to do so,
Ah, Beloved,
Continue asking Me what use you may be to Me each day, because you Love Me.
Continue reaching out to give a word, because even if it is only for one person that day, it enriches that one and therefore enriches you, and therefore affirms the Completeness of Me.
Continue, continue, continue expressing the Best of yourself within Me, for in that way, even while doing tasks and fulfilling obligations, you can be joyous and free.
Each day and each moment bring new chances to quietly shine with the Still Light of the Source of your Living. Continue, continue to Shine.
Strong in you; use My Strength,
Ah, Beloved,
Today, release , release, release whatever is not right now. Appreciate the small wonders of order and harmony around you in the worldly senses, and demonstrate gratitude for the Infinite variety of the Unseen Aspects that make existing worthwhile—the sweet building of friendship and the kindness of animals to one another and the generosity of Love.
Ask to be Held by the One divine which already Holds you, and as you ask, your asking gives permission for your very Essence to remember all that you are as a part of the Whole, complete and perfect and Good.
Every word we have just dictated here is but a symbol of That which words cannot express. But the Unconditional Love that cannot be seen with eyes can be pulled from within your heart and wrapped around your thoughts like an invisible comforter, as you ask, ask, ask, and know that it is true.
Let that Truth be your garment today. Let Unconditional Love be your Thought for yourself.
Today, heal You your own human heart, and then you can give again.
Ah, Beloved,
What do you spend your time studying or being fascinated by? Is it flickering images or words that frighten and dismay, or mock and shame and belittle? Is it fleeting escapes and appearances that are riveting but ultimately unsatisfying? Choose to focus on those thoughts if you like, but if you are ready for more moments of calm Peace and Wisdom and Soul contentment in your mind and heart and days, then study Love.
Study Love, that is above human love and that includes Infinite Life and Truth and a Goodness of Spirit, fueled by Joyous Soul. Those aspects of what you really are deserve unlimited study, endless appreciation, and recognition as what you really want to emulate each day. Give time to what you already really are in Divine Mind and Eye, and the pleasure will surpass all worldly bursts of fun.
Ah, Beloved,
Just think some more today about the energy, the Joy and the Qualities of God being exactly and completely what you are made of.
Think about enjoying Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
If someone gave you a pile of Lego blocks, that were all the same color, and told you to build whatever you want, you could build all sorts of extraordinary things, but they would all be that same color.
In the Causal Mind of God/Goddess/All That Is, all the building blocks are the “color” Harmony. This is not a visual color. It is a quality—a Principle, an aspect of the very essence of which your spiritual self and the Mind within which your being exists is made. They are the “color” Good. Sit your consciousness down in the focal point that is the center of God and you will be able to see that, and able to see the Good Creation that God also declared and “saw that it was Good.”
It truly is as simple as that, Beloved. And once you have experienced it, you will experience it more and more often, and will understand that you can demand all the additional building blocks you want, as long as they are “colored” Good—as long as they are of Loving Intent.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
Where there seems to be trouble, there is also Good.
Remember that the All-Presence of One Mind, of the Divine, of Spirit Holy, means there is nowhere that God is not. Yes, yes, there is the misty human illusion of discord or lack or terrible fear or bodily inharmony, but We are trying to train you to See past those veils of human perception and realize that the Divine Solutions and resolutions for those things are right there.
Ask to See them. Ask for others to have their eyes opened to See them. You would not be reading these messages if you were not ready to be awakened to your full Spiritual potential. Humanity is ready to be awakened to be able to See and experience its own Goodness.
Be willing to participate in this wonder by simply remembering, always, where there seems to be trouble and sorrow, there is Good already there. And allow the Good to come forth in the way that It has ordained, and be willing to be Its peaceful and loving instrument.
There is progress being made, even though you may not be aware of it.
God Loves you so. God Loves you all so very much.
Ah, Beloved,
Have mercy and compassion for those who can only believe in what they can see. Have sympathy when they cannot believe in the Joy and Glory that may be just out of their sight in the physical realm. Have tender regard for their faith that clings to touching the three dimensional relic of a saint or the fingerable hem of a woven garment.
Soon enough, O’ Beloved, in each one’s journey, they will come to understand that it is the Spirit they are reaching out to touch. First, they may think they are reaching out to touch the Spirit of a very holy incarnate one, and then they may turn their hearts to whatever Spirit of their creed who was incarnate, and is no longer, but whose Loving Spirit they can still feel. Finally, they will come to realize that All is One Spirit, and that It is Alive in them as well, and that the ever-present touching of Spirit was there all along.
Have mercy on yourself, Beloved, when you forget to stay centered in the Loveliness of the Unseen, and have empathy for those whose eyes have not glimpsed it yet. Remember, the more you stay centered in It, the more of It there is allowed into the Seen, so that others may choose to See. Do your part.
Ah, Beloved,
If , after contemplating and contemplating, and contemplating , and reading, reading, reading about the Divine, you begin to have a glimmer of the Invisible Unseen purely Spiritual nature of God, and, feeling suffused with the Love of that Nature, and say to that Glad Creator, “I love You,” and hear back “And you are made of Me,” you will know you are well on your way to being able to hold onto the Truthful thought that you are not a body, you are Spirit, pure and simple.
When you can remember that always, in every moment, all choices open to you,
Ah, Beloved,
Perhaps you believe that becoming personally better is a matter of human will.
It is not. It is a matter of trusting and loving the One Mind enough that you give over your will to It. That letting go does take a great Impulse of Sheer Love, but once that first step is taken, the One Mind helps with the rest. Just give that willingness each day, and keep taking each step along the way.
We are your walking sticks, and guides,
Ah, Beloved,
If you grow discouraged with trying to Spiritually See the Loving and Lovable Soul within the dusty human cruelty and errors of some of those in your life and in the news, turn to thinking of others. Think about all those you know or hear of who exhibit such Lovingness, and Spiritual Lovability, that they shine easily past any human fallibilities of their human costume. Each one you think of is like another small candle lit in a dark room.
And if you add to those thoughts of human light-bearers, some sweet pondering of the Loving Source that fuels them all, your discouragement will lift, and you will trust again that the Light wins.
The Light wins, Beloved. The Light wins.
Ah, Beloved,
Bless those around you as your sacred mirrors, for when they irritate you with their impatience or their greed, it is time to understand that your own lack of fear has not been adequately demonstrated. Look within, and remember that all the Infinite Resource of God is yours to draw upon for what you have been assigned to do. Do not fear not having it, and do not fear that any other can take from you that which is assigned to you.
Listen to the Divine Voice, and if the one before you is caught in fear about lack of provision or lack of opportunity, and you are instructed to respond, then grant whatever is yours to grant, demonstrating trust and knowledge that aught that you need for your Work will come to you. In the hour of your fulfillment, you will always have what you need ready to hand.
Bless the courage of those who reflect to you your own fear, that you may cast it out,
Ah, Beloved,
Even after you realize that you want the Peace and Perception of the Divine more than you want anything of the worldly, there will be worldly things that still seem attractive or necessary. Be gentle and forgiving with your own heart and its desires, and just continue to work on discerning and trusting the Divine Voice within. It will guide you to your purpose as communicator of Unconditional Love, but It will also guide you to all that is needed for your earthly costume, and to the Joy and sense of Purpose that beholds each morning with gratitude and enthusiasm.
Surrender to that Voice, and Its Presence, and trust, trust, trust, Beloved, that the combination of living in the world, but not of it, can indeed be lived, so long as it is your part to be in the Play. Many have done it, and so can you.
As loving as ever,
Ah, Beloved,
Within your perception of time as linear, you often forget what you have been wishing for or asking for or imagining. Then, when circumstances seem to change weeks or months later, you wonder why, not realizing your own focus has been the instigator.
Watch your thoughts and desires, Beloved. Patrol them, even, and make sure you are thinking thoughts of Goodness for yourself and others. Thoughts of Blessing come back as Blessings. Thoughts of anger or blame come back as the same.
Loving Spirit is in your heart to help you sort out and filter your thoughts and dreams and wishes. Loving Soul is with you to help you pray aright.
Take those moments to listen and pay attention. Make the effort to choose Goodness and Love, and sooner or later those choices come back to you as delightful manifestations.
We are with you in your Good intentions,