All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Accept now that there are tasks you will not finish, lists you will not complete, vistas you will not see, before you leave the earth stage, but no matter what you do or do not do, God’s Unconditional Love for you Holds you dear, and always will.

    Whether you stay in the realm of the limited senses for seventy years more or seven days or seven minutes, you are always staying in the Realm of Love. As We have been saying to you, your Consciousness can be trained or lifted into being Aware of the Higher Love even while you walk the stage. And doing so, even as you accept the body mortality, will help you fully enjoy and spread Joy in each and every moment of now.

    How much you get done or experience is not a contest, Beloved. Be gracious and appreciative of what you choose to do, and what comes flowing your way, but let the Grace it gives you be what lifts you to be a shining Light of Life, no matter where you are or whom you are with.

    We are always with all, and help you choose if you let us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In your perception of time and space, each day, indeed each moment, is like a new beginning, if you let it be so.

    Each dawn, each hour:

    “Open my heart, Divine Spirit, and let me See myself and my life as you would have them be.”

    If you but knew how much we want your complete Joy manifest,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can listen to complicated lectures about soul and spirit. You can read tomes and papers that go on and on about the reasons and philosophies of religion. But, dear, you can also realize that you are never too old, or too sophisticated, to simply “be ye as a little child”, and turn to very simple thoughts throughout the day, to re-center yourself in Love.

    Gently repeating, and feeling, small rhymes such as:

    “My God, My God Who Loves me dear,

    My God, My God Who is always near”,

    will do as much to call the Loving Presence into focus in your heart as might long and detailed sermons. Perhaps even more so, if long eruditions make you inattentive.

    For God IS always near, and God DOES Love you dear.

    “I live within Love Divine. God Loves me all the time.”

    You do not need a more complicated address.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear God, show me today that I am in You, and of You, and with You, and as You, and by You, and for You, and know You, Oh, my God.”

    Use this Truth, Child, and Be you as you really are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the governance of the individualized part of Being that is you is completely relinquished to Divine Mind, you will see changes that surprise you.

    Sleep patterns may change. Thought patterns will change. Desires of certain food or activities will undergo metamorphoses. A book or a play that used to be your favorite will suddenly or gradually seem insipid. An old friend who is obsessed with physical pleasure or sailing or translating will suddenly seem like a child, or a different species. An acquaintance, whom you found foolish or past the edge before, may now seem to be wise to you.

    Let all these changes flow and float, putting your trust in Divine Governance. Let Wisdom and Gladness come to you as they will, and keep listening for the truth of your next moment, deep within your heart.

    We only see endless possibility,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    UTTER TRUST IN THE Governance of One Mind is often hampered by the doubt that God is All Good. Spend the day pondering, and believing in, God’s Goodness, and you will begin to understand that that Goodness expresses Itself as you, and as your life, as reflections of what you are as a thought in that Loving, Loving, Loving Mind.

    The reflecting pool that is the earth seeming will reflect that Goodness, if you become still, still, still, and let the reflection be true and smooth.

    The stillness is up to you.

    Always seeing the Good that surrounds you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear God, open my eyes to See what You need me to do this day.”

    You are part of the Plan, Darling. Accede.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is all of me”.

    Know that Truth today and feel filled with the weightless fullness of God.

    The fullness of God is not the stuffed feeling of a belly in a body after a banquet is consumed. It is a delightful alive Contentment and feeling of Completeness that not only suffuses and courses through the entire Spiritual Body, but extends to a perception of connectedness to all, and the timeless worth of Love. Beyond food and drink, It is the palpable sustenance of Quiet Joy.

    Feel filled with the fullness of God. Make Thoughts of God your appetizer, your snack, your True Meal, and feel filled with the fullness of God.

    So with you,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    If there are resentments you are harboring in your heart, Love cannot dock there.

    Love can help you tow away old hurts. Let It help you with ropes of forgiveness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In your contemplation times, in your prayer times, in your gentle asking of Spirit to help you see rightly each day, in your plea to God to help you see the Truth and Joy of a situation when you feel confused, do not fear to ask again and again.

    God is not trying to withhold Divine understanding from you. God does not want you to stay at the mercy of sad illusions or lacks or pains. God wants you to know and experience your thriving Identity as a child of God, of Love, of Spirit, of Soul and Harmonious Principle. Ask again and again in your heart if you need to, and listen and observe carefully and trustingly, knowing that God will find a way to let you truly know you are Beloved, Beloved, Beloved.

    You are as Whole as Love the Source of Life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let melt away all anger and pity and jealousy, as you realize that the other ones around you, like your worldly self, are but actors in a play.

    To be able to sit calmly, and hear clearly, the smooth and Lovely Voice of the Divine Idea that whispers Its solutions to you, and Its healing for others share, you must lower the screen of human emotions. Understanding that the others, and your earth role, are only stage make-up and costume will help you do this.

    Admire and love and enjoy the actors, and separate completely the emotional reactions to their roles from your appreciation of them as living beings that play their roles so well. Listen for the Prompter that knows best how to stage the play, and do not try to re-write those lines from where you are in the play.

    Able to help you when you ask, wait, and quietly listen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Abide with Me, Abide with Me, My word shall prosper in your mouth.”

    Just as many of the current songs and writings hold kernels of Truth, so do the old hymns and proverbs and wisdoms writings. When they float into your mind, ponder them. Let them sink down into your Understanding Heart of Spirit, and use them in your day and in your decisions.

    Allow the Love to speak through you today. Take no personal Glory, and do not forget that all real gifts and talents come from God. But compliment Goodness where you see It. Commend the expressions of compassion and the generosity of Soul and the Intelligence of solutions. Be the one who smiles and nods, who says thank-you, thank you, thank you, when you see the evidence of Grace and Blessings coming through those around you. Be the one who gladly empties the mind of your own words, and lets Divine Loving Words come through your mouth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If the voice you hear when you sit down to listen is not calm and clear and full of Love, then it is not The Voice.

    Sit longer. Let go and surrender, knowing That Which Is , Loves you.

    Listen again. If you are hearing anger or discontent or complaints or self-loathing, then you are only hearing the sounds of the temporal self. Listen again. Listen for the Voice of the Self that is inexorably linked with the Source that is all Love, and is All that is Real.

    It dissolves the other errors, It helps you Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ever and always, Child, how you think of those around you WILL change their behavior, if you are led by the Loving Voice of God within.

    As when you put together a delightful salad, made of all good ingredients, so that of course the salad is all good, just so is the essence of man/woman made of all good ingredients by God. The Spirit of each is Good, and if you can focus on that, the dust that settles on the Spirit and reveals the True Shape will also show that Goodness.

    We know that not many look for only the Good. But would you not choose to be one? The narrow way did not suddenly become wide, Beloved, but it is still worth choosing? Will you not?

    There is room for Us beside you on the narrow way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of God as thinking this way, if God thought in words:

    “I am that I am. I am All Consciousness and I am All That Is. Within My Consciousness is the idea of____(your name)__________ and her life. That life is perfect and good and true, for it is a very part of Me. Her consciousness is my Consciousness, and Mine continually maintains the idea of her and her life and being and constancy of delight within ME.”

    Put your name in, and ponder being part of, and living within, that Consciousness,

    AND that it is the only way in which you exist at all.

    Always with you, until you really get this,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Accepting that you can remain in the dream, agreeing to be a sweet instrument of Love’s expression, gives you a greater freedom than you now realize. The effort it takes now to choose trust, and choose forgiveness, and choose to look at all with childlike wonder, will grow easier.

    Relinquishing “control” to the Divine Source within frees you from thinking all choices are hard, and gives you a feeling of constant protection. AND, you come to see that the Divine is also protecting others from YOUR human mistakes, causing them to not be offended when you misspeak, or helping them see when you are unable to humanly help, and yet bringing to your side those that are ready to hear of your Love for the Oneness of Being.

    ANGELS, Loving you so

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a roomful of Gladness right there in your heart. Go into that Ever-Presence and fill yourself with that Gladness. You cannot spread Gladness into the world if you do not fill yourself with It first.

    Take your thoughts off the fretful dreams of night and stop focusing on the waking dashings about, and turn to that awareness of Gladness. It wants you to be completely infused with and convinced of the Truth of Gladness, so that you can indeed go forth into the world and be an example of living Joy.

    Choose Gladness as your fuel.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it seems like even the smallest of miracles has occurred, CELEBRATE! O”, Celebrate, celebrate, and be grateful. For that celebration and gratitude will open wide the door in your consciousness through which Divine Flow comes, and creates more of the True Reality in your experience, which you call “miracles.”

    We guarantee it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We assure you of this: If a person has entered your field of consciousness, you can help One Spirit uplift that person in some way. Your task in relationship to that other human may be as simple as a smile, or an act of roadway courtesy, or a gesture of friendship shared. It may be a quick and simple prayer, like blessing someone when he sneezes, or it may be an earnest and extended vigil for health and peace, but there is always something you can do to be a portal for the work of One Divine Spirit to work for the revelation of All Good in another.

    And, we tell you true, that function can be performed even if you are not feeling totally well or blessed yourself. To feel completely well and pure and joyous yourself does help you to be a completely open and clear window for the Light of the Divine, but the Divine can use whatever small opening or slightly hazy mirror it is given, if it is given with the intention of Love. Be the portal, and then stand aside, letting the Wisdom of the Divine work in the way It knows best for that other, unless you get heart instructions to do more.

    Be that intention, Love. Be Love, and be God/Goddess/Goodness in action.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Finally, you will come to that wonderful prayer “Thy Will IS done”, over and over again, asking to be enabled to see it visible on earth , and to feel the deep Love of It in your heart.

    None of the old or current squabbles will matter then, as you look upon all things and persons and self with a tender and merciful Compassion, that gently guides you in what to do and say and be.

    “Thy Will be done, for It is done.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a new person enters your life, be silent and appreciative and observant. Just as each individual being is a part of the Great Soul that is God, so each person that comes into the orbit of your thought/experience a part of the completeness that is you. There is always agape love to be exchanged. There is always the chance to recognize and appreciate the Divine soul that is the other.

    Know that each reflection/projection of God that comes into your experience is a chance for you to truly understand the simplicity of All are One that reflect One God. Your bodies may never touch, your eyes may never meet, but as you hold another in your thoughts with complete God-Love, you understand Oneness of Being, and feel calm and complete.

    We Love, Love, Love you and know completeness because of that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We see where your thoughts go, when humanness and a feeling of being separate from others, overtake your God-Given Compassion and Love.

    Have mercy on others, as you hope they have mercy for you, and as you KNOW God has shown you, and is showing you. Nip any thoughts of competition or judgment in the bud, and have mercy, mercy, mercy.

    And, Beloved, have mercy on yourself as well. The pitfalls of the human condition are not easy to overcome, We know. But with Divine Thoughts bearing you aloft, it CAN be done.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    The Great Director has placed you in the perfect place, or is in the process of moving you to the perfect place, for the work that you need to do for the Divine Plan to awaken all to the heritage of their divinity. Trust that, and know that if it seems like you are trying to be an example to those that are just not ready and willing to hear of their true identities as children of One Mind, it is only because you cannot see the end result. If you are a sower of the seeds of Grace, and we assure you that you are, then you may be reaching one very important individual that will help to save all from extra generations of suffering.

    Whether you are reaching one, or reaching many, you must trust that the overall Plan IS in action, and you are a sweet and appreciated part of it.

    Seek not human approval. Just reach out to the Living Divine Voice within you in the evening, and ask IT, “How did I do today?” That is the only opinion that counts.

    It will laud you for all that was done, and if there is more to be done, It will give you gentle, appreciative directions, and move you, and all, forward.

    We are under Its direction to, to Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even when you are in the throes of human emotion, the true Spirit of Peace is ever-flowing through your heart, from the sustenance of the Force that is your life. If you can but discipline yourself to let your awareness dip away from the roiling waves of emotion, into the deep peace of the sustaining depths, then you can access the wisdom and strength of the Whole. Let yourself feel the support of the width and breadth of the Divine Ocean , and no brief wave of feeling can make you feel helplessly tossed into the wind and spray.

    Just as those caught in an unexpected strong current are advised to let themselves be carried until they reach calmer waters, let yourself be carried by the infinite embrace of the Whole, until you can again reach forth with a steady hand and mind and heart, to be your best.

    As ever and ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wordless, timeless, God shines through the window of you.

    Tenderly, but powerfully, God shines through the window of you.

    If you allow the window to be covered, or dusty or smeared, God will feed advice and help to assist you in the cleansing or revealing of the window, but it will never be forced upon you. Do you want to be a spotless transparency for the Love and Life and Honor of Harmony that shine?

    There is no window that cannot be cleaned or uncovered. And the same strong Light shines for and through and as all.


  • O’ Beloveds,

    For all who call t0 Me, “Welcome, welcome, Holy Spirit!”, I rush forth into their Divine Consciousness, and get to Work helping them See and Experience Life as God created It, Sees It, and maintains It.

    Welcome Me, dear Loves. Welcome what I endlessly offer, for you are Beloved, Beloved, Beloved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are the living Truth, held in order by the Love of God.

    “I am the Living Truth, an expression of the expansive Love of God.”

    “I am the Beloved Child, all embraced by Pure Care of Mother God.”

    Let yourself feel that, and know that, today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When envy tries to strike at you, practice its opposite. Today, practice being joyful for the joys, and successes, and triumphs, and salvations of others. Practice being sincerely pleased that they have Seen the Light, or achieved a dream, or found a true heart to love. Practice seeing the other as self, and realize that true celebration only really comes when all are free together.

    We Love you as One,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “To become as a clear window into the Heart of God,

    To live as one through which the Love Love Light shines through.

    This is my dream for myself.

    This is my dream for you.”

    Let this be your prayer today, dear one, for yourself and for all.

    We uphold you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thinking about Goodness is like mouthwash for the mind.

    Pick your flavor of Good Thought and rinse, rinse, rinse throughout the day.

    Divine Thought will show you the way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am Light. We are All Light.”

    Beloved, you remember this on some days, or in some moments, but sometimes you forget your True Identity as Offspring of Love and Spirit. You are not a clunky body. You are Light.

    From all the sunrises and sunsets you have watched, and the days you have spent watching Light dance in waves and leaves, you know how Light can change swiftly and easily into different forms of Good Beauty. You know you are also Light, shining forth from the Center of Love.

    When you forget this, remind yourself. When others forget this, remind them. When you think of them as anything other than Light, remember.

    “I Am Light. They Are Light. We Are the shining sunrises and sunsets and days of Light together,”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel the strong, dearly Calm Voice of God welling up in your heart, urging you to stop, and listen carefully, do not regard it as an obligation. Regard it as a gift.

    God is always offering and giving Good to you. Accept it. Listen to It and obey It. It is Good for your Good. It is Joyous and tender to give more Joy to you. Give It your attention, that you may walk the path and think the thoughts that are Best for your complete well-being.

    So many times, those who are told to take several times a day to focus or meditate or pray, or to take a Sabbath day, or to review the truth of their scriptures, regard these things as some sort of obligations or duties. They are not, except for being duties for yourself. They are gifts from God, gently trying to Help you be your Best.

    God is, and will still be, God, whether or not you take time to deeply pray. But YOU will feel better and be happier, if you follow the disciplines of taking time to hear and accept the sweet daily gifts of God.

    We are Glad to join you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All is better and brighter if you remember to say always your thanks and your love for those in your daily sphere. To say thank you and I love you to spouse, to family, to friends, to the neighbor and the grocery clerk and the local dog, is to say those appreciations o the face of God.

    To love and thank the face of God is to Love and encourage yourself, dear one. Do it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When helping to call for Divine Truth for another, you must keep clear the Truth in your own mind and sight. Do not allow yourself to be called into, or share in, the fear that the other person exhibits, anymore than a mother would be frightened by the nightmare monsters that her toddler describes to her. She can soothe the toddler, and comfort and love him, but he cannot convince her to join him in his fear of the giant spider of the dream, or of the broken tricycle that was smashed by the wind, so long as she stays in her Right Mind.

    The Right Mind Mother/Father is always available to help you sort out your own perceptions, and to see the relief of the truth and of Joy.

    Each test of your centeredness in the Truth is the same test,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Ah, Divine Spirit, Help me see the Truth of You and of Me.”

    The Voice of the Divine Whole has told you many times that you are a dear part of Its Child. Do you not wish to know and See that of yourself? Then ask to See. Ask to See, and be guided where and how to look.

    As We See you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you keep your focus on the high understanding of what you, and all, are, as the shared Soul of Love, you cannot help but progress in it.

    Do not spend much time looking back, but if you but even glance that way, you will comprehend how far you have progressed in revealing your own Good self to yourself. The kind and compassionate and wise decisions that you make now are a far improvement from some of the impulses of the past. And the joyous and loving choices you make now, and can continue to make, will open your perception even more, to all that you really are in God’s eyes.

    You are a Beloved image and idea, and serenity will fill your Consciousness as you fully embrace that truth.

    Keep on, dear one. Keep on.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say again, take this day to be utterly aligned with the Consciousness of the Infinite. ASK for Infinite Help to let go, for this day, of adhering to the worldly lists of what you think must be done or not done.

    ASK, this day, to be privileged to see the version of the life-dream that the Divine would dream for thee, before tenderly, gently awakening thee to the Truth of your being in the only “Me” there really is.

    Try again, Beloved, try again.

    Once you see how lovely God sees you, you can see others that way as well,


    all supporting you now.

  • Ah, Able One,

    Be believing in your own testimonies of how Truth has changed, and is changing, your life into Life.

    There is no better way to convince others of the Invisible Truth as you absolutely KNOW It to be, than to show them the visible changes that the Invisible has wrought for you. Do it, show it. Testify that all is well when you stay in the focused zone of All Is Well. Stand next to the One who Sees in Focus, and you will See all in focus as well. Draw others to your side, and let them See what you See.

    “Stand right here, in Focused Love, and See your life as it was meant to be.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Obey the commandments, trust in God, listen constantly to the Divine Voice, and see what unfolds, expecting the Good of Truth.

    That has always been our gentle loving advice to you, and it still is. All the other words and examples and teachings and books and journeys and detours are just details. Trust in Love, and be a part of It, for you ARE.

    Endlessly with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God Loves me. I can also Love me, because Spirit has completely forgiven all my errors. I am ready to clearly reflect God and let God’s Light aim at others with my intentions.”

    Not a bad job description.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether someone approaches you with meek request for teaching or wisdom, or whether they seem to approach you with reproach and a desire for intellectual or physical sparring, they both want and need the same thing: Agape Love.

    Give It. Answer with Love. Even if you must fiercely bite your human tongue to keep from answering with anger or tears, give Agape Love with your Heart/Mind, and know that it is the only proper and healing thing to do.

    Do we not do that for you, over and over?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking to know yourself as God knows you leads you to understand what innocence and goodness really mean. “God is too pure to behold iniquity” means that God really only sees what It made—goodness and beauty and order of Spirit. It did not make the dust and sorrow that you sometimes experience. You are a darling and marvelous thought in the Great Thinker of All, and the sooner you experience even tiny moments of that, the sooner you will feel the Glory of God shining through you and around you and as you.

    Ask to know yourself as God knows you, Beloved, and be willing to think of yourself as pure Spirit, rather than as flesh and bone. You are Light and Life Itself, and the body self you may think you are, only bounces against its own walls. Error creates its own errors of perception.

    Perceive your own innocent shine today, seeing your reflection in God’s eyes, and shine, shine, shine with the unearthly Light that heals and reveals and Sees the Glory of all around as well.

    Each one does this for himself or herself, but it then shines on all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be ever so gentle in being an example of an offspring of God. Do not be too pushy or frighten them with dogmas or quotes, unless they ask to hear more of your beliefs.

    Just be kind, be loving and lovable. BE what a perfect offspring should quietly be.

    God will guide you in what to do or say. You are not an abandoned apostle.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As anyone who has come through a weather disaster or an exodus or refugee situation can tell you, it is the Qualities of friendship and respect and dignity and love and peace and kindness and faith that are the enduring and meaningful things.

    So, as you sort and release or keep the “material” things of each day, bear that constantly in mind. Believe with all your heart that the true worth of you is the Qualities of the Divine that you can fill your mind with, and shine forth, and each day will have a meaning and a purpose that far exceeds any brief satisfaction of shiny object or exquisite taste or impressive word.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is always a way that is Good. Although it might involve effort and change, there is always a way that is Good to move forward with Calm and with Peace.

    Set aside the dashing about and the extra phone calls and texting and take quiet time to sit and commune with the One Mind that Holds all and Governs all, and so deeply Loves all. Cast your cares to the One Mind , allowing it, so very willingly, to guide your mind, and the ideas of what to do will come, the opportunities and means will work their way to you and yours, in every challenging time.

    Right now, as in every now, is truly the time to “Trust in the Divine One with all your heart. Look not to your own human understanding.”

    The skill you want to hone above all is understanding and trusting God. Trust that God is Omnipotent, and Understand that you must allow GOD”S Solution to this worldly challenge to appear. If human actions on your part are necessary, God will let you know. Do not just hop in a car and go, or make drastic and convoluted plans, without sitting and allowing God’s Law of Good to guide you.

    It WILL do so.


  • Dear Beloved,

    “I Am the Trust of the High Guidance of the Light, and I Trust in that Trust.”

    Dedicate this day, Beloved,

    Remember you ARE a royal child of God, as are all,

    and entitled to that high Spiritual inheritance,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No moping. Just smoothly coping, asking always for Help Divine, and constantly hoping, yea even expecting, those uplifted moments of Joy sublime.

    Moments become days filled with Gladness and Love, don”t they, Darling?

    We whisper to all. We are grateful you have agreed to listen.

    As ever, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no urgency in becoming the full brightness of Self. In fact, the more you relax about it, the sooner it will come.

    There is no time where Glorious Peace reigns, and the false pressure that time tries to give you is but one more trick of the limited-body-self to make you fret and worry, instead of accept NOW the Infinite Love that knows you already perfect and complete, as a part of the Spirit that is all. The body costume wants itself to be King and the be-all, and end-all, but it is not, and never can be. You, bright and Light and Joyous, are forever Spirit, free and kind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like the leaves of a tree that fall down around its roots, and decay to feed the ground and give it nutrients, your old habits and attitudes and mistakes and successes can fall down through time to feed who you are now.

    Therefore, like the old leaves that have mulched into the elements, let what you have learned help you be an even better display of the newness of what you are now, but do not keep trying to dig up those old displays. Be the newness unfurling, like the fresh green leaves.

    Be the newness and goodness now, letting what has died feed you, but never hold you back or down.

    “I will be my Higher, Best Self, displayed, reflecting the Divine, now.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The God-Force can and does heal the afflicted. When you have immersed yourself in hearing and listening for the Words and Thoughts of the Force Divine, but still have moments of doubt, take time to OBSERVE the healings of those around you, as well as reviewing the healings you yourself have experienced in bodily form, by trusting in the Grace of God.

    Observe, believe, and trust. And, O’ Child, give thanks, give thanks, give thanks. Be grateful to the Good Mind that holds you, loves you, cares for you, as though you were Itself, for you ARE Itself, in quality and in Holy Name.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If gratitude for the Goodness of God-Allness is what tops your gratitude list, then you are well on your way to a good day, and a Joyful life.

    It is easy to think of small and/or large material things to be grateful for, but it is the gratitude for the fundamental Truths of Love and Grace that will really set you free from limited thinking and feeling and manifestation. Let your very purpose be gratitude for Complete Good.

    It Works, dear one. It Works.


  • Ah, Sweetheart,

    It IS all or nothing. If you want to know that God Loves and forgives and heals you completely, you MUST accept that the same is true of every soul.

    The only difference is timing. Every soul awakens to the full remembrance and wholeness of the God-Source. You can strive to see them all as God does, here and now, already Whole. Because, darling, from God’s point of view, time does not exist, and all are already re-embraced in Wholeness. Those who stumble along in their free will of time-choice do not realize they are already scooped up once again into God’s Loving Hands.

    They will, in time. What are YOU waiting for? Be Loved Now. And accept that God Loves all. God is All.


  • Ah, Child,

    It is always glorious to gift yourself the gift of some quiet time in the midst of your day. Let yourself be washed with peace, and with the gentle reassurance that Divine Love is available to you, no matter how hectic has been the morning, or how foolish you feel about something you said or did.

    Take that quiet time, and commune with the Oneness of which you are a part. More than any object, or substance, or food, or place, or words, that soft Presence will refresh you and rejuvenate you, and remind you that you are Loved, Loved, Loved, whenever you turn your attention to the Light.


    One SPIRIT

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are Mind-Full, and have prayed or meditated yourself into the sweet bliss of Divine Love, but then feel your earth-ego-self throwing up human thoughts of someone who annoys you or for whom you feel mistrust, RIGHT AWAY affirm that that person also is in One Mind with you. Establish firmly in your thoughts that One Wondrous Love guides and guards and holds you both, and that there are no enemies here.

    Like a toddler in a tantrum, feeling powerless and angry, the ego-self will try to throw its imaginary power against the Love of the Divine. But like a wise mother, the all-embracing Great Mother will enfold the toddler in Her loving arms, her loving consciousness, and let the anger melt away against the warmth of her hug.

    When your own earthly thoughts, or those of the frightened mortal-bodies around you, are like cold butter that cannot be spread upon the bread of life, just shine forth all the Love of the Divine that you can. Without effort, just shine It. Like sunshine on a cold butter sculpture, watch the stiffness of fright become malleable in the simple presence of Warmth.

    Be warm, always, and watch cold situations, and manners, melt,


  • Ah, Child,

    Even as you enter another new phase, of re-understanding what you have understood before, being yet again amazed that you could have so quickly forgotten the epiphany of a moment, of yesterday or of last year or of last decade, realize that these re-realizations are a way of life. They are The Way of Life.

    To be one who strives each day, and each moment, to re-center in the Divine Awareness and appreciation is to realize it as a vocation. Stop not the striving, therefore, but do relax into it so that you more wonderfully can assume the mantle of who you really are, already, in the solid Divine Substance in which are all the puzzle pieces of the One Great Idea. Once one accepts how beautifully all the pieces lock into place, doubts and other desires fall away, and the sweet picture of Truth is revealed.

    So, practice the moment again and again, understanding now that you want nothing else except to be perpetually in epiphany. Then, you may help others to join you there, and all together will be able to let all the rest fall away.

    Like a crowd watching an old masterpiece painting being revealed from beneath centuries of grime and dust, Beauty will hold you speechless, when you need to be speechless, or help you to speak pure poetry.

    Already appreciating what you have said and not said, though you know it not yet,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine an index card, upon which a student has printed a truth she is trying to memorize, so that she will always know it instantly. The truth may be as simple as 2 X 2 is 4. Perhaps, on the other side of the card, is the reminder of the error that she made on the last exam—that 2 x 2 is 5. The error is crossed off in red, just as her teacher crossed it off on the test in school. Now she carries that index card with her everywhere, and each time she is tempted to think of the wrong answer to 2 x 2, she flips over the card, and glances again at the RIGHT answer. Soon, she will not need the index card, but until she truly knows the right answer, the young student finds it comforting to have the card in her pocket.

    Think of your mind as an index card, Beloved. On one side are the images and experiences of the “wrongnesses” of the world—the sorrows, the betrayals, the lies, the losses, the errors, the angers, the drunkenesses, etc. On the other side are the Truths of Being that are the Reality that the Divine Created, and declared as Good. There, listed on the pure white card, are the Goodness, the Loyalty, the Wisdom, the Intelligence, the Love, the Clarity, the Gladness, the Givingness, the Calm Peace. Whenever your mortal sight of five senses seems to see one of the errors, call upon the “index card” of the Truths of the Divine, and think of closing your eyes as the gesture you use to “flip” that card in your mind.

    Now, let the Essence of God help you look at the list of Truths that comprise the very nature of God and Truth, and look for the one that replaces the lie of earth that you have seemed to see. One, or perhaps several, will feel right. One will seem to “light up” in your mind, and you will know that it is coming from the Thoughts of the Divine Mind, and you let that Divine Mind Thought fill your Consciousness. You let that Joyous Truth be the one you memorize, and Know, so that It replaces the error, the illusion, of the earth that was trying to fool you, and your mortal sight. You gladly accept letting the Divine replace the error you were seeing, with the Spiritually True Aspect of Divineness that was, and IS, a part of Good Creation.

    Seek the Truth. Memorize the Truth. Let error after error be “crossed off” from your sight and from your life, while you enjoy the Truths of Goodness that now begin to fill your Mind, as you flip, and flip, and flip again to the “index card” of the Truths of the Divine.

    You are so ready for this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as a funnel simply needs to hold steady in place, to let the refilling of a vessel successfully happen, so must you hold still and steady as a funnel for the outpouring of Divine Love.

    Focus your thoughts on the person or situation that needs the Omnipotent Power of Harmony, and ask to be used as Its funnel. Trust the Omniscient Wisdom of God. Just let It flow through you, through you, through you, committing yourself to be Its steady and willing funnel.

    It takes dedication and focus, but God supplies those if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Desire can help manifest what you need for your journey and your work, but it can also confuse. If you are at all uncertain about what desires come from the flesh and the ego, and what ones come from the Heart of Soul within you, re-center your prayers and desire on Peace and Harmony. The Divine Soul that is the very Heart of you can sort out the details.

    Trust It. Trust It, and be at Peace and in Harmony, for those are what you KNOW you want truly.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the habit of constant prayer grows in your heart, so that each person and place and thing is greeted in your undercurrent of thought with a “Bless you”, it grows easier and easier to not be drawn into any moments of irritation or dis-ease or confrontation.

    Just as we have advised you to bless any person or situation that feels as though it is drawing you away from Harmony, as an antidote to that sate of un-aligned mind, the constant state of mind (Mind) of Blessing acts as not only an antidote, but as a preventative.

    Continue to use those small moments of anger or sadness as cues to re-align yourself with Love, but WORK ON abiding in an ever higher, ever more able, mode of constant Blessing. It will Bless others, it will Bless you, it will Bless the very arena of your thought-reality. Bless the small things, bless the large. Bless the enemy and the friend and the stranger and the lovers and families that are a little bit of each of those. Bless continually and in constancy, and allow yourself to become slightly giddy with the joy of constant blessing, constant prayer, constantly being Aware of just who you are—a delighted and delightful part of the Incarnate Blessing that is the Divine Emanation of One.

    Bless us, as we constantly bless you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Abba, Let me see Your Plan”, we hear you call out, in the night, when the woes of the world at large seem too simultaneously awful and ridiculous to contemplate.

    And God’s Solution answers, “If you heal others, you are healed.”

    Heal others, Beloved. In whatever capacity you are capable of understanding at your own level of alignment with the Source, heal others. Above all, remember that it is primarily your task to keep asking to see the Good Plan unfold, and to point the Enactor of the Solution to everywhere and everyone It is needed.

    Be not afraid, Beloved. The Plan is Good, Good, Good, and Goodness unfolds everywhere you allow It to be seen by you.

    Always with you,


  • Ah,

    Now, Beloved, take the next step.

    Go beyond being grateful for certain people or certain things, and be grateful for gratitude itself. Be grateful that Gratitude exists. Be grateful that feelings of certainty exist. Be grateful that Love exists. Be glad that Gladness exists. Be glad that embracing Wholeness exists. And so on and so on, until you understanding that the Infinity that is the nature of the Goodness of the Divine unformed Nature is more than you could finish pondering in a lifetime of gratitude.

    And yet, begin it. Begin the pondering, and be glad for Gladness, be grateful for Gratitude, be in love with Love, and you will have begun that which is the very purpose of being, and the true solution to knowing Life aright.

    Ascension, not death, is the destiny of all beings,


  • Ah, sweet Beloved,

    There is no change of the view of you in the Mind of God where you dwell. God does not think any less of you when you make mistakes. God simply offers Its endless, unconditional Love, to help you think well of yourself and others again. God offers ideas and solutions and orchestrates encounters and opportunities for you to use your talents and gifts and re-discover the Joy of the Spiritual, Infinite substance of yourself.

    Do not think any less of yourself. Only realize the Infinite Truth of yourself as pure Spirit, and feel the sweetness of seeing other as their innocent selves as well. Being deeply grateful for how much God has helped you and held you in purity of Thought surely helps you choose to see others with complete Compassion Divine.

    All are together the complete Child of God, at whatever stage of awakening to this fact they are. Be happy to aim for that freedom, and glad in every moment you feel it.

    “I, and all, are the Substance of the Joy of God. Not dying flesh. Not flesh at all. Just the substance of the Infinite Joy of God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Call for your Teacher of Healing to be with you, and both call together for the Healing Truth to be with you. Shine your “flashlights” of Healing Principle on the darkness and shadows of error, to reveal the Good Wholeness beneath.

    Feel and see the Goodness. Experience the Joy and verification. Be immensely grateful.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    With everyone you meet, be thinking, “I am willing to see the Divine of you, and you are willing to see the Divine of me.”

    That is God’s Intent for all, dear one. God Will help you do it, and practicing it as the Golden rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” becomes much easier as you discern the glimmers of the Light of Goodness in them, and feel those glimmers expanding in yourself.

    You can do this because it is God’s Loving Will for all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Walking around you ARE Archangels.

    We know this is especially hard to see in those whose faces you have made very familiar in your mind—whether as family or villain. But you can playfully experiment with allowing yourself to experience the touch of the Divine using human forms to speak through.

    Say and think and playfully believe “There are Archangels walking all around me in human costumes, and one will say or do something nice for me today.”

    Or, you might feel the impulse to be an Archangel for someone else.

    And see what happens. Proving to your own heart the readiness of the Divine to be with you sometimes begins in very small ways.

    Such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not mistake the vagaries of human thought for Truth.

    How many times has “truth” flipped back and forth, when coming of only human ponderings?

    Trust the Immortal Inner Voice, Beloved.

    As you move more and more into spiritual sight and knowing, you will wonder why you spent so many years memorizing and manipulating human truths. But do not despair for time wasted, for time itself is one of those human illusions. Just be glad of what you know to be One Truth now, and let it be your Joy now, and let it move you forward into future Joy.

    We are here and there with you, now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you but knew how very delighted the Holy Essence is when you ask for Its Help in giving you strength to forgive, and be free, you would not even hesitate to ask.

    Only your own purpose is enhanced, and the purpose of every revealed Child of God around you, by the humble willingness of asking for Help, and then letting It be given to you, and thus to everyone around you. That IS the onliness that the One Spirit wants, for that IS the Oneness of Being.

    Needs given to Spirit become fulfillment.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As ever, remember that you are playing a role when on earth. The true essence of you is spiritual, and has always been so, and remains so, and will always be so.

    If, in your time reflected in a body-costume, for the Grace of the Source, you decide to help others learn about their spiritual beauty and strength, while you finish learning about it yourself, do not forget that you play a role. It is easy to become lost in that role, especially when the play becomes very intense, in joy or in sorrow.

    But remember, remember, remember, that it is a role you play, for only those that remember will have the presence of mind to turn to the Director of the play to ask, “What is next? Is this my cue? How do I respond now that the other person has forgotten his lines, or become lost in the drama of the role?”

    Be the one to keep the presence of mind to turn within to the Great Director, and pause, and listen, and respond in the way that will lead to the happiest play, the shortest time of suffering, the greatest good for all. Pause and let the Direction flow. Pause, and let yourself be Gladly led, and find that therein lies the greatest freedom of all.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Consciousness of God, when abided in, does bring Its sap of Wisdom to you. All day today, let your mantra, your prayer, your focusing phrase, be: “I am a twig on the Tree of God.”

    Let that phrase keep you connected to that all-important remembrance of whence comes all your strength and your good ideas and your healing feelings and energy—the Sap that is the Loving, Giving Substance of the Divine Source. Let It flow Its Joy to you, and Its Inspiration. Receive, receive, receive, like a twig getting ready to send forth beautiful new leaves and fresh blossoms.

    We love to see you blossom,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as we are trying to teach you to believe the Word of God about physical circumstances and your worth and health, rather than the false temporal testimony of the physical senses, so must you turn to God when wondering about another person.

    Will you believe the gossip and various references, or will you believe the Word that says “That is also one of my children. Love him. Love her. See the image of Me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “In the Peace of God are all the Truths I need to know. They are not in the frantic dashings of the earth.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gently, gently, go forth into each day. Slowly, and calmly, with all your heart alert for the callings of God.

    Go as quietly and softly as a bird watcher or hunter would go—for the Inner Voice does not shout in the way of the world. The Inner Voice whispers or shouts into stillness, and we hope you believe us when we say that you would not want to miss what it says, just for the sake of listening to the babble of the media, or the gossip and regrets of your own memories and mind-replays.

    Be calm, be quiet, be attentive to the love that surrounds you and upholds you and wants you to know you are Loved.

    As ever and always, we are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being socially charming is not always part of being Unconditionally Loving from a spiritual perspective. Be kind, be true to the Divine Voice within, and trust that those that are ready to feel and hear the Truth of the Omnipotence of God will thank-you, for either your words or your silence.

    For those that are not ready, leave them to God’s Loving Mind Touch. Clad yourself, your thoughts, in the armor or Love, and let not human hatred and power struggles touch you. You are Loved by God and you Love God, and that is the Truth to cling to. Nothing else really matters.

    Let Love do Its Work—on you, and on all. It is such a relief to know that your only task is to Love God and let God shine through you.

    And amen and amen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it seems as though someone has taken from you, remember the Infinite resource of God-Source. Perhaps it seems that an object or a resource or love was taken away from you, but even if that particular thing cannot be returned, Divine Creation will give you another thing, another way, another affection.

    There is plenty of Love Provision in the Infinite All, and when you deeply know that, you will not fear lack of any kind. What you need for your purpose and Joy will stream forth, will unfold. Trust God. Listen, and trust God, without blame or resentment or regret about what is past.


  • Ah, Beloved.

    The Divine Creator Loves, and IS here and now. When you think of that Creative Force as the sweet amenity of Love, and call It to your side, and add it to every situation, you will see wonderful changes seem to occur. That is the ACTION of Love, washing away the mists that have obscured your sight, and hidden the Goodness of the everyday from you.

    Look with the eyes of Love, and See, Beloved, See!

    As we see you, with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    ENJOY the different stages of awareness that your friends and family and neighbors are in.

    Just as you would delightfully watch a child entertaining herself with little play-times of pretend fairies and imaginary worlds, and smiling and laughing and being happy, enjoy the happiness of others, while they ready themselves to See more. Yes, stress the Golden Rule and a seeing of their interconnection with all things, but do not deprive yourself of the love of loving them, as they grow and change.

    It all reveals more growing of your own,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many of you, or of those you know, are lost in sorrow. Either your own circumstances, or the worldly conditions of so much of humanity, grasps at you hearts and fences in your souls with hopelessness and despair.

    When you, or someone you know, find your heart trapped within that fence, the only real solution is to go even deeper into the heart, and connect with the Divine qualities that are within you. If you can find the presence of awareness to remember to go there, to pray for others, the Divine Spirit that IS connected to every heart will eagerly take the chance to send Loving energy forth. As those hopes and kind thoughts are sent forth, the Energy of the Divine opens a part of the “fence”, which allows Good Energy to also flow back to you.

    The sending forth of prayers and Loving feelings for others primes the pump of the Divine well that is within you, and the spillover will also soothe your own heart. Filled from Within, and from what cycles back to you from what you sent forth, you are able to wash away the fence of sorrow, or float above it, and remember “I Am the substance of, the Spirit of, the image of, the Loving and Beloved Qualities of God. I AM, I AM, I AM.

    We will fly you over fences, too, if you ask. Asking, and sending forth thoughts to others, are both acts of will that give God’s Will permission to be revealed in you. When you ask, or act, We can help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hatred or Harmony?

    The initial learned response in some situations may be that surge of hatred and fear, but we assure you it is not one of the elements of which your True Spiritual Self is made.

    The True Self that lives forever in the Infinite can feel and draw upon Harmony, and let that be the framework of the life you live. Practice it, practice it, and you will not regret it.

    Angry words are usually regretted, but peacemaking gestures are golden markers of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If your understanding of the Divine grows beyond that of some others, or takes a different pathway up the mountain of enlightenment, be not afraid of letting go of friends and kin that no longer can discern the Spirit of you. You can still Love them, but do not let them hold back the Pure growth of your Soul Sight.

    God will show you new teachers and companions and new Truths. The Divine is your way-shower, not limited human opinions.

    Trust Wise Love’s Voice,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Thank-you, Universe, for being Good and Beautiful and Spiritually True, that I may enjoy and reflect You.”

    Rather than a vow of silence, Child, how about a vow to simply say “Thank-you”, all the day.

    As ever, we are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, today, today, do not identify your self as a body, with all its pains and pleasures and adornment and maintenance, maintenance, maintenance.. Playfully, and courageously, and truthfully, go into:

    “I am Spirit, pure and free. My God, Divine Love, perfects me.”

    “I am Spirit, made of Unconditional Love, and It expresses Itself through me.”

    Feel the wondrous freedom of letting Love be in control.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God eagerly answers each willing heart that humbly asks for direction.

    Fear not that you are not adept enough at prayer or understanding subtle answers.

    God is Creative enough to guide you repeatedly until you do understand, and offers Divine Spirit’s Voice quietly within to help you comprehend a phrase of scripture, or an occurrence, or an urge to rethink a choice or interpretation of your daily ways.

    Just ask. Keep seeking, and ask, for Good Loves to answer.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When new people and things enter your experience, there can be the tendency to think them wonderful simply because they are novel. And as you ask for the Divine to unfold your perfect truth and Harmony, it is seductively easy to see all new things as part of that.

    But test them, Beloved. Keep the touchstone of the unchanging touch and Voice of Goodness within your heart and mind, and hold all things, old and new, to It, to see if the experiences that unfold are pure and Good.

    Unchanging Love is, and needs to be, your constant. Hold all thoughts to the Thought of Divine Good, and always the true way will be revealed. It only takes a moment, Love, when faced with new choices and experiences, to pause, and ask your Self, “Does this feel good to Divine Love?” “Does this feel aligned with the Law of Love?”

    We will help you feel the Truth. We pause with you, in Joy, and go forward.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Since you have carefully trained yourself to constantly and consistently listen to the Loving Inner Voice of God, you can trust that It will tell you when there seems to be urgency about any particular thing. You can proceed with the tasks that have been assigned to you as an Idea of God-Mind, in a calm and clear headed and unhurried way. You can at the same time use your appreciation of God in all Its forms to enjoy your day.

    And if there is a moment when you must quickly act or speak or pray, to heal or help or save someone, the Loving Inner Will will impel you. Trust that, dear love, trust that.

    We walk with you today, as always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Apply God’s Thoughts and Principles to your own. They ARE a good Guide for living as Love, in Love.

    But let God Guide the other offspring of Spirit, for God knows their hearts. God knows the perfect timing. For yourself, shine with God and from God, but do not try to force the way of others.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When praying for others, it is the blessed Oneness awareness of the one who is meditating for the healing that MUST keep in mind that all error is illusion. Do not pay any more attention to those false curtains of error than would a musician to the props of smoke and spotlights that later will surround the truth of his music. If he plays his music well, then no poorly trained lighting engineer can ruin the sweet notes of the song.

    Keep your eyes and attention on the Light, on the sweet truth of Spirit, and ignore the imaginary walls the children have built to try to hide it. The walls are only smoke, and can do nothing to harm the Light that is the city, that is the song, that is the stronghold indeed. Blow the word of truth at them and they disappear as easily as that liar that erected them with his fairy-tales of darkness.

    Think it through, learner,


  • Ah, Our darling Beloveds,

    Please know that it is not about letting someone outside yourself convince you that their methods are the correct ones. It is not about a particular teacher or leader showing you each step to take in knowing and loving yourself and life.

    It is about you honestly and lovingly experimenting on yourself, using the guidance from your Own High Self within, and by gathering the tips and clues from the paths taken by those you meet and admire and wish to emulate, or by pondering the wisdoms of the ages and sorting through what works for YOU. Many are the paths of knowing that All is One, and you have the choice in each moment of understanding how to be your Best.

    Try simple things each day, and observe what results. Try sending silent Good Thoughts to those that annoy you, try complimenting good behaviors in five other people today. Try making a list of ten things you are grateful for. Sit silently and admire the order of nature or music. Think about the usability, for everyone, of a concept like math that can be used by everyone without ever wearing out. Do these things and others you think of, and see what happens. Notice how much more delightful life seems, and harmony unfolds, when you use certain patterns of thought or habit, and then make those a part of your individual harmony, your individual life that is part of Life.

    And when you have proved to yourself that treating others kindly and forgivingly, and staying connected to your High Soul-Self makes all seem more joyous, continue in that way. When you have pondered that, like math, kindness and mindfulness are things that do not wear out, but, like math, can be used again and again and again without wearing out, then commit to making them a skill you practice and hone each day.

    New teachers and companions, human or Unseen or written, will appear for you at each level of skill, if you open your heart to remembering your own Completeness.

    No one fails who truly tries to learn to be only their Best,

    It is already done in the Divine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you begin to get a glimmer of the Truth that you must, and will, and have, fully remember that you are an integral part of the Singular Loving Source, you will realize that you can go through and around in the maze of time as much as you like. And/or, you can align yourself without the body-costume, as you serve and learn in Spirit.

    But align you will, with the Thoughts of God, so that your thoughts ARE God’s Thoughts. It is already accomplished in the timelessness of God, where there is no time, or space, or matter.

    What does that mean for you in the dream of time and matter? It means, dear Love, that there is no hurry. You can learn as slowly or as quickly as you choose. What will it be?

    The sweet mystery is also Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Silence is the sweet music in which you can hear the Divine Inner Voice speaking to you.

    Do not fear silence. And do not fear being silent when those around you are jabbering. Many times, they jabber because they fear hearing what their Loving Guidance would urge them to really do with their thoughts, their talents, their actions, and words.

    Be willing to be the silent one, silently joining with the Consciousness of the One All-in All, in order to uplift and heal others. Be willing to be in silence, many times a day, glorying in the kind embrace and leadership of the Grand Spirit Soul that wants to walk with you in perfect alignment.

    This is so important for the world in this phase. Won”t you help?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is Joyous when you are aligned with the Order of Harmony. God wants you aligned with Itself.

    Howsoever you humanly feel, happy or sad, triumphant or waylaid, turn back to the Truth of God, and know, know, know, God is glad when you are aligned Divine.

    Glad, Glad, Glad. Let Gladness feed you now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is the chance, always, to practice being still, and quiet, and centered, even when there are many tasks and duties and chosen joys to accomplish.

    As we have told you many times, it is not hard to train yourself to step aside from other people and information input a few times a day. Those moments, with your eyes and ears closed to the world, in some quiet spot, give you that crucial time to ask the Over-Consciousness to fill you with Its Loving feeling of support, and inspiration, and calm steadiness.

    When you are very practiced in this, you can access the Loving Serenity of the Divine Mind even in the midst of noise and chaos. But in the meantime, there are always places you can retreat to for a moment, in rest areas or hallways, or corners, or vehicles, to be still, and ask for the force of Love to calm you and fill you with the remembrance of the Infinite reserve you are connected to.

    Get practiced in it, Child. Then, when you need it, or those around you need it, you are ready. It is such a delight to be always ready to let the force of Love flow through you.




  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never forget the metaphor of the rising tide that floats all the boats.

    When someone calls to you from a boat that has foundered in the mud flats, it is your task as one joining him or her in silent (or earnest and focused verbal) meditation and prayer, to call in the floodtide of Presence that will float you both higher. It does not help either of you if you join the other in the mud.

    Stay very aware of this, and do not let yourself be drawn too near the quagmire and the rocks. Stay where you can see, and feel the Support of, the soothing Ocean, and just call forth, compassionately, that you will join the other in calling It to all.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you lose your temper, or look back and see that you have done or said a thing that you now regard as less than honorable, and these thoughts and actions seem to come back at you from someone or something else, it is a chance to learn and practice mercy.

    Mercy is a heavenly Quality. As you forgive, so are you forgiven. What you send forth returns. All of these truisms are still true, dear one.

    As you have mercy for yourself, and learn that the forgiving and loving thoughts you think result in a more lovable life, you will make leaps and bounds of progress.

    We assure you this is true. We already Know you as still pure and good idea wonderfully shining in the One Mind of All, outside the illusion of time.


  • Ah. Beloved,

    The Inner Voice of Divine Wisdom is always Loving and Calm and Consistant.

    Any mental suggestion that is even slightly smug or mean is only earthly thought and not to be regarded as real or good. Give it no power to sway you in word or action.

    Be at One with Peace and feel the peace spread throughout your affairs.

    In utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you take the step of asking each morning to be so filled with the Pure Love of God that you feel completely soaked in It, then It will do the sorting out of thoughts, and impulses, and intents and motivations, as you move through your day.

    Starting your day with the Power of the soft Love of God is the fuel that leads to good peace and satisfaction. No one is forcing you to do this, but if you do this, your life will quietly transform, and conform, to All Good.

    The River of Spirit carves Is own way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gently, gently, like a housewife tenderly laying her new-washed, hand-woven, garments in the sun to dry them, lay your errors and sorrows before the Light of the Divine. There, the Truth of Warm Joy will dry away the illusions, and you will feel the fresh, crisp, comforting true fiber of Being again.

    Trust in the comforting guiding Light of Spirit as completely as you trust that the sunlight will dry wet clothes, and you will find yourself wanting to wash everything new and clean in order to lay it before that Revealing Light.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because how you choose to spend your time is your choice, we wait patiently while you look at worldly news and tend to the body and the sensory input of the same. But all the while, Love is Flowing to you and in you and around you, giving you the option of doing what needs to be done, or what you desire to do, but doing it all with Love’s input and advice and support and comfort and inspiration.

    Turn to us, if you will. Lean to us and listen to us, as your constant Companion. We live in every heart, and each and every being has the choice to hear us and become the true embodiment of the Good they were created to be.

    Cheering you on to be your Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not the caffeine kind of wakefulness that you need, it is the wakeful, mindful awareness of being at one with the Source. It is realizing that the Love and the truth of God are everywhere, waiting to help you see clearly the Light in all, and around all.

    Close your eyes, turn within, and quietly, calmly, ask for the Light to light your way.

    We are so with you in this. Ask us to join you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you were beginning to seek Spiritual healing for the human woes of flesh and circumstance, and relationship and provision, we have recommended the prayer “Perfect God, Perfect man/woman”, to enable you to know that all healing and solution comes because you are an emanation of Spirit from Its Divine Self.

    But as you progress in understand the Spirituality of All, and as the human trappings and experiences come to mean a different thing to you, we highly recommend letting your thoughts go to this very simple prayer: “Perfect God”.

    As you let your awareness be completely focused on and filled with thoughts of All that God Is, the Joy and Praise and amazement of that will be enough. God is enough because God Is All. God is All and All includes you, as Spirit, as Life, as Love.

    God is All. God is enough. “Perfect God Is.”

    Lose your small self in It. “Perfect God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is but one Certainty—that you are part of Unconditional Love, and made of Unconditional Love, and meant to be a demonstration of the same. It is what you already are.

    If you are circling around in time, and wearing a body experience, you can still practice and shine Unconditional Love. On some days, you might only remember to shine with It for five minutes. On other days, “I shall shine all the time”.

    We are incredibly grateful for every moment that you do remember to shine, and stay focused on letting Love serve you, and the experiences of those around you. For the more moments that any individual does this, the sooner all will perceive the Reality of Love.

    And that is why We have come into your uncertainty time to help you,