All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The loneliness of the body-identity that all humans experience at one time or another comes from a mis-identification of oneself AS a body. You are Spirit, Beloved. You are all Spirit living within the Great Spirit of All. This sameness and oneness of the core of all being will, if focused on, and contemplated, and embraced, take away any temporal sense of being alone and separate.

    You cannot be separate from the Spirit that IS All, any more than rain could be not wet.

    It is your very nature and the quality of you to be part of All, and, being Spirit, to be connected to all even when there are great distances involved, or no touch or sight involved. Reach out with the Spirit, the Soul, of yourself, and feel the Presence that connects All and that holds you, and through which you can hold others.

    Reach out with your Spirit to hold all those that have forgotten they are not really just mortal bodies, and they will feel less separate, and so will you. Love Itself does and will embrace all. Feel that, and feel Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, I tell you, more and more of Me, and less of everything else you think you see.

    We can have a very quiet day together, bathing in the Peace of Understanding Divine.

    Quiet, quiet. Be quiet with Me today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter what the human trouble seems to be, it can always be comforted by turning to the Divine Source and the Truth of what you are as an entity dancing in the Mind of the Creator.

    Turn to that Divine Love today, Beloved. Turn to It as you would turn to a dance partner, and dance, dance, dance to the Song of Love. Dance through the moments of the day, listening as you would listen to a new song from a favorite composer, and hear the Music of Creation, and be uplifted and guided and soothed.

    In celebration, in comfort, in appreciation, in expectation, in fulfillment, and in sharing of the depth of Being, dance, dance, dance.


  • Ah, Darling One,

    Do not even raise yourself from your bed each day without putting your thoughts and feelings on expecting Good, expecting the evidence of Love’s manifestation, in the day to come.

    And if you have awakened with unsettled dreams or images in your mind, or human emotions of anger or resentment or remorse or sorrows of any kind, then invite Divine Love to fill your heart with the fullness of Life, with the Higher Appreciation of Life. Divine Truth IS the tide of Love that raises up all human-bound thoughts, and if you ask It to raise you up, and be willing to have it raise up all those around you whom you might be feeling unforgiving toward, It will do so. Love will raise up all. Love will raise up your thoughts about yourself, and about all others.

    Love Loves all of you. Recognize that, and be willing to let It tutor and raise you, and tutor and raise all about you. It is ready, able and willing to do so, gently and lovingly, and completely. It wants to do so. Are you ready to allow that, and to help It help you find Joy?

    Affirm and welcome this each day before you leave your bed, your room, your house. We will be with you all the day, then, walking with you in a Higher Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am as Divine Love created me, and I am nothing else. Nothing needs to be added, nothing need be taken away. I am as Divine Source created me, perfect and complete.”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it seems as though someone has taken from you, remember the Infinite resource of God-Source. Perhaps it seems that an object or a resource or love was taken away from you, but even if that particular thing cannot be returned, Divine Creation will give you another thing, another way, another affection.

    There is plenty of Love Provision in the Infinite All, and when you deeply know that, you will not fear lack of any kind. What you need for your purpose and Joy will stream forth, will unfold. Trust God. Listen, and trust God, without blame or resentment or regret about what is past.


  • Ah, Don’t you know?

    “God is my provider. God is my husband. God is the perfecter of my person.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The principle of Love, that can only be and give what it IS, pure Loving appreciation and support, upholds and reveals all individuals to be a part of It, already accomplished as Good Ideas.

    To the human sense of time and matter, it may seem to be taking a long time to reach the pinnacle of creation, and wonderful goodness. But to the Center of Creation itself, it is already done. It gives you as much or as little of Its Sight and Love of you as you are willing to accept.

    How much are you ready for? All? Just a touch? Nothing is being withheld from you. You just need to choose to take it.


  • Ah, Child,

    As everyone around you seems to be doubting of what you know, from your contemplation/communion time with the Source, to be true, hold fast to this:

    I am the substance of Spirit.

    I exist in Spirit, and all that Spirit is made of,

    the calm courage, the wholeness of Love,

    the beauty of creativity satisfied,

    All these are mine, for they are what I am made of,

    and It Is Good.

    As those that seem to be “others” doubt you, remember that all about them, too, substituting the words “we” and “ours” where before you said “I” and “mine”. To center yourself in Spirit, to know that you are part of eternal Life Divine, which is reflected as a play on earth, to feel the gratitude of that, and then to include others in that realization, that is to become a healer. That is to become a partaker of the ineffable calm and gladness that are the very essence of the Infinite Being.

    Giving It keeps It flowing through your heart, and through your life,

    Life IS Divine, and spirit, in Divine Life, is what you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Re-Mind yourself,

    “ In the God-Source, I am alive.

    In the Glad and Loving Source, I live, and thrive, thrive, thrive.

    The image of me flickers now and again in the mirror of earth,

    But in the Reality of Source, I am outside of time,

    And all the Goodness that is Divine Joy and Peace is also mine, mine, mine.”

    Beloved, the Creative Original, that made the mirror image to look in, cannot withhold any part of itself from being reflected in the mirror—nor would It desire to. No more than if you held up an artichoke to a mirror, and could not see it reflected as a tomato, could the Wholeness of the lovely idea of you be held up to a mirror, and look un-lovely. You are a reflection of utter Love. If it does not seem that way for a moment, cleanse the mirror of your thoughts and your beliefs, and look again.

    For God/Goddess looked in the “mirror, mirror on the wall” and saw “you are Lovely, you are All.” And knew, “All that I made is Good.”

    We See you as true image. Can”t you?


  • Ah, Dear One,

    For miles and miles, or months and months, your car has been making an odd noise, or behaving strangely, let us say. You finally make time to take it to the master mechanic, and as you arrive at his garage, he already knows what is wrong with it by the sounds he hears or the shimmy he observes. But when you arrive, you spend twenty minutes telling him all the symptoms, and your theories of what is wrong, and if he is polite and kind and patient, he will listen to you, even though, in his mind, the solution is already planned.

    If you finally stop talking, and let him take over the car, he will fix it. If you explain and complain, but then hop back in the car and drive it away again without letting him tell you what is wrong, and without signing the permission slip for him to work in it, the car will not be fixed.

    Just so, Beloved, with your self and your life. If you, by time and practice, or moment of epiphany, or proximity to one who holds the Presence readily to hand, reach communion with Oneness or the awareness of the Presence of God, do not waste time complaining and explaining and asking. The Divine Wholeness already knows what you will say, and already knows what is wrong. Just let go and listen. Just listen and let go and be. Turn over the “vehicle” of you life, and let it be worked upon by Divine Love.

    If you find that you can”t just “Be” in sweet silence and communion with the Divine, then at least let your contribution be words or song of praise or appreciation. Try, try, to just listen and learn and absorb, and love.

    And do not think that if you have reached a moment of God-awareness, that that is completion, and that it is time to jump back into the “self” and drive off again. You must leave the self with the Master Mechanic to see it fixed. You must sign the permission form, so that Spirit knows that your free will desires this work. And then, let It do the work. Give It your time, your attention, your presence, your willingness to be healed.

    This garage is everywhere,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let yourself ENJOY being a worker for the Light Force.

    Be playful today, in thinking of your role as “I am a dispenser of Light, shining away the darkness, just by quiet presence and smiles. Let me see how many smiles I can make shine in return, just by emanating joyous calm.”

    It is not about drama, Beloved. It is about being the shining of the Creator’s confident loving Calmness. That is the dispensing of Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as God†“Source Power was your strength to stop committing the errors and temptations that were your weaknesses of the past, so can that Source strength be the strength you draw upon to do the Good Works of God.

    Use God Power as your courage. Use It as your resolve. Allow It to pour through you when you are asked by It to say the unusual thing, to do the unpopular action, to stand up when others would shy away. Be resolved to be an instrument of God, not only for non-sin, but for Good action, when Love asks you to speak, or help, or move, or stay silent. All done in the service of Love is noted, dear Child, and all of it helps with the Peace of the Whole, as well as your personal Peace of mind and heart.

    We know you need to know we are with you when you feel alone,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not need to try so hard to remember exact words or phrases. The Golden Glory of God simply flows once you open to It.

    Just as We sometimes give a phrase or a thought about what this day’s “message” will be to the instrument, when the moment comes to type the words, it is not about her remembering what was hinted at ahead of time. Rather, it is just about emptying the self-mind, and letting Divine Mind use the fingers to type the words.

    Be the instruments of Love. Be the expressions of Grace. Be the clarity that simply stands still and lets the Light shine through without wavering.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you hear these words in your heart, “I Am the Lord God and I plant this seed of Love in the hearts of _____________ and _____________,” (This may be you and a friend, or you and a spouse or love, or you and a neighbor, or you and an “enemy”, pay very close attention.

    Agree to nurture it. Agree to let it grow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always room for more compassion. You might even think of it as the Force that keeps expanding the universe.

    Expand your universe today. Try flowing your own compassion, which flows from the One Compassionate Source, to people of other cultures and other professions and other lifestyles. It is easy to be compassionate with those that are familiar to you and were raised with the same rules as you, but as your heart grows in Spiritual understanding, it must learn to embrace all outer costumes and patterns, so as to embrace the One Love within all.

    This will be very useful today. God will give you all the Compassion you need. Trust that.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let no human tell you what to do. Turn to the Divine Voice within, and listen to and obey only that.

    Yes, friendship and love of the human level can exist, but even there, let the Divine Voice guide you in all spoken word, and decision.

    Well-meaning friends might speak the truth, but always confirm all in your heart with the unchanging Truth of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For anything of earthly good that ends, be glad of the good and the beauty and the inspiration it gave you. Be grateful, and let the Grace of Gratitude heal any sorrow you may feel at what has had its run of time.

    And, O’ Beloved, let that Gratitude lead you to count as your Great Blessing that the Good that is constantly born of God never ends. Be very aware that all Good you have ever experienced has come from the Creative Loving Heart of God, and be thankful in advance for all the Good yet to come.

    God’s expansion of Love and Good is constant, as humanity will see as it forgives and awakens and moves forward.

    Be grateful and praise God now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In your encounters of today, take extra care to assess your actions and reactions to those around you by the thought, “What would I do if this person were my mother or my sister or my brother or my spouse or my child, or my other close relation?”

    We tell you, Beloved, everyone IS your close relation, for each of you is a unique and wonderful cell dwelling together in the reflected Child of the Divine.

    Think about that. Ponder and embrace that, and behave accordingly, taking ALL your cues from the Parent Voice within.

    Your other relatives,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It bears repeating that you cannot awaken those that are not ready to awaken to their true Good status as Spirit, as Beloved children of the One Mind.

    It is their free will to choose the time.

    Stand ready. Be, and live, the example of calm kindness and Love and forgiveness.

    That is what you can do. Everywhere you go, if you are being willing to let that Divine Love and Calmness emanate through you, you ARE advancing the cause for Peace of Mind to become visible everywhere. You may feel at times that it is not enough, but we assure you it is. Keep your focus on staying aligned with that Peace yourself, and the opportunities to share It will come to you, and then bounce back to help you stay that way also.

    What a circle of Love and forgiveness are forged, when each does a part,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never has there been a time when the joyous Love of God-Force was not available to you. Simply turn to It.

    Close your eyes to the world, and its ways, and let your heart be filled with joy and gladness. Shut the door upon the noise, and discern, in the silence, the laughter and harmony you can join. Let any day that you need to, become a Sabbath day, a retreat day, when the normal worries and concerns are set aside, and you simply let yourself be refreshed and renewed, and given, as God’s endless gift, a sense of Peace and caring comfort. Let yourself be held, Beloved. Allow yourself to be loved, as a father or mother loves a child, as a spouse loves a partner, as a Provider gently surrouns and supports the provided for.

    Allow this in the guilt-free way that you allow others to do things for you on your birthday—being willing to be the recipient. To the Divine Father/Mother, every day is your birth day, for each day you are born again in that All-encompassing Divine Mind.

    Celebrate, and receive!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that you know you will understand the fullness of God someday.

    Your understanding is your key to being a revealer of Wholeness within the dream of the world, AND the key to your total Joy continually. Why not begin today to accept that your understanding is not a matter of long suffering or study? Your understanding is a matter of total release to wanting to know God completely.

    That choice frees God to fully embrace you in understanding. Stop clinging to illusions of the world by being either attached to them, or fighting them, and release to that full sweet understanding. That is the Truth, the Way and the Key to Life, Beloved,

    Tell Him/It/Her that you open your Heart of Understanding comepletely, and then “Be STILL, and Know that I am God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no pain in God. Always Perfect, always the same.

    So if the Truth of you is an extension, a thought, of God’s, how could there be any pain in you?

    When it seems like you are feeling pain, either of the body or of the emotion, get quiet and still, and ask God what God is feeling of you and about you.

    Try it, Beloved. We know that sometimes you do not believe us. Do you have the willingness to try it for yourself?

    Try it, Beloved, and prove your Self to your self.

    All is Love, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Is Whole. God Is here and now.

    None of that is withheld from you. None of that Allness is inaccessible to you, for you are an expression of It. Drop your thoughts of body and requests for things, and just ponder all the ways you can describe God.

    God is Love, God is Good, God is Complete, God is expansive, God is Infinite….

    There is no darkness in God, and as part of God’s expression, there is no need for you to imagine yourself in any darkness. God is Life and Light. God is Abundant Light.

    To do this is to gently and softly embrace True Power.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like most people, you probably have earthly authorities, or heroines or heroes, whom you admire. If one of these, whether a statesman, or an actress, or an inventor, or an accomplished doctor or speaker, gave you ten minutes of time, you would do your best to fully enjoy and appreciate those ten minutes. If you felt some minor discomfort, like an itchy foot, or chilly arms, while you and the admired one were speaking, you would most likely ignore it, wanting to give your full attention to the chance to be with, and converse with, the one who inspires you. Your desire for that one’s presence would give you the will to override the bodily sensations that would try to distract you.

    Listening to the Spirit of God, or to your own Inner Voice of Best Self, takes the same discipline of will. If the desire to be with, and know, the Divine Presence, is great, finding the will to ignore the body and its sensations is easier. But the body, and ego-mind, WILL try to distract you from focusing all your awareness on Divine Reality.

    If you are settling down to meditate, or someone has come to pray with you, the body and mind, like an ego-filled toddler, will try to pull tricks to distract your attention. The mind will race and try to remind you that the errand to mail that letter is more important than this, or whine that you are “too unaccomplished to ever succeed at catching the ear of God, so why bother?” The body will tell you that it is too hot, or too cold, or too hungry, or too much in pain in the neck, to meditate and commune and pray.

    You must learn to ignore them. You must learn to ignore the physical evidence of the moment, and focus your will and your awareness on inviting forth the special Presence that waits patiently in your heart.

    It waits patiently, but It is eager to be with you. Do you want to make It wait a lifetime while you make sure that your body is perfectly comfortable in exactly the right spot and room and country, and that your mind is perfectly quiet and happy with the money you have and the job and the mate or friends? Do you want to make God wait forever? Or even ten minutes?

    Perhaps at first it is easier to connect with your Source (and your Tue Self that is part of It), if you are in a pleasant room, at physical ease, with nice music or a bubbling fountain in the background. Actually, many have gratefully found their first true communion with God when they reached out with deep desire during physical crisis, but however your relationship with God begins, don”t you want to be able to continue it in all circumstances? Don’t you want to be with God at will, instead of only when the body is happy?

    Practice focusing on simply being with Spirit within. Set aside your outside concerns for those minutes, or that hour. Do not disrespect the authority of your Source by paying more attention to your itchy scalp, than you do to Its Voice. Do not cast aside those minutes of Love by worrying about which blanket is on your feet. As you come to love God, and your own Highest Self, more than you love your earthly heroes and your ephemeral body, it will grow easier to put the Divine first, and more natural to be able to focus on, and hear, your Divine Self during every kind of outer circumstance.

    Meanwhile, practice ignoring the tricks and distractions of the body and mind. Tell the body you will deal with it in a few minutes. Tell the mind you will worry about those things on Wednesday. Admit to your Self that what you truly most want is, is, is to be in communion with the Whole. And then do it, no matter what else seems to be going on. Let your heart be held in the Divine, and remember who you really are.

    That is what your body and mind are most afraid of—that you will remember that you are a Divine Spirit, and that the Divine Whole is in charge, and that they are meant to be only tools for your Divine Self. The earthly mind and flesh would have you believe that they are in charge, and they will try to take charge each time you try to spend time listening to True Authority. Ignore them, Beloved, just as so many have learned to do, and remember your True Self, and take charge. You, too, can overcome the world, if you let the Divine Within help you do it.

    We are patient, and love you unconditionally, but we sorrow when you deprive yourself by setting us aside for jellybeans or for scratching a toe,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    I have an umbilical cord linked to you in the body of your dream. Many call it Holy Spirit, or the Comforter, or the Principle of Being. But by whatever name you think of It, through it I send you Love and Sustenance and all you really need until you awaken from the sense of separation.

    Think about that, and count on that, and call to Me through It.

    I Love you.


    O”, Dear One,

    Just enjoy My Love today.

    How much do I Love you? In all ways. In all times and places.

    I Love you with Completeness, and Constancy. I Love you with Intelligence and Gentleness and Harmony. I Love you with Creativity and Supreme Joy and Peaceful Playfulness.

    I Love you sublimely and supportively. I Love you with all these Thoughts and more. Feel them today, and understand even more than them, as you let them Flow. The more you let yourself appreciate My Love for you, the more you will feel in Oneness, at Home, with Me.

    I Am That Which Holds You.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Worldly titles and accolades and rewards are not the labels that the Soul of God pays attention to.

    God thinks of you as “Beloved”, as “Precious”, as “very Good”, as “dear Child”. Knowing that these are your names, your labels, as bestowed by God, can inspire you to use the gifts of Spirit that God gave you and the Qualities of Love that you are made of. Using them and expanding them, and agreeing to be an expression of the Lovely and Generous Divine, may or may not lead to worldly applause, but it will please God and help to spread the Harmony that is the very Heart and Substance of God.

    God is pleased with your spirit and uniqueness. Won”t you let yourself feel the Joy of pleasing God in what you think and feel and do and say? The worldly things will come as needed, Beloved, They will.

    Tenderly appreciative,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God thinks no punishing Thoughts. God’s Thoughts of you are all of your Innocence and Goodness and Love.

    It is your own mortal-body-personality thoughts that create any reality that you feel guilty about, and so it is your own thoughts that punish you. Stop any thoughts that you feel guilty about thinking, including all attacks thoughts on the self or others, and let God’s sweet assessment of you and others as “Good” be what reigns in your mind. Thus do your attain reigning in your own Heaven.

    Return to your own “kingdom”, your own “home in Heaven” by attaining the Peace of God in your thoughts, and letting all the right details fall into place. There is no will but Divine Will that creates a Heavenly Reality, Love. Yours is waiting for you, here and now.

    To assume that you can hide your own self-condemnation from yourself is to lie to yourself, is it not? Do you want to lie to yourself? Or do you want to tell yourself the truth, and then let God’s Truth shine gently in?

    Always, always loving you, and holding you up when you would fall, if you let us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The level of thought that is “only human” is so underinformed and misinformed that it is important to practice days of humility. Today, try to remember, “I of myself know nothing, but Divine Mind is very glad to share Its All-Knowing Thoughts with me.

    Thus, in humility do you become completely Wise.

    Try it, and try it again. You will see what a relief it is to have God Thought flooding through you.

    Such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your Life essence will never end. It is held securely in God’s Mind, where you truly dwell, as an idea, even now. The projection of you that seems to dance and stand and move in the dream of camping in a physical body WILL end. It may be soon or it may be much, much later, but you can always choose to come camping in the forest of time again, if you want to keep growing and learning or helping others to learn. This can be so until all have awakened and the forest of time fades to reveal the glorious Realm of Harmony.

    What do you truly want to do while camping? Pursue the brief joys and pains of the dream, or gently remember the Truth of you, the Whole of you, that is, even now, the original within the Great Mind, just trying to completely awaken? Do you want to try to help awaken others, when they look and notice your moments of lucidity?

    God is whispering to you constantly, “Awaken, my Child. I Love you. I am right here, all is well.”

    Never fear hearing God’s Words. They are always filled with Love. And if you hear some that have correction mixed with the Love, obey immediately, for the tiny bit of humility needed to call up and apologize to a friend when God whispers to do so, or the generosity needed to answer a request that inconveniences, in obedience to God’s instructions, helps you. New humility helps you hear more clearly, and awaken completely more quickly. And, after all, is not the Joy that comes with feeling the embrace of God a Joy that surpasses all others?

    Be Mindful of this today, Beloved. Be filled with the Mind of God.

    Your camp counselors, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    God projects you into the Good Story of the world with Gentle Lovingness.

    Don”t try to change the story into something else. Be as God made you, so Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Principle of Creative Love is always active and consistent and timeless and unchanging. But it is also very wise, and understands that as you grow in your remembrance of yourself as part of It, as one with It and Sourced from It, It can give you more of Itself in new and good ways.

    As you mature in your willingness and openness to receiving the tender input from Love Itself, It will reveal more of Itself to you. So, keep being willing, Beloved. Keep practicing alignment with the Divine Truth, and never think that God is not enough, or that God does not have enough for you. God is and has Plenty, and will always offer you what you need, and what you can handle, what you are ready for. Trust that Infinite Goodness.

    And trust yourself to be able to fully reflect It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as the gatherers of an older earth let what they ate be dictated by what was in season and good on the trees and vines each day, so let your day today be guided by what is ripe and good before you this day. If you look at all to yesterday’s piles of fruit, choose quickly only what is good from it, and then move on to find this day’s due and fresh fruitage.

    Each day has new ripeness, Love. Do not miss it as you search through rotten old piles on the chance that there is something salvageable there. You deserve the best, you will get the most from the freshest, your Innkeeper wants you to have only the finest, as He constantly entertains and sustains the lovely idea of you.

    Greet each day with gratitude and courage, yes, but also with expectancy and curiosity, born of knowing the Innkeeper wants you to be pleased. Be, indeed, surprised by Joy, finding It everywhere, because It also wants to find you.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “My flowers are filled with archangels, those whispers of the beauty of God.

    My heart is filled with the Glory of Spirit, and my loves with His nod.”

    Accept the poems of your soul, Beloved, and let it be your intent today to see all you know, and all in the orbit of your thoughts, to be uplifted, uplifted, uplifted, and whole and content, as God is content with them.

    All are loved and lovely in Divine Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let go of old grudges today. Think of, or make a list of, anyone whom you still resent, and everyone whom you even faintly and secretly think owes you an apology, and address God and say.

    “Bless them and Bless me, for we are both a part of Thee.”

    We have prayed before with you about pondering the glimmers of Good you can find in anybody, and about honoring the Divine in each as you meet, and those practices are always pertinent. But today truly try to cover ALL lingering or new annoyances, and turn to the Truth that can heal or correct all, to declare your willingness to desire “God, dear God, Please Bless, Bless, Bless us all anew.”

    “Bless them, Bless me, enable us to See your Blessing upon all.”

    This is important.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No one believes in God’s Goodness until they are ready. They will give up the whims of illusion in time, with the Loving Help of Spirit.

    For yourself, turn your face from their disbelief. Listen not to the tales of evil.

    Set your heart and thoughts upon the unrelenting Peace of God, and aim to be cleansed and perfect, as God is Perfect. As in Heaven, so in your experience of earth. God helps you do this, in the flow of your joyous faith.

    Many have done it. So can you.


  • Ah, Sweet Beloved,

    Here is a day to be honest with yourself about your talents and skills. They were poured into you by the very Divine, and it is your privilege and purpose to share them.

    Everyone has talents and skills. Everyone. They are meant to be shared, that the parts of the Whole make awaken and be One again.

    So many times, humans associate honest self-assessment with faults and regrets. Routinely look at those to see what to improve, yes, but today, and every day, also honestly look at the gifts of Good Quality that God has given you, and let God show you how to share them for the greater Good and your own Good. This is important. Now, as ever, this is important.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is absolutely no one around you that does not reflect a part of the ego-self of yourself that you are trying to let go of, so that you may be a clear vessel for the Truth.

    Think about that. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed by the audacity of a dictator’s evil, or just mildly annoyed at the insensitivity of a spouse, or anxious because of a slow clerk at the station, they are all reflections of your own earthly emotions.

    Be at peace, Beloved. Seek only peace, Beloved. In peace is your harmony. In peace is the word of God, which you may finally hear in its entirety, because you have let go of the last bit of attachment to trying to “fix” the world of illusion.

    Close your eyes to the fun-house mirrors, for they will never show you the Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as a funnel simply needs to hold steady in place, to let the refilling of a vessel successfully happen, so must you hold still and steady as a funnel for the outpouring of Divine Love.

    Focus your thoughts on the person or situation that needs the Omnipotent Power of Harmony, and ask to be used as Its funnel. Trust the Omniscient Wisdom of God. Just let It flow through you, through you, through you, committing yourself to be Its steady and willing funnel.

    It takes dedication and focus, but God supplies those if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When new people and things enter your experience, there can be the tendency to think them wonderful simply because they are novel. And as you ask for the Divine to unfold your perfect truth and Harmony, it is seductively easy to see all new things as part of that.

    But test them, Beloved. Keep the touchstone of the unchanging touch and Voice of Goodness within your heart and mind, and hold all things, old and new, to It, to see if the experiences that unfold are pure and Good.

    Unchanging Love is, and needs to be, your constant. Hold all thoughts to the Thought of Divine Good, and always the true way will be revealed. It only takes a moment, Love, when faced with new choices and experiences, to pause, and ask your Self, “Does this feel good to Divine Love?” “Does this feel aligned with the Law of Love?”

    We will help you feel the Truth. We pause with you, in Joy, and go forward.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Here I am, God, willing to be one of Your Lights today.”

    Keep it simple, keep it pure, listen for instructions whispered, and intuitions felt, to act on, or be buoyed by, throughout the day. God’s Mind knows your Best Way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Always remember to speak thanks for the Blessings that you yourself are receiving and have received, before you try to be the conduit for blessings to flow to others. It is important.

    Do not feel that it is selfishness to do so. Think of it, rather, as the fitting of the tool to do the work in a better way, just as a fireman would check all the hoses and valves and supplies of water and fire retardants before he went to help fight a fire.

    Bless yourself by being open to blessings, and then let them flow, Beloved, let them flow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There can be no division between you and the Love that is All.

    You are within It, you are part of It, It is you.

    No matter how angry you feel at God, or, more precisely, at your own dream of life, and angry at God for allowing you to have such a silly or sad dream, God Loves you.

    There is no anger in God. God is Love. No matter how much division you dream up in the earthly realm, between people or countries or workmates or seasons, there is, in Truth, only the Love of God binding all. That is a binding that cannot be broken, and more and more visions of that realm of commonality will glimmer through the dream, until all realize they are bound together in Love.

    Count on it. For it is True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Above all, the Divine is trying to train you to listen to Its Voice, as your only, and your ever-present, Truth.

    Even as the new day brings you a morning that is free of an old worry, or victorious over a repetitive sorrowful thought, both overcome by the Joy of turning to the Comforter within, something else is sure to come that feels like a challenge. So long as you dwell within the time cycle of earth, it will be so. The illusions and mirages of the woes of earth and her champions are all around you, and they don new costumes every hour. We will not pretend that it does not seem to be so.

    But we will promise you that as you grow into the strength of Spirit that is your true nature, the shouts and jeers and draperies of the earthly will be less frightening to you. Like an old soldier on the front who has gone through many a day without water, and known himself to survive, or the seasoned actress that greets her stage fright almost as though it were an old friend that helps her steel her nerves and reminds her to breathe life into her confidence, you will find the daily meeting of the Infinite and the “finite” growing smoother. As you prove to yourself, again and again, that when you choose the Divine, you have chosen the Truth over the illusion, you will be able to face even fierce illusions with calmness, and the Peace of God/Goddess in your heart.

    We have seen your progress, and we have watched the pattern in millions of others, Beloved, and we know,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take off the costume of the ego, and celebrate Joy with the Writer of all things.

    That Writer, well satisfied with the actor that was trained, declared you graduated and Good, made in perfect image of the Vision of the Play. Accept that. Be glad of that.

    When the accent of the ego role wants to creep back into your voice, having grown so accustomed to its hours in your play, tell it, “Peace, be still.” Tell it that, and BE that, being still yourself, until you can hear the true Voice of the Heart again, telling you to celebrate the end of the play, and be glad.

    The ego has no power except in the play-acting role it has been playing in the stage of the earth. When it tries to reclaim its power by complaining about the other stage props in that stage character—the body-costume, the associates and loves, the provisions, or lack of them, the stage set it saw around it, then laugh. Laugh, and set it aside, and be still and listen to the sweet Voice of truth again, “Oh, what a good actor you are! But now, come away, and live life to the fullest, and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy the truth of the perfect spiritual being that you are.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    God has, does, and will mightily transform some great sinners into saintly workers for the Light of Life.

    Remember that as you pray for those whose hearts seem to be filled with the shadows of fear and anger and hate and revenge. Sooner or later, in some form or other, every individual is led to the purpose of Soul and Light, and given the chance to Love, and to teach others to do so.

    “O”, dear God, privilege me to witness the Bright filling of every heart with Loving Light, so that all errors and inharmony fall away from sight and experience. Use me, dear God, for the Light, let all of us feel the Good of your Glory.”

    God works wonders continually. Look for It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no day that God does not Love you, and want the absolute Best for your Joy.

    When you really start believing this, you will not be afraid to risk acting and learning in ways that enrich and increase that Calm Joy within you. Go deeper than the brief human impulses of desire or attainment, and seek the satisfactions that align you with that deep Joy. That is what God desires for you, and one way to feel It is to believe completely in God’s desire for It for you.

    It is a circle that goes around and around ,and will never stop, and contains you.

    Shout with Joyous relief as the Soul of you realizes this.

    Be carried by the desire of God for your Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new way of thinking about your thinking.

    You know all the words. You know all the intellectual tricks of thinking of your thoughts being replaced by the Wise, Calm, Omniscient Thoughts of God, in order to see that changing your thoughts changes your life.

    So, why is it so hard, some days?

    Because you don”t really believe God Loves you, holds you blameless, and wants your joy and happiness. Believe it, love. Go back to that basic, today. Remind yourself over and over that God Loves you, because it is True.

    As do We, as a part of God’s Gracious Plan,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Complaints from your mouth, or in your mind, will come back to you magnified. Gratitude and Blessings sent forth from your mouth, or in your mind, will come back to you magnified.

    Which one do you want to send forth? Choose, and do it. Ask for our Help to enact this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel a general sense of unease and cannot even discern where the focus of it seems to be, fear not. Fear not, for the Divine Healer knows how to heal you, and knows that all errors are really just a form of one error. That one error is thinking that you are no longer part of the Harmony of All, and that you are just some frail and fading body that is not a Child of Glory.

    The Divine Healer, called upon, will simply heal. Like a mother than can tell with one glance or touch whether her child needs a nap or some food or a hug or some cleaning up, the Divine Healer can tell, without needing your lists of “facts”, just what needs to happen to reveal your true Harmony again.

    Trust the Healer’s desire to heal you, and your circumstances,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take an entire day to do everything silently, and very, very slowly, and you will be amazed at what Wisdom, Peace, and Gratitude begins to flow in your heart, and envelope you.

    What a gift to give yourself!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate that Love is always in action, adjusting and convincing and quietly revealing the Goodness that is at the Heart of all.

    You may not see the humanly visible Harmony of Love right away, but when you do see glimpses of It, celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. And when you do not see the bodily or behavioral Goodness shining yet in the moment, celebrate your deep understanding that the Law of Love is already at work, and always at work, and each individual, and the world, will see that when ready.

    Work on improving your own understanding that God already knows and has accomplished Goodness. When those in the bubble of time come to understand it and see it may vary, but that does not change the fact that Love is Good, and present, and can be turned to and celebrated, all the time. Be one of the ones who knows it now, and celebrates it.

    Celebrate, celebrate the darling Law of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you fully realize the wonderful release that comes, when you practice blessing somebody who is hurting you, or annoying you, or confusing you, you will rejoice.

    The freedom you gain by learning to instantly forgive and bless all of those around you is incomparable. And when you learn to also forgive and bless yourself, even while learning how to better live up to your own standards, and the Golden Rule, you will feel free indeed to learn to completely love.

    We already completely Love you. Won”t you join us?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We cannot overemphasize this key thing: If someone does or says something that makes you angry, train yourself to think, right away, “If I am feeling angry, the one before me needs compassion.” Learn to associate the feeling of anger with the response of compassion. Learn to immediately put yourself in the “other one’s shoes”, and to feel compassion for how he or she is feeling.

    Feeling compassion for the other will allow you to feel compassion for yourself, which will in turn give you the ability to apologize first (even if you are not in the wrong!), and to so defuse the situation, and let Love flow again.

    We row our boats gently down the stream of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It must be obvious to you by now that the tasks of the world will never be “done”. The only thing to do, whilst still in earth sensibility, is to move into a new Sensibility that puts you at peace with the continuing arrangements of the world. Find your own peace, and share that Divine peace with as many as you can, playing your part in the leavening of the worldly mists, and trust, trust, trust, Beloved that the leaven is Good.

    Peace be with you this day,

    And always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, O’ remember, dear love, how first you struggled and were perplexed when the Call rose in your heart to seek the Voice and knowledge of God. When those around you are not eager, or, even, completely disinterested in that process of knowing who they are in the Universe, be patient and have mercy. Their good time will come, in the Will of God.

    Have mercy, have mercy, have mercy, and be kind.

    Are we not always merciful to you on the days you lose your way?


  • Beloved, Beloved,

    O, dear child, you are already full of My Love because you are made of My Love. You are a reflection of My Love. To feel It, just know It to be the Truth of everything. You already know the simple phrases you can willingly turn to when the human scene tries to get you to focus on anything but calm Presence: “I Am Joy”. “I Am Beloved”. “I Am listening—-God, what do I need to know right now?” Etc., etc. Just take the time to silently do it, dear, dear Child, for it cleans off the mirror. It melts the mirage of separation from Me.

    I Am the Original, and the Only, standing in front of a faceted mirror. In each facet is a perfect reflection of Me. You are one of those reflections. Not a fleshly thing far away from me, but a reflection of Me—Spirit. Since I Am Everywhere and Always, you are My reflection everywhere and always. Love reflected as Love. You cannot really be any more, you cannot be any less. You are as Love is. Laugh with Me, move with Me, Love with Me, just as your reflection of Light moves and laughs with you when you stand in front of a mirror.

    My faceted mirror is made of Unbreakable Spirit, and the wonderful reflections of Me dance and Love and Live because I eternally Love and Live.

    Just relax, dear Child. I Am Love and the image of Me glows in the mirror of Spirit. “I shine because God shines, and I am a reflection of His/Her shining.” We are One, dear child.

    You can silently know:

    “I Am so, and I will always Be so. If I imagine that dust is draped over me for a time, I can remember I am a pure and perfect reflection of Spirit and will always be so. Spirit is timeless and not a material thing. I close my earthly eyes and remember I am but acting and living and speaking as God does, walking in the Garden of endless Life.”

    “Today I shall walk and talk and Love as the wonderful reflection of the Original. I shall move and talk and love as It does. All the Perfect ideas will flow to me, for One Mind governs the Original and the reflection.

    And so be It, for so It is. God is Spirit and Spirit is God and It is All in All. It is Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I want the Reality of God.”

    Give this permission to the Divine. Extend your willingness to see, feel, and hear the Divine Will enacted, like having the courage to admit that you are not enjoying a movie you paid to see, and being willing to get up and leave the theatre.

    Withdraw from your own human plans and assumptions, and “Leave the theatre” by being willing to take quiet direction from the dear Inner Voice, and see the Play It will show you, and let you star in.

    Sweet Heart, what do you have to lose? Choose God. Choose Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God has not forgotten you. You have not been dropped into a costume carnival and left alone.

    The Mighty Spirit of God is on your spirit like a second skin, and no smoky wisp or paint you put on your earth story costume can penetrate the armor of God Truth that is on you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am Love. I am Love clothed in Light. Abba, let me be costumed, as You see fit and right, for the earth Play, in your way.”

    I Am Love, reflected from, and dressed in, Light. Let me be positioned with the places and people and accoutrements, that You Know to be Good and Perfect and Bright, to shine the coming of Our Peace, Our birthright.”

    ASK, and It is given,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a catchy tune, let a Thought of Truth or God roll around in your mind even when your mind is also working on the grocery list or the drive to work. Whether it is a spiritual hymn or phrase, or whether it is just affirming a new good thing each day, such as “It is natural for me to receive all Good Blessings today”, let each day have an underlying beat to it.

    Let it be your companion. Let it be your guide. Even if “outer” events temporarily shock you, or delight you, or make you speechless, or cause you to be stunned away from regular thought, let one of the Truths of Oneness be playing in the back of your mind, keeping you centered and delighted and clear.

    If the phrase changes during the day, in an uplifting way, God is talking to you.

    You will know It is God Thought changing it, if Joy comes with it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you realize that there is nothing and no one you can count on except God, it should not give you a feeling of loss, but of victory. Knowing that in all things you can, and should, turn only to God will keep you from wasting time trying to find human solutions. And, in a seeming paradox, it will help lead you to the people and places and talents that are perfect for what you need, as the glorious Qualities of God use those ways to reach you.

    Turn to God. Count on God. Praise God and Thank God.

    And the illusions fall into place, Child. They fall away, and Glory is revealed,


  • Ah, Child,

    The Wondrous Source finished Its Work. It is done. It is Good.

    You, and all, are already standing in the Holy Mind, as complete and perfect Ideas.

    Just as when you walk into an artist’s studio and see sketches and models and half drawn plans, but then turn to see the full scaled perfect work, and it so takes your breath away that it is all you can focus on, so let your Self contemplate the finished Work of God.

    Contemplate the Omnipresent finished Perfection of God.

    Yes, yes, we understand that for a few minutes you may humanly need to think about what it is you wish were fixed, or harmonized, but then turn from any scraps of evidence about unfinished work, and TURN all your thoughts to being, right now, a finished Thought of God.

    We assure you, that Thought is Love and Glad, and Peace and Joy come from dwelling within that awareness. That is the Thought that completes. That is the Presence of Mind that heals. That is the Real Joyous thing that You are.

    Let it be so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you think of the phenomena as parallel universes, or alternate realities or quantum wave changes or miracles from God, we assure you that you CAN repair damaged relationships of all kinds by turning to the Grace of Love.

    When your human emotions and thoughts would whisper, “This is hopeless. Too much water over the dam. Can”t forgive the unforgivable. Etc. Etc.”, then ask yourself if you WANT to return to Peace and Love in relation to the relationship.

    If you want to, it can be done. Indeed, somewhere in time, it will, and already has, been done. Nothing is left untended and unforgiven when you finish remembering who you are in the One Loving Mind. If you want to feel peace, and even joy, with it, in this cycle of time, then turn to your Loving Relationship with your Source, and ask for the newness to begin. Let yourself be guided by Love, staying aligned with your Emanating Source of Love at every choice point.

    Seemingly irreparable bodies and relationships CAN be repaired, for in the Divine Mind, they never left perfection. The haze that formed over them CAN be blown away. The Wind of Spirit and Love can do it. Call for Its Help, and be willing to feel and see Joy and Peace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of yourself as a totally permeable entity that floats in the Love of God. If you are totally permeable, then that Love flows freely back and forth between you and the solution of God that surrounds you, carrying with it the Wisdom, the Sustenance, the Joy and all else that is the chemistry of God.

    “Dear God, today show me the Highest and the Best I am in Thee.”

    Simply stick to it, let It Flow,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To feel that you are alone is like thinking a ray of the sun is alone. It may seem to be distinct and separate, but it is inexorably connected to its source, and of course made the same as all the other individual rays.

    Thus it absolutely is with the image of you that shines from and as Spirit.

    When you seek to alleviate a feeling of aloneness, you must think of this, and correct your thinking of being alone immediately. You are completely and forever connected to that which projects images of you. When you wish for more energy or understanding or wisdom or joy or comfort, you must feel back along the ray of yourself, and know you are suffused with, and infused by, that lovely Source. Be so grateful It is there for you.

    So many, when they feel separate and alone, turn to other bodies or objects, or cascades of experiences, but none of those fix the sense of separateness. Straighten out your thought about what you are connected to, and cherished by, and then enjoy the other individuals and wonders of earth, and creations of your own, and gifts that are revealed in you to share.

    Wonder of wonders, you are.

    And all are, at core,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiveness rules the known universe. The Unknown Universe, unsensed by the five mortal senses, has no need of forgiveness, for nothing occurs in It that needs forgiving.

    Align your mind and heart with those two truths, and enable yourself to flow between the universes with ease. As forgiveness fills the seen universe, the need for it will cease. Meanwhile, let yourself be a lens that is so aligned, and so in focus, that the Light that shines from the Unseen can flow through you to the seen.

    Let forgiveness rule your days, and periodically close your eyes and renew and refresh yourself in the Unseen, where you can rest from the need for forgiving, and bathe in the Gentle, Creative Truth.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many are the names for fear, and fear is the opposite of Divine Love.

    It disguises itself as hopelessness or even as minor irritation. It disguises itself as lack or anger or physical bliss that you try to sustain.

    These are all things of the body. Center in your spirit, for it is a projection of the Divine Spirit, where serenity and clearness reign, and the more you do it, the more your life of the “body” and “earth” will change and obey God’s Law of Harmony. Be the calmness and certainty of God, and let the rest take care of itself.

    The end of the story is that you awaken in the fullness of the Mind of the God-Source—and if you already know the end of the story, what is there to fear?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pay attention to the feelings of impulse and intention that are present when you are listening to the Divine advice in your Soul-heart. Most often, the ideas or reassurances that you hear will be simply present in timelessness, like a good thing that is offered to you for whenever YOU are ready to take it.

    But there will be some times when there is a gentle, gentle urgency accompanying these Angel Thoughts. Pay attention. Learn how to respond to those more quickly, so that if you hear a message to pull off the road, or take the next turn, or call someone right away, or to write down the idea for an invention or a book, then do it quickly and obediently. There may be a great opportunity that will not come again in the river of time, or the need of another to fulfill in a crucial way, or the well-being of your own heart to preserve.

    Pay attention. Pay attention, and when that soft urgency is sensed, obey.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Voice of Love that whispered to you, “Your job is to heal your own heart”, meant, as you know, to remember the fullness and perfection of your own status as made by God.

    It is the job of everyone. For when they are in complete wholeness with their own Spirit, they can see the outer world’s Innocence and Goodness again.

    Try it today, Beloved. Set aside all sorrow, and claim the Truth, “God knows me Whole”. Do that today, and always.

    Shining with your own Wholeness is the way to heal others. Listening to their complaints, or to your own grievances, is not the way to remember your place as a part of One Soul. The Way is to be a demonstration of Harmony and Love, as created and kept in order by the principle of God.

    Be that, for you ARE that, in Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As God told you in the night, asking for God Harmony to please pour over the situation and the people you know IS a true and good desire, but to phrase it that way can hinder your own understanding of the ever-Presence of God Harmony.

    It is already present AS your very Soul. It is already Itself. Today, hold to the image of It rising up from within your consciousness, like still waters rise up from the deep of the sea.

    What seems to be the roiling and wind of physical life is but the momentary surface of the waters of Love Harmonious. Blend with the quiet and the calmness within, and let Harmony rise, rise, rise into what you see and experience on the surface.

    God is not far away, waiting for you to beg for your Harmony to appear. God is right within you. Practice again, today, being the one that remembers this, and one of the ones asking for the serenity of One Mind to shine forth from all.

    We are so grateful when you do,


  • Ah, Friend,

    As the days move along, and your understanding that going to your Inner Space, and communing with the Whole that you are a part of, is always the answer, it will become more automatic to do so. You will reach the point when your morning and evening contemplation times merge into the hours of the day, and you are seeing with God’s eyes, and feeling with God’s heart, even as you perform the duties and work of life.

    The Inner Peace will be like a song sung upon even the odious chores. The Inner Joy will be like a soothing mild breeze that blows away the biting insects.

    All Good things come from the Good Within, making you see the “good” and “bad” with new eyes.

    Enjoy all life anew, as though you were a child again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your sight, your hearing, your hands and arms and strength of spirit and soul, and all your senses, are perfect reflections of the Divine Faculties of God, when you withdraw your illusory human will from them, and acknowledge the Dominion of God, and place them at the Will of God.

    They become His/Her Faculty members. Like the faculty at a University, they become the teaching tools through which God’s Love and Kindness and Gracious Perception and Knowledge of Truth reach out to teach those who have forgotten that they live within the Dominion of the Divine.

    Allow them to serve, and let your self also use their perfection,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no such thing as partial surrender.

    Either the material dream is true, or the Will of God is true.

    To pray “Not my will, but Thy Will be done”, but to amend it, in your “private” thoughts with such exclusions as “except for… this stone, or this friend, or this house or this job”, etc., is to delay the unfolding of your Best Destiny. Anything that is Good for that Destiny will still be with you in the Good earth dream, Beloved, but you must be willing to let go and let God choose which things, which thoughts, are which. Let a Loving Creator show you what is Best for you.

    What are you clinging to and demanding that God not change?

    Loving you deeply,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, let your mission be, to listen, and to see, the Good in all of those around thee.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    God’s Eyes are in your heart, love, not in your skull. They are the Eyes of Love, they are the Eyes of Eternal Life, unending and unchanging.

    They see all the things that are the True reflections of God Itself. They know that kindness exists and wholeness continues and goodness reveals Itself to have been present all along. They Know the Good Path each individualized part of Spirit needs to walk to remember, “I am a part of the Heart that Sees all It made as Good and True.”

    Open the eyes of Heart today, Beloved. They are your real vision.

    They are your way Home.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As gently as a mother who listens to a child who has just awakened from a nightmare, so that she may reassure him that none of it was real, God listens to your fears and concerns.

    God knows full well what is good and real about the Soul of you, but will gladly hear your worries and errors of understanding, so that they may be comforted and answered. God is never confused about what is false evidence or misperceptions, for God knows and has held safe the Divine Spirit that is You.

    Fear not that you are troubling God by listing woes or human wants, but do aim to grow into skipping that step and its accompanying pain, and simply turning to, and trusting, trusting, trusting God.

    So close to your breathing Soul,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Today, I seek and find and walk the steady Path of Divine Light beneath the earthly mirages.”

    Hold Our Hands, We walk with you,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, so, Beloved,

    We come again to moments of doubt when in human thinking. Those doubts are part of the dream of earth. God has no doubts, and the True Essence of You has no doubts. And that is that.

    One very important treatment for yourself is to remember all the small and large ways that Divine Harmony evidenced Itself for you and your life and in the lives of those like you. We know that you have had and are having and will have these experiences. Do not let them be forgotten. Review them in your mind often, and write them down or record them in another way. Make them a part of your own first aid kit.

    Collect and review stories from others as well—not stories from just those who seem so different from you that you sabotage your thinking with “well, that could never happen for ME”. Everyday gentle or angry ordinary children of God see the Harmonious Hand of God revealed in their health and wealth and joy. Think of their times and think of your own, and take great heart in all the evidence you see.

    The Light is unfolding, and It has, and It will, reach every corner of the dream, until there are no shadows left.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “When I am tempted to look at the faults and errors of another, Dear God, help me see past those ephemeral aspects, and See the Loveliness of Your Love shining in their hearts.”

    This is crucial for you to remember to pray each and every day, Beloved. If you keep it in your mind and intentions, it will change your life. We assure you, you cannot imagine how many opportunities for love and prosperity you have walked by, simply because you did not see the Goodness that was waiting to flow to you through another person that came in an unlikely wrapper. And, of course, keeping this in your thoughts will help your own Loveliness shine forth to others. Be always ready and willing to Help in Godly ways.

    And We will Help you all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When faced with the illusion of the evil that seems so real on the level of the body senses, and that is sorrowfully experienced as such, do remember that God-Light-Love is outside of time, and has already overcome that false power.

    “God is the only Power, and where this dark and brooding spirit seems to be, there is already the Absolute Infinite Power of Light and Love”

    Be one of the ones that prays that and knows that. Be one of those, and it will be as when a cheerful person enters a gloomy party, and the whole atmosphere changes immediately. Be a bringer of the Light, dear Loves. Be Bringers of the freely-given Grace of Light.

    Loving you so tenderly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ever-present miracle is the ever-Presence of Creation’s Love.

    Turn to It, turn to It, turn to It, O”, Love. Let that Presence shine away any grievances you have, and that others might have towards you, and let the miracles that are RIGHT THERE, in your life, be revealed.

    We are as held in, and up by, that Love, as you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Minister to yourself today. Ultimately, in this world of reflections, that is what you are always doing, but, today, in the human consciousness, let it come down to this, “I Love Me,”

    You know We have talked to you about complete awakening being this– when you remember who you are, and you say to the Divine, “I Am Thou, I am a part of Thou”. That is to say, “I am Love, I am a part of Love”. If you are a part of Love, then you can easily Love Yourself. You are Love.

    Therefore, “I Love Me”.

    O”. yes, it would be easy to get lost in intellectual flip-flops here, to become confused by plays on words, and definitions of what is me?, and what is I?, in quantum reality, so skip all that just now. Just minister to yourself by claiming the Truth, “I Love Me.”

    The Truth is beyond words, and word games, and intellectual philosophical gambits, dear One. If you give the Truth a chance, It will sweetly calm you and heal you and Be You. Give It that chance. Minister to yourself today, “I Love Me.”

    As do We, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let go of telling yourself, and others, “your” story, and just watch the story that the Divine already wrote for you, told of you, “IS” you. Let there be peace today, in spending the time watching God be revealed as your Life, and as the Life of the things, pets, places, work and relationships that are around you.

    Act, and react, as if only Good exists, Beloved, for only Good does exist. To waste energy reacting to, and battling with, and worrying about, the problems or un-eases or lacks or illnesses that the illusion is pretending to be, is to rob yourself of another delightful day of watching the Divine tell Its story. Turn to the Divine story today, Beloved, and watch and be delighted.

    It is why the “Sabbath day” (or Sabbath minute or hour) is so important, Beloved—that there be time taken to just watch the play of the Creator be shown, without being distracted by the little endless tasks and trip-ups the world would try to make you think you “must” deal with. Do what you must for love and grace, but just relax into appreciating the good that is already with you, and that unfolds and blossoms before your eyes, and let there be Peace, today.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When those whom you love are tempted into criticism, perhaps from their human effort to love and help you, let it slide past you, and look only at the underlying Divine Love that made and sustains them. Love It and be Loved by It, knowing that It is the Truth.

    The human world’s confusion of Divine Love with human sentimentalism and lust is so confusing to most that they simply are not able to sort out the moments of their own hearts. Forgive them, for they indeed know not what they do, and be grateful for every time the Inner Divine Voice helps you to turn the other cheek when you are faced with criticism. Love the One Spirit Who helps you answer the well-meant, but hurtful, comments with Love, Love, Love.

    Blessed you are,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are truly a clear bit of mirror on the edge of the horizon that seems to shine with “events”—and each bit of mirror reflects the Light and Goodness and Warmth, Warmth, Warmth of the Source-Light that shines in the center of all.

    Be that Light today, Beloved, for you cannot truly be anything else. Let the shadow smudges be ignored, just as you would ignore some dust on your closet’s mirror, when checking your appearance before leaving the house. Only the real, moving Life is the image to see, when you look in the mirror, and slip into your shoes to walk the day.

    Only the Real, delightful reflection of the Source Light is True, as you go forth to demonstrate the Warmth of the reflected Light. Be the real you, nothing else is true.

    We know, Darling, that there are those who think that what you speak of, when you speak of the Source, is too esoteric to be proven or useful. The answer to that is to simply keep on being a living example of generosity and forgiveness. The answer to that is to enact the ideas the Source gives you. The ideas the Source gives you are seeds. Water them with Love, and they grow into the very useful and practical things you need to demonstrate Life truly lived.

    We See the Real You. Turn to our testimony of your Identity, when false labels try to stick to you.

    So Lovingly.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is power in the name of God.

    Speaking and thinking and feeling “I AM Love” will help you.

    Repeat it in your mind when the evidence of the senses tries to tempt you with confusion or pain, or to a habit you want to abandon. Speak it when you need to feel more compassion for another person or for yourself. Hold it in your heart when you want to remember that you, too, have the power to pray for others to be released from sorrow or danger or disability.

    I Am Love will pull the cloak of Love close around you. I Am Love will draw It forth from your heart. I Am Love is the Truth that sets you, and all, free from the illusions of being anything except Complete, Wonderful, Delicious, Peaceful Love.

    Try it today. Prove it to yourself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are aware of how tempting it is for you to try to argue your loved ones into changing their opinions and/or behaviors.

    Only God Mind can show you the perfect soul of all of them. You must turn your thoughts to Higher Thought rather than arguing with other human thought, and ask that Higher Thought to enable you to See the Good Truth of those around you.

    Yes, brief temporal change can come in human behavior with carrot or stick reinforcement, but do you not really want to see the revelation of Wholeness (aka healing) that comes with Seeing as God Sees?

    Try, try, try turning to the Thoughts of God,

    And let your thoughts and sight be healed,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    As do you pray for all, so do you better pray for yourselves. We know you know this, but living in a culture that encourages thinking of the self and promoting and taking care of the self means that it is important to remember to also listen for good Thoughts from the Divine One Mind for others.

    And indeed, it is crucial that you realize that praying for others, thinking of them as Good children of God, no matter what the human momentary evidence is, is actually a way of praying for, and enlightening, yourself. This is not about proselytizing, this is about the inward commandment to embrace the Truth of others also being Beloveds of God, and that they are also Guided by God as they discard the human errors that have cloaked them.

    As you practice thinking of all as Beloved of the Divine Source, so will you be strengthening your own perception of your own Best Self, your own Goodness, your own enormous possibilities and talents and place within Infinity. You will be embracing Love, and being embraced by Love, as you embrace each and every idea of God.

    So very Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not confuse yourself with a pound of hamburger.

    There is no need to be embarrassed. You know what and who you really are, no matter what some costume or meanly costumed person would try to imply.

    “I am innocent. I am free. I am as God created me.”

    We know this about you. So do you, really.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as redecorating a room in good fashion means that one must empty it completely, and clean it thoroughly, before painting, or rearranging, or installing new furnishings, so one must do when deciding it is time to redecorate your mind in Divine Fashion.

    Clean out old thoughts and attitudes, allow there to be new color and new light, and then welcome, welcome, welcome, the Ultimate Redecorator, the Creator, to fill your mind with Thoughts Divine, so that they may manifest as your happy and whole body and life. Live fresh, live new, let the Divine Source show through as the wonderfully understood new you.

    Helping you move out the old and in the new,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is but one way to see a different movie, if you do not like the one you are seeing. Make your decision, get up, and go into a different theatre.

    Remember that as a metaphor when you are not enjoying the theme or schemata of your day. Realize it does not feel right, raise your thoughts into your Higher Self, move your expectations into seeing the Goodness and Peace of God, and be Guided to re-See and re-work your day. Moment by moment, and day by day, a new life, God’s Life for you, is revealed.

    Stand fast in your thoughts of being open to the Life God envisions for you, setting aside the “movie” your limited human mind wrote, and be willing to See God’s Will for you.

    Change your mind to God-Mind, for It is Wisdom,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new emergence into the softness of the Presence of Spirit, as you, as all that is around you, as the thoughts you choose to entertain in your mind. Let it indeed be One Mind that guides you, all this day, letting no idle moments become human daydreams or calculations, but only the soft, soft Truths of the Guiding Love that would have you remain always in Its flow of Joy, Joy, Joy.

    In Joy we dwell. If you are not allowing It in, you are sleep-walking,


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are whining, you cannot see Harmony shining.

    Change your attitude to gratitude, and look again.

    Let your attitude always be one that makes the behavior and countenance of you pleasing to the Creator, for you were created for Its pleasure, not It for yours. Be dressed, always, in the behaviors and emotions and truths that you would be dressed in for a beloved parent, or mentor, or honored friend, or fiancé. Be glorious and fine for the pleasing of the Whole, and think not of the pleasing of the small self. This honor will Shine back on you, and you will See yourself and your life with the Divine eyes that Know so well that you are Good.

    Reflect the Good, and feel the Harmony, O’ our dear, dear Child.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no anger in you. It only blocks the Light Divine from helping you feel your True Wonderful Self, and prevents you from seeing all the worldly Good that is rightfully yours as a beloved child of God.

    Forgive, let go, and trust God to generously give again to replace whatever has been taken from you, and help you feel tenderly Whole again.

    You KNOW this, Beloved. Let Love fill you and soak you and let all anger go.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep in your heart and mind and conviction of belief that the Infinite Director DOES desire Joy for all. Sometimes, indeed, that means the individual must straighten their priorities of what deserves feeling Joyous about, and that Primary on that list must be the Love of God, and of expressing the Good God in their days.

    But it also means that God mercifully and tenderly will help with the human needs, adjusting the bits and pieces of the human play, and giving ideas and solace and connections to solve seeming problems and to create opportunities. You DO “entertain Angels unawares”, and if you keep that in mind, and keep focused on the Truth that One Mind can, and does, Govern all, then you will be one of those who notices chances for change or preservation, and who listens to and obeys the still, small Voice when It advises action or inaction.

    Listen, and obey for Good, dear One.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Heart of God-Love is everyone’s Hometown.

    When you are longing for the comfort of something familiar, as earthly time has changed every person and place around you, seek the sweet and changeless Source of All birthing. Sink deep into knowing that nothing temporal matters and lasts, but that seeking the Infinite Hometown of God-Love brings Joy everywhere and anytime.

    Love God, and be Loved by God,

    You are already, and always, in that Hometown,