Ah, Beloved,
When your soul has visited Heaven for a few extended times, or when it has gone for an instant many times, it will grow easier and easier to stop clinging to the things and fleeting joys of the earth picture. The sublime sense of utter Love, that all the ideas that people Heaven share, will accompany you back to the earth work, in greater and greater quantity, and you will indeed be able to Bless as you are Blessed, and more, as your “cup runneth over” with Joy and Gladness, just to think about your visit to Heaven.
Forget not the sweet visits. Write them down and claim them, and remember them again to feed your self with, and to be as appetizers to return to the full Banquet of God.
Lovely visit we had in the night,
Ah, Beloved,
The power of joining with another in prayer, or God-Focus, is great.
Do not underestimate this.
It does not take long and embarrassing disclosures, or words, words, words and analyzing. All it takes is for each person to understand that within the other is the perfection of the Soul of God, and that It is being welcomed to come forth, in all Its Glory, as a Being, as a body-costume, as a Life and Life circumstance.
Know this for one another, and be free, because asking God to help, with the conviction that God is the Truth, gives God the permission to come forth.
“Thy Will is done, for this one before me.”
Ah, Beloved,
It is impossible to underestimate the Power of forgiveness.
The full power of forgiveness is that it takes YOU out of the trap of time. So long as your thoughts and your consciousness are on the past, and remembered offences, or in the things of the moment that you would criticize or sneer at or judge or fear, then you are trapped in un-beauty, in un-loveliness, in un-Good.
Forgive. Take away the trap and the trappings of time, and be at Peace in the Beauty of yourself and in the Beauty of the Eternal moment of God. ASK, Beloved, to be shown, by the Eyes of Love, what is really true in each moment, so that you may be shown the lovely and enjoyable perfection of the full portrait of the Divine.
Forgive, and you free yourself. Forgive, and be in this perfection NOW.
AND, Beloved, PLEASE remember that your own flawed thoughts, which projected a seeming reality of pain, are part of what must be forgiven. Forgive yourself, ask for Divine Help to re-order your perceptions, and be freed of so much of what seems ugly to you now. You are Beauty. It is All Beauty. Turn to Beauty, walk in Beauty, and Believe that Beauty is Its name, and therefore yours.
“Show me Your Beauty, Dear God.”
Ah, Beloved,
We are so very glad when we see you glad. We know that the true cause of your gladness is a widening of your acceptance of Loving Spirit in your heart. It is the sole true cause of Gladness. Be not confused about that.
For we see you mistakenly attributing your good mood to the slice of cake you had, or the warm bath, or the good deed, or the new acquaintance, or the orderly arrangement of cupboards or tasks. We know it is the growing abiding of your soul within Soul that lifts you into Gladness. Be careful, now, to still enjoy the good works and good comforts, but to not be in error about what or who is the cause. Opening to the Loving Cause will bring new people and good things into your experience, but the invisible Cause must be honored as such. Opening to the Divine Source is the only consistent and perfect way to ascend, ascend, ascend in your thoughts, and evolve in your realization back to the Perfect Self God made.
Be grateful unto God for all Good, always,
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid. God’s Plan is already complete, and all His/Her Children are still safe and happy within the realm of Mind-God, where they have always really been.
Think on this when you wonder if you are making the right choices or commitments. All is already done. The Divine Spirit Voice within you already knows the Best Path you can and did take. Just ask It. And if you do not hear clearly, and take a detour, there is always another chance and another chance and another chance.
And in the end, you awaken, safe in the Father/Mother arms of Love. It is already done and accomplished and complete. You but walk the dream of time. Walk softly and lovingly and slowly, savoring, and serving, and being willing to be a vessel through which the Light of God Accomplished shines.
We thank you,
Ah, Beloved,
Silence is the sweet music in which you can hear the Divine Inner Voice speaking to you.
Do not fear silence. And do not fear being silent when those around you are jabbering. Many times, they jabber because they fear hearing what their Loving Guidance would urge them to really do with their thoughts, their talents, their actions, and words.
Be willing to be the silent one, silently joining with the Consciousness of the One All-in All, in order to uplift and heal others. Be willing to be in silence, many times a day, glorying in the kind embrace and leadership of the Grand Spirit Soul that wants to walk with you in perfect alignment.
This is so important for the world in this phase. Won”t you help?
Ah, Beloved,
Just as you know that the elements of earthly motivation that are not of the goodness of God are not a valid part of you, and can be discarded as falsity, so also know that there is never any invalidity in the impulse to heal.
Let Compassion reign in you, for yourself and others. When the reflection of the Source first fell asleep and dreamed it was separate and alone, God’s instant answer was a compassionate healing of that error. Because that instant Compassion is of the Source, it is also a valid part of you.
Reach out to heal others and you heal yourself. Reach out and re-bind yourself to the knowledge that you are all part of One, and you will be “Home” in an awakened awareness again.
Ah, Beloved,
I am never gone from you, for you are never gone from me. Test it.
Test it, because scientific experiment is held in such high regard in most of your cultures today. I know I can be tested, because I know I am always available, because your consciousness is a part of Mine. Test it and prove it to yourself.
Test it by getting very still and quiet and asking Me to help you feel my Love and Comfort and Intent for Joy. Give it a fair test by focusing thus twice a day for several days. It might take you several days to clean your thoughts enough to stay still and quiet for a few minutes, but consider that to be like a physical scientist cleaning and polishing his equipment before the experiment.
Clean your thoughts, stay still and quiet and invite the awareness of My Presence. It is already present, it just needs your invitation and focus to be detected.
Test it. I am here, and I Love you.
Ah, Beloveds,
We gently remind you again, you do not need this site, or any particular book or recording or video, in order to hear Divine Thought and feel the inspiration of God.
Just set aside the corrosive small self-thoughts, and turn quietly within. Pray for the revealed well-being of all, within the earth-mist dream, in order to open and clear your Soul connection.
Then, call to the Host of All, and say, “Speak to me and touch me, Your Child, and your servant within the time-space bubble, and give me Words of Comfort and Inspiration and Instruction for today. I Love you always, all-ways, and I listen and receive.”
Be mentally receptive then, with accepting heart, and allow God to guide you.
Make it so, for It is so,
Ah, Our darling Beloveds,
Please know that it is not about letting someone outside yourself convince you that their methods are the correct ones. It is not about a particular teacher or leader showing you each step to take in knowing and loving yourself and life.
It is about you honestly and lovingly experimenting on yourself, using the guidance from your Own High Self within, and by gathering the tips and clues from the paths taken by those you meet and admire and wish to emulate, or by pondering the wisdoms of the ages and sorting through what works for YOU. Many are the paths of knowing that All is One, and you have the choice in each moment of understanding how to be your Best.
Try simple things each day, and observe what results. Try sending silent Good Thoughts to those that annoy you, try complimenting good behaviors in five other people today. Try making a list of ten things you are grateful for. Sit silently and admire the order of nature or music. Think about the usability, for everyone, of a concept like math that can be used by everyone without ever wearing out. Do these things and others you think of, and see what happens. Notice how much more delightful life seems, and harmony unfolds, when you use certain patterns of thought or habit, and then make those a part of your individual harmony, your individual life that is part of Life.
And when you have proved to yourself that treating others kindly and forgivingly, and staying connected to your High Soul-Self makes all seem more joyous, continue in that way. When you have pondered that, like math, kindness and mindfulness are things that do not wear out, but, like math, can be used again and again and again without wearing out, then commit to making them a skill you practice and hone each day.
New teachers and companions, human or Unseen or written, will appear for you at each level of skill, if you open your heart to remembering your own Completeness.
No one fails who truly tries to learn to be only their Best,
It is already done in the Divine,
Ah, Beloved,
When you do not entirely approve of your “self” that lives in the world, just think of the relief of setting that worldly self aside, and being just an instrument for Divine Light and Qualities to shine through.
Today, take a rest of the earthly self, and be quiet, and ask God/Goddess/All that Is to freely use the body-costume and voice while you take a vacation from your “self”.
This will begin to give you a glimmer of the wondrous way of living that it is to set the self aside entirely and exist in the fleshly only as an instrument of God.
We delight in being Spirit. Cannot you also?
Ah, Beloved, emanate Peace from your Spirit and Peace will begin to flow back to you from the Source. Emanate rudeness and indifference from your human self and they will come back at you, sometime, somewhere in the world.
Could there be an easier choice?
Always there to give you strength, and sight,
Ah, Beloved,
Like many do, you can awaken each morning thinking about all the “stuff” you must take care of—processing it, paying for it, cleaning it, ordering it or designing it, taking care of it, consuming it, disposing of it,….
But, Beloved, if you awaken in the morning and diligently remind yourself that your true task each day, and true way to happiness, is to be in alignment with the Loving Source, and devote some time to that sweet alignment first thing, and throughout the day again and again, then all the “taking care of stuff” part of worldly life will go much more smoothly.
This is old, old wisdom, phrased in various ways in different traditions, but it is still very true. Make it your truth, Beloved. Embrace it as a way of living in Love.
You can be grounded in a relationship with Love, even while you perform all the “taking care of stuff.”
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these other things shall be added to you.”
And We will help you,
Ah, Beloved,
When you observe yourself thinking something that is NOT the Truth of the Soul of you, such as “I am confused”, or “I am sad”, or “I am in pain”, QUICKLY substitute a thought that will open a window to the fresh breeze of Good, that will comfort you and correct the errors of thinking and manifestation.
These Thoughts, or similar ones, that declare the Truth of you, can fill your mind and heart and neutralize the falsehoods that would try to convince you that you are anything less than the son or daughter of the Omnipotent All-Loving God.
Use them, Beloved. Ask for Grace, freely given, to help you train yourself to use them, so that it becomes supremely natural to think as God Thinks of you, and to know yourself Beloved and Life empowered by Love.
It works constantly to Help you,
Ah, Beloved,
The journey does not end when you come to the time of “physical death”. The journey ends when you joyfully surrender to the Governance of the Divine.
When that happens, here or hereafter, you can truly think, all day long, “I am living in Heaven now.”
All Love,
Ah, Beloved,
If you, or someone else, takes a pill or drinks or is dosed with some other substance, they take some moments to take effect on the physical plane.
Not so with God, with Love, Beloved. You are within It, It is within you, you are as One. All you need to do is realize that and It is able to give you the benefit of that LOVEóthat support and healing and reminder that It can handle all, does handle all, IS All.
When any confusion or fear fills your mind or heart about yourself or another, remember that ìGod is Us. God governs usî. Fill in the blanks with your own name and the names of those around you, ìGod is ___________________î.
ìGod is us all.î
Be as silent as you can today, Child, and let God Be what God is.
Ah, Beloved,
You have been, and will always be, a marvelous expression of Me. Just let that come forth, through the mist of your own disappointments, and others” disappointments in you. I am Real, and I Love and appreciate you, and My Truth of you shall come forth, the errors slipping away. Trust Me to help you be your Good Self and shine, and shine, and shine. Turn to Me in your heart, and We shine.
Dearly Beloved,
We see, and we know, how filled are all your moments with the tasks and obligations that you have taken on. We just wish to remind you that if you would only take a few moments, twice a day, to do the following, your serenity will increase.
1. Sit quietly and take three very deep and slow breaths into your belly and out again.
2. Ask for your own Divine Spirit to be with you. Or, ask for whatever loving Divine forces that you love and believe in, by whatever name, to be with you.
3. Send energy out. Imagine a beam of light, that is hope and compassion, moving from you to someone else, somewhere. The someone that you are sending energy to can be a family member, or a friend, or a stranger, or a group of strangers. If you find that thinking of a family member, or a lover, or friend brings up thoughts and emotions that interfere with your concentration, then think of strangers for now. Later, when you are more practiced at sending hope and forgiveness, you can send those feelings to people you are directly involved with. Send that beam of hope and light for just a minute or two to that unknown child across the world or next door, that is hungry or sad. Or send them to the people of a war-torn country that you wish you could comfort.
4. After you have sent energy outward, breathe again. Then ask your Spirit and its Infinite Source, to fill you with that Light that is hope and unconditional love. Concentrate on feeling yourself filled with that Loving Light for at least a full minute—or as long as you can concentrate on the feeling of that beam of Light filling you.
5. Breathe deeply and exhale slowly, feeling that Light that fills you. Picture a joyous thing as you feel that Light and as you breathe. Picture yourself laughing and feeling complete. Feel how that laughter would feel, moving up out of your belly and through your body and out into the air and light of the world.
6. As the feeling of your own laughter and joy fills you, count your blessings. Count just a few or count them all, for as long as you can hold your concentration. Feel and savor a few of the blessings that are yours in this life.
7. Open your eyes and look to your day with a joyous knowing that you are connected, by Love, to so much and to so many. Feel grateful to be alive, and honored to have choices.
Give yourself this gift. It will change your life for the better.
Ahhh, We love seeing you in joy,
Ah, Beloved,
EACH time you feel grief, pressure, pain or sorrow, turn instantly to the Sacred Presence within, and ask for Its Peace.
It only takes minutes, or even just a moment, if you have practiced well, and you can feel that Gracious Peace with you, and say, “Thank-you for being ever-present. Guide me with your uplifting calm, give me your word and gentle reassurance, that I may know your comfort, your love, and your advice for what to do, say, and be, to guide ALL in this situation to the best Harmony. Bless me, and Bless all persons and things involved, to be the equal recipients of your Goodness, for only You can see what is the highest and best for everyone.”
Ah, Beloved,
Turn to God first.
Certainly do this first thing in the morning, and whenever a big issue seems to arise during the day. Turn to God first. Remember, your goal is to stay ALWAYS aligned with the Mind and Focus that are God. So, certainly, if you have not achieved continual rapport yet, consciously turn to God first when a situation seems difficult or a choice seems daunting.
Many would say that one should do what is humanly possible before turning to God for Divine help. They mean well, but they do not understand that God is ALWAYS present, and anything Good that is achieved is never achieved without God as Cause. Turning to God first, and filling yourself with the Joy and Calm and Inspiration that are God, before moving your feet or hands or tongue, is the Wise course of action. Good human action is empowered by God action.
Turn to God first. God will Guide you. God will enrich you, and give solutions you never dreamed of, small or large, and enable you to enact the ideas, and connect with all that is Best and Good in the circumstance.
Turn to God first, and be Blessed. Turn to God first, and endeavor to keep the connection continually, so that Divine Mind completes and protects and inspires you always.
It is a Joy to live in alignment with God,
Ah, Beloved,
Thank-you. We are grateful to you. The Divine Whole, of which you are a part, is grateful to you for being a shining expression of What It Is.
We often tell you to be grateful, and to live with an attitude of gratitude, so that you will be open to receiving the flow of Life through you as Its expression, but you need to realize also how much We, and All That Is, are grateful to you.
Each time you perform an act of unrecognized kindness, it is important to the healing and awakening of all. Each time you catch yourself thinking a judgmental or angry thought about someone, and bless that person, silently or aloud, instead, we thank-you. Each time you recognize, with a softening of the heart in deep compassion, that the person before you is only acting inappropriately because he or she has been so deeply wounded by earthly life, we gratefully add your feeling of Compassion to the stockpile of It that serves the world.
So, Thank-you. Know that all the other facets of the Diamond of All That Is thank-you when you shimmer with the Pure Light that wants to re-light every cloudy and dim part that hides any part of Its Shine. We are grateful to you. We are grateful for you.
Always appreciating you, even as we guide,
Ah, Beloved,
Ultimately, each individual that is part of One Great Soul must make its own peace with, and acceptance of, that Truth that it IS part of One Soul. As someone who loves another, or advises or supports another, your own awakening consciousness can do much to help that individual spirit rise to its greatness, but you cannot do for it that final act of giving over the individual will to the One Will.
Be at peace with all that you are able to do for others, and do love them as they climb and live, but be not afraid to trust in the Wisdom of the One, that Knows exactly how quickly each individual can waken up.
We know you do all you can,
ALL Love,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need for uncertainty when praying for others. Remember that the healing and inspirations and solutions come from the intentions and whispers of God-Source. And there is no uncertainty in God.
Your job is just to ask for your own thoughts, and the thoughts of the other, to be healed—for you each to allow to be revealed the Goodness and Gladness that underlie all things. Be willing to receive healing thoughts, and trust, trust, trust in the certainty of God.
Appreciate It while you observe It do Its work. Be grateful as all perception of discordancy falls away.
Be so happy God does the Work,
Ah, Beloved,
We are certain you will enjoy the words you speak if they are full of Love.
Speak words of Love to yourself each morning, and wait quietly to hear them echoed by God. Wait further, and hear more words of Love from God that God would love to hear sent back to Him/Her. Such is the nature of the constantly emanating thought that is you AND IS the Mind of God, when it is functioning smoothly.
Do you not love it when is is functioning smoothly and harmoniously? Think back on the words you have regretted saying, or even thinking, and you will see that they were not words of Love. Is it not therefore clear that the days would all be more Harmonious if you spoke only words of Love, or Love’s impellment?
We Love to offer Love to you,
Ah, Beloved,
Communing with, and staying conscious of, the Greater Consciousness that is God is not like digging a ditch. It is like falling in love.
Yes, it takes focus and attention, but it is effort and work you WANT to do, when you let yourself fall in love with God. And there is no need to worry that it is or will be unrequited. God is already in love with you.
Allow it, Beloved. Allow yourself to feel and return the Love that already completely surrounds you, and offers Itself truly and constantly and unreservedly.
Just Be in Love with God, and enjoy it.
Ah, Beloved,
You have seen many changes during your earthly play, but what does not change is the Love that holds the essence of you, and of all.
Rest in It, Child. Sink down into the Love that seeks to emanate from you, and rest in It.
The rest will do you good, and the Love is where good change comes from. Fuel yourself with It by resting within It, soaking It up, and let Its ideas and strength give you all the change you need. Such is the way the world changes. Need becomes Peace and sweet pervasive Love is revealed to be the underlying Truth.
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be a new resolve in the “housekeeping” of your thoughts.
Wisk away all sorrowful thoughts immediately. Toss out old regrets and judgments. Tidy up the priorities of thinking of the Good and Blessings that exist, in friendship, in love, in forgiveness.
Reach, reach for the Infinite realm of Grace, and know that It has all the cleaning supplies you need, all the new “interior decorating” that you could desire for your mind.
Spring cleaning, anyone?
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to wait on God’s Timing. In fact, be delighted. Waiting on God’s timing is like the hot water for a shower. If you stand in the cold water, waiting for it to get hot, it is misery. If you stand outside the stream of water, and only step into the flow once it is already warm, it is wonderful, and useful.
We assure you, God IS Good,
Ah, Beloved,
“Love feeds us and relieves us. Love creates and sustains and maintains us. Love makes us in order to make more of Itself, to expand Itself forever. We are Love, and It freely gives us Its Strength, Its nurturing Soul, Its Wisdom and Intelligence, and guides us in how to go.”
Your intellect may have a hard time understanding what this means at first, but do not worry about that. Just read and reread the words, for that indicates to Love your willingness to understand and participate in the Glorious expansion of Love’s Intent.
Soak in, and absorb, the True Life that is what you are, and feel refreshed, and calmly invigorated, and ready to Be Love each day.
Ah, Beloved,
Many refrain from, or delay, turning to the Mighty Love of God as Provisioner, as Comfort, as Inspiration, because they believe they will need to sacrifice all the worldly things and pastimes that are important to them. But it does not work like that for most people, dear ones.
As one turns to being aligned with the Great Consciousness of Love, for even a few minutes a day, perceptions change. Soaking in and being embraced by Love Itself subtly shifts discernment and rearranges what feels important and true. Time and depth spent being aware of dwelling within the Wondrous Consciousness of Divine Mind will shift what the human sensibility cares about and counts as valuable. The temporal pastimes or objects that seem so crucial will mean less than they did, and at the same time easier to obtain when truly needed.
The Infinite Soul that shines forth all individuals will naturally come to mean more to one than the meal, or the coins, or the human kiss, or the square of land, or the title or label of tasks.
Just turn to Loving Spirit each day for at least a little while, Beloved, and Spirit Itself will help you sort out what is important and unimportant, what is true and what is false. One Mind will help you know what and who you really are, without any wrenching acts of sacrifice or suffering, for One Divine Heart wants your happiness as well as your accurate portrayal as image of Its Presence and Creation.
Turning to God does not hurt. It helps.
Ah, Beloved,
In a grieving or challenging time, be gloriously glad at how simple it becomes to turn inward. Whenever those moments or strange irritation come, or grief, or anger, or any other aspect that is not part of the set of emotions that you know are part of God (The Gladness, the Freedom, the Humor, the Exhilarating Love, the Satisfying Harmony), then it becomes a simple signal when you are feeling anything else: Just turn back to being still, and being, being, being.
All the shadow forms that have danced through your life, enticing you to try to be anything except exactly what you are, are the lies to be ignored. Be exactly yourself, Beloved, as Spiritual Perfection. Ignore the physical signals of others, AND YOUR OWN, and let yourself be the perfect Child of Spirit.
From that seed grows the new garden of your life. From that truth comes all else.
Ah, Beloved,
The more you notice and appreciate and compliment the Good Divine Qualities in others, the more you will know and feel them in yourself.
Try to inspire others today to know their own Best, by pointing out the Good that you see in them. A single word can do it. A nod or a smile or a gesture of encouragement can do it.
And you will be inspired to do what would be Good for you to do. It will not be exactly the same as another. It will be precisely what your own Soul-self was created to be.
We know this is true and Lovingly empower you to know it too,
Ah, Beloved,
Be quiet, quiet, quiet today.
Listen carefully for God’s Words and prompts, and only do what They say.
This quiet will rest your Soul.
Ah, Beloved,
Those whom you are meant to help, or to be helped by, will find their way to you. The smoothest path to meeting them all, and helping one another to a higher conscience, is to listen to each moment’s direction from Divine Voice within.
Listen, and act. Listen and act. Act with love. Act with obedience, knowing that the Greater Eye than yours is directing events, and returning with love the ones that are done with love.
Therefore, do all things with Love, knowing that Love Itself is your witness, always.
As are we,
Ah, Beloved,
We say again, Love is long-suffering, patient and kind. If you feel even the slightest hint of irritation or anger when a child or a spouse or a friend asks you to do a favor, then it is not Love you are feeling. Reach always for the Love that is beyond the human emotion called “love”, and see the Divine of the Other that is your self. Only thus can you feel true Joy for the good fortune of others, and so draw that Joy also to yourself.
Giving is receiving, and it is the lesson that you relearn every day.
We are with you in this. Ask for endurance,
Ah, Beloved,
We return again to a quintessential point. God is omnipotent.
And, God is omnipresent. Many folk are frightened when they even think about some of what they have learned about human or earthly laws being not the real Truth that governs all. Many are uneasy to contemplate a Higher Reality that is truly the only Reality, for they want their fleeting temporal understanding to be what they think of as reality.
But, darling, that does not change the Truth. Know the Truth for yourself, and do not push or belittle those who still cling to the temporal pains and pleasures. But for your own part, remain in the constant Unity with God Consciousness, and stay in a moment-to-moment awareness, so that you may see, more and more, that which is truly Real. Your own presence will then be a conveyance for Presence.
And Unconditional and Unlimited Love is part of that,
Ah, Beloved,
In the worldly carnival of various pursuits and careers, duties and pleasures, it is easy to be perplexed about which ones are right for you as an individual human. And, it is easy to feel confused, as you explore and grow in your Spiritual awareness, about which worldly activities are perfect for your phase of Consciousness.
We say, keep it simple. No matter what you are doing, or where you are doing it, God’s desire is for you to demonstrate and give the Divine Love that you are made of by the Mind of God. Whether you are serving sandwiches, or planting trees, or inventing new ways of sending information, or washing many little feet, your “job” in God’s Mind is to be Loving Spirit.
Ponder each day what God is as Love, as Spirit, as Harmonious Truth, as Peaceful Joy, and know it is your purpose to reflect those. The worldly tasks will vary, but that Serene mirroring never will.
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
The only environment there really is, is Spirit/God. Spirit is all. All is Spirit.
We know that while you walk the earth dream, your flesh and bones and trees and homes all seem like solid and physical things to you. Yet even the growing understanding of your physicists will remind you that what seems so solid is just swirling bits of energy.
And even those “experts” have not reached full comprehension of it all, Child. All is God. The thoughts of God are the substance of all, including you. And God is delighted with Its thoughts and has pondered them and declared them good. You are a good thought of God.
And is that not enough reason for Bliss? Whether your body is standing in a pile of slush, or whether you are dreaming of a delightful walk in the gentle forest, God Loves you. You are a Good thought of the Divine, and part of the Divine, and that is the Bliss that goes with you wherever you are, if you but remember to feel it.
We understand how heavily you are under the influence of your senses and how much they lure you with sensual comfort and desire, and place and space, and name and title. But the sooner you realize that all is Spirit, YOU are Spirit, the sooner your consciousness can be filled in every moment with the awareness of deep, calm Joy.
Deep calm Joy has nothing to do with geography or a vehicle or any of the various bodily drives. It is simply God, in you and through you, and around you. It is the security that never fails, it is the Love that never fades or dies. It is the everlasting Life of you.
“I have always been, and will always be, the delightful thought God thinks as me.”
Do you begin to see? Do you begin to awaken?
You are held in Love while the sleep of Adam dissipates.
Ah, Beloved,
Today, try to speak only to God. Set aside any human speculations or gossiping or complaining or remembering or planning. Just speak to the Angels of God Presence and listen, listen, listen in turn.
If you must speak to be polite, compliment the Angelic in others, while keeping your heart open to hear God. Nods and smiles and open hands can convey cooperation and willingness, while your mind and words stay centered in the deep and Loving Heart of God.
It is your Self your are cooperating with.
Ah, Beloved,
It is always in your best interests to ask, daily, to see and know yourself as the original perfect idea that the Creator/Source makes.
Your sight, your hearing, your very knowledge, all come unsullied from the Mind of God. Therefore, imagine them that way. Re-think them to BE that way. Accept no imperfections as emanating from the Source. Be willing, like a young child imagining, to be as free as you need to be, and be free indeed.
With you in every step of the endeavor,
And in expectation,
Ah, Beloved,
Putting God first truly means always putting thoughts about Perfection of the Infinite Original first. Rather than focusing first on what you think are your personal faults or abilities, or needs or dreams, focus on thoughts of the Perfect Power of God, and then allow that to be expressed in you and through you.
Put God first. Rather than dwelling on imperfection and the temporal, put thoughts of Everlasting Perfection first.
Do not make your problems your god. Have no God ahead of God, Good.
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
When you want to effectively pray for someone’s physical or moral or spiritual healing, but you have not been given permission by that person to discuss their thoughts and their Soul-Self with them, then there is still something you can do.
Realize that that person is in the orbit of YOUR thoughts, and since they are in the orbit of your thoughts and therefore part of your experience of your life, you can do affirmative prayer for them as a part of your own life.
You can affirm, “Since I see and experience this man, I can say of him, just as I can say of myself, that he is a Child of God. And I can say and know that he is Good, and Whole, and Well, because that is what God says of him. God looked at him, and said, he is very good.”
And you can petition God, with a petition prayer, “Dear God of all, help me see this woman as you see her. Help me see her as Whole and Good. Open my eyes, dear God, and help me see her rightly, and well.”
This is what you can do, Beloved. And if you do it consistently, it will change your world. It will change the world you see to one of Love.
We will assist you.
Ah, Beloved,
When have you ever “talked” someone into changing a personality trait?
Yes, you can remind the person that the Source made the true soul of him good and perfect and honorable, in your understanding. But then you must leave it all up to the True Source and keep affirming for yourself that you WANT to see the person healed, and be willing to forgive the past. Are YOU willing to do that?
Ah, Beloved,
Be the one in every situation to stay cool and calm, and not be distracted by the panic or the drama. Be the one who is willing to keep foremost in your mind and heart the Oneness that holds all, steady and firm and well, and can sing each moment into Harmony.
Be the one who hears the song of Oneness. Lead others with Its quiet, but powerful, notes and swells and beats. It is the One Power.
Be one with Oneness, for you already are. When you keep that always in mind, you are knowing Truth, and that is the Truth that sets you free to live with Joy.
Ah, Sweet Beloved,
Never think that We do not sympathize with how very real the earth experience dream seems to you, when it seems like a struggle, or it seems like constant temptations. But our task is to empower You, to help you remember and realize that in each moment you can hear and listen to and obey Your own God-given Guidance, and use It to make Your way through an appreciative and happy dream.
God wants Your Gladness. God wants Your Gladness. Believing that is key to wanting to take time to listen to the quiet Inner Guidance that is constantly flowing to You.
Practice that today. “ God wants My Gladness. God wants Our Gladness.”
You will be Glad You did.
Ah, Beloved,
Be not confused by the two part plan. There are two parts to the Plan, but there is only One Reality. The Reality of God Creation, that is Spirit and Soul and Harmonious Intelligence and Life and Love, is the True Home of all individualizations of Spirit—the Children of God. In the sleeping state of some of those Spirit individuals, that you call human existence and human experience, there SEEMS to be a separate and other “physical reality”, which causes so many needs and woes and pleasures and pains of physical body.
The eventual Plan, that has already been enacted and accomplished, is for all the sleeping Spirits to awaken and realize that they were always safely and happily in the Wholeness of the Creative Parent Spirit. The final part of the Plan lets all see that all physicality was but a dream.
BUT, while they are yet dreaming, in this instant of time-perception that was over long ago,the humans going through different parts of it like lanes in a maze, the Loving Spirit Parent does not want to see them suffer. The Parent knows they are innocent and made of Love and do not need to, or deserve to, suffer. Therefore, the Divine Voice within, the Divine Guide and Friend, was placed within them to help them have a Happy Dream, before ascension is attained for all and the long, long, long “instant of time” can be ended in human perception.
What this means for you is this: Yes, ascension into God-awareness and awakening fully to the realization that you have never been out of the Spiritual Realm that is God’s Mind, is the end goal for everyone. But, because you are in a dream of your own human thoughts, and the melded thoughts of many, you must recognize that, just as you deserve Happiness because of your God-created Innocence, so does everyone else in your dream. They are wearing costumes and attitudes and behaviors that you have made up with your own thoughts, and mass-shared thoughts. Be WILLING to let those thoughts go, as advised by the Divine Inner Guide, and you can begin to see the re-deeming (re-thinking) of yourself and of others. As you let God’s Thoughts control your thoughts, then the outer life of human perception and physicality begins to change for the better. Hence the old saying “seek ye first the Kingdom of God , and all these other things (aka human happiness, and existence in calm and peace) will be added to you”.
As you try to make others around you (which are your own projected thoughts) happier, by thinking of them as innocent children of God, well deserving of goodness and happiness, those thoughts will bounce back on you, and your own happiness will increase. The other IS self, and both are Divine in their true nature. What you give you receive. The Golden rule lived is that Golden Thoughts lead to a Golden Life.
So, ascension into complete Spirit is the ultimate goal, but the temporary goal is human dream happiness, as guided by Interior Realization, and recognizing that all ascend together—all is One. Thus, the more you see the essential innocence and sacredness of your brothers and sisters, the further ahead you yourself are in ultimate ascension. Be at Peace, and be not afraid,ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
“Dear God, Please adjust the focus button of my spiritual Sight, that I might see myself and my life and its characters as you See them, today. I know that you See them as loving, grateful, good and honest and kind, and I want to See that, too.”
It is what we see under the fog, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
See them all as Light. Know yourself to be Light.
See them not as bodies. See them all as Light, and then the awful or pathetic things they do out of fear for the safety of their bodies, or for the ephemeral pleasure of their bodies, will be as nothing to you. Look past the fears and obsessions and see God, O’ Love.
We are in the Light with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Just as a banker who handles a lot of currency grows so familiar with the feel of genuine bills, that they can often sense when they are handling a counterfeit one, you can grow so familiar with the feel of God’s True Presence that you can deeply know when to pause before saying or doing something.
Remember that the Omniscient view of Spirt Divine can see the heart and consequence of thoughts and words and actions. Test all that you think and do against the “feel” of the Divine that you have practiced, and you will know when to act and when to be still, what thoughts to allow, and which to firmly deny.
Be at One with God, Good, and Good will be at One with you.
Ah, Beloved,
How amused you will be at different stages of your earth journey, as you look back and realize that those that seemed like fools to you will, from your mature point of view, seem wise. It is an old and well known Truth, but not often enough kept in mind. Keep it in mind today, dear one, and let Divine Mind keep reassuring you that all is well, no matter the mistakes that you seemed to make as your own knowledge of self in God matured.
All is well, and you are Loved, Loved, Loved.
Ah, Beloved,
Many people, after a snarled incident, or a mistake made, will use a phrase such as, “Ah, well, what is done is done.”
Are they speaking the truth? Not unless there is no lingering blame. Not unless forgiveness has happened. If an event rolls over and over in the mind because of the bad memories of it, or if one still feels anger or annoyance at those involved, then the situation certainly is not “done”.
The forgiveness still needs to happen. The healing of the thoughts about all involved still needs to happen. The affirmation that all involved are truly the good ideas of God needs to happen. Whether self-blame is going on, or blame of others, let go of the labels of error-prone, or stupid, or wicked, that you might be tempted to attach to anyone involved, and re-sight your thoughts of them as wonderful children of the Universe, learning to behave as their Best Selves.
We see the wonderfulness of all of you,
Ah, Beloved,
Dear, do not eat when you are not really hungry. Enjoy the feeling of emptiness and let Me fill it with Love. I will be your food.
Do not speak when you do not really have anything to say. I will give you the words that need to be said to join yourself, and others, to Truth.
Do not drink when there really is no need. I will satisfy the thirst, and give you the Knowledge that sustains.
Let these Goods be your supply today. Upon Me you can rely.
Ah, Beloved,
You do not have to buy Me. You do not have to sell Me.
I am simply yours, gifted by the Grace of God. I dwell right in your heart of awareness, and that is why I can come so quickly when you call to Me, and are willing to let Me guide you.
There I Am, quietly waiting for you to be willing to let us seek your best earthly dream together, fully aware that your best dream is also the best for all those in your dream.
Call to Me often today, Beloved, and let us dream together, in a closeness that is closer than any human relationship, and freely given to you by the Divine Creation within which you dwell.
So Lovingly,
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be a resurgence of Joy in your heart as you look upon the progress you have made, in your own health, and appreciation, and gratitude. Trust that your soul will fly ever higher and let that flight be filled with the supporting Breath of Love.
“I am the wealth and health and strength of God right now. I am the reflection of His/Her Qualities, and they sustain me in this play of earth.”
Always it IS so,
Ah, Beloved,
Force is not the same as discipline.
If you must force yourself to do something, it is not a part of the Divine Flow, and of your best pathway. On the other hand, if you have clearly heard from your Divine Inner Voice to do something, and It gently and insistently repeats itself throughout the day or the week, then disciplining yourself to obey may feel a bit like “forcing” at first, but as soon as the action is begun, you will feel that the power of the Flow is with you.
Take time today to assess each task you approach and each idea you have, and sense with your Inner Partner whether you are feeling in the Flow, or whether you are “forcing”. Believe us, Love, a clear Flow does exist for each moment and each part of your life, for they all come from Life that is All Flow.
Flowing to you, even when you do not notice us,
Ah, Beloved,
We beseech you to take a day now to really feel how good a Friend you have right in your own heart, always patiently ready to speak to you and hold you and comfort you and love you. Why look among the ephemeral for the constant companionship and inspiration you need, when there is the Infinite Friend right with you, now?
Seek a deeper understanding of Who You Are within the Infinite, Beloved, and Whole, and ever-living, and see how all the body and outer life change towards the Harmony of that Infinite. Start that course of study, Beloved, and stick with it.
God awaits your attention, and Gladly gives All,
Ah, Beloved,
It is wonderful to take disciplined quiet and focused times throughout the day to commune with your Loving Source. It will serve well to teach and sustain and comfort and armor you. It will help you remember you are Love reflected as Love.
But, Beloved, it is so good also to practice calling on the Everpresence of the Kingdom of Peace when you or your circumstances seem noisy and chaotic or sorrowful or risky. Practice being able to move your consciousness gladly away from the evidence of the body senses, and draw on the wondrous Wisdom and Aid of the Divine. Reach for that practiced connection with God, and call out “Help!”, or “Tell me what to do.” And listen softly for that soft but True Voice, to guide you, and meet you right where you are. For It is everywhere.
Loving you so,
Ah, Beloved,
Believing that you are a formulation of Light in the Heart/Mind of the Divine is important. However, understanding that all is energy on an intellectual level, is not the same as changing your perception of self so that your self-awareness shifts into abiding in the Divine.
Your Home is in God. Your Home is in God even while you seem to still be here on earth. You live and move and have your being in God, and to realize that all Harmony in your life was/is created there is a crucial part of Spiritual Perception.
The many mirrors in the ballet practice hall are very handy for learning and perfecting moves and beauty, but be not the ballerina who confuses her moving, dancing self with the images that she sees. Those who know her well know when they are seeing a mirror-rehearsed, audience directed, stiff smile, and when they are seeing a spontaneous expression of pure joy. Be the true self. Spin ’round and ’round from the heart-awareness that is centered in God.
Express Joy from the Inner You that has Its Home in God, and you will light up all the mirrors around you. Forget not the Central Source, and it will help you see the Light shining from those around you as well, even when they have many well-rehearsed moves.
All beings are needed,
Ah, Beloved,
Remember, even as the able-bodied help the unable-bodied, that all are projections of Light from the One Source.
Turn your awareness to that Source, even while your hands and minds are busy with tasks. Turn your trust to that Source, even while your hearts and homes open to others. Let help be extended, person to person, but let your faith be focused on the Great Arrangement, even while you play your part in enacting It.
Ah, Beloved,
Everything is already ordered and held in place by Divine Consciousness. Just relax and enjoy it. Just relax, listen for your Divine prompts and act on them when they come, and live them, as a lovely part of All That Is. The perfect Order of genuine Creation will not be harmed or improved by the things you imagine, or by willing yourself to not be part of Heaven. You already are a Beloved part of the Divine Consciousness, and so you remain, even while you are dreaming of a separate existence without the comfort of the already-in-place Divine Order.
All it takes to access that Divine Order of Love is to recognize Its Truth and to relax into It. Right now, today, give It your stillness and your attention, and Be Held.
Ah, Beloved,
“What Blesses one Blesses all.”
You have heard this. And perhaps you interpreted it to mean that some earthly event can be a blessing for all the persons involved in it. And, yes, that can happen.
But think of it primarily, dear Love, as the “What” being equal to God. God Blesses all. God already has Blessed all by casting forth the image of Itself to behold, as the good reflections of Itself. God does not shine forth as Light and Blessing to one, and not to another. No. Stop thinking of only the earthly illusion, of the mist that seems to cover the Glory of God. Think of the God-Light that shines forth constantly, Blessing one and Blessing all.
O”, dear Love, be willing to receive your Blessing, and be Glad,
And the Blessing is Love Itself,
Ah, Beloved,
Can the swipe of a knife hurt a beam of light? Can water tossed through it, or a handful of dust tossed at it, harm a beam of light? Can words that are meant to hurt and doubt make the beam of light waver? No and no and no and no.
And the Divine Light that shines forth the idea of you is Complete Oneness, with all Power, far more than the beams of light from your temporal sun.
Be the Beam of Light today, Beloved, fearless and proud to believe and know that it is the Power of Love Itself that shines you forth. You are not material. You are Spirit and you are Light and you are Love. Walk strong, for you are those.
SPIRIT, with you
Ah, Beloved,
Sometimes, you have a dream in the night that is so wild and strange that you cannot help but laugh at it when you awaken. Even so, Beloved, as you awaken to your High, God-Created Self, even while you yet walk the earth, you will fondly laugh at some of what you thought yourself, and others to be, before.
Awaken, awaken, awaken. Be willing to See the Beauty now, for that willingness to See gives permission to the Divine Helper to stride past your free will and open the blinds for you.
O’ do let that Light stream in!
Ah, Beloved,
The permission that each individualized soul gives to the Great Soul of Oneness of Being covers the beginning of learning, and of remembering, and realigning, through each and every circumstance. No other can force an individual into the right timing. Each individual chooses when and how to open his or her heart to God. Be at Peace with that, Beloved.
You can offer help or joining, and for some, you can save them from some human doubting and suffering, but you cannot force. That is the nature of free will.
Be at Peace. Be at Peace, as was always your right, and is now, and ever will be.
Ah, Beloved,
Each time you make the choice, moment by moment, to focus on Good, in yourself, and in others, and in the circumstances and environment around you, you are doing the work of God.
For God wishes for Its Grace to fully replace the sights and experiences of all that is not Good, and as you allow yourself to help the Good that exists be noted, and worked with, and expanded, then more and more of the Good that is truly All can be revealed. Yes, Beloved, that which is troubled and dark in the world can seem to be very, very real, and pervasive, but that makes it all the more important to be one that seeks and observes Good, and gives It a chance to multiply Its visibility and to be sweetly known by all.
Trust that your part of this is important, and that all others are led to their parts, and carry on, carry on, carry on. Trust God to do Its job, and you do your part of exhibiting the God-Goodness of yourself, and looking for It in others.
It is going on all the time. Trust that. Trust Goodness.
Ah, Beloved,
Divine Love is like a fog light, that will shine through the deep mists of human thought and existence, if you but turn It on, and move slowly enough to remain within the bubble of Its illumination.
Turn It on, Beloved. Turn It on, and this day, be careful to move and speak slowly enough to stay within the field of Its Light, so that you do not wander into the mists that are so thick you cannot find your way out for days and days, or years and years, or lifetimes. Call for the fog Light, and call for a Helper to hold It, and walk slowly, and know you are Blessed indeed.
Always Glad to hold the Light for you, if you ask,
Ah, Beloved,
When you come to that moment, which will feel strange to your human senses, of realizing that God’s Reality is a COMPLETELY different one from the one that the earth seems to be, then you realize the imperative nature of following only the advice of Divine Spirit. To vow your self to God’s Law, to One Mind, is to vow to always remember that there is no connection between all the memorized and contradictory “laws” of mortal folk, and the Divine Rule which supersedes them all. The human laws are so contradictory and so variant of time and culture and place that to try to follow them all leads only to bewilderment.
Follow the Divine Rule of Love, for Love is the only thing that straddles both “realities”, and, even then, follow the Divine Voice within to know what actions and words must come from Love. Love God (All That Is), and walk in the Love that will ever guide you, if you but let It. It knows nothing and nowhere to lead you to except Peace and Harmony, and so It will do so. Follow It.
Yes, Beloved, ignoring the evidence of the physical senses takes a great deal of will and practice at first, but once you have seen through the illusion of those senses, you will realize that through and beyond that veil is daily freedom.
Ah, Beloved,
If you want Good for yourself, you must be willing to Spiritually See Good for all. It is as simple as that.
God knows your intentions and your willingness to be an instrument of Grace. Ask for your heart to be cleansed by Spirit, and feel the Lightness of Being that lets you allow the free flow of Divine Love through you, as you, with you.
You can see that It is as needed now as ever,
Ah, Beloveds,
Each role is ordained with all resources needed to make possible the best outlets for Good and Light.
Each individual has such important roles to play in absolutely every phase of the earthly time. Be your shining Self in the role that you are in. Be fully you, and no other, reaching deep into Soul to access all that you need to be the Best you, helping to open the Best in all.
We are with you, now and always, through all different roles,
Ah, Beloved,
Just as you would, as a mature driver, drive right through a mirage of water on the road, and smoothly proceed to your destination, also move through the mirages of the world to go where God asks you to go.
Trust that the Good guidance you receive from the Loving Inner Voice will put you where and when you are needed to help bring blessings to all the beings that make up the Whole of God’s Child, God’s creation of Its own image.
Listen to that Good guidance constantly, and trust It. Trust only It.
Thus, you are trusting the Higher Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Each glimpse of Unconditional Love that you see enacted around you, each small or large proof of the unexplainable-except-by-the-Divine, each tiny whisper of Sweet Encouragement from your Inner Voice will add to the growth of Trust in your heart.
Welcome them. Revel in them. Let that trust and faith grow until they are so automatic that no time at all is wasted on doubt, or offense, or judgmental attitude. Believe so much in the Good intent of the Prime Cause that you are able to find delight in seeking the answers that are hidden in the mists of your own being.
Be not afraid. Be in love with finding out God’s answer to each perplexing thing.
We look with you,
Ah, Beloved,
We are One with you. We understand that at first that will sound like something that is a meaningless, cute or comforting, but inapplicable to daily life “saying”, but in time you will realize just how true and practical it is.
Understanding that the means God invented to awaken you, and to care for you while you are yet asleep to your own rightful place within creation, can be called upon at all times and in all places, is crucial to the deep Gratitude which will keep you ever-aware of the ever-present Help. Read that sentence again. And again. Practical ever-present Help is there to call upon.
It hurts nothing to try it out. Begin each day with lovely expectation, tossing your heart into the understanding that God wants, and already created, your Harmony.
Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
The incredible completeness of the One Mind is a thing to truly delight in pondering. Completeness. If It is complete, so are you , as a timeless idea within that Mind. You do not have to wait to Love It and be Loved by It. You do not have to savor some small error in your thinking as being a thing apart—all the ideas are true, all the errors are corrected already, within the completeness of the Loving Mind.
Imagine this—that something you treasure seemed to have separated into pieces—a favorite necklace of gems, or an intricate tool, or a carved puzzle—but the coming apart happened all within a sturdy box. You would not worry that a piece or a gem were lost. You would feel certain that every part was safely within that box, only waiting to be linked back together.
So it is with every idea of the perfect and good you, and your perfect and lovely Life. All the parts of it, all the ideas of it, are already all there in the Mind of God. Timelessly, they can be pulled into association in perfect arrangement, by just knowing the truth that they are all right there, always. Imagine them all popping right into place in your perception, like little magnets that form a shape as soon as they get near one another.
And it is a good shape and image. It is very good. For God already saw it so. It is ALREADY together and complete in God’s Mind.
You were made in Generosity, and are part of It,
Ah, Beloved,
God compensates those who believe and rely on His/Her Reality. God gives ever more Love to those who Love. God armors with Peace those who place His Law above all else.
God truly becomes All to those who come to understand that God is all there is.
You are very near, Child, to setting aside childish human sensibilities. And then each day can be lived in new wonder, with trust in what unfolds, instead of any fretting. Do not stop now.
Do not stop now. The veil is thin, and can be parted, and you can See clearly. You can be held in the Wings of strong Peace.
Be still in your heart, but do not stop.
Ah, Beloved,
When you are wondering what is really true—what you see or another person sees, what you remember or another person remembers, remember that the only real Truth is of the All-Knowing Oneness of Spirit.
Sink gratefully into the sweet calm of your Heart, and listen to that Truth. Seek that Truth. Hear that Truth.
And be Loving towards yourself and towards all others while you do it. Be humble while you listen for the Truth within. Righteousness comes from the Spiritual Truth, not from human opinion. The Truth is that all of you are children of the Loving Divine.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
When you “stand porter at the door of thought”, each moment of each day, be aware of when your thoughts have time-related words in them. The belief in linear time, the belief in the illusion that time could limit the Omnipotence of the Source, is a belief to let go of.
Just now, when you were praying to be able to see the perfect Divine potential of everyone around you, and of yourself, you were thinking of “future” demonstrations of a possibility. The use of the word “potential” had you thinking of possibility, not about what is ALREADY true in God’s Mind. But we say to you, as has been said by so many, RIGHT NOW you are all the perfect reflections of the multiple Aspects of the Divine. Right now you are your Best High Selves. Right Now is the only instant of time that exists, perpetually, in God. In God, you are all already your perfect Spiritual Selves, not the false sense of mere physical selves.
Acknowledge that, Beloved. Acknowledge that Good can manifest in your thought, and therefore before your eyes, right now, not as only a future thing. Right now, see all the sons and daughters of God right around you, and as you, with the Truth of your Spiritual Sight. Right now, O’ Beloved, FEEL God’s Joy as the flowing, manifesting, reflecting Aspect of yourself.
We see your Best right now,
Ah, Beloved,
Do not regard each day as a test. Regard them as demonstrations of Good, and Glory. Stand in wonder and appreciation, and cheer for Harmony, on the human level of perception, for Harmony already reigns in the timelessness of God.
Be at Peace this day, Beloved. Take it slowly, and be in wondrous Peace.
Ah, Beloved,
The Truth is not in accounting, or even in accountability, the Truth is in Divine Love.
Love them well, and Love them to Wellness,
Ah, Beloved,
We answer your question thus, dear Child, for it is the answer to all questions. Listen for your own individual answer in your heart and mind and intuition:
“I cede my will to Your Will. Thy Will be done. Just tell me my part, show me my actions/nonactions. Lead my feelings with Your Calm Love.”
Ah, Beloved,
It must be an everyday song in your heart; not just one brought out for special occasions:
“O, dear God, please cause me to see, the Grace in him, and the Grace in me.”
“O, dear God, please help me See, the Grace in her, and the Grace of me.”
Dear Child, God never made an unfaithful friend. God never made an untrusting you. Look past the human filings and see the Grace. See the Grace. Feel the Grace. That Grace will cause you to enjoy your days, in each and every person and way.
Ah, Beloved,
Just as you cannot chop up a cucumber with your fingers, but must reach for a sharp knife, so you cannot chop away sorrow and doubt without the sure, confident blade of the Joy of God.
Reach for It, Beloved, It is the only tool that truly works, Why not use It?
Confident in the True joy of you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is a Father that has never been disappointed in you, there is a Mother who has never stopped nurturing you. They are God, and they have always and will always, Love, Love, Love you.
Honor your earthly parents, and Love and esteem them, forgiving whatever human challenges they did or do struggle with, but for the Certainty of your complete Fulfillment, turn to your True Father/Mother, GOD.
While being grateful to your earthly parents, know your real Creator as Spirit GOD.
Ah, Beloved,
The delight of seeing God’s Loving Principles work surpasses all other delight.
Believe us, as you grow more sure of the play of Harmony’s Light upon disorder, chasing the gloom of error away, you will not hesitate you play that Light upon ALL disorder you see, shining It into every dark corner. It all happens in your own mind—no force is needed.
Can you imagine seven billion hearts/minds directing Divine Mind Light onto all? The thoughts of all CAN arise into God-Light, and ascension out of error into Spiritual Thought come. Each heart/mind must begin the work in itself. It is a gift to your Self to begin.
Others will choose their own timing. But the more they see around them, the easier it will be for them to choose. If you are a Light, then just being yourself is enough.
Ah, Beloved,
You may not understand the worldly physics that explain why the sun warms you when you sit in it, and yet you can be warmed.
Today, try to understand that acceptance of Love and Healing from the Divine do not need to be fully understood to work for you. Yes, we know and applaud your desire to more fully understand, but, meanwhile, accept the Love. Accept the Healing. Keep on desiring to grow in understanding of Grace, but give Love permission to help you NOW, and Love will not only Help, It will lead the way for your comprehension of what a constant consciousness of Divine Wholeness can do, for you, and for all the world as you see it.
Bask in the warmth of Love, today, Beloved, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
You cannot choose the timing, for others, of the willingness to accept the Truth of God.
Yes, it is true, that if that person has entered the orbit of your thought, of your experience, that you can OFFER the example and awareness of knowing their greater Wholeness. But you can only offer, you cannot accept for them.
Let God do the Work. Accept that it IS God that does the Work, not your human self.
Be humble, be clear, stay ready. But be patient, even when it is someone you humanly love, and whom you wish could stand beside you in belief and understanding.
We are with you. Take your companionship from us at those moments.
Ah, Beloved,
God’s deep desire is that you reach forth your mind from any muddy thoughts it may be mired in, and allow Clear Love to wash you clean, so that your shining Good essence glows bright.
The All Harmonious will sort out the false from the true for you, in those thoughts, and that sorting will fill your heart with Peace beyond imagining. Just allow that sorting to happen. Give over to God Control set times each day, and take any additional time when you feel confused or sorrowful or limited by perceived lack. Gladly give up your pains. Truth can wash them away.
There is no pressure from God or in God, no condemnation of the Essence of you, just the soft Love wanting to help you know your true status as Beloved of Love. That Beloved status of heir of Good is clear to that which is the Soul Source of you.
Clear and sparkling,
O’ Beloved,
DO celebrate when you have had occasion to prove to yourself the power of quieting your human heart and emotions by simply getting still, and calling on the name of God, and remembering that you are part of His/Her Quiet Joy.
The more you prove to yourself your ability to exercise dominion over your own human frailties, and to help others do so with simple voicings of the serene Truth, the more faith you will have. And the more faith you have, and the more willingness to let God Govern, the smoother and smoother will be your days.
God does want your happiness. Believe it, and give over your will to that Will, and enjoy.
Ah, Beloved,
We see that you have a tendency to think that some days are for letting flow through you Light and Healing for others, and other days are for being Healed yourself. But, Beloved, those things are one and the same.
As you are healed and aligned with God Thought and God intentions, so do you heal all around you by thinking of them in Lighter and Brighter ways. Yes, take today to align yourself with God Heart. But know that in doing so, you ARE also healing others,
Do this today. Do this every dau. Let no day go by without offering to the One Source your willingness to be a conduit for Its Love, for yourself and for all.
In all ways,
Ah, Beloved,
Honor All That Is as truly All That Is, knowing that All that is IS Good.
For the rest, to help you see clearly through the smoky reflections of earth, hold in your hands heart, and humor, and humility. Hold them in your awareness, even as you take dominion over your day, knowing they allow your hands to be used as the Will of God.
What was made in perfection always was, and will be, unchanging, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
Where there is an anointing of the overt Presence of the Divine Healing Force, it is meant to be shared. If you do not share it, and give the Divine the Glory for the results, it is lost again.
Be very aware of this now, Love, for as the Force flows through one as inspiration or healing or wisdom or comfort for another, great Joy is felt in all the unseen Universe. Let that Joy be a part of what you feel as you give whatever is yours to give, and do not worry about credit or coin for the small self—that will come as a part of the greater Will.
Be at Peace, and give and give and give, with love and love and love.
As we give our Love to you, endlessly,
Ah, Beloved,
God is our Life. One Mind is our Soul Truth.
Pure Love is the Mother of us all.
Love has never stopped Holding us all.
Ah, Beloved,
Love yourself as much as God Loves you, and you are freed to be what God knows you to Be, a Good reflection, an image of Life that Loves.
God does not see your human errors and ponder them endlessly. God sees the image of Love reflected, and if you awaken from the dream of human error and choose to live in the earth play as that Light of Love, then illusions will not hold sway over you.
Accept the awakening, and live Love, Beloved. Live Love.
Dear Beloved,
“I Am the Trust of the High Guidance of the Light, and I Trust in that Trust.”
Dedicate this day, Beloved,
Remember you ARE a royal child of God, as are all,
and entitled to that high Spiritual inheritance,
Ah, Beloved,
When the small mechanical problems of daily life are easily fixed, be so grateful you have the means and/or the knowledge to fix them. Be so grateful to honor the Source from which all means and knowledge come.
Let not the annoyance of the inconveniences of daily human life fill your moments. Be glad and rejoice as they are solved, or as they give you a welcome respite from mindless routine, and let the situations remind you to be grateful, be grateful, be grateful.
So many incidents can help you see the True priorities of living, and to turn the thought back to honoring the God Source, and keep the heart sending forth gratitude and Love.
Be grateful, be glad, Be Love,
Ah, Beloved,
There is great Joy for Me in embracing you.
I already “hold” you, like water holds a fish, or like your mortal mind holds an idea for a new recipe of a cherry compote swirled with chocolate, but I also love to deeply embrace you.
I embrace you with Love, appreciating and admiring and being grateful for you, My idea of you. Let Me embrace you fully, child. And embrace Me in return. Embrace Me in return, and Love is expanded yet again by our joined embrace.
Ah, Beloved,
When you feel concerns, or fear, or specific worries of human need, you can try to distract yourself with human stories and fantasies, or sensual pleasures of various types, but to truly dissolve the fear, it is best to turn to the deep Divine Calm that is the reassuring Presence and Voice of the Divine Mind that holds you. Turn quietly and patiently to It, and ask for and allow Its Embrace. It WILL extend Comfort and Calm Trustworthiness to you. It can help you experience a magnified feeling of homecoming, like returning to your own sweet bed after a difficult journey. The Calm relief of feeling the eternal Presence and Home surpasses all everyday returnings. It is Infinite surety that All is Love.
Once you have absorbed, and allowed surrender to, that Divine Grace, then you can hear Soul ideas for actions to take on a human scale, or simply wait trustingly for the Holy Will to reveal Good solutions to you.
Entreat your rightful state of Calm, and let Love lead.
Ah, Beloved,
Take a day to do everything that you must do, or want to do, or are led to do, very slowly. In the slowness, the mind and heart can take time to listen. In the slowness, you can check your own motives, and discern what you are doing by habit, and what is in answer to the Divine Inner Voice. Stay in the attitude of holiness today, and be careful to let each slow step be to Its rhythm.
As ever, Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Agree with God.
God has said, and has told you, “I made you very good.”
The Spirit of you, that which you really are, understands that and knows it to be true. So consciously agree with that. Agree with God.
“Papa God, I know you want a good dream for me while I am having a dream of bodies. I know you are right here with me, helping me write and direct a new good dream. Help me See a dream where all is right and good and strong. Help me script Your Dream that is lovely and true, the same for me and the same for You.”
Agree with God, Beloved, that God’s dream for you is happiness, and God’s Will is True.
Agree with God, right now, today, and every day.
Ah, Beloved,
Realize this, that there is no need to be re-joined to something you were never separate from to begin with. That is the common mistake that all make in the dream of separation—thinking you are a separate and alone human body that must plead and work to somehow re-join with the Divine Source.
You are already joined in Reality. Just remember and acknowledge and love and cherish that Reality, and set yourself free from the desolate feeling of separation, of being just an alone body. You are really only Soul that is part of Soul, Spirit and Heart.
You are already One, like the skin of a pudding is a very part of the pudding itself. You are part and parcel and likeness of Being. You are already, in wonderful essence, part of That Which Is Real, and holy, and All.
Think upon that today. Does your own body’s skin wonder why it is not a part of you?
Allow yourself to see the ludicrous humor of it, and be free,
Ah, Beloved,
When you fall into asking yourself, “Why was I born as this or that, or here or there?”, remember that the “body-you” is not what You really are.
You are a delightful idea, ever existent, and ever sustained and loved, in the Mind of God-Goddess-Source. Put your thoughts on that, and let the earth-dream body costume take care of itself, as dust layered onto an idea. When you are pondering who you are, it is the Idea-Source’s Idea of who you are that you need to ponder, and appreciate, and be grateful for, and come to completely Love.