All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    At the very bottom of it all, remember that you are aiming to heighten your thoughts. You are aiming to let your consciousness be raised to the Consciousness of God, which is the Love that Holds all.

    As your consciousness is raised, so are your thoughts purer and true more often, and those thoughts are projected on the visible light around you. So remember that you are not begging some far off God to fix the light. You are asking God to help you See the light correctly. Your body and life are part of that light, and you want to See them correctly.

    “As in Heaven, so on earth” could be re-stated as “As Higher Consciousness and Thought is maintained, so does experience change,”

    You see more of Heaven now as your thoughts are raised to God,

    And we help tilt your thoughts that way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Call for your Teacher of Healing to be with you, and both call together for the Healing Truth to be with you. Shine your “flashlights” of Healing Principle on the darkness and shadows of error, to reveal the Good Wholeness beneath.

    Feel and see the Goodness. Experience the Joy and verification. Be immensely grateful.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so important to let Spirit Divine help you train yourself to pausing with patience. In so many instances, an overquick reaction of human emotion can lead to wrong words, inappropriate actions, and regrettable consequences. Seek the Calm Power of God, dear one, and let silence be a power in your responses of heart.

    Silence, and pauses, will give you the time to hear the Wisdom of the Divine Voice within, and the ability to think as God thinks, and respond Lovingly, as God would do. Creativity in ideas and a fullness of Compassion also fly from the Heart of God into yours, when quiet listening is your trained and happy response to jarring words or circumstances.

    Feel as God feels, Beloved, in a steady and measured and wonderfully Good way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Peace comes in silence, and the Silent Love that can bathe you and fill you.

    And, as you let yourself be treated to and healed by that Love, ask that It also heal and bless all others that are your family and beyond. Ask that all who are in your orbit of thought be shown how very Blessed they truly are as wonderful children of the Creative Universe.

    Take this day to heal and to Bless others,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know for certain that if you choose the names of the five people you are most annoyed with right now, and ask God to Bless them and aide them in whatever way would be Good for them, that your own Soul self will be uplifted.

    Bless others, heal yourself, and add to the Light in the world, dear one.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Since the sufferings of many seem so real to them because of their mistaken belief that they are abandoned, and basically alone, in the earth drama, it is important to remind them that Spirit is ever-present with them, and Loves them, Loves them, Loves them, and wants to help smooth the way.

    God, Spirit, Soul, the very Energy of Creativity, IS always, always with you. You are connected to It, you are part of It. And, It is not bound by the limited human laws and human understanding that make so many things seem impossible to the mortal mind.

    Spend some concerted time today pondering the Truth that you are within God, All That Is, you are part of It and like unto It, and think about unlimitedness. Unlimitedness.

    “I Am Unlimited, for what I was created to do.”

    Love gives you unlimited tries. Do not give up.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Human age is not, obviously, the determiner of enlightenment or awakening. Many very seemingly young ones, and many imbetween, realize right now that All is Good, All is God, in the Truth that is the film of Thoughts rolling in their Mind’s Eye.

    The human eyes, ears, and other senses, are projectors, not receptors.

    Ponder this today. What do want to project? What would God-Thought, Love, want projected?

    We want to see the Truth of the Best that Blesses all projected,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Order is pleasing because the Divine Principle includes an aspect of Order that helps Harmonize everything. So do enjoy temporary order that you create or that you witness, but do also expand your understanding of what the greater sense of Order truly is.

    Yes, the folded laundry or the tea bags arranged to easily find are enjoyable parts of momentary order, but there is also order that contains the illusion of time. The garden that morphs and changes with the seasons, including the wild seeding of the various plants and flowers, is a part of the order of provision and time. The wondrous awakening of human consciousness, each individual and as a mass in the Oneness of Being, is a part of Order.

    O, Beloved, enjoy being part of the Order that unfolds over time, of which God has already seen the beginning and the end. Yes, continue to be pleased by the small and temporary elements of order that you can create in your own home and life, but mostly be pleased when your mind is aligning with the Great Mind of Love that holds all.

    For in allowing your consciousness to be awakened and raised, you are obeying the Order given by Divine Spirit, “Rise, and follow Me!”

    We are thrilled as more and more awaken,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The activities and services that give you particular Joy and satisfaction are certainly clues to the gifts and talents God has given you, and that you are meant to explore and use and share and expand upon. Yes, yes, do that, and know that all of Heaven is grateful to you for shining with Its Light.

    But when there is a task or way of giving that you seem to be dreading, turn to Spirit, quietly nestled in your mind, and ask for guidance. Rather than avoiding the task or turning away, turn to God and ask “What wonderful aspect of Your Infinity is it that I need to embrace in this situation to do what needs to be done?” And you may hear that you need to open your heart to courage and strength, or open your thoughts to the Completeness of God, and that God would never leave a Good thing half-done. You may gently be reminded to discern that everyone involved, in the day or days that challenge you, can also be perceived as a vessel of Good Qualities. You may be led to examine your own fleeting or obsessive thoughts, and urged to let go of old grudges, with Spirit’s Help.

    Whatever you are Lovingly guided to do or let go of, obey joyfully. For then the Harmony of God that is a Spiritual Law will abundantly pour through you, and you can not only achieve what is needed, but even enjoy it.

    As ever, We will Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let mercy and peace for yourself be a main part of your day today.

    O’ do remember, O’ Love, that the holding of great Love and humility and gratitude in your heart, can soften all bitterness, and help to ease any discouragement that comes upon you.

    Shake off those inferior feelings, and cling to the truth. Joy and peace, gratitude and love—write them on your heart today, write them deeply into your thoughts.

    Worship the Truth with us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Infinite Thought projects all Its ideas forth to look upon them and enjoy them.

    You are one of Its ideas projected forth, manifested, for It to appreciate and Love and tend to. Do you really think It cannot add good things to the idea of you, or swirl other helpful ideas to your side? It can, Beloved. There are no limits to Infinite Thought, ever-active and desiring to expand Life and Love.

    Just as you might have an idea for a kind of bread, and make it and bake it, but then also think up ways to garnish it, or glaze it, or toast it, or accompany it, or make it part of a more complex dish, so can Loving Thought easily imagine and manifest ways to adorn and use the Soul of you in ever more intricate ways.

    Be delighted to delight yourself and God by being a willingly shifting and growing idea. And trust that each good idea has its good place, and that there are plenty of good ideas around you, and coming to you, forming constantly from Infinite Thought.

    The Infinite panorama is beautiful indeed, Beloved.

    You are part of that Beauty.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always with you. On the days when you cannot even find the words to express your confusion, or exaltation, or regret, or hope, or whatever human emotion you are feeling, we are with you.

    Trust us, your wordless companions, to simply be with you, wordlessly Loving, Loving, and Loving again. There is no end to our Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be this new Truth in you.

    “I will always remember my ability to turn to Inner True Thought, and at least give It a chance to calm me, comfort me, heal me, Love me.”

    When one is not yet trained to clearly hear the Inner Voice, one can be easily excused for sometimes not giving oneself that chance, and that time, to turn to Love, and Its Intents. But when has been through the training of a mystic, or undergone other enlightening experience, there should be the expectation for oneself of remembering to remember. For of course, YOU, as well as everyone around you, are the beneficiaries.

    So, remember. And expect that of yourself. And benefit.

    And yet…….if you fall and fail, forgive yourself, as you are always and already forgiven, by the Whispering Source, for ever forgetting at all…

    In Deepest Love,


  • Ah, Be Loved. Be Loved,

    You are a perfect thing in the Mind of God. That perfect thing is an idea, an amalgam of energy, a wisp of Light that floats in Love.

    O”, Know that today. Know that all is God, One Mind, and only Good God is real.

    Allow yourself to feel the Truth of being an idea, tenderly held in Love Itself. You have been wonderfully Thought of, and beautifully and marvelously made, and this idea of you is sustained and maintained by God.

    Forget the dreams of being something separate and outside of the Mind that is all that is Real. Be Love. Be Love. Be Love.

    Know it. And know it for others, too.

    Healing happens now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It was a gift to you—dominion over the erring human senses. No one forces you to use that gift on any certain day. What stops you from using it, to claim your joy and goodness? Fear? Pride? Forgetfulness?

    The gift was given with no strings attached. If you do not use it to claim all your rights as an extension of the Divine Intent, there is no one to blame but yourself. Forgive yourself for all the days you have forgotten to use that power and wisdom and grace, and let today be your new beginning.

    AS ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, you will know what to do only exactly in the moment, if you are following the Divine Voice within. Only when you are already in the town, or already in front of the person at the desk, or already in the car, will you hear the further instruction from God. God often acts in small nudges.

    Remember that it must be so, for all humanity progresses together into Spiritual awareness and awakening, and your role in your own awakening and Spiritual sustaining, and your role in helping others, are interlinked in time with the choices of others. Follow, follow, follow where the Voice of Divine Love says to go, and follow what It says to do, trusting in the ever-adjusting timing of the Source.

    Patience helps you stay calm, and trusting God gives calmness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be grateful above all that the Love, that is All, exists.

    And be grateful that you have learned how to feel it and sense it with your Soul.

    USE this gratitude and this Truth to remember, when anything seems discordant to your bodily senses, “Really, right now, right here, there is only Love. And Love is All.”

    For people, for health, for wealth, for feelings, for things, right now is really only Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Without regard for the physical self, walk today with the eyes of Love.

    It is true that doing tiny things, such as putting something in its proper place or being a quiet listener for a friend, may not seem as though they will help to heal the world. But if they help to heal your own heart, then the Power that is the Source of all can shine through you to do True healing, and bring all into Spiritual Fruition.

    Trust that, and walk today seeing what small acts of helpfulness you can do, so that your heart is cleared out to be a gateway for God/Good.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you hear yourself saying, or thinking, sometimes, that you are working for this or that “cause”?

    There is truly only One Cause of all, Beloved, and that is the thing to remember. Is your cause aligned with the Cause that is the Sole Source, the Divine Guidance, The Oneness of all Being? Ask your self that, and be certain that no matter what you THINK you are working for, you ARE working for The Cause.

    Keep this clear in your heart and mind and spirit, that are the truth of you,

    As are We.

    ` ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fly above the clouds on an overcast day, and you can still see and enjoy the rays of the sun that freely shine towards earth.

    Look beyond the limited senses and you can discern the constant Life, Love, and Wellness of Being that constantly shine to you from the Source of All Good.

    Your intellect understands that the earthly sun is shining above the clouds. You must retrain your intellect to believe that you can EXPECT the Good that is your right as a recipient of the Loving Thoughts of God, Who is Ever-Aware of you.

    Expect Good, Beloveds, instead of expecting and believing the shadow illusions.


  • Ah, Sweet One,

    There is no need to fear God’s Will, for Its Will for you is happiness.

    Simply be willing to realize your true will is a part of God’s Will, and that small human definitions of happiness are often not complete. Know that God does not wish for letting Love die, and so it will not. Love can only grow, and It grows in your happiness,

    So be it,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Very soon you will know how much God Loves you.

    God has always known this, and in the sense that your Soul Consciousness is just an offshoot of God, you know it too. But in the brief time that you forget, and think you must operate as a material body-self, you often forget how vast and complete is that Love.

    Whether you wait years within the tiny blip of human time, or whether you experience God’s full power of Healing this afternoon, or even as you read this, it is “soon”. God already knows you as part of Love right now. Why wait to claim this? Claim “I am Love” even while you still wear arms that want to swing and dance, and a belly that wants its breakfast. Claim “I am Love” even while your body still seems solid to you, instead of feeling as a shifting portrait of energy and light. Claim “I am Love” even though Love is timeless and you are still ordering your days in little bits of hours and minutes, instead of the timeless now.

    Order yourself to know that “I am Love and God Loves me completely”. Take that Dominion, Beloved, and know that Love, and it will gladly carry you to a deep knowledge of all that that means, in the way that is best for YOU, and for all.

    We already see you shining with that Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Know that in the giving and sharing of your gifts is their perfection honed. Be not afraid to share what seems not yet perfect, for just as the teacher is taught by teaching, the healer is healed by healing. All benefit in the Goodness of All that Is, if you remain humble in your sharing, by staying aware of the Source of your gift, and by following the directions of the Source in when and where to share it.

    Planning how to share a talent, or garner earthly reward from it, based on worldly systems of commerce, is to let the human ego have control. Listen to the wisdom of the Divine within each hour, and each day, in order to know how and when to proceed with any part of a plan. Acceptance of Holy oversight, and obedience in all the small ways and things, are delightful practice for the times when the Greater Will is the most needed and desired.

    Fear not, for we are always with you, and when the giving, giving, giving begins, Divine Love will see that you do not run dry.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here I am.

    Here I am. I hear you always. Dear one, please remember that I not only see and understand the True Heart of you, and the time-bound dream that you have projected over enduring Creation, I also see what others are seeing, and believing in their own hearts.

    These mixed projections, and the sublime Beauty of all that God made, together are what you experience as your everyday world. But remember that all is Spirit, and all is truly under the Loving Order of Goodness, and that I do and will help you sort out what is best for the holy and good and blessings of the Soul of all. Trust Me.

    Trust Me, and look back and see how much you have evolved in spiritual understanding and in confidence in your Maker, and make the resolve to go forth with calm Joy. I am here, and I am with you, and we walk together through the maze of time, letting Joy carry you, and I, and all, to Clarity.

    So Good to be with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although you know that we urge you to pray in the plural, asking and listening for the “our” Loving Source to show the Best for all, it is also true that it is important not to forget the individuality of yourself, that shines as one facet of that Divine Diamond of Spirit.

    Today, fill and refill yourself with the Divine Love that so feeds you, for as you feel cleansed and fed by It, you do have more to give to those around you, even while knowing It also shines to and through and around them, directly. The directive to let Love flow more easily in Its perfection, by ceasing the criticizing and complaining, applies also to your own life. Let go of the ways you condemn yourself, accepting that the Heart of God sees the Goodness of you, and every way that It can be brought forth into visibility.

    “Help me shine as You, dear God.”

    We See your Light,


  • Ah Beloved,

    “Show me my Self that you conceived of, dear God. Let no distractions pull me away today from knowing who I truly am, made in and of the Light of You.”

    This is what you need today, Beloved Child. The phantasm of matter and how much it seems to matter is what you must take your focus off of today.

    Practice this, dearest. “I am a Child of God. I am nothing else. I have the Glory and the full Presence and Purpose I need to be in exactly the right place and the right time to help move forward the Lovely, Lovely Plan of God. And so does everyone else.”

    We will Help you remember all day, Child.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today (and all days), “Divine Love Guides my life, if I will but listen and obey.”

    Love! Love! Love!

    It is the Truth to follow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy in understanding the other meanings, Spiritual and Soul meanings, of words commonly used to describe the sensory earth experience.

    Consider “richness”. You can think of it meaning the level of a bank account or the delicious flavor of a piece of cake, but you can slip into your subtle sphere of understanding and contemplate the “richness” of simplicity, of trust, of traveling light. You can contemplate the richness of freedom, and of an unscheduled day, wherein you can follow the intuitions of your Heart-self. You can be grateful for the richness of friendship and for help or inspiration that comes unbidden and unexpectedly.

    You can, above all, be amazed at the richness of knowing you are Absolutely Loved by something greater than your human self.

    Oh, dear one, are you not “rich”, indeed?

    Be Glad,

    We want you in Gladness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just like choosing what to have for breakfast, choosing to slip into the mindset of Infinite Love, holding and surrounding and being your thoughts like water holds a fish, is a decision you make each day.

    Choose to feel Love, Beloved. Step back from the random and earthly thinking, and consciously choose to feel and think Love. Nothing else really matters. Nothing else is as real and unchanging and wonderful. Control your thinking to absorb the Thinking of Love.

    When anything seems to create nervousness or over-excitement, it is actually not so difficult to drop into a self-trained habit of saying in your mind “I choose Love. I choose the calm of Love.” And let the wave of that Love settle over you like a cleansing and refreshing and warm cascade of lovely water.

    Choose the Thoughts of Love, today, dear. Choose Love,


  • Ah, Beloved Expression of God,

    Be that. Be the lovely and loving expression of God, right where you are, in whatever you are doing. Not tomorrow, not in some other place or by other name or after you have attained a certain thing or status humanly, but now, today, be an expression of Good, of God.

    Good is the Principle of your Being. You can express It because you are It. Get out of the way of your own Best, Good Self, and Be It right now, in your every day.

    This is so important now, for you, and all the world,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Softly, softly, trust in the Better Soul of yourself to come forward as relentlessly as a butterfly comes forth from its cocoon. It is programmed in to the very Spirit of what you are, and what everyone is, and it will always, eventually come forth.

    All have regrets about choices made, but softly turn now from any thoughts about past regrets, and allow yourself to be carried forward again, leaving all in the Hands of the Soul that embraces the Better being of you, and unfolds you from the cocoon.

    All those who grab at, and long for, something “practical” to do, to assist in their thriving and spiritual growing, must come to a point when they realize that softly surrendering to the constant Guidance of the Loving Divine is much more practical than relying upon any worldly, ephemeral thing or routine. Surrender to Love’s moment by moment Guidance, and be done with the worrying and senses of triumph or guilt. Just feel yourself part of Love, and Love’s unfolding.

    It is the Best Way, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be the one in every situation to stay cool and calm, and not be distracted by the panic or the drama. Be the one who is willing to keep foremost in your mind and heart the Oneness that holds all, steady and firm and well, and can sing each moment into Harmony.

    Be the one who hears the song of Oneness. Lead others with Its quiet, but powerful, notes and swells and beats. It is the One Power.

    Be one with Oneness, for you already are. When you keep that always in mind, you are knowing Truth, and that is the Truth that sets you free to live with Joy.


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am, I am, I am, in line for Peace and Joy.”

    Let that be your song of the day. But, do not think of “in line” as being only the waiting for, the anticipating of, future Joy. Heaven is also right now. Right alignment is also right here, as you adjust your consciousness and allow your focus to change to see the perfect glory of each moment as you experience it. “In line” also means in the right line of sight, in the right focus, for you to see the incredible beauty and blessings that exist just behind the pervasive mist of sorrow and error that one habitually sees in the mirror of earth. Change the habits of sight. Let your spiritual sight expand, and withdraw from the problems you were taught to focus on.

    Let that focus change. Look for the blessings. Look for the unexpected fulfillment of promises. Choose to enjoy whatever small or vast bit of goodness you see before you, or to purposefully rehearse thinking about what you have to be grateful for. We tell you, as we have so many times, that letting your thoughts align with the qualities of the Great Provider/Creator, which include qualities such as appreciation of beauty and joy and goodness, is like “lining up” your sight with the focus that is the best focus point from which to see the Best Play of earth.

    Stand in line with that focal point, and enjoy.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest in Me, today. Rest in Me. As you actually do, and renew your mind and feel the Calm Wave of Love suffuse your very Being.

    Rest in Me, and then, together, We will look through the hubbub and See the Truth of Unfolding Adjustments to reach the solid core of Good.

    Read your Truths, meditate and study, all while resting in Me. Walk in My Beauty, gaze at My Vastness, all the while resting in Me.

    And your Heart will See, will See, will See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Love you give lasts forever. The rest is so temporary that you must remember to look upon it as a brief camping trip, in order to be able to enjoy it today, and each day, while the camping trip lasts.

    Cling to Love Itself, rather than to the bodily. Know yourself established, already, as a resident of the Peace that needs no body to house it, but is fully aware and conscious and joyous.

    It is your True Address,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are only one step removed from anyone else you see.

    And that step is God. That connection is Divine Source.

    If you use your own earth’s sun as the metaphor, each one of you is a ray of light emanating from that central Divine Source, and seeming to dance and shimmer and live. This metaphor can be used in many ways, but today We want you to ponder that your one-step connection to anyone else is through the Divine Source—the ray of Light that you are, emanating as an expression of the Great Light that is God Love, shines next to others, but shines forth singularly.

    To connect to those around you in a truly significant way, let your awareness, your Consciousness, travel back to the Source, and ask the Source to send the messages of hope, of awakening, of reassurance, of wisdom and enlightenment, and forgiveness and appreciation to that one. The One Source of All is the relay, is the connector, is the True way of communing Soul.

    The Soul of Source might whisper to you to also lend an earthly hand, or say a word of thanks aloud, or to offer assistance of information or wisdom or goods or love, but the Source Itself is what awakens the other and shifts the focus of the Light and Life that IS the ray of them. Let It do Its work. You can ask to be enabled to see rightly the awakened other, but it is the Source that re-focuses their Spirit, changes the Light of their life.

    Be willing to See it, with your own Spiritual Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel discouraged or in doubt about the Omnipotent Power of Divine Source Spirit to help in human situations, review the times you have personally experienced the resolution of matters of relationship, or peace of mind, or grief, or circumstance of body or aid.

    Gladly hear the testimonies of others, that are so widely available. Put your willing and open mind back into a space of Trust and Love for God, who so joyfully sends the Comforter and Advocate that bridges the seeming gap between the Heavenly Consciousness and the temporal earthly limits, and seals and heals them with Love, Love, Love.

    It is a Creative Thought Universe of Harmony, We assure you. It is Real and Now.

    Whether or not these words make sense to you, let them invite the Warrior of Grace to your side. Welcome, welcome, welcome to saving Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you knew that by filling your heart so full of gratitude that there were no room for blame or fear or anger, you would helping to open a portal for Divine Kindness to pierce through the clouds of sorrow, would you do it? Would you maintain that gratitude daily, and be a part of the Circle of Gratitude that jointly has as Its Mission the making of a greater opening to the Will of Love?

    It is ongoing, dear one. Can you softly promise yourself to be a constant part of It, or to take regular shifts in being part of Thankfulness? Even moments a day are vital to the Life of this Circle.

    We gladly join in the chorus of Appreciation,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When others intentionally or unintentionally hurt or offend you with their human judgements or labels or definitions, remind yourself of who you really are by turning to Loving Spirit. Ask Spirit what God reads you to be and Knows you to be in your heart, as part of Divine Soul. Hear the Truth from God of your talents and worth and Good, and fill and heal your wounded self with that.

    And, centered again in the Joy and generosity of Soul, remember that the ones who have judged you inaccurately did so only through false and limited perceptions. Be forgiving and generous and See, with God, their True Hearts that will one day see, through Truth, Oneness and Love.

    Silently, trust God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The One Infinite Mind, with Its Soul, Spirit, Truth, Love and Harmony as Divine Law, is the Cause of Good, and salvation from temporal illusion.

    God is the Source and Substance of you and yearns to show you your Wholeness.

    Keep in mind God as the One Good Cause, for otherwise it is tempting to fall into superstitions, like thinking the delightful idea you just had for a poem happened because you just ate a piece of peach pie. A new recipe for concrete does not come to an engineer because he had coffee at a new spot. A deep communion with Holy Spirit did not happen because you sat on a purple pillow instead of a yellow one.

    Stay alert to the material mind trying to credit or blame the visible world. All is Spirit that is what you truly need and want. Think outward from your shared Thoughts with God, rather than attributing power to the fleeting. If a certain small ritual or space helps calm you and helps you feel able to hear God, feel free to indulge it, but know that God is always near, and Clearly available, also in the market or on the road, or when you think you are alone in a tempest.

    Look to God for Good. Look to God as the Source of Wonder, and let no superstition snag you.

    God is ready, willing, and able to Help. Just know that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be an enduring faith in the Beautiful and the Good, for we assure you, they exist, in Absoluteness, and Omnipresence.

    Right where you are, right here, right now, you can choose to close your eyes to the sometimes beautiful, but imperfect, world, and ask the Omnipresent Thought and Love of the Divine to fill you. Then, you can feel the truth of Goodness, and then, you can see Its” glimmers, in the spaces between the seeming truisms of the world.

    Close your eyes today, love, often, and come Home. Refresh yourself in that outlook, and be glad of the Beauty within. Then you will see It in everyone, as It is in Her/Him.

    Omnipresence is Omnipotent,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The True Calm that accompanies the Presence of Divine Within is not cautious. It knows no fear, and sees and feels nothing to be cautious of, for It knows that It alone exists and fills all.

    If those who have found the benefit of the Presence of the Divine, in their wellness and provision and peace of mind, become over-cautious about exposure to the “ungodly”, then they have fallen into fear, and thus away from the Peaceful Divine. Each time that the words or actions of another lure your thoughts into judgment or caution of exposure, re-ground yourself in the Love of God, Beloved, for It knows no thing to be afraid of. It knows that It is all there is, and is Good. The errors and mists that fall away as the fear-perceptions fall away, will leave the awakened mind joyous, and astonished that such ridiculous mirages could have seemed to obscure the goodness of Truth.

    Turn not to caution, Beloved. Turn to utter trust in the Goodness of the Real.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We will be with you wherever you are. Realize that there is no time and space in this realm of Infinity, in which you truly live. YOU have placed those measures upon it, as well as delineating certain aspects that you deem to be the “good life”.

    You may think that the good life is a life defined by certain climate, or friendships, or lovers, or family, or money, or fame, but we tell you True, the Good life is a life aligned with the Thought of God.

    Think about this Dear Child, and let your decisions be made from deep within the Heart of your soul that already IS aligned with the Divine Coordinator of All.

    Take the gentler path. Suffering is not necessary,


  • Dearly Beloved,

    We see, and we know, how filled are all your moments with the tasks and obligations that you have taken on. We just wish to remind you that if you would only take a few moments, twice a day, to do the following, your serenity will increase.

    1. Sit quietly and take three very deep and slow breaths into your belly and out again.

    2. Ask for your own Divine Spirit to be with you. Or, ask for whatever loving Divine forces that you love and believe in, by whatever name, to be with you.

    3. Send energy out. Imagine a beam of light, that is hope and compassion, moving from you to someone else, somewhere. The someone that you are sending energy to can be a family member, or a friend, or a stranger, or a group of strangers. If you find that thinking of a family member, or a lover, or friend brings up thoughts and emotions that interfere with your concentration, then think of strangers for now. Later, when you are more practiced at sending hope and forgiveness, you can send those feelings to people you are directly involved with. Send that beam of hope and light for just a minute or two to that unknown child across the world or next door, that is hungry or sad. Or send them to the people of a war-torn country that you wish you could comfort.

    4. After you have sent energy outward, breathe again. Then ask your Spirit and its Infinite Source, to fill you with that Light that is hope and unconditional love. Concentrate on feeling yourself filled with that Loving Light for at least a full minute—or as long as you can concentrate on the feeling of that beam of Light filling you.

    5. Breathe deeply and exhale slowly, feeling that Light that fills you. Picture a joyous thing as you feel that Light and as you breathe. Picture yourself laughing and feeling complete. Feel how that laughter would feel, moving up out of your belly and through your body and out into the air and light of the world.

    6. As the feeling of your own laughter and joy fills you, count your blessings. Count just a few or count them all, for as long as you can hold your concentration. Feel and savor a few of the blessings that are yours in this life.

    7. Open your eyes and look to your day with a joyous knowing that you are connected, by Love, to so much and to so many. Feel grateful to be alive, and honored to have choices.

    Give yourself this gift. It will change your life for the better.

    Ahhh, We love seeing you in joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not confuse yourself with a pound of hamburger.

    There is no need to be embarrassed. You know what and who you really are, no matter what some costume or meanly costumed person would try to imply.

    “I am innocent. I am free. I am as God created me.”

    We know this about you. So do you, really.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is time to earnestly thank God for the gift of Dominion, and then awaken each day asking not, “What does my human self want to do today?”, but, rather, “What does the Will I share with God want done today?”

    Sometimes the human will and God Will coincide. Sometimes not. Trust only that greater Will, for It sees more than your human sight can. Then praise the Dominion gift that lets your truly joyous heart desires be enacted. Use Dominion to let Joy flow to you and through you, for yourself and others, all in the Oneness of Love.

    There is no competition in Heaven of Heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learning to trust One Mind, as the governing force behind and beneath and in and over all, is not only a matter of hearing the stories of others, it is about looking over your own story again and again. Look back, look around, and see where and when the “miracles”, the serendipitous events, have occurred, again and again, to keep you as close as possible to your best pathway for realizing your oneness with All.

    Let learning that relaxing and trusting be a main task for today, remembering and remembering again “I am, and all are, as spiritual beings, truly governed by the Great Spirit within which we dwell.”

    All the “I’s that seem so separate, are the “One”, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not think about what you are not.

    Think about what you are. Think about what all are.

    You are the truth that is Good. You are the image and wondrous idea of God.

    And if you think about this truth for others as well as yourself, It empowers your thoughts. For as you Love, so are you Loved. If you want to be Loved more, then Love more.

    Can you do this? Yes, you can, because you are a part of Love Itself. And so are all.

    Claim that Truth, Beloved. “I know what we really all are. We are Love.”

    Remember the scribed words: “I know the thoughts I think towards you, thoughts of good and not of evil.” God said that and means it. You are His/Her idea and you are a Good Idea. And more Good thoughts are being thought to you and around you all the time.

    For so do We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honor God, and count on God’s Love, for Love is what God, and therefore you, are made of.

    And for thriving in the misty dream of earth, study and obey, ponder and apply, the commandments that God has given. The form and wording of them may vary in different cultures, but the honesty and kindness and reciprocity that they offer as the methods for a goodly earthly life, are essentially the same everywhere.

    Let them guide you, let them thrive you. The honoring of God brings your own personal guiding into the temple of your heart, so you have the general Principles of Life to follow, and also the personalized ones for your special role in the Whole.

    Rules work when you use them, and use them rightly.

    So be it, Beloved, for so it is,


  • AH. Child of God,

    Go gently, gently through the whims of the world, knowing that nothing that happens in the temporal touches the pure Truth of your Infinite and eternal self.

    And yet, go bravely and lovingly and strongly, knowing that each quiet smile of yours and testimony of honesty helps others to know that they are their spiritual selves, and Beloved.

    We know you can do this, for you have done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each day, your job for God is to uplift those around you.

    Could it be simpler, really?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember our metaphor from many years ago: what is baked into a cookie or a cake IS what it is made of. If no hard bits of nut shells have been put in before baking, you will not find them in the cookie.

    Pain was not an ingredient that God put into the cookie that is you. If you are imagining that pain is in that cookie, read again the list of ingredients, and reassure yourself that you were made only from all things good. Where only good has been put in and fills all space, there is no room for bad. Think about all the Good ingredients, and delight in them.

    Lovely holy cookies,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your soul has visited Heaven for a few extended times, or when it has gone for an instant many times, it will grow easier and easier to stop clinging to the things and fleeting joys of the earth picture. The sublime sense of utter Love, that all the ideas that people Heaven share, will accompany you back to the earth work, in greater and greater quantity, and you will indeed be able to Bless as you are Blessed, and more, as your “cup runneth over” with Joy and Gladness, just to think about your visit to Heaven.

    Forget not the sweet visits. Write them down and claim them, and remember them again to feed your self with, and to be as appetizers to return to the full Banquet of God.

    Lovely visit we had in the night,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are always willing to give. For we understand the bounty of Bliss that flows back to one when one gives.

    Be thou willing to give Love generously also therefor, for we know you have come to value the Bliss of deep relation to God-Source-Love above all else. Do not forget that when your small mortal thoughts would have you worrying about some small human rules or even your own invented rules of proper behavior in even giving.

    Obey God’s Laws, and above all obey the Law to Love, including passing along God’s Love even when your human self feels nothing for a person, or even enmity of some sort.

    Give Love, and Love gives to you, in ways you cannot possibly imagine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We often tell you to take time to listen, listen, listen to God—to let that small still Voice of Spirit Guide you. And that taking of time to do so is crucial every day and throughout the day. We still advise it.

    But there are days or situations wherein you simply may need to FEEL the wordless Love of God embracing you. Just let It sweetly and comprehensively hold you. Feel how Real It is, and let your trust of that Love completely fill you.

    Realize that there are circumstances when you must simply wait for opportunities to arrive, or for others to arrive on the scene, or into the circle of your consciousness. There are ways in which God can teach you your truth better by showing you the example of another than by speaking a word to you. The Wisdom and Guidance of God is not limited to a small still Voice with a vocabulary. It can also lead and heal and save you with visions, with examples, with connections, with the hands of seeming strangers, with the demonstration of Laws of Love that are above and beyond all human laws

    Ask for, and be glad to be shown, an awareness of the Presence of God in ALL Its ways.

    It created you from Good, to be Good, and has your continued Good in Mind.

    Trust that. Rely on that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you regret it, God has already forgiven it.

    Give yourself gentle Love today. God does.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a certainty that everyone around you is a saint or an angel in the eyes of God Source, who Sees only the joyous and wonderful Qualities of Divinity in them.

    Would not it feel sweet to See as God Sees? Do not deny yourself this pleasure, of looking for the wondrous goodness of all around you. Do not let their surface quibbles and quirks , that are not the True Soul of them, prevent you from perceiving and enjoying the marvelous patience and generosity and perseverance and loyalty and love and holiness that are the core of the Harmonious Being that they are an emanation of.

    Stories and tales, and scriptures and novels and poems and songs abound that will tell you this same truth. Look past the mists of sorrow and suffering and gossip and myths, and See God and Heaven and saints and angels all around you right now.

    It is the way of Beauty. Beauty and Order Divine.

    Shed the mist of judgment and criticism and condemnation from your thoughts, and See, today, the Grandness of Being that is all around you, and ready to serve through your own heart of Light and Spirit.

    Joy, joy, joy to you, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no certainty in dreaming except that it is a dream. But, Beloved, O’ Beloved, there is always constancy and certainty in Spirit and SPIRITUAL Love.

    Concentrate today on how immensely Spirt of God, that shines you forth and surrounds you, Loves you, and how unchanging that is. Feel It within yourself and for yourself and do your very best to choose to happily see evidence of It in those around you.

    Even the smallest evidence of kindness and loyalty in the eyes and actions of another can give you an idea of the Christly perfection that will eventually be evidenced through their growth. Even the natural compassion that wells up in you when you want to soothe one who is in distress, and that quickly melts away any fretting that has filled your human mind, should tell you that God is alive and whole and well within you, and within all.

    Look for the glimmers, and you will see more of the Whole, for It is Real and Constant, and Wonderful and Good.

    Amen, Beloved, amen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be this knowing in you—the One who created you knows the True You better than you do. Hence the need to release daily into the thought:

    “Not what I seem to be to my human self, but what You know me to truly be.

    Let me see it. Let me know it. Let me be it. Amen.”

    You are so much more, and better, than you think,


  • Ah, Child,

    Remember, “I am a part of the expression of the Divine, and so is everyone around me in his or her true being. I choose to see that Divine in all around me, and I choose to express the gladness, wellness, and peace of being exactly who I am in the Body of God.”

    Be glad, O”, Beloved, to be who you are, unique and amazing and Loved. Do not try to be anyone else. Rather, be delighted to explore and enjoy the Divinity of yourself and everyone else, so that you will know more and more of the Wholeness of what God Is. Each part you meet can make you See more, and be more Glad, if you let yourself look for the Divine in everything and everyone.

    No one else can be You, Beloved. Explore It, and Express It, to the full.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have often heard stories from lifeguards who have described having to knock unconscious the one whom they are trying to save, in order to prevent the victim’s panicked thrashings from drowning them both.

    So it is also when you are working to realize the harmonious and smoothly floating Truth of God’s Plan for another. You must tune out their surface panic. You must calm their panic in whatever way you can, so that you may do your work of quiet salvation. You must turn away from their shouted lists of woes, and keep your mind and heart focused on your own strong ability to swim with the Tide and with the waves, and on your knowledge that the warm waters of the Ocean will continue to hold you both afloat.

    Yes, God places you near a drowning person to help save that one, but you cannot do so by joining them in their drowning. Stay strong in your own joyous knowledge of the cooperating and supportive Ocean, and thus let yourself and the other be carried/swum to safety.

    Keep trusting in the nature of the Waters of Infinite Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The provocative appearance of either disaster or euphoria is the reason to spend at least some time each day with your human eyes closed to the world.

    See more deeply, feel more Truly, by simply tuning to the silent Light within your Heart and Mind, that you share with Pure Spirit.

    You do not need fancy techniques or trendy apps, though you can use those if they are helpful to you. The same simple willingness and focus that have worked for, and been known to, practicers of aligning with Oneness, for thousands of years, can also work for you and uplift your thought and life into the Divine likeness.

    Just close your eyes, be still, be welcoming of Truth, take time and do it.

    Sweetly, We join you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no interest in God’s Heart in seeing you, or anyone, in torment or sorrow.

    The Joy that is endlessly willing to flow out to your mind and body costume is the very Creator of all Spiritual reality. And it wants you to receive that certain hopefulness. It wants you to feel Whole in every way, knowing your true identity.

    Words, words, words, we give you here, but you KNOW that what always truly helps and guides you is the acceptance of the ever-Presence of God. Sit down, be still, and welcome, welcome, welcome Its embrace.

    And feel that Great Warmth come, and say to It, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

    It Blesses you because It WANTS to. It just needs your constant accepting state of mind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to waste any time fretting. Always turn to the contemplation of the Beauty of Divine Love right away, and It will comfort you and complete your thoughts with new ideas and hold you so very close that you will realize deep in the soul of you that you are not alone, have never been alone, and never will be.

    Realize that for others, too. When one whom you love, or even have just heard about, is sorrowing, but you cannot reach out with words or any worldly means, reach out through the shared connection of Divine Love. Speak to the soul reflection of that one, saying, “You are not alone, you are in the hands and power and thought of the One Love that holds us all.”

    Then, you are speaking and being and thinking the Truth.

    This is the most important function of all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so easy to become confused about what you truly desire and how to act and react in the worldly, and to feel thirsty for peace of mind, until you deeply feel the Peace that underlies All.

    And so We say over and over, offering It to you like an endless Hostess with her tray of food and drink, Here is the Peace of God, —eat of It, drink of It, be satisfied. Practice giving yourself the gift of that sustenance, before you face the world in each moment or in each day. Fortify yourself with it. Learn to trust in It always being there for you. Prove to yourself how quickly It can give you ideas or comfort you or heal you or send you to the right place and time and person to help or be helped by.

  • Ah, Beloved One,

    There is no reason to sorrow as changes come. In fact, the constant changes of the dream of earth can just accentuate how completely constant is the Love of God. Unchanging, abiding, and tender and true, It is always there for you, if you but relax into It in your thoughts.

    You are complete in the completeness of God. Cherish that. And all you need do is completely let go into that soft still place of thought. How wonderful is that?

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be honest with your Self. Are there really any worldly demands that cannot wait, while you spend a day in communion with the Divine, remembering your own holy Self?

    Be that today, Beloved. Be your Real Self, ignoring the identity thief that tries to parade as you, and worry for you and about you, and tries to make you focus on other masqueraders.

    Cannot you take one day? We will join you in a party of Honest Selves,

    ANGELS, Lovingly

  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you enter a new phase of understanding how completely the self must be surrendered to the Divine, keep remembering, “Do you want to “be right”, as the ego-self defines “right”, or do you want Peace? The only “right” to keep foremost in your mind is to love, and want to know, God, above all else.

    Let that be what you hold to. Let that be what guides you, when the worldly ego would try to pull you away into figuring out solutions, or trying to please the human wills around you. Still treat all those around you with truth and in Divine Love, but let nothing dissuade you from dwelling within the Will of God.



  • Ah, Beloved, when you choose, we can help,

    Only by your permission are we yours,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    If you turn around the phrase “God is Love”, and instead ponder the Truth “Love is God”, that will help you remember It is everywhere.

    Because it is so easy to discern and to see many results of Love being everywhere, you can better believe Its Omnipresence, just waiting to be welcomed and seen. And when you have experienced even small examples of Love’s Omnipotence, you will more willingly choose to look for evidence of Its Presence, and actively seek to see It at work, and to work to show It forth yourself.

    Love is silently at work whether or not your human senses credit It, but your open will and welcoming heart, with happiness that your feet are always “on Holy ground”, help speed up and enact Its visibility.

    Help Love Help you. Allow that Love Divine IS God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    With each pizza you have eaten, you were looking for the Peace of GOD. With every hobby you found, you were looking for the Peace of GOD. With every kiss you gave or took, you were looking for the Peace of GOD. With every friend you called, you were looking for the Peace of GOD.

    With every thing you did that was about trying to please the self as body, you were looking for the Peace of GOD.

    Are you ready to set aside the intermediate steps, and simply ask for the Peace of GOD? Are you ready to know that that is what you want?

    If you are ready to know that this is what you want, and are ready to ask it of God, it will be given. Listen, and God’s Voice in your heart will lead you, shepherd you, and give you Peace.

    All hearts come to It, sooner or later,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We remind you again that the overlapping human stories you have created for yourselves are all ephemeral overlays on a Unified Divine Creation of Spirit and Truth. The overlap of the circles of appearance and experience and sensory input is part of why so many choose to walk with Love through the illusions even after they themselves have awakened enough to realize the illusions can be shaken off.

    When you realize that only a haze of false information or beliefs keeps one from feeling the constant Calm and Joyous Harmony of God, then there is such an urge to help others See. Respect their individual timing of awakening, and the method and form, always knowing the Divine Mind knows the best gentle way for that one.

    But do not underestimate what a glorious Light can shine through you and help shorten the time of sorrow and hypnotic disempowerment for another, especially those that have their stories overlapping with your human tale. Just obey the Loving Guide within, as you shine, shine, shine, shine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Consciousness that is you, and made you and shares Its thoughts with you and has never left you, knows what to do. If you wait, quietly listening, It will always lead you to Joy with Joy and calm certainty.

    Your good part is to wait, quietly asking for wisdom, and listening and receiving the ideas and impulses good, and then acting to obey. This has not changed in time and space. Only the Real is Real and It will shine for you if you let It. You can feel It embracing you even now.

    Admit It to your mind like admitting a friend through your door,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As we have said to you many, many times, it is your own perception of another that changes them right before your eyes.

    Seek the Kingdom of God not only in the quietness of your self. Seek Its Peace also in the eyes of another, that you may see, and know, and understand, the power inherent in Spiritual Sight—that is to say, that when you see others with God’s eyes, with the eyes of Love, you begin to see them aright. Not only will the eyes of Love see past any tiny things that seemed to be physical imperfections before, but you will see the kindly and courteous and changed behavior that the recognition of Common Spirit brings forth in every man, woman, and child, all one Child of God.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is certain that you can create what you truly want, for what you truly want is already created by the Creator, for you. The error that arises is your own confusion about what you want, and what is Good.

    Let there be that humble recognition in you, Beloved, and learn, yet again today, and every day, that the Creator of the artwork (that is you) knows Best what is Good for the work.

    Allow, allow, allow, Beloved, and be delighted by what you find, and see, and realize that it was what you were seeking. Seek first the Creator’s View, and from that View, see what you want, and how and when to get there.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let not the past hold you. Forgive yourself and others for bad memories, and concentrate on now.

    “I am timeless in the Heaven of now.”

    That, Beloved, is the only way to escape from bad thoughts of past, or future. Stop thinking them. Stop it by thinking about right now, and all that is beauty and gratitude worthy in the right now.

    Always, the Love of God is Beauty,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    At Home in God, at Home in God, at Home in God.

    “I forgot for a moment, I am already right here at Home in God.”

    “Clear and clean, the Life Force that I am dances here in the Mind of God.

    The mist of error falls away, I am at Home right now in God, and today I remember all day, I am at Home already in God.”

    Be Satisfied. Stay satisfied with that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Law of Love and Harmony by which the One Source Governs the Heart of each part of Spirit, is Its Gracious desire to form, to use, to enable, and to enforce.

    Allow It to Lovingly guide you, but do not think you are Its enforcer for others. The Quality of honoring the Law of Love above all else is to be used to govern your own thoughts. Enforce Love there, Beloved. Check constantly to see if all your thoughts and motives are aligned with Love.

    If they are, you WILL see more Love shining around you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you listen carefully, and obey calmly, and joyfully, the sweet instructions of the Divine Impulse of Life within, you will look back on each day and each month, and see that God has laid each idea and step and person in it, as competently and assuredly as a master bricklayer creating a lovely and sturdy winding wall.

    Walk atop that wall, and you will be truly walking the best pathway that is possible for your life.

    Walking with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give yourself a gift. Give yourself the gift of time.

    Give yourself the time to be alone this day, with God and the Universe.

    Give yourself the gift of going very slowly down the walk to the mailbox, appreciating all that you see along the way. Give yourself the gift of walking carefully into the next room to prepare some tea, making each movement exact and precious, performed in full awareness.

    Give yourself the gift of time to listen, time to be, time to hold yourself in your own consciousness with Love.

    And if someone knocks or calls or comes to visit, give them some of your gift of time, and let yourself appreciate that time together with a mirror of your self, in All That Is One.

    Each day is time to grow.

    Even when time ends, that will not end,

    for God expands constantly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You MUST set aside what the casual body senses are telling you, if you would know the deeper Truth of Reality.

    Many will scoff and tell you that you are hiding your head in the sand, but the scientists who work with very tiny particles and unseen energies, and the metaphysicians and religious who have seen spiritual revelations come to light, will not scorn. They understand that one must look past that which SEEMS to be obvious, and comprehend the greater pattern.

    The ones who very carefully and consistently observed the tall sailing ships and finally discerned that the earth might not be flat were certainly disbelieved. We assure you that as the nature of Reality is glimpsed by more and more individuals, the nature of Oneness will also be more tenderly regarded.

    And, of course, even the people who do not believe in an overriding Principal already understand that some things as indescribable as love and mercy have great power indeed over the course of human events.

    So, take your eyes and focus off body symptoms or numbers in a row, and let your heart open to the Principal of Harmony. Welcome, welcome, welcome It to run your thoughts and heart. Experiment, like an earthly scientist, with seeing what happens if you just use the words “love” and “thank-you” more times in a day. And experiment with what happens when you put sincere deep feeling into those words when you use them.

    You have nothing to lose but sorrow. Experiment with letting Love and thanks rule your life.

    We Help,


  • Ah, Darling One,

    “I am true to the state of the Lord.”

    “I am as the seven main aspects of God.”

    Hold to these thoughts today, Beloved. You know them, and We know the truth of them for you. Just remember them today, and be Whole.

    Such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One Mind governs all.

    Be mostly silent today, Beloved, insofar as you can, and just keep thinking that Thought that “One Mind governs all.”

    Observe, and delight to observe, when you see Good unfold around you.

    We Love you so, and One Mind has a Good Plan for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I can have, and shall have, mercy on myself, for God, in complete Mercy, has sent His Spirit to dwell in my heart and Love me and Guide me.”

    When you feel joy or when you feel angst or fear, always turn back to the Truth that no earthly illusion has power over the Good and the Joy of the Soul of All that is your Life. No way that you walk is permanent except for the walk to remembering you are always Beloved of God.

    The Mind and Love of God is your dwelling. Be glad of that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The insidious presence of discouraging words is all around you, and has infused itself into your mortal thoughts.

    Therefore, armor yourself well with the inspirational and sacred Words that uplift you, and whose very Presence in your mind uplifts you into Divine Mind, where all things are possible. Once you begin to notice how often common sayings, and advertisements encourage you to look for problems, instead of expecting completion and success and wellness, you will realize just how important it is to fill your mind with solutions, and affirmations, so that they are ready to hand when the smoke of a discouragement or a fear appears. Like a fireman who has trained his eyes to scan for smoke so that all fires may be put out right away, you can pour the water of Goodness and Divine Expectation on any wisp of discouraging thought if you are alert, and ready with the Water of Spirit Word that puts out all fires.

    Be armored, Beloved. Be alert. Be ready.

    As ever, ready to Love you, and Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not say, “I Am becoming God”. God IS God.

    The Infinite IS the Infinite.

    As Its reflection, Its idea, Its image, you already are what It IS.

    Therefore, assert that Truth. “I am Infinite”.

    It is not to say “I am becoming Loving”, but, rather, “I am Loving”.

    It is not to say “I am becoming honest”, but “I am honest, I am truth”.

    “I am all that I need. I am giving. I am harmonious. I am Spirit”.

    Forget the time bound self-identity, and claim “I am now a perfect idea of God and Beloved.”

    There are so many gifts with your name on them right now. “I am as God knows me to be.”

    Understand that as your identity, now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps you are one who does not understand exactly how the patterns of form and nature and chemistry work so that water comes to your lakes and rivers and wells, and hence to your table and your hands, but you can be very glad of it. Perhaps you are one who does not understand the steps by which a seed is formed, or how the seed becomes the plant and then the fruit which you eat, but you are very grateful for it. Perhaps you are one who marvels that love can grow between friends, or that a parent so fiercely adores a child, but you can see how those feelings create goodness and sharing.

    We know that you do not fully understand the Omnipotence and Omnipresence of the Loving Mind that holds all, but we know that you can be fully grateful for It.

    It is an attitude to choose, to uplift you and enliven you, so that you may discern more of the right turnings to take in every day that you walk the earth. When you think of the phrase, “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice in it and be glad”, do not think of it as a thing you are forcing yourself to do with human will. Rather, re-phrase it, perhaps, to “This is the day the Lord has made, I CAN rejoice in it and be glad.” Choose to rejoice. Choose to be glad.

    Without fully understanding how creating happens, and without fully understanding even how choosing happens, you can take on the feeling of Gladness. You CAN rejoice in the All in ALL, and be Glad. This is the day the Lord has made, choose to rejoice in it, and be Glad.

    As We rejoice in you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to constantly wonder if you will ever be able to achieve spiritual growth in a certain area or overcome a weakness in another.

    It is already done in God. God knows the perfection of your Essence, and It is that that shines forth through the personality-accessory, through the body-costume, through the life circumstances.

    Take faith in the Truth that God already knows the beginning and the end of the story that is “You”, and do not fear to take dominion over the earthly elements that are temporary. Your body and your circumstances are simply servants to the greater Good of you shining forth as the Ray of God that you ARE.

    Claim that dominion and lovingly tell the details of wholeness of duty to the fleshly elements, as you would gently explain to a child how to do the household chore that has been assigned to him as his.

    We help whenever you ask, Child,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Believe Me. I am your Source, Good and True. Let all your thoughts today be the thoughts I think of you—that you are also Good and True.

    Quietly, quietly, self-lovingly, and loving of others, Good and True. Think these thoughts today and always, for they are the ones I think of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that when we urge you to forgive the foolish actions, and ungodly behavior, that play out on the surface level of the human dream, you think there is not enough love in you to forgive certain things.

    That is why we so frequently ask you to really ponder, and open yourself to experiencing, Infinity. When the sweet epiphany and embrace of Divine Love so suffuses your awareness, that you are convinced of Its Power and Graciousness washing away of all your own errors and ungenerous illusions, you will also have an inkling of how endless the supply of cleansing Divine Love is.

    Feeling that Living Endless Love will help you realize that there is plenty of It to overcome the errors of all, to fill all, to surround and uphold and redeem all. Offering Divine Love forth to those whom you do not humanly love does not deprive you of Love. There is Plenty of Love. It forgives, It adjusts, It teaches and reforms. There is enough Of Love Divine for all.

    There is Plenty, there is Plenty, there is Plenty of Love Divine. Offer It forth. Ask It to awaken all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you seem to be trapped in the box of time, it can be hard to comprehend timelessness. But God, the Source, the One Cause, IS timeless. It just IS. It always was and always will be.

    It is only within the illusion of the big bang time/space that time seems to move linearly, or in loops.

    Let your thoughts step outside of time for this moment. The instant that God Thought of you, It gave you all blessings. They are already yours. They only seem to take time to get to you. The fact that the very idea of you was accompanied by all the ideas of whatever you need is why humans must give thanks for what they already have, Blessings, even if it seems like they do not see them yet. Human thought, caught in time, thinks it is giving “thanks in advance” for what it asks for. But the blessings are already there, and it is the human sight that must open its Spiritual sight and see them.

    Properly speaking, it is to give thanks for what you know is already there. “I know I am Blessed by you, O’ God, open my senses to perceive my Blessings.”

    And Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, for them.


  • Ah. Beloved,

    The Inner Voice of Divine Wisdom is always Loving and Calm and Consistant.

    Any mental suggestion that is even slightly smug or mean is only earthly thought and not to be regarded as real or good. Give it no power to sway you in word or action.

    Be at One with Peace and feel the peace spread throughout your affairs.

    In utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For many, many, many, many centuries of human time, the Healing Spirit of Love has gladly spread to any heart and thought willing to accept It. It spreads easily if the individual has indicated willingness, for all the Truth of It is already installed in each individual heart.

    You are a ready instrument for the expression of health and Wholeness, for that is the Spirit form you were created to be. Catch the Truth. Absorb the Good Thought of Wholeness of Being, and be glad and grateful that the Divine Oneness is both your Physician and your Maintainer and All that you need.

    You do not need to choose catching rumors of illness. Catch the Truth that is ready and fully able to show you your wonderful and healthy expression as a shining expression of God. Allow those Thoughts of Perfect God. Allow the Truth of Wholeness and eschew all other thoughts and fears. You can choose Wholeness for It is already yours, given by God continually.

    “Spirit-God shines forth my Spirit-body, and it is Good and Whole.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The still, Peaceful and sacred Presence of Divine Hope is an extraordinary experience. If you are one to whom, after a moment’s insight, or after months or years of practice, the experience is one that is easy to draw upon, indeed, that is truly “ever-present” in your awareness, then it behooves you to share It freely.

    Yes, it is still important for each individual child of the Whole Spirit to achieve mastery of that answering of the calling of the Voice within, but anyone that already exudes the excellence of that Flow of Love can be the primer that begins the Flow in another. Be that, Beloved. Each time you feel God’s Love, give it forth.

    Silently, sweetly, give It forth, greeting those around you, in your mind that has been given over to Divine Mind, with “I greet you in the Oneness of Being, and I recognize your completeness and perfection there.”

    Exempt no one, Beloved, from this, for if you exempt even one person from the Giving and Loving Thoughts of the Mind that is now your mind, you are creating a block against the Flow of Love to you. Be aware, stay aware, and be true and kind to yourself, by letting Love Flow to all others. Thus does Healing come.

    Helping you clear the way, whenever you ask,


  • Ah, Yes, Child,

    When you understand that even the most precious, most dear thing that you have thought of as “good” in your earthly life must also be offered freely to the Divine in your heart, then you come to that unsurpassable level of Peace.

    When you have offered your very best dream, your very best possession, your very best love, because you have come to the realization that none of them mean anything compared to being held in the Divine All, then you have stepped into Heaven. The Divine might take away, or replace, or give right back to you, the thing, or the hope, or the person, or the worth, that you offer, but you will accept in advance whatever choice the Divine makes, in order to never again live a day when you cannot feel the Touch of God/Goddess.

    The Realm of the Real shines so brightly that even the prettiest illusion pales, Beloved. Believe us about that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe us when we use that word “Beloved.”

    You ARE a Beloved part of the Source. Be not afraid to claim that as the Truth, and as your right and heritage and supply because it is the Truth.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s door of Love is always wide, wide open.

    Even with your tattered plans and old debts and fears, or current mistakes hanging off you, even with a form or human ego bloated up with successes, you will fit through that door. In your lowest moments and in the high moments of triumph, you are Loved.

    And in the moments that are sedate and steady and humble and filled with gratitude for all your Blessings, you will feel that Love flowing out of the open door and immersing you in Its soft Embrace. There It Is. It is always wide open. Whether in a dim moment, or in a giddy bright moment, turn to It and look at It, walk through It, pull It to you, and walk with that Portal always protecting you.

    Just as standing in a very strong doorway can protect you in a quake of the earth, so can standing and functioning within the wide Loving Door of the Divine keep you safe in the swirls and quakes of human perception.

    Love holds Its door open to you, Beloved.


  • Ah, let your love mature, Beloved. Truly, through the One Spirit that lives in all, you can tune to the desires and best needs of the journey of the one before you, and be thus guided in what to give, what to offer, what to ask or demand. For indeed, Beloved, what you really want to give, or at least offer, is peace and joy and harmony.

    For in giving those, you receive them as well, and a little more of Oneness has been reclaimed. And what else could you want, but to know that neither one of you was ever truly apart from Love Itself, ever?

    We never were, and we recommend knowing Wholeness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes you need a deep sleep to be able to hear a message from God.

    Set aside time for a nap or a quiet night and say to God you are ready to hear.

    Love well send it.