All Messages

  • Ah, beloved,

    When you try finding qualities to be grateful for in those around you, it feels good.

    Is not that reason enough to practice doing it daily?

    The spiritual growth and the re-thinking of thought that occurs, and the resultant improvement in your life circumstances, are what you will also see. But for now, do it because it feels happy. Do it because it feels Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take a day of wordless prayer, knowing that God sees the Innocence of your Spirit and wants your happiness in the Greater Plan of Love Divine. Trust that God sees the desires of your heart and takes them into full consideration for whatever is the highest Blessings for all.

    No intellectual pondering of theology today, Beloved. Just wordless Love of God, for God, as part of God.

    Be still, and Love God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Re-Mind yourself,

    “ In the God-Source, I am alive.

    In the Glad and Loving Source, I live, and thrive, thrive, thrive.

    The image of me flickers now and again in the mirror of earth,

    But in the Reality of Source, I am outside of time,

    And all the Goodness that is Divine Joy and Peace is also mine, mine, mine.”

    Beloved, the Creative Original, that made the mirror image to look in, cannot withhold any part of itself from being reflected in the mirror—nor would It desire to. No more than if you held up an artichoke to a mirror, and could not see it reflected as a tomato, could the Wholeness of the lovely idea of you be held up to a mirror, and look un-lovely. You are a reflection of utter Love. If it does not seem that way for a moment, cleanse the mirror of your thoughts and your beliefs, and look again.

    For God/Goddess looked in the “mirror, mirror on the wall” and saw “you are Lovely, you are All.” And knew, “All that I made is Good.”

    We See you as true image. Can”t you?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Softly, softly, trust in the Better Soul of yourself to come forward as relentlessly as a butterfly comes forth from its cocoon. It is programmed in to the very Spirit of what you are, and what everyone is, and it will always, eventually come forth.

    All have regrets about choices made, but softly turn now from any thoughts about past regrets, and allow yourself to be carried forward again, leaving all in the Hands of the Soul that embraces the Better being of you, and unfolds you from the cocoon.

    All those who grab at, and long for, something “practical” to do, to assist in their thriving and spiritual growing, must come to a point when they realize that softly surrendering to the constant Guidance of the Loving Divine is much more practical than relying upon any worldly, ephemeral thing or routine. Surrender to Love’s moment by moment Guidance, and be done with the worrying and senses of triumph or guilt. Just feel yourself part of Love, and Love’s unfolding.

    It is the Best Way, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As yet another whom you know passes from the mortal realm, think upon the aptness of the celebration called “a wake”, for truly the soul that was slumbering now awakens. Sit beside its Golden Heart, and celebrate with It as It wakens to Joy.

    Take a moment to give praise and thanks that Its final time in the dream was full of forgiveness and truth, rather than bitterness and sorrow. Take a moment to hold Its hand as It bows from Its role in your play and bids you adieu, and be grateful for all you both learned. And then, be glad, as Gladness takes It back to Its Own Bosom, and all fears and tears are set aside, for the Peace that ever recreates Itself, again and again and again.

    This We Know to Be True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let go of the guilt. If you choose to indulge yourself in a delightful task, focus on enjoying it completely while you are doing it. The thought that you must accomplish some “work” or some “planning” of some sort, while you also play, will only mean your play does not reach the level of Joy that it could, and should.

    Likewise, when it is clearly time to finish a task, or begin one, let yourself focus entirely upon it, with the joy of its process and completion filling your heart, so that the ever-present buoyancy of the Divine Flow can hold you up and assist you while you fulfill all duties. Being completely present for what you are doing, without distracting yourself into old regrets or new expectations, is the key to being completely fueled by the Infinite Source that would gladly express Itself as you, as your life, as your work, as your abundance, as you circumstance, as your purpose and as your joy.

    Grow as grass, or as flowers, right now, rather than after planning or discussion,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The power of the Source flows through you only for purposes of Loving healing, never for revenge or satisfaction of what humans think of as justice. Be very tenderly careful to always check with Guiding Spirit within before opening the “tap” of that Source in your wishes and heart.

    Part of what you are asking about, when you check with Source, is where, when, and with whom you should speak or even pray for. Some are simply not ready for the full power of Loving Source to be seen or felt. Just as you would not give startling news about a loved one to someone who was gingerly stepping along a ledge, sometimes you cannot demonstrate the power of the Loving Source to someone who is on an emotional cliff. Wait for the Guidance of God, and obey, obey, obey what you so very carefully listen for.

    All Love flowing to you now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether relatives, or friends, or co-workers or parents or children, or strangers you only read about or hear about, it is only your task to think of them as offshoots of the Infinite Creator.

    Give the help you are asked for, or feel Inwardly Led to do. Fulfill your obligations and desires as friend or family, but ultimately you must think of them as in the Hands of the Divine. Let the Spirit that shines forth all do Its Great Work, guiding them, maturing them, honing them, healing them, revealing them.

    It is not your job. Your job is to shine Your Best. Shine it for yourself, shine it for others, but leave the wisdom of educating and training the Spirit of others to the Spirit of Love that produces all.

    Just spiritually Seeing them as children of God will change your experience. Let go of all else, and be free.

    Tenderly, comforting you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Let there be Light,” Joyous Light.

    You can say it along with God every morning, as a refreshing and renewing Truth, for you are a part of God’s Life, linked to that Supreme Creative Force. Expressing what God wants is your happy job.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Self-immolation. Allowing, each morning, each hour, each minute, to let yourself be subject to the Greater Will that is the only Real Will, is the key to remaining in Higher Consciousness.

    Does it sound like enslavement? Only to the ego-self, Beloved. It is true freedom, Beloved. True security, true Hope, True Calm, and True Love. And, once the “ego-self” begins to see the worldly evidence of much of the worldly experience running more smoothly as you understand that “I am the substance of the Harmony of the Source”, it will be easier to subjugate the ego self to the Source-Self each day.

    Start your day with giving over to the Divine Self. End your day that way as well, and give over to It any time during the day that the “me, me, me-self” tries to take over. Life lived in the Higher Consciousness is its own reward, but you will also see greater and greater Harmony apparent in the worldly interactions that you are still led to perform.

    The Self that remains is the Self we know and Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as bliss without exertion physical can be experienced, so can opening to communion with the Divine.

    Sometimes, the sweet feeling of God Presence comes after long prayer or contemplation. But when it comes after simply asking for it, and relaxing into waiting for It to come softly, and wonderfully, by Its own desire, does it not also raise you up?

    The days of striving for spiritual growth can be good for you, but let this be a day of simply relaxing into the ever-Presence of the Loving Creator, just as a child would relax into its mother’s arms. Let Love feed you.

    You need this, take it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your human feelings and thoughts may indeed be confused about what is truth and what is illusion, about what is relatively good and relatively bad. Fads and myths and desires come and go, and information about physical “health” changes constantly.

    Beloved, your Divine Voice, the dominion knowledge of the Source within you, never is confused. It sees what confuses and distracts you, and understands how hard it can be to unlearn what the surface mind seems to have learned, but It is never confused. It knows that the truth of your Soul is always True. It knows that the completeness of your Spirit is always whole and pure. That is why you must joyfully train yourself to turn to Its discernment, again and again throughout the day. It only takes moments to refresh yourself by dipping into Its Calm Thoughts, and reminding yourself that you are a new-washed and lovely image of exactly what the Source wants you to be—a glad Spiritual expression of Life and Love.

    Count on Its dominion being YOUR dominion, and gladly believe and obey that It sees your Goodness and wants your happiness as you glide through the play of life.

    Lovingly, lovingly, lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When enough practice, or an epiphany of Voice or Vision, uplifts you into a clarity and a discernment of the Constant Presence of Good Spirit, Who is always with you and around you, then you will be able to silently walk and work with God, as with a very old Wonderful Friend.

    Wordlessly, and without ritual or fanfare, you will Know the Thoughts of God, the desires of God. And you will share them completely and utterly. And Gladness will be the natural substance of your communion.

    Picture this. It is achievable.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What the original does not have, the reflection CANNOT have.

    This above all you need to remember, so that if you (or any other) are seeming to demonstrate a quality that is not a Quality of God, clean the mirror with quiet hope and prayer, and look again.

    We have plenty of experience in cleaning. Ask for our help,


  • Permanent Joy does not come from impermanent things. It cannot, for they are such brief imaginings. Permanent Joy comes from knowing you dwell within the Oneness of Spiritual Being that some call “God”.

    And that is nothing to complain about. Revel in It. Be glad and grateful of It.

    Seek your permanent Joy in already knowing you are part of God.

    Awaken each day to this, Beloved, and reaffirm It.


  • Oh, Beloved,

    Be not surprised that Divine Love is always willing to give to you, for from Its point of view, It is giving to Itself.

    When this Oneness of Life and Consciousness truly penetrates your heart of understanding, you will not feel limited in any way, ever, or deprived at any time in any place. For you will comprehend that Love is flowing continually, projecting Itself as the image that is your continual Spirit.

    New facets of yourself, and others, as Perfect Spiritual Beings, will be revealed, as your understanding and acceptance deepen. Have faith in that Truth, Beloved, for Divine Love has already made it so.

    Longing to see you feel the full Love you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the Truth of your Being that consists entirely of Good and of Love be the Truth that washes away error in your thoughts, so that you can see clearly, right where you are. Make no mistake, if you are seeing what does just not seem right, then you must take responsibility and examine your thoughts and make sure you are abiding in the ones that are made of Love.

    As cleanly as a mathematician who washes the entire work board clean, and begins anew, when there is a formula that will not balance, and the error in addition seems to be elusive, sometimes you must let the Truth of Love wash everything clean, for you to think anew, and therefore See anew. You know you want to see the right answer, the balanced answer. You know you want to see Joy and feel Joy, so center and focus on that feeling of having achieved that quiet Joy and completeness, and let the Love flood forward and backward in time, so that it is done. All communion is really with the Divine. All interaction is really the Harmony of the Divine. Be that, Beloved, and you ARE fulfilling your purpose, even while you embrace the experiences of time.

    “Ah, Dear Maker, help me see that which is really me and around me—the order and goodness of Your Thoughts, made manifest in Light.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am not a body such as you seem to have. I am Everywhere-Love Itself, I am the Principle of Harmony, I am Immortal Life, I am the All-Soul…I am all these things and more, amorphous and invisible to the earthly senses, operating by the Law of Myself that is above all earthly laws.

    But darling, if your prayers need images and metaphors, that is fine. If you need to picture Me as a Great and Loving Father or Mother that is holding your ailing relative in a comforting and healing lap, then envision that. I can read your heart and your fervent and pure desires, and it does not matter if your metaphorical vision does not match the Substance of what I truly Am.

    Picture as you will. Pray as you will. I hear the Love in your plea, and I respond with Love.

    Spirit, Source, God, Love, One Mind, the Truth of All That Is

    We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Calm Confidence, and a Quiet Joy in the heart, are good indicators that the Wisdom you heard by communing with God about a project, and the timing of it, are moving you to act now.

    And be sure that Divine Grace also uses a feeling of hesitation to slow you if needed, and redirects you as new choices appear.

    Trust your communing sessions with God. Trust Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter what the human trouble seems to be, it can always be comforted by turning to the Divine Source and the Truth of what you are as an entity dancing in the Mind of the Creator.

    Turn to that Divine Love today, Beloved. Turn to It as you would turn to a dance partner, and dance, dance, dance to the Song of Love. Dance through the moments of the day, listening as you would listen to a new song from a favorite composer, and hear the Music of Creation, and be uplifted and guided and soothed.

    In celebration, in comfort, in appreciation, in expectation, in fulfillment, and in sharing of the depth of Being, dance, dance, dance.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understanding God’s Will for you is not hard if you spend enough time listening to the soft Inner Voice.

    You can do this even while tending to your long list of tasks, Child. You know you can. Listen, hear your individual mandate, and do it.

    We Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find that old friends are falling away, and new ones swirling into place, or that very old acquaintances and relatives are coming back into prominence into your life, rest assured that you are in a new phase of growth. New people are new teachers, and new chances for learning and expanding.

    Old friends returning for a glimpse, or a day , or for a long, long time, means that you have a new opportunity to appreciate the gifts of one another, or perhaps to test whether you both really finished forgiving old hurts and wounds. Whether it is new people that are around you, or old ones come back into the focus of time, remember that your task, above all, is to love them as you love yourself. See the Divine of them, forgive and be forgiven the costumes of humanity that you wear, and free one another to be simply who you are, Divine Ideas in the Mind of God.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are Mind-Full, and have prayed or meditated yourself into the sweet bliss of Divine Love, but then feel your earth-ego-self throwing up human thoughts of someone who annoys you or for whom you feel mistrust, RIGHT AWAY affirm that that person also is in One Mind with you. Establish firmly in your thoughts that One Wondrous Love guides and guards and holds you both, and that there are no enemies here.

    Like a toddler in a tantrum, feeling powerless and angry, the ego-self will try to throw its imaginary power against the Love of the Divine. But like a wise mother, the all-embracing Great Mother will enfold the toddler in Her loving arms, her loving consciousness, and let the anger melt away against the warmth of her hug.

    When your own earthly thoughts, or those of the frightened mortal-bodies around you, are like cold butter that cannot be spread upon the bread of life, just shine forth all the Love of the Divine that you can. Without effort, just shine It. Like sunshine on a cold butter sculpture, watch the stiffness of fright become malleable in the simple presence of Warmth.

    Be warm, always, and watch cold situations, and manners, melt,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    From within the circle of your own sensory perceptions, you CANNOT see yourself clearly. To realize and appreciate the spiritual Truth of you, you must trust the word of One outside the physical circle of limited perception. That One has many names in many cultures and traditions, but basically you must learn to perceive Its Truth of you, and then do your utmost to believe that you are a perfectly loved and good Child of the Universe, and that the Spiritual original of you is valued and maintained in Its Wholeness. As you focus on that, the dim reflection that is the “physical” will show more and more evidence of that.

    Be loved by Grace, Child, and trust Its word instead of your own limited perceptions. As you do, you will wonder why you waited to see as It Sees.

    We assure you, you are beautiful,


  • Ah, Child,

    The preparation of the earthly realm for its next phase of evolution has been going on for some time now. As the sharing of information becomes even faster than you can now imagine it to be, it will more closely approximate the instantaneous Knowing that occurs in the One Mind that governs all Living substance.

    This will help to share the perceptions and wisdom of those who have practiced, and are tuned to, hearing the One Divine Voice within. But, at the same time, it will become even more important for each individualized part of Oneness to hear the unique part of the Divine Plan that applies to him or her, for although there are Truths that can be taught again to all, through One Mind, there are also special teachings that can help each individual to awaken to his or her beautiful heritage as a child of the Divine.

    Therefore, even when you find or meet someone whom you feel you can count on to tell you of grand waves of Divine Wisdom that have come, or are coming, do not neglect practicing listening for yourself to the Loving and Inspiring Divine Voice within. Only It knows all that has and will touch your unique heart and role. Only It understands best the way for you to dwell in the ineffable Peace of the Infinite realm that is accessed from within your own awareness.

    Practice, practice, and practice again, dear one, and feel secure,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reason you need to keep proving to yourself each day that God is Real, and is a Powerful Love, is that you are assailed every day by the animal and material thoughts of earthly existence. You know your Soul reflection is more than dust, but it is only by immersing your consciousness in the soothing Water of Spirit for times throughout the day, that you stay aware of your true Identity.

    Do not let your thoughts become lost in the sea of materialism. Turning to the Loving Source, endlessly offered to you from within, is the Life Raft. You do not do this as part of a dogma or ritual. You do this for your own Joy and Peace of Mind.

    Be Kind to your self.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy you give is the Joy you live.

    Today, let it be as simple as that.

    Always flying in Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say again, dear child of God, to remember to access the Silence of the Source BEFORE you ask to hear the whisper of Love, Support, and Guidance. You cannot hear and receive those things if you do not go to where they are, within the core of your soul-heart, first, anymore than you could fill a bucket from a well while standing across the field from the well.

    Luckily, and blessedly, for you, the Well Within is even closer than across a field. Perhaps at first you will only be able to access It while in your private prayer closet, or in study with a professional prayer, or in a circle of meditators. However, with practice, you will learn to access the Divine Source Supportive Presence everywhere, in any circumstance, for It is Omnipresent, and endlessly willing and able to be with you.

    Learning to turn there first, and then patiently access the Silence of Its Love, are key to choices of Goodness, and to happiness, not only for yourself, but for praying for the happiness and well being of those around you.

    We are always in prayer support for you, and with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many people have forgotten that the purpose of taking a Sabbath day, or a Sabbath hour or even minute, is to immerse themselves in the Truth that God Loves them. The fuel and healing of Sabbath is to ponder and revel in that Truth that God Loves them and that God Loves all, that God IS Goodness and Love. Have YOU forgotten this?

    Can you make this day that?

    Can you set aside all judgment of others and yourself and just think about, and let yourself feel, that God Loves you, and finds all others worthy of that Love as well?

    If not, why not? If not, then you especially NEED to take a day saying, knowing, “I am Loved.”

    AS we Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sweet obedience of actually enacting the ideas God gives you is the means by which more wonderful ideas will flow to you.

    When you have an idea come to you, and it feels right and good and exciting in a calm and perfect way, then it is an idea from the Divine Self of you. Act on it, trusting that the people and resources and information that you need to make it work will fall into place as well. Let it all come together in God’s timing, but be willing, willing, willing, Beloved, to act when God says to act.

    What God asks you to do may be unfamiliar, or seem beyond your skills, but nothing is beyond God, Child. Ask for God’s Help, and let nothing deter you. Let nothing deter you, especially your own doubts about whether God wants your happiness. God does want happiness for one and all. For as they awaken to their innate happiness, all are Blessed and know it.

    You have more Helpers around you than you can imagine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God wants only Good for you.

    The human machinations do not believe this and keep trying to make their own creations and their own logic and their own justice. Try today to think of God as the Writer of your Good script. Try today to be willing to see scenes of His/Her Play for you. Act like one of the players that would be in that play, with Love and Mercy for all.

    You can be amazed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Shifting thought, from whatever human emotional mood one is in, to thoughts about what the Divine Source is, assists in the fuel of Joy. Just thinking about what Joyous impulses of God began Creation, and what pleasure God takes in the Beauty of the worlds, will uplift your basis of Spiritual feeling to a true springboard. Blessings will leap into your gratitude thoughts. Praise for God will fill your heart.

    All this will put your Soul thoughts in the perfect attitude for deep active and effective prayer. For as you align with the nature and substance of God, and your thoughts are as God’s Thoughts, the mirrored Good Wishes and purpose come true.

    Laugh as God Laughs. Love as God Loves. And Life will feel Beautiful indeed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You will find yourself weary, at times, of some of the tasks and explorations of interest in the worldly ways. Then, as always, it is so very good to turn quietly to the Living Spirit of the Divine, accessed through your heart’s ear, and ask, “What gifts of Spirit from You do I need to develop more, or take up for the first time?”

    And listen carefully, and ponder how the gifts of patience, or creativity, or wisdom, or comprehension of Beauty, or ability to teach, or ability to listen, or ability to learn, or explore, could be more expanded within the tasks and career or daily being that you do now. Or open yourself to the little wordless or whispered thoughts from God that turn you to new goals and new skills applied, or to new horizons of dwelling.

    And remember that although God may gently urge you to take up a whole new endeavor of art or music or repair, or to work with new groups fighting to eradicate sorrow, God may also urge you to simply “be kinder every day”. And if you strive to be kinder each day than you were the day before, is that not the work of a lifetime?

    Stay interested in being a good representative of Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take solace and joy and strength today from the Wondrous Consistency of God’s Love. Let yourself sink into the feel of It like settling into the cozy embrace of a familiar bed.

    Is not the constancy of Divine Love’s Love for you an amazing and glorious thing? Human interests and affections and titles and careers and tastes and activities will all come and go, but the steady rapport of your heart and mind with God Heart and Mind is always, always there, if you but turn to It.

    Choose your phrase, choose your prayer or song, for the day, and contemplate the Truth of Life that is your Source. And be very, very Glad of It today. It can be as simple as repeating in your mind, “The Wonder of God’s Love”, and God will help you sense the fullness of Love’s Embrace. By whatever name, and from whatever tribe, you call to Love/Life/Spirit/Mind/Harmony, It hears you within Itself, and is delighted to answer.

    Grow accustomed to calling to It, and soon you will feel It with you all the time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have told you many times that true forgiveness is gratitude.

    Think about that again, and understand it on a new level. If you have a behavior or a physical symptom that is not yielding to prayer, then you must examine whether you are abiding in unforgiveness instead of joy and gratitude.

    If forgiving feels hard, or impossible, at this time, then skip over thinking of it as forgiveness, and go right to gratitude. Everything and everyone in your life has been playing a role in your “play” of learning. Do they not deserve your gratitude for that? Their souls have volunteered to don the costumes your thoughts have given them. See past those costumes and thank them for their volunteer work. Yes, you also deserve thanks for playing roles in the lives of others, so include yourself in that gratitude.

    “Open my eyes, Dear God, and help me see, and thank, the Truth of what everyone around me is, in Thee.”

    “Bless them all, and awaken me. Bless them all and awaken me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Presence Holds you. The Presence Holds all.

    There is no thing that cannot melt away because it is not a real part of the Presence, there is no Goodness that is not reinforced by It.

    The Presence Holds all. Just let It work.

    Let It work on your thoughts, and keep reminding yourself It works on others.

    O’ so Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Well of new ideas that is the surge of God-Wisdom in the heart is Infinite. Although some epiphanies and Spiritual Awakenings are instantaneous, most individuals experience a higher understanding of the All Oneness of Being step by small step, a few steps back, and more steps forth, all the while held in the merciful Hand of God, and Guided by God’s soft and Loving Voice. Just keep with it, allowing the supreme discernment of Spirit to use Omniscience to give you the upliftment you are ready for. Just be willing.

    In a similar way, for those many, many that are not ready to understand aught but a material perception of the world and universe and themselves, the kind and generous Parenting of Infinite Mind gives them ideas, small and large, step by step, or in a flash, of ways to survive and solve, and continue to grow in embracing Peace, and wanting the Peace of alignment with Good. God offers thriving, not despair.

    In both ways, in all ways, acknowledge and be grateful, o so grateful, that God is Loving Goodness itself, and the Source from which all ideas come. The more individuals that seek enlightenment and creative ideas in a humble way, without strutting their egos and claiming personal dominion, the more Divine ideas will flow, for the Good of all.

    O do acknowledge that they all come from the same Source of Creative Light, give praise, and receive, receive, receive, receive, for the self and for all.

    It is the way forward, and has always been. Love has not changed.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To see exactly as another sees, you must stand in the same spot and look in the same way. You have experienced this when a friend has you move to a spot to see a bird, or to see the shape of a cloud that she sees, or the peak of a mountain glinting just so in the sunlight. And even then, your earthly minds may perceive the colors differently, or be reminded of other times by the things you see.

    To See as God Sees, to See your own perfection and lovableness, and the perfection and lovableness of those around you, you must place your self in the focal point of God. Step into that Inner Spot of focus, and See as God Sees, and, above all, Think as God Thinks, and you can catch glimpses of the Loveliness of Glory.

    It can be done, Beloved. Others have done it. Others do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Mercy and Care for you is endless. You cannot run out of It, though you ask again and again. You cannot run away from It, though you may feel you may not deserve It, or find it hard to believe in. It will pursue you. It will not give up on you.

    God’s mercy will find a way to touch your heart and melt it enough to fill you with the Divine Love that animates you and holds you always. The sight of a flower coming up through a crack in the pavement, the smile of a child, the touch of a stranger’s compassion, or any other of uncountable things, may be the opening that lets you feel the Comforter again.

    Be still and know that All is God.


  • In gratitude for Ivars, 6-22-05

    Ah, Beloved Child,

    Thinking that you must “do” something besides be an example of the happiness of the Divine, of which you are an expression, is the mistake that many, many make.

    Shine with the joy of living the role you play, stay in the attitude of peace and gratitude, and share with any who ask, the Source of your peace. Be happy, and the Divine can flow through your thoughts and to your life and intentions and inventions. Be happy, and let Grace guide your every move of hand and hope, to focus on that reflection that truly reflects the Good substance of which you are made.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether the moment seems to hold a huge world-wide challenge, or a small emotional trigger from your own story, the choice is always the same. Let your self sit still in sorrow or anger, or choose to combat it with the internal reminder, in your mental dialogue, that you are love fueled by Love. You are love fueled by Love, and It will give you the strength and wisdom to say the words and make the resolutions and take the actions and uphold the beliefs that are appropriate to each hour of your experience.

    You are love fueled by Love, and Love Itself will Help you remember that, and save each moment from anger with gentle compassion.

    Ask for Help and It is there,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Personal credit for tasks accomplished or peace enacted or inventions made is not the fuel for rising higher and further. All Glory be to God, the One Source, the only real Cause.

    Keep remembering that all Good Qualities you express, in whatever way, come from the Creator, and that expressing them in the ways that also express the most Divine Joy, is your goal. Give Glory to God. Give thanks to God. Accept human appreciation meekly, and never fear to admire whatever Good you see in and from others as the wonderful impetus of God.

    Thank them for being expressions of Goodness. Thank your self when you are true to expressing Goodness. Thank Goodness for Being Itself, calm and confident and strong while It shines forth, and Loves, Loves, Loves.

    We are so Glad each time you let It shine through you,


  • Ah, Beloved Child of God,

    As spring rises around you, and you look upon each little flower with joy and awe, consider, “Can a perfect flower contain also imperfection?”

    You are a perfect flowering of Spirit, Child. Turn your eyes away from the imperfect reflection that is the earth mirror, and fill your thoughts with the perfect Divine Thought, Whose Seed gave rise to you, and your own innocent perfection within it. Let your thoughts dwell there, until you know yourself as perfectly Loved Child, and then look upon your earthly self, and all other selves, with that Knowledge.

    You can do this with the eyes of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you feel tired of “overthinking”, if you feel tired of living with your own human self, just relinquish control. Turn over your thoughts to Divine Mind. Surrender to It, resting yourself against the breast of Pure Love, and quietly, trustingly, waiting for Its Thoughts to send you a sense of relief.

    It will come. It is already with you, just having waited for your permission. It will hold you and Love you, Love you, Love you, always, and certainly now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever you find yourself wondering about whether your purpose is changing, or has changed, remember that very basic question that the Divine Arm/Mind that moves you will always ask you at the end of each day: “How much did you Love with Divine Love?”

    For the Divine that made you of Love wants you to express It. You express It by kindness and compassion and by sharing your God-given Talents.

    How much have you Loved today? Love God by being grateful to God and by expressing Love. Love the others wearing their human costumes by being Loving and expressing Love and Wisdom and teaching the Truth of Spirit.

    Sometimes this means doing humanly approved “good deeds”, but ALWAYS it means doing the bidding of Loving Spirit within, whose Infinite perspective can see not just what each individual thinks he or she wants, but what they really need for the revelation of their perfect spiritual Self.

    God’s children ARE completely Loved. But they must be guided. Let yourself be guided, and let yourself help others by Loving them with Love Divine.

    How much are you Loving, right now?

    It is a gift to your own salvation to Love always. Show yourself you can Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The fulfilling feeling of truly wanting the heart to be fully aligned with Oneness, and understanding in a deeply knowing way that it IS one with Oneness, cannot even be described using the words that are used for describing bodily experiences. Some words such as “uplifting” or “transcendent” or “glorifying” hint at the Consciousness of it, but not having the perfect way to explain it to anyone else will not really matter when you consistently live it.

    Aim to know the Oneness of Being, Beloved. Aim to know It without use of special rituals or confusing substances. Help yourself simply BE the Mindset of “Thy Will IS done”, and the struggles and distractions of your own small will shall fall away without pain or a sense of sacrifice. Know your Oneness, and be glad to be part of the Will of Love, beyond body and time, part pf the Joy of One Soul.

    It is attainable. Ask to be led to It.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Whenever there is a day, or a minute, when you find yourself reviewing the past, make a conscious effort to bring yourself back into the moment of now. Remember that right now you are alive, with the beauty of the world before you. Right now, you have many blessings, just count them. Right now, all new possibilities are before you.

    If your review of the past is a wonderful memory, bring forth that joy into this moment. If the review of the past is helping you remember a good lesson or a resolution to do or not do a thing, then gird your heart with it. But if the detour into the past is about regret or disappointment or old pain reviewed, gently give it forgiveness and let it go. Be sure that you learned something from it, even if you do not understand the lesson in full yet. If you spend time contemplating it, do so with an attitude of searching for the Divine seeds of growth and knowledge that are hidden within it. Ask for Divine Helpers to help you see it clearly, and let it go. Then, let it go, and grow again, now.

    We are with you right now, and we count it a blessing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each day, your job for God is to uplift those around you.

    Could it be simpler, really?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We of course continually urge you to remember that the Total Divine Loving Presence is always with you, Omnipotent and Omniscient. To remember that the Spirit of God is always walking with YOU, one of Its Lovely reflections, and to say hello to It and listen to It, is to welcome more Harmony into your life.

    Do that again today, but also focus on the Truth that Loving Omnipresence is also there for everyone you know and hear of and have never met. When you are feeling concerned for someone, and that person has not given you permission to reach out with silent prayer or words or actions for him or her, focus on that sweet reality that God-Mind is already holding that individual consciousness. God is already Loving and caring for and guiding that one.

    Give gratitude to God for guiding you and for guiding all. Give God gratitude for the Great Plan already made and done, in the timeless perspective of God-Mind.

    You do not need permission to silently pray for Good for all. It will soothe you to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say to you again, words are not necessary.

    Your quiet presence, your utter CONFIDENCE in the Divine Will, is enough. If human words can reassure and calm and comfort, in order for the One Sustaining Life Force to be heard and felt and revealed, then use those things as the Inner Presence directs, but also have true faith in what emanates silently from you, as your willingness to be a clear window through which it shines is taken up, and used and used and used, to shine Light into every dim place.

    It is of Good Purpose. You will see. And as It shines through you, you, too, will feel free.

    Always cleaning the glass of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep fully in mind today that staying aligned with the feelings and expectations and support of your Inner Soul is more important than any worldly evaluations or predictions. Stay True to what you Divinely Know of Truth and Beauty and It will help you fly above any discouragement or complaining from those you meet.

    Be the one in your little circle who stays positive and hopeful and who humbly remembers in every moment Who is really in charge, and that Oneness can always be turned to, with Joy, and relied upon.



  • Ah, Child,

    Even the most accomplished saint of the world must return to basics, again and again. Even the most abiding prayer-practitioner or the one who meditates most deeply must at times remind him or herself to look to the answers, instead of the seeming problems, to look to the One Spirit or One Harmony instead of the seemingly troubled waters at one’s feet.

    If thoughts of the troubled waters intrude into meditation or prayer, Beloved, let them be seen only as the waters that rise to wash away the dust of the journey. Let them be accepted as the refreshing cleansing that makes all things seem fresh and new, like rain after a dusty, dusty, dusty week of summer.

    In Harmony is your Life. Seek It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to fuss. Just listen, quietly, all day, to the quiet Word of the Divine school guide within, and you will know what to do.

    No mess, no fuss, just listen, and then do,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Good that runs the underlying Reality is always operating. Look not to the confused and sorrowful false evidence that is the mist swirling over that Good.

    Today, and all days, be one of the ones looking for, and enacting the Good. The loyalties you see, the friendships that endure, the Divine whispers that inspire…Look, Look, Look and appreciate and focus on these sorts of Good and more.

    We assure you, each individual focusing on seeing the Good of Spirit, and being glad of it, does more to bring forth the Glory and experience of Lovely Creation than you can possibly imagine. Speaking of woe forever will keep woe alive in a way you do not really want. Focus on Good, speak of Good, work for Good, and more Good will be the reality that all can share.

    Your heart of Soul knows this is not a flippant escapist thing. Choose Divine Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you realize that there is nothing and no one you can count on except God, it should not give you a feeling of loss, but of victory. Knowing that in all things you can, and should, turn only to God will keep you from wasting time trying to find human solutions. And, in a seeming paradox, it will help lead you to the people and places and talents that are perfect for what you need, as the glorious Qualities of God use those ways to reach you.

    Turn to God. Count on God. Praise God and Thank God.

    And the illusions fall into place, Child. They fall away, and Glory is revealed,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The uncertainty that grips you sometimes has no power in the Face and Mind of the Loving Source.

    It is like sand that a loving mother can brush off the face of her son, when he is frightened that he has suddenly grown little bumps all over his face. Turn your face to the Loving Mother and ask Her what is on your face. She will say, “It is nothing. It is nothing. Here, let Me brush it away.”

    She will say, “It is fine. You are fine. All is well, let Me brush it away.”

    She always knows what you truly look like, and are, and Loves you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a clever illusionist called you forward at a carnival and hypnotized you into thinking you could only cluck like a chicken, you might be embarrassed by your mesmerized behavior, but afterward you would not really think you were a chicken.

    Exactly so, O’ dear one, do not linger in embarrassment at the things you may have said and done when tricked by rumors or errors of culture. Those suggestions of flaws and supposedly inevitable illness or sin or such have no real power over the wondrous Beloved Soul of you. They are illusionist thoughts, and cannot change the Truth that you are a Beloved offspring of God, cared for, Held, embraced as a part of expanding Good. Claim the Truth right away, and let not yourself be a part of the parade of illusion.

    Turn to the Divine Voice within for this Truth and listen to It and cling to it, and take Joy and strength from It. Listen not to the illusionists who would have you believe you are but an animal body, and unworthy of Divine Spirit.

    You are a Beloved held in Love, and that is All.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not only about reaping what you sow, it is also about nurturing and watering and tending.

    You can choose to think about and encourage even the tiniest bit of good you see in another. You can deliberately downplay and forgive a word spoken in haste and anger.

    You can gently and consistently examine your own thoughts and motives to see which ones you might wish to apologize for, and others that you might want to fertilize and expand upon.

    You have this power, Beloved, and you have a vast array of Godly Qualities to help you sort your thoughts and feed the Good ones with Love, Love, Love and all Its offshoots.

    When you are uncertain about whether a thought or action is truly good or erroneous, remember that your Good Inner Spirit can help you discern that. Just ask, and listen, and desire the Life Force of Joy. You will be Helped.

    Gardening with you,


  • Ah, Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    To live for revenge is to live without Love.

    To live for seeing human justice is to vote for death and to see without the eyes of Love. The power of Love to redeem and transform is more than you can imagine, and as forgiveness opens the way, you are freed to feel True Joy yourself.

    To wish for the Peace of God is to trust that God knows what Peace is and how to bring It about. To wish for Happiness is to let God guide you to what will make all Good.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When earthly joys pale, and the earthly sorrows seem to be everywhere, and the thought of full merging with Divine Love is enticing, it is time to consider, did you agree to participate in the human play in order to be served, or to serve?

    Beloved, when understanding of the Infinite has expanded to the point of knowing all illusions to be just illusions, good and bad, then the ability to lift others above their own dramas becomes one of your own keys to permanent Heaven Consciousness. Since All is One, the Grace to lend a hand of Compassion, and be a vehicle for the Thoughts of Truth, is the way to help all See the Wholeness of Being.

    Serving others does serve you, dear one. You will see, you will see, you will see.

    Service is simply letting Divine Love flow and govern through your focus and actions, like light through a clear window. God does the work.

    And it becomes a Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Observe how your prayers vary. Always let them be a listening to God, but notice when you are hoping for energizing ideas and supply and courage and strength, and when what you really need is a deep calm and release from agitation and worry.

    Take a day now and then to simply seek the deep Calm of God, and then the receiving of all else will be easier. Deep Calm. Deep Peace. They are part of the Core of which God made you.

    Feel It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be an emergence NOW, with immediacy, but with gentleness and softness, of the utter trust in the Divine Wisdom that is waiting to guide you. If all this day you must keep repeating “I trust in the Truth of Infinite Being” or simply “I trust in God”, so be it. Whatever focusing tool you can use to keep your thoughts and emotions aligned with the One Soul, and away from the detours of fear and doubt and human planning, let it serve you, so that you may remember you are an expression of God’s Will.

    Keep to the Truth and Remembrance that the Divine Ways are not human ways, and that the human solutions to a situation are often too short-sighted to be the Best for everyone concerned.

    Be at Peace, for in Peace you hear the full Good directions for this moment, and every moment.

    It is, indeed, Momentous,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Strength of Spirit uplifting you grows with every healing you give another.

    Keep this clearly in mind, and give and heal at whatever level you are able at your phase of life and in the hours of each day. Ask for the wisdom and endurance and joy you need to give to others the smile, or help, or encouragement they need. Ask for the full Presence of Glory so that you can give them the recognition and affirmation of being a complete and whole Child of God.

    When you remind them of their true identity, and you confirm that identity, healing happens. The Truth always comes out, Love. The Truth of each perfection comes forth.

    Holy, Holy, Holy is the I Am,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, when you pray for someone, it is not the other person you are truly praying to change, it is your own perception you are asking to be clarified and heightened. In the Divine Consciousness, that “other” person is already a perfect and marvelous idea. Your prayer is about having your own consciousness opened enough to See the perfection of the other.



  • Ah, Dear One,

    When worldly labor overtakes you, and it is clear, from Inner Voice, that it simply must be done, undertake it gladly. If you greet the tasks with cheer and willingness, the strength of angelic hands is under your own, the endurance of invisible Force is in your own back, the joy of glory is in every small part accomplished.

    Be at peace with doing all that is in your power, Beloved, and leave the rest where it belongs, with the Divine, Whose Power has never stopped being on the job, for you, for us, for thine, for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The insidious presence of discouraging words is all around you, and has infused itself into your mortal thoughts.

    Therefore, armor yourself well with the inspirational and sacred Words that uplift you, and whose very Presence in your mind uplifts you into Divine Mind, where all things are possible. Once you begin to notice how often common sayings, and advertisements encourage you to look for problems, instead of expecting completion and success and wellness, you will realize just how important it is to fill your mind with solutions, and affirmations, so that they are ready to hand when the smoke of a discouragement or a fear appears. Like a fireman who has trained his eyes to scan for smoke so that all fires may be put out right away, you can pour the water of Goodness and Divine Expectation on any wisp of discouraging thought if you are alert, and ready with the Water of Spirit Word that puts out all fires.

    Be armored, Beloved. Be alert. Be ready.

    As ever, ready to Love you, and Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many are the words you can speak or write in a day, but let today be a day when you strive to speak no word that is not whispered to you from Soul.

    Discerning what is your Holy script for this life and what is just the wistful wishes or critiques of the material ego is a very important part of your awakening to Divine Love’s rule of your Spirit. Certainly, when anger or complaint run themselves through your thoughts in a repetitive way, it is a clue they are just human flailings. When there is legitimate rebuke of behavior or diseased illusion to be done, Divine Spirit can lead to, and invoke, a productive way to disempower or negate it.

    So, today, truly focus on hearing the small, still Voice, and practice recognizing the sound of It with your heart. When you intimately know the Voice of your Loving Shepard, It is easy to answer Its call, and to follow, and be led safely Home.

    Feel the Presence of Heaven here and now, in silence,


  • Ah, Child of God,

    Your Innocence of God’s Creating is held perfectly safe in the Source-Mind of the Infinite Creator. That Innocence is there, good and true, no matter your human dreams of joy or sorrow.

    Think of It as a well of pure Spirit that you can turn to, to quench your thirst, whenever earthly life makes you feel dry and so dusted with discouragement. It will slake all needs.

    It is totally accessible to you, not far away. It is your right to drink from it, no tab.


  • Ah, Child,

    As ever, one can spend days and days trying to trample upon the little bits of the ego, but there is a better way. Just turn it all over to the Divine. Turn all your experience and understanding and life over to God/Goddess/All That Is.

    Understanding that you cannot ever, whilst in the flesh, understand All, is to understand why you must Listen endlessly Within. Train yourself to relinquish the self, without being caught in its brambles of intellectual understanding. Train yourself to simply pause and Listen, again and again and again, and act from There, even when you must act without understanding.

    It IS the best Way, beloved, although not the only way that the saints and the avatars of the world have found. Find a new way if you will, but why not take a way that has led so many to Peace and Understanding Profound?

    Able to go the distance if you will,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask for Grace. Ask for Grace. Ask for Grace.

    To NOT ask for Grace is like leaving a toddler in charge of the household. The household is your life, and to ask the Grace of the Higher Self to be in charge each day is the wisest thing you can do. The small ego-self may cry and throw its tantrums, but no parent in his or her right mind would give way to those shenanigans when making choices for the sweet home.

    Would you? Ask for Grace, and give to the Right Mind, that is your High Self, and that is eager to guide you, all power in YOUR life, as well as all Heaven and earth.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    No one else can make the choice for you, to desire to understand God, and See as God Sees. To See the now Beauty, to realize that all is Spirit, all is Love, takes a daily renewal of the vow to Be as God knows you, and to seek the High Good.

    You can do this, and Loving Spirit will assist and Guide, but it cannot be done by simply taking one class, or wearing a certain necklace, or joining a certain church or following a particular teacher, etc. It is up to your relationship directly with God Soul. Do it, commit to it, and both you and God be Glad, Glad, Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have known the feel of instantaneous healing of the body flesh. You have known the immediate Comfort that comes to surround and negate all human grief. When the experience of Wholeness of Being does not come right away, you know that it just means there is yet a little error to dust away in your thinking, for all to shine well again.

    Be held in that Sweet Sweet Comfort again today, and remember that when you let go of all judgment and criticism and condemnation, you leap to the true sight of Good Creation and all Its inhabitants. Be lifted to the shoulders of Spirit, and from that viewpoint, See the delightful parade of all the Thoughts of God Mind.

    We cheer with you when you See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If a certain concern or human desire has you too emotionally connected to be able to freely surrender to the prayer “Not my will, but Thy Will Be Done, consider swapping prayers with another who loves God, or who is dedicated spiritually.

    As you pray for another, knowing that God wants their Joy full and complete, but that it may occur in a way that they have not imagined, you can do wonders. The one clinging to a certain human solution or standard cultural advice is inadvertently limiting what they are willing to see manifest. Surrender, surrender, to the Omniscience that knows what best Blesses all.

    Pray this for another who has that need, and let that one pray for you, when you are too emotionally attached to surrender completely to the Greater Divine Good Plan.

    And pray openness to the Power of Joy for all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    From the human point of view, wherein you think you are a body and living upon an earth, to be of service is to be happy, and to be happy is to be of service.

    As you are happiness, and radiate happiness, the Divine Light can shine through the dusty mist via the transparency you create with your happy consciousness, and illuminate the dream of earth with Its Bliss.

    Be happy, and thus be of service. Be happy, Child of Light.

    Lighting your way when you let us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The joining of two souls who have the capacity to awaken in one another the fullness of their own Divinity is a wonderful and marvelous device by which the One Great Soul helps to awaken all of Its bits to their own heritage of Divine freedom.

    That does not mean that those souls will always, each day, find human smoothness in their interactions. But it does mean that if they live with, and try to work with, trust and forgiveness and love, they can learn to love more and more deeply. And the more deeply they love humanly, the closer their love is to being a reasonable facsimile of the Divine Love that holds them both, and all.

    Love, therefore. Love one another and your selves, as a gesture to the Divine Creator that you want to remember, and learn how to express, the Divine Love that creates and cradles all. It is All.

    All in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God Loves me, God Loves me, God Loves me,”

    “All is Well, All is Well, All is Well,”

    This is the Truth that melts your snowflakes of human error. Do not think that even a blizzard of poor earthly choices can put a chill on God. God Loves you and holds your sacred self. Count on it and look to It and get on with your own at-one-ment.

    It’s mandatory.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like having a fresh print of your favorite picture made from the negative or digital image, think of turning to God today, first thing, and having a fresh view of your life made.

    “God is my life. God Holds my Life, intact and pure and lovely, and I ask God to renew my Sight of it today.” And sit quietly, basking in the fresh bright Light of God, shining through Its image of you, and showing it forth in, and as, your day.

    Bask and bathe in THAT Light, Beloved. No SPF required.

    Loving for you to see yourself as we see you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yesterday’s message was about releasing, forgiving, or celebrating and then letting go of, old thoughts that repeat, and interfere with, your ability to receive clear Guidance for the current moment. That was about specific repetitive memories.

    There is another category of detour that will try to draw you away from the enactment of the Divine Will in this moment, and that is a more general unease. If each time you think of a certain person, or hear his or her name, or read the name of a particular place, or glimpse an old photo of a friend, or similar such things, and you feel an uneasy or queasy reaction in the heart and belly and mind, then you know there is some unfinished work. You may have no idea at all why the uneasiness is there, and no clear memory or a specific mistake that you need to forgive or be forgiven for, but the unease alone should be enough to signal you to stop, pause, and turn to the Divine Spirit for help.

    Turn in honesty to that Help, and ask that your heart be opened to giving and receiving forgiveness for whatever you may have done or not done with or to that person whose name makes you cringe. Welcome the Divine Love that heals all things, and earnestly request the healing of the unknown cause of the lack of harmony. Ask that the other person also be open to forgive and to receive Divine Love, so that all may be realigned with the Flow of joy and purpose.

    It is not necessary to ferret out, or remember, the details of the incident that was the seeming source of the unease. If there is unease, it needs to be healed. Just allow it to be admitted to, and focused on, and released to the Healing Spirit, so that you may realign with your Divine Truth, right here and right now. And, if in the course of the hour or the day or the week, you are given a chance to encounter that person or place again, then welcome the chance to extend unconditional love in person, and feel the separation mended, and be ready to be at peace again.

    Let not unease stop your hour or your day. Cast it to the Divine Healer, and be free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look with Joy at the things and qualities and soul that give you Joy.

    Looking with Joy, at that which already gives you that uplifted and grateful feeling, will put you into a state of Mind that allows you to spread Joy. Today, spread Joy to yourself and for yourself. Today, fill yourself with Joy by pondering what you Love, and then turn your thoughts to the things or circumstances you do not love so much. The Love you have filled yourself with can open your eyes to the Good and the possibility of Good in the less-loved arenas of your life. The Love that you allow to fill you up can open your sight and mind to ideas and experiences that affirm the Total Truth of Love.

    The material realm and all of its illusions, seemingly good and seemingly bad, can only be truly interpreted with Joy and Love. Knowing the Power of Love and Its Allness is really, every day, the truth you are trying to understand. Ponder the wondrous quality of Love, that helps you forgive, causes you to live, and is the very Soul of what you are.

    The more often you trust the Power of Loving, the easier it will be to know that it is the goal of each earthly day. Love is outside of time and beyond time, but has reached Its dear Consciousness into your illusion of time to help you understand you are above it.

    Ask Love to teach you, and It will. Be a willing student, and It will draw you completely into Itself. Ask Love to teach you, for that is the only good use of time. And you will realize you already dwell in Love forever.

    Even before you ask, you are a beloved child of God.

    Even before you ask, Love Itself Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are tired of your own human thoughts and doubts, dear one, return to asking God to show you what It discerns today.

    Take the stance that today you are the eyes and ears and Spiritual perceptions of God, and entrusted to reporting to God all that you witness of Its Glory and Goodness and Love.

    In Truth, Beloved, this is always your “job”. Do it persistently and gently and consistently and joyfully. It will feed you in ways you cannot always imagine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Align yourself, again, to the deep Will and Joy of God.

    We know that you wish that after an hour of sublime communion with the God Force that IS you, and sustains you, that you wish it were done for once and for all. But while your Soul-self yet chooses to remain in the dream drama of earthly ways, you must re-align everyday, and even constantly, to remember who you are, and to be a clear transparency for the Divine.

    Use gratitude to help you find the courage and strength to do so. After all, are you not glad that you can clearly hear the angel Voices telling you to take the casserole out of the oven before it burns? Are you not supremely glad that the Inner Voice alerted you that a friend or your child needed a phone call or some help, right when it was very important. Be so grateful for the peace and harmony that these sort of things bring to your daily worldly life, that you find the motivation to STAY aligned, and never, never, never give up on your trust in the Great Love that watches over all, as they walk through the maze of the physical campground.

    Loving you more than you know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are sure of that. You ARE Beloved.

    If you were as sure of that as we are, things would feel so much smoother to you. Therefore, tell yourself again and again today, “I am Beloved of God.”

    “I am Beloved of Love. I am as like Love as is Itself.”

    “I am Beloved.”

    Once you believe it, Love can ride in on the rays of Love to heal your other thoughts, and bring great Goodness to you.

    We Love you utterly, Child,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Work with Us today. Work for yourself, and for others, and for all.

    Work this way: “Oh, dear, dear God, we open to your gentle correction of any errors in thought or feeling that mask our demonstration of the perfect grace and harmony you have freely given us. Help us demonstrate the wisdom and the natural joy that are parts of the elements of the Life force that flows as You, and that we were created to express.”

    “We thank you in advance for all that you give now and will always give, so that we can shine as You shine, with complete and wonderful Love.”

    And so be It, for so It is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Truth that you are not a body, that you are a spiritual and perfect Idea in the wonderful Creative Source-Mind, which is a projection of Light, can fool you into thinking that the perfect “body” of you is Imagined by God. The qualities of God are more amorphous than that—they are totally Spiritual. Therefore, when asking to see your healthy, perfect self, open your thoughts to Thoughts of Harmony, of Order, of Smooth Operation, of Perfect Responsiveness, of Utter Calm Beauty, of Timelessness, etc.—think upon the QUALITIES of God, not physical attributes. God is not a physical being.

    As you ponder these Infinite QUALITIES, then understanding that you are made as an image, a reflection, of these QUALITIES will give you new Insight about how Wellness of Being appears in the earthly seeming of you. Ponder the Qualities of Infinite Love and Truth, and let the reflected appearance of them take care of itself.

    Be the Spiritually Gracious Beauty and Grace of the Source,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many ask the All-in All for objects or wealth or bodily health, for they have not yet realized the fully Spiritual nature of the Universe and all the other glimmering ideas in the Mind of God. If you are one who has begun to realize that “seeking first the Kingdom of God”, that is, seeking first to realize that all is Consciousness, is the perfect way to demonstrate what is needed for human thriving, then seek It indeed.

    Ask for the attitude support and the mindset and outlooks that you need. If right now you need Confident Compassion and Optimism, then ask for them. Ask for them to well up within your thoughts and feelings, and know that the Great Consciousness that is composed of all Good will freely give them to you. And from that Consciousness come the absolutely perfect ideas and solutions as well. Ask for ideas, from the One Source of them all.

    When more individuals awaken to the Truth that everything belongs to God, everything is within God, then there will be no more fussing and warring about ideas. All ideas are within God, and you are one of those ideas, and all the ideas you have that are Good are also in and of God. On whatever level you are able to grasp that yet, ask for what you need. Set aside the little human ego that wants credit and accolades, and do all for the Glory and Grace of God.

    And ask for the confidence and Grace to enact the noble attributes of being a part of Love.

    You can do this. All together, it can be done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take great heart in this: Each time you turn to the Well of the Source-Peace within, when you are troubled, or angry, or hurt, or sad, you haven taken another step towards totally knowing Who you truly are, and towards understanding the full nature of God.

    Remember, each time you willingly turn to God’s agent on earth, the still, sweet, gladly calming voice within you, It comes forth to greet you with great Joy. The moment of “prodigal child returning” is not a thing that happens just at the point of mortal “death”, it is re-union of Consciousness that happens in every moment of existence in which you allow it to happen. Seek the Loving Creator that constantly seeks you, asking, “Where has your mind drifted to, my Child? Remember, you are right here, with Me, safe and warmly Loved, where you have always been. Let your mind come Home, and know that it is part of my Mind, and has always been.”

    O”, let it happen all day long, Love,


  • Ah, Child,

    Play “dress up” today.

    Ask the Divine Spirit to fill the costume of everyone around you, so that you may more easily see the True Selves of all of those around you, today, and eventually, always.

    How joyous you will be as you begin to see the Best of everybody.

    Yourself included,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    We always Love you.

    We understand that as you wake each day and look on the tasks and dreams of your earthly life, that the mature stance seems to be to put on your face of confidence or bravado, and step forth and act.

    But if you leave out the step of feeling like a little child, and turning trustingly to mama/papa God, then you are just presenting a shell to the world. Be willing to be glad that there is a Greater Power that is so constantly willing to Embrace and Love and Guide you. Gladly, gladly throw yourself into those arms and surrender to that Loving softness and safeness and peace and comfort, for the very first minutes of the day. And do so again throughout the day.

    This seeming vulnerability of admitting your need and dependence, and turning to the Invisible mama/papa each morning, and always, may seem like weakness in the earthly rules you have learned. But it actually gives you the wonderful Divinely Mature version of the confidence and wisdom and intelligence and strength that you need to fulfill your own dreams and the dreams and needs of others.

    When you realize that fulfilling God’s Will to Love actually fulfills your own true will, and creates greater Harmony for all, then you will not mind admitting that you are growing up within the Loving Circle of those Divine Parental Arms. Wrap them willingly around you, and laugh or cry or just snuggle, and let Love share Its Sweet Dreams of you with you.

    It wants you to know all the Joy and Peace It has already made you of,

    ANGELS and more ANGELS all around you

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no shame in needing to ask the Spirit of God for help each day in seeing through the impersonal face of the illusion of evil. Ask, and ask again, and God will help you forgive, and then help you see the Inner Good that needs no forgiveness.

    On the days that you can see the Divine Good in all, feel Blessed, and celebrate and be Glad. On the days when sorrow and evil and death distress your thoughts, seek God’s Help to see Good again. For so it goes, until all can see through and past illusion, and know the faces of Grace.

    God keeps giving and never stops.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God governs my neighbor and God governs me.

    God governs us all tenderly.

    No matter the time, or the place,

    No matter our individual pace or place,

    God governs all as God governs me,

    I must remember this if I want to feel free.

    It is not a race. God is in every moment and space.

    Costumed as friend or stranger or family,

    God governs them all as God governs me,

    If I will simply let that be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, and forgiveness again. Is it hard? Yes, but it gets easier as you truly experience being forgiven more often for your own foibles, as you practice consistently forgiving others.

    And, to not forgive is to end up feeling worse and worse, as old unforgiven grievances pile up in your mind.

    So, forgive, forgive, and forgive again, AND understand that the Loving part Grace plays in this is to help you completely forget the “wrong”, once you have forgiven it.

    We never forget to love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that it is YOUR perceptions that you are aiming to Heal.

    Let your thoughts be Molded to this Thought, that you are an Infinite ray of the Greater Infinite, with all of Its wonderful aspects. As you fully realize that all of the Goodness, and Spirit, and Life, and Soul of the Greater Infinite shine AS you, you will also realize that they shine as everyone around you. Then, it will be easier to look for that shining in each one, and clear your own sight to see the Divine Perfection that is the Light Being of each individual.

    Look not at the dusty self of your humanness, or at the dusty selves of others. Look, rather at the central Light Body of each one of them, and know it to be what you are, as well, and rejoice to begin seeing more and more of that Light shining through, with your mortal eyes.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is truth in the thoughts you think about others. It is often thoughts you also think about yourself. Be careful and observant today. If you are thinking many critical thoughts about others, examine whether you see the same low behavior in your own actions sometimes. If you are admiring someone’s creativity, evaluate whether you also have been, and could be more, creative. And so on.

    The qualities you notice can be instructive about what you want to nurture and grow in your own human behaviors, and what you would like to refrain from. Be a friend to yourself, and observe today.

    Then, you can ask the divine Source of you to help strengthen and grow the Good Qualities and tendencies, and for the Grace and Blessing to reduce or eliminate the sad or erroneous.

    And, Child, using those around you as mirror of the self will deepen the well of compassion in you, for you will remember how easy it is to fall into dusty ways.

    Loving all as demonstrations of Living Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The very moment you feel annoyed with someone, ask God to Bless you by helping you see the Divine in them, and ask God to Bless them and help them shine.

    You KNOW this. Now practice it in every circumstance. You know it is your own heart that is hurt if you let annoyance eat away at you. God will guide you to a productive and Harmonious solution. God will guide All. God will lead gladly if you do not let your own human feelings trip you.

    Trust in the power of God Soul,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you knew that by filling your heart so full of gratitude that there were no room for blame or fear or anger, you would helping to open a portal for Divine Kindness to pierce through the clouds of sorrow, would you do it? Would you maintain that gratitude daily, and be a part of the Circle of Gratitude that jointly has as Its Mission the making of a greater opening to the Will of Love?

    It is ongoing, dear one. Can you softly promise yourself to be a constant part of It, or to take regular shifts in being part of Thankfulness? Even moments a day are vital to the Life of this Circle.

    We gladly join in the chorus of Appreciation,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do what you do to reflect the Glory of God. Living within the Infinite Good Glory, this intent will help you as you run, or jump, or be kind, or be generous or forgiving, or express your wondrous talents, or explore all the Gracious Qualities of God that are the composition of you.

    And if you stay very aware that you are living to show the constant Glimmering of the Divine Glory, then, if your human template is tempted to gossip, or harm, or lie, or be selfish in any way, the innate Glory that Flows to you will help you to stop, and Be Still in God, and reboot your Soul of Love, and only then, go on, go on, go on.

    Stay centered in Glory, Child of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us help you understand a very, very basic thing.

    The line of prayer that says “And God leads us not into temptation…” is a wonderful clue about what to believe. If something seems to be leading you into sin, disease or any of the small deaths like anger or irritation or woefulness, then look again. Those somethings must not really be good or true. They are of the lies, the illusions of earth. They are not the Truth to follow.

    Turn around, and think instead on the Lovely, the Good, and the True, that are Love and inspiration and divine intelligence and truth. Turn your thoughts around and look not, and think not, on the false evidence that leads to sin and disease and death. Look towards the Good evidence of God’s Love, that leads to calm Joy and Life that is always alive in you, regardless of what the temporal seems to be saying.

    Divine Love melts away sin, disease and death, for only It is real… feel It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as human eyes and hearts enjoy pulling forth the photo of a loved one, when they are far from home, in order to remind themselves of that person’s true face and of the meaning and worth of love, and the purpose the relationship gives them, so can you turn to the “photos” of yourself when you are homesick for Heaven.

    God/Goddess holds a perfect picture of you, that is known to be, and declared, Good and True. He/She looks at that picture constantly and is glad and happy to Love you and ponder you and choose to keep you always in His/Her Sustaining Thoughts.

    Think about that perfect picture of the perfect you when you need to FEEL sustained, and think about God/Goddess doing the sustaining. And, let your own Inner Heart pull forth its picture of God/Goddess to ponder and give you a feeling of love and purpose—not a picture of a human form, but of the swirling, Bright Qualities of Love and Life and Joyous Intense Calm and Expansiveness that are the Essential Light of the Source.

    Look at that picture of your Divine Parent, and think of the perfect template picture of you that the Parent is looking upon, and re-think, and re-know, yourself as perfect and true and all worthy of the Love and Care of the Divine. Heaven is right here and now if your thoughts and focus stay on the perfect pictures of God/Goddess and you.

    We see you as perfect and as good as God sees you,

    No dusty cover can fool us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Impersonalize the errors you see on others, and on yourself. Think of them as nothing more than costumes that were randomly placed upon all the beautiful inhabitants of the wondrous world. That is more accurate than thinking that you and those around you are mean spirited or spiteful beings. See yourselves all as wondrous parts of Creation that just happen to have on some strange and scary costumes.

    With your Mind’s Eye, take those costumes off everyone you see, and see the lovely good truth of who they are, as made by a Loving Creator.

    When you understand that what seems to need forgiving is just a bad costume, very cunningly and convincingly made, then forgiveness becomes easy. It is only when you see the mean and sinful or foolish costumes as reality that forgiveness becomes difficult. Take the costumes away, in your Sight, and Love instead of condemn.

    Healing and growth in Grace come with forgiveness, so learn how to quickly and completely forgive. It will serve you well, Beloved.

    Nothing to lose but the bitter grit of unforgiveness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have practiced surrendering to the Loving Divine Guidance within, and grown good at obeying it, letting go of your simple or grandiose human plans, you will learn to love the Joy that comes of living in alignment with the Divine Source.

    It is indeed a Peace that is beyond human intellectual understanding, but it is very Real for certain. Try it and See. No other can do it for you, although they may try to describe it and share what they can. Try the Loving Peace of God, and do not look back to the ephemeral for satisfaction.

    We walk with you all along the way,